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All in favor, say, "Pie!"
I want pie!

Political Parties, Crescent Valley Style! (Cayzle) 
Friday August 6th, 2004 5:39:41 AM

[OOC: This first scene has a LOT of background and detail. Please do spend the time to read it over from start to finish. Post in response if you like, but the game officially starts with the DM post on Monday. If you want to read even more (grin), go over the Crescent Valley description again. Enjoy and welcome!] 

Grandma Eglantine's powerful words were still ringing in their ears as Nalfein, Kendry, Selithe, and Willoughby left Humble's Ford. "Now, you take good care of those pies, you scamps! And don't eat any! Bring them all to Marigold, and my niece will take care of you in Hovel!"

Walking beside the mule and wagon loaded with 144 rumberry pies, the four set out to do the job that their grandmother had set them. Nalfein, the oldest, hadn't known that a visit home from Angel Springs would leave him chained to his kid brother and sister, Kendry and Selithe. But at least it would give him the chance to catch up with their cousin, Willoughby.

And this job was bringing them to a party! It is election time in the Crescent, and this year there were three candidates vying for the office of Burgomeister, the highest official in all Crescent Valley. All three towns in the Crescent -- Humble's Ford, Hovel, and Angel Springs -- were holding political parties. Each candidate was sponsoring parties -- the candidate with the most popular parties was elected Lord High Burgomeister!

That's why these rumberry pies were so important. Everybody loved rumberry pie, but the recipe was a Pastna family secret. For a gross of runberry pies, the people in Hovel would flock to Cousin Marigold's party -- the aptly named Nonstop Party.

There would be parties in Humble's Ford, of course, if you could call old folks sitting inside musty barns a party. Almost all the single and younger folks -- incuding the milita -- had high-tailed it over to Hovel or Angel Springs for real parties.

As Nalfein, Kendry, Selithe, and Willoughby trudged on the road to Hovel, Kendry wondered if his cousins on the Leafwin side had gotten his letter.


Duncan, his friend Polly, and her cousin Shale had indeed gotten Kendry's letter.

You know, I was thinking we ought to get some of our friends together sometimes soon, and go on an adventure. Like search for dragon's treasure, or rescue a princess, or foil some brigands who harry travelers, or the like.

The three of them were already headed to Hovel for the parties, and Kendry's invitation to meet them there sounded interesting. As they took in the Hovel party scene, they heard from each of the candidates.

Tomas Pennyweight Breedbottom is the incumbent Burgomeister, of course. His party is the Steady Party. He seems to be talking mostly about tradition and peace. That'll go over well in Humble's Ford, probably. 

Marigold Pipewood Pastna is related to the Pipewood cousins through their other Grandma. (Polly and Shale are related through the Burrows Leafwins -- Polly, Shale, Nalfein, Kendry, and Selithe all have the same grandma, Grandma Silkie Closebody Burrows Leafwin, and all their moms were Burrows Leafwins before marriage. Polly's mom married a Turnbell; Shale's mom married an Oakendale; and Nalfein's, Kendry's, and Selithe's mom married a Pipewood. Of course, all this family tree stuff is second nature to halflings.) Anyway, Marigold seems friendly enough, at least to the folks she knows. There are a lot of Pipewoods and Pastnas at her party, and a lot of militia. Polly says Marigold is a militia old hand, and the militia folk say she'll do right by them if she is elected. Marigold talks a lot about defense and having a good time.

The third candidate is the weird one. Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly running the Adventure Party. He seems to want more adventurers to come to the Crescent, like those Defenders of the North people -- the big folk who set up a Manor House south of Angel Springs. Lots of people say Halfling culture means NO ADVENTURES! So Calfast is the least popular candidate right now.

But to lots of people, what matters is that there are three parties in town!


Mayzie knew about the parties, of course, but what drew her like a moth to candle was the rumor that one of the parties in Hovel was serving elvish wine! That was enough to attract her interest.

Kendry leads the pony which pulls the pie cart  d20+4=24
Saturday August 7th, 2004 1:19:08 AM

As he helps guide the pony on the road between Humble's Ford and Hovel, a tall halfling (a full three and a half feet in stature) with wavy auburn hair whistles a happy tune, aided in this endeavor by a slight gap betwixt the two front teeth. His wide set hazel eyes are framed by handsome cheekbones. All together, a pleasant effect, as his face is nearly symmetrical.

"Ho, there, Biscuit, don't you wander off the path for that nice clump of grass," his voice scolds as he pulls the lead reins leftward against the pony's movement. "Your lips will turn green if you keep that sorta thing up. Besides, leaving the ruts might upset this here cart." He adds cheerfully, "You don't want even to know the wrath of Gramama Eglantine if something happens to her rumberry pies."

As Biscuit follows the hobbit's lead (handle animal, 24!) along the path, he calls over his shoulder. "Hey, Nalfein! You think you'll try wrestling Duncan again when we get to Hovel? It's fun watching two guys with such tricky moves go at it. He told me once he figured out his tricks watching some of the animals go at each other." He then makes some spitting sounds, interspersed with the yapping of a dog and "Grrrrr," a cat's hiss, and the dog's responsive high-pitched "Yip yip yip!"

Biscuit, perhaps used to the expressive actions of her short guide, only opens her eyes wide for a moment, drawing her head up an inch or two, then continues plodding along as the young one laughs.

"So, Selithe," he inquires a bit later of the one young female in the group of four hobbits. "You think Aunt Marigold will be our next mayor, sis? I hope so. But I have to admit I'm partial to the notion of finding out more about this here League of Adventurers that Tunnely talks about. Yet on the other hand, good ol' Breedbottom has been doin' a pretty decent job overall. In any case," he concludes, looking longingly back at the cart of cloth-wrapped pies, "politics sure is a tasty business!"

Sunday August 8th, 2004 2:06:45 PM

A halfling who is smaller than probably each person with her currently moves off to the side of the wagon being pulled by the mule. Selithe's pony tail bounces as she walks along and she brushes one hand over her tunic as she straightens the ruffled sleeves a little and pulls it a bit straighter. She grins since the tunic is low cut and like all of her outfits is a little showy which she knows gets her brother upset since he is like most brothers and protective.

Selithe taps her staff against the side of her pants, the pants being tight to match her shirt and of a light brown color which matches her light brown tunic. Her green eyes glance to Kendry when he speaks and she flashes a smile while she also clenches the wood pipe she currently smokes between her teeth, "I don't know brother, I would take a gamble and say that she has a chance and I would hope she could but I also think that she has better luck pulling 4 aces against me in a gamble. Breedbottom sounds like he has more propularity at the moment but we will have to wait and see. Things could change depending."

Selithe simply shrugs and taps her staff again before blowing a ring of smoke.

Monday August 9th, 2004 10:30:32 AM

"Ya know Kendry, I think Duncan has a little surprise a comin' this year." Nalfein says with a wink. "I been watching some of those animals too and I dare say his Crouching poochie hidden kitty doesn't stand a change against my happy puppy!" Nalfein does his best impression of a puppy licking its master's face before breaking down laughing. "Never see that coming in a million years."

"Now Selithe, I know you don't find my jokes that funny. What you grinning at?" Nalfein immediately regrets turning towards her, flaunting those... those... clothes? "It's downright indecent if you ask me. Wearing clothes made for someone half your size. Here, use mine." He offers, producing an extra pair of black trousers and pristine white shirt. They are far too large of course, having been cut for his 3'7" frame. But to his mind far too baggy was much better than far too small. Especially when it was his little sister.

"You are right Kendry, Politics is tasty. But when it's all said and done I hope Breadbottom stays the course. We really don't need a bunch of halflings running around pretendin' to be giant folk. We've been doin' just fine here in the valley for many years now and there's no need to go a changin' just cause we can. If it ain't broke don't fix it," he says matter-of-factly, "but if it is broke bring it to WinWood."

"Why don't you Give us some of your fine music to help the trail pass more pleasantly?"

Kendry (Kim) 
Tuesday August 10th, 2004 1:37:08 AM

Enjoying the light banter as they go along (and concurring somewhat with Nalfein's evaluation of Selithe's attire), Kendry replies, "Sure, Nalf!" to his older brother's request. He throat sings in a style passed on through generations of Crescent Valley halflings. In this peculiar vocal art, the techniques allow a singer to simultaneously sing with two, and even three or four voices. Some of his songs have no words, but in others the young bard sings of seeking mushrooms, of smoking pipes with friends by the swimming pond, and of picking blackberries just past midsummer. After a bit he asks Willoughby what he has been doing lately, as he grabs a few fresh bunches of grass for Biscuit to enjoy along the road.

The Fellowship of the Pies! (DM Stephen) 
Tuesday August 10th, 2004 2:38:20 AM

The trip to Hovel is a bit slow but still pleasant. Kendry is able to steer their wagon, with its precious cargo, clear of any bumps and holes in the road. He understands the need to travel slow. One harsh collision with a dip in the road could very well break the golden brown pie crust or flip a pie over completely. A rumberry pie is a terrible thing to waste!

All along the way, the four Pipewoods are met with smiles and greetings from local Crescent Valley residents. They come from all over the valley to attend the various parties. Most have to camp along the side of the road because of the lack of rooms at the inns. Small children walk with you as the wagon rolls by. Many only wish to catch a glimpse at the wonderful pies they smell. Other children ask countless questions. No one answer seems to satisfy their insatible curiosity. They pout and whine annoyingly when their parents call them back.

The 'fellowship of the pies' finally arrive at the entrance to Hovel. The streets are teaming with hobbits. The camps of party-goers dot the surrounding landscape in greater number. Many halflings nearby celebrate your arrival with a sudden clap and cheer only to quickly get back to their chores. You all hear musical instruments being tuned and practiced upon. The scent of stews, meats, fresh-baked breads and sweet pastries fills your nostrils. Colorful flags and banners also flap in the wind. There's an energy in the air, the kind you can't describe, but it fills your hearts with excitement and anticipation.

A gang of six young halflings suddenly approach your wagon. The apparent leader of the pack jumps down from an over-hanging tree branch and joins them. He takes the corn cob pipe from his lips and yells, "Hey! What you got there in the wagon? Is that Rumberry?! Let us see. Give us one!"

(Those not entered into play so far may do so. You are all a witness, in some way, to what is happening. You may put yourself into the scene any way you see fit.)

Kendry  d20+4=20
Tuesday August 10th, 2004 3:29:58 AM

"Ah, yes indeed, you have fine schnozzles for discerning rumberry pie, and made by our own Grandma Eglantine herself. Family recipe, you know!" Kendry answers the toughs.

"And she herself charged us to get all of them to a certain place. You'll be welcome to sample her rumberry pie, when they are offered to those who attend a certain political party later today. Come along, and your patience - and certainly patience is a virtue, which I encourage you all to practice - will be rewarded, along with your tastebuds, which will appreciate the rumberry all the more for the delay.

"Let us test your mettle. Are you strong enough, and brave enough, and tough enough, to marshal your appetites, and taste it at the proper time? If you can wait, you are good halflings, indeed. Quarterlings would lack the character to wait. Tell you what - you talented fellows gather up a good crowd for Marigold Pipewood Pastna's party, and I'll see to it that each one of you gets half a pie. Hmm - I see seven of you. That'd be three and a half pies - and I'll have the last half of the fourth pie with you. AT the party. What do you say? How many folks can you gather for the party, eh? One each? Two? Sixteen?" he asks both with a smile, and a bit of a challenge. [Diplomacy 20.] He stands before the cart, keeping himself between the cart and the apparent leader, trusting his siblings and Willoughby to help in defense of the precious pies, should more than a verbal defense be called for.

Nalfein  d20+1=17
Tuesday August 10th, 2004 10:41:38 AM

"I don't know Kendry. I'm not sure they have that many friends between them let alone each." Nalfin says with a laugh. Hoping to, in his own way help his brother goad the youths into proving otherwise. (Aid another Diplomacy = 17)"Half a pie is an awfully big reward. But I guess it doesn't matter since they couldn't possibly come up with that many people. Could they?"

Duncan  d20+7=22
Tuesday August 10th, 2004 7:39:35 PM

Duncan sat for most of the day in the boughs of his favorite tree in quiet meditation--it was his favorite because it could be hard to see someone in its leafy embrace, and because of its close proximity to the entrance to town. He knew Kendry and his kin would be rolling into town soon, and rumor had it that they would be laden down with Auntie Eglantine's famous rumberry pies. If seeing his friends again wasn't enough incentive to wait at the edge of town, the pies surely were.
In the distance he could see the cart finally approach, with Kendry at the reins, Nalfein and Willoughby walking alongside, and Selithe riding with the delectable delicacies. 'Beautiful Selithe' Duncan thought to himself as he watched their approach, there was a lass that would be a fine catch for any gentlehobbit in the valley, but Duncan had vowed that he would be the first to get a dance from her at the party tonight, don't you doubt.
So distracted was Duncan that he failed to hear the coming of a group of halfling youths that ran boldly to intercept the cart just yards away from his tree. From their swagger and the bits of conversation he could hear it looked as if they had designs on gaining the pies before the festivities began. Kendry and Nalfein stood between them and their tasty prize, and appeared to be negotiating their way past the ruffians without giving them a good knock. But Duncan knew Nalfein, and he was sure he wouldn't let any of the youths get at those pies without a bruise or two.
Duncan had left his staff on the ground by the tree, but up in this mighty oak there were plenty of hefty acorns in easy reach. With a bit of a mischevious grin, Duncan plucked one of those acorns, and decided to give it a toss at Nalfein. He would try it discretely, so as to not let the youths know he was watching all of this from above. If Nalfein knew he was up in the tree, he was sure that the pies would be safe, and they might just have a little fun and exercise at the expense of the hasty hobbit pie-thieves.
With careful aim, Duncan let the acorn fly (roll of 22) and plastered his best howdy-doo grin and waited for Nalfein to give the signal.

Wednesday August 11th, 2004 1:13:55 AM

Selithe sighs and shakes her head at the halfling thugs, thinking "I thought only bigger folk did this".

After listening for a moment she puffs a few more clouds of smoke and grins stepping forward, "boys boys, You would act this way infront of a nice lady and on such a beautiful day as this? I mean there are beautiful ladies to dance with, drinks to be had and food to be had later as well. Why ruin such a fine day with such acts when there are so many much better things to do this fine day."

Selithe pulls a deck of cards quickly from her pocket and pulls the four aces on top of the deck and spreads them in a fan formation as she begins waving them like a fan now also, "ahh, it is kind of hot out here also and all this talking is making me thirsty. Maybe one of you know a nice place to get something to drink and maybe a friendly game before the fun begins at the festeval of sorts."

Selithe grins since she is trying to use her normal flair and charm along with hoping being a female scores her some points also. (didn't roll a diplomacy check but will if needed for my post. First time in 3 years for playing a female so people let me know what you think so far.)

Wednesday August 11th, 2004 2:08:05 AM

Polly waves to roadside campers as she jogs into Hovel, her damp trousers and blouse barely beginning to dry. Granny Clover had announced that she'd be attending "that young Tunnelly nipper's" party, and when the household threw themselves into the ensuing debate, Polly volunteered to take bathtime duty. Why stand around talking when you could chase wet children around the burrow?

Of course, it might have been smart to do so before putting on her visiting clothes, but she'd been so muddy when she got home. With so many militia in town for the parties, the officers had organized a fantastic game of Tree and Tower earlier that day, and things had gotten rambunctious.

Much like Hovel itself, Polly thinks, spotting some of her Leafwin Pipewood cousins through the crowd. She shakes her head as she slows down, not surprised to see Selithe break out the cards barely steps into town. Stepping out to stand behind Nalfein, she confides to him a bit loudly, "You know, there are a lot of militia in town. I bet it'd be easy to convince some of them to go to Marigold's party." She winks at the youngsters.

Sweet Success (DM Stephen)  d20+2=16 d20+1=21 d20+1=17 d20+1=3 d20+1=3 d20+1=4 d20+1=15 d100=42 d6=1 d20+3=18
Wednesday August 11th, 2004 2:44:50 AM

The halfling puts his corncob pipe back to his lips and takes a few puffs. He wasn't expecting this kind of response. Several of the others look at each other with wide eyes and smiles. The idea of having half a pie for each of themselves sounds much better then sharing only a single pie. One among the group isn't impressed with their words and steps forward. "Why should we believe the likes of ...!" The boy with the pipe interupts his friend and sneers at him scornfully. "Shhhh! Shut up, Topher! I'm talking here!"

During the arguement, Nalfein feels an acorn bounce off his shoulder. If his curiosity gets the better of him a simple glance upward will reveal a friendly face. (Spot check 12)

Polly then shows up and makes her comment about the militia. The leader of the gang allows that information to sink in as he quickly makes up his mind. He takes the pipe from his lips and points the mouthpiece at Kendry. "Alright then, we'll play your game. We'll get you your party goers, sure enough! You better make good with the pies!" He turns back to his gang and motions for them to leave. A curly-haired boy in the gang actually seems enticed to play a game of cards when Selithe flashes her fan of aces. Again, the leader enforces his will on the others. "She's only luring you in, stupid! She'll rob you blind. Come on, lets go!" As they walk away, the pipe smoker yells back without turning around, "We'll be see you guys later."

The threat of a scuffle is at least postponed for now. You all now have a little time to greet one another and finish your task before you draw anymore unwanted attention. As you all begin to get ready and finish your delivery, you can't help but notice someone else watching you. He looks to be quite impressed with the way the problem was handled. It's the Steady Party candidate himself, Burgomeister Tomas! Several of his lackeys are loading chairs and supplies into his wagon. Obviously in preparation of his own party. He beckons for all of you to come over to him.

Kendry, amidst dangers galore  d20+3=7
Wednesday August 11th, 2004 4:55:30 AM

Kendry sends a silent prayer toward Wardd for his good fortune in having such a terrific family, cousins included. He nods in acknowledgement of the gang leader's acceptance of the challenge and reward. As the young halflings head away, Kendry gives Selithe a brotherly wink. He does not notice Duncan at first (Spot 7).

He notes that Willoughby is keeping a good eye on the cart, so turns, gives his brother an appreciative punch in the shoulder on his way past him. "Polly!" he says, giving his cousin's hand a light squeeze. "Good to see you." As he notices the dampness of her clothes, he asks, "Been swimming?"

Kendry hand signals to his family to keep an eye out for the pies as they begin to move on toward Aunt Marigold's burrow. He takes up the mare's reins.

Ah, let more politicking take place. "Excellent to see you, good Burgomeister Tomas!" Kendry raises his voice in greeting. "We see you are busy in preparation for your party. I trust your day is well?"

Lord High Burgomeister Tomas Pennyweight Breedbottom (Cayzle) 
Wednesday August 11th, 2004 9:44:29 AM

The incumbent burgomeister offers a grandfatherly (i.e., lacking a couple teeth) smile as the young halflings draw near.

"Welcome to Hovel, youngsters! It is excellent to see such upright youths as yourselves working to sustain our traditions!"

Clarifying his remarks, it is clear that the grey-haired, well-dressed halfling has lost none of his auditory acuity -- he seems to have heard every word of the exchange with the pie-seekers.

"Are you fine young people working in the cause of our democratic process? If so, I thank you for the way you turned those ruddy scalawags from hooliganism to vote-gathering! Well done!"

"And I hope that when it comes time for you to attend to your civic duty, you will enjoy the wholesome entertainments at the Steady Party."

Tomas seems to be specifically not looking at Selithe when he says, "wholesome entertainments."

The burgomeister's hand jingles in his pocket as he sees what the group has to say.

Polly  d20+8=20 d20+1=6
Wednesday August 11th, 2004 3:32:33 PM

"I've been capturing soapy fish and smothering them with towels. It's amazing how big those fish are this season." Polly makes a quick circuit of the wagon, greeting everyone and pausing to peek at the pies and take an appreciative sniff. "Selithe, wait till you hear what Annice has been up to. Hi, Willoughby; it's nice to see you again. Did you come for the parties, or has Kendry talked you into this adventuring idea of his? Granny Clover had a thought or two about it, and Shale and Duncan --"

She breaks off as they approach the burgomeister's wagon, and smiles politely at him for all of half a minute before turning in place to scan the crowds. "Cousins, have any of you seen Duncan? I thought he'd be waiting for you out here." She hops up onto a nearby low wall (Jump=20) and searches the bustle of activity for the point of calm that characterizes their quiet friend. (Spot=6)

Wednesday August 11th, 2004 5:15:29 PM

Willoughby waved at Polly and responded to her question.

"'Lo there, Polly. Great seeing you here! The parties in particular brought me, but it looks like Kendry is already leading us into some type of adventure," he said while referring to the encounter with the hoodlums.

After Burgomeister Tomas spoke, Willoughby nodded in the candidate's direction.

"I believe you have witnessed the first time my cousins' mouths have got them out of trouble rather than in it!" he said in jest. "I hope whoever wins this election takes care of the seemingly abundant pie bandit population," he said while he circled the wagon and made sure no one was reaching for something they shouldn't be.

Wednesday August 11th, 2004 8:59:31 PM

Selithe snaps the cards back into a neat row and puts them up, giggling alittle when the boys move off and looks to her brothers, "Well darn, such a promiseing bunch for a good gamble and yet they wouldn't take me up on it." She breaks out into a big grin and shrugs.

As the group moves over to see Burgomeister, Polly shows up and Selithe rushes over and hugs her, "Polly! it has been to long since I seen you. Still the straight arrow?" Selithe grins at the straight arrow comment and gives Polly a wink to let her know she is joking with her, "You have been trying atleast some of the card tricks I showed you I hope. I don't want to be the only gambling halfling lady around." Selithe smiles, happy to have a fellow girl around, not that her brothers aren't nice but having another girl to talk with about girl things is nice.

Selithe looks to Burgomeister and smiles, "Thank you for such compliments sir Burgomeister. I'm sure your party and everything will be great and we all are looking forward to it." Selithe thinks and smiles, "Maybe we could have a simply and friendly game later. I bet your good at card games, I figure politics and gambling have alot in common?" Selithe smiles and puffs a few times on her pipe, hoping her words are not taking as a insult.

Thursday August 12th, 2004 12:12:07 AM

"Why, thank you for your gracious invitation. Now, as you may ken, we have a commitment to attend Aunt Marigold's party. But tell us, good Burgomeister -- and please, I hope you not think me impertinent in the asking -- but, if you were to compare and contrast yourself with your two main contestants in the election, what do you think are your strong suits?" he asks with an involuntary glance in Selithe's direction, then, eyes returning square to the Burgomeister, he adds, "Where do you perceive your fellow candidates' weaknesses, or strengths, in relationship to those of your honor? What of defense, and what are your thoughts on the notion of encouraging adventuring groups? I must add, I believe you have done an admirable job, sir, and merit honor for your service to Crescent Valley."

Nalfein  d20+2=3
Thursday August 12th, 2004 6:07:59 AM

"What the?" Nalfein yelp in surprise at the assault on his person. "Who threw that?" (Spot 3) "Oh so I guess it's just a rainin acorns this day is it? Blast those hooligans. And you..." Nalfein says, putting Kendry in a head lock and nuggieing him. "Not even a word of protest. Nothing to defend me or my pride. Honestly. They pelt ME with acorns and YOU offer them pie." The good natured halfing is all jest. Figuring that it must have been dropped by an acorn laden swallow.

"Ah my good Burgomeister. How goes the politicing? Can we count on you to make a showing at our party? " he asks, indicating the infamously delectable pies. "No halfling worth the title would pass up the chance at these goodies, just look what we go through to bring them to the good folk."

"Come on Ken. We got a ways to go yet and a whole party to help set up. No more dilly dallying else the rest of the town may turn out to abscond with our confections."

Shale  d20=16
Thursday August 12th, 2004 3:08:00 PM

Shale smiles heartily at everyone in turn, even the old politician. (Spot 16) Looking up he spots Duncan in the tree, his smile changes to a gleeful grin. Thinking for a second he decides to keep quiet, waiting patiently.

Thursday August 12th, 2004 3:39:41 PM

Mayzie looks out of the window of her little house, getting the last of the washing done to hang up on the line just behind the large herb garden she keeps behind the house.

Seeing large numbers of people wandering everywhere she remembers the political parties taking place today. Mayzie shrugs to herself. She definitely has an interest in politics but she doesnt think any of the candidates take the Valleys defense seriously enough. Then, remembering, Mayzie thinks to herself 'Ohh I do believe Ive heard that one of them is going to be serving elven wine...' It had been several weeks since Mayzie had had any elven wine, or indeed elven food....

Hanging up the clothes neatly, the bigger items in the middle and the little ones at each end, Mayzie goes back inside and fetches one of her finest elven dresses to wear. The elven childs dress fits her perfectly, and putting silk ribbons in her hair, Mayzie is quite a sight, if an unusual one. She doesnt often get the chance to dress up and she decides to enjoy the opportunity.

Now the problem is, three parties, and no idea which one to go to for the wine. Oh well. Hovel is not that big a town. Setting out of her door, she heads towards the nearest of the parties to where she lives.

Lord High Burgomeister Tomas Pennyweight Breedbottom (Cayzle) 
Thursday August 12th, 2004 4:03:02 PM

The genteel halfling sticks his thumbs in his fine leather belt and laughs when Will and Nalfein make their jests.

He winks at Selithe and answers her back, "Come by the Steady Party tonight and I'll sit you a hand of Canasta or Euchre!"

At Kendry's question, Tomas smiles and says, "Oh, don't give a politician such an open ended question, my lad! Fortunately for you, I don;t have the time to do your questions justice. Honestly, I don't like to criticize my honorable opponents. I do think that my agenda features less edacity than the respected Miss Pastna. And I think that the enthusiastic Master Tunnely does not have enough true respect for the noble traditions of our people."

[The burgomeister seems to be hinting at more than he is saying. If you can make a Sense Motive (or Wisdom) check vs. DC15, highlite the hidden text for your intuition: Highlight to display spoiler: {Tomas thinks Pastna is a greedy opportunist and Tunnelly is just wacko.}]

The burgomeister then smiles at Malfein, Selithe, Willoghby, and Kendry. "Such devotion to tradition cannot go unrewarded! Here, please take this small token of my esteem." He offers each of the four a clinking pouch. If you take it and open it, you will see that each small pouch holds 5 platinum pieces.

"No time now to chat!" he cries, turning to the lackeys who are now done with their chores. "See you all tonight at the Steady Party!" He listens to any final words and makes an exit.

Thursday August 12th, 2004 6:05:50 PM

"Bribes?" Nalfein asks no one inperticular. bouncing the pouch lightly in his hand. "And if we don't return them I assume our vote will be assumed or we will be arested as thieves."

"Ah politics is a dirty game. I'm afraid I simply can not accept this. And I'm sure that my siblings feel the same way. Don't you?" The last is said with just a hint of brotherly over bearing. Leaving no doubt that Nalfein will be quite upset if the pouches are not returned at once.

Thursday August 12th, 2004 7:28:51 PM

Duncan laughs heartily, though silently, to himself as Nalfein looks around in vain for the "bird" that knocked him with an acorn. He was so thouroughly pleased with himself that he continued to watch his friends talk to the Burgomeister, giving a polite and playful wave to Shale, who just happens to spot him. When the Burgomeister hands his friends all small pouches Duncan rethinks his position, and readies to leap down to see if he can get one. But the Burgomeister begins to walk off before he can, and Duncan didn't want to appear like a mooch and chase the hobbit down.
Duncan finally exits the tree, hopping to the ground so nimbly that nary a clover is stirred by his landing. With the tip of his left big toe, he flips his staff up into his waiting hands and runs over to where his friends are gathered.
Running up to Nalfein, Duncan siezes him from behind in a friendly hug, first pointing to Nalfie's head and to himself, revealing himself as the mystery pelter. Then, with a flurry of hand gestures, Duncan begins to speak.
"Hiya ladies and gents! Too bad me and Nalfie didn't get to roll on those youngins. It's so good to see you all again," Duncan finishes by giving each of his old friends a hug, lingering slightly longer on Selithe (my how good she smells!).
"So, are we going to old man Breedbottom's party or what? And when do we get to dig into Eglantine's pies?"

Willoughby  d20+2=20
Friday August 13th, 2004 12:19:37 AM

"Heck, I kept my mouth shut the entire time. The others did the talking. 'Fraid I can't accept this," Willoughby said as the Burgomeister attempted to hand him the pouch.

The halfling didn't notice Duncan in the tree, and he was fairly surprised to see him all of the sudden. He took a few moments to regain his composure before speaking. "Ah! There's Duncan," he said before they embraced. "It's good to see you."

Friday August 13th, 2004 1:26:15 AM

"And there's Duncan." Polly hops down from her vantage point, still hanging back from her cousins' conversation with Tomas. She nudges Shale with her elbow. "I just don't want to talk to him until I see what his party is like. Do you think they'll let us help unload the pies?"

Friday August 13th, 2004 1:57:47 AM

Selithe smiles when the pouch is handed too her and glances in it. Her little gambler mind kicked into over drive for a moment till her old brother comments on everything and she grins as she looks to Nalfein and jokingly comments, "Well, won't be the first time I been in trouble with the law. It might be fun."

Selithe is greatly suprised to see Duncan and hugs him tightly when he hugs her, speaking to him and hoping he can pick up her words by lip reading or something since she had great trouble picking up the sign language, she being much better with cards, "Hi Duncan. I haven't seen you since being sent to live with Polly's mom and her. My you look more grownup since then."

Selithe glances to Polly and gives a wink to her, "Going to have to watch Duncan here, he has the makings of a fine heart taker and breaker." Selithe puffs on her pipe alittle more before finally apping the remaining and mainly used up tabbaco (yes, can't spell it, is clearly not a smoker in person LOL) and puts up her pipe till later, glad she carried enough pipe fillings for awhile. Selithe looks to the others an taps her staff agasint the wagon, "Well, lead the way dear brothers or does us girls have to lead you." Selithe says the last part with a grin and winks at her brothers, clearly in the joking spirit today.

The Hustle and Bustle of Hovel (DM Stephen)  d20+15=26
Friday August 13th, 2004 2:11:01 AM

The Burgomeister seems a little surprised that the small pouch is handed back to him. Before he can react, one of his lackeys drop a crate that makes a sound of breaking dinner plates. The Burgomeister winces as he turns around to survey the damage.

While some of you look around, a banner can be seen just a few blocks away that reads, "Come To The Party That Never Stops ... The Nonstop Party!" You see the edge of an open tent with an elaborately ornamented design. Several workers are still tying down its supports ropes. Some of the ruffians from before are standing near the tent looking around. One seems to spot someone he knows and goes off running after them. The other stomps his foot in aggrivation. He then scans the area and runs off in another direction.

Around the corner comes walking a hobbit that appears somewhat familiar. He wears a druidic vestment and walks with a staff. His cloak is a brilliant green with gold trim. A circlet of jade, carved to appear like a garland of holly and mistletoe, rests upon his head of long black hair. He nods with a smile as he passes by on his way out of Hovel. The Burgomeister catches a glimpse and begins to wave until he realizes that the druid wasnt looking in his direction.

Shale  d20=2
Friday August 13th, 2004 2:57:24 AM

Shale removes his dusty old hat to scratch his head and places it back over his wild hair. (Sense Motive=5) Watching the events of the day unfold very carefully, he grins over at Polly, "I certainly hope so" lowering his voice a little he adds, "ifn they do I'm sure I'll get a sneak preview of the flavor".

Trying not to stare Shale is obviously curious as to whom the staff carrying halfling may be, but quickly refocuses his attention on the party at hand. With a quick smile and a flourishing gesture towards the tent he inquires, "Shall we?"

Kendry  d20+3=12
Friday August 13th, 2004 5:51:12 AM

"Nevertheless, Burgomeister Tomas, I should like to hear in more detail your thoughts on our governance. Perhaps later, should Wardd so grant..."

[Sense motive: 12]

Kendry answers Nalfein, "A token of esteem is not to be confused with a bribe." He ducks out of the way if his brother looks likely to attempt another noogie.

Seeing Duncan, he signs to him, 'Friend, your toes are well? Squirrels eat your grapes today?' He loves to sign nonsense to his monk buddy. "Glad you could drop in on us, Dunc! You want her pies? Stick with us!"

Knowing many druids, as the Leafwin Pipewood children's mother is herself a druid, Kendry returns the wave. He whispers, 'Hey, Shale cuz, is he the one who visited your father, and you, later?', and offers the man's name in greeting should they be acquainted. If he does know him, he asks if all is well, and whether he might want to pause for a bit for some rumberry pie in the tent beyond (if, based on his acquaintance with him, such a question would not seem too out of bounds to ask).

Then, remembering his duty, he takes up patient Biscuit's reins again, and leads her and the full cart of Grandma Eglatine's pies to the Nonstop Party tent, singing a two-part round for the remaining distance to the Nonstop Party's tent, and encouraging his siblings, and cousins, and friends to join in on the round.

Rumberry pies, Pies of Rumberry
Tasty and rare, better than sherry
Vote ye tonight, take your delight
With rumberry pies at the Nonstop Party!

Kendry  d20+6=23
Saturday August 14th, 2004 12:55:50 AM

[Knowledge (local) roll to recall name or identification of druid: 23]

Saturday August 14th, 2004 6:30:29 AM

Mayzie will walk round the town, daintily to avoid getting mud on her dress, careful not to get jostled by the people milling about or to get splashed byt he carts carrying delicacies and other equipment to the various parties.

Trotting up behind her an enourmous white wolf pads up to her.

'Oh there you are.' She says to him. 'I wondered where you'd got to. Off hunting again? Or paying court to that she dog across the fields? You know she runs three leagues at the sight of you, you great lumox' Looking abashed the huge wolf nudges Mayzie with his big head, whereupon she ruffles his fur.

'Hey, watch that fur you woolheaded hound, if you ruin my dress I'll make you into a rug.'

The pair then stride along the road, eventually ending up at the entrance to party being run by the lady hobbit.

'If anyone is going to be serving wine, it will be the girl' Mayzie says to the wolf 'men like their ale too much, and it turns their tongue to wood so they cant taste delicate flavours anymore. Only one way to find out though'

Saturday August 14th, 2004 6:53:53 AM

"Greetings Duncan." Nalfein pipes in. "Now stop it with that rediculous flapping. You know I don't speak flail."

"Greetings to you friend of nature." Smiling Nalfein tips his hat to the druid walking past. With his naturaly cheery attitude and his line of work everyone was a close friend untill they showed otherwise. "What say you on the weather this day? Can we count on clear skies for the parties or should we put the rain fly up?" No matter what happened Nalfein was certain that the parties would last long into the night. But the party that never stops would certainly be less festive if the pies were to be ruined before they were enjoyed.

"Well. We best get these pie to the party. Lead on Kendry"

"Rumberry pies, Pies of Rumberry
Tasty and rare, better than sherry
Vote ye tonight, take your delight
With rumberry pies at the Nonstop Party!"

Saturday August 14th, 2004 11:38:27 AM

"And the work of unloading would be its own reward." Polly grins at Shale. "But I wouldn't turn down a taste."

"Come on, Selithe; what makes you think Duncan isn't already trampling hearts into the dust?" She claps a hand on Duncan's shoulder. "There's the Greenhill Treetender girl over by Marigold's tent. Would she make a likely victim?"

Saturday August 14th, 2004 12:48:45 PM

Duncan smirks at Kendry's slaying of the Sign, pointing at his friend and swirling his finger at his own head in a circle, "you're crazy," Duncan suggests while turning his smirk back into a smile. Duncan's boyish cheeks turned bright crimson at Selithe and Polly's teasing, and heads over to the wagon, grabbing a pony by the muzzle while petting it fondly between its ears. As Kendry led the cart to the Nonstop Party tent, and led in the singing of his pie song, Duncan walked backwards in front of the cart, facing the cart and waving his hands in the air in the rhythmic manner of the Hovel Ladybugs Choir maestro, contributing in his own way to the merryment of the procession.

Saturday August 14th, 2004 11:27:11 PM

The thoughts of the rumberry pies left Willoughby's head (briefly) as he noticed the druid waving to someone in his direction. He put a smile on his face to seem friendly.

"Hey, do any of you know that fellow over there?" he asked his companions. "He seems familiar, but I can't seem to match a name with the face."

Making Friends (DM Stephen)  d100=45 d100=26 d6=5 d6=2 d20+2=13 d20+5=8 d20+7=26
Sunday August 15th, 2004 3:17:15 AM

Shale and Kendry don't sense any malciousness or hint of slander in the Burgomeister's words. The rest appear disinterested in the conversation. Shale is content to continue on to the NoStop Party tent but Kendry seems to have taken an interest in the druid that passed by. Willoughby's interest has peaked as well. The person that the traveling hobbit reminds Kendry of is not a hobbit at all ... it's one of the adventurers who live outside Angel Springs. The one called Myrridan the Wild! But he's one of them tallfolk ... 'a human-dryad something', as Kendry recalls?! Whoever or whatever he is, the druid keeps on walking after leaving town. He's looks to be heading toward a small group of trees.

The Burgomeister seems a little upset and shamed that the group wouldn't accept his gift. "There was a time when a gift was..." Tomas suddenly pauses. After a short sigh, he then concludes with, "oh, forget it." He turns around and continues directing his lackeys. His old tired joints force him to limp back to his wagon. That limp seems more pronounced now. Maybe the winds of change makes him feel a little bit colder and misplaced.

Mayzie continues on into town to take in the sights. When her wolf shows up, many nervous halflings give the animal a wide berth. A freightened mother grabs her small child and goes running back into her house. The door slams shut and locks. You can see her peeking out a window. In the distance two excited halflings are talking to a member of the militia and points in your direction. The militiaman looks to try and calm their worries. He then calls for someone to come over who is out of your sight. You're instantly reminded that wild animals may be friendlier in Crescent Valley, but they still make many of the city-dwelling halflings uneasy.

Sunday August 15th, 2004 4:52:07 AM

At Duncan's sign telling him he's crazy, Kendry crosses his eyes and sticks out his tongue for an instant.

The bard marks the grove of trees the Myrridan-like halfling travels toward, and fixes the features of the passing druid in his mind, hoping to talk with him some other time.

Kendry earlier had not refused the token of esteem from the Lord High Burgomeister Tomas Pennyweight Breedbottom, but had nodded his thanks to the hobbit leader, despite his brother's labeling it a bribe. Kendry did not so deem it, and indeed, believes the man worthy of honor for his long service to the citizens of the area.

Noting as well the apparently dispirited departure of the good Burgomeister, Kendry does hope to be able to talk with him later, and feels a bit sad for him. He thinks he needs to learn more about how their community is run.

He chuckles in the midst of his mental ramblings, thinking that his thoughts dart about almost as much as his dear cousin Polly does.

Who did she tell Duncan that willowy gal ahead was? A something Treetender? Hey! A wolf! Just like the ones Aunt Nilli has in the Culverwood.

As they draw up to Aunt Marigold's party place, Kendry narrows his focus to the task at hand, sings one last time the round, joins Duncan in directing his fellow singers in drawing the Rumberry Round to a close. To Willoughby and any nearby, he says, "The druid reminds me of a fellow named Myrridan the Wild - but he's a tall, unlike the one we saw. You can never tell with those druids, though. Changing the way they look and all."

Sticking his head inside the tent, Kendry calls out in a clear voice. "Marigold Pipewood Pastna! Aunt Marigold! We've all brought Grandma Eglantine's rumberry pies! Where to put them?"

Sunday August 15th, 2004 8:21:18 AM

Mayzie sees the glances and pointing fingers and sighs. 'Go on with you Ghost. You know you're not supposed to follow me into town.'

The Wolf whines, nuzzling Mayzie who runs her hand through his shaggy fur.

'Go on with you. Get back to the house. Yes these are silly folk who don't understand you. I know, I know. Go on with you. I'll be back home soon.'

The wolf reluctantly bounds off back to Mayzie's house, no doubt frightening several other people on the way back out.

Mayzie, returning stares and pointed fingers with cold glares, continues looking for the party.

Sunday August 15th, 2004 2:47:10 PM

Selithe watches Burgomeister walk away and looks to Nalfein and sighs, "We will have to visit with him later brother and try to make a better impression. I think we might of hurt the poor guys feelings."

Selithe thinks and moment a calls after him, "I'll be sure to look you up for the game Sir Burgomeister, later this day if you have time."

Selithe moves with the rest to deliver the pies, once reaching Aunt Marigold she greets her politely and smiles, "Yep, the pies sure smell good this year also. I think Grandma Eglantine put extra care in making these ones."

(OOC:Sorry for throwing a ooc comment in here but I was wonder if as ADM if I should be doing the ADM reports? I completely forgot about them till today and am sorry if I have been neglecting that duty.)

Monday August 16th, 2004 7:07:43 AM

Nalfein wears an uncharacteristicaly solemn face. Lost in thought he only half notices what is going on around him. Selithe is right. He probably should have just accepted the gift. but to take money from one of the candidates on the day of decision. And on his way to another party at that. It just didn't feel right.

"Perhaps I was a bit hasty... I just... It just... Why today? Sure he's a great guy, and he has done a great job. I just..." Nalfein's swirl of unfinished thoughts reflected the turmoil of his soul. "I don't want him to be hurt. I'll be right back."

With that Nalfein would leave his siblings for a short while, confident that they could make it to the party with or without him, and scamper off to make peace with the Burgomeister. Once he had relocated the would be benefactor he pours out a heart felt appology.

"I am so sorry lord Burgomeister. I meant no disrespect. I would simply hate for anyone to sugest impropriety when you win this year. I hope there are no hard feelings."

Monday August 16th, 2004 2:13:03 PM

Trying not to laugh at Duncan and Kendry's antics, Polly helps bring her part of the pie round to a close, more or less on beat. She watches as the wolf lopes off through the crowds, then approaches the Treetender girl.

"Hey, there. I guess your friend didn't like our singing. Sorry if we scared him off."

Monday August 16th, 2004 8:02:28 PM

Willoughby was unable to take his eyes off the druid, especially when Kendry recognized him. His curiosity began to overflow.

If that is indeed Myrridan the Wild, he must know a lot about the history of the area and beyond. I would really like to talk to him for a moment or seventeen!

When the druid started walking towards the small group of trees, Willoughby worried that he was departing.

"It looks like he's leaving! Maybe I should speak with him? After all, he did wave at us!" he said and without waiting for a response from his companions, Willoughby began running towards the direction of the druid.

Too Tart!

Time for Pie! (DM Stephen)  d100=10 d6=1 d100=18 d20+15=17
Tuesday August 17th, 2004 12:52:44 AM

Upon hearing Selithe and Nalfein's words, Lord Burgomeister Breedbottom turns his head back with a sly smile. He tosses the small money pouch over his shoulder and it lands perfectly in Nalfein's hands, from more than 40-ft away! You can tell by the glimmer in his eyes that, even at his advanced age, his senses are still sharp as a tack! With the agility of a hobbit half his age, he flings himself up into the seat of his wagon. His driver also has an amused expression on his face. He apparently has seen his boss do this many times already. The Burgomeister tips his hat to Selithe and says, "Good, good! I'll be expecting you all then. Your youthful exuberance towards the political process is most inspiring. Farewell." His driver tugs at the reins and off they go. You all realize you just got a quick lesson in the art of politics.

Willoughby makes a run after the druid. He witnesses an amazing sight. The halfling grows into a tall folk right before his eyes! Myrridan places his hand on the tree and appears to speak a few words. He steps into the tree and disappears.

After the wolf departs, many of the townspeople begin to calm down. The militiaman also feels relieved that Mayzie sent her wolf away. Another militiaman walks over to him and they talk. However, the first militiaman sends the second back to where he came from. He turns back to Mayzie and gives her a shy smile and a little wave. He quickly regains his composure as if someone was watching him. It's not certain, but it's possible Mayzie has a new friend!

Kendry, Selithe, Nalfein, Polly and Duncan, along with their tasty cargo, rolls into the NonStop Party headquarters. The area around the pavillion is the center of activity. A bard nearby practices a new campaign song. A rotund woman woman in a green and yellow dress sees you coming and motions for you to bring your wagon over to her. You recognize her as Pearl Pipewood, of the Hovel Pipewoods. A few workmen stop to move aside and allow you easy passage. They receive you with cheer and applause. A white tent is set up to next to the pavillion. The commotion draws the attention of its occupant. A very thin and stern looking woman stands at its entrance. She then steps out to watch you all park the wagon. Her bleach-blonde hair is tightly rolled into a bun. Her expression is a little stressed and aggrivated. With a strong tone, she says, "Humph! It's about time you got here!" It can be no other ... it's NonStop Party leader, Marigold Pipewood.

Tuesday August 17th, 2004 1:41:16 AM

Shale strolls in easily after the wagon, cocks his hat back in a relaxed position on his head.
Rolling his sleeves up he quietly sets to work unloading the pies. With a quick wink to Polly you notice him lick his fingers after a few pies are unloaded and a tiny hole in one of the pies.

Kendry  d20+6=15 d20+3=7
Tuesday August 17th, 2004 3:18:16 AM

"Good day, Pearl!" the young one enthuses as he guides Biscuit in a semicircle so as to position the pies for unloading. "Aunt Marygold!" Kendry runs up and gives her a quick peck on the cheek. "Gramama Eglantine sends her love and support by way of her pies! Yes, about time, I'd say. Folks on the way were offering to start the pie party early, slowed us up just a wee bit. But all twelve dozen delicious treats made it, guarded by fiercesome us. Grrrr!" he growls, shaking his head as though in warning. Taking her elbow for a moment, he quietly offers, "Just let us know what we can do to help, and we'll pitch in. And take a deep breath or two. We already have some folks recruiting more attendees for the Nonstop Party."

He turns and scans the area. He looks to see the bard (knowledge (local) 15 to recognize him, with a circumstantial bonus of 3, for 18, Kendry himself being a bard), then scans the rest of those gathered to get a feel for who all are here thus far. And he looks about to look for a likely place to reserve four pies to keep his commitment to the 'recruiters.' [Spot check 7.] He thinks maybe he should ask Pearl for some help.

Tuesday August 17th, 2004 1:24:40 PM

Selithe chuckles at her brother and nods also, "Yes, please let us know how we can help and it will be done."

Selithe leans against then earest, strudiest object and waits for some idea on what to do, as she does she begins going about playing with her staff. Her playing mainly involving rolling it in her hand and playfully ruffles some of Duncan's hair while he isn't looking her way.

Willoughby  d20+6=20
Tuesday August 17th, 2004 7:37:43 PM

Willoughby stood in awe as the druid disappeared. After a few moments of just standing there, he walked up to the tree to inspect it out of curiosity. (Spot check 20)

Tuesday August 17th, 2004 7:44:47 PM

Duncan was just about to begin helping Shale unload pies, after propping up his staff alongside the cart, when he felt his hair get tossed about. He whipped around, sending his braided blond locks flying, and saw Selithe's playful expression as she walked away. His confidence lifted high, for he was sure he'd get that dance later when the party is in full swing, as long as he remained gentlemanly.
But the task at hand beckoned, and he started helping Shale unload the pies. He looked over to see Pearl, giving her a wave while balancing a pie in hand. When he caught the stern gaze of Marigold, however, he put the free hand back under the pie, so as to not stress her further. Running to be the head honcho of so many life-loving halflings seemed like it would be a more fun, but Marigold looked like someone smashed all her prized tomatoes. At least that's what he would look like!
After unloading his share, Duncan trotted over to Marigold and waved to get her attention, then pointed to himself and signing the word "help" (or, how can I help to be precise).

Tuesday August 17th, 2004 10:37:37 PM

Polly bows to the applauding workmen as the group passes by them, turning to walk backwards so she can see them all. "Thanks, lads; just wait till you taste the pies! The littlest crumb will have you swooning."

Shaking her head at Selithe's staff-play, Polly helps Shale uncover the cargo. She scoops out a pie for each hand and waits on directions from Pearl. When she catches his wink and telltale stains, she groans and whispers, "Cousin, I understand impatience, believe me, but couldn't you wait till the work was done?"

Taste Test (DM Stephen)  d100=85 d6=3 d20+4=6 d20+4=10 d20=13 d20=16 d20=14 d6=2
Wednesday August 18th, 2004 2:13:39 AM

Willoughby checks around the tree. He finds nothing but a few acorns. No tracks or anything either. However, the tree does feel warm to the touch, but it's rapidly cooling.

Pearl gleefully helps direct everyone to start unloading the pies onto a rolling serving cart. Many others are meant to go in the large pie safe (a large wooden cabinet with many shelves meant for pies and cakes to cool and store. Wicker screens on the doors allow air to pass through while protecting them from unwanted insects or opportunistic hobbits). This pie safe is fortified with a masterwork lock.

Kendry looks at the bard. He thinks, "Is that Bob? Or is his name Bill?" Whoever he is, he's not playing very well. Kendry then greets his aunt in a way that makes her feel rather uncomfortable. It is evident she isn't the 'touchy-feely' type. However she tolerates him and appears thankful in her own special, somewhat stoic, emotionless, thankless way.

Marigold appears all business when she and Kendry march back over to inspect the pies on the serving cart. She completely ignores everyone's warm greetings. The cart is already loaded with several dozen pies after everyone pitches in. Full of cheer and enthusiasum, Pearl presents a pie to Marigold. "Look, are they just beautiful. Ohh, these youngins did soo very well. Yes you did!" Marigold says accusingly, "You sure ALL the pies are here? How they taste?" Marigold stabs a pie with her finger and tastes it. "No!" she takes another taste. "This ... this is UNACCEPTABLE!" Marigold's not-so-pleasant expression just became very sour. "This pie is too tart! Are they all this way?" She sticks her fingers in another. Marigold bitterly scolds everyone. "NO, NO, NO! This is NOT acceptable! ALL these pies are too TART! I HATE TART RUMBERRY PIES!" Pearl takes a taste. "These pies taste fine to me. In fact, they're delicious!" Marigold scowls at Pearl and responds in a venomous tone, "By looking at you it's easy to see you don't have a very discriminating taste. You'll eat anything put in front of your fat face!" Marigold slams the pie out of her hands and it falls to the ground. Bits of rumberry go flying everywhere. (Reflex save 14 vs. pie chunks. Everyone within 10-ft of the pie.) Pearl stands frozen in shock. Her dress speckled with rumberrys and purple pie goo. She begins to make whimpering sounds.

Kendry  d20+5=19 d20+6=14
Wednesday August 18th, 2004 2:47:00 AM

Kendry's warm feelings for his tautly-wound aunt seem to dissipate as does foam along the river banks. It is one thing to be upset. It is another to be unkind.

As pieces of pie fly on either side of him, Kendry makes bold to stick his finger in one of the pies that Aunt Marigold tested. He ponders for a moment, and tries another. Hmmm [Figure anything over a 10 tastes fine. Rolled 14. Aunt Eglantine merits at least a +6]. "They taste fine to me, my Aunt. Perhaps something in your mouth was already sour before you tasted. You want to lead, yes? Control over others requires self-control, and respect. I love you, Aunt Marigold. I don't like what you just did to sweet Pearl." If necessary, he is willing to endure a slap from his aunt.

He turns to Selithe and Polly. "Could you girls take Pearl and help her clean up? We've a long night before us." Should they take Pearl aside, he pulls Nalfein next to him, hoping his brother will support him, and tells the candidate quietly, "If you will apologize to Pearl, and for your insult to Gramama Eglantine, and behave as a leader of halflings ought, I'll stay and support you. Pride before the fall, humility before honor, and all those proverbs the old ones taught us, right?" He wonders what it will be like to be punched out by his own aunt. Or have a delicious rumberry pie shoved in his face...

Nalfein  d20+1=21
Wednesday August 18th, 2004 7:55:29 AM

Nalfein steps up to his distraught relation. Wrapping his arm around her waist he attempts to guide her easily into a more secluded corner speaking softly. "Now Aunt Marigold. I know you are under a lot of pressure with the party and the politicking and all, but you really must try to calm down. Now take a few deep breaths and lets go get you cleaned up. I'm sure the others can take care of the pies and everything will turn out fine." (Diplomacy 21 nat 20) Turning over his shoulder he would call to Kendry. "Would you mind getting this cleaned up? We need to get Aunt Marigold ready for her guests." His face relays a whole new meaning. 'Don't push this, wee will handle it later.'

Wednesday August 18th, 2004 11:27:21 AM

Selithe blinks and looks to everyone after the pies are taken care of. Just before she is about ready to ruffle Duncan's hair again, thinking of how fun it is to pick on him since he is a friend, Aunt Marigold throws her fit about the pies.

Selithe hurries over, glad that she was out of the way of the pie mess and places a gentle hand on Pearl's shoulder, "Come on Pearl, we'll get you cleaned up and looking nice for the party."

Selithe can't help it, maybe it is her gambling side or her lack of cutiousy for things but she speaks as she is gently leading Pearl off to get cleaned, "shows like that will not speak good for a leader or possible leader, might make people wonder if you'll do that over a pie then what about polictics. I mean no disrespect Aunt Marigold."

Duncan  d20+4=9
Wednesday August 18th, 2004 8:05:04 PM

Duncan is startled when his silent request to help Marigold is met by a temper tantrum that rivalled Nalfein's when he loses to Duncan at wrestling! And he was thouroughly unprepared for when she slammed the pie down, showering him with chunks of rumberry filling and crust (Reflex roll of 9).
For a moment Duncan just stood stunned, literally speechless, but then proceeded to skulk away, head bowed in defeat. Noticing Seilthe's glance, he put on a weak smile, pointed at himself, then made a roof-like shape with his arms over his head, and then pointed to his soiled clothes (going home to change). He began walking in the general direction of his farmhouse, which is about ten minutes away as the bluebird flies, to get out of those surely-to-be-stained-for-life clothes.

Polly  d20+6=8
Wednesday August 18th, 2004 10:13:12 PM

Polly nearly laughs when the candidate's temper tantrum scatters pie everywhere. Standing right beside the serving cart, she makes only a half-hearted attempt to duck, and a big chunk of rumberry pie hits her shoulder and drips down the front of her party blouse. Not one to let a treat go to waste, she scoops it up and pops it into her mouth. "Tastes divine to me."

With a shrug, she leaves Marigold to her more diplomatic cousins and catches up with Selithe and Pearl. "I think this filling might stain a bit. Is anybody home at your burrow, Pearl? I can run over and fetch you a clean dress. Or maybe I should jog; that'll give you more time to settle yourself. You'll want to look be at your best, because if Marigold goes on the way she's started, I think you'll need all your best hosting skills to make this party a success. Has she been like that all day?"

Wednesday August 18th, 2004 10:21:52 PM

Willoughby stood near the tree for a bit after his search turned out fairly empty.

Oh well! There goes my hope of good conversation!

With his tangent quest finished, he began to head back to his companions. Parties weren't that much lower on Willoughby's entertainment scale than good conversation.

Shale  d20+8=9 d20+8=25 d20+9=25
Thursday August 19th, 2004 2:53:50 AM

Just as the pie hits the floor, Shale turns around to recieve a large piece in the face. (Rolled a Nat. 1!) Wiping it off with his hands he eats a good bit and unloads some more pies.

When Polly starts talking about a change of clothes he sees an opportunity. While Polly inquires about the condition of his pissy aunt, Shale hurridly unloads pies, sometimes five and six at a time(Ref 25). When he thinks his fair share of the work is done, he takes a finger full of pie.Still smacking it around in his mouth approaches Polly. "Since your headed home, why don't we ride instead of walk?" With that Shale steps outside and whistles a shrill bird call. From the side of the building a brown war pony trots up. The pony is wearing a worn leather saddle and on one side has a round wooden shield with a red symbol on the front. Shale takes a step and mounts quickly (Ride 25), reaching a hand down to whomever is interested, Shale grins and waits patiently.

Ohh, the Hobbitity! (DM Stephen)  d100=28 d100=34 d12=1 d20+4=17 d20+9=14 d6=2 d6=5 d100=22 d100=71
Thursday August 19th, 2004 9:30:36 AM

Nalfein's words seems to work on Marigold, she steps back and tries to collect herself. She answers, "Of course, you're right. These pies may be just fine for the commoners and their less discriminating tastes.

Being pulled aside, Pearl looks down at her dress. It's covered in rumberry stains. She lets out a shrill in shock and disgust. "Oh look what you did to my dress, you, you, frigid old ocra biter!" Marigold hisses back, "How dare you talk to me that way. Change out of that hideous dress and get back to work!" "Hideous!" Pearl cries. "I made this dress myself and now its ruined! Rumberry never washes out!" Pearl rushes forward and grabs a another pie. "Here, why dont you have anther taste!" Pearl smears a whole rumberry pie down Marigold's dress! Marigold screams, "AUUUGHH! You trollop ... AUUGHHH!" Marigold launches out at Pearl and they start struggling with one another. They slap, rip and tear at each others dresses with the voracity of wild dogs. Suddenly they throw each other into the pie cart, knocking it over, sending every pie to the ground. They continue to punch and claw, mired down in a huge pile of rumberry pie filling. They're completely covered in rumberrys now.

A crowd is beginning to form. Some look on in horror while others seem to find much amusement in their struggle. Shale, in all the commotion, begins to unload 5 pies into pie safe (you didnt say where. I chose the pie safe since the cart is no longer an option. Plus you dont have enough time to pull everything off.) Many pies are still left in the wagon. The pony becomes a little spooked from the fighting but Shale is able to keep him in control.

(Everyone in a 20-ft radius make another Dex check 14 to avoid flying pie chunks.)

Friday August 20th, 2004 4:02:13 AM

[OOC: Rolled 1d20+3=5 for dex check. Accidentally hit Reset button after three paragraphs written. Page disappeared. :-( ]

Ah, thanks Nalfein, Kendry thinks to himself. Then things go from bad to worse - and he takes a pie in his chest, and a chunk on his left hip. As he stares down at the rich color of the elliptical rumberry patch, the side of his palm scoops up the berries and a bit of crust. His tongue licks up the tasty bits. And he begins to laugh.

Kendry moves to the pie cart, thankful that Shale has Biscuit under control. He tosses his knapsack over his shoulder, rescues four intact pies, and threads his way over to the stage with Bob. Bill? Setting the pies down, he pulls a lute from his knapsack, quickly tunes it, and asks the bard whether he knows Telin's party. He strums the opening chords of this popular song. "I may change the lyrics a bit as we go along. Bob, is it? I'm Kendry."

Nalfein  d20+7=20 d20+2=21 d20+1=6
Friday August 20th, 2004 5:07:14 AM

(Reflex = 20 to avoid pie)
Nalfein finally loses it. "CHILDREN!" He screams, stamping his foot and grabbing his aunt Marigold by the collar (Melee touch = 21).
"Stop this at once! You are drawing a crowd and that is hardly the publicity you need at this juncture!" Nalfein's normally jovial face is twisted into a grim mockery of itself. The corners of his mouth, so accustomed to wearing a constant grin now contorting into a frown that looks more of a sneer as muscles, long unused are called upon to do their duty.

"Polly, go get cleaned up! That is NOT a request or a suggestion. Marigold. Pull yourself together. If you ever hope to lead this people I suggest you learn to control yourself! Selithe, take Polly and get her cleaned up. Do not let her come back here until after the party has officially started. Marigold, you are coming with me. The rest of you. Try to get this place looking presentable again." Nalfein's does his best to sound commanding but his voice betrays him. (CHA check = 6) Far more used to dealing with troublesome children Nalfein lacks the finesse necessary to direct a crowd of this size. Hardly daunted he still attempts to drag his pie coated Aunt away from the ruined desserts. Hoping beyond all hope that the others will do as he directed.

Friday August 20th, 2004 10:18:15 AM

Mayzie will wave back to the guard without thinking, then notcing what she has done, blushes pink.

Looking around a little as her bad mood fades, she hesitates a moment and walks towards the guard, trying hard not to be shy.

'Hello. I.... I seem to be a bit lost... I'm looking for one of the parties. I heard one of them have elven wine but I have no idea which one. I don't suppose you would have heard which does, would you?'

Selithe  d20+4=22
Friday August 20th, 2004 1:24:02 PM

Selithe happily dodges the peices of flying pies (Dex:22). Selithe blinks when her brother seems to blowup and looks to Polly, whispering, "I think he meant Pearl."

Selithe looks to Pearl and frowns, "Now come on Pearl, you two are not little kids. Don't make me have to use a spell to try and calm you two. Now will you come with me or make me have to use other means?" Selithe puts a fist to her own hips and glares at Pearl as she waits.

Friday August 20th, 2004 4:38:15 PM

Willoughby returned to his companions only to find pies flying everywhere. Not wanting to do his laundry again this week, he attempted to hide behind the nearest object that would shield him from the mess. He did make a few grabs for some pieces that had fallen near him, though.

"What's going on here?" he asked rather loudly and he began to lick his fingers.

Friday August 20th, 2004 8:07:22 PM

Duncan winds his way back to his parents' estate, pausing at the front door and thinking a prayer to the gods for their souls to rest well in the afterlife (cause the gods can hear you think as well as speak, hi mother always said). He rushed on inside, shedding his rumberry stained garments, tossing them in a corner. Later he will shred the clothes into a fine mulch, to add as compost for the corn which will soon be nearing ripeness.
Duncan goes to his room, and selects one of his more formal outfits--a pair of long pants and a button-up shirt, both dyed in shades of pumpkin pie and yellowroot, respectively. He donned one of his fathers tanned leather vests, which were still a tad baggy on his youthful frame but lended to him a distinguished look he was sure would impress Selithe. He was fortunate that his hair was spared the brunt of Marigold's rumberry assault, but still he went ahead and tightened up the braid to hide the few hairs that strayed out due to today's activities.
Satisfied that he looked presentable for the party, Duncan headed out the front door, pausing to leave his staff behind. Can't do any dancing with that in ones mitts! Looking down, at the rainbow of flowers that decorate the front of his abode, Duncan chose a round, fully bloomed carnation, yellow as the sun with pink caressing the tips of the petals. 'This will be a fine gift to present the lovely Selithe,' Duncan thought to himself as he stowed the flower in a pocket of his vest, and began the short walk back to the Nonstop Party pavillion.

Saturday August 21st, 2004 12:50:30 AM

Still waiting patiently to see if Polly wants a ride, Shale calms his warpony Valor amid the flying pies. Shaking his head at the childish display Shale pats his pony on the nose and whispers to the critter, "Family or not I don't think this woman is cut out for the position of mayor. Looks to me like Nalfein would make a better mayor than this old hag."

The horse snorts an agreement as they wait patiently.

Polly  d20+8=16 d20+2=21 d20-2=5
Sunday August 22nd, 2004 9:19:58 PM

"Oh, go ahead, Shale," Grinning like mad, Polly waves a hand at him during a pause between dodging pie bits (Reflex = 16). "From the looks of things, I might as well keep the stained on till all the good pies are safely locked away."

She circles the combatants, waiting for a chance to join in the fun. When Nalfein collars Marigold, Polly tries to nab Pearl and drag her away from her opponent (Touch=21, contested Grapple=5 incl. size modifier) but can't seem to get a grip on the pie-slippery halfling. "Right you are, Nalfein; I'm a mess. Pearl Pipewood, will you kindly help me tidy myself up? I'm banished from the party until I do, and I'd really like to come back and see the results of all your hard work."

Shale  d20+2=3
Monday August 23rd, 2004 12:38:22 AM

Giving out a little sigh as his excuse to escape the politcal party decides, Shale shrugs and nudges Valor into motion.

"Well, I've met two of the three candidates maybe the third will be better." Heading down the road Shale keeps an eye out for anyone he knows to be a little more knowledgable about the political happenings of the Valley. (Wis Check 3, Natural 1)

An End to Nonstop Fighting! (DM Cayzle)  d20+10=30
Monday August 23rd, 2004 6:31:57 AM

The militia member talking to Mayzie says, "Well, the Burgomeister would never serve a nontraditional drink like Elven Wine, so it must be the Nonstop Party or the Adventure Party that has the stuff. But if it's the Nonstop Party, you won't get any unless you're in the militia or related to the candidate. The Adventure Party might be the place to try."

Just then, Mayzie and her new militia friend hear a wild commotion from the Nonstop Party pavillion. "Come on!" the warrior says, as he races off to see what is going on.

Duncan decides to skeedaddle on home to change. But he does not make it very far because everybody else is headed for the scene he is leaving. Fighting the gathering crowd, sees his friend Polly join the fray, and he wonders if he should stick around in case she needs help. [OOC: There is not enough time to go home, change, and then return in one post, or even in a few. And it would be better (read, easier on the DM!) if the group stayed together, in general. Thanks!]

At the Nonstop Party, the party seems to have stopped! Everyone is gawking at the turmoil, and the crowd aroundabouts is growing!

Kendry, Shale, Duncan, and Polly are stained in rumberry to a greater degree, and most of the others have a drip or two here or there. Nalfein has grabbed Marigold and Polly grabs Pearl.

Suddenly, Marigold regains her composure. She draws herself up, and somehow makes it seem as if Nalfein is giving her a hand (Bluff check 30). "Thank you, nephew," she says, as if he had just greeted her politely instead of yelling. She turns to Pearl and says in a clear, carrying voice, "My, I don't know what came over me! Pearl, I guess now we're even!" She laughs. "Well, I hope there are no hard feelings! Let me replace that dress for you!" She sticks out her hand, and Pearl (intimidated by Selithe and looking a little befuddled in Polly's grip) takes it and mutters, "Sure, sure."

Looking around, Marigold sees the crowd and laughs some more. "Well, friends and relations, this concludes the opening act of of our evening's entertainment!" That draws chuckles from the crowd. "Come back in a little while for even more fun!"

"Well," continues Marigold more softly, looking at the group, "This is no way to greet family!" She thanks Kendry and Willoughby for saving some of the pies -- about half are left intact. "These will be fine after all," she adds, "with a little sweet cream for them what likes it sweet ... like me!" Her brilliant smile is either a sudden change of heart or the superb reflex of a natural politician.

"Please, nephews, neice, let me make this up to you. Head on over to the Inn, and give Gearge this chit." She hands Nalfein a wood coin. "He'll get you cleaned and settled, put some pot roast in your bellies, and bed you up for the night. I hope you'll accept my apologies for this reception. Sometimes my temper does get away from me!," she adds ruefully.

Shale  d20=19
Monday August 23rd, 2004 1:06:09 PM

Stained in Rumberry, Shale decides to wait for the confrontation to be over. Seeing it resolved and the issue at hand over he hopes off his warpony and leads it towards the Inn with the others. (Check Against Bluff 21)

When the others catch up Shale asks in a quiet tone, "Has anyone ever met the leader of the Adventuring Party?"

Monday August 23rd, 2004 7:32:44 PM

Willoughby did as Marigold asked and followed the others to the inn. He was a bit disappointed that he didn't get to catch much of the party, but after looking at the rest of his companions, he thought he at least came out cleaner.

"I've heard of the fellow, but not much else. I don't follow current politics much. The past is just more interesting," he answered Shale.

Monday August 23rd, 2004 8:49:05 PM

Mayzie follows the guard tot he scene of the disturbance, curious as to what can be going on.

Once there, she gapes wide mouthed at the spectacle. Bits of pie everywhere. People smeared in berry juice, including, if she recognises the woman, one of the candidates.
Mayzie glances around at the large watching crowd.

Muttering to herself, but only loud enough to be heard by someone standing more or less against her, she says

'I'm glad i didnt make it here earlier. I sure don't want this lovely elven dress ruined. Politicians. Making a spectacle of herself. Probably on purpose just to draw a bigger crowd to the party.'

Turning to the guard she smiles shyly and says 'My name is Mayzie. It was kind of you to show me here. I'm not sure this is my kind of party though.'

/ooc does Mayzie know the other members of the group at all? I confess that if she doesn't, she would be likely to wander off and drag the guard with her to show her where the party with the elven wine is.


[OOC: Fear not! Your able (more or less) DM Cayzle has several ideas for hooking you in more firmly. Just wait for the morning post! :-) ]

Monday August 23rd, 2004 9:08:00 PM

Selithe looks to Pearl and the others and nods, "Calm on Pearl and well see about getting you cleaned up yet so you can hurry back. You need to be in the best shape you can be for this party."

Selithe smiles and winks to Pearl trying to calm her down since Selithe's threat might of made her worry.

Tuesday August 24th, 2004 12:04:03 AM

"I hate to leave a job half done," Polly says, rushing to load the rest of the pies in the safe so the others can lead the wagon and pony away with them.

Tuesday August 24th, 2004 4:13:22 AM

Since Bob, or Bill, seems unresponsive, Kendry tables his plans to make music with him when he hears his family & friends are moving on for the moment. "Maybe later, Bob."

He asks before he leaves, "Aunt Marigold, how would you compare yourself to the other candidates, and what you can bring to our community that they cannot? I've got some ideas on that, but if someone asks me, I'd like to be able to pass on your thoughts."

Following her answer, should she deign to offer one, he thanks her. He tells her, too (or one of the leading militia people, should she be too busy) of the seven young halflings who agreed to recruit attendees for the NonStop Party, describing them, especially the leader, and tells of the promised pies (one half each). "If they get them, it will be good for the party. If not, it could be bad. These might be good militia members themselves, one day."

Finally, he makes sure that someone separates Biscuit from the cart and stables her, then accompanies the others to the Inn, asking for Gearge when they arrive.

Tuesday August 24th, 2004 4:41:55 AM

Nalfein waits for everything to settle down before following the rest of the family to the inn.

Catching up he drapes his armes around Kendry and Silethe's shoulders anouncing. "Life sure can be interesting when rumbary pie's involved. Just you wait for the party! Now if that had been Duncan in them pies you woulda seen a tussle. He woulda been hearing pie for weeks. As is I think I might be." Nalfein distractedly tries to clean the bits of pie out of his ears. "I need a bath, and a good clean shirt. Yellow I think."

Cleaning Up

Taunts and Jeers (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday August 24th, 2004 6:33:49 AM

The musician finally finishes his very long (and somewhat boring) tune, takes a deep breath, and tells Kendry, slowly, "Well, now, turns out that my name happens to be Bob. Or to be more formal about it, just to state it for the record, so to speak, Bobbik Raspel Tumblefoot Mellips. Very pleased to meet you, young fellow, I am."

There's no time to engage the fellow some more, since Kendry wants to ask Aunt Marigold about her platform. She smiles and has a ready answer: "Well, that old Breedbottom is as crusty as a rusted hinge. Government should be fun, not boring. I'll run things better, no question. For one, I'll put effective people into the important jobs, not old relics. People like your friend here," she adds, pointing to the industrious Polly, who is putting the remaining pies away.

"Plus we need a strong defense. A bigger militia. Not undependable foreign big-folk adventurers, but local trained people who live here and love their homes."

She thanks Kendry for the help with recruiting. "Good work! I'll have a place for people I know I can rely on. That's what friends and family are for, I always say!"

"But look at me! What a mess! I really need to go get cleaned up!" She dashes off to a smaller tent.

As the crowd breaks up, Pearl tells Selithe that she has a change of clothes in her house around the corner. She heads off in that direction.

Mayzie, watching the proceedings from a bit back, tells the militia guard her name. He seems about to respond in kind ... "I'm --- Hey! That's Rumberry Pie they're wasting! Come on! You look like you could use a big piece of pie!" Having commented on her slimness, he dashes off to try to get some pie.

Before Mayzie can decide to follow, a new crowd of people -- mostly young men -- show up, and she finds herself in the midst of them. They also seem to have heard about pie.

The seven friends -- Shale, Willoughby, Nalfein, Kendry, Selithe, Polly, and the quiet Duncan -- head off toward the inn. But before they get too far, they see the six rowdy boys who Kendry had recruited to bring folk to the party -- plus another dozen they seem to have brought to the Party. Judging by the company they are in (all young boys such as themselves, except for a skinny girl in their midst who looks familiar?), the scallywags must have run off to gather their friends.

The leader of the gang, the one smoking a corn cob pipe, takes a look at the seven rumberry-pie stained friends and starts to laugh! "Hey, Pie-Bringers! You're supposed to eat pie, not wear it!" Showing off for his twenty friends, the tough seems eager to annoy. "You better not have wasted all those pies! We came here for pie, and we better get it, right boys?"

His gang shouts out in support.

"Pie-wasting is a pretty serious offense around here, strangers! We don't much like it when folk throw away good pie they promised to someone else!"

The atmosphere gets tense pretty quick. Mayzie, through a quirk of luck, finds herself standing directly behind the corn-cob-pipe-smoking leader. She notices that he is standing next to a big mud puddle -- he is right between herself and the mud.

Tuesday August 24th, 2004 10:24:38 AM

"Ah, welcome, you all to the NonStop Party!" Kendry says as the boys show up. Using his finger, he counts the additional ones that the recruiters brought. "Hmmm, looks like you managed two apiece. Not sixteen a piece, but not a bad start. All right, you fellows kept your end of the bargain." He asks some of his friends to pick up a few of the empty pie plates. "Be right back." He dashes over to Bobbik's stage, picks up the four pies he had set down there, cuts each in half with his eating knife, and hands half to each of the recruiters (using the empty pie plates to hold the second half), and the last of the four pies to the leader. "Now, for the rest of you, there should be a piece of pie or so for each of you in just a bit, if you'll be patient, unless these fine lads who brought you want to share a sample with you early. Hey, I'll give up most of my half of the pie so's you can get a bit of a taste, so you know what's coming. The party's just getting started, the pie's good, and you all look like the sort who might be great additions to our militia, given proper training and such. I'm Kendry. What are your names, friends?"

Tuesday August 24th, 2004 7:33:37 PM

Duncan stood in silence as the ladies pie tussle died down, and Marigold seemed to melt down into a more humble mood. The others had a good handle on unloading the rest of the pies, so Duncan took a brief stock of himself.
Rumberry managed to make him look like a berry-spotted dog, and he began to blush a bit. 'This is surely an ungentlehobbitly look,' Duncan thought to himself, embarrased that he had to look so ragged in front of Selithe. She seemed to be distracted by others, so maybe it wouldn't be so bad--he could get changed at Gearge's and be more presentable for the party dancing.
Duncan joined the others as they headed off to clean up, and he had to sneak a poke in Nalfein's ribs at his comment, holding a fist in his face in a mock threat. Out of the corner of his eye some familiar figures strode proudly towards them. It was the would-be pie thieves, perhaps they were here to collect on their bounty for bringing in more potential voters. But all the excitement put Duncan in a mood for some tangling, and if these kids wanted to force the issue, he wouldn't mind obliging. Tapping Nalfein to get his attention, Duncan nodded his head towards the coming crew, putting his hands locked together, weaving his fingers and shaking his hands slightly (be ready to wrestle). As nonchalantly as possible, Duncan drifted away from Nalfein as they walked to the kids, standing to the left of Kendry and holding his staff one-handed at his side.

Tuesday August 24th, 2004 9:26:43 PM

Selithe eyes the mob infront of them and nods, "your rumberry pies await you so please let us be on our way to get cleanedup and get back."

She grins when Kendry helps the couple thugs, "See, there they are now enjoy them and thanks for bringing so many people for the party." Selithe taps her staff on her boot and gently taps Duncan's shoulder, giving him a sly wink before walking on inless the thugs decide to start some trouble.

Tuesday August 24th, 2004 11:17:44 PM

Willoughby helped Kendry with the pie plates. He hoped that this would satisfy the gang, although he had his doubts. It looked as if he had spoke too soon about coming out of the party clean; his mess may be coming.

The halfing faked a smile as he delivered the pies to the boys and he let his companions do the talking. After all, they did get everyone out sately in the previous encounter. Perhaps they could get out of this one as well.

Wednesday August 25th, 2004 2:12:21 AM

Leaning closer to Shale, Polly mutters, "Looks like they didn't take my advice about the militia. I should have brought my sap along. I never expected this would be such a good day to thump heads."

Wednesday August 25th, 2004 4:54:45 AM

Seeing the thugs return, Shale hops down off his pony Valor and gives him smack on the bottom. The well trained pony strolls off the other way (More than likely towards his mother's stable).

Watching the others react to the thugs he catches a hand signal from Duncan he recognizes, wrestle.

Listening to Polly's response Shale replies in a whisper, "A sap would be awful handy, but a good day for thumping heads is still a good day for thumping heads."

Stretching his shoulders Shale waits for the thugs response to their free pies.

Wednesday August 25th, 2004 6:49:41 AM

Nalfein shoots a quick thumbs up in duncan's direction. Not even paying attention to the mute halflings gestures he knows him well enough to know that, come time for a rumble, Duncan has his back.
Steping forward he shares a sidlong glance with his brother Kendry. "See. I told you they didn't have sixteen friends between them, let alone each. Go on and give them their pies. They did the best they could."

Mud Pie (DM Cayzle)  d20+3=9 d20+3=12 d20+4=18 (three trip attempts on Mayzie, two hit AC11) d20=8 (Str check 1) d20+1=17 (Str Check 2) d20+4=21 (1st opposed Dex roll from Mayxie succeeds) d20+4=12 (2nd opposed dex roll from Mayzie fails)
Wednesday August 25th, 2004 10:46:35 AM

Kendry fetches some pie, and the rest get ready for catastrophe. The chief of the rowdies does not seem impressed. "Well, that's not --" is all he manages to say when the commotion starts!

There are great shouts of "PIE!" from the crowd of rowdies. They surge forward in a mob, pushing to get at the pies. They shove the chief and Mayzie from behind. The chief splashes into the mud but remains upright.

Mayzie is not as lucky. Three troublemakers all take a chance to trip the slender girl as she is surounded. One misses and two hit (assuming Mayzie is not wearing her armor and shield). She evades the first foot that gets in her way, but the second brings her down into the mud.

She is prone and lying covered head to toe in mud!

Only one of the recruiters manages to keep his half a pie all to himself. He dashes away laughing. The others all end up fighting over pie with their so-called friends. A fistfull of pie grabbed here, a huge mouthful swallowed there, and more than half ends up squished on the ground. Amazingly, no fist fights break out, although the corn-cob-pipe-smoking leader stalks off in a huff. Eight that got pie sit down to eat, and the rest head off to find more pie.

The one who tripped Mayzie calls over his shoulder as he goes, "Sorry! Ha Ha!"

Kendry  d20=10 d2+2=3
Wednesday August 25th, 2004 12:49:06 PM

"You unschooled twit!" Kendry says to the fellow who tripped the slender girl into the mud. "That was deliberate. She did nothing to you. I challenge you, twit!" Kendry steps up to him, ready to punch. [CS not available. I think he has a +2 to hit against another halfling, for AC 12. Fist is 1d2, right? Plus 2 is 3 hp nonlethal damage should he connect with the lout.]

Wednesday August 25th, 2004 4:07:58 PM

Selithe looks quite upset at the trip and walks over to Mayzie and kneels down by her next to the mud puddle, "Are you okay? Here let me help you out."

Selithe holds out her hand to Mayzie and smiles and she plants her staff firmly into the ground to help pull the young lady up.

Wednesday August 25th, 2004 4:27:08 PM

Nalfein dashes over to help the young lady up, extending a hand "Come on. Let's get you cleaned up. *Chuckling* It seems I should have gone into the laundering business." His day is not going as planned. Come for the fun, stay for the immaturity... What a 'party'. He keeps a close eye on his brash sibling. The last thing we need is a fight with injuries. Any other circumstances and he would have been interposing himself between the two hot heads.

Duncan  d20+3=6
Wednesday August 25th, 2004 7:56:40 PM

Duncan is as outraged as Kendry at the deplorable and unhobbity manner in which the lady in the fine dress was pushed to the ground. Taking the cue from Kendry, Duncan tries to position himself so that he could intercept any attacks made on his friend with a well-placed staff (Aid Another for defense, rolled a 6 and failed, probably will trip over his own feet!).

Wednesday August 25th, 2004 9:39:34 PM

Willoughby shoke his head at the barbaric nature of the gang.

"If they weren't so short, I'd say they were giants," he muttered under his breath.

After the mud settled and the hoodlums ran off, Willoughby approached the fallen girl to check on her condition.

Shale (HP 10 AC 20) 
Wednesday August 25th, 2004 11:39:33 PM

Shale steps up to the side of Kendry, opposite of Duncan. Standing guard over Kendry's flank, Shale takes a defensive stance and prepares for the thugs to attack. (+2 ac)

Thursday August 26th, 2004 12:06:50 AM

"Whoops!" When the unfed ruffians stampede off in search of pie, Polly spares a thought for the newly stocked pie safe and winces. Did it get locked after it was loaded up? She sprints in that direction, hoping to beat them to the safe and make sure one of Marigold's people has pie distribution under control.

Thursday August 26th, 2004 6:44:32 AM

Mayzie lies in the mud, totally shocked, scarcely believing what has happened to her. Mud in her face, her hair and all over her. OPening her mouth to scream, no words come out, only mud goes in.

Sutmbling, she pushes herself up, seeing that her beautiful elven dress is completely ruined. Tears start to flow from her eyes, drawing lines through the mud covering her face.

The she hears the lout taunt her, making it obvious that it was done on purpose just to be mean, and it is only with great effort that she manages to stifle her sobs.

Standing up, Mayzie turns her tear streaked face to the ones that knocked her down and looks as closely as she can at all their faces, especially the one who taunted her, to remember them.

Sobbing she says 'I curse you all and this whole town with you. You are no better than Big folk.'

Pulling her ruined dress over her head (elven fabrics dont survive the heavy cleaning needed to get all this mud off) she throws her mud covered dress straight into the face of the Jeerer and starts to run back towards her house in her underwear, hiding her face under her hands.

Thursday August 26th, 2004 7:24:47 AM

/ooc: Sorry folks, Mayzie isn't ignoring your offers of help or trying to make it harder to get the group together. But try to put yourselves in the place of a shy teenager on her way to a party alone, who has just had her best party dress ruined and been humiliated in front of everyone including the nice guy she had just met :) In Mayzie's place I would have run away too when I was a teenager :)

Fists Fly! (DM Cayzle)  d20+1=4 (sap attack vs kendry) d20+7=12 (demoralize roll vs. kendry)
Thursday August 26th, 2004 12:01:42 PM

[OOC: Folks, since Kendry threw a punch, we move into combat mode. Everything slows down. So do not be surprised if your characters have not had the time to complete the actions you posted.]

[By the way, I'm a bit of a combat purist, so a review of the PHB may help you all. Or feel free to ask me about things before you post. I'm pretty good about checking my e-mail. I'd like to post the next turn early tomorrow morning, but if I am missing posts, I will wait until midday Friday, as I did today.]

[Please put your current AC and hit points next to your name when you post. You can also add any spells in effect on you, either by your name or at the end of your post. The rascals are all AC 13.]

PC Actions =====

Outraged, Kendry jumps into action! He dashes up to the cad who tripped Mayzie and punches him! Because Kendry catches the fellow off guard (flat-footed = no dex bonus), the lout does not dodge the blow! Kendry's punch would also usually provoke an attack of opportunity from his opponent, but once again, the flat-footed foe can make no AoOs. The punch lands for 3 hp nonlethal damage.

Duncan and Shale step up next to Kendry, ready to fight!

Selithe, Nalfein, and Willoughby all gather near Mayzie to offer her a supporting hand. But the very upset young girl simply gets up (a move action), strips off the soiled dress (another move action) and throws it ineffectually at Rascal Number 1 (a free action, since I'm counting this as a dropped item rather than a thrown weapon). She looks like she wants to run away!

Polly thinks about the three-quarters of the mob that ran off to grab pie! She runs off after them. (Her current position represents a run of 80 feet from the now-empty wagon.) Another round of running will bring her close enough to see what is going on, if she choses to move off the map.

Enemy Actions =====

The cad that Kendry punched (Rascal 1) gets real mad! "You bum! You'll be sorry you did that!" He reaches into a pocket and pulls out some kind of blunt weapon (Int or local knowledge check vs DC10 to recognize a sap. All rogues and fighter-types ID it for free). (That's a move action.)

Then the cad attempts to bean Kendry with it! But he swings wildly in his anger and misses.

There are eight other ruffians sitting around eating pie. Seven set their pie down carefully (move action) and then stand up (another move action). One of them, Rascal 3, is less careful with his pie. Dropping it on the ground (a free action), he stands up (a move action) and takes a five foot step up to Kendry. He shouts in Kendry's face, trying to demoralize him (standard action): "Hey! Jerk! You've messed with the wrong people! Now you're going to pay!"

[Rascal 3 is using his Intimidate skill to "Demoralize Opponent." Now Kendry must make a roll of 1d20 + level + Wis Bonus + fear bonus vs DC12 to resist. If he rolls a 12 or higher, he is not affected. If he fails, he is shaken for 1 round. A shaken character takes a --2 penalty on attack rolls, ability checks, and saves.]

[Please see map in your e-mail in basket!]

Kendry (HP 6, AC 14 (leather armor, +2 dex. Same size, so no size bonus)  d20+8=12 d20+2=16 d4+2=6
Thursday August 26th, 2004 2:17:38 PM

Seeing the ruffian who tripped the girl get out a sap, Kendry does likewise. Then, as the next fellow gets into his face and warns him of impending consequences (saved vs demoralize right on the nose), he replies, "Oh yeah?" and whacks him with the sap (hits AC 16) for 6 hp nonlethal damage. "You stick up for a girl tripper, and THAT'S what you get!"

Nalfein (HP 6, AC 15 (+4 Dex, +1 size))  d20+2=13 d2+2=4
Thursday August 26th, 2004 2:58:23 PM

"Willoughby, take care of the girls!" Nalfein hollars launging himself at the nearest ruffian. (#7 unarmed provokes AoO Hit ac 13 for 4 hp subdual) Delivering a brutal uppercut and grimacing in sympathy as he felt his fist make solid comtact with chin bone.

Thursday August 26th, 2004 3:00:35 PM

OOPS only a +1 from STR. Change damage from 4 to 3 in last post.

Duncan (Hit Points: 10; AC: 15)  d20+3=21
Thursday August 26th, 2004 4:28:57 PM

Duncan, knowing full-well that Kendry was more than just a pretty voice, turned to face the certain threat of possibly more of this ruffian's buddies coming to join in the fracas. Not wanting Nalfein to show him up (again), Duncan drops his staff (cause he didn't want to kill any of these foot-hairless punks) and assumed the 'angry bear' stance--knees bent and fist outstretched on bent arms. Trying to go for the closest thug (I can't find the map!), Duncan weaves into his opponent's wild swing and delivers a well-placed blow to the thug's ribs (roll of 21!).

Thursday August 26th, 2004 8:57:06 PM

Selithe looks to Mayzie and hollers to her brothers and friends, "I'll try to help in a moment." She figures her brothers and everyone will understand as Selithe takes off running after Mayzie. Selithe glances back again and yells to Nalfein and Kendry, "One of you two save that dress of the girl's you hear. I have ways of fixing it and your guy's of the rumberry also."

As Selithe runs after Mayzie Selithe calls out to her and begins to take off her blue colored cloak which matches Selithe's clothing (for everyone else who has been watching posts. I had forgot to add it to my sheet and such so forgive the sudden appearance of the cloak), "Hold up alittle, please. I will try and fix your elven dress tonight for you, trust me I have my ways of taking care of such things. Anyway, please slow so I can lend you my cloak for the moment."

If Mayzie will slow up enough Selithe puts her cloak around Mayzie and whispers, "I'm sorry you had to go through that but please use my cloak for now." Selithe smiles and looks to Mayzie, tryng to make the lady feel alittle better by not mentioning that Mayzie needs to retain some dignity by not running home naked.

(Cayzle: If you need any rolls then let me know. Also if I can I was wondering if you can let me know how long it would take for Selithe to rememerize her spells and use presidigitation (misspelled but anyway) to clean the clothing of everyones of everything please.)

Thursday August 26th, 2004 9:53:09 PM

Mayzie will try to run away. However, before she takes more than a few strides, she suddenly remembers that she lives a good mile or two outside the town, that she is in her underwear and covered in mud and that there are lots of people around and staring.

Upset and embarassed, and not knowing where to run, Mayzie runs for the wagon and hides underneath, sobbing uncontrollably into her hands. If Selithe tries to put the cloak around her, she will let her, but is sobbing too much to answer and too embarassed to look at her, still hiding her face in her hands, what parts can be seen of it between her fingers and the mud are crimson with shame.

Polly (AC 14, HP 8)  d20+1=16
Thursday August 26th, 2004 11:40:32 PM

Committed to her course, Polly speeds back toward the Non-Stop pavillion, responsibility for the security of the pies and for the safety of anyone caught between pies and mob, gnawing at her. She doesn't slow down to take a good look as she returns to the party area. (Spot=16 for that first fleeting impression.)

Shale(AC 17 HP 10)  d20+1=7
Friday August 27th, 2004 1:30:27 AM

Shale comes around the corner of Kendry at the intimidating halfling (#3) and takes a swing at his head.

As Shale goes into motion he thinks to himself, "Hmm.. my first non-drunken brawl.. this could be very interesting or very bad..."

Seeing him coming the halfling thug leans back as Shale totally wiffs his intended target. (AoO Invocted)

DM Cayzle 
Friday August 27th, 2004 11:16:40 AM

Sorry friends, waiting for Willoughby, plus evacuation drill at work, plus long meeting at work, means the turn will be later on today. Feel free to make your post tonight or this week-end. With luck I'll be back in the swing of things bright and early Mon am.

Fists of Fury! (DM Cayzle)  d4+2=3 (Duncan's damage) d20+7=21 (Intimidate vs Kendry) d20+4=23 d20+4=17 d20+2=3 (3 attacks on Kendry) d2=2 d2=2 (damage to Kendry) d20+2=22 d20+2=5 (crit threat does not crit) d20+2=5 d20+4=23 d2=2 d2=1 (damage to Shale) d20+2=15 (attack on Nalfein) d4=1 (damage to Nalfein) d20+2=9 (attack on Will misses)
Friday August 27th, 2004 8:13:31 PM

[Note: Everybody gets a +1 on attacks and AC due to size. Please include these rather than ignore them! For example, the enemies are first level warriors, so they have a +1 BAB and a +1 size bonus for a total +2. They are AC13 due to dex and size.]

PC Actions =====

Kendry does not take kindly to the rude fellow's threats. He draws a sap of his own and whaps the guy for 6 points of nonlethal damage!.

[OOC: Kim, the roll to resist Intimidate for Kendry is d20+3Wis+1Lvl+2Fear = d20+6. You rolled a d20+8. No biggie this time.]

Shale steps up and swings at the rude Rascal 3 also, but misses.

Nalfein takes a step up to Rascal 7 and punches him. Rascal 7 is currently unarmed, so he cannot take advantage of the opening Nalfein offers (no AoO if unarmed). The eldest sibling delivers a blow for 3 hp non-lethal damage.

Duncan drops his staff and punches the cad who tripped Mayzie. The monk uses an unarmed attack for nonlethal damage -- 1d4+2 (you can roll damage yourself, next time) = 3 hp to Rascal 1. He's starting to look woozie.

Mayzie runs for the wagon and hides underneath. Selithe follows and offers her a cloak. [OOC: Sorry, once you have prepared spells, you have to wait for the next day to memorize new ones.]

Polly runs north toward the Nonstop party. She is now 60 feet past the top of the map. She sees a crowd by the pie safe, but it seems like an orderly crowd. If you can make a DC13 spot check, then Highlight to display spoiler: { It seems that one tiny old halfling lady has used her tongue to whip those boys into shape. They are standing in line and one is beet red.}

Willoughby stands still, perhaps amazed at the sight of Mayzie running away in her underclothes.

Enemy Actions =====

The rascals make fists (the even numbers) or pull out saps (the odd numbers). They converge on Kendry and Shale. One keeps fighting Nalfein, and one steps up to Willoughby.

Rascal 1, the one who tripped Mayzie, mocks Kendry. "Ha ha! What a wimp! Why don;t you go back home to the swamp, you toad!" His threat requires Kendry to roll vs. DC 21 or be demoralized [roll as noted above, If fail, shaken for 1 round: -2 penalty on attack rolls, ability checks, and saves.]

Rascals 4, 3, and 6 attack Kendry; 4 and 6 are flanking. Kendry is AC15 including size, not 14. The flanking rascals 4 and 6 both land punches, inflicting 4 hp damage total to Kendry. Rascal 3 misses!

Rascals 2, 5, and 8 attack Shale. Rascal 8 is flanking. Rascal 2 really connects, but with no critical. Rascal 5 misses, and Rascal 8 hits. Shale takes 3 hp nonlethal damage.

Duncan is ignored.

Rascal 7 attacks Nalfein, and just hits! Nalfein takes 1 hp nonlethal damge.

Rascal 9 attacks Willoughby and misses.

[Map in the mail. Duncan, e-mail me if you do not get the map!]

Shale(AC 18 HP 7/10)  d20=20 d20+2=4
Saturday August 28th, 2004 1:05:52 AM

After his total wiff, Shale recieved a whack to the skull that brought him a little more seriously into the fight. Seriously outnumbered and clearly out of his element, Shale decides that them having weapons is way to much of an advantage. Reaching out to the thug near him (5), Shale goes to snatch the sap from his hand.
(Nat 20, Crit missed)(AoO invoked)

Nalfein (HP 5/6, AC 15 (+4 Dex, +1 size))  d20+2=20 d2+1=2 d6=3
Saturday August 28th, 2004 4:55:30 AM

Nalfein steps boldly between two of the threatening youths (5' step no AoO between 7 and 6 to flank 6 with Kendry.) "No ganging up now!" he declares lashing out to strike the youth squarely between his shoulder blades.(Hit AC 20 for 2 +3 sneak attack non lethal) "Now kiss the dirt!"

Willoughby ((HP 5, AC 17)) 
Saturday August 28th, 2004 8:31:06 AM

((OOC: Really sorry about the lack of posts. I had to go out of town unexpectly. Normally I'd let everyone know. I'm back and I'll be posting more regularly!))

Willoughby pulls out his leather whip from its home on his belt and lashes out at the rascal closest to him (#9).

Willoughby (HP5. AC 17)Hitroll  d20+1=12
Saturday August 28th, 2004 8:32:13 AM


Saturday August 28th, 2004 8:36:40 AM

Mayzie will let Selithe wrap the cloak around her, trying to stifle her sobs now she is under the wagon and out of sight somewhat.

Trying to wipe the tears from her eyes, she peers out at the fight. Choking a little she gasps out to Selithe 'They.. they will pay for this. I swear they will. Every last one of them. I swear it. By the forest I swear it.'

Mayzie will look again at the thugs esepecially the one who pushed her and comit every face to memory. By the time she is done, she has stopped sobbing, and is starting to become angry, wrapping Selithe's cloak around herself and edging towards the edge of the wagon so that she can see.

'Thank.. thank you for loaning me your cloak.'


A picture of Mazyie - in a clean and dressed state :) Stolen from Phaere's website of female portraits for NWN.

Was at: http://members.lycos.co.uk/aurore/Mayzie.jpg

Now at: Mayzie

Nalfein (OOC) 
Saturday August 28th, 2004 12:55:10 PM

*dare I whistle at that? Or would the ladies slap me silly?*
Sorry all had to be said.

Kendry (AC 15; 2 hp; shaken)  d20+6=19 d20+4=20 d4+2=4 d20+2=13
Saturday August 28th, 2004 1:28:04 PM

Shaken (19), perhaps as much from suffering blows fore and aft as from the stupid words tossed his way, the anger Kendry feels toward the hobbit who tripped the girl refocuses his attention on the rude taunter. "You need to learn better manners all around," he says in an indignant voice. "Sleep on it." Kendry punches the sap into Rascal #1's solar plexus (AC 16, not 20) for 4 hp non-lethal damage, knocking the wind out of the windbag. The young bard then takes a 5-foot step backwards and to his left, ending up next to Duncan and Rascal #6, away from #4.

[OOC: With a 5-foot step, one does not need a tumble roll to attempt to avoid attacks of opportunity, does one? If one does, then Kendry's roll is a 13.]

Kim OOC (Kendry) 
Saturday August 28th, 2004 2:44:43 PM

Aurore - the picture of Mayzie looks like one of my cousins (at least when she was younger).

Duncan (Hp 10; AC 15)  d20+3=7
Saturday August 28th, 2004 3:11:55 PM

Duncan, suddenly supremely confident in his pugilistic skills, turns to a rascal next to Kendry (#4) with another well-timed, if somewhat off-target, swing (rolled a 7 :( ).

Selithe  d20+2=3
Saturday August 28th, 2004 4:51:04 PM

Selithe looks to Mayzie and smiles, patting the lady's shoulder gently, "I better see to helping my friends if I can. I will see about your dress later as I have skills that should beable to remove the mud from the delicate fabric."

Selithe steps out from under the wagon after giving Mayzie a wink and a grin to help lighten her mood more and also a quick whisper, "Be right back to give you a hand."

After Selithe steps out she slaps her staff lightly a few times against the side of the wagon and speaks as loud as she can, "That is quite enough all of you. This is not the time to be fighting with each other inless it would be in just plain good fun."

Selithe tries something but fails in her bluff even as she says it, "You ruffian's better stop or I will call down lightning and balls of fire on your keisters." (bluff:3 nat 1)

(OOC:Better leave the bluffinf to others. LOL)

Polly (AC 14, HP 8)  d20+1=13
Saturday August 28th, 2004 6:36:09 PM

Seeing that somebody's grandmother seems to have the pie-raiders under control (Spot=13), Polly takes a deep breath and retraces her steps at speed. Abandoning her friends right after Kendry's challenge is starting to seem a little foolish, and she hopes that Kendry had sufficient backup.

"I'll take that sap, thanks!" (DM Cayzle)  d20+2=5 (AoO misses Shale) d20-2=15 (opposed roll to avoid disarm fails.) d20+4=9 d20+4=24 d20+4=9 (two AoOs on Nalfein, one hits but does not crit) d4=1 (hit for 1) d20+2=10 (AoO on whip-wielder Will fails) d20+7=12 (intimidate check vs. Shale) d20+2=14 d20+4=9 d20+4=10 d20+4=21 (4 attacks on Shale; one hits) d2=1 (damage to Shale) d20+4=6 (aid another by 6 to help 7 fails) d20+4=22 (7 hits Nalfein anyway.) d4=3 (damage to Nalfein) d20+2=21 (attack on Willoughby hits) d4=1 (1 dam to Will)
Monday August 30th, 2004 3:07:45 PM

[Yikes! I've started the week late! I like to do a bright and early post. Gosh darn sleep and dentist! lol! And work!]

PC Actions =====

Shale attempts to disarm Rascal 5. But his action opens a hole in his defenses. When making a Disarm, the disarmer provokes an AoO only from his target. That attack fails to hit Shale, so his Disarm attempt continues.

Shale reaches out to take the sap away from Rascal 5. [OOC -- you didn't make enough rolls, so I'll do it now for you to speed the game along.] Since both are using light weapons (hand, sap), both take a -4 on their opposed attack roll. Both have a +2 to attack. Shale rolls a 20 +2 -4 = 18. Rascal 5 rolls a 17 +2 -4 = 15. Shale takes the sap from Rascal 5 and is now weilding it.

Nalfein steps up between Rascals 6 and 7 and punches Rascal 6. His doing so provokes attacks of opportunity from both 6 and 7. One of those AoOs hits Nalfein for 1 hp, bringing his total nonlethal damage to 2. Nalfein's kidney punch hits Rascal 6 where it hurts for 5 points nonlethal damage."

Willoughby draws his whip (move action) and uses it to attack Rascal 9, right in front of him. He should have taken a 5-foot step back first, though, because using a whip provokes attacks of opportunity. Rascal 9 takes a poke at Willoughby but fails. Willoughby lashes out and hits AC12, just one shy of hitting the AC13 rascals.

Mayzie huddles under the wagon and watches and thinks of revenge.

Like his brother Nalfein, Kendry swings at Rascal 1 -- but with a sap, so that he does not provoke AoOs. He hits Rascal 1 for 4 nonlethal hp, driving the lout into unconsciousness.

Duncan attacks and misses.

Selithe stands up and tries to stop the fight. But no one is listening.

Polly runs back to the area.

Enemy Actions =====

Rascals 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8 go after Shale. The disarmed Rascal 5 mocks Shale: "Too poor to afford your own weapon, huh? Come on, boys, let's give him some weapons, if that's what he wants!" This is a standard action to demoralize an opponent. The rascal rolls an Intimidate check of 12. Shale, please roll 1d20+Wis bonus +level +fear bonus to oppose that. [OOC: For Shale, that's 1d20+5. If you fail you are shaken for 1 round. A shaken character takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls, ability checks, and saves.]

Rascals 2, 3, 4, and 8 attack Shale. 2, 4, and 8 are flanking. Rascal 8 manages a lucky punch for 1 hp nonlethal damage.

Rascal 6 yells, "I'll help you take this guy!" to Rascal 7. Rascal 6 makes an Aid Another roll to help Rascal 7 but fails. Rascal 7 hits Nalfein, even without help, for 3 nonlethal with a sap. That means Nalfein has taken 5 hp nonlethal damage -- one more will knock him out!

Finally, Rascal 9 swings at Willoughby with a sap. He is very lucky and hits for 1 point of nonlethal damage.

From over at the Pavillion come a faint echo of a yell: "Fight! Fight!"

[Map in mail]

Nalfein (hp6, 4 nonlethal damage, AC17)  d20+2=20 d2+1=2 d6=5
Monday August 30th, 2004 4:28:56 PM

Spitting a bit of blood out from a newly split lip Nalfein eyes his opponent (#6) as he lightly side steps to the right to keep from letting the two knaves surround him. (5' step to M12)
"You're gona wish you hadn't done that," he says with venom nearly dripping from his lips. Suddenly Nalfein grabs the other halfling by the shoulders forcing his body down as he drives his knee up into the offender's solar plexus (Hit ac 20 for 2 damage + 5 sneak attack total 7)
"I told you to KISS THE DIRT!"


[OOC: Note that I made a rules error. Thanks Andrew for pointing it out. I'm restoring a nonlethal hp to Nalfein. -- Cayzle]

Monday August 30th, 2004 5:02:04 PM

Getting angry enough to set her humiliation aside long enough to do something, mayzie will transform her Goodberry spell into a Summon Natures Ally 1 spell, and cast it, summoning a big black wolf (to hobbits it probably looks very big).

Mayzie doesnt want the wolf to attack yet, she is still reluctant to actually hurt someone seriously, but she does want it to howl as loudly as it can. She will step out of the wagon 5ft, the wolf trailing her and hopefully howling (not sure if I can order it to howl. If not maybe I can use animal empathy to make it know I want it to).

Mayzie is looking straight at Rascal 1 who pushed her over.

Willoughby (HP 4, AC 17)  d20+3=21
Monday August 30th, 2004 6:21:21 PM

"We're going to have to do something about that sap!" Willoughby said as he took a few steps back - enough to get a little distance between the rascal and himself.

Once he reached an ideal distance, he lashed out at his opponent in an attempt to disarm him. (21)

Monday August 30th, 2004 6:55:31 PM

Selithe frowns as he words touch no ones ears and she huffs as she glares at the ruffians. After a few moments Selithe mumbles under her breath and summons a giant fire beetle (believe it is in the book under the spell).

Selithe continues glaring at the ruffians and yells, "Fine, ignore me and my friend here will just have to see to you." Selithe motions to the fire beetle when she says friend.

Duncan (Hp 10; AC 15)  d20+1=11 d20+1=3 d6+3=7
Monday August 30th, 2004 7:59:17 PM

Duncan is now upset, not just at his own clumsy swing but also the fact there is a growing dogpile on Shale. This could not stand.
Face reddening angrily, Duncan makes a low feint, ducking in beside one of the ruffians (to L 10, setting Dodge to Rascal 4 (AC 16 to him). With blinding speed, Duncan launches several blows in rapid succession, targeting the ribs of his enemy (first roll is 11, the second a 3, rolled 7 for damage in case the first blow hits).

Kendry (AC 15, 2 hp left after 4 hp nonlethal (I think) damage)  d20+2=14 d20+4=16 d4+2=4
Monday August 30th, 2004 10:14:49 PM

"What say we end this now?" Kendry suggests, as he takes a 5' step into the spot Nalfein just vacated, and almost sap punches #7 for 4 hp nonlethal damage (AC 14). He deliberately stops his punch a couple of millimeters from #7's face, letting him know he could have gotten him. In a loud voice he calls out, "Folks, perhaps enough has been done to make our point. Manners are needed towards young women. Three of you are down. Shall we declare a truce, and talk with our mouths, rather than our fists? You still have rumberry pies to finish. Girls, hold the pets if our worthy opponents will also stand down." (Diplomacy 16)

[Cayzle - which numbered ruffian is the corncob pipe smoking leader of the group? -Kim]


[Note my post of Aug. 25: " Amazingly, no fist fights break out, although the corn-cob-pipe-smoking leader stalks off in a huff. Eight that got pie sit down to eat, and the rest head off to find more pie." The pipe-smoking leader was not actually around for this fight. -- Cayzle]

Shale(HP 6/10 AC 22)  d20+5=7 d20+2=14
Tuesday August 31st, 2004 1:24:41 AM

Managing to take the sap from the thug Shale holds it in the ready. The punk's taunt seems to have affected Shale as he is visible shaken by the annoying voice.

Sap and fist out in front of him Shale takes full defensive position preparing to maul all of the would be gang. As Duncan steps up behind him Shale starts to feel the mounting storm subside and a half smile forms on his face.

Kendry's words echo from behind him. Pretty typical for Kendry to be first with the fist and first with the tongue. More than once it has worked to their advantage, this time Shale didn't feel like a truce.

Still standing defensively Shale adds in, "Worthy opponents?" pausing in mock thought he continues,"No, I don't think so. But if these boys would like to run away, we might work something out." (Diplomacy 14)The half smile slowly returns to Shale's face.

((Should Shale have gotten an AoO against one of the unarmed thugs that punched him?))


[OOC: Nope! The punchers all have Improved Unarmed Attack as their first level feat. Glad you thought of asking, though; I need you folks to keep me on my toes! -- Cayzle]

Polly (AC 14, HP 8) 
Tuesday August 31st, 2004 12:26:59 PM

Hoping that the cries from behind her are about the fight she's closing in on rather than a new one that's broken out at the Non-Stop Party, Polly bulls her way past the tree toward the crowd of ruffians surrounding Shale. She comes to a stop on the opposite side of Ruffian 3, and raises her empty fists. "You boys had better think about my cousin's offer. We're drawing the sort of crowd that won't have as much care for your pies."

Fight or Flight? The latter, please! (DM Cayzle)  d20-2=10 (Will's opponent is disarmed)
Tuesday August 31st, 2004 1:26:17 PM

After an effective kick, the rascal Nalfein attacked is unconscious and on the ground.

Mayzie sees that the rascal who tripped her is already unconscious and lying down. She casts a spell, taking a full round to do so. The wolf will appear next round.

Willoughby's whip cracks! and his opponent's sap falls.

Selithe begins to summon a giant beetle, which will also appear next round.

Duncan speeds up, and though he does not land a blow, it is an impressive display.

Kendry attempts to reason with the enemy, with bluff, threat, and talk. And to some, at least, his words hit home.

Shale's diplomatic efforts complement Kendry's.

Then Polly runs up, fists ready.

With two rascals lying on the dirt and another two disarmed, the fight goes out of the rascals' eyes. "Those girls are casting spells," shouts a shorter rascal with blond hair. "And the militia is coming!" says another wearing a short curly beard.

The rascals turn tail and flee as a group, leaving two behind. People standing next to rascals can take an AoO as they flee, if desired (see previous map).

A group of milita members and onlookers are approaching from the Party. They'll be here next round. Also, a lone, middle-aged halfling on a wardog rides out from behind a tree on the town side. He is well dressed, and his mount is well groomed and appointed in shiny leather tack and a saddle. He is smiling.

[OOC: Friends, this battle is over -- good job. I hope it gave you a taste of my combat style, and a sense of what fighting will be like when the stakes are higher and the threats more deadly! -- Cayzle]

Tuesday August 31st, 2004 3:04:59 PM

"That's right! Run along the lot of ya! And don't ya ever be lettin' me catch you roughin' up any more young ladies ya hear?!" Nalfein taunts after them as they flee. Looking up at the on coming militia and the man on the war dog Nalfein realizes that some onlookers may not see the justification in their actions. "Uh, Kendry. This may not turn out so well for us I'm thinkin'" he will walk over to the fallen sap (The one dropped by Willoughby's whip) and recover it. "I think I'll be holdin' on to this." He mutters. "I hope it never has to come in handy. Where did that girl go?" He asks, glancing around until he spots her, now sporting his sister's cloak. "Two peas in a pod those to be. Twixt the both of them ya might be able to get one of em' properly dressed. Have to be the hungry one though."
"Come on over here." Nalfein will gesture to Mayzie. "It's not much but I have a shirt and pants ya can wear 'till we can get your fine dress washed." Looking down at his own shirt his ruefully adds, "Looks like I could use a change too." Stowing his new sap, Nalfein starts rummaging through his pack until he finds a suitable shirt for the underdressed druidess.

Tuesday August 31st, 2004 5:11:44 PM

Willoughby watched the rascals flee, and when he was satisfied that they weren't coming back for the time being, he began to coil up his whip. After finishing, he lodged it back in his belt.

"Is everyone alright?" he asked as he walked towards the others.

Tuesday August 31st, 2004 7:35:28 PM

Satisfied with the retreat of the now lightly tutored ruffians, Kendry says, "Good. Perhaps one day we can be friends." He surveys the two left behind, and the muddied, crumpled dress twixt the mud puddle and the downed hobbit who riled him. "Can someone see to the well being of our two fallen pie eaters?" he asks as he leans down, moving his fingers in a complex pattern. He picks up the dress, waving his hands over the material [prestidigitation]. As he does so, the mud and muck starts to fall off the dress, allowing the natural, beautiful colors to reassert themselves. He turns it this way and that, until the garment again is clean. With a shake and a final smoothing, he folds it neatly, and presents it to the slender hobbit beside whom a wolf just appeared. "I'm Kendry," he tells her.

Tuesday August 31st, 2004 8:18:07 PM

When her wolf appears Mayzie strides forwards, cluthing the cloak about her, the big wolf matching her stride, to stand over the unconscious body of the ruffian who pushed her, glowering, the wolfs saliva dribbling down onto the unconscious ruffians face.

At that moment Kendry walks up to her and magickly cleans her dress, to her surprise and delight.

'Th thank you' she stammers, taking back her dress and slipping into it hurriedly, reddening slightly at the onlookers.

Her voice picking up some heat she adds.

'He will thank you too. I was about to take him home and work him till he had paid for a replacement. Elven fabrics are not cheap, so it would have been a few months work, whatever the militia had to say about it.'

Glaring at the unconscious man, she says

'I wont be satisfied with him getting away with just a beating though. I want to make sure that he never wants to do this again. Hopefully for him the militia will lock him up for a while. If not then I will have to teach him not to do this again myself. We will see what these so called guards have to say (clear contempt in her voice) who arrive after the trouble is already over. No doubt they were too busy eating pie to help.'

Tuesday August 31st, 2004 8:31:02 PM

Looking at the others, Mayzie thanks Nalfein for the offer of pants and shirt, but declines since Kendry has cleaned her dress.

Turning to Selithe she says 'I very much appreciate your help. I'm afraid I completely lost my composure. This dress is very precious to me. I should have known better than to wear it here, I usually only wear my elven clothes in the elven city. But it has been several months since my Guardian has had the time to take me and I sorely missed the chance to dress properly.

'Excuse my rudeness. My name is Mayzie. I live alone just outside this town, and for the most part dont come into it much, and will probably come into it less in the future. I did not realise the town was such a dangerous place. I am glad I discovered this when kind and brave folk like yourselves were here to help. I shall not travel here unarmed again.'

To Selithe

'If you like I can take your cloak home and clean it before returning it to you. But from what I have seen and what you have told me, both you and your friend can do a much better job of that than I. Still, I should offer you all a cup of coffee or wine, and whilst I am not a good cook, I have some nice berries you can eat which may also make some of your bruises go away.'

Mayzie will look to see if any of her new acquaintances are badly bruised, and use a cure light wounds spell if one looks badly hurt.

Tuesday August 31st, 2004 10:45:59 PM

Selithe smiles brightly at Mayzie and shakes her head, "No need to thank me Mayzie. My name is Selithe and I always hated people picking on others. We have something in common I see. You summoned a beautiful wolf there, I specialize in conjuring magics." Selithe winks and with a simple shrugs says, "We girls have to stick together. Go ahead and hold onto the cloak for now and I will clean it later, it is a winter cloak anyway and kind of hot for this time of the year but great for hiding secrets while gambling or spell casting."

Selithe looks to her giant fire beetle that just appeared and chuckles, "Looks like I summoned you alittle late buddy, you better go though before the guard gets here."

Selithe pulls a extra ace of hearts that she keeps from her belt pouch and tosses it onto the ruffian who pushed Mayzie into the mud, "A momento of our meeting, may you remember this when you wake up."

Selithe takes out her pipe and begins filling it, lighting it shortly afterwards and then remembers, "ohh my I almost forgot, why don't you join us Mayzie. My night hasn't even began yet and there is plenty of gambling yet to do. I'm sure we can find a nice place for all of us to go, get some food and drink and after abit of talk I can find a nice, not so honest game." Selithe grins as she puffs on her pipe, clearly her gambling streak has peaked out again, but then again thats normal Selithe for you.

Wednesday September 1st, 2004 5:35:57 AM

"The name's Nalfein" The elder halfling pronounces, offering a had and seeming more mature than the last few moments would have suggested. "Glad I am to make your acquaintance. Though I would have preferred more hospitable circumstances." Nalfein's face resumes it's normal grin. "You must join us at one of the parties this evening. I won't take 'no' for an answer."

Wednesday September 1st, 2004 6:54:32 AM

Mayzie takes Nalfein's hand uncertainly, frowning slightly at his and Selithe's words.

'Well.... I confess I had planned to just go home after all this. It has rather ruined what little mood I had for partying.'

Mayzie sighs.

'On the other hand, party or not, this day is about choosing a new Leader. Doing it the way they do shows that they really don't take that seriously. Parties...'

'Nonetheless, especially after what has happened, I expect it is my duty to take part and help choose someone suitable, although I doubt any of them are. The party I was attacked at here was the one that supported a stronger militia if I recall. So much for that, the militia were too busy eating to do their job. The one to support the current Burgomeister - well he hasn't exactly done a great job. Maybe the one who wants adventurers. If the militia can't do their job maybe someone else should do it for them. Perhaps we could go to that party.

'You were all very brave and saved me from those ruffians. Maybe we could go to the Adventurer party. If it wins, maybe they would even give you the jobs (Mayzie smiles).'

Mayzie smiles at Selithe.

'I am a druid. I've never thought much about the technicality of the magick, but now that I do, most of what I do is a form of conjuring. Nature sends me help when I call for it, my hairy friend here for instance.'

Wednesday September 1st, 2004 9:48:59 AM

As Mayzie makes herself known, and his siblings talk with her, Kendry notes those drawing nigh. He nods at the well-appointed middle-aged halfling riding the war dog, and says, "Good day."

Wednesday September 1st, 2004 10:10:27 AM

As the thugs run off Shale sticks the sap he has collected into his belt.

Shale smiles a polite greeting to the skinny girl joining their group. "I think we all ought to get something to eat and especially drink. I gotta tell you though, all this tumbling has given me a taste for more. I've been thinking a lot about that letter we recieved."

Smiling at Kendry, Shale flips the brim of his hat back and turns to the mounted warrior as he sees Kendry greet him.

Wednesday September 1st, 2004 12:33:50 PM

"Well, now, I think you're maybe being unfairly judgemental of the militia, Mayzie. We can't all pop into a fight like that wolf of yours; we have to hear there's trouble and get to it on our feet. You can see they're headed here now.

"I'd still like to check out all the parties while they're in full swing. First --" Polly, plucks at her rumberry-stained blouse, and glances around at the various berry and mud spatters on everyone's clothes and hair "-- let's get ourselves into party shape."

"Greetings, adventurers!" (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday September 1st, 2004 1:30:52 PM

Nalfein picks up a sap and offers Mayzie more clothes.

Willoughby puts away his whip and joins the gang.

Kendry cleans the fallen dress with a spell and hands it back to Mayzie.

Mayzie gets dressed and expresses her anger toward the rascal who tripped her, now lying unconscious. Her summoned wolf picks up on her emotion and growls.

Introductions are made and Selithe and Mayzie exchange kind words. Mayzie accepts an invitation to join the group for a party tonight. Polly defends the militia, but is also looking forward to tonight's party.

Kendry and Shale turn to the mounted halfling to say hello.

Five members of the militia arrive on the scene, with another 10 onlookers. They take in the wolf and the two people lying on the ground, and for a brief moment a misunderstanding is in the air. "A wolf!" one shouts.

The halfling mounted on the wardog quickly rides up to the new come militia. "Now, now, good fellows," he says, "No need to worry. These two ruffians have simply got what was coming to them -- please do your duty by hauliing them off to the drunk tank. That'll do for now."

The militia seem to hold this fellow in some kind of regard, and grudgingly do as he asks. One says, almost under his breath, "Marigold's going to hear about this!" They pick up the rascals and head off. The crowd disperses.

The halfling on the dog just smiles and dismounts. He walks over to the group, holding out his hand. "Let's see," he says, "A druid ... two mages ... warriors ... even a martial artist. My kind of people!"

"But where are my manners? Greetings, adventurers! I am Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly, running for burgomeister on the Adventure Party ticket. Let me give you a hand." He gestures, and all the group's gear and exposed spots are free of blood, mud, and pie. "I saw how you defended this maid's honor, and ran off those ruffians. I am proud of the restraint you showed, as well. I think we need more groups like yours, my friends, and I hope I will be hearing more about your adventures."

"And of course, I would appreciate your attendance at my party tonight. The first party of the week's events is always a crucial one." He gives directions to the events.

Wednesday September 1st, 2004 2:59:36 PM

Listening carefully to the directions Shale waits until Calfast is finished speaking and then catches the halfling's attention, "Before you go sir, I was hoping to get your position on the defense of the Valley. Are you proposing the militia is not enough and that outside groups should be in charge of protecting our lifestyles? If not, what is it you are proposing?"

Shale seems very serious in his line of questioning and waits anxiously for the potential burgomeister's answer.

Wednesday September 1st, 2004 6:13:50 PM

'I was just suggesting attending your party. Mostly because I'm not impressed by the other candidates so far. I too am interested in knowing your position.

For my part, I admit I would like to see a proper standing army for the valley, but I am not convinced it is possible to make our people take the role seriously, and they would spend too much time getting drunk. Adventurers on the other hand are more practical people, or so the stories tell us. I would be concerned about what would keep them in check though, if they prove dangerous or erratic.'

Wednesday September 1st, 2004 7:13:55 PM

Selithe looks to the man who just introduced himself and thinks to herself as she puffs on her pipe and then nods, "Nice to meet you Calfast. If my friends and brothers are going to your party then I surely will be there. My name is Selithe by the way and as you have guessed, yes I'm a conjurer."

Selithe looks at her clothing and sighs as she looks at the mud and other stains, "I do agree that we will need to go change and get ready for any party we would attend."

(DM Stephen - Calfast has magically cleaned your clothes of all stains. It was mentioned in his post.)

Wednesday September 1st, 2004 8:53:07 PM

Duncan had to admit, just as disappointing as it was that the ruffians were running away, so was he that his martial skills had failed him so. Maybe it was because he was holding back, he reasoned to himself, for he didn't want to seriously hurt anyone, just teach the thugs a lesson.
Still, the fight was exciting, and Duncan was positively jazzed and ready to take on the world. That's when he remembered Selithe.
Duncan saw that everyone had headed over to see to the new girl and the mounted halfling. The mounted one he recognized, not by name but by seeing him riding through town. Duncan figured he was an adventurer or some such, and Duncan had an admiration of his freedom. Plus, riding a large dog looked like alot of fun!
Dismissing the knocked-out ruffians with a scoff, Duncan ran up to the group, playfully grabbing Selithe by the waist in an attempt to startle her. He then waved to the new lady and the dog-rider, and silently bid Polly to introduce him.

Wednesday September 1st, 2004 9:47:12 PM

Willoughby was relieved when the candidate got the militia and others off his party's back; he felt they had made enough "friends" for the day and he was hoping the rest of the evening would be relaxing.

While the others raised some interesting questions to Calfast, Willoughby wasn't really interested in present day politics and was silent while he half-way listened to the others.

Thursday September 2nd, 2004 3:18:03 AM

As the militia go to take away the two semi-conscious youths, Kendry says, "My salute to you who help guard our valley, sirs. Take some care with those two. I think their bones are rattled enough."

If ruffian #1 shows any sign of coming to before they take off, Kendry gives his name, and asks his name. He tells him quietly, "You got no less than your actions and words deserved. I will keep my eye on you. If you learn to choose kindness and good manners, there is hope. If not, then these are not the last blows that life will deal you." He nods with respect in his eyes for the militia members as they cart off the two.

He walks up as yet another politician comes to the fore. As the candidate cleans up his potential constituents, the bard says, "Kendry Leafwin Pipewood, sir, and pleased to meet you. Our thanks."

When Selithe comments on the need to change, Kendry looks at her in puzzlement.

As his good friend and cousin Shale advances his question, Kendry adds, "Why do you say the first party is crucial? I'm interested in your answer to Shale's questions, too."

He leaves it to Polly to make additional introductions as Duncan requested.

Thursday September 2nd, 2004 6:29:30 AM

"Well sir, it seems we may be in your debt. But I don't know about attending your party this evening. You see, one of the other contestants is a close relative. I wouldn't feel right hanging her out to dry like that."

Thursday September 2nd, 2004 12:24:22 PM

Polly thanks the militia for their help and wishes them good partying. Then, catching Duncan's signs, she wrinkles her nose at him. She takes a step toward Mayzie.

"I'm sorry Mayzie -- my friend here reminds me that I'm being rude." She turns to include Calfast in the introductions. "I'm Polly Leafwin Turnbell, and this is Duncan Greenthumb Settlefoot. He doesn't talk much, but he has plenty to say, if you know what I mean.

"Calfast, thanks for the clean-up. I hope we can take some time for the Adventure Party tonight. I know my old gran is keen to go. And I think it's fair to give all three parties a fair look."

An eye for potential adventurers (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday September 2nd, 2004 1:30:11 PM

Calfast seems pleased by the questions and comments. "This is the best time to talk politics," he declares.

"As far as defense goes, I think the Giant Tower Guard does a fine job, and I would not tamper with it. I don't think any of the candidates would."

"But there are other threats that the Guard is not suited for. I think the militia is perfect as a local constabulary and for keeping the peace. I also think the militia is a good reserve in case of dire emergency. However, I fear that the current incumbent puts too much of our resources into the militia, for political reasons. We spend too much on what has evolved into a social club. And the other candidate would only make matters worse, in my opinion."

"I, however, think that encouraging adventuring groups to come to the Crescent is a better idea. It costs nothing, and these groups are often willing to serve as protectors in exchange for the respect and honor they earn. Moreover, adventurers often seem to be flush with wealth and magic, which is a great boon to the local economy."

Answering Shale, Calfast adds, "I would not replace the militia, but I think encouraging adventurers is a great way to gain a supplement to the Crescent's defense capabilities."

Mayzie suggests that adventurers could be dangerous or erratic. Calfast agrees wholeheartedly. "You are very perceptive, young lady. That's why I also propose inviting the Woldian League of Adventurers to open a branch office in Angel Springs. The WLA is a marvelous group that is sworn to act in good faith and to oppose oppression and evil. The presence of WLA-aligned groups will balance or even scare off the possible miscreants."

Calfast acknowledges Kendry's thanks for cleaning everyone up and says, "It was the least I could do for a group of local folk who look to my eye like potential adventurers! That's what I hope for most of all -- a few local groups of adventurers who will gain fame, honor, and the desire to protect their home."

"As to timing, the first night of the election parties often sets the momentum for the rest. A good turn-out gets tongues wagging."

He bows when Nalfein mentions the family responsibility. "Of course. The first thing I like to see in a group of adventurers is loyalty and honor. But if you have time, there is no rule that says you can't go to two parties. Or three!"

An assistant of some kind appears at Calfast's elbow and whispers in his ear.

Then Calfast nods at Polly's welcome and seems pleased that she wants to go to his party for at least part of the night. But he seems a little distracted. "Well, friends, I have much to prepare, as you can imagine. If you would like to talk more, please stop by the festivities this evening!"

The candidate mounts up and makes an exit.

Thursday September 2nd, 2004 3:32:09 PM

Selithe blushes now when she realizes that her clothing and everyone elses was clean again and nods to the man before he leaves, "Thank you for cleaning our clothing for us, I was to deep in thought and also thrilled with the possiblity to be gambling alittle again that I didn't even notice sir."

Selithe takes a nice puff of her pipe but right then Duncan grabs her waist which suprises Selithe and she coughs a few small circles of smoke before turning, her pipe coming down in a small swing to hit the person who grabbed her waist till she sees it's Duncan and then she laughs, "You little devil you." Selithe winks to Duncan and smiles, "You just wait till the party, I'm making sure your in my first gambling game just to exact some pay back." This is of course said with a smile and clearly a joke to Duncan.

Thursday September 2nd, 2004 9:57:10 PM

"Friends and family - we're cleaned up - which took a lot less time than we thought it would. We have this chit to give to Gearge at the inn. Should we do that, or pop in on the Burgomeister's party, then Aunt Marigold's, and then stop in at Calfast's party? We can pass on to her what we pick up elsewhere, and get a better view of what the candidates have to offer along the way."

Then, knowing that Mayzie has not met everyone, takes what time might be available to make sure she knows the names of all his family and friends here present, their full names, how they are related to each other, and he'll ask her about her family. Oh, raised by elves? He slips into elvish, and asks after various elves he has met while living in the Culverwood.

Friday September 3rd, 2004 12:49:27 AM

Nodding shrewdly as the mounted candidate disappears, Shale turns to meet the delicate Mayzie. Being as polite as a country boy can be, Shale takes her hand and gives it a good shaking. Stuttering a bit Shale obviously has forgotten his name. Turning quickly back to Kendry he says to him, "I think we ought to discuss further this letter that came before the pies. Whose idea was that again?"

Friday September 3rd, 2004 5:42:38 AM

"Letter what letter?" Eyes never leaving the new arrival in that awful, yet wonderful, dress. Nalfein is clearly distracted. "Yes, definitely parties and dancing..."

Inn and Parties (DM Cayzle) 
Friday September 3rd, 2004 10:06:15 AM

(Exercising the DM's right to move things along)

The group get's to Gearge's place, and the quiet man gives them two rooms. "With the parties tonight, there's no hot dinner. Most folk go out to eat at a party. But if you want some cold salt ham, I have some."

The ponies and wagon are stabled.

Which party or parties will the group attend? In which order?

Friday September 3rd, 2004 1:09:08 PM

Setting her palms against a wall of the room, Polly leans into it while pressing her heels back. "If you mean the let's-go-adventuring letter, Shale, Kendry sent it, but who knows which of his troublemaking sibs was behind the idea?" Over her shoulder, she throws Selithe a wink. "I think it'd be fun to try, and that Rowgold Tunnelly fellow even thinks we might be suited -- and looks like he knows what he's talking about. Though I'm not sure I care for his attitude that the militia is a social club."

She laces her fingers together and stretches her arms high overhead. "Well, if we're going to try to make all three parties tonight, we can probably pass on George's ham. That'll leave more room for pie and -- what was it you were after, Mayzie? Elven mead? And if Kendry wants to report to Marigold on the other parties, we'd best leave the Nonstop Party till last."

Friday September 3rd, 2004 1:20:41 PM

"I say we hit the ruling mayor's party first for a quick stop by, then we head over to the adventuring party. From there we can go to Marigold's and finish the evening. This is all provided nobody gets arrested."

Shale grins and tips his hat back.

Friday September 3rd, 2004 5:04:37 PM

Mayzie smiles with delight at Kendry, replying in fluent Elvish to him. She mentions her Guardian, Ereleth, and talks about his family in the same way as her own, and the tragic loss of his little daughter, mentioning that this is where her elven clothes come from which makes them all the more precious.

'I am happy to go to whatever party you wish to go to. Yes, I had heard one was serving elven wine, and it has been a while since I have had any. I suppose you can call it elven mead if you like, since a lot of elven wine is not made with grapes and much of it is honeyed, but the care put into its making is more akin to wine than mead as is the delicacy of the flavour.'

Mayzie will let the others lead the way and tag along after them. She will acknowledge the introductions and introduce herself in return except that for a halfling her introduction is rather strange.

'I am Mayzie Greenhill Treetender. I am also Mayazelana Tar'Quisenda when I am with elves. Which one is the real me, I do not truely know.

My mother and father were killed or disappeared soon after I was born. I assume killed but no bodies were ever found. The only relative I knew was my Aunt Rosie but she was very old and died several years ago. I was never told my genealogy so I couldn't tell you much more than that.'

Friday September 3rd, 2004 10:56:27 PM

Duncan cannot even think about food. With the excitement of parties, brawls, and good-natured flirtation, he could barely contain himself. And without a verbal way of letting his feelings flow, Duncan does the next best thing--not stay still for a second.
When the discussion turned to which party to go to first, Duncan started marching around the room, puffing out his tummy into more rounded proportion, and began acting like he was handing everyone money and laughing jollily. Then, he put his staff between his legs and began to prance about the room, waving his hand and using an imaginary sword to slay imaginary goblins. Finally, he picked up the stick and began dancing elegantly as if it were the fair Selithe herself, coming to a stop near Polly. Duncan put an arm around his best friend's shoulder, as if saying 'well, what do ya think?'

Friday September 3rd, 2004 11:01:00 PM

Willoughby explored George's place and inspected any paintings or old-looking items as the others decided about which parties to attend. While he didn't care which parties he attended, he did hope to run into the druid from earlier and have a conversation.

After Mayzie introduced herself, Willoughby also introduced himself formally.

"Hello there, Mayzie. I'm Willoughby Pipewood Fancytoes," he said with a short bow.

Saturday September 4th, 2004 11:37:42 AM

"As fine a plan as any Shale. Besides, with a name like the non-stop party, well it sould last the longest too right?" Nalfein remarks with a wink. "I say we drop what things we can do without here in our rooms and go out on the town. What do you think?" Nalfein deposits his pack in his room. Still feeling the brawl earlier he takes the time to slip on his elegant yet functional, black leather armor.

Saturday September 4th, 2004 3:44:27 PM

Kendry laughs at Duncan's suggestion. "I agree, Dunc, Nalf, Poll, Shale. Our current burgomeister, then the adventuring party, then on to the NonStop Party. And yeah, brother, we can leave our extra stuff here at the inn."

"Polly's got it right, Shale. I wrote a letter to Duncan by way of her. Just a moment, I kept myself a copy, too." Kendry opens his knapsack, and pulls out an oilcloth wrapping. Inside are many sheets of paper. He leafs through them, then pulls one out.

"Here it is." He places the letter on the table.

Kendry's letter to Duncan from a week back 
Saturday September 4th, 2004 3:45:24 PM

Dear Duncan Settlefoot,

Hallo! Well, we've been busy around here in Humble's Ford lately. Just got back from a wood gathering trip to the Culverwood. My mama (Bekka Lilly Burrows Leafwin Pipewood, you know), the twins, Darcie Lee & Demko (you might recall their 30th birthday is coming up in just a few weeks!), Polly's & my cousin Shale Leafwin Oakendale and I went. We took a few dog carts. Darcie Lee & Demko (the twins) are real good with the dogs. Anyway, we picked up from some fallen trees a couple of good boles, plus some good straight pieces, that Papa and Kember (he's my oldest brother, who is really good at leap frog, you might remember) will be able to make into good musical instruments and toys. Papa is making some harps - he said that one of the boles will be terrific for a harp for bigger folk, like elves or humans. We get some of them coming through once in a while. People like the stuff Papa makes.

Nalfein and Rosehips (my second oldest brother, and my sister, third born in the family) have been off in Angel Springs, running the family shop there, Winwood Toys and Music. Nalf just came back for a visit, though, for a few days.

Oh, speaking of Kember, his wife, Sarta, is pregnant again. They have a cute little girl and a boy already. Kember is hoping for twins this time.

I wrote a song about when the giants tried to attack Crescent Valley, just after the ol' wizard, Shafbaffum, erected the warding towers. Boy, were they in for a surprise! All kinds of stuff happened to them, and they got driven back. My uncle Orby, the pipe maker, was telling me part of the story just before we headed into the Culverwood. So I wrote this song called 'The Testing of the Sentinel Towers.' Here it is. I'll play it for you when I see you next, because it's better with the music. At least, I hope it is.

In Crescent Vale they tell the tale
Of when the green grass grew
With twisted cords it wrapped and scored
The big'uns coming through

Past tall stone sentinels they fought
But deep deep magic flew
And pierced their limbs and made them doubt
The wisdom of Chief Gniew

Then hied the slingers came the knives
A-flying through the air
And giants saw the might of wives
Whose skillets broke their stare

Though ten times their size ungainly they
When little folk they thought would yield
The small ones made them richly pay
For messing up their green grass fields

So giants - 'ware the little folk
'Tis Wardd's own luck they make
You'll ne'er break the oxen's yoke
On halflings' lands you try to take!

In Crescent Vale they tell the tale
Of when the green grass grew
With twisted cords it wrapped and scored
The big'uns coming through

I laughed when he told me about these big ugly giants, all wrapped up in twisty plants, just bellowing and slobbering and wanting to do bad things to our ancestors, then a bunch of housewives brought out their skillets and kitchen knives and such, and let 'em fly at those wrapped-up giants! A lot of kids were pelting them with sling stones, too. But there was this one giant who got hit in the head by THREE skillets - and one of the ladies who skilleted the giant was Polly's and our, oh, and Slate's great grandmother, Plush Heather Leafwin Blueberry Leafwin. Knocked out that giant, they did. There were lots of other bits he told me about the battle, but if a song is too long, then people get kind of tired out listening to it, sometimes. Sigh...

I'm sending this letter to you through Polly, who can help you if some of the things I write are hard to read. She knows my handwriting. Hi, Polly!

You know, I was thinking we ought to get some of our friends together sometimes soon, and go on an adventure. Like search for dragon's treasure, or rescue a princess, or foil some brigands who harry travelers, or the like. What do you say to that, good Duncan? It could make for some rollicking good stories, eh? And I think that my sister Selithe is getty antsy to get out and see more of the Wold, too. Maybe Nalfein, my second-eldest brother, could come along. And Slate, and Polly. Can you think of anyone else?

Oh, and Demko (who was just reading over my shoulder) wants me to tell you again that he's really sorry about the time he put the ants in the bread surprise that Polly's mama made for you. Even though you already forgave him before. Demko - you are SO guilty!!!

How is your garden growing, Duncan? Well, I suppose I have written more than enough for now. Write me back, if you want to. If you don't, that's okay. We can talk the next time we're together, which, I hope, will be soon. You can teach me some more hand signs, too!

Your friend,

Kendry Leafwin Pipewood

P.S.: How do you like this brown ink? When we visited with some of the druids of the Culverwood, one of them gave me this bottle of it. He said he makes it from forest herbs, and it's not poisonous to drink. Not that I'd want to drink ink. That brown bubbly tea they foist on us is bad enough! Well, all right, it's not that bad. The bubbles do surprise you the first time, though.

Sunday September 5th, 2004 1:21:41 AM

Selithe grins and listens to the group talk and nods to comments made before speaking up, "I don't mind which party we go to. I believe if the one person's party isn't busy that I have a gambling date to attend but otherwise I will have the rest of the night free to do this or that."

Selithe grins, clearly interested in the chance of practicing her gambling and maybe earning a few extra coins. She does look to her brothers, half expecting a nasty glare or something at her gambling impulse from them or maybe someone else.

Sunday September 5th, 2004 4:38:29 AM

Wrapping his arm tenderly around her shoulders and patting her arm with the other, "Selithe, my dear little sister. Why can't you be a good wholesome girl like that Mazie? Gambeling just doesn't become you."

Selithe  d20+3=18 d20+2=12
Monday September 6th, 2004 6:28:07 PM

(OOC:Sorry for the extra post.)

Selithe grins and watches her brother as he hugs her and she winks, "I'm a gambler brother, you and everyone knows it. It's a profession none the less and you know I'm a good girl." (Spot:18 Bluff:12)

Selithe winks, "Anyway, not only do I gamble but I can make cards, dice and other things you know. So it's not like the skills are totally useless to us or the family." Selithe looks way to happy about her skills.

Kendry  d20+6=23
Tuesday September 7th, 2004 3:40:25 AM

"Thank you, Gearge. The pair of rooms'll be great. We'll pass on the cold salt ham for the evening, thanks." He rubs himself gingerly where the ruffian had punched him in the kidney, and wonders whether he'll have a bruise from it.

As they make plans, Kendry enjoys taking in Mayzie's conversation. "'Mayazelana'? How beautiful a name!" Saddened to hear of her early orphanage, and of the death of Ereleth's own daughter, he says after a pause, "I wonder at a story such as yours, whether some high one, seeing your loss, and his, arranged or intervened to bring you two together. You lost your parents, and gained a kind Guardian. He lost his daughter, and gained you to raise in the ways of his people, and to love. Though sorrow come, comes consolation, too."

He ponders Mayzie's name, and her Aunt Rosie. Great aunt, maybe? Using his knowledge of local families and relations, he wonders whether he might piece together whether she might be a relative, and if so, how, perhaps, related [Knowledge local, 23].

"Say, Willoughby - did you catch up with the druid you chased after?" he asks his cousin.

"Selithe, I share Nalf's concern for you. Playing games is fine, but people don't like it if you bend the rules and it costs them money. But you're right - your dice and cards sell pretty well at the shops - especially in Angel Springs."

"So, let's get going to see the Lord High Burgomeister Tomas Pennyweight Breedbottom at the Steady Party. Polly, Duncan, Shale this is your town Want to lead the way?" Checking to make sure everyone's ready, Kendry heads out the Inn to find out how the current community leader's party is starting out.

[Just back from Oregon.]

Tuesday September 7th, 2004 12:55:27 PM

Still chuckling over Duncan's antics, Polly beams over to George to double-check on the location where the burgomeister's people have set up. "This way to the Steady Party," she declares, pointing her arm forward as if a spear and leading her friends onto the street.

Nalfein [SteveK] 
Tuesday September 7th, 2004 3:52:09 PM

He smiles and toussles his sister's hair, and brings out one of his yo-yos to play with. It is a sad and worried smile, though.

Tuesday September 7th, 2004 7:33:17 PM

Willoughy responded to Kendry's inquiry regarding the druid.

"Nah, he vanished in a tree. I tried to see if I could follow him, but it was solid to me. It was neat, although I wish I could have talked to him. Maybe I'll get to see him at a party this week."

Tuesday September 7th, 2004 8:14:08 PM

"In a tree? Wow! Aunt Nilli does that. She took me with her, once! We stepped into one oak tree, and came out of another one, miles away," Kendry answers. "I smelt kind of woody right after that. Yeah, I hope we can see him again, too, Willoughby. Able to do that, he has some power, he does."

Wednesday September 8th, 2004 12:10:16 AM

Selithe looks to her brother and gives him a gentle push, "No pouting, it doesn't suit you brother. Anyway, you know you love me as I am not matter."

Selithe smiles and then looks to the others, "So, off to the party we go?"

Three Parties (DM Cayzle)  d2=2 (secret DM roll)
Wednesday September 8th, 2004 7:49:33 AM

Kendry thinks a bit and remembers that his Great Grandma Dekki was a Greenhill before she was married. Mayzie's mother was a Greenhill, as was her Aunt Rosie, her mother's sister. Maybe there's a connection there, so who knows. There are some Greenhills serving in the Tower Guard, Kendry has heard, but does not know if they are related.

Of course, they say that if you put two halflings who never met in a room together, inside of ten minutes they'll be able to tell you how they are related!

After settling in at the inn, and refusing the pork in favor of party food (though the innkeeper doesn't seem to see why the two are mutually incompatible), the group goes a-partying!


At the Steady Party, aside from the help hired to serve the food, you all are clearly the youngest folk there. The big focus of the event is the Canasta Tournament. It being a card game, Selithe may find herself intrigued. If so, she can make a Profession (Gambler) check and a Concentration check: add the two together to determine the number of copper pieces she wins. Yes, this is truly a penny-ante game, and some of the elder players are a somewhat slow, or a little more than somewhat.

But the food is good, and there is plenty of cheek-pinching to go around. There's a lot of talk about how wonderful it is to see the youth out, and inquiries about grandparents and great-grandparents.

The Burgomeister takes a quick moment to say hi, and thanks you for coming. But he has a Canasta controversy to adjudicate, and off he goes.

Pretty much everybody tries to get Mayzie to eat a lot. She is too thin, and, according to sympathetic whispers that are easy for young ears to hear, an orphan too, the poor skinny thing! What? She's a dolphin! No! I said, ORPHAN! Oh.

One old fellow says to Duncan, "It's refreshing to see such a respectful young man! But you don't have to be shy!"

A younger lady -- in her fifties, arrives, and approaches the party. "What are you kids doing here? Let the old folks have their fun now. You all come back later for the square dancing -- after the granddads head off to bed!"


Heading to the Adventure Party, Mayzie at last gets her wish ... they are serving Elvish wine here! In fact, there is an elf, too, come over from Elftown in Angel Springs, telling a story of hunting for chimera in the Culverwood. There's a band, too, although the singer is a little flat. The food is plentiful and includes some exotic items, like Gnomish Coney Kabobs.

The party-goers here are, on average, a third of the age of the Steady Party goers -- unfortunately, there are only about a third as many of them, as well. You get the feeling that the "thinker" types here far outnumber the "worker" types. Nobody is actually dancing -- too shy or self-conscious, most likely.

And it is no surprise, given how few attendees there are, that the candidate himself seems nervous. But he gives it a good shot, coming over and talking to you all for a while. He continues his encouragement to you from earlier, to convince you to become an adventuring party. He thinks you all would be naturals.

But at length it is time to visit Aunt Marigold.


Everybody is flocking to Marigold's for rumberry pie! Even though it is getting later, the party is still going strong. The music is wonderful (no sign of Bobbik Mellips the musicion from earlier) -- Roll Local Knowledge DC12 to recognize these minstrels as professionals from Angel Springs.

Marigold comes right over. "My own flesh and blood!" She is glad to see you, and gives you all the very last Rumberry Pie (which she set aside for you) to share.

This party is a real party! More than half the people are dancing, more than half are eating, and, yes, some are doing both at once!

Marigold goes on at length about how she would love to have you Pipewoods and Leafwins (and your friends) come work for her after the election. She wants people she can count on, and after hearing the story about this afternoon, she is convinced that you all would be great on her staff. "I would be grateful to have friends and family with me," she adds.

If she finds out Polly has been in the militia, she will warm to the girl. She has stories of her own youth in the force -- and she made so many friends!

All those friends seem to have showed up, too. Marigold goes off to chat. It seems she is very popular.

Since it is a sure bet that Selithe will be looking, at this party she finds a handful of militia rolling high-stakes bones behind the kitchen tent. If she can make a Profession (Gambler) roll vs DC 12, she gains the result minus 12 in gold. If she fails, she loses 12 minus her result in gold. If she can't cover it, they'll take an IOU because Selithe is Marigold's niece.

At length the evening winds down, and the group heads back to the inn.

Selithe  d20+4=16 d20+6=12 d20+4=11 d20+2=5 d20+4=7
Wednesday September 8th, 2004 2:11:05 PM

Selithe grins as she enjoys the first party and chuckles and gives a sly wink as she makes her way to the gambling and enters it. After alittle while of this she walks away bouncing a bag cantaining 28 copper. She winks to her brother Nelfein, "See, and you said gambling was bad."

Selithe is greatly bored at the next party really and spends most of her time walking around and watching the people and listening to what is spoke about, specially if there is anything of importance. (listen:5) The party though and the bordom seem to much of a distraction to hear much.

At the last party Selithe homes right in on the gambling being done after telling Duncan that she would like to dance later if he would like anyway. Selithe feels like her luck will hold but unfortunetly her rolls turn out just alittle off. As she thinks and begins to hand over the gps she lost she grins, "I will have to give a IOU but how about one more roll, double or nothing?"

Depending on the answer and such Selithe will make her way back into the tent and try dancing with Duncan as long as he has not drank to much or is not busy.

(OOC:Ignore the last roll, it was a messup.)

Wednesday September 8th, 2004 3:19:22 PM

Steady Party

Mayzie calms down from her ordeal and settles down with the others. She eats lightly, a little flustered by all the people trying to make her eat. She refrains from eating her usual goodberry tonight, since she wont have any peace if she does, and eats some fruit and salad.

Adventuring Party

Mayzie feels a bit more at home here, and chats to the Party Organiser some, seemign interested in his idea. She also chats to any of the people there who are inclined to talk, mostly about politics and the future of the valley and how to look after it.

She is very happy to enjoy the elven wine though and greatly appreciate it.

She will also approach the Elf and listen to his story with interest. She will ask for news of her Guardian Ereleth in case he has passed through Elftown, since she has not seen him for a good 3 months now, which is a bit longer than usual.

Non Stop Party

Mayzie will come only reluctantly after what happened just outside it earlier. She will keep close to the others and be very careful of all these dancing people and all the pie, not wanting to get her dress dirty. She will politely try a tiny piece of Rumberry pie, and compliment the others on it since it was made by their aunt, but she wont eat too much. It looks very fattening.

Mayzie will be interested when told that she may be related distantly to some of the others. She has always believed herself to be without a family and brightens considerably at the thought that she may have relatives.

Wednesday September 8th, 2004 3:29:41 PM

Polly skips back to the inn, keyed up from all the dancing, pie, and other treats at the Non-Stop Party. She was so glad they'd saved the best for last; she'd hardly managed to survive the inactivity at the first two. And happily, Marigold had been in too much demand by other party-goers to talk her ear off for long.

She performs an impromptu twirl just before the door of George's place. "Well, I hate to call it a night just because a party's slowed down, but we do need to sleep some time, and do you think there's enough room for us all to bed down here because I don't mind heading back out to the farm and Shale's got his pony here, and besides, there are chores to be done in the morning, though I don't expect anybody to be up early for that."

She pauses, possibly to take a breath, but spotting Duncan's silly grin distracts her. As soon as she gets a chance, she pulls him aside to question him on important matters. "Well? I saw you twirling around with Selithe; was it everything you hoped?"

Wednesday September 8th, 2004 9:15:58 PM

After all the excitement of the day thus far, the Steady party was a total boor. He was friendly to his elders, of course, some of whom he had to depend on in those early days when he realized his parents weren't coming back.
Things were alot better at the Adventure party, not so much by the action but by the fact that alot of these people have been on REAL adventures. The dog-man from earlier chatted up the group for a bit while there, and at the conclusion Duncan made a point to give the man a hearty handshake. He figured that maybe his strong grip would emphasize his interest in adventuring, since he was sure the man wouldn't understand his signing. Duncan made a mental note to bring this up to his friends later on, about how much exciting it would be to go on a real life adventure!
The real fun was had at the Non-Stop party. There was plenty of food (which Duncan partook with probably too much haste), plenty of ale (which he certainly did partake in, but not tto much), and lots of dancing. Duncan loves dancing, for the expressiveness of it and also it's utility--keeping the joints and muscles limber and toned while having fun is a win-win in his eyes! He made sure to save some energy for Selithe, for when she finally came to the floor he wanted to show her a great time. She seemed a bit low at first (perhaps the gambling here wasn't as kind to her), but she seemed to enjoy herself. He even got in a slower dance, one that was a little more formal and allowed him to showcase his more complex moves. He surely hoped she was impressed!
They broke off after a bit, and Duncan was suddenly confronted by his best friend Polly. She's always looked after him since they were pups, and he could tell by the sly look on her face that she was going to grill him for details.
He began to sign in response to her inquiry, "She has feet like an angel! I hope she liked it like I" he said, unsuccessfully hiding his blush.

Wednesday September 8th, 2004 10:57:50 PM

Willoughby walked about the Steady Party and talked to any of the older people that would share a tale. He ate a bit, but he was careful to leave room for the other parties. Throughout this party, as well as the other two, Willoughby looked out for the druid from his earlier encounter.

At the Adventure Party, the elf caught Willoughby's attention. He listened to his tale and asked a few questions about the origins of chimera. It was one creature he knew little about.

When he arrived at the final party of the evening, the Nonstop Party, Willoughby greeted Marigold and grabbed a slice of rumberry pie. While eating, he thought about the rascals earlier and wondered if he would think of them every time he ate rumsberry pie.

Tired and full of food, Willoughby met up with his companions and headed back to the inn.

Nalfein  d20+4=15 d20+3=10
Thursday September 9th, 2004 12:18:41 AM

Grins at Selthie's conquest of the Canasta board. After all, she's the biggest action going on here! What a yawner! The only pleasant thing is talking about the families. It's like watching grass grow. There were a couple of interesting things said (Listen: 15), but it is hard to hear the droning when someone is pinching your cheeks.

The Adventure Party really brings Nalfein's sprirts to their lowest. These guys aren't going to win against the Steady Party! The elf wine is nice, but because he lives in Angel Springs, not something totally exotic. And it is with relief he heads to Aunt Marigold.

"Now THIS is a party!" Nalfein says happily around a mouthful of rummberry pie. He is quite happy to eat, dance, sing a little (Perform: 10), and show off his yo-yos.

"Anything we can do to help? Tell others about how great the Nonstop Party is? Bring in more voters?"

Kendry parties with his friends  d20+4=20 d20+7=22 d20+9=27 d20+6=17 d20+3=6
Thursday September 9th, 2004 2:57:55 AM

Steady Party

Kendry enjoys the Steady Party, thinking back on spending many holidays with his older relatives, listening to their stories. Not all of them are the type of folk to stir the blood, but he likes to learn about people, find out what interests them, how they spend their time, who or what they are complaining about (in small doses), as well as getting to know more family histories. He lends his ear here and there.

He wonders whether any here might want to hear the song he wrote a few weeks back, but since the Burgomeister leaves just at the time he was going to ask about that, Kendry thinks perhaps not with this older Canasta-playing crowd, at least not on this first night of parties. He keeps occasional tabs on his siblings, and tries to help fend off food-pushers who urge Mayzie to fatten herself up.

Adventuring Party
Certainly Calfast has a number of excellent ideas, and the leather-clad bard thought well of this candidate's explanation of his positions late this afternoon. How to help advance such in this community? Too bad so few are here this first night. Kendry asks whether he might sing a song about a local historical event, which might have at least a light bearing on some of the Adventuring Party's concerns [Diplomacy, 20]. If so allowed, Kendry sings in his clear tenor voice the song he styles The Testing of the Towers [Perform, Singing 22]. If the song seems well-enough received, he'll follow the last verse with the penultimate again, and repeat the last...

...So giants - 'ware the little folk
'Tis Wardd's own luck they make
You'll ne'er break the oxen's yoke
On halflings' lands you try to take!

In Crescent Vale they tell the tale
Of when the green grass grew
With twisted cords it wrapped and scored
The big'uns coming through

[For the song's full lyrics, see Kendry's letter posted September 4, 2004]

"I agree with Marigold Pipewood Pastna, that we need the militia, and we need the towers. But I also agree with Mister Calfast, that good-minded adventurers - from our own community, I hope - is something else we need. To defend ourselves. To engage in commerce, at least some'at, with the outside world, so we know what's there, and what might be comin'. And get some good for ourselves - I mean, for all of us, our friends and relations and towns here in Crescent Valley. And to have good stories to pass on to the next generations, eh?" Thinking he's going on a bit too long, he again sings the second to the last verse of his song, says, "Hurrah for Crescent Valley, and our clans. Hip hip, hurrah!" then stands down, somewhat embarrassed at how he went on about things.

Nonstop Party

Hoping that his speaking up at the Adventuring Party is not counted disloyalty - for Kendry loves his Aunt, despite that her temper occasionally bubbles over, this candidate's nephew chats folks up at her party. Enjoying the music, he recognizes the musicians, and claps in time to a song or two.

He approaches his Aunt to see if he can sing a song in support of the militia. If she grants him leave, he gives a quick intro, telling of how the giants many years ago tested the towers - and the heroics of those who fought against the incursion, and, asking Selithe and Nalfein to join in, repeats his earlier performance, albeit more competently. If the Angel Springs musicians (whom Kendry recognizes [Local Knowledge 17]) care to join in once they learn the tune, the more the merrier! [Perform, singing, with +2 from extra helpers, for a 27.]

"The Towers, bless Shafbaffum and the gods, do offer us protection. But we need our wonderful, brave militia as well! And, I think, raised up from among us, some halfling adventurers and halfling friends," he slips mention in, "who also can help in the defense of Crescent Valley. For the militia! For the defense Of Hovel and Humble's Ford - Hurrah! Of Angel Springs and Sleepy Vines - Huzzah! Of us, our families, our neighbors, our clans - Huzzah! Hurrah! Hip, hip, hurrah! Let's hear it for the Nonstop Party! Let's hear it for Marigold! For Marigold Pipewood Pastna, Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!"

Should Kendry learn that his younger sister has got herself in debt (unlikely, with Spot 6), Kendry makes careful inquiry into the amount owed, and pays off her IOU.

When it is suggested after they leave the Nonstop Party that they all retire to the Inn, Kendry asks, "But, don't we want to square dance tonight?" He's not tired!

Beer Run!

Three Requests (DM Cayzle)  d2=2 d4=4 d4=1 d8=7 d4=3 (secret DM rolls)
Thursday September 9th, 2004 10:40:52 AM

At the Adventure Party, the elf describes the chimera as part dragon, part lion, and part ram -- with three heads! But he says other combinations have been known. The elf has heard of Mayzie's friend, but has not met him. Kendry's song is very well received (even the singer already there smiles); Calfast says he is very glad they came, and sorry to see them go.

At the Nonstop Party, the people playing dice decide against giving Selithe a chance to win back her losses -- she is teased in friendly fashion: "Ha! Come back another day, and we'll see!" Here, the professional minstrels snub Kendry's offer to sing together -- they seem a little full of themselves.

At the end of the long evening, Kendry is still up for square dancing, but the rest are not, and upon reflection, the Steady Party was probably the first to close up for the night.

Sleeping at the Inn is restful, and breakfast the next morning is plentiful. At around half past seven (by the bell that rings atop a pole at the main crossroads), and still at the table, the innkeeper brings over three different messages.

The First

"To the young folk who came to the party yesterday, welcome! I hope you would consider doing me a small favor, which would not only aid my cause but earn you a fine reward. Please be so good as to come to my home on North Row immediately -- by 8 of the clock at the latest! With many thanks, Tomas Pennyweight Breedbottom, of the Steady Party, Lord High Burgomeister."

The second:

"Dear Nalfein, Kendry, and Selithe, Willoughby, Polly, and friends, please come visit me at the Nonstop Party Pavillion as fast as your feet can run! I have a job that you all would be perfect for! And I need you now. See you soon! Love, Aunt Marigold"

The last:

To the Crescent Valley's Latest Adventurers! Thank you for your kind attendance last night. Alas, fewer than I had hoped came by. Frankly, if things don't look up through the rest of the week, I'm done for. But all is not lost! I have a Quest for you, my young heros, and with your aid, adventurers in the valley can yet come out on top! Please come as soon as possible to see me at the Clock Pole. After eight rings it will be too late! -- Calfast"

What to do? What to do? You can only answer one request in time. Quick! Decide which candidate to support! Your actions?

[OOC: Please post any spells memorized or other preparations. A hint: leave nothing behind when you go!]

Thursday September 9th, 2004 12:21:31 PM

As everyone arises from their rooms in the morning they find the body of Shale sprawled out on the floor of the inn, reeking of ale and greasy food. His hat is over his head and his snoring gives a clear indication that he is alive.

Waking at the sound of footsteps on the floor he sits up slowly and holding his head makes his way over to read the notes.

"I almost made it back to my room..."

Ordering up a tall glass of water Shale is the first to speak, "What's to say we can't do all of the jobs? I say we send one person to each and find out what's in store. Once we know what our options are we choose from there. That way we don't have to be rude and ignore any of the candidates."

Rubbing his temples as he drinks the water Shale says, "I'll be getting Valor ready to go, seems we got a busy day ahead of us."

Pulling his hat down over his eyes so as to block the sun, Shale heads to the stables to get ready to go.

Nalfein [SteveK] 
Thursday September 9th, 2004 2:48:30 PM

A happy smile on his face, Nalfein comes down to not only one but THREE invitations!

"Waitaminite." The hazel eyes close and Nalfein grabs his hair and goes into his thinking pose. At last he looks up.

"All three invitations come at the same time to report at the same time for a mysterious quest." He looks around at his siblings to make sure he got that much right. "They're for the same quest" he concludes. "We have to choose right now who we're going to support."

"And there is only one party that is also family. I say we go to Aunt Marigold."

He runs and gets his pack, and awaits the others.

Thursday September 9th, 2004 5:18:27 PM

Selithe comes down in the morning, grinning as she has her clean outfit on and her hair tied back. She sits down and begins eating while the others come down, having made it a point to get up earlier since she is use to it from her roaming gambling life.

When the three invitations come she sighs and shakes her head, whispering mainly to herself, "Dang, I kind of liked the guy who rode the dog too but family is family." The dilema of the decision is probably appearant on her face as she finishes off her meal and drinks some juice that she asks for.

When Selithe sees her brothers come down or already down she says good morning to them and smiles. She also greets Polly in the morning, unable to remember how much of a morning person she is. She also goes about greeting everyone else, Duncan however gets a nice smile and wink in the morning, "Thanks for the dance yesterday Duncan. All your training has really left you light on your feet." Selithe will try to sign language this to Duncan but is unsure if she even says anything right since she isn't proficient in sign language.

Selithe's Spells memorized.
0th level: Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation

1st level: Mage Armor, Identify, Magic Missle

(OOC:Everytime I try to change the writing style or color of my wirting, ect it doesn't work right so I'm sorry for not changing the color of the sign lanaguge to. Selithe did say that out loud though before trying to sign it.)


[OOC: You can make text bold, italic, and underline by following the simple rules given here.

Scroll about half way down. -- Cayzle]

Thursday September 9th, 2004 6:06:12 PM

Willoughby rubbed the sleep from his eyes and got out of bed. As silently as he could, he let out a small burp; rumsberry pie was good, but sometimes it left him some indigestion.

He ate light at breakfast in fear that a large breakfast would upset his stomach further. When the innkeeper brought over the messages, Willoughby grew excited.

"I'm afraid we have only one choice -- Aunt Marigold. I'm sure the other candidates will understand if they knew whom we were related to," he said. "Besides, even if they don't understand, I'd rather deal with upset strangers than upset family! I'd never hear the end of it from Aunt Marigold and some of the other family!"

Thursday September 9th, 2004 8:39:28 PM

Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, Polly pauses between mouthfuls of her generously sized breakfast to laugh. "I bet the lot of us are related to all three candidates one way or another, so I don't see the family argument as a strong one. Marigold does support the militia, though. Then again, you all saw how slowly the Adventure Party was going last night. I wouldn't mind giving it a boost, really put that Calfast fellow on fair footing with the other candidates, you know?

"It seems to me like there's a real rush on," she says, standing and heading for the door. "I bet there isn't time to hear all three pitches and then make a decision before this urgent task has to begin. Wherever we're going, let's get there right away. I'd prefer the Clock Tower, but I'll go to the Nonstop Pavillion if most of you prefer." At the door, she does an about-face, to return to the table for thick chunks of ham and bread. As if she hadn't interrupted herself, Polly continues out onto the street, still dressed in her party clothes and armed with nothing more deadly than an impromptu sandwich.

Thursday September 9th, 2004 10:26:02 PM

"The question should be," Kendry says as he gulps down some hot breakfast tea, "Which candidate will be the best for Crescent Valley over the next several years? Which has the clearest vision for leadership? Which is the least corrupt? Where are their blind spots? Pass that slice of ham, please.

"My head agrees with Polly. While there is familial duty, there also is our duty to the community as a whole. And I would like to join this Adventurers Guild. Is that what he called it? Besides, I like the idea of a quest!"

Having said all that, he adds, "On the other hand, being family members, we might be able to help promote political decisions by Aunt Marigold which include some of the good ideas of the other candidates. Shoot, we might be able to do that with any candidate.

"'Sides, Nalf, we don't know that all three requests are for the same quest. I'll bet each one is different. Wouldn't a quest be more heroic than 'a small favor'?

"I say the Clock Pole. But if my elder brother stands firm on Non Stop, I'd be happy, mostly, I suppose, to answer our Marigold's request. I guess. Just wish they'd've let me sing last night. Stuck up prigs! Back in a moment. Gotta grab a couple things from my room."

Friday September 10th, 2004 12:17:34 AM

"If we gotta choose one, I vote the clock pole. Can't explain it but something about the adventure party stricks me as noble."

Shale continues out the door to get ready.

A Hard Decision (DM Cayzle) 
Friday September 10th, 2004 5:50:24 AM

Nalfein seems to have the right of it -- you all must choose one of the three right now. But which? Nalfein, Selithe, and Willoughby vote to help Aunt Marigold; Kendry, Shale, and Polly, Calfast. Mayzie and Duncan have not offered an opinion.

Time is running out, and opinions seem mixed!

[OOC: Gotta pick now, friends! Make multiple posts if you need to. But if there is no consensus, or even a majority choice, then this opportunity will pass, the adventure is over, and two DMs will be crying in their beer! You don't want that to happen! :-) ]

Friday September 10th, 2004 11:35:39 AM

"I propose we take a vote. I vote for the adventuring party. While I do feel a little guilty about not helping out the ole auntie, I think in the long run it will be better for everyone if we go with the adventuring party. It was Kendry's note that got me thinking this way, and now this is that opportunity. I say we take it!"

Shale seems very determined and waits with steady eyes for the others to decide.

Friday September 10th, 2004 2:17:38 PM

Kendry looks to his brother, Nalfein, and will agree with his decision on this matter.

Nalfein [SteveK] 
Friday September 10th, 2004 4:23:51 PM

Nalfein rubs his auburn hair and clearly is in a quandry. Looking at his brother and sister, he knows that he is the swing vote. Family is family is family. A stubborn look lights in his eyes.

And then, the answer!

Nalfein smiles. "Calfast has got a very small party. Helping him won't hurt Aunt Marigold, and maybe we can help her by knowing what another party wants to do for help." He smiles and lifts his pack and a last roll with cheese. "Let's go to the Adventure Party!"

He noogie's Selthie on his way out and laughs at getting chased all the way to the Clock Pole.

Friday September 10th, 2004 7:11:55 PM

"Woo-hoo!" exclaims Kendry ... then pauses, and asks Willoughby. "Will that be all right with you, cuz?" And he also asks Duncan and Mayzie their preferences in the decision, signing to Duncan, 'Hobbit rides dog - go clock pole fun? Or help my aunt likes pie fights?'

Friday September 10th, 2004 11:45:16 PM

Duncan siles his biggest grin, snatches up his staff and proceeds to prance about again as if riding a war dog into battle. "Calfast, I wanna be hero!"

Friday September 10th, 2004 11:52:39 PM

Polly, having dawdled impatiently outside the inn hoping her friends would dispense with the talk and MOVE, is so startled to see Nalfein running that she forgets to ask their destination and simply chases after him. She never could resist the opportunity to race. She calls cheery good mornings to early-risers as they pass, regardless of how much worse some folk look for the wear of the night before.

Realizing that she's headed toward the Clock Pole, Polly starts keeping an eye out for Calfast and his mount. She waves her breakfast at the others who've kept up.

Saturday September 11th, 2004 12:40:53 AM

In a hurry to keep up Shale darts to the stable, saddles his pony and jumps on. Galloping to catch up Shale follows behind the group.

Saturday September 11th, 2004 8:14:57 AM

Willoughby had some reservations about switching his decision. He stood still for a moment and thought.

"It seems unlikely all three adventures are different if they need us to meet at exactly the same time under the exact same conditions, but I'll go with the majority. You are family just as Aunt Marigold," he said finally.

Willoughby picked up his belongings and prepared to head for the Pole with the others.

Saturday September 11th, 2004 12:28:09 PM

Mayzie thinks a moment

'Well, for me family is not an issue since I have none. The current incumbant I don't think is doing enough to protect the valley. Mistress Marigold does support the militia, which is a good thing, although I firmly believe the militia needs to be reformed into a professional standing army.

The adventuring party introduces a new force into the valley. As halflings our physical size is a challenge when trying to make an army, one I believe can be overcome, but our size doesn't limit what we can do with magick, and adventurers will help with that.

On balance I feel that the adventuring party would be best for now. They will get the people of the valley used to change and to thinking in new ways. Maybe they won't do a great job at administration, but I feel that new things are needed here now and then to stop us from becoming too set in our ways and unable to react should the giants attack again.'

Mayzie will vote for the adventuring party. Once a decision is made she will run home and fetch her arms, armour, her wolf companion, and other relevant equipment she owns. She rides the wolf back into town, which will hopefully calm people somewhat since they are used to riding dogs.


level 0: cure minor wound x 2, light
level 1: cure light wounds, shilelagh

Saturday September 11th, 2004 8:09:00 PM

Selithe nods and laughs abit while watching Duncan's movements. When everyone is ready Selithe runs up to her room and gathers her stuff and heads quickly to cetch up with the others. Once she does she moves over and elbows her brother in the ribs lightly and whispers, "You know, messing with a girl's hair is a dangerous thing brother." She grins and watches him whispering again, "Anyway, I would hate to gamble with you and win all your money and pie privlages for a couple days."

Selithe looks to Polly and smiles, "I'm sure glad you and Mayzie are with us. I would hate to be the only girl in this group." Selithe grins since she considers Polly to be like a big sister more then anything.

At the Clock Pole (DM Cayzle) 
Monday September 13th, 2004 7:41:18 AM

After a bit of talk, the consensus settles on Calfast and the Clock Pole. The group makes its way there, all ready for adventure -- Well, Polly is ready if party clothes and a ham sandwich are all she intends to bring! Polly and Nalfein are there first; Mayzie is last because she has to go home for her gear. But with that wolf of hers to ride, she still arrives about ten minutes before the bell atop the pole rings eight.

The Clock Pole is in the middle of town, and the area is filled with halflings going about their business. Calfast is waiting there, on his riding dog. He claps his hands and generally seems delighted to see you all. "Thank you! Thank you for supporting my candidacy! I knew I could depend on you!"

The mission I have is to the south, along the river, to Traders Corner. My contact there tells me that a fellow named Brock has a shipment of the finest beer in all the Red Hills! He'll sell it to the first person who makes him a decent offer. I need you to get down there and buy that beer before any of the other candidates get to it! Halflings from all over the Crescent will flock to my Party to get a taste of that beer, and then I'll have a chance to convince all of them that I would be the best burgomeister!"

"The parties will be over in a week, so you have to hurry! The first thing is to get to the ticket office before it closes at 8 for a ticket downriver on the barge!"

"And, uh, as to your reward ... as I am running for office, my funds are limited. But I would give you all 100 gold each for your efforts. Plus I am sending you with 1,500 gold for the beer -- whatever you don't use to buy the beer is yours to keep."

An older, rotund halfling standing nearby has evidently heard all this. "I can't believe you're sending our local youth into the wilds like this. They can't handle something like that? This is exactly why you should not be burgomeister! You're reckless and immature. You are everything a traditional Halfling is against. You young rascals! Hear me! I will tell your parents about this. It will ruin you as far as getting any respectable apprenticeships."

Several passers-by stop to listen to this tirade. Please make a spot check vs. DC12 -- if you make it, then Highlight to display spoiler: {you see the rascal with the corn-cob pipe leaning against a wall. He is smoking and evidently laughing at the group, judging by his expression.}

Polly  d20+1=18
Monday September 13th, 2004 2:49:09 PM

Polly polishes off the last of her meal as the older local finishes his tirade. She dusts her hands together and shrugs. "With respect, sir, if my cousins are grown enough to deliver a wagon-load of pies, I think the lot of us together can handle a shopping trip for beer."

Ignoring a familiar, smirking face in the crowd (Spot=18), she turns back to the matter at hand. "I'm willing to run this errand, if only to see Trader's Corner! Shale, can you give me a lift to the farm? I'd like to grab some gear to take along, if somebody else would pick up a ticket for me. We can meet up at the barge dock."

She'll quickly mount up if Shale is agreeable, urging him to hurry.

Nalfein [SteveK]  d20+2=19
Monday September 13th, 2004 3:15:30 PM

"Brock's Beer, the finest in the Red Hills? That would certainly be something to bring people to your party, sir!" Nalfein sees the possibilities of friends and family and the new, exotic beer. He also notices the corncob piped rascal around the area (Spot: 19) He suddenly feels that this is much too public a place to make plans.

"The other groups will be wanting this beer, too. If my freinds have no objection, we accept, and need to move quickly to get to the barge."

As quickly as politeness allows (or a little faster) Nalfein will collect the money ("Well, I AM the oldest..."), and usher his friends along the road to the river barge.

"Lets talk more away from ears and eyes", he says seriously.

Monday September 13th, 2004 4:18:01 PM

Selithe completely ignores those around here as she listens to what is said and then hears the man comment what he does. Selithe grins at the comment and shrugs as she turns to look at him, "What a threat. I'm done training thank you and I'm on my own to train. Gambling is my trade and I will bet we get there and back so shutup."

Selithe looks to her brother's and then Polly and everyone else, "Lets go guys and ladies. This sounds like a lot of fun and just think of all the people we will meet." Selithe grins since the tone on people we will meet clearly means one thing for her.

Mayzie  d20+4=21
Monday September 13th, 2004 11:12:23 PM

Mayzie will listen with interest at the mission. 'This should be fun. I enjoy travelling, and rarely get to do it in such pleasant company. Or any company at all.'

When the old hobbit speaks she frowns and says, 'So is sticking your nose in other people's business halflinglike then? If you can speak to the dead you can tell my parents, and I have all the training I need already.'

As she finishes indignantly, Mayzie spots the familiar face (21) and glowers at him and keeps scowling as she follows Nalfein along the road.

Tuesday September 14th, 2004 12:23:55 AM

Duncan's eyes widen to the size of saucers. A beer run!! "Man has my vote!" Duncan signs as he makes ready to leave with the others. He stiffens at the heckler, who mentions telling their parents on them for partaking in this beer quest. Even after all these years without them, Duncan misses his parents, and the man's comment was like a slap in the face. Keeping his temper in check, Duncan grips his quarterstaff in his hands in battle position, and glowers at the heckler as he follows the others to the barge area.

Shale  d20+2=7 d20+9=14
Tuesday September 14th, 2004 12:27:38 AM

Shale grins heartily at the crowd he's gathering and waits for the orders for the beer. When Polly jumps up onto his pony, he gives the heals a quick kick and Valor leaps into motion.

Moving as quickly as he can to avoid pedestrian casualties (probably too fast for his own good), Shale hurries back with Polly to get her stuff. (Ride 14)

Tuesday September 14th, 2004 3:03:26 AM

Kendry, compound short bow, a quiver of arrows crisscrossing the lute sticking up over the opposite shoulder, rapier at his side, and a well-laden and bulging knapsack pulling at his shoulders, Kendry listens to Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly's proposal.

Somewhat disappointed at first that the 'quest' is only to retrieve a quantity of beer, Kendry is thinking that maybe Nalfein was right in his view that all three candidates were of a similar mind - nothing like snacks, desserts and good beer to help draw a crowd.

Nevertheless, it is into the Culverwood. Kendry visited Trader's Corner years ago with his father, an uncle, a few siblings and cousins, a few militia members, a couple of halfling adventurers, and some artisans from Humble's Ford who were looking to make some money by renewing a contract to help supply certain items on a periodic basis. Uncharacteristically, he grew ill on the way, so had to miss the excitement of the negotiations as he was placed into the care of a local hedge witch, who brewed him up something that got rid of his red spots, eased the fever, and had him feeling somewhat better by the time they headed back upstream the next day. So he remembers some things along the way, but his memories of the Corner are limited and hazy - mainly, being carried across a muddy street in the rain, and the interesting smells and tangle of cobwebs in the corners of the old woman's cottage as his senses were restored to him. Baskets and bottles all over the place.

It might be fun to really see Trader's Corner. He might drop in, should time allow, and say hello to her again. What was her name? Gisele? Gisela?

"Selithe!" he exclaims as he hears his sister's disrespectful rebuke to the old fellow who just rebuked Calfast & present company. "Were we raised thus, to use such language towards our elders? Regardless that we may disagree with his evaluation, that grants us no right to answer with such an abrupt and dismissive command as 'shutup'! Sister, please, let us be polite." His face turned toward Selithe and at the last moment away from the author of remonstration, he gives her an affectionate wink and a bit of a quick smile to soften his words, followed with a look that communicates he hopes she'll settle down for the moment.

Kendry turns to the rolly polly keeper of the party line, and says to him meekly, "Please forgive my younger sister, mister. She has received competent training in certain areas, so please do not disparage her, despite her answer to your scold. You see, sir, we believe that halfling traditions indeed are of tremendous importance. And we also believe that defense of our way of life, and therefore of the valley, is important.

"A short journey to a trading post, even without the confines of our beloved Crescent Valley, though some light risks may entail, also give us some knowledge of the Wold outside. I myself have lived some years in the forest, as have some others of us, so we are perhaps not so naive as you might suppose. Do feel free to communicate with our parents, whom we love, should you choose. And do feel free to offer prayers on our behalf."

Remaining near the man, he turns to Calfast, and asks, "Mister Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly, sir, when we return with this fine beer, might it be possible to let this gentleman be among the first to sample its quality, if he's early to your party? There can be no doubt that he, an outspoken halfling, will offer his honest opinion on its worth."

Once that situation works its way out, Kendry attends to another matter he was aware of out of the corner of his eye [Spot 16].

So, there's that pesky fellow again. "Say, hullo there," Kendry says, walking up to him. "Didn't get your name the other day. So, didja visit any parties yesterday?" He had told the leader of the little gang his own name already - not that he will necessarily recall. He's a tough, with some leadership skills, certainly. Just how bright is he? "I was impressed with your organizational acumen yesterday. Your guys look up to you." He looks at him, gauges him. If he offered his name, Kendry uses it as he says, "Well, gotta go. See you around." Kendry is friendly, but measured in his interaction.

Not waiting until everyone else disappears, Kendry adjusts the strap on his laden knapsack, and briskly marches to the ticket office and the barge. As he goes, he thinks to himself that he's got to figure out a better way to carry all his stuff, as he nearly trips just shy of the ticket window as the rapier catches between the back of his left thigh and the front of his right ankle.

Willoughby  d20+6=24
Tuesday September 14th, 2004 7:38:00 AM

When Willoughby heard of the task they were given, he immediately grew excited.

"We must be successful. This is indeed a very important quest," he said to the others being completely serious.

He hoped the trip to Traders Corner would allow him some time to look around for old relics to sell or perhaps keep for his own.

By chance he saw the familiar rascal, but he tried not to make eye contact. He leaned over to whisper to the others.

"Hey! Don't look now, but there's that leader of the rascals over there. Let's not say any...," he said before Kendry began to walk up and talk to the lad with the corn cob pipe.

Across the Bridge (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday September 14th, 2004 10:05:52 AM

Calfast has his own firm but polite response to the old codger, a little firmer than Kendry's. "I believe in these young ones. I like the cut of their jib. Never doubt the resourcefulness of the young and our kind."

Mayzie's remarks strike home too -- but the elder halfling just harumphs and walks away, making a dismissive gesture with one hand.

Calfast sees that Polly and Shale are about to ride off. "Wait!" he calls out, "Meet us at the Bridge!" He can only mean the bridge across the Crescent River, since it is the only bridge in town.

Kendry, meanwhile, has a word with the rascal leader. He just sneers and says, with what he takes for wit, "That's for me to know and you to find out!" [OOC: Kim, if you want to change an NPC's attittude, make a Diplomacy check next time.]

Calfast leads the group on the South Road out of town and to the Bridge, not to the Barge Dock. He patiently explains that the barges here ply the Crescent River east to Angel Springs and Hunble's Ford. They can't go west past Hovel because of Buddy's Falls.

So the group has to walk south of Hovel and to the Wash Away Bridge over the Peaseblossum River. Calfast explains the route: "Then cross the bridge and give your ticket to the a drover of a barge on the west bank heading south. That'll take you to Trader's Corner."

but right now the group is still in Hovel, and Calfast leads the group to the bridge across the Crescent River. Across the bridge, there is a caravan getting ready to head east. Calfast leads you all across the bridge to the caravan, where he calls for "Saloman," evidently the master of the caravan.

"Sally, good, I see you have not left yet!" Calfast says. "I need passage for eight on the Peaseblossum to Trader's Corner." He pays for the tickets. "I was just about to leave," Sally replies.

While you wait for Polly and Shale to meet up, Calfast takes the time to tell you some stories of the Defenders of the North.

[OOC: By the way, what happened to Grandma's pony and cart? Is it still at the inn?"]


[OOC: I had some details of geography wrong! Thanks to Lee-Anne for setting me straight! I've edited the mistakes, so what is above is correct. Sorry for the brain-o. -- Cayzle]

Tuesday September 14th, 2004 11:10:52 AM

At the last moment, realizing that they will need something to haul the beer, Kendry sidetracks to the inn and retrieves their pony, Biscuit, with the cart.

Nalfein [SteveK] 
Tuesday September 14th, 2004 4:04:48 PM

"Doh!" Nalfein thumps his forehead at forgetting gramma's cart, and helps his brother to fetch the contraption.

"We need to bring the beer back, and can't leave Gramma's cart alone." he explains to Calfast. "Any chance you can buy a ticket for the cart and pony, too?"

Tuesday September 14th, 2004 7:27:25 PM

Picking up her camping and militia equipment was much easier said than done, as Polly had to dodge questions, hugs, requests for help and offers of food from an assortment of well-meaning family members. But with the prospect of adventure before her, she escaped with both her gear and her life.

Back with Shale and his pony, she tells him all about it as they hurry to catch up with the others at the bridge.

Tuesday September 14th, 2004 9:43:43 PM

Willoughby listened closely to Calfast's stories while he waited for the others.

Tuesday September 14th, 2004 9:47:20 PM

Selithe ducks her head alittle at Kendry's comments and speaks up very faintly, "Sorry brother. My opinions and tongue are hard to tame."

Selithe glares at the halfling who she spoke to real quick and then turns to go with the others. Watching her brother's run off to get the cart and laughs lightly, "Ohh well, seems like we got some time to waste." Selithe listens to Calfast's stories and smiles, waiting for abit before asking, "Good Calfast, you seem like the type who might, do you play cards off and on sir?"

Wednesday September 15th, 2004 12:49:08 AM

Shale rides up to group halting his pony as he approaches the others. Hoping down he leads the pony around as he waits for the others to get ready.

Clearly excited about a trip back into the Culverwoods were Shale was practically raised, he strings his bow and checks his arrows carefully to make sure they slide out with ease.

Kendry  d20+4=11 d20+4=12
Wednesday September 15th, 2004 3:08:21 AM

At the inn, as he gets the pony hitched to the cart, Kendry shouts out for help, and asks to buy as much food as the kitchen can spare [Diplomacy 11]. "Thanks for helping, Nalfein. I'll finish the hitch, while you shovel the food!" He gives the stableboy a couple silver for his help, and will pay up to a platinum piece or two (or three, if necessary) for a sack or two of flour, cold salted ham, salt, barley, vegetables, a few bottles of wine or ale, a cooking pot. Bowls? Just whatever, and fast! Sack of grain for the pony. And an extra blanket or two to pad the load. Once they get to the barge, he can worry about covering things with the tarp.

"Ho, up there, Biscuit. Blink the sleep from your eyes." He gets her moving as briskly as he can. [Handle animal, 12.]

Rushing in just about the time the barge is due to leave [one hopes], Kendry hardly has time to hear the stories Calfast had to tell. Ooh. He'll have to ask his friends.

Setting Off (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday September 15th, 2004 10:02:39 AM

At last all is ready. Polly has kissed her kin goodby and now has her gear. Shale has his pony. Nalfein and Kendry have the former pie-cart, future beer cart. Calfast, Willoughby, and Selithe enjoy a friendly game of hearts as he tells a story about magical cards. Calfast looks around to see if Mayzie and Duncan are ready.

[OOC: Feel free to post, friends ... and look forward to DM Stephen picking up the story tonight!]

Wednesday September 15th, 2004 3:00:08 PM

Mayzie is in her armour, staff on her back, sling at her belt. Even her armour looks close fitting with a little scrollwork and embroidery in places marked in elven style. She is carrying a rucksack with a bedroll rolled on top under the flap.

Most spectacularly she is riding on top of a riding dog. This is no ordinary dog however, as it is clearly a massive wolf with pure white fur, whose eyes seem to pierce with an almost intelligent look, their golden gaze turning at the slightest noise.

Mayzie often whispers to him, running her hand through his thick, warm, white fur.

'I was born in the Culverwood' Mayzie tells the others. 'That is why my parents died, or disappeared. They wanted me to be accepted by the wood so that I would be able to lead our pipeweed caravans through. Only it didn't work out the way they hoped. If Ereleth had not found me I would have been dinner for a wild animal.'

Nalfein [SteveK] 
Wednesday September 15th, 2004 3:29:47 PM

the cherubic smile and auburn hair of Nalfein is all in place. Friends, food, an adventure in the wings, food, and food. What could be better than that!

Kendry  d20+4=15
Wednesday September 15th, 2004 7:16:24 PM

Kendry makes sure that the foodstuffs are all stored well, and takes care to tie down the tarp covering the lot.

"That is really nice armor you have, Mayzie," Kendry allows. He cautiously holds out the back of his hand for her wolf to sniff, ready to draw it back if he senses any problems [handle animal, 15]. "What's your name, fellow?" he gently asks the wolf - not really expecting the wolf to answer, but just to talk to him. He listens to Mayzie tell a little of her story to the group.

Wednesday September 15th, 2004 9:52:57 PM

"Well, so far, it's been a fun morning," Polly says as she buckles the final buckle of her leather breastplate. "I'm glad you asked us to help, Calfast. We'll be back with the beer in no time.

"Gentlemen, ladies, let's get a move on."

Wednesday September 15th, 2004 11:20:07 PM

I wonder if the wolf likes the taste of halfling. I know that Mayzie is a halfling, but maybe it things she's really an elf since she does seem to have several qualities of an elf. Perhaps it's never had halfling before and somehow in the future it licks something we touch, aquires a taste for halflings, and decides to devour each and every one...

Willoughby's thoughts were interrupted by Polly's order to move out. He nodded at Polly as he headed off to begin the adventure, yet he kept a safe distance from the wolf.

Thursday September 16th, 2004 1:15:39 AM

After helping load up the cart with the boys, Duncan took a seat in the back of the cart. With only the clothes on his back and his trusty staff, Duncan was ready for anything. Waving Kendry down, Duncan points to himself, then to his eyes, and then in the direction behind the wagon (I'll keep watch on our rear). If anything tries to run up on his companions from behind, Duncan vowed to remain vigilant.

Thursday September 16th, 2004 1:40:12 AM

Selithe enjoys the polite game with Valfast and listens to his story. Not really worried about winning or playing her best as she is just enjoying the down time and the little practice while traveling. She glances at Duncan and the others when they arrive and nods to them before going back to listening to Calfast and playing cards with him.

On the road again. (DM Stephen)  d100=5 d100=15 d6=2 d6=2
Thursday September 16th, 2004 10:39:22 PM

The caravan is ready to go. With a slap of the reins, the front wagon starts its way down the road. Its wheels creak and whine under its load. The second wagon slowing begins to roll. It's pulled by a large ox. The wagon is mostly empty. Either it could be going to pick up a large load or heading back from which it came. The driver has to sit higher in the seat to see over the bovine's rump.

Calfast, on his hound, rides up next to your wagon as you're about to leave. "I thought I'd see you off and give you a few more instructions. I would have said this earlier but their were too many others standing around." Calfast looks left and right to see if anyone is listening. "I fear the other two candidates will send fellows, like yourselves, to collect the beer and say they're representing me. However, I made a special deal with Brock. You must recite a secret message to let him know that you fine young hobbits are working for me." Calfast looks both ways again and whispers, "The secret message is: Are you a big, stupid half-orc? Pretty good huh! I thought of it myself. No self-respecting halfling would ever say that to such a brute. He'll know right away that you were sent by me."

Calfast halts his mount and allows you all to pull away. With a big smile on this face, he begins to wave goodbye. "Farewell, my brave adventurers. Let this be the beginning of a wonderous, prosperous and exciting new life. I envy you all so. Bye!" His smile appears full of confidence and his eyes look a little red and teary. It's clear he longs to be young again and be on the road with you.

Travel is slow but not entirely boring. It would be better if you weren't downwind from the ox. The day winds down to late after noon. It's quiet and peaceful. Only the sounds of nature: russling leaves in the breeze, singing birds, a solitary howl of a distant wolf. Mayzie's furry white friend replies with a low muffled, "woof, urr ruff!" Barely loud enough to be heard by anyone in the wagon. He looks up at Mayzie with his ears fully errect.

Suddenly everyones attention is caught by the a loud snapping and breaking sound. The caravan stops and it appears the front wagon has broken a wheel. Several jump down to access the damage. One begins to untie a fresh wheel from the side of their wagon. The driver in front of you throws down his hat in disgust. He turns around and yells back to you all. "Better set up camp. It will be long after dark before that wheel is replaced. Might as well make yourselves comfortable and make dinner."

(Make your evening plans. Do what you think you need to do.)

Friday September 17th, 2004 2:15:37 AM

Selithe hops down from the wagon very un lady like since most would probably wait for help from someone, almost tripping though as she hits the dirt and frowning abit while stretching and getting herm uscles loosened up after the wagon ride.

Selithe looks to the guys and the wheel and smiles, "I hate to admit it but I'm glad for the small break just to bad it wasn't under difference circumstances." Selithe looks around before pulling out her sleeping bag and unrolling it on the ground and the pulls out her winter blanket and lays it by the bag. She glances around once more and speaks up, "Don't suppose anyone knows how to fix something to eat? I really hate trail rations the nuts and fruits I carry are fine but the biscuits are harder then a dwarf's head."

Kendry  d20+4=20 d20+5=24 d20+4=8 d20+7=14
Friday September 17th, 2004 4:07:47 AM

Kendry observes his surroundings, taking into account the local flora and general lay of the land around the wagons, scoping out advantages and disadvantages of this location [survival check: 24], and its defensibility. He checks with the drivers of the other two carts. If there is room to do so, with where the broken-down cart stands, he asks, "Do you think we might put our carts and wagons into a triangle arrangement? We can have a fire in the middle, and at night set a watch around the outside. Or do you think we need to worry about that sort of thing?" He offers his first name, and ask them their names, and also whether they have names for their beasts. "Have you been to the Trading Center very often? What's it like?"

Dumpling Stew

"Got a pot in the wagon, sis," he answers Selithe. "If our friends can find three stout branches, maybe two bodies long each, and a bit of rope, we can rig a tripod, and hang our cooking pot from it. I've got some vegetables, a bit of meat here, and some bread that was fresh last night. We just need water, get some wood together, build a fire, and have some stew to share after a while. We've some flour, and can make some dumplings, too. Or dumpling stew." He laughs at the homonymous word pairing.

Biscuit, too

After asking who wants to help, he offers the pot, shows the appropriate food, and says, "I'll take care of Biscuit while you get some food going." And he does [animal handling 20]. He gathers several arms full of grass from the side of the trail, laying it down before Biscuit. While the pony occupies herself with the grass, he undoes the harness. The youth then leads the pony in a small circle, and ties her to the side of the cart on a fifteen foot rope. He gives her some more grass, and then, taking the small kit of horse gear stowed on the cart, he finds a brush. He gives her a good brushing down. He places her blanket over her back. "Someone fetch her some water. Anyone have something besides our cooking pot for her to drink from?" If so, fine. If not, and the river is close enough, he leads her down to drink, asking Shale to come along and keep an eye out while she gets the water. A little later, as night draws close, he gives her a ration of grain as she remains tethered to the cart. As an afterthought, he finds some rocks, placing decent-sized rocks behind the back wheels, and in front of the front wheels.

"So, Mayzie, your wolf has a friend somewhere out there, eh? Your wolf - has he a name?"

If watches are suggested, Kendry offers to take either first or last. "I need my rest, lest my front teeth grow too close together," he jests.

Over the campfire, while enjoying the stew, Kendry asks Saloman what life is like plying the river.

He pulls out his lute to play a song or two, but frowns when less than sweet sounds issue from beneath his fingers. [Perform, musical instrument: 8] "Sorry. I've been holding the reins too long today." Instead of the lute, he hums a quiet tune [Perform, singing: 14]. "All right. I'd better stop trying to make noise now."

Friday September 17th, 2004 9:29:17 PM

Polly takes her crowbar over to the broken wagon and offers to help wedge it up on blocks for repair. Once that's done, she digs a little refuse trench a little ways from the camp, then has a poke around near the road for branches of the length Kendry asked for and for firewood. She hums to herself, wondering why, with all the other camping equipment in her pack, she hasn't got a hatchet.

Once supper is set up, she'll sit down with the rest. "Who's got a good weather eye? Shale? Do we need to worry about rain tonight? I won't bother putting up my little tent otherwise. And if we want to keep an eye out tonight, I don't mind breaking up my sleep for a midnight watch."

Saturday September 18th, 2004 12:10:33 AM

Selithe moves quickly off to help Polly with finding the twigs, only after getting the pot out of the wagon for Kendry and winking to her brother, "The way guys should be, the cooks and leave the hard stuff to us ladies." Selithe's smile shows that she is joking though.

Selithe as she helps gets twigs with Polly speaks to her, "Duncan was a really great dancer, I wonder how come I never really thought of dancing with him till now. Of course he is a little devil and I bet broke alot of hearts in his young day so far. You met him before I came to live with you, how did you two meet? I know you two been friend for a long time but you never told me how you met Duncan. Bet it was while going to school or something. Seems everyone knows everyone in halfling cities and towns. A good thing at times too but bad when everyone knows when everyone else does anything. Out neighbors always knew when mama was making pies or cakes and always was over to visit at those times."

Selithe shrugs, "To regular for me though, I want to wander, enjoy life and see the Wold. Guess I'm just a wondering spirit." Selithe cetches herself finally and giggles, "opps, hear I am talking your ear off Polly, sorry."

Sunday September 19th, 2004 1:44:24 PM

Taking off Valor's saddle he first takes care of the pony and settles him for the evening. Then finding two trees close together he strings up a canvas hammock for himself. Settling in for supper and bed Shale keeps his bow strung at all times.

Nalfein (Andrew woo hoo) 
Monday September 20th, 2004 12:58:16 AM

Nalfein helps get the wagon taken care of before wandering off to gather firewood. That evening over a steaming plate of dumpling stew he chats merilly with his siblings, reminiscing the old days when they were happy little halflings tumbeling around the family burrow. Then he sugests some night games.
"Has anyone heard of wildman? It's all the rage with the kids in Angel Springs."

Monday September 20th, 2004 10:40:31 AM

"How do you play wildman?" Kendry asks Nalfein.

Monday September 20th, 2004 12:35:33 PM

Willoughby walks to the driver to survey the damage and offer a hand if needed.

Afterwards, he sits beside the others at the camp fire and tries to strike up a conversation with any of the other passengers/operators on board.

Monday September 20th, 2004 12:36:57 PM

Mayzie gets off Ghost and takes off his riding blanket.

'Ok boy you can go play with your friends and go hunt something. Don't go too far and be back before light. Be close enough to hear me if there's trouble.'

Mayzie will ruffle his fur fondly and let him loose if he want to go and do wolf things.

Sitting down with the others, Mayzie admits to not knowing any games.

Monday September 20th, 2004 2:12:04 PM

After the rather long trip from Hovel, Duncan was feeling stiff as a Burgomeister speech. He crawled down from the cart he'd been riding in, retrieved his staff, and began to walk a perimeter around the chosen campsight before it got too dark. He figured it would be better to have an idea of the lay of the land so that if trouble occured later, when darkness surrounded the camp, he would be able to find his way around.

After completing his circuit, he now had full mobility in his legs again, but the rest of him was still a bit wooden. Returning to the edge of the firelit campground, Duncan decided to practice his quarterstaffing. He began with lazy circles, with hid hands in the middle of the staff he turned the weapon in a figure eight style motion, bringing it from left to right. He sped it up until the staff was lost in a blur of movement, after which he added some overhead rotations into the mix.

He stopped the rotations and repositioned his hands wider apart, beginning a series of swinging strikes with follow-up parries, and thrusts in front as well as behind him. After several minutes of this he had worked up a good sweat, and satisfied that the motility had returned to his road weary joints.

Duncan strolled on up to the campfire, where several of his friends were eating or engaged in conversation. Duncan had worked up a good hunger as well, so he approached Polly, giving her a light tap for attention, and motioned for a bowl of the wonderful-smelling dumpling stew, putting his hands before himself as if praying (please).

Tuesday September 21st, 2004 12:09:40 AM

Delighted that anyone would be interested in his games, Nalfein launches into a description of the rules.
"Well one of us is the 'Wildman', or woman," he grudgingly defers,"They count to one hundred while the rest of us run and hide. You are out of bounds if you have to move more than ten feet to see the fire. After the 'Wildman', er 'Wildperson', reaches one hundred they start searching for the others. When they find you they have to tag you. Then you are on their team and help them look. When you find someone you have to hold them there and scream for the 'Wildman' because only the 'Wildman' can tag someone. You keep going 'till everyone is caught, then the first person caught is the new 'Wildman'." Nalfein looks excited at the prospects of some romping good fun. "So. Who wants to play?"

Tuesday September 21st, 2004 12:59:07 AM

"Me!" Kendry jumps up. "I wanna play, Nalf! How 'bout you, Dunc? Hey, if you're a helper, you could clap your hands, or knock a couple o' rocks together to call the Wildman. Who wants to be the first Wildman? Willoughby? Polly? Who?" Kendry's eyes shine brightly as prospects of a game.

Dinner and a show (DM Stephen)  d100=86 d6=3 d6=4 d100=58 d6=2
Tuesday September 21st, 2004 1:02:07 AM

The young party settles down for the evening. After an hour after dark, the hobbits of the front wagon retire to their camps. They borrow some fire from the second wagon driver and you can all smell beans being boiled. However it pales in comparison to your dumpling stew.

Kendry estimates that their position on the side of the road is a good enough place. After all, they are still in the valley. There's never been a reason to fear staying in the valley. The night air is filled with churping and buzzing insects just like back at your homes. It's a comforting sound.

The party is in good cheer. Having their belly's full stew and a song in their hearts, everyone begins to relax and yawn after a long days travel. Ghost returns and plops down next to Mayzie. After some of food and water, he quickly falls asleep while the group continues to talk about games and other campfire stories.

A curious owl lands in a nearby tree and witnesses the party start to fall asleep. After a while everyone has been taken over by a deep slumber. Everyone dreams sweet dreams. In your visions you each see tiny glowing orbs float spiraling around each of you. Falling like dust. Lightning bugs and dragonflies buzz around in a funny dance. Frogs and crickets hop around the party and appear to join in the dance. The sounds of whimsical music fills the air and the dance becomes more wild and erratic. Suddenly all the creatures begin to transform into happy little tiny humanoids with wings. They smile and dance around the party. Shaking their bums and twirling about. The sparkly lights fall to the ground and in a perfect circle around the party grows a ring of mushrooms. The mushrooms seem to pulse out of the ground in time with the music (everyone picture Fantasia). The tiny creatures laugh and cheer. They form a conga line around the party and continue to dance and hop around the mushrooms. When one of you try to reach for a mushroom, one of the tiny creatures shakes a finger and mildly scolds you. Then she returns to the dance. Before they leave, they give you each a kiss on the cheek. They all disappear in a fit of playful laughter. When you all wake in the morning, you notice a large ring of mushrooms surrounding your camp. You all feel completely rested and full of energy. The morning greets you with a cool breeze and the scent of pine. Next to each of you is a small bundle wrapped in leaves. If you unwrap your bundle you find three wildberries. Upon further inspection, Kendry finds that all leftovers of his stew is gone. His pot is completely cleaned out.

(Make a Knowledge Nature or Knowledge Local History or similar skill of DC 12 to recognize who the tiny dancers were.)

Kendry  d20+6=11 d20+4=19
Tuesday September 21st, 2004 4:08:16 AM

[Knowledge Local History 11; Knowledge Nature: 19]

Who are these critters? wonders Kendry at first. Then - Oh, yeah! Aunt Nilli told me about the little faeries. 'Don't eat their mushrooms, if you want to see your family again before they're old and grey.'

He rejoices and laughs at their dance, the music, their wiggling little bottoms. He does wonder what the mushrooms taste like, but decides to heed both his aunt's and the faery's warning, and not sample them. Much as they might enhance a stew... Um, nope. Think of something else, Kendry.

"Hey - berries!" Kendry says as he awakens, springing from the ground. "Mayzie - are these like the berries you showed us yesterday? Think they're all right to taste?" He holds his three berries out to her to get her evaluation. "Did you all see the faeries dancing and hear the music playing last night?"

He checks to see if the other two wagons are around, and how Biscuit the pony is doing. He gets her some more water and grass - but no mushrooms.

Mayzie  d20+8=24 d20+8=17
Tuesday September 21st, 2004 6:34:52 AM

Mayzie will wake up refreshed and delighted at the dance of the little creatures, then, as she stretches, she looks startled as she sees the bundles and the mushrooms and knows that it wasn't a dream after all.

(Knowledge Nature 24) 'Faeries!' exclaims Mayzie. 'We must have set up camp right in the middle of their land.' Mayzie looks a little nervous having heard the stories about people sleeping for 100 years too, and gives the mushrooms a wide berth, careful not to crush any.

Mayzie examines the berries with great curiosity to see if she can tell what they are (Knowledge Nature 17).

Shale  d20+1=14
Tuesday September 21st, 2004 12:46:09 PM

Shale takes kindly to the faeries and seems to be letting himself become more enchanted than necessary.

After the faeries are gone Shale says more to himself than anything else, "Just like the time when we camped in the back pasture..."

Tuesday September 21st, 2004 2:20:00 PM

Polly pops to her feet like a sprung board and quickly starts readying for the day, talking a mile a minute to whomever happens to be nearby.

"I feel terrific! What a morning! I guess fairy rings are a good place to camp out. I wouldn't have thought it. Are these berries in trade for the stew? I hope they're good; I'm hungry." She piles her cloth of berries atop her newly-bundled bedroll and digs some trail tack out of her pack to chew on between thoughts.

"We're getting an early start today, so maybe we'll have time to play your game when we get to the ford, Nalfein. Unless we're still stuck here. Maybe we could go around the caravan and let them catch up once the lead wagon's fixed. I'd sure like to be on the road soon.

"Duncan, how about a little limbering up to start the day?" Polly elbows her friend in the ribs and whispers, "I think Selithe liked what she saw last night, because she sure asked me a lot of questions about you. If she keeps this up, pretty soon I'm going to run out of the good stories and have to start in on the embarrassing ones --"

Willoughby  d20+7=10
Tuesday September 21st, 2004 10:03:03 PM

Willoughby awakens and wipes the drool from his mouth. As he sits up, he notices the wrapped bundles of berries.

"What do we have here?" he asks as he picks one up to smell it.

Early Morning Light (DM Stephen)  d100=60 d6=5
Wednesday September 22nd, 2004 12:04:34 AM

Kendry and Mayzie are able to recognize the creatures as fey, sprites to be exact. The druid is also able to determine that the berries are wild elderberries. They are quite edible and rather tasty. However they're excessively fragrant and their color is more vibrant. They could be touched by magic. (Mayzie, spellcraft check 12 to realize they're Goodberries. If you use Detect Magic, lower the DC to 8.)

Besides seeing this wonderous sight in their dreams, no one has yet realize that they all had the same dream. Was it all a bit too real?

The early morning light reveals that the front wagon's wheel is repaired. The other two camps are still sleeping. Polly is beaming with energy and wants to play a game. Her exuberance may not be appreciated by all. Some of the party remains asleep.

Wednesday September 22nd, 2004 12:45:22 AM

Selithe rolls over in her sleep and then jerks awake, the prancing of pixies or fearies dancing in her head and she sees the bundle of berries laying right infront of her face. Selithe yawns and sits up and looks around after a few moments, "Thats was too weird. Hey Kendry, what did you put in that stew brother. I hand this strange dream of fearies or pixies dancing around and stuff. You slipped some suprise in the food didn't you? just like that one day back hom....." Selithe's voice trails off as she notices the circle of mushrooms and gasps, "By Wardd's toes it wasn't a dream."

(Decided to make no check and just have Selithe guess that the creatures were pixies, fearies or some creature of that nature.)

Selithe looks at the berries carefully before putting them up for the moment and stands, stretching before looking around speaking up, "Was the stream or something close by?" Selithe looks to Mayzie and Polly and grins, "Girls have first dibs on any water near by. Last thing you want is a bunch of upset girls you guys."

Wednesday September 22nd, 2004 1:20:53 AM

*la da da da dat da la da da da dat da la da da da dat da...* Nalfein mumbles in his sleep. Finally with all the comotion around hin he sit wearily up with a big grin on his face. "I hate mornings." He anounces. "And then you all have to wake me from the most pleasant dreams about fine little fairy women with great curves and shaking bottoms."
Nalfein chances a glance at Selithe, enjoying any scowels she may choose to give him.

"Well, we should probably best be going." Nalfein is seemingly oblivious to the change in their suroundings, meshing so well as they do with his fancifull dream. He takes a few moments to gather his gear and carefully restow his bedroll. Making sure that no bugs or sticks get trapped in the folds. All the while he dreamily continues his conga mumbeling, periodically broken as he attempts to whistle it.

*la da da da dat da...la da da da dat da...ws wso wso wso wsot wso...*

Kendry - conversations & morning activities...  d20+3=8
Wednesday September 22nd, 2004 1:31:09 PM

"SPRITES! THANKS FOR THE FUN AND THE BERRIES. HOPE YOU LIKED THE STEW!" the bard calls out. "So, Mayzie, they should be good to eat, eh?" He eats one of the elderberries. "These berries taste good!" he pronounces to no one in particular. He saves the other two, as the taste of the one was so good, even filling, that he wants to have the chance to enjoy the others later. As Nalfein hums his conga beat, Kendry joins in with percussive sounds and counterpoint.

"Well, Selithe, if I told you about my secret ingredients, then they wouldn't be secret, now, would they?" he winks at his sister. "No, really, sis, just the herbs and spices the folks at the inn included in the deal. But it seems all, or most of us, dreamed of the sprites last night -- because they wanted us to. They ate the rest of our stew, and left a gift. If you are nice to them, they are nice to you. I think."

As his cousin says something, Kendry asks, "What was that, Shale?"

"Hey Polly. You're all full of vim and vigor, too? I feel like I could fly," he tells her, jumping up in the air and tapping his heels together.

"Oh, Mayzie, Mayzie, Mayzie. What is your wolf's name? We haven't yet been properly introduced, even though I've asked you twice before this." He waves his hands in front of Mayzie's eyes. "Hello in there!" he teases.

"Hey, Willough, would you like to learn how to drive the cart?"

Trying to imitate what Duncan did last night, he picks up a long stick, and tries to twirl it like his friend (d20+3=8). He doesn't quite seem to get the hang of it. He gets a twirl and a half in, then finds his arms bind up. He signs to Duncan, 'Show me stick go round.'

Once all is packed, Kendry is ready to go. "Maybe should we wake the others?" he asks Nalfein.

Wednesday September 22nd, 2004 8:19:42 PM

Duncan awakes fully refreshed, especially after the dream he had. All too often his dreams were of his parents, ending with them fading into nothing as he reaches for them. This one though was much more vibrant, almost real.

He shook off the thoughts as fey nonsense. He needed to get the sleep out of his bones, and after gathering up his staff his good friend Polly stops him. She chides about his display, teasing about Selithe's interest. Duncan puts his hands on his hips and gives her his best Auntie Marigold face, wagging a finger at her then signing "you better not!"

Out of the corner of his eye, Duncan catches Kendry trying to do the staff twirl, nearly knocking the noggins of others as they break camp. Duncan held his belly as he laughed his silent laugh at the silly display. "Me show how fight with stick, not play," Duncan teases, putting an arm around Kendry as they walked along, preparing for the next leg of the journey.

Awakenings (DM Stephen)  d100=80 d6=4 d6=3 d100=61 d6=3 d6=4
Thursday September 23rd, 2004 12:24:59 AM

With the rising sun comes the grumbling of hobbit stomachs. First and Second breakfast and Elevensies need to be planned. All the stew is gone. Ghost wakes up and he sniffs the air. He prances off in search of a tasty rabbit. Biscut is chomping away at the grass Kendry had brought him and seems pleased.

The ox that is tied to the front wagon wheel watches the party with interest. He sees Biscut getting grass and he Mooo's at his owner to wake and give him some. The other camps slowly begin to come to life. A caged rooster, from the front wagon, crows loudly. The driver of the second wagon stands up and stretches and yawns. He takes a drink from his waterskin and gargles. He then turns and spits on his traveling companion, who instantly wakes. He laughs at his own joke. His friend isnt too pleased.

The other camps start to stoke and put fresh wood on their campfires that had died out during the night. Apparently getting ready to make a quick 1st breakfast. Those not preparing food are getting up and rolling up bedrolls and folding blankets. Evidently getting ready to hit the road. The caravan leader shouts down, "Hey, kids! You all hurry and get fed and packed up. Once we start rolling, we're not waiting. We're behind schedule."

Thursday September 23rd, 2004 1:05:49 AM

Glancing around to make sure no one but his friends and family will see it, Nalfein props his hands on his hips, swings them like a drunken whore and says in his most anoying, nasal voice, 'Once we start rolling, we're not waiting.' Then he takles his brother Kendry as his staff whirls just a bit to close to his head.

Thursday September 23rd, 2004 12:55:45 PM

Polly erupts in peals of laughter over Nalfein's joke. When she can breathe again, she swaps a big sack out of her pack for the little cloth of fresh berries, to save for a treat for later. "I have some granola that we could cook into porridge, if we like, though I'd rather eat breakfast dry and get going, now that the sluggabeds are up and about."

Thursday September 23rd, 2004 2:33:30 PM

Selithe chuckles as she sees Nelfein make his joke and then shakes her head when she sees him tackle Kendry, "I tell you, boys."

Selithe walks over to her backpack and begins pulling out some of the fruit and nuts she has in her rations and begins eating some of them, offering Polly a couple berries from the trail rations also.

After having ate some she walks over to the side of the road and collects some grass till she has a decent pile and lays it down infront of Biscuit, "Here you go buddy, enjoy your breakfast and try to eat quick I don't know how long till we pull out."

Thursday September 23rd, 2004 8:18:33 PM

Willoughby tries a few of the berries for breakfast. Satisfied that he's not going to die after waiting a few minutes, he tries some more.

"Sure, Kendry. Teach me how to drive sometime. Sitting and doing nothing else gets boring," he says to Kendry.

Thursday September 23rd, 2004 11:08:44 PM

Shale saddles Valor and stringing his bow leaps on as quickly as possible.

Friday September 24th, 2004 1:08:19 AM

"Oof!" goes Kendry when his brother blindsides him with a tackle. If he weren't so focused on twirling the stick, he might have caught him out of the corner of his eye. But, laughing, he counters with a knuckle to Nalfein's ribs - just to keep things even.

After dusting himself off, he goes to the wagon and pulls out some vegetables from what he bought from the inn, and finds a loaf of bread, some of the salted ham, and hastily gives that out to his companions.

When Nalf mocks the caravan leader, Kendry keeps a straight face, until he climbs up in the cart, calling Willoughby to his side. He leans over, and starts guffawing. "Oh, what a beautiful morning!"

"Can someone take the rocks from under the front wheels?" he asks. Once that is done, and the others are ready, he says, "All right, Will, watch how I handle the reins. I'll give you a crack at it after I teach you the basics. The pony and I'll keep you from boredom, cuz. Giddap, Biscuit!" he calls to the mare, flicking his wrist.

Friday September 24th, 2004 1:33:59 PM

After breakfast, Polly fills in the little refuse trench, packs up her spade, and jogs to catch up with their wagon. She walks along with a bounce in her step, her spear canted comfortably over her shoulder as she takes in the passing scenery.

"This will be the farthest I've ever travelled from home, you know. Will there be rapids on the Peaseblossom? I hope the barge travels fast, but I guess that's too much to ask from a barge."

Making Friends (DM Stephen)  d20+1=15 d100=8 d6=5 d20+6=20
Friday September 24th, 2004 4:16:20 PM

Everyone has some breakfast and get ready to hit the road. Ghost returns with a swollen belly and a limp rabbit dangling from his mouth (Survival check 15, he caught two rabbits and ate one of them). He drops it at the foot of Mayzie. He eagerly looks for signs of approval.

Willoughby tries two of the berries. They are very sweet and very filling ... too filling actually. Willoughby feels rather stuffed. He quickly realizes that one berry would have been sufficant for an entire meal. Essentially, he just ate two full meals. Any soreness from the nights sleep on the ground are quickly chased away. The berries seem to have minor healing abilities (1 hit point each).

Kendry hitches up Biscut. Valor is saddled up and ready. Suddenly a shadow falls across the halflings camp. A deep voice follows and startles the group. Everyone looks up and sees a tall muscular half-orc. His shoulders are so pronounced that it appeares he has no neck. He wears a jacket with the letter 'B' sewn onto it. A large falchion hangs from his belt. You all stare at his knee caps before following his voice up to his head. He continues to speak in a deep tone, "Good, you kids are up an at it. Thay calls me Biguns, I work for da boss. He tell me ta check on ya." He stares hard at Nalfien and crosses his arms. The muscles in his arms bulge and tighten. "Boss heard ya makin' fun of him. He not like dat!" (Intimidate 20. Nalfien must make savethrow vs. fear. Roll d20+Wis modifier+character level. If you dont beat 20, you become Shaken for 1 round.)

"Next time you make Boss mad, you make me Mad! Got it?" Bigun turns around and heads back to the lead wagon.

(Go ahead and post when you can. I will continue and post again this evening or Saturday.)

Friday September 24th, 2004 10:22:05 PM

Duncan waits til the brute is well on his way, with back turned, to mock him. He stuck out his gaw, making his lower teeth pop up above his upper lip and began to walk about bow-legged. After a minute of this he straightened his face up and went to Nalfein's side. Duncan pointed to himself, hoisted his staff in his hands and pointed to Nalfie's back (I got your back).

Friday September 24th, 2004 11:00:25 PM

Keeping to his quiet state, Shale double checks those arrows to make sure their clear and loosens the shield attached to the saddle on Valor. The round oak shield has a symbol on it painted in read that is unfamiliar to most everyone in the group.

Nalfein  d20+3=15
Saturday September 25th, 2004 12:13:40 AM

(Will save 15, I think...)
Nalfein's face drains of all color as he waits for Bigun to squash him. "uh... uh..." is all he can get out. After Bigun has wandered off he looks to his traveling companions.
"Maybee I should learn to bit my toungue." *Bites it for emphisis* "OUCH! Well maybe not that hard..."

Saturday September 25th, 2004 1:32:37 AM

"There's only one thing for it," Kendry starts. "Duncan, stop that!" he gesticulates.

"There's only one thing for it. We need to apologize to the caravan master. Not just Nalf, but the rest of us, too. I laughed, too. But we oughtn't be disrespectful toward him. He's helpin' us, and hasn't done anything to merit guff on our part. C'mon, Nalfein, let's go talk to him. Here, Willoughby, you take the reins."

If his brother concurs, Kendry hustles forward to the caravan master. "Sir, we owe you an apology. You deserve our respect, for on this trip, and on the barge, our lives are in your hands. Will you forgive me and my brother for pokin' fun that wasn't deserved?"

Saturday September 25th, 2004 5:11:52 PM

Selithe ponders after Bigun left and thinks to herself, I think their kind is always to serious though...heck he probably took offense to easy and the caravan master probably actually isn't that upset.

Selithe shrugs after a moment and looks to her brother's, "I'll wait for you, if the caravan master is apolagized to and just told it was a simple joke from people to young then surely he will remember his days of younth and understand atleast alittle no matter how proud he is all the grownups were young once also." Selithe shrugs and smiles, wondering why she says such things since it makes her sound older then she likes to act.

Mayzie  d20+5=23
Sunday September 26th, 2004 9:11:54 AM

(Sorry for not posting, Ive been busy last few days with workmen in the house again)

Mayzie will pet hug and ruffle Ghosts fur, thanking him for the rabbit which she will cook on the campfire and share with the others.

'Good boy Ghost, that is a delicious looking rabbit'

The 3 goodberries she will pocket and save for later.

'These berries are what i usually eat. I can make them myself. They are tasty, dont involve cooking and can be carried easily. The only problem is I'm not very good at making them yet and mine go off after only a day, so I need to make them every day. These ones look better than mine though.'

'I'm sorry for being so rude Kendry. This is Ghost. He is my friend and companion, a bit like a wizards familiar would be. He is more than a pet or mount, he is himself, and is kind enough to carry me.'

Mayzie will take Ghost to the others one at a time and let him sniff them if they are not afraid 'Friends, Ghost.' She will say after each of them.

Mayzie will glare at the half orc, still embarassed from the pie episode, and determined not to be afraid again (23 on intimidate check) with Ghost letting a low growl out as she is threatened, until Mayzie quiets him with a hand on his neck. After he is gone she says

'Stupid bully. When someone gets annoyed enough to threaten violence from a small joke by some youngsters doesnt deserve respect.' Mayzie will not go and appologise but instead will pack her things ready for the journey to resume and get back onto Ghost.

Sunday September 26th, 2004 1:55:51 PM

"Hi, Ghost. Nice to meet you," Polly says, as she lets him sniff her hand and such.

She leans close to the others after Kendry urges Nalfein away, and whispers quietly. "I don't see what the big deal is; you girls are right that it was a joke. Nalfein wasn't cruel, was he?"

She'll step up by Biscuit's head and help Willoughby get him going if the caravan starts rolling before the brothers return.

Monday September 27th, 2004 1:38:41 AM

Nalfein will decline going along with his far too diplomatic brother.

Monday September 27th, 2004 3:13:47 AM

Hello, Ghost

Kendry takes a few moments to fuss over Ghost and his hunting prowess. He thanks Mayzie for letting him know his name, and talks a little about Aunt Nilli's wolves.

Respect & Diplomacy

Kendry nods in surprised agreement with his sister, Selithe.

"Nalf - if someone mocked you, or cousin Polly - and didn't really deserve it - do you see yourself just shrugging it off? Sure, maybe. Or maybe not. But say, well, you, Polly. You've spent time with the militia. Would it make sense for a captain to allow a recruit to disrespect him?

"I remember some of the few times in my life I didn't talk proper to Mama or Papa. I did that, and TOGETHER they made sure they left me something to remember that by," he says, rubbing his bottom.

"Now there are those who might deserve mocking from time to time. But I don't see that the leader of this parade is one of those. If we're gonna get along, we show others respect, and they're more likely to return that to us. And if they don't, THEN maybe it's time to take action.

"When that boy shoved you into the mud, Mayzie, it wasn't time to speak polite words. He was a fool, and sometimes it takes a fist in the gut to reach the mind of a fool.

"Now, I think I was a might too courteous toward that fellow who challenged Calfast and us back in town.

"But I don't see the harm in allowing that maybe the kind of fun we were just having wasn't appropriate to the fellow who's leading this expedition. He knows the river, and we don't. Even if you don't want to tell him you're sorry in so many words, maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to treat him with respect from here on out, unless and until he does something that doesn't deserve it."

Head 'em up, Move 'em out

Kendry takes time to teach Willoughby what little he knows about driving a horse and cart.

Monday September 27th, 2004 10:10:44 PM

Quietly from his pony Shale mutters, "Seems to me someone that's really that good at what he does wouldn't feel threatened by a bunch of young halflings..."

Tuesday September 28th, 2004 12:46:47 AM

"Ken I Never signed into this guy's army and I sure don't work for him. He was paid good coin to get us from point A to point B. Furthermore, if the "boss" has something to say he's far better off to say it to my face rather then sending some lackey to do it. His use of a giant to pass along his messages does not lend to his authority, it detracts from it. If he wants MY respect he'd better earn it."
~Nalfein is visibly frustrated, more with his brother than anything right now, or maybe it just seems that way because he can't do anything about the orc.~

On the road again (DM Stephen) 
Tuesday September 28th, 2004 1:29:44 AM

"What are you guys yapping about," says a voice approaching the halfling's wagon. It's the caravan master. His half-orc security officer stands behind him with a slightly evil grin. "I can't help but overhear what you guys are talking about. Let me comb your foot hair out of a twist. I'm not upset about your little joke earlier. I was quite fine with it. This is a loose outfit. People come and go as you please. But I wanted you to have a taste of where we are going. We're leaving the Crescent Valley! Only a little ways mind you, but enough to run into a type of people you're not accustomed too. Like Biguns here." He turns and smiles at the half-orc, then back at the young hobbits. "Biguns was never going to hurt you. He was only meant to put the fear of the gods into you." Biguns evil grin melts into disappointment. "Huh! Boss," says Biguns. The caravan master replies, "That's all right, Mister Biguns. Why don't you go mount up and I'll be there shortly." Biguns grumbles to himself and stomps off for the lead wagon. After he is out of sight the boss continues. "Guys, where we're going is a place where talls do business. Very serious tall people. Some even bigger than Mister Biguns, and not quite as nice and polite! And believe me, none of them have a sense of humor nor appreciate a good laugh. That's why I hired Mister Biguns. If you talk that way with these talls like you did me, they aren't going to wait for an apology. They'd beat you within an inch of your life, maybe worse! So be mindful what you say and how you say it when we get to the trading post. Until then, you can joke all you want. I'm like you. I'm all for having a good time. Just take my word for it." He looks back toward Biguns and turns back again to the party. "Just heed my warnings. They smell fear, and for most of them, that's all the excuse they need to stomp you into a mud hole."

Upon finishing his talk, the boss tugs and straightens his jacket. It's got a "B" sewn on it too! "Ok then, let's get going." He turns around and begins to jog back to the lead wagon where Biguns waits. "Onward ... Onward!"

Tuesday September 28th, 2004 2:23:02 PM

Polly sighs her relief as they finally get rolling, happy to leave the morality and dire warnings in the dust behind them.

Tuesday September 28th, 2004 10:31:08 PM

Mayzie will thank the caravan master for the lesson.

'You are right. The people we will meet are beyond what we know, and dangerous to boot. It would be very easy for us to make a silly mistake and assume they are as forgiving and lighthearted as our own kind since we have never dealt with them before.'

Tuesday September 28th, 2004 10:43:50 PM

Choosing not to respond, Shale tips his broad-brimmed dusty hat and rides on.

Tuesday September 28th, 2004 11:12:15 PM

The chewing out (of sorts) that the caravan boss laid out on the group reminded Duncan alot of the scoldings he recieved from his mother, when he used to pick tomatoes out of the garden and shamefully waste them by pelting the fence with them. With the nostalgia came a wave of seriousness that washed away the smarmy expression from Duncan's face. The man was right, Duncan thought, we really need to get more serious about this mission.
With this in mind, Duncan set about by keeping an even wider eye out for trouble as the caravan continued to wind away from the casual security of the Valley.

All Aboard! (DM Stephen)  d100=38 d6=3 d100=25 d6=1
Wednesday September 29th, 2004 12:39:30 AM

(Im sorry. The caravan master wasnt supposed to sound like he was chewing you out. It was supposed to be kind-hearted advice.)

Bruised feelings aside, the caravan double-times it to the riverboat ferry that is waiting for them. As you arrive, you all can see that the captain looks a bit impatient. The crew jumps to life and prepares to help guide the wagons aboard. Their efficency and speed is impressive. Looks like they were trained to get cargo loaded very quickly. Almost as if they were being chased or in a tight spot. Many of you also notice that they a racially diverse crew. A few halflings, three half-orcs, a human with slightly pointed ears and a rather hardy-looking fellow that resembles a dwarf. It's true what they say about dwarves. He's as wide as he is tall and covered with so much hair.

A creature around the size of a halfling peeks up out of an open hatch on the deck. His skin is scaly and seems a bit irritated by the bright sunlight. He quickly ducks back down into the darkness of the cargo hold.

There is a small building next to the dock. It looks to be the ferry station / house. Its run by a halfling and he talks with the caravan master. Money is exchanged and hands are shook. There is a barn and a root cellar 50 yards away from the shore on slightly higher ground. Parked next to the barn is a large wagon overflowing with golden, fresh-cut hay.

A small halfling child skips over to the party. He says, "Hey misters, ya want ta put your animals up in our stable while you're gone? They get fresh water and hay. Only 5 silver a day, each! Ya wont be needin' them at the trading post. I'll even brush them down for ya. You can park your wagon over there for free."

Nalfein OOC 
Wednesday September 29th, 2004 1:10:26 AM

Hey all. Gona be couple days before I can post regualrly again. In the interim assume that Nalfein is just a little quiet and sullen.
Havin' a bad morning and all.
Should be back to 100% on Monday.

Wednesday September 29th, 2004 1:56:59 AM

Selithe glances to the kid as she jumps down from the wagon and glances at Kendry, smiling and figuring Kendry will take care of the decision on the animals.

Selithe stretches abit and looks over the place ash she whistles mainly to herself. As she spots the burly dwarf she whistles mainly to herself, "My my a dwarf. I have only met one in my whole life so far till now. It was at a tavern while I was rambling around." Selithe looks to the others and smiles, "I'll be back I promise but I have to say hi to him."

Selithe runs quickly to where the dwarf is and stops alittle ways away, "Hello sir. I hope you do not mind me talking to you I just have not seen but one dwarf in my time." Selithe smiles sheepishly since she knows that dwarves are gruff people, "The dwarf I met shared a ale from his homeland with me, quite good stuff but it packs way to much of a wallop for me. Are all of your guys drinks so strong or do you have lighter stuff too? Do you really live in mountains? I never been in a mountain before, sounds scary." Selithe's eyes are a light with the possiblity of gaining knowledge of the dwarves but will back down if the dwarf acts mad at her questions.

Wednesday September 29th, 2004 4:29:54 AM

Bemused and amused by the caravan leader's object lesson, Kendry, on the brisk ride to the ferry, holds his counsel, respecting his brother's silence, apart from some quiet comments here and there to Willoughby to explain aspects of guiding Biscuit with the reins, and how to set the brake on the cart.

Once they arrive at the ferry, and are told about stabling their horses, Kendry checks with the captain to see whether they could not take pony and cart on board the raft. If not, he takes up the boy on his offer, and spend a few minutes introducing him to Biscuit, and telling him of her idiosyncracies, and how much grain (and what time) to feed the mare, and where she likes to be scratched, and important issues along these lines. After inquiring as to how long -- two days? More? -- it might take for the trip to and from the trading post, he pays in advance for the days, plus an extra gold, "Just in case it takes a little longer."

"So, Shale, you going to leave Valor here?"

Kendry notes what he believes to be a goblin, ducking from the light of the sun. Hmmm - wonder if I'll get a chance to speak goblin with this fellow... he thinks to himself.

Wednesday September 29th, 2004 10:02:30 AM

Mayzie rides along in silence most of the time taking in the new sights. She looks amazed at the collection of people, though she assumes the human with pointy ears is a half elf, having seen a few before at the elven city.

To the lad Mayzie replies, 'Ghost walks with me wherever I go,' and reaches a protective arm into his fur.

Wednesday September 29th, 2004 4:54:43 PM

Polly watches the efficient crew, greatly impressed with the speed of their work. As soon as they appear to be loaded up, she scoots aboard and finds a spot out of their way, so as not to hold things up.

Shale  d20+4=8
Wednesday September 29th, 2004 10:13:26 PM

Clearly torn over leaving his life blood behind, Shale heads over to the ships captain.

"Is their anyway I can pay extra for passage of my pony? This was my father's pony and he is quiet a handful for anyone not used to him." (Diplomacy 8)

Riverboatin' (DM Stephen)  d100=43 d6=4 d100=98 d6=5
Thursday September 30th, 2004 12:17:27 PM

The ferry boat captain replies to both Kendry and Shale about passage with their animals and cart. "Sure thing, if you want to bring them. Transporting livestock and wagons is part of our business. Livestock will either have to remain hitched to their wagon or be put in a stall with the others. We cant have large animals roaming free on deck. However, passengers who usually return back to this station usually have no need to bring them. That's the purpose of the stable. We normally load whatever goods you trade for in our cargo and haul it back for you. You steeds and cart wont need to leave the boat if you're coming straight back. We can take your livestock as part of your normal passage fee. However any food for them will cost extra. Five copper for a small bail of hay." (I don't want to persaude you in any way on this. It really doesnt matter. You make your own decision.)

The dwarf darts a glance at Selithe as he coils a length of rope. "Why would you not want your drink strong? Yeah, we do have weaker drink, but most grown dwarves prefer not to drink Mother's Milk!" The dwarf errupts in laughter. "Although, its a bit stronger than water," he says with a little chuckle. "Well little Missy, I can answer your questions later after we get goin'. Too busy right now. By the way, the name is Slag."

After all preparations have been made. Everyone and everything is loaded that is going on the trip. Ropes are cast and the boat is pushed away from the docks. A single sail is unraveled and fills with the breeze. The dwarf and all the half-orcs grab hold of these seesaw style levers at the stern of the craft. They begin cranking them up and down, one crewman on either side. They strain at first to get them moving up they quickly ease up and move more fluid. A paddle wheel begins to turn in the water. The boat begins to pull away. Its speed gets faster and faster. The ferry river boat is moving rather well. Good thing they are moving down wind and with the current of the river. The captain remarks, "Aye, looks like we will be at the trading post in record time, maybe by this evening." He pauses and thinks. "To bad going back up river isnt this swift." After the boat achieves the right speed, the crew stops pumping the levers and allows the boat to move under its own power.

Thursday September 30th, 2004 1:11:15 PM

Polly stand near the rail at the front of the barge, alternately watching the forest and hills whip by on either bank, and the waves of the river being thrown out and pulled under by the prow. "Wouldn't it be great if we could run this fast? I'd run everywhere, all the time."

Shale  d20+6=20
Thursday September 30th, 2004 9:51:16 PM

Shale heads down to where they stable Valor and attempts to keep the pony calm during its first boat ride. (handle animal 20)

Friday October 1st, 2004 12:42:52 AM

Selithe keeps her busy for alittle while with talking to her brothers and fellow group members before approaching the dwarf, seeing that he is done with the getting the boat moving work. She smiles at him and nods, "I would guess your done Slag? If you wouldn't mind I was thinking we could just chat abit about your home and maybe play a friendly non wager card game."

Selithe pulls out her deck of cards and smiles to the dwarf also pulling out a small diary like book she carries to take notes of what the dwarf tells her as she likes the knowledge this will give her.

(Cayzle&Stephen:I know diaries are not in the phb and I know Selithe doesn't have alot of money left, is it possible for her to have the diary from when she was younger?)

Friday October 1st, 2004 2:00:40 AM

Kendry leaves Biscuit and her cart behind, unless Nalfein asks him to bring the pony and cart.

He watches the casting of the lines, the push off, and stands absorbing all he can of how the crew handles the boat. Fascinated with the paddle wheel, he asks how everything is tied together to make the paddles turn.

"How long does it usually take to come back upstream?" he asks the Captain.

He laughs out loud at his cousin's observation. "I'm sure you would, Polly. You're a girl in motion most of the time as it is."

He chats with Selithe, too. "Slag, go easy on my sister. She's new to the cards," he warns the dwarf with a wink.

He joins Shale to check on Valor, patting the horse on the neck. "Isn't this great? We're going on a trip, on this terrific boat, and we get to see the trading post. Say, what languages do you know, Shale?"

OOC: Kim - C'mon, folks! Only 4 of 8 have posted in the past 32+ hours 
Friday October 1st, 2004 9:07:30 PM

Andrew gave heads up in advance it'd be tough to post for a few days for Nalfein. Help - we need the rest of us.

Friday October 1st, 2004 10:38:17 PM

Obviously lightening up at the question Shale responds, "Well actually I speak pretty fluent elven. I don't tell a lot of people though because I hate to seem like I'm bragging."

Grinning pretty wide it's obvious that Shale is proud of himself and glad someone asked him.

"My dad taught me and I practiced it trading with the elves of the Culverwood."

Saturday October 2nd, 2004 6:23:11 AM

Mayzie will spend most of the time gazing over the rail, checking frequently on Ghost if he is coraled or keeping him by her if he isn't.

If a game of cards is happening Mayzie will watch Polly with interest, trying to understand why it is that she likes the game so much.

'I've never played that kind of game before. I've only played with elven children when visiting my Guardian, or against him. Mostly that involves games where you move crystal pieces on a board with black and white squares, and you try and outmaneouver your opponent to trap their Liege. It can take hours to play just one game. It's as much a meditation exercise as a game.'

Saturday October 2nd, 2004 4:54:45 PM

Duncan does whatever he can to help get all the carts and livestock loaded onto the barges, for he has always enjoyed physical labor and being useful. It was tiring work, so when the barge was finally off into the currents he plopped himself down to rest.
After stretching a bit, he decided to go poking around. He could remember seeing an odd sight earlier--that of a rather unusual scaly looking humanoid, one he had never seen or remembered hearing of before. Duncan decided to seek he/she/it out, to satisfy his curiosity and perhaps broaden his knowledge of the Wold's races.
Walking to where he last saw him/her/it, and waved to it.

Polly  d20+9=11
Sunday October 3rd, 2004 2:55:45 PM

Polly experiments with maintaining a handstand on the deck, finding that the the unsteady surface presents something of a challenge (Balance=11). Sprawled on the boards where she's tumbled yet again, she grins at Mayzie. "I've played games with maneuvers and capturing before, but there weren't any crystals or boards. I've seen Duncan meditate before. He just sits still; it's really boring. Maybe your elven game would go faster if you skipped the meditation part?"

Kendry - Hobbits just wanna have fun  d20+2=17 d20+2=5
Monday October 4th, 2004 12:52:39 AM

"Elvish? Yep, that's a great language to know. You should chat with Mayzie more, keep up your practice.

"Say, Shale, do you have a shield I could borrow? I need some rope, too."

If Shale has a shield, or if someone else in the group will loan him one, he wants to try an experiment. "See, I'll tie the rope on here, then we tie the other end on the back side of the deck. Then, I'll let myself down the rope, and work my way back to the shield, then have fun riding the shield as it skips along the water. Polly, what do you think? You wanna go second?"

If he gets the requisite materials for his contraption, stripping down to his short pants and belt (which he cinches tight), he'll give it a whirl. Well, he will check with a crewman or two, or the captain if he's nearby. And, if they don't heavily quash the idea, he'll take one of his waterskins, empty the water and fill it with air, and tie it around his waist so it snugs along the small of his back. Then, he'll go for it. [Dex check 17, Strength check 5] Oh-oh. Looks like he was reasonably nimble, but that the force of the water pulling on his body was a bit stronger than he anticipated.

Monday October 4th, 2004 3:01:07 AM

Mayzie giggles at Polly. 'Youre probably right, only you'd lose faster too no doubt. But I admit I don thave the patience for those games too often. Unlike an elf I dont have 2000 years to live. Still, its a good way to relax.'

Monday October 4th, 2004 6:15:32 AM

Hearing talk of a card game Nalfein decides to add his two copers worth.
"Last time I played a good card game we were playing pentacles, me and a guy from the other team both shot blind nil. It came down to the last card of the hand to determine weather or not their team would get it. Poor sap drops the only pentacle out there and takes the book! Opened the spread to 600 some odd points. In a 1000 point game... Yeah they quit."
He sits back with a satisfied grin on his face. Glad to have had something he could add to the converation.

Monday October 4th, 2004 3:34:38 PM

Selithe chuckles at her friends and brothers and winks to Kendry, "Now brother. I said a friendly game with no wagers."

Selithe begins shuffling her deck of cards and looks to Slag, "I suppose dwarves have their own style of card games so if you like you can show me one. If not then how about a friendly game of hearts." When Selithe says hearts she glances towards Duncan and winks at him, more of a pickon but she does like the quiet guy.

DM Stephen  This message will self destruct!
Monday October 4th, 2004 5:59:41 PM

(sorry for the poor DMship. Ive been either away or fast asleep over the past couple of days. will post tonight)

Monday October 4th, 2004 10:55:48 PM

"You know I would normally Kendry, but this shields got holy markings on it. The gods would probably strike you dead in the water anyways for trying to ride a holy symbol..."

Shale grins at the obviously humorous mental picture.

Polly  d20=17
Monday October 4th, 2004 11:56:30 PM

"Sort of like a chariot for the river! That's a great idea, Kendry. I'd sure like to try it if we can get away with it. Maybe you should tie yourself to the rope, though, or to a second rope, like we do with climbing. If you lose your grip, we'd have to collect you on the way back upstream!"

She'll turn her hands to tying off the ropes with a few good knots she's learned. (Use Rope = 17+?)

Tuesday October 5th, 2004 1:26:01 AM

"Ah, perhaps you're right, Shale. A holy shield should only be used to defend against enemy attacks, by swords swung by wicked critters, and dirty claws, and the like. Not clean river water washing over its face," he says with a twinkle in his eye. "Wardd probably wouldn't mind, though..."

Heeding Polly's counsel (if he can get away with it), Kendry allows a second, slightly longer rope to be tied on to him, before trying the trick, as he does not fancy being left behind with only his shorts and belt to keep him company.

Tuesday October 5th, 2004 1:27:35 AM

[Uh, and figuring that maybe at least one other party member has a shield to offer for this noble experiment?]

Rollin' down the River (DM Stephen)  d100=10 d4=1 d100=6 d100=7 d6=3
Tuesday October 5th, 2004 1:51:01 AM

The captain sits back on a barrel top and starts to carve into an apple. He hears Kendry's question and answers it between bites. "Hmmm, goin' back upstream usually takes two full days. Unless the winds are blowin' forceful against us, then it could take as many as three or four."

Slag smiles wide with a big toothy grin after hearing Selithe and Kendry mention a game of chance. "No wagerin', that not be too sportin', hee hee heehee!" He thinks for a second and his eyes widen with an idea. "How about we wager drinks! How about we wager shots of whatever alcohol ya got into a single cup and the loser has ta drink it. Now that sounds interesting!" From next to a pile of crates, the dwarf pulls out a cask with a tap on one end and a large earthenware mug.

Duncan is startled by a small strange-looking fellow from below. It suddenly pops his head up out of the hold when he hears word about a drinking game. "Do someone say game wit dranks? Me want in, Me want in!!" He stands up on two claw-like feet, about 2.5 feet tall. He has scaly, rusty brown skin with a few spots on the side of the head and down the neck. He looks somewhat reptilian and has a forked-tongue and a small tail. The creature is startled by Duncan as well. With a yelp, he ducks back down only to inch back up when he realizes that Duncan's wave wasn't meant as a slap. He nervously giggles a little and returns the gesture with his own wave. The lil creature seems a bit high strung.

Ghost sits next to Mayzie as she looks out at the river. The wolf isn't considered livestock and has complete freedom to roam the ship. Some crew members even try to make friends with him by offering treats and pets.

The crew seem quite amused by Kendry's water recreational contraption (One of the crew had a large wooden shield and loaned it to you). They are eager to see how he does. The captain isn't so amused however. "What are you doing? Get back in the boat." Kendry's little water craft isn't taking to the water too well (sorry bad outcome rolls). The front edge of the wooden shield bites into the water while he's on it, and is driven straight down beneath the waves. Kendry is able to hang on, however he suddenly has that sinking feeling that he's the bait on a hook being dragged on a troll line. Several fish develop the strangest expression as they watch Kendry shoot by. Kendry feels himself being pulled back up and he finally gets a breath of air. Laughter fills his ears as two half-orcs pull him back on board. The captain stands there shaking his head. He is trying hard not to smile and maintain a serious expression. "What would have happened if you fell off? We'd have to stop, turn around and come get you. We have a schedule to keep." He turns around and walks off in the opposite direction. (Listen check DC14 to hear him chuckle a little)

(Selithe - sure you can have a diary or a journal.)

Kendry  d20+5=13
Tuesday October 5th, 2004 2:51:40 AM

Kendry declines the offer to gamble for drinks, leaving that to Selithe, Nalfein and whoever else wants to try it...

"Woooooooo-HOO! *cough* Yah- *cough* HOO! *cough-cough*" exults Kendry as the half orcs' strong arms pull him from the river. "Thanks, thank you," he tells his helpers.

"T-trout-t-t," he says, stammering with exhilaration. "They looked at me!"

He takes the captain's light dressing-down with a polite and deferential nod of the head, the sort that has gotten him out of trouble several times in the past. Was the captain snorting as he walked away? Laughing? Not quite sure (Listen 13).

Once the captain is far enough away, the hobbit tells the crew member who lent him the shield, "That was great! You're great to let me try it. I was thinking... y'see, by tying on to the straps on the upward side, the rope pulls that part forward, so the shield tends to dive down. But, if'n we fix it so that the rope comes from the under side, keeping the straps on the upward side to hang on to, maybe it'll keep from diving under the river. Also, I should lean back more, I suppose. Hey! A short rope with a loop to pull up the front edge..."

'Duncan, you try this must some time!' he tells his friend.

"Yeah, Polly. Let's call it your name. River chariot!"

Then, keeping in mind his chosen profession, Kendry thinks this trip is the sort he should think about writing some songs about. He listens in to the conversations about games and such, the sounds of the river, the creaking of the boards and the slap of the paddlewheel, the wind in the sails, using it all as grist for the mill of chorus and verse. He likes Mayzie's gentle accent, he marks to himself.

Tuesday October 5th, 2004 9:08:09 PM

Selithe chuckles at Slag's suggestion, "Okay but I better not loose to much or I will not get much notes taken on your homeland." Selithe smiles and sits down, tossing cards to Slag as she deals, "So, how about telling me of your home first, you all actually live in a mountain? and whats the clans like?"

(Craft Gamble:18 Profession Gamble:8...for some reason it didn't post this last time.)

Tuesday October 5th, 2004 11:55:16 PM

Duncan lets the odd humanoid go on by, for he wasn't sure how he would continue relating to someone who didn't know his Sign. But there was someone else who did a little, and he just about drowned himself.
"I say before, you crazy!" Duncan exclaimed while searching around for a towel for Kendry to dry himself on. After helping out the shield-swimmer, Duncan goes to where a few of the others are about to gamble against Selithe, not to participate but to steal glances of the lovely card-shark as she readies to relieve some humans of their coin.

Trader's Corner

Evening Afloat (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday October 6th, 2004 1:47:50 PM

As the boat continues downriver, intoxicating card games are played, tunes are composed, river chariots are refined, and the landscape scrolls past. The land seems to be turning drier and scragglier, but the atmosphere aboard the vessel is is still lush with humor and goodwill.

Sunset approaches, and one crewman -- an older gent with a bald pate called Paps -- brings by cold cuts of sheep, coarse bread, and more ale -- weaker or stronger, as desired.

It gets dark, and those who wish to sleep sack out on deck. There are lots of old sacks and hay to rest on. The crew settles in to work or rest in the dim. Lanterns fore and aft dispel some of the dark.

The boat docks near midnight. The captain and his crew wake and begin unloading. he offers you the choice of sleeping on board until morning or leaving whenever you like before that. He does caution you that Trader's Corner can be rough this far past sunset.

And DID you bring the pony and wagon?

Wednesday October 6th, 2004 7:42:08 PM

[In the absence of Nalfein telling Kendry to bring the pony and wagon, we left it behind. Nalf can overrule me on this. Shale brought Valor.]

"What time does the boat head back upstream?" Kendry asks the captain.

Whether to sleep aboard, or head ashore, Kendry waits to hear what his friends say first on this matter.

Wednesday October 6th, 2004 10:08:29 PM

Selithe will try staying well up into the night, getting info from Slag if she doesn't get to drunk and then calls it a night or passes out, either way.

When the boat docks Selithe looks to the others and shakes her head and waves her hands, "No no no, I don't want to be in town with the tall ones till morning atleast. They won't see us and step on us probably if we go in during night." Selithe looks to everyone before finding a nice place to take a nap, looking at her brothers and everyone, "Either way I'm getting some sleep."

Shale  d20+6=24
Wednesday October 6th, 2004 10:48:58 PM

Shale ushers Valor out of the ship after they reach shore and waits to learn what time they should return. (Handle Animal 24)

"Seems to me we should go the place for pickup now and not wait until dawn, we are kind of in a race if I recall."

Shale takes his hat off and places it in a pocket of his quiver. In the evening air he pulls his hood up to conceal his face some and hops up on Valor.

"I'm ready to get this job done."

Thursday October 7th, 2004 10:56:32 AM

The games of chance, though exciting at times, left Duncan quite a bit sleepy. Sitting for hours left him ready to nod off, and the fair Selithe seemed to have the same idea.
With the darkness of night all around, Duncan figured that rest on the barge would be the best thing--it would be harder for night creeps to lay ambush while surrounded by water.
"I stay, help better if rested," Duncan signs to Polly as he tries to find a soft(er) sack to curl up next to.

Daybreak in Traders Post (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday October 7th, 2004 1:28:07 PM

[DM Ruling: For want of a better plan, the donkey and cart were left behind under Willoughby's care. That brings the company's number to seven: Kendry, Selithe, Nalfein, Polly, Duncan, Shale, and Mayzie.]

When the boat docks, Kendry is indecisive about departing; Selithe and Duncan want to sleep; Shale feels alert; and Polly, Nalfein, and Mayzie don't even wake up at all.

In the morning, the captain tells the party that he likes to unload right away, to lighten the load in case of emergency, but now he's going to let the crew relax. He has no schedule for a return trip -- he knows that within a few days, he'll get enough business to shove back for the return voyage.

You think over what you know and recall a few details. You've been given 1,500 gold to buy the special beer. If you spend les than 1,500, you get to keep the difference.

Calfast said, "Find a dealer there in the pub named "Brock." He's a bit rough around the edges, but good at heart. Beware trolls and ogres. Plus there's some ruffians around there you don't want any part of. If you have trouble find a good cleric. Easy to spot."

Calfast told you that the word of contact is "Are you a big stupid half-orc?"

You are currently at the Dock. You see two warehouses, a shop catering to boatwrights, and a lopsided booth where a half-orc with cask and a few mugs seems to be selling grog.

Off a ways and up a hill there are a few other buildings. What do you do?

Thursday October 7th, 2004 6:48:47 PM

Selithe looks to the others and down the road, frowning abit as she looks over the place, "You think the password and that orc have something in common? I don't want to call him that, thats for sure."

Selithe frowns in wonder and looks to her brothers, "Oh well, you two decide and I'll follow. I don't mind a friendly gamble but this is most deffinetly different." Selithe is also clearing looking around in shock at the place and interest, trying to hide it though as she tries to keep her act of ohhh ho hum up.

Thursday October 7th, 2004 10:25:49 PM

Shale resolved to get to the special beer without wasting anymore time ( and also feeling a little like puffing up since their are so many biggens around ) continues his opinion,

"I say we can't let them back us down at any cost. My dad used to say that halflings are the most dangerous creatures in the Wold. We are quick of wit and stout of heart, but more importantly we are underestimated. I say we take this opportunity to move quick, secure the beer and then hatch a plan for taking it back in the morning."

He pulls back his hood suddenly and puts his hand on the handle of his halfling longsword, "I say we have our objective and we let nothing stand between us and our beer. Lets show this rotten town what halflings are really made of!!"

Shale seems somewhere between twitchy and excited (closer to twitchy probably), as he jumps up on Valor and straps his shield onto his arm.

Friday October 8th, 2004 4:54:31 AM

"Hello, sir. Could you sell me a half pint of grog to see me on the way to the pub?" he asks, holding out a cup he brought from the cooking things. "Which way is the pub?" He waits to see what the half orc vendor charges for the grog. If it's a copper or up to a silver or two, he'll pay it, and take a quick taste of the grog, to evaluate its quality.

Should the vendor indicate the way to the pub, Kendry suggests they head that direction.

Grog (DM Cayzle) 
Friday October 8th, 2004 2:21:44 PM

The half orc at the shack is willing to sell Kendry a mugful for a copper. It's weak and nasty.

The seller is young, and he looks over the party with a sharp eye.

"Sure, it's a copper a mug." He looks at what the group carries and rides appraisingly. "But you probably won't like it. The usual customers I get for this swill are river workers and porters. I would never drink it."

You see he has an open book next to him on the counter, set well away from the cask and mugs.

"The pub is probably where you want to go. Not much of anywhere else to go around this rat hole. It's right there," he says, pointing at a building up the hill.

Friday October 8th, 2004 3:10:17 PM

Kendry takes a medium-sized drink of the grog, then grimaces, taking a quick glance at the open book through squinting eyes. After puckering his lips for a moment, he says, "Hmm, you're right, mister. This might be all right for watering weeds. Appreciate your honesty," he says with a weak smile.

"Say, you know a fellow by the name of Rock? Bock? Something like that," he asks the appraising young half orc.

Friday October 8th, 2004 10:15:15 PM

Seeing the dismal response, Shale lowers his sword and leads Valor over to the entrance at the pub. Finding a good place to tie Valor for a moment (in plane site of the others), Shale gives it a loose knot. Petting the horse reassuringly he throws his shield over his shoulder strides on into the pub.

Saturday October 9th, 2004 3:35:27 AM

Mayzie will acompany Kendry to give him moral support.

'Im worried about this password too' she will tell him on the way. 'Maybe someone played a trick on our patron to make sure he didnt get the beer, and I'd not want to see you dangling by the leg upside down while a half orc shakes you.'

Mayzie adds

'I do have an idea though. You can always speak the password to him without insulting him. I dont know, like why not say to him'

'you seem to know what youre talking about, youre not the kind of person someone would say 'are you a big stupid half orc to'

Saturday October 9th, 2004 10:02:17 AM

Nalfein is still trying to rub the sleep from his eyes. The ride down river was far too relaxing and now his poor stiff joints just don't want to move.
Once he does get moving however he tries to finda dock master to see if they know where this big stipid half orc might be hiding.

Sunday October 10th, 2004 2:02:26 AM

Selithe nods at Mayzie's comments and speaks up also on the password bit, "If it's the password without a doubt then fine but I really don't want to become half orc paste or something over saying that. We had better approach this carefully brothers and friends."

Selithe looks abit worried bit still looks forward expectantly. She looks at the half-orc who Kendry got a drink of grog from and chuckles, "I would ask for a drink but I do not want to kill my poor taste buds good sir. My tastes I'm afraid are abit more refined."

Sunday October 10th, 2004 11:26:37 PM

Polly grins at the expression on Kendry's face, and thinking of the quality drink Brock supposedly has waiting for them, comments, "And you might be needing them soon for business, hey, Selithe?"

She hurries up the hill to catch up with Shale as soon as the half-orc points out the pub, rather than waiting to find out if he recognize's their contact's name.

The Pub at Traders Post (DM Cayzle)  d20+3=5 [Kendry's search roll to check out the book] d20+3=7 [Nalfein's gather info check at the dock]
Monday October 11th, 2004 9:50:04 AM

Kendry engages the young half-orc in conversation and peeks at his book -- but is squinting too much to see what it is about. Nalfein looks for the Dockmaster, but finds no one aside from a few shiphands who don't give him the time of day. [Sorry, friends -- poor rolls!]

But the half-orc does say to Kendry, "Sure, that's my Unca Brock. He runs the pub. My name is Samual, by the way."

When Selithe talks to Samual, he tries to answer, "Um, oh no, this is, uh, you know. Bad to ..." He blushes, and Selithe gets the idea he doesn't talk to girls much.

But Samual is not on the spot for long, as the group thanks him and heads up the hill, Shale and Polly in the lead.

The area is neither wooded not cultivated, like the Crescent back home, but seems to be mostly dry grasses, bramble, and scraggly trees. Things are more lush by the river, less so on the hills.

Beyond the dock, Traders Post doesn't seem like much -- a half-dozen buildings total, and it would be a compliment to actually call half of those ramshackle structures "buildings." One is a mercantile, one seems to be a residence (with chickens running loose all around it), and one is the pub. Two children are digging in the dirt at the side of the house.

The pub is one of the more solid structures -- but it too seems rickety, like a strong storm would knock it over. A big sign of a mug of ale leaves no doubt that this is the place. It has two stories, shutters on the lower floor, and windows in the upper story. The group walks up the dirt road on the hill, and Shale ties off Valor at the hitching post. The group enters the pub.

At this time of day, at least -- early in the morning -- the place is pretty empty. The smell of frying eggs fills the air, reminding the halflings that they have had neither first nor second breakfast yet today. Three humans are at the bar eating eggs. A male half-orc is sweeping around some tables. A female half-orc is behind the bar at some kind of grill, cooking. The place is dim, with light mostly coming through the open door and through shutters.

Monday October 11th, 2004 3:42:58 PM

As Kendry enters the pub in the midst of his friends, he looks about.

After a moment, he approaches the sweeper, and says, "Excuse me, sir, but I'm looking for Samual's uncle. Are you Mister Brock, or is that someone else? I'm Kendry, by the way."

Monday October 11th, 2004 6:06:15 PM

Polly heads straight for the bar, eager to fill her belly, and is dismayed to find how very high it is, the nearest human customer looming high overhead. She climbs up onto a seat so that she can see the cook at the grill, and smiles her most charming smile. "Good morning, madam. Will you kindly cook up eggs for seven?" If there's any sign of baking on the air, she'll enquire after toast or muffins.

Monday October 11th, 2004 8:48:45 PM

There are two things that Duncan likes most of all about mornings: the feel of wet grass between his toes and freshly cooked eggs. He had been following closely behind Polly up to the pub when the smell of eggs grabbed him by the nostrils, and felt like his feet left the ground and he was floating in the direction of the pub. Having eaten only the trail rations last night thus far, his more hobbity sensibilities returned, and now he felt he could eat a chicken dry of its eggs.
Needless to say, Duncan stuck to Polly, trusting her to find the source of such delicious ware.

Monday October 11th, 2004 11:46:22 PM

Selithe winks to Polly and grins, "Gambling is my life. Got to hold the alcohol to keep gambling and the proper look is everything, a drinker and smoker people will think would loose her senses quicker with the drink."

Selithe walks into the tavern with the others and takes in a big smell of the air before walking to the bar with the others, "My favorite smell in the whole Wold. Good food and a tavern to gamble in." Selithe looks to the seat problem and sighs wondering why people never make these more for halflings and does her best to climb up into a seat.

Unable to avoid the chance she ruffles Duncan's hair when she gets up onto the seat and while Duncan's mind is on food and grins when he looks at her. Deciding to pick on poor Duncan more she looks over at Polly, "Didn't you have a neat story to tell me about when Duncan was younger?" Selithe grins since she figures maybe Polly will join in on her joke and winks to Duncan so he knows afterwards that she isn't really being mean.

When Mayzie enters Selithe waves her over also and will offer her a hand to help her onto the seat next to her, "Interestng boat ride huh?" Selithe glances to the half-orc fixing the food and speaks up also, "uhhh miss, I was wondering what you served to drink? I hear that elves have this wonderful really light wine that has hardly any alchol in it...can me and my friend here get a glass if you have that please?" Selithe looks to Mayzie now for a moment and pulls out her diary, opening it to a fresh page just past her notes from Slag, "Hey Mayzie, can you tell me some of the elves you met and such please? I don't know if I have anything I can tell you about but I'm really trying to get some better notes on things, mainly other races and their ways."

Why Selithe is writing all this info down is hard to tell, maybe for conversation during her gambling, personal knowledge or something else.

Meet Brock! (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday October 12th, 2004 9:35:10 AM

Kendry approaches the half-orc, who answers, "Yeah, I'm Brock! What's it to ya? Got a problem with Sam?"

The woman behind the counter is happy at the business. "That's a silver each, and it comes with fresh bread and ale," she tells Polly. "We got ale and we got cider. The cider's an extra silver," she tells Selithe. "No fancy wine."

Tuesday October 12th, 2004 3:32:31 PM

"Are you a stupid half orc?" Nalfein says with a wink, "Of course we have a problem with Sam. He just fed my brother here the worst ale in the wold!"

Tuesday October 12th, 2004 7:58:39 PM

"That sounds great, madam," Polly tells the grill cook. "I think the ale will do for most of us." Once the others have selected their drink, Polly pays the total price out of her belt pouch. She nods politely to the human nearest her and hops down from her perch to pace while she waits, leaving the innkeeper to her more business-minded cousins.

"Oh, I don't know, Selithe. There are so very many neat stories about Duncan that I can't recall which I meant to tell. Was it the one about the empty grain sack? The time he tried to help Feather with the nails? The hop-toad race?" As she names each event, she glances sidelong at her friend to gage his reaction.

Tuesday October 12th, 2004 8:43:57 PM

Selithe grins and nods as she listens to Polly and then turns his gaze to the half-orc tender for a moment the smile and nod, "thats okay ma'am, I wasn't sure if you had that or not. I'll take a cider please."

Selithe winks to Polly as she speaks to her friend, "hmmm the hop toad race sounds interesting."

Selithe takes just a moment to speak to the half-orc lady again though, "I really hope I'm not bothering you with my questions but one last thing ma'am. You get very many card games going in here? I was thinking if I was here later that maybe I could find a nice game here. I'm not overly known around but I'm a gambler by trade." Selithe grins as she does her best to look innocent and charming, "That reminds me, I simply have to come up with a neat gambler name for myself sometime....who to ask for help....Kendry and Nalfein don't like me gambling so not them."

Wednesday October 13th, 2004 2:13:42 AM

"Which surprised us, big fellow, as we heard you've got some of the best stuff around," Kendry follows his brother's words. Not much time to do as Mayzie suggested...

Should Brock prove violent, Kendry will interpose himself between Nalfein and the half orc.

Wednesday October 13th, 2004 6:30:21 AM

(Sorry about the lack of posts all. I have workmen everywhere at the moment getting the house ready for sale, and it is hard to get a chance to post, the computer not always being set up as they have to move it now and then)

Mayzie will take a seat next to Selithe, poping a berry into her mouth rather than eat the fattening things on offer.

'The elves do have drinks like that. They also have drinks that taste as if they have no alcohol in them but have a good deal, or have something that has something of the same effect, but doesnt make you feel bad when you awake in the morning. It is hard to get good elven wine outside elven cities though.

As to which elves I know... well, a good many really. My mentor, a deeply kind man who has been a father to me all my life, but a very serious one who has not yet recovered from the loss of his true daughter - for someone who lives as long as an elf, the loss is still very fresh. He is also a very busy man and I see him far less than I would like.

Then I have made many some friends amongst the younger elves. Landrina, who loves to dance all day and has tried with limited success to teach me, Aethel who who wants to be the finest bowman in the world, and who is upset when I can hit a row of wooden bowls better with my sling than he can with his bow (Mayzie giggle), Rennet Who shares my taste in fine dresses and has helped to adjust some to fit me.

Then there is Telmor, a handsome very young elf, who had a crush on me (Mayzie blushes) until he understood I wasn't an elf. He is still a child, and I have grown past him in maturity but he has grown past me in height. Elves are very good at poking gentle fun and the others will never let us forget.

Then there are my fathers friends and aquintaces. Some very douer and serious druids who seem to spend all their time thinking the world will come to an end if they are not always about some mysterious business.

There are the important elven families who between them rule the city. I have been at banquets and feasts with them. They accept my adoption by my patron, and have been kind to me, even though I am not an elf. They seem to be fond of hobbits, though I think if I had been a hman they would not have been so welcoming. They did offer to let me remain in the city all the time but my mentor felt that would be bad for me, and he is right. By the time I died of old age, I would barely have done anything in my life, having been considered a child through all of it. This way I get a chance to do something with my life. If the people here consider us young, the elves would consider barely more than toddlers.'

Wednesday October 13th, 2004 8:01:04 AM

Mayzie ponders a moment and smiles to Selithe 'Maybe you should call yourself Flatpurse' It might make your opponents underestimate you, and they wont know your name refers to their own purse till it is too late'

Brock takes offense (DM Cayzle)  d20+8=26 d3+3=4
Wednesday October 13th, 2004 8:01:33 AM

Mayzie, Selithe, and Polly enjoy conversation while their eggs cook; Duncan listens in. Shale is still standing in the door. Nalfein and Kendry talk with Brock.

Nalfein says to Brock, "Are you a stupid half orc?", winks, and complains -- and Brock drops his broomstick in shock. He says, "Are you a dead midget? I think you are!" Then he hauls off and punches Nalfein! [Hits AC26] The blow is solid, inflicting 4 hp of nonlethal damage. "Get out!" Brock shouts.

[We're in combat, folks -- or we could be, anyway -- so go round by round. Nalfein, Kendry, and Brock are 20 feet from the folks at the bar, and 30 feet from Shale. Brock is AC12 in padded armor.]

Wednesday October 13th, 2004 3:32:09 PM

Selithe frowns when she notices her broter get hit Selithe quickly jumps to the floor from her stool and runs across the tavern to him.

When Selithe gets within a closer distance she looks to the half-orc and speaks clearly to him, "What are you a big stupid half-orc?" Selithe has left her staff at the bar and is otherwise unarmed atleast looking.

Wednesday October 13th, 2004 10:07:01 PM

"Oh, bother," Polly says as she drops of her seat with a longing glance toward the grill. She pulls the sap from her belt as she follows Selithe, though she circles wide around the last table to put the big innkeeper between herself and Nalfein.

"Mr. Brock, sir, are you sure you want to be beating up my cousin? I'm sure he was only telling you what Calfast Tunnelly asked him to say."

Wednesday October 13th, 2004 10:35:33 PM

Pulling his sap and shield, Shale moves into melee range but holdes his attack waiting to see what the big half orc is going to do.

Kendry  d20=20
Thursday October 14th, 2004 1:44:36 AM

Kendry (as stated before) moves to interpose himself between Brock and Nalfein. "Wait, Mister Brock, wait. Like Polly said, that's what he said we should say to you, like a test, you know. Please don't hit my brother any more. Besides, Samual was right honest with us." He waves his hands in front of him as a signal to stop the fight. "And we'd like to pay you some gold." [Rolled a d20 for diplomacy, need to add +4, for 24.]

"Oh! Why didn't you say so!" (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday October 14th, 2004 8:40:15 AM

"Am I a BIG stupid half orc? Calfast? Gold?" The combined efforts of Selithe, Polly, and Kendry stop the half-orc as he seems about to swing again.

"Well! That's a different kettle of hops, for sure! Why didn't you say so?" Brock calms down and chuckles.

He extends a hand to Nalfein, who is still speechless with his wind knocked out of him. "Come on, little fellow, no hard feelings! What a misunderstanding!"

"Here, why don't we all sit down and have a talk." He calls out to the woman, "Markie, bring those eggs on over here, and a plate for me, too, sweetie!"

"So you come from the Crescent, do ya? No surprise there! How's Calfast doing? Did he run for mayor after all?" Brock seems more friendly, now.

Thursday October 14th, 2004 11:11:06 AM

Kendry wipes his forehead in relief. "You have one of those berries left, Nalf? Might be good to eat one, now. If not, then here," he offers one of his two remaining goodberries.

As the group takes Brock up on his offer, Kendry hops up on to a seat, dropping his knapsack at his feet. "Yep, we do. And yep, he is running for Burgomeister. We like his ideas about adventurers, and how the good ones can help Crescent Valley. Although Marigold Pipewood Pastna and Tomas Pennyweight Breedbottom both have good ideas about burgomeistering, too. How did you and Calfast meet, anyhow, mister Brock? Did you save his life, or somethin'?"

Thursday October 14th, 2004 8:58:38 PM

Selithe hopes up on a chair and sits, smiling as she looks to Brock, "Thank you Brock and I'm sure Nalfein will understand it was just a misunderstanding. I like to know the story behind you and Calfast though too."

Selithe smiles and has her diary clutched tightly in her hands like it is a prized posession, her wizard book being her actual 1st with her cards being her 2nd.

Thursday October 14th, 2004 9:28:22 PM

Shale puts his sap away and with a nudge whispers to Kendry, "Don't forget that we're here for the beer. I don't want to spend any longer than I have to around these parts."

Shale makes a casual observation of the room.

Thursday October 14th, 2004 10:38:31 PM

Halflings are fairly small people, and Duncan didn't think it were possible for the gods to make them any smaller. But as Polly began to rattle off some of his most embarrasing episodes he could feel himself shrinking, shrinking....
Face red in embarrassment, Duncan signalled to Polly his intention to put her head under his arm and give her some knuckle-noogies. The sound of flesh being smacked, though, caused reflexes in Duncan to snap to attention, promptly sending him teetering off the high stool he was seated on and onto his rump on the floor.
By the time he untangled himself from clothes, staff and stool legs and got to his feet, the altercation was over. Seems as though Kendry and Nalfie found their half-orc, the hard way.

Friday October 15th, 2004 12:10:53 AM

"Well, I'm glad we cleared that up. Is Calfast usually given to using rude codes like that?

Polly sits well around the table from Duncan, in case he hasn't been sufficiently distracted from his noogie plan. "Are you okay, Nalfein? We could dunk you in the river later, to keep the bruising down."

Friday October 15th, 2004 3:06:12 AM

Mayzie is shocked at the half orcs immediater reaction to violence. By the time she has managed to untangle her sling from her belt, the fight is over.

She will wander over and sit with the others, but sits well away from the half orc, looking disctinctly uncomfortable near him.

'Are you all right?' She asks Nalfein. 'I can heal you if you are hurt.'

Childhood Friends (DM Cayzle) 
Friday October 15th, 2004 11:45:24 AM

Brock laughs when Kendry asks if Calfast saved his life. "Ha! Nothing so dramatic as that! Calfast and me were kids together, and one time he called me "A big stupid half orc." I was a short little guy at the time, maybe age 9, and it puffed me up plenty to be called 'big.' I had to punch him for calling me stupid, though."

"But I'm happy to do him favors when I can, and he helps me too. He wouldn't have sent you if he didn't have a reason. So what's up?"

The woman brings over platters of eggs, bread, and mugs of ale and cider.

Shale sees nothing out of the ordinary [Feel free to make Spot checks when you think it might help].

Kendry - Brock and Brew 
Friday October 15th, 2004 8:23:25 PM

Kendry chuckles at Brock's story. "You must have lots of good stories about being kids together," he prompts, giving the man opportunity to elaborate should he wish.

Since he asked directly about Calfast's reason for sending them, though, the bard obliges his question. "There is quite a bit of competition for votes. Things are looking favorable for the Non Stop party. And the Steady On party has its faithful adherents, too. Calfast is looking for an edge. One he thinks you may hold for him. A moment ago, you said, 'That's a different kettle of hops, for sure!' Calfast is looking for a different kettle of hops -- or at least the tasty end result of said kettle. He sent us to buy up what he hears is one of the best brews in the region from you. And get it back to him as quick as a wink, before the election parties are over. What do you think, mister Brock? Is it true you have a really good shipment of beer? And are willing to help your old friend? Or are you the brewmaster who did it yourself?"

Friday October 15th, 2004 9:52:27 PM

Shale whispers quietly to Kendry, "remember to keep the price way down.."

Shale looks to see who else might be up and around.

Sunday October 17th, 2004 11:27:21 PM

"You sure you don't want some of these eggs, Mayzie? Maybe just one to keep you going?" Polly tucks into her breakfast with gusto, turning an ear to Brock's answers, and an eye to Duncan's whereabouts.

Monday October 18th, 2004 5:50:55 AM

'Thank you Polly, but I'm not hungry anymore. These berries are good enough for me. They are what i usually eat when I'm not visiting the elves. Not as tasty as rumberry pie to be sure, but they can be made with a wave of the hand, and I don't have to wash dishes after eating. Also unlike any other food, i can't ruin them by forgetting I left them in the oven.'

Brewer Brock (DM Cayzle) 
Monday October 18th, 2004 9:28:34 AM

Brock listens to Kendry, although he shakes his head when the level of detail gets too high. "I keep my nose out of politics and in my brewing, pretty much. It does an honest merchant no good to play that game."

But when Kendry mentions the beer, the half-orc's attention focusses right on the topic at hand. "Beer! Now that I can talk about. As it turns out, I have three casks of Brock's Delicious Hard Cider brewed up from last year's harvest, and another cask from downriver of Goblin Top Lager. Those would be perfect! The best quality stuff I've got -- and in the volume you need."

Brock narrows his eyes. "But how much were you looking to spend, my friends? This is the best drink in 100 leagues. It don't go cheap!"

Kendry  d20+4=24
Monday October 18th, 2004 12:02:04 PM

"Thank you, ma'am," he says as the eggs and such are delivered. "Are you Markie? I'm Kendry, this is my brother Nalfein, my sister Selithe, my cousin Polly, our friend Duncan, cousin Shale, and our new friend and maybe cousin, Mayzie." He takes a few enthusiastic bites of food as he listens to Brock.

"Wow!" exclaims Kendry at hearing of the available beverages. "Now, you wouldn't have any samples of the brews, would you? I wouldn't want to tap the casks we'd be taking to Calfast, but if you have any open of either brew, it'd be an honor to try them out."

Should Brock make a sample available of either (or both) brews, Kendry will happily join his friends in a tasting. He'll limit himself to a swallow or two.

In any event (sample or no), he offers as a prelude, "Well, I'm not much of an expert at buying good brews in any quantity, nor of this high a quality. So please don't be upset if I'm under the price you're aiming to get. And if the price I offer is over what you're aiming for - well, the better for you, right?" He looks around at his friends, gauging their reactions.

"That said, how does 200 a cask for Brock's Delicious Hard Cider, and 150 for the Goblin Top Lager sound? Now there's an additional part of this deal that I'd like to throw in, once I hear from you how that sounds for starters."

Selithe  d20+5=21 d20+4=17
Monday October 18th, 2004 12:21:11 PM

Selithe eats some of the food delivered to the table while listening and waiting for Brock's reaction to Kendry's comment or anything else said.

After eating alittle of the food, mainly just enough to fill her, Selithe pulls her deck of cards out and begins shuffling them and trying to pull the aces from the deck after shuffling the deck. (Craft Gamble:21 Profession Gamble:17)She glances up now and then and rather she succeeds in picking out the four aces she speaks up, "Having your beer at the party of Calfast's will also be good advertisment and specially with all the people who will drink it and see how fine the brew is. An with some halflings saying how nice Brock was to them and how good his beer is will surely help also. I'm known alittle around "certain" circles and can pass the word on even more to them and my circle drink for sure."

Monday October 18th, 2004 7:36:53 PM

With not much to do but eat while Kendry haggled with Brock, Duncan did just that. The eggs were of a dream come true--he had a mountain of scrambled on his plate, it's golden goodness steaming in the mid-morning air. Each bite was a melt-in-your-mouth flavor bonanza, and if he could Duncan would be making yummy sounds like the droning of bees.
Duncan whetted his whistle with some juice, and he was sure he had no more room in his tummy, at least until second breakfast.

Monday October 18th, 2004 10:56:25 PM

"Well, the lager sounds promising." Polly pauses with a heel of bread halfway to her mouth. "Are we sure the cider is a good idea? It seems to me that Calfast sent us after beer." Dipping both her head and the bread slightly in the direction of the half-orc, she hastens to add, "Meaning no offense to your brewing skills, sir."

Monday October 18th, 2004 11:01:12 PM

"I'd have to agree that beer is the only way to go here."

Shale nods heartily to Polly as he is clearly in favor of the beer.

"Just make sure we get enough for the party goers."

Brock's Best Beer (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday October 19th, 2004 9:47:32 AM

"Well," says Brock, "for the prices you are quoting, I think that's the best I can do for you. But if it is beer you are after, and if price is no object, I can sell you Brock's Best Beer! A finer beer you will never taste! Here."

"But fair warning, my good halflings! The price of my Best is very steep indeed! How much did you say you had to spend?"

He goes off and comes back with three mugs -- the lager, the cider, and the beer. He offers tastes from each.

If you roll an Int or Appraise check vs. DC10, then Highlight to display spoiler: { you can tell that the beer is very good.}

If you roll an Int or Appraise check vs. DC15, then Highlight to display spoiler: { this really is the best beer you've ever had. No wonder Calfast is willing to pay so much!}

Mayzie  d20+2=5
Tuesday October 19th, 2004 2:05:13 PM

Mayzie will look interested at the beer tasting.

'Im usually one for elven wine, maybe mead, but this beer sounds interesting. If it really is the best, maybe I will like it.'

Mayzie takes one of the sample glasses and slowly sips it.

(rolls 5 on appraise)

'urghhh' making a disgusted face she adds 'Much too bitter for me. Im in no way an expert though. But now at least I know I wont like any beer. If this was the best then I dont ever want to go anywhere near the worst.'

Mayzie will order a mug of sweet mead to get rid of the horrible taste.

Shale  d20=3
Tuesday October 19th, 2004 10:47:33 PM

Shale can't really tell much about the beer so he waits and hopes someone else can before he pipes in. (Int check = 3)

Polly  d20+1=21 d20+1=6
Wednesday October 20th, 2004 12:58:01 AM

"Calfast is low on funds, with the party and all, but he sent what he could. And we're to have the diffence as a bonus, so you can see we'll be wanting best price."

Polly tries a sip from each mug, taking a swig of her rougher breakfast ale between each. A delighted smile breaks over her features after tasting Brock's Best Beer. (Appraise=21, Bluff=6) "That's -- er -- your brew's not half bad, I suppose," she says, in the most unconvingly blasé tone since the time she was caught orange-handed in amongst the pumpkin tarts.

Selithe  d20+3=23
Wednesday October 20th, 2004 1:26:09 AM

Selithe takes a small sip of the drinks that Brock gets them and looks to the others as she concentrates on the taste. (Holy cow nat 20. Roll of 23) Selithe blinks as she looks to Brock and then the glass, "Wow, I have to admit this is some of the best beer I have ever had. Guess I don't go to the right taverns to gamble."

Kendry  d20+4=6 d20=19 d20+4=11
Wednesday October 20th, 2004 4:02:51 AM

Kendry tastes the beer [Appraise 6]. Must have been the eggs that threw off his taste buds. He requests some crackers to clean his palate (he doesn't mention cleaning his palate, rather he simply requests the crackers, nibbles on them, then takes another taste). "Ah, yes, good, very good," he opines. "I really had to take that second taste to begin to appreciate just how good it is." [Second roll, no bonus applied, 19 ... maybe Brock's Best Brew takes some warming up to fully appreciate.]

"Look, mister Brock, the price I offered you seemed pretty high already to me. I've never paid more'n a silver for a cuppa brew before. But this is tasty, and all, and like Selithe says. Already there's seven fifty on the table. I mentioned another part. We want to get it on the boat, and get it back to Hovel, right quick, and without a lot of fuss. Tell you what. You help us convince the boat captain to take us back upstream right quick, and we'll make it nine hundred for five casks of Brock's Best Beer, and you help us do it quiet, there's an extra hundred. That's a whole thousand, good profit for great beer, and good service." [Diplomacy 11.]

Then another thought occurs to him. "Say, mister Brock, gold is something, sure, but, sometimes, it's what one person can do for another. Is there some sort of good turn we might do for you, or someone you care about, in appreciation for you sellin' us your excellent brew? Keepin' in mind our shortness of time, and all."

Kendry is willing to kick in another 100, and/or to drop the request to four casks of Brock's Best and the one of Goblin Top Lager, or three of BBB, one of Brock's Delicious Hard Cider, and one GTL, but he will wait with these counters until after he gauges Brock's response. He figures the party has got to hold some in reserve to pay for an early boat ride back, even though they hold round trip tickets -- and, it would be nice to have some of the money given for the group to share, as Polly said.

Kendry to Nalfein 
Wednesday October 20th, 2004 4:11:44 AM

"Hey, Nalf, what do you say, older brother?" Kendry asks, wondering how he is doing, and whether he wants to add to the negotiations.

Bargaining Time (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday October 20th, 2004 12:20:12 PM

The bargaining begins in earnest, as Brock begins making counter offers. "Each cask of my Best holds 400 pints, and I charge a gold a pint for it here in the house. That's 400 gold a cask, and 1,600 gold for four casks. But seeing as you come from my pal Calfast, I could see clear to knocking a clean hundred off each cask -- that's 1,200 for four casks, and I'm doing you a favor by it!"

Responding to Selithe's mention that she would be willing to spread the word around at home in praise of Brock's drink, the half-orc grins and chuckles. "Well now, miss, that's very nice of you, but to be blunt, who are you folks to tell tales? Are you known? respected? famous? Why would anyone listen to kids like you folks?"

When Kendry offers a favor, the answer is similar. "Well, youngsters, what is it you can do? Too small to carry stuff. I would feel too guilty sending you to do anything that was actually dangerous. And around here that's just about everything."

He turns to Selithe again. "And even if you did get halflings a-drool over my beer, none of them hardly ever makes it down to my patch of ground! The trip is too risky for most a them. Merchants come by, sure, but they buy the cheap stuff to drink and haggle me worst than you all over the good stuff."

Finally, he adds, grinning, "I could have a word with the captain of your barge, I suppose. But askin for favors is no way to bargain!"

He is obviously enjoying the banter, and seems eager to hear the party's next offer.

Wednesday October 20th, 2004 8:50:49 PM

Selithe chuckles and nods, "You have a good point Brock, I am known only alittle for my skills at the cards." Selithe thinks and glances around the bar before speaking, "You a gambling man Brock? Please don't take offense to this offer but how about I offer a friendly wager of I'll play you for the price of 1,000gps. If I loose I will see that you get the previous mentioned price of 1,200gps. Would that be exceptable? and also please don't take our youth as a hidderance on our abilities. We are capable of alot of things sir."

Selithe grins, "An good ol' Kendry here can sing really nice so I bet he could put on a show tonight with his singing."

Thursday October 21st, 2004 12:09:48 AM

Shale whispers to Polly, "This is going to take a while it seems. I've been thinkinga a lot about that adventure idea. Maybe we could head north and fight some giants..."

Thursday October 21st, 2004 1:54:29 AM

"A wager? You're starting the fun early today, Selithe." Having cleaned her own plate with the last of her bread, Polly swaps it for the one she'd ordered for Mayzie, tossing the thin girl a wink and a grin. "Just how many casks of your brew do you have available to sell, sir?"

She nods in response to Shale's whisper and waves to catch Duncan's attention, signalling, after, north, giants. With a tilt of her head, an interrogative lift of her brows and a jerk of her thumb toward Shale, she indicates that it's his question.

Thursday October 21st, 2004 11:39:49 AM

'Something else occurs to me Brock' mentions Mayzie.

'We want to buy the beer to give your friend Calfast an advantage when it comes to winning the election.'

'If we are to do this, then there are two things to remember. The first is that the advantage only counts if no one else has the good beer at the other parties. So ... would you be willing to not sell any of your beer to the other two parties? Oh I know you dont want to offend customers, but you might be able stall them until after the parties are over?

The other thing to remember is that whilst WE are nobodies, calfast wont be a nobody when he is Burgomeister, and if he does it because of your help, then he will be grateful right? Also we wont be nobodies anymore when we are friends of the Burgomeister. So I think it is to our mutual advantage if you keep the price low and the competition without beer. If calfast wins, we all win right?'

Kendry  d20+5=9 d20+4=21
Thursday October 21st, 2004 3:28:59 PM

Kendry laughs when his sister suggests the wager. "She is really incorrigible, Brock," he says with a grin, and dropping the 'mister,' "and that's why we love her." He also smiles at her suggestion of singing tonight. Providing the locals some entertainment might help boost the inn's sales. Besides, it'd be fun, most likely. But time is tight.

He notes Shale whispering to Polly, but can't quite make out what he's saying (Listen: 9). He has no trouble seeing Polly's signals to Duncan, however. Wow! Wouldn't it be heroic to take down an evil giant? Then he rubs his eyes and tells himself to focus back on the matter at hand.

Mayzie has some well taken points, he thinks. But, if we can convince the boat's captain to take off immediately (or as soon as possible), that could lessen the risk of other's buying Brock's Best. Even if they do, how would they get it back to Hovel in time?

"How about this, mister Brock?" Kendry suggests. "Eleven hundred for the four casks of Brock's Best Beer, or twelve hundred fifty for the same, plus a cask of Brock's Delicious Hard Cider thrown in to clinch the deal." [Diplomacy 21]

He takes another sip of Brock's Best, and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. "Mmmm," he vocalizes with quiet pleasure.

Brock final offer! (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday October 21st, 2004 6:26:06 PM

Brock listens to the offers and nods. "We can come to terms, for sure! 1,150 gold for four casks of my Best, I won't sell it to anyone else for a month, I'll have a word with your captain, and a measly extra 75 gold gets gets you a cask of cider, if you want it! That's my final offer!"

He sits back and grins, sure that this will be acceptable.

"And be sure to tell Calfast what a bargain I gave you!"

Thursday October 21st, 2004 10:10:56 PM

Selithe chuckles softly and looks to Kendry, "I can't help it dear brother. Gambling is my life as is card making."

Selithe thinks and winks to Brock, "I still intend to get that game sometime Brock. I think you would most deffinetly be a challenge since I get the feeling you play cards off and on." Selithe smiles now and watches her friends now before turning her attention back to Duncan and whispering towards him, "You sure I can't get some neat stories from Polly about you? Your sooo cute when you blush."

Thursday October 21st, 2004 11:02:29 PM

Shale taps Kendry on the shoulder and whispers to him, "Sounds like a good deal as long as he won't sell anymore to anybody who comes along, lets buy the beer and get moving."

Thursday October 21st, 2004 11:06:08 PM

"Sis, gambling may be a way of life. I hope it's never the sum of your life," Kendry softly answers his sister's declaration. "I know there's much more to you than your favorite pursuit, sweetie pie," he tells her with a twinkle in his eye.

On hearing Brock's 'final offer,' Kendry declares, "If Nalfein nods his head, 'yes,' then we have a deal, mister Brock! Four casks of Brock's Best Beer, one cask of Brock's Delicious Hard Cider, and you give a word to the captain, for twelve hundred twenty five. Say, could you toss in helping us carry the barrels? Like you said, we are kind of small for carrying things. A cask must weigh upwards of three fifty, four hundred pounds, given that a pint weighs somewhere in the neighborhood of a pound. I can carry about one fifty by myself, with a fair bit of huffing and puffing. Say, these casks come with taps, don't they?"

He addresses his friends. "How many blankets do we have among us? We'll want to pad these babies, keep them from rolling about and such. Rope, too. Need to tie them down."

Kendry's afterthought 
Friday October 22nd, 2004 2:26:19 AM

"Oh, some canvas to cover them, too," he adds to the desired inventory. "And some big, air-filled bladders, for padding and flotation, if necessary. And..." his voice trails off as he looks into his mug. He knows he'll want to keep his wits about him, but he is sure that one more sip should not hurt. So he enjoys one last taste, until Calfast's party, of Brock's Best Beer. "I'd finish the rest, mister, but I'd better wait until we get back to Hovel and mister Calfast. Gotta try to keep my mind sharp. We'll be sure to tell him how well you treated us."

Friday October 22nd, 2004 7:03:58 AM

Smiling at Kendry Mayzie points out

'I suppose life is a gamble from one minute to the next. You make a bet with the world that you will still be alive by the next day. You bet that you will be where you have planned to be that night. You bet that your plans for your future will come true and that it is up to you what you make of your life.

Sometimes we win the bet. Sometimes we dont. No one ever wins all the bets. I have seen gamblers before in bars. Some of them are in it for the cash. Others seem to be in it for the gambling itself. Those ones, I have wondered, perhaps like the game so much because they are trying to beat chance, and chance applies as much to all of life as to a game of cards.

As a druid I see a great deal of chance at work. Animals live and die by it. They do their best to hedge their bets by having different natural abilities, such as good weapons, being alert, being fast, but in the end they all roll a dice every minute of the day.

I think people do the same. We all know the stories of the little bakers boy who finds a spellbook, learns magick, and years later is an archwizard trying to conquer death and possibly the world. Isn't all he is trying to do is stop the dice rolling? Or to write the numbers he wants on the faces of the dice? Calfast and his party. The beer is just a way to try and make the dice roll in his favour.'

mayzie notices she has been musing for a long time and blushes at her uncharacteristic verbosity.

'Well. You know what I mean.'

Friday October 22nd, 2004 10:10:15 AM

Polly blinks slowly at Mayzie, then nudges her oldest cousin. "Come on, Nalfein -- say yes. It sounds like Mr. Brock is making us a good deal. I bet we can move the barrels ourselves if we work together to roll them; would the jouncing damage the beer, or will it be okay with time to settle afterward? Maybe that nice fellow Samual would be willing to help us move them. I have a blanket and rope, and I bet the crew keeps some padding materials on the barge -- did anybody look?"

Loading Up and Saying So Long! (DM Cayzle) 
Friday October 22nd, 2004 4:03:51 PM

Brock grins at Selithe's offer of a game, but Markie warns him -- her voice is harsh, but she smiles and says, "Don't you dare, Brock! You know better!"

Brock shrugs ruefully and instead says, "Loading and packing is a big job! And no, rolling is NOT good, if you care about quality! Getting those casks packed up good and proper -- and stowing them on ship -- is a BIG job! If you're not a professional, don't even try it. With normal drink it would matter less, but Brock's Best is a delicate beer!"

"If I have to do that for you, I'll need something more! I'd be willing to take one of you on to pay off the extra, for a month or three, here at the tavern. But you all talk too much -- or are two free with the insults!" He glares at Nalfein, who perhaps has been wise to keep a low profile.

"Wait! That one" -- he points at Duncan -- "knows how to keep quiet! I'll take him on for a while to pay off the extra expenses."

Duncan nods at that, apparently willing to stay behind for now.

With that agreed, the group gets the beer paid for and loaded up. The captain of the barge agrees to shove off immediately. "It's still a three or four day trip upriver," he warns.

The group says a good-by to Brock and to Duncan, and heads off towards home.


[OOC from Cayzle: Willoughby left us a while back, and I heard from Duncan's player that he'll be unable to play for a while. Either might rejoin the Wold later on, but meanwhile, Jerry is doing some recruiting to fill the empty slots. E-mail me if you have any questions or comments.]

Friday October 22nd, 2004 9:38:38 PM

Shale notices the group is getting smaller as time goes on. Nodding thoughtfully to himself Shale speaks up.

"We can tie quite a few onto Valor and have him carry them at least back to the ship. Then we can shove off and use the cart from there."

Shale also offers to carry them a load at a time by himself.

Once the arrangements are made for the carrying back to the ship, Shale heads back over to the ship to find the captain again.

Friday October 22nd, 2004 11:53:01 PM

Selithe nods and grins at the half-orc ladies comment to Brock and speaks gently, "Maybe another time if I'm this way. I would enjoy the challenge and even offer at that time a non profit gamble, just for the fun good sir Brock."

Selithe will do what she can to help with the loading of the barrels, mainly to keep her mind off of Duncan staying behind to help Brock out. Before the boat shoves off she gives Duncan a big hug, hanging onto him for just a moment afterwards and whispering before getting on the boat, tears showing in her eyes, "Bye Duncan, I'm going to miss you. You better cetch up to us sometime."

Once the boat is on it's way Selithe has found a place and flops down on the deck, sighing and now just flipping over cards, not in a game but in a clear sign of heart ache, she have never really known how much she liked Duncan till now. Selithe will not eat much and for the moment not seek out anyone to talk to as she is in her own little world.

Kendry  d20+7=18
Saturday October 23rd, 2004 6:26:22 PM

On Gambling

The bard listens to Mayzie's homily on gambling, chance, and one's approach to life. "You and Selithe should team up. You could handle her publicity," he teases her. Then, more seriously, he comments, "I think there are differences between investments, or farming, or various types of hard work, and gambling. Things of long-lasting value and worth can come out of work. But gambling is a zero-sum game. One wins, one loses. But in building a house, or growing a crop, it's more of winning, without another having to lose. That risk is an element of life, well, who can disagree? But to look at gambling as on par with what some might deem more noble pursuits, I'm not sure the analogy -- metaphor? -- holds. I'll think over what you said, though, Mayzie. Some good things to ponder, there."

Duncan stays behind?

'You sure, Duncan? If you not want stay, I stay with big half orc. How you sign his name?' he asks, spelling out b-r-o-c-k.

But, as it seems his expressive but quiet friend is willing to stick around, he tells him, 'Well, you keep eyes and ears and nose about, have more stories when next we meet. Stay safe. No insults to big one, you see what happened my brother. Big one almost strong as I, he kids. Maybe I write you letter. You try answer?' he asks.

Waiting for a moment when Selithe is elsewhere, Kendry slips Duncan his last platinum piece. 'Some for you, and maybe you find small gift for my sister for when we meet next.'

"Thank you, mister Brock, and Markie, ma'am. Take good care of our friend. He's really good with gardening."

Before leaving the inn, he quickly composes a bit of doggerel in honor of their hosts and of Duncan's new locale, and recites it just before leave-taking.
Markie, Brock and Duncan
They work a well-run inn
At Traders' Corner outpost
They deal in beer and grins

Markie serves great eggs and ham
Brock keeps things straight, his strong right hand
Is sure to serve the Wold's best beer
And keep the trav'lers full of cheer

Silent Duncan twirls the broom
Defeats dust devils, sweeps the room
One day his name through all the Wold
'Duncan - Hero - the quick and bold'

Markie, Brock and Duncan
They work a well-run inn
At Traders' Corner outpost
They deal in beer and grins
He shakes Duncan's hand, and bids their friend farewell.


"Shale, good idea. Maybe Bigun can help us, and Slag, with movin' the barrels from the boat to our cart, too. But - I know you're nimble, but those casks are big enough to hold two or three of us - and weigh as much as ten or fourteen of us. I couldn't carry one all by myself, and you know I can beat you in arm wrestling," he says with a wink.*

Kendry asks the captain whether there are stretches of the river where people can get along the shore, and help drag the boat upstream with ropes, to speed things up. If so, he volunteers to help out in a shift a day. During the trip, he again observes the captain and crew, trying to learn how they operate the boat, and navigate the river.

At evening, the young bard sings songs of journeys and friends, of love and courtship, of home and its pleasures [Perform: 18], trying in his own way to offer his sister some comfort as she prepares her heart for absence from her friend. And not just his sister, for he thinks all will miss steady, loyal Duncan and his joyous antics.

* [OOC: 400 pints is 50 gallons. A (U.S.) gallon of water weighs about 8.5 pounds, thus 425 pounds if filled with water. Beer is less dense, therefore somewhat lighter, than water (so the barrels should float in water :-) ). But a 400 pint cask is going to weigh 350 - 400 pounds, I'd guess. Kendry, with a strength of 15, can carry up to 150 pounds. Shale is not as strong as Ken, so the notion of carrying a cask by himself is extremely optimistic. Valor might be able to take two casks at a time - but might complain about the weight, and not want to carry it too far. -Kim]

Sunday October 24th, 2004 8:11:00 AM

Mayzie smiles at the young bard's song.

'Well, the world doesnt consider values such as nobility, that exists only in the minds of men.

I was not really making a moral point. Nor in fact was I condoning gambling as a game. I am neutral on that matter, and have no skill or taste for it myself. However there is a similarity. What you describe as investment is mostly a way to tilt chance in your favour. The hard work and investment you speak of is a way to get lower but more certain returns and to bend the odds your way. A harsh winter, a few storms, wild beasts, all can snatch it away, but the odds are against it.

Selithe can lose everything in the turn of a card, but she can also increase what she has 100 fold, something that would take you 50 years of hard work to achieve on a farm.

The difference is of course you on your farm are likely to always have food to eat, or at least most of the time. Selithe would have a far less certain life.

The point is important however. Why do you think I believe in a standing army rather than a militia? Because a couple of giants would decimate our silly untrained army is why. We rely on the towers to protect us, and one day, the dice will fall the wrong way and the towers will fail. Sooner or later that will happen.

If we are ready and prepared for it, it doesnt have to be a disaster. If we are not then we are all so much snacks for the giants.

Myself, I hate leaving a threat unattended. Nature teaches us that if you do not do the eating then something else will eat you. My own policy were I ever inclined to politics, would be to consider and organise the pursuit fo the giants into their own lands and drive them away so far that they will never threaten our valley again, not leave them there waiting for the day the towers fall.'

Mayzie (2) 
Sunday October 24th, 2004 8:42:48 AM

Mayzie will say her farewell to Duncan and also to Brock and his wife.

'It was a pleasure tohave met you Duncan. Perhaps while you are here Brock can show you how to brew some beer. Its always good to have more than one way to make a living.'

Sunday October 24th, 2004 4:15:34 PM

Polly clasps Duncan's arm in farewell and mutters, "I'll keep a eye on your garden." She turns away without another word to help pad the beer barrels for the trip upriver.

Once they're under weigh, she approaches the barge captain. "May I help with the rowing or other tasks aboard? I'll to anything to help keep the journey down to three days; we've got a deadline to meet. And to tell the truth, I think I just might go nuts doing nothing for that long."

Shale  d20+6=25 d20=20
Monday October 25th, 2004 10:19:24 PM

"Bah, Valor is the strongest pony from here till the other side of the Scab. He'll carry a couple at a time and smile all the while."

Rubbing his hands together Shale signals to the others for help.

With the help of the others and some rope they load Valor up and move the barrels to the ship two at a time until they are all loaded.

(Animal Handling =25,Strength = Natural 20 WOOT)

"Lets shove off!!!"

DM Stephen 
Tuesday October 26th, 2004 2:46:59 AM

Will post first thing in the morning (Tuesday around 6am CST) for Monday. Sorry, exhaustion took me earlier than I suspected. I will post Tuesday night on schedule if I have to prop my eye lids open with toothpicks and duct tape.

Back up the river, beer in hand. Goblin Ambush!

Up the Creek. (DM Stephen)  d100=8 d8=1 d100=26 d6=2
Tuesday October 26th, 2004 7:56:59 AM

The river boat is pushed off from the docks and is well on its way. Duncan remains on the dock long after Brock and his wife leave after a final farewell. He watches as long as he can see the ship and returns to the inn.

Back on the ship, the crew pump away at the see-saw levers that turn the paddle wheels. Unfortunately for now the wind is little help upstream. The crew have to keep pumping to maintain forward progression.

The captain responds to those asking to help. He leads Polly over to a small pump near the stern of the craft. "This be the bilge pump. We sometimes take on a little water and it adds to our weight. Pump on this till most of the water from our lower hull is gone."

The captain then answers Kendry about the shoreline. "Not much. There are a few areas where the current gets a little torrent and we may require a team of horses or mules to pull along the shore. There are camps we will be stopping at on the way. Best to dock the ship for the night than fight the currents in the dark. You may have seen some on the way down. Why not keep playing your songs. That seems to keep the crew happy."

Impressed with Shale's feat of strength, the captain says, "You think you can handle helping Slag with working the paddlewheel. You may need to slide over an empty crate to stand on. Im sure he would appreciate it."

Tuesday October 26th, 2004 11:00:36 AM

Polly operates the bilge pump, often popping belowdecks to check on the level of water. She tries not to think about leaving Duncan behind, and fails miserably. Maybe that old halfling near the Clock Tower wasn't far wrong, if leaving friends behind is a danger. It's really not what she expected out of adventuring.

Tuesday October 26th, 2004 3:03:51 PM

Just before going out of sight of Duncan, Kendry manipulates his fingers quickly, then, *Poof* *Sparkle* *Dazzle* he creates a little fireworks display above his head by way of farewell to their friend [prestidigitation].

Willing to do what he can on board, the bard does spend some of his time playing music on his lute, helping to match the rhythm of the paddleboaters. However, playing music all day is not his cup of tea, so he pitches in where ever he can, sometimes spelling Polly so she can take a break, sometimes helping Shale in his task (and commenting, "Hmmm - maybe you'd do better in arm wrestling than back in the old days, cuz!"), or taking a bit of hay (with Shale's leave) to Valor. He'll also see if some of the crew know any songs he himself does not yet know, and try to pick them up. Occasionally, he himself takes a break to take in the riparian scenery.

He chats some with Mayzie. In elvish, he says, 'I enjoy your thoughts, halfling-of-the-forest. Your notion of going after the giants before they come after us is intriguing. I wonder, though, since they have not yet attacked us - at least in some time, whether such action on our part might provoke them to attempt to rise up sooner against our land. I have also heard that at least some of the giants are good-natured. Probably not most of them, though. Do you suppose a treaty with the good sort might be worthwhile? Or a waste of paper?'

He spends some time with Nalfein, too. "I've hardly ever heard you be so quiet, bro. Must 'o got you good in the solar plexus, there. So, Nalf, once these election parties are over, what do you have in mind we might do?

"Say, I also wanted to mention - I know that sometimes my indirect, 'diplomatic' approach to things bugs you. You like to be straightforward - and I like that in you. Are you still riled at me, though?"

Toward evening, he approaches his sister. "So, Selithe," he begins. "I imagine you'll have a few things to write about in your journal." He waits quietly for her response.

As the young group heads upstream, during evening, Kendry asks them, "Well, do you think we'll be in hot water with Gramama Eglantine, and Aunt Marigold, and the rest of the family, once we deliver the beer to Calfast? Also - do you suppose anyone - including our pipe-smoking friend - might be setting up to try to divert our delivery? What kinds of plans can we set up in case of an ambush?"

Tuesday October 26th, 2004 10:28:42 PM

Selithe still seems terribly miserable, even through the singing of Kendry's which she does enjoy but it only reminders her of the dance she shared with Duncan not to long ago it seemed like.

When Kendry approaches her and makes the comment about her diary Selithe smiles abit and nods, "Yes I will brother. I'm going to miss Duncan but I guess time and life moves on. I just hope he doesn't stay gone long."

Selithe tries eating alittle and is picking up her cards when Kednry comments on possible ambushes later and Selithe brightens up considerably at the though of taking some of her feelings out, "Just let them try. Everyone worked hard for this, including Duncan so I will give who ever tries to take it a good kick in the rump." Selithe looks rather upset at the thought of someone trying to take the load of beer and cider away from them. Selithe also thinks of family matters and shrugs, "Our family will just have to understand is all I can say. We'll know more later."

Tuesday October 26th, 2004 10:42:41 PM

Beaming happily at the compliments to his strength, Shale happily obliges the captain and heads over to Slag.

Passing by Kendry he replies quietly about the hooligans, "I say I shoot the first one in the butt with an arrow and work my way up until they get the hint..."

Shale obviously has a big problem with bullies and thieves..... well the mean kind.

Dragging a crate over to the paddlewheel Shale asks the biggen, "Anything I can do to help?" He obviously has his chest puffed out to appear stronger than his wiry physique allows.

Makin' Camp. (DM Stephen)  d100=48 d6=6 d100=83 d6=2
Wednesday October 27th, 2004 12:38:28 AM

With everyones help the boat makes good time upstream. However, the sun is beginning to set and the captain decides to steer his boat to shore at a very informal, make-shift dock. A place affectionately called Riverside Camp #3.

There's one large log raft loaded with bundled goods tied to the dock and a row boat pulled onto shore. Near the beach, a single campfire is shared by both groups, consisting of four halflings and two humans. The halflings look like merchants. The humans looks like travelers. They all appear tired and relieved to be off the water, but they greet you with a welcoming wave hello.

The captain turns to the young halflings and says, "You're free to choose to stay on board or set up camp on shore for night. It doesnt matter to me. I, however, will be staying on shore. There's a lump of earth that Ive worked on for many years that fits the curve of my back perfectly." He points to one of the many ash filled campfire pits. "My back always feels incredible when I wake in the morning from sleeping at that spot. I swear it's like magic." He grabs a pack and a bedroll and heads over to his favorite spot. The crew starts making preparations for the night. Two crewmembers stay behind on the ship to stand guard, the rest make their way to shore.

The shore is relatively clear as far as the eye can see in both directions. The further inland becomes thick with trees, brambles and brush. There are no permanent structures in the camp. Its easy to tell that the camp is used quite a bit. There are reminents of countless travelers that have visited in the past. Multiple fire pits dot the camp, both old and new. The captain walks straight to his favorite spot and lays down on it immediately, testing its comfort level. He sighs happily and pats it with his hand like an old friend.

(do what you will)

Wednesday October 27th, 2004 5:50:09 AM

Mayzie will join the rest of the camp off the ship for supper. Mayzie will help with any setting up of the camp but will refrain from helping to cook, wary of the consequences.

Mayzie will chat to the others, especially Selithe who seems to be very unhappy and try to help as best she can.

She will comment to Kendry in Elvish 'Perhaps you are right and some of the giants are not mean. But they are our only real ennemies, and the point you raise shows how careless we are. We know nothing of them.'

Mayzie smiles at Kendry, as she gets into one of her speeches.

'You can learn a lot from the forest. You might think that a simple country girl would know nothing of armies or tactics. But all you have to do is look around. What people do is no different in many ways to what animals do.

Wolves will find their pray, track them down, herd them to a point of their own choosing, then having surrounded them, close in or the kill. (Mayzie ruffles Ghosts fur as she explains this). Deer will graze in herds, but in each herd there are some who keep a lookout, and when there is a sign of a big cat or wolf, they give warning so the herd can run.

What happens in the forest is often like a kind of war.

What it tells me when I observe these animals is that you must know your ennemy. You must know what he plans, you need to know where he is, and how he fights, and when you fight, you must pick the best place to fight, and the time to fight. And you must only pick a fight where you have the best chance to win.

If you let your ennemy do these things to you instead, you are finished.

To me we are like the sheep depending on the farmers fence and dogs in the form of these towers to keep us safe, and we never look across them. Unlike the sheep, we have a choice.

Look at it this way. Most halflings would believe that the giants size give them an unsurmountable advantage in battle. That is not so.

The giants are cunning but not smart, or so it is always said. They are badly organised, they are big and have problems seeing small things. Their size means that they must eat a great deal. They do not farm, so they must eat animals or people. People run away, and it takes many animals to feed a giant. What I am saying is that their numbers are limited.

They can be attacked piecemeal if they can be kept unaware that they are all under threat. Their food supply can be damaged by driving the animals off perhaps - something magick may be able to achieve. If they have leaders, they can be targetted. There are many ways to fight, and I believe that we could clear their valley and open more lands for halflings to settle should we need them. Certainly what we do not need is a valley full of giants who see us as a tasty snack right next to us.'

Having rambled on yet again for ages, Mayzie will go back and sleep on the ship with Ghost, somewhere near the beer. She will tell the wolf to be alert, since she is worried someone will try and interfere with the beer.

Wednesday October 27th, 2004 11:32:28 AM

Kendry introduces himself to the four halflings and pair of humans, and makes general inquiries, asking getting-to-know-you questions, and answering similar questions they may toss his way, albeit with discretion, should they touch on any areas he deems requires such.

He suggests to his companions that perhaps a few will want to stay on shore, taking some of his friends and family aside and whispering that it would be well to ensure the security of captain & crew, as well as that of their cargo. He offers to stay with the barrels along with Mayzie, and asks if one other might join them, the rest to remain on shore. "Should we set up any sort of watches?" he asks.

He enjoys Mayzie's conversation, nodding here and there, and agreeing strongly with her assessment that perhaps their people have grown too careless, and surely suffer a lack of information.

He lays himself down for the night on the other side of the barrels from Mayzie. Although going to sleep, he tells himself just before drifting off to be alert for noises that Ghost or Valor might make during the night.

Wednesday October 27th, 2004 3:37:34 PM

Selithe smiles when Mayzie speaks to her and nods before thinking, "I will stay on the ship also. I rather stay here for now till we reach home." Selithe looks to her cards and then Kendry and Mayzie thinking and deciding since her love is her cards, "Maybe you all would have a friendly game with me. I can teach Mayzie how to play cards while we just hang out and talk."

Selithe does talk to Mayzie about her colorful elvish dress and asks her how much it would cost to get one for her or if she has a idea. Selithe after some thought shrugs, "I would like to go and see a actual elven city once. I traveled and seen some place but nothing like a elven one or dwarf or such. I heard that elves have houses in trees and such. I always been curious if it is like having a tree house or something. Kendry and me were going to have a tree house one time but unfortunetly we never got the chance. Mainly because of me training to be a conjurer and then the little getting arrested mishap."

Wednesday October 27th, 2004 6:15:09 PM

"Sure, let's play a few hands, sis," he agrees with Selithe before he goes to bed.

Wednesday October 27th, 2004 11:43:05 PM

Polly grins at Shale and Nalfein. "I guess that leaves us to camp on the shore tonight. I'll be happy to stay awake part of the night to make sure our crew and cargo make it through till morning."

With a spring in her step, she sets about setting up camp near the barge captains choice spot, and collects firewood to take them through the night with a banked fire. On her way back with her first load, she stops by the other campfire to exchange pleasantries with the halflings and humans there. "Good evening! I'm Polly. How are you all tonight? How are you finding your trips?"

Shale  d20+6=23
Wednesday October 27th, 2004 11:48:15 PM

Shale takes Valor off of the ship and gives the pony time to wander around. Despite his wish to sleep with his traveling companions he can't bear to make the war pony sleep inside the ship again.

Before bed he listens to Mayzie about the pack of wolves and thinks thoughtfully for a while and nods in agreement.

Walking in a circle Shale sets the boundaries for Valor and then finds a comfortable spot near the captain. (Handle Animal 23)

Before he nods off Shale opens an old journal that was stashed in his quiver and thumbs through the pages thoughtfully. "A pack of wolves..."

Mayzie  d20=8
Thursday October 28th, 2004 4:00:07 AM

Mayzie will happily let Selithe try and teach her to play. She manages to pick up the game after a few tries but is not very good at hiding it when she has a good hand, since she keeps smiling and darting looks right and left when she does, and biting her lip and frowning when she has a bad one. Still, she manages to win lots of pebbles one game when she believes she has a bad hand but in fact didn't recongnise that it was good, but they are soon gone again.

'I'll speak to Ereleth the next time he visits and ask him to bring you. I dont think it will be a problem. He has a very large home. The city is beautiful and trees are a part of it yes. It is a long way away. I dont know where exactly, but he takes me by walking into trees and walking out of others. It makes you quite dizzy until you get used to it. As to dresses, perhaps we can find one for you there. I think they would be very expensive to buy here, elves only use silk, sammite, or their own fabrics. When he comes he is usually in a hurry and we leave right away, so dont be too upset if we wake you in the middle of the night. You'll need to show me where you live.'

Mayzie grins at Selithes comment about being arrested.

'What did you do? Did you conjure something in the wrong place?'

Screams in the Night (DM Stephen)  d100=38 d100=71 d100=22 d6=3 d6=6 d6=4 d20+2=7 d20+2=5 d20+2=11 d20+2=6 d20+2=7 d20+2=21 d20+2=17 d20+2=13 d20+2=13
Thursday October 28th, 2004 8:02:44 AM

After a filling dinner of stew and warm ale a game of cards breaks out on the boat between the Crescent Valley natives. The skies grow dark after a few hours and the fatigue of a long day catches up with the young ones. Those on the shore also feel sleep taking hold.

All is quiet accept the wind and the gentle "clop clop" of the water against the hull. Suddenly a deafening scream can be heard in the distance. The sounds of a frantic woman breaking the silence wakes everyone from their slumber. From the brambles on shore emerges a gnomish woman with a lantern. The frantic woman yells "HELP MEEE! AIIEEEE!" She turns to the north and starts running up the shore along the river. Just behind her emerge several wicked looking creatures. Its hard to see them since they dont carry any lights. All you can see is that they are small like the gnome and the moonlight is reflecting off their steely weapons. They dont stop to look at everyone on shore. Instead they continue chasing the screaming gnome up stream.

Shale  d20+6=13 d20+7=17 d6=5
Thursday October 28th, 2004 8:42:20 PM

Shale springing into action whistles loudly for Valor as he draws his bow off his shoulder. Sliding an arrow clear of the quiver he makes a snap shot at the first dark figure.

(Handle Animal 13)
(Longbow Shot= 17 Damage= 5)

Thursday October 28th, 2004 8:51:13 PM

Polly rolls groggily into a sitting position and peers blearily around, until the nature of the situation penetrates her sleep-fogged mind. "Hey! What do you people think you're doing?" she shouts in the common tongue, grabbing her spear. With a longing glance at the coals of the campfire, she takes off after the armed gnome-chasers, trusting to moonlight and the woman's lantern to show her the way.

Selithe  d20+4=8
Thursday October 28th, 2004 10:02:51 PM

Selithe chuckles as she plays cards with Mayzie and Kendry and pats Mayzie on the shoulder before heading to bed, "Alittle more practice and you'll make a good card player Mayzie, I'll keep working with you....the thought of going with you and your friend to a elven village is very interesting also. I hope the other elves or your friend won't mind me asking questions to put in my diary." Selithe thinks over her past and after a couple moments finally speaks up, "Actually when I and some of my so called friends were told we had learned all we could from out teachers we went on the town and had some strong drinks and they talked me into causing some trouble. Well, during the course of our causing trouble some windows got broken...you probably get the picture...well suddenly in all the mess my friends vanished and the constables caught me. Well, to cut a long story short I was sentenced to spend 3 weeks in jail and work around Humble's Ford for a few months. In jail I met this really neat older halfling named Thomas TeaLeaf Stillwater who taught me how to gamble and to get along with all the guys...you know, help me make life easier and keep a young girl safe." Selithe smiles and leans back, "Thomas made gambling so much fun...the traveling, the people you meet, the places you see, the game itself...I just fell inlove with the game right there and ever since I got out I been traveling and living my life one card at a time." Selithe smiles saddly, "Saddly though I will never see Thomas again, you see being a gambler he was in there for playing dirty and I guess he was suppose to of killed someone after a game of high stakes, I don't know if thats true or not. I've always wondered if he got out, escaped or was put to death by now.

Selithe blushes abit now as she changes the subject and pulls out her diary to write about leaving Duncan and everything that has happened, speaking quickly again to Mayzie before doing so, "My diary contains alot of the interesting things I have done or seen and the people I have met also. I have detailed info on the dwarves Slag told me about and the info you gave me also about the elves, pretty much everything."

Selithe enjoys her night of sleep on the ship, the clopping of the waves on the boat helping her fall asleep. It doesn't seem like she is asleep long though before she is awoke by the scream and Selithe jumps up and looks out over the area (spot:8) she must be to tired though and can't spot much at all so begins to move to get off the ship, "If someones in danger we might as well check it out. Alittle reputation building is good not to mention Ma and Pop would be mad if they new I ignored someone in need of help."

Kendry  d20+3=19 d4+1=4
Friday October 29th, 2004 1:51:43 AM

Kendry awakens and starts up. Evil pursuers of a hapless gnome! Projecting his voice as he was taught, he calls into the night so friends ashore and aboard the vessel hear him clearly:

'We shall rescue,
from dark beasties,
Brave hearts have we
Light the pathway
Stop the beasties
Save the gnome!'

[Inspire courage: An affected ally receives a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. -So, add +1 to your attack rolls and your damage rolls, friends, for this and the next five rounds.]

He grabs his bow, quiver over the shoulder, and looks to see if he can get off a shot at the dark runners from where he is [d20+3(+1)=20 to hit, d4+1=4 hp damage]. If not, then he runs on to the shore.

Kendry - Perform roll for his six-line song  d20+7=23
Friday October 29th, 2004 1:56:10 AM

Perform, singing, on inspire courage action, of 23.

Enemies from the Darkness (DM Stephen)  d100=69 d100=40 d6=6 d6=3 d100=50 d20+4=16 d20+4=12 d20+4=21 d20+4=24 d20+4=23 d20+4=7 d20+4=23 d20+4=6

Friday October 29th, 2004 2:14:35 AM

The gnome doesnt seem to be moving very fast. The lantern she is carrying is shaking rather wildly. She could be injured. Whatever her condition, she continues to scream bloodcurdling cries for help. In just the moonlight, you all have a hard time making out the shadowy figures chasing her. (Any ranged attacks against them have a 20% miss chance due to the low light. So roll a d100 with every ranged attack. On a roll of 20 or below, the attack automatically misses.)

Shale whistles for Valor (Handle animal DC 10, for Valor to perform a trick) and he trots on over like a well-trained war pony. He retrieves his bow and lets loose an arrow. (Miss chance roll 50. I went ahead and rolled it for you this time. Hit successful) Shale's arrow strikes a dark figure from the back of the pack. It falls to the ground and shrills in pain. It cant get up and run. All it can do is try and crawl its way back to the brambles.

Polly wakes rudely from her slumber and quickly assesses the situation. She gets to her feet and begins to chase down the pursuers.
(Standing from prone is a move-equivalent action. Polly moves 20-ft after getting up. Both Polly and Shale are 60-ft from the closest dark figure.)

Kendry begins his song of inspiration. His song fills all your hearts with the confidence of heroes. (All allies gain a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. Getting up was a move-equivalent. You can sing your song, but not move or perform any other action.)

Selithe decides she will also participate and stands ready at the ramp of the boat but takes no other action. Maysie is either in shock or in a deep sleep. While the druid remains motionless, Ghost stays loyal by her side.

The dark figures get closer and closer to the gnome. Those who dont hear the cry of their comrade continue to laugh and taunt the gnome as they get closer. Some look back at the camp and the light from the campfires reflect in their glassy eyes. Giving their stares an ominous red glow.

The halfling merchants spring to life, but instead of joining the chase, they cowardly make a run for their raft.

Biguns and Slag get to their feet. Slag is a little slow and is unable to do anything else. Biguns, however is swift and rushes over to the fallen attacker. He bellows an orcish obscenity and yells back to his captain, "GOBLINS, CAPTAIN!" The big half-orc raises his sword and prepares to finish off the fallen goblin. The small goblin screams!

(Everyone, please put your AC and hitpoints next to your name in the name line. We are in combat! :)

Kendry the bard [AC 13 (not wearing armor at the moment); 6 HP, +1 Morale bonus to attack & damage rolls, & save vs charm & fear due to inspire courage, for 5 rounds. (That goes for you all)]]  d20+4=19 d100=100 d4+1=3
Friday October 29th, 2004 2:41:39 AM

Kendry fires an arrow at whom he perceives to be the lead goblin, hitting AC 19 for 3 hp damage with the arrow from his composite short bow. Despite the darkness, he has no trouble whatsoever making the outline of the goblin [100!]

Friday October 29th, 2004 11:21:20 PM

(OOC:I will edit my post if need be. It is storming here so this is a quick post and I don't have time to look up and see if the spell I'm using will reach the distance I want."

Selithe looks out and frowns, taking time she thunks the butt of her staff against the deck of the boat where she stands and chants to herself mainly thunking the butt of her staff where she stands again afterwards, "dance and shine, twist and twine, show my enemy." Selithe grins after her spell causes lights to dance near or on the enemies, "Maybe that will help."

(Casting dancing lights on or as near to the enemy as possible to show them, possibly blind them since it is dark and they are most likely using their low light vision.)

Polly (AC 14, 8 HP)  d20+1=3 d20+6=13
Friday October 29th, 2004 11:23:25 PM

"Goblins?" Polly passes Biguns, with a guilty thought for his apparent intent to finish off the helpless creature. She continues chasing the chasers at her top speed, following the gnome's screams for direction because she needs her eyes to pick out obstacles in the faint light. Where her sight fails her (Spot=3) she has to rely on her agility and speed to keep her on her feet. (Reflex Save=13)

Shale (AC 18, HP 10)  d20+9=23 d20+9=21 d20+9=25 d20=11
Saturday October 30th, 2004 1:17:02 AM

As Valor comes trotting up, Shale swings up onto his back and takes off towards the gnome. (Fast Mount 23, Spur Mount 21+10 Mvt)

In an instant Valor comes flying up next to the gnomish lady (careful to stay out of melee with the goblins.) Shale reaches down to grab the lady. (Riding with Knees 25)

"Hop on quick!!!" Shale says as he slows to grab the lady. Using both hands Shale will do whatever is necessary to bring her up onto Valor and attempt to ride off. (Strength 11)

CHARGE! (DM Stephen)  d20+6=12 d20+8=12 d20+3=7 d20+3=20 d20+3=6 d3=1 d20+6=18 d8+4=8 d20=16
Sunday October 31st, 2004 11:06:14 PM

Shale goes charging forward past the goblins, heading for the gleaming lantern held by the gnome. She continues to scream as Shale slows down. The goblins continue to barrel down upon her. She drops her lantern and grabs hold of Shale and pulls herself up. She then grabs on to Shale and holds on tight. (Shale needs to make a Spot check DC 12. Gnomes strength check 16.)

Polly charges past Biguns and will be in striking range of three goblins this next round. Those that stopped and turned around to see what was happening to the screaming goblin, throw their daggers at Polly as she approaches. Two daggers fly wildly and miss by a large margin. However, one cuts a gash into Polly dealing only 1 point of damage.

Selithe weaves her spell and globes of dancing lights appear over the goblins. The battle field is now well lit. With the lantern, campfires and the dancing lights, it is easy to see all the combatants on the shore. The goblins are startled by the sudden light, possibly thinking it was something a lot worse coming their way ... like a fireball or something. But they continue to hiss and themselves arent debilitated by the light. (Goblins dont have a sensitivity to light. However you eliminated the 20% miss chance. Everyone can see everyone now. No more concealment.)

Kendry puts down his lute and takes his bow. He sends an arrow to the nearest goblin. The arrow strikes hard in the shoulder. It winces in pain but still stands. (This goblin is one of the three Polly will get to this next round.)

Biguns brings his sword down and silences the goblin forever. Slag, with a nasty-looking hand axe, catches up with Biguns. They both continue on behind Polly. The captain commands his other crew to arm themselves and guard him from attack. The four halfling merchants cast off from shore and start paddling frantically out onto the river. They slowly disappear into the darkness. Although their splashing paddles and arguements of who is paddling in the wrong direction can still be heard.

The humans remain by the fire. The male covers the woman under an animal skin that they were laying on. He pulls out a composite bow and stands over his mate in a defensive posture. He prepares to fire on anyone attempting to attack them.

Mayzie remains asleep, even as Ghost begins to bark. The wolf looks nervous and pokes at Mayzie with his nose.

(Everyone make Spot and Listen checks)

Kendry the bard [AC 13 (not wearing armor at the moment); 6 HP, +1 Morale bonus to attack & damage rolls, & save vs charm & fear due to inspire courage, for 4 more rounds.]  d20+4=8 d20+3=6 d20+5=6
Monday November 1st, 2004 1:19:20 AM

Kendry lets fly another arrow at the same one he hit a moment ago, but misses, this time the arrow hitting the dirt several feet this side of the goblin. His powers to discern (Spot: 6) or hear (Listen: 6) anything out of the ordinary seem curtailed for the moment, as he concentrates on taking out the newly illuminated goblins who threaten health and safety. "Brfsk gnoum di smrt!" he shouts out in goblin ('Leave the gnome or die!' in translation).

Mayzie (hp 10, ac 17 - picks up shield but no armour on) 
Monday November 1st, 2004 8:17:09 AM

Mayzie finally awakens with a start as Ghost nudges her awake. Grabbing her shield and staff she rushes out, Ghost running along next to her.

Mayzie curses softly as she spends a round taking in the scene and trying to figure out what to do.

As soon as she is able to get her bearings, Mayzie will cast a spell (Shilelagh) and steeling herself, will head towards the gnome woman with ghost, brandishing her staff, ready to attack any goblin that comes near her.

Selithe-AC:15-HP:6  d20+2=6 d20+3=13
Monday November 1st, 2004 10:22:09 AM

Selithe frowns when she thinks of how she only has her staff out and moves to drop it and grab her sling out from it's little strap on her backpack that holds it. Selithe glances around as she does, wanting to make sure nothing is sneaking up on them.

(Listen:6 Spot:13)

(ooc:Not sure how long the dancing lights spell will last so will look that up asap.)

[DM Stephen - It lasts one minute (10 rounds)]

Shale (AC 18, HP 10)  d20+4=9 d20+2=3 d20+7=25 d6=1
Monday November 1st, 2004 9:44:01 PM

Not paying attention at all to his surrondings (Listen 9 Spot 3) Shale turns Valor at the end of the charge and draws his bow. In a fluid motion he snaps off another arrow at the wounded goblin. (Attack 25 Damage 1)

As he draws another arrow to fire again Shale asks the gnome loudly, "Are you hurt!!??"

Polly (AC 12 due to charge attack, 7 HP)  d20+1=14 d20-1=4 d20+6=21 d6+3=7
Monday November 1st, 2004 11:10:43 PM

Polly shrugs her shoulder a little to judge the sting of her wound as she covers the distance remaining between herself and the goblins, keeping her eyes open along the way (Spot=14, Listen=4). Seeing the wounded one struck by another arrow, she charges the next closest, both hands driving her spear into him. (hit AC 21, 7 damage)

Kim - OOC 
Tuesday November 2nd, 2004 12:48:49 AM

[OOC: Friends, remember to add +1 to your attack rolls AND your damage rolls, due to the inspire courage effect. So Shale does 2 points of damage, not 1. Polly may have included the extra +1, I don't know. -Kim]

Added by Lee: Polly did. It's helpful that you're reminding us of the effects in your post header each turn.

An Ugly Turn. (DM Stephen)  d20+7=25 d20+7=14 d20+7=11 d20+7=16 d20+7=11 d20+7=21 d20+7=14 d20+7=21 d20=11 d20=14 d20=4 d20=5 d20=4 d20=10 d20=16 d20=18 d20+7=23 d20+7=18 d20+7=16 d20+1=19 d20+1=10 d100=82 d100=91 d6=5 d6=4 d20+4=15 d3=1 d6=3 d20=18 d20+2=10 d100=47 d4=3 d20+4=14 d20+4=17 2d6(3+4)=7 2d6(6+2)=8 d20+5=8 d20+4=10 d20+4=6 d20+4=20 2d6(5+5)=10 d20-15=-11 d20-15=-11 d20-15=-1 d20-15=2 d20-15=-13 d20-15=2 d20+7=22 d20+7=19 d6+3=6 d8+3=5 d20+3=10 d20+3=16 d20+3=17 d20+3=9 d3=1 d3=1 d3=3 d3=1 d4=2 d4=4
Tuesday November 2nd, 2004 2:22:33 AM

Shale halts his horse and spins him around in order to fire off a few shots from his bow. Shale in all the excitement failed to notice a few things about the gnome that he just helped onto the back of his war pony. She was a bit too heavy for a gnome. She had a rather pronounced unwashed stench. Her hands felt clammy and had sharp jagged fingernails. She answers the hobbit with an uncharacteristic hissing voice, "Ohh, meez feelin' fine, hobbit! What about yooouu?" As Shale fires off his arrow he feels a dagger pierce his side dealing 4 points of damage. (Attack of opportunity for firing a ranged weapon while in a threatened square + sneak attack). The gnome rolls off the back of the horse while still holding onto Shale, attempting to pull him to the ground (Make an Opposed Strength check DC 18 or be pulled from the horse. If you're pulled off the horse make a Reflex save DC 13 to remain on your feet when you hit the ground). Shale at least can be glad his arrow hit.

Polly charges into the wounded Goblin that now has two arrows sticking in him. Her spear pierces his chest and the goblin falls limp to the ground. Just before that, she noticed the gnome on the back of Shale's pony produce a dagger and attack him.

Slag and Biguns charge in next to Polly. Their combined hack and slash attack drop the second goblin. The third goblin closed with the Polly, Slag and Biguns withdraws and moves to join the other four goblins 30-ft behind him. Those four goblins all stop chase and turn to throw javlins. Two strike Biguns for 6 points of damage. Biguns growls like a feral animal as he pulls a javlin from his side.

As Selithe makes a grab for her sling, she notices something from the port side of the boat (the broadside facing the river). From out of the river, two sets of hands are clinging to the rail. Two goblins appear to be attempting to climb aboard. Out of nowhere a bolt flies by your head. Thank goodness it missed.

Kendry shoots his arrow but it goes flying off in an unfortunate direction. He shouts his warning and its answered with a surprise attack from behind. A screaming goblin charges from out of the darkness and attempts to push Kendry overboard. (Bull Rush attack. Make an Opposed Strength check DC 10 or feel yourself fall overboard into 4 feet of water along the shore.)

Mayzie just waking up doesnt notice anything onboard. She is able to get up and cast her spell. Her staff fills with a natural energy. Veins of green streak through the wood giving the weapon the appearance that it has come back to life. (Getting up is a move-equivalent action. Casting the spell is standard action. No other movement is allowed) Suddenly Mayzie feels a sharp steely bolt hit her in the back. The druid falls to the deck but is still conscious ... but only barely! (You're at 0 hitpoints. This means you're Disabled. You can perform only one standard action or one move action this next round.) Ghost turns on the snarl and growl while standing guard over his fallen friend.

From out of the darkness, two bolts strike one of the half-orc guards onboard the ship. The half-orc falls to the deck with little to no reaction. A pool of blood begins to flow outward. The other half-orc crewman spots the goblin rogues and yells, "GOBLINS ONBOARD!!" He charges at one of them and swings with his longsword. However, his attack does not connect. Another bolt is fired at the last half-orc from another location on the boat. It slams into the deck missing the crewman by inches. (You all on the boat see six goblin rogues on deck armed with light crossbows. Only Selithe sees the two goblins trying to climb on board.)

Then if things couldnt get worse, the ropes that tie the boat to the dock goes slack. The boat starts to slowly drift away and float down river (5-ft). The docking ramp from the boat to the shore suddenly falls into the river as the boat pulls away. The captain yells, "MY SHIP!" And he and his two guards go running to the docks.

(Everyone keep making Spot and Listen checks.)

Mayzie  d8+1=7
Tuesday November 2nd, 2004 2:46:44 AM

Mayzie collapses to the deck with a bolt in her back. Biting her lip and trying hard not to panic this time, she iwill try and cast a cure light wounds on herself.

[DM Stephen - Please roll the amount of healing you did when you cast the spell. To save time, I will roll for you this time (d8+1=7). You will be able to act normally this next round.]

Shale (AC 18, HP 6/10)  d20=11 d20+8=20 d20+2=14 d6+1=7 d6+4=5 d6+2=7
Tuesday November 2nd, 2004 9:27:46 PM

Shale totally surprised by the so called gnome winces and moans as the dagger pierces his side.

Pulled from his horse Shale recovers his wits and lands on his feet with a groan. The next sound is the shing of his father's blade leaving the scabbard. (Strength 11 Agility 20)

Holding his puncture wound with one his left hand and his steel longsword with his right, Shale's blade makes a downward swing as he attempts to cut deep. (Attack 15 Damage 7)

Focused on the beast nothing deters Shales attention. (Listen 5 Spot 7)

Polly (AC 14, 7 HP)  d20+1=16 d20-1=3 d20+4=5
Tuesday November 2nd, 2004 10:00:57 PM

Hearing the cries from the dock, Polly groans. "A trick! Dirty goblins. Shale, are you okay?" She tries to assess their situation while she defends herself from the encroaching goblin, but all the shouting seems to be interfering with her hearing. (Spot=16, Listen=3)

Though she tries her best to attack her opponent, she just can't seem to pierce his defences. (hit AC 5) She shuffles back a few steps toward the docks and resettles her grip on her spear. (5 ft step)

Selithe  d20+2=9 d20+3=21 d3=2
Tuesday November 2nd, 2004 10:43:49 PM

Selithe tries to keep her ears and eyes out for more trouble (listen:9 spot:21) but also sighs as she calls out, "We have problems friends, two more over here."

Selithe can see this battle going to go down bad but decides to try and limit the playing field abit by keeping one or both the goblins trying to pull themselves up from getting on the boat. Selithe wiggles her fingers, "Watch the fingers bows." Selithe casts acid splash on one of the goblin's hands or enough to get both if possible.

(Casting on the hand/s of a goblin or if their hands our close enough together between them to get one of both of the goblin's hands. Damage:2 trying to get the goblin/s to let go and fall.)

Kendry (AC 13, HP 6, +1 Att/Def from inspire courage)  d20+2=12 d20+3=16 d20+5=23 d20+4=24 d20+4=21 d4+3=5 d4+3=7
Tuesday November 2nd, 2004 11:15:03 PM

Kendry steps a little to the side as he feels someone trying to push him overboard, draws his rapier and stabs to the heart of the goblin who tried to overbear him (Nat 20+4, hit AC 24, critical threat, converted to a critical hit by d20+4=21, damage 5+7=12 -> Woo hoo!). "A RUSE, A RUSE! Mind the boat! Back to the boat, all!" he shouts to all. He pulls the bloodied rapier from the dying enemy, but ready for the next attempt, and defending the tarp-covered and tied-down barrels. [Spot 16, Listen 23]. He looks to see if a line is nearby to toss to those on shore. If there are items on deck he can use for partial cover from the crossbow-armed goblins, he'll take advantage of it, looking for tactical advantages.

[Could we have a map of sorts?]

The meanest critter you've ever gnome! (DM Stephen)  d20+1=9 d20+6=20 d3=1 d20+5=17 d20+4=8 d8+4=7 d6+3=6 d3=3 d3=1 d3=2 d3=2 d20+1=18 d20+1=14 d3=3 d3=2 d20+1=2 d20+1=6 d20=12 d20+1=10 d20+1=8 d20+3=18 d8+4=5 d20+4=23 d20+4=24 d20+4=7 d20+4=12 2d6(6+2)=8 d6=4 d20+3=18 d6=3 d20+2=17 d20+2=15 d20+2=11 d20+7=19 d20+7=19 d20+7=11 d20+7=13 d20+3=21 d20+3=7 d20+3=13 d20+3=10 2d6(3+3)=6 2d6(6+4)=10 d20+5=15 d8+4=10
Wednesday November 3rd, 2004 12:51:02 AM

Shale is pulled from his horse, but is able to land on his feet. The gnome isnt so lucky and falls on her back. A comb in her hair falls loose and drops to the ground. The comb immediately changes into a hat! Then the gnome's magical disquise fades away. She wasnt a gnome at all, just another goblin. Shale takes his sword and runs it through her chest. She looks shocked to see her wound. Her surprise quickly becomes rage as she spits at Shale. She withdraws by tumbling 30-ft backwards and standing to her feet. She has one hand on her wound, the other clutching a bloody dagger. In a defensive stance, she yells out at Shale saying, "COME ON HOBBITTT, ATTACK MEEE!"

Polly, Biguns and Slag charge into their attackers. Polly misses. Biguns hits and kills a goblin. Slag also connects and injures a goblin. Two goblins attack Biguns, seeing him as the biggest threat. Both attacks hit and the half orc falls from the bloody onslaught. One attacks Slag and the goblin completely loses grip of his dagger (natural 1). His weapon falls to his feet. A look of terror also falls upon his face. The fourth goblin attacks Polly and misses.

Selithe sends a orb of acid at one of the goblins (sorry, the spell only allows one target and you have to roll a ranged touch attack to hit. I will go ahead and roll for you to save time.) The orb of acid flies at one of the goblins and hits. Smoke rises off his burning fingers and he's unable to remain on the rail. He falls back into the water. The other goblin is able to climb up and land on the deck. He looks like he is beginning to load his crossbow and is eyeing Selithe for his attack.

Mayzie is able to heal herself. She cheats death this time. Ghost remains loyal to Mayzie and guards her from the attackers. (Is anyone playing Ghost?)

Kendry is able to out muscle the charging goblin. The bard answers with an elegant parry and thrust of his raiper. The goblin doesn't know he's been dealt a mortal wound until he sees the blood. His eyes grow dim and he falls face down onto the deck.

The last half-orc crewman left onboard strikes at one of the goblin rogues. He hits and the goblin falls, but he appears to still be awake. The half-orc is answered with three crossbow bolts. Two hit, one looks critical. The half-orc falls to the deck.

The one disabled goblin chooses to withdraw and rolls overboard and splashes back into the river. The last goblin who hasnt fired yet chooses Kendry as his target. He launches a bolt and it hits the bard dealing a bloody wound. (3 points of damage).

The captain with two crewman charge at the boat. As they run into the water to try and grab the ropes, four goblins fire crossbow bolts at the captain. The captain doesnt see them hiding under the docks. Two bolts land hard in the captains back. The captain gasps and collapses down in the water. Blood turns the water turns red around him. The half-elf crewman grabs his captain and drags him to the shore. He tries his best to stablize his employer. The captain may still be alive. The last half-orc takes his vengence on the rogues for attacking his captain. He literally slices one of the goblins in two. The other three rogues make a run for the shore, away from the angry half-orc. The half-orc doesnt notice in his blood-fury that the boat has moved another 5-ft downstream and is picking up speed.

(I will try and have a map available. There are five goblin rogues left on the ship. Four goblins are taking cover behind crates. One goblin isnt behind cover and is eyeing Selithe. One is in the water off the port side, that you know of! One goblin jumped back into the water, off the stern, after recieving a massive wound. Three goblin rogues are under the docks and are moving to the shore. Shale is in one-on-one combat with the trickster goblin. Polly and Slag are fighting 4 goblins. The goblin in front of Slag is injured and unarmed. Both crewman onboard are down. The captain is down on the shore.)

DM Stephen 
Wednesday November 3rd, 2004 6:58:27 PM

Here is a Map. Click on it to view. Enjoy.

Click here to view Battle Map!

Polly (AC 14, 7 HP)  d20+4=7
Wednesday November 3rd, 2004 9:14:54 PM

Her frustration level rapidly mounting, Polly thrusts clumsily at her opponent and snarls when the point of her spear misses him by a handspan. (Hit AC 7) People are getting hurt, the barge is floating away, and here she is trapped, flailing ineffectually at the bandits' diversion.

Selithe-AC:15-HP:6  d20+2=18 d20+3=13
Wednesday November 3rd, 2004 10:20:29 PM

Selithe sighs as she thinks of her situation, armed with only a sling and the enemy is loading a crossbow to shoot her with.

Selithe comes to a quick decision and quickly rushes forward, ducking her shoulder to slam into the goblin, hopefully before he gets his crossbow loaded and hoping he can't take to much action against her as she does, "This isn't looking good brother Kendry, something better happen in our favor. Mayzie are you alright?" (Listen:18 Spot:13)

(Stephen: Selithe is trying to bull rush the goblin and ram him over the side of the boat if possible. I didn't do any rolls since I was looking at the rules for the bull rush and am not sure which or if any of them apply to the situation. Thanks. Hope this isn't going to be a regular occurance :D the fighter wizard LOL.)

Shale (AC 18, HP 6/10)  d20+6=16 d6+1=3 d20+6=9
Wednesday November 3rd, 2004 11:09:55 PM

Happy to oblige the goblin Shale snatches his bow up off the ground and looses an arrow into the trickster.(Attack 16 Damage 3)

Grabbing at Valor (who is still close by since he is a war pony and not proned to panic like some hobbits...), Shale attempts to jump onto his back quickly, but finds his wound slows his drastically and his unable to make the leap. (Ride 9)

Shale yelling over the ruckus exclaims, "TRY AND THROW A ROPE OR SOMETHING!! I'M COMING!!!"

Mayzie (hp 7, ac 17) (Ghost - 2d8+4hp, ac 16 bite 1d6+3)  d20=8 d20+2=21 d6+3=4
Wednesday November 3rd, 2004 11:46:44 PM

Mayzie will spring at goblin 1 if she possibly can, trying to hit him with her staff/shilelagh (but no doubt missing on an 8).

Ghost will launch himself at the same target probably hitting (21) for 4 damage.

(I dont know what you mean by is anyone paying Ghost - he is just my druid animal companion - assumed he was semi npc - I never rolled his hitpoints, and not sure how it is done for animal companions, so just included dice if you want to roll it).

DM Stephen 
Thursday November 4th, 2004 1:45:26 AM

Going to wait and post in the morning. Going to give Kim a little longer to post.

Aurore - In the Wold, it's our policy that if a player has an animal companion, a familiar, or some kind of cohort, they need to ask one of the other players in the party to play the part of the creature. Because these creatures have their own thoughts and minds, they're not just an extension of their character (according to the CDM's). Ghost may not always want to follow Mayzie into the cave, for example, or do something completely different from what you expected him to do. :)

Ghost's stats would be that of an average wolf in the Monster Manual at your current level, except he gets a bonus Trick, you both share spells, and you are Linked to him, which gives you a +4 bonus on Handle Animal checks. Turn to page 36 and read up on Animal Companions in the Players Handbook.

Here is a link to the average stats for the Wolf. His abilities will expand as you go up in level.

Kendry (AC 13, HP 3/6, +1 Att/Dam from inspire courage)  d20+5=17 d20+4=13 d20+3=16
Thursday November 4th, 2004 4:49:05 AM

Kendry feels a thud in his side, and the energy contained in the metal-tipped wooden cylinder causes his body to spin a quarter turn. He knows there are several threats on deck. They are outnumbered and outwitted by this mass of goblins. Outwitted? No wits to speak of, not setting any watch. And now I'm going to die. What is Selithe... The pain seems far off. It is going to hurt. Hurt real bad. He hears Shale yelling (Listen: d20+5=17) There's a line. Throw it. Throw it to shore, Kendry. For Shale. But low. Stay low. Throw high, but stay low. Kendry takes the coiled line near the bow, holds it behind him, then launches it in an arch toward the shore [Ranged attack(?) 13], watching it uncoil the farther out it goes. He falls back to the deck, scrambling for cover behind the crates, pulling his bow back to him with his toe. [Spot 16]

Im gonna keel you! (DM Stephen)  d100=3 d6=1 d6=4 d20+2=20 d3=3 d20+2=9 d20+2=17 d3=2 d20+4=6 d6+2=5 d6+2=4 d20=15 d20+2=8 d20=17 d20+2=16 d3=3 d20+3=17 d6=6 d20+3=10 d20+3=23 d20+3=6 d6=5 d20+2=10 d20+2=5
Thursday November 4th, 2004 8:43:27 PM

The trickster goblin facing Shale was prepared for the attack and was able to dodge the arrow (full defense from last round). The goblin laughs at Shale's attempt to mount his pony. She then attacks Shale with her dagger. Her slashing attack connects dealing 3 points of damage. "Justt give it up, the boat is ours!" The goblin then yells out in her own language, "Gupe derzk bu skeek!" (to those who know goblin, "Dump them in the river.")

Polly misses again with her attack. Her lack of combat skills seems to bolster the confidence of her attackers. Two goblins strike back at Polly but only one hits for 2 points. Slag attacks the unarmed goblin and misses like Polly. The unarmed goblin draws a second dagger and attacks Slag, but it also misses. The third goblin attacks Slag as well and also misses. Everyone's getting frustrated from slashing the open air.

Back on the boat, Selithe hears the call of the warrior and charges at the goblin like a raging barbarian. The goblins eyes widen as he watches the halfling barreling down on him. He tries to brace himself but she hits him too hard. The goblin goes tumbling over the railing and makes a splash in the river. (We've removed AoO from special attacks in the Wold to lessen the amount of opposing rolls. Now all you have to do to perform a Bull Rush is make a Strength check, you get a +2 for charging.) He lands right next to his buddy who is already climbing back up the a rope. The goblin on the rope is able to climb onboard and lands on the deck, right next to Selithe. He stands there staring at her in shock.

Mayzie moves over and attacks a goblin(1) but misses. Ghost leaps over a crate to get to the same goblin. He is able to latch on and bloody the goblin. The goblin screams in pain. He draws a dagger and attempts to stab at the wolf. He barely hits with his dagger dealing 3 points of damage to the wolf. The goblin's buddy turns his crossbow at the wolf and fires. He also hits dealing twice as much as the first goblin (6 points of damage to Ghost) Ghost yelps loudly from his wounds.

Kendry stays low behind the crates and throws a line out as far as he can, but there's no one there waiting to catch it. The half-elf crewman continues his best attempt at first aid with his dying captain. The other half-orc crewman is chasing goblins in the water around the dock. Shale is still back on shore dancing with what seems to be the goblin leader.

The goblin(6) on the stern of the boat no longer has a clear shot of Kendry. He moves over to the starboard stern side and climbs up on the top crate. Catching an eye full of Kendry tossing down a line, he fires his crossbow. However, it misses and thuds into the rail next to Kendry.

The goblin(5) next to the paddlewheel pumps sees Selithe, who just threw his friend overboard. He fires a deadly accurate shot from his crossbow that hits Selithe straight and hard (critical threat, but no critical!!). His bolt deals 5 points of damage.

The half-elf continues to attempt to stablize his captain and he doesnt look to be having much luck. He yells, "HELP! THE CAPTAIN IS DYING. I CANT GET THE BLEEDING TO STOP! HELP!" (BTW, Biguns also continues to bleed to death, but Polly and Slag are a bit busy.)

The half-orc crewman in the water halts his chase and heads back to the captain. He kneels and attempts to help the half-elf, but they're still having trouble. The three goblins that were being chased make it to shore, on the opposite side of the docks. They witness the boat drifting further out into the river's current. They start to jump and cheer!

Kendry is probably the only one to notice, but from his vantage point he can see that the gap is becoming wider between him and their friends on shore. (Everyone on board make Spot checks)

Selithe  d20+2=4 d20+3=13 d20+2=5 d20+3=14
Thursday November 4th, 2004 11:53:22 PM

Selithe frowns when she sees the goblin climbed onto the deck already that she used acid on the hand of just a short time ago. Selithe yelps and grabs at the bolt that hits her and for a split second her vision goes black before she gets ahold of herself and she yells to her brother and Mayzie, "Kendry, Mayzie, overboard now! This is a loosing battle brother and friend, best to retreat and live another day and we don't acomplish nothing by dieing."

Selithe looks around (listen:4 spot:13) before grabbing her staff of the deck of the boat and then grabs the rope and swinging herself over the rail and trying to climb down. She ignores the pain of her injury and the quarrel stuck in her as she does (Climb:14). As she does though she yells at the goblin on deck who just climbed up, "Better let my friends go to. You won, tell your other friends on the boat to let them go, the boat is clearly won over by you."

(OOC:Please ignore the d20+2=5, that was a messup roll. Selithe doesn't want to leave her staff on the boat inless she has to.)

Shale(AC 18, HP 3/10)  d20+2=20 d6+1=7
Friday November 5th, 2004 1:09:24 AM

As blood comes flying from Shale rage engulfs him as he turns. In a liquid movement he grabs his halfling longsword from the ground swings hard releasing a primal scream. (Attack 20, Damage 7)

Kendry  d20+3=8 d20+4=17 d20+5=25 d4+1=5
Friday November 5th, 2004 2:41:20 AM

[Spot 8, Listen 25] Kendry fires an arrow at the goblin who just missed him (#6), hitting AC 17 for 5 hp damage. His ears are finely attuned for nuances. No Selithe... "Our berries for the fallen!" he shouts out in general counsel to his friends, hoping they remember the goodberries from the fae entertainers of the other night. He pulls one of his two remaining berries, and moves it into his mouth. He does not bite it now, but if struck by any additional blow, immediately will bite down. His eyes sweep bow to starboard to stern to port, as much as he can see while remaining crouched for cover by the crates, except for a moment as he glances portside. In his mind his prayer consists of a fleeting thought of Wardd. Draw a lucky card for my sister. Where is the goblin who was on board for the trip downstream?

Memories (DM Stephen) 
Friday November 5th, 2004 10:17:40 AM

(DM mini post)

Kendry recalls the little introverted crewman that liked to hang out below deck during the day because he didnt like bright light. He was only 2-ft tall (the goblins are 3.5-ft tall), had scaly reptilian-like skin, and a waging tail. You sometimes heard the other crew refer to him as Runt. However, he looks nothing like these goblins.

Runt (ac16, hp5) 
Friday November 5th, 2004 11:34:16 AM

A small figure jumps up out of the cargo hold with a bag thrown over his shoulder. Its contents bulging through the cloth. "EEEK!" he sounds off a cowardly scream. He sees something downstream, in the darkness, that alarms him to a near state of panic!

In his other hand is a large, empty waterskin. He runs to the railing and begins to blow the waterskin full of air, like a balloon, and seals it off. He quickly glances down stream again, "EEEEKKK!!" He turns to Kendry and asks, "Help! Me no good swim!" he screams again! He trembles there at the edge of the rail, looking down into the dark water. He then sees his captain bleeding on the shore. "EEEK!!"

Polly (AC 14, 7 HP)  d20+4=17 d6+4=5
Friday November 5th, 2004 1:51:47 PM

Polly curses as she defends herself from her attackers, thanking her training for keeping her alive. Finally, she spots an opening in the defenses of the goblin on the end of the line. She ducks his wild swing and drives her spear into him with the strength of desperation. (Hit AC 17, 5 hp damage)

Kendry (AC 13, hp 4/6, +1 Att/Dam inspire courage)  d20+3=19 d20+4=9 d20+4=23
Friday November 5th, 2004 5:03:25 PM

[Spot: 19; Listen: 10 (supposed to be d20+5, not 4)] "Fine." Kendry lifts a tarp, cuts the line holding one of the barrels of Brock's Best Beer, and gives the rope a heave to get the barrel rolling toward the starboard (shoreward, in this case) rail. He gives the barrel a little boost to add to its momentum, and the barrel descends in a parabolic arc to the river below.

On the trip downstream, he already had inflated his waterskins, which he had simply tied back on to his knapsack after riding the river chariot. "C'mon, Mayzie, Ghost. Let's go, Runt." Bow and knapsack slung over the shoulder, leather armor tied as well to a strap on his knapsack, he jumps off. As his hits the water, he involuntarily bites down on the goodberry, healing himself of 1 hp damage. He takes a stroke or two to get to the barrel, and pulls Runt (if the little guy does jump) next to him.

"All right, kick this thing toward shore." Kendry pushes the barrel with kicks of his feet, and one hand stroking. [Swim 23] He wants to get to the captain, if he can. One more goodberry left.

Saturday November 6th, 2004 9:54:39 PM

Mayzie will cry out seeing Ghost badly wounded.

Hearing Kendry and Selithe, she will grab Ghost and pull him after her.

'Come along Ghost, NOW'

Leaping overboard clutching the wolf, she will try and get to the nearest bank as best she can.

Making it to shore. (DM Stephen)  d20+4=18 d6+4=6 d100=98 d6=1 d20+4=16 d20+3=8 d20+3=13 d20+2=3 d20+2=9 d20+2=8 d20+2=4 d20+2=20 d20+2=6 d8+1=6 d100=60 d100=32
Monday November 8th, 2004 8:01:27 AM

Shale runs his sword through the trickster much to its surprise. She looks in shock at the blade entering her body. Anger quickly fills her red eyes. She continues to step forward, driving Shale's blade even deeper, trying to strike with her dagger, but her ghost gives up the mortal coil before being able to deliver her revenge. She falls onto Shale in a bloody, lifeless heap.

Polly also connects with her spear and the goblin flails about from pain in a dramatic display before falling to the ground.

Slag swings his handaxe at the goblin in front of him and the last few seconds of that goblins life is spent watching the battle from a bird's eye view as his head goes flying. The other two goblins choose to withdraw and make a run for the darkness. Slag quickly drops to his knees and begins working on Biguns. He appears to stop his bleeding by applying pressure on his wound.

Back on the ship, Selithe, Mayzie, Ghost and Runt jump ship and begin swimming back to shore. Kendry is alone on the ship trying to take with him a single barrel of Brock's Best. He cuts the ropes holding them together and takes the first barrel. Since Kendry's arrow dropped one of the goblins last round, only two are able to get a shots off during his escape. Both bolts fortunately miss the bard before he can make his jump.

Getting to shore takes Selithe, Mayzie, Ghost, and Runt only three rounds. Kendry is slowed by the mostly submerged barrel and takes at least double that amount of time.

After much stress, both crew seem to stop the captains bleeding the round before Runt makes it to shore. Runt takes a healer's kit from his bag and removes a small vial of liquid from the kit. He feeds it to his captain. (heals 6 points) but the captain still doesnt regain consciousness. His wound do heal up but not enough to pull him out of danger.

The goblins cheering on the dock also make a run for the darkness. They can still be heard celebrating the capture of the ship. As Kendry reaches the shore with his barrel, the ship fades away in the darkness down river. The lanterns on board are snuffed out to conceal it from view as the goblins make their escape.

Monday November 8th, 2004 11:41:06 AM

Polly runs downstream to the shore to help fish her friends and then the barrel out of the river. When everyone is ashore, she kicks at the ground, scattering sand. "Well, I'm glad we're alive, but the crew's not and we're in trouble. Can we chase after those goblins and get the barge back."

She wanders through the area, checking on the condition of the fallen goblins.

Monday November 8th, 2004 9:27:48 PM

Pushing the dead goblin off of him Shale stands up to survey the disappearing ship.

"DAMN IT!!" Running over to the edge he helps pull Kendry and the barrel into the ship.

Moving the barrel best he can with everyone's help he sits it upright near the beach and sits on it.

"This is a fine mess we've gotten ourselves into. These politics are going to be the death of us. We should take up something safer like hunting giants near the Scab or chasing fey in the Culverwood."

Shale is still holding his side that seems to be bleeding only slightly now with the pressure applied.

"We can rig something up so that Valor can drag carry the barrel back, but we can kiss that money goodbye."

Walking over to the dead goblin trickster Shale searches him for any clues and picks up the comb that had disguised her.

Cleaning the blood off of his father's old longsword, Shale sheathes it and returns to sit on the barrel. Petting Valor he continues, "It seems to me we need a plan of action. This wondering aimlessly is fine for youngins but we're grown halflings now!"

With that Shale picks a long stalk of grass and chews it thoughtfully contemplating.

Monday November 8th, 2004 10:36:23 PM

Selithe looks to the others as she reaches shore and rolls over on the beach as she tenderly touches the bolt sticking in her yet and sighs as she pulls a berry from earlier from her pocket and chews it as she speaks up, "Dang it this thing hurts. Who knew that trying to be a hero would hurt so much."

Selithe stays laying on the beach as she hurts, she has used some of her magical energy which has left her some what tired and she looks to Mayzie, "When you have a few moments can you give me a hand removing this bolt? I don't want to cause mroe injuried while taking it out."

Selithe looks up and over at the others and shakes her head, "I hate to admit it Polly but we won't cetch them. We all need to heal and the injured need a real doctor as soon as they can be moved. By that time the boat will be long gone and we would have to walk to cetch it." Selithe closes her eyes and winces as her wounds still hurt, "We will have to explain the situation to Calfast and see what happens. We ran the gamble by coming and he gambled by having us come. We all should of known the risks and he will get one keg of cider or beer."

Selithe looks at her brother and smiles lightly, "Looks like staying on the boat wasn't a great idea after all...please get my pipe and alittle tobacco out for me Kendry so I can have a smoke. I think if I move I might break right now, god I'm sore."

Tuesday November 9th, 2004 1:27:00 AM

"Thanks, cousins," Kendry says to Polly and Shale after they help him get the cask of beer beached. He feeds his last goodberry to Bigun, since it looks like the captain is being cared for. As he carefully feeds the berry to Bigun, moving the half orc's jaws up and down to squeeze out the healing juice, he asks who is down, who is wounded, and whether any in the camp are missing other than the cowardly four who fled. "Anybody else left from the crew still on board, Runt?"

"Aw, sis - you were hit hard," he says to Selithe. "You gonna make it, right?" He complies with her request, and gets her pipe and tobacco out. He hopes her tobacco isn't wet. "You are probably right, girl. I think we have to concentrate on recovering - and setting up some defenses, in case someone tries to attack us again.

"How many goodberries are left?" he asks his companions. "Shale - eat one, if you have it. You're bleeding. I gave my last one to Bigun."

"Mayzie - Ghost is hurt, too. Are you all right? Runt - you seem to know something about healing. Can you tend to the wounded? We appreciate you, fella. What's your real name? Do you know how to take an arrow out?"

"So - that's the lady gnome?" he asks Shale of the bloodied goblin. He asks about the hat Shale now holds in his hands.

[OOC: The following paragraph I put in simply because, formally, Nalfein has never left the group, and he got on board the boat with us, and Kendry is not going to pretend he is not there, if he IS there. I'm hoping Andrew is doing all right... am praying for him.]

"Nalfein, were you taking a whiz or something? Look, can you help out? Can you feed the captain one of your berries, and, if you have more than one, give one to Bigun? Any ideas what we should do now, bro?"

Aftermath. Lady of Light. New friends. Recovery plans

The Aftermath (DM Stephen)  d20+6=18
Tuesday November 9th, 2004 2:25:53 AM

Many of the halflings run to the shore to help Kendry pull the large barrel up on the beach. Not an easy chore. Kendry looks so exhausted from the ordeal, he's unable to speak for lack of breath. However, after a brief moment to catch his breath, he makes his way over to Biguns to give him a goodberry. He is still unconscious but looks very stable.

Both Polly and Shale go to inspect the dead goblins left behind. Polly discovers that one of the goblins she cut down was still clinging to life but unconscious and dying. Shale inspects the trickster far more carefully than the rest. She was definitely the leader, he thinks. Her gear is only slightly tattered. Much better condition than the rest of her brethern. She wears studded leather armor, that was masterwork at one time. Could possibly be that way again with a little care. Her dagger is definitely a masterwork weapon. Finely crafted and perfectly balanced. Just needs a little spit and polish to be good as new.

Shale finds the hair comb that was knocked from the trickster. It was actually an illusion. The comb's true form is a simple leather hat. When Shale picks it up, the hat changes into a size and style that would favor a halfling. It's easy to see that this hat is magical.

In all, Shale and Polly recover eight rusty daggers, five javlins, five suits of tattered piecemeal leather armor and a hooded lantern.

Selithe feeling the sting of her wounds decides to stay on the shore with captain and what's left of the crew. Runt, seeing that he can do no more for his captain, gives a roll of bandages to the half-elf and moves over to Selithe. "Runt seez yooz hurt. Me try ta helpps." (Heal check 18) He starts to dab a clear liquid on the wound with a rag. It stings at first, but it numbs the wound well enough to pull the bolt. Runt still offers Selithe a piece of leather to bite on when he makes the attempt.

Slag yells for a little help. The half-orc crewman grabs a roll of bandages and heads over to help take care of Biguns.

The human woman being held under the animal hides struggles with the man. "Please Thadius, unhand me. I must help them." The man, who she referrs to as Thadius replies, "Stay down, my lady. You could still be in danger." "LET ME GO!" she says forcefully. Thadius relents to her demand. "Please my lady," pleads Thadius, "as your protector we mustn't linger here much longer. Please, lets make haste and leave this place. We are so close to the end of our quest. I fear this skirmish will only alert our pursuers! They have eyes everywhere." She answers, "I am more aware of that then you." "Yes, of course my lady, I mean not to preach. I say this because I made a sacred vow to be your protector, to the death if need be." She turns to Thadius and gently lays her hand lovingly across his cheek. "Yes, my dear Thadius. Without you this quest would have met its dreadful end from the very start. You are my champion and I can never expect you to be any different. But remember, this is who I am and I can't turn away from these good gentle folk. I must do what I must."

The woman steps away from her companion and turns to face the group. "Please, kind souls, hear me well. Be not alarmed for what you are about to see. I wish only to bring you relief from your wounds. All I need is for you all to come to me. Bring me your wounded so they shall suffer no more." Upon uttering those last words, a dazzling spectical begins to happen. Her body becomes bathed in a glorious nimbus of light. Then slowly her human shape forms into that of a horse with a single horn pertruding from her head. You all have heard of these mystical beasts from bedtime stories and legend. However, none of you would've ever thought it be possible to look upon an actual unicorn. Her glow fills all your hearts with peace and tranquility. She again asks, "Bring to me your hurt and fallen."

Kendry  d20+6=19 d20+4=21
Tuesday November 9th, 2004 2:57:17 AM

The young bard's mouth drops open. A single-horn! The tales of such wonders he recalls [Knowledge, history: 19. Bardic knowledge: 21]. They are creatures of goodness, and strong in magic.

"Oh, lady. Oh, Lady, Lady of Light! May you be blessed, blessed indeed for your kindness to us this eve."

Kendry works with his companions and the healthier members of the crew to bring the Captain, and Bigun, and to assist any others to come. He glances at his own wound, slightly healed by the berry he earlier ate.

If Polly communicates that one of the goblins is yet alive, he brings him over, although he takes the precaution to tie his hands and ankles, and lightly gags and blindfolds the wretched creature, asking Polly to help him in the task. He will not allow, in so far as it is in his power, any to further injure their opponent.

"Here we are, good Lady, and those who have suffered from the goblin raid tonight. One of the attackers is here, as well. Have you the will to heal even him? Or is it wrong to pity such?"

Tuesday November 9th, 2004 3:03:38 AM

Answering Kendry, "Me no think da two crewman left onboard be living now (He is referring to the two half-orcs that fell in battle on deck). Me real names be Zippzitzz, but everybodies no say well. So they call me ... IEEEE!!" Runt stares frozen in fear at first but relaxes in the glow of the unicorn's true form.

Tuesday November 9th, 2004 9:55:33 AM

Selithe does take the leather strap and waits for Zippzitzz to pull the bolt. She winces alittle when theb olt is pulled but smiles up at the man and nods to him, "Thank you Zippzitzz, that bolt was really starting to hurt." Selithe is happy for the liquid that numbed the wounds and also smiles to Kendry as she sits up now slowly, "Thanks for taking care of my pipe for me Kendry."

Selithe takes the pipe and just gets it lit when the lady changes into a unicorn, the sight shocks Selithe greatly and she watches in awe before even being able to summon the energy to walk over also, "By Warrds feet....I thought they were only legends...but one stands right there."

As Selithe waits, making sure she is one of the last ones heal so she can possibly ask questions. Once her turn arrives she smiles sheepishly, "My names Selithe, I'm honored to meet you miss...ummm....ummm...miss...I..you see..I have a diary of interesting things and people I meet and see....I...you see..uhh was hoping I might beable to learn somethings..about unicorns and your travels maybe...I mean...uhh no specific details...you sound like your on a very important mission and I don't want to endanger that by asking of that." Selithe smiles all though nervously since she has never met a unicorn before and she pulls her diary out from where as nestled in her bedroll.

Getting abit more composed she now speaks mainly to herself, "wow, a real unicorn and a bodyguard of one. Dang this is a once in a life time chance to learn about how unicorns live, what they eat, if the legends of only letting a maiden of pure heart ride them is true, the magics that unicorns have thats suppose to be natural....I heard legends that people hunt unicorns but why, such a beautiful creature should be allowed to live free." Selithe looks to of just went to lala land at this chance to learn of a legendary unicorn.

Tuesday November 9th, 2004 5:25:50 PM

Polly, who is not interested in any goblin's stinky old equipment, glares at Kendry over the body of the living one. "Well, you obviously don't need my help, you big busybody, so do it yourself!" She leaves him to do what he likes and starts dragging the goblin bodies together for a pyre, wearing a full-on scowl.

So pre-occupied is she with her angry frustration that she loses all interest in the glowy horse woman and her offer of healing.

Tuesday November 9th, 2004 7:43:03 PM

Shale stares with an open mouth until it is his turn for healing. Before long the blade of grass he had been chewing falls out as Shale remains slackjawed in awe.

Tuesday November 9th, 2004 7:43:03 PM

Shale stares with an open mouth until it is his turn for healing. Before long the blade of grass he had been chewing falls out as Shale remains slackjawed in awe.

Tuesday November 9th, 2004 10:08:02 PM

Facing Polly's wrath, Kendry revises his plans, somewhat. "All right, Polly. Sorry. I guess I was trying to help too fast. What do you want us to do? And you were hurt, Poll - don't let your being mad at me keep you from the Lady's kindness, Polly. Just punch me or something, instead." His chagrin is apparent.

Asleep at the Wheel! (DM Stephen) 
Wednesday November 10th, 2004 8:10:17 AM

As the very last one is brought into range of the unicorn, a pulse of her white light flows outward and through every single person. The wave of energy blinds all those who stare directly into her light for a second or two. As soon as you realize what had happened you also notice that everyones wounds are completely gone. (Mass heal - everyone is completely healed) When you all look up from your quick inspection of yourselves, the unicorn is back in the form of her human shape.

The goblin is also fully healed and is cowering and quivering on the ground where he had layed. He seems terrified and unable to move from being frozen in fear. The unicorn turns her gaze upon Kendry who asks about allowing the goblin a second chance at life. She smiles and says, "You may not realize it now, but the greatest gift one can offer the wicked is a chance for redemption. It's the way of the Celestials. There is no greater reward then leading evil towards the light."

Suddenly her attention, along with her protector is drawn toward the thick brush of the surrounding trees. A pony with two hobbits riding together emerge from the woods. A donkey loaded with supplies is lead by its reins behind them. Both halflings and fast asleep and are slumped over in the saddle. As if they were relying on luck to deliver them where they need to go.

(Everyone say hello to your newest players, Jason and Inge. You guys are free to post.)

Wednesday November 10th, 2004 10:26:45 AM

( OOC : this post will be easy as we seem to have fallen asleep :-) Glad to be joining you all !)

"We'll find them ... they will get into trouble without us ... long yourney ... must keep an eye out for ambushes ... zzzzzzz ... " were the last words she said just before falling a sleep.

Wednesday November 10th, 2004 4:29:25 PM

"I don't want to hit you, Kendry; I want you to trust me. I'm not about to murder a helpless person, nor let die one who might know where they've taken the barge off to."

Reminded of her wound, Polly joins the others gathered around the lady long enough to be healed, then returns to her self-appointed task without a word. She's barely dragged the next corpse a wagon length before movement at the edge of the brush sent her scrambling to ready her spear.

She squints at the slumped figures in the dim light. "Airin?" Polly hurries over to the pony and shakes her cousin to wake her. "Airin! What are you two doing here? Wake up! You almost slept your way into a battle."

Shale  d20+7=21
Wednesday November 10th, 2004 9:40:59 PM

Shale stunned by the quick heal suddenly feels invigorated. Then it hits him, they still have a chance to get the ship back!

"Anyone speak goblin??" Looking over at Runt he grins wide and says nicely to him, "Could you ask the evil goblin where they were taking the ship. Feel free to tell him we'll cook and eat him if he doesn't tell us, but be polite."

Moving around the outside of the battle scene Shale attempts to pick up any signs of where the fleeing goblin went. (Track 21 not sure if +7 is right mod, but it should be close)

Collecting up his bow Shale studies the ground carefully.

Wednesday November 10th, 2004 10:14:52 PM

Selithe looks at those riding in on the wagon but doesn't know them right off atleast or at all. She sighs softly and smiles, "Some help maybe to take care of all this."

Selithe smokes her pipe lightly and awaits to see what happens before turning her attention back to the unicorn lady and her bodyguard, "I hope we can talk alittle before you two have to move on."

Selithe looks to the bodyguard of the unicorn lady's and smiles politely to him, "I'm glad you protect the lady to sir. I heard alot of the legends and wish you both the best atleast."

(OOC:Hi to Jason and Inge and welcome to the game. Looking forward to gaming with both of you.)

(DM Stephen - No wagon present. They were both riding on the back of a pony. A donkey was being pulled behind them.)

Wednesday November 10th, 2004 10:55:25 PM

With the noise and the shaking, Olo starts to wake up and looks at the world around him through half-opened eyes.

Seeing Polly, and the gathering of halflings behind her, his eyes pop open wide and any sign of sleepiness immediately disappears. "Airin, wake up! We made it! Ha!"

Olo drops down from the pony and pulls off his helmet to reveal the fullest, wildest, and bushiest head of hair that you've ever seen on a halfling. Dropping the helmet to the ground, he'll make the rounds to all the halflings in the group (friends and strangers alike) and give them a solid hug and a good strong clap on the back.

Once that has been accomplished, he'll look around again to take in the state of affairs. "When you went off to fetch beer, I thought that you'd be coming back with more than one barrel. If it were me, I'd have floated a whole boatload of them down the river!"

Olo shrugs and continues. "But whatever... I'm just glad we found you. Who's the goblin?"

ooc: Olo Thistlefoot is a halfling cleric of Wardd who's native to Humble's Ford. Feel free to know him or be a stranger to him, he'll treat you just as friendly in any case.

Thursday November 11th, 2004 1:26:51 AM

OOC:Hey everyone. I'll be posting soon, just wanted to give a preemptive hello!

Kendry  d20+4=13
Thursday November 11th, 2004 3:13:41 AM

To Polly, just before the healing
"You think I don't trust you?" Kendry asks Polly, incredulous at the thought. "Of course I trust you. I just wasn't sure about some of the folks we don't know so well. I guess maybe it might've looked like I didn't trust you. But, trust me, cuz, that's not the way I feel. I do tend to just barge ahead on things, though, so feel free to tell me when to slow down."

During the wonder
Kendry does gaze at the unicorn as the healing wave washes out from her. Funny, it seems he's mainly heard stories about male unicorns, though, he now realizes, there have got to be both genders among them. White, bright light. He blinks, looking around, trying to get his vision back again, listening to hear if anything odd is going on until he can see a bit better again. The ache in his side is gone! He looks about at the others, noting the pain on their countenances has disappeared.

And the bard hears the Lady's words. The kindness, the hope, the possibility of change for the wicked. He wants to talk with her more, and ask her many questions. But looks down at the goblin, and removes the blindfold. Shlifkh pokh, he tells the goblin - 'Tremble not.' In the wretched creature's own tongue, Kendry tells him, 'You and yours who killed some of us, tried to kill more. This is bad-bad. One here says he eats you. I tell him no. Shining woman says you change. She make you better. Your guts can stay inside you. The halfling kneels down close to the face of the goblin, along his left side. He puts his hands behind the head, on the knot he tied there. With an intense whisper, he speaks into the odd folds of the creature's ear, 'You say us true words, I say you live. But you tell us where go boat, what do with boat, what big plans.' He unties the gag, and awaits the goblin's response. [Diplomacy 13, plus whatever circumstantial modifications the DM wishes to make.]

Much as he wants to go greet Airin and Olo, whom he has not seen for ages, Kendry keeps his attention focused on the goblin before him.

Thursday November 11th, 2004 4:32:36 AM

Mayzie will arive on shore hurt and soaked, pulling the wounded Ghost behind her.

She shakes her head at the mention of politics, and is about to make a stinging comment when she sees one of the passengers transform into a unicorn in front of her eyes.

Awestruck, Mayzie nonetheless manages to come close, pulling the reluctant Ghost with her to be healed too.

'Th... Thank you my lady' she manages to whisper in elvish to the Unicorn.

'I overheard you mention a quest. I do not wish to pry into your affairs, but is it likely that the attack on the barge was something to do with that? We are on an errand and are worried that it is to interfere with that that the attack took place. However if it was directed at us, then someone back home has commited a serious crime and we would wish to seek redress. It seems a rather - extreme - thing for one of our own folk to arrange though.'

OOC - Kim 
Thursday November 11th, 2004 7:30:34 PM

[Does someone want to check on the Captain and Bigun, now that they're back with us?]

All this trouble for BEER! (DM Stephen)  d20=9 d100=29 d100=35 d100=81 d6=6 d6=3
Thursday November 11th, 2004 10:19:54 PM

After the magical aura of the now human unicorn fades, everyone notices that both the captain and Biguns rise to their feet. They feel where their wounds once were and are amazed and awe-struck. The captain and his crew, what's left of the them, rush toward her to show their gratitude. Thadius noticably gets nervious.

As soon as Shale suggests someone trying to speak to the goblin, Kendry has already taken the innitiative. Pleasantly surprised by Kendry's elloquent goblin accent, Shale looks for tracks and finds them very easily. They're extremely fresh and all over the place. It's almost as if a battle had just happened. :) All the tracks on the shore lead down stream, which is where they made their exit.

As Kendry speaks to the goblin and his expression changes from fear to awe. He pokes at his stomach where he was mortally wounded. (in goblin) "Ahhhh, me guts be back in where belong, yes they be! This cant be, me must be dead. You be dead too, you are!" He stares at the woman who healed him and his eyes go wide with a thought. "The Raven be she? The one whose black wings spread over the sky an block out the nasty sun. Stares down on us all with eyes sparkly, she does." He then sees the trickster dead and the biggest smile forms across his face. "Hee hee! Grekie stay real dead. Hate her, I do! Yaaah!" His eyes turn back to the woman and with his arms stretched out wide, he walks over to give her a loving hug. "Bobbles love the Raven with all me hearts, I do!" Thadius likes this even less and steps in front of the goblin before he could make any contact.

Polly gets to reunite with her kin. She notices, right off the bat, a tiny tiny arrow sticking into each of Olo and Airin's necks. The arrows are barely longer than an inch. Both new comers also notice eight small leafy pouches tied to the mane of the pony. Each pouch is filled with three wild berries.

Thadius tips his hat at Selithe with a smile. "Thank you for your concern. I hope you too also find success with your endeavors." He quickly turns to Mayzie and projects his answer enough to get his Ladies attention. "I'm afraid we must'nt speak of our quest. Giving you all the knowledge of our task will only be puting you in grave danger. There are those who would do anything to know it. And we must really be going now ... my Lady!"

Airin  d20+6=17
Friday November 12th, 2004 2:53:39 AM

The cheers from Olo made Airin wake up from her deep sleep and seeing Polly and the rest of her Kin made her tumbles (tumble=17) from the saddle.

Suddenly she feels an itchy feeling in her neck. Thinking its a bug or something like that she feels her neck. "What's this ?!?" she exclaims. Carefully she removes the arrow, asking Polly to have a look.
"So we didn't just fell a sleep ... we were ambushed ! And I figured I had keen ears to spot danger ..."

Then Airin, taking her pony by the reigns, joins her relatives, kindly greats them and shares Olo's amasement seeing them with only one barrel of beer.
"Are you guys really going to push this beer all the way up to town ?!? The roads are dangerous you know ... we HAVE been ambushed ! You guys were lucky ! You all seem to be in good health, but up ahead there's danger ..."

Then she notices the extra 8 pouches on her pony (occ still need to figure out a name for my pony). She quickly examines them and finds seemingly delicious berries. "HMMMM" she says to the group, "would they be eatible, I am famished. Perhaps I should try one. Besides, there are 8 pouches, so we can all have some." And Airin takes a berry from the pouches to take a closer look, yet not eating it. She first wants to make sure they are eatible.

Friday November 12th, 2004 2:55:22 AM

Kendry translates for others the gist of Bobbles' babbles.

He answers him in goblin, 'Not Raven. This be the Lady of Light. You owe life to the Lady. Grekie dead, you not dead. I not dead. Lady wants you change, be good. She say so. Save your guts, change your mind.'

As Bobbles moves toward the woman, Kendry goes into full acting mode. 'Aiee! Not try touch Lady of Light! Only she can touch you. Lady love you too, so she have man protect you from touch her. I ask her. If she say yes, then yes. If she say no, then no. I ask. If she say yes, then you get on knees, fold your hands together.'

Before they leave, Kendry turns to the woman. "Good my lady, Bobbles here wants to express his love for you. Frankly, he does not understand matters fully - nor do I. I think, nevertheless, you might help him take one more small step toward the redemption you speak of." He gets down on one knee. "Refuse if you wish, for I have no real standing to ask. He thought you to be The Raven. I told him no, you are a lady of light. Might you touch him as he kneels, and give him a word or two? Or tell him of seeking the light? Or, I don't know ... Sir, forgive my presumption. I admire your commitment, and would not detain you from your mission."

As he awaits her response, Kendry says to Bobbles, 'Kneel. Fold hands.' If she deigns to speak any words to the goblin, Kendry will translate - if he understands her words, and translation is needed.

Airin to Kendry OOC 
Friday November 12th, 2004 5:59:31 AM

Grekie was the trickster
Isn't Bobbles the one you are talking to ? I think you're getting mixed up on the goblins here :-)

Friday November 12th, 2004 4:23:45 PM

"It IS an arrow! Ha!"

Olo peers at the tiny arrow in wonderment for a few moments. Then as if a thought had suddenly come to mind, he quickly steps to the edge of the clearing, and with his back to the noise and conversation behind him, he speaks in a clear voice. "I am Olo Thistlefoot, a priest of Wardd from Humble's Ford. I thank you for helping me find my friends! I am in your debt and would gladly repay the favor if there is a service I can provide in return." He stands there for a moment, just listening to the sounds of the forest.

"Now then" he says with a quick clap of his hands, "where were we?" He turns around and walks back to the circle of conversation. "Will somebody PLEASE tell me what's going on? Who is this goblin (pointing to Bobbles, who is most likely kneeling with his hands folded) and why on earth is he proposing to this big lady here?"

Olo tucks the tiny arrow into his pack while he waits for someone... ANYONE... to tell him what's going on.

Friday November 12th, 2004 7:30:31 PM

Coming back to the group Shale smiles as Olo and answers his question patiently,

"We were getting the beer when we were ambushed at night. The goblins took the ship but Kendry saved a barrel of it first. Everyone was pretty hurt but his fine lady healed us all up and then you came riding out of the woods together."

Pausing for a breath Shale continues, "So, now we have to go get the beer since that is the whole reason we came all this way. Kendry apparently speaks goblin so he is gonna try to get some info out of the goblin who the lady healed. If that doesn't work I think we can track the goblins pretty easily and get our ship back. We better hurry though or they will probably drink all our beer."

After babbling off the story Shale waits with a serious expression for Kendry to get the info out of the goblin. If that doesn't work he takes off downstream after the goblins following their tracks with his bow drawn.

Friday November 12th, 2004 11:03:47 PM

Selithe smiles to the man and nods to him, speaking up after writing the name of where the group will be going to next on a piece of paper and handing it to the guardian of the unicorn lady, "Sir, this is where me and my friends are heading. If it would be possibly can you have your lady friend write to me about what unicorns are like and how they live and such please? I would really like to beable to put the info in my diary....I mean you see, I love knowledge and gathering it since I'm a conjurer and studier of the arts but since I'm still a novice and learning about different things I would love the info she could provide." Selithe nods to him now and goes to greet the new people.

Selithe looks over Olo and Airin a moment while smoking her pipe and then finally blows a circle of smoke into the air as she speaks up, "Greetings you two. I'm afraid I don't really remember either of you if we have met anyway. Seems like I would know the lady there since Polly does but maybe my memory is slipping." Selithe smiles anyway and looks around, "I'll take a gamble and say we would never cetch the goblins, the current is swift and even with those of us who walk riding the wagon we wouldn't make good time. We were also suppose to get the beer and cider back to Calfast as soon as possible but how soon? was there a deadline? mainly meaning even if we get the beer and cider back unharmed even and got it back what good would it be if it is too late to help him?"

Selithe looks to Polly and Shale since her comments might not go over to well with them and speaks up, "Sorry if my comments strike a nerve. I want to help Calfast out too and there is a matter of honor here in the sense that we were sent after so much beer but I think our next course should be thought out some everyone. Do we stand a chance cetching the ship, well first we better ask the captain of the ship for any info he can give us and his crew also. Next we need to find out if anyone but us is going after the ship and the cargo on board. I hate to say this but I'm not a experienced enough conjurer to take on a whole nest of goblins and this was well thought out....to well thought out for my taste and maybe to much of a gamble for even a gambler like me."

Friday November 12th, 2004 11:18:55 PM

Polly peers at the miniature arrow Airin handed her. "Well, I don't recognize it. I'm trying to picture the bow that shot it -- couldn't have been much longer than my forearm. I think you've got the right of it, Olo." She points to the uncovered berries. "We were left berries like that, maybe in trade for a very nice stew, maybe by some dream fairies. They'd be small enough for a bow that size, wouldn't they?"

Handing the little arrow back to Airin, she says, "Everybody, Airin is my cousin on the Turnbell side. We haven't seen much of each other since we were kids. Olo's a distinctive figure in town -- or at least a distinctive sillouette. How did you ever get all your hair stuffed into that helmet, Olo?"

Polly's shoulders slump as she listens to Selithe. "I guess you're right about that. If we have to choose between getting one barrel there in time, and being too late with any of it, some beer is better than none. It's just that I feel badly for the captain and crew, and I'd feel worse if we couldn't help Calfast at all. I'd like to find out if we can try, at least. If they haven't gone far, and there aren't many more than we fought earlier, and we can come up with a plan, maybe we can steal the barge back quick."

Glancing at the lone barrel on the shore, she muses, "Maybe they'll all be drunk."

Saturday November 13th, 2004 7:35:07 AM

Mayzie looks increasingly angry and agitated as she paces up and down the bank, Ghost sitting watching her looking downcast.

"Several things worry me here.

"Firstly I do not believe these goblins were sent to interfere with the Lady and her quest. Whoever sent them then would have known they would have no chance against her and her guardian.

"That means they were either sent for US, or we were simply unlucky. I am suspicious of coincidence."

Turning to the captain

"Captain, are goblin attacks on ships here something that happens often? If so why did your ship not have more guards? I do not mean to insult you, I simply wish to know if this event is something that happens now and then or if this is something new and suspicious."

Turning back to the others Mayzie speaks up again.

"What bothers me is this. If these goblins were sent by one of the other candidates, then someone who is prepared to murder other hobbits is standing for election as Mayor of our valley. I assume your own Aunt would not try and kill you. I hope not anyway. Then again the Mayor currently in power has never shown any signs of such behaviour as far as I know. So something very strange is happening here. Perhaps the thugs we ran into before leaving town?

"As to what we should do, I think we need to accomplish our mission. That mission was to deliver beer to Calfast's party before the end of the party season. If we have time to retake the beer we have lost from the goblins, or the ability for that matter, then fine. If not we should be ready to go back to Brock and buy another smaller shipment with whatever money we have."

Saturday November 13th, 2004 2:14:47 PM

"It seems to me that no matter what the reason for the goblins it is our obligation to stand up against them and not to turn away when evil strikes."

Shale is obviously anxious to take off down the trail and seems at least a little overconfident that he can take on the goblins.

Goblin knows best (DM Stephen)  d100=99 d6=3 d20+12=28 d20+2=7 d20+2=6
Monday November 15th, 2004 1:57:59 AM

The captain gets a little defensive at the tone of Mayzie's voice. With his arms crossed and a raised eyebrow, he answers her. "You think I would put the lives of my crew and my property in jeopardy if I thought we would be raided by bunch of goblin thieves? I would have never taken the pleasure of sleeping at this camp if I thought it was dangerous. The Crescent Valley has always been peaceful and good. I am surprised by all this as you are. You lost your beer ... SO WHAT! I lost my boat, and everything loaded on it."

Kendry, Thadius successfully keeps Bobbles from hugging the leg of the "Lady of Light" (nice name Kim :) The Lady responds to her protectors, "Gentlemen, please, I have nothing to fear from this goblin. In fact, Bobbles, here, is going to answer all your questions honestly and truthfully. Hopefully he can end all the speculations being thrown about." She turns to the goblin and says in his language, "You will answer our questions won't you, Bobbles?" She hands the goblin a shiny red apple. Bobbles nods his head vigorously and accepts the apple graciously. She looks to Kendry and asks, "Will you translate so everyone can understand?" The Lady kneels down to Bobbles level and begins with her first question. "Bobbles, why you and Grekie come tonight and steal the boat?" Bobbles takes a big bite of the apple and begins to tell his story willingly. "We go to see the ogres and buy weapons and armor. Ogres gots good stuff, but we have not enough money, we don't. Wants to steal and rob to get money, Grekie does. Grekie thinks that money and stuff was easy pickin's in hobbit valley. So outside trading post, we hide, and saw the boat and the hobbits and we follow. Me not want to fight, no I don't. Bobbles had to fight or Grekie would kill me, dead. Grekie pretend to be hobbit with magic hat to make hobbits leave the boat by itself. Cut ropes an float it down river, we did." He thinks about it a little more and then remembers the rest. "Grekie told Blek, Tepe, Dup, Mong, Pohie, and Bob, to run boat onto shore down river. Then unload and take stuff to ogres for weapons and armor." Bobbles looks over at the body of Grekie and frowns. "Me not know what they do now. Grekie dead and the pack have no leader. Me think Dup, Bob, Gorp and Blek will be fightin over who be leader. Dup and Bob never like each other! Blek be crazy. He say a talking fish told him he be next leader if something happen to grekie! But me say that stupid!" Bobbles chomps down into the apple and devours it like a rabid wombat.

The Lady looks up to and exclaims, "He is telling the truth. I detect no lies." She looks to Kendry and says, "I can't make Bobbles be good, he has to take those steps of redemption for himself. I can only show him the right direction. It is promising that he chooses to help you."

Olo and Airin are still a little groggy from just waking up. But the bodies left from the battle are quite sobering. They both begin to recall the last memories before they fell asleep. You both remember mushroom circles and that one of you might have picked a couple.

The captain gets excited again. "Wha! They're going to run my boat onto the shore! I know only one place between here and the trading post that is clear enough to unload the boat. It's about five miles down river! It will take them a while to unload, we could get there in no time!" One of the crew asks the captain, "We don't have to lug this barrel of cider all the way there, do we?"

Monday November 15th, 2004 3:17:50 AM

As the Lady requests, Kendry translates as they go along her questions and Bobbles' responses for the group.

"Thank you, good my Lady. Excuse me a moment." He approaches Olo and Airin. "Hey, cousins of my cousins - well met," he begins, extending his right hand to each with a welcoming handshake. "Glad you showed up, as we can use your help tonight. I think the last time I saw you was maybe eleven years ago, at the wedding of Borrow Turnbell Fernsprout and Clover Sweet Pipewood Peasebottom. That was when someone gave Polly's sister Annice punch from the wrong bowl. Boy, did Nalfein get in trouble for that one," he smiles. "Just in case you don't remember, I'm Kendry. Papa let me play the 'quiet' lute while he played his best one for the music at the party."

On hearing the captain's surmise, and the crewman's query, Kendry says, "Well, let us hide this one barrel in the brush. I hope, should we attain success, Captain, to retrieve it on our way back upstream. Shall we commit the dead to the earth, or the fish? Let us quickly restore the campsite, then be on our way. What say you all?" he asks his companions.

After he talks with the Lady, he helps find a good spot to hide the cask of Brock's Best Beer, and cover it with a tarp, if one is available.

He says to the Lady, "I cannot speak for all, but I am in your service, good my Lady, and yours, loyal Thadius. I am Kendry, of Humble's Ford, and, and other parts. Kendry Leafwin Pipewood. For your kindness, if there is aught I might do for you, please name it."

Monday November 15th, 2004 1:16:21 PM

Polly dusts her hands and grins at Shale. "Now we've got something to work with: a chance! I was thinking we could maybe burn the bodies, Kendry. Not very nice to folk downstream if we dump them in the water. Since we're coming back for this barrel, we can take care of them at that time, because I'd sure like to retrieve our stolen cargo before it gets traded to ogres. Ogres are pretty big, aren't they?"

Monday November 15th, 2004 3:27:20 PM

Airin definitely likes the idea of trying to get back both boat and the beer. Leaving this beer to those goblins would be a terrible waste and who knows ... there might be Ogres for supper.

"Let's toss those dead goblins in the river. No need to spend more time on them. With any luck those goblins will now be fighting to see who will become the new leader. Here's a thought ...
Grekie used a magic hat to look like a hobbit, where's that hat? Maybe we can make Grekie return to the Goblins ... One of us who speaks Goblin ... I believe only Kendry can do this ... might be able to use the hat to look like a goblins and go to the camp. Some of us have keen ears to spot them and we could sneak into the camp while "our" goblin distracts them."

Putting herself up as scout (remembering the good times she spend trying to follow Polly to pick up her moves) and thinks these are now going to come back.

"What are the other plans? I suggest not wasting too much time though," she says as she turns to the group.

Monday November 15th, 2004 4:34:16 PM

As the goblin begins to recount events with the assistance of Kendry, Olo's smile beings to fade. For the first time, he looks around and
notices the very obvious signs that a battle took place. He then listens as plans are hashed out among the halflings.

"I think Airin's got the start of a plan, but we've got a few miles to cover before we have to have things hashed out. Let's figure out what to do with the bodies and we'll cover the other details on the way?"

Monday November 15th, 2004 7:46:58 PM

Selithe listens to the comments made and nods after bit and looks to everyone, "I'm more then willing to go along with this as long as I can get just abit of rest to regain my spells that I used. I hate to say it but without them I will be less use to all of you." Selithe smiles gently and shrugs as she looks around again, "So, where can I help out and please tell me it doesn't involve hauling those stinky, smelly, dirty goblins to the river or something." Selithe looks rather unhappy at the thought of carrying any of the dead goblins, specially since she is still wet, cold and abit tired.

Monday November 15th, 2004 10:17:00 PM

Grinning happily at Polly, Shale starts throwing the dead goblins in the river. He puts the masterwork dagger in his quiver pouch and hands the magical hat to Kendry.

Tightening the saddle on Valor, Shale says quickly to Kendry, "If we ride ahead on Valor you can wear the hat and stall the goblins until the rest get there. I'll hide in the bushes and cover you in case anything happens. You've always been quick with the wit and I'm not a half bad shot..."

Shale goes over to the captain and quickly asks for directions to the place he was talking about downstream. He pays careful attention to what it will look like as he approaches as he doesn't want to ride up too close.

"I think maybe one more could ride on Valor too if we sit real tight, it would have to be one of us from the Valley though."

As soon as he fits all the halflings he can on Valor wihtout slowing him down too much, Shale takes off towards the spot.

Monday November 15th, 2004 10:34:26 PM

"Friends, I think Polly is right. Sorry, sis, but if we wait until morning, I believe the number of obstacles we are likely to face will increase. I'm out of spells, too, but we have two fresh faces, whom the kindly sprites have blessed with enough goodberries to help us all. Mayzie can explain them better than I, since she makes them all the time - but, basically, you eat one, and it helps heal you a little bit. If you're not wounded, it's like having a good, full meal - just the one berry! So don't just go eating them willy-nilly - save them in case you take a walloping - or are about to.

"Y'see, I popped one into my mouth when I was up there on the boat, after I'd already gotten a crossbow bolt in my side. Had it ready to bite down on if I got hit again, and stop any extra bleeding before it got started too much. But when I jumped into the water, after rolling the cask of beer off the riverboat, I ended up biting down on the berry by accident. Sure felt good, though," he comments, rubbing his side in remembrance.

"Anyway, it might seem forward to ask this, but would you mind sharing the goodberry pouches? Everyone should have at least one berry, and some should probably have more than that. It's up to you two, though, since the sprites gave them to you.

"Selithe - let's get one of the crossbows the marauders left behind, load it up for you, and let you carry it. But point it at the ground - and not your foot - until you really need to use it. You might be able to get a shot off at one of our opponents, and even hit him, if you're lucky. And I don't know many who're luckier than you, sis. Although Olo, being a priest of Wardd and all, may rival you."

He looks to Airin. "Good idea, there. I'd be willing to try to pull off something like what you're saying. Don't know if I could pull off representing Grekie - all I heard was his Gnome-accented voice. If our apple eater here is willing help me out in the ruse ... hmm, might that jeopardize my hope of leading him toward being better?" he muses.

"Wait - Olo - you live over by Old Coot Surefoot the Bachelor, don't you, there in Humble's Ford?" He hits his forehead with the palm of his hand, not believing he'd forget someone who lived not too far off from him. "Sorry, neighbor. I must've got hit on the head tonight, too. I was speaking more of Airin as far as the wedding of a decade ago. We'll play catch-up later."

"Hey, Zippzzitz ... no, it's Zippzitzz, right? Gotta get that extra buzz at the end of your name. Do you want to help us get back the captain's boat, so's you can keep your job? Oh, while we're at it - Airin, Olo, this is Zippzitzz," he tells them, nodding toward a small scaled fellow with a tail. "A member of Captain, Captain - say, Captain, I don't know your name, besides Captain. If we all manage to get your boat back, do you suppose you could tell us your name?" he asks with a friendly smile. "Only if you want to, of course," he adds, should there be some sensitivity on the topic. "This here is Slag," he says, introducing the ship's dwarf, "And Biguns - one strong guy, I'll say," he says of the half orc. "Who did I leave out?" he asks, as there are a few other crew members present.

Then he realizes that with all his blabbing, they are not making any time toward catching up to the boat. "Is there a path along the shore, Captain?" Then, turning to Bobbles, he asks of him the same thing. He also asks Bobbles if he is willing to help them get the boat back - and if he has any suggestions.

"Shall we go? Does someone have a source of light?"

Just then, he learns that Shale has tossed the dead goblins into the water. He takes the hat from his good cousin and listens to his plan. "Maybe we should go together, Shale. I'm all for speed, but if we run into ogres down there, I'd just as soon have us all as a group. There are two ponies here, now, and a donkey. And yessir, you are one fine shot, cuz."

DM Stephen 
Tuesday November 16th, 2004 11:20:29 AM

Sorry, I will post as soon as possible. Mondays and working on multiple holiday advertising campaigns drains my time and makes my life rather hectic!

Horsing around (DM Stephen)  d100=20 d6=3 d100=76 d6=3 d100=50 d6=4
Tuesday November 16th, 2004 11:17:55 PM

The halflings start to load up on the ponies. They're able to get three on each. Zippzitzz cowers a little when Kendry mentions helping against the goblins. "Me not good fighter! But me want to gets boat back. Boat be me home! Me know how to use me sling." He pulls a small sling out and a pouch of bullets out of his bag. "Ohh, me can see in dark," he says excitedly! The captain interupts, "The name is ... um," Slag and Biguns look at each other trying to forcibly hold back their smiles, "uh, my name is Titus Bloomers! And you may refer to me by that if you can help get my boat back!" Both Slag and Biguns look at each other in shock. Titus continues, "You go up ahead and try and stake out the place. Wait and rest while my crew and I catch up. Runt has a good idea, he can see in the dark. I wouldnt use torches. Goblins can see in the dark as well. They'll see you coming a mile away! Runt, go on ahead with them and make sure they dont get lost in the darkness." Runt salutes and leaps up on the donkey. The kobold is the slightest frame of the bunch, only weighing in at 25 pounds. Bobbles hops up next to the kobold. He looks at the frightened creature and says in goblin, "where we going?" Runt just sits there frozen in place with a slack jaw. Mayzie has either the choice of her wolf, Ghost, or make room on the donkey with Zippzitzz!

As you all pull out of camp, Thadius and the Lady of Light load up onto their row boat. She waves goodbye as Thadius rows away into the darkness. As you, yourselves, enter the darkness of night, the lights from the campfires slowly fade away from your sight. The last images you see are the captain and crew starting to gather the weapons from the fallen goblins. The ponies and donkey cant move too fast with all the extra weight, but at least they can walk twice as fast than furry hobbit feet without any trouble.

(Make your checks. Whatever you see fit.)

Kendry  d20+6=10 d20+7=18 d20+10=14
Wednesday November 17th, 2004 12:51:36 AM

Kendry looks over at the kobold, and translates for him. "He asks you, 'where are we going?'" I thought I already told him we're going for the boat. You want me to remind him?" he asks Runt. "Bobbles's not going to hurt you, Zippzitzz." 'Bobbles - you guard kobold Zippzitzz. He help us. You keep him safe. I give you good thing later, you do good job.'

As they ride along, Kendry reflects on what just happened, and how he might describe this in song.

He reminds Olo and Airin of the notion of dividing up the berries. "How about a full pouch of three for each of you, and the same for Selithe, Mayzie, Polly and Shale. Or should Mayzie have four berries, and someone else two? Not you though, Selithe - you make sure you've got three. Help others who are hurt bad, if it comes to that. I'll take two berries, and two each for Zippzitzz and Bobbles - so that's two pouches split three ways. I've already got a little pouch to put them in from before. Just a suggestion. Let me know what you think."

If they go for it, Kendry will explain their purpose to Bobbles. He also will translate anything anyone wants (within reason) between the party and the goblin.

[Knowledge, nature: 10; Survival: 18; Keeping track of way in forest: 14]

Airin  d20+7=18 d20+5=15
Wednesday November 17th, 2004 3:14:59 AM

After mentioning her plan, her friends and relatives set foot right away, most likely making an awfull lot of noise ...

"Just a second" Airin says, "first all have a pouch of these berries and please allow me to put back the berry I had in my hands first before running of." Airin hands over a pouch of berries to each. "Second, we can be heard from miles if we go running of like this !"

Airin asks Kendry to try and interrogate Bobbles to find out exactly how far the Goblin camp was. Then she tries to make the others think a little harder before rushing of like this ...

"Are we going to try this hat thing ? Kendry wouldn't it be interesting to try the hat before stepping into the goblin camp ? Polly and me are able to sneak up on them and maybe even take them out one by one. How about this ..."

Airin wonders if it would be possible for Kendry to change into Grekie, move into the Goblin camp, gather all Goblins around him to discuss why they left him/her in the hands of those pesky Halflings, how she escaped etc etc. She speaks more : "Then maybe Kendry/Grekie can send of one Goblin to go check on the boat and the loot ... In the meantime some can gently walk in shooting range from the boat. Once the first Goblin appears, we can shoot him. Then after a while Kendry/Grelie might send of a second one, to go check on the first one ... and so on ..." she says with a wicked smile.

Airin fears the group will not be able to walk up to the camp unnoticed and tries to urge all to think twice before running of. She thinks they have to use the advantage of the surprise the same way her friends were ambushed first.

In the meantime she takes her crossbow from her back and loads it with a bolt. She also ensures her shortsword is safe in it's sheath and is not stuck when she wants to take it out.

After speaking to the group she hopes for the best and tries to hear and see things as good as possible however she fears all the noise will cover a well placed ambush (listen 18, spot 15). "we can't move too fast please ... we must be carefull ..." as she examins the underground. "after all they came by foot, so their camp can't be too far right ... Kendry what does Bobbles say ? Maybe we ought to go on foot too or even split up ?"

"Actually", she suddenly says as she stops her pony, "I refuse to go any further soo fast without knowing where we are going or how far it is. If it isn't too far I prefere to go slowly on foot and sneak up on them. Maybe I am too paranoid, but I like myself too much to see holes into my tummy."

Selithe  d20+3=10
Wednesday November 17th, 2004 10:03:40 AM

Selithe listens to everything thats said and sighs softly, "With the little guy from the captain's crew out ahead of us helping guide us we should be pretty good. The goblins would probably be partying after this anyway. All though it's up to all of you."

Selithe takes the pouch thats offered to her for the berries and also as Kendry says she will look around for a working crossbow that the goblins were using against them. Hopeing to find one working crossbow and some bolts for it. <Spot:10>

Wednesday November 17th, 2004 4:45:54 PM

"Come on, Airin, we can talk on the way. How about if, when Bobbles tells us we're close, we leave the ponies and donkey and go the rest of the way on foot. The quieter ones can even circle around the area and sneak up on them from downstream. If they've thought at all that we might follow, they'd be expecting us to come from upstream. Maybe we can even sneak right onto the barge from that direction. I'd like to be in the group that circles round like that."

Shale  d20+6=7 d20+9=22 d20+2=3 d20+4=12
Wednesday November 17th, 2004 10:30:23 PM

Shale grateful to have to berry thanks Airin heartfully. Taking lead of Valor he does his best to keep the pony at ready and his bow is strung in case of emergencies. Shale watches and listens carefully as an old hobbit once said, "he who chases goblins, goes home hobblin..." or something like that. (Handle Animal=7 Ride=22 Spot=3 Listen=12 )

Airin (second post) 
Thursday November 18th, 2004 2:40:43 AM

Airin listens to Polly's suggestion and accepts. She will continue to follow the group.

Thursday November 18th, 2004 6:44:03 AM

'If they are unloading a boat, they will be busy and making noise. They will also be trapped by the river on one side. Without a new leader yet, and not being very smart, they won't have spotted lookouts and will be busy watching each other to make sure none of the others steals a choice bit of booty.

'If we circle a little past the spot where they are unloading the boat, we can pretty much cut off all their escape routes, and when we attack from all sides, it is more likely to make them panic.'

Night Riders! (DM Stephen) 
Thursday November 18th, 2004 9:18:40 AM

The hobbits, goblin and kobold continue on. You all run out of shoreline and have to ride into the thick brush and trees. Nothing can be seen. Only the sounds of night creatures: owls, crickets and so on. Many of you find comfort in their ramblings. Silence isnt always the best thing to hear when in the dark.

So far, no sign of the goblins. You're all a few miles from camp. The horses are doing fine and seem at ease.

(Include Survival checks to keep from getting lost.)

Thursday November 18th, 2004 2:00:53 PM

Olo softly hums to himself as they break a path through the forest. With darkness closed in all around them, he finds comfort in running his fingers over the familiar grooves of the wooden High Woldian symbol that he wears at his belt. Having given up long ago on regaining any sense of bearings, he's content to let the others lead him in the right direction.

"You know..." he starts softly, "I've got a few tricks up my sleeve as well. I can look like a goblin too... and I can summon up a fog that's so thick you'd barely see your hand in front of your face. Maybe we slip the boat free from it's ties under cover of fog?" He thinks for a moment and shrugs. "I'm sure something will come to us."

He goes back to his soft, tuneless humming.

OOC: In case anyone missed it in Airin's post, the berries have been split up as Kendry had recommended.

Shale  d20+7=24 d20+2=8 d20+4=9
Thursday November 18th, 2004 6:13:05 PM

Leading his mount through the darkness Shale does his best to lead the group on.(Survival 24)

Riding near the front Shale continues to keep his eyes and ears open as he fiddles with an arrow. (Spot 8 Listen 9)

Thursday November 18th, 2004 7:15:21 PM

Selithe moves on with the others, relaxing some as she does and thinking over the course of things to come and wondering if she is really ready for this.

(OOC:Was Selithe able to find one of the goblin crossbows and some bolts?)

Airin  d20+4=13 d20+5=19 d20+7=19 d20+4=22
Friday November 19th, 2004 2:44:04 AM

Airin's still worrying that the group seems to be riding of to battle without too much caution.

Starting to feeling lost in this immense forrest (survival check = 13) doesn't make her feeling more at ease. She hopes she's not completely lost yet, but she makes sure her pony will follow the other two, hoping the one in front will know the way.
She's constantly trying to spot any possible ambushes (spot = 19) and trying to hear something between all the noise (listen = 19) ,though she agrees that it would be uncanny to walk these woulds in complete silence.
She's happy she found a calm pony she can ride safely and gently trough these woods (ride=22).

(occ : who's riding with me on my pony, and who's sitting with whoom ? Bobbels is with the first pony right ? Am I right that we are riding with 3 on one pony ? If so, I'd like to be sitting in the back so I can jump of at the back of the pony ... in case of immergency I don't want to be trapped in between two of my friends ;-) )

Kendry  d20+15=23 d20+8=9 d20+7=26 d20+10=19 d20+3=5 d20+5=19
Friday November 19th, 2004 4:14:25 AM

Kendry addresses some of Airin's concerns. "Of course we don't know what we are doing. We have never had a boat stolen by goblins before. So what kind of plan can we make than to find the boat, and try to get it back? Some things you have to make up as you go along.

"I heard Grekie yelling, but did not get a close look. Shale spent more time with him, I gather," he says somewhat drolly. Shifting in his saddle, he adds, continuing in a whisper in which his left hand acts as a barrier to the sound carrying forward, and as a reflector of sound to the rear, "I might appear as Foxbite, though. He taught me the language. He got the name when a fox bit off the top of his ear." He turns the other way now, so his back does not get sore from staying in one position, his right hand serving its purpose. "Olo says he can look like a goblin, too, and that fog trick sounds interesting."

He goes ahead and tries on the hat, working to put his features into a goblin-like cast, trying to make his eyes look bigger, and moving his jaw so it juts out a bit to the left as he talks. [Disguise 1d20+3+10+2(circumstantial, can speak goblin, spent time with some)=23]

After this initial bit of artifice, Kendry growls to Bobbles, 'Come back here, we talk plans on Valor horse. Sit behind my mother sister son, I sit behind you. Kobold nervous, your eyes here, his eyes there, see more. We talk what do, get boat back. Not want kill you friends, just want boat back. Tell me ideas. How we get them go away, let us have boat? You want come with after?'

The young bard listens (19) to ensure that they do not wander too far from the sound of the river to their right.

[Survival: d20+8=9; Knowledge, nature: d20+7=26; Keep from getting lost in Culverwood: 19; Spot: 5; Listen: 19]

Polly  d20-1=13
Friday November 19th, 2004 11:35:33 AM

Polly, riding with Airin and Selithe, tries her darndest to keep track of the moon when they have to move inland away from the river. (Survival=13) "I think we'll just have to do our best, Airin. Kendry and Selithe are pretty good at thinking on their feet. I like Olo's idea of fog, but remember we'd have as much trouble seeing the goblins as they would us."

DM Stephen 
Friday November 19th, 2004 11:40:48 AM

Sorry, again! I was ill and didnt post last night. Will as soon as I can. If I dont get a handle on my situation, I will hand you over to my co-DM Jerry.

Friday November 19th, 2004 7:47:53 PM

OOC Are we in Culverwood? If so I left off that bonus so my survival would have been a 33.

Kendry (Extra credit post) 
Saturday November 20th, 2004 11:20:36 AM

At some point along the way, Kendry finds some loose dirt or sand to place in a pouch.

Goblin Camp

Goblin camp (DM Stephen)  d100=16 d100=20 d6=6 d6=5
Monday November 22nd, 2004 9:19:45 AM

(Yes, we're just barely on the edge of Culverwood. As far as I understand it.)

Things get a little confusing for a while. The sounds of the river seem to come from all directions for a little while. But with the combined efforts of the group, who are familiar with the effects of Culverwood, they are able to stay on the right direction.

A little along the way, Runt whispers, "Stop!!" He sees a dead goblin, no two, being strangled by a vine. He cautions the group to stay clear of the menacing vine. A little while longer down the stream, you're able to travel along the shore again. After traveling four miles, the group begins to hear voices up ahead. Those who know goblin can hear commands being barked back and forth like, "hurry" and "get it on wagon." Bobbles jumps off the donkey and moves over to Kendry's pony. "That sounds like Bob, it does!"

Airin  d20+7=27 d20+10=29 d20+5=23
Monday November 22nd, 2004 2:48:36 PM

The minute she hears the Goblin voices she stops her pony looking at the ones in front of her. Silently she wispers to Selithe and Polly who are riding with her : "Better go further on foot, no ?"

She takes a close look at Kendry to see if his disguise worked or not. It would be too dangerous to walk in their camp if the disguise failed ...

Crossbow loaded, blade readied ... let's ambush them she thinks to herself. Then she steps down her pony, looking for a safe place to leave her pony and tries to keep her pony quite. Then she walk forward silently (move silently = 29) , closely listening the Goblin activities (listen=27/natural 20) and keeping an eye out for traps and stuff (spot = 23) ... She will try to get as close as 30 for her crossbow to strike leathal.

Polly  d20+7=17 d20+7=26 d20+9=17 d20+9=18 d20+1=20 d20+1=18
Monday November 22nd, 2004 3:07:34 PM

Polly slides off of the pony and crouches to brush leaf cover from the ground. With the point of her dagger, she sketches out the river, a boat and wagon for the goblins' landing place, and a stick-figure pony to indicate where the halflings are now, just upstream of the goblins. She taps her chest and draws an arc around the goblin area all the way back to the shore again, where she marks an X and taps her chest again. Tilting her head, she points to her ear and then to Kendry and Bobbles.

Once the others have given some idea of where they're going, she sneaks off through the brush (Hide=17,26, Move Silently=17,18), circling the goblin area by listening for their commands (Listen=20,18) to reach the shore downstream of the goblins. There she waits for some signal to attack.

Selithe  d20+2=20
Monday November 22nd, 2004 4:05:00 PM

Selithe slides down from the pony and looks around as the others go about working on plans. After a quick glance she looks at what Polly is making on the ground and waits for some type of orders. (Spot:20)

If Selithe was able to salvage a crossbow and some bolts for it back where the boat was first hijacked then Selithe will approach Polly and whispers to her as she holds it out to her, "ummm Polly...I hate to ask this but I have never used one of these before really, can you show me how it works? I mean my teacher said I could use one but I never tired it out."

Olo  d20-3=-2
Monday November 22nd, 2004 4:22:08 PM

Seeing the others dismounting, Olo decides to do the same. After making sure that the donkey is still tethered to the pony, he swings his leg back and off of the animal so he can slide down onto the ground. Unfortunately, in the heavy armor, he looses his grip and lands heavily in the underbrush!(Move Silently = 1 - 3 = -2)

Mortified, he stands silently, praying that the goblins were too preoccupied to hear him. His right hand slowly slides down to unhook the morningstar that hangs from his belt, while his left unconciously confirms the presence of the holy symbol he wears at his side.

Mayzie  d20+9=10 d20+8=9
Monday November 22nd, 2004 9:34:50 PM

(omg look at those rolls)

Mayzie attempts to contribute to not getting lost. She is very good at finding her way around but this time she has managed to get completely turned around in her mind and cant understand why everyone else is insisting on clearly going the wrong way. (check result is 10, but clearly a natural 1 was rolled)

Once she sees the vine, mayzie attempts a knowledge nature check. Once again she considers herself an expert, but rolls a natural one (despite modied to 9) and gets some weird theory into her head as to what the vine could be.

Feeling thoroughly foolish and confused, Mayzie will hang near the back and just keep an eye out for any ambush.

Kendry / Barker  d20+4=22
Monday November 22nd, 2004 11:14:14 PM

Tersely, Kendry whispers, "Team One - Shale, Runt, circle around with Polly. Team Two - Olo, Selithe, Airin, tie up the mounts. After Bobbles and I move forward, you come forward as quietly as you can," and he eyes Olo, gently moving his two hands to indicate slowly, carefully. He takes some dirt from the ground and rubs it on his face and clothes, and grabs a few pieces of foliage, tossing them on his shoulders and head.

"When you hear me say, 'Poff,' Team One move in. When you hear me say, 'Spitz,' Team Two move in. If I need to signal something else, just listen and play it by ear."

He takes his new companion, Bobbles, by the elbow. 'My goblin name be Barker. I Foxbite uncle. We go in, I bring new message from ogres. You tell Bob that Barker have message. My name Barker. What my name? And what you tell Bob?'

If Bobbles seems to get the signals right, then Kendry signals for Team One to head out, and moves on in with him toward the boat and wagon, jaw jutting leeward, and limping slightly on his right leg. He makes lots of noise, on purpose, banging two daggers together. At one point, he falls down (on purpose) and makes lots of noise thrashing at the ground, stabbing it a couple of times with a dagger. "Hah-Cha-Jah! Hah-Cha-Jah!" he shouts the goblin victory cry as he rises up. He approaches the wagon. "I find this Bobbles. Bobbles wake up. I find him. Fight strangle vine, it no win! Ha! I thought that strangle vine again," he says, pointing back to where he just finished thrashing about. "Just root this time. So, which ugly Bob here? Ha! Bobbles, who I tell you message from?" He scrapes some fern off his shoulder with one of his daggers.

[Diplomacy in interaction with goblins: 22]

Inge (OOC) Traveling distance and visibility ... 
Tuesday November 23rd, 2004 5:45:49 AM

We've crossed several miles :

So far, no sign of the goblins. You're all a few miles from camp. The horses are doing fine and seem at ease posted on Thursday November 18th

A little along the way, Runt whispers, "Stop!!" and After traveling four miles, the group begins to hear voices up ahead

The donkey moves slowest of all especially with the heavy load so I think we travel at 2 to 3 miles per hour ?

I suppose it is daybreak now ? Normal visibility ? Please say yes ;-)

Stephen, feel free to remove this post after you've confirmed or replied. Thanks

Battle of the Bobs (DM Stephen)  d20+2=8 d20+2=9 d20+2=5 d20+2=10 d20+4=13 d20+4=12 d20+4=15 d20+4=11 d20+4=16 d20+2=15 d20+2=7 d20+2=16 d20+2=13 d20+2=10 d20+2=3 d100=46 d100=75 d6=2 d6=1 d6=2 d6=2
Tuesday November 23rd, 2004 4:17:41 PM

Dawn is nearing. You all know that within the hour the sun is about to rise. A blessing for you, a bane for the goblins. And they know it.

Olo awkwardly falls from his pony. He doesnt fall onto the hard ground. He hits something soft. In the dim light of the stars, he can tell that he landed on the dead body of a goblin! A crossbow bolt to the gut was his undoing!

Polly gives her instructions about her soon to be location at knife point. She then slinks off in the darkness. She is still a good distance away. You cant see them yet, but you can hear them in the distance. Before she goes, she is interrupted by Selithe.

Airin also dismounts, locks and load, and sets out toward the goblin camp. Again, they are still a good ways away. 50 to 75 yards, but you're not sure.

Mayzie is beside herself with confusion. She stays put trying to regain her wits.

Kendry had put on the hat, and he feels the magic work, but unable to view the results. He cant see Bobbles' reaction, but he says, "hey, that be close to Grekie in uh male-looking way, yes it be!"

Kendry then gives out his battle plan to the others. Bobbles looks a little confused. "You me uncle?! Okk, me thinks!?" They both then head into the goblin camp. Kendry rambles on words of victory and so on. Once they reach camp all work stops for a moment as on lookers gawk at the newcomer. Bob barks an order and they start up again."BOBBLES," shouts Bob! "Where you be, they says you be dead! Who this whelp be?" Bobbles looks clearly shaken. "Uhhhh, it be... uh, me uncle!? Uncle Bark ... uh, Foxbiter!?" Bob eyes Bobbles really hard and then looks at Kendry exactly the same. "What says you? You be his uncle? See or hear of you before, me not!"

Kendry - OOC post in a hurry 
Tuesday November 23rd, 2004 4:28:53 PM

[OOC note: Kendry put on the hat of disguise many miles back, trying to look somewhat like, not Grekie, but another goblin acquaintance, from whom he learned to speak the goblin tongue, one Foxbite. See Kendry's post of Friday November 19th, 2004 3:14:25 AM for detail. His disguise check is 23. He really should not look anything like Grekie. Will post later, have to run to help a customer.]

DM Stephen - I know Kim. I was simply responding as Bobbles. Since it was Grekie's hat, he was comparing you to her. I did say you looked male. Grekie was female.

Kendry as Barker amidst the Bobs 
Tuesday November 23rd, 2004 9:33:40 PM

[OOC: Cool! (Sorry) And I can see how Kendry's goblin syntax might have confused Bobbles -Kim]

"No, no I not Bobbles uncle. Foxbite my nephew - maybe you not know him. I not know you. I think Bobbles head confused. My name Barker." He looks at Bobbles. He looks back at Bob. "No, we not look like uncle nephew. Ha! Bring message from ogres, I bring. They want boat. Say ogres want boat. Say put all back on boat, wait ogres here. They have boat man driver, he come soon, you get paid big what you deserve. More than deserve. Make you remember this day many moons."

'Barker' looks in the general direction the sun rises. "Night be over soon. Hurry! Hurry! Ogres say light torches, help boat man driver find way. I hate torches! So," he says with a crooked smile, "Bobbles get light torches. Yes! Ha!" He slashes the daggers in the air to stir the goblins to action. "Hurry, off the stupid cart, on the stupid boat! Hah-Cha-Jah! Big reward!! Light torches! Move, move! He say leader get double bonus."

If, and only if, movement of his friends can be heard round about, Barker calls out to the outskirts. "No come in, no come in. They do work, they get reward. You protect, you get reward, too. Stay out, unless they not load boat!" And in goblin-accented common, he says, "Stay back ugly dark dwarf. Wait for boat man." He looks back to Bob. In goblin, he says, "Bring extra protection, crew for boat driver man. Dark dwarf nasty, nasty-nasty. But he know help boat man driver. Him friend of ogre armor maker. Him make dark armor, too." With a grimace he adds, "Bob look fearsome in dark armor. Fearsome!"

Selithe  d20+2=13 d20+4=15
Wednesday November 24th, 2004 12:26:10 AM

Selithe moves with those she is supose to (Olo and Airin) as she does Selithe looks over the crossbow in her hands since she still is abit unsure of the weapon and wondering how well it will work. As she moves and hopes one of the other two know which way they are going she keeps her eyes out for trouble.

(Spot:13 Move silently:15)

Airin  d20+10=28 d20+7=25 d20+5=16 d20+12=20 d20+7=10
Wednesday November 24th, 2004 3:09:21 AM

Seeing Selithe looking a bit worried at the crossbow Airin tries to figure out just how much Selithe knows about shooting crossbows ... She takes a closer look at Selithes Crossbow (appraise = 10) but can't see anything special about it. "It will work fine" she whispers, "just aim well, and let that bolt fly. Make sure to stay hidden once you shoot. Perhaps it would be best for you to stay within 80 ft from the Goblins. Your bolts will strike at that distance and that will buy you time to reload your crossbow. I will try to move in closer to sneak up on them" All this talking happens in a very low voice as she gathers Olo and Selithe together. "Be carefull my friends ... we must be very carefull ... Kendry is buying us some time, we must be in place fast but if we reveil ourselves all our plans are worth nothing. Olo, any long range capabilities ? Let's move out ..."

Airins continues to sneak up to the Goblin camp threading lightly and carefully (move silently = 28). She tries to orientate herself from the camp by slowly advancing closer to the Goblin voices. When she hears Kendry it makes things easier ... she remembers where he went, and now can rely on the guidance of his loud voice (listen = 25) so finding the right way to camp isn't hard at all. Constantly keeping an eye out for danger (spot = 16). Her friends Olo and Selithe go along with her. Hoping they will be as quite as possible she continues carefully.

If she is closing in on the camp, and figures she comes within shooting range (preferable closer than 30ft) she will find a good place to hide herself (hide = 20).

Olo  d20-3=14 d20+4=17
Wednesday November 24th, 2004 11:35:11 AM

.oO What luck on that dismount! Wardd surely favors me this day. Oo.

Seeing that he didn't make nearly as much noise as he could have, he slowly releases the breath he was holding and takes his hand away from his morningstar. Moving much slower and more deliberately, he takes the leads of the animals and lashes them to nearby trees.

Readying his crossbow, he begins to creep forward with Selithe and Airin and is happy to note that despite his heavy armor, he's doing a much better job of staying silent (Move Silently 14). Not content to assume all the goblins are in the camp, he peers around looking for other dangers (Spot 17).

It strikes him that today, for the first time, he will lift a weapon to spill blood.

Polly  d20+7=14 d20+9=25 d20+1=18 d20+1=7
Wednesday November 24th, 2004 11:05:13 PM

Polly continues to sneak around to her intended position (Hide=14, Move Silently=25), listening for Kendry's signals between steps (Listen=18). She makes quick checks over her shoulder to see if Runt and Shale are coming along as planned (Spot=7), but for all she can see, she's alone in the woods.

Thursday November 25th, 2004 9:02:05 AM

Still confused about where she is, and not in one of the teams, Mayzie stays where she is with Ghost trying to figure out what is going on.

She will keep low and watch what is happening or for any Goblins heading her way, feeling nervous now all alone.

Leadership (DM Stephen)  d100=18 d6=2 d20+2=3 d20+4=15 d20+2=14 d100=92 d6=1 d20-1=5 d20-1=19
Monday November 29th, 2004 8:49:07 PM

Bob stands there, at a monstrous 4 feet 7 inches in height, staring down at Foxbite (Kendry) without the slightest clue that he isnt a goblin. However, Bob begins to shake and twitch with fury. After coming to a boil with anger, he interupts Kendry with a violent push.
(Hit TouchAC: 15. Kendry is flatfooted. Kendry must make a Dex or Str check of DC14 to keep from being pushed to the ground.)

Bob yells, "Who do you thinks you are givin' orders? You challenging me, do you!? Gut you, I should. Like others, I did!" He draws a bloody sword from its scabbard. Bobbles cries out and falls down at Bob's feet, hugging the warriors ankles. Bobbles screams, "Pleeease, no hurt my barking fox biting friend ... Pleeaasse!" He continues his groveling at Bob's feet until he kicks him away. "Bahhh," bellows Bob, cursing and spitting. "How the ogres know 'bout the boat? How you know 'bout the boat? Knowing 'bout the boat, we not, until night ago! Ogres more than two nights away! How you tell them?" Bob begins to pace back and forth. He stares at a pile of dead goblins that he and a few other friends had slain just a few hours earlier. Bob turns back to Kendry and says, "Kill too many, I have today. I need workers to carry loads to ogres. I thinks you a liar. Have dirty tricks, you do, to steal some of the looty. Real sneaky, you be, but I be too smart for you. You an Bobbles will unload the boat. Not kill, I wont, if you do good job. You both now belong to me!"

After hearing Kendry get out a few words of common, the goblin leader looks at you and says, "You, FoxBarker, go talk to the prisoner tied up over there. What he knows, you learn. Gleck, put Bobbles to work." Over to your left, tied up at a tree and bound by both feet and hands, is a halfling that looks a little he has had a rough night. He is striped down to his underclothes and barely looks conscious.

The rest of you hiding out in the bushes and trees can easily hear and see all that is happening. You see the bodies of slain goblin and the halfling tied up at the tree. At the moment, the big goblin, Bob, doesnt seem to be threatening Kendry or Bobbles. He has merely taken them in as workers due to killing off too many of his rivals. His sword is still covered in their blood. The rest of the goblins are continuing their work at unloading the boat. Those of you hiding appear to remain hidden from their view.

(you may continue)

Selithe  d20+3=19 d20+2=15
Tuesday November 30th, 2004 12:50:16 AM

Selithe watches whats going on and where her brother is as she stays still now and levels the crossbow, taking aim at the goblin leader and hoping that her brother will be okay and that her shot is not that far off when fighting starts.

(Spot:19 Listen:15)

Kendry, a.k.a. Foxbarker 
Tuesday November 30th, 2004 1:40:03 AM

Kendry takes the new goblin leader's shove lying down (dexterity check d20+2=10). "Ha! I not challenge you. I try help. So I go help. Talk to stupid halfling, I do. Ha!" he says as he rises to his feet. "Go help on boat, Bobbles, like Bob tells. Ogres be mad, but Big Bob closer, him say what do now. You be fine. You be fine, work."

He gives Bob a wide berth, looking as obsequious as possible.

He limps over to the poor halfling. "So, I talk to stupid halfling, find out what he know. Ha!" he talks in his growling goblin voice. He makes a show of slashing the air with his knives. In common, he says, "Ha! Halfling. You want live, you tell me what you know. Oh, you tied up." He puts one knife away in his leg sheathe. He kneels down by the fellow, seeing in the very dim light whether he can make out the features on his face, wondering whether this is the only survivor of the four who fled earlier, as he removes a goodberry from its tiny pouch.

As he kneels, he quietly says in halfling, "We may get out of this alive if you tell me what happened. Your life is in my hands, and mine in yours. The lady of light gave us succor. Fear me not. Yes, pretend to be afraid, but do not fear me in your heart. Not all is as it appears. I have good medicine for you. Trust me, and swallow. In a few moments, I want you to tell me your full name - first, middle, mother's & father's. Later, I will tell you mine. Now I will make a lot of noise and dance about."

In common, he begins, "You will TALK! You will tell me ALL, or it's the KNIFE for you, miserable WORM." And Kendry dances in a mad circle, brandishing his one knife. "You tell me ALL, and maybe will I find you a BISCUIT! HA!" He goes on like this for a bit, alternately yelling, then coming in close to speak quietly in halfling.

He carefully avoids giving either of the two commands to move in, hoping his friends will take advantage of his occasional outbursts of noise to position themselves - but not yet to attack.

In whispered halfling, he says, "I'll hold the unsharpened edge of my knife to your throat. Wimper a bit, then whisper what happened in your tongue. It's my tongue, too. You have many friends close by to help. But don't look for them yet. And talk quietly." He holds the dull edge of the dagger to the hobbit's throat, and, face to face, lets a dull growl issue from his own throat.

He also takes time to discern how the halfling is bound up, and where best to cut the rope to set him free (taking 10 or so). Not doing so yet, just preparing for it should the occasion arise.

Should the prisoner respond as he wishes, he tells him, again in gruff halfling, "Good. Now more for show."

In common, he says, "Ha! You not so afraid of KNIFE." He digs into his knapsack, and pulls forth a torch. In goblin, he exults, "Ha! Here is! Here is! This will work. Will tell more, he will, he will!"

"Me need flint, steel, light torch," he says to a passing goblin. "Scare halfling with fire, I will. Scare him to tell me more."

Airin  d20+10=18 d20+12=24 d20+7=15 d20+5=20
Tuesday November 30th, 2004 3:18:46 AM

Slowly Airin continues to move in closer (within 30 ft). Good thinking Kendry to make all that noise ... this will allow me to get closer and sneak up on them ... nice job pal ... she thinks to herself as she closes range hoping Kendry's noise will cloud her movement( move silently = 18 ) and finds herself the most perfect hiding place where she can target various Goblins ( hide = 24).

Then she notices the prisoner Kendry's now talking to. Not knowing who he is she tries to make up what they are saying by reading their lips (read lips = 15). Their conversation is vague, and she can't risk concentrating too hard on them so she focusses on her crossbow instead. Bob would be the usual suspect, but first she starts to count exactly how many Goblins she can spot (spot = 20) ok ... 'Bob' ... let's see how you will react when you find Bolts where your brains were supposed to be ... as she starts pointing her crossbow at Bob's head and thinks 'When you hear me say, 'Spitz,' Team Two move in.' ... ok Kendry say 'Spitz' and you'll see them bolts fly with an evil look in her eyes and an wicked grin on her face there's nothing like a perfect plan .

Patterton "Patty" Cloverturn Burrows 
Tuesday November 30th, 2004 10:13:16 AM

The bruised Hobbit looks up at his Goblin inquisitor through blood-shot eyes, nearly bruised shut from the beating he has received. He is a mammoth of a Halfling with bulging muscles and although his height is not easy to determine at the moment, he appears to be taller then average. His ruddy red hair is disheveled and it looks as though one of his Goblin tormentors pulled a few hand fulls of it out, but he sticks his chin foreword(upon which he wears a well trimmed red goatee) defiantly at Kendry.

(OOC-hi everyone! Those of you who have already spoken with me have seen my character sheet. Anyone else who wants to, just give me a holler. P.S. sorry about the long post everyone! Dagonaki@aol.com )

Kendry-He limps over to the poor halfling. "So, I talk to stupid halfling, find out what he know. Ha!" he talks in his growling goblin voice. He makes a show of slashing the air with his knives. In common, he says, "Ha! Halfling. You want live, you tell me what you know. Oh, you tied up." He puts one knife away in his leg sheathe. He kneels down by the fellow, seeing in the very dim light whether he can make out the features on his face, wondering whether this is the only survivor of the four who fled earlier, as he removes a goodberry from its tiny pouch.

Patty: "You're lucky I'm tied up, runt," he manages, "or you'd be wearing that grin as a necklace..."

Kendry-As he kneels, he quietly says in halfling, "We may get out of this alive if you tell me what happened. Your life is in my hands, and mine in yours. The lady of light gave us succor. Fear me not. Yes, pretend to be afraid, but do not fear me in your heart. Not all is as it appears. I have good medicine for you. Trust me, and swallow. In a few moments, I want you to tell me your full name - first, middle, mother's & father's. Later, I will tell you mine. Now I will make a lot of noise and dance about."

Patty is struck dumb for a moment as the goblin starts speaking to him in his native tongue. After a few moments he stammers in whispered confusion, "How do you speak....what the...Lady of what? What are you on about? I'm not eating anything, you stunted greenie. Now, either cut me with that toad sticker or get outta my face..."

In common, he begins, "You will TALK! You will tell me ALL, or it's the KNIFE for you, miserable WORM." And Kendry dances in a mad circle, brandishing his one knife. "You tell me ALL, and maybe will I find you a BISCUIT! HA!" He goes on like this for a bit, alternately yelling, then coming in close to speak quietly in halfling.
He carefully avoids giving either of the two commands to move in, hoping his friends will take advantage of his occasional outbursts of noise to position themselves - but not yet to attack.

Patty: As Kendry is carrying on, Patty looks about the camp site and ponders what was just said and the fact that the Goblin had mentioned something about there being others nearby. Frowning in anger Patty decides that he is just going to have to trust this Goblin and hope for the best.

Kendry-In whispered halfling, he says, "I'll hold the unsharpened edge of my knife to your throat. Wimper a bit, then whisper what happened in your tongue. It's my tongue, too. You have many friends close by to help. But don't look for them yet. And talk quietly." He holds the dull edge of the dagger to the hobbit's throat, and, face to face, lets a dull growl issue from his own throat.

Patty Whispers in Halfling, "I'm not gonna whimper, friend. This isn't the first beating I've taken a beating (OOC-toughness and Diehard feats!) and the big one over there already tried flashing his blade around in front of me. Now, I don't know who you are or what this is all about, but if you're here to help, I guess that's all that matters. My name is Patterton Clovertun Burrows, but most folks call me Patty. I'm a logger by trade, but I'm also a member of the local militia near the Rainbow Highlands. I was heading along the road a while back, just after visiting some relatives in the area, and I saw a hare cross my path. I decided to go after it, but forgot about the hour. It soon got dark and I saw this campfire. Figuring it must be the boat men, I approached and the lil' greenies blind sided me. Just get me outta here and I'll crack a few of their skulls for ya. Oh, and I'll take that medicine now if you're still offering it."

Tuesday November 30th, 2004 4:12:29 PM

(Are we within bow range?)

(DM Stephen - yes)

Shale  d20+2=10 d20+4=12
Tuesday November 30th, 2004 8:59:20 PM

Shale hunkers down low with an arrow nocked. He keeps a close eye on those around Kendry making sure nobody can take him by surprise. ( Spot 10 Listen 12)

Olo  d20+4=13
Tuesday November 30th, 2004 10:09:08 PM

Olo reflexivly starts when Bob attacks Kendry, but relaxes when he realizes it was just a push.

As Kendry continues to deceive the goblins, Olo peers through the underbrush and takes a moment to determine how many goblins there are, and where they are in the camp (spot 13). He then trains his crossbow on Bob the boss goblin and voices a silent prayer to Wardd as he gets ready to pull the trigger.

Polly  d20+1=3
Tuesday November 30th, 2004 11:56:19 PM

Quivering with suspended tension and frustration, Polly sets herself to charge out into the midst of the goblins at the first sign of trouble. The problem being recognizing that sign. At least she has no trouble recognizing Kendry; even as a goblin, he's still the showman.

She fingers the shaft of her spear, considering the working goblins. Are all of them armed? She wouldn't want to attack an unarmed goblin by mistake. (Spot=3)

Sunrise (DM Stephen)  d100=36 d6=4 d100=36 d6=5 d100=18 d6=2 d100=78 d6=4
Wednesday December 1st, 2004 9:40:32 AM

The sun finally begins to break past the horizon and even more light floods in over the land. The goblins curse and moan that the sun is up and they havent finished completely unloading the boat. They pause to rub their eyes and fight through the daze.

Everyone can easily see the whole situation. There are just a dozen goblins left at the scene. All are armed with daggers of some fashion. Some also have light crossbows. There are several javilins leaning up against a tree. A large cart, loaded with goods from the boat, is hitched to a pair of nasty looking wort hogs. There doesnt appear to be any barrels on the cart. Multiple sets of wagon tracks lead inland, away from the river.

Kendry performs his song and dance for the crowd as he continues his mock interigation. Kendry's request to a passing goblin for flint and steel, to make a fire, is pretty much ignored except for a snide goblin remark at Kendry's expense.

The boat appears to have taken some damage and is grounded on a sand bar. One of the paddle wheels looks completely destroyed. Bobbles continues to look like a nervious wreck. His eyes dart all about and he's beginning to make other goblins wonder why.

(Everyone make Spot and Listen checks)

Olo  d20+4=23 d20+6=25
Wednesday December 1st, 2004 10:23:07 AM

Getting ever more anxious while he waits for Kendry's signal, Olo remains alert to his surroundings (Spot 23, Listen 25) and the movements and noises in the camp.

Airin  d20+5=19 d20+7=20 d20+10=20 d20+12=31 d20+5=22 d6=2 d6=3
Wednesday December 1st, 2004 11:10:44 AM

(ooc:now would be a great time to have a new map I think - were are we all sitting compared to the G's, where's the boat, the chart and the road. Any chance we can see one ? Sorry for troubeling you Stephen)

spot = 19
listen = 20

Finally sitting at lethal range Airin now crouches into the bushes really silently (move silently = 20) hoping Kendry will continue to make noise, to take complete cover (hide = 31) from the Goblins. From where she sits she get's a good look at the Goblin camp and is capable to targetting almost every Goblin. Those carrying crossbows are most appealing to her. She does not want those to be able to fire bolts. They have to be silenced first. Most likely her friends will take care of the leader.

in case Kendry says 'Spits'
Airin targets the first Goblin closest to her carrying a crossbow. Laying low in the bushes in her hiding place those Goblins won't even see where her bolts would come from. So she carefully aims, and hearing Kendry say 'spits' she releases her very first bolt (attack = 22 total damage 2 + 3 (+1d6 sneak attack).
Having fired her first bolt, she immediately reloads her bow (rapid reload). If no Goblins close in on her (eyeballing her) she will remain hidden. ( occ : if the Goblins can't spot Airin, the next time she fires, is she still able to use the sneak attack ?)

in case Kendry avoids to warn his friends
Laying low in the bushes, she carefully aims at the closest Goblin holding a crossbow. gee ... my finger starts to itch ...

Shale  d20+2=17 d20+4=10
Wednesday December 1st, 2004 11:03:26 PM

Waiting carefully for Kendry's signal Shale attempts to cover his cousin as best as possible, making sure nobody will take his flank. (17 spot 10 listen)

Thursday December 2nd, 2004 1:31:09 AM

Selithe keeps her crossbow at ready and watches the goblins in the camp. She smiles some when they begin to squirm do to the sun coming up and she prays that soon the fun will start as she wants to get her brother out of there.

Kendry as FoxBarker the yakky figgity goblin  d20+3=15 d20+5=18 d20+5=18
Thursday December 2nd, 2004 2:12:59 AM

FoxBiter takes the halfling's blanket off the bottomside of the knapsack, and places it over his head. If anybody asks him, it's to keep the bad sun out of his eyes. He wears it in such a way as to make it easy for him to waft it off and up and over ... whatever he decides to waft it over.

[Per DM request: Spot 15, Listen 18]

Meanwhile, having given Patterton one of his goodberries, he also gives him his last one (Patty gets two hit points back) during the interrogation, although he counsels him to continue to look miserable.

Noting that most of the goblins are busy loading, and he does not appear to be watched too closely, Kendry, each time waiting for the right moment, cuts and/or loosens the halfling's bonds. He slips his extra dagger into the back of his old friend's remaining clothing, letting him know of its presence (and making sure he doesn't cut his buns in the process) under the guise of harassment and torture.

If the javelins are close enough by, Kendry marks them in his mind, keeping tabs on how close the other goblins (strangely, considering the facts, thinking of himself as one of the goblins) pass by the tree. Maybe one of his friends will run in at the signal, toss the weapons in the water or something.

He lets Patty in on his plan, then waits until Bob is not too far off, without anyone real close to him.

The next thing he will try to plan such that Bobbles is coming off the boat, on his way to the cart, so that, when things happen, he can get out of the way quickly.

"Hey, Bob Boss," FoxBarker says to the big goblin in a conspiratorial voice. "Halfling - him got something to say. Don't know if you want everyone hear." If Bob presses him as to the general topic, he will quietly explain, It about treasure." If this is not enough, he will further explain, "Also he have rich father, maybe some ransom pay. I tell him never mind ransom, tell you where treasure. I got that it nearby, and think he say true. He say he want promise from you, see your own eyes for promise. Something about six in four and three in one."

If he goes for it, FoxBarker says in common to Patterton, "So, now you look Bob Boss in eyes, and ask him for promise he make if you tell him about treasure." If Patterton plays along, and tells the main goblin something about promising to let him go if he leads him to the treasure, then will Barker translate. "He say he want you say promise you look in his eyes so he know you say true or no. No kill halfling in trade he make you richer."

If Bob does take the moment to look into Patty's eyes, then, during that moment of concentration, he takes his blanket and tosses it over the goblin's head. Flanking ranged touch attack 18 with blanket over Bob's head by Barker.

He then crouches behind Big Bob, so that Patterton can push Bob over the FoxBarker (Kendry) obstacle. He holds his dagger, handle against the ground, point upwards, so as to ease the landing of the falling goblin, should Bob so oblige. "SPITZ!" "POFF!" he shouts in common, hoping the two teams are well ready. He intends, if Bob is wrapped well enough, to entangle his sword arm. If all this goes terribly awry, he will see about tumbling out of the way behind the tree, if there is a ghost's chance of doing so.

What's that!? (DM Stephen)  d100=69 d100=83 d20+2=6 d20+2=21 d20+2=13 d20+4=16 d20+2=18 d20+2=22 d20+2=7 d20+2=17 d20+2=18 d20+2=20 d20+2=16 d20+2=3 d20+2=19 d20+2=5 d20+2=9 d20+2=17
Thursday December 2nd, 2004 9:46:23 AM

"Bob, uh our Great Leader," yells a goblin from the wagon, "Wagon be full, it is! What we do now?" Bob looks back aggrivated by the fact that they dont have another wagon, "Takes all you can carry. Now leave for ogre camp, we do." Bob turns back to Kendry and tells him, "Says he got treasure, he do! He be lying. He got nothing. Trying to save neck, he does. Go tell him Bob promise to let go for his treasure. When tell where treasure be, he does, KILL HIM! If he not tell, KILL HIM! We go to Ogres now! Slow us down, he will." Bob turns around and heads for the wagon.

Patty should be getting a little nervious by the tone to Bob's voice. His intentions are pretty clear. However, the ropes are looser than they were. (A full round action can be used to cut the ropes with the dagger Kendry gave you. Or a Strength, Dex, or Escape Artist check of DC 15 will get you loose.

Those on the boat grab what they can and come to shore. They start to prepare for travel and load the final items on the wagon, wherever there is room.

Everyone of the hobbits, except Polly, Mayzie, Selithe, Runt and Patty either hear or spot movement from behind. So does Ghost, the mule, Valor the war pony, AND SOME OF THE GOBLINS! Including Bob!! "What?!" says Bob as he looks out in the direction of where the party is hiding. "Everygoby, lets go now, we do! Hurry!" He yells at Kendry, "Kill hobbit now, leaving quick, we do." Bobbles takes the opportunity to jump behind a tree.

(May have a map shortly. Almost all the goblins are standing around the wagon. Bob is standing at the front. Kendry and Patty are to the left of the wagon. Patty is mostly tied to a tree. All are in crossbow range.)

Patty  d20+3=8
Thursday December 2nd, 2004 11:09:24 AM

Patty feels a chill creep up his back as he listens to big goblin speak. It is obvious by his gestures and mutterings that they mean to do him in. Shooting a glance at the helpful goblin (whose voice sounds strangely familiar), Patterton begins carefully sawing away at his bonds(OOC-not sure if you need a roll here Stephen or if the full round action takes care of it, but I rolled one anyway) with his newly acquired dagger.

(DM Stephen - I was meaning that you could either take a full round action and cut yourself free [sure thing, no attack roll necessary], or chance a Str, Dex or Escape Artist check as a standard action, which would allow you to have a move action afterward. The javalins are leaning up against the tree next to you. Your equipment isn't in sight. Possibly loaded up in the wagon! :)

Kendry - quick note 
Thursday December 2nd, 2004 1:26:43 PM

Kendry already cut / loosened Patty's bonds. [See above - done before he talked to Bob about treasure.] Patty should just be able to shake them off at this point.

(DM Stephen - I was taking in account that you loosened them. That is why Patty is having an easy time getting out of the ropes. Otherwise, it would have been a lot harder to get loose. To break a rope, you need a Strength check of 23, and that's not with your hands tied up. With hands tied, that DC would be higher. A rope is cut when it takes 2 hp of damage. I see you able to make one or two cuts with the dagger, at 1d3 per slice. He is tied with rope in more than just one spot. We're talking hands, feet and the body to the tree.)

Shale  d20+7=26 d20+6=8 d8=8
Thursday December 2nd, 2004 8:53:09 PM

To those standing around Shale, it is becoming obvious he is getting impatient. As the goblins start to walk away Shale mumbles under his breath something about Kendry. Then as all the heads turn towards their hiding place, Shale snaps. (Attack 26 Damage 8)

From the bushes a bow string twangs as an arrow comes flying out at the leader of the goblins. Realizing how revealed he now is Shale makes a weak attempt to whistle for Valor as he nocks another arrow. (Handle Animals 8)

Shale (AC 18 HP 10)  d20+9=27
Thursday December 2nd, 2004 8:54:13 PM

(27 Hide if it matters at this point...)

FoxBarker / Kendry 
Thursday December 2nd, 2004 10:02:16 PM

"SPITZ! POFF! KHABAI KRON!?" yells FoxBarker, which in goblin, of course, means, 'Toes! Tush! Who goes there?'

"I will kill this halfling!" he yells, and runs up toward Patterton. He brings his knife down behind the halfling's back, parallel to the tree, helping to cut one of the ropes, and whispering, "I'm Kendry, your cousin. Good luck. Pretend you're writhing in dying pain as you get out - and I'll distract where I can elsewhere." He quickly wipes the blade on his blanket so no one wonders at the lack of blood, and takes up a javelin, 'accidentally' knocking one down to lie parallel to Patterton's legs, and appearing to prepare to defend himself from the as of yet invisible attackers.

Selithe  d20+5=6 d4=3
Thursday December 2nd, 2004 10:56:40 PM

(OOC:Having a few problems with my charactersheet tonight. My computer is running slow for some reason. DM Stephen might want to double check my to hit and make sure I rolled the right numbers.)

Selithe frowns and takes aim as she sees everything starting to break down. She hopes she can hit the goblin leader as she squeezes the trigger on her crossbow. Selithe growls in flusteration as in her quickness of trying to fire she drops the crossbow and the quarrel flies who knows where. (Can hit AC:6 *Nat 1* Damage:3)

(LOL, first show with a crossbow and get a Nat 1.)

Polly (AC 14 due to charge, 8 HP)  d20+5=25 d20+5=14 d6+3=6 d6+3=5 d6+3=7
Friday December 3rd, 2004 12:05:05 AM

Released from her tense crouch, Polly bursts out of the foliage and runs at the goblins on the side nearest her, screaming in the Common tongue. "Thieves! Murderers! You'll pay for your evil night's work!" She charges directly at the nearest crossbow-wielder and rather over-enthusiastically spears him in the gut. (Possible crit to AC 14, for 6 (regular) or 18(crit) hp damage.)

Airin  d20+5=24 d6=4 d6=4 d20+5=12 d20+7=23 d20+10=20
Friday December 3rd, 2004 3:00:33 AM

Damn that boat captain and his noisy crew ... she thinks as she hears the noise behind her, We have waited too long.

Laying comfortably in her perfect hiding place (hide = 31 / did not move) she sees the impact from a first arrow from somewhere on the other side. A skillfull shot, yet she's uncertain Bob will be silenced by this one. To make the remaining goblins loose faith as they loose their leader, she releases a deadly accurate bolt aimed at the Goblin leader (attack roll = 24 / rolled 19, possible critical hit x2) for total damage of 8 hp (4hp bolt damage increased by her sneak attack for another 4 hp - could be 12hp if it's a critical hit).

Laying low in her hidout she's certain the goblins never knew where that bolt came from and carefull reloads her crossbow (move silently = 20).

Spot = 12
listen = 23

(occ : what's pulling the chart ? Is it possible to stop them from heading out if we target the animal pulling the chart ?)

(DM Stephen - As stated in my post, the wagon is hitched to two wort hogs.)

DM Stephen 
Friday December 3rd, 2004 9:18:16 AM

(Ok, we're in combat, everyone needs to post. Its very important. Will wait a little longer to allow everyone to contribute.)

Patty  d20+2=13 d6+3=7
Friday December 3rd, 2004 9:26:07 AM

Patty lurches to his feet (provided that the combined efforts of Kendry and himself have allowed him to take a full action) feeling the blood rush back to his hands and feet. He gives Kendry an odd look, still finding it difficult to grasp that the ugly goblin is his cousin and snatches up the javelin, hoping that the incoming crossbow bolts distract the other goblins enough for them not to notice him.

Scanning the goblins quickly, Patterton chooses the one closest to him and ,with a grunt, hurls the javelin at him.

Note- current unarmored AC for Patty is 13

Olo  d20+4=21 d6=4
Friday December 3rd, 2004 12:23:48 PM

Olo reflexively squeezes the crossbow trigger as he hears "SPITZ! POFF! and looses a bolt at the goblin leader Bob (Hit 21, Dmg 4) and is satisfied to see it strike true, impacting the vile creature in the chest.

Dropping the crossbow, he crashes as noisely as possible from the undergrowth while yelling, hoping to attract attention from his less armored comrades.


Charging towards the nearest goblin, he grabs for the morningstar at his belt.

(OOC: Apparently we're posting hits and such, how do we know what AC we're targetting?)

(DM Stephen - I will tell you if it hit or not. But its easy to assume a 21 hits. :)

Ambush (DM Stephen)  d100=9 d100=69 d100=40 d6=3 d6=2 d6=3 d20+4=19 d4=4 d20+5=25 d20+4=13 d4=3 d4=4 d4=2 d4=2 d20+4=5 d100=21 d6=2 3d6(1+3+5)=9 3d6(6+5+3)=14
Monday December 6th, 2004 9:31:25 PM

The air buzzes with arrows and bolts from the darkness of the overgrowth. Shale, Airin, Olo and even Runt, with his sling, strikes with deadly accuracy. Bob, the newly crowned goblin leader, is struck by them all. Bob fails to give his final order because he dies before even hitting the ground.

Polly charges forward with her trusty spear and she thoroughly impales a goblin right through his head. He falls dead on the spot.

Two more bolts fly forward from behind the party striking two more goblins. One goblin takes a mortal head wound and dies. The second is struck in the arm and screams in pain.

Kendry helps Patty get loose and he grabs a javalin leaning against a neighboring tree.

The rest of the goblins are in total suprise and shock. They are unable to move. The one goblin on the seat of the wagon, who noticed movement in the wilds, whips the hogs and screams a bloodcurdling cry. It was more than enough motivation to get the hogs whipped into a frenzy. They dart off wildly down the trail. The driver is unable to control them in this state and is unable to steer around the obstacles. (Natural 1 on the roll, 22%, bad) The wagons wheels hit a log and the whole rig goes tumbling over, load and all. Both goblins are crushed in the accident and the pigs continue on down the trail, dragging what's left of the broken wagon.

From behind the party, the captain and his crew rise and charge forward with swords drawn. Runt readies another attack with his sling.

(You all get another turn before the goblins can react due to being surprised. Good job. 5 goblins dead, already :) Everyone gets 200 exp for an excellent surprise attack.)

Patty  d20+3=12 d4+3=7
Monday December 6th, 2004 9:56:07 PM

Patty reflexively ducks as the crossbows sound, but upon seeing the carnage they cause to the goblins nearby, he grins. Gripping the javelin tightly in both hands, Patty charges toward the nearest goblin and with an enraged snarl, thrusts the crude weapon at the startled goblin's guts

Selithe  d20+4=7
Monday December 6th, 2004 10:00:24 PM

Selithe loads the crossbow again and takes aim at one of the remaining goblins who is hopefully out of melee with anyone and also in a clear shot area. (OOC:You can load a light crossbow this fast I hope, if not then just say Selithe loaded it.)

Selithe takes aim and fires if she can get the crossbow loaded quick enough to fire at a goblin. (Can hit AC:7 Damage: none)

(OOC: Looks like Selithe better stick with the sling till higher levels.)

Shale  d20+7=12 d20+6=16 d6=4
Monday December 6th, 2004 10:06:10 PM

Shale snaps off another arrow from the bushes, cursing the arrow for having a curve. (clearly it's the only reason he would miss).

Whistling again for his pony, Shale makes a decent attempt as Valor comes trotting up from behind. (Handle Animal 16)

Attack 12 (Damage 4 on the off chance that hits)

Olo  d20+4=8 d20+3=20 d6+2=4
Monday December 6th, 2004 11:05:27 PM

Olo chances a quick glance towards Patty, trying to see exactly how injured he is (Spot 8) but has to return his attention to the goblin he's now facing.

Swinging with his morningstar, he's satisfied to hear the goblin grunt in pain when his blow connects with the creature's shoulder (hit 20, dmg 4).

Polly (AC 16, 8 HP)  d20+3=18
Monday December 6th, 2004 11:52:41 PM

Polly yanks her spear free of her unfortunate victim's head, dragging a few unpleasantly squishy bits free along with it. She waves this bloody mess menacingly in the face of the nearest standing goblin, jabs the point of the spear toward him a few times, and growls out in the Common tongue, "Surrender or die!" (Intimidate=18)

FoxBarker disappears in the bushes, Screams, then emerges Kendry (AC 15, HP 6) (Morale bonus: +1 attack, +1 damage for self & all allies) 
Tuesday December 7th, 2004 4:52:06 AM

Looking over his shoulder, FoxBarker appears to find retreat the better part of valor. He jumps into the nearby bushes, then screams, with the scream cut off abruptly, coincident with the sound of flesh striking flesh, as Kendry slaps his own face.

While in the bushes, with a bit of shaking about, Kendry removes the hat of disguise, brushes himself down, and rearranges himself into the semblance of his own (*ahem*) rather handsome halfling self.

His voice rises from the bushes with its nongrowly, nongoblin timbre, as he moves to inspire his longsuffering companions further on to greater courage still.

"Tricky goblins took us in,
So glad they had hoodwinked us,
But goblins took the bait they hooked,
And swallowed whole the line and look!
Their head cut off, and tail draggin',
Hogwild booty drops off the wagon

"Now be ye brave
And be ye bold
This newborn tale
Shall long be told!"

[Note: Bardic inspire courage: An affected ally receives a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. So, friends within the sound of Kendry's well-projected voice, add +1 to attack rolls and +1 to weapon damage for this and the following 5 rounds.]

As soon as he can, he emerges from the bushes with rapier in hand...

Airin  d20+5=18 d6+1=5 d6=1 d6=2
Tuesday December 7th, 2004 3:29:38 PM

Happy to see the ambush succeed soo well causing such mayhem and encouraged by Kendry's song Airin releases another bolt ( aiming at a Goblin close to the wagon, not currently in melee with any of her friends - preferably one carrying a crosbow )

attack roll 18 +1 from Kendry = 19
damage = 5 (1d6 +1 from Kendry)
sneak attack = 2 (still well hidden ?)
total damage = 7

After releasing this bolt, Airin reloads her trusted crosbow quickly but as no Goblins started to run towards her she stays in her hide-out.

Bloody Yard Sale (DM Stephen)  d20+4=12 d6=5 d20+4=20 d6=2 d20+3=14 d20-8=7 d20+2=18 d20+5=19 d4=2 d100=90 d20+5=16 d20+5=12 d20+5=18 d10+3=12
Tuesday December 7th, 2004 8:55:27 PM

Patty charges forward and stabs the nearest goblin with the javelin. The goblin falls, barely clinging to life, and screams in pain. His shrill is as piercing as the weapon rammed into his gut.

Selithe loads her crossbow (move-equilvant action without the Rapid Reload feat) and fires, but the shot goes misses her target completely.

Shale also fires off another arrow. He curses the fact that its path curves away from his target, but it strikes another goblin instead. Both the injured and the lucky goblin pulls their crossbows up and fires back.
(goblins fire at Shale hitting ac 12 and 20. If the 20 hits, you take 2 points of damage.)

Olo also charges forward and strikes the injured goblin with his mace finishing him off. The lucky goblin, standing next to him, all of a suddenly doesnt feel too lucky!

Polly yanks the spear free from her first victim and dangles the bloodied spearhead, along with a few gushy pieces, at a nearby goblin. The goblin's eyes go wide and he screams a bloodcurdling cry. He turns tail and at runs off at full speed.

Kendry reappears back into the scene in his true blue self, with a song to inspire all who hear it.

Airin tries very hard to remain hidden after firing the first shot (to remain hidden after sniping, you can attempt to remain hidden by making another Hide check with a -20 penalty. I will roll for you to save time. Hide check 7. Target spot check 18, sorry) Airin's bolt strikes hard on the not so lucky goblin and he falls to the ground. He's still alive though and attempts to crawl away.

Runt slings another bullet that injures paniced goblin. The captain and his crew charge into the fray, just barely tripping over the other halflings. The halfelf throws a dagger that finishes off a goblin that Runt had injured. Biguns and Slag swing at the first goblin they get to and completely shred the little bugger into burger. The captain rattles his sabre in a very threatening matter at the remainder who he cant reach. The last two goblins take the hint and make a run for it, leaving their packs behind.

The scene is total chaos. Dying goblins continue to scream in agony. Bobbles remains hidden behind his tree, crying as well. Supplies and goods from the boat lay scattered about like an unorganized yard sale. The ship was run ashore and the hull rests firmly on the sandy beach. One of the paddlewheels are is completely destroyed. The other wheel cannot be seen from this vantage point from shore. The place is a total mess. In their hurry, the goblins cared very little about keeping the operation neat and tidy.

Kendry  d20+4=24 d20+4=20 d4+3=5 d4+3=5
Tuesday December 7th, 2004 9:55:54 PM

"IF THEY KNEEL AND SURRENDER, SPARE THEM! KILL OR CAPTURE THOSE WHO FLEE!" shouts Kendry, followed immediately in goblin with the words, "Fight or flee, and you die: Surrender and live! Kneel and live!"

He walks right up to whichever goblins may still be alive and conscious. Since he has heard them using each others' names for the past hour or so, in FoxBiter's voice, he says, "Mong, Tepe, Pohie, will you surrender? I suggest you do. Too much death today. We have healing."

Held action:
Only IF one nearby attacks him, he thrusts his rapier through for (wow!) 10 hp of critical damage (d20+4=24 threat, d20+4=20 crit, 5+5 damage).

IF all surrender, he has them lay down their arms, and place hands behind their back.

"Berries for the dying," he suggests to his friends. "They will help us reload."

Patty  d20+6=25
Tuesday December 7th, 2004 10:17:25 PM

Patty takes Kendry's cue and bellows, "YOU HEARD HIM YOU LITTLE BUGGERS! DROP YOUR WEAPONS...NOW!!" He stomps towards them menacingly and waves his bloody javelin at them for emphasis. "DON'T THINK I WON'T GUT YOU WHERE YOU STAND! LINE UP!"

Intimidate =25

Shale(AC 18 HP 8/10)  d20+8=24 d6+1=6 d20+9=10
Tuesday December 7th, 2004 11:44:17 PM

Gritting his teeth as the arrow cuts his arm, Shale concentrates and fires another arrow at the fleeing goblins. (Attack 24 Damage 6) This time the arrow finds its mark and sinks into the back of a fleeing goblin with a thud.

Making a quick move Shale attempts to leap onto Valor, much to his dismay Valor moves and Shale barely manages to remain standing as he totally wiffs the pony. (Natural 1 Ride Check)

Airin  d20+5=24 d6+1=6 d20+5=9
Wednesday December 8th, 2004 3:33:17 AM

(occ, thanks Stephen to explain about the hiding after sniping. I will take this into account in the future)

Hearing Kendry shouting to spare the Goblins, Airin leaps to her feet, crossbow aimed.
If they are not about to surrender, she will fire a bolt at a Goblin still holding a crossbow in case she has a clear line of sight (no risk to hit her friends).

Attack roll = 24 (wow) = 25 thanks to Kendry
Damage = 6 (still a +1 from Kendry's song)

Next she drops her crossbow, takes out her shortsword and closes in on the Goblins warning them to lower their arms or get spiked ... she moves towards the Goblin she struck who is dying and crawling away. She tries to make clear to him she will not harm him if they surrender.

While going towards the Goblins she tries to count numbers ... there were a dozen of them ... how many are laying down, and how many have been able to get away (spot 9) but she's too hasty to see things clearly.

Olo (AC 18, HP 11/11)  d20+3=12 d6+2=8
Wednesday December 8th, 2004 11:05:23 AM

Hearing Kendry call for mercy, Olo pauses, waiting to see if any of the goblins within melee range still have the heart for a fight. Having abandoned his crossbow in the bushes, there's not much that he can do about those fleeing the battle.

[ooc: held action]
If any of those still in the camp make ready to attack, Olo will cease all attempts at mercy, close to melee range and engage. (Hit 12+1, Dmg 8+1).

Wednesday December 8th, 2004 4:25:02 PM

Selithe spends the time reloading her crossbow and afterwards covering her friends till she knows if the enemy surrenders or not. She does wonder about this whole crossbow bit though since the weapon seems to just not work correctly for her.

Polly (AC 14, 8 HP) 
Wednesday December 8th, 2004 8:33:11 PM

Polly takes off after her fleeing adversary, shouting in the Common tongue as she runs, "Surrender, goblin! Surrender or die!"

If he continues to run, she chases him until she's just out of earshot of the ambush scene, then turns back.

Aftermath (DM Stephen)  d100=61 d100=75 d100=59 d6=5 d6=5 d6=5
Thursday December 9th, 2004 9:18:15 AM

The last remaining bolts are fired and the fleeing goblin is brought down. One goblin continues scream in agony. As he lays there on the ground, he tries to cover his wounds.

Bobbles screams, "Please no kill me too. Bobbles good goblin, I am!"

The battle is won. The dead lay all about. Including the ones that died by the hands of Bob. The barrels of 'Brock's Best' arent visible among all the scattered goods lying about from the ships hold. The place is an absolute mess. You wont know what you'll find until you start searching.

Airin  d20+5=18 d20+1=20 d20+1=19 d4=4
Thursday December 9th, 2004 11:35:07 AM

Keeping her shortsword readied, she closes in on the dead Goblins but she points her shortsword to the screaming Goblin. She makes a good spot check at this Goblin to see if he really IS injured ( spot 18, sense motive 20). In case this Goblin is trying to fool us Airin will not hesitate and strike him with her sword (attack roll 19, damage 4).

She will remember though where she left her crossbow to collect it as soon as she's certain all danger is gone.

Airin  d20+7=25
Thursday December 9th, 2004 11:37:18 AM

Forgot to add this ... sorry.

If the screaming Goblin is indeed in real pain (clearly blood to be seen) she will make inspect the dead Goblins looking for loot, clues, or other things of interest (search 25)

Thursday December 9th, 2004 1:43:26 PM

"Bobbles, we not harm you," Kendry tells him. "You have two goodberries." He asks Bobbles to come over to the goblin who is in pain. "If you give goodberry to him - is that Dup? - will help heal him. I no more berries, gave to halfling prisoner, my cousin, Patty." He then asks Bobbles, "My friends have berries, too. We can save some others, too, save if we give them berries. You want us to try?" If Bobbles says yes, he asks his friends to give the goodberries to any who still look to be alive. "Where is Mayzie? Is she all right? She can help with the healing. Patty - there's plenty of rope by the tree, there. Can you and - hey, everyone - this is our cousin, Patty - use it to bind the legs of the remaining goblins? Someone want to help Patty with this?

"Thanks to Wardd for good luck, and Domi for bold courage. After the battle, is it time for the mercy of Alemi, perhaps? Disarm, bind legs, heal."

[OOC: Stephen - besides Bobbles and the screaming goblin, are there any more goblins who are still alive, whether wounded or not? -Kim]

If there are additional goblins alive, Kendry tells them that they will be shown kindness, if they try no tricks, and help reload. "You stole our boat. You killed our friends. Now your lives are in our hands. If you do well, if you obey FoxBarker commands, then it go well with you. If you try bad things, you may not see the moon again. You decide. You tell me if you obey me or no." After he has gotten a response from the goblins, he will let the party know what he told them, and what they said.

"Welcome back, Captain, Biguns, and all! I'm sorry, what is your name?" He asks the half-elf. "So, Captain, do you suppose your boat can be fixed by us here? I've done some woodworking, though mainly on small instruments and toys."

He'll leave it to his friends to get started on recovering what was dumped, and finding Brock's Best, as he works to find out whether the remaining goblins are in a cooperative mood.

He will help with any interpretation between the party and the goblins.

Thursday December 9th, 2004 3:28:20 PM

Patterton looks about at the dead and dying goblins and decides that they are relatively pacified for the moment(between his intimidation and the cover of the skilled halfling marksmen) and whirls on Kendry, a huge grin on his meaty face. He steps forward and hugs the bard tightly, lifting him off the ground and nearly crushing the air from his lungs. "You son of a satyr!" he growls happily, "Never thought I'd be so happy to see your sorry puss...oops. Mind the blood." He sets Kendry down and wipes the red smear from his tunic.
"I see you've brought some familiar faces with you." Patty nods to Shale and shyly smiles at Selithe.

Bobbles  d20-2=11
Thursday December 9th, 2004 3:56:24 PM

(Int 11)

The goblin peeks around his tree. "Okkay Uncle Foxbiter, me help Dup, but not nice, he is. Best to let die. Meaner than spit, he is!" Bobbles continues on and drops a berry in the mouth of the miserable Dup. He looks back at the big halfling, which is near his own height, and says, "Uncle, is that big hobbit my cousin too? Me know some common words too. Called him cousin, you did."

Olo  d20+6=17
Thursday December 9th, 2004 5:56:59 PM

With the brief combat over, Olo takes a moment to look around and assess the state of his companions. Seeing noone greviously injured with the exception of Dup, he bends down to check the state of the goblin's injuries. Seeing that the goblin isn't going to bleed out in the next moment or so (Heal 17), he turns his attention once again to his comrades.

"Who's hurt then? I lost track a bit with all the confusion." Turning to Patterson.. "You alright there friend? Have any injuries that need tending to? You're a tough one, but I know these goblins can be wicked bastards."

Selithe  d20+2=18 d20+3=10
Thursday December 9th, 2004 6:20:34 PM

Selithe walks out of the bushes and smiles as she brushes off the front of her dress. She sighs as she holds the crossbow up with one hand and calls to Kendry, "I think I got the faulty crossbow brother. I missed twice with this thing."

Seeing the new guy better now Selithe smiles and walks over to him, holding out a hand and clearly showing normal side now, "Hi, nice to have a new face among the group. My names Selithe, sister of Kendry there." Selithe's dress may be dirty now but it is low cut in the front and at one time a pretty white.

After laying her crossbow to the side shortly after greeting Patterton, Selithe pulls out her pipe and begins smoking alittle. Only after she has her pipe lit does she walk around with the others to see who is only wounded and tries giving them a berry. She also keeps a lookout as she does for possible hidden goblins or any treasure left in the rubble of all this.

Selithe does hover over the body of the goblin leader to see if he can be healed or not. If not then Selithe pulls out one of her extra ace of clubs that she has and tosses it down on him, "Shouldn't of messed with us buddy. This is for the nasty hit I took on the ship before getting off. May you remember me in death."

(Spot:18 Listen:10)

Shale  d20+2=22
Thursday December 9th, 2004 10:24:37 PM

Triumphantly marching out of the bushes Shale heads quickly over to Patty with a big grin on his face.

"Did you see the way I nailed those two goblins. And that first one that was messing with you?!! I gotta say I'm getting better."

Giving Patty a friendly handshake and a hug, he then turns to Kendry.

"Good Job on the deception there Kendry! I still think theater is your best bet for fame."
Smiling big, Shale seems to have forgotten about all the dead laying around, until one of the wounded goblins moans.

Turning to see the mess Shale gets a little bit more serious and heads over to the boat, drawing his sword just incase. Peeking carefully inside the boat Shale takes a full inventory. (Spot 22, Natural 20)

Polly  d20+1=9 d20+1=5
Thursday December 9th, 2004 11:06:50 PM

"Hiya, Patty," Polly says, waving amiably as she stands in roughly the area where the goblins' cart was loaded. She walks slowly along the path taken by the panicked pigs, looking for signs of Brock's barrels or any intact cargo from the barge. Whenever she pauses to investigate something more closely, she takes the opportunity to wipe a little more of the mess from her spear onto the local foliage. As usual, her attention to the search is . . . somewhat less meticulous than her cleaning of her gear. (untrained Search = 9, 5)

Up the river without a paddle (DM Stephen)  d100=91 d100=17 d6=6 d6=1
Friday December 10th, 2004 9:55:46 AM

Everyone takes a little time to greet Patty to the group. Besides Bobbles, there is only one surviving goblin, and Dup isnt a happy camper. He hisses and growls at anyone who comes near, even Bobbles. He's injured and scared and so only his base emotions seem to surface at the moment.

After careful search through all the goods scattered about, the barrels of Brock's Best cannot be found. They are apparently missing, along with other goods that were being stored topside on the main deck. Shale makes a special observation as he looks through everything. There appears to be a second set of wagon tracks that head inland. The deep ruts, the wagon left behind, tells him that it was hauling a heavy load.

Olo notices that Shale was the only one injured in the battle. And only mild at that.

Patty's gear is found among the wreckage of the wagon that crashed. Amazingly, none of his stuff was damaged.

Bobbles looks over all the dead with a bit of remorse. He finds his only friend among the dead that was killed by Bob before they arrived. Bobbles approaches the party carrying his friend in his arms. "Can we take Moopy to see pretty lady. My bestest buddy no move no mores!!" He is clearly shaken and upset.

The captain and crew inspect the boat. He appears to be equally remorseful. The damage to his boat is extensive. Not an inch of the boat has been spared in the ransacking. He turns to the party and reports, "It will take days to dig the boat off this shore. And even then, they stole a majority of the ropes, rigging and sails. Not to mention the starboard side paddle wheel! My beauty isn't going anywhere anytime soon!"

Friday December 10th, 2004 2:02:37 PM

Patty accepts Shale's handshake and hug warmly, giving the ranger a playful punch in the shoulder. "Haven't seen you in a dog's age, buddy. You always were a good shot. Have to start calling you 'Deadeye Oakendale', won't we?"Patty chuckles, "We'll catch up in a few, I've got to grab my gear."

As he is heading over to the wagon, Patty waves at Polly and Selithe approaches him. He takes her hand and smiles nervously, "You must not remember me...I used to deliver wood to your town when I was younger. Kendry and I used to pal around a bit. Errr...I'll talk to you later."

Patty hurries off to his equipment and struggles into his chainmail(which barely seems to be able to contain his bulk) and grabs his battle axe.

Friday December 10th, 2004 9:34:18 PM

Spotting the tracks Shale quickly gets everyone's attention, "It looks like they made off with the beer before we could get here." Pointing down at the wagon tracks Shale continues, "We can easily follow them, we still have a good chance of getting the beer back. With Patty with us we got a real good chance."

Giving an eager smile its obvious what Shale's vote is.

Saturday December 11th, 2004 2:56:10 AM

Selithe smiles as Patty gets abit nervous speaking to her and whispers to herself, "kind of cute." She sighs when the beer isn't here and frowns more when the captain speaks about his boat.

Selithe looks over to the captain, "I'm glad we were able to get this much of your boat back for you though. Has to be cheaper to repair the damages then buy a whole new ship."

Selithe almost goes white when she hears the comment of chasing down the goblins and the beer, "Hey, wait a minute. They were suppose to be meeting ogres and how we know there isn't a goblin camp out there?" Selithe sighs and looks to Kendry knowing if he goes she will follow, "Bro, surely your not going to chase after them...I mean ogres? big, ugly and powerful. I don't want to see no one cleaved in two or turned into a stain by a big club."

Selithe pops her pipe back in her mouth and begins puffing on it now to keep quiet and waits for the inevitable of the group deciding to go. Selithe wears a face of worry but it is also clear she is curious to see a ogre for once, let alone she would like to get the beer back to Calfast.

Kendry: Tries to help Bobbles better understand things; Pulls things together; Talks over plans to recover shipment  d20+4=13
Saturday December 11th, 2004 7:44:38 PM

Greetings After Improv
Kendry receives Patty's strong embrace with a grin. "So, how was I as your torturer, cuz? Great to see you, too, you oak tree, you. I didn't even recognize you, at first. We'll have to catch up on stories, eh?"

Addressing all, following his earlier brief one-way intro, he says, "Patterton Cloverturn Burrows, allow me to note my talented sister, Selithe Greentree Leafwin Pipewood, and also our cousin, swift of feet and ever lively, Polly Leafwin Turnbell. Over on that stump is my brother, Nalfein. You already know Shale Leafwin Oakendale from the 6-in-4 legged race of legend. A new friend, and also distant cousin, Mayzie Greenhill Treetender, and Ghost, her wolf-friend. Airin Moondancer Turnbell, Polly's relative, and, in need of a haircut or festival ornaments, Olo Thistlefoot. Nice charge, Olo! Oh - and sharpshooter Shale likely will punch me if I neglect his brave steed, Valor."

He also introduces the captain, Biguns, Zippzitzz (a.k.a. Runt) ("Say - you're good with that sling, Zippzitzz!"), and the rest of the crew.

"Olo - what's the rest of your family name?"

Bobbles' Confusion, Part the First
Following Bobbles' clear confusion about kinship and where he fits into the halfling / goblin family tree, Kendry ponders how to help him understand. "Oh, Bobbles. My talk in the darkness may be puzzle to you. I am not your ... um, where to begin? Foxbite was friend of mine. I not see him for few years. When I put on hat, I say I his uncle, name Barker, for pretend. So, when I put on hat, look like, uh, male Grekie, then my name be Barker. Barker my name then. I not Foxbite. Can you say my goblin name, Barker?"

Once this, maybe, is clear, then Kendry adds, "So, Bobbles, I not really your uncle. I sorry this be puzzle in your mind. But, though I not your uncle, I want be your friend. So, you not my nephew. But, you be my friend? I be your friend. I thank you, you save my life when Bob want kill me. Me like Bobbles. We help us. We have food together, and tell stories together. Sound good?" Then, to further overtax his goblin friend's mind, he takes time to explain to him that, when he looks like halfling, his name is Kendry. At appropriate times during the morning, he will help clarify and reinforce Bobbles' understanding of things.

And, regarding Patterton Cloverturn Burrows, Kendry acts as a go-between, introducing Bobbles to Patty, and Patty to Bobbles. "Maybe Bobbles can be our honorary cousin?" he asks Patty, after explaining his friend's confusion.

With my sis
Kendry looks over Selithe's crossbow [Appraise, 13.] "Huh. Maybe it's not the most well-made crossbow." He looks up at her. "Shall we go shopping, later, and see if we can't find you a better one?"

He later notes his sister tossing the card on dead Bob. Bob did have some leadership abilities, and a fair degree of discernment. Not enough for his long-term health, though...

With Shale
"Well, it was the goblins who first ran the masquerade, Shale." He seems somewhat bemused at being complimented for deceptive behavior, regardless the benefits or outcome.

Dealing with Dup
Kendry asks Mayzie for one of her goodberries. He then takes the berry over to Dup. "Dup, you hurt bad, all growly. Now, here have I medicine berry, it help you feel better." Kendry gets down on one knee, ready to protect himself, should Dup try something, despite being tied up a bit. "Now, Dup, you listen to what I say. You and your friends killed some of us last night, steal our boat and things. This morning most of you die. But I say not kill you. I ask question. You want to see moons again? Then listen what I say, and do what I say. Otherwise, no see moons no more." If Dup looks like he will settle down, Kendry feeds him the goodberry, thus. "Open mouth wide. I give you medicine berry." He then tosses it into Dup's mouth. Mindful of the goblin's teeth, he is ready quickly to withdraw his hand should he try to bite him.

If Dup refuses the berry, Kendry shrugs, adding, "You not want feel better, be more healed? Your choice, Dup, to remain miserable." He'll give him one more chance to take the berry.

If Dup does take a berry, Kendry reiterates, if he discerns such to be necessary, his terms. If Dup appears at all cooperative, he sees about getting a second berry from one of his party members for the injured goblin.

Bobbles and his friend, Moopy
Kendry looks at Bobbles, and the face of his dead buddy, Moopy. Sadly, he translates for the others what was just said. He slowly approaches. "Oh... Oh... Oh, Bobbles. Oh, Moopy. He your buddy, bestest, be? Oh..." The young bard's eyes fill up with sorrow for his goblin friend.

Adapting a goblin song of mourning that Foxbite once taught him, he sings:

"Moopy, bestest buddy, Moopy, don't go.
Bobbles, Bobbles need you, oh Moopy, don't go.

"All of us now scream - ayi!
All of us now growl - gurdurr!
Our bowels churn within us,
They twist for you now gone."

He spends some time with Bobbles, mourning, if only for a brief space, his loss. "Tell me 'bout Moopy. Tell me 'bout Moopy, Bobbles," he asks. "What make you bestest buddies?"

Practical Matters
Hearing Shale's observation, and those of the captain, and hearing the fear in his sister's voice, Kendry ponders for a few moments.

"The captain needs help, and perhaps some security. Nalfein, what do you say to this: You stick with the captain and crew, and see what you can do to help out.

"Mayzie - you make a choice. Actually, all of us have a choice to make. The captain needs the sails and rigging and such. We need the barrels. Anyone who wants to go in pursuit of the casks, and other cargo, let's follow the first wagon. Anyone who is not willing, stay here and help out the captain.

"Captain - do you want to send any of your crew to help us out? That's your call.

"Bobbles - will you come with us? Zippzitzz - would the captain let you come along?"

He looks over at Dup. "Shall we bring him along, too?" he asks his friends and family.

Kendry - A private prayer to Gargul 
Sunday December 12th, 2004 4:11:05 AM

At some moment when he might, perhaps as he mourns with Bobbles, Kendry prays in his spirit, thus:

"Gargul, you who oversee the dead and departed. You who judge, and send, and return. I ask of you a gift. My friend Bobbles - a goblin, unusual he - a goblin who would be good. His friend Moopy, his bestest friend, was killed by that rascal, the dealer of death, whom you just now have greeted, the goblin Bob.

"Bobbles mourns for his friend, and I, who knew not his friend, do also mourn for him.

"So, Gargul, you who see what happens after this life on Wold - I ask of you a gift. Return to life the goblin Moopy. Assign to me a task. And it be a noble and a good and worthy task, and harm not my friends or kin, then gladly shall I hear it for the sake of Bobbles, and for Moopy.

"Hear, I ask, my petition. Answer me when you will, O Gargul. This is Kendry Leafwin Pipewood who asks this gift of you. Thank you for listening."

Thus ends his prayer.

Sunday December 12th, 2004 2:44:47 PM

Patty gathers the rest of his equipment and trots over to the middle of the camp just as they are discussing the ogre situation.

"Ogres, eh? Patty scratches his head. ,"How many ogres are we talking about here, Bobbles? If there aren't many of them, we may be able to deal with them the same way you did the goblins." Patty picks up a discarded goblin crossbow and glances down the stock discerningly. "Plus ogres are a bit dim...I'm sure a tricky group of hobbits like ourselves could think of something to even up the odds."

Sunday December 12th, 2004 7:10:20 PM

"Besides, Bob said the ogres are two days away. They'll have to rest the horses from time to time, and have maybe a couple or four hours lead on us," Kendry adds, realizing that the rest of the party did not know that bit of information.

Monday December 13th, 2004 12:34:32 AM

Patty glances over at Kendry (OOC- I'm assuming Patty has been filled in on the details. I've read almost all of the postings, so I pretty much know what's going on at this point)and nods. "Makes sense to me. We should be able to catch up to them if we're fast enough. Still, I think we should prepare ourselves to deal with these ogres just the same. Maybe the camp is closer then the greenie says...they aren't exactly known for being the brightest spoons in the box."

Patty casually flings the crossbow onto one of the goblin corpses.

"At any rate, we'd best leave soon if we plan to catch up with them...ogres or no."

Airin  d20+7=25 d20+7=21 d20+5=8
Monday December 13th, 2004 3:50:06 AM

Seeing Dup really in pain she sheaths her blade, and retrieves her crossbow where she left it.

Hello Patty, nice to meet you. Never mind Kendry, I really don't need a haircut and certainly won't need ornaments. I'm not the one to reveal myself with shimmering gold and I certainly don't want my eye's to be seen by others when I don't want them to. It will be nice to have you around yet she casts a disrespectfull eye on the chainmail and thinks to herself oh no ! ... another one of those noisy lads ... I thought we had it with Olo and now this walking disco comes along ... they will hear us coming from miles ... oh well ... perhaps they can be usefull to receive the blows while I can hide, or they might even be a good shield ... and thinking of this a smile appears on her face. To Patty this will look as if Airin is really happy to have him around (occ no offense, I'm trying to be the sneaky one ;-) )

Then Airin goes over to the dead Goblins and inspects their gear. There must be some good bolts, weapons or so here. Besides, they wanted to go buy weapons ... where's the gold or were they only going to trade ? (search 25)
When she finds the crossbows she will take a closer look at them. Maybe she will find a better one for Selithe (appraise 21).

Look, we've been up all night. Are we capable to go chasing those Goblins ? First I want a bite .. I'm hungry. Next, how do we plan to go on this chase. Walking down the road is a nice invitation for them to shoot us. Don't forget these Goblins wanted to buy weapons from those Ogres so they will be well armed. Battle plans ? Kendry, I suggest we either interrogate your friend Bobbles a little more to find out where that Ogre camp is, or you try to interrogate Dup. But now I'm going to collect Blossom ( occ her pony) and the rest of my gear.

Airin goes away from the camp to get back on her tracks to find Blossom. When going back she wants to keep an eye out for those dangerous plants (Spot 8) but she's thinking too hard how to retrieve that beer instead. Once she found Blossom she will return to the group.

Kendry responds to Airin's understandable misunderstanding 
Monday December 13th, 2004 4:12:08 AM

"No, no, Airin. I was referring to Olo's hair, not yours," he grins. "And yes, breakfast is a good idea. Do we have any food, or is it on the wagon we need to chase down?"

Airin to Kendry 
Monday December 13th, 2004 4:34:36 AM

" aha ! Guess I'm not accustomed to your way of speach. Never quite understand when a Bard starts rambling " ;-D

Patterton  d20=10
Monday December 13th, 2004 4:50:40 AM

Patty smiles at Airin's apparent appreciation(sense motive =10) of his skills and gives her hand a warm shake. "Nice to meet you."

Patterton then turns to Kendry whilst digging into his backpack. "I've got a little gnash stashed away here, but most of the good grub is just tack...cookie?" Patty hands Kendry one of his mother's homemade honey-oat cookies. "Look Kendry, we've gotta talk strategy here. The more time we sit around here, the closer those greenies get to their ogre pals and that would be bad...very bad."

Patty cracks his knuckles absent-mindedly as he speaks. "I know you guys have already seen some blood tonight, so I'll understand if everyone isn't rearing to go....but I've spent the better part of the night tied to a tree getting the snot beat out of me. I'm with Shale. I don't intend to let those lil' buggers make their delivery."

Patty jerks his thumb at Shale, "Not everyone needs to go. Between the two of us, we should be able to overpower whatever goblins are left...hmmmm, maybe one or two more just to be safe. Seems to me it would be a lot easier then risking them getting away."

Monday December 13th, 2004 2:10:16 PM

"Eh? Food?" Olo turns and looks to Kendry and smacks his hands together. "Kendry my good man, you're talking to the right guy. Let me go gather my belongings and I'll get to work on a proper breakfast for the lot of us."

With that he takes off his helmet, dropping it to the ground, and frees his bushy head of hair. Running his fingers through it in an attempt to shake off the 'helmet head', he continues: "And my hair is just fine. I'm quite sure everyone will be doing it in a year or two."

"Now, what to do with this fellow," he gestures to Dup. "We either need to be killin' him or healin' him. Letting him lie there suffering isn't right. He can have my berries if we're voting for the latter, though I'd much prefer to be using them on Shale." Olo tosses his full pouch of berries to Kendry to do with as he pleases.

"I've got Wardd looking after me and we can rely on him for a bit of healing. Let me know who still needs attention once things are straightened out."

He heads off to collect the animals previously tied up, and collect his crossbow while he's at it.

"Prayer's always best on a full stomach" you hear him say as he crunches through the undergrowth on the way to fetch the animals.

Monday December 13th, 2004 9:27:05 PM

Listening carefully to everyone's conversations, the ranger steps in for his two cents, "We'll never catch up to them if we stop for supper and a bit of rest. We should saddle up and ride hard."

He nods to Patty and continues, "We don't intend on letting them steal from us and make no mistake goblins are an evil bunch of critters. There's no wrong in slaughtering them to the last one."

Pausing briefly he adds, "With exceptions of course."

"We can eat a goodberry and take off down this trail. They have a wagon and are natural a bunch of slobbering idiots. We are traveling light and between the group of us, enough wit to outsmart a dragon. I say we go now."

Tuesday December 14th, 2004 12:54:43 AM

Patty returns Shale's nod and adjusts his gear. "Those goblins cracked me over the head before I got a good look at the camp, so I couldn't say whether or not the wagon was here then or not. They could have made quite a bit of ground by now, but we should be able to overtake them, provided the ponies hold up."

Patty glances around at the group, "I'll need to borrow someone's mount or ride with you, Shale. How many are coming and how many are helping to fix the boat?"

Battle Plans (DM Stephen)  d100=40 5d100(90+53+47+5+77)=272 d12=4
Tuesday December 14th, 2004 2:34:21 AM

The group goes straight to strategy after the pleasantries are dispensed. Kendry does his best to explain things to Bobbles and the goblin begins to accept the fact that he isn't kin and that his friend is gone for good. He briefly tells Kendry a disturbing tale about when they first met.

(Disturbing tale of friendship)
Bobbles had caught a fish from the stream and quickly began eating it. Moopy comes running up and hits him across the head with a stick and steals his fish. They both begin to fight and wrestle for the prize. In the heat of the struggle, they both tumble down a steep hill and fall unconscious on the rocks below. A groggy Bobbles wakes up staring up at dizzy Moopy weilding a big rock. As Moopy was about to smash him in the head again to finish the job, he instead drops it on his foot. Moopy dances around, holding his foot in agony, Bobbles cant help but laugh at the spectacle. Moopy starts laughing at himself as well and they both quickly became the best of friends. Sigh, goblins!

(Equally disturbing burial rites)
Bobbles takes Moopy and does his best to put his body up in a tree securely. He takes a rock from the river and taps his head with it. He then places the rock in Moopy's hands. Bobbles looks back to whomever is watching and says, "Moopy would have wanted it that way. Now the birds can come and eat his body and eyeballs and fly up to the Father Raven in night sky, they will. Add his eyes be tied to all the other sparkly ones in Ravens black wings." Bobbles stands back to take one final look at his friend. After Kendry finishes his song, Bobbles cant help but be reduced to tears.

Dup remains still and sticks out his tongue longingly when the berry is presented. However Kendry is careful to pull back before the crazied goblin bites his finger off. Dup growls and curses Kendry's race and heritage, along with a few other nasty statements.

Shale recalls that the wagon ruts are deep from carrying a heavy load. Its also easy to determine that traveling in the wilds with a wagon load of goods will have to go slow. (Int or Wisdom check DC 12 to reveal the spoiler. Highlight to display spoiler: {You all still have the element of surprise, since the lead goblin wagon doesnt know their comrades have been slain.})

Airin does a quick search of items from the goblin horde. A dozen quality bolts are found for a crossbow. A total of 40 copper pieces are collected from the bodies. Bob, however, was carrying a large pouch of 272 gold pieces and 4 gold signet rings with three different family crests divided among them. His sword is a fine weapon, well balanced too. You could say its masterwork quality. Just encrusted with layers of old dried blood.

Kendry prays to Gargul and is left the feeling that Moopy is in the land of the dead to stay.

Airin  d20=4
Tuesday December 14th, 2004 4:37:39 AM

(Spoiler Int Check 4 Won't peek. Anyone willing to tell me ?)

Collecting and dividing the Goblin Loot :
Happy her quick search pays off, she starts to collect a few items.

First the quality bolts (occ can I assume these are masterwork bolts then ?). She will refill her own case of bolts, and offer a refill for those who fired bolts too. In case these bolts are masterwork ones, she will keep one case of bolts, and give the other ones to her friends.

She has no interest in the copper pieces, but the gold of course draws her attention. " Look friends ! Something to cover our travel expenses. I think we all deserve a piece of this right ? " and she divides the gold, " 24gp for each of us "[/b} she says to her 7 companions, [b]" 24gp for Runt for being such a good help, 24gp for our friend Bobbles also for helping us soo well, and 24gp for you captain to partially cover your repairs to your boat ... and 32 gp for me ... dividing has never been my strongest in school and I could not divide 272gp by 11 ...hope you don't mind."

She examines the signet rings. These might be loot the Goblins took from well knows families ? Perhaps she will be able to give these back to these families in time ( occ any check needed to know if these rings belong to the Goblins or to a Halfling family we might know ?) She certainly shows them to her friends. Maybe they know something about the family crests.

And last but not least, the sword. (occ is it a short sword ) She removes the dried blood to reveal the sword. If it's a shortsword, Airin replaces her own sword by this masterwork sword.
If it's not a short sword she will offer the sword to one of her friends who can use it.

Then she remebers the lottery she once won ... anyone able to use a masterwork large steel shield ? I won this some time ago but I can't use this.

The chase
Airin mounts Blossom, offers some to sit in front of her and prepares to move out with the rest of the group. Guess we will need to move quickly if we want to catch them before they arrive at the Ogre lair. Never mind those dead bodies ... we're wasting time. And I strongly suggest no one stays behind ... we capture their wagon and use that to return later. Do we know how long they are gone ? Saddle up friends, we've got some unfinished business !

Polly  d20+1=9 d20+3=15
Tuesday December 14th, 2004 5:46:55 PM

Not being particularly good at thinking ahead, Polly is all for going after the first of the goblins' wagons. (Int roll=9) "We can catch them, sure. They stole from us and I'm happy to retrieve our property and the other stolen cargo and supplies from the barge. I don't think there's any need for wholesale slaughter, though, Shale.

"I do think we should leave right away. If any of them got away to warn the others, we have to beat them to that wagon. And we sure have to catch them before they get to the ogres. I think once the ogres have the goods in trade, they're entitled to them, if that makes any sense."

Polly will mount up with Airin if there's room, or run alongside if the ponies are overburdened. She pops a goodberry for breakfast and offers her remaining five to her companions. "Maybe instead of giving yourself the extra gold, Airin, it could be shared with the barge's crew? They helped in the attack, and they're out of wages until they're back on the water. Let me have a look at that ring. I know a lot of the families in the the Humble's Ford area." (Local Knowledge=15 to guess at the ring's meaning.)

Tuesday December 14th, 2004 5:49:54 PM

Having just reclaimed his crossbow, Olo is busy digging out his cooking supplies when he hears talk of "mount up" and "ride hard". Sighing, he looks forlornly at the skillet in his hand and shoves it back in the saddlebag.

"Right then, let's get to it. What do we plan on doing with this here fellow?" He nods over in Dup's direction. "He could be a pretty big pain if we bring him along, and we can't just let him loose into the woods."

Olo picks up his helmet from where he dropped it in the undergrowth and pulls it onto his head.

ooc: Kendry, remember you've got my three berries to distribute.

Tuesday December 14th, 2004 6:10:39 PM

Patty gratefully takes a few goodberries and tucks them into his pouch before walking over to Shale's pony and hoists himself into the saddle.

"C'mon Shale! We've got some greenies to catch!"

Tuesday December 14th, 2004 8:38:33 PM

Selithe sighs and shakes her head at her brother's comment, "No, splitting up is not a good idea in my opinion so I guess I will come along also. Anyway I can't pass up a chance to see what type of trouble you get into brother." Selithe grins since she knows she is usually the one seeking out trouble.

Shale  d20+2=21 d20+9=27 d20+6=14
Tuesday December 14th, 2004 9:56:24 PM

Shale takes one last look at the wagon tracks and then says to the others. "Seems to me that the wagon has a heavy load, shouldn't take us long to catch up." (Wisdom 21)

Jumping up onto Valor in a running leap, Shale lands behind Patty firmly.

"Let's Go!!" Shale nudges Valor ahead and leads the way down the trail. (Ride 27 Tracking 14)

On the Run! (DM Stephen)  d100=41 d100=96 d100=52 d6=3 d6=1 d6=2
Wednesday December 15th, 2004 1:46:27 AM

For once Kendry is struck speechless assumingly from the sight of Bobbles' funeral for his friend, Moopy.

Airin quickly divides up the gold among the party and the captains crew. Bob's sword is a masterwork longsword (I think!? I will need to look at my earlier posts to make for sure, but I think I remember calling it a longsword. It's sized for small creatures though.) The styles of the rings seem to vary some. Some have thick golden bands and with symbols that look like shields. Two rings look delicate and extremely well crafted. They're made to look like thin golden vines with leaves and berrys. As if taken straight out of nature. (since you made no skill check of any kind, Im not going to give away any info :) Try appraising them or use a knowledge skill check if you have one.) You are, however, pretty certain that these didnt originally belong to goblins.

Polly cautions the party to use restraint when they catch up with the other wagon. However, Shale and Patty are off to the races on the back of Valor. Before mounting up on Airin's pony, she takes a quick look at the rings. They dont look like anything coming from Humble's Ford. In fact, they dont look like hobbit styles at all. They definitely came from other cultures outside the Crescent Valley.

Olo gets ready to continue chasing after the goblins. However his stomach has other plans. Selithe gets ready to go as well.

Before the rest of you can leave, the captain digs a roll of thick paper out of a scroll case. "Here, take this with you. Just in case you get lost. It may also help you find the goblins if you lose their trail." He unrolls it to reveal a map of the region. He points at the spot where you currently are. "The goblins may be trying to head to a well known ogre trading post. It's marked here. The place is simply called 'Ogre'!" He also points that out too. "Its a very good chance of being the place where they're heading. It's about two days away with a full wagon load."

Beguns, Runt and Slag are more than willing to watch over the captured goblin, Dup. They drag him back to the ship in a 'not so gentle' way! They seem interested in continuing the interrogation.

Wednesday December 15th, 2004 2:43:39 AM

As they ride down the trail, Patty curses himself for leaving his pony at home. 'Nothing to do about it now,'he thinks as they plow down the trail towards the unsuspecting goblins.

Patty smiles to himelf, thoughts of revenge filling his mind.

Airin  d20+4=16 d20+7=22 d20+3=15 d20+7=13 d20+5=8
Wednesday December 15th, 2004 3:25:48 AM

(ooc could not find any details on Bob's sword in the archives other that that is was a bloody sword. You say it's a longsword, a longsword it is ... unless you want to change your mind ;-) )

At Polly's remark Airin hands 8gp to the captains crew ( ooc all add 24gp to your personal treasure - and all those who fired bolts have a complete refill I think)

Airin decides to have one last quick look at the rings (appraise 22 - decipher script 15 ) to see if she can find out something else other than what Polly has told her so far. Then, having the feeling these rings might come in handy later, she puts them into a belt pouch for further investigation once they have succeeded to get back the beer.

"Anyone able to wield a masterwork longsword ?" If so Airin will hand the sword to her companion as this sword would only hinder her.

After all this, Airin spurs Blossom to ride down the track with the rest of the group. (ride 16) hoping they will capture the Goblins before they reach the Ogre camp. "Ride fast Blossom ... " she mumbles to her pony.

(listen : 13)
(Spot : 8)

Wednesday December 15th, 2004 5:07:53 AM

(OOC to Airin-I would like the longsword if that's ok, but we'll have to wait for you guys to catch up)

Kendry  d20+4=16 d20+6=14 d20+6=24 d20+4=7 d20+4=7 d20+4=8 d20+4=19
Wednesday December 15th, 2004 5:16:19 AM

[OOC: Busy, busy day. At last, the Wold!]

"Great cookie. Thank you, Patty," he says, enjoying the honey-oat treat, and catching the last crumb before it drops to the ground.

Kendry passes on to the others the information and stories that Bobbles relates. He tells Bobbles that he hopes that a high-flying raven will fulfill his wish for his friend.

He receives from Olo the goodberries, amazed at his generosity and faith. He nods his thanks. He returns one to the cleric of Wardd, and says, "Look! What luck, Olo. Breakfast!"

He asks Airin he he can take a crack at examining the four rings found among Bob's possessions. Turning them about, examining the patterns, he checks to see if there might be anything familiar about them. [Regarding the four rings: Appraise 16; Knowledge, local 14; Knowledge, history, 24; Knowledge, arcana 7; Bardic knowledge 7 for ring type 1, 8 for ring type 2, and 19 for ring type 3.] Whatever he is able to discern, he will pass on to the rest of the group.

Among the goblins' dropped and scattered possessions, Kendry sees if he can scrounge a flint and steel, and also a bag and pouch or two. One of the bags he fills with about five pounds of rocks, generally of a size of one to three inches across.

When the captain offers the map, Kendry looks it over. He checks to see if the map answers his question before he asks the captain, "Is there a road on this map that will take us back to Humble's Ford? We might have to take the wagon if we're to get the cargo back to town in time for the parties. 'F course we first want to get any rigging and such back to you, Captain, if at all possible."

He tells his brother Nalfein and cousin Mayzie that they should watch after each other and the captain and crew until the group gets back. He says goodbye to Ghost for the time being. He shakes Nalf's hand, and gives Mayzie's a squeeze in parting.

"How do you do that, Shale?" he asks as his cousin leaps onto Valor's back.

"Bobbles, you want to come with? Let's go!"

When Airin offers Bob's longsword, Kendry takes a look at it, swinging it about a bit. "Nice feel. Quick, fairly light, well balanced. Might be interested in trying it out. How 'bout you, Patty - you want to try a long sword?"

As they ride along, Kendry asks Polly, "How do you suppose we can recover the wagon and what's in it, without having to kill anybody? Or too many, any way? I'd like to do that, sure, but what approach do we use? How do we keep them from following us back, if we let them go? Should we take the wagon and such in ransom for Dup? Just trying to figure this out." He checks to see, as well, if others in the group have any ideas about this.

Airin sidenote 
Wednesday December 15th, 2004 8:51:48 AM

"Kendry, as you are allready swinging the blade, you descide who will use it in battle. I dislike those large toothpicks. Oh ... here take a closer look at these rings, but those I want back of course" she smiles.

Once Kendry took a closer look, Airin makes sure the rings dissapear all four in her pouch. The Masterwork Longsword stays with Kendry. Patty and Kendry can argue who uses it.

Wednesday December 15th, 2004 8:56:46 AM

(OOC-for the sake of continuity, let's say that Patty accepted the longsword before heading off down the trail with Shale <as long as Stephen doesn't mind>. These posts overlap a little bit :).)

Wednesday December 15th, 2004 10:40:46 AM

Selithe grins as her comment was evidently not heard by her brother and she moves after them as quick as she can while also carrying the crossbow (if someone didn't grab it) for good measure. Selithe sighs and calls up to her brother and others who are listening, "Please remember I'm not a sprinter people. I'm a lady, gambler and conjurer and not a sprinter for a halfling marathon." Selithe grins though as she is having abit of fun complaining, mainly to pick on her brother.

Wednesday December 15th, 2004 2:31:38 PM

Olo looks at the tiny berry, rolling it around in the palm of his hand. "Hrmph! breakfast indeed." He thinks of the juicy sausages he was about to fry up and sighs, then pops the berry in his mouth.

If others are walking, he'll choose to walk as well. Otherwise, provided there is room, he'll hop up with Airin on Blossom once again.

Allowing the others to lead, he is content to follow. Not knowing when to next expect trouble, he'll take the extra precaution of loading his crossbow so that he is prepared. Once this is done, he allows his mind to drift as he takes this time to silently recite his prayers.

Wednesday December 15th, 2004 10:25:17 PM

"Well, Selithe, as those mounted race on ahead, happy to pursue and split us up, so that if they get attacked, we won't be around to help, and vice versa, I'll walk with you." He holds out his arm for her to take, if she will, and heads down the path. "Maybe they'll wait for us after the initial excitement wears out. There is the donkey, right?"

[Not sure to whom the donkey belongs, but Kendry will lead him (her?), unless Airin wants to have a lead line back to the donkey. We can all cover more ground, faster, if all are mounted...]

Shale  d20+9=22 d20+16=31 d20+2=5 d20+4=14 d20+2=13
Wednesday December 15th, 2004 10:27:58 PM

As Shale takes off he hears Selithe being left behind. Slowing down a second he gives her a hand up onto Valor before taking off.

Smiling at Kendry, "Trick to jumping on a pony is to run like hell and jump. Oh and try to land more on the backside of your pelvic area..."

Hearing the comment about getting lost Shale makes a snorting noise as his ability as a tracker seems to be in question.

"I say we follow the pattern that's worked to this point, get up close as we can, then we ride around in front of them. Once we're in position we'll ambush em, kill all those who don't flee, and then make our way back with the beer. This is beer we're talking about here Kendry, I say no mercy..."

Tilting his hat back some Shale continues, "After all this battle we'll have to post a watch at night like me and my dad used to in Culverwood. Much safer."

Shale rides on a ways, stopping the group every now and again to make sure he's following the wagon track and to check to see how old it is.(He'll get off Valor if need be) He plans to keep leading the group on until the tracks look extremly fresh or he catches a glimpse in the distance.
(Tracking 22, Against getting lost 31, Spot 5, Listen 14)

While he's riding along Shale gets his look at the coins to see what he can find out. (Knowledge Nobility 13)

Thursday December 16th, 2004 2:13:52 PM

Quick OOC:

The donkey should still be on a lead and tied to Blossom (Airin's pony). The donkey has a pack saddle and is ladden with sacks and such. It really can't be ridden in its current state.

We have two ponies right? Valor and Blossom? I doubt it's feasible to get everyone on ponies.

Thursday December 16th, 2004 7:39:11 PM

We could previously fit three per pony. We have seven in the group now, so I figure we could squeeze an extra on ole Valor. It's a warpony after all and that makes everything ok.

Thursday December 16th, 2004 11:07:16 PM

OOC: Kendry could voluteer to tie himself as baggage to the donkey. :-)

I like Shale's idea better, though.

Thursday December 16th, 2004 11:28:43 PM

Polly frowns as they ride, forethought not being one of her strong suits. "I don't know exactly, Kendry. Shale and Patty just seem so gung-ho about killing goblins. But it's not about killing goblins; it's about retrieving stolen property. If some goblins die along the way, I guess that's a risk they took when they stole in the first place.

"But saying that it's okay to kill them because they're evil? Well, that doesn't seem to leave room for people like Bobbles, you know?"

Follow Those Wagon Tracks

Ewww! What's that?! (DM Stephen)  d100=74 d100=96 d100=79 d100=10 d100=91 d6=3 d6=6 d6=1 d6=2 d6=3 d20+2=10 d20+2=7 d20+2=6 d20+4=10 d20+4=12 d20+4=6
Friday December 17th, 2004 12:33:39 AM

(Ok, all of you departing in different ways and times is a bit confusing for me, so dont get bent of shape if I simplify things a bit and keep the action moving forward. At this point, I dont care who is on what horse or who is walking and so on.)
Olo is surprised that after he ate the tiny berry, his stomach feels as full as if he had a regular meal. Their magic reveals itself to the young cleric.

Airin and Kendry are facinated by the rings. They spend several minutes examining them. Airin is able to determine that they are roughly worth 25 gold a piece. However, they may bring more from collectors or the family in which they came from (sentimental value). Airin finds common script on one of the thicker rings. I reads, "Let the deid shaw." Kendry can determine that it's an earlier form of the common language and that if translated into modern common it would mean, "Let the deed show." Could be a family motto. The only other markings on the ring is a crest with a backwards 'F'and a warriors helmet with a stag's head mounted on top. Definitely a human design. Two rings have this design. The other two have elegant vine-like designs. Neither of you see any writing on them. However Kendry is able to determine they are elven in style.

Kendry quickly takes the map. The map covers most of the region. Those who see it see all three towns of the Crescent Valley marked. You realize that you are now in the Red Hills. There are traders roads nearby. There is one leading to a place called Ogre. Its not far from Brock's trading post. You can see a new traders road leading east, all the way to Dragon Bay. It joins with another road that goes north and south along the coast. The north road heads back to Angel Springs in the Crescent Valley. There is an interesting spot on the traders road between Ogre and Dragon Bay called Hill Giant Ruins. Down in southern Red Hills is an area marked "Goblin Lands". Pretty good chance where Bobbles is from. Otherwise, the map is a wealth of information. You see the eastern most part of Culverwood. You can also see the southern half of the Scab that borders Crescent Valley. The Giants Towers are clearly marked as well. Its easy to determine that the goblin wagon is heading for the nearest traders road so they can shoot straight down to Ogre.

As Shale waits for the others to get going, he glances at the coins and easily determines they are normal currency of the region.

The captain decides to send Biguns and Slag to travel with the party so they can bring back the sail and some of the rigging if they find it before getting to the road. He suggests that if they need to get back to Humbles Ford in time for the final night of the Burgomeister election, they may need to travel back north along the traders road. To bad the traders road didnt go all the way down to Brock's Trading post. Kendry recalls a bill that would have gone to a vote by the village elders and the Burgomeister of Crescent Valley to extend the traders road to the Trading post but the River Boat Union successfully campaigned against it for obvious reasons.

After all is said and done, the party along with Biguns, Slag and Bobbles head off to catch the 1st goblin wagon. Mayzie and Ghost decide to stay behind with the captain and his remaining crew. She feels it necessary to stay back and take up the task of cleaning up the carnage left behind by the goblins. Returning nature to its natural state.

Those on horseback stay up ahead the group keeping an eye out for trouble from their higher vantage point. Those walking make their way well enough, even though they have yet to sleep a full nights rest. (Everyone make Fortitude check DC 10 to keep from becoming fatigued. If you become Fatigued you can no longer run or charge. You also take a -2 penalty to both Str. and Dex.)

Up ahead those on horseback spot what looks like an old stone guard tower. It looks abandoned, no flags wave from its top. The closer you get, it looks like parts of it have collapsed from time and the elements. The wagon tracks lead toward it. Suddenly the remains of a small body can be seen. Its a goblin and it's squashed flatter than a pancake!

(Make your whatever skill checks you think are necessary.)

Patterton  d20+9=10
Friday December 17th, 2004 3:12:54 AM

(OOC-Fortitude save 10...even with endurance feat and fortitude save of +5, I barely madde it!)

As they approach, Patty quietly lets out a low whistle. "Mind your shoes, Shale. Let's dismount here and investigate...better grab that crossbow, Dead Eye."

If the others are close enough to see him, Patty will wave at them to come closer.

Kendry - In Pursuit of the wagon  d20+1=18 d20+3=7
Friday December 17th, 2004 3:52:19 AM

Kendry gives Mayzie a parting hug. "You take care of yourself," he says in common, then switches to elvish to add, "beautiful halfling of the elves." "Bye, Ghost!" "Later, Nalf! Bye, Captain!"

He is glad that Biguns, Slag and Bobbles are coming along.

[Fortitude check: 18. Well, we did get a partial night's rest :-)]

"I agree, Polly. I wish that we would have been able to spare the lives of more. Things happened pretty fast, though. But there have got to be more like our new friend, who might be open to less ... churlish comportment." He thinks it over a bit more. "Probably most of 'em, at least the ones who go out to steal things, are evil though, I suppose. 'Least that's what I've heard. They killed two of the crewmen, and it's only our good fortune that the captain and a few others did not die. Bob wanted me to kill my cousin! Well, all right, he didn't know he was my cousin, but, still. Shoot, Shale took a lot of damage, and so did my sis, and they started the whole thing. Let me talk this over with our friend here a bit."

"Say, Bobbles, Polly was, was..." and he tries to think of a goblin word equivalent to 'wondering.' Nothing exactly like that word comes to mind. "Uh, she think to herself, 'Be there others like good Bobbles?' So I ask - maybe there others who want learn be good, other goblins maybe? Also - you have idea how we get wagon back, no have to kill more goblins? We not want kill, if no have to. But we not want be stupid, let them kill us. How we do this?"

At some point when Shale is nearby, he asks whether he has any idea what happened to the two wort hogs who fled with the ragged remnants of the wagon.

Kendry passes on what he is able to gather about the rings to any who are interested. He also explains his findings to Bobbles, to learn whether he might have any insight as to how the rings were obtained.

He enthuses over the map that Captain Titus Bloomers lent them. As he rides along, once he gets used to the rhythm of the horse, with the map spread out on the back of the person in front of him, nearly cross-eyed as he examines it in detail, trying to place as much of it in memory as he can.

[OOC: Stephen, is this pretty much the same map that's at http://www.woldiangames.com/maps/yrth/peninsula/redhills/RedHillsBig.htm ?]

"It looks here like we might be able just to head back north, just like the captain says, and follow the road that parallels the river. Don't know 'bout you all, but I don't highly fancy traveling through Ogre at the moment. Maybe someday, though." He passes on to some of his halfling friends mention of the bill to extend the road to Trader's Corner that got defeated some time back. He takes care to bring it up discreetly, away from the ears of the crew members, not sure of how they might receive the topic.

When the party comes closer to the old stone guard tower, Kendry dismounts to look at the remains of the goblin as Patty lets out his low whistle. Despite their treatment by the goblins, he feels sad for some reason. "Oh. Oh, Bobbles. I sorry this one smooshed down. Bobbles, you know who is? Is like Dup, or better one? You know who be with wagon?"

Kendry tries to avoid obscuring any tracks that Shale or others might use to puzzle out what happened here. He thinks to look up in the direction of the tower, of a sudden picturing in his mind a huge stone sailing through the air...

[Spot 7.] Kendry signals with his hand for caution, using Duncan's sign language, indicating to his friends and family that eyes and ears should be sharp, and noise kept to a minimum.

Airin  d20+3=15 d20+5=6 d20+7=8
Friday December 17th, 2004 5:58:03 AM

The rings dissapear in Airin's pouch to be examined once this is over.

Riding along Blossom she manages to hold on and keep her eyes open, (Fort safe = 15) though she's certain they will need a rest once they have finished this business.

Watching Patty signaling for caution, Airin tries to hide Blosson closer to the edge of the forest. Perhaps even under a couple of over hanging branches to get out of the tower's line of sight. Once agin her instincts tell her to grab her crossbow, load it, and keep her eyes and ears open. Yet she has a hard time concentrating on her surroundings. Those rings keep her busy ... (spot 6 Nat 1, listen Nat 1 - she's blind and deaf at the moment :-) )

As she can't manage to concentrate well, she decides to take one of those seemingly healty Wild Berries. She starts to feel better right away.

Friday December 17th, 2004 6:21:43 AM

Patty unsheathes the sword that the evil goblin boss Bob had once owned and motions for Kendry to come closer.

"Listen,"he whispers, "I suggest we make a show of force. There are quite a few of us and if we train enough crowssbows on whatever pokes out of that tower, we can stick it full of bolts. Even if we don't have to shoot anyone, the threat might work to our advantage. We may be able to scare the goblins(or whatever was big enough to squish that poor slob) into letting us have the wagon with no bloodshed."

Olo  d20+6=7 d20+4=8 d20+6=7
Friday December 17th, 2004 12:16:38 PM

Stumbling along half asleep (Fort save 7, nat 1), Olo is roused when he starts to hear excited whispering. Spotting the body, he blinks, stares at it for a couple seconds, and says a single word. "Wow."

Looking around now, he sees the tower for the first time, and listens as Patterton talks of assaulting it.

Not wanting to much up the tracks the others are examining, Olo follows the wagon tracks with his eyes, trying to figure out if they lead to the tower or not. His vision is still a bit blurry with sleep though, and he doesn't have much success (spot 8).

"What if it's not goblins in there?" Olo asks uneasily. "We can't just fill anyone full of bolts ya know. Maybe some giant just lobbed a boulder at them and got lucky." Olo peers back at the wagon tracks, trying again to follow them with little success. "Do we even know if the wagon stopped here?"

Olo rubs his eyes, clearing them so he can get a better look at the tracks and try to figure out what flattened this goblin, which he'll do once the 'expert' trackers are done with their examination.

OOC: Wow, bad rolls. Olo even used his 'Luck' domain ability for a reroll on that fort save and rolled another natural one. Olo is now fatigued!

Selithe  d20+3=9 d20+3=12
Friday December 17th, 2004 5:56:49 PM

Selithe thanks Shale for offering the ride and motions to her brother, "I will walk with my brother. Just don't get in to much trouble riding so far ahead of us."

Selithe walks and watches the scenery as they do (spot:12) but does start to feel tired and lacking in stregnth from all the activites so far. At one point she stops and leans over, breathing hard and tired, "Man, we need to stop soon people for abit. I need some rest and surely some others do also."

Selithe sees the goblin that is smashed and shakes her head as she looks to Kendry and speaks to her brother, "See, about the size of a halfling and see what a ogre can do to a goblin? Hope there isn't to many of them or we're in alot of trouble."

(Spot:12 Fort:9)

Kendry  d20+3=6 d20+5=17
Friday December 17th, 2004 6:35:08 PM

"Maybe it's a trebuchet," Kendry replies to Selithe. "You know, a big mechanical rock-throwing sling-thing." He looks around to see if there is any evidence of a rock having rolled or bounced off the goblin splat. [Spot 6]

"Ah, yes, show of force," he answers Patterton. He points over his shoulder at the yawning Olo and Selithe. "You look a mite wobbly, yourself, Patty."

He glances up the path. "Let's follow, spread out, eyes and ears open as wide as fatigue will allow." [Listen 17]

He does follow the suggestion, though, and places an arrow in his compound short bow.

Polly  d20+3=12 d20+7=14 d20+9=12 d20+1=3 d20+1=15
Friday December 17th, 2004 8:45:08 PM

Polly is holding up well with what little sleep she's had (Fort=12). She slides from the pony when they reach the squashed goblin to share the signed and whispered discussion.

"Olo has a point," she adds. "We're after the barrels and barge equipment, not sightseeing. If the goblins moved their wagon past the stone heap, then we should skip it. Maybe Shale could stick to the wagon tracks while the rest of us fan out?"

Readying her spear for a throw if necessary, she moves out carefully (Hide=14, Move Silently=12) some distance from Shale, choosing the tower side of the tracks since she's one of the quieter people among the group. She keeps her eyes and ears open for signs of trouble as she goes. (Listen=3, Spot=15)

Patterton  d20-1=5
Friday December 17th, 2004 9:19:26 PM

Patty unlatches his wooden shield from his back and straps it firmy to his forearm. He then fishes around in his pack for his chain gauntlets and shoves his hands into them. Next, gripping the sword tightly in his fist, Patty begins sneaking(or lack there of) forward. He tries to stay a good 20' behind Shale so as not to interfere with his tracking, but also to be in range to charge in case of a surprise.

Moves silently=5
AC with shield= 20

Monday December 20th, 2004 3:36:00 AM

Airin waits with her pony under the tree branches and hears the ramblings about a show of force ...

She dismounts Blossom, and while remaining under the cover of the trees she mingles in the plotting

"A show of force ? If it were me in that tower, and I saw 8 little halflings standing outside, hurling whatever they can find at me -safely sitting behind the stone walls- I'd have a good laugh ... We're thinking about something that can hurl boulders at us ! So what are you all standing in the middle of the road ? Maybe we can try to get closer under cover of these trees ? Even if it was only to see what's inside that tower. Maybe Polly and me ought to get closer to spy first ? The wagon is gone that's for sure, and me thinks that whatever is inside that tower took it before them goblins got to the Ogre camp. I want to know what's inside those towers first. May I suggest you all step away from the road, take cover under these trees (don't go too far into the woods though) for you are all standing there for somthing huge to take a target practice at you all."

Monday December 20th, 2004 6:18:59 PM

Patty scowls at Airin. "Where's your backbone gone to,then? You guys wiped out those goblins before they could lift a finger and now you're all scared bacause of a little pile of goblin pulp. The lil' blighter could have fallen off the front of the wagon and been trampled by those boars for all we know." Patty snorts,"I've heard just about as much complaining as I can stand. Either press on or head back to camp."

(OOC-just trying to stay in character here. Patty is impatiant by nature. no offence! :)

Monday December 20th, 2004 9:20:05 PM

Shale is obviously anxious to leave (and intent on wiping out evil by nature), he speaks up about the goblins, "If it displeases any among us we need not slaughter all of those goblins that remain, but we must bring justice to the little bastards who stole our beer. Their is no question of that. We'll catch them before they ever reach the ogres if we just hurry up.

Once everyone is saddled and ready Shale takes the lead on Valor.

Fear Flatter (DM Stephen)  d100=96 d100=53 d100=6 d100=76 d100=94 d20=3 d20=19 d20+2=5 d20+2=17 d20+5=6 d20+5=11 d6=5 d6=3
Tuesday December 21st, 2004 12:52:17 AM

Some of the hobbits are showing fatigue from not having a full nights sleep. The presence of a flattened goblin seems to have halted the party for a bit. The severity of its "state of being" has brought of major concern to the parties well being.

With careful observation, Shale determines to tread forward to rescue the beer. As he follows the tracks of the wagon, that are leading to the tower, he spots two more flattened goblin masses up ahead.

Patterton also seems determined to head forward and he make sure everyone else knows it too! Especially after others have expressed some concern about the safety of the party.

Kendry asks Bobbles several questions about his old comrads. He looks a bit confused. He scratches his head a little and says, "Me the only Bobbles I know. What you mean? Good at what? Some be good at fishing. Wait, good at fishing was me."

The bard doesnt notice any rocks lying around that are big enough to do that kind of damage. There are also no signs of a trebuchet. The tower doesnt look sturdy enough to support any large armaments. Everyone can see the surroundings and it looks peaceful, except for the overly pressed piles of goblin flesh. However, Kendry's keen ears (the only one to do a good listen check) hears a disturbing sound on the wind, coming from the tower. It's hard to describe at first. Its a low, deep gutteral sound. It's also repetitive and grating. If Kendry had to compare it to anything, its sounds like the sound his father makes when sleeping under his favorite tree. It sounds like someone is snoring! Snoring rather loudly if heard from this distance.

(BTW Kim, the map does look like that map you linked to.)
(Party's initiative. Do what you must :)

Kendry whispers of his discovery  d20+4=6 d20+5=11 d20+3=6
Tuesday December 21st, 2004 3:21:14 AM

Elaborately signaling for silence, Kendry gathers who he may. Whispering, he tells his companions, "There's the sound of snoring by the tower. Since we must come back this way, let us deal how it seems appropriate. Gently, or roughly, as circumstances warrant. Quiet movers - circle left. Noisy ones, walk the path to the tower - with care. Missile weapons ready, or others, as you will. Blankets - some of you get blankets out. If we need to overcome someone without killing, cover with blankets, subdue." As he talks, he unties the knots holding his blanket to the bottom of his knapsack, and wraps it over his shoulders.

"Polly - whistle like a bird if you need us to come to you. Click your tongue like a chipmunk's scold if you think we should attack. Let's see what's there, though, first. If we get line of sight with each other, use Duncan's language. Make the sound of the wind with your mouth if we should retreat.

"Polly, Airin, Selithe - to the left. Slag - can you back them up?

"Patterton, Olo, Shale - up the path. Have Valor take it easy - try to avoid stepping on stones, Shale. Biguns - can you back 'em up? Shale - you know Duncan's sign language a bit. You'll be between me and Polly. Relay what you can. Use the same signals as I gave to Polly. Bobbles & I will go to the right.

"Bobbles, come with me. We move quiet, find out who snore. We don't talk loud. Whisper if need talk." If this seems fine to all, then Kendry quickly moves off with Bobbles, circling to the right, toward the tower. He renocks his arrow in his bowstring.

[Move silently: 6. Listen: 11. Spot: 6. Hmmm.]

Patterton  d20-1=14 d20+2=13
Tuesday December 21st, 2004 4:45:55 AM

Patty nods to himself, satasfied that a plan of action has been offered. Giving Kendry a quick nod, Patty attempts (move silently 14) to sneak foreward as quietly as he can, straining his ears to see if he pick up the snoring sound (listen 13). He raises his sheild defensivly and keeps his sword close to his body as he creeps foreward.

Airin  d20+10=24 d20+7=12 d20+5=25 d20+12=31
Tuesday December 21st, 2004 6:30:36 AM

Being scowled upon by Patty was just what Airin needed to lay down her paranoid defenses. She sees herself in a bed time story called Gullivers Travels where this man got tied to the ground by this little folk ...

"I'm not carrying a blanket Kendry but I do have a bedroll ... would that be suited ? Perhaps we can fool around with whatever sleeps in that tower, and tie his toes together so when he gets up to chase us ... hihihihi ..." a broad smile appears on her face and twinkling lights shine in her black eyes.

OK, lock and load. Polly, lead the way I'm with you. Bolt in place in the crossbow and blending into the woods she moves towads the tower.

move silently = 24
listen = 12
spot = 25 nat 20 !
hide = 31

Olo  d20+2=7 d20+4=22 d20+6=16
Tuesday December 21st, 2004 10:21:21 AM

Olo thinks for a moment about a blanket, then decides that juggling that in addition to his crossbow and other gear is just too much. In fact, as tired as he is, he decides to lighten his load before continuing. Slowly shrugging his pack off of his shoulders, he lets it slide off of his right arm into the grasses. Then, in what is quickly becoming a nervous habit, he reaches down and checks for the presence of his holy symbol at his belt.

Olo gives his more quiet comrades a moment to start circling around before starting out himself. While waiting, he scans the area to make sure there isn't another threat that's been overlooked with all the attention on the tower. Then, with a ready crossbow, Olo starts to move forward (slightly less quietly then intended). If he manages to catch up with Patty, he'll stay about 15 feet behind and to the right.

Now what was I supposed to listen for again? A chipmunk coughing?

With -2 Strength, Olo would have been at medium encumberance with his pack so he dumped it. All checks include penalty for fatigue.
Move Silently = 7 - 6 (for armor) = 1
Spot = 22
Listen = 16

Kendry nods to Airin that a bedroll would be fine 
Tuesday December 21st, 2004 11:16:12 AM

Kendry gives Airin a thumbs up on the bedroll idea.

Tuesday December 21st, 2004 1:55:47 PM

Selithe frowns as she knows she most likely to tired to hold anything down, let alone put up to great of a fight and pulls her brother to the side when she has just a free moment, "We rest soon brother. There is no way some of us can keep up in our tired state." Selithe's snappy temper is deffinetly coming from her being tired.

Selithe now follows the tactics laid out by her brother and moves along with the group she was told to and tries to stay quiet as she carries her crossbow in tired arms. She looks to Polly and Airin and shakes her head as she whispers to herself and then quickly shutsup, "I must be getting old or something since Polly and Airin seem to be doing good."

Bobbles  d20+2=17 d20+4=5
Tuesday December 21st, 2004 4:05:13 PM

Bobbles spots something glimmering in one of the flattened goblin masses. He reaches down and picks it up. It's a gold tooth ring (with tooth) to his delight. He quickly pulls it off the tooth and rubs it against his shirt. He looks to Kendry and quietly says, "This be Borks. Everybodies wants it. Big status this be! Kills many thieves to keep it, Borks did! Now it belong to Bobbles." He quickly and gleefully slides it onto his largest tooth. He then flashes Kendry and anyone who is looking a bright and yellowie tooth-filled smile.

(spot 17, listen 5)

Tuesday December 21st, 2004 7:18:50 PM

"Good, good find, Bobbles. Borks not need it anymore. Very shiny," Kendry says, sotto voce, to the happy goblin. "So. Let's walk quietly up to tower - this way, and, when we get closer, be sure close mouth, so bright tooth light not wake up snorey sleeper."

Shale  d20+6=21 d20+6=24 d20+7=15 d20+4=18
Tuesday December 21st, 2004 9:21:15 PM

After everyone hopes down off of Valor, Shale lets him roam around the perimeter of the forest, just like at home. "Stay close in case we need you buddy, keep your ears up." (Handle Animal 21)

Pulling up the hood of his gray cloak and tucking his hat into Valor's saddle, he pats the warpony on the butt as he begins to graze off the road a ways.

With an arrow nocked Shale heads quietly up the path, looking for footprints as he sticks with Patty. (Tracking 24, Move Silently 15, Listen 18)

Ogre Tower

Heavy Sleeper (DM Stephen)  d20+2=3 d20+2=21 d20+2=4 d20+2=3 d20+2=13 d20+2=11 d20+2=17 d20+2=16 d20+2=14 d20+2=20 d100=32 d6=4 d100=79 d6=6
Tuesday December 21st, 2004 10:44:13 PM

Slag whispers back to Kendry, "Aye." Turning to Biguns, he says, "Lets go ... quietly." Both Slag and Biguns don their shields and draw their weapons. Each one taking up a position with a different group.

Shale releases his horse to roam free for a while. Valor nudges him with his nose in acceptance and wanders off. Shale also takes a little time to examine the ground for tracks. This time he finally notices something disturbing. He sees signs of huge footprints. He also finds smearings of blood rubbed off in some of the tracks. Its quite evident how the goblins met their fate. Each flattened goblin is lying within these large footprints.

A little closer to the tower, a few more squashed goblins can be found. There are weapons still scattered on the ground. Probably dropped by paniced goblins as they tried to make a run for it.

Airin and Olo easily spot a damaged wagon up ahead. The worthogs are no where in sight. The snoring is getting louder as you approach. As you all get even closer you see one giant-sized figure sleeping in the shade of the tower. The giant is covered by the sail of the ship. Apparently using it as its bedding. The kegs are unloaded and stacked near the slumbering giant. One keg appears to have been emptied. There's also a large wood and steel-banded chest placed next to the giant. A heavy padlock is keeping the lid shut. A huge left arm is reaching out from the covers and holding the chest securely like a protective mother. The giant seems oblivious to any approaching threats.

Tuesday December 21st, 2004 11:51:42 PM

Olo gets a crazy idea in his head (it happens quite often, really) and then tries to figure out how to signal the others by sounding like a disgruntled chipmunk. Giving up on that idea, he holds up his hands in a 'stop' type motion hoping the others can see him.

Waving at Airin, the sneakiest halfling he knows, he points to the giants feet and makes a knot tying motion with his hands. Hopefully, someone's got some rope.

ooc: does the giant happen to be wearing shoes or boots with laces?

Patterton  d20-1=4
Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 2:38:25 AM

Patty stops dead in his tracks upon seeing the giant. 'That is NOT an ogre', he thinks to himself as the behemoth snores away. Deciding against trying to sneak any closer to the thing at the moment(provided he is within charge range), Patty quietly unlashes the rope coiled at hip and extends it towards Airin(move silently 4 if necessary).

(DM Stephen - btw, ogres are members of the giant creature type.)

Kendry  d20+5=9 d20+6=21 d20+4=7 d20+4=14 d20+3=5 d20+3=8
Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 2:40:47 AM

As they draw near the sleeping giant, Kendry thinks that a quick, bold, unanimous attack would do them well. But, what if this is not an evil giant? He's heard there are such, though rare. However, as Olo performs his pantomime, Kendry smiles. He signals to Shale & Polly & Selithe in the sign language of Duncan that they ought to tie the giant's two great toes together, in line with Olo's suggestion. Gingerly.

After drinking such a quantity of Brock's Best - was it the beer or the cider, he wonders - surely the monstrosity will be hard to rouse ... if they take care. He hopes the sail will not be damaged. The bard slips up near the giant's shoulder, angling to get in good position to toss his blanket over the giant's eyes.

He looks at its countenance more closely, the shape of his nose, the quality and color of his skin, the formation of his limbs.

He also glances at the tower, looking to see if he can see any stairs either outside or inside the tower. Does it look safe enough to enter, to climb?

[Is the giant handsome, ugly, well- or ill-proportioned, really big, or really extremely big... etc.? Kendry speaks the language of giants, so should have a fairly good idea of which sort this one is.]

[Listen 9. Hide 21. Move silently 7. Bardic knowledge 14. Spot 5. Last roll accidental (fat fingered)]

Airin  d20+10=22 d20+4=21 d20+12=19 d20+5=17
Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 3:12:00 AM

OK ... it's obvious Olo and Patty would like Airin to tie this giant's toes together. Quiet like a mouse (move silently 22) Airin takes Patty's rope (ooc hope it's a silk one Patty?) and slides towards the giant.

Carefully she tries to wrap the rope around the giant's ankles (ooc is he wearing boots or nothing ?) a couple of times and ties a good knot (use rope 21). Like this they may not have to worry about the giant flattening them to a pancake, but he might still be able to squash them with his hands.

Airin's nerves are on edge, and the slightest evidence of the giant waking up will speed her away from here.

Once the giant is safely secured she will back away to find a good hiding place where she can sneak up to the giant (hide 19 - spot 17)

Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 7:34:02 AM

(OOC- sorry Airin. It's a hemp rope :)

Airin quick thought 
Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 8:56:15 AM

Didn't Bobbles say "We went to see the Ogres to buy weapons " Where's the rest of them ? Are there visible signs that this Ogre lives on his own, or are there traces of more Ogres ... if so ... keep a look out everyone !

Better Description (DM Stephen) 
Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 11:37:25 AM

Just to clarify things:

You aren't even near the trading post called Ogre. This is just a lonely guard tower that was once used to guard the traders road from evil doers. This guard tower is merely located next to the road on the way to Ogre.

The slumbering giant is mostly covered up by the ship's sails. He's using it as bedding. He's a big lump lying on the ground. Only body parts you see, at this vantage point is an arm that's extended out from under the sail grasping a large wooden chest (looks like your standard treasure chest) which happens to be locked with a padlock. You might also notice part of a foot protruding from under the sail. You might also see some dark hair sticking out from where his head should be. (I will give you that.) No other giant folk seem to occupy this place. No weapons, equipment or supplies can be seen at this moment. There is evidence of a campfire (I forgot to mention).

The large figure continues to snore. Since he's huddled up under the sail it's hard to tell how big he is. It would be an easy estimate that he may be somewhere between 8 to 12 feet tall. His skin (from his exposed arm) is a yellowish brown and slightly covered with black hair. His fingernails are rough, unkept and dirty if that means anything.

If you want to get to both feet, you will need to pull away part of the sail to get to them.

You can update your post if you see fit.

Airin  d20+2=22 d20+8=22
Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 11:59:07 AM

As this giant is probably sleeping from drinking an entire barrel of beer, Airin will take her chances and uncover a little bit of the sail to uncover his smelly feet. She will hold her breath though while wrapping a part of the rope around his feet to tie her knot (use rope checks allready made).

As there is no "lift sail carefully" check I'll add a couple of others :

concentration = 22 nat 20 !!
pick pocket = 22

ooc : all other checks were allready made in prior post. Thanks for the extra clarifications.

ooc2 : holiday starts tomorrow. I should be able to enter my turn every day, but postings will be done around 13.00 to 15.30 each day. Hope you are willing to delay DM posts in case I did not made it. Thanks a lot

Selithe  d20+3=9
Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 12:49:29 PM

Selithe moves in with the others and frowns when she sees the giant or ogre, or whatever it is. One thing was for sure to Selithe and thats it was big and probably strong.


Shale  d20+4=7
Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 7:04:37 PM

Shale, who has a very strong hatred of giants attempts to identify what the creature is. From his vantage point he keeps the bow locked onto the things neck in case it wakes up.(Knowledge 7, hill giants are favored enemy)

Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 10:50:39 PM

Kendry looks for something fairly big and hard to carry up the tower. Like a boulder, or a log. Since the tower is decaying, if there are loose stones or bricks, he will gather and take some up, and signal to Bobbles to do likewise. If Bobbles does not seem to comprehend, Kendry places a stone or two or brick or two in Bobbles' hands. When he has a decent load, he enters the tower, having Bobbles come, too, climbs to the top, testing for safe footing as he goes along, then, well above the giant's head up on the tower, he arranges rocks / bricks for easy access. He waves to those below.

To those who understand Duncan's sign language, he signals, Shall we attack? He is especially interested in Polly's take on the matter.

Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 10:51:24 PM

Patty crouches low, preparing to strike the giant down if he awakes from his slumber.

Wednesday December 22nd, 2004 11:37:48 PM

And his bow he leans next to the wall, but down low enough, that, should the edge crumble or the like, it will be less likely to fall down.

Looking down, he gauges the height, and wonders what it would be like to jump down upon the giant's stomach.

Sleepy Head (DM Stephen)  d100=14 d100=8 d100=64 d6=4 d6=1 d6=6
Thursday December 23rd, 2004 10:13:51 AM

The stealthy Airin sneaks forward and pulls away the sail in order to expose a pair of dirty smelly bare feet. Airin needs to pause for a short mement to adjust her nose. She is able to tie the big toes together masterfully. The giant only wiggles a little bit. As she backs away and hides, the giant adjusts his position. He pulls the sail away from his upper half and pulls the big chest closer to him. He lovingly hugs the chest much like a mother holds a child. Although his snoring halts for a short time, he looks to remain asleep.

You all can see now that the giant definitely looks to be a giant of the ogre persuasion. His head is somewhat oversized when compared with the rest of his body. His face looks like a combination of a goblin and a half-orc. His head is topped with a thick crop of black hair. His ears are pointed. His nose is short and snout like (much like a half-orcs) and two tusk-like teeth protrude upward, through his lips, from his lower jaw. His clothing is loose and tattered, not to mention smelly. He does appear to be a young ogre. Kind of uncharacteristic for one this young to be out on their own, but there isnt any evidence of any other ogres around the place. Closer observation reveals that this young ogre has experienced varied degrees of abuse. Bruises are present and his left eye looks to be somewhat swollen.

Kendry also sneaks up to the tower to get a better look. Bobbles reluctantly follows quietly behind. There are many loose bricks from the tower lying around. However they are big and heavy pieces of ilregular pieces of solid stone. Hardly any pieces small enough to fit in your hands. The upper levels of the tower are almost completely gone. Some of the thick support beams for the upper floors are still in place, but even they are showing heavy wear. The remains of a spiraling stone stairs once followed the inner wall, but mostly is collapsed along with other rubble on the tower ground floor. The ogre has put some of his possessions inside the tower to keep them hidden from view. There are two bags filled with things and a tattered backpack. One of the worthogs hangs dead, by its rear legs, from a support beam. Its been gutted and awaits to be the ogres dinner.

Patterton  d20=18
Thursday December 23rd, 2004 6:24:40 PM

Patty looks at Airin and gives her a "thumbs up" as Kendry disapears into the building. As the ogre shifts about, Patty looks for evidence of any kind of weaponry he may have on him. (spot=18)

Friday December 24th, 2004 1:03:38 AM

Kendry looks about for more rope. The worthog must certainly be tied by something or other, even if a short rope or such. If nothing is readily visible, he looks into the ogre's bags, hoping to find more rope. Of course, there was a fair amount of rigging - which includes lots of rope - missing from the boat, so perhaps some of that is about the premises, or lying around outside somewhere. He explains to Bobbles that they need more rope, to further tie down the ogre outside.

"If we go careful, we maybe not wake ogre. Look for rope, Bobbles, for to tie down ogre. There may be in ogre sacks or backpack. I be right back. Unless ogre squish me," he jokes as a goblin would.

He steps outside. He pantomimes more rope, tie down ogre. He also signals that he cannot climb up in the tower. In sign language, he says, Bags in building, and dead hog.

Stepping next to Patty, he whispers, "Patience gains quicker rewards. Don't stay so close that he can roll over you. You wanna help Airin tie him up more?"

He will gather rope, help tie things up.

He signals to Selithe, whose eyes look half-lidded, "Yes, sister, we sleep soon. But not yet."

Kendry returns to the tower to see how Bobbles is doing.

Friday December 24th, 2004 11:07:35 AM

Patty nods to Kendry, but doesn't move from his spot for fear that the sounds of his chainmail might wake the giant. A bead of sweat runs down his forehead and Patty tightens his grip on his sword. 'The tension is killing me!" He thinks impatiantly to himself,"We need to bag this bugger soon before he smells dinner...I don't know what you're planning cuz, but I hope it happens quickly!"" He glances at his blanket-weilding companions to see if they are in position.

Friday December 24th, 2004 6:02:03 PM

Selithe notices the signal from her brother and nods, biting off a sigh as he looks over the creature infront of her and waits to see what happens or should be done. She awaits some sign or signal so to know to pitch in or something.

Friday December 24th, 2004 6:15:05 PM

Knowing that he can't exactly be trusted to move around quietly, Olo whispers to Airin, Kendry or anyone else close enough, "There's about eighty more feet of rope on that donkey over there."

Keeping his crossbow trained on the ogre, Olo wonders exactly how much of this activity the brute can sleep through.

Kendry - answering Olo just before returning to the tower 
Friday December 24th, 2004 11:35:06 PM

"Great, Olo. Airin? Shale? Anyone? Could someone grab Olo's rope?" Kendry asks quietly. "Toss it - lightly - back and forth across him until it runs out. See if there's something to tie it down to."

In the tower, he looks about to see if there are good things - ah, the bricks and stones. He can carry as much as 150 pounds, so, using both arms, take up one in the 100 pound range, and carries it out to his friends.

Patterton  d20-1=6
Saturday December 25th, 2004 12:05:19 AM

Patty quietly sheaths his sword as Kendry (move silently 6 if applicable)approaches and takes the large stone from his hands. He hefts it onto one shoulder and waits for the others to lay the rope across the ogre.

Airin  d20+10=25 d20+6=25 d20+8=15 d20+2=7 d20+12=14
Saturday December 25th, 2004 2:00:10 PM

Quite releived that the first step succeeded well, and certain the Ogre is still fast a sleep, she will attempt Kendry's plan to tie the Ogre as good as possible.

He's hugging the chest ... a chest Airin is interested in a lot ...

"There's 10 ft of silk rope right here" Airin whispers as she gets the rope out of her backpack in her hiding place. But maybe we should not try to tie him down compltely ?
How about we all take place well hidden, then we shout at him to wake him up. He will jump up, fall as his toes are tied together, and then we can either take him out or talk reason into him ?

She will close in on the Ogre (move silently 25) and start to tie him up as good as possible if the others really want her to.

use rope = 25 +2 for using silk rope
pick pocket = 15
concentration = 7

If the Ogre gives sign of waking up, Airin will run away outside the Ogres reach and hide herself
hide = 14

Patterton  d20-1=4
Sunday December 26th, 2004 1:03:14 PM

Patty waits for Airin to finish laying the rope about and then (move silently=4 if applicable) eases the large stone onto the rope as an anchor. He gives Kendry a lopsided grin and withdraws his longsword once again.

You lookin' at Me?! (DM Stephen)  d100=5 d100=98 d6=1 d6=1 d6=4 d20+4=14 d20+4=11 d20+4=12 d20+4=9 d20+4=17 d20+4=13 d20+8=18 d20+5=16 d4+5=9 d6=3 d20+10=18
Tuesday December 28th, 2004 2:12:48 AM

The hobbits, oh so carefully, tip toe around the huge lug. The ogre continues to snore, pausing only slightly at times, as nervious halflings look on.

Kendry and Bobbles look around in the partially collapsed guard tower. And Kendry is right, the worthog is tied up with the thicker pieces of the boats rigging. The ogre seems to have made good use of all the prizes he got from the goblins. His bags and backpack is filled with personal items. There are crude cups and plates. A cooking pot with spoons and a ladle. There are a change of clothes. They dont smell any cleaner! The bard spots a large tome. A quick glance reveals that its filled with crudely handwritten songs and poems inside. In two languages: some in Common, others in a Giant (if you know the Giant language). The last written page contains a large quill. Obviously used as both a pen and a bookmark. There are also small wooden figurines of woodland animals. A bear, a deer and a bird can clearly be made out. Several others are stuffed down at the bottom. One of the bags contain a large ball of string, a fishing net, a piece of wood with fish hooks stuck in it, a skinning knife, a whetstone, rags and several other survival tools. The last bag contains fruits and wild vegetables that he has gathered from around the hills. Bobbles finds it hard to restrain himself when he finds some extra rope. He almost begins to hop up and down but stops when he catches a glance at the ogre again.

Patty doesnt notice any weapons of any kind lying about. Except for the ones left by the fallen goblins. He does notice a pair of sticks next to the chest. Each one is about 20 inches long, thin and have a small ball of leather tied at the tip of one side. They couldnt be weapons. Your sword could easily snap them in two.

Olo lets everyone know of all the rope he has back on his donkey. Airin, combined with her silk rope, makes excellent use both and ties the ogre's feet very securely.

Both Kendry and Patty are able to move some sizeable pieces of stone that had fallen from the guard tower. With Selithe's help they are able to throw more ropes over the giant and tie them down, using the stones as anchors.

Airin finishes tieing off one of the last ropes. She stands up to look over her handy work and is shocked to the core to see the ogre's wide open eyes staring back at her. They look groggy and bloodshot and seem to have a hard time focusing. He also remains calm and docile. They regard each other for a short moment. It isnt certain that the giant realizes what he's looking at. Suddenly Biguns yells, "The beast is awake ... SLAY HIM!" The half-orc takes his sword and charges in to attack. The ogre begins to scream in terror! He desperately begins to struggle and fight against the ropes. He manages only to get more tangled up. His eyes widen as Biguns approaches. With his superior reach, the ogre is able to lift his large legs up and kick back the charging half-orc with the flat sole of his huge feet(Attack of Opportunity, -4 for being prone). Biguns goes flying backwards and lands like a rag doll on the ground. The half-orc gasps for air as he clutches his chest (3 points of damage from the fall, 9 points of nonlethal damage from the kick).

Slag takes his axe and charges forward as well. The ogre seems to give up on breaking out of the ropes. Instead he closes his eyes and frantically starts chanting strange words over and over with a great deal of concentration. The ogre's physical form poofs into a cloud of mist. The ropes fall limp to the ground as the gaseous giant rises 5-ft into the air and hovers in place.

Patterton  d20+6=24 d20+6=22
Tuesday December 28th, 2004 3:49:11 AM

Patty snarls at Biguns(intimidate 24), "YOU STUPID PIG-BOY! STAY DOWN AND DON'T MAKE A MOVE!" He then whirls on Slag, "STEP BACK! BACK, I SAID!(intimidate 22)" He then turns back to the hovering giant and says (in a much calmer manner), "OK...ok...everything's just fine. He's just an idiot. We don't really want to fight you...we just want to talk. Can we talk?"

Patty makes sure to keep his blade behind his sheild so as to appear less threatening to the ogre. For a breif moment a nausiating wave of fear washes over him as he looks at the monsterous beast hovering overhead, but he quickly swallows the feeling and set his jaw firmly.
Patty- HP:12
Masterwork longsword +6 to hit 1d8+4 damage. crit: 19-20(X2)

Kendry (HP 6, AC 15) 
Tuesday December 28th, 2004 11:10:15 AM

Kendry steps out of the tower as he hears Biguns' cry, and arrives just in time to see the ogre's body dissolve into mist, and Slag's axe cleave air.

He adds his voice to Patterton's, saying, "Stop! We don't want to hurt him!" Then, noticing his misty form hovering in the air above, he laughs.

In giant, Kendry says, "Well, clearly you are no ordinary ogre. Forgive, if you can, the attack of the two bigger ones. We tied you up so we would not need to hurt you, and so you would not hurt us."

He switches to the common tongue. "But you know common, too." Quoting from the penultimate page he scanned, the bard recites part of what he found in the ogre's book:
'Outcast the young one lived alone
In woods & wild he made his home
Sucked out marrow, gnawed on bone

Ill-favored family brought him shame
Ill-timèd magic, ill-won fame
Left BigTooth's son both halt and lame.'
"So, large poet, we only seek to reclaim that which was stolen from us. And we wanted to keep from getting squashed, as happened to the goblin thieves.

"You just enjoyed one of the finest drinks in the Wold, also stolen from us by them. You wear the sail to our boat. And, up to a moment ago, were caressing a box of our shipmates' treasure.

"I am Kendry. What is your name, oh misty giant?"

Should Bobbles show his face, Kendry will try to forestall any action on the part of the ogre mage by saying - "This one is not our enemy, but has been trying to help us get back what the other goblins stole. Harm him not."

Airin  d20+1=7
Tuesday December 28th, 2004 2:58:02 PM

For a moment Airin looked into the Ogre's eyes and got fascinated by his eyes. She did not even notice Bigguns and Slag charging. But the minute the ... thing turned into myst she got to her senses. As the creature rises into the air she falls to her knees and begs this giant cloud forgiveness for trying to bind it.

"Please forgive my ignorance mighty one ! These are hostile lands, and we did not want to to to end up like those goblins pancakes out there ... you masterfull escape artist !! Me humble halfling, usually make good knots ... you very mighty. Please forgive me. Maybe you were awake all the time ? Enjoying the puny effort of tying you up ? "

Hoping the giant will be good tempered
sense motive : 7
, she crawls back to her friends.

"Dear mother Earth, please don't let me end up like a flat pancake ..." she thinks to herlself ...

Tuesday December 28th, 2004 8:25:54 PM

Selithe looks to the ogre and blinks when it vanishes from the rope bindings and is floating in the air. She sighs as she has her crossbow leveled at the ogre, "Now I really don't want to have to try and shoot you mister ogre and would love to end this peacefully. Shall we try to talk this out or you going to leave us no choice but to end this ugly like?"

Selithe says everything she did with a gentle grin and hopes that the ogre doesn't want to fight.

Tuesday December 28th, 2004 8:55:30 PM

Seeing the giant turn to mist, Olo simply stares and raises his eyebrows. In the ensuing babble of conversation, Olo declines to add to the confusion and simply remains quiet.

Looking down to his now quite useless crossbow, he shrugs his shoulders and lowers the weapon so it's pointing to the ground.

Let's just see what happens next.

A Big Problem (DM Stephen)  d100=97 d100=16 d6=3 d6=4 d20+3=9
Wednesday December 29th, 2004 2:58:26 AM

The mist hovers over next to the far side of the tower (using the tower itself as partial cover) and materializes. With his body up against the wall, he cautiously peers around the corner to look at the party of hobbits. He stands almost 10-ft tall. He is dressed in just loose-fitting clothing. After casting his spell, his skin has taken on a slightly blue tint. He then begins to talk to the group in common. "Why you do this to me. I done nothing to you. You try to steal my treasure too?! Like them pesky goblins. Fleas they are ... pests ... so I treat them like the vermin they are and stomp them like bugs. For I be a MIGHTY OGRE ... ma mage." He tries to keep the strong forceful facade of a proud ogremage, but then he realizes he cowering behind the tower while in the company of little people. His head hangs depressingly low and he mutters, "What you hobbits want? Why do you bother with me? Why cant I sleep in peace?"

Kendry then recites one of his poems and introduces himself. He hears the brief explanation as to why they're here. "You read my poem!? Those be my private words!" The young ogre steps forward to Kendry and reaches into the tower to grab his book. He backs away thumbing through its pages. "You not going to make jokes about it too ... are you?"

He appears to be ignoring you for a short moment as he checks the condition of his book. He then spots his treasure chest all by itself over next to the group, unprotected! He steps forward again, grabs his treasure chest and drags it back to where he was standing. "You say the goblin pests stole from you!? What they take?"

Airin isnt quite certain how read the giant. She does notice that he is mostly concerned with protecting his belongings. He doesnt appear to be too trusting. Probably for good reasons.

Patty berates both Biguns and Slag. The half-orc still lays on the ground, where he landed, stunned and coughing from having the air knocked out of him. Slag's eyes go wide and he slowly backs away. He still holds his handaxe to his side. He whispers to the halfling warrior, "Sorry laddy, you cant trust these [dwarven curse word] giants. These giants are a nasty sort. I trust them 'bout as far as I can throw one!"

Olo and Polly remain quiet as they watch the scene unfold. Selithe says her thing with warm inviting smile. The ogre doesnt know how to take the remark about being shot with a tiny crossbow. He kinda stares at you with a little disbelief. "Yeah, the goblins got really ugly!" You make the observation again that there are goblin weapons lying all around from a recent battle. The ogre hasnt bothered with collecting them. In fact, there is a dagger at your feet. Other than a few old bruises, there isnt a single fresh wound on his body.

The ogre doesn't divulge his name at this time. He seems to be waiting for a continued explanation for the disturbance. He doesnt appear to be angry or wishes you dead, but he still seems annoyed and untrusting. He rubs his forehead with his left hand. Apparently from a hangover. In doing so, you all see two little white nubs protruding from his head when his black hair is pulled away. Are they horns?

(Anyone who can make a Knowledge Nature check [or any knowledge check you think might help you about understanding giants] of DC 14. If you make it check the spoiler. Highlight to display spoiler: {You can tell that he is a half-breed. Part ogremage and ordinary ogre. Which could be a good reason why he is an outcast.})

Kendry  d20+6=9 d20+4=17 d20+3=6 d20+4=24
Wednesday December 29th, 2004 4:28:10 AM

[Knowledge, nature: 9. Bardic knowledge: 17]

"They took a whole shipload of things from us," Kendry answers the ogre. "They killed two of our crewmembers, and nearly did in a few others. Most of them are dead now - some by fighting each other for leadership, and some by our hands. I dislike killing. But if someone else starts a fight, then I would prefer to finish it." He looks at the ground for a moment, then looks back up at the fellow with the book. "Like I said earlier, we tied you up so that, if all went well, none of us - you included - needed get hurt. Well, our friend here got a bit antsy," he indicates the gasping Biguns, "and - say, Olo, can you make sure he's gonna be all right? Anyway, he went bellowing at you, and, in your position, if I were you, which I'm not, I probably would have done the same thing you did."

[Search, 6, to see if Kendry happened to glance the ogre's name in his book. Apparently not.]

"Sir, no, I would not make fun of your book. That you write shows intelligence and creativity. I liked the little snippets I read.

"And, yes, you might consider my reading of your book an invasion of your privacy. But I was hoping to find out a bit about who you are. I have written down some of my own poems, and have an extra copy of some of them. Just a second, they are in my backpack." He shrugs off the right strap, and swings his knapsack around. As he opens the top, he says, "Don't worry, this is not a trick." He digs out a folder filled with sheaves of paper. "I would be happy to give you a couple of my favorites," he says as he quickly scans what he has, "as a gift, from one poet to another."

He holds out three sheets of paper, written in brown ink. The three poems are Lazing at the swimming hole, which treats of memories of times with his buddies at the boys' pond, and the time the girls stole their clothing; Aunt Nilli and the Displacer Beast, a story of how she tracked and tamed the evil cat; and A Song of Bread and Ale, concerning the fun and fellowship of hobbits eating, singing, gossiping and drinking together after a hard day's work.

"Read 'em now, or later, as you wish," he tells the large person.

"What we need to do though, is keep a promise. We need to get this stuff back to the captain, rigging, sails, treasure and such, and to get our beer & cider back home. Oh, by the way - did you drink the cider or the beer? Was it any good? Looks like it packs a kick, anyway," he notes.

He asks Slag and Biguns to help answer the ogre mage's question about what else might be missing from the ship. He will recite whatever he is aware of from having traveled on the boat for a bit. He picks up the two leather-tipped sticks, and tosses them in his knapsack for the moment.

"Say, mister - I still don't know your name, but it's up to you to give it or don't - but some of your stuff looks good enough to publish, with just a bit of polishing here 'n there. You wanna be famous? And no, I'm not joking with you. Some is kind of rough, but so is some of my writing, first time through. You wanna travel with us a while? I promise I'll make sure - by the way, Selithe, you can lower the crossbow now - I'll make sure nobody here tries to hurt you, long as you don't try the same with one of us."

One more thought occurs to him. "Say, we've got some goodberries here. Might help with a hangover." Kendry takes out a goodberry from his little pouch. "I know it's small, but you can eat it, if you want. If you don't want to, well, it's up to you." He holds it forth in his open palm.

[Diplomacy: 24]

Patterton  d20=20
Wednesday December 29th, 2004 9:13:34 AM

Patty nods to Slag and turns back to the ogre, tucking his sword into it's scabbord and shaking his shield off his arm. He smiles and says, "You'll have to forgive my cousin Kendry. He's naturaly inquisitive and I'm sure he didn't mean anything by looking at your poems. I'm Patterton Cloverturn Burrows; a member of the local militia and lumberjack by trade. Pleased to meet you...err...I'm sorry. I don't know your name(OOC-natural 20 on nature knowledge)."

Patty walks foreward and extends his hand to the giant confidently. If this appears to anger the beast, he will respectfully retreat.

Wednesday December 29th, 2004 3:17:07 PM

Please the Ogre has opened a discussion with them, Airin will not draw her weapons at all. No need to anger an Ogre Mage right :-)

However, she felt the Ogre has a strong hate towards Goblins, so she checks where Bobbles might be hanging out. She hopes he will not show himself. Seeing a Goblin in our group might arouse his anger after all.

She does not want to interfere Kendry's conversation with the Ogre so she waits and sees what happens next.

Selithe [by Kim for Justin]  d20+2=22
Wednesday December 29th, 2004 7:01:14 PM

When the ogre mage tells her that the goblins got really ugly, Selithe laughs. Kendry asks her to lower the crossbow, and she does.

"Say, you don't happen to play cards, do you? I've got some if you'd care for a game," she offers to the half ogre / ogre mage. For some reason, she discerns his dual heritage [Knowledge, nature, natural 20, for 22 - I think].

As Kendry and the ogre carry on though, she hears Biguns' labored breathing, so steps over to him. "Have a goodberry, Biguns." She kneels down, and reaches under his head to hold it up a bit so as to allow him more easily to swallow the berry. She whispers to him, "And don't pay too much mind to Patty. He just got excited, I think. 'Course, you got pretty excited, too, big guy." She wonders whether Biguns even heard what Patterton said to him.

Olo  d20+6=11
Wednesday December 29th, 2004 11:51:14 PM

"Oh yeah, Biguns."

Olo thinks for a second, then, hoping to show they don't intend to attack, deliberately turns his back on the ogre, starts to whistle a tune and goes to inspect the wounds of the half-orc. He offers whatever mundane aid (heal 11)he can to Biguns, and will try to determine if magical healing is called for.

ooc: can i get an idea of how wounded (severly, lightly, etc.) Biguns actually is?

(DM Stephen - I posted Biguns' damage. He took 9 points of nonlethal damage and only 3 damage from the fall.)

Olo - Quick OOC 
Thursday December 30th, 2004 2:13:23 AM

ooc: I was trying to get an idea of Biguns wounds (including nonlethal) in reference to his total hitpoints. I might need to have him up and ready pretty quickly if talks go south, but don't want to waste a spell or two on him if he still seems fairly able-bodied.

Cry me a river back to Hovel! (DM Stephen)  d20+7=23 d20+10=26 d20+10=18 d100=25 d100=47 d6=3 d6=1
Thursday December 30th, 2004 3:26:52 AM

Bobbles can be seen hiding behind a pile of rubble. He looks be extremely frightened. His eyes are wide and tearing up as he frantically and silently mouths unintelligible words to Kendry in a begging fashion. He is breathing way too heavy! He's going to pass out if he doesnt stop that!

The ogre seems not to be paying much attention to the explanation he's been given. He seems more concerned with his book and his face remains buried in it. He only shows slight hints that he is listening. A few darting glances and a nod or two. When Kendry mentions that he likes his poetry and compliments him on his intelligence and creativity does he warm up and pay more attention. "You like it," he says with surprise! "You're the first to ever say to like my words! Do you really," questions the hulking wordsmith. A huge toothy grin forms across his face. He abruptly slides up next to Kendry and plops down on the ground next to the him. The opens to the page where the young bard had recited his poem from. "You really like this one. Me too. It's one of my favorite ones, even though it be sad. Most ogrekind think stuff like this to be stupid and useless. They say it good for nothing but kindling for the fire."

Patty holds out his hand in friendship. The ogre has to adjust his hand into several positions in order to shake the Patty's hand without grabbing his entire arm. "My name is Lomar. Glad to, uh, meet you." The exchange is somewhat awkward. Not so much from the size difference but from the fact that Lomar has had so little experence with social pleasantries.

When presented with Kendry's own works, he accepts them with a bit of awe. He's never had the opportunity to read anyone elses work before. Kendry continues on speaking about things that were taken from the boat and obligations about getting the beer back to town, but again, the young giant seems entranced with the new literature. After several minutes of reading and rereading Kendry's poems, the ogre interupts by asking, "Is hobbit life really like this, or you make it all up. It sound too wonderful to be true. Nothing like what life is for me." A single tear flows down his left cheek. "I would like to see hobbit towns but you all hate me too!" A sniffle and another tear. "No one like Lomar at all. Im all alon ... oh, this poem be so blissful..umm oh, could be made in song!" Another sniffle, eyes turning red and puffy. Even more tears. "Lomar sooo lonely ... all alone, no friends!" It's apparent that the ale he drank has made him still quite emotional. Lomar the depressed ogre drops the poems and his book onto his lap and gently reaches for Kendry.

(Grapple check: Hit Touch AC: 23. This is good enough to grab Kendry. You must roll an opposed grapple check of DC 26 to avoid being grappled. If you fail this grapple check, Lomar pulls you in and presses you up against his chest in a form of a hug. He is obviously in desperate need of comfort and consoling. If you wish, you may try and break free with another opposed grapple check or an Escape Artist check of DC 18.)

As if the flood gates are opened, Lomar bursts into a waterfall of tears. (tears that are raining all over Kendry, if he is being held.) The giant that everyone crept up on in fear now see him as a lost and vunerable child scared of living his life alone as an outcast trapped between two races that despise him.

Olo is able to tend to Biguns wounds. They are minor. Mostly bumps and scratches and the wind knocked out of him.

In shock, Selithe drops her playing cards in midsentence after witnessing the emotional transformation.

Thursday December 30th, 2004 4:00:30 AM

Out of the corner of his eye, Kendry notices Bobbles trying to tell him something. But the way things are going with the ogre, he is afraid to break the spell. "Shale, can you see what Bobbles needs?" he hand signals to his cousin as the giant is absorbed in reading.

The halfling does not resist the young ogre mage's hug, but allows himself to be engulfed by the giant. If there is any room for him to do so, he tries to give Lomar a few comforting pats.

"Lomar. Lomar. We all need frfds," he says, his voice muffled against the chest of the pitiable fellow. "There, there." Kendry can't help but coughing a little, as the smells up close are a bit overwhelming. "May... maybe we could be friends."

Thursday December 30th, 2004 11:58:18 AM

Selithe bends down to pickup her cards and thinks over everything before looking to the half ogre and speaking up, "This is bad, we can't leave him out here alone. I refuse too brother, cousins and friends."

Selithe sighs and sits down thinking of things in her mind, "The election in our home. If we can talk to the person elected couldn't we possibly find him a place there to stay? I mean he could be of great help, big, strong, magically talented. I mean heck he even has abilities our family would like at the shop." Selithe sighs and shrugs now as she isn't sure how to help the ogre but wants too none the less.

Thursday December 30th, 2004 12:28:43 PM

Patty eyes the giant appraisingly and scratches his chin. "We might be able to work out a way for you to visit our town...if you're with us, no one will hurt you. We won't let 'em. Besides, we could use some help getting this brew back home."

Airin  d20+7=14
Thursday December 30th, 2004 2:30:34 PM

"What am I supposed to do know ??? We've got barrels of beer, but no wagon, we've got a crybaby of an ogre, maybe Kendry won't drown in that big fellows tears ... " Airin thinks to herself.

Quietly Airin stands to collect her silk rope. In case the Ogre is looking at her she will tell him she simply collecting her own rope. She will not touch his stuff.
She will however take a good look upon Lomars treasure chest.

appraise 14

"Maybe lomar can help us to get the ships stuff back to the captain, and help us getting the beer back ? " she says to no one in perticular.

Friday December 31st, 2004 12:08:00 AM

Finishing up with Biguns, Olo turns in time to see Kendry swallowed up in a bear hug by the ogre. Having missed most of the words exchanged between the two, he's hesitant to speak on the off chance he would say something inappropriate.

He'll keep his position kneeling next to Biguns, and will make sure his crossbow is still easily within reach though he doesn't pick it back up.

Kendry attempts to foster intercultural exchange 
Friday December 31st, 2004 12:42:42 PM

After a few more pats and murmurs of consolation, the now dampened Kendry says, "Now, now, let's buck up, Lomar. Hey, let me introduce my friends and family and acquaintances to you. Sound good?" He thinks that for frantic Bobbles' health and welfare, he needs to let Lomar know about their goblin friend before he jumps to conclusions. He wishes he could have found out what Bobbles was trying to tell him a moment ago...

"You see most of us are halflings. But let me first tell you about the one with us I don't think you've seen yet. Now, most goblins are pesky and, frankly, I don't mind at all what you did to these we see lying about. I'm sure that, among your people, there are some who are kinder, or better, than others. I hope. Well, I don't mind saying we have a new friend, who refused to join in with his tribe in their attack on us. So, he is, himself, somewhat of an outcast. Especially if Dup gets away alive, Kendry thinks to himself.

"And he has been helping us get back what was taken from us. He does not speak much common, other than a word or two here and there. But I can interpret for him and you. Promise me you won't hurt him, and I'll call him forth." He whispers in the giant tongue, "And I would not be surprised if he has soiled his clothing, for fear of you, Lomar. So be gentle.

If Lomar agrees not to hurt him, Kendry calls Bobbles forth. In goblin, he tells him, "Lomar, the ogre mage, say he not hurt Bobbles. Bobbles, Lomar be all alone, need friends. I know it be strange, but, maybe, we be friends with him. Say greetings to Lomar."

"Lomar, this is Bobbles. He is a kind and hard-working goblin."

Kendry interprets between the two, as seems appropriate.

On the other hand, if Lomar does not make such an agreement, Kendry will call on his friends & relatives to introduce themselves to him. Of course, Patterton has already done so.

Kendry, addendum 
Friday December 31st, 2004 12:46:31 PM

And, if Lomar & Bobbles do meet now, then will Kendry, after those pleasantries (mayhaps) are concluded, he will then still call on the others to introduce themselves.

Friday December 31st, 2004 4:17:12 PM

Patty relaxes a little now that the giant seems to be in a descent mood and he walks over to Biguns and helps him to his feet(if he will allow himn to).

"Sorry about the the pig-boy comment. We were trying to talk to him...not kill him."

Kim to fellow Crescent Valley players - thinking of Duncan 
Monday January 3rd, 2005 9:58:50 PM

OOC: I came across a cartoon that made me think of Duncan (he was with us at the beginning of our campaign, for the newcomers, but stayed behind at Trader's Corner yesterday game time, or October 26th, real time):


Shale  d20+9=23
Tuesday January 4th, 2005 9:51:44 PM

Whispering loudly from the bushes Shale attempts to remind someone to ask the important question, "What about the beer???!!"

Shale doesn't keep his bow drawn but is hesitant to come out. (23 Hide)

My Precious! (DM Stephen)  d100=2 d100=86 d6=3 d6=3
Wednesday January 5th, 2005 12:08:25 AM

Lomar calms down and begins to wipe his nose and the tears from his eyes. He seems far more relaxed. Like much of the weight has been lifted from his massive shoulders. He sets Kendry back down and apologizes. He answers back in Giant, "Do not worry, I will not harm this Bobbles. I knew he was there. I could smell him. And yes, he did do what you suspected him to do. More than once!" He tries to politely conceal that he is holding his nose from the unfortunate odor.

One of the bushes inquires about the beer. The 'bush' quickly sees all the barrels of cider and beer are accounted for. Except for the one cider barrel back at the shore-side camp and an empty barrel of beer that Lomar had drank just a few hours before.

Bobbles doesn't make a comment because he has long since passed out. At least his breathing has returned to normal and he seems more peaceful as well. Although he looks and smells like he needs to be changed.

Lomar greets everyone individually with a wave and a smile. He looks more than willing, and able, to help you all set everything right. Lomar apologetically says, "Sorry, I drank one of your casks of beer. It was the best ale I had ever drank. I couldn't stop. Thank goodness I passed out before starting on another." He presents the empty barrel. He holds it easily in his large left hand, as if any of you were holding a normal pint at the local tavern. The assets his size brings to the table becomes all too clear. Lomar continues, "I would love to help you back to the hobbit towns. I can do many things, be a big help to lots of hobbits. Although, I don't cast my magic too well." He bows his head. "Not all the talents of my father are born into me." Suddenly an idea pops into the giants head. "My treasure!" He grabs his huge treasure chest and drags it closer to the group. "Before I left the other ogres, they took my treasure and locked it inside this heavy chest. They think it funny and laugh at me because I can't get it out. Lomar forced to drag it everywhere I go. Can you hobbits help me?"

DM Stephen 
Wednesday January 5th, 2005 12:13:48 AM

Just a quick note: If Im unable to post every 24 hours, you can post again and continue to roleplay. Only in non-combat situations, of course. This allow you to continue to plot and plan your actions or resolve things between yourselves and so on.

Wednesday January 5th, 2005 4:06:41 AM

"Uh-huh," is Kendry's reply to Lomar's observation regarding Bobbles. He looks at the unfortunate, but presently peaceful goblin. He resolves to help his green friend out ... in a moment.

"Well, two barrels then of the beer, and the cider left. Glad you showed some restraint, there!" Kendry kids Lomar lightly. "I'm truly glad you enjoyed it, though. We'll all have to wait until we're back home at the party to try it again ourselves."

Kendry looks at Lomar's treasure chest. "Papa could have this open in under a minute, no doubt, right, Selithe?" he grins toward his sister.

He turns toward one of the newcomers to the Beer Barrel Expedition. "Airin - don't suppose you might have any clue as to how to help Lomar get to his treasure? And if you do - take your time. No tellin' if someone, as a joke, maybe, put a trap in the unlocking of the chest, too."

He considers his sister's offer, and that of Patterton, to bring Lomar back to town. He wonders whether it is even a possibility, considering the magic ward that the towers provide against the giants. But time enough to discuss that later, perhaps. There are other things to attend to now.

"Lomar - most of us slept little or not at all last night. We've been in two battles. Is there some water around here? How about this... Let's get things organized and cleaned up a bit, and you pull together whatever you need to that you want to bring along. But let's take a good nap, so we don't find ourselves stumbling in our sleep halfway done the road. I know that Olo would like a proper meal," he grins as he looks at the cleric of Wardd, "and I don't oppose him on that.

"I wouldn't mind..." he tries to continue, but interrupts himself with a huge yawn.

"Say, Shale, what time do you suppose it is?" he asks his cousin the ranger.

He asks Slag and Biguns, once the latter has his breath back, what their thoughts are. He takes a minute or two to try to foster good will between the dwarf and half orc and the ogre mage halfbreed. "Suppose you can identify and work with us to round up any necessary ship's gear and rigging?"

Kendry invites Shale, Polly, Olo, Selithe, Airin and Patty to put forth their ideas, druthers, etc. Like they need an invitation. Ha!

Is the wagon salvageable? If even one axle is good, and a pair of wheels, that could still be helpful in moving their items back. There is likely too much even for Lomar to handle by himself ... though Kendry tries to gauge this, too.

"Well, let's talk about what to do, and when to do it. I've gotta see to my friend Bobbles." Kendry takes a look at the dead goblins, thinking that their bodies should be gathered and dealt with. Maybe one of them has a set of somewhat cleaner clothes than Bobbles currently wears. The halfling sets about preparing to make the goblin into better company. Don't worry - he's not going to strip him while he's sleeping. He tries gently to awaken him, and quietly tell him all is well. He will take him a discreet distance away with some fresher clothes, and give him a chance to change. If there is any water about, he'll see about getting a supply to Bobbles.

At some point, he asks Lomar if he can spend a bit of time reading some more of his book. He will also lend some additional pages of his own writings to the giant to read.

Airin  d20+2=12 d20+8=24 d20+7=25
Wednesday January 5th, 2005 4:23:15 AM

"Allow me to introduce myself Master Ogre ... can I say Lomar ? I am Airin Moondancer Turnbell, at your service. You said something about a chest you can't get open. Would you mind if I have a go with it ? Of course I will only try to open the lock ! I have a way with locks" she smiles, " they tend to be ... how should I say this ... intoxicating for me and I get a rush from trying to open one. I'd be delighted to help you get your treasure back."

In case Lomar agrees Airin comes closer to him and his chest, and stands in front of the chest. It's a large wood and steel-banded chest closed with a heavy padlock ...
" what can you tell me about this chest ?" she asks Lomar, " are your friends good at making traps ? Magic ? "

Airin carefully examines the lock and concentrates on nothing else but the lock ...

concentrate = 12
open locks = 24
search = 25

In case Airin notices some sort of trap she will try to figure out a way to open it without activating the trap. As she can not disable a possible trap she will try to find a way not to get hurt. (a hole next to the lock might give her a hint that some sort of projectile might be shot, in this case she makes sure not to stand in front of the hole. If a tiny wire is attached to the lock, she will attempt to hold it before opening the lock so the wire hardly moves ...)

If the lock opens, Airin will back away from the chest allowing Lomar to open it himself.
"please be carefull master Lomar. The chest might be booby trapped."

Wednesday January 5th, 2005 12:37:02 PM

Patty gathers up his shield and walks over to Airin, holding back a yawn. "Fine bit of work, that." He says(proivided she opens the lock)"You've quite nimble fingers if I may say so." He then pops another cookie into his mouth and chews happily before offering one to Airin and anyone else interested.

Wednesday January 5th, 2005 2:07:42 PM

Quite satisfied that Lomar poses no threat, Olo sets down his crossbow and waits his turn for an introduction.

"Hi Lomar! I'm Olo! I'm glad that the first giant I meet is a nice one like yourself. Watch Airin with this chest, she's a wiz at this kind of work I tell you. Give me a minute to gather up our ponies and then I can take a look at that left eye of yours, deal?"

With that Olo walks over to pick up his crossbow where he dropped it, and goes to gather up the ponies and the donkey and bring them closer to the camp.

Wednesday January 5th, 2005 3:56:22 PM

Selithe looks to Lomar and bows to him and smiles, "I'm sure I can help you with learning your spells more. See my teachers are back at our home town and would surely be willing to teach you."

Selithe looks to the chest and frowns as she shakes her head, "I don't have the knock spell or the talent. I'm sure that someone back in town can open it." Selithe grins as Kendry comments on their father, "Deffinetly he could."

Shale  d20+6=13
Wednesday January 5th, 2005 10:05:38 PM

Coming out of the bushes to greet Lomar, Shale takes a good look at the sky. (Survival 13)

Taking a quick appraisal of the situation he gives Kendry his best estimate.

Thursday January 6th, 2005 2:36:08 AM

Rummaging around in his knapsack, the halfling finds the leather-wrapped object. He pulls open the flaps, and withdraws a creamy-colored light brick of sorts. "Ah, here it is. Do you know what soap is, Bobbles?"

Little Drummer Boy (DM Stephen)  d20+10=24 d100=19 d100=29 d6=1 d6=1
Thursday January 6th, 2005 8:11:11 AM

Bobbles finally wakes up. He seems a little embarrassed with his current situation and accepts whatever help he can get. He sniffs at the soap and gives it a lick. His face makes a sour expression. "You eat this stuff?!"

Shale is able to gage that it is still early morning. With the threat of the giant gone, he is reminded that he is tired from no sleep and quite hungry.

Lomar looks on as Airin works carefully with the lock. After a minute or so and padlock clicks and the bolt becomes detached. Airin also determines, after careful observation, that the chest also doesnt appear to have any traps. However, the lock coming loose is all Lomar needs to see. He grabs his chest and quickly throws open the chest's lid to get at his treasure. A large drum emerges from the chest. "My treasure, oh my treasure!" cries Lomar. He quickly hangs the drums around his neck by its strap and grabs the two long sticks with the leather ball on one end. Apparently the two sticks are drumsticks. Amazingly, Lomar begins to play his drum. He plays it very very well. The rhythm of the beat is almost hypnotic and "catchy". Then Lomar begins to sing with his low deep voice. His song is sung in giant, but its beauty isnt lost to anyone who doesnt understand the words. The song sounds almost like a dirge but it speaks of the happiness he lost when separated from his beloved drum. (im not about to write a song! :) His performance is as good or even better than any other bard you have ever seen (Perform 24).

After Lomar finishes his song, a few extra tears rolls off his eyes. He gives Airin a hug much like he gave Kendry in thanks. Olo cant help but notice that Lomar's bruises and swollen eye look a little less prominate. Almost as if having his drum back was more than enough to heal his old wounds, both physical and emotional.

The wagon's axle is broken. It was poorly constructed and overloaded. Kendry is able to find an extra pair of goblin clothes from various bundles left behind. However, they are less than desirable, but wearable.

Lomar looks at the pig hanging upside down in the tower. He asks the group, "Are you hobbits hungry? Your stomachs are making enough noise."

Thursday January 6th, 2005 8:46:51 AM

To Lomar :
" MMM ... GGGDGDD OOOLDDD ... HHHLLLPPPPP " is all Airin could say while Lomar hugged her. Once he releases her she repeats " I'm glad I could help ! May I add you play your drum lovely. How about some little background music while all of us have something to eat and perhaps catch a little sleep ?"

To the group :
"Do you guys know when you were supposed to deliver the beer to town ? Won't we be too late if we sleep now ? How do we get to town from here, and how will we retrieve the barrel we left behind ?"

Then Airin makes herself confortable, eats the cookie Patty gave her and takes a look around to see if there's anything else to eat besides trail rations.
She arranges her thieves picks back in place, checks her gear, gently pats Blossom (retrieved by Olo) on the back and if everyone descides to take a nap right here, she will remove her armor to sleep comfortably. The safety of the tower, and Lomar will most likely offer enough protection for a good rest.

Patterton  d20+6=18
Thursday January 6th, 2005 9:26:12 AM

Patty walks over and observes the damage to the cart and lets out a low whistle. "This thing's not going anywhere without some serious repairs. Unless..." He glances at the axle and frowns as he gives it a tug to test how badly it is broken. "Hmmmmm...the other two wheels seem to work reasonably well. Maybe we could rig it up like a giant wheelbarrel for you, Lomar."

Patterton rolls his shoulders to work the cramps out and strokes his red goatee. "Tell you what; why doesn't anyone who's to tired to continue on take a bit of a nap in the wagon after we load it up? I can stay up for a bit and watch over everyone with Lomar (endurance 18) untill someone is rested up enough to relieve me. In the meantime we should find some beams in that old tower to lash to this wagon for leverage."

Patty walks into the tower to survey the beams. On the way over, he tosses Shale the remainder of his cookies, "Pass 'em around, Shale. I've had my fill."

Thursday January 6th, 2005 11:10:17 PM

Selithe looks to everyone and then Lomar when he begins playing his drum. Selithe grins and claps for Lomar when he finishes, "Very good Lomar. I know you could make it in our city now with talents like that."

Selithe walks over and looks over the wagon as she thinks and calls over to Kendry, "Hey bro come here for a moment." When Kendry comes over she motions to a wagon as ideas pop into her head, "The wagon probably won't hold alot of weight considering it's condition but we now have a ogre to help us so how about this. We fix the wagon up to help hall some of the stuff back and have Lomar help with some of the heavier stuff. He has that chest, surely we could fit some of the stuff in the chest and he can carry it right? This way some people can sleep in the wagon like commented on and it won't be as crowded."

Selithe calls to Lomar, "Lomar, you think you could carry stuff in that chest of yours for us?" Selithe grins and gives a side glance at Kendry, "I bet if you do that Kendry here will tell you all about are great home and the many perils we have went through to get this far. An now meeting the great Lomar who played so magnificent on his drum will be in our stories." Selithe winks at Lomar thinking of another thing, "An once I get some sleep I'll teach you a couple card games too."

Olo  d20+6=20
Friday January 7th, 2005 12:19:07 AM

Olo laughs aloud when Lomar smothers Airin in a huge hug. He saw that coming! Then when Lomar straps on the drums and plays, he sobers quite a bit. He doesn't understand the song, but it's power and emotion are undeniable. When the ogre finishes playing, Olo finds himself speechless for once.

He snaps out of it when he hears Lomar asking about food. "Hey, the only thing I want more than a nap right now is a nap on a full stomach. Whatcha got there Lomar?"

Olo takes a quick gander at the pig, trying to figure out if it was properly gutted, how long it would take to cook and how many it would feed. (Cooking 20)

Friday January 7th, 2005 1:34:45 AM

Kendry laughs as Bobbles samples the soap. "No, no, we do not eat it. Mama, though, made me eat a sliver of it once. A dwarf came to town. His face turned red, and he said words I did not know. One word he said over and over. So, at home, I was playing, and I said this word. My Mama heard it, grabbed my ear, and took me inside to feed me soap.

"She taught me a not to say that dwarf word any more.

"But soap has a better use. It makes things clean. It makes skin clean, and clothes clean. Mix it with water. Rub it in. With clothes, rub it in, rinse, and rinse again. With skin, or hair, rub it in, so it gets bubbly, then wash it off. It takes off dirt and bad smells."

By about that time, Airin has received her hug of gratitude, and Lomar begins his song of lament. A tear comes to Kendry's eye as he absorbs Lomar's remarkable performance. He takes out his lyre, tunes it, and toward the end of Lomar's performance, is providing a soft accompaniment. After Lomar sings his remarkable song, Kendry offers a loose translation.

"Thank you, Lomar. Absolutely remarkable."

"Time, Airin? About three days, I think. Let's get some sleep now, then start travel later in the afternoon."

He looks at the wagon remnants at Selithe's suggestion. "I dunno, sis. Nalfein would be real handy at fixin' something like this up. Why don't you check with some of the others, and see what can be put together?" He gives her arm an affectionate little squeeze.

When food is mentioned, Kendry is up for it. "Bobbles & I have something to take care of while someone makes breakfast."

If there is water to be found, Kendry uses that to help Bobbles get himself cleaned up. He gives him the found clothing, and cleans that which was soiled, then finds a place to hang it up to dry.

DM Stephen 
Friday January 7th, 2005 9:39:19 AM

Will have a post a little later today. Expect it around noon to 1pm CST. Im sick at home today. I dont necessarily feel like posting at this moment, since ive been up and down most of the night.

Saturday January 8th, 2005 1:48:54 PM

Patty glances at the beams in the tower, trying to find a few that might serve as handels for Lomar or any wood that might be used to repair the broken wagon enough so that the ponys could pull it.

Down Time! (DM Stephen)  d100=94 d100=13 d6=3 d6=2
Sunday January 9th, 2005 3:39:39 PM

Patterson easily determines the wagon is not mendable out in the wilderness. However, with a little help from Lomar, the wagon can be converted into something of a wheelbarrel that Lomar can push.

Lomar graceously thanks everyone for the compliments. He's very happy to see that the Kendry is also musically inclined. He is obviously not used to all the acceptance. "Wow! No one likes my drumming and singing before. Most ogres have no appreciation for music and song."

Olo takes a gander at the pig Lomar had tied up. He did a good job at field dressing it. It would easily take the better part of a day to cook the whole hog over a large fire. However, if Olo sectioned off some pieces, he could cook them in no time after a fire is built. Lomar had collected a sizable amount of firewood next to the backside of the tower. Lomar also has a fire pit prepared. He has been here many days. And there are even some hot coals still present under a thin layer of ash. Looks like Lomar had set up some kind of skewer, a pointy stick, that he could lean over the fire to cook meat on.

Bobbles is able to wash up and look far more presentable. However, his nasty and tattered clothes didnt stay together to well after he tried to wash them. He requires replacements, if Kendry doesnt mind giving him his spare shirt and pants. However, they might be a little small for the goblin. Bobbles sniffs his arm pits and one foot and is amazed that he actually smells good!

Slag and Biguns helps out as much as they can. Converting the wagon to a crude wheelbarrel, building a fire, handling the food and helping get everything together. Slag admits to the group, "You laddies better go on to up the road to Hovel if your going to make it back. Our boat is going nowhere for the next couple of days and going to take several more days to sail up stream. Me and Biguns will roll up the sail with the rigging and carry it back to the boat. You all should travel north up this road back to the Crescent. Its the fastest way for you. Especially when pushing this wheelbarrel, thing!"

Shale  d20+6=14
Sunday January 9th, 2005 7:31:26 PM

Shale takes off into the woods to find some other foodstuffs to compliment the meal (spices, eggs, etc.) and comes back to make sure the meal and camp are in good shape. After everyone has eaten and the watch schedule is setup, Shale will doze for a good rest.(Survival 14)

Once everyone has rested and eaten Shale will pack up Valor and prepare to ride north.

Patterton  d20=3
Sunday January 9th, 2005 8:00:36 PM

Patty helps Lomar fix the wagon with whatever beams and nails they can salvage and uses the butt end of his hand axe to hammer them into the frame(wisdom roll? =3). He also keeps an eye on Olo's cooking, having heard a tale or two about his culinary prowess.

Olo  d20+6=26
Sunday January 9th, 2005 11:48:35 PM

With Lomar's permission, Olo gets to work on cooking up a proper meal. He makes sure the fire is properly stoked and selects cuts of meat. Not sure how much this group will eat, he tries to err on the side of preparing too much (as if there were such a thing!). Accepting whatever accoutrements are available, he'll roast or boil them as appropritae.

Happy to finally have the opportunity, he digs into his pack of herbs and spices and does what he feels is a quite satisfactory job in seasoning the entire affair.

Not wanting to rush the meal, he breaks out his supplies of bread, cheeses and a bit of wine to keep the others at bay while the meal has a chance to cook properly.

(Cook = 26, nat 20!)

Selithe  d20+2=9
Monday January 10th, 2005 12:02:30 AM

Selithe nods and will try helping out where she can but being overly tired she moves to the wall and flops down, leaning back against it as she speaks up, "Someone wake me when the food is ready please."

Selithe looks over at Lomar as she thinks and speaks up, "Hey Lomar, you think you could play a nice little song while the others cook and some of us get abit of sleep?" Selithe smiles to the ogre before closing her eyes and relaxing. (Listen:9)

Kendry, feelin' sleepy 
Monday January 10th, 2005 3:09:13 AM

All the activity has begun to catch up to him.

Kendry does offer Bobbles his extra clothing, and is pleased at the end results. "You look good, Bobbles. Too bad no one here can make drawing of you right now. Handsome!"

He spends a few minutes going over the map with Biguns and Slag, pointing out what he believes to be the site of the boat now, as well as the place where the captain snuggled in his favorite spot upstream farther, that is, where the goblins stole the boat. He asks for their confirmation or correction. He mentally marks the two places, and shows the map to any who wish to see it.

"After sleep and food, we head back. We will split off from Slag and Biguns where we first came on this road, and then cut toward shore where we left the other beer barrel. We then head back to the road, and north to the ferry station - that's the place we left Biscuit and the cart." He takes a moment to explain to Lomar that Biscuit is the name of their pony, a mare. He also asks for clarification from the half orc and the dwarf of the place on the map where the ferry station lies in relation to the road and the river. He also asks for any identifying landmarks and the like that might aid them in finding it.

"From there - oh, first we let the people at that spot know about the goblin attack - maybe they can send help downstream to fix up the boat - so, from there, we continue on the road back to town, and, I trust, in time for the party."

He also checks in with Biguns and Slag to learn whether they know of any hazards - or potential allies - on the road north.

After the fifteen minutes or so that this takes, Kendry thanks all. "Wake me for any watch you want to, except 1st watch. I'm sleeping now."

He takes his blanket, finds a comfortable spot, and starts snoozing. Thoughts of the benefits of exploring the inside of the tower, climbing up high to see what odds and ends might have been left behind enter his mind, urging him not to give in to sleep. As Olo and others work on building the fire, and he thinks of how much fun it is to travel with his friends and family - and to make new, unexpected friends! - Kendry drifts off into dreamland with a few incipient lines of poetry forming in his mind.

Airin  d20+7=19 d20+5=16
Monday January 10th, 2005 3:11:05 AM

Seems everything is well under control. With great expectations Airin looks at Olo's cooking, looking forward to a great dinner.

She takes her bed roll, spreads it out on the floor, places her leather armor next to her and sits down on the bedroll.

Once again she takes the four rings from her pouch. "What are these good for?" she thinks to herself as she lets the rings roll around in her hands.

"Should I try one on? ... maybe ... but which one? ... These thick ones have writing and something that looks like shields on them ... these gorgeous ones are clearly elven. Aresius, my old mentor, was Elven. I have never seen evil things spout from the Elves ... let's try one on ..."

Airin takes of her gloves and slips one of the Elven kind rings on her left finger. (ooc : one of those that are made to look like thin vines and berries as if taken right out of the forest)

She waits with anticipation. Wondering if she will sense anything ...

search 19
spot 16

Kendry dreams of Polly 
Monday January 10th, 2005 4:58:43 PM

In his dreams, Kendry sees his cousin Polly, running around, jumping, making pithy observations. He sees her jump out of a tree - and she actually flies, swooping and making loops in the air. Kendry claps his hands in glee, as if he were a boy.

But then, as he watches her, he can tell she is starting to fade away. "No, no, Polly! Don't go! Don't leave us. We need you!" The young halfling is agitated in his sleep.

Patterton  d20+6=22
Tuesday January 11th, 2005 1:48:36 AM

After helping with the wagon, Patty unslings his backpack and plops down heavily opposite the fire from Olo as he is preparing the meal. Feeling his belly growl a bit as he watches the hobbit chef at work proves to be to much, however, and he turns his attention elsewhere.

Looking about the hastily prepared campsite Patty notices Airin as she examines the rings and, after a moment, withdraws the longsword taken from Boss Bob and examines it closely. With his pocket hankerchief and a bit of canteen water, Patty cleans off the sticky goblin blood for a better look.

Patterton takes a moment to get off his feet, but his second wind is still still going strong(endurance=22) and he announces, "I can take the first watch after dinner," to nobody in particular.

Fat Happy (DM Stephen)  d20+10=21 d10=8
Tuesday January 11th, 2005 8:29:04 PM

Shale hunts around the area and is able to gather four well shaped tubers and a wild onion. He brings that back to Olo who is able to create a feast befitting a King! Everyone looks on in awe and drooling slack jaws. What a miracle he has performed! And in so little time too.

Patterson and Lomar is able to fashion the wagon into a working wheelbarrel. Lomar carefully loads each keg. He plays his drum and sings a few songs while everyone else continue on with their appointed tasks. His voice can get soo deep that it rattles your bones. You all feel somewhat inspired with his performance.

Bobbles smiles with a big toothy grin. "Bobbles be good lookin', I be?! Bobbles feel good too. Boobles smell good, I do. Thanks to Uncle Kendry Foxbiter." Bobbles gives Kendry a hug much like Lomar. There's a lot of love in the air.

Kendry asks Slag and Biguns about the road back to the Crescent Valley. As far as they know, it's clear sailing. They have rarely traveled the road, but havent heard of any recent bad things happening to travelers. Its mostly traveled by farmers, miners and lumberjacks.

After all preparations have been made everyone sits down for the feast. Everyone eats until they become fat and bloated. A few songs are sung by Lomar in Olo's honor. There is peace, laughter and a well deserved sleep. Lomar stays up and writes a song about the meal and his new friends. After several hours, everyone begins to wake fully refreshed and full of spirit.

(The meal was so good that everyone receives 8 temporary hitpoints and a +1 morale bonus to hit, saves, skill and ability checks for the next 24 hours.)

Tuesday January 11th, 2005 10:05:30 PM

Once Selithe has ate the great meal that Olo prepares she can't help but fall asleep right away as sleep over takes her.

Her dreams are peaceful and she dreams of home, gambling and fun in games in general.

When she wakes later she walks over to Olo onces she is fully awake and she is to and gives the man a hug, "Thanks for the meal Olo it was very good and I feel so much better to. You will have to fix food for us more often." Selithe gives Olo a big grin and winks as she prepares to get moving again.

Selithe does look to big Lomar and thinks abit about everything he has done and snaps her fingers, "I decided Lomar, when we get back home you have to meet me and Kendry's mom and dad. Your singing will most deffinetly win them over." Selithe looks to Kendry and gives him a thumbs up, "An Bobbles surely can help out also. We'll have to look into getting him some work and a nice place."

Kendry  d20+4=7 d20+4=19
Wednesday January 12th, 2005 3:10:30 AM


"What a pleasant turn this adventure has taken," Kendry remarks. "Well done, all! New friends and acquaintances, good music, good food. Of course, that was preceded by some unpleasantness, too. But," he says, rubbing his hands together briskly, "what can I say? I love this! How 'bout you, Polly, Shale?"

"Great grub, Olo."

He returns the hug, and is pleased that his goblin friend does smell considerably better. "Welcome you are, welcome you are, Bobbles." A rather sombre thought occurs to him. "Say, should we put goblins who lie here up in trees?" If the answer is yes, he will help do so - and ask if Lomar might help, too. If Bobbles thinks not, he lets the matter drop.

He returns his sister's hand sign, with an extra wink.

Kendry helps break camp. "Lomar, you have everything you need? Forget anything?" He takes a quick look inside the tower, glancing here and there quickly in the nooks and crannies, to see if anything was overlooked. [Search 7, Spot 19]

Then, as they now set out to return what needs to be returned, and to deliver what needs to be delivered, he chats with anyone interested in chatting. He also offers to teach Bobbles more of the common tongue. If he agrees, then Kendry begins the lessons.

He talks as well with Lomar, and asks if he might read some more of his poetry and songs as they travel along.

Wednesday January 12th, 2005 5:24:48 AM

Airin wakes up after a couple of hours and feels very good.
"Olo my friend ! That was one heck of a meal you prepared for us !! You MUST do that more often " she smiles at him.

She casts a quick look at the Elven ring she's wearing but as she feels no direct positive or negative effects she keeps wearing it ... the ring does look very beautifull of course.

She puts on her gloves and armor, puts the backpack in place, sheaths her sword and dagger and checks her crossbow.

"Ready to move out again !" she says to the others. "Where are we going from here ? Will we collect that other barrel you left behind first ?"

Patterton  d2=1
Wednesday January 12th, 2005 5:52:31 PM

Patty awakes as yawns happily, giving his full belly a pat before jumping up up to his feet.

"Olo! Good show, m'boy!" He remarks, giving the cleric a playful jab in the shoulder,"Guess I'll have to tell my mum she's not the best cook in the valley anymore. Say...how are you with hare? There's a nice, big fat one around here somewhere." He then walks across camp and nods pleasently to Airin and Selithe as he gets his things.

Patterton collects his backpack and tosses it up into the wagon for the time being and looks over to the ogre. "Hey Lomar, how about I ride on the wagon and help you keep an eye on the goods? I sort of left my pony back at the farm."

Wednesday January 12th, 2005 10:00:49 PM

"Yep," he says, answering Airin's question. "We're going back the way we came this morning, until we get to where the road forks. We'll take the right fork, Biguns and Slags will take the left fork back to the boat. If anyone wants to stay and help with the boat, then they'll want to go with them. The rest of us head on the right fork northward a few miles, cut westward to the water and our other hidden cask. Then back to the road, and toward the ferry landing. Pick up our horse and cart there, see if Willoughby is still there, then to town. To Hovel, that is. The guys," he says, with a lift of the chin toward Biguns and Slag, "say that the road is used mainly by lumberjacks, traders, farmers, and the like."

Thursday January 13th, 2005 12:17:24 AM

With his stomach full, his body rested and his ears full of the compliments of his companions, Olo finds himself in a great mood.

Seeing everyone busy breaking camp, he loads his cooking gear and any leftover food onto his donkey before gathering the rest of his equipment and donning his armor. Enjoying the wind in his ample head of hair he resists putting on his helmet, though he'll make sure his crossbow is handy just in case.

Thursday January 13th, 2005 4:18:07 AM

As everyone continues to prepare the departure, Airin walks over to Blossom. She caresses the pony over the nose and prepares it for another walk along the forest.

When heading out, Airin will ride Blossom, taking one or two extra persons with her is needed.

OOC : how fast can Lomar go with the loaded wagon ? If this would be similar to 20ft or preferably lower than 20ft, Airin may descide to scout up ahead to spot possible ambushes ...

Homeward Bound

Home Sweet Home (DM Stephen)  d100=65 d100=40 d100=60 d100=12 d100=100 d100=42 d6=5 d6=3 d6=1 d6=4 d6=5
Thursday January 13th, 2005 8:01:33 AM

Everyone is up and on the road. Slag tells everyone to go ahead and keep going north. They are only going to take the sails and rigging back to the boat and secure everything in the hold. Then they're going to go ahead and head back to the ferry station themselves. "Its going to take a great deal of supplies and help to get the boat back on the water again. Dont worry, we'll bring your friend and her wolf pet back with us. Nothing will happen to her."

Everyone packs up and heads up the road, back to the Crescent. There are plenty of places to ride on either horseback or on the wheelbarrel. The hobbits added weight doesnt bother Lomar in the least. Lomar is able to move his normal movement while pushing the wheelbarrel on the road (His movement 40'). Lomar feels very excited to be on his way. Bobbles does to, but he seems to be just as affraid as he is excited. Maybe he would be braver if he were Lomar's size. But he tries his best to comb his hair to match the hobbits style. His oversized pointy goblin ears arent helping.

The sun hangs low in the west at the end of an uneventful day. Many miles were covered and Lomar is looking a little tired. Up ahead, for those who are looking, can be seen the lights of the ferry station. A sigh of relief for many hobbits. They're in the Crescent Valley, they're almost home. Tommorrow evening the last parties of election for Burgomeister are going to take place. You all have a very very good chance now of making it back in time. You even have time to eat and sleep some during the night at the ferry station and head out for Hovel in the morning. Lomar and Bobbles are looking more nervious.

Thursday January 13th, 2005 7:46:43 PM

Selithe enjoys her time at the ferry station and since the trip was uneventful and seeming like rather quick she has fun just taking in the talk and everything.

Selithe not knowing how well Lomar is excepted or Bobble's she goes out to eat with them, smiling and talking to them as she does, "So guys, ready for tomorrow? I bet you will all do fine tomorrow and we will introduce you to some neat people and you'll make new friends."

In the morning Selithe sees Lomar and Bobbles nervousness and shakes her head and she claps Bobbles on the back and taps Lomar, "Come on you two, stop worrying so much. Anyone complains and they have to talk to us."

Thursday January 13th, 2005 11:42:28 PM

Shale rests easy during and if he can find a place attempts to clean up as best he can. (Wash his face and hands, clean off blood from old wounds) He also pays close attention to Valor as he cleans his hair and hooves.

"Maybe we'll draw a crowd with the beer, but I know for sure we'll draw a crowd with our new friends."

In the morning Shale packs up and prepares to leave with the rest of the group.

Olo  d20+6=25
Friday January 14th, 2005 12:00:43 AM

Making camp for the night, Olo breaks out whatever leftovers they had from the morning meal and cooks up the remaining cuts of meat. To round out the evening fare, he dips into his supplies and grabs some sausages. "Might as well use these up while they're still fresh, eh?" (Cook 25)

After the meal, he approaches Selithe and discretely asks "Hey Selithe, I'm not one to worry, but I've been thinking about Lomar and these Shafbaffum towers. I figure you know more about them than anyone, can the big guy even get near Crescent Valley?"

Friday January 14th, 2005 12:02:53 AM

OOC: Whoops! Looks like we're eating at the ferry station tonight. If that's the case, disregard the whole "Olo cooks a meal" bit.

Kendry - Ruminations, plans, and ferry station greetings 
Friday January 14th, 2005 12:32:24 AM

"Lomar, you perhaps have heard of the towers that the mage Shafbaffum constructed around Crescent Valley when my great grandfathers were young. They provide magical protection against the giants who might seek to harm us.

"Now, I have been giving it some thought. And I do not ken the answers to my questions. Will they keep all giants out? Or only those who intend harm upon the halflings of the valley? What might they do to a giant who comes within their perimeter? If a giant does so, and stays, will that weaken the protections? If other giants learn that a giant lives within the valley - will that encourage them to come and test the defenses?

"Now, this is one line of questioning," Kendry says, rubbing a knuckle under his nose to get a sudden itch. "Another is just as bothersome. Among us halflings - and especially the older bunch - are many who want things to stay just as they are. Never change, never try something new. Adhere to the traditions. Now, I don't have any problems with most of our traditions. But here is the rub. Just a sec."

"Bobbles, I was just talking with Lomar here about the some of the things we'll be looking to face back in the Crescent Valley." He catches him up on what he has said thus far.

"As I was saying, Lomar, there will be many in our towns who will find you interesting, and probably a fair number who decide they like you. You'll probably have a bunch of halfling kids who want to play with you, and crawl up on your shoulders. On the other hand, some, just because you are an ogre, may decide, on that account alone, that you are a danger. Some may call for you to be kicked out - even though you are a very nice ogre mage and all."

Kendry watches Lomar to see how all this is sitting with him, so far, and, while giving it a chance to sink in with the giant, tells Bobbles what he has said. He adds, "It will probably be interesting for you too, Bobbles. Some may like you, some may hate or fear you, just because you're a goblin. You and Foxbite are the two best goblins I've ever known. Would you like to learn how to say something in halfling?" If Bobbles does want to do so, he teaches him to say in the tongue of the hobbits, 'In peace come I, with friendship nigh.' Once he has this down, he will teach him to say 'Of hobbit tongue, I know no more.'

So that two students may learn together, he offers to teach Lomar these two phrases as well.

He goes on to tell their two odd friends that hobbits love stories. "Bobbles, you can tell the story of the Lady of Light. I will translate for you."

"Lomar, you have stories of the like that have never been heard in Crescent Valley. Tomorrow, as we travel along, tell us some, and we can decide which might be best to gently introduce you to our friends and families, and neighbors."

He asks the others in the party what ideas they might have to help win over the hearts and minds of their fellow citizens to these two good people.

"And we are going to have to apply some of those ideas right away, as we arrive at the ferry station."

"What ho!" Kendry calls as they approach the station. "We bring unusual friends, large and small. We are back from the trading post, and have news of a shipwreck. Hullo! Hullo! Do not fear this ogre, for he indeed is a friend to halflings, and a foe to those who harm us. Do not fear this goblin, for he helped to save us from our enemies. We bring word from the captain, and Biguns and Slag!"

Friday January 14th, 2005 3:02:27 AM

Airin's also worried that the appearance of a Giant Ogre and a Goblin might be too much for some in town. Better take this slowly.

"Kendry, I have an idea. First we get the beer to the party. Once there, you and a couple of us will go inside the tent. The rest of us will wait outside the town with both Lomar and Bobbles. Then you tell the tale about what happend to us, and gradually you introduce both Bobbles and Lomar. Make it a funny tale and clearly tell that they are both very friendly and have helped us a lot.
Then once the tale is over, you may start to introduce one of both ... either Bobbles or Lomar, as you see fit in your tale ... and after the crowd made it through that surprise, in comes the second one.
It might be a silly tale, but I think it will enable us to introduce both withuot starting a riot."

Lot's of plans :-) How do we move on ?!?

Home Coming. (DM Stephen)  d100=94 d100=44 d100=70 d20+4=16 d20+4=7
Friday January 14th, 2005 8:17:43 AM

The stable boy you met before stands in shock before the approaching giant. Only the persistent calls of his worried mother does he quickly break from his chores and runs for the house. The Ferry Master looks on in shock. He fights every instinct to run for it too. He hears your words and waits for you to get closer before asking a few questions himself. He seems to accept the fact that the giant or the goblin dont appear to be threatening.

(Will have more info tonight about magic towers and so on. I passed out too early last night, again, and I dont have the time this morning to get into it. Expect another post later today. Continue on with what you want to do for the night. Either stay or continue on. Whatever you want.)

Friday January 14th, 2005 1:20:35 PM

As they near the ferry, Patterton leaps off the wagon and helps unload everyone's belongings. He then wanders over to where Selithe is.

"That was some trip, eh?" He says a bit awkwardly, "It's just too bad I had to spend most of it tied to a tree." He chuckles,"I would have liked to run into another scrap or two, but I guess we can be thankful that the beer is safe and sound."

Friday January 14th, 2005 11:27:26 PM

Kendry approaches the Ferry Master. "Hello, sir. You might remember seeing a few of us about three days back. Captain Titus and his crew took us downstream to Trader's Corner. Well, things went fine one the way down. Good, fast trip.

"On the way back, we stopped at one of the Captain's favorite spots for the night. Turns out some goblins set a trap while most of us were sleeping, killed a couple of the crew, hurt many of us, and stole the boat. Almost killed the Captain. But don't worry, he's fine now. Well, one goblin wasn't going along with the plan, and he has ended out helping us get the boat and rigging back. That's him, there," he indicates, "by the name of Bobbles. He's actually a remarkably kind chap, a good sort, despite his being a goblin. He only knows a few words of common, though, but I can translate if need be.

"Well, turns out as well that the goblins crashed the boat into the shore about five miles downstream. Took us a few hours to get there. We took them out, except for one, whom the crew kept for questioning.

"Before we got there, though, the critters had already taken away a wagon full of the ship's rigging and sails.

"So we followed their tracks. Came upon a squished goblin. Then some more squished & dead green ones. Found this big guy here, taking a snooze. We tied him up. He woke up. Turns out he himself is quite a good fellow, too, despite how big he is and those tusks. He's a bard - a singer, and a poet. Pretty rare among his people, I'd say. He helped us a lot. Understand, he's a bit concerned about what sort of reception he might receive among us hobbits.

"Ask us, any of us, any questions you might have, good sir. Oh, and Ferry Master, my name is Kendry. What's yours? If possible, we would like to stay the night, and be on our way by sunrise."

Kendry, an afterthought 
Saturday January 15th, 2005 1:30:20 AM

"Oh, and by the way, how is our pony, Biscuit?" adds Kendry. "We left her here with our cart. Sorry about the fright your stableboy had. Maybe I could speak with the lad and his mum. Let them know it's safe."

Kendry, responding to Airin's earlier suggestion 
Saturday January 15th, 2005 1:46:59 AM

[Sorry, gang. I've been sick today, and am not firing on all cylinders.]

This conversation should take place away from listening ears.

"Yes, Airin, your plan has merit," Kendry replies. "Say, we have that hat of disguise. Wonder if that can make Lomar look a little bit smaller? 'f course, if we do that, it might make it look like we're trying to deceive folks... Maybe better to swallow the medicine all at once, get it over with. Other ideas, friends?"

"Y'know, one of the benefits of adventurers, is that, if they are the right sort, good folk - they might be able to make friends and allies of people we think of as enemies round about us. Some might be afraid of that type of approach - but look at the two new friends we have in just a couple of days of adventuring! Trust me, there'll be opponents to our idea. But, with what happened to us, we might be able to persuade enough that - say, I wonder if Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly might have a ring of invisibility? Might be a way to sneak him in. Lomar, that is.

"Say, Lomar - how long can you stay in your misty form? Can you make yourself look like a little cloud, floating over our heads?" he asks the ogre mage.

"Wouldn't you think, that, once word gets out there is a friendly giant in town, that Calfast's party would be flooded with people? Why, who's more curious than us halflings!" he exclaims.

Kendry - After - after - after thought 
Saturday January 15th, 2005 5:24:04 AM

"Oh! And, is Willoughby here? He thought to stay with the pony," queries Kendry.

First Contact. (DM Stephen)  d100=94 d100=17 d6=2 d6=4
Saturday January 15th, 2005 12:10:06 PM

The ferry master looks on still in shock. He mumbles "Goblins" and "Biscut" and "Lomar" and "Titus?!" as Kendry retells their story. "Uhhh, ya your pony is fine ... in the stable." The nervous hobbit ferry master cant keep his eyes off Lomar. He also looks at Bobbles trying to appear as pleasant and friendly as possible. He finally starts to talk again after what seems minutes of uncomfortable silence. "Uhhh, the Captain is fine, huh? And these :gulp: friends of yours helped you? Well then, who am I to turn away ... uh, friends! You all may stay the night if you wish. The barn is big enough for, umm Lomar to stay the night. As long as he doesn't mind eating ... errr, I mean sleeping with a horse and our ONLY milk cow. The hay should be comfortable." He turns to Kendry and whispers with his back turned to Lomar and Bobbles, "Are you certain these two are safe. I have a family to look after. You know the towers to the north are there for a reason! Granted Lomar isnt a Hill or a Stone Giant..." Lomar interupts, "No, I be a ogre!" The Ferry Master laughs nerviously and shrugs after realizing the ogre can hear him, "Yes, yes Lomar. Ya, you are an ogre, yes!" The nervious hobbit puts his arm around Kendry's shoulder and ushers him further way, towards the house. He then continues to whisper, "He is still very big. We're only knee-high to him!" Lomar interupts again, "Im only nine feet tall. Other ogres consider me a runt." The ferry master freezes again and laughs nerviously. "Dang, he has good ears! I give up!" The nervious hobbit developes a nervous tick and calmly walks back to his porch to smoke his pipe. He continues to mumble to himself.

Lomar answers Kendry's question. "I can only turn misty once a day. It only last a few minutes. Lomar not too good with magic. I dont have all the abilities of my poppa."

(The Towers: The Towers to the north of Crescent Valley do magically block Giants of all kinds from entering the valley, but ONLY from the north. The towers dont surround the valley. They run along the northern border and magically holds back a giant with a magical forcefield. All the "major" giants are from the lands north of Crescent Valley. Ogres are technically giants and therefore would be held back by the towers, but you all wont be passing by the towers from this direction. They are further north. You can reach Hovel and all the other towns with no problem from your present location. If you were north of the valley, Lomar wouldnt be able to pass.)

Saturday January 15th, 2005 3:44:01 PM

Selithe looks to the others and leans back, smoking her pipe now as she listens and then pipes in, "If we need some people can always go hunting and get more food for the big guy there."

Selithe shrugs and allows the others to decide if this is a good idea as she mainly relaxes where she is.

Saturday January 15th, 2005 6:53:27 PM

Feeling a bit snubbed by Selithe, Patty stalks away grumbling and helps the others prepare for making camp.

Shale  d20+7=23
Saturday January 15th, 2005 7:49:27 PM

Taking his bow from the saddle, Shale makes his way into the brush to hunt up some dinner.

(Survival 23)

Kendry to Patterton & Polly, and the rest.  d20+7=19
Saturday January 15th, 2005 8:11:48 PM

Seeing Patterton looking down, and noting how quiet Polly has been, Kendry calls them over. "Polly, and Patty," he says. "Let me run an idea by you. Everybody else, listen up. It might be a good idea to forewarn Calfast what we have planned. Let him know we've got the beverages coming on the way, due in the afternoon. But also let them know about Lomar and Bobbles.

"Polly, you've been with us on this whole trip, so know the whole story.

"Patterton, you've been with us since the site where the goblins crashed the boat. You fill him in on everything up to that. Or, on the way, you can just figure out together how to present it.

"But here," he says, handing them a few sheets of parchment, "I've written a few notes for you to give him from me."

He looks at each, searching their eyes. "It's sundown, maybe an hour or two of light left. Should you wait maybe until an hour before dawn, so he has an hour or so warning? Or are you up for getting a better headstart, a few hours tonight, and early on the morrow? You might reach Hovel by late morning, or noon at the latest, if you do that."

He turns to look at all. "Or, shall we just all go as a group early, and let things happen as they might?"

"Let's decide that, then, yes, Selithe, a good idea. Anyone want to join Shale and me while we try to hunt up a meal worthy of Lomar? I've got my bow and enough arrows. Maybe some deer about." He checks in with the ferry master to see if he knows a good spot round about where they might find some game.

Survival: 19, to augment Shale's 23 to 25 in the hunt.

Selithe  d20+5=18 d20+4=22 d20+4=15
Saturday January 15th, 2005 11:12:28 PM

Selithe jumps up once she notices Patty's down cast look at was so caught up in her own little thoughts and just trying to relax that she didn't notice the poor guy. Feeling very bad she hops up and runs over to him, tapping his shoulder gently from behind before smiling and holding her pipe in her free hand, "I'm sorry Patty, I didn't mean to ignore you honestly."

Selithe thinks and nods before speaking up, "I have an idea Patty my friend. I'll cut my deck and if you get a higher card them me then I owe you a dance, what do you say?" With that said Selithe splits her deck and smiles as she pulls a queen of heart and while she pulls the queen slips a ace of hearts on top of the pile and holds the split deck up to Patty, "Next card on top is yours."

(Craft gamble:18 Profession Gamble:22 both for the knowledge of her deck to pull the queen of hearts. Sleight of hand:15 to slip the ace of hearts on top without being noticed.)

Sunday January 16th, 2005 11:22:37 AM

Airin is not sure where we are supposed to deliver this beer, but she feels it would be a good idea to warn those hobbits first, and then get over there with all the beer ... and their companions.

She stays behind with the rest, and is alwys interested in a hunt.

Sunday January 16th, 2005 9:47:17 PM

Patty smiles, a bit embarassed that he was caught sulking, and shuffles his feet a bit.

"Ok...you're on." He says with a wink and draws the top card and glances at. A smile crosses his face as he shows the ace(thinking it was purely chance that he drew a higher card). He replaces the card. "A dance it is, then. Not to mention some of the finest beer in the land. It's been a while since I've been to a Hovel party."

Monday January 17th, 2005 10:36:16 PM

Once Shale and Kendry (and whoever else) get back with some game, the bard suggests that Olo cook it up, if he will do the honors, and make sure that hardworking and now tired Lomar gets a good meal to sleep on, not to mention the rest of us.

As he does where ever he goes, he tries to learn the names of those who are there - the ferry master, his wife, their son, and any others who may be about. He repeats his question about Willoughby, who had remained behind with Biscuit, to see if he had left any word as to where he was going.

Unless someone else does so, he fills the ferry master in on a few more details, and lets him know that someone from the boat should be coming his way soon.

"Airin, we are delivering the beer to the place where Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly will hold his party tomorrow night - the last night of the elections. If enough people attend, and thus cast their votes, then he could end up as the next Burgomeister of Crescent Valley." He recounts to her the words of each candidate, the rumberry pie incident with Aunt Marigold Pipewood Pastna, the sedate party held by current Burgomeister Tomas Pennyweight Breedbottom. He suggests that some of the others in the group tell her and Olo and Patty about the group of toughs and what happened to them. He describes the boy who smokes the corncob pipe, and their interactions with him. [In a nutshell, for Airin and Olo and Patterton, we should tell them enough so that they will be aware of most of what their players would get from reading the archives.]

To his friends he suggests, "Let's awaken before the dawn. I will work with the stable boy to get Biscuit hitched to the wagon. Lomar & Bobbles - make sure that Biscuit gets used to you." He, of course, tells this to Bobbles in goblin, and in common to Lomar. "She might be nervous at first. But give her a wee bit, and she'll be fine." He helps introduce them, feeding her a bit of oats, and having Lomar, then Bobbles, feeding her some, too.

About an hour and a half before dawn, Kendry awakens. "Gods above, who care for such things, grant us wisdom, and luck, and favor this day. And thank you for the times we have had so far."

He rouses all, carefully hitches Biscuit, double checking the cart, axles, wheels, pins and connections.

He thanks the boy, and pays him an extra three gold - "That's one for you, one for your mother, and one for your future, lad," over what he paid him earlier, thanking him for the good care he gave their pony.

He asks his companions if anyone can pay the ferry master something for his time and trouble, and the night's lodging.

"Let's go!" he says before the sun even peeks over the horizon for its morning stretch. "Giddup, Biscuit," he tells her, signaling her to go, and steering her to the road south, a torch planted on the left front side of the wagon in the little hole made for that purpose until the light grows brighter.

Another thought occurs. "Say, Bobbles. Would you like to try a disguise?" If so, he'll have someone else take over the reins for a bit, and see if he can't help Bobbles look something like a hobbit. Or a gnome, if he can't look hobbitish enough. If he does not wish the disguise, then Kendry is fine with that.

"So, friends - what shall we do to the allay the fears of the next people we spot coming down the road toward us?" Kendry asks. "Regarding that, I've written a song I'd like to teach you."

Tuesday January 18th, 2005 7:29:36 PM

Patty hops up on the wagon after a good night sleep and smiles happily with thoughts of music, song and beer filling his mind.
He looks over at Kendry and remarks, "You know Kendry, it might be a good idea if I head into town first. The boys in the Hovel militia know that I'm one of them and they might be a bit more willing to believe me about the, ah...giant situation. They have no love for goblins either, let me tell you." he adds, giving Bobbles a rueful look.

Tuesday January 18th, 2005 8:13:29 PM

"Great, Patty. Head on to town, and take Polly with you. She knows the militia, too," replies Kendry.

"But there's one rub. Go to Calfast, first. Tell only him. Then, if he tells you to inform others, then do so. If not, then not. It might be a good idea to attempt to meet with him surreptitiously - that is, secretly, so that he does not end up getting blamed for the coming of ... us."

Tuesday January 18th, 2005 9:31:37 PM

Listening in to the plan, Shale agree's heartily.

"I was thinking Kendry, what are we going to do after we return the beer? I've been thinking of a hunt into the wilderness north of Valley."

Adjusting his hat back Shale takes on a whimsical tone, "We could spend days in the wild roughing it, take on hill giants and orcs, win treasures and find items of great magic. It'll be just like when we were kids."

"I see nothing stopping us. I bet Calfast would even finance part of it and give us some good locations. He's the one who wanted adventurers in the Valley and that's why we all liked him so much."

Last Legs of the Trip. (DM Stephen) 
Tuesday January 18th, 2005 9:33:00 PM

Shale bags a deer, and Kendry a rabbit. Airin finds a few varieties of berries. Olo cooks up a storm, and the woman of the house provides some kitchen utensils, spices, and a few vegetables. Lomar is grateful for the food, as all this walking left him hungry. He assures the family that he would never eat their last milk cow.

The Ferry Master gives his name as Simon Fairfoot Rowgold. His son, the stableboy, is Jarkin, who thanks Kendry for the gold. He decides, once over the initial shock, that Lomar is good fun, but he keeps his distance from Bobbles. Simon's wife and the boy's mother is Simka Pearl Fancytoes Trufflefinder Rowgold, and her 3rd cousin once removed, Willoughby, headed back, he told them, to Humble's Ford yesterday.

They would be pleased for any payment the party wishes to give them in exchange for the night's lodging. The Ferry Master appears relieved to see the party go.

The prior evening, and as the party begins again to travel, plans and possibilities are discussed...

The party meets no one on the path, other than a racoon family walking across the road and into the woods just as dawn arrives, until midday.

Lomar announces, "There is wagon with donkey coming this way." No one else can see it.

Tuesday January 18th, 2005 11:29:33 PM

In the morning Selithe grins and looks to Patty, "Not getting away that easy boy, I'm going with you."

Selite walks over to the wagon and not anywhere near lady like crawls up on it with Patty and sits down, smiling as she begins stuffing her pipe and looking to Patty, "Can't let you go alone, a heart breaker like you will have all the girls swooning and leaving poor ol me alone. An poor Kendry may get all upset if all the ladies are swooned by you too." Selithe grins wide at her picking on Patty and her picking on her brother abit.

Airin  d20+8=24 d20+4=8 d20+5=25
Wednesday January 19th, 2005 10:03:08 AM

Hearing Lomar say some wagon is approaching Airin makes a few suggestions to the group.

"Maybe we ought to hide Bobbles and Lomar in the woods here to see who's on that wagon. Then if they are friendly we could introduce our new found friends carefully ... one by one if you want. Or we could send someone ahead to meet that wagon."

Airin descides she will stay with our wagon. It will be a strange sight for the ones coming though ... this wagon is being pulled by no one if Lomar hides in the woods :-)
Airin does a litte acrobatic trick and stands on Blossom (balance = 24). Luckily Blossom halts (ride = 8) as she does this. Standing soo high above the ground helps her to clearly see who's coming (spot 25 nat 20).

Wednesday January 19th, 2005 4:59:50 PM

Patty chuckles and smiles at Selithe, "Now,I wouldn't dream of such a thing. We all know that Kendry's the local heart-throb in these parts...besides, if I'm not mistaken, my dance card is already full." He gives her a wink and takes a small swig off of his flask of wine.

Just then Lomar calls out and Patty looks up. "Well, I guess we'll be heading out a little earlier then we thought, Selithe." Patty climbs down the wagon and gestures towards Selithe's pony. "Let's go meet them so everyone has time to hide, eh?"

Kendry  d20+7=27
Wednesday January 19th, 2005 9:23:17 PM

"Good idea, Airin. Lomar, Bobbles, let's head into the woods. The rest of you, let them go by, and we'll come out after they pass. We don't want anyone seeing us, then fleeing back into town. Let's go! Crouch down, Lomar." He switches to goblin, "Come, Bobbles. We hide in woods until people pass."

[Survival roll, for hiding and helping Lomar & Bobbles hide in the woods, 27. Natural 20!]

Wednesday January 19th, 2005 10:06:57 PM

Olo's slightly dissapointed when it becomes apparent that Bobbles and Lomar are to hide in the woods. He had visions of a new tale, that of Olo and the beer delivering giant, being carried back to town before his arrival. Oh well, the story would be told soon enough he supposed.

Letting Patty and Selithe go to meet the oncomers, he takes a seat on the damaged wagon and keeps an eye on their progress and that of those approaching.

Kendry - a couple of notes 
Thursday January 20th, 2005 1:44:02 AM

[Busy day today!]

A small step backward
Earlier, to Shale as he waxes on about what we might do once this task is accomplished, Kendry replied, "North sounds good. Maybe we can visit the Rainbow Highlands, where Patty comes from. Treasures and magic sound great! Hey, we could visit Aunt Mili and all out at the forest cottage!"

We now have a good wagon
Rather than needing to use the damaged wagon, the party has the perfectly good wagon that the original party left behind, and now picked up again from the ferry station. Biscuit, a pony, pulls the wagon. (It's the same wagon that carried the 144 pies baked by Grandma Eglantine.) So, we can continue with the partially repaired wagon that we put somewhat back together at the tower, but don't really need it, as far as I know.

My thought was - let's see how this encounter goes, and keep our options open, and give Airin's plan a try, if it looks appropriate...

Airin to Kendry 
Thursday January 20th, 2005 6:17:11 AM

Ah, I wasn't aware that we were now travelling with a good wagon. Sorry. Thanks for clearing this up though ... funny ... I have been sitting on this wagon since we left traders corner, and I haven't noticed ;-)

Home again! (DM Stephen)  d100=99 d6=6 d100=76 d6=6 d20+6=22
Thursday January 20th, 2005 8:18:23 AM

Lomar and Bobbles take up crouched positions in the overgrowth. A few hobbits ride forward to greet the traveler. The wagon looks to be driven by a very old hobbit. He has a face full of wrinkles. His hair is white as snow. He puffs on a pipe as he looks to be delivering a wagon full of corn to the ferry station. As a reflex, he nods a simple greeting to each of you. He doesnt say a word. He continues on ahead humming an unknown song. He seems very pleasant. As he passes by Lomar and Bobbles on the road, he even gives them a nod. However, as he pulls away, you all seem to hear him chuckle a bit. As if remembering an old joke that was very funny. He continues on his way.

You all can continue on your way home. Its late afternoon and the group of hobbits are beginning to recognize the surroundings. Hovel must me just around the bend.

Airin  d20+5=21
Thursday January 20th, 2005 9:04:47 AM

"yipee ! Almost home again. The way home was pretty quite wasn't it" Airin says with a broad smile upon her face.

"How will we introduce our friends now ? We can't expect everyone to act like that old fellow that passed us by ... I think he must have trown away his bottle of whisky once he realised what he thinks he saw ! I suppose Kendry, Patty and Selithe were going to introduce them ? Well ...good luck."

"One little extra thing. Remember those four rings we found earlier ? Do you guys think of someone who can help us identidy them or maybe lead us to their owners ? Maybe we can get a good bargain out of this."

When the others will introduce Lomar and Bobbles, Airin will take time to have a closer look at the crowd, and spot anyone who is particularly interested in them.
spot = 21

Thursday January 20th, 2005 1:07:15 PM

After passing the strange old hobbit and once they start approaching Hovel, Patty looks over to Selithe and Polly.

"The three of us should go on ahead now and talk with Calfast about Lomar and Bobbles before we cause too much of a stir."

earlier, about Shale and Kendry's suggestion:

Patty's face lights up at the mention of his hometown. "I'd love to go back and visit. That sounds like a great idea."

Thursday January 20th, 2005 9:08:02 PM

Shale remembering the good times coming home after a successful hunt begins to get a little fidgety as Hovel comes into the horizon.

Not being much of a talker Shale waits with Lomar and Bobbles to see how things turn out with Calfast.

"If anyone has a chance grab us a drink on the way back!"

Thursday January 20th, 2005 11:44:51 PM

"I'll stay with the wagon myself as well"

Turning to Airin, "Don't know much about rings I'm afraid, but I'll check to see if any of them are magical if you like. Maybe we'll get lucky and someone will know who they belong to, eh? Howabout we take care of that when we're back in town, deal?"

"Oh! I know we can't touch the beer, but I've got quite a bit of wine with me if any of you'd like to join me in a toast or two to a job well done."

Olo grabs three of the big-person sized wineskins from the pack on the donkey. Tossing one to Lomar, he passes the other two around as requested.

"Just a bit to celebrate eh? Don't want to be seeing double when we get back to town."

Thursday January 20th, 2005 11:51:49 PM

Selithe thinks over the old man's reaction and nods to Patty, "Yeah, I agree. We know that not everyone is going to react the way that guy did." Selithe shrugs and she thinks, abit worried, "I hope Lomar and Bobbles will end up being okay and everyone is atleast alittle excepting till they find out they both are good."

Friday January 21st, 2005 12:56:27 AM

Patty turns to Selithe and nods. "I think everything will turn up just fine. Hovel folk are a bit tamer then Highland folk after all, you know. My kin wouldn't let these two within a league of them. Of course, they're not as nice either." He adds with a wink.

'Lomar, the Friendly Ogre'

Friday January 21st, 2005 1:31:33 AM

"Whew!" comments Kendry as the old hobbit passes without incident.

At Airin's mention of the rings, and Olo's offer to check them for magic, Kendry says, "Great! Yes, it might be worthwhile to make some inquiries - discreet inquiries, as in showing only one or two at a time, until we have a good feel for whoever we are asking about them. As far as seeking direct gain from them, Airin -- since they are family seals, I am sure that the families to whom they belong would be anxious to learn what they can about how we came into their possession. As it's probable, or at least possible, that the goblins shortened the lives of those who bore them, I should be shy of asking any reward in that situation. What if your father bore such a ring, and someone returned it to you? In your moment of grief, how would you feel if the person said, 'Oh, yeah, and by the way, could I have a hundred gold piece reward?'"

After a moment, he adds, "If we are able to find one or more of the families, maybe, upon the return of the rings, that will lead to yet another adventure. Maybe those who bore the rings are still alive in a goblin camp somewhere, and we could run a rescue. Life is full of adventures!"

He punches Patty in the shoulder in a comradely fashion when he sees his distant cousin's eyes sparkle at the mention of visiting his home in the woods.

"Uh, Olo - let's hold off on that wine, what do you say? I don't want people to smell it on our breath, and later claim that a bunch of drunks brought an ogre into town - no offense, Lomar. Plenty of time to drink once we get there. Or at most folks, just a sip or two for the nonce," Kendry counsels, not quite teetotally. He himself sticks to water from one of his waterbags, which he also offers around. He squeezes the bag lightly as he holds it aloft, and a stream of water flows through the air into his mouth, with only one drop missing as it lands on his chin as he stops the flow.

"All right, Patty, Polly, Selithe. We'll give you a half hour head start - then we're coming along. Hey - wait, on second thought - the town is just around the bend. Why don't we just stick together for now?" he suggests on impulse. "Or no - Polly - I know how fast you are, and you know your way around Hovel. Go find Calfast, if you please!" He explains, "With more of us, some of you can walk among the crowds, and help calm them, reassure them. Yep, Selithe, and it's our job to help them be accepting. We need more people for the chorus. And that way Shale can get his own drink. Here, let me teach you a song or two. Bobbles - you can dance, yes? I know you like ravens. Do you like eagles, too? I have a song about you."

Lomar - The Friendly Ogre - A Song by the Crescent Valley bard Kendry Leafwin Pipewood 
Friday January 21st, 2005 1:42:33 AM

"Okay, everyone, listen up." He pulls out his lute, and plucks a tune. "All right, that is the tune. And here are the words." Kendry sings the first verse through twice:
Meet Lomar, the friendly ogre
He'll squish your enemies
But is gentle as you please
With halflings, whom he likes
He'll protect, defend, and plays such lively songs
La la-la la-la la-la la-la la-lah!
"All right, everyone get that? Lomar, can you add a beat on your drum?" Then he sings the first verse another time or two, making sure everyone gets it down as well as they can. "Selithe - here's the harmony - as if I have to tell you," he grins mischievously.

Then he teaches the rest of the song to his friends and family:
Meet Lomar, the friendly ogre
He can sing and write and work
And be sure his tasks not shirk
For Lomar, the friendly ogre
Is the best big friend the halflings ever had!
La la-la la-la la-la la-la la-lah!

Hear Lomar, the friendly ogre
He's a bard of song and drum
And his music shakes your tum
Now Hovel, welcome him
Do not fear - be of good cheer - he's our friend!
La la-la la-la la-la la-la la-lah!

As for Lomar, the friendly ogre
He and Kendry make a team
Their good fun will split your spleen
With kids he'll - gladly play
And teach them - their parents to obey
La la-la la-la la-la la-la la-lah!
As everyone gets to know the song, he translates for Bobbles, so he can have some idea of what is going on. He suggests that the goblin get two small sticks to clack together for percussion. If Bobbles has good rhythm, he'll let him play on. If not, he suggests he dance instead.

Happy Bobbles, Goblin Friend - A Song by the Crescent Valley bard Kendry Leafwin Pipewood 
Friday January 21st, 2005 1:46:23 AM

After the first song is more or less mastered, Kendry teaches his friends a simple round, about Bobbles (To the tune of Frere Jacque):
Bobbles goblin
Bobbles goblin
He's my friend
He's my friend
Dances sings and giggles
Likes the flying eagles
He's so green
He's so kind
He tells Bobbles what it means, and teaches the goblin how to take a bow.

Airin  d20=3
Friday January 21st, 2005 3:32:17 AM

Airin blushes at the remarks Kendry gives her concerning them rings. "It could be they were simply stolen, and there is some reward no ? ..." she stammers, knowing the lure of gold was inapropriate here.

"Olo's proposal is a good one. Let's wait till we've delivered the beer, got a place to rest, and then sit down all together and let him check the rings. Later we can do some carefull investigations. Unless the rest feels we don't need to think about those rings anymore ! "

Then she starts to pratice Kendry's songs :

Meet Lomar, the friendly ogre
He can sing and write and work
And be sure his ...
euh ... oh yes ... tasks not shirk
For Lomar, the friendly ogre
Is the best big Halfling the friends ever had!
... no that's not it ...
La la-la la-la la-la la-la la-lah!

Hear Lomar, the friendly ogre
He's a bard of song and drum

He's a what ?!? Damn, now I'll have to start all over again ! Ok, here I go again ...

Meet Lomar, the friendly ogre
He can sing and write and work
And be sure his tasks not shirk
YES ... got it now ... DOH should continue singing ...
For Lomar, the friendly ogre
Is the best big Halfling the friends ever had! La la-la la-la la-la la-la la-lah!

Haha ! Getting closer don't I Kendry ?

Seeing Kendry looking at her "singing" makes her realise her performance was below average ...

(perform = 3 untrained)

Maybe Airin should playback ?

OOC I hope I haven't messed up all those text definitions :-/ I'll see it when I post it :-D

Friday January 21st, 2005 1:07:06 PM

Patty shakes his head, a bit flustered with Kendry's tendency towards spontaneity. "What about the militia and the constables? Do you think you can warn everyone in time, Polly? Singing songs are well and good, but if our audience is taking up arms against us, we may as well practice a funeral dirge." He adds, wincing as Airin hits a high note.

Friday January 21st, 2005 1:31:08 PM

The songwriter smiles at Airin. "Hobbit girl, you're picking it up. Just keep trying, and you'll have it in no time."

When Patty expresses his concerns, Kendry responds, "We don't want to warn everyone. Just Calfast, if possible, and let him decide whom he wishes to tell. And even if she can't get to him before we come, that is all right. Forewarned is forearmed - and we don't want too many of the militia armed against us at the edge of town. In this instance, I think that a good song, friendly faces, and a bit of initial chaos may well work to our advantage.

"We should be fairly well into town before much of an effective defense will be raised, and by then, some of our friends and neighbors of the more adventurous sort will be singing along with us. When they see we mean no harm - and hear that Lomar will teach the youngin's to obey their folks and to be of good cheer - we should have lots of them won over.

"You are right, that I may be wrong - though I don't think so. Let's work on these two songs first. If we need a funeral dirge, that will have to wait. I haven't written one yet."

"Now, run, Polly, Run!"

Friday January 21st, 2005 4:51:44 PM

Patterton frowns, "I don't think it's a good idea Kendry. We can't just wander into town with a giant, give little warning and expect folks not to panic. Besides, I'm obligated to inform the militia about this. Polly can go tell Calfast while Selithe and I explain things to the captain."

Friday January 21st, 2005 7:19:11 PM

"Patty - you do that, and they may forbid it, and prevent our entry at all. This is a case of - let's show them that we are peaceful, and have a fait accompli, rather than give them a chance to say 'no,' before they know what they are saying 'no' to. But, if you want to run off ahead, I will not stop you. I would not be upset if you prove me wrong. If you prove me right, then, we'll... Look - just talk to Calfast, first, I ask you," Kendry implores. "After that, if you feel you need to talk to the captain of the militia, then fine."

Friday January 21st, 2005 10:52:02 PM

Patty considers for a moment, then scratches his head. "If this turns sour, I could be demoted or worse, Kendry. How about this; I will help escort these two and keep them 'under guard' while Polly is speaking with Calfast. That way, if it comes to it, we can say that these two are under militia protection."

"If all goes well, the captain might be more apt to consider that promotion I've been trying to get. If not...well, I just hope you know what you're doing, Kendry."

Saturday January 22nd, 2005 12:35:19 AM

Selithe looks to Patty and Kendry as they talk on what to do exctly and after a moment taps Patty's shoulder, "We should just tell Calfast that we got his beer here and also tell him about Lomar and Bobbles and see what he thinks should be done. He isn't a dumb halfling and his advice should be sound to act upon."

Selithe looks to Kendry and smiles to her brother, "What ever happens for the moment most of the group should stay out here with Lomar and Bobbles and we'll come tell you what we find out. This way we know if it's safe or not and can plan from there." Selithe lights her pipe and takes a puff before speaking to Patty and Kendry, "Our primary concern should be Lomar and Bobbles safty. I don't think any of us wanted to go through bringing them here and all just for them to get hurt or so."

Saturday January 22nd, 2005 1:38:23 AM

Patty turns to Selithe thinks a moment before saying, "Hmmmm...I'm just as concerned with Lomar and Bobbles safety as anyone. I suppose if Lomar and Bobbles stay hidden untill we talk with Calfast about it, it wouldn't cause any harm. I will need to report to the captain shortly after, however. I will try to delay them long enough so that Lomar and Bobbles can get in without a fuss. How does that sound, Kendry?"

Saturday January 22nd, 2005 3:07:44 AM

"Half an hour, and we come, singin'. Do what you can until then. See you soon! Wardd's luck be with us all!"

Saturday January 22nd, 2005 3:29:13 AM

Patty nods to Kendry and mounts up with Polly and Selithe, intent on informing Calfast of the situation.

Side note- Patty will wait untill the half hour is nearly up before speaking with the captain.

Kim - OOC: Tune for Lomar - The Friendly Ogre - where to download it (so you all can practice over the weekend) 
Saturday January 22nd, 2005 10:19:23 PM

If you would like to hear the tune to Kendry's song about Lomar, all you have to do is to download it by right clicking on http://www.woldiangames.com/repose/music/lomarthefriendlyogre.nwc and choose Save Target As... - then tell it where to place it on your hard drive.

If you have software that can play Midi files, you should be able to listen to it - if you have a sound card and speakers, or headphones.

Props to my son, Tamas, who helped by taking my singing, and plugging it in to Noteworthy Composer. He tells me the song is in the Mixolydian mode, with half steps between 3-4, and 6-7, and is in a major scale with lowered seventh degree. Kendry and my son might understand what that means, but I do not claim to do so.

If you have Noteworthy Composer, you can download the file in Noteworthy's own format at http://www.woldiangames.com/repose/music/lomarthefriendlyogre.nwc - and if you want to download a free version of Noteworthy Composer, just click on http://www.noteworthysoftware.com and then click on the "Try It" link.

The latter has the benefit of showing the lyrics as the tune is being played. With N.C., you also can print out the tune and lyrics.

Otherwise, for the lyrics, just scroll back up to the post: Lomar - The Friendly Ogre - A Song by the Crescent Valley bard Kendry Leafwin Pipewood
Friday January 21st, 2005 12:42:33 AM

Kendry to Airin, and the small chorus left behind 
Saturday January 22nd, 2005 10:46:50 PM

As the three ride ahead on - who's horse did they take, anyway? - Kendry turns to the inscripted musicians.

"All right, good effort, everyone. Oh, by the way, Airin, on the second verse, there, you want to sing '...Is the best big friend the halflings ever had.' Note - the best big friend the halflings ever had. You'd kind of mixed them up the first few times. Lomar is not a halfling. Other than that, doing great.

"Bobbles, you have the 'La la-la's' down good. You do also good on 'Lomar, the friendly ogre' - so sing those loud. Sing softer on parts you still learning. I like your voice. It adds, uh, good gravel to song." he says in goblin.

"Now, Lomar," he addresses the ogre mage, "How about, on the drums, you go 'Lomar' Boom! 'the friendly ogre' Boom!" He sings the part a couple of times for him to get the booms in. "Good, good."

"Everyone, on the line, 'Shakes your tum,' everyone put your hands on the sides of your stomach, like you feel it shaking.

"All right, Olo, do you have any questions? Shale? Shale, I know you can sing. Don't be shy, I like your voice. Think of this as a game, and shout it out!"

And so forth goes the rehearsal...

About twenty minutes after Patterton, Selithe and Polly leave, Kendry suggests, "Let's move up the road a bit, until we can just see the town. We'll watch a few minutes, then head on down, singing together." As they move along the road, before coming in sight of town, he has them quietly practice the Bobbles round.

And sets up a chant which consists of the repetition of the tonguetwisting line "Brock's Best Beer at Calfast's Party," four times, followed by "Hear the ogre sing and play" four times, and then, "Adventurers can make your day!" four times, with one last quartet of "Brock's Delicious Cider Too!"

Taking the cleric aside for a moment, he asks, "Olo - could you be in charge of calming any who get too frightened? Or angry? I think you have a reasonable way about you."

Everyone loves a parade. (DM Stephen)  d20+10=29 d20+4=10 d20+4=16 d20+4=21 d20+2=5 d20+2=16 d10=10
Sunday January 23rd, 2005 11:28:48 PM

Polly replies to Kendry with bit of sarcasism. "Sure thing, Boss! I'll go and tell Calfast. Im dying to see his expression. He may regret ever encouraging us to go." With a sly smile, she turns and darts off to Calfast's party headquarters.

Patty is concerned with the militia's reaction. (Im confused with who is all going with him. Just include yourself in your next post if you're going with him.) As Patty rounds the bend, he can see the lights of town. Tents from party goers begin to appear and line the road on the way into town. The town of Hovel is crowded with countless hobbits. The scent of sweet pies, pastries and all sorts of food and drink fill your nostrils. Many hobbits can be seen sleeping in chairs and benches. Obviously between parties. Others still spend their time dancing, singings songs and playing games. The only ones not lost in song, food or drink are those militia standing guard and those washing tower-sized stacks of dishes, mugs and cups in a big outdoor tub. Patterson approaches the militia headquarters. Not many are there. You recognize a young sargent named Timmy Willowdee. He sees you ride up from his window and walks to the door to greet you. "Hey Patty, what's up. Funny not seeing you snookered already!" He says with a smile.

Back on the road Kendry prepares his parade. The singing of his songs have a rough start but everyone seems to be getting the hang of it. Even Bobbles! He becomes really good with the La la la laa's. When Kendry suggests he play two sticks, he pulls out two spoons from his pocket. Bobbles puts the two spoons together and starts to rap them against his hand and leg as he skips and dances. They make a clickity clang sound. Olo may recognize the spoons. The same kind he keeps with his cooking gear.

Lomar practices with his drum. He plays it masterfully. The beat is a lively tune. It seems to draw you in. The sounds he produces is very fascinating. So much so that it draw the attention of others not yet known to you. A group of ten small children come walking out from the trees. They stand there slack-jawed and wide-eyed. After you all take a short pause from your practice, they continue to stand there in awe. One young hobbit nerviously steps forward, points at the giant and says, "Is th-that Lomar?!"

Patterton  d20+2=7
Sunday January 23rd, 2005 11:54:29 PM

Patty hops off of Selithe's mount and salutes the sargent with a grin. He then extends his hand to the hobbit warmly, "Hi-ya, Timmy. Listen, I've got something important to tell Calfast and I need to find him right away. Can you tell me where he is? Also, where's the Captain?"

After he answers(if he knows the answer), Patty thanks him and moves to leave when he turns and adds off-handedly, "Oh. And I heard something about wolves being seen on the other side of town near old farmer Leafwin's place on the way in. You boys might want to check it out. I'd go with you, but I've got to deliver this message right away." (bluff =7 if necessary)

Patty then quickly jogs out of the headquarters and heads towards Calfast, hoping that the militia members nearby will go looking for the "wolves", so that Lomar and crew can enter town unharassed. He doesn't feel right about it but hopes that once they talk with Calfast everything will be ok.

Monday January 24th, 2005 3:17:38 AM

Airin hops down from Blossom, and kneels next to the little kids (could there be any maternal feelings in this little halfling woman ?!?).

"Yes young one. This here is our good friend Lomar. He'll take you up on his shoulders if you like to join our little parade. Are you scared of him ? You shouldn't be. He's very friendly. Come ... let's go a little closer to him. What's your name ? I am Airin Moondancer Turnbell, and these here are all my friends." as she waves to the party of adventures, Lomar and Bobbles.

Airin hopes this little youngster will indeed go closer to Lomar, and gestures lomar to kneel too and say a friendly hello to the kid. She tries to introduce the kid to Lomar and vica versa. Kendry can help translating what Lomar is supposed to do. Airin tries to calm the kid, and make him realise how nice Lomar really is. If the kid starts to like Lomar, maybe Lomar can gently give the kid a hand (not to hard Lomar !).

"Why don't your friends come any closer --- the kids name --- ? You see he's very friendly ! I told you so. Wanna sit on his shoulder ? Hey I have an idea ! ... you heard us singing Kendry's song didn't you ? Why don't you sing along and join our parade ... all of you ! Come one ... let's give it a try. Kendry !" Airin gestures to Kendry to start playing to help these kids overcome their fear and join the little parade.

Airin hopes that once kids join their parade, the older folks in town won't be that scared Airin.

Monday January 24th, 2005 8:35:08 PM

(OOC:Just a quick comment. Selithe doesn't have a mount that I know anyway. We must of borrowed someone's mount.)

Selithe looks to Patty and his friends and smiles and nods to Patty's friends, "Hi there." Selithe looks to Patty, "I want to head over to Calfast's tent. Meet me as soon as possible Patty."

Selithe moves quickly off to find Calfast's tent and also to talk to Calfast if possible. She will stay if Patty asks her to and will do her best to explain to the catpain Patty wants to meet with.

Tuesday January 25th, 2005 2:11:13 AM

"Sure kids! Like Airin said, this is Lomar. We met him in the Culverwood, and he has helped us a lot. My name is Kendry. Kendry Leafwin Pipewood. My other friends, 'sides Airin, can tell you their own names. But this here fella playing the spoons is another friend, named Bobbles. He speaks a different language, but wants to learn common. I can interpret for you - that is, you ask him something, and I'll tell you what he says." He turns to Bobbles, and says, "Take a bow, Bobbles, just like we practiced a little bit ago." Kendry bows himself to prompt him.

"You wanna learn some songs? Follow us into town, and we'll teach ... say," he says to the boy with the dark wavy hair, and a shock of white just above the left temple, "Aren't you Kivrey - you live the next burrow over from the Leafwin Turnbells, don't you? Mister Rollin and missus Pepper, Winnet and Leaf, and Jorell, and Polly, and Annice and - the whole bunch. It's gotta be you, Kivrey. 'S been a year or so since I saw you last. How're your folks?" He pauses for Kivrey's response, if any, and responds as may be appropriate, asks the rest of the children to tell their names (and tries to remember as many as he can), then encourages them all with, "Well, c'mon kids, join on in! Let's learn the Bobbles song. You all know what a round is? Where you split into two groups, and ... well, let's just learn the song first."

He offers encouragement to them as they go along - should they go along. A bit of Bobbles, then back to the Lomar song. He gives Lomar a huge grin.

Tuesday January 25th, 2005 1:07:49 PM

Thoroughly enjoying the music and what's turning into a parade, Olo nevertheless keeps an eye on Lomar. He hopes the giant will stay at ease and engrossed with his drumming, but he can't be sure how the big guy will react as the crowd swells.

Since Airin and Kendry are seeing to the children, Olo simply continues to sing enthusiastically. Thinking of the beer, the parties, and the stories that he has to tell, he breaks out into a large smile.

ooc: sorry about the lateness of the post, pc issues prevented me from getting online last night.

From the mouths of babes. (DM Stephen)  d100=92 d100=78 d6=6 d6=5 d20+10=30
Wednesday January 26th, 2005 12:51:09 AM

The sarge takes a more serious tone. "Oh you mean business this day! Well its your lucky day. The Captain is with Calfast at his tent. Hurry before you miss them." As Patty starts to run off, Timmy yells from the doorway, "I'll send a squad to investigate the wolves." Patterton makes his way through the crowd and finds Calfast's party headquarters. As he enters the tent, he sees both the Captain and Calfast sitting at a table have a smoke and a few drinks. Polly is also there. She gives you a look that tells you she hasn't explained the situation yet. You interupted her in mid-sentence. Calfast stands to his feet and welcomes the warrior. "Yes, yes, come on in. Hmmm, hardy looking lad. Do you know this gentleman, Captain?" The Captain stands to his feet as well. "Why yes. This is Patterton. Fine soldier ... one of the best of your new young crop. Looks like you come here with a purpose, Sir. Mind giving us a report?"

Back on the road, everyone becomes acquanted with the young children. "Im Popper. Im Memaw. Im Rolander. My name is Sammy. Im Topher. Yeah, Im Kivrey! Im Jorge. Im Haras. My name is Hobie, but you can call me Hob, mister. Im Sissy," she says shyly. Kivrey replies, "They're ok. Uhhh, what you up ... too?!" He cant help but keep his eyes fixed on Lomar and Bobbles. Both giant and goblin give back warm smiles. Bobbles gives his bow. He wonders if this is the custom. He prepares to do a lot of bowing when they enter town.

With Airin and Kendry's persistence they all agree to sing. And boy do they sing. They lift lift their voices in song and they sound amazingly well (lucky, I rolled a natural 20 to determine their group performance.). Lomar says, "Wow! Do all you hobbits sing and play this good?! Very good!" The kids clap and cheer to celebrate their performance. An excited Kivrey tugs at Kendry's shirt. "Can we be in your parade? Oh oh, can we?!"

Wednesday January 26th, 2005 1:56:43 AM

"Nice spoons, Bobbles!"

As the children tell their names, rat-a-tat-tat, Kendry repeats them. "Popper, Memaw," (which one are girls, which boys?) "Rolander, uh-huh Sammy. Topper? Topher! Kiv, Jorge, Haras. Can I say Har-r-ras?" he asks, trilling the r. "Okay, Hob. Say, Sissy - welcome!" he shoots the lass a charming smile.

"Oh, Kivvers, we just went on a trip to Trader's Corner on the river. Lots of things to tell you about. Water chariots. An ambush in the night. A unicorn! Some bad goblins, and a good goblin. A boat crash. Robbery! Rescue! An old tower. A sleeping ogre, all tied up. Too much to tell all. But we made friends with these two, and others, as well."

"You all sound gr-r-r-reat! together!" he agrees with Lomar.

"You want to be in our parade. Hmmm. I dunno. What do you think, Lomar? Want some rambunctious hobbit kids to march with us?" he asks with a wink. "But first, a test. Any performer must know how to bow, or, if a lassy, how to curtsey proper. There are dozens of types of bows."

Kendry starts with an elaborate bow with multiple small rotations of his right forearm and hand as he elegantly bends forward, the left hand gracefully going out to his side, the bard's eyelids suitably and somberly half-lidded, and his right leg sliding back and to the left of his left leg. At the end, he raises his head, serious for a beat - then he warps his countenance into a silly face.

Standing erect, he tells them, "This is not the kind of bow we want to start with. So let's start with it." He demonstrates a few times, and watches the kids give it a try. He laughs and applauds. "When someone bows after a performance, remember to clap!"

"All right, all right. Let me show you the right kind of bow for tonight." He shows a simple bow, feet together, hands at the side. He also shows the girl(s) (Memaw? any others? and Sissy) how to curtsey. He compliments any good efforts.

He drills the children for maybe two or three minutes, until they can do it in unison. "Almost, almost. Well, good enough for starters. You can sing, you can bow.

"Yes! Please join our parade! Some on the wagon. Shale - can you fit a couple on Valor? Lomar can take a few - only if you can hold on real tight, though! Olo will test your grip to see if your hands and arms are strong enough."

After getting the swelling chorus into some semblance of order, Kendry, guiding Biscuit down the road, pulls open his knapsack, pulls out two sunrods, strikes them together to offer light, giving one to a child on the cart, and one to a child on Lomar. "No, none for you, Kivrey. You ever help guide a pony in a cart? Watch me for a few minutes, then I'll let you get the feel for the reins."

He gives a click of his tongue to get Biscuit's attention, and a nice snap of the reins - no so as to pull much on her mouth, but so she feels the leather on her sides, and knows it's time to stop enjoying a grassy snack. "Hovel, Ho! And a-one and a-two Meet Lomar, the friendly ogre..."

Airin  d20=5 d20+5=20
Wednesday January 26th, 2005 6:01:06 AM

As the children begin to sing loudly Airin winks to Kendry pleased to see they are joining their parade. What could possibly go wrong now !

"Who wants to ride on Blossom ?" she says to the childres, and if any join her, she will put them on Blossom, and walks along side to help them. "There we go ! ...

Meet Lomar, the friendly ogre...
As she sees the look on Patty's face again when she hits that high note again (Perform = 5)
, she sings a little less loud and concentrate on what she can do best ... scouting :-)

So Airin sings along though it becomes more and more play backing. With the additional singers no one will even notice. So she tries to keep an eye out to whomever she can see or who would be interested in this group (Spot = 20).

ooc. I don't know why those perform rolls end up soo bad every time I roll them ... Guess airin really is not made to sing after all :-) Luckily I never tried to become a Bard !!

Airin correction post 
Wednesday January 26th, 2005 6:03:15 AM

Guess I made a mistake. Patty is no longer with the group ... let's change that sentence :

As she sees the look on these children's faces when she hits that high note again (Perform = 5)
, she sings a little less loud and concentrates on what she can do best ... scouting :-)

sorry :-)

Selithe  d20+3=11
Wednesday January 26th, 2005 3:27:23 PM

Selithe having left Patty at the guard post has moved on to Calfast's tent inless Patty holds her up anyway to wait for him.

Once at the tent she looks around and once she spots (spot:11) Calfast she moves over to them and smiles to Calfast, "Greetings again sir. Umm, I hate to interupt you but may I speak with you for a moment, it's something important."

Selithe leaves her comment at that as she hopes she doesn't have to speak about Lomar at the moment infront of everyone in the tent. She kind of like to find out Calfast's personal opinion on Lomar and Bobbles.

Wednesday January 26th, 2005 11:40:11 PM

Patty salutes the captain sharply and nods politely to Calfast, "Pleasure to meet you, sir." He says as Selithe leads Calfast away(presumably to fill him in on what's happening).

Turning back to the captain, Patty continues. "I do have something to report, sir. We thought it best to speak with you and Calfast about it first. Ya see...*Patty proceeds to tell the tale as he knows it to the captain, making sure to paint Lomar and Bobbles in a good light.*"

"...and you should've seen what this guy did to those greenies! Squashed half a dozen of them 'em flat without so much as a scratch. And that Bobbles fellow helped save me when the other goblins had me captured. At any rate, my companions and I couldn't just leave them out there to be killed and we knew Hovel folk wouldn't turn away such a nobel pair. They should be here any moment...under guard, of course." He adds quickly.

Patty hopes that Selithe has had time to speak with Calfast and that the captain is reasonable.

(OOC- I'm a little confused as to what's happening with the captain and Calfast right now. This is under the assumption that Patty is alone with the captain and Selithe has pulled Calfast away to speak with him)

Thursday January 27th, 2005 7:57:42 AM

"Hey, that's a great idea Kendry! Let's see... Sammy, you look like a strong young lad, hold onto my arms here and right here." Olo holds out his forearms and let's the young halfling grab hold. Olo then lifts his arms up in the air and let's the boy hold his own weight. "Wow, you are strong!" I'm sure you can manage just fine up on Lomar's shoulder.

"Okay, one other. Who will it be?" Olo picks an eager youngster and repeats the test to make sure the child can hold on. "You kids sure are strong! I bet it's because you eat all your vegetables eh?"

If any other children need a spot to ride, he'll place a couple up on the back of the donkey. Once that is done, he returns to humming the tune the others are singing and enjoys the thought of returning home.

Thursday January 27th, 2005 3:26:25 PM

Kendry smiles as Olo helps a few of the children out. He is glad that his friends and cousins are so good with children.

Look who I brought to dinner! (DM Stephen)  d6=3 d100=97 d100=13 d6=5 d6=2
Thursday January 27th, 2005 9:17:57 PM

(Calfast's party headquarters is a large tent with four walls and a flap for a door. It is private and separate from the crowds.)

The Captain pulls Patty aside, away from Calfast, Selithe and Polly. Both Selithe and Polly continue to speak with Calfast together, in a similar fashion on the other side of the tent. However, in the middle of each of your reports, both the Captain and Calfast blurt out, "OGRE ... GOBLIN!!" Calfast looks at the Captain. The Captain looks at Calfast. Then Calfast speaks up, "Are we talking about the same thing?" The Captain responds, "Apparently so!" Calfast continues, "Well then, we have a possible catastrophy on our hands. I understand that these two have shown you kindness and helped you with your task, but to bring them here! With all of Crescent Valley in attendance, no less! The people aren't ready for something like this! But we cant just let a giant and a goblin come marching into Hovel without some notice to everyone. There would be wide spread panic. People could get trampled and hurt trying to flee." The Captain agrees, "Yes, I'll assemble the militia and head out to meet this giant and his goblin friend!" Calfast not liking his tone, "Captain, you will NOT go charging out to them with banners waving and swords drawn! Not one bit, Sir! This problem needs to be dealt with subtly. Not with a battlecry!" Calfast walks to the door and turns around, "Come on! Im not walking out to greet a giant by myself!" Polly starts to follow. She gives Patty and Selithe a worried look.

Out on the road, everyone is having a grand ol' time. Lomar plays his drums with the childrens' acceptance. All fear is removed from their eyes. With Olo's help, kids are being lifted up onto Lomar. He accepts them with a smile. Lomar says to Kendry, "Yes, the more the merrier. We can have a very good parade. Uhh, what's a parade?" Bobbles continues to do a lot of bowing. The kids mimic the goblin and laugh. Kendry demonstrates the proper bow and curtsey. The kids improve. However, by this time Bobbles is starting to get dizzy. All but Shale seem to be enjoying themselves. Perhaps he's seeing problems starting to brew. Little Memaw walks up to Shale and gives him one of her flowers. "Can I ride on your pony?"

Airin offers her pony for rides and Popper, Topher and Jorge yell out, "Me me me me me!!" As she begins to help a few up on the horse, she spots several other hobbits down the road. The drum playing is beginning to draw more attention. There are three young males standing in the road from town. One is holding a lute. The other two are hold pints of ale. One drops his drank on the road. They all stand frozen in place, slack-jawed and awe-struck. Kendry and Shale may recall the guy with the lute from their aunt's party.
(Popper, girl. Memaw, girl. Rolander, boy. Sammy, boy. Topher, boy. Kivrey, boy. Jorge, boy. Haras, girl. Hobie, boy. Sissy, girl.)

Thursday January 27th, 2005 9:58:03 PM

Patty hurries after Calfast and the captain, wringing his hands a bit. "I assure you, they're no danger, sirs. These two are not like the others...and Kendry and the others are watching them carefully. Just wait and see. If we hurry, we may be able to catch them before they get to far into town, but I tell you they mean no harm."

He returns Polly's worried look and winks a bit to reassure her.

Thursday January 27th, 2005 11:23:17 PM

"A parade, good Lomar," Kendry answers, "is when a lot of people march forth in a group, play music, entertain, and make people happy who watch them." He switches to the giant tongue. "Some people may be afraid of you, ogre mage, just as we were wary of you when we found you sleeping. The way you escaped when Biguns and Slag tried to attack you, you might need to be prepared to do, again. But mind the children on your shoulders, first, and set them gently down. If that happens, stay close by, in misty form. Let's see if our tongues and songs and merry making can't help allay people's fears. Once they find you truly mean no harm, then many will be willing to treat you as a friend. Some never may, for each answers to his own heart. If you can keep from hurting any, even if some hurt you, then your steadfastness and kindness will win more hearts. We are about to enter a contest, friend. May the contest have many winners, ourselves included. Do you know of Wardd, the god of luck?" Kendry asks. "Let's agree to ask his oversight. Despite this speech, be not afraid," he says. After a beat, he adds, in common, "If there's any trouble, the children themselves will protect you, drummer! Right, kids? We will sing about Lomar, and protect our big new friend. Isn't he nice? Three cheers, for Lomar! Hip hip, hurray, hip hip, hurray, hip hip, HUZZAH! Yay, Lomar! Yay, Lomar! Yay, LOMAAAAR!!!"

"Good bowing, Bobbles, very good. But save some for later, when we get to town - which is soon, soon. Too much bowing make head feel cloudy. Oh, harah! There is music man I know. His name Bobbik. I talk with him."

Kendry calls forth from his perch on the cart. "Hail, Bobbik Raspel Tumblefoot Mellips. Listen to our song, and lend us your music, bard! It is I, Kendry, back from an adventure with friends old and new, little and big, and the best beer in the Valley! Come and join our parade! Be not afraid, the giant is our friend! The goblin too. I'm not so sure about the pony, though," he jests. "Your two friends, too - welcome!"

If Bobbik is willing to join in, Kendry will lay down the basic chords for him to play along. If this is too tough for Bob, he will limit him to strumming the last chord of each line. "For special emphasis," he explains, making sure he understands the importance of his role in the parade.

"All right, it's down the hill and into town!" Kendry rallies the crew. He picks up the song ...Their good fun will split your spleen
With kids he'll - gladly play
And teach them - their parents to obey
La la-la la-la..."

He hopes his friends will invite any others they encounter along the way.

Kendry adds a transition verse from Lomar's song to Bobble's song 
Thursday January 27th, 2005 11:51:42 PM

"Oh - oh - I have a new verse. Listen everyone, listen up!
Meet Bobbles, the happy goblin
Though his skin is very green
He is friendly and not mean
He loves the lady bright
Who brings healing to all at darkest night
La la-la la-la la-la la-la la-la
Kendry uses that verse to lead into the Bobbles round.

He translates the new verse for Bobbles, too.

Airin  d20=18
Friday January 28th, 2005 9:19:32 AM

Airin makes sure Blossom walks gently forward and keeps an eye on the kids riding Blossom. She doesn't want any to fall off.

She can't really help to persuade the hobbits that are gazing at the group, but encourages all in the parade to sing loud. No one can resist the beat of the drum and this happy party.

This time it seems Airin's got the hang of it as she takes another attempt to sing along (Perform 18). You can even say it almost sounds good!

Friday January 28th, 2005 2:54:04 PM

Olo grins and shakes his head at Kendry. "Oy! Another verse Kendry? I can't keep up, you've reduced me to just humming along!"

Olo keeps a close watch, and stays near at hand, to Lomar (just incase a child should lose his grip). Watching the children is making Olo feel like a kid again, and for a second he considers asking Lomar for a ride on the shoulder as well. Maybe later.

Friday January 28th, 2005 5:05:23 PM

Selithe races to cetchup with Calfast and the captain and speaks to them as they go, "Yes, please keep in mind that both are not going to put up a fight inless you go out their brandishing pikes and such. Lomar and Bobbles are not a threat and their friends. I will defend my friends if need be, there has to be a way to work this all out."

Selithe looks to Calfast and the captain as she puts her hands on her hips and holds her pipe carefully, "Your not going to try and hurt him right? Either of you?"

Friday January 28th, 2005 6:00:46 PM

Patty puts a reassuring hand on Selithe's shoulder, half to show support and half to prevent her from impedeing the captain and Calfast's progress.

"No one is going to try and hurt them, Selithe." He whispers to her, "Have some faith, it will all work out." Patty keeps a confident look on his face, but inside he too is a bit worried.

Saturday January 29th, 2005 9:34:06 PM

"Say, Airin, by Alemi, I think you've got it!" Kendry interjects. "Well sung, young woman, well sung! I knew you'd find your voice once you got the lyrics down."

Here Comes the Bosses! [DM Jerry] 
Tuesday February 1st, 2005 4:57:28 AM

Those with Calfast come into sight. This causes some of the children to falter in their playing and begin to hide under, behind, and inside nearby bushes, trees, etc.

Calfast booms, "So! What have we here?"

[Sorry for the short post. Under the gun. CDM problems with another game taking my time.]

Tuesday February 1st, 2005 4:29:15 PM

"Biscuit, whoa! Hold up, girl," Kendry says, bringing the cart to a stop. "Wait here a moment, Lomar. Wait here, Bobbles. We talk with Calfast, tell him you good."

He puts on the brake, ties off the reins, and hops down off the cart. "Kivrey, will you stay with the cart a couple of minutes? Thanks. Children, don't be afraid - you've done nothing wrong, and no one's going to hurt you."

He motions for any of his adventuring companions who wish to, to come forward to talk with Calfast.

"Well met, Calfast." Looking at those who accompany him, he checks to see if they are the same ones who were previously at Calfast's opening night party, or if there are some he does not recognize. Not knowing whether the politician would want everyone to know that it was he who sent the group on the Quest for Beer, Kendry chooses not to reveal this tidbit of information.

"Well, since we want to support the political process here in Crescent Valley, we thought we'd pick up some beer," he says with a wink. "Owing to our own efforts in part, but with the decided and indispensable help of two unusual new friends, we would like to deliver to your tent a quantity of Brock's Best Beer, and Brock's Delicious Hard Cider."

"A pack of goblins attacked us as we slept the first night back upstream. They stole the boat, and nearly killed Captain Titus. Fortunately, there was one goblin who refused to go along with their plan." Turning to indicate the goblin, he continues. "Bobbles, here, helped us track where the boat was taken, and played a key role in our retaking the boat. I consider him my friend. He speaks goblin, but knows maybe ten or twenty words of common. I can translate, if you wish. There are many more details, but we know the parties are due to begin fairly soon.

"Also, a BIG help to us, is Lomar. Olo? Airin?" He nods toward his other friends, too. "Anyone want to tell the role of our ogre friend in our adventure?"

Kendry will defer to someone else to tell the story of Lomar. He hopes they don't mention his being a half ogre mage quite yet...

A Real Ogre? [DM Jerry] 
Tuesday February 1st, 2005 8:11:21 PM

Lomar actually looks afraid and about to run. he's half-turned around and his legs are shaking.

Bobbles hides behind Lomar.

Calfast listens intently to Kendry. He nods slightly beginning to grin.

"Well I see Kendry has not lost his tongue. How about the rest of you? Lose your tongue to goblins?"

The captain is turning red in the face, now that he's come face to face with the ogre itself. His mind seems to be far away, however.

"I thought when you said ogre that you were using a metaphor for a large person. That's a.....real....a....."

You can see fear, and panic rising in the voice of the captain. His hand inadvertantly goes to his horn.

Selithe  d20+3=16
Tuesday February 1st, 2005 9:38:05 PM

Selithe looks to Calfast and nods, "Yep, Lomar here helped us out alot and so did Bobbles. We would of never made it here already if it wasn't for both of them."

Selithe spots the guard captain's hand moving towards the horn (spot:16) and frowns and points at him, "Don't you dare." Selithe puts her hands on her hips and glares at him, "Lomar is a friend and he is perfectly safe. Why would he be here with us if he wasn't? he could of just squashed us and had done with it when we met him." Selithe motions to Lomar now, "Anyway captain and Calfast, both of you should be atleast polite please and say hello to Lomar and Bobbles."

Selithe looks to her brother Kendry knowing he might not like the way she spoke considering but of course Selithe isn't a stranger to run in's with the law.

Patterton  d20+2=9
Tuesday February 1st, 2005 9:58:46 PM

Patty stiffens as Calfast reaches for the horn, but makes no move to stop him. "Please, sir. He's more afraid of you then you are of him. These two are just seeking protection. Please, hear them out..." (diplomacy =9)

Airin  d20+1=19
Wednesday February 2nd, 2005 3:21:40 AM

"Captain, maybe we ought to tell the tale how we met Lomar. Maybe then you will understand his true nature, his kindness and the reason we feel confident of bringing him to our homes ..."

Airin takes a deep breath. She never told stories before, but will do to the best of her abilities. She walks over to Lomar, puts her hands on his legs and beckons him to bow so his face comes at the same height as her own. This way, his size won't be soo overwhelming.

"Frankly sir, if I may say so, we were acting pretty stupid when we met Lomar. We were chasing the remaining Goblins who stole our beer as they wanted to sell it to the Ogres living in the mountains. We were following their tracks untill we suddenly heard someone sawing a huge tree down. It turned out to the our friend Lomar who was sleeping ! ", Airin occasionally laughs in between her story so hopefully Calfast will be pleased with it.

"Imagine, a huge Ogre sleeping fast on the ground, and us little ones trying to get our beer back. Lomar took the beer from the Goblins and emptied one whole barrel ! :-)" , Airin casts a loving smile on Lomars face as if to say he was a little rascal ...

"Next we tied him down. But to our ... especially my surprise as I was tying him down ... he was wide awake. When we noticed he was awake he pleasantly greeted us. We never expected an Ogre to be soo polite and pleasant to talk with. We made a merry all morning ... I bet you have heard his amasing drum playing ? Anyway, Lomar has helped us a lot to retrieve our beer and protecting us all. I bet in his hart he would prefere to be a little Hobbit but he was born an Ogre. Who are be to judge him on his looks and size. I will personally ... and probably not just me alone ... guarantee that Lomar will do nothing wrong. Look how these kids played with him !! He really likes children !!
Please sir, just give both Bobbles and Lomar a chance. They really deserve one. They are our friends and deserve to be treated with respect."

Then Airin falls silent ... gives a kiss at Lomars cheeks to prove she's not scared of Lomar at all, and then carefully looks at Calfast and the captain, trying to figure out their intentions (sense motive 19)

Wednesday February 2nd, 2005 5:33:40 PM

Still standing next to Lomar, Olo see's that the big guy is on the verge of panic. Hoping to avoid an incident, Olo tries to settle him down. "Hey Lomar it's okay. We're your friends, we won't let anything happen to you. I promise you that. Just take a deep breath and relax."

Olo leads by example, taking in a deep breath and slowly letting it out.

"There you go, you'll be playing your drum by a fire before you know it."

Wednesday February 2nd, 2005 9:26:34 PM

"No, the Captain does not fear for himself, but is concerned for the town he guards. Captain, please, grant us a moment to allay your understandable concerns. Listen, Captain, Calfast, to our song. And then, consider, whether you might blow your horn to arrange, not a defense, but rather, an honor guard. If you and your men can escort us into Hovel, showing bravery and stout hearts, as well as calmness in the presence of such unusual, uh, largeness (and long teeth)," he adds the last more quietly, yet knowing that Lomar, with his excellent ears, will hear him, casts a wink over his shoulder to the ogre mage, "then, observing your own demeanor, will people be calmed, and panic averted."

Letting this sink in for a moment, Kendry continues, "Lomar is a bard - he writes songs, and poems, and stories. He is one of the best drummers I know. Besides, folk love parades, and a marching band!"

Kendry calls out to the bushes and trees. "Come, children. Time for our first audience! Don't be shy, now Sissy with the beautiful voice, and Topher whose words carry far. Rolander - I see you in that tree. Good climb, boy! Come one, come all.

"Bobbik!" he calls to the bard who still stands dumbfounded before the group, "Are you going to play with us, or just listen?"

Retrieving his lute, Kendry plays a chord, and looks to Calfast & the Captain, as if for permission. "By your leave?"

If they indicate in the affirmative, then Kendry leads the group in Lomar's song. He encourages the ogre, who he knows is apprehensive. He plays lively, nodding his head occasionally to match the beat of Lomar's drum.

The Ogre's New Clothes [DM Jerry] 
Thursday February 3rd, 2005 7:39:27 AM

The captain's face turns red with embarrassment as he realizes he's wrong AND that his own personal scruples prevents him from welcoming "MONSTERS" into the "Peaceful Kingdom" as his mother always called it.

"Iya...don't know....OGRES!....but then......GOBLINS!.....attacking grandmama.....NO!.......This is the Peaceful Kingdom! Can't!"

Turning so read he's about to pop, he runs back down the road....his fat little legs pumping for as long as they can last, which is about 30 seconds. Then he ducks into his house and bars the door and locks the windows.

Calfast looks concerned for an appropriate amount of time and then beams at Lomar and Bobbles.

"I think a parade is in order! A parade leading to the best Political Party of all time! Come children! Run! Go find all your friends! Bring your sparklers! Bring your instruments!

"These 'Heroes of the Beer' will get me elected this day!

"Here child. Take this coin to the tavern and tell my boys to send me the Campaign Wagon!"

Turning towards the party, he adds, "I hope you don't mind me taking a bit of your glory here. I promise to make it up to you."

He then approaches Lomar and shakes his hand helping him to his full height. Then he leads Bobbles around and looks him over.

"We need new clothes for this one! He must look his best. Hmm...."

[sorry for the missed post folks. I have to get back into the habit again.]

Thursday February 3rd, 2005 7:56:05 AM

Happy the group manages to persuade Calfast, and somewhat mocking the captains fear, Airin waits to see how they will refit the Ogre.

Then once everyone is ready, she joins the parade and walks into town feeling mighty happy with the twinkle of victory in her eyes.

Thursday February 3rd, 2005 3:02:24 PM

Disappointed in the Captain, Kendry just shakes his head in bemused disbelief as the leader of the militia turns tail and runs.

Then, returning the candidate's grin, the halfling puts look to his companions, and places his arm around his sister, Selithe. "Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly, this quest was inspired and financed by you, sir. The glory is yours, though some of the challenge, and sorrow, and fun have been ours. Let your face shine, and let's win this election for The Adventure Party, sir!"

As the children return with friends and sparklers, Kendry prepares to lead the musical portion of the parade. In his head, he begins composing a new song for the campaign...

Thursday February 3rd, 2005 3:36:42 PM

Absolutly disgusted with the captain's cowardice, Patty stares after him in disbelief and shakes his head slowly. "Never thought I'd see a captain act like such a fool. Well, it can't be helped now...let's get this parade underway."

Looking at the children climbing on Lomar's shoulder, Patty waves at them cheerfully and looks to Kendry. "Alright, old boy. That worked out better then we could have hoped for. I guess you'd better teach me a verse or two of that song."

Thursday February 3rd, 2005 7:48:47 PM

"Alrighty then, let's get back to it shall we?"

Giving Lomar a quick nudge (at what ends up being calf level for the ogre) and a smile, Olo once again takes up humming the tune as the others begin singing.

Then, getting a thought in his head he wanders over by Kendry. "You know Kendry, this is the most fun I've had in ages. I'm almost sad it's over. Maybe there's a bit more to be done in getting those rings back to their owners?"

Thursday February 3rd, 2005 10:53:44 PM

Selithe grins and nods at her brother's comments and turns quickly and hugs her brother before stepping back, "YEAH! I'm glad this turned out so good. I was worried."

Selithe waves to Lomar, "Play us a tune Lomar, come on Bobbles, lets sing." Selithe winks to Kendry and whispers to him, "Come on brother, one of the songs like we used to sing when we were little."

Selithe also moves over and claps Patty on the back as a friendly good job and hugs Airin also, "Good job Airin."

Monster Music! [DM Jerry] 
Friday February 4th, 2005 8:54:30 AM

Soon, children are returning with cloth, beads, perfume, and even a huge tentcloth.

Wrapping it around the ogre like a ribbon game, they soon have the ogre looking like a huge giant child playing makeup!

Bobbles takes one sniff of the perfume and begins to raise it to his lips.

The bedlam which could only be half a dozen halflings racing a wagon through town can be heard in the distance.

People are beginning to come out of their houses. One burly 'sittin' hobbit begins to shout the news!

"A parade is entering the town! Come out! The Political Party for the Adventuring Party Candidate is about to begin!"

He turns to Calfast. "And what else should I say sir?"

Calfast grins and points to the beer, the ogre, the goblin, the children, and the adventuring party.

Friday February 4th, 2005 10:33:58 AM

Enjoying the sparkle in Airin's eyes, Kendry acknowledges the words and suggestions of Patterton, Olo - "Ay, the rings, but later!" Selithe - "Sure, sis, we'll sing one at the party!"

Kendry laughs with joy at the decoration of Lomar.

Bobbles - don't drink! It for put a little on the skin - on neck, on armpits, on wrist,' he speaks in goblin. 'Try it! But no drink it.

Kendry offers to add to the cryer's repertoire. "Why not try something like this?" He belts forth this rhythmic chant, repeating it a couple times for the fellow to get it down, and jotting it on a piece of paper to hand him at the end.
Brock's Best Beer at Calfast's Party
Brock's Best Beer at Calfast's Party
Hear the ogre sing and play
Adventurers can make your day

Don't miss the fun,
At Calfast's tent,
Come all come one
To this event!

Brock's Delicious Cider too
Brock's Delicious Cider too
Watch the happy goblin dance
The Adventure Party helps us advance

Don't miss the fun,
At Calfast's tent,
Come all come one
To this event!

Hear the story of the year
Of goblin, unicorn and beer
Miscues, rescues, puddin' and pie
Bring the girls and all draw nigh!

Don't miss the fun,
At Calfast's tent,
Come all come one
To this event!

Family, crew and stolen ship
Unexpected new friendship
Goblins, warthogs, ogre's tower
Hear of hobbits' friendship power

Come to Calfast, hear the drum
Bring your grandpa, bring your mum
Hear the halflings' joyful song
Come one come all and join the throng!
As through the town they go, this chant, Lomar's song, and Bobble's song he leads, engaging the crowd, and waving for people to fall in behind.

Friday February 4th, 2005 4:54:19 PM

Patty attempts to sing a few verses, feels foolish and quits. 'There's plenty of kids around', he thinks, 'they can handle the singing bit.' Instead, Patty moves over near Bobbles and says, "Alright, Bobbles. I'll stay near you. No need to be worried about anything...wait, not the whole bottle!" Patty takes a step back as the goblin experiments with the cologne.

Friday February 4th, 2005 7:25:19 PM

Selithe grins and watches everything going on as she dusts off her outfit more and straightens it. Of course she is wearing one of her normal showy outfits, the neck line cut lower then it should be for her age and the sleeves are ruffled to make it easier to hide cards, etc when she is gambling.

Selithe looks to the others and nods to Calfast, "My brother speaks true, we were just the messenger boys and girls in this and thats about it. All the real glory goes to you."

Monday February 7th, 2005 3:46:52 AM

Airin is enjoying the parade a lot. Laughter, music, dancing ... ah ... what a great life she chose. Not growing up to be a farmer girl was the best descision she ever took.

But she must keep her mind to the business. Paranoid as she is she starts to examine the bystanders. Maybe there are some that are looking suspicious at the group ...


Airin  d20+5=22
Monday February 7th, 2005 3:47:40 AM

ooc. Hit the wrong button :-)

spot 22

Patterton  d20=20
Monday February 7th, 2005 4:35:12 AM

Patterton, noticing Airin's suspicious glance, takes a survey of the crowd as well. Waving and nodding to people he knows, he also keeps a sharp eye out for these "street toughs" he's heard the others talk about and anyone else who looks agitated by the presence his strange, new friends.(spot roll...a natural 20!!)

Monday February 7th, 2005 7:59:36 PM

After watching the ogre to make sure he's okay with it, Olo laughs himself to tears watching the children play dress-up with Lomar. "I was wrong Lomar! Looks like you're not so safe with all these kids around!"

Still staying close to the big guy, or as close as he can get with all the children crowding in, Olo walks along enjoying the new verses as sung by the others.

Parade Halt! [DM Jerry] 
Tuesday February 8th, 2005 9:06:31 AM

[Sorry guys. I thought Steven was posting yesterday.]

The parade begins in earnest as people come out of their houses, dressed for a party. Most pause a bit, staring at the monsters. Then realizing that the "BRAVE ADVENTURERS" have "tamed" them, they join in.

"No worries," one says, "They've used magic to charm the beasties. It's part of the show. Hope it doesn't wear off."

Soon it's a full blown parade. Hundreds of halflings following along or in front singing various songs as Kendry makes them up. Lomar turns out to be very adept at key changes and interludes between verses.

Then suddenly the music begins to falter. Something's out of tune! Something loud. Looking back, first Kendry and then the others see a backup in the parade because the ogre has stopped.

He stands there, then an explosion of tears come out of his eye ducts showering all around and pert near soaking some. Then he plops down on the ground causing some cobblestones in the street to crack. A wail comes up from his beer barrel chest that turns into something very dissonant and unpleasant to hear.

He is crying.

Kendry  d20+5=24
Tuesday February 8th, 2005 11:31:17 AM

Kendry overhears [Listen: 24] the comment about using magic to charm. "No mister, it's friendship - much more reliable than magic. Friendship is what we have here."

He enjoys thoroughly the growing parade, the music, the excitement.

Oh. Oh. It's all too much for Lomar. The persecution and long-term rejection from his family and tribesmates. To now have new friends, who speak well of him, and now surrounded by halflings who - some obviously misunderstand - but, nevertheless, they enjoy his music, and revel in it.

Kendry makes his way back to the ogre mage. "Lomar, Lomar, you're with friends." He pats him on the arm. In the giant tongue, he asks, "What can we do for you, friend? Why do you weep?"

Tuesday February 8th, 2005 2:03:34 PM

Patty rolls his eyes as Lomar begins crying and looks over at Bobbles. "Now, don't you start too." He says, shaking his head, laughing.

Tuesday February 8th, 2005 5:19:14 PM

Olo is caught completely off guard when Lomar burts into tears. "Whoa! Lomar, what's wrong friend?"

Trying to figure out what's wrong with the big guy, Olo quiets up when Kendry starts talking to Lomar in his own tongue. I'll let Kendry handle this, he's got a good way with people

Tuesday February 8th, 2005 11:21:31 PM

Selithe blinks as she hears the crying, let alone the ground shaking sit down and twirls around to see Lomar crying. Selithe's face contorts into one of confusion at first and then she looks to Kendry and speaks up, "Is he okay brother? whats wrong with him?"

Selithe moves over to the kids and people and waves to them, "hey everyone, come over here and meet Calfast and some of the group who helped bring our two new friends here."

Selithe hopes she is able to pull some of the crowd away from poor Lomar and buy her brother some time to calm the ogre.

Wednesday February 9th, 2005 2:59:46 AM

Selithe's got a good plan there. Airin joins her efforts to lure away people from Lomar and to let Kendry talk to Lomar quietly.

"Go ahead Selithe, tell them the story of how we met Lomar and Bobbels ... I'll help to fill in the blanks."

Lomar [DM Jerry] 
Friday February 11th, 2005 10:33:24 AM

Lomar looks up to Kendry. "Tha muusicc. Lomar hears it? Its...taaste it! Fweel it! Moooosic is good! See?"

He begins to play while sitting accompanying Selithe's story with countermelody. It's as it the big guy helps her weave the story.

Then, all of a sudden, a flower begins to grow, coming up between Selithe's toes. It blooms and matches her hair.

Saturday February 12th, 2005 12:34:56 AM

Selithe smiles as she tells the story of the group meeting Lomar. She gets to the part of him pushing the wheelbarrel like wagon just as the flower shoots up infront of her and Selithe jumps back eeking, "Where? what? how?"

Selithe looks to Airin as she tries to collect herself from the shock.

Kendry  d20+7=17 d20+4=5
Saturday February 12th, 2005 3:48:01 AM

"Ah, I see," he answers Lomar. As, at Airin's suggestion and with Lomar's accompaniment, his sister tells aspects of the adventure, Kendry uses the valley's traditional throat singing to accompany the performance, echoing her words and phrases from time to time, or just singing a mood-appropriate background, both high and low harmonic tones emanating simultaneously from the bard's throat. [Perform, singing: 17, adding +2 to both Selithe's and Lomar's vocal / musical performance.] [Spellcraft check to discern nature of magic of the flower growth: 5 (nat 1) - never mind :-)]

Looking about at the gathered crowd, with Calfast nearby, and Shale, Airin, Olo, Patterton near - hm, where is Polly? - Kendry considers what next to do. Encourage Lomar and all to get moving again towards the tent? Not necessarily. 'Bloom where you are planted,' Aunt Nilli was always saying.

"Look you all. The magic of story and song have lent life to this flower which blossomed from between my sister's own dear toes!" he announces.

"'Tis I sign, I say, and a symbol. Where peace and harmony reign between those once deemed enemies, there will blossom beauty, and songs of joy. Oh, people, oh people of Hovel. See the early blossom of friendship, the magic of friendship. This, in part, is what the Adventuring Party can help bring to us! The earth, watered by the tears of joy of Lomar, here," he points to the tear-soaked ground, "now brings forth a new harvest. Come, come to the party of hope. Come to the party of bravery. Come to the party of hard work, of friendship, of beauty. Come one, come all, to the party that brings new riches to our community!"

He awaits Calfast's leadership and response to the situation, as he picks up Kevrie and places the lad upon his own shoulders, spinning once in a circle, a big smile on his face.

Sunday February 13th, 2005 10:10:56 AM

Patterton smiles at his cousin Kendry, bemused with his theatrics. 'Always did have a way with words', he thinks as he positions himself between the crowd and Bobbles in as non-threatening a manner as possible.

"Here, here! Three cheers for Lomar the kind and Bobbles the goblin hero!" He calls out in a deep voice, hoping to add to the magical moment. :)

Monday February 14th, 2005 8:19:27 AM

As Selithe starts to tell the story, Airin sits down in front of her and invites the children to sit with her listening to this beautifully told story. The story accompanied by Lomar's and Kendry's music creates an intoxicating mix. She and most likely many others listen with open mouth to Selithe. Though Airin has been part of the adventure hearing it like this makes it as if she listens to this great story for the first time.

Then suddenly a beautifull flower blooms between Selithe's toes and a wide smile appears on Airin's face. "Yes ... she thinks ... this IS by far the most beautifull story I have ever heard ..."

When Selithes looks to Airin it appears that simply Airin's smile creates a mental bridge between her and Selithe making sure Selithe doesn't loose faith and continues her lovely story ... Go on dear Selithe ... it's wonderfull

Monday February 14th, 2005 5:13:48 PM

"Well now, there's something you don't get to see every day." With a curious glance back at Lomar, Olo steps as close as he can reasonably get to the flower - considering so many people are around - and crouches down to get a closer look. If he's close enough, he smells the flower too.

Political PARTY!

Parade End [DM Jerry] 
Tuesday February 15th, 2005 2:52:19 PM

Soon Lomar is on his feet again and the parade moves forward through the town.

The scowls of the older hobbits are plain as the younger hobbits welcome monsters into their midst.

You can tell that all are not in favor of the goings on of the Adventure Party.

Once the parade arrives at the Party Grounds, everyone is congratulated and urged to sign the Book of Voting. Then a nearby family hovel is opened so that the adventurers can refresh themselves for the evenings festivities.

All are encouraged to eat both before and after their cleaning. The Ogre is led to one end of the field so that he won't trample on anything and a makeshift amphetheatre is quickly designed around him and a tree as chairs and tables are drug in that direction.

Bobbles sits nearby the tree as well next to a barrel of apples and holding a halfling sized mug of beer.

Calfast approaches Kendry. "Son, you have the makings of a politition. Would you speak this evening and then introduce Lomar for a concert of a few songs with all who want to play? Be sure to talk of your adventure and we'll use that moment to pass around the beer just before the music begins. That should draw out the reluctant hole-dwellers."

Tuesday February 15th, 2005 4:58:22 PM

Patty keeps an eye on the actities and pitches in here and there with the heavy lifting. After a few, he grabs a couple of mugs of the hard-won beer and approaches Selithe, handing one to her.

"Looks like the music is about to begin. May I have this dance?" He says with a shy smile.

Tuesday February 15th, 2005 8:49:57 PM

Kendry thanks the children who added so much to the music and fun. He signs the book of voting. Very pleased to have a homey place to wash up and eat proper, he extends his gratitude to their hosts.

His cheeks flush red when Calfast makes his request. But he answers, "That would be an honor, sir." He talks to his friends about this request. "What should I say?" he asks them.

Tuesday February 15th, 2005 11:11:41 PM

Selithe smiles and helps where she can, grinning and patting Airin's shoulder later when she gets the chance, "Thanks for the encouragment back there. The flower took me by suprise."

Selithe looks to Patty when he comes over and grins as he blushes and she winks at him just to get him flustered more, "Sure, I did say I owed you a dance anyway I believe." Selithe smiles and awaits the music to start and keeps an eye out for her brother and also for any possible trouble. (

Selithe (addition)  d20+3=4
Tuesday February 15th, 2005 11:13:13 PM

(accidently hit the submit without my spot check.)

Spot:4 (nat 1 lol)

Wednesday February 16th, 2005 3:56:55 AM

"You're more than welcome Selithe", Airin says as Selithe thanks her for the support, "but I really didn't do anything at all. You told it well. It's obvious you and Kendry are brother and sister. Story telling seems to be in your blood."

Then Airin graciously accepts the meals and is relieved to be able to take a long bath. After a while (and other allready banging on the door as she stays in the bathroom a long long time) she joins the group once again. Hairs nice and tidy, her armor polished and in top condition.

"Time for a party !" she thinks to herself. Although she's not really a dancer she strongly feels that tonight she has to enjoy the festivities and temporarily leave her paranoid nature.

The Festivities Begin [DM Jerry] 
Wednesday February 16th, 2005 12:13:51 PM

A woman, Pawlie, stands. It turns out she is Calfast's daughter. "Welcome to all of you! I'd call you by clan, but one of my dad's platforms is that we are all one clan, one family. The Crescent Valley Halflings!

"In honor of my father and all of you who have chosen to support him, I am pleased to announce that...


Hundreds of plates, covered dishes, drinks, mugs, appear suddenly on each table. Fireworks go off looking and smelling like the food as well trying to draw in any stragglers who haven't arrived yet.

The place is full. Extra tables are being set up as beer is given to those waiting for a seat.

Kendry - The Longest Post in the Wold  d20+4=14 d20+4=22 d20+7=25
Thursday February 17th, 2005 7:22:07 AM

[Opening remarks, introductions, Diplomacy: 14. Speech about the adventure itself: Diplomacy 22. Music: Perform, 25.]

After folks have had a chance to tuck in some of the great food provided, Kendry takes advantage of the moment to do as Calfast requested.

[Note to fellow adventurers - feel free to add your highlights and anecdotes to the telling of this story. I'm just doing what Calfast requested. And you know that hobbits can be longwinded. :-)]

KENDRY'S SPEECH: In the Wide Wold, There Are Foes - But Many Friends, As Well


"Hi, all. I'm Kendry. Kendry Leafwin Pipewood, mainly from Humble's Ford, where my ma and pa have a little farm, and make instruments of music and toys - and some good pipes, too, just like the one that Mister Halsey Topbottom Oakendale is enjoying this very minute," he nods toward the amply wide farmer hobbit sitting at the next table. "Smokes smooth, eh?" he asks.

"Isn't this a great party? Good folks, good food, good fireworks - and great beer! Right? Right!" He nods his head with a broad smile as several in the crowd acknowledge that fact.

"Well, the way that beer came to you, turns out, was quite the adventure," he begins. "Let me take a sec' and introduce you to some of 'em who brought the beer to you.

"But just before I do - know this: There are foes out there in the wide Wold - but many friends, too."

Selithe and Nalfein

"This here is my sister, Selithe. She's got some talents with the cards, and has even studied magic a bit. Beautiful voice, she has. We grew up singing together. My brother, Nalfein also was with us."


"You all know Polly Leafwin Turnbell. She's been practicing with the militia, and is one of my favorite cousins." He looks around. "'Course, I have lots of favorite cousins," he jokes, but gives her a wink.


"Duncan Settlefoot - he doesn't talk with his mouth, but his hands say a lot - he lives right near Polly. I'll let you know where he is a bit later.


"Mayzie Greenhill Treetender - she came with us, too. She was raised by the elves - and even has a wolf friend - I know some of you have seen her around town once in a while."


"Shale Leafwin Oakendale - off in the corner there with that pie and a mug of beer - I used to live with him and his folks out in the Culverwood. He's been staying with the Leafwin Turnbell's for the past few years - no stranger, here."

Willoughby, Airin, Olo, Patterton

"A few others came too - Willoughby Pipewood Fancytoes, of Angel Falls. And we met some more along the way. Airin Moondancer Turnbell and Olo Thistlefoot of Humble's Ford, here, for example, and Patterton Cloverturn Burrows - wait until you hear his story. Captured by goblins, and all."

We set off

"Well, we set off to travel to Trader's Corner. A cart and pony, also what they call a war pony, and eight of us from Hovel, Humble's Ford and Angel Springs. We headed south of town here," he says, pointing off in that direction, "to the Wash Away Bridge over the Peaseblossum River. There we met caravan leader Saloman, who took us toward the docks. One of the ox carts broke down, so we had to set up for the night. My brother, Nalfein, got us playing a game of tag called 'Wildman' - it's really fun, too. Anyone here know that one?"

Thinking he is getting too wordy describing the mundane - but, then, don't lots of adventures begin with everyday life, that then takes a turn?

A Spritely Visit

"Well, that night, the strangest thing happened. My aunt Nilli told me about this before, and if she says it, I pretty much know it's true." As he says this, he pulls out his lute and makes a few adjustments to the tuning. "Some of you have heard of ... well, let me tell you first what happened. Maybe you can guess once I fill you in a bit.

"As we went to sleep, an owl landed in a tree nearby. We all had our bellies filled with a real good stew," he says, and rubs his tummy contentedly, "and drifted off nice like. Well in my dream, I saw these tiny little spheres of light, floatin', spiralin' about. Falling like dust. Soon lightning bugs and dragonflies were buzzing around in a funny dance. Frogs, crickets, joined in as this music started filling the air." As he explains this, he starts plucking the melodies he recalls from the dream. "The little critters changed right in front of my eyes into little fey, and they were so spritely. They smiled and buzzed, and wiggled their cute little bums, and were silly and funny and happy. Guess what happened then?" he asks. "Guess what sprung up in a circle around us where the bright orbs fell? I'll give you a clue. They grow up outside when you're sleeping, and are so tasty in soups or salads. Kind of round at the top, with a little stem holding them up."

He gives members of the audience a chance to guess. "No, not flowers." He laughs when someone suggests tomatoes. "Not quite - these are not red. More brownish, overall." When a young mother and a farmer shout out simultaneously, "Mushrooms!" Kendry plays a quick riff of triumph on his lute. "Right-O! It was a circle of mushrooms. But," he says, holding out his hand in caution, "these were not just any mushrooms. No, sir! They pulsed in time to the music, and sort of glowed from within, once in a while.

"The little people with wings - they were maybe three or four inches tall, that was all - they would shake their fingers if you reached out for the mushrooms. I kind of remembered in my dream my Aunt Nilli telling me about the mushrooms at a faery dance. 'Don't eat their mushrooms, if you want to see your family again before they're old and grey.' So, how many do you think I ate?" he asks the crowd. "Two? Three? Twenty nine?" he laughs at the latter suggestion. "Nope. You didn't all turn old and grey on me, now. Yes, yes, some of you already bear the honor of many years - but not too many more grey hairs than when we left a few days ago."

"You didn't eat none!" calls out a somewhat crosseyed young hobbit in his twenties.

"Right you are. Nary a one. Wanted to, though. So, if you ever find yourself in a faery circle, what do you do? Repeat after me: 'Don't eat the faery mushrooms.' Got it? 'Don't eat the faery mushrooms,'" Kendry repeats. Directing with one hand, he gets more of the audience to say, 'Don't eat the faery mushrooms!'

"All right, good advice. But, we can eat regular mushrooms, as long as we know which ones are safe.

"Anyways, when we woke up, guess what? We had ALL had the SAME DREAM! Everyone one of us! And those faeries had eaten up all the rest of our stew. Licked the pot clean, they did. But they left us presents."

He opens a pouch, and withdraws a small bundle of leaves. "Inside these very leaves, they left us each three wild elderberries. Fragrant and tasty they were - and very precious. Our friend, Mayzie, called them 'goodberries'. They were magic. Eat just one - and it was like a full meal, all by itself. If you get hurt a little, one of those berries can help to heal you up!

"Later, we compared stories, and everybody pretty near had the same sweet dream. We kept most of the berries - which helped us later, I'll tell you!" He then asks if anyone knows which kind of faeries these were. To the first person who answers 'Sprites' - he hands his sister Selithe a goodberry, and asks her to give it to that person, and explain what it is.

The River Trip

Kendry tells a bit about the captain and mixed crew of the riverboat, and how the big paddles and the sails and the current helped speed the boat downriver. That Willoughby stayed behind with Biscuit the pony and the cart. He tells of what Polly called 'water chariots' - riding a shield on the water while attached to a rope tied to the back of the boat.

Trader's Corner

Kendry relates meeting Samual, then Brock. How Nalfein put his foot in his mouth, and got a stomach full of fist. And of how, once the misunderstanding was cleared up, negotiations began in earnest. The wonderful taste of the beer. The early departure of the boat, with us and brew on board, and Duncan's plan to stay behind for a few weeks at Brock's place. He sings the song of Markie, Brock and Duncan:
Markie, Brock and Duncan
They work a well-run inn
At Traders' Corner outpost
They deal in beer and grins

Markie serves great eggs and ham
Brock keeps things straight, his strong right hand
Is sure to serve the Wold's best beer
And keep the trav'lers full of cheer

Silent Duncan twirls the broom
Defeats dust devils, sweeps the room
One day his name through all the Wold
'Duncan - Hero - the quick and bold'

Markie, Brock and Duncan
They work a well-run inn
At Traders' Corner outpost
They deal in beer and grins
Good Sleeping Spot ... Really?

Going upstream is harder work. The Captain pulls ashore at his favorite spot. We enjoy our rest ... until ...
"A gnome, a lady gnome, came running through the woods, bearing a lantern, in the middle of the night. And right behind her - seven or eight ferocious goblins!" He sings, a capella, the six-line song he had sung to inspire his friends to take heart.
'We shall rescue,
from dark beasties,
Brave hearts have we
Light the pathway
Stop the beasties
Save the gnome!'
Battle, The First

The bard weaves the story of how the ruse was staged, and the ambush on the boat; the captain and Biguns and others being gravely wounded - the rescue of only one barrel of Brock's Best Beer before the triumphant goblins stole the boat. He tells of Shale's duel with the crafty goblin leader, and of the valiant actions and efforts and frustrations of his other companions.

Bobbles & The Lady of Light (The Unicorn, That Is)

And, after all was done - Polly's discovery of a heavily wounded goblin. Bobbles.

He asks Bobbles to come up, and he introduces him to the gathering. He asks Bobbles to tell the story of the 'Lady of Light' - and translates for him, editing as necessary. He then reveals that she was, in fact, a unicorn - who used her powerful magic to heal the whole party. Of Bobbles' good heart - so different from most goblins. And how he, and Runt, the little kobold, helped guide us through the dark of night to the place the boat was beached.

New companions - Airin & Olo

He gives the cleric of Wardd - Olo, and Airin, the skillful, a broader introduction - and tells of how they, too, had been aided by sprites, who had given them goodberries. "There are foes out there in the wide Wold, yes - but so many friends, too!" This theme Kendry weaves throughout his story...

Battle, The Second; and A Rescue

The whispered plans, the trip through the woods, and two goblins - one Bobbles, and one Kendry - but in the guise of Barker - whom Bobbles calls Uncle Foxbiter. The dangerous tree that wraps victims in its vines. The carnage left by goblins killing goblins, vying for leadership with Grekie gone.

He tells those gathered of their bold approach to the laboring goblins, and of goblin Bob's rage, and Bobbles' intercession to save the life of 'Uncle Foxbiter.' The members of the party concealed in the surrounding brush, tension mounting as the darkness wore on, and the unloading of the boat drew to a close.


Of Patty's plight, and how he came to be prisoner of the goblins, Kendry lets Patterton himself tell a bit, and the 'interrogation.'

Victory! Then Pursuit

All the bad goblins, save one, killed in the ambush initiated by Shale's trigger finger, he speaks of the role each hobbit played, and sings the next song:
"Tricky goblins took us in,
So glad they had hoodwinked us,
But goblins took the bait they hooked,
And swallowed whole the line and look!
Their head cut off, and tail draggin',
Hogwild booty drops off the wagon

"Now be ye brave
And be ye bold
This newborn tale
Shall long be told!"
He covers the coming of the captain and crew, the aftermath, mentions the funeral of Moopy, Bobbles' best friend, then their setting out, accompanied by Bobbles, Biguns and Slag, to follow the wagon that got away. Nalfein and Mayzie, plus Ghost, her wolf, stay behind to help out with repairing the boat. He does not mention the rings that Airin found.

Forensics: Squished Goblins and the Big Snorer

Finding flattened goblins (and Bobbles rejoicing over a new gold tooth), the party tries to figure out how this might have happened. Giants? Trebuchet? The answer soon comes: A giant, now asleep at the foot of an old tower, and a large, empty beer barrel next to him. The treasure chest he holds to his side, and the ship's sails serve as his blanket. The party ties him up, with Airin's expertise. Kendry & Bobbles explore the tower, bringing rocks to tie the ropes to. Kendry finds a book of songs and poems and stories. Some good stuff!

Lomar, the Friendly Ogre

The giant's eyes open! Biguns and Slag attack! Biguns is pushed back, the wind knocked out of him, and Slag misses. The bard leaves out the part where the giant turned to mist. Some secrets are best kept secret. But, after some initial misgivings, the party sees the giant means no harm. And Kendry quotes one of his poems, and tells him he likes it. We learn his name - Lomar.

He again introduces Lomar to the crowd. He speaks of his treasured drum, the music, the feast, the fellowship. He sighs, contented.

A Quick Trip Back Home

"Wait! We have to get the beer back, right away!" Kendry recalls. He tells of how Lomar, the friendly ogre, carried them and the casks, sail, rigging and all swiftly back - even helping them get the extra cask of Brock's Best they hid in the woods near the captain's favorite resting site. Sleeping at the docks, bringing Biscuit and cart and newfound friends back to Hovel ... there is a lesson in all this:

The Lesson

"Know this, and do not forget: There are foes out there in the wide Wold - but many friends, too.

"The Adventure Party will help us learn better how to defend against our foes - and how to grow a wider circle of friends.

"And Pawlie is right in what she said. We halflings are one clan, one family. I am related to every single one of the halflings who helped in this little quest. We spend enough time going through genealogies, and we'll find we are all cousins, aunts, uncles, grandfolk, grandkids."

The Politics

"And now, at last, that I've talked your ears off, let's listen to some music, break out that cider, too - Brocks Delicious Hard Cider - and celebrate together the coming election of the hobbit with a vision and a plan. Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly recognizes the importance of maintaining our core traditions - family, friends, food, farms, hard work, good times, fair play, and taking care of each other. Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly also knows that sometimes, to keep the old, you need to stretch, and accommodate the new. With him as our candidate, you don't lose - you gain! The Adventure Party remembers what's important, and finds new ways to help defend what's good in our old ways. Vote, tonight, for Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly!"

The Music (and a half pint of Brock's Best Beer)

Grabbing Patterton's newly-filled mug of beer he just set down, Kendry takes a good swig. "Thirsty!" he says.

Then he lays down the three chords on his lyre that lead into a well-known hobbit song about the joys and pleasures of halfling life, and into some follow up medleys. He waves Selithe over to help him out, and Bobbles on the spoons. He calls for other musicians - Lomar, especially, to join on in in making for a merry celebration, and any of his friends who want to help.

When Calfast indicates he is ready to speak, Kendry will help rally the crowd to listen to their candidate.

Thursday February 17th, 2005 11:09:06 AM

Fully filled with food and drinks Airin starts to nod at the table. Kendry's tale is fun to listen too, but after a while she starts to feel drowsy after all.

Then when Kendry comes to the end of his tale and starts to arrouse the crowd by his political intermezzo Airin is shaken from her slumber by all the cheering from the crowd.

When Kendry finishes his tale, Airin starts to clap loudly in her hands hoping the rest will follow and then joins the group to celebrate till Calfast is ready to speak up.

Patterton  d20+2=18
Thursday February 17th, 2005 12:59:57 PM

(Diplomacy= 18)

Patty smiles warmly as Kendry tells his tale, as caught up in its telling as any in the audience. When Kendry comes to the part about the goblin ambush and indiactes Patty, he adds a bit of his own narative to the story.

"The most amazing thing I've seen! I had chased a hare to the clearing and those nasty lil' buggers blindsided me...got a few licks in myself of course, but none the less when I woke up, I was tied to a tree hand and foot and looking at the biggest goblin you've ever seen! He worked me over pretty hard for a bit, but when I told I was a Burrows he gave up." He adds drawing a chuckle from the crowd.

"Well, after a while these two other greenies show up and start yappin' at the big one then he points at me and one of them comes over and wouldn't you know it? It was my cousin Kendry in disguise! Well, he slips me a knife and dives into the bushes just as the sky was filled with arrows!" Some of the children gasp, "The big goblin was filled with so many arrows, he looked like he was collecting them." The militia officers in the room give a heartly laugh at this inside joke.

"Well, then the woods came alive with Hovel folk! Never thought I'd be so happy to see so many chubby faces." He says, winking at his audiance, "There was Olo swinging his mace left and right, and cousin Shale and Airin let fly with more shots. The goblins were in a fuddle and I cut through my ropes and joined the fray. We made short work of them, let me tell you and it's all thanks to these fine hobbits here. I know the militia would love to have you I am proud to call you friends...ALL of you."he adds, indicating Bobbles and Lomar with his drink. "Thank you." He gestures to Kendry to continue and gives Selithe a grin and a wink.

Thursday February 17th, 2005 8:20:46 PM

Selithe smiles and listens to her brother's tale and smiles. She doesn't say a whole lot as she listens and glances to Patty, giving him a smile and a quick wink before going back to listening. As she listens she pulls her deck of cards from her pouch and flips through the cards slowly without looking at them.

Thursday February 17th, 2005 11:49:08 PM

Olo becomes a bit self concious of the fact that he's still wearing armor when it comes time to sit and eat a hearty meal. Figuring there's not much that can be done about it -- since he's not about to take it off and leave it unattended -- he shrugs to himself and gets down to the business of filling his stomach.

Listening to Kendry as he eats, Olo comes to two conclusions. Firstly, Kendry can talk! Secondly, this whole affair really did have all the trappings of a true adventure, and not a bad one at that. He starts to feel proud of his part, small as it was, in the undertaking.

As Kendry wraps up and Airin starts clapping, Olo joins in. Not so much to get the others to join in, but in true appreciation of Kendry's skill; both with words and with handling a crowd.

Friday February 18th, 2005 10:49:29 AM

Calfast literally gleams watching Kendry speak so fluently.

He goes to the podium and gives him a huge political hug.

"Well done. Now, in a moment, just say yes. It's my turn now and I won't have you interrupting me, my friend."

He then gives him a private smile, letting him know he's kidding the young halfling.

He turns to the audience and says, "Ladies and Gentlemen! The future of Crescent Valley Politics is before you, Kendry!

::big cheers::

"But do not be mistaken. One of the supreme unstated tenets of a successful adventuring group is the belief that it takes a team to succeed. Everyone of these young halfs before you risked equally, fought equally, and succeed equally.

"They are all heroes! But there were mothers and fathers, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, brothers and sisters, friends, mentors, teachers, neighbors who taught them, guided them, set examples for them, showed them wrong from right, and exhibited courage in front of them.

"That makes each of you heroes as well! It would serve these young halflings to remember that always that they are products of their valley!

"Some, including my opponents, would say that the idea of an Adventuring Party comes from without--comes from Plateau City. I tell you nay!

"Heroes come from family, from Valley! And just as these heroes come from within you, so does this party! It was predestined when we settled here and fought off the giants. It was laid into the hands of fate when we bargained with the trolls and ogres and set up Trader Corner as a solution to things south of us.

"Our opponents would also tell you that adventuring and seeking adventure is reckless and life taking. It is even unseemly for a halfling! How gauche!

"However, I tell you that protecting our borders in the early days without the magical towers was heroic! It was adventurous! We have heart in our bones friends. All the way into our feet and hair!

"Halflings are adventurers at heart! A mom who handles 13 sons, daughters, cousins, along with 4 elderly grands is a adventurer and every day an adventure!

"Halflings who work baking food to feed us at each of our ongoing multitudinous meals are adventurers. They deal with fire, juggling 12 different courses of food at the same time, while going over in their heads the secret family recipies for each and then improving upon them!

"Whoever made this beer is an adventurer! Who knows how many sour tastes he had to endure before this grand beverage was invented!

"We have courage in our hearts. We never give up. We enjoy our luxuries, but will die to protect them.

"Friends, we ARE the Adventuring Party. It is what is in us! Embrace who we are, not traditions that hold us back.

"Traditions are good! They give us history and a sense of belonging! But sometimes, the tradition become all instead of the value that formed it among us.

"These we must fight. Improve upon. Embrace.

"We must embrace that fighting spirit within us. This doesn't mean we glorify violence. It does mean that we learn to protect ourselves.

"Not only are we adventurous and brave, we are also naturally curious. How many among us parents have not had to scold our kids when they constantly find their pockets full of things they didn't even know were there!

"We should be turning this perceived negative trait into a positive. Adventurers seek out the world. They explore it through their naturally curious eyes. And when those eyes are open and untainted, they can possibly befriend a lonely ogre or a goblin who can understand the nature of being good!

"These things are why I run for Burgomeister! I see a Crescent Valley full of young adventurers, mature powerful adventurers, and retired codgers telling stories of their youth to the next generation.

"I tell you that these are noble activities! These are precious to us and must be preserved, accentuated, and fostered!"

"There is a need for the Adventuring Party! Our hearts demand it. Our gods promote it. Our future will benefit from it!

"Thank you for being here and voting with your presence!

"Now! Some music!"

He bows to tremendous applause and takes his daughter onto the dancing lawn.

Saturday February 19th, 2005 12:22:07 AM

Patty walks over to Selithe and smiles, "Now that that's over and done with..." He extends his hand to her as the music kicks in.

Kendry - Now, for a shorter post 
Saturday February 19th, 2005 3:52:22 AM

Kendry takes in Calfast's speech, enjoying and appreciating his message, and joins in with applause and cheers, or assenting nods from time to time. At the end, he says, "Uh, yes?"

And plays the music!

Selithe  d20+3=7
Sunday February 20th, 2005 12:52:28 AM

Selithe claps for her brother and Calfast both after each finishes their speach. When Patty approaches her she chuckles and takes his hands in her and will dance a couple dances with Patty.

After a couple dances Selithe will probably be thirsty so will speak to Patty, "I'm getting thirsty dance partner, think you could get us something to drink?" Selithe smiles to Patty and gives his should a gentle pat. While waiting for Patty to come back she also does a quick glance around to see if there might be any gambling going on that she might find interesting.

(spot:7 Dance:14 *just taking 10 on dancing if possible*)

Patterton  d20=14
Sunday February 20th, 2005 1:21:15 PM

Patty nods to Selithe. "I'll see what I can scrounge up." He says as he heads towards the bar. As he does, he scans the crowd for (*spot 14*) the militia captain, hoping that he regained his nerve and joined the party.

When Patterton returns, he sees Selithe flip expertly through her cards and flashes a smile. "Who's the sucker going to be tonight, then? Elden Hazelbread looks fairly deep in his cups already...might be good for a coin or two." He chuckles and hands the drink to her

Monday February 21st, 2005 4:02:08 AM

Speeches ... more speeches ... loooong speeches ... feeling drowsy :-)


Airin sees herself, a bold and powerfull adventurer, running through the mountains chasing mountain giants who appear to be terrified of her. There are allready one or two laying on the ground, and three more are running in agony. Her beloved crossbow starts to get warm from all perfect shots fired. She continues the chase ... they run into a cave ... Brave Airin follows ofcourse, not affraid of anything, after all she IS a brave adventurer ... At the end of the entrace she suddenly finds herself in this incredible arena. The giants are no where to be seen ! In the center see sees 3 huge casks of beer !! And all around the arena she sees the halflings from the Crescent Valley. They appear to be cheering and applouding for her. Then as she starts to move to the center of the arena a immense door swings open on the other side ... BANG ... "

Suddenly Airin wakes up ! Everyone is loudly applouding Calfast speach. "Oops" she thinks to herself, ashamed she fell asleep hoping no one noticed. Time to party !

Airin stands up and will join those dancing. Who knows, some cute halfling might just show ...

And the Winner is.... 
Monday February 21st, 2005 3:56:56 PM

The party continues long into the night. After many had fallen asleep at their tables, etc. [grinning] a loud set of fireworks awakens everyone.

A fancy covered limo wagin with important looking halflings inside emerge.

"Hey everyone, it's the officials of the vote! And hey! The other two candidates are with them."

Stepping out of the limo, the officials head to the stage looking serious and pompous. The candidates behind them wave at those assembled as they were among members of their own party.

The female of the two seems to be counting under her breath while trying to continue smiling.

The shortest of the halflings stands up and says,

"All rise! I am here to announce the winner of the election! Would Calfast come forward please and stand beside your two competitors."

He does so to the roars of the crowd.


Monday February 21st, 2005 6:28:30 PM

Selithe smiles and claps when the voting is being figured. Selithe doesn't cheer though as she waits, not wanting to insult her realtive who is in the election also.

Selithe await and chuckles also at Patty's comment, "Not sure yet, for now I guess I will wait."

Kendry  d20+7=26
Monday February 21st, 2005 10:25:02 PM

Though joining in with the musicians for a good part of the evening, Kendry takes a break from performing to enjoy a dance or two with Airin, and with his sister, too. He asks Pawlie, Calfast's daughter, if she wouldn't share a turn around the dance area with him.

At last - the results are about to be announced! Kendry claps for his aunt, Marigold Pipewood Pastna, leader of the Non-stop Party, for the current Burgomeister, Tomas Pennyweight Breedbottom, and for Calfast Rowgold Tunnelly. All three, worthy people, and assets to the community - despite differences in attitudes and policy. Takes many kinds to make the Wold go 'round.

This occasion calls for a song of the country they all love. One they grew up singing...

"Friends, family, neighbors, regardless the outcome, this is a fine moment in our community. No tyrants here, but free hobbitmen and hobbitwomen. There's a song we all grew up with. Won't you join me?"

Kendry leads off in his clear tenor voice, singing the opening lines to the classic song of the Valley, 'Our Gratitude We Offer' [Perform, singing: d20+7=26]:
Crescent Valley halflings
Lands of health and peace
Children playing, laughing
Joy without surcease

Our gratitude we offer
To those who watch above
Ale and bread we proffer
To guests and friends we love

We cultivate our green fields
We care for our good beasts
We work and play together
Enjoying our increase.


Fair winds fan the harvest
Sun and rain make growth
Pipeweed burns so sweetly
In inn and burrow both

Then, with a gleam in his lightly moistened eyes (Kendry is quite sentimental), he asks, "So, vote master - what are the results of our peaceful election endeavors?"

Monday February 21st, 2005 11:50:37 PM

Aside: During one of the breaks he took during the evening, Kendry elbowed Olo. "Tell you what, Olo, me hobbit," he whispered. "What say we enjoy a bit of time off after all this - then recruit some more like-minded folks, and go off on another adventure? You game?"

Airin  d20+7=22 d20+5=23 d20+6=20 d20+1=18
Tuesday February 22nd, 2005 3:16:20 AM

Airin spends the time of her life dancing with several nice chaps. Apparently many want to dance with a young adventurer like herself ;-)

Then as the officials enter the tent, Airin falls silent and observes them well. She concentrates on the officials and in case they are talking to each other she tries to see exactly about what (read lips 22).

The other two competitors most likely brought some of their supporters along as well. Seeing the success of Calfast, Airin starts to keep a protective eye on him as well ... we don't want to end up with a dead wanabee bourgemeister now do we?
Almost instinctively her hand slides to the dagger tucked away in her sleave. Should someone make a suspicious move against Calfast, Airin will jump up to protect Calfast.
(spot 23, tumble 20, sense motive 18)

ooc : Airin IS a paranoid halfling, never forget that ;-) She ALWAYS sees the worst of a situation. It's rare she let herself go like this on the party :-D

(spot to find possible aggressors, tumble for the acrobatic moves to get up on stage through the crowd, and a sense motive to identify possible aggressors)

Tuesday February 22nd, 2005 9:52:53 AM

Olo nods and breaks out in a large grin when Kendry mentions another adventure.

"Aye! I'm all for it. I was hoping you'd feel the same."

Tuesday February 22nd, 2005 3:36:57 PM

Patty claps loudly when Calfast is anounced the winner and makes a loud whistle with his thumb and index finger. He then settles in to a night of dancing and merriment.

Interruptus Grande! [DM Jerry] 
Tuesday February 22nd, 2005 3:51:45 PM

The important halfling of the Voting Committee has to catch himself as he starts to announce the winner.

He scowls at Kendry the whole time he sings his song.

Then when done, he raises his hands for quiet.

"There, if that's all done then?" He pauses, boring holes with his eyes into Kendry.

"The winner is Calfast."

He says it almost as a sigh.

Tuesday February 22nd, 2005 4:43:38 PM

(OOC-oops! Thought Calfast was already announced as the winner)

Tuesday February 22nd, 2005 11:37:26 PM

Selithe claps for Calfast and smiles as she nods to him and waves. Thinking over everything quickly she moves over to Kendry and speaks to him quickly, "We have a aunt in this election didn't we? we better see to her and hope she isn't upset that we helped Calfast."

Wednesday February 23rd, 2005 2:23:48 AM

What's wrong with you? Kendry thinks to himself about the election crier. That's like, one of our best songs! He nods his head, indicating that, yep, that's it.

It's Calfast! "Hip - hip, hurray!" Kendry says. "Hip - hip, hurray!" Though impolitic it may be close-relation-wise, now is the time to cheer the winner. The people have spoken! And the parade and the ogre and goblin and beer and cider.

Aside from joining in with the cheers, the young bard with this first taste of politics steps back, to allow the new Burgomeister the chance to enjoy the limelight, and the people to hail him.

"Yes, sis, you are right. She will be upset. Let's go talk with her." He holds out his left arm for Selithe to take, and approaches the Non-Stop Party candidate. "Hello, Aunt Marigold."

Wednesday February 23rd, 2005 10:16:53 AM

Olo, still working on his second mug of ale, elbows whomever happens to be sitting on his right. "No surprise there, eh? Guess noone else thought of invitin' a friendly giant. Speakin' of which, I better go check on the big guy."

Olo stands, stretches, and looks around for Lomar. Wanting to make sure the ogre is handling the crowd well, he heads off to check up on him.

Airin  d20+5=18
Wednesday February 23rd, 2005 10:43:41 AM

Well, nothing happend when Calfast was announced to be the winner. In case Airin is able to get close to Calfast, she walks over to him and shakes his hands to congratulate him.
"Best of luck to you, master Calfast."

In the meantime Airin always keeps an eye out for suspicious or angry looking folks. (spot 18)

Three Woes!

Ogre Tower

Homeward Bound

'Lomar, the Friendly Ogre'

Political PARTY!

Three Woes!

Three Witches! [DM Jerry] 
Wednesday February 23rd, 2005 1:57:29 PM

There is great cheering! The crowd breaks into the song yet again. People are waving the green crescent flag! Fireworks!

Then....from behind the clouds emerges one and then a second moon: Ffloy and Wardd. Fate and Luck in the sky at once.

As Kendry walks over and addresses Marigold, he finds that she is only a shadow.

Then, from around the corner of the tent and screaming up into the sky are three witches on brooms!

Each screams out....


"Blessed Be!"


Did one of those looks like Aunt Marigold? Hard to tell.

The last one, with the booming voice makes her pronouncement!

"Beware the Great Conjunction! Beware!"

Then the second one makes her pronouncement.

"Crescent Valley, Valley of the Moon! Your time has come!"

Then the first one makes her pronouncement.

"Woe to he who is unprepared!"

Then together as they leave the area flying seemingly into the 2nd moon...

"Blessed be that which is to come!"

Then they are gone.

At first, there is silence.


Wednesday February 23rd, 2005 4:10:17 PM

Patty stares up at the moon in wonder as his mug slips from his grip and thumps to the ground unnoticed. He had heard of such hags as these three, but never had he seen anything like them before. He takes a few slow steps foreward and lets out a low whistle. Glancing at Olo he says, "Well...that certainly put a damper on the evening."

Kendry  d20+7=26
Thursday February 24th, 2005 3:42:16 AM

"Who knows aught of the great conjunction, how is it our time has come, how do we prepare, and what is that which is to come?" Kendry asks succinctly of no one in particular. He thinks he would really like to have one of those brooms that fly. Was that his Aunt who flew off?

He steps up to Calfast. "Sir. Shall we gather some of the wise heads of the community to puzzle out these prophecies? Or pronouncements?" He glances over to see if Tomas Pennyweight Breedbottom might be available for counsel.

He also gauges how this may be sitting with the crowd. "If I might, sir," he asks leave of Calfast to address the people. If granted, he leaps up onto a table.

"We are hobbits. We stand together. We stand together in difficult times. You there! Stop running in circles. Someone help that gentlehobbit who is holding his hand over his heart. Take some deep breaths, sir." He raises the volume of his voice. "Offer prayers, friends, tonight, and ask for wisdom. There is no need for undue fear. There is need for clear thinking. If you have ideas, suggestions, or questions, Burgomeister Calfast will appoint some wise heads to work with us." As he is speaking, he motions for his friends with whom he just adventured to gather round - Airin and Olo, Shale, Patterton, Bobbles and Lomar, and his own dear sister, Selithe. "There is always room for woe for those who are unprepared. There is always room for weal for those who take heed. Let ours be the blessing - if we take care, and prepare. Times are appointed. Let us keep our meet appointments." With confidence, he says, "The time for Crescent Valley has come. Let the Wold watch, and see how well we meet this time."

Again, if Calfast has granted him leave to speak, he sings a song to inspire courage [perform, singing: d20+7=26. Gives all those affected - that is, any who can hear his voice - a +1 on saves vs charm and fear effects] in those crowded together tonight:
Take heart, bold ones, protect the meek
Together courage, wisdom seek
For Ffloy and Wardd their work we'll see
Yet halflings, we'll find, Destiny -
rewards the brave, and good and bright
So give we our lives full to what's right
He looks to his close friends. "Take heart. Take heart."

Thursday February 24th, 2005 6:12:29 AM

Airin hurries to join Kendry as he tries to inspire the crowd. She's quiet shocked from what happend. She never saw this coming.

"Oh my, oh my ..." she thinks to herself "what will happen to us now ! First Goblins, then Ogres ... now witches."

She's happy Kendry knows his way with words soo well, and sings along with his songs. As she sings with the whole group, her heart's filled with courage again.

Thursday February 24th, 2005 10:30:22 AM

"Hey now! Who's to say this is a -bad- sign? If you're listenin' to the witches you get 'woe', 'blessed be' and 'praises'." Olo counts on his fingers as he repeats the witches remarks. "That's two out of three for the good you know, and that's better than your average day. Plus," Olo continued, gesturing to the moon Wardd with his mug, "Wardd is shining his light down upon us, and that's worth a thousand blessings from a thousand witches."

Silently to himself he adds, "Whatever fate is about to lead us into, we'll be needin' Wardd's good luck to lead us out." A brief sense of anxiety is replaced with calm when he reaches down and feels the familiar wood of his god's symbol at his belt. He takes a few steps to stand so a tree blocks his view of Ffloy, and raises his chin to catch the light of Wardd upon his face.

Inge ooc 
Thursday February 24th, 2005 11:27:38 AM

They will be installing a firewall at work tomorrow, so I may or may not be able to post ... I'm not sure.
If deadline draws near, and I haven't posted can someone else make one for me ? Thanks

Jason OOC 
Thursday February 24th, 2005 11:51:05 AM

Sure Inge,

Does something along the lines of "Airin decides to repent her gold hoarding ways and gives all her worldly possessions to Olo." work for you?

If so, I've got ya covered!

Thursday February 24th, 2005 12:51:28 PM

Patterton frowns, "I've never heard of witches being a good sign of anything but trouble. Let's go speak with Kendry."

Patterton makes his way through the crowd to where Kendry and Calfast are. "Well, what do you think, cousin? That looked like your aunt to me, but I can't believe that she has been a witch all along. Prehaps one of those hags used magic to steal her appearance."

He turns to Calfast, "I'd like to take some of the Militia boys over to check her house, just to be safe, sir. I'm sure the captain would do the same thing." he adds, still ashamed of the captain's earlier display.

Thursday February 24th, 2005 12:57:10 PM

Kendry answers Patterton, "Your supposition sounds reasonable, Patty. I am concerned for her."

The Unexpected Party Ending [DM Jerry] 
Thursday February 24th, 2005 12:57:23 PM

With the appearance of the witches, it seems most halflings want to check on relatives, houses, food stores, etc. and the party ends rather quickly.

Calfast thanks Kendry for the song and Airin for inspiring the crowd.

"I never expected you kids to be so influencial in the election. Thanks. Now, I need to call a meeting of the other candidates, the generals, and whatnot to find out if there is anything to worry about concering these witch words.

"I'll let ya know if your advice is needed. Betty Burrboot will let Lomar and Bobbles use her barn as it has a fireplace in it to keep them warm for the night.

"I'll need to know your plans for these two. What do you intend on them doing? What do they intend on doing now?

"Then keep me appraised if you head out of town on another adventure in case I need ya.

"And I hope you're right Olo. One bad omen and 2 good. That doesn't seem too bad does it?"

Thursday February 24th, 2005 1:41:09 PM

(OOC:Sorry for missing my post yesterday.)

Selithe was to shocked to say anything when the witches showed up and nods about Patty's comment, "Yes, I want to go check also just to make sure. This has me worried."

Selithe looks to Kendry and smiles to him, trying to keep spirits up mostly and speaks to him, "Kendry, Patty, why don't we gather the others and go to check on Aunt Marigold."

Friday February 25th, 2005 2:37:30 AM

"Our pleasure, your honor," Kendry responds to the words of gratitude from the new mayor.

"Betty Burrboot? Great. We'll talk things over with Lomar and Bobbles, then get back to you. Might be good for us to find out a bit more what's going on before we go running off into the woods somewhere. Olo is our mathematician."

About to turn from Calfast, Kendry recalls something. "Say, Calfast, you mentioned inviting the Woldian League of Adventurers to open up a training center here in the Valley. What would we need to do to join up, and get some training from them?"

Friday February 25th, 2005 3:00:35 AM

Airin still a little amased by the sudden change of this party, stands next to Kendry and nods as he asks about the training center. She's certain they can either help less experienced adventuerers, or pick up a few moves from the better ones.
Maybe she ought to pay a visit to the Elven camp in Angel Spring.

As she thinks about the Elves her thought dwell to her mentor Aresius who once trained her to what she became. Thankfull he felt she was ready to take on the Wold, sorry he's not around for giving advice.

Without knowing, her hands that are tucked away deep in her pockets, play with the rings she found. Now isn't a good time to start asking questions about the rings but maybe sometime soon.

Kendry [who hit submit before he was done] 
Friday February 25th, 2005 3:04:18 AM

He adds in his conversation with Calfast, "No need to answer tonight on the topic, but maybe in the next few days, if that's possible."

Then, taking counsel with his friends, he suggests, "Let's first go to the Burrboot barn, get Lomar and Bubbles settled in, maybe talk things over a bit, then swing by Aunt Marigold's place, to see how she's doing - or if she is even home. Wonder how Pearl is. If Marigold is not around, she may know something."

"Hello - you must be Betty Burrboot? Well met, and on behalf of our friends, thanks for your hospitality. I'm Kendry, this is Airin, Selithe, Olo, Patterton. Where did Shale get off to? Anyone see Polly? And of course, Lomar, and Bobbles. Lead on, kind lady, and we'll follow in your footsteps."

Shale (post by Kim) 
Friday February 25th, 2005 3:20:45 AM

The ranger, having watched much of the night's activities from a table on the outskirts of the party, comes up to his cousins and companions.

"Polly told me she's needed at home," Shale tells the group. "I'm going that direction, myself. Have a lot to think over. Thanks, everyone, for being who you are. I have some things to take care of. Maybe we'll talk, later." He heads out of the party area, unties his horse, Valor, from just outside, and trots him by the light of the fateful moons over toward the Leafwin Turnbell burrows.

Friday February 25th, 2005 10:33:25 AM

As they prepare to follow Hobbit Burrboot, Olo nudges Kendry and whispers. "Hey Kendry, make sure Bobbles knows what's going on, eh? I think Lomar will be okay, but i want to make sure Bobbles doesn't get... nervous."

Though he's not too concerned that they'll find anything out of the ordinary, Olo grabs his helmet and buckler. "Just because it would be foolhardy to leave them behind out here in the open," he tells himself.

Kendry follows Olo's suggestion 
Friday February 25th, 2005 11:05:47 AM

"Yes, good idea, thank you, Olo," Kendry responds.

He takes some time to let Bobbles know what is going on (election results, witches' words, Betty Burrboot's barn, what's up with Aunt Marigold, etc.), and asks what he thinks of all the festivities, and was the food good tonight? He tells him that he needs to think about his future, about things he can do. We'll need to work on where he and Lomar can stay. "Much to think on, Bobbles. I happy you with us. We figure these things out we will."

Discretion [DM Jerry] 
Friday February 25th, 2005 4:12:33 PM

Calfast turns to Selithe and says, "Yes, by all means. Go check on her.....but be careful. Last thing we need is a rumor that our party things she is a witch. That could ruin us. So be descreet. If you find out something....sinister, do not act on it until you consult with me please."

Then to Kendry, "We'll talk about things some other night, my friend."

Friday February 25th, 2005 4:41:26 PM

Kendry nods in understanding at Calfast's scheduling suggestion.

"Well, Lomar - what do you think of your first night in Hovel? Want to write a song or poem about it?" he asks once they get to the barn.

Sunday February 27th, 2005 1:38:26 PM

Patty walks over to Selithe, "Well, I guess we should head over to Marigold's house. The others said they were going to get Lomar and Bobbles settled in the barn. Ready?"

Sunday February 27th, 2005 9:29:21 PM

Selithe nods and smiles to Patty as he asks her if she is ready to go, "As ready as I'll ever be considering. I mean "if" she is a witch.."

Selithe walks out with Patty and makes her way to see her Aunt Marigold's place, Selithe having picked up her staff as she goes.

(Jerry: Hope you don't mind me commenting on the staff bit. I know I didn't state Selithe brought her staff with her so if you want to say she would have to go to a inn or something to pick it up I will understand.)

Monday February 28th, 2005 12:37:19 AM

Patty scratches his red hair uncomfortably as the two walk down the streets of Hovel together. "Err...you know if your aunt really is a witch we may have to...well, you know, defend ourselves if she's there. Ah, what am I talking about? She's probably just having a cup of tea and has no idea what's going on." He says with as reassuring a smile as he can muster given the turn of events.

Monday February 28th, 2005 4:06:40 AM

At the moment Airin feels a little lost. Should she go with the ones who will check up on Aunt Merrigold, or should she stay with the rest trying to find a place to sleep.

What strange times are waiting for her she can't tell. Hopefully she can stay with the rest as she really enjoyed this "Beer Run"

Monday February 28th, 2005 10:41:21 AM

As they walk along, Olo feels the need to remind his fellow halflings of something important. Waiting until they're out of earshot of others, he addresses the group in a low tone.

"Now, remember the trouble we very nearly got ourselves into when we met Lomar? Let's make sure that we don't rush to judgements and make that same mistake twice."

Olo looks around at the others, making sure he's got their attention.

"Even if Marigold is a witch, and even if she did fly around on a broom and shout her blessing at us... well, anybody see a reason to put a hand to weapon over any of that? I'm not saying to drop your guard, but please think before you do anything you'll regret in the morning."

Having said his mind, Olo tries to judge the reaction of the others to his words.

Home Alone? [DM Jerry] 
Monday February 28th, 2005 4:46:49 PM

Bobbles says, "Everyone knows you don't separate the tribe to go hunting clues. Ya stick together....cept for me. So you guys goes aheads and Lomar and I'ze ullstay here quietlike and guarding. And beez careful. Ize smells trouble."

"Yeah, Lomar big, but can pretend to be small. No want trouble, just sleep. Nice fire."

[OOC: I prefer to keep the group together. I won't punish you for leaving 'em. Though I love to hit parties that separate. Your choice. Only time I'll ever say this. Please spefically state if you're going to Marigold's house or staying in the barn with Bobbles and Lomar.]

[Justin, email me concerning the staff. I'm not privy to that one. I'll ask Stephen about it tonight.]

Kendry  d20+7=15
Monday February 28th, 2005 4:57:50 PM

"No, hang on, friends. Bobbles is right," Kendry says. In goblin and in giant, he asks Bobbles and Lomar if they are sure they don't mind the rest of the folks leaving. Assuming they affirm it's fine, then Kendry says, "All right, let's check out our beloved Aunt Marigold and her whereabouts together."

If unable to find Marigold at home, he repeats his suggestion that they look for Pearl, who may know something. [Gather information 15.]

Monday February 28th, 2005 9:29:22 PM

(OOC:Actually Jerry the staff is just a normal staff. I was just meaning our characters took time to clean up and stuff on their return and I forgot to state that Selithe was carrying her staff with her during the party so I figured it was up to the DM to decide where Selithe left it. :).)

Selithe makes her way to see her Aunt with the others, patting her brother on the arm also to get his attention, "Lomar and Bobbles will be fine I think, come on though, our aunt could be in some type of trouble."

Kendry adds a bit of family history 
Monday February 28th, 2005 9:43:02 PM

When they are in an area out of earshot of others, Kendry will match Olo's discretion, while adding this into the mix. Speaking quietly, he says, "My father's side of the family has a few of the sort we're talking about a little ways back. My Great Aunt Gladiola was a hedgewitch, and her grandmother practiced an even higher order of that type of, uh, thing. Leastways, that's what our Aunt Nilli - she's my father's sister, tells me. Nilli's a druid. She knows lots of family stories, too."

Monday February 28th, 2005 11:06:29 PM

Patty arches an eyebrow at Kendry. "Seems to me your whole family has a knack for magic.' Then, as they near the house, "Right then. Should we just go up and knock or kick the door in and suprise anyone inside?" As he is speaking, Patty reaches for his shield subconciously.

Kendry gives gifts 
Monday February 28th, 2005 11:27:28 PM

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Kendry says. He opens his knapsack (which he had reorganized while back at the barn), and pulls out a few items. "Been saving up a few things."

The first thing he withdraws is a bag bound with strings, with a bit of heft to it. He hands the four-pound bag to Airin. "This is for you, Airin. It's called a tanglefoot bag. When you throw it at something, it bursts open, letting the goo inside splash all over whatever you hit. The goo sticks to things, and hardens pretty quick. You get some stuck on you, and it's harder to move - might even get stuck to the ground. If you find yourself in a situation where you want to slow someone down, this might do the trick. I know you have good aim."

Next he pulls out a couple of scrolls. "These are for you, Olo. They have divine words on them. One will help to calm down animals, and the other one to help heal up someone." [Scroll: Calm animals; Scroll: Cure light wounds.]

He takes out a few small wooden sticks. On one end of each is a little solid glob of a rusty-colored substance. "Patterton, these are tindertwigs. You rub the one end with this little ball on the one end on a rough surface, fast-like, and it lights right up. Good for starting fires." He gives him three of the sticks. "And this here is a sunrod." Patty can see that the bard is handing him a foot-long, gold-tipped iron rod. "You strike this gold end hard on something, and it lights up better than a torch for about six hours. It's called a sunrod."

Then he turns to his sister. "Selithe, this is an arcane scroll. It has a spell on it that makes you, or someone nearby you point to, fall light as a feather." He gives her a light kiss on the forehead. "Maybe it'll help you out someday."

Monday February 28th, 2005 11:48:12 PM

Patty looks at the sunrod and tindertwigs appraisingly, then looks at Kendry. "You're full of suprises, Kendry. My thanks."

Tuesday March 1st, 2005 3:05:27 AM

"And you're right, Selithe. Who's going to tangle with an ogre and a goblin?"

And later, "My pleasure, Patters. And let's just knock. No weapons need be drawn, nor should be unless the occasion arises. We're on a mission of peace," he says with a wry smile - perhaps hard to see in the dark.

When they get to Aunt Marigold's house, Kendry glances about for a moment. He wishes Polly and Duncan were here. Shale, too. They know the town real well. Besides, he misses them.

[OOC: Selithe's scroll is feather fall.]

Tuesday March 1st, 2005 4:07:34 AM

The group takes of to see Aunt Marigold. As Airin just heard some strange voice from within her head say : I prefer to keep the group together. Though I love to hit parties that separate. she decides that following the group would be the best thing for her to do.

ooc : :-D

Airin gratefully accepts Kendry's gift. "Gee, Kendry ! That's one fine present you have here !! I'll make sure to put it to good use. Hopefully one day I can return you such a favor, or even save your life with this present. Thanks pal ! Remember to ask me if you need something."

Then she continues to walk along. Kendry and his sister most likely know the way. Along the way she continues to examine this Tanglefoot Bag she got ... strange stuff ... she mutters. Not as heavy as Kendry thought but still ... strange stuff ...

ooc. Items for small creatures only weight 1/4 the listed weight. This Tanglefoot Bag only weighs 1lbs instead of 4. Thanks a lot Kim !

ooc Inge 
Tuesday March 1st, 2005 4:12:17 AM

Dear DM's. I bought a few thingies in the Catacombs earlier. Stephen was goign to tell me when i was allowed to actually bring them into the game. I hope you have not forgotten about them ? I should look for those mails once more, but it included masterwork thieves tools and a few potions I think. Thanks !

Tuesday March 1st, 2005 1:30:50 PM

"Thanks much Kendry! These might just come in handy." Olo tucks the scrolls into his pack and makes a mental note to pick up a scroll case or two.

When Kendry talks about a mission of peace, Olo nods emphatically. "Aye, I know we just got done with some pretty dangerous business, but let's not let that carry over, eh? Remember, we're in our town now and surrounded by friends and neighbors."

No Soliciting, Just Dogs [DM Jerry] 
Tuesday March 1st, 2005 3:52:31 PM

The group approaches Marigold's house. It is a surface house with a underground entrance down the hill making it look more "classic."

There is light inside which flickers like a hearthfire. Otherwise, all is dark. Marigold's 4 dogs sleep in twos curled up against the night chill.

I wonder if they are friendly?

There is a wooden gate to get through before one can approach the front door. That puts ya in the front yard where the dogs sleep. It is about 30 feet from your position to the gate. Another 20' past the gate to the round purple door.

A sign is nailed to the fence. "No Soliciting."

Tuesday March 1st, 2005 4:57:39 PM

Well, Kendry recalls he got on well with the dogs a couple of years back, last time he visited Aunt Marigold. But she was with the dogs at the time.

But, in the middle of the night? Kendry pantomimes to Olo opening a scroll and reading it, then points toward the dogs, hoping the bushy-haired cleric will take the hint.

He will wait to see what Olo, or others may do. If they need to take advantage of his smooth way with animals that belong to a high-strung domineering woman, then he will loan his skill check with a d20+4=5 - say, isn't that a natural one? - in animal handling.

Tuesday March 1st, 2005 5:55:49 PM

Patterton laces his fingers together palms up and whispers, "I could boost you over the fence." to Airin as he gestures towards the window with his head.

Tuesday March 1st, 2005 10:37:13 PM

Selithe smiles and takes the scroll from Kendry and kisses his cheek, "Thanks brother. I will make good use of the scroll I'm sure."

Selithe puts the scroll up and then makes her way to her aunt's with everyone else. She looks to the dogs and frowns abit and grins thinking and whispering to Kendry, "If we need I can summon up a rabbit or something that might keep them busy for a few moments."

Airin  d20+7=20 d20+5=23
Wednesday March 2nd, 2005 4:05:56 AM

ooc : DM's did you receive my mail concerning the Catacomb purchases ? Among the items I bought was a potion of Hide from Animals ... I would sure love to use that one now ! I suppose when we arrived in traders corner and on our way back to Hovel we passed a little store where I could buy/sell something like this no ? Please say yes ;-)

In case I allready bought the items
Airin whispers to her friends : "Let me try to get closer to the house and look through them windows first. We can use this little drink here that will make me virtually invisible to those dogs."
Airin pops out a little vial from her bag. It's a "Hide from Animals" potion ! Airin drinks the potion and slowly approaches the wooden gate carefully inspecting the path in front of her (search = 20)(she will take 3 rounds to get to the gate so she can move slowly to inspect carefully). She signs her friends to stay behind.

In case the items are not purchased yet
Airin whispers to her friends : "Let me try to get closer to the house and look through them windows first. Maybe we ought to use Olo's scroll to calm those dogs just to make sure ?"
Slowly Airin moves ahead and approaches the wooden gate carefully inspecting the path in front of her (search = 20) (she will take 3 rounds to get to the gate so she can move slowly to inspect carefully). She signs her friends to stay behind.

Continuing for both options
Simultaniously she checks on them dogs to see if she can see something strange about them ... are they really sleeping ? Don't dogs always sleep with one eye open ? (spot = 23)

As Airin approaches the gate she checks to see if the gate has a lock or not. Maybe them dogs are providing enough safety, or aunt Marrigold isn't the lovely lady anymore Kendry knew soo well.

Wednesday March 2nd, 2005 10:42:03 AM

Seeing Kendry sign for the scroll, Olo knows exactly what he's indicating. He shrugs his pack half off his shoulder and pokes around inside for the scroll that the bard gave him earlier. While he does, he shakes his head in disaproval.

"Remember what we talked about, eh? This is the home of a respectable halfling. Do we really want to be sneakin' around her house fully armed? What's wrong with announcing ourselves like proper folk?"

Finally finding the scroll he's looking for, Olo shrugs his pack back into place.

"Now, I'll keep this here scroll ready, just incase there's trouble, but I'm not going to use it to sneak around. Kendry, if you want it back, that's fine too."

Wednesday March 2nd, 2005 10:47:18 AM

I fear Olo is right. However we're arriving here at night time. Is there a door bell of somekind ?

However, we may want to have a little peek just before we ring that bell. Just to make sure no ?

Wednesday March 2nd, 2005 3:55:49 PM

Patty rests his hand on the hilt of his longsword and watches Airin carefully. If the dogs look as though they might attack, Patty is prepared to spring into action to save his friend. "She might also be a witch, Olo. Don't forget that bit. No harm in taking a peek first anyway." he says, without taking his eyes off the scout's progress.

Wednesday March 2nd, 2005 10:54:45 PM

"Aye, she might be a witch and I might just be a cleric of Wardd, patron of lunatics and the insane. Doesn't that sound dangerous? I'd still say you'd have no business charming my dogs and peakin' in my windows with a crossbow in your hands."

Olo shakes his head and crosses his arms.

"Do what you will, but I vote for a quick knock on the door."

ooc: I know the rule is only one post a day, so feel free to strike this out if you want.

Thursday March 3rd, 2005 12:56:23 AM

"Oh, bother," Kendry says with a bit of irritation in his voice. He's not irritated at Olo in particular, just at those who speak with little discretion.

He opens the gate and walks up to the door. "Hey pups! Is my auntie in?" If they don't rend him limb from limb, then he knocks on the door.

Thursday March 3rd, 2005 3:04:02 AM

Just as Airin was about to pop the potion in her mouth, Olo and Kendry start arguing about the dogs and sneaking in or not. She turns around to look at them, puts the little cork back on the vial, puts it back in her backpack and waits in anticipation.

Actually, Olo might be right. Witches aren't always evil right ?

"Carefull Kendry !" Airin whispers.

Three Hounds, Three Times [DMonic Jerry] 
Thursday March 3rd, 2005 11:13:05 AM

Airin quaffs her potion and approaches the gate. The dog's eye does not follow her. She opens the gate and nothing untowards happens.

Then Kendry in his impatience pushes the gate the rest of the way open and begins walking towards the door.

At this point, the "wandering-eye dog" jumps to his feet and literally howls! A powerful set of lungs on him too!

The other two dogs awaken and sneer their growls in Kendry's direction.

"Right-eye" looking a might too intelligent for being a dog. He licks his lips and they begin to look somewhat undoglike. In a demonic voice he cries out as his eyes begin to grow a small red dot in their center.

"I speak to you three times!"




The other hounds begin to grow in size with the first, eyes red, foaming at the mouth. Evil intent in their eyes. Patchy dark red fur that smells burnt.

These hounds must be from...hell.
[Airin, I have the sheet you are approved to use your new stuff.]

Patterton  d20+6=10
Thursday March 3rd, 2005 2:43:30 PM

Patty jerks his sword from its sheath and grabs his sheild. He takes a step foreward, just inside the gate. "Blast it!" he curses, "Kendry! Airin! To me!" He will attempt to act as a buffer for the beasts if Kendry and Airin are able to make it behind him and through the gate in time. Also he hopes he can prevent the beasts from escaping into town by boxing them in.

note: if one of the hounds comes close enough, he will swing at it. (attack =10)

masterwork longsword- +6

Thursday March 3rd, 2005 2:45:38 PM

OOC: oops...that +6 is the to hit bonus

Thursday March 3rd, 2005 5:40:23 PM

"Uh, you wouldn't want to let my Aunt Marigold know that her nephew and niece are here to see her, would you?" Kendry asks. "However, I can take a hint." He walks with measured steps backwards towards (& through, if possible) the open gate, with light peripheral glances over his shoulder to ensure he does not run into someone. "We'll just wait here outside the gate while you announce our presence to the mistress." His hand casually rests on the hilt of his sheathed rapier.

"Come, friend, let's wait outside the gate. No soliciting, and all that."

"Different dogs," he whispers to his companions outside the gate.

Olo  d20+3=15 d6+2=6
Friday March 4th, 2005 1:30:56 AM

When the dog starts to howl loudly, Olo gets ready with the scroll just in case.

"Well that will let her know we're..." Olo's voice trails off when the hound begins to speak. Stunned for a moment, he watches the transformation of the beasts take place. He's startled into action when Patty draws his weapon.

Transfering the useless scroll to his left hand, Olo himself reaches down and unhooks the mace from his belt. He restrains from brandishing it as long as noone is being attacked, but he has it at the ready.

Airin [Hide from Animals]  d20+12=31 d20+10=22 d20+7=16 d20+5=19
Friday March 4th, 2005 3:52:32 AM

Airin jumps about 3 feet in the air when one of these dogs suddenly charge into Kendry. They only gaze at Kendry ... they did not move towards her ! The potion works ...
These dogs can not hear, smell nor see her :-)

"Kendry", she whispers, "I will move up to the house to carefully look through these windows."

Airin croushes towards the house out of the light coming out of these windows. She runs up to the house unnoticably (Hide 31 / move silently 22 ) avoiding all noise from stepping onto little braches or things like that.

Maybe she can hear something inside or see something weird about the house or the light inside ? She not peeking through the windows yet. She will position herself right of a window crouched to the ground.

listen = 16
Spot = 19

Hide from animals = 9'54"

Friday March 4th, 2005 12:00:28 PM

Selithe frowns and begins pulling her sling out along with a stone to be thrown at one of the dogs. She has the crossbow from the previous goblin enounters to get back to the city but hasn't had much luck with it so is saving it.

Selithe looks to Kendry worried and speaks up to him, "Becareful brother."

Three Dogs? [DM Jerry] 
Friday March 4th, 2005 4:24:31 PM

As everyone in the group except Airin has backed through the gate once more, the three dogs go back to looking normal and sleeping as before, with the lazy eyed one possibly watching you.

Airin looks in through the low window.

Inside, is a fourth canine, if it can be called that. It walks on two legs.

Aunt Marigold and two others of her political staff dressed in strange ceremonial robes are tied up in the hearth chairs before the fire--their little toesies being pushed ever closer to the flames by the wolf-man.

No one inside seems to be aware of any activities outside.

Saturday March 5th, 2005 4:50:11 AM

Patty grips his sword tightly as he watches Airin sneak the rest of the way across the lawn. His blood is still pumping from the dog's sudden transformation and his eyes dart to them frequently, looking for signs of movement.

Saturday March 5th, 2005 3:00:16 PM

Kendry waits to hear what Airin might have to report. Meanwhile, using Patty to obscure the line of sight to the one-eyed dog, he takes the bow from off his shoulder, and extracts a few arrows from his quiver. Three arrows are grasped by the ring and little fingers of his left hand, which also holds the grip of the bow. The fourth arrow he nocks, and holds to the string with light back pressure on the string, his index finger wrapped around the arrow's shaft. The bow rests, arrow pointed groundward, against his left hip. "Beautiful moons tonight," he comments.

Sunday March 6th, 2005 5:50:41 PM

Selithe doesn't like this at all and runs through her spells and everything through her head as she ponders what to do. She glances to the others as she frowns more and whispers to Kendry, "These three dogs are going to be a big annoyance."

(Jerry: Will be posting a spell list asap.)

Sunday March 6th, 2005 8:15:11 PM

Kendry returns his sister's frown with a smile. "More'n likely, sis, more'n likely," he answers, still tracking Airin's progress with his peripheral vision, as well as scoping out the lay of the land.

The fence: Slatted wood? Stone? Laid logs? Its height. Well made? Easy access to the roof of this modern house with the faux burrow entrance? How high the roof above the ground? Size of the fenced yard? Any stacked rocks, trees, stumps, firewood? Proximity of neighbors? If nearby, similar housing, or more traditional? Kendry is in his information gathering mode. He tries to think if he has any silvered weapons. Um, nope. He has a few silver coins. Shape-changing doggies... moons out. Lycanthropy in play?

Sunday March 6th, 2005 10:55:49 PM

Patty wonders how long Airin's potion will protect her and suddenly a thought strikes him. Reaching into his belt pouch, he withdraws his potion of magic fang and places it in his sword hand while still holding the blade so it would be easy to pop the cork and enchant the sword if need be.

Airin [Hide from Animals]  d20+7=20 d20+10=27 d20+12=25 d20+5=20
Monday March 7th, 2005 3:00:57 AM

Airins heart is raging inside her as she tiptoes towards the house. Carefully she peeks through the window only to see this strange creature threatening aunt Marigold and her companions.

What foul creature can this be ?!?

Airin tries to signal to the rest of the group that something weird is going on inside. Aunt Marigold didn't turn evil ... this strange canine is.

Carefully (move silently = 27, hide = 25) she tries to hear what they are saying inside (listen = 20, spot = 20). If this "dog" is threatening them he surely wants some information. Airin needs to know what ...

If she can gather a little more information, she turns around to her friends to talk about some sort of plan. She can't handle this on her own. Maybe Kendry can fill her in about the house or maybe someone else has an idea to remove them dogs. They need to hurry ... she's not certain exactly how long this potion will protect her from these dogs outside.

Once back to her friends she reports what she has seen. Should she try to enter the house ? Must they attack the 3 dogs hoping they can slay them before they can bark ?!?

Hide from animals = 9'48"

Monday March 7th, 2005 12:22:21 PM

Moving slowly so as not to attract too much attention from the hounds, Olo slips the scroll he was holding back into his pack and then adjusts his hold on the morningstar for a better grip.

"Hey Patty, odds are you were right about her being a witch, eh?" he says in a fairly sober tone.

Patterton  d20=17
Monday March 7th, 2005 2:00:25 PM

Patty shrugs to Olo and whispers, "Could be. Or maybe that other beast is pulling the strings. Either way, we need to sort this out quickly or Kendry's aunt may be burnt without benefit of a stake. There's no time to summon the militia, so I guess it's up to us."

Patty turns to the rest of the group, "Anyone know what these things are?" (knowledge check: 17) Patty looks up at the moon and raises an eyebrow at Kendry. "Oh."

Kendry - OOC 
Monday March 7th, 2005 10:39:24 PM

... Holding for environmental feedback (fence & gate construction materials, sturdiness, other things listed in prior post, etc.) ...

What the ...!? (DM Stephen)  d100=34 d100=73 d100=76 d100=46 d100=100 d20+12=17
Tuesday March 8th, 2005 8:24:10 AM

Most of the group find refuge outside the well-made, and sturdy wooden fence of Marigold's yard. As Kendry recalls, Marigold always expects the highest quality, especially to her own personal belongings. Her house is always well-kept and extremely tidy. She's a clean freak as you recall. You remember being asked several times to take your shoes off before entering. Even when they were completely clean.

As long as the group remains outside of the yard, the three dogs (one medium, two small) look like ordinary dogs and appear unthreatening.

Airin feels safe with her potion active. She can stomp around the place, yell in their ears and the dogs wont notice her. She looks in the window at the goings on. She hears the wolf-man say, "why am I here. what are you three doing with me. are you the ones who took my amulet." He says snarlingly, "I cant allow you to keep it or know my secret. Yooouuu have some fast choices to make!" And he growls menacingly into their ears. Marigold appears to be confident and cool-headed. She seems more embarrassed than distressed. The other two dont display the same confidence. The wolf-man swipes his arm across the table sending everything on it onto the floor.

Airin happens to spot something else. Outside under her feet is the glint of something metalic on the ground. At quick inspection, it looks like a ground up powder and it appears to be spread around, circling the house. As far as you can tell.

Airin [Hide from Animals] 
Tuesday March 8th, 2005 8:51:47 AM

While on her way back to her friends she suddenly notices this strange powder on the ground. Carefully, with the tip of a dagger she scrapes some of the ground and walks over to her friends. Maybe they can inspect the powder?

She speaks quick to her companions in a low voice. Somthing's wrong in aunt Marigold's house and she doesn't want to disturb anything.

"Ok, there's this strange wolf/man inside threatening Aunt Marigold and her witch friends. However, it asks what THEY did to HIM and what it is doing here! And something about an amulet he lost ... My mind feels like I'm running around in the fog ... I don't know what to think of all this. Let's find a way for you all to join me at the house without these pets going berserk.

The distance from here (the fence) to the house is 20ft. We have several ropes available (mine is silk). We could attach one side of the rope at the top of this fence, and the other side at Aunt Marigold's chimney (I can climb up the roof to attach the ropes as these dogs won't hurt me). Then you all can attempt tight rope walking ... Or maybe even crawling along the rope will do just fine. This may allow you all to cross the distance to the house without touching the ground and stay high enough so these doggies can't bite.

Any other suggestions, or should I concentrate on gathering info INSIDE the house?"

Hide from animals = 9'42"

Airin more ideas (Illegal I know, but we're brainstorming here ;-) ) 
Tuesday March 8th, 2005 8:54:31 AM

What if we try to lure the dogs away ? If someone among us has some meat we could attach it to a piece of string. Then, as those dogs can't see me, might be able to lure them away from the fence for you to run up to the house ?

Olo  d20+3=4 d20+3=20
Tuesday March 8th, 2005 10:10:35 AM

Olo touches his forefinger to the powder on Airin's dagger, inspects it, then rubs the powder between finger and thumb.

When he speaks, it's in a low, conspiratorial tone, so as not to be overheard by the beasts.

"Mayhap it's silver? A protection circle would be my guess, though I wouldn't know if it's to keep something away or to keep something contained." (Know:Arcana 1+3=4, Know:Religion 17+3=20)

Olo turns again to examine the yard, and looks as if he's calculating in his head.

"You know, I could throw a mist over most of this yard. That, and a some of my stronger spices in the air could keep these beasts busy long enough for us to make it inside and throw the latch. Of course, Airin would have to make sure the door was ready for us ahead of time."

Tuesday March 8th, 2005 2:05:59 PM

Patterton looks at the powder for a moment, then shrugs. "I don't claim to be an expert on magic, but I do know that we need to get in there quickly and sort this business out."

He then unslings his backpack and reveals a quiver of elven design containing 20 glowing arrows. "If these beasts can only be struck by magic weapons, I suggest we fire some of these at them while they're on the other side of the fence. After that, I have a short lived potion that will allow me to harm them with my blade. Olo, Selithe, Kendry, you must have some magics that can aid us."

OOC: Stephen, I won the arrows at the christmas tree contest in the giggeling ghost. I never got a straight answer what they are, but sience they're glowing, I assume they're magical.

Kim - OOC re: arrows 
Tuesday March 8th, 2005 3:46:13 PM

The arrows are masterwork arrows, according to what is posted in the Giggling Ghost for that time. [Or maybe it was posted on one of the other boards about the GG tree gifts.]

Tuesday March 8th, 2005 7:50:13 PM

Lest the small group stand near the gate and let the, likely, sharp-eared 'dogs' listen in on their plans, Kendry suggests they take a walk about. Though concerned for his aunt's toes, perhaps a turn around the dwelling will reveal alternative avenues of approach.

"Come, let's go," he tells them all. "We've others we can visit." If any resist, he gives them a wink, yet not so that the lazy-eyed dog can see this visual cue. He takes them along to the opposite side of her house, to see what they may find there. Another entrance, perhaps? Quietly, he mentions, "We can't just be making plans within earshot of such fierce guardians - yet some deliberate speed is in order. Rocks through the windows? Rain arrows down on the hounds from the roof? A back door? Let's see what can work to our advantage, and the rescue of the captives. Perhaps, Patty, I could use a few of your arrows - say six or eight? Do any have nets? Should we break the sprinkling of dust?" Kendry looks to see whether the circle of dust encompasses the whole house...

Going in the Back Door! (DM Stephen)  d100=99 d100=15 d100=5 d100=47
Wednesday March 9th, 2005 8:22:40 AM

(Kim is right, the arrows are masterwork and give only a +1 bonus to hit.)

Airin returns to the group to tell the others what she has learned. She brings with her a small sample of a powder she found on the ground circling the house. Olo possible theory for the powders use is correct. It does appear to be the same material component used in Magic Circles of Protection. Only slightly altered. (Olo gets 100 exp point. :)

Airin does see the dogs morph into their more dire beastly form as she walks near them, but they dont react to her. As soon as she steps far enough away, they return to normal.

The group makes it around to the back. Their is a back door into the house in full view. And a gate to the fence as well. There is also a set of double doors that leads down to a root cellar against the back of the house. The dogs didnt follow. (Lucky. rolled a 99!)

What will our hero's do next?

(Airin's use of the potion has been most helpful as well. 100 exp.)

Airin preparing real post 
Wednesday March 9th, 2005 11:11:41 AM

Airin first makes a few signals to her friends to propose to sneak up to the house to open the back door for them without risk of them doggies to come round the corner suddenly.

If they all think that's the best thing to do Airin will make her move next post.

Wednesday March 9th, 2005 3:30:20 PM

Kendry nods his head to affirm Airin's signaled plan. Since Kendry's bow is masterwork, he changes his mind on his request for some of Patterton's arrows. [I think that there is no net benefit to using masterwork arrows with a masterwork bow.] His arrow remains nocked. He stands behind the fence, and glances back and forth in case a canine should round one corner or another of the house, ready to fire if he deems it appropriate.

Wednesday March 9th, 2005 4:02:55 PM

(OOC: Sorry about not posting yesterday, some RL matters came up.)

Selithe moves around the house and notes the celler door and whispers to Kendry, "Think that it will lead into the house? If worked right and we can get it opened unnoticed then if the doggies do attack then we will have them in a smaller area."

Selithe also thinks over Airin's idea and waves her over as Selithe motions to the crossbow she had gotten before, "If your idea is the one we have to go with then I can use my crossbow with a rope attached to the bolt to get the rope on the roof. We are light enough and if it hits good enough it would surely hold for one of us to get up there and tie it off better."

Other then making some suggestions Selithe still thinks over her spells she has ready and speaks up when magic from her is brought up, "I currently have little to protect against those dogs but I will do my best."

0th:Acid Splash(2), Detect Magic(1), Prestidigitation(1)

1st:Mage Armor(1), Magic Missile(2)

Wednesday March 9th, 2005 5:45:36 PM

Olo shakes his head when he hears Selithe talking about engaging the dogs.

"Hopefully," he whispers, "we can get the door closed behind us quick enough so we don't have to fight them."

Olo then proceeds to doublecheck the buckles on his bracer and hefts his morningstar in his hand.

Wednesday March 9th, 2005 6:09:58 PM

Patty gives Olo a nod, then turns to Kendry. "Right. I say we sneak into the cellar, find the door and take this beasty by suprise before your aunt comes to any harm. I could try to position myself between him and the front door so he can't let the other dogs in."

Thursday March 10th, 2005 12:59:31 AM

"Airin, see if the door will open." To Selithe, he says, quietly as circumstances dictate, "The cellar may have an opening into the house, but usually they don't. Say, while Airin checks the door, let's you and I see if the cellar does allows access."

"Olo, Patty - keep watch, signal if need be, or do whatever else comes to mind."

The bard thinks to himself that the whole group should be schooled in Duncan's sign language. At least enough for situations like this.

He walks over to check out the cellar. If Selithe agrees to accompany him, then with her. If the cellar doors are locked, he grasps his hands together in the locking sign to signal others. If not locked, he opens one of the doors (or both if the design demands it), taking care to move slowly, carefully, quietly. He prepares to jump out of the way should something leap forth. No telling what may be going on with fate and luck in the sky.

Airin  d20+10=18 d20+5=23 d20+7=14 d20+10=22
Thursday March 10th, 2005 2:44:57 AM

As her friends also want to attempt the entrance through the back , Airin sneaks up to the house. (move silently 18)

Not worried about the dogs, but still carefull not to make too much noise she casually scans the ground to see if the powder is everywhere around the house (spot 23).

As she approaches the backdoor, she takes out her masterwork thieves tools. If Kendry manages to open the door she will not interfere. If the door is locked she will do her job.

First she will carefully listen at the door. Never know who's behind it right (listen 14) but the door seems to weaken whatever can be heard. Then her nimble fingers play with the thieves tools and carefully open the lock (open locks 22).

Let's get inside quietly ...

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