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The Survivor

DM Kathy 
Friday November 6th, 2020 3:07:48 PM

[Everybody take 78,100 XP for the previous scene.]

Succotash uses Detect Magic to find and remove Vitaly's gear. You find: +2 full plate, a lion’s shield, a +1 mace of disruption, a Headband of Inspired Wisdom +4, a Belt of Giant Strength +4, a Cloak of Resistance +4, a Wand of Cure Serious Wounds (12 charges remaining), and a Staff of Healing.

Kezzem speculates that perhaps one or more of the surviving adventurers dispatched the undead, and Pressi decides to find out. She is able to locate tracks of a small-sized humanoid leading away from the fight scene. The tracks do not appear to be from undead.

Bliss suggests bringing Vitaly's gear back to Diara. Murphy suggests bringing the body as well, an idea which Hobie supports.

You do not presently have a Gentle Repose available, but that shouldn't be a problem since you don't intend to spend a lot of time in The Ruins anyway. You are able to wrap up Vitaly's body and put it in the portable hole.

Meanwhile, the tracks Pressi identified lead to the northwest.

Murphy Leafwin Pipewood(KimMc) Halfling Druid - AC 46/T-25/Fl-38 CMD 37 HP 174 
Saturday November 7th, 2020 8:43:53 AM

So we move to the northwest.

Bliss HP165/165 AC32 | Mookie HP76/76 AC41 | Cayzle  d20+18=25 ;
Sunday November 8th, 2020 11:47:41 AM

Mookie flies overhead, keeping watch

Bliss in young tomcat form keeps pace with Pressi and aids another with her tracking.

Survival 25 (with scent)

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 32/17/30 CMD 21 HP 115/115 Valerie AC 38/16/33 CMD 28 HP 109/109 Spells 
Monday November 9th, 2020 5:55:19 AM

Seeing the frustration in Hobie's face, and hearing the disappointment in both his and Murphy's voices Succotash shakes his head and says, "I mean no disrespect to anyone, especially those who have died, but what about the others who have succumbed to the zygomind, and who were re-slain, by, well someone, do we offer them the same treatment, and if not, why not? If so, then based on the looks of things, we may fill your portable hole to the top with corpses, Murph. I was simply trying to be practical. and once we figure out what in the name of the gods is going on, I would like to give these poor souls a proper sending off, whether by pyre or burial, but I wish to make sure things are safe before we move in that direction, and the idea of carting around a bunch of corpses seems a bit morbid to me, but do as you wish, it's your portable hole."

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (31), HP 132, CMD 25; Harper AC 30 (35), HP 94, CMD 29 (34)  d10=5 ;
Monday November 9th, 2020 1:33:16 PM

Pressi casts "Gentle Repose" as per the wishes of others (It's an L2 spell for witches). As for Succotash, Pressi notes that they were asked to do a job, and that takes priority over any issue of fairness.

With that, she continues to track the halfling.

DM Kathy 
Monday November 9th, 2020 2:52:25 PM

Succotash wonders aloud why you aren't laying all the bodies to rest instead of just this one. Pressi reminds him that you are here on a specific mission, and casts Gentle Repose to keep the body preserved.

With the help of Bliss and Murphy, Pressi continues tracking northwest. You find two more former undead, slain like the others. One has a rather nice bow, which proves to be a +1 Flaming Burst short bow.

You continue tracking. A short distance later, the tracks lead into a jumble of boulders, and you can see where a rough shelter has been set up. Crouching inside it, arms wrapped around himself, is a halfling man. He is in rough shape, and appears to be muttering to himself. He doesn't seem to be aware of you yet.

Murphy Leafwin Pipewood(KimMc) Halfling Druid - AC 46/T-25/Fl-38 CMD 37 HP 174 
Monday November 9th, 2020 4:03:38 PM

"Clovis Bylee. Diara sent us to rescue you and your companions. I am Murphy, of Humble's Ford. Are you well?" Murphy asks.

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 32/17/30 CMD 21 HP 115/115 Valerie AC 38/16/33 CMD 28 HP 109/109 Spells 
Monday November 9th, 2020 5:54:53 PM

Seeing the halfling, Succotash quickly prepares to offer up some healing. He says, My name is Succotash Slenderstick, and I'm a cleric. Do you have any wounds that need tending? As my friend Murphy has said we are from Humble's Ford, and we are the adventure group known as Humble's Sword, perhaps you've heard of us, we did slay a dragon at the battle of Sargrass Plains after all. Anyway as I said before, I can offer some healing if you need it, also can you tell us what happened to you and your friends, and do you know if there are anymore survivors?

Bliss HP165/165 AC32 | Mookie HP76/76 AC41 | Cayzle 
Monday November 9th, 2020 11:48:51 PM

"Hey Mister! Hey Mister! No worries, we'll have you fixed up in no time!"

Bliss casts Remove Curse, Remove Disease, and if those do not restore him, he'll ask his friends if Break Enchantment or Heal would be worth a try?

The Kezz'm (BrianW) - AC 39/20/34; HP 219/219; Rumpus AC 32/15/27 HP 95/95 
Tuesday November 10th, 2020 1:56:56 AM

"I can hold on to that bow for now," says Kezzem. "Just in case we fight another of those evil mushrooms things. I don't think it's a good idea to get in dagger range. Unless anyone else needs a bow that is, but I figure Hobbie has a better one and everyone else casts spells, so...."

"Hey, Bliss, save some of that good stuff for us! We can try our wands first."

Kezzem will offer to use his wand of cure light wounds to assist the halfling if he needs healing.

DM Kathy 
Tuesday November 10th, 2020 2:52:30 PM

When you see the halfling, Murphy calls out to him by name. Succotash introduces himself.

The halfling looks up and sees you. For a moment, hope blossoms on his face. Then he shakes his head. "You're not real," he says. He looks down at the ground, still shaking his head. "Not real, not real." He thwacks himself on the head several times with the flat of his hand. "Wake up, Clovis! Wake up! It's not real!"

Bliss casts Remove Curse and Remove Disease. Neither seems to have any effect. Kezzem offers a curing wand, but Clovis seems only lightly wounded. He isn't cursed, or diseased; he is traumatized.

Murphy Leafwin Pipewood(KimMc) Halfling Druid - AC 46/T-25/Fl-38 CMD 37 HP 174 
Tuesday November 10th, 2020 4:44:43 PM

"I know, Clovis, The zygomind tries to make you believe that that which is, is not, and that which is not, is. The fungus lies, and manipulates, and twists, and devours, and turns people into undead. Bliss, here, was trapped by it, and so was Kezzem. But we killed it. Well, mainly our archer, Hobie here, killed it. He was able to shoot it enough times without getting close enough for it to affect his mind.

"It can no longer harm you. We are real. Look, we found the body of Vitaly Cev, who had been changed into a zombie. We want to return his remains to the Wold. Perhaps we will petition Gargul to restore life to him."

The other two dead undead whom we came across - do we recognize them as party members Diara described? If so, Murphy also will mention them. "Do not fear, Clovis, nor lose hope. We are not deceiving you. You have gone through a horrible nightmare. We are sad for the loss of your friends, companions. Will you help us gather any other members of your group, that we then may return with you all to the Wold?"

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 32/17/30 CMD 21 HP 115/115 Valerie AC 38/16/33 CMD 28 HP 109/109 Spells 
Tuesday November 10th, 2020 5:46:04 PM

Succotash knows that heal can fix mental issues, and is more then happy to cast it on Clovis, though he isn't certain that is the way to go in this case. Instead he places one hand gently on the halfling's shoulder, and grabs the hand Clovis was hitting himself with, giving it a gentle and reassuring squeeze. "As you can see we are very real, and we are here to take you home. Do you know if anymore of your friends are still alive? We very much want to rescue them as well."

Hobie (Nick T) HP 189/181 AC 33 Touch 19 Flat 27 CMD 37 Hero Points 8 Prepared Spells 
Wednesday November 11th, 2020 12:31:43 AM

Hobie will take out some whiskey and offer it to Clovis "This isnt gonna solve your problems, but it'll help"

The Kezz'm (BrianW) - AC 39/20/34; HP 219/219; Rumpus AC 32/15/27 HP 95/95 
Wednesday November 11th, 2020 1:34:39 AM

For some reason my post got marked private. Probably clicked the button by accident trying to post via phone.

Well, it is a wand of cure light wounds, so might as well give him a charge.

1d8 + 1 = 8 hp back

"Does lesser restortion help with PQRSTD or whatever it's called?" asks Kezzem.

Bliss HP165+12/165 AC32 | Mookie HP76+8/76 AC41 | Cayzle  d8+7=12 ; d8+7=8 ;
Wednesday November 11th, 2020 7:26:17 AM

"I have two of my most powerful spells per day," Bliss says. "One of always Heroes Breakfast." ...

[OOC: BTW, that happens EVERY morning, standard operating procedure, but I may have not mentioned it? Still, everybody should have the spell active plus 1d8+7 temp hp, plus a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and Will saves and a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against poison and fear effects for 12 hours.]

[Rolling temp hp for me and the Mookster: 12 and 8]

"My other most potent spell could be a Heal for this poor fellow. It cures all mental and physical woes. And he seems to have some. Honestly, yes, it would be useful to us, but having this guy with us and ready to contribute is likely a bigger power boost than anything my one spell could do. Plus it seems like a good, right, and heroic thing to do."

If no one objects, Bliss casts Heal on the poor halfling.

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (31), HP 132, CMD 25; Harper AC 30 (35), HP 94, CMD 29 (34)  d20+23=42 ;
Wednesday November 11th, 2020 11:13:17 AM

Pressi shakes her head, unsure if Bliss should burn that spell, at least for the moment.

After considering some things, she leans down. "I want you to think about something, very carefully. See, we actually are here to rescue you and we really did take down that mushroom and I personally promise that we are not some figment of someone else's imagination for the sake of amusement so get that out of your head right now.

"Now, if that is a lie and you are in the mind, then just hiding isn't doing you any good. But what might help is if you can reach the outside world or look for some sort of exit. At least you'd be having a good time, right? So why not take some time to look me in the eye and tell me and yourself what happened."

Diplomacy 42

DM Kathy 
Wednesday November 11th, 2020 2:47:38 PM

Kezzem uses a charge from his wand to heal Clovis. A few lingering cuts and bruises disappear.

Succotash catches Clovis's hand and assures him that you are all quite real.

Murphy explains how you killed the zygomind, and mentions Vitaly's body. A pained look crosses Clovis's face. "Vitaly," he says. "I couldn't--I couldn't help him. Not strong enough. And that thing--it was--it was in my head, and I couldn't keep it out. So I ran. I ran away like a coward. Poor Vitaly."

Pressi combines diplomacy and logic to try to get Clovis to accept that you are real, and to let you help. It seems to be working. Hobie offers a more practical solution, and Clovis downs a healthy slug of whiskey. "Thanks, friend," he says. He closes his eyes, and takes a deep breath.

"All right," he says. "All right. Maybe you are real. So, what happens now?"

Bliss has a Heal spell available, but it looks as if it won't be needed, at least for the time being.

Bliss HP165+12/165 AC32 | Mookie HP76+8/76 AC41 | Cayzle 
Wednesday November 11th, 2020 5:19:16 PM

"Buddy, what's next is we find any others of your pals still in here and we rescue them too. Who else is there still left? We got you and Vitaly. Who's left, and have you any idea where they went?"

"Oh, and your friend, what's her name, Diana? She escaped and asked us to help. That's why we're here."

Mookie teleps: ::Diara, Kid. Her name is Daira, I mean geez. ::

Bliss blushes. "Diara, I mean your friend Diara. Sorry."

Mookie keeps watch, flying up for a better view from time to time.

Murphy Leafwin Pipewood(KimMc) Halfling Druid - AC 46/T-25/Fl-38 CMD 37 HP 174 
Wednesday November 11th, 2020 9:16:03 PM

Repeat: Did the two bodies we found after Vitaly match the descriptions of anyone in Diara's party?

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (31), HP 132, CMD 25; Harper AC 30 (35), HP 94, CMD 29 (34) 
Wednesday November 11th, 2020 9:53:51 PM

Pressi eyes Clovis carefully, thinking about how he ran AFTER the thing got in his head. But she takes the time to place her hand sympathetically upon him (and quickly scan him with Knowledge Lore).

"You can also start by saying if you saw anyone else in the area. See, I can't help but wonder... If last you saw of him was when he was alive, and you ran from him, then who stabbed him in the face?"

The Kezz'm (BrianW) - AC 39/20/34; HP 219/219; Rumpus AC 32/15/27 HP 95/95 
Thursday November 12th, 2020 2:08:14 AM

"Well, it's heroic if he needs it and it helps him," says Kezzem. "But he is barely injured and he's no suffering any magical curses or anything, at least I don't think so. It's wasteful to just start throwing powerful spells at him before we properly assess whether they will work or not."

Kezzem turns to Pressi. "Did I just become the voice of caution in this group? If so, we're doomed."

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 32/17/30 CMD 21 HP 115/115 Valerie AC 38/16/33 CMD 28 HP 109/109 Spells 
Thursday November 12th, 2020 5:52:55 AM

Succotash turns to Pressi and whispers in her ear, "Don't forget that Vitaly was turned into a zombie, Clovis probably had no choice but to re-kill his own friend, just to remain alive. I'm sure that is a sad and painful memory, perhaps we should step lightly in that area. I know if one of us were turned, and I had to slay that person in self defense, I wouldn't be comfortable talking about it, as I'm sure the memory would be beyond painful."

Turning to Clovis and the rest of the party, Succotash says, "Diara told us that a couple of her friends went this way, by some sort of compulsion, we know now that those two where Vitaly and Clovis here, and that they were drawn this way by the know dead Zygomind. Diara also mentioned that the rest of her friends headed in another direction, towards the ruins if I remember right, so I say we head toward the ruins, and hope to find some more survivors, and failing that, end the evil that stole the life from their bodies!"

DM Kathy 
Thursday November 12th, 2020 2:43:37 PM

Bliss asks who is still left, and whether Clovis knows what might have happened to them. "I didn't see the others after we--after the---afterward," he says. He adds, "Diara made it out? That's good. That's good. I'm glad for her."

Murphy is quite sure that Vitaly was the only member of the party among the slain undead. The other corpses were far too old, an anyway there was no indication that the others had been caught by the zygomind.

Pressi asks who stabbed Vitaly. Clovis shudders. "That thing," he says quietly. "That thing--it--it wasn't Vitaly anymore." Pressi also uses her Knowledge Lore ability, and now your senile DM has forgotten all of what that's supposed to reveal. For now, I'll just say that you don't see anything you wouldn't expect to see in an adventuring halfling ranger.

Kezzem points out that this might not be the best use of expensive spells, but to be fair, people have stopped talking about casting those, for the moment.

Succotash reminds the group that the rest of Diara's party had gone in another direction, and perhaps now is the time to go find them. Clovis looks hesitant. "I don't think....I don't think I'm much good to you now. Lost the adventuring spirit. I may never adventure again."

Murphy Leafwin Pipewood(KimMc) Halfling Druid - AC 46/T-25/Fl-38 CMD 37 HP 174 
Thursday November 12th, 2020 6:47:18 PM

"Perhaps you're not wanting to adventure more. But, to maintain a modicum of self-respect, are you willing to help us find your companions? You know them better than we do," Murphy cajoles. "Come with us, stay in the background, we will do what we can to intercept threats. Once we can return all of you we can find, then we shall return as a group to the Wold. Until then, I think you are stuck with us."

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (31), HP 132, CMD 25; Harper AC 30 (35), HP 94, CMD 29 (34) 
Thursday November 12th, 2020 8:26:15 PM

Pressi seems satisfied that he didn't ping as anything but a halfling adventurer. "My apologies, I must have misunderstood the situation."

She takes some time to get a better idea of how they came in and were geared, and what it was like when it started to take over his mind. She also backs up Murphy, pointing out that it would be better for him to be close once they found the rest of Diara's party.

Back in an area where there is no place to track, she fires up the arcane eye to begin searching.

The Kezz'm (BrianW) - AC 39/20/34; HP 219/219; Rumpus AC 32/15/27 HP 95/95 
Friday November 13th, 2020 1:05:26 AM

"Maybe you could shove him in your hole, Murphey," suggests Kezzem. "Or does it not work that way?"

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 32/17/30 CMD 21 HP 115/115 Valerie AC 38/16/33 CMD 28 HP 109/109 Spells 
Friday November 13th, 2020 6:46:42 AM

Succotash tries to bolster Murphy’s efforts at convincing Clovis to join them, “We aren’t leaving until we find the rest of your friends. We have a mission, and we aim to follow through with it. We won’t abandon any other possible survivors, and no halfling I know would stoop to such cowardly ways! Now prove yourself a halfling proper, and come with us. If you don’t have any fight left in you, I can understand that, as Murph said you can stay behind us if things get sketchy, and we will protect you, that’s what we do, but now is the time to get on ones feet, and move forward!”

After sharing his bit, Succotash stands up and is ready to follow where ever Pressi’s eye thingy leads.

DM Kathy 
Friday November 13th, 2020 2:57:29 PM

Kezzem suggests that Clovis could go in the Portable Hole, but without a Bottle of Air, that's a bad idea.

Murphy urges Clovis to find his courage and accompany the group. Succotash adds his own encouragement.

At last, Clovis reluctantly agrees to come with you. "I suppose I could shoot things from a distance," he says.

Pressi would like to get to a clear area to use her arcane eye. Diara did give you the rough location where she lost the rest of the party; would you like to go there?

Bliss HP165+12/165 AC32 | Mookie HP76+8/76 AC41 | Cayzle 
Friday November 13th, 2020 3:30:19 PM

Bliss clasps hands with the reluctant adventurer. "That's the spirit," he says. "Honestly, we need to keep you close so that we can all bug out together when the time comes!"

[OOC: Sorry, this is probably my bad brain, but who else are we looking for? If we do not know, Bliss will clarify with Clovis here. If we do know, please just remind this old gamer playing characters with better memories than his own.]

Murphy Leafwin Pipewood(KimMc) Halfling Druid - AC 46/T-25/Fl-38 CMD 37 HP 174 
Friday November 13th, 2020 5:34:03 PM

"We always appreciate good missile support, Clovis. Now, with you, poor Vitaly, and Diara accounted for, that leaves Elora and Harmet to find, unless I've left someone out - let me know if that is the case," Murphy says.. "Last she knew, Diara heard someone, I think Elora and Harmet, screaming, but then she was set upon by undead, mainly wraiths, then somehow managed to get back out of this pocket plane." He looks to his companions. "Let me know if you remember any salient information she told us that I may have forgotten."

The Kezz'm (BrianW) - AC 39/20/34; HP 219/219; Rumpus AC 32/15/27 HP 95/95 
Saturday November 14th, 2020 1:40:52 AM

"Hobie, looks like you're out of a job," jokes Kezzem.

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 32/17/30 CMD 21 HP 115/115 Valerie AC 38/16/33 CMD 28 HP 109/109 Spells 
Sunday November 15th, 2020 11:23:47 AM

"I think you nailed it Murph!" Succotash say in response, then adds, "Let's head toward where the screaming came from, and pray to the gods that we find our missing adventures. Oh by the way, when this is all said and done, who's willing to return with me to give these poor souls, whom the zygomind destroyed, a proper sending off? I'm thinking either a mass funeral pyre or individual graves to honor the dead. Both would be respectful, but the pyre would be far less labor intensive."

Bliss HP165+12/165 AC32 | Mookie HP76+8/76 AC41 | Cayzle 
Sunday November 15th, 2020 10:26:31 PM

"Thanks Mister Murphy! Elora and Harmet." Bliss tries to recall what he has heard about them.

Hearing the druid mention wraiths makes Bliss remember his new wand of Death Ward. The problem is that a charge only lasts seven minutes.

He changes back to a cat and then changes back. He keeps his wand at the ready. He would so rather use it before the battle, even if he has to waste charges because of a hair trigger. Well before the party sees any place or shadows or undead or anything, he is ready to start spreading charges around.

"Does anybody have any way to detect undead coming in from a long way off?"

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 32/17/30 CMD 21 HP 115/115 Valerie AC 38/16/33 CMD 28 HP 109/109 Spells 
Monday November 16th, 2020 5:45:00 AM

Succotash Thumps his forehead with the palm of his hand, and says to himself, "Succotash you fool, you knew you were going to a place filled with the walking dead, and yet you failed to prepare a simple spell like detect undead. What kind of cleric are you?" Turning to Bliss he says, "Sorry Bliss, I guess I'm still an amateur at this cleric thing. I have all these abilities and still struggle at times to get it right, but I suppose that is to be expected since I've been a cleric for less then a year now, even though I've been an adventurer for a fairly long time."

OOC... Seriously, Why didn't I think to prepare detect undead, when we were given ample warning that we would be dealing with undead? Sorry guys, total brain fart on my end, though it did open itself for a great role play moment, so there's that.

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 26 (31), HP 132, CMD 25; Harper AC 30 (35), HP 94, CMD 29 (34) 
Monday November 16th, 2020 10:26:02 AM

Pressi responds to Bliss that they have the rod of alertness.

She also activates arcane eye at the proper location.

Murphy Leafwin Pipewood(KimMc) Halfling Druid - AC 46/T-25/Fl-38 CMD 37 HP 174 
Monday November 16th, 2020 11:27:09 AM

"So, Clovis, you're a ranger, right?" Murphy prompts. "Elora Helethar, an elf wizard. And the paladin in your group, Harmet Ells. I take it Diara finds him rather dashing. If you recall what gear they carried, how they dressed, that might be helpful."

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