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Find the Missing Children

Aviary Rates (DM Dave) 
Friday July 13th, 2001 7:36:22 AM

Max, the owner of the Aviary, offers to allow for a reduced group rate if renting rooms out (for the whole party) in 1 week increments - 40 gps total - payable in advance. If you're interested in a monthly rental, he is willing to reduce the amount even further - 130 gps.

Friday July 13th, 2001 9:35:23 AM

As the group leaves the carpet seller, Ari steers the group towards the temple. " I have to stop in for a second to retrieve some things"

Friday July 13th, 2001 2:14:33 PM

Rigging listens to the others on what little information has been gained. "I think we have several possiblities. One and I think the best is a temple of Ga'al is up and working in the area. They are kidnapping the children and heartseeded them for converts and soldiers. That sea captain and his bully boys that Ashira was talking to last night might be involved in some way. We might want to try to follow up on that angle. The second possiblity is just plan slavery. My problem with this is they are taking kids. They would be taking adults as well. Kids don't make the best slaves. They can't work as hard as an adult and you don't see the return on your investment as quickly." Rigging looks to Pip and asks, "Pip who runs the underworld around here? Does anyone organize the street gangs? Don't worry about telling us. We will protect you."

Saturday July 14th, 2001 3:36:03 PM

After arriving back at the Aviary, Appolo takes his seat at the table. A few seconds later Valanthe sits down next to him. He replies, "Yeah, sounds good." He then retreats back into silence. He appears to be slightly irritated and lost in his own thoughts. He looks up when Rigging starts talking and notices Pip. He thinks to himself, 'So Rigging's pet is still with us. I'll have to talk to him about that.'

"May I suggest that we find out what the local laws are concerning Drunk and Disorderly Conduct and perhaps get one or two of us thrown in jail for a couple of days? Maybe we'll make some friends, if you know what I mean."

He then goes back to quietly eating his lunch.

Pip (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Saturday July 14th, 2001 3:52:06 PM

Looking up from his fish stew, Pip finishes his mouthfull before answering Rigging's question (a considerable improvement over previous conversations). "Well boss, I's don know who's runs the undaworld, but as far as the street gangs, they're mostly independent, each one's gots its own leader."

Saturday July 14th, 2001 10:20:22 PM

Was Appolo mad at her? Valanthe figures that she was assuming to much and scolds herself for being foolish.
"I can get thrown in jail easy enough. Wouldn't be the first time."

Sunday July 15th, 2001 6:10:36 PM

I propose to search the lands outside the city tommorow, looking for any building activities.
Pip can we walk every where or are ther some marslands as well. In that case we have to get ourselves a canoe

Monday July 16th, 2001 12:21:25 AM

Redux thanks Tekol and departs with the others. Upon nearing the Aviary, Redux says good day to Wynfrea. Once she is gone he tells the group that he has his doubts about her. It just seems too convenient. He's not sure if she's gathered too much information on the group and is dangerous.

Getting back to the Aviary, and hearing the suggestion to scout around Redux suggests using his owl to do some flying around to gather information about the layout of the land. He tells the group about his talk with Tekol and the offer to return in the evening and his suspicions of Wynfrea. He suggests they return in the evening together just in case backup is needed. Upon hearing about the prices and the groups funding, Redux would reluctantly accept the fish house; there are a few things you can do about fish smell.

Monday July 16th, 2001 12:24:45 AM

Upon returning to the Aviary for lunch Ashira notes Appolo's depressed mood. "I guess nothing lasts forever," she thinks to herself. As her small group is seated she leans over and whispers to Val, "I hope you don't mind me noticing, but it seems like you like Appolo. He seems to like you too. You're probably concerned about him being human and you being Elven. My philosophy toward love is -- make the best of it while you can. Life is short. You might as well enjoy it while you're here!" The half-elf listens as the party discusses their future plans. She waits for a lull and then says, "Rigging, what about the mason that Gastu mentioned... I think he said his name was Stela. I think we should check out that lead."

Monday July 16th, 2001 3:16:57 AM

Appolo is sitting eating quietly, when Ashira leans over and says something to Valanthe. Being seated next to Valanthe affords him the opportunity to overhear Ashira mention his name, which piques his interest. He looks up at Ashira from his soup. His cobalt blue eyes meet hers for a second, then he looks quickly around the table then back to his lunch. Thinking to himself that was a mistake gave away too much. Then deciding to see how things play out.

Monday July 16th, 2001 9:36:00 AM

Val whispers back to Ashira, "Life isn't short for elves, unless short is 6 or 7 centuries. I thought Appolo liked me but I was wrong. Not that I'm surprised. It's hard to attract a man when you look like I do."

Chat at Noon (DM Dave) 
Monday July 16th, 2001 7:28:25 PM

After a quick deter to the temple for Ari's stop, the last of the three groups returns to the Aviary for the meal in progress.

Based on the information gathered, it is unlikely that any buildings are constructed out in the marshlands, as those areas are really floating clumps of vegetation, nothing really firm enough to support much of a structure, and definitely not anything like the weight of the black marble that Gastu mentioned when discussing Stela yesterday.

The conversation continues...

Monday July 16th, 2001 8:29:56 PM

Appolo finishes his meal.

If he were to have overheard Valanthe's reply, he would have said, "But I do, and there is nothing wrong with your appearance."

He gets up and heads for the bathroom.

Monday July 16th, 2001 9:25:19 PM

Listening to the above board conversations going on around the table Ari adds, "If it is slavery, is it here on the island, or is to be shipped off to somewhere? Anyone taken a look at the types of ships, and what goods they are trading in? If it is a temple, then maybe we can use our heartwood (ooc we still have it, right?) can help us out somehow. But again, how are they getting the converts off the island, and would they try?

"I agree that Wynfrea is worth watching. But I'm not sure that she isn't a neutral observer, somehow. As a money changer, I guess everyone has to come to her eventually, so picking up information maybe second nature to her. Figuring out what she does with that information might be the bigger thing to figure out.

"We've got enough time, that I think we should all look into getting some kind of work. Even better to make it look like we're trying to become citizens of Wahu. BTW, with funds being so sparce, I picked up my own supply." He hands Rigging back the 25 gold he gave him for the morning.

[DM Note Regarding the Heartwood: The last of the heartwood was used during the temple raid in Adorus. In an attempt to obtain more of the holy wood, Legs and Bart discovered that the source had been turned into metal. Thursday February 1st, 2001 5:43:56 PM]

Monday July 16th, 2001 11:11:57 PM

Rigging listens to the conversations going on around him proud of his friends working so well together. He asks Ashira in elven, "Ashira do you know how to track lost crew members through the tatoos? I was thinking if one or two of the younger looking of us could manage to get kidnapped, it might lead us to the source rather quickly. If the others could follow quickly behind it might be workable. Dangerous but workable? What do you think?"

Tuesday July 17th, 2001 11:28:30 AM

Rigging looks around at his friends and as Appolo gets up to use the head he figures he would be the best one to get "kidnapped". He looks like he is the youngest and he is streetsmart. He gets up to follow him and ask him if he would be willing to volunteer for this hazardous duty.

Tuesday July 17th, 2001 12:59:31 PM

Well as the rumor of the temple is true it must be one of the stone buildings here

Lem (Dan) 
Tuesday July 17th, 2001 1:22:33 PM

While joining the others for lunch, Lem listens to the conversations and sorts through the information. When Bart mentions the Temple of Ga'al Lem speaks up, "I thinbk we send a party to find and search this temple...If evil is at foot and children are missing and there are Ga'al followers around, then they are likely in it up to their eyeballs!".

Tuesday July 17th, 2001 1:28:59 PM

The young cleric seems very focused on the food. When the meal is laid out he immediately starts to help himself. After a few bites he relaxs a bit and notices the interactions between Appolo, Ashira and Val. He first notices the changes in expression on Appolo's face then observes Val's somewhat dour expression. Blue starts to giggle and returns his attention to his lunch and mutters under his breath, "affairs of the heart, and we thought warfare was dangerous...may the Dragon save us".

Tuesday July 17th, 2001 3:19:10 PM

OCC: because of the Dm's mail, I'm going to assume that Appolo didn't overhear what Val said.

Using her fork, Val moved around the last little bit of stew in her bowl. When Blue giggles Val raises her eyes to look at him. After a few moments she looks back down at her bowl.

Meal Wrap-up (DM Dave) 
Tuesday July 17th, 2001 5:08:55 PM

Tentative plans are discussed in trying to lure out would-be kidnappers, and spirits remain high, despite a definite place to sack out for the evening.

Will our heroes succeed in solving the mystery of the missing children? Will the second night be as pleasant as the first for our visitors in Waha? Will Blue be able to finish eating without catching the hiccups? And will Appolo survive the horrors of the washroom? Stay tuned!

Tuesday July 17th, 2001 10:27:01 PM

In between bites, the half-elf continues her conversation with Rigging. In Elven she says "That's definitely a risky plan, since we don't know what they're doing with the captives...maybe they're human sacrifices. Are you willing to take that kind of risk with the family? I've got another idea. When we were talking with Heesi, he mentioned that Gastu runs an orphanage. What if we send Pip in there, and he can get an idea of what's going on. Better yet, we can ask Redux if he can have his owl post sentry there...I've heard that mages can see through their familiar's eyes. It would be a discrete means of keeping tabs on our young friend."

When Rigging leaves the table, Ashira leans over to Val and whispers, with a grin on her face, "You obviously haven't been with our party long enough...yes, Elves can live centuries, but hanging around with us can seriously impact your chances of growing to maturity!"

Tuesday July 17th, 2001 11:02:39 PM

Still playing with her food Val whispers to Ashira, "I don't read people that well and made a mistake, thats all. Besides lets just say that something does happen. It will be my horrible luck that I will survive to old age. How I hate my life."

Wednesday July 18th, 2001 12:44:25 AM

The wistful mage quietly listens to the group as they discuss logistics. Things certainly haven't turned out the way that Redux had planned them. For a few moments, Redux is lost in his own private contemplations. "So close, I was so close to a cure, and know I'm stuck running around with this group of teenage misfits looking for a bunch of missing kids!" Rage briefly surges through Redux's body, before he runs through his self-meditation routine. "No, Mistress V*** would not want me to be distracted like this…who knows, maybe some good will come of this yet. Lem works in mysterious ways."

Returning his thoughts to the conversation around the table, Redux pipes in "Perhaps you're correct about Wynfrea, Ari…I just have my hesitations about her. " After Rigging returns from his trip, Redux says "It seems to me that Tekol is at the very least involved in something suspicious. It should be interesting what we will learn from this afternoon's meeting." Redux looks up as the white owl perched on his shoulder begins to preen its feathers. " Oh yes, and Rigging, have you given any thought to using Talon here?" Redux contemplates his owl, trying to determine if the creature is willing to scout around in the air in the afternoon. He softly coos at it, listening for a hunger response and petting it's tail feathers.

He suggests that someone return to the temple to ask the magistrate about any prominent individuals living in the stone buildings and directions to their homes.

Wednesday July 18th, 2001 11:40:37 AM

After quickley proposing his idea to Appolo, Rigging returns to the table and resumes eating his meal. He listens to Ashira's concerns and Redux's suggestions of using the owl. In elven, he says to Ashira, "Yes it would be risky, but I can't think of anything else to get close to the kidnappers quickly. That is why I was wondering about the tatoos. I know they can be used as a source of tracking and health. Don't know if we can use that. Will definitely bring it up with the Captain next time we see him. Especially if he keeps giving us these choice assignments. Redux's owl familiar might also be helpful on keeping track of our kidnap bait. I think we should keep the plan in reserve until we exhaust other possiblities." Rigging will wait until Appolo returns and announce. "I am going to pay the innkeeper for a weeks stay here. You have that long to finish this business up or it is the nose deadening fish house for you all. I, as your glorious leader and keeper of the purse strings, could never lower myself to that so lets get this thing done. I want you folks to think of some ideas and bring them to me tonight in our rooms where we have some more privacy."

Wednesday July 18th, 2001 11:50:57 AM

I will go for a walk through the city especially through the quarter where the stonebuildings are, maybe I will see or here some building activities. Who want's to go with me?

Wednesday July 18th, 2001 11:52:36 AM

Pitching his voice so that only Redux can hear,

"Redux. Do you know if there's a way to track the heart seeds in general, or an individual specific? I'm just wondering whether we can glean any information about other hearts seeds from a dead seed that we should have."

Wednesday July 18th, 2001 1:18:18 PM

Blue continues to listen while stuffing food. Around a mouthful of bread he responds to Bart's question, "I'll go with you, I'd like to see more of this town". When the young cleric swallows he feels a catch in his throat. Is that a hiccup?... No, our young man is just eating a little to fast.

Athlemdar (Dan) 
Wednesday July 18th, 2001 1:26:48 PM

While Redux fusses with his Owl, Lem realizes that this may be a very artful magician who has recently joined the group. The thought makes the young monk somewhat nervous. Small though the owl is, it is a serious predator and likely touched with magic.

Lem deceides not to take his eyes off the white bird while he is in close proximity and also feels that he needs to keep an eye on this magic user too.

His appetite wanes with all this thinking. Lem pushes back from the table and wishes that they would get on with the afternoons search.

Afternoon Stroll (DM Dave) 
Wednesday July 18th, 2001 6:45:36 PM

Ashira relates to Rigging that, yes, there is a way to keep up with crew members who have tattoos, but it is a closely guarded secret known only by the captain and first mate of each vessel, to avoid having it turned against the Pirates of Jack by the enemy.

Ditto on the heartseeds: The Aisildurians have ways of monitoring all implanted people, but the Resistance has been unable to tap this resource.

The group prepares to split up, with some headed to scout out new construction, and others possibly checking up on the Stela lead. Some plan on meeting with Tekol again in the late afternoon, and at least one considers meeting Gastu in the temple to inquire about prominent citizens.

Rigging quickly squares away the deal with the Aviary, obtaining rooms for the group.

Owl seems happy and willing to assist Redux in searching and watching.

Wednesday July 18th, 2001 9:54:11 PM

Seeing some of the others head out for a stroll, Val decides to do the same. Too lost in thought to say anything, Val gets up and walks out. Perhaps the stroll will help clear her head.

Wednesday July 18th, 2001 11:38:13 PM

After meeting up with Rigging and listening to his proposal, Appolo says he'll think about it, but at the moment he has other things on his mind.

He then washes up a little, trying to think clearly, and then heads back -- arriving just in time to see the group break up and head out. Seeing Valanthe head out alone, he quickly follows her. When they are outside he yells, "Hey wait up. Want some company?" He seems relaxed and has smile on his face.

Thursday July 19th, 2001 10:55:52 AM

As Ari wanders out into the fresh air. He considers what the group has done so far. He's a little worried at the implication about being able to track seeded people. Though the seed is supposed to be dead, he's unsure how to check that.

While his thoughts are tied up, he wanders with the group headed towards Tekol's.

Athlemdar (Dan) 
Thursday July 19th, 2001 12:51:03 PM

Lem follows Redux out and joins the party on the way to Tekol's. He walks by himself at the rear of the group keeping his eye on passerby and the sights of the town.

Thursday July 19th, 2001 12:54:50 PM

As the family breaks up and heads off on their decided directions, Blue joins Bart and they move towards the new construction.

Thursday July 19th, 2001 5:44:11 PM

Together with Blue and ...?? Bart walks through the city, looking for new construction sites. Maybe the hear a stonemason or carpenter at work and if they are lucky maybe see it. The way Gastu described it a big building must be tiled with new stones.
If they found such a site Bart will hang around and look if he can make up if it is an temple or something like that

Thursday July 19th, 2001 9:43:13 PM

Since Tekol mentioned that they should meet in the evening, Redux decides to go on a tour of the city with Bart and Blue while he waits. He walks through the streets, looking for a quiet spot where he can sit down and get a bird's eye view of the city. After walking around the older district, Redux spots a shady spot in the city square, and beckons to the rest of the small group. "I'm sorry, but I need to rest for a while. If the rest of you want to continue, that's fine with me, but I would certainly enjoy company." Pulling out his spellbook, Redux sends Talon into the air, and sits down, apparently lost in concentration.

Ashira  d20=8
Thursday July 19th, 2001 9:54:49 PM

Catching up to Val and Appolo, Ashira smiles at the two and says "Off for a private stroll? Can I interest you in a delightful tour of Stela the mason's shop?". Waiting a short while for a response from the couple, Ashira begins to head in the direction of the shop. When she approaches the shop, Ashira will attempt to stake out the area and watch any customers who might enter.

Pip (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Thursday July 19th, 2001 9:56:37 PM

After Rigging has finished arranging the housing, Pip approaches him. "Ok boss, where you's wanna go next?"

Thursday July 19th, 2001 10:09:05 PM

Rigging smiles at Pip and says as he watches all of his friends disperse. "I don't have a clue. Maybe I will go shopping. I need some new clothes and things. I can always keep my eyes and ears open while taking care of some housekeeping chores. What would you normally be doing if you weren't here with us?" Rigging heads out conversing with Pip while keeping a sharp eye out for his surroundings. He heads over to the market. "Where can a fellow buy some decent clothes around here? I also need some new boots?"

Thursday July 19th, 2001 11:17:38 PM

Val was surprised to find Appolo following her out the door. When Appolo offered to keep her company she couldn't really refuse. "Sure, I'm just walking." Before she knew it Ashira was asking her to tour a masons shop. Part of her was glad that she was around and part of her isn't. "Sure let's go. Perhaps we can find a lead on those kids."

OCC: I didn't know that Dm's rotated games. I've had a good time so far and would like to thank David and wish him luck in his new game.

DM Note to All 
Friday July 20th, 2001 8:34:19 AM

[Just as a reminder, if you wish for a refresher on what has happened before in our game, go to the below link http://home.mindspring.com/~gordon_hill/index.html ]

Early Afternoon (DM Dave) 
Friday July 20th, 2001 3:51:54 PM

[Thanks for the note. I've been involved with Aisildur since the start, and part of me will miss out on the intensity. However, the DM coming in will more than fill my shoes. Check out the Southern Lights board to get a sample of her style, and you'll see what I mean. To Lee-Anne (the new DM): During this next week of transition, feel free to post on this board as you like.]

The pleasantness of Day 2 in Waha continues. The sights and sounds of this quaint village-town continue to be a delight, with interesting architecture at every turn. Bart and his group manage to walk the whole town within two hours, and find nary a hint of a temple or the use of black tile.

Redux gets a much-needed break from all the recent interaction with the group as the day wears on into evening. Meanwhile, Ashira and her group keep tabs on Stela the stonemason's shop. Nothing untoward seems to be happening with his establishment (which is located near the Free Market square), a well-built two-story stone house, with the upper floor apparently dedicated to living quarters.

Saturday July 21st, 2001 9:41:07 PM

Outside the mason's shop Val looks bored. She couldn't help but wonder if the missing children story was true or not. Something should have come up by now. Waha wasn't that big. People talk in small villages. "Hey guys, are we even sure that this missing children's story is true? Have any of the adults spoken of missing chilren? Perhaps we are being detained for another reason."

Lem (Dan) 
Sunday July 22nd, 2001 2:57:58 PM

When Redux finds the shade and a place to rest and reflect, Lem looks around and finds his own corner to plant himself. He too, needs alone time for meditation and reflection.

The monk clears some pebbles off the sandy ground and scoops a shallow hole to rest his backside. He leans up against a rock wall covered with plaster. Some of the plaster has fallen away leaving a slight indentation which fits his back rather nicely.

In this comfortable spot he takes a last scan of his immediate area and his friends then closes his eyes and begins a quiet tantra. A calm descends over the youth. While his mind explores the cosmos, one small part remains above, alert.

Sunday July 22nd, 2001 3:11:01 PM

The young cleric's feet start nagging, so when Redux finds a place to relax, Blue's gives a small sigh of relief. The lad finds a piece of shade near redux and pulls off his boots to check for blisters.

Since he is recently bathed he is sure this will bring no discomfort to his travelling companions. Finding no blisters he sits back and enjoys the breeze on his exposed toes. He wiggles them and again lets out a slow deep sigh.

To his friends, Blue says, "We should hang around where children play since we aren't finding any clues. But, I don't recall seeing any children in the streets or playing in yards. Did anyone see any kids?"

Sunday July 22nd, 2001 3:22:57 PM

Rigging spends the afternoon trying on clothes and chatting with merchants. He will tell people he is new in town and ask lots of leading questions trying to get some good gossip. He will also purchase some new clothes if the price is right. He keeps growing out of his old ones.

Sunday July 22nd, 2001 8:37:26 PM

"Hmmm no signs at all, no construction sites, nothing. Say Blue and Redux -- you are both magic users. Isn't there a spell to find a black tile or maybe better a holy symbol of Ga'al? If we know where the symbol is we know the place of the temple, if there is one off course."

Sunday July 22nd, 2001 11:09:07 PM

Frustration marks the half-elf's exotic features. Two days already, and not a single clue gathered. She muses, "It was probably too much to think that we would be able to gather any useful information in the daylight hours anyway. It's not like there's going to be a building with a sign reading 'Temple of Ga'al' ... otherwise the magistrate wouldn't need our help."

Ashira waits around watching the mason's shop until the appointed time for the group to meet at the inn. Turning to Val and Appolo, she says, "Let's head back." Ashira marches back to the Aviary, not really aware of whether or not Val and Appolo are following.

Pip (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Sunday July 22nd, 2001 11:15:03 PM

When questioned by Rigging as to his normal routine, Pip shrugs. "I's mostly just look around for food and a safe place to sleep. If you's like, I's could show you's some of the places where the udder kids meet." Pip follows Rigging around while he shops, eyeing the goods, and occasionally fingering items. Several times Rigging is forced to return items from Pip's pockets to the appropriate store shelf.

Sunday July 22nd, 2001 11:15:44 PM

Val follows Ashira wondering what the hell was going on. As time passes the more she thinks that they are on a wild goose chase.

Sunday July 22nd, 2001 11:39:05 PM

Redux enjoys the time spent flying through the eyes of his owl. He usually lets the animal feed itself without looking on, but times like these he senses the animal's pleasure in being useful. Redux gets a better view of the city and its general layout. It's not very big and he can see people walking through the streets. It's not very hard to pick out the half elf Ashira and the location of what must be the mason's shop. He tries to get Talon to look at the balconies and upper floors of some of the stone buildings for any sign or symbol of Ga'al. After a time he calls to the bird to return. He lets the others in on what he was able to see and knows that the time will soon be upon them to return to the shop of the carpet seller, Tekol. Redux doesn't want to walk into the area without preparation and wants to return to his room to finish preparing spells. It is possible that there will only be a finer selection of carpets, then again, he knows they may also find themselves surprised and fighting. It is better for the group to know where and when others will be at nightfall for safety's sake. On the way back to the Aviary, Redux ponders the gift that Gastu gave the party. Healing potions are easily understood, but what of the other items? Why would the party need to be able to breathe underwater? Are there clues that can only be gained from that perspective? Will the pointer work repeatedly? He really wishes he'd spent more time in discussing these things with Gastu previously.

And then there was morning and evening (DM Dave)  d100=28
Monday July 23rd, 2001 5:22:12 AM

Redux, via his owl, notes little of interest, although it was fun watching the kids playing games in the streets - bringing back memories of a distant childhood. Noted was the delivery of the carpet that Tekol had mentioned earlier: Four laborers come and pick up a carpet, carrying it to the bay, and load it aboard a ship, the Sea Spray.

The afternoon passes into early evening as the group meets back up at the Aviary. Information is passed, and everyone is feeling frustrated. Time for the meeting with the carpetseller approaches, and Redux (along with those planning on going) heads over to the Bazaar. They stand around for a few minutes in front of Tekol's tent, but there is no sign of the merchant.

Monday July 23rd, 2001 4:00:25 PM

Appolo says, "Yeah, looks like nothing's going on. Let's head back." He follows the two women back, staying back and slightly behind them. Appolo watches the surrounding area,looking for anything interesting.

Monday July 23rd, 2001 5:43:35 PM

Rigging heads back to the Inn with his purchases well pleased with the day's shopping. He also bought Pip some clothes mainly because he was tired of smelling the old ones. "Pip, I would like to meet your friends. When would be a good time. Is tonight possible?"

Once Rigging gets back to the Inn and hears his friends' dejected stories, he will say, "I would have been surprised if we found some obvious clues. Here are some tasks for tomorrow and tonight. Blue, I would like you to head back to see Gastu at the temple. I would like some more information on who was kidnapped. Were they street kids or kids from families around town? I want descriptions, names, when and where they were abducted and so on. Make sure you get the ages as well. I will be interested to hear if they are all teenagers.

"Ashira, I want you to see if you can round up a boat that we could rent or buy. Might want to do some bar crawling tonight. Blue can come with you and watch your back. It to be seaworthy and able to hold us, plus supplies, and possibly some lost kids. We aren't having any luck in town, so I figure it will be time to look around town. If you can't get a local to take us, make sure you get charts of the local seas.

"Appolo, I want you Val and Ari to back me up tonight. I am going to met some of Pip's friends but don't want to scare them off with an army. I need you more sneaky types to follow and make sure I am not ambushed.

"Bart -- what are your feelings on the carpet seller? Maybe you, Lem and Redux should pay his quarters a visit tonight and do some snooping. Anybody else have any ideas or suggestions?

"Hey Ashira, what do you think of my new hat? What kind of feather is this anyway? I thought peacock but I bet it is a griffon feather."

Monday July 23rd, 2001 10:15:51 PM

Back at the Aviary, Blue listens to Rigging's orders. When Rigging finishes the cleric pipes up, "What's wrong with the boat we have? Is it too big?" The lad gets his staff and makes ready to accompany Ashira.

Athlemdar (Dan) 
Monday July 23rd, 2001 10:22:39 PM

After his meditation, Lem returns with the others to the Aviary. "Hmmm" He responds thoughtfully to Rigging's instructions. "A little skull duggery, this should be interesting." Then he realizes who he will be travelling with. Nervously, he says, "Ahhh, shouldn't someone else come with us...just in case." The monk appears somewhat concerned as he stares at the owl.

Monday July 23rd, 2001 11:15:51 PM

Back at the Aviary, Ashira takes a couple of minutes to brief the company on the news that they haven't managed to gather, and then listens to the other's reports. When Redux mentions the carpet being loaded onto the Sea Spray, a look of shock floods over the ranger's face. In hushed tones she says "Wait a minute, are you sure that it was the Sea Spray? That's the vessel that Mr. Handsome is the Captain of..." Turning to Rigging she says "There's something fishy going on here, and it's not our alternative housing prospect! I don't trust that sleazy carpet dealer...and now Mr. Handsome, who just so happens to be an Aisildurian is doing business with him?! Looks like we might have gathered some useful information after all. I think we should hold off looking for a boat right now, and concentrate on the Sea Spray and the carpet dealer. I'll go down to the docks tonight, and keep a watch on the ship. Then, tomorrow, I think I'll have a chat with my Aquan relations. I doubt that very little goes on in the waters of Waha that they aren't aware of."

After finishing her meal, Ashira prepares to stake out the docks with whomever Rigging sends with her.

Pip (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Monday July 23rd, 2001 11:30:11 PM

Pip enjoys his meal at a leasurely pace (a first for the young man) as he listens to the group as they problem solve. Once the party has split up into the appropriate small groups, Pip waits until Rigging and his companions are ready, and then heads out into the darkening streets. The young man begins to wind down several back streets, each one a little more seedy than the next. "I's don really have any friends, but I's take you to some of the kids that I's work with somtimes. But you's gotta hang back a bit...the kid's fraid of older people, think they's gonna take their food." Pip distances himself from Rigging's group, and continues to wind down several alleys filled with an assortment of drunks and whores. Finally, after what seems like an eternity, Pip stops at an apparent dead end that smells strongly of urine, and emmits an odd high pitched whistle. Shortly later, a hidden door opens from the brick wall. A shrill voice whispers as Pip passes through the doorway "Ay, Pip, I's hant seen you's in a long time...I thought you's might be dead."

Monday July 23rd, 2001 11:53:44 PM

Redux is disappointed that such a small contingent is going with him this evening. "In case of trouble, my owl will find one of you and bring you to help. He doesn't want to be rolled up in a carpet and hauled off anywhere. If all goes well, he will have seen the very best the carpet dealer has to offer and might even make a deal. It remains to be seen if the dealer has interests other than legitimate."

Talon cleans its beak with its claw and makes a hacking noise. The animal coughs up a ball of fur, mixed with a few small bones, the remains of his last meal.

At the carpet dealer's, Redux posts Talon high above in order to use the animal's superior vision to see anyone that might be following them into the shop. He pokes around the outskirts of the tent, calling out for assistance. He then will sit down in front of the shop and concentrate on Talon, aware of the street around him. He will wait a short while for Tekol to arrive. If Tekol doesn't show, Redux will make his way to the dock, allowing Talon to fly above, even perching high up on one of the masts of the Sea Spray.

Tuesday July 24th, 2001 12:30:09 AM

Val listened with interest. It seemed that they might be onto something. She took note that she was with Appolo again. Perhaps her fate was intertwined with his.

Nightwatch (DM Dave) 
Tuesday July 24th, 2001 8:27:16 AM

Redux and his companions watch the tent until darkness starts to settle (about 30 minutes), and still no sign of Tekol. The light from a glowing lantern from within spills through some of the slits in the tent walls.

Ashira and her group post watch on the docks, and it is with some admiration that they view the beauty of the Sea Spray - the finest vessel they have ever laid eyes on. The flag marketings are totally unfamiliar, as are several deck features - this ship seems to be well-travelled. The crew appears well-disciplined as it goes about preparing for departure. Ashira recalls that Fletcher Long (Mr. Handsome) mentioned that the ship was leaving out on today's evening tide (Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 5:12:12 AM posting).

Rigging and company meet up with some of Pip's young acquaintances - three young boys who might be 6 or 12 - it's hard to tell. Pip offers a few calming words before introducing the heroes, otherwise these boys would have obviously bolted. Inside their hideout, the filth from the streets seems to have found a comfortable home. No telling what disease might be caught if one wasn't too careful

Tuesday July 24th, 2001 12:40:19 PM

Rigging looks at the boy's home in disbelief. A wave a sorrow passes through him and his says,"Boys how would you like to earn a reward? My friends are looking for some people who have been kidnapping kids. I know you guys have been living on the street for a while and hear things. Any of you know anything about it? We treat our friends well. Ask Pip here and he will tell you."
Rigging looks to Ari and says, "Ari, do you remember that street vendor we passed a couple of blocks back? Why don't you and Val go get our new friends here a snack.
Buy enough to feed 6. These guys look hungry."
Rigging looks back at the scruffy youngsters and says, "Well what about it? Anybody know anything?"
(occ Do we have a longboat or were we just dropped off? Checked back in the archive and it isn't clear.)

Tuesday July 24th, 2001 4:30:12 PM

"Provided there's no problem with us getting back in."

Ari then waits to make sure he gets shown what to do to get back in, or is accompanied by one of the boys, whichever. If he can do it, he'll pick up some loaves of bread, and some stew. Plus any other non-perishables. (Without getting burdomsome, or anything that might bring notice). If it means taking time to get apples and other small items that can be pocketed without showing bulges, then we'll do it. Ari will then show Val what he is doing. "Hopefully less suspicion, and should they need to move, they can still take the stuff with them". (ooc let me know total)

Lem (Dan) 
Tuesday July 24th, 2001 5:18:55 PM

Lem follows Redux to Tekol's. The young monk picks his own place in the shadows to watch.

Tuesday July 24th, 2001 5:20:07 PM

"Redux -- it is not my style, but what about a closer look at Tekol's place?"

Tuesday July 24th, 2001 5:23:34 PM

The stocky young cleric travels with Ashira to the docks and whistles softly when he sees the Sea Spray. He keep his eyes peeled on the docks while Ashira watches the ship, making sure her back is covered.

Tuesday July 24th, 2001 10:29:20 PM

Redux is a patient man and the wait outside the shop gives him time to run through his spells (in case of any emergencies) and chance at some relaxation. With a long stretch, he agrees that a peek inside the tent would be appropriate. He checks with Talon to see if the streets are clear and mentally reminders the bird to give a hoot if anyone, especially Tekol (Redux focuses on the memory of the carpet seller to remind Talon of what he looks like) shows up. Redux enters the tent, carefully noting the condition of the entrance and where things are in the tent. He looks around, careful of where he steps and what he touches. Redux pays particular interest to any items he might find around the light. He knows the carpet he had previously requested was delivered and wants to identify it in case Tekol shows up and he must explain his intrusion into the tent.

Pip (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Tuesday July 24th, 2001 10:44:08 PM

Not particularly thrilled at the idea of sharing the protection of his new guardians with the others, Pip none the less attests to their generosity. "They's be more an fair with me's since I hep's them. Even got me's new clothes." Pip shows off his new outfit as if they were aristocratic robes (and, compared to the rags that the other children are wearing, they might as well be). Turning to an extremely pale and small youngster hovering toward the back of the room Pip says "Slider, don I remember you telln me somein bout some kids disappearing from the orphanage?"

Bruiser (NPC, ADM Janell)  d20=14
Tuesday July 24th, 2001 10:59:26 PM

Before Slider can speak, one of the boys steps forward from the back, and places himself between Rigging and Pip. Barely missing Pip with a backhand, Bruiser shouts to the young man, "What's the big idea bringen peoples here? This used to be a safe place, now we's gotta find a new place to sleep. You's shoulda came and talked to me's first, then I's could decide whether or not to trust the big ones." Looking defiantly at Rigging, Bruiser says, "I's not that easy to bribe with a little food. Poken around can get you's in trouble in Waha. What's in it for us?" A quick glance at the belligerent youngster shows that he is definitely better fed and dressed than any of the other young men in the room.

Tuesday July 24th, 2001 11:18:04 PM

After several minutes of admiring the Sea Spray from afar, Ashira turns to the others in her party and says "Looks like we're too late for this shipment, but I have a feeling we'll see her again soon. Come on, let's get back to the Inn." Feeling increasingly frustrated, the half-elf turns to return to the Aviary.

Appolo  d20+9=14
Tuesday July 24th, 2001 11:53:40 PM

After getting back to the Aviary and getting something to eat, he heads back out with Rigging. He sticks close to Valanthe, and watches the surrounding area. When they arrive at the alley, Appolo disappears into the shadows. He does not go in with Rigging.

OOC: Hide 14

Wednesday July 25th, 2001 1:29:12 AM

Val resisted the urge to start beating on Bruiser. Val takes a couple of steps forward and looks at Bruiser with anger in her eyes. "Go ahead and try that again, I dare you. Perhaps you don't value food as much as the others because you're already getting regular meals. You want to know whats in it for you? How about doing a good deed? Or making sure you're not kidnapped next. Unless you already know what's going on and know you're not on the list. If that isn't enough -- it will save you from the beating I'll give you."

A Turn of Events (DM Dave) 
Wednesday July 25th, 2001 8:07:46 AM

[DM Note: The crew's longboat is tied up at one of the piers in the enclosed bay]

With one more backward glance, Ashira and Blue head to the Aviary, while the Sea Spray continues preparing to weigh anchor.

Several hundred yards away, Redux enters Tekol's tent, and quickly discovers the reason for the businessman's failure to appear: His form lies sprawled in the middle of the tent, with what appears to be a claw mark across his right cheek. From the purplish swelling around the cuts, it appears that poison did the merchant in. A scent of oranges fills the air. No sign is immediately seen of Redux's carpet - the whole interior is filled full of wonderful carpets that poor Tekol will now no longer be able to sell.

Many streets over, tensions rise as Val takes a street urchin to task. Meanwhile, Ari (unaccompianed) successfully gathers two day's worth of food.

Appolo  d20+9=10
Wednesday July 25th, 2001 11:09:55 AM

Appolo patiently waits in the shadows of the alley leading to the hideout. He watches as Ari comes out and leaves, coming back later with food. Thinking Rigging must be hiring some more help. 'If this keeps up I'm sure our enemies will find us,' he thinks to himself. Quietly he sits in the shadows.

OOC: Can I roll for my hide attenpt again? If I can then this is the roll. {10}

Wednesday July 25th, 2001 12:09:02 PM

"Easy Valanthe. Remember that fear drives them as well," Rigging murmurs in elven to Val.

To Bruiser Rigging says, "What is your name my friend? I am willing to pay more than food if the information is good. If you can give me names and locations I will pay you well and protect you after. I might even get you off the streets. Of course if you betray us, your death will be long, painful and horrible. My elven friend is nicer than I am. She will kill you quick and be done with it. I have a better imagination."

Rigging turns to Slider and pulls out a gold piece, "Slider tell me what you know and this is yours."

Wednesday July 25th, 2001 2:39:42 PM

Val starts pacing behind Rigging never taking her gaze from Bruiser. Scythe glinting menacingly as it's strapped to her back.

Wednesday July 25th, 2001 11:23:42 PM

On her way back to the Aviary, Ashira wonders how things are going with Redux's party. Looking over at Blue she says "Well Blue, what do you say we drop by Tekol's and see if Redux and the others are having any better luck than we are?"

Wednesday July 25th, 2001 11:27:10 PM

Redux calls to Lem & Bart. At the entrance to the tent he asks that one of them run to the Magistrate’s as quickly as possible. He explains what he’s seen and wants to report it, in case there are questions as to why they are at the tent after dark.

He calls to Talon to alight and fly high enough to see the dock area to see what ships are still docked. He may want to ask the Magistrate to detain the ship in order to investigate this murder. When the authorities come (hopefully the Magistrate will be among them) Redux will explain what he saw from his owl earlier, the carpet and the men loading the Sea Spray. Before they come, he'll look over the area and cast detect magic to see what might be in the area.

Slider (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Wednesday July 25th, 2001 11:36:39 PM

Snatching the gold piece out of Rigging's hand with more dexterity than you would have imagined from his fraile body, Slider makes sure he is well out of Bruiser's striking range before he answers. "Well, it's not much...jus I's heard that three or four kids gone missen after they's been gone to the orphanage. Mister Gastu, he got's all mad, an even posted a reward for information, but nobody's heard nothin. They's jus vanished. They's was at dinner one night, then they's not there in the mornin. Now everybody's scared to go to the orphanage." The young boy's deep blue eyes look up at Rigging to see if the information pleases him.

Bruiser (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Wednesday July 25th, 2001 11:41:14 PM

Not impressed by Val's tirade, Bruiser looks up at Rigging and says "I's called Bruiser. Lot's a people promise lots a things...I want payment up front.....sir."

Ship Shape (DM Dave) 
Thursday July 26th, 2001 5:06:26 AM

After Redux sends off for the magistrate, he searches the area and notes the following: There is no magic in the area, and from Tekol's still-warm body and freshness of the marks, it appears that he has been dead less than an hour. The delivery to the Sea Spray occurred approximately four hours ago.

Five minutes later, the magistrate arrives, along with Ashira and Blue. Orders are given to the harbormaster to stop all traffic, much to the consternation of many vessel captains (incoming and outgoing).

From what Rigging gathers in the ramblings of the street urchins, the disappearances of the kids occur at different times and different places - usually after the person was last seen in the Marketplace area.

Ari (arrgg :) ) 
Thursday July 26th, 2001 7:06:24 AM

Ari returns to where he was let out. With his pockets stuffed full.

Assuming he can get in, Ari walks in as Bruiser pipes up. "Well for starts, here's the food he sent me for. WAIT. Before anyone grabs this stuff, I want to prepare it real quick." With this Ari casts purify food and water, just to be safe. mumbling to himself, " and for good measure", Ari will also cast goodberry, and distribute them to the kids, to ensure health. :)

Thursday July 26th, 2001 10:48:24 AM

Appolo continues to wait,he is showing a good deal more patientence then usaul and he getting bored.

OOC:I wil be out of town on busines until sunday night.Until I return the DM can run Appolo.

Thank You,

Thursday July 26th, 2001 5:06:12 PM

After Bart reported the murder to the magistarte he runs back to Redux and waits outside of the tent.
When Blue and Ashira arrived he says Tekol is dead probaly murdered. He waits a few minutes and then he asks to the magistrate can I be of any assistance?

Thursday July 26th, 2001 7:18:18 PM

Rigging will look at Bruiser and smiles. "How can I pay you if I don't know how valuable the information is? No... I don't work that way. You can coorperate with me or not. It will be to your advantage to do so, but it is your choice. When living on the street, a young man like yourself needs alliances and friends. Choosing them correctly can mean prosperity. The wrong choices normally means horrible pain and a quick death" He starts to turn away to help Ari distribute the food fairly. He adds looking over his shoulder. "Oh by the way. Don't interfere or bully any of the others who choose to be our friends, if you unwisely choose not to be. If I hear about it, I've decided I won't kill you...but I will cut off both of your hands." Rigging says this with a chilling calmness to his voice.

Athlemdar (Dan) 
Thursday July 26th, 2001 7:45:11 PM

Lem keeps an eye out as Bart runs for the magistrate. The monk continues to scan the area and listen intently. He remains alert, ready to respond to an attack.
(OOC: Kent are you back?)

Thursday July 26th, 2001 7:50:00 PM

When Blue and Ashira arrive at Tekol's Carpet tent, Blue enters the tent to see if Tekol is beyond healing. The cleric carefully bends over the body trying hard not to disturb any possible evidence. After realizing the carpet merchant has indeed gone to his god, he withdraws and waits for the magistrate.

Ashira  d20=1
Thursday July 26th, 2001 8:28:10 PM

Upon arriving at the shop, Ashira notes all the commotion, and heads inside. Seeing Blue lean over the prone form on the floor, she says "Well, what's the prognosis?", already intuitively knowing the answer. She examines the crime scene, trying to discover any clues, but cannot make out anything worthwhile.

She heads over to where Redux stands and whispers "What happened here?"

Bruiser (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Thursday July 26th, 2001 8:40:43 PM

Watching as the food is passed out, Bruiser adopts a more business-like manner. "Ok...we's can work together. You's seems to be trustworthy." A shocked look comes over the young man's face when Rigging mentions the penalty for abusing any of the others. "Ay, there's no need for threats...I's would never hurt the lil ones. They's my family. I's just try to keep um safe from the big ones." The young man pauses for a few minutes and adds "So, what else you wanna know, udder than what Slider told ya?"

Thursday July 26th, 2001 10:14:12 PM

After the magistrate has arrived, and been briefed on the situation, Redux sighs. "Poor Tekol...no one deserves to die like that." After all questions are answered, Redux suggests that the group head back to the Aviary for reflection and further planning.

OOC Was there any sign of a struggle?

Thursday July 26th, 2001 10:48:17 PM

Seeing the the situation is resolved, Val relaxes. She helps with the kids and tries to lighten their mood. It seems that even Val has a motherly side.

As the Wold Turns (DM Dave) 
Friday July 27th, 2001 8:41:00 AM

A review of the crime scene doesn't indicate any type of struggle, indicating that Tekol knew his assailant. There is nothing to show that Tekol successfully returned the attack. No items appear to be missing or displaced, and Tekol kept a pretty tidy shop for a carpet dealer. All his noticeable jewelry still seems to be intact and on his person, so if something was taken, it is not obvious.

Gastu receives word back from a runner that all port access has been suspended, as per his orders.

A fresh breeze springs up from the west, cooling the evening heat. A strange sense of change washes over you as you reflect on the knowledge that not all parts of the Wold are under the stain of Ga'al's overwhelming influence. Somehow, the Wold seems different. Glancing up at the stars, half expecting to discover strange constellations, you count out your favorite lights - nope, all are there, and all will be as it should be, when you finally rip the grasp of Ga'al from the heart of your homeland.

Friday July 27th, 2001 9:06:49 AM

Rigging smiles and hands Bruiser some stew. "What do you know? I want to know anything about the missing children. I am looking for information on who might benefit in stealing them or who is inclined to do so. Is their a gang of thieves who work in Waha or around it? Do you know who might be building a building using black stone? Or any other tidbit of information that you can think of that might interest us. Unusual things happening which normally don't."

Friday July 27th, 2001 10:17:11 AM

As Rigging explains the consequences of Bruiser's plan, Ari pipes in, "and should the hand not come off the first time, I can heal it back up, so that he can try again."

Once he's done handing out the food, and smiling at the rest of the children, Ari will back out of the way, so that Rigging can keep talking. Ari wants to keep an eye on the rest of the room, and watch and see if there's some unspoken plan being implemented.

Athlemdar (Kent, laid up, but alive, I think.)  d20+5=23 d20+10=25
Saturday July 28th, 2001 2:31:12 PM

(Knowledge Arcana roll DC 23.) Looking around inside and outside of the carpet sellers, Lem looks for any signs of magic or anything else that can be seen. Afterward he makes his way back out and finds a place from which safely to keep watch (Hide roll Dc 25).

Ashira  d20+7=25
Sunday July 29th, 2001 10:36:55 PM

Seconding the motion to return to the Aviary, Ashira takes a few moments to examine the area surrounding the carpet seller's tent. Starting at the entrance to the business, and fanning outward, Ashira searches a quarter mile radius around the building. She checks for any tracks (doubtful that she will collect any useful information) and any items that Tekol's assassin might have dropped in his escape.

OOC (d20+7=25 for Search)

Bruiser (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Sunday July 29th, 2001 10:52:41 PM

After enjoying his stew (unlike the other youths who practically inhaled the liquid contents). Bruiser looks at Rigging and shrugs. "Yeah, they's a couple of groups of thieves, but I's don know why they's want to take kids." Bruiser suddenly becomes contemplative and says "I's thinks I's saw someun wearin a think cloack in the market the udder day...it was weird, cause it summer and all."

Redux  d20=14
Sunday July 29th, 2001 11:11:10 PM

Redux will search the body, taking note of any other marks or tatoos (or heart seeding). He asks the locals if Tekol has any family and where Tekol lives. He asks if anyone has been to Tekol's home to inform them of his death. Redux may walk by his home on his way to the Aviary to talk to anyone there, introduce himself, and get invited back for the next day to see the inside.

Sunday July 29th, 2001 11:21:32 PM

The young cleric follows Ashira on her search. He stays behind the elf about 20 paces, watching. Blue is more concerned about attack than he is about finding evidence. He fingers his quarter staff nervously as he slowly turns... watching the shadows.

Monday July 30th, 2001 7:31:28 AM

Rigging listens to Bruiser's about the women in the market. Rigging replies, "Well that is sort of thin. Where do the 2 different thieves groups hang out? Are they friendly with each other? What kind of crimes do they commit? Smuggling?"

(DM Lee-Anne) 
Monday July 30th, 2001 4:04:51 PM

Redux and Lem find nothing else of interest inside Tekol's tent, and the Marketplace is too high-traffic an area to yield useful information to Ashira's tracking ability. A contingent of town guard, looking more like pirates than anything, arrives to back up the magistrate and secure the area, followed closely by Wynfrea and a handful of merchants.

While the magistrate asks Redux for an explanation of his own role in events, Wynfrea asks Bart and Blue what's been going on. The local merchants aren't sure about Tekol's family. Apparently, the numbers of his children and the health of his aging mother varied from day to day, depending on the richness of a potential customer's clothes. Nobody seems to know where he lived.

To Ari's eye, the children seem too focussed on devouring their meals to be planning any organized mayhem. Just as they are finishing up, another small child of indeterminate gender pushes aside a loose board from one of the windows and drops into the room. The child warily watches Rigging and the others while whispering, "Docks is locked down. I's hear tieves're murdrin peoples in 'ere beds!"

Monday July 30th, 2001 6:29:15 PM

Returning to the carpet seller's tent, Ashira is more frustrated than before. She waits impatiently for the rest of the party to finish being quized by Gastu, anxious to return to the Aviary and get drunk.

Pip (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Monday July 30th, 2001 6:33:29 PM

Pip heads over to the newcomer, and engages in a short, whispered conversation, and then returns to Rigging. "Boss, we's should go...I think you's friends are in trouble."

Bruiser (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Monday July 30th, 2001 6:37:01 PM

Hearing Pip's comment, a frantic look flits over Bruiser's face, gone in a flash. "Ay, don go...we's still got business to do. I's can show you where some thieves hang out..."

Monday July 30th, 2001 6:51:38 PM

A slightly confused look on his face, Redux once again briefs (See Thursday, July 26) the magistrate on what little he knows. "I really can't tell you anything more. We had an appointment to meet this evening, but when I got here, no one answered. I went inside to leave a note, and when I came in, I found him laying just the way he is now." Making sure that there are no further questions from the magistrate, Redux heads over to where Wynfrea is. "Word must travel fast, you got here rather quickly."

Monday July 30th, 2001 10:26:08 PM

Ari keeps an eye on things, as he waits to hear Rigging's comments. Ari continues to watch the children. Now just interested to see if anyone follows Bruiser's lead because of intimidation, or because he's the boss kid. Seems Pip is not under his influence. (;))

Tuesday July 31st, 2001 1:21:03 AM

Appolo is sitting in the shadows watching the entrance to the alley, when he begins to notice a lot of activity in the town and sounds of people heading for the market area. He decides that he needs to contact the others and walks silently to where he saw the others go in. He then knocks on the door and waits for an answer. Saying, "Rigging, it's me, Appolo. We better get going," he speaks just loud enough to be heard through the door.

Tuesday July 31st, 2001 1:25:03 AM

Val was tense and stressed. She didn't like it one bit. She was used to her opponents being in front of her with swords or other weapons. She didn't know how to handle intruige and subterfuge.

Bart  d20=14
Tuesday July 31st, 2001 2:14:32 AM

Seeing that the area of Tekol's tent is too crowdy, Bart decides to walk to the harbor. He looks around if he can see Lem (DC14). He signals to Redux that he goes away.

Tuesday July 31st, 2001 7:54:04 AM

Watching the guard from his hiding place, Lem observes them and anyone else in the area for any mysterious actions or people. After all, isn't it said that the guilty often return to the scene to gloat and watch. While watching he sees Blue come out and start looking around. Just as Blue passes, Lem steps out behind him and quietly says, " Just a bit crowded in there don't you think?

Tuesday July 31st, 2001 1:52:28 PM

The area around the tent starts filling up with people as the cleric leaves the tent. Blue backs away into the growing crowd. Lem appears beside Blue, seemingly out of nowhere. At first the stocky lad is startled, but seeing the taller monk's familar face he regains his composure. "Yes", he responds to Lem's question, "A bit too crowded".

The aged Wynfrea works her way through the crowd and approaches young Blue. She asks, "what's going on?". Blue leans close to the money lender and in a hushed voice he tells the tale of the apparently murdered carpet merchant. He finishes his telling with a question, "What do you make of the carpet delivery to the ship? What would this one be smuggling to Aisildur mercenaries?"

The young cleric continues to watch the crowd. A feeling of impending peril starts to well up and he becomes somewhat anxious. He wishes the family would come together. He would feel much safer. A quick look to the strong monk beside him steadies the boys jangled nerves.

Nothing to See, Please Move Along (DM Lee) 
Tuesday July 31st, 2001 3:40:31 PM

Most of the kids begin to look nervous again, waiting for the response to Bruiser's plea.

Gastu apologizes to Redux for the repetition, and when it becomes apparent that nobody else has information about Tekol's death, he arranges to have the body moved. He will gather the Council tomorrow to question the dead man. The crowd near the tent disperses.

Wynfrea nods at Redux. "Yes, in Waha, anything that affects shipping is fast news. But I hadn't heard there were Aisildurians in port, and such news would travel even faster. What makes you think the carpet seller was smuggling, young Blue?"

Bart doesn't see Lem, but at the docks he does see Mister Handsome arguing with Shursora, the sea elf who guided the party's longboat into the harbour.

Tuesday July 31st, 2001 6:18:24 PM

Blue again faces Wynfrea and explains, "Much of my opinions on this are based on my observations and snippits that I have heard, so indeed no real facts.

"I have come to believe that the capt'n of the ship in question has in passing identified himself as Aisildurian in search of mercenaries, one can only wonder why.

"About the smuggling, I overheard an observer of the delivery of the carpet by Tekol to the ship, describe the carpet as 'bulky'. This suggests to me that perhaps something was disguised with the carpet. That and other rumours around have suggested this Tekol is a mysterious fellow.

"Mistress Wynfrea, I have been very candid with you. I can see that you are an observer of the human condition. What do you know of this Tekol?"

Tuesday July 31st, 2001 8:43:30 PM

Getting Blue alone for a moment, Lem whispers in his ear. "I think that we need to find a way to either delay or possibly board our Inn acquaintance's ship, just to see what kind of cargo he is carrying?"

Tuesday July 31st, 2001 9:12:13 PM

Appolo knocks again a bit more insistent this time. "Hurry up, there's an awful lot of activity out here." A bit louder than last time. He then checks the entrance to the alley.

Tuesday July 31st, 2001 9:54:52 PM

"Knowing where the thieves hang out could be useful. Rigging, perhaps we should check in with the others."

Tuesday July 31st, 2001 11:23:09 PM

Redux doesn’t like Blue being so up front with Wynfrea and wants to warn him about speaking to strangers (all out of earshot of Wynfrea). He sees that getting back to the Aviary will take a while. Redux has thoughts of being present when Gastu questions the dead man, for professional reasons, of course. When the crowd is disbursed and the body removed Redux will again find a spot to sit while his owl flies around. He’s interested in activity in the street and around the harbor. He suspects that given the recent events, something else might be happening and he would like to know where.

Tuesday July 31st, 2001 11:23:38 PM

Ashira doesn’t like Bart going off alone. She notices that everyone of the party seems to be checking in with Blue so she’ll do so as well. She tells him that she’ll meet up with everyone at the Aviary later in the evening for drinks. She then goes off in the direction that Bart went. Once she finds Bart she’ll strike up a conversation, commenting about how any ship captain caught by the port being locked down would be pretty upset. She notices that Mr. Handsome’s ship is still present and remembers that he was planning to be leaving on the Tide. Too bad, she thinks, for him that is, she just might be able to investigate his ship. She’ll look around for Shursora to ask if there’s been any word about Taker (and anything interesting else that might come up).

Wednesday August 1st, 2001 7:06:32 AM

Ari moves in the afirmative when Val speaks up. Ari begins to get a little nervous when Riggings doesn't immediately respond.

Bart  d20=2
Wednesday August 1st, 2001 10:45:15 AM

Ashira isn't that Mister handsome talking to ou pilot, maybe he is up to something let's go closer and try to hear what they are talkingf about! (listenroll dc=2)

Not having any sense of what they are talking about, Bart aproach them as there conversation take a slower pace and says Hello pilot not a good day for you is it?, I heard all the ships have to stay in port Any idear how long the port is closed?

Wednesday August 1st, 2001 2:50:39 PM

Rigging hears Appolo's voice and a bad feeling leaps into his stomach. To Bruiser, "My friend, We will met you tomorrow and you can lead me to the thieves hide out then. I will meet you here 2 hours before dusk." He flips him a gold piece. "Partial payment upfront." To the others, "OK lets go." Rigging heads out of the building. As he leaves he whispers to Apollo. "Watch our backs to see if we have collected any interested parties."

And All Was Calm (DM Lee-Anne) 
Wednesday August 1st, 2001 3:20:47 PM

Wynfrea frowns slightly in thought. "Tekol has been a fixture in the Market for some time. Even so, I know little about him. He kept to himself, being friendly only with customers." The moneychanger shrugs, and asks, "Why all this interest in a carpet seller?"

Bart and Ashira see Fletcher Long (Mr. Handsome) continue to argue with Shusora, his features dark with anger. Finally, he concedes with some modicum of grace, bowing slightly to the aquan and reboarding the Sea Spray.

When Ashira asks, Shusora calmly tells her that the local dolphins hadn't heard about Taker. They have passed word on to other pods in the area. She switches to Common to answer Bart. "The magistrate has suspended traffic until a murdered human can be questioned. I'm told, early in the morning, hopefully before we lose the next tide." The pilot dives cleanly off the dock into the waters of the bay.

From the air, Talon gets a good view of the crowds dispersing from the docks and market areas. He doesn't notice any other unusual activities.

Bruiser catches the coin cleanly and says, "I's be ready." As Rigging and the others hit the streets, things are calm once more. Full darkness settles over Waha.

Wednesday August 1st, 2001 4:29:02 PM

When Rigging and the others come out, Appolo
Imforms Rigging that there is no one else in the
ally,but that there is something going on in the market.In reply to Rigging"No problem,now let's get going."As Valanth passes"How are you doing,
looks like things are starting to get interesting after all."He then waits for the group to head down the ally,leaving the ally last,keeping alook out for any unfriendly charactors.

Wednesday August 1st, 2001 9:18:31 PM

"I'm doing alright. I don't like all this intruge and subterfuge. I don't understand it much at all. I understand direct."

Thursday August 2nd, 2001 12:17:59 AM

Ashira sticks here head under water hoping to catch Shusora and yells to her in Aquin. She' like to ask some more questions, and would like to find some time now or in the morning to get together.

Thursday August 2nd, 2001 12:19:56 AM

Redux calls for Talon to feed & return to the Aviary where he's headed. Redux will go to the pub and await the others, taking a bite to eat and a drink of something light.

Thursday August 2nd, 2001 4:19:14 AM

When Redux cautions the cleric, Blue responds to him, "I have been taking risks with her to see what I could get for information, frankly she has given little if any that is useful." Blue starts to bite his lip. "Perhaps she has been playing me. Is truely your feeling that she could jeopardize us? I will take your counsel on this.", He finishes looking downcast.

Redux concerns cause Blue to again become fearful. The lad is worried that perhaps his judgement with Wynfrea has been mis-lead. The young cleric's tension continues to build. Somewhat un-nerved with a slightly raised voice he says to Lem, "Sneak on the ship! What if they catch us, I am no spy... DRAGON FIRE! What are we going to do?".

Thursday August 2nd, 2001 8:12:16 AM

Ari follows Riggings out of the little cove. As Riggings whispers to Apollo, Ari adds, "There appears to be more than one entrance, so you might want to tail us a little bit, and watch and see if we pick up any tails. I don't think they'll come out the main door."

Thursday August 2nd, 2001 2:11:40 PM

Hmm I had some more questions for her. Ashira let's folow Mr Handsome. Maybe we can chitchat with him.

Quiet Words (DM Lee-Anne) 
Thursday August 2nd, 2001 4:34:35 PM

Shusora's head breaks the water a short distance from where Bart and Ashira stand at the Sea Spray's dock. "With the port closed, I have time this evening, cousin. What will you have of me?"

Although Rigging and the others see quite a few shady characters as they leave this more run-down area of town, none appear to be following. The groups reaches their destination unscathed.

Wynfrea waves cheerfully to Lem and Blue. "Well, I've my own supper to see to. You boys stick together -- the killer may still be about." The moneychanger leaves the Market area by one of the little sidestreets.

Redux finds the mood in the Aviary more somber tonight. Perhaps it is the absence of the bard. Perhaps the long faces on the two merchants at a nearby table. Perhaps simply because he and Talon are alone.

Thursday August 2nd, 2001 9:04:37 PM

After all of the excitment, Redux finds a nice quiet, isolated table, and sits down. Opening up his spell book, he takes some time to study his spells as he waits for the others to return.

Thursday August 2nd, 2001 9:26:29 PM

A concerned look on her face, Ashira says to Shusora in Elven "On my way down here tonight, I overheard you two arguing... what's going on. He looks like such an easy going man, I was surprised that he was so upset." Ashira grimices and adds "Some friends of mine suspect that he's not all above board. What's your opinion of Fletcher?"

Thursday August 2nd, 2001 10:18:26 PM

Rigging heads back to the Aviary leading the others with him. "So what do you think of our new friends. Sounds like the market is the area where the kids are being taken. I was surprised to here they were all orphans. I guess that rules out ransoms. I would love to know the ages. If they are young teens, I think they are being heartseeded." Once they return, Rigging will head to the common room to see the other team members. He sits down at Redux's table and asks what he has learned.

Thursday August 2nd, 2001 10:32:13 PM

"So Rigging, whats the plan now?" During the walk Val tried not to but glanced Appollo's way a couple of times.

Thursday August 2nd, 2001 11:02:59 PM

Ari joins everyone at the Aviary. He plots down and orders a glass of wine. When the wine comes, he sits back and listens to the conversations.

Thursday August 2nd, 2001 11:21:55 PM

I know Blue, and I do realize none of us are spies but we need to find something out. Anyway shall we join the others at the Aviary for some dinner and maybe together we can figure out what we should do.

Friday August 3rd, 2001 2:12:12 AM

Appolo trailed behind the group making sur know one was following to closely.He couldn't help but notice Valanthe look his way a couple of times.When they reach the Aviary Appolo takes a
seetnext to her.In reply to her eiler statement.
he says"Yes,I've noticed that.But it is nice to
know who the enemy is and where they are."He then orders something to drink and some bread.
To Redux "Redux do you know what happened at the merket tonight.You were down there,we thought you guys might have gootten into trouble."He then waits for a reply and continues to eat.

Friday August 3rd, 2001 2:05:52 PM

Val orders some wine and some bread and cheese. It doesn't take much to fill her up. "Appolo are we really any closer to finding out about the missing children? Something is really wrong in this town."

Friday August 3rd, 2001 2:29:41 PM

Leaning close to Valanthe"Nope,who ever is doing it is extremely good.Better then we are I'm afraid.They apparently aren't overly comcerned about us,otherwise they would've moved agianst
already."He quickly reaches over and steals
a piece of cheese,tossing it in his mouth.

Blue  d20+4=21
Friday August 3rd, 2001 5:17:16 PM

Blue realizes that his anxiety has to do with his frustration at not getting very far in the search of the children. He turns to Lem and says, " I am sorry I snapped at you...I feel very helpless as our search is going slow. Maybe Redux was right, maybe Wynfrea is a spy!"

The young cleric clutches his chin for a moment deep in thought. He then springs into action. He turns in the direction that Wynfrea just took and scurries off after her. Calling over his shoulder to Lem he says, "I am going to get to the bottom of this. I am going to follow her".

Blue keeps up his hurried pace until he sees Wynfrea's back. He then slows down and seeks shadows to travel in (Hiding skill 1d20+4=21). Cautiously he keeps a distance, but keeps the money changer in sight.

Friday August 3rd, 2001 5:18:50 PM

(OOC: This is my last post until August 20th, Kent will be posting for young Blue.)

Friday August 3rd, 2001 9:26:19 PM

Rigging talks to everyone in the group who comes in while eating dinner. "Anybody have any great ideas?" He will tell them all what he learned from the young street kids. "I still think we should have Blue go get some better details on who was kidnapped so far. I also think we should give some more thought on having one of us taken." Rigging enjoys the fish stew and bread and cheese. He sticks to water to keep his head clear.

Saturday August 4th, 2001 12:09:40 AM

Val smiles and slaps Appollo's hand. "Hey! I didn't have much as it was. I won't let this go unpunished you know."

Night 2 in Waha (DM Lee-Anne)  d20+5=6
Saturday August 4th, 2001 8:36:05 AM

Down by the bay, Shursora answers, also in Elven, "Captain Long is usually quite charming, for a human. I'm always pleased to see his colours tacking toward Waha. He is upset to be held up in port longer than expected." The sea elf studies Ashira and Bart for a moment, then glances over his shoulder at the moored Sea Spray. "The scuttlebutt is that he's anxious to make delivery to a very special customer."

Blue leaves Lem in the Market to tail Wynfrea. He follows the moneychanger the short distance to The Green Fish, where she supped with the party the night before. Light and laughter spill out when Wynfrea opens the door and enters the tavern.

Meanwhile, the rest of the party recovene at The Aviary to discuss the evening's events and perhaps plan the morrow's investigation.

Saturday August 4th, 2001 1:25:16 PM

As Ari listens to the detials about Tekol's death concern floods his face. When given a break in the discussion, Ari will interject, "I think we might want to consider having someone watch Gastu, or convincing him he should have a body guard, until tomorrow's spell casting. I don't know how accurate this talk to dead stuff is, but I would think that Gastu might be the next target.

Saturday August 4th, 2001 7:08:41 PM

What are you two talking about? Mr Handsome? And why he is upset? I hope so because that where the things i wanted to know

Saturday August 4th, 2001 8:06:14 PM

Appolo smiles"Didn't think you would.Becareful
with my hands though,they could be useful in the future."

Turning toward Rigging"I don't think we can set one of us up as bait.We're to old they seem to
be taking pretteens only and children know one
really misses.We're to well known now,if one of us turns up missing,whoevers doing this will
know the rest of will start looking immediatly."
He then gets up and heads up tohis room.Where he will collect his thieves tools.

Sunday August 5th, 2001 8:10:24 PM

I could probably pass for a child. I'm as tall as some of the children and are almost as thin. As long as I wear some covering rags and a hood I could pass for a child. I'm sure if I huddle in an alley that somebody would notice. Perhaps I can hide a dagger just in case.

Contemplation and Review (DM Lee-Anne) 
Monday August 6th, 2001 4:16:34 PM

Shursora nods to Bart. "We were, and I've told what discretion permits. Now, if you'll both excuse me, I'd like to return to my family. The sea-green elf waits for last-minute comments from Bart and Ashira, then disappears beneath the black surface of the water.

As Blue waits outside the House of the Green Fish, he notices that he is all alone in a strange town, on a rickety wooden walkway-street populated with its fair share of nighttime skulkers. There's one now: a heavily cloaked form slipping from around a nearby stilt house and moving through the shadows back toward the Market.

At The Aviary, the quiet conversation continues. Pip manfully tries to cover a sleepy yawn as the night grows later.

Ari recalls that Gastu told them he may already have been a target:

"Now, this is a dangerous business: I've occasionally seen heavily cloaked strangers passing through the market, and about a week ago I was hit by a dart while over in the bazaar buying supplies for the temple. It did little damage, but it was smeared with poison. I don't know if it was a warning or was meant to kill. No one could say where the dart was thrown from. Here it is." He pulls out the wicked, barbed missile, carved with baneful symbols crawling with stomach-twisting carvings - (DM Dave, June 22)

Monday August 6th, 2001 8:04:42 PM

Entering the Aviary slightly after the others as Blue headed out after Wynfrea, Lem is puzzled and worried about his friend off all alone but steps inside to at least tell someone what was going on.

Lem looks around and spying his friends heads over. "Apollo, Rigging, I'm a bit worried about Blue. He headed off, alone, to follow Wynfrea. Now I don't think she's really involved in this but Blue's got a bug about it. Um, anyway I think I uhh, saw him headed toward the Green Fish, where we were last night. i think I need to go find him so he's not alone but I wanted to Umm check with someone first. I don't think we should be separated like this. Um, Well, what do you think.

Blue (kent)  d20+4=23 d20=19 d20+4=20
Monday August 6th, 2001 8:14:38 PM

The young cleric realizing that he is not really in his element steps back in to some shadows to hide while he watches.(hide roll 23) It is while he is whiding that he sees the hooded figure skulking in the shadows as well. Thinking that maybe his time would be better spent following this figure and tries to do so without making a sound (move silent 19) and stay hidden in shadow as much as possible(hide 20)

Monday August 6th, 2001 10:27:27 PM

Before Shursora leaves, Ashira thanks him for his time. After the departure of the sea elf, Ashira turns to Bart and says "Well, enough of a stroll for tonight, we should head back for some shut eye." She begins to walk casually back to the Inn, pretending that she hasn't gathered any usefull information. As Bart walks back with her, she whispers to him "Pretend we didn't see anything unusual...I don't want to attact any un -needed attention. Let's get back to Rigging."

Upon arriving at the Inn, Ashira takes her time getting to the table. Once there, she attracts Rigging's attention, and says in Elven "We need to talk." Ashira quickly briefs Rigging (again in simple Elven) about the confrontation at the dock, and the information that Shursora gave her. Finishing her briefing, she smiles briefly, and says "I think we're on to something...I think we should somehow find a way to get aboard Fletcher's ship and have a look around. Any ideas?"

Monday August 6th, 2001 10:37:50 PM

Lost in study, it takes Redux a little longer than usual to notice the arrival of his companions. "Sorry, I was just trying to get a better handle on this spell. What was that...oh, yes, we had a very interesting time over at Tekol's this evening..." Redux briefs the group about the murder of the carpet seller, and what little information was able to be gathered at the crime scene. Looking over at Pip, Redux shrugs when Rigging mentions abduction. "Perhaps our new friend here could help us out with that. I could have Talon keep tabs on him."

Monday August 6th, 2001 11:17:03 PM

Rigging is growing concerned over the absence of Blue. Though he is a fine friend and great companion, nobody ever called him streetwise. He looks to Redux and says, "Could you send Talon out looking for Blue? Is He/she? capable of that? It is either that or we send a strong group out to try to find him. If Talon can handle the mission, please have him take a wing around. Nobody will notice an owl, but if Blue is trying to be subtle, a stong group yelling Blue might disturb things."
Rigging gives the thought of bodyguarding Gastu some thought and says, "I believe Gastu can look out for himself. He does have many friends in town and we can't afford to split our forces. He is already alert and warned to danger. What else could we really do?"
After listening to Ashira speech, Rigging says, "This sounds promising. Sounds like he is into something. The sea elves do like him and that speaks well of him, but basic human nature is to be greedy. He might be trying to make a quick gold and is turning his head. We should check him out. Appolo.. Do you have any suggestions on investigating his ship? You are our local expert in these matters." Rigging says with a grin.
"Whatever happens I want to be back to meet Bruiser tomorrow evening. Even if the thieves of this fine hamlet aren't involved, I am sure they will have some information on who might be."

Tuesday August 7th, 2001 8:00:46 AM

Listening to the ongoing conversations Ari takes time to sit back and contemplate what has going been on lately. His thoughts take no discernable direction as he gently swirls the wine around in his glass. He's not anxious to get to the bottom of the glass, so he just gets lost in the motion of the wine, as it reminds him of the sea.

"Before we jump the gun and do anything that really gets us in trouble. I think we should consider letting the night pass, and wait until Gastu has had a chance to talk to Tekol. Worst case, I think we should sweep the area around Gastu's house, and see if anyone is watching his place."

Tuesday August 7th, 2001 5:08:46 PM

Talk to Tekol? Wasn't he dead??

About the ship, maybe some of us can go to there and ask if they have an job.

Tuesday August 7th, 2001 7:08:53 PM

Rigging checks on Pip quickly making sure that he is doing ok.

He is touched and proud of Val making the offer to be bait but isn't sure if she is worldly enough to take the mission on by herself. As always Rigging gets butterflies in his stomach when he thinks about sending one of his flock into harms way. He studies Val wondering if this elven child who is years older than him is mature enough to handle this dangerous mission.

Rigging then switches his attention to Redux and watches him stroking Talon. He wonders if he should get a familiar. His thoughts then switch to Seafoam. He misses his black stead and hopes he is well.

Rigging sits back and listens as the group debates possible courses of action, taking it all in. His memories flash to his father listening to his councilors advice and then making hard decisions. He never really thought he would be in that position himself. His respect for his father rises even more. He hopes to see him again and free him from the heartseed.

Tuesday August 7th, 2001 7:38:48 PM

Appolo comes back downstairs,he is carrying his
pack,on his person he has various tools.Every thing is nicely conceales and dull in color.he is wearing his cloak and armour.He walks ove and takes a seat.

He is then imformed that blue has decided to follow the moneychanger and is wondering the streets on his owwn.Then Ashira and Bart return
and make thier report.

Rigging asks him about investigating the ship
to which he replys"Let Ashira do it she could probably convince the captian to give her a
tour,while I sneak aboard,while she keeps him busy.But first I think we should find blue."

He then takes a drink of water and sits back.

OOC:Appolo has no idea that Valanthe has volounteered to become bait,as he was upstairs
at the time.Otherewise he would be adamantly opposed to the suggestion.

Alarm and Shadows (DM Lee-Anne)  d20+8=25 d20+8=19
Wednesday August 8th, 2001 9:22:40 AM

Pip's drooping eyelids snap open, and the lad slides quickly off his chair to put Rigging between himself and Redux. "Please, sir, I's be terr'ble bait! Too skinny an' -- an' --" The boy looks wildly around the common room, and his gaze settles on the sleeve of his new shirt. "Too clean! You's said I help good. Don' send me away!"

Somewhere out in the dark night, Blue trails his new quarry across solid land and back into the warren of stilt buildings past another tavern, The Salty Dog. Judging by the raucous voices and music spilling from inside, this establishment is even more lively than the last. The tall, cloaked figure pauses briefly near the tavern's stilts, then slips further along the dark boardwalk and disappears into the shadows. (Blue: Spot DC 19, -2 circumstance penalty for darkness)

Wednesday August 8th, 2001 9:57:37 AM

When Rigging asks for Talon's assistance in locating the lost cleric, Redux says "Well, that's really up to Talon, isn't it?" A vacant look comes over Redux's face for a minute, and then is gone. "Talon has taken quite a liking to Blue, and is more than willing to assist. If you'll excuse me..." Redux gets up and walks outside. Once the two are a few paces outside the Inn, Talon takes to the air. Redux stretches and then returns to the party's table. Rejoining the conversation, Redux adds his insights. "I agree with Appolo...I don't think any of us should be bait. I think we can assume that whomever is running this operation has been watching us, and knows that we have been in contact with the Magistrate. Sneaking on board the ship might be challenging...perhaps myself or Rigging might be able to provide some sort of diversion..."

Wednesday August 8th, 2001 10:14:51 AM

Perking up at the mention of boarding Fletcher Long's vessel, Ashira says "Well, I've been thinking about something since I've returned from the docks. I thinks it's going to be very difficult to board Fletcher's ship if we aren't truly interested in joining his crew. So, what if a small party...say myself, Bart, and Appolo...join Fletcher's crew as mercenaries. That way, we'd have access to parts of the ship we wouldn't otherwise, and if Fletcher is involved in something suspicious, we'll have a better chance of detecting it."

Wednesday August 8th, 2001 12:49:25 PM

OCC: Appolo never said nobody should be bait. He was out of the room at the time and never heard the idea.

"I can do this Rigging. So far we are getting knowhere fast. It's not like people wouldn't be close by to follow. The least we could to is capture somebody for answers."

Wednesday August 8th, 2001 6:23:36 PM

OOC...actually, Appolo did say that, but it fairly far at the beginning of the conversation (see Saturday August 4th, 2001 7:06 PM). Sorry for the confusion.

Wednesday August 8th, 2001 8:10:23 PM

Rigging listens to the others closely and his heart is lightened when Talon goes winging his way into the night.
After Val's plea, he leans forward and grabs her hand, "Val, no one here doubts your bravery. I don't want to follow that dangerous course of action until we exhaust all of our options."
Rigging withdraws his hand smiling at Appolo's dark look and says to him and Ashira. "If Captain Handsome is truly smuggling something or someone, I doubt he would take on new crew members at this point. You might be able to act as a diversion while Appolo or myself try to slip on board though. Besides Ashira, if you get to close to this dashing figure, you might not be able to pull yourself from his charms." Rigging teases the half-elf.
Rigging looks over to Redux and asks, "Redux, Are you in contact with Talon now? Can you see what he is seeing or feeling? Once we collect Blue we can talk about investigating the ship."
When Pip starts from his sleep, Rigging reassures him that he is in no danger. "You will not be used as bait young one. Do you know any about Captain Long, Pip."

Wednesday August 8th, 2001 8:14:53 PM

Val pulls her hand free. She sits back and folds her arms across her chest obviously pissed about the decision.

Wednesday August 8th, 2001 9:58:42 PM

Continuing to mull over his wine, Ari decides to drink the rest of the glass in a gulp. He quickly orders another glass, and continues to listen to the discussion at the table. Skepticism shows quite plainly on his face.

DM Lee-Anne 
Thursday August 9th, 2001 8:23:14 AM

Talon eventually locates Blue near the Salty Dog, where the boy has lost track of his quarry.

Meanwhile, the young Pirates of Jack and their new friend continue to discuss their options.

Thursday August 9th, 2001 10:13:30 AM

Rigging notices Val's look of peak but decides to ignore it. He sits and watches the musing Pip waiting for an answer. When he notices Ari's look, he will ask, "Well Ari, you don't like our plans so far? Do you have any other suggestions to offer?"

Thursday August 9th, 2001 10:58:33 AM

After a while Appolo gets bored. "Well Redux, has Talon found Blue yet? If he has, one or two of us should go fetch him. The rest might want to check out the Greenfish and see if any of Captain Handsome's crew are there, and if so, how many. Might be able to pick up some information about their cargo."

Thursday August 9th, 2001 3:59:32 PM

OCC: I hope somebody has an idea because I don't. It seems that we are in the same place we were two weeks ago. I'm not sure if we are supposed to figure things out.

Thursday August 9th, 2001 6:41:13 PM

Frustrated that he has lost his prey, Blue is thinking hard about whether he should continue to try and find his quarry or return and find his friends, when Talon appears nearby. Taking that as a sign, Blue heads back to join the others.

As he joins the rest of the family around the table he relates his forray in to espionage and describes the figure he was following as best he can.

Thursday August 9th, 2001 6:44:18 PM

Sitting and sipping a drink with his family, Lem notes that they really haven't found anything helpful out recently and starts to wonder if they are on a Wild Goose Chase. "The only thing that strikes me as odd is Captain Hansome and his sudden cargo of rugs and the death of our rug merchant. I don't like him and i think he is not only a smuggler but a kidnapper as well. I say we need to get on board somehow."

Thursday August 9th, 2001 10:22:54 PM

Relieved to see that the young cleric is back, Ashira briefs him on the more important aspects of the conversation so far. Turning to Rigging she says, "Well, since Blue's back, I guess we should formulate a plan for getting onto Mr. Handsome's vessel. Of course I volunteer to assist. I like the idea of trying to sneak Appolo on board. I also like the idea of having a magical distraction. Mr. Handsome's crew looked pretty organized, so it will probably be pretty difficult for Appolo to get on board without help, especially since the crew will be anxious to leave. Whatever we decide on, I think we need to make our move tonight, since we have no idea when Fletcher's ship will be permitted to leave. How about if Lem and I pretend to be drunk..." A wolf grin comes over her face. "Maybe we could even get in a fight. Appolo, how much time would you need to get on board and gather information?"

Thursday August 9th, 2001 10:36:05 PM

"Where would you like me? I can move undetected and hide fairly well. I could accompany Appolo or wait outside the ship."

Thursday August 9th, 2001 10:46:32 PM

Once Talon finds Blue he informs Redux that all is well. Talon flies at the same pace as Blue back to the inn. As Blue nears the door, Talon alights on his shoulder in order to gain entrance, slightly startling the cleric. With a click and a chirp he jumps from Blue to Redux, careful not to dig in his claws as he does so.

At the mention of magical intervention, Redux pipes up. "Well, if Ashira and Lem can get Appolo onboard the ship, I can probably create a distraction to get him off. I have a couple of spells that might be of use. What kinds of sounds do you think the crew on the ship would be most distracted by? We could use land sounds or sea sound, depending on his expected departure point. I'd send Talon onto the ship but would probably lose him when he found out how many mice there are to catch." (To which Talon blinks understandingly toward Redux, then turns his head away in rebuff.)

Friday August 10th, 2001 12:28:55 PM

"Nothing that I haven't already voiced already. Do as you deem best. If we're going to do some stuff later tonight, I'm going to need some rest. Wake me when you have something figured out." Ari will finish up his glass and head upstairs for a quick nap.

Friday August 10th, 2001 3:58:41 PM

"I will go too, but I'm not that stealthy to slip on board. I can organize a diversion, and if things getting out of hand I can help you out."

Friday August 10th, 2001 7:12:58 PM

"Here is an alternative which might be safer for Appolo but has questionable morals. We could always waylay one of the crew and put them to the question. They will most likely have some idea of what is going on and we can also check for heartseeds. What do you think?"
Rigging looks at Apollo, "Are you sure you want to sneak aboard a possible hostile ship with no real back up? You would be sticking your neck out for sure and I know you are attached to it."

Saturday August 11th, 2001 1:36:10 PM

Appolo looks up. "Getting aboard shouldn't take much more than a couple of minutes or be that difficult. It's getting back off again that's going to be the trick. I think we need to go over to the Greenfish and see if and how many of the crew are staying in town tonight. If the captain keeps his entire crew aboard ship then I'd have to say that it is too dangerous to try. He'll have a full watch on and there will be a number of the crew milling around below decks. Too many to safely avoid." After saying his piece he moves a little bit closer to Valanthe.

Words Spoken, Words Penned (DM Lee-Anne) 
Monday August 13th, 2001 2:31:27 PM

Apparently reassured by Rigging's words, Pip eases back into his seat. "I's doesn't know this Cap'n Long. But I knows port routine. Even if he keeps his whole crew aboard, he'll send some'un to take on water just before they weigh anchor."

The boy drowses as the companions continue to discuss their plans. His eyes are closed when one of the pirate-looking town guards arrives with a message for Redux. The man leaves without waiting for an answer. Once the seal of Waha is broken, the message reads:


Your presence is required at a meeting of the Council of Waha in the matter of the death of the merchant, Tekol, to be held on the morrow at one hour past dawn.

Gastu of Lemtrovex, Magistrate of Waha

p.s. I have already questioned Tekol. He was killed by a rival slaver in a territorial dispute. Though he did not know the woman's name, he said that he has often seen her at night near the Salty Dog. She is short and portly, dresses richly, and wears a ruby ring.

Monday August 13th, 2001 4:25:38 PM

Rigging watches the note deliviered to Redux, and asks, "What is that all about?" After he receives an answer, Rigging sighs, "Well it is a lead anyway. We will have to keep our eyes open for her? Did we know that Tekol was a slaver. This might explain the missing children. I still want to get Appolo aboard that ship. Appolo, At what hour do you want to attempt the infiltration?"

Tuesday August 14th, 2001 9:36:37 AM

Occ sorry guys for the back to back posts but I am going on the road and won't have time to post again today. What happened to everyone yesterday?

Rigging finishes off his wine and stands up, "Ok, Let's go do a recon on Captain Handsome. I just want to remind everyone that we have no evidence that these people are evil or working for Ga'al's clerics. We can't start killing people indiscriminately." Rigging looks at Appolo and says, "You are sticking your neck out. Are you sure you want to do this? I can sneak pretty well myself." Rigging turns back to the others. "OK As we head over to the docks, I want distraction ideas. Flaming oil, Loud spells, Illusions of naked ladies..." A quick look at Val and Ashira, followed with a quick grin, "Real naked ladies...Anything to get any watchers looking the wrong way. Maybe even a mob chasing a thief. Pip you ever been chased by a "friendly mob?"
Rigging leaves a generous tip on the table and starts heading for the door. "Remember we are the strangers here and the ones the locals will most likely string up if a lot of bodies start showing up floating in the bay."

Tuesday August 14th, 2001 9:49:40 AM

Redux is surprised and pleased by the invitation from the Magistrate. It would have been interesting to be present while the dead man was questioned. It is also good that at least some of their questioning and searching led to some of the truth. He was suspicious of Tekol but now Tekol is dead. That much would have worked out the same if this group had found him and the slaves together.

He comments to the group about the confirmation of Tekol’s other profession and the news of the rival slaving gang. “By chance, does anyone remember seeing anyone matching the description, Wynfrea perhaps. Now that would be a coincidence. But probably not. We need someone to stake out the Salty Dog in order to find out it’s clientele and this person specifically. Ashira, I believe you are the best to go inside. But now we all want to be in two places at once; then I need to be fresh in the morning for Gastu. If we check out the pubs we’ll know if the crew is off the ship and an attempt to board even possible so that’s my suggestion. Let’s split up and one group go to the Salty Dog and one to the Green Fish then meet near the dock in an hour. I think it best that if we do send someone aboard that all should be close by in the event of trouble.

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