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Hazel (Bob Danderfluff LaRue) HP: 43/43 AC: 18/14/15 
Friday August 29th, 2014 1:23:52 PM

"Sounds good, I'll go ahead and cover the back."
Hazel walks faster than the rest of the group to the Dancing Pig, Faoil in tow.

DM Jon 
Friday August 29th, 2014 3:20:12 PM

ooc: going to give Bliss some more time since we have the weekend to respond. Post will be up tonight regardless.

Murphy (Kim McCoy) 
Friday August 29th, 2014 5:36:47 PM

[Tried to post yesterday, lost post in phone; tried this morning... here goes 3rd attempt, this time on computer. And, you guys make me laugh!]

"I'll see if I can keep an eye on the kitchen door from outside, maybe 20 or 30 feet away. Will work on a sketch of that side of the building, as an artistic exercise," volunteers Murphy.

DM Jon 
Friday August 29th, 2014 9:20:26 PM

the Dancing Pig isn't al that busy as this time of day, but a few seats are taken by regulars stopped by for a bit of mutton pie from the kitchen and the tender is behind the bar. The disguised Alleah gets something of a vague look of recognition from the bartender of the sort he's likely to give any recent patron, but other than that there is no response.

No one goes fleeing from the scene via the windows or back door. It's just business as usual... Though there is a bulletin board up by the door that is covered on new notes and posters.

RobC - Alleah AC 15/14/12 -- CMD 12 -- HP 26/26  d20+10=30 ; d20+7=26 ; d20+10=23 ;
Saturday August 30th, 2014 6:43:13 AM

Alleah sidles confidently up to the bulletin board and has a read over what notes and posters she can see. Perception: 30, Knowl Local: 26

She looks about the tavern and then takes a seat by herself against a wall. Maybe someone here will approach her. Sense Motive: 23

Shel Breezelee Kromnite (Gerald) HP26/26; AC 14/14/11 
Saturday August 30th, 2014 7:45:15 AM

Shel takes a look around the bar, again trying to find any strangers in hoods. Finding nothing, she follows Alleah and takes a look at any of the notices up in the bar. Maybe there will be something interesting here. If not, maybe we can just stake out the bar...

Fatine AC 17/14/15, HP 23/23 (Matt C)  d20+6=7 ;
Saturday August 30th, 2014 4:16:15 PM

Fatine waits outside for a bit, wandering back and forth. After a few minutes, she goes into the Pig, grabs an ale, and sits down near, but not to close to, Alleah, and watches for anything interesting. Soon enough, though, she is lost in her mug, taking lazy sips and giggling to herself at some unspoken joke.

Perception check 7 (nat 1)

Murphy (Kim McCoy)  d20+4=8 ; d20+4=7 ; d20+4=21 ; d20+13=15 ;
Sunday August 31st, 2014 12:40:29 AM

Murphy's first sketch of the backside of the Dancing Pig is barely recognizable, and the second slightly less so. His third attempt, though, captures it well. He shows the sketch to Hazel. "Recognizable, at all?" he asks his ranger friend.

He scratches Faoil on the ears for a bit. "Perhaps you're right about who is behind this, but it could be coincidence, Hazel. I'm going to head inside. You want to come with, or wait out here some more?"

After hearing Hazel's reply, he goes with him or alone, walks around to the front entrance, and enters. He looks around, orders a buttered trout and some kvass, and tucks in, occasionally glancing about if people or conversations of interest catch his attention.

[Profession: art: 8, 7, 21; Perception: 15]

Shel Breezelee Kromnite (Gerald) HP26/26; AC 14/14/11 
Sunday August 31st, 2014 11:17:42 PM

Shel pulls up a chair at Murphy's table and orders a nice helping of roasted vegetables and braised kale greens. "I just don't what is going on around here, Murphy. Someone has it out for Humble's Ford."

Bliss (AC22, HP23) (Cayzle) 
Monday September 1st, 2014 10:19:35 AM

Bliss updates his reduce spell, casts detect magic, and follows Alleah into the taverrn. He asks the guy in charrge for some mutton pie. "I haven't had anything to eat since my last meal," he says, "and that pie sure smells great!"

As he digs in, he concentrates on scanning the place for magic, taking his time to get a read on the whole place.

[OOC: These are just cantrips; Bliss recasts as needed if the ley check fails.]

Hazel (Bob Danderfluff LaRue) HP: 43/43 AC: 18/14/15  d20+13=25 ; d20+11=26 ;
Monday September 1st, 2014 10:36:34 AM

Hazel gets in the back, trying to pass unawares.
Stealth Roll: 25; Perception Roll: 26

RobC - Alleah AC 15/14/12 -- CMD 12 -- HP 26/26 
Tuesday September 2nd, 2014 6:52:53 AM


DM Jon 
Tuesday September 2nd, 2014 9:57:37 AM

The posted notices are for a variety of odd jobs, help wanteds and a few handwritten ads for te local stores meant to catch the eye of the hope for in flux of visitors to the town. there is one notice, however, written unsigned on a torn piece of paper offering a bounty to anyone that vandalizes the stall of one if the local blacksmiths.

after settling for some drink and grub, the Humble's Swords only have to wait a few minutes before Inagild appears in the doorway. he scans the bar before his face lights up at the sight of te adventurers and he makes his way over "ah, helloy friends. the good constable said I would likely find you here. he told me about how you assisted with that.. Misunderstanding in the square. you seem a capable lot... Might you be interested in some work?"
OOC: Hope you all had a good long weekend! Summer is over, back to work

Bliss (AC22, HP23) (Cayzle)  d20+8=14 ;
Tuesday September 2nd, 2014 2:18:38 PM

Bliss concentrates on his Detect Magic, wondering if it will reveal anything interesting. Any magic on this Inagild fellow?

Bliss listens to this Inagild to see if he is on the up-and-up ... or if there is something fishy about him! Sense Motive 14

DM Jon: Forgot above.. But no magic on the Inn except for a few small items. Ever burning torch, hearthstone, etc.

Murphy (Kim McCoy)  d20+5=14 ;
Tuesday September 2nd, 2014 3:43:48 PM

Murphy was not looking at the board, so someone else will need to point out what they found there.

He looks up at Iangold Laughshield, and listens to his words. "Hello again, Mister Laughshield. What did you have in mind, sir? Oh, and, by the way: WHY did Roscoe Hornblower retire as constable? He seemed to be doing a good job. I've been trying to find out why he retired, and Garret Ostgood has taken over. Our new constable seems a good man - no complaints whatsoever - but, what happened to Constable Hornblower?"

[Sense motive 14 - Bliss & Murphy have similar levels of discernment at the moment - I don't think 'aid another' works in such a circumstance, though]

Shel Breezelee Kromnite (Gerald) HP26/26; AC 14/14/11 
Tuesday September 2nd, 2014 6:55:38 PM

"What kind of job? Something fun, I hope. Hopefully, it will be finding this hooded halfling who has been creating chaos in the city as of late. I don't want to forget about him..."

RobC - Alleah AC 15/14/12 -- CMD 12 -- HP 26/26  d20+10=14 ; d20+10=24 ;
Tuesday September 2nd, 2014 10:26:55 PM

Still in disguise, Alleah tears down the flyer that was calling on people to vandalise the blacksmiths. She tucks it into her pocket, and leaves the room. She looks for somewhere where she will not be observed, and then dismisses her disguise to return to her normal self.

Alleah returns to the group in the tavern.

"Mr Laughshield" she says, rising to greet the man "Work would be a nice distraction."

Why is she such a suck-up to people in authority? She really needs to work on that.

Perception: 14
Sense Motive: 24

Hazel (Bob Danderfluff LaRue) HP: 43/43 AC: 18/14/15 
Tuesday September 2nd, 2014 11:51:03 PM

Hazel, seeing that nothing is amiss in the place, joins his friends to find out what the job is about.

Fatine AC 17/14/15, HP 23/23 (Matt C) 
Wednesday September 3rd, 2014 11:40:48 AM

Fatine finishes her ale, grabs another from the bar, and joins the group. She smiles at Iangold's offer. "Job? Dere be a nice idea; give us some ting entertaining; none o' dis merchant bother, some ting wit' ghosts and goblins and tings for ol' Fatine to zap!" She laughs heartily, as if she told a joke, and returns to her ale.

DM Jon 
Wednesday September 3rd, 2014 2:48:05 PM

Iangold looks towards Murphy with a shrug, "The Constable? I am afraid I am not privy to such mutters of town governance. The post was filled by the same gentlemen when I arrived as it is today."

He then looks towards the rest of the Humble's Swords with a smile, "The temple of Ffloy would like to hire the Humble's Swords to provide for the same journey and arrival of the first large caravan of goods coming from Angel Springs. I have received word that several merchants have left Angel Springs heading to Humble's Ford, but they did so without an armed escort. While I do not imagine they will encounter any difficulty, we, the congregation of Ffloy as well as the citiens of Humble's Ford have much riding on the safe arrival of these merchants as a precursor to the many more to follow."

He leans against a table as he watches over the group, "Given the importance of this convoy arriving in a safe and timely manner I am willing to hire you at great expense to the temple. We would be willing to pay each of you 400 pieces of gold now and another 400 upon the safe arrival of the caravan... you would, of course, need to leave tomorrow morning at the latest, so please make your decisions quickly"

The priest's words seem sincere to those judging such things. Everything he has said looks to be true.

For Bliss Highlight to display spoiler: {Detecting magic on Iangold. he has no spell on himself at the moment, but does posses several magical items. A bag, cloak, robes, ring, and amulet.}

Bliss (AC22, HP23) (Cayzle)  d20+5=16 ; d20+5=20 ; d20+5=14 ; d20+5=10 ; d20+5=8 ;
Wednesday September 3rd, 2014 5:56:23 PM

Bliss looks keenly at the magic items. He tries to gauge the strengths of the magic auras and what they can do ... using spellcraft with Detect Magic to Identify the items.

Spellcraft checks: bag 16, cloak 20, robes 14, ring 10, and amulet 8.

He walks up to the cleric and says, "Well, sir, Mister Iangold sir, I have a bargain for you. I'll take just half of my wages, if I can borrow that cloak you got there. And I promise to return it at the end of the mission."

He grins at this idea, wondering if the cleric might take him up on the deal. "After all, it'll help get the job done, and you get it back at the end."

Shel Breezelee Kromnite (Gerald) HP26/26; AC 14/14/11 
Wednesday September 3rd, 2014 10:01:25 PM

"Are the caravan drivers on the usual path? When did they leave? We need to figure out what point we should meet them. What are they carrying? Why would they have left without an escort? That doesn't make sense if they are carrying valuable items. That sounds strange. But, I am in for a bit of guard duty, all right."

RobC - Alleah AC 15/14/12 -- CMD 12 -- HP 26/26 
Wednesday September 3rd, 2014 10:35:28 PM

Of all the halflings she has met, Bliss may be the weirdest. Why would he want Iangold's cloak?

"I, for one, would be willing to assist. Though it does seem quite a bit of gold for what sounds like a simple escort task. How long do you expect the caravan journey to take, and without meaning to pry, can you tell us anymore about the goods being transported? And what about the size of the caravan?"

Hazel (Bob Danderfluff LaRue) HP: 43/43 AC: 18/14/15 
Thursday September 4th, 2014 1:46:41 AM

"So you want us out of the town, now that many problems are afoot, right? You will need more than your gold to make me leave the town now that some crimes are yet to be resolved."

Murphy (Kim McCoy)  d20+13=20 ;
Thursday September 4th, 2014 5:08:42 AM

[Perception: 20 to see if Murphy noticed the disguised Aleah removing a notice from the board.]

"Good questions, Shel," comments Murphy. "Tomorrow morning? I am willing, as long as my companions are as well. Provide us what additional information you can, and we'll be ready early on the morrow." He gives a little cough. "It's Humble's Sword. One sword - though made up of more than one of us."

Murphy does not share Fatine's predilection for ghosts, and is not a big enthusiast for goblins. But he would like to see how she would go about zapping such.

"Hazel, it might be good to get on the road again for a few days. All you've been is either agitated or lovestruck since we returned. Go see your financee, talk things over with her. You're right, there are some local things happening which merit investigation. But you're a ranger, friend. Let's range some, what say?" he nudges him with his elbow. "Besides, we both know there still are likely threats out there. The giant's hirelings might still have a notion to continue their marauding ways."

Before everyone splits up to make preparations, Murphy says, "I'll want to pick up a few things at the store before the day is over. Those who use missile weapons make sure that Hazel does not run out of sling bullets," he says, teasing his friend, who often runs short of ammunition. "But let's pick up what gear & supplies we deem useful for guarding a caravan. Shall we meet at the 5th hour after noon to see how things are going with each other, and figure out plans?"

Before leaving the Dancing Pig, he approaches the barkeep. "Say, we've been out of town a bit. Do you know who might have an idea why Rosco Hornblower was replaced as head of the guard by Garret Ostgood?" He takes a few gold pieces in hand as he asks the question, and will proffer one to three depending upon the quality of the information given. If no clear answer is forthcoming, he adds, "Well then, do you know who might know?"

[Yes, Murphy will continue to obsess over this matter until he gets a good answer. "Poof! A new constable" will not satisfy his curiosity.]

Hazel (Bob Danderfluff LaRue) HP: 43/43 AC: 18/14/15 
Thursday September 4th, 2014 10:53:15 AM

Hazel takes his friend away from the others, and tells him in low voice...
"Really? We will let him takes us out of town NOW?!? Don't you see is a ploy to take us out of the picture, so he and his people have free reign here, and we don't discover his plans?"

Fatine AC 17/14/15, HP 23/23 (Matt C) 
Thursday September 4th, 2014 11:41:39 AM

Fatine smiles brightly at the mention of pay. "I do it!" she says excitedly. "I don' know much 'bout you Fulloy folk, but dis job sound easy enough for me."

DM Jon 
Thursday September 4th, 2014 3:35:30 PM

Bliss is not able to determine the exact nature of any of iangolds magical belongings, though the cloak gives a moderate transmutation aura, the ring a moderate adjuration and the rest faint abjuration.

the cleric smiles to the wee Bliss and shakes his head. "no, I am afraid not. while I commend your attempt at negotiation I am afraid the risk of damage or loss of my cloak outweighs the saved gold."

he turns to regard the others, "I am afraid I have not seen the official manifest for what is coming, but I know spices, cloth and clothes of the latest fashions, unique cheeses and some livestock are among it.". He lets out a small sigh, "and yes, I agree it was foolish to send the caravan on without an escort. my brethren in Angel Springs were perhaps too eager for these goods to arrive as allowed their eagerness to overcome their caution. I assure you the high priest will speak to them about it. as for the pay I am offering.. It likely totals more than the total value of the caravan itself, goods, wagons and oxen included, but you have to understand the mere material value of this caravan is secondary to what it symbolically means to this town. this is the start of a new era of growth and prosperity for Humble's Ford and the temple of Ffloy wishes to ensure it. it will take perhaps a week for the slow moving wagons to reach us, but if you ride your ponies hard tomorrow morning I imagine you could meet them by dinner time the day after. "

after the majority of the party agrees Iangold reaches into the bag at his side to pull out several scroll tubes and set them on the table. each one is opened and a thick stack of rolled paper is pulled from them to be set in front of a Humble's Sword member followed by an inkwell and pen. "Now there is just the matter of making it official. please sign and initial the documents as shown..." there are easily several dozen spots to sign or initial in the stack of legalese documents that the clergy of Ffloy treat as their gospels.

to Murphy the bartender shrugs. "rosco? from what I heard he had family that needed help in Hovel so he moved out that way. he never was right in the head."

DM Note: I couldn't find Anything on the scale of crescent valley so I just winged it on the time and distances.

Murphy (Kim McCoy) 
Thursday September 4th, 2014 5:30:56 PM

"Thank you, I was wondering where he went." Murphy slides two gold to the barkeep.

Not certain about the relative literacy of all gathered here, Murphy says, "No one sign or initial a thing until we understand what this document says. One of my relatives is a lawyer, and he says a fool signs a document without reading it. Let none of us be fools. How about I read it aloud, and if anyone has a question, we get an answer? If something needs changing before we sign, let that be done first. If all looks good and reasonable, then we can go ahead. Sound good?"

He realizes that Shel's attention is likely to wander following the first 'whereas' or 'therefore,' and Fatine is unlikely to be attuned to legalese or the language of bureaucrats. But he plows ahead for a couple of paragraphs. Looking at the stack of documents, he figures he'll waste an hour or two going through the whole thing.

"If anyone doesn't want to stick around, go ahead and get ready, and I'll finish going over this." He wants to ensure that the agreement does not bind the party beyond the carrying out of this particular assignment, nor that the actions of one member of the group will unnecessarily result in inordinate negative consequences for the remainder of the group.

"Iangold Laughshield, is your title in your church 'Broker' - or would it be another? Also, would the members of your fellowship call you 'Broker Iangold' or 'Broker Laughshield' or something else? I want to ensure I understand proper designations, and give due respect." Murphy strokes his chin. "Might you and I meet in a few hours to go over the texts, clarify what needs clarification or amendment, then when our group gathers late this afternoon we can take care of the signing?"

Shel Breezelee Kromnite (Gerald) HP26/26; AC 14/14/11 
Thursday September 4th, 2014 7:17:00 PM

Shel rolls her eyes at the long documents....Murphy was right. She had learned, however, to not trust things anymore. She casts Detect Magic as she looks at the papers. If anything pings, she warns the others. If no, she is happy to wait for Murphy's advice before signing anything.

Alleah -- RobC -- AC 15/14/12 -- CMD 12 -- HP 26/26  d2=1 ; d20+7=20 ; d20+10=26 ; d20+10=15 ;
Thursday September 4th, 2014 8:12:48 PM

When faced with a dilemma, Alleah falls back on her time-trusted technique - rely on Wardd. She takes the coin from her pocket and expertly flips it in the air, catching it in the same hand. (Heads she signs, Tails she doesn't. d2=1. Heads. Sorry guys!)

Apparently Wardd either wants Alleah to do this task, not to offend Mr Laughshield, or just to test herself. Whatever his reasoning, he hasn't steered her (too) wrong in the past. Besides, if she was signing her life away it wouldn't be the first time she had broken a deal.

Alleah picks up the quill with a momentary look of concern. "Blast. What name was I using in this town again? Dirtfist? Underbarrow? No, Highhill. That's right"

She begins the tedious task of signing her name "Alleah Highhill" on all the sections Mr Laughshield indicates.

Knowl Religion: 20 - Based on the title he responds to Murphy, can Alleah tell how high-ranking Iangold may be?
Perception: 26 - To spot anything out of the norm
Sense Motive: 15 - To try and gauge Iangold's feelings about each member of the party

Murphy (Kim McCoy) 
Thursday September 4th, 2014 10:30:46 PM

Murphy has seen Alleah flip a coin before. As she does so this time, and picks up a quill, he says, "Alleah - this is a binding document. Where it is possible, we like to work as a cohesive unit. If you sign that, you may be obligating others before they have a chance to weigh in. Please - even if you intend to enter into this agreement, have respect for the others in the group. Wait, please." If she continues, he does not move to stop her, but will not hide his disappointment.

Bliss (AC22, HP23) (Cayzle) 
Thursday September 4th, 2014 10:45:28 PM

Once Alleah signs, that's good enough for Bliss. He signed when he joined the Mailed Fist. He just hopes he will not have to leave this job as quickly as he had to leave the last one.

Hazel (Bob Danderfluff LaRue) HP: 43/43 AC: 18/14/15 
Thursday September 4th, 2014 11:06:42 PM

"I won't sing. Thank you very much, but I won't. I will accompany my friends, but I won't do it for the Ffloy church. I will do it for them."

Alleah -- RobC -- AC 15/14/12 -- CMD 12 -- HP 26/26 
Thursday September 4th, 2014 11:09:07 PM

OOC: Yep, with every 'pro' for following one of the Gods of Testing there is also a 'con'. For Alleah as a follower of Wardd that means she must test her luck when opportunities present themselves. On the plus side though, she will be stealing less in this campaign so your purses are safe :)

Alleah pauses, the tip of the quill hovering just above the parchment. She looks up at Iangold "I'm assuming that if I sign I am only committing myself to this exercise, and not others."

Should she be given the nod she will proceed with her signature.

Noting Murphy's disappointment all she can do is give an apologetic shrug "I am sorry, but if it's something Wardd thinks I should proceed with then it's something I just have to do. You have no idea how much bad luck would befall me if I went against his wishes. I'll do my best not to obligate anyone else though". She is clearly quite superstitious.

Murphy (Kim McCoy) 
Friday September 5th, 2014 4:06:53 AM

He knows that Bliss tends to follow Alleah's lead, so he simply shrugs his shoulders and goes back to studying the documents.

At Hazel's declaration that he will not sign - he appreciate's his friend's loyalty, and understands his position, but adds no comments. Murphy figures he himself is likely to sign - but not before he reads it, and perhaps haggles a few key points.

When Alleah explains her actions, Murphy listens. He looks down at the papers, over to Iangold, and back to Alleah. A smile grows. "Well, it should be interesting - Wardd and Ffloy in cahoots!"

He might not have brought up Alleah's allegiance to Wardd in front of the cleric of Ffloy, but she herself did so. The luck of the draw, he thinks to himself.

Bliss (AC22, HP23) (Cayzle) 
Friday September 5th, 2014 5:22:38 PM

Bliss listens to Hazel, and then says to Iangold, "If one or two of us do not sign, but still do the job because they are friends of ours, you'll pay them too, right? It seems fair."

DM Jon 
Friday September 5th, 2014 8:33:54 PM

"Broker Iangold will do. that is what the people and my brothers of Ffloy call me. and no, the documents are for each individual. while you may call yourself the Himble's Sword together we do not had the necessary paperwork to enfranchise you as a entity that would allow only one representative signer to so bound the group. these papers are required of everyone that will be going however. they cover such details as liability, healing afterwards if so required, who will receive your remaining compensation in the event that you do not return and so on." Iangold says.

he seems relatively neutral towards the group, though seems to like Hazel the best.

Murphy's glance over the documents reveal them to be what Iangold said with no malicious intent evident. Just lots of boring fine print.

Shel Breezelee Kromnite (Gerald) HP26/26; AC 14/14/11 
Friday September 5th, 2014 8:57:57 PM

[ooc] any magic on the documents?[/ooc]

Alleah -- RobC -- AC 15/14/12 -- CMD 12 -- HP 26/26 
Friday September 5th, 2014 9:33:57 PM

OOC: Just confirming that it is Hazel Iangold seems to like before I make Alleah's next suck-up post :)

Murphy (Kim McCoy) 
Saturday September 6th, 2014 12:53:34 AM

As the documents are reasonable, Murphy says, "Well, all seems to be in order - I'm fine with whoever wishes to enter into the agreement," and initials and signs his copy. Should he die irrevocably, he asks that half of what is due him be given to Shel to share with the party as she sees fit, and half to his parents.

"Here you go, and thank you, Broker Iangold. I pray that we do our utmost to ensure the safety of the people and the caravans they bring. Tell your congregation we covet their prayers."

Allowing for a bit of conversation among the group and with the Broker, Murphy will listen and engage as appropriate, then say, "Very well. We have some preparations to attend to. Can someone see to procuring enough mounts for us all? Shall we bring a cart or wagon, or just the mounts? I need to go to the store, and pick up a few things from home. If anyone needs help, let me know.

"Shall we still meet at five hours after noon? Or a bit later? It might be wise to discuss spell selection, to let each other know what things we bring with us, and work up some basic battle plans should it come to that. Alleah, Shel, Bliss, Fatine - you all cast spells, as do I, a few. Alleah - do you feel up to creating a code for communicating coordinates and a system for letting us know what spell is to be cast? - Especially area of effect spells, so we'll know not to run into a target area. For example, Shel might call out 'rainbow to the fore' if she plans to cast a color spray on those right in front of her. You all likely can come up with something better than that."

Hazel (Bob Danderfluff LaRue) HP: 43/43 AC: 18/14/15 
Sunday September 7th, 2014 12:44:10 AM

Hazel ignores Iangold, and don't sign.
"Well, I need to buy some bullets, and that's it! Faoil is my mount, and I am not very handy with magic, yet. I say we depart as late as possible, in case "something" happens in the town... I still don't trust those Ffloy guys."

Hazel (Bob Danderfluff LaRue) HP: 43/43 AC: 18/14/15 
Sunday September 7th, 2014 12:44:51 AM

Do we need to go to the catacombs to buy mundane items?

Murphy (Kim McCoy) 
Sunday September 7th, 2014 2:48:14 AM

Yep, go to the Catacombs for mundane items.

Hazel (Bob Danderfluff LaRue) HP: 43/43 AC: 18/14/15 
Monday September 8th, 2014 12:05:16 PM

OOC: Well, he still has 22 bullets, so I think he is good.

Bliss (AC22, HP23) (Cayzle) 
Monday September 8th, 2014 1:55:38 PM

Bliss listens to the talk of strategy.

"Well, Mister Murphy, truth is that in a fight I usually am not casting magic at all. Except if the fight goes long, I might renew my shrink spell. What I do best is hide and shoot bolts at enemies. From far away, ideally. It is easier to stay hid if you are a good ways out, and my sweet bah here can shoot a long ways."

"Mostly I like my magic for doing fun stuff after fights."

Mookie cocks his head and smirks at his master, but does not say anything.

"What?" demands Bliss.

Mookie stays quiet.

Bliss shrugs. "Anyway, I like your doggie, Hazel. And if you ever need some bullets or ammo or stuff, I'm pretty good at making weapons and things. They taught me that kind of stuff in the Mailed Fist."

Bliss shows off the Mailed Fist insignia on his shirt. "See? That little hammer there means I'm a weaponsmith."

Fatine AC 17/14/15, HP 23/23 (Matt C) 
Monday September 8th, 2014 3:14:47 PM

Fatine makes her mark on the papers. "Hmm," Fatine says. "Pony, huh? I don' usually be ridin' dem, but seein as how we need to move all quick, I guess I could see my way to gettin' one. Where do I go 'round here to find me a nice pony?"

do we buy mounts through catacombs too?

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