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Mission Aborted

Sunday May 20th, 2001 9:47:26 PM

Rigging calls both Val and Ashira over. He says to both, "Do you both speak elvish or is your language a different version Ashira? The reason I bring it up is I would like to learn and I want you to teach our company as well. It might be a nice advantage having a language our enemies wouldn't understand. What do you think? Will either of you teach me? I am a quick learner."

Sunday May 20th, 2001 10:35:49 PM

"I can speak elven, but cannot read or write. Ashira was going to teach me in our spare time. However I could teach the verbal language given time."

Sunday May 20th, 2001 10:48:03 PM

After hearing the fury in Valanthe's voice, Ashira attempts to explain herself to the young warrior. "I'm sorry, the part about the pillaging and looting was a bad attempt at a joke. You will spend most of your time learning basic sailing skills, as well as tactics. It looks like you don't need much help in the fighting department, so we won't need to spend much time on that. Plus, others will evaluate your skills and see if you can be trained to fill specific areas of need for the Pirates. Don't worry, it's not as complex as it sounds."

The half-elf adopts a serious face as she thinks over Rigging's proposal. "Yes, I believe you are correct, it would be very advantageous to have a language our enemies would not understand. And, to answer you question, I speak both Elven and Aquan, which, although related, are not the same language."

"However, and please don't take this personally, I'm not sure that a full blooded human can understand the subtilties of the Elven language... it is much more precise of a language than Common. I am willing to attempt to teach you. I was just talking to Valanthe about teaching her to read and write the language, and the only problem is the amount of free time that I will have once we are back amoungst the Pirates. Perhaps Valanthe will be able to spend more time with you."

Monday May 21st, 2001 1:43:25 AM

Appolo continues to quietly and comfortably ride in the crow's nest, half sleeping.

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