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Pursuit of the Shambling Thatch

Oh a hunting we will go...[ADM JPW] 
Thursday August 11th, 2005 12:22:28 AM

Oh a hunting we will go...

Podo, Patterton, Kendry, Dwight, Airin, Selithe, and Kleel trapes off into the bush after Lefty hoping to track down whatever came through here.

Aunt Marigold, waves farewell and Godspeed to her nephew and his friends. She also shouts "Don't worry about us, the gals and I will clean up this mess before long!"

Ssshhh! Hunting Foliage.

Lefty takes off with quiet a vigor through the woods and brush. Kleel keeps a handle on his speed from experience, but the rest of you are astonished by the speed of the little badger.
What everyone finds is an obvious path made by unknown objects but you can tell it is in a North by North Easterly direction towards the crescent river.

(OCC: Everyone make a spot & or a search check depending on your skill; if neither is trained use Intelligence; DC 13 -- those that make it see spoiler) Highlight to display spoiler: { Those of you with keen eyes discover that every turn or bend in a rough area is covered with grasses,fungus and other assorted foilages.}

Thursday August 11th, 2005 1:19:02 AM

Selithe looks to her brother and walks over to check on him anyway, *you need to be more careful brother. I'm really sorry I just blanked out on you all." Selithe sighs disappointed in herself at the lapse and swears to herself to make it up if possible in the future.

(JPW, I will get Selithe's charactersheet in ASAP and sorry for the delay. I really hope I didn't mess anything up to much by being absent. When I have Selithe updated maybe I better send a copy to someone as a backup just incase and that person can post for me if I have a thunderstorm or something. That way atleast Selithe won't go absent in important times. Might be a good idea I guess.)

Kleel  d20+4=14
Thursday August 11th, 2005 8:38:22 AM

Kleel may have spotted something...but isn't sure...
(OOC What's the spot DC? I got a 14.)

Airin  d20+8=16 d20+11=22 d20+6=23 d20+6=9 d20+6=17
Thursday August 11th, 2005 11:02:04 AM

Airin notices the odd vegetation and tries to remember if such plants usually grow here, or if they are indeed odd ...

But in the end ... the only path for them is the one that leads them further into the forest ... carefully Airin continues to be mindful of her surroundings hoping to protect her friends from surprise attacks ...

Rolls :
listen : 16
move silently : 22
spot : 23
survival : 9 (to find her way back ... oops)
knowledge nature : 17 (trying to figure out if these grasses and fungi belong here or are possibly dangerous)

Thursday August 11th, 2005 12:16:28 PM

"Fellows, there are spots of unnatural gowth along the path, and I think I see a pattern to this. It may mean that whatever we are following is spilling something that causes vegetation growth. Note how the fungus and grasses appear at turns and rough terrain. I think thats a good sign. If its some sort of liquid or seeding, at least the creature we follow isn't innately powerful enough to alter natu..."
Kleel stops in midsentance, amd almost trips. He whirls around and faces the others, a look of fear on his face.
"Could it be?!?! Could the source of the plant growth be...water? If the local water has started growing plants at an increased rate...no, this is jumping to conclusions. Forget my musings, try to keep an open mind. Maybe someone else can come up with an explanation."
Off he scurries to catch up with Lefty...

Kendry  d20+3=18
Thursday August 11th, 2005 12:21:31 PM

Pleased that the three women will see to taking care of clean up of the shed, Kendry too retrieves his gear and sets out to follow.

"Don't worry, sis. Anybody can get distracted from time to time. And I will take as much care as an adventurer ought." He squeezes Selithe's hand to reassure her.

Along the trail, Kendry does notice the occurrences of vegetation, and points that out to his companions. [Spot: 18] [BTW, Kleel saw it too - JP pointed out the DC is 13, and you got 14.]

[OOC: Aha! Simultaneous post]

Patterton  d20=9
Thursday August 11th, 2005 12:48:25 PM

Patty is oblivious to the growths on the path as he keeps his eyes on the surrounding forest, looking for danger.

Selithe  d20+2=16
Friday August 12th, 2005 12:53:26 AM

Selithe moves out with the others and looks around as they move. On the bends in the road she notices the odd growths and frowns more as she wonders about it.

She does listen to Kleel's comments and guesses that is a very good possiblity but will not know till they find what they seek. She does think and move up by Kleel a moment, "Sorry for not really saying hi before Kleel. It's been a while."

Selithe also glances back to Patty and winks to him, smiling as she looks at him in his all serious nature with admiration.

Selithe brushes her platinum colored hair back and checks the pony tail for a moment as she moves along and keeps her staff in one hand and also will do a quick check on her bastard sword.

(OOC:I figure Selithe and Airin will be getting their animal companion and familiar later but I have a question for a fearless DM. I was told by a couple people that you can not buy or not suppose to buy animals in the catacombs so I would need to buy the riding dog in game I guess. I been holding off on my catacombs transaction stuff till I know what to do about the riding dog for sure. Thanks.)

The trash Heap has...[ADM JPW] 
Friday August 12th, 2005 12:55:13 AM


As the group follows Lefty a bit further into the woods, more and more rotting vegetation appears to be left upon the broken bits of foliage.

Those of you with the inate ability to navigate the Culverwoods, can tell that you are definately heading North by Northeast. Those of you with leather armor or padded clothing can also tell you are near water.

As night begins to descend upon the woods, you can just make out the large trees from the brush and scrub of the forest floor. Sounds begin to eminate from all around you. Not only can you hear the sounds of the wind in the trees and the sounds of rustling paper, but something akin to a breeze through grass...surprisingly...no animal sounds other than Lefty...

Friday August 12th, 2005 12:56:14 AM

"Say, Dwight, you're being awfully quiet. A copper for your thoughts," Kendry says as they follow the badger.

Friday August 12th, 2005 1:12:26 AM

Patty returns Selithe's look with a wink and a warm smile when suddenly the forest comes alive with sounds. He stops short and brings up his shield as he levels his crossbow and looks around for a target.

"Something's not right here." He mutters.

Friday August 12th, 2005 3:34:04 AM

A thought occurs to Kendry. "Say, just in case some spoors from giant mushrooms or the like decide to shoot out at us - maybe we should put some cloth over our mouths and noses. Like a handkerchief. That way, if they spray us, we won't be likely to breathe so much into our lungs."

After thinking for a moment what he might use, it comes to him. He has the lighter clothes from his entertainer's outfit in his knapsack. He withdraws the shirt, and, with his sharp dagger, begins to cut it up into handkerchief-sized triangles for himself and his friends. He passes these out, using up his whole shirt for the task. He ties one around his face, spending a moment to make sure it is snug enough to work, but still allows him to breathe.

Airin  d20+6=8 d20+11=27 d20+6=18
Friday August 12th, 2005 3:39:24 AM

ooc : first of all I have to appologice for the name I used for the group in my previous posts. When Chatting with Ryan earlier the Bastard Swords we carry got added to our names in the Valley. It was meant to be funny ... The word "Bastard" does not sound that bad when i read it, but native Americans or Englishmen might be offended from it. Therefore I have altered that post and hope you accept my appology.

Getting a little worried they are walking into a trap with their eyes wide open, Airin frantically looks around hoping to find some clue of what they are chasing here !

Airin strongly agrees with Kendry's great idea to cover their faces. She smiles at him and accepts one of his handkerchiefs and puts it in front of her face.

Then it's back to following the path ... water is close ... we must be closing in on the river now.

Then some thought hits her and she whispers to her friends : "Do you remember how Ebryon left us the first time ? He turned into a water elemental ... looks like we're now chasing something that appears to be going towards the water, and leaves plant growth behind ... I'm not saying it's him, but ... was he really dead ?!?"

Rolls :
spot : 8
move silently : 27
knowledge nature : 18

Kleel  d20+7=25 d20+6=14
Friday August 12th, 2005 8:17:17 AM

Lefty's progress has been quite steady, causing Kleel to worry a bit...How fast can their quarry move? Is it aware it's being followed? Kleel summons the power of nature, drawing ancient Druidic symbols in the air and speaking words of power. He feels the magic speak with animals take a place within his mind.
Kendry's gift from his own fine clothing is very generous, and Kleel thanks him with an appreciative grin. He places the cloth over his mouth and nose.
Now that he can speak to Lefty, he calls out to the little furball.
"Hey Lefty, it's become dark and the river is close. Let's move a little slower and quieter now. I think we want to avoid being heard too early. Do you recognize anything about the scent we are tracking? When you can detect the source is close, let me know."
The Druid then turns to his friends and motions them for quieter movement. "I told Lefty to slow down so we can move silently. I believe the river will be the stopping point for our quarry."


Friday August 12th, 2005 8:44:54 AM

"Way to go Kleel !" , Airin whispers, "Maybe Lefty can spy ahead silently and look for trouble or even a campsite ?"

"The other option would be for Kleel and me to move quietly up ahead to check things out. Should we come under attack, you can all rush in ... We clearly are the most quiet ones !", she winks to Kleel ... "Looks like we have a lot in common my friend ..."

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