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Troubled Times (Module 5-4)
Ship Battle

Sailing, Sailing (DM Dave) 
Monday May 21st, 2001 7:47:45 AM

With added precautions, the group manages to navigate the Lazy Suzie back to port, and meet up with other Pirates. Introductions are made with the young Amazon Elf, and praise is given for the quick retrieval of the combustible liquid. However, upon hearing of Theo's disappearance, the worried Captain immediately dispatches a second group to go back to the island and retrieve the items in Theo's safe.

With that addressed, Jack turns to Valanthe, "So, how did you like your little taste of the sea, my young friend? Is it to be your life, or should we drop you off at the next freeport we call?"

Turning to the rest of the group, Jack continues, "In fact, we are heading west now to the port of Waha. I've heard some disturbing reports that bear checking on. Let's get this ship underway!"

Monday May 21st, 2001 11:38:18 AM

Val looks at the pirates and her new surroundings (OCC perhaps a little description). "I have no problem with the sea, just being adrfit with no supplies. I don't know if it's to be my life, but I'll give it a chance."

Monday May 21st, 2001 12:00:21 PM

"Her story puts her in a similar boat as we. With the loss of Bulldog, she would at least replace him."

Ari will make sure that his Father's sword, and whatever remains of Bulldog's possesions, will be cleaned out of TLS.

Monday May 21st, 2001 10:52:22 PM

Rigging heads over to the Lady Freeborn with his gear. He goes up to Val and says, "OK Tell me your name in elvish? What's mine? I warn you, I am gonna be a pain in the rump for the next few weeks. Let me show you where to stow your gear. How do you say gear in elvish? I will introduce to the first mate. How do you say mate?" As Rigging rambles on, he is relieved not to be in charge. He seems to lose friends whenever he leads. He looks over to Ashira, points to the sun and says, "Ashira, I told you we would arrive at 6:17 pm!" He turns away grinning.

Monday May 21st, 2001 11:56:40 PM

Overhearing Rigging's banter with Valanthe, Ashira interjects "It's Elven, not elvish!" with a smile on her face. Then she chuckles after hearing Rigging's comment about their arrival time. "Rigging, when you're good, you're good!"

After making sure that Valanthe is properly oriented to the ship, Ashira makes her way to Ari. "Ari, if you don't mind, I'd like to take Bulldog's things to Illanta. Since she is his next of kin, I think it only right that she have his personal effects."

Ashira collects the items, then heads down to the kennel area to break the bad news to the young girl. "Illanta, you know that the life we have here with the Pirates is dangerous, right? Well, while we were on the last mission, your brother Bulldog died. He was a brave warrior, and he died with honor. These are his things." Ashira hands the girl the bag containing Bulldog's effects, and then turns to leave as Illanta begins to cry.

Tuesday May 22nd, 2001 1:37:13 AM

Val tranlates the words that Rigging wants. "I don't mind being pushed, but I ask you to please know when to stop. Sometimes when I am pushed too much I lose control of myself. I wouldn't want to do something I would regret later."

(OCC: Barbarians (amazon) can only take so much before snapping.)

Ship Encounter (DM Dave) 
Tuesday May 22nd, 2001 7:45:39 AM

A devastated Illanta numbly receives Bulldog's effects as Ashira heads back to the docks. That evening, the Lady Freedborn heads out from the pirate island, after waiting for it to be dark enough for the lighthouse beacon to show the clear path through the coral reef.

Jack opts to hold off on inducting Val as a pirate, stating she will have to make a definite commitment once they reach Waha, saying, "Once you take on the mark of the Pirates of Jack, there is no turning back." He points to several of the magical tattoos on various crew members, with additional markings denoting higher rank among the crew. Jack leaves it to Ashira and Rigging to oversee Val and make sure no mischief occurs.

A few days pass while Rigging spends time learning the High tongue, and Val works equally hard at getting down sailing basics. After a week, the ship lays anchor at Melchim's Point, where a finger of rock emerges from the ocean. After a day, the Silver Spirit (another pirating vessel) pulls alongside, and the combustibles retrieved from Theo's place are transferred out of the Freedborn's hull, to be used in a raid on the Aisildurian capital.

From the meeting point, the Lady Freedborn heads due west, making for the freeport of Waha, which lies a week away on yet another island.

Two days into the journey to Waha, two ships are seen on the horizon, flying the Aisildurian colors! Both are closing in fast, and rather than try to outrun them, Captain Jack gives the order to engage, "Something's not right, Aisildur doesn't usually patrol this far out."

All hands scramble as the Lady Freedborn swings around and heads to the left of the two ships, hoping to keep one of the enemy ships between the other, leaving only one ship to confront at a time. One of the mages, Buffo, calls forth a blustery wind to give an added boost, and soon the ship closes with the Sea Acorn, keeping the Sea Antivium occluded.

As the ships approach missile range, the air begins to sizzle with magic.

Tuesday May 22nd, 2001 9:19:09 AM

To Ashira, "Thank you for reminding me, I had forgotten about his sister. I choose to keep the sword, since that was my Father's sword, that I had chosen to give him. I wish to ensure that the sword be used, and be used by a good person."

When the ships approach, and the word is given to engage, Ari prepares by grabbing his gear.

Knowing that shield only works for a minute, Ari tries to time his casting of the spell, with when the ships will come together. If Ari needs, he will find something to hide behind, in order to protect himself from incoming missiles, until he can cast the spell.

Tuesday May 22nd, 2001 9:34:29 AM

Rigging will go to his assigned battle station. He calls to Val, "Stay here with me. Can you shoot a bow? Protect my back while I cast some spells! Then it will be on to hand to hand." Rigging hands Val his shortbow if she says she can use it. He looks for obvious targets, i.e., spellcaster, officers, archers, and heavy weapons crew (ballista and catapults) as targets for his magic missile spells. As the ships get closer he will use his sleep spell on crew members and archers in the rigging. (Cruel but effective.)

Tuesday May 22nd, 2001 10:12:07 AM

Upon sighting the ships, Ashira breaks into a wicked-looking smile. Scurrying over to where Rigging and Val are located, she turns to the young elf and says "Ah...now this is the life of a pirate! This ought to give you a good idea of what life will be like if you join us. Stay here with Rigging, and do what you can to help with the battle. I'm going to go get the dogs and some supplies. I'll be back soon...wouldn't want to let you two have all the fun!"

Ashira quickly heads down to the kennel area and gathers her studded leather armor and other weapons. Then she retrieves Zeke, Hermes and Ripper. Before leaving, she tells Illanta to lock herself in the kennel area, and not to open the door until she hears Ashira's voice. As she heads up top again, she passes by the ship's stores and gathers a sledge hammer or pick (whichever is available), a dagger, 40 foot of rope, and a twenty foot section of rope. Then it's up top once again, and back to Rigging and Val. Looking at Zeke, she points at Rigging, and says in Elven "Guard Friend". Then she looks at Hermes and Ripper, points to Val, and issues the same command in Elven. She whispers to Rigging "I've got an idea...but unfortunately, it requires me to leave you two alone. The dogs should be some help, once it gets down to one-on-one combat." Concern in her eyes, she adds "Watch after Val". The half-elf then heads away from the battle, and quickly strips down to the essentials. She secures her armor and weapons in an area where they should not be kicked over the edge in the heat of battle. Then she ties the 40 foot rope to one of the rails, drops it over the side and waits patiently.

Once the two ships have engaged one another, she dives off the side of the Lady Freedborn, and using the shell around her neck, calls to Taker. While waiting for her companion to join her, she begins swimming toward the Sea Acorn, dragging the bag containing the extra rope, hammer or pick, and dagger.

OOC...I know nothing about ships...is 40 foot enough rope to hang from the ship's railing to the ocean, if not, please adjust appropriately.

Tuesday May 22nd, 2001 4:41:56 PM

Bart looks from his post to the sailing manoeuvers of the ships. He makes sure there is enough fresh water in the galley to tend the wounded.

After that is settled he goes with a burning hooded lamp and an unlit torch to the ballista on the upper deck.

He asks, "What are the orders? Do we shoot burning arrows or not?"

(ooc presuming there is a ballista, otherwise Bart sets fire in his own arrows -- if allowed of course.)

Tuesday May 22nd, 2001 5:33:40 PM

Val doesn't expect life on a ship to be as hard as it is. The first few days are very hard for Val, who never had to do this much work before. Apparent that Val isn't happy, she works hard anyway. When Jack pointed out the tattoos, Val couldn't help but frown. She was proud of her beautiful body and didn't want to mar it with tattoos of any type. After the meeting point, Val didn't feel so bad anymore. She finally got used to the rocking of the ship. The work could only help to give her body more definition and the sun made her coppery skin more luxurious. When the two vessels appeared, Val was actually glad. It's been a while since she got to work out some tension. When Rigging asks if she can use a bow, she laughs a little. "Elves never get down this far, do they? All elves can use a bow. Keep yours -- I have one of my own." Val retrieves her bow and quiver along with her scythe and armor. The bow has a deep red color to it. Val looks at the bow and Rigging could tell that it means a lot to her. "This was my father's bow. One of the few things I could salvage. This bow was made 500 years ago and still holds strong. It's not magical, just special to me." Val gets an arrow ready and looks for a target.

(OCC: Val will start shooting when her targets get 240 ft away.)

Tuesday May 22nd, 2001 7:15:26 PM

When Blue hears that there are ships in the area, he joins the crew on deck. After a quick evaluation of the circumstances he goes to the galley quickly and gets two handled pots, then moves forward to the raised forecastle and positions himself next to the gunwale on the highest perch he can find.

The young cleric waits with the others as the ships close on each other. The tension among his fighting mates grows and occasionally one of the pirates calls out a battle cry. In the distance he can hear the call returned.

The archers nearby, prepare themselves and when the arrows start to fly Blue casts Entropic Shield.

As he waits until the ships get under 120 feet of each other, he prepares his next spell and then starts to bang the pots together.

Tuesday May 22nd, 2001 7:15:47 PM

Watching as the ships close, Lem looks around at his new mates and then pulls out his sling and makes sure that his bullets are at the ready, knowing full well that he will be one of the last to get in a shot. (range 50 ft)

Clash of Decks (DM Dave)  d6=6 d8=8
Tuesday May 22nd, 2001 9:55:07 PM

[All character actions were accurate and successful]

Ballista and arrow fire fill the skies as bolts of energy, fire, and ice play back and forth. All is chaos as smoke and confusion play on everyone's senses, and the heroes (except for Ashira, who is underwater preparing to hole the enemy vessel) are exposed to various random attacks over the course of a minute while the two vessels (Lady Freedborn and the Sea Acorn) pull alongside each other. [Everyone roll vs. Reflex twice, the first for missile fire (Blue and Ari's spells add protection bonuses) to avoid 6 points of damage, and the second to take half damage from the various energy bolts (8 points of damage).]

Not a few missiles from the heroes land amongst the enemy, but time does not stand still for them to contemplate well-placed shots. Because of the opposite-moving directions of the two ships, the crews only have a round or three for boarding actions. [Both sides lowered sails in an attempt to slow, but are moving too fast.]

Meanwhile, the Sea Antivium has trimmed her sails and swung hard to port in an attempt to come along Lady's otherside, but will be several minutes in reaching her. She is already gearing her ballista, preparing to pepper the decks.

Valanthe  d20+5=17 d20+5=15 d20+7=9
Tuesday May 22nd, 2001 10:06:36 PM

(OCC: reflex save 17 for arrows, 15 for bolts of energy)

Val attempts one last shot at the ballista operatives (OOC: 9 to hit). Watching the approaching ship Val slings her bow over her shoulder and readies her scythe. To Rigging she says, "Shit, why does my first sea battle have to be against two ships?"

Blue  d20=1 d20=1
Wednesday May 23rd, 2001 2:54:08 AM

As the ship nears, Blue is banging the pots over his head. When he sees heads from the attacking ship turn his way, he casts Enthral, and immediately shouts out, "MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS, WE ARE GATHERED HERE TODAY TO CELEBRATE THE JOYS OF LEMTROVEX THE GOOD. I WILL START THE SERMON WITH A SELECTION FROM THE FIRST PLATITUDES OF THE DRAGON'S BANE. IN THE BEGINNING...BLAH BLAH BLAH. The young cleric continues with his narrative which he is capable of sustaining for about a half an hour. He hopes long enough for his mates to do considerable damage on the first pass.

Ashira  d20=19 d20=7
Wednesday May 23rd, 2001 10:31:02 AM

Upon reaching the Sea Acorn, Ashira heads for the rudder, and ties herself to it. Then she readies her tool of choice (hammer or pick), starts up an Aquan working song, and begins to hack at the enemy's hull.

OOC (I am assuming that at this time the ships are side by side and engaged, which would mean that the rudder is essentially not moving. If this is not correct, Ashira will forget about tying herself off until it is possible, and attack the ship this round.)

OOC (d20=19 for Use rope to tie off, d20=7 for Attack)

Wednesday May 23rd, 2001 11:36:00 AM

Appolo is down below taking a nap when he hears
the call to arms. He then gets up and quickly dons his leather armour, several daggers, his short sword and quiver and bow. Once dressed he heads quickly and carefully topside. Staying low, he moves silently up alongside Rigging. "What's going on?" Just as the two ships engage each other. Quickly figuring it out he takes cover and opens fire with his bow. He positions himself to cover Rigging's and Val's backs.

OOC: Appolo will only use the short sword if absolutely necessary. He will also attempt to stay silent and unseen, backstabbing whenever possible, targets of opportunity.

He has 6 daggers and 20 arrows.

Bart 20/26  d20+4=11 d20+4=24
Wednesday May 23rd, 2001 3:38:33 PM

Bart is realoding the ballista as he is hit by an arrow (missed save I think). After binding his wound he starts helping with the ballista again.

(DM - I'm back on short holiday till Sunday please feel free to take control of Bart.)

Ari  d20+3=6
Wednesday May 23rd, 2001 4:06:07 PM

Ari's Shield deflects the missile fire, but a few close calls with jets of flame still manage to toast him a little around the edges (for 8 hps of damage). If given the chance, he casts Cure light wounds before the grappling starts.

Otherwise, Ari binds his wounds, and then helps out in whatever way he can while waiting for the boarding party.

Rigging  d20+2=19 d20+2=21
Wednesday May 23rd, 2001 4:42:04 PM

Rigging dodges the various arrows coming his way and shrugs off the bolts of energy flying around. (Do we take 8 points if we made the save or only 4?) He will shoot his short bow until the Sea Antivium is close enough. Rigging will then set aside his bow, and he will quickly wave his arms and whisper some quickly forgotten words concentrating his spell on the crew working or near the tiller of the Sea Antuvium. His hopes are to put them out of commission so the Sea Antuvium will lose its chance to grapple and we will only have to be boarded by one ship at a time.

Appolo  d20+3=12 d20+3=11 d20=12
Wednesday May 23rd, 2001 7:32:45 PM

As the two ships close with each other, missiles and magic begin to fly. Appolo takes cover and returns fire. Appolo dodges various missiles.

OOC: ATTACKS 12,11 Save:12
I am guessing that Appolo has enough time to get at least two shots off, before the ships grapple with each other.

Lem  d20+7=25 d20+6=15 d4+2=5
Wednesday May 23rd, 2001 11:44:59 PM

(reflex roll 25 - monk evasion no damage from even half damage attacks)

Having dodged several various types of missiles Lem takes a quick aim and lets fly with a sling bullet.( Ac 15 for 5 points if it hits)

Rubbed the Wrong Way (DM Dave)  d20=5 d20=1 d20=20 d20=12 d6=5 d6=1 d20=8 d20=13
Thursday May 24th, 2001 10:23:15 AM

The squeal of wood fills the air as the Freedborn and Acorn push past each other, with the Antivium still trying to complete her turn to come along Freedborn's starboard side. Canice, who is at the wheel, turns the rudder so the Freedborn will move hard right, hoping to swing around Acorn's aft. The pilot of the Acorn has also anticipated this, and is swinging her to starboard, trying to cut off the Freedborn.

Meanwhile, the crews of the Freedborn and Acorn begin boarding actions. The priest's attempt to enthrall the enemy miraculously works for a moment, allowing the pirate attack to be more effective the first round before the the Aisildurians snap out of it. With a cry from Jack, the pirates all drop prone while a spar goes whistling overhead, sweeping a few of the enemy from the decks and into the ocean. Rage in their eyes, the Aisildurians redouble their efforts to board the Freedborn. With a throaty yell, the hand-to-hand commences.

The amazon warrior's first series of swings are parried effectively by her opponent, a young man in the typical Aisildurian white deck uniform, who meets her assault with a scimitar. His return swing fails to connect.

Below the waves, the sea elf, humming a ditty, gets to work with her pick, and it is only Taker's last minute warning that draws her attention to three rapidly approaching sharks, which are making a line straight for Ashira with a strange gleam of purpose in their usually flat, dark eyes.

In the clangor of battle, Appolo's attempts at stealth are largely moot, but he is able to use his attacks of opportunity to advantage, bringing down one young woman who strays too close to Val's back. However, another enemy sailor whacks Appolo in the lower back (critical hit - 6 hps total), sending spikes of pain down his legs.

Because of the crowd before them, Bart and the ballista crew swing around to face the incoming Antivium, just as a bolt from that ship slams into Canice (the helmsman), pinning his body to the deck.

Ari manages to get his Curing spell successfully cast before boarding manuevers, and is far enough back during the initial round of combat to avoid any intruders.

Rigging (who took 4 points of damage last round) focuses on casting a spell at the Antivium crew, leaving Appolo and Val to defend him. The few enemy boarders that reach Rigging are thrown back.

The monk deftly dodges the melee and missiles as the Aisildurians charge, throwing one to the deck that managed to reach him this round. To the fore of the ship, Lem notices that at least one Quad has managed to board, and is fighting a fierce battle with Captain Jack and his First Mate.

Rigging  d4+1=4
Thursday May 24th, 2001 2:13:03 PM

Rigging sees his thief friend in danger and pain, points a hand at his assailant and whispers more magic words. A round bolt of energy leaps from his hand and strikes Appollo's opponent in the chest. Rigging then pulls out sword and dagger and goes to Appollo's aid.

Blue  d3=3
Thursday May 24th, 2001 2:35:29 PM

The young Cleric decides it is time to give up his sermon and try a more direct attack. From his vantage point on the gunwale, Blue picks a small clearing between the attackers on the deck of the Acorn and with a quick chant, "By Lem's power over creatures, Qua..Faa," he casts Summon Monster II (1d3=3)and three Celestial Dogs appear in the clearing. The lad gestures toward those attackers that are attempting boarding and the snarling hounds turn to attack. (Hounds will remain 3 rounds.)

Zeke, Hermes and Ripper (NPC ADM Janell)  d20=1 d20=15 d20=13 d20=20 d20=20 d20=12 d20=11 d4+2=5 d20+2=8 d4+2=3
Thursday May 24th, 2001 5:29:52 PM

As the barrage of enemy fire comes raining down, the dogs scurry in an attempt to allude the various missiles. Zeke is pinned to the deck by an enemy arrow, and begins a pitiful moan. Hermes and Ripper manage to evade the missiles, but are hit by a ray of ice. Still standing, although not looking very healthy, they begin to attack the Aisildurian sailor who has attacked Val.

OOC Zeke (d20=1+5 for missile, d20=15+5 for magic)
OOC Hermes (d20=13+5 for missile, d20=20+5 for magic, d20=11+2 for attack, d4+2=5 for damage)
OOC Ripper (d20=20+5 for missile, d20=12+5 for magic, d20+2=8 for attack, d4+2=3 for damage)
OOC Took bonuses and statistics from PHB 2000 Survival Kit pg. 9 under heading of Dog.
Final OOC Hey spell casters, if you're not too busy, the dogs could use some healing. Course, I would take care of yourselves first!

Ashira  d20=8 d6=2
Thursday May 24th, 2001 5:43:21 PM

Turning to spot the dreaded sharks after Taker's warning, Ashira thinks to herself, "Great -- sharks, why is it always sharks? Why can't the evil spell casters cast summon guppies for once?" As the sharks advance Ashira prepares to take a swing at the nearest with the pick.

OOC (D20=8 for attack, d6=2 for damage)

Lem  d20=7 d20+4=9
Thursday May 24th, 2001 8:18:34 PM

Seeing Capt Jack and his First Mate facing a Quad, Lem somehow manages to not lose control. He charges in to the fray from the side, attacking the nearest member of the Quad with an unarmed attack (and misses badly AC9).

Appolo  d20+7=26 d20+7=24
Thursday May 24th, 2001 9:29:11 PM

Appolo goes down to one knee, cursing in pain. He then wheels and savagely attacks the person who attacked him. He sees a magic missile slam into his assailant's chest driving him back. Appolo then uses this opportunity to hurl both daggers at the person's chest.

OOC: Attacks 26, 24. If they hit d4 each.

Valanthe  d20+6=24 2d4(3+4)+2=9
Thursday May 24th, 2001 9:55:09 PM

Even though combat has just begun, Val let thought go and instinct take over. She never thought in combat, just reacted. Already Val could feel the anger building within her and hoped the fight would end quickly. She didn't want to risk hurting her crewmates. Val spun the scythe in her hands, bringing the blade up, and bringing down in a diagonal slash at the Aisildurian sailor.

(OCC: attack = 24, dmg = 9)

Editor Kim [delete this OOC Missile Missive in a few days] 
Friday May 25th, 2001 2:50:27 AM

[OOC: "M-I-S-S-I-L-E" - not "M-I-S-S-L-E". "Missile" has two i's. Since there are lots of missiles - magic and mundane - flying about, let's make sure they are not cyclopean. Most everyone is making the same spelling error. I've corrected the sixteen examples found over the past week. And you think you're beleaguered! Sorry to break the combat cadence, here. Back into hiding ;-) (missile missile missile).]

Battle on the High Seas (DM Dave)  d20=1 d20=16 d6=3 d20=19 d20=20 d20=1 d20=4 d6+1=3 d6+1=7 d20=16 2d4(4+4)=8 d6=4 d20=12 d20=2 2d6(1+1)+10=12
Friday May 25th, 2001 9:19:47 AM

The Freedborn and Acorn continue grinding past each other, with the Freedborn crosswise and directly behind the Acorn at this point. The Antivium is bearing down, with a barrage of missiles coming from that quarter. Apparently, they aren't too concerned about accidentally hitting their comrades, as a few arrows find the wrong targets. <Everyone on deck make a Reflex check to avoid 4 hps dmg.>

Bart and the ballista crew send a response, managing to skewer two of the enemy.

Meanwhile, the melee rages: The young sailor facing Val trips over Ripper, and is quickly finished off with the swing of the scythe.

Rigging's and Appolos' combined attacks drop another assailant. Two more of the enemy join in, with a single attack each. The one swinging at Rigging locks his blade into the railing, but the one attacking Appolo connects with flesh (3 hps dmg).

Up at the front end of the Freedborn, Lem joins in the titantic struggle occurring between experienced warriors. The First Mate uses her metallic whip to great effect, lashing here and there and drawing blood from two of the Quad. However, they shake off her stunning attacks. Captain Jack wields a rapier, moving about nimbly and easily finding momentary openings to deal critical damage to one of the Quad members. However, this enemy is well-seasoned, unlike the group faced in the temple in Adorus. Acting as one, they erect a swirling barrier of steel with their greatswords. Jack manages to back-flip out of the way of a quick charge, but the First Mate goes down when one of the blades trips her, and three slashes draw blood from all parts of her body. Amazingly, of the few blows aimed his way, only one connects with Lem (12 hps dmg), barely brushing him.

Below the Acorn, Ashira notices the protusions of heartseeds as the sharks attack. Her swing goes wide as one shark latches onto her left arm and another onto her right leg (total 10 hps dmg). Taker slams into the one on the sea-elf's arm, knocking it loose (8 hps dmg).

Due to the angle of the ships, Blue is unable to see the effects of his summoning at the moment.

Ari  d8+1=4 d8+1=7
Friday May 25th, 2001 9:32:18 AM

After casting the cure light, Ari takes a look around. Ari quickly notes that there is a Quad onboard. But with equal concern, he notices that Canice has been pinned to the ship. (Assuming he's still alive) Ari heads to help free Canice. As soon as Canice can be freed, Ari casts cure light on Canice (7 points). Once freed, Ari will assess the situation onboard the ship.

(ooc I think I'll just call it a magic projectile! ;) )

Valanthe  d20+5=8 d20+6=11
Friday May 25th, 2001 10:26:34 AM

(Reflex save = 8, I'm assuming a quad is a group of 4 enemy soldiers)

Val decides to deal with the enemies at hand rather than rushing headlong into them. Val moves over to help Captain Jack and Lem. Gripping the scythe tightly in both hands, Val attempts to bury the point in the back of a quad member. (OCC: attack = 11)

Battle on the High Seas Addendum (DM Dave) 
Friday May 25th, 2001 12:12:26 PM

<Added to include Ari's actions>

Ari makes his way to the helmsman, and discovers an unconscious Canice, whose pinned body is keeping the wheel locked in a constant right turn. Ari pulls the ballista bolt from his body and uses magic to staunch the flow of blood, but Canice remains unconscious.

Rigging  d20+2=16 d20=17 d20=19 d6=4 d4=1
Friday May 25th, 2001 2:31:52 PM

Rigging ducks as he sees arrows come his way. He then takes advantage of his opponent's stuck weapon and attacks him twice, stabbing him in the chest with his rapier and slashing the back of his wrist with his dagger. He yells to Ari, "Take the tiller! Straighten us out and keep us away from that other ship!" He then spins to help Appolo.

Friday May 25th, 2001 4:14:15 PM

Blue curses under his breath as the ships shift and he loses his vantage point. Unable to see the result of his spell, he scans the decks to observe the plight of the family. Assessing quickly, the cleric decides that Appolo should be first order of business, this may also improve his ability to see and guide the hounds.

The stocky youth jumps down from the gunwale and navigates towards Appolo. He keeps his quarter staff at ready, but tries to avoid confrontation to get to Appolo's side.

Friday May 25th, 2001 4:16:14 PM

Appolo takes more damage, "OUCH!!" and drops a dagger into each hand, backing up, going into a purely defensive crouch, as he watches Rigging finish his opponent. He remains silent and falls back, hoping to draw the sailor forward and give Rigging a clean shot at its back.

OOC: Appolo will play defense and only attack if his opponent makes a serious mistake.

Lem  d20+7=24 d20+4=14 d20+4=9 d20+4=19 d6+2=6 d6+2=8 d20+2=3 d20+2=9
Saturday May 26th, 2001 2:03:36 PM

Even with most of his attention focused on the triad in front of him, Lem manages to dodge, avoid and or knock down any missiles heading his way. (evasion)

As three of the quad attack the first mate and the captain, Lem ignores his pain and his opponent to use three attacks of opportunity presented by the other foes on Capt Jack's, Mate's 1, Mate's 2 opponents. (Combat reflexes) (Ac 14, Ac 9, Ac 19 Possible 6 points to Capt's opponent, and probable 8 points to Mate's 2nd opponent). After moving through the group he turns and strikes with a flurry of two blows on his foe missing with both strikes.

Ashira  d20=4
Sunday May 27th, 2001 10:03:54 PM

Bleeding profusely from the wounds acquired by the shark bites, Ashira feels she has bit off more than she can chew. She takes another swing at the shark that has latched itself onto her leg, attemting to bury the pick into its eye, but missing. Reciting an old Aquan prayer about being brave before death in combat, Ashira mentally prepares herself for death, while diligently attempting to take as many sharks as possible with her.

OOC: Does Ashira get an attack of opportunity against the shark that Taker knocked off?

Hermes and Ripper (NPC, ADM Janell)  d20+5=14 d20+5=18 d20+2=16 d20+2=15 d4+2=3 d4+2=4
Sunday May 27th, 2001 10:46:36 PM

The large woolly dogs manage to evade the next round of missiles, and diligently follow Val, attacking the nearest enemy who attacks her. Screams fill the air as the animals latch onto their victim.

OOC Hermes (d20+5=14 for Reflex, d20+2=16 for Attack, d4+2=3 for Damage)
OOC Ripper (d20+5=18 for Reflex, d20+2=15 for Attack, d4+2=4 for Damage)
OOC Does a 14 mean Hermes failed his Reflex? If so, then he is unconcious, and this post needs to be rewritten in the singular.

Ari  d20+3=17
Monday May 28th, 2001 3:34:16 PM

Ari manages to evade the next round of MISSILE fire.

Meanwhile, Ari chews on what he should do for the ship. For the time being he takes over steering the ship. If there is a way to tie off the wheel, he'll do that, in the hopes that the Navigator will become conscious. Once the wheel is tied off, he'll get ready to join in with the closest fight to him.

Round and Round We Go (DM Dave)  d20=14 2d4(3+4)=7 d6+1=6 d20=20 d20=2 2d4(2+3)=5 d20=12 d20=4 d20=18 d10=6 d20=12 d20=8 d20=3 d20=8 d20=17 2d6(2+1)+10=13 d20=3
Monday May 28th, 2001 6:04:42 PM

Cut off by the left-turning Acorn, the Freedborn finds itself turning to the left as well, with the Antivium working to come up on her exposed left side (should probably be ready for boarding actions next round).

Down in the depths, the half-elf manages to impale the shark knocked off her arm by Taker. A baleful green light emanates from the wound, and the now-dead shark circles for another attack (will be next round before it gets in position). The shark latched onto her leg snaps its head back and forth vigorously (for 6 hps of damage), while the third shark moves in for the kill. Taker intercepts with a dead-on hit (5 hps), diverting it.

Aboard the Lady Freedborn, things are looking grim in some spots, while better in others. Most of the 'regulars' that the pirates are fighting have been driven off the ship at this point, but the main contention is between the stalwart Quad and the officers of the Freedborn. Lem's attacks, which would have impacted a lesser opponent are shrugged off by these seasoned women. The impression of their coordinated movements is that of a steel-whirlwind, cutting through all opposition. The First Mate, who fell seconds ago, never has the chance to rise again. Captain Jack screams "REVERSE COURSE!" before vaulting into the midst of the Quad. Several other officers, sweat dripping from the strain, leap to intercept this awesome threat, but are pounded backward. Of the two blows aimed at Lem, one lands (13 hps of damage - why am I rolling so poorly? Grrrr.)

In frustation, Hefs, the ship's mage, flings some iron filings at the interlopers, and immediately the Quad, along with Capt'n Jack, hurtle up into the air past the mast. All five manage to snag various spars, clinging on for dear life with legs pointed to the heavens.

Renewed fighting is occurring as more of Acorn's crew attempt to board the Freedborn. For the moment, all heroes aboard deck are free of combat.

(As a note to all: Don't forget about hero points, if you have 'em.)

Ashira  d20=2 d20=13
Monday May 28th, 2001 8:06:13 PM

Fading in and out of conciousness, Ashira's one thought is to flee. She focuses all her energies on the shark attached to her leg, swinging with all her might.

OOC Used hero point to re-roll Attack.

Monday May 28th, 2001 11:12:55 PM

Rigging yells to Appolo, "Follow me!" Rigging races to the tiller and takes control of the ship. Rigging slashes the rope Ari tied (if he managed to tie one) and turns the ship away from the second ship and into the Acorn. He yells, "All archers shoot at the Antivium's wheelmen! Bart! Shoot at the wheelmen! We have to keep them from boarding the second ship!"

Hermes and Ripper (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Monday May 28th, 2001 11:17:20 PM

The two large dogs continue to follow Valanthe, snarling and snapping at any who dare to confront the young Amazon. Although they look quite haggard, the two beasts appear to have plenty of fight left in them.

Tuesday May 29th, 2001 3:21:06 AM

"Rigging go help Ari! Keep us way from the other ship!! I'm going up!!" After that Appolo heads up into to the ship's rigging. With a dagger in his teeth he climbs up to the Mizzen yard and prepares to attack the remaining members of the Quad hanging from the ropes. He moves like a monkey through the ropes and will cut the ropes of the nearest enemy, hoping to make them fall to their deaths.

Tuesday May 29th, 2001 7:37:51 AM

Rigging grunts as the Lady Freeborn starts to swing away from the second ship and grinds into the Acorn shouldering past her. He yells again, "Shoot at the wheel! Bart shoot at the wheel!"

(ooc Most likely won't be able to post tomorrow. Anybody can feel free to pinch hit. Thanks)

Tuesday May 29th, 2001 8:47:31 AM

Having not found any action that Ari could immediately join in, Ari jumps on the wheel when the Captain calls for the ship to reverse course. Ari continues the left turn, and takes the wheel as sharp as he can make it. Hoping that the Antivium has not cut her sails back yet, Ari prays that they can get their turn executed faster. As Riggings prepares to come back to the tiller Ari yells, " I have the wheel, see to our borders"

Bart  d20+6=22 3d6(5+5+1)=11
Tuesday May 29th, 2001 12:32:30 PM

Bart shoot at the helmsman of the Antivium, he yells to the other "ballistagunners" to aim at the helmsman of the Antivium too (hit Ac22 for 11 damage)

(OOC found out that the ballista has an crew of 1 dmg p249)

Tuesday May 29th, 2001 7:49:17 PM

Shocked at the adeptness of his opponents, Lem readies himself to serve his god in another form. As the Quad goes flying upward, Lem falls to the deck, holding his wounds.

What Goes Up (DM Dave)  d8+2=4 d20=11 d20=7 d20=19 d20=18 d6+1=5 2d4(4+3)=7 d20=2
Tuesday May 29th, 2001 8:58:59 PM

As Blue charges across the deck, attempting to reach Appolo, Appolo heads for the rigging. Hefs the mage only has a second to shout, "No, you fool!" before the wind is rushing past Appolo's ears as he is flung upward <Need to make Reflex roll (d20+7) and meet or beat a 20 to catch a spar/sail/line).

Blue, seeing his companion out of reach, turns his healing powers on the monk (4 hps).

Ari, hearing the Captain's cry, turns hard to starboard, bearing down on the Antivium as it attempts to slow and turn to port. The Acorn is curving parallel to the Freedborn. The deck lurches underneath (everyone onboard make Reflex save (15 or higher) to remain standing) as the Freedborn rams the Antivium's right side.

The two ballista (one at the front and one at the back of the Freedborn), manned by two people to facilitate faster loading, swing around and focus fire on the Antivium. Neither bolt manages to hit the helmsman.

Hefs turns and manages to ward off a huge rolling ball of flame sent over by one of the mages on the Acorn.

Captain Jack slashes at one of the lines holding one of the sails, setting the cloth free and flapping against one of the Quad members, who is knocked off her spar and sent flying upward.

The other three Quad members begin moving hand over hand along their poles, headed for the mast.

Down below, Ashira manages to spike the shark throttling her leg, knocking it loose. The 'dead' shark takes a bite at the half-elf, but Taker manages to get in between, taking the attack. A cloud of blood and bits temporarily obscures the half-elf's vision.

Valanthe  d20+5=15
Tuesday May 29th, 2001 9:23:43 PM

As Val rushes to help her new captain, the lurching deck causes Val to stumble but not fall.

Occ: Somewhere along the way I don't think I got all the damage Val has recieved. Could you please enlighten me on how much damage she has taken?

Ari  d20+3=8
Tuesday May 29th, 2001 10:51:42 PM

(any assist for holding onto the wheel somehow?)

Ari falls to the deck, after the deck violently shifts. Recovering as quick as possible, Ari gets back on the wheel, and continues to do what he can to steer. If there is time, he'll cast flare (druid lvl 0) at one of the quad members, hoping to blind him, and delay him, or spook him into letting go, or missing his next handhold.

Bart  d20+4=15 d20+6=20 3d6(2+4+6)=12
Wednesday May 30th, 2001 2:04:36 AM

Bart manages to stay on his feet and shoot another burning bolt to the Antivium (hit ac 20 for 12 damage)

Lem  d20+7=12 d20+3=22
Wednesday May 30th, 2001 7:29:14 AM

Luckily Lem was already sitting when the ship lurches, for it sends his already bloodied body, sideways onto the deck, As he rights himself he takes the time to bind his wounds and heal himself as best as possible (Heal skill unlearned +3 wis)

Ashira  d20+4=24
Wednesday May 30th, 2001 8:44:53 AM

Sensing that this may be her only chance to escape the sharks, Ashira swims as fast as she can toward the Lady Freedborn. As she swims for her life, Ashira fires off a quick prayer to the Aquan god to watch over brave Taker's life.

OOC (d20+4=24 for Swim...now WHY can't I get those kind of rolls when I'm attacking?!)

Hermes and Ripper (NPC, ADM Janell)  d20+5=15 d20+5=11 d20+2=9
Wednesday May 30th, 2001 8:57:21 AM

Trotting along after the young Amazon, the two large dogs are caught by surprise as the ship lurches underneath their paws. Hermes is able to keep his ground, and pounces, but misses, at an Aisildurian sailor who comes flying toward Valanthe. Ripper is not as lucky, and goes rolling over to the side of the ship.

OOC Hermes (d20+5=15 for Reflex, d20+2=9 for Attack)
OOC Ripper (d20+5=11 for Reflex)

Valanthe  d20+6=21 2d4(1+1)+2=4
Wednesday May 30th, 2001 10:48:06 AM

Val feels her anger swell in annoyance. Gripping tightly, she swings her scythe at the incoming Aisildurian sailor.

(OCC: attack = 21, dmg = 4)

Appolo  d20+7=12
Wednesday May 30th, 2001 11:01:31 AM

Just as Appolo starts climbing, he hears Blue yell something that he can't quite make out. He is then hurled up by a sudden gust of wind and slammed upward as he misses grabbing any ropes.

OOC: D20+7=12 missed check.

Blue (ADM Janell)  d20+1=11
Wednesday May 30th, 2001 11:23:47 PM

Looking over Lem with concern, Blue decides that the young monk could use more tending to. However, just as he is about to cast his spell, the ship lurches undeneath him, and he is sent sprawling on all fours. Lifting himself up, he finds himself face to face with the pinned Zeke, who is whining pitifully. Taking compassion on the miserable animal, Blue removes the arrow that pinning it to the deck, and binds its wounds.

...the Clear Blue (DM Dave) 
Thursday May 31st, 2001 8:22:29 AM

The Antivium, rammed by the Freedborn, proceeds to ram the Acorn, which was following the same track as the Freedborn, sending crew on both of those ships sprawling. Both the Antivium and the Freedborn are now at a dead stop, while the Acorn is moving slowly northward (away from the combat).

Hefs the mage grins fiercely as a bolt of white shoots from his outstretched arms, hitting the Acorn below waterline. Down below, Ashira sees a huge hole open up in the belly of the ship, drawing the sharks and Taker in. She manages to escape the pull intact, reaching the surface within seconds.

Ari manages to get a flare off, but it goes wide of the mark. He sees Appolo tumbling upward, missing the rigging as he flies past, and shooting up into the sky.

Still conscious, the thief finds himself standing on an invisible surface with his feet to the sky and his head to the sea, which lies roughly 70 feet below him. Next to him is one of the Quad members (the one knocked off by Captain Jack last round), who draws her dagger (sword was lost during the trip up) and prepares to attack Appolo.

Blue's ministrations on Zeke are successful, and Val discovers that she has avoided more damage than she first realized (total of 8 hps damage received so far).

Up in the mast, Captain Jack finishes tying himself off to a spar with the line recently freed, and begins swinging back and forth (upside down) trying to reach his opponents with his scimitar. The three remaining Quad members this round are working to wrap their legs in sail cloth to hold themselves in place.

Thursday May 31st, 2001 11:36:47 AM

Appolo finds his predicament rather interesting, but doesn't have time to really think about it, as he draws his remaining daggers, falling quickly back. Again playing defense, for every step forward she takes, he will fall back two.

OOC: Appolo will play defense as long as possible.

Thursday May 31st, 2001 11:40:07 AM

Apollo is concentrating strictly on his opponent for the most part, trying not to look up or down.

Ashira  d20+4=20 d20=11
Thursday May 31st, 2001 5:23:39 PM

Swimming as if her life depended on it, Ashira makes her way toward the Lady Freedborn. Making record time, she quickly locates the rope she tied to the railing, and begins to climb aboard the vessel. However, in her weakened state, she finds it difficult to gather the strength to make the climb.

OOC (d20+4=20 for Swim, d20=11 for climb.) However, if there are not extenuating circumstances, (such as enemy archers taking aim, etc.) Ashira will take 20 in order to climb the rope.

Hermes and Ripper (NPC, ADM Janell)  d20+2=22 d4+2=3 d20+2=8
Thursday May 31st, 2001 5:37:00 PM

Spinning around after his last attack, Hermes makes a spectacular leap, and latches onto the back of the sailor whom Valanthe just attacked. A tearing noise can be heard as the beast rips through the sailor's shoulder muscles.

Meanwhile, Ripper regains his footing and begins making his way back to the Amazon.

OOC (d20+2=22 for Attack, d4+2=3 for Damage, and d20+2=8 is roll for Critical, since I forgot before.)

Blue (ADM Janell) 
Thursday May 31st, 2001 5:40:33 PM

After tending to the wounded animal, Blue gets up and makes his way over to Lem, remaining strictly defensive. Once he is able to reach the fallen monk, Blue will cast a healing spell to help regenerate his wounded comrade.

OOC (Help me out here Dave... how many spells, and which ones does Blue have left? E-mail would be great.)

Bart  d20+6=25 3d6(2+2+4)=8
Thursday May 31st, 2001 7:02:43 PM

A burning volley from the ballista goes to the Acorn (ac 25 for 8 damage). With no good angle to the Antivium left and the Acorn floating away, Bart draws his sword and goes forward to engage the remaining enemy in close combat.

OOC Did I hit something last round?

Rigging  d20+2=20
Thursday May 31st, 2001 8:14:27 PM

Rigging manages to avoid even stumbling during the ships' ramming of each other. He grins to himself and says, "Landlubbers." With Ari at the prow, Rigging decides the best course of action is his shortbow. He scans the area and notices Appolo's situation. He yells to Bart, "Bart! Can you use the ballista to help out Ari!?" He looks to Hef and shouts the question, "Will missile attacks work in your spell's area of effect?" If any bad guys come towards Ari or Rigging, Rigging will start plucking with his bow.

Friday June 1st, 2001 8:24:42 AM

Ari keeps his hands on the wheel, waiting for when the ship might catch air again. Watching the continuing struggles of his shipmates, "I do not see anything else to do except to be ready to steer the ship."

All Decked Out (DM Dave)  2d3(1+2)=3 4d6(4+2+1+3)=10 d20=20
Friday June 1st, 2001 9:05:16 AM

<Apologies for not listing ballista results last round - both shots were wide of their targets.>

Up in the sky, Appolo retreats... and finds himself plunging toward the ocean, with the Quad member diving after him. {Appolo, make a Tumbling check (d20+5) and meet or beat a '20' to successfully dive into the water. Failing that, Appolo incurs 13 hps dmg (3 of that being subdual dmg) as he smacks into the water.} The Quad member executes a flawless dive, with a triple backflip, that would win an Olympic medal, if such events were held...

Blue manages to heal Lem (4 hps) and seal some of the wounds. As he is finishing up, he spots Ashira crawling up over the edge of the railing, with all sorts of serrated rips in her flesh.

Looking around, Bart realizes that the deck is currently clear of any enemy, but that is about to change as, up at the front of the Freedborn, crew from the Antivium begin to spill over the foredeck (not too many this round, since the two ships are basically in a 'T' shape to one another).

Hefs shouts back to Rigging, "No, arrows will work just fine... just don't shoot the Captain!" His warning is well taken, as the three remaining Quad members are in close quarters with Jack at the moment. The clanging of steel is heard, and Jack's safety line is cut, sending him hurtling skyward.

The Acorn, 150' off, is starting to list badly to starboard.

Lem  d20+6=15 d4+2=3
Friday June 1st, 2001 10:21:38 AM

Making his way forward, Lem finds some cover near the foredeck and lets fly with his sling at the first opponent he sees. (AC 15 for 3 points)

Rigging  d20+2=22 d20+2=20 d6=5 d6=2 d6=3
Friday June 1st, 2001 10:36:26 AM

Rigging sees the Captain's plight and snaps off two shots at a quad member. He whispers, "Lem guide my arrows." Looks like Lem listened with the shots as both strike home. (Is the first a critical hit?)

[DM Addendum: Note that the first roll indicates a threat for a critical, with a successful hit on a second roll indicating an actual critical. You'd roll 3d6 plus modifiers to indicate damage. I've gone ahead and rolled the third d6: Total of 9 hps damage. You can only fire a second arrow if your character has Rapid Fire as a feat, or if you are of a higher level (which allows multiple attacks).]

Apollo  d20+5=14 d20=6
Friday June 1st, 2001 11:14:34 AM

Appolo backs up and promptly falls awkwardly, into the ocean, splashing down hard. He is severely wounded, if not dead. He will most likely drown, not having the strength left to swim for very long. On the way down he yells "Help!!!"

OOC: I have Appolo taking 18 points of damage during this engagement. That should be about 3/4 of his total. He will use all of his hero points to stay alive. Not sure how many he has.

[DM Addendum: I show that Appolo received 9 points of dmg from two rounds of sword fighting, plus another 4 hps of damage from arrow fire (added save roll to this post to see if arrows dodged several rounds back) - total of 13 hps damage. I show Appolo's normal maximum hps at 14 hps, with no hero points available.]

Friday June 1st, 2001 6:19:42 PM

Appolo hits the water, breaks his back and quietly drowns.

OOC: I thought he had more hit points than that. Appolo has died facing the enemy. Can I create another character and rejoin the game later?
E-mail address.Anitaliegh@earthlink.net

Friday June 1st, 2001 9:25:12 PM

Things aren't looking that great. Appolo has died, and Valanthe herself appears to be in the best shape. She might be new to sailing, but she's been in combat longer than these people have been alive. Val points herself towards the rush of Aisildurian sailors, lets out a blood-curdling roar, and lets her rage loose.

(OOC: She has raged. This is a pre-emptive apology if any other players get caught in her path.)

Bart  d20+7=10
Saturday June 2nd, 2001 9:32:59 PM

Bart doesn't see how he can assist Ari with the ballista, so goes forward to confront the enemy. In the first set of slashes he doesn't hit his opponent.

Ari  d20=18 d20=6 d20=11 d20=3
Sunday June 3rd, 2001 11:23:09 PM

Seeing his friend Appolo falling, and seeing the Quad members with their feet tied up in the rigging, Ari comes up with a quick plan. Muttering to himself, "We will not lose anymore," Ari rushes over to where the sails are tied off (if he can get there without going through the spell effect). Quickly, he gets a running start towards Appolo. As he passes where the tie-off point is, he uses he rapier to cut the rope. The sail begins to fall, pulling him up on an intercept path. Praying for the best luck he can find, Ari drops his rapier to the deck, and does his best to catch Appolo with his free hand (DC=18). Once he grabs onto Appolo, it takes all his strength and concentration, in order to land successfully in the rigging (I don't know appropriate term) (strength DC=6 here point expended DC=11) (Don't think I can use concentration here, so am using straight roll to land in rigging). (DC=3 to land in rigging. I don't think I have any more hero points. Let me know. Also, adjust any rolls, or use hero point to catch Appolo, if 18 wasn't enough, or if the DC=6 was enough for strength.)

Monday June 4th, 2001 3:44:16 AM

Thankful to be alive for the moment, Ashira crouches into a defensive position, and makes her way over to where her gear is stored. Rifling through the contents, she pulls out a vial containing a light-blue liquid, and drinks the entire contents. As the magic begins to course through her body, various wounds begin to seal themselves, although the two shark bites still bleed freely. Ashira binds them as well as she can, and then proceeds to don her armor and weapons.

OOC (Using up my healing potion... Dave, please advise as to HP received. Also, not attempting to "bind wounds" in the traditional D&D meaning, just don't want armor to get all bloody. Must sleep now.)

Monday June 4th, 2001 4:02:47 AM

Can you please post for Blue? Sorry, didn't have time.

A Lot of Action (DM Dave)  d20=7 d20=3 d20=9 d20=8 d20=19 4d6(2+3+4+4)=13 2d6(4+4)=8 8d6(6+2+1+6+2+5+3+3)=28 2d6(1+1)+5=7 d20=9 d20=11 d20=18 7d6(1+6+4+3+6+1+4)=25 7d8(7+3+3+4+3+4+2)=26 d20=13 d20=3 d20=6 2d8(1+5)+2=8
Monday June 4th, 2001 8:30:17 AM

The Acorn, a third over on its side, continues to move slowly northward as its crew drops longboats. A fresh battle brews between the two remaining ships:

Val leaps into the small crowd of invaders at the front of the Freedborn, scythe swinging to and fro, and bits of people flying everywhere. The other pirates fall back.

Meanwhile, grapple hooks are thrown between the Antivium and Freedborn, to draw them side-by-side. Abandoning any attempt to get the Freedborn underway, the remaining crew rush to starboard to confront the enemy.

On the port side, Ari makes a heroic leap on a line, managing to snag Appolo as he plummets to the ocean. Unfortunately, the momentum is so great that both men are yanked into the deep blue. [Ari's interception alters the damage received from the fall. Ari receives 13 points of standard damage, and 8 points of subdual (knockout damage) - leaving him unconscious. Ari is now at 4 hps (and temporarily at -3 hps due to subdual). Appolo, cushioned by Ari, receives 9 points of damage and 4 points of subdual damage. Appolo is now at -6 hit points (and temporarily at -10 hps due to subdual) and unconscious.]

Up in the air, Jack 'lands' 70 feet above the deck, and promptly springs off to the side taken by Appolo and the Quad member last round. With sword extended (held by both hands), Jack flashes downward, impaling the Quad member as she breaks the surface from her dive. [Don't try this at home, kids. Both the Captain and the Quad member took major damage]

The three remaining Quad members seeing an easy escape, free themselves of the sails (and the one Quad member yanks out Rigging's arrow pinning her to the mast) and fly skyward to pursue Jack. Down on the deck, Hefs shouts, "Gotcha'!" and with a wave of his hand and a word in a strange tongue, all three members tumble deckward. One manages to snag a spar on the way down, but the other two drop the full 70 feet. Badly injured, the two rise from the deck to face the pirates.

Seeing Ashira's critical condition, Blue rushes over to help her to her cabin (will try to apply additional healing next round). [Ashira's potion restores 8 hps]

[Rigging, Bart, and Lem can make Spot checks to determine if they see this:] A man clothed in a shiny green material so dark it is almost black appears suddenly behind Hefs, dagger in hand.

Rigging  d20=11
Monday June 4th, 2001 8:51:06 AM

Rigging sees Ari try desperately to save Appolo. He watches them both float to the surface. He quickly grabs a cork ring with a rope attached. Lashes it to the rail, pauses to yell, "Blue I am gonna need you!" and dives overboard. He swims to his friends (made roll) and keeps their heads above water. He whispers to himself, "I won't lose anymore!" With his legs locked around Ari back, and his arms cradling Appolo, he yells, "Blue pull us in!" He will keep the cork ring under him trying to keep everyones head above water!

OCC Sorry guys going out of town again. Will try to find a computer to post with. Feel free to pinch hit if you have to.

Lem  d20+3=9 d20+6=17 d4+4=8
Monday June 4th, 2001 9:10:34 AM

focussed on the approaching boarders, Lem is oblivious to the assassin (spot check 9) and fires off another sling bulletat one of the borders (AC 17 for 8 points)

Bart  d20=2 d20+7=15 d10+4=14
Monday June 4th, 2001 4:19:32 PM

Bart goes forwrd to confront one of the quad members he is so focussed on them that didn't see the assisin. Bart attacks with his swords in both hands and try to give his opponent the last blow (hit ac15)

Monday June 4th, 2001 9:32:46 PM

Although she no longer feels like she is going to pass out any minute, the half-elf has seen better days. About to take Blue up on his offer to escourt her to her quarters, she hears Rigging's shout for help. Looking overboard, she sees her fallen commrades are in desperate need of assistance. Pulling out her silver whistle, she calls her dogs to her.

While waiting for her canine companions to arrive, she turns to Blue and says "It looks like they could use your help more than me. Better get down there and see if you can help." Pointing to the bandages on her arm and leg, she says "But don't dally...today's not a good day for swiming." Shouting down at Rigging, she says "Hold on, I'm sending the dogs out to help you. Blue is on his way." Locating more rope, Ashira ties off a line to the railing, and throws it toward Rigging. "Tie them off when they're stable, and I'll try to pull them on board."

Hermes and Ripper (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Monday June 4th, 2001 9:38:51 PM

Making what attacks they can behind the raging Amazon, the two dogs jerk their heads up in unison. Without one look back, the beasts turn around and begin to run toward the side of the ship.

Blue (ADM Janell)  d20=1
Monday June 4th, 2001 9:51:44 PM

Hearing his name, Blue turns just in time to see Rigging dive into the ocean. Concern floods over the young man's face when he peers down and spots his friends floating in the water. After listening to Ashira, Blue says "Actually, I wouldn't be much use down there, I can't cast my spells in the water. I'll help you try to pull them up." Once Rigging has tied off one of the men, Blue begins to pull on the rope with all his might. His hands slip, and the line goes slack.

Boarding Battle (DM Dave)  d20=5 d100=22 d20=1 d20=1 d20=20 d20=19 2d6(3+4)+5=12 2d6(5+4)+5=14
Tuesday June 5th, 2001 8:05:07 AM

The railings of the Antivium and the Freedborn bumping up against each other, crews from both ships fill the air with their yells as the two groups clash.

To starboard, the pirates are led by Sasha the Lasher, cracking her great metallic whip this way and that to amazing effect - its dagger tips cutting down men everywhere. At the Freedborn's fore, Val continues in maniacal rage, and her crewmates pretty much leave her to it as she finishes off two hapless sailors. Lem's shot manages to find one of the invaders who was jumping back from Val's attack - the bullet sends him reeling overboard.

Adeck the Freedborn, with the precision of a surgeon, the man in the oily green outfit slips his blade into Hefs' side, dropping the powerful mage to the deck instantly. Then the man is gone in a flash.

Over to port, a badly injured Ashira and Blue struggle to help rescue their friends. The dogs manage to clear the battle and leap into the water, paddling out to help retrieve the unconscious bodies [Appolo fails to stabilize this round and takes another point of damage].

Seeing Rigging's actions, Captain Jack swims to the Freedborn and begins clamboring up the side.

In the battle with the Quad, the target of Bart's attack effortlessly leaps out of the path of both his weapons and chops back with her greatsword, cleaving the railing in two with one blow, and smashing into Bart with the second [Critical hit for a total of 26 points of damage] dropping the fighter in his tracks.

[I show that Bart still has one hero point - this can be used to avoid the critical effect, leaving him at a total of -6 hps (rather than -20).]

Ashira  d20+4=16
Tuesday June 5th, 2001 4:09:03 PM

Ashira is slightly relieved when the dogs arrive to help. However, the two men look to be in dire straights. She considers her next move briefly, and then turns to Blue and says "I think I'd be of better use down there." She once again removes her weapons and armor and dives into the ocean.

Swiming over to Rigging, she quickly assess the young men's conditions. Ripping her shirt, Ashira attempts to bind what wounds she can find on Appollo's body. She turns to face Rigging, her head shaking slightly as she says "Tie that rope around Ari, then climb aboard. The dogs and I can handle things down here, and Blue needs you to help pull the men aboard."

OOC (D20+4=16 for Swim)

Hermes and Ripper (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Tuesday June 5th, 2001 4:15:21 PM

Upon hitting the ocean, the two woolly dogs snap into action. Hermes paddles over to Ari and grabs the man by his collar, paddling and keeping the man's head above water. Ripper follows suit with Appolo.

Rigging (from the mall)  d20+2=19
Tuesday June 5th, 2001 5:10:40 PM

Ignoring Ashira's advice, Rigging ties off Appolo first and then scampers up the side of the ship. (made climb check) He helps Blue haul Appolo up first. As Blue starts healing Appolo, he will throw the rope back for Ari.

Blue  d20+3=23 d20+7=15
Tuesday June 5th, 2001 11:36:24 PM

The stocky cleric braces his feet against the gunwale and puts his broad back to the task of the rope(1d20+3=23). Apollo rises out of the water with astonishing ease. As he comes over the side the boy cleric pulls him to safety and quickly examines his wounds. As Blue's spells are used up at this time he binds Apollo's wounds and uses his healing skill (1d20+7=15) to stabilize his friend.

Lem  d20+4=22 d20+2=18 d6+2=3 d6+2=5
Wednesday June 6th, 2001 11:07:30 AM

Leaping out from behind his cover Lem attacks the whip wielding foe ahead of him with a flurry of two blows getting inside of the whips effective range(AC22 and AC18 for 3 and 5 points of damage).

"Rescuers Down Under" or "Will the Real Lem Shady Please Stand Up?"(DM Dave)  d100=49 d100=25 d20=12
Wednesday June 6th, 2001 12:49:55 PM

The combat is in full swing between occupants of the Lady Freedborn and the Sea Antivium. While most of the battle wavers back and forth at the railings, the presence of the remaining Quad members is keeping the higher ranking officers of the Freedborn busy, as they wheel about the deck near the central mast. A little more blood seeps from Bart's still form [Failed to stabilize this round and receives another point of damage].

Off on the port side, away from the battle, Appolo's limp form is pulled to the deck, and healing administered [Appolo takes another 1 hp dmg before he is stabilized by Blue]. Ashira and the dogs are still in the water with Ari, and Rigging has just finished climbing up the side of the ship [Only six seconds have passed since the end of last round].

At the front of the ship, the Amazon finishes off her current targets, and in a blood-frenzy crosses to the enemy's vessel.

On the main battle front (on the starboard side), Sasha stumbles in amazement at the attack from behind, and Lem plows into her. Turning, she hisses, "Traitor!" and spins to attack the monk. She jerks her whip up and down in a quick motion, causing the bladed tip to leap upward inches away from Lem's face.

Weaving through the battle, Captain Jack makes his way to the back of the ship.

[Note to Blue: It has been more than 3 rounds since the Hounds were summoned... they are gone at this point. No way of knowing how effective they were unless you capture some sailors from the sinking Acorn and ask.]

Wednesday June 6th, 2001 12:56:56 PM

After the big slash of his opponent, Bart falls heavily wounded and unconscious on deck.

Wednesday June 6th, 2001 2:05:30 PM

Rigging will throw the rope so Ashira can tie Ari off. He will glance around to make sure of the surroundings, watching for possible attackers or anybody else in need of rescue. He will then haul Ari up.

Blue  d20+7=12
Thursday June 7th, 2001 2:39:33 PM

Blue moves Appolo's resting form to safe place out of harm's way. He scans the decks for other injured and then he turns back to Rigging and the rope and waits to receive Ari. When Ari is safely on board, Blue will assess and address his injuries with his healing skill (1d20+7=12) in an attempt to stabilize him.

The Winds of Change (DM Dave)  d20=3 d20=6 d100=64 d20=11 d20=3 d20=9 d20=19 d20=11 d20=4 d6+3=9
Thursday June 7th, 2001 4:06:10 PM

At this point, the Acorn is mostly abandoned, and longboats are making their way over to the battle between the Antivium and Freedborn.

At the railing where Sasha lead the pirates moments ago, the tide is swinging in favor of the Aisildurians as Sasha, distracted by Lem, fails to rally the pirates.

Lem, realizing his error, goes totally defensive as he tries to let Sasha know it was a mistake. Nobody has ever seen Sasha so angry before, despite previous engagements through the years. Her emotions seem to be impacting her performance, as two strikes from her whip both miss Lem, where usually they would have sliced an opponent to ribbons. She is nothing like the calm, collected person that met Rigging and the group as they came back from the Adorus massacre (as it is now referred to by the pirates).

The heroes involved in the rescue of Ari and Appolo manage to get both unconscious men up on deck and stabilized.

Scanning the deck, Rigging notices Bart's still form, sprawled out in the midst of the battle with the remaining three Quad members. Make that two Quad members, as the ship's Bosun manages to knock one unconscious with a belaying pin.

Bart's slips a little further [Failed to stabilize this round and receives another point of damage] as the battle continues. On board the Antivium, Val faces a group of five sailors. She manages to hit one, while only one of the five strike her successfully [9 points of damage] with his scimitar, drawing a wellspring of blood.

Captain Jack makes it back to the wheel of the deck and retrieves a horn hung there on a rope. Directing it toward the deck of the Antivium, he sends out a blast of sound.

Bart OOC 
Thursday June 7th, 2001 7:03:50 PM

[Dave did you get my private message? I didn't want to post too many OOC comments, questions.]

Rigging  d20+2=15 d4+1=5
Thursday June 7th, 2001 7:08:53 PM

Rigging grabs his bow and quiver and hands it to Ashira. "Do what you can with this. You are too wounded for hand to hand. I am going after Bart." Rigging makes some magical gestures and murmurs some soft words and a magical dart leaps from his fingers and hits one of the remaining quad members. He then draws his weapons and scurries towards Bart. (OCC Rolled 20 in error. Shame it was a nice roll. :-) Rigging does 5 points with his magic missile spell.)

DM Dave's Response to Bart 
Thursday June 7th, 2001 7:36:25 PM

OOC: William, I sent you an e-mail response Wednesday after lunch...I just resent it to you. Let me know if not received. I used the JoeTyphon address

Valanthe  d20+6=9
Thursday June 7th, 2001 10:24:37 PM

Blinded by rage, Val sees the five sailors as black shapes on a red background. Her head snaps to the one that hurt her. She swings her scythe in a wide arc attempting to keep the others away and slashes the man but misses badly. (occ: 9 to hit)

Ashira  d20=11
Thursday June 7th, 2001 11:13:53 PM

Taking the proffered bow, Ashira sets it aside while she once again dons her armor and weapons. Attempting to turn the tide once again in the favor of the Pirates, Ashira takes aim at one of the sailors attacking Sasha. In her caution not to hit the Pirate, Ashira misjudges her target, and the arrow goes flying off harmlessly.

Lem  d20+4=23 d6+2=3
Friday June 8th, 2001 10:15:54 AM

Realizing his mistake and extremely upset about it, Lem stands frozen in total shock at what he's done. The popping of the whip near his face snaps him out of it and catapults him in to action attacking the nearest border(AC 23 for 3 points).

Blue  d20+7=14 d20+1=5
Friday June 8th, 2001 3:19:36 PM

When Ashira comes back over the side and starts to don her armour, Blue quickly and gently takes stock of her wounds. As he lays his hands on her he uses healing skill (1d20=7=14) to energize and comfort.

The young cleric turns to the battled deck and watches Rigging make his way towards the prone Bart. He readies his quarter staff and follows his taller friend. He remains as defensive as possible avoiding attack as he makes his way towards Bart (1d20+1=5 dex roll).

Flip and Slip (DM Dave)  d20=1 d20=19 d100=23 d20=13 d20=14 d20=20 d20=6 d20=3 d20=3
Friday June 8th, 2001 7:24:15 PM

With a grunt, the Sea Acorn flips over, exposing its underside and letting out a burp of air through its holed hull.

Meanwhile, the Sea Antivium somehow manages to elevate itself several feet, giving its crew a combat advantage over its enemy. The tide continues to swing in Aisildur's favor, as a crazed Sasha pursues Lem. Fantastically, her whip manages to get tangled up on an overhanging spar, jerking itself out of her hand and further enraging the Lasher. With lightning reflexes, she uncoils another whip and smacks at Lem, attempting to stun him [Please make a Fortitude save (d20+7) and meet or beat a 21]. The enemy is deliberately avoiding Sasha as it attacks the other pirates around her. They also steer clear of Lem, remaining defensive, despite the success of his attack.

Back near the wheel, a blast of cold issues from the horn winded by Jack, coating the deck of the Antivium and freezing a few of the sailors in the process. Val is far enough up to avoid damage, but works to maintain her balance while four of her five opponents fall heavily, with two sliding off the edge of the ship [Need to make Reflex save (d20+4) and meet or beat an 18 to remain standing. If miss roll by 5 or more, make another Reflex to avoid sliding off ship due to the tossing motion.]. The remaining sailor slashes at Val, but misses badly, not daring to move his feet in the process.

Overcome by the exertion, the Captain leans heavily on the wheel, his lips blue and body trembling as the horn drops back down on its tether. Behind him, a familiar dark-green robed individual pops up [Let's see: The following two have chances to Spot the fellow - Ashira needs to roll a natural 20, and Blue needs to match a '20' on a d20+5.].

Rigging's spell and Blue's healing go off successfully, with no Aisildurian (or Lem?) near enough to take advantage of a special attack on either one. Both begin heading toward Bart, who slips further into a coma [Failed to stabilize this round and receives another point of damage].

About half of the senior staff facing the Quad lie scattered on the deck (literally in some cases), but the group manages to bring down another of the Quad members, leaving one standing. The deadly beauty of the sole survivor as she weaves about with her greatsword is an awe-inspiring sight. She must be connecting 5 times for every one against her.

Friday June 8th, 2001 9:57:17 PM

Rigging gets to Bart and drags him away from the combat to Blue. Once he is clear he will circle around the last remaining quad member and try for a back attack next round.

Valanthe  d20+4=5 d20+4=16
Friday June 8th, 2001 11:32:08 PM

(OCC: not that it matters, but I'm assuming there was a penalty to the roll since her reflex save is +5. The techno dice gods really don't like me.)

Val falls onto her back and zips off the deck like a bar of soap. Immersed in the cold water, Val is shaken out of her rage. Fatigued, Val is able to barely stay afloat. Her equipment is light, but that will eventaully have to be discarded is she doesn't find a way out of the water.

Blue  d20+5=9 d20+7=25
Saturday June 9th, 2001 1:17:24 PM

As Rigging drags the pale Bart to a clear spot on the deck away from the melee, Blue scans the deck quickly (1d20+5=9). Seeing nothing to distract him he immediately examines Bart's wounds and tends the gaping holes and staunches the flow of blood.

While he tends Bart, the young cleric uses his healing skill to aid his friend(1d20+7=25). As he lays his hands on Bart an enourmous burst of power seems to errupt in Blue's chest. With a startled utterance of "by the dragon's breath", the surge of healing energy runs down his arms and enters Barts body with a jolt.

Ashira  d20=13 d20+3=13 d20+1=3
Saturday June 9th, 2001 2:10:34 PM

Warm tingling energy flows from Blue's figertips and into Ashira's body. The two ragged wounds begin to close, and soon there is nothing left but two ugly looking red scars.

Rejuvinated, Ashira remembers the undersea battle with the sharks and Taker. Suddenly infuriated, she unsheaths her long and short swords. White hot rage courses through her as she launches herself at the sailors nearby Bart, oblivious to the imminent danger to her Captain.

OOC (d20=13 for Spot, d20+3=13 for Longsword, d20+1=3 for Shortsword)

Unfortunate Events (DM Dave) 
Sunday June 10th, 2001 7:54:06 PM

Unmolested, the longboats from the sinking Acorn make their way alongside the Freedborn's port. Only the barking of the dogs in the water alert Ashira of the danger as the Aisildurians prepare to clambor up the hull. Val, from her vantage point, notes several longboats still departing the Acorn and heading toward the Freedborn (cannot see those who have already reached the Freedborn).

Jack's frost attack has provided a reprieve, of sorts, on the starboard side, allowing the pirates to concentrate on the Aisildurians who have already boarded the Freedborn. At the center of the deck, the last Quad member is finally vanquished, leaving only three senior pirates still standing. Ashira, Blue, and Rigging manage to reach Bart and stabilize him.

A cry fills the air, and everyone turns to look as Captain Jack drops to the deck, with the green stranger standing over him. A wave of fear washes over the crew.

The crazed look clears from Sasha's eyes at the sight, and she falters in her attack on Lem.

[Blue, please state the amount of healing provided the last two rounds to Ashira and Bart.]

Monday June 11th, 2001 10:59:32 AM

Still breathing, for now.

OOC:What's Appolo's status?

Rigging  d20+2=21 d4=1
Monday June 11th, 2001 6:07:54 PM

Rigging feels a quick flash of fear which quickly turns to rage. He snarls, "Blue take care of Bart!" He charges towards the green assassin hurling a throwing dagger at him. Rigging keeps a careful eye on the sneak realizing that he hasn't seen him on board yet.

Ashira  d20+5=20
Monday June 11th, 2001 8:40:23 PM

Momentarily pushing aside the rage building within her, Ashira makes her way over to the side of the ship where the Aisildurians are climbing aboard. Sheathing her shortsword, she begins to cut as many ropes as she can before the boarding enemy engages her. As the sailors fall, she begins to scream, "Long live freedom, may Ga'al burn in the lowest level of hell!"

Blue  d20+3=17
Monday June 11th, 2001 10:51:41 PM

Blue can sense that Bart's still form has stabilized. The young cleric lifts his friend (1d20+3=17, str check) and carries him out of harm's way to where Apollo lies recovering.

Row Ho! (DM Dave)  d20=2 d20=13 d20=15 d20=19 d20=5 d20=8
Tuesday June 12th, 2001 8:22:43 AM

As Blue gets Bart laid out next to Appolo and Ari (all three unconscious and in negative hit point range), he has a moment to glance around and take in the scene from a removed perspective: Bodies lie strewn and heaped about, with many hanging on the ship's railings. It's going to take a lot of scrubbing to get the boards clean again, and not too many people are left to share the task. Easily half of the crew is disabled or worse. The mix of enemy bodies with those of the pirates makes it difficult to take in just how many of Blue's companions have been lost.

Ashira races over and begins cutting away grapple lines from the longboats, and is met by crossbow fire from below - but the cover from the deck protects her from harm.

Val, fatigued, mostly floats on her back to conserve energy. Unfortunately, there are a few enemy sailors swimming around down here...

Rigging's dagger flies true, hitting the assassin in the left arm. As Rigging races up the steps to reach the wheel, the green-garbed man disappears. Blood still oozes from Captain Jack, and his body is in convulsions.

Sasha rallies the remaining pirates, who have driven off the current horde of Aisildurians. Seeing Ashira's actions, she sends three men over to help on the port side, while leaving five more to fend the starboard. The remaining two women she dispatches to the block and tackles, trying to get some movement out of the Freedborn.

The three senior crewmen still standing from the battle with the Quad split up. Jerzu tries to tend to his fallen comrades, Lips heads to the wheel-deck, and Smub goes to man the foredeck ballista.

Rigging  d20=9
Tuesday June 12th, 2001 9:29:21 AM

Rigging rushes up to the Captain knowing they can not afford to lose him as well. He will try to stop any obvious bleeding but suspects poison. He yells, "Blue get up here! The Captain needs you!" Rigging will try to keep the Captain from hurting himself in his convulsions. No tongue swallowing or stabbing himself allowed. (OCC Is Blue the only healer we have on board besides Ari or does the ship have a doctor?) Rigging will keep glancing around for the assassin often checking his back as he tries to help the Captain. (Rolled Spot check but am not happy.)

Lem  d20+7=22 d20+6=22 d4+2=4
Tuesday June 12th, 2001 11:22:17 AM

Managing to avoid being stunned by Sasha and hearing the captain's cry, Lem whips around and lets fly with a sling bullet at where the green dressed man was, watching with satisfaction as the bullet flies directly towards its target. (AC22 for 4 points of damage.)

Blue  d20+7=10
Tuesday June 12th, 2001 7:55:49 PM

While doing a quick check on his downed comrades, Blue hears Rigging's call. With quarter-staff at the ready he hurriedly heads to the wheel deck. He dodges bodies and debris and avoids any conflicts that may hinder him. If he arrives uneventfully he turns his healing skill on the prone capt'n (1d20+7=10).

As he runs energy into Jack, the young cleric becomes puzzled. He can not feel any response to his efforts. He wonders if magic or poison are involved.

Ashira  d20+5=25
Tuesday June 12th, 2001 9:43:46 PM

Ducking and weaving to avoid being hit by the enemy missiles, Ashira continues slicing the lines. She thinks back to all she has lost at the hand of Ga'al... her mother, her chance to live a normal life, her only friend Taker. Anger burns on her face as she lets loose with, "Down with the Royalists, down with Ga'al!"

Struggle (DM Dave)  d20=9 d20=7
Wednesday June 13th, 2001 8:31:57 AM

The struggle continues as life and death are decided in a battle lasting mere minutes.

Lem's shot, delayed in the fracas, arrives at its destination seconds after the green-garbed man disappears.

Rigging and Blue struggle to keep the Captain alive, wishing that Dak Yates, the ship's surgeon, hadn't gone down during the initial combat with the Sea Acorn. The convulsions stop, and Jack seems to be at least breathing, but remains unconscious. Lips, on his way to the aft, stops briefly to check on Jack's status before hurrying on to the back ballista.

Smub, from his vantage at the fore of the ship, begins peppering late-arriving longboats.
Meanwhile midship, Jerzu moves on to a second downed pirate, binding wounds.

Sasha continues to rally those around her, holding off a renewed assault from the starboard, while on the port, Ashira, Sill, Tagle, and Hourts work to cut lines cast by the enemy longboats.

Down in the water, two sailors attack Val with daggers, but the first is bumped by the ship's hull, causing him to miss, and the other misjudges the distance, stabbing too soon.

The sails over the Freedborn start to flutter.

Ashira  d20+5=23
Wednesday June 13th, 2001 9:56:26 AM

With each slice of the rope, the job becomes easier. Ashira takes satisfaction in seeing the enemy longboats drift away from the Lady Freedborn. However, feeling the ship move slightly underneath her and hearing the barking of her dogs, Ashira wonders how she is going to retrieve them before the Lady Freedborn is fully underway. Then another thought rushes to the front of her mind... Valanthe! Ashira scans the deck, and unable to spot the young elf, she shouts over to Rigging "Where's Valanthe?!"

Wednesday June 13th, 2001 9:59:18 AM

Val takes a deep breath and dips below the surface of the water. Bringing her scythe around, she attempts to bury it in a sailor's midsection.

Rigging  d20=11
Wednesday June 13th, 2001 10:23:32 AM

Rigging decides that Blue can handle the Captain at this point. He is heading over to help at the rail when he hears Ashira's call. Rigging feels a lump at his throat and thinks, "I will not lose another one." He knows she crossed over to the other ship and he heads in that direction looking for her and the green man. (Rolled for spot check)

Wednesday June 13th, 2001 11:27:26 AM

Lem, frowning as he watches his target disappear moments before his missile strikes, turns back to the borders and flanking Sasha makes ready to rid their ship of the trash that climbed on board.

Blue  d20+7=14
Wednesday June 13th, 2001 12:02:59 PM

The young cleric deftly cleans Jack's wound and binds it. He scans for other injury then once again uses his healing skill to try to stabilize the capt'n's condition (1d20+7=14). And once again, nothing, no response.

Blue drops to his knees in supplication and drops his head to the deck. In a desperate prayer he calls out, "Lord Lemtrovex, hear my cry, one of your servants has fallen, guide me and strengthen me to your greater purpose." The lad sits up, clasping his hands together, and closes his eyes.

Anyone standing close can hear a soft hum from the boy in blue as he rocks back and forth, apparently in some deep meditation.

Miracle (DM Dave)  d100=1
Wednesday June 13th, 2001 12:22:15 PM

At Blue's supplication, a brilliant blue light bathes Captain Jack, erasing all apparent wounds. With a start, the Captain jumps to his feet and quickly shouts, "Move this ship, now!"

Jezru, Smub, and Lips each immediately race to the nearest mast and begin swinging lines about, shaping the sails to catch the breeze. With all lines to the longboats cut, Sill, Tagle, and Hourts also head to the nearest spar.

Sasha and the five men with her make a feint at boarding members of the Antivium, then immediately join in moving rigging to get the vessel underway.

Rigging fails to spot Val on the ice-encrusted deck of the Antivium. Down below, underwater, Val swings her scythe, and discovers that the drag on her weapon is too great to be used effectively in this environment.

[1% rolls do happen!]

Wednesday June 13th, 2001 5:18:50 PM

(OOC: I believe that bad rolls happen at the worst times. I'm sure we all have stories.)

Underwater, Val wonders how she's going to survive. She was facing several sailors that were in their element. Val has never been in water combat and it shows. Her weapon doesn't come close to working well. Struggling to stay afloat, Val barely manages to resurface. She's extremely tired and doesn't know how much longer she can fight. As the Freeborn starts to pull away, Val tries to shout but ends up swallowing some water the wrong way. Val floats there coughing up the water, hoping she doesn't die. Perhaps she should surrender.

(OOC: With all of the confusion that this fight has generated, it would be understandable if Val is forgotten about. I know, I'll use the force to remind the captain..... Ah crap wrong game.)

Wednesday June 13th, 2001 11:53:58 PM

Her assignment finished, Ashira focuses her attention on the lost elf. Sprinting over to Rigging, she too begins to scan the area for signs of the young maiden. Almost abandoning hope of discovering her newly acquired companion, Ashira suddenly spots the sputtering Amazon. Panic surges through her as she realizes that the maiden is about to be left behind. Making a snap decision, she locates some rope. Once again removing her armor, but keeping her longsword with her, she ties the rope to herself, grabs a cork, and dives overboard to rescue the forelorn maiden.

Thursday June 14th, 2001 8:57:56 AM

Rigging sees Ashira's actions, finally sees Val and shouts, "Man Overboard!" He grabs the rope from Ashira and loops it around her waist. He says, "I got this end. Go save her."

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