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The Lake

Hobie (Nick T) HP 126/126 AC 32 Touch 18 Flat 27 CMD 33 Hero Points 8 Prepared Spells 
Tuesday July 21st, 2020 2:28:13 PM

Hobie will take out his scrolls and cast water breathing for the group (how many hours do we need?)

as an archer, he's not too excited about going underwater, he knows that bows don't exactly work underwater. But he prepares a couple Beast Shapes and Elemental Bodies, and has his javelins at the ready in his Efficient Quiver.

DM Kathy 
Tuesday July 21st, 2020 2:37:07 PM

[Everybody take 42,000 XP for the previous scene.]

You troop down to the boat house to see what is available. Mooncalf follows Mookie to the edge of the terrace, but no further. It is unable to go down the steps. It watches Mookie and Bliss head for the boathouse.

Harper will be sitting this one out. The moonlings will take good care of her.

Kezzem asks to be a shark. Hobie finds some scrolls of Water Breathing in his pocket, which will come in handy.

There are lots of boats in the boat house, but most are too small for your group. You finally uncover a large wooden raft. Judging by its substantial anchor, it is probably intended to be taken out and anchored for a swimming-party. Yours is an unorthodox swimming-party, but it will do. It doesn't seem to have oars specifically associated with it, but you are able to find a variety of oars and paddles you can use.

Succotash is able to coax Valerie aboard, and then with a few bumps and false starts, you are able to navigate the raft out of the boat house and onto the lake.

Murphy turns himself into a water elemental to push the raft, which is just as well because Pressi rows for nobody.

You make your way toward the stain. It doesn't take long, and soon you are drifting by spots of oily sheen. From his position underwater, Murphy can tell that the oily stuff is definitely coming from someplace under the water, probably in the lake bed.

Murphy also realizes that the water isn't like water on the Wold. It's fresh water, but it feels somehow lighter than normal water. It also seems to have its own light, so you may not need a light source. And the water sort of--fizzes. It's the only way you can describe it. It's strange, but not unpleasant.

Before long, you have reached a spot near the middle of the oily stain on the surface. From what you can tell, it is actual oil, but you aren't sure where it's coming from. It's time to go underwater and find out.

Murphy Leafwin Pipewood(KimMc) Halfling Druid - AC 33/T-23/Fl-29 CMD 37 HP 132+14temp  d20+39=54 ;
Tuesday July 21st, 2020 3:16:35 PM

"The water is bubbly, like some beers," Murphy reports just after spitting a little fountain of water into the air. "Only, it's really clean water - lighter than our water somehow. Fizzy and light. Hey, it even sheds a little light!" As they close in on the oily area, he says, "Since the oil is lighter than the water, unless you let your lungs get coated with it, you should be able to breathe in the water all right. Just be mindful - hold your breath a moment if you sense oil right around your mouth," he recommends.

"Let's get ready to descend. Spells time! Potions time!" Murphy announces. He takes a quick dip about 90 feet down (or less than that if it looks like something significant is nearby), then back to the surface. He reports on anything significant.

Perception: 54

OctoBliss HP165/165+15 AC30 | Mookie HP76/76+8 AC41 | Cayzle  d20+27=43 ;
Tuesday July 21st, 2020 11:31:30 PM

Bliss asks who wants to be polymorphed. Does Sir Kezzem really want to be a baby shark?

Then Bliss changes into a giant octopus, using a fifth level slot to cast Beast Shape III, duration 13 minutes.

He activates his Shield of Faith and dives in.

Mookie says, "I'll tell you what the Kid sees if you want to wait here."

Bliss underwater, looking around: Perception 43

Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 32; HP 187/187; Shield Other; Rumpus AC 29 HP 81/81 
Wednesday July 22nd, 2020 1:31:51 AM

"I was thinking more like a dire shark, but yes, let's be a shark!" says Kezzem. "Just one question for the spell casters (or the DM). I assume I won't be able to cast spells as a shark, yes? But let's say I prepared a spell that could buff my teeth (holy sword). Could I cast it before you turn me into a shark? I mean, I still have teeth, right, even if they aren't giant sharp teeth."

Tali (Kim for JonPaul) AC:25 (T:21, FF:20), CMD:35, Saves:(F:14/R:16/W:17), HP:101/101 
Wednesday July 22nd, 2020 3:22:28 AM

Tali considers being polymorphed. She's not certain what form would be best for her. What would allow her still to cast spells? She can close her pants pockets, drawstring tight her haversack to try to keep water from seeping in, perhaps.

"What should I be? A dolphin? An orca? A gar? A jellyfish?" she asks, and giggles at the last idea. She's open to ideas. Or, she can just make sure that water breathing is working on her - she is happy to accept Hobie's offer of a potion of water breathing, and dive in. Yes. That is what she shall do.

"When we're all ready, I'll come in," the beautiful sorceress tells the others, not wanting to be the first nor the last. "Should we have some message spells up? Do they work underwater?"

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 31/16/29 CMD 21 HP 115/115 Valerie AC 37/15/32 CMD 28 HP 109/109 Spells  d20+7=14 ; d20=2 ;
Wednesday July 22nd, 2020 1:05:31 PM

Succotash mounts up, casts water breathing on himself and Valerie, and then they jump into the water.while swimming, Succotash will hold onto Valerie’s neck and kick, to help in the swimming.

Valerie’s swim check: 14
Succotash’s aid another: 2 (fail)

Hobie (Nick T) HP 126/126 AC 32 Touch 18 Flat 27 CMD 33 Hero Points 8 Prepared Spells 
Wednesday July 22nd, 2020 2:19:00 PM

Hobie casts from 2 scrolls of water breathing, which gives the group 28 total hours evenly divided among them. He can cast more later if necessary

He isn’t much of a swimmer, but all of his polymorph spells last only a few minutes, so he opts to begin the trip in his normal form “Is anyone a really great swimmer that I can grab on and be pulled like a whale? Murphy as a water elemental do you have parts we can grab? Or could you turn into a whale and pull us all along?”

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 25 (30), HP 111+temp(10)+L16, CMD 24; true seeing; Harper AC 30 (35), HP 85, CMD 29 (34) 
Wednesday July 22nd, 2020 2:54:12 PM

Just skip me. Kid aggro. All day.

DM Kathy 
Wednesday July 22nd, 2020 3:29:41 PM

Murphy reports on the condition of the water. You dive down, and are more certain than ever that the oil is coming from somewhere below. It's just a question of finding where.

Bliss asks who wants to be polymorphed. Kezzem is interested in being a shark, but wants to cast Holy Sword first. Generally, spells that affect weapons don't affect natural attacks such as shark teeth. You'll want Magic Fang, or something that can target either weapons or natural attacks.

Regardless of who else gets polymorphed, Bliss turns into an octopus for the duration.

Tali considers and rejects several polymorph options before deciding just to use the Water Breathing. Pressi undoubtedly goes through a similar progression.

Succotash has a Water Breathing spell for himself and Valerie; Hobie splits a couple of scrolls for the rest of the party.

Now prepared, you jump, dive, or slip into the water, leaving Mookie as lookout. If anything menaces the raft, his sarcastic comments will surely send them fleeing.

Now underwater, you find much as Murphy did--this moon water is curiously light and fizzy. It's kind of fun, really, or would be if there weren't streaks of oil in it. You begin looking for the source, going down toward the bottom.

Murphy Leafwin Pipewood(KimMc) (Huge H20 Elemental) Halfling Druid - AC 33/T-23/Fl-29 CMD 37 HP 132+14temp 
Wednesday July 22nd, 2020 3:33:52 PM

"Sure, I'll provide trailing and side appendages for you to grab," water elemental Murphy agrees with Hobie. "I probably should not go full speed (swim 120) while you're holding on, though."

Hobie (Nick T) HP 126/126 AC 32 Touch 18 Flat 27 CMD 33 Hero Points 8 Prepared Spells 
Wednesday July 22nd, 2020 3:48:32 PM

Hobie casts from 2 scrolls of water breathing, which gives the group 28 total hours evenly divided among them. He can cast more later if necessary

He isn’t much of a swimmer, but all of his polymorph spells last only a few minutes, so he opts to begin the trip in his normal form “Is anyone a really great swimmer that I can grab on and be pulled like a whale? Murphy as a water elemental do you have parts we can grab? Or could you turn into a whale and pull us all along?”

Murphy Leafwin Pipewood(KimMc) (Huge H20 Elemental) Halfling Druid - AC 33/T-23/Fl-29 CMD 37 HP 132+14temp 
Wednesday July 22nd, 2020 4:25:33 PM

[prior post was simultaneous, virtually, with DM post]

Regarding grabbing on - Murphy can trail a rope - others can tie loops (strongly recommended) for people to loop elbows around.

Murphy can cast greater magic fang thrice today. He generally does so on himself, and also either on Bliss or Mookie. He will offer also to Succotash since it's available. It lasts 16 hours. For the casting on Bliss he uses the level 3 pearl of power.

When Murphy earlier dove down to a depth of 90 feet earlier he did not locate the source of the oil. So the water is pretty deep here.

Greater Magic Fang: +4 enhancement bonus to attacks and damage for natural weapon or unarmed strike.

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 31/16/29 CMD 21 HP 115/115 Valerie AC 37/15/32 CMD 28 HP 109/109 Spells 
Wednesday July 22nd, 2020 5:28:22 PM

Succotash thanks Murphy for the offer, but says, “Valerie has permanent greater magic fang on all her natural weapons. I bought scrolls scribed by a level 20 Druid, while you were away, and made them permanent with scrolls of permanency. I hope you’re not offended that I went somewhere else, but I didn’t know for sure when you would return.”. Succotash ties a loop in the rope Murphy offers, and directs Valerie to grab hold with her talons, as he sits in her saddle.

Murphy Leafwin Pipewood(KimMc) (Huge H20 Elemental) Halfling Druid - AC 33/T-23/Fl-29 CMD 37 HP 132+14temp 
Wednesday July 22nd, 2020 6:06:40 PM

"OH, yeah, thanks, Succotash. I meant, Kezzem - you can have shiny sharp shark teeth." Murphy casts greater magic fang on the paladin Kezzem, not the cleric Succotash.

"I get former paladins and former rogues who are now paladins mixed up in my mind from time to time."

Murphy Leafwin Pipewood(KimMc) (Huge H20 Elemental) Halfling Druid - AC 33/T-23/Fl-29 CMD 37 HP 132+14temp 
Wednesday July 22nd, 2020 6:08:38 PM

"Me, offended at what you did for Valerie? No way. It takes a strong and concerted effort to offend me. You had a great idea, and applied it. More flexibility for the group? That's the opposite of offensive. Except, of course, for our enemies," Murphy responds.

OctoBliss HP165/165+15 AC30 | Mookie HP76/76+8 AC41 | Cayzle 
Wednesday July 22nd, 2020 8:48:38 PM

Bliss casts Polymorph (4th level slot) to change Kezzem into a shark (large) for 13 minutes. He can't see any way to make those teeth into Holy Sword Teeth. Maybe if he had changed Kezzem into a swordfish?

Beast Shape II: https://www.cayzle.com/pfsrd/spells/beastShape.html#beast-shape-ii
Shark: https://www.cayzle.com/pfsrd/monsters/shark.html

OctoBliss sees no reason to dally. He swims down to find the source of the oil/stain.He tells Mookie via telepathy what he sees.

Kezzem (BrianW) - AC 32; HP 187/187; Shield Other; Rumpus AC 29 HP 81/81 
Thursday July 23rd, 2020 1:00:40 AM

Kezzem spits water at Murphey for confusing him with Succotash. Kezzem would remind Murphey that he is currently a shark that is a former paladin that is a former rogue, but he can't, because he's a shark.

Kezzem would also like to ask if somebody could hit him with a Mage Armor that would be great. While Kezzem has not impulse control and would not worry about such things, Brian is worried that without his armor Kezzem might be a bit squishier as shark.

Tali (Kim for JonPaul) AC:29 (T:25, FF:24), CMD:35, Saves:(F:14/R:16/W:17), HP:101/101+12 temp  d8+7=12 ;
Thursday July 23rd, 2020 1:56:21 AM

Tali casts mage armor on Kezzem, then upon herself. She adds a loop to Murphy's tow rope, says, "Away we glub-blub-glubo" and goes along for the ride to the depths.

Active things:
Water breathing - a while
Mage armor - 16 hours
Overland flight (helps in the water, too) - a long time
12 temp hp from Heroes' Feast

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 25 (30), HP 111+temp(10)+L16, CMD 24; true seeing; Harper AC 30 (35), HP 85, CMD 29 (34) 
Thursday July 23rd, 2020 11:35:36 AM

Pressi casts alter self (lizardfolk) upon herself for 14 minutes, boosting her swim speed. (She still needs the water breathing so she takes it.)

Pressi also reminds Kezzem that he doesn't need mage armor. (From the Polymorph school: you only kind of change into another animal with equipment entering your body. So things like armor and headbands still work. (but more active stuff like spells and wands don't. That's why Pressi is keeping with alter self for now.)

Pressi also casts detect magic, seeing if it registers.

Kezzem (BrianW) - I'm-A-Shark AC 28; HP 187/187; Rumpus AC 29 HP 81/81 
Thursday July 23rd, 2020 12:57:10 PM

Thanks for the mage armor!


When you cast a polymorph spell that changes you into a creature of the animal, dragon, elemental, magical beast, plant, or vermin type, all of your gear melds into your body. Items that provide constant bonuses and do not need to be activated continue to function while melded in this way (with the exception of armor and shield bonuses, which cease to function).

Hobie (Nick T) HP 126/126 AC 32 Touch 18 Flat 27 CMD 33 Hero Points 8 Prepared Spells 
Thursday July 23rd, 2020 1:32:18 PM

ooc: Thanks Melvin, I forgot about Alter Self!

Hobie will go ahead and use one of his scrolls of alter self to turn into a Merfolk, giving himself a 50 ft swim speed.

Hobie (Nick T) HP 126/126 AC 32 Touch 18 Flat 27 CMD 33 Hero Points 8 Prepared Spells 
Thursday July 23rd, 2020 1:33:18 PM

actually no he won't, it only lasts 7 minutes. He'll start by grabbing one of the loops on Murphy, but he'll be ready to turn into a merfolk should the opportunity arise

DM Kathy 
Thursday July 23rd, 2020 2:53:41 PM

Murphy offers to tow his companions, an offer some of them accept.

Bliss turns Kezzem into a shark. Murphy Magic Fangs him, Tali gives him Mage Armor, and now he's all ready to bite things! [OOC: I'd be surprised if casting Mage Armor on herself isn't part of Tali's morning routine.]

Pressi changes herself into a Lizardfolk. Hobie considers changing himself into something, then thinks better of it and grabs one of Murphy's ropes.

Your group is able to make pretty good time as you descend. You can see the oily streaks in the water. The oil seems to be spreading. If you can't figure out how to stop this, the environment of the lake will be ruined.

You are close to the bottom when Bliss gets an urgent ping from Mookie. Something is headed your way--something big! It's moving fast!

OctoBliss HP165/165+15 AC30 | Mookie HP76/76+8 AC41 | Cayzle 
Thursday July 23rd, 2020 4:21:05 PM

Bliss swims about like a mad thing and points towards the incoming thing.

Mookie, stay safe! he thinks.

He maneuvers to be out in front of the party toward the oncoming threat.

He uses his spell-like ability to cast Divine Favor without any somatic or verbal components.

CDM Jerry [OOC post] 
Thursday July 23rd, 2020 10:26:41 PM

Sent this out this evening:


Our only means of communication is via email.  That means that as a part of your membership, you are responsible for checking email daily.  The easy way of course is to check emails before making your post.  Even if you are playing via phone at times, check your email.

We've only had to fuss at a few over the years for not reading emails.  We've only had to threaten 1 with probation for not communicating.  We have seen an increase in difficulty when trying to reach members [players and DMs] over the last year or two so I'm sending this reminder.

To be a member here, this is one of your responsibilities like posting.  I'm tempted to have Sheriff Zach list names of folks who did not reply to emails within 24 hrs on posting days.  No I'm not there yet.  :)
So anyway, please check your email.  :)

CDM Jerry

Murphy Leafwin Pipewood(KimMc) (Huge H20 Elemental) Halfling Druid - AC 33/T-23/Fl-29 CMD 37 HP 132+14temp  d20+39=41 ;
Friday July 24th, 2020 12:26:27 AM

WaterMurphy notices OctoBliss pointing with several appendages at something. "Friends, off to our right something comes our way. Let us move that way, and prepare to board. Or, maybe swing ferociously with our weapons and bite down hard."

Murphy swims upward and off to one side of the approaching thing, so as to provide flanking of sorts between the team's giant octopus and those who are flowing with the water elemental druid. If Pressi is swimming separately, he communicates with her telepathically what seems to be going on, and his own planned actions.

He casts bull's strength upon himself, thinking that greater physical prowess may soon be of benefit.
Perception: 41

Tali (Kim for JonPaul) AC:29 (T:25, FF:24), CMD:35, Saves:(F:14/R:16/W:17), HP:101/101+12  d20+11=21 ;
Friday July 24th, 2020 12:36:04 AM

Tali, sensing impending battle, casts haste upon all those in Murphy's tow, and anyone else close enough to benefit from the added speed.

She tries to see if she can figure out what might be coming.

[Add Haste to your character's current benefits if you are Murphy or someone trailing along, or swimming nearby him - it's up to Cayzle and Kathy as to whether OctoBliss is close enough to be included - must be within 30 feet at time of casting]
Perception: 21
Haste: 16 minutes
Water breathing - a while
Mage armor - 16 hours
Overland flight (helps in the water, too) - a long time
12 temp hp from Heroes' Feast

Hobie (Nick T) HP 126/126 AC 32 Touch 18 Flat 27 CMD 33 Hero Points 8 Prepared Spells 
Friday July 24th, 2020 1:23:44 AM

Hobie casts from 2 scrolls of water breathing, which gives the group 28 total hours evenly divided among them. He can cast more later if necessary

He isn’t much of a swimmer, but all of his polymorph spells last only a few minutes, so he opts to begin the trip in his normal form “Is anyone a really great swimmer that I can grab on and be pulled like a whale? Murphy as a water elemental do you have parts we can grab? Or could you turn into a whale and pull us all along?”

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 32/17/30 CMD 21 HP 115/115 Valerie AC 38/16/33 CMD 28 HP 109/109 Spells 
Friday July 24th, 2020 6:42:01 AM

Succotash takes heed to Bliss's gestures, and casts Divine Power on Valerie.

Succotash: Temp HP 9
Dimensional hop 160ft/160ft
Channel energy 9/9
Water breathing 16 hours
Hero's feast

Valerie: Temp HP 28
Water Breathing 16 hours
Divine power (+5) 16/16
Hero's feast

You bring forth a great feast, including a magnificent table, chairs, service, and food and drink. The feast takes 1 hour to consume, and the beneficial effects do not set in until this hour is over. Every creature partaking of the feast is cured of all sickness and nausea, receives the benefits of both neutralize poison and remove disease, and gains 1d8 temporary hit points + 1 point per two caster levels (maximum +10) after imbibing the nectar-like beverage that is part of the feast. The ambrosial food grants each creature that partakes a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and Will saves and a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against poison and fear effects for 12 hours.

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 25 (30), HP 111+temp(10)+L16, CMD 24; true seeing; Harper AC 30 (35), HP 85, CMD 29 (34)  d20=19 ; d20+6=10 ;
Friday July 24th, 2020 11:06:53 AM

Pressi is humming about Andy Kaufman when everyone changes direction. (If you believe... they put... huh?) "Bliss, it might be a good idea to remind Mookie that he can fly."

Pressi casts her spectral hand underwater while they swim upwards (concentration check is d20+14+6 vs 16, no fail except nat 1). (I'm assuming this means she hangs towards the back, since she can't full move.)

Near the boathouse, Harper continues to look outward. (Perception 10).


Ritual of Warding
Ritual of Healing
Heroes Feast
Shield of Faith
lizardfolk form
spectral hand

L1: 1
L4: 1
Harper (on Dock)
Heroes Feast

DM Kathy  d20+26=34 ; 2d6+10=21 ;
Friday July 24th, 2020 2:23:05 PM

Bliss and Murphy alert the group that something is approaching. Tali casts Haste. Succotash casts Divine Power on Valerie. Pressi casts Spectral Hand. Hobie is caught in a time loop.

You've barely managed to cast your spells when you see it approaching. "Big" doesn't do it justice. "Ginormous" might begin to capture it. It's coming fast, and it has tentacles. Knowledge: Arcana DC 28 Highlight to display spoiler: {It's a kraken!}

One of its arms lashes out at Murphy. It hits! Murphy takes 21 damage.

[I'm going to try to run this without a map, because mapping three dimensions is hard. The creature is Gargantuan in size with a 20-foot reach. ]

OctoBliss HP197/197+15 AC29 | Mookie HP76/76+8 AC41 | Cayzle  d20+4=9 ; d20+20=40 ; d20+20=27 ; d20+20=35 ; d20+20=28 ; d20+20=29 ; d20+20=32 ; d20+20=37 ; d20+20=37 ; d20+20=32 ; d20+20=28 ; d4+15=17 ; d4+15=17 ; d4+15=19 ; d4+15=19 ; d4+15=19 ; d4+15=17 ; d4+15=17 ; d4+15=18 ; d4+15=18 ; d4+15=18 ;
Friday July 24th, 2020 8:06:14 PM

Untrained Know Arcana: 9. Bliss is clueless!

Bliss is glad for the haste and uses it right away. He activates his rage as a free action and his arcane strike as a swift action. He's also glad that Murphy was clever to arrange to flank the monster. He makes a full attack of 9 tentacles hasted that have 20 ft reach. He passes on the bite because it has only a 10 ft reach.

Attacks are at +2 flanking and +1 haste over sheet.

Bliss hits ACs
40 (crit confirms vs AC27) for damage 17 (34 if crit confirmed),
35 for damage 19,
28 for damage 19,
29 for damage 19,
32 for damage 17,
37 for damage 17,
37 for damage 18,
32 for damage 18, and
28 for damage 18.

Bliss takes a five ft "step" closer.

Kezzem (BrianW) - I'm-A-Shark AC 28; HP 187/187; Rumpus AC 29 HP 81/81  d20+21=23 ; d8+7=15 ; d6=6 ;
Saturday July 25th, 2020 1:07:08 AM

Kezzem swims into a flanking position and takes a bite out of the kraken (I assume he provokes an AoOwhile doing so).

Attack: 1d20 + 21 + 2 (Flank) = 25. Probably a miss.
Damage: 1d8 + 7 + 1d6 (Sneak Attack) = 15 + 6 = 21.

Murphy Leafwin Pipewood(KimMc) (Huge H2O Elem) Halfling Druid - AC 36/T-26/Fl-32 CMD 37 HP 220(or 204)/132+14temp+74 (or -14temp, -2)  d20+11=28 ; d20+24=41 ; d20+28=29 ; d20+28=36 ; d20+28=39 ; 2d6+12=18 ; d20+26=33 ; 2d6+12=15 ; d20+39=57 ;
Sunday July 26th, 2020 11:47:15 PM

[I had forgotten to make the adjustments to Str (+4), Dex (-2), Con (+8), and nat armor (+6), plus Haste and Heroes' Feast effects. Net effect: AC 36 - so, I think the kraken just barely missed him (rolling 34, rather than 36), or perhaps skimmed the natural armor, but to no effect - let me know if I should take the "you should have had that calc shown already" penalty, and I'll adjust his current hp by the 21 you rolled, less 5 (DR).]

"It's a kraken - a humongous squid, squirts black ink," Murphy tells the party. "I'm letting go the rope - partner up" (drop rope, free action)

Murphy takes an attack of opportunity, hitting AC 43 (not 41). Due to the haste, he gets to do one more than his normal round of 3 attacks besides the AoO. Some initially miscalculated rolls were: d20+11=28 (good -Know Arcanan) ; d20+24=41 (43) (AoO) ; d20+28=29 (27) ; d20+28=36 (30) ; d20+28=39 (25) ; 2d6+12=18 (good) ; d20+26=33 (good) ; 2d6+12=15 (good) ; d20+39=57 (perception)
Actual rolls should be:
..AoO d20+26=43(hit) Damage 18
..Haste shot d20+26=33(hit) Damage 15
Total 33 damage - against kraken's attack arm
Knowledge, Arcana: 28
Perception: 57
Effects: Feast: +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and Will saves; +4 morale bonus saves vs poison & fear
Greater Magic Fang: +4 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls
Haste: +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. One extra attack with one natural or manufactured weapon
Flanking with OctoBliss. With anyone else - like Kezzem or Pressi?
AND, HOBIE, remember, you were hanging on to the rope... which Murphy just dropped, as he is about to do something that might harm you if he kept hold of the rope. You, Tali, Succotash & Valerie were all holding on the the rope.

Murphy Leafwin Pipewood(KimMc) (Huge H2O Elem) Halfling Druid - AC 36/T-26/Fl-32 CMD 37 HP 220(or 204)/132+14temp+74 (or -14temp, -2) 
Sunday July 26th, 2020 11:48:28 PM

Oh, and Murphy moves 5' closer to the kraken.

Murphy Leafwin Pipewood(KimMc) (Huge H2O Elem) Halfling Druid - AC 36/T-26/Fl-32 CMD 37 HP 220(or 204)/132+14temp+74 (or -14temp, -2)  d20+15=32 ; d4=2 ; d20+22=30 ;
Sunday July 26th, 2020 11:58:59 PM

Tali uses a ranged touch attack against the kraken, hitting AC 32, with the generation spell, causing 2 negative levels lasting 15 hours. She skedaddles off at about a 45 degree angle away from the kraken - figuring she is about 30-35 feet away from where the kraken's arm hit Murphy.

She knows it's a kraken (Know: Arc 30)

Tali (Kim for JonPaul) AC:30 (T:26, FF:25), CMD:35, Saves:(F:15/R:17/W:18), HP:101/101+12  d20+1=11 ;
Monday July 27th, 2020 12:12:47 AM

That's probably a loss of (5+9)*2 = 28 hp loss to the kraken from Tali's enervation spell (autocorrect changed it to 'generation'), plus whatever other effects the spell had on the magical beast's abilities.

Swim check 11 - Does that make for a 10' move away? If not, what number? Her land move is 20.

[And, sorry folks, especially to Kathy, Kim made his traditional substitute-posting header error on Tali's post above this one. Murphy's 11:58:59PM post should have Tali's header, same as this one]

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 32/17/30 CMD 21 HP 115/115 Valerie AC 38/16/33 CMD 28 HP 109/109 Spells  d20+7=11 ; d20=7 ; d20+28=42 ; 2d6+18=24 ; d6=6 ; d6=4 ;
Monday July 27th, 2020 7:53:29 AM

While holding onto Valerie, Succotash tells Valerie to let go of the rope, and move forward to attack the Kraken, as he casts Freedom of Movement on his animal friend. Valerie attempts to swim over to the Kraken (calm water rolled 11 pass) Succotash however fails to help her, luckily she didn’t need it. Valerie will slash at the Kraken with one of her talons. With the +5 from divine power the +1 from haste, and the +1 from heroes feast, she hits AC 42 for 24 damage +6 shock and 4 frost.

Succotash: Temp HP 9
Dimensional hop 160ft/160ft
Channel energy 9/9
Water breathing 16 hours
Hero's feast

Valerie: Temp HP 28
Water Breathing 16 hours
Divine power (+5) 15/16
Hero's feast
Freedom of movement 160min/160min

Hobie (Nick T) HP 126/126 AC 32 Touch 18 Flat 27 CMD 33 Hero Points 8 Prepared Spells  d20+22=28 ; d20+22=32 ; d20+17=33 ; d20+12=19 ; 2d6+20=25 ; d6=1 ; 2d6+20=30 ; d6=2 ; 2d6+20=24 ; d6=3 ; 2d6+20=26 ; d6=5 ; 2d6+20=24 ; d6=6 ;
Monday July 27th, 2020 8:02:28 AM

The post said that we "barely managed to cast our spells when we saw it coming" so does that mean we are still in the boat, and its coming on the surface? or we are underwater and its underwater?

if Hobie is still in the boat and the thing is at the surface, he'll fire arrows at it. If he's already underwater, he is going to cast "Alter Self" to become a merfolk, and swim toward the kraken while drawing a javelin.

Arrows if needed:

Manyshot 28
Piercing 25, Electric 1
Piercing 30, Electric 2

Rapid shot 32
Piercing 24, Electric 3

Iterative 1 33
Piercing 26, Electric 5

Iterative 2 19
Piercing 24, Electric 6

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 32/17/30 CMD 21 HP 115/115 Valerie AC 38/16/33 CMD 28 HP 109/109 Spells  d20+7=11 ; d20=7 ; d20+28=42 ; 2d6+18=24 ; d6=6 ; d6=4 ;
Monday July 27th, 2020 10:19:07 AM

While holding onto Valerie, Succotash tells Valerie to let go of the rope, and move forward to attack the Kraken, as he casts Freedom of Movement on his animal friend. Valerie attempts to swim over to the Kraken (calm water rolled 11 pass) Succotash however fails to help her, luckily she didn’t need it. Valerie will slash at the Kraken with one of her talons. With the +5 from divine power the +1 from haste, and the +1 from heroes feast, she hits AC 42 for 24 damage +6 shock and 4 frost.

Succotash: Temp HP 9
Dimensional hop 160ft/160ft
Channel energy 9/9
Water breathing 16 hours
Hero's feast

Valerie: Temp HP 28
Water Breathing 16 hours
Divine power (+5) 15/16
Hero's feast
Freedom of movement 160min/160min

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 25 (30), HP 111+temp(10)+L16, CMD 24; true seeing; Harper AC 30 (35), HP 85, CMD 29 (34) 
Monday July 27th, 2020 2:49:16 PM

Pressi attempts to bestow a curse on the Kracken, giving it a 50 percent chance to move. (Dc 19)

DM Kathy  d20+26=42 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ; d20+38=56 ; d20+11=15 ; d100=14 ;
Monday July 27th, 2020 3:13:40 PM

Octo-Bliss attacks! Not all of his attacks hit, but he does a fair amount of damage.

Kezzem swims to get into a flanking position. He does indeed provoke an Attack of Opportunity, and is hit for 21 damage. Worst of all, he is grabbed!

Murphy attacks! (The kraken did not provoke an AoO, unless I'm missing something.) Most of the attacks miss, but the last one hits!

Tali casts Enervation. The ray hits, and the kraken takes 2 negative levels. Tali then tries to swim away. A successful Swim check allows you to move at one-quarter speed. If land speed is 20 feet, Tali was able to swim 5 feet.

Succotash casts Freedom of Movement on Valerie, and sends her forward to attack the kraken. Her talon hits and does damage.

Hobie casts Alter Self to become a merfolk. [You entered the water as of Wednesday's DM post.] He swims forward, drawing a javelin.

Pressi casts Bestow Curse, and the kraken fails its save.

The kraken does not get to act this round. It still has an arm wrapped around Kezzem, but it takes no actions.

Kezzem (BrianW) - I'm-A-Shark AC 28; HP 187/187; Rumpus AC 29 HP 81/81  d20+24=31 ; d8+21=29 ; d20+15=20 ;
Monday July 27th, 2020 7:23:30 PM

Kezzem will Detect Evil on the Kraken (move action). If the Kraken detect's evil, he will Smite Evil and attempt to bite the Kraken's tentacle that is grabbing him.

Attack: 1d20 + 21 + 3 (Smite Evil) = 31.
Damage: 1d8 + 7 + 14 (Smite Evil) = 29.
Note: If the Kraken is Fiendish (possibly), Undead (unlikely), or a Dragon (not likely but you never know), Kezzem deals an additional 14 damage.

If the Kraken is not evil, Kezzem will attempt to escape the grapple (standard action).

CMB: 1d20 + 15 = 20.

OctoBliss HP197/197+15 AC29 | Mookie HP76/76+8 AC41 | Cayzle  d20+20=26 ; d20+20=29 ; d20+20=38 ; d20+20=24 ; d20+20=23 ; d20+20=22 ; d20+20=39 ; d20+27=38 ; d20+27=34 ; d4+15=19 ; d4+15=16 ; d4+15=19 ; d4+15=16 ; d4+15=19 ; d4+15=18 ; d4+15=19 ; d4+15=19 ; d8+26=27 ; d8+26=32 ; d6=4 ; d8+26=31 ; d6=1 ;
Monday July 27th, 2020 9:19:07 PM

Bliss is glad to see the krackle thing holding still, so he swims five ft closer and lays into it with eight hasted flanking tentacle attacks (at +20 to hit) and two hasted flanking bites (at +27 to hit), that's two bites because one is a hasted bonus attack.

- hits AC26 for 19
- hits AC29 for 16
- hits AC38 for 19
- hits AC24 for 16
- hits AC23 for 19
- hits ACxx for 18
- hits AC22 for 19
- hits AC39 for 19
- hits AC38 for 36 nonlethal damage plus Poison*
- hits AC34 for 32 nonlethal damage plus Poison*

*Poison: Fort DC22, 1/rnd for 6 rnds; for 1d3 Str; cure 2 saves

Bliss is proud of his team for working together so well, and he makes a mental note to tell them so the next time he has a mouth instead of an octo-beak.

Tali (Kim for JonPaul) AC:36 (T:32, FF:27), CMD:38, Saves:(F:15/R:17/W:18), HP:101+12/101+12  d20+11=25 ; d20+1=3 ;
Tuesday July 28th, 2020 3:53:51 AM

Tali casts chains of light, which envelop the kraken, holding it immobile by glowing golden chains composed of pure light. The creature is paralyzed and held in place, but may attempt a new saving throw (reflex, DC 35) each round to end the effect. The bright chains last 16 rounds. The sorceress observes the colors of the kraken, and tries to see how many stripes denoting age she can see on this magnificent, evil denizen of the waters.

She remains in place (failed swim check of 3/10 - or does that mean she sinks 5 feet?)
Header corrected for AC, CMD
Perception: 25 (colors, stripes)
Overland flight
Mage Armor
Water breathing 5.3 hours
Haste 14 rounds
Heroes' feast

Murphy Leafwin Pipewood(KimMc) (Huge H2O Elemental) Halfling Druid - AC 36/T-26/Fl-32 CMD 37 HP 220/132+14temp+74=220  d20+28=31 ; d20+23=28 ; d20+18=35 ; d20+28=29 ; 2d6+12=20 ; 2d6+12=19 ; 2d6+12=17 ; d20+39=48 ; 2d6+12=23 ; 2d6+12=19 ; 2d6+12=15 ; 2d6+12=14 ; 2d6+12=19 ;
Tuesday July 28th, 2020 4:42:29 AM

As part of the Halfling swarm, huge water elemental Murphy moves five feet closer, now only ten feet from the extravagant squid. He sees OctoBliss's tentacles wrapping from the other side. If with his greater magic fang he can use his natural body weaponry (15' reach) to execute a coup de grace, he does so (coup de grace 20+19=39, kraken needs a Fort save of 49 to avoid death).

If not, then the druid executes a full round of attacks against the presumably currently helpless kraken. [With helpless AC -4 and an effective dex of zero dropping it a further -5, it should be safe to assume the AC is now 23, rather than 32, right?]

Murphy hits three out of four times (nat 1 on haste bonus attack).
Damage 20 + 19 + 17 = 56
Ignore last 5 rolls.
Perception: Anyone else coming our way? (maybe that glance explains the nat 1 on his last attack roll)

[AoO last round - I figured that since a body part (the arm) came within Murphy's 15' striking range, that an AoO was possible - but if not, then no worries]
Perception: 48
Effects: Feast: +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and Will saves; +4 morale bonus saves vs poison & fear
Greater Magic Fang: +4 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls
Water breathing 5.3 hours (from a portion of Hobie's potion)
Haste: +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. One extra attack with one natural or manufactured weapon
Flanking with OctoBliss. Maybe Kezzem, too? I figure Valerie and Succotash are on Murphy's side of the kraken.

Hobie (Nick T) HP 126/126 AC 32 Touch 18 Flat 27 CMD 33 Hero Points 8 Prepared Spells  d20+10=29 ; d20+15=20 ; d20+15=31 ; d20+11=19 ; d20+6=19 ; d6+4=5 ; d6+4=9 ; d6+4=9 ; d6+4=10 ;
Tuesday July 28th, 2020 6:13:36 AM

Hobie quickly studies the kraken for weaknesses Knowledge Nature 29
Hobie gets all stabby stabby with his javelin.

Attack 1 =21
Damage = 5

Haste = 32
Damage = 9

Iterative 1 = 19
Damage = 9

Iterative 2 = 19
Damage = 10

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 32/17/30 CMD 21 HP 115/115 Valerie AC 38/16/33 CMD 28 HP 109/109 Spells  d20+7=27 ; d20+21=26 ; d20+15=30 ; 12d6+15=60 ; 3d6+15=20 ; d20+28=34 ; d20+28=42 ; d20+28=38 ; d20+28=37 ; d20+28=46 ; 2d6+18=29 ; 2d6+18=24 ; d8+18=22 ; d4+18=20 ; d4+18=22 ; d6=2 ; d6=4 ; d6=2 ; d6=3 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; d6=2 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ; d6=2 ; d20+28=44 ; 2d6+18=29 ; d6=1 ; d6=4 ;
Tuesday July 28th, 2020 6:48:52 AM

Swim check to keep from sinking 27 (Pass)

Succotash attempt to cast Slay living defensively DC 25 rolled 26 so passed then he tries to deliver the spell rolling a 30 verses the kraken's touch AC for 60 damage, or a DC 21 fort save for 20.

Valerie delivers a full round attack:
Talon hits AC 34 for 29 damage + 2 shock and 4 frost
Talon hits AC 42 for 24 damage + 2 shock and 3 frost
Bite hits AC 38 for 22 damage + 6 shock and 5 frost
Claw hits AC 37 20 damage + 2 shock and 5 frost
Claw hits AC 46 22 damage + 6 shock and 2 frost
Hasted Talon hits AC 44 for 29 damage + 1 shock and 4 frost

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 25 (30), HP 111+temp(10)+L16, CMD 24; true seeing; Harper AC 30 (35), HP 85, CMD 29 (34) 
Tuesday July 28th, 2020 11:04:00 AM

Pressi casts ill omen. (Next 3 d20 rolls, roll twice. No save.)

DM Kathy  d20+12=21 ; d20+21=22 ; d20+21=39 ;
Tuesday July 28th, 2020 3:24:52 PM

Kezzem detects, and the creature is indeed evil. It is not fiendish, or undead, or a dragon, however. Kezzem attempts to smite the creature, but it is well-protected and his blow skips off the kraken's skin.

Bliss attacks! Two of his tentacles hit, as do both bites, but the kraken seems to be immune to poison.

Tali encircles the kraken with a Chain of Light. Without Murphy's help, she has trouble swimming, and sinks toward the bottom.

Hobie stabs with his javelin, hitting once.

Pressi casts Ill Omen, which is bad news for a creature facing two instant kills.

Murphy attempts a coup de grace, and succeeds. The mighty kraken stops moving, and begins slowly stinking, still wrapped in Tali's chain.

Succotash can save his spell; the kraken is dead.

Knowledge Arcana DC 33 Highlight to display spoiler: {These things are quite the treasure hoarders. It's probably worthwhile to take a look around for a lair of some kind.}

Kezzem (BrianW) - I'm-A-Shark AC 28; HP 187/187; Rumpus AC 29 HP 81/81 
Tuesday July 28th, 2020 3:34:01 PM

Kezzem swims to retrieve Tali and does his best not to bite the tasty halfling McNucket.

Tali (Kim for JonPaul) AC:36 (T:32, FF:27), CMD:38, Saves:(F:15/R:17/W:18), HP:101+12/101+12  d20+22=38 ; d20+1=18 ;
Tuesday July 28th, 2020 7:24:55 PM

Tali had been looking at the coloration on the kraken, and was aware that the number of stripes on the beast was some sort of tally relating to how many centuries old it might be. ["The sorceress observes the colors of the kraken, and tries to see how many stripes denoting age she can see on this magnificent, evil denizen of the waters... Perception: 25 (colors, stripes)"] What did she come up with?

Anyway, as the friendly neighborhood Kezzem shark comes to rescue her, she says, "I learned not long ago that a kraken's age can be told, somewhat, by the stripes along their sides. Also, they like to collect many rich and sparkly things. Maybe we should look around, and see if we can find out where this monstrous welcoming committee keeps such items."

Now that Kezzem has righted her, she finds she can swim again. "Thanks, Kez." "How did you like the bands of light? That is now one of my favorite spells! And good job, everyone!" she beams, her face animated, and gorgeous as ever. This effervescent water seems good for the skin. She swims toward the slowly descending rope. "Hey, waterboy, start towing us again!" She grabs onto a loop. (I forgot earlier to add the 30' move to her 5' swim, from the haste spell).
Knowledge, Arcana: 38/33 - success
Swim check: 18.

Murphy Leafwin Pipewood(KimMc) (Huge H2O Elemental) Halfling Druid - AC 33/T-23/Fl-29 CMD 37 HP 220/132+14temp+74=220 
Tuesday July 28th, 2020 7:46:34 PM

Murphy is relieved to see the armored squid finally go fully limp. He thinks he helped to end it, but knows that everyone contributed to this victory. "This is so unlike fishing in the ol' waterhole by Humble's Ford," he comments.

"Great work, Bliss. Valerie. Succotash. Kezzem. Hobie - and I like your gills. Pressi - I have no idea how your witchy spells work, but, my, how potent! Tali, that chain of light was beautiful."

"'Waterboy'???" he repeats. "Ah, I get no respect. No respect," he teases back. He does oblige, though, and takes up the rope, pulling gently only once he is certain Tali is holding on. He moves about to draw close to the others, that they in turn may grab on if they wish.

"To find its lair would be good. How about, first, though, we dive more deeply, that we might learn of the source of the oil? Bliss, click your beak once for oil first, and three times for looking for the lair first. Anyone else want to weigh in? Oh, Kezzem, chomp down hard once to seek the source of the oil first, and three times if you want to hunt for the lair first. Anyone else who has trouble speaking, do something to indicate one for oil, or three for lair. Then let's descend if we decide oil, or wander around maybe in the direction the kraken came from for lair."

"So, vote which we do first: Oil? or Lair?
I vote Oil."

Then he thinks to add, "Maybe we should get some small souvenir from the Kraken before we let it sink out of sight. Can someone cut off one of the legs, and one of the tentacles? And, I know, gross, but get one of its eyes? I'm sure the moonlings would love to ooh and aah over such," he jests. "And perhaps some arcane spell or magic item might be augmented by use of such. Hobie, do you suppose you could perform some eye surgery with care, so the eye does not burst?"

He takes a few moment to look at the kraken, with a mind to painting it after they get back. He pays attention to the coloration of the various parts with the particular underwater lighting they are experiencing.

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 32/17/30 CMD 21 HP 115/115 Valerie AC 38/16/33 CMD 28 HP 109/109 Spells 
Wednesday July 29th, 2020 6:18:57 AM

After Valerie grabs hold of the rope again, Succotash, while sitting in the saddle, holds up both hands, one with 3 fingers up, and one with 1 finger up to indicate that he is fine either way, but he does make a mental note to search for the lair later, in case they chose to check out the oil first. He doesn't want to miss out on any goodies, simply because he and his friends forgot about the lair.

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 25 (30), HP 111+temp(10)+L16, CMD 24; true seeing; Harper AC 30 (35), HP 85, CMD 29 (34) 
Wednesday July 29th, 2020 11:22:18 AM

She accepts congratulations and gives them in kind. As others discuss what to do about the Kraken, however, she can't help but feel a twinge of regret or worry that maybe they didn't need to shoot first. Yes, she heard the stories about krakens, but still...

Something else bothered her, as Tali explained the markings on the kraken. "If that thing was here for centuries, how come there's a boat house nearby. It's not the kind of thing you easily miss in a small lake, so where did it come from?"

In the meantime, she votes oil. It does seem to be the more pressing concern at the moment.

Hobie (Nick T) HP 126/126 AC 32 Touch 18 Flat 27 CMD 33 Hero Points 8 Prepared Spells  d20+22=31 ;
Wednesday July 29th, 2020 12:47:45 PM

Hobie fails the knowledge check.

To Murphy's request. "Aye, I'll see what I can do! " Hobie will take out Katinka's dagger and do his very best to remove the Kraken's eyes without damaging them.

To Tali's mention of a possible treasure trove, "I hope we can find something down there that I can effectively use to fight underwater, like a trident or something. These Javelin's were made for throwing, not for melee combat."

OctoBliss HP197/197+15 AC29 | Mookie HP76/76+8 AC41 | Cayzle  d20+12=19 ;
Wednesday July 29th, 2020 1:31:21 PM

Bliss tries to deduce if the oil stain and kraken ink were the same substance.

Know Nature 19.

If they are not the same, he tries to compare and contrast to figure it out.

He's in favor of casting around both for the source of the stain and for any krakling treasure.

He leaves the grisly trophy-gathering to others, but given the duration of his polymorph, be will brook a delay of no more than a minute.

Kezzem (BrianW) - I'm-A-Shark AC 28; HP 187/187; Rumpus AC 29 HP 81/81 
Wednesday July 29th, 2020 1:57:46 PM

Kezzem shrugs his fins. He's not much of a strategy person and is just happy to be a shark.

Murphy Leafwin Pipewood(KimMc) (Huge H2O Elemental) Halfling Druid - AC 33/T-23/Fl-29 CMD 37 HP 220/132+14temp+74=220  d20+39=56 ;
Wednesday July 29th, 2020 2:02:59 PM

With Hobie's help, and the input of others, and Bliss's pantomimed request to hurry things up, Murphy goes ahead, pulling along whoever has grabbed onto the rope in addition to Tali, and severs the arm that attacked him, and a tentacle. "Thanks - I'll take them to the surface, to the raft," he tells Hobie, and the others, taking the eye, arm, and tentacle. Just before heading up, he releases the rope. "Be right back." He swims swiftly to the surface (move 120, double-move if feasible without damaging the carried items), says, "Here are a few souvenirs - a kraken. Don't eat it - especially the eye," he recommends to cat and crow. "We're heading to the bottom to find the oil source."

Then he dives back down to rejoin the others, takes up the rope. "Ready to descend?" he asks all. If none object, then he begins heading toward the bottom, observing where the oil seems to be coming from, and out of the corner of the eye, trying to see where the kraken's body lands.
Perception: 56

DM Kathy 
Wednesday July 29th, 2020 3:49:27 PM

Kezzem swims to assist Tali, who is trying to determine the kraken's age. But this is a moon kraken, and it has no stripes at all.

Murphy asks whether the group would rather look for kraken treasure or move immediately to find the source of the oil leak. He also speaks of some rather gruesome organ-harvesting he'd like to do.

Succotash indicates that he'd prefer to look for the oil right away. Bliss concerned about polymorph durations, doesn't want to delay the search for the oil leak.

Hobie is able to remove the kraken's eye, but isn't able to get anything more before Bliss's time limit expires.

Pressi wonders about such a large creature in a lake, but the lake is a decent size. And it's possible the kraken has grown since it was first introduced.

Murphy takes the eye to the surface and cautions Mookie not to eat it (Harper is on shore). Then he takes up the rope agin, and the group resumes looking for the oil leak.

What you find is not one leak, but three. Two of them are in a basin of sorts (think a swimming pool on the bottom of the lake). They are in the wall, rather than the floor, of the basin, about 60 feet apart. The third is on the underside of an overhang, leaking downward.

The openings creating the leaks reveal something of the material beyond and--it isn't rock. The lake bed is rock, or at least looks like it, but inside the openings you see--structure. There are pipes and conduits--some of which are leaking oil into the lake. The openings themselves are square and symmetrical. Not the kind of thing you'd expect from seismic activity or some other natural phenomenon. Each opening is about 2 feet square.

Kezzem (BrianW) - I'm-A-Shark AC 28; HP 187/187; Rumpus AC 29 HP 81/81  d20+24=25 ;
Wednesday July 29th, 2020 6:06:34 PM

Kezzem swimgs towards the openings with detect evil. Assuming there is no evil, he sticks his nose into each opening for a good sniff. However, not used to being a shark, he has no idea what he is smelling.

Perception: 1d20 + 24 = 25.

OctoBliss HP197/197+15 AC29 | Mookie HP76/76+8 AC41 | Cayzle 
Wednesday July 29th, 2020 7:58:40 PM

Bliss sees that there is no need for combat here and turns back into a halfling.

"Clearly, we neeb a few batches," he glubs. "I mean batches."

"Maybe a rebair."

Murphy Leafwin Pipewood(KimMc) (Small Water Elemental) Halfling Druid - AC 33/T-23/Fl-29 CMD 37 HP 220/132+14temp+74=220  d20+21=36 ;
Thursday July 30th, 2020 4:30:09 AM

So, gently setting the rope on the floor of the lake - he checks to make sure it does not disappear in mud - Murphy taps into his engineer training to examine the pipes and conduits. He recalls the Iron Giant, and the complex pipes, conduits, and wiring. He wildshapes into a small water elemental - this time with an octopus shape, that he may the better delve into the complex. He looks in and around, going inside the 2' squares as far as he is able (within reason). The darkvision and his watery tactile senses help him get a good feel for the construction. He tries to figure out the purpose of the pipes, oil, conduits, as well as what might be damaged and in need of repair. The druid reports mentally to Pressi what he finds. After exploring, he emerges and tells all what is inside, and what, if anything, he may have figured out about the site.
Knowledge: Engineering: 36

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 32/17/30 CMD 21 HP 115/115 Valerie AC 38/16/33 CMD 28 HP 109/109 Spells  d20+23=42 ;
Thursday July 30th, 2020 6:24:12 AM

Succotash begins looking around trying to find any and all broken pieces of the leaking pipes, (perception 42) If he can find all the pieces, he will cast mending on the pipes, as many times as needed. If he can't find all the pieces, he will try to repair as many holes as he can, to at least slow down the flow, until they can figure out what to do next.

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 25 (30), HP 111+temp(10)+L16, CMD 24; true seeing; Harper AC 30 (35), HP 85, CMD 29 (34) 
Thursday July 30th, 2020 2:26:19 PM

Pressi, back in her Halfling form (I gather that alter self expired at this point), considers what they are looking at.

She suggests that Tali use her robe of eyes. Otherwise, she continues to just listen.

DM Kathy 
Thursday July 30th, 2020 3:24:56 PM

Kezzem detects for evil, but finds none. He tries to smell with his sharky senses. You recognize the smell of oil, and of steel, but there's definitely something there you can't place. And it's true you're not used to being a shark, but you're pretty sure you wouldn't recognize this smell as a halfling either.

Bliss calls for patches or repairs.

Murphy lets the rope fall to the lakebed. It is pretty much rock; no mud in sight. You shapeshift into something smaller and begin examining the holes. Each hole leads into a corridor--a much wider corridor than the opening. You quickly see that breaching the walls of the corridor is what severed the various conduits and caused the leaking. Like Kezzem, you smell something in the corridors that you do not recognize.

Succotash begins looking for pieces of pipe so he can begin repairs. You find a few, and are able to repair some of the pipes, but you don't don't find all the pieces.

Pressi suggests that Tali use the Robe of Eyes to perhaps spot more clues.

There are still two pipes leaking oil. Both could probably be patched if you could find appropriate materials.

OctoBliss HP197/197+15 AC29 | Mookie HP76/76+8 AC41 | Cayzle 
Thursday July 30th, 2020 10:46:26 PM

"Mister Murphy, can you make walls of stone to seal off the holes? Do we have to go under the lakebed to find the right patching materials?"

Tali (Kim for JonPaul) AC:36 (T:32, FF:32), CMD:38, Saves:(F:15/R:17/W:18), HP:101+12/101+12  d20+21=35 ;
Friday July 31st, 2020 1:38:38 AM

Tali takes up Pressi's suggestion, and with the benefit of her robe of eyes [The robe of eyes sees all forms of invisible or ethereal creatures or objects within 120 feet; the wearer of a robe of eyes gains a +10 competence bonus on Perception checks], takes a good and careful look over the broken pieces, and what she can see looking into the openings. She figures the glowing water will help her to see the inside of the corridors, too.

After observing, she tells the others what she can perceive.

Perception: 35 (Had been forgetting to add +10 to perception from the robe of eyes - fix that on Tali's CS, J-P! - you also get your dex bonus when flat-footed, and can't be flanked)

Murphy Leafwin Pipewood(KimMc) (Small Water Elemental) Halfling Druid - AC 33/T-23/Fl-29 CMD 37 HP 220/132+14temp+74=220 
Friday July 31st, 2020 1:48:39 AM

"At the moment, Bliss, I can soften earth and stone, I can change rock to mud, and mud to rock. I don't have stone shape learned for the day - tomorrow, I could."

Can we tell whether the walls of the corridor were breached from the outside, or from the inside? It's good to know the source of the damage, at least as far as can be discerned.

Murphy explains how the corridors open up wider within. "If we were to explore more deeply, we might be able to figure out the purpose of this construction. If the kraken was the source of the damage, perhaps some of the missing pieces might be found in its lair." He does not know whether it is his lair, or her lair, as he has never typed a kraken before, and is only lightly knowledgeable about squids.

"Given a few minutes, if I change into an earth elemental, I could get a look at what is beneath the rocky floor. If it's just more rocks, then that's one thing. If more construction, then that's another.

"But how about this? I might fashion a short-term fix to the dripping pipes - and thanks, Succotash, for doing what you could." Was he able to fix one leak? Two? Which one or ones?

"The short-term fix, yeah, that's not all I was aiming for. Shall we explore within, and figure this out better? If we understand the purpose, we may be better able to fix what's broken. Or, I could race through, see what I can see over the course of two to five minutes of fast exploration, then get back to you, and help make Bliss upset that I've split the party."

If, after what Succotash has done, Murphy sees any other immediate improvements he can make using mending, he will do so - but not yet close the openings into the corridors beyond.

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 32/17/30 CMD 21 HP 115/115 Valerie AC 38/16/33 CMD 28 HP 109/109 Spells 
Friday July 31st, 2020 6:32:44 AM

Succotash suggest, as a temporary fix, wrapping his blanket around pipe, but then realizes, if he opens his handy haversack, it will fill with water, which probably would't be a good thing, so he asks if anyone else has any suggestions. he also offers to prepare stone shape in the morning as a more permanent fix, assuming one isn't found. He offers to go with Murphy on an exploration mission, claiming he has the ability to get them out of tight places if the poop were to hit the fan.

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 25 (30), HP 111+temp(10)+L16, CMD 24; true seeing; Harper AC 30 (35), HP 85, CMD 29 (34)  d20+25=38 ;
Friday July 31st, 2020 11:14:50 AM

While everyone else is busy, Pressi swims to the surface to take a look around.

Ultimately, she takes flight on her broom. Flying over the water, she attempts to look for other signs of industry and attempts to track based on the pipe's direction anything that might lead to the source of the oil. (Perception 38). Rather than follow any trails, however, she remains somewhat close to the lake perimeter.

Kezzem (BrianW) - I'm-A-Shark AC 28; HP 187/187; Rumpus AC 29 HP 81/81 
Friday July 31st, 2020 12:25:58 PM

Kezzem, not having much to contribute as s shark, swims in a circle chasing his tail.

Murphy Leafwin Pipewood(KimMc) (Small Water Elemental) Halfling Druid - AC 33/T-23/Fl-29 CMD 37 HP 220/132+14temp+74=220 
Friday July 31st, 2020 12:45:56 PM

Murphy responds to Succotash - "Two are better than one. And a three-fold cord is not quickly broken. Thank you Succotosh. Anyone else want to join in for a quick initial look in the corridors?"

Murphy Leafwin Pipewood(KimMc) (Small Water Elemental) Halfling Druid - AC 33/T-23/Fl-29 CMD 37 HP 220/132+14temp+74=220 
Friday July 31st, 2020 12:48:32 PM

Ack! Forgot to add: Unless there are cogent objections, Murphy will perform an initial probe into the corridors with Succotash and anyone else who wishes to join in.

OctoBliss HP197/197+15 AC29 | Mookie HP76/76+8 AC41 | Cayzle 
Friday July 31st, 2020 2:39:34 PM

"Look through those holes! Each hole leads into a corridor--a much wider corridor than the opening. Why aren't we going in there? We can't leave corridors unexplored! That's a dungeon, and we're adventurers!"

"Come on, let's go exploring!"

DM Kathy 
Friday July 31st, 2020 3:16:16 PM

Tali has a look around with her Robe of Eyes, but doesn't see anything new. You can see a short distance down each corridor, and they appear deserted.

Murphy suggests a few alternatives for temporary repairs, but ultimately suggests exploring the corridors to see what you might learn. [The two leaks were what was left after Succotash did his repairs.]

Succotash ponders the logistics of opening a Handy Haversack under water. While it might be cool to pull out a handful of moon water at will, it would be less cool to get your stuff all wet.

Shark-Kezzem enjoys being a shark.

Pressi surfaces to fly some recon. From above, you can tell that the area of the lake you are exploring is the only part that has oil stains. The rest of the lake is pristine blue. It seems to function as a natural ecosystem, which means it has ways of cleaning itself of impurities. If you can put a stop to the leaks, the lake should be able to do the rest.

Murphy suggests a foray into the corridors, which Bliss is eager to undertake!

The openings to the corridors are large enough for a Small creature to pass through, and for a Medium creature to squeeze through. The corridors appear to be dry land (the openings come up through the floor), so any water-based creature will have trouble getting around. Anybody planning to travel the corridors probably ought to do so as a halfling, or some other terrestrial form, no larger than Medium-sized.

Murphy Leafwin Pipewood(KimMc) (Small Water Elemental) Halfling Druid - AC 33/T-23/Fl-29 CMD 37 HP 220/132+14temp+74=220 
Saturday August 1st, 2020 3:10:59 AM

Murphy grabs the rope from off the bottom, coils it carefully, and makes it into a nice neck belt for his octopus shape. For now he retains his small water elemental form. He can move on dry land (or corridors), so will do so, perhaps leaving small puddles behind him. He heads down corridor #1 (for want of a better description). But not before helping up anyone who needs the help.

We'll just have him take 10 on perception rolls for the moment: 49. Onward, Halfling Adventurers!

Tali (Kim for JonPaul) AC:36 (T:32, FF:27), CMD:38, Saves:(F:15/R:17/W:18), HP:101+12/101+12  d20+21=33 ;
Monday August 3rd, 2020 4:34:05 AM

Tali accepts Murphy's assistance up into the opening, moves further in, casts prestidigitation to dry herself off, and offers to do the same for whoever else wants to walk along without dripping all over.

She observes as she moves along with the others, flying about six inches above the floor.
Perception: 33
Overland flight
Mage Armor
Water breathing 5.1 hours
Heroes' feast

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 32/17/30 CMD 21 HP 115/115 Valerie AC 38/16/33 CMD 28 HP 109/109 Spells 
Monday August 3rd, 2020 6:27:56 AM

Succotash will gladly accept Tali's spell as he enters the corridor. He turns to Valerie who is having doubts about entering, and pulls her tug-o-war rope doggie toy out of his handy haversack, and starts teasing her with it. It doesn't take long, and the dino is squeezing into the corridor to play fetch. Succotash throws the rope toy a few times, as a reward, but only a short distance, since the corridor is still a mystery. As he looks around, Succotash is struggling to wrap his head around the idea that he is in what appears to be a maintenance corridor, underground, and at the bottom of a lake, on one of the moons. No one is going to believe him back at Humble's Ford!

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 25 (30), HP 111+temp(10)+L16, CMD 24; true seeing; Harper AC 30 (35), HP 85, CMD 29 (34) 
Monday August 3rd, 2020 1:21:11 PM

Pressi flies back, telling everyone the results of her recon (including the stuff they don't yet know).

If it hadn't expired yet, Pressi would have dropped her form when she left the water (lizardfolk don't fly). I imagine she'd probably be the last one in the tunnels. She casts detect magic upon reaching dry land.

DM Kathy 
Monday August 3rd, 2020 1:47:16 PM

Murphy slips into the opening as a water elemental, making puddles as he explore.

Tali offers a Prestidigitation to anyone who wants to dry off, and remains hovering above water-Murphy's puddles.

Succotash has to do some coaxing to get Valerie into the tunnels, but manages it.

Pressi joins her companions in the tunnel, and reports on the results of her recon. She casts Detect Magic. For the moment, the only auras you see belong to your companions.

Other than the faintly-glowing water in the opening you came through, there is no light in the corridor. Those with darkvision are fine, but everyone else is going to need a light source, or some other way of finding their way around.

Kezzem (BrianW) - I'm-A-Shark AC 28; HP 187/187; Rumpus AC 29 HP 81/81 
Monday August 3rd, 2020 3:10:45 PM

Is Kezzem still a shark, or is he a halfling again?

CatBliss HP197/197+15 AC29 | Mookie HP76/76+8 AC41 | Cayzle  d20+27=33 ; d20+33=51 ;
Monday August 3rd, 2020 3:27:48 PM

Bliss casts See Invisibility and Dancing Lights before he changes into a cat form to explore the narrow tunnels. He relies on cat senses and the dancing light to get around. He carefully positions his lights so that he always has concealment in shadows as he walks on the walls and ceiling.

Kezzem is surely too big to wriggle around these corridors as a shark! Bliss dismisses the spell.

Perception 33
Stealth 51

OOC: Kindly DM, how many rounds have elapsed since the kraken fight? Gotta track the ongoing buffs.

Kezzem (BrianW) - I'm-A-Shark AC 28; HP 187/187; Rumpus AC 29 HP 81/81 
Tuesday August 4th, 2020 12:03:23 AM

Kezzem doesn't know how he is going to fit in the tunnel as a shark, but suddenly the tunnel starts getting bigger so Kezzem swims inside after the others until he is halfling lying on the ground.

"I'm a shark, doo doo....do do do," sings Kezzem as he attempts to swim through the dirt. "Oh, I guess I'm me again."

Tali (Kim for JonPaul) AC:36 (T:32, FF:27), CMD:38, Saves:(F:15/R:17/W:18), HP:101+12/101+12 
Tuesday August 4th, 2020 5:17:22 AM

So Murphy octopus-walks down the corridor. He has dark vision, so no worries there... then Bliss turns on some wee spritely lights. La-di-dah-di-dah-la-la, he goes to see what he can see, hear what he can hear, and try to avoid being squished.

"Since the holes look to have been caused by something inside bursting forth into the outside, where the water is - what do you suppose it was? And, there were maybe three of whatever-it-was. Will there be more inside here, I wonder?" Murphy wonders aloud, speaking in a rather squishy voice.
Take 10 on perception: 49

Murphy Leafwin Pipewood(KimMc) (Small Water Elemental) Halfling Druid - AC 33/T-23/Fl-29 CMD 37 HP 220/132+14temp+74=220 
Tuesday August 4th, 2020 5:21:20 AM

So Murphy octopus-walks down the corridor. He has dark vision, so no worries there... then Bliss turns on some wee spritely lights. La-di-dah-di-dah-la-la, he goes to see what he can see, hear what he can hear, and try to avoid being squished.

"Since the holes look to have been caused by something inside bursting forth into the outside, where the water is - what do you suppose it was? And, there were maybe three of whatever-it-was. Will there be more inside here, I wonder?" Murphy wonders aloud, speaking in a rather squishy voice.
Take 10 on perception: 49

Succotash (Jeremy) AC 32/17/30 CMD 21 HP 115/115 Valerie AC 38/16/33 CMD 28 HP 109/109 Spells 
Tuesday August 4th, 2020 6:34:06 AM

Succotash casts light on the pink bow that is always on Valerie's head to help add to the illumination, as the two follow Murphy.

Pressi (Melvin) - AC 25 (30), HP 111+temp(10)+L16, CMD 24; true seeing; Harper AC 30 (35), HP 85, CMD 29 (34) 
Tuesday August 4th, 2020 1:15:26 PM

Pressi uses her single round clairaudio ability to listen up the tunnel before heading up there.

"You all understand that there is probably a smarter plan than just going up into trouble, right. You all need to acknowledge that you understand that."

Pressi shrugs at what Murphy suggested. "I can't even begin to calculate all the possibilities that would explain what we are looking at."

Hobie (Nick T) HP 126/126 AC 32 Touch 18 Flat 27 CMD 33 Hero Points 8 Prepared Spells 
Tuesday August 4th, 2020 1:57:27 PM

Hobie is probably back in halfling form cuz its probably been more than 7 minutes since the kraken fight.
He'll keep holding on to Murphy's rope and follow him wherever he goes.

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