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A Row with the Ocean

Vacation (DM Dave) 
Thursday March 22nd, 2001 6:04:07 AM

The evening continues on in a pleasant manner, and Rigging and Ashira manage several songs together before Weasel, one of the ship's crew, comes into the Inn. Going over to the group, he informs them that they are needed back at the ship at sunrise, at the storemaster's request.

The evening passes and Frederick's funds are well-used. The next morning, a little bleary-eyed, the group manages to make its way down to the beach, where work is still progressing on the Lady Freedborn.

Cedric is sitting over at the netting supply shack, speaking with Jack and watching the crew scrape barnacles from the sides of the Lady Freedborn. Jack nods to you as he strides off, and Cedric turns to you, "Well, pack your things, you're going on vacation. Our man Theo was to have delivered a shipment to us a couple weeks back, but hasn't shown his old mug. Jack is worried just enough that you're going to check on the geezer."

Pointing to an small fishing vessel with a single mast, he says, "Take the Lazy Suzie out to his island and see what the hold up is."

The Lazy Suzie is usually used in spying near the mainland, and the pirates won't dare have anything bigger noticed by the Aisildurian navy near Theo's island. You've heard of Theo: A bald, old man who is very knowledgeable and doesn't have a violent bone in his body. From what crewmembers have said, he's provided invaluable advice to the commanders over the years, along with numerous magical concoctions. Theo lives alone on a paradise of an island, where he spends his time, when not gardening, in his lab studying cures and such.

"Frederick over at Weldon's caught up with me last night and filled me in on the arrangements for the supplies. I'm sending Weasel over to make payment." Cedric directs Weasel to take your coin bags.

"Well, watcha waiting for? Grab your maps and bags and get out of here!" growls Cedric. He looks at you for a moment as he sees your questioning glances.

Thursday March 22nd, 2001 9:11:53 AM

Rigging sighs and winces at the growls of Cederic. He mumbles, "Not so loud." He heads up to the ship to quickly change clothes, and grabs a short bow and arrows out of the ship's armory. Rigging grabs his spell book knapsack so he can replace his sleep spell while sailing. (occ 2 questions What is Ashira's rank? Does Rigging still have cantrips under 3rd edition rules?)

Thursday March 22nd, 2001 12:17:09 PM

How long do we have to sail to Theos island? We need some supplies, fresh water and some food for example. And, Cedric, where is the island exactly? Do you have a map of it?

(so far as i know all cantrips are replaced by 0-lvl spells)

Thursday March 22nd, 2001 1:50:46 PM

Appolo heads to his quarters and grabs various things he feels he'll need. Clothes, shoes, shortbow, daggers, rope & grappling hook, thieves tools, and a short sword he has been practicing with. He then heads to the Lazy Susie. As he heads toward the fishing ship, he skips gracefully and silently along with his pack and seems to be in a better mood.

Thursday March 22nd, 2001 6:15:14 PM

Head pounding with the waves on the shore, Ashira boards the Lady Freeborn, changes, explains her departure to Illanta, fetches Zeke, Hermes, and Ripper and a few other supplies. Then, she returns to Cedric, hands him a bag with various coinage, and says "Make sure that Weasel picks up my supplies from Weldon's as well." She boards the Lady Suzie, and lets the back and forth rolling motion of the sea ease her headache.

When Rigging boards, she looks over at him and says "Well, it was fun while it lasted, but here we go again!" Noticing his grimace, she reaches in a pouch, and withdraws a tiny wad of material that looks vagely like seaweed. She hands it to Rigging, and says "Here, looks like you could use some Gillyweed. Tastes like guano, but should take care of your headache."

OOC (After dancing with her last night, Rigging couldn't help but notice the four swords tattoed on her right shoulder. Rigging, you naughty boy!)

Thursday March 22nd, 2001 7:45:33 PM

"Hey, we are going to sea, great...and to see Theo, maybe I can get some healing supplies finally...I wonder if he is willing to teach me a few things?" The young cleric grabs his meager posessions, tops up his water bottle and clambers into the little craft.

Smiley Jim (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Thursday March 22nd, 2001 10:40:42 PM

Jim accompanies the party back to the docks, and listens as Cedric describes the mission. He smiles, embraces Ashira in a big hug, and kisses her on the check before she enters the Lazy Suzie. "I would love to join you mates on your search for Theo, but I've got some work to do around here."

He winks, turns to Bulldog and Rigging, and says "I'm holding you two personally responsible for this you lady's safety. I want to see her back in the same shape as I left her!"

As Ashira boards, he blows her a kiss. "Try to stay out of trouble little sister!"

Heave To! (DM Dave) 
Friday March 23rd, 2001 6:31:05 AM

Cedric answers Bart, "The maps and such are already aboard. We should be done re-outfitting the Freedborn in 6 days, plenty of time for you to get out to Theo and back. No don't lollygag - get a move on while the tide is still up, and watch out for those reefs!"

The sun has not cleared the horizon, the lighthouse beam showing the safe exit from the harbor still shines brightly.

Legs arrives as the group is heading to the Lazy Suzie. A calm air is about him. With hand-clasps and hugs, he takes his leave of his friends, stating that he has decided to stay on the island, at least for now.

The group gets the fishing vessel underway.

[All cantrips in the 2nd edition are now 0-level spells in the 3rd. I need skill checks for navigation and such while you are piloting the vessel...what, you do have skills in this area, right?]

Rigging  d20+3=22
Friday March 23rd, 2001 1:52:29 PM

When Rigging gets back from the ship with his belongings and supplies, his companions notice him chewing the bark Ashira gives him grimacing the entire time. He puts his hand on Legs shoulder and says, "I know she was pretty, but are you sure you want to stay here? Settling down this early in life is crazy. Too much to see." Rigging gives Legs a quick hug and says, "Good luck." He then boards the fishing vessel and starts looking at the charts, sun and tides. "C'mon guys! We need to catch the tide or you will be rowing." (Knowledge check for navigation Aced!)

Bulldog the Non-navigator 
Friday March 23rd, 2001 9:55:25 PM

"We'll be back to see you soon enough." As he waves goodbye to Legs. Then turns to smiling Jim "We'll keep an eye on Ashira for you. No worries there, but I think Rigging may overdo it , if you know what I mean." He smiles as he boards and whistle as he works. "another fun sea cruise" The big fighter is in a grand mood as they get underway.

Lem  d20=6
Saturday March 24th, 2001 10:33:00 AM

Folowing along with the others, Lem too gets on board the smaller vessel. "Why do I get the feeling that this little 'vacation' is not just a walk through the woods? Let me know what I can do to help with the sailing of this vessel. What boating skills I have learned I have just learned since I joined you. There was no need to know about boats at the Abbey.

Saturday March 24th, 2001 11:49:51 AM

Blue stows his gear forward, removes his cloak and raps it around his belongings and wedges his staff between his pack and the hull. He encourages other mates to tend forward and aft lines in preparation to shove off and then moves to the mast and frees up foresail sheets and does the same for the mainsail. He checks to see that all the cleats are free and then stands ready for the order to raise sail

Saturday March 24th, 2001 7:26:34 PM

Legs answers Rigging, "Didn't say I'm settling down." His face at first is serious. Then, a smile works its way to the surface. "Let's just say - I'm recruiting for the pirates. Lem's strength be yours, Rigging."

He gives Bulldog an affectionate punch to the shoulder - with just enough force to be memorable, knowing how tough his friend is.

After helping to push the Lazy Suzie off from the docks, Legs raises his voice. "Farewell till next we meet, all! I shall not fail to keep you each in my prayers! Yes, even you, Appolo!"

Ashira  d20+7=11
Saturday March 24th, 2001 10:21:56 PM

Blowing a kiss back to Jim, Ashira shouts out "Ha! You're the one that had better stay out of trouble!"

She looks at Rigging and Bulldog, flashing a serious face. "By now, you two better know that I don't need any looking after!"

Ashira waves goodbye to Legs, and wishes him luck. She stows her gear, and assists with whatever needs to be done to get the vessel to sea.

Sunday March 25th, 2001 4:13:49 AM

Bart stows away his belongings, and with a quick look he inspects the ship's galley (if there is one) and supplies.
He then goes to deck and, not a navigator himself, he aids Blue with the sails.

And Away We Go! (DM Dave) 
Sunday March 25th, 2001 11:31:59 AM

The group skillfully navigates out of the harbor and into the broad expanse, tacking southeast according to the maps provided. The Lazie Suzie is a 50 feet long by 15 feet wide small keelboat, equipped with single sail and four oars. From the charts, it looks to be a 3 day voyage out to Theo's island.

The first two days are uneventful, with beautiful weather and flying fish to enjoy. Skills are brushed up on, and the larder isn't half bad.

Shortly after dawn of the third day, things get interesting, as the the waters churn from a tremedous tempest. However, the skies are clear, and the wind is moderate! The ship rocks violently in water that stands calm only a few feet away from the edges of the boat.

Sunday March 25th, 2001 11:39:20 AM

Ahh ... this will spoil the soup, no hot breakfast today! What is happening? He grasps for his sword and runs to the deck, a clear day, no strong winds! "Is a beast rocking the boat?" he says when he is trying to look down in the waves.

Ashira  d20+7=24 d20+7=8
Sunday March 25th, 2001 2:34:21 PM

Sighing as the weather in the immediate vicinity becomes turbulent, Ashira looks at Rigging with a half-smile on her face. "What is it about this party that attracts trouble? First we can't even go shopping, now we can't even go a few yards on a calm sea without running into problems!"

Turning to the rest of the group, she says, "Well, I wouldn't be much of a ranger if I didn't recognize that these seas are not behaving naturally. So, either we've got a beasty to deal with, or this is spell caster territory. Any of you magic users got any ideas, or should we just hunker down and hope for the best?" While she is asking the question, Ashira darts around the craft trying to make it as sea-worthy as possible during the current conditions.

(ooc, 1st roll for nature lore to determine if this is a beast, 2nd roll for profession (sailor).)

Sunday March 25th, 2001 9:30:35 PM

Being knocked about the fighter grapples for a handhold to steady himself. Pulling forth a javelin, as he looks about for a beasty target. "I thought things were going too well." The big fighter scans over his friends to see if everyone has stabilized for what is to come. Quietly adding, 'wish Legs was he here' he already misses the steady Paladin.

Rigging  d20+3=10
Sunday March 25th, 2001 11:40:32 PM

Rigging looks baffled and confused by the unnatural weather. He heads to the tiller to try to lead us out of the froth. He yells, "Try to tie yourselves off. We don't want to lose anybody!" Rigging then follows his own advice quickly tying himself to the tiller with about 20' of slack. He struggles a bit in the rough weather but finally succeeds.

Ari (aackk) 
Monday March 26th, 2001 12:36:06 AM

To Legs, "Well, this would seem to take care of us worrying about the children. You keep an eye on things here, then."

Ari collects all his gear, and boards the boat.

Ari does his best to help with the boat, which is to say, that the best he can do, is either pull an oar, or point in a direction and say 'go'.

Commenting to Ashira, "We rarely ever get a moment of peace." Ari proceeds to prepare for whatever comes next.

Monday March 26th, 2001 12:40:06 AM

[OOC to the group: Did we decide how the money has been split, for the criminals, any delivery fees or tips, and the difference from getting the equipment?! Or did it all get pooled together in order to support the children?]

Monday March 26th, 2001 7:28:44 PM

Appolo quickly ties himself to the mast and continues to work the sails in order to keep the ship under power and moving into the waves. He seems to very calm as the ship is tossed, and not the least bit worried.

Boom (DM Dave)  d8+5=13
Monday March 26th, 2001 8:59:40 PM

A methodical booming sound is heard from the belly of the ship, which reverberates throughout the hull. Looking over, neither Bart nor Bulldog see anything in the waters surrounding the boat.

Monday March 26th, 2001 10:16:27 PM

Rigging yells to his companions, "Are we being attacked!? Have we run aground? Blue check our depth!"

Tuesday March 27th, 2001 12:20:56 AM

Appolo yells, "I'll go below and check to see if we are taking on water." He unties ties himself and heads below to have a look around and if necessary grab his stuff.

Tuesday March 27th, 2001 1:12:08 PM

Ari will cast Guidance on himself, muttering "Guide us Lem".
If not, Ari waits, to see how he can help.

[OOC: I'm not sure we're missing something for spell casters. On a character sheet that I have, I see it lists a DC value for my 0 and 1st level spells. Do I need to roll this everytime I do a spell, or is this only whenever there is the possibility of being distracted?]

Tuesday March 27th, 2001 4:13:05 PM

"This pisses me off, There must be something down there!!!"
He looks for an large boom or something like that. He will try to poke it under the boat.

Tuesday March 27th, 2001 6:11:56 PM

Having just about enough of excitement for at least a month, Ashira is not amused. A snarl on her face, she scours the ship for a harpoon. Upon locating what she seeks, Ashira turns to Rigging and says "I've had enough of this... I'm going to check things out with Apollo." She races below deck, and checks for damage.

Tuesday March 27th, 2001 7:37:12 PM

Unsure about what to do and unable to really help, Lem tries his best to keep out of the way and help when asked.

Tuesday March 27th, 2001 7:55:50 PM

Responding to the command Blue grabs the knotted, weighted rope and after one twirl over his head to get momentum launches the weighted end over the gunwale and into the depths. As he feeds out rope he wedges his feet into the floor boards to gain some stability in the pitching craft. The lad waits for the rope to go slack indicating the bottom. He is a little concerned that some big fishy may think he is trolling and take a bite.

BOOM (DM Dave)  d8+5=8
Tuesday March 27th, 2001 10:01:36 PM

Ashira and Appolo go below deck, and are greeted by the screams of wood as the pounding continues unabated. The hull is holding, barely.

Blue's line immediately gets a bite upon hitting the water (make DC 17 check to maintain hold of line - add strength bonuses). Meanwhile, Bart's proddings under the boat meet nothing but water, but is being visciously jerked from his hands (make DC 17 check to maintain hold as above).

{OCC to Ari: The DC check for spells is what an opponent would roll to resist the spells effect.}

Tuesday March 27th, 2001 11:20:51 PM

Rigging is confused and concerned. He yells again. "Blue are we aground?"

Tuesday March 27th, 2001 11:41:47 PM

Holding his position in the center of the boat, the mighty fighter waits out the storm. He watches as Ashira races downstairs. "Call out if you need me down there, Ashira."

Blue  d20+2=4
Wednesday March 28th, 2001 10:43:22 AM

When Blue's line breaks the water, it feels like it comes alive, immediately taut, then it runs. The lad's grip was light and the heavy jute rope flees through his fingers. He makes an attempt to grip and lean against the weight, but he cant bind the line. The rope is gone... Blue stands with some disbelief, frozen with his scalded hands reaching in front of him, his eyes glued to the place on the gunwale where the rope disappeared.

As if from a distance he hears Rigging's voice. He responds with an unsteady tone, "Aground - I think not - this is a living force."

Bart  d20+3=16
Wednesday March 28th, 2001 10:53:13 AM

"Wha...aaat (losing pole) the heck is going on!?! Something must be under the boat!!"

"Lem - find a bow and shoot some arrows into the waves."

Meanwhile Bart will look for a harpoon or another pole with a sharp end.

Wednesday March 28th, 2001 2:34:49 PM

[thanks for the answer]

If Ari can notice, he'll jump to try to help either one of the people losing their equipment ( ;) ).

If not, he'll say (also said after above actions, if allowable), "maybe a change of course could be accomplished."

Ashira  d20=2 d20+4=24
Wednesday March 28th, 2001 3:22:17 PM

Racing back up top, Ashira reports her findings to Rigging. "She won't hold up much longer under these conditions. We've got to find out what's going on. I hope I'm not making a mistake here, but if we just let this thing tear the ship apart, we'll all be in the water soon."

Ashira strips down until she is mostly modest, but unencumbered by clothing. Those close enough to notice, and not distracted by the fervently pitching ship, find her bluish-green tinted skin eerie, yet alluring. She sorts through her pouches and removes a small pink and yellow shell necklace and ties it tightly around her neck. Retrieving the harpoon, she tells Rigging, "Watch out for my stuff." Not waiting for a response, she braces herself and jumps into the still waters a few feet out from the ship.

OOC (d20=2 for Spot, d20=24 for Swim.)

Lem  d20-8=11
Wednesday March 28th, 2001 7:18:48 PM

Lem ever the one to try and be helpful looks around for a bow even though he knows not how to fire one. eventually he gets it together and loaded he leans over the rail and lets loose. (Ac 11)

BOOOOOM (DM Dave)  d8+5=10
Wednesday March 28th, 2001 9:24:18 PM

Ari is unable to act quickly enough to catch the equipment pulled into the ocean.

Lem's arrow plunges into the water, with no apparent effect. Ashira dives in soon afterwards, with weapon in hand. At about the same time, a splintering noise is heard below deck.

From the depths, Ashira spots her dolphin companion Taker, following the vessel from a distance. Around the vessel itself, nothing can be seen, except for a pair of glowing-green orbs (about 6" in diameter) a few feet from the hull.

Wednesday March 28th, 2001 10:27:33 PM

Upon finding out the ship is under attack, Appolo quickly heads for his quarters and grabs his stuff and then heads quickly back upstairs. He runs over and puts his stuff in a life boat. He then runs back downstairs gathering food, water and various supplies. He is obviously preparing to abandon ship.

That's when a loud crash and splintering noise is heard from below. Appolo yells, "Time to abandon ship!!" Heading for the life boat.

Ashira  d20=3
Wednesday March 28th, 2001 10:47:15 PM

Ashira blows on the pink and yellow shell, indicating for Taker to come to her. Then she lets loose with the harpoon, trying to nab one of the orbs, but failing miserably. She curses silently to herself as a hole forms in the ship's hull.

OOC (Don't know the modifiers for harpoon, but positive that 3 is not a hit.)

Thursday March 29th, 2001 12:41:19 AM

Ari cautiously heads below, to try to check out how badly damaged the ship is. "I will find out how badly damaged the ship is."

Bart  d20+6=23 d10+4=10
Thursday March 29th, 2001 1:55:46 PM

Seeing he can't do anything on deck Bart rushes below deck to the galley grabbing his chain, sword, blanket and a barrel of drinking water and all the other supplies he can handle. Back on deck he throws all in the small boat.

If the boat is still floating, and not sinking too fast, he will go down again taking his sword with him. If he sees anything he tries to attack it (hit ac 23 for 10 damage).

Thursday March 29th, 2001 5:07:49 PM

Rigging fingers tighten around the tiller until they are white. He screams, "Appollo Bart, get below decks and check on damage. Try to shore it up. Let's try to save this boat. Whatever can sink this boat will make kindling out of the lifeboat! Bulldog Strip down and arm your self with daggers. Tie a rope around yourself and go over the side to see if you can help Ashira. I going over too." Rigging is already tied off. He kicks off his boots. Pulls out his main-gauche and another dagger and dives in after Ashira

Thursday March 29th, 2001 7:23:26 PM

Lem makes with the quick packing of all their things, packs and all in the smaller life boat and then stands at the ready to launch it if necessary.

Thursday March 29th, 2001 8:36:07 PM

After securing his supplies in the lifeboat, Appolo says, "Come on Bart, let's see what can be done to try and save this ship. We'll need tools, wood, canvas, nails and pitch and tar. Hurry we don't have much time. Lem we'll need your help too."

Bulldog  d20=1
Thursday March 29th, 2001 8:44:20 PM

Heeding Rigging's orders. Bulldog strips down to his underthings. Taking a moment to restrap the greatsword to his back, before grasping two daggers and making the jump into the water. Moving towards the underneath of the boat he looks about. (rolled a 1 for swim check str bonus need to be added +4)

Living Waters (DM Dave)  d20+7=25 d8+5=13
Thursday March 29th, 2001 9:10:44 PM

Some of the crew begins rapidly filling up the lone rowboat sitting on deck, while others head below deck or into the ocean.

Ari discovers the ballast compartment flooding rapidly.

Underwater, Ashira and Taker can now make out a hole about 1x2 foot in the bottom of the boat. The harpoon flies harmlessly past the orbs, which move away from the ship and toward Ashira.

After a moment, an old aquatic elf's tale comes to mind: Things of the deep known as 'Live Water'. In all the stories, only items of power seemed to touch these beings.

A cold fist of water pounds at Ashira (13 points of damage - make Reflex save for half due to Aquan nature).

Up on the ship, the turbulent waters suddenly cease.

Bulldog and Rigging hit the water in time to see a pair of green orbs near Ashira and a dolphin.

Ashira  d20+2=18
Thursday March 29th, 2001 11:40:18 PM

Stunned by the impact of the living waters, Ashira reels backward and collides with Taker. Grabbing his dorsal fin, Ashira slaps him on the side indicating that they should flee.

As the two proceed in a direction away from the ship, Ashira spots Rigging and Bulldog, and, with her free hand, attempts to signal to them that they should return to the ship. She watches anxiously to see whether the two orbs follow her flight.

OOC (Reflex save=18, ought to be enough)

Friday March 30th, 2001 2:16:13 AM

Heads below grabbing various tools, wood, canvas, pitch and tar. "Bart hurry we don't have much time." "Ari - where's the hole? We'll use the canvas and the pitch to plug the leak and the wood to nail it down. The pitch and tar should make an airtight seal."

Friday March 30th, 2001 7:46:45 AM

Listening to Apollo's words, Lem chimes in. "I think it would be best if you first use some canvas from the other side to stop the flow of water a bit - then you won't have the rush of water to contend with." That said, Lem grabs a piece of canvas about twenty feet wide and long enough to reach from the railings of the boat down past the hole, ties ropes to two corners and then ties the ropes to the cleats on the railing. Weighting the other end with whatever he can find, Lem drops the loose end and watches it sink along side of the boat.
(This should allow for the pressure of the rushing water to actually make the patch itself by sucking the canvas across the hole allowing the others to work from the other side.)

Bart  d20=13
Friday March 30th, 2001 10:57:54 AM

Down below, he looks for a large cloth to put in the hole to prevent that more water is streaming in the ship.

If the water level rises too fast and the current is too strong, Bart suggests that we abandon ship. But if there is a chance to save the ship he takes it.

Friday March 30th, 2001 8:02:55 PM

Blue follows Bart down, locates a bailing implement (bucket, pan, cloth pail, whatever) he starts scooping and climbs topside an empties over the side... down again... up again...

Friday March 30th, 2001 10:24:28 PM

Moving towards Ashira, Bulldog notices her turning to flee and signalling for him to do the same. Bulldog turns about and swims to the surface. Grasping at the heaving ship's rail, he grasps it and pulls himself back onboard.

Friday March 30th, 2001 10:52:51 PM

Rigging sees the situation and taps Bulldog on the shoulder and points up. He then uses his own rope to scamper up the side of the boat. When he gets a leg over, he yells, "Water Elemental! We need magic to fight it!" He then looks to assist both his friends in getting aboard.

Friday March 30th, 2001 10:56:00 PM

Agreeing with Lem, Ari says above the sound of turbulence, "I haven't had time to figure that out just yet, but I'm sure the pressure of the incoming water is too much for us to overcome from inside."

Damage Control (DM Dave)  d8+5=10
Saturday March 31st, 2001 9:41:59 AM

Ashira and Taker speed off, and the Living Water moves even more quickly, but back to the ship rather than pursuing the two.

Those journeying into the belly of the vessel quickly discover that the water pressure is too great to be plugged from the inside. Lem's canvas swirls towards the hole from the outside, wadding up and partially blocking the flow.

Bulldog and Rigging make it back to the deck and shout their warning as the creature once again begins its rhythmic pounding of the hull.

Ashira's flight takes her into the depths, where she spots a sunken vessel.

Ashira  d20=6
Saturday March 31st, 2001 11:11:26 AM

Realizing that she cannot help her friends without the aid of a magical instrument, Ashira spurs Taker on toward the sunken vessel. She begins to search the ship for weapons, or anything glowing, etc., hoping she can find something magical to aid with the fight against the Live Waters.

OOC (d20=6 for Search)

Sunday April 1st, 2001 11:34:41 AM

"Does anyone know if they've engaged these creatures? I do not think the ship is going to hold up to this pounding much longer." With that Ari works his way to his belongings, and prepares to depart the ship.

Sunday April 1st, 2001 2:33:56 PM

"The water is coming in too fast, we need another sail from the outside!"

"Damn - the monsters are back! Blue, can you do something with your divine powers? My sword is useless against these creautures."

Back on deck Bart tries to place another sail over the hole, imitating the technique of Lem.

Monday April 2nd, 2001 10:31:00 AM

After helping Bulldog up, Rigging looks for Ashira, concern on his face. "Who has magic weapons!?" he shouts. He then looks around for land to escape to.

Monday April 2nd, 2001 1:58:12 PM

"I have, it's the dagger my stepfather gave me. It's magic but I don't know what you can do with it."

Tuesday April 3rd, 2001 12:02:18 AM

Appolo continues to work furiously, nailing down pieces of wood around the whole and slopping down pitch and tar cover pieces of cloth over the wood. "Somebody better go play tag with those things and try to keep them away from the ship. Ari I need some more help over here!!" As Ari heads toward his quarters.

Tuesday April 3rd, 2001 12:06:01 AM

"Is it a water creature we are dealing with?" With the question asked, Blue approaches the gunwale and leans over, he shouts into the water in his very best Aquan..."what do you want from us?"...he waits for a response.

Water, Water Everywhere (DM Dave)  d8+5=13
Tuesday April 3rd, 2001 5:59:00 AM

Below the waves, Ashira heads to the sunken vessel and begins looking over the wreckage. The boat lies broken in half, with skeletons strewn about. So far, she discovers little else than a few crabs crawling about.

Back up on the ship, the pounding continues while Bart works to duplicate Lem's earlier tactic of dropping more canvas over the side of the ship. Appolo waits below for the pressure to drop enough to begin patching the hull. Ari quickly loads up the little row boat.

According to the navigation charts, it is a least a good day's travel in the Lazy Suzie before you would reach Theo's island.

Ashira  d20=2
Tuesday April 3rd, 2001 11:04:06 AM

Frantic and knowing that her friends onboard the Lazy Suzie have little time, Ashira begins to scour through the skeletons. She thinks to herself that this is the last chance she'll have to search through the remains before she needs to head up top and find another means to help her companions. Not being particularly religious, she none-the-less cries out for assistance from any available deity.

OOC (d20=2 for Search)

Tuesday April 3rd, 2001 3:07:36 PM

"Someone get on the bilge pump!" Appolo yells as he continues to work.

Bulldog (DM Dave)  d20+6=17
Wednesday April 4th, 2001 6:07:23 AM

Bulldog will take the Bart's magic dagger, or any magic swords offered, and jump back into the water, swim under the hull, and attack the creature. He hopes to draw it away from the ship before the Lazy Suzie springs another leak.

Wednesday April 4th, 2001 11:41:22 AM

"Bulldog take care!!" Bart shouts when he runs to the pump and starts pumping.

Wednesday April 4th, 2001 5:01:04 PM

Rigging marvels at Bulldog's bravery and wishes he could duplicate it. He starts to put more sail up to see if they can break free from the elemental's grasp. He looks for any kind of land that might be closer than the island they are heading for. They might need to beach the ship and patch it.

Wednesday April 4th, 2001 5:09:37 PM

The cleric receives no response to his query. He sheds his jerkin and boots and dives over the side. He turns and scans the area around the boat. Blue believes he sees some movement and calls out, projecting his voice underwater the best he can in Aquan, "Why do you attack us? We mean you no harm." Blue prepares himself to cast summon creature if he feels the need for an attack.

Plunging Ahead (DM Dave)  d8+5=9 d20+6=20 d8+5=9
Wednesday April 4th, 2001 9:35:40 PM

Ashira commences searching the skeletal remains, not locating anything during the first 6 seconds. Meanwhile, another hole has been smashed into the hull, causing the water levels to rise precariously (the first hole is about 80% plugged at this point).

Rigging, considering the charts, quickly concludes that no land lies closer than Theo's island - some 30 miles away.

Bulldog plunges into the salty brine and slashes at the water surrounding the lower portion of the boat, and succeeds in getting the creature's attention. A column of water connects with the fighter, knocking him into the depths (9 points dmg) and the vessel is temporarily ignored.

Blue's voice received a muffled response ::All who cross this path must perish::

Wednesday April 4th, 2001 9:39:24 PM

Almost spinning in place as he gets people calling for help in all directions, Lem calls down below what do you need from me? More hole covers or pumps or sails or what?

Wednesday April 4th, 2001 10:19:37 PM

"Shit another hole!!" Appolo yells. "Lem I need your help down here, Ari you too!!" He quickly changes his focus to deal with the new hole.

Wednesday April 4th, 2001 10:51:20 PM

Blue forces a plea to the creature, "allow us to leave and we will not cross your path...we have no wish to offend or threaten you...perhaps we can give a boon". The young cleric's lungs are straining and he kicks to the surface gasping for fresh air.

Ashira  d20=9
Thursday April 5th, 2001 9:01:45 AM

Swearing loudly in Aquan, Ashira decides to search one last time, and then return to her companions. Before leaving, if she is unable to find anything interesting, Ashira will attempt to locate a fishing net and possibly a harpoon before returning to the ship.

OOC (d20=9 for Search).

Thursday April 5th, 2001 7:42:36 PM

Hearing the call, Lem heads down in to the bowels of the ship to help where he can.

Rigging  d4+1=2
Thursday April 5th, 2001 9:55:14 PM

Rigging puts down the charts in despair. He yells to his companions, "We need to save this ship! Land is to far away!" He looks into the water and casts a magic missle spell at the elemental if he can locate him.

Friday April 6th, 2001 12:43:10 AM

Having gotten all his gear prepped, Ari heads to Appolo's call. "where"

Bulldog (DM Dave)  d20+6=13
Friday April 6th, 2001 5:42:21 AM

Encouraged that he actually hit the thing, Bulldog decides to attack one more time (if able) before trying to get away.

Plugging Away (DM Dave)  d20+6=7
Friday April 6th, 2001 5:59:14 AM

Blue gets no further response from the creature.

The heroes finally manage to slow the first hole to a gurgle. However, the other hole is freely filling the ship. The whole lower compartment is full at this point, and the ship is sitting low in the ocean as the cabins start to fill.

Bulldog is unable to connect with the creature, but manages to avoid being pounded again.

Unfortunately, from Rigging's vantage point on the surface, the waves and sun's reflection prevent him from spotting the green orbs or Bulldog beneath the water.

Ashira continues searching the wreck, and thinks she spots a sword that doesn't show corrosion on it. A hint of movement out of the corner of her eye turns out to be a huge black tentacle starting to snake it's way from the belly of the wreck.

Ashira  d20+2=13
Friday April 6th, 2001 3:20:03 PM

Desperate to return to her friends, Ashira tries to free the sword and return to the ship quickly with Taker. If the black tentacle looks like it will reach her before she is able to free the sword, Ashira will leave it and return to the ship empty handed.

OOC (d20=13 for Initiative if needed)

Saturday April 7th, 2001 1:01:32 AM

Rigging dashes over to Bart and grabs his dagger. He checks his rope to see if it is clear and unbroken. He says to the other, "Half bail and half of you plug those leaks. I will try to buy you some time. We are to far away from land to lose the ship!" He then dives into the water.

Saturday April 7th, 2001 1:47:21 PM

Bart atempts another try with a big cloth to close the hole in the bottom. It did work the first time...

({thoughts] mmm I think we loose the ship if those creatures stay alive, first kill them and then try to repair the ship.... maybe this was happenend to theo also, no wonder noone has heard of him anymore.....I wait what rigging bulldog and ashira can do, otherwise i will jump in too and fight those creatures)

Saturday April 7th, 2001 1:50:01 PM

The young cleric sees frantic movement on the ship as he fills his lungs for a second plunge. Head down, kicking, his feet drive him back below the surface. He frog kicks down scanning for movement in the murch, listening for any response. He sees Bulldog and some greenish movement. In his mind he utters a curse and a prayer. Focusing his energy and thrusting his hands in front of him he casts summon monster, chanting through bubbles, "By Lem over creatures... Aqua feh." A shimmer appears in front of Blue and a large fiendish squid appears.

Blue focuses his mind and body on the greenishness under the ship. The squid rapidly pumps and glides in the direction of the ship and the green, ready to attack. (The squid will remain for 3 rounds.)

Lem  d20+2=16
Sunday April 8th, 2001 2:18:46 PM

Looking at the new hole in awe, Lem sizes it up and grabs a barrel that is as close to the same size as the hole and approaches from the side and then tries to force it in to the gap against the water flow. (Don't know what DC I would need so I will let you decide after the fact. Rolled a 16.)

Sunday April 8th, 2001 7:58:05 PM

Appolo continues to work ferociously on the second hole. He looks at Ari. "What do you think!? I think Rigging's right - we can't lose this ship! Come on!!" He then redoubles his efforts.

Bulldog (DM Dave)  d20+6=23
Sunday April 8th, 2001 9:22:03 PM

Bulldog slashes again at the water creature, trying not to lose his sense of direction as he swims around frantically.

Water Fight (DM Dave)  d20+6=9 d20=17
Sunday April 8th, 2001 10:05:21 PM

Ashira manages to yank the longsword and begin swimming upward (with Taker's help) before the dark tentacle reaches her. More tentacles sprout from the opening as she makes her way toward the Lazy Suzie.

Bulldog manages to land another stroke on the Living Water, and elude its powerful punch once more.

Rigging goes to retrieve Bart's dagger, only to discover that Bulldog took it earlier. Lacking a weapon, he stays shipside.

Bart looks around and realizes the only canvas left is up on the mast (will take another round to finish bringing it down, tying it off, and dropping it over the side of the ship). Lem's attempt to plug the hole with barrel is stymied by the incredible amount of water pressure - the sea continues to gush in (most of the lower decks are filled at this point, requiring the crew to hold their breathes while swimming to the hole).

Blue realizes that he will not be able to cast his summoning spell once in the water, so he spends his time adeck calling forth the squid for combat.

Monday April 9th, 2001 9:33:20 AM

"From in here, it looks like we cannot do very much. I think we need someone to work from the outside of the ship to plug the current hole.

"I hear that the creature is not attacking the ship (ooc dm change if I'm incorrect) anymore. We've not heard from anyone that it is impossible to do any harm. I'm wondering whether we should send one or two people overboard to plug the hole, and everyone else join in the battle.

"If you think that might be an idea, I can either help in the fight, where I have some spells that might help, but would take some extra seconds to prepare. Or I can plug holes."

Monday April 9th, 2001 11:05:35 AM

"Plug the hole first -- won't do us much good to defeat the monsters if we can't save the ship!!" Appolo yells as he tries to catch his breath.

Ashira  d20+3=13
Monday April 9th, 2001 3:25:56 PM

As she and Taker race toward the Lazy Suzie, Ashira checks behind her to see if the tentacles look like they are continuing their pursuit. She lets out a silent prayer to any available deity that the tentacles (and their owner) will not continue to pursue once she reaches her friends.

If she is able to reach the Lazy Suzie this round, Ashira will attack the Live Waters with her new found longsword.

OOC (d20=13 for Attack, not sure if there are penalties for being underwater. DM please change as needed.)

Monday April 9th, 2001 5:45:27 PM

No cloth left, the sail?.... no blankets can do the job! So I go down, collect some blankets, tie two ropes and some weight on it and try to cover the hole.

Monday April 9th, 2001 11:48:32 PM

Rigging doesn't think he can help in the battle so he decides to try to save the ship. Rigging runs over to the waterbarrel and graps the cover. He goes over to the ship's toolbox and grabs a hammer and some nails. He calls, "Ari come with me! I hold and you hammer!" Rigging hands Ari the tools and grabs the lid and jumps overboard.

Bulldog (DM Dave) 
Tuesday April 10th, 2001 6:12:07 AM

Lungs aching from the strain, Bulldog heads back to the surface for air.

Scrambling About (DM Dave)  d20+6=15 d8+5=7
Tuesday April 10th, 2001 8:12:00 AM

The crew continues to work on plugging the remaining leak. Meanwhile in the ocean, Bulldog tries to claw his way to the surface, and is hit by the creature, driving him even deeper (7 hps damage). Ashira manages to make it up to the combat and swings, but fails to connect. Blue's summoned squid attempts to attack, but doesn't seem to be able to affect the Living Waters.

Ashira  d20+3=14
Tuesday April 10th, 2001 8:31:52 AM

Determined to take care of the situation at hand, Ashira signals to Bulldog to hand her the dagger. She takes another swing at the Live Waters with the longsword, hoping to end the battle quickly. In the midst of the battle, Ashira asks the Live Waters, "Who assigned you to guard these waters?"

Tuesday April 10th, 2001 8:42:39 AM

Ari jumps in the water with Rigging, and prepares to help out with the nailing of the lid to the ship.

Lem  d20+2=7
Tuesday April 10th, 2001 7:39:26 PM

Fighting with every ounce of strength he posseses, Lem tries once again to jam the barrel into the hole and literally gets pushed back to the other side and to the surface of the water.

Rigging  d20=18
Tuesday April 10th, 2001 10:20:11 PM

Rigging looks at Ari and nods below. He then dives under pushing the "hopeful patch" ahead of him. He locates one of the holes and pushes the barrel top against it and waves to Ari to start nailing. (Made a successful swim check to haul the cover underwater to the hole.)

Patchwork (DM Dave)  d20=13 d20=10 d3=3
Wednesday April 11th, 2001 8:05:01 AM

Lem notices a marked drop in the water pressure as Rigging and Ari get a portion of the hole covered with the barrel lid. The ship is sitting at that critical point where it could either sink or float.

Underwater, Bulldog continues struggling upward, and is ignored while the Living water confronts Ashira and the Squid. Ashira's blow goes wide, and the Squid is ineffectual in touching the enemy.

In response to Ashira's query, the water begins to swirl violently in a counterclockwise motion, forming a funnel within seconds. The squid gets sweep in, along with Taker, each taking damage from the buffeting (3 hps - Ashira, Rigging, Bulldog, and Ari needs to make a Reflex save vs. DC 15 to avoid being pulled in. Failure results in 6 points of dmg this round, except for Ashira, who would take 3 due to her aquatic nature), making it more difficult to swing weapons without endangering the trapped creatures.

Up above, the ship starts to rotate.

Bulldog (DM Dave)  d20-2=1
Wednesday April 11th, 2001 8:14:38 AM

Getting turned around, Bulldog manages to swim straight into the vortex, and finds himself getting banged against the dolphin and squid, barely avoiding blacking out (down to 2 hps) while struggling to hold his breath.

Ashira  d20=8 d20=11 d20-1=16
Wednesday April 11th, 2001 8:38:12 AM

Ashira attempts to swim out of the vortex, but fails. Taker is also temporarily trapped in the swirling waters. Ashira begins to swear loudly and profusely in Aquan, then regains her composure, and once again attempts to attack the Live Waters with the longsword.

OOC (d20=8, DC Ashira; d20=11 DC Taker; d20-1=16 Attack) Did Bulldog succesfully pass the dagger to Ashira?

Ari  d20=12
Wednesday April 11th, 2001 9:13:40 AM

Ari focuses his concentration on trying to get the barrel lid in place. Too late, he notices that he is being pulled further underwater. Ari begins to struggle, trying to climb to the surface.

Rigging  d20=8 d6=3 d6=6
Wednesday April 11th, 2001 4:46:44 PM

Rigging is sucked into the vortex and bangs heads with Bulldog. Rigging quickly grabs the rope securing him to the boat and pulls himself back out. Seeing Bulldog confused he will try to get Bulldog to follow Rigging's rope to the surface. OOC Sorry about the 2nd 6 die roll. It was an accident.

Wednesday April 11th, 2001 6:58:48 PM

First noticing the settling of the boat and the beginning of the slow spin, Lem tries to get back to work at the pump, first making sure that the pump's hose/exit is clear of the water.

Shaken not Stirred (DM Dave)  d20-1=10 d6=3 d20-1=1 d20-2=18 d20+4=6 d20+4=20 d6=5
Thursday April 12th, 2001 5:36:29 AM

Ashira slices into the Water, followed up with a dagger stroke that fails to connect and cuts past Bulldog as he climbs up Rigging's rope (dagger misses Bulldog).

Bulldog and Rigging both manage to pull themselves to the surface. Taker remains trapped in the whirlpool, while the squid manages to escape (Ari can make a Reflex save vs. DC 15 to try to swim out of the vortex - either attack or escape, but not both are possible). All remaining in the turbulence take 5 points of damage (2 for aquan creatures).

Lem frantically works to clear the vessel of saltwater. And Blue?

Ashira  d20-3=16 d20-3=3 d20=8
Thursday April 12th, 2001 6:55:18 AM

Feeling successful after her last attempt, Ashira once again attempts to slice the living waters, taking a swipe with both the longsword and the dagger. Feeling the longsword connect, she calls out to the creature in Aquan, "Enough! There is no point to this combat. All we wish is safe conduct. But if I have to kill you..."

Meanwhile, Taker once again attempts to escape the whirlpool, but fails yet again.

OOC (d20-3=16 Attack longsword; d20-3=3 Attack dagger; d20=8 DC Taker)

Ari  d20=9
Thursday April 12th, 2001 7:15:52 AM

Ari continues to tumble, temporarily losing sight of what is up, and what is down.

Ari mutters a short prayer,

"Lem, protect my friends, for I fear I may not be of any help."

Thursday April 12th, 2001 11:12:06 AM

Appolo is oblivious to anything but trying to plug the whole and save the ship.He is conyinuely coming up for air rasting and then diving back down toplug the whole anyway he can
think of.

Thursday April 12th, 2001 12:10:33 PM

"Abandon ship!!!!!

"Lem help to get the small boat into the water."

Bart starts to launch the small boat, readying the small sails. He will wait with rowing and sailing away until the others are back on the surface or when he thinks the vortex is too strong to row and sail away from it.

Thursday April 12th, 2001 1:15:06 PM

Back aboard the seemingly doomed vessel Blue struggles for strategy to help himself and his friends...from this vantage point Blue cannot tell what his squid is doing, although judging from the apparent destruction of the boat and the growing vortex it seems the squid is having no favorable impact. Blue's shoulders drop...he feels defeated, helpless as he watches his comrades struggle to fight this mysterious force...the boy grabs a pot that floats by on the rising water and leans of the gunwale and starts pitching water over the side as fast as he can. He sets his jaw and mutters a prayer, "shinning lady help us, for we are surely doomed".

Rigging  d20=16
Thursday April 12th, 2001 4:16:55 PM

Rigging climbs up on board and sees Bart manning the lifeboat. "Bart! Get out and start bailing! I am going back for Ari!" Rigging dives under the water looking for his friend. Made a swim check if needed

Thursday April 12th, 2001 5:48:02 PM

Still below decks, pumping his hardest, Lem keeps an eye out to see if more water is leaving than coming in. If he seems to be making any headway he keeps pumping. if it appears to be a losing battle, Lem heads up the ladder.

Thursday April 12th, 2001 8:42:55 PM

Appolo upon hearing Bart yells, "Bart get down here and help me. Whatever is attacking us will just go after the small boat as soon as it hits the water. Besides we're too far from land. Hurry!!' With that, he dives back down to continue to plug the hole.

Bulldog (DM Dave)  d8+4=12
Thursday April 12th, 2001 9:58:10 PM

Heaving with exertion, Bulldog pulls himself over the significantly lower railing of the ship. Seeing Bart, he yells in unison with the others, "Bail the boat, don't bail out! We'll never make it on the high seas in that little thing!" He downs his last potion of healing, feeling significantly better, and proceeds to help fling out water with the others.

Good to the Last Drop (DM Dave)  d20=5 d6=4
Thursday April 12th, 2001 10:07:41 PM

The hole plugged enough to reduce the flow to a trickle, the group is able to focus more on getting water tossed out of the ship.

Down in the depths, Ashira manages to connect once again with the Water creature, but her dagger attack misses, nearly hitting Ari who is hurtling past in the wrong direction.

Those trapped in the vortex take another 4 points of damage (half for Aquans) and then the swirling abruptly dissipates.

Ari  d20=8
Friday April 13th, 2001 3:06:10 AM

Ari tumbles about for a few more seconds. When the swirling stops, it doesn't take long for Ari to figure out which way is up, and he starts to head for the surface. (ooc assuming it will take this next round to get to the surface. Let me know if it will take longer)

Friday April 13th, 2001 9:49:46 AM

Pumping as hard as he possibly can, Lem is heartened by the small signs of progress.

Ashira  d20+4=12 d20+1=9 d20+1=7
Friday April 13th, 2001 9:51:37 AM

Thankful that the vortex has dissipated, Ashira looks around to see if she can spot the Live Waters.

If the Waters have disappeared, then she will head back up to the ship.

If the Waters are still present, and appear to be ready to attack the ship (or herself) again, then Ashira will attack with longsword and dagger.

If the Waters are still present but do not seem willing to attack either the boat or Ashira, then Ashira will say in Aquan, "Wise decision." She will then swim back up to the ship.

OOC (d20=12 for Swim, d20=9 Attack longsword, d20=7 Attack dagger)

Friday April 13th, 2001 4:34:18 PM

After slowing the flood to a trickle, Appolo crawls out of the bottom of the ship, finds a relatively dry place on the quarter deck and collapses, completely soaked and completely exhausted. He lays down on his back and passes out.

Blue  d20=20
Monday April 16th, 2001 2:34:43 PM

Blue is so focused on pitching water over the side at first he doesn't notice Appolo come from below decks, but when the young man slumps to the deck, Blue hears him. The thick boned cleric quickly moves to Appolo's side and scans him for injury. Then, under his breath he thanks Lemtrovex for his grace and asks for assistance to aid his friend. Blue then lays his hands upon his exhausted comrade and uses his healing powers to refresh and restore. The lad can feel much energy pass from himself to the fallen friend.

Monday April 16th, 2001 3:25:19 PM

All right, back on pumping and throwing water over board, hope we will stay out of the vortex.

Monday April 16th, 2001 10:06:58 PM

Rigging finds Ari under the water and helps him to the surface. He climbs aboard and yells, "Keep bailing. We need to reduce the weight of the ship." He tries to get the boat moving on course again and keeps an eye out for Ashira.

Tuesday April 17th, 2001 4:50:38 PM

Appolo comes to looks up at Blue and says, "Thank you. Now go help the others. I'll just lay here and rest for a while."

Sea Sinister (DM Dave) 
Tuesday April 17th, 2001 7:02:21 PM

Ashira sees the pair of glowing globes head down into the depths, toward the ancient shipwreck. Aboard ship, efforts are made to keep the ship above the waterline and get it underway. Unfortunately, all canvas has been used in hole-plugging, leaving only oars as a method of propelling the vessel.

Tuesday April 17th, 2001 10:08:33 PM

Rigging says, "We need to move the boat now. I will work the pump. Ari, Bart, Bulldog, Blue will row. Lem will work the tiller. Appollo you are on break. You get 15 more minutes and then you take the tiller. After another 15 minutes you pump, and then row. Everyone get it? We will row for 2 hours and then reevaluate our situation. If we can make different repairs, then we can get the sails back up. Blue do you have anyway of summoning a creature that maybe could tow us?" Rigging keeps a look out for Ashira and patch materials.

Ashira (DM Dave)  d20=3
Wednesday April 18th, 2001 5:00:00 AM

Seeing the direction the glowing balls are going, Ashira swims to the surface to warn her friends, "Hey guys, we're about to have a bigger reception if we don't skidaddle." She takes some rope and tries to make a harness for her and Taken to pull the ship with.

Bulldog (DM Dave) 
Wednesday April 18th, 2001 5:02:46 AM

Bulldog leans into to the oars, giving it everything he can. He starts up a sea chant to help keep everyone going, "Down by the sea, see the wee folk..."

Wednesday April 18th, 2001 7:28:27 AM

Ari sits down to pull on the oars. As he sits he comments, "Do you think Blue or I to be on break first? Since we can do healing, as we travel?"

Wednesday April 18th, 2001 5:01:22 PM

Row, row, rowing boat rowing on the sea...

Wednesday April 18th, 2001 6:41:59 PM

Relieved to be relieved from the pumps, Lem makes his way to the tiller and braces himself for a handling a recalcitrant ship.

Wednesday April 18th, 2001 7:44:42 PM

"I have wasted my summon monster spell for the day unfortunately. I have nothing else that could help to propel the ship except my stout back." With that response Blue grabs an oar and uses his considerable strength to help move the floundering vessel.

Uplifting Experience (DM Dave)  d20=18 d20=5 d20=20 d20=16 d20=16 d20=16 d20=1 d20=14
Wednesday April 18th, 2001 10:23:49 PM

The heroes put their backs into it as they struggle to get out of the area of the attack. Ashira struggles in getting the harness put together.

Immediately, the air becomes cloying, leaving your lungs heaving for breath. The placid waters immediately erupt all around the ship as huge midnight tentacles thrust up around the Lazy Suzie, raising her to the sky. Somehow, she lands rightside up, most of the water in her belly now disgorged. All hands manage to maintain position.

A cry is heard, and looking aft, you see Bulldog wrapped in one of the huge (200' long) tentacles as he sinks beneath the waves.

After the disappearance of the nightmarish creature, the air loses its grip in your lungs.

Ashira (DM Dave) 
Wednesday April 18th, 2001 10:31:43 PM

Looking at the creature, and remembering more from the legends told by her father, Ashira curses under her breath. Ducking her head underwater to verify, she comes back up and announces, "The sea has claimed its victim for our passage. Best we move before it claims another." With that, she gives up on the harness and helps to row the (now considerably lighter) boat as fast as possible, asking Rigging, "Still got those sea charts?"

Thursday April 19th, 2001 12:32:33 PM

Visibly shaken by the event. Ari offers up a prayer: "Lem, if that is the end of our friend Bulldog, I hope he finds peace with you."

Thursday April 19th, 2001 2:23:54 PM

"NO... NO... NOOOOO!" the stricken cleric screams. Blue throws down his oar and leaps to the gunwale. He hears Ashira's claim of Bulldog lost... his mind struggles to comprehend. Mindlessly he sinks to the floorboards and stares vacantly into space. More softly now he continues, "noooo, no."

Thursday April 19th, 2001 10:49:08 PM

Tears course down Rigging's face. He stumbles over to Bulldog's oar and starts pulling. "C'mon - we need to get out of here." Rigging checks and says, "Yeah the charts are ok. I have the way memorized anyway."

Friday April 20th, 2001 10:27:02 AM

"Um Rigging, Ashira -- one of you want to make sure I'm pointing us the right way before I head us out to sea?"

Friday April 20th, 2001 12:34:31 PM

"May he rest in peace. And let these creatures rotten in hell."

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