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Family Trees
Bad Moons Rising

Going in the backdoor (DM Stephen)  d100=80 d6=3 d100=58 d100=5 d100=70 d6=4 d6=5 d6=5 d20+5=24 d20+3=23
Thursday March 10th, 2005 8:19:13 PM

The hobbits make their way to the back of the house and enter into the yard through the gate. The group seem to be quiet enough not to draw the unwanted attention of the dogs. Whew! (lucky)

Kendry and Selithe head straight for the cellar doors. Airin also very stealthily creeps up on the back door. Along the way, she notices that the powder trail does in fact circle around the house. Kendry and Selithe find the cellar doors locked with a padlock. Airin notices the backdoor is locked as well. She can also see in through the window next to the door. This back door enters into the kitchen. The rogue instantly gets to picking the lock. She can hear more commotion inside, but cant make out the words. Sounds like the wolf-man is making a mess of Marigold's parlor. Suddenly the lock goes "click" and doornob is now able to be turned. The door is unlocked.

Patty and Olo stand back and keep a watchful eye. The priest prepares for the worst.

Thursday March 10th, 2005 11:10:44 PM

Patty begins to wonder if prehaps the danger beyond the door is closer then previously thought. He hefts his longsword and divides his attention between his surroundings and the cellar door, ready to defend the party from attack in either direction.

Friday March 11th, 2005 1:34:09 AM

Selithe looks to her brother and chews her lip slightly and leans in, whispering in her brother's ear, "Guess we should go in first. If nothing else I can use my spells to slow whatever we might meet down some."

Selithe smiles lightly and motions for her brother to open the door. Selithe has her sling out and ready but she also is clearly got a spell in mind to use if need be.

0th:Acid Splash(2), Detect Magic(1), Prestidigitation(1)

1st:Mage Armor(1), Magic Missile(2)

Kendry  d20+4=17 d20+3=4 d20+5=10
Friday March 11th, 2005 2:15:56 AM

Kendry gives Airin a congratulatory hand signal. He motions for her to open the door. Once she has done so, he steps over the threshold, moving silently (17), spotting what he can (1+3=4, pretty much nothing), and listens (10) for what he might hear. He steps aside to let the next person in. Also, he gauges the ambient light in the room. His bow is still out and ready.

Airin  d20+10=26
Friday March 11th, 2005 3:36:59 AM

Happy the door opened soo fast, Airin quickly puts her tools back into ther pouch. She opens the door for the others to move in first. Phfew ... this could be close quarter fighting ... Airin preferes long range combat :-)

Suddenly she tries to stop the others by tappin on their shoulders and tries to make hand signals to make clear what she wants to say :
Hopefully you can figure out what she's trying to tell you :-)
Highlight to display spoiler: { "Me ... to front door ... knock on door ... divert wolf/man ... you attack from back by surprise ? ...yes ? ... no ? ... Need signal ..."}
As she's not in danger from the dogs in the front garden she might as well take that chance.

There's no use to jump through the back door into the living area all together. So Airin descides going round the house again up to the front door to create a decoy could be fun. Of she goes again, very silently of course (move silently 26)

She gives another casual look at the powder circle. Is there only 1 circle ? Or are there 2 ... 1 close to the house and 1 close to the fence ? Maybe to keep the dogs inside those circles and to change them whenever someone enters the circle ?

Hide from animals : 9'30"

Friday March 11th, 2005 12:42:41 PM

When Airin indicates she plans to go around to the front, Kendry signals no. He motions that she should come in with the rest of them.

He is concerned that, though invisible, that lazy-eyed dog is likely bright enough to figure out something is funny if a knocking sound is made at the front door, and he can't see who is doing it.

Kendry motions for the rest of the party to enter. Best to stick together as much as possible.

Friday March 11th, 2005 3:48:27 PM

As Kendry waves not to go the other way around, Airin sticks with the rest after all. Best thing for to do is to prepare her crosbow ...

She casts a gentle smile at Kendry for helping her stay out of trouble ...

Patterton  d20-2=16
Friday March 11th, 2005 4:53:24 PM

Patty pushes ahead of the others and enters the doorway as quietly as he can (move silently 16- sweet roll even with the minuses!), his eyes darting about for danger. The prospect of a good scrap has put him in a good mood and Patty grins a bit as he surveys his surroundings.

Very nice kitchen! (DM Stephen)  d20+5=12 d100=62 d100=62 d6=4 d6=2
Friday March 11th, 2005 7:57:17 PM

The door opens and the shouts and growls of the wolf-man become louder and easier to hear. For now, it seems the wolf-man is taking out his frustrations on the furnishings and knick-knacks of Marigold's parlor. Splintering and cracking wood, shattering glass and ceramics. Marigold remains silent while the other two gasp with freightened responses to every slash and blow to Marigold's personal belongings.

Patty bravely takes the lead and stays very quiet as he enters. But with all the ruckus in the other room, its quite easy to remain unheard. But you can never be too careful! The kitchen is a very tidy and neat. Everything is in its place. Not a single smudge of uncleanliness can be seen anywhere. Its a very fine kitchen. Pots and pans, large and small, hang from hooks on the wall. Potted herbs set next to the window to take in the sun during the day. There is a wood burning stove and oven against the left wall, along with a fireplace. There's a closed door on the right wall with a small plaque, in the shape of a rooster, saying, "Root Cellar." A dumbwaiter is just to the side of the root cellar door. Over on the counter there are jars, storage bins, a bread box and various other kitcheny things. Cabinets line the walls above the countertop. In the middle of the room is a big butcher block-style table. A very sharp looking cleaver rests on top along with a simple, plain, wooden stick. Across the kitchen on the opposite wall from which you entered is a doorway with a set of loose swinging doors. Its apparent that the doorway leads into the dining room. All the commotion that you hear is coming from that direction. Suddenly ... a scream!

(BTW - The powder, by your estimate, circles the entire house. Only one circle. The powder trail is just a few feet away from the outer wall, so its a tight circle, not loose.)

Kendry  d20+3=17 d20+3=20
Saturday March 12th, 2005 3:57:36 AM

Kendry searches for Aunt Marigold's big jar of ground pepper. Ah - there it is! (Search: d20+3=17) (or something in the neighborhood - flour, salt, paprika, what have you).

"Find Silverware," he whispers in Selithe's ear. He whispers the same to Airin, and adds to Olo, "Tablecloth or net or blanket."

He sets down the bow and arrows carefully on the counter. Gingerly, he removes the lid from the pepper jar, and moves his finger around in it a little, to make sure the contents are loose enough. To Patterton, he points to the darkwood bow, and indicates it is a very good bow. With a wave, he invites him to take it, if he wants to.

He waits for a few moments, allowing the others to prepare. Then he walks out into the living room, looking down at the jar. "Aunt Marigold, is this what I use for the oatmeal cookies?" As soon as the wolf-like man is close enough to him, Kendry tosses the contents of the pepperjar into his face (pepper-poof in the face attack, d20+3=20).

Patterton  d20+7=22 d8+4=6
Saturday March 12th, 2005 6:06:15 AM

Patty waves off the bow Kendry offers him and as soon as Kendry enters the room, he hurridly applies the magic fang potion and rushes in to help. He will try to cordinate his attack on the wolf man right after Kendry tosses the pepper in his face so as not to get caught in the cloud. Patterton stabs at the wolf man's torso (attack= 21, dmg=6).(OOC entered wrong attack bonus on attack roll. Should be +6 so the roll is 21, not 22)

HP 12
AC 20
attack bonus +6
dmg(masterwork longsword)1d8+4

Diehard feat: You can remain conscious after attacks that would fell others.
When reduced to between -1 and -9 hit points, you automatically become stable. You don't have to roll d% to see if you lose 1 hit point each round.
When reduced to negative hit points, you may choose to act as if your were disabled, rather than dying. You must make this decision as soon as you are reduced to negative hit points (even if it isn't your turn). If you do not choose to act as if you were disabled, you immediately fall unconscious.

Saturday March 12th, 2005 2:12:01 PM

OOC: OK. Brain fart. I was right the first time. Hit bonus is +7 with the halfling racial bonus.

Sunday March 13th, 2005 8:00:17 PM

Selithe takes in a deep breath and holds it a moment as she lets her brother do his thing. Selithe keeps her sling ready but also a magic missile spell on her lips just in case.

Olo  d20+4=11 d20=16 d6+2=7
Sunday March 13th, 2005 10:46:10 PM

Olo's happy bringing up the rear until he hears a scream. Gritting his teeth to keep from doing anything too hasty, he pulls the door closed behind him and latches it. Nodding to Kendry's suggestion for a tablecloth, he grabs one if he spots something appropriate (spot=11) though he doesn't stop to search through drawers or cabinets.

He's right behind Patty when entering the room and this time he doesn't stop to ask questions.

ooc: if he's got a tablecloth..
Olo rushes in as close as he can get and tries to sweep the tablecloth up and over the wolfman's head. (Attack = 16 + 2str - 4nonprof = 14)

ooc: if he doesn't have a tablecloth..
Olo rushes in as close as he is able considering all the people in the room, and takes a swing at the wolfman with his morningstar, intent on teaching the beast a lesson regarding threatening halflings in their own homes. (Attack = 16+2Str, Dmg = 7)

Airin  d20+5=9 d20+10=11
Monday March 14th, 2005 3:33:47 AM

As Kendry whispers to find silverware, Airin takes a look around. However what good can a silver fork do ?!? She quickly scans the room, carefully opens a few drawers hoping to find a silver steak knife that resembles a dagger ..

spot = 9
move silently = 11 (nat 1 - EEEK)

but the last drawer she opens makes a terrible noise. Airin is soo surprised she jumps up, hitting the pottery with her head, causing one of the jars to fall to the ground ... BANG ... CRACK ... CURSE ... this isn't exactly her idea of a surprise. Sheepishly she looks to the others ...

Exactly at that moment Kendry throws the door to the living area open and moves over to the Wolf/man. Airin is way too surprised ... all this is happening soo fast !

She readies her crossbow and attempts to look inside the living area. However with all other going in front of her it'll be difficcult to see anything.

Peppered! (DM Stephen)  d100=88 d100=27 d100=42 d20+5=11 d4=3 d20+5=18
Tuesday March 15th, 2005 1:22:46 AM

Kendry does find a canister (88%, lucky) with some ground pepper and proceeds to follow the noise through the dining room, toward the palor.

Airin quickly rumages though the drawers (27%, sorry) only to find measuring cups, some wooden spoons, small standard pieces of kitchen cutlery and various other unhelpful items. The cleaver on the butcher block looks promising, but so does a heavy cast-iron skillet. As she follows her friends into the chaos, she spots a beautiful wooden cabinet along the wall in the dining room. Fine dinner plates, sausers, gravy boat, tea cups and some fine silver serving trays are on display behind glass doors. Looks to be the good stuff. Who knows what else.

Patty takes his potion and follows in behind Kendry. Olo does the same, but also looking for that ever elusive tablecloth. Unfortunately, the dining table is left bare, since its also made of a fine, highly polished wood. However, the cleric spots a table cloth, disguarded on the floor, in the parlor during the wolf-man's rampage. (It will be your full turn to get to it and pick it up. Rolled a 42% chance for you. Not bad, but not good either.)

After Kendry says his thing, he forcefully empties the contents of the black pepper can into the direction of the culprit. (Wolf-man's AC is 16) A cone of pepper billows forth and stings the eyes of a surprised wolf-man (Reflex 11, fail). He shrills in pain. But that shrill quickly becomes a roar of feral rage, unlike any of you have ever heard. (Wolf-man's new AC is 12)

Patty then rushes in and slices into the beast with his sword. Again, it cries out making your ears ring.

Selithe prepares her sling or spell. Now seems like a perfect time to strike.

The beast stumbles backwards, dazzied in confused. Almost tripping over broken furniture and other debris. He's unable to act this round. He rubs at his eyes, trying to regain his sight. Those in front look on in shock that the creatures wound, from Patty's sword, isnt nearly as severe as it should be. His deep piercing cut is only a mere scratch.

The room is in shambles. Doesnt appear to be anything left in one piece. All three women are still tied up in their chairs next to the fire. The woman to the right of Marigold has tipped her chair over trying to get loose. Marigold looks as furious as the wolf-man, but remains cool and calm.

(Wow, masters of the surprise attack! Sorry I was late. Didnt get home until after 10:30pm.)

Kendry  d20+4=15 d20+1=3 d20+1=6 d20+1=4 d20+1=21 d20+1=6
Tuesday March 15th, 2005 3:51:28 AM

"Girl - the gift bag!" Kendry yells in Airin's direction as he grabs a box from his knapsack, and opens the box as he swings it in a low arc towards the raging wolfman. Emptying from the box are a set of masterwork caltrops, scattered at the wolfman's feet (AC 15 for aim to get it in the right area, roll 1d20+1 vs AC 12 for wolfman to step on any caltrop. A successful hit does 1 hp damage, and slows person with wounded foot to 1/2 speed for 24 hours. 1st three miss. 4th is nat 20, no crit though). He drops the box after the four-spiked metal objects exit, and steps to a point adjacent to Aunt Marigold's chair. He prepares to pull another weapon...

Airin  d20+5=24 d20+5=18 d20+1=18
Tuesday March 15th, 2005 8:58:27 AM

"Girl - the gift bag!" is exactly what Airin needed to snap out of her amasement of what's happening now soo sudden.

She quickly snatches the Tanglefoot Bag from her pouch and throws it at the Wolf/Man.
(attack roll : 24)
The funny looking bag cracks open right on the Wolf/Mans torso, covering him with a sticky goo. Upon exposure to the air, the goo quickly turns rigid disabeling the Wolf/man to move freely
(att roll -2 / Dex -4 / WolfMan make a DC15 reflex save of be glued to the ground / DC17 to break free if glued).

Airin cheers as she sees the bag splattering right on the Wolf/Man and hopes the goo will successfully pin down their opponent. It could be MOST interesting to capture this beast alive !! If it's glued they can carefully tie him down and interrogate BEFORE releasing aunt Marigold maybe ? After all ... who's the good guy and who are the bad girls ?

After throwing her Tanglefoot bag, Airin scans the living area and especially takes a good look at Aunt Marigold and her friends. Why is Aunt Marigold soo enraged and not affraid ... she sure acts weird. (Spot 18 - sense motive 18)

(active spells = Hide from Animals 9'18")

Olo  d20+2=22
Tuesday March 15th, 2005 9:32:32 PM

Cursing under his breath, Olo feels a bit clumsy as he takes longer than he wanted to snatch up the tablecloth. Finally getting a decent grip on it, he spins and runs after the others to engage the wolfman. Running into the room, he gives the tablecloth an expert snap and is delighted to see it settle over the blinded and glued creature (To Hit = 20 + 2).

Selithe  d4+1=3
Tuesday March 15th, 2005 11:55:05 PM

Selithe frowns when she sees the wolf man and instead of using her sling she quickly raises her free hand and points her pointer finger at the wolf man, speaking quickly, "I do believe your luck is going to change hairball for tonight the joker is wild." Once Selithe speaks a burst of magic energy comes from her pointer finger in the shape of a single small magic missile.

<magic missile damage:3>

Patterton  d20+7=21 d8+4=11
Wednesday March 16th, 2005 1:18:46 AM

Patty does not hesitate as he sees the strange goo and the tablecloth envelope the wolfman. With a loud grunt, Patty whips his blade overhead and cleaves deeply into the beasts chest. (attack roll =21 damage roll= 11)

Marigold [DM Jerry]  d20+2=22
Wednesday March 16th, 2005 1:50:42 PM

The wolf is bombarded with goo, sword, missile, and steps on pointy things. He sneezes, while struggling to see.

Marigold rises tentatively to her feet--chair on her back. She then flexes and the chair is destroyed to her great delight. Sending shards in various directions, there are sounds of things breaking which can be faintly heard.

"Finally!" She screams maniacally.

"You FOUL MANGY FLEA-BITTEN MUTT! Now it's my turn! You ARE going to tell us NOW all we wish to know, aren't you Sotirod! You will do this because you fully understand what I'll do if you don't!"

She holds up the amulet as if to break it with her bare hands.

She continues.

"You are going to explain the actions of Xemrac and what the bloody moon he thinks he's doing! We are not his pawns and we won't be sacrifiiced!"

With a start, she stops frozen, looking directly at Patty and the others with horror and surprise on her face.

The Wolf, fighting down the pain in his eyes, his feet, and struggling with the goo, pauses as well.

He chortles coughing. "Ohhh ho ho hoooo! You didn't want them to hear that! Ohhhh hoo hoo hhooooo.

"Goody Goody Marigold doesn't wants her secrets revealed to the kiddies. She wants them ignor......."

"Silence you fool!" shouts Marigold.

Almost giddy, Sotirod continues, "Why don't you tell them about the election! About the reason behind my employment? Why you stole the amulet? Go on! Tell them!"

Wednesday March 16th, 2005 4:25:44 PM

About to pull his dagger to cut Aunt Marigold free of the chair, Kendry is surprised at her show of strength. "Well, Auntie, I suppose now is not the time to talk about oatmeal cookies. Unless Xemrac might like a dozen. Who is Xemrac? If you don't mind me asking."

He turns to the wolfman, and says, "I hope you'll understand our zeal in defending our family, Sotirod. I'm Kendry. Is that your welcoming pack outside the door?" he asks the wolfman, then turns toward Marigold, "Or are they your dogs?"

Patterton  d20+6=25
Wednesday March 16th, 2005 5:02:34 PM

Patty, his blood still racing from the breif skirmish, turns his attention to Aunt Marigold and her friends. He keeps his sheild up and gestures at them with his sword, "Start talking,then. What about the election? The good folk of Hovel are going to want an explanation. What is it the church does to witches, Olo? Burnt at the stake, aren't they?"(intimidate=25 almost a nat 20) :(
Patty shoots the priest a wink with the eye that's facing away from the witches.

Wednesday March 16th, 2005 10:21:41 PM

Selithe looks around and is utterly confused as she tusks her sling back in her belt and looks to everyone, "Okay, someone explain this whole mess to me because this makes no sense. What is this wolf dude doing here? who or what are those dogs outside? where the heck did you get so much power Aunt?" Selithe is very confused and awaits a answer, not to patiently either.

As Selithe stands there she looks to the wolf man and frowns some, "Well, if your not the enemy then I'm sorry for hitting you with a magic missile."

Airin  d20+5=18
Thursday March 17th, 2005 2:50:29 AM

"Go on Sotirod ... tell us more"

Airin is quite suspicious about his accusations to Aunti Marigold. She drops a keen eye at the amulet. Maybe there are markings to be seen (spot 18)

Next she takes out her silk rope and walks over to Sotirod. As she walks over there, she asks the others if she should tie him for safety.

Olo  d20+2=12
Thursday March 17th, 2005 10:35:41 AM

Not catching the intent of Patterton's question, Olo shrugs and answers it seriously.

"That fully depends on the church, Patty."

Olo really wants to find out what's going on, but doesn't feel that adding another voice to the chorus will help much. While he waits for an explanation, he keeps his guard up in the case that someone tries something sneaky.

OOC: With all the muscle around to back him up, Olo's more worried about someone using magic. He's keeping an eye out (held action) for spell casting or use of a magic item, with the intent of grappling/subduing the caster should it be attempted (ToHit=12).

Thursday March 17th, 2005 11:45:53 AM

OOC: Whoops! Olo's Melee ToHit is +3.
Don't know why I've been using +2 all this time.

So ToHit = 13

Listen To Me! [DM Jerry]  d20+15=33 d20+4=10 d20+3=13
Thursday March 17th, 2005 5:52:36 PM

"Shut up Kendry! Are you so quick to put your aunt to the fire?"

Then when Patterson tries to intimidate her, she starts for a second, but only a second. Then she turns on him with a smile of understanding. "Nice try Patterson. Respect your elders!"

As Selinthe addresses the wolf. He laughs.

"Oh! Oh ho ho hooooo. Such politeness. I'm sorry I hit you sir. I hope you're not real evil cause I might try to save you and then parade you as a fool through town! Oh, these youngsters are precious indeed witches. They will taste oh so good....ON A SPIT!"

Then Airin tells the wolf to talk more.

"Tell you more? Sure puddin, and in one is exactly how I see ya, but let's even the odds a bit shall we?"

He stretches but remains held fast which causes the wolf to let loose with some of the most vile curses and cusses anyone in the valley has ever heard!

Marigold then takes a step forward. "I have had enough. Not only did I lose an important election tonight, but now I find myself confronting evil incarnate (and she indicates the wolf as that evil) but my precious dears have been exposed to you as well.

This ends now and Xemrac can be damned to the Estates of Unrest! She pulls out the amulet. It begins hissing and burning her neck. "Listen to me and grant my petition!"

At this moment, Olo rushes Aunt Marigold as per his readied action. His morning star is raised and he swings it mightily! [d20+3=13] It slams against her chest, but bounces off seemingly rebuffed as the world around everyone seems to rotate becoming a grand vortex!

The spinning!

Crashing into things!

The roar of something evil shouting Marigold's name!

Loss of vision and location.

Things going black!

Darkness and dreaming. Dreaming of being chased by wolfs who want to tell you something. Dreaming of things in threes. Three witches. Three dogs. Three candidates. Three stars in the sky. Three pies in a window beckoning. Three scrumptious meals. Then warmth and light and heavy snoring.

Sleepily you awaken to the sound of ogre snoring, a bright warm morning sun, smells of the barn around you, and smells of your ripe selves without baths!

It is morning.

Thursday March 17th, 2005 6:51:41 PM

"No more pie for me, thanks...", Patterton mumbles in his sleep, "Give it to the puppy...he looks hungry." Then his eyes slowly open and adjust to the new surroundings.

Patty springs to his feet so quickly, he almost pitches himself over backwards. He whirls in a circle, looking for any threat when he discovers they are in the barn.

"What in the...? Wake up everyone! We've got to get to Marigold's!"

Thursday March 17th, 2005 7:00:26 PM

Kendry looks confused & hurt when his Aunt falsely accuses him of wanting to put her to the fire. He had just come to her defense! It was Patterton who spoke of burning at the stake, not himself. He was about to caution Patty on such speech. But circumstances did not allow for such...

Whose dogs were they, anyway? Who is Xemrac? "No, Olo!" is all he has time to shout out before he enters into a strange night of dreaming.

Who is Sotirod, in his non-wolf form? A weird thought - could that be Calfast? - crosses his mind, and is instantly discarded. No way. Absolutely.

Kendry stretches his legs, his shoulders, his arms. He listens to Lomar's snoring as he sits up and looks around him. "Selithe? You awake, sis? Hey, Patty. Olo? Airin. Bobbles?" He stands up, and stretches again. He rubs his eyes. "What a night. What a night." He takes better inventory of his surroundings.

DM Jerry 
Thursday March 17th, 2005 7:47:22 PM

OOC: Congratulations. For the last module, you receive 2000xp each. This applies to everyone, even our new Jon as he will need to add that to the starting point of his character.

This should put everyone at 2nd level.

Complete your changes to character sheet. This is an official character sheet resubmit time. Send reconfigured sheets to Stephen and I for approval. ;)

Spend a moment updating your background too please. We'll send those on to Carl for uploading to the site.

We know this takes time so set yourself a couple of deadlines.

First, try to get into the queue in the CC for what you want to purchase by Wednesday of next week. If that's going to take awhile, send in the sheets anyway and you can add your purchases easily later and send the sheet again.

Rewards for services rendered is still coming friends, so wait for that to send in your sheets. That should be coming on Monday or Tuesday at the latest. Sorry, but it just won't fit into tomorrow's post. ;)

Second, with our without your shopping done, we need sheets in by a week from tomorrow.

Friday March 25th.

If everyone meets this due date, we will add 5% to the xp you just earned. If we're missing one, no bonus. :)

Hey! It's a group game!

So again, avoid sending in the sheets until you receive your monetary reward for the last module as well.

Now, for hero points.

Everyone receives one hero point.

I know Stephen handed out some hero points during the module. You may petition Stephen, I, and the group for additional ones for yourself or others in the group through next Friday.

Remember, it is not selfish to nominate yourself. Possession of hero points by an individual is valuable for the group. It lets the individual have second changes to succeed for the good of the group.

Remember that you get 30 x your level for hero points. Sorry, but you receive the hero points before the xp points so you get 30xp per hero point.

Friday March 18th, 2005 4:04:56 AM

"What in the Wold was that ?!? Were we dreaming ? ... Or did this really happen ?"

Still a little shaken from what just happend, Airin feels a little confused. "Now what ?" she throws into the group. "Should we try to investigate Aunt some more ? Should we alert Calfast of what just happend ? You know he WILL ask questions. I'd suggest to keep this to ourselves a little longer. Maybe we ought to visit aunt once more ... I bet she'll be acting pretty normal again ..."

Friday March 18th, 2005 1:48:20 PM

Selithe lays on her back, snoring as she enjoys her sleep other then the weird dreams running through her mind. At one point it looks like she begins swinging her staff at something and she even speaks, "Back you evil wolf, back I said." Then her dream shifts to something else again and a grin pops on Selithe's face as she rubs her hands together this time, "Hey Kendry, I'll bet you highest card pulled for the slice of pie you have....what do you say huh?"

Selithe jerks awake when she finally notices the loud snoring and sighs as she looks around, "Great, first we visited our Aunt and now where in the barn sleeping."

Selithe hears the comments on what to do and speaks up really quick, "I don't know about anyone else but a bath comes first and then we visit our Aunt I think." Selithe stands slowly and stretches, "That sound okay with everyone?"

Friday March 18th, 2005 3:14:29 PM

"I'm not sure what you were dreaming, Airin, but I dreamt about things in threes. Witches, dogs, candidates, stars, pies, meals. And wolves chasing us, to tell us something," Kendry says with a yawn and another stretch.

To Patty, he says, "I figure that Sotirod did not win. Otherwise we would be puddin' pies, or roasting on spits. I know, after Aunt Marigold started talking to that amulet, and Olo tried to whop her, that things started spinning. I wonder at the power of that amulet. Did anybody get a good look at it?"

He waits for an answer, then adds, "I would guess that somehow or other, Aunt Marigold got us back here. Did anyone get a good look at the other two ladies sitting next to her?" [OOC: Am wondering if we recognize either of the other women.]

"Hey, Lomar. Lomar, wake up, sleepyhead. Were you awake when we got in last night? Good morning, by the way." He asks the same of Bobbles, trying to get to the bottom of their mysterious change of locale.

Friday March 18th, 2005 5:02:16 PM

After the initial suprise wears off, Patty relaxes a bit and pulls off his chainmail shirt. "A good bath sure sounds fine to me. Where do you Hovel folk keep your tubs at?" He sticks his head out the barn door and scans the area for a well or stream.

Patterton grins at Olo, "Any chance you could whip us a up another masterpiece, Olo? My belly is grumbling after our run in with Sotirod and the witches."

Friday March 18th, 2005 5:59:36 PM

The bard checks to make sure he has all his equipment, including his darkwood compound short bow.

The Big Dream [CDM Jerry]

The Big Dream [CDM Jerry] 
Saturday March 19th, 2005 1:16:23 PM

As our heroes continue to wake up and discuss the strange events of the previous night with both frustration, confusion, and a sense of purpose to find out the answers to the mysteries the visit to Marigold's house presented, they are confronted with even more surprises.

Calfast comes running in with two of the city militia. "You goodpeople in here? You ok? Have you been outside? Did you sleep? What happened?"

In the confusion that follows, Calfast interrupts any beginning explanations. "So you haven't looked outside? Look! Look!"
A quick glance out of the barn door shows that the entire barn is surrounded by 3' tall mushrooms.

As you look they begin to glow. This causes something strange to happen to your stomachs which are very empty. A feeling of movement, uneasiness.

Then without warning, a secondary awareness begins to grow on your conscious. Your minds begin to meld and grow into one.

Calfast, wonder in his voice says, "Something's happening."

Some sort of collective elven effect is at work!

As you struggle to come to grips with these events, your conscious minds fade and a waking dreamlike state begins.

There is then a joining of minds. Elven minds. Minds that look at life in terms of centuries instead of years.

Nearby elves join in. Some join to a lesser extent being half-elves or other relates species.

The pool of collective thought grows until it becomes Woldwide!

The overwhelming thought becomes "Why?"

An ancient being joining the mix replies, "This has happened twice before. This is the third time."

"What has happened before? comes the overwhelming response."

"This. Prepare and listen."

A common Elven Dream begins.


You are floating...in space..?

You can see The Wold turning lazily beneath you, so very far below--slow but steady, the planet rotates, basking blissfully in the light of the bright golden disk hanging above it. Sunlight dapples the large fertile brown expanses of land dotted with areas of green forest...it sparkles across the waves of the blue-green ocean.

The Wold is as it is.

Suddenly you become aware that there are three smaller discs approaching the bright one, also at a slow but steady pace...you realize that the bright disk must be the sun, and the others are the moons of The Wold.

The three new discs align to cover the sun completely, leaving it and The Wold in darkness. But there--right in the middle of the now-black sun-disk--a pair eyes blink open, as though awakened from sleep.

The almond-shaped eyes--the bright, brilliant hue of sky and sea--look down upon The Wold. They widen in surprise, as though viewing the burgeoning world for the first time in a very, very long time...then the expression in the turquoise eyes grows rather sad. A tear forms and falls from one of the eyes as it blinks.

The eyes in the black sun narrow slightly--as though the unseen person to whom they belong has suddenly begun contemplating...and then the eyes blink again, once more brightening with the enlightenment of a great idea..!

The eyes glow warmly--if there were a face to go with them, you just know that it would have a happy, friendly grin in place--and The Wold, turning in its slow, steady pace, begins to grow green. Focusing on the planet, you can see that the forests of The Wold flourish and grow lush once more, spreading their fertile growth across the faces of the both the continent of Yrth and the Fragmented Lands, as the owner of the eyes laughs delightedly.

You swoop down from your lofty perch and find yourself standing in an ancient forest, Culverwood, breathing in the good green scent of the ancient trees. There is a dark, malevolent blot at the edge of your senses whom the collective knows to be Parnoth the oppressor--then suddenly, the blot disappears from sight and you hear the great beast's agonized screams.

More screams and cries ring in your ears now--the voices of those who oppose and harm Nature, the voices of those who would hold back the elves and make them lesser beings, the voices of evil. Too long they have been allowed to run free, but now they face their just reward. Through it all, the owner of the eyes continues to laugh.

The dream ends and the personal you physically awakens with laughter still ringing in your ears.

You slowly awaken. Your eyes open as if they have been asleep.

Sunday March 20th, 2005 1:50:26 AM

"Jumpin' John's wort!" exclaims Kendry as he comes out of the group trance. He opens his backpack, rummages within, and comes up with some paper. Searching a bit more, he finds his pen and ink.

The halfling quickly begins writing down as best he can the words and images he just experienced, not wanting to forget such an amazing vision. He follows that up with a description of what he dreamed last night.

As he writes, he speaks aloud some of what he writes, and asks whether anyone else saw what he just saw. He wants to confirm he is not going batty. He sketches the eyes he saw, trying to capture the blinking, the surprise, the narrowing, the warmth, the delight.

He draws out the disks. He realizes that he needs to organize what happened in some sort of order, so grabs a fresh piece of paper, and draws a grid, 3 rectangles wide, 3 rectangles tall, for a total of 9 panels on the page. He then begins to place text and illustrations in a sequential fashion, to show the unfolding of the vision. He continues on the opposite side of the paper. Then another piece of paper...

As he beings his work, he looks up. "Burgomeister Calfast - can you tell us something about this Parnoth?"

Sunday March 20th, 2005 11:00:54 AM

"Well, I don't think I'll be taking another nap anytime soon. I've hit my quota of strange dreams for the month."

Patty stand up and sits down on a bail of hay, trying to process what the visions meant. Had he felt a presence watching him during the commune? He can't shake the feeling and falls into silence as the members of the party discuss the vision.

Monday March 21st, 2005 12:00:43 AM

Selithe snaps out of the vision and frowns as she is terribly confused and looks to the others and even nods at Patty's comment. After gathering her wits and thinking over the things she seen in the vision she speaks to Kendry and the others, "Anyone make sense of that vision at all? It was really weird and I can take a gamble on it wasn't good at all, not by a long shot."

Monday March 21st, 2005 3:31:00 AM

Heavily breathing from exitment all Airin can exclaim is " WHAT WAS THAT ?!? " ...

This "dream" was about the woldian sun and moons. Airin gazes up to the sky. Something weird is going on ...

As Kendry starts to write things down, Airin helps to fill in the blanks, amased they all lived the same dream. In a way that dream wasn't all too bad was it ?

"Hey who believes in dreams anyway !" says Airin as she turns around looking for something to eat. She's starving.

Monday March 21st, 2005 5:57:08 PM

"I really have no idea what that was all about," Olo says as he sits up and scratches his head. "I wish I did know, since it seems to involve Wardd in some way, but...," his words fade away, and not finding better ones to replace them, he simply shrugs.

Latching on to a new train of thought, he offers up a suggestion. "Maybe the elves could tell us a bit more?"

Monday March 21st, 2005 6:59:29 PM

"Breakfast would be good," Kendry says as he continues his sketches and writing. He looks up to Airin. "I believe in some dreams. Others I just scratch my head at. Since obviously we shared two dreams in a row, that is not just chance. Some things, and some people - even some gods - are tied in somehow. We ought to figure out how, and why and wherefore."

He nods his head in agreement with Olo's idea to contact the elves. "Just outside of Angel Springs are a group of them, usually."

He calls out in goblin back into the barn. "Ooigh! Bobbles! You plan sleep all day? Wake up your eyes! Tell Lomar stop snoring. Come out and see big mushrooms! Big enough for soup for giant."

Hoping their two friends will roust themselves, the young bard turns back to the Burgomeister. "Calfast - you need to hear what we saw last night. Have you heard of someone of power named - just a moment." He sets his writing down on his pack, and goes to whisper in Calfast's ear. The two militia men are all right, he's reasonably confident, but he decides that a small measure of discretion may be appropriate.

"Have you heard of a person of power named Xemrac? Of a nasty wolfman called Sotirod? Heard of any hell hounds in the neighborhood lately?" he whispers, his back to the militiamen, then, stepping away, he again takes up his work. "Lots to think about this day, and in days to come, no?"

Selithe (Illegal 2nd post before DM post) 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 3:33:51 AM

Selithe looks to everyone as she gets ready to go get some breakfast and also some washing done as she would like to take a bath. She does look to Kendry and whispers to her brother, "Before jumping into things to much brother, please do remember you appearance and such at this moment. All of us need a good bath and some decent food before jumping to much farther."

(OOC:Will be getting my updated CS in later today.)

Airin  d20+6=24
Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 8:48:45 AM

Kendry is right, Airin knows he is yet is reluctant to admit that all having the same dream is very strange. Something higher is at work here.

Nature now plays a strong roll in Airins life and as she gazes up to the sky again she begs Mother Nature for guidance and wisdom : "What beauty will thou reveal to us ... How can we protect thy glory ... Show us the time of eclips and give us a way to defend the trees and all peacefull creatures in the Wold ... "

Airin tries to find answers. When will the moons allign with the sun and darken the Wold.

Knowledge Nature : 24

(ooc : Airin is now a Rogue(1)/Druid(1). Char sheet updated and will be send to DM's today)

Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 10:49:56 AM

Patterton breaks from his momentary silence and looks about the barn at his companions. "Well...what do we do now? A lot has happened in the past day. Kinda hard to make sense of it, to tell the truth."

OOC:Patty is now a 2nd level fighter with power attack. Woo-Hoo!

Questions? [DM Jerry] 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 12:51:58 PM

Calfast says, "What? I? No idea.

"Oh! Parnoth. He's a green dragon who rules the Emerald Kingdom far to the Southwest. SW end of Culverwood. Nasty fellow."

Calfast nods at Patterson. "Yes, I think I'll be an insomniac from now on by choice!"

"I am Burgomaster now though. So I must find out what's going on! Hmm...."

"Last time there were sendings like that, it was to the priests and it was just before the Gods destroyed the interior of the continent! This doesn't seem like that though. This feels like some...like a segining of bomething....I mean a beginning of something."

As Airin talks, and kinda states that she doesn't believe in it, Calfast looks at her carefully trying to determine where that comment came from. Her fear? Something in her past? He goes silent for a second.

"Olo, what makes you think it involves Wardd?"

Calfast looks at Kendry in surprise as the young halfling mentions monsters in the valley. He shakes his head no. "Connected?"

"It would indeed be a good idea to go to the Elves Retreat near Angel Springs and see if this is a racial thing. It was elves we were merged with in this...vision. Perhaps they can shed light on this."


Meanwhile, Airin has been searching inwardly and trying to remember the movement of the moons and sun for the last few days. Her knowledge of nature does allow her to piece things together....sorta.

She realizes that yes, the moons are converging. How long? Her guess is about a week....or it could be sooner. She is not an astrologer after all.

[sorry, I thought Stephen was posting this week.]

Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 4:30:24 PM

Kendry nods his head as Calfast fills him in on who Parnoth is. [OOC: Would this be general knowledge in Crescent Valley?] He is a little surprised at the Burgomeister's spoonerism, as he has always seemed well spoken before. Well, an election brings plenty of stress, and the first few days of one's administration - particularly with the events surrounding this one - perhaps, especially so.

Kendry rips off a little piece of paper on which he has written something. He hands it to Calfast. Here is what was written:
Last night at M.'s house, she & two other women were tied up. Werewolf S. was raging, asking them about his missing amulet. In front of house, three sleeping dogs. They changed form to hell hounds as we approached, and one, with a red eye, commanded us to leave. We snuck in back, surprised and partially bound wolfman. M. broke free. Mentioned name I just told you. "We won't be his pawns!" M. said to S. Then M. brought out S.'s amulet, invoked some power. Amulet burned M.'s neck. Evil being called out M.'s name. Weird vortex, darkness, we found ourselves back here this morning. Don't know what happened, exactly.
After handing that to the mayor, the halfling introduces his sisters, his friends, and himself to the two militia hobbits, asking after their names. He gives them a 'Well met!'

Then Kendry suggests to the group, "Let's get some breakfast, bathe, swing by our Aunt's place," the 'our' including him and Selithe, "then get ready to head to the elves. Unless someone else has a better plan. We'll take Biscuit," he says, referring to the pony belonging to his family, "and her cart.

"Let's see if Lomar and Bobbles want to come with us. Shall we ask them - or shall we see if they might stay here for a while? I'd love to have them along - but it might complicate things as we introduce them to the different towns and people along the way."

He turns to Calfast, "What is your counsel on these matters? If you intend to visit the elves, shall we travel together? If our big friend and green friend come along with us, could we have a letter from you - maybe two copies, just in case - stating that they are with us by your leave, and are to be treated with courtesy and politeness?"

And addressing all, he says, "When we pass through Humble's Ford, we can drop off the cart and pony. No doubt Gramama Eglantine will give my ear a turn for supporting Mr. Tunnelly, after she baked the twelve dozen rumberry pies for Marigold. We might spend the night in our hometown," he says, looking to Selithe and Olo, "Then move on to the Elven Enclave the next morning."

Turning to Airin, he asks, "Are there many in town, here, who keep books? I'm wondering whether we might not get some clues as to what's going on by speaking with someone who has read a lot."

"I'm open to all kinds of other ideas any may have. What are your suggestions, friends?"

Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 4:54:34 PM

OOC: Quick clarification on past events...
Olo's intent was to "grapple and subdue" if someone used magic back at Marigold's, not necissarily whack 'em on the noggin with his morningstar. He didn't have justification (in his mind anyway) to use lethal force.

Olo first responds to Calfasts question regarding Wardd. "Well, it involves Wardd's moon to a large extent in anycase. And now," he adds with a quick shrug, "it appears to involve at least one of his clerics as well."

When Kendry recommends a course of action, Olo nods through most of it, but has a suggestion. "I think we need to check the house first, eh? I don't know how much time has passed, but that above all else might have an urgency to it. Then, we can clean up and discuss events further over breakfast."

If Lomar shows his face, Olo has a surprise for him. "Heya Lomar! You'll never believe what I've got. Last night, on the road, someone entrusted me with a gift for you. Um... In all the confusion since then, I don't quite remember who it was," he adds apologetically. With that, Olo rummages around in his pack and produces a plantain. He looks at it for a moment, shrugs, and hands it to the giant.

another quick ooc:
The plantain was a gift for Lomar from Clark the Catacombs Clerk. Hey, wasn't my idea, I just passed it along.

Kendry, quick question back to Olo 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 5:43:20 PM

"Sure, we could do that," Kendry agrees with Olo's idea. "We did bathe before last night's party, after all. Say, Olo - do you suppose these mushrooms are edible?"

Tuesday March 22nd, 2005 10:29:46 PM

Patty stands up, grabs his chainmail shirt and slings it over his shoulder. He then turns to the Cleric.

"I don't know if I'd bother with those mushrooms, Olo...those things might be the cause of these dreams in the first place. A friend of mine found a mushroom in the woods and took a bite...poor sod thought he was a glass of orange juice for a month." :)

Selithe  d4=1 d4=3
Wednesday March 23rd, 2005 1:17:08 AM

(OOC:Jerry, I went ahead and rolled Selithe's 2nd level hit points here. We reroll 1's right? if so she has gained 3 hit points + con bonus.)

Selithe looks to her brother and shakes her head as she speaks up, "Well, a bath is calling me and then I'll meet up with all of you."

Selithe will quickly run off to find a nice place for a bath, even checking at one of the inn's to see if they have one available. Once she is cleaned and has abit of food she will cetch back up with the group.

Wednesday March 23rd, 2005 2:52:29 AM

As Kendry mentions "books" Airin tries to remember the things her parents used to say about Angel springs. Wasn't there a library or something like that ? The dream told them something similar has happend twice in the past. Some tales or songs might clarify a few things.

Otherwise there will certainly be a temple in Angel Spring where the elders might be able to explain more.

The thought of visiting the Elves in Angel Springs sure sounds great to Airin. Maybe she will hear something about the whereabouts of her mentor ... and not to forget ... she still holds those signet and two of them were Elven style.

With the road ahead in sight, Airin heads over to Blossom. "Are you up for a little walk through our beloved Valley my dear Blossom ..." she whispers as she gently pats blossom on her sides.

Rise and Shine! (DM Stephen)  d100=75 d100=93 d6=3 d6=4 d100=65 d100=34 d6=2 d6=3 d20+4=21 d20+4=16 d20+6=7
Thursday March 24th, 2005 12:41:45 AM

Calfast looks at Kendry's note. His eyes move from left to right as he reads. Suddenly his expression changes to shock and his eyes dart back to Kendry. He looks very perplexed. He returns to the note and reads it again. Calfast takes hold of Kendry's wrist and leads him to a corner of the barn away from the militia's ears. "What manner of story is this," whispers the Burgomeister? "I would not be talking of this to anyone else! Marigold, your aunt, is a very respected member of the community, and the commander of the militia." Calfast pulls off his spectacles and starts massaging his brow. With a short sigh, he puts them back on and continues. "Are you sure you saw this. You didn't have too many spirits last night or dream this outrageous story. There's a lot of that going around." After a short pause Calfast continues, "Ok, I'll look into it. Write down those names for me, and tell no one. I mean that! I know the ways of the world, good Kendry. So does your aunt. Don't give yourself any false sense of security for who you are or where you live. This place, in all its goodness and serenity IS NOT immune from the dark designs of those who wish to do harm. IF any of this you say is true, dare not speak of it to anyone. There are those who hear but are not seen."

A militiaman comes running up to speak with the Burgomeister. Calfast quickly pockets the note and composes himself after Kendry's shocking story. He's handed another note. "What a first day on the job. Oh my goodness. Oh my!" Calfast continues to read and rushes off with the militiaman. As he leaves he says goodbye to all and heads off to perform his duties as Burgomeister. "Oh, one last thing, if Lomar and Bobbles decide to go with you, take this too." He tosses a pendant that he pulled off from around his neck. It shows a crest identifying the authority of the Burgomeister. "Show that to any officials that may give you grief. That is the best I can do without having legal papers drawn up. Sorry, I must go, good day!"

You all don't feel terribly dirty. A night in the barn didn't help keep you fresh as a daisy, but it didn't make you too dirty that a good brushing of the hand wouldnt fix. Good thing you all washed the day before. The bathhouse and temporary bath tents are crowded with party goers from the night before. Expect long lines if you go.

Lomar and Bobbles cant help but wake from all the commotion. However, Bobbles doesnt appear too lively. He had a wee bit too much food and drink. "No good, Bobbles feels ... uggghh!" The morning light doesn't help situations for the goblin. The bright sunlight always hurts his eyes, but this morning the pain is especially keen. It's obvious that Bobbles isnt going anywhere anytime soon. Lomar is in good spirits and helps prepare for breakfast. However a small group of halfling men and women stop by the barn to drop off a welcome wagon of food to Crescent Valley's newest addition. Almost a full cart of leftovers from the night before. Enough to feed an ogre (and his hobbit friends) for several meals.

Several of you know of the "elven encampment" outside Angel Springs (especially Airin). It's actually a small druid grove, tended to by mostly elves and a few local hobbit druids.

(Im assuming you all decided to visit Marigold again.)
After breakfast, you all decide to get ready and head back over to Aunt Marigold's house. Lomar decides to stay behind at this time, because of concerns for Bobbles. As you all turn the corner, just up the lane from Aunt Marigolds house, you all see the three dogs still in her yard. In the light of day, they dont appear threatening. They look like normal dogs. They act like normal dogs. Or are they?!

Thursday March 24th, 2005 4:35:05 AM

The left overs from last night provide a nice breakfast for Airin. Well fed, and anxious to get on the road again she heads towards Aunt Marigolds house.

Along the road Airin wants to discuss how to handle things. We don't want to stand in front of her house once more chattering without doing anything right ?

" Let's give it another try and approach aunties house by the front door. Them dogs won't bite right away or they could have taken a little "Kendry's Snack" last night.

I even bet, Aunt will try to hide everything that happend last night. Let's not mention anything from last night either ... I would like to see her reaction if we also avoid the subject. Then later we might question her about all this."

Thursday March 24th, 2005 2:43:37 PM

Patty furrows his brow a bit. "I don't know if I'd do that, Airin. You don't have that potion anymore." He leaves it at that, waiting to see what the rest of the party thinks.

Thursday March 24th, 2005 5:36:39 PM

Outside and inside the barn

"Well, I do respect her, sir, very much. I just worried about what she's got herself mixed up in!" Kendry answers Calfast. "No, sir - only a cup of beer and a cup of cider. My friends can confirm what I said." As requested, he writes on a scrap of parchment:
His face reflects the serious tone of Calfast's admonition.

He catches the pendant that Calfast tossed, and puts it around his neck, and under his shirt. "Thank you, sir! And - Burgomeister Calfast - we wish you very well, and may wisdom serve you!"

"Ooigh, Bobbles! You eat too much the hobbit food last night. Too much the Brock's brew!" Placing his hand on the goblin's upper arm for a moment, Kendry adds. "Bright sun hurt Bobbles' eyes. Maybe we see if we find way help so sun not hurt eyes so bad."

Enthusiastic about the welcome wagon, Kendry says, "For your thoughtful kindness, friends, a blessing on your heads!"

As the group breakfasts, Kendry tucks away several pieces of meat into a bag that he ties to his waist. "Lomar, we are going to take a look at something here in town today. Then, unless our plans change, we plan to head over to Humble's Ford. That's where Selithe's and my home is, also Olo lives there. Then, later, we go to Angel Springs. If you and Bobbles want to come along, you can. But I see that folks here seem to like you. If you want to stay here for a while, and it's all right with Betty Burrboot for you to stay in the barn for the time being, that would be all right, too. If you stay here, you will want to see what kind of work you can do to help earn your keep. But I expect you could do in a few hours what might take someone our size a week or two! So, we'll be back in a few hours. You, and Bobbles, let us know if you want to stay, or want to come. We'd welcome your company! Think it over." He tells Bobbles pretty much the same thing, and adds, "You have chance now to learn better the common tongue. Practice, Bobbles. Learn new words each day. Little hobbits maybe help you!" He also adds, since he knows that Bobbles feels less than wonderful at the moment, that he can ride in the cart with a blanket over his head to keep the sun off his eyes should he choose to come along.

Outside Aunt Marigold's place, in the morning sun

Kendry unties the bag from his waist he prepared at breakfast. He pulls out some of the meat from inside - three pieces. He pulls open the gate, and steps forward a little. "Morning, pups! Want a little snack?" He tosses two pieces of meat off to the left, off the porch - each piece about six feet from the other. The third piece he tosses off to the right, also off the porch.

If the dogs act like dogs, and go for the meat, then Kendry will walk to the door and knock. As the dogs finish the first scraps, he tosses away from the porch some more morsels as he waits for someone to answer.

If the dogs behave as they did last night, he steps back out the gate, and suggests to the group that they walk last night's path.

Thursday March 24th, 2005 9:24:07 PM

As they head towards Marigold's house, Olo feels he has a bit of explaining to do.

"Um, about what happened last night in the house... I want you all to know that it wasn't my intent to hurt anyone. I got a bit jumpy what with the wierd dogs and that wolf beast and then the amulet and all."

Olo gives a worried, sidelong look at Kendry. "If your aunt wants to turn me into a toad or something, can you put in a good word for me?"

When they finally arrive at the house, Olo waits patiently, trying to look as harmless as possible, as Kendry works his magic with the dogs.

Ryan OOC 
Thursday March 24th, 2005 11:59:08 PM

Hi everyone! Happy almost Easter and respective religious holidays. :) Anyway, this isn't hugely important, just thought I'd let everyone know there is a new member to the group. Patty just bought a war pony called Barnabus(and a masterwork breastplate). Thanks.


Selithe  d20+2=5
Friday March 25th, 2005 12:23:48 AM

Selithe decides to hold off on the bath and mumbles to herself, "Maybe if our Aunt is in good spirits we can use her bath."

Selithe notices the dogs this time and sighs as she looks around and grins thinking of something, "I have a small trick up my sleeve also if need be so I'll go in first brother and friends."

Selithe will open and shut the gate when she walks in inless she sees the dogs change when Kendry throws the meat in or something. (Spot:5 so she won't be seeing much. LOL)

Friday March 25th, 2005 1:08:45 AM

Patty slowly pulls his sword from his sheath as he follows Kendry into the yard, not taking the time to remove his shield from his back. Gripping the blade in both hands, Patterton falls into stride with Selithe, keeping himself between the dogs and the wizard. 'Hope they play nice today.' he thinks.

Good doggie, good good doggy! (DM Stephen)  d100=15 d100=48 d6=1 d6=4 d20+4=17 d20+4=21 d20+4=11
Friday March 25th, 2005 1:46:37 AM

As soon as Kendry throws down the meaty treats, the dogs chomp them down ravenously. Just like normal dogs. With tails wagging, wimpers and yelps, they beg Kendry to give them more. He does, and the dogs repeat the same action. Oh my goodness they are so happy. They lick Kendry's hands and face in gratitude. They excitedly look at the others to see if they have treats as well.

"Hello, oh helloo," shouts a kind voice from the side of the house. A woman emerges from around the corner. She is dressed in a simple dress, with gardening gloves and a big floppy hat to block out the sun. She carries a basket full of turnips, onions and bright red tomatoes. In the other hand is a small hand shovel and gardening shears. "Ohh oh helloo. How is everyone today," she says in a kind voice. You all easily recognize her from the night before. "Miss Marigold is just inside. Im afraid she decided to sleep in today. She will be up in a little while though. We're preparing a second breakfast. Im sure she wouldnt mind if you all joined us." She spies Patty with his sword drawn. "Oh, how I could have used you that garden a little while ago," she says with a smile.

Kendry  d20+6=25
Friday March 25th, 2005 3:03:47 AM

Backstep to Olo's request
During the earlier walk to Marigold's, Kendry listens to Olo's explanation and petition. "Sure, buddy. I'll suggest a turtle, instead," he says, deadpan. After a beat, he says, sincerely, "Don't worry, Olo, friend. There was a lot of stress in that room. And I don't think you phased her." A thought occurs to him, and he allows, "I'm more likely the one she'd want to change into a ... magpie!"

Talking with the nice lady
"Mornin', ma'am," Kendry returns a greeting to the kindly lady. "Beautiful day for starters, ain't? I'm Kendry, this's my sis, Selithe, and these are my friends." He laughs at himself. "I'm afraid I just fed Aunt Marigold's doggies part of their second breakfast," he says, showing his now emptied bag, and petting the dogs in turn. "Couple of years since I saw them in the light of day. Second breakfast sounds lovely. Oh, we're some of the Humble's Ford Pipewoods. Leafwin Pipewood family. Now, you industrious and kindly lady, I'd be much obliged to learn your name!" [Diplomacy: d20+6=25]

Airin  d20+6=16
Friday March 25th, 2005 7:27:15 AM

"HAH ! " Airin says to Patty just loud enough for him to hear, but the lady won't here it "Told you these dogs wouldn't hurt us ! At least not at daytime ..."

Airin casually looks around the garden ... where was that powder circle ... is it still here ? (Spot=16)

"Thank you for the invitation Ma'am. My name is Airin. Sorry I didn't catch your name ... " Airin says as she follows the rest of the group most likely inside.

Friday March 25th, 2005 4:40:29 PM

Patty looks at his sword awkwardly and stuffs it back into his scabbard. "Errr...shoot! Guess I'm to late to help you with those weeds, eh? Maybe next time..." he trails off.

A the party prepares to enter the house(presumably), Patty gives Airin a playful poke in the ribs with his elbow and sticks his tounge out at her. ;)

Friday March 25th, 2005 10:49:52 PM

Olo didn't even realize he'd been holding his breath until he let it out in a long slow exhale of relief. The pleasant greeting was a good sign that he might yet make it through the day without finding out what life was like as a frog, or a turtle even.

"That's so very generous of you ma'am, and uh.. if there might be something I could do to help with preparations, I'd be more than glad to roll up my sleeves."

Olo puts on what he hopes is a not so nervous smile, though it ends up being stretched a bit wider than would be natural.

Sunday March 27th, 2005 4:05:58 PM

Selithe smiles and looks sheepishly at the lady as she had expected some other type of greetings. After composing herself Selithe speaks up, "Hello ma'am. I was worried we might of caught Aunt in bed still but we wanted to suprise her since we we're in the area you know. We don't get to see her as often as we use to."

Where's the Beef? (DM Stephen)  d20+2=9 d20+4=10 d100=22 d100=41 d6=2 d6=6
Monday March 28th, 2005 12:05:02 AM

The woman answers everyone, esepecially Kendry and Selithe, with a warm smile. "Oh that is so kind of you to think of your aunt like that. Seems like the youth now-a-days are more interested in fun and frolicing than family. Oh please forgive me. Where are my manners, my name is Daisy. I've been under your aunt's employment for three months now."

Airin looks about very carefully. For the life of her, she sees no trace of the powdery ring from the night before!

Another voice calls out from the back, "Daisy, I need your help with this side of beef."

A joyful expression forms across her face. "Coming right away, Bea! Hurry everyone. Your Aunt Marigold had a yearling butchered this morning. A glorious cut of meat for sure. Your aunt likes her meat fresh."

She quickly turns and heads back to the back of the house. If you follow her, she leads you to the kitchen door. Another woman pushing a wheelbarrel, a woman you all recognize from the night before, sits huffing and puffing from over-exertion.

Bea looks up after wiping her brow. Inspecting the young crowd before her, she says, "Oh my, I was afraid I got too much. But you know what they always say. Better to get too much, than not enough."

"Yes, you are so correct," Daisy says with glee. "We're preparing Madam Marigold's favorite dish, spicy peppered steak and eggs with a fresh garden salad. Most may think it's a little too hardy for second breakfast, but Madam Marigold says it always picks her up in the morning."

Monday March 28th, 2005 1:50:08 AM

Patty rushes over to help the exhausted old woman with the wheelbarrel, "Please...let me." He says, hefting it easily. He takes an opportunity to inspect its contents and keeps an eye on the (ex?)witch, making sure not to turn his back to her. They may be acting like nice old hobit women now, but Patterton doesn't trust them one bit. If the old bitty makes a blatently violent move, he will draw his longsword and defend himself.

Monday March 28th, 2005 4:13:43 AM

"Nice to meet you, Daisy," Kendry replies.

"Ooo! Peppered steak and eggs sounds great. We'd be happy to pitch in and help, if you'd like. Olo here is a great hand in the kitchen. I can toss a salad, or peel some potatoes without cutting myself, usually. Good job, Patterton. Watch your step there. Hard to walk forward when you're looking back."

Kendry pitches in and helps in any manner that seems appropriate. He looks forward to second breakfast, getting to know the two ladies, and to catching up on the news with Aunt Marigold.

Monday March 28th, 2005 6:43:53 AM

As Patty playfully pokes Airin's ribs when passing her by, Airin whipsers in his ears : "Better watch your pockets tonight ..."

She's not in the least surprised that the powdery circle ain't there anymore ...

"Steak " Airin says "that sure sounds delicious !" as she can't help but thinking if this is beef or wolf's steak ...

Monday March 28th, 2005 9:59:23 AM

"Right! Like Kendry said, I can usually find my way around the kitchen and would be more than happy to lend a hand."

Olo thought about it for a moment, then decided not to push too much to help out. Some people are particular about their kitchens, and that might go doubly so for witches. Who knew what one might find in Marigold's spice rack?

Monday March 28th, 2005 10:31:10 PM

Selithe smiles and nods at the comments Daisy makes and speaks again to her, "Yeah, we travel alot lately so we understand more how much family means and to take any chance to see them for atleast alittle bit."

Selithe notices Bea and leans her head to the side as she reguards her before speaking to her, "May we give you any more of a hand?" Selithe wonders and whispers to Kendry when she can without hopfully being heard, "Hey Kendry, did you know anything about our Aunt have magical powers? Is it known at all maybe she uses being a wizardess or something as cover? If so maybe I should strike up some shop talk later with her."

Drawing Straws? [DM Jerry] 
Monday March 28th, 2005 10:39:03 PM

The cooking takes on the look of half a dozen mad scientists as eveyrone kicks in and helps get Second Breakfast ready.

The table is set. The fire kept low for the late morning chill.

As everyone moves to sit down at the table, it is quickly noticed that there is not enough spots at the table.

Marigold smiles and says, "Guess we have to break out the Kiddie table like at Festival."

"You youngins can draw straws to see who has to sit at the kiddie table."

She then produces some pieces of celery. "This will work. Quick work with a knife and she cuts them all to the same length except for two short ones. Then she holds them in her hands and passes them around to draw.

[Stephen's phone was down tonight so I'm subbin' in for a day--maybe more.]

Tuesday March 29th, 2005 12:02:38 AM

Patty pulls a straw and hopes that he doesn't get a short one. His bulk would not be accomadated well by the kiddie table.

Tuesday March 29th, 2005 12:03:10 AM

Patty pulls a straw and hopes that he doesn't get a short one. His bulk would not be accomadated well by the kiddie table.

Kendry  d20=16
Tuesday March 29th, 2005 1:20:30 AM

As Selithe asks whether their Aunt has magical powers, Kendry shrugs his shoulders. When she asks about bringing up shop talk, he nods his head in affirmation.

(d20=16 for drawing a straw - er, celery stalk.)

He looks at the celery stalk he drew, and compares it with Patterton's. "All right, Airin, Olo, sis, your turn."

Airin  d20=13 d20+6=13 d20+1=16 d20+7=21
Tuesday March 29th, 2005 2:06:26 AM

Airin giggles as aunt Marigold offers the celery sticks and also draws one (d20=13) watching with anticipation to see if she will be sitting at the kiddies table :-)

Then Airin casually looks around to see if she can notice anything from last nights "dream". She's not expecting to see anything, but still ...
There's not enough room at the table ... are there enough chairs ? Is one chair missing ?!? Maybe the one that was broken last night !!

spot - 13

Then she carefully starts to observe Marigold and her two servants. If they start talking among eachother Airin will try to figure out about what they talk.

sense motive = 16
read lips = 21

Is Aunt Marigold wearing a medallion ?!?

Patterton  d20=2
Tuesday March 29th, 2005 8:30:10 AM

OOC: forgot a roll...2! :(

Olo  d20=14
Tuesday March 29th, 2005 2:50:04 PM

Olo waits his turn and then dutifully picks one of the remaining stalks of celery (d20=14). He looks at it and a seems to be a bit confused. After a moment he shakes his head as if to clear it.

"Why on earth is noone talking about last night?"

He looks around at the room full of people, genuinely perplexed as to why everyone is acting so normal.

"You ladies," he points around with the celery in his hand, "were tied up and there was a wolfman with a bad temper trashing the house! The hounds outside were decidedly not normal, and one was speaking no less! And," Olo continued, flourishing the celery, "There was that bit with the amulet and the magic. Now... witch, shaman, druid, sorcerer, whatever.. I'm not one to judge on labels," again a dismissive gesture with the celery, "but what happened last night has me really worried. Could someone please give me an explanation?"

Somewhat drained after letting all that out, Olo sagged back against the countertop. Looking down to see he was still holding the celery, he took a bite. Chewing, he looked at Marigold expectantly.

OOC: Uhoh! Olo might just get turned into a frog afterall!

Tuesday March 29th, 2005 3:54:42 PM

"Oh, Olo, let's eat something, first," Kendry says. "It's always better to talk over important things with a full stomach!

"Wow, those eggs look great!"

Tuesday March 29th, 2005 5:17:54 PM

Selithe takes one of the celery sticks and looks at it and then the others before speaking to her Aunt, smiling as she does, "I was wondering Aunt Marigold, do you have any knowledge of the arcane arts? As you know I'm in my opinion still learning the arts and thought maybe you might beable to give me soe advice on things."

Selithe shoots Olo and glare and whispers in his direction, "Olo, we will get to it my friend."

What's Eating You? (DM Stephen)  d20=13 d20=19 d20=18 d20+5=7 d20+5=11 d20+9=19 d20+9=26 d100=27 d100=30 d100=76 d6=3 d6=6 d6=4
Tuesday March 29th, 2005 11:30:38 PM

Daisy and Patterton both draw losing sticks of celery. She looks at the small table and then at Patterton and says, "Well young man, looks like it will be you and me."

Airin uses her keen sense of observation when she can during the preparation of the meal. She gets the feeling that both Daisy and Bea are not being completely truthful. Not in what they've talked about so far, just that they are withholding or trying to avoid certain topics. Its hard to explain, but the two just don't seem trustworthy. Both Bea and Daisy glance back and forth at each other while they prepare the meal. They even pause to look at you and the group. They're actions seem coordinated in some way. Bea hands the pepper to Daisy without asking for it. Daisy has her hand ready to accept it without even looking. How'd she know? At one point, Bea notices you looking at them. They both, at the same time, turn to look at you, even though Daisy had her back turned. A quick smile forms across their faces and Daisy asks, "Do you need anything deary?" The whole encounter makes you a little uneasy.

Marigold, on the other hand, is acting normally. You don't sense anything from here. She's her normal, stuffy, prim and proper self. Her hair is tied up into a tight bun. She is wearing a nice casual dress. Her blouse's collar completely covers her neck. A velvet tie with an ivory-looking cameo helps bring the outfit together. You cant see if she is burned or not. Marigold doesn't give you a noticable clue to prove otherwise.

Olo then has his outburst. The room goes still and silent. Marigold, Daisy and Bea look at each other and then bursts into laughter.

"Sorry my dear Olo. We don't mean to mock you. But, what is it you're talking about," questions Marigold? "Werewolf?! Talking dogs?! Trashing my house?! Did you suffer from a nightmare in last night. All this talk about druids, shaman, magic, and lacanthropy, what an active imagination. Bea, please fetch young Olo here a nice glass of milk. It will calm his nerves."

"Yes, madam."

Marigold continues, "Kendry is right, lets eat and discuss this dream of Olo's. If it will make you feel better, you can tour my house if that will ease your mind. And while you're at it, you can bring two stools from my palor. You and Daisy need a place to sit."

Daisy and Bea both emerge from the kitchen. One with a large platter of peppered steak swimming in its own juices and the other a serving tray with a bowl of salad, seasonings, a hunk of cheese, a few loaths of toasted bread, butter and a small bowl of spicy, diced-cut tomatoes and olive oil for dipping, and a tall glass of milk for Olo.

Patterton  d20=4
Wednesday March 30th, 2005 3:12:54 AM

Patterton politely slides Daisy's chair in behind her as she sits down and waits for the host to be seated before he takes his own stool. Although he had grown up in the woods, his mother had been fanatic about table manners.

He then steals a glance at Olo, half expecting the priest to continue the interogation. A part of him respects the cleric for being so direct about the night before, but something tells him the party may be able to glean more from these three witches if a more subtle approach is used.

Patty takes a roll as it passes by and looks about for the butter. "I've gotta say, you Hovel folk sure know how to make a meal." He says to Marigold. "I may just have to move here permanently so I don't miss another spread like this!"

"All that cooking has really made it hot in here, though. You must've beeen 'burning' up in the kitchen on the 'stake'...I mean with the steak." Patty watches Marigold's expression when he stresses the words 'burning' and 'stake' to see if she reacts (sense motive=4 boo!).

Airin  d20+2=13 d20+1=16 d20+1=8
Wednesday March 30th, 2005 4:24:44 AM

Airin takes a little jump when both Bea and Daisy suddenly turn around at her and she stammers : " Please forgive me my curiosity, but I was marveling the way you two work together. It's as if there's a mental link between the two of you ! I must say it's almost like magic ... Between the three of us, I've recently discovered a few magic tricks myself ! So when I can "detect magic", I would be the first to search for more answers !! Maybe the two of you can give me a few hints ? I'm only a humble beginning druid ... not as experienced as the three of you are ... after all, it was you who was flying over our heads after the elections right ! Oh I which I could do that myself one day !! I would love to find a tutor ..."

The moment Airin said "Detect magic" she waves her hands and actually casts this spell hoping to figure out if the ladies indeed have magical aura's. She will spend time to thouroughly concentrate on both ladies. After all, she IS trying to learn more about magic !!

Concentration = 13
Diplomacy = 16
sense motive = 8

Wednesday March 30th, 2005 7:05:28 PM

Kendry relishes this fine second breakfast, dipping his toasted bread into the bowl with the spiced tomato & olive oil, and listens to his friends and the ladies.

"Yes, I've certainly had some strange dreams, or visions, since yesterday. Tell you what has me curious, though. Last night, three ladies called out, 'Woe!' 'Blessed Be!' and 'Praises! - then warned of the Great Conjunction, and told dwellers in the Valley of the Moon that their time had come, and that woe would come to the unprepared, but that that which is to come is blessed." He sets down his dripping bread on his main plate. "That is a jumble of riddled prophecies to me, I'll tell you. I sure would not want to be among those who are unprepared. And I'm looking for counsel from those who have knowledge and wisdom about such matters.

"Auntie, and you two dear ladies, you have lived at least a little longer than we. What advice might you have for us? How can we prepare for the Great Conjunction, when our three moons align, and the light of the sun is darkened? How do we prepare for this event? How do we protect others from dangers to come? And, do we know how soon it is to occur?" He picks up his bread again, and brings it to his mouth, but pulls it back at the last moment. "I'll confess, I have not dedicated much time to the study of matters astrological." Then he bites into the delicious morsel.

Wednesday March 30th, 2005 11:56:44 PM

Olo's a bit stunned. Not only that the ladies deny his story, but that none of his friends have the courage to speak up. He looks from face to face, hoping someone will back him up on the events of the previous night. When it becomes clear that noone will corroborate his version of events, he shakes his head in dissapointment.

As the food is brought in, Olo takes his place and accepts the tall glass of milk. Frustrated by the denial, he decides to focus on the food in front of him and let the others take whatever initiative they will with the conversation.

After following up a bite of a biscuit with some milk, he can't help but make one last remark.

"You know... I didn't say it was a werewolf."

Good Food, Good Conversation (DM Stephen)  d100=29 d100=47 d100=32 d20+4=5 d20+4=22 d20+8=17 d20+9=12 d20+2=7 d20+2=13 d6=5 d6=4 d6=2
Thursday March 31st, 2005 12:49:54 AM

(back in the kitchen, before the food is served...)

Airin confronts Daisy and Bea about how they coordinate their tasks. She also comes right out and accuses them of being witches. Both maids look at you with blank stares. "Oh deary, what ever are you talking about? Us, witches?! haa haa haa hahaha!" They both giggle like its some kind of joke. "Oh, the young has such active imaginations." As Airin begins to cast her spell and waves her hand, she can feel her natural magic coming to life. Bea watches with wide eyes full of wonder. Daisy quickly turns around takes a pot that was hanging from a hook. Airin instantly feels her spell blink out of existence before she can finish casting it. Daisy turns back around and hands Bea the pot. Bea accepts it without even turning to see Daisy hand it to her. Bea asks, "Did you cast your spell? Is something about to happen?" Her eyes dart around as if trying to spot some kind of magical effect. Daisy interupts, "Our talents in the kitchen come from years of experence. We've worked together so long that it may seem that we know what each other is thinking. Im afraid its only the magic of repetition."

Airin isnt sure, she's not very experienced with magic, but its possible your spell was countered by something or someone. (Make a Spellcraft check to figure out for sure.)
(During the meal ...)

Patterton sit politely at the kiddy table. He says his thing and Marigold appears absolutely unflappable. In fact, she agrees.

"It is a little warm in here. Bea, could you open a window," asks Marigold.

"Yes, madam."

Marigold listens to Kendry and gives him a comforting smile. "Yes, I heard about those ladies flying around shouting to all who would hear. Unfortunately, election time always draws all sorts of different people. As far as eclipses go, they are natural occurances. It's only time for one to happen. And the crazed masses always try and attach some kind of sinister meaning to these astrological events. This is nothing out of the ordinary. It happens every time. Woe indeed! Woe in having to listen to their rantings. I say enjoy the wonder of what is about to happen. You may be my age before you get to see another one. Don't worry, the sun will always rise and greet you in the morning. That is something you can always count on. Oh, and death and taxes, of course," she says with a chuckle.

Olo, somewhat disappointed, resigns to eat his food. However, with the utterance of his little remark, Marigold freezes. Her eyes widen for a second. She appears to be "flapped". (100 exp for Olo)

Marigold explains, "You must have mentioned a werewolf! I heard you say it. Lets talk about something else please. This topic is getting tiresome and your upsetting yourr ... !" Marigold appears distracted for a second.

"Oh Daisy," asks Marigold. "Would you be so kind as to fetch a fresh jar of apple preserves from the cellar. Im really in the mood for something sweet."

In an almost somber tone, "Yes madam, right away!"

(For those who make a Spot check DC 12, you notice a small spot of reflected light dance across the wall opposite from one of the windows. A reflection from something moving outside.)

Thursday March 31st, 2005 1:14:46 AM

(OOC:Sorry if this post is late.)

Selithe smiles when she doesn't get the short celery stick but blinks when all the comments are made about the dreams and such.

Selithe lets these drop from her mind though as he ponders reasking her Aunt about magic but leaves it be for now inless her Aunt comments. Selithe does shoot Patty a slight glare when he seems to Selithe anyway to be acting kind of flirty. Selithe huffs under her breath and turns her gaze away from Patty, looking instead to Kendry for a moment and then away figuring her brother might pick on her over her reaction towards Patty.

(DM Stephen - No biggie :) Go ahead and make your checks and post again if you wish to react to what is happening. Im a late night poster too.)

Airin  d20+6=16 d20+3=17 d20+8=25 d20+7=23 d20+13=24
Thursday March 31st, 2005 9:26:30 AM

spot = 16

Just before going into the dining room :
spellcraft check = 17
After Airin feels Bea counter her spell she says to both woman "Pff ... I was hoping you would at least be willing to teach an aspiring Druid a few tricks. Instead you prefere to be rude and mock me. "
It's very clear to both Bea and Daisy that Airin is very dissapointed in them. She leaves the kitchen with an angry face to find a spot at the table.

At the table :
Still quite angry and very distrustful towards Bea and Daisy Airin never even noted Olo's brilliant remark. (OOC Way to go Olo !!)
She tries to find rock solid proove that the three woman are more than they reveal. She sits seemingly sulking at the table covering her eyes with her hair. Yet she tries to concentrate and keep her "covered" eyes and ears focussed on Bea and Daisy hoping to hear a hint, see suspicious moves. ( listen=25 ; read lips=23 ; hide=24 ) Airin is convinced they are witches or something like that.

Then suddenly she spots the dancing lights on the wall and gets distracted after all. Where does this come from !?!? She checks where the sun comes in and remaining at the table she tries to look through the windows.

Thursday March 31st, 2005 10:58:31 AM

Sensing that Morpth might be the cause of the stir at the breakfast table, Morpth will quickly return to the edge of the forest; well out of spell range, and then wait to see if Patterton comes to the window.

(Barbarian move rate is 30 ft when not carrying a heavy load)

Olo  d20+4=23
Thursday March 31st, 2005 11:31:27 AM


Following the exchange between Marigold and Daisy, Olo hurriedly wipes his mouth with his napkin.

"Preserves, eh? I'll go with you Miss Daisy. You said we could check out the house, right?"

Quickly he pushes back his chair and stands, so Daisy doesn't have a chance to skirt out of the room without him.

"Or... we could go see who's outside your window there, howabout that?"

Olo stands there looking at the ladies in turn, waiting to see exactly what their next action will be. If Daisy or one of the others tries to disappear on an errand, he's going with her.

Patterton  d20=6 d20=19
Thursday March 31st, 2005 5:33:47 PM

Listen 6
Spot 19

Patterton notices Selithes dour demeanor and is just about to ask her about it when he notices the reflection on the wall. After Olo speaks, Patty nods to him and stands as well.

"Right then. I'll take a look outside if you'd like to help Daisy with the apples, Olo. Don't want anyone crashing the party now do we? Please excuse me ladies."

Patty rests his hand on the hilt of his longsword as he opens the door half expecting to see Sotirod lurking by the window. Instead he sees a young hobbit running at breakneck speed towards the woods.

"Hey!" He yells, knowing he has zero chance of chasing him down.

Kendry  d20+3=22
Friday April 1st, 2005 12:47:04 AM

Kendry notices the reflected light from the motion outside. Kendry finds himself amused at the interplay between those who express themselves honestly and directly, and those who try to skirt various issues. He knows his family, and is not unacquainted with the occasional 'let's pretend' that something unpleasant that we all know happened, didn't really happen. He knows it helps save face. Helps avoid unpleasantries. But he appreciates Olo's guilelessness. He saw Aunt Marigold, carefully counting those at Calfast's party last night. He noted the shadow image of her as the three women flew into the air on broomsticks, and one looked quite a bit like his aunt. And now she and her two housemates are trying to pretend that what happened last night, did not happen, or is a flight of fancy on the part of those here. He figures that Auntie, in cahoots with Bea and Daisy, attempted to divert them with implanted dreams - and somehow managed to whisk them safely back to the barn. And good Olo has managed to catch her adding a detail to the story that he himself did not mention. Why does she poo-poo the prophecy?

When Selithe begins to get pouty about Patty, Kendry looks at her cross-eyed. "Here, have some more bread and dip, sis." He gives her a wink.

He notes the momentary change in light (spot 22), and accompanies Patterton to the door. Over his shoulder, he notes the fleeing halfling. "Anyone you know?" he asks Patty, as he stretches, and pats his now well-filled stomach.

Meandering back, he takes a brief stroll through the living room. With his toe, he scoots aside the small throw rug now placed over the spot where his caltrops landed last night. He notes the indentation left by two points of a caltrop - ah, there's the faint third dot - the one Sotirod trod upon painfully last night. He replaces the little rug.

"Sweet things are nice. Darcy Lee, next youngest to Selithe, she has a sweet tooth just like you, Aunt Marigold. You should come out and visit us some time. Papa could show you all the improvements he's made to his shop, and everyone can catch up on all the latest gossip." Kendry could be as direct as his friends, but just decides to let this play out for the moment. How much deeper will the ladies dig?

No, he can't let things go, entirely. "Sorry 'bout the marks my caltrops made, Auntie. Thanks for your help, too. I'm glad you're looking so well today."

Cold Breakfast! (DM Stephen)  d100=96 d100=55 d6=2 d6=4 d20+4=7 d20+4=18 d20+9=15
Friday April 1st, 2005 12:57:36 AM

Almost everyone in the room spots the morning sunlight's betrayal of a sneak outside the window. Those with quick reflexes see the hairy top of someone's head before it darts off at great speed.

Along with Daisy, Olo and Patterton make a beeline for the back door in the kitchen. The warrior and the cleric quickly pass by the maid as she prefers to stand within the kitchen and watch the strange hobbit run away through the open doorway. Patterton yells out to the runner. Patty adjusts his eyes a little. This wild-looking hobbit looks familiar to him! Scruffy, wears a chain shirt and carries a big axe, a really big axe ... yeah, very familiar.

Morpth hears the shouts. He loses a step in his stride. He remembers that voice from somewhere! Should he dare look back and see?!

Selithe and Airin remain seated at the table with Bea and Marigold. The tension in the room cant be cut with an ordinary knife. Airin notices both Bea and Marigold are noticably upset. Marigold cant take her eyes off the food on her plate. Her eyes shift back and forth slowly. She's deep in thought. Bea exhibits a pained expression as she massages her forehead. Looks to be having a headache. Airin can hear her heart rapidly beat within her chest. She's troubled. Bea gets up from her chair and asks, "Madam, may I be excused? Im feeling a bit ill." Marigold breaks her silence, "Yes, you are excused." Bea bows her head to all at the table and leaves for her room. You all can hear her door shut.

When Kendry returns to the dining room and says his thing. She nods and replies, "Yes, I do need to make a concerted effort to visit the family more." She seems to appreciate Kendry's more tactful treatment and not continuing to force the subject any further. Until he makes his little remark about the rug. She looks like she's about to lose her temper, but quickly collects her wits. "Will you please just sit down and finish your food before it gets cold. You too Selithe ... Airin. I don't want people thinking Im inhospitable with my own family. Clean off your plates and we can finish the last pie."

Friday April 1st, 2005 2:41:15 AM

"Pie!" Kendry exclaims. Whatever her reasons, Marigold has declared the topics they are trying to raise off limits. As Calfast told him, his aunt is an astute woman, and not to be trifled with. He realizes that, but still wonders at the continued attempts to cover things up. He recalls her remark from last evening about the possibility of her being burned at the stake. And Calfast counseled against even mentioning certain names. Perhaps she is trying to protect us? And others, even, we know not about... Maybe they are aware of someone who might try to scry upon them.

"Friends, let's just enjoy the great food and hospitality here. I love the bright sun shining down this morning. Oh, oh - we saw some huge mushrooms this morning over by the barn. They were as tall as Selithe!" He finishes off what's on his plate, and makes room for the pie.

"Oh, we'll likely be headin' cross the valley in a bit."

Friday April 1st, 2005 3:38:04 AM

Patty squints at the hobbit in the distance and suddenly his face lights up. "Well, pickle my beets! It can't be! Morpth?! Morpth, is that you? What are ya doing here?"

Patty walks ten paces foreward(not wanting to go very far from his friends while they are in the company of witches)and gestures for the barbarian to approach.

Looking at the Cleric, he says, "Hey, Olo. Let me introduce you to my friend Morpth here. We go back a ways." Then when Morpth is close enough, "Hey buddy! This is Olo, priest of Warrd. Fancy meeting you here, eh?"

Airin  d20+1=19
Friday April 1st, 2005 8:00:15 AM

Aunt Marigold clearly doesn't want us to infere and Selithe and Airin seem to be giving them all a terrible headache. Oh if only there was a way to get away from the table, out of their sight and take a quick look around the house. It may not be worth it, but it sure would be interesting.

After Aunt's remark Airin nicely finishes of her plate and like Kendry makes room for the pie to arrive.

"Auntie, take a look at this ! ", proudly Airin shows the Elven style ring at her hand, " This is one of the four rings we found on one of them Goblins we met a few days ago ... You like it ? We may go to visit the Elves shortly ... I could give the rings back ... "

(ooc : all clues we found so far about the rings are on Airin Char sheet)

The minute Airin holds her hand under Aunt Marigolds nose, Airin keeps a keen eye on her reaction. "Trust" is a word that right now can't be found in Airins dictionary.

(sense motive 19)

Friday April 1st, 2005 10:35:39 AM

Morpth approaches Patterton, but stay about 10 paces away, still a bit cautious. "Nice to see you again, Patterton. Are you alright?"

Waiting to see Patterton's reaction, Morpth shifts uncomfortably on his feet, as if to bolt at the slightess distraction.

"As you know Patterton, sometimes I scout ahead for interesting things to do. As I drew closer to this neck of the woods, I heard the celebrations. I guess curiosity grabed hold of me, I well I had to scout it out."

"Where's my manners?! Nice to meet you Olo Priest of Wardd." Morpth waves at him. Then Morpth beckons to Patterton to come closer to him for a private conversation.

If Patterton approaches him, Morpth will make sure they are out of earshot from the priest before Morpth tells Patterton about the strange things Morpth witnessed the night before.

If Patterton stands his ground, then Morpth wil slowly beging to back away from the house trying to put distance between himself and the house about 35 feet worth.

Friday April 1st, 2005 1:37:55 PM

Selithe watches her Aunt and goes about cleaning her plate as she does. When she is finished she stretches and rubs her stomach once before speaking to her Aunt, "You and the everyone else make a real good meal Aunt Marigold. We honestly don't mean to trouble you either with our questions but being young and all our curiousity does get the best of us."

Selithe thinks a moment and looks to her Aunt, "Anyway, me and my card playing ways always figured don't tip your hand till your ready so I wanted to end this matter as to insure nothing is accidently said outside. Anyway, if you prefer to wait and discuss this then I will not argue."

True to her words Selithe now shuts up on the subject inless it is talked about by Marigold now, instead she smiles, "The pie is one that we delivered? or one of your own?"

Friday April 1st, 2005 2:31:36 PM

Kendry glances at the ring that Airin proffers, interested in whether Marigold might have any familiarity with the insignia.

He winces when Selithe asks whether it is one of the pies they delivered. That was a week ago, and it's unlikely that Marigold wants to be reminded of that incident. "Of course it's a fresh pie, sis."

Olo  d20+4=16
Friday April 1st, 2005 4:10:55 PM

"Pleased to meet you. Morph is it? Morpth?" Olo nods in greeting and watches the exchange between Patty and the newcomer. Glancing back at Miss Daisy, he checks her reaction to see if the newcomer is a surprise to her as well (Sense Motive 16).

When the axe wielding halfling beckons Patty out a bit further from the house, Olo takes the hint and steps back into the kitchen with Miss Daisy. Still facing out and watching the exchange between Patty and Morpth, he takes advantage of the opportunity for a private conversation of his own.

"You know Miss Daisy, there's an uncle of mine, Mr. Roscoe Goodbarrel, who's a bit eccentric. Not just personality wise, but his dealings with the church and his other business too. When I was younger and I'd ask him about it, he'd either tell me or he wouldn't, but he never lied or denied it."

Olo paused for a moment, trying to find words but failing, then looked at her and shrugged.

"We're just all really worried, you know? A few sincere answers would go a long way here."

Then, having said all he feels is worth saying, he turns back to watch the exchange between Patty and Morpth.

Friday April 1st, 2005 4:16:59 PM

(OOC: sorry for the second daily post, but as this is Morpth's introduction and he has important information to share with the party I figured I'd get the ball rolling for the sake of expediency).

Patty approaches Morpth and listens closely as the barbarian whispers in his ear. He furrows his brow upon hearing what he has to say and claps him on the shoulder. "On moment, Morpth. Would you mind telling my friends what you just told me? Away from the house of course."

Patty pokes his head in the door and looks at his companions, "Um, Kendry, Selithe, Airin. Would you come outside for a moment?"

Saturday April 2nd, 2005 1:18:51 PM

Morpth awaits the rest of Patterton's friends to arrive and assemble outside Aunt Marigold's house.

After they assemble, Morpth asks all of them if they wouldn't mind stepping back away from the House another 15 feet or so closer to the Forest.

If they do so, Morpth checks to be certain they are not overheard. Then Morpth tells them the following series of events from the night before. "The night before, I was resting under a tree near Marigold's house and witnessed my friend Patterton and company sneak into Marigold's house from the back door. Since I know Patterton, I snuck up to the window and saw the battle with the wolf-man, and Marigolds speech while wielding a magical amulet. Suddenly the entire interior of the house is engulfed with a blast of white light. The shock threw me back to the ground and blinded me for several minutes. Once I gathered my wits, I headed back to the trees and watched the house until morning.

The night before, after the flash of blinding light, my sight returned and I saw and felt a blustery wind circling around Marigolds house. I wasn't sure, but I thought I saw a giant, gaseous, ghostly image the wolf-man floating above the house. I only saw his upper body (stomach, chest, arms and head), his lower body fades away and becomes invisible. Like a genie. He appears to be riving in pain, (gnashing of teeth, clawing at the sky, really dramatic) yet he makes no sound. All I heard is the wind. The winds spin into a funnel and consumes the wolfman completely. The winds suddenly die and the ghostly wolf-man is gone. All is quiet. All the lights in the house are out, pitch black. I can't see in anymore. I retreated to my hiding spot in the trees and pondered about what I've seen. No one leaves the house until morning, only Daisy and Bea exit the back door to start their chores.

I never saw you folks leave. I was surprised greatly to see a party of hobbits (you nice hobbits) that look just like the hobbits from last night come over for 2nd breakfast! "

Morpth says, "now if that doesn't say "stay out of my house" I don't know what does!"

Morpth also explains, "I feel that since Patterton is my friend, it was my duty to keep him from danger and to tell him what I saw. Since he's you're friends, he asked me to explain that very story to all of you. I know Kendry that she's your Aunt and all, but I honestly have to tell you, I'm not going into that house!"

Saturday April 2nd, 2005 6:09:23 PM

Selithe blinks and blushes at her brother's comment and she is reminded of when the pies were delivered, "Sorry, time has flown by so fast since then that I forgot."

Selithe moves to follow the others and looks over Morpth as he tells the group his story. Selithe thinks over all this carefully and sighs after bit as she looks to the new man, "I understand your concerns but Aunt Marigold can't be a bad person, I just don't believe that. There has to be a explanation. I mean I'm a magic user and know alittle of pacts and such you could make with creatures. Maybe the wolf form you seen was actually our Aunt, it's possible the wolf dude and her switched bodies some how or he's hiding her from our vision."

Selithe holds out her hand to Morpth, only after she dusts her clothing off and straightens her hair and ruffled sleeved shirt, the front cut in it's revealing way still, "It's nice to meet you Morpth and please do not take my comments as insults, we just need to try and be open minded about all this till we know the facts."

Selithe makes it a point to still not look at Patty as she still hasn't forgotten how it seems like he was flirting with Daisy.


Not more Pie!! (DM Stephen)  d100=48 d100=42 d100=48 d100=85 d6=6 d6=1 d6=6 d6=3
Monday April 4th, 2005 1:58:07 AM

Olo and Patty become re-acquainted with Morpth and whispers his concerns about Marigold and her maids. Olo looks back to only see Daisy in the doorway. She watches for a few seconds and turns back in, out of sight. You can tell that she seems nervous and concerned.

After the meal is done and Marigold and company is sufficiently satisfied, Daisy brings in what looks to be a rather large pumpkin pie. Marigold answers Selithe's concerns. "No my dear, this pie was made fresh by your cousin Penelope just yesterday. You do know that she and her husband Ellis are expecting their firstborn in three months. Ellis wont let her do anymore chores around the house. She's becoming stir crazy. You know how she likes to stay busy."

Daisy starts cutting equal slices and placing each piece carefully on individual plates. She then serves each person present a single serving and a fresh spoon.

Marigold continues, "Yes, they're planning to take the trip into Culverwood Forest to birth the child. I believe some of you where afforded the same priviledge, as myself. Hee hee hee, poor dear Ellis, he's been planning every little detail. He's such a proud father. He bought a new carriage for the trip. He can afford that kind of luxury being the owner of the towns only Livery."

Those outside are the first to hear the excited screams of a little girl. She runs toward Marigold's house as fast as her little legs can carry her. She cries, "Marigold, Marigold!!" The dogs become excited and start barking. She comes to the edge of Marigold's fence and cries into the house, "Auntie Marigold, Auntie Marigold ... Come quick!!!" Marigold quickly comes to the door. "What's wrong Trixie?!" She explains, "It's Penelope! The baby ... its not right!! Somethings real wrong! Hurry, come on!!" Her face is stained red from tears and her breath is heavy. She must've ran the whole way. Marigold says, "Run back and tell them Im on my way, hurry now!" Lil Trixie turns and starts her run back. Marigold addresses whomever is in the room. "2nd breakfast is over. Whoever is coming better leave with me now." That being said, Marigold grabs a few things and heads quickly out the door.

Monday April 4th, 2005 4:17:37 AM

As aunt Marigold doesn't react to the ring she shows, or doesn't want to, Airin concentrates on the delicious pumpkin pie. Only a few bites into her second piece she hears Patty calling out for them all. Airin asks permission to aunt Marigold to leave the table.

As she is leaving the house she quickly punt on her gloves again to conceal the ring. Somehow she's dissapointed for not finding out more about them.

She follows Kendry and Selithe out of the house towards Patty and listens carefully to Morpth's tale. She's not in the least surprised. "I knew it !" she say "I knew it wasn't a dream !"

"Nice to meet you Morpth ... I'm Airin" she says giving Morpth a nice little hug.

Then suddenly a woman runs in crying out of Aunt Marigold. "This I won't miss ! ... " Airin thinks to herself " Auntie might need to heal Penelopee or even perform some sort of magic on her. I will be there to watch !!"

Then she runs along with Aunt Marigold.

"Aunt ... hufff .... puff ... if ... pfff ... I can ... huhhuh ... do anything ... hufff .. to help ... puff ... let me know ... " is all Airin can say while they are running over to Penelopee's house.

Monday April 4th, 2005 5:28:49 AM

When Patterton asks Kendry, Selithe & Airin to come outside, Kendry declines for the moment. "Look, Patty, let me finish breakfast with my Aunt, first." So he does not get Morpth's low-down on what he observed from the night before. With all the body language and the tizzy the household has been thrown into, he thinks he needs to do whatever he can to calm things down domestically, if possible. And, perhaps with the others out of the house for the moment, Marigold may let spill something or other about what's going on.

"Ah, pumpkin pie!" he exclaims with delight as he observes what Daisy brought in.

When Marigold speaks of the expectant couple, he comments, "Ah, Ellis & Peep. I heard a few months back that she was 'blossoming,' as my mother puts it." And with mention of Ellis' plans to ensure a forest birth, he nods, and says, "Yes, me too. I mean, I was forest born. Aunt Nilly was there, helping Mama."

"A new carriage? Wonder if she baked herself an extra pumpkin pie to take along."

With Trixie's announcement, Kendry grabs up the knapsack he left on the floor, and goes quickly to accompany his Aunt. On the way out, he says, "Let's go!"

If the opportunity presents itself, he introduces himself to Morpth along the way. He makes sure his sister can keep up. "Olo - maybe you can help!" he encourages the cleric.

Monday April 4th, 2005 8:49:32 AM

Patty reacts with more confusion to Selithe's apparent anger at him. 'What did I do?', he thinks to himself as those party members that bother to meet his old friend make their introductions. He gives the young wizard a sad glance as welcomes are exchanged.

Suddenly, the little girl approaches and Patterton, along with the others, hurries along with Marigold to investigate the birthing troubles. Looking at Morpth as the two jog along easily he remarks, "I wonder what the trouble is. I do hope there is nothing seriously wrong with the child. Prehaps Olo can help, eh? We'll have time to catch up in a bit. You must tell me how you escaped from those Orcs, Morpth and I have a tale or two to tell you myself."

Monday April 4th, 2005 3:19:19 PM

"The baby ... its not right!!"

When Olo hears those words, all thoughts of werewolfs, magical amulets, and second breakfasts leave his mind immediately. Acting almost in unison with Marigold, he runs for his pack and throws it over his left shoulder.

He's all business as he follows her out the door.

Monday April 4th, 2005 7:54:31 PM

Morpth tries to keep up with Patterton, not really sure where he is running to, but listening to Patterton the entire way.

Morpth will also keep in mind where landmark are and try and remember the route he is taking away from Marigold's home.

Selithe  d20+2=12
Monday April 4th, 2005 10:59:36 PM

Selithe smiles and chases after her Aunt along with the others who are going. She glances at Patty (spot:12) and notices the sad look and ponders speaking to him about what she observed. Selithe wonders why she really was hurt, maybe Patty wasn't even flirting with Daisy...Selithe sighs, abit confused at all the thoughts swirling through her mind so just concentrates on what they are doing now till she can speak to Patty, anyway, maybe he'll speak to her first, only time will tell.

Justin Webber (Question) 
Monday April 4th, 2005 11:09:42 PM

Sorry for dropping a ooc question but I was wondering. Are we suppose to make a appearance on the Giggling Ghost board also?

DM Stephen - The meeting has already started and the nearest elves are just outside Angel Springs at a small druid grove. An obvious flaw of a halfling only game. Would have taken most of the day, at full gallop, to get there. But don't dispair, you'll learn soon enough. The Crescent Valley's involvement in the crossover will blow your minds. You all may attend the meeting in the GG if you wish, but the info you learn there wont be able to bring that info into this game. Unless you find someone in the know.

Birds! (DM Stephen)  d8=6 d8=7 d8=2 d8=3 d8=6 d20+6=8 d20+6=13 d20+6=16 d20+6=20 d20+6=16 d4=4 d4=4 d4=2 d4=1 d4=1
Tuesday April 5th, 2005 2:19:37 AM

(sorry, I forgot all about the rings Airin showed Marigold. Will comment later.)

Marigold and all make tracks for Ellis and Penelope's house. It isnt that far, but before you all get there you witness a strange sight. Birds!! Birds everywhere. Perched in trees, on houses and flying circles around Penelope's house and all other structures in the area. The racket they make adds to the screams from other hobbits passing by. A crying Trixie finds refuge under a wagon parked next to the house. Scared hobbits can be seen peering out of windows from the safty of their homes and store fronts. They must have just arrived, not everyone has been able to find cover at this time.

Suddenly five vicious-looking hawks swoop down and attack the party with flyby raking attacks with their talons. Kendry, Airin and Morpth each are attacked by a hawk. Two hawks attack Patterton. Since you're all running, you are unable to react and answer their attacks with your own.

Hawk 1 attacks Kendry. Hits AC 8 for 4 points.
Hawk 2 attacks Airin. Hits AC 13 for 4 points.
Hawk 3 attacks Morpth. Hits AC 16 for 2 points.
Hawk 4 & 5 attacks Patty. Hits AC 20 & 16 for 1 and 1 points.

(No attacks of opportunity this round. Also, since you're running, you lose your Dex to AC as long as you continue running. You keep your Dex to AC if you have Uncanny Dodge class ability. Please post your hp and ac in the name bar.)

The hawks fly by, out of reach, and swoop upward gaining altitude. They're preparing to turn around and fly back again for another strike. Marigold continues running for the house. (To make things simple) You're all around 80-ft away from Penelope's house. Trixie, under the wagon, is 60-ft away. Other hobbits in the streets are being swarmed by smaller birds of all types. They dont appear to be taking damage, but their movement is being hampered.

(If you stop to engage the hawks, you get an attack of opportunity on them since you have a longer reach.)

Airin [ AC17 ; HP14/18 ]  d20+1=19 d4=4 d20+1=19 d4=3 d20+2=7
Tuesday April 5th, 2005 3:29:36 AM

Jogging towards Penelopee's house Airin is not paying attention at all to the surroundings and did not notice the birds on time.

One vicious hawk swoops down on her and tears open her sleave delivering a nasty cut on her upper arm. Shocked by this surprise Airin casts a painfull face to see where these birds went to and tries to figure out what to do best.

Not a chance I can run to that house ... I do stand a chance on that wagon though ...

"we can't outrun them ! Let's stand fast my friends ! There are only 5 of them attacking us ... Make a circle, back to back so we can't be attacked in the back. Gradually we can slide towards the house untill we are close enough to make a run for it. "

Airin takes out her sap (was hidden beneath the sleave this hawk cut open), turns towards the hawks and prepares to strike. She deliberately took her sap as she hopes to knock one unconcious. It would be interesting to speak with this hawk to find out why they attack or who's making them attack us.

Aoo : hits AC19 for 4 SUBDUAL Hitpoints

If this hawk falls to the ground Airin turns to another one to attack it, or else she will attempt to hit the same one.

Hits AC19 for 3 SUBDUAL hitpoints

Hopefully her friends will stand fast with her back to back. After the attack Airin asks everyone still there to shift towards the house WITHOUT running so they can react to incoming birds still back to back.

Hopefully her sap knocked out at least one hawk. If it did, Airin will pick it up with her left hand to hold it steady. (handle animal 7)

Kendry (AC 15; HP 11)  d20+4=22 d20+4=16 d4+2=5 d4+2=5 d20+4=8
Tuesday April 5th, 2005 4:36:15 AM

"Yes, but move toward the wagon, as we defend, friends!" Kendry says. "Gotta get Trix to safety!" As he speaks, he draws his rapier from the frog on his belt, and as the narrow tip flicks upward, it skewers the hawk in its descent, even through the bird's bold heart. [d20+4=22, threat; d20+4=16, critical hit. Damage from hit d4+2=5, plus d4+2=5 from crit = 10 hp damage total to hawk.] With the time it takes to cast off the bleeding bird from his blade, he is not able effectively to attack any other (d20+4=8) at the moment.

He never had killed, before, a hawk. Long has he admired them. "What's gotten into these birds?!?"

Patterton AC20; HP 17  d20+7=24 d6+3=8 d6+7=13 d20+7=11 d6+3=4 d20+7=24 d6+3=4
Tuesday April 5th, 2005 8:27:44 AM

Patty yelps in suprise as the birds scrape his back and he skids to a stop, yanking his sword from the sheath. As the two hawks circle around for another go at him, Patty times his attacks carefully (bird #1 attack of opportunity d20+7=24 dmg 1d6+3=8)(bird #2 attack of opportunity 1d20+7=11<OOC:accidently rolled 1d6+7 for attack roll first...doh!>dmg=4 if hits)(bird #2 regular attack 1d20+7=24 dmg 1d6+3=4), hopefully chopping the hawks out of the air.

Seeing the others heading towards the wagon, he moves in that diection as well.

Morpth AC19; HP 22/24 
Tuesday April 5th, 2005 12:28:44 PM

Morpth seeing Patterton & his friends stop to fight but that Marigold has not, will ignore the birds and flat out run after Marigold all the way to Ellis and Penelope's house.

Once there, he will arm himself with his sap just in case the need arises attempting to render unconcious anyone that makes a threatening gesture to himself or the Ellis and Penelope family.

Selithe-AC:15-HP:11/11  d4+1=3
Tuesday April 5th, 2005 3:30:35 PM

Selithe frowns when the group is suddenly attack by hawks and quickly stops running as to beable to defend herself better.

Selithe chants amd points a finger at one of the birds attacking Patty and calls out as a magic missile flies from her finger tip to strike the bird, "Leave him alone you stupid bird."

Selithe ponders her spells and thinks she will use flare next round. As she thinks she will try moving towards the wagon to join her friends.

(Magic Missile damage:3)

0th: Acid Splashx2, Detect Magicx1, Flarex1, Prestidigitationx1

1st: Mage Armorx1, Magic Missilex1(used), Burning Handsx1, Enlarge Personx1

Olo AC: 19, HP 19/19  d20+3=6
Tuesday April 5th, 2005 10:23:48 PM

As the birds swoop in, Olo flinches but keeps moving until he realizes that his companions have stopped. Skidding to a stop himself, he glances from his friends to Trixie and the street full of people.

"There are thousands of birds, we can't fight them all! Get to the wagon quickly!"

Grimacing, he holds his ground with the group. With his left hand, he reaches into the scroll organizer at his waist and pulls out a wand that had been tucked in amongst the scrolls. With his right, he grabs the scroll of calm animals.

OOC: If Trixie appears to be in immediate danger (large birds swooping under wagon) ignore those last actions. Olo runs full speed for the wagon.

Birds of a Feather! (DM Stephen)  d20+9=27 d8=6 d8=6 d8=6 d8=6 d8=3 d6=3 d6=1 d6=4 d6=2
Wednesday April 6th, 2005 1:26:27 AM

Marigold keeps running toward the house. She puts up her hands to swat birds out of her way. When she gets to the wagon, she stops and motions for Trixie to come to her. Even in Trixie's frightened state, she knows enough to mind Auntie Marigold's instruction. Trixie reaches out of Marigold and she takes her hand. It's easy to assume their next move is to make a run for the house.

The rest of you, except Morpth, stop and meet your fine feathered attackers on the field of battle. Morpth catches up with Marigold easily. Marigold yells out to the wild hobbit, "OPEN THE DOOR ... THIS IS THE HOUSE!!" The swift hobbit still has the feet to make it to the front door and be ready to open it for Marigold and Trixie. He draws his sap along the way, but isnt attacked, only slapped by flapping wings of tiny birds which dont cause any harm. Its hard to look back and see your friends in all the chaos.

The hawks have turned around and dive to make another attack. One hawk flies straight at Airin. She takes her opportunity and clubs it with her sap as it approaches. The hawk crashes to the ground and rolls to a stop. It doesnt move. (Hawks AC is 17) All the others team up on Patterton (sorry, I assigned you each a number and I rolled four 6's, guess who 6 is! :). Airin then makes her attack on another hawk thats attacking Patty. Her sap connects and another hawk crashes and burns. It continues to flap on the ground, disabled from Airin's blow.

Patterton draws his sword and takes his opportunity to strike a hawk. He hits and feathers go everywhere. The hawk hits the ground hard and lies motionless and bloody. Patty strikes a second hawk with the same deadly results.

Kendry with his rapier strikes the last hawk as it makes an attack on Patty. The bird of prey hits the ground and rolls to a stop. It still twitches with life. Its heart was spared a near critical wound.

Olo prepares a wand and scroll while constantly keeping an eye on lil Trixie. She appears to be in good hands.

Selithe can save her spell since the others made little work of the hawks. However she may decide to cast it anyway after she witnesses what happens next.

Suddenly the birds all around start to shriek a piercing cry. Hundreds, maybe thousands, converge on a single spot on the ground 40-ft in front of you. The area becomes a mound of feathers and flapping wings. The birds appear to collide and congeal into a single mass. Arms, legs and a head grow out of the mass and stands before you in a humanoid shape. After countless wings stop flapping and take their place on the human-like shape, hands reach up and parts feathery black hair away from an elven-looking face. She stands around 5-ft tall. Her skin is very pale, bluish in hue. She looks strangely beautiful for someone who looks dressed in a tight form-fitting outfit made of feathers. Her eyes glow with a bright golden light and she looks straight at you all.

She laughs menacingly and then shouts to the heavens for all to hear, first in sylvan, then in common, "Glory, glory, I say unto all, our sun will soon rise. Those who draw our blood will perish and wither." Her eyes look upon the fallen hawks with a bit of sadness, then she turns her gaze back to you. With a devilish grin she says, "However, your sun is about to set!" With those last words, she draws a wicked-looking curved sword with a serated blade. It hisses as it leaves its scabbard.

(Selithe may use her spell at this time, before the next round. If you wish.)

Airin [ AC17 ; HP14/18 ]  d20+5=25 d6=4 d20+5=20
Wednesday April 6th, 2005 10:50:57 AM

OOC : GRRRR ... I was delaying my post hoping someone else would post before me as I don't really know what to do best ...

Airin is pretty amazed by the shape changing birds ... magic ! At last !! Only at the wrong moment by the wrong person ... thing ... whatever ...

In a blink of an eye Airin tries to estimate the distance to the house. It was 80ft last round, but we all slided towards the house gradually. Where probably 70ft or 60ft from the house now. Our feathery friend is 40ft in front of us ... We should be able to run to the house and get there before this creature can hit us ... (we can run at 40ft. The creature at 60ft.)

ooc : the rest depends a bit on how the rest of us react. THis is the downside of having to post first :-)

We stand fast and prepare to fight ...
Running away is not really what Airin likes to do so she takes prepares to fight ...
Airin has better chances with her crosbow than with her sap against this thing so she drops her sap and takes her crossbow from her back.

She takes a 5ft step towards the house and to make room for her friends with blades.

Then one bolt veers towards this creature with deadly accuracy.
Hits AC25 for 4 HP
Poss crit hit : Hits AC20 : Damage x2 = 8HP

Everyone makes a run for it
Seeing the group make a run for the house Airin picks us both Hawks that passed out from the ground and makes a run to the house too. And I mean ... RUN ! We need to get inside. Maybe Aunt Marigold will be able to protect us too ...

Patterton AC20/HP 17  d20+7=14 d6+3=4
Wednesday April 6th, 2005 11:41:30 AM

Pattertons eyes grow large as all the birds dive at him, but as he and his friends pound them into so many feathers, he relaxes a little...untill they merge into the elven woman of course.

After she says her piece, Patty realises that he could never make the distance to the house in time to make a clean get away. Bolstering his nerve, Patty walks straight up to the bird woman and says, "You just messed with the wrong Hobbits, lady." He brings his shield up and swings his sword in a tight arc at her midsection, hoping to keep her attention on him so the other party members can get in position for flank attacks, etc...

OOC- cross your fingers folks!

Wednesday April 6th, 2005 5:18:12 PM

(attack 1d20+7=14)
(damage if hits 1d6+3=4)

Morpth AC19; HP 22/24 
Wednesday April 6th, 2005 6:15:22 PM

As Marigold yells out to Morpth, "OPEN THE DOOR ... THIS IS THE HOUSE!!" Morpth still has the feet to make it to the front door and be ready to open it for Marigold and Trixie. He draws his sap along the way,and when the times comes, opens the door and ushers Marigold and Trixie through it. Morpth then enters the home of Ellis and Penelope ready to engage, but doesn't close the door in hopes that his newly found hobbit companions will come in behind him.
Once inside, Morpth will side step out of the door frame just in case a hobbit comes flying through it.

Wednesday April 6th, 2005 10:49:53 PM

Selithe growls now seeing the elf looking person and calls out to her, "Your birds attacked us first wizard, sorcerer or whatever you think you are. Stop acting so high and mighty."

Selithe sends her magic missile at the elf instead. (holding over the damage to if thats okay so 3 damage.)

(OOC:I take your comment that the magic missile is a hold attack or such, so if Selithe gets a second chance to do something then use the next part, if not then she will do this the next round.)

Selithe frowns and sees Patty rush the creature and she begins chanting quickly and dashing quick finger movements in the air, "Grow quick and true, double in height and power." Once her spell is finished Patty will begin to grow to double his normal height.

Enlarge Person
+2 Str for size
-2 Dex for size
-1 to AC&to hit

Olo  d20+3=21 d6+2=8
Thursday April 7th, 2005 12:32:44 AM

Grim faced and glaring at the elf, Olo calls out in a loud but calm voice. "Get Trixie inside."

The scroll in his right hand is all but forgotten as he drops it in the street and unhooks his morningstar.

Saving his breath for fighting, Olo says nothing more as he advances into combat.

ooc: Does Olo get an attack this round? I figure no, since he had to draw his weapon (a move action) which leaves him with a max of 15 feet he's able to move. If he does get an attack, Hit AC 21, Dmg 8.

A quick request to all. Please either post current and max hitpoints or make note of how injured you are so your friendly neighborhood cleric knows who to heal.

Kendry (AC 15; HP 11/11)  d8+2=9
Thursday April 7th, 2005 1:14:21 AM

"You birds attacked us, and still harass all about. You drew our blood first, and attack my friends and neighbors. Never have I killed a hawk." As Kendry talks, he sheathes his rapier and kneels down. He sings a word of healing, and touches the pierced hawk who twitches on the ground.
We short ones and wingèd you
Ought not foes but rather friends be
Bless this bird that downward flew
Restore health and set him free
Kendry's touch of healing brings the hawk back to full health [cure light wounds, 9 hp]. "Friends?" he asks, looking into the eyes of the bird which attacked Patterton, and Kendry wounded, then healed. He holds out his hand, fingers downward, for the hawk to attack, or not. He does not move if it attacks his hand (but will protect his eyes, should it come to that).

The battle rages on! (DM Stephen)  d100=56 d100=92 d6=4 d6=1
Thursday April 7th, 2005 8:12:10 AM

Marigold, Trixie and Morpth disappear into the house. Morpth hears cries of pain from a woman in the direction of the kitchen.

Airin fires her crossbow dealing critical damage to the attacker. (Feathered woman AC is 20, for now)

Patterton and Olo move forward to engage the woman (30-ft forward, 10-ft to go). Patterton grows over 6-ft tall from Selithe's Enlarge person spell.

From the last round, Selithe's magic missile slams into the mysterious woman, dealing damage.

Kendry casts a healing spell on one of the hawks. It starts flapping its wings and then flies off.

The feathery woman with the glowing eyes also casts a spell. Her skin turns rough and hard like tree bark. (Her ac isnt 20 anymore!)

Patterton AC19/hp17 of 19  d20+7=12
Thursday April 7th, 2005 8:53:12 AM

Patterton trudges foreward towards the feathered elf, the blood boiling in his veins. Suddenly there is a haze in his vision and a moment later he finds himself towering over his friend Olo by a good 3 feet! He is baffled for a moment untill he notices the sounds of Selithe's chanting. A grin crosses his face.

With a quick nod to Olo, Patterton charges headlong into the wood-encrusted fey, swinging his sword mightily. He is dissapointed, however, as the blade merely cleaves a bit of bark off.

(Attack 1d20+7=12)

Airin [ AC17 ; HP14/18 ]  d20+6=21 d20+8=23 d20+5=22 d6=4 3d6(2+3+5)=10
Thursday April 7th, 2005 8:57:04 AM

"This woman is powerfull ! Be damn carefull !" Airin shouts to Olo and Patty as they advance to the lady. "

We could have gotten to the house ... we SHOULD have gone to the house ... no use in complaining now I have to stay calm ...

Airin takes a move action first (allowing both Olo and Patty to go into melee with this woman). She moves 20ft trying to find a clear line of sight towards the Elven Womans flank and about 29.5ft from the lady. During this movement Airin takes a quick look around to see if no one can help or to see if nothing else is closing in on them ... (spot=21 ; listen=23)

Once she made this tactical move she releases another bolt hoping to sneak attack the woman and hoping not to hit her friends. By the time Airin has taken position both Olo and Patty should allready be bashing at her so Airin might get lucky and strike damn hard ...

attack roll : Hits AC 22 for 4HP (ooc : the lady's AC might be lower now as Airin tries to flank her and she is caught in melee)
Possible sneak attack damage 3d6 for another 10HP
Total damage : 14 (if successfull :-) )

Airin shouts to Morpth : "Stay with Aunt and Penelopee ! Stay close to Aunt and keep your eyes OPEN !!"

Morpth  d20+6=15 d20+6=21
Thursday April 7th, 2005 12:56:49 PM

Now that Morpth is standing on the opposite side of the open door, he will take a moment for his eyes to adjust to the light level. Once this occurs, he will listen and watch, trying to get a good picture of what is happening in the Ellis & Penelope home.

Listen = 15 / Spot = 21

Morpth is act as protector to both Marigold and Trixie should anything take a threatening position against them. His plan is to render unconcious anyone to move against himself, or the two ladies; Marigold and Trixie. Of course, he is also partial to protecting the life of the mother and the newborn is the process of becoming and will step in to assure their saftey as well.

Morpth (AC19; HP 22 of 24) 
Thursday April 7th, 2005 1:15:04 PM

OOC: I forgot to post his Ac & HPs.

Kendry (AC 15; HP 11/11) +1 saves vs charm/fear; +1 attack & weapon damage  d20+8=20
Thursday April 7th, 2005 6:44:33 PM

The bard watches the hawk fly off... but realizes his friends are coming into greater harm's way. He reaches into the top of his knapsack. He walks forward as he grabs a couple of items, and sings,
You attack and we respond
Why oppress us, feathers donned?
Faulty reasons don't add up
Watch yourselves or lose your luck
Fly and flee, or pinions pluck,
For we say that we'll protect
Friends and neighbors in this neck
Of the lands we dwell within
Regardless of your screeching din
[Inspire courage for allies: +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls (Perform: d20+8=20)]

Thursday April 7th, 2005 7:49:55 PM

Selithe frowns and grabs up her sling and readies it to fling a stone at the elf like creature before them.

She watches the others as she does and frowns at how the elf creature is soaking up the damage well.

Olo (AC19, HP19/19)  d20+3=8
Thursday April 7th, 2005 11:51:07 PM

Sensing a tough fight ahead, Olo circles around a bit to the right so that his opponent can't face both him and Patterton at the same time. Nervously he moves in to engage and finds that he hesitated too long, his foe easily avoiding the blow even though her attention was split.

Looking for another opening, Olo continues to circle around to the back.

Kim to all 
Friday April 8th, 2005 1:02:48 AM

You all get the bonuses from Kendry's Inspire Courage for the next several rounds: +1 saves vs charm/fear; +1 attack & weapon damage

This isnt Good!! (DM Stephen)  d100=56 d100=88 d6=2 d6=4 d20+8=21 d4+2=4 d10=7
Friday April 8th, 2005 2:21:00 AM

You all get a strong since of evil from this creature. At first she looks upon you all with disdain, repulsed by the fact that you live. However, her gaze quickly hints to a ravenous hunger she has for your flesh. She smiles wickedly, exposing a nasty set of fangs. Very old memories fill her mind of what it was like to eat and she licks her lips with anticipation.

Airin moves to a better position, but is unable to get her flank. (You were 40-ft away, and to flank you must occupy a position behind the target, directly opposite from another character who is threatening the target.) She fires her crossbow and she hits again with deadly accuracy. She shrieks in pain. The evil feathered woman gives you a look that tells you've won the pleasure of being her first meal. (Her AC is 22) Airin cant help but notice several dead birds falling from her body.

Kendry sings his song and you all feel more confident. A true morale boost. This feather head is toast!

Selithe readies her sling with a bullet, but is hesitant to use it.(Loading a sling is a move-equivalent action. Since you didnt move, you can perform a standard action and fire it.)

Olo moves around and position himself at her flank. However, he is still unable to connect with his attack.

Unfortunately, Patterton doesn't have much luck from the front either. His sword glances off her, only able to wound his own pride.

The feathered woman slashes forward at Patterton with the vile-looking curved blade. Her movements are smooth and fluid, exhibiting a high level of finesse and deadly accuracy. She cuts into his flesh with the blade and not only pain grips the young hobbit. He also feels the sting of venom enter his body. (Hit AC 21, for 4 points of damage. Poison: Fortitude save DC 12. If you fail, you take 7 points of Constitution damage.) The feathered woman smiles with grim satisfaction.

Marigold, Trixie and Morpth follow the cries of Penelope to the kitchen. She lies on the floor holding her stomach. Ellis kneels beside her trying his best to comfort her. Tears flow from his eyes. His expression is off despiration and helplessness. A pumpkin pie is also splattered on the floor along with a few dishes and partically eaten pieces. Then something horrific happens. Her belly is already swollen somewhat with her unborn child, but it starts to grow even larger before your eyes. Her painful cries turn to screams!! "By the gods!!" is all Marigold can say. She drops to her knees at Penelope's side and places both her hands down on the swollen belly to see if she can feel what's happening inside. "YOU (referring to Morpth) ... hand me the blue potion in my bag," commands Marigold. The tone in her voice tells you that SHE MEANS IT!! "NOW!!"

Kendry (AC 15; HP 11/11) +1 saves vs charm/fear; +1 attack & weapon damage  d20+5=20
Friday April 8th, 2005 4:14:35 AM

Kendry continues moving forward, and sings on as battle is joined against this bent creature.
Birds, our friends, now made our foes?
Thou twistest nature, workest woe

But true Goodness overcomes
When all's said and all is done
Brings to naught the causeless curse
Makes the evil flock disperse
At the end of his movement, coincident with his uttering of the word 'disperse,' he throws a tanglefoot bag at the bird/fanged elf abomination. [Ranged touch attack, she gets no armor bonus, shield bonus, or natural armor bonus (so barkskin does not help her against tanglefoot), hit AC d20+5=20.]

[When you throw a tanglefoot bag at a creature (as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet), the bag comes apart and the goo bursts out, entangling the target and then becoming tough and resilient upon exposure to air. An entangled creature takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls and a -4 penalty to Dexterity and must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be glued to the floor, unable to move. Even on a successful save, it can move only at half speed. Huge or larger creatures are unaffected by a tanglefoot bag. A flying creature is not stuck to the floor, but it must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be unable to fly (assuming it uses its wings to fly) and fall to the ground. A tanglefoot bag does not function underwater.

A creature that is glued to the floor (or unable to fly) can break free by making a DC 17 Strength check or by dealing 15 points of damage to the goo with a slashing weapon. A creature trying to scrape goo off itself, or another creature assisting, does not need to make an attack roll; hitting the goo is automatic, after which the creature that hit makes a damage roll to see how much of the goo was scraped off. Once free, the creature can move (including flying) at half speed. A character capable of spellcasting who is bound by the goo must make a DC 15 Concentration check to cast a spell. The goo becomes brittle and fragile after 2d4 rounds, cracking apart and losing its effectiveness. An application of universal solvent to a stuck creature dissolves the alchemical goo immediately.]

Airin [ AC20 ; HP14/18 ] +1 saves vs charm/fear; +1 attack & weapon damage, +3 AC 
Friday April 8th, 2005 6:36:14 AM

Pleased to see her second bolt connect with the vile creature and Kendry's inspiring song, Airin feels more and more confident. Seeing birds fall of her body can only mean she's taking damage ...

Then the ugly sword slices into Patty ... a nasty grin appears on Airins face as she continues to make an attempt to flank her (making another 20ft move action - by now I should be at her left side - Olo is moving to her right side - so at the end of Airin's movement the lady has Airin at her left 29.5ft away, Patty in front of her and Olo at her right - is this flanking allready ? )

The lady is pretty powerfull ... in a free action Airin touches the white seal that is embedded in her armor ...

White Seal given by DM Ceil in the Black Tap game - gives every member in our group a +3 bonus to AC for 1 round - GUYS REMEMBER TO ADD +3 TO YOUR AC IN YOUR NEXT POST !!

... the White Seal turns a dull as it looses it's power (it can only be used once) yet it remains embedded in her Armor as a sign for that victory. "Thanks Mother Ceil ! Your seal will bring us strength and serve us well in this battle."

Then instead of firing another bolt, Airin mumbles a few words : "Duizelig zal je worden - zwak zal je zijn". Suddenly right in front of the Bird Ladies eyes there a little burst of light. Make DC11 Fort save or the bird lady is dazzled for 1 minute taking -1 on all attack rolls made by her.

Morpth (Ac19; 22 of 24 HP)  d20+8=22
Friday April 8th, 2005 9:33:41 AM

Morpth is a bit shocked at Marigold's bold request, Morpth puts away his sap and digs through her bag. As Morpth digs through Marigold's bag, he comes across a few things that are not his prey. "One clump of fuzzy stuff, no, That's not it. One bottle with a label on it. Hrm, it reads "Pinch of Fairie dust". No, that's not it. Oh, here it is!" With the look of a hunter just capturing his prey, Morpth fluidly hands over the bottle of blue potion to Marigold. (Balance = 22)

Having just finished the first of what might be many requests, Morpth readies himself for this selfless challenge, the birth of the Ellis & Penelope child.

While Morpth is waiting for the next request, he starts to wonder what is taking the other halflings so long! He thinks to himself, "They were right behind me! What gives! They can't be that slow!"

Morpth asks Marigold if he should go back to inquire about her nephew and his companions and what might be delaying their arrival here.

Patterton (AC22/HP13 of 19)  d20+6=23 d20+8=20
Friday April 8th, 2005 10:46:38 AM

Patterton shrugs off the effects of the poison with ease(Fort save 1d20+6=23), but the blow cuts deep into him and he staggers a bit. With a grunt, Patty brings his blade around, but is once again disapointed. He seems to be having quite a bit of trouble adjusting to his increased size and his frustration is obvious. He curses in Halfling then bellows, "Stand still you fiend!"

Friday April 8th, 2005 10:50:36 AM

OOC:oops! posting too fast again! Obviously the post above is Patterton and the attack is (1d20+8=20) so close...

Olo AC:22, HP:19of19  d8+1=6
Friday April 8th, 2005 4:40:29 PM

Olo spares a quick, worried glance at Patterton. Though he's the toughest halfling Olo knows, it's clear that he's starting to stagger under the effects of multiple wounds. Though Olo wants to lay into the evil creature before him, it's clear that Patterton could use the aid of his magic.

Olo is torn for the briefest of moments before deciding on a course of action. He circles around again, this time to to the left and to Patty's side. Activating the wand in his left hand, he reaches over and taps his injured friend.

Wand of Cure Light Wounds (CL 1, 50 Charges):
Heals 6 hp

Kendry, aside to Patterton et al 
Friday April 8th, 2005 8:24:55 PM

If the tanglefoot bag was effective, and she lost her dex bonus, it is possible that Patterton's swing hit. So, folks, roll damage if you're at all close in your attack roll (remember to add +1 to hit and +1 to damage from inspire courage, go ahead and roll damage, too, just in case.

Patterton possible damage roll  d8+4=5
Friday April 8th, 2005 9:43:31 PM

damage roll (1d8+4=5)

Patterton AC22/HP19 
Friday April 8th, 2005 9:52:28 PM

OOC: guess I've been a little trigger happy with the submit button. ;) Above are Patterton's new AC and HP(per Olos healing and Airins magic item). Also, I believe the longsword damage die increases to 1d8 upon growing to medium size hence the roll. Stephen, I swear I'm not trying to confuse things any more then they already are. lol!

Selithe-AC:15-HP:11/11  d20+2=20 d20+6=25 d4=4
Saturday April 9th, 2005 12:18:11 AM

Selithe glances about really quick (spot:20) for any place that might give her some cover while she uses her sling. If she sees one then she will start (half movement) moving towards it.

Selithe also readies her sling, twirling it slowly and launching a stone at the elven creature. (Can hit AC:25 Damage:4 WOOT, almost a natural 20 and a full damage hit.)

Sunday April 10th, 2005 10:51:11 PM

(I forgot to add in Kendry's song so Selithe could actually hit AC:26 and Damage:5)

How to kill a mocking bird! (DM Stephen)  d20+6=13 d20+4=20 d100=95 d100=14 d6=6 d6=5 d6=1
Sunday April 10th, 2005 11:45:34 PM

(Combat note: Sorry, it was my understanding at the time that Olo moved behind the villian, directly opposite from Patterton. However after rereading the posts, it seems that Olo just moved to the right, on the left-handed side of the villian. Olo didn't flank after all if that is the case. Now, if Airin has now moved to the right-handed side of the villian (opposite from Olo), that would count as a flank. I hope this clears things up.)

Kendry removes a strange looking bag from his pack and throws it at feathered woman. It bursts upon her covering her in a quagmire of sticky goo. She fails in her effort to avoid the full contents of the bag and is stuck to the ground. She screams in frustration.

Airin moves into a better flanking position opposite from Olo. She holds out her seal. After viewing the feathered woman in her sticky predicament, she may decide that the seal is not really necessary at this point. (Your call. You can choose not to do it and save the seal for another day.) Her spell goes off however and it doesnt seem to phase her (fort save 20).

Patterton and Selithe take full advantage of the feathered woman's immobility with two vicious attacks. Both sword and bullet slam into her in concert dealing a deadly blow. Her mouth goes wide as if to scream. However, no sound is made. Her eyes go dim and flutter out, much like the wings of birds trying to escape the goo. Her body disolves into flocks of birds. The majority are dead, but those still living struggle and sqwuak in their alchemical trap. What birds still left in the sky fly off as if the fog of domination leaves their minds. Amongst the feathered dead remains a ring and a curved serated dagger-like weapon. Patterton recognizes it as a medium-sized kukri, but its design is the most wicked he has ever seen.

As the evil foe passes her last breath of air, Patterton feels the healing energies from Olo.

Morpth finds and hands Marigold the blue potion. Marigold quickly takes it and pours the contents across Penelope's belly. That was quite unusual for a potion. Dont you normally drink them? As the blue liquid washes away, a single worm remains. It begins to wiggle and come to life. The blue liquid must have kept it dormant until this time. The little worm burrows into her skin and enters her body. You can see it wiggle and squirm just under the skin on the way to her lower back. Ellis panics at the sight, "What have you done?!" Marigold yells back, "Be quiet! Be strong for your wife, all will get better now!" As the worm snakes its way to her lower back, it disappears from view and the screams of Penelope slowly begins to soften. With her eyes full of tears and sweat, Penelope looks up at her husband and asks, "What's happening!!?" Marigold answers for him, "Don't worry my child, the pain will soon be away." Penelope darts her gaze back to Marigold and pleads, "We must get to Culverwood!! My baby will soon be coming ... I can feel it!"

Morpth leaves to check on the others. He sees them all standing 40-ft away around a pile of dead birds.

Kendry (AC 15; HP 11/11) +1 saves vs charm/fear; +1 attack & weapon damage  d20+4=17
Monday April 11th, 2005 3:20:32 AM

Kendry takes up the ring, and quickly evaluates it (appraise 17). He hands it off to Airin. "Ring lady, when you have a chance, I'd appreciate your take. Might be for avian control, or some such." He doesn't even touch the kukri.

He feels sad about the birds which died, and a measure of animus towards whoever took control of them. Were it not for his cousin Penelope's current distress, he would take the time to help the birds that can be helped. He knows that those stuck in the goo should be able to work themselves free in the next few minutes on their own. He looks around at his friends, to see that all are well.

"A curse without cause does not alight. Or, at least, it doesn't build a nest. Let's check out Peep, and see what we can do to help," he says.

He hustles into the house, and hears of the need to get Penelope to the Culverwood, post haste. "I can help drive the carriage," he tells Ellis, "if you need the help. Say, Lomar - he's a friend of ours, and a good giant - he can move really fast. He should be over at the barn. Ellis, Penelope, Marigold - whatever we can do to help, we'll do. Looks like you've helped already, Auntie."

Airin [ AC17 ; HP14/18 ] +1 saves vs charm/fear; +1 attack & weapon damage  d20+7=26 d20+7=19 d20+6=21 d20+6=13 d20+2=16 d20+1=19
Monday April 11th, 2005 4:19:31 AM

At the last minute, seeing the Bird lady allo tangled up Airin descides the White Seal does look great on her black leather armor and keeps from touching it. It still shimmers nicely ready to be activated whenever our party is in danger. (ooc. Thanks Stephen)

"Victory !" Airin thinks to herself as she draws near to the pile of birds. Then Kendry puts a ring into her hands.
"Gee thanks Kendry ! I'll take good care of it. We should try to evaluate these rings asap. This one and the others. "

Airin takes a closer look at the ring (appraise : 26) and check for any markings, signs, writing (search 19 / spot 21)
Also as this ring belonged to a creature close to nature Airin hopes to know something about it's origin or strength (knowledge nature : 13)

"Maybe auntie will be able to help later. First Penelopee !"

Airin goes over to the two birds she knocked down. One of them was healed and set free by Kendry. The other one should still be unconsious. She gently picks it up and whispers to it : "I will take good care of you my little one. We will become good friends, I promise." Airin gently strokes the feathers back in place.
(animal handle : 16 / Wild Empathy : 19)

Next she moves towards the house with the rest of the gang. The nasty cut on her arm has stopped from bleeding but still it hurts a bit.

(olo : FYI Airin lost 4 HP ;-) )

(ooc : I'm hoping this knocked down Hawk to become Airins animal follower. Untill the time when Airin can perform the ceremony to convince this hawk to be her follower I need a place to keep the hawk safe. Any ideas ?)

Morpth (AC:19; 22 of 24HP) 
Monday April 11th, 2005 9:36:16 AM

Morpth runs back to his friends to tell them that Penelope is calm after he helped Marigold pour some blue potion over her.

Upon Morpth's arrival, Morpth asks what the pile of goop and the dead birds is all about? Looking down he says, "Ohhh, interesting dagger? Is it yours? May I have it? Looks like something the Orcs might have used. I can add it to my dagger collection."

Morpth look at Patterton and asks him if he is alright. "Patterton, I was most surprised when you didn't come running into the house behind me. So, after I helped Marigold, and came back hoping to find you well and maybe stuck under a wagon or something. How are your friends and Marigold's Nephew?"

"Come everyone, Penelope needs our help to bring her into Culverwoods. She feels her child is on the way and despretely seeks help to accomplish her wishes."

Olo (AC:19, HP 19/19)  d20+4=24 d8+2=8
Monday April 11th, 2005 10:12:29 AM

Olo stands ready over the dissolving body until it's clear that the birds are no longer acting with aggression, then looks around to insure there are no other immediate dangers to the group or the townspeople (spot 24, nat 20). Provided that he doesn't spot another threat, he quickly surveys the group (and any townsfolk still in the street) for injuries and sees that Airin is moderately injured. Stowing his wand and his morningstar, he calls forth the healing magic of Wardd and places his hands on her shoulders (Cure Light Wounds from Disguise Self, heals 8 hp).

The next order of business for Olo is reclaiming the scroll that he dropped and making sure that the kukri is claimed. Hearing Morpth's interest in the weapon, he offers up caution. "Morpth, give me some time to make sure it's a safe weapon, then we can figure out what to do with it."

If noone beats him to it, Olo pulls an empty sack from his backpack and uses it to wrap the kukri multiple times before stowing it safely away, again in his pack.

Then he makes one last scan of the street for anything out of the ordinary before hustling into the house.

Airin [ AC17 ; HP14/18 ] second and illegal 
Monday April 11th, 2005 11:18:58 AM

As Olo passes her by and heals her with his hands, Airin casts a thankfull smile upon her friend.

ooc : back to 18HP. Thanks !

Patterton AC19/HP 19 
Monday April 11th, 2005 1:21:25 PM

Patty takes a moment to wipe the blood from his sword with a rag from his pack and looks about at the others. "Well, that was certainly tense. Think that's the last we've seen of her?" As Olo is picking up the sword, he looks at him, "Yes, I would be MOST interested in finding out what the story is with that blade. I could swear it was poisoned."

He then turns to Morpth, "No, my friend. Still standing as you can see. I had actually hoped you would have stayed for the fun. As for the dagger and the ring, We'll decide who gets them(or indeed if we are going to sell them and split the profit)later after we find out what is going on around here...besides you didn't even take part in the fight." He adds, a little irritated with Morpths grabby attitude.

Monday April 11th, 2005 11:54:19 PM

As his eyes adjust to the light inside the house, he takes out a piece of paper and an inkpen, and quickly begins writing something thereupon.

Selithe  d20+2=13 d20=10
Tuesday April 12th, 2005 12:51:45 AM

Selithe runs to the house now, avoiding the dead birds, goop and all. Once inside the house she pauses for a few moments before moving to Patty and looks at his arm if she can, odviously alittle worried for him (spot:13, heal check:10 *untrained*)

Once she sees he is okay or looks okay she quickly turns back to the buisness at hand to hide she was worried about Patty, "I guess we better get moving then." Selithe glances to everyone and nods, "Ohh well, to bad we couldn't hang around abit longer but a baby is coming and this is a happy time...well I hope anyway."

Selithe glances back at Patty and his friend talking about the knife and frowns, "Come on boys, we can take care of that after while. This baby is not going to wait and I can cast a spell to see if it holds any magic in a few if you will wait." Selithes tone is not mean, just slightly sharp to get their attention.

We be trippin'! (DM Stephen)  d100=26 d100=99 d100=55 d100=34 d6=6 d6=1 d6=4 d6=4
Tuesday April 12th, 2005 8:18:07 AM

(Quick DM post. I fell asleep from exhaustion way way way earlier last night than I had expected. So here we go.)

Kendry estimates the ring is gold and worth several hundred gold. He then hands Airin the ring. It must be magic. It resized itself to fit to both of your fingers. Airin then estimates it worth a bunch more. The hawk remains unconscious but stable. She thinks that Bobbles or Lomar could take of it until the time comes she can perform her ceremony.

Morpth expresses interest in the kukuri, but Olo purposes caution, and rightfully so. When he takes the weapon, wrapped up in sack cloth, he feels a sense of dread from the thing.

Everyone who decides to run to the house sees what Morpth had seen. Except by this time, Ellis and Marigold have moved Penelope from the kitchen floor to a couch in the palor. There are pieces of pumpkin pie on the floor in the kitchen with dropped plates and silverware. Some pieces of pie had been eaten. Selithe sees auras, with the Detect Magic spell, around the pie and a similar glow around Penelope's womb. A medium aura of transmutation. It would explain the childs sudden spert of growth. A pregnacy that still had three months left now looks to have only three days until due. However, you see a faint aura you cant quite make out. (Spellcraft check). Selithe sees an aura around the eyes of Marigold as well. An aura of divination. She looks worried. After a quick look Marigold says, "Everyone, get your things together. We leave for Culverwood immediately, within 30 minutes. Gather together your things if your going. We really need your help." With saying that, she leaves Penelope in Ellis's care and starts running back to her house.

Tuesday April 12th, 2005 8:52:31 AM

Airin amazed by the power of the ring descides to put it in her pouch untill the time comes when they can carefully check it. "Guys, remember I have stored this ring in my pouch. It's definetely magic and worth A LOT. You all agree that we don't try it on just yet ?"

Spirited by the power of Aunt Marigolds words, Airin agrees to the trip and runs out of Penelopee's house to find Lomar and Bobbles.

She tries to explain to both Bobbles and Lomar (Airin speaks neither Giant nor Goblin) that they need to take care of the Hawk and treat it well untill she returns.

The she runs to find Blossom, readies her gear and rides back to Penelopee's house. Blossom can help to carry Penelopee or anyone else to hasten the trip.

Tuesday April 12th, 2005 3:26:14 PM

Patty forgets his momentary irritation with Morpth upon seeing the poor pregnant hobbit in obvious pain. When Marigold says her thing, Patty wastes no time and, along with Airin, turns and runs towards his new war pony Barnabus. Looking at Selithe, he says, "You can ride with me if you'd like." He gives her a warm smile.

Tuesday April 12th, 2005 10:01:46 PM

Hurrying so as not to waste any time, Olo hefts his pack up onto his back again and runs off with Airin to gather his supplies. Not knowing how long he'll be gone, he'll err on the side of caution and pack up his mule.

Selithe  d20+5=22
Tuesday April 12th, 2005 11:09:53 PM

Selithe watches everyone rush off at first and frowns as she considers all the magic in the room and nods to Patty, "I will ride with you but give me a moment to cetchup with you."

Selithe moves over to her brother and grabs his arm, pulling him to the side before whispering to him, "Brother, our Aunt's eyes are glowing with a magical aura. Also the pie that is half eaten and Penelope's womb glows with the same aura. Sneak a piece of that pie to be researched please while everyone is busy." Selithe gives her brother a steady look to show that for once she is dead serious and no games are up her sleeve which is very unusual.

(Spell craft:22)

Wednesday April 13th, 2005 12:24:58 AM

Since Morpth already has everything he owns, he justs throws his pack on his back and follows the rest of the hobbit bunch, bringing up the rear.

To Culverwood we go! (DM Stephen)  d100=44 d100=89 d100=66 d6=4 d6=4 d6=4
Wednesday April 13th, 2005 12:56:02 AM

Marigold dashes for Ellis' Livery, just a few houses down. She runs in and a few minutes later she emerges on the back of a black pony. The pony is complimented with a masterwork black leather saddle and barding. She races back to her house at a much greater speed. It reminds you all of her long career in the local militia. Her rise to the rank of Commander is a testiment to her dedication and ability.

Everyone else run their separate ways to get their things. Airin takes the hawk back to the barn to leave in Lomar's and Bobbles care. Bobbles takes the responsibility very seriously. He starts to speak to Airin in goblin. A few words she can make out are "Bobbles" and "Raven" and "thanks"! He treats the bird with great respect. He strokes its soft feathers of the unconscious bird very gently. Lomar interupts, "I can go look for a cage or box or something. Make it as comfortable as possible."

Patterton loads up his own pony. Olo does the same with his mule. Morpth seems ready to go as well. Kendry continues to record the events as they are happening in verse. Selithe inspects the magical auras a bit more closely. She determines that the auras surrounding the pumpkin pie has a very very very slight touch of necromancy. As if the mashed and seasoned pumpkin pulp still had a spark of life. But the last shred of it faded away before your eyes. Chilling isnt it?

Ellis calls out to Selithe. "I have a new carriage out in front of the house. It was built to be a very smooth ride and the cabin in the back is furnished with all the comforts of home. Penelope will be riding in there on the bed. It would be nice if you could stay with her and help with whatever she needs."

Upon inspection, the carriage that Ellis speaks of is very nice indeed. Its like a small luxurious house on wheels. The wagon opens from the back with two double doors. There is a skylight window in the roof to allow light in. There is a big double bed on the opposite side from the doors. There are comfortable chairs. A small table is fastened to the floor. A small baby bed is next to the big one. There are drawers and cabinets that hold various necessities. There are shuttered windows on the left and right walls and a small window on the forward wall that allows someone to talk with the driver from inside.

Ellis helps his wife outside and into the cabin of the carriage. He whistles for his hired hands from the his livery. One emergies and Ellis calls for him to bring a team of ponies to hitch up to the carriage. As Ellis continues to get ready, he repeatedly checks on Penelope. She claims to still be in some pain, but its far more tolerable than it was before.

Marigold soon returns. She is dressed in travel clothing, backpack, boots, gloves and in a beautiful suit of masterwork chainmail armor. It glimmers and sparkles from the slightest touch of sunlight. It cant possibly be your normal polished steel, its something more. A sword hangs from her belt in a scabbard.

Marigold questions everyone present, "Is everyone ready to go?"

Kendry  d20+7=24 d20+8=23 d20+5=15
Wednesday April 13th, 2005 12:58:28 AM

[Bardic knowledge regarding gold ring from bird lady: d20+7=24
Knowledge, history - in case it has any bearing on this ring: d20+8=23]

Kendry holds his counsel for the moment regarding the ring, other than to say, "We can discuss the ring when on the road, Airin. I've got some things to do to prepare for the Culverwood."

He does as Selithe suggests, and takes a portion of the pumpkin pie for later analysis, or as a snack. [Spellcraft: d20+5=15]

Then he heads out. "Shale's family raised ponies. He keeps a few over by Polly's place. I'm going to go see if I can rustle up a pony or two to help us out. Also get some items that will help us get by out there. Olo - you want to be in charge of food? That a healing wand, there?"

"Morpth - I'm Kendry, as I said when dashing out the house. Glad to meet you. It's good you were here to help out my Aunt Marigold, and cousin Penelope. You want to help us gather things together?"

Kendry takes the list he wrote out. A full-sized tent, a tarp, some blankets, tack for a pony or two, and a number of small items are listed.

"Ellis, you have help to rig the carriage? I trust so. We'll be back to help you & Peep get to the Culverwood. And the wee one."

Continued (DM Stephen) 
Wednesday April 13th, 2005 1:51:20 AM

Before Kendry runs off to Shale's place, Cousin Ellis reminds him that he is the towns largest and only pony supplier. He has plenty of ponies, saddles and barding in which to pick from. And his Livery is just half a block down the street. But he leaves the decision up to you.

No matter what source Kendry uses, he shows up with an young health pony. Fresh and ready for the road.

Wednesday April 13th, 2005 7:58:32 AM

Patty marvels at the carriage for a moment before placing a leather cap on his head and carefully placing his chain Coif(sp?) on over it, making sure not to catch his ruddy red hair in the links. He then stuffs his hands into a pair of black leather gauntlets and adjusts his sword for easy travel on pony-back.

Patty spurs Barnabus around in a wide circle to get his blood moving. A moment later he swings by the front of the building and waits for Selithe to appear. When she does he offers her a hand and helps her into the saddle behind him.

Airin  d20+4=19 d20+8=27 d20+6=14 d20+8=12
Wednesday April 13th, 2005 8:22:47 AM

"Who will ride Blossom ? I'm going to position myself on the roof of the carriage. She a nice pony so don't worry."

If no one wants to ride Blossom, Airin makes sure Blossom's reigns are connceted to the carriage.

Swiftly she climbs the carriage (climb 19) and lies down on the roof (Balance 27), crossbow readied, trying to spot possible danger (spot 14 - listen 12). They HAVE been attacked by this bird lady so ... paranoid as she is ...

An Hour of Silence - DM Donna 
Wednesday April 13th, 2005 1:15:35 PM

This board will now observe an hour of silence
in honor of Lynn Beck (and her husband Dave)
who was taken away from The Wold before her time...

Good-bye Dave & Lynn Beck - DM Donna 
Wednesday April 13th, 2005 2:17:45 PM

The hour of silence is over now. Posting may resume. Thank you and let's all hope for the best for young Alex Beck.

Wednesday April 13th, 2005 5:34:35 PM

"If Marigold can make use of my talents, I can ride with her and Penelope in the carriage. If I'm just going to get in the way though, I'll ride Blossom and lead the mule tethered."

An irritating thought crosses Olo's mind. He still hasn't named his mule. He thinks about it for a second then shakes his head. He has other, more pressing, things to concern himself with right now.

Wednesday April 13th, 2005 7:16:12 PM

Selithe blinks and looks to Ellis when he comments about Selithe riding with his wife and nods to him, "If it will make her feel better I can ride with her Ellis."

Selithe looks to Patty and pats his leg and gives him a gentle smile, "I'm going to ride with Penelope to make sure she is okay on the way."

Morpth  d20+6=12 d20+6=26
Thursday April 14th, 2005 4:41:35 AM

Morpth will bring up the rear. As he begins to enter the Culverwoods, he switch to the front to scout ahead after speaking with Ellis to determine where within the woods they had intended to have their child. Having spent the last few years hunting in these woods Morpth has a good idea of where some concerns may lie.

Morpth with ready his sap just in case trouble should spring up, he can subdue it without a fatality.

Kendry  d20+4=22 d20+2=18
Thursday April 14th, 2005 5:49:24 AM

Kendry buys two ponies and their tack. With the list of items he wanted to pick up, he finds a few folks to help him out in quickly gathering them together. [OOC: Catacombs purchase is just about concluded.] He pays an extra 5 gold pieces (total) to those who help him out.

He swings by the barn. "Bobbles! Try these on. They help to keep the bright sunshine from hurting your eyes." He hands him a pair of smoke crystal goggles, and shows him how to put them on by demonstrating on himself.

"Here, Lomar, here's a pair of smoke crystal goggles for you, too. Don't wear them at night, though! Hard to see in the dark with them on!"

He quickly explains the group's plan. "If you want to come, come now! Otherwise, we'll check back in with you when we get back - whenever that is..."

At the time appointed to leave, Kendry, clearly sweating from all his running around, has two ponies, with pack saddles, extra saddle bags, etc. [Handle animal: d20+4=22] He ropes one to the other, and leads the first. "I'll ride Blossom, and lead my two ponies from her," Kendry volunteers. [Ride: d20+2=18]

Thursday April 14th, 2005 8:26:05 AM

Thanks for taking care for Blossom Kendry !

OOC : I may not be able to post tomorrow and on monday as our company moves to another building. Would someone be so kind to enter a post for Airin ? Thanks

Thursday April 14th, 2005 10:23:44 AM

just checked. Definetely won't be able to post tomorrow and unlikely that I will be able to post on monday.
Please someone take care for Airin !

thanks, Inge

Kim to Inge 
Thursday April 14th, 2005 2:19:18 PM

[OOC: I'd be happy to post for Airin through Monday.]

Culverwood or Bust! (DM Stephen)  d100=34 d100=5 d6=2 d6=5 d100=70 d100=45 d6=3 d6=6
Thursday April 14th, 2005 10:21:40 PM

Everyone gets back to Ellis and Penelope's house after gathering together everything they need for the trip. As everyone gathers with ponies and mules, they start to draw the attention of the townsfolk. A crowd gathers and watches you all depart. You hear some mutter statements like...
"didn't know she was that far along,"
"strange, strange indeed,"
"what do you expect from Pipewoods! They always been an unusual lot,"
"they do make great pie though!"

Back at the barn, Lomar, Bobbles and the unconscious hawk, have decided to stay out of the sacred event of bringing a new Pipewood into the world. They're outsiders after all, and they just arrived in their new home. Both decide to pass on it for now. Lomar is especially eager to become acquainted with their new neigbhors. The new googles are well received. Especially for Bobbles. He's amazed by their "magic".

Ellis answers Morpth's question about their destination. "We are going to the place where all hobbits are born who wish the gift. The Great Whistler Oak. You'll hear its song when we get close."

Everyone takes up their chosen places while heading west out of town. The same road you came in on from delivering Brock's Best Ale. Airin can stay balanced well enough on the roof of the carriage, but the idea of staying on top of a curved roof doesn't sound very pleasant. She realizes she can see just as well next to Ellis on the drivers seat. (I forgot to mention the upper walls and roof of the carriage is round like a huge barrel resting on its side in the back of a wagon.)

The skies are clear and the temperature is pleasant. This is an excellent day for travel. Marigold rides her dark pony up front, helping keep a watchful eye. Hours go by uneventful. Penelope seems to stay comfortable on the bed. She sleeps as much as she can. When she sleeps, she dreams. And when she dreams, her eyes move rapidly under her lids. She mumbles incoheriently at times.

The trip would be boring if it werent so urgent. Nothing appears to be hindering your way. A bird lands on the roof for a short moment. It chirps a few times, looks around and flutters off. That's about it.

You all finally come to the ferryboat that goes downstream to the trading post. Wash-Away Bridge is just to the north. The ferry is gone, no one in sight but the stable boy. He waves as you go by. After crossing the bridge the road turns to a narrow path through thick overgrown trees. You all know where you are ... Culverwood Forest! Ellis and Marigold reassures you all that the Whistler Oak is near, its not that far into Culverwood.

It is late in the afternoon and the sun is beginning to set. The sounds of nature is all around. This is the first time during the entire trip where things begin to get interesting. Even though you all have slowed down a bit to navigate this less traveled road (if you want to call it that) you're traveling well with absolutely no trouble. It's weird, some of you cant help but feel that this is way too easy. Its like the Culverwood is accepting you with open arms. There's no reason to stop, move branches, rocks or anything!!

Those keeping a watchful eye notice all the life buzzing about. Animals don't appear to be too afraid. Some even stay to watch you go by before darting off.

The sun is down and the last of the light is beginning to leave the sky. The shadows from all the trees block out what little light there is. You stop to light lanterns, the first break in a long while. Its a little unnerving to see the reflection of your lights in the eyes of all the wildlife around you. Morpth notices some birds just sitting there perched on a branch, motionless, watching as you all go by. Airin notices that too. Its strange, you know you're being watched, but its odd that you FEEL yourself being watched. A feeling you've never got from animals.

Morpth is the first to hear it ... the sounds of a music ... a whistle? A low deep tone that rises and falls in pitch with each little gust of wind. It comes from the direction in which you're traveling. Just a little ways further down the path.

Friday April 15th, 2005 3:40:13 AM

Glad that Bobbles is pleased with the goggles, Kendry wishes them well - and leaves fifty five gold pieces with them - twenty five each, plus the additional five gold pieces for the care and feeding of Biscuit, the mare who pulls the family cart. "That's so you have some money while we're gone. It can be handy to have, at times. Maybe carry some with you, and hide some for emergencies. Just remember where you hid it! But if you need to pay for food, or need to pick up a bit of equipment, or tools, or services, this might help."

During the trip, Kendry takes some time to introduce himself to Morpth, asking him a number of questions about his family and personal history. He expresses sorrow at the loss of his parents, and sister. "With orcs? You lived with them for how long? Amazing. Could you teach me to speak orcish?" At some point, when out of earshot of the others, he asks what it was he had to say when he first showed up outside of his Auntie's house.

After listening to what he relates about that, Kendry thinks it over for a few minutes of travel. Then he says, "Look, Morpth, I'm sure you saw some weird things that night. So did we. But, don't bring them up to my Aunt, for the time being. She might be unusual, but I believe she has a good heart. She might be abrupt or impatient sometimes. But she is a leader in Hovel's militia, and is pretty well respected in our community. Also, I have it from another leader of our valley that there are some things better left undiscussed. Discretion might enhance safety."

Later, he asks Olo, "Say, what kinds of foods and spices did you bring along? I've got a huge block of cheese to add to the mix."

Growing tired of riding Blossom - though she's certainly a good pony - after a while the young hobbit ties her reins to the back of the carriage, and joins those riding up front - unless Olo wants to take over the riding of Blossom.

"Ellis, what kinds of names have you and Penelope talked about?" Kendry loves names, and learning what they mean, and how people got their names.

He pulls out his lute, and plays some gentle tunes for his cousin and companions as they travel along. He asks Ellis how business has been going. If Ellis wants to hear about their recent adventure, he'll fill him in on some of that.

"Selithe - that was amazing, when you made Patty grow up like that. I knew it was too good to last - being grown up, I mean," he jests. "Now he's back to his compact self," he remarks of the rather big and burly hobbit.

A bit later, he says, "Patterton, I'm thinking that here, in the forest, with what we've seen and heard the last day or two, that we want to be careful about how we behave. Sometimes, even when you sense a threat, drawing the sword is not always the wisest course of action. I think we are being tested. Does nature judge? I do not know. But, let's pretend she does, and we are on trial right now. Shall we walk lightly through the forest, as her friend? That is my hope, my cousin and friend. That is my hope."

He starts teaching to the others some of Duncan's sign language. He focuses on some of the signs dealing with movement and action, and numbers. Selithe knows some of it. He realizes how much he misses the mute halfling who was so observant, and so much fun. He wonders when he might see him again.

He waves to the stableboy. Once they are past, he recalls for the other's the boy's reaction to first seeing Lomar and Bobbles.

The nephew of Marigold later remounts Blossom, and rides up next to her.

As the watchfulness of the Culverwood animals becomes apparent, Kendry is intrigued. He calls out to some of the animals, greeting them, sometimes in common, sometimes in the sylan tongue. As a child, he learned many bird calls, and not a few animal sounds. He tries some of them out - especially the calls that bespeak calm, safety and pleasure. Then he thinks to ask Marigold what she thinks of the behavior of the local fauna.

Friday April 15th, 2005 1:43:24 PM

Patterton looks at his cousin thoughtfully as he guides Barnabus down the path. "So long as we don't run into any more enraged bird ladies or nasty packs of goblins, cousin. We must protect the child and the best way to do that is not to fight at all."

Friday April 15th, 2005 10:08:30 PM

Selithe stays inside with Ellis's wife ad sees to keeping her as comfortable as possible as they move along. At one point Selithe glances about and smiles sheepishly as her stomach rumbles, "I hope there is something to eat in here. It's either time to eat or I didn't eat enough. Must be to much has been going on."

If Selithe is able to hear her brother talk since she was riding inside the carriage, she grins and speaks up, "Yeah, it was a nice trick. My teacher once used it to pick apples off of a tree. Said it was much easier then climbing at his age."

Friday April 15th, 2005 11:27:49 PM

Morpth stops, and mentions to his friends that he hears low whistling sounds. He wonders if they are approaching the sacred Tree?

Morpth asks Marigold if he should scout up ahead just to be sure?

Whatever Marigold eventually says, Morpth is on heighted watch. The feeling of being watched is starting to make him feel uneasy. Morpth has no desire to be surprised and is doing his best to avoid it. He will increase his distance from the party by 10 feet.

Sunday April 17th, 2005 12:47:23 AM

Responding to Kenry's question, "No steaks or pies or such I'm sorry to say. I only had time to pack up general foodstuffs. Don't worry though, I'll keep the lot of us well enough fed. I'd be happy to add whatever you've got to the mix."

A bit later in the ride, Olo busies himself with some wax pencils and beings marking various bottles and scrolls. "Listen up folks... just incase something happens to me, I've got a couple items here you should know about. This potion," Olo holds up the first of a pair of bottles he just finished marking, "can cure moderate wounds. This other," he holds up the other bottle, "can neutralize poison. I've marked them both for easy identification. I've done the same with the scrolls. I'll hold on to the scroll that calms animals, but Airin, I think you should hold onto this healing scroll." He hands Airin the rolled up scroll (Cure Light Wounds). "I've also got this wand of healing now, and just so everyone knows, I'm keeping it here, tucked in the scroll pouch."

Patterton  d20=3 d20+2=11
Sunday April 17th, 2005 12:27:34 PM

Patty leads nudges Barnabus foreward at a leisurly pace, not wishing to tire the mount and giving it a chance to become adjusted to the its new chain barding.

When Morpth mentions the low whistling noise, Patterton rests his hand on the hilt of his sword. Heeding his cousins advice, he does not draw the blade, but keeps a sharp eye out(or at least tries to)for any danger that may be lurking in the enchanted woods.

Spot: 3 :P

Get Born (DM Stephen)  d20+9=26 d100=43 d100=94 d100=66 d6=4 d6=4 d6=2 d100=40 d100=33 d6=6 d6=1 d20+2=3 d20+2=21 d20+2=6 d20+2=11 d20+2=10 d20+2=19 d20+2=21 d20+2=18 d20+2=17 d20+2=8 d20+2=4 d20+2=20
Sunday April 17th, 2005 11:36:03 PM

Marigold responds to various inquiries, although in form of a whisper. "Yes, we are near." She then gives those close with her a cautious eye, "But be aware, we are being watched ... not by feral eyes. Things aren't what they seem! Be on guard!"

You all slowly round the bend and suddenly you all come upon your final destination. In a clearing of the forest a colossal oak stands. Light from both full moons, high in the nights sky, illuminates the oaks majestic presence. Odd, you all couldnt see the moons very well before, being shrouded in the overgrowth of trees. Now while in the clearing, you can see the moons almost appearing to be kissing one another. The whistling oak appears to be hollow. Which would explain the whistling as the breeze causes resonations to sound off. It sounds beautiful and is soothing. A single door is build into the trunk, just above a tangle of thick twisted roots. Looks like a short stairway, that leads to the door, has been carved into the tree. Twenty feet up is a small arched window, its shutters closed tight, but a dim light from within escapes around the cracks. A trace of smoke rises out of a hooded stack from the side of the tree. Those who reside here look to be home! The closer you get, you notice something odd. There appears to be a wild pumpkin patch around the base of the great tree. Most of the pumpkins are smashed and hacked to pieces. New ones appear to be growing around the dead ones.

You all are able to see a mist hanging close to the ground from the moons light. It spreads outward and disappears in the darkened shadows of the forest. You all pull up to the oak and you see posts to tie off your ponies. There is a wagon parked in the back, but not as nice as Ellis and Penelope's. Marigold is the first to see them ... birds fly into the nearby trees. They stare at you from the darkness. Then there in the mist appear a pack of wolves creeping forward out of the dark shadows. Is that a bear too! And an stag, no, three stags. They all advance a little ways and stop. They just stare at you.

The front door of the oak springs open. An elderly hobbit woman steps out. She looks nervous but welcomes you all. "Greetings, everyone. Come, come in. Before you catch your cold." The animals continue to watch. There attention unwavered until an owl flies in and perches on a large rock. The hobbit continues her welcome with a bit more urgency. "Please, do come in. Your ponies will be fine tied up right here."

Marigold turns to you and says, "Yes, lets make haste and get Penelope inside." With perfect timing, you all hear a cry from the carriage. Selithe witnesses Penelope having her first labor pains. "By the gods, its time!"

Airin (by Kim)  d20=16 d20=18
Monday April 18th, 2005 1:54:15 AM

Airin works on keeping alert - but hours on the road can cut into one's attentiveness. She calls to Kendry, "Hey, bring my pony back here!" Once he does, she says, "I want to talk to your Aunt. You can come if you want." Then riding forth, with or without him, she draws abreast of this leader of the milita. "Tell me the story of the Whispering Tree, wouldn't you, Marigold?" [Spot: 16+6=22; Listen: 18+8=26]

DM Stephen 
Monday April 18th, 2005 2:23:33 AM

I guess we posted at the same time. you may post again for Airin to revise her response.

Monday April 18th, 2005 8:46:08 AM

Patty swings off of Barnabus and quickly moves to tie him up outside the whistling tree, keeping an eye on the assorted wildlife that have gathered (especially the birds!). When Penelope's scream rings out, he looks towards the carriage with concern.

Patterton takes it upon himself to make sure the inside is secure and, with a nod to the elderly Hobbit, enters the tree looking about for any dangers.

Airin  d20+6=7 d20+6=17
Monday April 18th, 2005 11:29:39 AM

ooc : Kim thanks for making a post for Airin

Airin makes sure Blossom is well attached to a tree and takes a good look around before folling the hobbit lady into the oak but is too drowsy from the long trip and all that is happening (spot 7 - nat 1)

She looks up to the sky to watch the moons ... were they much more appart yesterday ? They are not moving too fast are they ? The ecclipse was still a few weeks yet they are allready "kissing eachotehr" (knowledge nature 17)

She quickly turns to Kendry whispering if she should stay outside to keep an eye out for danger ... if not hesitently she follows her friends inside.

Monday April 18th, 2005 1:22:30 PM

Selithe winces when she hears Penelope go into labor and can only guess at the pain she is going through, Selithe moves to her quickly and if she can find one places a cool cloth to her head, "Don't worry, we're here and you'll be fine."

Selithe runs to the door of the carriage and flings it open now and looks to the others, "Hurry up everyone, we need to get Penelope in there." Selithe hopes out of the carriage to allow the men to go about helping Penelope into the tree trunk house. Selithe glances at the animals as she begins to pull out her pipe but second thinks that as she looks to Ellis sheepishly, "Sorry, guess this is a bad time to be smoking. Just kind of nervous you see."

Selithe will go into the house only once Penelope is in.

DM Stephen 
Tuesday April 19th, 2005 12:41:47 AM

Waiting a little longer to get more posts in.

Kendry  d20+3=21
Tuesday April 19th, 2005 1:14:56 AM

Kendry picks up one of the new pumpkins, and takes a couple of the saddlebags in with him after tieing up his two ponies. He takes a last look around prior to entering the tree. [Spot: d20+3=21] "I hope you are friendly spirits," he says to the watching eyes of the area. "Peace unto you, should you be of good will." He steps into the Whispering Tree.

Tuesday April 19th, 2005 1:26:19 AM

Morpth enters the tree but readies his sap because he doesn't really trust the old lady.

Greetings! Well, close to it. (DM Stephen) 
Tuesday April 19th, 2005 8:08:51 AM

As several hobbits, including Ellis and Marigold help Penelope out of the wagon and to the tree, the owl on the rock morphs into a humanoid form, not like the bird lady, more like the druids are said to be able to do. He stands there with long flowing robes and a wooden staff. A hood obscures his face. He pulls it back to show that he is wearing a mask carved to look like the face of an owl.

"We druids of Culverwood don't want you halflings birthing your children in our woods. Your reasons compromise our wards that protect this place from the unslaught of civilization."

Marigold turns to several of you and whispers, "Hurry, get her inside!" As you do Kendry also tries to take one of the pumpkins in with him. The old woman at the door strongly refuses. "Don't dare bring one of those vile things into this sacred place. Throw it out ... smash it!!"

The owl druid continues, "It is for your best interest to leave this place NOW! I can not gaurantee your safety ... not on a night as this!"

(Sorry for the short post. Ran out of time.)

Tuesday April 19th, 2005 10:55:36 AM

"This woman is giving birth ! No way we can leave this place now. Hurry inside !"

Airin jumps inside quickly and hopes this door shuts fast. Once inside she quickly turns around to guard the door.

They will ambush us once we leave this oak ... how must we protect ourselves ?!? ...

Tuesday April 19th, 2005 1:25:51 PM

Kendry looks at the druid and hears what he has to say, but answers him not.

He immediately complies with the old woman's command, and tosses the pumpkin up into the air in an arc, seeing it dashed to the ground as he turns to enter the sanctuary. Airin gave the same reply he would have to the owl druid, so he simply lumbers in with his laden saddlebags, nodding his respect to the old woman, and his thanks.

Tuesday April 19th, 2005 2:27:54 PM

Patty lingers by the inside of the door and as the others draw near, he steps aside to allow them entry. He looks at the owl-druid with mistrust and grips the handle of his longsword, prepared to draw it and defend Marigold if necessary.

Tuesday April 19th, 2005 5:35:21 PM

Olo winces on the inside when he sees Patty taking an offensive stance, but does nothing to stop the warrior from acting as he sees fit.

As he hurriedly collects his belongings he addresses the druid. "No disrespect, I promise you... but she's about to give birth."

He then hurries inside with the others and sees if his talents can be put to use.

Selithe  d20+2=17
Tuesday April 19th, 2005 9:50:20 PM

Once everyone is in or almost everyone Selithe moves in also and looks around the room <spot:17> before turning to the man that lives here, "Excuse me sir, you have a bathroom around here? I wouldn't ask but I would like to freshenup. It's been quite a travel to here and we did have alittle fight with some type of bird lady before that even."

Selithe has stayed quite about the druid outside and looks to Kendry and whispers, "Gee, seems we are unpopular of late."

Morpth  d20+6=13 d20+2=7
Wednesday April 20th, 2005 12:26:20 AM

Once inside the tree, and after seeing how these other hobbits tend to trust the other hobbits and especially Marigold, he puts his sap away. Morpth then takes off his backpack and redistributes the weight of his load, his bedroll and various other items that have shifted since begining the journey.
Observing all that has transpired since arriving at this tree home, the druid situation, the full Moons, and now that the others in the party which are more apt to handle a birth are moving into their rolls, Morpth begins to prepare for battle. Morpth can feel that sensation in the air. The pregnated silence as if everything is hanging in mid-air awaiting some signal to commence. Morpth will ready his great axe by removing it from its stored position. He readies his daggers by strapping them to his boots and his wrists and the fifth one around his waist just under shirt chain shirt. Morpth will then
observe what is happening inside the home. )(Spot = 13)
Morpth asks out loud to no one in particular, "What the story behind the smashing of the Pumpkins? What did they do that makes people respond to them in this way?" (Sense Motive= 7) Seeing Patterton reach for his sword, Morpth asks him, "Hey, Patterton, Do you have a sharpening stone handy? I think there's a nick in my axe blade."

ALL OF THEM! (DM Stephen)  d100=53 d100=4 d100=96 d20=7 d20=6 d20=4 d20+5=11 d6=6 d6=3 d100=27 d100=37 d20=13 d6=1
Wednesday April 20th, 2005 12:55:17 AM

Penelope is quickly carried to a bed in one of the birthing rooms. There are other scared couples from Crescent Valley standing about. Other babies being cradled in the arms of new mothers. The interior is amazing. The tree is hollow but it still seems alive. There is a woodburning stove against one wall, which was suggested by the smoke stack outside. There are several chairs along the walls. Apparently for waiting fathers and other family members. A stairway spirals up following the wall. The loft above appears to be living quarters. "Momma, Momma," says a childs voice from above. "The moons ... they're coming together!!" The mother scolds, "I told you to stay away from that window!" The father quickly heads up to secure the shutters.

Suddenly a great deal of howling breaks the silence. Growling and other wild shrills sound off in all directions in the woods. Those still spying on the druids outside will see the rest of them wildshaping back into humanoid forms. They're all wearing dark robes and wooden masks with different animal heads. They gather there in the clearing and appear to be conversing with each other. They completely ignore Patty's statement. With all the noise from the surounding animals, it's near impossible to hear what they're saying. And even if you did, there is only one among you with any chance to understand. Airin, at the door, is that hobbit! (Listen check 18. If you successed, Highlight to display spoiler: {"It begins already ... you ... get back to the ... stay behind an deal ... ALL OF THEM!"}

Most of the druids run off into the darkness of the overgrowth. Two of them stay behind and turn to face the Whistler Oak. One wears a snarling wolf mask, the other a stag mask with antlers.

Selithe spots a wash closet after asking her question. There is a chamber pot in one corner, a table along the opposite wall with a large bowl, pitcher of water and mirror. Small hand towels hang from rods on the wall.

Penelope squirms on her bed. She begins to shout incoheriently. Sweat and tears stream off her face. Her eyes are bloodshot red and glassy. She stares up at the ceiling, looking at visions that arent there. "EBRYON!!" she shouts. Then Sylvan words spit from her lips (those who speak sylvan, Highlight to display spoiler: {"Lemtrovexx, Lemo, Lemtrovvv your time comess. Huh, huh, huh, time reclaim whats MINEE!! Oh stewards ... you are dead, dead, dead, dead to meeeee!"} With those final words she screams a bloodcurdling cry. Ellis and the elderly woman try their best to calm her. She struggles against them, throwing the elderly birthmaid back into the wall. Marigold helps her up and goes back to holding a cold washcloth to her forehead. She tries her best to comfort her cousin. Looking up from Penelope, she yells, "What's happening out there?"

Back outside, the two druids open their robes to reveal an assortment of weapons strapped to their belts. They dont reach for them though. Instead they both chant words of power. Those at the door can see the plants around the tree glow and become animated. They wiggle and stretch, reaching for anything they can grab (if you enter this area, make a Reflex DC 13 to avoid becoming tangled If you're successful, movement is halved. The entangling area is 20 ft wide). However, a small area surrounding the tree seems to repel that effect. The second druid finishes weaving his spell and a ball of fire appears in his hand. He then throws it at the tree. It crashes at its base catching some of the vegetation on fire. The dead, dry and broken pumpkins appear to fuel the flame. The ponies fight against their reins excitedly.

The druid's hand is filled with another ball of fire. Then something he didnt expect happens ... "AIIIIEEE," he screams! The ball of fire explodes in his hand. He pats it out as quickly as he can. The other druid looks on in shock with the realization that his partners magic just betrayed him. Another ball of fire sparks to life again. This one doesnt appear to hurt him. It flickers out instead. Suddenly a ball of flame appears in Kendry's hand. It doesn't burn you. This is crazy!!

Airin  d20+8=24 d20+5=19 d6=3 d6+7=11 d6+6=12
Wednesday April 20th, 2005 7:52:26 AM

(listen : 24)

When Aunt Marigold yells at them asking what goes on outside, Airin briefly describes the shape shifting druids and what she could make up from their whispers : "I was only able to hear bits and pieces from their chatter ... something like "It begins already ... you ... get back to the ... stay behind an deal ... ALL OF THEM!" ... I think we might be in trouble"

Suddenly she hears a voice from upstairs ordering to close the windows ... There are windows in this oak ! ... we might be able to see what happens outside !! ...
" Bolts and arrows with me !! Airin suggests to her friends as she runs up the spiral stairs to the upper level.

While she's running upstairs she can hear Blossoms fear of fire .. Blossom !... NO ! "Someone please get our pony's inside !!"

Airin has to keep her mind to the business. There's no room for panic ...

Are there cracks in the window shutters ? Airin will try to find a way to peak outside hoping to see what goes on down there. Her elevated position might also provide possibilities to attack the druids outside ...

(search : 11 / spot : 12 )

Airin is clearly a bit distracted and worried abuot Blossom.

Kendry  d20+4=20 d20+7=17
Wednesday April 20th, 2005 3:44:28 PM

Kendry translates Penelope's words for the others. "She says, 'Lemtrovex, your time comes,' and 'time to reclaim what's mine. Oh stewards -- you are dead, dead, dead, dead to me.'"

"Uh, Lemtrovex is one of the old names of Alemi - his dragon form, I think." [bardic knowledge d20+7=17]

Then, as the self-appointed stewards of nature decide to burn the tree, the sweet young mothers and their precious babies, a rage rises up in the young musician's breast.

"Why, you misbegotten, baby-murdering nature benders!" he yells at the masked men. Surprised to find a ball of flame in his own hand, he returns the weapon the druids sent his way at the wolf-masked assailant [ranged attack, d20+4=20]. "Taste your own flames, wicked one!" he shouts as the ball hurtles towards the man, or elf, or whatever he is.

Kendry, addendum 
Wednesday April 20th, 2005 3:54:39 PM

With the reaching plants writhing several feet from the trunk of the tree, Kendry tries to stay out of their grasp, but begins to kick away the flaming pumpkins to protect the tree from the rising flames.

Patterton  d20+8=24 d20+3=12
Wednesday April 20th, 2005 8:33:45 PM

The stout Halfling withdraws from the doorway a step or two as the vines writhe about the base of the tree, fearfull they might snatch him up. After seeing that they are "halted" by some apparent magic, however, he looks about in confusion. 'Strange happenings this night', he thinks in wonder.

Suddenly, he hears Airin scream, "Blossom !... NO ! "Someone please get our pony's inside !!" He turns to the theif and calls out, "Cover me!" With that, he draws his sword and leaps out into the vines(jump = 24), trying to clear as much ground as he can without dealing with the vegitation and begins hacking his way towards the poines(reflex save= 12! missed it by 1!!! Curses!). The vines soon wrap about him snugly and hold him fast. A series of loud curses explode from the warrior as he struggles. (OOC: Stephen, is it possible to make a Str check to break free of the vines?)

Wednesday April 20th, 2005 9:59:06 PM

Selithe frowns at the sudden eruption of chaos about her and decides to hold off on using the bathroom to freshenup.

With a belly full of anoyance she marches up the stairs with Airin and pulls the crossbow off her back and readies a bolt in it, "I think I might be able to use this better. Worth a shot."

Selithe glances as she goes and frowns at the men who are here with their wives, "By Warrd's name you guys. Get some water or we all may not be walking away from here. You want the place to burn down with us in it possibly? Anyway, this will take your minds off of worrying."

Wednesday April 20th, 2005 11:07:53 PM

Olo's attention is split between Penelope's obvious distress and the havoc the druids are causing outside. After a quick glance outside, he makes a split-second decision and runs back to the birthing woman's side. With a quick prayer and some well-practiced gestures, he lays his hands on her arm and calls down his god's protection over the woman. (casting Protection From Evil).

Then, entrusting her to Marigold's care and Wardd's protection, he spins in place and strides back for the door.

Morpth (AC:19; 24+2 HP)  d20+8=12 d20+3=16 d10+3=10
Thursday April 21st, 2005 12:48:23 AM

Morpth takes the screams about fire to be the queue he needed to engage. Gazing outside he sees the growing vegation covering a 20 ft wide area and tries to run towards the druids by going around the plant life with his great axe and wearing his armor and screaming in Orcish the common equivalent to "Try to burn us, you taste fire first...go to hades!". (Is this possible? MV rate 30 ft.)
Using balance to weave around the vegation (Bal=11; 12 -1 for amor penalty), Morpth will try to engage the druids. If successful Morpth will fly into a rage. (Rage will last for 8 rounds, gains +4 to Strength and Con yielding +3 to hit & damage, +2 HP).
Not really knowing if Morpth can reach his first target, Morpth will swing at the first druid if he successfully weaves around the plants. (Attack=16, if sucessful; Damage=10)
If Morpth is not successful in reaching the first target, Morpth will try on his next action raging all the way!

DM Stephen - Yes you can charge at them, but as I stated in my DM post, you need to make a Reflex save DC 13 to move half speed through the 20-ft entangled area. You also gain +2 hp per character level when raging, not just barbarian levels, so you have a +4 hp. Whenever Con is increased you gain hp per level retroactively, that means all levels.

Somethings in my head! (DM Stephen)  d100=77 d100=91 d100=58 d6=4 d6=1 d6+5=10 d6=3 d100=86 d100=48 d100=97 d20+5=12 d20-1=4 d6=4 d20+7=23 d20+6=22 d6+2=6
Thursday April 21st, 2005 2:39:15 AM

"Horses inside?!" repeats several hobbits down in the waiting room. One shouts up, "How?! The door isn't near big enough to let them inside!" Not to mention the small steps leading up to the small door would be hard for them to negotiate. From up in the loft, there are several windows, four windows in all. Face all four directions (N, S, E and W). Its the west window that overlooks the front door and the attacking druids. From up there, you can see far more of the area. Besides the battle, you see an amazing sight. Animals of all kinds, large and small, seem to be moving to the southwest away from the Whistler Oak. Mixed in with them are thousands of tiny glowing wisps ... what the hay!?

Kendry flings the flaming orb back at its caster. It hits square in the chest and explodes upon impact. The wolf druid staggers backwards while holding his chest in pain (damage dealt with little fire balls is 1d6+5. Both druids AC's are 17). As the bard heads down to stomp out flames, another ball of fire pops into his hand.

Patty tries to leap over the entanglement. If it werent for the weight of his armor, he might have cleared it, (armor check penalty with you chainmail and shield is -7 to your jump roll). The warrior's leap is still impressive. He jumps 15-ft and lands within the entangled plants ... only 5-ft from the edge. However, when he lands, he finds himself tangled up and held to the ground. (Make a Strength check or Escape Artist check DC 15 to free yourself as a full round action. Of course a full round action allows a 5-ft step.)

The frowning Selithe rebukes the men in the waiting room. None of them are warriors or ever seen combat. They're frieghtened. Two of the three younger ones heads out the door to help with putting the fire out. One cowers against the wall. When Selithe gets up to the loft, she prepares her crossbow.

The compassionate Olo returns to Penelope's side. As he casts his spell, the magic from his ward against evil whiplashes back on the cleric, knocking everyone back 5-feet (reflex save DC 12 to stay on your feet). Penelope yells, "Help me, somethings in my head! What's happening to meee..." She suddenly goes silent and starts to violently shake. Drool pours from her mouth. Ellis cries out, "By the gods of Wold, someone please help her!!!" The elderly birthmaid falls backwards again from the blast. She appears to be dazed on the floor from bumping her head. Marigold pauses for a second and looks over Penelope. Her face goes white as a ghost. She quickly turns her gaze away from Penelope and covers her eyes as if staring into a light that's way too bright! "My word ... there is something evil here!"

(I will roll Morpth's reflex save to keep things going. Be happy, I rolled well, 23!) Morpth surrenders to his rage and charges forward through the entangled area. The plants pull and tug at the barbarian but they cannot hold him back. He breaks though the field, leaving Patty just 5-ft behind. (You made your full movement this round to get through the entanglement, but you're able to attack this next round. Movement through the entanglement was halved.)

The injured wolf druid draws his scimitar as he moves forward to engage the barbarian. He hits Morpth for 6 points. (Druid AC is 17) The Stag Druid casts another spell and his staff begins to glow a dim green aura.

Kendry  d20+4=18 d6+5=7 d20+5=7
Thursday April 21st, 2005 7:10:48 AM

"Thanks, uh, whoever!" Kendry says as he sees again a ball of flame in his hands. As the wolf druid is now involved with Morpth, he aims the next little ball of fire [AC 18, 7 hp damage] at the owl mask, who just cast, apparently, shillelagh (although Kendry's spellcraft check failed with a d20+5=7). "Druids - it is in your best interests to leave this place NOW! I can not guarantee your safety, on such a night as this! Join those who flee, while there is still time."

Airin  d20+5=8 d20+6=26 d20+8=25 d20+6=21
Thursday April 21st, 2005 8:01:21 AM

Airin is pleased to see Selithe run up the stairs with her. "we'll make'm eat bolts won't we sister"

Airin carefully sneaks up on the window facing the druids hoping to catch the druids downstairs of guard and send forth a bolt :

attack roll : 8

The bolt veers towards the druid but dissapears in the leaves on the ground. Airin sighs, worried her aim has become worse what can be devastating at this wrong moment. Hopefully Selithe has more luck.

After her shot, she reloads her crosbow and ducks behind the window. She tries to peak through the other windows hoping to detect more strange things ... how are the moons looking ?

spot : 26 (nat 20 ! should have rolled this for the bolt)
listen : 2
Knowledge Nature : 21

Patterton AC20/hp19  d20+3=16
Thursday April 21st, 2005 9:14:28 AM

Patterton sees Morpth come running by through the twisting vines, chopping them down and screaming like a maniac. Spured on by his friends show of bravery, Patty takes a deep breath and rips his arms free of the binding vegetaion and slogs the final five feet out of spells area(strength check=16).

Seeing the wolf druid cut into Morpth, Patty turns his attention to that enemy. Hopefully Kendry and the others can harass the stag druid enough so that he is unable to cast his spell.

Morpth (AC:19; 22 of 24 HP/+4, -6)  d20+3=4 d10+3=9
Thursday April 21st, 2005 9:14:34 AM

Having just made it through the plants, and with the rage taking hold of him attacks the wolf-masked Druid. Swinging his great axe at the Druid [(Attack=4; damage=9)is this still a Nat 1?], Morpth tries to connect his Great-Axe with Druid while continuing to chant is Orcish.

DM Stephen: Game Notice 
Thursday April 21st, 2005 7:52:56 PM

Notice to Crescent Valley players. I will be making my Friday post just after 5:15pm, Woldian Time, tomorrow afternoon. So you wont have all evening to get your post in. Just thought I would let you know, since Im known as a late night poster.

Selithe (by Kim, at Justin's emailed request)  d20+6=25 d6=6
Thursday April 21st, 2005 9:10:18 PM

Good for them. Doing something useful, 'fraid as they are.

From the loft, Selithe looks down. She sees the druid with the glowing green staff, aims, counts to three, and pulls the trigger to release the bolt. Knowing that she pretty much always misses with the crossbow, she squints her eyes nearly shut in anticipation of having the missile go too high, or too far to the left, or -- well, maybe the moons are in her favor tonight! [Hit AC 25, or thereabouts, for 6 hp damage. Attack vs. owl-masked druid.] She reloads the crossbow.

Olo  d20+2=11 d20+2=4
Thursday April 21st, 2005 11:22:32 PM

Pushed back by the backlash of magic, Olo frantically reaches out for something to steady himself with and his hand finds... the handle of a water pitcher (Reflex save vs fall = 11). Olo crashes to the ground, dragging the pitcher down with him and covering himself with water.

Pushing the pitcher away, he climbs back to his feet and steals another glance outside before looking back to Penelope and then to Marigold. Frustrated with the choice he has to make, he grimaces. "I'll be right back, I have to take care of those two outside."

Running out the door and towards the fight outside, Olo once again finds himself reaching for his morningstar. He doesn't get too far however, as grasping vines almost immediately wrap around his legs (reflex save vs entangle = 4)

OOC: Failed reflex save so Olo fell. First move action to stand. Second move action to run outside. Reflex save to prevent entanglement also failed. Blech.

Someone, please!! (DM Stephen)  d100=18 d100=22 d100=81 d100=76 d6=6 d6=4 d6=6 d6=3 d20+6=24 d6=6 d20+6=17
Friday April 22nd, 2005 2:28:15 AM

Kendry throws the second fireball at the stag druid. Again it hits and leaves a burned spot on his chest. If you could see behind the mask, he winces in pain. A new fireball materializes in his hand, as soon as he threw the one before. Its obvious to the bard that the druids spell got passed on to him. However, this one is beginning to feel a little too hot in your hand, unlike the last one. (dropping it would be a free action, but go ahead and make a reflex save)

Patterton displays to all a tremendous feat of strength. He tears vines and uproots grasses and other vegetation holding him down. He's able to exit the entangled area and stands victorious on the other side.

Morpth isnt feeling really lucky right now. After ripping a path through the entangled area with relative ease, his swing, however, is wild and slices nothing but air.

Airin shoots a bolt from the loft window. It must have grazed a branch or something, it doesnt come close to hitting anyone except a passing bird (which it also misses) on its way to the southwest. Looking up she can see the two moons are a little more than halfway eclipsing one another. You know such astrological events such as this are important to druids and other creatures who are closely attuned to nature. In fact you've heard of rituals that druids perform on such nights. The animals reaction to all this is bizarre. No records you have read has ever mentioned such a thing. This is unique and strange. All these animals going the same direction. You kind of feel the pull yourself.

Selithe makes her way to the window with her crossbow. She aims and fires. Her bolt flies straight at the stag druid and hits him critically in the chest, right over the heart.
(You rolled a natural 19, that's in the weapons critical threat range. I will go ahead and roll to see if its a critical hit to keep things rolling. Thank me, a 24, critical hit. max damage, 6 points)

The stag druid slumps to the ground, blood gushes from his wound. His staff is dropped and the green glow fades.

Olo leaves the side of Penelope to help his friends. However the vines and grasses take hold of him and keeps him stuck in place.

The wolf druid swings at Morpth again, but the barbarian parries the attack with his axe. A loud "clang" is the result. The druid then steps 30ft back. Seeing his partner down and attackers beginning to gang up on him, he finds it necessary to back away. His sword is still drawn.

In the distance everyone outside begins to hear something strange. Is it a song? It starts low and begins to grow. It's becoming apparent that it's sounding like a choir of voices lifted up together in song. More and more voices are adding to the whole. None of you have ever heard so many voices singing together this way. It comes from the southwest. You all can feel it now, resonating through the land, up your feet and into your bones. Everyone can hear it now, inside and out.

Suddenly, back in the Whistler Oak, Penelope's eyes open wide and her shaking stops. She doesnt appear to be in pain. She sits right up and slides off the bed. All in the room look on in shock. Ellis pleads, "Buttercup, Penelope, please tell me whats happening. Get back on the bed, your in no shape to ..." As he reaches for her, Penelope swipes her hand at him and sends him flying back into the wall. Patty isnt the only one showing off a feat of strength this evening!! She walks out of the room and out the front door. She is so very pale, yet calm and free of pain. She looks to the southwest and starts walking that way. As soon as her foot touches the entangled area, the vines, roots and grasses stop wiggling and writhing. Olo is instantly set free from their hold. Penelope continues a straight path to the source of the singing.

The injured wolf druid drops to his knees and looks to be praying, but he instead adds his voice to the choir.

Ellis and Marigold emerge from the front door. Tears flow freely from both their eyes. Her cool facade all but gone. She doesnt know what to do. Ellis yells, "What's happening!? My wife, my child!! SOMEONE PLEASE!" He looks like a wreck. Blood from his nose mixes with his sweat and tears. Like Marigold, Ellis is desperate for an answer.

Friday April 22nd, 2005 5:55:41 AM

Patty whirls on Penelope as he hears someone approach, but upon discovering that it is the pregnant Hobbit that they had escorted to the tree and not another druid as he had expected, he drops his sword and rushes over to her. There is a concerned look on his face.

"By Wardd, woman! You shouldn't be out here in your condition. Ellis! Get out here!" He moves to block her path, but makes no attempt to physicaly restrain her as he doesn't want to risk harming her or the baby. Patty(I assume) has no idea what went on inside and simply thinks that she must be delerious from pain.

Airin  d20+6=19
Friday April 22nd, 2005 9:49:59 AM

Something is going on out there ... we should follow Penelopee ! As the druids no longer attack them, Airin rushes down the stairs again (tumble : 19).

"Let's follow her ... somthing weird is going on ... all these druids are assembling in one place, and I can assure you it has something to do with the moons converging."

Friday April 22nd, 2005 2:25:11 PM

(OOC:I'm really sorry for making this post here but to make sure everyone gets it I figured I would post it here. Me and my brother may be loosing our internet for alittle while. Till I get back I will need someone to play Selithe for abit. We do not know how long this will be for sure but we don't plan for very long. I will be making a post for Selithe alittle later. I figure Kim (if he wants) can post for Selithe while I'm away. BTW, thanks Kim, you made a good post for Selithe for me ;) .)

Morpth (AC:19; 22 of 24 HP/+4, -6) 
Friday April 22nd, 2005 2:32:57 PM

Morpth seeing the Druid drop to his knees and sing, Morpth equates all of the others singing to this druid...thus they all must die!
Morpth charges (running as quickly as possible)towards the chorus of singing druids off to the southwest. Morpth wants them to see what the RAGE is all about!

Friday April 22nd, 2005 3:54:18 PM

His fight with the undergrowth over, Olo struggles to figure out what's going on. Why did my magic, and that of the druid, fail? Is Penelope possessed? Why did the undergrowth fall away? What is calling from the South?

With so many questions and no answers, Olo can't figure out how best to help. Once again, he calls down the magic of Wardd and casts a spell (Casting Detect Magic) before hurrying to Penelope's side.

Kendry  d20+4=18 d20+6=22 d6+5=6 d20+5=17 d4+2=5
Friday April 22nd, 2005 4:49:27 PM

"Hot, hot hot!" Kendry says. But, not wanting to waste it, he draws back and launches the little ball of fire at the wolf mask druid [reflex save 22, to hit 18] for 6 hp of damage.

Then, seeing Penelope walk as though in a trance, and looking to join the migration, Kendry thinks back to the pumpkin pies, its effect on Peeps, Selithe's noting some sort of magic on the pumpkin pie, the old woman calling the pumpkins evil, and the fact that his cousin was speaking in sylvan (he didn't know she even knew sylvan). Well, tucking that away for the moment, he thinks he still has a job to do.

He nocks an arrow in his black composite short bow, and hustles toward the druid, getting within about 15 feet of him. "Give me one good reason I should not drive this shaft through your liver, druid. Drop your sword, or I drop you."

If the druid gives no such reason, attacks, or fails to drop his sword, he shoots. [AC 17, 5 hp damage.]

Selithe (by Kim)  d20+6=25 d20+6=10 d6=5
Friday April 22nd, 2005 4:53:02 PM

Selithe fires her crossbow again, hitting the wolf druid for 5 hp damage. [AC 25, threat, no crit]

Then she descends the stairs, and goes to follow Penelope. "Aunt Marigold - what should we do?? Ellis - has she ever acted this way before? Did Penelope bake the pumpkin pie?"

The Grand Convergence. (DM Stephen)  d100=66 d100=4 d100=7 d6=2 d6=2 d6=5 d6=5 d100=50 d100=10 d100=3 d6=5 d6=2 d6=1 d6=4
Friday April 22nd, 2005 8:07:27 PM

Patterton questions the young Penelope but she seems to not even hear him. She looks to be in a trance and continues toward the southwest and into the thick overgrowth of Culverwood.

Airin darts down the stairs and out the door. She follows Penelope into the woods.

Morpth sprints into the woods, following behind scores of animals. He passes Penelope along the way. The further he goes the more crowded it becomes. Animals don't appear to be fearful, being close to so many humanoids. Morpth is needing to slow down to avoid crashing into other animals. He is surprised by a boar stepping in front of his path. The boar doesn't see you coming, he has his rump turned to you. (Reflex save DC 14 to avoid falling over a boar.)

Olo gets up from the ground and dusts himself off. He has a lot of unanswered questions and seems to be a rather perplexed hobbit. He casts a spell and it seems to be working correctly. Olo detects a misty veil of multicolored auras hanging over the area, all around him. It's dazzling to look at. Suddenly he is blinded by a very strong aura. It's like staring straight into the sun. You have to look away to keep from becoming blinded. Very strong magic envelopes Penelope. You notice traces of tranmutation, strong conjuration and a smatering of necromancy. You can't get too close to Penelope, the brightness of her magical aura hurts your eyes the closer you get to it.

Kendry launches his fireball before it seriously burns him, but he does take 2 points of damage from it. It flies toward the singing druid. It explodes on impact. At that same time, Selithe from the upstairs window, launches a missile of her own. Both attacks do the their damage to the druid. He continues to kneel except his head is slumped over, as if praying. Kendry approaches the druid and notices his pointy ears break through his golden locks of hair. An elf! Kendry asks him questions and waits for an answer. The elven druid doesn't say a word. He then falls over, nothing but a lifeless corpse. The results of shooting first and asking questions later.

Selithe final makes her way down the stairs and out the door. When she asks both Ellis and Marigold about Penelope's history and the pumpkin pies she made, Ellis answers, "What do you mean, of course not!!" He runs off after his wife. Marigold just stands there in shock. Struggling to find the words, she finally answers, "Yes ... Penelope made the pies. She said the pumpkins grew over night in her yard. Thought they were a blessing! I should have known better!" She turns to the southwest and walks off following Penelope. She draws her sword along the way.

Those who choose to follow see Penelope walk a path of flower pedals laid out before her by a large group of pixies and various other tiny fey. The scores of animals even part to allow her easy passage. Their attentive eyes follow her the entire way. After clearing a few low lying trees, you all come to a clearing and see you're approaching a grand stone structure. None of you have ever heard or seen of such a place. The magic wards of Culverwood, and secretive ways of the druids, have kept this place concealed for countless centuries. It's a huge druid circle made from massive stones (imagine Stonehenge, but bigger and in decent shape) piercing the canopy of the lush Culverwood flora. There are several rings of standing stones before you reach the center. Each huge standing stone covered in druidic runes and ancient Woldian. Most are partially covered in ivy and various vines. Animals don't cross into the druid circle. They stand back and watch. Hundreds of druids occupy the inner rings. Those not wearing animal masks appear to be elves like the two you guys pummeled back at the Whistler Oak. Everyone is singing the same song except for a few singing their own. These few seem to be opposing the majority. They raise their voices as high as they can but they don't come close to overcoming the others. They struggle just to keep pace.

Most druids are wearing woodcarved animal masks and they make no attempt to attack you. The song seems more important at the moment and they allow you to pass unhindered. Some appear furious that you've invaded their sacred place, but they remain standing in position and concentrate on the song. The further you go in, the more accomplished the druids seem to be. They wear symbols of honor and prestige and look to be carrying items of power.

Penelope finally makes her way to the center ring. There is a stone alter in the middle of this inner ring. Just 10-ft away, in four directions, are four circular pools of water. Probably used as divining pools. The Grand Druid occupies this area, along with a few other attendants. He too sings a song. As you approach, his eyes go wide with the sight of the pregnant halfling. He begins to sing his song even harder and louder. To your suprise, he seems to be opposing the majority. Penelope climbs onto the altar and lays there staring up at the heavens. The two moons finally align and form a full eclipse. Penelope falls out of her trance and screams a bloodcurdling cry. Her labor pains start back again. The winds suddenly whip into a furious tempest. The sudden gusts almost cause a few to lose their balance. Loose leaves and other debris take to the wild winds. Pixies and other flying creatures find themselves earthbound to keep themselves from blowing away. A ring of light from the eclipse spirals downward from the starry nights sky and surrounds the entire druid circle. It dawns on you now that you're about to witness something earth shattering, Wold changing!! And you have a front row seat.

Several druids approach the altar and tend to Penelope. No one stops you if you wish to be by her side. Both Marigold and Ellis spare no time getting to her. Penelope, wincing in pain, begs for answers, "What's happening. ... how did I get here? AUUUUGGHHHHH!!" Labor is enduced and a new baby boy is brought into the Wold after what seems to be an eternity. The cord is cut with a silver sickle and the baby is presented for all to see. Penelope finally sighs as if suddenly relieved from her burdens. She passes out from exhaustion. Ellis remains by her side. A druid with a wooden owl mask pats him on the back to assure him all is well. He looks like a normal baby boy until you see his legs and feet. His legs seem misshapen and furry and his feet are cloven hooves!! His eyes open suddenly to view his audience. That's way too soon for that to happen!! A smile forms across his face. The baby turns his head to look upon his mother and father. No baby should be this aware of his surroundings! He gives them the same smile. Upon seeing Marigold, the newborn spits at her! A worm comes flying out and splatters against her shoe. It's the worm from her potion that she gave Penelope to ease her pain, back in their kitchen. Marigold is startled at first. She looks shaken, disoriented and then nausiated. Then suddenly she vomits onto the cobblestone floor. Two small horns begin grow from the newborn's forehead and he starts to laugh wickedly out loud!!

Morpth (AC:19; 22 of 24 HP/+4, -6)  d20+7=14
Saturday April 23rd, 2005 12:28:52 AM

Morpth just manages not to stumble over the boar. Morpth will keep running towards the source of the chorus of song.

DM Stephen 
Saturday April 23rd, 2005 2:03:25 AM

You may want to reread my DM post. Ive done some editing. I posted it from Jerry's house and it was hard to keep my concentration while the local players were constantly yelling and harrassing me to get done!

Saturday April 23rd, 2005 2:59:02 AM

The Wold stirs....

A breeze springs up, seemingly from out of nowhere. On the Sargass Plains, the unending grasses begin to move and toss, and the rapkes pace, restless and uneasy. In the Windbourne Hills, horses whinny and break into a run for no reason. In the tunnels beneath Dirt City, sewer rats begin to flee their hiding places, running into well-traveled corridors while the people wonder what it all could mean. And in the Emerald Kingdom, the anticipation is very nearly palpable as the animals awaken and the trees stir in the wind.

Something is coming.

The Wold seems to hold its collective breath as the Sleeper stretches, turns, sighs...and awakens. Eyes the color of the sea blink and focus as the Sleeper regards the Wold around him. The expanse of New Elanna, the great bulk of Shadow Mountain, the mysteries of the Southern Continent, even the wonder that is Floating City--all of these are known to the Sleeper in a heartbeat. A frown of concentration crosses his face, then a satisfied smile as he begins to know what must be done.

The Sleeper takes a breath and stretches out his hand...

Saturday April 23rd, 2005 9:35:59 AM

Patty scoops up his discarded sword and trudges after Morpth through the woods. 'He sure can move!' he thinks as he sees the Hobbit nimbley avoid the boar and tear off through the underbrush.

As they break into the mystic clearing, Patty nearly pitches to the ground as he slides to a stop. The young Hobbit's eyes widen in wonder at the sheer number of druids that are gathered before him. At just that moment, the pregnant Penelope is in the final stages of the birth and the eclipse has fianlly happened.

Even from his vantage point, Patty can see that the child is...different. He quickly(for him anyway)makes his way over to Marigold.

"By the gods..." he mutters as the child spits up the worm. "Olo!"

Sunday April 24th, 2005 4:26:56 PM

(OOC:If my internet goes down I should beable to give about a day warning or so. So for now I will be posting and crossing my fingers that the internet going down is just a percation thing.)

Selithe makes her way with the others and watches in wodner at all the druids and then the sudden birth of Penelope's baby. She is completely lost again at all the events going on before her and she has no idea rather to fight, run or just watch so sticks with just watching for the moment.

Selithe will keep close to Kendry as she holds her crossbow and whispers to him, "I don't like this brother, something seems terribly wrong here you know."

Morpth (AC:19; 22 of 24 HP/+4, -6) 
Sunday April 24th, 2005 6:43:40 PM

Once Morpth arrives at the outer circle of the gathering he will try to run to the altar where Penelope is lying, if not stopped along the way. Upon arriving at Penelope's side, he will act as protector for Penelope, Ellis, and the hobbit clan, attacking anyone that acts aggressive towards them.
(OOC: I believe Morpth has about 6 rounds left.)

(DM Stephen - Hate to break this to ya. Once we were out of combat, we stop going by rounds. It took much longer than 6 seconds(1 round) to walk or run to the Druid Circle. Consider your rage over for now. Once you get to the alter, you have a chance to catch your breath and you are no longer fatigued from your rage.)

Kendry, on this strange night 
Sunday April 24th, 2005 11:55:06 PM

When Kendry sees the druid fall over, and, upon examining him, he finds him dead, the anger that rose up when the two masked druids attacked the tree - and, perforce, all who were within - dissipates.

He reaches down, and gently removes the mask from the elf. He lightly, reverently, runs his finger along the curve of the ear, unto the tip.

Though defense of the hobbits' birthplace came naturally to him - and he reject the notion that his people should not be allowed the right of birth in the very forest that surrounds them - yet he sorrows that two elves - a people the halfling reveres - that two elves should die at his hand.

Something deep wells up within. Altuvien and Salvinaria, with whom he played as a child, remain his friends. Will they, should they learn of this act? Elves are frequent guests at the family cottage in the Culverwood, were Nilli lives.

Are the moons causing insanity in the elves? Or is it just the druids who hold this particular bent? He knows the many watchers supported the action these two just attempted. Should there now be war between druids and halflings? Or is this just a momentary aberration?

His stomach tightens. His shoulders start to shake. Tears fill his eyes. He moans. "No... no... nooooo... oooo..." He weeps, and trembles, the shock of what just happened rattling him mightily.

Despite the devastation he feels, the practical industriousness instilled by his ever-diligent mother moves him to look over the fallen two, and look for any identifying items. He quickly looks over the multiplicity of weapons that the one who wore the wolf mast has. He pulls the other next to his body, so the two lie side by side, and detects magic on the two, setting aside any items that show magic. He takes the two masks with him.

He goes to those who helped put out the fire. "Cover these two with blankets. We must see to their burial, at some meet time. Pray, pray tonight, for protection, and for wisdom. I must go."

Kendry follows the path Penelope and the others took. He hears the song, and countersong, using his profession and training to remember the tune, the harmonies, the lyrics. As a speaker of sylvan, and elvish, he understands what may be sung in those tongues.

He arrives shortly after his cousin lay herself on the altar, and he silently witnesses the unholy birth. "What child is this, our new cousin?" he asks Selithe.

He steps forward. Normally, one would speak to a baby in baby talk, really expecting no comprehension of the words, but because even babies pick up on a person's voice - the pitch and timbre, the feeling of the voice. But, judging by the alertness of the child - spitting a worm on his auntie! - and the weird laughter, Kendry takes a chance.

In the sylvan tongue, and projecting so all might hear, Kendry puts the question: "What child are you, cousin? Who is Ebryon to you? And what say you of Lemtrovex?"

Olo  d20+8=25 d20+4=15
Sunday April 24th, 2005 11:58:38 PM

Somewhat comforted by the fey's trail of flowers and the nonaggression of the animals, Olo turns his attention to the wellbeing of Penelope. Certain now that something immense is happing, and that Penelope is at the center of it, he makes no attempt to interrupt her progress or wake her from her state.

When they arrive into the druid clearing, he passes through the rings at Penelope's side, and stays there comforting and aiding her during delivery as he is able (Heal skill check with use of healing kit = 25). The wind, the spirals of light, and finally the birth of the boy child are so beyond Olo's realm of experience that they almost shock him into total inaction.

But... it is a child, and one apparently foretold to the fey and the druids of the forest. With a reminder to himself that strangeness does not equate to evilness and a silent prayer to Wardd that his actions are the right ones, Olo takes up some wet linen prepared from his healing kit during the birth and attempts to clean the newly born child. Though his hands shake, his voice is calm as he asks the newborn child the question which is at the root of all of Olo's other questions.

"Why are you here?"

Notes to DM:
1. If, due to his active Detect Magic spell, Olo is unable to moniter Penelope's state at any time leading up to the birth he'll dismiss it. I'm assuming this is the case.
2. If Olo is barred in any way from cleaning the child, he won't press it. He WILL still ask his question though.
3. Sense Motive roll (15) is for some insight into child's words or actions.

Monday April 25th, 2005 5:45:06 AM

Airin stands perplex gazing the newborn baby ... thing ... Right now she feels more helpless than ever before. She huddles with her friends to look for some support in these strange times.

In all this strange things, they have passed soo many druids ... how she longed to meet druids since Mazie left them ...

Somehow she feels this baby should not live ... it feels evil, it acts evil, it's not normal. But how can you kill a baby in front of it's mother and father ? How can you kill a baby ... Airin defintely can not.

She turns to one of the druids nearest to her and in her basic druidic she whispers : "What this ? Who baby ? What with moons ? Why you all here ?" Hopefully this druid will be helpfull and explain a few bits an pieces from this puzzle.

Monday April 25th, 2005 8:57:56 PM

Standing around the altar, near his newly made hobbit friends, Morpth tries to make sense of this turn of events. With the rage long over, and a brief recovery from the ever diligent fatigue that follows, Morpth tries to comprehend how a hobbit couple gave birth to a half hobbit half goat thing that appears to have full understanding this soon after birth! His sister was never like this, something is wrong here... Morpth no like this thing. It smells funny.

Birth of a King

Happy Birthday. (DM Stephen)  d100=1 d100=36 d100=84 d100=62 d6=1 d6=4 d6=6 d6=6
Tuesday April 26th, 2005 12:32:54 AM

Kendry instructs others to deal with the fallen dead before he heads off to follow Penelope. When he asks the newborn his questions. The child responds by gesturing with his index finger, as if to say, just give me one more minute!

Patterton and Selithe also await answers. They're still not able to completely digest what they have just seen. For good reason! Morpth, having recovered from his rage and the fatigue that followed, guards Penelope against any who threaten her.

Olo provides excellent care for Penelope as she gives birth to her baby. His Detect Magic spell had long since ended on the way to the druid circle and is no longer affected by the blinding aura. Although, he has a good feeling that the magic has now left her. His attempt to clean the child is met with a cold shoulder. The robed figure that holds the child doesnt lower the child down within your reach. She jerks her head back to shake off the hood of her cloak. She's an elven-looking woman of undescribable beauty. Her beauty almost seems to radiate off of her light a light. In her presence, the child looks grotesque in comparison. The newborn also notices her beauty and seems very pleased ... a little too pleased!

Suddenly the baby begins to shake and squirm in her arms. He seems to be in great pain, yet he doesnt cry. Only a grunt or two. He appears to be growing. His horns protrude a bit more and begin to curl like a goats. The woman now struggles to keep him in her arms. He looks to have gained 20 pounds! His convulsions finally end and the child catches his breath. Then suddenly he speaks, "Growing pains ... I'd forgotten all about those ... woah!" He turns to his nurse that holds him and says, "Thanks you for not dropping me." She replies, "Of course, my king. I would never drop you." "Of course," the child repeats. With the agility unknown by most newborns, he grabs her robe by the collar, and pulls her in for a kiss. Not a sweet tender kiss a child would give his mother, but a long passionate one instead. The beautiful woman being caught off guard, struggles to pull away and drops the "child" to the floor. He's able to catch himself on all fours before hitting the ground. She turns and runs off toward the forest in fear. The crowd gasps and begins to mumble among themselves. Most step forward to get a better look. The little satyr attempts to stand, slowly at first. His legs shake like a new born calf, but he quickly gains the stability and balance to stand. Other attendants try to help, but he pushes them away.

"There, there! I've got it. Up on my own two hooves. Feels great to breath fresh air again ... to taste the sweet lips of a beautiful nymph ... and to spend quality time with the family." He darts a sly eye back at you all.

The 2-ft tall infant satyr takes several careful steps toward you and gives a slight nod to mommy and daddy. "I bet you hobbits have questions. You are hobbits, right? I don't want to be rude, but I haven't looked upon your kind for a very long time. As far as I know, you could be gnomes! Hee hee hee!"

The little satyr then turns to Kendry and says, "I be Ebryon, King of all Fey! I guess that makes you royalty, lucky devils! Haahaaahaahaaaa!" Marigold vomits again! "Ahhhh, what's wrong auntie? Feeling not so good? What's with all the long faces? This is a time to celebrate!"

Tuesday April 26th, 2005 5:32:53 AM

Patty stares at the disgusting little creature in awe. 'King of the Fey!?!' he thinks, 'somehow I thought he'd be taller..." He is very tempted to make this statement out loud, but given the situation, he bites his tounge.

Instead, he looks about at the druids warily. If these elves find out that the party is responsable for the deaths of two(possibly three) of their brethren, it could mean trouble and Patty has no illusions about their chances against such overwhelming odds.

Unconciously, Patty moves over to Selithe and places a protective hand on her shoulder.

Airin  d20+1=18 d20+1=6
Tuesday April 26th, 2005 10:58:05 AM

First a bit stammering, but then Airin regains her wits and attempts to sooth the Satyr :

"Hail Ebryon, King of Fey ... I am Airin Moondancer Turnbell, young Halfling from the Crescent Valley. You come with an ecclipse that happens once in many life times ... what brings you here Lord and what is your desire ? What intrest can such a powerfull being have in us little halflings ?"
(Diplomacy : 18 / sense motive 6)

Even though she has little hopes for this creature to be friendly it can never hurt to talk to it first right ? Who knows ... he might bring us immense power ... he might need us ... we could learn a lot from this being what can help us eventually to defeat it should that be needed. After all ... the spoiled brat claims to be "King" ...

Morpth  d20+2=3
Tuesday April 26th, 2005 12:19:50 PM

Completly unsure of what is going on and with the reintroduction back into Hobbit society, he takes hints from Airin and follows suite. Afterall, its better than being with the Orcs.
Morpth then kneels before the newborn King saying, "Hail Ebryon, King of Fey ... I am Morpth Pipewood Raincatcher, young Rogue/Barbarian Halfling from the Crescent Valley recently returned to hobbit society after having been captured by an Orc clan deep within the Culverwoods." "How many I serve you, my King?"
(Sense motive=3; failed miserably)

Tuesday April 26th, 2005 11:02:26 PM

"Well, we certainly have here a lascivious self-proclaimed king of the fey," Kendry whispers to his sister as they observe the newborn acting very much like a - satyr, "as fits his frame, I suppose.

"What then happened to Ellis' and Penelope's own child?" Kendry wonders aloud, since the newborn acknowledged they might have questions. "Hobbits generally beget hobbits, not satyrs, Ebryon. How is it you came to be born, rather than their own progeny? And you spoke through her who bore you, and mentioned 'the stewards.' Who are the stewards you spoke of? And, since, as you say you are the king of the fey - what achievements do you anticipate shall mark your reign? And how will your subjects mark your monarchy?"

Kendry realizes that his questions may be deemed impudent - but he tries to speak with a measure of respect - though such is hard under the circumstances. Perhaps he should feel a sense of awe, to have witnessed the birth - rebirth? - of the king of the fey. In fact, he feels more a sense of irritation and annoyance and, and something else that he cannot put his finger on. But, poor Ellis and Penelope were so looking forward to the birth of their child. Then, this, this, this - thing comes forth, instead! At present, Kendry feels no compulsion to offer worship, or obedience, or obsequiousness to this young-old being.

On the other hand - the fey: Wonderful, capricious, unpredictable. Crafty, frivolous, sometimes malevolent, sometimes performing kindnesses to those who please them, or whom whim chooses. Elves, pixies, faeries, sprites... so many creatures of wonder. The young halfling bard considers for a moment, and his curiosity deepens.

Olo  d20+6=20 d8+2=5
Tuesday April 26th, 2005 11:54:11 PM

Olo's a bit... miffed with the cavalier attitude of Ebryon. Fey King or no, there should be a certain amount of reverence to a birth, and the way this creature is acting just feels... 'off'.

With a quiet huff, Olo shakes his head and turns back to tend to Penelope, leaving the others to deal or speak with Ebryon as they see fit. He takes the wetted linens that he had prepared to clean the child and begins to gently minister to her care.

If she looks like she would benefit from it, Olo will gently lay his hands on her and call down his god's healing magic.

OOC: Heal Skill Check = 20 to determine if she's in pain or if a Cure Light Wounds would aid her. If so, Cure Light Wounds = 5, spontaneously cast from Sanctuary.

Wednesday April 27th, 2005 12:16:30 AM

Selithe looks at the baby...err satyr...king...whatever and frowns some before shaking her head, "You give your name of course but I am not so sure as to being related to you. Excuse me for saying but we have nothing in common from what I see beyond halfling parents which you look nothing like."

Selithe crosses her arms and glances to her brother and then Patty when he lays a hand on her shoulder. Selithe almost jumps when she feels Patty's hand, half expecting it to be one of the druids or such. Selithe not really meaning to does as she crosses her arms, pulls the low cut shirt she wears around her abit more to hide herself from the creature as it it has shown some rather nasty habits already.

The Story! (DM Stephen)  d100=51 d100=82 d100=72 d6=4 d6=1 d6=6 d20+13=30 d20+15=27 d20+6=23
Wednesday April 27th, 2005 1:00:32 AM

Patterton refrains from speaking what he really wants to say. He finds it wise not to provoke. Airin, on the other hand, chooses diplomacy instead of silence and decides to introduce herself. Ebryon gives her a smile and a flamboyant bow. "Well met, young, sweet Airin. But I must insist that you not think of yourself so slightly. One, like yourself, must remember ... A horse may be tall and strong, a pony is short and nimble. Each is content with her lot in life and neither need reminding which is tall or small. Each is the right size for what they are."

Morpth bows down before the king and pledges his servitude! "My my, dear Morpth Pipewood Raincatcher. I bless you. I may have need for your services. It warms my heart that you be the first to show me the respect deserved by a King." He turns to the multitude and shouts, "OTHERS CAN LEARN FROM THIS ONE!!" One by one, those in the front ranks begins to kneel down before Ebryon, the King of Fey. A swarm of sprites snap into action and begin to cleanse their king. Before they are done, his skin sparkles like the sun off morning frost. Another group clothe him in an emerald green silk wrap. And finally a garland of mistletoe and holly is placed upon his head. "Ahhh, that is much better. You may rise young Morpth. May all follow your example." Both Morpth and Airin attempt to sense his true motives but all they get is a sense of violation. A sinister feeling he might know how you truly feel and that in itself reeks of a mistrusting nature.

When Kendry whispers his remark to Selithe, a pointed ear tips upward and he turns to the bard. He looks at you ill for a short moment. Then he smiles and says, "I forgive you this once for you may not know its not wise to speak in such a manner around a saytr. My hearing is quite keen ... I can hear you breathe ... I can hear your heart beating ... I can hear the sweat seep from the sole of your feet! And I am, as you say, lascivious. I have a lust for life, I crave it and I've felt quite starved for it, either it be fine wine, sumptuous food or a beautiful woman."

Suddenly the toddler king begins to convulse like before. He struggles to remain standing. He appears to be riving in pain. The pixies flying in to help stabilize him. Another attendant dressed in a robe also tries to help. Before his tremors begin to fade, the child standing before you now appears to be more mature in appearance. He stands at least 4 feet tall now. After regaining his composure, he laughs and says, "Ahh, things just seem to be getting better!"

Kendry then continues with his interrogation. Selithe seems to agree with her brother's statements. And Ebryon listens patiently to what they say. A few eyebrows rise and fall during the time before the bard can finish. "Well cousin, it is true that hobbits beget hobbits and so forth. Let me assure you, that my body is the product of Ellis' loins. All souls need a vessel and this one is mine. However, not all souls get to choose who their parents will be, or what form they become. I, on the other hand, can! Since I am the original fey, I choose to be fey. Should the fey be ruled by someone not their kind? I think not! Don't be so small minded that you think your soul, as its traveled from life to life, has only been a hobbit. You have no choice who you become. Do you think Kendry is your only name?! Don't be so daft!" The satyr paces back and forth a little. Then a memory sparks. "Ahhh, may this parable best illustrate and illuminate. A story created before written words. Words that seem to have been lost in time."

"In the beginning, in the time of creation, the one known as the Jericko separated the sky from the lands. He was alone and felt lonely, so he created all forms of life to grow and florish. But he didn't create all at the same time. He wanted to admire his creations and the creator walked among them in the Wold.

The creator first saw the fey folk - satyrs, sprites, dryads and other dwellers in the woodlands. They exhibited a zest for life and a curiosity about things new. They were slight and elusive which kept them safe from danger. However they were not sensible and feared those larger than they. So the creator moved on.

Next the creator visited the elves. They were frail and oh so beautiful. But the tend to be haughty. They had freedom of spirit which the creator much admired, but they were slow to act and took to long to do anything. The creator again moved on.

The creator came to visit the dwarves. They kept homes beneath the earth. They were strong and hardy folk. Had great pride in family and lived by a strict moral code. However the creator quickly grew tired of their relentless and repetitive toil with the elements of the earth and moved on.

Next the creator found himself among the hordes of the orcs. They were dreadful and fierce warriors. They feared no one and filled their short lives with rage and combat. Their boldness was fascinating. The creator could no look upon their cruelty and brutality and soon left them.

With the humans the creator found much to admire. They were quick to learn and adapt to all types of environments. They multiplied quickly and occupied all the lands of Wold. However, they were prone to war with themselves. They had an obsessive need to feed their endless desire for riches and power.

After the creator finished his journey, he pondered about creating another race that had all the positive aspects of all his other races. A group he could be content with ... a race that pleased him completely. So the creator began his journey again and visited the fey in the forests. He seized a sprite and bound her with magic. The creator then revisited each race again and took from them a portion of what they were. From the elves he took agility and grace. He added it to the fey and it grew. From the dwarves he took devotion to family and added it to the sprite and she began to grow and change. Boldness and fearlessness he takes from the orcs and they fey grew even larger. The creator visited the humans once again and took from them the spark of creativity and the ability to adapt. After all these thing are collected, the creator adds them to the fey and the hobbit was born. A tall, strong, formidable creature that knew no fear. Who had bold ambitions and the creativity to do what they will.

The creator stood back and admired his craftsmanship. So very pleased he was. And great favor he bestowed on his beloved hobbits. The other races grew jealous and fearful of such a race and made war against them. The creator, in his ultimate wisdom, sought to halt the hostility by making his beloved hobbits smaller in size to lessen the threat they imposed on others. This made the hobbits more elusive to their enemies. It taught them to hide and use the shadows for cover. Gave them patience and cunning. Peace was soon restored and the creator was satisfied. After deciding that his work was complete, the Jericko stepped away from the Wold and rested."

The fey king clears his throat and continues. "So as you can see, what I'm doing is poetic in a way. All hobbits were created from the body of a fey. Now that I make my return to the Wold, its only just that I, myself, be made from a hobbit. It's symbolic and practical, all at the same time. It's no accident that the hobbits are drawn to Culverwood. Ellis and Penelope are not only my creators, in a physical sense, but also my deliverers to Culverwood, to this place. Now do you understand?"

Turning to Marigold, a sly smile forms across his face. "So auntie Marigold, what do you think? The Jericko and you have much in common. You both like to meddle!" Marigold, once again, begins to choke on vomit. No one seems to care.

Wednesday April 27th, 2005 7:10:05 AM

Patty listens to the Satyr's story with interest, but remains wary of the little beast's intentions. He breaks his moment of reflection and turns to the Fey.

"Well, as long as we're making introductions, I am Patterton Cloverturn Burrows. I am a warrior and member of the local militia. I would like to know exactly what is going on here. Why did these Druids attack us? We've never had problems with them in the past(at least to my knowledge)and what do they have to do with you, Ebryon?"

One more thing. (DM Stephen) 
Wednesday April 27th, 2005 8:12:10 AM

(Sorry, I forgot to mention)

Olo's cure spell was well received by Penelope. She looks much better. Her condition seems stable. Breathing normally and no apparent pain or discomfort. She only seems exhausted and continues to sleep.

Airin  d20+1=19
Wednesday April 27th, 2005 9:50:23 AM

Airin gets a little distracted from Aunties Vomiting ... this is not normal anymore guys ! A person of her statue should not throw up with the first little thing that happens ! Airin nods to Patty for he might be in best position to help Marigold.

Airin looks to Ebryon and speaks again : " You mean ... because of those envious Elves, Dwarves, Human and all other races, we Halflings were doomed to be small ?!? ... HAH ... This should change shouldn't it, Oh King of Fey's. I am perfectly allright with my height as it enables me to be sneaky around those other races and maybe I can make'm pay that way ... their envy made our height shrink, but not our pride"

Airin tries to erase all negative thoughts about this Satyr from her mind (bluff = 19) hoping to fool the Satyr.

"Enlight us with your plans for the Wold, King of Fey's, let us know our part in it but please spare Auntie." Hoping the Satyr will be fooled by her bluff Airin respectfully bows her head.

Wednesday April 27th, 2005 11:35:22 AM

Morpth rises from his kneeling position, Rights his equipment about his form, stowing any weapons he might have drawn.

Morpth then turns to his King, and asks, "M'Lord, is there anything you have need for of me?" Morpth remain standing awaiting any request from the King.

Wednesday April 27th, 2005 3:22:48 PM

Selithe watches the satyr carefully before moving to Marigold. She looks over her aunt abit and then pulls out her waterskin and a small cloth, "Come on Aunt, turn away from him for a moment and lets try to calm and collect yourself."

Selithe glances back at the satyr and speaks up, "Honestly if your causing her to be sick in some way then you should stop it now. King or not. Or are you the type to take such pleasure in other people's misery? If you are dear King of fey then you are most deffinetly no relation of mine."

(OOC:Kim, you might have to do a post for Selithe tomorrow. If I haven't made a post by sometime mid afternoon then you will need to for me if you will. Thanks.)

Olo  d20+6=18
Wednesday April 27th, 2005 11:44:53 PM

Olo finishes tending to Penelope and checks to insure that she's resting comfortably. Then, before turning away, he grips Ellis' shoulder for a moment in what he hopes is a comforting gesture.

Turning to Marigold now, he offers her fresh water and does what he can to ease her discomfort (Healing = 18) as he silently listens to Ebryon and the others.

Olo has questions of his own, but doubts adding his voice to the chorus will accomplish much. It's enough, for now, to comfort those in need.

Kendry - who are 'the stewards'? 
Thursday April 28th, 2005 3:07:10 AM

He watches as many bow before his cousin. He looks to the satyr's parents, to gauge their reaction - well, Penelope sleeps - then to gauge Ellis' reaction to all this.

As Ebryon tells this story, Kendry listens attentively, but also notes Aunt Marigold's continuing distress. He offers Olo a vial. "It's antitoxin," he tells the two of them. He thinks her distress may be of a magical and moral nature - and that the satyr's presence is somehow the catalyst. "I don't know if it will help my aunt, but you can see if it helps," he says quietly, feeling otherwise helpless to help her, and appreciating Olo's care for her and the others.

"Wow. I never heard that whole story before, cousin. Some bits and some pieces, yes. Thank you," Kendry says to Ebryon. "So, uh, hobbits are fey, too? I don't know what our more domestic brethren might think of that revelation." He thinks of some of the more stodgy halflings he knows. How would such a story wash with them? He likes creation stories, himself.

"Well, I would like to say that I have never believed in reincarnation in any of my previous lives," Kendry announces, sure that such a statement will confuse some folks, and may be risible to others.

"If your current rate of growth continue, King Ebryon, you may soon be a giant! Again, thank you for telling us this story of yore. That answers and raises many questions.

"A few questions are not yet addressed, though. Who, may I ask, are 'the stewards'? And why might their time be coming to an end? Have they done well, or ill in their stewardship?"

DM Stephen 
Thursday April 28th, 2005 7:49:32 AM

(Sorry, for the late post, I fell asleep way earlier than normal. Short sweet post is all I have time for now, will post the rest this evening.)

Stewards (DM Stephen) 
Thursday April 28th, 2005 8:05:50 AM

"Stewards," repeats the young fey king. "Ahhh, you must have caught me while I was dreaming. The stewards are those from a bloodline of leadership, a divine right that they've profaned. Their time as stewards are over. I know not their names at this point, too many generations have passed. But it will be they who we bring our revolution. And to the ones that follow them. They curse the Wold with civilization and domestication!" Those last words seem to disgust him greatly.

Thursday April 28th, 2005 11:00:17 AM

Airin waits to hear Ebryon's speach first.

(little quick post so i have a post today)

Justin to Stephen 
Thursday April 28th, 2005 8:10:26 PM

Don't me to sound like I'm harping or anything on this Stephen but I was just wondering what the news on treasure for the previous module was coming along?

;) just really looking forward to getting Selithe's familiar and alittle new equipment possibly.

Thursday April 28th, 2005 8:53:27 PM

"Ah," Kendry replies to the rather vague description of the stewards. "So, then, you will need time to identify them in order to prepare - what? - a reckoning?

"Just a thought - would Lemtrovex be one of the stewards, or one who oversees the stewards?"

Thursday April 28th, 2005 10:13:34 PM

Patty frowns as he listens to the Fey. 'I don't know if I buy that.' He thinks as Ebryon explains the roles of the "Stewards".

OOC: My wife and I are going to be house sitting until Saturday but I should be able to get to the comp for regular postings. If it's getting close to the deadline and I haven't posted would someone throw in a filler for me? Thanks in advance. :)

Thursday April 28th, 2005 11:42:56 PM

Accepting the antitoxin from Kendry with a silent nod of thanks, Olo continues to tend to Marigold to the best of his ability. If he feels it will aid her condition, he coaxes her to drink it down.

OOC: Still using previous heal check which I noted as being an 18, but should really be 20 since Olo's making use of the healing kit. Kit has 8 uses left after this.

Crime and Punishment (DM Stephen)  d100=54 d100=40 d100=85 d6=5 d6=2 d6=3 d20+12=14 d20+10=15 d20+10=13 d20+12=31 d100=69 d100=47 d6=4 d6=2
Friday April 29th, 2005 12:59:41 AM

"What!" shouts Ebryon accusingly at the druid with the wooden owl mask. "What does this fine hobbit (Patterton) here mean by being attacked!?" His eyes seem to burn with rage. "Come over to me this instant and explain yourself!!" The elven druid in the owl mask hestitantly step over in front the king and kneels down before him. "Sorry master, we did not know it was you and your parents. We've been turning away hobbits for weeks now. They come here to our forest ..." Ebryon tears the mask from his face and holds it firmly in his grasp. Doing so reveals a very frightened elf. Spit flies into the druid's face as Ebryon yells at him. "Our forest?! Don't you mean, MYYY FORESTT!!" "My lord! Yes, yes, your forest. I beg your forgiveness," pleads the druid. "The one you call cousin holds their masks. Which can only mean they were slain, my Lord! Are their lives not worthy payment for our cri ..." Ebryon strikes him across the head with the wooden owl mask before the elf has a chance to finish his statement. He hits him twice more before the mask splinters into two pieces. The elf lays motionless on the floor. His head slightly bloodied from the bludgeoning. Ebryon instantly smiles and seems to find the situation quite humorous. "Hee hee hee, did you see how quickly he fell." He continues to chuckle a bit before turning back to his hobbit family. "See what I have to put up with! This is what Im talking about." Ebryon drops the mask pieces down across the elf's back.

Several in the party help with Marigold's sickness. Whatever was nausiating her, she seems to be doing better. At least she stopped vomiting. Probably upable to, nothing else left. Ebryon looks on and smiles wickedly. "Be thankful you have a family that loves you, dear Marigold. When Selithe gives Ebryon her rebuke of his suspected hand in Marigold's illness, he only responds with a single statement. "Soon, in the coming days, weeks and months, COUSIN, you will praise the gods that I am a blood relative!" He turns back to Kendry, Airin and Patty and explains, "And yes, there will be a reckoning! I may not know the names of the stewards, but they will be easy to find. They are those with great power and wealth. They build great cities and drive back nature. They tame the wild beasts and line them up for slaughter so they can fill their bellys at their leisure. They are the ones who trade their freedom for the protection of stone walls. They are no longer children of nature. They are a sickness and the Wold vomits like dear ole' auntie here. They've had their day, now a new day dawns. Nature will reclaim what is rightfully theirs. Cities will crumble, towers will fall ... oh what a glorious day!" Suddenly the oddest thing happens, as if on cue, the light of the sun begins to rise over the horizon. Isnt it way too early for sunrise?! How much time has passed! Plants from all around you seem to become excited. Their leaves turn toward the light. Vines start to climb and wrap themselves around the huge columns of stone. The animals outside the outer ring begin to howl, roar, cherp and sing. Ebryon holds his arms out wide and welcomes the light. "YES ... YES!! IT HAS BEGUN!" The druids also share in his delight, they raise their voices in song and praise.

Ebryon looks to Morpth. "Yess, I have a task for you. Take your axe and sever the head of this fallen druid for the crimes he has committed against you. His heart still beats, I can hear it! Do this and prove your loyalty to me."

In the distance, another hobbit makes his way past the animals and into the grand druid circle. He comes from the direction of the Whistler Tree. He doesnt draw too much attention. All eyes seem to be on Ebryon and family. He's dressed in a very humble brown jacket vest and dark pants. They're heavily patched and stitched up. Lots of wear. Across his left shoulder, a strap holds his knapsack. A shortbow is thrown across his right.

(BTW, I did award you guys with a prize. You have a very pricey weapon procured from a bird lady! It's worth 8,308gp. A medium-sized Kukuri of Venom. Same as a Dagger of Venom. You should be able to get at least 8,000gp for it in trade. There was no one around to give you gold, and we didnt have time to have another scene with Calfast.)

Friday April 29th, 2005 1:03:14 AM

Morpth stands idle awaiting some prophetic revelations...

King Ebryon 
Friday April 29th, 2005 3:01:59 AM

"Morpth, are you deaf?! I said execute him!"

Kendry  d20+6=24
Friday April 29th, 2005 4:30:16 AM

"Just a thought, Ebryon, king," Kendry interjects, forestalling Morpth for the moment. "This, and other druids, indeed, sought to keep us halflings out. Why not make of him a different kind of example? You have Morpth, here, sever his head, and, sure, that is certainly an example. But what if, instead, you had the errant fellow be a long-term example? I propose you let him live - thus, showing mercy of sorts - only that he might serve those he sought to hinder - the halflings. Encourage your kin to be forest born - to know better the ways of the wild - your ways, king of the fey. This owl-mask then must be dead - dead to his foolish ways of thinking, even to the point of nearly blocking your forest birth - but alive in a new way - the way of encouraging all to learn of the joys of the wild, of the verdant lands, of flowers, fruit, tree and vine. Name him the Owl Druid - whose job it is to help and encourage our folk to more closely walk the ways of nature. Or, you can have Morpth decapitate him. Up to you, majesty." [Diplomacy: 24]

Morpth  d20+3=22 d10=6
Friday April 29th, 2005 4:15:19 PM

Morpth looks up and says, "Oh, sorry, lost in thought." Morpth moves to take up his Great axe in both his hands. Walking over to the prove form of the druid, Morpth bends down to position the druid for a good cut, not wanting to mess up his axe on the down swing. Looking up towards the sky, Morpth begins chanting soem obscure Orcish poem about death as he bring his great axe down upon the neck of the prone form -- the druid that attack him and his new clan, the unborn king, and held the fate of all the Wold! (Attack=22, damage=6)

Friday April 29th, 2005 5:53:26 PM

Patty watches in fascinated horror as Morpth brings the axe down on the helpless druid, raising a hand a moment too late to stop his friend from decapitating the elf. He casts his eyes down in shame, a deep sadness filling him.

'I should have kept my damn mouth shut!', he thinks. 'Morpth was raised by Orcs...such things must be normal to those barbarians. But to kill a helpless being in the Culverwood? Not like this!"

A tear escapes Patty's eye but he quickly wipes it away, setting his jaw firmly.

Friday April 29th, 2005 11:12:29 PM

Olo stiffens when Ebryon attacks the druid, watching as the elf drops in a bloody heap. With Marigold forgotten for the moment, Olo scrambles to his feet and draws breath to speak his mind when he hears Kendry begin to speak and decides to let the bard try to diffuse the situation.

Then, in horror, he sees Morpth take a grip on his great axe and move for the fallen druid. "NO!" Olo yells frantically as he charges forward to stand over the fallen elf and block the barbarian's strike, "he has acknowledged his error! You would find pleasure in his death?" With this last statement, he looks to Ebryon for an answer.

OOC: Olo has alot more to say, but I'll wait to find out the resolved events first. If Olo needs a roll or two to stop Morpth, he'll make use of his 'reroll once a day' luck ability if he needs to.

Saturday April 30th, 2005 2:28:40 AM

When Morpth moves to carry out Ebryon's instruction, Kendry quickly interposes himself. "Wait, Morpth, until he gives his answer."

[OOC: Perhaps I did not make clear enough when I wrote that Kendry sought to 'forestall' Morpth's actions. He's not going to let this go unconsidered. Also, Morpth should realize that, though this now battered elf may have agreed with the actions of the two who attacked us, this was not one of the two direct attackers.]

Sunday May 1st, 2005 9:21:12 PM

Out of breath from running the entire druidic circle to the center of activity, Dwight takes a moment to catch his breath and see what the gathering is for.

Standing just to the side of all the vomit, he begins still out of breathe, "I'm, I'm Dwight Twiggg..." Others begin talking, weapons are raised, both seeming more important that his introduction.

Overwhelmed with the gathering and events of the evening,especially in that last 5 minutes, Dwight stands flat-footed awed.

OOC: Hello folks, glad to have finally joined the group. Yeah!!!

Monday May 2nd, 2005 3:25:19 AM

Selithe stays silent as she sees Morpth's action and doesn't know how to stop him so doesn't move as she shakes her head.

When Dwight comes up and introduces himself, Selithe turns to him and nods to him, holding out her hand to him, "Greetings Dwight, my name is Selithe."

Selithe wears a white shirt with ruffled sleeves, low cut in the front and normal pants. She her hair is brushed out so it's straight and hangs down to her shoulders. (Giving abit of info for the new guy)

(OOC:Welcome to the game Anthony.)

Airin  d20+1=17
Monday May 2nd, 2005 3:31:59 AM

Carefully Airin listens to Ebryon's words.

Exitedly Airin gazes around when nature starts to grow frantically. It ain't normal, but it's lovely ! She feels drawn to chant with the other druids and tries to capture the words. Carefully she humms the song along with the other druids. Almost as if she gets carried away on their voices. She closes her eyes with her head towards the sun and whispers loud enough for Ebryon to hear : "Oh glory of nature ! ... you are infested with a virus called humanity, dwarves, elves ... soon this will end ! " (bluff 17)

Suddenly she is forced out of her trance when Olo screams "NO" ... she got soo carried away with the display of power that she failed to capture the situation. Suddenly she sees Morpth's Axe crush down upon the neck of the fallen druid ...

(OOC : Hello Dwight ! Airin is this party's paranoid rogue/druid. Hope you will enjoy your stay !)

Monday May 2nd, 2005 4:09:43 PM

Patty watches the new Hobbit emerge and gives him a quick nod. He is waiting to see how events unfold with Morpth and Ebryon.

(OOC-welcome new guy!)

DM Stephen 
Tuesday May 3rd, 2005 12:23:28 AM

Sorry for the wait. Im just so sick right now, I cant concentrate long enough to write a good post. Will try to post something tomorrow.

Tuesday May 3rd, 2005 9:05:19 AM

(OOC - Welcome to the new guy. Yeah more help! Also, I didn't post yesterday because I am awaiting the reactions to Morpth's actions.)

Morpth looks up at this new clansmen, and grins.

Tuesday May 3rd, 2005 2:38:58 PM

Sorry to post OOC here, but ..... well I'm new, I don't know any better. (I won't in the future).

Since we have a small break (Get well soon Stephen, being sick sucks), I'd like to ask for a quick connection between character names and real names. It makes reading easier when I know I am talking with the same people (lotto and crescent valley)

Dwight - Anthony

DM Stephen ooc 
Tuesday May 3rd, 2005 9:11:28 PM

Before I start my post I feel the need to explain my ruling so everyone understands its justifcation. I discussed the actions of this last round with several DM's and we've all come to the same conclusion. In the rules, actions happen in the sequence in which they are posted. I know this rule isnt perfect but its the best we have when determining a sequence of events. The ramifications of this last action has been given special consideration due to the circumstances. So all I can say is just go with it for now.)

Kendry may have tried to use diplomacy to talk the Fey King into changing his mind. But Morpth after hearing Kendry's plea continued on with his action anyway. At that point, no one had time to step in front of the body or ask Morpth not to do it. You didnt know you needed to. You cant always predict the actions of others. But now you know you may have to with this barbarian. :)

Heads Up! (DM Stephen)  d100=76 d100=23 d6=2 d6=6
Tuesday May 3rd, 2005 10:04:26 PM

As Kendry makes a very good argument to the Fey King's to show mercy, "CHOP" is the sound that rings in everybodies ears. The head of the elf rolls away from its body followed by a gush of blood. A sudden hush falls over the onlooking crowd. The silence is broken by the cleric Olo, "Nooooo!" as he throws himself in front of the body. When Kendry notices what has happened, he also tries to intervene. To his horror, its too late.

Dwight runs up just in time to witness the grisly deed. In mid-introduction he finds himself unable to finish. Those who notice him give him a somber greeting. The shock of the event has yet to stymie their good natured sense for hospitality.

Ebryon says with a big smile on his face, "Yesss, such loyalty is an asset indeed. See Kendry, you have a lot to learn from this one named Morpth.

The barbarian hobbit stands there with his axe dripping with blood. He cant help but hear the cheers of his orc brethern in the back of his mind. They would have approved. Yes, today Morpth was a good little orc. When he looks up with a slight smile on his face, he sees his hobbit friends look back at him with tears of sorrow. He cant help but feel a sense of guilt and remorse. (Morpth takes a -1 morale penalty to all attacks, damage, skill, savethrow and ability rolls until I say otherwise.)

Ebryon turns back to Patterton and asks, "Do you know of anyone else that was involved in the attack?"

Airin  d20+1=11
Wednesday May 4th, 2005 10:04:05 AM

Disgusted with the way Ebryon is abusing his powers on Morpth Airin says to Ebryon : " This is not what I expected from a King, my lord. No longer will I witness this."

Then Airin turns around and will move away from the spectacle. "Come Aunt Marigold, Penelopee, Ellis, and all my friends. This is not our king."

Trying not to show her fear (bluff 11) Airin carefully steps away from the center. She knows it's never good to turn your back on a "King" but this one doesn't deserve to be treated like a king. Either someone will stop her, or most likely he will, but she has to get away from here.

OOC : Tomorrow and friday will are two holidays in Belgium. I will most likely be unable to post. If someone would be willing to post for Airin. Thanks a lot ! Sorry I have to ask this again. May is usually a bad month when it comes to holidays ...

Wednesday May 4th, 2005 11:45:15 AM

Selithe sighs and shakes her head as she quickly looks away from the elf's severed head and nods to Airin's comment, "Yes, let us return to the birthing house atleast and see how it is fairing."

Selithe turns and begins walking away, saddened at the blood shed that was spilled. She can't help but think there is a difference between defending yourself and not showing mercy to a fallen enemy or possibly enemy. However maybe this is the barbarian way, she doesn't know though for she never met a barbarian before.

Dwight  d20=8
Wednesday May 4th, 2005 2:54:56 PM

Mortified at the actions of hobbits, elves and a King, Dwight wishes he had run a little slower.

"My lord," he begins hesitantly. "Your justice has been done, may the body be returned to the earth? So his wrongs, can still add beauty to the world, to show that mercy is given to those that have paid there due," Dwight squeaks out.

Dwight will move to the fallen elf, but will not move the body until the King has responded.

Wednesday May 4th, 2005 3:17:13 PM

Morpth will walk to stand alone. He will clean his axe balde if not one calls his attention or requests an action of him, but he does sing an Orcish song of victory/happiness.

After a bit, Morpth will walk over to the severed head, withdrawing a knife, "Scalp" the head for symbolic gesture, not keeping the prize.

Wednesday May 4th, 2005 8:14:00 PM

Kendry gives a somber nod of acknowledgement in Dwight's direction.

"A tree is known by its fruit, Ebyron. My loyalty is to my family and friends, to love, and kindness and truth, to good faith, to discovery - and to those who live lives in harmony with these qualities," Kendry replies in a firm voice, using his bardic training to project so that many around may hear. "Twice I have asked about Lemtrovex. More know him as Alemi. Are you his opponent? If so, you may be king of the fey, but feh- you are no king of mine. And Morpth - whom I met only hours ago - is no friend of mine. I will not be schooled in this ill lesson of blind loyalty at the expense of justice AND mercy. So, will you ask loyal Morpth to behead me, as well? Or find another ignorant lackey to do your dirty work, newborn cuz? You may possess immense power. But power, ill used, brings doom to the wielder, given time enough."

He holds up the owl mask and the wolf mask. "Those who wore these are dead. In their defense, they warned us to leave. But when they tried to burn the tree housing many mothers and newborns, and thus threatened the deaths of many - and your mother, at the time, inside - well, we opposed them, and now, they themselves, are dead. I wept at their deaths, though their attacks were ill-conceived. Kill no more elves today, Ebyron. Enough blood has been shed to fertilize the seeds of your kingdom. Nature and nature's gifts are wondrous, indeed," he concludes, gesturing toward the thriving vegetation. "But what, I wonder, will be the ultimate fruit of your realm? If for my bold words you do not put me to death, then, perhaps, I will live to see the outcome. I hope the forboding shadows in my mind turn to wisps, and genuine good come from your reign."

Perhaps hobbit fearlessness will work Kendry harm. But he has always heard good things about Alemi - Lemtrovex, and is not inclined to back down before someone who, openly or covertly, has plans to oppose the god of healing.

He looks at Morpth with scorn mixed with sorrow.

Patterton  d20+7=8
Wednesday May 4th, 2005 9:46:44 PM

Patty looks at Morpth with sadness but a part of him is perversly mesmorised by the bloody display. Watching the feral Hobbit approach and dispatch the elf without hesitation or remorse was both revolting and amazing. Patty knows Morpth better then any present and his actions(though uncalled for) are indicative of Orcish actions.

"No Ebyron," He says adressing the Fey King with an icey tone,"and if I did I certainly wouldn't tell you! Who do you think you are ordering the death of another no matter what their crime?! You are no King...you are a worm!" Patty storms towards the Satyr, his face turning a deep red as his fury builds. He stops just inches away from the Fey Kings face. "Go on! Strike me down. Prove me right! Or would you have a backwoods simpleton do that for you too?!"

Intimidate (if necessary- just trying to RP here ;)) natural 1

Thursday May 5th, 2005 12:09:44 AM

Olo stands over the dead body and watches Morpth calmly walk off to clean his weapon. Then he looks down at the dead, headless body pumping it's lifeblood out over his boots and the holy ground of the druid ring. Morpth's actions, and his eerie calmness while performing them, have left Olo beyond comprehension. Slowly he steps back from expanding pool of blood. So entranced is he that he doesn't even notice Morpth returning for the scalp until it's too late. Olo opens his mouth to shout at the barbarian... but the deed is done before he gets a word out.

Such high hopes I had for this day, he thinks, as he turns again to hear Kendry's words and Patterton's furious outburst. Olo has words of his own he wants to speak, and though not nearly as eloquent as Kendry's he feels they need to be said. Looking at Ebyron, Olo says what needs to be said in a quiet and sad voice, knowing the fey king's keen ears will hear him.

"What you did was wrong."

Where are you going!? (DM Stephen)  d100=73 d100=73 d100=24 d6=3 d6=5 d6=3
Thursday May 5th, 2005 12:45:07 AM

All you can hear is his laughter in response to your statements. Ebyron's laughter calms only after you all attempt to leave. He motions to his loyal subjects in the crowd to block your path. "Ohhh noo ... I gave no permission to leave, my dear young hobbits! And I care not that this elf ordered the attack. There was no way they could have harmed Penelope and I. His life was a test to Morpth's loyalty to me. I must say, he passed with flying colors. That scalping was a nice touch I hadnt expected," he says chuckling. "Orc blood must truly flow through your veins, Morpth! You've earned your place by my side in the coming war."

The Fey King looks at the one named Dwight and responds, "Do with it what you will ... I care not. Nature will claim the body with or without your help."

Ebyron turns to face Kendry after he finishes his statement. "You continue to ramble on about Lemtrovex?! Why! Who is he to you. Alemi as you call him is responsible for the Wold straying from its plotted course. I am much older than Alemi! I knew Alemi when he was just a man ... a human man! And guess what, he was no better or no worse than the lot of them. He was ambitous, selfish and greedy. He was obsessed with power and riches and when he had conquered all the lands his ambitions soon targeted the ancient gods of yore. The fool found a way to turn himself into a dragon and talked all the other dragons to follow him in a war against the heavens. The form was too great for his will to control and he loses his mind, thinking he was a real dragon. He started calling himself Lemtrovex, what a strange name! Truly a sign of someone gone mad. To answer your question, I do hold Alemi responsible for the Wold's current state, but I have no quarrel with him, unless he interferes with my plans. I don't believe he will. He has what he wants ... he's king of the gods! Alemi cares not for anything else. So pray to him all you want ... he's not listening."

A serious expression falls across his face. He begins to shake. "Ummff!!" Again, he begins to convulse for a short moment. He grows another two feet and now stands at 6-ft tall. He looks to be the age of a young adult satyr. His features are strong and chiseled. His horns are now fully formed and black as pitch. The wrap he was wearing is too small for him now and he casts it aside. Several nymph's and a dryad step forward with articles of clothing. A brilliant green mantle is thrown over his shoulders. A jeweled belt straped around his waist. Golden bracers are slid on each forearm and a ring on each hand. One nymph kneels down and anoints his black, cloven hooves with oil. The dryad holds a wooden box. When Ebyron is finished with all the rest, he reaches for the wooden box liken a child for his favorite toy. He opens it and pulls out a small crystaline pumpkin. He holds it up to his face lovingly and gives it a little kiss.

"I forgive you all for your contemptuousness, for now. For your help in delivering me here you've at least earned the right to gaze upon such brilliance. Isnt it beautiful?" Ebyron seems awe struck by it. The crystal pumpkin is truly a sight to behold. The slightest touch of light gives it a rainbow halo. Its beauty is only matched by the power it appears to hold.

The grand druid who had been standing motionless and silently up until now, lifts his head up from his shame to gaze upon it. An expression of horror suddenly falls across his face. Ebyron finally speaks, "Morpth, come stand by me and witness the awesome power of the Jewel of the Vine!"

Thursday May 5th, 2005 3:18:15 AM

The bard in him revels in a different telling of eons past. He will have to sort through what is being said sometime soon.

He observes with wonder the approaching adolescence of Ebryon.

Kendry feels compassion for the grand druid. The one who tried a counter chant, to oppose the song of most.

He grasps lightly the back of Patterton's bicep. "Come, cuz. Whatever befall, tonight will be long remembered. Let us learn what we might learn." He gently pulls him (but won't force the issue should Patty resist), toward the others - Airin, Marigold, Ellis and Penelope. He moves his head to beckon Olo, Selithe, and the one newly arrived. "Twig, is it?"

He looks to gauge the mood and mien of his aunt, sister, cousins and friends. And to see what Ebryon intends with the crystal pumpkin. Morpth - he ought to return to the orcs, Kendry thinks to himself.

Morpth  d20+3=15
Thursday May 5th, 2005 9:21:24 AM

Morpth hearing the request from Ebryon walks over to stand by his King. Morpth wonders what created a crystal pumpkin, but regardless of the creator of the item, his always liked pumpkins as a child.

Standing there, Morpth remembers a youthful moment when his dad & mom helped him grow some pumpkins. "Ah, Pumpkins...."

Morpth standing beside the King, now looks at Patterton wondering why his friend is so upset. He then looks at the comprised party of hobbits. One by one Morpth looks at Olo, Ellis, Penelope, Aunt Marigold, Kendry, Dwight, Airin, and then Selithe. He sees their sorrows, he sees their outrage, mostly he sees their shock. He wonders why they are this way?! Has he not been speaking in Orc for a bit now even before coming here? Didn't they see him for who is is? Did they not notice the Axe? The chain shirt? The lack of other devices that might say, "hey, you! I was once like you...but now I am feral!"

Standing there, wrapped up in the moment, Morpth feels rage well up inside of him. He steps 3 paces towards his former allies, and using his orcish intimidation, shouts at them in Goblin. Highlight to display spoiler: {"That the favored profession of the Hobbits is Rogue. How dare they look upon me and tell me I am doing something wrong. Where were you when my family was wiped out by Orcs? Where were you when I had to fight tooth and nail to survive? Where were the happy, warm and fuzzy hobbit ways, when I had to integrate into the Orc clan for become food? Where was your warm gentle ways when I was forced by Orcs too vile to even describe into plotting against my fellow hobbits , some of them my friends!?!

One day you will see a time when you must choose. I hope you have a big box of warm fuzzies to help you make your decision. I did not! I stand before you a survivor. What are you?!! MAKE YOUR CHOICE!"

(intimidate=15; skill+4 -1)

Dwight  d20+2=15
Thursday May 5th, 2005 6:55:40 PM

Dwight, recovering from the beheading is again horrified as the head is scalped.

Needing something to put his attention to his mind returns quickly to the task of the torso and head and the implied permission to leave.

"Thank you M' Lord for the opportunity to witness such life changing events. To be part of the beginning of a new age," says Dwight trying not to show fear (bluff-15) as Morph continues to yell in a foreign tongue.

Dwight will, unless stopped, place the head, scalp and mask on the torso. Glancing around to see if any other druid or halfling wishes to help him, Dwight will attempt to drag the body towards the outskirt of the druidic circle intent on burying the dead elf.

As he moves the body, he smiles at Kendry. Trying to lighten the mood and block out the horror, "I like Twigg, but its really Twiggebundler."

Thursday May 5th, 2005 8:49:03 PM

(OOC:Quick question. If someone doesn't know goblin, would Morpth's intimidate even work on them? I mean seems like it looses alittle or all of it's effect if you don't knoe what the person is saying?)

(DM Stephen - I guess it would still be intimidating. You would still understand the tone of his voice and his body language even if you dont know what he's saying.)

Thursday May 5th, 2005 11:31:16 PM

Olo fears things are about to go from bad to worse and suddenly wishes he were just about anywhere else but here. Though realizing that Ebyron doesn't intend for them to leave anytime soon, that's exactly what he wants to do.

Penelope and Marigold though... they're probably not in any condition to make a break for it and he won't consider leaving them. With slim hopes, he checks again on the women and tries to assess their condition.

Kendry to Morpth  d20+8=15
Friday May 6th, 2005 2:03:51 AM

In goblin, Kendry replies to Morpth's tirade, "I was here. You were there." And in common, he continues. "Right or wrong do not always depend on time, location, or upbringing. I am sad for what you have suffered. I'll not choose the same first step you have taken tonight. Profuse are the kisses of the enemy. Faithful are the wounds of a friend."

Kendry to D.T. 
Friday May 6th, 2005 2:13:45 AM

"Ah, then that is your father's family name - Twiggebundler, with two g's, as I recall," Kendry replies to Dwight. "Well, then, I missed catching your first name, and your mother's family name. I am Kendry Leafwin Pipewood, of Humble's Ford - and elsewhere, too! Oh, and this is my sister, Selithe Greentree Leafwin Pipewood." Though the words are friendly, and typical of the exchange of family information common among hobbits, this halfling (with wavy auburn hair, a small gap between his two front teeth, prominent cheekbones framing wide-set eyes - hard to tell their color this evening, but better light will tag them as hazel - on a pleasantly symmetrical face) seems somewhat more subdued in carrying forth the meeting ritual, owing to present circumstances.

Friday May 6th, 2005 9:25:47 AM

Patty allows Kendry to lead him away, but his fists remain clenched in fury. Looking at the new arrival, he mumbles a greeting still brooding over recent events. "I'm Patterton Cloverturn Burrows...call me Patty."

He glances over at Morpth as he screams in Goblin, but he does not understand what he is saying. It is obvious that the Barbarian is more then a little upset, however.

(OOC: here's a description of Patty for the benefit of the new guy)

Patty is prehaps the largest Hobbit you've ever seen. His bulky arms are already covered with a few nasty scars and his torso is covered with a breastplate of excellent quality. He has ruddy red hair with thick sideburns and a well trimed goatee.

Selithe  d20+2=14
Friday May 6th, 2005 10:21:59 AM

Selithe watches everyone and still wants to leave. When Morpth steps forward and gives off his little spill in goblin, Selithe for a moment doesn't flinch as she can't understand it but then something clicks and she quickly moves behind her brother Kendry and also behind Patty.

Selithe shivers alittle bit as she wonders if they will have to fight Morpth, he seems quite enraged right now with his words. Selithe crosses her arms around herself, half to look calmer but more noticeable would be the small shiver now and then.

(Check:14, almost wasn't intimidated.)

Patterton  d20+4=22
Friday May 6th, 2005 1:13:00 PM

(OOC: forgot intimidate check...made it with flying colors ;) )

Dwight to Halfling Folk 
Friday May 6th, 2005 2:26:49 PM

Dwight seems pleased to hear formal and polite introductions from some of the hobbits, despite his current task.

"The first name is Dwight, my mother's family name will have to wait until a good meal for it is quite the hobbit tale. "

With that thought Dwight returns to dragging the dead elf.

Airin (by Kim)  d20+6=23
Sunday May 8th, 2005 1:26:46 AM

Well, it seems we are not at liberty, Airin thinks to herself as this old / young upstart deigns to command they remain. About to ask Marigold how she is feeling, the woman's pale face answers for her. How is Ellis viewing his 'progeny'? She glances at him, and gives his hand a squeeze.

Airin does not understand the content of Morpth's tirade, but, having been around Bobbles and heard him chat with Kendry, she recognizes that he is speaking goblin [save vs intimidation 23]. This, this Morpth fellow is showing himself vulgar. He needs to spend more time back with his people - his real people - the hobbits, and learn more proper ways. She shudders at what he just did, and at the thought of what he might be capable, if truly made Ebryon's right hand halfling. What a prospect!

Noticing Selithe herself trembling behind her brother, she puts an arm around her shoulder. "Don't worry, Selithe. We'll be fine. We'll be fine."

OOC Inge : Thanks again Kim for posting !

Introductions (DM Stephen) 
Monday May 9th, 2005 1:01:14 AM

The hobbits try and deal with the horrific events with various discussions among themselves. Efforts to deal with the body are welcomed by most, however they are now still confined to the inner circle. The fey king seems not to be done with them.

Those who observe Morpth during his tirade notice that the color seems to have left his skin. He looks greyer in appearance. His skin is especially darker around his eyes. He appears to be going under a transformation, like the fey king. Or maybe it was always there and only now your able to see it. Even his scars seem more pronounced than before.

Ebyron laughs with delight from all the drama taking place. Quite entertaining indeed. While you all talk amongst yourselves he occupies himself with a drink of wine brought to him from the nymphs. He thanks them all with passionate kisses and carasses. The nymphs answer with their own affections. A display that should've been normally kept in the privacy of a room and not for all to see.

Ellis stays with Penelope, who is beginning to wake from the trama of exhaustion and childbirth. Marigold also looks better. However she stays quiet. Looks to be calculating her next action.

One of the nymphs break from Ebyron's affections and gives Morpth a goblet of wine as well. The barbarian drinks it down. Some of it runs down the front of his armor, not completely making it to his mouth. He casts the goblet aside when he is done. It doesnt appear to better mood. He steps back beside his king and awaits his next instruction.

Airin  d20+6=17
Monday May 9th, 2005 10:34:55 AM

"Morpth ..." Airin stammers, "why ? There are other ways to seek revenge ... slaughtering all who stand before you will not bring your parents back ... " She gazes the Barbarian and feels pitty for him with grief to see him turn to evil. A great addition he could have been for our group.

"So be it ... Goodbye Morpth, may you find what it is you're looking for"

Then Airin turns to the Fey King once again. "What more do you want from us ? Ellis is now without child, you took Morpth away from us, this Elf has been slain ... what more can you take from us ? Is it only death that you bring ? "

She looks upon the crowd around her and tries to see if any feel the same way Airin does. (spot 17). If she finds someone, she will try to get closer to that person.

Monday May 9th, 2005 2:50:58 PM

Wishing the torso was smaller so he could move it by himself, stands to the side watching.

The one called Morph seems to have been friends with the others, but cares not for their friendship now that the king is here, he thinks to himself. Getting ready to speak, Dwight watches the elderly Druid and then begins before his nerve lets out.

"M'Lord, if I may ask. It is obvious you have much power, even so recently after your birth, or rebirth as the tales will say. Do you have the strength to return life as well? I mean no disrespect with this question."

Dwight continues, his palms sweating, "Since your birth, just a short time ago, you have required death as payment for false beliefs, condemned the stewards, and spoke of the creation of hobbits with the idea of perfection. Even the lovely story of our creation was sided with war, vengenance and death. "

More forcefully, "I ask you outright, M'Lord, do you respresent more than death, more than vengenance? Will the only justice during your reign be quick and deadly with no regard to innocence?" Dwight finishes quickly and considers if it would have better to stay quiet.

Monday May 9th, 2005 11:03:01 PM

Selithe moves out from behind Patty and her brother when Morpth backs off and looks to Airin, smiling to her in thanks and whispering before she moves out, "Thanks Airin, wasn't expecting Morpth to turn like this."

Selithe looks to her brother and then at the so called King and his new lacky. Before speaking something that could cause another tirade she looks to her brother again, "Can we go now? I'm tired of standing around and watching all this. I mean, what purpose do we have here if our so called relation clearly doesn't need us for anything...or maybe better said is anything we would want to do."

Monday May 9th, 2005 11:14:26 PM

Patterton looks at the new addition with a hint of admiration. 'This one speaks his mind.' he thinks. He quickly turns his attention to Morpth, however, and casts a withering glare at him.

"Morpth, get over here. You don't belong with that pretender." He looks at the Druids in attendence and raises his voice for all to hear, "None of you do!"

He turns to Kendry and speaks, not bothering to lower his voice as it is obvious that the Few King will hear him anyway. "I say we leave this place, cousin. The savage will follow if he comes to his senses."

Monday May 9th, 2005 11:56:44 PM

Olo knows that the fey king doesn't want them to leave yet, and fears that Ebyron's plans might include taking the group captive. Glancing at Ebyron and then at the druids and fey in and around the druid circle, he tries to calculate the odds of one or more of the group making it to the forest if they were to run for it. Trying to escape from druids and fey in a forest of all things would surely be nearly impossible, but then didn't some of the druids look uncomfortable with their new king? Perhaps some would help, or at least not hinder, their escape. In any case, what else could they do?

If Ebyron made a move to take them prisoner, he knew what he had to do. Making sure to stand near the group, Olo prepares himself to call down Wardd's magic if he deems it necissary.

ooc: Olo is now holding an action. If Ebyron gives the order to seize the group, or anyone moves to do so, Olo will cast Obscuring Mist. If his magic isn't countered, he then shouts "RUN!". Hopefully some of the group's sneakier members will be able to escape.

Interuption (DM Stephen) 
Tuesday May 10th, 2005 12:55:35 AM

Ebyron pulls away from the nymph's kiss. Finally, he thinks, they're finally asking the right questions. He's surprised Kendry hasn't chimed in. The know-it-all bard always has something to say and he usually says it right when Im about to ...!

Then Kendry speaks.

Tuesday May 10th, 2005 1:45:42 AM

"Well, sis, when you go to a play, you don't know how the story goes unless you follow the acts, one by one," he says by way of answer. "The opening act isn't quite done, yet. And I think it will be a long story. I don't want to miss this."

He witnesses the transformation of Patty's cousin. One of his daggers he tucks into his sleeve, with the handle resting in the palm of his hand. "Alas, I barely knew you, Morpth. Even less so, now. Any chance you'll reconsider this new instant loyalty, before you become even more like those who killed your parents?" Should Morpth move to strike him, Kendry is prepared to block and/or duck (full defense) - he does not plan to be caught flat-footed before this one... He hopes that his words will have at least a small chance of penetrating the halfling's conscience.

[DM post in progress as Kendry posts]

It just hit the fan! (DM Stephen)  d100=98 d100=78 d100=78 d6=2 d6=2 d20+15=18 d20+18=35 2d6(5+6)+9=20 d20+3=9 d100=44 d100=99 d100=50 d100=68 d100=43 d6=5 d6=6 d6=1 d6=6
Tuesday May 10th, 2005 3:15:12 AM

Everyone wants to leave, especially Selithe and Airin. Olo takes in account that they are completely surrounded by hundreds of druids. Their best chance for escape would be to sprout wings and fly. Dwight stands next to the body of the headless druid. He is completely ignored by the fey king, who has his hands full with two nymphs.

Morpth spits in disgust as the others try and talk him down. "There only one thing orcs respect and that is revenge and death and blood. And I plan to give them what they gave my family. I will NOT be tamed like some weak pathetic farm animal!! The Fey King is right about all of us! Civilization breeds weakness! If my family werent so weak, maybe they could have fought off the orcs! We will never know. But I know I will taste their BLOOD for what they did to me!!!"

"Tsk tsk, my dear Morpth," says Ebyron, "when the time comes, your belly will swell with their blood! Now we have other matters at hand!"

Waving the nymphs away and casting his own goblet aside, the fey king paces back and forth gazing into the crystaline pumpkin. "Yes, there is a reason why I've been keeping you here. Im not yet done with you. I need you all to witness something first. Then you must decide which one of you gets to leave this place alive! To retell this historic event for posterity, of course." He chuckles at how cold his words must sound.

All the druids in ear shot turn to look at each other in confusion. What does he mean by this? Arent there hundreds onlooking this event. The crowds mumble to themselves as they repeat what he had said to the others who didnt hear.

The grand druid shouts out at the satyr. "YOU MONSTER!!" He begins to cast a spell. Druidic words of power ring out and echo across the massive stone columns. A lightning bolt streaks down from the sky and with a piercing explosive "POW" strikes the fey king. Ebyron growls with pain and anger as steam rises off his skin. Amazingly he doesn't appear hurt. With a feral roar, Morpth becomes enrage and charges at the the grand druid with his axe raised in the air. The druid swings his glowing staff at Morpth hitting him with a devestating blow. Morpth proves to be no match for the grand druid and falls unconscious to the floor.

Ebyron holds out the "Jewel of the Vine" and speaks a few ancient words. The crystaline pumpkin comes to life with a bright green glow. Twisted and curling pumpkin vines streak out at lightning speed at the grand druid. They appear to be made up of some kind of energy. They're translucent and look incorporial. They pierce the chest of the grand druid and he instantly begins to convulse violently. He appears to be withering before your very eyes. On the other hand, the Fey King looks even more vital and strong than he has ever been. The grand druid shrieks in pain and falls to his knees. The magical vines continue and stream out and into the crowd. Piercing each druid it touches with a similar effect. Scores of druids begin to turn and run from panic only to feel the vines touch.

For now, Ebyron's attack is solely directed at the druids. One by one, they fall to the embrace of the magical vines. The scene is horrid as pained faces wither into guant lifeless expressions of death. Ebyron laughs hysterically as he becomes drunk with power. "STEWARDSSS, YOU ARE DEAD TO MEEE, MUAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!"

(Olo you can let your spell go off if you wish, but the attack is not directed at you and no one made any advances. Everyone is within your movement range except the grand druid and Morpth, unless you run. Only the grand druid is being attacked in the inner circle)

Airin  d20+7=21 d20=5
Tuesday May 10th, 2005 10:13:37 AM

Airin drops to the ground as she sees the Fey King slaughtering the crowd ... how in the Wold will we get out of this alive ?!? I doubt we can outrun Ebryon but there must be another way ... Airin puts her hands in her pockets, and suddenly feels the ring they captured from that Bird lady they downed earlier ...

"should I ... should I not ... should I ... should I not ...it was an evil creature that wore this ring ... what if it is curse ?!? But even if it is, what can be worse than being killed by this satyr ?!? Let's give it a try ! "

In her croutched postion Airin closes her eyes as she slids the ring, previously owned by the bird lady, on her finger. She knows it is madness to put on a magic ring without knowing what it is but you never know it can bring something good to them ...

(appraise to "check" her own abilities = 21 , intelligence check = 5)

Olo  d20+5=23
Tuesday May 10th, 2005 12:06:15 PM

Olo releases his magic in a panic as he sees the druids falling before the might of Ebyron. Maybe he can help them escape, maybe he can escape.

(if the spell goes off...)
"RUN!" Olo himself runs towards where Penelope lay, intent on scooping her up and making his own escape.

(if the spell is blocked...)
Grimacing in frustration, his act one of desperation, Olo charges towards Ebyron while grabbing for his morningstar. Using all of his might, he swings for the crystal pumpkin in the fey king's hands.

- I'm assuming that Olo could cast last round, which leaves him will full actions this round. If I'm wrong, he gets as much of the above done as possible.
- Obscuring Mist has 20' radius, duration 2 min.
- The charge (if it occurs) causes Olo to lose his dex mod of +1, adds +2 to attack and initiates AoO, correct?
- Dunno if it's considered a sunder or disarm, but Olo is aiming for the crystal pumpkin in Ebyron's hands. Bonus for charge is added into attack roll, but penalty for a special maneuver isn't.

Olo (HP: 19/19, AC 19 w/ Dex, AC 18 w/o Dex)  d6+2=6
Tuesday May 10th, 2005 12:10:53 PM

OOC: Forgot to post some HP/AC/Dmg in my excitement...

ToHit = 23
Dmg = 6

Dwight  d20=20 d6=3
Tuesday May 10th, 2005 12:32:10 PM

A bit taken aback that an attack began so outright and in such mass, Dwight does a backward roll and then is standing with his shortbow in his hand and begins knotting an arrow.

His aim first aim would be toward the hand holding the pumpkin. If Olo is in the way AND Morph appears to be going to stop him, then Dwight will attempt to down Morph instead to allow Olo to keep moving otherwise the king gets it.

Attack roll: 20(natural)+1(point blank)+1(masterwork bow)+4(dex)=26
Damage: 3 (crit x3) = 9

OOC: Hmm, this might be enough to get Morph's attention or the king's. Now is that good?

Dwight(hp: 13/13, AC 14 w/dex, AC 10 w/o) 
Tuesday May 10th, 2005 12:35:42 PM

OOC: Sorry, this is my first combat (?) with Wold. I rolled in my previous message from my actions, but didn't put my vitals as I was following the previous messages as guidance. (They fixed, so now I fixed.) Yeah!

Patterton AC 20 HP 29 
Tuesday May 10th, 2005 6:53:08 PM

Patty grabs his sword and sheild and backs into Selithe, whispering "We've got to get out of here now!" If everyone starts running he will take up the rear. If not, he will stay in front of Selithe to protect her.

Marigold (ac18, hp30)  d100-7=42 d20+8=27 d20+8=21 d8+4=7 d8+4=6
Tuesday May 10th, 2005 7:27:38 PM

In all the chaos, Marigold mutters a few words of power herself (a readied action from the last round). She suddenly grows to twice her height. She's even taller than the Fey King. She then charges at Ebyron, drawing her sword along the way. She slices into the Fey King with a critical blow. "DIE, DIE, YOU FOUL FIEND!!!"

Airin second and illegal ( AC17 ; HP 18/18 ) 
Wednesday May 11th, 2005 2:54:39 AM

(ooc : Everything posten in Airin's first post DOES happen - EXCEPT the appraise ... there's probably no time to do that I fear, yet the ring is now on her finger ... gulp)

Struck with amasement when suddenly all hell breaks loose around her, Airin quickly jumps to her feet and tries to follow Olo.
While she does this, she takes her beloved crossbow.

Kendry (AC 15, HP 11-2=9) Inspire courage: +1 to saves, attacks, damage  d20+8=11
Wednesday May 11th, 2005 3:23:48 AM

So, he, in part, dissembled about whom he considers stewards, thinks the bard to himself of Ebryon as he begins to work his ill-conceived judgment. Shrewd, calculating, wickedly crafty. In a minor key, as his cruel new cousin laughs at the spreading death, Kendry sings this song:
The newborn king of vines and weeds
Unleashed the pumpkin power sowed
So druids, stewards of the seeds
He pierced: From green, red blood now flowed

Oh people, fear King Ebryon
His hand o'er nature bringeth death
This power from some day bygone
Ariseth new, with satyr's breath

Wilt bow the knee? Trust not this lord
Caprice and malice him enfold
Beware when offereth he reward
A baneful darkness shades our Wold

Now mourn the druids' loss of breath
By him who claims it's time to reckon
Nature's wealth he turns to death
Laughter wild, vines lethal beckon

Arise! now heroes, gird your loins
For time has come to show your worth
New class of battle we enjoin
Find you ways to end ill mirth
(Inspire courage. Performance, singing roll d20+8=11. +1 morale bonus to saves vs charm & fear, +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and damage for all allies who can hear Kendry's song. Lasts for 5 rounds after he stops singing - and he has not stopped, yet. Include inspire courage in stats at top until further notice)

Battle with the Fey King, round 1 (DM Stephen)  d100=40 d100=76 d100=21 d6=1 d6=4 d6=4 d100=58 d20+9=20 d8+5=11
Wednesday May 11th, 2005 8:01:53 AM

(for lack of time, quick little post)

From the previous round, Olo fills the area with concealing mist. He and Airin run on over to Penelope. The cleric grabs her up with help from Ellis. Airin prepares her crossbow. However she is unable to see a target.

Margold had become as tall as a half-orc and charged Ebyron. You all hear the Fey King shrill with pain.

Dwight remembers that Morpth was knocked unconscious from the Grand Druids attack just a few seconds before. He is able to roll out and get off a shot before becoming swallowed up by the mist. He knows his arrow strikes the fey king critically. (When you hit a critcal, you roll your damage multiple times, not just multiply the first damage roll.)

Patterton guards Selithe, who in turn does nothing. She is apparently frozen from the shock of what is happening.

Kendry sings his inspiring song to the group. His words fill all your hearts with inspiration, courage that raises your morale. This Fey King is good as dead! He'll wish he wasn't born!!

Ebyron shrieks in pain, from both Marigold's sword and Dwight's arrow. He is also lost in Olo's mist. His attack on the druids is halted for now, because he can no longer see them. He quickly casts a spell that summons a mighty wind. (-2 to ranged attacks from inside the cross wind) It instantly begins to blow away the mist. By the time of the next round the mist will be almost completely gone. Everyone will be able to see.

Most of the surrounding druids appear to still be alive, but it's certain that they can not take much more of Ebyron's attack.

Marigold takes advantage of the opportunity made by the fey kings spell casting to make another strike, which connects for additional damage.

Another set of halfling eyes peer around from one of the great columns of stone of the inner circle. The little hobbit figure has been waiting patiently up until now. With his masterwork quarterstaff at the ready, he finally has a chance to let himself be known.

Airin ( AC17 ; HP 18/18 )  d20+13=32 d20+5=12
Wednesday May 11th, 2005 10:22:40 AM

As Airin feels the strong wind she realises Ebryon will not go peacefully into the night.

She takes cover and hides herself (hide 32) waiting for the fog to clear and Ebryon to appear again ... if he does she quickly releases a bolt.

(hits AC 12)

Dissapointed she sees her bolt miss Ebryon by several inches ... " That's twice in a row I miss ... " Airin thinks in panic.

Patterton AC 20 HP 19  d20+8=26 d6+3=5
Wednesday May 11th, 2005 2:07:17 PM

Patty looks back at Selithe and figures that she will be safe enough in the obscuring mists. Looking at what friends he can see, Pattrton yells, "Let's take him!" and charges the Fey King.

Attack =26
damage= 6 (OOC- forgot to add the +1 dmg in actual roll)

Podo AC18 HP17  d20+1=20 d4+4=8
Wednesday May 11th, 2005 8:42:44 PM

Podo makes himself known by moving towards the Fey King and making an unarmed attack even though he is still holding his quarterstaff!

Podo swings into the Fey King with a blinding swish of his hands hoping to do some major lethal damage(attack=20, dmg=8). Podo will return to a ready stance hoping another opportunity to beat this evil vile critter presents itself.

Dwight (hp: 13/13, Ac 14/14)  d20+6=18 d6=3
Wednesday May 11th, 2005 8:43:55 PM

Dwight reloads his bow and again aims at Ebryon. He waits until he has a clear shot and then fires.

Not sure if any druids or the new observe mean any harm, Dwight continues to focus his attention on Ebryon.

Attack: 18+1(song)-2(wind)-4(firing bow into combat)=13
Dmg: 3 + 1(song) = 4

(OOC: Am I doing this right?)

Olo HP: 19/19, AC: 19  d8+1=6 d20+4=16 d20+3=8
Thursday May 12th, 2005 12:33:02 AM

The mist is failing and no one has run. The brief opportunity for escape was foiled as much by his companions' stout hearts and desire to face this opponent head on as by anything else. If they're commited to the fight, well, then he's commited to the fight.

"Ellis, can you take her? Go! Get Penelope away from here. If we don't return let others know what happened."

Turning, he quickly looks for the head druid that Ebyron dispatched earlier. Is he dead or is he dying? Perhaps he could be an ally yet.

if he's not quite dead...
Olo pulls out his wand as he rushes to the druid. Touching him lightly with the wand, he releases a charge. (Cure Light Wounds, 6 pts)

if he's quite dead...
Olo turns his attention back to his brave companions and the fey king they're fighting. Unhooking his morningstar, he wades into the melee to join his friends. (ToHit=16, Dmg=8)

Battle with King Ebyron, round 2 (DM Stephen)  d20+10=30 d20+10=11 d100=62 d6=6 d20+9=20 3d10(3+5+6)=14 3d10(10+6+3)=19 3d10(10+9+4)=23 3d10(9+2+9)=20 d20+17=23 d20+6=25 d20+6=9 d20+6=20 d20+6=21 d20+6=13 d20+6=25 d20+5=24 d20+5=7 d20+5=7 d20+5=24 d20+4=19 d20+4=19 d6+5=8 d6+5=6 d6+7=13 d6+7=10 d6+7=12
Thursday May 12th, 2005 2:33:38 AM

Airin misses badly with her shot. As the blustery winds begin to blow away the mist, she notices something strange. When the mist blows up against her, the mist seems to be blocked when it gets several inches away from touching her. The mist oddly flows around her body as if being deflected by some kind of invisible force. How odd! You're not sure, but you believe that Ebyron hasn't noticed where you are. You're hidden well and he appears to be occupied at the moment.

Patterton also lets his blade be known by the Fey King. Your cut adds to the Ebyron's cry of pain.

The stranger (Podo) appears to be fighting on the side of the hobbits, him being a hobbit as well. With staff in hand, he comes flying into the satyr with a devestating unarmed strike. Was that cracking sound a bone?!

The cursed wind blows Dwight's arrow away from his target. Of course, the other combatants, in the way, aren't helping you at the moment either.

Marigold keeps her sword stuck into him. "I curse you Ebyron! Curse you with an enfeebled mind, you fool!! You're a Fool!!" Her words are more than just an idle threat or taunt, they mean what they say. Her eyes glow red as a black energy enters the fey king's body. Amazingly Ebyron appears to fail resisting the black magic and his mind becomes cloudy and indecisive.

Olo can see the grand druid still moving. In fact, he lifts his head up from where he lay on the ground and gestures at Ebyron. Another lightning bolt comes streaking down from the heavens and strikes with even greater force now that it's charged by the winds. He appears to take damage from the lightning now. Olo charges in but fails to connect.

Kendry continues to sing his inspiring song. The melody fills your hearts and minds with vigor and confidence. Selithe seems frozen with fright and doesnt do anything, once again.

King Ebyron seems confused. He looks around unable to decide what to do next. His disability allows him to do nothing this round. He takes no action. He still tries to defend himself from your attacks but that's all he can do. The crystaline pumpkin still clutched in his powerful grip.

Many druids, that were attacked by the Jewel of the Vine, try to move and get up from the ground. Some try and crawl off laborously. Those who have the will try to tend to others with healing spells. Some are able to wildshape into animals and try to flee. Many dont move at all! Then there are those who look upon Ebyron with the most bitter hatred. They stumble forward as far as they can and attempt to arm themselves with either weapons or magic. As a result, three more lightning bolts strike Ebyron. He appears to take no damage from two of them. Ebyron's bones glow black through his skin and then fades back to normal. He may have taken damage. His staggering is the only indication. Twelve small balls of flame are sent flying at the king, from many different directions. Only six connect and he takes only slight fire damage.

It appears a war has started!! A thud thud comes from the forest. What could that be?

Patterton  d20+8=15 d6+4=9
Thursday May 12th, 2005 4:14:05 AM

Patty nearly becomes spooked by the displays of lightning and fire, but sets his jaw firmly and shuts out the magical fireworks as best he can. He thrusts in with his sword again, (hoping that he is at the beasts flank with Ebyron's attention hopefully on Marigold) trying to wedge his blade between Ebryon's ribs.

Attack= 15
damage= 9!

Patty's blood is racing and he barely notices the newcomer. There will be time enough for introductions after this problem is dealt with.

Airin ( AC17 ; HP 18/18 )  d20+7=22 d20+6=20 d20+5=23 d6=3
Thursday May 12th, 2005 7:47:02 AM

Airin feels something strange is happening with her since she put on the ring. Standing next to Olo (as both Olo and Airin ran away under cover of the fog previous rounds) she asks him

"Olo, can you see me ? can you try to touch me ? Something strange happens thanks to this ring ..."

Airin is pretty fixed on this ring now ... she makes an appraise check on her abilities now after all. Maybe it can reveal something to her. (appraise 22)

Then she hears something approach them. The sound of animals maybe ? (knowledge nature : 20).

Then she says to Olo : "Olo, things are getting worse ! Somthing is closing in ... Ebryon will not fall soo easily !"

She sees Ebryon still holds that thing in his hand ... it MUST be important for him ...
Airin carefully aims and attempts to shoot at the hand holding the pumpkin (hits AC23 for 3HP). Rather that wanting to hurt Ebryon, Airin wants that pumpkin to fall from his hands ...

(ooc : I don't know exactly what roll I need for this "called" shot)

Podo (AC:18;HP17/17)  d20+2=18 d4+5=8
Thursday May 12th, 2005 9:08:51 AM

While Podo is standing waiting for another great opportunity to strike, Podo notices and feels the effects from a song of inspiration. "There is a Bard in this group!" (Kendry's song spell)

Podo already in a horse stance from the previous maneuver deals another round of unarmed strikes. (Attack=18, Damage=8)

As Podo finishes his maneuver, he hears something off in the forest. He wonders, "What goes 'Thud, Thud'? Druids? Forest? Treant?!?"

Podo has only ever heard about animate trees, he had never seen one. He knows they have something to do with forests and Druids, both are all around him and this great circle of stones.

Dwight (hp 13/13, Ac 14  d20=19 d6=3 d6=3 d6=4
Thursday May 12th, 2005 1:51:06 PM

Realizing that the wind and hand-to-hand combat is too much for Dwight's bow skills, he moves to engage in combat.

Dwight circles around Ebryon, seeking a good flanking/exposed position, Dwight strikes with a jab of his readied dagger

Attack: 20 {19(critical)+1 song}
Damage:10 {3+3critical+4backstab}

Kendry (AC 15, HP 11-2=9, +1 saves vs charm, fear; +1 attack, +1 damage)  d20+5=7
Thursday May 12th, 2005 3:55:22 PM

Kendry continues his singing, encouraging his friends and allies:
Blood cries out for Justice! Justice!
Oppose this self-crowned king of fey
Stand bold, stand strong, heroes of Wold
And fight Ebryon come what may
Meantime, he tosses a tanglefoot bag in Ebryon's direction, but misses utterly (d20+5=7).

Patterton AC 20 HP 19 
Thursday May 12th, 2005 5:11:52 PM

forgot the AC and HP again! D'oh! :)

Selithe-AC:15-HP:11  d20+6=20 d3=2
Thursday May 12th, 2005 9:21:21 PM

(OOC:Sorry everyone for the lack of posts, the one night I fell asleep and yesterday we had a nasty thunder and lightning storm roll through.)

Selithe having been taken back and frightened by what the fey king did stares for many moments, even when the mist first blocks her vision.

After finally gathering her witts back she pulls her sling and readies it. She will take a shot if she sees a clean shot and if she can this round. (Can hit AC:20 Damage:2, forgot Kendry's bonus for his song. So can hit AC:21 and Damage:3)

Olo (HP 19/19, AC 19)  d20+4=10 d20+3=13 d8+3=6
Thursday May 12th, 2005 11:52:00 PM

Olo hears the thumping but is more concerned about what Ebyron may do next. He's seen the fey king's magic and hopes to prevent the satyr from further casting. Olo waits to see what Ebyron will do next before striking his next blow.

OOC: Olo is holding his action. He will stike if Ebyron starts casting or using a spell completion item (hoping to interrupt) or if it becomes clear that he's not going to cast (i.e. attempts a melee attack).

ToHit=10, Dmg=6

Second roll was in error.

Oh my goodness, round 3! (DM Stephen)  d100=94 d100=73 d6=6 d20+9=20 d20=3 d12=1 d100=26 d6=4 d20+14=18 d20+9=29 d20+9=18 d6+5=11 d6+5=9 d10=1 d20+6=20 d6=1 d10=9 d20+6=25 d20+6=8 d20+6=16 d20+6=14 d20+6=12 d20+6=19 d20+6=10 d20+6=24 d20+6=20 d6=5 d6=4 d6=3 d6=1 d10=4 d20+6=9 d20+6=18 d20+6=24 d20+6=17 d6=1 d6=2 d6=5 d10=10 d20+6=22 d20+6=19 d20+6=26 d20+6=17 d20+6=7 d20+6=16 d20+6=25 d20+6=19 d20+6=8 d20+6=22 d20+6=16 d20+6=7 d6=3 d6=1 d6=6 d6=5 d6=2 d6=6 d6=1 d6=4 d10=7 d20+6=24 d20+6=22 d20+6=7 d20+6=17 d20+6=12 d20+6=17 d20+6=18 d6=6 d6=2 d6=2 d6=6 d6=3 d10=10 d20+6=25 d20+6=26 d20+6=23 d20+6=12 d20+6=14 d20+6=7 d20+6=17 d6=3 d6=2 d6=4 d6=6 d10=3 d20+6=20 d20+6=14 d20+6=19 d6=6 d6=6 d10=5 d20+6=14 d20+6=25 d20+6=12 d20+6=24 d20+6=12 d20+6=10 d6=4 d6=2 d100=68 d20=1 d10=8 d8=6 d8=4
Friday May 13th, 2005 12:57:40 AM

Patterton seems to be distracted by the magical onslaught. His sword is deflected by Ebyron's bracers.

With a quick appraisal, Airin determines the simple-looking gold band is worth 10 to 15gp. However, she knows its magic, but not knowing what kind of magical effect the rogue can only guess. It would have to be worth at least several thousand goldpieces. Airin is suddenly distracted by a noise from the woods. It sounds like footsteps and it sounds BIG and heavy! You hear the crunch of vegetation under each step. Its getting close and you know you're about to find out. This realization snaps the rogue back into the fight and she fires her arrow from her hiding place. (You forgot this is a sneak attack opportunity! You do 6 more points of damage.) The arrow hits this time around and Ebyron looks at you from the corner of his eye.
(You can immediately attempt another hide check with a -20 penalty to remain hidden, according to the rules on page 76. Ebyron's spot check is 20, so that's your DC. You'll need roll a nat. 20 to have any chance. Read the Hide Skill, it gives you ideas on what your options are. There are no Called Shot rules in 3.5. The nearest things would be Sunder or Disarm, but they require melee attacks. If I were going to create a Called Shot for this situation, the penalties would have dropped your attack roll below his AC. Let me think of something. Maybe we can make a new Woldian house rule.)

The flash of lightning maybe broke his concentration or was it the quickness of Ebyron, but Podo thinks he missed this time. But he does hit to his surprise. But like all the other attacks on the king, he doesnt appear to take all the damage. As soon as he thinks of treants, one emerges from the forest!! (Nice guess.)
(Why are you only giving your unarmed strike a +2 modifier? Shouldn't it be +6, according to your ability modifers and weapon finesse. +4Dex, +1BAB, +1size modifier = +6. Lower it +4 and get off two attacks with Flurry of Blows. You would have hit otherwise.)

Dwight pulls out his dagger and moves in for a sneak attack. He hits with a critically threatening stab but is unable to hit any vital areas. He only does minimal damage like all the rest.
(When you rolled a critical threat [19] with your dagger, which is 19-20/x2, you need to follow that up with a second attack roll. If you hit a second time, then you made a critical hit.)

Kendry continues to sing his song. He pulls out a tanglefoot bag but it is wildly thrown and splats on the floor, behind and to the right of the Fey King.

Selithe finally falls out of her daze and sends a bullet to Ebyron with her sling. The bullet hits his head soundly and bounces off. He should have taken damage but he doesnt. It does succeed to add to his aggrivation though!

Olo readies an action to disrupt Ebyron's spellcasting. He waits for his time to strike, when or if the king begins to start casting.

The Grand Druid speaks a few druidic words and touches his chest. He suddenly looks almost completely healed. He stands up from the ground and prepares to cast again.

Ebyron shouts into the air to all that will obey, "DEFEND YOUR KING!!!" (Rolled a 26%, his acts this round). Ebyron feels things are getting a bit crowded around him. He lashes out with a series of his own bludgeoning attacks. He headbutts Patterton with his black ram-like horns (Hit AC 18, miss) and then slams Marigold with is his free hand (Hit AC 29 crit threat, Hit AC 18 critical. 20 damage). She stumbles back and appears dazed and stunned from the attack!

Suddenly scores and scores of sprites come buzzing in from all around. Wave after wave attack, armed with tiny longbows or spears.

Sprite attacks on party:
One attacks Kendry. 1 Hit. Damage: 0.
Nine attack Patterton. 4 hits. Damage: 3.
Four attack Airin. 3 hits. Damage: 2.
Ten attack Podo. 8 hits. Damage: 9.
Two attack Selithe. 2 hits. Damage: 2.
Five attack Dwight. 2 hits, 1 crit. Damage: 4.
Three attack Olo. 2 hits. Damage: 6.
Five attack Marigold. 2 hits. Damage: 1.

Hundreds and hundreds of sprites attack the druids as well. Several druids are finished off after taking massive damage from the kings previous attack.

The sprites avoid attacking the Grand Druid, Ellis and Penelope. They seem to fear harming them.

Two huge treants break into the clearing. They seem set on attacking the druids. They wave their branch-like arms combined with words of power spoken from deep voices. Eighteen more trees suddenly animate and uproot themselves. Most of the druids pause in shock. Then they focus their attacks on them. Columns of swirling flame explode all around the treants. Eight of them catch on fire, but they continue to advance. Magical acorns are thrown by several druids and explode with tremendous concusive force. Branches, leaves and splinters of wood fly in every direction. Five of the trees fall. Lightning and balls of flame continue to pound them as well, with devestating affect.

If that wasnt enough, all the animals begin to growl, churp and howl. Even the fuzzy little rabbits and squirrls! They begin to charge on the druids. Many are ravaged and pulled to the ground. Wolves, bears, boars and other larger animals are doing a lion's share of the damage. Several druids defend themselves by blocking the animals advance with walls of thorns that spring up magically from the ground. Most of the druid circle is now surrounded by a thick, thorny briar wall. Animals shriek and yelp in prickly pain. Other animals are held by entangled plants (like the spell used on you all back at the Whistler Oak).

Its total chaos! Its like the wrath of nature itself has converged on the Druid Circle.

Airin ( AC17 ; HP 18/18 )  d20+13=24
Friday May 13th, 2005 7:03:26 AM

Airin calls out to her friends : "FOR CRYING OUT LOUD ! THIS IS BEYOND OUR POWER !!! GET OUT OF THERE QUICK !!!"

Airin moves backwards, away from the battle, away from the treants that are closing in ... this is not their battle to win ... a tactical retreat isn't defeat. We can win this another day.

Hopefully her friends heard her, and consider retreat the safest option as well. Then she carefully hides herself among the bushes.

(hide : 24 )

Podo {Ac 18 / HP 17-9=8  d20+6=17 d20+6=11 d4+2=5 d4+2=5
Friday May 13th, 2005 8:56:05 AM

As Podo moans from the attacks by various sprites, he crys out to Domi to help his servant against this saytr and the total injustices being dealt against scores of Druids.

Shaking off the pain, Podo engages another attack on the Fey King. This time in puts his Quarterstaff to good use with a flurry of Blows attack. (+6, according to your ability modifers and weapon finesse. +4Dex, +1BAB, +1size modifier = +6. Lower it +4 and get off two attacks with Flurry of Blows. +1 to attack & damage from Kendry's song & +1 to attack from the Masterwork quarterstaff)
(Attack = 17 & 11, Damage= 5 & 5)

After executing the fluid flurry of blows against the king, Podo ends back in a Ready stance awaiting the saytr's next action, ignoring his own wounds.

Patterton  d20+8=28 d20+8=11 d6+4=9
Friday May 13th, 2005 1:42:20 PM

Upon hearing Airin's cry for retreat Patterton nearly heads her advice, but spying the brave Monk's stubbern refusal to run he realizes he can't leave him to be struck down...plus Marigold is stunned.

Patterton bears his teeth and swings at Ebyron.

Attack: Natural 20!!!!! woo hoo! no critical though...curses.

dmg: 9 again

Dwight (hp 9/13, ac 14)  d20=19 d20=17 d6=4 d6=5
Friday May 13th, 2005 8:18:17 PM

Dwight lunches forward again with his dagger aiming for the hand holding the pumpkin or anything else that will truly bring pain to the king, ideally more pain than the sprites just did to him.

Attack 20 (19 (crit)+1 song)
(I think its a critical? Second roll was a 17, do I roll anything else)

Damage: 9

(DM Stephen - You did great. Just go ahead and add the +1 morale bonus from the bard's song when you roll, d20+1. The +1 bonus applies to damage too. So roll 1d6+1.)

Kendry (AC 15, HP 11-2=9, +1 Saves vs fear, charm; +1 attack; +1 damage)  d20+5=22
Friday May 13th, 2005 11:11:11 PM

Kendry changes his song, addressing Ebryon directly, and tosses a second tanglefoot bag (ranged touch attack d20+5=22) at the reborn king, this time with greater accuracy.
This special bag is just for you
As you stick it to others,
So you'll be stuck, too
Slow and consider, shouldst kill thy brothers?
He hopes that Ebryon will reconsider his actions - but is not holding his breath.

Saturday May 14th, 2005 1:13:21 AM

Selithe winces when she is hit by the danged arrows and begins to fall back, specially when she notices her sling stone does nothing to the Fey King.

Selithe looks to the others and hopes they make it out also. She frowns when she realizes she has little to no spells that could help her friends for sure.

Whoops!! Round 4 (DM Stephen)  d100=41 d100=59 d20+14=15 d20+10=24 d100=65 d100=88 d20+3=12 d6-3=0 d6-3=2 d6-3=1 d6-3=2 d6-3=1 d6-3=2 d6-3=0 d20+6=25 d20+6=23 d20+6=24 d6=6 d6=1 d6=3 d20+6=13 d20+6=12 d20+6=26 d20+6=10 d6=5 d20+6=7 d20+6=7 d20+6=13 d20+6=14 d6=6 d20=20 d10=5 d10=5 d6=4
Saturday May 14th, 2005 5:55:36 PM

Airin is shouting for everyone to retreat. She finds refuge behind one of the standing stones. Yet everyone else fights on. The young rogue is peppered with splinters of wood from an exploding tree, the result of a druid's fireseed. The little wood pieces are deflected away from your body by an invisible force, much like the mist. (Your Armor Class now has a Deflection Bonus of +1.)

Podo's quarterstaff is a blur of motion. Unfortunately the sacrifice of accuracy in order to get off both attacks allows the halfling to miss both times.

Patterton slices into Ebyron. The Fey King takes half the damage. Ebyron is beginning to look concerned. He realizes maybe he should have killed the hobbits first, and then turn on the unsuspecting druids. But his arrogance wanted to show off. He realizes he's underestimated the little ones.

Dwight stabs at Ebyron with his dagger. It strikes the back of his hand. The pain is exquisite and Ebyron fumbles with the crystal pumpkin. It begins to fall and the usually nimble fingers of a satyr would have easily caught it with his other hand ... but to his great surprise, HE MISSED!!
Explaination: You didnt critical on your attack. The second roll wasnt high enough to beat his AC. And your Disarm attempt wasnt successful either, Ebyron beat your roll big time. BUT you had such a good roll, a natural 19, I allowed Ebyron to fumble with it and have a chance to catch it before it fell. A chance the Fey King wouldnt have had if your disarm was successful. All Ebyron needed to do to catch the crystal with the other hand was roll a 2 or better. Which is only a slight chance. To roll a natural 1 always fails, and that is exactly what I rolled. Lucky dog! Way to go!!
The crystaline pumpkin hits the stone floor and bounces a little as it rolls away from Ebyron. The Fey King's expression changes to a combination of shock and fear. His precious crystal pumpkin! He shouts out a long stream of sylvan curses. Words so foul that it almost makes your ears bleed!

Before Ebyron can scramble to reclaim his most prized possession, Kendry hits him with a bag of alchemical goo. The satyr quickly becomes tangled in the hardening ooze. However, the satyr retains his nimbleness this time and isnt stuck to the floor. However, his movement is greatly diminished. (His AC is now 17)

Selithe seems to heed Airin's call for retreat. She feels that she's unaffective in this fight. However, Selithe sees the crystal pumpkin roll away from Ebyron, and he appears quite determined to get it back!

Marigold remains stunned this round. She stumbles back a few more steps and tries not to fall.

The Grand Druid waves his hands in a circular motion up in the air. He speaks a few words in druidic. He now appears to have command of the winds. He whips the winds into a frenzy and with one gesture of his hand, he sends forth a gale blast of wind that grabs hold of the flying sprites. A large majority of the sprites are violently and uncontrolably swept away in winds. Those sprites caught in the wind are violently thrown to the ground either killing them or knocking them unconscious. The strong winds are above ground level and the party remains in a calm breeze. (No more -2 penalty to ranged attacks, unless you fire up into the sky and your shot will be completely deflected.)

King Ebyron, in a quagmire of goo, tries to rush forward past Patterton and Olo to get his precious crystal pumpkin. He grunts and curses as he struggles against the two hobbits and the hardening alchemical entanglements. (Both Patterton and Olo get attacks of opportunity against Ebyron. You two also need to beat his Strength check of 12 to push him back. So roll strength checks.)

Low flying sprites who avoided the winds and continue their attack. They throw their spears and shoot arrows from their tiny bows. These sprites are low to the ground and within 20-ft of each of you.

Two sprites attack Selithe. Two Hit, Damage: 3.
One sprite attacks Airin from her hiding place. Missed.
Two sprites attack Patterton. One hit. Damage: 2.
One sprite attacks Olo. Missed.
Two sprites attack Podo. Both Missed.
One sprite attacks Dwight. One Hit. Damage: 3.
The battle rages on with the druids. Animated trees slam into the druids front line with thier branches. Several druids are sent flying from their blows. Another barrage of fire, lightning and concussive acorn explosions assault the invading trees. Five more trees fall to the attacks. The two treants continue to animate more. Five more trees uproot themselves. Many druids begin to summon the help of the elements themselves. From torches lit all around come forth fire elementals. They find great delight in the prospect of burning anything, especially these trees. Several of the huge stone columns break apart and form arms and legs. Including the one Airin is hiding behind. She is pelted by small falling pieces of stone from the transition. She takes only 2 points of damage. The huge earth elementals lumber off, easily breaking the hold of the vines that have grown up around them over the centuries. Airin may find the experience fascinating and unnerving.

Patterton AC 20 HP 14/19  d20+3=5
Saturday May 14th, 2005 6:10:24 PM

Patterton tries to hold back the goo-covered Fey King. Thrusting his sheild into Ebyron's chest, Patterton grunts and plants his feet only to be disapointed as his boots slide on the moss covered ground. He can't seem to get the footing to hold him back. Hopefully Olo will be able to help.

Strength check=5 miserable!

Patty yells over his shoulder to Selithe, "Grab it and run!"

(DM Stephen - do you have any hero points so you can reroll?)

Podo (AC 18 & HP 8/17)  d2=1 d20+8=9 d4=1
Sunday May 15th, 2005 12:13:10 AM

Podo looks at his hands and then his staff wondering why he missed. Thinking to himself, "Oh well, at a time like this, I'm just better off going for the sure thing. I should just beat him with the stick!"

Podo moves in to attack the somewhat goo covered & entangled King. (Hit AC:9 . Damage: 1)
It appears that the prescence of the goo has caused Podo some grief. "For the love of Domi, I missed!" "How can I miss a thing covered in goop!?!" In pain and filled with disbelief, Podo will try to assist the hobbits to retrieve the crystal pumpkin next round instead of engaging.

Patterton AC 20 HP 14/19  d20+3=23
Sunday May 15th, 2005 2:20:34 AM

Using a hero point to reroll.

blam! A perfect 20! Patty slams his shield into the beast and(let's hope)blasts the creature backwards after catching a dry patch of earth his boots.

Selithe-AC:15-HP:6/11  d20+2=19
Sunday May 15th, 2005 6:47:35 PM

Selithe rushes to grab the crystal pumpkin before the fey King.

If she reaches it and as long as it doesn't hurt her when she grabs it up she glares at the Fey King and yells at the top of her lungs and with all the might she can muster, <intimidate, untrained:19> "Call off your dang sprites now Fey King and stop attacking NOW! or I swear to all that is holy this pumpkin is going to the nearest druid here who is helping us and sees your evil."

Selithe glares at the Fey King with all the anger she can muster and grips the pumpkin, "I can always try breaking the crystal thing also or maybe try using it myself. Now DO IT!" Selithe is clearly steaming at very upset along with injured, tiny arrows stick out of her which she is very unhappy about. Selithe visibly shakes with her rage and anger and her eyes have narrowed to slits, for those who have never seen her anger or her evil like side, they are showing a key example of it now. (OOC:I say evil because Selithe does have a wild/evil like streak, remember she was in jail for awhile.)

Airin ( AC17 +1deflection bonus ; HP 14/18 )  d20+11=23 d20+5=21 d6=4 d20+13=30
Sunday May 15th, 2005 7:04:05 PM

Airin jumps up when the rock in front of her chages shape and turns into an elementale ...
as all these elementals seem to pick on Ebryons helpers, and Airin is not at all his helper, she hopes this elemental will not fight her ...

Instead of hitting it right away she backs up quietly, finger on the trigger to release the bolt should the elemental engage her after all ...

(move silently 23)

readied attack : hits AC21 for 4HP

If it doesn't come after her Airin will hide again, hoping her friends realise this becomes way too dangerous for them !!! Yet she watches the pumpkin in anticipation ... "DESTROY IT" she screams in her head ... hoping those close to it will hear her.

(hide 30)

Olo (HP 13/19, AC 19)  d20+4=17 d6+2=5 d20+2=7 d20+2=4 d20+4=8 d8+1=8
Sunday May 15th, 2005 9:51:41 PM

Olo sees his opening has Ebyron tries to push past and takes a swipe with his morningstar (AoO: Hit 17, Dmg 6). Then he braces to push the fey king back as the satyr strains to get past. Olo's feet slip though, and he can't find leverage to stop him (Str checks 7 and 4. Used Luck domain ability to reroll).

Olo wants to stop and heal his comrades but knows that he has to keep the pumpkin from Ebyron at all costs, nothing is more important right now. Spinning on his heels, he dives for pumpkin, hoping to get to it first (diving for pumpkin, dunno what to roll. ToHit = 8).

ooc: bad bad bad rolls. blech.
if diving for the pumpkin isn't an option. Olo heals Selithe with wand of cure light wounds (8 hp).

Kendry  d20+5=18
Monday May 16th, 2005 3:00:01 AM

Hmmm - that worked. Let's try it again. Kendry throws another tanglefoot bag at the megalomaniacal incipient tyrant cousin - after first stepping between his sister and the satyr. [d20+5=18 - tanglefoot bag]

He continues his singing, using open throat singing, rich with overtones.

End our Torment! (DM Stephen)  d20+10=18 d100=90 d100=67 d6=1 d6=1 d20=1 d20+4=23 d100=100 d100=23
Tuesday May 17th, 2005 12:50:33 AM

Patterton thrusts his shield into the chest of Ebyron. At first his feet slide against the stone floor as he pushes against the frantic Fey King. Luckily the young warrior gains a firm footing and pushes Ebyron backwards. A feat of strength that catches the king off guard. He falls backwards onto his back and slides across the floor. Coming to rest ten feet away.

With Ebyron flat on his back, Podo is able to hit the prone fey, even with such a wild swing. However, he doesnt appear to take any damage. It does add to the king's aggrivation though.

Selithe runs over and scoops up the crystaline pumpkin. She shouts her damands with authority (Intimidate is usable by anyone, even untrained). Ebyron looks on with an expression of pure horror. The king doesnt need to give the command, the sprites in view of Selithe halt their attack on their own. They too look on in shock! The Jewel of the Vine feel immensely powerful in Selithe's hands. Its quite seductive to the touch for someone familiar with magic. Its vibrations flow throughout her body. The sensation is beyond anything you have felt before. So much power in your hands ... so ancient. What mysteries it must hold!! Suddenly it begins to feel very hot, but not enough to burn your hands. Those looking on see Selithe lit up with a green aura. Her hair stands up on end. Suddenly Selithe (and only Selithe) begins to hear a legion of voices. Countless languages, but oddly enough, she can understand them. They cry out, Highlight to display spoiler: {"Release ussss ... set us free ... liberate usss ... give usss oour rrest ... freedomm, give usss freedoommm ... end our torment ... the painnn, the PAINNN!!!"}

Airin is startled by the stone column suddenly coming to life. It pays her absolutely no mind. It walks off toward the treants to join the battle. She quickly hides again and shouts out, "DESTROY ITT!!" Everyone can hear it easily.

Olo slams Ebyron with his morningstar. He even appears to take some damage. His attempt to push him back isnt necessary. Patterton had enough strength for them both. He looks back and is relieved to see Selithe with the pumpkin. He taps her with his wand and heals her completely.

Kendry adds insult to injury with another tagglefoot bag. Ebyron can no longer avoid being splattered with the alchemical goo. He struggles against it as he lay stuck to the floor!

Ebryon is frozen in hardening goo with a horrified expression of not knowing what to do. Marigold's curse kicks in and he finds himself unable to act.

Marigold recovers from being stunned. The 6'5" tall halfling spots a large piece of stone easily weighing several hundred pounds. She picks it up with relative ease. With a grunt, she raises it over her head and readies to slam it down on Ebyron's head.

The Grand Druid seems shocked by the turn of events. These young halflings appear to have bested the High Lord King of Fey!!!

The battle between the druids and the treants has taken a dramatic turn. The elementals seem to be doing the trick. Trees burn in a blaze of fire, only to be smashed by the stony limbs of the earth elementals. Combined with continued lightning and fire, the treants fall. Before the last treant explodes into a cloud of splinters and twisted wood, a dryad leaps out from inside. Her eyes are filled with tears as she watches her tree die. She too also begins to wither and fall to the ground follow her tree's passing.

Patterton AC20 HP 14/19 
Tuesday May 17th, 2005 3:19:20 AM

Patterton stands over the Fey King, his face crimson with rage. Flooring Ebryon has really gotten his blood pumping and it is only with a monumental effort that he restrains himself from ramming his sword into the beasts heart. Instead he pulls a sprite spear from his forearm with his teeth and spits it onto the ground in disdain. He does cover Ebryon with his sword, however.

He then looks at Marigold and shakes his head. "Not yet, Auntie..er...Captain. He needs to explain his actions to the good folk of Hovel. At the very least to these Druids he wronged. Executions can wait untill we have some answers."

Then he notices what is happening with Selithe and jaw drops. A deep sense of worry creeps over Patterton, but he soon realizes that there is little he can do. Selithe is a wizard and if anyone in the party can figure out what is happening with the strange globe, it's her. Keeping his sword at the Fey King's throat he splits his attention between him and the events unfolding with Selithe.

Podo (AC:17 & HP: 8/17) 
Tuesday May 17th, 2005 8:58:05 AM

Podo seeing his target laying prone on the ground covered in goop with a sword at its throat and another chainmailed Halfling standing over it with a large stone raised above her head as if to smash it makes him realize that there is no more need to attack the Enemy. Podo instead removes the various tiny weapons sticking out of himself. And ready's himself just in case he should find himself in another shirmish.

Looking over as the halfling that has recovered the crystal pumpkin, he is amazed that his is awash in a green outline!

Looking around he tries to take the whole scene in. He looks in an attempt to see if all the halflings are alive and in need of assistance. He also mentions that whatever clerics there maybe in the halfling party might want to help out the injured druids pointing out that not everyone here attacked us and they may need our help.

Airin ( AC18 ; HP 14/18 )  d20+6=18 d20+8=14 d20+13=26 d20+5=11
Tuesday May 17th, 2005 10:36:52 AM

Airin feels a bit silly for not having really participated in all this and trying to tell everyone to retreat. Her friends handled this situation excellent. Yet, the war still rages, and Airin is not keen to get in between the druids, treants, elementals ... it's just not her stuff to rush headlong into such a battle.

She keeps her distance from the battle front (and her friends) and keeps checking everything surrounding her. She does ready her crossbow though. Should anything approach either of her friends from behind, she WILL fire to protect.

(spot 18 ; listen 14 ; hide 26)
(readied action : Hit AC11)

Then she sees Selithe holding the pumkpin ... seems she's drunk with power right now !
"Selithe ! Be carefull" airin thinks "This is no power to mess with ..."

Tuesday May 17th, 2005 3:57:46 PM

Amazed at how the battle has turned with the dropping of the small pumpkin and grateful for not being in hand-to-hand combat any longer, Dwight turns his attention to the Grand Druid.

Slightly out of breathe, but ready to fight again if necesary, " Grandmaster, much is occurring beyond our knowledge. You seemed to have predicted such a distaster, can you explain what Ebryon truly represents. Evil? Destruction? Revenge?"

Dwight, not fully knowledgeable about magic, allows the others to deal with the potential dangers of handling the artifact. Dwight wants answers and feels the Grandmaster has them.

Tuesday May 17th, 2005 7:01:23 PM

(OOC:Sorry for not waiting for a reply on my private note to you Stephen but I didn't want to miss a post on accident.)

Selithe holds the crystal pumpkin and feels the power flow through her, she feels the power and for a moment the part of her that enjoys gambling, enjoys all the nastier things in life snaps. Selithe breaks into a grin and her eyes roll with thunderclouds as she laighs, "Ohhh the power I feel....I feel like I'm stronger then even my master was....so many people I could pay back for things...guards for throwing me in jail...people who thought I couldn't make it as a wizardess..."

Selithe's mind suddenly snaps back as the voices come to her mind and words that her teacher said come also "Selithe, a magic user knows his or her limits. They have a certain level of power that they can grow to and at their own pace." Selithe also remembers what her mentor gambler taught her in prison "Gambling is easy but if your not happy with yourself without the money or prestige you win in the game then you'll never be happy with it. The same goes for power."

Selithe looks to the crystal pumpkin and closes her eyes and tries speaking to the orb through her mind or maybe just to herself no matter, "I want to release all of you...I do not know if trying to break you will work but I will try." Selithe glance at the ground since she stands on a stone floor and lifts the crystal pumpkin up and slams it to the floor with all her strength.

Afterwards and inless she is stopped some how she casts a spell she had been holding on to in hopes to help destroy the pumpkin. <burning hands aimed at the crystal pumpkin> She calls out as she does all this, starting with the slamming of the crystal pumpkin on the stone floor, "NO! I will gain my own power, on my own and with my friends too....release the spirits within this!"

Tuesday May 17th, 2005 10:32:17 PM

"For all your purported age, son of Ellis and Penelope, have you not learned that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice?" Kendry asks the prone king. "And that humility goes before honor?"

He then turns as his sister starts to sound as if she is going off the deep end. He places a pair of crystaline goggles over his eyes, to see whether his vision of the green glow surrounding her is altered by passage through the lenses.

Kendry uses mage hand to gain control of the pumpkin, should Selithe's attempt to smash it fail, and bring it into his own hand. If it does break into pieces... what might that unleash?

Olo  d20+6=24 d8+1=8
Tuesday May 17th, 2005 11:32:59 PM

Olo glances quickly between Marigold and Podo trying to determine who's most in need of healing (Heal check 24 to determine who's at lowest % of health). Picking a target from between the two, he quickly steps up and taps them with his wand (Cure Light Wounds = 8hp, 47 charges now remaining).

As he does so, he hears Selithe's outburst and attempt to destroy the pumpkin. Olo's very concerned, but hopes... no... prays she knows what she's doing.

If Selithe breaks the pumpkin...
Olo steps up to guard against any attempt by Ebyron to stand or cast. Any such attempt will bring the business end of his morningstar back into play.

If Selithe doesn't break the pumpkin...
Olo steps up to guard whomever currently possesses the pumpkin. He knows it's an object of incredible power, and refuses to let it fall back into the hands of Ebyron or one of his minions. If the holder attempts to destroy it, so be it, he will not interfere. If someone attempts to take it from them, he will be there to prevent the attempt from succeeding.

I love the smell of napalm in the morning! (DM Stephen)  d100=47 d100=22 d100=4 d6=2 d6=3 d6=1 d20=4 d20=11 d20=6 d100=73
Wednesday May 18th, 2005 12:54:49 AM

Patterton holds back his fury and keeps his sword drawn on the fallen King. Podo also holds off his attack. He spends his time plucking tiny arrows from his body and taking in the scene. Patterton's request to Marigold is received before she smashes the rock down on Ebyron's head. She casts rock aside, but she does decide to put her foot on his neck in order to hold him down.

Airin remains back from the action in her hiding place. She keeps a constant eye open for possible dangers. Though in parts of the battlefield, her vision is obstructed by billowy smoke from the fires that burn dead trees. From behind the walls of thorn, the sounds of crazied animals seem to lessen. They must be leaving or dead!

Dwight asks for explainations from the Grand Druid. He responds, "Don't let your guard down, young halfling. This isnt over. As long as Ebyron remains in the Wold, we are all in great danger. The Fey King doesnt believe in balance. It's obvious, from what he's said, that he wishes to choke out all civilization by empowering nature. In essence, returning the Wold to its most primal state before the noble races walked the land. See how his mere presence has begun this change already!!"

Selithe fights with her inner demons while in the pumpkin's possession. The temptation to harness the artifacts power is far too great to fathom. However, memories of her master's teachings keeps her from succumbing to its power. Selithe slams the crystaline pumpkin to the stone floor. It shatters with an explosion of force that ripples outward in all directions. (All but Selithe must make a Reflex save DC 16 to keep from being knocked to the ground.) Countless ghostly spirits fly upward from the shards in a wild wave of swirls and turns. Selithe becomes lifted up by them. They fly around and through her much like a tornado. Selithe seems to be filled with ecstasy while in their embrace. Their voices sound like moans and cries to everyone else but they sound completely different to her. They speak to Selithe in a collective voice, Highlight to display spoiler: {"Dear Selithe, thank you for setting us free. We have been trapped within this prison for millenia. You, you have allowed us our greatest desire ... rest, eternal rest! We wish we could give you powers unimaginable, but you are not yet ready for such a gift. However we can give you a choice of a power that will help you along in your journey of the arcane. You must choose what we will bestow: Powers of Divinity or the Universe? You choose!"}

Kendry makes his remarks to the fallen king. All he does is scream, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" when the crystaline pumpkin is smashed. Testing the auras strength through his googles, the green aura seems to not be affected by his filter of smokey glass. Its radiance is as bright and vibrant with or without them.

Olo looks around and easily decides that Podo is the most injured. A tap from his wand almost heals Podo's body completely. (Podo: 8 points of healing). To Olo's dismay, he doesn't get his wish to give Ebyron another rap from the business end of his morningstar. The curse put on him by Marigold continues to make him inactive.

The surrounding area appears to be calming. The druids are victorious, but at a great cost. A mere forty or so remain while the rest lay strewn across the druid circle in lifeless heaps. There were hundreds before!! Smoke and fire is all that remains, but even that is being quenched with druid magic cast by the survivors.

Patterton AC 20 HP 14/19  d20+3=6 d20+6=8
Wednesday May 18th, 2005 2:47:42 AM

Patterton looks up from the defeated Fey King just in time to see the globe shatter and a wave of force sweep over him. Caught by suprise, the young warrior is lifted straight off of his feet and comes crashing down onto the ground a few feet away from Ebyron. (reflex save=6)

Scrambling to regain his feet, Patty moves to regain his post threatening Ebyron. He is so intent on ensuring that the satyr doesn't escape that he barely has time to notice Selithe being lifted up into the air. As she doesn't appear to be in any danger from these spirits, Patty focuses all his attention on Ebyron. If he makes a move to flee Patty will leap on his back and try to tackle him to the ground.

Attack/grapple= 8

Podo (AC:17 & HP: 16/17)  d20+8=13
Wednesday May 18th, 2005 9:13:50 AM

While waiting, a young halfling approaches him with a small wand and taps him on the shoulder. Podo immediately begins to feel healing energy wash over him. He flexes feeling better. Podo thanks him for his kind deed. "Thank you for that act of kindness, young Halfling. I'm Podo, Monk of Domi. And who might you be?"

Watching with interest, Podo takes in the scene as the young wizard attempts to deliberatly smash the crystal orb. While watching the orb smash into many pieces on the ground, a brief realization crosses his mind that he should take cover as a wave of energy emanating from the contact point rapidly outwards sweeps across the land forcing him to use all his skills to avoid being knocked to the ground with the rest of the debris! (Reflex +8 = 13). Unfortunately, the sweeping winds proved too much for young Podo, and he's knocked over. " Where'd these winds come from...Eyaaaa!". Podo does his best to keep from being a leaf in a thunderstorm.

As soon as he can, he will stand up getting into a defensive ready position taking the Grand Druid's suggestion that both The Wold and especially this small group of survivors are in grave danger whist the saytr lives.

Although he is not by nature a healer, Podo is struck with awe at the devastation this newborn saytr has caused here. He is emotional moved by an overwhelming desire to help the fallen. He asked what the young healer might be able to do for the fallen here.

Airin ( AC18 ; HP 14/18 )  d20+6=11 d20+8=16
Wednesday May 18th, 2005 11:10:04 AM

With red cheeks of embarassement Airin exits her hiding place ... seems she worried too much. The Fey King has been conquered ! By little, young halflings. Airin is damn proud of this group and she feels honored she can be part of it.

She come a bit closer to the rest, and tries to keep an eye out for more trouble.

(spot 11 ; listen 16)

She kindly greets the new one that just arived. "Greetings Podo, my name is Airin Moondancer Turnbell. Usually I'm not this scared, but I'm not soo keen about mass fights. I prefere the sneaky in and out surprising our foes."

(Podo, for your intrest, Airin is a Rogue 1 / druid 1. High on hiding, move silently and things alike. Experienced in the crossbow, and she preferes to keep a battle at a distant. She's rather paranoid :-D )

Wednesday May 18th, 2005 8:51:53 PM

Selithe feels the rush of the swirling souls around her and how they lift her off the ground. Her mind swirls with wonder almost as fast as the spirits move and questions flow through her mind just as quickly. The questions ranging to how the spirits got in the pumpkin for sure and such. The questions however are muted out when she hears the voice speak to her and she smiles as she whispers back into the air, "Your welcome spirits, I hope your long awaited rest is peaceful."

Selithe thinks over what is offered her and for a moment a tiny bit of fear seeps into her as she wonders if the spirits hint that she may not ever be ready for such power. However after many moments of thinking she whispers, "I choose Universe spirits however my friends also helped you by freeing you from the Fey King's grasp....if you could do something to help them to I would be greatful."

Wednesday May 18th, 2005 9:02:56 PM

Dwight switches weapons. His dagger is sheathed and his shortbow is readied in case the danger the Grandmaster suggests materializes.

"Grandmaster, what would you suggest we do? Driving a dagger into his chest seems fitting while at the same time evil and excessive."

As Dwight talks he glances with his eyes and bow towards both Ebryon and Morph prepared to shoot if either should move.

Olo  d20+2=12
Wednesday May 18th, 2005 11:39:40 PM

Not quite getting a chance to respond to Podo, Olo gets thrown from his feet for the second time today as force expelled by the shattered pumpkin knocks him prone. He quickly scrambles to his feet again and takes up a guard position over Ebyeron, fully expecting some trick from the fey king.

Looking over to the surviving druids in quick glances, he speaks to his fellow halflings. "I want to see what I can do to help the injured, but I need you to promise you won't let him back up or let him cast. Tie him up or something."

Olo waits for some kind of acknowledgement before he moves away to take up other duties.

Kendry  d20+6=13
Thursday May 19th, 2005 12:34:13 AM

Kendry is knocked backwards by the force of the explosion, and ends up on his buns next to Ebryon. Since he's on the ground, anyway, he pulls a coil of rope off the side of his knapsack. He makes a loop, places it over the head of the King of the Fey, and cinches it up to almost snug, then completes the knot. He does not want to choke him, but he does feel a need to maintain control. "Sorry for this indignity. You've shown your ability to dissemble, and have taken many souls already today. This is minor compared to the woes you have unleashed. So, for the moment, consider yourself leashed."

He catches his sister floating up in the air with the corner of his eye. His concerns are somewhat allayed when he hears what she says.

Oh No! (DM Stephen)  d100=34 d6=6 d100=14 d100=91 d100=66 d6=1 d6=6 d6=1
Thursday May 19th, 2005 12:46:09 AM

(sorry, I fell asleep last night before I got to my post. This is a short and sweet morning post)

Everyone is thrown to the ground from the wave of force that eminated from the broken shards. (Those who didnt attempt a Reflex save automatically fail.)

Those who fell back in the vicinity of Ebyron all of a sudden feel wet. You fell into a large puddle of water! To your shock, Ebyron is no longer there, only the hardened alchemical goo remains!!

Dwight's question to the grand druid is met with silence as the he also gets up from the ground. He looks on in shock that Ebyron is not there! "I SAID THAT WE'RE ALL STILL IN DANGER!! DONT LET YOUR GUARD DOWN!!"

The spirits say to Selithe, Highlight to display spoiler: {"This gift is meant for you ... and you choose Universe." You feel an energy enter your body! "It is done."} Selithe then floats back down to the ground. The aura fades and you see the crystaline pumpkin is nothing but three shards that still have a faint glow. The spirits continue to fly around the party.

The puddle of water then begins to move away from the group to a spot not occupied. It amasses into a larger lump of swirling and rippling water. (Patterton, Marigold, Dwight, Kendry, Podo and Olo are allowed attacks of opportunity.)

Patterton AC 20 HP 14/19  d20+7=9 d6+3=7 d20+7=11 d6+3=4
Thursday May 19th, 2005 10:26:17 AM

Patterton scrambles to his feet and swings his sword at the animated puddle of water, unsure of exactly how effective a blade will be against it. "Oh no you don't!"

Attack of opportunity= 9
damage(just for kicks)=7

He then takes his normal attack at the Fey King, hoping to keep it busy while some of the more agile members of the party move to block his escape(if that's their plan).

Attack= 11
damage= 4

Dwight  d20+2=16 d6=5 d20+1=14 d6=5 d20+2=11 d6=3 d20+6=20
Thursday May 19th, 2005 11:28:04 AM

Dwight stands quickly and lets the arrow fly into the water mass.

Attack: 16 (14 + 6 ranged, -4 friends)
Dmg: 5

Dwight quickly reloads his bow and fires again

Attack: 11
Dmg : 3

<i>If I can't do an attack of opportunity with a bow, then with a dagger

Attack 14 (13+1 racial)
Dmg: 5

Afterwards, Dwight tumbles out of the way (tumble 20) </i>

Kendry (AC 15, HP 11-2=9. +1 to saves vs charm, fear; +1 to attack, damage)  d20+5=19
Thursday May 19th, 2005 11:37:17 AM

From satyr to water, eh? The halfling opens a side pocket on his knapsack, and withdraws a rectangular block of soap, which weighs about a pound. He tosses the soap into the mass of water. (Ranged touch attack, AC 19)

Airin ( AC18 ; HP 14/18 )  d20+5=22 d6=5 d6=6 d20+13=15 d20+8=15 d20+6=25
Thursday May 19th, 2005 11:42:03 AM

Watching the Water Elemental (?) rise from the pool and noticing all her friends standing soo close around of it, Airin finally finds back her wits. She makes sure to have a clear line of fire (avoiding firing on her friends sounds pretty logically) and releases a bolt.

(hits AC23 for 6HP - 7HP sneak damage should this apply) (adjusted to Kendry's song)

She makes a tactical move close to some plants or trees (that are not burning) where she can take cover and constantly tries to find any possible danger.

(hide 15 ; listen 15 ; spot 25)

DM Stephen ooc. 
Thursday May 19th, 2005 6:57:57 PM

(I will be late with the dm post. going to see Star Wars tonight at 10pm, wont be getting home until 1:30am. Im willing to bet I wont be in the mood.)

Podo (AC:18 & HP: 16/17)  d20+6=13 d4=3 d20+7=14 d4=4
Thursday May 19th, 2005 8:01:03 PM

Podo being aware that the Satyr has changed forms and is possibly no made of water, swings his Qstaff trying to disperse it into many directions. Podo swings at the water column for his attack of opportunity; (Att=14; using Masterwork Qstaff & Dmg= 3). Seeing this pass through the column of water, he tries again;(Att=14; Dmg=4).

After attacking the water column,Podo lands back in a ready position. He has practiced this move of attack and back into a ready position so many times he could do it in his sleep!

He silently prays to his Lord Domi for guidance in this most troubling of times.

Olo (HP 13/19, AC 19)  d20+3=18 d6+2=3 d20+3=19 d6+2=8
Thursday May 19th, 2005 11:48:17 PM

Olo catches on to what's happening when the puddle starts to move. Quickly, without thinking, he smashes his morningstar down into the puddle hoping to have some effect (AoO: tohit 18, dmg 3) but misses for the most part.

With a look of determination on his face he shifts the grip on his weapon and takes another swing. This time his morningstar smashes down into the middle of the coalescing liquid (standard attack: tohit 19, dmg 8)

ooc: I'm assuming bard song is no longer in effect. If I'm wrong, add the +1 bonus to above rolls.

Kim/Kendry - yes, bard song is still in effect for next 4 rounds 
Friday May 20th, 2005 4:19:44 AM

OOC: It is only one round since Kendry's song stopped. Four more rounds of benefit remain (+1 save vs charm & fear, +1 on attack rolls, +1 on damage rolls from bardic inspire courage).

Friday May 20th, 2005 5:53:24 AM

in that case Patty's attacks and damage should run as follows...

aoo: 10
dmg: 8

attack: 12
dmg: 5

Oh boy! (DM Stephen)  d100=12 d100=18 d100=35 d6=6 d6=2 d6=5
Saturday May 21st, 2005 4:36:36 PM

Everyone gets in their attacks and take evasive manuevers. You're not sure if your attacks do damage. Your weapons slap into the water creating splashes that spray in all directions. Kendry's soap is hits the swirl and is cast aside. The spirits fade from sight.

The elemental mass draws more water to its volume from the pools that surrounds the alter. Suddenly the stone floor errupts underneath the watery fey king with earth and fire. The combination of fire and water creates a cloud of steam that billow outward in all directions. The ground shakes sending several druids to the ground. (Reflex save DC 12 or fall to the ground, no damage.)

The steam cloud swirls around in a blustery wind that also surround the transformed king. Suddenly a head emerges from the top of the steam cloud, some 20-ft in the air. The cloud quickly evaporates revealing a monster of gargantuan porportions. It looks like Ebyron but his body consists of molten rock and earth. A great fire burns from within, a red glow beams from his gaping mouth and from around his eyes. Water streams down his earthen body like sweat. Hot steam rises from the hotter spots. "AAUUGGGHHH!" roars the giant-sized Ebyron. You all feel is hot wet breath sting your bodies. "YOU ... YOU PEONS!! YOU THINK YOU CAN BEST THE KING OF FEY?! YOU SMASH MY JEWEL, NOW I SMA ..."
Ebyron is suddenly interupted with the cries from Penelope. "What's happening ... the pain! There's another!!" She grabs at her belly.


The Grand Druid steps forward between you all and the elemental monstrosity. With a tear on his cheek, he darts a look back at you all. "Gather her up and you all get out of here ... RUN!!" The elderly druid turns back to Ebyron and says, "I will take care of this Fey King!" Ebyron grimaces very menacingly at the Grand Druid. "Did you not hear me ... IF YOU WISH TO LIVE ... RUUNN!!" The druids staff begins to glow with natural power. He waves it threateningly at the giant elemental Ebyron.

Most of the druids, in the outer circle, make a run for it without a second thought. They dismiss the thorny walls that surround the great druid circle.

Monday May 23rd, 2005 2:15:23 AM

Kendry scoops up two of the three pumpkin shards and a piece of broken rock. One of the shards he tosses to the grand druid, one he pockets, and the rock he tosses in one of the four pools of water. The third shard is out of his reach. He hopes perhaps one of his companions will get it.

(DM Stephen - The three shards, from the crystal pumpkin, are no longer there. I wonder what happened to them. No one seems to know?!!)

Monday May 23rd, 2005 9:31:48 AM

Patty nods to the Grand Druid, keeping the elderly man's gaze for the briefest of moments. He has no doubt that the man is sacrificing himself to save the others in attendance and he hopes that the look he gives him expresses the level of admiration and respect he feel for him.

He then spins on his heel and hoofs it over to Penelope and gathers her up in his arms as carefully as he can. "Sorry, ma'am...we need to flee for your sake and your childs. Please hold on. Olo!" Patterton begins running through the woods, doing his best to protect the poor pregnant hobbit in his arms from the the tree branches by knocking them out of the way with his shoulders and head when necessary. He hopes that Olo will make his way over to him to help calm Penelope.

Monday May 23rd, 2005 9:55:49 AM

Podo heeds the advice given by the grand druid and runs to save the mother. He heads in the direction of the one called Patterton. Seeing how Patterton has scooped up the Halfling woman, he does his best to watch the fleeing group taking a defense position with respect to this group. He will follow and protect them until the stop.

Ryan OOC: 
Monday May 23rd, 2005 10:33:26 AM

Sorry for the OOC folks, but I recieved an email from Justin(who plays Selithe for the benefit of the new guys)and he said that his comp is fried. I'm not sure how long it will be untill he gets back online on a regular basis. Just an FYI. :)

Dwight  d20=18
Monday May 23rd, 2005 12:39:31 PM

Shaked, but not fallen Dwight watches as others begin to disperse. Agreeing with those leaving, Dwight begins to make way in the direction others are leaving.

Airin ( AC18 ; HP 14/18 ) 
Monday May 23rd, 2005 6:23:41 PM

As the ground starts to shake, Airin has no trouble to remain standing. She gawes with disbilieve as she witnesses the reappearance of the once slain Fey King.

Airin doesn't needs much encouragement from the grand druid. She spurs to others not to hesitate and to get the hell out of there. Still she looks at the others hoping they will follow. The she turns around and runs with the other druids. The best location to run to she thinks is probably the old Oak where they came from. No need to get lost in the Culverwoods now right.

"Stay together friends !! These are treacherous woods ! To the old Oak tree !!!"

Selithe (Inge Posting) 
Monday May 23rd, 2005 6:54:17 PM

ooc Inge : Stephen, Justin won't be here for a long time anymore. Can we please take Selithe running with us ? I suppose we'll soon be returning to town. Maybe we can leave Selithe there till Justin returns ... please ? Thanks. In case we can I will make a minimum post for Selithe.

Selithe appears to be a little struck with amasement from the shape changing elemental. Having hears the wise words of the Grand Druid and the advice from Airin to stay close together and run, Selithe runs along with her friends. Best to stay all together right ...

Monday May 23rd, 2005 6:54:47 PM

"Luck be with you!" Kendry shouts to the grand druid. He goes to assist Ellis with Peeps, taking her back the way they came. "Patty, help us out here." He holds his arms out just behind her, and, if Patty helps by grasping his forearms, forms with his left arm and Patterton's right a seat, and his right arm and Patty's left the back of an 'armchair' to carry her back. "Doubletime!" he suggests, beginning a hasty carriage of his cousin and yet one more cousin to be.

Olo  d20+2=6
Monday May 23rd, 2005 11:58:29 PM

Once again, and for the third time today, Olo is thrown off balance and tumbles to the ground.

Gritting his teeth in frustration, Olo scrambles to his feet. Abandoning the fight with Ebyron, he runs to help carry Penelope out of danger.

ooc: sorry for short post, mucho mucho work tonight.

Shaken (DM Stephen)  d100=23 d100=31 d100=49 d20+32=48 8d6(3+1+5+3+1+6+1+3)+24=47 10d8(3+6+4+5+5+6+4+7+4+3)=47 d100=89 d6=2 d6=1 d6=5 d20+13=16 d20+18=33 d20+10=30 d6=2 d6=2 d12=3 d100=7 d100=63 d6=6
Tuesday May 24th, 2005 12:57:41 AM

Everyone takes the grand druid's advice. Everyone turns and runs as fast as their feet can carry them. Patterton, Kendry and Podo help Ellis with his wife Penelope, who seems to be feeling labor pains again. She is aware of what is happening and doesn't struggle as she is scooped up. The enlarged Marigold takes up the rear. She prepares to pick up any stragglers.

The elemental Ebyron proves to all that he was only caught off guard, he wasn't anywhere near slain. He breathes fire down on the druid. The flames appear to do no harm as they wash over him. The Grand Druid stands his ground against the giant as he continues to cast his magic. Ebyron slams his great horns down on him with deadly accuracy, but they hit what seems to be an invisible barrier. The strike is felt by all as it shakes the earth under your feet. The elderly druid continues to cast. Ebyron knows what barrier this be. Since he is alive, he wont be able to pass through the barrier, but nonliving most certainly will. The fey king reaches over and grabs one of the stone pillars that make up the druid circle. He slowly raises 30 ton rock above his head, preparing to smash it down on the druid. Suddenly the Grand Druid finishes his spell and taps the ground. The earth suddenly begins to rumble and quake violently. Ebyron struggles to maintain his balance while holding all that tonnage. "NO ...NOOOOOO!!" yells the Fey King. He comes crashing down with the large stone, becoming pinned underneath it. It doesnt finish him off. He rolls the huge stone off himself only to be met by the druid flinging himself onto him. The Grand Druid hacks his magical scimitar into the elemental beast. Ebyron slams his fists into him. The druid goes limp, but the Fey King's troubles arent over. The earthquake gains in strength and they're both in the epicenter. The earth cracks open with huge fissures all around them. Ebyron tries to change form, but for some reason the scimitar stuck into him wont allow him to change. Suddenly the ground beneath them collapses and they both swallowed into the earth. The quake sends many of the outer pillars over and you all barely make it past them before becoming like the squished goblins you found in your last adventure. (Everyone make a Reflex DC 14 to keep from falling, again.)

You all disappear into the woods on the flowered path left by the sprites. The same one you all came in on. Those who look back at this point notice the earth closing back up where the Fey King and the Grand Druid fell. Like the mouth of a great beast finishing its dinner. The once great druid circle is left in ruins. Many survivors that ran with you usher you all to continue going. Penelope cries out with labor pains again. You all round a bend in the path and find yourselves staring at the Whistler Oak in the distance.

(Inge, if you don't mind, could you continue playing Selithe until we get to a good closing point. Which is soon.)

Inge : Sure, could you send me Selithes Char Sheet ? Didn't roll reflex saves and all for her ... Could be helpfull :-)

Kendry - forgotten reflex save (made it)  d20+5=17
Tuesday May 24th, 2005 2:36:45 AM

Kendry did not fall to the ground from the earth's shaking.

Podo  d20+8=11
Tuesday May 24th, 2005 10:48:24 AM

Podo falls to the ground due to an extra large dose of shaking ground. "Dang! This rumbling has got me falling again! My legs feel like grass blades!"

Podo picks himself up and runs to catch up with the group helping the pregnant mother. Once he catches up to the group, he will do whatever is necessary to assure a successful birth of the next child. Thinking to himself, "Hmm, perhaps I should scout ahead to assure this goes smoothly." Podo announces to the group carrying the mother that he will scout ahead since he is light on his feet; to assure there are no obstacles in our way.

After annoucing will scout ahead, He grabs his quarterstaff securely and runs off ahead of the group fully prepare to fend off whatever lies ahead of them.

Airin  d20+7=21 d20+6=21
Tuesday May 24th, 2005 11:22:08 AM

Once again the ground quakes under her running feet. Still the nimble halfling has no trouble to keep running. She doesn't look back ... there's no time to loose.

(reflex : 21)

When they come close to the Old Oak, Airin will run up to the two elves that died earlier. If they are still there, Airin will take a quick look at their belongings and pick up whatever looks interesting. With all the hustle going on the other druids may not pay attention to Airin as she quickly browses through the belongings of both Elves. Weapons, rings, rods, anything small she can quikcly pick up she will take.

(spot : 21)

Then quickly she probably enters the Old Oak once again ?

Selithe (Inge posting)  d20=19
Tuesday May 24th, 2005 11:26:43 AM

Selithe runs along with the rest as they try to reach a safe place as soon as possible.
As the ground starts to quake again, she also stays on her feet.

(reflec : 19 - WITHOUT her ref bonus as I haven't gt her sheet)

As they get near the Old Oak she notices Airin going over the belongings of the fallen Elf druids. She gives Airin a look of dissagreement. "Airin ... this is neither the time to pick dead bodies not the place ! You should not do that ..."

Selithe runs up to the door of the Old Oak and angrily waits for Airin to stop checking out the dead druids. She sighs heavily when they manage to enter the oak at last.

Patterton  d20+3=7 d20+3=7
Tuesday May 24th, 2005 2:23:18 PM

Patty stumbles as the ground shakes again and pitches backwards onto the ground(reflex 7 OOC: accidently hit the button again). He clutches onto Penelope tightly and breaks her fall with his body.

"Oh my! I am so sorry Penelope! I'm going to boost you up now...we've got to get to the Oak." Patty lifts the pregnant halfling into Kendry's arms(provided he makes his reflex save)and scrambles to his feet before once again helping to carry her away fom danger.

Kendry  d20+6=20
Tuesday May 24th, 2005 2:37:54 PM

[OOC Note to Inge: Kendry earlier had done roughly what Airin is now trying - and cast a detect magic on their assembled items. If anything showed magic, Kendry has it. At the time of the post, our DM did not mention anything he may have found - but he was rather busy at the time. Also, he asked those left behind at the Oak cover & take care of their bodies, so Airin may not know where they are at the moment. (Did Kendry find anything magical from his earlier look, Stephen?) See post:
Kendry, on this strange night
Sunday April 24th, 2005 10:55:06 PM
...and you will note:
Despite the devastation he feels, the practical industriousness instilled by his ever-diligent mother moves him to look over the fallen two, and look for any identifying items. He quickly looks over the multiplicity of weapons that the one who wore the wolf mast has. He pulls the other next to his body, so the two lie side by side, and detects magic on the two, setting aside any items that show magic. He takes the two masks with him.

He goes to those who helped put out the fire. "Cover these two with blankets. We must see to their burial, at some meet time. Pray, pray tonight, for protection, and for wisdom. I must go."

Kendry keeps his feet with the next shaking of the ground [d20+6=20].

"Podo! Long time, no see, cuz," Kendry says to the monk as he comes to see how those carrying Penelope are doing. "We'll have to catch each other up soon."

Then, as they come to the Whistler Oak, Kendry calls out. "Midwife! Hurry. Penelope has another child." He thought to add, 'A halfling this time, I hope,' but decided such words might be troubling to Peeps, so bites his tongue. He assists as he might, or gets out of the way if that seems best.

After she is attended to, Kendry asks someone who does not seem quite as busy if there might be some salve available to help take care of a burn wound. Now that things are a bit more calm [are they?], the burning that the little ball of fire did to his hand comes to the forefront of his attention. [Took 2 hp fire damage earlier.]

He turns towards his sister, and places a hand on her shoulder. He looks into her eyes with concern and brotherly affection. "Now, Selithe, would be a good time for you to tell me what in the Wold happened to you after you broke the crystal pumpkin. You seemed to be hearing something, and talking to someone. What's up with that?"

He also adds a bit later, asking those about him who were at the secret place, "Oh - also - I was going to pick up the three shards of the broken sphere, but they seemed to disappear. Does anyone know where they got to?"

Justin Webber 
Tuesday May 24th, 2005 11:52:57 PM

Sorry for posting this here Stephen and you can delete this if you like later.

I'm some what back everyone. I say somewhat because I'm on a old dinosaur of a computer that took some time to get the right downloads on to make it load up everything. My computer got fried last week which some of you might of heard about. We won't be getting a new computer for about 4 months or so, till then I'm stuck with this computer. Problem is when my computer got fried I lost EVERYTHING so if anyone can, please send me a copy of Selithe's charactersheet. I hope someone out there has one so I don't have to remake it. Also Stephen can you let me know what the gift was Selithe was granted please.

Missed you all and it is so wonderful to be back, even if this computer is old and slow!

Olo  d20+2=16
Wednesday May 25th, 2005 1:02:19 AM

This time Olo manages to keep his feet as the earth shakes and rolls. As the earth swallows Ebyron and the druid, Olo hesitates for a moment. He wants to go back to help, but what could he possibly do? No... he has to stay with his friends and Penelope. At least he might be able to help her.

Dwight  d20=5
Wednesday May 25th, 2005 7:10:39 AM

Dwight trips over a root as the earth shakes and falls to the ground. As quickly as he can, he gathers himself back onto his feet and continues to follow the others.

Aftermath: Birth of Ebryon's halfling sister; counsel with druids

Happy Birthday (DM Stephen)  d100=93 d100=38 d100=47 d6=5 d6=6 d6=2
Wednesday May 25th, 2005 8:09:37 AM

After a little stumbling, from the earthquake, the halflings make it back to the Whistler Oak. Kendry yells out for the midwife and the front door opens slightly as an eye stares back at you. Once she sees who it is, the doors open wide to accept you all. Penelope is ushered into a private room. Several attendants go in with the midwife. Ellis and all the rest are asked to stay in the sitting room, or go outside if you wish. Kendry notices a medicine cabnet in one of the rooms. Maybe some salve in there.

If some of you go outside, you will notice that several yards behind the tree, next to the clearings edge, the bodies of the two dead druids were dragged by the other men. They are still digging graves for them both. Kendry remembers that one druid's cloak was magical. The other had a magical druid's vestiment. You hadnt had the time to remove them before, you would've been left behind when Penelope walked away.

Airin runs over to the bodies and looks them over. They have the same weapons they had before. One has a scimitar, the other a oak staff. They both have daggers and are dressed in leather armor. They both have elven necklaces with drudic symbols made of gold and silver. Both have cloaks, but one of them looks more mundane when compared to the other.

Selithe feels something around her neck and under her garment. It's a necklace!! Its a fine gold and platinum chain. It has three crystaline charms hanging from it. A moon, a sun and another moon!! Where did this come from!!?? You cant help but feel its magic!

After 15 minutes or so, you all hear a slap from the Penelope's room. A babies cry calls out. Several minutes pass and the Midwife emerges from Penelope's room. A big smile is on her face. She walks over to Ellis and proclaims, "You have a beautiful little girl. Come in and see your child. She's with her mother now."

Patterton  d20=5
Wednesday May 25th, 2005 9:25:54 AM

Patterton opens the front door and steps out onto the porch, closing the door behind him. He takes a moment to dust the earth off of his clothes and armor and surveys the forest.(spot 5)

Patty takes a few moments to himself to mull over what has just happened and watches while Airin picks over the druids bodies.

Wednesday May 25th, 2005 11:31:45 AM

As Airin notices the items that can be found on the dead druids she takes all she can and will remove the most interesting looking cloaks. She's certain Kendry will either help her or be most interested to inspect them with her.

(anything that can be sold to make a prophit for the group is intersting :-D)

She also really needs to tell her friends about the ring she now wears !!

After the scaveging Airin enters the Old Oak and congratulates Ellis and Penelopee ! Such joy to see this happy ending !!

But ... is it really a happy ending ? Is the Fey king really dead now ? Somber thoughts linger in her head ...

Wednesday May 25th, 2005 4:00:03 PM

Dwight takes a moment to look around the building the others seemed welcomed into.

While waiting for the delivery, Dwight more formally introduces himself, "While the circumstances dictated introductions wait, and I surely hope we have seen the end of such circumstances and am pleased to have fought beside each of you only because your cause was just. I am Dwight Twiggebundler, some call me Twigg for short and I take no protest to such. The shortness of my full name is quite a story and must be told around a great meal as it is quite a tale. Or it at least sounds better over food."

Dwight will gladly converse with each person as he awaits for someone to inform him what just happened and why.

Wednesday May 25th, 2005 10:44:23 PM

While waiting, Podo walks around the tree to watch Airin and later Kendry pilfer the dead. Thinking to himself, "Now why would these law abiding halflings rob the dead? How do they know the dead are here?" After watching these two for a few minutes he heads back to the Whistler tree to formally introduce himself to the rest of the Halflings.

Upon arriving at the birthing center, Podo finds the rest of the Halfling gang sitting around awaiting news of the Ellis & Penelope child. Podo calls everyones attention and formally introduces himself as Podo Danderfluff Pipewood. He explains that he is a simple Monk of Domi and that he has family in the area He was hopefully wishing he could meet with again.

He explains that he already knows Kendry because Blueberry Tomas Pipewood is his Father, which makes him Kendry & Selithe's uncle since his father is Samell's older brother. His mother is Lilly Tomil Oakendale Danderfluff. That makes her a relative of Shale Leafwin Oakendale, Kendry's cousin through his mother's sister.

Olo  d8+1=5 d8+1=4 d8+1=3 d8+1=6 d8+1=6
Wednesday May 25th, 2005 10:56:32 PM

What a day. Olo sags against a wall for a moment or two after Penelope is taken into a back room by the midwife. He can't help but harbor a lingering sense of dread that Ebyron's sister might be as much of a menace as he was.

Pushing himself off of the wall with a sigh, Olo starts to check the wounds of his companions. He uses his mundane skill to clean and dress the minor wounds and his magical skill to heal those that appear to need the extra attention.

OOC: Anyone that's currently down four or more hitpoints gets a tap or two from the wand. If I overlooked anyone, feel free to roll for me.

Airin gets 5 hp
Patterton gets 4 hp
Olo gets 3 hp
Marigold gets 12

Thursday May 26th, 2005 12:38:32 AM

Selithe is happy to just be safe or even semi safe for the moment and colapses on a couch where she sighs and brushes a hand through her hair. When she notices the necklace/amulet she has she pulls it up to get a better look at it and wrinkles her brow as she thinks to herself "did the spirits give this to me? what does it do I wonder, I can tell it's magical but I wonder..."

Selithe is snapped out of her thinking by Kendry's questions and Selithe smiles abit at first saddly and then a real smile, "The crystal pumpkin had a very very strong magic power to it brother. I for a moment couldn't contain the thrill of the power at my finger tips and actually even now part of me wanted to keep it...so much could....well anyway, those were spirits I believe that were trapped in the crystal pumpkin and they begged me to release them. When I did they were over joyed and offered me a gift of some kind."

Selithe shrugs and stands, "Anyway, I got dibs on a free bathroom. I need a quick wash and change after what happened."

Selithe will retire to the bathroom, wanting to give the new father and mother to their daughter and also she too hopes that the daughter is nothing like the son. (Stephen, in the bathroom Selithe plans to use her presidigitation spell for the effect I spoke to you about awhile back. I like to leave it a surprise for now for when she walks out of the bathroom but if you don't remember I can drop a note.)

Thursday May 26th, 2005 3:56:32 AM

[Bardic knowledge concerning magical cloak: d20+7=18; concerning druid's vestment: d20+7=25. Rolls lost when window froze.]

Kendry notes the other items on the bodies. He tells Airin what he discerns. "Let's fold those up and learn what we can of them in due course." Out of the corner of his eye he sees Podo looking on, and leaves the remains of the elves to approach him.

"It is good to see you again, rascal. Last time I saw your face was at the Festival of Flower a couple of years back," he recalls. "Your help this morning was timely. Airin, this is Podo - my Papa Samell's elder brother Blueberry's son. And you know Shale, our ranger friend - he's Shale's cousin through Podo's Mama. Airin likes to pick things up, you see. She's got some real talents, and has a sharp eye. Oh, and here is Patterton, too. Patty, Podo."

"Well, we'll have to hear your story soon, Dwight Twiggebundler."

About to add something, Kendry glances back at the bodies of the fallen elves, and his other thought is checked. "It is sad that they tried to kill us by burning down the oak. I think that the coming of Ellis' & Peep's - I mean Penelope's, son, and the prophecies, and the alignment of the moons and sun has been making some people crazy, lately. Never saw any elf attack halflings before. Never thought I'd be defending people against elfs gone luney. Just a moment."

Kendry goes to thank with a simple nod of the head those who are digging the graves, and borrows a shovel to lend a hand to the task for a minute or two. "I'll be back in a bit."

He re-enters the oak. "Thanks, Olo, for helping heal folks up." He asks the wand's command word, or activation method.

Selithe's story he takes in, fascinated. He looks at the crystal charms she now wears around her neck. "The spirits you spoke of must have fashioned it for you, sis. Looks like the same crystal the pumpkin was made from. I'd wager your necklace will lend you aid. Take care with it, all right, Selithe?"

As the birth is announced, and letting Ellis go first, he looks in, smiling to see that this is their true child - a halfling babe, and no goat. He observes Ellis' face, and Penelope's, and looks, as well, to Marigold. In his mind, he begins to compose a blessing.

Beautiful Day. (DM Stephen)  d100=27 d100=42 d100=53 d6=6 d6=5 d6=6
Thursday May 26th, 2005 8:20:05 AM

This day certainly started on a sour note, but it approaches midday lunch with a blessing. The cries of a new life fill the tree once again. After going in to be with his wife, Ellis emerges from the birthing room with a huge smile, "Everybody, it's a beautiful beautiful baby girl ... all fingers and toes. Come in and see them!"

Patterton can hear Ellis' joyful announcement. After cleaning himself off, he notices that the forest seems more lush. The overgrowth looks thicker and fuller. The smells of the forest also seem more pungent.

Airin removes what looks profitable from the bodies. She then goes back to the tree to congratulate the happy new parents. In the back of her mind, she realizes that the only reason they may be alive is that they were underestimated by the Fey King. Can a creature as powerful and ancient as Ebyron possibly be dead?!

Podo and Dwight spend their time becoming more acqauinted with the rest of the halfling pack. Though Podo seems to be quite knowledgeable of both Kendry, Selithe and Shale, being their cousin.

Olo spends his time catching his breath and healing the others of their pains. He can't help but have doubts that this child isn't corrupt by the Fey King.

Selithe is more than happy to retire behind the doors of the washroom. She admires her new necklace in the mirror. It's beautiful. It glows with a faint aura. Before she can cast her cantrip in order to create the desired effect she was wanting to produce, she notices that her prestidigitation spell seems to be cast before she can utter all the draconic phrases. The desired results just happen before your very eyes! Selithe also feels that she still has that spell in her memory, as if it weren't cast! What's going on!?

Kendry discerns that the cloak could possibly have some resistant qualities. Those were the most common, but he can't be sure. The druidic vestment looks druidic for sure. The runes sewn on it along with images of nature does look definitely druidic in origin. You have no idea what the runes mean. Maybe Airin has a better idea.

Everyone is greeted by a happy new father, Ellis. He invites you all into the birthing room. Penelope is there in the bed. Her face is beaming. In her arms, wrapped in swaddling clothes, is a small newborn halfling girl. She is in fact beautiful. No signs of goathood. Perfect in every way. All fingers and toes. All your fears are put aside at the moment. This child is the real thing.

Thursday May 26th, 2005 9:04:53 AM

Patty enters the Oak after his brief moment of reflection and, after looking in on the newborn, walks over to Podo and Dwight.

To Podo: "Well, you're quite handy with a stick and I haven't seen moves like that since Thogar Ironfist came to town. Rugged old dwarf he was and he had a nasty right hook, let me tell you."

To Dwight: "Twigg, eh? All right, Twigg welcome aboard. We talked for a moment before, but let me shake your hand now. We were lucky you two blokes showed up when you did. That Ebyron was quite a handfull."

Airin  d20+3=20 d20+6=20
Thursday May 26th, 2005 12:06:47 PM

(not sure what kind of stuff Airin picked up besides the cloak Stephen but if it's not worth much just skip the effort :-) )

Airin joins Kendry to check the cloak. She has learned some basic Druidic so who knows ... she just might be able to read something.

(Druidic knowledge : 20 (rolled an int check) )
(knowledge nature : 20 )

Hopefully she can either descipher some of the words.

"Oh Kendry, check this out" Airin says while she and Kendry are checking out the cloak, "You rememeber that ring we found on that Bird thing ? Well as things were heating up and ... ok I duck in hiding ... I put the ring on my finger. Well, guess what, this ring offered me more protection that my armor would normally do !! (probably a ring of protection +1)
If this ring really enhances our armor, I suggest we either give this ring to a hot shot fighter of ours - whoom we can send in first - or we give it the the one with the lowest armor. What do you think ? "

Then in a whispering voice she continues : "Kendry, I also want to have a word with Aunt Marigold. She KNOWS magic and I want to learn more about it. I also want her to check out those 4 other rings I still cary - and I still have one of those on my other hand but so far I didn't feel a thing from it. Maybe Auntie has seen them before or can help us with them ... care to help me persuade her to inspect them ?"

Thursday May 26th, 2005 1:51:43 PM

Selithe having cleaned up and changed close stands infront of the mirror getting ready to cast the spell when the sudden use of the spell she wanted to use goes off. She frowns and looks around quickly in the bathroom, wondering if anyone else is in here that she didn't notice.

Seeing no one she looks at the necklace again and touches it gently, "This gift is something else if it did that." Selithe closes her hand around the necklace and whispers as she holds it, "I don't know if you can hear me but thank you spirits. Please rest in peace and find happiness where ever you are now."

Selithe brushes her hair out quickly and grins before walking out of the bathroom to see the baby and be with her friends again. Her clothing is of it's normal type, low cut in the front, flared sleeves and royal blue in color to match the pants she wears but now her was brown hair is platinum in color and tied back in a ponytail. She grins as she wonders what her friends will say.

Selithe enjoys seeing the baby and asks Ellis and Penelope if she can hold the baby for just a couple moments before handing her back to Penelope, "She is beautiful. Going to be a sure fire heart breaker I tell you." Selithe pulls a single card from her belt pouch, Selithe's private stash of cards and her trade mark card and hands it to Penelope, "This might seem weird to you but for the baby. It's the ace of clubs, my own little trade mark card so to speak."

Selithe walks out into the main room with her friends and listens to all the talk and also greets Podo, "Hi Podo, long time no see." Selithe gives him a big hug before leaning against a wall and pulls out her pipe and begins to fill it, "We need to find out how much of this stuff is magical for sure so we know what we're looking at identifying wise. From there we have to find out if we can get someone to identify stuff for us or have to go shopping to have it done. I guess after that all we have it splitting the treasure and everyone re-outfitting." Selithe grins and winks to her brother, "I'll finally beable to get my familiar, I been waiting a long time for that. My teacher had this great little cat named Spook. He was fun to play with and was neat seeing it enlarged and chasing off unwanted guests."

Thursday May 26th, 2005 2:47:27 PM

While shaking hands with Patty, "I'm glad I could help, but I don't really understand what is going on? Was penelope expecting such a wold changing birth?"

"I thank the Grand Druid, but I doubt we have seen the last of Ebryon. But then again, maybe I'm just not use to that much activity."

As the normal halfling child is passed from arm to arm amid so many related halflings, Dwight stands off to the side enjoying the fellowship of such a happy occassion while feeling out of place as well. "May the light bless this child and keep her from harms way," he mumbles recalling Ebryon mentioning his sibling.

Thursday May 26th, 2005 5:04:23 PM

Podo hugs his cousins Kendry and Selithe in greeting and tries to catch up on their lives since he left for the monastary.

He readily greets Olo, Airin, Marigold, and the new halfling Dwight Twigg something. He then pulls his cousin off to the side and asks about the ancestors of Ellis and Penelope trying to get a handle on why Ebyron sprang forth from these two.

He also suggests that since he shuns armor, anything that he or his sister could spare to help him, would be greatly appreciated.
"Cousin, I only have a small bit of coin to help compensate you and your sister should you be inclined to help out."

[Edited by Kim to bring post into conformity with established genealogies. Changed reference to Kendry from 'Nephew' to 'Cousin,' etc.]

Kim's aside on Podo's genealogy 
Thursday May 26th, 2005 11:39:42 PM

[OOC: JP - Podo's father, Blueberry, is Kendry & Selithe's uncle. Samell, their father, is Podo's uncle. Kendry and Selithe are first cousins to Podo. Unless we want to rewrite the ancestry, and have Blueberry be Samell's youngest uncle (which makes them, what is it, 2nd (or 1st?) cousins once removed? - gotta study the genealogical terminology more). Alternatively, Podo could be Samell's youngest brother, or among the youngest, and thus be a true uncle. Let's figure it out, then stick to the story we choose. :-) If we do so, I'd like to request editing permissions to get the family lines properly posted above. This is an important part of Crescent Valley culture. I've gotta get me some family history software, and start plugging people in.]

Friday May 27th, 2005 1:37:01 AM

Something for the hand

The salve seems to have helped sooth the burn on his hand, though it's not fully healed quite yet (am assuming regaining of one hit point through application, if that is deemed copacetic).

Backstep - Talking with Airin outside

"Nice!" he says of the new ring. "We can tell the others. We'll figure out who best may use it. I do not covet it, overmuch," he adds with a wry smile.

"Um-hum," he agrees with her suggestion to talk with Marigold. "I'd love just to chat with her. It can seem ... awkward to talk with her about some things. Um, it might take a while before we learn much about those rings you found on dead Bob. Hope we find out, someday."

On the cloaks, he says, "What say you keep the druid cloak, if you want. I was wondering about the other one - a cloak of resistance, perhaps? - for Podo or Dwight - that is, if either one would like to join in our little band. Or maybe Patty? Or Olo? I don't know."

New Baby

As people ooh and ah over the girlchild, Kendry lets her wrap her tiny fingers around his own little finger for a moment. He gives her a gentle kiss on the forehead, breathing in the sweet scent from her skin and breath. He then draws back for a moment, to give another the chance to greet the baby, and takes out his lute, tuning it briefly.

"Ellis, Peeps, I have a song for your little one. Let me play it for you, and her." And, if they not object, he sings this song.

A Blessing For The Babe

May Flower bless this newborn babe
And bring her forth to blossom
That our dear vale of this dear maid
Will know that she is gladsome

Alemi bless her parents mild
And cause them much to prosper
Throughout their lives their first girl child
Will many joys them foster

May Domi's tools defend her well
That foes retreat before her must
And honor, grace, and strength then dwell
Deep in her bosom's heart so just

Pantheon let her be one
Who intercedes for wrongly blamed
That foul false witness be undone
And creep away in well-earned shame

May Ffloy grant her the will to work
That fields may grow up rich and high
And serve as one who does not shirk
The task to winnow, purify

May Gargul welcome her one day
With honor, songs and glory great
But may that time be far away
Long life for her we supplicate
Kendry plays a riff on his lute for a few more measures, then adds this final verse:
When time is ripe
And need is great
May Wardd grant her to be helpmate
To all halflings of our own dear vale
After the blessing, he gives Penelope a hug, and whispers, "My prayers with you, Mama Peeps." He shakes Ellis' hand. "Papa Ellis, you let me know if there's anything we can do for you. Congratulations." Unless either of them bring him up, Kendry does not speak of Ebryon in front of them. Oh! Something very important. "Have you thought of a name for the wee one?" he asks.

Aunt Marigold

If he can pull her off to one side, or into a side room for a moment, Kendry says, "Auntie - you were awesome last ni- er, this morning? Look, I don't want to pry, if it causes undue discomfort, but I'd love to talk about -- things -- some time soon. I love you, Auntie." Knowing her discomfort with too open displays of affection, he limits himself to giving her a warm squeeze of the hand. "By the way, if you have any thoughts on what we just went through - I'm all ears."

Party talk

When the group is together at some point, Kendry takes the time to thank Patterton and Olo and Selithe and Airin and Marigold - if she's with them - for all they did in slowing down the murderous rampage of Ebryon. Then, his countenance falling for a moment, he adds, "I fear what may become of Morpth. Wish I could have stopped him before that, that..." and his voice trails off as he stares at the ground for a moment.

But then he shakes his head, as though to clear it, then carries on. "Say, folks, Podo here helped us out some. I've got an idea," Kendry announces. "Look, cuz [uncle?] - say, you too, Dwight, pitched in right well - anyway, some of us got talking a bit ago, with plans to find some adventures together. Well, we just got to doing so less than a fortnight ago - and things started flying at us left and right. Don't know what plans you all have for the moment, but, if you've a hankering to join up with a ragtag bunch of halflings who want to do deeds worthy of stories and song, why, then, here we are!"

He'll give all a chance to talk about this. During the conversation, he asks, "Does anyone think we ought to try to return to the stone place, to see if there are any left we might help? Or is there something else we might think of doing?"

(I almost forgot to post for) Olo (by Kim) 
Friday May 27th, 2005 3:10:26 AM

Olo is pleased with the healing power stored within the little stick, and takes great satisfaction at how wounds and incipient scars disappear as he touches wand to damaged flesh.

He continues to ponder the shared womb - natural hobbit and unnatural satyr. His eyes and his mind search for clues. Was there a tainting, or has she managed to avoid the pollution of that so-called feyish king?

As the group gather in the chamber of birth, Olo holds forth his holy symbol of Wardd, and prays for the best of luck over the little lass.

He plucks three curly hairs from off the top of his head, and finds a smallish stick around which to tie it. He knows his hair is a mark of - and perhaps, in some strange way, a source of - the good fortune he finds as a follower of Wardd. "This is for your daughter, Ellis and Penelope. May she have thrice the good fortune that we are normally heir to."

At Kendry's suggestion that Podo and Dwight consider joining the group, Olo tells them, "Well, if what you two have done in the past few hours is any indication of your courage and character, I would certainly welcome you to our little group."

Kendry, part the 2nd, to address Podo's question, and to fill Dwight in, as well. 
Friday May 27th, 2005 3:15:04 AM

At Podo's request, and at an opportune moment, Kendry will tell the story of Penelope's pregnancy, the pumpkins, the accelerated labor, the flight to the forest, the lurking and watching animals, the attack on the Whistler Oak by a pair of druids, and the party's defense as Penelope prepared to deliver. He tells of the words she uttered just before the attack began. He relates the songs sung by elves, and sings the sylvan lyrics, which he then translates to common. He fills them in on anything they may have missed concerning the birth and first several minutes of Ebryon's life.

Airin second and illegal 
Friday May 27th, 2005 7:51:18 AM

Quietly Airin listens to the song Kendry sings. A tear rolls over her cheeck. Damn she's proud to be part of such a great group. Honored to fight for good among them.

Still she also feels sad. Morpth should have been here with them ... what happend with him when all were running away ? Did he dissapear with Ebryon and the Grand Druid into the shasm ?

One life is taken from them, another has been given back. Time to restore and lick our wounds - but also time to prepare for this is not over ...

Welcome young one. (DM Stephen)  d100=76 d100=55 d100=71 d6=6 d6=6 d6=4
Friday May 27th, 2005 8:02:03 AM

Everyone gathers to welcome a new Pipewood into the world. In all the tradegy and disaster of the past few hours, at least something good has happened. The moods of both the young mother and father is of great pride and joy. Very much different from what it was back at the druid circle.

Patterton goes in to view the new child. He also takes the time to welcome the two new recruits.

Airin looks over the items pilfered from the two dead. The two items she pulled off are a cloak and a druidic vestiment. Her knowledge of such an items tells here that a druid's vestment has the power to grant a wildshaper additional changes per day. But one must already have that ability. Otherwise for Airin, the garment would only be decorative for now. The runes are harder to read. Something about the power of nature, or something.

Selithe is becoming privy to the effects of her new necklace. She gives thanks to those spirits that gave her such a gift. Selithe then rejoins the others and welcomes the child and their two new teammates.

Dwight and Podo are also feeling the love as well along with the newborn.

Kendry puts the moment to verse and shares his song with all. He welcomes the new Pipewood into the world.

The bard also shares his concerns with his Auntie Marigold. She at least is more willing to talk now about it when the moment allows. The battle with the Fey King and being there for the birth has allowed her to see that maybe the time of secrets is over.

Olo blesses the birth of the child. He feels fortunate that they all survived the encounter to enjoy such a event. He also agrees with the joining of Podo and Dwight to the group. Their most timely appearance in the forest was truly fortunate and lucky. An obvious sign from Wardd.

Suddenly there is a light tapping to the front door. Someone has come to visit apparently.

Friday May 27th, 2005 8:55:41 AM

Airin feels both exited and sad with her finding of the Druid's Vestment. Such powerfull druidic garment can not be left behind. It's worth a lot (ooc : 10 000 gp !) Somehow she hopes her friends will not sell this. Even though she has a long way to go before she can actually use this vestement she may one day put it to good use.
She gives the Cloak to Kendry who allready knows it will give some powers to the wearer. She does however linger long to give the Druidic Vestment to Kendry.

Then Airin finally takes time to welcome her newly found companions. To the new ones, Airin appears to be slightly paranoid, but her keen eye won't miss much. Clad in black leather, black shoulderlength hair she's the prototype of a creature who enjoys nighttime most. She will be your scout on future adventures. In encoutners she definetely preferes the silent approach.

The moment Aunt Marigold takes time to talk to Kendry, Airin will request to join them. After all, she wants to expand her newly found power> And hopes to find clues about the items she found earlier.

Olo (by Kim) 
Friday May 27th, 2005 12:45:27 PM

"Well, I say, it's definitely time for breakfast! My poor stomach is growling," Olo announces. He thanks the midwife for her good care of Penelope, and asks, "Can I help out in the kitchen? I have some food I can contribute to the effort."

Then, with the sound of the tapping at the front door, Olo accompanies whoever goes to open it. The oak is not his home to open the door to others, but he will be there to welcome, or defend against, whoever might be on the other side.

Friday May 27th, 2005 3:19:01 PM

Responding to Kendry's invite, Dwight nods his head eagerly. "I would love to join in a real adventure, not mere happenstance like today was for me. I would need to send a letter to my Pa so he doesn't worry about me missing meals and such."

"I agree that there could be survivors, and only we could go and check. We could also confirm the whereabout of Morph."

As the conversation is interrupted by the tap on the door, Dwight moves to the back of the room furthest from the door. Hoping the family reunion is expanding and its not an unwanted visitor. In the case of the latter, Dwight palms his dagger.

Saturday May 28th, 2005 12:16:33 AM

Podo also nods in agreement to Kendry's offer. "Its been a long time since I had companions on a journey. I'd love accompany you and your friends on an adventure. I can catch up on ol' times."

"Ah, Olo, do you have a spare bandage? I still have a few cuts and bruises.", says Podo while leaning on his staff. Grining, Podo says, "These sashes on my person 'old up me clothes!"

Olo - healing arts  d8+1=5 d12=6
Saturday May 28th, 2005 3:18:34 AM

Olo obliges Podo's request, using the wand of cure light wounds to restore 5 hit points to the monk. [Ignore d12 - the cat stepped on the mouse. Really!]

"Maybe you can get some new clothes?" Olo remarks to Podo.

Saturday May 28th, 2005 3:34:44 AM

As Aunt Marigold seems to open up, Kendry is more than willing to listen.

"You're going to get a familiar, sis? Well, you know, doncha, that it'll be your job to feed it and clean up after it. Are you old enough for such a responsibility?" he teases Selithe, in the style their Mama used to make sure they understood the ramifications of such requests.

As conversations progress, he jots down the words to the song he wrote for the baby girl, makes another copy, and gives one to the new parents.

"Airin, we perhaps can visit the Catacombs together - with Olo, and anyone else who cares to come. There is that kukri that he has. We're definitely not going to let Morpth have it, now, though he expressed some interest in it. As for the druidic vestment, you hang on to it until we get to the Catacombs. If it's not something you yourself can use for a while, it might be best to trade it in, for things we can use more immediately. Don't you think?"

"Good, Dwight," he says as he acknowledges his interest in joining the group. "Yes, write your Pa, so he doesn't worry for the wrong reasons." Likewise, he is pleased at Podo's acceptance. The Pipewood clan is doing well!

"Ah, food, yes, Olo, excellent idea."

But with the knocking at the door, Kendry's interest is evident. He approaches the door. If one of the midwives or other regular inhabitants of the oak is not present, then the young bard puts his eye to the little hole in the door, to see who it is who knocks. If who it is is known to him, or appears non-threatening, he will make bold to open to the person outside. If one of the regulars is inside the door, then he will leave that decision to her.

Saturday May 28th, 2005 4:01:47 AM

Patty turns upon hearing the tapping at the door. He rests his hand on the hilt of his sword and remains where he is as the others move in to investigate. Thinking it unlikely that Ebryon would bother to knock on the door, but not wanting to take any chances, the hobbit warrior remains alert and stays near Penelope and the newborn. If the guest does turn out to be dangerous, Patty will stand in front of Penelope to defend her and her baby.

Monday May 30th, 2005 12:48:44 AM

Selithe chuckles at Kendry's joke and gives him a gentle push, "Well, you know what they say, ig brother's are suppose to help their little sister."

Selithe chuckles and then looks to the door when she hears the knock. Selithe sighs as she hopes that it is no one to fight again and pulls her staff in close.

Airin quicky to Kendry 
Monday May 30th, 2005 3:12:14 AM

"Kendry I do agree with you on the Druidic Vestment. If you want to come to the Catacombs with me, you'd better hurry"

ooc : Kim, Airin has gone to the Cats on wednesday and is trading in her Greater Magic Weapon +3 potion. If you want me to I will trade the Vestment for cash or gems and bring that back for the rest of the group to be divided. Then those who want to can go visit te cats.

Visitors (DM Stephen)  d100=73 d100=4 d6=6 d6=1
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 8:00:22 AM

Everyone does their thing and others already plan what to do with recently acquired treasures. Mother and child sleep off the days ordeals. Husband sits in a chair next to the bed. He too seems emotionally exhausted.

A knock at the door brings the others back into a cautious state. The door is opened to reveal about 40 or so druids, all seem to be holding gifts of some kind. The one in the front speaks up. "My name is Savoulus, of the Ring of the Moons. We bear gifts for the newborn and the parents." He bows before whoever answered the door. They all appear to be remorseful and shaken. They have lost many friends and comrades this day. But they stand before you all with gifts. Gifts look to be everything from bounties of fruits and vegetables from the forest. Others have wood-carved animal figures. Several bring clay jugs wrapped in hemp rope for insulation. Some carry nothing but flowers.

Tuesday May 31st, 2005 9:13:54 AM

Kendry, who opened the door at seeing the gathering of druids, is somber in his greeting. "Welcome, Savoulus of the Moon Clave. Welcome, all. We share sorrow with you." He lets that statement stand for a brief pause. "But the second child is a beautiful girl. The space is small. Perhaps you can bring your gifts, and offer your blessings, four or five at a time. Penelope, the mother, and the girl child are asleep. Ellis, the father, sits beside the bed. I think your coming may do much to comfort them, following our distress. Give us, please, a moment to speak with the father. Savoulus, choose, please, four others to be the first to visit. I am Kendry." He waits to see whom Savoulus chooses. "Patty, would you go speak with Ellis about our guests? Let him know of their kind intentions."

"Airin, would you be so kind as to lead your brethren to visit the child and her parents in a moment?"

He then adds, "Excuse me, please, for shutting the door for a moment. We must gain permission of the matron of the Oak - though I trust she will permit your kind visit." He waits to make sure the visiting druids understand his request, then gently shuts the door - but gives his companions a moment to speak with the druids before he does so.

Once shut, he speaks with his friends. "I think we have nothing to fear from these guests. We fought on their side but hours ago. My suggestion is to welcome them - but remain alert. Any thoughts? Oh, Selithe, could you find the chief midwife, and ask her permission? Perhaps she would want to speak with the visitors before they enter, as well." He awaits the counsel of his friends.

Airin  d20+6=14
Tuesday May 31st, 2005 9:40:16 AM

Airin nods to Kendry when he asks her to let the Druids in once they are ready. In a way Airin is thankfull to Kendry that he gives her the chance to spend a small amount of time with them.

Instead of waiting inside, she waits outside closing the door behind her. Someone can knock on the door once they are allowed to come in.

Airin observes the Druids. (spot 14) She admires their abilities and longs to learn more about them.
She stammers : "Are you all Druids of the Culverwoods ? Does either of you know Mayzie ? She's a great friend of mine and tought me the ways to become a druid. Though a rookie I am now, I long to learn more about the Druids way of life."

Airin tries to figure out what races these druids are. Are they all Elves, are there Halflings, Humans ... etc.

Tuesday May 31st, 2005 9:52:48 AM

Patty eyes the druids with open suspicion, but when they claim to be bringing gifts to the young child, he settles down a bit. These druids have lost many of their number today and their part in the rebirth of Ebyron must have been born of ignorance not malice.

Patterton nods to Kendry and moves off to speak with Ellis. When he gets to him he says, "Those druids are at the door, Ellis. They say they want to bring gifts for the child. Are you up for seeing them or should I send them on their way?"

Tuesday May 31st, 2005 9:14:39 PM

Podo hears the knock at the door and hears all that Kendry states. He learns from the conversation that a vast number of Druids have come to pay there respects to the parents. His only unvoiced question is "To whom are they paying homage? The Male or female child?"

Podo asks of Patterton if this behavior is normalas he has been away from the area for a while now.

While waiting for the answers to his questions, Podo will find a nice defensive position and stand his ground until told otherwise from either of the Pipewoods.

Olo (by Kim)  d20+4=9
Wednesday June 1st, 2005 12:21:22 AM

Olo attempts to sense the motives of the druids at the doorstep [Sense motive d20+4=9]. Well, they seem to be on the up-and-up.

Before the door closes, Olo steps up and asks, "Any word on your grand druid? Is he all right?" He's about to ask about Morpth, too, but then realizes that perhaps the timing for such a question is not yet.

After Kendry closes the door, he says, "Maybe we should bring the family out to the door, so that we don't have dozens of people trying to fit in at the same time. Somebody can watch from the windows up higher in the trunk, and others be next to them, just in case. Otherwise, that's pretty nice of them to come and visit, I'd say. And it looks like they brought some nice things for breakfast. Should we ask them if we should have a meal together?"

Wednesday June 1st, 2005 2:05:49 AM

Selithe looks to her brother and then the druids who have came to see the new child. Nodding she takes off quickly, her now platinum colored hair bobbing in it's pontytail as she goes to find the matron of the house. Once she finds the lady she explains whats going on to see what she thinks.

After finding out she comes back to the others and tells them what the matron of the oak said and also nods to the comment made, "Maybe having them go outside would be okay. We all will be there with them so if any trouble starts they surely can get into the oak here while we defend them as best we can."

Selithe nudges Airin and smiles, "I have to summon my familiar...maybe we can acompany each other? Would be great to have moral support when we both summon our going to be new friend right?"

(OOC:Stephen, can I rp out the getting of Selithe's familiar and minus the money from Selithe's money for it? I would really prefer rping it out rather then going to the Catacombs any buying one or something.)

Time to rest. (DM Stephen)  d100=46 d6=4
Wednesday June 1st, 2005 8:25:15 AM

Kendry does his best to accommodate the druids and regulate their contact with the child and mother. He does notice that it may not be best to have them come in. The door and rooms within are meant for small people. They would certainly feel cramped, once they squeezed through the small door. It may be best to bring the child out to them and present her to them all at once. Ellis doesnt want any visitors yet. He wishes his wife and child to have their well-deserved sleep uninterupted.

Airin goes outside the door and starts asking lots of questions. Savoulus smiles with the halfling's curiousity. He explains he doesnt know of a Maysie. He usually doesn't venture into the Crescent Valley too much. "Yes, most of us here are from here. Though some of us have traveled great distances to be here. As far as Dremoria."

Patterton keeps a watchful eye on the druids. When he asks Ellis about allowing visitors, he repeats what he would have told Kendry. "Let my wife and child rest for now. Then later on, we may show them my daughter."

Podo ponders if they druids have alternative motives for coming. However, its easy to assume that the druids have no idea of the child's gender. That aspect of the second birth has not been announced yet.

Olo tries to sense their motives. As far as he can discern, they are not trying to be deceptive. Most appear to restrain their sorrow from the loss of so many. Savoulus answers about the Grand Druid. "Their is no sign of him. He fell with the Fey King when the earth opened up and swallowed them."

Selithe asks the matron of the oak about allow the druids to view the child. She agrees it would be best to bring the child to them for a brief viewing. But for now, they should sleep. They are more welcome to wait until that time.

Savoulus and the druids more than willingly accept the terms. In fact they expected it. They set the gifts down at the base of the steps and start cleaning up the area. Others go back to the druid circle of stones to finish dealing with their fallen comrads. Savoulus says, "We will keep a watchful eye and guard the oak of any other possible dangers until you all are safely back home. Their has been a lot of excitement lately."

(Selithe may want to wait to get her familiar. You're about to get break really soon. If you try to start the process now, you will only be interrupted. The scene is not quite over yet.)

Airin  d20+6=23 d20+7=20 d20+6=20
Wednesday June 1st, 2005 10:58:20 AM

Just before the door closes, Selithe offers Airin to combine forces when they both make an attempt to summon their familiars. For Airin this will be easier for she allready has an Eagle she wants to perform a ceremony for. But she will gladly assist Selithe in her process.

"Certainly Selithe ! Let's do that when we get back to Hovel shall we ? We can take a little trip into the woods to find a quiet place where we both can meditate without disturbance."

Then the door closes and Airin talks to Savoulus.

Airin stays outside and joins Savoulus bombarding him with countless questions. She eager to learn more :-) You can hardly blame the young halfling lass to go nuts when suddenly soo many druids show !

"Where are you from ? .. if I may be so rude to ask ... Are you a member from the Ancient Circle of the Culverwood ? Where is Dremoria ? I have never left the Crescent Valley before ... I hope one day to explore the Wold myself ! "

Airin quickly checks if Savoulus has any druidic signs on his robes and then looks around to see if any other druids have signs. Mayzie thought her a few insignias so she might be able to identify some.

(spot 23)

If Savoulus isn't very talkative Airin wanders around a bit "spying" on the other druids. They ARE quite an interesting folk ... especially their gear might be interesting ... the Rogue in Airin suddenly takes the upper hand as she tries to detect interesting gear the Druids might lay aside, or gather from other dead druids.

(appraise 20 / spot 20)

ooc : I will not be here tomorrow and on friday. Kim will once again cover for me. Kim these are a few possible actions for Airin :

Suppose the group gets some time off, Airin will return to Hovel and recover the Eagle she left with Bobbles and Lomar. Then if there's time she will perform the ceremony to make the eagle her follower.

Should some druids introduce themselves to her as members of the Ancient Circle of the Culverwoods Airin will be very interested to learn more about them and maybe even question them about how to join their circle.
She will also ask if she can always come back to the druid altar in case she needs guidance of the druids.

She needs to find a way to heal her wounds (she's down to 14HP out of 18HP) She still has 2 wild berries but will have to inspect these to find out if they are still eatable !!

Airin's Char sheet can be found here :


Wednesday June 1st, 2005 2:16:33 PM

Patterton notices Selithe's newly changed hair for the first time, now that the distraction of the druids seems to have settled down.

"Now, how did you manage that one, eh?" He says pleasently, gesturing at her hair. "It suits you." After a moment he continues, "I was a little worried when those spirits came out of the pumpkin and lifted you right off the ground...I,ah...well, you know. I'm glad you're ok."

Wednesday June 1st, 2005 8:23:21 PM

Podo will exit the tree and spend time in the clearing with the druids. Hopefully they are in a talkative mood.

If any of them request help with their fallen breathren, although not a healer, Podo will accept and attempt to help the fallen druids.

If no offers or requests are made, then Podo will exercise preforming some martial art movements or "Katas" to stay limber and healthy.

Wednesday June 1st, 2005 8:59:59 PM

Dwight continues to stand furthest from the door listening to the various discussions with the Druids.

As the door is closed, he realizes the adventure his new friends spoke of is real. That it has already begun. He considers the best way to tell his pa that he plans on travelling with some new friends and not to worry without giving his pa the opportunity to change Dwight's mind. Dwight looks around for something to write on and begins a note to his pa.

Olo - Quick note re: HP 
Wednesday June 1st, 2005 11:44:52 PM

Airin should be fully healed. Olo healed her for 5hp on Wednesday May 25th. If that's NOT the case, let me know.

For the rest of you, if I happen to miss wounds, disease, poison, etc, and you want to bring it to my attention, best thing to do is post your status in the post header.

Put '13/19 HP' or something of that nature in the header and Olo will take notice.

Stephen, feel free to delete this post when you feel it's appropriate

Wednesday June 1st, 2005 11:49:48 PM

Selithe smiles and gives Patty a quick kiss on the cheek, "Thanks Patty. Glad you like it." Selithe chuckles as she thinks of the spirits, "Yes, it was something else. I can't believe I was almost tempted to use the crystal pumpkin for not so good purposes. Guess my darker side is alittle stronger then I thought."

Selithe nods and gives Airin a wink before going to relax alittle from the days activities. Selithe is looking forward to just a nice rest and everything since this has been a heck of a day. She looks to Kendry and speaks to him and Podo as she thinks, "A heck of a day huh? I can't wait for all this to get over with since it has been a trial to say the least."

Olo  d20+6=12
Wednesday June 1st, 2005 11:58:59 PM

Olo takes a moment away from his preparations for breakfast to circulate amongst the druids gathered outside the tree. Being druids they have healing ability of their own, but he wants to make sure none are silently suffering with major wounds. He will lend mundane and magical aid where appropriate.

With that done, Olo sets about the business of preparing food, hoping the familiar sounds and smells of a cooking breakfast return some sense of peace to those around him (cooking = 12) though he himself is still too much on edge to put his complete attention into it.

Thursday June 2nd, 2005 3:16:53 AM

"You changed your hair color again?" Kendry asks his sister, giving a light tug to her platinum ponytail. "Wow, and it's clean, too!" he joshes. "Careful, Patty," he says to his stout friend. "You've got to beware of a girl whose hair changes like the phases of a moon!"

He hands Dwight some paper and an inkpen. "Write him a good letter. If you want me or someone else to add anything to it for you, tell us, Dwight."

He checks up on Aunt Marigold. [BTW, what is the name of the main midwife here?]

Kendry says to the druids, "If there is one of you who is shorter - or can make himself shorter, and who knows how to cook - perhaps you can help Olo out with preparing a meal inside. Some of the gifts you bring can add to a welcome feast - slicing up some of the fruits and vegetables, cooking some as may be appropriate, and the like..."

He introduces those of his friends who decide to be outside with the druids, using formal names, and seeking to learn the names of as many of them as he might. He listens to the cadence of their voices, any differences in accent from one to another, and will mentally mark any unusual phrasing or memorable comments.

He asks whether some of them know his aunt, Nilli Bramble Pastna Pipewood, who lives in the Culverwood. "I did not see her last night," he notes. "But then I did not see all who had gathered. She lives many miles from this spot. She, too, is a midwife, and my father's maiden sister. Nilli is very wise, and can travel through trees. She took me once on a journey from tree to tree."

"If ... should Ebryon not have perished - what means have we to defeat him? I love plants, and growing things, and animals too, but I also like to keep thistles out of my wheat and corn, and ants out of my breadbasket. I think he'd like plants to just completely take over everything. Who can help us, should the need arise? I've heard of powerful adventurers who have power maybe in the neighborhood of someone like my, uh, 'cousin.' But, well, what do you all think? Do you know anyone who can help?"

On yet another sad note, and one with potential consequences to this fragile rapprochement, he mentions the two druids who attacked the tree last night, and notes the freshly dug graves. "We were going to bury them here, but, if you would rather do so elsewhere, we will release them to you. Or, if here is deemed a fitting place, perhaps we together might mourn them, and honor their memory in ceremony and song. I will make no secret of this. They attacked the tree and us, and we fought in defense. It was I and a few of my companions who killed them. And yet I sensed they were not entirely under their own control, or, maybe, quite in their right mind, or something, when they attached us. I am sorry. We feared for the lives of the babes and parents and caretakers within, not to mention the oak itself."

He comments on Podo's shadow fighting. "That's what Duncan does, lots. He's one of our friends from Hovel. He never talks, though, except in a language of hands and such."

The morning after. (DM Stephen)  d100=92 d100=65 d100=21 d6=6 d6=4 d6=5
Thursday June 2nd, 2005 8:24:59 PM

Savoulus chuckles from all the questions asked by Airin. "I am originally from Dremoria, but for the past 153 years I have lived here in Culverwood. My circle is the Ring of the Moons. We are druids that track and record the the movements of the sun, moons and stars. Dremoria is a wonderous place. Im from a city built atop the trees. A place called Burnt Eldor. It is far away in the Southern Continent. An ocean separates us. Im sure I will eventually go home someday. By the way, Clover here is a member of the Ancient Circle of Culverwood." Airin notices that Clover wears a vestment similar insignias that was taken from the dead druid. Very few of them look similar.

Patterton admires Selithe's new look.

Podo walks among the druids. They all give him a nod as he passes by. They seem preocupied with a discussion in a very strange but beautiful sounding tongue. So Podo finds a clear area and begins his exercises.

Flattery will get you everywhere with Selithe. Patterton gets a kiss for his compliment. She begins to wind down from the events of the night and early morning.

Dwight finds a small desk over next to the woodburning stove. There are a few sheets of blank parchment under a small polished stone. There is also an ink well and a writing quill.

Olo begins preparing breakfast. The druids look a little scuffed up, but no one appears to have any major injuries. Hmmm, its beginning to smell good.

Kendry makes his rounds. Teasing his sister. Warning Patty, giving Dwight some paper. He notices Marigold talking quietly with the midwife, Gilda.

The bard invites anyone able to squeeze into the tree to help with Olo's meal, and maybe add to it. One elf steps forward and morphs into a halfling. "Certainly, I can help. My name is Nelvasolas." He gathers several gifts from some of the druids and walks into the tree.

Savoulus answers Kendry when he asks about his mother. "I know of her but I dont believe our paths have ever crossed. I don't believe she was here tonight. Unless she was in a wild form, I saw no other halflings, other than yourselves."

Kendry voices his concerns about Ebyron. Savoulus sighs with disgust. "We were such fools. We played into his hands. Ebyron is a dire opponent to have. Im sure his presence is already felt by those powerful enough to sense him. Isnt there a keep near Angel Springs that is home to the Defenders of the North. They are also friends of the Gold Dragons, I hear. Maybe they know something about this already. Then again, they may not and need to be informed!"

After mentioning the dead druids, Savoulus looks out toward the direction of the graves. "Yes, I heard about the incident. They were misguilded zealots. Its certain they were members of the ..." and Savoulus changes to a whisper, "Conclave of Shadows!" Savoulus looks over his shoulder to see if anyone is listening. "The are a secret circle with members that belong to various other circles. They have different darker agendas that I find quite distasteful. Members of the conclave dont even know who their other members are, except for one, their leader. Their meetings are held in secret and they either remain masked or in animal form for the duration of the gathering. You did well to bury them. From the earth we sprang, so share we return."

You all begin to realize that you are feeling quite sleepy. None of you slept last night. (Roll Fortitude saves everyone.)

Podo  d20+6=15
Thursday June 2nd, 2005 9:25:44 PM

Podo feeling a bit wearing stretches a bit after his exercises. (Fort Save = 15) He will head into the tree to catch a short nap before breakfast. "Funny how in the excitment one forgets to rest."

Kendry  d20+1=7 d20+6=18
Thursday June 2nd, 2005 10:36:32 PM

Kendry listens attentively to Savoulus' whispered comments regarding the Conclave of Shadows, and nods at the information.

"Oh, perhaps eleven or thirteen days ago, I saw the mighty druid Myrridan walk through Hovel," he tells Savoulus as they speak together. "He disappeared into a tree. My cousin, Willoughby, was disappointed not to have caught up to him in time to chat."

Then, all of a sudden, he yawns a big yawn. [Fortitude save: 7 - he feels pretty tired.] With the tension mostly gone out of him now, he realizes that he should get some sleep. He will listen politely for a few more minutes to whatever the druid has to say, eavesdropping as well at conversations going on in sylvan or elvish. He listens to any druidic which may be spoken, in an effort to pick up on the sounds and shapes of that particular tongue. But then he excuses himself. "I must do as my newest cousin, and catch a few winks while I have time. Pardon me, I pray you."

He takes a few minutes to see to his donkeys, making sure they have food and water. "Sorry, girl, sorry boy. I'm just too tired to give you a good brushing right now." A thought occurs to him. "Say, if any of you has some extra energy - these donkeys could use a good brushing." He holds up a brush. Whether druid or someone else, he'll hand his brush to any who offers to help out.

He gives Selithe a whistle.

Kendry takes out some rope, and scouts out a good spot up in the oak tree. Using the rope to help in his climb [climb d20+6=18], he finds a good spot about 25 to 30 feet in the air. He takes a blanket with him. He takes a few minutes to tie knots every two and a half feet in a fifty-foot rope. He ties off one end to an adjacent branch, and loops the rest, so that he can drop it quickly should he need to do so, so as to use the rope for a quick descent. His knapsack goes on a little stub of an old broken branch. He checks to make sure that a few alchemical and other items are easily reachable at the top of and in some of the pockets of the knapsack. He takes another rope, and ties it strategically, so that 1) He won't fall out of the tree, and 2) He can grab it to help him move about easily.

After looking about to enjoy the view from higher up, and seeing what he can see, he wraps his blanket around himself, snuggling down where two fair-sized branches adjoin the trunk, and, thinking about composing songs about druids, and halflings, and the beautiful, mysterious Culverwood, Kendry falls asleep.

Patterton  d20+10=27 d20=12 d20+2=16
Friday June 3rd, 2005 12:02:58 AM

Blushing a bit from Selithe's kiss, Patty tries to suppress a delighted grin, but is only marginally successful. "I'd better go check on the grub." he says with a crooked smile. "I'll talk to you later.".

Patterton notices that some of the others are starting to feel sleepy, but the nights events have only served to heighten Patty's senses (Fortitude save 27 +6 fighter/+4 endurance feat). He decides to pitch in however he can, helping with the meal, grooming the ponies/donkeys and keeping watch over the oak and his friends. Patty will not sleep until after someone has taken his shift on watch or a hobbit offers to do so. He doesn't trust these druids just yet. (Spot =12, listen =16)

Olo  d20+7=21 d20+6=19
Friday June 3rd, 2005 12:29:25 AM

In the midst of his breakfast preparations, Olo notices some of the others start to lag due to lack of sleep. Funny, he thought to himself, I guess I'm still wound up from everything that happened (Fort = 21). With that thought, he finds himself once again seeing Ebyron and the druid being swallowed up by the earth as they were locked in combat. I'll bet a week's worth of breakfasts that we've not seen the last of him.

With that sour thought, Olo looks down to see that he's been absently stirring the same pot for a few minutes. With a start he brings his mind back to putting the finishing touches on various dishes (cooking = 19) and sets them out for whomever is hungry.

With his work done and the food set out, Olo finds that there's one thing he wants right now more than food. Leaving the meal for the others, Olo heads off a bit away from the tall oak and finds a quiet spot where he can sit and lean back against another tree. Slipping Wardd's symbol off of his belt, he holds it in his hands as he closes his eyes and starts to pray.

ooc: All of Olo's spells were cast within last 8 hours, so no spells are recovered.

Airin (by Kim)  d20+5=22
Friday June 3rd, 2005 6:22:37 AM

The lack of sleep has not slowed her down a bit [Fortitude save d20+5=22]. "A hundred fifty three years!? That is a lo-o-ong time!" Airin answers Savoulus, eyes opened wide. "Uh, so, how do you record the movements of the, uh, heavenly bodies? Do you write them down somewhere? You don't carve them in treetrunks or rocks, do you? Burnt Eldor - in the treetops? What kinds of trees? How do you go across the ocean? Do dragons fly over the oceans? Wondrous? In what way is Dremoria wondrous?"

When Clover is introduced, Airin says, in rudimentary druidic, "Lushly met, may things grow well. I am Airin, Clover." Then, in common, she asks, "Did I say that correctly? I'm just trying to learn, you see."

Then, a thought occurs to her. "Oh, I have a ring - I think it is of elvish styling, with leaves and vines." She takes off one of her gloves, and shows Savoulus and Clover one of the rings taken from the goblin leader, Bob, about a week ago. "Does the design look at all familiar?" she asks, hopeful.

She notices Kendry getting around to climbing the oak, and then Patterton brushing down the donkeys. But, as much as possible, she remains with the druids, asking question after question - about spells, and words in druidic for different plants that she sees, and animal names, and how to tell when the weather will change, and what does it feel like to change shape into that of another creature... until breakfast is served. Airin is hungry.

Selithe  d20+2=13
Friday June 3rd, 2005 3:38:08 PM


Knowing she hasn't gotten any sleep Selithe stiffles a yawn as she does feel tired and smiles as she sees Patty rush off in alittle bit of a rush anyway.

Selithe smiles and looks to Kendry when he whistles and moves over to him, "Need something brother?" Selithe waits to see what she can do to help him before going to get a place to sleep also. She thinks this over and decides to go speak to the matron of the birthing tree and asks if there is a room she could use to get some rest.

Kendry to Selithe 
Friday June 3rd, 2005 6:34:24 PM

The whistle Kendry gave Selithe is a little metal object which, if blown, emits a piercing, shrill sound. "If something happens, and you need to get my attention quickly, just blow on this little opening, here, and it will make a loud sound, coming out of this little opening, here."

Myrridan Arrives

To bed we go. (DM Stephen)  d100=5 d100=53 d100=8 d100=33 d6=1 d6=2 d6=1 d6=5
Friday June 3rd, 2005 7:07:33 PM

Podo finishes his exercises and decides it necessary to take a nap. So does Kendry, especially after climbing up the side of the tree. He probably meant to have a proper view of the area from his height, but for now all he can see is the inside of his eye lids. Selithe is led to a empty room. There is a small single bed, not too shabby.

Olo and Clover finish preparing the meal, and the shapeshifted druid sets out a cloth on the ground outside, pinic style, and starts arranging the different dishes for everyone to pick and choose from. Olo goes off to pray before people starting being served. Several other druids return from the forest with a bounty of wild vegetables, fruits and nuts. One even brings half a dozen fresh rabbits to stew.

An enthusiastic Airin tests her druidic tongue with Clover. He smiles and says, "You did well, I could understand you. But you need to practice." Airin then decides to show both Savoulus and Clover her elven rings. "Where did you get these, Airin?! These are family rings! Quite distinguished families at that." Both druids look at each other in shock.

Patterton blushes from Selithe's kiss. Goshh! He spends his time helping Kendry tend to the animals before the bard climbs the tree. Though out of the corner of his eye he sees a cloudy humanoid figure in the sky. It approaches the tree on a gust of wind that blows at the leaves. The figure lands and the cloudy body materializes into a tall human. A hush falls over the druids in the clearing. The human has long dark hair. He's armored in what appears to be dragon skins. A brilliant green cloak is draped over his shoulders. A garland carved from jade rest upon his head. He looks to you all and says, "What has happened here?"

Patterton  d20=8
Saturday June 4th, 2005 3:00:27 AM

Patty walks up to the armored man and plants his hands on his hips. "A birth, for one thing. Who might you be, then?" He eyes him warily, but does not draw a weapon reasoning that if the man wanted to start trouble with a party of halflings and an enclave of druids, he would have been less direct about it.

Sense motive=8

Dwight  d20=15
Saturday June 4th, 2005 6:47:23 PM

Dwight, more eager to eat than sleep, puts his energy into writing the letter to his pa despite all the actions about him hoping to finish as the food is ready.

"Dear Pa," he begins and then with some difficulty continues. "I have been asked by a few friends to help in a matter of great importance. While I cannot say, mostly because I do not know the details, I assure you I will try to make you proud of me."

"I'll send letters as often as I can updating you on our progress towards our beneficial goals. I'm sorry I will not be around to help tackle those newest saplings this week, but I strongly believe this to be more beneficial to me, and you, and perhaps to the entire Shire."

"I saw the wildest things today occur in the Druidic Grove and an even more wonderful birth than those tall tales you have always told me. It is difficult to put to words, so the details must wait until I return and have more time."

Dwight Twiggebundler,

As Dwight finishes the letter he rereads it over several times wanting to say more, but not knowing how to explain such weird things he has seen in the last few hours.

Saturday June 4th, 2005 8:39:43 PM

Podo rolls over and off the chair he was napping on. "Thud!" "Ouch. I'll need to remind myself that the floor has less hazards."

Picking himself up off the floor, Podo wonders why the druids are bringing gifts to the Halfling family of Ellis & Penelope. "I must remind myself to ask them.", he says quietly to himself.

Podo Stretches and yawns a bit, and relizes he is hungry. I must see to some food and what my new found friends have prepared for us and the others. He heads outside.

Once outside, he will head to gathering spot for the feast. If he sees the one called "Savoulus", he will ask why the druids bring gifts to the halfling parents of the new born girl child asking if this female child is royality.

Kendry, fast asleep  d20+1=9
Saturday June 4th, 2005 11:25:51 PM

Kendry, sleeping up in the oak tree, continues to snooze. [Aw, I wanted him to wake up!]

Airin (by Kim) [Fortitude save: 12]  d20+5=12
Sunday June 5th, 2005 8:58:17 AM

"Oh, I will practice," Airin answers Clover. "And it's so-o-o good to have so many druids here," she says, looking about her "- never have I see so many in one place!"

When she hears the response and senses that Clover and Savoulus are taken aback at her possession of the ring [she only showed one at first, but, seeing they somewhat recognize it, also shows the other elvish ring], Airin looks around at her friends, and thinks for a moment. "Well," she begins, slowly, "some of us were up in the woods, near the river. Some goblins ambushed us, and took our boat. We caught up to them early the next morning, and defeated them. Their second leader had these rings on him. He died." Much shortened, that version of the story, but the truth. "Do you know the families? We - my friends and I - would like to return the rings to their families." Thinking that, maybe, she can trust these folk, she shows them the other two rings, as well. "He had these, too. Surely, the families to whom they belong would want them back. We just need to know where to find them."

When the newcomer shows up, clad in green and jade, Airin grows suspicious. She pockets three of the rings, and places the glove over the one hand with the elvish ring, and looks around. Her instinct to hide is strong - to look for a good place to get out of the way. But, well, Patterton gave a good answer. A birth. Well, there were two, really. Maybe more from other mothers. Should they tell him about Ebryon? Who is this man? A help, or a threat?

Sunday June 5th, 2005 12:32:14 PM

Selithe thanks the matron of the oak for showing her a place where she can cetch some sleep and quickly hits the sack. After all the days activities it doesn't take her long to be fast asleep also.

As Selithe sleeps she dreams of the spirits from the crystal pumpkin and also of a mean satyr and such.

Sunday June 5th, 2005 10:06:48 PM

and Olo remains deep in prayer...

ooc: Unless something loud happens, or someone specifically looks to get his attention, Olo remains in prayer for about an hour.

DM Stephen 
Monday June 6th, 2005 7:29:18 PM

(Sorry for the wait. The storms last night knocked out my electricity for a short while. When the lights came back on, the phone lines were still dead. But they appear to be fixed now (just got home from work). Will try and get a post in as soon as possible.)

A Visitor. (DM Stephen)  d100=62 d100=99 d100=3 d6=5 d6=5 d6=2
Monday June 6th, 2005 9:08:58 PM

Patterton eyes the tall human as he approaches. The human turns his gaze to Patty with a very serious expression and walks on over to the hobbit warrior. As he gets closer, you cant help but think that he looks familar! He wears a pendant identifying himself as a knight of the realm. "My name is Myrridan the Wild. Who are you, and what is this 'birth' you speak of? I sensed a great disturbance in nature and found the aftermath of a battle that has killed countless lives and reduced the ancient druid stone circles to rubble! Now, I expect you to elaborate on what you know, if you know anything at all." All the other druids just look at each other with surprised expressions on their faces. Many know of this man, but have never looked upon him before.

(Back story: You all know of the 'Defenders of the North'. They're an adventuring group that has a keep just outside the Crescent Valley capital of Angel Springs. Their exploits are well known over most of the Wold. It's well known that Myrridan as a epic level druid)

Dwight spends his time writing a letter to his father. He reads over to see if everything is acceptible. (Listen check 12, to hear what is happening outside.)

Podo gets up from his slumber to sample at the dishes provided by Olo and the druids. He asked Savoulus about the gifts and the child's status in the upper classes. He answers, "One of the fold informed me that the young mother was having another child. We come to honor the child and to thank you for saving our lives." The druid turns the question back at the monk, "Royalty ... I dont know?! Are they from the family of a king?" Podo cant help but notice the visitor.

Kendry snores away up in the tree. (Listen check 13 to wake up.)

"Goblins," snaps Clover. "You got these from goblins! Oh mother wold!" Savoulus turns to Airin and picks up where Clover left off. "This is the ring from a well known family named Telperiën. They are a family of artists. Muscians, painters, and craftsman. I wonder which Telperiën it belonged to!"

Selithe sleeps a very comfortable sleep on the bed provided by the matron. (Listen check 16 to hear whats going on outside)

Olo continues to pray. Myrridan does not appear threatening.

Dwight  d20=20
Monday June 6th, 2005 11:12:20 PM

Finishing the letter and feeling it is the best he can offer Pa at the moment, Dwight hears (natural 20) new conversations and looks out a nearby window to take in the new visitor.

Noting Myrridan does not appear threatening, but feeling his presence must be at least as important as all the druids at thefront door, Dwight moves to awaken the other friends who took to napping.

Tapping Kendry gently on the shoulder, "Kendry, I hate to disturb your much needed rest, but it seems we have another visitor, perhaps as important as all the druids. I felt we should all be present to help decide on the next steps"

Then Dwight goes in search of Selithe. Realizing the letter is still in his hand, Dwight folds it neatly and stuffs it in his pocket for later mailing.

"Excuse me, Selithe, excuse me, the oak seems to have another important visitor. Perhaps you can join the others with him outside."

Whether they follow or not, Dwight goes outside near Myrridan.

Monday June 6th, 2005 11:25:17 PM

(OOC:Not rolling a listen check since Dwight is looking for her and going to wake her up.)

Selithe sleeps in the bed offered her and enjoys the sleep. She continues to dream of satyrs and crystal pumpkins, spirits and such till Dwight comes in to wake her up. When he speaks she quickly jerks up and one hand shoots to her staff in worry. When she notices Dwight she sighs in relief, "By Warrds toes, good thing I noticed who it was. Don't you know to knock or something first? I mean i might of attacked you."

Selithe seems just abit jumpy but considering everything that happened recently it should be understandable. After a moment she smiles to Dwight and nods to him, "Sorry Dwight. You just startled me is all. If you don't mind though I need to dress."

Selithe stands with a blanket around here and taps a foot while waiting and then gets dressed after Dwight steps out of the room.

Tuesday June 7th, 2005 3:53:46 AM

"Telperiën ... never heard of." Airin says to Savoulus. She wants to get more information but it feels rude towards the newcomer. "This family is not from the Crescent Valley are they ? Where do they live ... or ... lived ? Are they halflings ? Where can we find their ofspring, or the ones these rings belonged too ? "

Then Airin notices the Insignias on Clover's Vest ... they are EXACTLY the same as the ones she saw on that Druidic vestment they took from the druid they killed. Airin was going to sell this vestment and divide the gold, but somehow it feels right to return this vestment to its rightfull owners, The Circle of the Culverwood. An acient Circle of Druids that live in and protect the culverwoods.

(ooc read up on druidicism and the druidic circles - if you're interested that is :-D )

Reluctantly she takes the Druidic vestment from her backpack and offers it to Clover.

"We took this vestment from one of the druids we had to defend ourselves from. I clearly saw this was a vest of great druidic power and did not want to see it go to waste. First I wanted to keep it till I was ready to use it myself ... but in the end I think it would be best to return it to it's rightfull owners. I noticed the same insignias on your vest, Clover, so I assume it belongs to the Circle of the Culverwood ? Please forgive me for taking it - I am extremely keen to find magical items so I can explore my own druidic powers ..."

Then she turns to the others hoping they will not hold her responsible for giving away a perfectly 10 000 gp vest ... gold usefull to all of them ... including Airin.

She hopes the Myrridan will not be offended by Airin's chatter behind his back.

She turns to him and then realises an Epic Druid stands before her ! Soo little druids she saw in her life ... so many in this hour of day !! She gazes mouth wide open unable to say anything decent right now.

Tuesday June 7th, 2005 9:10:07 AM

Hello Sir. I am Podo Danderfluff Pipewood. I am a humble traveling Monk of Domi. Although I can not help you with some of the details, I can offer you my version of what has happened having had a turn of two trying to survive a vastly bizzare fey critter; that is of course if you'd like to hear my version. There are others here that have a better experience than I. If you are looking for one that could aptly explain the turns of events, I suggest you see my relative, Kendry. He is a bard of somewhat great renoun.

Podo will then attempt to fade into the background more than happy to allow others into the spotlight.

Podo will do his best to go back to eating fruit; grapes if there are any; and watch the proceedings from earshot.

Kendry  d20+6=7 d20+6=22 d20+6=12
Tuesday June 7th, 2005 1:02:08 PM

Kendry is deep in sleep [listen, d20+6=7 (natural 1)]. Now, if Dwight actually climbed 30 feet up the tree, and then jostled the sleepy bard's shoulder...

"Eh? rest... visit... druids... steps," he mumbles back to whoever is talking to him. Who is that? He ever-so-slightly opens one eye. Oh. It's Dwight. The new guy. Without his mother's paternal name. Long story.

He reaches out for one of the ropes that surround him. He yawns terrifically. "Is it time for breakfast?" he asks, and with that thought gaining some motivation to overcome his weariness, and actually get up. He asks Dwight - yeah, Twiggebundler, it is - to repeat what he just said. One - no, two more yawns, and a stretch.

He looks down over the scattered gathering. Sees a tall fellow in bright green talking to - mainly to Patterton. He stretches his shoulders, takes up his knapsack and hefts it, one strap at a time, onto his shoulders. "Thanks, Dwight." He reaches out for the knotted rope, and climbs about halfway down [climb 22]. He wraps his right leg a few times around the rope for an anchor, and calls out, "Sir - you there with the jade thingee on your head - what can we do for you today?"

When the man turns to the sound of his voice, Kendry's jaw drops. "Hey. Say. It's Myrridan! Saw you pretty near a fortnight ago - you passed by us - looking more like a halfling, and my cousin, Willoughby, tried to catch up to you just as you were stepping into a tree. I'm Kendry. Leafwin Pipewood, that is, Kendry Leafwin Pipewood. Well come, lord druid, well come. Did Patterton tell you - say, that food smells good 'n ready - tell you about our satyr cousin? Name Ebryon. Was born near midnight. Grew up in fits and starts ... just a second." He climbs down the rest of the way [climb d20+6=12], then walks over by Patterton. "Did you tell him about him talking just a few minutes after he was born? And when he said, through his mother before he was born, that the stewards were dead - dead - dead? And he told Lemtrovex to stay out of his way? Spit on Aunt Marigold? Kissed some lady elves and some fae - kind of in ways you shouldn't maybe do in public. And he told us how hobbits were created - and a bunch of other types of folk, too. Talked subtly, and - he's a bit of a dissembler, I think. Oh, and all those elves and fae singing and chanting ahead of time, and the big block of stone where cousin Penelope gave birth to the satyr? And the grand druid was singing a countersong, kind of opposing most of them. When he found out a couple of elfs wearing masks - an owl and a wolf - tried to burn down the Whistler Oak, right here? How he beat another elf with a mask, knocking him to the ground, then had Morpth cut off his head with an axe?" Kendry pauses for just an instant with an involuntary shudder at this thought.

But then he barges ahead with more: "And the big fight that got started when it turns out he was thinking it was the druids who were the stewards, and he was going to kill them - and he had a crystal pumpkin that he used to cause lots of havoc - after making the sun come up in the middle of the night, and making plants start growing real fast all over the place. Did you tell Myrridan about that, Patterton? Oh, this here is Patterton, my cousin. And this is Myrridan - he's one of the Defenders of the North! Great group of heros, they." Kendry waits to find out if Patterton has gotten this far in telling the story, but can't seem to repress himself from adding, "And the grand druid fighting Ebryon, and they got swallowed up in an earthquake!? Did you get to that part, Patty?"

Kim - Aside 
Tuesday June 7th, 2005 1:07:43 PM

[OOC: So much for Kendry's reputation as a bard of somewhat great renown! ;-) ]

Tuesday June 7th, 2005 5:54:12 PM

Patty listens to Kendry's explanation of the nights events, without taking his eyes off of the newcomer. "Well, I suppose there is no point in being closed lipped about it now. You'll have to forgive me for being so suspicious, sir. I was not aware who you were and we've had a bit of fright tonight, let me tell ya. My cousin speaks the truth. This Ebyron killed dozens of the enclave before we able to subdue him and destroy the cursed pumpkin he used to murder the druids. Then, as Kendry mentioned, the elder druid faced him in combat as we fled with Penelope who was about to give birth for a second time. As we took to the woods, both Ebyron and the elder were swallowed up in an earthquake. He was a brave man and, without a doubt, saved our lives. Then we reached the sacred Oak and Penelope gave birth to a second, and this time "normal", child. My name is Patterton Cloverturn Burrow, by the way." The young warrior extends a hand to the tall man for a handshake.

Wednesday June 8th, 2005 12:10:12 AM

Olo finds solace in his prayers, the normal sounds of the forest and the muted conversations behind him at the large oak. With a large sigh, he feels much of the tension leave his body.

For a moment he wonders what his friends and the druids are speaking of, then pushes the thought away. It would be talk of Ebyron and things to come, or perhaps of things already past. It didn't much matter he supposed, for Olo was quite lucky and his feet would most likely find the path they were intended to follow regardless of how much talking was involved. Comforted with that thought, he returned to his ministrations.

Conversations, Exchanges (ADM Kim) 
Wednesday June 8th, 2005 5:28:17 AM

[OOC: Folks - Stephen has asked me to fill in for him for the next two weeks. Apologies, but right after agreeing to do so, I've gotten hit by quite a few things. Thus this extremely short post. Will not likely be able to post again until very late tomorrow night, and then not again until Monday. -Kim]

Myrridan absorbs what Kendry and Patterton have to say. "Ebryon, eh?" He paces back and forth. "Can you give me more details on what he said?" he asks, looking to the halflings, as well as to the druids. "And," he adds, looking at Kendry, "perhaps in a more linear order?"

Clover accepts the offered garment. "Thank you, Airin." He answers her questions about the family. "We should be able to contact someone from their family. It might take a little time..."

Breakfast is served, and the druid who helped out Olo offers some wonderful dishes. The word from the birth room is that mother and child still sleep, but, perhaps soon they will awaken.

Wednesday June 8th, 2005 10:02:08 AM

Somewhat dissapointed by the brief answer from Clover (she had hoped Clover would invite her into the Circle of the Culverwood - or get a different award for the group - if neither she should have sold the damn vestment after all) says to Clover and Savoulus : "I hope we will meet again so we can find out more about the family these rings belonged to, or who knows I may even visit the druids in the Culverwood someday."

Then she turns to Myrridan.

"Greetings Master Druid. I am Airin Moondancer Turnbell. Little druid from the Crescent Valley. I am yet exploring my new powers granted to me by the forces of nature. Allow me to help clarify dear Kendry's ramblings."

Slowly Airin starts to walk back and forth as she tells what happend in the past hours.

"It was very strange. Penelopee, the woman who gave birth to Ebryon, the Fey King, was brought to the woods by us and our aunt. Once we got here a group of druids ambushed us and we had to kill 2 before we could enter the sacred oak.
But once inside Penelopee started rambling strange words ... "EBRYON", then "Lemtrovexx, Lemo, Lemtrovvv your time comess" and then "time reclaim whats MINEE!! Oh stewards ... you are dead, dead, dead, dead to meeeee". For us this did not mean much ..."

Airin looks around ... this IS a lenthy story, but hopefully the crows isn't falling asleep.

"A few moments later Penelopee walked out of the oak - in labour - and walked straight to the druid circle in the woods. We followed her. She laid down on an alter and all around it were hundreds of druids. There Penelopee gave birth to the Satyr, Ebryon ! In only a few minutes he grew up to a full grown satyr !! He introduced himself as the Fey King. He practically laughed with our attempts to talk to him. It almost felt as if he could hear us think. Sadly enough Morpth, a companion of ours, offered his service to Ebryon ...

Then Ebryon told us a fairly interesting story. He told us how us Halflings became soo small. He told us it was the envious human, Elves, dwarves and Half-Orcs that made The Jericko turn us into small beings ... " suddenly Airin looks up to Myrridan asking : "Is this true ?"

Then she continues ...

"He swore to punish the Stewards, whoever they may be, those who bring civilisation to the Wold, Cities would crumble, towers would fall ... then when the sun rose way too soon over the horizon Ebryon yelled that it has begun ! ... though we don't exactly know what."

Then Airin hesitates to go on ... this is the point where Ebryon persuaded Mortph to chop the head of the fallen druid . She swallows the lump in her throat and gathers her strength to continue :

"Then Ebryon forced our relative Morpth to turn to evil and kill a helpless druid by cutting of his head ! It was as if Morpth turned to grey ... all joy and happyness was sucked out of him when he took place at his new masters side."

"When kendry here asked him about Lemtrovex, Ebryon got pretty annoyed. But he went on ... he holds Alemi responsible for the Wold straying from its potted course. He claims he's older than alemi, that he knew Alemi when he was just a human man, that Alemi was selfish and greedy, obsessed with power and riches. That he then started to call himself Lemtrovex ... Even though he holds Alemi responsible for this Wold's current state he has no quarrel with him unless he interferes with Ebryons plans. And ... ultimately he said we can pray to Alemi all we want but that he would not be listening."

Airin quickly takes a sip of water for all this story telling is drying her out ...

"Then in the end he got a Crystal pumpkin. One that he cherished a lot. He called it the Jewel of the Vine. Then suddely hell was unleashed. The Grand Druid tried to destroy Ebryon, he be was unscathed. He then used the Jewel of the Vine ... some sort of energy killed over half of all druids !! My friends here were very brave in battle - I was hiding a little further to arm my crossbow - and in fact Kendry was able to pin Ebryon with his favourite weapon , a tanglefoot bag ! But in front of our own eyes he turned to a watery pool !! Treants came to fight the druids, Earth elementals jioned in ! In the end Selithe, Kendry's sister, was able to destroy the crystal pumpkin much to Ebryons dismay. Just as we were about to run away Ebryon who we thought was destroyed turned into a Water Elemental !! At the same moment Penelopee gave birth to another baby !! A baby girl !

The Grand druid orders us to run away and he casted a powerfull spell that cracked open the Wold and swalled both the Druid and Ebryon ! And that was the last thing we saw about them ... we never saw Morpth again either. We can only assume he was consumed by the Wold as well ..."

Then Airin finally stops talking. It was a lenghty story, but this great Druid deserves the whole story. A story of friendship, fear, bravery and mourning the ones we lost.

(ooc : oops this got lengthier than I thought ;-) )

Wednesday June 8th, 2005 10:56:01 PM

Done with his prayers now, Olo pushes himself up to his feet with a quiet grunt. Dusting his hands off on his pants he quickly heads back to see if there's any food left. He's fed his spirit and now it's time to feed his body.

Olo takes a quick look at the old oak to see if perhaps Penelope has made an appearance before his nose and his stomach lead him to the various plates and dishes still laid out for breakfast. It's time to eat.

Wednesday June 8th, 2005 11:20:49 PM

Patty nods along solemnly as Airin tells of the perils they had just faced. "That's about the size of it. Are you familar with this Ebyron?" He says after she finishes.

Dwight  d20=10
Wednesday June 8th, 2005 11:23:15 PM

Dwight takes his times climbing back down the rope, and joins the the newcomer in time to hear the events told by Airin. Listening intently, Dwight realizes that today he was part of something much bigger than he imagined. Hearing told, seems to confirm that it wasn't all a dream.

As Airin finishes, Dwight introduces himself "I am Dwight, Dwight Twiggebundler, ahh, sir," finishing with an awkward bow.

Thursday June 9th, 2005 12:14:35 AM

Selithe comes out dressed in clean clothes and squints her eyes as she looks at all the druids and then she spots Myrridan and is quite shocked to see him. Selithe remembers things told of this man and even heard some rumors about him in the jail she spent time in.

Hearing only part of Airin's retailing of the story though but cetching her part in it and chuckles as she moves up beside Airin, "Greetings Myrridan. My name is Selithe, the sister of Kendry that you heard about. I feel that maybe my friends give me more credit then I deserve however....you see, when I grabbed up the crystal pumpkin a power flowed over me that was so very hard to resist, even now I can still remember the power. It almost drove me over the edge to a darker side but there were spirits inside the pumpkin begging to be released. I did nothing more then release those poor spirits." Selithe pulls up her new necklace to show Myrridan, "The spirits gave me this as a gift for freeing them. I still don't know what it does for sure but it is a neat and beautiful item."

Selithe shakes her head and shrugs, "I regret to say that other then breaking that crystal pumpkin I was less help then my friends." Selithe blushes and half whispers, "I mean, I'm still only a novice to the arcane arts and my fighting skills are very limited." In her her embarassment of her skills infront of someone such as Myrridan, Selithe begins slowly shuffling and playing with her deck of cards...a sign of her nervousness.

Thursday June 9th, 2005 11:37:42 AM

Airin looks around, happy that most seem to confirm the story she told. Yet she pinches Selithes hand when she tells about the necklace ... Airin deliberately left this out of her story, not sure if she was allowed to tell this to a "stranger" ...

Friday June 10th, 2005 12:25:00 AM

While gently eating fruit, Podo will take care to listen to the stories as told by his new companions to this Northern Defender. He will try his best to piece together what happened so as to get a good handle on what transpired prior to his arrival.

Friday June 10th, 2005 7:11:27 AM

When Myrridan mildly rebukes him, Kendry appears chagrined. As Airin takes over and does a good job of telling the story, he goes ahead and grabs some of the good food for breakfast, but keeps his ears open to what she and others have to say.

"Well told. Only one detail I would clarify. It was about the time that Ebryon adapted a different form that Penelope started experiencing renewed birth pangs. At the grand druid's urging, we carried her away. The girl was born here, within the tree, and not at the now desecrated site of her," and he coughs before finishing the sentence, "brother's birth."

Myrridan (ADM Kim)  d20=18
Friday June 10th, 2005 7:41:50 AM

Myrridan gives close attention to the recounting of the story. He acknowledges person's introduction. He, too, takes some food as the tale unfolds.

Patterton's question he answers thus. "I know that ages ago there was an 'Ebryon' who was placed in a long sleep by a power known as the Lady Maab. She did not trust him. The elves, Woldwide, have been drawn to reawaken a sleeping power. Many have cooperated, some have resisted. Dreams and visions of coming changes are widespread. We must seek to learn more."

Selithe's charm necklace he takes a moment to inspect. "Huh. Benign magic," he says. "How was it you released the spirits?" Myrridan asks her. The hint of a smile briefly crosses his lips as Airin pinches her.

Myrridan (ADM Kim) (continued) 
Friday June 10th, 2005 7:45:41 AM

"If any of you recall more of what he said, perhaps you can take a few minutes to write it down - or tell me, as you wish. Now, this girl, newborn, lies within?" he asks. "Ebryon's sister?"

Clover (ADM Kim) 
Friday June 10th, 2005 7:55:52 AM

Clover takes Airin aside shortly after she gives her discourse on the events surround Ebryon's coming. "Entry into the Circle of the Culverwood is not likely offered. I will speak with others. If they concur, a test will be given. If you accept, and succeed, and objections are overcome, then ... it may be possible. Do you fear a test, Airin Moondancer Turnbell?" His eyes probe hers.

Airin to Clover  d20+1=14
Friday June 10th, 2005 8:44:08 AM

The little smile on Myrridan's face did not go by Airin's attention and she tries to sense his thoughts ...

(sense motive 14)

Looking straight into the eyes of Clover Airin says : "No, I do not fear a test ..."

"Exploring the powers granted by nature will be a major part of my existance. If I can find guiding to do this no test will be too big. Still, I am but a starting druid and do not know if I will qualidy to pass this test."

Considering the things that happend so far she continues :

"Especially with the latest things that happend understanding nature will be vital. As we grew from the Culverwoods it will be our task to protect it from evil ..."

She starts to feel hungry now ...

"Please Clover, share this breakfast with me so we can talk more. I have told Myrridan what I know, there's little I can add to that."

She walks over to the breakfast table, takes a plate and starts to eat (thanking nature for the delicious fruits)

Other things (ADM Kim) 
Friday June 10th, 2005 8:55:29 AM

The breakfast is excellent. Other druids introduce themselves to the party. Old Garno the Brown, Master of Dirt, is clad in a complex garment of brown wool - full of slits and pockets and layers and buttons. He hails from north of the Peaseblossom River, not many leagues from Trader's Corner. Simone the Silver, a comely elf, also called Daughter of Stars, has hair close in color to Selithe's ponytail. "I heard the song - but it felt, somehow, wrong," she says, referring to the call of Ebryon. "Thank you for coming to our aid," she tells the party.

Breakfast is consumed, then dishes are cleared away, some of the other halflings who have come for forest births, and to assist, doing much of the work. A new mother comes out, bearing twins in her arms, assisted by her husband and sister. Her checks glow pink. At first, thinking it to be Penelope, one of the druids lays a gift of silvered leaves at the feet of the woman. The husband, surprised, thanks him, and takes up the leaves to show his wife. From pink to red go her cheeks. "Thankee, thankee," she says. "These are my two new dears. The boy, he is Brox. And the girl, we've decided to name her Breeze." The aunt, whom some of you have seen walking briskly about, picking up linens and such within the tree earlier, asks, "Would you good druids have a blessing for these twins?" It is learned that the husband is Bo 'Boxer' Oakendale Pastna, his wife is Sissy Burrows Tumblefoot Pastna, and her sister, the children's aunt, is Becka. Becka says, "Well, now, Sissy, you have six. Almost as many as me!"

"May Brox grow strong as the oak in which he was born, and the branches of his life provide shelter to many," offers the druid Savoulus as he holds his hands above the tiny boy's head. Then he moves his hands to hover above the girl. "May Breeze be one who refreshes many, who brings life and health, and who is a force for change and cleansing. Blessings to these babies." He starts to turn away, but then pauses. "I am Savoulus, of the Ring of the Moons. Would you send me the twins, the summer of their tenth year, for a time? If you would, I could offer them some training."

The parents look at each other, exchanging unspoken conversation with their eyes. A slight nod from her, and he answers. "Yes, sir, Mister Savoulus, sir. Th-that would be, would be, that would be fine. Fine with us. Sir. And, uh, I'd like to add a middle name to our son. He will be Brox Oaken Tumblefoot Pastna."

Many of the other druids come to offer their blessings as well. But they seem to be waiting...

At last, they awaken. (ADM Kim) 
Friday June 10th, 2005 9:39:06 AM

Clover does breakfast with Airin, asking her questions about her upbringing. He also points to various plants around the oak, asking her to name them. Pleased with the ones she knows, he gives her the names of the ones she is unsure of. "Learn the plants, Airin, know the plants of the forest. They will be your friends."

After the many blessings, the Tumblefoot Pastna family gathers their things, and, the babies bundled into a hand-drawn cart which Bo guides, a boy, perhaps 12 years or so, walking beside, wife and sister in law walk next to Bo, and they take the path back to Crescent Valley. Savoulus has a quick word with a small group, and an elf and half elf step out to accompany the family on their way.

Just about this time, most of the druids who had gone back to the battlesite earlier return. They bring with them three more than had been with them earlier, plus one more who is carried on a litter. The Master of Dirt takes some time with her. After a few minutes, she sits up, holding her head.

Then, Midwife Gilda appears at the door, along with Marigold. "They are ready," she announces.

Ellis steps out the doorway, and holds his hand. Penelope takes it, and steps across the threshold. In her arms, nursing, is the sweet little girl. A shawl offers at least a bit of discrete cover.

Ellis appears both proud, and a little nervous. But his words are spoken well. "I am Ellis. This is Penelope. This is our little girl." He looks down. "This has been a ... difficult night, and morning. I apologize for what our son has done. We had no idea." He shakes his head. "But this - this is our daughter, our very own." The new father's joy and pride is evident. "And we will raise her right, we will," he says with grit, determination, and maybe even defiance, as though he is about to engage in battle, and he looks on his wife's face. His expression softens. "We have come to ask for your help. It is time to name our daughter. Now, we don't promise to please everyone, but we would like your suggestions. And, if you would, your blessings on the little girl, and her mother."

Various Asides (ADM Kim) 
Friday June 10th, 2005 10:54:09 AM

A little earlier, during breakfast, a short human druid spoke with Podo. "I saw your exercises ealier. You are a monk, no? So am I. I studied martial movements for some years, and along the way learned to love the ways of nature. Do you know your throws?" he asks. He offers to spar a little, "Just for practice." If Podo accepts the offer, he will see that Linder - 'the leaf mover' - is quite competent in the combat arts, indeed. He offers a few pointers, here and there, as well as a word or two of praise. His style involves quite a few spinning attacks and defenses.

Nelvasolas, who helped Olo with breakfast, hands him a little booklet. "These are some of my favorite recipes, using plants from the Culverwood. I would like you to have this." Thumbing through, it contains many colorful sketches of plants, flowers, mushrooms, trees, roots, along with instructions on what parts are good to eat, and steps in preparation. (+2 on cooking skill checks within the Culverwood when using booklet.) "Could you write down a couple of your favorite recipes for me, in exchange?" he asks.

Elf Alniariliana introduces herself to Dwight and Patterton. "That was brave of you," she says to the former, "to try to care for the body of Takeniliarian, and later to speak boldly to the Fae King. Why did you come to the gathering? You did not know the family, and are not an elf nor a druid." And of Patterton, she remarks, "And you, too, spoke bold. What can you tell me of this Morth? Morp? You seemed to have a connection with him. Why do you suppose he did what he did?"

Kendry  d20=20
Friday June 10th, 2005 11:04:13 AM

Kendry takes up Myrridan's request, and begins to write out in a flowing hand the things that lead up to Ebryon's birth, the birth itself, and the words and actions of Ebryon. [d20=20 - check for success of recollection of words and events.] He includes things that others, and he himself, had to say and do, and the turning of Morpth. As he is writing, he asks among the druids and his friends whether there is someone who might copy what he has so far written, so that they are a page or two behind him as he scribes. When done, and the copy made, he then gives his original document to Myrridan, and retains the copy for himself. He looks up from time to time to observe what others are doing, eavesdropping on conversations that don't require him to move to hear.

He smiles at the twins and their blessing. When Ellis and Penelope come forth, he considers Ellis' request. Help name the girl, eh? He begins thinking...

Kim to CV Team 
Friday June 10th, 2005 11:07:45 AM

As mentioned earlier, I will be away until Monday. Feel free to offer multiple posts, if you wish, from today through the weekend.

Friday June 10th, 2005 11:23:46 AM

Patty looks momentarily forlorn as Alniariliana mentions his old friend Morpth. "He was just a confused Hobbit. And a good one, I might add. I don't know what twisted his heart or what caused him to turn on his own kind, but I believe there may be hope for him yet. If he survived the earthquake that is. Seeing him slay that helpless elf...it turned my stomach and I hope you'll not judge us by his actions. I blame that silver tongued, cloven hoofed demon in the woods! I should have let Marigold smash his ugly face in! King of the Fey indeed!" As he speaks, Patty gets more and more upset and he suddenly realizes that he is yelling. Mumbling an apology, he falls into a brooding silence.

(OOC- sorry for the missed post. Finals. ARGGH!!!! Today is my last day for the year, however. Woo hoo!)

Saturday June 11th, 2005 9:05:32 PM

Selithe smiles when the comment on the spirits comes up and she nods, "Actually I wish i could say it was something more heroic but I just smashed the crystal pumpkin on the ground and the spirits came out after I smashed it."

Selithe looks to Airin and gives her a gentle push before she goes to get food or anything. The small push was a friendly push to let her know everything is okay and she didn't mean to cause an problems with the bringing up of her necklace.

Sunday June 12th, 2005 11:06:01 PM

Podo converses with the human druid nodding along with his story. "Yes, I will spar with you. Sparring is good for the soul and for the body. Please demonstrate some of the forms and techniques you have acquired through your journeys, my friend."

Podo watches and then demonstrates in kind.

Listening to the Ellis & Penelope Family's request for naming suggestions, Podo first thinks about offer a form of the name Domi, for the courage the young girl child showed when faced with the ways of her brother in the womb, but then thinks he should quietly approach them at a less conspicuous time when not many are flocking around. Podo feels best when he is in a supporting role.

Monday June 13th, 2005 8:27:45 AM

Airin's happy with the way things went with Clover. She will study nature more as Clover suggested.

"Thank you Clover for your guidance. I will find a way to learn more about nature - perhaps in time you can teach me some more. If ever you have need for young adventurers like ourselves, please don't hesitate to call me."

The gentle push from Selithe is much appreciated by Airin. She casts a gentle smile upon her friend hoping to live through much more adventures with her.

Then she sees Ellis and Penelopee emerge from the tree. At last ! Such a beatifull baby girl ... She listens carefully to Ellis and Penelopee and can not help to say casually : "Airin's a lovely name ..." but immediately her cheeks turn red as she notice some actually hears her say that.

"She came with the eclipse of the moons. Something that happens only once in many lifetimes. We could name her after this unique moment ... though I don't know how to pour this into one name. I'm sure Kendry can do that better than me ..."

Monday June 13th, 2005 4:47:26 PM

"Thank you Nelvasolas," Olo said sincerely as he thumbed through the booklet, "I'm no expert on these woods and half the time I'm worried I'd kill someone if I so much as used a strange tuber."

"I'd be happy to share my favorites," Olo said as he turned to dig around in his pack. "I tend to stick with the hearty meat and potatoes type dishes though, I'm not sure if... um... do you eat meat?" Not quite knowing how to ask the question, Olo manages to finally spit it out ungracefully. He'll spend some time with Nelvasolas discussing recipes, writing down those that the druid seems particularly interested in and asking questions as he browses the pamphlet.

The mundane conversation is a pleasure after the night's events.

Tuesday June 14th, 2005 2:12:02 AM

While waiting for the name to be chosen, Podo will ask the name of his Druid/Monk sparring partner (for future reference) and give his name in kind.

If Podo determines he has enough time to freshen up, he will enter the tree, and ask for some directions to a changing lounge from the staff of the Whistler Oak. If water and soap are available, Podo will remove a dagger, and begin shaving his off his hair for a more monkish look. Having sparred with another monk, memories rushed out of times forgotten of his teachers and happier times. Podo feels by returing back to student dress, he can relive some of those days.

If Podo determines there is not enough time, Podo will await an opportunity to freshen up at his earliest opportunity.

Ellis (ADM Kim) 
Tuesday June 14th, 2005 11:54:20 AM

"So, if you have some ideas for a name, let us know," says Ellis.

Tuesday June 14th, 2005 7:46:12 PM

Podo quietly walks up to the new parents Ellis and Penelope and suggests adding a form of the name Domi to indicate the courage she had just arriving this past night into a brave new world.

Wednesday June 15th, 2005 7:41:39 AM

Inventing catching names is definetely not Airin's forte. There are a few ideas on toppics but no real names so far. "Kendry ! Why don't you have a go at this ?!?"

After breakfast Airin takes time to freshen up. She soon needs to have some sleep as she hasn't slept last night.

She turns to Myrridan and asks :

"Dear Myrridan, we've told you everything we know. But we still have many questions. Maybe our help can be rewarded by a few answers ? What do YOU know about all this ? Ebryon ? Who is he to you ? What will you do with all this information ? Who has intrest in all this ? Where will you go from here and how did you know something was going on here ? I think we deserve a few answers."

Wednesday June 15th, 2005 11:55:48 AM

Selithe looks to Kendry and the others when the comment on a name comes up and shrugs as this isn't her specialty so just lets the others think of it as she goes about getting something to eat. She feels just alittle hungry right now and enjoys the fruit she finds to eat.

As she sits and watches and listens to the others she also pulls out her wizard books and flips through it, looking at stuff and then lastly cetches up in her journal on everything that had happened the last few days. Going into as much detail on the fey king as she can remember for her own notes.

Wednesday June 15th, 2005 12:53:25 PM

"Well, Alniariliana," begins struggling with the beautiful elven name. "I would not call what I did brave, but I thank you for the thought and I am sorry your friend will not see other trees bloom."

"I couldn't even say why, I was there but by pure chance. I was just walking and seeing which trees had sprouted and bloomed recently, when I noticed a large group of folks. Out of curiousity I followed and was amazed at the number of folks gathered and then further amazed when a halfling in no condition to be running or even outside entered the area. I tried to just watch, not get involved. My pa says I'm not very good at staying out of trouble. I suppose he is right at times, today seemed to be much more than just a gathering."


Dwight mentions this to anyone conversing about the newborns name, but does not interupt anything important going on. "Perhaps I may offer a name, though I truly don't expect you to use it, as I am not related by blood. Still one name can help get the thoughts moving, so I offer it just the same. I propose, Clara. It means, I believe to make bright and clear. And I would dare to say she certainly brightened the events of the day.

Wednesday June 15th, 2005 4:06:37 PM

Patty makes his way over to Selithe and plops down on the ground a short ways away from her. He notices that she is working on her spellbook and(knowing how touchy wizards can be about being disturbed from their studies)decides not to distract her for the moment.

Instead, he quietly withdraws his sword from his sheath and gives it a once over. Frowning, he notes that Ebyron's blood had started to thicken on the blade and he silently curses himself for not wiping it down properly earlier. 'Not that there was any time for it', he thinks as he withdraws a bit of cloth from his backpack and begins to carefully wipe it down.

Thursday June 16th, 2005 1:06:53 AM

At Ellis' remark, Olo looked up for a moment from his conversation with Nelvasolas.

"Perhaps name her Harmony, or a word for it in another tongue." He paused for a moment then continued, "For all the lifetimes that Ebyron lived, it's what he lackes." Without realizing it, Olo failed to use the past-tense, he still felt in his soul that Ebyron had not perished when the ground swallowed him up.

"And," he continued, "it's the most we can really hope for our children, that they be in harmony with themselves and the Wold around them."

Suddenly a bit embarrassed at his expressiveness, Olo gave Ellis a slight smile and a shrug. "Well... that's how I feel anyway."

ADM Kim 
Thursday June 16th, 2005 4:16:14 AM

[Just got in a bit ago. Worked 45+ hours in past three days, sat down to post here, and fell asleep, twice. Just cannot think. Sorry, friends. Will try tomorrow, including responses from those your characters have interacted with.]

The druids talk among themselves about the question of naming. Some interest has been expressed in the names the party members have so far mentioned. A few speak in elvish among each other, discussing elvish variants of the suggestions. A bench is brought out for Ellis, and a very comfortable carved chair for Penelope.

Thursday June 16th, 2005 11:43:38 AM

While the others are discussing names, Airin goes inside the tree to freshen up. Her hair hasn't been washed for two days now !

After that, she takes time to check her gear, clean her crossbow, refill her quivers and restock.

Friday June 17th, 2005 9:19:05 AM

Seeing how various cliches and groups are forming to discuss the suggestion of a name, Podo will be himself and exercise off towards the edge of the vegetation.

He begins by stretching, doing a form of what only can be described as bobbing X's, then he begins various leg lifts and half folds. When finished with those routines, he begins a series of push-ups, and what appears to be hand and joint stretches. To the untrained eye, he appears to be attempting to twist his hands right off!

After about a half hour, Podo begins a series of tumbling and rolling motions which end in an abbreviated but loud grunt. Lastly he will practice a motion of dropping to the ground while turning hsi face to one side while ending the motion in the same abbreviated but loud grunt.

Podo will continue these motions and techniques until something either interrupts him or there appears to be a change in the gathering near the Whistler Oak.

Friday June 17th, 2005 9:42:50 AM

Dwight glad to see names being tossed around slight back out of conversation. He hopes the parents choose a name they find appealling and wishes the child well.

Other tasks call his attention and he seeks a place where he can wash his weapons and check the tension on his bow. Once complete, he seeks out someone that is willing to deliver his letter in a timely fashion to his pa.

Friday June 17th, 2005 10:18:56 AM

... humtidum ... humtidum ...
SPLASH ... gurgle gurgle gurgle ...

aaahhhh ... nothing above a good hot bath after "slaying" a self pronounced Fey King.

As things are SERIOUSLY slowing down Airin falls a sleep in her bath. Dreaming of unknown riches, bold adventures, fingers giving her a nice massage ... oops ...

After a while she comes down again. Her black leather armor is cleaned, her pitch black hair hangs loosly around her shoulders again. She feels like new. (meditated her new spells for today)

She smiles to Ellis and Penelopee and comes to give their daughter a loving kiss. "May you grow and remember the strength of your parents forever ... "

"OK", she suddenly says out loud, there's nothing left of the kindness with what she kissed the little baby girl, "cut the chit chat. Time to move on. How do we deal with Ebryon ? Myrridan what will you do with all the intell ?"

Ellis and Penelope decide: Clara. Myrridan says, "Let us away!" (ADM Kim) 
Saturday June 18th, 2005 3:39:06 AM

Simone the Silver says, after discussing the topic with her friends, "Alilliama is our word for singing together. It implies that three or more sing, each with her own notes, but blending together in a song of beauty. That is our word for harmony," she says, with a nod toward Olo. "Alilliama is a name we would offer the daughter of the moons."

With the other suggestions given, the parents consider and talk among themselves. At last, Ellis stands. "In honor of our many friends and family, we wish to name our daughter." He helps Penelope stand, then turns to those gathered.

"This is our daughter, our very own to love and raise together. Clara Alilliama Domiselithe Airina Marigold Pipewood Greentree," he says. "Mostly, we will call her Clara, as Dwight has named her. Bright and clear." Penelope looks down on her daughter, and gives her a kiss. "Hi, little Clara, tiny Clarabelle," she says. Then, a worried expression crosses her face. "Now, don't you go growing up too fast, now. And no pumpkins."

That is certainly more middle names than most halfling children bear, but does not break the record of Pip 'Longname' Grassroots Pastna of Humble's Ford, who has 26 middle names, in reverse alphabetical order.

Ellis also kisses his daughter, who then makes little baby cooing sounds. Her lips purse, and start seeking something to suckle, and mama obliges.

The druids who have not yet done so lay down their many gifts.

Myrridan comes last, and gives a quiet blessing in the druidic tongue. Airin is able to pick up parts of what he says. '...resilience of the sapling ... acute as the eyes of a hawk ... before ... green ... buy back, and come once more ...'

He then asks, "Had you not noticed that one eye is turquoise, and the other blue?"

Myrridan then turns and says, "Young ones, I believe that some of the questions you have asked me about Ebryon may have answers. And some of what you have reported will help us better understand the changes coming upon the Wold. My thanks for what you have said, and to you, Kendry, for what you have written, now that you are fully awake.

"Let me take you to meet the Dragons. The Gold Dragons and the Storm Dragons are meeting together. They are some of the Wold's most renowned adventurers. Let me, and some of my brethren, take you now to meet with them. We shall travel by oak and willow. Gather quickly what you need, and then let us depart."

Myrridan and Savoulus, between the two of them, can take the party of adventurers with them to Plateau City. In your posts this weekend, indicate any last minute thing you wish to do or say to Ellis, Penelope, Clara, Marigold, the druids, et al. They suggest that donkeys and mounts be left behind, as they expect, after consultation, you will be returned back here.

Next stop: Plateau City!

Monday June 20th, 2005 3:12:14 AM

"Blessed be thee little Clara. It's a good name."

Then Airin kisses Ellis and Penelopee goodbey, turns to Blossom, her pony, who should be still out here somewhere and asks the ones who will stay near the oak to take good care of her.

Next she walks over to Myrridan and says : "I am ready master Druid."

Monday June 20th, 2005 9:21:27 AM

Podo finishes off his exercises and his kata practice and heads for the tree. If no one stops him, once at the tree he will go inside and make the necessary preparations to begin a journey anew. If stopped on his way to the tree, he will be cordial and curtious and ask to be excused so he can prepare for the impending journey.

(Aside from a few items one needs on a journey, such as rations, rope, flint & steel, and a few containers, Podo is ready.)

Monday June 20th, 2005 12:34:54 PM

Selithe looks up at Patty once she has finished making the last of her notes in her notebook and smiles to him, "You look kind of bored mister." She gives Patty a wink, "I'm sure things will liven up more soon enough."

Selithe nods and stands when she hears the comments on moving on and offers Patty a hand to help him up too, "Looks like we are on the move again Patty." Selithe glances over at Podo and thinks a moment, "We'll see about helping you get some stuff as soon as we can Podo. You did help in the fight against the fey king so are deserving of ome of the money too I think."

Selithe shrugs now and readies her staff and checks her backpack so it doesn't hurt her shoulder.

Monday June 20th, 2005 4:15:26 PM

Patty slides the sword back into it's sheath,lets Selithe help him to his feet and dusts off his pants. "I'm not all that bored. Just thinking about everything that has happened so far. Things were pretty tame before I met you...er...I mean you guys. Big things are happening here,ya know? I'm just a little worried about Hovel and the rest of the valley. I want to be able to make sure everyone is safe." Patty rubs the pommel of his longsword absent-mindedly. "There must be a weapons master in Plateau City, prehaps I can find someone to train under."

Kendry  d20+5=19 d20+5=17
Tuesday June 21st, 2005 1:23:51 AM

Kendry had been so busy with his writing - for he started writing down some more things after he finished the report to Myrridan, that he was not interacting with others as much as is his wont - but he was listening attentively to conversations in earshot. When Selithe and Airin ask him to help with the naming, he smiles, and says, "I'm thinking. If you all don't come up with something, I'll see what I can do." But, as time goes on, he adds no suggestions.

At one point, he climbed his knotted rope back up, retrieved and lowered his knapsack, took apart his rope guard lines, then, lowering his knotted rope to a branch some twenty feet above the ground, looped it once over the branch, tied the two ends together, then climbed back down, grasping both sides of the dangling rope as he descended. Once down, he untied the ends, and, shaking one end as needed to help pull the other up and over, retrieved his rope [Climb: 19 on way up, 17 on way down].

He appreciates the naming of the girl. Alilliama - Harmony, eh? That's right - he's heard that word among the elven bards. Domiselithe - his sister, and the God of Courage, combined into one name! Got Airin's name in there, too, with the 'a' on the end. And took Dwight's and Podo's suggestions. Nice. Hearing Peeps' affectionate rendering of Clara into Clarabelle, Kendry almost asks her if she wants to add 'Belle' in as a middle name - but decides that nicknames and terms of endearment don't need formalization, necessarily. He strokes Clara's cheek, then Penelope's, as well. He turns his face towards Ellis. "Well done, you two. You know that you and yours will be in our thoughts and prayers."

He agrees to Myrridan's request - if that is what it is - that they go meet the Dragon groups. How exciting! He spends a few minutes with one of the regular helpers at the oak, and explains how to care for his ponies, and puts their feed in a good spot somewhere within the oak, with a suggestion of how much to give them each day. He offers two gold pieces as an advance on the care needed for the ponies. He asks Gilda for a safe spot to leave his saddlebags. He thanks her for her hospitality, giving her a piece of paper with a short poem about the Whistling Oak, halflings forest-born, and the wise and brave midwives who serve their people so very well.

Kendry takes some things out of his knapsack, and others out of the pack saddles of the ponies, effecting a rearrangement of what he will take with him.

"Aunt Marigold - are you to come with us?" he asks. "I hope you can, for I'm sure you would have much to offer in the way of information, perspective and wisdom to the Gold Dragons and Storm Dragons. I would love your company, too."

When it is time to go, Kendry holds out his hands to one on either side of him - for that is how he traveled with Aunt Nilli through other oaks in times past - taking her hand for an arboreal journey.

Aunt Marigold (ADM Kim) 
Tuesday June 21st, 2005 1:35:13 AM

"No, Kendry, I will not come with you. I must accompany Penelope and Ellis and their baby back to Hovel - and see what effects, if any, this upstart may have caused on our town, and help calm things down, if there's a need." All of a sudden, she gives him a swift, even stinging swat on his rump. "You should have brought the beer back for my campaign, you rapscallion." To soften the effects of the swat and rebuke, she tousels his wavy auburn hair. "Now, to make that up to me, I want you to promise to check in with me as soon as you can when you return from your chat with these 'Dragons' - hear?"

Clover (ADM Kim) 
Tuesday June 21st, 2005 1:40:41 AM

As the halflings of Crescent Valley scurry about in preparation for their journey, Clover stops Airin for a moment. He hands her a bundle. "This is for you, and your friends. One never knows when some little odds or ends will be needed. Open it later. Do with it what you will. When the time for testing comes - should it be agreed to offer it - you will hear from us, little Airin." A layer of silk, tied with cord of an elvish braid, is wrapped around something soft within. Perhaps a garment?

Alniariliana (ADM Kim) 
Tuesday June 21st, 2005 1:48:58 AM

"A small token of my appreciation, Dwight Twiggebundler," Alniariliana tells him. She places in his hand a small silk packet. "If you are being followed by someone you wish not to find you, untie the knot, and gently blow the dust behind you. It will make it very hard for your pursuers to follow your tracks. We call it dust of tracelessness." She give him a kiss on his forehead.

Linder - 'the leaf mover' (ADM Kim) 
Tuesday June 21st, 2005 2:03:46 AM

"You need better to remember what you have already heard, good Podo. I am Linder, Linder the Leaf Mover," he tells his fellow monk, with a formal bow. "Say, since I've become a druid, I've managed to concoct something that helps me as a monk." From a fold in his robe, he pulls a small vial. "Rub this on an oaken staff, or club. It lasts only a minute or so, but makes of your staff an even stouter weapon. Fare well, Podo, with the Dragons - and your new friends, here." [Oil of Shillelagh.]

Plateau City: Platinum Dragons

Miscellany, and trunk by trunk to Plateau City (ADM Kim) 
Tuesday June 21st, 2005 3:15:23 AM

Marigold tells Dwight, after inquiring as to where he lives, that she will see to it that his letter to his father gets delivered. "I have some reliable people. Might take a day, two at the most to reach him, if all is well."

"Oh, of course I eat meat, but not every day," Nelvasolas answers Olo's question. "It's just not as easy, usually, for people to identify what plants may safely be eaten - and how to prepare them to best effect." He is happy to receive some of Olo's recipes.

Old Garno the Brown takes Selithe aside. "Sounds like yer brudder tagnelfeets peoples lots. Yer need ta get 'em untagnelled, just pour this here on 'em," he tells her. [Universal Solvent.] He smells like humus, and the unlabeled vial of clear liquid he hands her has dirt smudges on it.

Alniariliana has yet another gift - this one for Patterton. "You ask strong questions. If you need straight answers - the one who drinks this potion will say nothing but the truth. Save it for a time of need, stout warrior," she counsels him. [Elixir of Truth.]

Podo's head is shaved bald. People are cleaned up, who wanted to be.

Ellis and Penelope decide they ought to return to Hovel. Old midwife Gilda fusses a bit, saying that Penelope should not be moving about more than necessary following the birth of two babies. Penelope, however, looks quite strong, and explains, "Dear Ellis has a very nice carriage in which to ride, so it'll be no real trouble at all!" Gilda fusses a bit more, just to make it known that this is not her recommendation. Seeing they are determined, however, she sends a young midwife in training in to the oak, who then brings out a few things for the family. Gilda gives Penelope a number of instructions. Ellis, getting some help from a few of the halfling boys there, gets his ponies hitched to the luxurious carriage. "Say, folks," he asks the party. "You want I should take your ponies and mounts back to Hovel? I have room in my stables, and it shouldn't be any trouble, especially for all the help you've been to me and my wife, here." If the party agrees, he does so - including saddles, saddlebags, and the like.

Several druids head out in different directions.

About the time the Greentrees are ready to leave - escorted by four druids - Myrridan the Wild and Savoulus of the Ring of the Moons instruct the young halflings to gather around them. "Airin, Kendry, Podo and Simone with me. Patterton, Dwight, Selithe and Olo with Savoulus. Savoulus - follow me, tree for tree."

Myrridan moves his hand over his face, and changes from looking like a human, to looking like an elf. He takes Airin's hand, and looks to make sure that the other three are touching her, then casts a spell. The five are drawn into the very trunk of the Whistler Oak, and disappear from sight.

From tree to tree, the halflings feel themselves drawn along, their bodies conforming to the shape and texture of wood and bark and roots and branches. There is a moment's pause in each new host, and occasional glimpses of different fauna.

Soon, out of an oak the first five step. A minute or so later, Savoulus and the four who came with him step out the same tree. But - this tree is inside a tavern of sorts! In common, Myrridan says, "This is the Golden Griffin Inn. Keep your mouths shut until we get outside." In elvish, Myrridan says to an elf who wears a pale blue embroidered robe, 'We are passing through, brother. Forgive the instrusion.'

Cleverly carved wood, crystals lit from within, flowers suffused with a soft light, and many wonders greet the eyes of the curious halflings as they are lead out the building. Two male elves - one who looks unusually haggard, are heard to mention Ebryon's name just after the halflings pass by. A sharp glance from Myrridan sternly warns the halflings to mind their business, and keep up with him.

"The castle of the Gold Dragons is a few hundred paces that way." Turning left out the door, down a street marked 'Mage's Bend,' a castle - with water coming close to the entrance stands before the group. Walking toward the entrance, the castle to the left, the sight is one of massive splendor.

Myrridan knocks on the door. "Visitors from Crescent Valley, and the Culverwood!" Myrridan speaks up.

Tuesday June 21st, 2005 3:34:04 AM

Kendry is taken aback at the unexpected swat from Aunt Marigold - but also somehow relieved that she finally mentioned at least one thing that was between them. "I shall do my best, Auntie," he replies.

He is fine with having Ellis take his donkeys back to Hovel. He takes Airin's other hand, wondering whether this trip will feel different from the tree-journey's he has taken before. He remains alert as he can during the travel, trying to take in each sensation.

In the Golden Griffon Inn, he marvels at all the elvish artistry. He forgets to release Airin's hand, at first, then, blushing, does let go. About to bound over to the two elves when he hears Ebryon's name dropped, he stops himself at Myrridan's glance. What do they know of Ebryon? he wonders to himself.

He looks around at the tall buildings of Plateau City. What a strange place! Everything so big. At the door of the Gold Castle, he almost holds his breath in anticipation of who might open the door.

Tuesday June 21st, 2005 6:12:58 AM

before the Tree-trippin :
Airin nods to Clover and gratefully accepts the gift - not knowing yet what is inside. However the possibility to enter the Druidic Circle in the future makes her even happier than the gift she got. "I look forward to it, Clover. Thank you."

Ready to meet the Dragons :

Stepping out of the tree Airin shares Kendry's amazement. Especially Myrridan's stern look makes her a little bit uneasy. Then she realises she and Kendry still hold hands and can not help but feel supported by it. When Kendry suddenly releases her hands and blushes Airin lovingly smiles at him. Her lips form the words "Thank you" in halfling without speaking.

Following Myrridan Airin's mouth stands wide open ... never did she see such beauty ... such grandeur ... the little halfling starts to feel even smaller when they stand in front of the Castle of the Gold Dragons.

She quickly takes a look at herself. She's happy she washed before going out again. She quickly goes through her hair, streighthens her backpack and gear, polishes her boots by running them along the back of her legs ...

Tuesday June 21st, 2005 7:15:28 PM

Just about the time the Myrridan and his visitors arrive at the gates, a dainty black-skined, purple-eyed halfling lass arrives. She seems to be dressed in what only can be described as Gypsy clothing, although very expensively made.

" Myrridan, Why are you keeping these fine young people hovering at the doorstep?"

That said she opns the door and steps in, almost as if she lived there.

"I'm not at all sure who else is around right now, but come on in and make yourselves comfortable in the study and I will see if Flabersham is around to bring in some refreshements. I won't be a moment."

That said she flounces off out of the room. Only a few seconds pass before she returns.

"Flabersham will be here momentarily." So, you have travelled a long way and hurridly if I read things correctly. What could possibly have spurred you all to such effort?....

She stops for a moment and then shames her head.

"I am so very sorry, you must think I am a complete dolt or at least rude. I did not introduce myself. My name is Dahlia Fastfingers of the Gold Dragons."

Tuesday June 21st, 2005 10:07:45 PM

"Pleased to meet you, Dahlia," Kendry replies as he holds out a hand, indicating that Airin and Selithe might first enter the foyer. "I saw you in the Catacombs recently, though we did not formally meet at the time. I am Kendry Leafwin Pipewood, of Humble's Ford - and other places around Crescent Valley. This is my sister, Selithe - but maybe I should let my sis and cousins and friends introduce themselves. Meanwhile - something extraordinary just took place in the Culverwood. Refreshments sound great!" He steps into the study, and takes a good look about, especially seeing what titles there might be on the bookshelves.

Tuesday June 21st, 2005 10:32:55 PM

"Yes, if the rest are here, they'll be in the dining room for sure." Myrridan turns back to rest of the halflings and whispers with a slight smile, "They never stop eating!"

Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 1:34:39 AM

Valdor is back to working on his swordplay and exercises when Flabs comes to inform him of yet another adventuring group bearing news and information. He excitedly grabs a towel, wiping most of the sweat from his body. He doesn't want to keep their guests waiting, so he hurries downstairs, carrying his swords with him...just in case one of these visits proves to be assassins.

He enters the dining hall moments after the guests have been ushered in and stops suddenly. He looks a bit confused for just a second and then smiles broadly. He had heard, of course, about a group of adventuring halflings, but really didn't know what to expect. He looks from Dahlia back to the halflings, then back again.

He bows to them all and says,"Forgive my appearance, I didn't expect such distinguished guests so shortly after the others left. I would have cleaned up, but I figured if Myrridan has brought you and Dahlia is with you, that you must bear urgent news. Please enjoy your food and drink and tell your tale when you are ready. Oh yes, I forgot to introduce myself...I am called Valdor."

He waves for a glass of water and the server brings him a large pitcher of water...which he promptly downs.

He is wearing only a pair of tight breeches and a skin tight half shirt with no sleeves, which is obviously to keep his legs and arms from becoming tangled up with his swords. His arms are easily as big as most of the haflings waists, and his legs twice that large...yet he carries no fat to be seen. The veins on his arms stand out a bit from his recent exercise.

He carries two magnificent swords, but one is simply beautiful. It has gems encrusted in the hilt, mostly rubies and diamonds. It's blade looks as if covered in a blood-red sheen. When he leans it up against the table, the visage of a red dragon can be seen on it. It apparently is a weapon against especially made to fight such beasts.

He smiles easily, as if he's known the visitors for a lifetime and waits for them to talk.

Nick Valentine - Platinum Dragons 
Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 2:08:37 AM

Walking determinedly between one room and another, collecting spell componants, scrolls, anything else he might need, the cleric of Alemi quickly changes plans as Flabersham announces the visitors, and goes downstairs quickly to meet them.
Seeing Dahlia, Myrridan and Valdor already there to greet their visitors, Nick smiles and gives the group of halflings a solumn bow.
"Welcome," he says. "I hope your journey here was a safe one."
He takes a seat, intrigued. What news, he wonders.

Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 3:21:12 AM

Airin's exitement is beyong describing. She gazes at these famous warriors and feels utterly small in their company.

"I ... me ... euh ... I ..." she starts to stammer. She's soo overwhelmed by the looks of these warriors that words just don't come out as they should. Then she gives herself a pinch in the arm "No I'm not dreaming" and finally is able to introduce herself to the Gold and Platinum Dragons.

"Greetings mighty warriors, I am Airin Moondancer Turnbell. Little Halfling from the Crescent Valley. I'm usually our groups scout and prefere stealth in encounters. Lately I discovered some new powers granted to me by nature as well.
How may we be of your service."

Airin is a young female halfling Rogue 1 / Druid 1, clad in black leather armor. Her pitch black shoulder length hair hangs loosely around her shoulders. On her back she holds a light crossbow and a short sword hangs on her belt. The keen eye will see various daggers tucked away in different places.
Airin is on the one hand very paranoid and will never fully trust anyone, but on the other hand she's extremely curious to learn, which will often cause her to make stupid mistakes. Lately she will do anything to learn more about druidicism and find other druids.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 9:38:18 AM

Before Tree-trippin:
Podo will thank Linder the leaf mover for his generous gift. "I will use it and think of my wonderful friend, Linder." states Podo clasping Linder on the shoulder and bidding him a good journey and Godspeed.

The Journey to meet the Dragons:
Podo will hold hands with Airin and Myrridan as they begin their journey to another place. His staff securely strapped to his back down the center and between his shoulder blades. The rest of his simple gear is packed,strapped and slung across one shoulder and his chest as if a shoulder bag holding some wares would be seen on a traveling merchant. Podo does his best to follow Myrridan's suggestions and remains silent unless directly spoken to. He will on the other hand take into account all that he sees. His relative Kendry's habit of writing in a journal is begining to cause an itch in Podo to do the same. Podo thinks silently to himself. "I will ask for a traveling journal and an oaken staff the next chance we have for a shopping trip."

Arrival at the Dragon's Keep:
Podo will follow where he is lead. He will take a seat to unwind by removing his staff from his back and re-adjusting all his gear for comfort. Now that the tree journey appears at an end, he will carry the staff in his hands.

When the opportunity comes, Podo will introduce himself in turn.

"I am Podo Danderfluff Pipewood, a simple Monk of the land near Culverwood. Although I am but a simple monk, I strive to follow Domi as he has set for us a great example on how to serve our Brothers and Sisters." "Incidently, I am also Kendry & Selithe's Cousin."

"Although I could add to the story you are about to hear, my cousins can elaborate much better than I, so I will leave it to them."

Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 10:24:01 AM

Selithe smiles at the gift given her and nods, "Thank you for this, I'm sure it will come in handy in the future." She shakes smiles and nods to both Brown and the other before moving to join her friends.

Holding on to the next person's hand in line Selithe moves along with the others through the trees. This trip is quite simply amazing and Selithe is taken back by the power of magic and what it allows the user to do.

At the Inn Selithe looks around in more awe then anything and she wonders at how stunning the place looks. She does whisper to Kendry when she gets a chance, "This is fancier then I have seen in a long time brother."

When the group is finally lead to the Gold Dragon's Selithe can do little but stand and stare at the place and at the people that come to greet them. Selithe thought she would have many questions but at the moment she is just to taken back with the place and the people she had only heard about till today to say much.

After finally gathering some of her wits to her she speaks up, "My name is Selithe, sister to Kendry here." Selithe gives Podo a small nudge too and smiles, "An this is my uncle but he introduced himself already."

Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 11:23:35 AM

Patty looks about in wonder. "Well this is a bit different." He mutters as introductions are going around. After a few of the Hobbits have introduced them selves, Patterton speaks up.

"I'm Patterton Cloverturn Burrows. Pleased to meet you."

Wednesday June 22nd, 2005 9:52:31 PM

Winking at the other halflings as Valdor shows up, she comments.

"Well I should have figured if he wasn't in the kitchen, he would be downstairs showing off."

When Father Nicholas arrives, Dahlia sheepishly inches over to him, hands reaching in the folds of her skirt. Handing over three jingling silk pouches, she speaks softly.

"Father Nicholas, It seems that I have another donation to make to Alemi that is sent through me by some of the city's annonymous nobles."

Thursday June 23rd, 2005 2:50:45 AM

Kendry nodded in agreement with Selithe's comment on the fanciness of the Golden Griffon Inn, but did not dare to speak until they exited that establishment.

To Myrridan's comment, that the Gold Dragons never stop eating, Kendry gets a big smile. "And I thought that six meals a day was almost enough."

He nods in the direction of the cleric of Alemi who just sat down, wondering what his name might be. "Thanks. Yeah, pretty safe. Through the trees!"

The loquacious bard restrains himself enough to let some of the others speak first. "Oh, we met, once," he finally recalls, turning to the massive half elf, "at the Giggling Ghost, Valdor. You said some real nice things to me, then - I got distracted! Great to meet you again. Kendry Leafwin Pipewood, just by way of reminder. Nice castle. How big around are your arms, anyway? Looks like if I put my legs and arms all together in a bundle, they still wouldn't be quite as big around as your biceps. What sort of things did you eat while growing up?"

Looking about then, he interrupts his stream of questions with another question. "Hey, where's Olo? Olo? Did he get lost in the study? Didn't even see him come in. Olo? Probably found the kitchen." He sets aside that question for the moment.

"So, Dahlia, Valdor, and uh, Father Nicholas, are you?" he nods towards the cleric that Dahlia just approached. "Have you ever heard of Ebryon?"

Settling in for some conversation (ADM Kim) 
Thursday June 23rd, 2005 3:09:18 AM

So, here are the halflings of Crescent Valley, now far to the south even of the Red Hills, up at the very top of the plateaus of New Elenna, sitting down to talk with some of the Wold's most renowned adventurers, here at Myrridan's bidding and his and Savoulus' conveyance.

The latter takes a moment to introduce himself. "I am Savoulus, of the Ring of the Moons. An ... uncommon thing has happened in the Culverwood."

Just as the druid is saying this, a handful of people step forth bearing platters of food, snacks, pitchers of drinks, vegetables, fruit, meat - a veritable feast. As they retreat, a few more arrive, with pastries, pies, and other treats.

"Perhaps the residents of Crescent Valley might tell their story first," Savoulus says. He takes a large ripe plum from off one plate and examines it. "How is the vegetation doing here in the city?"

Thursday June 23rd, 2005 9:26:44 AM

"Where to start?" says Podo. "Actually, aside from what I know about the battle scenes, I can not offer you much as I was drawn to the gathering as I past through the forest on my way. I saw some other halflings in trouble so I lent my assistence. When I arrived, I saw my kin battling a critter the halflings were calling Ebyron."

"I think Cousin Kendry could weave the tale the best...he loves words!"

Podo finishes his statement, bows to the hosts and hostesses and wanders over to a veggie tray. After taking a small selection of assorted veggies, Podo wanders over to a seat that allows for a good viewing and also affords him some privacy.

Thursday June 23rd, 2005 10:26:51 AM

Having told the entire story rather detailed to Myrridan allready, Airin is not really keen on starting over again. Last time she explained everything there was ziltch in reply from Myrridan ... this time Airin wants to get some answers first !

Scraping her throat first (she IS rather nervous in the company of such renowned warriors and wouldn't want to offend them) before she continues :

"Dear friends, we've told the enitre story word for worf to Master Myrridan here. Kendry offered him a written journal of all we went through. Must we go over that again ?!? Wouldn't it be nice of you to finally enlighthen us, little folk, of what is happening in the Wold ?!? What's with the vegetation ? What do you know about Ebryon ? Who has been here before us ?!? Please ... first share some of your wisdom with us. If there are a few blanks we can fill in, we will gladly do so. Don't feel offended, but so far all we were asked was to tell our story over and over again ... I would like to find some answers now."

During her discourse, Airin's cheeks started to turn red ... she's feeling a bit ashamed. Is it right to answer the way she did when such a welcome dinner was made for them ?!? Carefully she takes her cup a little closer and takes a sip. She won't touch the rest before she knows they're not angry.

Thursday June 23rd, 2005 11:40:29 AM

(OOC:Sorry everyone, forgot to comment on what Selithe looks like and is wearing so here it is.)

Selithe wears a tight, low cut shirt with ruffled sleeves and a simple pair of pants of the same blue color. Her hair is pulled back in a pony tail and is the color of platinum. She wears simple black boots and other then the simple cloak she wears she has only her normal adventuring gear with her. She does proceed to pull out a pipe and begins filling it and lighting it up, she for all appearances is a normal female, liking fancy things and seeming refined but her small time in jail and now love of gambling has given her more of a wild streak. She does take a moment to lean her staff against the wall.

Selithe looks to Airin when she speaks up and almost grins since she is beginning to like Airin's way of thinking more and more. Selithe takes a small puff on her pipe before speaking up, "You have to excuse our friend Airin. You see, we kind of been dragged along it feels like and some answers would be very nice. The only things we really know is that a satyr baby was born who grewup very very fast and claimed to be the fey king. When he started commiting acts of evil we had no choice but to step in. With luck we destroyed his jewel of the vine as he called it and defeated him or atleast slowed him down may be the best word. However before I continue or anyone else can we please have a few answers? I do not mean to be rude but since you all are prestiges as you are and everything surely you have some knowledge to pass along to us."

Even knows Selithe is able to keep her mind on what she is saying she is abit scared since she doesn't want to offend anyone either. Looking at Valdor, Selithe can just imagine him with his size and stregnth picking her up by the ankles and shaking her a few times as punishment or worse.

(OOC:Sorry Valdor, couldn't help but put that in. With Valdor's size and how intimidating he would be to alittle halfling, let alone a female halfling.(

Thursday June 23rd, 2005 1:14:10 PM

A small smile crosses Kendry's face as Airin vents her frustration. A young woman of action, she is. He likes that.

On the other hand, he knows that this group possesses some first-hand information to which the Gold Dragons are not yet privy. As Airin is talking, he opens his knapsack, which he had left on the floor beside his chair, and digs out the many pages he had written just a few hours ago.

"Yes, we would like some answers, as Airin requests, and Myrridan has been told the story. This," he says, holding the sheaf of papers, "is as close to a verbatim accounting of Ebryon's words, and faithful reporting of his actions, as well as those of us who ... encountered him, as I could manage to put together." [OOC: Earlier had rolled a natural 20 for the recollection of such.]

He hands the sheaf of papers off to Valdor. "Myrridan also has the original I wrote - perhaps you can make that available to Dahlia or Father Nicholas. As the pages are not yet bound, one can start reading, then pass the read pages to another person as he continues with those unread.

"That said, let me give a synopsis, as a starting point, if you will so allow?" he offers and asks, raising an eyebrow to seek permission of these august adventurers.

He takes a sip of wine for his throat's sake as he looks for a nod or sign of approval.

Those who read his written account will learn the following (in much greater length than this summary of the writings):
The document begins by recounting the widely-shared vision about the Wold, and the awakening of the being with the almond-shaped eyes, and of his focus on the forests and flora of the Wold, of Parnoth the Oppressor in the Culverwood, and his screams, and the cheerful countenance of the one with almond eyes as many are made to suffer. [See Crescent Valley post: The Big Dream [CDM Jerry], Saturday March 19th, 2005 12:16:23 PM]

It goes on to tell of the prophecy the previous night of the witches, just the night before the vision. [See Three Witches! [DM Jerry], Wednesday February 23rd, 2005 12:57:29 PM] The summation of their prophecy was: "Woe!" "Blessed Be!" "Praises!" "Beware the Great Conjunction! Beware!" "Crescent Valley, Valley of the Moon! Your time has come!" "Woe to he who is unprepared!" [sic - she should have said "Woe to him who is unprepared" the bard annotates.] "Blessed be that which is to come!"

The appearance in the hobbit town of Hovel of large mushrooms - three feet tall! - and huge pumpkins, and other large vegetation was coincident with this.

Penelope Honeymead Pipewood Greentree, wife of Ellis Oakendale Greentree, six months pregnant, found and baked one of the huge pumpkins into some pies. Somehow, the pumpkin forced her into early labor. On their way to help her, there was a strange assembly of birds, which formed into an elf and attacked those trying to get to her and help. [See Birds! (DM Stephen), Tuesday April 5th, 2005 1:19:37 AM, and following]

A brief description is given of the hasty journey into the Culverwood, to the Whistling Oak, and of the watchers along the way. [See Get Born (DM Stephen), Sunday April 17th, 2005 10:36:03 PM.]

An owl shape changes into a druid, and warns the group to flee. [See Greetings! Well, close to it. (DM Stephen), Tuesday April 19th, 2005 7:08:51 AM]

What happens when they enter into the oak is told. [See ALL OF THEM! (DM Stephen), Tuesday April 19th, 2005 11:55:17 PM] In particular, the following is written:
Penelope squirms on her bed. She begins to shout incoherently. Sweat and tears stream off her face. Her bloodshot eyes are glassy. She stares up at the ceiling, looking at visions that aren't there. "EBRYON!!" she shouts. Then Sylvan words spit from her lips. "Lemtrovexx, Lemo, Lemtrovvv your time comess. Huh, huh, huh, time reclaim what's MINEE!! Oh stewards ... you are dead, dead, dead, dead to meeeee!" With those final words she screams a bloodcurdling cry.
Two druids attack the tree and the party members as the bulk of the other watchers and some druids leave to head to another part of the forest. The two are defeated.

A song arises, Penelope gets up, embued with amazing strength, and leaves the oak, to follow the path the other druids took. The party follows along, to an ancient stand of stones ordered in concentric circles. Penelope lays upon a stone altar in the center, and, amidst songs and chanting and counter chants - not all are of one mind at this convocation of druids, elves, and the fae - the two moons align, a full eclipse occurs, a tempest arises, a ring of light descends from the eclipse in the midst of the starry night sky and surrounds the entire druid circle.

And cousin Penelope delivers a baby boy. But something is different. Something is wrong. He has, in place of normal legs and toes, the legs of a goat, with cloven hooves. [See the entirety of The Grand Convergence. (DM Stephen), Friday April 22nd, 2005 7:07:27 PM]

The story of Ebryon's birth, and supernaturally rapid growth, and his promises, lies, and cheeful malevolently skewed perspective are told in the Crescent Valley posts from April 22nd, through - Happy Birthday (DM Stephen), Wednesday May 25th, 2005 7:09:37 AM, the majority of which Kendry has written up (including, naturally, all of his own songs and poems!). And, of how, his crystal pumpkin trinket smashed, the grand druid and Ebryon buried in the earthquake, and the party escaping back to the Whistler Oak.

The birth of Ebryon's sister, Clara Alilliama Domiselithe Airina Marigold Pipewood Greenhill, is written of - and that she, thankfully, is, to all appearances, a normal, beautiful, halfling baby.

Kendry's account ends with the song he sang during battle against his cousin:
The newborn king of vines and weeds
Unleashed the pumpkin power sowed
So druids, stewards of the seeds
He pierced: From green, red blood now flowed

Oh people, fear King Ebryon
His hand o'er nature bringeth death
This power from some day bygone
Ariseth new, with satyr's breath

Wilt bow the knee? Trust not this lord
Caprice and malice him enfold
Beware when offereth he reward
A baneful darkness shades our Wold

Now mourn the druids' loss of breath
By him who claims it's time to reckon
Nature's wealth he turns to death
Laughter wild, vines lethal beckon

Arise! now heroes, gird your loins
For time has come to show your worth
New class of battle we enjoin
Find you ways to end ill mirth


Blood cries out for Justice! Justice!
Oppose this self-crowned king of fey
Stand bold, stand strong, heroes of Wold
And fight Ebryon come what may

Nick Valentine - Platinum Dragons. 
Thursday June 23rd, 2005 7:39:30 PM

Just before the visiting adventurers begin to speak, Nick accepts the coin pouches that Dahlia gives him.
"Well, that was kind of them," he whispers. "You must tell them thank..." he trails off, looks down at the pouches, and then at Dahlia. Any further conversation on the subject is put to one side as the Crescent Valley halflings begin their story.

He can quite understand their frustration on not knowing what was going on. He felt the same way, and he reckoned he could vouch for some of the other Dragons, too.
Part way through the tale, something makes him gasp.
"You've seen him?? You've fought him??. Nick is quite astonished. All this running around, half-truths and prophecies, and here was first hand knowledge, stood right here, in the form of a brave team of halflings.

Kendry  d20=2
Thursday June 23rd, 2005 8:49:50 PM

"Well, sure we did," Kendry answers Nicholas. "There for his birth, his growth from infant, to talking and lascivious child, to adolescence, to young, uh satyr. Over the course of maybe an hour, all told. Like Selithe just said. He took advantage of a poor halfling who already had a short lifetime of suffering under the domination of orcs, twisted him, and turned him to his service, while having him decapitate an elf druid. Morpth, this halfling - Patterton knows him. Read this," he indicates the documents he offered. "All Ebryon's words, many of his plans, and much of his character are here." With a serious mien, he says simply, "So, we fought him once he started attacking the druids." Then, eyes looking downward for a moment, Kendry gets a funny smile on his face. "O-o-oh, he really does not like tanglefoot bags, my cousin doesn't!"

He takes a cream-filled pastry, and inadvertently dribbles some of the contents onto the front of his tunic [dex check 4] with his first bite. He wipes most off with his finger, then scrubs with a napkin to take care of the rest.

With the Dragons, a typical, casual feast (ADM Kim) 
Thursday June 23rd, 2005 11:41:10 PM

No one, so far, appears to hold the slightest bit of anger towards Airin. As she awaits answers, she feels the little silk-wrapped bundle that Clover gave her poking gently against the side of her knapsack.

One of the women servers returns with an even wider selection of vegetables, and delivers it straight to Podo. Some dips - two types of mustard (one hot, one mild), a cream sauce, one sauce with, apparently, salmon bits mixed in, a pasty bean curd, and a red-yellow-green melange that is spicy sweet. She looks around to see if this large tray has aroused the interest of any others at the table, then heads out the room.

Teas (black, green, orange-cinnamon-clove spiced black tea, peppermint), coffee, compote, ginger beer, various wines, mead, kvass, grapefruit juice, orange juice, cow's milk, goat's milk, mixed fruit juice, and good, clean water are among the beverages provided.

One of the servers, on seeing Kendry's spill, cleans up his clothing with a little prestidigitation. He then is given a large cloth napkin, which the server tucks just below his chin.

A stocky young man brings a pipe tray and extra tobacco over to Selithe.

Patterton receives from a 30-something half elf a plate, a sharp knife, a three-tined fork, and a thick, juicy medium-rare round steak -- the meat itself must weigh a pound. Salt and other condiments and sauces are provided near him to accommodate whatever seasoning he may desire.

Dwight finds himself with a selection of cold-cut meats (beef, turkey, venison), salami, sausage, jerked beef. Several chunks of different breads. An assortment of cheese. Artichokes. Asparagus. Broccoli. Cauliflower. Beets. Leafy greens, for a salad. Beans - many types. Curds and whey. All within reach on the large round platter before him - though some items are a bit of a stretch. A server comes to add a few sliced tomatoes and cucumber, and turns the platter ever so slightly. The platter can spin around!

Now, just where is that Olo?

So, what will Valdor, Dahlia, and Nick ask the halflings? And what information might they offer in return?

Olo (ADM Kim) 
Thursday June 23rd, 2005 11:45:25 PM

Just then, coming into the room, is a beaming halfling with very, very bushy hair, and what looks like a few slices green and orange vegetables accidentally stuck up on the left side of said hair. "You ought to just see this kitchen! Immense! Spices! A closed room that is always freezing inside, lots of food in it. Another room that is just above freezing. Ovens! Knives and spatulas and spoons and kettles. I'll be in there if you need me. Spices!" he repeats himself. Olo scurries back the way he came.

Thursday June 23rd, 2005 11:51:35 PM

"Thank you," Kendry tells the fellow who helped him out. He then takes a moment to pull out another sheet of paper from his knapsack, and an inkpen and inkwell. He begins a sketch, clearing a spot on the table, and putting a salt shaker to help hold the paper down. In his left hand, he finishes off the pastry, then grabs a few pieces of fruit.

Friday June 24th, 2005 3:17:08 AM

Feeling releaf by the help of Kendry and Selithe, Airin cautiously looks around the table. She looks at each of the Gold Dragons one by one - don't forget she's rather paranoid !

Then she takes a few pastries closer and slowly bites in'm ... by nature they tasts wonderfull ! ...

Suddenly she feels something moving in the silk cloth Clover gave her ...

"Please excuse me, can you tell me where the bathroom is ? "

She will following the given directions and when she's alone in the bathroom, she will very carefully unwrap the cloth ... wondering what is inside. As it was poking against her, she assumes it's something that is alive ?!? What in the Wold did Clover gave her ?!?!? Making sure the door is closed and all windows are closed she finally opens the package ...

What Airin finds (ADM Kim) 
Friday June 24th, 2005 3:26:05 PM

Inside the smooth silk wrapping (which itself turns out to be a dark forest green silk dress, and the wrapping cord a belt for said dress) Airin finds a gray cloak. As she shakes it open, she sees that it seems to reflect the colors around her in a subdued manner - the colors of the clothes she wears, as well as the gray of the walls of the privy closet (lit with indirect lighting from above). It looks like it would fit her frame nicely.

Friday June 24th, 2005 9:35:10 PM

Looking around and watching the gathered folks tell their tales, Podo will do his best to study the details of the room he is in. Being a monk, he has learned that one meal 3 times a day is a good thing, much more than that is gluttony. "Hard to be quick on yer feet, if you can't see yer feet!" he thinks to himself.

Saturday June 25th, 2005 12:07:58 AM

Patty accepts the food with eager anticipation. After all, he hasn't had a bite to eat in over 5 hours! As he chows down on the food, he looks up at Podo's comment about meals.

"Bah! I'd take meals like this eight times a day if I could get away with it." He says before popping a chewy morsel of steak into his mouth.

Patty glances at the knights present and muses silently to himself about dreams of becoming a knight himself. 'I wonder who the weapon master is?" He murmers as he enjoys his meal.

Kendry's sketches  d20=17
Saturday June 25th, 2005 10:07:49 PM

A single sheet of parchment is covered with five sketches [d20=17 - should add +2 for dex, to 19, for quality of sketches]. In the upper left corner is a baby, held in someone's arms (no detail of the holder is drawn), with two small horns on his forehead. He laughs, with a strangely wicked look on his face for an infant. His legs are covered with fur, instead of feet, he has cloven hooves. The legs are shaped like those of a goat.

In the upper right corner is a sketch of Kendry himself in profile. Just a little over half his stature now is a small satyr boy - his horns, like those of a young goat, are just beginning to curl. Next to him is a line drawn to some words.
I be Ebryon, King of all Fey! I guess that makes you royalty, lucky devils! Haa-haaa-haa-haaaa!
Next to them is Marigold, bending over to vomit.

In the lower left corner, he stands twice as tall as before. He is in a stance that some take when explaining, the hands held up as though showing the shape of something.
After all these thing are collected, the creator adds them to the fey and the hobbit was born
are the words written next to the satyr. Next to him is Morpth, looking up with admiration to Ebryon, and something dripping off the head of the axe he holds. The head of an elf and the nearby body lying on the ground, a dark spot on the open area between head and torso.

In the center of the page is a sketch of the face of Ebryon as a young adult, horns fully formed, goatee above smiling lips, eyes gloating with pleasure as they gaze on a small pumpkin. Under the pumpkin are the words "Jewel of the Vine."

On the lower right corner of the page is a scene of Ebryon in combat - eyes angry, and arcs of power hitting druids, sprites in the air firing little arrows from little bows at halflings (the party members are sketched out in fair likeness, each trying something).

"Here," Kendry says, passing the paper to Father Nicholas. "This is what he looks like. The picture in the center and lower right were the second to the last way he looked, before he turned into a big mass of rock and earth and water to battle the grand druid into the ground."

Saturday June 25th, 2005 10:43:03 PM

Selithe smokes her pipe slwly and thanks the server who comes out with the pipe holding and such and goes back to enjoying her pipe and chewing on some of the fruits laid out before the group. She does look to the current dragon's they meet with awe yet and smiles sheepishly if caught staring, "Sorry, just I have heard some about you all but never thought I would truely meet you. I even heard about some of you while I was in jail for a short time. Specially Vador there, you see, alot of the guys in there wanted to be a fighter like him but said they were just not born under a lucky enough star."

Selithe smiles and shrugs, "I prefer the way of the gambler and magic use though. I was pondering learning some better fighting skills in the future but not sure." Selithe is just abit taken with the group before her since they are all like legends in her mind, they might as well be avatars or so.

Sunday June 26th, 2005 2:14:42 AM

Valdor smiles and simply nods as the questions, statements, and explanations are given.

When all have spoken and Selithe makes those last comments, Valdor grimaces and says,"People should be careful what they wish for...they might get it one day. Lucky star? I don't think so. If I'd had real courage, I'd have been a farmer, but that's a discussion for another time.

I am amazed, simply amazed. at what you have witnessed and been through...and survived. Absolutely outstanding work. We knew that the Fey King had been reborn, but didn't know where or how. To hear this story fits more pieces into the puzzle.

Oh, and I am not angry. I tend to break things when I'm angry. No, your questions are fairly asked, so I will answer them. I am not one to beat around the bush, so I appreciate a straight to the heart of the matter discussion.

There have been three other groups to come to us with information. Some you will want to hear about, some, probably not. I'll get to what we know. Nature, as I am sure you have noticed, has gone completely nuts. Our greatest wizards, clerics, and druids, have only been able to suppress it a bit. What has happened in the wake of Ebryon's re-birth is unprecedented, so noone really knew a way to counter it. We hve found out that, while he isn't necessarily evil, he encourages chaos. I, myself, have always enjoyed a little of that, but not to this extreme.

He was first put to sleep by his wife. We do not know for sure how this came about, and have sent some to his former wife to find out. She still lives, though I will not speak her name to protect those who go in search of her.

The song of the elves, of which I did not partake, revived him somehow. It appears they were not aware of what they were doing. I tried to argue this point at the meeting, but...I digress. It has happened and that's what matters. We hve since found out that Ebryon was, is the First Creator, living before Alemi, Domi, or any of the known Gods. Even before the Jericho. It was he who created the fey, hence the desire by so many elves for him to regain his throne. I am baffled that he would kill an elf, as they are his biggest supporters.

We believe that he wants to either destroy the noble races or at least have all the Wold bowing down to him. This we cannot allow. He must be defeated, by strength of arm and by magic.

We know that Parnoth fears him, or at least is afraid of losing his slaves and kingdom to him.

His chaos with nature is affecting all the lands we know of, and some we were unaware of. Even the deserts to the north now are getting rain constantly and vegetation is probably shooting up everywhere. We just came back from there a couple of days ago.

We have been given a book that may have some answers to some of our problems, but haven't yet discovered the contents of it.

In short, we have bits and pieces, but seem to have much of it placed together. I know this my friends, you have shown great courage to fight him, and to come here. To stand here and, without fear, look us in the eyes and demand some answers, well, that takes courage as well. Courage and strength are not measured from the size of your body, but your heart and you have shown us how strong you really are.

We will all need that kind of strength in the coming days, I fear. I also fear war is coming. There will be many seeking to put Ebryon back in power, and we will try to prevent it. We being all the good people of the Wold, not our group of adventureres. I will probably be forced again to make the call to arms, though Domi knows I do not wish to have to do such a thing.

Be strong and true to yourselves and the Wold. Did I miss anyone's questions? I was a bit lost in thought when some were asked. Dahlia, Nick, Myrridan, do you have anything to add?"

Sunday June 26th, 2005 4:17:06 AM

"Ebryon - the first creator? Before everybody? Before the Jericko? Well, if he is the first, then don't we owe fealty to him? Or is there someone even before Ebryon? Who made Ebryon?" Kendry wonders aloud.

He also wonders how long Olo intends to stay in the kitchen. Doesn't he know that Wold-shaking things are happening? Well, he is great at taking care of other people - healing, feeding, being alert to their needs. And when is Airin coming back? Hey - maybe we can take a look at Plateau City while we're here! The Catacombs, castles, inns, stores, people, and so forth.

"Yes, he spoke of Alemi with some distain - as you can read in the papers, there, that Myrridan and I just passed around. Basically warned Alemi to stay away, and thinks that him becoming Lemtrovex showed some sort of mental instability. Now, really! Everyone likes Alemi. Some of my cousin's comments irked me, I must say."

Valdor had many interesting pieces of information. The young bard jots down a few words and phrases that the half elf speaks, enough to form an outline of what he says.

"He warned the 'stewards' that they are 'dead - dead - dead to me,'" he says, in an attempt to answer Valdor's pondering why Ebryon would kill an elf. "And it became apparent that Ebryon thinks of the druids as, if not the only ones, at least among the stewards that should have been carrying out his plans all along. Since among the druids there are many elves - and since a couple of elves attacked the Whistling Oak, where Penelope and Ellis - Ebryon's mother and father - were inside, once Ebryon found out about it, he asked Morpth, who had just sworn allegiance, to chop off the head of the elf that he himself had already beaten up and knocked out. Not too long later, he killed a bunch more elves, half elves, humans, and who knows who else?"

"Certainly, we want to learn more about what's going on. Rainstorms in the deserts? After slowing him down a little at the beginning -- what would be the best thing for us to do now? Want me to take a look at that book you've got? I can read High Woldian, and other languages."

Suddenly, and with a bit of excitement in his voice, Kendry asks, "Say - we want to join the Woldian League of Adventurers. Can you all put in a good word for us? I don't know if we have enough yet for the full fee for each of us, but we're getting closer. I'd like to join right away! Right, Patty? Who do we talk to about that? And my sis, Selithe, might want to join that Wizards thing, too. Star something?"

Monday June 27th, 2005 7:11:03 AM

In the quiet bathroom Airin unravels her gift from Clover. First a beautifull dark green silk dress with a belt, and then ... what's this ?!? ... could it be ? ... is this really a Robe of Blending !! I should check this out later. That would be an incredible gift for a little girl like me !!

Then she inspects the silk dress a bit more. It sure is lovely. Looks like her size as well ...
Slowly she undoes her leather armor. "Hey, we're in the company of the Wolds most renowned warriors ... I should at least look decent"
She tucks her armor away in her backpack and puts on the dress. It suits her perfectly ! For the first time, she actually looks like a woman. A tight fit around her hips and it sure brings out her feminine curves ... Beneath the long dress, she attaches a dagger to her leg. She won't go unarmed !

Finally she quickly brushes her hair and is ready to go downstairs again. She puts her Robe in her backpack and walks out of the bathroom.

Downstairs she hears Valdor speak and listens at the door. She doesn't want to disturb him as he speaks. That would be rude. So she stands at the door, listening to what he has to say. When he has finished speaking, Kendry immediately takes over ... a smile crosses Airin's face ... ah Kendry, how he likes to chatter ...

Then she opens the door and walks in. A bit nervous about what the others will say if they see her walking in dressed like this ...

Monday June 27th, 2005 8:28:55 PM

Dwight stands totally amazed over the present company, unable to speak in most cases. He tries his hardest not to look amazed by stuffing his face with the delicious foods, but it is fairly obvious. Eventually he comes out of the fog. "I'm Dwight Twiggebundler," to no one in particular as introductions are long past.

Once the first words are finally out, Dwight appears more alert though still filling himself with jerked beef and sausage.

Resting his arms a moment, Dwight says assuredly "I agree with Kendry, we want to help more. I strongly suspect any safety halflings were going to get based on Ebryon's tale is gone or at the very least halved. Quite honestly, he probably got a good look at each of us and that makes us forever more involved. Preparedness and action are the only things that will help us and our kindred."

Monday June 27th, 2005 8:42:13 PM

Podo still eating and taking his surroundings into his memory...says, "Here, Here! I whole-heartedly agree! Bring it on! With Domi, anything is possible! Anything you need us to do...just let us know."

He beckons to the pastry waiter person, trying to flag down a pastry.

Noticing Airin walk into the room wearing a fancy green dress, Podo whistles aloud and then thinks to himslf "Wow, she's dressed to kill...wonder who she's wearing the dress for?"

Nick Valentine - Platinum Dragons 
Monday June 27th, 2005 11:53:33 PM

Nick takes the parchment diagram and studies it as Valdor tells the halflings what the Dragons already knew, and he nods, recalling recent events.
"Well told, Valdor" he says, rubbing the narrow beard that runs along his chin. "I can't think of anything you missed, and with this -" he gestures toward the drawing, "- at least we know what he looks like."

To the halflings he says -
"You were very brave to stand up to him like that. By all accounts his power is greater than anything we've seen before."

Tuesday June 28th, 2005 12:13:48 AM

Selithe takes a few more puffs on her pipe and then nods as she sighs, "I do agree with the comments made and I find it unlikely the fey king will be happy with us. Infact it would be a good guess he will want another meeting to settle the score."

Selithe sighs deeply and pulls out her deck of cards now and shuffles through them slowly as she smokes her pipe, nervous at the thoughts of a new encounter with the fey king and begins pulling the aces out of the deck as she shuffles, not looking at the cards till she pulls the aces and flips them over.

Selithe slowly reshuffles her deck, "The fey king is more evil then tales say then. He relishes the death, he relished having the souls in the jewel of the vine. Once he gets all the pleasures of life he can get he will seek to destroy it all. It's beyond chaos now I believe, he doesn't want only chaos." Selithe looks up and smiles faintly, "I feel this way do to the spirits who I saved from the jewel of the vine. An brother's, cousin's and friends. We can not rest safely till the fey king is dead or sleeping again. I will bet he is looking for us. We put a dark mark on his god hood and he will not like that, and people like him can't have his authority challenged without it being cleared again."

Selithe touches her new necklace and thinks to herself as she does, "I should of asked who the spirits were...some clue of how long they been there...how...I needed more knowledge to help my friends here...to help everyone." After thinking that Selithe almost laughes out loud reminding herself, "No....there is little more I could do...I'm a learning wizard and traveling gambler.."

Tuesday June 28th, 2005 11:28:03 AM

Airin sits down at the table again and is happy to see such delicious food. Slowly but determined she starts to eat her full.

Then she asks :

"Now what will happen ? What can we do to stop all this chaos ?"

Tuesday June 28th, 2005 1:44:23 PM

Watching the visitors closely, Dahlia's purple eyes flash as each part of the story is told. As the born under a lucky star is made she shakes her head slowly and grimly chuckles.

As Airin asks the last questions, the black halfling stands up and steps forward.

"Now what will happen ? What can we do to stop all this chaos ?"

"Those are both good questions. My answer and possibly that of Valdor is thus. Protect and take care of those who cannot defend themselves, fight Ebyron and his ilk where ever you can and prepare yoursleves to face death in the defense of the Wold."

Tuesday June 28th, 2005 7:22:05 PM

Dwight smiles, his stomach full concentrates more on the ongoing discussion. "While protecting goes without saying, is there not some direction we can head rather than wait for Ebyron's minions. Could we know look into the future, ask the grand druid that fell to the depths within the earth, track Ebyron somehow? I've never liked the task of waiting unknowingly for impending danger, surely there must be some lead, something worth investigating that we can set our sights on."

As Dwight finishes, he begins to loosen his waistband to allow his consumed food to expand. Then takes a deep, breath signifying he is full and could not each another bite.

Podo  d20+1=16
Tuesday June 28th, 2005 8:41:23 PM

"So basically what you're saying is "Thank you for the information, now go back home and be on guard for evil where ever it lurks?"" says Podo.

"Seems to me that for all your honors and your reputations, this was a nice game of "Show and Tell". You show us food, and we tell you everything we know. Now that the game is over...you just want us to move along so the next group can play? Do you hope that the food foolish halflings will stuff themselves and be to drunk on it to ask any hard questions? What are we supposed to do, walk all the way back to the Culverwood?!?" "I'm convinced that if my cousin didn't want you to help him get into some guild, we'd already be gone from here. What is really going on here?" says Podo in a huff folding his arms.(Dipolmacy=16)

Having finished his statements, Podo sit back down and puts down the pastry (if he managed to get one), not wanting to finish it, since it feels like a bribe.

Savoulus Speaks (ADM Kim) 
Tuesday June 28th, 2005 9:17:40 PM

Simone the Silver looks upon Airin as she enters, and nods with favor.

By her side the druid Savoulos has been listening, partaking of the food. Addressing Kendry's supposition regarding to whom fealty is due, he says, "That Ebryon is the first of all I doubt, and dispute. That he is of days ancient, there is no doubt. If you would submit yourself to caprice, do not do so because you accept his primacy."

Tuesday June 28th, 2005 9:27:09 PM

When Patterton whistles, Kendry looks around to see why. When he sees her - Airin, that is - his eyes go wide for moment as she slides back upon her chair. Then, for some reason or other, he blushes, and turns the other way as he bites into a pear. He pays close attention to Dwight's words, nodding his head. He smiles at Podo's brave words.

[more later - off to rehearsal!]

Nick Valentine - Platinum Dragons 
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 12:25:26 AM

Listening to Dwight and Podo, Nick fully appreciates where Dahlia gets her spirit from, by Alemi!

'You think we know all the answers?' he asks solumnly. 'We don't. Right now we're waiting on another adventuring group who have taken a very dangerous journey to the Lands of Rest. Until we hear from them, we're here, coping with all the chaos as best we can, just like you.
'However, one of you brings up a good point. Knowing the whereabouts of Ebyron is essential. If you could track him and discover his location, that would be of enormous value.
'Regardless, it's important that we all find a way to stay in contact. We all seem to hold pieces of a puzzle and it's only when they come together that we'll finally make sense of it all and be able to do something about it.'

Wednesday June 29th, 2005 12:37:51 AM

At Podo's words, Valdor stands up and leans forward, hands planted on the table. The veins on his arms bulge and are probably as big as the halflings arms. He is clearly angry and he seems to have a tentative grasp on his composure.

Slowly and deliberately he says,"You insolent worm. You came here of your own accord. We did not invite you. We have shown hospitality and shared our knowledge. It is not our place to tell you what to do next. That is for your own deciding. I will tell you this. Because of your wagging tongue, I will suggest noone from this group for anything as long as you travel with them. Now, you may all go. Where you go is your own choice to make, but it will not be here. And I suggest you learn to curb your tongue lest someone remove it some day."

He glares at Podo with undisguised hostility, daring him to say another word.

Kendry - picking up where he left off... 
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 3:25:56 AM

Kendry listens to his sister's words - and tends to agree that Ebryon does bend towards evil, with chaos and caprice as added seasonings. He hears Airin's question, and Dahlia's response. Dwight's idea of taking action is - well, how do we tell the future? How do we know where he is going? Against that dragon, of course. Against the Wold...

At Podo's next set of observations and judgments, Kendry is shocked. Such impolite words, when so fairly we have been welcomed! 'Food-foolish halflings'? And ... wha? He thinks that is the reason we're still...

The bard starts to get up from his seat - but Savoulus' words interrupt his reactions to Podo's. So, there is - likely - someone before Ebryon. What a relief. He almost sits back down. But maybe he should go whisper to...

Nick answers very graciously. Phew! But this Valdor fellow sure does not brook any nonsense.

As he is the one who asked Podo if he wanted to join this raw group of would-be adventuring hobbits, it is up to him to try to set things straight.

"Podo! You mock these fine people who have shown us only kindness and concern? You insult us - your own people? And you accuse me of such a thing? What is going on here is that the whole Wold may be under threat, and we have conveyed information to these folks," Kendry says, then turns his face toward the angry Valdor, "- the great druid Myrridan, himself, asked us to come to see you Gold Dragons, sir," he explains, "so it's not like there wasn't an invitation, exactly, if you please."

Then, returning his - Kendry hops out of his chair, waving his arms as he is talking, and working his way to a position at the table somewhere between Valdor and Podo. "So, you think, Podo, with all this happening, that - poof! - all the answers will suddenly appear? Other groups are trying to figure this out, too.

"Look, my cousin - you fought bravely with us against our wild satyr cousin, and you showed yourself kind and helpful with Penelope and Ellis and their baby girl - and thus, were you and Dwight welcomed to join with us. But, Podo Danderfluff Pipewood, how can you let your lips make enemies of friends? If - IF - you show you have enough common sense to realize that what you just said was wrong, unkind, uncalled for, rude, unfilial, out of place, and unguestlike, then, then ..."

He shakes his head, not quite sure how to continue. Kendry takes a deep breath, and turns to Valdor. "And you, sir, though you could smash any one of us, I've no doubt, as a bug, I will ask you not to call my cousin a worm."

Wednesday June 29th, 2005 3:32:52 AM


suddenly the mood at the table seems to change from the merry gathering it was before to a grim exchange of insults ... that's not good ...

Airin stands up and walks around the table. She starts hesitating at first, but then words seem to flow from her like never before ... something has changed in little Airin ...

" this ... this is not the time nor the place to start bickering my friends. Podo, we came for answers, we did get some. No one seems to know the full extend of Ebryons might. We can not expect these Dragon Warriors to be all knowing ! We are the ones to protect our own lands."

She smiles at Podo, perfectly understanding his frustration. She shared those with him earlier !

"Kendry my love, you of all people should understand our cousins frustrations ! We all came to find answers. Podo may not have a way with words like you have, but underneath his apparent insults he is right ... what are we to do now ? Go back home and wait for Eberyon's minions to come for us ?!?"

Suddenly her cheeks turn a little red ... did she actually say Kendry my love ?!?

Quickly recovering, she continues to walk around the table and when she reaches Valdor she gently presses her hand on this massive warriors back (as he's standing she can never reach his shoulders) to encourage him to sit down again, and then she adresses Valdor

"Master Valdor, please do not feel angered by Podo. We came here at Savoulus's invitation and were expecting you or someone else would be able to explain us everything that is going on. We were wrong to expect that. Please don't be offended ...
We've been in a maelstrom of things that go beyond our grasp and were looking for someone to clear the fog around us. You did, as much as you could.
Podo is a valuable addition to our group, and were he will go, so will we. My guess is that Podo is only frustrated because we have accomplished soo much, and apparently we may never be part of any of this anymore ... that we can return to our simple lives waiting for someone else to put an end to this madness. I bet my friend would prefere to take part in all that !"

Then she speaks to the group once more

"We share this common enemy, Ebryon. One that apparently is as old as the Gods of the Wold. Fighting and bickering among ourselves will do us no good. If that is what we will do, then Ebryon has allready won, and chaos has intruded into our hearts.
No matter how different we are, we need to stand together in this hour of day. We came here to tell what we've been through and we've been given answers. Now, we also seek guiding in what is to come.
I do not wish to leave this castle with anger between us. Let us forget what's been said and help eachother. Let us find a way to controle this chaos and ultimately a way to defend the Wold. "

By the time she has finished speaking, she's been going around the table twice. Occasionally putting her hands on peoples shoulders, hoping her touch can take away the anger between the Dragons and the Crescent Halflings. After all, it's not worth it !

Wednesday June 29th, 2005 4:07:09 PM

Selithe takes a few puffs from her pipe and listens to all the exhanges and sighs abit at all the miss feelings suddenly being given off and whispers, "The fey king is probably loving this, not only does he have the Wold itself going nuts but the people argueing. At this rate the people might do his work for him by killing each other off."

Selithe pops her pipe out of her mouth finally and speaks up, "Both our groups do need to calm down alittle, this is leading no where and if the fey king could hear it he would be loving it since people who need to be working together are turning on each other....he is reeking chaos I agree and if you look in this room you will see clear sign of it right now...This is a trying time for everyone and I believe do to that "all" out tempors and patience is low so please let us try to remain peaceful here."

Selithe looks to Valdor, "Good sir, we are sorry to of offended you and if you so demand we can leave but please remember that all this is ultimately leading right to what the fey king desires. If he can have all the people falling apart and fight each other then he will not even have to lift a finger really to rule."

Selithe begins to stands and move towards the door since she feels the group has out stayed there welcome and will leave inless asked to stay, "Also the fey king had spirits in that jewel of the vine which I commented on...I believe they had been there for a long time...spirits can give a person power and knowledge and there is nothing worse then loosing your spirit to a person like him...if he has that type of power then in the end if he isn't defeated then all our souls might actually pay the price and if he can collect them then what of the Wold, Gargul and the others who our souls go to I beleive....I just don't think it was a coincidence that there were souls in that jewel of the vine and who knows what other artifacts the fey king knows of."

Wednesday June 29th, 2005 9:45:05 PM

Sitting and listening to all the heated discussion, Dwight picks up a roll and contemplates eating just one more thing. Despite the request to leave by Valdor, Dwight remains sitting.

Totally ignoring the rudeness of Podo, Dwight continues "Hmm, seeking the whereabouts of Ebyron does seem a necessary and non-trivial task, though we have little means to know where to begin. Aside from the fissure that swallowed him whole, his whereabouts are unknown. However, we should probably begin by checking there though it is doubtful anything will be found. It will however give our idle hands something to do while we all await word from this other group in the Land of Rest. While we know the decision is ours, and we have chosen involvement, we still seek your guidance, resources, and expertise as your experience is vaster than ours."

Dwight is amazed that he is actually speaking out as much as he has, but the acceptance of his suggested name for the baby has given him new confidence he was never allowed to show at home.

"Secondly, prior to our departure, is there some magical means that will allow us to communicate over great distances. I am no expert is such fields, so I do not know if such things exist, but if so they would be invaluable at this point in Wold's history."

Deciding the roll is worth at least tasting, Dwight spreads butter on it and takes a big bite. Hoping the conversation has turned back to possible actions for the benefit of Wold.

Nick Valentine - Platinum Dragons 
Wednesday June 29th, 2005 9:49:35 PM

Nick's blood runs cold.

There it was again. That fury. By Alemi, Gargul, Domi and all, if Valdor lost it here, there'd be innocent and ruinous blood on their hands. But why? What had triggered it? It usually took more than an impetuous halfling. Heck, if halflings were a problem, Valdor would be roaring at Dahlia all day and all night long.

During the few moments of talk that follows, Nick takes in Valdor's visage and body language. Anger, aggression, but his hand wasn't on his sword. That was good.
He steps forward, and a little closer to his leader, regaining his composure almost immediately.
"Breathe," he whispers.

Dahlia, help me out, here.

"Please," he says to the gathering as a whole. "we're stretched pretty thin. Mentally and physically, and it's taking it's toll on us all. Whatever happens, it's vitally important that we all keep in touch somehow. We're going to be over at the Floating City for the time being. They are having terrible troubles at this time, and we need to go there and do what we can. If you discover anything else that you think may be of importance, we would be extremely grateful if you passed it on.
"Also, if it is your intention to travel through Culverwood, be aware of an army within it's boundaries. Inspired by Ebyron they are off on some fool mission to destroy the green dragon, Parnoth.
"Now, how do we keep in touch?"

As the conversation continues, Nick whispers quietly and calmly to Valdor.
"Breathe. Stay with me."

Thursday June 30th, 2005 12:54:27 AM

After the response from his fellow halflings and Nick's quiet and calm chiding, Valdor slams his fist on the table, causing a small earthquake in the room. He does in fact breathe slowly and lets his anger wash away before throwing his hands up and saying," Bah! It is ironic that I, who normally have to play peacekeeper in my own group, am having to be reminded of such things.

I am fine...just stressed to the hilt. I spent sixteen straight hours after two straight days of no sleep trying to keep the flood waters from destroying shantytown where the poor cannot help themselves, and I am exhausted."

He looks back at Podo and says,"Your silence is appreciated. It helped me cool down. Understand me though, I am either a great friend or your worst enemy. I do not play games with peoples lives nor their emotions. And I will not tolerate someone coming into our house and questioning our motives. We have given you no reason to do so. I have fought for the good beings of the Wold for as long as I can lift a sword, which was probably before you were even born. I have fought and destroyed evil anywhere I found it, because other people couldn't do it themselves."

Shifting back to the others, he says,"Well spoken and most correct. And we will save the debate about the origin and age of Ebryon for another time, but understand this, he knew Alemi and Domi when they were still mortals. This we know for fact. Any of you clerics said any prayers to your Gods for guidance on this problem? They won't be answered...not directly anyway. The Gods are being strangely quiet about this situation. I wish we knew more, but, unfortunately, that's as much as we know for the time being.

Look, when we have more of the puzzle put together and the course of action is clear, you will know. I will contact you when the time comes. Until then, trust your own instincts about a course of action. The location of Ebryon is a great idea. When the time comes to fight him, if we have to, then that role will be vital to stopping him quickly.

As for communicating," he says with a quirky smile,"take this. I think Podo should have it to keep."

He removes the earring in his ear, uses a pitcher of water to rinse it off, then tosses it to the halfling.

"That must be kept safe and only used when you have more imformation that you know we will need. I have never given one of these to anyone outside our group. When you need to contact me, prease the ruby eyes and say my name, as though I was right there. I will hear you."

He looks tired now, but says one final thing,"I know you fought Ebryon as you have said, and fot that, I commend you. Hoever, as you have stated, he was growing at an incredible rate of speed. I suggest that you avoid such a conflict with him now, as he is probably close to, if not already there, the powers of the Gods. Be careful around elves as some may hold allegiance to him. And lastly, as Nick said, there is an army in Culverwood. The war may already have started, or might very soon. If you wish to go that route, so be it. But, if you want us to, we will teleport you home. It is your choice."

Thursday June 30th, 2005 12:56:58 AM

Myrridan steps forward to Valdor and places his hand on his shoulder. He leans over and whispers in his ear. "I did ask them to come here. I thought it would be best to hear about their experience first hand and not through my interpretation. It would be likely that they are still shaken from their encounter with Ebyron. It would be a bit unnerving for such young eyes to witness." Myrridan hopes his insight is enough to calm Valdor. "I can return them now if you feel its best."

ADM Kim 
Thursday June 30th, 2005 2:07:28 AM

As dark clouds stack, wind kicks up, and atmospheric weight shifts, making clear to any who pay attention that a grand storm looms, so, metaphorically, loomed a gathering storm in this hall of Gold Dragon Castle.

Annoyance, impatience, words delayed, words poured out... offense, anger, wariness, weariness.

Still, there are good pastries left on the table.

Olo Thistlefoot (ADM Kim) - Fare well  d10=1
Thursday June 30th, 2005 2:43:13 AM

Just about this time, a halfling with a very satisfied look on his face enters the dining area. He wipes his hands on his apron.

"Hey, guys, and, uh, girls. Um, there's this school here in Plateau City - for learning how to cook. Um, I was wondering - people always need good food, and such. Would you mind if I were to stay here in Plateau City for a little while, and see what I can learn? Oh! also, I've got something back just now from that kukri - turned it over to the Catacombs, see. Didja know we're only a couple hundred yards walk from the Catacombs? Well, I'm taking a bit, to cover my expenses, and tuition. But, they just dropped off seventy three hundred sixty seven (7367) gold pieces - Mister Flabersham said he'll keep it for us in a place near the entry until we, well, you all, leave. Well, I already took 467 gold, so that leaves sixty nine hundred for the rest of you - I figured 467 might at least be my fair share, if you don't mind. Maybe use yours for that adventuring league you all are talking about.

"And one more thing. I have a feeling you'll be needing this more'n I will." He hands the fifteen inch stick he has been carrying lately to Airin. "It's a wand of cure light wounds." He tells the party the command word for it. "There should be 36 - no - 35 charges left. I make a little mark with my fingernail each time I use it - so, see, there are 15 tiny marks there, Airin."

Olo goes to each of his friends. "Patterton - you're a tough bean, you are. Watch out for that gamblin' girl, there." He shakes his hand.

"Kendry - keep making those songs. I don't think I'll ever get the tune to Lomar, the Friendly Ogre out of my head." He shakes his hand. "And say fare well to Bobbles and Lomar for me."

"Selithe - I think Wardd has his eye on you. Make sure that brother of yours keeps his feet on the ground at least once in a while." He shakes her hand.

"Dwight - glad I metcha. Maybe somewhere down the road we'll have more of a chance to get to know each other." He shakes his hand.

"Podo - love your moves. Don't know many hobbits who can make their bodies do what you do with yours." He shakes his hand.

"Airin," he begins, then breaks down and gives her a big hug. "Thanks for talking me into going out on that wild goose chase, looking for the beer hunters. What stories have come of it in so short a time!" After that big hug, he shakes her hand, in keeping with decorum.

"And you dragon people - wow! What a great kitchen you have! That Mister Flabersham sure knows lots, too. I'll be looking for a room in one of the inns around here. You'll excuse me, I hope." He gives a little bow, then heads back to the kitchen, to attempt to retrieve his booklet on Culverwood cooking from one of the chefs.

[ADM Kim note: Olo is leaving the game for now, Anthony sadly tells us. He hopes down the road to return, if able.]

ADM Kim 
Thursday June 30th, 2005 3:00:49 AM

But sometimes the growing storm dissipates - failing to deal the destruction it might have, to the relief of many.

Now that Valdor mentions his weariness, several of the halflings who have had little or no sleep recently realize their own want of rest. Roll a Fortitude save vs DC 13 to see whether weariness sets in.

What amazing things can pass through people's hearts...

The great heroes have offered help - to return to the Crescent Valley, and Valdor has given a wondrous means of communication to him who just spoke words of challenge, came close to disaster, and now receives this generous favor.

In addition a dear friend asks leave, to leave.

How will the hobbits respond to all this?

Airin  d20+5=11
Thursday June 30th, 2005 3:26:17 AM

Things seem to cool down, and when Valdor offers a great gift to Podo she is more than happy things turned out the way they have.

Sliding back to her chair all that has happend till now starts to get to her at last. She's tired. A good rest would be much appreciated.

Then suddenly Olo comes in with dreadfull news. She gratefully accepts the wand he gives her, but when the time comes to say goodbye tears roll down her cheek. Being tired makes her more emotional than usual ... Olo's been a good friend of her, and she hates to see him leave.

As he gives her a hug she whispers : "Take good care of yourself Olo. Come back when you've graduated. If you need us, I'll bet you can get into touch with us through these Gold Dragons. OK ? Promised ? Take care ... "

Then she turns to the Gold and Platinum Dragons going over to each of them shaking their hands and says : "Thank you for your hospitality and advice. I think it is time for us to go home now."

She walks over to Selithe and takes her by the arm : "When we get home and have rested a bit we should think about a ceremony for our familiars. ok ?"

Kendry  d20+1=20
Thursday June 30th, 2005 5:30:15 AM

"We strung a rope one time between two trees, over the water," Kendry says. "If you fall off upstream, you land in water. But if, along this one section, you fall off downstream - you chance hitting rocks. I feel like we just slipped downstream - right between a couple of rocks, but still just landing in the water."

Many things to take to heart - Airin's new appellation for him among them; some things to discard; some to ponder.

"Olo, Wardd give you the right kind of luck. We owe you much. Master those cooking skills, and try to keep the carrots out of your hair," he says, pulling a slice of carrot skin out of Olo's bushy hair. "Come back when you can regularly make stew as good as what we had by the tower after we met Lomar. Or sooner! I'll pass on to Bobbles and Lomar what you said."

"Friends, anyone up for a brisk two hour walk through Plateau City? I've never been here - it'd be a shame not to see - as magnificent as is this castle - not to see at least a tiny bit more of the city. Maybe we can find the Woldian League of Adventurers somewhere, and ask them about starting up a branch in our valley. And the Catacombs is a bowshot or two away." Looking up to Myrridan and Savoulus, he asks, "Would that work for you two?"

"Our gratitude, Valdor, sir, for this gift you give Podo. You have our assurance that we will tell you what seems important from time to time." He wonders how the earring will look on this three-meal-a-day hobbit, the son of his father's older brother.

The rest he took in the tree, short though it was, and the shot of adrenaline the last few minutes have provided, seem to have left Kendry feeling pretty refreshed [d20+1=20, Fort Save].

Savoulus (ADM Kim) 
Thursday June 30th, 2005 5:35:45 AM

The druid Savoulus looks to Myrridan. "Two hours to view the city? Not enough time to see too much - but there are several interesting establishments nearby." Looking to the Gold Dragons, he asks, "Any idea how things fare in the Druid Quarter?"

Thursday June 30th, 2005 10:50:22 AM

Even though she's pretty worn out and would kill someone to have a good rest, the sound of visiting the famous city is just too tempting !
And the second Savoulus mentions a Druids Quarter her ears suddenly appear to be just as pointed as an Elfs !

"I think I can handle myself for an hour or two ... but you may have to drag me home afterwards" she grins ... "Lead the way ! ... that is with the Dragon's permission of course !! "

Nick Valentine - Platinum Dragons 
Thursday June 30th, 2005 9:33:04 PM

Nick gives the halflings a solumn bow.
"We thank you, also. Please be extra careful out there, and be aware that sections of our City are flooded at present. May I keep this?"
He holds up the illustration of Ebyron.

Watching them go, he whispers a small prayer to Alemi for their safety.

Dwight  d20=13
Thursday June 30th, 2005 10:28:12 PM

"We thank you for the gift of communicating. Does it work both ways? Will you, could you please also keep us informed of vital information, particularly on the task we have set before us?" adds Dwight as he slides from the table.

As Olo shakes hand with Dwight, "Good luck my new friend, be assured that when I return or you to home I will test your cooking and give you a grade myself. Rest assured I will give you the honest truth," he smiles and takes his departure.

"Well I'm good for several more hours of seeking information, checking out the City, or at least a small portion of the city sounds like a grand idea, I'm in." Dwight pleasantly full is ready to follow whom ever is taking the lead to whereever.

Friday July 1st, 2005 12:23:10 AM

Valdor responds to Dwight with a smile and says,"Of course I will. If you need the means to travel by teleport when you have visited the city, we will take care of that for you. Just let us know."

As they file out, Valdor tells Podo,"Sorry I called you a worm. That wasn't very kind of me and I fear I went too far. I suppose we all do at times, but anyway, sorry."

Friday July 1st, 2005 2:20:08 AM

As people have been talking, Kendry has been jotting down a few things. He folds the parchment, creases it, takes out a knife and cuts along the edge, then scribbles a few more things on the remaining writing surface.

"Thanks for the good food, and information, and for listening to us. Well, Father Nicholas, let me just sign that first," and Kendry momentarily retrieves his sketch of the first few hours of Ebryon's development following his rebirth, writing neatly Kendry Leafwin Pipewood of Humble's Ford in the lower left hand corner. Then, handing it back, he says, "Sure, it's yours!"

He slips narrow piece of parchment to Podo.

"Oh, since you have the original I wrote - the copy Myrridan has, I'd be obliged if I can keep my copy of the events surrounding Ebryon's birth and first actions. Don't worry - Myrridan's and mine have exactly the same words." He gathers up the numbered sheets of parchment, checking to be sure he got them all. He rolls them up, and places them in a scroll case, covering the open end, and returning it to his knapsack.

"May Alemi and Domi and Flower and Pantheon and Ffloy and even Gargul be kind to you, and Wardd give you the best of luck."

Kendry takes a moment to shake hands with each of these advanced adventurers. "I trust we will work for similar aims, each in our own way. Though in an ill time, we are well met."

As the group leaves the dining hall, and approaches the entrance, Kendry takes a moment to make sure that the gold which Olo reported on is distributed among the group. "A thousand gold weighs twenty pounds, so this is no light wealth. A mule would be nice about now," he smiles. "Let's see - we're lookin' at close to 138 pounds, total. Patterton, how's your back feeling today? Maybe we can get this changed into something lighter - like at the Catacombs. Or - if we can figure out where to join the Woldian League of Adventurers!"

"Savoulus, you know your way around town? Myrridan, can you come? What are you up to, Dahlia? Wanna join a bunch of halflings for a couple of hours, show us around some?"

Whoever from the castle wishes to accompany them, that's fine with him.

Kendry's note to Podo 
Friday July 1st, 2005 4:21:39 AM

Cuz - Sorry I was a bit rough on you a few minutes ago. Really was trying to save your hide. At least say thank you to our hosts, and let's get going. Good recovery, keeping your mouth closed like that. -K

Out the door (ADM Kim), the Plateau City tour begins 
Friday July 1st, 2005 4:56:15 AM

Thirteen bags of gold weighing ten pounds each, and eight small pouches weighing one pound each are turned over to the party. [Please determine who carries how much.]

Savoulus takes the group back the way they came, turning right on Mages Bend. "The Druid Quarter is about a half hour walk, if you do not stop for anything or anyone - and, with the flooding we were warned of, it may take longer. But you straight ahead there in the center of Magic Square lie the Catacombs. The entrance is around the other side," he points.

[OOC: Open your browser to http://www.woldiangames.com/maps/yrth/peninsula/newelenna/plateaucity/dragon_quarter.htm for a map of the Plateau City Dragon Quarter. Below the map is a key. Building 150 is the Gold Dragon Castle that the party just left. 89 is the Green Griffin Inn through which the party gained entrance to the city. The Catacombs, building 3, is near it, as is the Star Tower (Mages Guild). Follow the map as places are described.]

"That's the Golden Griffin Inn that we came through just a bit ago. We're in the quarter that outfits many of the adventurers from around the Wold. Armor, weapons, magic, tricks, traps, scrolls and books," the druid says, pointing quickly to different buildings here and there as he tells of what they offer. "There are inns, taverns, bath houses, Duncan's Travel Agency, places of gambling, and the Red Dragon Inn. The Woldian League of Adventurers someone mentioned has a new hall next to The Last Adventure - another supply store for adventurers. It's not too far from the Quest Gate. You can also find money changing, magical research, and street vendors who sell food, clothing, toys, flowers... So, where to?"

Right now, the group stands between the stairway leading up to the Star Tower, and can now see the front of The Catacombs. They are right at the corner of Sticks and Stones. Glancing through a window, many different styles and sizes of bows and arrows can be seen.

Friday July 1st, 2005 5:10:46 AM

Kendry picks up 41 pounds of coins (2,050 gp worth). He puts one ten pound bag inside his knapsack, and ties the other three on the sides and back of his knapsack, and the one pound pouch he ties to his waist.

"All right, friends, who carries the rest?"

When they get to the intersection of Star Tower, Catacombs, and Sticks and Stones, Kendry says, "This is awful heavy. Should we change some gold into gems? We can do it at the Catacombs, right?"

He waits to see if that is agreeable to the party, then says, "I really, really want to go to the League of Adventurers. And I'd like to join. But it costs more than my share of the proceeds. Who else would like to join? They give really good training, that could help each of us."

Adolescent on street, vending maps 
Friday July 1st, 2005 5:21:22 AM

"Maps, getcher maps!" shouts a human boy - maybe 14, 16 years old. "Maps of Plateau City. With the Chief Cartographer's Stamp! Only 40 gold. 40 gold pieces for a map! Fine quality parchment, map case included!"

Airin  d20+6=26 d20+18=32 d20+6=21
Friday July 1st, 2005 6:02:35 AM

When the group agrees to head out and check out the city it hits Airin that a Green party dress may not be the ideal outfit to walk through a city that is infested with nature plagues and floodings ... better change gear quickly !

By the time everyone has assembled in front of the Dragon castle gate, Airin has traded her green dress for her well known Black Leather armor. Crossbow tied to her back, shortsword in its hilt and daggers tucked away.

On top of her regular armor she now also wears the Cloak she was given by Clover
(Cloak of the Elvenkind - +5 on hide).

She watches the pile of gold and hears Kendry's questions about the Woldian League of Adventurers. "Yeah Kendry I would love to join them as well, but I have't got the gold to do it either. Besides, by giving that Druidic Vestment back to its rightful owners I have wasted quite some gold from selling it. You can divide my share among yourselves."

( ooc : exactly how many is a share ?!? I'm too lazy to figure it out myself ;-) )

Let's move out.

Watching Kendry strapping all that gold to his sides and back, Airin gets worried. Walking around a strange city with all that gold for everyone to see is like inviting people to come and steal it. No matter how hardened we already are from the few battles we've fought, we're no match for a few top notch rogues ...

"Kendry, we HAVE to get rid of the money first. Change it into coins as soon as possible. I'll take one of those little pouches, but that's all. I'm gonna walk 20ft behind you all - making sure not to lose you or else we try to find back the Gold castle to reassemble. I'm simply going to keep an eye out so no one grabs one of those gold bags."

Walking through town Airin does as she said and carefully follows the group 20ft behind. Keeping an eye out for whomever might show interest in the Crescent Halflings. If so Airin will try to act before anything can get stolen.

(spot 26 - woot ! Nat 20)
(hide 32)
(survival 21 - trying to make sure Airin can find her way back should that me needed)

When the group passes the map selling guys, Airin halts 20ft back ...

ADM Kim to group: Correction 
Friday July 1st, 2005 12:41:31 PM

[OOC: Just want to point out it is Jason who played Olo who is leaving. Anthony remains, playing Dwight. Now back to our regular programming!]

Accounting question answer for Airin (ADM Kim) 
Friday July 1st, 2005 1:00:17 PM

Share of 6900 gold pieces from sale of kukri taken from nasty elvish bird woman: If divided among those who were present when the item sold was acquired (Airin, Kendry, Patterton, Selithe), it would be 1725 gp each. If Airin voluntarily excludes herself, it would be 2300 each. If divided among all six current party members, a share is 1150 gp each. If Airin is left out of the division, it is 1380 for each of the remaining current party members.

Accounting addendum (ADM Kim) 
Friday July 1st, 2005 4:53:34 PM

If divided 4 ways, with Airin's split going to the newcomers, it would be 1725 each for Kendry, Patty & Selithe, and 867.5 each for Dwight and Podo.

Oops (ADM Kim) 
Friday July 1st, 2005 4:54:46 PM

Oops. 862.5 each for D & P.

Dwight  d20=12
Friday July 1st, 2005 10:12:26 PM

Dwight will assist with the hauling of the cash by carrying two bags, though he played no part in earning it. He will leave that discussion to the orginal four on dispersement issues.

As Dwight travels through the city he tries to stay away from any unfamiliar faces as he doesn't wish to loose other peoples money. Checking the area with both suspicion and awe, (spot 12+1=13) Dwight remains quite taking in the sights.

"I would suggest going to the Catacombs first my friends, as we only attract more enemies with our current postures."

"What is the benefit of joining this guild or group you have been mentioning," inquires Dwight. "With such cost to join, the perks must be quite grand?"

Kendry answers Dwight 
Saturday July 2nd, 2005 4:59:39 AM

"Well, yes, Dwight, they are," Kendry responds. "One, you promise to help protect the innocent, and to oppose evil wherever you may find it. Even if otherwise you couldn't use it, they'll train you in the shortsword, longspear, or bastard sword. They teach you extra skills all along the way, like climbing, handling animals, jumping, riding, and swimming. A fellow named Lars Tokasis got the whole thing started just a few years back. They have places for members to stay here and there, for cheaper than normal rates. Some of their clerics can help heal you. Maybe even bring someone back from the dead! Also, helping you travel long distances - wayfaring, they call it. And they help fill members in on what's going on in different areas - and ask their members to pass on helpful information to the League from time to time. Some people become officers. As time goes on, there are even more benefits. But they can tell us more about that if we head over there."

[For more details, see http://www.woldiangames.com/oshirr/organizations/league.htm

"But first, as Airin & Dwight suggest, let's get this exchanged at the Catacombs."

The Catacombs; Joining the WLA

ADM Kim 
Saturday July 2nd, 2005 5:46:27 AM

Savoulus takes the group to the Catacombs. Large doors swing open as the group approaches them. A faint hum is heard as one passes through these doors. A place of wonder - many glass cases hold samples of the more common types of wares one might purchase - adventuring gear, clothing, rope, knapsacks, weapons, map and scroll cases, miscellaneous tools of various trades - with labels written in several languages. Near the entrance is a device from which a small piece of parchment hangs, a number written upon it. "Please take a number," is written just above it, again in a number of languages, though the text for the common tongue is the largest.

As the party (those who so far have reported in, at least) seems to want to exchange the gold for gems ... in the interest of moving things along - this is done in a fairly expeditious manner. Sixty gems of 100 gp value are exchanged for 6,000 gold pieces. 10 gems of 50 gp value are exchanged for 500 gp. The remainder of 400 gp is left as gold in the eight 1-pound pouches. Divide as you see fit.

If there is something else you would like to do in the Catacombs - you may go to the Catacombs page, and follow the guidelines there for purchases and exchanges.

Otherwise ... with the money now exchanged, Savoulus escorts the group outside. About a hundred fifty yards away off to the left, it looks like a small group of people are chopping away at some vegetation that is growing up between the cobblestones. They work rather vigorously. The druid glances that way. A figure - perhaps a woman? - in purple robes begins to gesture. The workers step back. The vegetation looks like it is withering away. The workers begin to disperse.

"The Black Genie Magic Shop is just a bit beyond where those folks were working. Hmmm. Well, we can step through here," he indicates a direction off to the right, "past Jazz's Comfortable Emporium. And the Plateau City hallway should be straight ahead. For this League of Adventurers, that is."

On large triangular platforms scattered here and there are great bronze statues of heroes of yore.

The sun is getting low in the sky, maybe an hour before it sets, and two hours to darkness. There are numbers of people crossing the square. Some are alone, but there are obvious groups as well. Workers, adventurers, a group of children playing, overseen by their mothers, perhaps. A woman carries a large basket with loaves of bread. A pretty young - half elf? - sells bunches of flowers. Two dozen men march in formation, crossing the party's intended path about 40 yards ahead, moving with purpose and carrying machetes and buckets. It looks like they may be going toward the Quest Gate.

"Buy my sausages, friends, buy my sausages," a middle-aged man next to a cart and small table raises his voice as the party goes by him. "Five silver a pound - best sausage this side of Golpherand!" A large dog, head resting on paws and one eye open, wags his tail as the party passes. The cry of 'Maps - Getcher maps here!' wafts across the cobblestones.

Saturday July 2nd, 2005 8:35:10 PM

"Thank you Kendry for explain the League to me, while I certainly don't have that amount of cash to join myself. It would be beneficial to the group to have at least one member, if not two members of the League in the interest of saving money later and to aid in gathering information."

Dwight takes in all the wonders of the city and the various types of people as the group is guided. "It seems vegetation had a supreme and unexpected growth spurt everywhere. I wonder if it all stopped when 'he' was thrown into the fissure? Or perhaps when the vial was smashed?"

Selithe  d20+1=9
Sunday July 3rd, 2005 12:44:28 AM

Selithe has remained quiet since she is almost dead on her feet now from being tired but does go with her friends to visit the city since she is very interested. Before going however she stops by Valdor, Nick and Dahlila (sorry if I misspelled your name) and hands each a single playing card, a hand crafted ace of clubs and smiles to each of them as she hands that one card out, "It might seem really silly but I craft these and use them as my calling card or try too..i mean I'm not known in the Wold really but I try...I hoped you all might remember me me and this meeting with that card...I mean (Selithe is blushing terribly now) I'm not as well known as all of you and I doubt I ever will be being a Conjurer and gambler but it is neat to know I might be remembered by you all."

Outside Selithe's eyes get big around when she sees all the money she has been given and whispers to her brother in amazement, "WOW! this can't be all mine really...I mean this is more moeny then I have saved up in all my live so far." Selithe does hear Airin's comments and will have none of it though, she just can't let Airin give up "all" her money so she slips over by Airin and takes 225gps of her money and holds it out to Airin, "No argueing either little lady. As I said, we girls have to stick together."

Selithe gives Airin a wink and smiles before moving along with the others, whispering to Airin as they go, "I'm looking foreward to getting our animal friends. I know for me it's a familiar but I like the thought of it being a friend better."

Monday July 4th, 2005 7:40:45 AM

Airin accepts Selithe's offer and takes the 225 gp. The rest of her share ought to be divided between the others. She does feel it would be nice to share everything among the 7 of us. Those who joined us lately will need to beef up as well!

Airin will have her share (225 gp) changed into two gems each worth 100 gp and 25gp pocket money.

(do we need to do this at the CC ? Or can we have this done here)

"Hmmm ... what do you think guys, these map selling boys sure want to get rid of their maps. Do you think we would need one to find our way back later? So far I believe I can find my way back, but if we get lost ... of course we can always ask someone, right?"

Podo  d20+2=8 d20+3=5 d20+3=17
Monday July 4th, 2005 1:42:03 PM

Podo has stayed quiet since he almost caused the end of the party of Halfling of Culverwood by antagonizing Lord Valdor. In addition, he is tired from all the events that have transpired these last few days. The Death of so many Woldians as witnessed by his new found group is still overwhelming. Podo will go with his friends to visit the city but after biding a fond farewell to their gracious hosts:
The wonderful Lord Valdor the Dragonstone (thank you for this most treasured and usable device [ "now how do I wear it?" ]), Father Nicholas Valentine, Dahlia Fastfingers, Savoulus, Mordrid the Bounty Hunter, Myrridan the Wild, and the many others whose names he didn't catch saying "Farewell to thee, May Alemi and Domi bless you all until we meet again!"

After catching up to his friends, Podo will tap his cousin Kendry on the shoulder, and whispers into his ear, "Cousin, I will forfeit my share to the group. Although I was there for the battle at the circle of stones, I was not there for this treasure. Please use the monies to enroll one of your group into this guild you so desire to be a part of. Perhaps after you join, it will be easier for the rest of us to follow suit. Now how do I get a ear piercing to wear this gift?!?"

Podo will do his best to keep up with his group. He is dressed much the way he was when he first encountered Kendry and friends at the Battle of the Druid Circle Stones.He wears simple clothes, as befits a monk and has always felt most comfortable in the simple monk's attire and his head is completely bald.
He carries his staff and his pack firmly on his back with a complicated knot tying the flap secure. Podo is happy to travel the city quarters following his group while taking in the sights, smells, people, and cultures without them taking advantage of him or his fellows. He uses his abilities of concentration, listening, and spotting to keep his friends and himself safe. Although in this crowd, they don't seem to be working the way they should. Perhaps he is just used to the woodlands.(Concentration=8, Listening=5, Spotting=17)

Kendry  d20+6=9
Monday July 4th, 2005 8:29:07 PM

Kendry approaches one of the map sellers, and buys a map of Plateau City. He tries to negotiate, offering 30 gp in lieu of the asked for 40 gp. [Diplomacy 9.] But if he can't get the price down, he'll pay the full amount asked.

Tuesday July 5th, 2005 1:09:10 AM

Kendry listens to Podo. "Tell you what. Let's see what might happen if we pool our resources. I'm glad things worked out well between you and Valdor. Ear piercing? Dunno. Maybe one of the girls can guide us there."

After buying the map, Kendry tells his friends, "We have enough so that four of us could join now. Maybe even five - I'm not sure about that. But with six thousand, that's three. There's 900 besides that. We have a couple of cloaks, a ring that are magic. I'm not sure what Airin might have. But with the cloaks and the ring - that's about 2700 if we turn them in and with the 900, there's 3600. I have a couple of potions that could net us 540 more - so there's over 4000. We've got more than 10,000 gp all together! My question is - does anyone not want to join? Airin - I dare say you may have enough to bring it to where all of us could sign up. What do you think? Let's at least go in as a group, hear them out, then decide. Sound good?"

ADM Kim  d20=5
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 2:22:13 AM

Airin is able to get the gems and change she desires. The map vendor is unwilling to sell a map for anything other than his stated price of 40 gp. But the map is excellent, and of good quality, and he assures Kendry that, when sealed within the scroll tube, it is waterproof. There is also a small scroll included in addition to the map. On the front of the map are the streets and buildings - some marked with numbers. On the back of the map the key to the numbers is given. For instance, in the Shanty Town quarter - isn't that the place Valdor mentioned? is the number 1 next to an odd-shaped building. On the back is written: "1. Shrine of St. Cormak (Alemi)" [For more information, and to see the details of the scroll, go to http://www.woldiangames.com/maps/yrth/peninsula/newelenna/plateaucity/plateau_city.htm - and to get the details of the map, click on the links found on that page.]

Distant shouts - some of alarm, some of command - can be heard coming from different points around the city.

Just thirty feet ahead is a building with the letters "WLA" on a wooden sign. A little cord hangs next to the door. 'Pull rope for entry' is written next to the cord.

Tuesday July 5th, 2005 6:17:35 AM

Airin carefully listens to Kendry as he sums up all their resources. She puts down her backpack and starts ruffeling through all her belongings checking out what she can throw in for membership costs.

"That Ring of Protection we took from that bird lady should be good for 900gp. A Potion of Water Walking should provide us with 675 gp. A scroll of water breathing will get us another 337 gp, and a spider climb somthing like 135gp. I also have 3 pearls each worth 100gp ... "

then she fumbles the cloak she wears ...

"I can not let this go ... this is a gift from Clover, Druid of the Circle of the Culverwood. I know this can give us 2250 gp if we sell it, but I can not do that. Sorry ... "

Airin blushes a little. She knows Kendry would love to join the WLA and so does she, but parting from that cloak seems horrible.

"We HAVE to think about our future encounters too friends. No matter what benefits we get from the WLA, it will not keep us alive in combat or anything like that. This cloak can help me sneak in or scout ahead. These potions can provide excellent help in various encounters, this ring can make sure one of us is tougher ... The WLA will do that to us ... in time ... I fear if we sell everything we have, we will weaken ourselves too much this moment. As I'm not willing to sell my cloak, I will offer you the ring and the scrolls and potions (2347 gp) so one can join and will not join myself this moment. I WILL join ... later."

"Let's go in."

Airin hands Kendry the Ring, the potions, the scrolls and the three gems.

Tuesday July 5th, 2005 1:55:00 PM

Following Kendry and the gang into the WLA, Podo taps Kendry on the shoulder yet again to tell him he can sell his quarter staff and the gift Linder gave him and anything else that Kendry might need shy of his new earring.

Tuesday July 5th, 2005 4:15:04 PM

Kendry thanks Airin and Podo for what they've offered. "Why don't you hang on to those things for the moment - let's talk with the League people first, decide who of us will go ahead and join, then, if we need to turn some of these things in, and are agreed, we can do it then. You are the best!"

Kendry pulls the cord next to the door to see what will happen. If the door opens, he will, from just outside the door, take a look in, then if nothing untoward is in evidence, step inside. "Hello."

Captain Oosterlinck 
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 7:17:15 PM

The tug on the bell rope has the required effect. After a distant "Cling Clong!" there is a lengthy pause, followed by the clomping of heavy hobnail boots. Then the creak of a heavy door opening on poorly oiled hinges reveals a set of bushy and rather flustered grey eyebrows. Beneath this hirsute facial furniture, no less flustered, is the ruddy face of a fellow of the grizzled persuasion. His hair is shaved close, and a short, frankly rather untidy white beard serves only to highlight the fellow's rosy complexion. Though approaching old age, there is no mistaking the strength in that sinewy frame. In his time this was surely a warrior of some power. Upon his chest is a red badge with the monogram "WLA". Below it is a single tine.

He looks peevishly up and down the road, clearly expecting some miscreant youth to have rung his bell pull and then run off laughing. It then occurs to him to look down, and the complex wrinkles of his scowl swiftly reorganize themselves into an altogether more agreeable arrangement.

"Aha!" he rumbles, and his voice is that of a beloved grandfather telling reassuring tales. "Halflings, eh? Come to join up have you? Welcome, welcome! Come on in! Unless you've come to sell me pies" he adds, one eye suddenly narrowing to an alarming slit, leaving the other to its own devices. The voice changes to a gravelly growl: "I've got all the pies I can eat; I don't want no more pies, y'hear?"

Kendry 'splains things 
Tuesday July 5th, 2005 8:15:00 PM

"Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Thank you. No, no we haven't," Kendry answers the man. And, if he allows him to pass, he steps through the door, waving for his friends and family to come on in.

Once inside, he explains, "Sir, we are from Crescent Valley. And we just got done meeting with the Gold Dragons. Myrridan and Dahlia - she likes pies - and Father Nicholas and Valdor and Mordrid. And before that we watched the birth and first battle of Ebryon, who styles himself the Fae King. I wrote up these papers on that whole topic," he says, pulling out his scroll case, and extracting the documents. "He's our cousin. Back in the Culverwood, that was. Oh, and he killed a bunch of druids, but we helped a bunch more of them fight him off, some, and everyone pitched in, and my sister," he indicates her by waving the parchment in Selithe's direction, "broke his crystal pumpkin.

"But before that, we helped Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly get elected as Burgomeister, although my Aunt Marigold is upset, because she wanted us to help her in the election. Well, we did, at first, with Gramama Eglantine's pies. But ... well, this is getting complicated. It was Calfast told us about the Woldian League of Adventurers, though I'd heard some things about it before. And so he sent us on an adventure. And we met goblins, and a lady unicorn, and my brother, Nalfein, got punched in the stomach by a half orc because he used the wrong pass phrase. There was the boat the goblins stole, and we got back. And later an ogre - and he's half ogre mage, too! and Lomar plays the drums, and writes songs and poems. And he likes the idea of the WLA. Calfast, that is, likes the idea. Calfast is a halfling - say - do you know him? So, we were fixin' to set up a Crescent Valley branch - if one's not already set up, that is. Is there one there we don't know about? 'Cause I don't know about it yet, if there is one.

"And we pretty near all want to join. But we don't know if we have enough money for all of us to join. But we like to do things together. And I'm Kendry Leafwin Pipewood, pleased to meet you, uh, sir. A bard. That is, I am a bard. Or at least, trying to be. And this is my sister, Selithe Greentree - also Leafwin Pipewood, of course. We want to fight against evil. Is it true if she joins that she'd learn how to use a short sword or the like, even though she's a conjurer?"

After asking that question, he thinks it would only be polite to introduce Airin, and Patterton, and Podo, and Dwight - but maybe it would be more polite to wait for an answer, first? Or maybe they'll introduce themselves? Kendry looks like he's about ready to speak again, but stops himself. Aunt Nilli told him once, "Your mouth is a torrent sometimes, and you ought to learn to build a dam across it to cut down on the flooding." Then he wonders what the man's name is...

Tuesday July 5th, 2005 10:53:52 PM

Standing just behind Kendry, Dwight adds, "What my comrade means is we have been quested to seek out the one responsible for the rapid vegatation growth across the Wold. While it may sound odd from such a group, we have just left a long meeting with the Gold Dragons. They suggested we continue our involvement. To do this, we felt some training would be beneficial us, all of us if possible. Perhaps a group discount or the opportunity to pay later as our cause is just, requested, needed and already progressing. This training could determine if our task at hand is successful."

As Dwight finishes, he realizes how easy it is to just talk,and that his intented shorter explaination isn't really any shorter or clearer than Kendry's. He glances at Kendry and smiles, a smile of understanding.

Tuesday July 5th, 2005 11:09:05 PM

Selithe blinks and looks around as the group travels the streets, see all the strange and interesting sights and are moved on more mainly by her brother Kendty.

Selithe smiles to Airin and nods to her, a single your welcome on the money since Selithe thinks that her friends deserves it. Selithe waits to see what happens at the tent they now when to and lets the others talk as she glances around and even looks for a place to sit, her sleep getting to her slowly more each moment and she half hopes she doesn't fall asleep wheere she stands since that would be quite embarassing.

Wednesday July 6th, 2005 7:05:58 AM

Nodding back to Selithe for the gold, Airin just knows she found a close friend in Selithe.

Airin chuckles as Kendry starts spouting all what happend in the past few weeks all at once. She looks at Captain Oosterlinck's face expecting to see a troubled mind. Kendry's really giving him an information overload there !!

Once he has finished, Airin takes a bow and says : "Greetings Captain ! I am Airin Moondancer Turnbell. Little Halfling from the Crescent Valley."

Wednesday July 6th, 2005 8:55:53 AM

"Greetings Captain ! I'm Podo Danderfluff Pipewood, kin to the other Pipewoods here." says Podo as he salutes the man before them.

I'm just a simple monk of Domi here to help my kin folk where I can.

Captain Oosterlinck 
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 9:01:01 AM

Muttering to himself about halflings and pies the old warrior ushers the halflings into a small, rather tatty room. Every square inch is occupied; maps and notices cover the walls, piles of boxes and files litter the floor and line the many shelves, and a large bookcase groans under the weight of five times the number of books it was designed to hold. He waves halfheartedly at the three chairs set up in front of a large oak desk, not seeming to notice that both the desk and chairs are completely submerged under towering mounds of paperwork. He takes a seat behind the desk, realises he can't see the party over his paperwork, and reapears again redder faced than ever. He takes a seat upon a box and listens to what the halflings have to say.

His eyes widen at the mention of Valdor and the Dragons, then narrow as Ebryon is discussed. As Kendry continues his account the old fellow's eyes start to glaze over. His brow furrows alarmingly until his eyes vanish altogether under knitted hairy brows. His shoulders start to slump as his face takes on a peaceful expression. As the chatty halfling rattles on with no sign of ever stopping the old chap seems to nod in agreement.

Finally the end comes, and with it a long sigh from your host. Or was that a snore? Then with a start he sits upright, muttering "Just restin' me eyes!"

"Now then, afore we go any further, my name's Captain Oosterlinck. Folks round here just call me Captain. Well, seems like you young folk have seen some adventures, right enough. Ebryon, eh? The troubles that chap's causing me right now!" He waves a hand at the oceans of documents on the desk, then continues "I'd be mighty interested to see that there scroll of yours on the birth of Ebryon, son. Mind if I take a look?

Now then, let me see if I can get the gist of this right. Long and short of it is you want to join up. Well now that's easily arranged. See here" and the Captain rummages deep into a desk drawer for a moment before emerging with a document held triumphantly aloft. "This here'll tell what's what."

He hands over a rather tatty recruiting leaflet, with the title "WLA: Have You Got What it Takes?" There's a woodcut of a bold hero type standing on a pile of dead orcs, and a brief outline and history of the League.

As the party peruse the document Captain Oosterlinck continues. "The League is more than just an adventuring guild. It's a haven and home for folk who risk life and limb to explore, to champion the weak, to fight wrong-doers, to go questing, to seek treasure and power, to test themselves, and more. We offer training and services that can help you, like that shortsword training you mentioned. The League can also call on members in service at great need. Bottom line, lads and lasses, joining the WLA is serious step. Its responsibility is what it is.

And don't go thinking it's all swashbuckling and heroics, coz it ain't. One look around here should tell you that. A lot of our work involves gathering information, traveling, discovering, reporting back. We explore new territory, draw maps, meet people. We keep our ear to the ground, wherever we may be. We want to know what's where, who's in charge, what their aims are, who and how strong their enemies are. All of that. We listen to gossip, and try and sort out fact from fiction to get a big picture of what's going on out there in the Wold." With a weary sigh he looks over at his desk again. "Right now there's quite a bit.

Now you lot have seen some pretty impressive things on your travels, it sounds like. It sounds to me like you've surely got what it takes. Looking at you we'd probably take you on as Initiates first off, train you up a bit. If you can stick around for a day or two I can get those as wants it up to snuff with any of those." He points at a weapons rack in the corner of the room, filled with shortswords, longspears and bastard swords.

"And if you can stick around a day or two longer I can take you off to the Obstacle Run. That'll really get you fighting fit. But as I say, it will take a while. Things are pretty crazy right now, so that could be left until a calmer time, and be done at any decent sized outpost."

He tries to look stern, glowering at Dwight, but doesn't do a very good job. "Now then" he barks, "Joining fee's 2000 gold, see? No discounts, no credit." His face softens as he continues "I wish I could help you out son, really I do. We can use all the help we can get right now. But that's the rule, no exceptions. I'm sorry son." He seems to genuinely wish there were a way to get you all in.

"Well now, who here wants to join up then?

Wednesday July 6th, 2005 3:17:22 PM

OOC:OK everyone, I'm back. I went home to visit last week and was told there would be a computer that I could use to post. Well, for some reason it couldn't connect and I missed a lot of posts! I'm going to play a little catch up now and I'll be posting tonight. Hope this didn't cause any trouble. Thanks.


Feel free to have Patterton pop his head round the door and overhear that last post if it fits in with events.

Kendry calls in  d20=20
Wednesday July 6th, 2005 9:23:47 PM

"Surely, you may read my report on Ebryon, sir," Kendry answers Captain Oosterlinck. "If you have someone who can scribe a copy of it for your records, that wold be fine with me," he says as he hands him the parchment. "Or, perhaps I can do so myself. I gave my original to the Gold Dragons. Maybe I can make a sketch of what he looks like, too."

He listens to his friends, and thinks a bit.

"We would like to join, sir. Among us, we have enough to pay for the joining. It might mean we do without a trick or two for a wee bit. But, sir, just a bit over a fortnight ago, I know I had less than 200 gold pieces I could call my own. Just this few weeks of adventuring, and we've got maybe fifteen thousand worth all told. I'd say it pays off - and helps folks, too! But Calfast told us he wants to open a branch of the WLA in Angel Springs. My family has a shop out there. If we join up, maybe we can help you getting a Crescent Valley outpost set up, with the League's help, of course.

"What with the training we'll get, that opens up options. And if we can help get some other halflings to join the adventuring life - and associate with a group that has good moral standing like the WLA - then I'd say that's worth a bit of sacrifice on our part. A question for you, Captain Oosterlinck, sir. Will you take valuable items in payment toward the fees?"

Kendry takes his beloved masterwork darkwood strength bow from off his shoulder. "This, and a few other things, will go to help pay our entry fees. Just a moment."

Quiet chat with Airin

Kendry briefly takes Airin aside, and talks in a very quiet voice. "Look, you're offering some real treasures up, and I'm proud of you. Just something to think about, though. I couldn't help but overhear what Clover had to say to you back by the oak." [ex-post-facto listen check: d20=20+6=26] "He said when he handed you that gift, 'This is for you, and your friends. One never knows when some little odds or ends will be needed. Open it later. Do with it what you will.' Airin, I have no complaints about your generosity. You just happen to have more of value than any of us at the moment. I have noticed how you like to be the first to pick things up. That's fine. I think it's good to try to get oneself as well outfitted as possible. But, I'm just thinking here - and you can hit me if you want to," he says with a smile, "maybe keeping some of the smaller things - like the pearls for identifying a thing or two, or the scroll of water breathing might be handy with all this flooding they're talking about. Besides - he gave you, also, that really beautiful green dress. Stunning, really. I've got about eight things to sell to help pay for the joining, plus some money I've saved up. Yes, it will leave us a little short of some kinds of tools. But I think the best thing would be for us all to join together, and train together. I won't force anyone, but, that's my hope." If she doesn't look too mad at him, he adds, "Thanks for listening, Airin." If she does look upset, he says, "All right, Airin, you can hit me now."

Checking with Podo

"Podo - tell us about your staff. What are its qualities? Do you know what it is worth?"

To the group

"With what I'm tossing in," and here he places two potion vials, a masterwork climber's kit, masterwork artisan's tools, a couple of short masterwork oars, and some gold, "and if we use all of the money from the kukri that Olo left us, and with what some of you all have offered, I figure we have just over 11,500 gold pieces worth, if we go with the Catacombs' standard trade in value. We just need a little more. I don't know what Linder gave you, Podo. I saw a few gifts given, but that's for you all to decide on. But, roughly 500 more, and we can do it. All of us. What say, friends? Are we in this together?"

Thursday July 7th, 2005 3:06:21 AM

Breaking his long silence, Patterton glances over at Kendry. "Well, I've got these 4 healing potions, an elixer of truth, um lesse, a sunrod...I've got that nice new suit of chain barding for Barnabus, but he's back at the oak..." Patty continues to rifle through his belongings muttering to himself.

Thursday July 7th, 2005 4:26:10 AM

"The elixir of truth - that's 500, or 450 for the Catacombs exchange, Patty. That and one of the potions should cover it. Sounds like we can go ahead, eh?" Kendry says. If all agree, then he works on laying out the money, and articles in exchange for money, and asks, "Captain Oosterlinck, could you explain whatever promises we have to make? And - it's almost the end of the day, and some of us haven't slept for a couple of days. Maybe we could find a place to sleep - if we can afford one after this! - then start the training first thing tomorrow morning?"

If any disagree, then he listens to their objections.

ADM Kim 
Thursday July 7th, 2005 4:27:57 AM

[OOC: Maybe we can work out the details via email - but gang, we should be able to swing this. And Inge - we can do it even if Airin keeps the cloak, despite Kendry's request she rethink her decision. Don't feel coerced if Airin doesn't want to follow his counsel.

Also, you'll want to choose which weapon you'll get training in: shortsword, long spear, or bastard sword. And which skills - +2 skill points for climb, handle animal, jump, ride, or swim - and you can split them, say +1 jump, +1 swim, for example.]

Thursday July 7th, 2005 5:33:32 AM

As Kendry takes Airin apart she makes a sour face and says : "Me ... selfish ?!? ... Kendry please don't say that ! I wanted to give this ring to the one with the lowest protection you told me to hang on to it ! I gave Patty the sword I found on Bob and divided his gold fair and square. The only think I have been given was this cloak ... "

She turns around, somewhat distressed that Kendry feels like that about her ... I'm not selfish ... am I ?!? ... oh why did he say that. If this cloak will bring anger between us I will quickly discard it ...

As she returns to the group she takes her cloak of and hands it over to whomever is collecting all valuables. The package she gives also contains that ring of protection +1 and a few other nick nacks. Whatever it takes to have enough to join the WLA ...

- Cloak of the Elvenkind : 2500Gp - gift from Clover

- Ring of Protection +1 : 2000Gp - taken by Kendry from birdlady and given to Airin

- Potion of water Walk : 750 - Lotto price

- Scroll of Water Breathing : 350 - bought

- Scroll of Spider Climb : 150 - bought

- everburning torch : 110 - bought

This should give 5274 Gp if we sell all this to the Catacombs.

Inge OOC 
Thursday July 7th, 2005 6:10:18 AM

ok I'm crancky because of Kendry's post, but that will pass :-)

The weapon training you receive by joining the WLA does not hamper any of the specific class restrictions ? (selithe wielding a sword for instance ... )

Does this also means Airin can learn to wield a Bastard Sword (she allready knows how to handle a short sword and a long spear doesn't match with a rogue) without endangering her Class abilities as rogue / druid ?

A rogue can only fight with light weapons ...

Thursday July 7th, 2005 9:41:03 AM

"Ok, Kendry...just what are you saying here?" says Podo. "I can't use any of those weapons and thus this membership is useless to me!" says Podo with rising emotional tones. "You know you're the only really pushing for all of use to join up! Did you ever stop to think that we are not all warriors? What is the clerics or Magic users going to do with training in shortsword, long spear, or bastard sword?!?" "Have you lost your mind?? You are so hell-bent and blindly leading us all to join, what is the meaning of this?!"

"On second thought, I am not joining this WLA group. I am a MONK! I can kick your butt with my bare hands...I don't need a shortsword, long spear, or bastard sword to do it. In fact anything at all aside from my staff or my hands is a HUGH waste to me. 2000 coins to join for you...I have been away for a while now, but what has hapened to you!? Who made you leader of this group to the point that you would subject us all to YOUR will??!?" shouts Podo Danderfulff to Kendry as he turns red; fustrated that he surpressed his feelings for this long.

"You'll get nothing from me for this WLA 'cept a sharp kick in the arse!" mumbles Podo as he walks outside and back towards the Platinum Dragon's Castle.

Thursday July 7th, 2005 10:38:40 AM

"Now wait a second Podo. We may want to consider the future benefits to the group from having someone in the League as well ... I agree with you that it may not be interesting enough for you to join, and frankly I may not be well fitted to join either. If this WLA will allow for instance Selithe to use a weapon it could be interesting. Although she would do better concentrating on her wizardry instead. I also wonder why Kendry is soo keen to join. It is rather martially alligned and unless Kendry thinks about becoming a fighter as well what's the point. However, for Patty I believe this could be an invaluable asset ! I will certainly help getting him in and of course Kendry as well.

But what I wanted to say earlier is that I wonder if this is the best time to join. There are various features that are invaluable even for us, non warriors, Podo like the toughness, the endurance and even the leadership. We'll be even better more nimble than we allready are ...

It's not something to discard this easily.

Not to mention this might make us more known in the Wold and could bring us great adventures in time.

I'd say let Kendry join if he wants to. I strongly suggest Patty joins too. I doubt it would be intersting enough for us rogues", Airin says while she pats Dwight on his back, "unless you consider some more martial path for yourself in time Dwight, and I'm not sure about Selithe ... "

"I do believe though we are here as a group, and we ought to help eachother out. I will help those who want to join, but ... prefere not to let go of the cloak as that too is an invaluable asset for this group. Though Kendry feels this is selfish of me, I can greatly help the group with it as well !

Oh, and I don't think we have a leader now do we ? It's good to have someone like Kendry in conversations as he has a way with words ... patty is strong in combat ... Selithe knows more about magic than most of us ever will ... Dwight and I are the groups scouts ... and you Podo I fear for waht you can do with your body ! See ... we're all important and all have our own voice. "

"In total this means I can spend over 3000 gp should it be needed ... although the spoils from Olo's Kukri will probably be enough allready."

"What do you think Captain Oosterlinck ? IS the WLA interesting for non fighter types ? Admit the WLA appears to be strongly biassed towards fighters , no ?"

Captain Oosterlinck 
Thursday July 7th, 2005 10:45:48 AM

The Captain watches the unfolding scene with growing consternation. When Podo blows his stack the old warrior lifts his hands in a calming gesture. "Hey there, young fella, no need to get so riled, the WLA is open to anyone, not just sword-wavers..."

But Polo has stalked off in a fury before he can finish. The grizzled fellow gives a bemused shrug.

"Ah well, a life in the WLA ain't for everyone. You might want to give that boy a nice massage and a week off with a good book though, he seems a mite stressed."

To Airin he says "Well many of our members are warriors, it's true. But we have no shortage of mages, clerics, and so on. My boss is a paladin of Domi. His boss is a sorceress. We get all sorts here. The training we offer is useful to anyone who's chosen a life of danger and adventure as a career, to my mind."

Now then, as I was about to say; I don't want you selling the family silverware to join up. All that gear you're spilling all over my nice tidy floor" (His floor is anything but tidy, and not especially nice) "is stuff you'll likely as not be needing if you're to be any use to the League!"

He takes a long hard look at Kendry's scoll, then at the halfling, then comes to a decision. "Now then lad, if you were a member this here document would be League property. But seeing as you're not a member, but a private citizen, this is your own private property. Property that would be very valuable to us in the League in this time of crisis. I'd say that if you could copy this out, along with the sketch you mention, that would have to be worth, oh, say 2000 gold. And seein' as your hotheaded young friend just threw his toys out of the pram, that'll be another 2000 you don't need to raise. That help you any?"

(OOC: Please arrange the details of the required funds by email, then present the Captain with the final, single pile of goods and cash to the value of 2000 per head.)

"Now then, them that join are welcome to use the dorm upstairs, and to stay as long as you need for training. Can't offer that service to non-members though. Grumpy out there is welcome to sleep in the horse trough out back though. As for promises, there's a League oath, but we'll get to that in a bit. Now, who's for joining?"

(OOC: League training will not supercede any class restrictions you may have. If your class denies you access to metal blades (ie the Witch class), joining the League will not remove that restriction. All training is voluntary; you are under no obligation to accept any training the League offers you.)

Thursday July 7th, 2005 11:41:56 AM

Listening carefully to Captain Oosterlinck, and gratefull for the good response he gave Airin makes up her mind.

"Ok, Podo will not join. That leaves you Kendry, Patty, Selithe, Dwight and me ... 10 000 GP to join. Your copy of the story just bought you a ticket in Kendry", Airin smiles.

That leaves us 8000 more we need. All the gold we got from Patty (6900 if I recall this correctly) can let another 3 of us join. So then we need only another 1100 we should find from any of us. We can sell this ring of protection that belongs to the group (1800 gp) for that - or only 220 gp from each of us extra no matter where they come from ... And then the 5 of us can join up ... We can give Podo the remaining 700gp we get from selling the ring so he can buy personal stuff to train himself."

"What do you say ?"

"Just one more thing to keep in mind ... "buying" our way into the future levels costs a lot more !!! and I don't want to have this quarrel everytime ..."

Thursday July 7th, 2005 8:14:21 PM

OOC: I hate to prolong this debate, but...

"Hmmm,I think the ring of protection would be more useful by someone within the group to help us live long enough to enjoy the benefits of the WLA. I have 600 gp that I am willing to contribute to help anyone join. I am really against selling the ring and would rather not join and use the ring myself at this point if its a matter of finances. I feel the same regarding those potions, certainly the healing ones will be useful in the future."

Aside from Podo's temper, Dwight is rather pleased with the way the 'bartering' is going within the group. His comrades, while mostly related, include him as family, as part of the group. He is also rather happy to have gotten the 'discount' due to some scribing and some artistic rendering.

Druid Savoulus (ADM Kim) 
Thursday July 7th, 2005 8:47:14 PM

The druid has been waiting outside the door, just keeping an eye on things out there. When Podo storms out, heading back the way they came, he asks him, "What is wrong, Podo? And where are you headed?"

Kendry - private conversations 
Thursday July 7th, 2005 10:08:14 PM

In the private conversation with Airin

"No, no, I did not say selfish. Nor mean that in any way. I said you are generous. Which I know you are. AND resourceful. Boy, how do I get this across? I'm sorry - what I said came across wrong. Oiygh! I was just reminding you what Clover said... look, I don't want this to be a cause for contention - let's just try to figure this out. I ... I think a great deal of you Airin," he says, a slight flush to his cheeks. "And - and I don't think you're selfish! Just the opposite."

Kendry talks (or tries to talk) with Podo

As Podo heads out the door, Kendry follows behind, holding his index finger up in the air just before he exits, to signal to the others that he hopes to be back soon.

"Podo - wait up!" Then, seeing the druid, he says more quietly, "Oh, hi Savoulus. We'll be right back, I hope." He quickens his pace, and calls out, "Don't say something like that, then just run away! It's no fair. Will you at least take a minute so I can speak to your objections and try to answer your questions? Man, cuz, slow down - you walk so fast!"

If Podo will listen to him, Kendry continues, ""Podo - let's look at your objections. I want you to know I'm listening. You said:

"1. You can't use any of those weapons

"Why not?" Kendry asks him. "Are you prohibited from doing so, or do you just feel uncomfortable because you have never tried using them? Is there a religious or moral objection to using them?

"2. Membership is useless to you

"Is gaining additional skills in climbing, jumping, swimming, riding and handling animals useless to you?

"Is allying with people of like mind useless to you?

"Is support and information useless to you?

"Is the additional training useless to you?

"Are available lodging, and comradeship, and libraries, and other help and benefits useless to you?

"3. 'You know you're the only one pushing for all of us to join up'

"Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly, the new burgomeister of Crescent Valley, said we - not just me, cuz - would be good candidates for the WLA. And we have talked about it before in the group. You just joined up with us last night - so have not been part of prior conversations on the topic. But yes, I have been pushing to see if we all couldn't join up. I won't force anyone to do so, though.

"4. 'Did you ever stop to think that we are not all warriors? What are the clerics or magic users going to do with training in shortsword, long spear, or bastard sword?'

"Well, I know we're not all warriors. Maybe not everybody will want to be able to use one of those three weapons. But I've always thought that versatility had its advantages. And the WLA is not just for warriors.

"5. 'Have you lost your mind?'

"I don't think so."

"6. 'You are so hell-bent'

"No. I am not hell-bent

"7. 'And blindly leading us all to join'

"Well, I think it is not blindness, but vision, with a purpose.

"8. 'What is the meaning of this?'

"Um, that we band together with a good organization, to help the Wold, to fight against evil, and to help out good people, and gain the strength that comes from joining together in a shared cause. I am not wise enough, or learned enough, to claim I fathom the full meaning of this. But there you go for starters

"9. 'I am a monk. I can kick your butt with my bare hands'

"You kick with your hands?" Kendry asks wryly, trying to coax a smile out of his cousin.

"10. 'I don't need a shortsword, long spear, or bastard sword to do it. In fact anything at all aside from my staff or my hands is a huge waste to me.'

"Because you fail to see the direct personal benefit of only one of the many aspects of membership, then the whole should be rejected?

"11. 'I have been away for a while now, but what has happened you you? Who made you leader of this group to the point that you would subject us all to your will?'

"I dunno. I wrote a letter to some of my family and friends, and asked if they would like to get together to start an adventuring group. Some of them said yes. And we did. So, if a person starts something, might that be a form of leadership? Who was it who asked you and Dwight, just today, if you wanted to join our group? I don't think I've changed that much from when we were growing up, Podo. Nor have you. Often I'd think of something to do, and talk about it with my cousins and friends, and they'd go, 'Well, sure, let's do that!' And you were always good with your feet and your hands, and doing acrobatic stuff. And always held strong opinions on things. And you have a pretty decent sense of what's right and wrong.

"But Airin also has shown leadership. And so has Patterton. And Selithe has given words of guidance, and has taken initiative to help us broaden our perspectives. I'm not claiming a monopoly on leadership - but, yes, I am a leader. And a follower, when that is the better course.

"Just a side question, cousin. Are you sure your reading of people's motivations is at its pinnacle this afternoon? And don't hit me for asking that question. I just want you to think about it.

"As to subjecting you to my will - first, yes, absolutely I'm enthusiastic about joining the WLA. And I'd like us all to do it. I just didn't want anyone to be kept out because of money issues. But I'm not going to force anyone to do so. You can kick my butt - or try - if you want to. But bruising your butt is not my personal goal in life, Pode. At least," he adds with a smile, "not so far."

Then, Kendry puts his arm around the shoulders of his steaming cousin - or at least tries to put his arm around him. "Look, you don't have to join. But will you at least stick with us until we can get this figured out? You're probably still mad at me, too, after what I said to you when Valdor got ticked off. Let's work it out, Podo. We're family. Come on back inside, won't you? Yell at me more, if it makes you feel better. But don't stay mad, too long, all right? C'mon, let's head back inside. 'K?"

[And a wee bit more in a moment...]

Friday July 8th, 2005 12:10:31 AM

Selithe looks around abit and then at the man wanting to know who will join and such and speaks gently to him as to not offend him, "Good sir, I would like to join the WLA but maybe at another time. You see, I really was wanting to look into joining the Star Mage Guild first and then join this one at a later time. However, if any of my friends join then I will certainly help in any problems the WLA have and assign them....not meaning to try and get a discount or anything but maybe by helping out in your problems some of the others of us can gain membership."

Selithe leans back alittle again anything sturdy and pulls back out her pipe, "Like I noticed some interest in our comments on the Fey King, you have me quite curious of what you might know or maybe you seek info...at the moment info is something we do have some of on the fey king. Like say his birth, growth, coming to power, etc." Selithe lights her pipe and thinks before commenting, "Also I'm sure that it might interest the WLA on the fey kings wereabouts right now and any info they might beable to obtain since we have been asked to search that out or possibly look into the army we have heard about towards our home." Selithe shrugs, "As I said, not seeking a deal, making offers is all and if you are not interested might I ask if you can point me in the way of the Star Mage Guild so I may look into it? Either way, a friend today is most likely a friend or member tomorrow."

Selithe wonders why she suddenly feels like she is trying to talk this poor man into stuff and almost laughs as she remembers she is a gambler and this is kind of like gambling, show the people you gamble against alittle hint to get them betting and then clean up.

Friday July 8th, 2005 12:28:01 AM

Patty smiles to himself as Kendry follows the steaming Podo out of the room. "Ah, family." He chuckles, thrumming his thick fingers on the table.

He gives Selithe a smile and a wink and reflects on joining the League. Finally, he will be able to train under a sword master. He has always wanted to learn how to swordfight correctly, even as a child he had been transfixed by stories of Knights and warriors. Now was his chance to not only walk amoung them, but be trained by some of the most skilled warriors around. Patty found himself smiling broadly as he looks up at the others.

ADM Kim - Thing to be noted [Relativity and All That] 
Friday July 8th, 2005 2:39:43 AM

[OOC: There is a bit of a slipstream in time here. The halflings are about three days behind where the Platinum Dragons (Gold & Storm Dragons) are. From their perspective, Ebryon has been in the Wold that long. So, while the characters are undergoing training, it will actually be a period of time where we get more or less in sync with them, and several of the other groups.

As I mentioned in email, for the next few days - at least from now through Monday - feel free to post more than once a day, if you think your character has something to add, or if a question needs asking. -ADM Kim]

Kendry - Back in the small, tatty room 
Friday July 8th, 2005 4:52:38 AM

If Podo has agreed to come back, Kendry says, "No one should join against his will. Though you know I'd love for us all to join, doing so or not doing so should not cause us to separate."

When Kendry hears that his write up of Ebryon's birth is so highly valued, he gasps. "Re- really? Su- sure, I'll copy it out, and the drawing, too! Hurrah!" he exclaims. "And, thank you, Captain."

When Airin mentions that the entry fee for some of the higher ranks is 5000 gp, and she want to avoid future disputes, Kendry says, "Once you are a member, I think there is some flexibility as to when you take advantage of the higher ranks - once you've met the other prerequisites, of course. I myself should like to take advantage of them as soon as I can, but do not think that all of us need do so simultaneously down the road. Besides, some are likely to meet the requirements at different times than others. Shouldn't be a problem."

When his sister mentions the Star Mages Guild, Kendry says, "Oh, yes, we passed their tower twice today. It's so tall." He takes out the map of Plateau City he just bought. "See, sis, we're right here," he points [next to building 46 at http://www.woldiangames.com/maps/yrth/peninsula/newelenna/plateaucity/dragon_quarter.htm ]. "Then across the big open space and past a few buildings is the Catacombs on Magic Square. Off to the left - see that five-pointed star-shape? That's the Star Mages Guild. We came to the city through the Golden Griffin Inn. Hey, it says here that it's an 'Elfs Only Tavern.' And we were inside, and we're not even elfs!"

Then he looks to his sister. "Say, Selithe - you were there those times that Calfast talked to us about the Woldian League of Adventurers. I thought you wanted to join, too. What's the deal?" He looks up at Captain Oosterlinck. "Can one be a member of the WLA, and the Star Mages Guild, at the same time? You guys aren't opponents at all, are you? I've heard the Star Mages are supposed to be good guys."

On the question of payment
Source - Description - Value
Group - Kukri - 6900
[Sixty 100 gp gems, ten 50 gp gems, and 400 gold pieces]
Group - Cloak of Resistance, +1 - 900
Airin - Potion of Water Walk - 675
Dwight - Money - 600
Patterton - Elixir of Truth - 450
Kendry - Ebryon's birth story + sketch - 2000
Kendry - Masterwork oars - 93.6
Kendry - Potion of cure moderate wounds - 270
Kendry - Money - 111 gold, 4 silver

That's twelve thousand gold pieces, exactly.

"Unless someone has an alternative suggestion, here is how we can pay for all of us to join."

Final appeal

"Look, friends. Obviously we're not all pulling the same direction on this decision. If you'd be so kind, please allow me to make a final appeal. Then, decide what you will decide. Fair?

"Here are the benefits I see from having us all, as a group, join the WLA - right here, right now.

"First - we will go through their training as a team. Now, Selithe and I have been with the group from day one. Airin and Patterton joined in about three days later. And you - Dwight and Podo - just joined today. Not a lot of time - two and a half weeks.

"Right now we need to pull together - and what better way than to be trained together? You've heard about some of the training - feats and skills. Information sharing. Libraries, scrolls, maps. Wayfaring - getting from one place to another quickly, like what Myrridan and Savoulus did for us. And, hey - a home away from home, from time to time.

"Lots of other things I could say - but, my appeal to you all, is for all of us to do this together. As a group. As family. As friends."

Friday July 8th, 2005 6:03:53 AM

Having talked things over with the rest Airin is releaved things turned out this way.
She takes the Ring of Protection +1 from her finger and hands it over to Dwight.
"Here you go Dwight ! You make good use of it now." Gently she strokes her cloak happy she can hold on to it.

"No hard feelings ok ?" she says to the group

"I agree with Kendry's proposal" as she hands the potion of Water Walk to Kendry, "let's join the Woldian League of Adventurers !"

She thinks a little on what she would like to learn in there and descides the following :

"I will choose to learn how to wield a Bastard Sword. Even though I prefere stealth and my crossbow, I fear eventually we will need to get up close and personal. Also I would like to learn how to Swim (+2 skill points) and get better at climbing (+2 skill points)"

"Ok, Captain Oosterlinck, please allow me to become a new member. The Bastard Sword will become my most cherished weapon and like to be trained in climbing and swimming."

Captain Oosterlinck 
Friday July 8th, 2005 6:41:29 AM

The greying old battler leans back on his box as the various exchanges take place. At last, when everyone is done he stands up, his face serious.

"Now then younguns, I have something to add. Something you should think closely on. Your buddy here is keen as mustard, and that's to his credit. Always good to see eagerness in a new recruit. But I get the feeling some of you ain't so sure. And that's fine too."

"Now see here young fella" he says to Kendry, "If you want to join up the League will be glad to have you. Same goes for any of your buddies. But what I, and the League, don't want, are people who ain't 100% certain of their decision. You need to be surer of this decision than you've ever been sure of anything. This is a big step, a big commitment, and a big investment. If you want to think about it, or see how it works out for young Kendry here before you sign up, you do that. Don't be joining up because someone else says you should, join up because you believe deep down it's the right thing to do."

He turns to Selithe with a grin. "Now you, young lady, know your own mind. I admire that. By all means you should join the Star Mages first if that's what you want, though I think you have to be pretty powerful to join. (OOC: You need to be 5th Level to join the Star mages. Students may study with the guild earlier, but true guild membership is not given until a mage is capable of casting 3rd level spells.) The League ain't going anywhere; we'll still be here if you decide you want to join up later. Nothing to stop you joining both that I know of, though it might be a lot of work fulfilling both sets of duties."

"Don't you worry about splitting up your team, neither. There's no reason why half of you, or even one of you, can't be in the League and the others not. And as for this Calfast fellow, well I'm sure he's a good chap and all, but the League decides where it puts its outposts. Now I'll take up the case of getting an outpost into Crescent Valley, but it would be staffed with more senior members than yourselves, at least to begin with. We'd never put raw recruits into a League outpost, particularly a new one. So forget that as a factor, the League will look after that. You just need to decide if it's right for you, not Calfast or your buddy or your team as a whole. You."

He leans forward with a wink and a conspiratorial grin on his face. "Now seein' as everyone is out in the field right now except old duffers like me, I think I can bend the rules just this once and put you all up in barracks whilst them that joins get training. Your cross friend won't need to sleep in the horse trough after all."

"Now then, here's the long and short of it. You think on this hard, and then those that want to join up, you repeat this formal oath after me. Those that don't, or ain't sure, or want to think on it some more, you can always do this another time or not at all if that feels right."

He looks around the room with a stern expression, and draws himself up to his full height, puffing out his chest and doing his best to suck his belly in.

"You ready? Now repeat after me:

"I (state your name) do solemnly swear to uphold the ideals of the League, to protect the innocent and combat evil wherever I may find it."

Friday July 8th, 2005 1:59:03 PM

Kendry listens to the Captain's talk. Hmmm. His words are wise. He is right. One should be certain before taking such a step.

But he, himself is certain. So he takes one small step forward (the room is small, after all), and states, "I, Kendry Leafwin Pipewood, do solemnly swear to uphold the ideals of the League, to protect the innocent and combat evil wherever I may find it."

He then takes one small step back.

Friday July 8th, 2005 4:38:45 PM

Patty stand up and swells up a little bit. "Well, I'm as sure about this as I've ever been about anything, sir. Wait 'till the boys in the militia hear about this!"

He steps foreward solemnly and says; "I Patterton Cloverturn Burrows do solemnly swear to uphold the ideals of the League, to protect the innocent and combat evil wherever I may find it." He then retreats a step to stand beside Kendry, giving him a quick grin before standing at attention.

Sunday July 10th, 2005 2:49:12 PM

Podo returns from his short abscence and sees all his new found friends in a line just as Patterton takes a step backwards. "I'm back!" says Podo. "Sorry I lost my head. My cousin has always been able to get my goat!" mentions Podo. "I'm ready now to join up. I thought about what my cousin said to me while we were outside and I feel in my heart he is right. That and the Capt'n mentioned his boss also worships Domi. So if His boss can do it, I can have the courage to suck it up and realize I was wrong. Ok, where do I sign?" says Podo to the Capt'n.

"Oh, hehe, I need to take an oath,eh? Alright then!" says Podo to the Capt'n. Podo takes his place right directly in front of the Capt'n, raises his hand and begins to clearly and deliberately say the oath. "I Podo Danderfluff Pipewood do solemnly swear to uphold the ideals of the League, to protect the innocent and combat evil wherever I may find it." Podo then finds a place in the line and awaits for the next candidate to come foward.

Podo looks at Kendry & Patterton and sees them smile at him.

Monday July 11th, 2005 2:48:10 AM

Airin carefully listens to Captain Oosterlinck and agrees to him when he says one needs to be absolutely certain about membership. After all the discussion they had, she is certain now.

Following suit of Kendry, Patty and Podo, Airin takes a small step forward, stands up straight and in a stern clear voice she says:

"I, Airin Moondancer Turnbell, do solemnly swear to uphold the ideals of the League, to protect the innocent and combat evil wherever I may find it."

Then she steps back in line and takes a nervous look at the other who have joined already.

... so it has begun ...

Monday July 11th, 2005 1:33:17 PM

Seeing the others join, and ready to seek adventure knowing he will will need all the help he can find. Dwight holds up his hand and repeats what others have said.

"I, Dwight Twiggebundler, do solemnly swear to uphold the ideals of the League, to protect the innocent and combat evil wherever I may find it."

ADM Kim 
Monday July 11th, 2005 7:58:46 PM


Monday July 11th, 2005 8:39:29 PM

Podo looks around to see who's left for pledging and what the Capt'n might be doing while we all wait.

Monday July 11th, 2005 9:18:19 PM

Selithe purses her lips abit while thinking everything over and also nods and smiles to Captain Oosterlinck, "Thank you for your kind words sir. I didn't remember the qualifications for joining the Star Mage Guild so thank you for the reminder. I was just thinking of what would be best for me in the sense of I'm a conjurer and such. I'm not meaning that the WLA can't add to my abilities too kind sir."

Selithe looks to her brother and gives him a gentle nudge before whispering to him, "Sorry brother, I didn't mean to make it sound like I didn't want to join, it's just I thought the Star Mage Guild would add more to my abilities, however I forgot the requirements, must be because I'm tired."

Selithe looks down thinking, she knows it would take all of her money plus to join the WLA and she needs abit of money for her familiar so she is in abit of a undecided area. Not for sure what to do she pulls her brother off to the side and speaks to him, "umm bro...I'm going to need abit of money for my familiar. I know you have some knowledge in the magical arts so you probably know that a wizard getting his/her familiar requires abit of money for the process." Selithe thinks and pulls out a small potion she had been planning on selling for abit of money and rolls it back and forth in the palm of her hand, "I do have a potion of bull stregnth that the WLA might find useful."

(Not sure if the kukri money was included in the split everyone got before and Airin said to split her share do to the cloak or not. If the money wasn't going to cut into the money split among the group then just post as if this was another symptom of Selithe being tired. :).)

Selithe looks back to Captain Oosterlinck, "Depending on how everything works out sir I will join also. I do not know if this will cause conflicts with me joining the Star mage Guild in the future but surely the two of you do work together and you both wouldn't send me on a mission that conflicts with the other."

Kendry  d20+7=23
Monday July 11th, 2005 10:50:13 PM

Kendry looks proud and serious and fierce and happy - if all four expressions are possible at once - as his friends make the pledge. He expected Patterton to be one of the first to step up, and likes his proud hobbityness. When Podo arrives back just then, and has his say, the bard is astonished, and pleased. He thinks about reaching over and given him a friendly punch on the shoulder, but decides that might go against some of the solemnity of the occasion.

Airin - ah, sweet Airin, he thinks as she says the straightforward yet significant words. What a ... friend to have. A good friend.

Dwight - good for him! Wonderful to have Mister Twiggebundler joining, as well. He's got to ask him about his mother's family, and find out what her family name is - maybe while they go through the training.

When his sister asks him about the money for finding a familiar, he thinks a moment (bardic knowledge 23). "Um I think - I've never done this myself, you know - though we did have lots of kittens and cats growing up. But I think it's maybe a hundred or two for the - what, cauldron and spices and - well, whatever it is that you wizard folk use. I know that Airin, too, wants to look for an animal companion. Maybe the Captain, or Savoulus, would know for sure. If I'm right about the costs, then, no worries, sis. We can cover ya. Look - why don't you sleep on the decision - we can find out for sure what the costs might be for your familiar hunt... er, search. Your eyes just look so tired - and for something as big as this, I don't want you to have to make it when you should be sleeping instead."

[OOC: What we did was to pile all of the kukri money into enough to have us all join. There still is money in the group to pay for Selithe to find a familiar.]

Tuesday July 12th, 2005 1:23:27 AM

As Airin hears Selithe wondering how to pay for her animal familiar Airin whipsers to her :

"Don't worry about how to pay for that. With the entire Kukri share going to this membership and only a water walk potion of mine being used, I still have my original funds and ... a few other bits and pieces we may sell to gather enough gold."

Then to Kendry Airin whispers :

"Never mind about my follower. I don't need to pay for it. I only have to meditate a whole day. Besides, I'm hoping that eagle we knocked from the sky when that bird lady attacked us to become my follower. Admit ... that WAS a fisty one ! "

Next Airin is waiting for the others to join and for the Captain to speak up again.

Captain Oosterlinck (ADM Kim) 
Tuesday July 12th, 2005 4:11:54 AM

Maintaining his stern demeanor as he listens to the recitations, after the five have pledged, he says, "Very well, young adventurers," says the Captain, his eyes brighter. He bends to shake the hand of each who gave the oath. "Welcome to the League, Kendry." Out of his pocket he takes a blue metal insignia and hands it to the halfling. "Welcome to the League, Patterton." He gives the fighter an identical insignia - the letters "WLA" in blue. "Welcome to the League, Podo. Allow me to welcome you to the League, Airin. Welcome, Dwight, to the League." To each of them, he gives the same pin. "Wear these with pride. There may be places or times where you won't want to wear them, but I'm sure you'll figure that out. But when you train, you wear. Except for swimming, mainly."

He places his big hand gingerly on Selithe's shoulder. "Yes, good to think on things. Get some sleep." He moves back over to the box he sat on earlier. "As for finding a familiar, that's for you to do when you wish. A ten minute walk from here, though, is a little place that helps those that look for a friendly critter, just over in the Hind Quarter. You go out our door, turn left until Cavalier Way, turn right there, past Black Dragon Fort, and three doors past their trees is a shop called, oh, Something Familiar? Get Your Familiar? Don't rightly remember."

He claps his hands. "Well, time to show you round the place, get you set up for the night. Breakfast is at sunrise, yard exercises three quarters of an hour later. So, now come with me." He squeezes past, and just outside the Captain's office is a door. Past the door is a landing, with a stairway - up to the left, down to the right. Up the steps, six flights, the last one leading to what looks like a trap door above. The Captain hits a couple of latches, then pushes upwards.

Light comes in from above. The sun is set, but just recently. "Aw, not again," the Captain says. The roof is almost completely covered with a carpet of green. He beckons the group up. "We'd just cut this back a few hours ago. Thought it was rooted out. Guess not. Ivy. Shouldn't grow too much at night I suppose. I hope. Aw, we'll have to come back and do some more rooting. Anyway, this is the yard. More exercise than I'd planned."

There are walls along the edge of the roof, five feet high, with a few crenelations, and netting stretched across those openings.

He leads the group back down two flights, and opens a door on the left. "Here're the women's bunks. Even a wash room on the far side, left corner there, and a privy in the right corner. Linens in this closet, blankets next closet over. Pillows in the bin there. Shut the lid tight, close all the closet doors. Helps keep the mice out."

A similar room through a door on the opposite side of the landing leads to the men's bunks.

A "Cling Clong" is heard. "Visitors. More visitors. Choose a spot, make your beds. Put your stuff in the chest at the foot of your bed. Close it tight, too - keep those durn mice out. I'll be back."

The Captain leaves the group for a few minutes. He returns in the company of Savoulus.

Savoulus (ADM Kim), and the Captain, again 
Tuesday July 12th, 2005 4:36:05 AM

"So, you have made a decision, I am given to understand," Savoulus the druid says. "We had spoken of returning you to the Culverwood, or to Crescent Valley, in about half an hour. You wish to wait on that? If so, I'll tell Myrridan. The Captain says that they can offer wayfaring services, if you'd prefer to get back that way. You make up your minds. I will be up on the roof for a few minutes. Airin, will you come with me?"

"Dinner is in an hour," says Oosterlinck, then heads up the steps, taking them two at a time.

Up on the Rooftop (ADM Kim) 
Tuesday July 12th, 2005 5:05:37 AM

"Airin, there is a spell of the third order, called diminish plants. It has two versions. Stunt growth causes plants within a radius of a half mile to become one third less productive over the next year. But, for faster effects, one can go with prune growth. Watch." This Savoulus, of the Ring of the Moons, casts his spell. The ivy quickly begins to retreat. Soon two thirds of the plant has disappeared.

"Ah, that eases the work considerable, sir. Considerable. Many thanks," Oosterlinck says.

The three descend the stairs to the dorm level.

Tuesday July 12th, 2005 5:46:20 AM

Patty is still a bit excited from his new apointment and paces about, waiting for dinner. To the others he says, "What do you think, guys? Want to kick around for a few days? Get a feel for the place? I know I'd like to visit the armory and training grounds tommorow."

Tuesday July 12th, 2005 7:15:55 AM

Airin gratefully accepts the Blue badge Captain Oosterlinck give her. She takes a close look at it and marvels at the WLA symbols ... well ... guess getting in was the easy part ... she thinks while she puts the badge on her armor - on her left side close to her heart.

When Savoulus asks Airin to follow him up on the roof, she looks at her friends somewhat uneasy, as if to ask ... what did I do wrong now ?!? ...

But then Savoulus teaches Airin the use of a druid spell. She closely watches how Savoulus perform the magic so she in time will be able to do it as well. Once Savoulus is ready Airin gazes at him in admiration.

"wow ..."

A silly word, but Airin is too baffeled to say anything decent ...

When they come down again to go into the diner to eat Airin thanks Savoulus : "Thank you master Savoulus. A nice and usefull spell this is. I'll remember this lesson well. Hopefully we will meet again in future times."

Airin definetely agrees with Patty ! Yeah lets check this place out, and get ourselves some training the WLA is soo renowned for ! But first ... a good long night rest ! I'm exhausted !!

Tuesday July 12th, 2005 4:41:46 PM

Kendry accepts his insignia, happy to receive this symbol of membership in the Woldian League of Adventurers. "Hey - we really are adventurers, friends!"

He goes ahead and takes linens, blankets, and pillow. "These pillows are huge," he notes. The beds look to be human sized. That's a lot of bed to make. Kendry finds the fourth bed in from the door, and gets to it. He checks out the chest, and places his backpack in it.

He offers to help uproot the ivy, and asks if there are garden tools to help in the task. He follows the vines diligently to the roots, and follows the roots down as far as he can trace them.

At dinner, he will eat hearty.

Once the ivy is eliminated, to the best of his ability, Kendry goes to bed, and sleeps soundly.

Tuesday July 12th, 2005 8:23:46 PM

Amazed with himself, that he actually has joined the legendary WLA. He nods his appreciate to the Captain as he accepts the pin, but remains silent.

Once in the room he final is able to speak, "My pa isn't going to believe this," to no one in particular. "While I would love to help out and visit some things prior to dinner, I'm gonna take a quick nap."

With that he takes a quick look at the beds, finds an unclaimed one and climbs in. Lying on his back he ponders what great heros must feel to know they are heros. He slowly drifts off wondering if he could ever be a true hero.

Podo Danderfluff  d20+3=14
Tuesday July 12th, 2005 9:44:58 PM

Podo gracefully accepts the badge of honor and then returns to his stance of attention.

After the group is led the barracks, he picks up a pillow, blanket, and sheet set and proceeds to find a bunk close to a wall but perhaps if possible near a window as well.

He unloads his pack into the chest by the foot of the bed. Carefully he places each item as neatly and orderly as possible so as to be able to find them in the dark and at a moments notice.

He lays the bedroll out onto the bed, so he can properly fold it for the chest. He then lays the winter blankets out much in the same fashion for storage into the chest. Next he does his best to lay the folded backpack into the chest as the third layer. Onto of this he places gingerly his flint/steel combination kit, his waterskin, and his sling/sling bullets. Lastly he places the package of rations on top of the pile and then closes the lid to the chest. He makes a mental note to himself...I must remember to ask Kendry what he will do with his rations now that we are here at the guild...

Once he has finished unpacking he is a much lighter halfling. A whole 14 pounds lighter! Judging by the snoring of his new mate, Dwight, he might have time for a cat nap and a gentle stretching before dinner.

While stretching Podo thinks to himself...Perhaps I should become familiar with my new surroundings before dinner...

Podo takes his time to familize himself with the barracks and the clean up areas prior to dinner. While walking though each of the rooms he will listen in the silence and try to detect anything out of the normal. (Listen=14) Try as he might, he's not sure if he's found anything of to note.

When the time comes, Podo will follow the rest of the group for dinner.

WLA: Training begins (ADM Kim) 
Wednesday July 13th, 2005 4:58:11 AM

A middle-aged women, handsome of face though somewhat stocky of build, with strong and wavy auburn hair that falls over her right shoulder, opens the door to the women's dorm. "Dinner is served. I will take you there."

A slender man dressed in brown woodland clothing, in his late 20's, opens the door to the men's dorm. "Guys, time for dinner. I'm Kurt. Come on down."

The woman soon introduces herself as Couridh. In the dining hall, one floor down from the dorms, are a scattering of people - all of them wearing WLA pins, mainly on the upper left side of the chest, though a few have chosen other places to display them - on an arm, one dwarf woman wears hers as a pendant.

Tables are long and rectangular. As the halflings enter, the buzz of conversation rises briefly, then dies down as the Captain stands. His head moves right to left, his eyes scanning the room.

"Tonight we welcome five new members to the League. Let's give them a hearty WLA welcome!"

The eighteen other people in the dining hall rise to their feet, and applaud the newcomers. Most are humans, but there are a pair of elves together of both genders, the dwarf mentioned, a gnomette, and a smiling halfling who wears a checkered vest and orange pants, and is barefoot.

The dwarf begins a chant, which the others quickly join:
Welcome to the WLA
Now you are a member
Don't forget to pass the soup
Unless you don't remember!
This nonsensical piece is followed by whoops and cheers.

The halfling ambles up to the group. "Don't worry about that little piece. There's a story about one of our own who got clonked on the head, and had a time of it for a few days remembering what he was doing.

"I'm from Windhorn Hamlet. Bill. Bill Troublefinder," he says. "Pleased to...

Just then the Captain clears his throat with a not too subtle harrumph. "Yes. We have here Patterton - you'll have to give your full names if you want - that's Podo, there, Kendry, Airin, Dwight. Now Selithe - she's sister to Kendry - is pondering whether to join, but we welcome her, too, as she thinks things through." He claps his hands, and says, "We thank our cooks and folks' efforts and the gods above for our food. Let's not let it get cold, now!"

At that, people start to line up by a long window filled with food. Trenchers - rectangular wooden plates, you might call them - are picked off of shelves to one side. A women using long serving utensils fills the trenchers with the food people point to. Bill manages to shepherd the group of raw recruits to a point close to the front of the line. Raised planks allow those of shorter stature to see what is being served - looks like squash and gravy, strawberries, spinach, lettuce, cucumbers, cabbage, string beans, mixed beans, a brown paste, two sorts of fish - one with pink meat, the other a whitefish, lamb, veal, apple slices, grapes, blueberries, well - that's a sample of what they have. Lots of good grub. Something deep fat fried - hard to tell what it is.

The party soon learns that a few of the people here will help to train them the next couple of days. The elves are mages - husband and wife, they are. Grey and Linalel are the names they go by. Bill will help out. Couridh, a sorceress, and Kurt, a ranger. Nibs, a monk. Sergeant Adel, a powerful fighter. A lanky young man named Legs - a paladin of Aisildur. Singer, a bard of Aisildur.

The hobbits are asked questions about their adventuring professions, how they heard of the WLA, whether they thought they might be strong enough to get through the training. Had they really seen this Ebryon?

Finally, dinner is over. Everyone drops off trenchers on a broad tray. Couridh and Kurt take the group on a quick tour of some of the rest of the building. If someone feels particularly tired, they can opt out of the tour, and see things tomorrow. Those who participate see that the armory is filled with weapons of all sorts, and with particularly abundant supplies of the long spear, short sword and bastard sword. Plenty of ranged weapons, too. Practice dummies of many sizes and shapes are on the other side of this sizable room.

One of the libraries is shown. "We have others, but this is our general library of books, scrolls, maps, public reports." Next to that is a scriptorium. Linanel is busy scribing something as the group enters. She gives a solemn nod at the hobbits, but continues diligent in her project.

On the opposite side of the building, under the men's dorm is a pool some ninety feet long and forty five wide, and a pair of smaller, round pools next to it. In the deep end, lights play under the water, and various objects and apparatus are evident there. Some small boats lean against one wall. The air is moisture-laden.

"I'll let you guess what skills you might gain here," offers Couridh with a smile.

The next floor down has an obstacle course - or at least a series of obstacles, but the order in which one takes them appears flexible.

Other rooms - a potions lab, the smithy and armorers work areas, a few meditation rooms, a laundry - are passed through.

Finally, the tour concludes. If any wish to stay up and talk for a while, they may. But early to bed might be recommended, with a busy day scheduled for the morrow.


Thirty five minutes before sunrise, all are awakened. "Breakfast at sunrise. Get up, dressed, make your beds, wash your faces and hands, and join us. You'll hear the three minute bell just before breakfast is served."

An excellent breakfast is provided. Forty five minutes later, it is up on the rooftop for morning excercises. Most of those at last night's meal are there. Stretching, knees bends, several variations on pushups, exercises for the torso, running in place, and the like. Finally, Kurt and Couridh gather the recruits together.

"Which of the three weapons would each of you like to train in?" Short sword, bastard sword and longspear are each demonstrated - like weapon against like weapon, then a pair of short swords verses bastard sword, and the longspear Nibs demonstrates against four opponents. Those far away he can strike with the spear. Those closer he strikes with elbows, feet, knees, and even gives a head-butt.

Each person also is asked which skill, or pair of skills, they wish training in: Climb, handle animal, jump, ride, swim.

[Have your character state his or her preference as to one of the three weapons, and one or two of the skills.]

ADM Kim 
Wednesday July 13th, 2005 4:59:33 AM

And, by the way, no ivy is in evidence on the roof in the morning.

Wednesday July 13th, 2005 5:14:57 AM

Kendry enjoys the meal and meeting people and the tour. After the tour, he takes the time to copy out his eyewitness account of the birth of Ebryon - the same one he did for the Gold Dragons. Next he does the same series of sketches of the satyr, from birth to early adulthood.

Then, he sleeps soundly.

He enjoys the calisthenics. "Bastard sword. Riding and swimming," are his answers to the questions.

He asks Dwight to tell a little more about his family.

Wednesday July 13th, 2005 5:45:56 AM

Patty takes the tour with the others and marvels over the armory. When his turn comes, he chooses the bastard sword and gives it a few swings before hitting the sack.

The next day Patterton finds that Kendry has the exact same routine set up that he has!

"Bastard sword. Riding and swimming."

Patty and Kendry spur each other on with a little competitive training. After that,and a much needed bath, Patty spends some time getting to know Podo and Dwight(hopefully over some league ale! ;) ).

Wednesday July 13th, 2005 7:57:03 AM

Airin enjoyes the tour very much, but being awfully tired allready she skips the chatting afterwards and looks for her bed.

She stores her gear where it belongs, and goes to bed ... with a dagger under her rather large pillow. Her face only a second on her pillow and of she goes to the lands of dreams ... she sees herself riding Blossom with an eagle on her shoulder. Holding a bastard sword in one hand and a crossbow over her shoulder ... chasing Ebryon ... he's awfully scared of her ! Just as she was about to cut of his head .... clingelingeling ... the bell for breakfast !

Feeling completely refreshed and with a wicked smile for the dream Airin joins her friends at the table.

When the time comes she also states her preferences :

Bastard Sword and climbing (2 skills)

Wednesday July 13th, 2005 4:07:42 PM

Selithe having remained quiet all this time is glad to see her bed but dinner comes to soon for her to rest. Once in the hall and seeing everyone she blinks in suprise but says little as she goes and sits. She only eats enough to fill herself and then goes with the others on the tour. At this point she is almost dragging her feet like a zombie though since sleep is wearing badly on her.

Before going to her room though she kisses Patty on the cheek, "Night Patty...night brother, Dwight and Podo." When she finally gets to retire to her room she is over joyed and quickly climbs into the bed after abit of work since it is made for a human not a halfling. She smiles and curls up, speaking for a moment, "Night Airin, see you in the morning."

Come morning Selithe wakes for breakfast and comes down to eat. She has been thinking over joining and when she sees a free moment will get the captain's attention, "I think I would like to join if you will still have me and don't mind me going to join the Star Mage Guild at a later time also."

(OOC:Thanks Kendry, I just wasn't sure about that little over 1,000gps Selithe got in her gold share so wanted to know if she had it yet, etc.)

Wednesday July 13th, 2005 9:41:52 PM

After dinner, Podo makes an early night of it. He begs his pardon and excuses himself from the group to make it an early night.

Once up into the barracks, he preps for bed, a nice go at the wash basin and a quick fresh me up before climbing into the human sized bed.

When Kurt arrives to wake them, he rises, quickly making the bed, another go at the fresh-me-up, and heads straight away for breakfast.

After breakfast breaks, he heads to the rooftop to join in morning exercises. Without knowing if there is a formal routine that the league follows, he begins the warm up and stretching exercises he has done since joining up with the monks. Podo executes several joint stretches that almost appears as he is twisting off his hands at the wrist, then executes a few more that appear as if he is trying to suspend his legs flush together just 3 inches off the ground for statue practice!

When Kurt and Couridh gather the recruits together, Podo will wait his turn before saying "Teachers, I'd like to try my hand at riding and handling animals, as well as the long spear. I have no formalized training with these skills, but I hope these skills will round me out a bit more."

Podo looks around waiting to see how the group will pan out as far as the training skill that have been offered.

Training (ADM Kim) 
Thursday July 14th, 2005 2:14:06 AM

"Yes, yes, of course I won't mind you joining the Star Mages Guild later on. We get on well with them, and have a few WLA adventurers who hold dual membership. Regular training at two places, though, that's lots of work. But, we're close together. Close together we are. So, it is settled in your mind, Miss Pipewood? If so, repeat after me. If you don't mind doing so here in the mess hall! Now, repeat after me:

"I (state your name) do solemnly swear to uphold the ideals of the League, to protect the innocent and combat evil wherever I may find it."

Does she so, he pulls from his pocket another WLA emblem. "Welcome to the League, Selithe. You will be a fine addition. It was you destroyed his pumpkin. Ebryon's crystal pumpkin, I mean. I dare say you saved many lives, young hobbit."

He asks her in what skills and with what weapon she wishes to train.

Day 1: Weapons practice.

Each person is taught the rudiments of using the weapon they have selected. The weapon's history and how it is made is taught - with a trip to the weaponsmith, who shares space with the smithy and armorer. How to hold it. How to draw it. Points of balance and leverage. How to sweep, thrust, parry, threaten. How to use the weapon against a variety of other weapons, or against a similar weapon.

Day 2: Acquiring Skills

To ride a pony, and swim, and climb, and handle animals, and...

The next day, and before beginning the skills training, fellow halfling Bill Troublefinder explains that he or Grey will spend a few minutes with each person. "What we do, is we have techniques for probing your minds. Our purpose is better to understand how you learn, so that our teaching might be more effective. Now, most people let us do this, but let us know if you want to pass on it. I promise you, we don't share these secrets with anyone - just pass on to the instructors what will likely work better with each student."

Grey places a medallion around his neck. He sits in front of each person he examines.

Bill puts his hand on the shoulder of each person he examines, and closes his eyes for a minute or so.

Soon after, Patterton, Podo and Kendry are each assigned a war pony. One of the men who was not present before appeared for the first time at breakfast the second day. He does the training. Dameon's gray hair is in a ponytail. His lanky frame takes up just over six feet of altitude. "These are ponies. They are trained for battle. These are their saddles. Pads. Bit. Bridle. Reins. Buckles. Straps. Girth. Stirrups." He shows each piece, and parts of each piece, naming them. Then he takes larger-sized examples of what he calls the 'tack' and saddles up a large horse. He then talks and works with each halfling, showing them how to insert the bit, to get the horse to accept it ... some time is taken up just letting the horses get used to the halflings. He talks of how horses and ponies see, their panoramic vision. How many mounts will spook when they see something new they don't recognize. The pad, the blanket, the saddle, the girth, the buckles and straps ... lots of work before you even get up on a pony!

The Plateau City WLA headquarters has a fair-sized indoor stables and arena where most of the work is done.

"Don't be afraid to cinch that up tight. Tighter! Another notch, Podo! Good. Don't wanna be riding along, then find yourself going leftwards toward the ground as the pony moves forward. They get a saddle slipped upside down, and they'll buck, and run, and -- you might have to run a mile or two to catch up to them if you're not lucky. Proper tightening helps keep the saddle on the horse, and you on the saddle."

After all the mounts are saddled, Dameon has the halflings take everything off. Then put everything back on. Then once again! Is this all we do - put saddles on, and take them off? Finally, with the third placement, then mounting is taught. "Most people mount left. You put your left foot in the stirrup, then push off, jumping up, and swinging your right foot over the back. That's fine. But what if you're riding along a narrow path next to a cliff, and mounting right is the only sane way to mount?" Fifteen minutes is spent mounting and dismounting. Just as that is growing plenty tedious, the instructor says. "Good. Now, let's learn about moving along."

Whatever Bill and Grey might have said about how their instructors might gain insight from their counsel, it seems this Dameon just likes to yell a lot. Sometimes, though, he does offer a quick word of praise. Or at least a comment, such as, "Well, it's about time."

He teaches how to hold on to the horse with pressure from the legs. How to tell the horse to move left or right by pressure and weight shifts. What the reins tell the horse to do. He yells at Patterton for pulling too hard on the reins. "That hurts their mouth, and you don't need to do that!"

He yells at Kendry for talking to the horse, without telling it what he wants with his legs and hands. "Horses can understand some words, but not most of what you're saying. They understand weight shift, and light pressure on the side of the neck from the reins. Were you reciting poetry? Not a great audience for poetry are horses."

And so it goes. Walking, trotting, the canter, the run. How to stay in the saddle. How to fall off, and break the fall without inordinate damage to self. He even has the mounts, at a canter, jump over a low log along the path, so that the riders learn what it is like when going over a jump.

Feeding & watering, brushing down, how to warm up and how to cool down a horse or pony. Everyone is given a chance to pick up horse droppings, too.

Podo is given extra training on the handling of horses. The danger spot behind a pony where a kick can be painful, even injurious. How to let the pony know that someone is back there. The blind spot between a horse's eyes, where trust allows one to place one's hands to stroke the forehead. Ways to let the horse know who is boss when they act up.

Later, as Patterton and Kendry limp off to the swimming pool, a druid spends more time with Podo, introducing him to different types of animals, and showing him how to get on with them, how to establish trust, even to teach some simple tasks.

Airin spends the bulk of the day climbing: Tree trunks of various sizes. Rough stone walls. Steep rocky path. She climbs up. She climbs down. An instructor and a spotter work with her. Once in a while she falls - but the height is usually low enough that a few bruises and damaged pride are the worst indignities she suffers.

In the swimming pool, Kendry and Patterton are taught how to dive down from the surface to retrieve items from the bottom. How to develop breathe control. Using clothing as flotation devices. But mainly, just how to improve their strokes, stay afloat, and to be stronger swimmers.

Dwight and Selithe are taught the weapon and skills they request, as well.


That evening - muscles sore, perhaps an ankle twisted or an elbow overused - still, there is a feeling of accomplishment.

The Captain and most of the instructors - the climbing assistant is absent - gather. "Well done, recruits. We worked you hard. None of you spent too much time complaining. You have talents. Tomorrow morning, you can go on your way." He also explains that, while there is usually a small daily fee for staying at the WLA (quite a reasonable fee, considering all they offer), that new recruits are not charged above what they have already paid for their training times.

"But tonight, we would like for you to write - or tell someone who can write - a bit about yourselves for our membership books. Where you live. Who you are. Why you became an adventurer. Tell about your families if you want. Tell about growing up, about hardships you have gone through. What do you think a hero is like? What suggestions do you have to make the WLA a better organization?"

"One more thing. As members of the WLA, any of the three weapons - short sword, bastard sword, or longspear - can be purchased at a 25% discount for normal, decent quality, standard weapons. If a person wants to take advantage of the special pricing, just let me, Captain Oosterlinck, or the Armory sergeant know."

Thursday July 14th, 2005 2:25:27 AM

Kendry soaks up the training. He loves the bastard sword! So much bigger than the short sword. It's a little hard to stop, though, and takes some getting used to.

He loves the riding lessons, and is diligent to learn the name of each part of the tack, and each part of the pony. He doesn't much mind Dameon's bellowing. Some people just bellow. Obviously he knows what he is talking about. During the riding, he says, "Hey, Podo - we need to find out who can pierce your ear!"

The swimming is a bit of a relief after all that riding, though. He wonders how the others are doing at their training.

Ah, writing! Kendry can do that. So, he does. He writes about his upbringing, some of the stories his own parents told about their adventuring days. That he lives in Humble's Ford, in the Crescent Valley, near, but not on, the Mill Stream. He talks about his siblings - fun, games, quarrels, fights, mischievous pranks... He excuses himself while writing. "Back in a few minutes," he tells his friends.

He continues writing upon his return to fulfill the Captain's request.

"So. Shall we head back to the Valley first thing in the morning? Or see a little more of Plateau City?" he asks his friends.

Thursday July 14th, 2005 8:59:25 AM

Patty, still brimming over with excitement from the last couple days of training, somehow manages to relax enough to take a hot bath. And he needs it! There are few things Patterton loves more then a good workout and being trained under the infamous members of the WLA was an added bonus.

After soaking for a few, Patty dresses and heads into the mens quarters where he crashes unceremoniously onto his bed.

"Well, that was something!" He says to the others as he looks about for pen and paper. "I can't wait to tell the folks back home that we're WLA members now. From beer babysitters to full blown heros. Congratulations all around!" He chuckles a bit then gets to work jotting down a brief log of what he did before joining up with his friends and of the adventures they have already shared together. On the issue of Ebyron, Patty only indicates that he plans on eradicating the beast who corrupted his good friend Morpth. Kendry went over that particular encounter rather well.

At the mention of returning home, Patty feels a bit torn. While he'd love to train for hours on end for as many days as he could afford, he is nervous about the state of things back in the Culverwood. Plus Barnabus needs tending to.

"I'm for that." He says to Kendry as he arranges his gear for the next day.

Thursday July 14th, 2005 2:42:18 PM

Dwight is eager for the lessons to begin and differs from the others by choosing longspear. The weapon is big, but he tries to balance its use with that of his new skills (+2 riding).

During dinner Dwight has a conversation with Kendry and other group members that would care to listen.

After a good amount of food and drink, Dwight begins relating why his name is shorter than others. "I wish I could tell you the complete tale, but much of it is missing and will not be told to me. You see my father's family lived on the outskirts of the valley. Most tended to join adventuring groups and head into the red hills never to return."

"The few that remained worked as Tree tenders, hence my name name Twiggebundler. Oh the trees they grew and tended are quite wonderful. Several even have shelter hidden within their branches. Their fruit is the best. The salplings taken from these trees flourish where ever they are planted. My pa, was a tree tender, and still is though not on the outskirts any longer. This is where my story becomes very vague. My Pa will not speak of it, so I fear I will never know all the answers."

"Prior to leaving the outskirts my Pa met my Ma. I'm sad to say, the close net family I have seen amoung you here is not how my Ma's family felt about my Pa. As near as I can guess, my Ma's family said not to see my Pa anymore. She, against family mandates continued seeing him and they married. It was shortly after that time my Pa and Ma left the outskirts."

"My Ma never mentioned her family, only that she wished them the best in their own chosen path. When each of my brothers and sisters were born, we got just my Pa's name and no other. Few remain of my Pa's family and those that do are quite far so we see them rarely. My Ma and Pa have forbade me from asking about her past to them or other family members, but I feel I must know if only to understand."

Dwight finishes in sad tone though he tries to be happy as he looks around at a new inclusive family sitting, eating and drinking around him.


Graduation was fabulous, Dwight feeling real accomplishment for the first time in his life. Attaining a type of success none of his older 8 siblings had accomplished.

"Perhaps returning home is a good idea. While I doubt any tracks remain for us to follow, the grove should still be examined. Then perhaps we will have a guess into which direction to head for both adventure and Ebryon."

ADM Kim to Players 
Thursday July 14th, 2005 8:35:04 PM

So: Stay in town (ear piercing, familiar finding: 24 hour process, Druid Quarter visiting), or back to Crescent Valley (or to the Whistler Oak in the Culverwood?).

Thursday July 14th, 2005 10:56:20 PM

Podo mumbles as he heads to the men's barracks, "Tack, bridle, bit..saddle...".

Once in the men's section, Podo trappes to his bed, climbs up into it and passes away into the bliss of deep dreamless sleep.

Thursday July 14th, 2005 11:07:21 PM

Selithe smiles but looks to the captain abit nervous when he tells her to do to the saying to join the WLA. To her it just seems so funny since her life is a care free one and one of gambling and such but she also wants to join with her friends and take in what the WLA offers. Selithe shrugs and smiles still when she speaks to the captain on her aid in the battle with the fey king, "I can really hold little credit on that captain sir...I hate to say but for a moment I felt a pull to use the crystal pumpkin. It was so strong...almost like a...what is it called....a strong drink...green dwarf...green ogre...OHH yes, a green gnomish."

After a few moments to collect herself Selithe holds up her chin and speaks clearly in the mess hall, "I Selithe Leafwin Pipewood do solemnly swear to uphold the ideals of the League, to protect the innocent and combat evil wherever I may find it."

Selithe thinks over the training offered and almost laughs but speaks up, "This might sound funny from a wizardess but I like to learn about the bastardsword and I think ride and handle animal." Selithe thinks and speaks up again, "Umm, just wondering, you will train us how to ride a riding dog won't you? I kind of liked the idea of getting a riding dog in the future or sooner depending on how much one will cost."

Selithe excepts the pin and places it on the front of her dress over her heart for the moment and thinks to herself that she will have to get a necklace to put it on or something just incase in the future.

The training is interesting for Selithe, she enjoys learning about the bastardsword and at first she has a hard time with it since it is so much heavier then her staff, sling, dagger or crossbow but she thinks she has the hang of it sort of at the end of the training. She does feel abit out of place when she looks around and is probably the only wizard learning the weapon.

At the skill training though she takes this in even better since she loves animals even though she doesn't have no person skill with them till now.

At graduation Selithe feels abit tired but also quite happy at her acomplishments. Selithe ponders the captains comment also and thinks she may look into getting a bastardsword, she could try it out now and then.

Selithe blinks when giveing info about themselves is broughup also and will write down some info about herself. Unfortunetly it holds little details really about why she became a adventurer or anything and mainly goes into her love of gambling, the game, her wonder lust for the next big challenge in the game and her time spent in jail and her mentor in gambling and his role in her shaping her life.

Kendry brings Dwight up to date on the group's story, while Podo sleeps 
Thursday July 14th, 2005 11:36:53 PM

Kendry asks among their fellow WLA members whether anyone knows where Podo might get his ear pierced.

Dwight's story interests Kendry. He asks for details on the trees. What is the fruit like? Must be deciduous, right? He sympathizes with the rogue, thinking it must be tough not to know so important a part of one's own background. What ill thing was done that would require such silence?

Kendry takes the time to tell Dwight - he would tell Podo, too, if the latter were awake - about how the group got together, and who was involved.

If any of their friends are there - Selithe, Airin, Patterton, he asks them to pitch in to tell their version or perspective on the stories. Sitting there in the mess hall, he tells of the letter he wrote to Duncan, and even takes a minute to run upstairs and retrieve a copy to bring back down to show to Dwight. He tells of Granmama Eglantine's rumberry pies, delivered successfully to Aunt Marigold's political party - though Marigold herself cut down the numbers available to serve, the ruffians who tried to intimidate them, the political leaders who courted their votes. He goes through the whole story - Mayzie and Nalfein, Duncan, Polly, Shale, Willoughby, Airin, Olo, Patterton, and later, briefly, Morpth. All the details of going to retrieve the beer, the boat trip, 'water chariots', half orcs, the fleeing 'gnome' and the tricky goblins. Bobbles, disguises, ambush, pursuit. Lomar, the friendly ogre (mage). Bringing the beer back. Singing songs with children. Helping Calfast win the election. The prophecies of the witches, the dreams, the werewolf. Almost everything. As he tells the story, he takes out his dwindling supply of paper, and starts writing. We Crescent Valley Hobbits Go Adventuring, by Kendry Leafwin Pipewood he styles it. He begins to put on paper the group's story as it has unrolled so far - from Kendry's perspective, of course. It opens with the letter he wrote to Duncan last month.

He interrupts the first few lines to continue relating the story to Dwight up to the moment Dwight himself joined the group.

Kendry overcomes the limitations of a simultaneous post 
Thursday July 14th, 2005 11:41:57 PM

Kendry gives his sister a brotherly kiss on the cheek once she taken the WLA pledge. "Welcome, sis! I love you, kiddo!"

Friday July 15th, 2005 1:06:50 AM

Exhausted after a long day of training, Airin feels rather bruised and battered when time for graduation comes.

"uhm ... anyone got a cold patch or something ? I did fell quite a few times of their climbing places ... "

Later she happily join the rest in story telling and merrymaking. But ... she does long for the Crescent Valley again. Maybe it's because she's tired and she'll like to see the city tomorrow ...

She takes a look at her badge and smiles ...

When Captain Oosterlinck talks about getting weapons on a discount Airin starts to ruffle through her belongings ...

She huddles with those who also trained the bastard sword or even another weapon like Dwight.

"We should at least try and take advantage of the discounts we can get here ! I have about 214 GP in cash left ... The plain bastard swords should be around 28gp at their 20% discount ! I think 5 of us took the bastard so that would be 140gp and a longspear would be like 4gp ... Has everybody enough cash to buy themselves a decent sword ? If not, I'll buy it for you for we REALLY need to take advantage of our new ability !!

If everyone got themselves covered I may have a go at a masterwork bastard ... If I sell a few nick nacks I should be able to gather the funds ... "

Then she looks for Captain Oosterlinck :

"Captain Sir, do we have to visit the Catacombs again to purchase our new weapons, or can we buy them here ? I saw your impressive armory ...
Is it correct we have 28GP for a Bastard thanks to you discount ? Then ... what's the price for a masterwork one ? "

ADM Kim 
Friday July 15th, 2005 9:45:40 AM

When Podo first hopped into bed, he found the bed was shortsheeted. That is, his feet went in only about ten inches before running into a cloth barrier. He saw that someone had readjusted his sheets to effect this surprise. But, with a few minutes work, he has it fixed aright.

Actually, Patterton, Kendry and Dwight also find they are shortsheeted. But the women's dorm beds are undisturbed.

The Captain refers Airin to the Armory Sergeant. He calls on Grady, the broad shouldered weaponsmith, who wears a waxed handlebar mustache. "The bastard swords will be 26 gold, 2 silver, 5 copper," he says with a cadence to his words that suggest the regular beat of a hammer. "The longspears are 3 gold, 7 silver, 5 copper. Now, we do have a longspear with a metal tube that holds together two shorter shafts. It has ridges, and takes about ten seconds [2 rounds] to put together, maybe fifteen or twenty seconds [3 rounds] to disassemble. Does as well as a regular staff. Costs 40 gold.

"Masterwork? 326 gold for the bastard sword. 303 gold for the longspear. Sorry we can't offer the same discount on the masterwork quality - craftsmen guild rules, you know. Don't have a tubed longspear of mastework quality at the moment.

"Two of you studied the longspear, and four the bastard sword. Two of the former - that's seven gold, five silver for the pair. A hundred five gold for four normal bastard swords.

"Hear someone needs an ear pierced. I can do that. Does she have an earring for the ear already?" he asks, not realizing it is Podo who wants it.

About an hour after breakfast, Savoulus returns. "So, do you wish to leave now? Now would be a good time for me."

Friday July 15th, 2005 10:28:47 AM

Patterton looks at the armory sergeant and scratchs his chin. "I'll take one of those masterwork bastardswords." He says, digging into his beltpouch and gives him 326 golds.

To Savoulus,he says, "I'm ready when you are, sir."

Friday July 15th, 2005 5:11:16 PM

He follows Airin to the armorer. "That sounds reasonable for the spear, I suppose," says Dwight cheerfully as he is eager to own a weapon he is now officially trained in.

Digging in his pockets he manages to pull out 4 gold pieces. "Sir, I would like to purchase a longspear. Just the normal type for now, perhaps I'll invest more later," Dwight adds as he pays.

"I could rest another day, if need be, though I am eager to set off and test my new abilities. But if another day gives us more of an advantage then we should wait until we are as best prepared as possible."

Friday July 15th, 2005 6:17:01 PM

"I'll buy a regular bastard sword, too," Kendry says, and pays 26 gold and three silver.

"Let's get back to our place, and do what we can to help," he suggests to the group. He is ready to follow Savoulus, with his backpack and gear.

"Thank you so much, Captain Oosterlinck, and to all our instructors, and new comrades. Say, what is the best way to stay in touch?" he asks.

Podo  d20+4=6
Friday July 15th, 2005 8:58:06 PM

Podo awakens with a start. Looking around and not seeing his comrades or their gear, he quickly jumps out of bed, runs to the footlocker, grabs his pack, throws all his gear into it. He quickly dresses into his outfit, dons the pack and rushes downstairs to find his crew. (Balance check=6)

Just managing to stay balanced as he takes the stairs two at a time; Podo upon reaching the bottom; sees his friends with new gear and with their belongings. Walking over to them, he says, "Sorry I over slept. Do I have time to get some gear too? Does everyone have what they desire with regards to their newly acquired weapon skills?"

"I have some monies left from the sale of most of my stuff to the Catacombs. I thought I would need the 2000gp fee because I was a Hot-Head and lost my senses the day we arrived at WLA. Must have been the lack of sleep. So if anyone would like a better weapon that the WLA has to offer us, I'd be willing to foot the bill."

Podo inquires of the Capt'n what the WLA has to offer to their members in the way of weaponry? Podo asks of the Capt'n their costs and if the WLA will take gems in lieu of metal coins?

Podo asks Kendry if he has located a means for getting his ear pierced.

ADM Kim 
Saturday July 16th, 2005 6:11:09 PM

Kendry fills Podo in on what he's missed while he was asleep. He points him to the weaponsmith, who can pierce his ear. The Captain also directs Podo to the weaponsmith for help in selection of weaponry. Any of the three favored weapons of the WLA are available for the 25% discount off the price for normal weapons. The 300 gp masterwork cost they cannot discount. Gems are fine in lieu of coins.

Savoulus says that, if the group can leave in the next half hour, he will take them via the Druids Quarter, as the elves will not allow the halflings to re-enter the Golden Griffin Inn. "They are keeping to their 'elfs only' policy," he exclaims. There are some good trees to serve as a starting point for their return trip there. "The reason for haste is that I am needed elsewhere soon - but do have the time to take you - if our departure is not delayed past this half hour."

And for Podo's benefit, the weaponsmith says he can do the piercing in five minutes. "Be over with in a jiffy, for 10 gold. That includes some ointment for the ear you'll want to use for the first few days."

Saturday July 16th, 2005 7:19:30 PM

Podo turns to the weaponsmith, "that will be fine. 10 gp for the procedure. I have an earring that I would like to use, if you don't mine." Podo digs into his pocket producing the earring that Valdor gave him. "As for the weapons, I'll have one of those tube spears you mentioned." "Where would you like me to sit for this ear piercing?"

After the procedure is finished, and Podo is wearing the gift from Valdor, Podo will purchase the tube spear and any of the other weapons the group decides they would like up to the sum of 2110gp. Podo will use gems for the purchase. I have 2 blue star sapphires worth 1,000gp each, 1 silver pearl worth 100gp, and 10 gp for the ear piercing.

As soon as these transactions involving Podo conclude he will be set to travel.

Sunday July 17th, 2005 1:52:27 AM

(OOC:Kim, there still time for me to get to the catacombs too since we are leaving? Since we have the little money we got previously I would like to pickup a few things. Sorry for taking so long, computer is not helping. BTW to make it easier for me can you possibly post what each persons split of the money we split before meeting up at the WLA was? I need to make note of it so I know I don't go over the amount I should have. Thanks Kim.)

Selithe thinks over everything and moves over to the weaponsmith and looks at him a moment before speaking up and half expecting him to laugh considering she doesn't look like a fighter, "ummm Sir, I was thinking of getting a masterwork bastardsword...I might need the extra bonuses a masterwork weapon gives. However I was kind of curious if I might beable to get a small embelishment done to the sword? umm, you know, kind of personalize it abit." Selithe blushes and looks to her friends abit, hoping they don't say much about this. She thinks and then pops in something else, "If you have to I can pay and you can ship it to where we are going...I would guess that you can get it there fairly quick anyway or would any of this be a problem?"

(Sorry for the extra work, just some little engraving which I don't think would take overly long and maybe a small inlaying on the handle. I'll go into details if Selithe can have it done.)

Sunday July 17th, 2005 5:08:28 AM

[OOC: Justin - sure, you can go to the Catacombs. I know it can take a few days to process things over there, but, unless something weird comes up, we can assume Selithe grabbed it just before we headed out of town. -Kim]

Sunday July 17th, 2005 12:00:21 PM

As Patty is getting ready to depart, he hears Savoulus mention the Golden Griffon and grimaces. "Elves only, eh? I have half a mind to march in there right now and do a jig on the bar. Elves only indeed! You'd never see a Hobbit turn an elf away from their dinner table." He continues to grumble under his breath as he tests the weight of his new bastardsword before fixing the scabbord onto his back.

Monday July 18th, 2005 1:19:11 AM

Airin looks around in the armory searching for a sword with her name on it. After taking a few swords, givign them a swing, she finally finds o pretty good looking one ... perfectly balanced for her little body, razor sharp edges, masterwork ... one can tell.

Then she starts to look in her pouch ... hmm I'm short of cash ... looks like I have a cshflow problem ...

"Euh podo ... I see you've got some gold left ... would you mind helping me out here ? I'm 160gp short ... Could you ... will you ... can I ... "

Hoping Podo is willing to help her - she'll pay him back in time - Airin examines the masterword Bastard some more.

If Podo helps her out, she'll hand the 324 gp that covers the Masterword Bastard Sword.

She'll see to find a way to hang the sword on her back, the hilt to the right side so when she takes her sword it's in her sword hand right away. And ... a sword that long could be hampering her when it's at her side :-)

Monday July 18th, 2005 11:32:18 PM

Podo looks to Airin and says, "Sure, no problem. I'll pick up yer tab."

Podo walks over to the weaponsmith and asks to wait until any of the group also wants to purchase a masterwork weapon. Podo holds up a dark sapphire gem to show the weaponsmith that he is serious about the gear.

Inge OOC 
Tuesday July 19th, 2005 3:42:29 AM

Guys and Girls ...

so far only Selithe and Airin have showed in the Gigling Ghost to participate in the downfall of Ebryon.

The Wolds most renowned warriors are there ! The Golden Dragons, the Platinum Dragons, The Emerald Talons, the Swords of Redemption, the Icy Veiners ... but only two of the Crescent Valley ...

Airin can not stay there (I'll be on holiday) but Selithe will. Why don't some of you others make a move to the GG and participate ? There's a reward for those who participate, and considering our cash flow problems I guess all rewards are welcome ;-)

But there's something far more important ... you'll be participating in the Wold's Cross Over event and see for the downfall of the Fey King !! We've witnessed it's birth ... we should be in on his fall.

So ... if you feel like participating in this fantastic event get your PC over to the GG !!!! Selithe is currently there so you'll get introduced quickly.

Tuesday July 19th, 2005 7:21:07 AM

Glad the group is better equipped, Dwight is ready to head home and seek more adventure.

Tuesday July 19th, 2005 8:21:08 AM

"Hey thanks a lot Podo !! I'll return this favor to you when time comes. You rock !"

Happy like a little child, Airin walks out of the armory with her brand new masterwork Bastard Sword ...

Once they are all together again and quietly chat together, Airin once again digs up those 4 signet rings they found on Bob the Goblin leader.

"Any chance we try to find the owners of these rings ? Savoulus and Clover told us these belong to a well known family named Telperien. A family of artists, musicians painters and craftsman ... maybe we can get some more clues about their whereabouts here in the city ?"

she fumbles with the WLA pin on her armor ...

"Should we see if the WLA knows something about them ? After all ... one of the WLA's benefits ought to be information as well !"

Kim to all 
Tuesday July 19th, 2005 12:43:23 PM

I am totally swamped right now, and don't know when I'll next be able to post. I'll try to give Jerry a call later today to let him know - or maybe one of you can shoot him an email.

Gotta run

Wednesday July 20th, 2005 1:52:22 AM

Selithe digs through her money and frowns some, having come up quite abit short then she thought and shrugs guessing she was figuring when she was tired, "On second thought sir I will take a simple bastardsword and try to upgrade later."

Selithe will also hit up the captain of the WLA, "Sir I was wondering, would it be possible to buy a riding dog and riding equipment from you rather then find a place that will sell them? I figure you might have a couple in supply and couple replace them easily enough if you sold one."

(OOC:Kim, though if you will I will just sell and purchase the riding dog and equipment from you if thats allowable. Last time I tried buying a animal in the Catacombs I was told that it had to be done in game and this will speed up the process. Selithe will trade her potion of bull's strength for the riding dog, equipment for it and what ever gold is left over.)

Inge to Kim 
Wednesday July 20th, 2005 7:18:51 AM

Kim I hope you will manage to post for Airin ?!?
You agreed to post starting tomorrow ...

Wednesday July 20th, 2005 9:05:38 AM

Patty spends some time chatting with the others.

Wednesday July 20th, 2005 2:04:11 PM

"Selithe, I can buy the weapon for you, if you are concerned about the cost. I have slated these monies for the WLA membership fee, but as it has already been covered, I will use it for WLA cost needs for the group." Podo says, almost pleading with her as if he's just trying to make amends for something he's done.

Afterwards, he engages with Patterton about his other adventures with the group.

Airin (Ryan sub) 
Wednesday July 20th, 2005 11:35:30 PM

Airin pats the rings in her purse to reassure herself that they are still there and makes a mental note make sure she tries to seek out their owners.

She joins the others for a bit of a chat.

Hovel, Where Plants Arise

The Journey Home (Asst DM JPW) 
Thursday July 21st, 2005 12:32:06 AM

Time to go
Savoulus says that, he will take the group via the Druids Quarter now, please make ready for the journey; time is fleeting. . "The Druid Quarter is about a half hour walk, if you do not stop for anything or anyone - and, with the flooding we were warned of, it may take longer. Longer we do not have. So, adventurous Halflings pack up and let us make haste!"

The Armory Sergeant and Grady, the broad shouldered weapon smith, decide that the riding dog and tack are a possibility but they are uncertain how the dog would travel with you through the druid trees. We could, for a small fee arrange delivery through a nearby WLA outpost if you care for that arrangement. If you agree to this, the Captain will provide delivery of a postal letter to you in the Culverwood in a week's time with the details. "As for the ornamental work on the hilt of your sword; for 50 additional gp I can have the work completed inside of five minutes." "If this is too long for you to wait, delivery can be arranged on the same bill as the riding dog."

Podo pays the fee, and receives his left ear pierced along with the ear ointment as promised.

All along the Castle Road
Savoulus says, "Time to go, Halflings." Savoulus begins to walk toward the Quest gate turns a quick left and heads towards the Druids Quarter. Along the road, the druid points out the Hindquarter buildings as you pass them as you walk briskly towards your destination. Savoulus describes the large fort like structure taking up most of the middle wall as the Black Dragon Fort (#36 on your map) & round the corner from it towards Sister Square is Find Your Familiar (# 59 on your map). I believe on of you asked about that place. Also in that area you will find Adventurer's Repose (Tavern) (#54 on your map) although you may not be able to see it from here. All in all there is not too much in the Hindquarter.

Savoulus also points out that to the left of us on other side of Castle Wall Road is the Shanty Town Quarter and in that quarter you will find the Shrine of St. Cormak (Alemi) (# 1 on your Map), that's about all there really is in that quarter though.

The Druids Quarter
Once all of you are with a grouping of trees the Druid finds suitable for the trip, Savoulus asks all of you to prep your gear for the journey. While the Halflings prepare for the experience, the Druid mentions the only feature on note on your map; the Temple of Mittiri (#25 on your Map). "Ok gang, hold each others hands." Says the Druid.

From tree to tree, the Halflings feel themselves drawn along, their bodies conforming to the shape and texture of wood and bark and roots and branches. There is a moment's pause in each new host, and occasional glimpses of different fauna.

After what seems like an eternity, all of you emerge into an area quite familiar but yet different; Hovel.

"I am thankful for the time we have spent together getting to know all of you, but I must take my leave. I am needed elsewhere. Farewell Halflings." says Savoulus, as he turns to make a similar journey through the trees.

Thursday July 21st, 2005 1:03:11 AM

Selithe looks to Podo abit embrassed and hugs Podo though before nodding, "Okay Podo but I hope to pay you back in the future for helping me out."

Selithe will hand over the 26gold and 3 silver for the normal bastardsword price and lets Podo make up the 400 which she plans to make up for later when she gets more money. *Better not let me forget Podo ;).)

She also keeps the potion out till she finds out about the riding dog and such.

Thursday July 21st, 2005 9:56:34 PM

"That was amazing, jumping around like that," Dwight admits at his checks his gear and self to make sure everything arrived.

Then on a more thoughtful note. "I wonder if travelling like that makes the Wold seem smaller or larger. Surer you would get to see more, while at the same time one must admit there is still more to see."

"Well we are back, was there anything in particular to do here before we set off on checking for Ebryons' whereabout, or the other task that was mentioned earlier?"

Friday July 22nd, 2005 1:04:18 AM

Podo still feels a bit awkward after the second tree journey. He's not sure if he'll ever get the hang of that mode of transportation.

Now that all his friends are back in Hovel, he wonders about all that they left behind. Podo says to Kendry, "Say Kendry, don't you have ponies and such being taken care of by Ellis and Penelope?". "I wonder what your Aunt is up to these days?" says Podo while he rubs his chin and pulls twigs from his clothes.

"I wonder if anything changed while we were gone?" says Podo to the group. "You wanna go check things out, guys and gals?"

Kendry (Kim McCoy) 
Friday July 22nd, 2005 1:13:28 AM

Kendry thanked again the Captain and trainers and all who helped them, or just were with them, in the WLA in Plateau City.

Then, excited to see a bit more of this grand city, he opens the map, and follows the path that Savoulus takes them, noting this building, that place, and imprinting in his mind what the buildings look like in real life, in contrast to the flat lines on the fine parchment.

Into the Druids Quarter, into the trees, and -- weeee! -- he loves this mode of travel, and the woody smell on his skin and clothing by the end of the trip.

"Thank you, Savoulus! Fare well!" he says as the druid makes haste to travel elsewhere.

"Hey, what say we go check up on Clara and her folks? Her papa said he'd take our mounts and gear back to his stables," suggests Kendry. He takes a few quick steps in that direction ahead of his beloved companions, then, sprinting off, says, "Race you there!"

Home (Asst. DM JPW) 
Friday July 22nd, 2005 1:36:15 AM

As the party gathers their where abouts after such a quick but brief journey across the Wold, the party slowly sinks into the hussle and bussle that is life in Hovel. The sounds of nature waff in and surround you, bringing back memories of fellowship and pies.

Now that all his well with your adventuring group, all is situated on your persons, the weight redistributed in your packs, and rumbles of second breakfast can be heard, Kendry tries to get his bearings and declares that we are just a short distance from Aunt Marigolds house.

Although some of the party wishes to visit Ellis and Penelop and their new girl child, being so close to Aunties house, you decide to drop in. On your way to her house proper, you notice that Nature is just a tad more active then when you all were last here.

Friday July 22nd, 2005 11:40:49 AM

Patty lets out a low whistle as he notices the explosive nature of the...well nature. On the way to see the baby, he gives Selithe a smile.

Friday July 22nd, 2005 12:43:17 PM

Suddenly recalling a conversation from a couple of days ago, Kendry halts, turns, and says, "Wait - I promised Aunt Marigold to try to see her first thing when we got back. Mind if we hold the race to Ellis' and Penelope's place a bit later? Besides, maybe she'll have some pie! Wow - look at all the flowers - and weeds!" he comments.

As they draw near, Kendry briefly recalls the wolf-man Sotirod, and wonders again who Xemrac might be. Arriving at her house, Kendry greets her dogs, if they are there. He scratches their ears, and even rubs their bellies, if they present their bellies. "Aunt Marigold!" he calls out. "Daisy! Bea! We're back!" He knocks on the door.

Airin (sub Ryan) 
Friday July 22nd, 2005 5:56:37 PM

Airin nods at Kendry's suggestion. "Maybe auntie will know where I can find out more about the Telperien family." She pats her purse once again to reassure herself that the ring is still there.

Sunday July 24th, 2005 2:11:35 AM

Belted with her new sword and moving on with the group she is amazed at the travel since it is like a magic that she has never seen before really and doubts she will ever know control of.

She smiles to Patty when they reach where they are going and nods at Kendry's comment. When he races off though Selithe steps over by Patty and takes his hand, "I think I prefer a normal walk then running, enjoy the day." Selithe begins walking along with Patty, looking at the plants and enjoying the day after having the big fight with the Fey King it is nice to see a day like this and be with so many friends.

Sunday July 24th, 2005 1:17:59 PM

Patty stops in mid-stride when Selithe takes his hand. He had been just about to break into a run after Kendry, when she had taken his hand. With a smile, he turns to her. "Yeah, I think I'd like that,"he says,"besides, the flowers and trees are exceptional today." The two of them walk down the road hand in hand.

Airin(Ryan sub) 
Sunday July 24th, 2005 1:20:17 PM

Airin sprints along after Kendry towards Aunt Marigold's house.

My what a big garden you have! (ADM JPW) 
Monday July 25th, 2005 12:24:25 AM

As everyone approaches Kendry's Aunt's home, they see that Nature has encroached the Crescent Valley as well. Everywhere that the eye can see, everything that is brown or green is growing.

At the door, Kendry can here people laboring near the house. Aunt Marigold, in gardener's pants, apron, and wielding a hoe, is trying to keep her garden under control. In the immediate distance, you can almost make out the sounds of Daisy and Bea also trying their best to help Aunt Marigold manage her garden.

Auntie's Garden
From the porch, Kendry can see what once looked somewhat like the garden that Auntie Marigold took such pride in. The roses have tripled in size with tightly clenched buds shooting just off the main stems. The perennials are twice as high, but their tops are spiraled tighly in a horizontal position. The fruit trees are beginning to look mean. (All make a spot check;DC=12)Highlight to display spoiler: {A closer examination of the trees make them look almost like treants!} The green grass has woven together so tightly you'd swear it was a quilt made of moss.

Heave Hoe
Once the shock has a chance to settle in your minds that the Crescent Valley has not escaped the turmoils that are rocking the entire Wold, you make a honest attempt to locate Auntie Marigold and her friends to lend assistance. To some of you, this reminds you of the exercises the WLA guild members were doing on their roof that fine morning.

When you stumble upon Aunt Marigold, she tells you that you drop everything and help! "Kendry dear, we've been at this for hours, and this is not the worst of it. Our place was fine last night!! You Should see Ellis and Penelope's place...if you can find it!"

Patterton/Airin (Ryan sub)  d20=3 d20+6=17
Monday July 25th, 2005 3:00:15 PM

Spot 3

Patty is blissfully unaware of the trees appearance and goes about helping to clear the vegetation.


Airin notices that there is something wrong with the trees right away. "Um, is it just me or do those trees look like people?"

Selithe  d20+2=22
Monday July 25th, 2005 5:37:17 PM

Selithe blinks when she looks at the trees and everything going on around her. She frowns more thinking over everything and shakes her head finally once again, "Hay Airin, anyway of helping out with your powers?"

Selithe motions towards one of the trees with her staff and speaks up, Umm' those trees don't look quite right to me." (Spot:22)

(OOC:Will be updating charactersheet soon or will wait to handle the potion of bull's strength, riding dog and familiar depending on what the DM, Kim or someone decides. :) .)

Dwight  d20=14
Monday July 25th, 2005 9:50:07 PM

"These roses don't quite look normal." After a moment it hits Dwight. "These definitely remind me of those creatures Ebryon used to attack the Druids. With that said, Dwight grabs a hooe or his spear if necessary and begins hacking and slashing the vegatation down whenever it seems overgrown.

Kendry  d20+5=6
Monday July 25th, 2005 10:36:47 PM

[Rolled 1d20+3=4 on Spot]

Kendry answers her, "Sure, we'll help you, Aunt Marigold. Oh - you know Podo, right?" Initially he pays no mind to the form of the fruit trees [Spot 4, nat 1]. However, as his friends and sister point out the visage in the trees, he takes a closer look. [Spot 6, nat 1 again!]. Just doesn't make sense to him - but more than one person said it.

"Oh, trees and plants!" he calls out. "We care for you, give you good dirt and droppings from horses, and water when you need it. Why, now, try to choke our homes?"

He looks around to see if any of the bushes or trees - wait, he should be speaking in sylvan, just like Ebryon did.
Broad-branchèd and noble trees!
Thou apple-bearing red, and pear,
And fig, so sweet your fruit, and knobby knees
With leaves that wave and seeds that bear.

We offer you food rich from horse so swift
That roots may grow, and branches thicken
Hap'ly work we both, and share our gifts
That vine may grow, and fresh fruit quicken

Why then now stretch to choke our homes?
Your ever strengthening vigor most unruly wax?
Please slow the lengthening of your bones
Else this verdant growth must we surely tax.
Kendry doesn't really expect his talk to the trees will make much difference, one way or another, but he figures he will at least try to give the plants a chance - not unmindful that Airin has become a druid.

They're making faces at us! (ADM JPW) 
Monday July 25th, 2005 11:44:32 PM

"Why you're right, Airin" says Aunt Marigold! "They do have a sort of face on their trunks. Hey Daisy, Bea...come look at this...tell me what you think?" Aunt Marigold says in a loud voice to her companions.
As Airin and Selithe take a closer look at the fruit trees, they are both convinced that the trees are making faces at them. Mean while, Dwight examines the roses to discover that these flowers also look, well look deformed. Looking over at the fruit trees, Dwight says, "These definitely remind me of those creatures Ebryon used to attack the Druids."
(everyone within sight of the fruit trees roll spot check; DC =5)Highlight to display spoiler: {Those of you that spot the fruit trees notice that when Dwight mentioned Ebryon, the Trees shook and lifted their branches towards the sky!}
Hi Ho Hi Ho...off to work we go!
Hours into the overgrowth, the group consisting of Aunt Marigold, Bea, Daisy, Kendry, Airin, Selithe, Dwight, Patterton, and Podo are drenched with perspiration and are showing signs of calluses on their hands and blisters on their feet. Both Bea and Daisy are too pooped to chat. They drift off into the house to tend some other chores. Aunt Marigold looks to her kin and with shortness of breath manages to says, "In all the years in Hovel, I have never seen such growth in my garden. You would think who ever found the miracle growth food, would have had the kindness to share the secret!" "This is getting too much for one day, lets all go inside and share the tales of our journeys over dinner, shall we?"

Podo  d20+5=20
Tuesday July 26th, 2005 1:16:37 AM

Podo is the last to wander over to Kendr's aunts home and subsequently her garden. While there he does his best to look closely at all the details of the over growth. He notices that the fruit trees look almost alive and with faces to boot. Podo silently thinks to himself...I'm glad I'm in the back of the group...

Podo asks if there are any additional gardening supplies and if it would be okay to enter Aunt Marigold's potting shed to look for some.

Patterton/Airin (Ryan sub)  d20=3
Tuesday July 26th, 2005 1:47:43 AM

Patty hangs back as the others enter the house and squints at the trees again, scratching his goatee as he does so. The nervous habit serves not only to help him concentrate, but it also keeps his hand within easy range of snatching his bastardsword off of his back in case there is any trouble.(Spot 3...duh).

"I just don't see it." He mutters to himself as he turns to go inside, wondering if his friends are jumping at shadows.


Airin is all too happy to quit hacking away at the branches. It is not easy work! She heads inside with the others and asks aunt Marigold if know anything about the Telperien family and the ring.

Kendry  d20+5=19 d20+3=21
Tuesday July 26th, 2005 4:57:08 PM

"Oh ... oh - now I see!" Kendry exclaims. "Yes, the faces in the trees. How did I miss that?" He also notes, and is disturbed by, the lifting of the branches towards the sky as Dwight speaks Ebryon's name.

Once inside, Kendry offers what help he may to prepare or straighten things. "Two and a half days have we been gone, Auntie. I take it the verdure is spread throughout the valley, eh? Plateau City is wondrous, and the tall tower of the Star Mages Guild so high above Adventurers Square. We met some of the Gold Dragons, and they asked us questions, and we answered, as best we may. We asked them, too, and some answers had they, but not all we sought.

"So we visited the Catacombs, and then the Woldian League of Adventurers. Much flooding there is in the city.

"But tell us, Aunt Marigold - I think that while your newest nephew walks the Wold, this green-thumbed curse shall stand. Tell us, what might we do, do you think? And what else has happened here in Hovel? Any word from Humble's Ford or Angel City? Please pass the jam, Selithe."

Dwight  d20=3
Tuesday July 26th, 2005 7:25:43 PM

Focusing on the faces, Dwight fails to see any other effects (Spot 3+1=4 :( ).

Glad to have cleared at least a little space for the family, Dwight moves in with the others and rests peacefully in an available chair.

"How long did it take for that growth to take hold of your garden?," Dwight asks when there is a pause to Aunt Marigold.

Dinner is Served [ADM JPW] 
Wednesday July 27th, 2005 2:05:35 AM

Entering in the house of Aunt Marigold is much the way you remembered it from last time and second breakfast. The cooking takes on the look of half a dozen mad scientists as everyone kicks in and helps get dinner ready.

The table is set. The fire kept low for the early evening.

As everyone moves to sit down at the table, it is quickly noticed that there is not enough spots at the table.

Marigold smiles and says, "Guess we have to break out the Kiddie table like last time." "Kendry, will you do the honors of deciding who sits at the other table?"

Marigold is acting normally just like last time Kendry, Patterton, Airin, and Selithe sat around this table, with the exception that she is still wearing her gardening clothes, not the same prim and roper lady like last time. Perhaps fighting Mother Nature is starting to take it toll on her and her employees; Bea & Daisy.

Much like the last meal for second breakfast, this early dinner has the same menu items on it; a large platter of peppered steak swimming in its own juices and the other a serving tray with a bowl of salad, seasonings, a hunk of cheese, a few loaths of toasted bread, butter and a small bowl of spicy, diced-cut tomatoes and olive oil for dipping.

Daisy and Bea both emerge from the kitchen with fixings and extra napkins and servingware.

During the meal, Aunt Marigold asks you to tell the tale of adventure in the big city, fully expecting Kendry's retelling of the excursion will last the entire meal...

Wednesday July 27th, 2005 9:13:01 AM

Podo stumbles in last having come from the shed. "Ah, Auntie Marigold? Did you know your shed has 3ft tall plants in them?" "To bad too, cause if they had arms, they could hold some of your stuff up!" laughs Podo.

Walking into the dining area, Podo realizes he is also the odd man out. Before him sits, Auntie Marigold, Bea, Diasy, Kendry, Airin, and Selithe with Dwight and Patterton sitting at a private dinning table. "Oh, I see...I 'll go with the guys at the private dining table then." says Podo a bit reluctantly now that they are 9 people in Aunties home. "Wow, looks like a birthday party of something...so many people! Says guys, when is everyones birthday anyways?" grins Podo as he finds a chair at the guys table.

Patterton & Airin(sub Ryan) 
Wednesday July 27th, 2005 11:18:39 AM

Patty pitches in with setting up the tables, content to sit wherever. There is none of the distrust towards his aunt that he displayed last time they dined here. Instead, he seems keenly interested in what she has to say.

"Pass the milk, please." He says to Dwight.


Airin can tell that Marigold is rather busy at the moment. Prehaps she will share any info she has on the rings when she has a second.

Wednesday July 27th, 2005 8:22:36 PM

Selithe passes the jam to Kendry and listens to what is said as she chews on some of the food brought to them and enjoys it before taking a small sip of her drink, "Looks like it has been quite a busy time all over. I hope we are able to help settle this down in some way."

(OOC:Sorry for not posting yesterday. Stupid storms around here and I didn't want to risk frying this computer.)

Wednesday July 27th, 2005 11:58:29 PM

"Thanks, sis." As it looks like his friends have already sorted themselves as to the big table and the 'children's' table, Kendry sees no need to change those arrangements.

"Well, as you know, the druids Savoulus and Myrridan took us 'by oak and willow' - there may have been a few other types of trees somewhere in that trip, too - over to Plateau City. We ended up, first, in an 'elfs only' inn. We got to see the Gold Dragons Castle. Podo made friends with Valdor - he's like, the captain of the group, maybe? - and the big, muscley half elf even gave Pode a gift! Well, the story I wrote over at the Whistling Oak they read. We ate real well, there. Then, after that and the Catacombs, as I mentioned, we went to the WLA. Captain Oosterlinck is in charge of the Plateau City branch. You know that Calfast wants to get a branch over here, maybe in Angel Springs. What do you think of that idea?" he asks Marigold.

He listens to her response. If she does not appear livid about the WLA, he goes on. "Well, we all joined the Woldian League of Adventurers - and they taught us some useful skills, and I learned how to swing a bastard sword without cutting myself on the backswing! Also some climbing tricks, and how to propel myself a little more efficiently in the water. Spent a few days with them.

"Say, what with the faces and all," he says, changing the subject, "- you think these plants are going to up and start walking very soon? I saw how some of the perennials were coiled up - like a fist, waiting just to punch out. This ancient relative of ours is causing trouble, left and right. What do we do? How do we fight off plants that want to take over? It's like everything is turning into morning glories, or blackberry bushes - sending out shoots all over the place, and trying to dominate the land. I'll tell you, I have no interest in being ruled over by carrots and potato heads!"

Dinnertime Chat [ADM JPW] 
Thursday July 28th, 2005 12:31:15 AM

"My you kids did have a fun time over in the big city" says Aunt Marigold rather excitedly. "Savoulus and Myrridan are nice folks to know in a pinch..." says Aunt Marigold as she turns to look out the window.

(Everyone make a spot check; DC=15)Highlight to display spoiler: {those that make the check notice something akin to thatch walking by the window as Aunt Marigold turns to look out of it.}

The Garden Shed
"I have what in the garden shed!" says Aunt Marigold as she excitedly jumps out of her seat and heads towards the back door. "Bea, Daisy...get a weapon of some sort...I'm going to the shed. Someone's got to get to the bottom of these goings on around here...

As Aunt Marigold opens the rear door to the back yard...all of you in the kitchen hear a Blood Curdling scream coming from the direction of the back door...

Patterton AC 20 HP 19 
Thursday July 28th, 2005 1:23:07 AM

Patty starts at the sound of the scream and sends his chair flying into the wall as he springs to his feet. Without a moments pause, he sprints towards the back door and jerks his new masterwork bastardsword off of his back as he does so.

Kendry (AC 15, HP 11)  d20+3=5 d20+5=24 d4+2=6
Thursday July 28th, 2005 1:38:57 AM

Kendry did not notice the ambulatory thatch (Spot 5) but did hear Aunt Marigold. He pops up from his chair, too, and grabs his black composite shortbow and quiver of arrows on his way, quickly nocking one as out the back door he goes. If there is some plant, or a group of plants, doing something it or they oughtn't, he will launch an arrow right into one of 'em (unless Marigold or Patty are between him and the target). [AC 24, 6 hp piercing damage.]

Patterton- forgot spot check ;)  d20=16 d20+7=23 d8+5=11
Thursday July 28th, 2005 2:52:48 AM

Patterton notices the thatch on the way to the backdoor, so he knows what he might be facing.

Also, if possible he will attack the creature using his sword 2 handed.

attack= 23
damage= 11

Podo  d20+3=15
Thursday July 28th, 2005 8:56:25 AM

Podo wonders what Auntie Marigold was looking at when she headed to the back door, but when she screamed, Podo was on his feet in a flash running to find her.

When he gets there, he will look to see what made her scream and if there is anything to do about it.

Thursday July 28th, 2005 6:13:14 PM

(OOC:Posting my spells and such next round and also will be sending as updated charactersheet as I can at the moment.)

Selithe jumps up when she hears the scream and begins rushing for the door, wondering as she goes as to which weapon to best used and then deciding on just using her staff for the moment as her spells is her main weapon for the time being.

Airin (by Kim)  d20+6=21 d20+6=21 d20+8=15
Thursday July 28th, 2005 8:13:41 PM

Airin sees the thatch walking by the window (spot 21). With most of the people going to the back, she decides to take a look out the window toward the front of the house. (Spot 21, listen 15).

Its...Its...Its...[ADM JPW] 
Thursday July 28th, 2005 10:33:06 PM

When Patterton arrives next to Auntie Marigold, he finds her mouth open, hand on the door; which is open; staring into the backyard. Patterton looks into her face, then follows her gaze into the backyard. Soon joining them are Kendry, Podo, and Selithe. Kendry, Podo, and Selithe, like Patterton, first look at Auntie Marigold, then following her gaze, look into the backyard.

The BackYard
What everyone sees out in the backyard; since they can't all get through the door frame at the same time; is a scene of the bizzare. About 5 x 5 rows/columns-- about 25 in all stand 6 feet tall amubulatory corn stalks swaying in the cool evening breeze. In the midst of them is the Garden shed that Podo had only earlier come out of. On top of the garden shed is a mock up of a halfling critter made out of a pumpkin, some tree twigs stuck in 'em for arms, legs, and a head. As all of you stare at the pumpkin critter on top of the garden shed, do you realize why Auntie Marigold screamed. The pumpkin critter is also swaying in the breeze...by its neck!

The Front Yard
Airin doesn't take the same path as the others did, when they all heard Auntie Marigold scream, she heads to the front door instead. Airin reaches out and opens the door, looking out into the yard. Airin's vision is assaulted by walking corn stalks, voracious snapping maws on the stems of rose bushes. Three foot tall mushrooms spewing spoor into the night breeze...and in the distance, can be seen other hobbits standing dumb-founded at similar scenes of bizzare horror...The forest is alive!screams someone in the distance...

Dwight  d20=16
Friday July 29th, 2005 3:13:47 PM

While Dwight sees the moving stalks (spot 16, but no post), he subconsciously ignores it preferring to eat.

As everyone moves to investigate the backyard, Dwight is the last to see the garden symbolically hang the halfling.

Turning to see that Airin is witnessing a similar scene in the front yard. He moves instead to the front yard toward the voices. "Inside, get inside," he shouts to the other halflings trying to get them out of their shell shock.

Patterton  d20=15 d20+7=13 d8+5=13
Friday July 29th, 2005 3:38:18 PM

Patty hears Dwight's warning to the townsfolk and hurries over beside Selithe, intent on protecting her from harm. If anything nasty "pops up" (spot 15), Patty will not hesitate to chop it down.

attack 13
dmg 13

Friday July 29th, 2005 9:26:17 PM

(OOC:K, was worried combat was starting already so holding off on spells for the moment if thats okay.)

Selithe frowns when she sees what looks like a halfling hanging by it's neck and she now growls in a very upset manner and will push her way foreward alittle bit, "Dang you you mind game playing piece of dung. We beat you fair and square so live with it you coward!"

Selithe is highly upset at the sight of the make shift halfling looking thing and has a death grip on her staff, her hand shaking do to her grip and she grumbles to herself, "I should of used that pumpkin to burn him, to destroy his taint from the Wold, I know it now."

Selithe looks to her Aunt and nods, "Shut the door Auntie before something bad happens. We should hold up here for now and defend the house. I think something is coming that won't be so nice." Selithe fingers the necklace she has with her free hand, wondering what the spirits could of told her, what knowledge they held about the Fey King.

Kendry  d20+4=6 d20+4=11 d20+4=23
Saturday July 30th, 2005 5:51:31 AM

Looking about, Kendry decides some action is necessary.

"Aunt Marigold, any counsel you may have, we will listen. Meanwhile, I'm climbing on your roof." Stepping back inside to grab his knapsack, this he puts on his back. His bow he places around his body - upper right over his right shoulder, and lower left off his left hip, and a pair of quivers over his left shoulder.

Then he goes to climb up the side of the house - but slips within the first two feet (climb 6). His second attempt is better (climb 11). Finally, he gets up there (climb 23).

From up above, he takes a look around - the local corn stalks, and looks to neighboring yards and other plants. He nocks an arrow, and prepares to take action.

Airin  d20+4=11
Sunday July 31st, 2005 12:57:54 PM

Airin tries to scramble up the wall with Kendry.(climb 11), hopefully the climb is an easy one.

Is that a tomatoe? [ADM JPW]  d20=12 d20=7
Sunday July 31st, 2005 1:36:59 PM

The Roof, The Roof...
Kendry skillfully ascends to the roof of Auntie Marigold's house soon followed by Airin, although her climb is a tad more rocky than his.

With his skills and experience, Kendry along with Airin can make out similiar situations in Hovel as is befalling his group, although not to the same degree. For starters, no one else appears to have a hoard of giant corn stalks surrounding their Garden sheds. In the distance, Kendry can see some instances of an elder hobbit women shooing advancing plants with a fire poker or a broom, but nothing like what lies beneath him.

As he turns from his viewing, Kendry catches a fast moving object out of the corner of his eye. (Kendry make a Reflex check)Highlight to display spoiler: {If you make it, you see a tomoatoe fly towards your head at great speed. If you fail you check; you get hit and slpattered by the tomatoe but take no damage.} (Airin make a Reflex check)Highlight to display spoiler: {If you make it, you see a tomoatoe fly past Kendry's head and towards your head at great speed. If you fail you check; you get hit and slpattered by the tomatoe but take no damage.}

Hold'up in da House
Patterton, Selithe, and Podo along with Auntie Marigold, Bea, and Daisy are sitting in the dinning room now that the back door has been closed and locked. The windows have been also closed and locked, the small table put away, and a nervous demeaner has descended upon the group. As you are sitting in the dinning room, Podo strolls to the back door to look out the window towards the shed. (Podo make a spot check)Highlight to display spoiler: {if you make it you see veggies being flung at the mock up hobbit atop the garden shed. With each attack, the precision of the assailents increase. If you fail the check, you don't see specifically what is happening, but you do see projectiles being launched.}

Podo  d20+3=11
Sunday July 31st, 2005 2:45:20 PM

Podo nervous about a pending fight, strolls to the backdoor to look out a window and see what the hanging hobbit is doing. Not seeing anything, Podo returns to the group in the dinning room, and excitedly says, "Hey, there is some comotion going on out there, I heard what sounds like things being hurdled through the air. Something much bigger than a sling bullet, although I didnt see anything specifically." "I wonder how Kendry and Airin are doing on the roof? Do we have anyway of contacting them while they are up there??"

Patterton and Airin  d20=13 d20+6=14 d6=5
Sunday July 31st, 2005 8:29:20 PM

Patterton looks out of whichever window is closest to the shed and squints at the veggie dummy.(spot 13-not sure what the DC is) Either way, it is obvious that something is lobbing projectiles at the thing. Patty frowns to himself. He doesn't much like the idea of being holed up in the house while Kendry and Airin are on the roof. What to do?

Patty carefully leans his bastardsword against the wall beside the window, withdraws his masterwork crossbow and loads it. Sliding the window open, Patterton takes careful aim at the rope holding the dummy up.

Attack 14
damage 6

Oops. Here's Airin.  d20+7=21 d20+6=14
Sunday July 31st, 2005 11:48:25 PM

HP 18
AC 17

Airin easily ducks the flying fruit and scurries over behind the chimney for cover. She removes and loads her masterwork crossbow as she scans the area for the culprits. (Spot 14).

Dwight  d20+6=13 d6=3
Monday August 1st, 2005 4:45:48 PM

Inside and slow to react, Dwight follows Patty's lead and loads his bow. Sharing the same window, Dwight takes aim and shoots at the first stalk that is making hostile actions in view.

Attack: 13
Dmg 3

Monday August 1st, 2005 4:51:01 PM

Kim called. He got stabbed in the leg doing some rennaisance combat reenactments or something like that and had surgery. He'll be out for a few days.

So if you can play Kim's character for a few days, email JPW. First to ask get to play him. JPW, email me with who the sub is when you get a volunteer.

Monday August 1st, 2005 7:22:18 PM

The front door reverberates with heavy knocking.
from the otherside of the door you here someone screaming in halfling, "CAN SOMEONE LET ME IN!?!? I'M BEING CORN-STALKED!"

Tuesday August 2nd, 2005 1:05:10 AM

(I should have Selithe completed and sent in soon. Quick question, who is our DM now? I thought Stephen was but he has been gone for quite awhile now. I need to know who and email address, thanks.)

Selithe blinks when she hears the person yell to be let in and quickly moves to the door and will peek out if possible before glancing back to her friends, "Someone cover me as I see whats up. Be ready to fire just incase." Selithe will open the door once she feels it's safe to do so.

Selithe also has been thinking of those on the roof and calls to her Auntie, "Aunt Marigold, is the chimmney big enough for someone to go up or down? I know the soot and everything but right now life is more important then worrying about dirt."

Fruit Flies [ADM JPW] 
Tuesday August 2nd, 2005 1:13:44 AM

Fruit Flies
On the roof top, Kendry has been assaulted by fruit, but can not determine from whence it came. Airin dodging a similarly shaped fruit takes cover near the chimney while she lock and loads her weapon.

A stranger at the door
Too everyones surprise comes a loud knock at the door. It sounds like a halfling, but as far you can tell, everyone is accounted for. Looking around the room, ya'll can see Podo, Dwight, Selithe, Patterton, Daisy, Bea, and Auntie Marigold. You know that Kendry & Airin are both on the roof. Who could it possibly be you ask yourselves. Perhaps it is a neighbor who was caught out in the open?

Patterton with steady aim lets fly a bolt towards the pumpkin man and severs the hanging noose! The Pumpkin figure hits the shed roof and rolls off the edge with a thud. Just then a loud cry of annoyance emits from the shed; sounding much like a ranging wind though dry paper.

Auntie Marigold having had the chance to calm down and gather her wits, looks up at Selithe and Patterton saying " My children the chimney might be wide enough for you, but the stones are quite hot now that the fire has been going since before dinner started." "Perhaps we should wait until my newphew and niece come down from the rooftop. I am sure with the sounds of projectiles in the air, they won't be up there for much longer..."

Patterton  d20=5 d20+6=12 d6=5
Tuesday August 2nd, 2005 8:03:17 PM

Patty lets out a short laugh and thumbs his nose in the direction of the shed. He then ducks back against the wall and reloads his crossbow while peeking around the edge of the window, scanning for targets. When the knock comes, he shoots a look towards whoever is closest to the door and shrugs as if to say, "Think it's safe?" If anything threatening happens, inside or out, he'll crank off another round.(spot 5)

attack 12
damage 5

The Eye of the Storm [ADM JPW] 
Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 1:08:48 AM

Sshhh! I can't hear anything!
As Dwight takes up position from the very same window Patterton used to save the pumpkin man from certain death, a dead calm decends over the room. "Sssshhhh! I can hear anything outside...Oh I hope my Niece and Newphew are alright" whispers Auntie Marigold.

Both Patterton and Selithe are very cautious about who or what might be knocking on the front door, although Patterton is most ready with his crossbow and is in prime position to defend his friend Selithe & the door if the need arises.

Busy Work
Podo trying to signal Kendry and Airin, walks through the home looking for something what would do the trick.

Aunt Marigold, Bea, and Daisy decide to do something themselves to help, so they head off to the cellar as Auntie Marigold says, "We'll be right back...gonna look for resources in the cellar with my staff."

Outside the house, there is no silence, rather noises sounding like rustling paper or plants, more sounds of flying objects, sounds of objects bouncing off other objects, and of objects going "Squish".

(Dwight make a spot check please)Highlight to display spoiler: { if you succeed, you notice large 3 ft tall mushrooms on the forests edge...some of them are shaking dust onto the ground from their caps.}

As before, shouts of other hobbits can be heard in the background...dealing with their own version of ...the forest is alive with the sounds of squish squish...

Podo  d20+2=19
Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 1:37:32 AM

Podo, feeling somewhat helpless, rummages around the house looking for something in which to cause a signal fire and thus warn his family & friends. If that fails, he will climb the same route the others use and ask them to return to the house proper. (Climb=19)

Not finding anything he thinks he would be allowed to burn, he climbs half way up and asks Kendry & Airin to come inside the house. "Now! Please?"

Once they return to the house proper, so will he.

Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 2:49:04 AM

Once Selithe knows she is properly covered she opens the door to see who is outside, her free hand is clutching her staff tightly and ready to try hitting anything enemy wise on the otherwise.

Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 3:33:59 AM

The back door swings open and reveals a rugged halfling. He's wearing dirty leather armor and a buckler strapped to his arm, both tinted green. Four nasty-sharp spearpoints stick up from a quiver on his back. His skin is tanned heavily, his eyes are surrounded by squint lines, and his head is shaved close to the scalp. A leather cord around his neck has numerous fangs and talons strung its length.
After beaming a broad smile at Selithe, he glances anxiously over his shoulder at the moving vegetation. With remembered urgency, he leaps through the door, followed by a bundle of gray fur with a pair of white strpes down its face.
"Better late than never, cousins and friends! Let's get that door shut now, before we get shucked as payback."
After swinging the door shut and bolting it, the halfling introduces himself to those in the room.
"Kleel Featherfoot Leafwin Turnbell, for those who haven't crossed paths with me. Been waiting for you all to return from the City. Where's cousin Kendry? Good to see you out of your cage, Selithe."
"Oh, and this curious little guy down here is Lefty, a badger who seems to like exploring as much as I do."

Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 3:40:25 AM

(OOC: Hello all, I'm looking forward to the long journey ahead!)

Dwight  d20=3 d20+6=21 d6=6 d6=4
Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 6:56:06 AM

Glancing at the newcomer, Dwight nods a brief acceptance. "Dwight Twiggebundler here," he states as he continues to look out the window shooting should he see anything. "Where are they," he mumbles in frustration.

If anything is seen this round: Attack 21, dmg 6

Patterton Cloverturn Burrows  d20=12 d20+6=13 d6=5
Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 8:33:00 AM

Patty keeps his post at the window, his crossbow pointed at the door as the newcomer appears. When Kleel enters the house he eyes the newcomer with a mild amount of suspicion. Could he be one of Ebyron's servents? He quickly dismisses the thought, however, as the rather folksy Hobbit inroduces himself.

"I'm Patterton. Did you see where these things are coming from?" He pokes up and glances out the window right after Dwight does(OOC:Can Patty make the same spot roll as Dwight because they are at the same window? If so Spot= 12) and cranks off a bolt at one of the creatures at the edge of the wood.

Attack 13
Damage 5

Pattys description: Patty is a very large Hobbit who is covered with weapons and armor. He wears a finely crafted breastplate which is partialy covered by his grey cloak. His helmet is an openfaced steel corellian with a nose gaurd. He also has red hair and sports a matching goatee.

The Calm before...[ADM JPW] 
Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 8:18:41 PM

Within moments of Podo absence, Airin, Kendry, and Podo reenter the house the way they left, which is to say the hard way.

Now the house is a bit crowded. All assembled, you have dwight and Patterton at the window taking random pot shots at the wilderness. The is a newly arrived hobbitt named Kleel along with a badger in the space between the dinning room and the front door. Selithe is standing near the closed and barred front door. Podo, Kendry, and Airin are in the dinning room milling about. Auntie Marigold, Bea, and Daisy are in the root cellar.

The Calm...
The air inside the house is seemingly thick and moist. The floor of the house looks like the hobbits are prepared for war; assorted weapons are about, and the stringed weapons are notched. Night has descended upon the once quiet town of Hovel. All that can be heard is the gethered sounds of rustling paper. All sounds of projectile objects have since ceased. All is too quiet. Darkness makes it hard for you too see much past the shed as there is no obstruction from the house to the shed -- the corn stalk soldiers are nowhere to be found. Perhaps they left?

Wednesday August 3rd, 2005 10:21:45 PM

"So...are you guys in the know about the giant moving plants? I'm a bit stymied myself. This will sound a little odd, but maybe we should run to the shed and see what was making that noise? it'll be dangerous, but generally it's better to stay in motion during a confrontation. That's my suggestion...any others?"
Kleel glances around the room, wondering how well this crowd can handle a skirmish with giant plants.

Thursday August 4th, 2005 3:30:23 AM

"Hey, Kleel - good to see you, cuz. Not a bad idea, to check out the shed. Did Polly send you over here?" he asks.

"From the rooftop, I could see that similar things were going on in the rest of the neighborhood - but not so much as right here, around this place. Quite a concentration of agitated vegetables," he says, plucking a squooge of tomato from off his chest and putting it in his mouth. "Tasty - sweet," he comments.

"So, look, Aunt Marigold - you're one of the leaders of the militia. What strategies or tactics do you think might be appropriate for such a situation?

"And you, Airin, as a new druid - any ideas sprouting in your head? How 'bout the rest of you? Should we arm up and follow Kleel's suggestion? Might give us a bit more info."

Thursday August 4th, 2005 7:38:36 AM

"Well, I'm in favor of checking out the shed. I think we should put people back on the roof to watch for those walking towards the shed. I doubt it was coincidence that this house was more disturbed than others upon are arrival. We should be prepared. I'm not a druid, but I would guess fire may be as much a weapon as swords to these plants."

With these thoughts expressed, Dwight finds the nearest portable torch and awaits the others to make a decision on how best to approach the shed.

Thursday August 4th, 2005 12:38:40 PM

Patty nods to Dwight in agreement and grabs a torch of his own.

"Good idea, that. Maybe we should send a scout to investigate before we move in."

Airin (by Kim)  d20+6=7
Thursday August 4th, 2005 6:31:15 PM

Airin tries to use her knowledge of nature to help figure out the best approach, but comes up dry (skill check: nat 1).

"Maybe we should go together. Scouts are fine, but we already know there are many plants outside. Let's take our weapons. Someone with fire - some lit torches - might be good. But don't start a fire in the shed. Marigold, do you have enough water in the house to put out a fire? Is there is well nearby?"

Kendry organizes a posse 
Thursday August 4th, 2005 8:17:36 PM

"Fine, let's head out then, all who wish to. Bea and Daisy and, if you want to, Aunt Marigold can stay in the root cellar - but would you be open to coming up to where you can see out, and quickly open the back door if our group needs to be let in?" Kendry asks politely.

Then he lays out a plan of approach. "Let's have Patterton and Podo take point. Not only is the alliteration lovely, but you two are talented at engaging unruly opponents, and kicking stalk. Patty left, Podo to the right.

"Next come Dwight on the left, and me on the right. Then Selithe on the left, and Airin on the right. Kleel - you mind bringing up the rear, and keeping your eyes out for anyone or thing that might want to jump us from behind?

"Now, if any have other suggestions, I'm all ears. But I don't want to wait around all night arguing fine points. If you've got some quick preparations before we head out, great - tell us and do them, or just do them if you don't want to tell us. I trust you all.

"Airin's right - let's have a few torches lit, and maybe some non-flammable source of light, too," he says as he takes out a pair of torches and a sunrod from his knapsack. "If we can get a bunch of dry corn out in the open, it should burn just fine - and give us some popped kernels, too, if we're lucky. But let's try to avoid setting anything in the shed on fire, agreed? Don't want to ruin Aunt Marigold's tools any more than Ebryon's seeds may already have done."

"So, everyone ready? Speak now, prep now, then let's go."

Kendry has his bow out, an arrow nocked, and stands behind Podo near the door. As soon as all are ready, he heads out.

Airin (by Kim) 
Thursday August 4th, 2005 8:29:30 PM

"By the way - hello, Kleel. I haven't seen you for a few weeks at least. Nice to have another cousin with us."

"Let's take a blanket with us, and wet it down with water. That way, if we need to put out a fire, the blanket can help." She sees to this while inside the house, then takes up her place in line behind Kendry, the wet blanket folded over her left shoulder. "So, no scout, then? We just all go together this time?" Despite Kendry's instructions, she thinks about places she might be able to hide once they get outside - to provide flanking and cover, and to keep an eye out.

She adjusts the items in her backpack so that the two oil flasks are within easy grasp, and her waterskins as well are reachable.

She adjusts her cloak of elvenkind, placing the hood over her head. For light, she has her everburning torch. Not a good thing if she wants to stay hidden, but it is nice to see at night, she supposes. As she waits to exit the house, it is hard to keep from noticing that Kendry's backside is well lit up before her.

Friday August 5th, 2005 12:24:21 AM

"Sure, I don't mind taking point with Patty here." says Podo.

Podo walks out the door towards the shed staying to the right, while Patty takes the left. Both appear to be flanking the shed, with the hopes of getting the jump on the things in the shed and around the shed.

"You can be the hero this time, Patty" says Podo..."you can have the honors with peeking inside" whisper Podo to Patterton.

Podo will await the rest of his friends before going any further.

Patterton HP19 AC 20 
Friday August 5th, 2005 12:36:09 AM

Patty grits his teeth a little as Kendry begins giving orders, but as he can find no fault in the bard's plan, he remains focused on the door to the shed. He moves foreward with Podo and gives him a meaningful nod before he jerks the door open, prepared to cut down anything that might attack him.

What's that??! [ADM JPW] 
Friday August 5th, 2005 12:49:18 AM

Auntie Marigold
As Auntie Marigold emerges from the root cellar, she can just make out her nephew speaking about her. "What's that you say, Kendry?" Auntie Marigold says to Kendry. "I couldn't hear yout while we were in the cellar, Bea, Daisy, and I." says Marigold. "Did you says something about the militia, strategies, or tactics ?" wonders Marigold as her relatives head out the door towards the shed. As they leave the house Aunt Marigold says, "I have water a plenty, I think."

Hobbit Troopers
The hobbits leave the house in a two by two formation with Podo & Patterton flanking -- Podo on the right and Patterton on the left -- heading towards the garden shed. Followed by Dwight and Kendry, followed up by Airin; with blanket; & Selithe, with Kleel bringing up the rear with the trusty Lefty. All the halflings appear ready for the worst, armed to the teeth with weapons, shields, fire; both live and non; and their wits...they descend on the garden shed.

The Garden Shed
As the hobbits descend onto the garden shed behind Aunt Marigold's House, Marigold, Bea, and Daisy watch from the back door, waiting with buckets of water and fire extingusher potions in weirdly shaped bottles.

As witnessed by the ladies in the house, the garden is void of giant corn stalks. There is almost no sounds eminating from the garden save what Kendry and his friends are doing, and of course the light sources they are trying to stifle.

As the group surrounds the shed; now glowing with an eerily light from the sunrods being carried; Patterton reaches up to pull open the door and allow Dwight and Kendry first crack at whatever is inside the building.

Inside the Shed
As the door opens wide enough for Dwight, Kendry, Airin, Selithe, lefty, and Kleel to see inside, Ahead, you see the shimmer of sunlight bounce off a perfectly carved crystal sculpture of a sunflower. Slowly the head of the flower turns to face you.

Kendry  d20+4=17 d4+2=4 d20+3=22
Friday August 5th, 2005 2:02:43 AM

"Why, that is beautiful!" exclaims Kendry as the sunflower comes into view. "No crystal pumpkins, or sunflowers!" he adds as he releases his arrow (hit AC 18 (forgot to add +1 from masterwork) for 4 hp damage into the face of the sunflower.

Spot: 22 to pick up on any other thing of note.

Kleel  d20+4=14
Friday August 5th, 2005 7:47:15 AM

Seeing the crystaline nature of the sunflower, and the fact that it is in motion, leads him to one frightening conclusion:its a magical creature. He glances at Lefty and issues a quick "heel" command. In anticipation of some sort of magical attack, Kleel rushes sideways to avoid any area affecting magic. once 20 feet out to the right of the party, he loses view of the flower and scans the area behind the party (spot 14) for any danger.

Patterton HP 19 AC 20  d20+7=25 d6+3=8
Friday August 5th, 2005 11:04:18 AM

Patty sees the looks of shock on his friends faces as he opens the door and he decides to take no chances. Gripping the bastard sword 1 handed, he brings his shield up and pokes around the corner after Kendry losses his bolt into the thing.

attack 25(so close to a critical!)
damage 8

After striking the thing, Patty retreats a few steps and allows the creature to move foreward so as not to block line of sight for his friends. Hopefully this crystal creature will keep its attention on him long enough for one of the more sneaky elements in the group to get a side attack.

Dwight  d20+2=9 d20+1=9 d6=1
Friday August 5th, 2005 8:15:47 PM

Dwight suprised to see a sunflower and not a corn stalk takes a moment to examine the sunflower (spot=9). Accounting for Patty's positioning, Dwight releases his arrow (att 9=7+6-4m dmg 1)

Friday August 5th, 2005 8:24:42 PM

Podo Stands his ground in a ready stance just in case this is not what it seems.

Battle scene; Rnd 1 [ADM JPW]  d20+6=16 d8=8
Friday August 5th, 2005 8:25:33 PM

As Patterton opens the door, the sunflower turns to face Kendry and Kendry lets loose an arrow into it. As the plant gets hit, it gives off a great burst of light. The plant conters with an attack of its own. Up from the ground and lashing out into Kendry, a sharpened root stabs Kendry. Hits AC 16 for 8 points. The plant recoils its root back into the ground.

(Attacks of opportunity available to anyone within 5 feet of the open door.)

Patterton  d20+7=9 d20+3=16 d6+3=9
Saturday August 6th, 2005 1:44:56 AM

Patty follows up his original attack with another.

Original Attack 24
damage 8

Attack of opportunity 9
damage 9

(OOC 2nd d20 roll was supposed to be a d6 from damage)

Airin (by Kim)  d20+6=16 d6+1=4
Saturday August 6th, 2005 1:50:05 AM

Airin lets fly a crossbow bolt into the bright sunflower (AC 16, 4 hp damage).

Kendry (AC 15, HP 11-8=3) 
Saturday August 6th, 2005 2:01:58 AM

"OW!" Kendry says, and falls backwards, uprooted from his position and tumbling out of range. "That thing is sharp!" The thought passes through his mind that he ought to have something witty or profound to say... but nothing comes to mind.

He mentally kicks himself, as the shock of the plant's severe punch-thrust to his abdomen has a chance to sink in. "Shields up, friends, watch the root!" What can he do to slow that down? Patty sounds like he is busy doing exactly that.

Kleel  d8+2=3 d8+2=8
Saturday August 6th, 2005 7:45:57 AM

Nooo! Kendry seems severely wounded, most unacceptable!
"I'll take care of that flower-wound Kendry, just hold still. Maybe you can sing another one of your endless songs."
Kleel dashes to Kendry and begins summoning the powers of the natural world. He lays his hands upon the wound from the sunflower root, and feels the energy flow from his hands into the skin and tissue, reknitting the damage.

(OOC REROLL DUE TO A NATURAL 1, heals 8 hit points.)

Sunday August 7th, 2005 7:41:57 PM

Kendry receives Kleel's ministrations, and wipes the blood from the now-healed wound on the edge of his tunic. "Thank you, cuz. Thank you, Kleel."

"Selithe - can that bracelet the freed gave you do anything against that crystal sunflower?" he asks as he looks about, to see if any threats lie outside the shed.

Rnd 2; The Shed [ADM JPW] 
Monday August 8th, 2005 12:43:10 AM

Battle at the shed
Sensing no food in range, the flower waits for its food to come closer.

No additional plants turn up although sounds of rustling paper can be heard in the background.

The House
Auntie Marigold, Bea, and Daisy get prepared with water o'plenty just in cause you light fight her her garden shed.

Monday August 8th, 2005 1:03:28 AM

Podo quickly helps move Kendry out of range of the plants roots and convinces his friends to attack from afar. "That thing almost killed Kendry. Have to find a better way."

"lets try slings or ranged weapons..." Podo looks about for his Sling...

Kendry  d20+4=21 d4+2=4
Monday August 8th, 2005 1:36:41 AM

"Well, thanks to Kleel, I'm all better now. As long as the shed doors stay open, let's fire away. Uh, with slings stones and arrows and crossbow bolts and such. Think we need to attack it at the root? I'll try getting close. To the root, that is. With an arrow."

Kendry waits until his shot is not blocked by others, and, standing perhaps 15' to 20' back, then fires an arrow toward the base of the plant [hit AC 21 for 4 hp damage].

Airin  d20+6=14 d20+6=19 d6+1=7 d20+6=25
Monday August 8th, 2005 3:34:44 AM

ooc : AL LAST ! I'm back !!!
Thanks a lot Ryan and Kim to cover for Airin for the past two weeks. Congrats John on your DM job ! Hi David ... it's david right ? I'm Inge, 28, live in Belgium, daughter of 2 years, married, DM in Training in the Wold and active here and in the DFR3 game. You'll LOVE it here I can tell !!!

Noticing the strength of the Crystalline Sunflower Airin tries to recall something about the strengths and weaknesses of this plant ... maybe some little detail she read during her training to become druid.

Taking cover at the corner of the door (concealment) she reloads and fires a bolt at the vile creature.

After firing, she turns with her back against the shed making sure she's nearly completely concealed (DM's choice) and checks the surroundings making sure no creature will be able to surprise them !

She looks at her friends in awe and says : "What are we into this time ?!? Can't we just slam the door and poor oil through the roof so we can burn the creature ?"
She takes a look at the roof to see what it is made of.

Rolls :
Knowledge nature : 14
hits AC19 - damage 7HP
Spot 25

Spells for today

level 0 (3) :
Detect Magic
Create Water

Level 1 (1+1) :
Speak with Animals
Hide from Animals

Kendry answers Airin 
Monday August 8th, 2005 3:50:07 AM

"Well, I'm not sure that Marigold wants us to burn down her shed," Kendry says. "If it comes down to it, and that's the only way, then, perhaps. Can anyone else hear the rustling toward the back of the shed there? Are other things growing up, I wonder?"

Monday August 8th, 2005 7:57:33 AM

AC=19 HP=13
Orisons-Light, Guidance(x2), Create Water
1st Level-Cure Light Wounds, Speak with animals

Glancing at the halflings' assembled weapons, Kleel is certain they can handle a stationary plant, especially as it hasn't used any long range attack. A sudden thought strikes him.
"Everyone, try not to get hurt, I can only heal one more time. We all neglected to ask your aunt what she keeps in her shed! I'm going to run back and ask."
With Lefty still following at his side, Kleel runs as fast as he can to the house and asks Aunt Marigold, "What do you store in the shed? It sounds like paper being moved around in there!. And do you know anything about a giant sunflower made of crystal? It lights up when attacked, and attacks with its root from under the ground."

Monday August 8th, 2005 8:35:38 AM

uhm ... somehow I feel like I just wake up from a dream, but ... did either of you try to talk to this plant first ??

OOC Kleel 
Monday August 8th, 2005 9:24:04 AM

Yeah, you caught me, I posted my own AC and HP under the post instead of by my name. Beginner's mistake. Before anyone throws any rocks, note that ALL of you (except Kendry) are living in glass houses :P ! BTW, I wish I could hit for 13 damage!

Monday August 8th, 2005 2:54:14 PM

Patty swings at the creature and takes a step to the side to allow the others ranged attacks.

attack- 24

damage- 8

So Long and thanks for all...[ADM JPW] 
Monday August 8th, 2005 11:57:55 PM

Plant Monster
Blow after blow, after blow the hobbits plummel the plant into submission, a pile of goop, & one last bright flash of light.

On futher examination of the lifeless sunflower, deep slashes can be seen on the stalk of the once mightly flower.

No more sounds of any type can be heard now that the flower ceases to live.

Auntie Marigold
As Kleel and lefty run to seek wisdom from Auntie Marigold, Auntie Marigold, Kleel, Lefty, Bea, and Daisy all see a great and bright light eminate from the shed before all is once again dark.

The Injured
Kendry, is now fully recovered with great thanks to his cousin Kleel. Although healed, Kendry will have a slight scar for some time to come.

Podo (AC:18/HP:17)  d20+6=22 d3=1
Tuesday August 9th, 2005 12:01:55 AM

Podo pokes his head around the corner in hopes to land a blow on the flower. Podo swings his sling and lets loose a dizzying bullet towards the plant.(hit=22, dmg=1)

Tuesday August 9th, 2005 1:06:11 AM

"Good job, Podo. You finished it off," says Kendry with a smile and a touch of affection. "You, too, Pat. All that time with your father in the forest chopping things down pays off at times like this."

Considering Airin's question, Kendry answers, "Well, no, we did not stop to chat with the sunflower. Though you may recall I remarked on its beauty. What say you help me take a look around at what's left?" he asks her. "Let's see what's left of the crystal - watch for shards - don't want to step on those, do we?"

He steps inside, inspecting the shed for any further sign of vegetation, and seeing if any of this might go well in a salad...

Patterton  d20=15
Tuesday August 9th, 2005 2:18:38 AM

Stepping in behind Kendry, Patterton keeps his blade at the ready in case the thing isn't as dead as it appears. He scans the area as well as he can(spot 15) and takes care not to step on anything that looks important.

Airin  d20+7=17 d20+6=16 d20+6=22 d20+8=10
Tuesday August 9th, 2005 6:24:06 AM

"Sure Kendry let's check it out. But ... how did that plant end up here in Aunties shed ?"

Airin follows Kendry inside the shed, and carefully avoiding to step on any remains of the plant she searches the scene - While searching she tries to be attentive of what happens outside, but she's way too pre-occupied for that.

Rolls :
Search : 17
Spot : 16
Knowledge Nature : 22
Listen : 10

Tuesday August 9th, 2005 9:54:14 AM

Kleel returns to the shed after Aunt Marigold responds to his question about what she stores in the shed.

Podo  d20+5=14 d20+1=21
Tuesday August 9th, 2005 10:20:35 PM

As soon as all is quiet about the shed, Podo will investigate the garden shed inside and out. Having alreayd been in the shed prior to the sunflower battle, Podo is looking for anything he might have missed the first time. (Spot=14, search=21)

After thoroughly examining the shed, Podo will stand off to the side to await his friends and their next move.

The Shed Electric [ADM JPW] 
Tuesday August 9th, 2005 10:21:21 PM

The Shed Electric
Kleel returns from Auntie Marigold with nothing out of the ordinary. All Auntie M keeps in her shed is gardening supplies.
Podo, Airin, Patterton, & Kendry all find in the roof of the shed cobwebs filled to the silken threads with glowing spoors and seed puffs.

Those they spend time examining the sunflower find no broken shards of anything. All you find is a large dead sunflower.

Auntie M's garden
Of the things the group does find are tracks leading into the forest. Tracks, but not from an animal or humanoid. They don't look like any type of machine either. They are not wheel tracks.

Those that venture a little ways into the scrub find Highlight to display spoiler: { large piles of fruits and vegetable as if they are ammo piles for vegetable slings.}

Aunt Marigold
Aunt Marigold, Bea, and Daisy all come into the garden. Aunt Marigold remarks about the state of garden; "Would you look at this mess?! Rows are trampled, and the tomatoe fences are ripped out of the ground. I can only image what left of my pea arbor!"

"Nephew, I don't care what it takes, I want you to get to the bottom of this...this tragedy. All our hard work...gone and we will have little this winter, oh!" exclaims Aunt Marigold to her friends and her family.

Marigold, and her staff head back to the house to comfort Marigold.

Tuesday August 9th, 2005 11:08:41 PM

(OOC:Sorry for being absent people, life kind of kicked me since this stupid comp decided to freeze up when I logged in to this game. Tonight is the first night I could log into Crescent Valley and it not freeze.)

Selithe frowns after being silent and having to cetch up with everyone and blushes sorry like when she sees they had a fight, "I'm really really really sorry everyone. No one was hurt right?"

Kleel  d20+6=23
Wednesday August 10th, 2005 2:19:37 AM

"My summary of the situation is this; a sentient creature is making an assault upon the halflings it saw from this area. Probable motivation is the clearing of vegetation around the house. However, said creature left the area. The giant cornstalks left as well. I believe the creature we seek has the ability to animate plantlife, and therefore it's absence explains the cornstalks' absense. The attack on the sunflower may very well have been noted by our quarry as well. If we follow the tracks, I suspect our quarry will be aware of us before we are of him.
Barring language difficulties, we could try to persuade the creature to relent on plant growth in the vicinity of houses, or we may have to terminate the creature."
Kleel shows the tracks to Lefty, and gives the command, "Track" (Handle Animal=23)

Airin  d20+8=27 d20+6=19 d20+6=24 d20+11=31 d20+18=37
Wednesday August 10th, 2005 3:16:28 AM

"What's with these glowing spoors and seed puffs ?! You don't suppose these burts open to plants like this sun flower do you ... if they do I strongly suggest we find a way to contain them as soon as possible !

I don't really like the idea of running of into the forest tracking some kind of vegetable throwing thing... it could be anything !

Better proceed carefully !"

Airin takes her crossbow in hand, loads, and if the group goes into the forest she starts doing what she's good at. Very quiet, and taking cover in the undergrowth she scans the track up ahead. Her knowledge of nature may help her not to take cover in dangers vines or other plants (alive or not)

Rolls :
listen : 27
spot : 19
knowledge nature : 24
move silently : 31 - Nat 20 wow !
Hide : 37

Wednesday August 10th, 2005 3:29:23 AM

Patty looks at the shed and purses his lips. "You know, we really ought to torch this thing. Better to destroy it and any seed it may have left behind then risk another of these things popping up in the middle of the night. Marigold will thank us when she has some time to think about it."

If no one objects, Patty will begin hacking the shed up into managable pieces with his axe and will set it ablaze.

Wednesday August 10th, 2005 3:57:59 AM

[OOC: Welcome back, Justin. Was worried about you, and Selithe! -Kim]

"What - you were watching the moons, Selithe?" Kendry asks his sister when she asked if any were hurt. "That think poked me right in the stomach with its sharp root, got me to bleeding all over. Good Kleel, here, well, there he goes, fixed me up, though."

"No, Patty. Let's get a broom - say, that's something that Bea and Daisy can do. Let's just have them clean the place out, spick 'n span, sweep everything out, put it in a pile, and burn it outside. No need to destroy Marigold's tools and such, nor her shed. If she decides it needs burning, then that's her call."

He goes and explains things to Marigold, Bea and Daisy, and suggests they do as he explained to Patterton. "While you work on that, we can follow these tracks. You have some biscuits, bread, maybe some cheese and coldcuts we might take along? We're heading into the forest to track this - whatever - down." Again, he points out to them the piles of vegetation, suggesting not all is lost if they can manage to can or otherwise preserve what's there.

He checks to see that all are agreed, and asks his friends and family to help carry whatever light snacks Marigold or the ladies might offer, then sets out to follow Lefty's lead. He walks with bow nocked, but not drawn. He checks to make sure his rapier is easily drawn, and that his whip is accessible at his hip.

Wednesday August 10th, 2005 6:12:43 AM

Patty shrugs and puts his axe away, mildly disapointed that he won't be hacking the shed to bits. Seemed like such fun idea after all.

After that he prepares to leave, slinging the shield on his arm and holding the crossbow in the other.

Thursday August 11th, 2005 12:21:43 AM

Podo goes back into the house, to get his gear just in case. Leaving the back door, he waves farewell to Aunt Marigold, Bea, and Daisy heading off to join his friends on their hunt.

Pursuit of the Shambling Thatch

Oh a hunting we will go...[ADM JPW] 
Thursday August 11th, 2005 12:22:28 AM

Oh a hunting we will go...

Podo, Patterton, Kendry, Dwight, Airin, Selithe, and Kleel trapes off into the bush after Lefty hoping to track down whatever came through here.

Aunt Marigold, waves farewell and Godspeed to her nephew and his friends. She also shouts "Don't worry about us, the gals and I will clean up this mess before long!"

Ssshhh! Hunting Foliage.

Lefty takes off with quiet a vigor through the woods and brush. Kleel keeps a handle on his speed from experience, but the rest of you are astonished by the speed of the little badger.
What everyone finds is an obvious path made by unknown objects but you can tell it is in a North by North Easterly direction towards the crescent river.

(OCC: Everyone make a spot & or a search check depending on your skill; if neither is trained use Intelligence; DC 13 -- those that make it see spoiler) Highlight to display spoiler: { Those of you with keen eyes discover that every turn or bend in a rough area is covered with grasses,fungus and other assorted foilages.}

Thursday August 11th, 2005 1:19:02 AM

Selithe looks to her brother and walks over to check on him anyway, *you need to be more careful brother. I'm really sorry I just blanked out on you all." Selithe sighs disappointed in herself at the lapse and swears to herself to make it up if possible in the future.

(JPW, I will get Selithe's charactersheet in ASAP and sorry for the delay. I really hope I didn't mess anything up to much by being absent. When I have Selithe updated maybe I better send a copy to someone as a backup just incase and that person can post for me if I have a thunderstorm or something. That way atleast Selithe won't go absent in important times. Might be a good idea I guess.)

Kleel  d20+4=14
Thursday August 11th, 2005 8:38:22 AM

Kleel may have spotted something...but isn't sure...
(OOC What's the spot DC? I got a 14.)

Airin  d20+8=16 d20+11=22 d20+6=23 d20+6=9 d20+6=17
Thursday August 11th, 2005 11:02:04 AM

Airin notices the odd vegetation and tries to remember if such plants usually grow here, or if they are indeed odd ...

But in the end ... the only path for them is the one that leads them further into the forest ... carefully Airin continues to be mindful of her surroundings hoping to protect her friends from surprise attacks ...

Rolls :
listen : 16
move silently : 22
spot : 23
survival : 9 (to find her way back ... oops)
knowledge nature : 17 (trying to figure out if these grasses and fungi belong here or are possibly dangerous)

Thursday August 11th, 2005 12:16:28 PM

"Fellows, there are spots of unnatural gowth along the path, and I think I see a pattern to this. It may mean that whatever we are following is spilling something that causes vegetation growth. Note how the fungus and grasses appear at turns and rough terrain. I think thats a good sign. If its some sort of liquid or seeding, at least the creature we follow isn't innately powerful enough to alter natu..."
Kleel stops in midsentance, amd almost trips. He whirls around and faces the others, a look of fear on his face.
"Could it be?!?! Could the source of the plant growth be...water? If the local water has started growing plants at an increased rate...no, this is jumping to conclusions. Forget my musings, try to keep an open mind. Maybe someone else can come up with an explanation."
Off he scurries to catch up with Lefty...

Kendry  d20+3=18
Thursday August 11th, 2005 12:21:31 PM

Pleased that the three women will see to taking care of clean up of the shed, Kendry too retrieves his gear and sets out to follow.

"Don't worry, sis. Anybody can get distracted from time to time. And I will take as much care as an adventurer ought." He squeezes Selithe's hand to reassure her.

Along the trail, Kendry does notice the occurrences of vegetation, and points that out to his companions. [Spot: 18] [BTW, Kleel saw it too - JP pointed out the DC is 13, and you got 14.]

[OOC: Aha! Simultaneous post]

Patterton  d20=9
Thursday August 11th, 2005 12:48:25 PM

Patty is oblivious to the growths on the path as he keeps his eyes on the surrounding forest, looking for danger.

Selithe  d20+2=16
Friday August 12th, 2005 12:53:26 AM

Selithe moves out with the others and looks around as they move. On the bends in the road she notices the odd growths and frowns more as she wonders about it.

She does listen to Kleel's comments and guesses that is a very good possiblity but will not know till they find what they seek. She does think and move up by Kleel a moment, "Sorry for not really saying hi before Kleel. It's been a while."

Selithe also glances back to Patty and winks to him, smiling as she looks at him in his all serious nature with admiration.

Selithe brushes her platinum colored hair back and checks the pony tail for a moment as she moves along and keeps her staff in one hand and also will do a quick check on her bastard sword.

(OOC:I figure Selithe and Airin will be getting their animal companion and familiar later but I have a question for a fearless DM. I was told by a couple people that you can not buy or not suppose to buy animals in the catacombs so I would need to buy the riding dog in game I guess. I been holding off on my catacombs transaction stuff till I know what to do about the riding dog for sure. Thanks.)

The trash Heap has...[ADM JPW] 
Friday August 12th, 2005 12:55:13 AM


As the group follows Lefty a bit further into the woods, more and more rotting vegetation appears to be left upon the broken bits of foliage.

Those of you with the inate ability to navigate the Culverwoods, can tell that you are definately heading North by Northeast. Those of you with leather armor or padded clothing can also tell you are near water.

As night begins to descend upon the woods, you can just make out the large trees from the brush and scrub of the forest floor. Sounds begin to eminate from all around you. Not only can you hear the sounds of the wind in the trees and the sounds of rustling paper, but something akin to a breeze through grass...surprisingly...no animal sounds other than Lefty...

Friday August 12th, 2005 12:56:14 AM

"Say, Dwight, you're being awfully quiet. A copper for your thoughts," Kendry says as they follow the badger.

Friday August 12th, 2005 1:12:26 AM

Patty returns Selithe's look with a wink and a warm smile when suddenly the forest comes alive with sounds. He stops short and brings up his shield as he levels his crossbow and looks around for a target.

"Something's not right here." He mutters.

Friday August 12th, 2005 3:34:04 AM

A thought occurs to Kendry. "Say, just in case some spoors from giant mushrooms or the like decide to shoot out at us - maybe we should put some cloth over our mouths and noses. Like a handkerchief. That way, if they spray us, we won't be likely to breathe so much into our lungs."

After thinking for a moment what he might use, it comes to him. He has the lighter clothes from his entertainer's outfit in his knapsack. He withdraws the shirt, and, with his sharp dagger, begins to cut it up into handkerchief-sized triangles for himself and his friends. He passes these out, using up his whole shirt for the task. He ties one around his face, spending a moment to make sure it is snug enough to work, but still allows him to breathe.

Airin  d20+6=8 d20+11=27 d20+6=18
Friday August 12th, 2005 3:39:24 AM

ooc : first of all I have to appologice for the name I used for the group in my previous posts. When Chatting with Ryan earlier the Bastard Swords we carry got added to our names in the Valley. It was meant to be funny ... The word "Bastard" does not sound that bad when i read it, but native Americans or Englishmen might be offended from it. Therefore I have altered that post and hope you accept my appology.

Getting a little worried they are walking into a trap with their eyes wide open, Airin frantically looks around hoping to find some clue of what they are chasing here !

Airin strongly agrees with Kendry's great idea to cover their faces. She smiles at him and accepts one of his handkerchiefs and puts it in front of her face.

Then it's back to following the path ... water is close ... we must be closing in on the river now.

Then some thought hits her and she whispers to her friends : "Do you remember how Ebryon left us the first time ? He turned into a water elemental ... looks like we're now chasing something that appears to be going towards the water, and leaves plant growth behind ... I'm not saying it's him, but ... was he really dead ?!?"

Rolls :
spot : 8
move silently : 27
knowledge nature : 18

Kleel  d20+7=25 d20+6=14
Friday August 12th, 2005 8:17:17 AM

Lefty's progress has been quite steady, causing Kleel to worry a bit...How fast can their quarry move? Is it aware it's being followed? Kleel summons the power of nature, drawing ancient Druidic symbols in the air and speaking words of power. He feels the magic speak with animals take a place within his mind.
Kendry's gift from his own fine clothing is very generous, and Kleel thanks him with an appreciative grin. He places the cloth over his mouth and nose.
Now that he can speak to Lefty, he calls out to the little furball.
"Hey Lefty, it's become dark and the river is close. Let's move a little slower and quieter now. I think we want to avoid being heard too early. Do you recognize anything about the scent we are tracking? When you can detect the source is close, let me know."
The Druid then turns to his friends and motions them for quieter movement. "I told Lefty to slow down so we can move silently. I believe the river will be the stopping point for our quarry."


Friday August 12th, 2005 8:44:54 AM

"Way to go Kleel !" , Airin whispers, "Maybe Lefty can spy ahead silently and look for trouble or even a campsite ?"

"The other option would be for Kleel and me to move quietly up ahead to check things out. Should we come under attack, you can all rush in ... We clearly are the most quiet ones !", she winks to Kleel ... "Looks like we have a lot in common my friend ..."

We find a Mungo

Look! There's a light up ahead...[ADM JPW] 
Friday August 12th, 2005 11:45:04 PM

Look! There's a light up ahead...
As all of your take notice of the sounds and lack of sound, those of you with good eye sight (spot; DC 10)Highlight to display spoiler: {can just make out what looks like a campfire a few yards ahead of you.}

Whats that Lefty?
Kleel turns to the group with his head cocked to one side as if he's listening to someone. (For Kleel only: Highlight to display spoiler: {Lefty tells you there is a hobbit with gray hair up ahead near a circle of fire.}

Do we stay or do we go?!
After a bit, Kleel learns some news from Lefty and he's convinced there's a Mungo out there.

Saturday August 13th, 2005 12:11:39 AM

Selithe excepts the piece of cloth from her brother and thanks him with a pat on the shoulder as to keep it abit more quiet and ties it around her head so it covers her nose and part of her mouth just incase.

Selithe otherwise keeps herself ready for moving on.

(Inge:i didn't take it wrong personally so no problems here.)

(JohnP: Keep me up on the verdict for the riding dog please. I would like to know about that before turning in my charactersheet. Thanks and sorry for being a pain.)

Podo  22d12(10+5+9+4+8+9+5+10+2+12+8+1+1+7+11+4+4+8+11+3+8+5)+50=195
Saturday August 13th, 2005 1:21:46 AM

"I wonder if we are going to stop and make camp and start fresh in the morning or trdge on to the river" says Podo out loud to no one in particular..

Kleel  d20+4=14
Saturday August 13th, 2005 10:19:02 AM

Coming to a halt, Kleel turns to his friends.
"Ahead," he whispers, "There is a halfling at a campfire. I gather from Lefty that he said the name 'Mungo'. How we encounter him I leave to all of you to decide. Together? Keep a few hidden? Announce our prescence from a distance? Take your pick. If some of us stay hidden, I'll be one to go in to speak to him."
The druid looks around for your responses, Lefty at his side.

Saturday August 13th, 2005 7:59:59 PM

"May I go too, Kleel?" "As a simple monk of Domi, I feel I would be a non agressive choice at introductions..."

Kendry  d20+4=7 d20+4=10
Saturday August 13th, 2005 10:05:44 PM

"Two quiet ones, off to the left. Kleel, Podo, go say hi. Hmmm - I can try to be quiet. Patty, Selithe - you provide backup with Dwight. Sound all right?"

If it does sound all right, then Kendry goes to the left with Airin. Two move silently checks - neither very good: 7 and 10.

Patterton  d20+1=16 d20+4=19 d6=3
Saturday August 13th, 2005 10:41:20 PM

Patterton takes up the middle and sneaks foreward (Move Silently 16)as quietly as he can, keeping an eye out for this "Mungo". If anthing nasty pops up, he'll level his crossbow at the enemy and fire on it.

Attack 19(-2 for shooting one handed)
damage 3

Kleel  d20+1=15
Sunday August 14th, 2005 2:31:09 AM

Brushing aside branches loudly to cover the sounds of Kendry and Airin, the druid, monk, and badger move towards the campfire.
Kleel smiles warmly towards anyone in the vicinity of the campfire.

Mungo [ADM JPW]  d20+4=21
Monday August 15th, 2005 1:02:07 AM


As Kleel, Lefty, and Podo approach the campfire and this "Mungo" fellah, Kleel can be heard quiet loudly...while everyone else takes up defensive positions around the area.

As they get closer everyone within 20 feet can hear Kleel's greetings and his words are deliberate and diplomatic.

As the advancing hobbit party break into the clearing, Kleel, Lefty, and Podo can see a large campfire, a lean-to on one side, and a middle aged hobbit with graying hair sitting between the campfire and the lean-to talking to himself. The words are hard to make out.( unless you have a skill that allows this)

Upon making your way into the fire circle, the hobbit is starled and jumps to his feet! "Who are yo..yo..you!? You shouldn't do that to an elder hobbit, you could have given me a hear attack...where's your manners? Your momma should wallop you for that...speaking of which, Who are you and who is your momma so I can tell her if I see her?

Airin  d20=12+12 d20=18+6 d20=15+18
Monday August 15th, 2005 7:42:07 AM

Airin moves away with Kendry taking cover in the forest hoping to see what's happening with her friends up ahead. Her crossbow ready to fire in case of trouble ...

Rolls :
move silently : 24
spot : 24
hide : 33

Monday August 15th, 2005 8:11:22 PM

Kendry waits to find out what the badger meant by 'Mungo'.

Dwight  d20+7=14 d20+7=22 d20+7=18 d20+7=18 d20+1=15
Monday August 15th, 2005 8:24:00 PM

OOC: I'm terribly sorry folks for my absence. I started my new job on the 3rd and it is way more hectic than it should be. In addition to that I have fried/frozen/crashed or just plain broken 3 computers, 1 phone, and 2 printers in that last week.

Dwight nods, but remains silent. (Two hide checks 14, 22,and then two move silently 18, 18).

As Kleel and Podo approach Mungo, Dwight takes a careful look around. He looks to makes sure the Mungo is not hiding comrades as well (spot 15) and that nothing is stepped in that could be dangerous.

Why I'm Mungo HardBottle...[ADM JPW] 
Monday August 15th, 2005 11:15:02 PM

Why I'm Mungo HardBottle...
"Fer give me...youngin's Where are my manners, I'm Mungo HardBottle" he says while extending his right hand to Kleel, and Podo while nodding to the Badger. Say, "Is that a friend of yours, the Badger? First animal I've seen the the forest in a few days..."

"Now that the introductions are over, what brings you to this nice spot this evening fine young sirs?" says Mungo to his new friends; Podo and Kleel.

Monday August 15th, 2005 11:16:38 PM

While Podo and Kleel enter the campfire circle to introduce themselves, Podo will let Kleel take the lead and the introductions...

Kendry  d20+6=23 d20+6=8
Tuesday August 16th, 2005 1:52:49 AM

After Kendry stopped his moving, he was able to hear most of what the grey-haired hobbit had to say [listen: 23 - accidentally hit Roll twice]. Hearing the friendly greeting following the startled response, Kendry waves an 'all clear' to any he can see.

He then steps forward. "Let us all introduce ourselves, good hobbit. Sorry to sneak up on you like this. We have been following - believe it or not - some plants that just up and started walking. Oh, and I'm Kendry. Kendry Leafwin Pipewood. Of Hovel's Ford. Where do you hail from, mister Mungo HardBottle? No animals in a few days? Wonder what's become of them... And what brings you to these parts - if it's not too forward to ask."

Airin  d20+18=35 d20+12=31 d20+6=22 d20+9=21
Tuesday August 16th, 2005 7:54:30 AM

Watching Kendry join up with the others, Airin hesitates to move on ...

Where's that thing we were chasing ?!? This group HAS been surprised before by disguised Gnome's ...

(see Beer Run when the party was ambushed by Geckie and where we first met Bobbles)

Paranoid as she is, Airin keeps her distance, and stays hidden well attuned to see and hear any threats, knowing her friends are far better at chatting than she is.

Rolls :
hide : 35
move silently : 31
spot : 22
listen : 21

Kleel  d20+9=18
Tuesday August 16th, 2005 10:01:05 AM

Lefty sniffs at the new hobbit curiously. Seeing Mungo's interest in the little furball, Kleel introduces them. "This brave little explorer is Lefty. Lefty, sit! Now, Shake!."(Handle Animal=18)
As the badger shows off to Mungo, Kleel tells of his home, and his parents, should Mungo ever wish to drop in for a meal. He asks of Mungo's home and family, and then returns to the story of the plant assault on Aunt Marigold's house.
"So here we are, trekking through the woods on the trail of whatever has been throwing tomatoes and causing other mischief. Have you seen or heard anything strange this day? Our quarry surely passed close by here. You may have heard the sound of rustling paper. That noise seems to be connected with our prey."

Patterton  d20=19
Tuesday August 16th, 2005 12:30:30 PM

Patty enters the clearing as well and gives the elderly Hobbit a quick nod, all the while scanning the woods for any signs of trouble(spot 19). He does not lower his crossbow, but takes care not to point it in the direction of this Hobbit.

"Name's Patterton. You really shouldn't be out in these woods by yourself, old timer. There's more then Lefty here lurking about tonight. Seen anything else pass by here just recently?"

Dwight  d20+7=19 d20+7=19 d20+1=5 d20+4=10
Tuesday August 16th, 2005 9:51:02 PM

Dwight remains hidden in the woods, unless knowingly being heard. (hide: 19, move silently: 19)

Suspecting problems from the far side, Dwight will continue circling around and look for moving plants (spot: 5) or the rustling sound (listen: 10). Keeping his bow ready, Dwight watches and observes.

Mungo explains [ADM JPW] 
Tuesday August 16th, 2005 10:43:15 PM

"Please sit my friends, come sit by the fire. Do you have any more friends lurking about? Have them sit near the fire and we can share some food and drink and speak of ourselves." says Mungo to all assembled.

"Like I've stated to Podo, Kleel, & Lefty, My name is Mungo Hardbottle. I am a merchant and history buff from the Angel Springs area proper. My business takes me on serveral journeys each month and with all the weird nature related events which have been taking place in the populated areas, I felt it best for me to over those areas. I was on my way to Lawni's Lens to see if the stars could tell us something about what is happening... as you probably recall not long ago there was that phenomon with the moons aligning. As for all this talk about ambulatory thatch, I've not seen a thing like that. Since I've been here, Lefty is the first animal I'm seen or heard!"

Wednesday August 17th, 2005 12:30:08 AM

(OOC:Sorry for not posting yesterday. I thought I had time to get my post in today but the time got away from me.)

Selithe stays back, watching the camp yet before slowly walking, using her staff as more of a walking stick at the moment. as she approaches she smiles softly and speaks up trying to cover but also not really bluffing, "Sorry I took so long. It don't look like anyone was following us. I decided to hang back abit and listen but nothing."

Selithe looks to the old man at the fire and nods to him, "Hello sir, since my friends are here with you I would say your friendly, my name is Selithe, sister to Kendry there. Just a simple gambler and traveler." Selithe on purpose leaves out her being a wizard just incase this man turns out to be a enemy.

Wednesday August 17th, 2005 2:24:20 AM

"Lawni's Lens?" Confused, the Druid raises his eyebrow in hopes of an explanation. "The absence of animals is sometimes a harbinger of natural disaster. I hope things do not grow worse! What sort of impact do you think the moons and such can have on the Wold? Is there any history of this sort of plant mutation in the past? We seek the source of this problem. Hopefully its something a bit more reachable than the moons. Any little tidbit could turnout to be the key to our mystery."
Taking in the faces of his party, Kleel decides that they might could offer Mungo the protection of their company.
"I know not which way you head, but you are welcome to follow us for a time should our direction be similar. The danger of the area has grown I think. Please, let us know if you would like to travel with us. We will need to rest for a time, and there is safety in numbers. I propose we at least camp hereabouts, and you can decide on the morrow which way you will go. We have been heading towards the river up till now, North by Northeast."

Wednesday August 17th, 2005 3:31:47 AM

"Sis," he greets Selithe when she approaches.

"Lawni's Lens is northeast of Hovel, up in the forest a bit," Kendry tells Kleel after the latter speaks up. As he does so, he takes a sunrod from his knapsack, and strikes it hard against the ground, to cause the tip to begin to glow brightly. This he sticks into the ground in the middle of them.

He turns to Mungo Hardbottle. "Who is Maab to you?" he asks. Kendry carefully takes in any reactions of the Angels Springs historian and merchant.

Airin  d20+1=6 d20+9=23 d20+6=22
Wednesday August 17th, 2005 7:31:16 AM

Carefully Airin appoaches the rest of the group. There's no use for her to linger in the forest if they are preparing to set camp !

"Greeting Sir, please forgive my paranoid nature, but well ... these forests can be dangerous ..."

Airin sits next to Kendry. She appears to be listening to the conversation, but instead she tries to observe Mungo on the one hand, and keeps her ears open for possible threats.
She only captures a few headlines from Kendry and Mingo's chat, yet she did hear he knows the Angel Spring's area well ...

Somwhere along the evening, Airin asks Mungo :
"Say, you're know your way around Angel Springs right ... my friend Kendry here is an excellent artist, storyteller and performer, and we've heard there's supposed to be a family called Telperien around there - a family of artists ... have you heard about them ?"

Rolls :
Sense motive : 6
Listen : 23
Spot : 22

ooc : oh yeah ... Airin does it again ... she won't forget those 4 rings from leader Bob ! They belong to that Telperien family. Gonna keep annoying our DM's till we find out something about them :-D

Wednesday August 17th, 2005 12:05:12 PM

Patty settles down on the ground and carefully releases the mechanism of his crossbow and places the bolt with the others. He then unslings his backpack and draws his bastardsword, giving the new blade a keen inspection before pulling out his whetstone and sharpening it.

"Well, I'd be happy to take first watch if we're going to bed down here for the night." He says to no one in particular as he works on the blade.

Dwight  d20+7=19 d20+7=13 d20+1=12 d20+4=16
Wednesday August 17th, 2005 10:13:30 PM

Dwight continues hiding in the forest until he has done a complete circle around the camp. (hide: 19, move silently: 13, spot:12,listen: 16)

Once complete, Dwight will walk into camp directly, bow strung over his shoulder. He shows no signs of interupting the conversation. When a pause exists, "Dwight Twiggebundler here, jack of many trades I guess. Mostly here to see what is going on and to explore the Wold."

Once upon a time... [ADM JPW]  d20=12 d20=17 d20=8 d20=8
Wednesday August 17th, 2005 11:45:12 PM

Mungo tells a story

As more halflings pour into the fire circle, Mungo turns his back digging behind him and looking for something.

"Welcome, Welcome, come one and all!" Mungo says to the gathering halflings around his welcoming fire. "Please excuse me, I'll see if I have enough food and drink for you all! I never expected so many kinsmen/kinswomen would be in this part of the woods this time a year!" says Mungo. Mungo takes leave, heads towards his supplies and makes some checks on his stores.

Coming back to the fire circle after a while, Mungo states that it will be tight, but he can acommodate everyone with at least firsts. Mungo sets about pulling and placing food stuffs on trays before the group, and drink in decanters with goblets for all.

Once upon...
Midway between your first tastings of his hospitality and drink, Mungo begins a tale of ol' many years past. He tells of the area whence in was not so organized and giants roamed and warred freely. He also drop mention of the name Telperi¨en and the great family it once was. His story trails off into quiet rememberances as if he's mumbling to himself.


"Whoa, Young Fellah, thats a bright stick you have there! Alchemical trickeries? Maab? Maab! Who's Maab?! " Mungo looks upwards as if recalling a school lesson. "Oh! MAAB! Folk lore it is...I recall some childhood lessons about someone called Maab; what's it to you? And why are you so brash? I guess if you really wanted to know, we could all go back to Angel Springs after Lawni's Len and I could look it up for you in my vast libraries, eh." says Mr. Hardbottle to Kendry.

Big Crowd

After Kendry's heard about Maab, and the real fire begins to fade... Mr. HardBottle suggests turning for the eveing if everyone wishes to travel up to the Lens in the morning. "Will one of you kind hobbits set up watch?" Mr. HardBottle says to Kendry as he cleans up his foods & drinks and preparing the area to be pest free by morning.

Kendry  d20+6=25 d20+4=22 d20+7=21
Thursday August 18th, 2005 1:21:27 AM

Kendry uses his peripheral vision to catch Airin's reaction to Mungo's mention of the Telperiën family...

And he smiles at Mungo's reaction to his query. "Sorry for the brashness - for what I did does qualify for that description. But your answer comforts me greatly. Forgive, please, the brightness and the bluntness. And thank you for your stories. And, oh, how I would love to browse your libraries, sir! I am trying to get together enough books to have something one might call a library one day.

"You know, mister HardBottle, your stories of the times of the giants reminds me of a song - The Testing of the Towers. Don't know if you've heard it before," he says as he pulls out his lute and tunes it, not telling him that he, Kendry, is the author. "But it goes like this," [Perform: Singing 25; Perform: String Instruments: 22]

In Crescent Vale they tell the tale
Of when the green grass grew
With twisted cords it wrapped and scored
The big'uns coming through

As Selithe has a good voice, and hers blends so well with his, he motions for her to join in the singing - besides, she's heard him sing the song lots of times before. And anyone else who would like...

Past tall stone sentinels they fought
But deep deep magic flew
And pierced their limbs and made them doubt
The wisdom of Chief Gniew

Then hied the slingers came the knives
A-flying through the air
And giants saw the might of wives
Whose skillets broke their stare

Though ten times their size ungainly they
When little folk they thought would yield
The small ones made them richly pay
For messing up their green grass fields

So giants - 'ware the little folk
'Tis Wardd's own luck they make
You'll ne'er break the oxen's yoke
On halflings' lands you try to take!

In Crescent Vale they tell the tale
Of when the green grass grew
With twisted cords it wrapped and scored
The big'uns coming through

"Thank you for the victuals, too. They hit the spot!"

He looks to his companions. "What do you all say? Looks like the walking plants we follow are heading the same general direction as Lawni's Lens. Shall we all get a good night's sleep - excepting the watch, of course, and follow the trail in the morning? Or shall we continue on tonight?" he asks, stifling a big yawn.

If the decision is to stay the night, then Kendry asks Patterton & Airin if they can figure out a good schedule for the watches. "Just fit me in anywhere," he says. "So long as all us spellcasters can get a good eight hours of winks."

Before retiring, he casts prestidigitation in order to clean himself up - and offers to use the spell for cleaning of anybody else's clothing, "right on you as you wear it!" who so desires.

He also casts know direction in order to ascertain north. He looks about the campsite, lining up two fixed objects which together point northward, and draws a north-south line in the dirt.

"Can someone dig a little pit off a little ways? We can cover it in the morning. Hope everyone knows what that might be for," Kendry says drily.

"Anyone want to set up a trip line?" he asks. He offers one hundred feet of silk rope. "Wrap it around trees, bushes. Drive a stake in where you need to - but cover the stake and rope with grass where you can. Have it about six inches off the ground. Just make sure everyone knows where it is, so they don't trip on it if they have to take a leak in the middle of the night." He adds cheerily, "I would like the rope back in the morning."

[Regarding all above activities: Culverwood Survival check: 21]

He asks Airin and Selithe where they'd like to bunk, does what he can (gathering soft branches fallen from nearby trees and the like, or bunches of grass if that is more abundant) to make them comfortable.

Then, unless he has first watch, he finds a suitable spot - preferably not too far off from the side of a log, wraps his blanket about him, and snoozes, one arm wrapped around his beloved shortbow, and his body on its side, hugging his knapsack, and a dagger up his sleeve.

"Good night Selithe. Good night Airin. Sleep well, Dwight. 'Night Podo. 'Night Kleel - glad you're with us, and Lefty, too! Good sleep to you, Patty, except when you're on watch. Good night, mister HardBottle, and thank you again for your hospitality."

Lawni's Lens! Oh, and finding out where the plants went off to, of course... He dreams of looking into the skies from that vantage point. In his dreams, sunflowers and pumpkins turn to crystal, and he throws rocks to shatter them - but gets splinters in his stomach.

Airin  d20+4=17 d20+6=16 d20+9=18 d20+9=23
Thursday August 18th, 2005 3:33:54 AM

Airin's eyes grow wide as Mungo mentions the Telperien family. For some time now she has tried to learn something about them, and now this ... traveller ... starts to tell a tale of them !

"Are there any Telperien's still alive ? Where did they live ? Exactly why are they so well known ?"

Hopefully Mungo reveals a bit more about them.

Later that evening Airin agrees to get some sleep here in the camp. The trip wire idea sounds like a good one to her and she starts wrapping the silk rope around the trees the way Kendry described.

"I also need to have 8 hours of sleep. If I don't get that I tend to get grumpy in the morning. How about me and Selithe get up together tomorrow morning ? I suppose our non spellcasters could take the middle watches ? "

Then, she gets out her bedroll and gratefully thanks Kendry for the soft spot he made for her and Selithe. Crawling under her blanket she goes to sleep. Her bastard Sword close to her and as usual daggerd tucked away in case of surprises.

Rolls :
Use Rope : 17 (making trip wire)
Spot : 16 (during her watch)
Listen : 18 (during her watch)
Knowledge Nature : 23 (during her watch)

Memorised Spells for today :

Orisons (lvl 0) (Max 4):
- Know Direction
- Resistance
- Read Magic (x2)

1st Level (max 3) :
- Speak with Animals (x2)
- Longstrider

Thursday August 18th, 2005 6:21:49 AM

Concerned about the distance of their quarry, Kleel is glad to turn in. This business of visiting the Len's needs to be discussed. Aunt Marigold will be worrying should the party be gone for too long. Lefty is quite worn out, so Kleel has him got right to bed as well.
The visit with a halfling way out in the woods was quite pleasant. It's a wonder more people don't get out like this.

Dwight  d20+1=8 d20+4=11
Thursday August 18th, 2005 5:56:59 PM

Dwight stays quiet during the evening meal, listening. He is somewhat amused by the fact that another halfling does exist not related to his companions.

Volunteering for the first watch, Dwight finds a suitable stick and takes it upon himself to dig the hole outside of camp. Afterwards, taking a final head count as everyone settles in for the night, Dwight finds partial coverage and watches (spot: 8, listen: 11)

Patterton  d20+7=16
Thursday August 18th, 2005 9:39:42 PM

Patty decides to take up the watch with Dwight as he's still feeling a bit worked up from the battle with the strange crystal plant in the shed. He will exchange some quiet conversation and then stay up for the next shift(endrance roll of 16 if necessary)before waking Kendry and hitting the sack.

And you know its sleepy time [ADM JPW] 
Thursday August 18th, 2005 10:53:15 PM

And you know it's sleepy time

The night and subsequent 3 watches are very uneventful. At dawn, Mungo Hardbottle is up, dressed, and ready for travel. "I didn't think you would care for an extended breakfast. I have some coffee, and hard biscuits for travel rations if you'd like to have some for you and your group.

Telperiën family

"Young Lady Airin, I assume, you are the one fascinated by this family, are you not? I don't have the specifics with me, but back at the shop, I am sure there is a book about them. I believe their family were expert Silver Smiths.

Lawni's Lens

Mungo Hardbottle explains that all must cross the river Crescent prior to reaching the Lens. It might be treacherous, as its been a while since I last have crossed it myself. I'm sure though, that at one point their was some sort of ferry in the area..."When was that?!?..." Mungo mumbles to himself looking at the tree canopy lost in thought.

Selithe  d20+4=10
Thursday August 18th, 2005 11:49:14 PM

(OOC:Dang, once again late posting. I had to wait today because my computer was fighting a cold I guess. Thing kept sounding like it was sneezing at one point. Better now though :) .)

Selithe eats some of the food offered and enjoys the drink while listening to Mungo talk. She chuckles at one point as she glances to Kendry, this old guy reminding her quite abit of Kendry.

As night rolls around Selithe thanks her brother and get ready to sleep over near to where Airin is sleeping since she figures it would be a good idea for the halflings to stay together.

However later that night Selithe will sneak over and try to snuggle in close to Patty since she hasn't picked on him alot lately and he has been rather silent. (move silently:10 to try and do this) if she succeeds in slipping up by him she snuggles into her blanket and lays there, falling to sleep quickly as she feels warm and safe.

if Patty notices her trying to sneak up on him and sleep next to him then she will blush and try to explain, all though not coming up with any good reasons before spitting out, "Well dang, I was going to pick on your Patty."

Friday August 19th, 2005 12:44:52 AM

Having the foresight to have brought some foodstuffs from Aunt Marigold's place, Kendry adds this to the breakfast mix, or saves some for along the trail.

"Sure wish Olo were with us," he remarks. "That fella can cook up a storm."

As Mungo speaks of crossing the river, Kendry says, "We've our own mission - to figure out where the corn stalks and all went. But, as it looks like their trail follows yours, let's go together. We can swap more stories along the way. And if it gets to crossing the river, we might look for floatable things - some light wood and the like - as we walk the way. Might be useful to be able to hang on a log as we cross."

Kendry coils his silk rope. "Good job on that, Airin," he says to his friend.

"So, Kleel, do you suppose Lefty might still be able to follow the veggie trail?" he asks.

Kleel  d20=4 d20+1=19
Friday August 19th, 2005 7:02:52 AM

The morning finds the druid rubbing sleep from his eyes. Lefty is whuffing and grunting while trying to nudge Kleel up and at it. As Mungo offers the coffee, Kleel gets two servings as gulps the first one down, eager to get a little pick-me-up. At Kendry's question, Kleel thinks upon their last heading, goes back with Lefty to where they were when they spotted the campfire, and attempts to find the trail once again. "Track, Lefty. I'm not sure how long it will take, but we'll give it a try."

OOC: I did rolls for the first two hours of searching using Lefty's Survival check. Up to JPW if we find the track. Should we not find it...Kleel will let Lefty off the hook with a hard biscuit and suggest heading to the North-Northeast.

Airin [ woodland Stride ]  d20+6=13 d20+9=25 d20+12=28 d20+18=32 d20+6=26
Friday August 19th, 2005 10:23:15 AM

Having slept safe and sound Airin feels a lot stronger. She takes amoment to meditate her spells and then has a sober breakfast with the rest.

She helps Kendry recovering his rope as there must have been a few tricky knots in it.

Then she prepares to follow Lefty's lead once more. Somehow this forest terrain no longer hinders Airin's movement, and she descides to flank the group.

She whispers to the others : "I will be 10ft to your right, making sure not to loose you out of my sight. I might be able to spot an ambush or suprise anyone who feels like attacking you guys - after all ... you lot can make a lot of noise sometimes ... " She has trouble hiding a little grin ... looks like she's up for some action !

With that said, Airin takes out her crosbow, loads it, and goes into the forest. Taking position 10ft to the right of the group. The others might have trouble seeing her (spot DC32 and listen DC28 :-D ) as she blends rather nicely in the surroundings !

Rolls :
Spot : 13
Listen : 25
Move Silently : 28
Hide : 32
Survival : 26 (nat 20 !)

Dwight  d20+1=13 d20+4=15
Friday August 19th, 2005 5:12:48 PM

No really a morning person, Dwight is slow to rise and watches the others as they break camp. His eventual movement is determined by the near empty coffee pot. He makes his way and finishes that last of what was already brewed.

"I'll take rear watch for awhile," adds Dwight as Airin disappears into the woods. Staying mostly with the group, Dwight makes an almost continuous glancing sweep behind the group. "With this many, though halflings we are, someone could easily follow us."


Saturday August 20th, 2005 1:03:57 PM

Being a Monk of Domi, Podo is used to early rises,usually at just before sunrise.

Podo is dressed for the journey, packed his gear, and sitting quietly with Mungo chatting about this and that.

The River Crescent [ADM JPW] 
Saturday August 20th, 2005 1:04:54 PM

(OCC: Late night last night, I apologize. I will post all wekend to make up for it.)

The River Crescent
As the group journey's north by north east, the sounds of the River Crescent grow louder. "We must find a place to cross" says Mungo to the group. "I thought there was a ferry crossing somewhere between Hovel and Humble Ford. Anyone recall where it is?"

Patterton  d20+6=26
Sunday August 21st, 2005 9:59:15 AM

Patty blinks awake and is suprised to find Selithe nestled up beside him. A smile crosses his lips and he considers waking her up, but decides that he'll let her sleep in. There's no telling how long thye will be following the strange plants.

He carefully slips away(move silently= perfect 20!) and dons his armor before gathering up both his belongings and Selithe's and pitches in helping with the meals. He briefly misses Barnabus and wonders when the party will be able to gather up their beloved ponies.

While looking through his pack, he comes across the roses that he purchased a while back. They have begun to wilt a bit and Patty frowns, carefully plucking the wrinkled petals from the flowers. Then, satasfied with his work, he gently lays the roses in Selithe's bag, being careful to allow enough room so that they don't get crushed. With that, he pitches in however he can as the party prepares to break camp.


Later, at the river: Patty looks at the water and frowns. "Well, I guess this is where the trail ends. I don't know much about tracking, but I do know that even a bloodhound is out of luck when he comes across a river. Any ideas, Kleel?" Patty scans the ground with his untrained eye and shrugs.

Wow...its on the other side! [ADM JPW] 
Sunday August 21st, 2005 11:49:25 PM

Wow...its on the other side!

As your party nears the river banks, Mungo digs into his satchel and withdraws a funny looking telescope. He opens it, raises it to his eyes and mumbles something about more rotten vegetation.

Rotten Vegetation

Mungo tells the group what he saw on the opposite side of the river bank. "Friends, it looks like whatever you were tracking made it across the river here and exited the river over there. I see many signs of this "Rotten Vegetation" you spoke about on the opposite side from here.

"I suggest if we are to make it to Lawni's Lens, that we head up river to the Ferry boatman and cross the river there. I suggest that those of you that have mounts, get them, pack for bear, and meet me up river at the ferry boatman's station in 2 days time. We will cross there and continue our pursuit then. What say thee?" states Mungo HardBottle.

Airin [Woodland Stride]  d20+1=13
Monday August 22nd, 2005 2:12:13 AM

"Waiting two days while we're tracking something !?!?"

"Mungo, why are you tracking this thing we chase ? You are only here to see the odd things of nature for yourself. Truly you're not interested to get into a fight with something like this ? Or ... are you ..."

If the group descides to break the chase and get back to collect our mounts, Airin joins too. After all, it's been a while since she saw Blossom ! And Lomar ! And Bobbles ! ... and she would like to find out how that Eagle's been doing in the hands of both Lomar and Bobbels ...

Rolls :
Sense Motive : 13

Monday August 22nd, 2005 2:30:34 AM

Kendry considers Mungo's recommendation.

"Well, sounds better than drowning, certes. Yes, sounds good to me. Two days hence, and we will meet you there, good Mister HardBottle. As long as the rest of us are in agreement?" he looks to the others.

"And it would be well, as you suggest, Airin, to catch up with Bobbles and Lomar. And to see how little Clara is doing."

As long as the rest of the party agrees... he joins them in returning to Hovel, to make the necessary preparations, to get to the root of the problem, as it were.

Monday August 22nd, 2005 8:58:24 AM

"Guys, its quiet obvious to me that we can't all swim this river and expect all our stuff to make it too!"

"I think Mister Hardbottle here as a good idea, although I am not sure he's in it for the same reasons. I think he enjoys our company and since the end point might be the same, he's offering his assistance. That's my two copper opinion!"

Podo does his best to help any anyone that might need it including little Lefty. "If we part ways here, and double time it the way we came, we could be at your Auntie's house inside of a day, I think? That would give us a bit under a day to get our stuff and head to the ferryman's place. Say, where is the ferryman's place anyways?" asks Podo of his friends and of Mister Hardbottle. "Is 2 days enough time for this?" wonders Podo.

Monday August 22nd, 2005 10:13:46 AM

The wide river is definately an obstacle for Lefty, who has never needed to practice swimming.
Kleel smiles at Mungo and agrees, "Yes, that sounds like an excellent plan! Use caution on your way. The ferry station will be close I think, but these days, anything could roam the Culverwood."
The druid turns to his companions, ready for another jaunt through the peaceful woods.
"Airin, have you an animal companion for your journeys? Now might be an excellent time to form a bond. Supposing any animals still live hereabouts. I find it very distressing they have gone...a bad omen it is."

Airin [illegal 2nd post :-) ] 
Monday August 22nd, 2005 10:43:54 AM

As Podo asks for the Ferry Airin replies to him :

"The Ferry is not very far from here, but we don't have to take back the trail through the woods to get there. We'll travel by road and use our pony's to get there quickly. It shouldn't take too long. We've been there before when we came back with the beer for Calfasts political party ! We were welcome there before, I suppose they will welcome us again now."

And to Kleel Airin says :

"Yes indeed Kleel. I really ought to spend some time to find a follower. I have Lomar and Bobbles looking after an Eagle I knocked out of the air with my sap some time ago, but I never had time to prey for it. By the way ... I think you never actually saw Lomar and Bobbles now did you ? Did you Dwight ? Podo ? Well I'll be ... then let's not waste time my friends !! You surely have to meet them !! Though ... you do know what they are don't you ... ?"

Monday August 22nd, 2005 2:48:29 PM

"Eagle?" Kendry overhears Airin's discussion with Kleel about Lomar and Bobbles. "I think that was a hawk, Airin."

Monday August 22nd, 2005 11:49:24 PM

Selithe wakes up after sleeping in nicely and blinks, looking around and sighing softly as she smiles more. She notices the roses and picks them up and chuckles, thinking to herself that evidently Patty didn't mind her snuggling to him and after bit she gets up and prepares to leave only to find her stuff already packed.

After cleaning and refreshing her platinum colored hair with the presad spell. After that she hunts for Patty and hugs him gently and kisses his cheek, "Thanks for packing my bags and for the rosses Patty."

She gives him a wink before being ready to move out.

Supplies in Hovel

Off to see Bobbles [ADM JPW] 
Tuesday August 23rd, 2005 12:23:18 AM

The Return of the Hobbits

Everyone having agreed that they should meet up two day hence at the ferry station to cross the river Crescent in search of Lawni's Lens and the root of evil, the hobbits make their way back to Hovel to gather their belongings, mounts, and animal companions. Mungo travels on ahead to ready himself for the journey.


The journey is uneventful, save the lack of animal sounds aside from Lefty.

Upon arriving back in Hovel, things have calmed down a bit, no more walking corn or horrific rose bushes, but fungi are everywhere.

You head to Eliis & Penelope's place and stables looking to retreive you mounts and rejoin with your fellows. Once you relax and realize you've achieved another level of advancement, do you realize you have but a half day to pack before you must leave again.

Airin and ... 
Tuesday August 23rd, 2005 3:43:15 AM

"A Hawk ? Was that a hawk ? Well it sure was soo big I thought it was an eagle ! Hmmm ... looks like I really ought to study some more about nature and animals don't you think Kendry ?"

Once they get back to Hovel, Airin takes Selithe aside. "Sel, I am going into the forest with the eagl ... hawk ... Remember that one ? Will you join me so you can find your follower as well ? Come ... let's go ..."

Airin goes over to Bobbles and Lomar to look for her hawk. Hopefully the tiny bird is in good shape. When she sees Bobbles and Lomar a broad smile appears on her face and she greets them merrily - hugging both of them. She's very thankfull they both looked after the bird soo well.

Later she asks the group to leave her - and hopefully Selithe as well - alone for at least 24 hours till they come back, and then she takes the Hawk into the forest and when they found a small clearing she sits down with the Hawk and starts to meditate.


It's up to our DM JPW to descide if Airin succeeds in this or not and if she has enough time


One day later, and hopefully just in time to pack she returns with the tiny bird on her shoulder.

"Friends, meet Fioni ..."

Tuesday August 23rd, 2005 7:25:27 AM

Following the groups lead, Dwight wonders about getting a follower of his own, but decides the timing isn't right. Some many ideas presented to adventurers.

Dwight looks around and makes sure all of his gear is still with him, making it easy to be ready at a moments notice. Otherwise, Dwight will help restock food supplies prior to setting off again.

Tuesday August 23rd, 2005 8:24:01 AM

Patty spends the small amount of down time that the group has practicing his swordplay in a safe area...prehaps an open barn if there is one handy. He is getting quite proficent with his bastardsword and he carefully goes through the steps and moves that he was taught at the WLA. As he whirls the blade about, he alternates between powerfull blows and defensive strikes, battering away imaginary attacks. After he has worked up a good sweat and is satisfied with his progression, he returns to the group, wondering if he has time for a bath before they head out.

Tuesday August 23rd, 2005 9:11:44 AM

Life on the road can build an apetite, so Kleel makes straight way to see a pair of brothers. Their farm is fairly large, and they have no wives to bag them down. This makes the place ideal for drinking and feasting in the liveliest of manners. He tells them of his small break before journeying again, and they agree to spread word. While Kleel goes to alert his party of the small welcome feast, the twins pass the word of a great celebration.
Kleel gives each party member he finds a quick invite, "Hey, the Ramey brothers are throwing a little bash for our welcome home! Plenty of spirits and fine food! Just head on over when you like."
The merrymaking amoung the bachelors is quite a roar, and Kleel returns from it slightly inebriated. "Hey fellash! Tha wash a great l'il time! I'll be a l'il tipshy on the trip out, sorry". Everyine quickly notes that Kleel has a bucket on top of his head like a makeshift helm.

Tuesday August 23rd, 2005 9:21:14 PM

Dwight sits back and watches those that drink way to much. It takes him most of the night to finish the one drink he holds. He sits in deep thought, though he struggles to find the thought. At times some would think he is meditating.

Tuesday August 23rd, 2005 9:23:47 PM

Podo visits with Ellis and his family for a brief amount of time. He then look into buying or procuring for himself another quarter staff.

Podo will pack, repack and assure he's procured everything he might need for this next journey. When the opportunity presents itself, he hopes to meet Bobbles and Lomar as well.

Wednesday August 24th, 2005 12:26:26 AM

Kendry smiles at Airin's mention for the need to study more about nature. "It's always good to learn more about our Wold. Just be careful you don't start growing ferns for hair," he teases.

He swings by Aunt Marigold's place, makes sure things are fine there, explains briefly the trail of vegetation, and that they will need to cross the river to continue to follow.

He greets Ellis and Penelope, and asks if he can look in on little Clara Alilliama Domiselithe Airina Marigold Pipewood Greentree. If so, he sings a couple of the little songs his papa and mama sang him and his younger siblings when they were babes.

He checks on his ponies, and their saddlebags and such - oh, look! - he left the hat of disguise in one of the saddlebags! He lets Ellis know that they will be leaving in half a day, and he'll stop by for them at that time.

Then, he is more than happy to go with his friends to see two of his friends, the large Lomar, and the smaller Bobbles. He introduces them to those who have joined more recently, is happy to interpret between Bobbles the goblin and his friends and family, and spends a while letting them know what has been going on with them, and at the same time asks how they are fitting in to life here in Hovel. "Have you been helping with chores?" Kendry shows Lomar the several sheets of parchment upon which he wrote the story of the birth of Ebryon and the aftermath. "Maybe you can make some songs about this."

He sings the songs he himself composed in battle, and for the blessing of the baby Clara.

"Those smoked goggles working out for you during the day, Bobbles?" he asks.

He also quietly slips them each 10 gp.

Kendry also invites either one to join them on their foray towards Lawni's Lens, should they wish to come.

He checks in with the local butcher, and asks about clean bladders he can buy. He explains he expects to use them as floatation devices, should the need arise.

He also asks to learn whether Burgomeister Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly is in town. They have some unfinished business. If he is able to see him, he'll talk about the WLA training they received, and see if an outpost could not be established real soon in the Crescent Valley. "We need more training, already!" he tells him. He asks how things are going as Burgomeister - especially with all that has happened since the conjunction of the moons.

Home Again! Part One[ADM JPW]  2d100(82+71)+2=155
Wednesday August 24th, 2005 12:46:41 AM

Home Again!

Upon arrival back in Hovel, everyone goes in their chosen directions; Airin looks after her Hawk friend & Bobbles and Lomar team of caretakers, Kleel looks for a party, Dwight takes it all in stride, Patterton hooks up with his mount and spends sometime practicing his new moves he learned at WLA guild, Podo visits with the Ellis family, and last but not least Kendry tries to touch base with everyone.

The Ramey Brother's Party
Kleel gets some of his friends to start up a party and he invites the rets of the gang. Dwight attends and learns that some people drink faster than others.

Burgomeister Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly

Kendry asks after his lordship, the Burgomeister Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly hoping to hold a quick meeting with him. Unfortunately he learns that the Burgomeister just left Hovel a few days ago headed back to Angel Springs.

Bobbles, Lomar, and Fioni!

Airin meets with Bobbles and Lomar, manages to handle the hawk with ease and heads out back into the forest for a nice meditative session with the hawk. "Bobbles, Lomar...let Kendry know I'll be finished tomorrow sometime and that I'll be off in the forest communicating with Nature!" says Airin rather excitedly.

Upon hearing the invitation from Kendry to accompany them on their next adventure in half a days time, both Bobbles and Lomar jump for joy and readily agree.

...Twenty-four hours later...

Airin emerges from the forest one happy hobbit. Riding in stride with her is that very same Hawk, but this time its on her shoulder! Airin walks to the appointed gathering place and announces to the group her success in landing an agreement with the Hawk. "Everyone, this is Fioni!" says Airin as she holds the Hawk up for all to see.

Wednesday August 24th, 2005 1:16:49 AM

(OOC:ACK! The game moved abit faster then I expected.)

Selithe when they return home also goes with her brother to visit everyone. She miles and is happy to see both Bobbles and Lomar again and asks both how they are doing.

If Selithe is able she does head off with Airin to try and get her familiar also, taking the necessary components to get her familiar also. (Will deduct money from my sheet if thats okay. I was really going to have my character go with Airin so I hope that was still open even knows my post is abit late ;( .)

If her summoning of her famiiar goes right then Selithe will be returning with Airin, her hawk and Selithe with a ferret which Selithe scratches on the head gently and grins.(I don't remember if the ferret is in the book or under the alternate familiars for various sized races. If the ferret doesn't work then I can pick something else.)

Kleel  d20+1=14
Wednesday August 24th, 2005 5:52:30 AM

The sight of an ogre mage and goblin are a bit much for the druid, who stares, mouth agape. They don't look like allies. But what the heck, they aren't eating hobbits.
"Well, hello fellows! I am the mighty drunken Kleel! I am pleashured to meet you!"
He steps forward to shake hands with Bobbles, and, well, doesn't know what to do about Lomar. His bucket on top of his head slides down to cover his eyes, and he pushes it back up.
"What was your time like here in Hovel? I bet the food was to your liking! I don't imagine ogres and goblins have much skills in the kitchen."

OOC:Diplomacy = 14

Airin and Fioni  d20+7=19
Wednesday August 24th, 2005 8:02:04 AM

Proud and happy Airin emerges from the woods with Fioni on her shoulder.

"She will be our scout from above ... "

Airin goes over to Blossom and makes Fioni accustomed to the Pony. Then she mounts Blossom and let's Fioni sit on her lower arm - an extra leather patch on her armor especially there to keep Fioni's claws from ripping her armor.

"Now let's start moving again !!"

Rolls :
Handle Animal : 19 (making Fiono accustomed to Blossom)

Wednesday August 24th, 2005 2:32:08 PM

Patty leads Barnabus to where the Ogre/Ogre mage and Goblin are speaking with their new friend and gives Lomar and Bobbles a warm greeting. "Hello fellahs!"and then,upon hearing part of Kleel's conversation, "Not unless you like your soup with Hobbit in it!" He gives the drunken Halfling a good natured wink and goes about straping his gear to his pony and making sure the chain barding is fixed on snugly.

To Airin(if she is in the area): Patty gives her a nod and cocks an eyebrow at Fioni. 'Wasn't that one of the birds that attacked us?' he thinks to himself, 'I hope Airin's hold over it is more powerful then Ebyron's...'

There's never enough time! Part 2 [ADM JPW] 
Wednesday August 24th, 2005 8:51:05 PM

There's never enough time!

(OCC: I've broken 2 days into parts so other can experience Hovel and the trip to the ferryboat)

Patteron finally reunites with Barabus after what seems like forever. He packs, checks all the barding and prepares his best for another journey. Selithe unwinds and catches up with all her friends and loved ones.

While the group is busy with reunions, visits with loved ones and friends, you take into notice the sounds of animals, birds, and normality -- a welcomed change.

Kleel  d20+5=22
Wednesday August 24th, 2005 9:44:19 PM

"Interesting friend you have there Airin." Kleel approaches Fioni, producing a few bread crumbs from his pocket. He attempts to feed Fioni(Handle Animal 22) and is rewarded with a croak of pleasure as the hawk picks at the crumbs with it's sharp beak.
Lefty shuffles over from the direction Kleel came from. When his snout picks up the bread crumbs, he hustles over to Kleel. The druid tosses a few more crumbs at the badger, who snaps them out of the air and wolfs them down greedily.

Wednesday August 24th, 2005 9:58:37 PM

Podo does his best to find and practice with a quarter staff, but remembering he's in town, he heads to the general store to get one.

After obtaining a Qstaff, Podo finds his friends and takes some time to get to know Bobbles and Lomar better.

Kendry's letter to Burgomeister Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly 
Wednesday August 24th, 2005 11:03:00 PM

Kendry, on hearing that Calfast has left town, writes him a letter.
Burgomeister Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly
Angel Springs

[today's date - whatever that might be]

Dear Burgomeister Calfast,

Congratulations again on your election to your current post. It was indeed an honor to have been given the opportunity to contribute in some small way to the success of your recent campaign. I truly believe that you are well suited to deal with the crisis we now face, and pray you be granted good wisdom in the decisions and actions you must take.

I am enclosing with this letter a copy of the report I wrote for the Gold Dragons and the Woldian League of Adventures in Plateau City. It details the birth of Ebryon, who styles himself the King of the Fey. Likely you already had a chance to talk this over with Ellis and Penelope. At the end I have added a few pages reporting on the words of the - well, I guess with the Gold and the Storm Dragons joining together, they are calling themselves the Platinum Dragons, now. [The aforementioned additional pages can be gleaned from highlights from the Crescent Valley archives, June 21 - 29 2005, especially Valdor's words. Also, a copy of the sketch he made for them is included in the report.]

Speaking of the WLA, my sister Selithe, cousins Patterton, and Podo, as well as my good friends Airin and Dwight are now members. We signed up in Plateau City, and Captain Oosterlinck and the trainers there put us through our paces, training us in weapons and skills. I let the Capt know that you were wanting a WLA outpost, likely in Angel City. Sure would be nice to have that close to home.

By the way, if you ever need it - we have the means to call up the Platinum Dragons. That is, to talk to them from where we are to where they are. Valdor is awesome, if a bit touchy at times. We met Dahlia Fastfingers - she's a hobbit, too, but her skin is a lot darker than I've ever seen on any hobbit in the Valley. Also Father Nicholas Valentine, and Myrridan - you might have met him before, as he comes to the valley once in a while. It was Myrridan and Savoulus, both druids, who took us over to the city, traveling through trees! From oak to oak, and some willows. Simone the Silver, she's also a druid, came with us, too.

Plateau City was amazing! This one building - the Star Mages Guild tower - was maybe three hundred feet tall - as tall as the tallest tree I've ever seen. Selithe wants to join the Guild once she gets to where she can pass their tests. Olo decided to stay in Plateau City to work on his culinary arts. Will miss him on the trail!

Anyway, I know you are very busy these days. We are on our way now to follow some ambulatory vegetation across the Peaseblossom, to see if we can find out who or what is behind the vegetable uprising of a day ago. We followed the trail - with spores and rotting plantlife left here and there along the way. We met Mungo HardBottle of Angel Springs - he tells us he has a vast library! We're on our way to meet up with him. He was on his way to Lawni's Lens, and that is the general direction the trail seemed to be taking, up until we got to the river. We are taking Bobbles and Lomar with us, so they can stretch their legs again. Oh, Kleel, of Hovel, has just joined us, too, with his talented badger, Lefty.

Enough rambling on my part. Thank you for your encouragement. If there is anything we can do for you, please let us know. Oh, by the way - I know she was one of your opponents in the election, but I've got to say that my Aunt Marigold is one talented hobbit lady, as I am learning more and more. Crescent Valley is indeed blessed to have the caliber of people that you and she represent.

May knowledge, understanding and blessings be yours to wisely guide our homeland.


Kendry Leafwin Pipewood
He writes a copy of the letter which he shows to any of his companions who wish to see it. He places the original and the report in a scroll case. He wraps string around the ends several times, then drips candle wax over the string, and using the scrollwork from the end of the pegboard on his lute, makes the mark of his seal in the wax. He checks with Ellis to learn who would be best to send the scrollcase to the Burgomeister, pays any requisite fees, and sends it on its way.

Thursday August 25th, 2005 2:06:21 AM

Kendry did take the time to join Kleel and the Ramey brothers. He limited himself to about half a cup of beer - he wants to keep his head clear for the time being. But he enjoys the company. If any ask him, he'll be happy to play a few tunes on his lute, and sing a song or two. He only stays an hour, though, as he has much to do.

"Actually, Lomar is a good cook. You should have tasted what he and Olo cooked up down in the Red Hills!" Kendry says regarding Lomar's culinary skills.

"But, even better than that, he plays the drums, and writes stories and poems and songs, and even has additional, hidden talents, Kleel."

He adds, "Bobbles, too, he can see in the dark - and he helped us out of a real scrap a few weeks back. Saved my life, he did!" He translates into goblin for Bobbles - and tries to get a feel for how well Bobbles is picking up the common tongue - or halfling.

"If you are going to come with us, then get those things together that you want to bring. If there's something you need, and don't have, tell us, and we'll see if we can get it."

He also drops in on Betty Burrboot, whose barn Lomar and Bobbles have been sleeping in, to ask how things are going with the unusual pair.

Very happy for Airin, he greets her with joy, and takes a good look at Fioni. He wishes he had some food to offer, too, but he left that over at Ellis' stables with the mounts.

Kendry makes up on the spot and sings this little ditty:
The hobbit lass went in the woods
To spend time with a swift hawk
Twas to make friends, that's if she could
She flies above, as she walks
Fioni flies, and Airin walks
Nature's halfing, friend of hawk

La-la la-la-la di-dah-di
La-la la-la-la di-dah!
And after singing this little song, he laughs, and says, "That is probably one of the silliest little songs I have made up. But, I'm happy for you, dear Airin. It will be fun to have Fioni along with us." He gives her free hand a squeeze.

"All right, everyone, Airin's right. It's time to head out to Ellis' stables, get our mounts and such, and onward to meet good Mungo."

Thursday August 25th, 2005 2:24:01 AM

(OOC:Faithful and good DM :) Was Selithe able to get a ferret as a animal companion? I was going to add more into my post about that but wanted to wait. Also I will have my charactersheet in shortly since I need to get the familiar on it? the riding dog and gear Selithe is getting in the Catacombs currently also and leveled up I take it. Sorry, I haven't been able to get into my email yet, this computer is slower then heck with email and sometimes freezes.)

Airin and Fioni  d20+6=7 d20+16=27 d20+9=29
Thursday August 25th, 2005 6:15:45 AM

Fioni allows Kleel to welcome her yet waits to picks the crumbs from his hands till Airin says it's ok.

Airin mounts Blossom and awaits the departure of the others. On the road she keeps an eye out for trouble and let's Fioni fly in circles above them. Airin's soo happy about Fioni that she just can't concentrate on the road. She keeps gazing at the bird high in the air ! Guess a Giant could be standing in the middle of the road, and she wouldn't even notice !!

Lucky Fioni isn't that distracted ! Should she see something Airin asked her to warn her.

Rolls :
Airin Spot : 7 - nat 1 (great)
Fioni Spot : 27
Airin listen : 29 - Nat 20 !! Talking about extremes

Thursday August 25th, 2005 7:09:20 AM

Dwight sits back and watches as his friends busy themselves with details. He helps anyone that needs it, but spends these hours relaxing.

Thursday August 25th, 2005 8:53:51 AM

Patty struggles into his armor and places his helmet on his head before mounting his pony and trotting him about for a few to get his blood pumping. After that, Patterton prepares to leave with the others.

There's never enough time! part 3 [ADM JPW] 
Friday August 26th, 2005 12:25:32 AM

Just about everyone is assembled with their mounts making ready their journey to the fuzzy boatman & Mungo HardBottle.

Bobbles, Lomar, the animal companions, Friends, Family, and total strangers are now begining to assemble.

Podo is not back yet, nor is Selithe anywhere to be found. Perhaps, no everyone is ready to depart just yet.

Friday August 26th, 2005 4:19:39 AM

"Oh, I know where Selithe is," Kendry says. "I'll be back as soon as I can." He runs off to a place a few hundred yards away.

Inge and Fioni 
Friday August 26th, 2005 5:13:55 AM

Airin suddenly stop as she notices her friends are not following ...

"euh ... what are you all waiting for ?!?"

Kleel  d20+5=24
Friday August 26th, 2005 8:11:39 AM

Seeing Kendry take off, Kleel feels there may be a long wait ahead. He grabs a stick from the ground and whistles towards Lefty. "Hey Lefty! Wanna Fetch? Go get it(Handle Animal = 24)"! Kleel hurls the stick past the badger, who whips his head around to follow its motion. The badger leaps after the missle, his wide body jerking back and forth as he races to catch the stick. Lefty jumps slightly to snap his jaws on the stick within inches of it hitting the grass. He returns somewhat slower, huffing and squeaking. The stick is dropped at Kleel's feet, and Lefty is rewarded with another handful of bread crumbs.
"That's a champ! Your ready for the dog show now. Except for you not being a dog. Sucks to be you."
Lefty merely chuffs at this, and sits down to start licking his paw.

Patterton  d20+5=11
Friday August 26th, 2005 10:46:39 AM

Patty pats Barnabus on the neck and nudges him into a gallop down the road. He catches up with Airin and says, "They're looking for Podo and Selithe at the moment. Want to race back? Barnabus is a little stiff and needs a bit of exercise to warm up before we head out. How 'bout it?"

If she agrees, Patterton swings his mount around and spurs him into a full sprint.(ride 11)

Friday August 26th, 2005 6:12:20 PM

Dwight finds a good comfy root and again sits and watches his companions and the ever growing group of wildlife following their commands. "Maybe I'll get a animal friend of my own. Well after I get some more coin perhaps. .... This library sounds like an interesting place to read about some new stuff.... Perhaps I should have written to my father again..." As he sits and waits his thoughts continue to wonder.

There's never enough time! part 4 [ADM JPW] 
Saturday August 27th, 2005 12:48:41 AM

Kendry runs with Selithe and Podo who were both last minute shoppers. All of you have what you feel you need to begin again your journey...onwards to HardBottle!

Saturday August 27th, 2005 3:54:32 PM

Kleel glances at Lefty, wondering why he stopped drinking so early. Maybe being late is okay with this crowd.
"Hey!", he calls towards the latecomers, "I'm not getting any younger here!" Frustrated, he takes the bucket off his head and scratches at the fresh growth of stubble on his head. The bucket is back on when Kendry arrives. Kleel has a teasing smile for Kendry and the others to take the sting from his words.

Kendry returns with STUFF 
Monday August 29th, 2005 1:53:33 AM

After a little bit, Kendry returns to the group. Yet, not alone.

He has with him a big dog. On the dog is a saddle, and saddlebags. The dog is well laden down. Kendry is well laden down. The two of them are carrying and dragging much along the street to Ellis' stables. Moving slowly. The dog pants. Kendry huffs and puffs.

They arrive, and Kendry drops some things, puts down the rest, and then relieves the dog of his burden.

"Picked up a few things," he announces to his friends. "It'll take but a few minutes to rearrange them.

He begins filling the pack saddles on his two ponies with much of the gear he brought along - and is happy to accept a measure of assistance in the task.

As he works, he surreptitiously passes to Patterton a hefty pouch. "This is yours."

And, he tells all, "Friends, cousins - this is my new dog, Cheann. Means 'head' - or 'thinker,' I suppose. My sister Selithe should be along any minute. She has a dog, too."

He goes on to explain that he just sold an item he acquired before any except Selithe was with the group, of those who are here. With the proceeds, he picked up a few things for himself - Cheann being chief among them, along with his gear - saddle, food, and so forth. He got more ink and an inkpen, since he seems to spend a fair amount of time writing.

"I also picked up some magic items." He holds each item up for any to see who wants to see. "This feather token can change into a boat that could carry all of us here and our mounts. This other feather token can serve as an anchor to the boat. Each lasts only one full day. This vial contains the elixir of swimming. This flask holds a universal solvent, able to neutralize glue, or a tanglefoot bag. In this little jar is unguent of timelessness. Very carefully spread over something that used to be alive, it will help to preserve it for a very long time without further deterioration."

He also explains that he bought a fair amount of things for wilderness survival and camping. He shows the list he obtained from the Catacombs outlet.

Canvas, 12 sq. yd.: 1 gp 2 sp
Chain (10 ft. (3 3-1/3' lengths)): 30 gp
Crowbar, cold iron: 4 gp
Fishing net, 25 sq. ft.: 4 gp
Grappling hook: 1 gp
Hammer: 5 sp
Iron Pot: 5 sp
Jug, clay: 3 cp
Lantern, bullseye: 12 gp
Lantern, hooded: 7 gp
8 Mugs/Tankard, clay: 1 sp 6 cp
10 Oil (1-pint flasks): 1 sp
6 Signal whistles: 4 gp 8 sp
Shovel: 2 gp
Rope, hempen (350 ft.): 7 gp

Trail rations: 15 days worth: 7 gp 5 sp
Feed for ponies: 10 days worth: 5 sp
20 big waterskins: 20 gp
Tent (including lines, stakes, etc.): 10 gp
Two person tent (small size) (as above): 10 gp

20 Cold Iron Arrows: 2 gp
Net: 20 gp
Battleaxe: 10 gp
Handaxe: 6 gp

"If anyone wishes to claim some item for herself, or himself, tell us - I'm including the magical items, here - though, I trust that should the need arise for the use of one of them, there would be a willingness to use them for the common good.

"If someone knows how to use a net in battle - then I would have him or her take this net. It can entrap an opponent, just as can a tanglefoot bag. If an opponent is netted, and THEN also tanglefooted," Kendry waggles his eyebrows, "Well, I would call that well stuck!

"The handaxe and battleaxe are, frankly, mainly for chopping firewood, and to cut poles for a tripod for hanging the cooking pots, and the like. But, if someone wants to use one or the other for fighting - well, there you are.

"My plan is to use the cold iron arrows should fey attack us - but I hope it does not come to that. If someone wants some of the arrows, take ten, and I'll have the other ten. The same goes for the cold iron crowbar - it can double as a club, if someone wants that.

"With the tents, should it rain, they may help keep us and our gear dry. Oh - each of us should have a signal whistle." He hands out one to each person in the group.

Once the repacking is done, he looks back the way he came. He sighs. "They arrived at the outpost before I did, and were purchasing less than I. Selithe and Podo, that is. Well, let us hope they come forth soon."

Airin and Fioni  d20+4=15
Monday August 29th, 2005 6:40:41 AM

"Sure Patty ! I'll race you there !!"

Immediately Airin spurs Blossom to race with Barnabus.

"yihaaa !!! .... "

Fioni, sees the fun of this race and joins the fun. Only a few inches above Airin's head the hawk races with both her and Patty !!

Yet Fioni flies much faster than both Barnabus and Blossom ! (she flies 60ft x 4 = 240ft - Blossom can only run 40ft x 40 = 160ft)

Victorious the Hawk awaits it's master and playfully picks in Airin's armor as if to say : "nah ! I won, and I still had to pay you back for that thud on my head ..."

Rolls :
Ride : 15

We're off to see the Mungo...part 1 [ADM JPW] 
Monday August 29th, 2005 9:29:00 AM

With everyone situated, packed to the gills, Dogs, Ponies, and halflings, the group journeys East-North East to the appointed location; the old Ferry station to meet Mungo Hardbottle.

Along the way, Airin and Patterton along with Airin's animal companion; a hawk; race and have fun releasing the energies that have been built up in each of their mounts.

Selithe and Kendry each with their mounts -- both Pony and Dog -- are a caravan unto themselves. Each dog is most excited to be doing something other than being merchandise in a window.

Podo, with his new staffs, and Dwight along with Kleel have an enjoyable time walking & talking amongst themselves.

Kendry discovers; via his skills and expereince; that the group should be arriving at the appointed location within the hour.

Podo wonders why they can't hear the river?

Kendry  d20+7=20 d20+4=19
Monday August 29th, 2005 4:20:56 PM

Kendry laughs at Kleel's bucket helm. "That's a handy thing to have while out in the woods. You can carry water and such, and, as you have found, have a bit of a helmet, too!

[Knowledge, nature: 20] "Well, Podo," Kendry responds after thinking over his cousin's wondering, "I expect we'll be hearing the river soon - unless the King of Pumpkins and Sunflowers has caused it to be completely covered over with vegetation."

[Handle animals: 19] Kendry makes sure that the ponies stay in line.

He enjoys just walking in the Crescent Valley wilderness with his friends, getting to know Cheann and Selithe's Grá, admiring Podo's new staffs, and watching Patterton and Airin race their ponies, and seeing the hawk, Fioni, taking advantage of the air above.

"So, Dwight - tell me about what kinds of spells and skills and such you've managed to learn as an adventurer," he says, hoping to draw him out. "I'd be happy to tell you some of mine."

Monday August 29th, 2005 8:30:31 PM

Patty reigns in Barabus when it becomes obvious that both Airin and her newly aquired avian friend have gotten the better of him. He shakes his head in mock disgust and swats his stocky war pony on the neck lightly.

"No more grain for you until you drop a few pounds, porky." He says to his mount, "Well, I guess that goes for both of us." He trots ahead to meet up with his companions.

Monday August 29th, 2005 9:41:42 PM

Dwight continues on with the group enjoying the calm scenery.

"Can't say I've had much success with spells yet. I found a book once describing how some have the ability to make things occur with magic. I've been hoping I was one of the chosen." He almost laughs, but others can tell he actually hopes he has the ability mentioned.

"It was hard to read, but I have imagined so long and tried to practice. I'm not even sure what I would be expecting with the ability if I had it. The book also mentioned those that study and learn the ability to work magic. I would guess both would study to some extent. Kendry, which ability do you possess?"

Monday August 29th, 2005 10:23:54 PM

Kleel tips his bucket/helmet to Kendry, "Well, thanks Kendry, I am all about setting fashion trends! I see you have brought quite the batch of goodies. You are the sort of hobbit that goes to get some flour, and returns with a wagonload of stuff." The comment is followed with a friendly grin, for Kleel has no real objection to extra supplies.
Lefty is sniffing the ground and nearby bushes as the party travels, interested in whatever it is badgers are interested in. Kleel tosses a bread chunk to Lefty, who snaps it out of the air and wolfs it down without pause. The white-striped face glances at Kleel hungrily, and little chuffs of hunger issue from his narrow snout. "That will be it until we break for meal, little guy. You're already wider than the pony over there."

Back on the trail of the Shambling Thatch

We're off to see the Mungo...part 2 [ADM JPW] 
Tuesday August 30th, 2005 12:01:21 AM

All of you enjoy the nice easy trip to the ferry statioin to meet up with Mungo HardBottle.

As you approach you can see Mister HardBottle their with his pony packed with supplies. Looks like he's loaded for a hunting trip. You also notice that the ferry station although a wonderfully constructed building is all boarded up. There is a sign you can barely make out. (make a spot check vs. DC 10)Highlight to display spoiler: {Those that make a successful spot check make out what is left of a sign reading closed due to lack of river. }

Mungo points to the river saying "Had I known the river dwindles as you walk towards Hovel and Angel Springs...heck we could have been half way to the Lens by now!" laughing as he speaks to the group; slapping his knees.

"Since we can all cross the river now, we should probably break for a camp an hour or two after we reach the other side." suggests Mungo. He appears to have been thinking on this for a while now.

All of you make it easily across the creek for that is all the river is at this point of its journey to the bay. Two hours into your journey past the creek an overwhelming sensation for sleep overtakes the group. Podo, quick to rest chimes in that making a camp soon would be great and that themounts need to rest as they haven't journeyed in a while.

Mungo inquires about who's wants what chores.

Tuesday August 30th, 2005 12:38:00 AM

(OOC:Sorry Kim for taking so long, rl booting in the butt abit. JP and Kim, would it be possible to post my transaction here for the DM to see rather then try to email it? I will be emailing a updated copy of Selithe's CS but the less emails needing sent the better for me.)

Selithe moves along with the rest of the party, having remained silent for now as she is thinking and enjoying the company of her familiar and also her new riding dog Gra who is definetly enjoying her time out of the Catacombs.

When camp comes Selithe looks to Patty and Airin, "Hey Patty, I have a sleeping bag and such, could you set ite and Airin go get wood for a cook and camp fire?"

If Patty agres then Selithe gently grabs Airin's arm and motions to her hawk, "Come on, I want to see your hawk fly too and I'll introduce you to my familiar also while we get wood."

Patterton  d20+2=14
Tuesday August 30th, 2005 1:17:17 AM

Patty nods pleasantly to Selithe as the two girls head off in to the wood to gather wood. For just a moment he considers following them to make sure they don't run in to any danger, but decides that the two of them are more than capable of taking care of themselves. Instead, Patterton goes about setting up camp, laying down his sleeping bag next to Selithe's as well as hammering down the small tent. After that is done, he pitches in however he can, grooming and feeding the horses (handle animal =14), tending to the fire, shooing the ever increasing pack of familiars away from the food, and basically helping out however he can.

When he is satisfied with what he has done, he makes his way over to Kleel and strikes up a conversation with him. "So, ever make your way up to the Rainbow Highlands? That's where I'm from. You look as though you've seen your share of travel."

Airin and Fioni  d20+7=26
Tuesday August 30th, 2005 3:29:39 AM

"Sure Selithe ! Let's look for some dry branches."

As Airin and Selithe come closer to Selithe's dog Airin makes a few symbols in the air and whispers : "Laat me met dieren spreken" and kneels in of the Dog> Carefully she shows to the Dog and starts to ... bark to him : (for those who speak "Dog") Highlight to display spoiler: {"Now you be nice ...}" she looks up to Selithe and asks her : "What's his ... her ? ... name Selithe ?" and then continues to the Dog : Highlight to display spoiler: {"This here is Fioni, a little hawk. Maybe you are her can be best friends ? I'm Airin, and good friend of your master Selithe. That one over there is Patty ... he has a crush on your master ... be nice to him ... hehehe ... We'll have a great time together I can tell ! "}

"Nice dog" she says to Selithe.

As they prepare for camp she asks Fioni to have some sleep and then circle above them to guard the camp. If something's wrong Fioni will shriek loudly to warn the group.

Rolls :
Handle Animal : 27

Active Spells :
Speak with Animals : 2 minutes

ooc : will get a new spell list after our rest

Kendry  d20+2=3 d20+2=8 d20+2=17 d20+2=17 d20+7=24
Tuesday August 30th, 2005 4:03:38 AM

To answer Dwight's question
"Well, you know I am a bard - as is my father. He is much more experienced than I, though. But, as for what things I can do?" he begins. "Stop me anytime. I tend to get talking and sometimes forget to stop," he says with a wry smile. "Bards sing and play instruments. I play the lute and other stringed instruments, and am thinking of taking up some wind instruments, too. You've heard me sing before. Sometimes a bard's song inspires others, perhaps filling them with a wee bit of extra courage and even skill. Or, if a screetching harpy were to assault our ears, I might be able to provide a countersong that would prevent her evil noisy assault from harming us.

"I know some spells. Among them, of the beginning level, are: Detect magic, know direction, mage hand, message, prestidigitation and read magic. Three of these a day can I cast. Of the first order spells, I know cure light wounds, feather fall, and expeditious retreat. Two a day can I cast of these.

"I've bits and pieces of knowledge about the arcane, bardic lore, history - local and general, of nature and religion. I speak and write halfling, common, elfish, giant, sylvan, goblin, sign language, draconic, high Woldian, and aurun.

"I fight with rapier, and composite shortbow, mainly. As you know, I just learned the bastard sword. And tanglefoot bags are among my favorite things to throw.

"I was born in, and lived for some time in the Culverwood. Don't seem to get lost there as much as some folk do. You can get twisted around some, though."

Kendry then turns to Dwight. "All right, I've done so for you. Now can you name me some of the spells that you can cast, and what skills have you learned in life, that fit with the ways of the adventurer?"

At the ... Riverbed
"So - when did the Peaseblossom dry up?!" Kendry wonders in astonishment. "Was this just over the past few days? Is it part of Ebryon's doing?" This seems very odd to the bard. Though the river's flow will change with the seasons, he has never seen nor heard of it ceasing altogether. He asks Mungo if he has heard of the river drying up before in his lifetime.

Not fully trusting the riverbed - what if there are sinkholes, quicksand or mud? - Kendry's crossing is tentative. He is relieved once they complete the crossing, and marks in his mind the path they took across.

Laying in for the night
"I'll set up the cooking pots," Kendry volunteers. "We've got two of them. One I bought off of an inn a couple fortnights ago. The other I just bought today." He looks about for six reasonably stout sticks he can use for tripods. Each pot he hangs from one tripod, building side-by-side fires with the wood the young women hobbits provide. One he fills with water. The other some water, and fixings for a stew.

Kendry gets out a couple hundred feet of hempen rope, and starts to take the time, as Airin did the other day, to set up a trip wire about the perimeter. However, in his first attempt, he manages to get a chunk of the rope all tangled up (natural 1 on Rope Use check - with additional checks of 8, 17 and 17). He works on this, and works on it, and finally unravels it. He then finally gets in a rhythm, and sets the rope about six to ten inches off the ground as a trip wire, concealed where he can conceal it, around the encampment. He leaves two openings where people can walk through without having to step over the raised rope.

"Who wants to dig a privy pit?" he asks as he attends to the warming stew. He provides his shovel to whoever volunteers.

He also indicates he has two tents. Knowing the local weather patterns pretty well [Knowledge: Nature 24], he will pitch both tents if it looks likely to rain. If not, he pitches only the smaller tent, into which he places the packs and gear he removed from the horses.

As Kendry attends to these various tasks, he talks to Cheann, working with him, playing with him a little bit. [I am assuming that Airin cast speak with animals when she and Selithe were off by themselves gathering wood.] He feeds Cheann and the ponies, and thanks Patterton for his attention to the ponies. Once Selithe and Airin are back, he lets his sister know he has food for Gra, too.

As he earlier worked on the trip rope, he found a few flowers, which he makes into a pretty bouquet, and ties together with strings of grass. This he shyly gives to Airin at some point. "Was just thinking of you."

He interacts with everyone in range at camp, checking to see how they are doing. He asks Mungo what the looking glasses are like at Lawni's Lens.

Kendry finds himself yawning more than usual. As they sit down to eat - he passes out bowls full of stew and mugs to all - his weariness comes upon him strongly. He forces himself to finish one bowl, but does not return for seconds, as is his wont. He takes out his lute and plays a quiet song or two.

"Sorry, friends. I'm bushed. If you don't mind, I'm hitting the hay. I'll take third or forth watch, if that's all right." Kendry bundles himself up in his blanket, next to the tent.

Aside for DM - Did the party note any animals about on this side of the river, today?

Tuesday August 30th, 2005 6:45:07 AM

When Airin returns and gets the flowers from Kendry she's taken completely off guard, blushes and stammers

"I .. we ... gee Kendry ... thanks ... they're beautiful ... "

She quickly turns away.

Later that night when they all go to bed, you can see Airin sleeping happily with a broad smile upon her face, the flowers still in her hand close to her face so she smells their lovely scent ...

Tuesday August 30th, 2005 8:41:40 AM

"Well, Patty, I have traveled outside alot, but only into the deeper recesses of the Culverwood. I learned the ways of the woods while there, where the druids and rangers roam. What is this Rainbow place you speak of? Lots of mountains there?"
Kleel chats with Kendry a bit, while helping with the meal, to learn about this Lens device, then passes around a flask of some hobbit-made 'shine to warm Mungo, Kendry, Patty, Podo, and Dwight. The girls are out in the woods, and what they don't know isn't going to hurt them.
After the meal, he takes the pans and other utensils and scrubs them clean before stowing them away. He whistles up Lefty, donates leftovers to the badger and the dogs, then sets his bedroll towards the edge of the camp, on the southern side.
"I am bushed from my day of drinking spirits! 'Night Kendry. 'Night Patty. 'Night Podo. 'Night Airin. 'Night Selithe. 'Night Dwight. Try to get some rest everyone, its not like we are in the middle of a war out here."
Lefty grooms his paws a bit, sniffs around the ground for a clean area, and curls up several feet from Kleel, at the edge of the camp. Kleel is quickly out like a light.

Patterton  d20+6=7
Tuesday August 30th, 2005 3:10:58 PM

Patty gladly accepts the spirits that Kleel offers, but sips only enough to brush off the chill night air. After everyone chats up for a while and supper is served, Patterton decides to keep the first watch. He finds a suitable tree and thinks about scaling it, but after his first attempt, decides against it (natural 1! These things are contagious!). Instead, he sits at the base of tree with his crossbow loaded.

After his watch is over, he wakes Dwight to relieve him and makes his way into the tent with Selithe, careful not to awaken her.

Tuesday August 30th, 2005 11:00:37 PM

Dwight listens with interest as Kendry explains how bardic lore works. And ponders whether or not he could learn to play and instrument.

He smiles recalling a past attempt. "I once found a flute, and tried for a month to play the smallest of songs. I may have been closer, but my brothers couldn't take it anymore so they hid my flute. Pa would have been mad had they broken it. Instead they buried it in a field. Eventually I managed to find it, but the weather had taken its toll and it wouldn't play a note. I had managed to save some money by then and decided to buy some drums instead. It's one of the few times my brothers begged for mercy as I began playing it before sunrise each morning." He chuckles to himself.

"I wish my adventuring was more diverse. I've mostly stayed out of the way, and watched from the shadows. In the past I've managed to help some folks, though they don't know it. Simple things really, though not necessarily legal. I've taken from those that had to give to those who didn't, nothing worst than that. I'm no crook."

"I tend to prefer the shortbow," seen over his shoulder (mastercraft). "and should I need to the daggers on my belt. As for spells, I'm still working on that. The best I've managed is a headache. It's a small interest of mine, so I keep trying."

(OOC: I'd love to write more tonight, trying to make my post longer, but I'm exhausted...)

Dwight will again volunteer for privy diggin' as he prefers to be the first to use it.

Turning Away [ADM JPW] 
Tuesday August 30th, 2005 11:32:28 PM

[Turning Away

Mungo grins, chuckles and then tells Kendry, "You're a funny Bard, my friend... That river you are speaking of is not the Peasebottom. Its the Crescent River! Its always been this way...on either end its a river of note, but here in the middle...it is as you see it.

Weird Dreams

Everyone regardless of task during the night, receives this dream even though some of you will swear it is real...

...Ebyron's smile was both indulgent and condescending.

Both emotions failed to register in his handsome eyes however, as though the eyes knew the true odds.

"All this time," he began, "I knew you'd cling to that crown. My dear Queen, did you think I would not anticipate this? Did you entertain the foolish notion that I would come meekly? Be your puppet?"
The satyr king gave a sharp stamp of his cloven hoof, and nearby branches veered away fearfully, only to return, swooning, as Ebyron stretched wide his arms.
"See the power I have! See nature's love for me! You have neither the right, nor the strength to deny me!"
He turned slowly, his arms still outstretched, his fingers beckoning. Energy gathered there at those fingertips - a wisp of flame, a tiny cloud of sand; drops of moisture and the tiniest, perfect little whirlwind.

And with such small gestures, the entire Wold came to rest - no wind, no rain, no fire, no tremors of earth.

The elements gathered around their king, cloaking him in a strange mist.
"You want me tame and compliant, my Queen?" came his voice through the billowing cloud. "Then first, you must catch me."

The blast came with no warning, bringing with it a power that only Maab could withstand without falling. Across continents, dwindled fires burst to life again, blasting outward. Seas and lakes thrashed, the earth quaked, and howling winds tore at everything in their path.
Fragments burst from the cloud, being the essence of Ebyron, torn into a multitude of pieces and carried away by the elements.

In moments, it was over. But not before the fae queen had acted swiftly, gathering light into tiny, dazzling stars.
"Show me," she urged.
Hot on the heels of the fragments of Ebyron, the stars hurtled outward.
"You can't hide," she whispered. "Not from me. Now, show them. Let your own power betray you."
It took seconds for each pin point of light to reach it's destination, and once done, change trajectory and converge...

Within the walls of the Cathedral of Light, in the middle of Plateau City, the Room of Artifacts suddenly burst into life. The source? Ebron's orb, so recently brought back, at great risk and loss of life, from a time gone by. Colours and shapes reflected on the walls, and light surrounding the orb grew outward, becoming the great disks of the Wold. Pin points of brilliance flickered here and there, scattered across the Land.
Here lies Ebyron. Here. And here.

Back in the Valley, the Fae Queen Maab uncurled her fingers and looked down into the palm of her hand. Three small acorns lay there, all three enscribed with a unique rune - LIVE, SLEEP, DIE.
"The choice you should have made, will now be left to others," she said, her voice tainted with a raw sadness. "Let the runes grow where they may. I have done all I can. I can do no more."

The three acorns dropped listlessly from her hand, where the ground swallowed them, and their power spread. ...

You all awake from your sleep, foggy with awe and disbelief...

Those of you that have the constituion to shake off the dream (skill check; Con) can hear in the background a humble tune...and singing...

In darkness we do what we can
In daylight we're oblivion
Our hearts so raw and clear
Are turning away, turning away from here

On the water we have walked
Like the fearless child
What was fastened we've unlocked
Revealing wondrous wild
And in search of confirmation
We have jumped into the fire
And scrambled with our burning feet
Through uncontrolled desire

In darkness we do what we can
In daylight we're oblivion
Our hearts so raw and clear
Are turning away, turning away from here

There's a well upon the hill
From our ancient past
Where an age is standing
Still holding strong and fast
And there's those that try to tame it
And to carve it into stone
Ah but words cannot extinguish it
However hard they're thrown

In darkness we do what we can
In daylight we're oblivion
Our hearts so raw and clear
Are turning away, turning away from here

On Loch Etive they have worked
With their highland dreams
By Kilcrennan they have nourished
In the mountain streams
And in searching for acceptance
They had given it away
Only the children of their children know
The price they had to pay

In darkness we do what we can
In daylight we're oblivion
Our hearts so raw and clear
Are turning away, turning away from here ...

Kleel  d20=1
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 11:55:58 AM

"...Live, Sleep, Die...", mumbles Kleel as he raises his head. He props up on his hands and looks around warily, as if he thinks danger is near.
Lefty snorts and huffs as he awakes, and glances at Kleel as if for an explanation as to why he's waking everyone.
"Natural disasters was right," says Kleel a little more quietly, "Earthquakes, floods, fire explosions, and windstorms? If the animals are sensing this coming, that would be one reason for their disappearance. Although I have no idea where they would go for safety." As others awake, he tells them of his dream. He asks the others if they know any thing about Fae Queen Maab, and what acorns with runes of LIVE, SLEEP, or DIE might be for. "Surely, those aren't for people? I think maybe this dream could be our only warning of troubled times."
Kleel gets some water boiling for coffee, and passes around mugs of the steaming brew to the others, curious as to what they think of his dream.

0-LEVEL (4+1):Light, Cure Minor Woundsx3, Create Water
1st LEVEL (2+1): Speak With Animals, Cure Light Woundsx2
2nd LEVEL (1+1): Summon Swarm, Fog Cloud

Airin and Fioni  d20+2=21 d20+3=21
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 12:11:11 PM

Although Airin went to bed with some really happy thoughts and the flowers in her hand she sleeps most uncomfortable and has this crazy dream ...

as she regains conciousness she hears a faint song somewhere in the distance. She immediately turns around hoping to figure out from what direction the song came ...

Then slowly she crawls from her bedroll and in shock realises Ebryon wasn't dead !!! If this dream tells the future - or the past - or the present - is unknown to Airin yet it IS disturbing to see Ebryon pop up in her dreams again.

Then she listens to Kleel.

"hmm ... I seem to have had the very same dream Kleel. I thought it was the incense of these flowers ... Did you hear that song too ? The moment you woke up ? ... or am I loosing it ?"

she turns to the others and asks : "Did you have the same dream too ? Then maybe this wasn't a dream but more like a vision ... something from the past, present or future ..."

Airin thinks hoping to capture something she may have heard somewhere ... (made int roll)

Rolls "
Constitution roll : 21
Intelligence roll : 21

Patterton  d20+2=5
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 1:26:44 PM

Patty blinks awake, scanning the others as it is obvious that something is bothering them. He snags a mug of coffee and sits up, looking at Airin as she speaks.

"I guess we ALL had the same dream, or nightmare as the case may be...I'm no Sage, but it's obvious that Ebyron is growing more powerful than before if these visions are to be believed. As for the acorns, I know which one I would choose if it were up to me...." Patty scowls and forcefully pokes the embers of last night's fire with a stick.

Constitution roll= 5

Kendry  d20=15 d20+8=12 d20+8=19 d20+6=16
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 2:30:57 PM

Kendry's sense of history and of bardic lore spring to life as the dream goes through his sleeping mind. He knows he is dreaming - or having a vision. He attends to each detail and, as the vision draws to a close, he forces himself awake (constitution check 15). Taking pen and ink and parchment from the backpack lying next to him, he is about to begin writing down a description of the dream, when he hears the beginning of a song softly sung. He calls out with a forceful voice, yet not loud, "Awaken, friends. Company is near." He gets up quickly, seeking with his ears the source of the singing (Listen: 16), walking as far as the edge of the camp to where the rope is suspended.

He jots the words to the song on the paper, and writes quickly some of the images and highlights from the dream, then places ink, pen and parchment back in his pack. Listening to his friends, he understands they all shared the dream. "No time to waste - let us prepare for the day. Learn your spells, sharpen your blades." Kendry gets out trail rations for all, for a nourishing and quick, but not hot, breakfast. He ponders the dream and the lyrics.

"What would be the consequences of each decision - live, sleep, die? What, if to live, Ebryon were to agree to change, to repent? What what it do to the fae, to the Wold, if the King of the Fae were to die? One could argue that his actions merit death. On the other hand, the most conservative choice may be to have him return to sleep."

Bardic knowledge roll 12 to recall Lake Etive, bardic knowledge roll 19 to recall Kilcrennan. Which highlands?

Selithe  d20+2=5
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 3:16:03 PM


Selithe frowns in her sleep and once the dream is over she sits up in bed and growls, upset at all this and not liking the funny feeling she has.

She moves out to be with the others and gently lays a hand on Patty's shoulder, "I'm really growing tired of the dang fae king...I mean does he have to plaque our dreams too." Selithe sighs and sits down next to Patty as she lets out a deep sigh, "I'm not the most knowledge wizardess in the Wold of course but I wonder if this is some type of quest or something....I mean the orb or whatever...we suppose to find it, make a choice..something?"

Podo  d20=15
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 4:23:27 PM

Podo awakes with a start, sweating and panting as if awoken from some great nightmare. "Where are you ...daemon!" shrieks Podo into the abyss as if he's sleepwalking.

Moments later daylight hits him full in the face bringing him into the present. "My gosh! Patty, Kleel!" says Podo. Looking left, right , down exclaims "Lefty! -- did you see them? The acorns, the Runes! It was all soo real! Hey, who's singing that great tune?" asks Podo as if he just returned to the group from aways.

Podo begins to sing the tune...

In darkness we do what we can
In daylight we're oblivion
Our hearts so raw and clear
Are turning away, turning away from here

Dwight  d20=9
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 10:35:34 PM

Dwight rolls out of bed slowly, it takes a moment for him to realize the camp isn't actually under attack physically. Mentally he holds his head and tries to makes sense of the images from the dream and the song continues.

As others begin to busy themselves, Dwight continues to sit in his bedroll, clutching a dagger tight. He mumbles a bit with "Nightmares I expected after real adventuring, evasion into my dreams was not," being the first understandable sentence.

"Live, Sleep, Die...repenting is beyond Ebryon's ability, he doesn't see any flaws in his path. Surely he has slept since the druids took over. Perhaps he needs to die. Not that I for killing, but his intentions of killing others was noteably clear."

Dwight continues to think aloud, but remains in his bedroll.

That Tune! [ADM JPW] 
Wednesday August 31st, 2005 11:45:24 PM

That Tune!

Aside from the fact that Podo is humming the tune and apparently has already learned the chorus, the song continues...

Those that look for the source of the song, will find Mungo Hardbottle singing it on the edge of the camp while sitting on a log, playing a stringed instrument. He appears lost in time -- he doesn't see anyone staring at him. He continues to play the song.

A short while later he stops, looking up at the group. (those looking at him make a spot check vs. DC 10; Highlight to display spoiler: {Those that take the time to pay attention to Mungo can see a single tear spill from his eye. }

Bardic knowledge

Kendry makes mention of specific words of Mungo's song, but nothing comes to mind.

Mungo says to Kendry "..in a long ago land...I learned of these places...I was moved upon waking and crafted this song as the long dead haunted my wakings. As for if these places exists, I know not."

Lawni's Lens

Mungo suggests to the assembled group, that they waste not time in sharing their collective experiences from the wold of sleep. He expresses his belief that the answers they seek must lies with the Lens and that anytime wasted might be one less chance they have to resolve their buring questions.

Thursday September 1st, 2005 1:30:12 AM

Selithe looks to Dwight and shrugs her shoulds before popping in her two cents, "I say we make judgement later after we do as Mungo commented on. All though I'm not sure about the who kill him thing...just have to see I suppose."

Selithe looks down at the fire, not really happy with how they seem to be pulled along through all this but also not sure what the best course of action would be considering what if some of the things said hold some weight...what if the fae king has his reasons and maybe good reasons for lashing out but he is taking abit far or something...she just doesn't know.

(JP:I sent the charactersheet out but noticed yahoo bounced it back on me so I will be tring again later today to get it to you. For the moment I will hold off on the familiar till you get done with you researching :) .)

Airin and Fioni  d20+4=20 d20+10=29 d20+10=27 d20+25=44 d20+20=35 d20+16=36
Thursday September 1st, 2005 10:42:50 AM

Airin feels most strange to see Mungo singing this odd song. Somehow she doesn't trust him ...

Carefully she get's up again and prepares for the day. She does not like the way Mungo urges them to move on. It feels like he's leading them to their downfall ... if that dream they shared had the slightest truth in it then Ebryon still lives - or at least pieces of him. She does not want to encounter him again !

Carefully she inspects Mungo, makes a few small incantations towards him (detect magic)

Once they are back on track, Airin will take flanking positions once more. 20ft to the right of the group keeping an eye out on their movement and looking for danger. The silence from the woods will engulf her and she will be less distracted from the party's noise. Blending into the forest there's little chance for her own friends to see or hear her, but they will know she's there.

Fioni circling above them up in the sky, also looking for danger reassures them of her presence.

Should they close in on Lawny's Lens, Fioni will fly ahead and scout that place before the group get's there. Should there be someone waiting for them, she will come back to Airin right away. (DM's free to deny Fioni this option)

sense motive : 20
spot : 29
listen : 27
Hide : 44
Move Silently : 35
Fioni Spot : 36 - NAT 20

Spell's used for Today
Detect Magic on Mungo

Dwight  d20+1=12 d20+6=16
Thursday September 1st, 2005 5:56:30 PM

Dwight struggles separating both the dream from the song. Not being a morning person he has a hard time remembering when one ended and the other began. Eventually, when Mungo is realized to be the singer of the song he wonders if Mungo's songs are like Kenry's songs. Poetic, pretty and mystical.

With the mention of continuing, Dwight moves out of his bedroll and prepares to move. "Answers need to be found before more questions arise and they won't get answered here," he says through slightly gritted teeth. Dwight, now fully awake is in a foul mood. Not only is the dream, song disturbing to him mentally, physically his back is stiff from a protruding root he slept on.

Once the group sets out, Dwight listens to other talk among themselves and continues to watch for anyone following them in the rear. He will wait to see if anyone arrives at the camp directly after they leave.

spot: 12
listen: 16 (behind the group)

Kleel  d20+8=27
Thursday September 1st, 2005 7:04:47 PM

Lefty has disappeared off into the woods, so Kleel wanders out a bit into the trees. After twenty minutes or so, the pair return, Kleel carrying his bucket in his hands. Inside of the bucket is a multitude of dark red berries.(survival 27)
"Hey everyone, I got some fresh picked berries from a patch Lefty found over a ways. Take some if you like. Later, we can mash them up and throw them on some bread!"
Lefty ambles alongside, sniffing up in the direction of the bucket as Kleel walks into camp.
He gets his bedroll secured in his pack, passes out some berries, and has one last cup of coffee. As the group sets forth on their journey, Kleel and Lefty walk up alongside Mungo.
"Hey Mungo, I see you play an instrument. I would never have thought you such a talented hobbit. I am curious as to what made you want to seek the Lens in the first place. You been there before?"

Kendry  d20+3=20
Thursday September 1st, 2005 9:55:59 PM

"If repentance is beyond Ebryon's ability," Kendry addresses Dwight's musings, "then how is it that Gargul himself, once surely a wicked power - guilty of much evil against the people of the Wold - changed his heart? I now pray to him, from time to time. If I thought he were now as once he was, never would I bother to do so. I do not say Ebryon will repent - which word itself means to change one's mind, to change one's way of thinking, and with it, one's heart - but, if he should start to see the folly of some of his ways, you think nothing in the Wold could move him to change? Again, I do not say that he will. But I hope that he does." Then he sighs. "And if he does not - then die, or sleep..." Kendry collects the rope that surrounds the camp.

Kendry does note the tear in Mungo's eye. Later, along the trail, he asks for an interpretation of the song.

"So, Bobbles, Lomar. Did you dream a dream last night?" he asks the nine- or ten-foot tall ogre/ogre mage with them. "You, Bobbles, did sleep good? Did have dreams?" he asks in goblin as he feeds the animals.

As they set forth to continue their march toward Lawni's Lens, Kendry begins to form in his mind a poem - a song? - based on the shared dream. Riding in the middle of the group, he seems self absorbed for the nonce.

Podo  d100=71 d20+2=14
Thursday September 1st, 2005 10:24:25 PM

Podo walks towards Mungo wanting a few words with him.

"So how is it you travel by yourself?" "How did you become a seer of sorts?"

The Magical Mystical Mungo [ADM JPW]  d100=5 d20+2=12 d20+5=10 d20+5=18 d20+5=8 d20+5=15 d20+5=16 d20+5=12 d20+5=6 d20+5=6 d20-2=13 d20+2=20
Thursday September 1st, 2005 11:15:12 PM

The Magical Mystical Mungo

"Friends, I am sorry if my song has disturbed you. I didn't receive any strange dreams last night... perhaps I am not worthy? The song was a song that was written not by me but by a once famous bard from long ago... whose name escapes me now... I'll have to look it up when I get back to my shoppe. I'll send word to you Kendry if you'd like to know, once I rediscover it myself."

Airin and Fioni

Airin, her most paranoid ways casts that lovely spells on their host only to find that there is a slight aura about him, but it could be just one of the items he wears about him.

[OCC: how long do you expect to keep the spell active and centered on him?]

Fioni detects a small scury about directly in front of her...she goes in for a closer look...you sense a strong desire coming from Fioni.


Sore and stiff, tried and hungry, Dwight tries his best to detect sounds coming from behind his group. Nothing noticable can be detected. You friends, companions -- both animal & monsters, make the detection quite difficult.


Kleel's skill in woodland survival is of special note. He bring back a large bucket overflowing with berries to share with the group.

As Kleel and Mungo walk together, Kleel asks a few questions of Mungo, like "I am curious as to what made you want to seek the Lens in the first place. You been there before?" Mungo replies, "Yes, in my younger exploring adventuring days, I visited the Lens. Its amazing construct, amazing."

Podo slides up to the pair and asks, "So how is it you travel by yourself?" "How did you become a seer of sorts?" Mungo smiles and then chuckles, "A seer? You believe me to be a seer? Wow, Podo Danderfluff Pipewood, I am honored that you would say such a thing as that. You flatter me with your questions. I am not a seer; a sage maybe, give me another 100 years I might come close. I travel along because it is my business to be alone. My staff need to watch the shoppe. And as for protection and defensive/offensive equipment, I have a few items that can help!" As he says this, he looks towards Airin. When she catches him looking at her, he winks back.

Old Trader's Road

As the group approaches the Old Trader's Road, north of the Crescent Tickle, sounds can be heard in the distance. Mungo stops in his tracks and listens...

Patterton  d20+2=4
Friday September 2nd, 2005 2:46:11 AM

Patty also reigns Barnabus in as the sounds are heard, cocking an ear in the direction of the noises(Listen= 4), but the noise of all of the ponies proves to be too loud for him. Instead, he removes his bastard sword from his back and lays it across his lap, preparing for the worst if need be.

Friday September 2nd, 2005 3:22:24 AM

"I wonder where the acorns our dream revealed will be found," Kendry muses. "And who will find them?"

He says to the group, "Say, if anyone spots an oak tree, let us know. One good place to get acorns."

Airin [woodland stride, detect magic]  d20+6=11 d20+9=21 d20+12=30 d20+18=22 d20+16=31 d20+2=14
Friday September 2nd, 2005 7:56:35 AM

ooc : made a small mistake in my previous post ... I used Airins' DFR 3 char sheet to check the skill rolls ... she hasn't got a +25 on hide just yet (only a meager + 18 ;-) )! Sorry.

As Airin noticed the magical aura that surrounds Mungo she is somewhat intrigued by him. "Is he hiding something ?" she thinks to herself. Let's see what else we can find out - and she continues to concentrate on Mungo as well.

Then she senses soemthing is up with Fioni. If she's not within Airins' sight she can't do much about her ... "Hurry back Fioni" she thinks whispers faintly hoping the tiny hawk will listen to her and report back what she has seen ...

The only path is the one leading forward ... still right of her friends she stradles through the forest.

Rolls :
spot 11
listen 21
move silently 30
hide 22
spot Fioni 31
concentration : 14 (to keep the detect magic working)

Active spells :
detect magic on Mungo : 108 sec remaining

Kleel  d20+6=16
Friday September 2nd, 2005 8:35:23 AM

Kleel pauses along with Mungo and closes his eyes, focusing his ears on the alien sounds in the distance. Lefty takes several steps before realizing that he has lost Kleel. He turns his head and freezes, chuffing at Kleel. He sets his furry bottom on the ground and begins raising his paw in the air towards Kleel, as if waving at his halfling friend.
When Kleel opens his eyes and sees Lefty, he gives the badger a wry grin and tosses some berries through the air. Lefty snaps them up in quick succession.
"Well, I have spent sometime out in the wild, so maybe I missed something. You fellows seem like you are waging war on a battlefield. What's with all the tripwires, sneaking around, and drawing weapons all the time? Has life in the Valley been that intense?"

Dwight  d20+7=21 d20+7=20 d20+4=6 d20+1=16
Friday September 2nd, 2005 5:38:53 PM

Seeing the group before him slow, stop and listen, Dwight backtracks a little (about 75')to be sure nothing silent is coming from behind.

As he moves away, he bow gracefully comes off his shoulder and his notched with an arrow.

Hide: 21
Move silently:20
Spot: 16

Friday September 2nd, 2005 10:32:09 PM

(Kim: Can you email me the stats for Gra the riding dog please and thank you.) [Just did - Kim]

Selithe moves along riding Gra and glancing around as she goes, not really looking for anything exactly but enjoying the time outside and with everyone she knows and trusts in the group.

Selithe does keep herself ready just incase anything happens.

(JP:Just checking, did you happen to get Selithe's CS I sent out? Wanting to check so I can resend if I need.)

Saturday September 3rd, 2005 12:17:31 AM

Podo asks the group if anyone knows how much futher it is to this place Lawni's Lens?

Who's is Lawni Anyways? [ADM JPW] 
Saturday September 3rd, 2005 12:18:33 AM

Who's is Lawni Anyways?

Mungo freezes for about a minute, before he continues his pace. " I could have sworn I heard a strange ringing sound...like wind through silver bells. Oh well...must be my adavnced age playing tricks on me." says Mungo.

"Podo sir, we should be within sight of the Lens within a day, if not by nightfall I would think!"


You sense that your companion's desire is overwhelming her. She lets out a shrieking deathcry and dives at high speed towards the ground!

For Airins eyes only: Highlight to display spoiler: {You detect many many magical auras. The most potent one surrounds him. You have 18 rounds to go one this spell; each round being 6 seconds. Make a concentration check each round you are doing the detect magic and worrying about your companion.}


Podo explains to Kleel that since the birth of the Fae King, everyone has been on edge; specially since the group and Patterton lost one of their members to it!


For Selithe's eyes only: Highlight to display spoiler: { OCC: Sure go ahead and send it again. I like email. /OCC.

As Airin's Companion enters into an action, your companion wants to play too!

Everyone else is on edge. You all know the Fae King is alive and kicking at least thats what you feel deep inside and that dream did not help stiffle the feeling.

Saturday September 3rd, 2005 7:47:55 AM

Patty nods to Podo and turns to Kleel. "Aye, and with nature running wild...well, wilder then usual at any rate, it's a good idea to stay on your toes. Don't want to run into any more crystal sunflowers or prehaps some Hobbit eating cornstalks unaware."

Saturday September 3rd, 2005 8:30:20 AM

"Well, I suppose whatever makes you feel comfortable. I am not certain that we are dealing with a hostile force though. Whatever it is we WERE following, it left Aunt Marigold's without doing any serious damage. So it wasn't out to kill, I don't think. Throwing vegetables generally isn't the most successful way of winning a war. As for this Ebryon...I think he's a bit more powerful than we could handle. That druid was the one who stopped him. If he was out to get us, I'd just take off running."
"Its important to remember that when fighting monsters, you don't become one yourself."
Kleel quiets down, worried that some of the other halflings might take his commentary personnally.
"Please excuse me, I'm being overly critical. Here, everyone have a little sip of some spirits to ease your nerves. It's some fine elven stuff, though a bit stronger than wine."
Kleel produces a flask and offers a sip to each member of the party.

Saturday September 3rd, 2005 11:52:23 AM

"Thanks Kleel, I'll have a sip. Did you make it or did you buy it from an alehouse?" wonders Podo as he awaits the flask.

Saturday September 3rd, 2005 5:40:06 PM

"I wish I could make this stuff, Podo...No, its a little elvish concoction that is passed around out in the deeper parts of the wood by an elvish ranger. You'll like it, though it's best to try a little at a time. Otherwise, you could end up crawling on all fours and barking like a dog."

Kendry  d20+3=21 d20+6=16 d20+6=14 d20+2=3 d20+2=20 d20+3=9 d20+6=26 d20+8=20
Sunday September 4th, 2005 12:04:11 AM

[Spot oak tree (if there is one to be spotted): 21 (seeking source of acorns)]

"Thanks, Kleel," Kendry says to the proferred beverage. He takes no more than a single sip, just to catch the flavor. "No more for me. As you indicated, no need to get tipsy at a time like this."

"Airin - you have the wand of cure light wounds that Odo gave you, right?" Kendry asks her. "Can you show me where you keep it, just in case something happens?" Odo had told him the command word, too, so he makes sure that all in the party also know the wand's command word, in case its healing power is needed in he near future.

He takes out of one of the saddle bags the net he recently bought. "Patty - try throwing this thing over me a couple of times." Kendry knows that his friend does not usually use a net, but figures it wouldn't hurt for him to give it a try. Kendry - once he disentangles himself from the barbed net - and looks with dismay at what it does to his clothes, reciprocates, and tosses it over Patty once. No - he totally misses (thrown weapon +6, -4 non-proficiency penalty, 1d20+2=3, nat 1) as he catches himself in it. After again getting himself out of it, he tries it again - AC 20! He then helps his friend out of it. "You want to carry it?" He offers the net to Patterton.

The bard strings his compound short bow, enjoying the craftsmanship that went into it. To help warm up, he fires two arrows in succession at the trunk of a tree maybe forty feet off the path they walk. [Hit AC 16, 14]

He grabs his quiver of cold iron arrows. He has them at the ready. As Fioni cries out, he goes ahead and nocks his bow with a cold iron arrow.

"You suppose we'll find the walking thatch out here?" he asks his companions. He gives his dog, Cheann, a scratch behind the ears, but then gets down to paying close attention to what goes on about him. Well, at least he listens quite attentively [Spot: 9. Listen: 26 (nat 20)].

He also puts together the clues that they have had so far. 'Walking thatch.' Rotten vegetation. What kind of creature could that be [Bardic knowledge: 20]?

Sunday September 4th, 2005 12:28:12 AM

Patterton cocks an eye at Kleel as they trudge on and shakes his head. "I need not remind you, friend, that we few were the ones that first encountered Ebryon...in this age at least. I think you'd do best to listen and take heed when we warn you of what he is capable of. Flying vegetables are one thing, but what if we run into another like that one in the shed? The Culverwood may seem a safe place to you, as you seem to have an affinity for animals, but if you saw what we did, you would not be so cavalier. The Elder Druid did indeed sacrifice his life for ours and we were lucky to escape with our skins intact. You can take your chances if you'd like, however, I think I'll keep my blade close at hand, thank you." Patterton leads Barnabus steadily onwards.

Sunday September 4th, 2005 4:05:21 AM

"Forgive me Patty, I was mostly just passing time. We all carry weapons with us. Curiousity gets the better of my manners on occasion."

Whats that sound... [ADM JPW] 
Sunday September 4th, 2005 4:17:41 PM

What's that Sounds?!?

Airin gets the sensation that her companion has entered into a dive attempting to make a kill.

FOR AIRIN's EYES ONLY:Highlight to display spoiler: { as for as thedetect magic spellis concerned, its ended. Unless Airin has ranks in Spellcraft, then she won't be able to figure out the school of magic involved; all she'll be able to tell is that there's something about this person (Mungo) that's magical. It could be a Bless, or Endure Elements, or Mage Armor, or any of a dozen perfectly unremarkable "buff" spells. }

Everyone make a spot check; DC 5 Highlight to display spoiler: {
Those that can see Airin's Familiar sees the bird take a extreme dive towards the ground! You can guess that the hawk is 100 yards in front of you!


Fioni ignores her companion as her mind is set on ..food. The hawk can't recall the last time she hunted in the open for a good clean kill. Now, the hawk salivates as she swoops in for a bite. Benether he just a few feet closer...a rodent is also in her talons! I'll just sweep down and pull this meal out of the silvery grass its lying in.

The Meal

As a hawk swoops down to grab a rodent lying in silvery swaying grass...

Sunday September 4th, 2005 5:02:00 PM

Podo enjoys the small swig he takes of the beverage offered. Swishing it around in his mouth quietly, Podo begins to feel the warm tingely heat spread through out his cheeks and tongue. Swallowing it slowly, Podo feel the warm liquid warm first his throat, then his tummy, then his whole body begins to warm to its pleasure. "Kleel, I can see how one would savor such a beverage as this. Thank you for the opportunity to try this nice treat."

Sunday September 4th, 2005 8:15:07 PM

Covering his mouth to surpress a yawn, Kleels eyes are drawn to the swooping form of the hawk.
"Go get 'em, killer."

Sunday September 4th, 2005 10:17:54 PM

"Well, there are some animals for you, Mungo," Kendry remarks as the birds attack their prey.

Though it is broad daylight, Kendry takes out a torch, and a tindertwig. Just has them handy. Well, sort of. Torch under his right arm. Bow and nocked arrow held with left hand. The tindertwig he holds between his little and ring finger on the right hand.

While still holding the torch under his arm, he licks the tip of his index finger, and holds it up - but not real high, lest he drop the torch - to determine what direction the wind is blowing.

Airin and Fioni  d20+6=8 d20+9=10 d20+12=25 d20+18=36
Monday September 5th, 2005 7:09:19 AM

ooc : since when do we have weekend posts ?!? Why did the detect magic end ? Was it because I did not roll a concentration check ... wasn't able to ...

"FIONI GET BACK HERE ! Airin mentally yells to the Hawk. That's pure insubordination !!

Airin's worried Fioni might pick something from the ground that isn't supposed to be eaten and takes on a quicker pace. Hoping to get there as soon as possible. All she cares for is to get to Fioni as fast as possible - no longer can she hear anything else but the shuffeling of the leaves and the brances beneath her feet.

ooc : Acting for Fioni is out of my hands here. She's in the DM's hands it seems ... please be kind to her. She only recently recovered from a nasty thud on her head ... ;-)

Rolls :
hide : 36 (-5 for going faster)
move silently : 25 (-5 for going faster)
spot :8
listen :10 (nat 1)

Monday September 5th, 2005 9:35:37 AM

"Well, Airin, animal companions aren't really servants. They're still animals with free will. They just kind of like those with nature's blessing enough to follow them around on occasion.
Lefty over here, he only listens to me when he feels like it. It's more of a friendship. Would you try to order your friend not to eat a biscuit?" Kleel offers Airin a polite smile and hopes she doesn't take offense.

Monday September 5th, 2005 10:19:07 AM

"yeah I know Kleel ... yet that was not in Fioni's instruction manual ! And even though she's great she doesn't come with a refund"

She returns his smile as she spurs to get after the crazy bird.

Monday September 5th, 2005 6:14:12 PM

Selithe frowns when she sees Airin rushing ahead and just ncase she pats Gar on the head and speaks gently to her riding dog, "Come on Gar, follow Airin now. Just incase."

Selithe will hurry after Airin but at a slight distance since the hawk is Airin's and Selithe knows little of animal companions.

Monday September 5th, 2005 9:55:19 PM

Kendry follows quickly after Airin, riding Cheann. He goes, if he can, off to her left.

Lieutenant Kleel  d100+50=62
Monday September 5th, 2005 10:12:24 PM

Aware of the Charlie's propensity for ambush in the hot jungle, Lieutenant Kleel signals to the radioman to come hither. The radio is set to the preset freqency, and Lieutenant Kleel send to HQ, "HQ, this is Red Team. We have a possible Charlie situation. Call for an airstrike at coordinates 58 degrees, 12 minutes north, 30 degrees, 8 minutes east. Possibility of anti-aircraft implacements should be noted. Red Team will assume a scorpion formation and advance post-airstrike, Over."

OOC: Roll for Airstrike Damage = 62

A Free Gift! [ADM JPW]  d100=72 d100=8
Tuesday September 6th, 2005 12:02:13 AM

A Free Gift

Everyone runs to where Fioni is hovering just past the forest clearing and 10 or so feet from a large patch of swaying silvery grass. As Airin appraoches Fioni, Fioni drops the sick rodent at her feet and flys up into a nearby tree on a large sturdy branch. The Hawk screeches a loud awarning to all.

Those that look at the rodent notice that the Hawk did not harm the animal. Ther are no piercings by talon on the animal. (Druids make a skill check -- Nature Knowledge & Intelligence vs. DC 5 -- Those that make it: Highlight to display spoiler: { Upon closer examination of the animal, you notice it is sick. You can almost swear this animal is sick to its stomach. How Odd?!}

For Airin Only: Highlight to display spoiler: { Your spell Detect magic only lasted 2 minutes as stated by you. Although a round is 6 seconds, it is assumed that when the whole group makes actions per night, that it takes more time then 2 minutes. I allowed you to keep the spell going for 2 nights -- maybe that was my fault/failure to mentioned it earlier, but in either case you have detected that Mungo is glowing all over. The glow is an overwhleming aura. Your spell doesn't give you any more infomration that that I am afraid. }

Airin and Fioni  d20+9=26 d20+3=16 d20+9=24 d20+6=22 d20+9=15
Tuesday September 6th, 2005 3:04:27 AM

ooc : ADM JPW, could you please add DC's when we have to roll for certain things ? Knowledge Nature & Intelligence ... against what DC ?

Airin beacons Fioni to come and land on her arm. Slowly she checks up on Fioni and is happy the hawk didn't eat from the sick animal.

"This rodent is ill", Airin says to her friends, "it didn't die because of Fioni nor due to some other animal ... something else killed it. It could have been something it has eaten ... "

Having said this Airin checks the silvery grass. If nothing's to be seen she'll simply pick up the animal with her gloves on (making sure she doesn't touch it with her bare hands), takes the dagger from under her left sleave, and cut open the belly of the rodent to see what's in it's stomach.

Rolls :
Knowledge Nature : 26 - good enough I think :-)
Intelligence : 16 - don't know about this ...
Knowledge Nature : 24 (disecting the rodent)
Spot : 22
Listen : 15

Tuesday September 6th, 2005 12:43:26 PM

After a glance at the rodent, Patty shrugs. "Well, it's a good thing Fioni didn't eat that one then, eh? Want me to put it out of it's misery or do you want to try and heal it?"

Kendry  d20+7=15
Tuesday September 6th, 2005 8:02:51 PM

"Perhaps we should skirt the grass?" Kendry asks the others. "I don't know whether contact with the grass, or eating it, or something else made the little critter ill. As long as we take precautions, and don't let one thing drive us into something worse..."

[Knowledge nature: 15 (druids are not the only ones with this skill)]

Tuesday September 6th, 2005 9:45:36 PM

Selithe frowns when she hears and looks over the situation. After listening to most people's comments she speaks up, "The grass should be atleast looked at. The rodent is small so poison or such could easily kill it I would figure and we are much larger then it. I can move ahead and look while the rest of you watch my back."

Tuesday September 6th, 2005 11:13:38 PM

"What do you make of this Mungo?" says Podo. "What's with all this bizzarre stuff going on here in the forest?!? Have you ever seen anything like this?" says Podo loudly.

I think I'll scaddle towards the rear of the group just in case something gets us form the back while we are distracted from the front. "Besides, with all these animals, and such, there's no room in the front!" mumbles Podo as he waits for the group to pass him by so he can take a defensive position in the rear of the group. While waiting, Podo counts the number in his group. "Let's see, there's Dwight, Selithe, Kleel, Airin, Kendry, Patterton, me, Bobbles, Lomar, Gra, the other dog, what's her name again, Lefty, Fioni, and Mungo. Am I missing anyone?" wonders Podo aloud.

Tuesday September 6th, 2005 11:21:51 PM


As Airin picks up the rodent, Airin discovers much to her surprise, that the rodent is not dead. The rodent thrashes about trying to get Airin to drop it. While Airin is startled by this new development, she is also startled by the sounds of someone speaking harshly to her!


Fioni Speaks!

Meanwhile, Fioni flys down from her pearch upon yonder branch gently coming to rest on Airin's shoulder as she has done many times before. While on her shoulder, Fioni does her best to distract Airin; she bobs her head up and down while looking at Kendry while flapping her wings and squawking.

Mungo Speaks

"Well, Podo, I'm not entirely sure to be honest. If one would think himself wise, then I would have to take into account the strange behavoirs of the various animals assembled here, as well as the once sick rodent. Of course, you would also need to take into account all the recent string of events as well. I think you mention something about rotten vegetation a little while ago and something about ambulatory corn. You all have mentioned the King of the Fae was on the loose as well." Mungo tells Podo.

"For me, not being anything but a simple merchant, I will go the long ways to the lens." says Mungo to Podo.

Airin (HP28 / AC21) and Fioni (HP8 / AC17)  d20+6=21 d20+9=28 d20+18=22 d20+9=15 d20+7=10
Wednesday September 7th, 2005 3:10:57 AM

Airin is surprised by the struggleing rodent and she drops it to the ground (ref save 10). She watches the rodent as it most likely gets out of there.

Then she turns to Fioni : "Ok talk to me Fioni"

As she sees how Fioni reacts to Kendry's remarks to skirt the grass, Airin turns to her companions : "No one touch that grass ! No one move any further till we know more about all this !"
Then again Airin casts a Speak with Animals spell (she always has a speak with animals and hide from animals spell on her list).

"Fioni, what did you see ? What's wrong with the grass ? Who did you see ? Do you know what happend to this little rodent ?!?"

Then someone warns Airin to stay away ! Quickly she warns the others to be on guard !

"Someone or ... something is out there friends ! It warned us to stay away or be killed !! We'd better be carefull. Fioni, would you mind flying over the field and checking things out for us ? Come back in a hurry - I won't be able to speak to you for long ... hurry Fioni."

The strangest thing is that even though this warning was given out loud, no one else but Airin heard it ?!? Was it that rodent that somehow spoke to her ? Was it some ... voice she heard in her head ?!?

Hoping to talk to whatever or whoever is warning her she says :
"Who are you ? Where are you ?"

Airin's instincts warn her to take her Bastard Sword in her hands and prepare for the worst. This tall grass will most likely block her eyesight to fight with her crossbow ...

Then she takes out a vial from her backpack and swallows its content. Suddenly there's a light shimmer around her. As if this new protection could ward of all attacks ...

"I have 3 more of these should anyone want one ... It gives magical protection ..."

Rolls :
Spot : 21
listen : 28
Hide : 22
Knowledge Nature : 15
Reflex save : 10

Active Spells :
Speak with Animals : 2 minutes
Mage Armor : 3 hours / AC+4

Wednesday September 7th, 2005 7:33:16 AM

A strange calm has come over kleel of late. After a period of silence, he stops walking with the rest of you.
"Friends...I am returning back to the wood. Things have gone beyond what I expected. Good luck on your venture. Kendry, take care of these guys, and good luck with your stories and songs. You ought to get a book published. Patty, may your armor keep you safe."
Kleel whistles, and Lefty scampers over. With a quick salute, Kleel turns and ventures back into the woods with Lefty at his side, heading into the forest towards the Culverwood.

Dwight  d20+4=14 d20+1=15 d20+1=18 d20+6=9 d6=5
Wednesday September 7th, 2005 7:47:25 PM

Dwight stands and watches the various animals interact with their owners, and it amazed the hawk didn't eat or kill the rat.

As others investigate, Dwight stays on the edge of earshot listening (14). "I'm not a druid or anything, but it seems a bit odd that a single rat would be in the forest. I thought they liked inns, taverns and storage bins."

With bow in hand, Dwight scans (spot:15) for movement among the grass. If anything is seen he announces it to the others, and takes careful aim (though he doesn't fire until the thing can be identified). Otherswise he looks for a low hanging branch to get a better view of the grass. (spot: 18)

If he needs to fire: att(9), dmg:5

Wednesday September 7th, 2005 10:15:07 PM

Podo looks at Kleel and Lefty walk right past him into the forest. Podo waves to them. "Come back soon! We'll miss you!" Podo says to them as they pass.

"Are you ok, Airin? You sure, you're not coming down with some weird sickness? You're much too jumpy. Maybe you should stop and collect yourself." suggests Podo to Airin.

"Airin, Look at yourself! You have drawn your weapon, drank some potion and now you glimer, and where is the enemy? Maybe you scared Kleel and Lefty! I think you are over reacting. If anything you have just displayed to the ememy you mean to fight to the death, nice move slick!" says Podo to Airin.

Podo backs up taking a defensive position.

Patterton  d20+2=19
Thursday September 8th, 2005 12:11:11 AM

Patty reigns Barnabus around and even further away from the grass as the chaos insues. 'What is she on about?' he wonders, looking at Airin as she apparently panics. He hefts his sword onto his shoulder and scans the trees for trouble.

(spot = 19)

Silver Blades [ADM JPW] 
Thursday September 8th, 2005 12:51:44 AM

Silver Blades


Airin drops the rodent and both Airin and the rodent hit the ground running in opposite directions. The rodent runs straight back into the forest and Airin runs in a tight but small circle like someone afraid of rodents.

Fioni & Airin -- The conversation
Airin weaves a great spell that allows her to communicate more effctively with her animal companion; Fioni. She learns from Fioni all that Fioni can manage to relate...Highlight to display spoiler: {Friend, I was soaring through the air when I spotted a potential meal, swooshing in for a close view I saw the small meal struggling with the silver blades. Then the meal stopped struggling, the blades wrapped around it...squeezng it...I saved it...and drop it on you as your gift.}

Afterwards; Spookied

After the heart to heart chat with Fioni, Airin appears spooked but then begins to warn her other companions of danger. She appear to ready herself for battle...grabs a potion drinking it in a swell swoop, grab and draws her battle blade...readies a battlestance as she scans the plains for the enemy...

Movement in the Grass

As the lot of you approach Airin's position, and thus closer to the patch of grass ahead of you, this is waht you see...It appears to be normal grass: Its long, green blades have a faint silver tint.

All of you within 25 feet of the grassy patch hear this...Highlight to display spoiler: {A soft rustling sound emanates from a spot nearby as a patch of silvery grass surges forward like a carpet of worms.}

Mungo's Retreat

As Mungo watches Airin's reactions to unseen actions, and staying true to his words; that which he said to Podo prior; Mungo mentions to the group, "I have a meeting to keep, I must go on ahead of you. See you at the lens..." With that Mungo, takes his pack animal, his gear, and himself, and walks due west until he can circumvent the grass and then heads due North.

The group watches Mungo fade into the horizon, then turns back to deal with the present danger.

Airin (HP28 / AC21) and Fioni (HP8 / AC17)  d20+7=26 d20+9=22 d20+6=13 d20+9=14
Thursday September 8th, 2005 3:33:52 AM

Airin talks to Fioni and is worried about what she has seen. But then she sees Kleel leave and hears Podo's unpleasant remarks ...

"what", she sneers at Podo, "You dare to tell me I am too jumpy - that I'm too paranoid ! You tell me I scared Kleel with my actions ! By all means my friend walk straight through this lovely meadow and I will gladly watch you going through ! What Fioni here told me IS something you should at least listen to and worry about ! ... "

If only she did not see that odd patch and did not hear that faint sound she would scowl some more at Podo ! Oh yes she IS paranoid, but it has kept her alive !!

For those who speak Bird : Highlight to display spoiler: {"fly Fioni, fly above this field of grass ... I may loose my ability to speak to you soon, but if ever you see something dangerous, shriek loud pointing in the direction where the danger is ... ok ? ... no go ! - you did fantastic my little friend. Don't you listen to that ignorent one ..."}

With that Airin lifts her arm and sends Fioni up into the sky.

She casts one last look at Podo inviting him to taunt her again and letting him take the front to go straight through this odd grass ... she will definetely not follow him if he does ... (but she will stop him if he tries to go in as well - only that's not something they can see in her eyes) ...

Rolls :
Handle Fioni : 26
Knowledge Nature : 22
Spot : 13
listen : 14

Active Spells :
Speak with Animals : 108 seconds
Mage Armor : 2 hours 59' 54" / AC+4

OOC : Airin is now pretty angry at Podo, but only in game of course. Oho - he stepped in the lady's toes :-D

Thursday September 8th, 2005 6:00:28 PM

(OOC:Sorry for not posting everyone.)

Selithe looks to everyone and frowns abit and quickly speaks up, "Come on everyone, we have possible danger breathing down our necks, argueing and being mad can wait okay."

Selithe readies her staff for the moment while watching to see what might come.

(OOC:Okay I have a question for everyone in game. I'm considering PrC's for Selithe to go to when she obtains the levels and have come to the conclusion on two so I want player or even DM opinion. I was thinking Arcane Trickster considering the halfling multi classing penalties or the Mystic Thurge since we have no cleric in the group at the moment.)

Kendry  d20+7=27 d20+6=23 d20+6=19 d6=5 d6=6 d4+2=6
Thursday September 8th, 2005 6:52:54 PM

"Kleel - I hardly got to know you! Well, may those above grant you good favor. I hope we shall meet again. Thanks to you and Lefty for helping to get us this far," Kendry says to the departing druid. "I truly am sorry to see you go. I admire your initiative."

Now to deal with the other matter at hand: "So now, Airin, this grass just threatened your life??" asks Kendry. "That's it, then."

[Wilderness survival: 27 (nat 20)] Kendry, taking a look about, gauging the stillness of the air, the relative moisture in the atmosphere, the distance from the trees, and the size of the silvery grass, and its proximity, urges Cheann closer. The arrow he returns to its quiver, and the bow he places around his chest. He pulls out a flask. "Stand back, friends." He lights his tindertwig, and in turn lights his torch. "You threatened my friend. Now we reciprocate. Let us be, or you shall die," he warns.
If safe passage you allow,
Then let you live we shall.
If treachery be your way,
Then you'll see not the end of day.
If the grass creature responds aggressively, then Kendry throws the alchemist's fire in the center of the moving mass [AC 23, ranged touch attack, fire damage 5 (and 6 more fire damage next round)], followed by the lit torch [AC 19, ranged touch attack, d4+2=6 hp blunt weapon damage plus 1 hp fire damage] along the closer edge.

If the plant creature appears subdued or open to negotiations, then he will hold his actions.

Dwight  d20+1=5 d20+4=15
Thursday September 8th, 2005 10:01:51 PM

Standing further back, Dwight watches as the groups attention is split as some leave, and others focus on the grass.

Looking at the grass (roughly 30' from the beginning of it), Dwight still sees nothing to release his arrow upon. (spot 5)

Still listening behind the group (listen 15), Dwight watches Mungo head towards Lens. "Hmmm, I hope he's not the only one who knows how to get to Lens."

Thursday September 8th, 2005 10:55:48 PM

Podo giggles, snickers, then begins to laugh. He laughs so hard, he falls to his knees. The laughter continues to the point he is helpless and rolling around on the forest floor. This bout of laughter continues for at least some five minutes. When finished, Podo stand upright, shakes the dirt and leaves off of himself and then asks Airin if she could repeat that last statement as he has forgotten what she wanted of him.

Its only Grass! [ADM JPW] 
Thursday September 8th, 2005 11:11:24 PM

Its only Grass!

Grass being grass makes no movement what so ever. It doesn't speak, talk, create signs, nothing...as if you imaged the entire episode.

Tensions run high

Tension are running high in the hobbit group. Some feel they are being pushed into a date with destiny some do not want to face, if that meeting is to be with the Fae King.

Airin the Paranoid barks harsh words to the groups only Monk, Podo. Podo copes the only way he knows how, by laughing at the entire situation.

The groups Bard, Kendry is willing to burn the grassy patch to the ground instead of walking around the patch.

Mungo, at a loss for words left the group, walked around the patch and headed north supposedly to meet his destiny on time.

The rest of the group, Lomar, Bobbles, Gra, Chenna, Barabus, Fioni, Dwight, and Selithe await their fearless leaders decisions patiently.

More Rotten Vegetation

Those that make a spot check vs. DC 5; can see Highlight to display spoiler: {that in the same direction Mungo took, there is a smoewhat greater trail of rotten vegetation much like what you found prior to meeting Mungo Hardbottle in the woods all those nights ago.}

Airin and Fioni  d20+6=14 d20+9=11
Friday September 9th, 2005 3:08:07 AM

Airin watches Podo's reaction to all this and can't help but starts to laugh too. This really is to stupid for words ... Through the tears of her laughing she sees Podo getting up again asking what she was on abaout ... with only a second wave of laughing as a result !

"Bah", she says eventually, "Something did kill or paralise that rodents earlier, and I'm definetely not going through the grass. But ... it looks like Mungo there knows where he's going. Let's follow in his trail. Besides, it appears that rotten thingie went that way too."

Rolls :
Spot : 14
Listen : 11

Kendry  d20+3=17
Friday September 9th, 2005 3:36:31 AM

"Thank you. That is better, silver grass. I shall let you be, then, as you have chosen to settle down." Not caring that some might think him silly to threaten or talk to grass - Kendry believes what Airin told him, and is pleased to note that the approaching blades have stopped their movement - he turns Cheann around to see what Airin is talking about - and to observe Podo and Airin laughing to beat the band. He smiles at their hilarity.

He notes the spot [Spot: 17] pointed out by his friend. "Well, then - let us pick up this path, and see where it leads."

He finds, or makes, a spot of dirt on the ground some distance from the rodent grass, and uses it to extinguish his torch. Next he takes Cheann over to the rotting vegetation, and has his dog sniff it. He encourages Selithe to do likewise with Gra. "Follow that scent, boy. Follow that scent." He takes the lead rope of his lead pony. Turning to his friends, he asks, "Shall we go this way?" If none object, the musician heads down this new path.

Lomar (by Kim) 
Friday September 9th, 2005 3:39:17 AM

The half ogre/ogre mage brings up the rear of the party. He has not been talkative so far on this outing.

Patterton HP 28 AC 20  d20+2=22
Friday September 9th, 2005 3:45:03 PM

Patty pays little attention to the bickering and resulting laughter of his friends. Instead, he keeps his eyes peeled for any sign of danger and hangs back on the road, preparing to charge any threats that appear.(Spot = natural 20!) He notices the path of rotten plants at the same time Kendry does and gestures towards it with his sword. He then rides alond with his cousin.

Dwight  d20+1=6 d20+1=12
Friday September 9th, 2005 9:55:06 PM

"Rotten vegatation," Dwight mumbles (finally spotting something with a 6)"almost makes me loose my appetite."

As the group begins to move, Dwight loosen his arrow and climbs down the low hanging branch. Double checking that nothing is coming from behind (spot:12), Dwight looks forward to finding some good books in Lens.

Podo  d20+2=22
Friday September 9th, 2005 10:14:37 PM

Podo looks in the direction everyone else looked in to get find the rotten matter. (spot = 22; Nat 20!)

Seeing it, Podo asks of the group, "Ok kids, now that the plan has been decided are we gonna catch up with Mungo and go with him to the Lens or and we gonna follow the rotting vegetable matter?"

"I for one wish to get there already!" says Podo to no one in particular. "I really wish I could just take a few to relax."

Onward to the Lens! [ADM JPW] 
Saturday September 10th, 2005 1:01:32 AM

Onward to the Lens!

Now that the group has determined the next portion of their journey, the group heads off after Mungo HardBottle in the direction of the Lawni's Lens and the trail of decaying vegetation.

An hour after leaving behind the patch of mysterious silvery grass, the group begins to notice in the horizon a large hill or even a small mountain rising in the distance.

An hour later, you all catch up to Mungo HardBottle and his mount. When asked about the Mountain, Mungo says, "I thought you all knew! The Lens in on the top of a small mountain! Its not that bad, its about 4,167 feet above the valley floor. Its very old, I'd say!".

Sunday September 11th, 2005 4:53:33 AM

Patty pats Barnabus on the neck. "I hope you're up for a bit of a climb, pal."

Monday September 12th, 2005 5:50:15 AM

"Hmmm - that would be just shy of fourteen hundred hobbits stacked standing one on top of the other," Kendry calculates. "Well, the exercise should be good. Any people out there?" he asks Mungo.

This halfling keeps his eyes out for any oak trees, as he thinks back to the meaning of the dream. If he finds an oak, he'll spend a few minutes looking for acorns.

Airin [woodland stride / mage armor] and Fioni  d20+6=8 d20+9=29
Monday September 12th, 2005 6:49:25 AM

Airin follows the trail with the others and ... can't resist but sticks her tongue out to Podo smiling at him ...

Then she tries to find back her wits and checks the trail for dangers.

Rolls :
spot : 8
listen : 29 - nat 20 !

Active spells
Mage armor : 1 hour left according to DM post

Lawni's Lens [ADM JPW] 
Monday September 12th, 2005 9:19:07 AM

Lawni's Lens

As you all catch up to Mungo, and on the Horizon begin to catch sight of the famed Lawni's Lens, Mungo reaches into his Mount's packs and withdraws a large scroll case. Opening the case, he pulls forth a large ancient parchment containing what he refers to as the illustration of "Lawni's Lens". He says its very old, but that he felt it would alveiate some of your apprehensions if you understod where you where headed.

Mungo passes the parchment around for all to see and once all have gazed at it, he allows Kendry to draft as best he can a copy of it before placing it back into the case and storing it once again.

Kendry  d20+3=5 d20+3=17
Monday September 12th, 2005 6:25:21 PM

Kendry takes advantage of Mungo's kind offer, and begins to sketch a copy of the document. But the first draft is turning out poorly - so he takes out a fresh parchment, and renders a bit better, if not a skillful, copy of the drawing of Lawni's Lens.

"So, it looks like there must be people there. Halflings, like us?" he asks.

And Kendry still keeps an eye out for any oak trees. There's got to be some about here somewhere, what with all the ground they've covered.

Monday September 12th, 2005 9:38:09 PM

(OOC:I didn't see no group comments about my PrC choices so I just picked one and will get the character to you JP. I hope to have it out tomorrow and I found out what was wrong with my email atleast too.)

Selithe pets Gar and keeps moving with the others. She remains silent as she does, watching the surroundings as she goes and wondering about things also.

Monday September 12th, 2005 10:31:43 PM

Patty glances at the map for just a moment and then nods before passing it on to Dwight. He then dismounts and does a few stretches while gauging the climb.

Wow! Look at that! [ADM JPW] 
Tuesday September 13th, 2005 12:12:21 AM

Wow! Look at That!

As the group looks at boths the illustrations and the image rise up out of the earth as they approach it, all but Mungo are in awe!

Mungo explains that although the overall height is 4167 feet, it is not an uphill battle. "As you can see in the illustration, one side are rolling hills and thus as you follow the path, you also climb!"


As your group approaches your destination, Trees line your way, they are of all kinds including Oak, but of those Oaks, no acorns yet.

Rotten Green Stuff

In the fields you cut through, the farms you realize are still tended although no farmers can be seen, clumps of rotting vegetation is strewn here, there, and everywhere. Almost as if rotting things had a food fight recently...

Lomar (ADM Kim) 
Tuesday September 13th, 2005 4:45:48 AM

Along the way, Lomar picks up some good-sized stones to place in one of his big bags he carries at his hip. He looks over the drawing that Mungo shared.

He hums some tunes as he walks along at the rear of the party.

Tuesday September 13th, 2005 4:47:57 AM

"Looks like the aftermath at Marigold's place. Eyes and ears alert, friends," Kendry encourages. He again prepares his bow, and nocks a cold iron-tipped arrow.

Airin [Woodland Stride / Mage Armor] and Fioni  d20+7=23 d20+12=28 d20+18=33 d20+6=14 d20+9=17 d20+9=26 d20+16=34
Tuesday September 13th, 2005 7:28:54 AM

Airin gazes at the fantastic view of Lawni's Lens. This isn't at all what she expected to see !

"Who is this Lawni ? What is this place ?" she asks Mungo.

She agrees with Kendry and turns to her own jumpy self now checking out the area, the rotten veggies, hoping to find some clue where it went whatever they are following ...

Whispering to Fioni gently she asks the Hawk to fly above them once again, and to keep an eye out for trouble. She attempts to make this clear to Fioni the way she tried to tell Airin not to enter the grass. Hopefully she understands ...

Once Fioni is gone, Airin checks the plant growth next to the trail and takes her flanking position as she did before (15ft to the right) her crossbow ready and loaded and pulls the hood of the Elven Cloak over her head. Tiptoeing in the bushes.

Rolls :
Handle Fioni : 23
Move silently : 28
Hide : 33
Spot : 14
Listen : 17
Knowledge Nature : 26
Fioni Spot : 34

Active Spells :
Mage armor : ?? minutes (ADM JPW could you please tell me how long this spell will work ? - thanks)

Tuesday September 13th, 2005 3:39:23 PM

Patty leads Barnabus up the trail, looking warily at the rotten plants nearby. He does not expect any trouble at the moment, but he shifts his back scabbord to a more accessable spot before moving on.

Morpth Offers an Obstacle

What's that shiny thing? [ADM JPW] 
Tuesday September 13th, 2005 8:43:18 PM

Whats that shiny thing?

The eagle flys back to Airin excited about something shiny up ahead. As the group approaches from the fields, there standing alone in the middle of a green field with piles of rotten vegetion stands a shiny Demon.

Shiny Demon

Before the group stands a shiny demon, with a horned demon head. As your eyes focus, you all see that it stands 3 feet tall holding a large Adamantine Battleaxe. Around its neck, a necklace of freshly ripped/torn orc ears still dripping with blood. Through the opened mouth of the demon head, Patteron recognizes his former friend, Morpth. His face is pale in color. Morpth looks out of the open, tooth-filled mouth at all of you. He is grinning as if his vengence has just been completed.


Demon Morpth stands before you wielding a large Adamantine Battleaxe and staring at your group as you approach. As he stands, he makes not a sound. He says for of all to hear "YOU may not come any closer. My Master doesn't want you any closer."

With that he grabs his battleaxe in his blood covered hands readying for battle!

Mungo Hardbottle

Mungo seeing this says, "I believe this is where I make my exit!" With that, he turns his mount around and heads back to Hovel!

Patterton Hp 28 
Wednesday September 14th, 2005 12:44:27 AM

Patty is shocked at what his good friend has become. Can it be true? He brings Barnabus to a halt and gestures for everyone else to stop as well.

"Morpth...step aside, old friend. We have no wish to fight you. Go and seek a priest to put your soul to rest. If you do not move, I will save you the trouble."

With that, Patterton yanks his blade off of his back and levels it at the Demon, cold fury in his eyes.

Patterton HP 28 AC 20 
Wednesday September 14th, 2005 12:53:50 AM

Oops...hit the button too soon. Stats are added above and Barnabus's stats are below.

AC 18 with barding
hp 14

Airin [Mage Armor / Dodge vs Morpth] AC22/ HP28 and Fioni AC17 / HP8  d20+12=27 d20+18=33 d20+6=22
Wednesday September 14th, 2005 4:58:09 AM

"Fioni, get out of here. Fly high - that man out there is not alone ! Don't come back to me till I whistle ... Go ... . With that Airin gives Fioni a gentle stroke and sends her up into the sky.

She looks at her friends and whispers :
"Mind that veggie thing around Morpth ... one never knows if they are animated or not. I doubt he's alone out there ..."

Then she starts to flank Morpth. Taking cover in the surrounding (tall grass ? Bushes ? Trees ? ... anything ;-) ) she tries to get to Morpth's left side (right of the group) readying her crossbow ...
Once in flanking position (sneak attack available that is), she places a tanglefoot bag in front of her, and aims her crossbow - ready to fire the moment Morpth makes a move.

Rolls :
Move Silently : 27
Hide : 33
Spot : 22

Kendry  d20+6=9
Wednesday September 14th, 2005 1:31:04 PM

"Is that you, Morpth?" Kendry asks. "Well, I see that cousin Ebryon kept his promise to let you at the orcs. I take it he is in the neighborhood. Was revenge sweet?"

He has Cheann move with him off a bit to the right, his bow and arrow at the ready, but pointed to the ground. Only should Morpth move to attack anyone, however, will he loose his cold iron arrow, which misses, in any event. [Attack AC 9 - readied action.]

Wednesday September 14th, 2005 9:02:41 PM

"Who's Morpth? and Why does he stand in our way?" asks Podo to his traveling companions?

"Is he really the threat he's making us believe?" wonders Podo.

Good vs. Evil; Rnd 1 [ADM JPW]  d12+3=7 d12+3=5 d12+3=9 d12+3=9 d12+3=8 d20+7=11
Wednesday September 14th, 2005 9:03:19 PM

(OOC: I need everyones AC and HP in their Post Name. Also, when you finish your post give me an idea of where you are relative to Morpth)


To set the scene, all of you are in the middel of a terse green field. YOu are near nothing that would afford you cover or any sort. There is nothing but you, Demon Morpth, the field, the castle in the background, and Mungo running away with his mount.

For Airin:Highlight to display spoiler: {You mage armor spell should have 2 hours left of the initial 4 hours.}

Good vs. Evil; Rnd 1

Morpth says very little. He looks across the field choosing his intended target and engages Patterton. Morpth swings his mighty Battleaxe at Patterton missing a direct blow. Pivioting, he stands ready to receive.

Mungo Hardbottle

Mungo having run some great distance away can be seen to now be moving off into a flanking position in an obvious attempt to make it into the Castle by nightfall and avoiding this fight.

Patterton HP 28 AC 23  d20+3=14 d20+3=14 d3+2=3 d3+2=4 d20+5=22 d20+6=22
Wednesday September 14th, 2005 9:59:34 PM

Barnabus AC 18 HP 14

Patty rears Barnabus up and the warpony brings his hoofs down towards Morpth.(ride check 22) (attack:14/Attack:14/dmg3/dmg/4)

Patty uses his sword a bit defensively(weapon expertise +3 AC/-3 attack)as he brings his bastardsword down one handed at the Demon.
(Attack 22/dmg 8)(OCC: post fixed by ADM JPW)

Kendry (AC 15, HP 17); Cheann the riding dog (AC 17, HP 20, Move 40)  d20+7=25 d4+2=5
Wednesday September 14th, 2005 10:07:17 PM

His first arrow having missed as Morpth rushed Patterton, Kendry lets off another one, hitting AC 24 (should be 1d20+6, not +7) for 5 hp damage.

"Cat got your tongue, Morpth? We'd still like to meet up with your master." He nocks another arrow and aims.

Lomar, the musical ogre [+1 morale bonus to everyone's attack & damage rolls, and to saving throws vs fear and charm]  d20+10=15
Thursday September 15th, 2005 4:33:40 AM

Lomar, seeing the combat beginning to unfold before him, thinks to help out in his own way. He sets a beat upon his drum, and chants the following, in a bass rumble.
The grey little man
The grey little man
Axe goes swish
Axe goes miss

Our little folk
Smart little folk
Will put him out
Will win this rout
Lomar's song inspires courage in his allies, granting each a +1 morale boost to attacks & damage, and a +1 morale boost to saving throws against fear and charm effects for now, as long as he keeps playing, and for five more rounds at the conclusion of this song. [So, PCs - this means YOU - add a +1 to all your attack and damage rolls for the next several rounds.]

His drum continues to beat the rhythm.

Airin [Mage Armor / Dodge vs Morpth / Inspire Courage] AC22/ HP28 and Fioni AC17 / HP8  d20+8=24 d6+2=7 d6+1=5 d20+6=13 d20+5=21 d4+1=3
Thursday September 15th, 2005 7:34:09 AM

Airin's heart is thorn as she sees her former friend attack. She feels the pain as she aims her crossbow knowing she will assist in killing a fellow hobbit.

But then Lomar's song pours courage into her heart, and she concludes there is no trace of Morpth left in this demon ... it is Ebryon that is in controle now.

She aims and ... a deadly bolt flies accurately towards him. By flanking him, Airin gets a clear line of fire to strike him in a vital body part causing a lot more pain ...

She reloads her crossbow and takes a 5ft step to get in a good flanking position again next turn. While she does this, she keeps an eye on the rotten vegetables ...

Suddenly, inspired by Lomar's drumm, Fioni comes diving in from behind Morpth catching him completely off guard (guess he can't take an AoO as he's in melee with Patty) and rips open the back of his head before she flies up high again.

Attack Rolls :
Airin bolt hits : AC 24
Damage : 7 HP + 5HP sneak attack
Fioni Talon attack hit : AC 21
Damage : 3 HP

Rolls :
Spot : 13

Selithe-AC:14-HP:19  d6=5
Thursday September 15th, 2005 1:32:09 PM

Selithe takes a deep breath and sighs as she ponders what she should do. She watches and sighs as she pulls and readies her sling and a stone to fire, deciding she doesn't want to get to close to Morpth.

(I believe readying a weapon is a full action, if not then I'll make rolls.)

(OOC:JP, the d6 above is for my character's 3rd level hit points. Was it okay to just roll it here or would you like me to go to the L&B and reroll there?)

Podo (AC: 18/HP: 17)  d20+4=21 d4=3
Thursday September 15th, 2005 10:37:35 PM

Podo runs up to Morpth with a flying kick to the chest (AC 22, DMG 4; with the effects of the song) and then landing into a horse stance ready for the next attack.

Good vs. Evil; Rnd 2 [ADM JPW]  d20+7=23 d10=1
Thursday September 15th, 2005 10:37:58 PM

Good vs. Evil; Rnd 2

As Barnabus rears and makes his downward hoof attack raking Morpth with his hooves, Morpth acts as if the wind blew into him; doesn't even flinch. Likewise, Patterton's single handed bastard sword attack bounces off his armor.

Kendry's attack sends an arrow into Morpth's forearm striking armor class 24 and adds a definite hit for damage.

Airin tries to flank Morpth, but fails due to his Improved uncanny dodge. Airin sends a bolt in his direction hitting armor class 24 for causing additional damage to Morpth as the bolt sticks into his armor. The attack by Fioni is wisked away as is the one by Podo.

Morpth (AC 24/HP: ??)

Morpth having been hit by Airin, moves into close the gap between them. As he stops, the look on Morpth's face makes you thinks he's concentrating, but you see him tighten the grip of both hands around the battleaxe shaft.

(OOC:For Airin:Highlight to display spoiler: {I apologize. Morpth could never close ranks and attack, there for I have amended the posting, you gain your 1 HP back and we'll just move along. He is 20 ft closer to you though.})

Patterton  d20+10=19 d20+5=25 d20+5=18 d3+3=4 d20+5=20
Thursday September 15th, 2005 11:53:17 PM

Patty grimaces as his sword slides off of Morpth's armor and his anger only grows when he sees his old friend slice into Airin. He changes his style once again and moves for a more powerful blow at the Demon's backside(Powerblow -2 attack/+2 damage=19), but Barnabus jostles him as he makes his own attack, causing the warrior's blow to go wide. The warpony makes contact with one of his hoofs, however, and clops down on Morpth's shoulder(attack 25-natural 20! But no critical. Damage 4)

Kendry (AC 15, HP 17); Cheann the riding dog (AC 17, HP 20, Move 40) [Effect of Lomar's inspire courage: +1 morale att/+1 morale dam, etc.]  d20+7=25 d4+3=7
Friday September 16th, 2005 1:56:05 AM

Kendry has Cheann take him forward to where he is again within 25 feet of the demon-hobbit, stops and fires another arrow (AC 25, damage 7), perhaps shaking his concentration. He tries to draw the demon's attention off of Airin by challenging him. "Ebryon's service does not improve your appearance, you who formerly were Morpth. You bring no honor to your family. You bring no honor to halflings. Do the rewards compensate for so great a loss? Is there enough of Morpth left in that shell to repent, and leave off service to the wicked Fae King?"

Lomar (ADM Kim) (Inspire Courage) 
Friday September 16th, 2005 2:11:13 AM

Lomar continues his delicate song:
Little orc
Who wears orc ears
Swings his axe
But do not fear

You'll o'ercome him
Overpow'r him
Squish his guts
Into the grass
He likes this last part so much that he repeats it:
Squish his guts
Into the grass
...and then beats a complex rhythm upon his drum.

Airin and Fioni  d20+7=17 d20+4=8
Friday September 16th, 2005 12:12:33 PM

Airin's surprised by this strange tactic, and seeing Morpth close in on her, she instinctively takes a five foot step backwards. There's no time for her to change to her bastard sword. Only a shot from her crossbow and help from her friends can help her now! This crazy barbarian doesn't really seem to like her... gulp...

But luck isn't on her side and she sees her bolt only putting a minor scratch on Morpth's shiny armor. "This man is possessed!" Airin thinks in panic.

Another five foot step backwards and a quick reload is all she can do right now.

Fioni looks at the spectacle from above and as she sees her master being attacked she takes another dive - even though she knows this barbarian is way too tough for her! There's a light metal sound as Fioni's talon scratches Morpth's armor...

Attack rolls :
Bolt hits AC17
Fioni Talon hits AC8

Patterton  d20+11=26 d6+4=5
Friday September 16th, 2005 7:52:47 PM

Patty takes another swipe at the Demon, this time finding his mark.

(OOC: forgot attack of opportunity! doh!)

Attack 26
damage 5

Podo  d20+7=12 d4=2 d20+7=16 d4=4 d20+7=11 d4=2 d20+7=27 d20+7=19 d4=4 d20+7=20 d4=1
Friday September 16th, 2005 8:18:04 PM

Podo seeing Morpth turn towards Airin thus closing the gap between the two, thinking of course that Morpth must like Airin, Morpth provids him the chance to take advantage of his new feat; Combat Reflexes! Kicking Morpth, Podo misses completely.

Podo's regular attack also misses Morpth(AC20 & Dmg:1). Podo spins around to land once again into ready position. Podo is amazed Morpth still acts like I barely hit him!

Kendry AoO  d20+7=15
Friday September 16th, 2005 9:08:55 PM

Kendry takes his attack of opportunity ... but the arrow misses Morpth. He prepares his next arrow.

Selithe-AC:14-HP:19  d20+8=17 d4+1=4
Saturday September 17th, 2005 12:29:19 AM

Selithe holds onto her spells for the moment and quickly spins her sling and sends a rock flying at Morpth, not liking the fact that she has to fight him but not seeing anyway around it.

(Can hit AC:17 Damage:4)

Good Vs. Evil; Rnd 3 [ADM JPW] 
Saturday September 17th, 2005 11:59:56 AM

(OOC: Ok, I made a mistake in the rules of the combat process. Assuming Morpth now has his turn and that everyone that can move has moved, I will proceed.)

You're never there!

As Morpth moved to try to attack Airin, and Airin being some 20 feet away, Morpth tried to close the distance and attack her. This gave all the melees an opportunity to attack Morpth as he ran by them. Patterton, Kendry, Podo all attack him. Podo even managed to take his normal action.

Unfortunately due to Morpth's armor, only a few managed to penetrate that barrier.

Meanwhile, Morpth tightens his grip of the battleaxe and with this move, Morpth flies up off the ground 5 ft and backwards towards the Lens 55 feet, hovering just above the ground. While hovering, Morpth reaches into a hollow of the shaft spilling 7 cards.

Morpth falls 5 feet to the ground, is now nude save his loin cloth and without his axe.

In addition, he looks normal. The paleness to his flesh is gone and he looks bright and airy.

Kendry (AC 15, HP 17); Cheann (AC 17, HP 20) (my dog is tougher than I am!) [Inspire courage]  d20+7=26
Saturday September 17th, 2005 4:31:09 PM

[With Morpth flying back 55 feet toward the hill, I figure that he is about 30 - 35 feet beyond Kendry's current position, as, at least in my mind's eye, Kendry had moved himself that direction - towards the hill - when Morpth moved toward Airin, and was 20-25 feet away from Morpth prior to Morpth's 55 foot move.]

Kendry urges Cheann forward toward Morpth. He withdraws a tanglefoot bag (quickdraw), and tosses it upon the hobbit (ranged touch attack 26). "What are you doing, Morpth!? What trick is this? Patterton - throw the net! Keep him down. Don't kill him. Will you talk now, Morpth? Where is your master? What is he doing?"

Dwight (AC 14, HP 18)  d20+1=10
Saturday September 17th, 2005 11:07:28 PM

(OOC: Rather late, but back.....with a new computer, DSL connection and job balanced. Posting should be better in the future.)

Dwight having stood still for the past several moments takes everything in. With bow in hand, but not read to fire, Dwight takes in his immediate surroundings (spot 10) to make sure nothing new is arriving with Morpth's morphing.

I'm guessing that Dwight is about 65' from Morpth.

Airin [Mage Armor / Dodge vs Morpth / Inspire Courage] AC22/ HP27(28) and Fioni AC17 / HP8  d20+6=11 d20+9=29 d20+16=31
Monday September 19th, 2005 4:41:37 AM

Airin wonders what this is all about ... he was posessed by Ebryon's foul words, but the healthy look upon his skin makes her think he's no longer ...

Watching Kendry throw the tanglefoot bag, and Patty following suit with his net Airin holds of another attack - talk first shoot later ...

Distrustfull and highly paranoid as usual Airin immediately scans the surrounding. Those who have a way with words are better dealing with Morpth - she's better at other things. What reminds her ... they are all standing here without cover ... Lawni's Lens is visible from here, which means they are visible too. Who knows what is keeping an eye on this spectable - and Airin's certain someone or something IS watching ...

"Tangle him up, and if possible let's carry him to the edge of the forest where we can take cover ... I don't like to be out in the open like this ..."

Fioni flies high curious about the sudden change of that little man that attacked her master. Noticing Airin's no longer engaging Fioni holds of a third attack as well ... and her eyes take on the surrounding - she and her master are so alike ...

Rolls :
spot : 11
listen : 29 - NAT 20 !!
Fioni spot : 31

Patterton HP 28/AC20  d20+6=9
Monday September 19th, 2005 2:28:38 PM

Patty gives Kendry a nod as he unhooks the net from his belt. He guides Barnabus up beside Morpth and flings it over him (attack 9-hopefully he is prone), prepared to attack in case of trickery.

Lomar (ADM Kim)  d20=14
Monday September 19th, 2005 3:45:06 PM

Lomar, seeing the astonishing transformation of the demon into a hobbit, walks up for a closer look.
Flies he up
In the air
Loses armor
Falls to earth
Pink is he
Demon gone
Hobbit he

Sticky bag
Now covers him
Will he now
Just sit and grin?

Monday September 19th, 2005 6:18:13 PM

Podo runs over and looks at Morpth lying there goop'd to the ground.

"Funny, you don't look so tough now!" says Podo to Morpth.

"Kendry, do we wish to haul him up and onto a mount or on a travel bed attached to a mount?" Podo inquires of Kendry?

Dwight  d20+1=15
Monday September 19th, 2005 9:07:44 PM

Keeping an eye fo any surprises(spot: 15) as much behind as in front, "It's a bit late to hide him, what has been seen has been seen and Mungo has surely reached Lens by now with descriptions of Morph the demon as well as each of us. If he is....truly the Morph you remember and he is secured enough in case he is not, lets put him on one of the animals and bring him to Lens. Perhaps his spirit can be cleansed."

Selithe=AC:15-HP:19  d20+2=9 d20+2=20
Monday September 19th, 2005 9:49:05 PM

Selithe looks to Morpth and frowns as she holds her sling at the ready anyway. Since everyone is starting to just try and capture Morpth now she puts up her sling and once again picks up her staff and leans on it for now, speaking finally, "Now whats this all about? He tries to kill us and now is all looking normal again? Is the Fey King so fickle as to only grant his powers when he sees it as needed."

Selithe shrugs and sighs as she looks around abit.

(Spot:9 Listen:20)

Monday September 19th, 2005 11:01:37 PM

"Well," Kendry answers Podo, "let's see what, if anything, he has to say for himself, first. No, Airin - if his master doesn't want us going toward the hill, then that's just exactly where we're going to go. I'm not one for hiding, not when I see what he's done to this fellow. I want a parley, and if not a parley, then a reckoning. If Ebryon's about, then we're going to find him. If that walking thatch is about, then we'll deal with that, too."

He returns his attention to Morpth. He pulls out a length of silk rope, and begins to wind it about Patterton's (former?) friend. "Now, we're givin' you a choice. Talk, and tell us what is going on. Or, if you don't want to talk, then... well, then, we'll have to do something else."

Kendry is not quite sure what the 'something else' might be, but knocking Morpth out may be an option. He is still puzzled as to what just happened, there. Is Wardd nearby, somehow helping them out?

Blech! [ADM JPW]  d20+10=18
Monday September 19th, 2005 11:40:41 PM


Just when Kendry hit him with the tanglebag, Morpth makes an uncanny dodge managing to break free of being goo'd to the ground. With all that has happened to him and with a net to ground his flight, coupled with all the many questions, and his newly gained stature, all Morpth and do is Vomit.

What Now

Now that all of you have a captive and gut wrenching halfling under a net, and with nothing to see but a away castle...there's not much to do.

Kendry  d8+3=10
Monday September 19th, 2005 11:51:29 PM

Yes, there is much to do.

"Come now, Morpth," Kendry says. He casts cure light wounds on the halfling (healing 10 points damage). He takes out a water bag and a wine bag. "You want something to drink, Morpth?" he asks. "Wine, or water, as you wish." Waiting until his nausea dies down, he uses prestidigitation to clean up the unclad hobbit.

"What is happening to you?"

Patterton HP 28/AC20 
Tuesday September 20th, 2005 1:48:16 AM

Patty slides off of Barnabus and yanks his helmet off, trudging toward Morpth with his jaw set firmly. As he gets near his old friend, Morpth begins vomiting and he steps back for just a moment to avoid the spray before moving in and snatching him up by the hair (OOC: not actually attacking him-just for RP), pulling him to his feet and grabbing him tightly by the shoulders. He holds Morpth at arm's length and glares at him, looking as though he might strike the Barbarian.

"You stupid sod!! I ought to wring your neck right here and now!" He gives him a bit of a shake. "Killin' a helpless man?! Throwing your lot in with Ebyron?! Why?!"

Airin and Fioni 
Tuesday September 20th, 2005 8:41:23 AM

Bweurk ... another one vomitting. Earlier auntie Marigold was vomiting as well when the Fey King made his first appearance. Guess he may not be gone yet ...

"OK what are we going to do now ? Who is able to make Morpth feel slightly better so he can talk to us. He might be able to reveal the location of his former master ... no ?"

Tuesday September 20th, 2005 7:42:20 PM

Podo, saying out loud, "I think we should ascertain what we can and then move on to the Castle over there. If this halfling can't help us or is too sick to be of much use, why then do we waste time here? If we are forced to meet and deal with this Fae King, then lets bring it on! Besides, maybe there are acron trees in the Castle's courtyards?"

Tuesday September 20th, 2005 9:26:34 PM

"I'm not leaving Morpth here, sick." Kendry kneels besides the halfling. "What can we do for you, friend?"

Tuesday September 20th, 2005 9:44:23 PM

"Bring him with us, so we can get moving. Sitting out here in the open isn't settling well with me. Let him ride if necessary, I'll be ready to finish him the moment he begins to morph again." Tapping his quiver of arrows.

Dwight sets off towards the castle. He is furthest from the castle (having been watching the rear), but begins in that direction.

Hiccup! [DM JonPaul] 
Wednesday September 21st, 2005 1:47:45 AM


Morpth is still quesy despite your galant efforts to clam him. He says, "I can ride, as long as you do not go fast." "I feel as if I am not sure what you mean when you say "My Master". Ebryon is on his own, and in what form, no one knows, especially, not I."

Night Falls

As you decide what your next act of your plan is, dusk falls slowly into night. You are about 3 miles from the main enterence to the Castle gates roughly.

Mungo is no where in sight. The Moon begins to rise paying little attention to the Sun.

Wednesday September 21st, 2005 3:27:25 AM

"Wait just a moment, Morpth. Would you care to explain some things?" Kendry asks.

He pauses between each question, to allow Morpth to reply. These are some of the questions he puts to the orc-raised hobbit.

"For starters - what have you been doing since you first met up with Ebryon?

"Why don't you understand what we mean when we refer to your 'Master.' You yourself were talking about him not three minutes ago, telling us, and I quote, 'YOU may not come any closer. My Master doesn't want you any closer.'

"You wore armor that made you look like a demon. Your skin was grey. What happened to the armor, and your battleaxe?

"Why does your skin look healthy now, and not pallid?

"Where did you kill the orcs? Or did someone else do so?

"Why were you flying, then not?

"What were those things that came out of the shaft of your battleaxe?

"Why are you talking normal now?

"What is going on, Morpth?"

Airin and Fioni 
Wednesday September 21st, 2005 4:59:14 AM

Airin agrees with Kendry and feels there are little more questions to ask. Instead of overwhelming Morpth with even more questions she concentrates on the surroundings.

"Night falls.", she says to no one in particular, "I'm not going anywhere near that castle till dawn and I'm definetely not goign to stay here out in the open all night. Find a way to cure Morpth, or at least help him, and then let's find a place to spend the night."

With that being said Airin walks back towards the forest and starts to look for a safe place to spend the night. There will be need for some safety measures as they have done the nights before. If possible, they will be out of sight of the Castle, but they can observe it through the trees.

Then a thought hits her :"who says Ebryon is in that castle ?!?"

She looks at Fioni and tries to ask her if she's up for a short night flight. Maybe she can check the castle, see if there are guards, beasts, plants ... things ...
In the morning she will talk to her with a spell - then Fioni might be able to tell her more.

Patterton AC 20 HP 28 
Wednesday September 21st, 2005 3:26:58 PM

Patty snorts and spits on the ground before stalking away grumbling. "Keep that lout away from me or I'll split his head open." He says simply and goes about taking care Barnabus. If the party is preparing for setting up camp, he will do so. Otherwise he will get ready to depart with the others.

Twenty-One Questions; part 1[DM JPW] 
Wednesday September 21st, 2005 7:40:34 PM

The Interrogation begins...

Morpth hums while he listens to Kendry spew off a series of questions to him. After taking them all in, Morpth replies by repeating each question prior to answering each.

Morpth repeats, "Wait just a moment, Morpth. Would you care to explain some things? Sure, what would you like to know...if I can I will."

Morpth continues,"For starters - what have you been doing since you first met up with Ebryon?
Well, I convienced him of my loyalty, that elf has it coming though Morpth manages as he spews projectile vomit into the air. Gods, thats aweful this taste! As I was trying to say, I convienced him I could be trusted and then asked for some equipment to take my vengence out on those that helped to create me. He obliged."

"When I was finished my orc tasks, He found me and brought me here asking that I delay any halflings that might approach."

Morpth repeats, "You wore armor that made you look like a demon. Your skin was grey. What happened to the armor, and your battleaxe? Heck if I know...I reached into a hollow in the shaft spilling out of of its contents. Now I am as you see me."

Morpth wonders if Kendry was not just witness to all these events. Morpth repeats, "Why does your skin look healthy now, and not pallid? Heck if I know!"

Morpth answering Kendry says, "Look, I tired, hungry, and exhausted, not to mention nude. So if you'd be so kind as to place me infront of a campfire and give me food/drink. I will try to answer the rest of your questions tonight."

(OCC: See part two...)

Wednesday September 21st, 2005 9:33:09 PM

Kendry listens to Morpth's responses. He carefully removes the net from him. He says, "Let's get him warm." Whether toward the hill, or away from it, or right where they are, Kendry does not mind.

He gives him an extra set of clothes - which might be just a wee bit large on Morpth, as he is six inches shorter than Kendry.

Dwight  d20+1=15 d20+6=25
Wednesday September 21st, 2005 11:33:14 PM

Dwight is abit annoyed that the group didn't hustle to the castle before evening. Battling Ebryon in a castle seems like a better idea than in a forest.

Not trusting Morpth, having only seen his evil side, Dwight keeps his distance and lets others ask the questions.

Helping to set up camp, Dwight watches (spot 15) and listens (25) for any other noises (plants in particular.)

Wednesday September 21st, 2005 11:40:50 PM

Selithe sighs at all the questions and how Morpth seems to be repeating everything before answering. As night begins to fall more she also pitches in helping prepare the camp and also ponders a few things before setting up her sleeping bag and glances to Patty winking to him before moving over and touching his arm, "Calm down, you look much cuter with a smile then a frown."

Twenty-One Questions; part 2 [DM JPW] 
Thursday September 22nd, 2005 12:38:53 AM

The Interrogation continues...

Morpth continues to listen to the questions, and repeating them aloud one at a time before answering them each in kind.

"You wore armor that made you look like a demon. Your skin was grey. What happened to the armor, and your battleaxe?

While chatting with the battelaxe, I noticed a small hollow in the axe, as I reached into it with one hand, several items, cards I believe, slipped out and onto the ground. As soon as they came out *POOF*, I was naked on the ground sans weapon or armor!"

Morpth continues with the next question slowly repeating it just like the others...

"Why does your skin look healthy now, and not pallid?

Heck if I know!!! What color is it now?" wonders Morpth.

Morpth once again slowly repeats Kendry's question and then answers it.

"Where did you kill the orcs? Or did someone else do so? Yes, I killed many many Orcs. Some I had lived with some new to me. Deep in the forest. The axe and I travel through the air to locate them. The armor I wore has special claws in them, that if a successful attack made with them, the target took major damage to its Attributes. So if I clawed them a few good times, they'd be too weak to fight back...so they died the way they lived. I guess that old Preist was right...Evil begets Evil." is all Morpth says on that subject.

Morpth now lips the words silently as if to comment them to memory...
"Why were you flying, then not? Ask the Axe. When you're the navigator, you don't ask many questions..." says Morpth to Kendry while looking around.

As for the last two questions, Morpth replies,
"I don't know what those things where that fell out of the hollow in the axe shaft...I was too busy holding onto the shaft and concentrating. As for why I am speaking to you now in a different tone of voice, Ask Alemi." is all Morpth says on this subject.

Kendry  d20+4=7
Thursday September 22nd, 2005 4:18:23 AM

"Thank you, Morpth. Ask Alemi? I think you have given good enough answers. If the clothing and fire have warmed you up enough - we have an appointment with a friend of ours up at Lawni's Lens."

Kendry takes out his everburning torch. "Ready to climb the hill tonight, friends? Come along with us, if you'd like, Morpth. The night is the time to see the stars, and Mungo knows what to look for. Perhaps you'll have some idea what to look out for."

Knowing that some may grumble, he answers, "I had to know what happened to Morpth first. He was our companion, briefly, and Patty's friend before that. But I think we need to get up this hill, and see what Mungo has to show us tonight.

"Morpth - I never called you friend, before. Perhaps that will change."

Kendry urges the ponies forward - but they are tired from the day's journey, and reluctant to bend to the halfling's will [handle animals: 7].

"Say, uh, Airin, do you think you can get the ponies to move? I'm having trouble here."

Airin and Fioni  d20+7=14 d20+12=21 d20+18=35 d20+9=12 d20+6=7 d20+16=25
Thursday September 22nd, 2005 8:47:52 AM

"Going up that hill at nighttime is asking for trouble" Airin thinks to herself, but she will not be so stubborn again. She still remembers the argument she had with Podo earlier ...

Kendry take these scrolls. I can not read them, but these ought to summon some Unseen Servants. They might help us ... to open doors, pick up things, anything ... (OOC : airin gives Kendry 2 scrolls of Unseen servant)

Airin goes over to the Ponies and helps Kendry getting them on their way. Blossom will be tied to another pony as she expects to go on foot, and will once again flank the group some 20 ft to the right. Without carrying a torch for herself she will be carefull to walk forward and hide herself in the darkness.

Fioni has very keen eyes and ears and flies high above the group. The moonlit night provides plenty of illumination for the Hawk to see crystal clear.

Rolls :
Handle Animals : 14 (barely)
Move silently : 21
Hide : 35
Listen : 12
Spot : 7 NAT 1 ... great !
Erwen Spot : 25

Dwight  d20+1=20 d20+4=6
Thursday September 22nd, 2005 6:01:14 PM

More relieved to be moving that the initial plan to stay, Dwight quickly breaks the camp.

Still not sure about Morpth, Dwight splits his attention between watching the rear and Morpth. (spot 20, listen 6)

Onward to the ...[DM JPW] 
Thursday September 22nd, 2005 8:12:11 PM

Onward to the ...

It is dusk, as the heavy clouds venture further to the north you realize it is not quiet as dark as early evening, but that will come in time.

Morpth begins to take on shape as an adventurer much like he was prior to the birth of the Fae king, but something is different here...he seems less like a Barbarian every passing moment. In addition, he appears more priest like in that he is wanting to be helpful and mericful to the best of his abilities.

The mounts are tired, and the unknown is bringing them to the edge of fearful.

Wolves howl in the distance... From your position in the field, you can see a light in yonder courtyard but the Castle keep is dark still.

The dark edge of night approaches and the weather is changing.

Kendry  d20+4=18
Friday September 23rd, 2005 2:26:28 AM

Now that they are moving a bit, thanks to Airin's help, Kendry helps reassure and cajole the ponies to keep moving [handle animal 18]. "Let's check out the courtyard yonder," he suggests and, should none object, heads that direction.

He notes and ponders Morpth's transformation. After moving a few hundred more yards, recalling the walking thatch, or whatever it is, out there, he thinks to nock a cold iron arrow in his bow again.

Airin and Fioni  d20+12=31 d20+18=38 d20+9=17 d20+6=20 d20+16=35
Friday September 23rd, 2005 4:52:46 AM

Walking 20ft to the right side of the group all the time, Airin feels somwhat comforted by the changing weather. OK, they will be unable to see very clear when the moon is behind the clouds, but so will those who watch us ...

"What will Morpth fight with if it comes to this ?!? What armor will he wear ? Is this a trick to lure us over there ?!?" are only a few thoughts that spring to her paranoid mind.

She goes to the rest of the group and descides it might be best for the scouts of this party to go ahead. Airin and Dwight or Podo maybe ?

"I will go in front of the group and check out the entrance first. Keep an eye out for trouble and I guess we still have to worry a little about that veggie thing ... no?"

With this said, Airin takes the front, beacons the others to linger and move slower so she can move in front of the others. Closing in on the castle, she will not walk straight towards the entrance. Instead she will move to the right side and then carefully move closer to check things out. Embracing the darkness she covers herself compeltely in her Elven Cloak and virtually dissapears from sight !

"yipekaye Ebryon ... here I come ... come out come out wherever you are ...", Airin can't help it but a wicked smile appears upon her face again ... ah how she loves this sneaking around >:-X

Rolls :
Move Silently : 31
Hide : 38 - NAT 20 !
Listen : 17
Spot : 20
Fioni Spot : 35

Friday September 23rd, 2005 8:59:39 AM

Podo will follow Airin's advice and scoot up front to the the group.

"Say, Kendry, how much further to you think it is from here to that light source?" Podo asks of Kendry.

"Patterton, how's your friend, Morpth?" asks Podo.

Kendry  d8+1=4 d8+1=3 d8+1=8 d8+1=8 d2+1=3 d20+3=9 d20+6=11
Friday September 23rd, 2005 7:25:26 PM

"Well, Podo, I'd guess yonder courtyard is a few hundred yards away," Kendry answers his friend.

"Say, Airin, may I use the wand of cure light wounds that Olo gave you for the party? Or, perhaps you can use it yourself. Before he changed, we wounded Morpth. Let's not make him walk more with the wounds he has suffered. Was anyone else hurt?" If so, he will be happy to help heal them with the wand, too - or to have Airin do so.

If she gives it to Kendry, he uses it four times, for 4+3+8+8=23 hp healing (add that to the 10 hp curing Kendry earlier did with his spell of CLW, and Morpth has 33 hp restored, so should be fully healed, having earlier taken 28 hp damage). [And the wand now, I think, has 31 charges left, based on the post: Olo Thistlefoot (ADM Kim) - Fare well Thursday June 30th, 2005 1:43:13 AM.]

"Morpth, I have a masterwork light mace you can use, if you have need. Also, I have a bastard sword. And a battleaxe. And a handaxe. I don't have any more armor, though." Whichever Morpth may desire, one or more of the weapons he named, he offers to Patterton's old friend. "Say, earlier, you spoke about your master. What, uh, does he look like these days? Your former master, I mean. Also - have you seen something that looks like a big hump of thatch walking around here any place?"

After they talk about that, he asks Dwight, "You doing all right, buddy? You think we're going to find this veggie rotter anytime soon? How about you, Patterton, and you, Selithe? Anything we should be doing that we're not?"

And after hearing from them, Kendry turns to the large ogre mage. "Thank you for the song, Lomar. It was apt, and inspiring. I am glad, though, that, thanks be to Alemi, the last part is not something we needed to apply. It's better to regain a friend, than to... well, it's just better, the way it turned out." Then he adds, with a bit of a crooked smile, "At least, so far!"

He looks around to see whether Bobbles is in the vicinity. He knows that the goblin has eyes that are quite acute in the dark.

[Ignore d2+1. Spot: 9; Listen: 11]

Friday September 23rd, 2005 9:24:53 PM

(OOC:Sorry for not posting sooner fearless DM and friends.)

Selithe looks to everyone and shrugs abit before speaking to Kendry, "I believe we should be weary of Morpth yet you know. I mean we just got him back after a fight and we really don't know anything yet....I mean what if the Fey King is just allowing him to act normal and look normal for us to drop our guard." Selithe glances to Morpth and speaks gently to him also, "I'm really sorry Morpth and I hope you understand why I and some of us our weary of you yet."

Selithe shrugs and looks to Airin, Selithe has not all the thief training as Airin but would like to go with her none the less, "Hold up Airin, I can't hide well compared to you since I'm not really trained in it or watched you or others much but I do have some abilities that may help."

Dwight  d20+1=5
Friday September 23rd, 2005 10:29:23 PM

Dwight continues to be ready for the impending danger he feels is coming. (spot 5)

Upon Kendry's inquiry he replies, "Things don't feel right and arming Morpth so soon after he attempt to kill all of us feels like a bad idea. I admit I didn't know the old Morpth, but, well it's as if something is brewing and no one is seen cooking anything."

"Aside from Morpth's physical transformation, the castle hasn't sent anyone in response to Mungo's arrival. Surely he mentioned a demon attacking fellow halflings in the vicinity. Perhaps it is just my fatigue," finishes Dwight trying unsuccessfully to convince himself (and others)having Morpth around is a good thing.

Giving the options, Dwight is content for the group to be lead towards the courtyard.

The Long Night Ahead [DM JPW] 
Sunday September 25th, 2005 12:31:03 PM


With all the unspoken questions hanging in the air, Morpth asks of everyone, "Who was the old man that left prior to the battle?"

Lawni's Lens

As all of you approach, you realize that the castle and surrounding area is not as big as the map would suggest. Instead, its more on the line of what Gnomes and Halflings would have built if they were to build it. You all think that perhaps it was a Gnome Bard that drew the map Mungo has.

On the outside, the buildings, Castle, and Domes look as if they have not been used in years, tens of years even!

Surrounding the walls that are not cliff side is a bogish moat, that is to say, a long disused moat that is now more bog then swamp.

You can see a draw bridge half closed.

Bobbles (ADM Kim) 
Sunday September 25th, 2005 6:06:06 PM

"The clouds fly in, blanket over Wardd," Bobbles mentions in goblin. He keeps his distance from Morpth, always keeping Lomar between himself and the hobbit.

Lomar (by ADM Kim) 
Sunday September 25th, 2005 6:09:00 PM

"You liked my song? Good!" Lomar responds to Kendry.

He has found some more good rocks and small boulders to pick up along the way, plus a few good-sized dirt clods.

Sunday September 25th, 2005 6:11:16 PM

"Mungo is his name. A knowledgeable and rare individual, he is, Morpth. Knows much about many things. He is planning to take a look through Lawni's Lens," Kendry answers.

Responding to the concerns of his sister Selithe and distant cousin Dwight, Kendry says, "You may be right. You may be right in distrusting him. But I shall trust him. Could you not see the change that overcame him? Noted the change in his demeanor? I believe, for whatever reason, that he has left behind his bent ways and evil bitterness." He again offers Morpth his choice of weapons. "Morpth, I do trust you. Time will tell if I read you well. Should I be mistaken, and I see you turn on these my family and friends, though, any mercy I have shown you to date shall immediately evaporate. So," he adds with a kindly smile, "if you're planning to take us out, I suggest you should start with me."

Then, with a more serious mien, he says, "You likely have some things to sort out in your own heart and mind. It may help Selithe and Dwight, though, were they to hear with their own ears that you, yourself, willingly renounce all allegiance to Ebryon, who calls himself the King of the Fae. I will not coerce you to do so. I do ask you to consider it, nevertheless."

[So, Mr. DM JPW, have Morpth select from battleaxe, handaxe, bastard sword, and/or masterwork light mace. Or, have him not take a weapon, as you choose. By the way, the extra attire Kendry gave him is a set of entertainer's clothes, so he should look quite fashionable.]

"With our ropes and a few tools, I dare say we might get a few of us up on to the bridge, from there, perhaps, to lower it for the rest of us, and our ponies and dogs. And then, together, to the courtyard. I wonder whether Mungo is there, or someone else awaits. Or something. Elves? Thatch? Ebryon? Snacks?"

Dwight  d20=14 d20+4=6
Sunday September 25th, 2005 7:36:45 PM

Dwight not taken in by Kendry all is forgiven speech keeps a wary eye on Morpth. As Kendry gives the information about Mungo to Morpth, Dwight shows obvious disgust.

As we get closer to the 'castle' seeing that the drawbridge is half-closed, Dwight suggests that someone trys to track which entrane Mungo took. If no one else volunteers, Dwight will try. (Track 14 or Search 6)

Airin [AC21 / HP 27/28] and Fioni [AC17 / HP8]  d20+18=23 d20+12=27 d20+9=13 d20+6=12 d20+16=36
Monday September 26th, 2005 9:19:03 AM

Just before moving ahead of the group Airin gives Kendry the wand she got from Olo :"here you go Kendry, you're probably a lot better in using this than I am - I tend to forget that I have it"

With company of Podo and selithe, Airin moves ahead and scouts the castle. Are there other ways to get inside that the draw bridge ? Climbing the wall maybe ? Maybe she can put her WLA training to use here ! A small windown to a deserted room maybe ?
can she hear anything ? Smell anything ? see anything ?

Fioni flies over the castle to have a look inside. Are there guards hiding ?

Rolls :
Hide : 23
Move silently : 27
Listen : 13
spot : 12
Erwen Spot : 36 - NAT 20

Active Spells :
Mage Armor : we had 2 hours left when we encountered Morpth. Don't know how luch time passed since then.

Monday September 26th, 2005 9:49:18 PM

Selithe nods to Kendry but quickly goes to follow Airin also, looking over the castle carefully and thinking as she does, "Maybe a spot to toss a rope up or something. Someone could slip down into the courtyard afterwards and drop that drawbridge the rest of the way."

Selithe wrinkles her brow and grins, "Maybe Kendry has a grappling hook or even you Airin and we could try hooking the drawbridge and go that way. Would be probably just as dangerous."

Selithe just isn't sure how to go about this for sure. She has no spells at her disposal that will help much in this matter and even mutters to herself abit, "If only I had the skills like my master. I could make us all beable to fly or something."

Monday September 26th, 2005 9:59:19 PM

Podo, with the ladies, tries to find a way to lower the drawbridge. Podo asks the ladies if they should try calling our Mungo's name to see if he is indeed inside the courtyard?

Shambling Mound

The Drawbridge [DM JPW]  d20+3=23
Monday September 26th, 2005 9:59:56 PM


While Podo, Airin, and Selithe are off scouting for a way into the Lens Morpth asks of Kendry, "Kendry...if the offer is still open, I'd like to try the light mace."

Morpth holding up his hand and placing the other hand across his heart symbolically, recites an oath for all in earshot to hear. Begining, Morpth says firmly, I, Morpth Pipewood Raincatcher, do honestly and resoundly denounce Ebyron , the Fae King, and in doing so firmly pledge my allegiance to Alemi, Supreme God of Health!

The Drawbridge

Meanwhile at the drawbridge, Airin's mage armor spell;Highlight to display spoiler: { has an hour left.} While the group is trying to determine a way into the building and past the drawbridge, Erwen makes a shrieking cry and heads towards Airin.

As Podo, Selithe, and Airin look about to determine what the bird yell is all about, the 3 of you see something akin to a garbage pile lunging towards you...

Airin [AC21 - 27/28HP - Mage Armor] and Fioni [AC17 - HP8]  d20+7=27 d20+7=18 d6+1=4 d6+1=6 d20+6=15 d20+9=26
Tuesday September 27th, 2005 11:08:29 AM

"Talk first shoot later ?!?" crosses Airin's mind and she looks to Podo and selithe to see what they're doing.

She aims and will fire if the "thing" engages. If not, she will hold her fire and talk to the thing - assuming it can talk - : "Stand still ! We've come to talk to the one named Ebryon, the great King of Fey"

"You never know this works" she mumbles between her teeth to Podo and Selithe.

Rolls :
readied shot hits AC27 - NAT20 - crit check AC18
Damage readied shot : 4HP + 6HP if crit
Spot : 15
Listen : 26

Active Spells :
Mage Armor : 1 hour left

Battle: Garbage; Rnd 1 [DM JPW] 
Tuesday September 27th, 2005 9:17:51 PM

The lumbering rotting mound attacks

Airin sees the mound lunge at her and her friends, thanks to Fioni's cries. She lets off a readied bolt into the thing, striking it for 4 points of damage.


Being bitten by a bolt takes the thing by total surprise. It advances on your position taking its entire round to do so.

Dwight  d20+6=14 d6=6 d20+1=16
Tuesday September 27th, 2005 10:11:55 PM

Apparently not seeing the 'thing' watches from a distance as Podo, Selithe and Airin suddenly stop searching and Fioni screeches.

Seeing Airin release her bow (without a rope for climbing), Dwight readies his own shortbow and sets out to take his own aim.

If within range (and seeing the 'thing' Dwight will fire an arrow. (attk: 14, dmg: 6) Otherwise, Dwight will move the entire round to get a visual on whats occurring. (spot 16)

Kendry (AC 15, HP 17) [expeditious retreat, move 50] (Cheann, dog: AC 17, hp 20) 
Wednesday September 28th, 2005 2:21:11 AM

Hearing the beginnings of commotion ahead, Kendry casts upon himself expeditious retreat, though clearly intending to use it for something other than retreat. "Advance!" he calls out to his companions, perhaps unnecessarily. He himself moves forward 50 feet, or less, if doing so will get him within thirty feet of the undifferentiated mass that seems to be rising up against his beloved. "Come, Cheann!" he says to his dog, as he nocks a cold iron arrow in his bow (quickdraw, free action - I think).

[Note to DM: Kendry had not wanted there to be too great a distance between Airin and himself, even though they were 'going on ahead.' Probably 40 to 60 feet or so, if that much.]

Airin [AC21 - 27/28HP - Mage Armor] and Fioni [AC17 - HP8]  d20+7=21 d6+1=7 d20+6=25 d20+9=28
Wednesday September 28th, 2005 11:17:19 AM

Yup attack first looks like the best option for the little halflings to deal with a pile of garbage ...

Her Quick Reload feat was probably the best thing she could ever have learned from her former mentor and immediately she fires a second bolt !

Fioni circles above not knowing what to do against this pile of rubbish ...

Rolls :
bolt hits AC21
Damage : 7HP
Spot : 25
Listen : 28

Active Spells
Mage Armor : 59' 54"

Dwight  d20+6=9 d6=4
Wednesday September 28th, 2005 8:37:50 PM

Once close enough, Dwight will release an arrow into the heap (or perhaps his second if he made it last round.)while trying to make sure his entire group is accounted for.

att: 9
dmg: 4

Kim to Crescent Valley friends - Hey! We're in COMBAT! 
Wednesday September 28th, 2005 11:00:43 PM

Since we're in combat - let's have some good posting, eh? I don't stand faultless - didn't get to posting until the wee hours of Wednesday morning. But Podo and Selithe have not posted since Monday, and Patterton since Wednesday last week.

To arms! To arms! We need us all!

Selithe  d20+1=4 d20+1=5
Wednesday September 28th, 2005 11:08:53 PM

(OOC:I could of sworn on a stack of bibles that I posted for Tuesday. Sorry everyone for letting ya's down.)

Selithe keeping her staff in hand moves foreward to help combat the new threat and takes a swing with both ends. She growls lowly to herself as she notices both swings terribly pathetic.

(Can hit AC::4/5 Damage:miss/miss)

Lomar the ogre/ogre mage (ADM Kim)  d20+13=33 d20+13=24 d20+8=23 2d8(5+8)+8=21 2d8(1+3)+8=12
Thursday September 29th, 2005 2:07:27 AM

Lomar, the half ogre/ogre mage sees the rising muck come to loom near Airin. He reaches into his pouch of rocks as his long strides carry him forward. Pulling one out, he cocks his arm, and throws, hard [d20+13=33, natural 20, threat, critical if AC 24 or less. Damage: 21, or 33 if critical]. (Ignore d20+8=23 - not valid.]

Bobbles the goblin (ADM Kim)  d20+3=7 d20+3=21
Thursday September 29th, 2005 2:21:51 AM

"Frumpledown!" exclaims Bobbles in halfling, repeating one of the favorite exclamations of dismay of the good woman in Hovel who has allowed Bobbles and Lomar to stay in her barn. He gives wide berth to the rising fray. Using his darkvision, he tries to work his way farther along, to see if there is a way to the castle along the bog. Bobbles walks with care, probing each step before trusting his weight to it once he reaches the place where the moat used to be - and ready to fall flat backwards if his footing gives way, so as to be able to crawl out. [Listen: 7, Spot: 21]

Podo (AC 18/ HP 27)  d20+8=11 d4=3
Thursday September 29th, 2005 11:57:11 AM

Podo, seeing the garbage heap attack, will piviot 5 feet and make an unarmed attack. (Hit AC:11 Dmg: 3)

Thursday September 29th, 2005 2:03:16 PM

Airin watches her bolt veering to the pile of garbage as if she looks through slow motion ! She sees the bolt rotating around his axis, seeing little whisps or wind formed by the perfect airodynamics of the bolt. Slowly she sees the monster grow bigger in front of the tiny sharp point of the bolt and then ... it hits ?

Dwight  d20+6=20 d6=6
Thursday September 29th, 2005 9:18:59 PM

Dwight reloads his bow, hoping for a better shot this round. Pulling the bow, waiting for just the right clearance releases the arrow soaring into the heap of trash (a waste of a good arrow...) Att: 20, dmg: 6.

Kendry (AC 15, hp 18) [Expeditious Retreat, 2 min 54 seconds left. Inspire Courage +1 att/+1 dam morale bonus for allies who hear]  d20+6=10 d20+9=14
Friday September 30th, 2005 12:34:57 AM

Kendry aims high with his next arrow, trying to hit the upper part of the mass - but his arrow arcs too high. [Unless AC 10 hits :( ]

Wanting to encourage his friends, Kendry begins a song [inspire courage, perform: singing: d20+9=14].
No mass of earth, no mess of twigs
Will sway or cause us to renege
Our pledge for justice to uphold
'Gainst him who woe grew in our Wold
...he begins.

[OOC: Inspire courage grants +1 morale bonus to attacks and damage, and +1 morale bonus versus fear and charm effects. It benefits all allies who can hear him sing. So - add it to your attacks & damage!]

Cheann, Kendry's Caran Hills dog (AC 17, HP 20) (by Kim) 
Friday September 30th, 2005 12:49:25 AM

"Rauf! Rauf-rauf!" Cheann barks toward the messy mass, himself staying near the singing hobbit.

Battle: Garbage; Rnd 2 [DM JPW]  d20+6=13 d6+5=7 d20+6=12 d6+5=8
Friday September 30th, 2005 1:49:36 AM

Battle Rages

As the heap of rotting vegetation (AC:20) closes ranks to Selithe and Podo, a massive amount of blows pummel into it. Airin gets a good bolt into it causing 7 HP of damage. Lomar using a rock and his unusual skill manages to knock the heap with a mighty critical blow of 33 Hps! Dwight's first shot goes wide, but the second shot gets it for 6 points of damage. Although it appears to have taken a killing round of damage it continues its attack on Selithe.

Iron Will

The heap raises up to attack Selithe bearing down an arm-like appendage into Selithe's body with a mighty swing missing completely. Swinging its other arm, it swings at Podo with an extended 10 ft reach doing an attack damage with its other appendage also completely missing.

Rage swells up in the heap as it extends itself upward/erect to a height of 6 ft. tall with an 8 ft. girth!!

Lomar the Ogre (ADM Kim)  d20+13=21 2d8(6+7)+8=21
Friday September 30th, 2005 2:09:43 AM

Lomar roars, seeing the heap attacking his little friends. He pegs another fair-sized stone at the beast. "Do not hurt my Selithe friend!

[Hit AC 21 for 21 hp damage.]

Kendry  d20+6=24
Friday September 30th, 2005 2:50:40 AM

"Not my sister! Not my friend! Not my sweetheart!" Kendry yells, breaking his song, he moves forward, and, pulling another tanglefoot bag from his bag, throws it from a 15 foot distance at the creature that rivals Lomar in mass, if not in height.

[Ranged touch attack, hits AC 23, tanglefoot bag. Should have rolled d20+6+1(Inspire courage)-2(range increment), or, in short, a d20+5, rather than d20+6.]

[The effects of inspire courage will last four more rounds, so keep those bonuses to attack and damage in your combat calculations.]

Bobbles the Goblin (ADM Kim)  d20+3=9 d20+3=13
Friday September 30th, 2005 2:54:05 AM

Bobbles starts checking out the boggy area to the far side of the drawbridge - maybe thirty, forty feet from the far side of the drawbridge.

[Listen: 9. Spot: 13]

Battle Ends... [DM JPW] 
Friday September 30th, 2005 9:24:09 AM

Battle Ends

With a second mighty blow coming from the great Lomar, the beast falls over with a thud, and moves to more!

Kendry's shock that the beast might take out his beloved Airin, the bard uses his now imfamous tanglebag to even up the sides. By this time however, the battle is over, and the heap does not resist.

Tanglefoot'd Heap

As the Crescent Valley adventures realize the battle is over, they cautiously approach the tanglefoot Heap.

The large mass of rotten Vegetation doesn't really appear to anything more than a large plant monster. At this distance, Kendry twiddles his fingers and thinking out loud, thinks the critter must weight more than 3,000 pounds! Not counting the Tanglefoot bag, of course!

Runic Acorns

While everyone stands transfixed and staring at the Heap, Kendry, Airin, Selithe, Patterton, Podo, and Dwight all come to realize they are each holding an acorn with 3 runes on its smooth shell, each equidistant from the other (Each rune is evenly spaced around the smooth shell of the acorn).

Each rune is in High Woldian, but Kendry is able to translate each as being - LIVE, SLEEP, DIE.

As Kendry looks closer, he gets the feeling that only one rune can be touched...

Airin and Fioni 
Friday September 30th, 2005 3:09:35 PM

Airin closely observes the runes, and suddenly the dream they all had before starts to make sense. They are to judge Ebryon's future ...

Die - killing a creature of nature was never Airin's most favoured activity. Only when attacked she will do so. As Ebryon, or his minion now seems to be destroyed is there really need to kill him ?

Sleep - guess this is where Ebryon was awoken from at the beginning of this chaos ... no use in going back there ...

Live ... can we keep a creature like this alive ? He's a master of nature, and Airin's love for nature goes without saying ... Yet he almost killed Morpth, but on the other hand he gave Morpth back to us alive and well ... maybe we ought to give him that very same second chance !

Airin looks to her friends and says : "Morpth was giving back his life - he got a second chance from Ebryon to make up for his foolish act earlier at the druid circle. Maybe we ought to grant him that same chance ... "

With that she touches the rune that says LIVE

Kendry  d8+1=4 d8+1=8 d8+1=8
Friday September 30th, 2005 3:35:22 PM

Kendry translates the High Woldian runes to his friends. "I think that Queen Maab's magic has joined us here," he says. But before making any decisions, he checks to see how Airin, Podo and especially Selithe are doing. On finding Podo and his sister wounded, Kendry takes the wand of cure light wounds. He first applies two charges to his sister (4+8 - fully healed), whom he then hugs to himself for a moment. "You had me worried, Sissy," he tells Selithe. He pulls back for a moment to look at her, then gives her a kiss on her forehead.

He next applies the wand to Podo (8 - fully healed). "That was brave of you, going hand to hand against this pile of smelly dirt."

Then we comes back to Airin. He holds open his arms, and embraces her in a hug. "I saw that thing rising up against you. And you, not faltering, just reloading your crossbow, and sticking it again." His hand rubs circles on her back, trying to calm the tension that comes with battle.

Finally, he turns, and looks down at the heap of messy rubble, trying to get a better understanding of just what it was that attacked them. With his bastard sword he starts scraping mud and sticks and whatever other garbage might be on the creature below them, trying to see if there is some sort of flesh and bones underneath it all. "What is this thing?" he wonders. "Come over and take a look at this, Patty. You too, Dwight. What do you think, guys? How 'bout you, Lomar? Say, you throw a nice rock, big guy! Remind me not to play catch with you!"

"I really wanted to talk with Ebryon," Kendry says. "Maybe we can find him somewhere around here." He glances over at Morpth. "You have any ideas?"

He pauses a moment, then calls out, "MUNGO! MU-U-U-UNGO-O-O! Are you here?"

Friday September 30th, 2005 5:56:27 PM

Glad the everyone is okay, listens as his acorn is translated. "Live, sleep, die. Queen Maab couldn't just have told us to choose one? Or how to activate it, assuming it does something. " As Dwight continues thinking about this is partakes in the examination of the fallen trash.

After a moment of examination, Dwight asks intently, "Morph, why didn't you help bring this thing down?"

At Lawni's Lens

Light in yonder Court yard [DM JPW] 
Saturday October 1st, 2005 1:27:43 AM

Light in der' Courtyard

Morpth answers Dwight by throwing up again, and right onto Dwight's shoes. With spittle still dripping off his bottom lip, he explains, "The mere thought of violence makes me hurl!" With that another violent round of projectile vomit spews across the field.

As Kendry cries out to Mungo Hardbottle, a subtle yet distinct sound of "KENDRY! KE-N-N-NDRY-Y-Y! In here!" echos back out of yonder courtyard, across the bog, and across the slightly tilted drawbridge.

The Trash Heap has Spoken!

With a tanglefoot bag and death by rocks, the trash heap has said its last goodbyes as it lays in a pile, gooed to the ground, left to decay.

What Kendry can make out from his searching is that this creature looks like a mass of leaves and vines with a generally human-like form. It has a barrel shaped body with ropy arms and stumpy legs. It doesn't seem to have a head.

Podo wonders aloud, "You think Mungo might know what this thing is?"

The Courtyard

As Mungo manages to lower the drawbridge via the winch mechanism on one of the walls just past the archway on the courtside of the complex.

Mungo yells out to his earlier companions, "Please join us here in the courtyard. The campfire is bright and Aya Nightshade and I are having an enjoyable conversation. Please... Come... Join us!"

Monday October 3rd, 2005 3:42:33 AM

Come on out first, then we'll come on in
"Sure, we'll join you inside. But first, Mungo, could you take a look at this plant monster that just attacked us? I think it's dead, now," Kendry answers the invitation. If Mungo obliges, he holds up his everlasting torch, and lets Mungo HardBottle take a look. "Do you know what this is?"

That done, he says the idea of sitting at a campfire sounds good, and he enters with family and friends to join Mungo and Aya Nightshade.

"I know an Aya," he tells Mungo as they enter. "But his family is Shadeton Oakendale, not Nightshade. I used to live with his uncle, aunt and two of my cousins - Shale is a ranger who traveled with us for several days."

As he goes to meet Aya, he says, "Hi! I'm Kendry Leafwin Pipew... hey, it is you, Aya! What's with the 'Nightshade'? And what brings you to Lawni's Lens, anyhow? You know Selithe, my sister, of course. This here is Airin Moondancer Turnbell. Airin, this is Aya. Of course, you know Shale - he's Aya's first cousin. Well, I'm Shale's first cousin, too. but through the distaff side of the family," he overexplains to Airin. Looking again at Aya, he continues the introductions. "You ought to know Patty, right? You saw him and Shale and me win the four-in-six legged race a few years back at that festival. Patterton Cloverturn Burrows. He had a run-in with goblins last month. A stout right arm, they found he has. Podo, here, Podo Danderfluff Pipewood, is a monk, and a good buddy. Dwight - Dwight Twiggebundler - I think has many hidden resources. And, dressed in these handsome clothes is Morpth. He has, shall we say, a remarkable story. Say, Morpth - I never did learn your family names. We haven't had a lot of time to talk, I'd say.

"Now - don't worry - that big fellow holding back by the drawbridge is Lomar. He's an ogre, of course and - AND - a bard! He plays the drum, and comes up with some pretty catchy chants and songs. He is our friend. Bobbles! Bobbles, where are you?" he calls out. "Bobbles is a goblin. He's a good guy. His common isn't too strong yet, but he's working on it. He gets common and hobbit words and syntax sort of mixed together. He really helped us out back when a bunch of other goblins were causing us problems."

Kendry gives Aya a chance to say what he wishes.

One of the Matters at Hand
"Let us tell you of a choice that lies before us," Kendry speaks to his friends, but wanting Mungo and Aya, as well as Morpth, to have a chance to understand the nature of the decision as well.

He tells of the dream that they all shared early this morning. A dream of Ebryon, and his wife, Maab, Queen of the Fay, and how, in order to escape her power, he divided himself into many forms and bodies, and thus scattered himself over the face of the Wold. "I don't understand how he did it, but Queen Maab countered his magic with some of her own." He holds out his acorn. "Three High Woldian runes are engraved upon this little nut. They translate as 'Live, Sleep, Die.' Ours is now to join with others throughout the Wold in helping to determine the fate of Ebryon, King of the Fae, who re-entered the Wold after eons of slumber, taking the form of a satyr. He gave a command to one of us in this group. A terrible command. Soon afterwards, Ebryon wrought death upon scores of druids and elves, and there was a great battle between druids and the fae - and us, against Ebryon himself.

"And since his coming, the Wold has suffered upheaval, and disruption. Plateau City was flooded. Hundreds, if not thousands, have died. Ebryon has blood on his hands.

"Now, not all he has done has caused ruin. Crops have become enormously fruitful. Some of the fae have gained in power and in heart.

"Now, Ebryon is a power, perhaps a peer to many of the gods of the Wold. Our decision can have profound effects on our beloved world.

"Should he return to sleep, things likely would soon settle down to the way we are accustomed. If we rule he should die, then perhaps nature itself would become less wild, more domesticated. If we say to let him live, then, I daresay, we might expect more of the same as in recent weeks. Likely Parnoth will be defeated, perhaps killed, and thus a measure of freedom come to portions of the Culverwood Forest.

"If we say, 'live!' - then the forests may gain in power, and druids and others who rely on nature and her power themselves grow in power. Cities and civilization may find themselves under prolonged seige.

"Is justice due Ebryon? My inclination is to weigh justice and mercy, and choose sleep. But doing so may lead, centuries to come, to an even worse awakening.

"What do you all think? I believe each of us has his own choice to make in this matter. Airin, I saw you press your acorn. What choice was yours? What do you recommend?

"And you, Patty. You saw first hand Ebryon's first acts of bloodshed. What are your thoughts?

"How about the rest of you? Speak, and let us share wise counsel. Or," he adds with a smile, "at least the counsel of good friends."

Airin and Fioni 
Monday October 3rd, 2005 7:14:06 AM

Prior to meeting with Mungo
The moment Kendry runs up to her and hugs her Airin's legs go numb. Deep down she was scared ... scared to get killed, scared to see her friends get killed. Suddenly she feels all the stress fall from her shoulders. She returns the loving hug from Kendry and whispers in his ears: "We made it love, we made it..."

Then she hears Mungo once more!
"How in the Wold did he get past that veggie thing?!?" Airin exclaims. Somehow she never trusted him in the first place, and seeing him turn up here again, unharmed, not threatened by this monster and enjoying an entertainimg chat with Aya around a FIRE?!?! WITHOUT DRAWING ATTENTION!!!???!!!

This is all too weird.

Around the fire with Mungo
Listening to Kendry's introduction Airin's mind is troubled with dark thoughts. She can't help but feel uncomfortable with Mungo. He turns up at the most unexpected places, without getting threatened by any monsters. This heap of garbage attacked us all before we even got in to the castle! Too awkward.

But then Airin remembers the argument they had earlier about an odd looking patch of grass. Maybe she should get over her paranoia some day and decides not to mention any further doubt.

When Kendry asks her about her choice for Ebryon's future she explains:

"I chose 'live.' I know after all that he did to us this may seem stupid, but don't forget he gave Morpth back in full health. He did make crops flourish as you said Kendry and believe there IS good in him. If our actions can make him repent what he did I believe it to be good for the Valley, for the the entire Wold. I have grown to admire the powers of nature. Remember it was Mayzie who taught me the first steps." (ooc Mayzie was this party's first druid, but she left us). "Ebryon contains all this power! Removing him will indeed diminish all life and reduce the power of nature.

"In the end, no one got killed. He gave Morpth a second chance of life and I believe we ought to give him that same chance."

Then she looks up again and seeks acknowledgement in Kendry's eyes.

Monday October 3rd, 2005 9:32:54 AM

Battle Ends

Although Podo wasn't in the battle long, the battle is already over as quickly as it began. Podo walks over the the trash heap goo'd to the ground as is the common attack for this group. Podo thinks to himself...he hit'em and goo'em gang!

Podo as been doing alot of thinking lately.I wonder what my role here is in this life. Domi as showed me great courage and strength, but still I have a longing...like I'm not all I can be...

Lawni's Lens

Podo wanders into the keep and sits by the campfire and looses himself in thought.

Monday October 3rd, 2005 12:59:13 PM

Aya smiles at Kendry and the rest of the party, happy to see old freinds agein and to make new ones.

Then Aya speaks in rsponse Kendry's questions "I changed my name when I became a priest of Gargul. It is a part of the death and rebirth rite all priest of Gargul must go through. I have come here because I always wanted to, but never had the chance. I resently left my home to be an adveturer and desided that this old castle would be a fun place to start. I didn't expect anyone to be here. Seeing you all is a plesent supprise."

"As for Ebryon, I wonder why there is more then one acorn. Do you each get a vote and which ever one has the most votes is what happens or because he split himself, does each acorn deside the fate of a different part of him? In ether case it is a hard destion and must be made with care. For the time being I, my self, would have him sleep not knowing enough to pass jugment apon him, but that is not my choice to make. If you wish, I will join you in your quest and help you the best I can, I can think of no greater adveture then to help old freinds deside the fate of the fey king."

Lawni's Lens..Anew! [DM JPW] 
Monday October 3rd, 2005 9:35:43 PM

Mungo & the Heap

Mungo is called forth to identify the heap on the ground, goo'd to the ground. Mungo asks, "Whose bolts are these sticking in the creature? Why did you need to kill it? It didn't bother me when I got here! I mean it did come out of the moat, but then again I gave it no reason to think I meant it any harm either; remember the grass you folks wanted to kill? I just walked around that too! As for this thing, I thought it was the gatekeeper!"

"Actually, now that I think about it, I think they call this one a Shambling Mound..."

[The Castle Courtyard

Mungo asks if everyone would join him and Aya Nightshade in the courtyard. "The fire is nice and stoked, warm to be had by all!"

Those that enter the courtyard pass over a drawbridge that for all its time in the elements does not seem to have weathered much. YOu also pass under a portaculis with the ironwork gate lifted up into its open position. Those that look at the gateHighlight to display spoiler: {see a gate that like the bridge has not weathered much and (check; DC vs. 5)Highlight to display spoiler: {}looks like it could hold back the denizens of Koshe-Marr!}[/spoiler]

Once inside the courtyard, with the fire burning brightly, you can make out about 50% of the area Mungo calls the courtyard. Looks like a parade ground or the beginings of a nicely sized city. High walls, parapets in the corners, an area on the wall tops to guard, a strong looking keep/main castle, and then there's that funny shaped dome building.

Mr. Hardbottle's invitation

After the gang brings into the courtyard, all the gear, and the mounts; there is even water troughs and posts to sure up the mounts; the halflings gather around the fire to warm themselves for the evening and make plans.

After everyone has had a bite to eat and drink; Mungo had prepare some food; and all the introductions are made between the newcomer with Mungo and the rest of Kendry's party, Mungo offers an invitation to the group.

"I've been thinking. You all have weathered the landscape and the interesting things of nature and arrived here in one piece. Soon my taks here will be done and I will be returning to Angel Springs. If you will accept my invitation, in one forenights time, I can offer you a party in my home and a chance to find some rest & relaxation. Consider it a "Job well done" party. If all of you except, please meet me in the Merchant's sector of Angel Springs; My shop's called Ye Olde Antiques & Curiosities. Can't miss it!

Monday October 3rd, 2005 10:07:47 PM

Prior to Mungo:
Disgusted by Morpth's vomit on his shoes, forces himself not to smack Morpth with the back side of his hand. "....intentionally getting that close....new shoes.... the stench already," is heard as Dwight mumbles ending his conversation with Morpth.

Inside with Mungo:

Dwight listens to the introductions and nods when he is mentioned. "Aya, you look somewhat familiar. Have we met before? Can't image that we have as I've not been many places, but you do look familiar."

As the conversation changes to Ebryon, "According to the path, Live, Sleep and Die. Ebyron lived, and has slept for many years. He has already done two of the three. Given his second chance, which we personally witnessed," he points out to Aya, "many people did die. Perhaps not Morpth here, but others, a great many others. Personally I haven't decided, but I'm leaning towards Sleep or Death. I certainly would love to know more of the details about him now and before." Dwight turns to Mungo hoping he will give them.

Monday October 3rd, 2005 10:20:39 PM

(OOC: I'm really sorry everyone for missing posts last week. We been moving things out of my Grandma's house because she will be going to a nursing home soon. It has been quite rough with us not really wanting to put her in and home but she needs to be in one for her safty and her complaining about how she is perfectly able to stay out of it even if she can't remember diddly.)

Selithe glances around, amazed at how fast the combat ended and whispers to Airin as they are at the camp now, "Uummm, that was fast, did I even help really? I mean it seems like I'm little help in most combats."

Selithe pouts as she thinks over how this has been going lately with combats and sighs, deciding the next one she is diving in for sure to help out.

Selithe notices the new person and smiles, waving to Aya, "Hi there."

Patterton (by Kim) 
Tuesday October 4th, 2005 12:33:55 AM

Patterton takes care of the ponies, using his own war pony, Barnabus, to get to Kendry's. He had moments before been about to attack the mound. Now it was still, and his friends going across the bridge. He takes their reins in hand, and leads them into the courtyard.

"Hey, Aya. Yeah, I kind of remember you from the festival. I didn't get into town much, though."

As the discuss moves to the Fae King's fate, the fighter opines, "I'm not so sure we should give Ebryon a pass. I think he stinks!" Patterton says. "Why not let 'im die? That way, he's not gonna come back and ruin life for a bunch of folks down the road."

Kendry [Revised post, reflecting changes to "Lawni's Lens..Anew! [DM JPW]" post above] 
Tuesday October 4th, 2005 12:53:14 AM

Kendry considers Mungo's rebuke for attacking the plant beast? "This - shambling mound, is it? - launched attacks against us, back in Hovel. Mungo, with due respect, but based upon the vision some of us shared this morning, the vegetative chaos that surrounded this, this shambler, and the sudden appearance in our hands of Maab's acorns immediately following its defeat - I believe that what greeted you by the drawbridge was a portion of the essence of Ebryon himself. That it was Ebryon whom we followed would explain the animation of plants in his presence back in town, plants that attacked us." He pulls up his shirt to reveal the scar on his abdomen. "One of his beast-plants stabbed me right here in the chest."

He pauses. "Yet, you may have a point, mister Mungo. Though it rose up and approached it, we did initiate the attack upon it. Perhaps, just perhaps, we might have been able to communicate with it - with him, if indeed, this is part of the essence of the King of the Fae." He scratches his head. Though he does not disagree with his group's decision to attack when sensing a threat... Mungo's words make him think. He decides to say no more at this time on the subject. Shall we mourn this dead shambler? Kendry's face is sad. He takes a few minutes, intending respect, to remove the arrows and bolts from the slain creature, which, once back inside the courtyard, he places on the fire.

After a bit, when Patty comes in, he hits his forehead with the palm of his hand, Kendry says, "The ponies! Thanks, Patty!"

He listens to the thoughts of his friends.

"Airin, if I saw clear evidence that Ebryon has tempered his ways," Kendry begins to answer, "then I might be more inclined to your point of view on the matter. If nature gains in power, then druids, perhaps, will share in that gain. Perhaps those who follow the paths arcane or divine, apart from what we call 'nature,' may suffer, their powers diminished. Not saying that is so, I'm merely speculating.

"Also, in addition to the question of mercy, there is the question of justice. Now, Dwight, I sense you did not, do not, approve of my having given Morpth here the benefit of the doubt.

"Yet, when I saw him go from aggressive and hostile, with his skin an odd color, and encased in wicked armor, to landing on his bum on the grass, clad only in - well, just barely enough to keep his modesty, and saw his mindset go from hostile to perplexed, from speaking of Ebryon to speaking of Alemi, then I thought to myself, 'There is something happening here - and I think that Morpth has changed.'"

Kendry walks over to one of the ponies, takes off the saddle bags as he continues to talk. "Well, from the dream we had this morning, I don't think that Ebryon has had any change of heart. He has split his essence, and scattered it abroad, to be sure - but that was to thwart the will of his wife. Queen Maab is wise, I believe. She knows that her husband must be dealt with. I'm with you, Dwight. I would like to know more. But," and here he takes out of a pouch on his belt the acorn he placed there a few minutes before, "I think we have been given the power to cast our votes, with whatever we now know." Mungo's words again return to him, and he wonders whether the opportunity to know more lies dead by the drawbridge. But he shakes off that 'what if?'

He begins to remove the pack saddle, and asks, "Mungo - what counsel might you give in this matter?" As he awaits the merchant's response, he takes down the saddle, then from it takes out food, cooking pot, and a nice blanket. The latter he lays on the courtyard floor, and on it the food and such. He removes the other pony's bags and saddle. He feeds the dogs, Cheann and Gra, and gives the ponies some grain. They've had plenty of grass today.

Airin and Fioni  d20+6=18 d20+9=16
Tuesday October 4th, 2005 5:46:24 AM

Airin welcomes Aya into the group and is pleased to see a cleric joined the party.

It's getting late now, and she's not sure if they will be spending the night here in this castle.

"What else is to be found in this castle?", she asks Mungo, "Are we sure this pile of junk was the only thing we could find in here? If we plan on spending the night here, I would like to take a quick tour checking things out.

Mungo, who owns this place? Is this deserted? Oh I remember the Gold Dargon's castle back in Plateau City... maybe we can have our own castle one day!"

Airin looks around to see the state of the castle. Ruin, well preserved, completely deserted filled with cobwebs? Are there any items to be found in the castle? and more important, why was Mungo heading over here?!? Only to meet Aya?!? Strange...

spot: 18
listen: 16

Tuesday October 4th, 2005 9:12:08 AM

Waking up of out his waking dream, Podo is quick to accept Mungo's offer. "Really? a party for Us? Ok, I'll go!"

Turning to Kendry, Podo asks, "You going Kendry? It be a chance to relax and maybe have that multi-legged race you keep talking about! If that doesn't sound good, maybe he'd let you look at his library?"

Podo, excited by the prospects of visiting the big city in the valley, wanders further into the courtyard back into the shadows.

Tuesday October 4th, 2005 5:22:44 PM

Kendry smiles. "Yes, Podo, a party at Mungo's in Angel City sounds great!"

"I'd like to know what is in that domed building," Kendry remarks. "Where is the 'lens' that people look through?" he asks Mungo.

He has not forgotten the acorn, or the need to render a decision. He is torn. Airin's choice might bring great growth, and abundance in nature. But, would the growth be so great, that nature would become an enemy, as it seems, in some ways, to have become of late? Patty's take on it - perhaps justice would best be served by calling for death. His best friends, with divergent views. Would sleep - and a return to the status quo, be the best? Or merely a decision deferred? An echo of Maab's earlier choice, yet in the fullness of time resulting in the chaos, death, suffering, yet also verdant life, huge crops... and walking corn of the past weeks.

"I do not know if my choice is the best. I am loath to put to death a great power. I am loath to reward this stinker with full rein. So - and I know that you, Airin, may be angry with me for not favoring wakeful life for Ebryon. And you, Patty, may think me indecisive for failure to exercise stronger judgment in this matter.

"I will listen to any of you to pursuade me otherwise. My strong inclination, though, is to choose the rune for sleep."

Tuesday October 4th, 2005 5:45:01 PM

Aya sits at the fire eating the food that he was given and talking with the others.

"Who are you Mungo? Why did you invite everyone here? Mmm, this food is good by the way. And what do you have to do with what is going on with the Fey King and all."

"By the way the ones with the acorns must consider that chosing death could also lead to the death of forests and plants across Wold. It could end up killing just as many people through famin and such as it could leting him live. Also if it weakens the druid the places they protect will be open to attack. The way I see it sleep is the safist, live and die could lead to the deaths of many, mabe even the deaths of freinds and family back home."

"As for going to Angelsprings, I would love to go, though I'm not one parties. There are always interesting things to be found in a big city."

A little later, after the convertion dies down and the food has been eaten "I'm going to go look around for a bit, the dark doesn't really bother me and if I get in any trouble I'll yell."

Tuesday October 4th, 2005 6:40:02 PM

Dwight listens as others continue to discuss Ebryon's fate. He fingers the acorn gently in his hand still officially undecided.

The shambling mound discussion doesn't really interest him much. Unfortunate if killed without need, but no way verify it, so life goes on.

After the groups eats and settles, Dwight will join any that adventure out to explore the surrounding. He brings his bow.

Lomar the ogre (by Kim) 
Tuesday October 4th, 2005 10:44:47 PM

Lomar, after watching the fallen shambling mound for some time, joins those in the courtyard. "He is not growing any more."

He looks at the new fellow. "My name is Lomar. These are my friends," he says, indicating the other halflings in the group. "Who are you?"

Lomar stands about ten feet tall. His skin is an odd color. He has tusks. He is an ogre.

Bobbles (by Kim) 
Tuesday October 4th, 2005 10:52:04 PM

A goblin peers from around the gateway to the castle. He is covered head to toe in mud. After looking an and blinking for a few moments, his eyes brighten, and he runs up to Kendry.

"Kantri, Kantri," he says with excitement. Then, from behind his back, he pulls out a fish. In goblin, he says, 'Found in pond this fish under scum. More fish there are, there are! Found way through bog, too,' he says, bouncing up and down. 'Found way through bog!'

One can judge that Bobbles must have grabbed the fish with his left arm, as it looks coated with green scum up past the elbow. And his journey through the bog must have had some missteps.

Wednesday October 5th, 2005 12:08:04 AM

Selithe blinks as she seems to be ignored at the moment and shrugs after a moment guessing she deserves it with her lack of help in so many fights lately and she simply listens and decides to follow the group where the might decide to go to first. She isn't sure about the place there in however as she just knows so little about it but she simply shrugs this off and sits by the fire and pulls out her deck of cards and begins flipping them over one by one before looking up and deciding something, "Hey, we should probably keep watch so I will take first watch if thats okay. I mean, i kind of owe everyone here for not helping much in that last battle."

Kendry  d20+5=18 d20+5=15 d20+5=6
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 12:57:39 AM

"Good, Bobbles, good!" Kendry answers in the common tongue. "We can cook it up on the fire, if you want," he says. Then, in goblin, he asks, "Over fire make fish hot, you want?" If Bobbles agrees, then he'll cook up the fish for him.

"Sis, you did fine. You had, what, all of one chance to attack it?" Kendry asks his sister. He sits down next to her. "So, you didn't happen to connect that one time. No sweat, all right? I'm thinking, Selithe, that you could just focus on ways to sharpen your magical abilities. I don't want you to be like Patterton. I'm glad that he's like Patterton - don't get me wrong. One tough fella! But maybe we can find some useful magic for you, eh?" he suggests, as he wraps some of her platinum hair around his fingers. "Like, a wand or somethin' like that? If you had a choice, do you think you'd like a wand that can cast color spray, or magic missile - or something else? I don't think we can afford anything too expensive, but something less than a thousand, maybe."

His attention turns to the charms she wears from Ebryon's crystal pumpkin. "I still wonder what these things do. Mind if I cast a spell to try and figure it out a bit, sissy?"

If Selithe does not object, Kendry casts detect magic on the charms, and concentrates for a few minutes. [3 Spellcraft checks: 18, 15, 6. I don't know whether Kendry's acquaintance with the source of the charms and his knowledge of, at least, their recent history, would grant him any additional upward modification to his spellcraft checks for this specific item. If there are more than three auras, go ahead and roll for Kendry for any additional.]

After he fully examines the items (30 rounds, a full three minutes), he says, "I wonder whether the fate of this magic might in any way relate to Ebryon's own fate, Selithe. Any thoughts on that? Which rune of Maab are you thinking to press for Ebryon?"

[OOC Note to All from Kim: DM JonPaul pointed out to me that Selithe and Podo were not, in fact, wounded by the shambling mound, as the AC it hit was not good enough to penetrate their defenses. So, Kendry would not have expended charges from the group's wand of cure light wounds in order to heal the uninjured.]

Lawni [DM JPW] 
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 1:29:01 AM

A Tour

Mungo shrugs a bit. "I believe Lawni had something to do with the starmages guild or maybe that was the mage that built the giant towers or perhaps he was the person responsible for the Dragon Sentinels. I forget. It's been a while, and usually I just look it up in one of my books."

"The Domed building is a housing for a large telescope used to view the star animals," Mungo says to Kendry answering his question.

Mungo says in reply to Dwight's questions of him regarding the Fae King, "Dwight, I know only stories that others have written in the pages of time. You folks have actually witnessed his rebirth! I would revisit any information you might have collected of your time with the King and reflect on all that you now know. I think that's the best thing to do... before too long. You wouldn't want to miss the opportunity to have a say in it, eh?"


Morpth huddles around the fire praying in unintelligible sounds to Alemi. Mostly it appears he's asking for forgiveness and the end to his weak stomach.


"Selithe, aren't you a wizard of some note?" Mungo asks of Selithe. I've been keeping a journal of my travels and I've finally had some time to add all of your to my writings, but I wasn't sure exactly what everyone's specific specialty is... could you help me?"


"This place was given to the peoples of The Wold by Lawni. It's used to gaze at the star animals. Sometimes there are monks that reside here, but I don't think anyone's been here in a long time," Mungo answers Airin.

"As for the other questions you've asked about what's around the place... why don't you go adventuring? If you're not back by morning, we will come looking for you..." says Mungo.

Mungo announces that "...if anyone would like to journey to the other parts of the Estates, I would be willing to go, but someone needs to tend the fire and guard their gear. Perhaps I should totally raise the drawbridge? Nothing like waking up to a Troll in the wee hours of the morning!"

Wednesday October 5th, 2005 2:30:51 AM

He reports to Selithe whatever he garners from his detect magic spell (see his last post).

"I am for looking through the lens!" Kendry says. "But first - I cast my decision." He presses the rune for sleep. Perhaps more adventure would come by choosing the live rune, but the halfling opts for greater peace. "However others wish to vote is up to you. But I recommend we all vote before running off hither or yon."

"Airin, do you want to join me at the telescope? Selithe, Patty, anyone else? If any wish to travel outside the walls, well, Bobbles has good eyes for that sort of thing. Maybe it would be wise for us to explore the castle this evening - and I'd like to sleep, too - and save the outer environs for daylight. But I'll not stop any who wish to go outside the walls. Nighttime is for looking at stars, though, and you may not have another chance if you wander away from the castle this evening."

That said, he heads to the dome to see this 'telescope' that Mungo speaks of. He wants to see the animal constellations through this ... lens.

Airin and Fioni 
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 7:45:43 AM

Listening to all Airin takes a seat around the fire, warming her hands on it and taking comfort in the company of so many close friends.

She listens to Kendry's reasoning about the choices they have been given and replies to him: "No Kendry, I will not be angry with whatever choice you make. I think by destroying the Fey King Avatar we have been rewarded by the ability to judge Ebryon's future. We have been given the power to decide the way the Wold will turn in the next millenia. A choice not to take lightly."

She sighs and looks at the acorn she still holds. Only the "Live" rune can be seen on hers.

"From the dream we had I know we are not the only ones to be given this choice. We've seen many stars leaving Queen Maab's castle. We can assume there will be that many avatars, and exactly that many people in the Wold will have to judge Ebryon's future. Whatever we decide will be reflected in some sort of Woldian ruling. We are only a tiny gear in the immense clockwork of this Wold."

Then she looks up to the sky and all the constellations she can find up there and sighs again.

"... and maybe not for this Wold alone..."

Airin then looks to Podo, Selithe, Dwight and Kendry and concludes: "Make your own choice. How do you feel about Ebryon and what do you feel his future holds. Should it be death than so be it. We can not grasp the effect this will have on the Wold. Nor can we see the effect of him alive either. Only Sleep we know. That would be the Wold we've been living in today... I can only assume his life will bring prosperity to nature and the forces of nature - from which I as a Druid might benefit I admit. Others will benefit from his death. Let's get this over with. Then we can leave Ebryon behind us at last."

Then she looks at Mungo and says "I will certainly take a tour around this place."
and then gets up to follow Kendry to check the telescope.

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 9:12:12 AM

Acorns & Runes

Mumbling aloud, I Podo Danderfluff Pipewood, choose that the one called The Fae King should return to his slumbers. The Wold was just swell while I studied the arts of the way. Now that I wander the Wold, slumber sounds good to me!

With that, Podo carefully turns the acorn around until he reaches the RUNE that means Sleep and presses that rune firmly to signify that is what he means...


After waiting for everyone to make an acorn decision, Podo will wait to see how many will adventure around the place. If not many will travel, Podo will leave and wander about. If many go, then he will stay with Morpth, who is almost certain to stay behind.

Aya  d20=17
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 1:42:31 PM

Aya looks up at Lomar the ogre being only as tall as his knee. "My name I Aya Nightshade and I'm going to help your freinds, if thats ok with you. Some of them are old freinds of mine too." Aya takes out peice of dried meat and gives it to Lomar tring his best to get on the ogre's good side. Aya thinks 'I wonder how they ever got this think to help them.'

Aya looks at the excange between
Kendry and Bobbles with amazment. He opens his mouth to say something then thinks better of it and just shakes his head.

Next he goes over to Selithe "Sorry about ignoring you earlier, there was just a lot to take in and...ah...well, sorry." Aya say, his head bowed eyes looking at the ground in front of him. Aya turns and wanders off in to the darkness.

Aya walks back and forth across the courtyard
moving in and out of the fire light looking around(spot=21), staying in earshot of the others. He is waiting for them to finish there voteing with Maag not wanting to go inside the central structure by himself, but still wanting to satisfy his curiosity. He has said his peace about there decision the rest is up to them.

Aya notices Morpth and comes over to ask him "Is there anything I can do to help you?"

Lomar the ogre (ADM Kim) 
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 4:28:13 PM

"Aya. Aya-Aya-Aya." Lomar receives the piece of meat from him, and eats it, chewing carefully. "Tasty. Thanks for snack." He takes out a drum and begins beating out a tattoo with his hand.
Aya is a Nightshade
He gives out little beef
He helps old friends
And wears a cloak
And walks in shadows like a thief
"I just said that 'cause it rhymes. Not saying you're a thief, or anything," Lomar explains. "Glad you are here, is Lomar, Aya. Aya-Aya-Aya."

Out of one of his bags Lomar pulls a dressed lamb, and begins roasting it over the fire. "Brought from home. For work I do for Betty Burrboot. You can share."

Dwight  d3=2 d3=2
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 8:28:16 PM

Dwight is surprised others can cast their vote so quickly and continues to turn the acorn over in his hand. Each seems to have its possible benefits and its possible disasters, none of which can be verified. Deciding that his choice is really a guess, he further decides his choice will be a guess.

Finding a hard level spot on the ground, Dwight places the acorn, tip down and spins it like a top.
He thinks to himself, "which ever shows twice first is my decision"

The first spin shows "Sleep, has one" he says softly not caring if others are wondering what he is doing.

"Hmmph, I expected to spin more, but fate has said what I was leaning towards anyways." With that said, Dwight presses the Sleep rune.


With his decision made for good or better, Dwight joins others to see the "lens," though his bow accompanies him.

Wednesday October 5th, 2005 8:30:41 PM

Selithe looks to Kendry and smiles and shrugs, "I just felt so useless the last few times bro, you know. Next time I plan to get a couple good wacks in anyway, atleast prove to myself that I can fight better."

When Kendry brings up looking at the necklace she slowly undoes it and hands it over to Kendry, being careful with the precious gift, "Sure Kendry just be careful, I do really know what it can or can't do." She also thinks over Kendry's other question and smiles, "I hope one day to get a nice wand of magic missle actually, better for combat it would seem to me. Some day in the distant future though I think I might invest in a magic staff. Ohh that would be great, you know the staffs have alot of neat abilities, my master had one that could do stuff with fire." Selithe's face lights up speaking of the things about magic she has learned in her studies.

Selithe next looks to Aya and smiles, holding out her hand to him, "It is nice to meet you Aya and do not worry really. I was mainly kicking myself. You see, I have learned alittle about being a thief and thought it might make me abit better of a fighter along with other nice abilities. Guess I just have to give it time you know."

Lastly Selithe turns her attention to Mungo, "Hmm, what can I help you with there Mungo? You mean my knowledges or skills?" She smiles as she flips another playing card and shrugs, "I'm a simple conjurer and thief now and over all a lady gambler. One day I hope to have a name known throughout the Wold. I was think Selithe "Ace of Clubs" or such."

Selithe looks to Kendry again when it's commented about looking at the lens and nods, "I'll go too, I'm interested since it does seem to be magic connected." Selithe thinks over the acorns and pulls all three out to look at them again and then holds up the one that says sleep, "I don't know if i can trust him while awake and I don't really know if he should die even knows all the bad he has done." She shrugs, "Sleep sounds best to me personally."

Selithe does glance to Patty and smiles to him and stands, moving over to him and latching on to his arm gently, "Hey there, why not come up to the lens with me and Kendry and the others who come. I bet the stars and view will be nice you know."

Patterton (by Kim) 
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 8:49:38 PM

Patterton has been sitting, thinking things over, and eating hearty, as he listens to the others, and watches them move about.

When Selithe approaches him, he asks, "Why not 'Queen of Clubs,' instead of Ace?" He smiles after asking this.

As her invitation, he says, "Yeah, sure, let's go up. No. No, wait. I have to decide on this acorn thing." He slips out of her arm, but gives her a reassuring pat on the hand before he separates. His face is serious.

"Like I said, with 'live' or 'sleep' - he's gonna be trouble for our Wold. I don't figure he's gonna change. In that dream, did he change? No way! He just used his powers to get away from what might happen to him 'cause of what he's done, and been doin'. Sure, if I saw a change, sure - I'd say sleep or live. But this is my vote." Patterton Cloverturn Burrows presses the rune that Kendry told him means 'Die.'

"Sorry 'bout that Selithe, but that's just how I think. All right, let's go see this lens Mungo's told us about." He takes Selithe's arm, and starts moving very fast - then, realizing he is almost dragging her, he slows his pace, looking abashed. "Uh, excuse me, Selithe. Kind of worked up."

OOC: Caveat: If Ryan wants Patty to vote some other way, then he should be able to change this vote. I just haven't heard from him since last week, when I thought he'd be back in a few days. He asked me to post for him. -Kim

The Dark [DM JPW] 
Thursday October 6th, 2005 1:01:02 AM

The Star Animals

Mungo counts off," Kendry, Airin, Dwight, Mungo, Selithe , and Patterton. Am I missing anyone else for a trip into the O-B-S-E-R-V-A-T-O-R-Y?"

Nightshade finds...

For AyaHighlight to display spoiler: {while you are walking back and forth searching in the dark you discover that you are in the center courtyard between the Gatehouse and the Keep proper. You estimate the width of the courtyard to be about 300 yards.}

For Betty Burrboot

Lomar roasts and shares his dressed lamb with Aya. Podo and Morpth watch the fire chatting about Mungo Hardbottle while the Orge and the cleric engage in a nice meal.

The mounts; Dogs and Ponies; are also cared for, groomed, and fed.

Lomar the ogre (ADM Kim) 
Thursday October 6th, 2005 4:40:51 AM

"Obiesseearrveeyayteoarrwai?" asks Lomar. 'That is a strange-sounding word. Is it a word of elves?" He takes another ogrish bite of the lamb, the juice dribbling down the side of his chin.

Then he says to the others sitting around the campfire, "Here, you - eat, too! I not need be greedy, swallow whole lamb by self. Eat!"

Thursday October 6th, 2005 5:19:40 AM

Kendry thinks to see how Morpth is doing, but notes that Aya is doing so. 'Good fellow,' he thinks to himself.

After Mungo enumerates and spells, and Lomar turns the right letters into the wrong word, Kendry says, "Think letters, Lomar. They spell the word 'observatory' - not a word I've heard before - but, it sounds like it is made from the word 'observe' - meaning to look at, to look over, to watch. And the rest of the word turns it into a place for observing. For observation. For looking at, and examining. Enjoy that lamb, Lomar!"

Kendry is excited. "Yes, let's go!" He joins in with his friends, and anticipates with joy the chance to... well, to see what they will see.

Bobbles (ADM Kim) 
Thursday October 6th, 2005 5:29:43 AM

Bobbles, after Kendry had started cooking their fish, took over when Kendry got up to talk to others. "Hey!" he said when Lomar started hogging the flames for his lamb. "My fish first here!" But he nevertheless manages to find a spot to finish the cooking.

When it's done, he says, "Fish mine head. I fish found." And he rips off the head. First he takes out the eyes, and holds them to the sky. 'Last look high, join the stars,' he says in his own tongue. And places the eyes on his tongue, and swallows without chewing. Then he takes some of the meat just behind the head, and sets it aside, wrapping it in a piece of dirty cloth. "That for Kantri." He offers the rest of the fish to others around the campfire. He enjoys eating the brains, and uses his tongue to get the parts tucked away around the gills and other ichthyian cranial regions.

Airin and Fioni 
Thursday October 6th, 2005 5:43:06 AM

"Sure Mungo", Airin says, "Lead the way!"

As they follow Mungo, Airin walks close to Selithe catching up with her telling her she was not at all neglected!

Then she goes over to Aya and shakes hands. "At last we can talk. How are you doing? What brought you here? What are your specialties lately?"

Fioni flies lazy circles over the castle enjoying the night sky.

(ooc. How's the weather by the way? Weren't clouds gathering when we approached the castle? Then ... how will we see the stars? :-D )

Thursday October 6th, 2005 1:50:19 PM

Morpth didn't even notice Aya's words and continued his chant. "Poor soul, something horrible must have happened to you. I shall do what I can to help you." Aya touches Morpth back with his cold hand and casts guidance(+1 to what ever roll he is making) on him. "There, I hope that helps. May Gargul guide your soul to peace troubled one."

Aya speaks to Airin "I came here to look around because I was curios, but it looks like I found a lost soul to tend to. I can not join in the observatory I must stay here and look after Morpth. As for my specialties, right now its little more then healing. Later, as my power grows I will be able to mover faster then the eye can see and create things from nothing but shadow. You should join the others there is not reason for you to stay with Morpth and I. You can tell me all about it when you return."

Thursday October 6th, 2005 7:56:48 PM

Dwight is ready to follow the others to the lens, though watches the newly self-assigned medic staying with Morpth as he leaves.

Looking to the sky before entering the building, he makes his best guess as to the time. He would like to get a decent sleep this night.

The Darkness [DM JPW] 
Thursday October 6th, 2005 8:08:35 PM

Off to see the...

Mungo says, "Okay folks, meet me on the edge of the darkness over here in 5 minutes for a trip to see the big lens."

Kendry, Airin, Dwight, Selithe, Patterton, and Mungo meet on the edge of darkness as Mungo had suggested earlier. Everyone that look sup can easily see that out of the range of the fire, one can see the constellations in the heavens.

As all of you gather whatever weapons or gear you feel you need to journey into the unknown, Mungo heads to his mount, withdraws 2 torches, extends one into the fire after walking over to it, and stores the other by resting it on his shoulder. "We'll need light along the way..."


You're group stars some 30 yards beyound the gatehouse, but at least 50 yards before the keep proper. Mungo leads you along the west side of the keep along the keep's wall towards the out ramparts and what Mungo describes as the O-B-S-E-R-V-A-T-O-R-Y. Mungo says, "It has a dome on it, but in the light of night, its often difficult to see. Should be only another 15 minutes traveling time."

You all see what Mungo sees. His torch illuminates about 10 ft. spherical. The castle keeps is crafted of the best hewn granite. YOu notice that except for the population, the place looks like its ready to move in.


Back at the campfire, Podo and Aya watch over Morpth, the gear, and the mounts along with the company of Lomar and Bobbles.

Podo wonders aloud "...I wonder how long they will be away...?"

Podo Danderfluff 
Thursday October 6th, 2005 8:10:13 PM

Seeing 7 fellows including Mungo willing to explore the castle and its grounds as well as stopping to gaze at the stars in the O-B-S-E-R-V-A-T-O-R-Y...Podo tells Mungo and Kendry that he will stay with Morpth and the gear.

Selithe  d20+2=14
Thursday October 6th, 2005 10:58:45 PM

Selithe smiles and looks to Patty, waiting for him to make his vote and not minding him delaying any, after all she wanted him to go with her too so why not wait.

After he has made his vite and tries dragging her off at first she merely laughs at his apologu first, "Is alright Patty. I knew you liked spending time with me." Selithe winks and continues on, smiling and watching the others too and looking around as she ponders what might be revealed to them by this device.

Selithe takes a moment and smiles to Airin also and nods to her, "No problem Airin. I just felt bad about that fight you know? I thought I might be of more use mainly."


Airin and Fioni 
Friday October 7th, 2005 8:59:26 AM

Hmm a 10ft radius illumination. We're like a nice little bulb of light - a perfect mark for shooting from within the darkness.

"Mungo, do you prefer a Bullseye lantern? Here's one."

Airin digs up her bullseye lantern from her backpack and hands it to Mungo if he wants to use it. (oil flask comes with it)

Friday October 7th, 2005 11:47:21 AM

"I'll close my eyes as we walk. Airin, can you guide me? I remember that, when I want to look into the dark sky, it helps if I've been away from bright lights for a while." If Airin will do so, Kendry walks with eyes closed, stepping gingerly, his hand in hers.

Friday October 7th, 2005 12:27:17 PM

Aya sees the others leave and wishis he could join them, but his duties as a priest come first. He asks Bobbles for some fish and tries to get Morpth to eat it.

Dwight  d20+1=14
Friday October 7th, 2005 5:57:34 PM

Dwight wonders with the group towards the lens, peering out into the darkness (spot 14), "Do shambling mounds gather things? "

Saturday October 8th, 2005 12:49:17 AM

Podo asks "Aya how the fish he's offering Morpth tastes?"

I think in the battle field Morpth here went through more than we suspect. "Do you know of any magical affects that could cause a near cold blooded killer to vomit on the thoughts of violence?" asks Podo of Aya.

Bouncing Lights [DM JPW] 
Saturday October 8th, 2005 12:49:39 AM


Mungo graciously accepts the offer of the bullseye latern. Stopping Mungo extinguishes the lit torch on the ground with the earth. Stowing the two torches, Mungo sets up the Bullseye lantern wit the pint of proffered oil and lighting it with a tindertwig he withdraws from a vest pocket. Mungo adjusts the lantern to affect an 120-foot cone with shadowy illumination. The 6 hours burn time on the pint of oil should be more than enough.

Revelations in the light

With a renewed light source, the one time trek though the castle grounds seems more to everyones liking. More of the area is awash in the glow of shadowy illumination and this allows everyone making a check(DC vs.7) to see...Highlight to display spoiler: {the keep is over 80 feet high and has very sturdy looking walls. }

Mungo goes on to explain that we are walking in the inner ward and that when this place was at its heigh in history is had a 60-acre farm with dairy cows!

The Lens

After walking a great distance across the inner ward and along the inner curtain, you all arrive at the door of a tower with a dome like structure on top. Mungo fumbles his fingers trying to remember the pattern to open the door.

Once opened he waves you all inside and asks that you line the outside walls upon entering. Once inside you understand what he was referring to.

Many many objects spin around the great contraption, almost like looking at a big city model of the heavens, but these are attached to the great construct which occupies most of the center of the floor.

At one end, Mungo can be seen turning knobs and flicking switches and dials. After some time, Mungo begings to allows each of you one at a time, to view objects in the night sky.

Not far away from the viewing point is a large illustration on the wall pointing out objects you can see with the instrument: http://www.woldiangames.com/maps/jerichospace/large_space.htm

With a tinderstick, Mungo lights a far away candle and then puts out his own lantern.

Saturday October 8th, 2005 6:12:50 PM

Dwight watches intently as Mungo begins turning knobs and such, hoping to remember the process for future use. After about the 10th knob rotated and about as many levers, Dwight realizes he will never recall how to do this by himsef.

Regardless, given his turn he takes a look through the scope. "Where is Selvico? I should be able to see its big red ring shouldn't I?"

Monday October 10th, 2005 12:19:30 AM

Speaking with Podo "I'm sure there is a spell that could make someone vomit everytime he has a violent thought, but I do not know what it is, nor do I have the power to dispell such a thing."

Celestial Bodies [DM Jon-Paul (JPW)] 
Monday October 10th, 2005 1:15:42 AM


Mungo tries his best to explain his understandings of Astrophysics to the young assembled crowd.

Mungo explains, "Dwight, Kendry, everyone... Please keep in mind, that depending on the time of the season we are in, only a portion of the heavenly bodies you see in this tapestry is available to your view."


Morpth finally manages a brief moment of intestinal calm and decides to explain his thoughts of the subject. "I've asked Alemi, in my prayers, to deliver me from this nightmare life has brought to me. It is a twisted fate that affords me the release from my bondage from evil and the servitude under the Fae King. I believe it is through my own hands, that I was able to sets the cogs in motion and thus, the Gods, Fate, and Chance have brought me here to this point and time. I am a free Halfling!" With that said, Morpth doubles over in fits of coughs and chokings.

Campfire Clan

Lomar, Bobbles, Aya, and Podo witness an incredible sight. Morpth stands and delivers a quite perplexing monologue about his fate and his release from bondage and oppression from evil.

Everyone assembled feels down to their core, this halfling speaks with authority!

Morpth's Career Change

Podo asks of Morpth, "So now that you have a second chance, dear friend, what will you do?"

Morpth replies, "I've taken a fancy to your companion, Mungo Hardbottle. Perhaps there is work to be had in his shop in Angel Springs. I will have a chat with him whence he returns with the others."

Monday October 10th, 2005 3:38:59 AM

Selithe looks around the room with the telescope with awe and then looks to Patty, smiling brightly, "It looks like some giant magical device Patty. It's like nothing I have ever seen before."

Selithe begins moving around quickly but carefully, looking at right now the gears and such for the telescope and then looks to Mungo, "Mungo, can I make some notes of this in my diary? would that be okay?"

If Selithe gets permission then she pulls out her ink, pen and diary and begins working in it, writing down about the telescope, what she can find out about it and even floods Mungo with questions on how it works exactly. Once satisfied with her findings she takes the time to look through it to the heaven's above and she gasps at how beautiful the sight is and even cetches herself whispering or anyway half whispering in awe at this whole experience, "Wow! I mean, I wonder how many people get to see something like this? It's almost like some spells I heard of. I feel like I could touch the stars and such from right here."

Selithe thinks and hands her diary to Kendry and smiles to him, as it's on a blank page, "Umm, brother. This sounds silly but you think you can make a quick sketch of the this and what you seen in the telescope? You alot better of a sketcher then me."

Selithe looks to Airin and moves over to her, nudging her gently and whispering, "Druids are more in tuned with nature, you guys get to know about this stuff and see it more often? I must admit it seems wonderful. It's like magic you know?" Selithe smiles and is happy, she has seen many interesting things and thinks she can put this knowledge to use in maybe building a observatory like this some day when she settles down.

Kendry  d20+3=8
Monday October 10th, 2005 3:54:24 AM

Kendry cannot quite force himself to keep his eyes tightly closed for the whole trip. Once in a while he squints to take in his surroundings, but makes sure he does not look right at the lantern itself. He is able to make out that the keep is perhaps 85 feet tall (Spot vs DC 7: 8).

Up in the Observatory
"Uh Mungo, sir, why do you keep spelling out the name of this dome, instead of just saying the word itself? Whoa! This is great! Look at all that stuff - stars, planets, celestial oddities!" Kendry is beside himself with excitement. "Have you ever seen such a thing, Airin? How 'bout you, Patterton? Anyone else? AMAZing!" As he exults in their present circumstances, he also pays attention, as he finds Dwight also engaged, to the actions and adjustments that Mungo makes to various instruments, knobs, levers. Maybe Dwight and he himself can compare notes, and see if they can puzzle out some of the things the controls ... control.

He takes his turn at looking through the eyepiece. "So many things out there. Stars I know, and dimmer stars I've never seen. Any idea how far away the stars are, mister Mungo?"

He tries to see how many different colors he can find in the heavenly bodies he observes from afar.

When it is time to pass on the ocular apparatus to another, he works to absorb the models that lay before them. When Selithe hands her sketch book to him, he is pleased to be asked and happy to take up the task.

Airin and Fioni  d20+9=24
Monday October 10th, 2005 5:39:42 AM

Airin stands mouth wide open gazing through the telescope. She has learned to admire nature, but never before did she see such beauty. She tries to identify the various constellations she sees and Clover or even Mayzie told her about.

As Selithe asks her about them Airin will show the various constellations she can identify and says, "I wish one day I could name them all. With this telescope it feels as if you can almost touch them doesn't it?"

Then she tries to find a star that she knows is always to be found on this hemisphere. (ooc like the polar star). Once she found it, she approaches Kendry and puts her arm around him whispering in his ear: "You see that star love? That bright and shiny star over there? That one is ours. That's our star." And she kisses him softly on the cheek.

Fioni has stopped flying lazy circles and has found a safe spot to sleep somewhere on top of the castle.

Knowledge Nature: 24

Dwight  d20+1=2
Monday October 10th, 2005 10:06:55 PM

Having had his turn at the eyepiece, Dwight passes it onto others. He isn't entirely sure he found or didn't find the planet he was looking for, but it was fun and interesting just the same.

As other take their turn, Dwight tries to be on the lookout (spot 2), but doesn't really have the desire to miss the fun.

More Celestial Bodies... [DM Jon-Paul (JPW)] 
Monday October 10th, 2005 11:51:47 PM

Dizzying Heights

Mungo waits another hour or so assuring himself that his guests have had their fill of the night's treasures. Telling the room, "Mungo suggests, that they all head back to the campfire as tomorrow is another day, and with another day come the opportunity for exploration and discovery!"

Campfire Girls

Morpth says, "I wonder why they aren't that many women adventurers like there used to be?"

Podo nods and hums in aggreement to Morpth's meanderings.

Lomar and Bobbles just grunt as they consume their respective meals.

Tuesday October 11th, 2005 3:02:55 AM

Podo continues in idle chit chat with Morpth and Aya.

Podo asks Aya, "Why did you choose to be a priest?"

"And you Morpth, what are your plans from here, follow in your father's footsteps and become The Wold's greatest rogue?"

Lomar (ADM Kim) 
Tuesday October 11th, 2005 4:11:27 AM


Bobbles (ADM Kim) 
Tuesday October 11th, 2005 4:11:51 AM


Tuesday October 11th, 2005 4:33:21 AM

Busy jotting down notes, and observing much more than he can write all at once, remembering it for writing about later, his consumption of so much information in so short a time pauses for a moment, as Airin takes his arm, and points out that bright star. "Our star?" he whispers. He feels her lips brush his cheek. Due to the darkness, one would be hard pressed to see evidence of the warmth flooding his cheeks. But he feels it, nonetheless. Kendry takes his finger, and brushes back a stray hair from Airin's face, then runs his finger from her temple, down her cheek to her chin. He takes the finger to his lips, then touches it to hers. "Ours," he points heavenwards.

After standing for a minute or so, his arm around her waist as they look up, Kendry gives her a light squeeze, then, somewhat reluctantly, returns to his personal mission of recording what he might.

He takes a moment here and there to check with the others to learn what they have noticed. "I remember as a child, lying on the hillside with my friends, looking up into the night sky, and swapping stories about the stars above. I wonder what it might be like to fly into the aethir above, and wander among the stars now so far away."

When Mungo indicates it is time to get some rest, Kendry descends. At some point, he whispers to Patterton, "Buddy, you and I have got to watch each other, to preserve virtue with these lovely girls. I don't know if I can trust myself - so I give you permission to pound me if I get out of line. And since that's my sister, you watch yourself, too, kiddo! Nights like these can be treacherous!"

Airin and Fioni 
Tuesday October 11th, 2005 9:23:14 AM

Airin feels as if she's walking on clouds as they slowly start to return to the campfire and asks Mungo: "What are your plans from here Mungo?"

Then time has come for some well deserved rest. She takes out her bedroll and a blanket that she rolls into a pillow. "Good night everyone. Save dreams."

Then she goes to sleep her eyes fixed on that one special star above till her eyelids become too heavy and she falls a sleep.

Fioni is allready sound a sleep somewhere on top of the lens.

Tuesday October 11th, 2005 11:26:55 AM

Aya smiles at Morpth's speech "You sertenly have a long way to go, but it is a good start."

Talking with Podo "I became a priest because it is the family trade. My fate to be a priest was written before I was even born. My childhood was filled with curiosity and wonder about the powers my sibling as parents possessed. Becoming a priest of Gargul has been my lifelong dream, and something I've worked very hard for."

Aya shifts his gaze from the fire over to Podo, "What about you, what do you do and why, and where are you going? Do you also fallow Gargul or someone else?"

Dwight  d20+1=8
Tuesday October 11th, 2005 6:28:25 PM

After enjoying looking at the stars, Dwight realizes how tired he is and looks forward to a peaceful sleep.

As the group begins leaving, Dwight takes one more mental note of the lens before it fades from sight. Then he takes the rear (spot 8) on the walk back.

Tuesday October 11th, 2005 10:08:22 PM

Selithe smiles and rubs her eyes now as she and the others make their way down to the camp they made and where the others wait. As she moves down she steps up beside Airin and whispers to her, "Hehe, you and Kendry huh?" Selithe grins to her but says nothing not wanting Airin to get offended but her smile also one of happiness for her and Airin both.

When everyone gets back to camp she moves her bedroll over across from Airin's and lays down, whispering towards her, "Come on, tell me all about it Airin. You know, girl talk for alittle bit." Selithe smiles and rolls over on her stomach, smiling and enjoying the idea of spending sometime, just the girls since the group is nothing but guys.

If Airin decides to talk then Selithe will speak to her about the stars they seen and how beautiful they were and Selithe even speaks of Patty and what she thinks of the young man who Selithe sees as such a great fighter, dancer and even kisser from the couple kisses they shared and then asks Airin her feelings about Kendry. Selithe even pulls out a small waterskin and hands it to Airin, it has some wine in it.

(JPW: I don't know if it's possible to say Selithe was able to fill a water skin she has with some wine or not. If not would it be okay with you as DM if I deduct the money from my CS and just add it?)

The Trip Back [DM Jon-Paul (JPW)] 
Wednesday October 12th, 2005 10:07:03 AM

(OCC: I missed posting last night...I apologize -- had an online exam plus a project ...I'll post now though)

The Trip Back

Mungo explains to the group that once a long time ago people lived here and this city thrived. A monk like order tended the city/observatory and all was well, but as the times changed so did this place. Now all it is is as you see it...Magically changed to resisted the changed in time, but a Ghost town none the less. Sad really...sniff...

"Ok troops, time to head back or the others might think we're in trouble!" explains Mungo teo the buddy astronomers.

First Watch

Podo asks for first watch so he can have some time to think about life. Lomar and Bobbles grunt and shrugs, "Grunt, Ok."

Morpth explains that he would like to try a shared watch with Aya or Podo. Podo accepts Morpths invitation. First watch is uneventful but they do get a chance to know each other.

All is well when the group returns to the camp fire...

Wednesday October 12th, 2005 10:08:08 AM

Podo is just waking up when he hears the others return from their trips to see the stars.

Grumpy but still excited, Podo asks, "Tell me all about it Kendry!"

Wednesday October 12th, 2005 12:10:47 PM

Airin chuckles as Selithe draws her bedroll close to her and talks about Patty. She enjoys the wine offered by Selithe and lightens her own heart about Kendry.

"Ah I remember when we first met. I kinda got bewitched by his singing and all. He's not the most powerful man, but that won't keep you warm at night right? I like a man with feelings, who can be romantic and caring. I have to admit I saw that in your brother. And ... you have to admit... he's kinda cute no?"

She drinks some more wine.

"Tell me. What was he like when he was a kid?"

Airin and Selithe will probably whisper a lot more that evening revealing all the secrets about Kendry and Patty. Yup... these two lasses are going to be best friends.

Wednesday October 12th, 2005 7:05:20 PM

Dwight will volunteer for the last watch, preferring to wake up early rather than stay up later.

With shifts decided, Dwight hits the sack and sleeps soundly (hopefully).

Wednesday October 12th, 2005 10:51:10 PM

Aya welcomes everyone back and volunteers for the second watch. He then goes off by himself a little ways to find A quite place he can pray. Once there he quitely chants to Gargul and perpares his spells for the next day.

Finishing his nightly prayers, he returns to the group and falls asleep untill his watch.

One Big Happy [DM JonPaul(JPW)] 
Thursday October 13th, 2005 1:04:37 AM

One Big Happy

Everyone makes their own little camp within the larger one centered around the fire. Everyone that went to the observatory continues their own private chats well into the night.


Podo and Morpth take the first watch. Dwight takes the last watch, and Patterton takes the middle watch. All watches are smooth and uneventful.


Morning light just bright enough for Dwight to make it to the campfire to stoke it up again. Looking up after the fire takes hold, does he realize he's not in Hovel anymore...

[everyone awake spot vs DC 3]

Podo  d20+5=13
Thursday October 13th, 2005 1:15:07 AM

Podo look sup into the early morning light and his jaw drops open!

Airin and Fioni  d20+6=21 d20+9=21 d20+6=19 d20+9=26
Thursday October 13th, 2005 10:16:57 AM

When they wake up Airin looks around... she blinks her eyes... looks again.

"euhm... can anyone tell me what happened?!? Podo, something happend when you were on watch?"


"Fioni! Where are you? Come!"

Airin sincerely hopes the little hawk is still with them.

"Are we awake? Or is this just a crazy dream?"

Airin start to look around carefully. Checks the suns hoping to catch some details about her whereabouts. A city in the background. The noise of a neareby river. A forest? Anything.

Rolls :
starting spot : 21
Listen : 21 (distant noises?)
Spot surrounding : 19 (anything to get a clue about their whereabouts)
Knowledge Nature : 26 (place in the Wold?)

Kendry  d20+3=12
Thursday October 13th, 2005 1:19:25 PM

Before slumber
Kendry responds to Podo's request to tell him about the observatory. "Well, there was this big room, see, and it was filled with celestial models, and gadgets designed to show the relative movements of the heavenly bodies. Mungo moved these levers and knobs, and - it was amazing!" He goes on to describe in detail what they saw. "And, through the telescope - that has the 'lens' mentioned in the name 'Lawni's Lens' - you can see stars and planets through it, as if they were much closer." He shows him the notes and sketches he and Selithe took down while there. Then he points up at one bright star. "See that one? Airin told me that's 'our' star. I think she likes me! And that makes me happy."

In the morning
Kendry stretches and yawns. He feels a little sore from his first day, yesterday, of riding on the back of Cheann. Riding uses different muscles, he realizes.

"Good morning, all," he says as he looks up into the sky. Then he gets up on an elbow and looks around. Groaning, he rises, rolls his bedding, re-ties it to the bottom of his knapsack, and takes in his surroundings (Spot: 12).

Aya  d20+4=5
Thursday October 13th, 2005 7:04:14 PM

Aya wakes up completly unaware of any change (rolled a 1).

He pulls his blanket over his head trying to get a few more moments of sleep. He never was a morning person.

Patterton (by Kim)  d20=3
Thursday October 13th, 2005 7:19:15 PM

Patterton wakes up. "Anything hot to drink today?" he asks.

[Spot: 3]

Selithe  d20+3=5
Thursday October 13th, 2005 7:57:51 PM

Selithe talks to airin for quite sometime into the night, enjoying the talk and the wine and also agreeing with her when she asks her question about Kendry but also quickly piping in that from a sister's point of view he was cute and giggles about this.

In the morning Selithe wakes up mainly from the calling of Airin to her hawk friend and she sits up yawning and whispering in her half awake stage, "huh? whats going on?"

Selithe blinks and rubs her eyes more before looking around and frowning, "What the? Oh boy, I'm either dreaming or had to much wine last night which is hard to do when I gamble and learned to hold my alcohol atleast alittle."

Selithe does look to Airin and smiles though, "Is your hawk okay Airin? An does the surroundings look different or is it really I had to much to drink?"

Dwight  d20+1=17
Thursday October 13th, 2005 11:27:05 PM

Dwight realizing with the added light that things have changed wakes everyone not already awake.

With that done, and everyone accounted for (Mungo, Bobbles, Lomar, and particularly Morpth), Dwight scans around (spot 17) for the closest hiding spot near the camp and begins advancing towards it with bow drawn.

Morning at the Lens. Empty? Or not?

A new Day! [DM Jon-Paul(JPW)] 
Friday October 14th, 2005 1:01:03 AM

A New Day has Dawned

As everyone awakes to see, Dwight & Podo staring up into the castle property, the new dawning light reveals, a vast castle keep, bright and shiny new...

...and as empty as a newly dug tomb.

Airin and Fioni 
Friday October 14th, 2005 7:37:33 AM

Airin's completely baffled as she gazes around and sees the "new" castle arise out of nothing.

"Where's Mungo?", she thinks and turns around to face him... if he's here.

"Mungo, where in the name of the seventh star left of the Wold are we?!?"

"Ok quick check up.", she says to her friends, and starts to summerize various points to check.

"Is Fioni here? Are our ponies here? Are the dogs here? Bobbles? Lomar? Are we all here? Are we dreaming? From the size and look of the castle do we get the feeling this is Lawni's lens?"

Hopefully she and her friends can check most or all points from this little list. At least then they know they are still all together...

Friday October 14th, 2005 12:14:42 PM

With all accounted for (I hope.), and having checked for an ambush that he may have missed during his watch and the transformation Dwight stands in awe of the 'new' castle for a moment.

"Mungo," he begins not entirely sure Mungo is listening, "you mentioned magic helped preserve the o-b-s-e-r-v-a-t-o-r-y, by any chance would this be the same magic. A magic that restores the lens back to this state every so many years or even decades?" As Dwight finishes, his voice shows both hope he is right and fear that he is wrong.

Friday October 14th, 2005 3:31:13 PM

Kendry looks around.

Selithe  d20+3=13
Saturday October 15th, 2005 9:00:09 PM

Selithe looks around abit more trying to get an idea on whats going on for sure as everyone goes about checking to make sure everything and one if here, "Ohh no, is Gra here too? I hope so she is a good riding dog."


The Difference between Night & Day [DM JonPaul(JPW) 
Sunday October 16th, 2005 11:20:37 PM

(OCC: I apologize for the lack of a Friday post...I moved this weekend and the services were cut before I knew it! )

The New Day Dawns..

Mungo says, "Ah My friends, a is right. This is what you get between day and night. When you first arrive, blinders are on, come the next dawn, all is made new!"

"Okay, so it doesn't all rhyme. I'm not the master poet, Lomar or Kendry strive to be. I'm just me. At any rate, what you see before you and much to Dwight's and Podo's amazment is that the light of a new day always reveals that which her mischievous brother Night hides; mainly the bright and shiny new Castle before us."

The Legend

Mungo mumbles something about a legend he once read in an ancient tome about a shiny castle, but he can't right recall where is was...

Tour Anyone?

Podo wants to explore the Castle."Can we, Kendry? Explore the Castle? Hun, Hun, Can We Cousin?"

Mungo Again

Mungo mentions that he'll be heading back to Angel Springs in the Morning. "I detect a change in the wind, the seasons gonna be changing soon, and my knees always ache when that happens. Don't wanna get caught out here when theat happens..."

Monday October 17th, 2005 1:49:56 AM

Podo wants to explore the Castle."Can we, Kendry? Explore the Castle? Hun, Hun, Can We Cousin?"

Podo Also looks to Morpth, "Well, Morpth, Here's your chance to ask Mister Mungo. Go for it...ya' have nothing to loose!"

"Good Friend,Aya. May I have a word with you for a moment?" "Do you know of any Walkers in the Wold? I've been thinking, I'd like to Walk the Wold one day."

Airin and Fioni 
Monday October 17th, 2005 6:04:08 AM

Baffled with Mungo's explanation Airin doesn't really know what to do next. Why explore the castle a second time? She's been there last night. But on the other hand she's curious to find out how differently the castle looks now.

It's been a good night sleep, and feeling completely refreshed Airin's up for a little tour once more.

But first... breakfast!

Fioni suddenly flies in from out of no where and comes to sit on Airin's arm. Traces of blood can be seen around her beak. Clearly she's been out on a hunt allready this morning and had breakfast allready!

Monday October 17th, 2005 6:37:21 AM

"Why, uh, sure, Pode," Kendry answers his enthusiastic cousin. "That'd be fine. We saw the observatory last night, but it looks like there may be more here to explore. Just a moment, though."

He goes over to the castle gate. Whatever he needs to do to look out, he does, to the site of the contest with last night's shambling mound. He checks to see if the body still lays there.

Airin's mention (if mention it was) of breakfast sounds good to him. He gives some feed to his ponies, and offers to share it with Patterton for his war pony. He gets out food for the two dogs.

"This place sure looks brighter in the morning, eh?" he offers.

He checks up on everyone to see how they are doing. "Morpth - has your stomach settled down since last night?"

Monday October 17th, 2005 12:22:26 PM

Aya yawns and rubs the sleep out of his yes "I want to explore the castle too, after all that is why I came here. I wonder what else is hidden during the night here."

To Podo "I've met a few Walkers in my studies, but they aren't easy people to find, always moving and such. I'm sure if you keep adventuring your sure to run in to one."

Monday October 17th, 2005 4:56:24 PM

"Well sorry to have woken you all in haste," smiles Dwight as the scenery is not currently dangerous.

"I'm all for searching about, after breakfast that is." Dwight seems to be cheerful, the newest of the castle has made the day seem brighter.

Patterton recaps (by Kim) 
Monday October 17th, 2005 5:07:44 PM

Towards the end of breakfast, Patterton speaks up. "This castle looks great. Interesting, I'm sure. I've been thinking though. We finished up what Selithe and Kendry and a few others started. We got the beer to Hovel, took out our enemies, and made some friends on the way. We got a new mayor elected. We were at the rebirth of one of the Wold's would-be great powers," he says, then spits into the waning fire. "We watched the bugger grow faster than a weed, then he started a war. 'The War of Weeds' we should call it. We got to meet the Gold Dragons. Platinum Dragons? Whatever. And see some of Plateau City. Get trained by the WLA. That was great!" he says with a smile, recalling the days undergoing the rigorous training of The Woldian League of Adventurers.

"Spent some time with Marigold and her friends. Got rotten vegetables thrown at us. Fought a shambling mound, and cast our votes on Queen Maab's husband, Ebryon," he says, and spits again in the fire at the mention of his name. "I hope he rots."

"Then Mungo here shows us the star room. Thanks, Mung! That was awesome."

The stocky warrior takes a stick and stirs the fire a bit. "Been thinking some things over. Sometimes you've gotta take care of certain things that you'd rather put off. You'd rather stay where you are, doing the things you like to do with the friends you have."

He looks around at the group, then his gaze settles on Selithe. "You're not gonna like this, I think," he tells her. "Me neither. 'Cause I don't want to take off, and leave you behind, or nothin'. But, let me ask a question, S'lithe. If you and I are apart for a little while - not 'cause I wanna be, not at all - will you get mad at me?"

The Castle Proper [DM Jon-Paul (JPW)] 
Tuesday October 18th, 2005 12:14:38 AM


For Dwight:Highlight to display spoiler: { You detect nothing from your spell. Nada, zilch. In addition, as you explained it, still nothing. Unfortunately for you, the spell doesn't give any additional information.}

Da' Bomb

As Patterton calls everyone to attention, it appears our friend is torn between feelings for oneself and one's personal budding relationships and a call to duty.


Aya breaks the news to Podo, that although he has met some Walkers in his lifetime, none are bound to any one area.


As Kendry walks to the gatehouse and up to the porticulis, gazing through the iron bars, Kendry can just make out a large pile of newly dispatched flora.

Returning to the group, Kendry stikes up a conversation with Morpth asking if he feels better today and if he thinks his stomach can handle visitors. "Kendry, Sir; I believe I will be able to handle a' bit of food today, with Alemi's blessings."

Mungo & Morpth

Time time in the night, while watchers were watching and sleepers were sleeping, Morpth & Mungo strike up a conversation, which lasts almost until dawn.

The next day, during breakfast Morpth helps Mungo set up breakfast with provisions from Mungo's mounts and does his best to be useful; roaring fire, coffee, waits on all the assembled other hobbits.

During the time of idle chit chat, Mungo announces to all assembled that he has hired Morpth as a sort of ranch hand with the opportunity for advancement in his company back in Angel Springs. "I hope he will be all he can, and if he hones his skills just right, perhaps I can turn him into a fine collector of fine antiques."

The Tour

After breakfast is resolved, Morpth tends to the plates and cleaning up in total silence.

Mungo offers to lead the group on a day tour through the Castle Keep and then around the grounds before retiring for the evening so as to get a good night's rest prior to parting ways -- homeward bound.

"Those that wish to accompany me on this tour, please assemble near the porticulis in 10 minutes."

Tuesday October 18th, 2005 5:28:25 AM

Responding to Patterton
"Whoa," Kendry interjects as his cousin, and friend - the one who so often watches his back, implies he is about to leave. "Patterton - what are you saying, buddy?"

Morpth's Improvement
"Good, glad to hear you're feeling better, Morpth." Later, as Mungo reports on his plan to take Morpth under his wing, Kendry nods in affirmation of that idea.

Daytime Tour
"Great!" Kendry says. "Let's get to know Lawni's Lens better."

Airin and Fioni 
Tuesday October 18th, 2005 10:13:40 AM

Patty's word strike Airin by lightning! Never was she expecting this to happen. He was quiet lately, but this was not to be anticipated.

"Patty... please stay with us. Or at least promise us to return when you can."

A tear rolls down Airin's cheek but then recalls everything Selithe told her last night and realises this will be devastating for her. She waits to give Selithe a chance to say goodbye to Patty (or to help him change his mind) but once the inevitable is done, Airin will go to Selithe to comfort her. If Selithe wants, Airin will even pass on the second tour around Lawni's Lens to spend some time with her hoping to make her feel a little better - if at all possible.

Fioni also feels the sadness in the group and quietly shrieks to Patty as if to say farewell.

Tuesday October 18th, 2005 11:05:48 AM

Aya listens quietly to Patterton's recap and announcement he might be leaving, having no idea what to say to him.

Aya puts his hand on Morpth's shoulder in congratulations and smiles at him.

He assembles with the others to explore Lawni's Lens, made new by the dawn.

Tuesday October 18th, 2005 9:05:58 PM

Dwight does not hide the fact he is somewhat glad to see Morpth move along, though he does manage to voice 'best wishes' and truly meaning it.

Patty's leaving gives Dwight a slight sadness. It has only been a week or two since Dwight has been around, but it was really beginning to feel like a family. Dwight stays close, but allows others to say there more heartfelt good-byes.

Otherwise Dwight is in favor of exploring the castle.

OH, MY! [DM Jon-Paul(JPW)] 
Wednesday October 19th, 2005 12:23:17 AM

I know Lawni's Lens, but...

Mungo and Morpth head on over to the Portculis to join with fellow explorers on a grand quest; to see what we will see!

The single file line walks to the Castle Keep proper: Mungo, Morpth, Kendry, Aya,Dwight, and Podo.

You can all see from the Portculis that you are in the inner curtain or courtyard of the Castle and walking straight to main building or keep.

The building is massive even by Gnomish or Hobbit scales. It has six stories, a circular stairway up the right and a wizard's tower on the left.

The main doors of the structure are large easily 4 halflings talls hung with massive hinges. Above the door on what would be considered 25 feet, are 4 church-like arches with statues in the alcoves. The statues are not recognizable or appear to be from the area.
Tweleve feet above those alcoves is a large stained glass circular windows and 12 feet above that is a landing. Above that landing, the building continues upwards as it looses itself in the mists of the day.

The Foyer

Upon entry to the first room, a foyer or a vestibule, is filled with ornate furnishings a large rug and a few tapestries.

Mungo wonders if he shouldn't just leave all this for another adventure as he feels he can not do this place justice with one small tour.

Wednesday October 19th, 2005 2:44:01 AM

Aya stares at the tapestries "How come no one has ever taken these, its not like they belong to anyone. Does it have something to do with the magic tide to this place" He would take them him self but he has no way of taking them off the wall or transporting them safely. "Maybe we should come back later with wagons and take this stuff and sell it. I mean, if we don't take this stuff, someone else surly will. Can anyone think of a good reason not to take it?"

Wednesday October 19th, 2005 8:54:35 PM

"I would guess Aya, that once the tapestries left the castle proper, they would be very very old and probably crumble to dust. I guess this because surely someone has taken them before, afterall its been decades. Does that sound about right Mungo?"

"Then again, I can't imagine everything is protected that same way. Perhaps someone left something here, hid it for safe keeping. Or maybe there are some explanations of grand spells written in that tower. Not something that can be taken, but perhaps copied."

Wednesday October 19th, 2005 8:59:20 PM

Kendry encourages the rest of the group to accompany them on this tour, too.

"Leave it for another tour? Mungo, we're here, now. I want to see it now, not wait for some far off time in the future. If your legs are tired - which would surprise me, as I know you are quite the traveler, then we can walk it ourselves. Or if you think we'd not be interested in seeing more, let me disabuse you of that notion. We appreciate your guidance, sir. I'm grateful, for one. But, I would see more, if possible.

He admires the tapestries, too. "Aya, we don't hold title to this place," Kendry replies. "Perhaps in Angel Springs we can make inquiries. Maybe it can be ours, one day! It seems a shame that such a lovely place is uninhabited." He thinks a bit. "There is good farm land round about. It's up on a hill. There are trees nearby. Now, if we had the abilities of a Myrridan or Clover, and could travel quickly from place to place, this could be a great spot to live."

As they continue to look about the place, Kendry chats up places where one could have a library, places for artworks, a laboratory or two, guest rooms, storage, a ballroom, an exercise area, chapels, gardens; he notes the stables, and remembers the observatory. "This place could be a school for young adventurers, and a welcoming place for seasoned ones. People could come for meditation, research, and so on.

Selithe  d20+3=21
Wednesday October 19th, 2005 10:28:24 PM

(OOC:Sorry everyone, I went in for a diabeties checkup yesterday and they had to get blood from me which left me pretty tired like normal so I fell asleep and didn't get my post in. Today I couldn't get in till just alittle while ago.)

Selithe looks to Patty when he says what he does and blinks, "What do you mean Patty? Are you leaving or something? I mean no I wouldn't hold it against you but whats wrong?"

Once the group starts moving Selithe moves to follow also, wondering what is going on with Patty all of the sudden but trying to keep her eyes open also as they move along.


Airin and Fioni  d20+6=20 d20+7=21 d20+9=10
Thursday October 20th, 2005 3:54:01 AM

(Airin was going to stay with Selithe so as Selithe has decided to follow the group after all, so will Airin.)

Airin gives Selithe a hug and says: "He'll come back sooner or later... I'm sure he will!"

Later Airin gazes at the marvelous castle. This sure doesn't look like last night. All the time she keeps her eyes wide open but because of this she probably wouldn't hear it if a giant was walking behind her! Don't forget she's a rogue, so if there are goodies to be found, Airin will notice them.

spot: 20
search: 21
Listen: 10 (Nat 1)

Friday October 21st, 2005 12:11:45 AM

"Say," the young bard says, "I wonder how someone stakes a claim to an abandoned castle?"

Patterton (by Kim) 
Friday October 21st, 2005 12:21:13 AM

Patterton comes along on the tour. "I'll be heading part way over to Angel Springs, Selithe, and travel with Mungo and Morpth, if they'll have me along for company. Then I'll need to head up to Rainbow Highlands once we get to Molly's Rest, or Humble's Ford, depending on the route we take. I have a promise to keep to my family.

"Then, soon as I can, if everything works out, I'll see if I can find you. You and everyone. Don't hold your breath, but don't be surprised. All right?" He looks into her eyes.

If it were not for his plans to part soon from his friends, Patty might find himself getting more caught up in Kendry's wild ideas. A castle - for us? Sounds pretty good.

But though he tries to smile encouragement to his good friend as plans fill his head and overflow through his mouth, the unusually strong hobbit just is not able to get himself worked up too much. He does say, though, "You keep on dreaming, Kendry. Keep on dreaming, buddy, and maybe your dreams will come true some day."

Friday October 21st, 2005 1:14:52 AM

Podo wonders is there is a morality question rasing its ugly head here.

"Say, guys/gals...what makes you think its okay to take other peoples stuff just cause you are here? Maybe its a trap waiting to happen. Ever think of that?"

With that said, Podo wanders futher into the keep.

Cccrrreeeaaaakkk! [DM JonPaul (JPW)] 
Friday October 21st, 2005 1:15:14 AM


Somewhere up in the castle there is something...(everyone listen vs DC 5; those that make it see spoiler)Highlight to display spoiler: {you here creaking and the sounds of things moving about, but no voices}


Podo comes back into the room with a whiteish look on his face. "Iiiii think I saw a ghost!"

Mungo says, "well, the Fae King is still in the Wold, so maybe he's stiring up the dead?"

(OOC: what is everyone doing and where are you in the room?)

Airin and Fioni  d20+9=20 d20+6=23 d20+18=27
Friday October 21st, 2005 5:58:09 AM

Startled by Podo's revelation Airin turns around to face the door Podo came through. Her ears finely attuned to detect any odd noises in this castle she whispers to her friends: "Let's not jump to conclusions about Ebryon. He's been defeated all around the Wold. He now awaits his final judging. We've defeated his Crescent Valley Avatar so how could he wake the dead?!? If a ghost this is, it could be one who used to live or work here in this castle. It could be Lawni in person! Shall we wait and see what comes through this door and try to talk to it first?"

Airin lowers her crossbow -- a loaded crossbow though -- to the ground and will not prepare to fire. Standing face to face with some ghost isn't exactly something she enjoyes so it might be best to be prepared to the horrid looks of ghosts. Flashes of horror stories she read in her youth spring through that door while a shiver runs down her spine. Ghosts... brrrr. She will not stand in front of the door yet makes sure to get a clear view of the opening lurking in the shadows of the room.

Then hesitating Airin says: "It could be a cat that opened some door? Or maybe some old piece of cloth is waving in the wind... no?"

Fioni feels something's up and sits on Airin's shoulder in anticipation.

Listen: 20
Spot: 23
Hide: 27

Prepared Spells:
Level 0 (4 available):
Read Magic
Know Direction

Level 1 (3 available):
Speak with Animals
Hide from Animals

Aya  d20+4=7
Friday October 21st, 2005 12:25:55 PM

Aya quikly moves next to Podo, his black robes and cloak flowing after him. He Readies his shield and looks a Podo with his cold dark eyes.

"Show me whare, if there is a ghost here we must remove it from the Wold. The dead do not belong here!"

Prepared Spells
0 Level
Detect Magic
Purify Food

1 Level
Magic stone
Sheild of Faith
Longstrder(domain spell)


Dwight  d20+4=7 d20+1=18
Friday October 21st, 2005 5:32:29 PM

Dwight hears the squeak (listen: 7)and watches as everyone moves and discusses its cause. Knowing he doesn't want to see it first, Dwight moves to watch the rear. (The most recent door the group has gone through.) One there he looks back and judges anything that is different from moments ago (spot18).

In a good mood, and not really concerned Dwight places his hand on his dagger, but does not yet draw it.

Friday October 21st, 2005 9:01:10 PM

Kendry, who has been talking with his friends and companions, and admiring the appointments and furnishings of the castle, responds to Podo's announcement. "A ghost! Wow!" He walks into the next room. "Hello. Hello. Is anybody here?" If he sees a ghost, he says, "Hi, I'm Kendry. What's your name? Do you need some help?"

Ghost Whisperer [DM JonPaul(JPW)] 
Saturday October 22nd, 2005 2:39:58 AM

Ghost Whisperer

Aya and Kendry run into the room that Podo just came out of, both looking for signs or an actual ghost. Aya to help it and Kendry to ask questions of it.

Dwight, Podo, Airin & Fioni, and Selithe take up the rear Guard. Mungo, lost in though speaks out loud. "As I recall, looking at these furnishings, I believe that this Estate is more than 29 acres and houses an elaborate park/reserve, a fully functioning farm, the Keep, and the Lens."

The Main Hall

Aya, and Kendry seperate form the main group by running from the foyer into the main hall after an unwoldian spirit; both trying to help it in their own way.

Aya & Kendry (spot vs DC 10) Highlight to display spoiler: {Your sense hone it on a source of chilly air in the north eastern most corner.}

Sounds of life begin to eminate from the upper floors.

Podo Danderfluff 
Saturday October 22nd, 2005 2:41:07 AM

"You know guys, now that we have leaders on this unwoldian quest, I'll suck it up and have courage like Domi did... Wait for me guys," Podo says as he runs after Aya & Kendry.

Kendry  d20+3=19
Saturday October 22nd, 2005 5:05:32 PM

Kendry says, loud enough for those outside the room to hear, "Hey - that's pretty cold air over there, in the northeast corner." He takes a few steps that direction - not real close, yet. "Hullo. Anybody here?" Hearing Podo enter the room, he says, "I'm not sure it's a ghost. Just kind of a cold area, maybe?" [Spot: 19]

Saturday October 22nd, 2005 8:06:58 PM

Selithe frowns when she hears what is said but also whispers some what low, "A ghost?? I never seen one that I know of, this should be interesting as long as it's not a bad one anyway. Good thing for our cleric." Selithe smiles and prepares to move on with her friends, curious and also abit scared even knows the little act of not being scared she is trying to put on.

Patterton (by Kim) 
Sunday October 23rd, 2005 12:43:20 AM

Patterton sticks with Selithe. He draws his bastard sword as he enters the next room. Shoot. Kendry talks like he's visiting a candy shop. Still, gotta watch his back. And protect Selithe. Yeah, everybody else, too.

Airin and Fioni  d20+9=18 d20+6=8 d20+9=28
Monday October 24th, 2005 5:29:16 AM

Hearing Kendry say the wailing sound was nothing more than wind blowing through the castle Airin follows the rest.
The moment she hears the noises on the upper floors Airin closely listens to identify the source. Couldn't this be rodents? Must it be ghosts?

Anyhow, Mungo doesn't appear to be too stressed up so Airin will follow her friends.

Listen: 18
Spot: 8
Knowledge Nature: 28

Prepared Spells:
Posted: Friday October 21st, 2005

Aya  d20+4=11 d20+5=14
Monday October 24th, 2005 3:10:01 PM

Aya slowly move toward the cold corner of the room(spot 11). He thinks back to his training, trying to remember something useful (Knowledge Religion 14).

Tuesday October 25th, 2005 12:06:19 AM

Podo enters the next room to stand with Aya & Kendry whatever they may face.

BOO! [DM JonPaul(JPW)] 
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 12:07:01 AM


As Kendry and Aya approach the spot of cold, an image begins to materialize before their face. (everyone in the room; Fortitude vs. DC 15) Highlight to display spoiler: {Those that make it see not one ghost materialize, but rather an entire group, maybe even a family! The lead ghost is visibly upset and a horrific sight unfolds before your eyes... the heads of the ghosts slide foward as if to say they were beheaded! What Horrific Appearances!!}

Those that fail feel an overpowering urgency to leave the keep!

(Those that failed the roll, make a tumble or Dexerity check vs. DC 10) to scoot out of the doorway, around those outside and out of the building.

Kendry  d20+7=20
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 1:25:24 AM

[Will save: 20 - if vs. fear, then 22.]

"Oh, poor ghost family!" Kendry exclaims. "We do not wish to anger you. Who did this thing to you, and why?" he asks. "We mean you no harm, if no harm you cause us. What can we do for you, sir, ma'am, children?"

Airin and Fioni  d20+7=15 d20+7=24
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 10:18:21 AM

(Will save +2 vs fear = 15)

Ok Airin barely made her will save, still she is petrified from the look of that ghost and she decides to take a few steps backwards. Without looking it's hard to see where you're going, yet this will not make the nimble rogue inside of her fall.

Not too keen of Ghosts, Airin shuts her mouth hoping the others will be able to talk some sense into these ghosts...

Aya  d20+7=24
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 10:56:03 AM

Save:24 vs fear:26

Aya stands firm as the ghosts appear before him. He gives a small head bow and looks directly at the lead ghost. "I am Aya Nightshade, priest of Gargul, and these are my friends." Gestures to other party members still in the room, "We are here to help you crossover to your resting place. It is obvious some great tragedy has be-fallen you and your kinsmen." Gesturing to his own neck. "If you are willing to tell us your story we will listen and help any way we can."

Selithe  d20+4=18
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 3:47:23 PM

Selithe looks to the ghosts when they showup and much like Airin she too backs off abit, "Umm, I'm sorry to of wondered in on you also with my friends. We really mean no harm and just were checking out the place since we're really not sure how we came to be here."

Podo  d20+5=22
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 4:15:24 PM

"Er, Guys! Ghosts! YEAAAA!" moans Podo as he realizes the place really is haunted and full of ghosts! Although facing an unknown and possible threat, Podo Danderfluff stands his ground!

"Mister, and Misses Ghost people, can't we just all get along?" says Podo trying to reason with the new arrivals.

"Mister Mungo here from Angel Springs was showing us around. A tour you see. So as long as we don't interfere with you , we will finish what we came to see and be on our merry way!" announces Podo to the group.

Patterton (by Kim)  d20+3=9 d20=16
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 7:55:12 PM

Brave Patterton is taken aback by the heads falling off the bodies of the ghosts. He hightails it out of there! [Will save 9, Dex check 16 or better.]

Dwight  d20=8 d20=18
Tuesday October 25th, 2005 8:48:09 PM

d20=8+5=13 (Bah!)

As Dwight turns from the rear to see what the group has spotted his face. Making the final turn into the room, Dwight's face turns white and he schuffles out of the room jumping (tumble: 18+6=24) around Patterton in a massive rush.

YOU DARE!! [DM JonPaul(JPW)]  2d4(3+3)=6
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 12:25:43 AM

Ghost Whispers

It appears that there are just the 3 guys in the main hall with the ghosts and the rest including Mungo and Morpth are still in the hallway.

Dwight and Patterton felt the need to leave speedily.

Ghost Moans

How DARE you!! LOOTERS!! You shall meet thy makers!!

Ghosts Move

All attempts to reason with the Ghosts are ignored. It appears they are splitting up and taking offensive/defense positions. The lead spokesGhost looks ready to...

Ghost Attack

The Ghost enlarges releasing a Frightful Moan. (Everyone make a Will save vs. DC 15) Highlight to display spoiler: {Those failing this save become panicked for 6 rounds.}

Kendry  d20+9=18 d20+9=16
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 2:12:36 AM

[Will save vs fear: 18] Kendry breaks into song. Not a particularly poetic song at its inception, but a countersong to the frightful moan [Perform: Singing: 16 - anyone can use this score for their saving throw in lieu of having to roll your own will save - so, anyone within 30 feet of Kendry should automatically save versus the frightful moan].
Fine, fine, we'll just leave, then
C'mon friends, obviously we're not
Welcome in this room
A hey lolly ho lolly
Your moans are far - so far from jolly

Even though we've taken nothing
Stolen naught from out this place
You, now dead, accuse of thieving
Honest hobbits -- you've no case

Counsel won't you reconsider
Drop these charges, baseless all
Lost your heads, now it's no wonder
Reasoning fled your minds withal
He continues singing until he's had the chance to herd everyone out of the room. He has no desire to dance at this ball. If one moves to attack, Kendry moves into full defense.

Airin and Fioni  d20+7=23 d6+1=6
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 9:48:01 AM

Upon hearing the threats from the ghosts Airin shouts: "We are no looters!! We came to visit the Castle! We mean you no harm!"
Kendry's song helps Airin to resist the horrible ghost's moans and continues to back up. However she raises her crossbow preparing to fire should the ghosts really attack the group!

Fioni isn't keen about ghosts at all and prefers to fly out of the Castle. She hawk will "patiently" wait outside till her master returns.

Prepared attack roll: hits AC22
Damage: 6Hp

Prepared Spells:
Posted: Friday October 21st, 2005

Aya  d20=20 2d6(3+1)+1=5
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 12:22:59 PM

Aya takes Kendries save, his song keeps Aya from fear.

Speaking to the ghosts "Fools, it didn't have to come to this. What good is stuff you can't even touch?"

Aya takes out his holy symbol from beneath his robes and holds it high above his head. He chants a few words in prayer to Gargul and his symbol glows with a shadowy light that send chills through everyone who sees it. (Turn check:perfect 20, damage roll:5, so I can effect undead with up to 5hd and turn a total of 5hd, undead with 1/2hd are destroyed).

Selithe  d20+4=19
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 1:32:32 PM

Selithe looks to the ghosts and is uneffected by the moan luckily anyway and sighs as she knows only her spells stand a chance of hurting these creatures out of her weaponry anyway, "I do not want to hurt you you stupid ghosts. Just listen or do you have no patience after all these years."

(Will check:19)

Dwight  d20=14
Wednesday October 26th, 2005 7:55:03 PM

Dwight continues moving away from the 'ghost'. Slowly color begins to return to his face.

Should Patterton stop running, Dwight will also stop and consider options.

Swish!! [DM JonPaul(JPW)] 
Thursday October 27th, 2005 12:51:49 AM


Gargul's mighty power emanating through Aya's holy symbol turns the lead Ghost and he flees away with a swish!! As soon as the other ghosts see the lead swish, they swish as well!

Bats in thy Bellfry

Although the turning attempt was successful, you can still hear eerie noises coming from the upper floor in the keep, but exactly where is still a mystery.

Mungo & Morpth

Mungo & Morpth use Kendry's counterspell song to counter the affects of the frightful moaning. As sson as the ghosts appear to have left, both Mungo and Morpth sit down with a shortness of breath and try to relax. "The entire time I've been coming here, I never knew the place was haunted!" says Mungo to Morpth. Morpth replies, "First time I've ever seen a ghost!"


While Fioni is up on the keep roof awaiting her master's return to the open, a winged stone statues turns its head to Fioni and whispers, "Hello there! Nice to have a visitor...

With that Fioni's heart skips a beat and tumbles off the keep roof!

Everyone in the keep hear a large flapping sound, a swoosh, a soft thud, then more sounds of heavy flapping.

Anyone making their way outside sees Airin's companion passed out on the soft grass.

Thursday October 27th, 2005 12:53:10 AM

Podo hears and takes the benefit of the counterspell song from Kendry.

Not sure what to do, Podo will stand his ground unless attacked.

Airin and ... where's that bird?  d20+6=23
Thursday October 27th, 2005 9:32:11 AM

Airin feels something is wrong with Fioni and retreats further from the chateau hopnig to catch a glimpse of Fioni. "There! There she is! Passed out of the ground! What caused this?!?

Bewildered from all this sudden action Airin frantically looks around to see what caused Fioni to fall...


Thursday October 27th, 2005 10:46:20 AM

Aya tucks his holy symbol back away under his robes breathing a sigh of relief.

"I got them to leave this time, but I'm not sure about the next. I think the best thing to... what's that nose outside?"

Aya walks outside to investigate.

Kendry  d8+3=11
Thursday October 27th, 2005 10:00:33 PM

"Thanks, there, Aya," Kendry says. "Whether or not someone can touch something - I think ghosts can sort of touch things, can't they? I mean, if they drink milk, it might just spill on the ground, but some can make things move and such, at least that's what I've heard. Well, no more talk about taking stuff that's not rightly ours," he suggests. "Well, we heard some noises from upstairs, too, right? Shall we go and see what other nebulous hosts there might be at this castle?"

"Whoa," he exclaims on seeing the hawk Fioni lying on the ground. He asks Airin if he can check to see if she is injured. If just momentarily stunned, he leaves her alone. But if there is a visible injury, he casts Cure Light Wounds (11 hp).

Dwight  d20=20
Thursday October 27th, 2005 10:02:41 PM

Already outside, Dwight watches (spot 20+1=21) as Fioni takes the fall. Not quick enough to catch it, he sighs a bit of relief as he lands softly.

Looking upward for a reason why the bird dropped so suddenly, he also considers the climbability of the outside walls (OOC: not sure what my roll for this would be since Dwight is only considering).


Stone Statues [DM JonPaul(JPW)] 
Thursday October 27th, 2005 10:51:56 PM

Bird Fall

As everyone runs out to see what happened to Fioni, a crowd of concerned halfling gather round. Airin does her best to make comfortable her animal companion. Kendry states that if need be he can heal her with his wand.

Dwight eyes the wall as if to say, I can go up and have a looksee. (You'd need to roll your climb check vs DC 10. So for you that's 1d20+2)

You find no broken bones after a careful examination of your animal companion, Airin. YOu best guess if something startled her and she slipped off the roof. All you can see from this distance are stone statues on the roof.

Podo offers the group a choice between staying and getting to the bototm of this mess or leaving camp early. Which does the group choose?

Podo Danderfluff Pipewood 
Thursday October 27th, 2005 10:57:28 PM

Podo follows the others outside. "Wow, the bird flew like a rock, good thing it's not heavy. Kendry, you should check to see if the animal is hurt. Anyone checks to see if Fioni's still breathing?" says Podo excitedly.

"Dwight, do you know how to climb a wall? You are sure eyeing that wall like you're gonna try! What happens when you get to the top of it by yourself, so find that you're out numbered by whatever's on the roof? " asks Podo of Dwight.

"The way I see it, is we either tend to the bids health and leave this place early or we as a group go and get reinforcements (Lomar and friends) and then track down the critters responsible for this mess! What'da say gang? You with me?!" states Podo to his friends.

Patterton (by Kim) 
Friday October 28th, 2005 12:28:38 AM

A few moments earlier, as he sped by Lomar and Bobbles, Patterton had warned them, "Ghosts!"

Once coming up to the drawbridge, he suddenly comes to himself, and slows up. He stops, then turns around. So ashamed of himself. I ran away. I left Selithe and my friends in the face of danger. He can barely force himself to return to the group.

Not to do so, however, would be yet a further sign of fear. I wasn't raised this way! he thinks.

But he does return, and sees the group collected, looking at something on the ground. He approaches, uncharacteristically tentative, and stands quietly at the edge of the group. He can't bring himself to look at Selithe.

Kendry  d20+3=6
Friday October 28th, 2005 2:57:03 AM

"Good idea, Podo. Could someone get our friends?" Kendry asks when the monk suggests getting Lomar and Bobbles. "Let's get our dogs, too. As long as the gates are closed, we can probably leave our horses."

[Untrained Heal check on Fioni to determine whether injured or not. Check failed, but evidence indicated she is in need of care.] Not via the wand, but by singing a quick bardic spell, Kendry heals Fioni. She should be fully healed up [Note prior roll of 8+3=11 hp cured].

"Let's see what's going on here. No time like the present to clear things up. Now, Mungo, how do we get to the next floor up?" he asks. "We heard some sounds coming from there a few minutes ago."

Patterton (by Kim) (again) 
Friday October 28th, 2005 2:57:58 AM

Patty says, "I'll get them. Somebody'd better stay and watch over the horses. I'll do that," he volunteers.

Lomar & Bobbles (ADM Kim) 
Friday October 28th, 2005 3:02:52 AM

"Yeah, we will go to them," Lomar answers Patterton when told of the request. "We go - you ride on shoulders, goblin Bobbles," the ogre says in goblin. He takes Bobbles under one arm, and swings him up on his shoulder, where he plants him gently.

"Ha-ji-ha!" Bobbles exclaims with what looks to be either terror or delight. Hard to tell with these goblins, sometimes. Smile, or grimace?

As they arrive next to the party, Lomar says, and asks, "Patterton says we come and help. So, what you want us to do?"

Airin and the passed out Fioni  d20+6=23
Friday October 28th, 2005 7:19:53 AM

Airin's worried about Fioni's condition and casts a "Speak with Animals" spell on herself. Gently she tries to bring back the bird and calmly talks to Fioni.

"What happened Fioni? How comes you fell from the roof?!? You slipped? What happened dear?"

Depending on Fioni's revelations Airin will follow the others.

Spot: 23 (on the Stone figures) DM only Highlight to display spoiler: {should this be gargoyles Airin's spot will reveal the stone statues are indeed alive as her spot DC is higher than 20. In that case, Airin will alert her friends.}

Prepared Spells:
Posted: Friday October 21st, 2005
Level 0 (4 available):
Read Magic
Know Direction

Level 1 (3 available):
Speak with Animals - USED
Hide from Animals

Friday October 28th, 2005 12:26:27 PM

Aya suggests "There should be a way to get to the roof by going through the keep, that way we can not only find out what happened to Fioni, but also what is makeing all that noise in the upper floors. Thats my idea anyway"

Friday October 28th, 2005 2:05:47 PM

"I've got a grappling hook in one of my horse's saddlebags," Kendry offers.

Friday October 28th, 2005 2:40:42 PM

Podo wonders out loud,"Why do we need to climb on the building? Why not go to the roof from the inside? Its not like whatever is on the roof is gonna escape to somewhere?"

"Are you guys scared of Ghosts?" giggles Podo.

Friday October 28th, 2005 4:31:50 PM

"Sure, if we can get to the upper rooms, or the roof - whatever is above the floor we were on, let's just go do it." Kendry stops the palavering, and heads that direction.

Saturday October 29th, 2005 12:04:54 AM

(OOC:Everyone as you know I just got my new computer and just got it fully setup so now I'm back again and with a better and faster computer. Sorry for the missed posts.)

Selithe looks to the others and places a hand gently on Airin's shoulder, whispering to her, "Is Fioni alright Airin? I know I really can't help but she is a really good friend to all of us."

Selithe is worried and also hoping they aren't attacked by some weird thing since she doesn't see nothing that could of attacked or scared Fioni that bad.

Step by Step [DM JonPaul(JPW)] 
Saturday October 29th, 2005 12:59:02 AM

Step by Step

Everyone assembles at the base of the Keep. Decisions are being raised while Airin attends to her companion. A few suggestions are tosses out about how to get to the roof in a timely manner just in case the culprits manage to escape.

Whatever happens in the near future, everyone decides that the answers lye on the roof!

Airin & Fioni

Airin using her skills to check out the Keep and its roof sees this:Highlight to display spoiler: {
The buildings nearby are baroque in architecture, with many flourishes, scrollwork, columns, and carved figures. When you glance at one of the statues on the roof of a nearby building, you get the strangest feeling that it is looking at you. Omigosh! Did it blink?

Fioni to Airin

Airin learns this through her spell speak with animalsHighlight to display spoiler: { Fioni projects images of her time spent on the roof...I waited for you to come out of the stone cave. While waiting, something talked to me, I turn to see it and it moved and blinked at me...next thing I see is you trying to kiss me! I'm brusied and hurt but ok...}

DWight  d20+2=15
Saturday October 29th, 2005 12:08:31 PM

"I think I could climb the outside high enough to get the grappling hook attached, but it would certainly be easier going through the building. But then again, I'm not sure I want to face those ghosts again. They kinda..kinda unnerved me. Sorry I ran out like that." he finishes much sadder than when he started.

Airin and Fioni 
Sunday October 30th, 2005 1:48:42 PM

As Airin stares at the roof of the castle she gets the strangest feeling the statue looks back at her!!

"Listen guys, something's wrong with this place, and I'm not joking as I did earlier with that grass. I swear that statue on that roof is looking at us... I think it was my mentor Aresius who once told me a story of gargoyles..."

Airin waits to hear what her friends decide, but she feels this place is out of their league...

Argyle [DM JonPaul(JPW)] 
Sunday October 30th, 2005 10:59:17 PM


Kendry does his best to use magics to heal/cure Fioni from her fall, but without being able to Speak with Animals he'll have to wait until Airin lets her know.

Airin gets a fright from her constant stare at the roof. Dwight is uncertain he chooses to face more spookies this day.

Mungo and Morpth are anxious to begin their journey home.

Bobbles and Lomar are waiting for someone to make a move...Tick Tock Lomar says while waiting...

Kendry  d20+3=5 d20+6=20
Monday October 31st, 2005 2:18:08 AM

Kendry looks upward at the ugly stone countenances above. He does not note any movement or signs of life [Spot: 5], but he trusts Airin. "Hey, you up there. You mind if we continue our tour of this castle? We don't plan to hurt anyone, or take anything that doesn't belong to us. But we think this is a beautiful castle, and just want to look around. If that sounds all right with you, then, um, well, waggle your tongue, or wink at us, or move a wing a little bit, so we can see. Or, if you can talk, well, we'll listen!" [Diplomacy: 20]

Monday October 31st, 2005 2:39:10 PM

"I'm game to continue adventuring. Ah Kendry, can I have a word with you in private?" says Podo.

A Word in Private
For Kendry only:Highlight to display spoiler: {
"Kendry, I wish to change my chosen Deity from Domi to Alemi and I don't know the procedure to do this...have you any knowledge about something like this?" asks Podo of Kendry.

Monday October 31st, 2005 3:46:46 PM

While awaiting a response from the statues - gargoyles? - Airin called them, Kendry's attention is diverted by his friend Podo, who pulls him aside.

He listens to the question. "Well, Podo," he begins, "are you feeling more of an affinity for the ways and teachings of Alemi? Is there something in his character that now draws you closer than you feel to Domi? You know, the two are not in competition with each other. They are friends. But if you believe that you want to express your devotion more to the god of healing, of compassion, of mercy-tempered justice, then it's a matter of will, of faith, and of action. I don't know that there is one set 'procedure' - but, you may want to talk things over with a priest of Alemi, and declare your intent. Maybe he, or a priestess - there's a cute one over in Angel Springs, you know - might give you some task or burden, as a sign and a test of your will to change. I like Alemi lots. Domi, too. And Wardd, and Flower, and - well, a bunch of 'em. Not Marteaus, though," he adds, then spits after mention of the name, "but Gargul is to be feared and respected." He looks up at the sky. "Someday, I'd like to learn about the one who made it all. Who even made the gods. Though we have many beginnings in life - there had to be, some time, the first beginning. Of it all, I mean."

Dwight  d20+2=21
Monday October 31st, 2005 5:10:54 PM

"Well I'm gonna see if I can climb this thing. Just a few feet as we decide what to do."

As the group decides what to do, Dwight tests whether or not he can climb the wall successfully (climb 21). If successful he will climb up about 10 feet and then see if the group has made any decisions.

Monday October 31st, 2005 5:56:58 PM

"I going back inside the keep. As for the things on the roof, I don't really care that much. They don't seem to be hurting anyone now, I can't see anything to be gained from confronting them."

"But as a priest of Gargul, my duty is to exorcize those ghosts. Anyone who wants to come with me are welcome. If anyone wants to head to Angelsprings, don't let me keep you. I can travel quickly when I wish to."

With that, Aya turns and re-enters the keep, a look of determination on his face.

Monday October 31st, 2005 10:08:22 PM

Selithe looks to Podo and thinks a moment before speaking to him, "Podo, I don't mean to change your mind or you know, against your god but are we sure the ghosts are bad? What if there not bad and you or we destroy them? I know, they attacked us but they could be ocnfused or something or maybe just as suprised as we were to see them."

Selithe shrugs and smiles, "I just don't want to hurt anyone who might be innocent of anything you know." Selithe shrugs once more, not knowing alot of ghosts and making a not of entering this in her journal.

Ghost Busters [DM JonPaul(JPW)] 
Tuesday November 1st, 2005 12:56:58 AM

Oh goodie!

With a determined look upon his face, Aya Nightshade heads straight into the maw of doom!

Podo not being one to show weakness and fear, with the help of Domi, follows Aya into the keep. Turing, Podo says to Selithe, " I think you have me confused with Aya Nightshade... Domi doesn't really might Ghosts.

Kendry also joins them after handing Dwight the grappling hook.

Dwight with the hook in hand, manages to climb 10 feet above the ground while holding onto the hook. Question is, what now?

What Now?

Airin and Selithe and deciding upon a good course of action, while Mungo and Morpth head back into the keep, close on their tails are bobbles and lomar and the riding dogs. Patterton heads in as well.

Back in the Village

Aya with a determined look upon his face heads straight for the foyer area of the last ghostly encounter. Shortly, the rest of the crew along with the riding dogs pile into the vast foyer/great room; that is everyone except Airin, Fioni, and Selithe.

While the cast of tens make they way into the great room, Moans, creaks, and sounds of stone scraping stone spill down from above.

Tuesday November 1st, 2005 4:45:52 AM

"Well, I hear welcoming voices from above," Kendry says with a smile. "Shall we ascend the stairs? Mungo, kindly show us the stairs, if you please."

As soon as he knows where to go up, Kendry goes up.

Airin and Fioni 
Tuesday November 1st, 2005 7:23:11 AM

"Heck. I don't believe in Ghosts!" Airin thinks to herself and draws her Bastard Sword as she follows the rest into the Castle.

"Fioni we can still talk. Fly over the Castle and check if you can find a few open windows. if so try to take a look inside to report back."

Tuesday November 1st, 2005 12:18:45 PM

Podo follows Kendry into the Keep and into the Foyer. While waiting for Mungo to lead them all to the stairs, Podo will ready his new darkwood Quarterstaff.

Tuesday November 1st, 2005 1:13:24 PM

Aya turns back to see who came with him, he can't help but smile a little as he sees how many good friends he has made in such a short time. This should be easy with this many people, I hope.

"Yes, please show us to the stairs."

Dwight  d20+2=16
Tuesday November 1st, 2005 6:16:12 PM

As Dwight watches the others begin to enter the keep again, he pauses. Happy with himself for successfully climbing the wall, climbs back down (climb 16) and much more cautiously than before follows the group. He takes his position of watching the rear with his bow wondering if it would do any good against a ghost....

Tuesday November 1st, 2005 6:52:42 PM

Selithe follows along and smiles to Podo about his comment, hoping she didn't offend him so she stays silent now as she moves along, holding her staff in one hand and ready if needed.

Wow, these stair are cool! [DM JonPaul(JPW)] 
Tuesday November 1st, 2005 8:33:07 PM

Cool Stairs

Mungo is asked by many of the other halflings if he would be so kind and lead them to the stairs that will take them higher into the keep and eventually to their final destination -- the upper floors.

In a line no more than 2 halflings abreast, Mungo leads the group to South-Eastern corner of the keep; the stairs. These stairs appear to be spiral, heading in both direction; up and down; and like the keep are made of local stone. Every 5 feet in either direction is a sconce designed to hold a torch for illumination. Some of the holders have torches but are not lit. Others, their torch holders are empty.

Mungo does his best to led the group upwards into the higher levels stopping every so often to ask if the group wishes to go any higher, or if they would prefer to go directly to the roof.

The entire time thr group is on the stairs, they remain quiet attempting to detect noises from the floor landing they arrive on. Not hearing the same noises, Mungo asks the group if the wish to continue.

Roof Access

Upon reaching the top most level of the spiral stairs, Mungo announces they are on the roof level landing. At this point, he steps back aloowing Aya Nightshade to led the group.

Airin and Fioni  d20+6=18 d20+9=15
Wednesday November 2nd, 2005 9:22:15 AM

Following Mungo's lead Airin climbs the stairs gradually leading them to the top of the keep. This place is far bigger than she expected with much more surprises than initially given credit for!

As they all reach the upper floor and the roof access Airin is a bit nervous. There WAS something looking back at her, but she's afraid to make a fool of herself once again. She hasn't forgotten that grass incident with Podo.

She takes out a Tanglefoot bag from her backpack and shows it to Kendry saying: "Look, you're favorite weapon!"

Then she waits till someone opens the door. If there are more than one statue on this roof Airin will take a close look once again.

Spot: 18
Listen: 15

Prepared Spells:
Posted: Friday October 21st, 2005

Level 0 (4 available):
Read Magic
Know Direction

Level 1 (3 available):
Speak with Animals - USED
Hide from Animals

Aya (shadow conjured mage armor will save 16) 
Wednesday November 2nd, 2005 12:29:20 PM

A disappointed look on Aya's face, "Hmm... no sigh of the ghosts. Since were on the roof anyway, we might as well take a look around."

Aya takes a moment to cast a shadow conjuration of mage armor on him self (will save 16 for disbelief). Then he opens the door and steps out into the open air.

0 level: guidenceX2, detect magic, detect poison.
1 level: magic weapon, magic stone, shield of faith, long strider(domain).
2 level: sonic burst, inflict moderate wounds, shadow conjuration(domain)USED.

Dwight  d20+1=19
Wednesday November 2nd, 2005 5:28:36 PM

Following the group, Dwight continues to watch the rear (spot 19). Hoping not to see any more moaning ghost, Dwight ponders if there is any other kind of ghost as was suggested.

Wednesday November 2nd, 2005 9:17:05 PM

"Wow! What are we waiting for? Lets open the door and get this shindig started!!" says Podo out loud to the group but in a hushed whisper.

"I wanna see these statues Airin is freaked out about," Podo squeels.

Wednesday November 2nd, 2005 10:00:01 PM

Selithe waits to see what Podo finds when he opens the door. She keeps her staff at the ready and hopes that whatever is behind the door isn't overly powerful.

Wednesday November 2nd, 2005 10:59:31 PM

Kendry goes along with the group, just taking things in. He laughs when Airin comments on his favorite weapon - the tanglefoot bag.

The Rooftop [DM JonPaul(JPW)] 
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 8:31:23 AM


As Podo goes to open the door, He makes the startling discovery that it's stuck. "Hey. the dang door's stuck...like there's something on the other side of this!" says Podo in a whisper to the group.

As Podo stops to ponder how best to get the door unstuck, a subtle scraping sound can be heard...like a brick being dragged against stone.


As Podo makes a more forceful push, the door this time swings open and Podo looses his grip and plumets to the rooftop...at the feet of a stone statue!

The next halfling after Podo sees a winged stone statue actually one in front of Podo and several lined along the roof's edge in the background.

In a gruff sounds akin to rumbing gravel everyone can hear, "HI! I'm Dactyl...Terri Dactyl! Who are You?"

Airin and Fioni 
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 10:18:32 AM

Airin is baffled as she hears the gruff sounds. Still the words she hears appear to be spoken in peace. Perhaps the creature has been quite lonely lately?

She gives Kendry a nudge to bring him to the front and says to him: "Go on Kendry. You're a much better talker than me."

To Terri Dactyl she says: "Hello. I'm Airin. Sorry if I acted a bit scared at first, and don't feel offended if my bird has dropped something on you please."


Prepared Spells:
Posted: Friday October 21st, 2005

Aya (shadow mage armor will DC 16) 
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 1:09:08 PM

Aya asks Terri, "Do you know anything about the ghosts here?" Other then that, he keeps quite.

Thursday November 3rd, 2005 1:57:08 PM

Nudged forward by Airin, Kendry speaks up. "Yes, hello! I'm Kendry. We've just been getting a tour of the castle. This is a great place! Quite a view, quite a view. Have you been here long?"

Thursday November 3rd, 2005 5:54:58 PM

Podo picks himself up off the roof floor and finds himself face to face to a stone statue of a bat, a talking bat!

"Er, Mr. Dactyl, If you don't mind me asking, what are you?" Whatever the answer, Podo introduces himself as, "Podo Danderfluff Pipewood, Halfling, at your service."

Dwight  d20+1=16
Thursday November 3rd, 2005 9:30:35 PM

Dwight glances from the rear of the group so to who is speaking. Having seen weirder things in the last week than this, Dwight nods casually toward the new voice. "Dwight here," he adds, again missing the traditional halfling introduction, and then continues watching the stairs. (spot 16)

Friday November 4th, 2005 12:18:29 AM

Selithe giggles some at Kendrys talking and whispers up to him, "Mean cat got your tongue for once kendry? You usually talk alot more." Selithe grins at her small jest towards Kendry and looks s best she can towards the statue, "Hello mister Terri. My name is Selithe and the one speaking up there is my brother Kendry and these my friends who are introducing themselves also. I think my friends have asked the needed questions for the moment though, however may we come out there where it's alittle less crowded and of course if it's safe out there. The ghosts already tried to scare us."

Will'O'Wisps [DM JonPaul(JPW)] 
Friday November 4th, 2005 1:12:40 AM

The Stone Chat

Terri Dactyl shuffles a bit back across the roof to give the newcomers some room. The movement makes a rough scraping noise akin to bricks on stone.

Once all the halflings have assembled onto the roof, Terri scoots back into the place he vacated along the roof line. "Sorry, if I don't look at you while we chat, it's a need I have to occupy this here spot," grumbles Terri to the halflings.

History at Lawni's Lens

"I don't know how long it's been since I came to be here, but the Ghosts are a recent addition. Not sure from whence they came... sorry," grumbles Terri.

Airin and Fioni 
Friday November 4th, 2005 7:20:44 AM

Not to sure what they are actually all doing here on the roof of the Castle, and listening to the apparently rather friendly stoney statue, Airin admires her elevated view of the surroundings.

Fioni is still a bit shaken from her previous encounter with Terri and decides to circle around the castle at great altitude.

Aya (shadow mage armor will DC16)  d20+4=20
Friday November 4th, 2005 12:35:22 PM

Aya looks across the landscape from atop the keep(spot 20). His long dark hair and robes blowing in the wind.

"Can you tell us ware the ghosts are now, or how to get them to come out? We're trying to find them."

'Maybe I scared the ghosts a little too much' he thinks, 'I thought turning them would distroy them but I guess I'm still to weak for it to work.'

Show & Tell...[DM JonPaul(JPW)] 
Saturday November 5th, 2005 1:27:50 AM


Show & Tell

"Actually, if you come closer, I can show you something..." Terri whispers to the halflings.

Anyone that approaches Terri, read on Highlight to display spoiler: {
As Terri hears to approach him, he whispers, "I don't really care for the ghosts, you see... I made them... and they just stay for some reason..." With Terri's confession comes Terri's attack...

Everyone that went closer to hear Terri make Tumble check vs. DC 10; if you don't have this skill use a Dexterity check. Those that fail are knocked prone.

Kendry comes closer...  d20+4=19
Sunday November 6th, 2005 2:38:37 AM

Kendry smiles at his sister's ribbing. He listens as the others introduce themselves, and make inquiries.

When he hints at something to be revealed, however, Kendry approaches, cautiously. According to Airin, a statue, a gargoyle, knocked Fioni out of the air. And now they see proof that this statue, at least, does move. And talk. A bit skittish at being so close to the edge of the roof - not that he minds heights - just heights when near someone he is not so sure he trusts, he looks right at the gargoyle - Terri. "Yes, what is it you wish to show?"

He repeats aloud what Terri whispers, so that the others may know what secret he tells. "You don't care for the ghosts? You made them??" He does not have time to repeat his last phrase, as Terri's arm swings swiftly out in an attempt to sweep his feet. Kendry jumps backwards and over the arm, somersaulting away from the gargoyle [tumble: 19].

Rather than responding with hostility at this attempt by the roof-dweller, Kendry simply signals with his hands to his friends to remain back, and continues his questions. "Well, then, Terri, if you, as you say, made them ghosts, are you stating that you killed them? And if so, then, might I ask, how and why you did so?"

As he and the others who saw them have some clue as to the manner of their deaths (though not the details nor, really, who killed them for sure), he waits to see whether Terri's description matches the evidence perceived.

Kendry's hand rests casually on the hilt of his rapier as he stands about a dozen feet from the roof's edge, and between the mobile statue and the rest of the party. Should the gargoyle launch himself in the bard's direction, however, his readied action is to quickdraw and skewer Mister Dactyl.

Airin and Fioni  d20+3=23 d20+3=22 d20+3=15 d8+1=7 d8+1=7 d6=6
Monday November 7th, 2005 8:01:33 AM

Airin jumps a feet in the air as she sees Terri almost knock Kendry from the roof. Yet the nimble bard luckily manages to stay on his feet thus rescuing all other party members from scraping him of the ground...

She almost prepared to shoot Terri but notices Kendry's remark not to attack.

Instead Airin takes a stronger grip at her sword. If this stoney monster attacks Kendry she will fight! If might be advisable for Terri not to attack as Airin will fericiously help Kendry!

Prepared attack hits AC23 - NAT 20!
Prepared sudden death hits AC15 - guess not :-)
Damage: 7+7 = 14Hp + 6Hp sneak attack if Terri has his back on Airin

Aya (shadow mager armor will DC 16)  d20+4=21 d20+7=11
Monday November 7th, 2005 12:36:59 PM

Not wishing to miss any inforamtion about the ghosts, Aya moves closer to listen. When Terri attacks Aya rolls backwards avoiding his arm (Dex check: 21).

Aya stands up right and speaks to Kendry beside him, "Of course he killed them, you know some other way to create ghosts? If we kill him the ghost might go away."

Aya's right hand glows with negative energy as he cast inflict moderate wounds. If Terri attacks, Aya will unleash his spell on him.

readied attack: 11, miss

0 level: guidenceX2, detect magic, detect poison.
1 level: magic weapon, magic stone, shield of faith, long strider(domain).
2 level: sonic burst, inflict moderate wounds USED, shadow conjuration(domain) USED.

Monday November 7th, 2005 10:31:28 PM

Selithe stays back since the others are coming closer to Terri and awaits to see what the group does.

Selithe frowns and almost launches a spell at Terri till she sees Kendry's movements and frowns some as she wonders if she will have to fight this thing also.

Monday November 7th, 2005 10:59:32 PM

"Ho, there," Kendry adds as he sees Aya tumble away from another swipe of the gargoyle. "The first time might have been a mistake. A twitch, or something. But you clearly are trying to knock us down. Mister Dactyl, I'll bet you'd like to continue living, right? Well, attack us, or try one more of those tricks, and your days of oversight are through. Your choice. I'd like things to be peaceable."

Without looking over his shoulder, Kendry calls out, "Lomar - you've got our backs, right?"

Monday November 7th, 2005 11:04:01 PM

Podo stands up from the fall he took when opening the door. Brushing himself off from stone debris and Gods know what,he says, "Hey what's that you're talking to guys? And, why didn't you pick me up?"

Looking all Podo see is a grey rock thing fall towards his friends and his friend tumble out of the way.

..Paper, Rock [DM JonPaul(JPW)] 
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 12:28:31 AM

Halfling Snacks

As Terri spreads his terror wide with a dive onto his prey to knock prone these little halfling snacks, his ire is piqued. "They moved or tumbled out of harm's way! How dare they avoid me!" Terri Dactyl thinks to himself.

The Response

When Terri dives at the halflings, and the halflings tumble or jump out of harm's way, a very emotional halfling named Airin grips her bastard sword tightly swinging it and slicing a critical hit into Terri who then cries out in gravelly pain. Terry's initial reaction is to fly away from the pain.

As Terri maneuvers his way to airborn escape, a priest releases a negative ball of energy, but it just misses its target.

The others standing in the doorway to the spiral stairs, seeing this attack take place are caught flat-footed and not are not readily able to attack.

As Podo seeing the grey rock thing swoop towards his friends, he too is caught flat-foot but is just able to duck out of the way of an ever soaring gargoyle.

Terri Dactyl fly-by

Taking more damaged than he thought was possible, Terri's only thoughts are to live another day. He flies straight up away from these things, then seeing a place of refuge, flies away to it. One day, we will meet again, half things...

Kendry  d20+6=13 d4+2=4
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 3:03:44 AM

Kendry's readied action as the aggressive movement of Terri Dactyl momentarily continues allows him an attack of opportunity, but the flick of his rapier misses as the gargoyle swerves (hit AC 13 for 4 hp damage - likely a miss) into the path of Airin's sword, then up and away.

"Terri - pacific comportment will serve you better when next we meet!" he calls after the fleeing stone creature.

He sheathes his sword, then skips over to Airin, still holding her sword. He sees little flecks of granite spread in an arc near her feet. He takes her by the hips and lifts her up in the air, turning around in a little circle. "My lassie bold, quick and bright! Well struck, oh mighty one! Your speech was far more persuasive than mine." He lowers her back down and kisses her full on the lips, pulling back after a moment with a joyful smile. He turns away and says, "Did you see that, guys? She's the best!"

He checks to make sure everyone is all right. Then goes to the edge of the roof to get a good look down.

Aya (shadow mage armor will DC 16) 
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 3:45:57 AM

Aya watchs Terri go, "I wish I could fly right now" he mumbles to himself. He turns to the group, "Good job Airin! That was a blow Terri woun't soon forget."

"So what do you all say, We could finish the tour or Get moving out to Angelsprings. After that, I kinda want to head out my self."

Kendry responds to Aya 
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 4:04:55 AM

"Good effort, too, there, Aya. What was that spell you tried to hit him with?"

Then the cleric asks a question, which Kendry ponders a moment. "Let's look about the castle a little bit more, maybe at least enough to sketch out a quick map, then head on over to Angel Springs," Kendry suggests. "I wouldn't mind going by way of Humble's Ford, though."

The last thing that Aya mentioned caught his attention. "You want to head out yourself? Look, Aya, you're welcome to stay with us as long as you'd like, as far as I'm concerned."

Airin and Fioni 
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 10:23:21 AM

Airin's happy to see Terri leave and shouts at the stoney creature: "I look forward till we meet again Terri! Better pick your victims wiser!!"

Then suddenly she's picked up in the air... and then kissed fully on the lips! This combined with Kendry's and Aya's words makes Airin turn completely red in her face.


She's unable to say anything! She's soo overwhelmed by Terri, her very first swing she gave with this bastard sword, Aya's praises, but most of all by Kendry...

She sheathes her sword and looks shyly towards the others.

"L... l. l.. Let's get out of here shall we?" she stammers at last.

Checking out the castle some more and maybe then heading to Angel Sprins sounds perfect for Airin. She hopes Aya will accept Kendry's invitation to stick with this bunch, yet right now, she's too baffled to speak up.

(Ooc to Aya - I do hope you're not seriously thinking about leaving us do you? If so, what have we done wrong for you not to feel at home with all of us?)

Tuesday November 8th, 2005 6:40:20 PM

Selithe looks to Airin and smiles happy for her and alittle sad that she will be loosing Patty soon enough.

Selithe moves over and gives Airin a hug as a friend, "Good job Airin, your blade was faster then my spells."

...Scissors [DM JonPaul(JPW)] 
Tuesday November 8th, 2005 10:44:30 PM


"Well, young Adventurers, you are surely well on your way to greatness..." says Mungo HardBottle as he makes his way to the front of the line that is standing just inside the doorframe. "I speak for myself and all those assembled here... Let's see;" counting with his finger at those assembled in the doorway; "there's myself, Morpth, Lomar, Bobbles, Dwight, a ghost or two, and whoever's in the way back there, you did a fine job at handling yourself against that evil Gargoyle."

Ghostly Fans

From the back comes the faint applause of 2 or 3 ghosts. As you turn to look at them they fade into the background.

Mungo & Morpth

"Well, Morpth, what do you say? Wanna take in the rest of the castle before turning in early? We have a long day's journey to the Springs ahead of us!" says Mungo with a hint of longing for the familiar.

"Can't wait to return to be spoils. The books of old, a nice glass of wine, and a cozy armchair before a nice roaring fireplace." Mungo says to Morpth.

"What about the rest of you? What are your plans for the rest of today or beyond? My invitation of a party still stands." Mungo tells the assembled group.

Tuesday November 8th, 2005 10:46:05 PM

Podo nods and asks Mungo if their is a temple to Alemi in the Springs?

"I'd love to relax for a bit and go see a Priest about a few questions I am having..." says Podo to Mungo.

Airin and Fioni 
Wednesday November 9th, 2005 9:45:36 AM

Airin whistles to Fioni to bring down the tiny hawk. The Gargoyle is gone so Fioni no longer is scared and flies in from above landing on Airin's arm once again.

Fioni looks strangely at Kendry... something like "She's mine!" could be crossing the bird's mind. Oh yes, even animals can be jealous!

At last Airin's able to smile. Little lights twinkle in her eyes and her red healthy cheeks reveal her floating state of mind.
Down they go and as the ghosts are now on their side she will enjoy the tour of this place a lot better.

"Sure Mungo, I'd be delighted to travel to angel Springs. In fact I have a visit to the library planned to find out more about the Telperien family.

"Oh yes, Aya that's right. You probably don't know who this family is, and why I am interested in it. Here take a look..."

Airin digs up the four signet rings she still has (looted from leader Bob in the Beer run adventure).

"See, Aya? I've been questioning around about these ever since, and the last clue I had was that they belong to a family called Telperien, a family of artists that used to dwell in the Valley. Mungo here gave me the advice to look them up in the library..."

Wednesday November 9th, 2005 12:47:16 PM

(Ooc: When Aya said he wanted to head out, he meant he wanted go to Angelsprings right then, with out finishing the tour of the keep. I'm having a great time and I'm not going to leave the group. Sorry for the confusion.)

Seeing the ghost disappear Aya says a small pray in celestial to Gargul to look after them, and dismisses his shadow conjured mage armor.

Aya speaks to Kendry, "That was an inflict wounds spell, kinda the opposite of a healing spell. I've never seen one jump off my fingers like that before, must have been a fluke or something."

Speaking to Mungo, "Sure, I'll come to Angelsprings with you; don't have any ware better to go and a party does sound nice."

Aya takes the ring Airin has presented, tries it on a few of his fingers, looks it over, and gives it back. "Have you tried a detect magic spell on it? And what's so important about this ring that you ask about it? And how did you get this ring in the first place? I'm sorry I don't mean to be nosy, just curious."

Wednesday November 9th, 2005 2:17:47 PM

"Sorry, there, Pode," Kendry gets around to answering his friend's question from a few moments ago. "I figured you'd pick yourself up, as you did!"

As Fioni gives him the eye, Kendry laughs. "Oh, our fine feathered friend, worry not. I'll not take your place as Airin's wingèd one."

At Aya's expressed desire to leave now for Angel Springs, the bard says, "It's midmorning. We leave now, and we'll have to set up camp on the way. If we take off bright and early tomorrow morning, though, then, should all go well, we'll arrive before the evening sets in too solid. Come, let us explore this wonder a bit more - for when might we have another opportunity, good Aya?"

"Ah," he responds when the cleric of Gargul explains what spell he used.

"Sis," he speaks to Selithe, "We've got to get you a decent wand. I'll see what I can do." He gives her a brotherly hug.

As he reaches the head of the stairs, Kendry speaks to the air, "Oh, ghosts, you can see we mean you no harm, and only wish to enjoy exploring this castle for the day, then we will be gone on the morrow. If there is something else we can do for you, and it be good, and cause no harm, then let us know."

Pondering their next course of action a bit more, as they enjoy learning what they can of this great edifice, he comments, "Might it be better for some of us to return to Hovel, let Marigold know that we are fine, then travel to Humble's Ford to drop off my Grandma Eglantine's pony and cart, then meet up with Mister Hardbottle and others in Angel Springs? Last I saw my folks, we were setting out to deliver pies to Hovel. They might like some sort of explanation from Selithe and me. We could make some introductions, too. Understand, I'm not making up anyone else's mind on this."

Exploring the Keep

Pursuit of the Shambling Thatch

We find a Mungo

Supplies in Hovel

Back on the trail of the Shambling Thatch

Morpth Offers an Obstacle

Shambling Mound

At Lawni's Lens

Morning at the Lens. Empty? Or not?


Exploring the Keep

Whispering Willows [DM JonPaul(JPW)] 
Wednesday November 9th, 2005 8:38:42 PM

Whispering Willows

Mungo says to the group, "Ya know, I've been thinking about this Keep, and our current time here, and I realize, that we are roughly on the 11th level of this keep. I think there maybe 2 additional levels, but I think those levels go up into those 4 towers in the corners. Maybe they are defensive positions? Perhaps there is an attic or storage underneath us? If we didn't see a doorway below us, maybe one of the other 3 spiral stair cases has a doorway that leads to one such place? Do you think its worth a try?"

The Keep -- small facts

Mungo recalls some trivia about the Keep. "I Believe the Keep's foundation to be about 160 feet wide and its squarish. I think also, it has a basement. Since we found some items in the foyer, perhaps the castle is still stocked?" says Mungo Inquisitively to the group.

Wednesday November 9th, 2005 8:40:47 PM

Podo says, "ok then lets tour the rets of the castle have Kendry draft sketches, and then retire early to begin our next journey." That's my opinion, if ya'll wanted to know.

With that Podo heads to the spiral stairs, and back to the foyer where the group ended the first part of their tour.

Wednesday November 9th, 2005 9:16:03 PM

Having watched the rear of the group, inside the castle itself, Dwight missed the major encounter with Terri.

He does however get a finaly glimpse of the ghosts and manages to keep his feet from moving him most hastily out of the keep.

"I'm for more adventure myself. Surely there are more interesting things to see here."

Thursday November 10th, 2005 3:03:10 AM

Selithe smiles and hugs her brother and nods, "don't promise to much brother, you know us girls and gifts."

Selithe moves in behind the others and follows Mungo as he gives the tour and nods in agreement on seeing more of the place also.

Airin and Fioni  d20+6=15 d20+7=18 d20+9=18
Thursday November 10th, 2005 4:56:44 AM

Airin enjoyed the tour of the Keep her mind still floathing on clouds.

Still she tries to keep her eyes open for goodies or danger yet not with the same effectiveness as usual.

spot: 15
search: 18
listen: 18

Thursday November 10th, 2005 10:33:36 AM

Aya follows the group looking about and taking in his surroundings.

Thursday November 10th, 2005 3:38:30 PM

"I'll try not to promise what I can't deliver, Selithe," Kendry answers.

As talk of the tour comes up, he suggests, "Well, let's do this in an organized fashion. Dwight - you can write and sketch, perhaps? Nothing fancy, just circles, squares, approximate sizes of rooms and the like?" If Dwight declines, Kendry asks the same of Aya and next Podo. Whoever accepts, he gives twenty sheets of parchment in a scroll case, and pen and ink. "Since there are so many of us, how about if we split into two groups?
* Dwight, Aya, Podo, Patterton and Lomar as group one;
* Selithe, Airin, Bobbles, Mungo, Morpth and I as group two.
"That way, we can cover more ground in less time. There's enough fire power in each group should trouble arise. And we won't be tripping over each other's feet. Sound good? If anyone wants to trade a spot from one group to another, speak up."

If no objections are offered, Kendry next suggests the following itinerary.
Try to stay within 160 feet of each other, and generally on the same level, or no more than one level difference.

Group One: North tower, then West tower
Group Two: East tower, then South tower

Meet together after the towers are explored and mapped. If a door is locked, just show it on the map. If major obstacles or trouble arise, then turn back if the obstacle appears too dangerous, use your best defenses and look for ways to retreat if confronted... We don't want anyone killed on this exploration, this is just for information gathering and mapping. Got it?

Group One: Search north end of the 11th level
Group Two: Search south end of the 11th level
Meet together
Group One: Search north end of the 10th level
Group Two: Search south end of the 10th level
Meet together
And so forth down to the 1st level, mapping and taking inventory as we go.
If and when all are set, then Kendry is ready to start exploring the East tower, and so forth.

Thursday November 10th, 2005 4:34:06 PM

"Er, Kendry, Do you want us to try and pick locked doors?" asks Podo of Kendry. "If so, maybe we should change the make up of the groups."

Thursday November 10th, 2005 4:47:19 PM

"Oh, well, maybe folks could do that," Kendry responds. "What do you suggest, Podo, for the group makeup?"

Dwight  d20+1=20
Thursday November 10th, 2005 5:15:57 PM

"I can try, no pointing fun at my pictures though," Dwights says as he takes the parchment and supplies.

"I can assist with opening some locks, though my success may be limited."

With that Dwight readies his bow and parchment and heads north. Realizing he can't do both, he slings his bow across his left shoulder and looks about for anything he missed up to this point. (spot 20)

The Great Work [DM JonPaul] 
Thursday November 10th, 2005 8:58:01 PM

Main Roof

Mungo suggests looking at the towers first to get a view of the overall landscape then picking a lower mid-level floor to investigate instead of seperating and meeting int he middle. "I think if you all would like to investigate a level, you approach that level from two different vantage points; say different compass point directional spiral stairs; and then work your way to the middel of the floor. Once you have an idea of how big one floor is, you might decide to come back after some research."

The uppermost Towers

Kendry following Mungo's suggestion, enters the spiral staircase once again, and finds that they do continue upwards. Pointing this out to the others, Morpth beats his to it, and flys up the spiral stairs. Before too long, he returns to explain what he has discovered.

"Well, folks, the stairs continues for two complete turns and ends in a vertical ladder whih itself leads to a trapped door. After trying the door and learning it wasn't locked I continued up it. Once I exited the trapped door, I found myself standing in the center of a 15 ft. diameter circle with a Ballista just off to one side. It was not loaded, nor did I see any ammunition anywhere in the nest."


Mungo says, "Now that Kendry and any other curious map maker has gotten the chance the explore the tower nest, what level would you like to explore before starting off to Angel Springs?"

Friday November 11th, 2005 6:31:56 AM

"Lower mid-level is your recommendation then, Mungo? Let's go with your wisdom, then. Let's try the 5th floor," Kendry says, "now that we've checked out the towers. [He would like to have each of the four towers looked at.]

Friday November 11th, 2005 9:19:44 AM

Not necessarily keen on Morpth's solo exploration, Dwight waits for his return impatiently.

Once Morpth returns, Dwight listens, but doesn't believe much of what Morpth reports based on his expression.

"5th floor is fine be me. Let's get moving we are loosing daylight and meal time is quickly approaching."

Airin and Fioni  d20+6=10 d20+7=15
Friday November 11th, 2005 12:45:03 PM

Airin marvels the once glorious Keep this must have been and keeps an eye out for goodies... or danger... still not with her usual effectiveness...

spot: 10
search: 15

Friday November 11th, 2005 3:35:21 PM

"Er, Kendry, why do you wish to visit every tower? Aren't they all the same?" asks Podo of Kendry.

"Er, Mungo? If you are familiar with this keep, why don't you tell us which specific floor has interesting things on it instead of randomly picking a floor?"

Podo obviously didn't leave the group to ait in the foyer. He is stretching while the rest of them make up their minds as to a direction to move in.

Friday November 11th, 2005 4:13:53 PM

"Well, we'll know the answer to that question once we've gone up each one, right, Pode?" Kendry responds. "C'mon, it's just three more. But it looks like we can do the towers as part of our floor exploration. But that's a good idea, there. Mungo - which floor do you suggest? If it's other than the fifth, then we'll go with your recommendation." Whichever floor he suggests, the bard goes with that. If no suggestion is forthcoming, then he'll start on the fifth. "Let's go. Split into two groups, and one will go one way, one the other. When you get to the staircase for the next tower, go up it. When we get to the diagonally opposite side, then we'll check the last tower out. Meanwhile, down to the chosen level, and let's get crackin'! Let's eat when we meet over there, all right?"

Kendry has Selithe, Airin, Bobbles, Mungo, and Morpth set out with him to search the 5th floor in a clockwise direction, as the team made up of Dwight, Aya, Podo, Patterton and Lomar search in a counter-clockwise direction. Grandma Eglantine has a very expensive water clock, which is why he knows what clockwise means.

Mungo Hardbottle [NPC] 
Friday November 11th, 2005 5:26:38 PM

"Well, Kendry, since you have rasied the question...If my memory serves me, I believe the floor we should go to to be the 7th floor." explains Mungo to Kendry.

The 7th Floor [DM JonPaul] 
Friday November 11th, 2005 8:12:46 PM

The Team
The Group

Kendry, Selithe, Airin, Bobbles, Mungo, and Morpth plus Dwight, Aya, Podo, Patterton and Lomar.

Starting in the North-Western stairwell, the group decends 4 stories (48 feet) down into the heart of the Keep.

Each level is marked by an arched doorway with closed door.

Looking around the arched doorway with door, you come to realize that the height between floor and ceiling is a bit over 12 feet.

You pick an order from amongst yourselves and upon reaching your destination door, you get set to open and walk thru.

The chosen opens the door; it is not locked; and walks into the hallway; you are facing south and west is on your right. You notice there is a faint light as if there is a flmaing torch in a sconce not far away. You know from the lack of light, there are not windows nearby; at least none that are open to allow light into the hall.

The hallway is 5 feet wide & 12 feet high. You can go immediately West, and South down the hall. East is your immediate left and it is a solid wall. You notice, if you turn West, in the hall are two doors; one straight ahead(West) some 15 feet in front of you, the one on the North wall is 5 feet in front of you.

Stepping back, and looking South down the hallway, you can see an opening 30 feet down on the Eastern wall and a door on the West from that opening, and 15 feet past that door more South, there the hall ends, but you think it turns to the West.

The walls are stone, grey, and not all that cold to the touch.

Where do you go from here?

Saturday November 12th, 2005 10:01:51 PM

Selithe looks to the others she is with and blinks as she waits to see what they do for sure. She is a gambler but rather not make decisions at the moment specially since she doesn't know what might happen.

Monday November 14th, 2005 12:19:02 AM

Kendry casts know direction in order to ascertain where true north lies (for purposes of directions and mapping).

He turns west, and sees the two doors. "Let's check out this door, first," he suggests, indicating the one on the North wall five feet away. "Then, check out the next one," and here he indicates the door 15 feet away.

"Since I'm carrying an ink pen and parchment, and sketching this stuff out, who would like to do the honors of opening the doors?" he asks.

As for marching order - Kendry's happy to be in the second rank, or third.

Two halflings easily could fit side by side in a five-foot wide hallway, but not Lomar, and Patterton might crowd a neighbor, being so big for a hobbit.

Monday November 14th, 2005 5:33:20 PM

Aya trys to open the closes door, the one on then north side of the west hall.

Dwight  d20+1=15
Monday November 14th, 2005 6:18:56 PM

Dwight continues watching the rear as the group has stayed together. (spot 15) He pays particular attention to any art work and the presence or absence of common things that would be in such a room.

Behind Door No.1 is...[DM JonPaul)JPW)] 
Monday November 14th, 2005 8:20:48 PM

Behind the Brown Door

Aya is chosen for the honor of Door Opener. He reaches out to open the door on the North wall; grabbing the knob twisting it so gingerly yet firmly, the knob moves with a fluid motion. Reaching it limits, it turns no more. Aya gives a firm but solid pull and the door begins to open.

Inside, the area is dark, but cool. With a guess, and a light source, one can tell that this latrine has not been used recently. Its clean, but well used.

Door Number 2

The next door in this hall, some 10 feet from the latrine, is different. For starters, its not brown.

Like the last door, the knob twists with easy and you can tell that this path is well used, as the floor shows signs of use.

As you begin to open the door, light begins to flood the hall.

Once open, everyone finds themselves shielding their eyes from the new found daylight.

Looking inside AyaHighlight to display spoiler: {sees a vast room; 45 feet wide by 40 feet deep mostly circular room. Four statues at compass points in the room; roughly dead center and no more than 15 feet apart. Mirrors on opposite walls, shelves, benches, and full armor racks. A large fireplace is in the North-Western corner, but not lit. Also, gazing around the room, one can see 5 large windows.}

What do you do?

Airin and Fioni  d20+6=21 d20+7=21 d20+9=20
Tuesday November 15th, 2005 9:31:45 AM

ooc: sorry for missing a post yesterday. It was a holiday, and my PC at home managed to crash 8 times while I was trying to make my posts for all boards> Eventually I managed to get out my Dirt City DM post after 2 hours and several reboots, so I called it a day... lucky holiday's over, and I'm back at work ;-)

Airin watches Aya as he opens door after door. Looks like the place is deserted.

"What are you trying to find here, love?" she asks Kendry as he wants to dig deeper and deeper into the vast keep.

Yet she needs to focus on the business now. This looks like it used to be a fairly important room in the past! Airin moves up front along with Aya. As he allready got a quick look at the room Airin expect he will stop her if they are in danger.

As she stands besides Aya, she ducks and closely inspects the room. Looking for long forgotten traps or traces of those who used to dwell in this keep.

Fioni flutters restlessly behind the group. She never enjoyed being indoors anyhow. The sight of bright daylight makes the bird eager to fly out into the open once again. However Fioni tries to resist to that call and behanve...

spot: 21
search: 21 (traps sense)
listen: 20

Aya  d20+7=14 d20+1=7
Tuesday November 15th, 2005 6:11:38 PM

Aya walks up to try and get a better look at the statues. He ponders if they have any religious meaning(knowledge religion: 14). He goes up to one and taps it on the head, "You aren't alive are you?" If they don't answer Aya will make a general search of the room (search: 7) looking for anything interesting.

Dwight  d20+1=7
Tuesday November 15th, 2005 8:50:42 PM

"It seems very odd that a keep of this size remains vacant. The idea of a huge keep that keeps itself clean, sounds good to me," Dwight laughs to himself. "After all this time, I would have expected allot more dust."

"That stone creature wasn't enough to keep everyone away. Mungo, do you recall any particular reason why the original inhabitants left?"

Dwight relaxs a bit as the rear remains clear of unexpected trouble. (spot 7)

And behind door no.2 is...[DM JonPaul] 
Tuesday November 15th, 2005 8:56:54 PM

The Training Room

Aya; first into the room; spots the statues. He also spots the four armor racks with equipment still on them. Also, he spys the shelves and their contents.

Airin salivates when her eyes catch the equipment still in the room. Airin, spots something over in the Highlight to display spoiler: { fireplace. The reminents of burned paper.}

With the rest of the halfings spilling into the room, Kendry, and Patterton almost simultaneously say aloud, "Oh! A training room! Look at those practices dummies!!"

The loot

One armor rack on the south-west is: a small chain-shirt. On the nest rack going north is a medium Darkwood shield. The next rack holds: medium half-plate. The last rack contains: Medium Light wooden shield (Masterwork).

On the shelves are various practice weaponry, nothing more than a wooden sword. In addition, you can find some equipment used to maintain the equipment in this room including some polishes.

Oh, Look! More Halflings!

Aya spins around and catches his reflection in the mirrors which hang on opposite walls and are opposite of each other. This gives the illusion of hundreds of other halflings in the same room.

The 5 windows

All around the room, almost highlighting the archecture of the room, are wall height windows onto the outside. Light spills through them onto the practice floor. Those looking can see dried blood where warriors of the past have practiced here.

Those that look through the windows can see their mounts where they left them earlier in the day.

Exits are the door you came through and in a rush, the windows.

Patterton (by Kim) 
Wednesday November 16th, 2005 3:37:44 AM

"Hey, this reminds me of the WLA in Plateau City," remarks Patterton. He picks up a wooden sword, and spins it around a couple of times just to get a feel for it. Then he lays it back down on the shelf.

"I think I'd better get outside and take care of the horses. If anybody wants to come, that's fine. Otherwise, catch you later." He retraces the steps the group took to get where they are, and back out to watch over the horses and dogs.

Wednesday November 16th, 2005 4:08:30 AM

Kendry casts detect magic, as he takes a look around the room.

Wednesday November 16th, 2005 8:58:38 AM

"wow, this is cool, this training room. Look at all the equipemtn and practice dummies. Patty, you're right, this reminds me too of the WLA place.

I wonder when the rightful owns will come back?"

Podo says of the group.

"Ok, what's the marching order, Kendry or are we going two by two down the hall?" Podo asks of Kendry; who appears to be the leader her, again.

Airin and Fioni  d20+6=23 d20+7=26 d20+9=27
Wednesday November 16th, 2005 11:29:14 AM

"WOW!", Airin says as she gazes upon the spoils in this room.

"There's burnd paper in the fireplace... Mungo, exactly how long has it been since someone dwelt in this keep? Perhaps this could become the WLA outpost in the Valley!

Isn't it odd that all these things lay here untouched?"

Airin will carefully, without touching anything just yet, examine the room and items more.

Dispite the dizzyness she first experienced as she saw herself countless times in those mirrors she tries to concentrate.

spot: 23
search: 26 (trapsense)
listen: 27

Wednesday November 16th, 2005 6:00:06 PM

No overly impressed with a training room himsef, Dwight continues to wonder why everything is left untouched. "Somethings just don't add up, even accounting for magic. I mean, how can all of this stuff be left for decades. "

Glancing at the mirrors, "Surely they would be dusty by now, the rain would have mildew growing somewhere. It seems odd that such magic would take into account every little detail for so long a time."

Still thinking , Dwight also moves over toward the fireplace. Unless someone mentions a trap, Dwight will feel for warmth from the fireplace. If it is cool, he will pull the paper from the fireplace and examine it.

Selithe  d20+3=14
Wednesday November 16th, 2005 8:31:52 PM

Selithe looks to Kendry and thinks a moment before speaking up, "Let me know and I will give you a hand with stuff."

Selithe walks around the room, glancing at stuff while pondering what else this place may hold.


Fireplace...[DM Jon-Paul (JPW)] 
Thursday November 17th, 2005 1:31:28 AM

Just a scrap

Dwight heads to the fireplace to investigate and look at the paper Airin said was in the ashes of the fireplace.

While looking at it, all the can be seen are symbols of high Woldian. (See this link: http://www.woldiangames.com/high_woldian/html/high_woldian.htm)

Mungo's knowledge

Several members of the group ask Mungo questions about the Keep and its former residence. Mungo looks upwards and his eyes quickly move up to the upper left-hand corner of his sockets as he tries to recall what he read about this place. "Folks, in all honesty, I've never really traveled much to the keep or anything else aside from the Lens. So, if there is any knowledge about who, what, where, and when, it might be in a books back in my shop." says Mungo to the assembled group. "Heck, at my age, I'mlucky I remember what I do!" Mungo says excitedly.

While Mungo tries to compose himself a crashing sound eminates from another room further down the hall. Everyone freezes in place, while the uncomfortable silence passes.

Morpth wonders if that was Patterton leaving or if the owner has come back!

Thursday November 17th, 2005 2:26:10 PM

Podo finishes looking around the room, taking nothing, decides to move along.

"Well, cuz, this is fun and all, but I think I will join Patterton and tend the animals. I always wanted to do some animal handling, so while you folks as busy up here, I will help Patterton. See ya!" says Podo to his cousin Kendry.

Podo waves to the group and hurries off following the same path, Patterton did which is to say he follws the reverse path.

Thursday November 17th, 2005 5:27:25 PM

Thinking the paper can't be that important to the keep, Dwight places it in his pouch for later consideration.

Moving closer to the windows, Dwight looks for Patterton's and Podo's reappearance outside.

Assuming they do, "Well they are safe, how about we check out the direction the noise came from."

Noises [DM JonPaul (JPW)] 
Thursday November 17th, 2005 8:16:20 PM

Yonder Noises

The group begins to hear collective noises as if someone or a group of someones are engaged in an activity.

The mounts

Before long, you see both Patterton & Podo from the training room. They are busily taking care of the animals and have also set the task of gathering fire wood for the next few meals.

Thursday November 17th, 2005 11:47:28 PM

Selithe frowns as she hears the noise and wonders to herself what it could be and only hopes that it was Patty making the noise as he left or something like that instead of a nasty fight.

Selithe does looks to the others and whispers, "Everyone should be ready just incase, I don't want anyone caught of guard like from Terri earlier."

Friday November 18th, 2005 11:56:50 AM

Apparently while looking through the training room, Kendry discerned no magic through the power of his spell (other than that carried by his friends). [Correct me if I'm mistaken, JP, and let me know if anything in the training room showed up as magic.]

"Looking for?" he answers Airin. "Well, just to see what is here. At first we thought the place totally abandoned. Now, we've found a stoney personage and ephemeral people. Is there anyone here in between those two extremes? There's a mystery here, sweetie pie, and I'd like to get at least a little better idea what has happened - and is happening - here."

"Dwight, what was that you found?" Kendry asks as their quiet friend picks up the remnants of what was burned... but right about then, he hears the nearby noise.

"Shall we check that out? Weapons ready, but at the same time, let's not appear overly hostile. Let's go." He leads the way on in the direction the noise seemed to come from.

Friday November 18th, 2005 12:51:09 PM

Wispering "Yeah, sure, lead the way Kendry" pats Kendry on the back, "I'll be right behind you."

(ooc sorry about not posting, I'm in an oprea on top of everything else i'm doing, so i'm pulling 12 to 13 hour days.)

Friday November 18th, 2005 5:44:36 PM

Taking up the rear as usual, Dwight takes a last glance around the room as everyone exits.

At the rear, Dwight focuses most of his attention high (as his friends block most of his forward view) and behind.

Airin (by Kim) 
Friday November 18th, 2005 8:19:22 PM

"Uh-huh," Airin answers Kendry when he explains why he is looking about.

"So, you picked it up, Dwight?" she asks. "What does the writing say?" If Dwight left any of the writing behind, Airin picks it up.

"Oh, onward, then?" Airin pulls out her bastard sword, and carries it behind her back, following along.

Another step...[DM JonPaul(JPW)] 
Saturday November 19th, 2005 12:10:46 PM

Another Step

The group now consisting of Kendry, Airin, Selithe, Dwight, Aya, Mungo, Morpth, Lomar, and Bobbles, line up and walk 2 abreast south down the hall.

As soon as they reach the fork in the hall, another crashing sound is heard eminating from the South-Eastern corner of the floor.

IN the hall at the fork, you can go south, east (towards the sounds), or you can open the door on your immediate right (west).

The Mounts

Patterton & Podo are enjoying the time they are spenidng with the ponies, mules, and riding dogs.

Podo ask Patterton about his friendship with Morpth and the changes that have apparently taken place since that dreadful day in the woods.


Mungo points things out to Morpth as they wander through the keep. He explains why some objects are worth more than others. Mungo seems quite happy that this opportunity has presented itself. Morpth seems very eager to learn. Apparently his taste for fighting and barbarians has been quenched.

Saturday November 19th, 2005 10:53:04 PM

Kendry heads east towards the sounds.

Airin and Fioni  d20+18=32 d20+9=15 d20+12=26 d20+7=11 d20+6=20
Monday November 21st, 2005 11:11:45 AM

ooc: thanks for covering Kim

Airin follows Kendry towards the noises. She tries to listen carefully and casts a sour face at those carrying noisy armor. She tries to tip toe as close as possible to where the noise comes from, lurking the shadows

hide: 32
listen: 15
move silently: 26
search: 11
Spot: 20

Monday November 21st, 2005 1:22:55 PM

Aya also fallows Kendry.

Monday November 21st, 2005 5:18:38 PM

Prior to leaving the room, "Yeah the paper had some writing on it, we can examine it later."


As the group moves towards the sounds, Dwight takes a quick glance at the door.

If locked, he follows the group. Otherwise, he takes a quick look inside to see if anyone is in there. "Don't want to get ambushed," he thinks aloud. If nothing is seen, he closes the door and follows the group.

Noise gets louder[DM Jon-Paul (JPW)] 
Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 2:21:01 AM

South by South West

Kendry heads towards the sound heading South by South West past the fork in the hallway as well as the door (35 feet from your original position). Continuing 15 feet South the hallway turns West. There is a door here with light spilling from underneath.

Heading West for 20 feet and the turns back south. Also, there is another doorway (opened) which shows another spiral staircase of which you are already familiar.

Dwight's Door

As the group walks past the third door since arriving on this floor, curiosity gets the better and Dwight can not resist opening the door.

Being discrete, he slowly, deliberatly opens the door and spills a great deal of sunlight into the hallway. Dwight discovers Highlight to display spoiler: {
This is a bedroom. in the North West corner is a empty clean untarnished fireplace with and empty log holder. In the North wall is a small door, which is closed.

The room is roughly 30 feet by 30 feet, but it tapers as it meets the walls of the Keep. There is a 10 feet wide Window overlooking the West side of the courtyard. Other than the standard room items, there is no one here.

The Room at the end of the Hall

It is audible, the end of the South-Western hallway holds the key to all the sounds.

Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 3:57:36 AM

Kendry continues toward the sounds.

Airin and Fioni  d20+12=18 d20+9=22 d20+6=11 d20+9=24
Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 9:39:01 AM

Airin keeps up with kendry as they are approaching the noise. She tries to identify the sound, sneaks closer and carefully listens.

move silently: 18
listen: 22
spot: 11
knowledge nature: 24

Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 5:21:51 PM

Aya keeps fallowing Kendry.

Dwight  d20+1=20 d20+4=16
Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 6:15:38 PM

Making a mental note to check back later, Dwight closes the door quietly and continues after the group.

Keeping on eye on the rear of the group, he awaits others to identify the cause of the noise.

spot 20
listen 16

Tuesday November 22nd, 2005 8:23:13 PM

(OOC:Sorry for taking so long to post everyone. My grandma was put in a home yesterday and it was a hard thing to do. Actually harder then I expected it to be.)

Selithe moves along with the others and keeps her staff ready as she wonders what might be coming up. She really hopes maybe it will not be a fight but for some reason thinks she is wrong.

Behind door #4 ...[DM JPWard] 
Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 12:10:23 AM

Behind door #4

Kendry walking steadily and earnestly in his mission to uncover the truth behind the noise at the end of the hall, walks steadily to door #4. Airin and a few others are convinced that the sound they are hearing is being caused by something or someone in a compromised position.

The C Position

Kendry asks the chosen halfling to open the door. The chosen attempts to, but the door is locked.

Whatever is in this locked room appears to be the source of the sounds. Hearing the jiggling at the door, has made the sounds increase.

Kendry (posted by Inge) 
Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 6:45:20 AM

The sight of a locked door won't stop a stubborn halfling, especially not if the noises get louder now they know we're standing on the other side of the door! He looks at Airin and asks her if she might give it a try to unlock the door.

"Careful dear," he adds in a whisper.

"Say Dwight, while Airin has a look at this door, why won't you show me that piece of paper you found earlier in that mirror room? I do know quite some languages. Who knows, I might be able to read it!"

Airin and Fioni  d20+6=13 d20+6=24 d20+7=23 d20+12=25
Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 6:57:37 AM

Airin's a bit worried as she clearly hears the noises strengthen the moment Kendry pulled the door. Someone or something knows we're out here!

"Maybe we could knock first? Whatever is in there already knows we're out here anyway."

Without waiting for an answer from her friends, Airin knocks on the door and steps back. Her sword readies in her hands behind her back.

If nothing happens, Airin will examine the door some more. Perhaps there are a few cracks or holes in it for her to take a peek.

If that search is in vain as well, she will inspect the lock, checking for possible traps, and eventually puts her sword back in its hilt and take out her tools to open the lock carefully.

"This will only take a second," Airin casually says. Ah the thrill of breaking and entering...

"Maybe someone is captured in there? But since how long then...?!?"

spot: 13
listen: 24
search: 23
Open lock: 25

Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 1:49:04 PM

Podo helps Patterton with what he remembers and hopes Patterton will help him with what he forgot about animal handling.

"Whew, these critters are a lot of work, Patty!" says Podo to Patterton.

Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 3:18:36 PM

Aya waits for the door to come open. He listens to the noises and hopes what ever is on the other side won't try and eat them.

Pop goes the weasel [DM Jon-Paul] 
Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 5:06:42 PM

Scared & Burnt

The scrap of burnt paper that Dwight hands over to Airin/Kendry to been examined contain a few High Woldian symbols.


Although the door and lock is locked without a keyhole, Airin's skill is good enough to unlock the door. Pop goes the lock!

While the door is being filed with, the sounds are more urgent.

Surprise Surprise!

And soon as the group decided to open the door, once ready and with knowledge of their plan for surprise.

The chosen door opener once again opens the door to reveal...

...a large cloud of steam! An empty and cold looking fireplace, but lots of steam. Also, in the center and roughly 25 feet in diameter is a water bath. On the exact opposite side of the room from where you stand another empty fire place.

South of you a large closed door. It is here that the sounds are eminating from. All round the walls are low benches...A steam room perhaps?

There is another closed door west of your position at the enterence door some 10 feet away and on the direct end of a peg board for hanging clothing.

There is at least 6 windows looking out onto the grounds here, so perhaps it is also a Solarium?

The room is at least 40 feet in diameter is taken from enterence to the farthest point.

The sounds are almost pleas at this point.

Podo & Patty

Podo & Patty tend to the animals and learn from each other what they were taught in WLA training.

The ponies, dogs, and other assorted animals seems to really appreciate the attnetion they have been receiving since Podo walked out of the keep.

Dwight  d20+1=19
Wednesday November 23rd, 2005 5:45:03 PM

Seeing nothing hostile inside at the moment, Dwight takes his turn to enter. Once inside, staying away from the water, he looks first at each fireplace (spot 19) for more paper or use as a hiding spot.

He then glances out each window if they are low enough to look out of.

Kendry (posted by Inge)  d20+3=15 d20+3=4 d20+6=25
Thursday November 24th, 2005 8:46:33 AM

While Airin works on the door, Kendry examines the High Woldian writings. (note to DM: Kendry can read High Woldian)

Once the door opens, he returns the pages to Dwight if he wants to.

"Hey this looks a lot like a sauna doesn't it?"
He grins to Airin with little twinkling lights in his eyes, but then realises this would be nor the time nor the place for pleasures like that. "Maybe some other day"he sighs.

He looks around the room hoping to catch some writings as Dwight attempts as well. But his mind is too distracted by the pleasant thoughts a sauna with his lady that he probably won't see writings even if they were made by giants.

spot: 15
search: 4 - NAT 1
listen: 25

Airin  d20+6=11 d20+7=27 d20+9=23
Thursday November 24th, 2005 8:50:13 AM

Airin casts a look at the other door while Dwight and Kendry examine this toom. How comes the noises got louder as they touched the door?!? Are they growing ever louder as she approached the door?!?

What's the door like? She cautiosly brings her hand closer to the door trying to feel it's warmth without touching.

She tries to determine if this door is about to burst or not. If so, she will alert her friends. If not, she examines the door.

spot: 11
search: 27 - NAT 20 !
listen: 23

Aya  d20+4=18 d20+1=9
Thursday November 24th, 2005 2:46:35 PM

Aya enters the steam room.

"Somone must have been using this room. The fires to make the steam don't lite them selvs. Then agien, it could be some kind of magic spell."

Aya looks in the water. He takes out a javlin and sticks it in to test how deep it is and tells the group what he finds.


Airin and Fioni 
Friday November 25th, 2005 8:55:09 AM

The silence before the storm... Airin's nervous. What's going to happen...

Kendry (by Inge) 
Friday November 25th, 2005 8:56:33 AM

Kendry sees Aya gaze into the water and hears him say someone must have used this room earlier. Kendry feels the same way. But who? And where did he, she or ... it go?

Friday November 25th, 2005 9:36:07 PM

As Dwight examines the fireplaces, "So did you recognize the writing on the paper? I stuffed it away when we heard the noise, for later examination, didn't mean to horde the information. If you read it now, it may help with the noise."

Saturday November 26th, 2005 1:48:55 AM

Selithe keeps her staff ready and she stays with the group, wanting to be ready if anything should happen to come and attack them or such.

While she does she glances around alittle bit more but stays near the group.

Airin and Fioni 
Monday November 28th, 2005 7:48:13 AM

with anticipation Airin gazes at the doors and the pool... this silence... it feels uncanny.

Look into the Pool! [DM Jon-Paul (JPW)] 
Monday November 28th, 2005 9:26:23 AM

The Pool

As the group begins to gather around the pool, those with keen eyes notice that the water is steaming.

Rumbles beyond the Door

For Airin: Highlight to display spoiler: { You feel no heat sources from the door or the knob. You think you can detect the sounds of someone or something trapped. }

For Kendry: Highlight to display spoiler: { The scrap of paper that Dwight handed to you show the symbols for (see emailed document). }

For the rest of the group: Highlight to display spoiler: { The bath is inviting. It has been days since anyone took a bath let alone spent time in a hot tub. }

The Charges

Podo & Patty and becoming very good at their job with the mounts, and pack animals.

Podo is becoming fond of this job and wonders if there might be a calling for this line of work.

Patterton is enjoying being able to use a skill he only recently acquired.

Airin and Fioni  d20+6=20 d20+7=15
Monday November 28th, 2005 11:34:27 AM

"Something or someone is trapped in here..." Airin whispers to her friends. "Though it doesn't speak. This worries me friends. Who or what could be trapped in here for no one knows exactly how long and survive? Friend or foe?"

Airin inspects the door some more hoping to find a key hole or something like a little opening where she can look through.

spot 20
search 15

Kendry (posted by inge) 
Monday November 28th, 2005 11:36:56 AM

Kendry closely inspects the writings.

[Inge ooc: JPW I'm posting for Kim in his absence (though it seems he'll occasionally drop by it seems) so could not see the mail you send Kim. Would you be so kind to CC that to me?]

Then he hears Airin's remarks and walks towards the door. In all languages he knows he asks:

"Who's in there? Friend or foe? What's your name and why are you trapped in there?"

Monday November 28th, 2005 12:11:37 PM

Wanting to get in the water, but not wanting to take his armor off with something behind the next door, Aya waits.

Dwight  d20+4=16
Monday November 28th, 2005 5:21:50 PM

Not finding anything in these fireplaces (OOC: I assume?), Dwight turns his attention towards the door Airin is examining. He moves over and stands next to the wall the door is on, out of Airin's way and tries to place the sound.

listen: 16

Kendry (by Kim, then back to Inge)  d20+6=15
Monday November 28th, 2005 10:21:20 PM

"Oh, it looks like the foreword to a book about the High Woldian language," Kendry says after glancing briefly at the scrap of paper that Dwight rescued from the fireplace. "Here's what it says, in essence." He translates it thus:
In ancient days when the Gods were but mere mortals, there existed a language that was already ancient. This language of symbols is all but forgotten today, but lives on in the symbols we use for the Gods, albeit in a corrupted form. This mysterious language of the ancients is the source of the Holy Symbols for Domi, Gargul and Marteaus, among others.

[If any wish to see how the text looks in High Woldian, go to http://www.woldiangames.com/high_woldian/html/high_woldian.htm]
After Airin takes her peek, if there is no clear response, then, if there is an obvious way to open the door to the next room, Kendry places the scrap of paper in a pouch, and from his knapsack withdraws a tanglefoot bag. Then he opens the door. "Hello?" If something or someone appears to be in need of a tanglefoot bag, his readied action is to fill that need (ranged touch attack vs AC 15 with bag). If it appears no one is attacking, or about to, he holds the action.

MmmMmmm [DM Jon-Paul(JPW)] 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 1:11:51 AM

Mmmm Mmmm

Dwight, Airin, and other stand in or around the specialdoor. Seems the source of all questions can be answered once this door opens.

The answers to Airin's questions come is spurts. They all start and end the same way. "Mmmm Mmmm MMMMMMMMM!!"

Finding no keyhole in which to look through, Airin is left to ponder a more direct action/solution.

Mmmm Hot Tub

For Aya, the hot water beckons to him..come relax in my beautful warmth...feel me as I wash over you taking all your troubles away...

Tuesday November 29th, 2005 1:16:56 AM

So, as stated above, Kendry opens the door.

Tuesday November 29th, 2005 10:53:28 AM

Aya stares strate into the water. Everything else around him seems to fade away like a half forgoten dream. He starts walking towards the bath, a relaxed smile on his face. He takes off his shield, qwiver, backpack, and cloak. With out even bothering to take the rest of his armor off, Aya happly slids in to the water.

Airin and Fioni 
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 12:07:01 PM

Airin stands next to Kendry and he opens the door. Blade readied...

Dwight  d20+1=21
Tuesday November 29th, 2005 6:13:28 PM

"Ah, Aya? What are you doing? Your timing isn't really the best to take a bath, mostly because you don't have a towel."

Dwight watches Aya, the bath and the fireplaces as the door is opened.

spot: 21

Tuesday November 29th, 2005 6:29:21 PM

Selithe blinks and looks to the pool and the others and she wonders about this. Something just doesn't feel right to her and she speaks up to the others, "maybe we better stay away from the pool."

*Splash* [DM Jon-Paul (JPW)] 
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 1:04:08 AM


As Aya slides into a wonderfully warm and inviting bath to relax and sooth his aching body...the halfling team of Airin & Kendry throw open the door to find...

...a caged, tied, and gaged messenger. It seems to be pointing to a card and a box.


Momments into his bath, as warmth drowns out all his cares...do his newly aquired friends noticed -- aside from Dwight-- that someone is in the pool.

"Say, Aya, how is that bath feel?" asks Mungo. "See if you can find some towels, Morpth," asks Mungo of Morpth.

Wednesday November 30th, 2005 12:13:36 PM

"ah, it feels good in here. It's not like a bath every killed anyone."

Airin  d20+7=20
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 12:27:37 PM

Airin gasps as she sees the messenger all tied up. The card and the box draw her attention so she goes over it.

First she examines them from a distance (search 20) to see any danger, and then takes out the card to read that first (if there is no danger of course).

Wednesday November 30th, 2005 12:28:55 PM

Kendry nods to the man and waits for Airin to check out the box and card. If nothing serious happens he goes over to the man and removes his gag.

"Speak up friend. We mean you no harm. Slow and careful we may be, but it has kept us alive so far."

Bound & Gagged [DM Jon-Paul(JPW)] 
Wednesday November 30th, 2005 8:44:01 PM

Bound & Gagged

As the group looks onto the newly discovered captive, and to a box and a card, all is eerily quiet.

Kendry nods to the man to reassure all is alright.

Airin, being first on the scene, checks over the room to reassure herself and the others all is safe; but mostly to reassure herself.

After looking over at the box and the card... Airin reaches out for them. Reading the card...

To whom ever it may concern:

This is the package onto which you have ordered. Sorry it is late. We had some trouble finding you.

...The Catacombs

Seeing this Kendry removes the man's gag.

The Messenger

"Thanks to you kind sir. Might you be the group of halflings that ordered a wand a while back at the Catacombs? I believe Kendry & his sister ordered a wand. If you be them, the box is for you," says the newly ungagged messenger.

"As to why I am gagged and bound, I'm am not sure I can recall at this time. But if you say that you are they, I will be on my way!" says the messenger hastily.

Hot Tubbing

Aya is almost fully relaxed in the Hot Tub. Morpth finding some dry towels in a closet comes back to Mungo with the towels.

Mungo disrobes to his skivvies and enters the hot tub. Morpth also follows suite. They hang their clothes on the pegs on the wall.

Lomar and Bobbles look to Kendry for some guidance. "Dat you thinks we could use dat tub Kendry? Do we needs take clothes off?" asks Lomar of Kendry.

Wednesday November 30th, 2005 9:27:19 PM

Seeing the door has been opened, Dwight moves across the room to get a diagonal look into the room (to see captive) while still watching Aya.

"Towels barely begin to help as armor and all are wet. You'll be pickled by the time you get out and get that armor off. Besides... bathing while someone else screams seems a bit, ummm..." Dwight begins to lecture trying not to offend but trying to make his point.

Thursday December 1st, 2005 10:27:28 AM

Airin's eyes grow wider as she reads the note and then hears the man's words. She takes a look at kendry assuming he will question the man some more.

Damn that hot tub sure looks inviting... should have brought my bathing suit

Thursday December 1st, 2005 10:47:31 AM

"Help, how I'm going to help? Only so many Halflings can fit around one door and I would hardly call the muffled sounds the messenger made screaming. It's not like I could open the door even if I wanted to. Anyway, this is only a chain shirt I ware, doesn't even have sleeves." Although Aya kept his calm demenor, his face began to turn red, though whether it was from the hot bath or annoyance it was hard to tell.

Thursday December 1st, 2005 12:08:54 PM

Kendry pays attention to what was used to bind and gag the poor fellow. Rope - silk or hemp - or something else?

"Thank you, so much, good sir!" Kendry tells the Catacombs employee. "Yes it was I who paid for the item. As for who tied you up - it didn't happen to be a gargoyle, did it? Of course, if you don't recall, or were caught by surprise, then perhaps you just don't know. But yes, you are welcome to be on your way. Unless you'd like to join us for a soak in the pool before you return to your labors?"

Kendry takes the Catacombs box, and hands it to Selithe. "This is a present, for you, sis!" When she unwraps it, she will find a wand. "It shoots magic missiles, Selithe." He gives her the command word they gave him for it at the Catacombs.

He looks at the 25' wide circular pool...

"Well, it certainly looks big enough to hold all of us - including you, Lomar, and Bobbles. My suggestion? Undress to your skivvies, and slide in. Just in case, let's have two of us out of the pool, on watch. How about you and I, Airin? Someone bound and gagged this good man, so we're not alone. Once a couple of you feel like you've had a good enough soak, then maybe we can swap places, eh?" He gives Airin a wink.

Thursday December 1st, 2005 7:21:41 PM

Selithe smiles and hugs her brother before taking the wand and waving it around abit before sliding it in her belt, "Thank you brother."

Hearing her brother's suggestion she grins and pipes in, "Ohhh no you don't brother of mine. I'll wait with Airin, we girls should stick together and I'm not about to let you two in the pool together like that." Selithe gives her brother a playful push and a wink to Airin to let both know she is picking on them.

Thursday December 1st, 2005 9:31:18 PM

"er, Patty, do you have a grooming comb? Seesm the dogs has knots in their coats..." asks Podo of Patterton.

Podo goes about grooming the animals.

Skivvies Dipping [DM Jon-Paul(JPW)] 
Thursday December 1st, 2005 9:34:42 PM


Once the little man is freed of his charge, snapping his fingers, and he is gone from sight.

Skivvies Dipping

Once the japing and teasing subsides, the last two halflings; Airin & Kendry, strip down to their Skivvies and slide into the hot tub.

While in the hot tub and the others busily redressing, more noises can be heard coming from other areas of the floor! <*Crash*>

Mungo & Morpth almost simultaneously exclaim, "What's that??!" "Hey, Kendry, I guess your private time with the lady of the lake is cut short, eh?" says Mungo to Kendry. "Looks like we have some more investigating to do!" grins Mungo.

Meanwhile, at the Groomers

Patterton tells Podo he's gonna go take a nap by the fire. Podo is busy grooming the dogs and the other pack animals, that they never notice another figure slip into the keep.

Dwight  d20+1=8
Friday December 2nd, 2005 5:28:14 PM

Having soaked his feet during his leisure time, unwilling to let his guard down enough to fully soak, Dwight feels refreshed and much more prepared for the long walk ahead.

With the crash, Dwight scans the floor, ceiling and then in particular the fireplaces again. (spot 8)

<*Freeze*> [DM Jon-Paul (JPW)] 
Saturday December 3rd, 2005 11:35:26 AM


And with the sound of the crashing object setting everyone into slience mode, everyone & everything freezes in place waiting for another object to fall.

The Messenger

Anyone looking for the messenger will discover he is no longer with you in the hot tub room. One can assume he returned the way he came.

We are not alone...

Dwight quickly scans the surface of the room he is in and even the fireplace; nothing is out of place here. No fire burning, and nothing falling down the chimney onto the floor.

Mungo & Morpth look at each other saying, "Well, I think I've had enough of a soak, think I'll dry off and go investigate! Coming, Friend?"

Lomar & Bobbles having just gotten into the tub ignore anything that would have them leave the tub.

Aya is happy in the tub.

Meanwhile, in the courtyard...

Podo & Patterton are oblivious to the sounds taking place within the Keep, but they are whistling merrily while becoming more at ease in their skills.

Dwight  d20+4=21
Sunday December 4th, 2005 12:13:22 PM

Knowing objects don't just fall by themselves, Dwight moves to investigate the room the messenger was found in, and then the hall they came from.

spot: 18 (should have only added 1, not 4)

Monday December 5th, 2005 1:21:24 AM

Please that his sister is pleased, Kendry just smiles at her when she teases him.

Then comes the crashing sound.

"Oh, bother!" exclaims Kendry. "What is it this time?" He steps out of the bath, grabs a pair of the conveniently supplied towels, and hands one to Airin as he helps her step out. "I suppose we'll need to check this out, too, as you said, Mungo." He dries himself off, and dresses.

Airin and Fioni 
Monday December 5th, 2005 7:37:47 AM

Airin is greatly dissapointed her and Kendry's romantic intermezzo is suddenly interrupted. Reluctantly she lets go of Kendry and gets out of the thub to get dry and get dressed again.

"Ok, what seems to be the problem here..." she says rather irritated.
Airin turns around to the source of the noise. "If that's just another delivery and it got me out of the thub for nothing I'm going to get real angry with that delivery boy!"

Monday December 5th, 2005 7:17:02 PM

Aya injoying his bath lets out a heave sigh, and get out to investigate.

Bobbles and Lomar (by ADM Kim) 
Tuesday December 6th, 2005 2:06:18 AM

Bobbles enjoys the bath considerably. He goes under the water, and blows bubbles. The goblin lays his head sideways in the water, so his left eye is submerged, and his right eye above the water. He spins about one direction thus, then counter-rotates likewise.

Lomar scoops up large handsful of water, and pours it over his head. He sticks his tongue out to catch the descending flow. He washes behind his ears.

Observing Bobbles, the half ogre/ogre mage gives the goblin a hand-fed shower when he has nearly finished his counter rotation.

Bobbles inhales some of the unexpected flow, and begins to snort and cough. Once he has regained his breath somewhat, he slides over near Lomar, a look of goblinish concentration on his features. Pretty soon, a submerged *quink* lightly rumbles the water, and bubbles rise to the surface next to Bobbles, right by the giant.

Lomar's nose wrinkles slightly. An amused expression crosses his face. Then, he gets a look of concentration.

Directions [DM Jon-Paul(JPW)] 
Tuesday December 6th, 2005 9:12:09 AM


Mungo & Morpth look onto this display by Lomar & Bobbles with wry humor. "Very well!" says Mungo to the critters in the tub, "A fine display" laughs the two as they head out of thed room looking for the source of the recent *crash* noise.


Podo and Patterton do their continued best trying to make all the animals in their care be as comfortable as halflingly as possible.

Finishing up their tasks, the two lie on their backs, staring up at the sky and the funny shapes the clouds make.

"Patty,"says Podo, "do you think ours friends will return before dark?"

Airin  d20+6=15 d20+9=12
Tuesday December 6th, 2005 11:39:38 AM

"Answer me this! Who got me out of that thub!"

Airin does try to find out where the noise came from. After all... whatever that was disturbed her romantic intermezzo.

spot: 15
listen: 12

Tuesday December 6th, 2005 5:11:26 PM

(OOC:sorry for not posting till now everyone.)

Selithe moves to follow the others and looks around as she holds her staff in one hand and keeps a hand close to the wand her brother gave her just incase this is a fight coming up.

Tuesday December 6th, 2005 10:25:55 PM

"Let's look about," Kendry says, taking Airin's hand. He goes in the direction the sound seemed to come from, turning left or right, as the layout of the place determines.

The Library [DM JonPaul(JPW)] 
Wednesday December 7th, 2005 1:31:08 AM

The Library

Mungo, Morpth, and the rest of the gang not staying in the tub search the room and not finding anything in the tub room, head out the door and towards the source of the eerie crashing sound.

Mungo speaking to Morpth, "I think the sound didn't come from the tub room but rather somewhere else on the floor. Hey, didn't Dwight stop to look into a room prior to coming into the tub room? Maybe he knows if that sound came from that room?" "Dwight, you here? What was in that room you looked into earlier? You think that sound came from there?"

Following to the source of the noise using all their skills, the group comes to another large room, exactly opposite of the tub room on the SE corner of the floor.

Checking to see if the door is locked, Airin discovers, that the door knob is slightly warm to the touch.

Wednesday December 7th, 2005 12:47:27 PM

Aya gets out of bath and starts to dry off, then recovering his discarded equipment.

looking over at the goblen and giant Aya can't help himself and starts laughing at the pair.

"I never imagend I would ever see anything like that."

Lomar and Bobbles (ADM Kim) 
Wednesday December 7th, 2005 1:10:01 PM

"Baaaa-RUMFF!" is the sound made as Lomar's concentration pays off. The water around him roils upwards. Bobbles says, "Gahhkh!" and dives under the water, pushing himself to the other side of the pool.

Lomar settles back with a look of pleased self-satisfaction. He gives Aya a wink.

Wednesday December 7th, 2005 5:20:05 PM

Dwight is still investigating the location of the newest noise.

Airin  d20+6=24 d20+9=20 d20+12=27
Thursday December 8th, 2005 9:27:10 AM

Still angry for being disturbed earlier she wanders through the corridors with Kendry to find out where the noises came from. While they're at this she whispers in his ear "We ought to do that again some day love... without interference..."

Then she stops Kendry to listen carefully and checks the floor ahead of them to find any tracks in the dust. Carefully she continues to follow her nose if nothing comes up.

spot: 24
listen: 20
move silently: 27

Kendry  d20+3=18
Thursday December 8th, 2005 1:09:27 PM

When Airin whispers to him, Kendry smiles, and nods his head in affirmation of her suggestion.

"I'll open that door for you, if you'd like," Kendry tells Airin. If she does not object, he turns the knob, and opens the door a bit. He looks inside. If he sees no one, he opens it wider, and steps in. "Hullo?" He looks around to see if he can see the cause of the noise. [Spot: 18]

"Say, it's a library!" he announces. This is one of the best treasure rooms from the bard's perspective. "Books!"

Thursday December 8th, 2005 4:07:08 PM

You hear a disembodied voice say, "Kendry is that you?"

Seconds later you see a halfling emerge from a dark corner of the library, pulling back the hood of his cloak, and smiling. He looks vaguely familiar.

"It's me Tobias Thistlefoot Burrows. I believe we met several years back at some festival or other. Who can keep them all straight? I think I was there with my cousin Patterton."

Underneath his cloak appears to be a well-armed halfling - you see flashes of short swords, daggers, and a bow strapped over his back.

"Am I glad to see you? I thought my goose was cooked after knocking over that brazier."

Thursday December 8th, 2005 5:13:16 PM

Dwight bursts out laughing and relaxs his tense body. "We are going to give ourselves a heart attack before something kills us." He continues to laugh walking down the hall, taking a closer look at the stone walls, pictures and views from any windows.

Books! Books! Books! [DM JonPaul] 
Thursday December 8th, 2005 10:32:50 PM

The Library Proper

After Kendry opens the door, pokes his head inside and meagerly announces a greeting... a questioning halfling-like voice answers back!

Apparently, the answering voice; a one Tobias Thistlefoot Burrows -- Patterton's Cousin; knows Kendry from a past gathering.

Looks like the perfect time to get re-acquainted.

Books! Books! Books!

The room Kendry and Tobias are standing in are a spitting image of the room you just left, wit the small exception that this is a well stocked library and the fireplace is on the SE corner of the wall flanked by statues of unknown people.

Like the Hot Tub room, every place there were benches in that room, this room contains book shelves.

In the center of the room is a large desk with a high back chair its back to the large fireplace in the corner. In front of the desk are a large throw rug and 4 chairs angled to semi-wrap the desk. In fact there are a total of 3 large throw rugs that surround the desk, another large rug (some 10 feet in diameter) near the room's only door.

Ther are also some chests and a few tapestries hanging on the walls.

Mungo & Morpth

Mungo exclaims, "BOOKS! "Would you look at this room Morpth!! I never knew there were so many books in this place. Guess I'll have to come back here to investigate after the party!!" Mungo says with great excitement in his voice.

Morpth just looks around the room like a halfling fresh out of the womb.

Thursday December 8th, 2005 11:48:59 PM

Selithe hearings her brother greeting from Tobias moves forward when more room is made and sighs, "Your a lucky one you know. we could of tried killing you without even meaning to. I mean this place has been bloody strange already."

Friday December 9th, 2005 2:03:07 AM

Kendry turns with a start, hand on the hilt of his rapier. "Toe- Tobias? Why, Tobey, you old rascal!" exclaims Kendry on recognizing his distant cuz. He opens the hand that was about to draw the weapon and extends it in a hearty handshake. "Say, didn't you bet against us in the four in six in one legged race? And we won it! Thought Patterton and me and Shale mismatched, didn't you?" he teases. "Patty could carry a pair of trees if he wanted to."

Stepping back, Kendry takes a look at the armament Tobias bears. "Hmmm - prepared for a little light reading, I see. Gonna cut through those texts and get to the heart of the matter, right?" he says. Then, without giving him an chance to answer, Kendry asks, "Well, so, tell us, make a complete confession, cuz - what brings you out to Lawni's Lens? How much of this old building have you seen? You know that Patty's outside in the courtyard? He'd love to see you, no doubt. We were talking about you a few weeks back - he tells me you've been rangering around the Culverwood, last he'd heard. Any truth to that?"

Kendry certainly is excited about the books, but wants a chance to catch up with what's going on with Tobias. Then, remembering at least some of his manners, he runs his fingers through his still damp hair and says, "Oh, let me introduce you around. You've - yes - my sister, Selithe, you know her. She's grown up a bit since last we saw you, eh?"

He turns next to "Airin, this is Tobias Burrows - uh Thistlefoot Burrows. Airin Moondancer Turnbell." He squeezes her hand. "She's quite a gal."

"And here we have the learnèd and august researcher and traveler, Mungo Hardbottle, of Angel Springs. He'd been here before to Lawni's Lens, and showed us the observatory last night. We saw stars and wonders aplenty through the lens there."

He turns to another halfling. "Tobias, this is Morpth. Actually, he and Patty ... have been friends. Morpth has recently ... recently been making new plans."

"Dwight - hey, Dwight! Come back in here," he calls, sticking his head out the door into the hallway that his friend has decided to explore further. "Come and meet Tobias." Assuming Dwight does enter the Library, Kendry says, "Dwight Twiggebundler, I'd like you to meet Tobias Thistlefoot Burrows - he's a close cousin to Patterton, but our cousin, too." Kendry's eyes focus on some distant point for a moment. "I - I'll figure out the connections again pretty soon. Supposed to keep up on genealogical matters as a bard, y'know! Oh, Dwight joined up with us not too long ago. A handy fella to have around!"

"So, where's Aya? Still sittin' in the bath with Lomar and Bobbles? Well, you'll meet them soon enough. So's you don't try to attack them, I've got to warn you - Bobbles is a goblin, and Lomar an ogre. Do you speak goblin? Or the giant tongue?"

Patterton departs (by ADM Kim) 
Friday December 9th, 2005 2:33:56 AM

"Oh, yeah, they'll be coming back out," Patterton answers Podo's question. He enjoys watching the clouds passing overhead. "Look - there's a ... it's like - a pie, with a couple bites taken out of it!" he identifies one cloud. "And there's a crocodile. Alligator? See the mouth and teeth? And - well, it looks like an alligator with wings. Long tail. Crocodile?"

Patterton looks over at Podo. "I have to leave. I shouldn't have waited so long. My family needs me. Look, Podo, tell the others I'l be back with them. I'll be back with them, when the gods will. Tell Selithe." He starts to choke up. "Here," he says, taking a pouch out of his knapsack, and a large bag. "Just give her these, will ya? And don't look at it before she opens the stuff. Promise?"

Podo might notice that the bottom of the bag is damp. It feels like some kind of foliage might be inside. And the pouch feels like perhaps some jewelry. A chain? Some hard bumpy things.

He saddles his pony. "I can't stand to say goodbye again. Just... just tell them I had to go. Tell Kendry he'd better watch out for his sister, or I'll kick his, his sorry butt! I sure like that guy, but, by Wardd, sometimes he talks way too much. Tell the rest goodbye, too."

Even if Podo tries to talk him out of it, Patty remains adamant. "No. I'm just leaving." He gives Podo a firm handshake, and a gruff hug. Then he mounts the war pony, Barnabus. "Take care, Podo. See ya 'round!"

He urges Barnabus forward, and heads out the castle complex, riding eastward and out of sight.

Friday December 9th, 2005 11:20:20 AM

"Ah yes, still the Kendry I remember - talkative as ever. And, hello again Selithe. It's nice to see you too... So, you like to threaten nice, young halflings in strange castles? No wonder you've been running into lots of trouble."

"And, hello to everyone else. So, what are you all doing here?" he says passing around handshakes. "Did you say Patty is here too? It would be nice to see him again, haven't had a chance to since I got back from Culverwood. He must of been one of the halflings that I snuck past outside. I didn't get close enough to see exactly who they were."

"Kendry, as you've probably heard, my mother took ill a few months back, so I came back home for a while to tend to her. She has strengthened up nicely lately though. And, I started getting cabin-fever again -- needed a little excitement and fresh air. I've been trying to track down a book on rangering training that an old friend told me about. And, recently, I found some proof that it may be in the library of this keep. I couldn't pass up the chance for a little adventuring this close to home. So, I was looking for that book before I clumsily knocked something over."

"Did you say something about a goblin and a giant? No, I don't speak either..."

Kendry  d20+3=8 d20+3=4 d20+3=19
Friday December 9th, 2005 1:15:32 PM

"Yep, he's right outside," Kendry says at the mention of Patterton. "No, no, I hadn't heard about your mother. I'm sorry to hear that - so, she's feeling better, now? Good, good." He nods when Tobias mentions the book, and glances around at titles on the spines of the books closest to him [Spot: 8] but doesn't see anything that might fit Tobias' description.

"That's all right. Lomar speaks common. And Bobbles speaks sort of a mixture of common and halfling and goblin - he's learning. Funny guy."

As Kendry looks about the library, a thought occurs to him. "Say, if we could afford it, we might hire some scribes to come out here and copy a bunch of these books for us. Start putting together our own library. I'd want to clear it with the ghosts, so they don't bother them while they work."

He walks along the bookcases, seeing what kind of titles and topics the library covers. As he does so, he looks some more for Tobias' ranger book [Search: 4 (nat 1) - someone else will have to find the book!]. If he sees anything specifically on Lawni's Lens, however, he'll definitely take a look at that! [Search: 19]

"Should we quickly finish mapping this floor, then make dinner, take a nap, peek into the observatory again, especially for those who didn't see it last night, and head out in the morning?" he asks his friends as he glances at more titles.

Tobias  d20+4=6
Friday December 9th, 2005 7:44:50 PM

"Ahh, I'll have to tell Patterton to keep a keener eye out while on guard."

"Now, for another quick look around for that book." [Spot: 6]

Airin  d20+7=20
Saturday December 10th, 2005 5:59:00 AM

Airin smiles as Kendry and Tobias share thoughts. Then she interferes this merrymaking and kindly greets Tobias.
"Hello Tobias. I'm Airin. Nice to see you here in this deserted place! What in the name of the two suns of the Wold were you doing here all alone?!?"

Then Airin gazes around and notices all the books... a library... hmmm...

"Didn't Mungo advice me to go look through a library to find that Telperien family..."

"Say Kendry... let's take a look to see if we can find anything about a family called Telperien."

Then Airin starts to browse the books. Local hisotry... renowned families from Angel Springs... famous artists... this telperien family should be either of these.

search: 20

Tobias to Airin 
Saturday December 10th, 2005 2:17:07 PM

"Hi Airin, as I said just looking for a book on ranger training. I heard that books about a great many topics could be found in this keep. It didn't seem al that dangerous at the time (well at least before I knocked that brazier over)."

"And, I'm used to traveling light. Most of the years I spent in Culverwood, I traveled alone (when I wasn't leading merchant caravans out of the wood). It helped hone skills in moving without notice, covering my tracks, and getting in and out of situations unseen. This was going to be a quick hit - leave before anyone even knew I was here."

"Obviously being home with mother for the last few weeks has dulled my skills..."

Books: What have we here [DM Jon-Paul]  d20+2=11
Saturday December 10th, 2005 4:23:23 PM

What have we here?

Mungo heads into the library spying a particularily ancient looking tome off in some oblique corner. Looking at it with his head cocked to one side as if reading the bind of the volume.

Mungo walks over to the bookcase, gets a chair to stand on, and then reaches up for the tome he'd been staring at.

Reaching up for the tome, Mungo placing both hands on the exposed part, pulls gingerly, managing it's escape from the shelf.

Returning the chair to its former resting place, Mungo returns to the easy of a large reading roost, to examine the book carefully.

Meanwhile, the others...

While Mungo and Morpth are carefully checking out the one interesting volume their have spied, the others are also loking for books. Airin, for anything involving Elven families and the Arts, Kendry for almost anything -- Bards , you know! --, Tobias, for that special book on Rangering, Selithe and Dwight....

Mungo & Morpth Crack open the...

Mungo with Morpth assisting, unlock the clasp on the great work, and Mungo begins to read its pages.

Morpth, with complete faith in his new boss, looks on and assure Mungo, no one will interfere with his reading.

After some time, Mungo raises his hands and begins chanting...

...within moments, a red and purple mist begin to fill the room circling about the feets of all halflings in the room. Mungo continues to chant.
Morpth battle ready and with sap in hand in case other halfling attempts in interrupt his new boss.

As the others begins to notice that something is afoot, the mists ingluf them and the air begins to change...

Not in Lawni's anymore!

The group of halflings are standing outside a large city on the side of the road with their mounts. Dwight, Selithe, Airin, Kendry, Tobias, and Podo along with two riding dogs, and a mount or two fully weighted down with gear.

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