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A Carriage Ride

Mornin' Time (ADM Kim)  d20=15 d20=5 d100=81 d3=3
Thursday April 13th, 2006 7:03:50 PM

Food, discussions, sleep come and go. Selithe makes the flame of a candle change colors, and dance about as she chats with Airin. Morning breakfast arrives. Tobias likely wants to stop by the Royal Library.

The carriages leave at ten this morning. All aboard who're going aboard.

Captain Oosterlinck gives Kendry a sealed scroll to pass on to Burgomeister Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly.

Each carriage is large enough to hold eight human-sized people. All of the party, save the ponies, easily will fit in one carriage. Even dogs and wolf - though harmony is not fully guaranteed.

Last night's session with the canine and lupine crew was helpful, despite getting off to a shakey start. After initial sniffing and posturing, Kynan made an aggressive move against Cheann. The fur was flying, and Gra joined in the fray. At one point Gra and Cheann momentarily pinned Tewdwr, but Dryw grasped Cheann's leg, and began to apply pressure. Not enough to break the leg, but Cheann felt the pain. When he yelped, Gra looked up, and Kynan bit her flank. Soon they were rolling about, a tumbleweed of tails, teeth, fur and fury. The halflings barked commands, and Kendry and Tobias somehow got into the thick of it themselves. Soon things settled down, and, with Kynan's jaws on Cheann's throat, the latter submitted. Tewdwr then walked away, and spent a few minutes licking his wounds. The final pecking order has the hobbits on top, with Tewdwr the tentative chief over the canines. Gra's wound was serious enough that Kendry cast a spell to heal her wounds.

Dogs and/or wolf can ride in the carriage, or lope along beside, at their masters' discretion.

At the appointed time, the drivers help the passengers settle in, and head out to the road towards Windhorn Hamlet.

Thursday April 13th, 2006 7:16:49 PM

Tobias stops by the library to pick up his scribed essay on the way to the carriages.

He keeps Tewdwr in the carriage with him to keep an eye on him -- doesn't want any animals unnecessarily injured. Things will get better when Tewdwr can get out and stretch his legs in the woods.

Podo D. Pipewood 
Friday April 14th, 2006 12:46:28 AM

Podo looks around and wonders where the time went!

Friday April 14th, 2006 3:14:24 AM

Kendry accepts Captain Oosterlinck's charge to deliver a scroll to Calfast.

Before breakfast he asks the stable hands if they wouldn't saddle his ponies and arrange the baggage right after breakfast. "They need to be absolutely ready by twenty to ten." He pays them four gold pieces for their trouble.

Right after breakfast he hastens to the Catacombs to take care of some shopping, and to rearrange the composition of his inventory.

Once done there, he heads to the WLA, picks up his ponies and Cheann, then goes to the meeting place of the carriages on Adventurer's Square.

"All ready? Let's go!"

Airin and Fioni 
Friday April 14th, 2006 9:32:23 AM

The next morning Airin is pleased to see Fioni returned after all. After an enjoyable breakfast, Airin says goodbye to all those in the WLA. She makes her bed the WLA style and prepares for the road to come.

As they all exit from the WLA and prepare for the road ahead Airin stands besides Kendry and crawls under his left arm. She in turn folds her right arm tightly across his back.

"We make a nice pair don't we? Love, if it's more you want just go for it..."

Friday April 14th, 2006 2:20:20 PM

After finally falling asleep, Dwight awakens well rested. Realizing they are leaving soon, Dwight takes a quick breakfast and joins Knedry to a quick trip to the Catacombs.

Friday April 14th, 2006 3:00:07 PM

Selithe spends rest well and feels alittle disappointed that Airin doesn't seem to impressed with Selithe little display of trying to make her laugh to lighten the night and entertainment but come morning she is relaxed and ready to go.

Selithe gets Gra and pets her riding dog, whispering to her, "Now girl you really need to be nicer to others you know." Selithe leads her riding dog to meet with everyone else and prepares to leave. Letting Gra run beside the carriage since Gra looks like she really wants to have a nice run, however Selithe keeps the saddle and such with her as to keep Gra less burdoned.

Podo D. Pipewood 
Saturday April 15th, 2006 11:32:22 AM

"So, Kendry, let me see if I got this right. It's a charge from the Capt. to deliver a scroll to Calfast, then back to see Bella; right?" say Podo to Kendry.

"What's ya' got in them scroll, Tobias?" asks Podo.

"Are we to discuss the animal pecking order scrap yesterday, Kendry?" wonder Podo to Kendry.

Monday April 17th, 2006 1:14:56 PM

Kendry is taken in by Airin's gesture and words. He simply nods his head, and there are smiles in his eyes as he looks toward the ground, just thinking.

"Well, Pode, he didn't tell me what order we have to do things. Just asked me to get this to Calfast. Since they are in the same city, a few hundred yards away, shouldn't be a problem," Kendry answers his cousin.

"Oh, the new trio of friends?" he answers his question about the wold and dogs. "They're just getting used to each other, in their own way. I think that Tewdwr told Cheann and Gra that he could kick their asses with his bare hands, or wolfie words to that effect. Good thing we never need to communicate that way, eh, Podo?" he comments with a wry smile, remembering the words that his cousin some time past told him in this very place.

ADM Kim - And, they're off! 
Monday April 17th, 2006 1:47:22 PM

A pair of baggage handlers recommend the items on the pack ponies be stowed on one of the carriages, "So the ponies can keep up, y'see," explains one. They quickly and efficiently stow whatever items people don't mind putting away for the trip, and the carriage driver helps folks aboard.

The carriages are plush and comfortable inside. There are small metal sliding plates which, when opened, allow light to shine forth in a beam that spreads to a couple feet wide at lap height. A string at each side also causes overhead flood lights to shine or disappear. Water jugs rest under two seats, and two loaves of fresh bread and a small block of cheese (about a pound and a half) sit on a small fold-down table.

A tall, well-built human with thick red stubble on his face addresses the group. "I'm Ryan, head driver and master of this journey. Do what I say, and you should be safe. We'll be making stops every few hours so you can take care of nature's urges, as they say.

"For starters, we'll take the lift at Hoomwix down from this, New Elenna's third plateau, to the second plateau. It's some 11 miles from here to Middleden. Should be there at half past noon, have to pick up a passenger or two. Another nine miles to Brinkwater, about half past two in the afternoon. Quick stop there, ten minutes to stretch the legs, then around Lake Wellogy and on to Tincrow, another 8 miles. Four more miles to Baenville, and the Baenville-Zidiac lift. That's a mile drop from the 3rd to the 2nd plateau. Should be down to Zidiac by six or so, and there we'll stay the night.

"In the morning it's on to Jessage, getting there by noon. We'll need to wait there two hours - scheduled maintenance on the wheels - there is a fine inn with excellent food there next to the carriage house in Jessage. The town has a famous toymaker, too, if you're looking for gifts for the wee 'uns.

"Then our itinerary takes us over to Amberlund, and thence along the cliffs to the lift nearest to Windhorn Hamlet. If all goes well, we could be in Windhorn by sundown. If not, then by the next morning."

Coming down the first lift, Ryan points out the Gnowsy Vineyards that stretch off for miles to the northeast. The Brinkwater River flows from Plateau City, with a spectacular waterfall within sight of the lift, and at the boundary of vineyards and forest. Ryan explains that the Groves of Eilistraee are miles to the west, with the Gnowsy Overdale just north of the groves. To the west of Middleden is the Monster Preserve of Blackheart Woods.

The peaks of the mountains called Faces of Fate can be glimpsed to the north and west from a few spots in the road. The Brink comes up on the left, and eventually there is that ten minute stop in Brinkwater.

Onward thence, with the lake on the left and the Dragonridge Hills on the right to Tincrow, and Baenville. The mile-high lift awaits. There is a short line of people waiting. Ryan says, "All right, fifteen minutes, then it's our turn." There is a short line of dozen market stalls, selling such things as grapes, lettuce, cabbage, spinach, apples, carrots, celery, tubers, limes, assorted nuts, pomegranates, wheat flour, barley, beer, ale, flatbread, sweetcakes, and one that sells little wiggly snake toys. You pull a string, and the 'snake' goes slithering along the ground for five or six feet before it peters out. They cost 25 silver pieces. Oh! almost time to board again!

Monday April 17th, 2006 7:15:35 PM

Selithe enjoys the ride and talks just chit chat stuff with the others before wandering the small market stalls with the others and giggles when she sees the toy snakes.

Selithe doesn't really see anything she wants to pickup though so is ready to head off when the time comes. She does sigh abit as she misses Patty but guesses that he has other things to attend to again.

Monday April 17th, 2006 7:22:16 PM

Tobias and Tewdwr quietly enjoy the trip...

Monday April 17th, 2006 9:59:46 PM

Enjoying the ride, but grateful for the breaks to stretch his legs, Dwight relaxs and takes in nature's sounds and sights.

During the stop at Jasage, Dwight makes a quick trip into the toy store, "Sir, I would like a little toy, something for a baby, something symbolic of greatness and thankfulness at the same time. Would you have anything in that area? O' it also has to be smallish, " Dwight finishes holding his hands apart by 10 inches.

Looking at the options, Dwight picks the prettiest and brightest among those offered.

Tuesday April 18th, 2006 4:17:49 AM

"I'll take four snakes!" he says, passing a platinum piece to the toy vendor.

And turning to the fruit vendors, he buys four pomegranates, two pounds each of apples, carrots, limes, four pounds of grapes, four pounds of assorted nuts, a five pound bag of wheat flour, a similar amount of barley, a head each of cabbage, lettuce and spinach, a couple pounds of flatbread, and a dozen sweetcakes. "Put 'em in the carriage, please!" he requests.

"Say, could I jump down the cliff? I've got a feather fall spell," he asks Ryan. If he can, he looks it over. He asks if anyone wants to join him. "We'll have to hold hands - or maybe tie a rope to each other, so we don't get too far away," he explains. Then (along with any who join him), he gets a good run up to the edge, and plummets down - casting feather fall when about a hundred fifty feet from the ground. If told, "No," he complies, and rides the carriage down.

Indemnity Clause - ADM Kim  d20=8 d20=2
Tuesday April 18th, 2006 4:37:45 AM

Gra and Cheann spot a cat near the stalls, and begin to chase it. A wirey old woman tries to bring a broom handle down on Cheann's head, but he dodges and she misses. He decides to leave off pursuing the tabby after that, though. She swings at Gra who has not given up the chase, but the broom flies out of her hand. Gra watches the domestic missile, and the cat slips from sight into one of the stalls. Tewdwr has no interest in the market area, but finds some tall grass to do his business in, along with sniffing about. Seeing the two-headed wolf causes a stir. Three children cautiously approach, and ask Tobias if they can pet him. Dryw looks up at Tobias to see whether these creatures are friends or not. Kynan begins to stare down the lead child.

Ryan answers Kendry that you have to apply for a permit to jump off, and pay a fee, and sign a contract. It costs 100 gp for the permit, and takes about fifteen minutes for the paperwork. "It covers the cost of clean up and burial should you die, and holds harmless the Lift Authority," Ryan explains. If Kendry and any other fools want to try it, they should arrive at the bottom close to the same time as the carriage - if they get the paperwork done right away and jump immediately afterwards. "If you stay behind and don't jump, I'm not waiting more than ten minutes at the bottom. Not to worry, though. It's only three quarters of a mile to the Carriage Inn where we're staying, so you can walk if we've already left." He points off to the right - there is a roped off area. "That's the best place to jump. It's closer to the falls, too. Might get damp if the winds blow right."

Kendry's groceries come to 7 gold pieces.

Dwight's request at Jessage can be made on the morrow when they pass through there.

Tuesday April 18th, 2006 1:57:17 PM

Tobias warns the children, "He's not fully tame, so don't try to move towards him. He's a big softy, but he tries to act mean... If Tewdwr comes up and sits next to you, then he'll let you pet him. Otherwise, it's best not to try."

Tobias acts friendly towards the children, so that Kynan can see that they're no threat. When Tewdwr is done with his business, Tobias sees if Tewdwr has any interest in coming towards the kids. If he does, Tobias will keep a sharp eye on Kynan to make sure he doesn't make any drastic moves towards the children.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Tuesday April 18th, 2006 5:00:11 PM

Smiles at the peoples.

Tuesday April 18th, 2006 5:08:01 PM

"Kendry, I'm really surprised that you would ask to jump over something like that. Feather spell or not. What would happen if you stuttered, or cast it too soon. The thought of you jumping actually scares me," Dwight adds uncharacteristically.

"Perhaps it was the last time I fell, climbing down that WLA wall. Had an awfull feeling the spellcaster would forget to cast his spell and I would plummet to my death. Luckily he casted his spell correctly and I survived, though not too eager to try it again just yet."

Dwight watches the interaction with the wolves, but stays clear of them.

Tuesday April 18th, 2006 10:17:09 PM

Selithe watches all thats going on and smacks her brother behind the head if he isn't watching, "Kendry! you can't do such things when you have a lady among this group who thinks highly of you. I know your full of wind at times *Selithe winks at Kendry* but I prefer you not risk it brother."

Selithe looks to Airin, expecting she will put her two cents in on this matter also. Either way Selithe is ready to head out when the carriage is.

Tuesday April 18th, 2006 11:05:47 PM

"All right. All right. I won't test my feather fall spell right now. Bother!"

Kendry hops on the carriage.

Slowly Down - ADM Kim 
Wednesday April 19th, 2006 1:52:55 AM

Tewdwr is comfortable as long as Tobias seems comfortable. Dryw suffers the children to pet him, but Kynan's neck stiffens. The children decide to stay on Dryw's side. Just as they are getting acquainted, it's time to leave.

So, no Great Leap is taken, this time. Cloud cover just moved in halfway down the hill and obscures a good view of the immediate surroundings - but the falls off to the right are spectacular on the upper part. Two-thirds of the way down the lift drops below the clouds, and the town of Baenville comes into view. Also on the lift were a few militia men, a farmer with a horse and a cart full of turnips, and a Baenville family returning from a picnic up top.

Ryan gets the horses moving toward town, and judging by their brisk movement, it seems they know that a rest and good food await them ahead.

People are put up in the inn - normal rooms are reserved for the passengers as part of their fares. Dinner is available, but is not included in the fare. Decent food, courteous service, and a half elven bard plays a grand harp.

Onward in the morning to Jessage.

The toymaker Dwight visits considers his request for a toy for an infant that incorporates the notion of greatness and gratitude.

This fellow at Brussik's Novelties has random wisps of hair around his mainly bald head, wears spectacles, and chews on a well-chewed hexagonal piece of wood - long and narrow, 1/2 inch in diameter. "Interesting request, that. Interesting. Let me think." He walks with a stoop, fingers many items.

Finally, he says, "Ah. Ah. Ah. How's this?" The man thrusts a soft textile cornucopia into Dwight's hands. It is comfortable to the touch. The horn part is a coarse fabric - soft but with some texture, looking a bit like woven reeds. The representation of fruits and vegetables pouring forth from the horn consists of many different fabrics and textures. Many smooth, some dense, looking like grapes, bread, carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, and many other foods. It is closer to a foot long from the farthest out grape to the tip of the horn - slightly over the ten inch size Dwight asked for. But it certainly will squish to less than that. "Carby's Cornucopia. Named after a local farmer. His food is great, and we are grateful!" He peers over his spectacles to see if this is satisfactory to Dwight. "Five gold, it is."

Then around Turtle lake, where the Floating City used to be, and eventually down the next lift off the last plateau.

Another forty minutes from the bottom of the lift, and the carriage arrives in Windhorn Hamlet. "End of the line. Grog's Inn has rooms if you need a place to stay for the night."

In Grog's Inn are a big ogre behind the bar; a comely wench pushing a pie cart off to the side; some humans - farmers, these?; three halflings playing cards and arguing about who grew the best beets last year; a pair of tired-looking militia men sitting at the bar, heads bent forward, staring into their mugs. An old lady at a far table announces, "Grog - here are some short travelers you can try to fleece!" She closes her comment with a cackle. The ogre gives her a lopsided grin, and says, "Grannie, you are da one dat specializes in wool, not me." 'Specializes' is not a word one typically hears from the mouth of an ogre.

"What can Grog do you for?" the barkeep asks the newcomers.

Wednesday April 19th, 2006 10:44:02 AM

Tobias relaxes a bit after the children pet the wolf. He walks Tewdwr back to the carriage and tells him what a good job he did mixing with the locals. And, that there might be more kids in Angel Springs that are interested in petting him...

Then, he turns and waves to the children that were brave enough to pet the wolf - before jumping back on the carriage.

Airin and Fioni 
Wednesday April 19th, 2006 11:02:25 AM

Having silently walked with the group Airin now speaks up to Kendry and in a stern voice she says: "You're lucky you didn't jump mister! If the rocks would not have cracked open that thick skull of yours, I would have!! How DARE you even think of such madness! ..."

There's more she "says" to him but that's not suited for this board.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Wednesday April 19th, 2006 4:40:24 PM

"Er, Common Kendry, you could have made it! Heck you could have tied a nice stretchy vine around your ankle! We'd have pulled you back up!! " says Podo while smiling.

"Airin, Don't be made at Kendry...he's a rough and rugged Bard, O'l Kendry is!" says Podo while elbowing Kendry.

"Where to now, is what I'd like to know, to be honest." grins Podo.

Wednesday April 19th, 2006 6:30:32 PM

"That looks like it will do the trick, 5 gold you say?" Dwight seems to think on it for a moment, "Sounds fair, does it come in a small box? It's a gift for a special baby."

Dwight finishes his transactions and returns to the caravan with package in hand.

When they finally stop for the day, Dwight figures how he can put the package among his belongings without crushing it too badly.

Then he joins the others during meal-time.

Wednesday April 19th, 2006 10:14:27 PM

Selithe looks to everyone and smirks some at how everyone is giving Kendry a rough time but smiles as she winks to her brother, "See, to many of us like you bro so you have to becareful you know."

Selithe listens to what is said and waits, wondering what will come up next.

Thursday April 20th, 2006 5:13:34 AM

Kendry wilts under the combined rebukes of his friends, but especially when Airin lays into him. "Yes, dear. No, dear. Guess I wasn't thinking very clearly. Um-hmm."

But he is somewhat heartened by Podo's encouragement. And Selithe's sisterly care.

In Jessage, Kendry goes with Dwight to see the toymaker. Professional interest - since his own family makes toys and musical instruments. He observes what materials are used, the quality of the craftsmanship, the variety of goods.

"If you ever get over to Angel Springs or Humble's Ford in Crescent Valley, look us up. The Leafwin Pipewood family. Winwood Toys and Music. You have excellent goods, sir. My name is Kendry."

The wide-eyed bard enjoys the trip, and points out interesting sights to Airin and others. He takes in any commentary that Ryan has to offer. He decides not to even ask about jumping down the next cliff face.

In Windhorn Hamlet, he answers Grog at the inn. "Yes, sir. Well, we'd love to sample some of those pies I see there, and also would like to know whether you have any rooms to let for the night." After learning about room availability and rates, he adds, "Oh, and, are any carriages heading to Angel Springs, or anywhere in Crescent Valley, I suppose, some time tomorrow?"

A night and the next morning 
Thursday April 20th, 2006 6:11:46 AM

Grog has three rooms available, and stables over to the side, and a place for animals. "More adventurers come through now than in olden days," he says. "We have calm magics in animal places, so that lion and lamb can lie down together without lion get eaten. Har!" In case any look puzzled, he explains, "That were joke. Lamb not eat lion. Get it? Har!"

In any event, there are the three rooms upstairs. There are two communal baths (one for males, one for females). A full room is three gold pieces, and that includes a breakfast pastry and hot drink (non-alcoholic) of your choice in the morning, for up to four folks per room. Any beyond four pay one silver piece for their pastry and drink.

If wolves, dogs, birds, "or fishies!" (Grannie adds to Grog's explanation) are kept in the rooms, any cleanup is the renter's responsibility, and a 2 gp deposit in advance per animal is required. If the animal is to be kept in the calm place Grog has for animals, then it's a silver for the evening.

"There is carriage I can tell to take you tomorrow. Here to Angel Springs - maybe 80 gold or more for trip. I find out, make arrangements for you, Grog does!"

The pies are excellent, and Marie, the serving wench, is happy to keep those coming, along with other food and drinks.

In the morning, true to his word, Grog does have a carriage. The rate is twelve gp per person, one gold per animal, except the ponies.

Thursday April 20th, 2006 11:16:24 AM

Tobias is enjoying the quick trip. Once they get to Grog's, he'll partake in a nice dinner of pies and ale.

He agrees to put Tewdwr in the calm place if they're not worried about his disturbing the other animals there.

And, Tobias has a good night's sleep and is ready to get on the carriage the next morning.

Thursday April 20th, 2006 9:24:14 PM

Selithe looks to Grog and listens to what is said before enjoying the meal commented on and also asks if they have any light wines since she doesn't want to get tipsy.

After the good meal Selithe looks to Airin, "Don't know about you but I think the bath sounds nice. We been traveling for abit now and a good soak would be nice."

In the bath and if Airin joins her Selithe talks to her and sees what she thinks about something she's been thinking of, "I been thinking of getting a shocking lizard later as my familiar, what do you think about it?" Selithe smiles and enjoys the soak while just chatting with Airin.

Thursday April 20th, 2006 10:44:32 PM

Dwight checks his supplies and then settles down for the evening watching those around him.

Friday April 21st, 2006 4:21:11 AM

Kendry enjoys the pies. He catches up on his journal. He takes a walk through town in the evening with whoever wants to come.

Next day, after breakfast, he is ready to roll!

ADM Kim 
Friday April 21st, 2006 4:28:07 AM

The new carriage (driver Phineas and his sidekick Rowtprie) follow the road that covers the grasslands (with scattered copses of trees) with Dragon Bay to the right and The Red Hills to the left. Past one of the Teucri's Dragon Sentinels, past the Frozen Chapel, then another sentry, then...

"Whoa! Trouble ahead," Phineas calls down.

If any pop their head out the window... there is a large ogre standing in the middle of the road, about 80 feet in front of the lead of the four horse team. Another one stands at the edge of the road.

Airin and Fioni 
Friday April 21st, 2006 6:13:37 AM

Feeling drowsy in the carriage from the rather boring journey Airin did not notice the Ogres outside. When Phineas calls down she opens one eye ... "did anyone say something about Ogres"... she opens a second eye... "two ogres... could it be Lomar and a friend?... better wake up..."

Airin get's up looking at her friends.

"Talk first shoot later or shoot first and talk later?"

She takes hold of her weaponry and awaits their decision.

Friday April 21st, 2006 10:40:28 AM

Tobias is shaken from his riding stupor when he hairs mention of ogres. He looks out the carriage window to see them. Then, sticks his head back in and says, "Yep, definitely ogres."

He awaits to see how the ogres react, but prepares by making sure his short swords are within easy reach.

Friday April 21st, 2006 11:59:29 AM

Spending the time watching the trees go by on the right side of the carriage, Dwight looks forward and sees the ogres once they are announced. Does he recongize them?

Feeling for a dagger, he wishes there had been more room inside for his bow for this precise issue.

If the carriage stops (versus trying to outrun the ogres...bad idea), Dwight slides out and goes around the back to string his bow. If the ogres move closer to the carriage, Dwight backs away to string his bow.

Kendry  d20+5=12 d20+3=9
Friday April 21st, 2006 1:54:00 PM

Kendry pulls his bow out from under his seat, and puts his knapsack and a quiver of arrows over his back. He then climbs out the window and up to the roof of the carriage. Well, he tries to climb up on the roof [Climb: 12]. If that succeeds, he nocks an arrow, and scans the area, to see what he can see [Spot: 9].

P. D. Pipewood  d20+3=8
Friday April 21st, 2006 9:32:39 PM

"Wow! Orges! Maybe there are Lomar and Bobbles. Does one have goggles on?" says Podo to the group.

Getting ready himself, Podo grabs his darkwood staff and exits the carriage. Stretching he looks to see if the Orges look familiar. (Spot = 8)

Friday April 21st, 2006 10:01:27 PM

(OOC:not sure so wanted to comment. I had Selithe buy a bow in the catacombs set for a +1 str, she did get it delivered yes?)

Selithe hears what is going on and looks to everyone, "Well if its a fight then this is a rather tight place to do fighting from."

Selithe is ready to move out and help if possible when and if fighting starts.

[Yes - as soon as you send me a copy of your character sheet. -Kim]

ADM Kim 
Monday April 24th, 2006 4:09:34 AM

As the carriage slows, a man steps out on to the road as well. "Attention. The road around this bend is washed out. We are working to repair it. We can use some help. We mean no harm. We are accepting contributions, however."

He stands about 5'10", and speaks with a strong, cultured voice. Another ogre comes out, climbing the bank on the left, and pulling a tree behind him. The other ogres seen a moment ago just look toward the carriage.

Rowtprie calls back, "Whaddaya mean, 'washed out'? This here's a Teucri road. They don't get washed out!"

Make spot and listen checks, please. And take any other actions you desire.

Climbing on to the roof of the carriage is DC 10, as there are handholds along the side of the carriage. Kendry makes it up top.

Neither Dwight nor Podo recognizes any of the ogres. No one is wearing goggles.

[OOC: Please email me your updated character sheets asap. kimmccoy52 at gmail dot com]

Tobias  d20+4=21 d20+5=8
Monday April 24th, 2006 12:42:17 PM

Tobias will head out of the carriage to the ground, but he will stay near the carriage. He wants to see the exchange between Rowtprie and the mysterious man. He keeps his hands on the pommels of this short swords, just in case anything unexpected happens.

Spot - 21
Listen - 8

P. D. Pipewood  d20+2=17 d20+3=10 d20+3=5 d20+3=19
Monday April 24th, 2006 2:38:59 PM

Orge Blocks

Podo, streching, looks at the man, and the orges trying to concentrate (concentrate=17)hoping to clear his mind so as to hear better (listen=10). Afterwards, Podo opens his eyes hoping to spot anything he didn't hear. (spot=5)

While listening to the carriage driver be dipolmatic with the stranger on the road, Podo attempts to discern the motive of the stranger(sense motive=19).

Selithe  d20+2=22 d20+3=22
Monday April 24th, 2006 5:31:14 PM

Selithe looks out at what is going on and listens carefully while trying to spot anything that is strange or so. She will try moving her comp. shortbow set for her +1 str move to her and keeps a quiver close to hand just incase and waits for anything.

(Listen:22 *nat:20*, Spot:22)

Dwight  d20+5=17 d20+1=12
Monday April 24th, 2006 10:44:23 PM

Pulling his bow out the back of the carriage, Dwight turns to the rear (listening for both the ogres in front of the carriage and any noise heard behind) Dwight scans the rear for an ambush (spot 12).

Dwight then reports his findings in the rear with either "all clear in the rear so far" or "we got ??? behind us" depending on what he spots just loud enough for his friends to hear.

Kendry  d20+3=13 d20+6=10
Tuesday April 25th, 2006 3:13:24 AM

[Spot: 13; Listen: 10]

Kendry nocks an arrow. "This looks like an ambush attempt to me. Where are the rest of your people, mister?"

Airin and Fioni  d20+8=25 d20+16=26 d20+6=15
Tuesday April 25th, 2006 3:49:50 AM

Airin finally comes to her senses and joins Kendry on the roof. She climbs up there (climb 25) and readies her crossbow.

She closely observes the Ogres and tries to find possible ambushes. (spot 15)

Fioni flies up to scout the surroundings possibly spotting trouble. (spot 26)

Tuesday April 25th, 2006 8:35:23 PM

Waiting for the issue to be sorting out, Dwight continues looking behind, or with first sound of an arrow being let loose (from above the carriage), Dwight will rotate and also release one at a nearby target.

Otherwise, Dwight waits, behind the carriage for the matter to be resolved peacefully.

Tuesday April 25th, 2006 11:18:43 PM

Selithe continues to wait and listen while watching for any possible threats from the ogres or the man, she has her bow ready with her hand on a arrow in case she needs to fight.

The man comes closer (ADM Kim)  d20=12
Wednesday April 26th, 2006 12:41:56 AM

The man who spoke a moment ago replies, "Well, you can see for yourself - just around the corner."

The trees to the left of the road are dense, a little less so on the right. But there is a bend that starts up ahead. The carriage was brought to a standstill when first the ogres were spied.

Those who made (or make) a listen check DC 12 or better Highlight to display spoiler: {hear the sound of wood being chopped in the woods off to the left}.

Rowtprie says, "Well, this I've got to see. Been running this road for a dozen years. Never saw - well, we'll take a look."

Driver Phineas turns his head back, and speaks softly. "Eyes alert - ah, good idea," he says to Airin and Kendry on top of the carriage. "Hang on up there." He lifts the reins and clicks his tongue to signal the horses to move forward at a walk.

Airin & Kendry make spot checks if you look toward the driver's bench. DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {You notice what looks like a wand in a quiver if arrows between the two men.} DC 22 Highlight to display spoiler: {You notice two wands in the quiver.}

Looking behind, Dwight is unable to discern anything in particular that appears to be out of the ordinary.

Podo Highlight to display spoiler: {thinks the man - oh, he notices as he draws closer that perhaps he bears some elfin features? - may be trying to help, but also seems to be under stress}.

Tobias Highlight to display spoiler: {can see some movement through the trees at the bend, though it is hard to tell just what is moving}.

Airin and Fioni  d20+10=23 d20+4=11 d20+8=10 d20+8=16 d20+9=25
Wednesday April 26th, 2006 8:00:30 AM

[Airin listen: 23]
[Fioni listen: 11]

Airin hears the chopping of wood in the forest and turns her head in that direction.

[spot 10 - did not notice you know what between you know who ;-)]

Airin continues to check her surroundings but feels uneasy. But then again, she's always been the paranoid one ;-)

[spot: 16]

As the carriage moves forward Airin's balancing skills keep her standing easily on top of the roof.

[Balance: 25]

Kendry  d20+3=9 d20+6=14
Wednesday April 26th, 2006 6:17:11 PM

Kendry sits near Airin atop the baggage on the carriage roof, and hangs on to the rail on the roof as they move forward.

He doesn't notice anything in particular [Spot: 9], but does notice the sound of axe to wood [Listen: 14].

He calls out boldly to one of the ogres in the giant tongue, 'So, what happened here? And do you know a fellow named Lomar?'

Tobias  d20+13=20
Wednesday April 26th, 2006 6:54:47 PM

Tobias notices some russling in the trees at the bend. He signals to Kendry (if he can get his attention), that he's going to go investigate in the treeline.

Tobias steps into the treeline near where he's standing, and tries to move silently towards the bend -- keeping his eyes and ears open.

Move silently - 20
Listen -

Tobias  d20+5=15 d20+4=11
Wednesday April 26th, 2006 6:56:48 PM

[ooc: oops, i hit submit too soon]

Listen - 15
Spot - 11

P. D. Pipewood  d20+9=26 d20+3=23 d20+3=17
Wednesday April 26th, 2006 8:51:09 PM

"Kendry, I think I shall have a go looksee 'fer meself and Domi. Ta Ta!" Podo says as he takes off running towards the bend in the road.

Podo decides that the best course of action is to find out whats 'round the bend. Taking off at a running speed (normal mv=30') he runs 'right 'round the bend. Using tumbling as a stopping technique, Podo tries to come to a stop in a position behind the Orges while also being able ascertain if this is a hoax or not.
When able, Podo will shout to his friends what he sees or hear what he is able to.

Tumble = 26
Spot = 23; Nat 20!
Listen = 17

Wednesday April 26th, 2006 9:37:59 PM

Selithe still really doesn't like any of this since she isn't sure. The trees could be used to block the carriages movements and make it harder to be used as a excape but also could be used for other things, then again this all could be exactly what the man was speaking about. She lets her friends decide what course she should take also since she isn't really sure herself.

Dwight  d20+5=22 d20+1=15
Wednesday April 26th, 2006 10:32:32 PM

Not seeing much, but hearing the chop of wood (listen 22), Dwight is a little surprised when the carriage begins to lurk forward.

Staying behind the carriage, Dwight continues looking around and takes a good look at the men if they are passed. (spot 15)

Round the bend (ADM Kim)  d20=4 d20=11 d20=6 d20=12 d20=18
Thursday April 27th, 2006 2:17:34 AM

Scene: The road is cobbled, but done by the superior skills of the Teucri long ago, and thus provides a very smooth ride. It is typically raised a few feet above the surrounding countryside - at this area of the road, by about four feet on average. The cobbled surface is 24 feet wide, with shoulders of hard packed earth an average of eight to ten feet wide. Every thousand yards there is a polished granite marker post, on alternating sides. Numbers derived from High Woldian are engraved in the posts. The last post was seven to eight hundred yards back on the right side of the road, so the next one should be two to three hundred yards from where the carriage came to a stop a few moments ago, along the left side of the road.

Tobias moves fairly quietly down the bank and then through the trees parallel to the road. It will take him a little more time than Podo to get round the corner, though. Now that he is down off the road, his view ahead is more obscured. Tobias - Highlight to display spoiler: {A piebald male, just shy of five feet tall and with a very broad back, sits, pants down, his back resting against a tree. He makes a grunting noise. Tobias cannot see his face yet.}

If Podo is going to stop just short of the ogres, then he does not make it round the bend, but rather to the start of the bend. As he draws near, the ogres look at him, but make no hostile moves. If he continues past them, then he will see what is described below.

The carriage continues forward, the horses walking. As they come near to the ogre in the midst of the road, the two horses on the left start to balk. Phineas pulls lightly for a moment on the right reins, and the carriage moves to hug the right side of the road, straightening out as he shakes both sets of reins. The ogre steps away from the carriage to give it more space. The sour stench of his sweat carries to those in the carriage, as a light breeze blows from the west. His legs up to his knees and his arms to the elbow are covered in mud. He answers Kendry, "Lomar?" If you speak giant, Highlight to display spoiler: {"Not know him. But hear of him. If he be bastard drumbeat Lomar."}

The ogre at the side of the road looks at the ponies trotting behind the carriage. In common, he bellows, "Those tiny horse things not working. Boss, Morqmar need snack. Tiny horse for Morqmar? Morqmar be good, not kick dwarf no more, Boss." He steps fully up on the road, and begins to move toward the back of the carriage, his eyes on one of Kendry's ponies.

The man who spoke earlier, now that the group is closer, seems to have some of the exotic features that offspring of mixed human and elfish heritage sport. A handsome face, and ears with a point - though not so pronounced as those of full-blooded elves.

"No! No horse, Morqmar, unless I say so." He twirls a short length of a spiked chain twice near his hip for emphasis as he speaks with the ogre, then tucks the chain back in his pocket. He waves the carriage on, and gives Dwight a quick nod as he walks with a quick step to stay abreast of the carriage.

Those up top see first that there is a crevice in the road ahead. Light from the sun and clouds above reflect off mud on either side of the crevice. Stones lie scattered to the east side of the highway. A few trees lie on the left. Some dwarfs strip the branches with axes. One stops to look up as the carriage comes forward. One glances up, but continues his work.

Rowtprie & Phineas (ADM Kim) 
Thursday April 27th, 2006 2:48:14 AM

"Huhn. Glory be," grunts Rowtprie. "Never saw such thing. Not on a Teucri road. Thought it was magicked against such."

Phineas lets the horses continue forward so as to get a better look at the crevice.

Airin and Fioni 
Thursday April 27th, 2006 8:33:59 AM

"This is odd Love" Airin whispers to Kendry who's standing next to her. "But then again, they could just be fixing the road ahead, no?"

"Maybe we should provide food to them? I don't want that brute chewing on our ponies..."

Co-DM Philip K 
Thursday April 27th, 2006 12:11:29 PM

Not trying to interrupt the flow, but just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Philip and I'll be taking over for Kim starting on Monday until Cayzle moves in as full DM. I'll be co-DMing with him at that point, which should be in about 2-3 weeks (he's tying up his module in Windhorn and the new DM for Windhown JK is finishing up his own stuff in his game).

In the meantime, could you each please send me a copy of your current (updated) character sheets (pklafta@gmail.com) This way I I can see what I've got to work with?

I've been reading the last month of posts to get a feel for what's happening and how you all work together. JPW's sent on a copy of the module he was preparing and Cayzle and I are fine tuning and detailing it more. Until then, I'll try to ease you out of the "holding pattern" and into some more meaty stuff.


Thursday April 27th, 2006 1:21:50 PM

Confident that the person in the woods doesn't appear to pose a danger to the group (though he may pose a danger to the tree... :), Tobias will move back towards the road and emerge from the treeline to see what's happened to the road.

If he gets a chance, he'll try to get a look at the guy to see if he recognizes him. But, without invading his privacy.

Tobias takes a look at the crevice in the road... see how far down it goes.

Thursday April 27th, 2006 4:26:20 PM

Selithe still isn't sure about all this but moves along with the group while keeping her bow ready and speaking up to Kendry on the roof of the carriage, "I don't like this brother, just something doesn't smell right about all this but I do hope I'm wrong." Selithe smiles since she is only voicing her opinion but truely hopes no big fight breaks out, specially with ogres.

Thursday April 27th, 2006 6:32:58 PM

"I agree with you Selithe," adds Dwight from behind. "A mudslide, I don't recall much rain in Plateau City the last few days. I suppose we are a bit away from there, but still."

Dwight nods casually back to the half-elf, or as casually as someone can while holding a shortbow half-drawn.

P. D. Pipewood  d20+3=7 d20+3=6 d20+1=8
Thursday April 27th, 2006 8:09:46 PM

Podo rolls and tumbles past the ogres then the bend in the road stopping short of danger. Looking around and listening to the area seeing just what is what.

If trouble looks like it's brewing for him and his friends, Podo will take the diplomatic approach to try and delay any direct confrontation waiting for him friends & companions to close rank.

Listening = 7+2=9 (wrong modifier)
Spot = 6
Diplomacy = 8

Kendry  d20+3=7 d20+6=19
Friday April 28th, 2006 5:50:21 AM

The halfling is not pleased with Morqmar's focus on his pony, but is happy to hear that someone has heard of his Lomar.

'Lomar is my friend. Yes, he beats the drum, and beats it well.' he answers the ogre who spoke of him in the language of giants. 'Morqmar, the ponies are ours, not yours for a snack.'

"Yep, me too, Selithe."

He answers Airin in the hobbit tongue, "Perhaps you are right. Although I doubt we have enough food to satisfy three ogres, excepting the ponies, of course."

He is pleased that the half elf agrees somewhat on this point.

"My name is Kendry. What is yours?" he asks the 'boss.'

He does take a quick gander toward the crevice, the mud, the washed-out stones.

Closer Look (ADM Kim) 
Friday April 28th, 2006 6:37:02 AM

"Terapin is what people call me," the half elf answers Kendry.

Concerning Rowtprie's observation, Terapin says, "The last two road markers have been broken into rocks and pebbles, and we can't find a trace of the one that should be right there," he says, pointing to the left side of the road.

The crevice is about twelve feet wide at its narrowest point to the right, and presents a gap of twenty feet on the left. Mud is spread thinly over the road about fifteen to twenty feet on both sides of the gap. No way the carriage can pass that mess. Perhaps if a way were cut through the trees to the left - but there is still a lot of mud - something to bridge it would be necessary.

"One of the dwarfs got carried off by three harpies. There were eight that attacked us, and six that got away. Happened about an hour ago."

He looks at the horses, the carriage, the gap. "It's like to take two days for us to fully repair this - could be more if we get attacked again." He surveys the scene. "The flood - 'twasn't natural. There's magic behind it."

He leans up against the carriage, talking to the driver and his companion in a low voice. "Look, I have to pay the workers something, but I had a box in a bag that they carried off. The screaming harpies, I mean. Now, it would be a wonderful thing were I to get that back, but I doubt that is going to happen. But perhaps, if you folks could spare some funds, I could persuade the big ones to carry your carriage across the gap. Now a thousand would be more than I could ask, but if you could come up with five or six hundred, that would help take care of my problem, and yours as well. Not forcing you to do this - if you see a better way, let me know."

Tobias rejoins the people up top. After dropping off the tree, the ogre who carried it returns to the woods, moving toward the chopping sound. Tobias recognizes the broad-shouldered one as he joins in with the other to dwarfs to remove limbs from trees.

Podo is not sure whether trouble is brewing or not, but he watches as a now scowling Morqmar picks up one of the stripped trees, carries it to the gap, lifts it high in the air over his head, then slams the end of it down into the mud. The ground even shakes a little, as mud goes flying up in a semicircle.

Friday April 28th, 2006 6:45:14 AM

"Terapin? A pleasure," Kendry says, giving a friendly salute from the carriage roof.

Then he sees the ogre slam a tree into place. "Are you sure that wood is the best filler?" Kendry asks, questioning the repair procedures. "Won't it rot after a few years, and make a depression in the road?"

Airin and Fioni 
Friday April 28th, 2006 8:54:55 AM




Looks like we're going to put our noses into something that will get us all into trouble ;-)

Airin observes the lot as they all continue this chit chat. What happend to that dwarf? Should they be out to find him?

P. D. Pipewood  d20+3=17
Friday April 28th, 2006 5:51:46 PM

Looking into the crevice, Podo asks the dwarfs, "Er, what ya' doing? How'd you come to be in that there hole?"

Using his Sense Motive skill, Podo awaits the answer.

Sense Motive: 17

Dwarfs answer Podo (ADM Kim) (interim post) 
Friday April 28th, 2006 6:18:39 PM

The dwarfs who work by the side of the road stripping the trees look at Podo. "We're not in that hole, feller," one of them answers him. "We're fixin' things to fill up the hole, can'tcha see? The ogre squad puts things in the hole. And we're here 'cause we're gettin' paid fer it, that's why we're here."

Podo senses that the spoken words match the inner motivation.

Friday April 28th, 2006 6:27:51 PM

So, who is the one that Tobias recognizes?

Tobias whistles as he notices how deep and wide the crevice is...

"So, what direction did those harpies fly off in?"

Friday April 28th, 2006 9:41:24 PM

Selithe looks around and listens to what is said as she relaxes some pondering everything before looking to the others of the group, knowing she has little money to hand over considering but can help out alittle if need be.

Selithe smiles at Dwight and nods glad that he agrees with her.

Droldol (ADM Kim) 
Monday May 1st, 2006 1:46:43 AM

The dwarf whom Tobias noted earlier - easy to recognize by the sienna and dark goldenrod clothing he wears - looks up. "The blasted screechers carried off Bikmo Blundhend the Basher. Almost due west. Kick their pinions to perdition, I'd like. Mash their mammaries so they'll suckle no more cursed fowl-babes. Bash their brains so they'll ne'er again think to wing wicked way o'er worthy ... pah! Why waste good air?"

He turns and points. "That way." He turns back. "The ogres ate the harpies. They'll eat anything. Mind your mounts, there. M'name's Droldol," he tells Tobias. "Blasted harpies!"

Monday May 1st, 2006 9:30:05 AM

Kendry tells the drivers that he's willing to offer 150 gp toward Terapin's request. He asks his companions whether they have something to offer.

Monday May 1st, 2006 10:38:08 AM

Tobias responds to Droldol, "What do you mean the ogres ate the harpies? I thought the harpies flew away with Bikmo..."

The crew keeps working (coDM PhilipK) 
Monday May 1st, 2006 11:45:35 AM

Terapin looks at Kendry, "You are quite right, wood is not the best filler for the crevasse, but to reestablish travel on this road, it is the quickest. Droldol and his dwarven friends are accomplished engineers, but to replace the bridge with a more permanent stone one might take weeks if not the better part of a month. Wood, as a temporary solution, we can get things up and running in two, maybe three days, provided those harpies don't come back."

"We're actually hoping that some way to repair the road markers will somehow restore the bridge. No idea how those were broken, I'd heard that those Teucri markers couldn't be broken. Although it sounds like some of you are thinking of going after the harpies, but from the looks on some of your faces, it doesn't seem certain. If you do decide to go on, could you please pass on the information about the broken markers? Perhaps the Star Mages guild could find some way to restore them?"

Droldol answers Tobias' question in a gruff, almost annoyed tone, "Clear out them ears, son. They did fly off with Bikmo, but not 'fore we took down two of em. If ya ain't figured it out yet, them ogres like ta eat and they don't seem to care what they eat."

Hearing Droldol's short temper with Tobias Terapin quickly scolds him, "Droldol, that's no way to talk with these folk. They are obviously concerned and with so much information given to them so quickly, some is obviously going to be missed."

Drodol snorts back, "You're right Terapin. Sorry there youngin, I've just been up too long and worked too hard and losing Bikmo don't help none." Almost as if in answer to Airin's unvoiced question, he continues, "Poor Bikmo, heard him screaming for what had to be miles until he just stopped. He sure didn't give up without a fight though from the sounds of the beasties screechin'. But a dwarf off the ground is like a fish out of water, it just ain't right."

Rowtprie tells Kendry, "That's right nice of ya, but it's a fair share from the 600 they're wanting to get us across. I've got some, but I'm just a carriage driver. If we can't get the money together, Phineas and I might try to lend a hand here to get things done faster."

From off to the right of the carriage, maybe 200 feet off, a shout rings out, "TIMBER!!!" followed a few moments later by the sounds of branches snapping, birds flushing out of the treetops and finally a loud crunch as a tree comes toppling down. A moment later, the sounds of chains rattling and the hammering of metal on metal can be heard.

In the crevasse, where Morqmar has returned, he and another of the ogres hefts another tree into the air and drop it into place with a resounding thud and splortch as mud spatters everything within a good 50 feet. The ogres laugh as the dwarves down below wipe mud out of their faces.

[ooc: Taking over for Kim at this point until Cayzle comes in as full DM. I should be posting between 10-11am central US time each day unless the connection from work is hosed (rare thank goodness). So, hopefully we'll get you all back on a regular schedule and get things moving along into the next module.]

Monday May 1st, 2006 12:39:01 PM

"Sorry for the misunderstanding Droldol. I get your meaning now, and I'll see if my friends are up for tracking down Bikmo. Can't make any promises, but I'd like to at least try..."

Tobias returns to the rest of the group and asks them if they'd like to try finding those harpies and Bikmo. "Perhaps we can find out more about how the markers were broken. Or, if we can save the dwarf, that would be good enough. And, it would give the folks here a few days to finish their repairs and get us on our way. What do you think?"

Monday May 1st, 2006 10:39:18 PM

Selithe sighs at the thought of having to pass out money to people and looks to her own pouch before whispering to Kendry since she doesn't want to openly say how much she has around these people she doesn't know that well, "I can offer up 100 but it's going to leave me kind of low."

Monday May 1st, 2006 11:13:30 PM

Dwight circles around and tries to piece together the information being told to the group.

"I'm all for helping out, but we are on a small time table." Dwight reminds the others. "Provided we could find the harpies nearby, we could save the dwarf. Meanwhile, perhaps our carriage could be moved over the mud for our effort."

Dwight ponders how much he knows about harpies and realizes it is very very little.

Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 2:42:33 AM

Kendry nods his head in understanding as Terapin explains that they are effecting a quick repair, with a more permanent one to be applied later.

"Actually, we left behind the Star Mages Guild, and are on our way from Plateau City back to Crescent Valley," Kendry answers him. "But we'll be sure to communicate with those in authority in Angel Springs, for they, too, depend upon this highway."

"Harpies sing songs that they use to try to captivate and seduce people with," he says to Dwight. "As part of my training, I've been taught to sing in such a manner as to counter their sonic persuasion, Dwight. Or at least, to try to counter it."

He thinks for a moment, then calls his friends together. "Let's take care of these harpies, and see if we can't rescue a dwarf - and find out what in the Wold is going on here. What do you all say?"

Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 5:02:17 AM

"AHA! Some action," Airin says as Kendry proposes to go out and find the dwarf.
"Let's stick our noses in things we should not," she whispers with a smile on her face. "After all these good Ogres will not be able to name us lazy right? We're not kings and queens that need to be carried accross this crevasse... we're supposed to be adventurers!

"Shall we?" she concludes, and climbs down from the wagon looking at her friends checking if they are like minded.

Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 11:32:08 AM

"Well put Airin! Let's get after those harpies while they finish repairs."

Tobias asks Kendry to see if the carriage will wait for our return... at least for a little bit.

A Deal is Struck? (co-DM PhilipK) 
Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 11:45:32 AM

As the Crescent Valley crew discusses various possible plans, a smile slowly grows on Terapin's face as it appears the concensus is building toward helping the captured dwarf and finding out what's happening.

Hearing Tobias' apology, Droldol says to him, "That's ok youngin', I was a little outta line myself." He barely gets the words out as a crash can be heard down in the crevasse. "Oh, for the love of Domi, what'd that lummox do this time." Droldol walks over to the edge and looks down and shouts. "Arrg, what do ya think you're doing Morqmar?!? You want to knock everything over and make us start this all again!? Yeesh, want something done right..." With that, Droldol steps off the edge, seeming to fall less quickly then one would expect. Various shouting, both civil and not so civil can be heard but much of it is difficult to make out.

As Tobias, Dwight, Kendry and Airin express their desire to try to find the captured dwarf, Terapin can't help but be grateful..."We'd appreciate it greatly if you found Bikmo. Taking you carriage across as he...", pointing to Dwight, "...suggested would be the least we could do. We'll, of course, keep working to get things patched up. If you happen to find the cash box with the workers wages, we'd be most appreciative of that too, but of course, Bikmo should be the priority."

Rowtprie begins to roll up his sleeves, "Well, I'll do my part. I'd be no good going after a bunch of harpies, but I can swing an axe pretty well. You coming boss?" he inquires of Phineas.

Phineas' head drops as his apprentice has found him yet more work that he didn't want to do. "Ya, ya, I'll be right there once I tend to the horses." He sets the carriage brake and climbs down and begins unhitching horses.

From over where the crashing came a moment ago, an abnormally large ogre (at least 2 feet taller than the rest) comes lumbering out of the forest. Around his shoulders is a chain harness to which is attached what can only be a freshly downed tree. For an ogre, he's exceptionally trim and muscled and you suspect he could go toe to toe with nearly any giant in a test of physical might. He stops at the edge of the crevasse where the dwarves get to work on stripping branches. With his massive fingers, he easily pulls the foot long spikes out of the trunk that were attaching his harness to it.

Podo D. Pipewood 
Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 12:25:05 PM

"Er, Kendry, I guess it's off to see the Harpies, then? wonders Podo.

"What about Bella?" asks Podo of the group. "We did make that promise, didn't we?"

Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 8:12:10 PM

"No, I don't think we've forgotten. After this little side trip, we'll get back on the road as quickly as possible." Tobias responds.

Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 10:29:22 PM

Selithe's sense of adventure is peaked and she looks to the others before nodding, "I agree, lets go find this dwarf. Maybe he is still alive and if not then we can surely aid these people by getting rid of the harpies." Selithe shrugs as she just wants to do something other then stand around.

Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 11:18:23 PM

Nodding his agreement, Dwight grabs the rest of his bags off the carriage. "Hopefully we will find them quickly, for Bikmo's sake." Dwight says, and quickly follows up with a question.

"Two were killed and eaten, did they perhaps have any items or such that might help us track them that were not eaten? Some clothing or rags that the animals could sniff?"

Dwight is ready to begin searching in the suggest direction, with the help of his comrades animals.

Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 1:33:15 AM

Kendry smiles at Airin. "Yes, noses where they don't belong.

"Let's take a few minutes and get organized," He recommends. "I'm bringing Cheann. Selithe - you want to bring Gra? I'll bring one pony with pack saddle and saddle bags - but I'm not loading him down, too much. If Bikmo is injured or the like, we can have him ride. Who knows whether they might have others there, too, who need a rescue?"

Kendry takes a few items from the baggage area of the carriage, and switches around what he carries with him and puts on the pack horse.

"Podo, we were set to arrive a couple days early, had this inconvenience not arisen. If we make haste, we should be able to keep our appointment with Bella.

"Good question there, Dwight." He is interested in the response to his question about any possessions that the harpies may have left.

Airin and Fioni 
Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 6:52:51 AM

"In what direction did they leave and how long ago was that? Perhaps we should send out Fioni to go and look up ahead to see where they are taking this poor dwarf ... " and that gold chest... she thinks to herself. After all she IS a rogue ;-)

"Marching order friends! Shall I scout ahead of the group?" examining her friend's gear Airin remembers some of them never were good at stealth and that just happens to be her favourite tactic...

Picking up the Trail (co-DM Philip K) 
Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 10:51:59 AM

Hearing Podo's concern about another appointment, Terapin has a look of concern come over his face. As the other's reassure Podo that they should have plenty of time and that finding Bikmo and the harpies seems to be the definitive goal of the party, his face lightens up again.

As Dwight brings up the idea of the party's animals tracking by scent Terapin berates himself..."Gah, of course, I should have though of that. It's been so long since I lost Gedwin that such a technique slipped my mind." He dashes off the path into the woods and returns less than a minute carrying bloody rags. It's a pretty safe bet that they are the remnants of the harpies clothing. "These should do very well for a scent trail."

Terapin walks over to dogs, Cheann and Gra, allowing them a good sniff of the tattered cothing. As Tewdwr is presented, Terapin is taken aback for a moment, but approaches cautiously using techniques that Tobias clearly recognizes as those used by a ranger. Eventually Tewdwr lets him approach close enough to let them get a good whiff of the bloody tatters.

Figuring Tobias as the most likely tracker, Terapin hands the rags to him and says "Here ya go. If your animals lose the trail, just give them another good sniff."

Looking to the group as a whole, Terapin thanks them..."We really do appreciate that you're doing this. Droldol especially, though he'd never admit it." As the group gets themselves together and sets off, Terapin waves to or shakes hands with each of them, then steps off the path, hefting up an axe that had been lying close by and heads into the forest.

Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 5:28:48 PM

"Success to you on the repairs," Kendry bids farewell to the ogres, dwarfs, half-elf and humans. 'Mind you that no one eats Daisy,' he whispers to Terapin, nodding toward the pony he is leaving behind. "I left some grain for her, to supplement the grass," he tells him in a normal voice. "Two or three cups in the morning - the cup's in the feedbag, and the same in the early evening. Hope we'll be back soon. If you want, you might put her to work dragging off branches or the like."

"Airin, sure, scout ahead a bit, if you wish. Tobias - you want to be out front, too, to help keep an eye on things?"

He asks his halfling friends whether they will bring their mounts. Once all are ready, Kendry says, "May the good powers watch o'er us, and grant us a good rescue. Let's go!"

He mounts Cheann, taking in hand the reins of Spencer, the other pony, and, using the riding techniques further improved by WLA training, he urges his dog forward, down the short slope and heading east, following the stream toward the hills.

Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 6:31:05 PM

Dwight is glad they have a scent to follow and aren't looking solely on last seen flight path. He'll keep his bow out, hoping not to be caught off guard.

OOC: Sorry folks, but I'll be out of town the next two days (Thursday and Friday). Dwight will follow along with the group and fire his bow if combat begins. Could someone post this for me?

Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 10:52:43 PM

Selithe smiles and thinks before jumping in on the one comment made by Airin, "Hey, please let me scout with Airin. I been working on some rogue skills too and would like to learn more if Airin wouldn't mind me coming along."

Selithe grins and nods also as she wants her riding dog Gra to come along with them.

(Just a fyi, Selithe has some levels of rogue.)

Airin and Fioni  d20+12=23 d20+19=26 d20+8=24 d20+16=34
Thursday May 4th, 2006 5:26:18 AM

Gra and the other animals will probably help then finding the right track so Airin's delighted to team up with Selithe and Gra. Fioni circles above them keeping an eye out ahead of them.

"Let's go as quiet as possible without wasting time..."

Airin strides through the forest (Woodland Stride ability) and quietly, crossbow in her hands she follows Gra once he (she?) picks up the trail...

[move silently: 23]
[hide: 26]
[spot: 24]
[fioni spot: 34]

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