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Mission: Locate Theo

Black Mood (DM Dave) 
Friday April 20th, 2001 12:41:56 PM

The Lazy Suzie heads away from the scene of turmoil, everyone heaving on the oars. Half an hour later that, exhausted, the heroes must let up on their pace. Bearings are taken, and a new course is set. Work is done to ease the slightly leaking hole, and some of the canvas is retrieved to make partial sails, easing the burden somewhat on the rowers.

It isn't until mid-day the next day that Theo's island is spotted. That evening, you locate a dock with a small yacht floating next to it and a foot path heading through the vegetation into the interior. The island is roughly circular in shape, about 1/2 mile across at its widest point.

Rigging  d20+3=19
Friday April 20th, 2001 4:19:54 PM

Rigging scans the area for a beach. He says, "We need to beach this tub to patch it correctly. Anybody here have carpentry skills?
We can use the dock for now, but I am not sailing this tub back until it is repaired." Rigging expertly sails the craft to the dock without even a bump. (made sailing roll)

Friday April 20th, 2001 4:26:01 PM

As they dock, Blue jumps ashore and makes fast the moorings. As he stands, he turns and scans the island. "Nice place, I wonder if they have any bananas?" The young cleric grabs his cloak and quarter staff and heads down the dock towards the path.

Saturday April 21st, 2001 12:21:16 PM

"Let's search for Theo."

Saturday April 21st, 2001 3:01:45 PM

Helping to beach the boat or dock it depending on what is decided, Lem steps on to the island and looks around for any signs of recent visitation.

Ari  2d8(1+6)+1=8
Sunday April 22nd, 2001 2:51:10 AM

"I think before we do much of anything, we should just rest and heal, and give Theo time to know that we are here, and that we are not here to attack him."

With that said, Ari casts a spell. His color improves somewhat as you stand watching. Seemingly not satisfied, Ari casts another spell. Once again, his color improves.

Raft (DM Dave) 
Sunday April 22nd, 2001 7:06:32 PM

Looking around, Lem notices a raft bobbing up and down on the other side of the dock area, with a person prone across it, arm dangling in the water.

Rigging and Ashira recognize that the Lazy Suzie will need to be beached for any meaningful repairs to take place.

Blue and Bart head down the pier and onto the path into the jungle.

Ari successfully casts healing on himself.

Sunday April 22nd, 2001 7:28:51 PM

As Lem works his way carefully on to the raft. he calls out. Umm Hey Guys, I hope its not true but I think I may have found Theo. What did he look like again? Lem will inspect body for life signs.

Ashira  d20+2=11
Sunday April 22nd, 2001 7:58:18 PM

After diagnosing the situation with the Lazy Suzie, Ashira turns and motions to Ari. As she closes, Ari can see several nasty looking contusions that were not obvious to the casual eye. Speaking in whispered tones, she says, "You wouldn't mind casting one of those healing spells on me would you? I'd feel a lot better heading into unknown territory once some of these wounds were taken care of."

Looking over at Rigging, she says, "Well, now is as good of a time as any to beach the ship."

Upon hearing Lem's cry, Ashira pulls out her newly acquired longsword and heads over to the raft. As she peers into the vessel, she readies herself to attack, should the form inside prove hostile.

OOC (d20+2=11 for Attack)

Sunday April 22nd, 2001 11:12:08 PM

Rigging stays on the ship and keeps a look out.
He watches the shoreline and the ocean for possible attack. He readies components to his spells so he will be able to cast them more quickly.

Monday April 23rd, 2001 5:06:14 AM

The young cleric hears the commotion on the dock about the raft and stops and turns to see what is going on. When he sees that they have found a body, Blue heads back to see if anyone needs his healing abilities.

Investigating the Body (DM Dave) 
Monday April 23rd, 2001 7:26:48 AM

A female with pointy ears and coppery red hair is lying face down on the raft, apparently dead or unconcious. Next to her are a pile of equipment, including a worn studded leather jacket, a bow and quiver, and a scythe. From the redness of her skin, she's been stranded at sea for some time.

Monday April 23rd, 2001 1:48:53 PM

Bart follows Blue back to the dock, when he sees the raft with the body in it. He runs to the dockside and jumps into the water to bring the almost(?) lifeless body back on land.

Monday April 23rd, 2001 1:59:06 PM

***This post removed as covers actions resolved earlier***

Monday April 23rd, 2001 3:12:09 PM

Rigging keeps watch, but grabs a waterskin and heads over to the castaway.

Monday April 23rd, 2001 7:17:07 PM

Being very careful to not to be caught unawares, Lem looks for any breathing and then nudges the weapons out of the lady's reach.

Monday April 23rd, 2001 11:55:00 PM

Comforted by the nearness of her companions and feeling the urgency to help one of her distant cousins, Ashira sheaths her longsword and rushes over to the shore when Bart brings the body. She quickly examines the elf and determines her status. If the elf is still alive, Ashira will shout over to Blue and Ari, "You two, get over here and help this one out!" If the situation is more urgent, then Ashira will remove her healing potion and administer it to her fallen kin.

Blue  d8=3
Tuesday April 24th, 2001 2:05:46 AM

The young cleric works his way through his companions to the prone female. He immediately checks for signs of life. As he touches her skin he starts to run healing energy into her weathered frail body. If he senses any response he casts heal light wounds (1d8=3). "We need fresh water!" he calls out.

Just Add Water (DM Dave) 
Tuesday April 24th, 2001 4:44:05 AM

You (barely) detect signs of life, and Blue's healing does seem to help, but lack of water seems to be the biggest issue for this stranger, with her breathing still ragged and dry.

Her eyes squint open.

Tuesday April 24th, 2001 10:55:31 AM

With great effort, Valanthe manages to open her eyes. As she looks up at the sky, she wonders if she's dead. She draws breath and the pain reminds her that she is not. Then sees somebody out of the corner of her eyes. She turns her head and gazes upon Blue, but all she sees is a blurred face. Her dry lips move, but no sound comes out. Eventaully she manages to say, "W...Where am I?"

Tuesday April 24th, 2001 12:08:14 PM

Seeing the state she is in, and now in the capable hands of Blue, Bart will go back to the ship to get some fresh water for this lady.

Tuesday April 24th, 2001 1:49:58 PM

Addressing Ashira, Ari says, "I too was pretty beat up, from getting caught in that whirlpool. I have used up my minor healing for now. Maybe Blue can help out for now."

Stranger found:

At the other's cry, Ari will come over to assist with healing of the stranger. Seeing that the person is alive, Ari lets Blue control the healing process.

Tuesday April 24th, 2001 6:44:44 PM

stepping aside to let the healers in to work, Lem heads back to the shore looking for any other sign of habitation.

Tuesday April 24th, 2001 6:45:59 PM

Shocked at the sight of another elf in these parts, Ashira speaks with the stranger as the others administer to her needs. As she speaks in Elven, astonishment sounds in her voice. "You are on an island in the region of Aisildur. How did you manage to get this far...I thought the barrier prevented any of your kind from entering the region. Where are you originally from?" She waits for the young lady's energy to return before she probes her with any other questions.

Tuesday April 24th, 2001 6:46:05 PM

After the death of Bulldog Appolo becomes withdrawn and sullen. He continues to do his job but that is all. Then they finally make landfall and it is determined that they need to beach the ship in order to make proper repairs. Appolo grabs his gear and walks up the dock. He then hears some commotion down on the beach. He heads down to see what is going on. When he reaches the beach he puts his stuff down and goes to see what's in the raft. Upon seeing that it is a Female elven castaway, he sprints back to his gear and returns with a Water Skin and a Blanket. "Here" handing the waterskin and blanket to Blue. "Bart help me get her out of the Raft and further up the beach into the shade. "Poor girl."

Tuesday April 24th, 2001 6:49:51 PM

OOC: Sorry about the previous post.I had only read up to when the ship was attacked by the Giant Squid and we lost Bulldog.

Tuesday April 24th, 2001 7:27:53 PM

Valanthe's body remains limp as she's carried into the shade. Without thinking she responds in elven. "I'm from a small village in an unknown forest far from here. I was captured by slavers. I don't know how long I was a prisoner. Then there was a problem, I'm not sure what it was, but I was able to fight my way out and escape in a boat. I thought that I would die out there."

Tuesday April 24th, 2001 8:39:00 PM

Rigging hurries over with his waterskin. If he is the first, he will lift her head and give the elvish women slow sips of water. "Pleasure to meet you. My name is Rigging. Welcome to freedom."

Tuesday April 24th, 2001 8:50:19 PM

After the move to shade and water is shared with the stranger, Blue continues to run healing energy. When she sits up the young cleric backs away and lets Ashira continue her questioning. He turns to the others and asks, "does anyone else have hurts that need tending?".

Tropical Paradise (DM Dave) 
Wednesday April 25th, 2001 7:30:24 AM

The group continues tending to Valanthe as the sun starts past its zenith. In the background, the waves pound the beach as a wind rustles palm leaves overhead. A few gulls cry out, and sandcrabs scuttle about.

Wednesday April 25th, 2001 4:44:20 PM

"Rigging, Appollo and Lem, what do you think about a search for Theo, and let the Elf in the hands of Ari, Blue and Ashira?" Bart suggestively inquires.

Wednesday April 25th, 2001 6:24:04 PM

Rigging looks up from the elf maiden. He says, "Bart when you are right, you are right. Daylight is burning and we have many chores ahead. I think Blue should come with us. He knows Theo." Rigging raises up and claps Bart on the shoulder, "We wouldn't want to scare the poor man with your stern visage without a friendly face to soften the blow." He turns to Ashira and Ari. "Are you to willing to care for our new friend while we seek out Theo?"

Wednesday April 25th, 2001 7:11:40 PM

"I imagine that we can, if we have to," Ari answers Rigging. "But being evening, and that we cannot go anywhere soon, might I suggest an alternate plan? I would suggest that we reconnoiter the beach for food, set a watch, and give everyone here the night to recover. Our visitor may or may not be able to join us then tomorrow, along with having daylight to search, and a full day to consider what we find. We're pretty beat up at this point. We're also going to need to go through Bulldog's stuff, also. Our visitor appears to have been here for more than a day, so our immediate area should be safe."

Wednesday April 25th, 2001 7:46:34 PM

"Actually Rig," the young cleric exclaims, "I know of Theo, but I have never met him, although I am sure he knows and trusts Qwen. When he hears I am Qwen's apprentice I would hope that would buy us some hospitality. I would like to go with you to find him... I hope to learn much from him."

Wednesday April 25th, 2001 9:31:19 PM

Sitting up, Valanthe feels better than she has in days. In common she says, "Thank you Blue, thank you everyone. I owe you much, but as you can see I have little. I am lucky that I have clothes to wear and a weapon for my hand."

Wednesday April 25th, 2001 11:16:07 PM

Visibly relieved to see the elven maiden doing much better, Ashira turns to address Rigging. "I think Ari is right. We should remain together tonight and rest. If our new friend is able to accompany us tomorrow, then we will all go together. Otherwise, I would be glad to stay with her. But, I think we should post a watch tonight. It makes me nervous whenever someone "goes missing", and I'd rather not be awakened in the middle of the night by something unexpected. I volunteer to take the first watch."

After she finishes her conversation with Rigging, Ashira pulls Blue aside, and asks him if he can use some of his healing abilities to tend to her wounds.

Once Blue is finished, Ashira returns to Valanthe and asks her more about her recent struggles. As Valanthe recounts her tales, Ashira listens intently as she thinks to herself "So much cruelty and discrimination in the world...when will people learn."

Wednesday April 25th, 2001 11:55:19 PM

Upon seeing that Ashira is concerned for her well being, tears begin to well up in her eyes. She reaches over and hugs Ashira and starts to cry. "It has been so long since I've even seen any kin. Let alone anyone that is concerned about me." Then Valanthe recounts her tale from the beginning -- about the brutal slaughter of her village when she was still a child, and the many years she was alone in the wild.

This or That (DM Dave) 
Thursday April 26th, 2001 4:53:33 AM

The lunch hour passes as Valanthe is tended to, and the group debates whether or not to do any exploring for the day. Vital supplies are unloaded from the Lazy Suzie and a tentative camp on the beach is laid out.

Thursday April 26th, 2001 7:34:39 AM

"If nothing else I suggest a quick perimeter check of at least one hundred yards around our camp site so we best know where any attack might come from," Lem says. "Then perhaps we can set up a few surprises for any interlopers. I also think we should buddy up, until we know we are safe and during watches tonight. If only for the fact that there are slavers around."

Thursday April 26th, 2001 9:32:34 AM

"If you wanted, we could set up overlapping shifts for the watches. Ashira could have the first watch for two hours or however long as necessary, and Rigging or I can set up a magical alarm. Then after the first hour someone else could join Ashira on watch. Then the next hour Ashira goes to bed and the next person comes on watch. Etc..."

Thursday April 26th, 2001 6:10:58 PM

I still think a investigation of the island is the best thing we could do right now, the is land is not soo big I think we can walk around it in a few hours, enough time to find Theo before sunfall!. But if you all think we have too stay here on the beach until tomorrow that's fine with me. I will cook us a dinner then.

Thursday April 26th, 2001 9:10:59 PM

Looking shocked by the outpouring of emotion from the young elven maiden, the Aquan half-elf awkwardly returns the hug. "Actually, I believe we're distant cousins, but what does it matter? You're safe here." Ashira listens patiently as the girl (?) recounts her story. Tears begin to stream down her greenish-gray tinted face as she listens to the brutal slaughter of Valanthe's village. Then, as the girl continues telling of her wild upbringing, and then consequent capture by slavers, Ashira's face turns into a mask of rage with a tinge of red working its way up to her slightly pointed ears. Unwelcomed memories, accusing faces, and pointing fingers work their way to her mind. She turns her head and says, "I must ready myself to post watch. You rest now little one... we'll talk more when you're better."

Ashira walks over to Rigging and says, "Ari's got a good idea. We should circulate the watches. It's up to you whether we should send people out to explore the island first." That being said, Ashira stakes out a perimeter and begins to walk it.

Thursday April 26th, 2001 10:09:46 PM

Rigging looks at Blue and says with a smile, "Blue, I have to tell you. I will turn you into a mouse and put you into a box full of cats if you ever call me Rig again. A rig could be anything. Rigging is only found on beautiful ships of the sea. They are masterpieces of engineering and intelligence." He says all of this with a smile on his face. He turns to Bart, "I agree with you my friend. If Theo saw us coming, it would be rude not to say hello. You and I will do a little scouting. Ashira -- if you would look for some materials that would be helpful in making some patches while we are gone, it would be very helpful. I want everyone to keep alert. If Bart and I aren't back by dinner, start getting concerned."

Valanthe "Val" 
Thursday April 26th, 2001 10:31:17 PM

Val was embarrassed by her outburst, but by elven standards she was still a child. She laid back on the soft grass; which helped her aching body. As exhausted as she felt, Val could not sleep. She tried and tried, but ended up watching the others go about making plans for the night. That's when Val realized what pain she caused herself by remaining alone. After seeing them work together, she felt somewhat out of place. Turning her attention to something else, Val decided to go through her equipment and see what she still had. Carefully she laid out her armor, scythe, bow, and quiver of arrows. Grabbing a rag, she started wiping off her scythe.

Coming and Going (DM Dave) 
Friday April 27th, 2001 12:32:17 AM

Rigging and Bart head up the path while the rest of the group deal with camp and boat issues.

It is discovered that the boat is leaking again, with several inches of water standing in the lowest part of the vessel.

Camp is easily established, and guard duties set.

Meanwhile, Rigging and Bart head several hundred yards up a gradual incline, and come out of the heavily forested area into a clearing dominated by a multistory domed building, in front of which sits a small white cottage, surrounded by a fenced area with chickens pecking about.

Friday April 27th, 2001 4:05:27 PM

"Ahh that must be Theo's house, bigger than I thought. Let's go to cottage first." When Bart goes forward, he looks for any strange situations and possible dangers. Theo didn't report, something can be wrong but on the other hand there can be a simple clarification for it.

Friday April 27th, 2001 7:40:04 PM

Seeing that the young woman is conscious and safe, Appolo says, "I'm with Ari -- we need to make camp for the night, we search for the wizard tomorrow." With that he heads back, picks up his gear, and looks around for a good place to make camp.

Friday April 27th, 2001 10:05:11 PM

Rigging grabs Bart's arm stopping him from moving forward. "Hold up Bart. Theo doesn't know us and might be nervous with a bunch of strangers around. Let's call out first and announce ourselves." Rigging cups his hands to his mouth and yells, "Theo! Theo! We are from the Lady Freeborn! We were sent to check on you! We mean no harm!" Rigging waits for an answer.

Saturday April 28th, 2001 2:14:07 AM

While others are scouting and preparing camp, Blue hunts fallen or beached logs to beach the boat on. When he finds one of suitable size, he drags, rolls and prys it down to the beach.

Saturday April 28th, 2001 2:25:05 PM

Joining Blue on the log mission, Lem says, I think you read my mind. let's at least get a start on getting our transportation seaworthy again.

Valanthe "Val" 
Saturday April 28th, 2001 8:26:27 PM

Watching the others make camp, Val begins to feel guilty about not doing anything. After a few minutes she works up the nerve to speak, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Sunday April 29th, 2001 12:12:39 PM

"You are right Rigging -- Let us see if someone reacts!"

Ashira  d20=10 d20=14
Sunday April 29th, 2001 5:38:17 PM

While walking her post, Ashira hears Rigging's instructions and begins to look for materials to aid in the repairs while she walks her perimeter. Whenever she finds something useful, she drags it back to the camp site that Ari is preparing. She also searches for any sign of material that can be used to repair the sails.

Whenever Blue gets close enough to her so that she can speak in low tones, Ashira says "I know things got pretty hectic out there with the discovery of the girl, so I realize you may not have heard my request for your healing skills. Are you still offering your abilities, or should I use my healing potion?" Ashira remains vigilant on her post while she awaits Blue's response.

Upon hearing the girl's offer of service, Ashira calls out "No little one, you've had a long, hard journey. You rest now...I'm afraid with our luck, you'll have plenty to do tomorrow."

OOC (d20=10 Search for sail material, d20=14 for watch)

Out and About (DM Dave) 
Sunday April 29th, 2001 6:16:55 PM

Rigging's calls go unanswered. No smoke is issuing from the chimney, and no sign of movement is seen behind the windows.

The yard surrounding the property is fenced off in several sections, with the chickens having a run of the place in the front, and various gardens to either side.

Back at the beach, Blue and Lem manage to get several downed palm tree over to the beach for use. Ashira doesn't spot any type of storage area for canvas, although the yacht tied up at the dock has several furled sails on its masts...

At this point, camp has been completely established.

Valanthe "Val" 
Sunday April 29th, 2001 8:30:39 PM

Upon hearing the girl's offer of service, Ashira calls out "No little one, you've had a long, hard journey. You rest now...I'm afraid with our luck, you'll have plenty to do tomorrow."

Val looks down and pouts. She grabs her scythe and starts cleaning it again. "I may not be at full strength, but I'm not useless." She thinks to herself.

Monday April 30th, 2001 1:00:30 AM

After seing to his gear and making camp, Appolo takes a seat next to Val and says "Shes right, there's going to be plenty to do, don't worry about that." He then leans back against a palm tree and closes his eyes for a few minutes.

Monday April 30th, 2001 1:19:10 AM

The young cleric sets down the end of the log he was dragging and responds to his comrade, "I am sorry Ashira, I didn't mean to forget your needs. You are right I have been caught up in recent events and my own thoughts. Please sit on this log for a minute while I assess your wounds". Blue notices Val's hang dog and calls out to her, "Val, can you help me please, would you fetch some fresh water, I need to clean Ashira's hurts".

To Ashira, Blue says quietly, "What is your sense of the little one? Should I be casting for detect evil? She seems harmless, looks like she needs a family". While he talks he gently explores Ashira's wounds and uses his natural abilities to run healing energy.

Ashira  d20=15
Monday April 30th, 2001 1:26:03 PM

Sitting down while Blue tends her wounds, Ashira none-the-less remains constantly vigilant of her surroundings, not wanting to be found lacking on her watch. She winces a few times when Blue tends to the deeper lacerations left by the encounter with the orbs, but never cries out in pain (even though the wounds seem very deep). As Blue tends to her needs, her can tell that despite her facade, Ashira is very close to exhaustion.

When asked about her opinion of Valanthe, Ashira manages a grin in between the winces. She speaks in low tones "I like the little one, and am pre-disposed to trust her completely. However, with our recent string of bad luck, I think it would be a good idea to check her alignment. If it was me, I wouldn't be offended if you cast your spell, considering our recent string of luck. We should probably keep a close eye on her for the next few days."

Ashira sits patiently as Blue tends to her wounds, but quickly returns to her post when he is finished.

OOC (d20=15 for Search on watch, How many hp's did Blue restore?)

Rigging  d20=2
Monday April 30th, 2001 2:00:25 PM

The young noble scans the clearing looking for anything out of the ordinary. He says to Bart, "Wait here and cover my back. I am going to go knock on the door and see if anyone is home." Rigging climbs the stairs up to the cottage slowly looking for obvious traps (spot check not my best roll) and heads over to the door. He will look for runes or carvings around the door have heard about glyphs of protection. If he sees nothing, he will knock on the door. If he doesn't get a response, he will peer into a window to see if he can see anything. He will finally check the front door to see if it is unlocked.

Monday April 30th, 2001 3:14:34 PM

As rigging walks to the cottage Bart keeps an eye on the surrounding ready to aid Rigging if he is under attack.

While Rigging waits at the door for an answer Bart slowly walks to the cottage.

Monday April 30th, 2001 7:49:59 PM

Having gathered what material he can to help with the ship, Lem wanders back to the campsite and starts stretching and working out the kinks. Before he does so, he removes an odd pair of short, metal posts joined with a short length of fine meshed wire (nunchaku), several hand axes and lays them alongside his staff on the ground. Lem then kneels down and facing north bows twice and then remains seated for several minutes. When he rose he did a bit of stretching and then moves into a flurry of movement.

Valanthe "Val" 
Monday April 30th, 2001 10:01:34 PM

Val smiles upon hearing Blue's request. "Sure, I'll be right back." Grabbing her scythe and empty waterskin, Val skips off into the forest humming.

After drinking heavily from the stream, Val returns with fresh water for Blue to use. "If you need more, I'll go back." Val returns to her spot in the grass and looks into the sky. For the first time in a long time, Val is able to relax.

Monday April 30th, 2001 11:51:56 PM

After camp has been set, Ari spends some time in quiet contemplation. Before he decides to rest, Ari asks, "Has anyone set up any rotation just yet?"

A Work in Progess (DM Dave) 
Tuesday May 1st, 2001 7:45:08 AM

Rigging's knocking goes unanswered and, finally testing the door, he finds it unlocked. Inside he finds a small living room, a smaller kitchen, an even smaller bedroom, and a huge laboratory at the back of the house, with a door leading to stairs winding upward into the three-story domed tower.

Val's wanderings lead her through flora that she has never seen before. Searching about for a stream, she finally comes upon a clearing and spots Bart near a cottage with a tower in back. A well is located to the side of the house.

Tuesday May 1st, 2001 9:46:02 AM

Rigging goes and calls to Bart, "Hey, c'mon I am gonna check out the tower. The cottage is empty. I am not having a good feeling about this." As he says this he spots Val heading towards the well, "Val!" he calls, "Would you have someone check out the yacht? Make sure that one no one is on it and two that it is seaworthy and provisioned. If we have to leave quickly, I want to be prepared." After saying this he waits for Bart to follow and goes and explores the tower using caution.

Tuesday May 1st, 2001 2:16:00 PM

Bart draws his sword as he follows Rigging into the cottage and as rigging goes upstairs he leaves a few feet distance between Rigging and him.

"Rigging maybe this is not Theos house, maybe he is in the big house. Although this one has an tower and all wizards houses have an tower, everyone knows that."

Tuesday May 1st, 2001 6:51:37 PM

After resting for a few minutes,Appolo gets up and wanders over next to Ari saying "We should get fire going and have something to eat first,then when Rigging and Bart get back,we can discuss setting a watch.Some hot food and coconut milk might do us some good. "He then whispers to Ari that Ashira needs more rest then rest of the group and should be allowed to sleep the whole night. He then walks over too the Skiff to see if there is any thing they can use too fish with.

OOC: Fishing Rods, Nets Etc...

Tuesday May 1st, 2001 8:51:08 PM

When Val returns with the fresh water Blue thanks her and finishes with Ashira. As Val walks away Blue turns towards her retreating form and mutters quietly a brief praise to Lem and then raising his right hand with palm open, casts detect evil. The youth then closes his eyes and opens himself for a response from the spell.

Tuesday May 1st, 2001 9:31:26 PM

On her way to the well, Val stops and smells the flowers. She draws from the well and heads back.

OOC: I hope this catches things up

Of Towers and Ships (DM Dave) 
Wednesday May 2nd, 2001 7:23:42 AM

Rigging and Bart head up a stone spiral stair, and come out on deck with a huge mounted telescope as the centerpiece. Various levers seem to be used for rotating this great device, and others are perhaps for opening the shuttered doors in the dome of the building.

During Val's stopoff in the garden, she discovers that a majority of the plants seem to be herbs, with a smaller section dedicated to foods. Against the back of the cottage, next to the tower, are the doors to the root cellar.

Back at the beach, Appolo searches the Midnight Moon (the yacht) and discovers that its larder is well-stocked. Various types of lesser fishing equipment is available in various stow bins.

Wednesday May 2nd, 2001 11:35:40 AM

Hmm interesting, but no sign of Theo let's go to the big house

Wednesday May 2nd, 2001 5:35:23 PM

Rigging immediately recognizes the telescope having studied a much smaller one in his navigation studies. He is amazed at the scope of this one. "Bart, this is the big building. This is an area for studing the stars. Our Theo must be quite the scholar to have built this. I will definitely want to study this later. Right now we either need to find him or get back to the beach and our people. Why don't you go check out the yard and outbuildings. I want to check over his labratory real quick. Shout if you find anything."

Wednesday May 2nd, 2001 7:28:06 PM

Beads of sweat start to appear on the young clerics forehead as he struggles to maintain concentration on his detect evil spell...He focuses and waits....for a response...

Wednesday May 2nd, 2001 7:38:26 PM

Finishing his workout, Lem strips down to his shorts and dives in to the ocean to cool off. After only a few seconds under water and looking around, he surfaces and heads to shore. Back on shore he dries off redresses and heads over to the camp to see what's going on.

Wednesday May 2nd, 2001 8:47:28 PM

Appolo collects some fishing gear and some food
and heads back toward camp.

Wednesday May 2nd, 2001 11:16:35 PM

Val sets her gear to the side and prepares to turn in for the night. A disturbing thought keeps running through her mind. "I was just wondering something. Back through the woods there is an extremely large house. Doesn't that mean we should be watching out for possible giants?"

Wednesday May 2nd, 2001 11:50:28 PM

Overhearing Val's question, Ashira comes over to inquire of the girl about what she saw on her water hunt. She knows that Rigging and Bart have been gone a while and is interested about any news or information about what is outside the perimeter she's been walking. Ashira is concerned that there might be more to worry about from beyond there camp or possibly no need to camp, if there is a friendly place to stay the night nearby.

Ari (campsite) 
Wednesday May 2nd, 2001 11:58:14 PM

"You've done some exploring then?"

Discoveries (DM Dave) 
Thursday May 3rd, 2001 8:11:01 AM

After retrieving water, Val heads back to the beach. Blue's spell doesn't register evil on Val's retreating form (after she delivers the water).

Bart and Rigging head out of the tower and into the lab, where Bart continues on to scout out the exterior of the building (and discovers the cellar doors noted by Val earlier).

The lab itself is overwhelming. Tubes, beakers, chemicals, and such litter several workbenches, and any spare space is cluttered with sheets of paper filled with a spidery-handwriting style, some seemingly in a foreign language filled with dots and slashes joined together with gaps here and there.

At the back of the room, partially hidden by more equipment, is a small metal wall safe.

At the other end of the room sits a strange contraption. About 35 feet long and 10 feet wide, this thing looks like a dented metal potato with a trap door on the side, a glass window set in one end, and stove pipes sticking out of the other.

Inside, bolted to a metal floor, is a chair facing toward the window, some empty sacks mounted to the walls, and a metal rack of some sort in the back, covering the stovepipes. And there's a chicken coop mounted at the back as well. All sorts of rods, wires, and pipes stick out near the metal rack, and up at the front, near the window, strange knobs and dials may be seen.

The whole thing sits on a short metal track that ends at the wall of the lab. A couple of levers on the wall apparently allow for a portion of it to swing out into the yard.

Thursday May 3rd, 2001 9:01:19 AM

Fascinated, Rigging looks in the metal door's window. He looks at the safe and his fingers start itching a little but he moves on, still looking for Theo. He will head out after Bart, after he assures himself that Theo isn't in the lab. He occasionally calls out, "Theo! We are friends from the Lady Freeborn!"

Thursday May 3rd, 2001 12:30:06 PM

Bart knocks at the cellar doors and calls, "Theo are you in here? We are from the Lady Freeborn!"

Expecting no response, Bart tries opening the doors.

OOC sorry about the babylonian miscontrue; I thought we had two buildings a main house and a smaller cottage in front

Thursday May 3rd, 2001 10:49:24 PM

As she continues to walk her post, Ashira suddenly lurches and stumbles, almost colliding with a nearby tree. Although she manages to avoid getting a mouthful of bark, those who happen to be watching notice that Ashira is not her normal attentive self. She seems extremely fatigued, and perhaps a little more cranky than normal. Cursing in Elven, she quickly brushes herself off, and resumes walking her post, pretending that nothing has happened.

Hola Theo? (DM Dave) 
Friday May 4th, 2001 11:21:25 AM

Bart's and Rigging's calls continue to remain unanswered. As the cellar doors swing open, an earthy, musty scent greets Bart's nose. Wooden steps descend into the darkness.

Back at the beach, a dark line of clouds on the horizon have been steadily advancing their way eastward, and now a steady breeze is felt coming from that direction.

Friday May 4th, 2001 4:04:15 PM

The young cleric is lost in his thoughts for a moment. He feels satisfied that Val presents no major threat to the family, and he agrees with Ashira that she is a likable young lady and appears to need some family support. As he continues to ponder he decides to keep an eye on her anyway as there are many unanswered mysteries lately.

Blue looks to Ashira and hurries to her side. He was concerned about her fatigue when he worked healing on her. "Ashira", he calls out, "Why don't you take a break? looks like a storm is going to hit, you should get some cover. I have my heavy cloak to warm me and to keep me dry, how about me taking the next shift? I should be good for a couple hours yet."

Friday May 4th, 2001 5:27:47 PM

Bart yells, "Theo are you in there?"


Bart says, "Rigging I don't think he is in here and it is too dark inside to see. Let's go back to camp. There we can discuss with the others what to do. Maybe we can search the other boat for an trail off him."

Bart closes the doors of the cellar, and waits for Rigging to join him on his way back to camp.

Friday May 4th, 2001 9:48:32 PM

Val lies close to the fire for warmth with no blanket or bedroll of her own. As she looks upon the faces of what will hopefully be her new friends, Val remembers the past and ponders the future. Even though she has been given nothing, but kindness Val is hesitant to go to sleep. She was taken in openly without much question. Thats not something she would have done. Rubbing her arms for warmth, Val drifts into a restless sleep.

Friday May 4th, 2001 11:11:47 PM

Rigging catches up with Bart and says, "Let's take a quick look. It would be a shame if Theo is here and we didn't take a quick peek." Rigging reopens the door and heads down the stairs. If it is just a root cellar, and nothing grabs him or he doesn't see Theo, He will head back to the beach. As he heads down the stairs Rigging comments, "Bart, we should get the boat beached soon. Looks like weather is heading our way. We might as well use the house for a base camp tonight and search the island tomorrow. OOc How long have Bart and Rigging been searching for?

Best Cellar? (DM Dave) 
Saturday May 5th, 2001 6:29:03 AM

Tromping down the stairs, Rigging nearly collides with several metal cannisters sitting at the base (due to the darkness). A few minutes to allow for the eyes to adjust, and not much else may be seen of the cellar, except for various sections of the floor being fenced off with different mushrooms growing in each.

It has been roughly half an hour since Bart and Rigging left the beach in search of Theo.

Sunday May 6th, 2001 1:42:46 PM

Bart says to Rigging, "So he isn't here too Rigging! Let's go to the beach, talk with the others, and decide if we use the cottage for this night instead of camping on the beach. I don't know what Theo would say if he founds his home full with unexpected visitors. Maybe he is somewhere else on this island. But because there is another ship laying in the harbor I don't think he is at sea. But at the other hand I don't think he is at island at least not healty or even alive. Otherwise he had greeted us in some way."

Sunday May 6th, 2001 9:33:33 PM

Lem looks at Val, and then the approaching sky line. "Well do we want to get soaked or shall we head to the house with the others?" As the monk awaits a response, he tries to explain his companions to the new-found elf. "We," he begins, then amends it to, "They have lost a large part of their family in a very short time. I myself just joined them recently and there has been little or no time for relaxation since I joined them. They are a very open group of individuals that seem to trust quickly and accept people for who they are. I expect too from what I have seen, that they would be totally without mercy to anyone who harmed or betrayed one they considered family."

Monday May 7th, 2001 12:11:57 PM

Rigging stumbles into the cannisters, and curses to himself. "Great - another bruise." After listening to Bart's ideas he agrees to go back to the campsite and join the others. He is worried about the boat filling with too much water and sinking by the dock. He wants to get it beached. On the journey back his mind keeps flitting to Bulldog. He misses his big friend. If Bart looks closely he will see Rigging's eyes all watery. Rigging shakes his head angrily and thinks to himself, "There isn't time for this now. Have to keep busy and keep everyone safe."

Monday May 7th, 2001 1:13:40 PM

Fatigue written on her face, Ashira gives Blue a small grin and says, "Yeah, it's probably time to change shifts. I'm worried about the upcoming storm... looks like it could be a bad one. I wonder whether we should try to take shelter in the house? Although, if Theo is around, he might not take too kindly to a bunch of vagabonds like us camping out on his front porch!" Ashira manages a small laugh at this, and then heads over to where Valanthe lies and lays nearby the young elf. She turns over to Ari and says, "Wake me up when Rigging gets back." Then she lays down her bed roll and falls into a fitful slumber.

When she is awoken, she pulls Rigging aside and speaks to him in low tones. "Rigging, I don't think that anyone here would doubt that you're the leader. Really, you're the only one qualified for the job. I definitely don't have the trust built up with the others, nor do I want the job. That being said, I feel the need to make a few suggestions. First, it's been crazy since we lost Bulldog, and none of us has had the chance to mourn his death. I think it would be good for the morale of the others if, provided circumstances allow, we perform a memorial service for him tomorrow morning. Second, while on watch, I located a yacht nearby with some sails. So, how anxious are you to repair the Lazy Suzie? We can take the sails now, but I don't think it would be received well. I think we should probably wait until we've sorted out this Theo thing, and then assess our situation. What's your take?" Ashira waits patiently for Rigging's response.

Monday May 7th, 2001 11:38:35 PM

OOC: I appreciate the involvement Lem, but I didn't know what else to do so Val is asleep.

All Together Now (DM Dave) 
Tuesday May 8th, 2001 7:34:24 AM

For those asleep, it is only a few short minutes before your awakened by Bart and Riggings' reappearance. Information is quickly exchanged as big drops of rain start to hit the sand here and there sporadically. In a minute, the palm trees start whipping in the wind, with one or two coconuts dropping to the ground.

Tuesday May 8th, 2001 11:51:20 AM

The sound of a cocconut hitting the ground startles Val awake. She instinctively reaches for her weapon, expecting danger. Seeing that Bart and Rigging have returned, Val releases her weapon and rolls onto her back. "With the storm coming, we can't stay here. Anybody have any ideas?"

Tuesday May 8th, 2001 2:12:58 PM

"We could use Theo's house. Maybe he isn't happy with it, but I hope he understands.

"What shall we do with the Lazy Suzie -- leave her here or beach her? I opt for beaching her."

Tuesday May 8th, 2001 5:05:11 PM

Appolo after putting the supplies down sit comfortablely watching the sea. After awhile he notices that Ashira doesn't look well, and he notices that a storm is coming. Blue walks over to talk to Ashira. Then Rigging and Bart return.
He gets up and walks over to Rigging "I agree with Bart we should beach the ship, but I also think you should tell Lem to take Ashira and Val to the house Ashira looks like she's about to drop from exhuastion.The rest of us can handle beaching the ship and gathereing up our stuff." He says this quitely so only Rigging can hear him,just as the wind begins to pick up and the first drops of rain beginning to fall.

Tuesday May 8th, 2001 6:33:43 PM

Wiping rain from her face, Ashira waits patiently for Rigging's response. As the rain worsens, she further adds, "I don't particularly like it, but I think we should take shelter in Theo's house. We should definitely still post guards."

After receiving her response, she heads over and picks up her gear and prepares to head over to Theo's house. As she is doing so, she notices Appolo heading over to have a private word with Rigging. For a brief moment, she wonders if the two are talking about her, but she quickly brushes the thought aside.

Blue  d20=20
Tuesday May 8th, 2001 7:49:59 PM

Blue Listens to the report, but maintains a sharp look out. Briefly he adds his two cents to the discussion about shelter. " At first I was resistant to invade Theo's house and holdings with-out invite, but with this weather brewing I think he would want us to take shelter. I am a little concerned that we haven't seen him so far. With Val lying unconscious on the beach suggests that no one is around. I am worried that there may be foul play at work. Maybe Theo is out gathering herbs and will show up soon, either way we should stay warm and dry and vigilant." With his peace put in, Blue continues his patrol huddled warmly under his cloak.

Tuesday May 8th, 2001 11:09:38 PM

Seeing Ashira heading to the house she saw earlier, Val grudgingly gets up. Gathering her gear, she follows Ashira. At this point, she'd kick a bear out of its cave if that meant she could get some sleep.

Wednesday May 9th, 2001 2:29:05 AM

Having done his mediations, Ari sits with the rest of the group as everyone gets updated on what has been found so far.

"I agree that we should take shelter, since it looks like there might be a storm coming. Beyond that, I think we should wait and see what we find here on the island before we commit ourselves one way or another."

Consensus (DM Dave) 
Wednesday May 9th, 2001 4:58:38 AM

The group packs up and heads up the trail, leaving behind the beach and a rapidly angry sea. Rain is now freely falling, and everyone is drenched before going the hundred or so yards to Theo's cottage.

Wednesday May 9th, 2001 6:03:17 PM

Once inside, Lem takes a look in the fire place and up the chimney and sets about getting a fire going.

Blue  d20=13
Wednesday May 9th, 2001 6:48:35 PM

Blue enters the cottage and stows his meager gear in a dry corner. Retaining his quarter staff he checks out the windows and finds a good perch to keep an eye out. He takes a brief look at the party as they settle in then returns to his watch.

Wednesday May 9th, 2001 11:20:29 PM

Val sets her gear downagainst a wall and strips down to the bare essentials (skimpy undergarments). She lays her wet clothes near the fire to dry and sits against the wall. "I'll take 4th watch if nobody minds."

Thursday May 10th, 2001 12:57:01 AM

Once inside the cottage, Ashira stakes out a spot close to the door, and lays down her bed roll. She goes over to Blue and whispers "I think we better have someone join Valanthe on the 4th watch...just to be on the safe side." She returns to her spot, lays down, and falls asleep as soon as her head hits the floor.

Ashira drifts into exhaustion induced sleep, tossing and turning. Far from being restfull, she begins to dream. Dreams turn to nightmares, and somewhere around the middle of the night, Ashira wakes up screaming "Mommy, mommy" in Elven. As she wakes, she tries to shake the image of her mother's lifeless form lying limp in her fathers arms.

Unable to sleep any further, Ashira gets up and stokes the fire in the fireplace. Finding whomever is on watch staring at her, Ashira says "Sorry, must have been something I ate. I don't think I can sleep anymore...you want me to finish up your watch?"

Dawn's Early Light (DM Dave) 
Thursday May 10th, 2001 6:35:50 AM

A night of rest has wonderful effects on the exhausted party. For some, the only disconcerting thing is to wake without the rocking of the ocean beneath you.

Another quick scan of the perimeter turns up no further signs of Theo. Effects from last night's storm are obvious in the number of leaves lying scattered about, with a couple of downed trees in the yard. The chickens seem none the worse for wear, apparently their housing withstood the winds well.

Thursday May 10th, 2001 11:33:44 AM

Bart wonders how the ships had stand the storm. Before teken care for breakfast he walks to the beach to check the boats.

Thursday May 10th, 2001 12:14:43 PM

Through the night Blue watches over his comerades and continues to check out the windows. From time to time he does a quiet patrol of the cottage.

When Ashira stirs in the night, the young cleric hears her soft calls for her mother. His thoughts turn to his father and in his minds eye he watches once again the torture and bloody murder of his father at the hands of a quad. He shudders as he always does when this memory returns.

When Ashira wakes and claims an ill meal, Blue nods to acknowledge her. He feels closer to her somewhat, knowing that she was likely dreaming of her family lost. His gaze washes over the sleeping group as he realizes they have all lost family and they all must have fitfull dreams sometimes. An image of Bulldog and Wynd passes for a second in his memory. With a sigh he deceides that he is glad they have formed this new family and he feels strenghtened thinking about the bond they share.

When Ashira offers to take the watch, Blue surrenders it willingly and takes her vacated warm place to catch some quick sleep. As he drifts off, the young cleric whispers a prayer of thanks.

Rigging OOC 
Thursday May 10th, 2001 3:11:34 PM

Sorry guys for not posting. Laptop harddrive quit on me.

Thursday May 10th, 2001 3:19:58 PM

Rigging gets back to the beach and says, "OK Let's use Theo's house. With this weather brewing, I want to beach the boat or we are going to lose her. Let's get that done and then head up to the cottage. In the morning I want to hold a service for all of our lost comrades. We haven't taken time to mourn properly for many of them. Blue if you would say a few words, we all would appreciate it." Rigging starts heading to the ship. With the help of the others, he will cast off and sail the ship about 50 yards off shore. He will head for a nice soft sandy spot and run her up a ground. He yells, "I want 2 lines tied to trees and the anchor line with the up on the treeline. After this is done, Rigging will grab his backpack and belongings and head to the cottage.

Bart OOC 
Thursday May 10th, 2001 5:48:42 PM

OOC 1 a flashback Rigging?
OOC 2 going away for a diving trip this weekend back on sundayevening GMT see you then
dm feel free to delete this post

Thursday May 10th, 2001 9:37:14 PM

Valanthe wakes for her watch feeling great. better than she has in a long time. Val puts on her armor as quietly as possible so she doesn't wake any of the others. After 10 minutes of quiet, Val gets ansy and bored. To the person on watch with her she says, "I'm going to go out front and get a morning workout in." Grabbing her scythe and bow, Val heads out front. As the morning sun spreads over the land, Val spins her scythe over her head. For the next 30 min, Val doesn't think. She just reacts to the imaginary battle situations in her mind.

Thursday May 10th, 2001 11:16:03 PM

After finishing Blue's watch, Ashira finds another spot close to the door, and once again lays down to sleep. This time, she is able to rest undisturbed, and is finally awakened to the sounds of the waking party. Feeling slightly better, Ashira rises and works the kinks out of her knotted muscles. She looks around the party, and is disturbed to find that Valanthe is missing. Asking Ari, who was on duty with her, Ashira determines that she is outside, and joins her. She arrives just in time to catch the last few minutes of Valanthe's workout. Impressed by the fervor and agility of the girl, Ashira watches in silence. When the girl is finished, Ashira says "I hope you rested well. I'm afraid we're going to have a lot of work to do today." Nodding at Valanthe's scythe, Ashira finishes with "But, it looks like you're prepared. Shall we go inside and join the others?"

Thursday May 10th, 2001 11:36:41 PM

Val pulls out a small rag from the ground near her feet and wipes the sweat from her brow. "Sure, but I may need to go hunting. I'm rather hungry and ran out of rations at sea." Val grabs her bow and heads inside with Ashira. "You might not believe how much better a wooden floor feels than a boat. I feel much better now. What are we going to do today?"

Friday May 11th, 2001 12:44:51 AM

After helping Rigging and the others beach and secure the ship.Appolo gathers up his gear and trudges up to the cottage int he rain.He then finds a quiet corner of the cottage to settle in for the night.He sleeps quitly through the night.Until Ashira's cry awakens him.after making sure everthing is ok he goes back to sleep. and sleeps until awakened for breakfast.

Morning Actions (DM Dave) 
Friday May 11th, 2001 7:26:38 AM

After a quick trip to the dock to check on the boats (both are still there and in the same condition as last night), the group manages to scour the island (which is only 1/2 mile across at its widest point) without locating any further signs of Theo. Lush tropical plants cover most parts of the land, and its easy to see why someone would choose this paradise to make their home.

Friday May 11th, 2001 8:59:40 AM

Rigging awakes thinking of his lost friends. He stretches and wanders over to Blue. "Blue, What is the official title of a priest of Lem? Do we call you father, reverend, master, what? I want to do the service right after breakfast if that is ok with you." During breakfast Rigging says, "Family, today we mourn lost comrades. We will have a service after breakfast and then we will take the rest of the day for contemplation and rest. We all could use a day off. If you feel like exploring, don't go alone." Rigging looks at Val. "Val, why don't you take this time to tell us about yourself and how you got here?"

Friday May 11th, 2001 9:03:03 AM

On their way into the cottage, Ashira replies, "It may not be necessary for you to go hunting. Let's check on our supplies first."

Ashira smiles at the girl. "I'm not sure about being more comfortable on the floor. The sea is my security blanket... being Aquan, I get nervous if I stray too far from the sea. As for our assignment today..." Ashira sighs. "We've been asked to look for a magician. He has been out of contact for a while, and we've been asked to check on him. This is his island. The others have scouted the area, with no signs of him. Looks like we're going to have dig a little deeper. I get the feeling that something is wrong... which with our luck means that we're in for some trouble... it's just a matter of time."

Before they enter the cottage, Ashira adopts a serious face and says, "As long as you like, you are a welcome member of our party. Of course, we will be watching you for a little while to make sure that you're not deceiving us... please don't take it personally. We've been through a lot, and tend to be slightly cautious. But, you're elven, and that means a lot to me. It looks like you'll fit in well with our ragged lot."

She enters the cottage, and seeks out Bart. "Bart, how's our larder from the Lazy Suzie holding up? Do we need to "borrow" some food from the garden out back?"

Friday May 11th, 2001 1:16:57 PM

Val sighs and remains silent for a few moments. She calms herself and prepares to deal with some painful memories she tries to forget. "I lost my home and my family when I was very young -- 18 winters old, I think. I'm not sure who it was. All I remember is some orcs and goblins, not much else." Val takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. Even after all these years, the horrors of that day remain fresh in her mind. "After that I was on my own. I had to learn how to survive. There were several times when I thought I was going to die. When I learned, I started to travel. No matter where I went there was never anything worth staying for. Many months ago I was captured in my sleep. There were too many men to fight off. They must have seen me in the area alone, or something like that. I was locked up for a long time at sea. One night the crew got really drunk. Probably happy on the money they were going to make. Anyway the crew decided to take liberties with the cargo. One of them came into my cell and tried to force hinself upon me. All I remember is that I got realy mad. The next thing I know is that the sailor was a bloody heap at my feet. With everybody drunk, I managed to escape in a lifeboat. Now I realize that it was a stupid thing to do without more supplies." Val is visibly shaken by the story. Standing up, she manages to say with tears forming in her eyes, "Excuse me," before quickly heading out the front door.

Friday May 11th, 2001 2:33:25 PM

Blue says, in response to Rigging's question, "Well, since we are a rebel church we have kept it fairly simple. There is three basic levels. First is novices and apprentices which are addressed as 'Sisters' and 'Brothers' then there is ordained priests who are addressed as 'Mother' or 'Father' finally are our leadership which are addressed as 'Mistress' or 'Master'. There is many levels within levels depending on the focus of the individuals work."

The youth continues, "I am a apprentice to Mistress Qwen. My formal title is Brother Adarul or Brother Blue, but we are all family here so Blue is good enough. You can call me what you wish."

After clearing his throat Blue finishes with, "we have gone from the frying pan to the fire so many times I haven't had time to talk of 'religous' matters to the family. I do have some responsiblity to the spirtual and physical well-being of the group. I have been assigned by Qwen to see to these matters, sort of like a parish. So I will glady say a few words to honor and comfort our crew. Just let me know when".

Saturday May 12th, 2001 12:57:51 AM

Outside, Val sits under a large tree. She hugs her knees and buries her head. Try as she might, Val can't control herself. Images of her childhood village along with her friends and family won't leave her mind. Quickly the images turn into the aftermath of the raid. In the light of early morning, Val weeps again for those that died on that fateful day.

Sunday May 13th, 2001 10:27:13 AM

Up and out early Lem goes chicken egg hunting, and depending on how successful he raids Theo's larder and goes about preparing a hot breakfast for this band of misfits.

As Valanthe tells her tale, Lem gets very quiet as her story brings forth memories that Lem had thought were already buried.

Moments after Val goes outside and sits< Lem carries some breakfast out to her. quietly squatting in front of her, Lem places the plate on the ground at her feet and waits. Moments later, He says in a quiet and almost quivering voice. I have lost those who I called family twice now in a couple of years. My real family was killed or taken by the G'aalian priests in my thirteenth year. That is when I too ran off, planning to live in the wilds on my own. I was found by a group of monks who worshipped Lemtrovex and they took me in, trained and raised me for the past two years. Just days before I met these guys our compound was over run by more G'allian priests. I again managed to escape, but not before I once again watched as those I loved were killed and herded off.

From what I have learned from our new friends, most all of our stories are very similar. I think that is what in part binds them and us together. We are perhaps creating a new family for ourselves.

After saying his piece, he remains squatting for a few moments and then he quietly gets up and turns to go back into the house.

Sunday May 13th, 2001 1:33:35 PM

When Bart returns from the beach he waits outside of the cottage, waiting for the memorial service for his comrade Bulldog. He is also worrying about Theo's disappearence.

"Rigging after the mass we heve to search the house again maybe we find some papers or another clue about Theo's whereabouts.
After that we have to search the island, maybe he lies somewhere injured.

Sunday May 13th, 2001 9:48:43 PM

Lem carries some breakfast out to her. quietly squatting in front of her, Lem places the plate on the ground at her feet and waits. Moments later, he says in a quiet and almost quivering voice. "I have lost those who I called family twice now in a couple of years. My real family was killed or taken by the Ga'alian priests in my thirteenth year. That is when I too ran off, planning to live in the wilds on my own. I was found by a group of monks who worshipped Lemtrovex and they took me in, trained and raised me for the past two years. Just days before I met these guys our compound was over run by more Ga'allian priests. I again managed to escape, but not before I once again watched as those I loved were killed and herded off."

As Lem speaks, Val looks up and wipes away the tears. Softly, Val says "At times, it's just so very hard. Elves rarely sleep. Instead they enter a sleep like state. They enter a sleep like state where they vividly relive past memories, both good and bad. I get a lot of the bad. A lot of the time I wonder why I lived. Why was I spared. What am I supposed to do? I've been wondering this for about 80 years. Maybe I'll figure it out someday." Val glances down at the plate of food and realizes how hungry she is. Not meaning to be rude, Val attacks the food like a starved woman (which she happens to be).

Sunday May 13th, 2001 11:44:32 PM

Awoken for his watch, Ari assumes the last watch without much fanfare. When Val comments that she's headed outside, he waves her on without comment. Making sure to set his watch where he can keep an eye on her, the rest of his watch passes uneventfully. As various people awaken, and ask where Val is, Ari will keep showing where she is. Once everyone is awake, Ari moves outside to listen to everyones story.

"Ashira, are you still feeling a bit under the weather? I am assuming that Blue and I can help you with that"

Full Bellies (DM Dave) 
Monday May 14th, 2001 6:17:34 AM

Still no sign of the talented Mr. Theo. Fasts are broken and old wounds revisited as the party takes stock of its situation.

Monday May 14th, 2001 1:03:13 PM

Rigging leads the group back down to the beach for Bulldog's memorial. After the ceremony, tears still staining his cheeks, he pulls Val to the side and says, "This is an all too common event for us. We are dedicated to freeing our kinsmen and countrymen from the evil grasp of Ga'al. If you want to join that fight then I say welcome. You would have to become a member of the Pirates of Jack. If you don't we will give you some provisions and wish you well." Rigging beckons Ashira over. "Val is thinking about joining our group. I want you to check her over for signs of the heartseed." Rigging looks to the rest of the group. "We need to fix the ship, go through the cottage and workshops, and explore the rest of the island. I want three teams. Ashira, Val, and myself will stay and try to repair the boat. Ari, will explore the cottage and labratory by himself. We will be close enough to back him up if he needs it. Appolo and Bart form into one team to scout the island. Lem and Blue form another one. We meet here three hours before dark at the latest. Anybody have any questions, comments or better yet ideas?

Monday May 14th, 2001 3:54:56 PM

"Fine with me Rigging. What about you Appolo? We will take the westside as Lem and Blue take the left side. I only need my bow and chainshirt. Not that I think I need the last one -- but you never know."

Monday May 14th, 2001 5:10:37 PM

After a short bitter-sweet ceremony where the family's fallen were named and remembered and a brief vow of allegiance and a pledge to the fall of Ga'al was shared, Blue takes a moment to pray for guidance and strength for the family and for himself.

The young cleric gathers his gear and joins Lem to follow Rigging's orders. To Lem he says, "I look forward to our task. We have not had an opportunity to talk. I am anxious to share tales." The stocky youth smiles broadly and heads towards the eastern path.

Monday May 14th, 2001 9:52:46 PM

Through the ceremony, Val is quiet. She didn't know Bulldog and ran out of tears for those she knew. She didn't know this Ga'al, but guessed that it was another evil deity. She didn't like the idea of being a pirate, but they don't appear to be the type of people to destroy and pillage. They helped her after all. After the ceremony she says to Rigging, "I will help you for now. I'll stay until it appears my path was meant to be elsewhere. I'm not too keen on being a pirate, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt." Turning away she continues, "Um... I'm not sure how much help I'll be fixing a boat. I don't have any carpentry skills, but I'll try to do what I can."

Monday May 14th, 2001 10:41:24 PM

I too look forward to a walk around the island if for no other reason than to clear my head a bit. I will be glad to speak with you about our tales.

Monday May 14th, 2001 11:15:02 PM

Ashira stands next to Blue during the memorial service and listens while the cleric delivers his speech. Touched by the priest's eloquent eulogy, Ashira waits until the service is over, and then turns to Rigging and Blue and says "I didn't know either of your commrades very well, although I'd like to think that Bulldog counted me as a mate. If you don't mind, I'd like to perform a small Aquan service for your lost companions...particularly since Bulldog was claimed by the sea."

Ashira then excuses herself, strips down, and disapears into the ocean. A few minutes later, she reappears, carrying two fist sized black pearls (which look as though they could easily be sold for a fortune). She asks Rigging the name of the other companion that was lost during the siege on the temple (Wynd), and stoops down and writes Wynd's and Bulldog's names in the sand in Elven. She places the pearls in the middle of the names, and recites a
short prayer to Delcos (the sea god). Immediatley after the prayer, the pearls are consummed in a blue-green fire that imminates no heat. "This ceremony is said to aid in a peaceful journey to the other world."

Ashira listens as Rigging unveils his plan for the search. "Sounds good Rigging, although I really think it's best that someone join Ari on his search. A wizard's laboratory is not the place to be poking around all alone in. Perhaps Valanthe should join him...she's better suited to that line of work."

Tuesday May 15th, 2001 7:26:06 AM

Rigging watches Ashira's ceremony and listens to her comments about Val. He ponders what she says awhile and then says, "Val are you a warrior, priest, thief, or wizard? What are your skills? Can you read? Ari what do you think. Do you want company? Last time we left you alone; you ran into a shapeshifter." After it is decided, Rigging will head down to the damaged vessal and do a more thourogh inspection of the damage. As Rigging heads down to the beach, he will calls over his shoulder, "If anyone sees any planks or boat building supplies please let Ashira or myself know."

OCC Rigging 
Tuesday May 15th, 2001 7:29:53 AM

Dave, Will be leaving town for a few days and still am laptopless. Am trying to arrange having Peer run me while I am gone but if you don't see a post and need one, feel free to pinch hit. I will try to find some libraries with internet access and post but can't guarrentee it.

Divide and Conquer (DM Dave) 
Tuesday May 15th, 2001 7:36:29 AM

The rest of the day is spent in combing the island thoroughly (no sign found of Theo), repairing the two holes in the hull of the Lazy Suzie (perhaps not as good as a shipwright's handiwork, but not half-bad, either), and going through Theo's cottage and laboratory.

Besides discovering what Rigging noted earlier, looking through the copious notes stacked throughout the lab reveals detailed schematics for the construction of the strange metal potato device, with the cannisters of liquid (down in the root cellar) apparently to be used as fuel. All sorts of warnings are provided about the volatility of the liquid, and apparently some of it was set aside for use by the Pirates of Jack.

Tuesday May 15th, 2001 5:34:39 PM

Bart Says To Rigging: Nowhere at the Island, I will search the other vessel for any signs of Theo. If not.. we have to return to the Lady Freeborn

Tuesday May 15th, 2001 9:54:18 PM

Rigging watches Ashira's ceremony and listens to her comments about Val. He ponders what she says awhile and then says, "Val are you a warrior, priest, thief, or wizard? What are your skills? Can you read?.....

With a semi- puzzled look Val says, "Well I'm not a thief or a wizard and I've never considered myself a warrior. In my travels the only people I met were other women who called themselves Amazons. I consider myself an Amazon. I once knew how to read, but I've long since forgotten."

Wednesday May 16th, 2001 12:01:44 AM

After a long hard day of keeping busy with the various tasks at hand Ashira seeks out Ari or Blue for another request for healing. She's feeling her strength return but only feels about half as able as she did when she started the journey. She also asks Val for a private moment when she may confirm the absence of heart seeding.

Ashira suggests to Rigging that they inspect the egg shaped object in further detail and for the possibility that it may have something to do with the absence of Theo. With no signs of foul play and the ship in the harbor it seems odd that there is no signs pointing to his whereabouts. Noting that some of the liquid was to be set asside for the Pirates of Jack, they may want to load that into their boat the next day. It is also getting time for them to return to the Lady Freeborn before she leaves port without them.

Wednesday May 16th, 2001 12:20:15 AM

When Ashira and Val have a private moment,Val asks "What is a heart seeding?"

During the day and the activities that ensue, Val noticably relaxes. In the morning she's quiet and a bit tense. In the evening she talks more and acts more casually.

Wednesday May 16th, 2001 12:30:43 AM

After a day of searching with no sign of Theo the young cleric was at least glad for a day with his fellow theologian Lem. Blue told Lem about his family and his early training. He also shared the basis of his simple beliefs and his vows to serve the people of Aisidlar in Lemtrovex's cause.

When he returned with Lem to camp and heard the reports that there is no sign of Theo, the young cleric was puzzled. He ponders out loud to the family members, "There is no sign of Theo, and no sign of foul play. His ship appears to be here and no evidence of him leaving. Hmmmm. What was found in his laboratory? Any sign of magics that might be used as transport?"

Wednesday May 16th, 2001 12:52:34 AM

As the group discussed where Theo could be, Val felt a little lost. She wanted to help, but didn't know how or where. When she heard that Theo had a ship Val began to wonder. "Um, Blue. I'm not sure if I heard you right. Did you say that Theo had a ship? During assignments this morning I don't remember anybody going to check his ship out. Perhaps a clue will be there."

(OCC: I don't know if this was covered before I joined or how big his vessel is, but we seem to be short on answers.)

Ari  d8+1=7 d8+1=9
Wednesday May 16th, 2001 5:56:22 AM

After the short ceremony for Bulldog, Ari offers up his own private concerns for Bulldog.

(Ooc Is there any of his equipment left onboard, or was he wearing/ did we lose it all?)

As Rigging hands out assignments, Ari's eyes seem to light up a little, at the mention of going through Theo's Lab. When asked, "I think I should be fine on my own. You guys are at least not tied up with something, should I need help!" Ari smiles at those who participated at the temple raid.

The day is spent checking out the lab and its effects. As the group comes back together, "There is no clue in the lab as to where Theo is. Seems he's working on some type of vehicle. The stuff Sword wanted us to find is down in the basement."

When asked by Ashira, "I can help you with that, then." Ashira feels much better after the first pass (healed for 7 points). Ari checks her out, and sees she is still a little under the weather. Casting one more time, bring her up to full (healed for 9 points)(good rolls! :) ).

Rigging (DM Dave) 
Wednesday May 16th, 2001 7:50:01 AM

Rigging says, "We checked Theo's ship last night for supplies, and didn't find anything out of the ordinary. Bart, you Blue, and Val get the cargo loaded up on the Lazy Suzie. I'm not looking forward to telling the Resistance that we couldn't locate one of their primary contacts. Ari, let's go ahead and take the safe's contents with us: I don't want someone else stumbling into any of the Pirates of Jack's secrets Theo may have locked away in there. Go ahead and clean out any incriminating materials in the lab as well, and leave a note for Theo that we'll send someone back by to check on him."

Evening Chores 
Wednesday May 16th, 2001 7:57:12 AM

After coming back together and comparing notes, a last search is made of Theo's vessel (no additional items noted) and the cannisters loaded onto the Lazy Suzie.

Wednesday May 16th, 2001 11:02:26 AM

Except for one minor disturbance, Appolo slept through the night like a baby, conveniently avioding taking watch. He was the last to wake and the last to eat. While eating he listened to Valanth's tale. He felt sorry for the girl, but was largely unmoved, feeling the story to be pretty standard for this group. Nothing to cry about. The last couple of years has made him fairly hard both physically and emotionally.

After that they go down to the beach and hold a memorial service, with the others getting pretty emotional, but Appolo remains expressionless. Looking at him you wouldn't think that he cared. When it was over he said a silent prayer for the others, asking whatever god there was to protect them.

Appolo then received his orders and spent the rest of the day with Bart searching the island. Not finding any sign of Theo, they head back and made their report.

He then went and started loading supplies aboard the Lazy Susan and preparing for the trip home, hardly saying a word to anyone.

Rigging  d20+3=21 d20+3=8
Wednesday May 16th, 2001 11:34:46 AM

Rigging checks the charts and computes some navigation to get them around the area where they encountered the "living water". When the tide is right he orders the ship pushed out to sea and the sails raised. He then jumps down into the hold and checks on the patch. "Val, I have a job for you. Since I don't believe you are ship trained could you be responsible for checking the patch and making sure it doesn't leak to much? Also since we are a man down," Rigging pushes past the lump in his throat, "Could you man the galley for us? Don't worry if you can't cook well. Anything has to be better than Appolo's cooking!" Rigging pats Appolo on the shoulder trying to draw him out.

Valanthe  d20=20
Wednesday May 16th, 2001 4:15:13 PM

Val smiles, "Sure. I can barely tolerate what I make for myself. After this you might prefer raw fish. I'll give it my best shot though." Val busies herself cooking up whatever she can, occasionally checking on the patch.

(OOC: cooking check- 20. I make her out to be a bad cook and look at that.)

Wednesday May 16th, 2001 5:02:57 PM

After confirming that Val is not implanted with a heartseed, Ashira addresses her inquiry. "This region is the territory of an evil god named Ga'al. In order to control the population, he has the people implanted with an organism called a heartseed which controls their actions. That is just one of the reasons that the Pirates of Jack are dedicated to destroying the Ga'al's tirany." Ashira looks at Valanthe with motherly concern. "You've already found out that the world is quite a cruel place. I wish you would reconsider joining the Pirates. They truly are dedicated to a good cause, and we are not like the traditional impression of pirates. We are freedom fighters trying to stamp out tyrany and oppression...a cause I would think you would be interested in. Anyway, we could certainly use your skills. Think it over."

Returning to the party, Ashira is tended to by Ari. After both sessions, Ashira is filling up to her full potential, and is anxious to return to the Pirates. She thanks Ari and then goes over to Rigging. "I don't want to get caught in a sea storm with this flammable material on board! Are the winds in our favor? Hopefully we'll have better luck on this trip than last one."

Wednesday May 16th, 2001 5:19:18 PM

"Rigging wasn't my cooking good enough?" Bart asks with a smile. Bart shows Val how to handle the firepit in the galley and is impressed by the way she manages it to cook a dinner. "Sure you have didn't it before?" he asks Val. After checking everything is all right he goes back on deck and helps steering and sailing the boat.

Wednesday May 16th, 2001 6:34:48 PM

Blue helps load and prepare the Lazy Suzie for her journey. He makes sure his meager equipment is on board and stowed. Then he seeks out Valanthe and speaks to her privately.

He says, "Val, I have a confession to make. I have a responsiblity to the family and their safety, so I used a spell on you to try to detect your nature. My intent was to see if you were evil in disguise. My spell did not detect any evil at all."

"I don't go around using magic on family members without their knowledge. As I now consider you family, I felt you had a right to know what I did. I hope you ... this doesn't cause hard feelings between us."

After his talk with Valanthe, Blue seeks out Ari. He takes him aside for a quiet confab. Somewhat excitedly he says to Ari, "I am still puzzled about Theo. Theo is renowned as a wise man and as a magic user. I am sure he can take care of himself and likely would be hard to sneak up on. So, that can only mean he has gone on a journey, yet his ship is still in safe harbour. That means he has other ways to travel. Likely, magic ways. What did you find in his lab? Any spell book or sign of a spell cast? How did Theo do it? How did he leave the island without his boat?"

Wednesday May 16th, 2001 7:39:16 PM

To Ashira after the confirmation of no heartseed:
Val looks horrified when she learns that people are losing their free will. "I've seen the evils pirates cause and will not do those things myself. It appears that you use the term pirate for camoflage. I'll join you and help you against this Ga'al on one condition. That you teach me to read and write the elven language."

To Bart:
"No I've never worked in a galley like this. The only thing I've done is roast beasts over a campfire. I think that I got everything. I'm sure that there are better things to do than babysit me."

To Blue:
At first Val is angry at being the recipient of a spell without her knowledge. Upon hearing that Blue considers her family, Val calms down and smiles, "It's all right, just don't do it again. Nothing personal, but I've always been uneasy around magic users."

Wednesday May 16th, 2001 9:12:47 PM

After getting the provisions aboard and taking whatever canvas and lumber can be found and loading it aboard, Appolo helps put the ship to sea.

Then Rigging mentions his cooking and Appolo replies, "Ain't that the truth," and continues on with his chores. After he is done he heads below into the hold to practice with an old shortsword he picked up.

Thursday May 17th, 2001 6:22:24 AM

Ari helps to load up the Lazy Suzie.

When approached by Blue, Ari respond, "It is hard to say. I found in his notes something about a metal potato like container, that uses this fuel to somehow travel. But as far as I could see, it did not suggest anything in the way of spells. Though his notes did not suggest how far he could travel, either. Although, with all the warnings he has about this fuel stuff. I wonder how he could travel and not be detected somehow, by someone.

Rigging (from the mall)  d20+3=23
Thursday May 17th, 2001 11:06:29 AM

Rigging is pleased with how well the crew is meshing. The burdens of leadership have been heavy for the young noble. He has found a new respect for his father for his leadership skills. He vows to himself to find a cure for the heartseed and get it to his father. After hearing Ashira's questions and computing the currents, winds, drag of the patch, lost weight of Bulldog, added weight of Val and supplies, cargo, and food consumed (rolled for navigation skill) he tells Ashira, "Looking at the data available and taking into account shifting winds, we should make port at 6:17 pm tomorrow evening." One eyebrow raises as he says this.

Head 'Em Up, Move 'Em Out (DM Dave) 
Thursday May 17th, 2001 4:59:54 PM

The group scurries around and quickly gets the Lazy Suzie underway. Only once the crew is at sea does it come up that Ari was unable to get Theo's safe open (lack of thieving skills having something to do with it, perhaps?).

Good weather greets the party on the high seas as it heads back to rendezvous with the pirate base.

Thursday May 17th, 2001 7:02:30 PM

Once the vessel is underway, Ashira takes her turn rowing. When her shift is over, she heads over to the galley for a quick meal. While there, Ashira converses with Valanthe. "We can begin your Elven lessons as soon as you wish... although it will have to be in our spare time, of course. Things will be a little more difficult once we rejoin the Pirates. I serve as the kennel master there, and I have recently taken a protege." Ashira grins. "Plus, you will be kept very busy learning introductory pirating skills... you know... looting, pillaging, etc. Seriously, you will have chores assigned to you, depending on your skills. Do you know how to swim? If not, we will definitely have to work on that!" Ashira laughs at her own joke, and then heads some place quiet to take a quick nap.

Thursday May 17th, 2001 10:15:38 PM

Val serves Ashira as best as she can, surprised that the rest of the crew can actually eat the stuff. When Ashira mentions looting and pillaging, Val gets an angry look on her face. "I will not loot or pillage, and I can swim. I don't think any of my skills will prove useful on ships. I can't even cook. I'm surprised this stuff isn't eating through the hull." Calming down, Val continues, "Anyway about the lessons, whenever you're free is fine with me. I'm probably going to be more trouble than use. I can't do anything to be useful on a pirate ship. I've lived most of my life in forests and the wild."

Friday May 18th, 2001 8:52:18 AM

As the Lazy Suzie gets underway, Ari takes time to double check the health of the crew. Once the crew checks out, he heads for the patch, and double checks its condition.

While Ari performs his chores, he thinks about his Father's sword, hoping it will come to great use. He also spends time going over whatever he can of Theo's to make more sense of what is going on.

Friday May 18th, 2001 11:02:28 AM

After practicing for a little while with his old short sword, Appolo heads up to the galley and grabs a bite to eat. Looking at Val, "Not bad, it's at least as good as mine." He then finishes up and heads aloft to check on the ship's rigging and climb into the crow's nest for a while.

Friday May 18th, 2001 1:48:30 PM

Now that the ship is back at sea and the chores are all done, Blue takes a little time for prayer and meditation. He remains puzzled by Theo's disappearance and disappointed that he did not to get to meet the great man and the missed opportunity to learn from him. " Oh well", he sighs, "There is much I do not understand of the great unfolding and the mysterious ways in which Lemtrovex works." The young cleric surrenders his worries and his doubts and prays for guidance and strength to follow Lemtrovex's will.

Saturday May 19th, 2001 12:47:30 PM

Noting Val's sour expression at Ashira's light-hearted, pirating humor, Lem grins and with a serious tone to his voice says, "Val, you need to lighten up just a bit, she was kidding about the looting and pillaging, at least for the most part. The only people we take things from are those that that are abusing and stealing from the people, meaning primarily the evil baddies of Ga'al." Lem takes this trip to work hard on his sailing skills, helping where ever and whenever he can.

Saturday May 19th, 2001 9:17:16 PM

Val just says, "Oh, well I take things like that very seriously. I hope they need another blade because that's all I can provide." Val begins to wonder about her position on this ship. It seems there was a lot more than she was led on to believe. Val became uneasy and a bit scared at the thought of what could happen.

(OCC: Val has no sense of humor. Maybe she'll get one.)

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