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On to Waha

Race of the Freedborn (DM Dave) 
Thursday June 14th, 2001 10:18:26 AM

Diving in, Ashira quickly reaches Val. The Freedborn’s sails billow proudly, and she pulls away from the Antivium at a clip.

With ice on her decks and most of her crew overboard or dead, the Sea Antivium is slow to get underway. Survivors from the Acorn clamber up her side as they prepare to pursue.

For a few minutes, the Freedborn continues to widen the distance. The hold is disgorged at Captain Jack’s direction to lighten the vessel, allowing her to race faster.

After an hour, it is obvious that the pirates have escaped from their enemy. Time is spent cleaning the decks and tending to the dead and wounded. A brief ceremony is held later that evening, and Captain Jack reveals his thoughts on the battle.

[Ari, Appolo, and Bart are all now conscious, although still at negative hit points and extremely weak, unable to move without assistance.]

Captain Jack (DM Dave) 
Thursday June 14th, 2001 10:19:02 AM

"We should have never met those patrol ships this far out from the mainland. How they knew we were here, well, that troubles me. It means they're likely aware of our rendezvous to deliver the explosives, which puts our upcoming raid on the Capital in jeopardy." Absently, he scratches at a non-existent scab where a wound was healed on his neck.

"I'd hoped to capture one of those ships and find out how much they knew. That was before Hefs was struck down. Without him, we couldn't counter enough of their magic. You saw what happened to me, how I was attacked by the same person who killed Hefs." He looks around while everyone recalls that horrifying moment, when Jack's scream pierced the air.

"Well, that 'person' revealed himself to me, something of his nature and power as he planted that dagger in me." A strange look comes in Jack's eyes. "That was no ordinary person. When he struck me, I saw a flash, a vision, of how he viewed the battle. It was like looking at the Freeborn from the deck of the Antivium. I saw a ritual in which he was bound to the ship that he serves -- we could not have destroyed him unless we found and destroyed something on the Antivium. That person was a nature spirit of some type, removed from the forest and twisted by the magics of Ga'al." Jack shudders.

"I don't know how it was done, but we can not easily defeat such a thing, and definitely not without Hefs' magic."

Taking a decisive stance that the crew well recognizes, Jack continues, "We do not know how much those Aisildurians know of our mission. Were they trying to intercept the explosives, not knowing we had delivered them? Were they attempting to stop us from reaching Waha? Was it, in fact, just a coincidence, a chance meeting? Well, we're not taking any chances. We will continue on with our mission to Waha, and also head back to warn the others. When we near Waha, rather than debarking, an away team will be sent to meet with our contact there and render what aid is possible. The Freeborn will continue on, taking a southerly track to throw off pursuit, and head to Tripps' Island to warn the Movement of a possible ambush."

He looks around at the grief-etched faces, then adds, "Blue, would you address the crew?"

Thursday June 14th, 2001 10:35:21 AM

Once Ari is coscious, he will help out with tending to the crew and the dead. Where possible, he will help out with his healing skill. With two healers and possibly a surgeon, the ship should be in good hands. (HP recovery should be 2 a day, unless some kind of severe injury or what not). Once the Captain is done speaking, and Blue has addressed the crowd, Ari will address the Captain.

"With Hef gone, I'm not sure if we can double check on this. But I'm still very suspicious of whether this seed (pointing to his belly), either might have come active, or if it is a way for them to track us. I do not know if they know where I am, or if they can track me through the seed. If they are tracking me, it might be interesting to try to set up an ambush, by putting me off on a long boat, and having you guys just over the horizon, or something like that."

[Note from DM: See my post above - your character is disabled and can not move. After he gets back above negative hit points, he'll be able to render aid, but even trying to lift your arm from the deck to scratch an itch is near-impossible at this point.]

Thursday June 14th, 2001 10:48:15 AM

(OCC: a day of rest gives your level back in hp. Complete bed rest gives 1.5 times your level back)

Back on the deck, Val mutters a thank you to Ashira before passing out. Later during Captain Jack's address, Val tries to take care of her wounds as best as she can. There are many people worse off than she is right now.

Thursday June 14th, 2001 12:16:59 PM

Limping and bleeding as he walks up to Sasha, Lem looks her in the eye and quietly says. "I'm sorry for my mistake and stand ready for whatever punishment you deem appropriate and necessary."

Thursday June 14th, 2001 12:45:42 PM

The young cleric takes to the deck where Jack just finished his address. After clearing his throat quietly, he faces the haggard faces of the tired and wounded.

He starts his address with, "You are the freedom fighters of Aisildur, the Dragon is with you. We have all lost sisters and brothers this day, but it was not in vain. They have fought the fight and are now free of the oppression of Ga'al. As long as we draw breath the Dragon will guide us to victory over these slaves. Ga'al has witnessed the power of the Dragon."

The blue clad boy raises his arms to the sky and prays, "Lord Lemtrovex thank you for your power and will, to defeat Ga'al. Dragon, guide us and strengthen us to your purpose. Give comfort and healing to your servants that we may serve your cause."

Blue lowers his arms and finishes with, "Peace be with you sisters and brothers. Remember, the Dragon watches over us all." The lad leaves the upper deck and mingles with the crew, talking quietly to those who seem distressed and using his meager healing skill where he can to bring comfort.

Thursday June 14th, 2001 1:27:04 PM

ooc my point on healing was that with the heal skill, it doubles recoup.

Thursday June 14th, 2001 11:30:39 PM

Catching Valanthe as she passes out, Ashira props her up during the Captain's address and Blue's commencement speech. Afterward, Ashira picks up the young Amazon and carries her to Ashira's quarters. The half-elf pauses outside the door to tell Illanta that everything is all right and to unlock the door. Once inside, Ashira places Valanthe on her bed. "You fought bravely young one, now you deserve a good night's rest. Besides, the common quarters smell like rat piss! I've got some business to attend to anyway." Turning to Illanta, Ashira says, "Zeke is upstairs, find one of the men to bring him down, and tend to his wounds. Then, when you're done take care of Valanthe. I'll be by in the morning."

Ashira returns to top side, and scans the depths for any signs of her friend Taker. Once again, she prays that the Sea god will guide and protect him.

OOC (I don't want to hear any jokes about Ashira and Valanthe being "Special Friends"... she's not that kind of half-elf.)

Sasha (DM Dave) 
Friday June 15th, 2001 1:20:31 PM

Glancing down at the puddle of blood around Lem, Sasha replies, "Well, for starters you can clean the deck..."

She walks away with a grin.

Passage of Days (DM Dave) 
Friday June 15th, 2001 1:29:21 PM

The ship proceeds on its route, and with Blue's ministrations, everyone is back up to excellent health during the six-day transit.

Based upon Val's outstanding performance during the battle, she is granted her 'pirateship' ranking, and given a tattoo of a dagger on her left arm to mark her as one of the Pirates of Jack.

When Isle of Wanderers, where Waha lies, is finally spotted, Captain Jack directs a longboat to be placed in the water, then orders Rigging and company to seek out Gastu, a prominent member of the city council, to brief them. Captain Jack ends by saying, "I really don't know many details, other than it involves the disappearance of children."

Final preparations are made, and Rigging is informed that it may be up to a month before the Lady Freedborn is back this way. "Don't lollygag around if you solve this mystery before we get back. You will always be a part of this crew, regardless your location," adds Jack.

Friday June 15th, 2001 2:37:23 PM

Upon receiving their new assignment from the Captain, Ashira nods and prepares herself for the mission. The half-elf can only be described as sullen in the past few days. Since the night after the battle, she has made an effort to keep to herself, actively avoiding the other members of the party. After packing all of her gear onto the longboat, Ashira finds a spot next to the railing, and peers out absent-mindedly over the ocean.

Friday June 15th, 2001 4:51:11 PM

Young Blue has been busy seeing to others the best that he can. He has become aware that he has much responsibility and he feels somewhat worried that he may not be able to live up to expectations.

He notices that Ashira has been keeping to herslf more lately and he seeks her out. He finds her alone and addresses her, "Excuse me Ashira, I hope you don't mind, but if I can, I would like a word with you... we have had many losses lately, as a crew and as a family. With Wynd and Bulldog gone, much of the strength of our group was taken. I believe you to be very strong and resourcesful, and I have come to depend on your judgment and your actions. Some of us have had to grow up quick and I for one sometimes wonder if I can measure up. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to shirk from what I believe is my responsibility, but from time to time I could stand a bit of a shoulder to lean on. I know I am only a boy, but if you ever need a shoulder, please know that I am here for you in whatever way I can be."

Friday June 15th, 2001 5:06:11 PM

Rigging, after hearing their orders, askes the other members of the company to get their gear for an extended stay. He reminds them to bring money as they might have to purchase lodging and food. He sees Blue talking to Ashira and comes up on the other side of her and says, "Any signs of Taker?"

Friday June 15th, 2001 9:37:09 PM

Val understands that it is an honor to be accepted into the Pirates of Jack, so she reluctantly accepts the tattoo. During the voyage, Val wears small amounts of clothing in an attempt to darken her coppery skin. She tries her best to learn the ways of a ship. Where to tie and untie ropes to get different effects, etc. Val is cheerful and enjoys the work on the ship (for the burn her muscles feel afterward). Val wanted to start her reading lessons, but Ashira seemed distant and in need of space.

(OCC: Val isn't that way either. To her Ashira is like the sister she lost.)

Saturday June 16th, 2001 1:18:32 PM

"Thanks Blue for taken care for me. I'm back on my feet now. I missed the mass on the deck after the battle, but, could you guide me in my prayer to Lemtrovex? I would thank him for saving me and the others of our crew."

Saturday June 16th, 2001 9:00:18 PM

After six days of relative rest and relaxation, they reach port and the captain gives them another assignment. Appolo loads his gear, then walks over to where Blue is standing. "It'll be nice to be on dry land for a while -- and thanks for everything." He extends his hand, then walks away toward the long boat to help put it in the water.

When he sees Bart, he says, "Glad to see we made it. Damn lucky, aren't we?"

Sunday June 17th, 2001 3:30:00 PM

After 6 days of rest, Ari is happy to be able to move freely about, without too much pain. During his down time, Ari spends the time studying what he can, and contemplating what could have been done differently. When the Captain gives them their new orders, Ari packs up his gear, and prepares to depart.

Watery Greetings (DM Dave) 
Sunday June 17th, 2001 6:34:58 PM

OOC: Rigging discovers that the group's accumulated wealth totals 500 gps.

The away team quickly chats as final preparations are made, and then it is time for departure. Overhearing Appolo's comment about 'dry-land,' Sasha laughs, "Well, I wouldn't exactly call the Isle of Wanderers dry land -- it's all swamp."

Rigging and the group load up, and set off as the sails are hoisted and the Lady Freedborn heads south: A troublesome sight for some on the longboat, perhaps? After an hour of rowing, the group reaches the fringes of the island, which seems to be surrounded by clumps of mangroves. An elf sticks his head out of the water.

"Greetings. Normally, I'd ask what cargo you had to trade in Waha, but it's obvious your business lies in other areas... My name is Shursora. I'll be your guide through the swamp. However, you must consent to blindfolds as a protection for Waha, to prevent spying for a possible invasion. Do you so consent?"

The green-hued elf waits, treading water by the side of the craft. Some sort of marsh bird calls out in the trees beyond, and the mosquitos are starting to come out as the sun heads toward the horizon.

Sunday June 17th, 2001 11:35:18 PM

"I don't have a problem with the blindfolds provided you can offer some proof. Bandits use ploy's similar to this one to lure unsuspecting travelers into a trap."

Monday June 18th, 2001 8:13:50 AM

As long as Rigging consents for the group, Ari has no problem with the blindfold.

Monday June 18th, 2001 8:49:08 AM

Encouraged by the sight of one of her people, Ashira's mood improves slightly. Heading over to the railing next to the Aquatic elf, she says in Elven, "I am Ashira, daughter of Jabez of the Baraq family. These are my friends, and I can personally vouch for their integrity. However, if you deem blindfolds necessary for the security of your lands, then of course we will comply."

Turning to Valanthe, Ashira says in Common, "It is wise to be cautious, but these are my people. I will not allow their motives to be questioned."

Monday June 18th, 2001 9:41:04 AM

Rigging is pleased with Ashira's speech. He understands most of it. His elven lessons seem to be working. He announces, "We mean you no harm and we will take your blindfolds if this is your law. Trust is built by trusting others. We have been sent from the Lady Freedborn to aid your community. We were instructed to ask for Gastu."

Lem  d8=5
Monday June 18th, 2001 12:43:42 PM

Having cleaned and mended his way back into Sasha's better graces, Lem continues his sunrise and sunset workouts. As they head on to their next mission, he checks with the bosun to see if there are a small supply of healing potions that the party can take in the case of emergency.

Monday June 18th, 2001 6:42:45 PM

Blue gladly shares his belief with all who ask. He advises that Lemtrovex does not expect formality, that the Lord Lem seeks justice and freedom for all. The young cleric tells how it has been his experience that Lem responds to those who are dedicated to his cause, the freedom of Aisildur. He suggests simple prayers and meditation.

Blue helps with preparing for the new quest. He packs his simple gear and takes his turn at the oars.

When the elf appears, the lad listens and watches intently. He is truly fascinated with other cultures.

Welcome to Waha (DM Dave) 
Tuesday June 19th, 2001 8:27:21 AM

[Unfortunately, all available healing, including potions, was used up to save as many crew members as possible. Fully half the pirates were beyond help.]

Shursora responds to Val, "If this had been a trading vessel, we would have asked that you go down to the hold to protect your cargo, rather than donning blindfolds. I say 'we' because..." He slaps the water with this hand, and twenty heads pop up out of the water, "...it usually takes several to man a large vessel and navigate it through the swamp. If we had less than honorable intentions, your boat would have been capsized half an hour ago."

Addressing Rigging, Shursora states, "We know nothing about a request for aid, but Gastu is a well-respected leader. Please follow my instructions carefully to ensure everyone's safety."

After wringing out the water, Shursora passes out blindfolds made out of some sort of dark-green material. At the same time, one of the other sea elves produces some sort of melon-fruit and breaks it open, revealing a foul smelling orange middle. She quickly smears its contents around the rim of the boat, stating in elven, "This will ward off the flying pests."

This done, the boat heads into the unknown. For the next hour, the air is filled with the sounds of angry insects, the lapping of water, and the occasional smack of wood against wood, every so often punctuated with a comment in elven of "A little to the left," or "More to the right."

Suddenly, Shursora announces that everyone can remove his or her blindfolds.

You find yourselves in the middle Waha -- a collection of wooden building on struts rising out of the swampy waters. Your longboat sits in a huge bay, where three large trading ships are currently moored. Looking around, you have no idea how they managed to get those into this area. On the far side of the bay is the lone stretch of dry, clear ground visible. It stretches perhaps 1000 feet from left to right. On it are numerous stone buildings -- apparently the Market Square, along with various administrative buildings, and perhaps housing for the wealthy few who can afford a patch of dry ground. The sounds of street hawkers waft over the waters. Children's games intermingle with the shouts of wharf crews moving cargo.

The sun's rays are stretching long at this point, and several torches along the pier are being lit. In one of the numerous taverns, it sounds like someone has started hitting his cups in earnest, as a sea chant flows out into the gathering gloom.

Shursora jumps into the water and announces, "Gratuities are customary."

Tuesday June 19th, 2001 9:27:51 AM

Ashira reaches into a pouch on her belt and withdraws 100 gold pieces. Leaning over, she hands them to Shursora. The melodic tones of the High Language lilt through the air as the half elf speaks. "This is to aid in keeping your people free. Use it well, and may he who rules the tides and currents watch over you." Before the Aquatic elf leaves, Ashira whispers to her "In the name of kinship, I must ask a favor. I have a friend that has gone missing, and I hope that you can help me find him." Ashira quickly gives Shursora a description of Taker, as well as his last known location. "Please contact me as soon as possible if you find him or hear any news about him." As the elf turns to leave, feelings of guilt and fear once again wash over her.

Questions about Waha 
Tuesday June 19th, 2001 10:29:16 AM

OCC: are there wooden platforms connecting the buildings? Or do people have to travel on boat from one building to the other?

Tuesday June 19th, 2001 2:33:41 PM

"The place doesn't look that big. It shouldn't be too hard to find Gastu." Val looks around at the swampy city of Waha. "So this is home for the time being. I'd prefer more land, but things could be a lot worse. Should we check the local taverns or try the rich sections?"

Tuesday June 19th, 2001 4:01:49 PM

Appolo quietly and calmly accepts the blindfold. Of course he will try to sneak a peek every now and then.

Tuesday June 19th, 2001 7:43:31 PM

The young cleric was relishing the sounds of Waha when told to remove his blindfold. At first the new brightness hurts his eyes, but they slowly begin to adjust. He marvels at the stilt houses and the size of the ships that made it to this swamp port.

The lad's stomach rumbles and he comments, "Do I hear the sounds of a nearby Inn where one may partake of food and drink?" He looks from one comrade to the next hoping for a seconder.

Waha Marketplace (DM Dave) 
Wednesday June 20th, 2001 8:33:11 AM

[Most of the stilt houses are connected by walkways, although coracles are tied to many, allowing transit via water.]

Rigging turns sea-elf-green as he watches Ashira hand out a fifth of the group's funds to pay for passage through the swamp.

Sushara takes the offering, "You have given what most would have paid for a full-sized ship. We'll keep our ears to the ocean and let you know if any tidings arise about Taker."

Someone seconds Blue's sentiment, and the group docks at one of the smaller piers. Appolo, donning yet again the blindfold, has some trouble getting out of the rocking boat. His peeking helps immensely as he avoid tripping over a pile of netting.

Making your way off the dock, you are almost overwhelmed by the chaotic tumult surrounding you. The shipyard is a hive of activity. Fishermen, children, sailors, and merchants argue, interweave, call out bargains, and move about seemingly at random. Net menders vie for space with hawkers proclaiming their wares. The sounds and smells of various occupations from smiths to weavers fill the air. Sleekly trimmed ships, obviously pirate raiders built for speed, fill the harbor alongside merchant vessels and small fishing craft.

Moving away from the harbor leads to more noise and confusion as the party passes through the Free Market of Waha. Part open bazaar, the Free Market is a maze in itself with no apparent organization by craft or merchandise. It appears that almost any legal (and perhaps illegal) item can be found somewhere in the market.

Everyone you meet is armed - most carry scimitars, cutlasses, staves, or darts as well. Several tough-looking men and women lounge about, leaning against buildings or sitting on carpets.

Off to the side, you see a fight break out between two merchants. A few of the loungers drift over to break it up after a moment. They are apparently the town guard, though they look like pirates.

An old, small lady approaches crying, "Coin exchanges, change made. Honest value by weight."
Moving up to you, she hands Lem a silver coin, saying, "You see, strangers, you have but to examine my wares. Carefully weighed and not shaved." It is a round silver coin about the size and weight of a Aisildurian coin. Instead of the usual design, however, this shows a curiously shaped crested wave on one side and a man in flowing robes with wavelike hair on the other. The lady shoots a funny look at Appolo, who is still taking tentative steps after nearly colliding into a cart moments ago -- funny how well these blindfolds work.

Wednesday June 20th, 2001 5:42:04 PM

Bart says, "Hmm it looks like we have to change money here. Where do we start? I will asks those guards over there where we can find the city council."

Bart walks over to the guards and asks them if they could tell him the way to the city hall.

Wednesday June 20th, 2001 9:54:40 PM

Val was a bit surprised when Ashira gave out a bunch of gold, but didn't care much. She never found the need for much money. As she walked through the marketplace looking at the wares and shops, she couldn't help but think how this was a much different world. Val spent decades in the wilderness hunting when she needed food. She started to doubt Ashira's wisdom. "I too am a little famished. Perhaps a tavern would be the best place to stop first."

Wednesday June 20th, 2001 10:59:23 PM

Noting the look that Rigging gives her, she turns to him and says, "Don't worry, that was out of my own private funds. Freedom never comes cheap."

Ashira follows the others as they walk from storefront to storefront, obviously distracted. Finally, after watching Appolo stumble around, she marches over to him, and pulls off the blindfold, muttering something about "Looking ridiculous."

OOC Who's got the party's money, it's not Ashira.

Thursday June 21st, 2001 6:04:18 AM

Ari watches the activities as the group slowly moves through the town.

"Do we want to try to find a place to stay, or do we want to meet with our contact first?"

Thursday June 21st, 2001 7:51:05 AM

Looking at the coin that was handed to him, he looks to see if there is any recognition or name under the person's figure. If not he quickly asks the old lady who the figure is and what the rate of exchange is for their coinage?

Thursday June 21st, 2001 1:28:24 PM

The hungry young cleric fishes out 5 gold pieces from his pouch and holds them out for the money changer. He asks, "Please convert these to local tender my good woman, then if you please, point me to the safest place to get something yeasty to drink and a boiled joint to knaw on. A little cheese would be nice too, I would appreciate it muchly."

Conversation on the Streets (DM Dave) 
Thursday June 21st, 2001 4:12:57 PM

Bart's query is met with a grunt, followed by, "The council ain't in session. The current council magistrate is over at Lem's temple, up this street three blocks, then left one block."

As Lem examines the coin, he realizes he's never seen its like before. It is void of any script. His question to the old lady is met with, "Oh, how foolish of me. I seek to show you my finest in local currency and bring out a foreign one instead. That coin is from the burning lands to the far west, half a continent from here. Here, let me show you the correct coinage." She holds out her hand while rummaging through her satchel, finally producing a silver coin with palm trees on one side and waves on the other.

To the query on the exchange rate, the lady announces, "Those five gold coins run at a lower weight. Wait a moment." She pulls out some scales and drops Blue's coins on one plate. Three of her version of gold coins comes out to the same weight. "As you see, the local coins are a tad thicker. I charge a silver for every ten gold coins exchanged, or any part thereof. So, those five gold coins plus a silver, if you please. Oh, and I suggest the Salty Dog as a fine tavern, although some are partial to the House of the Blue Monkey."

Thursday June 21st, 2001 8:45:00 PM

Rigging shakes his head at the antics of the group. How quick they are to trust and how naive they can be. He realizes this is one of the things he loves about them all. He also feels a strong responsibility to protect them and their innocence. He strides up to the old woman and asks, "Why do we need to change our money? Will not the innkeepers or storeowners take our gold?" Rigging turns to the group and says, "I want to make first contact first. Let's find out our situation here before we make any long term plans or commitments." As he leads the party off, Rigging will put an arm around Ashira's shoulders and say in terribly accented elven, "Taker is a valued member of our family as well. He has fought at our sides bravely. It was family money that was spent to pay for our passage and to aid in finding Taker, OUR friend." As he removes his arm he says in common, "Never forget that I have sharp ears and my elven improves daily."

Thursday June 21st, 2001 9:22:41 PM

Appolo is embarrassed and slightly angry that no one bothered to imform him to take his blindfold off and is already moving away from the group. He has no wish to exchange his money with this person on the street and if necessary will do so at the city hall. After all he is leery of strangers. He also has his own money.

Thursday June 21st, 2001 10:14:19 PM

Val eyes the old woman. "How do we know that the coins you have aren't special ones used for this exact purpose? I'm sure you won't mind if we check with the Innkeeper first." Val turns to her firends and says, "Come, let us proceed to the Tavern. I'm sure that the gold is still good regardless of the engravings. Otherwise what would the old woman do with it? We will all think better on a full stomach."

Friday June 22nd, 2001 1:05:24 AM

The famished and embarrassed cleric lifts his 5 gold pieces from the scale and drops a copper in their place. "Thank you for the information." Clutching his meager pouch tightly, he scurries after his friends muttering something about, "Ill treatment of freedom fighters and smells bad too."

Ashira  d20=7
Friday June 22nd, 2001 8:21:48 AM

Pushing Rigging's arm away and inserting a playful jab to the midsection (which doesn't connect), Ashira comments, "And don't forget that I can take care of myself! No, I insist, those are my people, and I gave the money to help out their cause. But thank you for the offer. And thank you for your concern about Taker."

After her brief discussion with Rigging, Ashira's mood improves slightly. Strange... she finds herself actually drawn to this rag-tag group of humans. They truly do seem interested in her life. Through the years, after all she has seen of their race, it is hard to believe that they actually possess sensitivity and compassion. Yet, these little ones could probably even be considered civilized. Interesting... it deserves further consideration.

Addressing the group, Ashira says, "I believe Rigging is correct. I would love to down a few, but first things are first. We should meet with our contact and then go to the pub."

Before leaving the money changer, Ashira briefly considers the exchange. Strange, street vendors are usually more smooth than that... it's almost like she was trying to pass along some secret information. Turning to the old woman, she says, "I am a collector of rare things. I was wondering, how much do you want for the first coin you showed us?"

Meeting with the Magistrate (DM Dave) 
Friday June 22nd, 2001 9:34:26 AM

Overwhelmed by comments and questions from four of the party members, the old lady starts to say, "Hatred for anything Aisildurian runs deep-- oh well, you'll see soon enough." She sighs, putting away her scales and waving off Ashira's query about the silver coin, "No, that one is not for sale. 'Tis my lucky piece, and luck is in short supply these days."

The decision made to do business before pleasure, the group heads up the street and toward Lem's temple to meet with the council magistrate. In a few moments, you reach the entrance to an impressive old stone building with the symbol of a gold dragon etched over the lintel.

Soon, introductions are being made with the acting magistrate, Gastu! It's hard to miss him, as he stands close to 9' tall! Blue and gold tattoos adorn his face, which wrinkles in a friendly, tired smile. "--I am saddened to have missed Captain Jack, that one is a good man. But I am certain that with your help, we will solve this serious problem -- oh, Redux here was just telling me a little about your exploits, actually."

Gastu indicates a young man who stands nearby, dressed in dark robes, with an owl perched on his shoulder. Gastu continues, "Yes, I am being a bad host, let me introduce Redux. This mage recently arrived from the mainland, and is here on his master's behalf to help in the struggle against Ga'al. Actually, it looks like his master has discovered a more effective way to neutralize the heart-seeds, rather than having to constantly take medicine to keep them dormant."

Gastu pauses, then says, "Redux is actually here because of you. Word travels fast among some circles, and we are excited about your discoveries on Theo's island." He interrupts himself and says, "Don't worry, we have warding from detection here in the temple, so no one will overhear this conversation.

"As I was saying, we are excited about your discoveries, and especially your heroic help in saving Theo's people. It is a brave soul who would fly to the Moon and back! And those mushroom spores you brought back seem to be the missing ingredient needed to make the heart-seed cure effective."

Gastu rubs his hands together, "Please, I know this is rude to ask, but may I see the moonstones the Great Ta awarded you for saving his people?" Misreading the confused looks on your faces, Gastu quickly covers, "Oh, I am so sorry, I shouldn't have asked, it's just that no one has ever seen such gems before here on the Wold-- oh well, let's get back to business, shall we?

"The children of Waha have been disappearing. Eighteen are unaccounted for so far. It has been my custom since coming to Waha to take in abused children and house them here in the Temple. Many of them do chores or run errands for me, and up until a few weeks ago I had no real fear for them. Most of the people of Waha know my custom and also know that one of the few things I will fight for is to protect the children. Now, however, it seems that someone is willing to chance my wrath by harming these little ones.

"After investigating, I have developed two theories. I do not know if either of them is correct, but I cannot continue on my own. I need people like you to follow up on what I have discovered so far. Yes, you are outsiders, but you are still less noticeable than I am. You can go places and do things I cannot.

"My theory is that someone has instituted a slavery ring specializing in children. If that is so, the children are being captured and sold to the highest bidder. Since there are no slaves or slave market in Waha itself, the kidnappers must be somehow smuggling their victims off the island. From what I've been able to gather, I suspect that perhaps Tekol, a carpet-seller, may be involved in a slavery ring. He has a booth in the market but can often be found at the House of the Green Fish, a tavern near the bazaar. The Council has been watching him for some time but has been unable to prove that he is involved in slavery.

"My second theory is that the children have become the victims of a cult that is operating secretly in Waha. Whether they are taken to be used as sacrifices or indoctrinated with the beliefs of the cult, I don't know.

"Now, this is a dangerous business: I've occasionally seen heavily cloaked strangers passing through the market, and about a week ago I was hit by a dart while over in the bazaar buying supplies for the temple. It did little damage, but it was smeared with poison. I don't know if it was a warning or was meant to kill. No one could say where the dart was thrown from. Here it is." He pulls out the wicked, barbed missile, carved with baneful symbols crawling with stomach-twisting carvings.

Drumming his fingers on the wooden shelf from where he retrieved the dart, Gastu says, "Let's see, let's see, what other strange things have I seen? Oh, yes, Stela, a mason, has been importing large quantities of black tiles. When I approached him and asked to buy some of them to use in repairing the border around one of the temple's walls, he told me they had already been sold. This might mean nothing, but I suspect they were used to decorate a hidden temple somewhere in or near the city.

"Another good lead would be to seek out Heesi, a local masseuse, and ask for his best story about some of the earlier history of Waha.

"Although you're welcome to stay here at the temple, I believe you could accomplish more if you rented rooms at one of the inns near the market. I suggest the Aviary, which is clean and serves good food."

Opening a drawer beneath the shelf, Gastu produces a wooden box with 6 cells holding 5 potion bottles. "These two will provide any healing you may require, and these three will allow you to breathe water for a couple of hours." The last cell in the box holds an arrow, rather than a potion. "This arrow, if tossed, will land pointing in the direction of the desired object: stairs, sloping passage, exits, or caves. You can specify distance or direction, such as 'nearest, farthest, highest, lowest, north, south, etc.' Please keep these as a token of my gratitude for coming to help."

Friday June 22nd, 2001 11:23:30 AM

Val was surprised by the sheer size of Gatsu. She was part of the crew and a member of the pirates of Jack. Except at times like this she still felt like she didn't belong. She was now involved in something that went way over her head. She never heard of Elven deity's controlling the minds of mortals. Val stood in the back, lost in her own thoughts.

Valanthe- - Lost in thought 
Friday June 22nd, 2001 12:39:47 PM

Val wondered if she was doing the right thing. She missed the closeness and attachment that all elves feel with one another. Having Ashira around helped, but it wasn't the same. She would have died if not for these humans. They were some of the best humans she's met, and that counted for a lot. Val turned and looked out at the swamp. Instead of a swamp, Val saw a dense forest. A village in the trees, concealed to look like branches from below. Archers hidden at dozens of locations, standing guard. She sighed and knew that she would never be in an elven city again.

Friday June 22nd, 2001 3:48:55 PM

Appolo trails a few feet behind the others on the way to the temple, stopping from time to time to check out what's going on in the market and to see if anyone is following them or paying a little to much attention to the group. When they reach the temple heis listening, but appears to be only have interested. Just another death defying job to do, with unknown enemies, as far as he is concerned. He speaks up "Is there any reason to exchange money on this Island or will the shop keepers take anything as long as is gold or silver? Where's the best place to get somethig to eat? Your Honour!!"

Friday June 22nd, 2001 4:36:13 PM

Ari follows the group in relative silence as they travel towards the temple.

Once inside the temple, Ari stares at the size of the man in front of him. Just as the intial shock starts to wear off, Ari gets thrown back into a loop when he's asked about the gems. Though he warms quickly to the thought that there is another way to kill these seeds. Once Gatsu finishes his explanation, Ari wonders why it seems to come down to children.

Friday June 22nd, 2001 8:16:20 PM

When the group approaches and enters the temple, Blue becomes very intent on the building and it's surrondings. If given the opportunity, Blue will ask Gastu, "May I ask who is the master of this temple...and is it possible for me to have a short audience with them? As a Cleric of Lemtrovex, I would seek direction on the nature and use of the healing potions you have offered as well as a need to do my abolutions with a master priest."

Friday June 22nd, 2001 10:00:00 PM

Rigging strides forward and shakes Redux's hand when introduced. After hearing about their supposed exploits and Gastu's theories he holds up both hands palm forwards and says, "Sir I think you are confusing us with some others. We did travel to Theo's island but we found no children other than Val." Rigging points to the elf. "We were not rewarded with any gems or I would gladly show them to you. We are here to help and we want to find your lost children. Slavery is a terrible institution and must be stamped out. A secret temple of Ga'al so close is also something to fear." Rigging sighes and continues, "For now I think it is best if we find lodging and food. Would you like to join us in a meal and we can discuss strategy. Redux I would love to have a conversation with you as well. I don't get to talk shop very often. Let's head over to the Aviary and get some food and drink and think matters over. I also want to thank you for your fine gifts. We will use them in the struggle don't you doubt."

Athlemdar  d20=17
Saturday June 23rd, 2001 1:48:15 PM

Meeting Gastu, it is hard to to keep from staring but Lem somehow manages. At Redux's introduction, he narrows his eyes a bit and observes this newcomer carefully. when the chance arrives He sends a quick question Redux's way. " So Redux, Who is your master exactly? I mean what's his name, and where is he from? Also, no disrespect to you Gatsu, but Redux may we see the back of you neck and you abdomen please?

Redux  d20+4=24
Saturday June 23rd, 2001 8:29:16 PM

Redux has many feelings at once. He is impressed with the dedication of Blue and sees many genuine characteristics in the young man. The wait on this island has been good and Gastu has been a wonderful host. He now must face the knowledge that his quest seems temporarily in vain. It would seem that either this party is too incompetent or is too young to complete a rescue mission. Then again, there are a few quiet ones that just might be able to keep the whole group from being Mind Flayer snacks.

Due to being in the presence of the magistrate Redux summons all of his will to remain diplomatic and answer their questions. This is not the time to be putting people off just because they put their foot in their mouths, he just might have to stay with them a while.

"Rigging, I think that the better place to start would be the House of the Green Fish and combine some drinks with business."

Addressing Athlemdar, "For your sake and that of my master, I am not able to tell you his correct name. There are those who would torture you to get the name and use it to be able to scry his whereabouts and activities." Pointing to Ari, Redux continues “Regarding the presence of a heart-seed, I don't believe you want to insult your friend and companion by suggesting that a person is bad or untrustworthy for having one. The magistrate has accepted me, and by my advice has accepted you and your party. There are many better topics to be discussed."

Redux draws a long breath. "My question to you is why you were not the ones to save Theo's people and receive the mushroom spores. These are the missing ingredient and I would have rewarded you handsomely. Our scrying has told us that someone in the Pirates of Jack has these and because you were on the island, you were my first thought. I must accompany you to return to your ship and speak with Captain Jack myself."

Saturday June 23rd, 2001 10:23:26 PM

Val whipes a tear from her eye and brings her attention back to the escalating siutation. To Redux she says, "He might not want to, but I do! If you don't have anything to hide then there will be no problem. It's too coincidental that you want to travel with us, but refuse to answer any of our questions. We were informed to find Gatsu. There was nothing mentioned about you." The young elf maiden is truly showing her barbaric nature. Quick to anger and lack of ettiquette.

Gastu (DM Dave) 
Sunday June 24th, 2001 6:59:39 AM

When Appolo speaks, Gastu's smile fades a little as he says, "A reason to exchange your coin? It is always a good idea to obtain local currency, anytime you are in a foreign land! Less likely to get raked over the coals that way...for instance, if you try to use Aisildurian coins here, they're as likely as not to sic their dogs on you. At best, you'll be charged double."

To Blue's query, Gastu replies, "I am the head priest. We of the council take turns in the role of magistrate for the city: This month it is my function. We can meet privately after your companions have had their say, if you desire absolution. I can see that the hand of Lem is upon you."

Upon Redux' revelation, Gastu states, "Ah, so that explains the clouded response to my divinations...the moonstones offer strong protections, and must have diverted my inquiries." Turning to Redux, "I do not know how to advise you on this. It may be Lem's will that our paths tie with this group, rather than in the direction we originally thought."

"In any case, I cannot join you in a meal...it would not be wise for our enemy or enemies to spot us in public together, if you are to obtain any useful information about this missing children situation. I thank you for the offer."

Seeing tensions flaring, Gatsu intercedes, "Please forgive Redux - the stress of trying to loosen Ga'al's grip while being pursued by his minions has been tough on both Redux and his master. Rest assured that Redux's heartseed is controlled by medicines."

Gastu realizes how humiliating the mark of Ga'al is upon such a steadfast opponent, who moments ago thought that he had the final ingredients for a cure. He makes a decision, "Redux, it would perhaps be a good idea for you to introduce them to the town, and break a few bottles of wine...perhaps a smooth L'sil to calm the nerves?"

Sunday June 24th, 2001 3:42:50 PM

Bart says: Let me introduce myself, my name is Bart from Ailthmar an orphant raised by an miller.

Of course we want to help you to find those children. It will not be the fisrt time we rescued some. Redux, I don't know how many spores you want, but we where in Theo's cellar, maybe you can find some spores on our clothes. And Redux, speaking with captain Jack won't be possible for a while. He is away for another important duty. We where sent by him to help you.

Going to the Green Fish sounds fine. I'm eager to try your local brew. But before we go can we change some Aisuldurian money here?

Sunday June 24th, 2001 10:04:03 PM

Ashira listens with interest to the lively conversations. After Rigging nonchalantly tells Gastu that they are not the heroes he seeks, and Lem requests that Redux be checked for heartseeding, Ashira sighs mentally. She thinks to herself, "It's going to be a long day."

When Valanthe verbally attacks Redux, she steps forward, and puts a hand on the young elf's shoulder. She whispers to the Amazon in Elven, "Mind your temper young one, this is not the time to be rude to our host and his associate."

Looking to Gastu and Redux, she says, "You know Captain Jack to be a competent man. Needless to say, he would not have sent us to you if he did not believe us to be capable." She looks at Redux as she adds, "With all respect, it is not for you to question our abilities." She returns her gaze to the giant holy man. "Your Grace is probably correct in assuming that a cult is involved. We will find out soon enough. By your Grace's leave, after we have changed our money, we shall leave to arrange lodging and a meal before we launch our investigation." Striding over to Redux, she says, "Master Redux, would you kindly show us where we might find appropriate lodging?"

Sunday June 24th, 2001 11:09:17 PM

Rather than losing it, Val turns and heads outside the temple. She skips a couple of stones and cools down.

(OOC: just a reminder that Val is still considered a child by elven standards, and acts as such because of her lack of guidance. She won't reach adulthood for a couple of more years. Still Val is almost a century old.)

Monday June 25th, 2001 12:15:45 AM

Blue approaches Rigging and rests his hand on his friend and leader's forearm. When Rigging turns to the young cleric, Blue looks him squarely in the eye and says, "The group should rest and seek it's own council, if Redux would join us it would bring honour and grace to us all." The young cleric's eyes narrow slightly holding his friend's gaze as he finishes with, "I would take a moment with Master Gastu for absolution and priestly instruction with your permission".

Temple Time (DM Dave) 
Monday June 25th, 2001 7:07:55 AM

Conversations continue between the High Priest, the mage Redux, and the crew from the Lady Freeborn.

At the question about exchanging coinage, Gastu indicates that this is a temple, and perhaps a more appropriate place would be one of the local moneychangers, who usually hang out in the market square, "If you have quiet a bit of money, there is a strongplace where jewelry and such is usually handled. It's called Feldrig's, and is located a few blocks east of here."

Monday June 25th, 2001 10:45:15 AM

Rigging turns to Blue and says, "Enjoy your time with prayers. We will meet you at the Inn. Give me some of your money and I will get it exchanged for you." After taking the money, Rigging turns to Redux and Gastu, "Sirs we are willing and able to help you find your missing children. We might not be what you were hoping for, but know we are an experienced group of adventurers. We have conducted a raid on Ga'al's temple, fought off Asidurian warships, tangled with water elementals and defeated Quads. We have taken our loses also to our sorrow and we keep fighting. We are worthy of your trust." He looks pointedly at Redux and says, "I am sure you are a caplable mage. This group is more than a collection of warriors, cleris, thievies and monks. We are a family and love and watch out for each other. If you are going to join us, it won't take long to fit in, but you will also become cherished to us. All we ask is you treat us like family as well and we will get along.

Monday June 25th, 2001 11:09:09 AM

"Ga'al has taught us that he can be very treacherous, and very cunning with what he can do. Within the confines of my family, I have always been very open about what I carry, in order to convince others that I am of my own free will. But we have had other friends of the family, that have been subverted by Ga'al.

Along with meeting a shapechanger that was working with a now dead family member. Which raises various possibilites as to whether he was working with him or not. The shapechanger is still at large, at this time.

Personally, I have not had much time to devote towards my magical studies. At time that is convienent to us later, I would like to compare notes, if possible, though I doubt my little library will be of much use to you."

With the ending comment, Ari smiles at Redux.

Monday June 25th, 2001 1:42:26 PM

Bart Thinks Hmm strange if I had an problem and offered help by a bunch of adventurers, I would help thim with there money problem. at the other hand the healing potions will be very usefull

Bart says, "We will change money at a money changer, does Feldrigg also changes normal money or only jewelry?"

Monday June 25th, 2001 2:00:14 PM

Listening to Gastu and Redux, Lem Just shakes his head, "I understand all about trust and insults and my comments were not meant to show either, but you must understand, we are responsible to each other and depend upon each other for our safety as such we need to know what it is that we are confronting and or relying upon. I asked these questions here because I deemed it safer here than at some inn or out in the marketplace. Besides, there may be, as you say, other and better topics to be discussed, but such discussions should be had between people who trust each other and not through false fronts. As to whether Ari would be insulted by my asking you such questions, had he my suspicions, he would be asking them himself.

"Admittedly the magistrate has vouchsafed you to us, And as you say you vouchsafed us to him.
However, we have no knowledge of you, Nor by what information you vouchsafed us by, is your information or knowledge of us accurate. We are of the Pirates of Jack and as such are known and through our captain were introduced to Gastu, not so with you. Something rang not quite right with me about you. That led me to my suspicions. Hence my question about your seeding. Is it common or noble?"

Monday June 25th, 2001 5:42:44 PM

After listening to the conversation for awhile and having his own immediate questions answered. He slides quietly back and finds a place to sit down.

When Valanthe heads outside in a huff after being cautioned by Ashira,he shakes his head and gets,swiftly following after her. Thinking she's going toget herself in trouble, behaving like that. Least, I can do is follow her.

Monday June 25th, 2001 8:01:47 PM

After giving Rigging 5 gold pieces to exchange the young cleric continues to study the temple's architecture. He waits for the group to head off to the Inn as he is anxious to meet with Gastu.

Monday June 25th, 2001 8:36:54 PM

"My heart seeding is of noble birth, at an earlier time when I was younger and very foolish. My master saw value in my position and showed me the light, to use a figure of speech. I still have contacts with those who see our cause as a revolt; these are often useful when they share information about new temples and the like. Having the heart seed is also the only way to travel while on the mainland. It is dangerous work, as you know, and I must be careful of those I involve myself with. You are correct, merely being of the Pirates of Jack gives testimony of your abilities. If I may suggest, you may want to cover your tattoos to make your loyalty less obvious to those we meet from now on; you can't just walk up to a follower of Ga'al and expect a warm greeting. You have no idea how important those seeds I came to collect are, and you would know it if you had one on you. We hope to reverse the heart seeding permanently, giving life back to many people. For now, I will continue working with the potions I have been taught to make and be available to help those who most desire to be free. (I almost sound like a priest sometimes, having a soapbox to get up on.)"

Monday June 25th, 2001 10:23:04 PM

Ashira watches as Val heads out the door. Shaking her head slightly, she thinks of how much the young elf has to learn. In a way, Ashira is jealous of the young one's brashness, a luxury that she was never allowed. Memories of other brash young elves spring to mind. Times best forgotten work their way to her fore thoughts. Gently, a gorgeous young elven lad leans forward. His tender lips press onto Ashira's... Ashira redirects her thoughts to the situation at hand, it the least she can do for Taker. Why do these memories always come up at the most inopportune times?

Motioning toward the door, Ashira says "Whenever you're ready, Master Redux. Ashira is anxious to head over to the money changers and then arrange their lodging. More than anything, the half-elf wants to finish this assignment and return to the Lady Freedborn. She is desperate to determine the whereabouts of Taker.

Monday June 25th, 2001 11:24:58 PM

Val skipps a stone and walks over to Ashira. "Do you ever miss the underwater evlen cities?" Val smiles (one of those rare times) and looks down at a rock she's flipping over in her hands. It's one of those times where she looks like an innocent girl. A glimpse of what she could have been. "Whenever I see beautiful forests, I think of home. Well not home exactly. About half a ten-day's ride from our village was a hidden elven haven. My father took me there a few times before he died. It was the most beautifull place I've ever seen. Once I was old enough, I would have gone there to study and live. I would have been going this summer." Val's eye's tear up a bit as she looks out across the water. "There were houses in the trees, connected by walkways that appeared as branches. Sheer cliffs hundres of feet high with waterfalls flowing down into water bluer than the sky. I cherish the times that I return there in reverie, but I seldom do. There is so much bad that I don't like to rest at times." She wipe's her eyes and tosses the rock. It splashes into the water.

Tuesday June 26th, 2001 1:25:11 AM

"Covering up our tattoos is an good idea. Gastu do you still want us to have the potions and the arrow? Maybe you can give them to Blue, after your conversation."

"First change some money and then to the inn. I sure could eat half a horse."

Tuesday June 26th, 2001 6:50:08 AM

Rigging heads out the door. After making sure the whole group is together, he will head towards the market square and the Inn. He thoughts are on schemes of finding the missing children but he is very aware of his surroundings.

Heading Inn-ward (DM Dave) 
Tuesday June 26th, 2001 8:08:14 AM

Gastu says to Bart, "Yes, Feldrig's handles coin as well as jewelry... although I don't know if they'll be open at this late hour." (The sun has set at this point)

He slaps Bart on the back, staggering the young fighter, "Yes, I bet you could probably eat a whole horse at this point. No, go ahead and take the potions... your young priest already has enough of a burden."

With final farewells, the group heads out into the street, rounding up Val and the others in the process. Blue stays behind for a private audience with Gastu.

On the way to the House of the Green Fish, the old lady moneylender is spotted in the streets, apparently heading in the same direction. You catch up with her shortly. Upon seeing you, she says, "Oh, I'm headed to the Green Fish. You can join me if you care to... by the way, my name is Wynfrea."

Tuesday June 26th, 2001 9:06:02 AM

Nodding thanks to Redux, for his answer, Lem saunters over and with a slap on the shoulder says, So can I buy you the first drink?

Tuesday June 26th, 2001 1:59:18 PM

Ari follows the group, lost in thought.

What does the information that Redux brings mean to the struggle? Did what Gastu say reveal as to why The Freeborn was being chased us. Could they have been scrying and getting the same information, that somehow our little group was mistaken for carrying these gems?

Ari notes the womans comments, but keeps on toying with his thoughts.

Can we really save what remains of our village, if there is anything left, after that temple debaucle...............

Tuesday June 26th, 2001 2:31:23 PM

Appolo having followed Valanthe outside, was leaning agianst the wall next to the door when the others came out. He let the others file by noticing the mage Redux was with them. He then waits a few seconds and takes up the rear. Trailing behind the group, again watching for thieves or anyone else that might be following the group.

After a few minutes of walking they run into the old moneychanger and she introduces herself saying her name is Wynfrea.

He walks up to and introduces himself and says he walk like to do some business. He then produces his pouch holding it close to his body.

OOC>Appolo has 10 gold,5 silver,20 copper pieces.

Tuesday June 26th, 2001 8:12:35 PM

After the group leaves Blue bows to Master Gastu and says, "Master I am at your service in Lemtrovex's name. Guide me to the Dragon's will".

Tuesday June 26th, 2001 9:57:06 PM

Val follows the group quiet as normal. Except now she's a bit more down the normal.

(OCC: i don't know if i stated this, but i've thought about it. Val will cover her tattoo with a leather band.)

Tuesday June 26th, 2001 10:15:12 PM

Redux is more than willing to accept the drink and might delight the group with a round of some of the local finest (they call it 'sweet candy wine' -- it's blue and is sweet, though that's not its finest quality). He tells the group about some of the local joints, noting that each of them seem to go out of their way to have the finest specials available (don't order your old favorite and expect what you remember); this leads to some very fine eating and a large variety to choose from. --Wynfrea, you seem so familiar, do you have a coin I might trade with you?" With this he takes out a small coin purse with many curious symbols on it, some are obviously magical in nature. One, however, seems to be more prominent, it shows a curiously shaped crested wave, you would know if you ever saw it before.

Tuesday June 26th, 2001 10:36:29 PM

Smiling forlornly at Val, Ashira says "Oh, little one, I'm not sure I can relate. You see, I've never really had a home. After my mother was murdered by priests of Ga'al, my father and I returned to the undersea cities." A distance look falls over the half-elf's countenance. "My father's people were polite to me on account of him, but it was obvious that I would never be fully accepted. So, as soon as was opportune, I joined the Pirates. They're really the only family I've ever had."

Picking up her own rock, Ashira tosses it. As it skips across the surface, she says "Your homelands sound beautiful. Perhaps one day you can take me there. But as to memories, my best advice is to let the past stay in the past. It's less distracting that way."

When approached by the moneychanger, Ashira smiles and says "Sure Wynfrea, we'd love to have you join us."

Tuesday June 26th, 2001 11:53:53 PM

To Ashira she says, "Elves can't let the memories stay in the past. We don't sleep, unless were near death. Elves enter what is called the Reverie. The Reverie lets elves relive past memories as if they were there. We don't get to choose what we relive. Perhaps soemday I'll get to show you the place I would have liked to call home."

The 'Inn' Crowd (DM Dave) 
Wednesday June 27th, 2001 9:44:28 AM

Our highly-introspective heroes make their way to the Green Fish after Wynfrea [an NPC] provides exchange coinage for Appolo and Redux [both PCs] at the previously mentioned rate of charging a silver for every ten gold coins exchanged, or any part thereof.

Despite the crowd, Wynfrea manages to secure a some-what private table towards the right back wall of the establishment. "The pickled eel is particularly good here," she adds as the first round of drinks come out. "I see your visit to the temple changed your thinking on exchanging currency...a good thing, as I hate to see all that animosity the locals give to those of your country. You mustn't hold it against them, as there have been regularly incursions that have caused a lot of misery here in Waha."

After sipping some Rasel Ale, Wynfrea asks, "So, what brings you here? Perhaps you've heard of some of those wonderful spices coming in from the West?"

Wednesday June 27th, 2001 12:19:48 PM

After exchanging his coinage, Appolo feels cheated, but says nothing. He now has 2 siver pieces. He figures he's probably going to have to hustle up some more money somewhere, somehow. He followed the group in, sat down and ordered a meal: a rather large one for a boy of his six and weight, he also orders milk and water rather then ale or wine. Peferring to keep his wits about him. He notices that Valanth is is depressed, on the way over he overheard her conversation with Ashira. He looks at her and says, "Maybe you should try meditation, the priests in the orphanage where I was raised used to do it, it seemed to work for them. Also remember you have friends now and a place and purpose in the world, so cheer up, life's hard -no use worrying about the past." After that he starts eating, he will let the others deal with Wynfrea.

Wednesday June 27th, 2001 4:08:57 PM

Val ordered some wine and a plate of meat and potatoes. She was picking at her food when Apollo says, "Maybe you should try meditation, the priests in the orphanage where I was raised used to do it, it seemed to work for them. Also remember you have friends now and a place and purpose in the world, so cheer up, life's hard -no use worrying about the past." Val gave Apollo a smile and started eating. She wasn't woried about the past, just forced to relive it. However this wasn't the time or place to discuss such things.

Wednesday June 27th, 2001 6:44:55 PM

Maybe we have to change some more money. I only have some pocket money with me, no more then a few silver and a copper, maximum a gold or two. I don't think that covers my expenses.

Valanthe OCC 
Wednesday June 27th, 2001 7:51:37 PM

OCC: val's meal is small because she's an elf. Since Val doesn't have money because she hasn't needed it before, could somebody front her a couple of coins to cover the meal?

Wednesday June 27th, 2001 8:41:27 PM

When they sit down for the meal, Ari mood brightens a little bit. "I think we could all use a good solid meal to brighten up our day". Ari orders the basic meat and potatoes type meal, and adds in a fair helping of cooked vegetables. While waiting for his meal, Ari orders some wine. Turning to Wynfrea, Ari asks, "Is a spice shipment a rare and special event in these parts?"

Wednesday June 27th, 2001 10:34:00 PM

Redux wants to make sure the table is full, having just met the group and the moneychanger. He orders a jug of wine, a gallon of ale, bread & cheese and desires to try the pickled eel. To Wynfrea he responds that, yes, they are looking to do some trading. He admits that when he cooks it is usually for a potion of one sort or another and that sometimes the more exotic spices add things that customers desire (with a wink he implies a love potion). The traders in the market should be looked over the next day to see what wares they have.

Redux also seeks information for lodging for his group of new friends, a place big enough for them all to stay in one place without disruptions and so wants to get to the Aviary soon.

Redux wants to keep the evening jovial and get everyone out of the night early. There should be plenty of time to find leads the next day, especially with the help of Wynfrea, who seems to know quite a bit about money flowing around. He guesses that traders in one commodity may be covering for another, namely, slaves. He also wonders to himself how, on such a small space of land, a Ga'al temple could spring up without anyone noticing. The magistrate gave several names that should be investigated in the morning.

Wednesday June 27th, 2001 11:19:10 PM

Rigging pulls a heavy sack out of his backpack.
He says to Wynfrea, "Can you handle 100 gps?" If she is able then Rigging will hand out 10 gps to everyone in the party as partial wages, keeping the rest to help with expenses and lodging. He then orders a meal with beef! Anything but salted fish and pork. Fresh vegatables and a glass of wine. "Redux, Where are you staying? Is it possible to aquire more rooms there. "To Ashira and Val in elven, "We need to find some privacy and do some hatching...no not hatching...hmmm planning that is the word planning."

Wednesday June 27th, 2001 11:32:43 PM

As the evening progressed, and the wine kept coming, Val loosened up. She smiled, laughed, and appeared to be enjoying herself. She even tells a tale about one of her first hunting trips. A disasterous trip at that. She was tracking what she thought was a large deer. She followed the tracks for miles. Finally the tracks stopped at a travelers camp. The traveler forgot that his boots were set to different tracks. For her trouble, the traveller gave her something to eat.

Thursday June 28th, 2001 2:42:50 AM

Appolo smiles back at Valanthe and winks then continues to eat,but he doesn't really relax,
he try's to remain vigilant.As he expects trouble at anytime.After awhile he get's up excuses himself and heads to the restroom
to releave himself.He moves swiftly and silently
avioding contact with other people.

Wynfrea (DM Dave)  d20=14
Thursday June 28th, 2001 9:17:38 AM

"Oh, it didn't occur to me that you'd be sick of sea-fare. Those steaks you ordered are going to be pricey, as the only thing raised around here are a few chickens and pigs."

Turning to Ari, she says, "Oh, the shipments are pretty far between, as the lands to the west are half a continent away. But really, this is a trading center, and you can find pretty much anything flowing through Waha."

She privately and quickly exchanges Rigging's gold, trying to keep the glint of coin from catching anyone's eye in the tavern.

Picking back up the conversation with Ari, she says, "I don't know how much the magistrate is going to know about such things as spice shipments, though. His interests really lies in other areas. Is there something I can help with?"

Wynfrea's order of pickled eels comes out, and she happily gets her fingers messy as she bites into one, screwing up her face slightly at the vinegar.

Inn Meal (DM Dave) 
Thursday June 28th, 2001 9:25:44 AM

Appolo successfully makes it to the latrine and back without being manhandled along the way.

Food and drink are in plenty, and a bard warms up his lute on the far side of the room. Good thing this place has plenty of windows to vent the heat - the crowd and the lanterns, along with steaming plates, bring a sweat to the brow.

The customers are a mix of sailors, merchants, and a few adventurous-looking types. One man in particular stands out: A very handsome fellow with well-used equipment, who is conversing with two acquaintances over at the bar. An aura of leadership springs from him.

On the streets, the sounds of whores call out in the darkness.

Thursday June 28th, 2001 9:44:02 AM

Having ordered a meal of assorted fresh vegetables, potatoes, and fruit, Lem sips on a glass of wine and peruses the inn's company. Seeing the man at the bar, gives him a moments pause and he takes a few moments to surrepticiously observe him for any sign of who he is or where he is from.

Thursday June 28th, 2001 11:01:34 AM

As the night wears on Rigging will ask Redux to another table where they can talk quietly without prying ears. "Redux, we really don't know each other yet and trust is rare in these situations. If you are going to mesh with our little family, you need to give me some information. Our goals are the same. I have vowed to free my people from the heartseed. You have a more personal stake in that but our courses are running in the same direction at the moment. For some reason these people look to me for leadership. It is a weight that I really don't want but take out of love and responsibility. What I need to know from you is two fold. First...What are you abilities as a mage. Second...What is your feelings on these missing children. You have been here longer and must have a better idea of what is going on."

Thursday June 28th, 2001 4:03:05 PM

Bart goes to the bar and orders a beer. In the meantime he is hoping to hear what the three man at the bar are talking about.

(do they look like fighters or more like nobles?)

Thursday June 28th, 2001 9:57:11 PM

Ari smiles as the plates are brought to the table, and the 'family' is served. Looking around the table Ari catches the eyes of everyone he's been traveling with lately. "Excuse me for a second, Wynfrea."

"I do not know about the rest of you, but I intend to give thanks to our Patron for his part, on our behalf. As usual, without his help, we would not be here now, to enjoy this fine meal."

With his little speech, Ari offers up his wine cup in a toast. Afterwhich, he bows his head for a minute of silent contemplation, in which he gives his thanks to Lemtrovax for his family's survival.

With that said and done, Ari rejoins the conversation with Wynfrea. "I am sorry I had to be so rude, and interupt our conversation. Now where were we? Oh yes. You were saying that anything could be had here in this trading city. What are some of the more exotic things that are available to the average, or not so average person?"

After Wynfrea's discourse is done, Ari has one more question for her. He nods his head discreetly at the handsome stranger, and asks her, "Is he one of the local traders around here, or a local business man?"

(BTW, I like the overflowing optimistic outlook of our intro page! ;) )

Friday June 29th, 2001 12:04:31 AM

Redux goes with Rigging, being discreet, and smiles to those around. Redux tells him that he is an herbalist by profession and is able to brew many potions, including the heart seed medicine and some with healing ability. "As a mage I have kept my skills improving and myself alive.

"Many times these trips outside off the mainland are to find supplies and be out of the closest watch of the priests of Ga'al. As for the children, I think the ones to look for are those who're slaves. The ones involved in the cult may not be as willing to be rescued or may be beyond help; better to cast our efforts into the most productive pursuit. Besides, the paths cross, I'm sure.

"Have you noticed those three at the bar?" Redux asks with a slight nod in their direction. "We should find out some about those before we turn in, they look like the sort we're looking for."

Friday June 29th, 2001 1:37:14 AM

Listening silently to the conversation around the table, the half-elf thinks through the mission presented to them. Just the right amount of subtlety will be required in order to be sucessful. Where to start... When the waitress comes by, Ashira orders the seafood special, and helps herself to a few glasses of the wine that Redux has ordered.

As the night progresses, Ashira notes with relief that Val is happier now.

Upon noticing the handsome looking young man, Ashira smiles. Attracting Rigging's attention, she nods over toward the young man and says, "Looks like that one could use some closer investigation. I'll be right back." Excusing herself, Ashira heads over to the bar. She catches the barkeep's attention and orders a couple of beers. Then she approaches the attractive young man, sets one of the beers in front of him, and says, "Pardon me, but I couldn't help notice your unusual longsword. Tell me, wherever did you find such a wonderful piece of workmanship?"

Bart  d20=19
Friday June 29th, 2001 7:11:57 AM

While Bart is waiting for his beer at the bar he still tries to hear something of the conversation of the three men. (listen check 19)

Friday June 29th, 2001 10:11:15 AM

Rigging keeps a sharp eye out for Ashira watching her back. While doing this he will keep his conversation up with Redux. "Potions, Hmmmm Can you brew healing potions? What kind of offensive spells do you keep memorized? I normally carry magic missile and sleep. I am not trying to be to personal here but our survival as a group often comes down to diversification. If you enjoy having those spells, if you know them, I can change mine."

Friday June 29th, 2001 11:39:39 AM

After a while Appolo relaxes a little and sits back. He carefully watches the three men at the bar.

When Ari states that he is going to give thanks to his diety, Appolo bows his head out of respect for his friend, then joins Ari in a toast nodding at him.

Then first Bart then Ashira approach the bar, Bart taking a seat a few feet from the handsome stranger and his companions. It is obvious to Appolo Bart is trying to eavesdrop. He hopes it isn't to those three gentlemen, because they look like they can take care of business.

Then he sees Ashira buy two beers then approach the tall handsome leader. He can't hear what
she says, but hopes for the best, while preparing for the worst. He slips his hands down below the table and quickly drops a dagger into each hand while quietly as possible sliding his chair back.

He looks over at Rigging and notices that he is watching too. 'Good,' he thinks, 'if this goes bad at least three of us will be ready.'

He sits quietly in his chair ready to move.

Inn Decantations (DM Dave)  d20=9 d20=5 d100=42
Friday June 29th, 2001 2:05:51 PM

Lem does not readily recognize the style of clothing that the handsome man is wearing at the bar -- it is made up of brightly swirled cloths that hang loosely about his frame. As Bart eases by to eavesdrop, the fighter realizes he's never heard the type of language being spoken before. It has an airy cadence to it, broken by intermittent spitting sounds. To Bart's eye, he guesses these three are all trained fighting men, with a hint of sea-air about them.

The bard across the hall strums up a popular tune, "Cat's in the Sea", and several patrons join in with throaty calls during the chorus.

Wynfrea, responding to Ari, says, "Oh, there are the standard 'love herbs' to be had, though I daresay you are not of wont in that department." She grins. "The big item selling lately are the intricate rugs coming from the western lands. People also seem to be snatching up paintings of the White Lady -- which one of the local artists produces. Something in the paint make it where the Lady seems to take on a life of her own, walking around in the framed landscape."

"But," she continues, "I get the impression that is not what you are really interested in. Why are you asking about that gentlemen over there? Are you bounty hunters?" she adds with a laugh in her eyes.

Ashira makes her way over to offer her admiration of the handsome man's sword, who responds with a chuckle, "My, now that's a personal question. But, since you want to know, I'll tell you -- this was my reward for delivering badly needed supplies to the blockaded city of Tintsel. Now, a question for you: Since when did underwater lasses start carrying cumbersome longblades such as that one?" He points to the blade strapped to Ashira's back.

The two men who were conversing with Mr. Handsome set empty mugs back on the bar, and with a nod, head out into the night.

Friday June 29th, 2001 2:33:44 PM

The young cleric meets quietly with Gastu. They share prayers and Blue receives absolution. He is reminded that he has been somewhat amiss in his morning prayers. The boy in blue thanks Gastu for his tuteledge and with directions to the inn he hurries off to join his friends.

(OOC my apoligies for missing posts, between network problems at home and an office move at work my computers have been down).

Friday June 29th, 2001 2:52:50 PM

Chuckling to Wynfrea's bounty hunter comment, "Oh my. No we're not bounty hunters. I was just concerned for my female friend there." nodding towards Ashira. "I was just trying to determine whether I had to keep an eye on her, or an eye on him." Ari chuckles at his look joke.

"You've already seen that we're outsiders to this town. You seem to know a fair amount of what is going on around here, so I thought it was only natural to ask you questions. I was just trying to get a feel for the lay of the land.

What do the people think of the magistrate?"

When she finishes, " what other news do you have of this artist and his paintings?"

Wynfrea (DM Dave) 
Friday June 29th, 2001 3:18:05 PM

"Oh, he is a well-respected man. A very even-handed, compassionate individual. He has done a great deal in the years that he has been here...do you have business with him?"

Upon hearing the question about the artist, Wynfrea waves it off with her hand, "Oh, up until a year ago, any you asked would have called him luny - he has been painting pictures of the same lady for years now. Only when they came to life did people sit up and take notice. Last I heard, he's moved into a furnished studio up a couple of streets from here. I can take you by on the morrow, if you wish."

Friday June 29th, 2001 6:38:17 PM

Appolo watches as two of the thre men leave, leaving Ashira with the handsome stranger.
Appolo relaxes, but remains vigilant, as he scoots back up to the table. Drinking some more water. He quitely listens and watches.

Friday June 29th, 2001 7:15:36 PM

After getting his beer Bart walks bacjk to the table where Rigging and Redux are sitting. He takes a nip from his beer and says to Rigging I think it's time to look for some accomodation for this night. What place can you recomend us Redux?

Cadria (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Friday June 29th, 2001 8:26:42 PM

The short, stocky waitress hustles back and forth between the kitchen and the table, attempting to keep up with the party's many orders. Despite her shortened stature, she's keeping up pretty well with the seemingly unending requests. She even finds some time for small talk between bringing food and cleaning off plates. "Quite a diverse crowd you're eating with tonight Wynfrea. And by the looks of some of their orders, you've been doing a good business with them. Hope they're good tippers!" The last comment is made with a wide grin that shows many crooked but clean teeth.

Noting Redux's empty wine glass, Cadria bustles over to fill it. However, in her haste, she manages to spill some of the jug's contents onto Redux's robes. "Oh sir, I'm so sorry, let me go get something to wipe that up with!" Cadria runs toward the kitchen as fast as her stubby legs will carry her.

Friday June 29th, 2001 8:39:45 PM

Running her fingers through her green hair, Ashira responds mildly, "I'm sure you've noticed that these are dangerous times. Besides, I spend most of my time now-a-days above the waves. And up top, a weapon like this can be immeasurable. But look at me, you'd think I was half-orc with the manners I've been showing." Ashira extends her hand to the handsome fighter. "My name's Ashira. I don't believe I caught your name."

OOC (Ashira's tattoos are conveniently covered by her armor)

Friday June 29th, 2001 9:57:03 PM

As the evening progressed to politics and intrigue, Val grew increasingly bored. These were things that she was no good at. For once she was glad of the elven resistance to wine. She enjoyed the wine, though she's glad better. Val watched Ashira try to charm the armed stranger and wondered how she did it.

Friday June 29th, 2001 10:59:22 PM

Watching as the waitress spills wine all over Redux, he can't help but smile, it all he can do to keep from laughing out loud. After the girl clumsily apologizes, thoroughly embarrassed, he watches her run toward the kitchen.

He then notices Valanthe's obvious boredom and rather impulsively says, "Come on, let's go for walk outside, it appears to be a nice evening out." He then gets up and offers her his hand. It's not easy for him and he is quite nervous not knowing if she will accept.

Friday June 29th, 2001 11:58:55 PM

(OCC: Since I joined the game late, could everybody send a brief character description? Val is tall for an elf, standing 5' 3". She has the normal elf frame with a lightly muscular and toned body. Her skin is coppery in color, eyes are brown, and her hair is long and coppery-red. She normaly keeps it in a pony tail. She wears studded leather armor made for a female elf.)

When Appolo offered his hand Val had no idea what to do. Val looked to Ashira for advice, but she was engaged in a conversation. Looking at Appolo she says, "Sure. I'm not sure where we could go, but it has to be better than here." She takes his hand and walks with him.

Mr. Handsome (DM Dave) 
Saturday June 30th, 2001 10:37:50 AM

With a smile, he replies to Ashira, "To catch a name is to catch a person, and this fish isn't ready to be dined on, yet. Most of my acquaintances know me as Fletcher, Fletcher Long." He then firmly takes her hand, and gives it a firm shake, rather than a nibble.

At this close range, the magnetic aura of Fletcher's personality is nigh overwhelming. Even some of the grumpier old sots sitting nearby have a grudging admiration shining from their eyes whenever they look his way.

"So, what is a one such as yourself doing up topside these days? It is said that these are arid lands, compared to the verdant beauty of under-ocean."

Saturday June 30th, 2001 12:00:20 PM

Watching and listening, Lem 's ears perk up at Wynfrea's comment about the paintings. "what do you mean come alive?"

Appolo  d6+2=6
Saturday June 30th, 2001 1:37:46 PM

Appolo is quite shocked when Valanthe accepts his invitation, but recovers quickly, "I don't know either, maybe the beach, we should always take enough time to enjoy life's little pleasures while we can. It should be rather nice out side, with a cool ocean breeze." With that he takes her arm in his and heads out. Stopping by Rigging's and Redux's table for a moment.

"Master Redux may I suggest you check your purse," he says, and then continues on with Valanthe.

Saturday June 30th, 2001 1:40:24 PM

OOC:In the last post I rolled Appolo's hit points. D6+2=6+14=20.
Appolo now has 20 Hps
Thank you

Appolo OOC 
Saturday June 30th, 2001 2:17:47 PM

Appolo Character Description For Valanthe

He has grown somewhat during the last couple of years with the pirates. He is now 15 years old, slightly over 6 feet tall, 120lbs. Long, but neatly trimmed brown hair, Blue Eyes. Physically he might be considered attractive, but he lacks self confidence, and is quite introverted.

He spends so much time trying not to be noticed, that he doesn't know how to get attention -- at least not in a positive way. He is also used to being ignored and most of the time, and likes it that way.

Anyone watching him will also notice how incredibly and unnaturally graceful he is, especially for a human male.

Valanthe  d20=7
Saturday June 30th, 2001 9:01:59 PM

(OCC: ignore d20 roll. I accidentaly clicked the button)

Walking with Appolo, Val is quiet for a few minutes. "Sometimes I feel so out of place. Now I can manage somewhat on a ship, but I'm still not that good. Situations like this I feel useless. I'm no good at trying to get information people or use charm. When I see people I wonder what they think of me. Do they think of me as wild and primitive? Sometimes it's just so hard."

Sunday July 1st, 2001 3:28:57 AM

Appolo answers, "Don't worry about it, you're not useless and I find you quite charming and attractive." He says as they walk along, "Just try to enjoy the evening, good food, good company and well, right now no one's trying to kill us... You know you're lucky, at least you knew your parents. I never had the chance. I was raised by the priests of Ga'al. Don't even know the names of my parents.

"So like some wise man once said, 'Life give you lemons -- make lemonade.' It is a nice night." He then stops talking feeling a little embarrassed about his outburst. This is more than he has said to one person in months. If not years.

Sunday July 1st, 2001 9:36:00 PM

"Well then, it certainly is a pleasure to meet you Fletcher Long. You seem to know quite a bit about the undersea regions for a human. Tell me, have you ever had a chance to visit them, or do you just know them by reputation? It's been too long since I've been there myself." Ashira adopts a crooked grin. "The pay is much better topside. Besides, it gives me an opportunity to meet interesting people like yourself. But since we're getting personal, tell me, what's a good looking man like yourself doing in a port like Waha?"

Sunday July 1st, 2001 9:52:50 PM

Redux knows that the bill might be higher than he'd planned but is willing to pitch in for the large group meal. He suggests to Bart that he catch up to Val & Appolo and tell them to meet at the Aviary, for a place to stay for the night when their finished with their walk; it's not too distant.

To Rigging's surprise, the wine spilled on him doesn't leave any signs of soaking or staining into his robes. Redux rises briefly to shake a little moisture off. When Cadria returns, he suggests to her that she was mistaken and that most of the spill hit the floor and was no trouble to him.

Redux agrees to show some of his potions, but in a less public display, he doesn't want to give too many reasons to be interesting to all of the eyes in this place. I'm already worried about portioning out the money.

Cadria (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Sunday July 1st, 2001 10:03:35 PM

When Cadria arrives shortly with towel in hand, she can't believe her eyes. Dismissing Redux's comment about missing his robes with the wine, she insists on removing the jug of wine from the bill. As she leaves, Redux hears her mumble something about magic users being un-natural. Throughout the rest of the night, the height challenged waitress makes great efforts to avoid the black robed mage.

Frillip (NPC, ADM Janell)  d20=12
Sunday July 1st, 2001 10:22:06 PM

Noting the glint of gold from the previous exchange with Wynfrea, Frillip thinks he's spotted an easy target. After all, what person in their right mind would exchange so much coinage in such a public place?

The young, nondescript youth walks past Rigging, and "accidentally" bumps into him. While proclaiming his apologies, Frillip attempts to remove the money pouch from Rigging's belt. Unfortunately, he somehow manages to entangle his fingers in the string, and effectively ties himself to Rigging's pouch. Turning beat red, the young man struggles desperately to escape his sticky situation.

Monday July 2nd, 2001 12:44:35 AM

Val blushes a little at Appolo's compliments. Nobody has ever told her those things before. "I didn't know them much at all. Let me put this into perspective for you. What if you knew your parents until you were 2 years old? Would you remember them that well or know what they were like?"

Monday July 2nd, 2001 4:56:33 AM

Blue enters the Inn as Val and Appolo appear to be heading out. He scans the room and deceides to join Wynfrea and Ari. As he sits down he trys to catch the waitress's eye and orders a modest meal of bread and broth and whatever fresh fruit they have.

(OOC), a brief description for Val, Blue stands 5"4" and is of stocky build. He has brown hair and hazel eyes. He is always clad in blue colored clothing with a long cloak, blue of course. The young cleric is 12 years old and has apprenticed with a magic user named Quen. As well as a assortment of spells the lad can use his quarter staff skillfully. At first glance the boy appears chubby, but at closer examination there is no loose flesh on the barrel chested boy.

Fletcher Long (DM Dave) 
Monday July 2nd, 2001 9:17:48 AM

"Why, I'm on official state business, of course. The king wishes a special fillet of sea elf." Fletcher whispers conspiratorially. He adds, "I've been down-under a time or two." Turning to the bartender, he checks his tab, dropping some coinage on the counter.

Wynfrea (DM Dave) 
Monday July 2nd, 2001 9:28:44 AM

Turning at Lem's interjection, she says, "Well, they just come alive...I don't know how to explain it. The White Lady just walks around, doing all sorts of mundane things, within the confines of her frame. Sitting, eating, and the like."

Glancing up at the newcoming, a funny look crosses her face before it resolves itself into recognition, "Oh, the young priest. I wondered where you had gotten off to. Thought one of our tramps had perhaps waylaid the young master..." She adds with a mischievous grin.

"Tell me, how is it that one of the holy order has made his way across the seas to our humble Waha?"

Evening at the Green Fish (DM Dave) 
Monday July 2nd, 2001 9:33:41 AM

Dining slips back into a leisurely pace as the groups continue their discussions.

Music has stopped for a moment, as the bard is between sets, and the general volume of conversation in the room seems inordinately high, as no one seems to pay attention to the fact that it's easier to hear now.

Monday July 2nd, 2001 10:46:22 AM

"I see your point, but let's not talk about those things right now, let's just enjoy the night. Nighttime has always been my favorite time." He leads her down toward the beach.

Valanthe OCC 
Monday July 2nd, 2001 11:04:08 AM

I don't mean to put a damper on things, but I don't think Val and Appolo can get to the beach. We had to travel by boat through the swamp

[Note from DM: Too true, no beach for you!]

Monday July 2nd, 2001 11:05:49 AM

"Perhaps we shouldn't go too far. I don't like swamps and the terrain can make things dificult if we get into some trouble."

Monday July 2nd, 2001 12:32:17 PM

"Hello Blue. Please join us. You remember her don't you?" Pointing to Wynfrea. "Wynfrea here has just been telling us about some of the happenings going on around town. She's told us about a soon to be famous painter, and about some trading stuff that has happened recently. Wynfrea here, seems to have a knack for keeping an eye out for things, and is good company, to boot." As he winks at Wynfrea. "You can see that," he points around to those that are in sight, "everyone is off doing their things."

After Blue is seated, Ari returns to the conversation with Wynfrea. "Has there been any other odd things to report, other than the painting that comes alive? I think I might want to take you up on that offer to visit with the artist."

(For Val). Standing at 5'9 with black hair and black eyes, you see a youth of an age (yet to be determined) (reading other's posts, I may have my time frame off. My sheet has 20. Are we younger than that?). It is hard to see what kind of build he has underneath his leather armor. But under scrutiny, you can tell that he has some meat to him, and it doesn't just hang there. From the shadows of his eyes, you can pick just a hint of the bag of sleeplessness. Most of the time on ship, most people catch a look of seriousness about his face. Though he does relax at times (mostly with wine), and actually smiles.

[DM Note: All the characters (other than the most recent additions) range from 14 to 16 years of age]

Rigging  d20+8=19
Monday July 2nd, 2001 4:25:43 PM

Rigging feels the hand on his pouch and immediately knows what is happening. He grabs Frillip's hand with his left and with his right relieves Frillip of his own pouch. He says, "Excuse me! You are confusing your pouch for mine." Rigging holds up the Frillips pouch and tosses it to him letting go of his hand. "I suggest you buy me a drink or I might find myself offended." A noticable hard look comes into Rigging's eye as he waits for a response.

Athlemdar  d20+5=21
Monday July 2nd, 2001 5:59:08 PM

"Glad to see you could join us Blue, how was your meeting with his lordship? I would have stayed as well but the brothers and I were a bit more secular than you two. Did you learn anything that might be helpful?

Seeing the interaction 'tween Fillip and Rigging, Lem chuckles, "Looks like the boss has caught himself a little bit of chum for the bigger fish."

Monday July 2nd, 2001 10:48:02 PM

Lowering her own voice to a whisper, Ashira nods and says "Oh, well, I'm afraid that I can't help you with that assignment...wouldn't be right, killing one of my own..." She winks at Fletcher as she puts her hand on his shoulder. "Shame though...you having to leave so quickly on such an important mission. Since you're such an important person, I was hoping that you might help me find some work while I'm in town." Ashira inclines her head toward Redux. "Guarding mages can be fun some times, but they're a boring bunch, and they don't always pay that well. But, I'll understand if you don't want to keep the king waiting."

Frillip (NPC, ADM Janell)  d20=12
Monday July 2nd, 2001 11:04:22 PM

Unsuccessfully attempting to wriggle free of Rigging's grasp, Frillip looks Rigging straight in the eyes. "Guess I's caught then...afraid you's got to take the money out of my's hide, since I ain't got none to my's name. (It's true, when Rigging handled his pouch, it did seem incredibly light) "I's was only trying to get some money so I's could buy something to eat." Upon closer inspection, the boy does seem quite thin...Frillip quickly adds "I's can work for it. You won't be disapointed. I find out all sorts of things and can do lots real well."

Monday July 2nd, 2001 11:46:52 PM

Overhearing Cadria's whispered comment, Redux sighs. Sighing, he looks over at Rigging. "It's sad, really, how ignorant the general populace is toward the Greater arts. Day in, day out, I have to put up with this type of behavior. Does it ever frustrate you to have to deal with the likes?"

Redux watches with growing amusement at the exchange between Rigging and the erring thief. Once the boy is captured by Rigging, Redux glares down at the youth through his spectacles in a most menacing manner. Summoning his spookiest voice, Redux says "Well Master Rigging, what shall I turn the boy into, a frog or a weasel?" The spellcaster begins to wave his arms, uttering strange words...

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 1:33:03 AM

Addressing Wynfrea, the boy in blue says, "The Lord Dragon's reach goes far, my good Lady." Blue tests the air carefully remembering his earlier encounter with the money changer. "Did I hear you say paintings that come alive?" he asks.

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 1:34:44 AM

(OOC): I guess some time has passed so Blue is likely around 14 years old now.

Wynfrea (DM Dave) 
Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 6:02:12 AM

Seemingly lost in thought for a moment, Wynfrea steeples her fingers, then replies, "You plan on retiring to the Aviary this evening, I believe. I shall swing by there on the morrow, and take you to view some of the handy work of the Artist." She rises from the table, bidding everyone adieu.

Fletcher Long (DM Dave) 
Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 6:12:12 AM

"So, your assignment is up with those two over there?" Fletcher indicates the table with the mages and the caught pickpocket. "My ship, the Sea Spray, leaves tomorrow on the evening tide. You can check in with my first mate, if you care to pull a tour of duty heading out to the Western Isles. The pay is average, but I bonus special performances rendered by the crew. Those are strange waters that we sail, but the excitement should be to your liking. Now, really, I must excuse myself and attend to all those details that bureaucrats demand." He smiles, and prepares to leave.

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 7:58:34 AM

Tired of staying at the table, Lem wanders around watching the bard and listening to the conversations around him, trying to hear anything that can be heard about missing kids.

(OOC this will be Athlemdar's last post until the 21, unless someone would care to post for me While I am in Greece.)

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 10:28:47 AM

As Wynfrea rises, so does Ari, to see her off. "Then I will see you in the morning."

After Wynfrea has left, Ari turns to Blue. Keeping his voice as low as possible, just for those at the table. "She seems a strange lot. I don't know that I would trust her just yet. Do you have anything to add? Do you see or hear anything on your way over here?"

As Blue answers, Ari finishes off his meal. Trying to watch and see where the others are in their plots and scheming, Ari watches for the cue that it is time to move on to the Aviary.

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 10:55:53 AM

Rigging holds up a hand to Redux. "No, Don't turn him into a toad. Not yet anyway. I have been hungry myself on occasion and it can make you unwise. Instead cast your location spell on him. I want to be able to find him in the future if I need to." Looking to Cadria he calls, "Cadria, bring my friend here a bowl of fish stew, bread, and a flagon of wine." Rigging kicks out a chair and motions the thief to sit. "Let's start with your name friend." After Redux is finished with his mumbo-jumbo he says to him, "Why don't you take our friends to the Inn. I will find my way there later. I sure my new guide here will be able to take me there."

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 11:02:56 AM

"Well if we can't reach the beach, let's just stroll around a bit more. I am rather enjoying myself for the first time in along time," he says with a wide smile. It is remarkable because it is the first time you can recall ever seeing him smile, and secondly because it is a handsome smile.

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 12:23:01 PM

Just as Bart wants to leave, Rigging catches the boy. Bart sees with amusement how Rigging handles this case, just the same way he would do. He says to Rigging, "Give the boy some food and teach him some manners and if he doesn't learn we always could bring him to the guards." "I will go now and look for Val and Appolo."

Bart walks to the other table and says, "I see you later at the Aviary, I will look for Val and Appolo and tell them where we are staying."

Bart goes outside and doesn't know where to go. Knowing Val he guesses they went to the harbor or the beach. The last one is the most likely, so Bart walks towards the beach hoping to find Val and Appolo.

Rigging occ discription 
Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 1:03:00 PM

Rigging stands around 5'10" tall and weighs around 160 pounds. He has filled out in the last year with good cooking and hard exercise. He is one of the older kid members being almost 17. He prefers to wear dark colored cloths of fine make. He wears a rapier and several daggers around his person. He walks with incredible grace and poise.

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 1:20:27 PM

(ooc description: Athlemdar is quite nondescript, except for his wiry, yet muscular build. He is kind of handsome, but really unremarkable. His hair is blondish-brown, his features are plain. He is 5'10" and 165 lbs. He is 16 yrs old and has incredible reflexes. Off ship, he wears a hooded, grey-green robe and high-soft boots, when he isn't going bare foot.)

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 1:59:11 PM

OCC: I feel old. Val still has probably a good 20 years to reach adulthood. That still makes her a 100.

To Appolo she says, "I guess we should enjoy the peace while it lasts. We'll probably fighting for our lives soon enough."

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 8:53:57 PM

Appolo finds it amazing, Valanth actually appears to enjoy his company. After all he has never been alone with a girl before." You're right about that, this group sure has a knack for getting into trouble." They walk along for a couple of more minutes and he says, "You know they're probably looking for us right now. What do you say we play a little hide and seek, I don't really feel like being found right now." He starts to lead her toward the temple and away from the water.

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 10:14:31 PM

Returning Fletcher's smile, Ashira says "Oh, sorry, didn't realize you were a sailor. I'm really looking for something on terra firma, or as close as you can come to it in these parts. But who knows... maybe one day our paths will cross again. Until then..." With amazing grace, Ashira bows to Fletcher, and watches his retreating form as he makes his way out of the Inn. She pays her bar tab, and then makes her way over to the table where Rigging, Redux, and some young man are sitting. Picking a spot next to Rigging, Ashira seats herself, and waits for a lull in the conversation. Then she leans over to Rigging and whispers in his ear, "We'd better be careful who we talk with, that one was an Aisildurian... As soon as possible, we need to get everyone together and create a cover story." Ashira watches as the young man seated at their table lifts the steaming bowl of stew to his mouth and, without bothering to let it cool, rapidly downs the contents. "Charming... Are we starting a mentoring program, or is there something I need to know about?"

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 10:18:00 PM

"I don't know if we should hide." Then as she watches Appolo walk torwards the temple she says, "Okay why not." She runs after Appolo.

Frillip (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 10:32:32 PM

Relief floods over his dirty face as Rigging prevents the wizard from turning him into a lower life form. He sits patiently as the mage waves his hands over his small form, then he reaches for the food set in front of him.

You wouldn't have believed it humanly possible for one so small to consume such a large amount of food in such a short period of time, but Frillip seems to be able to suspend the laws of nature when it comes to food. After he has polished off the last of supper, Frillip wipes his mouth on the filthy sleeve of his ragged shirt. "I's named Frillip, but most call me Pip, 'cause I's so small." The young man says with his mouth full of bread. He greedily eyes the wine set before him. "I's never had wine before..." He grabs the cup, and downs it with a few successive gulps. "We's go to the Averary now, or you's want me's show you's someplace else?"

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 11:06:31 PM

Redux begins to cast a cantrip but stops it before he finishes, allowing just a slight fizzle to escape from his fingertips for the boy to see but not making a scene for other patrons to get interested in.

He expresses doubts about Wynfrea but would like the help getting around town. It’s important to start somewhere and she does know her way around. She’ll also know the whereabouts of many of the other people we’ve been told about. It will be good to be working on the mystery, keeping ourselves busy.

Looking at Ashira, Redux asks about the individual she was just talking with. He knows that in a town such as this one, there are many types from many places, you might even share a drink with an enemy here.

Redux has to make a point to get Cadria’s attention, desiring to settle the bill for the table and leave. When everyone is ready, he’ll lead the way to the Aviary.

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 11:15:00 PM

Blue responds to Ari, "No I didn't see anything out of the ordinary or anything that would help our mission. Gastu did not add anything new to what was said either."

The serving girl brings the lad's food. After a short grace, he eats quickly and pockets the fruit. As it appears the others are getting ready to leave, Blue approaches Rigging for his changed money, then settles his bill.

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 11:18:53 PM

(OOC) note to Athlemdar, I will post for you if you will post for me when you return as I leave on the 21st for two weeks. If this is agreeable and approved by DM Dave send me a character sheet with a flavour of your character.

Wednesday July 4th, 2001 9:57:50 AM

Rigging watches Pip wolf down his food. He is saddened that in this world of plenty, Pip would be hungry. He says in elven to Ashira, "This boy tried to rob me. He isn't a good thief. He might know some of the more seedy places of the town. I am thinking of hiring him as a guide." To Pip he askes, OK Pip, Now that you have eaten your last meal. I guess we have to go to the magistrate. Redux what is the penalty for theft? Still cutting off a hand or is it branding?"

Rounding Out the Evening (DM Dave) 
Wednesday July 4th, 2001 10:40:34 AM

Bart heads down to the docks, looking for a stretch of beach, while Val and Appolo sneak off to the temple [Goin' to the chapel, and we're goin' to get...]. After about fifteen minutes, he realizes that there are no beaches, just miles of swampland streching off in all directions.

Lem listens around in the bar, but doesn't hear any mention of missing children amongst the chat.

[Local Law Note: Removal of the hand is the penalty for theft in Waha]

Wednesday July 4th, 2001 11:52:00 AM

Hmm no beaches and no sign of them ... where to go then... our logboat? yep maybe .. if not back to the inn .. and then to the Aviari

Wednesday July 4th, 2001 5:40:52 PM

Glancing back toward the doors that Fletcher passed through not that long ago, Ashira says to Redux "Well, I'd say he was the captain of a vessel, but we can talk about that more later."

Looking sternly at the boy, Ashira says to Rigging "I don't know why we have to bother with the magistrate..." The half-elf unsheaths her shortsword, and says "You hold his arm to the table, and I'll cut his hand off right here. We'll save the law enforcement some time and effort."

Wednesday July 4th, 2001 5:42:46 PM

"Appolo I think we should head back now. They could go to an inn and we wouldn't know which one."

Athlemdar (Daniel) 
Thursday July 5th, 2001 12:38:32 AM

Lem continues to work the room. As he makes his rounds he joins a group that are obviously enjoying there mugs. He offers a round and listens as they tell jokes and local stories.

Thursday July 5th, 2001 12:47:30 AM

The young cleric returns to Ari's table. "Did you learn anything of real value from the money changer?...I don't know what it is, but I want to trust her...I seem to get a good feeling from her...what do you think?"

Thursday July 5th, 2001 10:28:48 AM

"Don't worry, earlier today I heard either Redux or Gatsu say somthing about an Inn named the Aviary. I'm pretty sure that's where they'll go. In fact if you want to we could head there now and see about getting a room," he says as they stand outside the temple.

Thursday July 5th, 2001 12:07:20 PM

(ooc I'm confused now. Rigging and Redux moved to a separate table from the one Ari an Blue are sitting at. Which table to Ashira choose (I'm assuming Rigging's). I've not seen anything in the posts suggesting that Rigging and Redux have rejoined us as of yet. I'm assuming that I was pretty much the only one talking with Wynfrea since everyone moved away from the table. Hence the reason why I was talking to her, no one left at the table. ;) )

Speaking to Blue, "Not anything that I can determine as of yet. I do not have a feeling for her one way or another, other than she gathers information."

Thursday July 5th, 2001 6:53:54 PM

Redux smiles at the boy, given Ashira's request for swift justice. He tells her that he can always find the boy if we need him and can inform the authorities latter. The boy is bold and could be of some use to the party. What say you boy, do you want the chance for redemption or shall we send your hand to the magistrate with an explanation?

Thursday July 5th, 2001 8:04:59 PM

Rigging looks at the frightened boy and lays his hands on his shoulder. "I will do you one better. I will make you my guide and squire for as long as we are in town. You will be fed 3 meals a day and share our lodgings. I will even put a few silver pieces in your pouch when the job is over. You will be going into danger and could lose your life. It is your choice. Food, friends, and some coin, or take your chances with the magistrate."

Frillip (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Thursday July 5th, 2001 8:38:29 PM

Terror washes over Frillip's face as Ashira removes her sword. Squirming as far away as possible from the crazed half-elf, Frillip would crawl up into Rigging's lap if he could find a way. When Rigging makes his counter offer, the frightened young man says "OK, OK, OK, yeh, yeh...whatever you's want...just keep them away from me."

OOC (It's hard to tell the age of the dirty youth, but he appears to be about 9 or 10.)

Thursday July 5th, 2001 10:46:06 PM

"That sounds like a good idea. I'm feeling tired and anxious to enter the reverie."

Thursday July 5th, 2001 11:28:09 PM

Rigging says, "OK on to the Inn. Cadria! How much do we owe?" Rigging will pick up the tab for the group (Out of party money of course) and give Cadria a 20% tip. Rigging will put his arm around Pip's shoulders. "I hope you aren't religous Pip. It has been my experience many people interested in religion aren't interested in bathing." He says this with a vicous grin in Blue's direction. "If you are gonna start hanging out with me, you are will take a bath tonight and clean those clothes. Frankly my dear boy. You stink!" Rigging smiles warmly at the young scoundrel to take the sting out of his words.

Friday July 6th, 2001 12:08:50 AM

"OK, I'm getting kind of tired as well." He starts heading back toward the restaurant. "Let's head back and get some directions, maybe we'll run into the others."

Friday July 6th, 2001 12:47:26 AM

Bart is walking through the streets of Waha, looking for Appolo and Valanthe. Back to the docks... better luck next time... the temple... and at last back to the inn they went to eat.

Friday July 6th, 2001 3:14:58 AM

As the others move towards the door, Blue follows.

Lem (Dan) 
Friday July 6th, 2001 3:19:42 AM

Lem says goodnight to his new aquaintences, stands and straightens his atire and carefully scans the room to see if anyone is taking notice of the departing group. He moves slowly towards the door and enters the night, acting as rear guard as his friends head to the Inn. He remains vigilant.

Goodnight... and Goodmorning (DM Dave) 
Friday July 6th, 2001 10:11:36 AM

Lem passes out of the bar while overhearing an old sailor passing on a bit of wisdom to some new hands: "If you're scudding, drop a drogue to avoid being pooped."

Everyone makes his/her way via various paths to the halls of the Aviary, and fortune is smiling upon the group, as rooms are still available at this late hour. The rooms are decent, and the morning meal in the common area is not half bad. Unfortunately, the price reflects these nice accommodations (10 gps total).

Ari easily locates Wynfrea after breakfast, and she acts as tour guide, giving a quick layout of the town, with a stop at the studios of Harfriz, the artist who creates paintings of the White Lady. A look at his work shows why they are in such demand: A beautiful lady is seen wandering around in each of the scenes, doing various and sundry items, with each painting setting various constraints on her activities. The starting price for the smallest of the paintings is 250 gps.

Friday July 6th, 2001 9:51:02 PM

That night Rigging will get Pip bathed and a place to sleep. He asks him about any family that might be missing him. He will also inquire if he knows anything about any missing kids.

Saturday July 7th, 2001 4:57:33 PM

While eating his breakfast Bart says, "I think we should survey the surrounding of this city looking for some clues. Anyone wants to join? Think we need cheaper accommodation too, maybe we can rent a place?"

Sunday July 8th, 2001 1:55:15 AM

"With all the bad places I've had to stay in, a barn would be just fine to me. I think that looking around is a good idea, but the swap will make things hard. Clues may be hard to come by."

Sunday July 8th, 2001 1:07:32 PM

Before bed the young cleric takes the opportunity for a bath. He scrubs out his dainties and leaves them to hang overnight. As he climbs in bed and after prayers he mutters to himself, "Ok, ok, so it wasn't the money changer that was smellin bad, I have been busy, I have other things on my mind"...with a last, "by the Dragon", under his breath, he settles down for a good night sleep.

Athlemdar (Dan) 
Sunday July 8th, 2001 1:15:07 PM

Lem ponders the old sailor's sage advice, but is left puzzled. He makes a mental note to ask Rigging about it. In the morning he joins the others for breaking fast.

Ari  d20+4=17
Sunday July 8th, 2001 4:57:27 PM

After eating his breakfast in the morning. Ari meets Wynfrea to get a tour of the city. As the come upon places of interest Ari asks, "How long has that been there. Has it ever been anything else? What's the local gossip about the place? What has been going on recently?". As the tour continues, Ari does his best to get as much direct and indirect information as he can from Wynfrea. (Gather info roll, if nec, = 17.5). Once the tour is over, he thanks Wynfrea, and asks her to wait outside for just a second. Ducking inside, Ari asks for 10 gp from funds, that he promises to replace by the end of the day. Once he steps back outside, he asks Wynfrea to exchange the 10 gp, keeping what she needs for her time. (ooc I'm assuming that's what is appropriate. If it should be larger, Ari will ask for appropriate amount).

Monday July 9th, 2001 11:53:20 AM

After escorting Valanthe to the Inn and meeting the others there, he thanks Valanthe for a nice evening and heads to his room for a good night's rest. When he awakes, he heads over to the wash basin and washes his face and hair, cleans his teeth as best he can and heads down stairs for breakfast.

He sits quietly and listens to the others. He decides to add his two cents. "If children are disappearing around here, then we will need to split up. We need to talk to a few of the local thieves. If there is a slaver operating in this area, the thieves might have certain dealings with him or her. Operation like needs support of at least part of the local population, we also need to find which members of the local gaurd can be coerced, as well check out the civic leaders around here. There's a lot of shady characters running around here. May I also suggest that our enemies already know we're here. They seem to be at least one step ahead of us at all times. Besides everywhere this group goes there's trouble."

He then gets up and heads toward the baths. He will take a bath and change his clothes.

Question & Answer (DM Dave) 
Monday July 9th, 2001 4:22:47 PM

To Rigging: Pip states that he is an orphan, and doesn't know much about any rash of missing kids "Sure, kids disappear, shanghied or sumpen."

Ari's questions to Wynfrea are meet by questions in kind: "What are you doing here? How long are you staying? Did you like your accomadations last night? In fact, she seems just as skilled at information gathering, and you are left with the impression that she has figured out more than was told by the end of the tour session. As for the exchange rate: It costs one silver to have 10 gold coins exchanged to the local currency.

Some information gathered: Waha has been around for centuries, although at one time it was larger and more prosperous, before a hurricane struck the island during the time of Woe. Much now lies underwater, except for the few stone buildings on the highest ground. Apparently, trade arrives from all points east and west on the southern end of the continent.

Monday July 9th, 2001 5:10:10 PM

When Rigging sees that everyone has arrived for breakfast, he will say, " I agree with Appolo.
I think that we need to split our forces to cover the most ground and get the most work done. We need to spend the day gathering information. I think the best way is for Ahira, Val, and Appollo to check out the waterfront and seedy side of the town. Appolo's knowledge of the underworld combined with Ashira's knowledge of waterfront's should work out well. Val, you don't know this side of the world from my understanding but having a berserker along is always good backup when dealing with shady characters. I want Lem, Ari, Redux, and Blue to go into the markets and see what can be learned. I assume that you Redux already has some contacts which could be helpful. Bart, Pip, and I have housekeeping duties and will act a mobile reserve in case anyone gets into trouble. We meet here for dinner at six. Send word if you are going to be detained or we will come looking for you. Anybody have any questions or suggestions. If not lets get busy." As the group starts to head out, Rigging says to Pip, "Pip We need a place to stay while spending time here. Any abandoned houses or buildings we can appropriate? Something we can fix up maybe?"

Pip (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Monday July 9th, 2001 9:59:48 PM

Smelling incredibly better after his bath last night, Pip hungrily eyes breakfast, and then inhales it. After two good meals, Rigging notices that there is the sharp gleam of intelligence in the boy's eyes.

As assignments are handed out, Pip smiles from ear to ear when he hears that he will not be forced to endure the company of Ashira and Redux. When asked about housing options Pip pipes up. "There's some places where's people could hide for a night or two, but nothing as nice as this. Street gangs float through them, and they's not that safe. I likes this place much better. Sometimes I's see people pay other peoples to stay with other peoples in houses. If you's like, I's can take you there."

Monday July 9th, 2001 10:01:57 PM

After coming back from bathing and changing clothes, Appolo listens as Rigging hands out the assignments. When Rigging asks if anyone has any questions Appolo speaks up. "You know gathering imformation is a lot easier when you can pay for it. Buying a couple of rounds at the local establishments might loosen some lips." He is also pleasantly surprised to be paired with Valanthe and Ashira, yet slightly confused by his own reaction to the news. He is also a lot more confident and chatty this morning than usual. Almost cheery, one might say.

Monday July 9th, 2001 10:06:55 PM

After partaking of breakfast, Ashira looks after her armor and weapons, patching and sharpening as needed. She keeps a sharp eye on Pip, making sure he doesn't revert to his wayward past while he is with the party. When Rigging gathers the party and hands out assignments, she eagerly dons her gear and says "Fine with me. However, before any of us head out, I think it would be a good idea to have a cover story. I mentioned to the captain the other night that I was a mercenary. Rigging, do you have any other ideas? I'm sure we were watched while we were at the Inn, so it's safe to assume that our enemy knows that we're together. We don't want to go around town spreading vastly different stories about what we're doing in Waha."

Monday July 9th, 2001 10:15:08 PM

Redux appreciates the opportunity to help but hadn't been anticipating the new role he is now in. He explains that he had been spending his few days as the magistrates guest and doesn't really have any useful information yet. He also notes that an entire day might be a long time to be out of contact and that getting together around lunch might be a good idea.

Monday July 9th, 2001 10:35:27 PM

Rigging snaps his fingers as a good idea pops into his head. "Val you had a good idea the other night. Remember you said you would be fine sleeping in a barn. Well my pretty elf maid. You might get your wish." Looking at Ashira, "The mercenary angle might work, but it is thin. Blue...Ari...you might want to let drop in the market that we would be willing to stand guard duty and so on to help spread the story that we are mercenaries." He pulls open his quickly getting lighter backpack and hands out another 25 gps to each group. "Expense money but I want receipts. Don't forget to get it changed over to local coin." Rigging growls.
"Redux you get your way. We meet at noon. If you are tied up, try to send a runner. Tell them to hold the brandy if you are in trouble. Otherwise we won't start looking until after dinner."

Monday July 9th, 2001 11:08:34 PM

Finishing his food, Blue leans over to Lem and says, "Well my good friend monk, why do you think a couple of fine theologians such as ourselves are hanging around with these rough and tumble mercenaries? Well, you definitely can pull off the tough guy look, I may look a little green."

Lem (Dan) 
Monday July 9th, 2001 11:27:13 PM

Lem looks at his short and stocky friend. "Well, you don't dress the part of a mercenary, that's for sure. Why don't you remain a cleric on a pilgrimage who is travelling with this band for safety? You can say you pay your way with letter writing and a little healing. The best lies are those that reflect the truth."

Lem stands and stretches the last of his night's sleep out of his back and shoulders and watches as the young cleric scratches his chin pondering his suggestion. The monk turns to leave and says over his shoulder, "Come on Blue, let's get to the market."

Tuesday July 10th, 2001 2:31:20 AM

Housekeeping?.... more like homeshopping!
To Rigging: "The barn is a good idear maybe there is some place just out of town. Maybe an watermill or something like that. Shall we go with the three of us, or do we split?

"If we can't find anything out of town, maybe we can us one of the abonded houses, find the owner and rent it."

Tuesday July 10th, 2001 3:16:50 AM

For awhile Appolo calmly waits for Ashira and
Valanthe.He takes the money"Sorry boss,the people I'll be dealing with don't make out reciepts.besides at the rate of exchange around
here this probably is'nt enough.I'll probably have to hustle somemore somehow."He then begins to head out.He moves at a liesurely pace.He seems calm,but is very nervous about Valanthe and his feeling toward her.He is all mixed up inside.

Tuesday July 10th, 2001 8:59:46 AM

Rigging with Bart and Pip in tow will head over to the Temple of Lem to see the magistrate. If they are allowed an audience Rigging will say, "Your honor, I was wondering if you could direct us to a farmer who is down on his luck a little and who for a fee would be able to put our group up. We don't need luxury accomadations. Maybe a widow? We could help out one of your flock and save some coins. On another matter, Do you know Wynfrea the money changer? She has been very helpful to us so far. Almost to helpful and is picking up alot of information about us. Can she be trusted or do I need to eliminate her. Also I would like to introduce you to our guide Frillip. He is a street thief who has reformed his ways and decided to help us. After you leave, if he survives, I would appreciate your helping him find honest work. He doesn't have the makings of a thief but seems intelligent enough."

(OCC Sorry Bart to drag you through all this but I am going out of town for a couple of days. Don't know if I will find computers to post with. Could you take over our trio and find some more permanant lodgings?)

Daily Dealings (DM Dave) 
Tuesday July 10th, 2001 10:00:49 AM

Ashira, Val, and Appollo: This group heads out to the waterfront, trying to pickup on any tidbits regarding the missing children. Recalling Gastu's suggestion that the group locate Heesi the masseuse to get some local history, the two warriors and rogue look him up (and spend 5 gps in the process).

Lem, Ari, Redux, Blue, and Wynfrea: This gang whiles away the day in the marketplace, as well as sight-seeing some of the original stone buildings on the precious dry land. Following Gastu's earlier suspicions, they spend some time observing one of the marketeers, Tekol the carpetseller.

Bart, Pip, and Rigging: These guys make for the temple, and spend the rest of the morning viewing various stilt houses, as well as some of the shadier places in the 'Stone' District.

Heesi the masseuse (DM Dave) 
Tuesday July 10th, 2001 10:09:10 AM

"Long ago," says the thin, olive-skinned man, "Waha was not as you see it today. Ahh! The glory of those days, when trade thrived, and the old gods smiled upon us." Indicating the clumps of trees surrounding the stilt houses across the bay, he continues, "It was not so, in the past. Beautiful beaches were to be had, and the sky seemed light. It wasn't until after the Devastation that we now found ourselves in this swamp. The trees drift about, confounding our enemies and giving us some small comfort - that is why this is called the Isle of Wanderers.

"But some among us grew too bold, perhaps. It is said that they committed great evils, trading in the lives of men, and that the new gods, in their wrath, brought on the deluge, sending a wall of water to wipe away the evil in Waha.

"All praise to Lord Lem the mighty, whose justice is harsh, but true. Yes, innocent ones suffered, but sometimes you must cut the good to remove the bad."

Marketwatch (DM Dave) 
Tuesday July 10th, 2001 10:15:56 AM

At the far end of the bazaar, near one of the covered sections, lies Tekol's Carpets, composed of an erected tent made of some of his less fine carpets, with a smaller sitting rug at the entrance in which to sit do business. Dozens of colorful carpets and rugs are piled atop one another and several more lie rolled up nearby. Tekol himself takes his ease, smoking an unpleasant-smelling tobacco blend from a glass hookah set beside him and drinking cool fruit juice bought from a nearby vendor.

Greeting everyone with a respectful gesture from his pudgy hands to all who come near, he puts on his best smile, showing blackened teeth, to match his black greasy hair and dark eyes.

He repeatedly wheezes, "May you have a fine day. How may I help you?" and seems happy to talk of selling carpets and more than willing to gossip about his neighboring vendors (most of what he says seems to be exaggerations).

Spotting the group watching him, he invites you to sit on pillows strewn on his rug.

Gastu (DM Dave) 
Tuesday July 10th, 2001 10:25:40 AM

Rigging and company are greeted warmly by Gastu, "Yes, yes, good morning to you! I pray that you've rested well, and are enjoying our town? How are your companions? Following some of the leads I mentioned yesterday, I suppose?"

As Rigging's inquiries, Gastu responds, "Ah, housing here is in short supply. You might locate some small place to rent on the water, or I should say, one of the stilt houses, but I'm afraid the stone houses are all taken. Did you not find the Aviary to your satifaction?" Concern crosses his face.

At the mention of locating a farmer, he laughs, "Farmer, farmer? Where would we house such a person?" With a sweep of his hand, he indicates the island, "My young friends, this is not an agrarian society. You would be loath to find anything in the way of a barnyard animal here, much less any plot of ground to till. No, no barns are to be had here." He chuckles.

Upon the inquiry about Wynfrea, Gastu states, "Wynfrea, she is a prominent, or I should say, the prominent, money changer here in Waha. I do not know her well, having only a passing acquaintance with her. The orphans speak well enough of her, saying she has provided a morsel or two in times of need to them."

Looking at Pip, Gastu says, "I have seen this one a time or two wandering about, but he has never seen fit to accept my help in the past. Why the change of heart, Master Pip?"

Looking for Lodging (DM Dave) 
Tuesday July 10th, 2001 10:27:24 AM

The places Pip has indicated as possible areas for the group to stay are looking, well, very unfit. A few bordellos are pointed at, and a dirty alleyway or two is also pointed to, with a few crates thrown up in back to provide some privacy.

Tuesday July 10th, 2001 12:11:10 PM

"Gastu the Aiviary is fine, but it isn't the cheapest accommodation. We have limited funds that's why we prefer a cheaper place.

"Don't you have farms over here? No piece of dry land to grew some grain? or put some pigs or cows on? Nothing?"

Tuesday July 10th, 2001 8:00:31 PM

Appolo prompts, "Tell us more, especially about Waha as it it is today. You know current events, gossip. For instance, we've heard a rumour that the children are disappearing. Do you know anything about that? I suspect that it's just a rumour and nothing more. You hear a lot of things in a tavern."

Tuesday July 10th, 2001 8:33:12 PM

The half-elf seems a bit more relaxed now that the investigation has begun. As a matter of fact, her current assignment promises to have a little action associated with it, which serves to further better her mood.

Still, Ashira allows a little distance between herself and Val and Appolo. She senses a growing attraction between the two, and doesn't wish her bad mood to rub off on the Amazon. Happy to see someone in the party happy, she thinks "Best of luck to them, maybe they can make something lasting of this."

After arriving at the masseuse's parlor, Ashira listens with interest as Heesi relates the history of Waha. After he has finished his tale, Ashira waits for the well-built man to answer Appolo's question, and then says "Fascinating, though tell me, I imagine that the god's flood probably didn't wipe out all of the slave traders. Was there any further investigation by the leaders of Waha into the slave trade? Oh, and you wouldn't mind if we mixed business with pleasure would you? My shoulders have been killing me recently, and you look like just the man to solve my problem."

Pip (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Tuesday July 10th, 2001 9:18:29 PM

Trying very hard to be effective in his new role as tour guide, Pip leads the way to the temple. He sits in one of the chairs as Gastu answers Rigging's questions, a bored look on his face. When the magistrate addresses him, Pip's face takes on an air of defiance. "I's don't take hand-out's...I's work for my food. Besides, what good it do, taking somein from you when the street gangs just take it from me's?" Pointing at Rigging and Bart, Pip adds "Them's make sure that I's get what I's work for."

After leaving the temple, Pip makes sure he shows the group every hiding place he knows of, regardless of cleanliness. It is evident that the young man is trying to make a good first impression at his new job.

Tuesday July 10th, 2001 10:50:17 PM

Noting that the group has been spotted, Redux turns to the others and says "Oh well, we might as well get acquainted." Striding up to the dealer, Redux takes the proffered pillow, black robes flowing around his thin frame. "Good day, sir. I was just admiring your wares from afar, and I thought I'd take a closer look." Fingering some of the finer carpets, a slight look of distaste crosses the mage's face. "I've been to just about every shop in Waha, and everyone repeatedly tells me that you've got the finest carpets in town. I'm sure these are fine for everyday use, but I was looking for something of a finer quality. You see, I can't use just any old rug to create my enchanted wares, I have to have the best. Tell me, do you have a warehouse to store the rest of your better carpets?" While awaiting Tekol's answer, Redux unconsciously strokes the feathers of the white owl that is perched on his shoulder.

Tuesday July 10th, 2001 10:51:45 PM

The next day, Val was back to her quiet and imposing self. She cleans her scythe, polishes her armor, and checks the string on her bow. This is all to hide the fact that Val doesn't know what to do. She had a nice time with Appolo, but feels bad. Appolo is young. Val knows that she is still a child as well, but she's an elven child. Val has already seen a hundred winters in her time.

Athlemdar (Daniel) 
Tuesday July 10th, 2001 11:07:56 PM

Lem follows the others as they respond to the carpet merchant's offered rest. He takes the pillow farthest from the seller. As he lowers himself to rest, he carefully scans the area and notes possible escape routes. The youthful monk tries to project disinterest, but listens to what is said intently and without drawing attention to himself continues to observe the shop.

Tuesday July 10th, 2001 11:18:43 PM

Blue takes Redux's lead and joins him on the carpets and finds a comfortable pillow. He listen's to Redux's request and adds, "But Master Redux are your sure that you want quality rugs with all those bothersome children running around your dwelling? But, I forget my place, who am I to question your desires." The cleric lowers his head and with a small sweep of his hand gestures submission.

Tuesday July 10th, 2001 11:51:28 PM

Not wanting to cause a stir, Ari joins everyone at Tekol's. When everyone is done speaking, Ari looks into his lap, and plays with his fingernails. From out of the side of his vision, he watches Wynfrea's reaction to the story telling, and to determine if she's going to add to the story, or even react to it. He's also going to watch for what kind of looks pass between Tekol and Wynfrea.

Hessi the masseuse (DM Dave) 
Wednesday July 11th, 2001 8:21:46 AM

Ashira, Val, and Appollo:

Speaking to Appolo, Heesi replies, "Well, sir, Heesi suggests you go speak with the temple priest, an honorable man who runs the local orphanage, and might know something about missing children."

Then Heesi begins rubbing Ashira, saying, "Yes madam. You have come to the best tender of aches and pains. Let Heesi rub all your cares away. What, slave traders left? Oh no, quiet impossible, for you see, all drawing breath were wiped from the island that day. Only those faithful to Lem, who had received warning, were spared as they fled the Wrath. Waha deals in many things, but slaves are not one them. We have learned our lesson, yes we have."

Tekol the carpetseller (DM Dave) 
Wednesday July 11th, 2001 8:32:26 AM

Lem, Ari, Redux, Blue, and Wynfrea:

"Ah, kind master, these are but my durable lessor wears, items for daily use. Of course I carry finer craft, but keep them out of harms way, for viewing only by discerning ones such as yourself."

Upon hearing the children comment, Tekol inserts, "Yes, carpets are just the thing to cut the noise of joyous children, kind sirs. So, master will be wishing for an item both durable and majestic? I have just the thing."

Tekol leaps up and pushes through the canvas hanging on the front of his tent, reappearing seconds later with two rolled carpets, which he promptly lays out for view, "These glories arrived a fortnight ago, master, the finest wares made only by craftsmen of the Burning Lands. You'll not find a better carpet in all the Wold!"

Indeed, the craft and detail, along with the deeply colored threads, are impressive.

No type of recognition seems to occur between Tekol and Wynfrea, who has remained silent and appears slightly bored.

City Wanderings (DM Dave) 
Wednesday July 11th, 2001 8:39:28 AM

Bart, Pip, and Rigging:

Putting an arm around Bart, Gastu replies, "I gather that you are originally from a farming background, young man?" With a flourish of his hand, he continues, "Can the oxen of your country plow water, and raise grain in the Deep Blue? If so, bring such here and you will be a rich man, for we live on fish and trade in Waha."

After bidding good day, Gastu leaves the young men to continue their quest for affordable housing. Pip, ever the bright one, quickly notices that, while his companions are impressed with his knowledge, they don't seem very excited about the prospects.

Wednesday July 11th, 2001 2:10:28 PM

Appolo listens to the man's reply, and casually watches as Ashira gets a massage. Then his gaze shifts to Valanthe. Thinking about last night and how much he enjoyed her company, as well as the fact that he is more then happy that she is with him today. It is very confusing -- he has never had these feelings before and doesn't know what to do.

Wednesday July 11th, 2001 4:01:58 PM

Rigging suggests they start talking to some of the owners of the stilt homes. He tries to find the best one possible and will haggle price. He will promise to help renovate it if it helps get the price down. He will also engage as many of the owners in idle chit chat just to get the lay of the land. When lunch time comes he will have Pip lead the party back to the Aviary.

Thursday July 12th, 2001 1:26:42 AM

Bart follows Rigging and says to Rigging, "Next time we order food, order only seafood and no meat -- they have to import that so that will be expensive, fish lobster and crabs they catch that every day here."

(DM Note: See Wynfrea's post on Thursday June 28th, 2001 8:17:38 AM)

Thursday July 12th, 2001 1:44:53 PM

Redux looks with minor interest at the carpets recently proffered. He tells Tekol that his needs are very specific and that many fine carpets do better on his (Redux's) wall than for their intended use. Many times a rug will fray if not properly woven and bound. These do not seem to be heavy enough to fit the bill at the moment. He's sure that just the right carpet will turn up, but he'll just have to keep looking. My employer is a trader and only use to the finer things. He is willing to look far and wide for the right items, and making new business contacts in the process. You might know that not everything that is traded is not on display and must be taken discretely.

Thursday July 12th, 2001 1:45:25 PM

Ashira feels much better after the rub. She's disappointed by the story given by Hessi and thinks he may not have any more information. She does want to ask if he knows of a place a group of people might rent for a week or two. Nothing elaborate but dry and clean. After they leave the shop she suggests to the group that they check out what may be around for housing and head back to the lunch meeting.

Thursday July 12th, 2001 2:13:54 PM

"Sounds like a good idea. There should be some places on the way back. Who knows maybe we'll get lucky."

Thursday July 12th, 2001 4:20:11 PM

OOC Question to DM: Am i not allowed to post something that was already said earlier?
My character find it is the best time to remind Rigging how to save money

Midday Meal (DM Dave) 
Thursday July 12th, 2001 8:22:34 PM

[DM Note: I apologize for placing the reminder on Wynfrea's earlier post. It's been several weeks since some information has been posted, and I've fallen into the fear of thinkig information may have been forgotten.]

Lem, Ari, Redux, Blue, and Wynfrea:
Tekol replies, "Yes, Master, other carpets are to be had that are not so boldly displayed. Come back this evening, when the day is not so hot, and perhaps I will find such items to your liking? Even now, I must take you leave, to finish delivery of another purchase."

Tekol rises, preparing to see you off.

Meanwhile, the other two groups head back to meet for the mid-day meal. Rigging successfully locates a fisherman who has an old storage shack, smelling heavily of fish, on the water available for a rate of 2 gps per day.

Ashira and her group fail to locate any housing on the way back to the eatery.

Thursday July 12th, 2001 8:38:58 PM

Rigging goes to the owner of the Avairy and says, "I need to discuss rates with you for rooms and food for myself and my companions. We will eat your wonderful fish stews and pay for drinks seperately. Figure we will be here for 2 weeks. We might even stay longer if the rates are acceptable." After haggling with the owner for rooms, Rigging will sit down with his companions and hear about their day.

Thursday July 12th, 2001 9:17:43 PM

Appolo lost in thought as the two women prepare to leave. Only barely aware of what is being said, he replies, "Oh, yeah right," and follows them out.

Once outside he comes back to his senses and looks around. He is back to watching their backs and looking for anyone who might be following them.

Thursday July 12th, 2001 9:34:47 PM

The young cleric gets up as Tekol leaves. He turns and leaves with the others. When he is sure Tekol is out of ear shot he speaks quietly to Redux, "I hope my seed planting did not throw you off your game...he just seemed kinda slimy to me, I wanted to see if his ears would prick up at the mention of children. I didn't notice anything, did you?".

Athlemdar (Dan) 
Thursday July 12th, 2001 9:38:50 PM

Following Redux and Blue, Lem starts chuckling to himself, "Smooth Blue, real smooth...you sure can lie good for a cleric". The taller youth pats his shorter friend on the back then says, "My stomach says 'lunch time', lets find Rigging".

Thursday July 12th, 2001 11:31:41 PM

Lost in thought with confused feelings, Val unknowingly sits next to Appolo. When she sees that Appolo is next to her she smiles. "I think I'm going to have a bit of fish and stew. What about you?"

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