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We're off to see the Mungo...part 2 [ADM JPW] 
Tuesday August 30th, 2005 12:01:21 AM

All of you enjoy the nice easy trip to the ferry statioin to meet up with Mungo HardBottle.

As you approach you can see Mister HardBottle their with his pony packed with supplies. Looks like he's loaded for a hunting trip. You also notice that the ferry station although a wonderfully constructed building is all boarded up. There is a sign you can barely make out. (make a spot check vs. DC 10)Highlight to display spoiler: {Those that make a successful spot check make out what is left of a sign reading closed due to lack of river. }

Mungo points to the river saying "Had I known the river dwindles as you walk towards Hovel and Angel Springs...heck we could have been half way to the Lens by now!" laughing as he speaks to the group; slapping his knees.

"Since we can all cross the river now, we should probably break for a camp an hour or two after we reach the other side." suggests Mungo. He appears to have been thinking on this for a while now.

All of you make it easily across the creek for that is all the river is at this point of its journey to the bay. Two hours into your journey past the creek an overwhelming sensation for sleep overtakes the group. Podo, quick to rest chimes in that making a camp soon would be great and that themounts need to rest as they haven't journeyed in a while.

Mungo inquires about who's wants what chores.

Tuesday August 30th, 2005 12:38:00 AM

(OOC:Sorry Kim for taking so long, rl booting in the butt abit. JP and Kim, would it be possible to post my transaction here for the DM to see rather then try to email it? I will be emailing a updated copy of Selithe's CS but the less emails needing sent the better for me.)

Selithe moves along with the rest of the party, having remained silent for now as she is thinking and enjoying the company of her familiar and also her new riding dog Gra who is definetly enjoying her time out of the Catacombs.

When camp comes Selithe looks to Patty and Airin, "Hey Patty, I have a sleeping bag and such, could you set ite and Airin go get wood for a cook and camp fire?"

If Patty agres then Selithe gently grabs Airin's arm and motions to her hawk, "Come on, I want to see your hawk fly too and I'll introduce you to my familiar also while we get wood."

Patterton  d20+2=14
Tuesday August 30th, 2005 1:17:17 AM

Patty nods pleasantly to Selithe as the two girls head off in to the wood to gather wood. For just a moment he considers following them to make sure they don't run in to any danger, but decides that the two of them are more than capable of taking care of themselves. Instead, Patterton goes about setting up camp, laying down his sleeping bag next to Selithe's as well as hammering down the small tent. After that is done, he pitches in however he can, grooming and feeding the horses (handle animal =14), tending to the fire, shooing the ever increasing pack of familiars away from the food, and basically helping out however he can.

When he is satisfied with what he has done, he makes his way over to Kleel and strikes up a conversation with him. "So, ever make your way up to the Rainbow Highlands? That's where I'm from. You look as though you've seen your share of travel."

Airin and Fioni  d20+7=26
Tuesday August 30th, 2005 3:29:39 AM

"Sure Selithe ! Let's look for some dry branches."

As Airin and Selithe come closer to Selithe's dog Airin makes a few symbols in the air and whispers : "Laat me met dieren spreken" and kneels in of the Dog> Carefully she shows to the Dog and starts to ... bark to him : (for those who speak "Dog") Highlight to display spoiler: {"Now you be nice ...}" she looks up to Selithe and asks her : "What's his ... her ? ... name Selithe ?" and then continues to the Dog : Highlight to display spoiler: {"This here is Fioni, a little hawk. Maybe you are her can be best friends ? I'm Airin, and good friend of your master Selithe. That one over there is Patty ... he has a crush on your master ... be nice to him ... hehehe ... We'll have a great time together I can tell ! "}

"Nice dog" she says to Selithe.

As they prepare for camp she asks Fioni to have some sleep and then circle above them to guard the camp. If something's wrong Fioni will shriek loudly to warn the group.

Rolls :
Handle Animal : 27

Active Spells :
Speak with Animals : 2 minutes

ooc : will get a new spell list after our rest

Kendry  d20+2=3 d20+2=8 d20+2=17 d20+2=17 d20+7=24
Tuesday August 30th, 2005 4:03:38 AM

To answer Dwight's question
"Well, you know I am a bard - as is my father. He is much more experienced than I, though. But, as for what things I can do?" he begins. "Stop me anytime. I tend to get talking and sometimes forget to stop," he says with a wry smile. "Bards sing and play instruments. I play the lute and other stringed instruments, and am thinking of taking up some wind instruments, too. You've heard me sing before. Sometimes a bard's song inspires others, perhaps filling them with a wee bit of extra courage and even skill. Or, if a screetching harpy were to assault our ears, I might be able to provide a countersong that would prevent her evil noisy assault from harming us.

"I know some spells. Among them, of the beginning level, are: Detect magic, know direction, mage hand, message, prestidigitation and read magic. Three of these a day can I cast. Of the first order spells, I know cure light wounds, feather fall, and expeditious retreat. Two a day can I cast of these.

"I've bits and pieces of knowledge about the arcane, bardic lore, history - local and general, of nature and religion. I speak and write halfling, common, elfish, giant, sylvan, goblin, sign language, draconic, high Woldian, and aurun.

"I fight with rapier, and composite shortbow, mainly. As you know, I just learned the bastard sword. And tanglefoot bags are among my favorite things to throw.

"I was born in, and lived for some time in the Culverwood. Don't seem to get lost there as much as some folk do. You can get twisted around some, though."

Kendry then turns to Dwight. "All right, I've done so for you. Now can you name me some of the spells that you can cast, and what skills have you learned in life, that fit with the ways of the adventurer?"

At the ... Riverbed
"So - when did the Peaseblossom dry up?!" Kendry wonders in astonishment. "Was this just over the past few days? Is it part of Ebryon's doing?" This seems very odd to the bard. Though the river's flow will change with the seasons, he has never seen nor heard of it ceasing altogether. He asks Mungo if he has heard of the river drying up before in his lifetime.

Not fully trusting the riverbed - what if there are sinkholes, quicksand or mud? - Kendry's crossing is tentative. He is relieved once they complete the crossing, and marks in his mind the path they took across.

Laying in for the night
"I'll set up the cooking pots," Kendry volunteers. "We've got two of them. One I bought off of an inn a couple fortnights ago. The other I just bought today." He looks about for six reasonably stout sticks he can use for tripods. Each pot he hangs from one tripod, building side-by-side fires with the wood the young women hobbits provide. One he fills with water. The other some water, and fixings for a stew.

Kendry gets out a couple hundred feet of hempen rope, and starts to take the time, as Airin did the other day, to set up a trip wire about the perimeter. However, in his first attempt, he manages to get a chunk of the rope all tangled up (natural 1 on Rope Use check - with additional checks of 8, 17 and 17). He works on this, and works on it, and finally unravels it. He then finally gets in a rhythm, and sets the rope about six to ten inches off the ground as a trip wire, concealed where he can conceal it, around the encampment. He leaves two openings where people can walk through without having to step over the raised rope.

"Who wants to dig a privy pit?" he asks as he attends to the warming stew. He provides his shovel to whoever volunteers.

He also indicates he has two tents. Knowing the local weather patterns pretty well [Knowledge: Nature 24], he will pitch both tents if it looks likely to rain. If not, he pitches only the smaller tent, into which he places the packs and gear he removed from the horses.

As Kendry attends to these various tasks, he talks to Cheann, working with him, playing with him a little bit. [I am assuming that Airin cast speak with animals when she and Selithe were off by themselves gathering wood.] He feeds Cheann and the ponies, and thanks Patterton for his attention to the ponies. Once Selithe and Airin are back, he lets his sister know he has food for Gra, too.

As he earlier worked on the trip rope, he found a few flowers, which he makes into a pretty bouquet, and ties together with strings of grass. This he shyly gives to Airin at some point. "Was just thinking of you."

He interacts with everyone in range at camp, checking to see how they are doing. He asks Mungo what the looking glasses are like at Lawni's Lens.

Kendry finds himself yawning more than usual. As they sit down to eat - he passes out bowls full of stew and mugs to all - his weariness comes upon him strongly. He forces himself to finish one bowl, but does not return for seconds, as is his wont. He takes out his lute and plays a quiet song or two.

"Sorry, friends. I'm bushed. If you don't mind, I'm hitting the hay. I'll take third or forth watch, if that's all right." Kendry bundles himself up in his blanket, next to the tent.

Aside for DM - Did the party note any animals about on this side of the river, today?

Tuesday August 30th, 2005 6:45:07 AM

When Airin returns and gets the flowers from Kendry she's taken completely off guard, blushes and stammers

"I .. we ... gee Kendry ... thanks ... they're beautiful ... "

She quickly turns away.

Later that night when they all go to bed, you can see Airin sleeping happily with a broad smile upon her face, the flowers still in her hand close to her face so she smells their lovely scent ...

Tuesday August 30th, 2005 8:41:40 AM

"Well, Patty, I have traveled outside alot, but only into the deeper recesses of the Culverwood. I learned the ways of the woods while there, where the druids and rangers roam. What is this Rainbow place you speak of? Lots of mountains there?"
Kleel chats with Kendry a bit, while helping with the meal, to learn about this Lens device, then passes around a flask of some hobbit-made 'shine to warm Mungo, Kendry, Patty, Podo, and Dwight. The girls are out in the woods, and what they don't know isn't going to hurt them.
After the meal, he takes the pans and other utensils and scrubs them clean before stowing them away. He whistles up Lefty, donates leftovers to the badger and the dogs, then sets his bedroll towards the edge of the camp, on the southern side.
"I am bushed from my day of drinking spirits! 'Night Kendry. 'Night Patty. 'Night Podo. 'Night Airin. 'Night Selithe. 'Night Dwight. Try to get some rest everyone, its not like we are in the middle of a war out here."
Lefty grooms his paws a bit, sniffs around the ground for a clean area, and curls up several feet from Kleel, at the edge of the camp. Kleel is quickly out like a light.

Patterton  d20+6=7
Tuesday August 30th, 2005 3:10:58 PM

Patty gladly accepts the spirits that Kleel offers, but sips only enough to brush off the chill night air. After everyone chats up for a while and supper is served, Patterton decides to keep the first watch. He finds a suitable tree and thinks about scaling it, but after his first attempt, decides against it (natural 1! These things are contagious!). Instead, he sits at the base of tree with his crossbow loaded.

After his watch is over, he wakes Dwight to relieve him and makes his way into the tent with Selithe, careful not to awaken her.

Tuesday August 30th, 2005 11:00:37 PM

Dwight listens with interest as Kendry explains how bardic lore works. And ponders whether or not he could learn to play and instrument.

He smiles recalling a past attempt. "I once found a flute, and tried for a month to play the smallest of songs. I may have been closer, but my brothers couldn't take it anymore so they hid my flute. Pa would have been mad had they broken it. Instead they buried it in a field. Eventually I managed to find it, but the weather had taken its toll and it wouldn't play a note. I had managed to save some money by then and decided to buy some drums instead. It's one of the few times my brothers begged for mercy as I began playing it before sunrise each morning." He chuckles to himself.

"I wish my adventuring was more diverse. I've mostly stayed out of the way, and watched from the shadows. In the past I've managed to help some folks, though they don't know it. Simple things really, though not necessarily legal. I've taken from those that had to give to those who didn't, nothing worst than that. I'm no crook."

"I tend to prefer the shortbow," seen over his shoulder (mastercraft). "and should I need to the daggers on my belt. As for spells, I'm still working on that. The best I've managed is a headache. It's a small interest of mine, so I keep trying."

(OOC: I'd love to write more tonight, trying to make my post longer, but I'm exhausted...)

Dwight will again volunteer for privy diggin' as he prefers to be the first to use it.

Turning Away [ADM JPW] 
Tuesday August 30th, 2005 11:32:28 PM

[Turning Away

Mungo grins, chuckles and then tells Kendry, "You're a funny Bard, my friend... That river you are speaking of is not the Peasebottom. Its the Crescent River! Its always been this way...on either end its a river of note, but here in the middle...it is as you see it.

Weird Dreams

Everyone regardless of task during the night, receives this dream even though some of you will swear it is real...

...Ebyron's smile was both indulgent and condescending.

Both emotions failed to register in his handsome eyes however, as though the eyes knew the true odds.

"All this time," he began, "I knew you'd cling to that crown. My dear Queen, did you think I would not anticipate this? Did you entertain the foolish notion that I would come meekly? Be your puppet?"
The satyr king gave a sharp stamp of his cloven hoof, and nearby branches veered away fearfully, only to return, swooning, as Ebyron stretched wide his arms.
"See the power I have! See nature's love for me! You have neither the right, nor the strength to deny me!"
He turned slowly, his arms still outstretched, his fingers beckoning. Energy gathered there at those fingertips - a wisp of flame, a tiny cloud of sand; drops of moisture and the tiniest, perfect little whirlwind.

And with such small gestures, the entire Wold came to rest - no wind, no rain, no fire, no tremors of earth.

The elements gathered around their king, cloaking him in a strange mist.
"You want me tame and compliant, my Queen?" came his voice through the billowing cloud. "Then first, you must catch me."

The blast came with no warning, bringing with it a power that only Maab could withstand without falling. Across continents, dwindled fires burst to life again, blasting outward. Seas and lakes thrashed, the earth quaked, and howling winds tore at everything in their path.
Fragments burst from the cloud, being the essence of Ebyron, torn into a multitude of pieces and carried away by the elements.

In moments, it was over. But not before the fae queen had acted swiftly, gathering light into tiny, dazzling stars.
"Show me," she urged.
Hot on the heels of the fragments of Ebyron, the stars hurtled outward.
"You can't hide," she whispered. "Not from me. Now, show them. Let your own power betray you."
It took seconds for each pin point of light to reach it's destination, and once done, change trajectory and converge...

Within the walls of the Cathedral of Light, in the middle of Plateau City, the Room of Artifacts suddenly burst into life. The source? Ebron's orb, so recently brought back, at great risk and loss of life, from a time gone by. Colours and shapes reflected on the walls, and light surrounding the orb grew outward, becoming the great disks of the Wold. Pin points of brilliance flickered here and there, scattered across the Land.
Here lies Ebyron. Here. And here.

Back in the Valley, the Fae Queen Maab uncurled her fingers and looked down into the palm of her hand. Three small acorns lay there, all three enscribed with a unique rune - LIVE, SLEEP, DIE.
"The choice you should have made, will now be left to others," she said, her voice tainted with a raw sadness. "Let the runes grow where they may. I have done all I can. I can do no more."

The three acorns dropped listlessly from her hand, where the ground swallowed them, and their power spread. ...

You all awake from your sleep, foggy with awe and disbelief...

Those of you that have the constituion to shake off the dream (skill check; Con) can hear in the background a humble tune...and singing...

In darkness we do what we can
In daylight we're oblivion
Our hearts so raw and clear
Are turning away, turning away from here

On the water we have walked
Like the fearless child
What was fastened we've unlocked
Revealing wondrous wild
And in search of confirmation
We have jumped into the fire
And scrambled with our burning feet
Through uncontrolled desire

In darkness we do what we can
In daylight we're oblivion
Our hearts so raw and clear
Are turning away, turning away from here

There's a well upon the hill
From our ancient past
Where an age is standing
Still holding strong and fast
And there's those that try to tame it
And to carve it into stone
Ah but words cannot extinguish it
However hard they're thrown

In darkness we do what we can
In daylight we're oblivion
Our hearts so raw and clear
Are turning away, turning away from here

On Loch Etive they have worked
With their highland dreams
By Kilcrennan they have nourished
In the mountain streams
And in searching for acceptance
They had given it away
Only the children of their children know
The price they had to pay

In darkness we do what we can
In daylight we're oblivion
Our hearts so raw and clear
Are turning away, turning away from here ...

Kleel  d20=1
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 11:55:58 AM

"...Live, Sleep, Die...", mumbles Kleel as he raises his head. He props up on his hands and looks around warily, as if he thinks danger is near.
Lefty snorts and huffs as he awakes, and glances at Kleel as if for an explanation as to why he's waking everyone.
"Natural disasters was right," says Kleel a little more quietly, "Earthquakes, floods, fire explosions, and windstorms? If the animals are sensing this coming, that would be one reason for their disappearance. Although I have no idea where they would go for safety." As others awake, he tells them of his dream. He asks the others if they know any thing about Fae Queen Maab, and what acorns with runes of LIVE, SLEEP, or DIE might be for. "Surely, those aren't for people? I think maybe this dream could be our only warning of troubled times."
Kleel gets some water boiling for coffee, and passes around mugs of the steaming brew to the others, curious as to what they think of his dream.

0-LEVEL (4+1):Light, Cure Minor Woundsx3, Create Water
1st LEVEL (2+1): Speak With Animals, Cure Light Woundsx2
2nd LEVEL (1+1): Summon Swarm, Fog Cloud

Airin and Fioni  d20+2=21 d20+3=21
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 12:11:11 PM

Although Airin went to bed with some really happy thoughts and the flowers in her hand she sleeps most uncomfortable and has this crazy dream ...

as she regains conciousness she hears a faint song somewhere in the distance. She immediately turns around hoping to figure out from what direction the song came ...

Then slowly she crawls from her bedroll and in shock realises Ebryon wasn't dead !!! If this dream tells the future - or the past - or the present - is unknown to Airin yet it IS disturbing to see Ebryon pop up in her dreams again.

Then she listens to Kleel.

"hmm ... I seem to have had the very same dream Kleel. I thought it was the incense of these flowers ... Did you hear that song too ? The moment you woke up ? ... or am I loosing it ?"

she turns to the others and asks : "Did you have the same dream too ? Then maybe this wasn't a dream but more like a vision ... something from the past, present or future ..."

Airin thinks hoping to capture something she may have heard somewhere ... (made int roll)

Rolls "
Constitution roll : 21
Intelligence roll : 21

Patterton  d20+2=5
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 1:26:44 PM

Patty blinks awake, scanning the others as it is obvious that something is bothering them. He snags a mug of coffee and sits up, looking at Airin as she speaks.

"I guess we ALL had the same dream, or nightmare as the case may be...I'm no Sage, but it's obvious that Ebyron is growing more powerful than before if these visions are to be believed. As for the acorns, I know which one I would choose if it were up to me...." Patty scowls and forcefully pokes the embers of last night's fire with a stick.

Constitution roll= 5

Kendry  d20=15 d20+8=12 d20+8=19 d20+6=16
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 2:30:57 PM

Kendry's sense of history and of bardic lore spring to life as the dream goes through his sleeping mind. He knows he is dreaming - or having a vision. He attends to each detail and, as the vision draws to a close, he forces himself awake (constitution check 15). Taking pen and ink and parchment from the backpack lying next to him, he is about to begin writing down a description of the dream, when he hears the beginning of a song softly sung. He calls out with a forceful voice, yet not loud, "Awaken, friends. Company is near." He gets up quickly, seeking with his ears the source of the singing (Listen: 16), walking as far as the edge of the camp to where the rope is suspended.

He jots the words to the song on the paper, and writes quickly some of the images and highlights from the dream, then places ink, pen and parchment back in his pack. Listening to his friends, he understands they all shared the dream. "No time to waste - let us prepare for the day. Learn your spells, sharpen your blades." Kendry gets out trail rations for all, for a nourishing and quick, but not hot, breakfast. He ponders the dream and the lyrics.

"What would be the consequences of each decision - live, sleep, die? What, if to live, Ebryon were to agree to change, to repent? What what it do to the fae, to the Wold, if the King of the Fae were to die? One could argue that his actions merit death. On the other hand, the most conservative choice may be to have him return to sleep."

Bardic knowledge roll 12 to recall Lake Etive, bardic knowledge roll 19 to recall Kilcrennan. Which highlands?

Selithe  d20+2=5
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 3:16:03 PM


Selithe frowns in her sleep and once the dream is over she sits up in bed and growls, upset at all this and not liking the funny feeling she has.

She moves out to be with the others and gently lays a hand on Patty's shoulder, "I'm really growing tired of the dang fae king...I mean does he have to plaque our dreams too." Selithe sighs and sits down next to Patty as she lets out a deep sigh, "I'm not the most knowledge wizardess in the Wold of course but I wonder if this is some type of quest or something....I mean the orb or whatever...we suppose to find it, make a choice..something?"

Podo  d20=15
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 4:23:27 PM

Podo awakes with a start, sweating and panting as if awoken from some great nightmare. "Where are you ...daemon!" shrieks Podo into the abyss as if he's sleepwalking.

Moments later daylight hits him full in the face bringing him into the present. "My gosh! Patty, Kleel!" says Podo. Looking left, right , down exclaims "Lefty! -- did you see them? The acorns, the Runes! It was all soo real! Hey, who's singing that great tune?" asks Podo as if he just returned to the group from aways.

Podo begins to sing the tune...

In darkness we do what we can
In daylight we're oblivion
Our hearts so raw and clear
Are turning away, turning away from here

Dwight  d20=9
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 10:35:34 PM

Dwight rolls out of bed slowly, it takes a moment for him to realize the camp isn't actually under attack physically. Mentally he holds his head and tries to makes sense of the images from the dream and the song continues.

As others begin to busy themselves, Dwight continues to sit in his bedroll, clutching a dagger tight. He mumbles a bit with "Nightmares I expected after real adventuring, evasion into my dreams was not," being the first understandable sentence.

"Live, Sleep, Die...repenting is beyond Ebryon's ability, he doesn't see any flaws in his path. Surely he has slept since the druids took over. Perhaps he needs to die. Not that I for killing, but his intentions of killing others was noteably clear."

Dwight continues to think aloud, but remains in his bedroll.

That Tune! [ADM JPW] 
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 11:45:24 PM

That Tune!

Aside from the fact that Podo is humming the tune and apparently has already learned the chorus, the song continues...

Those that look for the source of the song, will find Mungo Hardbottle singing it on the edge of the camp while sitting on a log, playing a stringed instrument. He appears lost in time -- he doesn't see anyone staring at him. He continues to play the song.

A short while later he stops, looking up at the group. (those looking at him make a spot check vs. DC 10; Highlight to display spoiler: {Those that take the time to pay attention to Mungo can see a single tear spill from his eye. }

Bardic knowledge

Kendry makes mention of specific words of Mungo's song, but nothing comes to mind.

Mungo says to Kendry "..in a long ago land...I learned of these places...I was moved upon waking and crafted this song as the long dead haunted my wakings. As for if these places exists, I know not."

Lawni's Lens

Mungo suggests to the assembled group, that they waste not time in sharing their collective experiences from the wold of sleep. He expresses his belief that the answers they seek must lies with the Lens and that anytime wasted might be one less chance they have to resolve their buring questions.

Thursday September 1st, 2005 1:30:12 AM

Selithe looks to Dwight and shrugs her shoulds before popping in her two cents, "I say we make judgement later after we do as Mungo commented on. All though I'm not sure about the who kill him thing...just have to see I suppose."

Selithe looks down at the fire, not really happy with how they seem to be pulled along through all this but also not sure what the best course of action would be considering what if some of the things said hold some weight...what if the fae king has his reasons and maybe good reasons for lashing out but he is taking abit far or something...she just doesn't know.

(JP:I sent the charactersheet out but noticed yahoo bounced it back on me so I will be tring again later today to get it to you. For the moment I will hold off on the familiar till you get done with you researching :) .)

Airin and Fioni  d20+4=20 d20+10=29 d20+10=27 d20+25=44 d20+20=35 d20+16=36
Thursday September 1st, 2005 10:42:50 AM

Airin feels most strange to see Mungo singing this odd song. Somehow she doesn't trust him ...

Carefully she get's up again and prepares for the day. She does not like the way Mungo urges them to move on. It feels like he's leading them to their downfall ... if that dream they shared had the slightest truth in it then Ebryon still lives - or at least pieces of him. She does not want to encounter him again !

Carefully she inspects Mungo, makes a few small incantations towards him (detect magic)

Once they are back on track, Airin will take flanking positions once more. 20ft to the right of the group keeping an eye out on their movement and looking for danger. The silence from the woods will engulf her and she will be less distracted from the party's noise. Blending into the forest there's little chance for her own friends to see or hear her, but they will know she's there.

Fioni circling above them up in the sky, also looking for danger reassures them of her presence.

Should they close in on Lawny's Lens, Fioni will fly ahead and scout that place before the group get's there. Should there be someone waiting for them, she will come back to Airin right away. (DM's free to deny Fioni this option)

sense motive : 20
spot : 29
listen : 27
Hide : 44
Move Silently : 35
Fioni Spot : 36 - NAT 20

Spell's used for Today
Detect Magic on Mungo

Dwight  d20+1=12 d20+6=16
Thursday September 1st, 2005 5:56:30 PM

Dwight struggles separating both the dream from the song. Not being a morning person he has a hard time remembering when one ended and the other began. Eventually, when Mungo is realized to be the singer of the song he wonders if Mungo's songs are like Kenry's songs. Poetic, pretty and mystical.

With the mention of continuing, Dwight moves out of his bedroll and prepares to move. "Answers need to be found before more questions arise and they won't get answered here," he says through slightly gritted teeth. Dwight, now fully awake is in a foul mood. Not only is the dream, song disturbing to him mentally, physically his back is stiff from a protruding root he slept on.

Once the group sets out, Dwight listens to other talk among themselves and continues to watch for anyone following them in the rear. He will wait to see if anyone arrives at the camp directly after they leave.

spot: 12
listen: 16 (behind the group)

Kleel  d20+8=27
Thursday September 1st, 2005 7:04:47 PM

Lefty has disappeared off into the woods, so Kleel wanders out a bit into the trees. After twenty minutes or so, the pair return, Kleel carrying his bucket in his hands. Inside of the bucket is a multitude of dark red berries.(survival 27)
"Hey everyone, I got some fresh picked berries from a patch Lefty found over a ways. Take some if you like. Later, we can mash them up and throw them on some bread!"
Lefty ambles alongside, sniffing up in the direction of the bucket as Kleel walks into camp.
He gets his bedroll secured in his pack, passes out some berries, and has one last cup of coffee. As the group sets forth on their journey, Kleel and Lefty walk up alongside Mungo.
"Hey Mungo, I see you play an instrument. I would never have thought you such a talented hobbit. I am curious as to what made you want to seek the Lens in the first place. You been there before?"

Kendry  d20+3=20
Thursday September 1st, 2005 9:55:59 PM

"If repentance is beyond Ebryon's ability," Kendry addresses Dwight's musings, "then how is it that Gargul himself, once surely a wicked power - guilty of much evil against the people of the Wold - changed his heart? I now pray to him, from time to time. If I thought he were now as once he was, never would I bother to do so. I do not say Ebryon will repent - which word itself means to change one's mind, to change one's way of thinking, and with it, one's heart - but, if he should start to see the folly of some of his ways, you think nothing in the Wold could move him to change? Again, I do not say that he will. But I hope that he does." Then he sighs. "And if he does not - then die, or sleep..." Kendry collects the rope that surrounds the camp.

Kendry does note the tear in Mungo's eye. Later, along the trail, he asks for an interpretation of the song.

"So, Bobbles, Lomar. Did you dream a dream last night?" he asks the nine- or ten-foot tall ogre/ogre mage with them. "You, Bobbles, did sleep good? Did have dreams?" he asks in goblin as he feeds the animals.

As they set forth to continue their march toward Lawni's Lens, Kendry begins to form in his mind a poem - a song? - based on the shared dream. Riding in the middle of the group, he seems self absorbed for the nonce.

Podo  d100=71 d20+2=14
Thursday September 1st, 2005 10:24:25 PM

Podo walks towards Mungo wanting a few words with him.

"So how is it you travel by yourself?" "How did you become a seer of sorts?"

The Magical Mystical Mungo [ADM JPW]  d100=5 d20+2=12 d20+5=10 d20+5=18 d20+5=8 d20+5=15 d20+5=16 d20+5=12 d20+5=6 d20+5=6 d20-2=13 d20+2=20
Thursday September 1st, 2005 11:15:12 PM

The Magical Mystical Mungo

"Friends, I am sorry if my song has disturbed you. I didn't receive any strange dreams last night... perhaps I am not worthy? The song was a song that was written not by me but by a once famous bard from long ago... whose name escapes me now... I'll have to look it up when I get back to my shoppe. I'll send word to you Kendry if you'd like to know, once I rediscover it myself."

Airin and Fioni

Airin, her most paranoid ways casts that lovely spells on their host only to find that there is a slight aura about him, but it could be just one of the items he wears about him.

[OCC: how long do you expect to keep the spell active and centered on him?]

Fioni detects a small scury about directly in front of her...she goes in for a closer look...you sense a strong desire coming from Fioni.


Sore and stiff, tried and hungry, Dwight tries his best to detect sounds coming from behind his group. Nothing noticable can be detected. You friends, companions -- both animal & monsters, make the detection quite difficult.


Kleel's skill in woodland survival is of special note. He bring back a large bucket overflowing with berries to share with the group.

As Kleel and Mungo walk together, Kleel asks a few questions of Mungo, like "I am curious as to what made you want to seek the Lens in the first place. You been there before?" Mungo replies, "Yes, in my younger exploring adventuring days, I visited the Lens. Its amazing construct, amazing."

Podo slides up to the pair and asks, "So how is it you travel by yourself?" "How did you become a seer of sorts?" Mungo smiles and then chuckles, "A seer? You believe me to be a seer? Wow, Podo Danderfluff Pipewood, I am honored that you would say such a thing as that. You flatter me with your questions. I am not a seer; a sage maybe, give me another 100 years I might come close. I travel along because it is my business to be alone. My staff need to watch the shoppe. And as for protection and defensive/offensive equipment, I have a few items that can help!" As he says this, he looks towards Airin. When she catches him looking at her, he winks back.

Old Trader's Road

As the group approaches the Old Trader's Road, north of the Crescent Tickle, sounds can be heard in the distance. Mungo stops in his tracks and listens...

Patterton  d20+2=4
Friday September 2nd, 2005 2:46:11 AM

Patty also reigns Barnabus in as the sounds are heard, cocking an ear in the direction of the noises(Listen= 4), but the noise of all of the ponies proves to be too loud for him. Instead, he removes his bastard sword from his back and lays it across his lap, preparing for the worst if need be.

Friday September 2nd, 2005 3:22:24 AM

"I wonder where the acorns our dream revealed will be found," Kendry muses. "And who will find them?"

He says to the group, "Say, if anyone spots an oak tree, let us know. One good place to get acorns."

Airin [woodland stride, detect magic]  d20+6=11 d20+9=21 d20+12=30 d20+18=22 d20+16=31 d20+2=14
Friday September 2nd, 2005 7:56:35 AM

ooc : made a small mistake in my previous post ... I used Airins' DFR 3 char sheet to check the skill rolls ... she hasn't got a +25 on hide just yet (only a meager + 18 ;-) )! Sorry.

As Airin noticed the magical aura that surrounds Mungo she is somewhat intrigued by him. "Is he hiding something ?" she thinks to herself. Let's see what else we can find out - and she continues to concentrate on Mungo as well.

Then she senses soemthing is up with Fioni. If she's not within Airins' sight she can't do much about her ... "Hurry back Fioni" she thinks whispers faintly hoping the tiny hawk will listen to her and report back what she has seen ...

The only path is the one leading forward ... still right of her friends she stradles through the forest.

Rolls :
spot 11
listen 21
move silently 30
hide 22
spot Fioni 31
concentration : 14 (to keep the detect magic working)

Active spells :
detect magic on Mungo : 108 sec remaining

Kleel  d20+6=16
Friday September 2nd, 2005 8:35:23 AM

Kleel pauses along with Mungo and closes his eyes, focusing his ears on the alien sounds in the distance. Lefty takes several steps before realizing that he has lost Kleel. He turns his head and freezes, chuffing at Kleel. He sets his furry bottom on the ground and begins raising his paw in the air towards Kleel, as if waving at his halfling friend.
When Kleel opens his eyes and sees Lefty, he gives the badger a wry grin and tosses some berries through the air. Lefty snaps them up in quick succession.
"Well, I have spent sometime out in the wild, so maybe I missed something. You fellows seem like you are waging war on a battlefield. What's with all the tripwires, sneaking around, and drawing weapons all the time? Has life in the Valley been that intense?"

Dwight  d20+7=21 d20+7=20 d20+4=6 d20+1=16
Friday September 2nd, 2005 5:38:53 PM

Seeing the group before him slow, stop and listen, Dwight backtracks a little (about 75')to be sure nothing silent is coming from behind.

As he moves away, he bow gracefully comes off his shoulder and his notched with an arrow.

Hide: 21
Move silently:20
Spot: 16

Friday September 2nd, 2005 10:32:09 PM

(Kim: Can you email me the stats for Gra the riding dog please and thank you.) [Just did - Kim]

Selithe moves along riding Gra and glancing around as she goes, not really looking for anything exactly but enjoying the time outside and with everyone she knows and trusts in the group.

Selithe does keep herself ready just incase anything happens.

(JP:Just checking, did you happen to get Selithe's CS I sent out? Wanting to check so I can resend if I need.)

Saturday September 3rd, 2005 12:17:31 AM

Podo asks the group if anyone knows how much futher it is to this place Lawni's Lens?

Who's is Lawni Anyways? [ADM JPW] 
Saturday September 3rd, 2005 12:18:33 AM

Who's is Lawni Anyways?

Mungo freezes for about a minute, before he continues his pace. " I could have sworn I heard a strange ringing sound...like wind through silver bells. Oh well...must be my adavnced age playing tricks on me." says Mungo.

"Podo sir, we should be within sight of the Lens within a day, if not by nightfall I would think!"


You sense that your companion's desire is overwhelming her. She lets out a shrieking deathcry and dives at high speed towards the ground!

For Airins eyes only: Highlight to display spoiler: {You detect many many magical auras. The most potent one surrounds him. You have 18 rounds to go one this spell; each round being 6 seconds. Make a concentration check each round you are doing the detect magic and worrying about your companion.}


Podo explains to Kleel that since the birth of the Fae King, everyone has been on edge; specially since the group and Patterton lost one of their members to it!


For Selithe's eyes only: Highlight to display spoiler: { OCC: Sure go ahead and send it again. I like email. /OCC.

As Airin's Companion enters into an action, your companion wants to play too!

Everyone else is on edge. You all know the Fae King is alive and kicking at least thats what you feel deep inside and that dream did not help stiffle the feeling.

Saturday September 3rd, 2005 7:47:55 AM

Patty nods to Podo and turns to Kleel. "Aye, and with nature running wild...well, wilder then usual at any rate, it's a good idea to stay on your toes. Don't want to run into any more crystal sunflowers or prehaps some Hobbit eating cornstalks unaware."

Saturday September 3rd, 2005 8:30:20 AM

"Well, I suppose whatever makes you feel comfortable. I am not certain that we are dealing with a hostile force though. Whatever it is we WERE following, it left Aunt Marigold's without doing any serious damage. So it wasn't out to kill, I don't think. Throwing vegetables generally isn't the most successful way of winning a war. As for this Ebryon...I think he's a bit more powerful than we could handle. That druid was the one who stopped him. If he was out to get us, I'd just take off running."
"Its important to remember that when fighting monsters, you don't become one yourself."
Kleel quiets down, worried that some of the other halflings might take his commentary personnally.
"Please excuse me, I'm being overly critical. Here, everyone have a little sip of some spirits to ease your nerves. It's some fine elven stuff, though a bit stronger than wine."
Kleel produces a flask and offers a sip to each member of the party.

Saturday September 3rd, 2005 11:52:23 AM

"Thanks Kleel, I'll have a sip. Did you make it or did you buy it from an alehouse?" wonders Podo as he awaits the flask.

Saturday September 3rd, 2005 5:40:06 PM

"I wish I could make this stuff, Podo...No, its a little elvish concoction that is passed around out in the deeper parts of the wood by an elvish ranger. You'll like it, though it's best to try a little at a time. Otherwise, you could end up crawling on all fours and barking like a dog."

Kendry  d20+3=21 d20+6=16 d20+6=14 d20+2=3 d20+2=20 d20+3=9 d20+6=26 d20+8=20
Sunday September 4th, 2005 12:04:11 AM

[Spot oak tree (if there is one to be spotted): 21 (seeking source of acorns)]

"Thanks, Kleel," Kendry says to the proferred beverage. He takes no more than a single sip, just to catch the flavor. "No more for me. As you indicated, no need to get tipsy at a time like this."

"Airin - you have the wand of cure light wounds that Odo gave you, right?" Kendry asks her. "Can you show me where you keep it, just in case something happens?" Odo had told him the command word, too, so he makes sure that all in the party also know the wand's command word, in case its healing power is needed in he near future.

He takes out of one of the saddle bags the net he recently bought. "Patty - try throwing this thing over me a couple of times." Kendry knows that his friend does not usually use a net, but figures it wouldn't hurt for him to give it a try. Kendry - once he disentangles himself from the barbed net - and looks with dismay at what it does to his clothes, reciprocates, and tosses it over Patty once. No - he totally misses (thrown weapon +6, -4 non-proficiency penalty, 1d20+2=3, nat 1) as he catches himself in it. After again getting himself out of it, he tries it again - AC 20! He then helps his friend out of it. "You want to carry it?" He offers the net to Patterton.

The bard strings his compound short bow, enjoying the craftsmanship that went into it. To help warm up, he fires two arrows in succession at the trunk of a tree maybe forty feet off the path they walk. [Hit AC 16, 14]

He grabs his quiver of cold iron arrows. He has them at the ready. As Fioni cries out, he goes ahead and nocks his bow with a cold iron arrow.

"You suppose we'll find the walking thatch out here?" he asks his companions. He gives his dog, Cheann, a scratch behind the ears, but then gets down to paying close attention to what goes on about him. Well, at least he listens quite attentively [Spot: 9. Listen: 26 (nat 20)].

He also puts together the clues that they have had so far. 'Walking thatch.' Rotten vegetation. What kind of creature could that be [Bardic knowledge: 20]?

Sunday September 4th, 2005 12:28:12 AM

Patterton cocks an eye at Kleel as they trudge on and shakes his head. "I need not remind you, friend, that we few were the ones that first encountered Ebryon...in this age at least. I think you'd do best to listen and take heed when we warn you of what he is capable of. Flying vegetables are one thing, but what if we run into another like that one in the shed? The Culverwood may seem a safe place to you, as you seem to have an affinity for animals, but if you saw what we did, you would not be so cavalier. The Elder Druid did indeed sacrifice his life for ours and we were lucky to escape with our skins intact. You can take your chances if you'd like, however, I think I'll keep my blade close at hand, thank you." Patterton leads Barnabus steadily onwards.

Sunday September 4th, 2005 4:05:21 AM

"Forgive me Patty, I was mostly just passing time. We all carry weapons with us. Curiousity gets the better of my manners on occasion."

Whats that sound... [ADM JPW] 
Sunday September 4th, 2005 4:17:41 PM

What's that Sounds?!?

Airin gets the sensation that her companion has entered into a dive attempting to make a kill.

FOR AIRIN's EYES ONLY:Highlight to display spoiler: { as for as thedetect magic spellis concerned, its ended. Unless Airin has ranks in Spellcraft, then she won't be able to figure out the school of magic involved; all she'll be able to tell is that there's something about this person (Mungo) that's magical. It could be a Bless, or Endure Elements, or Mage Armor, or any of a dozen perfectly unremarkable "buff" spells. }

Everyone make a spot check; DC 5 Highlight to display spoiler: {
Those that can see Airin's Familiar sees the bird take a extreme dive towards the ground! You can guess that the hawk is 100 yards in front of you!


Fioni ignores her companion as her mind is set on ..food. The hawk can't recall the last time she hunted in the open for a good clean kill. Now, the hawk salivates as she swoops in for a bite. Benether he just a few feet closer...a rodent is also in her talons! I'll just sweep down and pull this meal out of the silvery grass its lying in.

The Meal

As a hawk swoops down to grab a rodent lying in silvery swaying grass...

Sunday September 4th, 2005 5:02:00 PM

Podo enjoys the small swig he takes of the beverage offered. Swishing it around in his mouth quietly, Podo begins to feel the warm tingely heat spread through out his cheeks and tongue. Swallowing it slowly, Podo feel the warm liquid warm first his throat, then his tummy, then his whole body begins to warm to its pleasure. "Kleel, I can see how one would savor such a beverage as this. Thank you for the opportunity to try this nice treat."

Sunday September 4th, 2005 8:15:07 PM

Covering his mouth to surpress a yawn, Kleels eyes are drawn to the swooping form of the hawk.
"Go get 'em, killer."

Sunday September 4th, 2005 10:17:54 PM

"Well, there are some animals for you, Mungo," Kendry remarks as the birds attack their prey.

Though it is broad daylight, Kendry takes out a torch, and a tindertwig. Just has them handy. Well, sort of. Torch under his right arm. Bow and nocked arrow held with left hand. The tindertwig he holds between his little and ring finger on the right hand.

While still holding the torch under his arm, he licks the tip of his index finger, and holds it up - but not real high, lest he drop the torch - to determine what direction the wind is blowing.

Airin and Fioni  d20+6=8 d20+9=10 d20+12=25 d20+18=36
Monday September 5th, 2005 7:09:19 AM

ooc : since when do we have weekend posts ?!? Why did the detect magic end ? Was it because I did not roll a concentration check ... wasn't able to ...

"FIONI GET BACK HERE ! Airin mentally yells to the Hawk. That's pure insubordination !!

Airin's worried Fioni might pick something from the ground that isn't supposed to be eaten and takes on a quicker pace. Hoping to get there as soon as possible. All she cares for is to get to Fioni as fast as possible - no longer can she hear anything else but the shuffeling of the leaves and the brances beneath her feet.

ooc : Acting for Fioni is out of my hands here. She's in the DM's hands it seems ... please be kind to her. She only recently recovered from a nasty thud on her head ... ;-)

Rolls :
hide : 36 (-5 for going faster)
move silently : 25 (-5 for going faster)
spot :8
listen :10 (nat 1)

Monday September 5th, 2005 9:35:37 AM

"Well, Airin, animal companions aren't really servants. They're still animals with free will. They just kind of like those with nature's blessing enough to follow them around on occasion.
Lefty over here, he only listens to me when he feels like it. It's more of a friendship. Would you try to order your friend not to eat a biscuit?" Kleel offers Airin a polite smile and hopes she doesn't take offense.

Monday September 5th, 2005 10:19:07 AM

"yeah I know Kleel ... yet that was not in Fioni's instruction manual ! And even though she's great she doesn't come with a refund"

She returns his smile as she spurs to get after the crazy bird.

Monday September 5th, 2005 6:14:12 PM

Selithe frowns when she sees Airin rushing ahead and just ncase she pats Gar on the head and speaks gently to her riding dog, "Come on Gar, follow Airin now. Just incase."

Selithe will hurry after Airin but at a slight distance since the hawk is Airin's and Selithe knows little of animal companions.

Monday September 5th, 2005 9:55:19 PM

Kendry follows quickly after Airin, riding Cheann. He goes, if he can, off to her left.

Lieutenant Kleel  d100+50=62
Monday September 5th, 2005 10:12:24 PM

Aware of the Charlie's propensity for ambush in the hot jungle, Lieutenant Kleel signals to the radioman to come hither. The radio is set to the preset freqency, and Lieutenant Kleel send to HQ, "HQ, this is Red Team. We have a possible Charlie situation. Call for an airstrike at coordinates 58 degrees, 12 minutes north, 30 degrees, 8 minutes east. Possibility of anti-aircraft implacements should be noted. Red Team will assume a scorpion formation and advance post-airstrike, Over."

OOC: Roll for Airstrike Damage = 62

A Free Gift! [ADM JPW]  d100=72 d100=8
Tuesday September 6th, 2005 12:02:13 AM

A Free Gift

Everyone runs to where Fioni is hovering just past the forest clearing and 10 or so feet from a large patch of swaying silvery grass. As Airin appraoches Fioni, Fioni drops the sick rodent at her feet and flys up into a nearby tree on a large sturdy branch. The Hawk screeches a loud awarning to all.

Those that look at the rodent notice that the Hawk did not harm the animal. Ther are no piercings by talon on the animal. (Druids make a skill check -- Nature Knowledge & Intelligence vs. DC 5 -- Those that make it: Highlight to display spoiler: { Upon closer examination of the animal, you notice it is sick. You can almost swear this animal is sick to its stomach. How Odd?!}

For Airin Only: Highlight to display spoiler: { Your spell Detect magic only lasted 2 minutes as stated by you. Although a round is 6 seconds, it is assumed that when the whole group makes actions per night, that it takes more time then 2 minutes. I allowed you to keep the spell going for 2 nights -- maybe that was my fault/failure to mentioned it earlier, but in either case you have detected that Mungo is glowing all over. The glow is an overwhleming aura. Your spell doesn't give you any more infomration that that I am afraid. }

Airin and Fioni  d20+9=26 d20+3=16 d20+9=24 d20+6=22 d20+9=15
Tuesday September 6th, 2005 3:04:27 AM

ooc : ADM JPW, could you please add DC's when we have to roll for certain things ? Knowledge Nature & Intelligence ... against what DC ?

Airin beacons Fioni to come and land on her arm. Slowly she checks up on Fioni and is happy the hawk didn't eat from the sick animal.

"This rodent is ill", Airin says to her friends, "it didn't die because of Fioni nor due to some other animal ... something else killed it. It could have been something it has eaten ... "

Having said this Airin checks the silvery grass. If nothing's to be seen she'll simply pick up the animal with her gloves on (making sure she doesn't touch it with her bare hands), takes the dagger from under her left sleave, and cut open the belly of the rodent to see what's in it's stomach.

Rolls :
Knowledge Nature : 26 - good enough I think :-)
Intelligence : 16 - don't know about this ...
Knowledge Nature : 24 (disecting the rodent)
Spot : 22
Listen : 15

Tuesday September 6th, 2005 12:43:26 PM

After a glance at the rodent, Patty shrugs. "Well, it's a good thing Fioni didn't eat that one then, eh? Want me to put it out of it's misery or do you want to try and heal it?"

Kendry  d20+7=15
Tuesday September 6th, 2005 8:02:51 PM

"Perhaps we should skirt the grass?" Kendry asks the others. "I don't know whether contact with the grass, or eating it, or something else made the little critter ill. As long as we take precautions, and don't let one thing drive us into something worse..."

[Knowledge nature: 15 (druids are not the only ones with this skill)]

Tuesday September 6th, 2005 9:45:36 PM

Selithe frowns when she hears and looks over the situation. After listening to most people's comments she speaks up, "The grass should be atleast looked at. The rodent is small so poison or such could easily kill it I would figure and we are much larger then it. I can move ahead and look while the rest of you watch my back."

Tuesday September 6th, 2005 11:13:38 PM

"What do you make of this Mungo?" says Podo. "What's with all this bizzarre stuff going on here in the forest?!? Have you ever seen anything like this?" says Podo loudly.

I think I'll scaddle towards the rear of the group just in case something gets us form the back while we are distracted from the front. "Besides, with all these animals, and such, there's no room in the front!" mumbles Podo as he waits for the group to pass him by so he can take a defensive position in the rear of the group. While waiting, Podo counts the number in his group. "Let's see, there's Dwight, Selithe, Kleel, Airin, Kendry, Patterton, me, Bobbles, Lomar, Gra, the other dog, what's her name again, Lefty, Fioni, and Mungo. Am I missing anyone?" wonders Podo aloud.

Tuesday September 6th, 2005 11:21:51 PM


As Airin picks up the rodent, Airin discovers much to her surprise, that the rodent is not dead. The rodent thrashes about trying to get Airin to drop it. While Airin is startled by this new development, she is also startled by the sounds of someone speaking harshly to her!


Fioni Speaks!

Meanwhile, Fioni flys down from her pearch upon yonder branch gently coming to rest on Airin's shoulder as she has done many times before. While on her shoulder, Fioni does her best to distract Airin; she bobs her head up and down while looking at Kendry while flapping her wings and squawking.

Mungo Speaks

"Well, Podo, I'm not entirely sure to be honest. If one would think himself wise, then I would have to take into account the strange behavoirs of the various animals assembled here, as well as the once sick rodent. Of course, you would also need to take into account all the recent string of events as well. I think you mention something about rotten vegetation a little while ago and something about ambulatory corn. You all have mentioned the King of the Fae was on the loose as well." Mungo tells Podo.

"For me, not being anything but a simple merchant, I will go the long ways to the lens." says Mungo to Podo.

Airin (HP28 / AC21) and Fioni (HP8 / AC17)  d20+6=21 d20+9=28 d20+18=22 d20+9=15 d20+7=10
Wednesday September 7th, 2005 3:10:57 AM

Airin is surprised by the struggleing rodent and she drops it to the ground (ref save 10). She watches the rodent as it most likely gets out of there.

Then she turns to Fioni : "Ok talk to me Fioni"

As she sees how Fioni reacts to Kendry's remarks to skirt the grass, Airin turns to her companions : "No one touch that grass ! No one move any further till we know more about all this !"
Then again Airin casts a Speak with Animals spell (she always has a speak with animals and hide from animals spell on her list).

"Fioni, what did you see ? What's wrong with the grass ? Who did you see ? Do you know what happend to this little rodent ?!?"

Then someone warns Airin to stay away ! Quickly she warns the others to be on guard !

"Someone or ... something is out there friends ! It warned us to stay away or be killed !! We'd better be carefull. Fioni, would you mind flying over the field and checking things out for us ? Come back in a hurry - I won't be able to speak to you for long ... hurry Fioni."

The strangest thing is that even though this warning was given out loud, no one else but Airin heard it ?!? Was it that rodent that somehow spoke to her ? Was it some ... voice she heard in her head ?!?

Hoping to talk to whatever or whoever is warning her she says :
"Who are you ? Where are you ?"

Airin's instincts warn her to take her Bastard Sword in her hands and prepare for the worst. This tall grass will most likely block her eyesight to fight with her crossbow ...

Then she takes out a vial from her backpack and swallows its content. Suddenly there's a light shimmer around her. As if this new protection could ward of all attacks ...

"I have 3 more of these should anyone want one ... It gives magical protection ..."

Rolls :
Spot : 21
listen : 28
Hide : 22
Knowledge Nature : 15
Reflex save : 10

Active Spells :
Speak with Animals : 2 minutes
Mage Armor : 3 hours / AC+4

Wednesday September 7th, 2005 7:33:16 AM

A strange calm has come over kleel of late. After a period of silence, he stops walking with the rest of you.
"Friends...I am returning back to the wood. Things have gone beyond what I expected. Good luck on your venture. Kendry, take care of these guys, and good luck with your stories and songs. You ought to get a book published. Patty, may your armor keep you safe."
Kleel whistles, and Lefty scampers over. With a quick salute, Kleel turns and ventures back into the woods with Lefty at his side, heading into the forest towards the Culverwood.

Dwight  d20+4=14 d20+1=15 d20+1=18 d20+6=9 d6=5
Wednesday September 7th, 2005 7:47:25 PM

Dwight stands and watches the various animals interact with their owners, and it amazed the hawk didn't eat or kill the rat.

As others investigate, Dwight stays on the edge of earshot listening (14). "I'm not a druid or anything, but it seems a bit odd that a single rat would be in the forest. I thought they liked inns, taverns and storage bins."

With bow in hand, Dwight scans (spot:15) for movement among the grass. If anything is seen he announces it to the others, and takes careful aim (though he doesn't fire until the thing can be identified). Otherswise he looks for a low hanging branch to get a better view of the grass. (spot: 18)

If he needs to fire: att(9), dmg:5

Wednesday September 7th, 2005 10:15:07 PM

Podo looks at Kleel and Lefty walk right past him into the forest. Podo waves to them. "Come back soon! We'll miss you!" Podo says to them as they pass.

"Are you ok, Airin? You sure, you're not coming down with some weird sickness? You're much too jumpy. Maybe you should stop and collect yourself." suggests Podo to Airin.

"Airin, Look at yourself! You have drawn your weapon, drank some potion and now you glimer, and where is the enemy? Maybe you scared Kleel and Lefty! I think you are over reacting. If anything you have just displayed to the ememy you mean to fight to the death, nice move slick!" says Podo to Airin.

Podo backs up taking a defensive position.

Patterton  d20+2=19
Thursday September 8th, 2005 12:11:11 AM

Patty reigns Barnabus around and even further away from the grass as the chaos insues. 'What is she on about?' he wonders, looking at Airin as she apparently panics. He hefts his sword onto his shoulder and scans the trees for trouble.

(spot = 19)

Silver Blades [ADM JPW] 
Thursday September 8th, 2005 12:51:44 AM

Silver Blades


Airin drops the rodent and both Airin and the rodent hit the ground running in opposite directions. The rodent runs straight back into the forest and Airin runs in a tight but small circle like someone afraid of rodents.

Fioni & Airin -- The conversation
Airin weaves a great spell that allows her to communicate more effctively with her animal companion; Fioni. She learns from Fioni all that Fioni can manage to relate...Highlight to display spoiler: {Friend, I was soaring through the air when I spotted a potential meal, swooshing in for a close view I saw the small meal struggling with the silver blades. Then the meal stopped struggling, the blades wrapped around it...squeezng it...I saved it...and drop it on you as your gift.}

Afterwards; Spookied

After the heart to heart chat with Fioni, Airin appears spooked but then begins to warn her other companions of danger. She appear to ready herself for battle...grabs a potion drinking it in a swell swoop, grab and draws her battle blade...readies a battlestance as she scans the plains for the enemy...

Movement in the Grass

As the lot of you approach Airin's position, and thus closer to the patch of grass ahead of you, this is waht you see...It appears to be normal grass: Its long, green blades have a faint silver tint.

All of you within 25 feet of the grassy patch hear this...Highlight to display spoiler: {A soft rustling sound emanates from a spot nearby as a patch of silvery grass surges forward like a carpet of worms.}

Mungo's Retreat

As Mungo watches Airin's reactions to unseen actions, and staying true to his words; that which he said to Podo prior; Mungo mentions to the group, "I have a meeting to keep, I must go on ahead of you. See you at the lens..." With that Mungo, takes his pack animal, his gear, and himself, and walks due west until he can circumvent the grass and then heads due North.

The group watches Mungo fade into the horizon, then turns back to deal with the present danger.

Airin (HP28 / AC21) and Fioni (HP8 / AC17)  d20+7=26 d20+9=22 d20+6=13 d20+9=14
Thursday September 8th, 2005 3:33:52 AM

Airin talks to Fioni and is worried about what she has seen. But then she sees Kleel leave and hears Podo's unpleasant remarks ...

"what", she sneers at Podo, "You dare to tell me I am too jumpy - that I'm too paranoid ! You tell me I scared Kleel with my actions ! By all means my friend walk straight through this lovely meadow and I will gladly watch you going through ! What Fioni here told me IS something you should at least listen to and worry about ! ... "

If only she did not see that odd patch and did not hear that faint sound she would scowl some more at Podo ! Oh yes she IS paranoid, but it has kept her alive !!

For those who speak Bird : Highlight to display spoiler: {"fly Fioni, fly above this field of grass ... I may loose my ability to speak to you soon, but if ever you see something dangerous, shriek loud pointing in the direction where the danger is ... ok ? ... no go ! - you did fantastic my little friend. Don't you listen to that ignorent one ..."}

With that Airin lifts her arm and sends Fioni up into the sky.

She casts one last look at Podo inviting him to taunt her again and letting him take the front to go straight through this odd grass ... she will definetely not follow him if he does ... (but she will stop him if he tries to go in as well - only that's not something they can see in her eyes) ...

Rolls :
Handle Fioni : 26
Knowledge Nature : 22
Spot : 13
listen : 14

Active Spells :
Speak with Animals : 108 seconds
Mage Armor : 2 hours 59' 54" / AC+4

OOC : Airin is now pretty angry at Podo, but only in game of course. Oho - he stepped in the lady's toes :-D

Thursday September 8th, 2005 6:00:28 PM

(OOC:Sorry for not posting everyone.)

Selithe looks to everyone and frowns abit and quickly speaks up, "Come on everyone, we have possible danger breathing down our necks, argueing and being mad can wait okay."

Selithe readies her staff for the moment while watching to see what might come.

(OOC:Okay I have a question for everyone in game. I'm considering PrC's for Selithe to go to when she obtains the levels and have come to the conclusion on two so I want player or even DM opinion. I was thinking Arcane Trickster considering the halfling multi classing penalties or the Mystic Thurge since we have no cleric in the group at the moment.)

Kendry  d20+7=27 d20+6=23 d20+6=19 d6=5 d6=6 d4+2=6
Thursday September 8th, 2005 6:52:54 PM

"Kleel - I hardly got to know you! Well, may those above grant you good favor. I hope we shall meet again. Thanks to you and Lefty for helping to get us this far," Kendry says to the departing druid. "I truly am sorry to see you go. I admire your initiative."

Now to deal with the other matter at hand: "So now, Airin, this grass just threatened your life??" asks Kendry. "That's it, then."

[Wilderness survival: 27 (nat 20)] Kendry, taking a look about, gauging the stillness of the air, the relative moisture in the atmosphere, the distance from the trees, and the size of the silvery grass, and its proximity, urges Cheann closer. The arrow he returns to its quiver, and the bow he places around his chest. He pulls out a flask. "Stand back, friends." He lights his tindertwig, and in turn lights his torch. "You threatened my friend. Now we reciprocate. Let us be, or you shall die," he warns.
If safe passage you allow,
Then let you live we shall.
If treachery be your way,
Then you'll see not the end of day.
If the grass creature responds aggressively, then Kendry throws the alchemist's fire in the center of the moving mass [AC 23, ranged touch attack, fire damage 5 (and 6 more fire damage next round)], followed by the lit torch [AC 19, ranged touch attack, d4+2=6 hp blunt weapon damage plus 1 hp fire damage] along the closer edge.

If the plant creature appears subdued or open to negotiations, then he will hold his actions.

Dwight  d20+1=5 d20+4=15
Thursday September 8th, 2005 10:01:51 PM

Standing further back, Dwight watches as the groups attention is split as some leave, and others focus on the grass.

Looking at the grass (roughly 30' from the beginning of it), Dwight still sees nothing to release his arrow upon. (spot 5)

Still listening behind the group (listen 15), Dwight watches Mungo head towards Lens. "Hmmm, I hope he's not the only one who knows how to get to Lens."

Thursday September 8th, 2005 10:55:48 PM

Podo giggles, snickers, then begins to laugh. He laughs so hard, he falls to his knees. The laughter continues to the point he is helpless and rolling around on the forest floor. This bout of laughter continues for at least some five minutes. When finished, Podo stand upright, shakes the dirt and leaves off of himself and then asks Airin if she could repeat that last statement as he has forgotten what she wanted of him.

Its only Grass! [ADM JPW] 
Thursday September 8th, 2005 11:11:24 PM

Its only Grass!

Grass being grass makes no movement what so ever. It doesn't speak, talk, create signs, nothing...as if you imaged the entire episode.

Tensions run high

Tension are running high in the hobbit group. Some feel they are being pushed into a date with destiny some do not want to face, if that meeting is to be with the Fae King.

Airin the Paranoid barks harsh words to the groups only Monk, Podo. Podo copes the only way he knows how, by laughing at the entire situation.

The groups Bard, Kendry is willing to burn the grassy patch to the ground instead of walking around the patch.

Mungo, at a loss for words left the group, walked around the patch and headed north supposedly to meet his destiny on time.

The rest of the group, Lomar, Bobbles, Gra, Chenna, Barabus, Fioni, Dwight, and Selithe await their fearless leaders decisions patiently.

More Rotten Vegetation

Those that make a spot check vs. DC 5; can see Highlight to display spoiler: {that in the same direction Mungo took, there is a smoewhat greater trail of rotten vegetation much like what you found prior to meeting Mungo Hardbottle in the woods all those nights ago.}

Airin and Fioni  d20+6=14 d20+9=11
Friday September 9th, 2005 3:08:07 AM

Airin watches Podo's reaction to all this and can't help but starts to laugh too. This really is to stupid for words ... Through the tears of her laughing she sees Podo getting up again asking what she was on abaout ... with only a second wave of laughing as a result !

"Bah", she says eventually, "Something did kill or paralise that rodents earlier, and I'm definetely not going through the grass. But ... it looks like Mungo there knows where he's going. Let's follow in his trail. Besides, it appears that rotten thingie went that way too."

Rolls :
Spot : 14
Listen : 11

Kendry  d20+3=17
Friday September 9th, 2005 3:36:31 AM

"Thank you. That is better, silver grass. I shall let you be, then, as you have chosen to settle down." Not caring that some might think him silly to threaten or talk to grass - Kendry believes what Airin told him, and is pleased to note that the approaching blades have stopped their movement - he turns Cheann around to see what Airin is talking about - and to observe Podo and Airin laughing to beat the band. He smiles at their hilarity.

He notes the spot [Spot: 17] pointed out by his friend. "Well, then - let us pick up this path, and see where it leads."

He finds, or makes, a spot of dirt on the ground some distance from the rodent grass, and uses it to extinguish his torch. Next he takes Cheann over to the rotting vegetation, and has his dog sniff it. He encourages Selithe to do likewise with Gra. "Follow that scent, boy. Follow that scent." He takes the lead rope of his lead pony. Turning to his friends, he asks, "Shall we go this way?" If none object, the musician heads down this new path.

Lomar (by Kim) 
Friday September 9th, 2005 3:39:17 AM

The half ogre/ogre mage brings up the rear of the party. He has not been talkative so far on this outing.

Patterton HP 28 AC 20  d20+2=22
Friday September 9th, 2005 3:45:03 PM

Patty pays little attention to the bickering and resulting laughter of his friends. Instead, he keeps his eyes peeled for any sign of danger and hangs back on the road, preparing to charge any threats that appear.(Spot = natural 20!) He notices the path of rotten plants at the same time Kendry does and gestures towards it with his sword. He then rides alond with his cousin.

Dwight  d20+1=6 d20+1=12
Friday September 9th, 2005 9:55:06 PM

"Rotten vegatation," Dwight mumbles (finally spotting something with a 6)"almost makes me loose my appetite."

As the group begins to move, Dwight loosen his arrow and climbs down the low hanging branch. Double checking that nothing is coming from behind (spot:12), Dwight looks forward to finding some good books in Lens.

Podo  d20+2=22
Friday September 9th, 2005 10:14:37 PM

Podo looks in the direction everyone else looked in to get find the rotten matter. (spot = 22; Nat 20!)

Seeing it, Podo asks of the group, "Ok kids, now that the plan has been decided are we gonna catch up with Mungo and go with him to the Lens or and we gonna follow the rotting vegetable matter?"

"I for one wish to get there already!" says Podo to no one in particular. "I really wish I could just take a few to relax."

Onward to the Lens! [ADM JPW] 
Saturday September 10th, 2005 1:01:32 AM

Onward to the Lens!

Now that the group has determined the next portion of their journey, the group heads off after Mungo HardBottle in the direction of the Lawni's Lens and the trail of decaying vegetation.

An hour after leaving behind the patch of mysterious silvery grass, the group begins to notice in the horizon a large hill or even a small mountain rising in the distance.

An hour later, you all catch up to Mungo HardBottle and his mount. When asked about the Mountain, Mungo says, "I thought you all knew! The Lens in on the top of a small mountain! Its not that bad, its about 4,167 feet above the valley floor. Its very old, I'd say!".

Sunday September 11th, 2005 4:53:33 AM

Patty pats Barnabus on the neck. "I hope you're up for a bit of a climb, pal."

Monday September 12th, 2005 5:50:15 AM

"Hmmm - that would be just shy of fourteen hundred hobbits stacked standing one on top of the other," Kendry calculates. "Well, the exercise should be good. Any people out there?" he asks Mungo.

This halfling keeps his eyes out for any oak trees, as he thinks back to the meaning of the dream. If he finds an oak, he'll spend a few minutes looking for acorns.

Airin [woodland stride / mage armor] and Fioni  d20+6=8 d20+9=29
Monday September 12th, 2005 6:49:25 AM

Airin follows the trail with the others and ... can't resist but sticks her tongue out to Podo smiling at him ...

Then she tries to find back her wits and checks the trail for dangers.

Rolls :
spot : 8
listen : 29 - nat 20 !

Active spells
Mage armor : 1 hour left according to DM post

Lawni's Lens [ADM JPW] 
Monday September 12th, 2005 9:19:07 AM

Lawni's Lens

As you all catch up to Mungo, and on the Horizon begin to catch sight of the famed Lawni's Lens, Mungo reaches into his Mount's packs and withdraws a large scroll case. Opening the case, he pulls forth a large ancient parchment containing what he refers to as the illustration of "Lawni's Lens". He says its very old, but that he felt it would alveiate some of your apprehensions if you understod where you where headed.

Mungo passes the parchment around for all to see and once all have gazed at it, he allows Kendry to draft as best he can a copy of it before placing it back into the case and storing it once again.

Kendry  d20+3=5 d20+3=17
Monday September 12th, 2005 6:25:21 PM

Kendry takes advantage of Mungo's kind offer, and begins to sketch a copy of the document. But the first draft is turning out poorly - so he takes out a fresh parchment, and renders a bit better, if not a skillful, copy of the drawing of Lawni's Lens.

"So, it looks like there must be people there. Halflings, like us?" he asks.

And Kendry still keeps an eye out for any oak trees. There's got to be some about here somewhere, what with all the ground they've covered.

Monday September 12th, 2005 9:38:09 PM

(OOC:I didn't see no group comments about my PrC choices so I just picked one and will get the character to you JP. I hope to have it out tomorrow and I found out what was wrong with my email atleast too.)

Selithe pets Gar and keeps moving with the others. She remains silent as she does, watching the surroundings as she goes and wondering about things also.

Monday September 12th, 2005 10:31:43 PM

Patty glances at the map for just a moment and then nods before passing it on to Dwight. He then dismounts and does a few stretches while gauging the climb.

Wow! Look at that! [ADM JPW] 
Tuesday September 13th, 2005 12:12:21 AM

Wow! Look at That!

As the group looks at boths the illustrations and the image rise up out of the earth as they approach it, all but Mungo are in awe!

Mungo explains that although the overall height is 4167 feet, it is not an uphill battle. "As you can see in the illustration, one side are rolling hills and thus as you follow the path, you also climb!"


As your group approaches your destination, Trees line your way, they are of all kinds including Oak, but of those Oaks, no acorns yet.

Rotten Green Stuff

In the fields you cut through, the farms you realize are still tended although no farmers can be seen, clumps of rotting vegetation is strewn here, there, and everywhere. Almost as if rotting things had a food fight recently...

Lomar (ADM Kim) 
Tuesday September 13th, 2005 4:45:48 AM

Along the way, Lomar picks up some good-sized stones to place in one of his big bags he carries at his hip. He looks over the drawing that Mungo shared.

He hums some tunes as he walks along at the rear of the party.

Tuesday September 13th, 2005 4:47:57 AM

"Looks like the aftermath at Marigold's place. Eyes and ears alert, friends," Kendry encourages. He again prepares his bow, and nocks a cold iron-tipped arrow.

Airin [Woodland Stride / Mage Armor] and Fioni  d20+7=23 d20+12=28 d20+18=33 d20+6=14 d20+9=17 d20+9=26 d20+16=34
Tuesday September 13th, 2005 7:28:54 AM

Airin gazes at the fantastic view of Lawni's Lens. This isn't at all what she expected to see !

"Who is this Lawni ? What is this place ?" she asks Mungo.

She agrees with Kendry and turns to her own jumpy self now checking out the area, the rotten veggies, hoping to find some clue where it went whatever they are following ...

Whispering to Fioni gently she asks the Hawk to fly above them once again, and to keep an eye out for trouble. She attempts to make this clear to Fioni the way she tried to tell Airin not to enter the grass. Hopefully she understands ...

Once Fioni is gone, Airin checks the plant growth next to the trail and takes her flanking position as she did before (15ft to the right) her crossbow ready and loaded and pulls the hood of the Elven Cloak over her head. Tiptoeing in the bushes.

Rolls :
Handle Fioni : 23
Move silently : 28
Hide : 33
Spot : 14
Listen : 17
Knowledge Nature : 26
Fioni Spot : 34

Active Spells :
Mage armor : ?? minutes (ADM JPW could you please tell me how long this spell will work ? - thanks)

Tuesday September 13th, 2005 3:39:23 PM

Patty leads Barnabus up the trail, looking warily at the rotten plants nearby. He does not expect any trouble at the moment, but he shifts his back scabbord to a more accessable spot before moving on.

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