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Exploring the Keep

Whispering Willows [DM JonPaul(JPW)] 
Wednesday November 9th, 2005 8:38:42 PM

Whispering Willows

Mungo says to the group, "Ya know, I've been thinking about this Keep, and our current time here, and I realize, that we are roughly on the 11th level of this keep. I think there maybe 2 additional levels, but I think those levels go up into those 4 towers in the corners. Maybe they are defensive positions? Perhaps there is an attic or storage underneath us? If we didn't see a doorway below us, maybe one of the other 3 spiral stair cases has a doorway that leads to one such place? Do you think its worth a try?"

The Keep -- small facts

Mungo recalls some trivia about the Keep. "I Believe the Keep's foundation to be about 160 feet wide and its squarish. I think also, it has a basement. Since we found some items in the foyer, perhaps the castle is still stocked?" says Mungo Inquisitively to the group.

Wednesday November 9th, 2005 8:40:47 PM

Podo says, "ok then lets tour the rets of the castle have Kendry draft sketches, and then retire early to begin our next journey." That's my opinion, if ya'll wanted to know.

With that Podo heads to the spiral stairs, and back to the foyer where the group ended the first part of their tour.

Wednesday November 9th, 2005 9:16:03 PM

Having watched the rear of the group, inside the castle itself, Dwight missed the major encounter with Terri.

He does however get a finaly glimpse of the ghosts and manages to keep his feet from moving him most hastily out of the keep.

"I'm for more adventure myself. Surely there are more interesting things to see here."

Thursday November 10th, 2005 3:03:10 AM

Selithe smiles and hugs her brother and nods, "don't promise to much brother, you know us girls and gifts."

Selithe moves in behind the others and follows Mungo as he gives the tour and nods in agreement on seeing more of the place also.

Airin and Fioni  d20+6=15 d20+7=18 d20+9=18
Thursday November 10th, 2005 4:56:44 AM

Airin enjoyed the tour of the Keep her mind still floathing on clouds.

Still she tries to keep her eyes open for goodies or danger yet not with the same effectiveness as usual.

spot: 15
search: 18
listen: 18

Thursday November 10th, 2005 10:33:36 AM

Aya follows the group looking about and taking in his surroundings.

Thursday November 10th, 2005 3:38:30 PM

"I'll try not to promise what I can't deliver, Selithe," Kendry answers.

As talk of the tour comes up, he suggests, "Well, let's do this in an organized fashion. Dwight - you can write and sketch, perhaps? Nothing fancy, just circles, squares, approximate sizes of rooms and the like?" If Dwight declines, Kendry asks the same of Aya and next Podo. Whoever accepts, he gives twenty sheets of parchment in a scroll case, and pen and ink. "Since there are so many of us, how about if we split into two groups?
* Dwight, Aya, Podo, Patterton and Lomar as group one;
* Selithe, Airin, Bobbles, Mungo, Morpth and I as group two.
"That way, we can cover more ground in less time. There's enough fire power in each group should trouble arise. And we won't be tripping over each other's feet. Sound good? If anyone wants to trade a spot from one group to another, speak up."

If no objections are offered, Kendry next suggests the following itinerary.
Try to stay within 160 feet of each other, and generally on the same level, or no more than one level difference.

Group One: North tower, then West tower
Group Two: East tower, then South tower

Meet together after the towers are explored and mapped. If a door is locked, just show it on the map. If major obstacles or trouble arise, then turn back if the obstacle appears too dangerous, use your best defenses and look for ways to retreat if confronted... We don't want anyone killed on this exploration, this is just for information gathering and mapping. Got it?

Group One: Search north end of the 11th level
Group Two: Search south end of the 11th level
Meet together
Group One: Search north end of the 10th level
Group Two: Search south end of the 10th level
Meet together
And so forth down to the 1st level, mapping and taking inventory as we go.
If and when all are set, then Kendry is ready to start exploring the East tower, and so forth.

Thursday November 10th, 2005 4:34:06 PM

"Er, Kendry, Do you want us to try and pick locked doors?" asks Podo of Kendry. "If so, maybe we should change the make up of the groups."

Thursday November 10th, 2005 4:47:19 PM

"Oh, well, maybe folks could do that," Kendry responds. "What do you suggest, Podo, for the group makeup?"

Dwight  d20+1=20
Thursday November 10th, 2005 5:15:57 PM

"I can try, no pointing fun at my pictures though," Dwights says as he takes the parchment and supplies.

"I can assist with opening some locks, though my success may be limited."

With that Dwight readies his bow and parchment and heads north. Realizing he can't do both, he slings his bow across his left shoulder and looks about for anything he missed up to this point. (spot 20)

The Great Work [DM JonPaul] 
Thursday November 10th, 2005 8:58:01 PM

Main Roof

Mungo suggests looking at the towers first to get a view of the overall landscape then picking a lower mid-level floor to investigate instead of seperating and meeting int he middle. "I think if you all would like to investigate a level, you approach that level from two different vantage points; say different compass point directional spiral stairs; and then work your way to the middel of the floor. Once you have an idea of how big one floor is, you might decide to come back after some research."

The uppermost Towers

Kendry following Mungo's suggestion, enters the spiral staircase once again, and finds that they do continue upwards. Pointing this out to the others, Morpth beats his to it, and flys up the spiral stairs. Before too long, he returns to explain what he has discovered.

"Well, folks, the stairs continues for two complete turns and ends in a vertical ladder whih itself leads to a trapped door. After trying the door and learning it wasn't locked I continued up it. Once I exited the trapped door, I found myself standing in the center of a 15 ft. diameter circle with a Ballista just off to one side. It was not loaded, nor did I see any ammunition anywhere in the nest."


Mungo says, "Now that Kendry and any other curious map maker has gotten the chance the explore the tower nest, what level would you like to explore before starting off to Angel Springs?"

Friday November 11th, 2005 6:31:56 AM

"Lower mid-level is your recommendation then, Mungo? Let's go with your wisdom, then. Let's try the 5th floor," Kendry says, "now that we've checked out the towers. [He would like to have each of the four towers looked at.]

Friday November 11th, 2005 9:19:44 AM

Not necessarily keen on Morpth's solo exploration, Dwight waits for his return impatiently.

Once Morpth returns, Dwight listens, but doesn't believe much of what Morpth reports based on his expression.

"5th floor is fine be me. Let's get moving we are loosing daylight and meal time is quickly approaching."

Airin and Fioni  d20+6=10 d20+7=15
Friday November 11th, 2005 12:45:03 PM

Airin marvels the once glorious Keep this must have been and keeps an eye out for goodies... or danger... still not with her usual effectiveness...

spot: 10
search: 15

Friday November 11th, 2005 3:35:21 PM

"Er, Kendry, why do you wish to visit every tower? Aren't they all the same?" asks Podo of Kendry.

"Er, Mungo? If you are familiar with this keep, why don't you tell us which specific floor has interesting things on it instead of randomly picking a floor?"

Podo obviously didn't leave the group to ait in the foyer. He is stretching while the rest of them make up their minds as to a direction to move in.

Friday November 11th, 2005 4:13:53 PM

"Well, we'll know the answer to that question once we've gone up each one, right, Pode?" Kendry responds. "C'mon, it's just three more. But it looks like we can do the towers as part of our floor exploration. But that's a good idea, there. Mungo - which floor do you suggest? If it's other than the fifth, then we'll go with your recommendation." Whichever floor he suggests, the bard goes with that. If no suggestion is forthcoming, then he'll start on the fifth. "Let's go. Split into two groups, and one will go one way, one the other. When you get to the staircase for the next tower, go up it. When we get to the diagonally opposite side, then we'll check the last tower out. Meanwhile, down to the chosen level, and let's get crackin'! Let's eat when we meet over there, all right?"

Kendry has Selithe, Airin, Bobbles, Mungo, and Morpth set out with him to search the 5th floor in a clockwise direction, as the team made up of Dwight, Aya, Podo, Patterton and Lomar search in a counter-clockwise direction. Grandma Eglantine has a very expensive water clock, which is why he knows what clockwise means.

Mungo Hardbottle [NPC] 
Friday November 11th, 2005 5:26:38 PM

"Well, Kendry, since you have rasied the question...If my memory serves me, I believe the floor we should go to to be the 7th floor." explains Mungo to Kendry.

The 7th Floor [DM JonPaul] 
Friday November 11th, 2005 8:12:46 PM

The Team
The Group

Kendry, Selithe, Airin, Bobbles, Mungo, and Morpth plus Dwight, Aya, Podo, Patterton and Lomar.

Starting in the North-Western stairwell, the group decends 4 stories (48 feet) down into the heart of the Keep.

Each level is marked by an arched doorway with closed door.

Looking around the arched doorway with door, you come to realize that the height between floor and ceiling is a bit over 12 feet.

You pick an order from amongst yourselves and upon reaching your destination door, you get set to open and walk thru.

The chosen opens the door; it is not locked; and walks into the hallway; you are facing south and west is on your right. You notice there is a faint light as if there is a flmaing torch in a sconce not far away. You know from the lack of light, there are not windows nearby; at least none that are open to allow light into the hall.

The hallway is 5 feet wide & 12 feet high. You can go immediately West, and South down the hall. East is your immediate left and it is a solid wall. You notice, if you turn West, in the hall are two doors; one straight ahead(West) some 15 feet in front of you, the one on the North wall is 5 feet in front of you.

Stepping back, and looking South down the hallway, you can see an opening 30 feet down on the Eastern wall and a door on the West from that opening, and 15 feet past that door more South, there the hall ends, but you think it turns to the West.

The walls are stone, grey, and not all that cold to the touch.

Where do you go from here?

Saturday November 12th, 2005 10:01:51 PM

Selithe looks to the others she is with and blinks as she waits to see what they do for sure. She is a gambler but rather not make decisions at the moment specially since she doesn't know what might happen.

Monday November 14th, 2005 12:19:02 AM

Kendry casts know direction in order to ascertain where true north lies (for purposes of directions and mapping).

He turns west, and sees the two doors. "Let's check out this door, first," he suggests, indicating the one on the North wall five feet away. "Then, check out the next one," and here he indicates the door 15 feet away.

"Since I'm carrying an ink pen and parchment, and sketching this stuff out, who would like to do the honors of opening the doors?" he asks.

As for marching order - Kendry's happy to be in the second rank, or third.

Two halflings easily could fit side by side in a five-foot wide hallway, but not Lomar, and Patterton might crowd a neighbor, being so big for a hobbit.

Monday November 14th, 2005 5:33:20 PM

Aya trys to open the closes door, the one on then north side of the west hall.

Dwight  d20+1=15
Monday November 14th, 2005 6:18:56 PM

Dwight continues watching the rear as the group has stayed together. (spot 15) He pays particular attention to any art work and the presence or absence of common things that would be in such a room.

Behind Door No.1 is...[DM JonPaul)JPW)] 
Monday November 14th, 2005 8:20:48 PM

Behind the Brown Door

Aya is chosen for the honor of Door Opener. He reaches out to open the door on the North wall; grabbing the knob twisting it so gingerly yet firmly, the knob moves with a fluid motion. Reaching it limits, it turns no more. Aya gives a firm but solid pull and the door begins to open.

Inside, the area is dark, but cool. With a guess, and a light source, one can tell that this latrine has not been used recently. Its clean, but well used.

Door Number 2

The next door in this hall, some 10 feet from the latrine, is different. For starters, its not brown.

Like the last door, the knob twists with easy and you can tell that this path is well used, as the floor shows signs of use.

As you begin to open the door, light begins to flood the hall.

Once open, everyone finds themselves shielding their eyes from the new found daylight.

Looking inside AyaHighlight to display spoiler: {sees a vast room; 45 feet wide by 40 feet deep mostly circular room. Four statues at compass points in the room; roughly dead center and no more than 15 feet apart. Mirrors on opposite walls, shelves, benches, and full armor racks. A large fireplace is in the North-Western corner, but not lit. Also, gazing around the room, one can see 5 large windows.}

What do you do?

Airin and Fioni  d20+6=21 d20+7=21 d20+9=20
Tuesday November 15th, 2005 9:31:45 AM

ooc: sorry for missing a post yesterday. It was a holiday, and my PC at home managed to crash 8 times while I was trying to make my posts for all boards> Eventually I managed to get out my Dirt City DM post after 2 hours and several reboots, so I called it a day... lucky holiday's over, and I'm back at work ;-)

Airin watches Aya as he opens door after door. Looks like the place is deserted.

"What are you trying to find here, love?" she asks Kendry as he wants to dig deeper and deeper into the vast keep.

Yet she needs to focus on the business now. This looks like it used to be a fairly important room in the past! Airin moves up front along with Aya. As he allready got a quick look at the room Airin expect he will stop her if they are in danger.

As she stands besides Aya, she ducks and closely inspects the room. Looking for long forgotten traps or traces of those who used to dwell in this keep.

Fioni flutters restlessly behind the group. She never enjoyed being indoors anyhow. The sight of bright daylight makes the bird eager to fly out into the open once again. However Fioni tries to resist to that call and behanve...

spot: 21
search: 21 (traps sense)
listen: 20

Aya  d20+7=14 d20+1=7
Tuesday November 15th, 2005 6:11:38 PM

Aya walks up to try and get a better look at the statues. He ponders if they have any religious meaning(knowledge religion: 14). He goes up to one and taps it on the head, "You aren't alive are you?" If they don't answer Aya will make a general search of the room (search: 7) looking for anything interesting.

Dwight  d20+1=7
Tuesday November 15th, 2005 8:50:42 PM

"It seems very odd that a keep of this size remains vacant. The idea of a huge keep that keeps itself clean, sounds good to me," Dwight laughs to himself. "After all this time, I would have expected allot more dust."

"That stone creature wasn't enough to keep everyone away. Mungo, do you recall any particular reason why the original inhabitants left?"

Dwight relaxs a bit as the rear remains clear of unexpected trouble. (spot 7)

And behind door no.2 is...[DM JonPaul] 
Tuesday November 15th, 2005 8:56:54 PM

The Training Room

Aya; first into the room; spots the statues. He also spots the four armor racks with equipment still on them. Also, he spys the shelves and their contents.

Airin salivates when her eyes catch the equipment still in the room. Airin, spots something over in the Highlight to display spoiler: { fireplace. The reminents of burned paper.}

With the rest of the halfings spilling into the room, Kendry, and Patterton almost simultaneously say aloud, "Oh! A training room! Look at those practices dummies!!"

The loot

One armor rack on the south-west is: a small chain-shirt. On the nest rack going north is a medium Darkwood shield. The next rack holds: medium half-plate. The last rack contains: Medium Light wooden shield (Masterwork).

On the shelves are various practice weaponry, nothing more than a wooden sword. In addition, you can find some equipment used to maintain the equipment in this room including some polishes.

Oh, Look! More Halflings!

Aya spins around and catches his reflection in the mirrors which hang on opposite walls and are opposite of each other. This gives the illusion of hundreds of other halflings in the same room.

The 5 windows

All around the room, almost highlighting the archecture of the room, are wall height windows onto the outside. Light spills through them onto the practice floor. Those looking can see dried blood where warriors of the past have practiced here.

Those that look through the windows can see their mounts where they left them earlier in the day.

Exits are the door you came through and in a rush, the windows.

Patterton (by Kim) 
Wednesday November 16th, 2005 3:37:44 AM

"Hey, this reminds me of the WLA in Plateau City," remarks Patterton. He picks up a wooden sword, and spins it around a couple of times just to get a feel for it. Then he lays it back down on the shelf.

"I think I'd better get outside and take care of the horses. If anybody wants to come, that's fine. Otherwise, catch you later." He retraces the steps the group took to get where they are, and back out to watch over the horses and dogs.

Wednesday November 16th, 2005 4:08:30 AM

Kendry casts detect magic, as he takes a look around the room.

Wednesday November 16th, 2005 8:58:38 AM

"wow, this is cool, this training room. Look at all the equipemtn and practice dummies. Patty, you're right, this reminds me too of the WLA place.

I wonder when the rightful owns will come back?"

Podo says of the group.

"Ok, what's the marching order, Kendry or are we going two by two down the hall?" Podo asks of Kendry; who appears to be the leader her, again.

Airin and Fioni  d20+6=23 d20+7=26 d20+9=27
Wednesday November 16th, 2005 11:29:14 AM

"WOW!", Airin says as she gazes upon the spoils in this room.

"There's burnd paper in the fireplace... Mungo, exactly how long has it been since someone dwelt in this keep? Perhaps this could become the WLA outpost in the Valley!

Isn't it odd that all these things lay here untouched?"

Airin will carefully, without touching anything just yet, examine the room and items more.

Dispite the dizzyness she first experienced as she saw herself countless times in those mirrors she tries to concentrate.

spot: 23
search: 26 (trapsense)
listen: 27

Wednesday November 16th, 2005 6:00:06 PM

No overly impressed with a training room himsef, Dwight continues to wonder why everything is left untouched. "Somethings just don't add up, even accounting for magic. I mean, how can all of this stuff be left for decades. "

Glancing at the mirrors, "Surely they would be dusty by now, the rain would have mildew growing somewhere. It seems odd that such magic would take into account every little detail for so long a time."

Still thinking , Dwight also moves over toward the fireplace. Unless someone mentions a trap, Dwight will feel for warmth from the fireplace. If it is cool, he will pull the paper from the fireplace and examine it.

Selithe  d20+3=14
Wednesday November 16th, 2005 8:31:52 PM

Selithe looks to Kendry and thinks a moment before speaking up, "Let me know and I will give you a hand with stuff."

Selithe walks around the room, glancing at stuff while pondering what else this place may hold.


Fireplace...[DM Jon-Paul (JPW)] 
Thursday November 17th, 2005 1:31:28 AM

Just a scrap

Dwight heads to the fireplace to investigate and look at the paper Airin said was in the ashes of the fireplace.

While looking at it, all the can be seen are symbols of high Woldian. (See this link: http://www.woldiangames.com/high_woldian/html/high_woldian.htm)

Mungo's knowledge

Several members of the group ask Mungo questions about the Keep and its former residence. Mungo looks upwards and his eyes quickly move up to the upper left-hand corner of his sockets as he tries to recall what he read about this place. "Folks, in all honesty, I've never really traveled much to the keep or anything else aside from the Lens. So, if there is any knowledge about who, what, where, and when, it might be in a books back in my shop." says Mungo to the assembled group. "Heck, at my age, I'mlucky I remember what I do!" Mungo says excitedly.

While Mungo tries to compose himself a crashing sound eminates from another room further down the hall. Everyone freezes in place, while the uncomfortable silence passes.

Morpth wonders if that was Patterton leaving or if the owner has come back!

Thursday November 17th, 2005 2:26:10 PM

Podo finishes looking around the room, taking nothing, decides to move along.

"Well, cuz, this is fun and all, but I think I will join Patterton and tend the animals. I always wanted to do some animal handling, so while you folks as busy up here, I will help Patterton. See ya!" says Podo to his cousin Kendry.

Podo waves to the group and hurries off following the same path, Patterton did which is to say he follws the reverse path.

Thursday November 17th, 2005 5:27:25 PM

Thinking the paper can't be that important to the keep, Dwight places it in his pouch for later consideration.

Moving closer to the windows, Dwight looks for Patterton's and Podo's reappearance outside.

Assuming they do, "Well they are safe, how about we check out the direction the noise came from."

Noises [DM JonPaul (JPW)] 
Thursday November 17th, 2005 8:16:20 PM

Yonder Noises

The group begins to hear collective noises as if someone or a group of someones are engaged in an activity.

The mounts

Before long, you see both Patterton & Podo from the training room. They are busily taking care of the animals and have also set the task of gathering fire wood for the next few meals.

Thursday November 17th, 2005 11:47:28 PM

Selithe frowns as she hears the noise and wonders to herself what it could be and only hopes that it was Patty making the noise as he left or something like that instead of a nasty fight.

Selithe does looks to the others and whispers, "Everyone should be ready just incase, I don't want anyone caught of guard like from Terri earlier."

Friday November 18th, 2005 11:56:50 AM

Apparently while looking through the training room, Kendry discerned no magic through the power of his spell (other than that carried by his friends). [Correct me if I'm mistaken, JP, and let me know if anything in the training room showed up as magic.]

"Looking for?" he answers Airin. "Well, just to see what is here. At first we thought the place totally abandoned. Now, we've found a stoney personage and ephemeral people. Is there anyone here in between those two extremes? There's a mystery here, sweetie pie, and I'd like to get at least a little better idea what has happened - and is happening - here."

"Dwight, what was that you found?" Kendry asks as their quiet friend picks up the remnants of what was burned... but right about then, he hears the nearby noise.

"Shall we check that out? Weapons ready, but at the same time, let's not appear overly hostile. Let's go." He leads the way on in the direction the noise seemed to come from.

Friday November 18th, 2005 12:51:09 PM

Wispering "Yeah, sure, lead the way Kendry" pats Kendry on the back, "I'll be right behind you."

(ooc sorry about not posting, I'm in an oprea on top of everything else i'm doing, so i'm pulling 12 to 13 hour days.)

Friday November 18th, 2005 5:44:36 PM

Taking up the rear as usual, Dwight takes a last glance around the room as everyone exits.

At the rear, Dwight focuses most of his attention high (as his friends block most of his forward view) and behind.

Airin (by Kim) 
Friday November 18th, 2005 8:19:22 PM

"Uh-huh," Airin answers Kendry when he explains why he is looking about.

"So, you picked it up, Dwight?" she asks. "What does the writing say?" If Dwight left any of the writing behind, Airin picks it up.

"Oh, onward, then?" Airin pulls out her bastard sword, and carries it behind her back, following along.

Another step...[DM JonPaul(JPW)] 
Saturday November 19th, 2005 12:10:46 PM

Another Step

The group now consisting of Kendry, Airin, Selithe, Dwight, Aya, Mungo, Morpth, Lomar, and Bobbles, line up and walk 2 abreast south down the hall.

As soon as they reach the fork in the hall, another crashing sound is heard eminating from the South-Eastern corner of the floor.

IN the hall at the fork, you can go south, east (towards the sounds), or you can open the door on your immediate right (west).

The Mounts

Patterton & Podo are enjoying the time they are spenidng with the ponies, mules, and riding dogs.

Podo ask Patterton about his friendship with Morpth and the changes that have apparently taken place since that dreadful day in the woods.


Mungo points things out to Morpth as they wander through the keep. He explains why some objects are worth more than others. Mungo seems quite happy that this opportunity has presented itself. Morpth seems very eager to learn. Apparently his taste for fighting and barbarians has been quenched.

Saturday November 19th, 2005 10:53:04 PM

Kendry heads east towards the sounds.

Airin and Fioni  d20+18=32 d20+9=15 d20+12=26 d20+7=11 d20+6=20
Monday November 21st, 2005 11:11:45 AM

ooc: thanks for covering Kim

Airin follows Kendry towards the noises. She tries to listen carefully and casts a sour face at those carrying noisy armor. She tries to tip toe as close as possible to where the noise comes from, lurking the shadows

hide: 32
listen: 15
move silently: 26
search: 11
Spot: 20

Monday November 21st, 2005 1:22:55 PM

Aya also fallows Kendry.

Monday November 21st, 2005 5:18:38 PM

Prior to leaving the room, "Yeah the paper had some writing on it, we can examine it later."


As the group moves towards the sounds, Dwight takes a quick glance at the door.

If locked, he follows the group. Otherwise, he takes a quick look inside to see if anyone is in there. "Don't want to get ambushed," he thinks aloud. If nothing is seen, he closes the door and follows the group.

Noise gets louder[DM Jon-Paul (JPW)] 
Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 2:21:01 AM

South by South West

Kendry heads towards the sound heading South by South West past the fork in the hallway as well as the door (35 feet from your original position). Continuing 15 feet South the hallway turns West. There is a door here with light spilling from underneath.

Heading West for 20 feet and the turns back south. Also, there is another doorway (opened) which shows another spiral staircase of which you are already familiar.

Dwight's Door

As the group walks past the third door since arriving on this floor, curiosity gets the better and Dwight can not resist opening the door.

Being discrete, he slowly, deliberatly opens the door and spills a great deal of sunlight into the hallway. Dwight discovers Highlight to display spoiler: {
This is a bedroom. in the North West corner is a empty clean untarnished fireplace with and empty log holder. In the North wall is a small door, which is closed.

The room is roughly 30 feet by 30 feet, but it tapers as it meets the walls of the Keep. There is a 10 feet wide Window overlooking the West side of the courtyard. Other than the standard room items, there is no one here.

The Room at the end of the Hall

It is audible, the end of the South-Western hallway holds the key to all the sounds.

Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 3:57:36 AM

Kendry continues toward the sounds.

Airin and Fioni  d20+12=18 d20+9=22 d20+6=11 d20+9=24
Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 9:39:01 AM

Airin keeps up with kendry as they are approaching the noise. She tries to identify the sound, sneaks closer and carefully listens.

move silently: 18
listen: 22
spot: 11
knowledge nature: 24

Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 5:21:51 PM

Aya keeps fallowing Kendry.

Dwight  d20+1=20 d20+4=16
Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 6:15:38 PM

Making a mental note to check back later, Dwight closes the door quietly and continues after the group.

Keeping on eye on the rear of the group, he awaits others to identify the cause of the noise.

spot 20
listen 16

Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 8:23:13 PM

(OOC:Sorry for taking so long to post everyone. My grandma was put in a home yesterday and it was a hard thing to do. Actually harder then I expected it to be.)

Selithe moves along with the others and keeps her staff ready as she wonders what might be coming up. She really hopes maybe it will not be a fight but for some reason thinks she is wrong.

Behind door #4 ...[DM JPWard] 
Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 12:10:23 AM

Behind door #4

Kendry walking steadily and earnestly in his mission to uncover the truth behind the noise at the end of the hall, walks steadily to door #4. Airin and a few others are convinced that the sound they are hearing is being caused by something or someone in a compromised position.

The C Position

Kendry asks the chosen halfling to open the door. The chosen attempts to, but the door is locked.

Whatever is in this locked room appears to be the source of the sounds. Hearing the jiggling at the door, has made the sounds increase.

Kendry (posted by Inge) 
Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 6:45:20 AM

The sight of a locked door won't stop a stubborn halfling, especially not if the noises get louder now they know we're standing on the other side of the door! He looks at Airin and asks her if she might give it a try to unlock the door.

"Careful dear," he adds in a whisper.

"Say Dwight, while Airin has a look at this door, why won't you show me that piece of paper you found earlier in that mirror room? I do know quite some languages. Who knows, I might be able to read it!"

Airin and Fioni  d20+6=13 d20+6=24 d20+7=23 d20+12=25
Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 6:57:37 AM

Airin's a bit worried as she clearly hears the noises strengthen the moment Kendry pulled the door. Someone or something knows we're out here!

"Maybe we could knock first? Whatever is in there already knows we're out here anyway."

Without waiting for an answer from her friends, Airin knocks on the door and steps back. Her sword readies in her hands behind her back.

If nothing happens, Airin will examine the door some more. Perhaps there are a few cracks or holes in it for her to take a peek.

If that search is in vain as well, she will inspect the lock, checking for possible traps, and eventually puts her sword back in its hilt and take out her tools to open the lock carefully.

"This will only take a second," Airin casually says. Ah the thrill of breaking and entering...

"Maybe someone is captured in there? But since how long then...?!?"

spot: 13
listen: 24
search: 23
Open lock: 25

Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 1:49:04 PM

Podo helps Patterton with what he remembers and hopes Patterton will help him with what he forgot about animal handling.

"Whew, these critters are a lot of work, Patty!" says Podo to Patterton.

Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 3:18:36 PM

Aya waits for the door to come open. He listens to the noises and hopes what ever is on the other side won't try and eat them.

Pop goes the weasel [DM Jon-Paul] 
Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 5:06:42 PM

Scared & Burnt

The scrap of burnt paper that Dwight hands over to Airin/Kendry to been examined contain a few High Woldian symbols.


Although the door and lock is locked without a keyhole, Airin's skill is good enough to unlock the door. Pop goes the lock!

While the door is being filed with, the sounds are more urgent.

Surprise Surprise!

And soon as the group decided to open the door, once ready and with knowledge of their plan for surprise.

The chosen door opener once again opens the door to reveal...

...a large cloud of steam! An empty and cold looking fireplace, but lots of steam. Also, in the center and roughly 25 feet in diameter is a water bath. On the exact opposite side of the room from where you stand another empty fire place.

South of you a large closed door. It is here that the sounds are eminating from. All round the walls are low benches...A steam room perhaps?

There is another closed door west of your position at the enterence door some 10 feet away and on the direct end of a peg board for hanging clothing.

There is at least 6 windows looking out onto the grounds here, so perhaps it is also a Solarium?

The room is at least 40 feet in diameter is taken from enterence to the farthest point.

The sounds are almost pleas at this point.

Podo & Patty

Podo & Patty tend to the animals and learn from each other what they were taught in WLA training.

The ponies, dogs, and other assorted animals seems to really appreciate the attnetion they have been receiving since Podo walked out of the keep.

Dwight  d20+1=19
Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 5:45:03 PM

Seeing nothing hostile inside at the moment, Dwight takes his turn to enter. Once inside, staying away from the water, he looks first at each fireplace (spot 19) for more paper or use as a hiding spot.

He then glances out each window if they are low enough to look out of.

Kendry (posted by Inge)  d20+3=15 d20+3=4 d20+6=25
Thursday November 24th, 2005 8:46:33 AM

While Airin works on the door, Kendry examines the High Woldian writings. (note to DM: Kendry can read High Woldian)

Once the door opens, he returns the pages to Dwight if he wants to.

"Hey this looks a lot like a sauna doesn't it?"
He grins to Airin with little twinkling lights in his eyes, but then realises this would be nor the time nor the place for pleasures like that. "Maybe some other day"he sighs.

He looks around the room hoping to catch some writings as Dwight attempts as well. But his mind is too distracted by the pleasant thoughts a sauna with his lady that he probably won't see writings even if they were made by giants.

spot: 15
search: 4 - NAT 1
listen: 25

Airin  d20+6=11 d20+7=27 d20+9=23
Thursday November 24th, 2005 8:50:13 AM

Airin casts a look at the other door while Dwight and Kendry examine this toom. How comes the noises got louder as they touched the door?!? Are they growing ever louder as she approached the door?!?

What's the door like? She cautiosly brings her hand closer to the door trying to feel it's warmth without touching.

She tries to determine if this door is about to burst or not. If so, she will alert her friends. If not, she examines the door.

spot: 11
search: 27 - NAT 20 !
listen: 23

Aya  d20+4=18 d20+1=9
Thursday November 24th, 2005 2:46:35 PM

Aya enters the steam room.

"Somone must have been using this room. The fires to make the steam don't lite them selvs. Then agien, it could be some kind of magic spell."

Aya looks in the water. He takes out a javlin and sticks it in to test how deep it is and tells the group what he finds.


Airin and Fioni 
Friday November 25th, 2005 8:55:09 AM

The silence before the storm... Airin's nervous. What's going to happen...

Kendry (by Inge) 
Friday November 25th, 2005 8:56:33 AM

Kendry sees Aya gaze into the water and hears him say someone must have used this room earlier. Kendry feels the same way. But who? And where did he, she or ... it go?

Friday November 25th, 2005 9:36:07 PM

As Dwight examines the fireplaces, "So did you recognize the writing on the paper? I stuffed it away when we heard the noise, for later examination, didn't mean to horde the information. If you read it now, it may help with the noise."

Saturday November 26th, 2005 1:48:55 AM

Selithe keeps her staff ready and she stays with the group, wanting to be ready if anything should happen to come and attack them or such.

While she does she glances around alittle bit more but stays near the group.

Airin and Fioni 
Monday November 28th, 2005 7:48:13 AM

with anticipation Airin gazes at the doors and the pool... this silence... it feels uncanny.

Look into the Pool! [DM Jon-Paul (JPW)] 
Monday November 28th, 2005 9:26:23 AM

The Pool

As the group begins to gather around the pool, those with keen eyes notice that the water is steaming.

Rumbles beyond the Door

For Airin: Highlight to display spoiler: { You feel no heat sources from the door or the knob. You think you can detect the sounds of someone or something trapped. }

For Kendry: Highlight to display spoiler: { The scrap of paper that Dwight handed to you show the symbols for (see emailed document). }

For the rest of the group: Highlight to display spoiler: { The bath is inviting. It has been days since anyone took a bath let alone spent time in a hot tub. }

The Charges

Podo & Patty and becoming very good at their job with the mounts, and pack animals.

Podo is becoming fond of this job and wonders if there might be a calling for this line of work.

Patterton is enjoying being able to use a skill he only recently acquired.

Airin and Fioni  d20+6=20 d20+7=15
Monday November 28th, 2005 11:34:27 AM

"Something or someone is trapped in here..." Airin whispers to her friends. "Though it doesn't speak. This worries me friends. Who or what could be trapped in here for no one knows exactly how long and survive? Friend or foe?"

Airin inspects the door some more hoping to find a key hole or something like a little opening where she can look through.

spot 20
search 15

Kendry (posted by inge) 
Monday November 28th, 2005 11:36:56 AM

Kendry closely inspects the writings.

[Inge ooc: JPW I'm posting for Kim in his absence (though it seems he'll occasionally drop by it seems) so could not see the mail you send Kim. Would you be so kind to CC that to me?]

Then he hears Airin's remarks and walks towards the door. In all languages he knows he asks:

"Who's in there? Friend or foe? What's your name and why are you trapped in there?"

Monday November 28th, 2005 12:11:37 PM

Wanting to get in the water, but not wanting to take his armor off with something behind the next door, Aya waits.

Dwight  d20+4=16
Monday November 28th, 2005 5:21:50 PM

Not finding anything in these fireplaces (OOC: I assume?), Dwight turns his attention towards the door Airin is examining. He moves over and stands next to the wall the door is on, out of Airin's way and tries to place the sound.

listen: 16

Kendry (by Kim, then back to Inge)  d20+6=15
Monday November 28th, 2005 10:21:20 PM

"Oh, it looks like the foreword to a book about the High Woldian language," Kendry says after glancing briefly at the scrap of paper that Dwight rescued from the fireplace. "Here's what it says, in essence." He translates it thus:
In ancient days when the Gods were but mere mortals, there existed a language that was already ancient. This language of symbols is all but forgotten today, but lives on in the symbols we use for the Gods, albeit in a corrupted form. This mysterious language of the ancients is the source of the Holy Symbols for Domi, Gargul and Marteaus, among others.

[If any wish to see how the text looks in High Woldian, go to http://www.woldiangames.com/high_woldian/html/high_woldian.htm]
After Airin takes her peek, if there is no clear response, then, if there is an obvious way to open the door to the next room, Kendry places the scrap of paper in a pouch, and from his knapsack withdraws a tanglefoot bag. Then he opens the door. "Hello?" If something or someone appears to be in need of a tanglefoot bag, his readied action is to fill that need (ranged touch attack vs AC 15 with bag). If it appears no one is attacking, or about to, he holds the action.

MmmMmmm [DM Jon-Paul(JPW)] 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 1:11:51 AM

Mmmm Mmmm

Dwight, Airin, and other stand in or around the specialdoor. Seems the source of all questions can be answered once this door opens.

The answers to Airin's questions come is spurts. They all start and end the same way. "Mmmm Mmmm MMMMMMMMM!!"

Finding no keyhole in which to look through, Airin is left to ponder a more direct action/solution.

Mmmm Hot Tub

For Aya, the hot water beckons to him..come relax in my beautful warmth...feel me as I wash over you taking all your troubles away...

Tuesday November 29th, 2005 1:16:56 AM

So, as stated above, Kendry opens the door.

Tuesday November 29th, 2005 10:53:28 AM

Aya stares strate into the water. Everything else around him seems to fade away like a half forgoten dream. He starts walking towards the bath, a relaxed smile on his face. He takes off his shield, qwiver, backpack, and cloak. With out even bothering to take the rest of his armor off, Aya happly slids in to the water.

Airin and Fioni 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 12:07:01 PM

Airin stands next to Kendry and he opens the door. Blade readied...

Dwight  d20+1=21
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 6:13:28 PM

"Ah, Aya? What are you doing? Your timing isn't really the best to take a bath, mostly because you don't have a towel."

Dwight watches Aya, the bath and the fireplaces as the door is opened.

spot: 21

Tuesday November 29th, 2005 6:29:21 PM

Selithe blinks and looks to the pool and the others and she wonders about this. Something just doesn't feel right to her and she speaks up to the others, "maybe we better stay away from the pool."

*Splash* [DM Jon-Paul (JPW)] 
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 1:04:08 AM


As Aya slides into a wonderfully warm and inviting bath to relax and sooth his aching body...the halfling team of Airin & Kendry throw open the door to find...

...a caged, tied, and gaged messenger. It seems to be pointing to a card and a box.


Momments into his bath, as warmth drowns out all his cares...do his newly aquired friends noticed -- aside from Dwight-- that someone is in the pool.

"Say, Aya, how is that bath feel?" asks Mungo. "See if you can find some towels, Morpth," asks Mungo of Morpth.

Wednesday November 30th, 2005 12:13:36 PM

"ah, it feels good in here. It's not like a bath every killed anyone."

Airin  d20+7=20
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 12:27:37 PM

Airin gasps as she sees the messenger all tied up. The card and the box draw her attention so she goes over it.

First she examines them from a distance (search 20) to see any danger, and then takes out the card to read that first (if there is no danger of course).

Wednesday November 30th, 2005 12:28:55 PM

Kendry nods to the man and waits for Airin to check out the box and card. If nothing serious happens he goes over to the man and removes his gag.

"Speak up friend. We mean you no harm. Slow and careful we may be, but it has kept us alive so far."

Bound & Gagged [DM Jon-Paul(JPW)] 
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 8:44:01 PM

Bound & Gagged

As the group looks onto the newly discovered captive, and to a box and a card, all is eerily quiet.

Kendry nods to the man to reassure all is alright.

Airin, being first on the scene, checks over the room to reassure herself and the others all is safe; but mostly to reassure herself.

After looking over at the box and the card... Airin reaches out for them. Reading the card...

To whom ever it may concern:

This is the package onto which you have ordered. Sorry it is late. We had some trouble finding you.

...The Catacombs

Seeing this Kendry removes the man's gag.

The Messenger

"Thanks to you kind sir. Might you be the group of halflings that ordered a wand a while back at the Catacombs? I believe Kendry & his sister ordered a wand. If you be them, the box is for you," says the newly ungagged messenger.

"As to why I am gagged and bound, I'm am not sure I can recall at this time. But if you say that you are they, I will be on my way!" says the messenger hastily.

Hot Tubbing

Aya is almost fully relaxed in the Hot Tub. Morpth finding some dry towels in a closet comes back to Mungo with the towels.

Mungo disrobes to his skivvies and enters the hot tub. Morpth also follows suite. They hang their clothes on the pegs on the wall.

Lomar and Bobbles look to Kendry for some guidance. "Dat you thinks we could use dat tub Kendry? Do we needs take clothes off?" asks Lomar of Kendry.

Wednesday November 30th, 2005 9:27:19 PM

Seeing the door has been opened, Dwight moves across the room to get a diagonal look into the room (to see captive) while still watching Aya.

"Towels barely begin to help as armor and all are wet. You'll be pickled by the time you get out and get that armor off. Besides... bathing while someone else screams seems a bit, ummm..." Dwight begins to lecture trying not to offend but trying to make his point.

Thursday December 1st, 2005 10:27:28 AM

Airin's eyes grow wider as she reads the note and then hears the man's words. She takes a look at kendry assuming he will question the man some more.

Damn that hot tub sure looks inviting... should have brought my bathing suit

Thursday December 1st, 2005 10:47:31 AM

"Help, how I'm going to help? Only so many Halflings can fit around one door and I would hardly call the muffled sounds the messenger made screaming. It's not like I could open the door even if I wanted to. Anyway, this is only a chain shirt I ware, doesn't even have sleeves." Although Aya kept his calm demenor, his face began to turn red, though whether it was from the hot bath or annoyance it was hard to tell.

Thursday December 1st, 2005 12:08:54 PM

Kendry pays attention to what was used to bind and gag the poor fellow. Rope - silk or hemp - or something else?

"Thank you, so much, good sir!" Kendry tells the Catacombs employee. "Yes it was I who paid for the item. As for who tied you up - it didn't happen to be a gargoyle, did it? Of course, if you don't recall, or were caught by surprise, then perhaps you just don't know. But yes, you are welcome to be on your way. Unless you'd like to join us for a soak in the pool before you return to your labors?"

Kendry takes the Catacombs box, and hands it to Selithe. "This is a present, for you, sis!" When she unwraps it, she will find a wand. "It shoots magic missiles, Selithe." He gives her the command word they gave him for it at the Catacombs.

He looks at the 25' wide circular pool...

"Well, it certainly looks big enough to hold all of us - including you, Lomar, and Bobbles. My suggestion? Undress to your skivvies, and slide in. Just in case, let's have two of us out of the pool, on watch. How about you and I, Airin? Someone bound and gagged this good man, so we're not alone. Once a couple of you feel like you've had a good enough soak, then maybe we can swap places, eh?" He gives Airin a wink.

Thursday December 1st, 2005 7:21:41 PM

Selithe smiles and hugs her brother before taking the wand and waving it around abit before sliding it in her belt, "Thank you brother."

Hearing her brother's suggestion she grins and pipes in, "Ohhh no you don't brother of mine. I'll wait with Airin, we girls should stick together and I'm not about to let you two in the pool together like that." Selithe gives her brother a playful push and a wink to Airin to let both know she is picking on them.

Thursday December 1st, 2005 9:31:18 PM

"er, Patty, do you have a grooming comb? Seesm the dogs has knots in their coats..." asks Podo of Patterton.

Podo goes about grooming the animals.

Skivvies Dipping [DM Jon-Paul(JPW)] 
Thursday December 1st, 2005 9:34:42 PM


Once the little man is freed of his charge, snapping his fingers, and he is gone from sight.

Skivvies Dipping

Once the japing and teasing subsides, the last two halflings; Airin & Kendry, strip down to their Skivvies and slide into the hot tub.

While in the hot tub and the others busily redressing, more noises can be heard coming from other areas of the floor! <*Crash*>

Mungo & Morpth almost simultaneously exclaim, "What's that??!" "Hey, Kendry, I guess your private time with the lady of the lake is cut short, eh?" says Mungo to Kendry. "Looks like we have some more investigating to do!" grins Mungo.

Meanwhile, at the Groomers

Patterton tells Podo he's gonna go take a nap by the fire. Podo is busy grooming the dogs and the other pack animals, that they never notice another figure slip into the keep.

Dwight  d20+1=8
Friday December 2nd, 2005 5:28:14 PM

Having soaked his feet during his leisure time, unwilling to let his guard down enough to fully soak, Dwight feels refreshed and much more prepared for the long walk ahead.

With the crash, Dwight scans the floor, ceiling and then in particular the fireplaces again. (spot 8)

<*Freeze*> [DM Jon-Paul (JPW)] 
Saturday December 3rd, 2005 11:35:26 AM


And with the sound of the crashing object setting everyone into slience mode, everyone & everything freezes in place waiting for another object to fall.

The Messenger

Anyone looking for the messenger will discover he is no longer with you in the hot tub room. One can assume he returned the way he came.

We are not alone...

Dwight quickly scans the surface of the room he is in and even the fireplace; nothing is out of place here. No fire burning, and nothing falling down the chimney onto the floor.

Mungo & Morpth look at each other saying, "Well, I think I've had enough of a soak, think I'll dry off and go investigate! Coming, Friend?"

Lomar & Bobbles having just gotten into the tub ignore anything that would have them leave the tub.

Aya is happy in the tub.

Meanwhile, in the courtyard...

Podo & Patterton are oblivious to the sounds taking place within the Keep, but they are whistling merrily while becoming more at ease in their skills.

Dwight  d20+4=21
Sunday December 4th, 2005 12:13:22 PM

Knowing objects don't just fall by themselves, Dwight moves to investigate the room the messenger was found in, and then the hall they came from.

spot: 18 (should have only added 1, not 4)

Monday December 5th, 2005 1:21:24 AM

Please that his sister is pleased, Kendry just smiles at her when she teases him.

Then comes the crashing sound.

"Oh, bother!" exclaims Kendry. "What is it this time?" He steps out of the bath, grabs a pair of the conveniently supplied towels, and hands one to Airin as he helps her step out. "I suppose we'll need to check this out, too, as you said, Mungo." He dries himself off, and dresses.

Airin and Fioni 
Monday December 5th, 2005 7:37:47 AM

Airin is greatly dissapointed her and Kendry's romantic intermezzo is suddenly interrupted. Reluctantly she lets go of Kendry and gets out of the thub to get dry and get dressed again.

"Ok, what seems to be the problem here..." she says rather irritated.
Airin turns around to the source of the noise. "If that's just another delivery and it got me out of the thub for nothing I'm going to get real angry with that delivery boy!"

Monday December 5th, 2005 7:17:02 PM

Aya injoying his bath lets out a heave sigh, and get out to investigate.

Bobbles and Lomar (by ADM Kim) 
Tuesday December 6th, 2005 2:06:18 AM

Bobbles enjoys the bath considerably. He goes under the water, and blows bubbles. The goblin lays his head sideways in the water, so his left eye is submerged, and his right eye above the water. He spins about one direction thus, then counter-rotates likewise.

Lomar scoops up large handsful of water, and pours it over his head. He sticks his tongue out to catch the descending flow. He washes behind his ears.

Observing Bobbles, the half ogre/ogre mage gives the goblin a hand-fed shower when he has nearly finished his counter rotation.

Bobbles inhales some of the unexpected flow, and begins to snort and cough. Once he has regained his breath somewhat, he slides over near Lomar, a look of goblinish concentration on his features. Pretty soon, a submerged *quink* lightly rumbles the water, and bubbles rise to the surface next to Bobbles, right by the giant.

Lomar's nose wrinkles slightly. An amused expression crosses his face. Then, he gets a look of concentration.

Directions [DM Jon-Paul(JPW)] 
Tuesday December 6th, 2005 9:12:09 AM


Mungo & Morpth look onto this display by Lomar & Bobbles with wry humor. "Very well!" says Mungo to the critters in the tub, "A fine display" laughs the two as they head out of thed room looking for the source of the recent *crash* noise.


Podo and Patterton do their continued best trying to make all the animals in their care be as comfortable as halflingly as possible.

Finishing up their tasks, the two lie on their backs, staring up at the sky and the funny shapes the clouds make.

"Patty,"says Podo, "do you think ours friends will return before dark?"

Airin  d20+6=15 d20+9=12
Tuesday December 6th, 2005 11:39:38 AM

"Answer me this! Who got me out of that thub!"

Airin does try to find out where the noise came from. After all... whatever that was disturbed her romantic intermezzo.

spot: 15
listen: 12

Tuesday December 6th, 2005 5:11:26 PM

(OOC:sorry for not posting till now everyone.)

Selithe moves to follow the others and looks around as she holds her staff in one hand and keeps a hand close to the wand her brother gave her just incase this is a fight coming up.

Tuesday December 6th, 2005 10:25:55 PM

"Let's look about," Kendry says, taking Airin's hand. He goes in the direction the sound seemed to come from, turning left or right, as the layout of the place determines.

The Library [DM JonPaul(JPW)] 
Wednesday December 7th, 2005 1:31:08 AM

The Library

Mungo, Morpth, and the rest of the gang not staying in the tub search the room and not finding anything in the tub room, head out the door and towards the source of the eerie crashing sound.

Mungo speaking to Morpth, "I think the sound didn't come from the tub room but rather somewhere else on the floor. Hey, didn't Dwight stop to look into a room prior to coming into the tub room? Maybe he knows if that sound came from that room?" "Dwight, you here? What was in that room you looked into earlier? You think that sound came from there?"

Following to the source of the noise using all their skills, the group comes to another large room, exactly opposite of the tub room on the SE corner of the floor.

Checking to see if the door is locked, Airin discovers, that the door knob is slightly warm to the touch.

Wednesday December 7th, 2005 12:47:27 PM

Aya gets out of bath and starts to dry off, then recovering his discarded equipment.

looking over at the goblen and giant Aya can't help himself and starts laughing at the pair.

"I never imagend I would ever see anything like that."

Lomar and Bobbles (ADM Kim) 
Wednesday December 7th, 2005 1:10:01 PM

"Baaaa-RUMFF!" is the sound made as Lomar's concentration pays off. The water around him roils upwards. Bobbles says, "Gahhkh!" and dives under the water, pushing himself to the other side of the pool.

Lomar settles back with a look of pleased self-satisfaction. He gives Aya a wink.

Wednesday December 7th, 2005 5:20:05 PM

Dwight is still investigating the location of the newest noise.

Airin  d20+6=24 d20+9=20 d20+12=27
Thursday December 8th, 2005 9:27:10 AM

Still angry for being disturbed earlier she wanders through the corridors with Kendry to find out where the noises came from. While they're at this she whispers in his ear "We ought to do that again some day love... without interference..."

Then she stops Kendry to listen carefully and checks the floor ahead of them to find any tracks in the dust. Carefully she continues to follow her nose if nothing comes up.

spot: 24
listen: 20
move silently: 27

Kendry  d20+3=18
Thursday December 8th, 2005 1:09:27 PM

When Airin whispers to him, Kendry smiles, and nods his head in affirmation of her suggestion.

"I'll open that door for you, if you'd like," Kendry tells Airin. If she does not object, he turns the knob, and opens the door a bit. He looks inside. If he sees no one, he opens it wider, and steps in. "Hullo?" He looks around to see if he can see the cause of the noise. [Spot: 18]

"Say, it's a library!" he announces. This is one of the best treasure rooms from the bard's perspective. "Books!"

Thursday December 8th, 2005 4:07:08 PM

You hear a disembodied voice say, "Kendry is that you?"

Seconds later you see a halfling emerge from a dark corner of the library, pulling back the hood of his cloak, and smiling. He looks vaguely familiar.

"It's me Tobias Thistlefoot Burrows. I believe we met several years back at some festival or other. Who can keep them all straight? I think I was there with my cousin Patterton."

Underneath his cloak appears to be a well-armed halfling - you see flashes of short swords, daggers, and a bow strapped over his back.

"Am I glad to see you? I thought my goose was cooked after knocking over that brazier."

Thursday December 8th, 2005 5:13:16 PM

Dwight bursts out laughing and relaxs his tense body. "We are going to give ourselves a heart attack before something kills us." He continues to laugh walking down the hall, taking a closer look at the stone walls, pictures and views from any windows.

Books! Books! Books! [DM JonPaul] 
Thursday December 8th, 2005 10:32:50 PM

The Library Proper

After Kendry opens the door, pokes his head inside and meagerly announces a greeting... a questioning halfling-like voice answers back!

Apparently, the answering voice; a one Tobias Thistlefoot Burrows -- Patterton's Cousin; knows Kendry from a past gathering.

Looks like the perfect time to get re-acquainted.

Books! Books! Books!

The room Kendry and Tobias are standing in are a spitting image of the room you just left, wit the small exception that this is a well stocked library and the fireplace is on the SE corner of the wall flanked by statues of unknown people.

Like the Hot Tub room, every place there were benches in that room, this room contains book shelves.

In the center of the room is a large desk with a high back chair its back to the large fireplace in the corner. In front of the desk are a large throw rug and 4 chairs angled to semi-wrap the desk. In fact there are a total of 3 large throw rugs that surround the desk, another large rug (some 10 feet in diameter) near the room's only door.

Ther are also some chests and a few tapestries hanging on the walls.

Mungo & Morpth

Mungo exclaims, "BOOKS! "Would you look at this room Morpth!! I never knew there were so many books in this place. Guess I'll have to come back here to investigate after the party!!" Mungo says with great excitement in his voice.

Morpth just looks around the room like a halfling fresh out of the womb.

Thursday December 8th, 2005 11:48:59 PM

Selithe hearings her brother greeting from Tobias moves forward when more room is made and sighs, "Your a lucky one you know. we could of tried killing you without even meaning to. I mean this place has been bloody strange already."

Friday December 9th, 2005 2:03:07 AM

Kendry turns with a start, hand on the hilt of his rapier. "Toe- Tobias? Why, Tobey, you old rascal!" exclaims Kendry on recognizing his distant cuz. He opens the hand that was about to draw the weapon and extends it in a hearty handshake. "Say, didn't you bet against us in the four in six in one legged race? And we won it! Thought Patterton and me and Shale mismatched, didn't you?" he teases. "Patty could carry a pair of trees if he wanted to."

Stepping back, Kendry takes a look at the armament Tobias bears. "Hmmm - prepared for a little light reading, I see. Gonna cut through those texts and get to the heart of the matter, right?" he says. Then, without giving him an chance to answer, Kendry asks, "Well, so, tell us, make a complete confession, cuz - what brings you out to Lawni's Lens? How much of this old building have you seen? You know that Patty's outside in the courtyard? He'd love to see you, no doubt. We were talking about you a few weeks back - he tells me you've been rangering around the Culverwood, last he'd heard. Any truth to that?"

Kendry certainly is excited about the books, but wants a chance to catch up with what's going on with Tobias. Then, remembering at least some of his manners, he runs his fingers through his still damp hair and says, "Oh, let me introduce you around. You've - yes - my sister, Selithe, you know her. She's grown up a bit since last we saw you, eh?"

He turns next to "Airin, this is Tobias Burrows - uh Thistlefoot Burrows. Airin Moondancer Turnbell." He squeezes her hand. "She's quite a gal."

"And here we have the learnèd and august researcher and traveler, Mungo Hardbottle, of Angel Springs. He'd been here before to Lawni's Lens, and showed us the observatory last night. We saw stars and wonders aplenty through the lens there."

He turns to another halfling. "Tobias, this is Morpth. Actually, he and Patty ... have been friends. Morpth has recently ... recently been making new plans."

"Dwight - hey, Dwight! Come back in here," he calls, sticking his head out the door into the hallway that his friend has decided to explore further. "Come and meet Tobias." Assuming Dwight does enter the Library, Kendry says, "Dwight Twiggebundler, I'd like you to meet Tobias Thistlefoot Burrows - he's a close cousin to Patterton, but our cousin, too." Kendry's eyes focus on some distant point for a moment. "I - I'll figure out the connections again pretty soon. Supposed to keep up on genealogical matters as a bard, y'know! Oh, Dwight joined up with us not too long ago. A handy fella to have around!"

"So, where's Aya? Still sittin' in the bath with Lomar and Bobbles? Well, you'll meet them soon enough. So's you don't try to attack them, I've got to warn you - Bobbles is a goblin, and Lomar an ogre. Do you speak goblin? Or the giant tongue?"

Patterton departs (by ADM Kim) 
Friday December 9th, 2005 2:33:56 AM

"Oh, yeah, they'll be coming back out," Patterton answers Podo's question. He enjoys watching the clouds passing overhead. "Look - there's a ... it's like - a pie, with a couple bites taken out of it!" he identifies one cloud. "And there's a crocodile. Alligator? See the mouth and teeth? And - well, it looks like an alligator with wings. Long tail. Crocodile?"

Patterton looks over at Podo. "I have to leave. I shouldn't have waited so long. My family needs me. Look, Podo, tell the others I'l be back with them. I'll be back with them, when the gods will. Tell Selithe." He starts to choke up. "Here," he says, taking a pouch out of his knapsack, and a large bag. "Just give her these, will ya? And don't look at it before she opens the stuff. Promise?"

Podo might notice that the bottom of the bag is damp. It feels like some kind of foliage might be inside. And the pouch feels like perhaps some jewelry. A chain? Some hard bumpy things.

He saddles his pony. "I can't stand to say goodbye again. Just... just tell them I had to go. Tell Kendry he'd better watch out for his sister, or I'll kick his, his sorry butt! I sure like that guy, but, by Wardd, sometimes he talks way too much. Tell the rest goodbye, too."

Even if Podo tries to talk him out of it, Patty remains adamant. "No. I'm just leaving." He gives Podo a firm handshake, and a gruff hug. Then he mounts the war pony, Barnabus. "Take care, Podo. See ya 'round!"

He urges Barnabus forward, and heads out the castle complex, riding eastward and out of sight.

Friday December 9th, 2005 11:20:20 AM

"Ah yes, still the Kendry I remember - talkative as ever. And, hello again Selithe. It's nice to see you too... So, you like to threaten nice, young halflings in strange castles? No wonder you've been running into lots of trouble."

"And, hello to everyone else. So, what are you all doing here?" he says passing around handshakes. "Did you say Patty is here too? It would be nice to see him again, haven't had a chance to since I got back from Culverwood. He must of been one of the halflings that I snuck past outside. I didn't get close enough to see exactly who they were."

"Kendry, as you've probably heard, my mother took ill a few months back, so I came back home for a while to tend to her. She has strengthened up nicely lately though. And, I started getting cabin-fever again -- needed a little excitement and fresh air. I've been trying to track down a book on rangering training that an old friend told me about. And, recently, I found some proof that it may be in the library of this keep. I couldn't pass up the chance for a little adventuring this close to home. So, I was looking for that book before I clumsily knocked something over."

"Did you say something about a goblin and a giant? No, I don't speak either..."

Kendry  d20+3=8 d20+3=4 d20+3=19
Friday December 9th, 2005 1:15:32 PM

"Yep, he's right outside," Kendry says at the mention of Patterton. "No, no, I hadn't heard about your mother. I'm sorry to hear that - so, she's feeling better, now? Good, good." He nods when Tobias mentions the book, and glances around at titles on the spines of the books closest to him [Spot: 8] but doesn't see anything that might fit Tobias' description.

"That's all right. Lomar speaks common. And Bobbles speaks sort of a mixture of common and halfling and goblin - he's learning. Funny guy."

As Kendry looks about the library, a thought occurs to him. "Say, if we could afford it, we might hire some scribes to come out here and copy a bunch of these books for us. Start putting together our own library. I'd want to clear it with the ghosts, so they don't bother them while they work."

He walks along the bookcases, seeing what kind of titles and topics the library covers. As he does so, he looks some more for Tobias' ranger book [Search: 4 (nat 1) - someone else will have to find the book!]. If he sees anything specifically on Lawni's Lens, however, he'll definitely take a look at that! [Search: 19]

"Should we quickly finish mapping this floor, then make dinner, take a nap, peek into the observatory again, especially for those who didn't see it last night, and head out in the morning?" he asks his friends as he glances at more titles.

Tobias  d20+4=6
Friday December 9th, 2005 7:44:50 PM

"Ahh, I'll have to tell Patterton to keep a keener eye out while on guard."

"Now, for another quick look around for that book." [Spot: 6]

Airin  d20+7=20
Saturday December 10th, 2005 5:59:00 AM

Airin smiles as Kendry and Tobias share thoughts. Then she interferes this merrymaking and kindly greets Tobias.
"Hello Tobias. I'm Airin. Nice to see you here in this deserted place! What in the name of the two suns of the Wold were you doing here all alone?!?"

Then Airin gazes around and notices all the books... a library... hmmm...

"Didn't Mungo advice me to go look through a library to find that Telperien family..."

"Say Kendry... let's take a look to see if we can find anything about a family called Telperien."

Then Airin starts to browse the books. Local hisotry... renowned families from Angel Springs... famous artists... this telperien family should be either of these.

search: 20

Tobias to Airin 
Saturday December 10th, 2005 2:17:07 PM

"Hi Airin, as I said just looking for a book on ranger training. I heard that books about a great many topics could be found in this keep. It didn't seem al that dangerous at the time (well at least before I knocked that brazier over)."

"And, I'm used to traveling light. Most of the years I spent in Culverwood, I traveled alone (when I wasn't leading merchant caravans out of the wood). It helped hone skills in moving without notice, covering my tracks, and getting in and out of situations unseen. This was going to be a quick hit - leave before anyone even knew I was here."

"Obviously being home with mother for the last few weeks has dulled my skills..."

Books: What have we here [DM Jon-Paul]  d20+2=11
Saturday December 10th, 2005 4:23:23 PM

What have we here?

Mungo heads into the library spying a particularily ancient looking tome off in some oblique corner. Looking at it with his head cocked to one side as if reading the bind of the volume.

Mungo walks over to the bookcase, gets a chair to stand on, and then reaches up for the tome he'd been staring at.

Reaching up for the tome, Mungo placing both hands on the exposed part, pulls gingerly, managing it's escape from the shelf.

Returning the chair to its former resting place, Mungo returns to the easy of a large reading roost, to examine the book carefully.

Meanwhile, the others...

While Mungo and Morpth are carefully checking out the one interesting volume their have spied, the others are also loking for books. Airin, for anything involving Elven families and the Arts, Kendry for almost anything -- Bards , you know! --, Tobias, for that special book on Rangering, Selithe and Dwight....

Mungo & Morpth Crack open the...

Mungo with Morpth assisting, unlock the clasp on the great work, and Mungo begins to read its pages.

Morpth, with complete faith in his new boss, looks on and assure Mungo, no one will interfere with his reading.

After some time, Mungo raises his hands and begins chanting...

...within moments, a red and purple mist begin to fill the room circling about the feets of all halflings in the room. Mungo continues to chant.
Morpth battle ready and with sap in hand in case other halfling attempts in interrupt his new boss.

As the others begins to notice that something is afoot, the mists ingluf them and the air begins to change...

Not in Lawni's anymore!

The group of halflings are standing outside a large city on the side of the road with their mounts. Dwight, Selithe, Airin, Kendry, Tobias, and Podo along with two riding dogs, and a mount or two fully weighted down with gear.

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