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A Missed Meeting (Module 5-3)
Mission: Bargain Hunter

To Fog Isle (DM Dave) 
Thursday February 22nd, 2001 10:18:07 PM

Weeks pass as the Lady Freeborn heads toward home base. During this time, Illanta begins picking up skills in animal handling from Ashira, and turns out to be an excellent student, although many of her days are filled with memories of her lost home. Each of you spends this time, gaining more skill at sea, and focusing on your training regimens.

Ever the quick one, Lem integrates into the crew easily, and spirits general rise with each day’s sun, as memories of lost companions ease somewhat. The ship is searched repeatedly, but no sign of a changling is found.

Eventually, convinced that no traitors remain aboard, Sword commands all due speed be put into reaching the pirate base. Besides getting a much needed break from the raiding life, it will also be useful to have a safe spot to perform the annual careening of the Lady Freeborn.

In past months, the crew has resorted to boot-topping to keep the barnacles, sea grass, algae, seaweed, and such off the hull of the vessel. This involved moving everything not nailed down to one side of the ship, causing it to lean over and exposing part of the hull below the waterline. Longboats were dropped and crews scraped and re-tarred the sides using a special scrubbing-broom called a "hog”. Only so much of the hull could be cleaned – so now the vessel is to be grounded and treated completely, including for things such as woodworms.

After another week at sea, Fog Isle is finally spotted, and a glad cheer erupts from the crew. The ship waits until nightfall before approaching, when a beacon of light reveals the correct path through the treacherous coral reefs surrounding the island. The crew arrives in port and begins making preparations for careening. The vessel is completely unloaded at the dock and then, at high tide, it is run aground and settled to one side.

As the process gets under way, the ship’s storemaster Cedric pulls you aside. Thrusting a list in your hand, he says, “You nobles can read and write. Take this over to Weldon’s Provisions and make sure he doesn’t pull the wool off your arse. Tell him we need the goods delivered by the time the Lady is ready and the crew has spent itself wenching and such – about six days from now.” Cedric drops several heavy coin bags on the ground at your feet to fund the purchase.

"Elf, keep an eye on these sea monkeys."

Shopping List (DM Dave) 
Thursday February 22nd, 2001 10:26:48 PM

15 Block and tackle sets
1000 lbs of Grain
60 Barrels of Beer
5000 yards of sail cloth
500 feet of chain
12 bullseye lanterns
700 feet of hemp rope
40 buckets
50 sewing needles
50 Chickens in coops
20 lbs of limes

Total Spending Money: 1400 gps in various coinage.

Rigging  d20+3=10
Friday February 23rd, 2001 12:28:19 AM

Rigging thanks Ashira for her kindness. Later that evening he will gather all of the his raiders for prayers, toasts, and goodbyes for the lost companions. The next day, if he can get an audience with the Captain, he will bring Ari's concerns and questions to the Captain. As time passes, Rigging's heart and mood lighten and he works hard on helping the others get used to shipboard life and learning the skills needed. He will make time for conversations with Lem, exchanging backgrounds and stories. He will also try to ease the children's spirits by casting fun cantrips and telling them happier stories. Rigging will also try to keep track of where the ship is using his navigation profession.

Friday February 23rd, 2001 2:41:25 PM

As the weeks pass, Ashira is kept very busy trying to balance her duties with the ship, the kennel, and training her new prodigy. She is amazed at the raw talent the young girl possesses, especially for a human! Still, Ashira manages to find some scarce free time to converse with the new recruits. She offers to spend some time training Ashbury when things slow down a bit.

Finally, the day comes for the trip to Fog Island. Ashira has been looking forward to this trip for a long time, and eagerly anticipates meeting up with the mercharts and viewing the new wares.

As she begins to board the longboat into town, she is summond over by Cedric. Her face begins to fall as she listens impatiently while Cedric informs the party of their new assignment. Disappointment written all over her face, she turns to Cedric and says "Great...just great...one little mission gets screwed up and now the lads are put on "domestic duty". And since when have I been a babysitter?!" Grumbling the whole time, she gathers all the money sacks, distrubutes them amoung the party, and prepares to head to shore.

Friday February 23rd, 2001 3:20:58 PM

Rigging smiles in delight with the assignment. "Shopping! I can finally get some decent clothes again." Rigging snaps off a quick salute and hefts a bag of coin.

Friday February 23rd, 2001 8:24:02 PM

Grateful for some small bits of time to visit his little sister, just need to rescue the rest of the family one day.
"Ashira, Asbury really isn't an attack dog. Some simple obedience advice and work would be nice."
Gathering up the bags of coin, for their shopping expedition. He follows Riggings and Ashira.

Saturday February 24th, 2001 6:23:27 PM

working his time on the ship and never grousing one little bit, Lem takes his free time to get to know his new friends and tell them a little bit about himself as well.

As the group is informed of their impending shopping spree, Lem gets ready to participate as he can.

Sunday February 25th, 2001 2:20:40 AM

After arriving at the ship, and receiving a good nights sleep, Ari meets up with Bulldog.

"While we were in the temple, I was forced to try to go against my father. I was initially afraid, because of this new sword my father was carrying. But when we were forced to flee, I was able to get a hold of this sword. My father is probably dead now. I currently can not use this sword. I might make one at a later time, using this as an example. I'd like you to use this greatsword, if you'd accept this gift. (Greatsword +1, considered a 'Masterwork' as listed in 3e)."

When given the task to go shopping, "I am just glad to be able to look around for awhile, and not have to worry about someone chasing us". Ari smiles as he says this.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday February 26th, 2001 12:22:33 AM

"Ari ... I don't know what to say." Bulldog stunned at the honor that his friend is bestowing upon him. "I accept." Gratefully and gracefully accepting the sword. "I will use it in our war against Ga'al. Knowing that your father made it, I will use it in his memory to fight those that slew him. He will be avenged. Along with the others from home. Thank you." Overwhwlmed by the great gift he finds a place to sit and think. The mighty fighter looks over the blade before swapping it with his old blade. Adding the old blade to the ship's armory.

Smiley Jim (NPC ADM Janell) 
Monday February 26th, 2001 9:52:40 AM

Waiting alongside the dock, the tall lanky pirate beams his usual garish grin at the group. "Next stop, Fog Island...home to some of the finest wenches in the region!"

Jim signals for the group to join him on the dock. He looks longingly at Ashira and says "Well, well don't you look stunningly radiant today my darling! I couldn't help but overhear that you and the lads will be doing a little shopping at Weldon's. I'm afraid I've become a little too well known by the ladies of the island. Such is the curse of a man with looks as good as mine..." Jim lets out a greatly exaggerted sigh. His smile is back in an instant. "But, I have a few items of my own to pick up at Weldon's, and it certainly wouldn't mind spending my time with a fascinating creature like you!"

Turning to the rest of the group, he adds "I'm sure that I could show you lads a few of the more interesting sites of the island. Mind if I join you?"

Monday February 26th, 2001 2:31:34 PM

Looking at Jim, Legs says, "We've little need for a lascivious rake to give us his version of the place. Take your pretty face elsewhere, if you choose to engage in lechery." His face is flushed. Then, remembering he should be more polite himself, the paladin adds, "Unless you decide you can comport yourself as a gentleman where the ladies are concerned."

Monday February 26th, 2001 4:48:38 PM

Rigging watches the exchange of Legs and the newcomer Jim with amusement. He thoughts turn to possible spys and a frown quickly crosses his face. Though mundane a mission it is still critically important for the ship. He decides to keep a close watch on this Jim.

Going Shopping (DM Dave) 
Monday February 26th, 2001 6:31:01 PM

While conversing, the group gets a good look at the town: Wood slatted buildings are painted in garish colors - all mud-splashed from the recent rains. The smell of fish permeates all, and the sounds of robust life fill the air. Fifty or more buildings compose the town (it is hard to tell due to the different sizes) and some type of square apparently lies within the center of the community – a few blocks down from the seashore. To either side of the town stretch tracts of farm and livestock land. The dockside itself is a busy place, with three large ships in port, along with fifteen or more smaller vessels. The sky is thick with seagulls and mist.

Monday February 26th, 2001 6:35:54 PM

Ashira lunges at Jim, and appears to be preparing to unleash a devastating attack with her fists. At the last minute, she pulls back her blows and embraces Jim in a bear hug. "Jim, you old bilge rat, where have you been hiding? I haven't seen you in so long!"

Turning to the party, Ashira says "Gentlemen, may I introduce you to quite possibly one of the most notoriously egotistical Pirates of Jack... Smiley Jim. Jim and I go way back...as a matter of fact, Jim is one of the reasons I joined the Lady Freeborn. Legs, don't mind him too much, I assure you, he may not be a saint in body, but he's one at heart!"

Ashira releases her embrace upon Jim and pats him on the hind quarters. "If it were up to me, I'd love to have you join us, but you'll have to make sure the lads here agree."

Rigging (taking advantage of mulitple posting :-) ) 
Monday February 26th, 2001 10:38:36 PM

Rigging strides up to Jim with his hand extended and a bright smile on his face. "We always allow men of low moral character to join us," and Rigging pauses, "If they buy the first round at the end of business."

Monday February 26th, 2001 11:01:57 PM

Blue listens to the banter between Jim and the shoppers with interest. The cleric himself is anxious to go shooping as he needs to replenish his healing supplies.

Tuesday February 27th, 2001 12:01:17 AM

The burly fighter makes room for himself to greet the newly introduced pirate. "Well hello Jim, seems Ashira knows you well. If you are ok in her book, thats good enough for me."

Tuesday February 27th, 2001 1:56:28 AM

Impressions: After several weeks aboard ship, seeing to his duties and learning how to be a salior, the ship finally arrives at a friendly port to take on supplies and be refitted. When they made land fall Appolo and the rest of his friends where to go and fetch suplies, so he went along without complaint. Running into Jim the pirate (who seemed to know Ashira the half elf - who seems to have taken over leadership of the group which is perfectly fine whith him), a tall and lanky fellow like Appolo, and a rogue as well judging by his speach and demeanor. This seemed to offend Leggs and Rigging seemed to find that fact amusing. Ashira then asked the rest of the party if Jim could join them. To which Appolo replies with an apathetic "Sure" not really caring one way or another.

Smiley Jim (NPC ADM Janell) 
Tuesday February 27th, 2001 9:03:16 AM

"Thanks mates, I've been dying to spend some time with Ashira again, and you've afforded me just such an opportunity."

Turning to Rigging, he broadens his ever-present smile and says "Of coarse I'll buy the first round...and I have just the place in mind. But, I should probably show you gentlemen to Weldon's first. You'll have quite a time trying to get a good price out of old Fredrick...the balding, tight fisted, son of a..." Before he finishes his tirade, Jim looks at Ashira and says "Oh...sorry, I forgot I was in the presence of a lady. A thousand pardons oh majestic one!"

Chuckling, Jim begins to lead the way to Weldon's, cutting through the backstreets as though he had engineered the town to suit his needs.

"Say, did Ashira ever tell you the story about her first mission aboard the Lady Freeborn?"

Tuesday February 27th, 2001 9:15:29 AM

With a quick glance at Ashira, Rigging says, "No Jim, she never has. Enlighten us."

Tuesday February 27th, 2001 9:24:38 AM

For the first time since you've began working with Ashira, she actually seems geniunely happy. Come to think of it, isn't this the first time she's smiled?

At the mention of Weldon's, Ashira snaps out of her revelry, remembering the task at hand. "That's right, I almost forgot to tell you lads. There are a few things about our shopping spree that good old Cedric forgot to mention. Weldon's is a good enough shop, but Jim's right, we'll have to really haggle in order to get the prices down to a reasonable rate. As a matter of fact, the last group Cedric sent down here wasn't even able to get all of the supplies."

Ashira chuckles "You should have seen dear old Cedric lay into those poor souls! Oh, and of course he also forgot to mention that if we are somehow able to get all the goods, then the rest of the money is our's to spend as we see fit. Weldon's will be a good place to start, but we should probably check out some of the other shops as well."

At the mention of her first mission, Ashira groans loudly, and rolls her eyes "Really Jim, it's not neseccary to tell THAT story is it?"

Bart  d10=9
Tuesday February 27th, 2001 12:06:48 PM

past time:
During the trip to the Isle, Bart falls back to his normal duty aiding the ship's cook. Making bread soup and other edible stuff. When he is not in the ships galley he is on the poopdeck training his fighting skills with anyone that wants to spar with him.

current time:
"Jim I love to hear THAT story, I think Ashira has to furl sail a bit. Tell it us as we drink an good beer or two. But first to Weldons. Maybe we can earn some money there."

OOC roll is for hp

Smiley Jim (NPC ADM Janell) 
Tuesday February 27th, 2001 3:26:30 PM

Jim broadens his smile at Bart's comment "Right then, first to Weldon's, then off for a pint or two...probably the Red Dragon's the best place for drinking and story telling. Speaking of Weldon's, we're not far now."

Tuesday February 27th, 2001 6:28:34 PM

Ari tags along with the group, taking in the sights, listening to the conversations. He seems contemplative, for now.

Tuesday February 27th, 2001 7:21:22 PM

Walking along side of the quieter Apollo and Legs, Lem seems almost at ease, but has a pensive look on his face. "Tell me a little about you fallen comrades. I was entrigued by something you said about them. You mentioned that they had been killed and yet helped save you back there. I'm not sure I understand."

Into Town (DM Dave) 
Tuesday February 27th, 2001 8:18:12 PM

The group heads toward Weldon's as the banter continues. Looking up, the group finds itself standing in front of their destination: A fairly well-kept storefront with the picture sign - of a burnt fish frying in a skillet - dangling over the entryway. Lanterns light the windowless interior.

Wednesday February 28th, 2001 12:07:12 AM

Standing in front of the trading post, the fighter speaks up "I get the feeling we are fish about to be hauled into the boat. Ashira, what kind of battle plan do you suggest we have before we enter this war zone ?"

Wednesday February 28th, 2001 12:27:48 AM

Rigging says, "Ashira, I am going to apologize for the flurry of questions I am about to load on you. How many other shops are there? Can we go straight to the source and buy grain and chickens from the farmers? How long are we gonna be in port? I assume there are coopers and smiths we can approach. Do you want to do the talking? Are you on good terms with this fellow.

Wednesday February 28th, 2001 9:26:42 AM

"Well, I've heard that Fredrick has a son named Basil who he's trying to train to take over the business. Maybe if we can get Basil alone we'll be able to talk some good deals out of him. I also suggest that we over estimate the amount of equipment we need so that we can haggle them down to the amount we do need."

Ashira shrugs her shoulders "Rigging, I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I can answer all your questions. I've only performed this duty once. As you can imagine, I'm sure that Fredrick remembers me... it's hard to forget someone with looks as good as mine (Ashira runs her fingers through her blue hair). However, it would probably be best to have one of you smooth talking nobles do the bargaining. Don't get me wrong, I'll give it a try if you want me to, but I'm not exactly a diplomat. I'm not sure about how many shops there are here, Jim can probably help us find them. That's a very sharp idea you have about going straight to the source for some items. I'm not sure if it's exactly kosher, but it's worth a try. And yes, there are two smithies and at least one cooper in town. Sorry, but that's all I know."

Wednesday February 28th, 2001 9:48:58 AM

"Warzone? we just have to do some shopping" I say

Bart opens the door of rhe store and walks in. "Ah Mister Weldon, nice day isn't it, and it will be even nicer. We have heard you are the best place in town to buy our ships provinsions.
We need several goods and the must be delivered in six days to the Lady Freeborn. It is quite a lot we need, here I give you the list

15 Block and tackle sets
1000 lbs of Grain
60 Barrels of Beer
5000 yards of sail cloth
500 feet of chain
12 bullseye lanterns
700 feet of hemp rope
40 buckets
50 sewing needles
50 Chickens in coops
20 lbs of limes

So name your price and maybe we have an agreement.

Wednesday February 28th, 2001 12:24:56 PM

The stocky young cleric follows the group through town. He is extremely interested in the sights and sounds of the town. Blue stays close to Bulldog, almost underfoot and he giggles at the exchanges between Jim and Ashira.

Wednesday February 28th, 2001 12:41:28 PM

"Yes, Lem. Aelwyndas - Wynd - is from Adorus. We grew up together, with Catcher, and a few others here or gone. Smart, and sharp, not too fair of face, but much beloved, and a fierce fighter, with good wit. Killed a lion once, she did. She wore a ring, found by our friend Poison, also called LaDonna or Nightshade, in a Lem-blessed lightning-struck tree in the center of town the day we left. Skippy - another friend, she whom the Red Scarves killed the day of our escape from our accursed hometown, ascended to the Dragon, then made her presence known in the ring, and rendered us aid on some occasions. When we faced the many-headed Godspawn, she opened a way to save my life.

"In any event, the night of our assault upon the Ga'alian temple in Adorus, at one point a wall and the adjacent ceiling fell upon a few members of our party. I did not know it at the time, but Wynd was crushed beneath. Some of my friends tried to dig her out, but were under assault by scores of people. As she gave up her spirit, I believe the Dragon allowed her to join with Skippy, and, as I perceived, some other angelic being, to complete the destruction of the temple, and allow us our escape from overwhelming doom. This great spirit warned us to flee, and we obeyed the heavenly vision. Most still left in the building suffered death. Appolo, an inch from passing on, was rescued and healed.

"Catcher - one of the toughest friends I know, or knew." Legs pauses for a moment and looks away. "He was shrewd, and canny. He helped lead us out of Adorus, studied with us at the nobles' castle, but was called away from us when indwelt with a weird spirit found in the hills south of the great mountain. He and Nightshade went to the wall in the north. We met him again the night of the raid. I meant to ask him what had happened after last we saw him, but never had the opportunity. Early in our assault on the temple, he was cut down." Legs draws forth his long sword, and hands it to Lem for inspection. "This was taken first by Nightshade, then by Catcher, and now is mine. We found it in a cairn the night he came under possession."

Fredrick (NPC ADM Janell) 
Wednesday February 28th, 2001 4:17:32 PM

A short, well dressed middle aged man rushes forward to shake hands with Bart. "Good evening sir, may I be of service."

Fredrick listens as Bart makes his request, then reviews the proffered list. "Ahh...always a pleasure to do business with ambassadors from the Lady Freeborn." He runs his fingers through his well groomed auburn hair and starts making clucking noises. "Hmmm...this is quite a list Cedric has for you. Let me see what we can do to accomodate you."

Fredrick turns toward the back of the shop and calls out "Basil, come here, we have a customer that needs assistance."

Wednesday February 28th, 2001 4:27:59 PM

As Bart turns and heads into Weldon's, Ashira says to Rigging "Well, it looks like Bart has voluntered to be the spokesman. We should join him and see how the negotations are coming along." She adds in a whisper that only Rigging can hear "Is he normally that impulsive?"

"Jim, darling...are you going to join us inside, or am I going to have to hog-tie you and bring you in myself?"

Smiley Jim (NPC ADM Janell) 
Wednesday February 28th, 2001 4:35:30 PM

Jim looks contemplative for a moment. "Hmmm...I've always liked the sound of bondage, especially with half-elves, but really Ashira dearest, this is really neither the time nor the place for such private enterprises!" The ever-present smile is back on his face in an instant. Jim turns and enters Weldon's with Ashira.

Once inside the shop, Jim begins to amble around the store, examining the fine wares.

Wednesday February 28th, 2001 4:59:05 PM

Rigging winces at Bart's forthright manner, but decides to let him take the lead. He wanders around the store looking at the merchandise. He is looking for some clothes which would fit him. He is also looking for a shortbow.

Wednesday February 28th, 2001 5:29:58 PM

Rigging is looking around the store, looking for some leverage. Chores to be done, stolen merchandise, daughters who could be seduced, anything out of the ordinary or something that has possiblities. He keeps a sharp ear out for Bart as he does this.

Inside Weldon's (DM Dave) 
Wednesday February 28th, 2001 8:03:34 PM

The store is surprisingly diverse in its offerings, although not as tidy as the shops back in Adorus. Rigging quickly spots a pile of clothing, all different sizes and colors all jumbled together. Weapons of various sorts are mounted by pegs on the back wall, past the counter. Currently, there are three other patrons in the store - an old man holding the hand of a young girl, and a young man with tufts of hair standing out in different directions on his head. After a moment, Basil enters the store from a backroom.

Basil (NPC - DM Dave) 
Wednesday February 28th, 2001 8:13:11 PM

The short, dark haired man takes the proffered list and quickly scans down it, muttering under his breath, glancing up every once in a while in this or that direction at some item shelved here or there.

After a minute, he says, "Yep, all here. I'm assuming you'll want some or all of this delivered directly to the ship? How long until you shove off?" He glances up at Bart for a moment, but one eye is looking off to the left, while the other gazes directly at the young fighter. Waving the paper he says, "With delivery and tax, you're looking at 1,800. With all your friends making several trips, I can shave off 20."

Bulldog, the big burly friend 
Wednesday February 28th, 2001 11:35:03 PM

After overhearing the quote the burly fighter coughs deeply and adds quietly. "high prices like that. The supplies should be able to crawl there themselves." Sounding a bit unsure of things as he really doesn't know the value of the products. Bulldog stands behind Bart to lend support.

Thursday March 1st, 2001 2:56:08 AM

Blue approaches Jim and asks, clearing his throat, "Ahem...excuse me Jim, might I have a brief word?. It seems that you know this town and the people quite well...what can you tell me about this Basil fellow?...any interesting tidbits? Also are there alternatives to this store for our needed goods? And one last question, does this vendor carry potions and weapons?"

Thursday March 1st, 2001 6:21:35 AM

(sorry for missed post) Ari enters with the crew. He looks around the store, and sees if there is anything labeled, in the way of prices.

Smiley Jim (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Thursday March 1st, 2001 9:07:19 AM

Jim looks up from the pile of cloaks that he is sorting through. "Hmm...let me see. Basil is an interesting character. Don't let him fool you with that wandering eye trick...he's as sharp as a tack. But, it's no big secret that Basil can't exactly hold his ale, and he thinks he's quite the one with the ladies. Also, he's facinated by magic users. See, not many get out this way, and life on Fog Island can be very boring..."

"About your other questions...Weldon's is the only one-stop shop in town, so most people shop here out of convenience. However, there are several stores around town where you can pick things up. You should be able to find a few potions and weapons here (Jim shows Blue over to a display counter containing vials with liquids of various colors in them), although if you're looking for powerful magic, it's likely to cost you an arm and a leg."

Fredrick (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Thursday March 1st, 2001 9:22:37 AM

A large burly man enters the store, and strolls up to Fredrick. Shortly after, a beautiful woman dressed in a vibrant blue dress enters and waits patiently for the shopkeep's attention.

Fredrick runs his fingers through his hair in a nervous manner, and begins flitting from one customer to another. Finally, seeing the futility of his actions, Fredrick bellows to the backroom "Misty, get in here! We've got customers to attend to, and I don't pay you to sit around on your bum all day long!"

Misty (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Thursday March 1st, 2001 9:38:51 AM

Hearing Fredrick's bellow, Misty rushes into the shop, and in her haste, bowls into Rigging, knocking him into the pile of clothing. A look of absolute horror on her face, she begins to uncover Rigging from the garments, apologizing profusely. "Oh, how stupid of me! Are you all right? I'm so sorry sir... let me help you up."

As she helps Rigging to his feet, the young man is amazed at the sight before him. With her stunning features and strawberry blonde hair, this young lady could be considered beautiful. However, it looks like her hair hasn't been combed in a week, and the rags she has on can barely be considered clothing.

Misty rushes over to Fredrick almost out of breath. "I'm sorry sir, I was in the back cleaning up the store rooms. How can I be of service?"

Fredrick (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Thursday March 1st, 2001 9:51:55 AM

After finishing his conversation with the customer at hand, Fredrick almost pounces on the girl in frustration. "I don't want to hear any excuses out of your sorry little mouth. I want you to gather up the goods for this man and deliver them over to Sussex St."

Fredrick reels off a list of items while Misty flits around the shop picking them up. After bundling the items up, she loads the large bulky sack onto her back and follows the young man with the disheveled hair out of the shop.

Fredrick composes himself and walks over to Rigging. "I'm sorry about that sir! It's so hard to find good servants now-a-days. Is there something I can help you with?"

Thursday March 1st, 2001 1:01:22 PM

"Well Mr Weldon, we where always an good customer of yours, you asking a high price, but before we further negotiate can I and my friend here (pointing at Bulldog) examine the quality of the goods?"

Thursday March 1st, 2001 7:15:02 PM

Listening to Basil and Bart discuss pricing and then Lem walks up and quietly says "Now Maybe I am way off base here but, I used to have to purchase things for the abbey and I must say that your prices are quite high, at least for the things that I know about. I mean with the exception of the chain and sail cloth, which admittedly I know very little about, I could have purchased everything else for somewhere around two hundred gold, delivery included. Now given the fact that you are situated upon an island might account for some increase in price but if you factor in the lower cost of production and overhead due to procurement procedures, that increase should be easily off set. Now I truely don't mean to be rude or obnoxious but I think if we piece meal our order around to some of the smaller businesses we will get a better deal and crete more good will for our ship with the small businessman. Now I agree that will mean more work for us, but the savings that will be incurred will be more than worth a little sweat. I would suggest a price more in the line of about say 900 gold. Now I think we should take our leave and check out our options while you ponder our counter offer.

Thursday March 1st, 2001 8:42:06 PM

Appolo slips in quietly and slides out of the way and just watches and listens. He is slightly amazed that the group would let Bart do the talking and even more amazed at the way Bart tipped his hand like that. The shop keeper should have a fairly good idea of how much money we have. He is glad when Lem steps in and offers half, which sounds about right to Appolo. Appolo steps forward, "Yes, I think we should check out some of the other shops as well. 1,800 is quite steep."

Basil (DM Dave) 
Thursday March 1st, 2001 8:42:22 PM

Growing more impatient as he sees other customers arrive, Basil hands the list to Lem, saying, "Thank you, thank you. Feel free to inquire about any items." He steals quick glance at Misty's retreating form, distracted for a moment, then prepares to go check on another customer after giving a checking with your group to see if there are any more questions.

Weldon's Shop (DM Dave) 
Thursday March 1st, 2001 8:51:16 PM

None of the items have price tags, which isn't surprising, considering that most people can't read. In fact, one person is over at the counter, using hens as payment for some cloth, rather than coin. Three more people enter the store and spread out, looking at various items.

[Rules for negotiation: Keep in mind that success will mostly depend on your comments to the storekeep. However, go ahead and roll a d20 and (hopefully) increase it with your Charisma modifier when trying to influence. Applicable skill bonuses for Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge, Profession, Sense Motive, etc. may also be added, if applicable. Make sure to notate when you are relying on such skills. Who you interact with will determine your success or failure - some people's skill scores or foul tempers may make it harder for you to eck out a good deal.]

Thursday March 1st, 2001 10:30:37 PM

After the commotion is over, Ashira moves in close to Rigging and speaks in hushed tones to him. "I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this to you yet, but while slavery isn't tolerated in this region, indentured servitude is still alive and well. This Misty that you just bumped into probably came from a poor family, or was captured during a raid. She will be required to work for the Weldon's for a set number of years before she is released. Unfortunately, that is the fate that lies ahead of the children we rescued from your town. Just thought you should know."

Smiley Jim (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Thursday March 1st, 2001 10:41:26 PM

After Basil leaves to check on another customer, Jim ambles over to where Bart and Lem are standing. Slightly chuckling, he says "Well, I'd say that's probably less cordial than young Master Basil is accustomed to! So mates, what's the plan...there's still a little daylight left, want to find some other shops?"

Friday March 2nd, 2001 12:05:06 AM

Blue thanks Jim for the shared information before he moves over to the recently entered Ari. "Ari, I have been doing a little scouting and it seems that magic users don't get this way much...Basil, the shop man, apparently is facinated by magics, perhaps an introduction to a couple of magic using lads such as ourselves may endear ourselves somewhat and improve pricing. I am anxious to get some room in our budget as this shop stocks potions and our healing supplies are badly depleted. Another tidbit is his weakness for ale...if we get him talking perhaps we can invite him for a beverage. I can't drink for religous reasons, it makes me holy sick, so I would hope to maintain some sobriety and remain sharp for possible bargining...what thinks you?"

Friday March 2nd, 2001 12:54:17 AM

Rigging is sorting through the clothes when this gorgous creature runs him down. Thinking fast on his feet, Rigging says, "Clumsy Wench! Who is your master?! He must make amends for this grievous insult upon my person! Who is your master?!"

Friday March 2nd, 2001 7:55:31 AM

Well Jim, I'd have to agree with you there and yet at the same time, I've never met an honest shop keeper that wouldn't dicker some. His attitude leads me to believe that not only is he not honest, but that he knows that we have smelled him out. Right now I would be willing to bet that he is fervently praying that we don't just walk out. I however think that we truely will find better prices and good will among the smaller shops. So, shall we go in search of them?

Fredrick (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Friday March 2nd, 2001 8:47:46 AM

*slightly in the past*

The other customers begin to turn and stare as Rigging makes his tirade against the recently departed Misty. Fredrick is visibly shaken by Rigging's fury, and begins to appologize profusely, almost to the point of groveling. "Oh sir, I hope you're not injured! It's just been so difficult to find good servants recently. Normally, I keep her out of harms way in the back, but we've been so busy recently! Please accept my humble appologies!"

Fredrick looks up briefly, nerviously runs his fingers through his hair, and seeing the other customers still staring, continues. "I see that you were examining our fine line of clothing. Can I help you with that, or can I perhaps help you find something else? Your most humble servant is at your disposal."

Ashira  d20+1=3
Friday March 2nd, 2001 9:10:45 AM

*slightly in the past*

Ashira is beginning to move toward Rigging as he begins his tirade. Sensing his plan, Ashira decides to have a little fun with Fredrick as well. (Charisma check =3)

Ashira looks livid, and begins to raise her voice toward the shopkeep. "Fredrick, what is this?! Cedric sends down these fine young nobles as ambassadors of the Lady Freedborn, and first your son treats them like they are common riff-raff, and then your servant girl tries to assault one of them?! Perhaps you don't value the long honored business relationship you've enjoyed with the Lady Freedborn! When I tell him, Cedric will be most displeased at the disrespectful manner in which you have treated our guest!"

Ashira rushes over the remaining distance to Rigging and begins to check him over to make sure that he isn't injured. Making sure she is overheard, she says "Young Master Rigging, I'm so sorry. Perhaps we should leave this 'shop' and find someplace where the keep has sense enough to recognize someone of your position!"

Friday March 2nd, 2001 11:59:17 AM

Whispering to Lem, Apollo and Bulldog
Hmm this is not what I had I mind 1800 is far too much maybe we can talk it down to say 1300. After we examine the grain, check the beer, the sailcloth I can say the quality is not what we expected for an total price of 1800 it is far more 900. What do you think, alright? Or shall we go and search for other shops?

Friday March 2nd, 2001 3:46:06 PM

Rigging looks down at the frantic shopkeeper and haughtly says, "This is an outrage. I don't have time to deal with you now! We will pay you 1200 gps for the items on the list. You will have the items delivered to our ship by tomorrow noon. If this isn't satisfacory to you, I will not be able to forgive this gross insult. I will have my seconds arrange for a private meeting." To Ashira, "Let's go." To Bart, "Pay him half now and half on delivery." Rigging stalks towards the door.

Saturday March 3rd, 2001 4:54:32 PM

Legs steps out of the shop when the girl is sent with her burden to Susex Street. Once the doors close, he asks her, "Can I give you a hand with that, miss? I used to take deliveries myself."

Smiley Jim (NPC - ADM Janell) Bluff +11  d20+3=10
Saturday March 3rd, 2001 9:56:17 PM

Before Rigging is able to leave the shop, Jim begins to clap and laugh. "Bravo, bravo...I believe you actually had Fredrick fooled there for a minute!" He moves over to put an arm around Ashira, and addresses Fredrick. "I'm sorry Fredrick, but I just couldn't help but put my mates here up to a little practical joke. By the look on your face, I guess it worked."

He turns to face the customers (who are now staring with looks between rage and horror at Ashira and Rigging). "Imagine, pirates being in union with nobles! Ha! Next thing you know, I'll be getting married!" The female customers giggle at the last response, and the other customers return to their shopping.

Jim walks over to a very angry looking Fredrick, and pats him on the shoulder. "Look, to smooth things over, how 'bout we head over to the Red Dragon tonight. I'll buy the first round for you and Basil. What do you think?"

OOC (Roll should be d20+11, so actually is 18)

Ashira  d20+1=20
Saturday March 3rd, 2001 10:07:12 PM

(Charisma check=20)
The half-elf shows a wide grin and begins to laugh herself. "Mr. Weldon, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have let Jim be such a bad influence on us. I didn't think you'd actually believe our little ruse."

"Listen, it looks like you're very busy today. If you'd like, the lads and I can help you out with deliveries and such. Maybe we can spare you the further embarrassment of having to use that servant girl of yours."

Misty (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Saturday March 3rd, 2001 10:13:14 PM

Despite the load being obviously too heavy for the young girl, Misty looks at Legs in disbelief. "Oh no sir, I couldn't have you do that. Master Weldon would be greatly displeased if he found out that I had a customer helping me with my duties." Without looking up, she continues following the young man with the disheveled hair.

Saturday March 3rd, 2001 10:59:40 PM

Once the three round this corner, Legs gently says, "I insist. You are strong, but that is heavy. And I'm not a customer - I haven't bought a thing from Weldon's shop. Please, allow me to assist. It would please me greatly, for I need the exercise." He holds out his hand to take the burden, if she allows him. "Is Mr. Weldon a relative of yours?"

Fredrick (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Sunday March 4th, 2001 8:10:18 PM

At the mere sound of the word "noble", Fredrick's manner changes drastically. His expression changes from that of humility to one of open hostility. For a moment, it looks like the shopkeep is going to strike Rigging down.

Then after Jim and Ashira speak, there is another drastic change of manner. Suddenly, Fredrick begins to laugh as well as the tension in the shop noticably drops. Fredrick slaps Jim on the back. "Jim, you dog, of course I'd be glad to drink some of your money away!"

Fredrick eyes the party over, and notices the well built young men (especially Bulldog!). "Of course I could use a little extra help, especially on a day like today. As a matter of fact, I have some very heavy deliveries that need to be taken care of. But I warn you... don't even think of dropping, loosing, or stealing any of my merchandise, or I'll have Cedric keel haul you when you get back to the Lady Freedborn!"

Sunday March 4th, 2001 10:51:33 PM

A smile breaks out across the big fighters face. "Of course we can help out. And there is no need to worry about anything going missing. Ashira, looks like today is another working day after all. The faster we get done. the earlier we can join the fun. lets get going."

Monday March 5th, 2001 12:26:08 AM

The young cleric joins in the deliveries and hoists his share...he wonders why Ari has gone so quiet.

Misty (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Monday March 5th, 2001 8:39:38 AM

Misty begins to stumble under the heavy load, but no-one except for Legs seems to notice the young girl's plight. As a matter of fact, it is almost as if the girl is invisible.

Misty re-balances the load, and continues on her way. "Sir, please, I beg you, let me finish my chores in peace, or Master Weldon will have to punish me. He is a good master and feeds me and clothes me well. If I weren't so clumsy, I probably would have paid off my debt by now. Besides... see, we're almost to Sussex St. now."

Monday March 5th, 2001 8:45:43 AM

Rigging laughs along with everybody else. He thinks to himself, "Damn! I blew that one. Will have to keep my noble statis to myself." He says aloud to the shopkeeper Frederick, "Sir I am glad you have such a good sense of humor. Let us get some drinks and discuss the supplies needed for Lady Freedborn. Your son's quoted price is way above our limit. Maybe we can provide some service while we are in town. Their are spellcasters and priests of the Dragon God among our number. Maybe we can help each other in some way."

Fredrick (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Monday March 5th, 2001 9:09:27 AM

Fredrick splits the groups into pairs, and assigns a couple of deliveries to each pair. He shows the party to the storeroom in the back, which is immaculately clean and organized. To each party, he points out the appropriate items and makes sure that they are packaged correctly.

He turns to the party and says "I assume that you young "nobles" (he chuckles once again) are not very familiar with Fog Island." He makes his way to each pair and quickly gives them directions to their delivery locations. "If you hurry, you might have time for one last delivery before we close shop. After you are finished, return here and we'll all head down to the Red Dragon together."

Ari and Bulldog
Lem and Bart
Rigging and Appolo
Ashira and Blue
NOTE: Please roll once per delivery (be sure to include if you have intuit direction, etc) to determine whether you are successful in locating your delivery location or whether you become lost. A DC of 15 or higher will be considered successful.*

Fredrick (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Monday March 5th, 2001 9:17:58 AM

*slightly in the past*
Before entering the storeroom, Fredrick smiles at Rigging and says "Yes, Master Rigging, we can talk about pricing at the Red Dragon. However, right now I need help with deliveries. I hope this kind of work is not below a man of your station." Fredrick begins to bellow at his own joke, and takes a few minutes to compose himself before entering the storeroom.

Rigging  d20=16
Monday March 5th, 2001 11:27:29 AM

Rigging looks at the deliveries to be made and at his partner Appollo. "Comon Appollo, Let's go." Rigging shoulders his part of the load and heads out. He starts following Frederick's directions, amazed at the clarity of them. He notes landmarks so he can find his way back. Having noticed Appollo's depreased state lately he decides to try to find out whats wrong with him. In a bright voice he says, "Beautiful day but you don't seem to be enjoying it. What's the matter. Don't like the company?"

Blue  d20=14
Monday March 5th, 2001 4:06:35 PM

Blue orginizes his share of the deliveries and shoulders the pack. He wanders over to Ashira and in a shy voice says " Ahem...do we turn left or right once we leave the shop?...other then that I think I know how to get there."

Bulldog the Mighty  d20=20
Monday March 5th, 2001 4:52:54 PM

Hefting the heavier packages over his shoulders, he awaits Ari's lead. As he has no idea where they must go. "Ari, you remember those directions? I missed them." He shrugs as if to say 'sorry.'

Ari  d20=20
Monday March 5th, 2001 7:05:59 PM

(sorry for delay, left private post. Seems not accessible for time being)(roll was for gather information (figured this was close)). Ari picks up his bundles. "I think I can manage". Ari gives Bulldog a smile. Ari occassionally stops to get his bearings, but in due time, they make it to their delivery location.

Walk About (DM Dave) 
Monday March 5th, 2001 7:09:23 PM

The group splits up, heading in various directions. The day is still young as each pair handles the assigned tasks.

Lem  d20=15
Monday March 5th, 2001 7:11:58 PM

Listening to the shopkeeper, Lem takes his half of their load and says, "Well Bart, let's go, seems we're leaving one way or another." Stopping only once on the way to their destination, Lem manages to guide them to and back to the inn without any major difficulties.

Ashira  d20=12
Monday March 5th, 2001 7:19:49 PM

Ashira prepares her bundle, hefts it onto her back, and gets ready to head out with Blue. Despite her being to Fog Island before, she isn't quite familiar with the directions that Fredrick gives the pair. "Sorry Blue...I don't think I caught all of those directions either."

Before heading out, she checks with Fredrick and receives more instructions. She thanks Fredrick, and says "Ok, I think I've got it now." Signaling to Blue, she heads out into the beautiful Fog Island afternoon with her traveling partner.

Monday March 5th, 2001 7:33:39 PM

Legs helps steady her load, but will not take it yet, as she is so insistent on doing it herself. "Excuse me for being so forward, but would you mind me asking the nature of the debt? How much more do you have to pay off? Ah - so this is Sussex Street, eh? Tell you what, let me at least help you get the bundle through the door and set it down. I'm impressed you carried it all this way yourself."

A Moment of Silence (DM Jerry) 
Tuesday March 6th, 2001 10:48:08 AM

...and for a moment, all is silent in The Wold.

Bart  d20=3
Tuesday March 6th, 2001 11:57:24 AM

Ok Let's do it Lem, do you know the way? I think it is in that direction (pointing to the opposite direction Lem wants to go)

Misty (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Tuesday March 6th, 2001 12:40:12 PM

Upon arriving at their destination, Misty accepts Legs kind offer to help her unload the bundle. The young man with the dishelved hair stops a moment to look at Legs questioningly, then dismisses Misty with a wave of his hand.

Misty turns and begins the journey back to Weldon's, rubbing her back as she goes. "Sir, you must be new to this region. I am Master Weldon's servant. My parents are farmers that live on the other side of the island. One year the island experienced a terrible drought, and my parents didn't have enough money to pay for the next year's seed. Master Weldon was kind enough to give them seed in exchange for my service. I am not certain how long my period of service is...you would have to ask Master Weldon or my parents. But one day, I will be free, and then I'm going to join the pirates and become a great fighter one day."

Ashira  d20=4
Tuesday March 6th, 2001 12:48:23 PM

Shortly after their departure, Ashira begins to examine her surroundings. After wandering a little more, the pair finds themselves in what can only be described as the "shady" part of town. Several less than reputable looking figures eye the duo over. Turning to Blue, she whispers "Hmm...this doesn't look good. Do you have any idea where we are? I hate to admit it, but I'm lost."

Blue  d20=13
Tuesday March 6th, 2001 5:44:12 PM

The young cleric first looks to the left...them looks to the right. "nope...don't have a clue...I think maybe if we go back the way we came hopefully we can find the shop and try again". Blue appeals to Lemtrovex quietly under his breath. "Ahhh...we better get a move on, some of these guys are makin me nervous". With that he heads back the way they came at a stiff gait.

Tuesday March 6th, 2001 6:55:25 PM

Appolo lifts his bundle and says, "Let's go, the sooner we done the better. You have the directions, right??" And then answering Rigging's question, "No, it's the situation, and Wynd's death still bothers me. Nice day though. You know you had the shop keeper on the run. Why didn't you press your advantage? If you had we would be done by now, especially if that Jim guy hadn't butted in like that." He follows Rigging out the door and down the street.

Tuesday March 6th, 2001 7:16:05 PM

Shaking his head at his partner, Lem chuckles. "No my friend it is this way we are supposed to go. Now let's hurry. I truly could use a nice mug of something frothy, and I don't mean seafoam."

Tuesday March 6th, 2001 8:39:22 PM

To the fellow with the disheveled hair, Legs returns his stare with a 'what-are-you-looking-at?' glance, and, after Misty steps out of the shop through the door he holds for her, Legs offers, quietly, and with a tone of friendly advice, a quick, "Good sir, my counsel to you is this: Regardless her present station, treat that young woman - with respect." The final two words, however, are said with a carefully emphatic enunciation. He turns and follows after Misty.

"That must have been very difficult for your family during the famine. I suppose it was kind of Weldon to extend credit. Was there enough rain for a decent crop the following year? So, you'd like to join the pirates, eh? Ambitious plans. Dangerous group. Oh, here we've been walking across the city, and I haven't even told you my name. My friends call me Legs." The 6'6" lanky teen has long legs, indeed, and has in recent months sprouted the pale beginnings of a mustache. "Did I hear Weldon call you 'Misty'? Do your parents live far from here?"

Tuesday March 6th, 2001 11:18:54 PM

Rigging strolls along enjoying the sights, he takes a quick glance to see what they are delivering. "Yeah I had him on the ropes, I get the impression that they don't like nobles around here to much. Might have stepped into it by bringing that up. Don't know if Jim is on our side or not. Still think about that shapeshifter. I have a suspicion we haven't seen the last of him."

A sad look crosses Rigging's face. "I am missing Wynd a lot myself. I was hoping to get closer to her, but she always was aloof. I guess that was for the best. I am sure we will see more of our group die if we stay with the pirates. It is a violent way of life and the odds aren't with us." Rigging shakes off his foul mood. "Here we are. This is where we are supposed to make our delivery. Let's get this over with and get back to the tavern for a beer and a meal. We can't leave Bart alone with Fredrick for long. We will get half of the supplies and pay 2000 gold for them." Rigging adds the last with a wry grin.

Ashira  d20=4
Wednesday March 7th, 2001 7:30:21 AM

Ashira follows Blue hoping that he has more of a clue about where they are going than she does, considering that she is hopelessly lost.

She keeps an eye on the people around them and shifts the load on her back to make it easier to throw it off and retrieve her weapons if neccessary. So far, none of the characters make any threatening moves.

Misty (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Wednesday March 7th, 2001 7:46:25 AM

Misty continues on the way to Weldon's. While speaking with Legs she lowers her head, never meeting his eyes. "Sir, I am not sure why you are interested in a servant like me. Surely my life history is of little interest to you. Yes, my name is Misty, but it is of little importance. Sir may call me what he pleases. And as for my parents, they live in the farming district, just a few miles from here."

Suddenly Misty's countenance brightens a little. "Is there something that Sir wishes me to do for him? Sometimes Master Weldon hires me out do odd chores for other people. I am strong, and am able to perform many different tasks."

Wednesday March 7th, 2001 9:05:05 AM

As Ari and Bulldog travel, "I am happy that so many children from the village are safe. What do you think of the way things have gone?"

Speedy Delivery (DM Dave) 
Wednesday March 7th, 2001 7:52:49 PM

Ashira and Blue somehow manage to get their goods dropped off, and the gang eyeing them does not approach. Soon, the two are heading back to Weldon's, where they meet up with everyone else, who have made their deliveries in record time.

Thursday March 8th, 2001 8:51:17 AM

Finally making it back to Weldon's, Ashira turns to Blue with a look of relief on her face and says, "Thanks Blue, that could have been close."

She looks around the store and spots the rest of the party. "I trust everything went well? Blue and I almost ran into a spot of trouble, but it was nothing we couldn't handle. So, I don't know about you lads, but I could use a large glass of nice..." She stops mid-sentence, concern written on her face. "Where's Legs? I know he left shortly after the servant girl, but he should be back by now."

Thursday March 8th, 2001 10:51:26 AM

After greeting his friends he asks " So what kind of deal did we end up with, or are we still working on it at the tavern ? What say you Rigging"

Thursday March 8th, 2001 12:58:05 PM

"I am just glad to be back...some of those guys back there were lookin at me like I was a herbed pork chop...speaking of which, I am about ready for one myself, maybe a little glass of something cold might be nice as well".

Ari (not Rond) (no I"m not having an identity crisis, like some characters) ( ;) ) 
Thursday March 8th, 2001 4:56:11 PM

Once Ari returns, he looks to see if there are any more deliveries. Then he'll ask Frederick, "Is there anything more we might do?"

Fredrick (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Thursday March 8th, 2001 5:18:16 PM

After a few moments, Fredrick emerges from the back of the store. He heads over to the assembled group with a smile on his face. "Well, I'm impressed. It would have taken that worthless servant of mine at least twice as long to make those deliveries, and she probably would have broken something. I have a few more packages to deliver if you'd like, but..."

Fredrick's face falls, as he watches several figures rush in through the front door. All totaled, there appear to be about 15 scruffy looking characters. The last man in shuts the shop doors and blocks them as he watches to make sure that no-one enters after the gang. Ashira and Blue recognize some of the men from their recent trip into the "shady" part of town.

Snake Eye (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Thursday March 8th, 2001 5:29:06 PM

A large unkempt man with a scar that runs across a ruined eye heads toward Fredrick. "So, these are your delivery people, eh Fredo. Where's that delightful little wench that you used to have? It seems that you forgot to mention the rules to your new employees."

Turning to the group, he sneers and says "See, you pay us 10 gp per delivery, and me and my boys here make sure that you're safe. Fog Island can be a very dangerous place if you don't know the right people."

His eyes never break contact with the group as he makes a hand motion to the men behind them. "Now, I'll just be collecting my toll if you don't mind." The men fan out behind him, removing various and sundry weapons as they move.

Thursday March 8th, 2001 6:49:33 PM

"Well, as long as you plan to call me 'sir' - I'll call you 'lass.' Well, yes, as a matter of fact, there is something. Since I'm new to these parts, I could use a guide to get to know the island. I'll speak with Weldon about it, eh, lass? That is, if you're willing to help a stranger such as I in this way."

As they return, Legs notes, "So, here we are." He goes to open the door for Misty.

Lem  d20=19 d20=16 2d6(3+5)+4=12
Thursday March 8th, 2001 7:21:36 PM

Not waiting for them to attack, Lem leaps right in and attacks the leader. Using improved unarmed attack (no attacks of opportunity against him) and flurry of blows, he strikes twice (AC 21 and 18 for a total of 12 points damage).

Thursday March 8th, 2001 8:10:50 PM

After delivering the packages, and returning to the shop, Ari is just about volunteer us again, when a local street gang enters the shop and demands tribute. Appolo quickly produces two daggers and falls back silently. Saying to Rigging, "I got your back." He will play defense and only attack targets of opportunity, or to support Rigging. He thinks to himself, 'We can't even go shopping.'

Bulldog  d10=8 d20=12 2d6(6+3)+6=15
Thursday March 8th, 2001 8:29:08 PM

(ooc roll was for ht pts 8+3 con bonus =11)(3rd level)

Keeping his eyes on Snake, Bulldog steps forward to make room for himself, and pulls forth his greatsword. "Dangerous place it is. Step forward to receive your payment then."
(2nd roll to hit 12+8=20 for 15 dam if needed.)

Rigging  d4=2 d4=4
Thursday March 8th, 2001 9:10:39 PM

Rigging puts his hands in his pockets (retrieving some spell components) and laughs a loud and hard belly laugh. "You have got to be kidding! We just faced a Quad, 3 priests of Ga'al, magic, and 100's of Ga'al controlled townspeople and peasants. We fought and killed our own parents. You think we are going to be scared by you? Run for your lives and never bother our friend Frederick again... or die." Rigging then casts his sleep spell on the enemies closest to him, trying not to include any allies in the spell.

Thursday March 8th, 2001 9:21:15 PM

Looking slightly bored, Ashira takes her time drawing her short and long swords. She yawns and then addresses Snake Eye. "Really, I think my friends and I will do just fine without your protection." She moves in front of Blue and continues speaking "But, it's been a pretty boring trip to Fog Island so far, so if you want to provide us with a little entertainment, I won't mind."

Smiley Jim (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Thursday March 8th, 2001 9:25:48 PM

Jim moves in beside Ashira and begins to chuckle also. "Really boys, there have got to be easier stores to hold up than this one! Why don't you go out and bother someone's grandmother. Can't you see we're busy here?"

Thursday March 8th, 2001 9:28:01 PM

Hearing the approach of Legs, the short, stocky man shouts to Snake Eye, "We're about to have company."

Friday March 9th, 2001 8:03:56 AM

"Your agreement is with that damsel and maybe Frederick here, and not with US. WE won't pay for protection - does it look like WE need one?" Bart says as he draws his sword and dagger.

Friday March 9th, 2001 8:42:08 AM

"I am really not in the mood to get strangled.
Demanding tribute, for some reason, does not go over well.
You mull your decisions, as you sit for a spell.
So, without further ado," Ari casts entangle.

:) (PHB not on me, please make best grouping/use of spell. ;) )

Friday March 9th, 2001 8:44:06 PM

The young cleric steps back when Ashira steps forward and draws his quarter staff while summoning energy to cast. Blue starts his prayer and finishes with a chant, "By the power of Lemtrovex the dragon over beasts...Qhaa feh". He casts summon monster to bring forth a celestial hound (the hound will remain for 3 rounds). The stocky youth gestures with his free hand towards the man standing closest to Snake eye for the hound to attack.

Saturday March 10th, 2001 1:19:14 AM

"Hmm, Misty," Legs says, forgetting for the moment that he was going to call her 'lass,' "the door is stuck, or locked. Would Weldon have closed early today?"

Route (DM Dave) 
Sunday March 11th, 2001 11:36:12 AM

With a flurry of activity, the heroes overwhelm the thugs. Lem's blow fells the leader with a smash to the head and groin, and the sudden manifestation of magic from three of the other party members quickly incapicitates three others (Sleep), none (Entangle doesn't work in this environment), and drives two others back fearfuly in the sudden presence of the Hound (Summoned). Menaced, the remaining flee through the front of the store, plowing over Legs and Misty (roll vs. DC 15 to avoid being trampled).

Monday March 12th, 2001 11:27:57 AM

Upon seeing the morons break and run Appolo says to Rigging, "Good, maybe now we can get something to eat and drink." He begins to wander around the store checking things out.

Monday March 12th, 2001 1:30:46 PM

Rigging looks around for some rope and says, "Hey lets tie these three up and question them." He looks at Frederick to see if he is happy or upset about our quick victory.

Monday March 12th, 2001 3:40:14 PM

Mumbling under his breath, Ari considers how he can make the spell work properly. Looking around, he'll help tie up, heal, and help clean up, wherever possible.

Legs  d20+3=14 d20+3=22
Monday March 12th, 2001 4:00:08 PM

As the door opens, Legs sees the hordes pouring forth. He moves to protect Misty from their hasty exit, but isn't quite nimble enough to keep the thugs from running over himself (DC 14). (2nd roll to protect Misty, DC 22.)

Monday March 12th, 2001 6:02:45 PM

::Grinning:: Geesh, I hate it when someone attacks you and they don't have the stomach for finishing what they begin. "Now Frederick, I do hope those weren't friends of yours?"

Monday March 12th, 2001 6:16:56 PM

The big fighter breaks out in a hearty laughing fit, as the racketeers run for cover. "Well that should teach them not to mess with the pirates of the Lady Freeborn." Sheathing his weapon, he gets ready to leave with the others. "That made me hungry. Let's go eat." Slapping Lem and ASr on the backs as they go.

Monday March 12th, 2001 7:58:55 PM

Ashira retrieves some rope from a basket on the floor, and begins to help tie up the unfortunate thugs. After all the villains are effectively incapacitated, she walks around to the heroes, slaps them on the back, and says, "Well done mates... I don't think we'll see the rest of those boys in the near future!" She begins to laugh... "They didn't even know what hit them!"

Misty (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Monday March 12th, 2001 8:05:17 PM

"No sir, Master Weldon didn't mention anything about closing early...".

As she is speaking, a flurry of activity occurs. Before she knows it, Misty is thrown into the side of the building by Legs as several figures dash out into streets. As she regains her balance, she rushes over to where Legs lies in front of the shop doors.

"Oh, sir, sir, are you all right? Let me help you up. I wonder where all those people were going in such a hurry." Misty looks down at Legs with concern etched on her face as she offers a hand to help him up.

Fredrick (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Monday March 12th, 2001 8:17:23 PM

After the short confrontation, Fredrick continues to stare at the hogged tied and gagged Snake Eye for a few minutes in disbelief. Then, as if awakening from a dream, Fredrick slowly gazes at each of the party as a large smile breaks out on his face.

He begins to laugh as he approaches Rigging. "Well, who would have thought that a bunch of nobles would come in so handy!" He turns to Lem and adds, "No young sir, needless to say, these are NOT friends of mine. As a matter of fact, these characters have been harassing several of the shops around town. The town guards have posted a reward for their capture, but no-one has been able to lay hands on them so far. I dare say that the captain of the guard will be quite pleased when he sees what you caught!"

Turning to Bulldog, the middle-aged shop keeper grins and says, "Yes, all this excitement has made me hungry too. Why don't you nobles take your catch over to the guard station, and Basil and I will join you over at the Red Dragon after we've finished closing shop." Fredrick begins to walk through the store and tidy things up for closing.

Smiley Jim (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Monday March 12th, 2001 8:22:14 PM

After the prisoners are bound, Jim beams down on the adventurers. "Very nicely done! I don't think these boys will be going anywhere any time soon! My, my, all this action has made me thirsty. I don't think we should waste any time. If you will follow me, I'll show you to the guard station, then it's off for some well deserved ale!"

Law, Order, and Ale (ADM Janell) 
Monday March 12th, 2001 9:00:38 PM

As Jim begins to lead the party (dragging the captives behind them) out to the streets, they encounter Legs and Misty. After a brief explanation of the confrontation, Misty hastily excuses herself, and heads back into the shop in order to attend to the Weldon's needs.

Jim invites Legs to join the parade as they lead their captives toward justice. After traveling down a few twisty roads, the party arrives at a large, stark gray stone building with no windows. A guard dressed in a gray uniform with a red sash watches with curiosity as the party approaches the doors.

Once they reach the doors, Jim briefly explains the situation, and asks to see the captain of the guard. The party and captives are escourted into the building and asked to wait in a small room with benches lining the walls.

After a few minutes, a tall neat looking man with a military appearance enters the room. He looks down on the prone forms of the captives with mirth. "So... this is the infamous Snake Eye gang, eh? Doesn't look that menacing to me!" Looking at the bruises on Snake Eye's face, the captain adds "Although, I'd hate to run into your party in a dark alley! I'm not sure how you managed it, but well done!"

The captain signals, and three guards enter the room and remove the captives. "Now, if you'll excuse me for a moment." The captain leaves, and returns shortly with a small bag. "As you probably know, there was a reward out for these characters." He jingles the bag. "200 gold pieces... not bad for a day's work! Now, you must pardon me, I have many more criminals to track down." He hands the bag to Jim and exits.

Once the criminals are in custody, Jim leads the party into the streets once again. After winding down a few alleys, the party finds itself in front of a very weathered looking wooden building. The sign out front shows a large red dragon drinking from an ale mug.

"Well, here we are... the Red Dragon. Looks like we've managed to get here before the crowd." Jim holds the door open for the party. After entering, Jim finds a table large enough for the group and sits down. While waiting for a waitress, Jim turns to Rigging, hands him the reward bag and says "I believe this belongs to you mates."

Monday March 12th, 2001 11:19:14 PM

Rigging takes the sack of money and hefts it. He looks around to his friends and says, "Guys, I think I know of a good use for this money. All of those kids are doomed to becoming virtual slaves. I am feeling bad about killing their parents, dragging them away from their homes, and now basically enslaving them for years. We should try to set up a home for them. What do you think? Looking at Frederick, "Before we get to far in our cups. Let's settle our bill. Looking at the service we did for you tonight between the deliveries and stopping the shake down. I think 1200 gps is fair for the supplies we need. We will transport it to the ship."

Tuesday March 13th, 2001 12:48:15 AM

When the ruffians fled the store the hound remained on their tails gnashing at any part that was sticking out or moving to slow...Blue concerned that the spell driven beast may run amuck in town chases after the fleeing mass of teeth and tattered clothes. As they are about to round a corner the young cleric skids to a stop and focuses his energy and calls out "By the power of Lem over beasts...desist". The celestial hound blinks out dropping the well chewed shoe that was in it's jaws to the cobble.
Feeling a wave of relief the stocky lad becomes aware of the stares. He stands up straight and brushes the dust from his cloak and starts to whistle. He casually turns on his heel and starts to walk away... then breaks into a run heading back towards the Inn bound troupe.

Legs  d6=1
Tuesday March 13th, 2001 2:31:17 AM

Legs pulls his face up from the ground, dirt ground in to a light abrasion on his cheek.[Rolled d6 for trampling damage - just 1 hit point.] He grins up at Misty. "Looks like you kept your balance better than I, lass. Are you okay, kiddo?" He accepts her hand up, and brushes himself off. "Them?" he responds to her question about the retreating gang. He shrugs his shoulders. "Maybe Weldon outnegotiated them."

After they learn of what happened inside, Legs thanks Jim for the invitation. "Tell you what, I'll see if I can join you all a bit later. The Red Dragon, right? I'll get directions. Need to talk to Weldon about something, first. Go on without me for now. Since I won't be with you, I figure Rigging can handle things." He gives his shipmates a wink, then heads on in to talk with Weldon.

Tuesday March 13th, 2001 8:12:39 AM

once inside the inn, Lem orders only water to drink. In fact the entire time you have known him, even on ship, you have never seen him drink anthing alcoholic.

Tuesday March 13th, 2001 2:36:52 PM

Appolo sits down at the table, trying to maintain a certain space around himself. He then orders steak, eggs, potatoes, fresh vegetables and fresh milk, along with water. He does so in polite, quiet and rather monotone disinterested manner. He then sits back and relaxes, resting his hands in his lap. He just watches and listens, checking out his surroundings, looking for other rogues, thieves and anyone who might be paying a little too much attention to him and his shipmates.

Tuesday March 13th, 2001 4:16:46 PM

" I do not know that we'll be able to set up a home for them. But we might want to see if we could get them enrolled in a trade, or have someone look out for them. But I think some of this is going to depend upon how often we'll be able to come back to the island, or not."

When the group makes it to the Inn, Ari will look over the alcohol selections. Wine is his first choice, beer otherwise. He'll also order a large helping of food (anything not salted, and some fresh fruit).

Fredrick (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Tuesday March 13th, 2001 4:26:07 PM

Fredrick is busy cleaning up shop when Misty enters followed shortly by Legs. Upon their enterance, Fredrick glances up for a moment, fearfull that the thugs have returned. Relief fills his face when he sees that it is Misty and Legs. "Misty, it's about time you got here. We're closing up shop early and heading over to the Red Dragon. Finish tidying up the store and make sure we're ready for business tomorrow. Oh, and no need for supper tonight... we'll be dining out. Just clean up that pig sty you call your living quarters."

Turning to Legs, Fredrick says "Weren't you one of the members of that party of "nobles"? Yes, yes, I recognize you now. Is there something that I can help you with? If it's business, I hope it can wait until tomorrow. As you've probably heard, it's been a busy day." He calls Basil to him, and waits for Legs' response before heading over to the Red Dragon.

Smiley Jim (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Tuesday March 13th, 2001 4:37:06 PM

"Let's see here, a deal's a deal, I'll take care of the first round." Jim polls the party as to what they care to order, then reels off the list once the waitress arrives. "I've got to say, mates, it's been a long time since I've seen a fight that was that short! Did you see the look on those poor blokes faces when the hound appeared out of thin air? I think more than one of them will have to go home to change their skivies tonight!"

He laughs a heartfelt laugh, and then quickly downs his mug of ale once it arrives. Patting the waitress on the rear end, he says "It's been a long day...I think you're going to have to keep the mugs coming!"

Tuesday March 13th, 2001 4:50:08 PM

Ashira listens intently while Rigging and Ari state their opinions as to the fate of the rescued children. Her face takes on the serious expression that normally resides there as she speaks up. "Rigging, it's true that the lives those children face aren't going to be pleasent. However, as Ari mentioned, I don't believe our reward will be enough to compensate building an orphanage. There is a temple of Lem on this island. Perhaps we can talk with the priests and see if we can make some arrangements to take care of the children."

Ashira begins to smile once again as the ale arrives. She too downs the mug as if it were water, and seconds Jim's notion. When Jim pats the waitress, she clucks at him in mock disapproval "Jim dear, isn't it a little early to be admiring the help? You usually don't start doing that until all the other women in the bar have turned you down!"

Tuesday March 13th, 2001 7:17:29 PM

To Fredrick the impressed "There's no noble blood in this body, my dear shopkeeper. Just of common stock."
Traveling to the inn the long way through the captains office make the young fighter even more hungry. Unable to control himself after Appolo list of a string of delectable, Bulldog adds in "I'll two of what he is having" A huge smile crosses his face as he awaits in anticpation.

Tuesday March 13th, 2001 7:20:08 PM

Huffing and puffing from his run Blue enters the Inn and heads over towards the others and grabs a seat beside Ashira. When he catches the waitress's eye he orders a large cold mug of lemonade or water if lemonade isn't available. When there is a break in the conversation he asks "has Basil arrived yet?", craining his neck to see if he sees the shopkeeper's son.

Tuesday March 13th, 2001 8:47:24 PM

Rigging looks thoughtful for a few minutes after placing his order for steak and vegatables. "Ashira, How can we get our hands on some land? We wouldn't need much. Maybe 10 acres. We are all young and strong. We could make some longhouses and a barn. I think we could recruit some of the other pirates to help. Many have started to care for the kids as well. We would have to find a couple to help guide and care for the kids but many of the older ones could help. If we could get some land, and we are willing to part with some gold, we can do this."

Tuesday March 13th, 2001 10:09:02 PM

While waiting for the next round to arrive, Ashira mulls over Rigging's suggestion. "Hmm...Rigging, I'm not a regular around here, so I'm not sure where one would go to buy land. But I think there's a flaw in your plan. What you're suggesting will take more than the five days we have left on shore, and I don't think the Captain will want to give us more shore leave for social work. Don't get me wrong, I would like to help the children out, but I'm not sure if that is the way to do it. Besides, once the children grow up, what will they do with their lives? At least by going into servitude, they have a chance of picking up a trade or making favorable contacts. Not all servants are treated as poorly as Misty."

Hot, Fresh, Now (ADM Janell) 
Tuesday March 13th, 2001 10:24:03 PM

After a few moments, the waitress arrives with the food and a pitcher of ale. She smiles and winks at Bulldog while placing the double order in front of the growing young man.

Ashira pours herself another mug of ale, and orders the lobster and shrimp platter. Jim pipes in that he would like the special of the day and also pours himself more ale.

After making sure that their are no more special requests, she heads back into the kitchen to place Blue's order for lemonade.

A silence falls over the table as those who ordered food dig in, while others continue to partake of a liquid diet. Even though the food is served on cracked and chipped plates, and isn't very appetizing to look at, it is probably some of the best tasting food the party has had in the past few years.

After another brief period, the waitress arrives with Ashira and Jim's orders, and makes sure that the party is supplied with sufficient ale. There is still no sign of Fredrick or Basil as of yet.

Wednesday March 14th, 2001 3:00:59 AM

"That was one of the most enthusiastic exits from a building I have seen in a long time," comments Legs with a smile. "My friends can be resourceful. Yes, we are mates," Legs answers Fredrick. "It may be you can help me, or I you." He steps out of earshot of Misty, adopts a serious face, and says, "I understand the lass here is working off a debt owed by her parents. You were kind enough to give them seed when the drought took their crops. I've learned that life can be very short, so I'll not beat around the bush. Perhaps you will think it is not my concern, but how much seed did you give them, and what is the size of their indebtedness?" He nods briefly to Basil, then returns his attention to Fredrick as he awaits the proprietor's reply.

Wednesday March 14th, 2001 10:25:36 AM

Appolo quietly and swiftly eats his food and drink, almost inhaling it. He then orders more water and quietly sits listening to the others discuss the children as if they weren't themselves children or at least teenagers. Thinking the whole conversation ridiculous, because taking the children was ridiculous as far as he is concerned, but then no one listens to him anyway.

Wednesday March 14th, 2001 1:54:14 PM

While Ari enjoys his meal, he continues talking, at interval, about the children.

"I think talking with the priests, and asking them to keep an eye on the children, and to maybe tutor the children, might be the way to go. With an appropriate amount tithing, I'm sure they might be interested. Of course, every time we stop by, we'd have to tithe, or see if there was some way that we could get the funds to the local temple here, from wherever we are."

Wednesday March 14th, 2001 2:52:03 PM

"I think we have to give it a try to find a proper shelter for the children. As some of you know I'm also an kind off orphan. So I know what they are feeling.

"Ah waitress an nice steak and bread souns good to me, but first I want some of that good smelling soup off yours."

Fredrick (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Wednesday March 14th, 2001 4:35:32 PM

Fredrick adopts a serious face as he runs his fingers through his hair. "Ahh...so you've been talking to Misty, eh? It's true that I helped her parents out several years ago. It was a very dry year, and many farmers had a rough go of it. Their daughter seemed to be strong and healthy, so in return for 500 pounds of grain I bought their daughter's services for 10 years. However, I'm beginning to think that they got the better end of the deal. Half the time she's breaking goods, and the other half she's burning dinner. Just between you and I, I've been thinking of pawning her off and picking up someone less clumsy. I've heard that there's a new shipment of young children just arrived... but unfortunately, everyone in town knows how clumsy the wretched girl is."

Fredrick sighs, and a look of curiosity passes over his face. "Tis a sad story all around, but may I ask why you are so interested in Misty?" A large growl emerges from the shopkeep's stomach as he adds "And would it be possible to talk about this later? We really should head over to the Red Dragon before the crowds get there."

Wednesday March 14th, 2001 5:48:48 PM

Blue turns to Ari and says, "I think the temple idea is a good one...the brother's will likely go for it especially if we talk about continued tithing...and I think thats a great idea , us sponsoring those kids. It gives us an incentive for treasure hunting, wow, thats exciting."

When the waitress returns with some of the food and drink order the young cleric asks her for a big bowl of soup with a loaf of black bread, he then asks the group in general, "Have we saved any money for extras? They had a good selection of potions back there and guys, we really need to beef up our healing supplies, especially if we continue to get in these scrapes.

I have an idea to make poultices out of herbs and healing potions, so that I can heal in mid skirmish, I can just jam one in a hole when needed." Blue starts to titter because he thinks that's a good joke, "he he, I'll just stuff one in the gaping hole...ha ha".

Wednesday March 14th, 2001 6:17:29 PM

Drinking only water and eating fruits and vegetables Lem listens and then says, "Even with the priests, life will be hard, possibly harder than they have known. Not meaning to show any favoritism, but do any of you or those you lost have kin among the children saved? If so perhaps you might arrange something for these few.

Wednesday March 14th, 2001 8:33:56 PM

Rigging listens to the conversation while enjoying his meals. He drinks some wine, wipes his mouth on his napkin and says, "OK, We need to finish our mission first. If we can take advantage of Frederick's good feelings towards us, we might be able to get a good price on the the goods we need. Then we will be able to use the bonus to help the children and possible pick up some healing potions." Rigging notices Appollo sulking. He thinks he will have to speak to him soon and see what is wrong.

Wednesday March 14th, 2001 9:21:34 PM

Bulldog Smiles back at the waitress as she delivers the food. As the conversation turns to the rescued children from home. He replies to Lem "My sister is in the group. Not to mention that a few of us know many of the families of this kids. It was a small town, back home, and everyone knew each other. So I would like to see something done to help. .... I did swear to free my people after all." finishing with a serious tone.

Wednesday March 14th, 2001 10:02:55 PM

Ashira continues to attack the pitcher of ale with fervor. When her meal arrives, she slowly savors the wonderful seafood bounty set before her. She listens to the continued discussion regarding the fate of the "rescued" children. She begins to sober as she thinks of the fate of these poor outcast children... taken away from their kin at such an early age. She thinks back on her own childhood as images of flit through her head. Other children... laughing, playing, but never with her. The adults... so condescending and cold. Why was it that she was always the one on whom the blame was placed? Why couldn't people just learn to accept those who are different? Same thing, all the world over... every group of people sees themselves as being superior to another.

As her thoughts begin to dwell on the darker aspects of life, Ashira begins to retreat inward while increasing the pace of ale consumption. Unconsciously she stops eating halfway through her meal, and begins to play with the uneaten food with her fork.

Smiley Jim (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Wednesday March 14th, 2001 10:11:58 PM

When his food arrives, Jim begins to partake of the feast. He listens in on the conversation regarding the children with mild interest. After a few minutes, he notices the sudden change in Ashira's demeanor. Suspecting that she is reflecting on her own childhood, Jim suddenly pushes away from the table and heads over to the corner by the fireplace where a minstrel sits cleaning his flute. After a brief discussion with the minstrel, Jim returns to the table while a beautiful tune begins to lilt through the air. He approaches where Ashira is sitting, taps her on the shoulder and says "Pardon me, but I couldn't help but admire your beauty...would you care to dance?"

Dirty Dancing (ADM Janell) 
Wednesday March 14th, 2001 10:23:39 PM

Ashira and Jim walk out into the middle of the common room and perform a beautifully intricate dance which looks as though it would take years to perfect. Slowly but surely, Ashira begins to smile again as they float over the hardwood floors.

Slowly, more people begin to fill the Red Dragon as dinner time approaches. Lively conversation fills the room, and a few more couples make their way to the dance floor.

The waitress shifts into overdrive as she tends to more and more tables. She returns to the party's table and tends to the requests for food and drink. Overhearing Blue, she smiles and points over to a sign hanging on the bar which says "NO TITTERING".

Thursday March 15th, 2001 1:07:13 AM

"Yes - I know those children. They are orphans from my hometown. Look, Fredrick, my father ran a store similar in some ways to yours. I took deliveries for him, helped out around the place. By the way, people call me Legs. How about if you ask Misty to tell me what needs doing to clean up - then you go ahead on over to the Red Dragon. I'll help her out, make sure everything is shipshape, then join you all later. Maybe we can work out something. What do you think? I'm not so clumsy," he says with a modest smile. "I know you don't know me yet, so I'll understand if you say no, or at least not yet - but a canny merchant such as yourself might be open to even greater prosperity, no? Ask any of my mates whether they think me trustworthy or not."

Fredrick (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Thursday March 15th, 2001 8:56:38 AM

Fredrick gazes longingly in the direction of the Red Dragon and absently says "Yes, yes, that's fine...just make sure that Misty locks up. Shall I assume that you'll meet up with us at the Red Dragon later?" Fredrick calls Basil to join them, and soon they are out the door and headed to the Red Dragon.

Thursday March 15th, 2001 2:40:31 PM

Appolo watches as Jim and Ashira take to the dance floor and start dancing, then other couples start to join them. Appolo just watches and decides to order some dessert, and some more fresh milk. {Whatever type of pie there is.} He finds himself feeling slightly jealous of the people on the dance floor for some reason, but Appolo just continues to watch.

Fredrick (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Thursday March 15th, 2001 6:21:17 PM

Cursing quietly to himself at allowing one of the newcomers to make him so late, Fredrick enters the Red Dragon with Basil in tow. He looks around for a few moments before locating the party's table, pulls up a chair, and seats himself. "Sorry I'm so late, but one of your mates dropped by and was asking all sorts of questions about Misty. Strange, that one. I assume that he's trust worthy?" Fredrick let's the question linger while he looks longingly at the pitcher of ale. When the waitress returns, he orders a mug of ale for Basil and himself, then proceeds to order a leg of lamb with a side of rice. He beams at the party and says "I haven't missed any more action have I?"

Thursday March 15th, 2001 9:38:45 PM

Blue has been somewhat anxious awaiting the arrival of Basil and his father...when they arrive he greets them openly and moves over beside Basil. "Basil, I hear that you are fond of magic...do you know any spells yourself?"

Basil (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Thursday March 15th, 2001 10:45:49 PM

Following his father into the pub, Basil finds a seat and orders shepherds pie and seasoned potatoes. As Blue speaks, Basil's face glows with anticipation. "No..no, I don't know any magic. Are you a magic user?! Can you show me some of your spells?" Basil begins to stammer on about stories he's heard about spellcasters, his left eye wandering about restlessly as he speaks.

Thursday March 15th, 2001 10:53:48 PM

Once the song has finished, Ashira (accompanied by Jim) makes her way back to the table, laughing and smiling once again. Spying the newcomers, she grins and says "Glad you could make it, we were beginning to wonder whether we would have to form a search party for you!"

Surveying her half-eaten food, the half-elf once again begins to partake of her feast. Once finished, she begins to attack the pitcher of ale with a renewed zeal.

Smiley Jim (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Thursday March 15th, 2001 10:59:27 PM

Jim seats himself. "Ah, glad you could join us Fredrick and Basil. As you can see, the fun has just begun. Have you placed your orders yet?" Acknowledging the affirmative nods from Fredrick and Basil, Jim turns to Basil and says "Basil, you're in luck, it just so happens that there are magic users in our midst. Perhaps if you are polite, they will show you a few of their spells."

A Short, Tall Tale (ADM Janell) 
Thursday March 15th, 2001 11:16:38 PM

The waitress returns in a few minutes with Fredrick and Basil's orders and then stays busy keeping the party satisfied, as well as tending to her other tables. Conversation consists mostly of small talk (spattered with zealous questions about magic from Basil) as the table partakes of their various meals.

Soon, the meals are devoured, ale is consumed, and talk returns to more serious matters. Fredrick re-hashes the tale of the confrontation with Snake Eye's gang for Basil (who, unfortunately was in the storage area at the time), embellishing as he goes. When he is finished, Fredrick turns to Rigging and says "I still can't believe how fast you took care of those thugs...they've been hitting us up for months! I am very much in your debt."

Friday March 16th, 2001 12:38:04 AM

Rigging casually picks up the pitcher of ale and walks gracefully over to Frederick's side. He smiles and tops off Frederick's ale. "Frederick, We were glad to be of service to you. There might be a way for you to repay us. We need to get the Lady Freeborn refitted and restocked. Our mission is to get that done quickly and efficiently. We could run all over town and out into the countryside visiting farms and other tradehouses, but we would rather deal with friends. How about you give us the supplies we need for lets say..." Rigging pauses apparently doing some figures in his head. "1000 gps even." Before Frederick can say anything, Riggings says, "Wait, I know that is cheap but I am not done. We will arrange transport of our goods back to the Lady Freeborn. I will give young Basil here some magic lessons and testing to see if he has any aptitude for the study of magic. If he does, mabye we can work out an apprenticeship for him." Rigging stops and places an arm on Frederick's shoulder and adds, "Finally I would consider you my friend. Friends watch out for each other and help each other whenever the other needs it. What say you Frederick? Do you desire my and my companion's friendship?"

Friday March 16th, 2001 2:07:34 AM

Offhandedly replying to Fredrick's questions of Legs' trustworthiness, Bulldog comments, "Legs, ... as trustworthy as they come. A dear friend of mind he is." The big fighters notices Ashira's withdrawal into her own thoughts. He becomes very relieved as Smiling Jim brightens her mood. Thoughtfully nodding his approval of his great job. Jumping back into Fredrick's conversation with Rigging, "We stick together pretty darn strongly, Fredrick. We do take our friendships with vigor. You may have noticed."

Saturday March 17th, 2001 12:37:51 AM

Blue is glad that Basil is excited about magic, he replies to his previously asked question, " I am a cleric and yes, I use magic...you heard about the magic hound that appeared and helped chase off those bad guys today...well that was my magic at work. I noticed you have a good selection of potions at the shop, can you tell me what kinds you have?"

Saturday March 17th, 2001 2:17:03 AM

"Lass, Mr. Weldon spoke to me about helping you clean up the shop tonight. I worked in my father's store. Looks like someone knocked over this rack of clothes here," Legs says, picking up and reorganizing the jackets for display. "Tell you what, show me what needs to be done out front here, and then I'll get it ready, and you take care of your room. Then, put your best clothes on, and, if you want, come with me, and we'll join my mates at the Red Dragon, and get some food. Sound okay, Misty?" he asks as he puts a coil of rope back up on the wall hook.

Monday March 19th, 2001 8:34:17 AM

When Lem comments, "As far as I am concerned, anyone from my village is considered Kin. I prefer life to be hard, than to lose control of who I am, and what I can do. Because of our choices, and what has happened, I will NEVER leave anyone behind, if I can help it."

As the conversations die down, Ari relaxes somewhat, sipping at his wine. He takes in the conversations around him, and tries to get a general feel of the atmosphere around him. (gather information check?)

Monday March 19th, 2001 7:06:22 PM

Oh I understand, I just meant that perhaps Wynd or your other friend had some kindred in the group that you might help as way of closure with the loss of your friends.

Into the Evening (DM Dave) 
Monday March 19th, 2001 8:52:59 PM

Misty scampers off to change for the evening meal while Legs finishes up chores around the shop. Over at the pub, it is a relaxing and invigorating time for all. Blue compares notes with Basil on items magical - Basil lets the group know that just about any type of magical potion can be had, for the right price, stating, "We can't really discuss exactly what we have in stock, as it changes quiet a bit."

Meanwhile, Frederick turns to Rigging's conversation, "A friend you may be, but mixing friendships with business will bring both to ruin. One good reason I use slaves, rather than hire friends, is to avoid the heartaches that arise." Seeing your concerned looks, he quickly adds, "All debts are eventually paid, and my workers freed. Don't worry yourselves about that. They walk away with a good set of skills and some money to boot." Readdressing Rigging, he continues, "No, that price is too little. It's a business I run, not a charity, and I'd be selling below cost at that rate. Now, you have been good to me and Basil, that's no doubt, so I will take you up on that offer to transport your purchases, and shave off 300 on the price - so that'll be 1500 gp!" He looks around, pleased.

The feasting continues, with Ashira getting thoroughly into her cups, keeping the barmaids running. The food is excellent, and the music isn't half bad! Something you haven't felt in a long time, a sense of peace, settles on the group.

Monday March 19th, 2001 10:03:01 PM

Appolo politely excuses himself and heads for the outhouse to relieve himself. As he heads out he takes care to make sure he isn't being watched or followed.

Monday March 19th, 2001 10:47:14 PM

Quite happy, now that he has a full stomach, the big fighter leans back to relax abit and take in the conversations. He smiles as Frederic comes back with a firm price for the goods. He thinks to himself that it looks like a little sum of gold will be put into their pockets after all. Life is good. His mood changes a little as he remembers his sister being on board the Freeborn. Being closer, maybe not safe totally, but aleast he will be able to look out for her now. He lifts his mug to toast with his friends "To things coming together. A brighter future and harder work."

Monday March 19th, 2001 11:47:24 PM

Rigging looks at Federick with visible dismay.
He says quietly but loud enough to be heard, "You don't want to be friends." He then sighs deeply. He brightens up and says, "OK Frederick. I understand completely. Doing business with friends can be a pain in the ass.

"Here is the way I see it. We have made difficult deliveries for you in dangerous situations. You knew of the possible danger but kept that information to yourself. The sheriff did say that this shakedown has been going on for a while. We successfully made all the deliveries in record time. Your own words, I will remind you. We then defended you, your son, and your goods from 10 armed and vicious attackers who were demanding gold from you. We attacked using sword and magic in your defense capturing 3 and driving the others away. Here is my tally, 25 gps per pair of delivery persons," he says nodding at Ashira. That should equal 100 gps. My sleep spell used in your defense is another 150 gps. Blue's summoned hound is another 150 gps. Our fighters drawing their weapons and attacking... hmmm. What do you think Bulldog, Ashira. We will make it a round 100 gps. You wanted to originally charge us 1800 gold minus our expenses of 500 gold is 1300. You take care of delivery. It is a shame really. We could have been friends." Rigging sighs and when he sees Appolo heading for the jakes he calls out. "Wait up buddy. There is a rule that you can't take a whiz by yourself you know."

Tuesday March 20th, 2001 2:44:16 AM

Appolo slows down a bit and looks over his shoulder and drops a dagger in his left hand. Upon seeing Rigging, he slides the blade back up his sleeve and stops a few seconds to wait. Then he continues silently on.

Tuesday March 20th, 2001 3:15:06 AM

Legs continues busying himself in straightening things up, working at getting to know what all they have in the store. He mentally compares prices for things here with the cost of goods in his hometown, in Singer's city, and elsewhere. He didn't really have much of a chance to do any shopping in Ailthmar. He starts mentally working his way through what Fredrick paid for a decade of service from Misty. '*Let's see - 500 pounds of grain... my father sold a ten pound sack of ground wheat for a silver. So, at my father's prices, that would have been ... 50 gold pieces. Of course, seed grain isn't ground... but the price couldn't be too far off that. Oh - but in a famine, it would be more dear, I suppose. Double? Triple? Sevenfold? Of course, the grain cost Father less than that. He told Mother once that it cost him about half what he charged people, and that profit took care of keeping the business going, and feeding us, and such. Fredrick seems shrewd... I think he got himself too good a bargain. Ten years service for fifty sacks of grain? Or just ten sacks of 50 pound bags... Of course, a deal is a deal. But, is it right to take advantage of those who are weak? But then again, they were helped by the grain, surely.*' Legs wonders what Misty's parents are like, and how they are getting along these days. Does she have many brothers or sisters? Are any of them clumsy? Gosh, she sure is pretty, and works pretty hard, too. Wonder what kind of things she thinks pirates do?

"I'm just finishing up here. Are you ready to inspect my work?" the young paladin calls out to Misty. He wipes some light perspiration from his brow.

Tuesday March 20th, 2001 11:50:41 AM

Bart nods when Rigging is talking to Frederick, but frowns his eyebrows lightly when money is charged for drawing a sword. Mmm lert me think we should go for 1400 so we stay in our budget an have all the goods we wanted. No drinking money left, but who cares we still have that money from the streetgang sure we can thake some of that

Tuesday March 20th, 2001 2:18:21 PM

Ari relaxes, as much as a good meal can let one relax. He continues to sip on his wine, taking in the conversations at the table, and around him. He thinks, 'Now is not the time to let loose, we are still doing a job at this point.'

Tuesday March 20th, 2001 6:16:43 PM

More than just a little tipsy from the excessively fine Red Dragon ale, Ashira is in no mood to haggle. She turns to address Fredrick, "Looksh here Master Weldon, young Master Rigging (insert girlish giggle) is right... we put ourselves through a lot of trouble and hassle to help you out. We don wantsh to rob you, but yoush and Ish know that 1300 is a fair price. I know you won't quite make the profit that you wanted, but sooometimes life is like that. Besides, if you'rrrre nice, maybe we'll through in the delivery after all..." She pours herself another mug of ale as she waits for Fredrick's response.

Misty (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Tuesday March 20th, 2001 6:27:39 PM

Misty emerges from the back room, and the transformation is breath-taking. Before Legs stands a young woman whose beauty seems to illuminate the darkening shop. Her beautiful hair (now washed and combed) streams down over a tattered, but dignified looking peach colored dress. She walks over to Legs, quietly surveys the now neat and orderly store, and nods in approval. "Thank you for inviting me tonight. You are a very kind man. It is normally improper for a servant to dine at a resturant, but I have a few gold pieces I've earned, and Master Weldon didn't seem to care..." As the comment hangs in the air, Misty looks into Legs eyes (the first time since they've met), and she states in a curious tone, "Sir, I'm confused as to why you are so kind to me. I am nothing more than a mere servant."

Tuesday March 20th, 2001 6:32:07 PM

Listening to the dickering going on and then to Ashira's comments, Lem chirps in, "Actually Ashira, with the capture of Snake's band, I expect that our friend merchant here will make more profit over the long run. If Snake was getting 10 gold each delivery, we alone just saved him 40 gold. At an average of say just 5 deliveries a day and 6 days that's 300 gold saved in just one week.

"Knowing that he is an intelligent man and a smart businessman, I am sure that he took into account how much he was having to pay out to Snake and his men when he prices his goods. It is all in the overhead, right Fredrick?"

Tuesday March 20th, 2001 11:44:30 PM

Legs holds Misty's gaze for a moment as he considers his answer. He turns away then, ostensibly to straighten a row of jars, but really so that she will not see the color creeping up into his own fair cheeks. He speaks, softly, as his hands occupy themselves with this task. "I saw today a young woman clothed in the virtues of humility, diligence, and modesty. Her eyes, though beautiful, are not haughty. She behaves seemly, not in a forward manner. Gratitude, I believe, is an element of wisdom. In the face of hardship, she shows gratitude to her master. She honors her father and her mother. She proves herself both frugal and resourceful. She carries the burden life assigns her without shirking. Such a blend of qualities is rare, her beauty like a flower coming into bloom, her worth greater than a precious jewel."

The young paladin turns more toward her, yet not meeting her eyes. "Misty, I have known the life of a worker, a noble, a pirate, an adventurer, a traveler. In some ways, I care less for a person's station in life, than I do for his - or her - character."

"Misty, you intrigue me. You have worked hard today. Tonight, if you don't mind, I will treat you. I should count it an honor to have you dine with me and my friends." He holds out his arm for her to take, if she will. He says, "I'll pretend to lead, if you'll tell me where the Red Dragon is. By the way, the color of your dress nicely compliments your complexion." He pauses a moment to look at her hair, her face. "You look radiant, if you don't mind me saying so, Misty. We go left up there?"

In the Heat of the Night (DM Dave) 
Wednesday March 21st, 2001 6:55:06 AM

Legs and Misty make their way to meet with the others with the glitter of stars to light their path.

Meanwhile, back at the Inn, Frederick gets a frustrated look, and says to his guests, "Yes, yes, I know of your value: Perhaps you did not realize that it was I who mainly funded the reward for Snake's capture? Do not forget it was I who directed you to turn in the thugs to the watch to claim your reward!" He takes a long draw on this tankard, before looking up under bunched eyebrows, "I am paying for your meals and lodging tonight. I've offered you an at-cost rate for your supplies. I've entrusted one of your own to close up my shop, left alone with one of my servants. Pah!" He throws up his hands, and getting up from the table calls over the barmaid. Handing her a bag of coins, he states, "This should cover your evenings expenses. I've lost my appetite. You have shamefully disregarded the gift extended to you, and I will have nothing further to do with you." Spinning and stalking away, he states, "Bring 1400 gps in the morning to the shop, and Weldon will deliver your supplies."

Smiley Jim (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Wednesday March 21st, 2001 9:01:42 AM

Jim watches as first Fredrick, and then, reluctantly Basil depart the Red Dragon. Then he turns to the party, all smile, and says "I must say, well done mates! You played Fredrick like a well tuned fiddle. Not only did you get him to lower his price by 800 gps, but he threw in the food, lodging, and delivery too! Mind you, he'll think twice about doing business with your crew anytime soon!"

Wednesday March 21st, 2001 9:19:14 AM

Looking very relieved after the departure of Fredrick and Basil, Ashira rolls her eyes and says "Finally...I thought that old windbag would never leave!"

She smiles at Blue as a familar song lilts through the air and says "Would you care to dance young man?" Ashira gingerly rises from the security of the table, walks over to Blue, and offers her hand.

Wednesday March 21st, 2001 9:25:43 PM

Rigging sits back and orders more wine. "Oh well, I am glad we are getting the supplies but I wanted the extra funds to help the kids." His mood brightens and as he follows Appollo to the jakes, he calles to Ashira, "Save a dance for me!"

Wednesday March 21st, 2001 9:32:18 PM

Seeing some of his friends making for the dance floor, the big fellow leans back to watch. Quite happy to keep his big feet under the table instead of on someone else's toes.

Wednesday March 21st, 2001 11:30:37 PM

The blushing cleric stammers out "Iii... t'would
be my honor mmmmadame." The lad bows his stocky frame to the poised hand with a light kiss... then takes the slim hand gently and turns to the dance floor. As the couple engages the music Ashira can hear Blue counting the steps under his breath, "1,2,3,4...1,2,3,4."
What the boy lacks in skill he makes up for with enthusiasm, "1,2,3,4...1,2,3,4"

Thursday March 22nd, 2001 1:01:45 AM

Waiting for a moment when everyone is back at the table Ari asks, "Are we on free time, then, till tommorrow morning? I'd like to check out more of the town, and see what there is about this place."

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