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William the Courageous (Ken) AC 18, hp 30/30  d6=3 ; d8+3=5 ; d20+10=27 ; d20+10=30 ; d6+7=8 ; 5d6(5+2+2+3+4)=16
Wednesday April 1st, 2015 9:35:22 PM

(DM, not sure if there is a map, but:

Option 1 - If William can, he'll shoot a fireball at it, centering it so that only the bulette gets hit and the rest of his party avoids it...) Does 16 dmg, Reflex 16 for 1/2 dmg

Option 2: If William can NOT safely launch a fireball, he'll use up his PoP to cast another SM3, bringing in another lantern archon, Arnold this time....

Meanwhile, Archie will keep flying clear of the shark and this time he'll touch Erniewith Aid, giving him 5 temp hps +1 to attack rolls, etc)[/b]

Also, Ernie will charge forward and moving into a flanking position, beat on the beast... Hit AC 29 for 8 hps of dmg (ignore 2nd d20 roll, forgot flanking bonus on 1st)

(OOC - JASPER, remember you have some modifiers and temp hps I gave you last turn! )
Spells Cast
1. Mage Armor

2. SM 3 - Archie the Archon 5/7 rounds (Augmented - AC 15, 17 hp, Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +0; +4 vs. poison, +2 resistance vs. evil, DR 10/evil; Immune electricity, petrification; Speed fly 60 ft. (perfect); Ranged 2 light rays +3 ranged touch (1d6), At Will--aid, continual flame, detect evil, greater teleport)

3. SM 2 - Eddie the Small Earth Elemental - 6/7 rounds (Augmented and Aided, 23 hp, Fort +4, Ref --1, Will +3, Immune elemental traits, Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide; Melee slam +8 (1d6+6)/ If earth mastery +10 (1d6+7); Special Attacks = earth mastery (+1 bonus on attack and damage rolls if both it and its foe are touching the ground))

AC 26 Touch 13 FF 25 CMD 18 HP(56) 51/51 Jasper Steelfist (David Feest) 
Wednesday April 1st, 2015 9:53:42 PM

I had forgotten but went back and fixed it. Thanks for reminding me 8).

Prudence Gundle (Kathy)  3d4+3=11 ;
Wednesday April 1st, 2015 10:16:10 PM

Before Pru can line up a Burning Hands or an Elemental Ray, friend and foe become hopelessly entangled.

"Only one cure for that," she murmurs, and casts Magic Missile at the creature.

[The bulette takes 11 points of force damage.]

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 20 Tch 20 Ffted 17 HP 38/38 CMD 22/24(Grapple)  d20+9=17 ; d6+3=7 ;
Wednesday April 1st, 2015 11:04:17 PM

Active spells: mage armor

Most plans don't work out as planned and this one goes in the Failed column.

Capture it? How'll you hang on to it? Nikolai replies while moving into position opposite the creature from Jasper, next to Tinker.

Kama attack +7 +2 (flanking) = 17, dmg = 7

Shane P Michael Wittman AC21, T17, FF15 (ucdodge) HP43/43 Me+9(4), R+9, CMB+7, CMD+18  d20+13=15 ; d20+11=26 ; d4=3 ; d20+17=34 ;
Wednesday April 1st, 2015 11:40:49 PM

A fierce grin splits Michaels face as the powerful jolt travels up his arms when he grabs the fin and locks into it's motion. Standing on the creatures back he hope to thrust his rapier through it's spinal column as soon as he can line up a thrust. But a sudden jerk as it tears out a horses throat causes his grip to slip and

(I don't know if you will let me but I would like to use my attack to re-grab the fin so the narrative would be:)

makes him scramble to get it back. (Acrobatics 34)

(of if I cannot do that)

his perfect thrust which was set to seriously mess up the creatures day, now only scratches the soft skin beneath it's fin. (to hit AC26 3 pts damage. )

(choose whichever one you feel I can do, but Michael will try to maintain his mount as long as possible.

AC 26 Touch 13 FF 25 CMD 18 HP(56) 51/51 Jasper Steelfist (David Feest) 
Thursday April 2nd, 2015 11:56:56 AM

How big is this guy? The MM says it is Huge. If that is the case then Jasper tries very hard to be the first person to move each turn, so he can draw any AoO on his armored form.
Also with flanking Jasper's attack would hit AC 20, which I think is still too low to make contact.

William the Courageous (Ken) AC 18, hp 30/30 
Thursday April 2nd, 2015 8:37:28 PM

(Checking in...) William waits to see what happens with his spells...

DM Warren - Combat Round 1  d20+13=15 ; d20+13=18 ; 2d8+9=16; d20+12=31 ; d20+12=21 ; 2d6+6=13 ;
Thursday April 2nd, 2015 9:39:44 PM

@Jasper - 15 foot space, and since you moved in first, you didn't have the flank when you made your attack.

Jasper is quick to react to the creature devouring their horses. He is prepared for its attack, but is still thrown off enough to miss his own attack. Tinker is quick to circle around, but perhaps the creature rearing from the arrow in its hide is what causes his attack to miss as well.

William is unable to find a way to use his flashy spell without charring either his friends or more of their horses in addition to the beast. Instead, he brings another ally into the fray, while his earthen friend lands a solid punch.

Nikolai also misses, and Michael's ride is cut short from the beast thrashing about, but he still manages to land a blow with his rapier as he gracefully somersaults onto the ground.

The Land Shark has plenty of targets about and it goes into a frenzy of teeth and claws. It quickly dispatches with Eddie and turns its attention to the armored dwarven nuisance that's trying to beat it with some sort of weapon, though it doesn't manage to get through the metal shell yet.

Bulette - 28 dmg

AC 26 Touch 13 FF 25 CMD 18 HP(56) 51/51 Jasper Steelfist (David Feest)  d20+9=23 ; d10+7=17 ;
Thursday April 2nd, 2015 10:13:58 PM

With Tinker on the other side of the monster, Jasper puts his back into another swing. However he still fears it is not enough.
Attack hits AC 23 for 17damage

DM OOC: I'm assuming you were power attacking? Please note that in your attack details

Prudence Gundle (Kathy)  3d4+3=11 ;
Thursday April 2nd, 2015 10:15:05 PM

Wincing a little as her Fist-mates dodge blows from the creature, Pru lets fly another burst of Magic Missiles.

[That's 11 more force damage. At least I'm consistent. :) ]

Zieluviet Iezerth - AC 17 (TAC 14, FF 13) HP 44/44 (Antonio)  d20+9=22 ; d20+9=25 ; d8+6=7 ; d8+6=14 ;
Thursday April 2nd, 2015 10:39:36 PM

"Wow, it took the Earth Elemental as fast as that? No way I'm getting the front!"

That's how Zieluviet feels. He never faced a beast like that and wonders if behirs are as fierce, because they're probably quite similar regarding burrowing behavior and size, though he's not sure if this beast is as intelligent as the stories said behirs to be. Thinking about that, Ziel has seen images of these beasts before, though he never searched for what they are.

Nevertheless, the Drow looks for softer spots this time, confident in Vynghol's precision. He draws a bead, then double-strafes the bow for another two sucessive shots.

"Here's a tip for you: A flying steel tip on a shaft."

The first shot barely finds the mark and Zieluviet wonders if it even harmed the creature (Hits AC 22 for 7 damage), while the second shot would make even Vynghol as proud (Hits AC 25 for 14 damage).

He does a small leap (5' step equivalent) behind and retakes archery stance.

"Well, Nikolai, I'm not sure, but don't underestimate the mighty rope and some boldness."

OoC: Are those rolls correct? From what I recall, unless a creature has Multiattack, all the secondary natural attacks suffer a -5 penalty during an all-out attack.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 20 Tch 20 Ffted 17 HP 38/38 CMD 22/24(Grapple)  d20+10=28 ; d6+3=8 ;
Thursday April 2nd, 2015 11:01:19 PM

OOC: whatever the figure is for the secondary attacks, the MM should already include any penalties.

Nikolai usually can hit the side of a barn, but this creature's side is very well armored. Hitting is one thing, penetrating the armor is another. The thing's rending ability prevents any attempt at capture.

Attack (kick) +8 +2(flanking) = 28, dmg = 8

Shane P Michael Wittman AC21, T17, FF15 (ucdodge) HP43/43 Me+9(4), R+9, CMB+7, CMD+18  d20+17=25 ; d20+11=20 ;
Thursday April 2nd, 2015 11:09:19 PM

sticking the landing Michael is on the move. depending on where he lands in relation to the behemoth. If I land near his tail I try and scramble back up to my position at the fin. If I land near the head, I pull a tangle foot bag out of my pocket and toss it in it's mouth. (Bills pants o plenty right pocket for that "extra sticky peanut butter sandwich")

Acrobatics 25
"to hit" AC 20 for the bag toss.
ooc: whoever gets the peanut butter sandwich reference wins the no prize.

Zieluviet Iezerth - AC 17 (TAC 14, FF 13) HP 44/44 (Antonio) 
Friday April 3rd, 2015 1:12:14 AM

OoC: I think I recall some Charlie Brown story where someone (I think it was Patty, maybe) had an issue with sticky peanut butter. Just my guess =P

AC 20 T15 F15 CMD 19 (23 Bull Rush or Trip); HP 42/42 "Tinker" (SteveK)  d20+10=19 ;
Friday April 3rd, 2015 5:26:23 AM

Tinker is afraid that this armored behemoth is too tough in the hide to easily die, but the Fist is committed now and would be folly to attempt to withdraw. Once again, he finds himself in a situation of win or die. "Then win, dwarf !", he says to himself, and tries to land a blow, missing.

Flanking AC 19

DM Warren - Combat Round 3 
Friday April 3rd, 2015 11:41:22 AM

OOC: my rolls were correct, and what are you guys doing reading the entry anyway ;-) only William knows anything about the Bulette from the knowledge rolls made, and that's assuming I'm using the base monster.

Any thoughts of capturing the beast are made moot, as the Agents gathered around it beat, slash, and magic the creature into a bloody, pulped mess. Michael is able to save his goo bag as the Bulette falls, though he and Tinker both stick it a couple of times with their blades just to be sure. Things are peaceful for a moment, until they hear a second explosion of rocks and dirt from behind them.

The Agents turn to find a second monster, twin to the first, has leaped from the ground to savage Pru and Williams horses , who were standing at what they had thought to be a safe distance, some 200 feet away.

Zieluviet Iezerth - AC 17 (TAC 14, FF 13) HP 44/44 (Antonio)  d20+7=26 ; d20+7=14 ; d8+5=12 ; d8+5=11 ;
Friday April 3rd, 2015 12:29:03 PM

OoC: My apologies. I really thought those attacks had to take the -5 penalty, but the thing came because I remember the DnD3.5 entry for it, and the listed full attack had two claws with such difference. Anyway, I've not really read the PF Bestiary yet, so I'll settle for this one.

200ft you say? That's almost perfect =)

Ziel glares the other beast's claws and savagery, terrified by the subtlety and violence it attacked.

"Cursed Earthstalkers! Where are those coming from?"

The Drow promptly rises the longbow drawing it above it's eyes, then lowering it to the usual position just before putting the arrow to fly. Immediately, he takes the other arrow in the same grip, quickly placing it in the rest and firing it not as steadily as the first. The first lands to give the beast a shaftly protrusion from it's hide (hits AC 26 for 12 damage) while the second seems to barely bounce off the creature's hide and crashes in the ground close to it ('hits' AC 14 for 11 damage).

AC 20 T15 F15 CMD 19 (23 Bull Rush or Trip); HP 42/42 "Tinker" (SteveK) 
Friday April 3rd, 2015 8:33:00 PM

Tinker whirls to see the second land-shark explode outward and savage two more horses. The beast is far away, and Tinker isnt sure that fighting this one is a good idea. "Maybe it will be content to just eat those horses?"

AC 26 Touch 13 FF 25 CMD 18 HP(56) 51/51 Jasper Steelfist (David Feest)  d20+8=18 ; d10+7=8 ;
Friday April 3rd, 2015 8:52:45 PM

Jasper agrees with Tinker's assessment and backs up toward the two remaining horses, readying an attack in case this land shark charges them
readied attack hits AC 18 for 8 damage

William the Courageous (Ken) AC 18, hp 30/30  d20+3=7 ; d20+3=4 ; d20+3=20 ; d6=2 ; d20+3=13 ; d6=2 ;
Saturday April 4th, 2015 9:02:52 AM

William agrees with Jasper and Tinker's assessment, deciding to double move out of the way to get plenty of room against the creatures....

Meanwhile, both Lantern Archon's will let loose with a flurry of light rays, trying to slash it with their power...

Archie's Light Rays - RANGED TOUCH vs AC 7 (missed); vs. AC 4 (missed)
Arnold Light Rays - RANGED TOUCH vs. AC 20 for 2; AC 13 for 2

Spells Cast
1. Mage Armor, SM 2, SM3, Pearl of Power 3rd.

2. SM 3 - Archie the Archon 4/7 rounds (Augmented - AC 15, 17 hp, Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +0; +4 vs. poison, +2 resistance vs. evil, DR 10/evil; Immune electricity, petrification; Speed fly 60 ft. (perfect); Ranged 2 light rays +3 ranged touch (1d6), At Will--aid, continual flame, detect evil, greater teleport)

3. Arnold the Archon 7/7 rounds

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 20 Tch 20 Ffted 17 HP 38/38 CMD 22/24(Grapple) 
Saturday April 4th, 2015 1:04:02 PM

OOC: well, I didn't look up the stats, but being a DM, i've looked up plenty of monsters and the stats already reflect any penalties or bonuses. The difficulty is when changing the base creature and making sure the update to its abilities are correct. It can be very tricky. Try taking a base creature and making it an Undead!

Spell in effect: mage armor

Nikolai is glad that his Fist didn't just go charging after the second one. He's sad that the horses are being wantonly killed. He likes horses.

"Maybe, but they are Mailed Fist property and I'll defend them as much as I can. Besides, who knows what it will eat next? A poor merchant? Can't let that happen."

He stows his kama and pulls out his crossbow and loads it.

AC 26 Touch 13 FF 25 CMD 18 HP(56) 51/51 Jasper Steelfist (David Feest) 
Saturday April 4th, 2015 4:59:09 PM

"I feel yer pain sir, but it ain't our job. Just sayin'. I'm with ye either way, I already prayed that Flower protect me, no need to waste it."
Jasper keeps his axe cocked, waiting for the critter to make the next move.

Prudence Gundle (Kathy) 
Saturday April 4th, 2015 7:21:19 PM

Pru has nothing that will hit at this distance, and her companions seem content to stay where they are for the moment.

"Oh, those poor horses," she says, but she stays where she is.

Shane P Michael Wittman AC21, T17, FF15 (ucdodge) HP43/43 Me+9(4), R+9, CMB+7, CMD+18 
Sunday April 5th, 2015 12:07:19 AM

Guys, I don't think we can out run these things. But, I'm willing to try if ya'll are. Thing about it is, If we leave this thing here, it's going to kill the next travelers through this area. We're kind of the only ones with the skills to take care of it.

DM Warren - Combat Round 4 
Monday April 6th, 2015 1:44:20 PM

Despite the ease with which the Agents dispatched of the first Bulette, they seem reluctant to approach this one. Perhaps they can whittle it down with their long range firepower while it eats their horses.

It seems satisfied with horsemeat for a moment, but it can't ignore the pricks in its hide. It charges towards the group with as much speed as its stubby legs can muster.

Bulette 2 - 16 damage
charges forward 120 feet

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 20 Tch 20 Ffted 17 HP 38/38 CMD 22/24(Grapple)  d20+7=25 ; d8=8 ;
Monday April 6th, 2015 2:27:02 PM

"That's it. Come on down," Nikolai mutters as he fires his crossbow.

Firing crossbow at target when it reaches the end of its run, 80 feet away.

Bolt attack +7 = 25, dmg = 8

He then drops the crossbow and pulls out his Kama again.

Zieluviet Iezerth - AC 17 (TAC 14, FF 13) HP 44/44 (Antonio)  d20+7=27 ; d20+7=26 ; d20+7=25 ; d8+5=8 ; d8+5=6 ; d8+5=9 ; d8+5=13 ;
Monday April 6th, 2015 5:49:52 PM

"Be careful, Thumb!"

Side-stepping, Zieluviet draws Vynghol as usual, confident that the charge will make things easier, though he still has to raise the arrow more than a straight shot would require. With one arrow on the rest and another readied in his left hand, the Drow double strafes, putting both to fly toward the Bulette.

The first arrow flies amlost perfectly stabilized by the longbow's dampeners that even seems to desire the creature slain. It zooms directly to it with such power and stability that, from where Ziel stands, the nock seems barely visible after the arrow landed (3xCritical Yeah! Confirmed on AC 26 for 23 damage). And the second hits shortly after, not spectacularly, but still with respectable precision (Hits AC 25 for 13 damage).

AC 26 Touch 13 FF 25 CMD 18 HP(56) 51/51 Jasper Steelfist (David Feest)  d20+8=21 ; d10+7=13 ;
Monday April 6th, 2015 6:02:26 PM

The drow is a splendid shot and Jasper can't help but admire the the bow and the skill with which it is applied. He continues to wait for the oncoming mountain of flesh with his axe.
Readied attack hits AC 21 for 13 damage

Prudence Gundle (Kathy)  3d4+3=10 ;
Monday April 6th, 2015 6:48:07 PM

Most of Pru's spells are short-range. She makes a mental note to do something about that.

Her Magic Missiles, however, will work at this distance. She fires a volley at the charging beast.

[10 force damage.]

William the Courageous (Ken) AC 18, hp 30/30  d20+5=15 ; d6+2=3 ; d20+3=11 ; d6=2 ; d20+3=20 ; d6=1 ; d20+3=5 ; d20+3=15 ; d6=2 ;
Monday April 6th, 2015 8:57:39 PM

William, seeing that his friends are hitting it with some well aimed shots, throws his own acid dart at it...

Acid Dart - Hit TOUCH AC 15 for 3 Acid Dmg

He then moves perpendicular to the charging beast, putting as much space as possible between them...

The duo of Archons fire another set of light rays...
Light 1 = Hit RANGED TOUCH AC 11 for 2
Light 2 = Hit RANGED TOUCH AC 20 for 1
Light 3 = Miss RANGED TOUCH AC 5
Light 4 = Hit RANGED TOUCH AC 15 for 2

Spells Cast
1. Mage Armor, SM 2, SM3, Pearl of Power 3rd.

2. SM 3 - Archie the Archon 3/7 rounds (Augmented - AC 15, 17 hp, Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +0; +4 vs. poison, +2 resistance vs. evil, DR 10/evil; Immune electricity, petrification; Speed fly 60 ft. (perfect); Ranged 2 light rays +3 ranged touch (1d6), At Will--aid, continual flame, detect evil, greater teleport)

3. Arnold the Archon 6/7 rounds

AC 20 T15 F15 CMD 19 (23 Bull Rush or Trip); HP 42/42 "Tinker" (SteveK)  d20+8=28 ; d20+8=18 ; d6+2=6 ; d6+2=3 ;
Monday April 6th, 2015 9:52:49 PM

Tinker settles and waits, he and Jasper being the bulwark between the monster and the rest of the Fist. He sets, ready for the charge...

Ready set for charge: nat 20! Follow AC18

Set v charge = double damage. 9 dam

Shane P Michael Wittman AC22, T18, FF15 (ucdodge) HP43/43 Me+11(4), R+11, CMB+7, CMD+20  d20+11=21 ;
Tuesday April 7th, 2015 7:44:46 AM

Michael smoothly pulls a sling bullet out of his left pocket, transfers it to the staff sling and sends it on it's way with as much force as his tiny body can torque out. The shot is good, but it bounces off the armored hide of the beast. Only after taking the shot does Michael realize. They are fighting instead of running. He grins, these guys suit him just fine.

Hey, Zei, maybe you can make some Armor Piercing sling bullets as well? you know, when you are making me that short bow...just sayin'

Michael kind of fell in love with the whole, "tanglefoot bag in the mouth" idea, so he pulls a tanglefoot bag ouf of his pocket and waits on an opportunity to use it as the beast approaches.

ooc: the "extra sticky peanut butter sandwich" quote was from "Peanut butter sandwich" a poem by Shel Silverstein in his book "where the sidewalk ends" I'm shocked, My Mercenary compainion are a bunch of uncultured philistines.

DM Warren - Combat Round 5 
Tuesday April 7th, 2015 2:10:26 PM

Several missiles slam into the charging animal, but it hardly slows in its advance. It continues to run towards the group until a distance of about 40 feet, when it plunges its head into the ground and disappears. The movement of the fun through the ground is clear though, and it is still coming towards them.

20 feet away - 70 damage

Zieluviet Iezerth - AC 17 (TAC 14, FF 13) HP 44/44 (Antonio)  d20+11=15 ; d8+6=7 ;
Tuesday April 7th, 2015 3:38:17 PM

Ziel thumbs up for Michael.
"You have my word I'll give it a try."

Then takes an arrow from the quiver, holding it in Vynghol and drawing the string a little. He slowly moves backwards, paying attention to the trembling ground.

(Readied attack is the lamest. 'Hits' AC 15 for 7 damage.)

OoC: Not diminishing the work of Shelby, but I've never came across one of his works. Maybe my father could have hit, but that would be cheating Google level. Anyway, I'm sorry Shane.

AC 20 T15 F15 CMD 19 (23 Bull Rush or Trip); HP 42/42 "Tinker" (SteveK)  d20+9=19 ; d20+8=12 ;
Tuesday April 7th, 2015 5:06:12 PM

The land sharks so far have ignored the group as long as there were horses about. Four horses are dead, and Tinker looks about to see if the remaining horses are nearby or is the only possible target the Fst themselves.

If there are horses in a single movement, Tinker will set up there with a readied attack. If there is not, Tinker starts stamping his feet. "They're gonna come up here I bet, be ready when it does!"

Moving about, Tinker is trying to make as big a target (and hard to hit) as possible.

Perception 19 to see horses

If horse close by; move and ready attack. AC 12

If horse not, stomp and go Full Defensive (+6 AC). AC 26 this round.

Prudence Gundle (Kathy) 
Tuesday April 7th, 2015 5:41:16 PM

Pru sets her spear against a charge and hopes for the best.

AC 26 Touch 13 FF 25 CMD 18 HP(56) 51/51 Jasper Steelfist (David Feest)  d20+8=10 ;
Tuesday April 7th, 2015 7:06:35 PM

Jasper thinks that Tinker's idea is the best for this fight. So, if there are horses nearby he moves to them and readies an attack. If not, he stands where he is, stomping and beating his shieldd as he readies an attack.
Either way he misses, by alot.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 20 Tch 20 Ffted 17 HP 38/38 CMD 22/24(Grapple)  d20+7=8 ;
Tuesday April 7th, 2015 7:53:26 PM

OOC: Sigh... sorry Shane, never heard of him. :}

IC: "Good idea Tinker," Nikolai chimes in and follows suit.

1) If horses nearby, rush to defend them.

2) If not stomp on the ground.

Readied attack: Kama +7 = 8 ooops

Shane P Michael Wittman AC22, T18, FF15 (ucdodge) HP43/43 Me+11(4), R+11, CMB+7, CMD+20  d20+17=22 ; d20+11=24 ; d4=4 ; 3d6=7 ;
Wednesday April 8th, 2015 6:54:03 AM

Michael Charges forward the 20 ft to the fin and attempts to grab it again. I do this for 2 reasons. 1. It gets me away from it's mouth. 2. it gives me a better shot at sticking a sword up it's spine.

Move to the fin (acrobatics) 22
sword in the spine hit AC 24 4 damage. if I get sneak attack +7 +3 bleed /round

AC 26 Touch 13 FF 25 CMD 18 HP(56) 51/51 Jasper Steelfist (David Feest) 
Wednesday April 8th, 2015 3:28:49 PM

Thanks for that roll Jon, Now I don't feel so bad 8).

DM Warren - Combat Round 6  d20+13=20 ; 2d8+9=23 ;
Wednesday April 8th, 2015 5:30:54 PM

Either something in his blood must smell similar to the earth that the Bulette is constantly burrowing though, or maybe it's something to do with the arrows that are adding up in its back. Either way, the fin orients itself squarely on Ziel and a huge mouth snaps up from below his feet, savaging his leg. Michael tries to snag the fin as it zooms by, but it proves to be more slippery than that of the other creature.

23 damage and make a Fort Save

AC 26 Touch 13 FF 25 CMD 18 HP(56) 51/51 Jasper Steelfist (David Feest)  d20+8=21 ; d10+7=9 ;
Wednesday April 8th, 2015 6:23:54 PM

Soooo, relative to everyone else, where is it?
Jasper takes whatever kind of move he has to to reach the beast and swings, trying to pull it off of the Drow archer.
Hit AC 21 for 9 damage and if it was more than 5 feet, provoked an AoO.

AC 20 T15 F15 CMD 19 (23 Bull Rush or Trip); HP 42/42 "Tinker" (SteveK)  d20+9=27 ; d20+8=13 ;
Wednesday April 8th, 2015 7:21:43 PM

"Where is it digging?" Tinker calls and looks in the same breath. "If it only goes through dirt maybe a pile of rocks can keep us safe."

Tinker is worried. He moves to be next to William, Prudence, and Zielvulit. If they are all together, at least they'll be able to strike when it attacks.

Perception 27

Ready. 13. (Rats!)

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 20 Tch 20 Ffted 17 HP 38/38 CMD 22/24(Grapple)  d20+7=19 ; d6+3=9 ;
Wednesday April 8th, 2015 8:01:17 PM

Spells in effect: mage armor

Nikolai held his action in case it came for him, but it didn't.

Provided the Land Shark is at least within 1 Move from him, he quickly moves over to attack.
"Zie, If it is really intent on you, go into Full Defense mode and let us do the attacking. Shout at it or something, to keep it's attention on you."

Kama Att +7 = 19 +2 flanking = 21, dmag = 9

Zieluviet Iezerth - AC 17 (TAC 14, FF 13) HP 44/44 (Antonio)  d20+2=14 ; d20+8=20 ; d6+1=7 ;
Wednesday April 8th, 2015 8:49:33 PM

Fort = 14 Oops =(

Zieluviet perceives the beast and does his best to hit it, but the arrow he had been saving for it simply falls off as the bulette bursts out of the earth. His reflexes prompt him to fall back, but as he tries, something seems odd and his leg doesn't respond. At first, Ziel feels some of his blood dripping just by the moment and the creature's jaw soon seems to be loosing, then there's no pain...


He puts some effort on trying to keep standing and finds it to be harder than he could manage, if it were not for such a pinch. The shock also frightens Ziel and he can barely hear his allies, but, having heard or not, all he can think is to take it down before he himself falls.

Ziel draws the rapier kept at the side of his quiver and tries as hard as he can to distract it with a stab in the face, hoping it will aid the next attacker on hitting it (Hits AC 20 - flanking, for 7 damage).

"I'm fine! Argh! Not as much, but please make it bleed!"

OoC: Sorry Jon, but I thought we have better chances of dropping it this round than to have +4 AC. If it fully-attacks the way the last one did, high chances that Ziel will be pretty much dead.

Zieluviet Iezerth - AC 17 (TAC 14, FF 13) HP 21/44 (Antonio) 
Wednesday April 8th, 2015 9:03:25 PM

OoC: I've set the hp before posting, but had an internet spike and had to reload the page, but the post header didn't refreshed as I expected.

Shane P Michael Wittman AC22, T18, FF15 (ucdodge) HP43/43 Me+11(4), R+11, CMB+7, CMD+20  d20+13=29 ; d4=1 ; 3d6=13 ;
Wednesday April 8th, 2015 10:15:09 PM

As the fin slips by him Michael turn and pounds after it, He gets a brief glimps of Zei as the beast rises from the earth until it's bulk obscures him. Michael's practiced eye notices that the creatures armor joins in such a way as to keep dirt from getting in the joints as it tunnels, Michael targets the opening in the armor with his rapier, flanking the creature against Zie.

to hit AC 29 1 point from the rapier 13 from the sneak attack 3 points bleed per round.

ooc; sorry for the wierd post times, with easter and my birthday, it's put me a little behind.

Prudence Gundle (Kathy)  3d4+3=11 ;
Wednesday April 8th, 2015 11:02:35 PM

With an explosion of rock and dust, the creature attacks! With a flurry of yells and clashing steel, Pru's companions move in to block her view!

It doesn't matter, though. Pru is a sorcerer; she can Magic Missile until the cows come home.

Assuming this thing doesn't eat them first.

[11 more force damage.]

DM Warren - Combat Round 6  d20+13=25 ;
Thursday April 9th, 2015 3:40:14 PM

Between Michael's flashing rapier and more well-placed magical energy from Pru, the creature finally breathes its last, but not before offering one last parting shot at Jasper, which narrowly misses. Other than Ziel's heavy breathing from his gashed leg, everything is quiet once more save was only DC12, so you're fine . However, the Agents are down to three horses, which will make getting back to the Citadel a bit less pleasant.

Shane P Michael Wittman AC22, T18, FF15 (ucdodge) HP43/43 Me+11(4), R+11, CMB+7, CMD+20 
Thursday April 9th, 2015 6:55:01 PM

if we can salvage a saddle off of one of the dead horses, we can mount someone on my mule and I'll ride double or walk. Or we could all walk and lug most of one of these things carcass back with us. These things have to be worth something.

Michael draws his rapier from the the beasts innards, and hands Zie a potion of CLW..two of them. He cleans his rapier off and sheaths it. he then takes out his dagger and begins the gristly and grisly! task of flensing the creatures. lets see... eyes, teeth, claws, heart, liver, check the stomach for valuables. oh and the crests.

Zieluviet Iezerth - AC 17 (TAC 14, FF 13) HP 27/44 (Antonio)  2d8+1=5 ;
Thursday April 9th, 2015 7:59:39 PM

OoC: Drows: making bad use of healing spells/items since 1977
oh yeah, and Warren, I was really thinking if that would be some kind of DC 15+ Fort test to avoid losing consciousness.

Ziel feels ashamed. Nevertheless, deeply thanks Michael for the potions. The pain was actually making him wish the bulette had taken the leg with it, besides, the Drow felt so unprepared for not having stocked ointments and healing stuff and, to make things even worse, the loss of horses means the group will also be limited in carrying capacity.

At first, he wanted to send one of the beasts to Palance as a memento and the other to Elijaham as a show of the Agent's strength. Too bad he suddenly changed opinion and is rethinking if he really wants to see a behir face to face. Even Vynghol's carved behir looks scary right now.

AC 26 Touch 13 FF 25 CMD 18 HP(56) 51/51 Jasper Steelfist (David Feest)  d8=8 ; d8=7 ;
Thursday April 9th, 2015 8:33:40 PM

When you roll healing roll the dice separately. Ones are rerolled in the Wold. Also each potion would get a +1 to the die roll.

" You guys aren't used to having a healer huh? Those potions didn't even stop the bleeding. Let me see that wound."
Jasper reaches out and lays his gauntleted hands on Checker's leg. What would be expected as a rough groping with the gauntlets is actually a gentle caress. Positive energy flows through his hands and into the wound, knitting the tissues and reducing the angry swelling of the wound.
Ziel heal 18 damage

Spells prepared underlined spells have been cast
Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Purify Food and Drink, CLW(domain), Bless, Magic Weapon, Shield of Faith, CMW(domain), Shield Other, Sound Burst

AC 20 T15 F15 CMD 19 (23 Bull Rush or Trip); HP 42/42 "Tinker" (SteveK)  d20+9=12
Thursday April 9th, 2015 8:57:26 PM

Running about, failing to wound either beast even once, and failing to protect either the more vulnerable Fist members or the poor animals. Except for one or two ideas, a completely dismal performance.

Tinker shakes his head at himself and begins to play with the manacles from his backpack. He will stoically pitch in to help where needed.

With an idea, he checks out the bodies of the land-sharks for any hint of treasure glitter.

Perception 12

Zieluviet Iezerth - AC 17 (TAC 14, FF 13) HP 44/44 (Antonio) 
Thursday April 9th, 2015 9:55:24 PM

OoC: That roll was actually an accident two-ways. Lol. That's why it's listing +1 instead of +2 yet there had 2 d8's, but from what I remember, the houserule mentioned healing spells, so I wasn't expecting it to cover potions, even though they are CLW-tonics.
Anyway, high chances that the roll was 1d8=2 1d8=2 because you know... healing Drows...

"Ummm (joint still hurts!)... My thanks, Sire Jasper."

Ziel attempts some steps and (despite the aching) feels refreshed. Maybe Vynghol can be reconciled with.
He notices Tinker and will take a chance to have another customer of his bowcraft.

"Hey, Tinker, one moment of yours please... I think we could use more archers, you know... not that I'm not good enough archer or the back line could have more people to take the attacks, but honestly I had death up in my neck and that beast was insanely fast even burrowed. So I thought that if more of us could attack it at range, it would mean more efficiency from free hands while repositioning. Oh yeah, and also more resources and strategies at hand."

He takes a small parchment and a thin charcoal, also signaling to Michael to listen.

"So, Michael is next in the queue. I'm taking requests right now. Tinker, just list your preferences and it will be live at hand as soon as I can spend some days at the workshop. If your taste calls for slings or crossbows of any kind, they can be made as well. I can even try some magic at it, but bows are my speciality in that regard."

Ziel takes a folio from underneath the parchment.

"There's just one term you must abide by. And that is: Never abandon the weapon. You're commited to carry and it unless you give or lend it to someone else." The Drow smiles. "Do we have a deal?"

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 20 Tch 20 Ffted 17 HP 38/38 CMD 22/24(Grapple) 
Thursday April 9th, 2015 10:52:13 PM

Nikolai had learned long ago that what set this Fist apart from the others was Independent Thought. That didn't change Nikolai's duty to protect the members of his Fist and issue 'suggestions' he thought would do that. However he simply nods at Zie in acknowledgement of the risk he took.

"It worked. You are One-for-One," he smiles back.

He lets the other members of the Fist take care of dismembering the Land Sharks and saving the good parts. He gets Pru and William to help him remove the tackle and saddles from the dead horses and gather up the loose live ones.

"I can walk just fine, but since more than half of us have to walk, we might as well all walk except for Zie, unless he feels well enough after some healing. The remaining horses can carry the extra saddles and gear and critter parts. And DO find a way to keep those part from stinking up a swarm of flies and buzzards. Those fins, once treated and mounted, would look splendid in our barracks, eh guys?"

Prudence Gundle (Kathy) 
Friday April 10th, 2015 12:59:07 AM

At Nikolai's direction, Pru helps unsaddle the dead horses.

"I can walk," she says, "but I don't 'lug'."

AC 20 T15 F15 CMD 19 (23 Bull Rush or Trip); HP 42/42 "Tinker" (SteveK) 
Friday April 10th, 2015 5:59:15 AM

Tinker listens intently at Zielvulit and is about to agree when the dark elf says his last warning. "Um, like promising to not drop it on the ground in the middle of a fight? Or more make sure you recover it afterwards? You make fine weapons, but if it a choice between speed to meet a charging enemy and carefully sheathing a weapon ..." The dwarf looks over his shoulder where circumstances kept the shortbow for the fight and back at Zielvulit with uncomprhending eyes. "It's just a tool."

Nikolai's suggestion gets the dwarf moving. The idea of those fins on the wall... He gets his dagger and starts to butchering. "We could all walk, we've done it before. Save the horses for supplies, unneeded equipment like the Fist Issued tack and saddles, and for our prizes."

Zieluviet Iezerth - AC 17 (TAC 14, FF 13) HP 44/44 (Antonio) 
Friday April 10th, 2015 3:33:52 PM

"Dropping it is fine." Ziel chuckles. "Just don't make it too often. The term is just commitment to not abandon it. You're free to use it to strike an enemy in the face, but if I find that you left it behind and made the work go to waste..." Ziel takes a deep breath, then looks up. "Well, I have no stomach for such disrespect. So, if for some reason you wish to get rid of it, then give it to someone else who may use it. That's the term."

DM Warren - Combat Round 6  d20+8=20 ;
Friday April 10th, 2015 6:18:57 PM

Between potions and some magic that isn't bent towards destruction for once, Ziel's injuries are healed. But more important than that, ripping apart the beast for the chance of treasure!

Michael gets down and dirty, ripping out anything that could have monetary, sentimental, or bragging value. Maybe that fin would make a fine trophy on the wall of his room in the fort. If only he knew how to tan the hide! [i]Michael, roll reflex vs DC 20, if you fail, roll fort vs DC12 [i]

The saddles of the mutilated horses are remarkably intact except for some straps that were severed as the Bulettes tore open their mounts' bellies. Tinker feels a bit of personal shame at his poor performance in this battle. Luckily, none of his friends were permanently injured, but he considers how he can step up his game for the next battle. His eyes, however, are quick to sort out the contents of the Bulette's stomachs as Michael opens them up to his sight. What first appears to be some plain black stones among the detritus that filled the stomachs is actually a handful of uncut diamonds. They could be valuable to a gemcutter, and as a raw material may be worth as much as 500 gold!

Ziel ponders the merits of having a stronger ranged presence on the battlefield. Chipping away at the enemy before engaging them directly can make all the difference in a battle. He's determined to complete a bow for his new friend.

Nikolai distributes the load of creature parts and tack on the remaining horses after Pru (and the others) decides that she can deign to walk.

The rest of the journey back to the citadel is uneventful, though the Agents are more tired than they would have been since they were forced to walk most of the way. The southern gates of their home are a welcome sight indeed.

AC 20 T15 F15 CMD 19 (23 Bull Rush or Trip); HP 42/42 "Tinker" (SteveK) 
Friday April 10th, 2015 7:42:27 PM

Tinker's face lights up at Zielvulit's explanation. "Now that is a princely offer and one that I would be glad to accept. For while a tool is not as important as a life, so a life's skill is not as much without a good tool in hand. I promise to take good care of it as it will take good care of me and my battle mates."

But a new bow is a careful consideration and one that will bear careful thought. Tinker's eyes spy the uncut diamonds and with a shout he cleans them off and shows them to his mates. "A pretty days work and we can truthfully say we killed em in self defense. " Tinker could only imagine the trouble they would have gotten in if they hunted down and killed these dangerous animals without a contract!

William the Courageous (Ken) AC 18, hp 30/30 
Friday April 10th, 2015 9:53:23 PM

As they near their destination, a rider approaches and gives a message to William. After reading it, he tells his friends that he must leave, as his uncle, Sir Joshua has summoned him home for a family matter. Sadly, he tells his fist mates goodbye and gives Pru a hug. He uses a scroll provided by the rider to teleport home and disappears from sight.

OOC. Friends, as you heard, I have to take my leave from the Wold. Real life family and job situations have gotten so busy that I have to start cutting back, and sadly the Wold is one of many areas I have to give up. I've enjoyed playing with you all these years and getting to know each of you. It's been a real blast! May God the Father bless each of you and may Jesus his son and our savior fill you with his peace and grace as you walk through the hills and valleys of life.

Shane P Michael Wittman AC22, T18, FF15 (ucdodge) HP43/43 Me+11(4), R+11, CMB+7, CMD+20  d20+13=20 ;
Saturday April 11th, 2015 12:53:58 AM

The work is bloody and the shell is tough even when the creature is dead. He pays attention though and concentrating on the joints and growth joints he is able to get the beasts open. Luckily his dagger is sharp, a duller blade would have made him try to force the blade and he surely would have cut himself. as it was he almost cut himself a few times. reflex save =20

the eyes and all the other "perisable" stuff, put Michael at a loss. He needs a way to keep this stuff cool or cure it for travel, if he was carrying fresh meat they could smoke it for travel, he needs ice..

He shakes the Wizards hand before he leaves, and wishes him safe travels and blessings on his family.

he looks at Pru,
So...can you make ice?

Prudence Gundle (Kathy) 
Saturday April 11th, 2015 12:06:25 PM

Startled, Pru returns William's hug.

"But...who's going to be the smart one?" she asks, sounding a little lost.

"Ice?" she echoes. "Erm...not very well. I've got the Ray of Frost cantrip. It doesn't do much, but I can cast it as many times as I want."

AC 26 Touch 13 FF 25 CMD 18 HP(56) 51/51 Jasper Steelfist (David Feest) 
Saturday April 11th, 2015 10:39:26 PM

Jasper want's no part in cutting up the monsters. After tending to Checker's wounds he stands guard while the others do their thing. Then he blissfully walks back to the Citadel. Not having to ride is pure happiness for his bruised and battered backside after the last few days of riding.

Shane P Michael Wittman AC22, T18, FF15 (ucdodge) HP43/43 Me+11(4), R+11, CMB+7, CMD+20 
Sunday April 12th, 2015 2:43:41 PM

Yeah, that should work,

Michael take all the bits that could spoil and puts them in a sack, he takes another sack and fills it with grass from the plain they are in. He then puts the fiddly bits sack into the grass sack, making sure he nestles it in the middle of the grass, and obviously using as many sacks as needed to get the job done with all the bits.

Pur can you cast your ray of frost on the outside sacks, if you freeze the moisture in the grass it should keep the meat cool. Maybe since it's not a combat situation, you have some way you could modify the spell to just sort of cool everything down.

ooc: this is one of the things that has always aggrivated me about D&D magic, you can freeze a goblin solid, but you cannot easily make ice for a drink or cool something down in a non violent way. it's too coarse at times.

Zieluviet Iezerth - AC 17 (TAC 14, FF 13) HP 44/44 (Antonio) 
Sunday April 12th, 2015 11:09:09 PM

OoC: I have a question about crafting.
Considering the class Artisan's Gift class feature, which allows for a projectile weapon to be crafted in a week (with the successful Craft check), may I roll for each day accounting for the respective fraction, thus making it possible to make the most of the 'breaks'? Also, I need to clarify if the feature allows it to craft a masterwork weapon in a week or only the 'weapon component' when crafting masterwork weapons.

Thanks for your attention.

DM response: I'll ask on the board and get back to you

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 20 Tch 20 Ffted 17 HP 38/38 CMD 22/24(Grapple) 
Monday April 13th, 2015 12:47:31 AM

Nikolai is not too tire to slap Tinker on the shoulder and congratulates him for the find of the gems. "Let's just hope the Stable Master doesn't take one of those as payment for the horses." he says, half serious.

He gives William announces his departure after reading the note, Nikolai has a hard time holding back a tear. [b]"We are going to miss you and your summoned friends,"[b] and grasps the Williams' hand real hard.

Finally arriving at the Citadel, or Home, the first thing he does is instruct the Fist to take the horses to the stables. Meanwhile, he sits down to write up his Report and hope his explanation about the loss of the horses is adequate.

DM Warren - Combat Round 6 
Monday April 13th, 2015 3:54:26 PM

With some ingenuity and some well utilized spellwork, Pru and Michael are able to preserve the grislier bits until they can reach a place where they can treat them properly. Pru is getting a little mentally fatigued towards the end of the day from casting the same cantrip over and over.

The remaining horses are glad to be away from the scent of carnage, and the closer they come to home, the more eagerly they pull against their leads, ready to be in a familiar stable with good oats and grain instead of what forage they can find on the road.

When William receives his message, there is a round of heartfelt goodbyes, but he doesn't tarry long. Whatever matter came up must be important if his uncle felt the need to but out his contract with the Fist and spring for a costly scroll. Whatever task he is off to, he will not be far from the minds of the rest of the Agents, and he will always have a place among them.

The Stablemaster is none too pleased to hear of the mutilation of four of his herd, but it is the kind of thing that is risked every time a Fist takes to the field. All part of the cost of doing business. He appreciates the return of the tack, but would feel better if he had spare mounts to wear it.

Nikolai prepares to report to Constance the results of their venture, though at this point, he still doesn't have much to tell. Meanwhile, Ziel takes advantage of a free evening to begin work on the bow he had decided to craft. As long as he has his tools with him and takes care to not expose the wood overmuch to the elements until it is properly seasoned, he should be able to work on it during breaks while on the road without any problems. roll your craft check at your convenience

AC 26 Touch 13 FF 25 CMD 18 HP(56) 51/51 Jasper Steelfist (David Feest) 
Monday April 13th, 2015 5:31:17 PM

Jasper, at liberty as far as he can tell goes to watch his son practice at the training grounds. Afterwards he gets some grub, a drink or two and heads to his rack for some welcome rest.

AC 20 T15 F15 CMD 19 (23 Bull Rush or Trip); HP 42/42 "Tinker" (SteveK) 
Monday April 13th, 2015 6:09:46 PM

Tinker shak s hands with William, choosing to remember his good friend and save brooding for later. When the group gets back, he helps with the tack and the. His own equipment, making sure everything's by is repaired and ready in his pack for whenever he needs it before thinking about food. He helps out Michael too, with the land-shark fins. Tinker doesn't know anything about taxidermy but is sure there is someone in the citadel who does!

Know Local. Take 10. 17

Zieluviet Iezerth - AC 17 (TAC 14, FF 13) HP 44/44 (Antonio)  d20+15=33 ;
Monday April 13th, 2015 6:26:45 PM

OoC: Craft (Bowmaking) = 33
That's 13 + 2 from masterwork tools +18 from the roll, which would account for 66gp in one week for crafting the Small Masterwork Composite Shortbow.
I wasn't meaning to be able to craft in days of travel, but if that can be, I'm not complaining =D
What I meant actually was to simply have the benefits of Artisan's Gift for non-consecutive days of work, so if you come to decide that crafting can't fit in a day of travel, I will have no objections.

With plenty of work to do, Zieluviet gets to a workshop in the armory and begins the boring process of making shapes for the limbs' curvature. At the same time, some oil is heated and he sets an exhaust for the heat to soften the outer, harder wood. Then, preliminary planning and cuts, adjusting the lengths. It's a boring part the beginning... The handle is tomorrow's target, as well as some press to get the limbs perfectly set in the shape. And get some clamps.

The busy day means no time for the usual night stroll around the Citadel, but Ziel wants to claim a position in the armory on the long run. Ideas to employ steelgrass also begin to shape and the Drow wonders if he will have the honor and the chance to learn from the mysterious Weaver.

There's some expectancy of impressing Palance when she sees the bulette fins. And also, to make Elijaham see what the Agents can spontaneously do. It can't be helped... Ziel was envious at first of his position, deeds and attitude... and the Drow believes he will feel better by making Elijaham's team feel inferior to the Agents. When talking about competitiveness, Drows seem to take it too seriously, and to worsen things, Zieluviet felt his pride was jeopardized that day.

AC 26 Touch 13 FF 25 CMD 18 HP(56) 51/51 Jasper Steelfist (David Feest) 
Monday April 13th, 2015 7:38:56 PM

So 49.5 gp of the 75 gp of the composite bow component. I guess you were correct when you said you could make a bow in about a week, if it were a normal shortbow. I stand corrected.
The masterwork part will take considerably longer though.

Prudence Gundle (Kathy) 
Monday April 13th, 2015 10:11:08 PM

After a quick bath to wash off the trail dust, Pru heads for bed, hoping some rest will cure the throbbing headache.

Zieluviet Iezerth - AC 17 (TAC 14, FF 13) HP 44/44 (Antonio) 
Monday April 13th, 2015 10:43:50 PM

OoC: Yeah, that would be the case if the shortbow were to be crafted the 'regular way', but my hope is this lv1 Sharpshootery thingy:

Highlight to display spoiler: {Artisan's Gift (Ex): Sharpshooters are especially proficient with weapons that they make themselves, using their own crafting ability. They can craft (not enchant) any projectile weapon with a successful craft skill check and a single week of work. When using a projectile weapon that he has made himself, the Sharpshooter receives a bonus to attack rolls (but not to damage rolls) equal to one third of his appropriate Craft ranks (round down) plus 1. For slings and crossbows, use Craft (Weaponsmith) ranks; for bows, use Craft (Bowyer) ranks. This bonus is referred to as his Artisan's Gift and stacks with all other modifiers to attack rolls. A sharpshooter loses this bonus when using weapons another has enchanted, even if he originally made it. He also loses this bonus when wearing armor heavier than light.}

And it's also possible to increase the DC by 10 to make it faster. The trump will be get that Woldian item Vedik's Circlet of Focus, that can increase one Craft by 5 for the lesser version, though the circlet's best features would be wasted in this scenario...
Well, they did say I would have a hard time playing a non-spellcasting crafter anyway (Hello chunk of mithril, this is my friend Fabricate. Care to be made into a Mithral Full Plate 12 million times faster than the 'average' master armorsmith would take?). Good thing the class has plenty of flavor.

Shane P Michael Wittman AC22, T18, FF15 (ucdodge) HP43/43 Me+11(4), R+11, CMB+7, CMD+20 
Monday April 13th, 2015 11:04:57 PM

after tending to his mule, squaring his stuff away and checking in, Michael head to the portal to the catacombs to see what land shark parts might fetch at the market.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 20 Tch 20 Ffted 17 HP 38/38 CMD 22/24(Grapple) 
Tuesday April 14th, 2015 12:47:32 AM

Nikolai's report really does not say much. He isn't sure how much he can trust who all reads the reports. He simply states that affairs went as expected and planned except for an attack by creatures commonly known as Land Sharks. Their fins are now trophies on their barracks wall.

A good rest and then some planning. What to do next?

AC 26 Touch 13 FF 25 CMD 18 HP(56) 51/51 Jasper Steelfist (David Feest) 
Tuesday April 14th, 2015 9:24:27 PM

If Nikolai asks Jasper recommends solidifying their cover story including who is doing the talking in the next city when they pose as purchasers for a lord's army.

Prudence Gundle (Kathy) 
Tuesday April 14th, 2015 11:46:52 PM

Pru has a little trouble falling asleep, but she persists. She runs over in her head all they have found out about the thefts. It is a depressingly short list. She turns to counting sheep instead.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 16 Tch 16 Ffted 13 HP 38/38 CMD 22/24(Grapple) 
Wednesday April 15th, 2015 12:23:25 AM

Nikolai figures this would be a good time to do some better planning. Instead of just heading to a city and looking around, find out when the next shipments are leaving and where they are going. From that, find out who the escorts are going to be and if they are they usual ones for that run. They can then pick one to follow and see what happens.

Shane P Michael Wittman AC20, T16, FF15 (ucdodge) HP43/43 Me+9(4), R+9, CMB+7, CMD+18 
Wednesday April 15th, 2015 1:46:55 AM

back from the portal, gets rid of the offal that could rot. he keeps the teeth, claws and crests, He thinks he might makes adornments for the crew with them.

You know Nikolai, we might have been going about this backwards, I think that since the thefts are happening here, here is where we need to be looking. we need a way to set up some sort of Canary trap...Hey that may be it! Okay...let me see if I can explain this to everybody.

We have just returned from a mission, our story could be anything. so we make up a story, several in fact. We know that thieves have a man on the inside. we even have an idea who, so our story is like this, we just returned from a heck of mission, we just intercepted a payroll caravan from Aisildur, taking payroll to a bunch of Ga'als chosen who have been giving Weddin City some trouble. There was this chest, we couldn't get it open, but man was it heavy for such a small size, but judging from what William was able to find out, it's got to have more than 100,000 gold pieces in it. He's gone to Eyrie to find a mage with the skill to open the chest. He should be back here in about a week to get it open. strange thing though,, I wonder why they would paint the chest (blue, yellow, red). any way we put it in the quartermasters for safe keeping.

we tell this story to whomever we suspect of being complicit with the thefts. but before we do we get three small chests filled with lead a continual light spell and sovereign glued shut, we paint each chest a different color and we put all three chests in the quartermasters storage. when one of the chests goes missing it will narrow down the field to who we are looking for. I don't know maybe we can get some way of tracking the chest, but that's beyond me.

Zieluviet Iezerth - AC 17 (TAC 14, FF 13) HP 44/44 (Antonio) 
Wednesday April 15th, 2015 3:56:49 AM

Ziel returns late from the armory with the face between bored and focused, catching up with the discussion about the mission, which is evidently more important than thoughts about pride and bow designing/making.

"Sounds good. You could also add a bit of flour or some diluted syrup, just a little bit and pierce a small hole underneath it. Something hard to notice. The flour or sweet syrup may not be enough to track by eye, so they won't see it at the time, but if it happens to make a trail, in a few hours, some ants will do the job of tracking them for us. And finding a trail of ants is easy enough."

The Drow rubs his forehead. "Oh, right, that's considering they use a slower, hidden route. If they take it to a cart, then the trail won't take us too far."

Shane P Michael Wittman AC20, T16, FF15 (ucdodge) HP43/43 Me+9(4), R+9, CMB+7, CMD+18 
Wednesday April 15th, 2015 7:35:45 AM

[b] the continual light spell will give the chests a magic aura, making them very heavy will ensure that they only take the right color chest, and gluing them shut will make it seem like they are wizard locked. whichever chest is missing, that's the person we lean on. If we can track the chest, or when we go outside the citadel, if we find the chest, that is a positive indication that we are in the correct place. although absence of the chest does not correlate to being in the wrong place.

AC 26 Touch 13 FF 25 CMD 18 HP(56) 51/51 Jasper Steelfist (David Feest)  d20+5=7 ;
Wednesday April 15th, 2015 11:14:25 AM

"There are good points to that plan and bad points. Let me explain."
"The good parts are that if the thefts are happening inside the Citadel, we would have a good chance of the thieves being tempted by a score that large. Your idea to color code the chests and tell specific people we suspect about specific colors of chest being the right one could pretty well help determine who is the thief. Your ideas of how and what to do to make the chests seem valuable seem sound as well."
" The down side I see is we are already inside and didn't offload the 'heavy' chests from the few mounts we returned with. Any spy or thief worth his salt would know that. If we were to persue another lead and return in a week or so with the chests, then we could complete the ruse more easily."
" Second, you cover story needs work. I don't know much about Ga'al, but what I do know is that his best and brightest don't follow him for monetary rewards. They surrender themselves to his will and abandon any will of their own. They concede that Ga'al knows best what is right for them, for their neighbors and for all of Alsidur. All of the taxes and fines on the unheartseeded that remain is Alsidur are not to raise funds, though they do that as well, but to push any that would disobey Ga'al or his heartseeded out of the country. If there is no one there to speak against the evil that Ga'al decides to perpetrate, then the evil will continue."

Jasper shakes himself, throwing off the anger and yes, fear he feels for people like that. The smile returns to his face and he tries to make the plan better.
" I have heard of people using magic to locate a certain object that they are familiar with. I am not powerful enough to do this, but with a scroll I might be able to track your chests that way. Or maybe Prudence knows this spell. We will have to ask her." Assuming we are not disturbing Pru's rest to talk about this in the barracks while she tries to sleep 8).

DM Warren 
Wednesday April 15th, 2015 11:25:31 AM

Apologies for yesterday, didn't have access to a computer all day.

I should clarify - I didn't mean you could craft while traveling, but if you have your tools while you're adventuring and you have free time, you can spend it working on the bow. So yes, non-consecutive days count.

Tinker doesn't know much about tanning, but he can certainly follow his nose to where the leatherworkers in the citadel have their shops. The fins can be preserved easily, but it will cost a gold piece for the pair, unless he wants them mounted as well.

Michael goes to investigate what parts of the Bulette's would be worth. Unfortunately, other than trophies, they aren't worth much. They creatures that went into creating it are too polluted to be used for food, and the demon blood used in the process is too diluted to be extracted in any useful amounts. The mage's school may be interested for the purposes of anatomy studies and theory on creation of beasts, but in chunks, they aren't of much value.

After unwinding after their travels, the Agents get back to plotting, hoping to uncover some more information before going on another wild rat chase.

Prudence Gundle (Kathy) 
Wednesday April 15th, 2015 12:34:20 PM

When apprised of the plan, Pru is skeptical. "But how do we know they'll take the bait?" she asks. "I mean, they haven't taken anything big and conspicuous before, have they? It's all been supplies and things. Stuff we have lots of. Nothing unique. That's why it took a while to even realize that stuff was going missing. So why would they take a unique chest that would be missed immediately? Even if we make it really tempting for them, I'm not sure they'll go for it."

"Also...." she hesitates, and goes on. "Also, this plan calls for a lot of magic. With William gone, we may have to re-think how we do magic stuff. Arcane magic, I mean. I'm sure Jasper does the priestly magic just fine."

"But, see, I'm a sorcerer, not a wizard. I don't have a spellbook. I don't know very many spells. Here are the spells I know:" she ticks them off on her fingers. "Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Message, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Burning Hands, Endure Elements, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Ray of Enfeeblement, Invisibility, Protection from Arrows, and Scorching Ray." She spreads her hands. "That's it. That's all I've got. And I probably won't be able to learn another one for a couple of months. So if we need me to cast anything else, we'll need to get a scroll of it. And that means a trip to the Catacombs."

AC 20 T15 F15 CMD 19 (23 Bull Rush or Trip); HP 42/42 "Tinker" (SteveK) 
Wednesday April 15th, 2015 5:50:02 PM

Tinker chips on the gold piece without a thought. A pair of those fins on the wall of the barracks will look great for visitors!

Coming back for the planning, the dwarf at first is warm to Michael's idea and then sours as Jasper puts holes in it. "A couple days rest once back from a mission would be normal for us. We have that much time to come up with a plan. And if we don't , we go to The next city and get the boxes before we come back "

Shane P Michael Wittman AC20, T16, FF15 (ucdodge) HP43/43 Me+9(4), R+9, CMB+7, CMD+18 
Thursday April 16th, 2015 7:57:25 AM

Valid points Father Steelfist..a moment...Prudence, i did not know that you did not need a spellbook, you just do that with raw ability? That is freaking AWESOME!

As to the Asildurians not needing payroll, you are partially correct. When operating outside asildur, you have to be able to purchase supplies, grease palms and such. If it was a clandestine force working to undermine wedding city preface to an invasion, large cash transactions could also be used to finance rebels and irregular troops.

AC 26 Touch 13 FF 25 CMD 18 HP(56) 51/51 Jasper Steelfist (David Feest) 
Thursday April 16th, 2015 12:03:40 PM

"True, that is a good point. Nonbelievers would need payment. If they were smart though they would understand that eventually it would be convert or most likely die."
" It is a workable plan, we just need to refine it a bit."

Shane P Michael Wittman AC20, T16, FF15 (ucdodge) HP43/43 Me+9(4), R+9, CMB+7, CMD+18 
Thursday April 16th, 2015 2:24:10 PM

and to answer Pru's question about the probability of them taking the chest. Thieves cannot pass by thenopportunity of a big score. Let me put it like this. They are making a fair profit sneaking stuff out of the citadel, but they have to know that every time they do, they inch a bit closer to being caught. They dont know when though. A big score, landed right in their lap will be a huge temptation. Take the big score, then cut and run. It has to look real though, they will already suspect a trap. Hrumph....you know if we can make them believe it, we might not need the colored chests. The mole will probably absconde with the rest, cause he would know that the hammer will fall after something like that.

DM Warren - Back to the drawing board 
Thursday April 16th, 2015 3:51:29 PM

The Agents, not satisfied with the results of their previous excursion, sit down to discuss what they should try next, and how they can have a more successful operation. Good points are made all around, but it seems like it again falls to Nikolai to make the final decision.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 16 Tch 16 Ffted 13 HP 38/38 CMD 22/24(Grapple) 
Thursday April 16th, 2015 5:57:45 PM

OOC: Sorry, oops. Had to be at work at 4am and was trying to do my DM post. Didn't get either. :(

Nikolai decides that going blind is not a good use of their time.
"I'm going over to the Quartermasters, maybe disguised as a merchant, and find out what are the next shipments, when, and where. I don't think the thieves are going after such mundane items as food so no point in chasing after those shipments."

Nikolai tries several 'merchant' looks with input from his Fist. Once satisfied, he leaves the barracks as Nikolai but at a spot where he can be unobserved, changes into the Master Merchant Hossennffeffer and heads to the Quartermasters. He pretends to inquire on supply demands so he can adequately stock his warehouses but when given the chance (when no one is around, even the help) he gives a signal to Qualtmie to let her know it is Nikolai and proceeds to ask for a detail of the next incoming and outgoing shipments and their contents.

AC 20 T15 F15 CMD 19 (23 Bull Rush or Trip); HP 42/42 "Tinker" (SteveK) 
Thursday April 16th, 2015 6:27:26 PM

Tinker decides that if they are going to be at the Citadel for another day, then perhaps another look at the area is in order. " Nikolai, I'm gonna see if I can't find any more secret entrances in the walls of the Citadel. I'll say that my Fost tasked me to study up on fortifications which would be all the excuse needed for a day of walking outside the Citadel and staring at the walls. "

Waiting to see if that is a good plan as any, Tinker then caries it out the next morning. If questioned, Tinker grumbles about hard-nosed sergeants and their inability to listen to the reasoning of perfectly good troopers.

Perception to notice unusual stonework, traps, hidden doors when passing within 10' (+11) Tinker carefully looks at the outside walls of the Citadel, take 10= 21 perception.

Prudence Gundle (Kathy)  d20+8=26 ;
Thursday April 16th, 2015 7:17:31 PM

"All right, let's give it a try." Pru says. "There's a spell called Arcane Mark. It's only a cantrip, really, but I don't know it so I'd need a scroll. The scroll wouldn't be very expensive, though. We could put an Arcane Mark on the chest, which would serve two purposes. It would help us find and recognize the chest again, and it would make the chest detect as magic, which we want in order to tempt them to take it."

Shane P Michael Wittman AC20, T16, FF15 (ucdodge) HP43/43 Me+9(4), R+9, CMB+7, CMD+18 
Thursday April 16th, 2015 9:13:44 PM

thats a good idea Pru! I would go get it for you but im gold poor after I bought all this gear. I was hoping the land shark parts would net me a hot cash injection...but it was not to be..."zhis iz not zee butcher"...pasty faced blood sucking walking corpse, look down your nose at me will ya...well okay..i know he can't help it...but still.

Zieluviet Iezerth - AC 17 (TAC 14, FF 13) HP 44/44 (Antonio) 
Friday April 17th, 2015 12:18:01 AM

Ziel reminds Pru and Michael that most of his goldies are at their service to execute any plan they come with (mainly because the Drow desires nothing that money can buy anyway - and any guesses will be probably wrong) and asks for any accompaniment to stock some Potions of Cure Light Wounds because the bulettes' attack taught him that lesson the hard way.

Checking in the workshop, the Drow mounts the press and shapes, then heats the would-be limbs parts so they get soft as before, but this time they'll be pressed with resin carefully placed in points of minimal tension when arched. The middle is filed and marked to receive the handle afterwards.
As the excess resin begins to escape the wood, Zieluviet scraps it so it doesn't take a full day of sanding (and to make sure wherever has to be attached is indeed).

AC 26 Touch 13 FF 25 CMD 18 HP(56) 51/51 Jasper Steelfist (David Feest)  d20+9=14 ;
Friday April 17th, 2015 1:47:59 AM

" I've worked plenty of stone in my day, mind if I tag along while you inspect the wall Tinker? If something bad should happen like you find a hidden door and it is in use when you do, at least you will have some backup."
Jasper's eye, though trained is less sharp than Tinker's.
Take 10 on perception 13, 15 with Stone cunning
Profession Stonemason 14, 16 if it is modified at all by Stone cunning. (19 and 21 if just taking 10)

AC 20 T15 F15 CMD 19 (23 Bull Rush or Trip); HP 42/42 "Tinker" (SteveK) 
Friday April 17th, 2015 5:36:51 AM

Tinker nods at Jasper,"the ruse should work as well with two as long as Nikolai backs it up if he is asked".

As to the box plan, the young dwarf thinks of an idea. "If we want them to have a heavy box and a hard time opening it, we could commission a carving that looks like a box in another city. No need for the lead because it will be solid and no need for the Glue because it couldn't be opened anyways. ". He ponders for aoment and snorts. "By Ffloy, we could shape it because it doesn't have to look like anything other than exotic and box-like."

AC 26 Touch 13 FF 25 CMD 18 HP(56) 51/51 Jasper Steelfist (David Feest) 
Friday April 17th, 2015 1:16:09 PM

" Having seen you work with your locks and puzzles, I feel confident that you can help make an unopenable box look convincing. I like this idea. Also the box will be unique and able to be tracked with locating spells. An excellent refinement to the plan."

DM Warren - Back to the drawing board 
Friday April 17th, 2015 8:59:52 PM

Plans are refined by Michael and Pru in the barracks and decisions are made. Other Agents have things to keep them busy.

Nikolai tips off Qualtmie once he is able to catch her alone, and she is more than happy to go over shipment information with him. I don't know how much help this will be though. I haven't let any books go by without my personal inspection, and maybe the increased inspection has scared them off. In any case, nothing has been disappearing lately.

There is however a quite large shipment of goods going out to Isumbre to help continue the outfitting of the Shark Company.

Ziel is an impressive sight in the weapons shop. He is obviously a master of his craft, and the pieces of bow are coming together.

Jasper and Tinker apply their dwarven senses to the wall, but it is as solid an edifice as the Fist could build. They patrol both sides, and there is nowhere on the entire length that a secret entrance could be concealed.

Shane P Michael Wittman AC20, T16, FF15 (ucdodge) HP43/43 Me+9(4), R+9, CMB+7, CMD+18 
Friday April 17th, 2015 11:51:57 PM

with the meeting broken up, Michael goes and gets a bath, He then wanders the citadel looking for things out of place, thinking about what he would do if he were to steal from this place.

ooc: since I cannot actually see the citadel, and I do not actually have ranks in thieving skills I'm going to ask some yes or no questions.

Perception 24

Do I as a rogue think that it would be possible to smuggle stuff out of here with out a man on the inside?

does the guard system setup present holes that could be exploited?

These are not a yes/no questions but they are things that I think we would know.

What items have been stolen from the citadel?

Were the items checked into the citadel? or were they missing from the bill of lading when the items arrived?

when were the items reported missing? how long after delivery? is there a pattern?

when did the thefts start? does it correspond with any new arrivals of troops to the citadel?

any other questions that anybody has, lay them on this is a chance to get them answered.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 16 Tch 16 Ffted 13 HP 38/38 CMD 22/24(Grapple) 
Saturday April 18th, 2015 1:00:31 AM

Nikolai ask Qualtmie if she knows who is in charge of the shipment and who is escorting it. Following along with the idea of planting a false box, he asks to see the boxes so they can make a copy for their tracking purposes. He'll develop that plan further later on when the Fist are together that night.

AC 20 T15 F15 CMD 19 (23 Bull Rush or Trip); HP 42/42 "Tinker" (SteveK) 
Saturday April 18th, 2015 8:03:56 AM

OOC. Everyone please read the new Mailed Fist. Three huge changes are:
- Biggest units are Companies, not Regiments. The Mailed Fist is less than 3000 mercenaries now.
- Moral ambiguity is mostly gone. The Mailed Fist won't fight for people they know are on the wrong side.
- Benefits have changed A LOT! The DMs will be giving us a timeline on when to convert our PC sheets.

tramping around the walls all day in the sun is both boring and hot; well deserved to be called work. No one seemed to question why Tinker and Jasper were doing this exercise either, which makes Tinker conclude that there was no one who saw them and we're trying to keep something secret either.

Still, a day verifying a possibility does not exist is still a piece of a puzzle. What's more, a day of being together, not talking much nor looking at each other seemed to make friends of Jasper, solidifying the battle mates earlier shoulder to shoulder stand against the land-sharks.

Tinker gives a self satisfied smile. It was a good day.

Shane P Michael Wittman AC20, T16, FF15 (ucdodge) HP43/43 Me+9(4), R+9, CMB+7, CMD+18 
Saturday April 18th, 2015 6:20:22 PM

Nikolai; ask Q about the warehouse mark.

Prudence Gundle (Kathy) 
Sunday April 19th, 2015 4:41:34 PM

"So...am I getting a scroll of Acrcane Mark? Are we decided?" Pru asks her companions.

Shane P Michael Wittman AC20, T16, FF15 (ucdodge) HP43/43 Me+9(4), R+9, CMB+7, CMD+18 
Sunday April 19th, 2015 11:51:25 PM

I'm all for it.

DM Warren - Back to the drawing board 
Monday April 20th, 2015 4:33:28 PM

Michael looks around the Citadel in general, trying to determine how he would sneak weapons, armor, and general supplies out of the grounds. The walls are solid, the guards are alert, and there are regular shift changes with duty rosters easily accessible. There don't seem to be any holes that he can see.

Looking back through their notes, Michael can see that goods that are manufactured in the Citadel have been disappearing from the storehouses, and things being shipped out arrive at their destination lighter, though the actual delivery personnel have been cleared from the suspects list.

The problem seemed to have stopped after the Agents dispatched with some wererats before Michael joined. They have since started up again. There seems to be no pattern to the thefts. Whomever is behind it seems better at covering their tracks than the last culprits.

Qualtmie is able to provide names and times of the next shipment, and asks Nikolai what he wants to know about the warehouse marker.

Prudence Gundle (Kathy) 
Monday April 20th, 2015 9:24:16 PM

"All right; I'll be back soon," Pru says. She departs for the Catacombs.

AC 20 T15 F15 CMD 19 (23 Bull Rush or Trip); HP 42/42 "Tinker" (SteveK) 
Monday April 20th, 2015 9:25:57 PM

Tinker listens to Michael going over their notes and wonders if the box is even going to work because only stuff manufactured in the Citadel seems to become missing. Missing from storehouses and wagons. He shakes his head, the dwarf unable to come up with a solution to the puzzle.

AC 24 Touch 11 FF 23 CMD 18 HP(56) 51/51 Jasper Steelfist (David Feest) 
Monday April 20th, 2015 9:53:32 PM

" If we can't figure out a pattern, then we are going to be very busy following shipments until we see something fishy. What are we missing?"

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 16 Tch 16 Ffted 13 HP 38/38 CMD 22/24(Grapple) 
Monday April 20th, 2015 11:08:36 PM

"Hmm... Thanks, Qualtmie. About the warehouse marks. Do each warehouse at each destination have a unique mark? Do you know them all?" and he describes the mark they saw on the boxes from the warehouse outside the Citadel that they raided.

Back at the barracks, Nikolai describes his meeting with Qualtmie and the names and times of the next shipment. "Let's look over these and pick the one most likely to be raided. I suggest following it at a distance and hidden. Something is happening to them in route that the escort Fist don't notice. Are they being put to sleep by magic at some point? Are they being charmed somewhere on the way? Being with them won't work. We need to trail them like we trailed the gnolls and see what happens, keeping an eye out for others trailing them too. I know it is a long shot, but we have to start somewhere. Other ideas?"

Shane P Michael Wittman AC20, T16, FF15 (ucdodge) HP43/43 Me+9(4), R+9, CMB+7, CMD+18 
Tuesday April 21st, 2015 11:17:49 AM

Alright, the culprits are being very cautious, we need to know what the warehouse marker means, the thieves have to have a man on the inside. If it were me, I'd roll dice or flip coins to keep my thefts as random as possible. I would say look for a guy with dice, but...well...soldiers you know. the shipments are leaving here intact, but they are arriving at their destination light. this means that they are either getting filched en route, the warehouse man and the guy holding the bill of lading are complicit, or the bill of lading is wrong on the front end. No love there. At the same time we have material going missing from our warehouses, at random intervals as well. Could someone be padding the shipments going out with material from the warehouses and the the agents on the outside take it in and then say the shipment is light to pull attention away from the warehouse thefts? it's a bit convoluted, but maybe it's possible. It does tie all of it together in a nice neat package though. first thing we need to do is start working to figure out
1. who inspects and confirms the load out and bills of lading. I know it's Q's job, but maybe she has a helper or has a thumb do it. I need to know more about Logistics SOP for this.
2. we need to find our if there are certain way points that the transporters stop at from time to time.
3. I"m thinking that the wizard mark spell, if it can be tracked, should go on something that the thieves would like to steal. that way we can follow it.
4. is there a magical component to all of this? could they have a mage working for them cloaking their movements? gaining them access? is there a way to check?

sorry guys I'm just brainstorming here,

DM Warren - Back to the drawing board 
Tuesday April 21st, 2015 12:47:48 PM

Qualtmie says that she knows of several shipping marks, but is only really familiar with those that she works with on a regular basis. There are dozens or companies that transport goods in just this area. The one that the rats had had stamped on their crates was not one that she has seen before, so it's likely not from Wedding City or Ham City, where most of the goods that come to the Citadel are routed through.

Meanwhile, the Agents refine their plans, Pru goes shopping, and Nikolai proposes the next step in their investigation. Whatever they want to do, they need to do it quickly if they want to trail the shipment to Isumbre leaving the next day.

AC 20 T15 F15 CMD 19 (23 Bull Rush or Trip); HP 42/42 "Tinker" (SteveK) 
Tuesday April 21st, 2015 7:03:58 PM

Tinker is willing to support any plan by his battle mates because he is completely out of ideas.

Prudence Gundle (Kathy) 
Tuesday April 21st, 2015 8:58:05 PM

Pru returns from the Catacombs with three Arcane Mark scrolls. "Just let me know when you want me to cast them," she says. "Or are we still doing a decoy chest? Do you want to follow the shipment instead?"

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 16 Tch 16 Ffted 13 HP 38/38 CMD 22/24(Grapple) 
Tuesday April 21st, 2015 10:31:26 PM

Nikolai builds upon what Michael laid out.
"If Qualtmie verifies that the crates are intact when they leave here, then some switch-aroo is happening while en route, either at some warehouse way point or on the road itself. If the thieves are smart, they'll not attempt anything here since they'll figure the Citadel will be on its toes. So our objective is to find out if it is happening in a warehouse somewhere between here and its final destination or on the way. My suspicions are that the crates are being switched out at some in-between warehouse, but we can't rule out some switch-aroo on the way either. So mu suggestion is to prepare for a long trip tailing this next shipment and staking out wherever it ends up," Nikolai smiles confidently.

Meanwhile, he ponders the appropriate use of the scrolls Pru got.

"Pru, how long does the spell last? Long enough for a trip? If we managed to sneak into and remain hidden in the warehouse, that might be the time to place the marks. At least my plan counts on us being able to get into the warehouse and hide, watching the crates."

Zieluviet Iezerth - AC 17 (TAC 14, FF 13) HP 44/44 (Antonio) 
Wednesday April 22nd, 2015 2:23:43 AM

For Zieluviet, hours are spent at the workshop. The handle is sculpted in true Rosewood and the front of the finished limbs is Red Ipe, while the back is Yew, making a composite of both woods to harness the tension at its finest. There's still a lot of work to do, as the stabilizers and dampeners the Drow designed still have to be crafted and installed, then preliminary adjustments before it can even be strung for the first time. This day, however, is reserved for that handle, whose shape is to become as perfect and balanced as it can be. The arrow rest is carved then filed, first roughly, then aligned in reference to the limbs.

By the end of the day, the handle is ready to receive a coat of sealing resin. The limbs are heated in the presses to fixate the shape and melt again, infiltrating deeper into the pores and causing both woods to almost fuse at the joint surface.

By exercising the craft, Ziel questions if his talent for bowmaking should be really exchanged for dangerous and uncertain adventures. He keeps this question for further thought and expects to present it to the group when the opportunity arrives.

OoC: I'm announcing my leave. Please know that it's not personal. However, I've been feeling here is not where I belong to, then interest began to drop and I finally couldn't take it anymore.
Bet you were expecting it, so I'll have to make a surprise =)

I apologize for leaving like that, but since there's so few players in a game with this much time already, I'd also feel guilty for abandoning and 'endangering' the game even more. This means I'll only leave with Warren and Ken's permission or a slow and crazy campaign-friendly method. Just keep in mind that my leave is imminent.

Some things I dare to point: lack of trust, lack of content (plus, BGC gives off an impression of unfriendliness), unbalanced foundation (read as impossibility of basic achievements without optimization or high-tier classes) and, finally, a take on morality that I, personally, would rather avoid. The latter is more about personal likes and, as example, the reason for why Agents of the Fist was my choice was actually because it seemed to break from the simpleton Woldian morality (please forgive my rudeness). I do not like this Manichaeism and we all know that the meaning of morality can't be ascertained yet. And then to make simply everything play the A is right because it's good, B is wrong because it's evil. Oh heck, can something made by men be free from evil ends? To answer that, remember to differentiate hypotheticals from facts and be surprised that it's still not hard to deduce what I want you to think.

Maybe it all means a lot more to you, who have accompanied these games for longer, but for me, the take on Woldian history, myths and folklore seemed too fantastic and 'pretty' to be enjoyable. Refitting the mercenaries to refuse gold from who's in "the wrong side". So this 'wrong side' means evil? Do you really want to tell about justifiable evil that doesn't fall into the Neutrals basket? To be honest, I don't believe every tyranny to be evil, nor liberty to be good. They're just two sides of the same coin, facing opposite directions. One is despair for peace, the other is willingness to battle. Liberty/Freedom is nothing but a need. If someone doesn't feel the need for it, anything, from weakness to trust, can be pinned on it.

History already tells of stealing 'for the good', but that's bull. Anything succeeding a capital sin can be seen as evil, and the fun part (oh, fun...) is that a response from someone aside the primary subject also 'shows colors of evil'. Killing an evil perpetrator, for example, is by no means a good act. It may just fall into the logical category, which I would put as an evil act with a productive purpose. Then there's the leges imperfectae that keep sprouting in attempt to mend as much as all the broken concepts that come from assumption of a poorly made morality.

Whew, I may have gotten somewhat angry. I'm sorry. This matter deeply depresses me =(

Again, personally, I've came to reject alignment since it's as illogical as it is. I challenge you to justify it if you like, but alignment as it is in D&D/PF and almost everywhere else is seriously flawed. Your own arguments will carry what is needed to rectify them.

I do, however, like to discuss about it =)

Anyway, I do not regret playing under Ken and Warren and alongside you. Everyone treated me well and I knew it would be like this. I'm glad for being invited and will gladly keep contact with any who wishes for it. The choice is up to you.

DM Ken 
Wednesday April 22nd, 2015 9:37:00 AM


Thanks for your time Antonio. Now is as good a place to exit as any. The Wold isn't for everyone. The restrictions on language, alignment, and content generally frustrate some players who are used to either edgier, optimized, or realism based gaming.

We will move you to inactive and wish you the best.

In regards to the BGC, if you would please, explain what part you found to be unfriendly? Was it an experience you had or the rules as laid out?

AC 24 Touch 11 FF 23 CMD 18 HP(56) 51/51 Jasper Steelfist (David Feest) 
Wednesday April 22nd, 2015 12:53:07 PM

Jasper agrees with Nikolai's ideas, but reminds the thumb that he is in no way stealthy. " I'm old, short and encased in enough metal to make a potbellied stove big enough to heat a lodge. I can move right well enough to not trip over myself, but stealth is a dream I never entertain. Still, your plan makes good sense and I will help in any way I can."

Zieluviet Iezerth - AC 17 (TAC 14, FF 13) HP 44/44 (Antonio) 
Wednesday April 22nd, 2015 4:01:59 PM

OoC: I will answer about BGC via e-mail.

DM Warren - Back to the drawing board 
Wednesday April 22nd, 2015 5:04:31 PM

Ziel pours his heart and soul into his craft, creating a weapon of true power and beauty. He is so moved by his work that he decides that it is his true calling, creating things, rather than employing them. It seems that he will stay behind when the Agents embark again. Hopefully, they will solve the problem soon, so that the things he creates will not also be subject to pilfering.

Pru obtains her scrolls, and reports to Nikolai that the marks are permanent once placed, unless removed by her or another caster with the appropriate magic.

Tinker, Jasper, and Nikolai go about preparing to embark on the following day, following the supply wagons at a careful distance, or at least far enough away that the clanking of Jasper's armor won't give them away.

Upon asking, Qualtmie gives Nikolai a description of the crates that are being loaded up for shipping out. Currently, they are in the warehouse on their wagons, only needing to be hitched to the draft horses the next day.

AC 20 T15 F15 CMD 19 (23 Bull Rush or Trip); HP 42/42 "Tinker" (SteveK) 
Wednesday April 22nd, 2015 6:37:17 PM

OOC. Good luck in the future Antonio.

Tinker is ready to help where he is invited, be it setting up the fake box, inventorying the planned shipment, or just in keeping alert.

AC 24 Touch 11 FF 23 CMD 18 HP(56) 51/51 Jasper Steelfist (David Feest) 
Wednesday April 22nd, 2015 6:53:17 PM

"How big are these crates? I'm noisy when I move around, like when I am following the caravan. But if I were in a crate that supposedly contained armor, I wouldn't sound any different from that armor. It might also allow me to hear what was going on and determine what was happening if the switch were made."
"I am just offering since I am not stealthy like most of you are."

Prudence Gundle (Kathy) 
Wednesday April 22nd, 2015 11:19:52 PM

"I'm not especially stealthy either," Pru assures Jasper. "And I don't like the idea of you being in a box. What if somebody needs healing?"

"Maybe the stealthy people should follow the caravan," she adds, "and the not-stealthy people should follow the stealthy people. That will put us farther back, and make us less likely to be noticed. What do you think?"

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 16 Tch 16 Ffted 13 HP 38/38 CMD 22/24(Grapple) 
Wednesday April 22nd, 2015 11:38:38 PM

Nikolai sees Jasper's predicament. They had the same problem in the swamp, but then they didn't have to stay so close to their quarry.

"Pru, or anyone else here, don't we have a Silence spell we can use when necessary? If not, I'll go get some scrolls. Meanwhile, instead of making a fake crate, Pru, while using the Hat, can get into the warehouse where the crates are stored and mark those. She can pose as an accountant making one last count of the goods before they go out.

We won't be using horses this time as we will probably be taking to the brush and trees on the side of the road and horses can be too easily seen. Some of us can move just as quick as a wagon anyway. This will be a good test of our stamina, for sure. If it doesn't work, well, we try something different next time."

OOC: If we don't have anyone that can cast Silence, Nikolai will purchase some scrolls of the spell.

AC 24 Touch 11 FF 23 CMD 18 HP(56) 51/51 Jasper Steelfist (David Feest) 
Thursday April 23rd, 2015 2:10:27 AM

" Aye, I can cast a spell that'll silence me, but it affects the area around me as well. Provided we are far enough away we would be fine. If we are close, then I would leave it to the professionals like Tinker and Michael and yourself."
"As fer following the wagons, stamina I have. It's just stealth I lack."

DM Warren - Back to the drawing board 
Thursday April 23rd, 2015 5:02:35 PM

With marching orders set and no horses to worry about, the Agents seem to have made themselves a workable plan.

Pru gets some papers together and dons Nikolai's hat, ready with a cover story for last minute cargo checks as a cover for marking the crates with her special brand of magic. Or someone else's brand channeled through her, at least. She is almost disappointed when the warehouse is empty and she doesn't need to provide the fake name and persona she had spent so much time crafting. Darn!

The following morning, several workers pile into the warehouse with Qualtmie and hitch up horses to the wagons with the shipment bound for Isumbre. The Agents go about their normal morning business, but keep an eye on the activity, waiting for their opportunity to sneak out to follow them. A bit to their surprise, there has been a last minute change in the escort, and the new Fist that is accompanying the wagons is under the command of none other than their good buddy Sergeant Helmbane. The men are efficient, and it is very soon that the wagons are riding out of the northern gate, heading on their lumbering way.

AC 24 Touch 11 FF 23 CMD 18 HP(56) 51/51 Jasper Steelfist (David Feest) 
Thursday April 23rd, 2015 8:37:25 PM

Jasper eyes the roster change with suspicion. He asks the rest of the Agents.
" How sure are you that this Helmbane wouldn't be involved in this theft ring? His name has come up before and now, his fist is the escort for another caravan we suspect will be plundered. I won't accuse him but it is starting to look fishy."

AC 20 T15 F15 CMD 19 (23 Bull Rush or Trip); HP 42/42 "Tinker" (SteveK) 
Thursday April 23rd, 2015 9:32:23 PM

Tinker is glad Jasper can't do a quick change into a box. It could take several days and how would he eat or.... No, better this way.

With a quick check to ensure nothing was 'accidentally' lady off the wagons after inventories, Tinker stays with the group to follow

Prudence Gundle (Kathy) 
Thursday April 23rd, 2015 11:28:37 PM

Pru chooses three different kinds of containers to cast her three Arcane Marks on. [OOC for example: a large crate, a small box, and a barrel. Or something like that.]

Then she joins her Fist-mates.

"We're not certain at all," she tells Jasper sadly. "I think we kind if didn't want it to be him. But...this doesn't look good."

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 16 Tch 16 Ffted 13 HP 38/38 CMD 22/24(Grapple) 
Thursday April 23rd, 2015 11:53:11 PM

'Helmbane? ...

Any number of reasons why a Fist is reassigned. Yet it begs for some further investigations. Nikolai waits until the wagons leave the Citadel then catches up with Qualtmie.

"Quartermaster Qualtmie, why the sudden change in escort? Who authorized the change? Who chose Helmbane? Where is the Fist that was to be the escort?"

They don't have much time, but Nikolai figures that any shenanigans won't happen so soon. If they need to, they can travel some at night as well. Either way, Nikolai can't pass up on this information. Whoever made the change could be in on it as well, otherwise, why the change?

AC 20 T15 F15 CMD 19 (23 Bull Rush or Trip); HP 42/42 "Tinker" (SteveK) 
Friday April 24th, 2015 11:32:09 AM

Tinker suggests to Nikolai and the others that Helmbane may be a fall guy and if this is a robbed caravan, it may be the one who did the reassigning that is behind the thefts.

AC 24 Touch 11 FF 23 CMD 18 HP(56) 51/51 Jasper Steelfist (David Feest) 
Friday April 24th, 2015 11:52:19 AM

"All possibilities. I am just wondering why his name keeps coming up. If he is being set up he could be looking into the thefts himself and getting close to whomever is doing the stealing. If we have to confront him I think it would be best for him to be taken alive, so that he can be questioned."

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 16 Tch 16 Ffted 13 HP 38/38 CMD 22/24(Grapple) 
Friday April 24th, 2015 2:23:32 PM

Nikolai looks at Tinker and bows his head in sadness.

"We should have checked the contents of the crates before they left. If he is the fall guy and the contents have already been pilfered, how are we to prove him innocent? Pru said there was no one watching the warehouse when she got there. It will be my fault if this investigation fails."

DM Warren - Back to the drawing board 
Friday April 24th, 2015 5:55:06 PM

Qualtmie looks down at her notes. It looks like the assigned fist had its thumb and one of its other members come down with some sort of malady. Sgt. Helmbane and his fist were unassigned today, so they were the logical choice to take over the escort job. Orders came down from Palance, as they always do.

The Agents let the caravan get a ways down the road before they start following, the stealthy members keeping on eye on the wagons and the noisy ones keeping an eye on them.

anyone stealthily following the wagons make your rolls.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 16 Tch 16 Ffted 13 HP 38/38 CMD 22/24(Grapple)  d20+10=30 ;
Friday April 24th, 2015 7:15:40 PM

A suspicious malady just when Helmbane's Fist was available is just another footnote on this whole case. Nikolai has to shrug off the questions he wants to ask the sick Fist, too much time taken to track them down. They have to leave in moments and he returns to his Fist and relates what he found out.

"Ok, let's do this," and leads the way. Knowing the road they took made it easy to catch up, but once that was done, the tough job of keeping concealed began. When they catch up to the wagon train, he tells his Fist, "If we are seen or caught, remember, we are only on an exercise in Stealth and this wagon train was the only one available at the time to test our skills on."

Stealth +10 = 30!

AC 24 Touch 11 FF 23 CMD 18 HP(56) 51/51 Jasper Steelfist (David Feest) 
Saturday April 25th, 2015 7:42:33 AM

Jasper looks at Nikolai as he hoards the responsibility if the mission fails.
" Nah sir. If the mission fails we all failed. There's no me in the Fist, just us."
When the reasons are revealed about the malady striking the escort fist Jasper's eyes narrow. He opens the dossier again and reads. Then he shakes his head.
" You guys go on, keep the caravan in sight. Sick troopers will have gone to the infirmary, and they will know what happened to them. I would bet a weeks pay they came down with filth fever, like the report says some of your fist did when they fought the rats the first time. I'll confirm that and use a...horse, to catch up with you. The horse knows it's home and will go back when released."
"With yer permission of course sir."
Jasper adds at the end. It is clear his mind is already working out the details of what to say in the infirmary and the dread of riding back on horseback at more than a trot.

AC 20 T15 F15 CMD 19 (23 Bull Rush or Trip); HP 42/42 "Tinker" (SteveK)  d20+9=13 ; d20+10=14 ;
Saturday April 25th, 2015 9:21:12 AM

Tinker nods, "There is no I in..." He frowns and shrugs, "well, if there wasn't that would be a good thing to say. "

The dwarf is a stealthy one and moves out to practice moving unheard and watching unseen.

Perception 13

Stealth 14

Prudence Gundle (Kathy) 
Saturday April 25th, 2015 2:26:22 PM

"Oh!" Pru exclaims. "I forgot. Invisibility. Would anybody on the stealthy team like to be invisible?"

Pru casts Invisibility on whoever requests it. Let me know so I can mark off those spells.

AC 20 T15 F15 CMD 19 (23 Bull Rush or Trip); HP 42/42 "Tinker" (SteveK) 
Saturday April 25th, 2015 8:10:33 PM

Tinker figures it may take days of stalking to see something and so declines Prudence's generous offer.

Shane P Michael Wittman AC20, T16, FF15 (ucdodge) HP43/43 Me+9(4), R+9, CMB+7, CMD+18  d20+17=25 ; d20+12=23 ; d20+12=14 ; d20+12=21 ;
Sunday April 26th, 2015 1:04:40 AM

ooc: forgive me guys. My mom called and had me travel to Oklahoma on Wednesday, she died in her sleep on Thursday morning. I've been dealing with family, making arrangements and mourning.

Michael request an invisibility spell,

stealth 25 +20 for invis= 45.
he also has jasper cast silence on a copper coin that he will carry with him. but unless we have a way of extending the duration of these spells they really won't do us much good, rounds and minutes vs days on the road and all. in any case I case the caravan and look for things a thief would look for.

perception 23 (sorry hit the "roll" button 3 times.

AC 24 Touch 11 FF 23 CMD 18 HP(56) 51/51 Jasper Steelfist (David Feest) 
Sunday April 26th, 2015 11:18:12 AM

Shane, I'm sorry to hear that. Take whatever time you need with your family.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 16 Tch 16 Ffted 13 HP 38/38 CMD 22/24(Grapple) 
Monday April 27th, 2015 10:49:45 AM

OOC: our thoughts go out to you, Shane. Post if you can but we'll understand if we don't hear anything for a little while.

Nikolai would have done what Jasper suggests doing had it not been for him being the leader. "Go then. If there is a mix up and you come across Helmbane, just keep on going as if you are a messenger. Once out of sight, pull off and keep watch for us. In any case, we'll keep an eye on the road to catch you as you pass by."

DM Warren - Back to the drawing board 
Monday April 27th, 2015 3:57:22 PM

Nikolai proves to be quiet as a rat and has no problems following the caravan, moving from shadow to shadow, some made by something no bigger than a clump of grass.

Michael is quite stealthy as well, but with his shorter legs, it is difficult to keep up.

So, the Agents form sort of a train, with Nikolai keeping his eyes on their quarry, Tinker and Michael following behind, and Pru following at her own pace, not worried about being noticed, as she is too far away to be noticed.

Jasper, however, makes a quick trip to the infirmary to see what might have brought down two hale and hearty recruits at such an important time. They are in no condition to speak, but Jasper's long service makes him welcome in the sick ward, especially if he is willing to help the patients. make a heal check to determine information on their illness.

DM Warren - Back to the drawing board 
Monday April 27th, 2015 3:58:36 PM

OOC: Sorry to hear that, Shane.

AC 24 Touch 11 FF 23 CMD 18 HP(56) 51/51 Jasper Steelfist (David Feest)  d20+7=11 ;
Monday April 27th, 2015 7:47:26 PM

Heal check 11
Jasper looks over the sick troopers and also asks the healers what could make such healthy troopers so sick. He does what he can to help them and to find out what happened to them to make them ill.
Once he has found out what he needs to know and then gets a horse from the stables and rides to catch up with Prudence and the loud part of the group.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 16 Tch 16 Ffted 13 HP 38/38 CMD 22/24(Grapple)  d20+12=25 ; d20+10=19 ; d20+9=29 ;
Monday April 27th, 2015 8:41:55 PM

With instruction for those bringing up the rear to watch for Jasper, Nikolai takes the lead (Move 40'). He knows that at first caution is unnecessary but after a few miles and some calculations on wagon speed, he slows down and has everyone move into the brush and stuff along the side of the road. Where there are hills or creeks they risk crossing the road when the other side is easier or simply risking the road when not.

This was a good exercise in their stealth capabilities and their overland tracking as well. Nikolai will write all this down in a small treatise on Stealth Tracking, if it works, and compare it with any other such thing in the Citadel's library.

In this manner they continue their tracking until he notices that Helmbane and the caravan have stopped for the night. A smokeless night for Nikolai's Fist is nothing new and they are well practiced at camping out too. With the Silence and Invisibility spells he asks if Tinker would like to give a try to get close and hear any conversations. Nikolai himself will remain at such a distance to be able to see the camp but not close enough to be heard if he burps or sneezes.

Perception +12 = 25
Stealth + 10 = 19
Survival +9 (find a good spot for the Fist to watch the camp but safe enough to not be overheard to easily) = 29! Yeah!

AC 20 T15 F15 CMD 19 (23 Bull Rush or Trip); HP 42/42 "Tinker" (SteveK) 
Monday April 27th, 2015 9:32:51 PM

Tinker knows Nikolai is as good as he is for stealth and is faster to boot. So the dwarf gives Michael a look and fades back to be with Prudence. "Can't have anyone alone, right Beanpole?"

Prudence Gundle (Kathy) 
Monday April 27th, 2015 9:45:38 PM

"Well," Pru says, "it's nice to have company. Though I'm sure Jasper will catch up soon."

She sighs. "Maybe someday I'll be able to teleport us all. That will save a lot of walking around."

DM Warren - On the road again 
Tuesday April 28th, 2015 6:36:58 PM

Jasper can't identify the exact sources of the men's distress, but from the symptoms, it doesn't seem to be any disease. In fact, it looks like they just have a bad case of food poisoning.

Once on the road, it doesn't take him too long to catch up to Pru and Tinker. Night falls, and the Agents gather themselves out of sight of the wagons and ruminate about the hardships of long walks and fireless nights.

let me know if Tinker is scouting with Pru's spells and such

AC 24 Touch 11 FF 23 CMD 18 HP(56) 51/51 Jasper Steelfist (David Feest) 
Tuesday April 28th, 2015 7:49:36 PM

Jasper is ashamed of his lack of ability in figuring out what ailment sidelined the troopers. Even with the limited information he was able to gather he feels sure it was planned.He rides to catch up with Prudence and stands ready to follow the Fist tomorrow. If needed he will help stand watch on the nighttime activities of the caravan. He asks if it is prudent for him to pray to Flower for silence, which silences quite a large area, or lesser restoration so that any scout keeping watch during the night can be refreshed in the morning.
(showing silence prepared, but I can swap it based on the groups consensus. I personally think we need the restores for whomever is spending the night watching the caravan.)

Spells prepared: Light, Detect Magic, Purify Food and Drink, Detect Poison, CLW(domain), Bless, Magic Weapon, Shield of Faith, CMW(domain), Silence, Silence
0/3 channel energy used ( 2d6 healing per use)
0/6 rebuke death used
0/6 calming touch used

Dang it. I could have used calming touch to remove the sickened condition from those troopers. Thankfully I read it and I CAN use it to remove the fatigued condition, so no discussion needed about spells, I will keep silence prepared.
DM, will that allow the touched person to travel afterwards without rest, or will they still need to sleep? Same question for Lesser Restoration.

DM OOC: Yes, removing fatigue negates the need to sleep. It does not allow arcane casters to prepare spells though.

Prudence Gundle (Kathy) 
Tuesday April 28th, 2015 10:05:31 PM

"Well, my Invisibility spell only lasts about 5 minutes," Pru admits. "So it's not really a long-term solution. We should keep it in mind, though, if somebody needs to get closer to the caravan for a bit."

"Just remember that we can't cast spells inside a Silence," Pru reminds Jasper. "Though I may still be able to use my elemental ray."

[OOC to DM: I've had DMs rule both ways on this. Can Pru use a spell-like ability inside a Silence?]

DM OOC: As long as there is no verbal component.

AC 20 T15 F15 CMD 19 (23 Bull Rush or Trip); HP 42/42 "Tinker" (SteveK)  d20+9=19 ;
Tuesday April 28th, 2015 10:09:15 PM

Tinker doesn't ask Prudence for any spells, since he is walking with her and not scouting ahead. He welcomes Jasper back, frowning in thought. "No need to jump to conclusions, but it is looking that way."

Tinker takes the night shift to keep his friends safe.

Perception: 19

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 16 Tch 16 Ffted 13 HP 38/38 CMD 22/24(Grapple)  d20+30=49 ; d20+12=26 ; d20+10=12 ; d20=3 ;
Tuesday April 28th, 2015 11:51:59 PM

Nikolai agrees that the ailment suffered by the other Fist members is suspicious but could be explained. Unfortunately time would not allow a more detailed investigation. "We will just have to leave it at that for now," he reluctantly admits.

Nikolai is still curious enough to volunteer getting a close look at the camp. With Invisibility and Silence spells cast on him he moves into a position close enough to be able to overhear any conversation but remain hidden behind a rock or tree when the spells wear off. He will listen in until the camp settles down for the night and then returns to his own camp.

Stealth + 30 (approaching their camp) = 49
Perception +12 (listen in on conversations) = 26
Stealth +10 (leaving) = 12. oops, hopefully he chooses a time when the sentry looks away.

OOC: if it looks like Nikolai is heard when leaving, he will make a howling noise like a wild dog and run full speed (80') away and keep going, in the opposite direction from his own camp.
Bluff = 3

OOC: he certainly would not try to leave while Helmbane is on sentry duty, but one of the human Fist members.

DM Warren - On the road again 
Wednesday April 29th, 2015 5:14:31 PM

Nikolai has no problem remaining unobserved while he approaches the camp. It's a little bit boring waiting until the silence wears off, and he almost jumps out of his hiding spot when the noises suddenly come rushing back. There is little to be heard from the camp, but he can see several forms sleeping on the ground around the embers of a fire. It is too dark to make out exactly who is on watch.

Nikolai stumbles a bit when he leaves, and he lets out the best darn wild dog imitation he can before hunching over and running full tilt from the camp. roll perception for your midnight run.

AC 20 T15 F15 CMD 19 (23 Bull Rush or Trip); HP 42/42 "Tinker" (SteveK)  d20+9=22 ;
Wednesday April 29th, 2015 5:38:06 PM

A wild dog howls in the night while Tinker is on watch. It brings him to full alertness. He doesn't try to stare through the night, but let's his eyes unfocus and he feels the environment around him, alert for something out of place.

Perception 22

Prudence Gundle (Kathy) 
Wednesday April 29th, 2015 10:15:40 PM

Pru takes a watch if she needs to, and otherwise spends a peaceful night.

In the morning, she casts extended Mage Armor on herself, and on Nikolai if he's in camp. Otherwise, he'll have to make do without it. :)

Shane P Michael Wittman AC20, T16, FF15 (ucdodge) HP43/43 Me+9(4), R+9, CMB+7, CMD+18  d20+37=46 ; d20+12=18 ;
Wednesday April 29th, 2015 10:45:58 PM

ooc: sorry guys, I planned on posting yesterday, but got involved with other things.

If Michael is going to watch the camp, he will have invisability and silence cast upon him. He will find himself a good hide near the camp, but out of sight of the campers so that when the spells wear off he is hidden. he will then watch the camp all night for evidence of pilfering. if the hide seems good, he lets the camp move off of him, rather than risking detection by trying to extract.

stealth d20+17+20 = 46
perception. d20+12=18

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 16 Tch 16 Ffted 13 HP 38/38 CMD 22/24(Grapple)  d20+12=25 ; d20+12=31 ; d20+10=15 ;
Wednesday April 29th, 2015 11:09:26 PM

Nikolai has to rely on his elven parentage for navigating through the bushes and brambles and rocks and sticks but does his best.

Low Light Vision,
Perception + 12 =25

He stumbles into his own camp stifling a guffaw. It is all he can do to keep from laughing so hard he could wake up Helmbane's camp as well.

Once settled down he works on trying to get some sleep.

Next day the process is the same. Stealthy ones follow close enough to keep an eye out on the caravan, the others bringing up the rear. Nikolai makes sure he leaves obvious tracks for the others to follow.

Perception +12 (keeping an eye on his surrounding while following the caravan) = 31
Stealth +10 = 15

AC 24 Touch 11 FF 23 CMD 18 HP(56) 51/51 Jasper Steelfist (David Feest) 
Thursday April 30th, 2015 9:55:33 AM

Jasper uses his silence spells and generally helps any way he can. He uses calming touch to remove any fatigue that the night watchers might experience. He tries his best to keep the camp neat and as comfortable as he can, since sneaking is pretty much out of his wheelhouse.

Spells prepared: Light, Detect Magic, Purify Food and Drink, Detect Poison, CLW(domain), Bless, Magic Weapon, Shield of Faith, CMW(domain), Silence, Silence
0/3 channel energy used ( 2d6 healing per use)
0/6 rebuke death used
0/6 calming touch used

DM Warren - On the road again  d20+8=18 ;
Thursday April 30th, 2015 5:40:04 PM

When Nikolai finally returns, Tinker gives him some pointers on his howling before they bed down. In the morning, they catch up with Michael, who has stayed vigilant until the wagons left in the morning.

With a couple of touches filled with Flower power, the all night watcher crew is felling refreshed and ready for another day of stalking. It is easy to follow the trail, as wagons do not make for a sneaky mode of travel. And besides, they have no reason to hide, right? The day passes slowly, and though their bodies don't complain, their minds are soon screaming in boredom for the slowness of their travel.

Night falls, and Nikolai, Tinker, and Michael head back to where Pru and Jasper are following along so they can make camp and wait for the cover of night to resume their spying on the wagon train. Things seem peaceful, despite the lack of a hot meal again.

perception checks for this evening, please

AC 20 T15 F15 CMD 19 (23 Bull Rush or Trip); HP 42/42 "Tinker" (SteveK) 
Thursday April 30th, 2015 5:59:18 PM

Tinker knew it would be a long watch. In three days to get to the destination , the wagons would only have one possible action. Or as one of the training sergeants had told Tinker during a rest when a recruit: "Being in the Fist is long stretches of boredom punctuated by moments of pure terror "

He tries to keep his eyes alert as his hands automatically play with a horseshoe-and-nail puzzle.

AC 24 Touch 11 FF 23 CMD 18 HP(56) 51/51 Jasper Steelfist (David Feest)  d20+3=13 ;
Thursday April 30th, 2015 7:36:55 PM

Jasper stays alert. Having been a miner, he is used to long stretches of boredom and tediousness. When they set up camp he again does his best to make it easily defended and comfortable for the ones doing the night scouts. He will allow Prudence to sleep so that she can regain her spell without mishap and rely on Flowers blessings to keep him refreshed and on watch.
Perception 13

Prudence Gundle (Kathy)  d20=5 ;
Thursday April 30th, 2015 10:29:32 PM

Pru amuses herself by making up stories. She tries her best to stay alert, but she has never been the most watchful member of the Fist.

[Perception 5.]

Shane P Michael Wittman AC20, T16, FF15 (ucdodge) HP43/43 Me+9(4), R+9, CMB+7, CMD+18  d20+12=15 ; d20+37=40 ;
Thursday April 30th, 2015 11:29:30 PM

Michael slips invisibly and silently into a good position to watch the wagon train, He keeps vigil, but finds his attention wandering with the boredom of the night, He resists the urge to fidget and finds a mental groove that keeps him still, but the groove also leads to memories of hearts wrapped in hankerchiefs, and a god that believes in his will and his will alone. It's a waking nightmare, a directed journey through the worst parts of his life, helplessness, persecution, and the rare numbing feeling of true fear. it keeps him still, but the cost is a peek inward, to a life he left behind long ago.

perception 15
stealth 40.

Nikolai (JonathanT) AC 16 Tch 16 Ffted 13 HP 38/38 CMD 22/24(Grapple)  d20+12=28 ; d20+10=11 ; d20+9=14 ;
Friday May 1st, 2015 12:29:54 AM

Spells in effect: Mage Armor

The thrill of their successful tailing of the caravan is enough to stave off boredom from taking over Nikolai even though it is not a real challenge. For one thing, his Fist is learning to work together and that was exciting too.

Perception +12 = 28
Stealth + 10 = 11
Survival +9 (find a good spot for the Fist to watch the camp but safe enough to not be overheard to easily) = 14

The terrain was harder to work with this time and finding as good a spot to camp as he did the night before proved much more difficult. But the Fist manages to make do despite the challenges.

DM Warren - On the road again map 
Friday May 1st, 2015 3:33:25 PM

Perhaps it is a lack of wariness after a long boring day, a sub-optimal camping location, a poorly acted dog's howl, or a combination, but it seems that the Agents are not the only ones sneaking about this night.

Nikolai barely has time to shout a warning before their assailants are upon them. Nikolai has a surprise round action. Map in header.

AC 20 T15 F15 CMD 19 (23 Bull Rush or Trip); HP 42/42 "Tinker" (SteveK) 
Friday May 1st, 2015 4:58:07 PM

OOC: DM! I dont' have permissions to view the map in the header.

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