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DM Mark - Where's Lanliss?  d20+16=32 ; d20+20=36 ; d20+13=33 ; d20=9 ; d100=69 ; d100=1 ; d100=35 ; d100=69 ; d20+21=33 ; d20+16=19 ; d20+16=24 ; d6+10=11 ; d20+16=25 ; d20+16=25 ; d20+16=23 ; d20+16=32 ;
Thursday August 17th, 2017 12:55:56 AM

Velarin calls out too the others about the Shadow Lord hiding in the wall with an illusory double floating above. He also mentions a rhino. Then everything gets dark for the wizard as he succumbs to a Blindness spell. Velarin dispels the effect and can see again.

One of the shadowy mystics also blinds Barratore, but the minotaur heroically shakes off the effect! Then the minotaur grows in size, extending his reach. “Aw crap!” says the mystic. Startled, the mystic scrambles back from the great beast, and in doing so provokes an attack, taking 34 damage (You only double the weapon dice, not the adds - let me know if I got that wrong. Also, “You cannot spend more than 1 hero point during a single round of combat.” Finally, please be sure to roll for the concealment miss chance - I did and you hit.)

Edson laughs and lays into his opponent doing 9 damage. The shadowy warrior falls.

Brom, seeing one opponent fall to Edson’s blade strikes the other for 75 damage. It is still up - barely. Remembering that all is lost if the Krystal Heart is lost, Brom shouts, ”Where’s Lanliss?

The Dispel Magic removes some spells from Emrys, and he changes back from an Air Elemental to an elf. Then he casts Baleful Polymorph on the Shadow Lord. The Shadow Lord saves against the spell. (For future reference, I am not aware of anything about Air Elementals that means they generate wind apart from their Whirlwind Form, but I’m prepared to be wrong.)

Evaris steps out of the Stinking Cloud. He looks at the wall, and recalling Velarin’s assertion that it is an illusion he makes a save Highlight to display spoiler: {and the wall becomes translucent for him, revealing two blind Mystics ht iding within it. Evaris can also see the Shadow Lord, staning withing the 15’ tall illusory wall, and atop the 5’ tall stone wall where it intersect the illusory wall (blue square.) Evaris fires at the Shadow Lord and hits!} Evaris extends his hand and a beam of blinding light shoots into the 15’ tall wall where that blue square is, evoking a cry from within.

Baslim moves near Velarin.

Lanliss does not answer Brom, and continues his stealthy move forward, disappearing around the corner of the stone wall. (Velarin and Barratore can see him walk into the 15’ tall wall, disappearing from sight. Velarin sees him within the wall, moving toward the hidden Shadow Lord.)

Mistakenly thinking Edson will be a softer target than that dwarf, the shadowy warrior H1 moves 5’ and strikes four times. He curses as he only hits Edson once for 11 damage.

Mystic 1 then begins casting a spell. Mystic 2 again casts Blindness/Deafness on him - DC 17 Fort save for Barratore or be blinded.

The voices of Mystics 3 and 4 can be heard, chanting.

The Shadow Lord again laughs. “You are indeed the fools Skalippy said you were. Victory is within my grasp.” Then he casts Greater Dispel Magic on Emrys. Starting with the highest level spell on Emrys, he will potentially dispel 4 spells and succeeds against Caster Level 14, 14, 12 and 25 (likely dispelling the top 4 spells operating on him.)

Still you hear a muted barking, yiping, cawing in the distance, though louder now.
Shadow Lord: 88 damage. 20% Concealment Miss Chance. Fly 20’.

M1: Concealment and Displacement 50% miss chance.
M2: 69 damage. 20% Concealment Miss Chance.
M3: 12 damage. Blind(5). Deaf(1). Glitterdusted. Not happy.
M4: Invisible. 12 damage. Blind(2).

Heroes: AC 26, touch 17, flat-footed 21
H1: 110 damage, blinded. Visible (glitterdust). 20% Concealment Miss Chance.
H2: 125 damage. Dead.
H3: 122 damage. Dead.
H4: Dead.
H5: 136 damage. Glitterdusted. Dead.
H6: 160 damage. Glitterdusted. Dead.

Map - Use Round 6

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 80/80, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  d20+13=25 ;
Thursday August 17th, 2017 11:37:15 AM

Seeing Lanliss closing on the Shadow Lord greatly concerns Velarin, but he suppresses his desire to yell to him to get to the altar, so that he does not alert the Shadow Lord to Lanliss's presence.

V is currently 30' in the air at AP22, and will fly to AF22, maintaining his altitude.

Mentally cursing himself for not having more fire spells, He casts greater dispel magic instead. He makes the spell an area effect, centered at AF15. Every spell within a 20' radius of AF15 is subject to being dispelled with a dispel check of 25.

"Two can play at the dispelling game. We need to get a move on boys. Their reinforcements are coming

Current active effects:
Prot. from evil-- duration 13 minutes, +2 ac and saves against evil, warded from mental control and summoned creatures.
Owl's Wisdom +4 Wisdom and Wis Checks 10 minutes
Good Hope +2 morale bonus on saves, attacks, ability chks, skill chks, and damage.
Haste: extra attack on full attacks, movement doubles, +1 to attack, +1 dodge bonus to AC and reflex saves, duration 26 rounds

Memorized Spells:
1st: Protection from evil=C, Identify, Mage armor(extended)-C, Shield, Magic Missile, Magic missile, Magic missile
2nd: Invisibility, Bulls strength, Mirror image, Scorch ray, See Invisibility, resist energy,
3rd: Fireball-C, Haste=C, Haste, lightning bolt, Dispel Magic=C, Fly-C
4th: Dim Door, Dim Door, Empower Scorch ray, greater invis., empower scorch ray, silent Dispel Magic
5th: Empower Lightning bolt, cone of cold, empower fireball-C, Wall of force, Silent Dim door
6th: Chain lightning-C, Greater dispel magic-C, Chain lightning
7th: plane shift, Forcecage

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 32 (35 Raged); HP: 81/154 (120/193) raged; DR 3/- (6/- raged)  d100=36 ; d20+15=31 ; d20+23=28 ; 6d6+30=45 ; d20+22=41 ;
Thursday August 17th, 2017 12:16:16 PM

Fort save DC31

Not hearing any response from Lanliss, Brom curses the sneaky runt under his breath. He needed to finish his current opponent quickly. He steps in and strikes hard at the last defender. He feels his sword dig deep into his shadowy flesh.

Keeping an ear to the battlefield he picks up general locations of all the players by their sounds (Perception DC 41). He tries to hear the faint footfalls of Lanliss (I know it's a long shot but a 41 is pretty high) among the sounds of sword and spells.

Attack (PA, Rage, Haste, GH, Imp VS): AC 28 damage 45

Perception DC 41

Good Hope, Haste, Invisibility Purge (47 rounds), Guarded Stance (+3 dodge bonus to AC) (3/5 rounds)
Rage: 9/30, -1 dex penalty, darkvision

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 80/80, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Thursday August 17th, 2017 5:41:40 PM

V takes a brief moment to assess the situation. Still more opponents than they have time to deal with, and more on the way. He remembers the final words of warning. "Be careful of tricks and traps. You need to lay the heart on the altar". The Wizards mind starts going quickly through logical courses of action. Is this the trick, designed to slow us enough to fail? Is there a trap waiting at the altar? Lanliss is the key. He holds the heart. We must get it in the altar without setting off traps, and do it quickly.

Velarins mind has quickly laid out a dangerous, but potentially fruitful plan to end this in the next dozen seconds, counting on Lanliss to be prepared for anything

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 25/65   d20+18=22 ; d20+18=30 ; d20+13=22 ; d100=70 ; d100=63 ; d100=46 ; d4+3=6 ; d4+3=7 ; d4+3=4 ;
Thursday August 17th, 2017 5:54:06 PM

Figuring Brom has things hnder control Edson makes a run for M2. The first thing that hits the mystic is a wad of spit.

Following that is his kukhris.
Hit ac 22 6 dmg
Hit ac 30 7 dmg
Hit ac 22 4 dmg

Lanliss Drakeguard (Michael A) HP69/98 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:28  d20-1=7 ;
Thursday August 17th, 2017 6:12:08 PM

Lanliss feels his body moving in the direction of the shadow world.

He tries to be aware of his body, trying to take hold of his body once again.

Will Save 7

Mind Fog -10
Will save +7
Good Hope +2

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 29 (T 14 FF 26), CMD:34; HP: 155/162 Character Sheet  d20+17=31 ; d20+6=9 ; d20+27=43 ; 6d8+28=50 ; d100=59 ; d20+27=35 ; d20+27=34 ; d20+27=40 ; d20+27=39 ; 3d8+28=39 ; 3d8+28=38 ; 3d8+28=42 ; 3d8+28=52 ; d20+12=22 ;
Thursday August 17th, 2017 7:20:40 PM

Barratore switched to 2 hands on his weapon and thus the increase during his Power Attack. I had doubled the dice to 6d8 with Vital Strike. During an AoO he could not do so, dice would only 3d8

The spell from the Mystic rolls across the fighters mind, but he pushes through the magic Fort Save 31

Barratore goes up and over the wall to just the other side Move to AG/14
Bellowing as he lands, 'Bay hay he ho hooo! This is where you are all hiding!" Barratore cuts the Mystic in half with nearly 16' of magical steel.

Seeing Lanliss head into the wall, Barratore knows something is wrong. Lanliss can't walk through walls, it must be an illusion.
Will Save 22

He yells to the others "Lanliss is heading to the Shadow Lord, stop him!" oh and i found a rhino"

Attack M2 PA Vital Strike Hit AC 43 Dmg 50 Concealment %59

Combat Reflexes AoO if needed Hit AC 35/34/40/39 Dmg 39/38/42/52

Good Hope
Owls Wisdom

Shepherd Baslim (Tanner) HP 143 -- AC 14/10/14 -- F+17 R+9 W+20 -- CMD 16 
Thursday August 17th, 2017 11:24:22 PM

Baslim keeps hurrying to get around the obscuring mists.

ooc: Double move to AW14.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp 51/54, misdirection, detect scrying, good hope, haste, true seeing, low light vision  d100=18 ; d100=13 ;
Friday August 18th, 2017 12:26:52 AM

(sorry for being late. extremely tired this evening ... passed out on couch.)

Emrys thoroughly rejects the next wave of dispelling magic. Not a single spell dispelled. Like dew off a pixie's wings! At the Shadow Lord, Emrys bellows, "You're delusional, you bloated termite!"

He hears the approach of reinforcements ... shadow creatures most likely. He casts a spell targeting a large area between the party and the approaching shadow swarm (far enough away from the party not to interfere with the combat ... in the path of the reinforcements.) However the spell fails to materialize ... no leylines present to fuel his spell.

(Leyline checks: 18 fail, hero point reroll: 13 also a fail. Failed to cast Calm Emotions. Unbelievable.)

(Why did even I bother to wake up... back to bed.)

Evaris (Kathy) [HP 92/93] [AC 20; Touch 13; FF 18]  d8=2 ;
Friday August 18th, 2017 12:52:43 AM

Evaris casts a Sound Burst, centering it on the Shadow Lord.

Everything in the area takes 2 points of damage, and must succeed at a DC 17 Fortitude save or be stunned for 1 round.

DM Mark - Where's Lanliss?  d20+16=35 ; d20+16=35 ;
Friday August 18th, 2017 2:00:39 AM

Velarin follows the Shadow Lord’s example and unleashes a Greater Dispel Magic. The Wolly Rhino disappears, as does one of the Mystic’s Displacement effect. A bit of a Stinking Cloud disappears as well. Worried about Lanliss, he encourages the others to act.

Brom drops his opponent. He then listens for Lanliss footfalls, and while he can hear all kinds of things, including footfalls, he cannot place just where they’re coming from.

Edson runs up to the nearest mystic and misses (move and standard action, right? Why the other two attack rolls?)

Barratore hops over the wall and cuts the mystic atop the wall in half. The two halves fall on either side of the wall. Thinking the wall to be an illusion, he suddenly recognizes the wall for what it is. He can see the Shadow Lord (blue square) hidden within the 15’ tall illusory wall, standing atop the 5’ stone wall.He shouts, "Lanliss is heading to the Shadow Lord, stop him!" (Damage corrected from before - thanks.)

Baslim moves up to the wall.

Emrys reaches for a Ley Line, but it proves elusive. (True Seeing and Good Hope were dispelled last round, right?)

Evaris casts Sound Burst on the hidden Shadow Lord. The Shadow Lord, Mystic4 and Barratore take take 2 damage.

Lanliss continues to move toward the Shadow Lord, concealed from most within the illusory wall.

Then, the Shadow Lord moves, and suddenly, there are two Shadow Lords! One is down behind a 5’ stone wall, the other floats above the altar. Both seem to cast a spell, and then Barratore begins to shuffle his feet and dance for the next round. He must make a Will save, DC 22 or continue to dance - Irresistable Dance.

A large number of shadow animals arrive behind the party!
Shadow Lord: 90 damage. 20% Concealment Miss Chance. Fly 20’.

Mystics: AC 26, touch 17, flat-footed 21
M1: Concealment 20% miss chance.
M2: 83 damage. 20% Concealment Miss Chance.
M3: 12 damage. Blind(5). Deaf(1). Glitterdusted. Hidden in an illusory wall.
M4: 2 Invisible. 12 damage. Blind(2). Hidden in an illusory wall.

Heroes: AC 26, touch 17, flat-footed 21
H1: 110 damage, blinded. Visible (glitterdust). 20% Concealment Miss Chance.
H2: 125 damage. Dead.
H3: 122 damage. Dead.
H4: Dead.
H5: 136 damage. Glitterdusted. Dead.
H6: 160 damage. Glitterdusted. Dead.

Map - Use Round 7

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp 51/54, misdirection, good hope, true seeing 
Friday August 18th, 2017 8:41:43 AM

(Emrys' True Seeing and Good Hope were not dispelled, your Dispel Checks {14 &12) were way too low.)

(DM Mark - From the DM post, "Starting with the highest level spell on Emrys, he will potentially dispel 4 spells and succeeds against Caster Level 14, 14, 12 and 25." The actual rolls were: d20+16=25 ; d20+16=25 ; d20+16=23 ; d20+16=32. Please let me know if there is another reason those spells exceeded caster levels 14 and 12.)

Lanliss Drakeguard (Michael A) HP69/98 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:28  d20-1=5 ;
Friday August 18th, 2017 10:10:17 AM

Lanliss Tries again and again to feel his body.
He tries to feel his toes and the tips of his hands move in the opposite direction.

Will save 5

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp 51/54, misdirection, good hope, true seeing 
Friday August 18th, 2017 1:43:34 PM

(I was assuming those were your caster level checks: 14, 14, 12, 25, because that's all that was listed in your post. The DCs you needed to beat were: True Seeing 11+11=22 and Good Hope 11+8=19. Those are the only 2 active spells on him. Your 14's didn't beat a 22 and a 19. That's why I said the spells weren't dispelled.)

(DM Mark - No worries Stephen! The funny thing is that I actually meant to cast it on Velarin who's flying 30' in the air, but when I coped the Dispel text from the previous DM post, I forgot to change the name. In the end, it probably has little impact. Emrys has been informed the wall is illusory, so he just needs to make a will save to see through it.)

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 80/80, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Friday August 18th, 2017 7:32:53 PM

"I will try and slow down the reinforcements for a round or two, but we are running out of time. We need to stop the Shadow Lord and get Lanliss to the altar. Which shadow lord is the real one?"

V then casts a wall of force to slow down the incoming horde. At their speed, he hopes they will blast into the invisible barrier and cost themselves additional time beyond going around. V then moves to AF12, 30' in the air.

Wall of force is 13 10'cubes, running from AV31 to V31

Current active effects:
Prot. from evil-- duration 13 minutes, +2 ac and saves against evil, warded from mental control and summoned creatures.
Owl's Wisdom +4 Wisdom and Wis Checks 10 minutes
Good Hope +2 morale bonus on saves, attacks, ability chks, skill chks, and damage.
Haste: extra attack on full attacks, movement doubles, +1 to attack, +1 dodge bonus to AC and reflex saves, duration 26 rounds

Memorized Spells:
1st: Protection from evil=C, Identify, Mage armor(extended)-C, Shield, Magic Missile, Magic missile, Magic missile
2nd: Invisibility, Bulls strength, Mirror image, Scorch ray, See Invisibility, resist energy,
3rd: Fireball-C, Haste=C, Haste, lightning bolt, Dispel Magic=C, Fly-C
4th: Dim Door, Dim Door, Empower Scorch ray, greater invis., empower scorch ray, silent Dispel Magic
5th: Empower Lightning bolt, cone of cold, empower fireball-C, Wall of force, Silent Dim door
6th: Chain lightning-C, Greater dispel magic-C, Chain lightning
7th: plane shift, Forcecage

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 32 (35 Raged); HP: 81/154 (120/193) raged; DR 3/- (6/- raged)  d20+23=37 ; 2d6+30=38 ; d100=54 ; d20+22=39 ;
Friday August 18th, 2017 8:08:33 PM

"Daft fool!" Shouts Brom to the flying wizard. "You find the rogue. From above ya should be able ta spot him better than us down here. Leave the critters to me."

Brom heads out of the cloud towards the shadow creature and sets up at AJ27. He readies his sword for the first one in range.

He shouts back to Barratore. "Barratore, I'm leaving them ta you. I got the critters. Ya better not make me regret it![/b]"

Readied Attack (Rage, PA, GH, Haste): AC37 (54%), damage 38

Perception DC 39

Good Hope, Haste, Invisibility Purge (46 rounds), Guarded Stance (+3 dodge bonus to AC) (4/5 rounds)
Rage: 10/30, -1 dex penalty, darkvision

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 80/80, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Friday August 18th, 2017 8:53:19 PM

"I see where he is Brom, and I'm not yelling it out. I dropped a wall of force between you and the horde already, so don't go and run into it."

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 29 (T 14 FF 26), CMD:34; HP: 155/162 Character Sheet  d20+17=22 ; d20+23=24 ; d20+18=37 ; d20+18=20 ; d20+13=20 ; d20+23=25 ; 3d8+28=39 ; d20+27=37 ; d100=77 ; 6d8+28=56 ; d20+27=39 ; d20+27=46 ; d20+27=47 ; d20+27=32 ; d20+27=47 ; d20+27=38 ; 6d8+28=50 ; 6d8+28=57 ; 6d8+28=55 ; 6d8+28=51 ; 6d8+28=57 ; 6d8+28=42 ; d100=56 ; d100=26 ; d100=8 ; d100=46 ; d100=24 ;
Friday August 18th, 2017 9:19:13 PM

Barratore eyes the Shadow Lord, as he resists the spell, "I'll get to you in a moment!"
Will Save 22

Good Hope
Owls Wisdom

misread at first on the spell, ignore all those rolls after the 22

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 32 (35 Raged); HP: 81/154 (120/193) raged; DR 3/- (6/- raged) 
Saturday August 19th, 2017 12:54:44 PM

"Let me git this right." He yells at the wizard. "Now the critters can't focus on me and yer wall has forced them outside into flanking positions on the whole group. Is that what I'm hearin'?"

Evaris (Kathy) [HP 92/93] [AC 20; Touch 13; FF 18] 
Saturday August 19th, 2017 3:06:07 PM

Evaris casts True Seeing on himself and moves toward the altar, intending to defend Lanliss as best he can.

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 25/65   d20+18=36 ; d20+18=38 ; d20+18=26 ; d20+13=28 ; d4+13=14 ; d4+3=7 ; d4+3=6 ; d4+3=7 ; d4+3=4 ; d100=7 ; d100=77 ; d100=7 ;
Saturday August 19th, 2017 5:09:41 PM

Edson realizes he was a littlr abrupt with his spit, so he decides to repay the mystic with more kuhkris.

The shadow gets in his eye for two.. but the other one looks good.

Hit ac 38 .. 26 for crit... 6 dmg if not crit.. 13 if crit.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 80/80, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Sunday August 20th, 2017 9:47:24 PM

"yes brom. That's what it means. I am not currently able to read your mind, but if you like I will work on that. In any case, it was done before you announced your plan, so adjust and adapt. Either go kill one side of them, or go kill the shadow lord while they are slowed and you are hasted."

(Was checking in. Unable to post tomorrow, will do so Tuesday morning)

Shepherd Baslim (Tanner) HP 143 -- AC 14/10/14 -- F+17 R+9 W+20 -- CMD 16 
Sunday August 20th, 2017 11:40:38 PM

Baslim keeps hustling!

ooc: Double move to AK14.

DM Mark - Double the Fun  d20+11=17 ; d20+11=20 ; d20+15=26 ;
Monday August 21st, 2017 2:16:51 AM

Velarin tries to slow the incoming shadow animals, casting a Wall of Force. He watches with some amusement as some of the non-flying shadow animals bash into it.

Brom is not impressed, as this diverts some of the creatures from his waiting sword. He therefore relieved that about a third of these creatures are flying. He tells Barratore that he’ll take the creatures if Barratore will get the Shadow Lord.

Brom and Velarin discuss the finer points of barbarian-friendly spell casting.

Barratore does a little two-step as he shoots a threat to the Shadow Lord.

Evaris casts True Seeing and moves up.

Edson expresses an interest in attacking one of the mystics, but none are close enough. There some dead shadow warriors lie on the ground near him. (Whom did Edson want to attack this round, and does he move? He cannot see any opponents.

Baslim continues his movement toward the altar. (Has he saved against that illusory wall yet?)

Emrys takes no action.

Lanliss continues his progress toward the altar. One there, he must make a DC 20 will save.

The shadow animals move foreward. It’s almost comical for Brom, the only one that can see them in the dim light, to see them smash into the Wall of Force. Some fly, and two were close enough to attack the Brom - both miss.

Mystic 1 steps into the wall, moving away from the huge minotaur (no AOO - dancing.) Then he casts Blindness on Barratore - DC 17 Fort save or be blinded.

Mystic 3 can sense Emrys is near (Perception 26) and casts Glitterdust. Emrys is lit up and must make a DC 17 Will save or be blinded.)

Mystic 4 continues to sing.

The Shadow Lord has a double. Both move the same, though the one on the left is 20’ up in the air. They cast Blindness on Evaris, and he must make a DC 18 Fort save or be blinded. Both speak, “Ah ha ha. You end is at hand!”
Shadow Lord: 90 damage. 20% Concealment Miss Chance. Fly 20’.

Mystics: AC 26, touch 17, flat-footed 21
M1: Concealment 20% miss chance.
M2: 83 damage. 20% Concealment Miss Chance.
M3: 12 damage. Blind(5). Deaf(1). Glitterdusted. Hidden in an illusory wall.
M4: 2 Invisible. 12 damage. Blind(2). Hidden in an illusory wall.

25 Shadow Animals: AC 18, Touch 15, 20% Concealment Miss Chance in less than bright light.
17 running
8 flying

Map - Use Round 8

(The illusory wall requires a DC 17 Will Save because you have been told it’s illusory.)
(Stinking Clouds removed from the map as they have expired.)

Lanliss Drakeguard (Michael A) HP69/98 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:28  d20-1=6 ;
Monday August 21st, 2017 10:25:41 AM

Lanliss feels hopeless as he can't control his body.
His legs keep moving.
He heads to the altar.
Will save 6

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 29 (T 14 FF 26), CMD:34; HP: 155/162 Character Sheet  d20+17=25 ; d20+27=32 ; d100=19 ; d100=80 ; 6d8+28=54 ;
Monday August 21st, 2017 8:02:58 PM

Once again the blindness spell does not rob Barratore or his sight. The Minotaur moves 15 toward the shadow lord and strikes at him

Will 25
PA Vital strike hit AC 32 concealment 19 blind fighting 80 DMG 54

Good hope
Dark vision
Owl wisdom

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp 51/54, misdirection, good hope, true seeing  d20+16=29 ; d20+16=23 ; d100=10 ;
Monday August 21st, 2017 8:16:23 PM

(Emrys has/had True Seeing ... that see's thru Illusions. Will Save: 29/31* vs Illusion. Will Save: 23/25* vs glitterdust. *If Good Hope is still active ... I don't know.)

Emrys points at the mystic that Glitterdusted him and says, YOU ARE WORKING MY LAST NERVE .....AUUGGHHH!!!" The hate is really beginning to fester within Emrys!

(Leyline check: 10.FAIL!! Again for the third time in a row!!)


Emrys walks through the wall, past the mystic to a spot near Evaris (AM-10).

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 32 (35 Raged); HP: 81/154 (120/193) raged; DR 3/- (6/- raged)  d20+23=27 ; d20+18=21 ; d20+13=22 ; d20+23=40 ; d100=81 ; d100=42 ; d100=29 ; d100=7 ; 2d6+12=15 ; 2d6+12=19 ; 2d6+12=18 ;
Monday August 21st, 2017 8:22:37 PM

Having his fun dashed, yet again by rude spellcasters, Brom loses all interest in his fun. Even the shadow animals that he thought he would enjoy because of the numbers mean little to him now. He loses his rage and fights the animals without enjoyment. He strikes out at the flying animals before him. Should one fall the remaining attacks will go to the other.

Attack (GH, Fatigue, Haste): AC 27(81%), AC 21(42%), AC 22(29%), AC 40(7% miss); damage 15, 19, 18, miss because of concealment

Fatigued: 1/20 rds

Good Hope, Haste, Invisibility Purge (45 rounds)
Rage: 10/30 used, -1 dex penalty, darkvision

Evaris (Kathy) [HP 92/93] [AC 20; Touch 13; FF 18] 
Monday August 21st, 2017 10:01:28 PM

Evaris will be using a Hero Point to give himself a luck bonus on his save. This post is to show I made the decision before rolling, and thus get a +8 bonus. :)

Evaris (Kathy) [HP 92/93] [AC 20; Touch 13; FF 18]  d20+16=23 ; d20+13=28 ; d6=5 ;
Monday August 21st, 2017 10:06:03 PM

Evaris shrugs off the Blindness spell and continues moving forward. He moves to where he can see Lanliss, keeping a wary eye on the Shadow Lord.

With his True Seeing active, he can tell [I assume] which one is the real Shadow Lord, so that's the one he casts Spiritual Weapon on. A glowing hammer appears next to the true Shadow Lord and hits AC 28 for 8 damage.

"That's the real one!" Evaris shouts. Then, "Come, Friend Lanliss, let us end this fight and save the valley!"

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 80/80, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  10d6=29 ; 13d6=50 ;
Monday August 21st, 2017 11:28:22 PM

(ooc: Nuts. I appear to have neglected to procure the spell components necessary for the forcecage spell. An oversight I will correct shortly.)

If Evaris spots and identifies the real Shadow lord, V will target him with an empowered lightning bolt, moving as necessary to get only him. If for some reason his true sight fails, V will target the both with a chain lightning, the lord on the ground being the primary strike.

Empowered lightning bolt: reflex save 22 for 1/2. Damage 49 or 24
Chain Lightning: reflex for 1/2 primary 24, secondary 22. damage 50 or 25

Current active effects:
Prot. from evil-- duration 13 minutes, +2 ac and saves against evil, warded from mental control and summoned creatures.
Owl's Wisdom +4 Wisdom and Wis Checks 10 minutes
Good Hope +2 morale bonus on saves, attacks, ability chks, skill chks, and damage.
Haste: extra attack on full attacks, movement doubles, +1 to attack, +1 dodge bonus to AC and reflex saves, duration 26 rounds

Memorized Spells:
1st: Protection from evil=C, Identify, Mage armor(extended)-C, Shield, Magic Missile, Magic missile, Magic missile
2nd: Invisibility, Bulls strength, Mirror image, Scorch ray, See Invisibility, resist energy,
3rd: Fireball-C, Haste=C, Haste, lightning bolt, Dispel Magic=C, Fly-C
4th: Dim Door, Dim Door, Empower Scorch ray, greater invis., empower scorch ray, silent Dispel Magic
5th: Empower Lightning bolt, cone of cold, empower fireball-C, Wall of force, Silent Dim door
6th: Chain lightning-C, Greater dispel magic-C, Chain lightning
7th: plane shift, Forcecage

Shepherd Baslim (Tanner) HP 143 -- AC 14/10/14 -- F+17 R+9 W+20 -- CMD 16  d20+20=30 ; d20+12=32 ;
Monday August 21st, 2017 11:54:22 PM

ooc: Will save 30.

Shepherd Baslim moves through the illusory wall and comes up short as he sees the Shadow Lord. He reflexively raises a hand and attempts to dispel any magic.

ooc: Move 25' north to AK9. Cast dispel magic. Dispel check 32 (nat 20).

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 25/65   d20+18=37 ; d20+18=19 ; d4+3=4 ;
Tuesday August 22nd, 2017 12:36:02 AM

Edson looks around for any targets.. if any are found he attacks.

Hit ac 37 4 dmg

DM Mark - Brom Should Be Happy Now  d100=61 ; d20+18=30 ; d20+11=20 ; d20+11=30 ; d20+11=19 ; d20+11=26 ; d20+11=20 ; d20+11=29 ; d20+11=13 ; d20+14=31 ; d6+10=12 ; d6+10=14 ; d6+10=11 ;
Tuesday August 22nd, 2017 1:48:49 AM

(It will really help me if you can all move your characters on the map. Failing that, please at least specify which cell(s) your PC occupies.)

Barratore moves to attack the closest Shadow Lord. As he is about to swing at the Shadow Lord in the air, Evaris shouts a warning that it is false, and he redirects his attack to the one behind the 5’ wall. His blindfighting ability saves the day, and he hits for 54 points. The Shadow Lord cries out in pain and shock. (I wasn’t sure where he went, but bent things in the party’s favor.)

Emrys is having a bad day with Ley Lines, but shouts to all that the (dark grey) 15’ tall wall is an illusion. He moves forward.

Brom becomes a bit depressed (and fatigued) at the small number of opponents. He hits the shadowy eagle attacking him for 52 damage, and it dies. (took all three hits to kill.)

Evaris heroically shakes off the blinness, and sees through the Shadow Lords ruse. He conjures a Spiritual Hammer to harass him, striking for 8 damage. (Please roll for concealment going forward.)

Baslim calls on the power of his God, and casts [Dispel Magic[/i]. The Shadow Lord’s Projected Image suddenly vanishes.

Velarin moves and casts Lightning Bolt against the Shadow Lord. While he can hit over the intervening wall, it is difficult. The crafty mages saves, but still falls as lightning arcs all over his body. (In the future, please just let me know where you go. I will generally not figure out where your PC should best move for his spell to work.)

As he falls, Lanliss is suddenly released from his enchantment.

Mystic1 sees the Shadow Lord get electrocuted and his image vanish. He again casts Blindness on Barratore, thinking it has to eventually work - DC 17 Fort save or be blinded. Then he moves back.

Mystic3 dispels his blindness, and is disturbed at what he now sees. He begins to move away under cover of the illusory wall.

Mystic 4 continues to chant within the illusory wall.

Meanwhile, shadow animals begin to converge on Brom and Edson.

Edson is hit once for 12 damage. (Take two rounds of hits due to my confusion on where you were per my email.)

Brom is hit twice for 14 and 11.
Shadow Lord: Dead.. 20% Concealment Miss Chance. Fly 20’.

Mystics: AC 26, touch 17, flat-footed 21
M1: Concealment 20% miss chance.
M2: Dead.
M3: 12 damage. Blind(5). Deaf(1). Glitterdusted. Hidden in an illusory wall.
M4: 2 Invisible. 12 damage. Blind(2). Hidden in an illusory wall.

25 Shadow Animals: AC 18, Touch 15, 20% Concealment Miss Chance in less than bright light.
17 running
8 flying

Map - Use Round 9

(The illusory wall requires a DC 17 Will Save because you have been told it’s illusory.)

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 25/65   d20+18=22 ; d20+18=37 ; d20+18=28 ; d20+13=27 ; d100=46 ; d100=97 ; d100=35 ; d4+3=6 ; d4+3=4 ; d4+3=4 ; d4+3=4 ;
Tuesday August 22nd, 2017 7:55:17 AM

Edson focuses on the animal at Ah 22. Three times his kuhkri finds its mark with one shot being a crit.

Hit ac 22 6 dng
Hit ac 37 cc 28 for 8 dmg
Hit ac 28 for 4 dmg

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 80/80, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  13d6=44 ;
Tuesday August 22nd, 2017 8:26:46 AM

"Lanliss now!! Put the heart on the altar. Let us end this! Barratore! That mystic has been chanting a long time. Whatever he is casting or summoning is probably not good for us!"

With that said, V flies to X12 and throws a cone of cold at the chanting mystic. reflex 22 for 1/2 damage. Damage 50 or 25

Current active effects:
Prot. from evil-- duration 13 minutes, +2 ac and saves against evil, warded from mental control and summoned creatures.
Owl's Wisdom +4 Wisdom and Wis Checks 10 minutes
Good Hope +2 morale bonus on saves, attacks, ability chks, skill chks, and damage.
Haste: extra attack on full attacks, movement doubles, +1 to attack, +1 dodge bonus to AC and reflex saves, duration 26 rounds

Memorized Spells:
1st: Protection from evil=C, Identify, Mage armor(extended)-C, Shield, Magic Missile, Magic missile, Magic missile
2nd: Invisibility, Bulls strength, Mirror image, Scorch ray, See Invisibility, resist energy,
3rd: Fireball-C, Haste=C, Haste, lightning bolt, Dispel Magic=C, Fly-C
4th: Dim Door, Dim Door, Empower Scorch ray, greater invis., empower scorch ray, silent Dispel Magic
5th: Empower Lightning bolt-C, cone of cold-C, empower fireball-C, Wall of force, Silent Dim door
6th: Chain lightning-C, Greater dispel magic-C, Chain lightning
7th: plane shift, Forcecage

Lanliss Drakeguard (Michael A) HP69/98 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:28 
Tuesday August 22nd, 2017 6:10:44 PM

Lanliss takes out the Crystal and looks at it for a moment, feeling a little bit dizzy after what happened.
He then puts the Crystal on the altar and leaves it be while taking a step out of the altar.

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 29 (T 14 FF 26), CMD:34; HP: 155/162 Character Sheet  d20+17=30 ; d20+27=40 ; d20+22=31 ; d20+17=19 ; d20+27=47 ; d20+27=33 ; d100=44 ; 3d8+28=45 ;
Tuesday August 22nd, 2017 9:03:11 PM

Barratore Looks about, unfortunately he cannot see the invisible mystic, "Sorry V, with his hides spell of cowardice, I can't kill him, up to you guys." He turns to pursue the mystic moving off, "oh no you don't get to live to fight another day".
Will save 30

Barratore easily runs him down and strikes with his massive sword.

PA hit AC 40. Concealment 44 Dmg 45
Move 55' to v/9

Evaris (Kathy) [HP 92/93] [AC 20; Touch 13; FF 18]  d20+13=31 ; d8=2 ;
Tuesday August 22nd, 2017 10:32:16 PM

Evaris moves closer to the altar and Lanliss, just in case he ends up needing help.

In the meantime, he re-tasks his Spiritual Weapon to attack the remaining Mystic. [Hit AC 31 for 5 damage.]

Shepherd Baslim (Tanner) HP 143 -- AC 14/10/14 -- F+17 R+9 W+20 -- CMD 16 
Tuesday August 22nd, 2017 11:02:01 PM

Shepherd Baslim rounds the corner of the stone walls and waits near Evaris to watch the events unfold.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp 51/54, misdirection, good hope, true seeing  d100=90 ;
Tuesday August 22nd, 2017 11:15:25 PM

Emrys can see this matter is near its end. He looks back at Brom and Edson. Maybe he could be so useless. Again .. he tries to invoke the powers of the leylines ... "Grant me this or I SWEAR I WILL CUSS!!"

(Leyline: 90, free cast . Casting Calm Emotions. Range:200+ft. Target: AP27. Area: 20-ft radius spread. Will Save: 20 vs being calmed. This should get 10 creatures on AL and between AT.)

(I don't know how to control the map! I tried something and screwed the whole thing up. All the pieces moved into a single line. Thankfully I was able to figure out how to restore it to a previously saved version.)

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 32 (35 Raged); HP: 56/154 (120/193) raged; DR 3/- (6/- raged)  d20+19=39 ; d100=14 ; d20+14=23 ; d20+9=22 ; d20+19=35 ; d100=72 ; d100=69 ; d100=49 ; 2d6+24=29 ; 2d6+24=32 ; 2d6+24=30 ;
Tuesday August 22nd, 2017 11:18:54 PM

Brom strikes out at the flying shadow animals

Attack (GH, Fatigue, Haste, PA): AC 39 (miss concealment), AC 23 (72%), AC 22 (69%), AC 35 (49%); damage 29, 32, 30

Fatigued: 2/20 rds

Good Hope, Haste, Invisibility Purge (44 rounds)
Rage: 10/30 used, -1 dex penalty, darkvision

DM Mark - Brom Should Be Happy Now 
Wednesday August 23rd, 2017 1:36:27 AM

(Real life is interfering with my fantasy life. Will post later Wednesday.)

DM Mark - Let There Be Light!  d20+14=27 ; d20+4=19 ; d20+4=9 ; d20+4=20 ; d20+4=17 ; d20+4=16 ; d20+4=17 ; d20+4=20 ; d20+4=24 ; d20+11=18 ; d20+13=29 ; d20+13=31 ; d6+10=12 ; d6+10=16 ; d6+11=17 ; d6+11=14 ; d6+11=14 ; d6+11=15 ; d3=1 ; d6+11=17 ; d6+11=17 ; d6+11=13 ; d20+11=30 ; d20+11=21 ; d20+11=28 ; d20+11=21 ; d20+11=28 ; d20+11=30 ; d20+11=21 ; d6+10=12 ; d6+10=14 ; d6+10=13 ; d6+10=13 ; d6=6 ;
Wednesday August 23rd, 2017 12:12:49 PM

Edson’s kukris fly as he fights the shadow animals. He kills one.

Velarin yells for Lanliss to put the Krystal Heart on the altar. He also tells Barratore to put an end to that chanting mystic! Then he moves and hits the chanting mystic (M4) with a Cone of Cold. Even in his blinded state, Mystic4 saves. (There may have been some confusion about which was chanting. I took the liberty of redirecting Velarin’s attack to the one that was chanting- please let me know if I erred.)

Finally freed from having the Shadow Lord crawling around in his head, Lanliss places the Krystal Heart on the Altar. In an instant, bright light from the altar shoots in all directions. It infuses the entire area, eliminating the natural shadows of this place, and makes everyone blink and turn away for a moment. The shadowy aspect of the remaining shadow mystics and shadow animals loses some of it’s effect (no more need to roll concealment 20% miss chance.)

Evaris redirects his Spiritual Hamer to the chanting Mystic4, which he can see within the illusory wall. This there are other two other shadowy mystics here, they seem to be moving away.

Baslim watches.

Emrys has about had it with these ley lines, and tells them so. He seemingly cows the ley lines into submission as he casts Calm Emotions, affecting 8 creatures. Surprisingly, 3 of them save and continue to move - the rest stand there, contemplating the zen perfection of their shadowy lives.

Brom continues his defense against the creatures, though, with the light shining from the Krystal Heart, he can see them better. He drops two of them (I added another hit, since their concealment is now gone.)

Mystic4, the one still chanting, blindly moves forward, seemingly unaware he has left the cover of that illusory wall he cannot see. Mystics 1 and 3 break into a run and retreat (I removed them from the board as they moved about 90’.)

The beasts attack Edson, hitting the rouge twice for 12 and 16 damage.

Brom is surrounded, and is hit 4 times for 12, 14, 13, 13 - a total of 52 damage! The barbarian staggers a bit from the onslaught and his fatigue. It’s clear he won’t last much longer.

Everyone feels a bit odd - this place is changed, but apart from the light it’s hard to describe how. It just feels different. Perception 10:Highlight to display spoiler: { You notice small things begin to float up in the air. The edges of clothing, glitter on the floor, pebbles, and even some gems and lumps of precious metals rise up a few inches. It’s a little unnerving.}
Shadow Lord: Dead.. 20% Concealment Miss Chance. Fly 20’.

Mystics: AC 26, touch 17, flat-footed 21
M1: Concealment 20% miss chance.
M2: Dead.
M3: 12 damage. Deaf(1). Glitterdusted. Hidden in an illusory wall.
M4: 2 Invisible. 41 damage. Blind(2). Hidden in an illusory wall.

25 Shadow Animals: AC 18, Touch 15, 20% Concealment Miss Chance in less than bright light.
17 running
8 flying

Map - Use Round 10

(The illusory wall requires a DC 17 Will Save because you have been told it’s illusory.)

DM Mark - Let There Be Light! 
Wednesday August 23rd, 2017 3:14:37 PM

The light is getting brighter.

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 32 (35 Raged); HP: 22/154 (120/193) raged; DR 3/- (6/- raged)  d20+19=24 ; d20+14=26 ; d20+9=17 ; d20+19=25 ; 2d6+24=31 ; 2d6+24=29 ; 2d6+24=31 ;
Wednesday August 23rd, 2017 4:22:32 PM

[ooc: corrected hp forgot to factor DR when he's not raging]

Brom attacks more animals.

Attack (PA, GH, Haste, Fatigue): AC 24, AC 26, AC 17, AC 25; damage 31, 29, 0, 31

Fatigued: 3/20 rds

Good Hope, Haste, Invisibility Purge (43 rounds)
Rage: 10/30 used, -1 dex penalty, darkvision

Lanliss Drakeguard (Michael A) HP69/98 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:28  d20+17=26 ;
Wednesday August 23rd, 2017 6:48:38 PM

Lanliss notices something strange about the happenings near him and shouts.
Guys I think we have a problem with the law of nature, things are starting fly upwards !
Don't you notice it ? , Lanliss asks.

Perception 26

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 80/80, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  d20+10=15 ; d20+10=28 ; d20+10=17 ; 4d6=8 ; 4d6=20 ; 4d6=10 ;
Wednesday August 23rd, 2017 7:22:14 PM

(ooc: must have misread the mystics number. thanks for adjusting)

"I think we need to vacate the area shortly folks. Those of you that can see the invisible mystic, how bout giving me a hand finishing him. Barratore and healers, Brom and Edson are under siege, and brom had already taken quite a bit of damage before this group. He is likely in rough shape."

V then continues his assault on M4, trying to finish the mystic before the mystic finishes casting. V will hit him with a set of Empowered scorching rays. No save(divided the 6 extra damage 3 ways)
Ray 1: Ranged touch attack 15, damage 14
Ray 2: Ranged touch attack 28, damage 32
Ray 3: Ranged touch attack 17, damage 17 (Stupid die roller)

Current active effects:
Prot. from evil-- duration 13 minutes, +2 ac and saves against evil, warded from mental control and summoned creatures.
Owl's Wisdom +4 Wisdom and Wis Checks 10 minutes
Good Hope +2 morale bonus on saves, attacks, ability chks, skill chks, and damage.
Haste: extra attack on full attacks, movement doubles, +1 to attack, +1 dodge bonus to AC and reflex saves, duration 26 rounds

Memorized Spells:
1st: Protection from evil=C, Identify, Mage armor(extended)-C, Shield, Magic Missile, Magic missile, Magic missile
2nd: Invisibility, Bulls strength, Mirror image, Scorch ray, See Invisibility, resist energy,
3rd: Fireball-C, Haste=C, Haste, lightning bolt, Dispel Magic=C, Fly-C
4th: Dim Door, Dim Door, Empower Scorch ray-C, greater invis., empower scorch ray, silent Dispel Magic
5th: Empower Lightning bolt-C, cone of cold-C, empower fireball-C, Wall of force, Silent Dim door
6th: Chain lightning-C, Greater dispel magic-C, Chain lightning
7th: plane shift, Forcecage

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp 51/54, misdirection, good hope, true seeing  d100=75 ;
Wednesday August 23rd, 2017 9:02:32 PM

Emrys notices Brom looking as worse as he has ever seen him. Edson isnt looking to spritely either. He can't reach them in time for healing magiks ... he's used up his Rod of Quickening. What to do?!! He can't heal them, the gift of the bear! Moving as close as he can (AK-16), he begins to call upon the spirit of the bear!

(Leyline: 75. Casting Mass Bear's Endurance. Range: 55ft, exactly as needed. Targeting Brom and then Edson. They each receive a +4 enchancement bonus to Constitution. This gives them both 26 hitpoints, and raises your max hitpoints by 26. Increases Fort Saves by +2.)

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 29 (T 14 FF 26), CMD:34; HP: 155/162 Character Sheet 
Wednesday August 23rd, 2017 10:40:40 PM

Barratore had gone after mystic 1 last round and it looks like I got missed

Barratore can see Brom is not only in a fix, but it looks as if no one else is going to be able to help, and so it is with a great bellow. Barratore makes his way to the southeast and to Brom's side

AH/26. Barratore from my last position can get here in 115' and has a 120' worth of movement with a double move

Owls wisdom

Evaris (Kathy) [HP 92/93] [AC 20; Touch 13; FF 18]  d20+13=22 ; d8=1 ;
Wednesday August 23rd, 2017 11:06:38 PM

Evaris's Spiritual Hammer continues to thwack the mystic. [Hit AC 22 for 5 damage.]

Meanwhile, Evaris hurries toward the battle so he can heal his companions [double move].

Shepherd Baslim (Tanner) HP 143 -- AC 14/10/14 -- F+17 R+9 W+20 -- CMD 16 
Wednesday August 23rd, 2017 11:57:19 PM

Baslim smiles and raises his hands. Praise! Praise the Light! The Light banishes the Shadow and brings radiance and peace to those who walk in its glory!"

ooc: No actions.

DM Mark - Out of the Frying Pan 
Thursday August 24th, 2017 1:33:17 AM

Brom drops another shadow animal. They seem to squint in the bright light that fills this place.

Lanliss shouts a warning about his concerns. Velarin echos the concerns, and says it’s time to go. He reminds everyone that Brom and Edson are in trouble. Emrys can see that this is true, and has never seen the barbarian in such bad shape. Emrys, desparate to provide aid, brilliantly casts Mass Bear’s Endurance, using it to boost both their hit points!

Barratore, having gone after the fleeing Mystic1 last round and inflicted 45 points of damage, does so again (attack of opportunity) and the Mystic continued his flight, hitting to another 45 points. But he can see that Brom needs his help, and he charges in the barbarian’s direction, sandwiching the shadow animals between the two of them. (Sorry for overlooking his action last round.)

Evaris Spiritual Hammer continues it’s assault, while Evaris speeds toward Edson and Brom.

The healer Baslim heals no one, nor does he move in the direction of the wounded. But he does praise the light, and begins a sermon.

But now, it is the Krystal Heart that draws everyone’ attention. The Heart begins to pulse with impossibley bright light. Everything else seems to stop - time, the heros, the shadows - all are suspended as the Heart beats one, two, three. The shadow creatures seem to be ripped apart. The remaining mystics scream, as do the animals in their way. Bathed in painfully bright light, all shadows here cease to exist.

And then the entire cavern explodes upwards! All the glitter and gems and lumps of precious metals are lifted into the air, higher and higher, faster and faster. Looking up, the gargantuan shadow that was headed down towards them is struck by the light and evaporates. The heroes and treasure and bits of glitter continue to rise toward some kind of opening.

Baslim’s words seem to be brought to life, as this light does seem to bring a sense of radiance and peace to the heroes - even as they rocket upwards.

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 25/65  
Thursday August 24th, 2017 8:51:12 AM

Wednesday post

Edson feels the two bites and the second one is enough to drop the rogue. He drifts off into slumber.

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 25/65  
Thursday August 24th, 2017 8:52:20 AM

Thursdays Post

Edson's eyes crack open as the mass endurance brings him above the threshold.

"What is going on?" Is all he can ask.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 80/80, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Thursday August 24th, 2017 7:32:07 PM

V fells himself rising, and initially starts to resist, using fly to work his way out until his brain kicks in and analyzes the situation. the Glitterox connects the two worlds, with our home being the above world, so unless we are about to smash into the bottom of the cavern celing, we should be going towards home, possibly erupting at the glitterox tree. Wouldn't that make stories for the people to tell for generations to come.

But, just in case a ceiling seems imminent, V flies towards a couple of the nearest party members in case an emergency teleport is necessary. At least he could get a couple people possibly to safety. Possibly not though. That would be a last resort.

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 32 (35 Raged); HP: 22/154 (120/193) raged; DR 3/- (6/- raged) 
Thursday August 24th, 2017 8:32:10 PM

Brom rises through the air and as he does he grips tightly his sword. Men were not meant to fly and the barbarian doesn't look up or down because when he does he doesn't like the feeling.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp 51/54, misdirection, good hope, true seeing 
Thursday August 24th, 2017 9:26:14 PM

"You all should remember the Glitterox erupting ... that may be our fate ... bursting over the Vale and raining down over all the inhabitants. If this is to be our end ... I can't imagine a more spectacular way to go."

All the while, a group discussion is going on in the nexus of Emrys' mind.

"That was quite morbid!"

"Nonsense, it's a fitting end."

"Who says we have to end ... this is only one thread in our tapestry"

"EmMy liKeS da bLOod raiNs .. aLL oVerS da PEopLes, huhh huh huh!"

"Quiet you, oaf!"

"At least we're all here to witness ... what a learning experience."

"Who is this Emmy? Have we met?"

"Most unfortunate ... we try to forget!"

"Ha, bLood rAinS! hee heh!"

"Gods' Hooks!"

"Peas and Carrots!"


Lanliss Drakeguard (Michael A) HP69/98 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:28 
Thursday August 24th, 2017 9:37:36 PM

Lanliss seemed struck into a shock by what Emrys and says quite loudly so everyone can hear.
It was nice to know you all, and I like to think that we made the Wold a little better at some level ( or on some level)
Lanliss than closes his eyes.
He breathes mindfully knowing that this might be the end, he thinks about all his past and the good moments, he could smell the bakery from the floating city....

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 29 (T 14 FF 26), CMD:34; HP: 155/162 Character Sheet 
Thursday August 24th, 2017 10:00:32 PM

Barratore leaves his feet and finds himself hurtling upwards with everyone and everything else. V is flying in, looking concerned and then Emrys says something about be rained across the valley. "Not a fitting end at all Bard! Not for a warrior" he calls over the cacophony about him. Barratore sheaths his weapon and calls forth a flying potion from his Haversack. If they erupt, as some say they might, he is not about to let Gargul claim him so easily

Evaris (Kathy) [HP 92/93] [AC 20; Touch 13; FF 18] 
Thursday August 24th, 2017 11:44:02 PM

"Gather up!" Evaris calls to his companions. "Try to stay close! Whatever comes next, let us face it together!"

Shepherd Baslim (Tanner) HP 143 -- AC 14/10/14 -- F+17 R+9 W+20 -- CMD 16 
Thursday August 24th, 2017 11:52:37 PM

Baslim is happy. So, so happy. He shouts exultations as he rises through the air.

"The Light protects! The Light is love! The Light is life! Praise the Light!"

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 80/80, extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Friday August 25th, 2017 7:40:34 AM

"Those of you able to move some, try and group up near me and hold hands. Should it look like we are about to be splattered, I will teleport as many of us as I can."

DM Mark - What Goes Up Must Come Down  d100=80 ; d100=79 ;
Friday August 25th, 2017 12:30:25 PM

The damage briefly drops Edson, but Velarin’s spell brings him back - just in time for Edson to find himself rocketing upward with the others.

Velarin looks up and can see that the group is moving fast up towards a dark hole. He surmises that this may place them back in the Cinnamon Valley. He readies a Teleport spell if an impact seems imminent.

Evaris advises the others to gather up and stay close, and Velarin echos this, suggesting folks hold hands should he need to teleport as many as he can (which would be 4, or 3 if it includes Barratore.)

Brom, as usual, puts his faith in his sword.

Emrys says that they may all be raining down over the Cinnamon Valley, which would be a fitting end. Then the voices in his head get into an argument.

Barratore does not agree that a death over the Cinnamon Valley would be a fitting end. He fishes a Fly potion out of his haversack.

Lanliss says, “It was nice to know you all, and I like to think that we made the Wold a little better at some level ( or on some level).” Then he closes his eyes and goes to his happy place.

In spite of his injured comrades rising with him, Baslim continues his sermon on the light.

The heroes suddenly find themselves hundreds of feet in the air in a blue sky! All about are glittering sparks and bits of treasure. Below them they can see the volcano, but now it is surrounded by lush greens and a crowd of people… they are back in Cinnamon Valley!

You have managed to group up, as you were pushed together on your exit.

You feel a little tickle in your stomachs as your upward progress slows and you are weightless for a moment. And then you start to fall. You have one round before your meet the ground.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp 51/54, misdirection, good hope, true seeing 
Friday August 25th, 2017 1:13:41 PM


Emrys is both fascinated and terrified. He is most thankful that there wasn’t a concussive explosion that would have ripped them all to pieces that would have resulted in an unfortunate crimson rain on the people below. However now there is the problem of what goes up must come down! He could only think of one spell that could help everyone … well, not Barratore, he’s outside the spells size restraints. Emrys sighs with relief as he notices his large friend taking a flying potion.

“Alright … not to worry my friends … All is good!” Emrys casts a light and feathery spell.

(Casting Feather Fall on everyone. Affects up to 8 medium-sized or smaller targets. Sorry, Barratore will need to rely on his flying potion … he’s too big.)

Evaris (Kathy) [HP 92/93] [AC 20; Touch 13; FF 18] 
Friday August 25th, 2017 1:42:25 PM

Seeing that Barratore is still falling, Evaris casts Wind Walk on him.

Lanliss Drakeguard (Michael A) HP69/98 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:28 
Friday August 25th, 2017 4:17:32 PM

Lanliss keeps his eyes closed, not believing that they are still alive.
He will proceed to open his eyes only when feeling his feet touching the ground.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 80/80, extended mage armor(24 hrs)  d20+21=27 ; d20+13=19 ; d20+15=16 ;
Friday August 25th, 2017 7:24:03 PM

Velarin watches what Emrys casts(spellcraft 27) and chooses to not be effected by it(will save 23).

"It appears we are home boys. Let us not return looking like we have been beaten to near death. Am I correct Emrys? Appearance plays much in myth and legend. Perhaps our healers can take care of some injuries on the way down since we appear to be out of danger. As for myself, I intend to put on a light show for the people followed by a hopefully impressive entrance. Barratore, Since you can fly as well, care to join me?"

at that, V launches an empowered scorching ray out into the air, targeting nothing in particular, just for effect, in three different directions. He then heads for the ground using his fly spell(fly check 16) to attempt a few turns and maneuvers to look impressive

Owl's Wisdom +4 Wisdom and Wis Checks 10 minutes
Good Hope +2 morale bonus on saves, attacks, ability chks, skill chks, and damage.
Haste: extra attack on full attacks, movement doubles, +1 to attack, +1 dodge bonus to AC and reflex saves, duration 26 rounds

Memorized Spells:
1st: Protection from evil=C, Identify, Mage armor(extended)-C, Shield, Magic Missile, Magic missile, Magic missile
2nd: Invisibility, Bulls strength, Mirror image, Scorch ray, See Invisibility, resist energy,
3rd: Fireball-C, Haste=C, Haste, lightning bolt, Dispel Magic=C, Fly-C
4th: Dim Door, Dim Door, Empower Scorch ray-C, greater invis., empower scorch ray-C, silent Dispel Magic
5th: Empower Lightning bolt-C, cone of cold-C, empower fireball-C, Wall of force, Silent Dim door
6th: Chain lightning-C, Greater dispel magic-C, Chain lightning
7th: plane shift, Forcecage

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 29 (T 14 FF 26), CMD:34; HP: 155/162 Character Sheet 
Friday August 25th, 2017 9:19:14 PM

Barratore downs the flying potion and wills himself to come to a stop. Evaris may or may not get that spell off in time. Waiting to find out was likely a bad plan. Hurtling into the ground at a high rate of speed was something he was certainly looking to avoid.

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 32 (35 Raged); HP: 22/154 (120/193) raged; DR 3/- (6/- raged) 
Friday August 25th, 2017 9:36:40 PM

He is hurled upwards and floats downward. He cannot wait to have his feet planted firmly on the ground.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp 51/54, misdirection, good hope, true seeing 
Friday August 25th, 2017 10:12:01 PM

Answering Velarin's question, "Yes, I agree. As we literally descend from the heavens, we should exhibit a heroic semblance of style and grace. That's never been my problem, however this golden nimbus enveloping my form (glitterdust spell cast on him by one of the mystics) makes me comparable to a celestial."

There is something odd about Emrys, or is there? He's changed somewhat, but I can't put my finger on it.

Shepherd Baslim (Tanner) HP 143 -- AC 14/10/14 -- F+17 R+9 W+20 -- CMD 16 
Sunday August 27th, 2017 10:30:30 PM

"Oh, my!" Baslim loses his composure for a moment as he experiences free-fall, but quickly collects himself as the featherfall spell activates. "Ah, excellent! We arrive safe after a glorious victory for the Light! We will have to speak with the good mayor at the first opportunity. When we land, I would be happy to minister to any wounds."[/b]

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