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The Vampire's Cliffside Getaway  d4+1=4 ; d6=2 ;
Monday August 21st, 2017 3:56:38 PM

As the Agents, and more importantly, their light sources, make their way further into the cave, they see several alcoves, which they assume hold more coffins for the spawn to retreat into. The Master keeps making his way back towards a smaller, but more well constructed alcove in the back of the cave. Unfortunately for him, the ceiling is also getting lower, and he decides to beat a hasty retreat into the mouth of the small passage, hoping to get some advantage from the smaller space.

withdraw action

Peppering shots from Michael and Pompous manage to stay just ahead of his regeneration.

damage 66

From the entrance to the cave, there comes sounds of squeaking, as of thousands of diminutive creatures. Several distinct swarm of bats coalesce from all corners of the cave, converging on the Agents.

Everyone but Anna takes 2 damage from the swarm and begin bleeding for 1 each round


Trayvin AC 27/12 touch Hp 81/86(BrianZ) 
Monday August 21st, 2017 9:41:34 PM

Trayvin swats at the bats but keeps focused on the goal. "Keep going Sigvar, I will cover you with the magic circle."

Actions: Trayvin readies to follow Sigvar

4/6 Channel energy remaining

Active Effects:
Haste 3/9 rounds remaining
Magic Circle against Evil, 10' radius 84/90 rounds remaining
Invisibility Purge 45' radius 86/90 rounds remaining
Resist Fire DR 20, 897/900 rounds remaining ( also on Anna, Sigvar, Tinker and Prudence???)

Spells used:
Resist energy, magic circle vs evil, invisibility purge, Bless Weapon

Shane P Michael Wittman AC22, T18, FF16 (ucdodge) HP55/70 Me+12(9)11 for TW, R+12, CMB+11, CMD+22  d20+12=25 ; d6+1=6 ;
Monday August 21st, 2017 9:41:36 PM

AHHHHH! I hate bats, Echelon front! we gotta keep the pressure on him or he'll get away!

Michael puts some mustard on the next sling stone he sends toward the Vamp, hitting him solidly with the silver bullet.

Michael keeps right on Trayvins tail

AC 31 T 24 F 24 CMD 31 35 vBull Rush or Trip; HP68/ 71 "Tinker" (SteveK) 
Monday August 21st, 2017 9:54:37 PM

Tinker gets out his Grapple and silk rope, thinking that maybe if they get close enough he can snag him with the grapnel and bring him down to our level.

Prudence Gundle [AC 20; HP 51/67]  
Monday August 21st, 2017 10:15:02 PM

The vampire begins moving away.

"Oh, no you don't!" Pru says, starting after him. Hasted, she can cover quite a lot of ground, although it does mean the bats get to nibble on her. "You're not going anywhere until you tell me what you did with my sister!"

Reaching for a seldom-used spell, she tosses a web into the tunnel opening, centering it on the square the vampire is standing in. He can make a DC 18 Reflex save to avoid being actually grappled by the Web, but even then, he'll still be in it and have trouble moving around.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 23 Tch 22 Ffted 19 HP 58/60 CMD 28/30(Grapple)   d20+16=31 ; d6+5=6 ;
Monday August 21st, 2017 11:01:48 PM

Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Haste (+1 att, +1 dodge, +1 Ref, +30 speed, extra att w/Full attack)
Ki 5/5
Resist Energy (Fire) 10

Bleed: -1 hp/rd

Note: I count 85' from Nikolai's position to that in front of the vampire

Nikolai puts on a burst of speed and races to the entrance to catch the vampire.
Move: 40' + 30' (haste) + 20' (1 Ki pt) = 90'

He drops his bow and draws his silver kama while dashing past friends and swarms of bats.

Mobility = +4 AC vs AoO info just incase.

If he is low enough, Nikola attacks.

Standard : attack w/ silver kama d20 + 13 +1 (haste) +2 (fav enemy) = 31
dmg = d6 + 3 + 2(fav enemy) = 6

OOC: I'm assuming that the web won't work outside the entrance as there won't be opposing surfaces to attach to, but if it does, Nikolai will get there after the web takes effect and he won't go into it to attack but wait for a fireball or something.

Anna Morphling[arsinotherium] (Hugh C) -- 19/12/17 HP 74/84(8 temp hp) -- CMD 20  
Tuesday August 22nd, 2017 4:28:51 AM

Anna-Arsinotherium takes another double move action after the master. Her time is best spent staying on the ceiling and going after the master from above.

She might be able to convince the bats to shove off under normal circumstances but it would take a minute she currently doesn't have.

(OOC: double move action to go after the master)

Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 29 (T 14, FF 24) CMD 29 HP 79/89 Character Sheet  d20+18=38 ; 2d6+8=15 ; 2d6+8=15 ;
Tuesday August 22nd, 2017 4:45:06 AM

The bats do no damage to Sigvar, his Adamantine plate armor fends them off. Since no damage was dealt, no bleeding sould have happened.
Sigvar watches the vampire run, clearly Pompous has been hurting it, enough to break it's calm assurance that it would win. But it is headed for a small doorway, one it may be able to bar, one that will at least slow Sigvar from getting to it. Then the others ineffectually attack it, using only silver, not magical silver. Enough was enough, this needed to end.
Lowering his head Sigvar charged the vampire. He would get one attack, and it needed to count. The charge went through perfectly. Sigvar slammed his magical silver blade into the Vampire as hard as he could, and Trayvin's magic made the strike even more potent.
Attack hits AC 38, critical threat confirmed by Bless Weapon, 30 damage total (Magical and Silver)
Sigvar has -2 to his AC this round due to charging.

Effects on Sigvar:
Resist Fire DR 20 vs fire 897/900 rounds remaining
Magic Circle vs evil for as long as he stays in range of Trayvin.
Bless weapon 88/90 rounds remaining

Pompous AC 26 CMD 24/19, HP 54/81  d20+11=27 ; d6+10=13 ; d6=5 ; d20+11=12 ;
Tuesday August 22nd, 2017 3:43:17 PM

Pompous considers his actions carefully, he could likely deal with the bats with one of his few ranger spells, a wall of air, or ignore the swarms and continue firing at the vamp...
" Oh well.... "
With a shrug, he moves forward, near Trayvin (2nd square North of Trayvin's position) and fires two silver arrows towards the vampire.

Active effects- Haste, resist energy(fire 20 pts) and protection from evil.
Deadly aim -3 attack/+6 damage
Bleeding 1HP/Rd

Attack 1 AC 27 13 phys and 5 electrical
Attack 2 AC 12 (nat 1)

The Vampire's Cliffside Getaway  d20+11=12 ; d100=63 ; d100=55 ; d100=57 ;
Tuesday August 22nd, 2017 5:26:32 PM

Sigvar charges in with a mighty blow of his sword, easily blowing past all of the Vampire's defenses. Trayvin hurries after him, keeping his aura of protection up, unfortunately outpacing Michael as he stops to take a potshot.

Michael's slingstone connects solidly, but he is no longer covered by the aura of goodness emanating from Trayvin.

Anna keeps up the pressure from above and Tinker readies himself to restrain his foe.

Pru calls up some rare magics for her, and in a strange twist of fate (ie the DM accidentally rolling in his other game and re-rolling here) it snagged him up, just in time for Nikolai's kama to slice through him. If that wasn't enough, Pompous sends a final arrow hurtling through the cave to piece the vampire right in the chest.

The vampire goes limp, suspended in the webbing of the alcove. The bats chitter for a moment and disperse, the mind controlling them having stopped its communications, and Michael feels a dark cloud lift from his head. For a moment, everything is quiet, other than the heavy breathing of the Agents.

The vampire is down for the moment, but his wounds are still regenerating, so who knows when he may spring back into action?

Vamp damage 116

Pompous AC 26 CMD 24/19, HP 54/81 
Tuesday August 22nd, 2017 7:44:06 PM

Pompous smirks as his arrow fells the vampire. Of course, his comrades helped... but in the ranger's mind, the final arrow did the creature in.


Pompous takes out one of the stakes he had prepared last time they were in camp and stabs the vampire right in the heart.

"Anyone want the head???"

Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 29 (T 14, FF 24) CMD 29 HP 79/89 Character Sheet 
Tuesday August 22nd, 2017 8:11:03 PM

It really, REALLY bothers Sigvar to do this but he holds up a hand and stops Pompous. (besides he is kinda blocking the way for anyone but Nickolai...)
" Hold on. He really deserves that, and you can do it when the time comes, but what if he has hidden Verity or done something only he can reverse to her? We need him alive, well functional since he isn't technically alive, until we are sure she is safe."

Trayvin AC 27/12 touch Hp 81/86(BrianZ) 
Tuesday August 22nd, 2017 9:06:46 PM

"We can't exactly tie him up. Let's start searching for Verity and any other prisoners he may have. I can stay here with someone to make sure he doesn't get back up anytime soon."

4/6 Channel energy remaining

Active Effects:
Haste 3/9 rounds remaining
Magic Circle against Evil, 10' radius 84/90 rounds remaining
Invisibility Purge 45' radius 86/90 rounds remaining
Resist Fire DR 20, 897/900 rounds remaining ( also on Anna, Sigvar, Tinker and Prudence???)

Spells used:
Resist energy, magic circle vs evil, invisibility purge, Bless Weapon

Anna Morphling[arsinotherium] (Hugh C) -- 19/12/17 HP 74/84(8 temp hp) -- CMD 20   d20+9=18 ; d20+7=25 ;
Tuesday August 22nd, 2017 9:18:01 PM

"Can't we chop his limbs off? I mean a Torso Vamp is a lot less intimidating than a fully formed Vamp."

Anna then looks for any Bat stragglers from the swarm that may still be in the cave she will attempt to empathize with the creature and ask it if it knows where a human girl might be hidden.

(Perception: 18 to find a bat; Wild Empathy 25 to hopefully get it to help them find Verity)

Active Effects:
Barkskin + 3 Nat armor = 60 min [552/600 rounds]
DarkVision = 6 hours [5961/6000] rounds
Longstrider +10 base speed = 6 hours [5992/6000] rounds
Bears Endurance +4 con = 6 min [53/60] rounds
Beast Shape II - form of arsinotherium = 6 min [54/60] rounds
10 foot space,
5 foot reach,
30 foot base speed,
low-light vision,
+4 CMD vs trip
4+ Str ,
–2 Dex,
+4 nat armor,
-1 AC,
-1 Attack,
-4 stealth,
-2 fly,
Fire Resistance 20
Spider Climb 20 foot climb speed = 60 min [596/600 rounds]
Last Hero Point Used

AC 31 T 24 F 24 CMD 31 35 vBull Rush or Trip; HP68/ 71 "Tinker" (SteveK) 
Tuesday August 22nd, 2017 9:25:12 PM

I've heard putting a steak in their heart keeps them down, but only so long as the steak is in place, pull it out and they come alive again. so steak him, lets look around and get rid of the spawn, find Verity and the loot, if we need him...he'll be "fresh" if we need to wake him and a good vampire when we decide to show him the sunlight. Oh yeah, and if I ain't never told ya'll...you guys are awesome!

Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 29 (T 14, FF 24) CMD 29 HP 79/89 Character Sheet 
Tuesday August 22nd, 2017 10:04:19 PM

" OK, that will work. He will get a final ending, and stand before Gargul and be judged, but not until we have Verity. Stake him and lets get the rest done"

Prudence Gundle [AC 20; HP 51/67]  
Tuesday August 22nd, 2017 10:34:17 PM

"I really want to set him on fire," Pru remarks quietly. "But you're right. Let's find Verity first. Verity!" she calls. "It's all right; the vampire's gone! Where are you?"

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 23 Tch 22 Ffted 19 HP 57/60 CMD 28/30(Grapple)   d20+10=30 ; d20+15=30 ;
Wednesday August 23rd, 2017 12:25:34 AM

Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Haste (+1 att, +1 dodge, +1 Ref, +30 speed, extra att w/Full attack)
Ki 5/5
Resist Energy (Fire) 10

Bleed: -1 hp/rd

Nikolai feels the effects of the bat bites as he ponders his teammates words.
"Tinker, stake that vampire and keep him unconscious until we've got Verity safe. Sigvar, bring that vampire with you while we check out his alcove. If you want, you can impale him on your horns and bring him that way. Anna, keep that form as long as you like and keep guard here or change and come with us."

Nikolai then tries to administer First Aid on himself to stop the Bleed.
Heal Check +10 DC 15 = 30

That done, he asks if anyone else needs help. If not, he leads the group into the vampire's alcove.

Perception +15 = 30

OOC: I think he needs someone else's light source at this time. Pru's magic lights I guess.

Pompous AC 26 CMD 24/19, HP 54/81 
Wednesday August 23rd, 2017 6:50:55 AM

{Doubling up on posts....}

Pompous looks shocked...

" REALLY!!!! We're not going to destroy this undead??? This things regenerates. It's can take over our minds. It can summon bats!!! IT CAN'T BE RESTRAINED BECAUSE IT CAN TURN TO A GASEOUS FORM!!!! Come on now! We can see it's wounds healing right in front of us! And by the way Nick, horns are not wood! "

Pomp realizes that he's throwing a tantrum here but really can't understand that the vampire's head hasn't been separated from it's shoulders yet.

Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 29 (T 14, FF 24) CMD 29 HP 79/89 Character Sheet 
Wednesday August 23rd, 2017 3:30:25 PM

Sigvar weathers Pompous's rant and nonchalantly reaches out, past Nickolai and stabs the vampire.
" More wounds, I can do this all day. Just stake it. That'll stop the healing. But don't finish it until we have Verity. He has been tricky, he may still have unplayed cards."
Once the old man is staked, Sigvar cuts him from the web and after searching him, drags the old man behind him by his boots. Since Sigvar can't detect magic, searching him is pretty much stripping him of all but undergarments.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 23 Tch 22 Ffted 19 HP 57/60 CMD 28/30(Grapple)  
Wednesday August 23rd, 2017 5:44:25 PM

"Calm down Pompous. Staking it will stop it's regeneration. And Sigvar can parade around with it stuck on his horns as a trophy and still has his hands free," Nikolai grins.

The Vampire's Cliffside Getaway 
Wednesday August 23rd, 2017 9:41:50 PM

Pru gets a little bit of her wish fulfilled as she Sparks up the web. The vampire chars a bit and starts to regenerate until the stake is driven into his chest. After a moment, a slight sound can be heard, as if beating against a wooden door.

Moving into the last alcove, a much fancier coffin is found, the noises seeming to be coming from within it.

Trayvin AC 27/12 touch Hp 78/86(BrianZ)  d20+8=26 ; d20+8=10 ; d20+8=21 ; d20+8=26 ; d20+8=11 ;
Wednesday August 23rd, 2017 9:45:28 PM

"I agree with how you feel Pompous, but it may be that we'll need to question him. Don't worry he will get everything he deserves soon enough."

Actions: Trayvin will tend to some wounds with heal checks to stop any persistant bleeding. If it doesn't seem to be enough, he can gather everyone around for some channeling.

4/6 Channel energy remaining

Active Effects:
Haste 2/9 rounds remaining
Magic Circle against Evil, 10' radius 83/90 rounds remaining
Invisibility Purge 45' radius 85/90 rounds remaining
Resist Fire DR 20, 896/900 rounds remaining ( also on Anna, Sigvar, Tinker and Prudence???)
bleeding- stopped

Spells used:
Resist energy, magic circle vs evil, invisibility purge, Bless Weapon

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 23 Tch 22 Ffted 19 HP 57/60 CMD 28/30(Grapple)   d20+13=31 ; d20+14=20 ; d4=3 ; d6+5=8 ; d6+5=9 ;
Wednesday August 23rd, 2017 11:05:52 PM

Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Haste (+1 att, +1 dodge, +1 Ref, +30 speed, extra att w/Full attack)
Ki 4/5
Resist Energy (Fire) 10

"Pru, you have the honors to open the casket and free your sister, but beware, it still could be a trick," and stands next to Pru ready with silver kama.

Readied Action: Attack coffin occupant if it isn't Verity but a spawn pretending to be her.

Att 1 +11 +2 (favored enemy) = 31 + 1 (haste if still on) = 32

Hasted Attack (if still on) = 20

dmg = 8 and 9. ignore the d4.

Prudence Gundle [AC 20; HP 51/67]  
Wednesday August 23rd, 2017 11:08:07 PM

Pru doesn't care if it's a trick or not. "I'm coming, Verity!" she says, hurrying to the coffin. She attempts to open it.

Shane P Michael Wittman AC22, T18, FF16 (ucdodge) HP55/70 Me+12(9)11 for TW, R+12, CMB+11, CMD+22  d20+5=13 ;
Wednesday August 23rd, 2017 11:09:35 PM

Michael stand close to Trayvin for some good ol' clerical healing. but thinks better of it and uses his own skills and materials to heal himself. He asks Trayvins advice as he does so, (need an aid another to beat this 13 roll.

Heal 13.

Hey! lets not forget all the Vampire spawn we sent back to their coffins earlier. they are regenerating even as we speak. We might need to think of moving them to a sunnier location soon.

AC 31 T 24 F 24 CMD 31 35 vBull Rush or Trip; HP 71/ 71 "Tinker" (SteveK)  d20+9=11 ;
Wednesday August 23rd, 2017 11:12:47 PM

Tinker shoves a stake into the heart of the Master Vampire ensuring his continued cooperation with this operation and investigation. He takes his time and takes 20 on the task.

Anna Morphling[arsinotherium] (Hugh C) -- 19/12/17 HP 74/84(8 temp hp) -- CMD 20   d20+9=26 ;
Thursday August 24th, 2017 12:37:40 AM

Anna remains climbing on the ceiling, following Anna and Nikolai to the coffin if she can and says "I'll keep a look out from up here for any new threats. Considering we we sent the spawn reeling, that is unless you want to like fashion some sort of harness and ropes or chains and have me pull the spawn coffins outside."

(Perception: 26)

Active Effects:
Barkskin + 3 Nat armor = 60 min [551/600 rounds]
DarkVision = 6 hours [5960/6000] rounds
Longstrider +10 base speed = 6 hours [5991/6000] rounds
Bears Endurance +4 con = 6 min [52/60] rounds
Beast Shape II - form of arsinotherium = 6 min [53/60] rounds
10 foot space,
5 foot reach,
30 foot base speed,
low-light vision,
+4 CMD vs trip
4+ Str ,
–2 Dex,
+4 nat armor,
-1 AC,
-1 Attack,
-4 stealth,
-2 fly,
Fire Resistance 20
Spider Climb 20 foot climb speed = 60 min [595/600 rounds]
Last Hero Point Used

The Vampire's Cliffside Getaway 
Thursday August 24th, 2017 4:45:42 PM

Fearing the worst, Pru finds the simple latch and throws open the lid of the coffin. Inside, her sister sits up, almost bumping heads with Pru in her haste to breathe clean, fresh air (at least compared to inside the coffin). She looks much as she did at her wedding ceremony, though a bit more rumpled, and with a large black diamond hanging from a chain around her neck.

The others looking through the alcove see a tripod set up behind the coffin area with a small glass sphere on top. It reflects the light a bit, and seems to have images of dark clouds swirling through it. There is also a closed chest to one side, though it may have been shut in haste as there are several bits of fabric poking out of the seam.

Anna prowls through the larger cave, ready to fight off any spawn that decide to come back to the fight, but there is no sign of them yet. She does hear the chime still ringing towards the front of the cave though.

Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 29 (T 14, FF 24) CMD 29 HP 79/89 Character Sheet  d20+10=29 ;
Thursday August 24th, 2017 5:26:00 PM

" Check her to make sure she is safe Prudence. If she is alright we have some spawn to attend to. You catch up with Verity, I can handle the spawn, well, some of them, I may need more stakes."
Perception 29
If everything seems OK with Verity, ( no obvious bite marks or other signs, if Sigvar even knows what to look for, of her being a Vampire) Sigvar will head back out into the main room and start working clockwise towards the entrance, staking and beheading spawn as they try to heal in their coffins. He continues o drag the undergarment clad vampire around with him, checking every few rounds to be sure the stake is still in place and the old man is not healing.

Pompous AC 26 CMD 24/19, HP 64/81  d8+5=10 ;
Thursday August 24th, 2017 9:00:40 PM

Pompous appreciates Trayvin's kind words but he still believes that the vampire should be sent back to the underworld. How would you make a regenerating, mind controlling undead tell us what we want to know anyway.

" Thanks Trey-Trey... I'll follow the wisdom of the group..."

The ranger's hand glows as he chants a few words and heals some of his wounds.

ooc> cure light wound ranger spell- 10 points.

" A little bit more healing would be appreciated folks. Oh, and I'm running low on silver arrows. I can't guarantee how many more volleys I can fire if we face another one of those. "

Trayvin AC 27/12 touch Hp 86/86(BrianZ)  d6=3 ; d6=6 ; d6=6 ; d6=1 ; d6=5 ;
Thursday August 24th, 2017 9:42:43 PM

Trayvin gathers everyone close enough and channels energy. He makes sure Verity is included in case she suffered any injuries. "There, that should help a bit, and stop the bleeding from the bats as well."

"You may be right Pompous, I'm not sure if we could contain him if he wakes up. But I will let Nikolai and Pru make the call."

Actions: channel = 20hp healed and stops any ongoing healing.

3/6 Channel energy remaining

Active Effects:
Haste 1/9 rounds remaining
Magic Circle against Evil, 10' radius 82/90 rounds remaining
Invisibility Purge 45' radius 84/90 rounds remaining
Resist Fire DR 20, 895/900 rounds remaining ( also on Anna, Sigvar, Tinker and Prudence???)
bleeding- stopped

Spells used:
Resist energy, magic circle vs evil, invisibility purge, Bless Weapon

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 23 Tch 22 Ffted 19 HP 60/60 CMD 28/30(Grapple)  
Thursday August 24th, 2017 10:58:42 PM

Spells in effect: Mage Armor, Haste (+1 att, +1 dodge, +1 Ref, +30 speed, extra att w/Full attack)
Ki 4/5
Resist Energy (Fire) 10

Nikolai eyes the black diamond then asks Verity, "That diamond, do you remember how it got there? Did the vampire say anything about it? then whispers to Pru "She could still be under a charm from that diamond. See if it radiates magic."

He turns to Trayvin, "Got any detect evil spells handy?"

Meanwhile Sigvar goes about dispatching spawn, "Tinker and Pompous, go with Sigvar, keep him out of trouble. Anna, keep watch over the cave. Michael, sit tight and gather your thoughts, now that you are free. If you are bored, see it that chest is trapped and what's in it. Don't go near that sphere with those swirly dark cloud stuff in it. It doesn't look safe to touch."

Prudence Gundle [AC 20; HP 51/67]  
Thursday August 24th, 2017 11:46:10 PM

"Verity!" Pru pulls her sister up, helping her out of the coffin. "Verity, are you all right? Are you hurt? Did--did he bite you?" She is horribly afraid that it may already be too late for her sister, and examines her anxiously for signs of puncture wounds.

At Nikolai's behest, she also casts a Detect Magic, and examines Verity for signs of magical auras.

Anna Morphling[arsinotherium] (Hugh C) -- 19/12/17 HP 84/84(18 temp hp) -- CMD 20   d20+9=23 ;
Friday August 25th, 2017 2:34:45 AM

Anna remains in her lookout / sentry position climbing on the ceiling. (Perception:23)
She calls out to the group if she spots anything.

(OOC: how much time elapsed on my effects?)

Active Effects:
Barkskin + 3 Nat armor = 60 min [550/600 rounds]
DarkVision = 6 hours [5959/6000] rounds
Longstrider +10 base speed = 6 hours [5990/6000] rounds
Bears Endurance +4 con = 6 min [51/60] rounds
Beast Shape II - form of arsinotherium = 6 min [52/60] rounds
10 foot space,
5 foot reach,
30 foot base speed,
low-light vision,
+4 CMD vs trip
4+ Str ,
–2 Dex,
+4 nat armor,
-1 AC,
-1 Attack,
-4 stealth,
-2 fly,
Fire Resistance 20
Spider Climb 20 foot climb speed = 60 min [595/600 rounds]
Last Hero Point Used

Shane P Michael Wittman AC22, T18, FF16 (ucdodge) HP70/70 Me+12(9)11 for TW, R+12, CMB+11, CMD+22  d20+15=21 ; d20+12=22 ;
Friday August 25th, 2017 10:16:13 PM

Michael goes over and checks the chest, noting the scraps of cloth sticking out of it

Perception 21,

When his study is done he steps to the side and sees if he can open the lid by prying on it with one of his daggers, if it's not locked. if it is locked he gets out his tools and picks it.

Disable device 21.

in any case, he does not open the chest while standing right in front of it. the same way you don't turn over a log by pushing it away from you, whereby you give the snake beneath a clear path to you, you pull it towards you, leaving the bulk of the log between you and the snake. If the chest is trapped by a rune or poison pulling it open from behind might give him some protection from the trap.

once his paranoid chest opening is complete, he looks in side.

Trayvin AC 27/12 touch Hp 86/86(BrianZ)  d20+7=23 ;
Friday August 25th, 2017 11:29:52 PM

Trayvin shakes his head. "Sorry Nikolai, I don't. I can look that diamond over a bit, but I don't think anyone should touch it."

Actions: cast detect magic
examining the diamond(without touching it!) spellcraft = 23

3/6 Channel energy remaining

Active Effects:
Haste 1/9 rounds remaining
Magic Circle against Evil, 10' radius 82/90 rounds remaining
Invisibility Purge 45' radius 84/90 rounds remaining
Resist Fire DR 20, 895/900 rounds remaining ( also on Anna, Sigvar, Tinker and Prudence???)
bleeding- stopped

Spells used:
Resist energy, magic circle vs evil, invisibility purge, Bless Weapon

The Vampire's Cliffside Getaway 
Saturday August 26th, 2017 4:01:48 PM

To all senses, magical and otherwise, Verity is perfectly healthy. She is plenty angry however, though it seems to be directed to the vampires, rather than at the Agents or her sister.

"I'm so sorry, Pru, and to all of you. I'm sure much of the hostility shown in town was due to that Vampire's influence. Was Zoonor even his grandson? Did I even love him? I don't think I'll ever really know."

She seems sad, but not depressed. She's been through a lot. Maybe she did love Zoonor, or maybe she was just under the Vampire's spell.

She doesn't have any bite marks, and doesn't radiate any magic. Neither does the diamond.

There is some magic from the chest though, and two fancy vests glow with it. One is red with gold trim, the other is almost a cape with arm holes, and is green with embroidered animals of all kinds. The orb on its stand also glows with magic, as does the chime that Anna digs out of a small hole in the cave. The Agents deem it safe to see the Vampire to his final end.

Prudence Gundle [AC 20; HP 51/67]  
Sunday August 27th, 2017 1:35:10 AM

Pru wants to make sure. "Verity, are there any other captives here that you know about?" she asks her sister.

Anna Morphling[arsinotherium] (Hugh C) -- 19/12/17 HP 84/84(18 temp hp) -- CMD 20  
Sunday August 27th, 2017 8:45:09 AM

Anna-Arsinotherium carries the chime carefully in her mouth and climbs down from the ceiling. Being careful not to break it she deposits it at Pru's feet.

"I know this was interfering with your spell casting." She says, "Maybe you want?"

Active Effects:
Barkskin + 3 Nat armor = 60 min [540/600 rounds]
DarkVision = 6 hours [5949/6000] rounds
Longstrider +10 base speed = 6 hours [5980/6000] rounds
Bears Endurance +4 con = 6 min [41/60] rounds
Beast Shape II - form of arsinotherium = 6 min [42/60] rounds
10 foot space,
5 foot reach,
30 foot base speed,
low-light vision,
+4 CMD vs trip
4+ Str ,
–2 Dex,
+4 nat armor,
-1 AC,
-1 Attack,
-4 stealth,
-2 fly,
Fire Resistance 20
Spider Climb 20 foot climb speed = 60 min [585/600 rounds]
Last Hero Point Used

Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 29 (T 14, FF 24) CMD 29 HP 79/89 Character Sheet 
Sunday August 27th, 2017 7:28:41 PM

Sigvar moves off and starts dispatching the spawn. He systematically uses wood from the coffins he opens to stake each spawn and then remove it's head with the enchanted silver sword. If their coffin is not wood, he uses the stakes he made earlier.
When it becomes clear that Verity is alright he stops, lifts the old man up by his foot and beheads him, finishing the fight and delivering his soul to Gargul for judgement.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 23 Tch 22 Ffted 19 HP 60/60 CMD 28/30(Grapple)  
Sunday August 27th, 2017 9:35:12 PM

Nikolai takes Trayvin along the other side of the cave from Sigvar and starts dispatching any spawn they find there. When they return, he asks, "Well, how does it go? Pru, did you send the old geezer to meet Gargul? Or was it Verity taking her revenge?"

He's glad that the diamond seems to be a normal one, probably of great worth, but what will Verity do with it? He can't help but be queasy about hidden curses from vampires...

"Pru, was Verity the only one here still in control of themselves?" he asks worriedly. It would be hard on the village if there were one or more villagers here the vampire already preyed upon.

The Vampire's Cliffside Getaway 
Monday August 28th, 2017 5:15:15 PM

"No - I was the only one here. Many in the town were under his influence, but I'm sure that broke when you slayed him like it did me. I just hope that Zoonor was under his influence too. I would hate to think that his behavior just runs in the family."

The chime has stopped ringing for the now, but there is much potential in such an item. Perhaps Pru would prefer someone else use it though, to keep it from affecting her.

The spawn souls have been freed and soon after, so has their maker. They drag the bodies outside to dissolve in the sun, which has come out from behind the unnaturally thick layer of clouds for the first time in days. Verity takes the diamond off of her neck, preferring to rid herself of any "gifts" from the old vampire. She would prefer to excise all of his influence from her life.

There was little of value in the cave other than the magical items and the diamond.

Orb of storms
Chime of Interruption
Vest of escape
Druid’s Vestment
A large black diamond in a setting with a value of 2,250 gp

The Vampire's Cliffside Getaway 
Monday August 28th, 2017 5:21:01 PM

Oh - some catchup for EXP

9000 for the travel to town and the spawn in the forest
1000 for the scene in town
2000 for the wedding encounter
25000 for the trip up the mountain and vampire battle

2 hero points for all, and feel free to email me with suggestions for bonus points for heroics

Trayvin AC 27/12 touch Hp 86/86(BrianZ) 
Monday August 28th, 2017 6:39:12 PM

"Looks like we're all cleaned up here. I think we should get back to the town and make sure there are no leftover spawn hiding out there."

3/6 Channel energy remaining

Active Effects:
Magic Circle against Evil, 10' radius 81/90 rounds remaining
Invisibility Purge 45' radius 83/90 rounds remaining
Resist Fire DR 20, 894/900 rounds remaining ( also on Anna, Sigvar, Tinker and Prudence???)

Spells used:
Resist energy, magic circle vs evil, invisibility purge, Bless Weapon

Pompous AC 26 CMD 24/19, HP 64/81 
Monday August 28th, 2017 8:06:31 PM

Pompous rubs his hands together.
" Let's go SHOPPING!"

AC 31 T 24 F 24 CMD 31 35 vBull Rush or Trip; HP 71/ 71 "Tinker" (SteveK) 
Monday August 28th, 2017 10:01:13 PM

Tinker isn't worried about having enough steaks to put in the spawn. a wooden crossbow bolt will serve just fine. Tinker and Sigvar work their way around the cave popping coffins and staking vamps.

OOC: Do i need to roll for each vamp? what do I roll? gimme a target and a skill to check and I'll shoot for it.

Prudence Gundle [AC 20; HP 51/67]  
Monday August 28th, 2017 10:12:47 PM

"Let's get you back to town," Pru says to Verity. "Everybody was so worried! Ma and Pa will be real glad to see you."

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 23 Tch 22 Ffted 19 HP 60/60 CMD 28/30(Grapple)  
Monday August 28th, 2017 10:17:05 PM

OOC: I have on record that we received 5k for trolls and vampire spawn from the forest. So that would be 4k for the trip to town?

DM Edit: I may have mislabeled some of the exp, but I was keeping track of amounts I had rewarded, so the total I gave should be correct. 44k for the entire module so far.

Shane P Michael Wittman AC22, T18, FF16 (ucdodge) HP55/70 Me+12(9)11 for TW, R+12, CMB+11, CMD+22  d20+15=18 ;
Monday August 28th, 2017 10:18:28 PM

Michael checks the area for hidden loot.

perception 18

but prolly is too excited to be free of the master vamp to notice much.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 23 Tch 22 Ffted 19 HP 60/60 CMD 28/30(Grapple)  
Monday August 28th, 2017 10:35:36 PM

Nikolai makes a mental note to ask the village to send some hunters up to the cave once a month to make sure nothing evil takes up residence again.

"Yes. The cleanup here seems to be done. The villagers, specially your family, Pru, will be worried sick. We should return in haste."

Assured that they've scoured the place and have found everything there is to find, he stands at the entrance ready to leave and is the last one to leave.

"Keep your guard up. We aren't home yet and we have a civilian to keep safe," he voices.

Anna Morphling[arsinotherium] (Hugh C) -- 19/12/17 HP 84/84(18 temp hp) -- CMD 20  
Monday August 28th, 2017 10:43:12 PM

Anna asks, "Is there even an easy way to get to the catacombs from here?"
(OOC sorry for the short post; I'm not feeling well. I'll finish leveling some time this week.)

Active Effects:
Barkskin + 3 Nat armor = 60 min [539/600 rounds]
DarkVision = 6 hours [5948/6000] rounds
Longstrider +10 base speed = 6 hours [5979/6000] rounds
Bears Endurance +4 con = 6 min [40/60] rounds
Beast Shape II - form of arsinotherium = 6 min [41/60] rounds
10 foot space,
5 foot reach,
30 foot base speed,
low-light vision,
+4 CMD vs trip
4+ Str ,
–2 Dex,
+4 nat armor,
-1 AC,
-1 Attack,
-4 stealth,
-2 fly,
Fire Resistance 20
Spider Climb 20 foot climb speed = 60 min [584/600 rounds]
Last Hero Point Used

The Vampire's Cliffside Getaway 
Tuesday August 29th, 2017 4:08:53 PM

All the spawn in the cave have just started regenerating. Those that looked like they were getting close to being in fighting shape again lack any direction with the death of their creator and don't put up any resistance to being staked. coup de grace -able in effect

Now that the danger seems to have passed, there are excited feelings for going shopping, though there is not too much of interest to the Agents in this town and they don't have a good way of getting to the Catacombs until they get back to the Citadel. Sigvar reminds them that they aren't out of the woods yet, and should remain vigilant until everyone is safely back in town.

There is nothing else found in the cave, unless they want to lug around a normal chest and a fancy used coffin.

The climb down the cliffs is much easier than the ascent, and Verity seems to have a load lifted off her shoulders as she breathes free air. In a couple of hours, they are walking back into town with the sun shining at their backs and a huge crowd of people waiting to see what happened in the cliffs.

Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 29 (T 14, FF 24) CMD 29 HP 79/89 Character Sheet 
Tuesday August 29th, 2017 7:59:43 PM

Before they leave the lair Sigvar has a request for Prudence.
" I have heard that some spellcasters can hide their souls inside objects, usually valuable objects. This is one way to escape Gargul's judgement. Magic would be required to do this. Now that the old man has been dispatched, would you please examine the diamond pendant again to be sure he has not played a final trick on us and hidden his soul in the diamond, only to rise again once we have handed it off to an unsuspecting merchant?"
Once that is done he assists in pulling the coffins with the staked spawn outside. On the way down the mountain he talks about what they could do with the items in the Vampire's hoard.
" The orb is a powerful item. It may not be useful to us on a day to day basis, but what organization would not benefit from being able to control the weather on the battlefield? I think we should offer to sell it to the Fist rather than just pawn it in the catacombs. The chime could also be a game changer, but I don't think we need it to defeat a spellcaster in battle."

Trayvin AC 27/12 touch Hp 86/86(BrianZ) 
Tuesday August 29th, 2017 8:46:56 PM

"That's a good idea Sigvar, we should see if the Commander is interested in the orb. I'm sure she would be willing to trade some things from the armory for it."

Trayvin sees the crowd and thinks some assistance to the expected discussion may be of use. As they get closer, he uses his Touch of Glory ability on Nikolai, Pru, Sigvar, Anna, and Michael.

Touch of Glory- +8 to a single Charisma-based skill check or Charisma ability check. duration 1 hour. (sorry for anyone I missed, I don't have enough of those for everyone.)

3/6 Channel energy remaining

Active Effects:
Magic Circle against Evil, 10' radius 80/90 rounds remaining
Invisibility Purge 45' radius 82/90 rounds remaining
Resist Fire DR 20, 893/900 rounds remaining

Spells used:
Resist energy, magic circle vs evil, invisibility purge, Bless Weapon

Shane P Michael Wittman AC22, T18, FF16 (ucdodge) HP55/70 Me+12(9)11 for TW, R+12, CMB+11, CMD+22  d20+15=35 ;
Tuesday August 29th, 2017 8:55:57 PM

These aren't items we would ever think of getting on our own, weather control, Man I can think of a lot of uses for that. and the chime. We've been lucky, most of the thugs we fight don't screen their spell casters really well. but all it would take is one spell slinger with a good meat shield and we could have done to us what we do to our enemies. That chime could give us a distinct advantage. Keeping those items would seriously undercut the GP distro though. on the other hand, turning it into the Fist exchange would give us some serious clout as far as weapon exchange is concerned. the gold difference is going to be about...lets see...carry the 2...about 4000 gp difference...4900 thereabouts if we sell. 900 if we keep.

while walking along and talking Michael keeps a sharp eye out for danger.

perception 35.

Pompous AC 26 CMD 24/19, HP 64/81 
Tuesday August 29th, 2017 9:14:54 PM

Pompous walks with the others back into town. Every once in a while, he takes out his book and scribes in a few lines.

{ And with his finale silver arrow, Pompous slays the vampire lord! With a deep sigh of relief, our hero confirms that all of his comrades survived the epic battle.}

Prudence Gundle [AC 20; HP 51/67]  
Tuesday August 29th, 2017 10:09:28 PM

"Well, Sigvar, I would think such an item would detect as magical, and the diamond didn't before. But I'll check again."

Just to be safe, Pru casts another Detect Magic and eyes the diamond.

As she walks with her sister back to town, Pru tries to get Verity to tell her more of what has happened at home over the past few years.

Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- 24/14/21 HP 66/66 -- CMD 17  d20+15=25 ;
Tuesday August 29th, 2017 11:38:36 PM

(Diplomacy: 25)

Anna tries to be diplomatic with the assembled crowd, "Please folks. The Agents of The Fist have slain the vampire lord and rescued Verity. Don't push or shove, we are willing to answer any remaining questions you may have. Keep your cool and we will be more than happy to explain everything that happened"

Active Effects:
DarkVision = 6 hours [4748/6000] rounds
Longstrider +10 base speed = 6 hours [4779/6000] rounds

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 23 Tch 22 Ffted 19 HP 60/60 CMD 28/30(Grapple)  
Tuesday August 29th, 2017 11:55:37 PM

Nikolai puts the coffins on fire once the spawn and lord are vaporized by the sun. He does so making sure the burning coffins don't start a forest fire!

He remains quiet on the way back. Not much to say. The Team worked superbly together and the results showed.

"Although I know Pru can take care of herself, if indeed she were incapacitated in some way, this chime would not hurt her but hinder any opposing spellcaster, mage or cleric, so I think it good to keep even if the occasion to use it is rare. Just my thoughts."

In town, he wants this to be Pru's moment to shine so he remains in the background unless called forth.

OOC: according to my records, 44k given so far matches what I have. Yipee, 10th level!

The Vampire's Cliffside Getaway 
Wednesday August 30th, 2017 5:54:36 PM

Sigvar's worries seem unfounded. It seems the vampire is well and truly gone from this world.

Trayvin prepares the group for an encounter with the townsfolk, but the general air is of confusion. Some memories seem to have been lost. Other people are glad to see that their loved ones are back to acting normally. When Anna explains that the vampire that had been dominating them is gone, there is a sense of relief. The two vampire hunters seem a little disappointed that they weren't a part of the eradication, but are also glad that they didn't kill an innocent man.

Michael thinks about the money and Pompous records his great deed.

Ever pragmatic, Nikolai plans for future encounters, and uses of new loot and new abilities.

Pru tries to engage her sister on the trip back, but Verity seems a bit in denial about what happened to her. Prior to that, everything seemed a bit of a whirlwind. Reflecting on her engagement, it did seem a bit rushed. The vampire must have been influencing them from the beginning, though the kindly grandfather figure remained in secret.

Zoonor seems the most impacted by the domination. He was likely under the vampire's sway for the longest time. It seems that it was his grandfather, though how long he had been a vampire was anyone's guess. He remembers little of his engagement, and is quite shy around Verity. He apologizes for the problems his grandfather caused, and has a lot of stuff to figure out now that he is free.

Trayvin AC 27/12 touch Hp 86/86(BrianZ) 
Wednesday August 30th, 2017 8:32:29 PM

Trayvin checks the willing villagers for any injuries they may have suffered from the brawl at the wedding ceremony. He is relieved that the Agents may have prevented a significant problem at this town and maybe saved a lot of people.

3/6 Channel energy remaining

Active Effects:
Magic Circle against Evil, 10' radius 80/90 rounds remaining
Invisibility Purge 45' radius 82/90 rounds remaining
Resist Fire DR 20, 893/900 rounds remaining
Touch of Glory- +8 to a single Charisma-based skill check or Charisma ability check. duration 1 hour. (sorry for anyone I missed, I don't have enough of those for everyone.)Nikolai, Pru, Sigvar, Anna, and Michael

Spells used:
Resist energy, magic circle vs evil, invisibility purge, Bless Weapon

Prudence Gundle [AC 20; HP 51/67]  
Wednesday August 30th, 2017 10:29:36 PM

Pru escorts Verity back to their parents. "Is everyone all right?" she asks them. She's hoping they will talk to her, reach out to her, say something that isn't about the wedding or the vampires, something to indicate that they're glad Prudence is their daughter and they want her back in their lives. And she's afraid that she's destined to be disappointed yet again.

Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- 24/14/21 HP 66/66 -- CMD 17 
Wednesday August 30th, 2017 10:49:21 PM

Anna walks with Pru and Verity back to their family's home. Anna hangs back when the 2 sisters head inside sensing that this may be something the family might want to share just with themselves. She takes this time to reflect on what might be of her birth parents and if she has any siblings though one could argue that Ma'ab was her mother now as her Queen has bequeathed her a new name to go with her abilities.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 23 Tch 22 Ffted 19 HP 60/60 CMD 28/30(Grapple)  
Thursday August 31st, 2017 12:31:17 AM

Nikolai suggests to the Team before they reach the village, "You know, if it were not for those two vampire hunters, things could have been worse. We owe them some for their work. What do you think? What should we give them?"

Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 28 (T 13, FF 23) CMD 28 HP 89/89 Character Sheet 
Thursday August 31st, 2017 9:36:10 AM

" Lessons on how to really kill an undead?"
" Let's review, they stumbled into a wedding hunting something we were already on top of. They tried to kill a man who was controlled by, but not actually, a vampire and had nothing in the way of information on the real vampire. They had been at it for years and we had been at it for two days. They were not even armed with enough silver to kill spawn, much less a vampire that takes magic AND silver to harm. What exactly did they do to help us except make us try to keep them from killing an innocent man while the actual vampire flew away?"
" I have been thinking alot on what to do with my life since this whole vampire hunt started. I need to go and consult someone that knows better than I what I am meant for in the Wold. As they have no temple or priest here, it will have to wait until we return to the Citadel. I think my mother had more in mind for me than just being a warrior. Seeing actual Hunters made me think that I was lacking a certain training that I could be an asset to the Wold in. Seeing their lack of any knowledge meant that I knew that there is a need in the Wold for those who can put down Vampires and other powerful undead. The Fist has taught me discipline, combat tactics and how to work together in a fight, maybe they can provide this last bit of training too. I will have to see when I return to the Citadel."

Sigvar takes a breath, holds it and lets it out. He then remains silent, rummaging through his own thoughts. In the village, when Prudence is taking Verity back to her family, he can see the hope in her eyes, and the hunch to her shoulders that she is prepared to be disappointed again. Loudly enough for those gathered around to hear he says, " Prudence, The spells you stopped him from casting, even after he attempted to shut down your magic were key to our success. Know that. You are a vital member of our team and the only mage I have ever served with. I would serve with no other."

The Vampire's Cliffside Getaway 
Thursday August 31st, 2017 4:58:36 PM

Pru returns Verity to the overjoyed arms of the rest of the family. Pru may not be the favourite, but rescuing the oldest child does a lot to restore their faith in their wayward daughter and hugs are given all around. Her mother was still a bit reticent, but Sigvar's boasting about Pru dispelling all sorts of harmful magic must have tipped her over a bit. That takes a powerful amount of control. Her mother humbly thanks Pru for saving Verity.

Nikolai wonders about some sort of reward for the erstwhile hunters. Sigvar thinks that the best reward is to combat the misinformation that seems to plague people about the undead and how to properly protect against them.

The situation makes some of the Agents think about their families as well and their purpose in life. Whatever help they need, it will be in the Citadel waiting for them.

The mayor of the town approaches them. "I wish to offer a heartfelt thank from the town for all you've done. You could have turned away, and I wouldn't have been surprised with the welcome we gave you. Please take this as a token of our appreciation."

He presents Nikolai with what looks like a box about a foot long. However, when given the proper commands, it can extend itself out into a small boat, and then again into a proper sailing ship! This should make the trip home a bit easier!

Tinker expresses his regret that he cannot come with them though. Seeing his own family did something to him, and he can't let something happen to them again. Not while he can help it. He tells the group that he must return to them and help protect their operation. He hopes he will see them again in the future, and will certainly pay a visit with the whole tribe to the Citadel someday.

Pompous AC 26 CMD 24/19, HP 64/81 
Thursday August 31st, 2017 8:09:30 PM

{And the mayer of the great city, recognizing Pompous' great valor.. and that of his team... gifted him with a wonderous item. A box... a box that transforms into a great sailing ship... Such a wonderful relic would indeed be useful as Pompous Marcus Maximous continues his quest to legendary immortality... } ..

The ranger places a hand on Tinker's shoulder.

" I'll miss you Tinky... but family is family... Luck, love and prosperity by brother. "

Trayvin AC 27/12 touch Hp 86/86(BrianZ) 
Thursday August 31st, 2017 8:22:07 PM

Trayvin extends his hand to Tinker and shakes it firmly. "It's been an honor serving with you. Good luck to you and your family at the mining operation. I hope we will have a chance to work together again."

It must be some trick of the light, or maybe there is a tear in Trayvin's eye as he turns away.

Sigvar Ironhorn (David F) AC 28 (T 13, FF 23) CMD 28 HP 89/89 Character Sheet 
Thursday August 31st, 2017 8:38:42 PM

Sigvar looks at Tinker and smiles.
" You will have to be incredibly careful going back to live with those gnomes. In a month you will not fit into your armor ad in two your fingers will be so fat you won't be able to work a lock. You will have to mine 20 hours a day to keep the weight off from their home cooking. Wouldn't it be easier to just face death with us every day and sleep on the cold ground?"
He extends his hand to the dwarf that welcomed him to the Agents and shakes for a bit longer than is necessary. To Tinker he whispers, " Contact us if they need help again. The trolls were fun and the cooking was fabulous."

Shane P Michael Wittman AC22, T18, FF16 (ucdodge) HP55/70 Me+12(9)11 for TW, R+12, CMB+11, CMD+22 
Thursday August 31st, 2017 9:20:59 PM

OOC: sorry guys, works has been hectic, just got back home.

Michael goes to shake Tinkers hand, then wraps him up in a hug. I"m going to miss you Tink, You've been a good friend, a great teacher and guide to me. I'll try and use the things you taught me, I'll try to. If you need help...Man I'll move the world to come to your aid.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 23 Tch 22 Ffted 19 HP 60/60 CMD 28/30(Grapple)  
Thursday August 31st, 2017 10:34:46 PM

Nikolai accepts the gift on behalf of The Mailed Fist and assures the mayor that it was an honor to help them and the family of one of their own.

"Tinker, I had a feeling, from what I noticed of your demeanor since we left your family that you might decide to go back and help them out, for a while at least. You have been a great asset to us and will be much missed. Take care of your family and return to us if you get tired of digging dirt with those hands and want some real action, eh?

Nikolai is in no hurry to move on and spends as much time as he can with Pru's family. You never know....

Prudence Gundle [AC 20; HP 51/67]  
Thursday August 31st, 2017 11:35:29 PM

Pru enjoys catching up with her family, but is somber when Tinker decides to go.

"You were with us from the beginning," she says. "Remember Bliss? And Linden? And William and Carver and everybody? They've all gone. And now you're going, too. Take care of yourself."

Later, she finds Nikolai. Somewhat shocked by her own boldness, she slips her hand into his. "We're the only ones left," she says. "The only ones who were there at the beginning. Don't go anywhere, all right? I--I'd miss you."

Anna Morphling (Hugh C) -- 24/14/21 HP 66/66 -- CMD 17 
Thursday August 31st, 2017 11:56:38 PM

Anna shakes Tinker's hand. "I know you guys picked me up on your were rat hunt and so I wasn't with the Agents as long as some of the Fist were, but we were siblings in Arms after all. May Ma'ab shine a blessing on your way home and her consort Lord Eberyon keep the weather pleasant for you." She says to the Dwarf

The Vampire's Cliffside Getaway 
Friday September 1st, 2017 3:40:21 PM

As happy as they are to stay and catchup with family, all good things must come to an end, including this vacation turned monster hunt. They saved two families, and while they are losing a loved one to his own, Pru has regained the love of hers, or at least re-established a dialogue (in the case of her mother, who still isn't completely convinced her daughter isn't some sort of demon.)

All that's left is to decide how to get home. If they use their new boat and don't mind some rowing, they could probably save a couple of days travel (assuming someone knows enough about sailing to keep them on course.)

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