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Shepherd Baslim (Tanner) HP 131 -- AC 13/10/13 -- F+16 R+9 W+19 -- CMD 16 
Friday April 7th, 2017 10:39:32 PM

ooc: check

Evaris [AC 20; HP 117/117] [Bear's Endurance; Good Hope; True Seeing] 
Friday April 7th, 2017 10:53:28 PM

"I still think it's best to leave them here," Evaris says. "If we bring them, we'll have to guard them, and I'm not sure we can spare the time. But if you want to bring them, let's hurry. Our time is limited."

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 31 (34 Raged); HP: (140) 154/200 raged; DR 2/- (5/- raged) 
Saturday April 8th, 2017 11:32:06 PM

Brom waits for the groups decision on what to do with the half-orcs. He does not want to bring them along and will voice that opinion if the group leans that way.

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 29 (T 15 FF 27), CMD:33; HP: 85/135 Character Sheet  d20+1=14 ;
Sunday April 9th, 2017 5:54:57 PM

I'll drag to the watch on our way out, but I'm not taking them all of the way. That's asking for trouble we don't need

Barratore will grab one in each hand and start dragging the rogues as he exists the warehouse. Onc outside he bellows for the night watch and starts making for the secret plac as indicated on the map

Local know 14 for the direction out of Jarlwolf

Lanliss HP88/88 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 
Sunday April 9th, 2017 6:45:49 PM

Lanliss makes sure he has everything and didn't lose anything and waits for the eventual depart of the group.
When the hencemen are not in earing distance he will say half seriously, technically we can just steal the soul stealing machine for ourselves, not to mention that we can use the machine to steal evil people soul's and use it for the better good of the Wold.

A Resolution (DM SteveK) 
Sunday April 9th, 2017 8:04:28 PM

Most of the heroes want to deliver the two trussed-up half-orcs to the Jarlswolf authorities, but a few think they should just be left here while they go after bigger fish. And a couple just want to get the show on the road, time is of the essence!

Barratorre takes manners onto his own horns as he just drags the two out of the warehouse and bellows for the Watch!

The lights of street lamps and torches and tavern windows twinkle in the night, and looking south from the warehouses to Jarlswolf, the hero can see the Pitchfork Coucil's Assembly Hall on its hill a couple hundred feet away. Soon enough, three young men trot up with lanterns and cudgels. "Why, its the Keepers of the Vale!", exclaims one, "I went to that party escorting Master Thelonius Bedstraw."

The young watchman quickly gets a summation from the heroes, then has one of his friends pelting back to the Assembly Hall to get reinforcements. They return with 20 watchmen and Thelonius Bedstraw himself! They also have brought quality manacles and locks for the half-orcs' wrists and feet. "Thank you for breaking this kidnapping ring", says the Jarlswolf member of the Pitchfork Council.

The Watch having the half-orcs well in hand and a known member of the Pitchfork Council here, the heroes are free to follow the map or can speak further with Master Bedstraw.

Edson Kazil - Shawn R; AC: 28 (T 21, FF 20), CMD: 24 HP: 65/65  
Monday April 10th, 2017 4:44:34 PM

Edson shakes his head at the half orcs. " See.. A life of crime doesn't pay."

He follows with the others, knowing time is short and and wanting to find these men.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac11 hp73/78, true seeing, good hope, bears endur. haste 
Monday April 10th, 2017 5:49:49 PM

Emrys whispers in Edson's ear ... "you should have stollen the rogue's coin purse," followed by a snicker.

Lanliss HP88/88 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 
Monday April 10th, 2017 6:33:24 PM

Lanliss thanks for the help from the watchmen and Bedstraw, but says nothing more as he feels some sort of a urge to go and do what needs to be done.

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 84(84)/100(100), extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Monday April 10th, 2017 7:56:18 PM

Velarin quickly addresses the watch members and master bedstraw. Thanking you for taking custody of these two. Some of the corpses of their compatriots are in the derelict warehouse over there. You can find two of their victims at the Inn if you need confirmation of what occurred from the victims.

Unfortunately, we must be quickly on our way. The scourge behind this whole mess is still up to no good, and we have a short window to find him. If we have a chance to swing by here on our way back, we will try and do so.

Evaris [AC 20; HP 117/117] [Bear's Endurance; Good Hope; True Seeing] 
Monday April 10th, 2017 10:12:20 PM

"We haven't broken it up yet," Evaris says. "More remains to be done and time is short. Perhaps we can talk more tomorrow."

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 29 (T 15 FF 27), CMD:33; HP: 85/135 Character Sheet 
Monday April 10th, 2017 10:12:45 PM

Barratore sets the pair down hard at the feet of the men who show up. V already has the information to Master B and Barratore nods his agreement to everything the Mage has said. Looking to Brom, "Let's go break some heads and a soul sucking machine."

As the group moves, Barratore pipes up to Shepard, "Could use a few more of Alemi's healing prayers here cleric. ". A few strides later he adds, "If you don't mind saying them."

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 31 (34 Raged); HP: (140) 154/200 raged; DR 2/- (5/- raged) 
Monday April 10th, 2017 10:45:09 PM

"Sounds like fun. I'm still itchin' fer a fight." He says and heads out with his companions.

Shepherd Baslim (Tanner) HP 131 -- AC 13/10/13 -- F+16 R+9 W+19 -- CMD 16  3d8(7+5+2)+15=29
Monday April 10th, 2017 11:53:52 PM

"Of course, Sir Steelwind." The Shepherd lays a hand on the great minotaur's arm and recites a whispered prayer. The skin under his hand glows briefly. A dull, angry red. The glow is absorbed into Baslim's hand, travels up his arm and chest and neck, and is breathed out of his mouth like a puff of smoke.

He then engages in more traditional healing, imparting the white light of Alemi through several more prayers.

"There you are. May the Light shine on your soul."

ooc: Barratore is healed of 49 damage.

Use Draw Wounds, DC 30. Auto success.

"The healer touches a wounded creature and decides how much healing he wishes to attempt. The healer makes a Heal skill check vs DC 10 + hp to be cured. Success heals the creature and inflicts half the damage on the healer. If the check result is 10 above the DC, the healer takes no damage. This ability is usable once per day."

Then I will burn three 1st-level spells to cast cure light wounds three times.

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 31 (34 Raged); HP: 93/140 (176 raged); DR 2/- (5/- raged) 
Tuesday April 11th, 2017 5:38:52 PM

checking in

Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 84(84)/100(100), extended mage armor(24 hrs) 
Tuesday April 11th, 2017 8:43:23 PM

Checking in.

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