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Mission Divert (Module 5-2)
Coastal Raiders

Coastal Raiders - DM Dave 
Monday December 11th, 2000 9:00:24 AM

[Time passes after your joining with the pirates of Jack]

Over the past half year, since your dramatic escape from the clutches of Ga’al, you have grown in your skills during your service as pirates of Jack. Sure, there have been conflicts, and the rough and tumble way of the pirates was harder for some of you to acclimate to – religion in particular seemed a point of contention, as most of your fellow renegades pay lip-service only to Lemtrovex, relying more on themselves for success. You have yet to lay eyes on the home bases used by the pirates of Jack – the ever shifting islands lying off of the Aisildur coast apparently not something often visited. All of your time has been spent at sea: learning the ropes of ship handling, swabbing the deck, practicing boarding maneuvers, swabbing the deck, and limited participation in land raids (when no more deck are available for swabbing). Various reasons exist for these raids: capturing wives, gaining funds to support future missions, scouting out enemy positions, or dealing punitive strikes against the King’s forces. However, your current raid doesn’t fall into any of these categories. The sun is setting as the crew prepares your longboat. All attempts to find out the nature of the journey are met with stoney silence. This will be your first true raid.

[Tomorrow will be the beginning of your mission. A briefing will be be provided at that time. Feel free to cover details regarding your time spent on the boat over the last six months, along with any last minute preparations you care to make before the group sets out. Please have updated character sheets sent to me ASAP.]

Monday December 11th, 2000 7:09:10 PM

The young cleric has gained much expertise in swabbing... his stocky frame has shed some of the surface padding. His thickness now demonstrates heaviness of muscle and tone... He has been practising with his quarter staff.. his parry and thrust have gained some respect from the crew, but his attempts to enlighten them of the Dragon's grace has proved futile. The opportunity for healing has been devoted to skinned and bruised knees from swabbing and the occasional black eye from a misjudged sparing match.

Blue continues his prayers and spends what little leisure time they have trying to get to know the other young people better... he tells them that when he was in Qhen's charge that news of the family's exploits at the castle was brought to them by a servant spy who sent messages secretly. He also told the family members about the shining lady who used to visit him in his meditation, who would advise him that the family members were well and would arrive safe to Alithmar... he was surprised when he shared her odd name that they knew of "Skippy"... this knowledge made him feel closer to the family members.

Monday December 11th, 2000 8:20:46 PM

The past six months have been the hardest on Wynd and she has yet to completely overcome her fear and unease at being on the water. While her on board ship work has been accomplished satisfactorily and she now even looks forward to her time aloft in the rigging and crow's nest, she has yet to learn how to swim and each time she has to go in a smaller boat, it takes every shred of will power not to start freaking out. She has endured the ribbing and at time scorn that this has brought her, but she has earned the respect of many of the crew in other ways. Her fighting skill has improved dramatically and she has also taken over some of the healing and medical duties from the ship's doctor through the use and knowledge of her herbs and medicinals.

Some of the time on board has been used to get to know the newest members of their family and is amazed when Blue mentions Skippy. During this conversation, Wynd tells Blue that it was Skippy in the ring she wears that helped test them when they first met.

The time is approaching and tensions are high. No one is sure of what is up and Wynd is feeling a bit more than anxious.

Monday December 11th, 2000 10:50:48 PM

Rigging has spent his time really enjoying being on ship. He has dazzled the ships officers with his ability to navigate. He almost always knows where the ship is at any given point. When he isn't doing ship chores, he will be doing one of 3 things. Studing his magic skills, trying to sneak up and swipe items from his friends which he promptly returns and climbing around in the rigging. He was even seen climbing the mast itself without ropes for practice. He has also engaged Blue on some deep questions about religion. Rigging has kept friendly with Wynd but has cooled things off for now. He realized she had more important things on her mind lately.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday December 11th, 2000 11:06:06 PM

Bulldog spends most of his free time getting Asbury adjusted to life at sea, making sure the little fur ball understands the dangers that can be faced on board. As well as learning these things himself. During the long working hours of the day the heavy-set young fighter relishes the rough and tough work. Discovering just how far he can push his muscled body. The months under the scorching sun have also darkened his skin, matching that of the other more seasoned crew. During the months as he watches the crews go on combat missions, he craves for a chance to go along. Now that the time has arrived, the mighty fighter's eyes gleam with excitement.

Tuesday December 12th, 2000 12:15:26 PM

Ari stays wrapped up within his duties as much as possible. When possible, he works closely with Bulldog, or anyone else of any strength, in order to get the heaviest jobs. Coversation with Ari is usually very short, as he only wants to concentrate on the task at hand. It probably reminds the family of their time at the castle.

The Beaches of Adorus - DM Dave 
Tuesday December 12th, 2000 3:49:24 PM

It is midnight on the beaches near (for some of you) your hometown of Adorus, and your emotions are in turmoil at what you are about to do. For security, details on this raid were withheld from you until the longboat leaving the Lady Freeborn landed on the shore a few miles from the town. Earlier, you spotted several other longboats departing your ship for points unknown... obviously, something big is occurring up and down the whole coastline in this area.

Wag, the longboat leader, grips each of you by the shoulders, one by one, aware of the stress. Then he begins the briefing, “Okay, my little Aces, this is it, your first mission without someone else standing over ya'.” Turning to Rigging, he says, “You’re accountable for this team’s actions.”
Wag stops a moment to gauge the group, then continues, “You are to slip into Adorus, make your way to the temple, and slay all priests and staff within. Under no circumstances are there to be any witnesses, dead or alive. All kills you bring back here – to confound any divination spells. Before leaving the temple, you scatter the contents of this box, as a decoy to what really happened.” Wag hands Rigging a black wooden box whose contents have the weight of gold.

“Bring the box back. Remember: No witnesses. I don’t care if a little ol’ lady is making a midnight run to the outhouse; you chop her down and bring back her carcass, hear?”

Again, Wag stops, and seems to read your minds.
“Perhaps you thought to rescue your friends or siblings? After your escape, premature seedings were administered in Adorus to prevent more runaways. Get thoughts of rescue out of your heads. Any questions?” growls Wag, the five swords tattooed on his wet chest reflecting dimly in the faint moonlight.

Tuesday December 12th, 2000 6:53:36 PM

Lost and absorbed watching the familiar shoreline come closer, Wynd thinks about how long they have been gone and how much they have changed. With a pensive look on her face she thinks about those she left behind and wonders if any, including her family, would even recognize her.

As Wag starts to discuss their mission, a strange look comes over Wynd's face and her eyes get this very cold look. Not realizing that she is speaking outloud, Wynd quietly utters a softly spoken couple of phrases. "Finally Skippy, I will be able to avenge you. I swear that not one Priest will take another breath in Adorus after we leave."

Tuesday December 12th, 2000 8:05:32 PM

The instructions echo in Blue's head..."slay all the priests and staff within...slay all". The boy has a flurry of thoughts. He has contemplated revenge for his father's death many times...here is his chance..."yes" he says in his head..."I can do this". Then he thinks of his friends and their families...he thinks of his own brother and sister and the choices his friends must have to be making at this very moment. He grips his quarter staff grimly and scans the faces of his friends. Under his breath he intones "Dragon guide my hands and firm my heart".

Tuesday December 12th, 2000 8:58:54 PM

Rigging leads his friends away from the boat. After 25 yards, he stops and gathers the group. He says, "OK. We need to be smart about this. We don't want to kill any innocents, but we need to accomplish this mission without losing any of us. Who knows how to get to the temple? I want two of us to scout the way for the rest. I need to know what spells are memorized. I also want suggestions on tactics."

Bulldog sans Asbury  d10=8
Wednesday December 13th, 2000 12:46:42 AM

Listening intently to Wags as the pirate fills them in on their mission, the fighter's concern over innocents weighs heavily upon his mind. He whispers, "Consider the priests' lives ended. Vengeance for their acts upon our people shall begin tonight." As the group follow Rigging's lead, Bulldog readies his heavy crossbow. "Rigging Ari and Wynd can lead us quietly there. As for tactics ... let's make it a rush through a couple of different doors. That should cause some chaos for the priests."
Eagerness shows in the fighter's voice and steps. (die roll was for 2nd level hit points)

Wednesday December 13th, 2000 9:20:08 AM

Ari listens intently to Wags, as he informs the party to what they are going to do.

After hearing the instructions, Ari's shoulders slump. "This could get grisly fast," Ari whispers. "Do we know how many are in the temple now a days? Is there a set number of people we need to kill, or just everyone that is currently in the temple?"

Legs (Six months) 
Wednesday December 13th, 2000 2:13:50 PM

Over the past six months, the young paladin worked hard at quickly adapting to life at sea. He is diligent at every task he is given. He also observes how others carry out their tasks, mentally imitating those who seem to do things well. He talks with those with whom he works, trying to get to know them, their histories. He wants to understand how each tatooed sword is earned among the pirates.

Morning and evening he sets aside fifteen minutes for his devotion to the Good God. And during the day, with any who are interested, he asks what others may know about Lemtrovex, about Ga'al (saying, "It is important to know one's enemy, if one is to expect victory.") He asks if there are any other gods that people might know about.

He also asks the sailors about fighting on the ship, looking for pointers for hand-to-hand fighting, trying to determine how best to take advantage of the onboard lay of equipment, rigging, doors, weapons. He asks whether they ever board enemy ships.

Wanting to build his strength and flexibility, the teenager works out a set of exercises to that end. Stretching, lifting, using the deck and the rigging for his regimen. He invites others to join him, and asks for pointers as well.

At night, he sometimes watches the stars, and tries to learn them, asking the names of constellations. And asking again, because intellect is not his forte. He asks about navigation, trying to get the hang of it...

Wednesday December 13th, 2000 2:28:44 PM

Legs asks Wag, "For carrying the, uh, bodies back - do we have some bags, or nets, or litters we can use? Or rope?" He says to those who are not from Adorus - "Wynd, Bulldog, Ari, and I are from Adorus. Rigging, what do you think about pairing one of us with one of each of you from other towns? I was thinking Bart and I could stick together; Ari and Appolo; Bulldog and Blue; and you and Wynd. One pair should scout ahead, but we should all move pretty quickly after them. Another pair to keep watch outside the temple, with six of us going in and doing what needs to be done." Legs looks to see if this seems a suitable plan, and listens to see if others suggest any options or refinements. "Let's sketch out the temple and the buildings and trees and bushes around it - at least the way it was a few years back. It's got two ways in, right?"

Wag (DM Dave) 
Wednesday December 13th, 2000 8:20:46 PM

Pointing to some nets in the bottom of the longboat, Wag states, "Those will do the job of body-toting. As to what to expect: You're guess is as good as mine. Half a year ago, there was a general mustering of the Kingdom, and most priests, warrriors and such left the smaller communities to meet at the capital for another Scouring. We don't think they've returned yet from that, probably a couple of more months before they're finished, so there shouldn't be too many priests. Everyone in the temple compound is to be killed. Everyone. Be back here before moonset."

Removing a large pouch from his belt, Wag hands it to Ari - with the sound of a glassy-clink heard as it hits his palm, "You'll be needing these to make sure the heartseeds don't communicate with Ga'al during the attack. Smash one on the ground as soon as you engage the guards - the fumes will only last 10 minutes or so, so be quick about it."

Best Laid Plans - DM Dave 
Wednesday December 13th, 2000 8:25:55 PM

For those from Adorus, you recall that the temple is a wide building, with one entrance at the top of three stone steps. Entry was denied to children, so you're not sure what lies within. There were some type of horizontal slits all along the upper section of the walls, to allow daylight and ventilation, but nothing that would permit physical access. A Quad always stood guard at the entry in times past.

Thursday December 14th, 2000 12:12:32 AM

Rigging says, "Legs I like your plan, but I believe Blue and I should be partnered and keep watch outside. He can more effectively use his cures if he isn't engaged in combat. I can use my magic missiles to help out whoever gets in trouble and cast my sleep spell on any unexpected reinforcements. Apollo and Wynd both have skills that are helpful for scouting and should team up to scout our way. We know Wynd is damn good with her sword if they encounter any trouble up front." Rigging blows Wynd a quick kiss. "OK Wynd and Apollo start us off. The rest of the group follows in pairs with Blue and me bringing up the rear. 30' between Wynd, Apollo and the first pair. I want Bulldog and Legs as the second pair. With you two behind them they won't have to worry about quick backup if needed. Ari and Bart then Blue and myself. I want 15-20' separating the other pairs. Hopefully that will keep us out of mass spell range. Ari, any helpful spells memorized that we should know about? Speak up now. If we get separated we meet at the front of the church. If that isn't possible than we head back to the beach." Rigging looks around, "Ok we can do this. Let's go strike our first blow to free our people and pull down Ga'al." Rigging grabs one of the nets and hands it to Blue and picks up another for himself.

Thursday December 14th, 2000 3:14:35 AM

Bulldog nods in agreement with Legs and again as Rigging finalizes the plan. "Sounds good. Let's get going. Remember no one left behind. Us or them." The fighter then takes up his position in the second twosome. Crossbow loaded and readied, the mighty fighter quivers with anticipation as things start off.

Thursday December 14th, 2000 10:04:25 AM

"The only thing that I have that might helpful for the group, would be to set up Alarm, if you want to free up a pair of people. It won't be quite as accurate as having two people there. But we might want to install it as a backup, if the two scouts get pulled off, or if they get engaged."

Thursday December 14th, 2000 10:45:01 AM

Appolo sits quietly listening to the orders. He doesn't much like what he hears and sees. He remains silent and nearly invisible in his dull black and grey outfit. He looks every bit the silent assassin, even if he doesn't feel like it. For he has never killed anyone before, let alone cold blooded murder like this.
As he looks around he finds his little group of pirates too long on bloodlust and vengeance and too short on experience for this type of job. Plus the fact that for almost half the group this is their first mission, and for Bart and himself the time spent aboard ship was the first time they had ever been away from home.
Now they're about to attack an unknown number of priests and assorted followers of G'aal in their own temple. The whole mission feels wrong to him. As he is listening and mulling his own feelings over he mumbles to himself, "I don't like this."
Appolo carries his daggers and his bow with a quiver of arrows, all tightly secured.

Bart OOC 
Thursday December 14th, 2000 12:43:07 PM

Sorry Fooks I was unable to post the last three weeks, feels good to be back, also my email acoount doesn't work anymore further emails should be sent to joetyphon@hotmail.com.

Bart (six months) 
Thursday December 14th, 2000 12:59:16 PM

During the six months Bart can be mostly found in the alley where he helps the cook to prepare food for the crew. If he is not in the cooking business, Bart exercises his fighting with the longsword and the shortbow (provided the pirates lent or even give him an bow and a sword, his own sword, bow and chain are still in the mill). He also wonders if there are more powers bestowed in the dagger his stepfather has given him. He asks Rigging about it and lets him also see how the dagger can glow in the dark.

Midnight Walk

Thursday December 14th, 2000 6:38:13 PM

Listening to plans being made, anyone can tell that Wynd is getting antsy and is ready to move out. A very determined look is on her face and as she watches her companions she notices Apollo's demeanor and approaches him. "So, we are to lead this crew as scouts, are we? Well that should give us a shot at these mind-stealing, cold-blooded butchers." As they move out, Wynd makes sure to explain to Appolo exactly what happened to Skippy and the others that the Quads and red scarves get hold of.

Head Em' Up, Move Em' Out (DM Dave) 
Thursday December 14th, 2000 8:22:31 PM

Wag and the Longboat pull away from the shore and move further up the coast to find a good hiding spot. Clouds sweep in over the half-moon in the sky, bringing much needed cover. Ahead, the thick canopy of trees beckons.

Friday December 15th, 2000 12:18:41 AM

"OK, let's go. Everyone keep a sharp eye out and strike hard and fast if we need to." Rigging beckons to Wynd. "Lead on my dear."

Friday December 15th, 2000 3:20:46 PM

(ooc Where is the temple in relation to the town?) (i.e., in the center of town, or off by iself somewhere.)

Friday December 15th, 2000 5:03:14 PM

Blue takes the netting from Rigging...he throws it over his shoulder and adjusts it so it won't interfere with his quarter staff...he then takes a position with Rigging as the crouching figures start to move towards cover.

The young cleric reviews his memorized spells in his mind and moves the items he will need for casting from his pack to his belt pouches:: Cure minor wounds and cure light wounds, purify food and drink ("don't think I will need that one for this mission"), detect magic, read magic ("may come in handy"), shield of faith and summon monster ("now these I'll keep close")...after he completes his mental check-list he then watches...he listens...he remains ready.

Friday December 15th, 2000 5:10:43 PM

Blue suddenly remembers his cure light wound potions...he quickly takes the three potions and places them in different spots on his second pouch belt...he double checks to make sure they safe and secure...he then sets his jaw ("now I am ready") he thinks.

Friday December 15th, 2000 7:24:58 PM

Appolo looks around the group and says, "All right everyone, make sure nothing shiny, bright or noisy is exposed. We move swiftly, silently, and without trace. Ghosts people, we are ghosts, people. Remember no unnecessary heroics. This is job, a mission it is, not personal. What happened in the past doesn't matter. Everyone goes home, no one is left behind. Let's get moving." He stands up and prepares to follow Wynd, still not liking their chances.

Friday December 15th, 2000 7:55:08 PM

Leading the way toward the temple, Wynd takes a route that keeps them as hidden as possible but allows them the most reconnaissance and visibility.

Bulldog the Fighter 
Friday December 15th, 2000 9:32:30 PM

As Wynd and Appolo lead off, Bulldog silently counts off 10 paces before following. He yearns to unsheath the mighty two-hander that rest upon his back. Thoughts of 'Vengeance against the priests .... soon' whispers through the back of his mind.

A Walk through the Woods (ADM Peer) 
Friday December 15th, 2000 10:16:47 PM

In the faint moonlight, the trek through to woods begins. No breeze blows this quiet night. The occasional crushing of a twig underfoot is all the breaks the silence. At times it seems shattering as the sound seems to carry. It is hard to tell if all the snap, crackle, and pops come from which member of the column. As they take a meandering path. Wynds' memory, of the area, comes to her slowly. Clouds, at times, block out the moonlight. Bringing the party to brief halts as they lose sight of each other. (Each group of two can only see the group in front of them.)

(OOC I'll be taking over for David until he comes back. I just wanted to let everyone know that I post between 7 -10 pm est. As I have no PC at work and can only post from home.)

Friday December 15th, 2000 11:55:21 PM

Rigging will keep an eye behind them. He whispers, "Blue, my devout friend, you keep your eyes ahead and I will watch behind us."

Saturday December 16th, 2000 12:13:04 AM

As they move through the woods, he cringes every time he hears a twig snap. Thinking a herd of cattle would be quieter, he hopes no one hears them.

Saturday December 16th, 2000 2:56:42 AM

Blue nods at Rigging...he scans the area ahead and listens intently...quarter staff held at the ready.

Saturday December 16th, 2000 3:22:05 AM

Bart follows the others, looking around in the woods, at last stable ground under his feet, a seaman he has become, but he feels he is still a man of the land, he is not too happy with the assignment killing the priest as a bunch of assassins, he has no problems with killing a priest in an open and honest fight, but in this way? But orders are orders and it shall be for the good cause although he doesn't like it in this way, and maybe their mission is a decoy for an even greater one, who knows?! He has his bow and arrow in one hand so shooting the first arrow will only take a moment, his sword is oiled and in his scabbard so it doesn't make a noise if it is drawn.

Sunday December 17th, 2000 4:34:54 AM

For the layout of the town of Adorus, see the keyed map at:


Sunday December 17th, 2000 5:05:58 AM

The tall paladin also had taken a net from the boat. He asks Ari for one of the stones Wags gave him, for blocking the heartseed/Ga'al communication.

Legs has his composite long bow strung, an arrow nocked. He is not sure he agrees with Appolo's assertion that this mission is not personal. This is Leg's hometown - and that of some of his friends here. But he prays inwardly that wisdom will guide him and his friends on this mission. He whispers to Bulldog, "It is odd to be back here, friend. May the Good God grant us discernment, and success." He walks on Bulldog's left.

Sunday December 17th, 2000 10:47:54 PM

"I've been thinking a lot about that too. I would really like to see how my sisters are doing. They must have grown quite some since the last I saw them," he says in reply to Legs. Then adds afterwards, "Best to keep our mission in mind first though."

Sunday December 17th, 2000 10:51:28 PM

Sitting on the forward deck looking out across the dark water. The little one waits for his family to return. He sulks. It's been a long time.

Shadows lurk ADM (Peer) 
Sunday December 17th, 2000 11:08:33 PM

The party moves slowly through the darkness. As the column stops, near a small opening in amongst the trees, as Wynd and Apollo get their bearings. ... 'Crack' ... the sound is heard nearby in the darkness. The three in the back get the feeling it didn't come from those ahead of them.

Legs  d20=13
Monday December 18th, 2000 12:03:52 AM

The junior pirate of Jack nods in the darkness at Bulldog's comments. He thinks of his own sisters. He hopes none of their family members are found in the temple, and wonders how they will deal with it should that happen. He starts recalling the deliveries he used to make for his father, carrying sacks of grain to the ...


Legs loosens the sword in its sheath, pulling it up an inch or two. Then, sheaf arrow ready in his bow, he cautiously slides his feet in the direction of the sound. He notes any cover in the area. He does not wish to fire if he does not know what he is firing at. The paladin reaches out with his ability to sense evil in the direction of the noise, and protection from evil forms an invisible aura around him and Bulldog. (Rolled perception exactly for perceiving whatever, whoever is out there.)

Monday December 18th, 2000 2:54:13 AM

Quickly signals the party to stop. He then signals to Wynd and points in the direction the noise came from and says quietly in her ear, "I don't think that was one of us, we're not alone." He then draws a dagger in both hands, being sure to keep them hidden. He also continues to peer into the darkness looking and listening for movement. He hopes the others in his group have enough sense to keep quiet and be patient.

Monday December 18th, 2000 3:35:53 AM

Ari gives Legs one of the stones, when he asks for it.



If Ari can hear the noise above the party noise, and if Ari is one of the (3 rows of people, or 3 people) that hears the crack, Ari will turn towards it and try to peer towards the source, if there is any light in the area, either from Moon, or from some other source.

Ari keeps his thoughts of concern for this mission to himself.

Monday December 18th, 2000 5:08:36 AM

Blue freezes where he is... he pivots slowly towards the direction of the noise... he listens intently... and watches... taut and ready.

Monday December 18th, 2000 2:25:19 PM

Quitly Bart kneels down, an arrow is on his bow as he pulls it ready to shoot by any sign of danger

Rigging  d20+7=25
Monday December 18th, 2000 3:28:09 PM

Rigging starts at the crack. Noticing everyone stopping he works his way forward going as quietly as possible. (25 on my skill check). Rigging works his way to Appollo and Wynd. He whispers, "Can we go around? We don't need any unimportant skirmishes."

Wynd  d20=15 d20=7 d20=18
Monday December 18th, 2000 8:24:12 PM

Walking through the woods, Wynd winces each time she hears the crack of a twig or a rustle of a branch.


Hearing the crack that doesn't come from one of their own, Wynd stops still, motions for the others to remain still. Nodding to Apollo, she motions for him to watch and wait and then proceed after a 300 count. And then using every ounce of skill learned at the castle and in the wild, (tracking, and stealth, made both rolls), circles around slowly to locate and peep upon the noisey skulker. Working her way around behind whoever it is she watches, waits and prepares to follow. (ooc The 18 is if she is attacked her parry roll AC 1)

Monday December 18th, 2000 10:09:02 PM

The mighty fighter slowly draws his sword. Waiting patiently for an enemy to appear. searching for movement in the shadows.

Peepers Adm (Peer)  d20=1 d20=19
Monday December 18th, 2000 10:34:12 PM

Silence settles about the party. Nothing can be seen in the shadows by the party from where they are. Wynd makes her way to a small rise. Peering down she sees a figure lurking below. He/she seems unaware of her presence. After a few moments of watching Wynd hears a footfall a few strides off to her left. Turning she sees another form standing, light gleaming off a longsword. Something looks familiar (Wynd make a perception check.)

Tuesday December 19th, 2000 2:47:39 AM

The paladin continues to reach out his senses, searching for signs of evil in an arc before him.

Tuesday December 19th, 2000 9:18:00 AM

Ari waits, staying alert, ready to do any of three things at a moment's notice.

Appolo  d100=45
Tuesday December 19th, 2000 11:55:37 AM

Appolo signals for Rigging to be quiet. He then quietly follows Wynd, staying low and to her right. He also signals Rigging to stay were he is. He has a dagger in each hand.

MOVE SILENTLY successful.

Wynd  d20=4
Tuesday December 19th, 2000 5:29:22 PM

(made perception by a bunch)

Wynd turns toward this new figure trying to recall where she has seen the figure before and then tries to make a decision on who is a threat and who is not.

Tuesday December 19th, 2000 9:32:51 PM

The burly fighter remains steadfast in his position. Awaiting some discovery of an enemy. He takes some quick glances about to see what the others are doing. He worries as he awaits a sign from Wynd.

Could it really be Adm( Peer)  d20=5
Tuesday December 19th, 2000 9:55:54 PM

As Legs concentrates. He senses no sign of evil as he sweeps the area. Apollo following a few moments behind Wynd, has not caught up to the ranger yet.
Wynd sees the shadowy figure lower his sword. The moonlight breifly glimmers across his face. She then recognizes the whispering voice, fully of shock and disbelief. "Wynd ... is that really you .. sis ?" Catcher stands before Wynd.

Tuesday December 19th, 2000 11:22:31 PM

In a bit of a huff, Rigging stays put. He thinks to himself, "Stop making too much noise!
The worms didn't hear me step over them."

Legs  d20=3
Wednesday December 20th, 2000 2:21:07 AM

Not being in the same area as Wynd, and therefore unaware of the reunion, Legs nevertheless relaxes slightly that there is no active evil in the nearby area. Not breaking silence, he thinks to himself that it was perhaps an animal walking through the underbrush that they heard. He cautiously continues on the way, marking as he is able whom he sees among the party and where they are. If there is anything out there that a perception roll will help him perceive ... [got a good roll.]

Wednesday December 20th, 2000 8:51:43 AM

With no immediate attack coming, or call to arms, Ari waits.

Wynd  d20=5
Wednesday December 20th, 2000 6:23:47 PM

To say she is shocked would be an understatement, but she doesn't show it and in fact, she shows almost no emotion at all as she raises her sword to Catchers throat and whispers, "Your next move may be your last brother, so toss your weapons to the ground, quickly bare your belly and show me your neck.

Wednesday December 20th, 2000 8:05:46 PM

Blue waits... Blue listens... Blue watches....

Wednesday December 20th, 2000 9:59:15 PM

Catcher speaks swiftly over Wynd's shoulder, "Zeke, don't do it. She's to be trusted." Catcher carefully lays his sword on the ground and lifts his leather jerkin over his head, exposing his entire torso, revealing nothing but chest hair.

Midnight Meeting - DM Dave  d20=9 d20=16 d20=9 d20=8 d20=18 d20=7 d20=7
Wednesday December 20th, 2000 10:19:54 PM

Appolo manages to follow Wynd, but is spotted by the person referred to as 'Zeke', who currently has a short bow aimed point blank at Wynd's back, while Wynd faces another man dropping a sword. Strangely, the blade continues to reflect moonlight, although the moon is currently obscured by a cloud.

Meanwhile, the rest of the party has heard nothing from Wynd or Appolo. Winds have picked up slightly, gusting enough to kick up leaves and a little dust. Smells like rain.

Appolo  d20+2=17
Wednesday December 20th, 2000 10:39:29 PM

As Appolo approaches he sees a figure with a sword approach Wynd saying something he can't quite make out. Thinking 'O great, we've been spotted.' He then decides to circle around and take this guy by surprise from behind. When he is in position he will attempt a backstab the guy standing in front of Wynd. (ATTACK ROLL 17)
If successful, he looks at Wynd and says, "Hurry, let's hide the body."

Rigging  d20+7=17 d20+7=11
Wednesday December 20th, 2000 11:42:44 PM

Seeing Appolo moving forward with his daggers out, Rigging moves in closer trying to stay in cover and move silently. (first roll is staying in shadows, second is moving silently. Using 3rd edition skill rolls)

Thursday December 21st, 2000 10:51:21 AM

With cloud cover above, and silence below, Ari wonders how everyone is doing in the pitch blackness. (ooc how much light do we really have to see by, since we're all human?)

Thursday December 21st, 2000 6:14:18 PM

Legs, wondering where Appolo and Wynd have gotten off to, and where Rigging might be going, signals to Bulldog, and follows the path Rigging took.

Thursday December 21st, 2000 8:01:07 PM

After making sure he is several paces behind Rigging, Blue carefully follows. He sees Legs join the path... keeping a small distance behind, Blue continues to follow... his nerves are taut, but his hand is steady.

Catcher  d20=12 d20=12
Thursday December 21st, 2000 10:13:32 PM

Catcher stands looking at Wynd, wondering why she hasn't moved. He easily spots Appolo trying to sneak up, and starts to warn Zeke, before realizing that Zeke has spotted him, too. "Well, you've seen my chest. I ought to ask the same of you. What are you doing here?" Catcher pulls his jerkin back down.

Midnight Meeting - Part II (DM Dave) 
Thursday December 21st, 2000 10:17:44 PM

[Until the cloud rolled over the moon, visibility up to 50 feet away was possible. Now it is something more like 15 feet]

A moment passes with no apparent break in the stalemate. Rigging comes into view of Catcher, Wynd, Appolo, and Zeke. The others are still wending their way up the path taken by Rigging.

Rigging  d20=1
Friday December 22nd, 2000 12:02:52 AM

When Rigging sees Catcher he goes through a series of emotions in this order. Surprise, Happy, Worried and Really Worried. He comes up to the four and says, "Catcher, I am very happy to see you but this is a real bad time. You will have to explain quickly and quietly why you are here. We have joined a group of freedom fighters and we are on a mission. We have strict orders on contact with anybody. Tell me now how you got here and who your friend is." OOC Did Rigging see Catcher without his shirt? Roll is for perception. Did I notice any sword tatoos?

Friday December 22nd, 2000 12:30:30 AM

Nodding in reply to Legs. The mighty fighter follows a few paces behind. Securing the rear of the party. Waving and last members forward.

Friday December 22nd, 2000 1:46:58 AM

Wending his way...

Friday December 22nd, 2000 6:03:37 AM

Bart hears only whispering voices coming from the bushes, hearing nothing that sounds like a fight. He stays on the path and secures it with his bow, ready to react by any sign of danger.

Friday December 22nd, 2000 6:33:53 AM

Looking past Wynd's sword, the tension quickly drops from Catcher's stance when he spots Rigging, "Well, if Ga'al got more than one of you, I doubt I'd still be talking. Zeke and I are on a mission from god - Nightshade's god, that is. You remember Lem, or do you still follow Him?"

Looking over at Zeke, Catcher says, "These were friends of mine that journeyed from the village we are approaching. I don't sense ill-will, just a little fear in them."

Facing Wynd again, Catcher concludes, "We've been travelling from village to village, spreading the word in secret where we can to get the young ones to escape. Goldie says Ga'al is about to do something really drastic, and we need to get as many innocent ones out as we can before it happens."

Friday December 22nd, 2000 8:37:54 AM

Ari will join up with the curiosity seekers! ;)

Friday December 22nd, 2000 10:02:36 AM

Sighing with relief at no sign of heartseed, Wynd looks a bit shocked when Catcher asks her to remove her shirt. "Yeah, you'd like that, but my shirt will just have to stay on." Decision made, Wynd quickly goes forward. "Yes we still follow Lem and we too are on a mission but probably a much more bloody one than you are. We are to kill any who see us and I will probably get put on short rations and flogged to boot for not obeying but... We are here to kill all the priests and take no prisoners while doing so. So your choice is now this. You come with us as part of our team and come back with us or you turn around and leave as quickly and as quietly as you came and you never saw us. Now Choose."

Midnight Meeting - Part III (DM Dave) 
Friday December 22nd, 2000 6:52:42 PM

The rest of the group arrives in the area where Wynd stands.

(Rigging did not see any tattoos on Catcher)

Friday December 22nd, 2000 9:36:45 PM

When the paladin arrives, he makes out more from the sound of the voice than the available light, now so dim. "Catcher!" he whispers. "Is that you, Catch? It's me, Legs." Unnocking the arrow, holding it by the shaft together with the bow in his left hand, he holds out his right to welcome the ranger back. "What are you doing here? How did you know we'd be here?"

Friday December 22nd, 2000 10:51:33 PM

The fighter silently follow the Paladin up to where the others are gathered. Upon seeing Catcher. He breaks out into a huge smile, while getting in everyone's way. "It's great to see that you have made it back." Stepping up and giving the Ranger a great big hug. "Great to see you again, Catcher."

Saturday December 23rd, 2000 2:24:48 AM

When Blue arrives with the others and hears Catcher's name he is elated, for a brief moment, although he has never met Catcher he fondly remembers the history of family which was told to him by Qhen and by the precious moments when the Shining Lady shared tales of the family members.

The young cleric quickly re-gathers his attention and turns his back to the group and scans the area that is visible... he crouches in cover and watches and listens for others in the night...

Saturday December 23rd, 2000 12:50:09 PM

Appolo, noticing the strange behavior and Wynd's non-belligerent stance, delays his attack, but does not come up. He stays in a low crouch behind the person and waits to see what happens. Then a few seconds later Rigging arrives and it becomes evident that Wynd and the rest of the party most know this person. Probably long lost family member.

He then sees the rest of the party come up and start the family reunion. This causes him great consternation and he gets nervous. He stands up and quickly moves forward, until he is standing next to Rigging. He then says, "I'm sorry but we don't have time for this we need to get moving and these new guys need to move on, the boss isn't going to like us bringing back two unknown people alive. So let's get going." Looking at Wynd, "Wynd let's move it, we got a long way to go and the longer we stay here the more vulnerable we are."

He then proceeds toward the town hoping Wynd and the others will follow.

Saturday December 23rd, 2000 5:02:00 PM

Ari moves up with the rest of the party. "Catcher, is that you? It's Ari. Thank Lem."

In the darkness, no one sees Ari frown when Appolo speaks up.

Saturday December 23rd, 2000 6:51:29 PM

Looking a little confused as more and more people arrive, Catcher glances over at his companion Zeke, then says to the group, "We've pretty much covered all the villages at this end of the Kingdom. Singer and Nightshade were sent elsewhere. I'll gladly join with you, but what is this that I'm getting myself into?" His eyes look a little startled at Appolo's grim statement, and Catcher watches him walk off with a questioning look, "Well, I agree with that one that we're only endangering ourselves standing around here."

Saturday December 23rd, 2000 9:22:43 PM

The lanky paladin takes four fast strides, and places his hand on Appolo's shoulder. "Hey, Speed, not so fast," he whispers. "It's not that I don't agree with part of what you said, but Rigging was asked to lead this party. One of these people is not unknown to us: we've known him for years, and we're on the same side. Give Rigging a sec to adjust before you go running off to who knows where. This is the town we grew up in, remember? You don't know where you're going."

If Appolo comes back, or at least stops to wait, Legs steps back. "Rigging, think we can blend our missions? Let us know what you want us to do." Then he turns and says to the fellow with Catcher, "Call me Legs. I figure I trust his choice in companions. Got a name yourself?" Legs stands so he can see the new fellow and Rigging at the same time.

Sunday December 24th, 2000 9:37:32 PM

Rigging steps up and says in a harsh whisper, "Appollo you are correct. You and Wynd scout ahead another 100 yards and then come back. See if our conversations has attracted any attention. Go! quickly and quietly." To Catcher and Zeke, "Catcher you are family and are trusted. Do you speak for your friend? Know if he betrays us, both you and I will be put to death. You need to make a decision right now. Join us on an assault upon the Temple of Ga'al where we will kill everyone we meet and then go back to the pirates of the Jack and be judged worthy to join the crew or leave right now and possibly never see us again. By letting you leave, I jeopardize us. This is our first mission and we will not be following orders, but as a commander I know you have to play it off the cuff on occasion. We would love to have you on this mission but it is up to you. I wish I could give you more time to think but time is more valuable than gold right now."

Monday December 25th, 2000 1:08:16 AM

Appolo intially stops when Legs catches up to him, then nods and trots off again. Not real fast, letting Wynd catch up to him, while trying to pay attention to the road ahead, as well as the surrounding forest. He also is more nervous than a longed tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. He really did not like the fact that Rigging revealed who they are, and who they are working for. If one could see his face, one would see the face of a frightened 13 year old child.

Midnight Meeting - Conclusion (DM Dave) 
Monday December 25th, 2000 1:59:32 PM

The group prepares to move on toward its mission. All that awaits is the answer from Catcher and Zeke: Will they join or will they leave? Overhead, the cloud that obscured the moon has moved on, but a greater bank of clouds threaten to overtake it. The air is slightly cooler, and little drops of moisture manage to fling their way through the overhanging leaves.

Monday December 25th, 2000 2:02:29 PM

Responding to Rigging, "I vouch for Zeke. He and I have been through a lot, and saved many. I have nothing preventing me from joining the Pirates. I place myself under your commmand." Catcher retrieves his sword and sheathes it after wiping the blade on his pants' leg. He prepares to go with the group to Adorus.

Monday December 25th, 2000 3:34:11 PM

Shaking her head and returning to point, Wynd heads back out with Apollo and restarts her scouting of the trail ahead.

Tuesday December 26th, 2000 12:01:30 AM

The fighter focuses back onto the task at hand. He takes his place in the column alongside the young Paladin.

Tuesday December 26th, 2000 1:10:53 AM

The young cleric is very pleased that Catcher is re-untied with the family, however regains his concentration for the serious mission still ahead...he continues to watch as the the scouts re-group and move off...Blue remains alert and open for any direction if given.

Tuesday December 26th, 2000 4:59:11 AM

Ari's excitement at meeting up with Catcher is quickly consumed by his concern for this mission. Something just doesn't feel right. He vows that the next chance he gets, he'll voice his concern about trying to find out if there are priests in the temple, or not. He has a growing concern that too many people will follow their orders blindly, which could make their little family no better than the Priests.

Tuesday December 26th, 2000 1:15:52 PM

Legs waits for Zeke to answer him. But, Catcher having vouched for him, he shrugs his shoulders, and walks again with Bulldog, heading toward the town's Temple of Ga'al.

Entering Adorus (DM Dave) 
Tuesday December 26th, 2000 9:03:01 PM

After nearly a half hour of travel, the group stealthily enters the western margins of Adorus. No soul has been encountered, and the township itself promises to maintain the same silence.

A slight misting of rain continues to fall, blurring your sight, but occasionally you can still make out the outline of the grain building looming over the rest of the buildings...its sight brings back memories of when they hung Slider for stealing.

He took it rather well. They were tired of him sneaking around lifting items from the shops, so they tied a rope around his waist and hoisted him to the top of the grainery to keep an eye on him. He finally settled down after the Joining.

The moment is interrupted by the barking of a lone dog, somewhere on the far side of the town. It stops after a minute, apparently satisfied with the results.

The mist turns into rain.

[You are now on the western-most portion of the map shown at http://members.aol.com/thejericho/adorus.html near the road at the point marked 'to Abderus']

Tuesday December 26th, 2000 10:19:31 PM

Rigging assigns Zeke and Catcher to be the pair directly in front of Blue and himself. He watches Zeke for any kind of sign of treachery.
If Wynd and Appollo stop, he will see what they want, otherwise Rigging will keep an eye on his surroundings and Zeke. He asks Blue, "Any idea on how this temple is laid out? Where should we find the priests?"

Tuesday December 26th, 2000 11:06:05 PM

Memories flood back at seeing familiar surroundings. The sound of the dog barking off in the distant brings back the days of Asbury and himself moving the herds about the outskirts of town. The fighter remains quiet as the group continues on. The dampness of the mists fit his mood. Uncomfortable and irritating. He thinks to get this over with as quick as possible. In a hoarse whisper to Legs "Remember Skippy." His anger begins to rise as the red scarf flys through his memories.

Wednesday December 27th, 2000 5:49:47 AM

Looking askance at Zeke, Catcher whispers, "Is everything all right?" To Rigging's question, he offers, "The priests live in the back of the building, past the main temple area. We'll have to go through the temple to get to them."

Looking at the road, memories flood back of a time when he was little, kicking a rock down the street, until he had every detail of the rock memorized. Kick, kick, kick. He had walked that thing all over town that day, until losing it somewhere in the General Store.

He mutters, "Well, at least the weather is with us."

Wednesday December 27th, 2000 9:05:06 AM

Finally reaching the outskirts of town, Wynd motions for the group to get off the road and to go around the few houses that are on this side of town. Knowing that they will need to cross Altar Creek at some point she debates with herself the need to use the bridge or not. (How deep and wide is the creek?)

Wednesday December 27th, 2000 3:18:43 PM

Appolo follows Wynd. Glad that is is raining now, figuring the rain should help conceal the party, as they advance through town.

Wednesday December 27th, 2000 3:21:39 PM

Blue listened to Catcher's description of how the Temple is laid out... and watches to see if Rigging heard the details. Blue was glad Catcher piped up as Blue has never been in a Gaa'l Temple before.

The young cleric continues to watch and listen as the group moves through town. He keeps an eye to Zeke as he has not heard him speak a word yet... this concerns the lad. Although glad to see Catcher, Blue feels a little unsettled about these two showing up wandering town... he decides to keep his eyes peeled.

Wednesday December 27th, 2000 4:18:02 PM

Legs nods to Bulldog at the mention of Skippy. Spunky, pretty, bee-catching girl. He hopes that Wynd just crosses the bridge.

Evening in Adorus (DM Dave)  d20=18 d20=13 d20=20 d20=17 d20=12 d20=19 d20=18 d20=1
Wednesday December 27th, 2000 8:41:16 PM

[Wynd recalls several places where the water is shallow enough for foot-crossing, so long as the town hasn't seen a lot of rain in the last few days]

The group easily steers away from the houses along the road, but has to rely on low scrub brush at the back end of some small garden plots to make it near the banks of Altar Creek. No further signs of life have been noted. All buildings remain unlit, although the smell of wet smoke wafts by occasionally.

Wednesday December 27th, 2000 10:14:22 PM

The burly fighter steadily plods on. The smokey breeze wafts by, bringing more memories of home. His sisters, mother, and father. He wonders what has happened to them ?. How are they doing ?. As the moments pass. He makes his way across the stream. The cold water shakes those thoughts from his mind. He focuses again on the mission. Anger swells in the fighter as they get closer to the temple. Whispering "soon .... soon ... it'll begin .... " Bulldog pauses for a moment, reaching over his shoulder to grasp the great swords pommel, then continues on.

Thursday December 28th, 2000 1:23:33 AM

Rigging plans to himself, "If there are guards, at the front gate I will put my sleep spell on them. Do the priests sleep in the temple? Maybe we can cut their throats while they are sleeping. This Zeke has me nervous. Will have to watch him. I wonder if he is a fighter or what? Boy my stomach hurts. No more hot peppers before a mission. What was that. Oh an owl. Hope it stays quiet. Better check out what is going on behind me." Rigging takes a quick look around. He keeps thinking, "Boy is Blue breathing hard. I wonder if he is as nervous about this as I am. Have to keep my magic missles ready. Good for breaking up priest spells. Man I pray we don't lose anyone. I don't like this kill anywone rule. I am probably going to lose a sword for letting Catcher and Zeke live and bring them back to the ship. Screw it! Catcher is a good man. I wish I new this Zeke better." Rigging takes a long look at Zeke frowning.

Rigging OOC  d4+3=6 d4+3=5
Thursday December 28th, 2000 1:24:43 AM

Hitpoint rolls

Thursday December 28th, 2000 5:34:50 AM

As the group wanders through the town, various memories float back to the surface. Dad's talk of an ultimate weapon (or something along that line), our secret meeting den, the days of helping dad around the forge, Skippy's death, the transformation of the brothers into something unrecognizable. It all settles down to a light sadness for this town, and the conditions that the people have to live in.

Thursday December 28th, 2000 12:07:39 PM

While waiting at the creek for everyone to catch up Wynd checks the area and the water level to see just how high the creek is, to see if any of her other known crossings will be usable. While she checks the area out, it is obvious that Wynd is starting to show signs of just how much stress she is under. Either one or the other of her hands never seems to be far from one of her rapiers and the corner of her left eye is at a constsnt twitch. As Rigging gets to the creek, Wynd walks over to him. "We have several choices here. We can cross the creek at the bridge, all together, or we can cross the creek at the bridge and several low crossings. It's really up to you at this point how you want to proceed."

Catcher  d20=14
Thursday December 28th, 2000 6:08:17 PM

"We'll likely have to cross the bridge on the way out, if we're having to drag bodies with us." [Catcher does know about this part, right?] "I don't mind scouting the bridge, if you want me to." (rolled 14 in case it matters)

Catcher, like Wynd, is getting more nervous as memories of their escape, a couple of years ago, spring to mind. Catcher unsheathes his sword, but keeps a cloth draped over it to prevent its light from shining in the rain.

Thursday December 28th, 2000 7:11:19 PM

Appolo is a little worried about the fact they have gotten this close and haven't seen anyone. He continues to follow Wynd.

Thursday December 28th, 2000 8:12:44 PM

The fighter gathers together with the others at the water crossing. "What's the hold up? ... Just get across and stop wasting time. One ways is as good as another."

Over the Altar (DM Dave) 
Thursday December 28th, 2000 9:21:55 PM

Some of the group makes its way over the chilly waters of Altar Creek - the waters are at about average level, leaving plenty of places for crossing.
Catcher doesn't note any locals hanging out around the creek. Rain continues to pour down harder, further reducing visibility. It strikes the dirt with a low thud, spraying your boots with mud. No thunder or lightning seems to be with this storm.

Thursday December 28th, 2000 10:24:07 PM

After crossing the creek, Appolo moves up closer to Wynd and says, "This doesn't feel right, haven't come across any one. It's like we're walking into a ghost town. What do you think?"

Thursday December 28th, 2000 11:30:56 PM

"Let's leave the bridge for our trip back. Try not to splash." After we cross, Rigging says, "Ok same pairs. Let's get to the temple and finish this night's work. Wynd how much farther?"

Friday December 29th, 2000 9:12:27 AM

As Appolo asks his question, Wynd says, "Yes and no. Something is wrong but it's not the lack of people. We are, after all, on temple grounds right now, and the western wall of the central temple is not more than a couple hundred yards from here. Few Believers would dare be on these grounds without permission."

As Rigging finishes speaking, Wynd looks over, points, and says, "The main entrance is southeast about 350 yards or so. The west wall is the closest to us and the rear of the temple is north east probably about 500 yards. And before you ask, I have no idea if there is a rear entry or not. I would assume so but..."

Friday December 29th, 2000 10:39:25 AM

Ari continues to follow, lettings others decide their fate. For now.

Legs [hit points]  d10=8 d10=1 d10=7
Friday December 29th, 2000 1:00:27 PM

[OOC: Hit point rolls for 2nd & 3rd. Historically, we reroll if a '1' is rolled, thus the 7. Is this okay? -Kim the slow]

Kent (Rules Meister) 
Friday December 29th, 2000 2:52:02 PM

(OOC we still do reroll 1s when rolling hit points. you are correct) I will delete these posts over the weekend.)

Friday December 29th, 2000 5:16:00 PM

"I say we go over the wall right here, if possible - less resistance, any entrances will most likely be guarded."

Friday December 29th, 2000 7:47:47 PM

Catcher says to Appolo, "Over the wall is the roof, it's not a temple within a walled compound. I think Wynd was saying that the lands surrounding the temple area are considered part of the compound grounds, and that no one would be walking around here without the temple's permission..." Catcher looks to Wynd for confirmation.

He continues, "I don't recall ever seeing any other entrance except the main one... the priests always lived within the temple, the last I remembered. Father said that they had rooms connecting to the sanctuary."

Looking to Rigging, Catcher says, "Priests always have Quads with them, and I'm sure that's what we'll find guarding the entrance. We'll have to strike quick. Do we lure them out with a ruse? I mean, one guard could bottleneck the entrance to that place while the alarm is raised."

Catcher looks around, realizing he doesn't know what skills everyone is bringing into the battle.

Friday December 29th, 2000 8:44:10 PM

The paladin says nothing, but, once across the stream, checks the handaxe at his waist, the sword in its sheathe, then again nocks an arrow in his bow, and waits for clear direction. He looks left and right, and strains his ears for any sounds outside of the plashing rain. "No talk. Move." He avoids using sibilants, knowing they can carry even in a whisper.

Saturday December 30th, 2000 12:01:09 AM

Rigging whispers, "OK Appolo and Wynd go scout the entrance and see if there are any guards. I don't expect any heroics yet. Come back and report. Look for cover that we all can use to get closer. I have a sleep spell I can use on the quad. After I cast my spell, I want a missile discharge on whoever is left standing. If any one is left after that, we pull swords and attack as fast as possible. My front four should be our best fighters. I figure Bulldog, Legs, Catcher, and Wynd. Zeke what is your speciality? Who has bows? Anybody have any other ideas, now is the time to pipe up."

Saturday December 30th, 2000 4:28:23 AM

"I have my bow with my, can any one climb the wall and search a way in for us?"

Saturday December 30th, 2000 4:36:52 AM

"We may have to depend upon the dithruption that is in the box that we were given."

Temple Time

Shades of Battle (DM Dave)  d20=20 d20=4 d20=12
Saturday December 30th, 2000 8:12:03 AM

At this point, the party has navigated past Altar Creek, and is nearing the temple building. The pounding of the rain muffles your comments to one another, and obscures your sight until, surprisingly, you find yourselves within 50 feet of the west wall [Disoriented due to darkness and rain].

The main building is two stories tall. You can't see the attached buildings in back, but the home-towners recall that these are one-story in nature, all stone, horizontal slit windows (starting above the height of a man), with no egress to the outside. The main building itself also carries these high-slit windows, which exist even further up on the walls - the slits are wide enough to allow light, but only a bird would be able to enter through them. A slanted raft-beam roof covers all buildings.

Around the corner to your right should be the entryway - covered by thick double wooden doors, as you recall.

Saturday December 30th, 2000 4:52:40 PM

Legs comes up to Ari, and, using pantomime, indicates he should give one of the stones that will prevent communication to Ga'al to Wynd, so that she can throw one down if she needs to. He is ready to fire an arrow, as soon as the need arises, and makes sure his quiver is properly adjusted so as easily to extract more arrows.

Sunday December 31st, 2000 1:13:20 AM

The burly fighter straps his crossbow across his back. He then unsheaths the greatsword with a gleam in his eye. A vengeful smile crosses his face. He winks an eye at Legs, as he signals his readiness to Rigging and the others. Whispering hoarsely, "Ready or not .... here we go."

Sunday December 31st, 2000 10:14:09 AM

Staying low, Appolo creeps up to the edge and looks around the corner, trying to see how many guards there are, if any.

Sunday December 31st, 2000 12:43:16 PM

Blue continues to follow and watch. He listens intently to discussions of strategy and remains alert. He mentions quietly that he has a detect magic spell ready if it would be helpful to scan prior to going into potential melee. He also adds that if they end up in a skirmish his best position would be directly behind one of the front fighters... he can protect their flank as he is good in close with his quarter-staff and can cast shield of faith on them for protection and healing if required...

Wynd  d20=17 d20=5 d20=19 d20=20 d20=4 d6=6
Monday January 1st, 2001 1:02:23 PM

Moving as silently as possible (made roll by 1) and trying to stay under cover (made roll), Wynd works her way around to the front of the temple where she pauses to see what is to be seen. If there is a single guard and a surprise attack is possible, she will do so. (The other rolls are attack rolls if she has the chance AC -2,-3 for 14 points.)

Monday January 1st, 2001 1:46:40 PM

Following Rigging's directions, Catcher waits for the scouting party to get back. He keeps his blade covered with his cloak, not wanting to take a chance of its light being seen.

Scouting Ahead (DM Dave) 
Monday January 1st, 2001 1:52:14 PM

Appolo looks around the corner, but apparently the main entrance is beyond the range of normal sight at the moment (50 feet due to rain and darkness).

Wynd manages to sneak along far enough to finally spot the entryway: A large double-door made of thick wood, hinged to swing outward onto a covered porch. No guards are visible on this porch, and the doors are currently closed. A quick scan of the area doesn't pick up signs of anybody hanging around in the rain near the porch.

Everyone else successfully readies for combat. The downpour has thickened somewhat, reducing visibility to 40 feet.

Monday January 1st, 2001 8:38:43 PM

When Wynd comes back and reports what she sees, Rigging will say, "OK let's get closer. Wynd lead us in. Take us in with the most cover."

Monday January 1st, 2001 9:42:25 PM

Appolo peeks around the corner, after not being able to see anything he quitely follows Wynd, then reports back. "I don't like this, it's too quiet even in a rainstorm there should be someone around. Are you sure there's no other way into the temple?" He is tired, cold, wet and extremely nervous. You can tell from his vioce that he would rather be anywhere but here doing this.

Appolo  d6+1=5
Monday January 1st, 2001 10:29:00 PM

OOC:HP roll D6+1=5+7=12 Appolo now has 12 hit points.

Tuesday January 2nd, 2001 1:34:54 AM

Legs is ready. He wonders if someone should knock on the door.

Tuesday January 2nd, 2001 10:47:18 AM

Leads the way to the front entry by the route that allows them the most cover.

Tuesday January 2nd, 2001 12:26:04 PM

As per Legs' instruction, Ari attempts a handoff to Wynd, if she's paying attention. (sorry for the missed post).

Tuesday January 2nd, 2001 2:40:11 PM

Appolo moves right behind Wynd, daggers ready.

Zeke (DM Dave) 
Tuesday January 2nd, 2001 6:27:34 PM

The silent young man finally speaks in a whisper, "I don't feel well. I've tried to keep a stiff upper lip, but I'm physically exhausted. If I go in there, you'll have to tote out my body with the rest of 'em." He says with a jerk of his thumb at the temple. Looking at him closely, you can see the hint of a fever raging in his eyes. Come to think of it, he didn't seem to be moving very quickly during your journey through the rain.

Tuesday January 2nd, 2001 6:30:34 PM

Whispering back to Zeke, Catcher says, "I was wondering why you kept so quiet. This is the longest I've ever known you to keep your mouth shut." The young ranger grins, obviously relieved to be talking with his friend. "I can't speak for the group, as I'm not officially a part of it... yet." Turning to Rigging, Catcher asks, "Is it okay if we leave him behind, perhaps as a lookout? I trust him with my life. He's pulled me out of three situations in the past, where I would have been betrayed by a lesser person."

Moving In (DM Dave)  d20=11 d20=7 d20=17 d20=15 d20=18 d20=13 d20=10 d20=3 d20=19
Tuesday January 2nd, 2001 6:34:48 PM

The group stealthily makes its way toward the entrance of the temple. Every precaution is taken, but it seems to have been not needed: No one is spotted on the grounds near the building, and the door remains closed.

You now stand to the left of the great doors, just outside of the covered area.

Tuesday January 2nd, 2001 8:21:42 PM

Rigging whispers, "Blue, Ari, Appolo, and Zeke will stay outside as our rear guard and reserve. Blue use your detect magic spell to see if the door has any magic." Glancing at Appolo he points and says, "Check the door for obvious traps and noise makers. See if and how it is locked." Looking to Legs he quietly asks, "Can you detect any evil?" To everyone in general he asks, "Who is carrying the globes to knock out the priest ability to commune with Ga'al? How many do we have?" Rigging then pulls out the box given to him to leave behind and takes a quick peek inside.

Zeke (DM Dave) 
Tuesday January 2nd, 2001 9:06:35 PM

Visibly relieved to be put on the backguard, Zeke slumps, the strain of his illness finally showing through, "Thank you. I've never felt so bad as now." He grits his teeth to avoid chattering from a sudden chill.

Catcher  d20=4
Tuesday January 2nd, 2001 9:10:21 PM

Catcher steps up behind Appolo, prepared to charge once the doors are opened, and hoping no one surprises them before they manage to get the doors open. Deciding it doesn't matter now, he frees his blade from the cloth, and then prepares to help pull the left door open, once given the okay [d20 is if combat begins - a lousy roll...].

Bulldog  d20=18 d20=14 2d6(1+3)+6=10
Tuesday January 2nd, 2001 10:37:06 PM

The fighter waits patiently for the others to check the door for traps and such. On a signal from their leader he will either open them or break them if necessary. (roll above is for the latter). When the time comes he will steel himself for the coming assault and aggressively search and destroy. (second roll for combat strike, third for dam).

Legs  d20=14 d20=17 d8=3 d8=7
Wednesday January 3rd, 2001 2:52:34 AM

Thinking he ought to try to cure Zeke's illness, he checks himself, realizing it is not a propitious time for that. Very quietly he whispers, "Oh one who protects us, shield us from our enemy's eyes." He again reaches out his senses to discern evil, starting at the door and sweeping left, then to the right of the door. He holds up one of the globes to show Rigging that he has it. He tucks it in the sash at his waist, ready to be plucked out when needed. And resumes readiness with the bow, even as he scans with the gift of perception he owes to the Good God. (Two rolls for arrows, and damage.)

Wednesday January 3rd, 2001 10:41:41 AM

Whispering, "If we are to be rear guard, then I imagine Blue and I can see to Zeke." At the request, Ari counts up how many of these orb thingies that are going to be used to confuse the seeds. Giving everyone a stern look, Ari whispers, "I remind you, we were told to take out the priests. I recommend stealth, and not blunt force. With stealth, we have the chance of only killing the priests, and hopefully not getting innocents involved. With blunt force, ANYONE responding, has to be killed."

Wynd  d100=20
Wednesday January 3rd, 2001 7:00:06 PM

Standing with Appolo at the door, Wynd also checks to see if she can detect any traps on the door. (made roll by 5%) As the door is opened Wynd goes in low and left both swords in hand.

Appolo  d100=41 d100=61
Wednesday January 3rd, 2001 7:29:03 PM

Appolo shrugs his shoulders and steps up to the door. He then proceeds to check for traps with Wynd. Wynd gets there first and informs him that there are no traps, he proceeds anyway and then he tries the door if locked he will try to pick the lock if not he will open it and slip inside.

OOC: He missed on both rolls. 41,61

Blue  d20=13
Wednesday January 3rd, 2001 7:51:59 PM

Quickly and quietly Blue prepares himself to cast his detect magic spell. He breathes deeply, focuses his thoughts... facing the door he exhales, then slowly sweeps his arms up from his sides to high over his head. He then brings them down in front of himself with his palms exposed, then slowly draws his hands in to his chest. He quickly releases the last of his breath with a quietly chanted "Phaaa...." The cleric quiets himself to feel the response...

Unwanted Openings (DM Dave) 
Wednesday January 3rd, 2001 8:30:31 PM

[Ummm...gang, we're using the new rules now, so those thieving skill checks should be a d20, not percentiles. In any case:]
Neither Wynd nor Appolo detect anything amiss with the doors, which do not appear to be locked, either. With Catcher helping to pull the ring-bolt, the left door is pulled open enough for Wynd to slip in...with Appolo easing through the right side, as Bulldog pulls that one open.

Meanwhile, Blue does not feel anything magical about or in the entryway to the temple, although he does get a magical reading on the black box that Rigging is opening. Funny thing, that box: Legs gets a definite reading of evil off of it, and is nearly overwhelmed when the lid is lifted. No other evil in the area is detected (including thru the wooden doors).

When Rigging does open the lid, he finds it filled with filth and gore, a black ichor gel along the walls of the container, and several steel-like feathers poking out here and there.

And of the orbs - there are two total for use.

Meanwhile, in the temple, Wynd and Appolo need to roll for surprise.

Wednesday January 3rd, 2001 10:31:25 PM

Rigging shuts the box, and places it back in his backpack. He pulls his weapons and sidles up to Blue. He whispers so that only Blue can hear him. "Watch Zeke. I don't trust him." Rigging then says in a louder whisper to the others "Go! Go! Go! Our first strike for freedom against Ga'al."

Catcher  d20=10 d20=14
Thursday January 4th, 2001 6:46:39 AM

Catcher slips in the door behind Wynd, sword drawn, ready for combat.

Thursday January 4th, 2001 11:02:59 AM

After opening the door the fighter moves into the room, following the first three. His weapon at the ready as he searches for the enemy. He feels intense excitement as things begin.

Zeke (DM Dave)  d20=4
Thursday January 4th, 2001 6:12:28 PM

Doubling over, Zeke leans on his sword blade, using it like a cane to try to keep standing. The blade sinks a few inches into the muddy ground, "Uh, guys, I really don't feel so good." After a second, he plops on the ground, barely able to sit up. He pulls out his bow and says, "Guess I'll have to shoot 'em before they can get to me." He barely has the strength to pull the bowstring. (Roll is for if he has to shoot - a miss).

Wynd  d20=4
Thursday January 4th, 2001 7:06:03 PM

(OOC - Did not realize we were at 3e rules yet and if so, I don't think there are surprise rolls any more, at least not that I have seen. Do you want initiative rolls?)

Moving in quickly and to the left, Wynd places her back to the wall, lets her eyes adjust and looks around, swords still at the ready.

Blue  d20=10
Thursday January 4th, 2001 8:27:15 PM

Blue watches as the others slip through the doors. He turns slowly, scanning the surrounding area, all the while listening carefully. He turns to Zeke who has slid to the ground. While remaining out of reach of the boy, Blue moves in front of him keeping a ready grip on his quarter-staff. He slowly crouches to eye level with Zeke. The young cleric then lays his quarter-staff over his knees and turns his palms to face the slouching boy. He takes a slow deep breath. Blue reaches out with his healing perception to sense the lad's ailments. He quietly prays, "By the essence of the Dragon use this force to cleanse and heal," and while expelling his breath he chants, "haaar ... taaa," and casts a cure minor wounds spell.

Temple Time (DM Dave) 
Thursday January 4th, 2001 8:35:39 PM

[Thanks for pointing out the item about surprise rolls...you're right as far as I can see: No such critter! Yes, I need initiative rolls from each character, as they enter into combat]

The four who slipped into the temple are not surprised, as trouble is expected. However, to the two guards rising up from benches near the door, it is obvious that they are surprised! Wynd and Appolo get one free action each before the first round of combat begins. Catcher and Bulldog, due to their entry behind the first two (they were opening the doors to let the others slip in), do not get a free action - please roll initiative.

As a quick description: The interior of the temple is brightly lit by torches set in brackets around the perimter of the room - a floor some 200 feet wide and 50 or 75 deep. The floor is filled with benches set facing east and west. To the left (the wall to the west) is a raised area of floor, a stage of sorts, with an altar of dark burgundy wood. That area is some 75 feet away from the main entrance. On the north wall (across from the entrance) are three wooden doors, spaced evenly apart, with about 40 feet between them. All are currently closed.

The warriors are clothed in chain mail shirts, no helms, shields, and each wields a greatsword. They are tall and strong for men, reaching nearly 6'6" in height. Obviously battle hardened by the way they carry themselves, this will be no easy fight.

[Okay folks, if you fail to post during a combat, you can't 'double up' on the following day. Your character is assumed to be stationary, or doing defensive movements, due to your lack of direction during a combat. We need participation! Ahem, that said...]

The rest of the crew makes preparations outside the temple despite Rigging's exhortations. Zeke, overcome by weakness, is out of the fight, sitting and shivering in the mud.

Addendum: Blue's ministrations, although healing a scratch or two on Zeke, do not seem to touch the disease that is ravaging the young man's body.

Appolo  d20+1=11
Thursday January 4th, 2001 9:25:08 PM

As soon as Appolo gets inside he steps to the side and checks the area out carefully. Daggers ready.

Surprise roll of 11.

Wynd  d20=6 d20=9 d6=2 d6=3
Thursday January 4th, 2001 10:01:13 PM

Wynd, seeing the confused looks on the guards' faces, rushes in for her full attack, both swords whipping out and whipping across the left guard's abdomen, hitting Ac 14 and 17 for 11 points)

(Let's see, since they are surprised, they get no Dex bonus to their AC, right?)

Legs  d20=17 d20=12 d8=4 d20=19 d8=6
Thursday January 4th, 2001 10:04:51 PM

Legs, using his left hand to hold bow and arrow, withdraws the small globe given him earlier. He follows Bulldog in, and, upon entering the room, goes in about 20 feet, slams the little sphere onto the floor (rolled for hard impact). Then, he pulls the nocked arrow back with his right hand, spins and aims his arrow(s) at the tall fellow to the right (i.e., east) side of the door (AC 15, 22, dam 4, 6).

[Don't know, Dave, whether he gets to do all this... let me know. Not trying to exceed what he can do, but not wanting to do less than he can, either.]

Legs  d20=16
Thursday January 4th, 2001 10:12:32 PM

[Forgot initiative roll. Here it is.]

Bulldog the Fighter  d20+7=22 2d6(4+1)+6=11
Thursday January 4th, 2001 11:17:51 PM

The young fighter enters behind Appolo. As Appolo steps aside Bulldog charges past him to attack the guard. The need for a quick kill, so the group can press on to the priest, drives him to his target. Swinging his great sword in a mighty downward arc. (3ed, hits for 11 pts dam)

Bulldog  d20=4
Thursday January 4th, 2001 11:27:29 PM

Initiative check.

Rigging  d20+3=13
Thursday January 4th, 2001 11:37:05 PM

Rigging will circle around the guards and head towards the doors across the way.

Appolo  d20+3=14
Thursday January 4th, 2001 11:49:36 PM

Appolo hurls a dagger at the nearest guard just before Bulldog charges in. Then moves to circle around the benches, taking a position to the left and readying his bow. He will watch for any reinforcements coming from within the temple to support the guards. He then attacks them with his bow.

The dagger misses the guard, but not by much. It does distract him though, giving Bulldog a clean shot.

Catcher  d20=4 d20=3
Friday January 5th, 2001 6:39:12 AM

Letting Bulldog and Appolo concentrate on the right guard, Catcher closes with the one that Wynd is fighting, hoping for a flanking maneuver (Iniative roll 4, obviously failed to hit with a roll 3).

Zeke (DM Dave)  d20=2
Friday January 5th, 2001 6:42:05 AM

Muttering, "Thank you," to Blue for his healing, Zeke clamps his mouth shut to stop the chattering caused by his illness. He keeps the bow covered under his cloak to prevent the rain from getting on the string. He constantly scans the area to make sure no one is sneaking up behind (failed Spot check).

Friday January 5th, 2001 8:35:02 PM

The young cleric takes one last look at Zeke and rises and turns scanning the area. He moves over beside Ari. "Zeke seems a little better... he may be able to keep watch. I haven't heard enough out of him to get a gut feeling about him. How about you? I wish I was inside with the others. It is starting to sound dangerous in there."

The Assault - Part I (DM Dave)  d20+8=12 d20+8=26 d20+8=17 2d6(3+5)+6=14 2d6(1+1)+6=8
Friday January 5th, 2001 8:40:37 PM

[Here we are at our first combat under the new system. A lot happens, and happens fast. In response to Legs' question, I don't mind if you post 'too many' actions for your character, considering the uncertain nature of it all. However, what isn't used can't be carried over in future rounds (i.e. a nice to hit roll that is beyond what your character can do in this 6-second round cannot be 'saved' for use next round).]

Within the Temple: Appolo's surprise attack, while at first sight seeming to miss, manages to lodge itself in the left thigh of the other guard, a bald man with missing left ear. Appolo successfully navigates to the left, placing him between the altar and the battle of Wynd and the blond warrior (the bald warrior now furthest away). Ignoring the discomfort, Baldy quickly sizes up Appolo and decides to focus on the young warrior with the big sword (Bulldog). With blinding speed, a gash is quickly opened up on Bulldog's left side (for 14 points), which is answered in turn by Bulldog with a staggering blade smash to the left shoulder.

Wynd pounces on the tall blond fellow to the left before he is able to get his guard up, scoring tremendous damage that would fell ordinary folk. However, this one grimaces and, ducking her continued attacks, returns the favor, opening a wound on her thigh with an upstroke from his greatsword (for 8 hps). Catcher, attempting to flank by circling to the left, barely dodges Appolo as he goes flying past. Catcher's blow goes wide of the mark, leaving a deep gouge in a bench.

At this point, Legs and Rigging enter the room. Legs' sphere easily shatters into the midst of the combat, sending up a grayish cloud of smoke that smells sweet and bitter. No noticeable effect occurs, although all combatants are soon standing in the haze left behind as it quickly spreads to fill a 50-foot area. Legs follows up with the readying of his bow (unable to fire this round).

Meanwhile, Rigging sprints to the left and around the combat, heading to the north wall, ending within 20 feet of the left most door on the north wall at the end of the round (he manages to avoid colliding with Appolo).

The two guards, Blondy and Baldy, immediately stand back-to-back to prevent flanking (facing east and west, respectively).

Outside the temple: Zeke, Blue, Bart, and Ari do not spot anyone coming. Zeke manages to keep his bow dry. The rain is coming down hard enough to reduce the sounds of combat reaching your ears, although all your friends have now entered the temple, leaving the doors pulled open.

Zeke (DM Dave)  d20=2
Friday January 5th, 2001 8:47:15 PM

Looking at the others, Zeke says, "I'll be fine. I'll keep a watch and warn you if anyone comes. Get in there and help them!" A hint of panic creeps into his voice. Zeke keeps looking around, trying to see if the sound of combat has drawn anybody else to the temple.

Catcher  d20+7=18 d8+4=10
Friday January 5th, 2001 9:22:05 PM

Angered to see the blood welling up on Wynd, Catcher savagely attacks Blondy with a cut low across the legs (Hit AC 18 for 10 points dmg).

Wynd  d20=7 d20=12 d6=2 d6=2 d20=20 d20=16 d6=6 d6=6
Friday January 5th, 2001 9:34:38 PM

(OOC not meaning to be picky and all but if the guards were surprised, do they get to attack that same round? If not and that was their following round attack, don't Wynd and Appolo have another attack during that round?)
Wynd, following up her surprise attack, she utters a short, barely audible, curse as she is struck in return, lashes out once again with her swords and with a light, satisfied smile on her lips as she feels her swords strike home again (AC15 and 20 for 10) and then striking again as he tries to recover grunts as her next shot solidly strike home (AC 28(critx2) & 24 for 24 points).

Bulldog  d20+7=11 2d6(3+3)+6=12
Friday January 5th, 2001 10:03:02 PM

Surprised by the swiftness of the guard, he grunts through the pain as it burns his leftside. Stepping after the retreating guard (as the guards move back to back) Bulldog arc his greatsword in another mighty arc. Misses.(rolled dam in case)

Friday January 5th, 2001 11:55:05 PM

Rigging faces sideways, half to the doors and half to the combat. He is appalled at the carnage that he sees already. He keeps backing up until he is between the two doors to the left. If there is a torch in a bracket by his head, he will take it down and throw it at the altar. (Trying to make some shadows.) He prepares a spell to aid in the combat.

Appolo  d20+4=10 d20+4=8
Saturday January 6th, 2001 1:08:53 AM

Appolo, having positioned himself between the altar and the guards, takes a couple of shots with his bow at Baldy, cursing as he misses. Combat just isn't his thing. He continues to watch the doors for signs of anyone coming to help the gaurds. 'Well, so much for surprise. By the time we get done here the whole place will be awake,' he thinks to himself, his mood grim.

Saturday January 6th, 2001 1:21:50 AM

Appolo, seeing Rigging prepare a spell, says, "Save your magic 'till later, that's when we'll really need it. Go support Bulldog and try not get in his way."

Legs  d20=20 d20=13 d8=6 d20=16 d8=2
Saturday January 6th, 2001 6:21:23 AM

Legs fires an arrow at Baldy. It hits solidly (if AC 16 hits, then critical for 6*3=18 hps dam, otherwise 6 hps). [Does Legs get to fire two arrows per round, or just one? If two, second one hits Baldy for 2 hp damage.]

[Pouring over books... am I getting any of this right yet?]

Bart  d20=5
Saturday January 6th, 2001 11:09:50 AM

Bart, still outside, hears the sound of battle. He quickly draws his sword and enters the temple, quickly seeing the scene, he moves into battle.
(Roll for initiative.)

Saturday January 6th, 2001 2:34:56 PM

Seeing Bart come in Appolo yells, "Bart Help Wynd!!" pointing in that direction, after watching Legs' arrows hit Baldy.

Blue  d20=14
Sunday January 7th, 2001 12:50:12 AM

Blue moves to the doorway and scans the scene. He sees blood on Wynd and Bulldog. The cleric drops to one knee and thrusting both arms forward palms outward towards Wynd. Under his breath he prays, "I call upon the Dragon full of power to protect this one to fight for Lemtrovex and all Aisildur... Quaa... smaa," with that final chant Blue casts shield of faith on Wynd.

Sunday January 7th, 2001 2:37:20 AM

(ooc sorry, out of town for 2 days. Forgot to tell people). Ari continues to scan the area as the the first group moves in. When Blue comments, pitching his voice only for Blue "I do not feel right about this whole situation. But I am unsure about this 'sickness' of Zeke's". After Zeke's pronouncement," Someone needs to remain to guard your back, the others can go help, if they choose."

Bart AC17 HP17 Att+6  d20+6=19 d10+4=14
Sunday January 7th, 2001 3:51:28 AM

Bart steps to the guards and hauls with his bastard sword (2 handed) hitting (ac19) one of the guards for 14 damage.

The Assault - Part II (DM Dave)  d20+8=10 d20=18 d20=1 d6=4 d20=1 d20=9 d20=20 d20=18 d12+6=17 d12+6=18 d12+6=16 d20+8=15 2d6(5+2)+6=13
Sunday January 7th, 2001 8:27:37 AM

[Am I the only one still frantically flipping the rules? [grin] Regarding multiple ranged weapon attacks: You either need the Rapid Shot feat, or be high enough level, to fire more than once per round. When rolling a natural 20, it is not an automatic critical; you must roll again and hit the AC to actually score the critical damage. If anyone finds rules differing from this, please advise.]

Wynd’s wave of blows descends upon Blondy. However, sizing up the situation, the guard goes defensive as he is still flanked by Wynd and Catcher. He yells, “Any day now, Shrank!” With blinding speed, he parries Wynd's attacks, along with Catcher’s swing. At the last second, Wynd manages to send a stunning blow against Blondy’s head, but his years of training keep him upright. Blood gushes freely from the new wound.

At the same time, Appolo’s missile comes sailing through the melee, missing Baldy. Instead, the errant arrow flies left, lodging itself in Catcher’s right side (for 4 hp dmg).

Meanwhile, Rigging has moved another 30 feet, heading toward the area between the two doors, when the left-most slams open (it opens away from the temple) and two unarmored men, each bearing battle axes and wearing briefs, charge into the room. One immediately closes with Rigging, swinging his blade, but barely misses him as sparks fly off the wall near Rigging's head.

The other newcomer springs through the air with a backflip, landing a blow into Catcher’s back with a sickening thud (41 hps dmg - critical hit), and Catcher goes down, arms flailing, causing his sword to sail and land near Appolo's feet. Blondy says to the newcomer, who is wrenching his axe out of Catcher’s still form, “Looks like Senga was right, but didn’t expect a bunch of punks.”

In the other battle involving Legs and Bulldog, Baldy does an amazing one-handed whirl with his great sword, blocking Bulldog’s thrust, and hitting with a return stroke (13 hp dmg). [I show Bulldog's hp total at -3 now] Then, as Legs lets fly with his arrow, Baldy’s hand snakes out, knocking it aside before it can reach him. Rather than gloating, a look of pity crosses Baldy’s face as he focuses on the fight at hand.

Bart bursts into the room at the end of the round, sword drawn. To his left stands Legs, straight ahead is Baldy, with Bulldog to the east. He is too far away to strike at either Baldy or Blondy this round with his sword.

Blue enters the room with Bart, and is too far to touch Wynd to empower her with Shield of Faith (spell not cast and not lost).

Across the room, simultaneously, a disheveled man in a night-robe opens the middle door (pulling it into the room he is coming from). Eyes wide, he shouts, “Melus, get out here!”

Outside the temple: Zeke and Ari still stand in the downpour. Although the combat is raging inside, you are sure that the rain will keep others from the surrounding buildings from hearing it.

[One posting per person between DM postings, please]

Bart Ac 17 Hp 17 At+6  d20+6=23 d10+4=6
Sunday January 7th, 2001 1:08:55 PM

Bart sees the newcomers and Catcher going down, with an grim he moves to the axeman and using all his strength sways with both hands his sword to the axeman hitting him midriff for 6 damage.

Wynd  d20=8 d20=18 d6=4 d6=1 d20=17 d6=5
Sunday January 7th, 2001 1:09:16 PM

(OOC new, updated map please. :>))

Watching her friend Catcher fall does something to Wynd and a bestial scream issues from her mouth as she ferociously attacks Baldy yet again wielding her rapiers like she is scything down wheat. She barely registers that her strikes bite into her opponent (AC 18 & 28 and crit roll of AC 27, +2 added for attacking from the flank, as per your description) and further adding to the rivulets of blood splattering everywhere.(damage 7 + 12)

Rigging  d20-2=14 d20-2=10 d6=4 d6=6 d4=2 d4=1 d6=1
Sunday January 7th, 2001 9:39:08 PM

ooc: sorry still figuring out these attack rules
(I missed a bonus of +1+1. I get an extra +3 +3 if I got a flank manuever. Rolled second D4 in error. Second d6 rolls for sneak attack if cleric didn't know I was there.)

Rigging ducks away from the big brawny fighter and attacks the cleric in the next door. He attacks with both rapier and dagger stabbing in the neck and spleen. Using Rigging's greater intelligence he deduces it is time to get some distance from the bloodthirsty battleaxe carrying guard and runs past the cleric towards the 3rd door praying it doesn't open.

Blue  d20=6
Sunday January 7th, 2001 9:52:59 PM

The young cleric comes off his knee into a running gait towards Bulldog... a Dragon's curse leaves his lips as he sees his spell not take on Wynd... The fairly nimble youth makes his way to just behind Bulldog avoiding blood and weapons (successful dex Check d20=6). He once again mutters the prayer for the shield of faith spell and as he quickly chants the "Quaa...Smaa" he reaches out and touches Bulldog's back keeping his head low out of reach of the mighty young fighter's backswing.

Legs  d20+4=17 d8+3=6 d20=11 d6+1=3
Sunday January 7th, 2001 10:35:41 PM

Legs casts bow aside to the right, pulls shut the doors behind him, and draws longsword and handaxe, moving grimly to face the balding warrior. "Together, pull together! Bart - with me!" And he asks the skillful warrior before him, "Do you not serve Ga'al?"
[Don't think he gets any attack this round, but if so, longsword hits AC17 for 6, handaxe AC11 for 3]

Monday January 8th, 2001 1:02:58 AM

Calmed, somewhat by the storm, Ari considers his family. His concern for Zeke's possible faking, versus his concern for his family grows less and less. Finally, when the indecision is at its worst Ari decides to help his family. "I am going to go in and see what is going on. I will leave a little aid for you." With that said, Ari casts Alarm (choosing mental), centered around Zeke. "Should trouble arise out here, I will know." Before disappearing into the temple, Ari casts shield, with it oriented to his front side. Then Ari will enter the temple. (ooc let me know when he catches up inside the temple).

Bulldog  d4=2
Monday January 8th, 2001 4:40:34 PM

As the second blow strikes, Bulldog staggers back in pain. He feels lightheaded as the blood rushes from his body. Only with a supreme effort of will does he force back the gathering darkness.

[-3 hps would be correct, but Hero Point used to roll enough with the blow to avoid full damage - Currently has 2 hps]

Zeke (DM Dave)  d20+4=21 d6=2
Monday January 8th, 2001 8:22:21 PM

"I am going to go in and see what is going on. I will leave a little aid..." Zeke exactly speaks Ari's words as they come out of the mage's mouth, as if reading his mind. Somehow anticating Ari before the Alarm spell is even started, Zeke says, "Oh no you don't, you keep your filthy magic to yourself." He fires his bow at Ari (hits AC 21 for 2 points of damage) to disrupt him.

Zeke now stands tall, no sign of fever about him, "Ga'al take you. Ga'al take all of you!" he spits out, "Go, run to help your companions. The priests are more than a match for them - mayhaps your presense will swing the balance, but I doubt it."

Zeke glares defiance, bow lowered, waiting to see what Ari will do.

The Assault - Part III (DM Dave)  d20+8=20 d20+8=22 d12+6=16 d12+6=14 d20+8=22 2d6(4+2)+6=12
Monday January 8th, 2001 9:46:21 PM

[Okay, gang: During this round things get messy...under the new system, we have something called attacks of opportunity. Such opportunities occur, when, among other actions, you pass within an area threatened by an enemy (typically 5' if the enemy is human). Two individuals, Blue and Bart, would open themselves to such a situation if they were to go ahead with their declared actions...Bart for stepping past Baldy to reach the axeman (to take the long route around Wynd would prevent an attack this round) and Blue for stepping within Baldy's area of threat and also casting a spell while within reach. For this turn only, I am operating on the assumption that these characters do not wish to open themselves to receive gratuitous damage.]

Wynd's overwhelming rage carries her blade through Blondy's neck, sending his head spinning. The man in the loin cloth standing over Catcher lets out a wail of anguish and immediately strikes at Wynd with his great battle axe, somehow maintaining his balance while scrunching through Catcher's entrails (hit AC 20 for 16 points of damage, so that Wynd has 24 points of damage total so far)

At the same time, the other near-naked warrior springs at Rigging with an axe to grind, swatting him (hit AC 22 for 14 hps). Rigging, on the go, does a quick attack, driving the priest back into the middle doorway with a squeal, as Rigging flies past toward the third door, with the guard in hot pursuit.

Across the way, Bart and Blue act split seconds after Rigging's encounter. The nearest threat being Baldy, Bart steps up on the side opposite of Bulldog and lays into the guard with his sword, drawing a welt of blood across the midriff. With Legs advancing to also meet Baldy, Blue darts behind and to the right to come up behind Bulldog (who has stumbled backward out of Baldy's path) to cast shield of faith upon the fighter.

Baldy, dismissing Bulldog for the moment, opts to attack Bart, swinging low and across (hits AC 22 for 12 hps damage). In response to Legs, he simply states, "We serve as we must."

Legs reaches Baldy, but his longsword is deflected by the chainmail, and the axe goes wide, missing the enemy all together.

Outside the temple: Zeke and Ari stand facing each other in the downpour, Zeke's arrow grazing Ari's left arm and disrupting the spell. Ari hears the door pulled shut behind him (by Legs).

Monday January 8th, 2001 10:24:00 PM

OOC (I am not sure how this is working. My first real combat with you guys. My opponent seems to be getting initiative. He came out of the door saw me and swung first and missed. I attack the priest during my round. Don't we have to roll to see who goes first? If not that is fine but I am confused.)

Rigging reels from the blow, awed at the power. He knows he cannot stand up to it again and must get some distance. He runs towards the group looking for a back to stab.

Blue  d8=5 d20=2
Tuesday January 9th, 2001 12:54:30 AM

Blue quickly prays, "By Lemtrovex to heal and empower... Taa... Faa," he casts cure light wounds (d8=5+2=7pts recovery) and for a brief moment as he touches Bulldog's back to engage the spell he feels the pain in the young man's frame... the cleric shudders as he pulls away.

Blue moves straight back away from the immediate melee and picks a path taking a wide path around the combatants and moves towards Rigging and the doorway (successful dexterity check d20=2).

(OOC::the shield of faith grants a +2 deflection bonus and will last for 2 minutes)

Ari  d20+3=4 d20=13 d4+1=2
Tuesday January 9th, 2001 1:43:05 AM

"I was wondering how long it might take you to show your true colors." Ari pulls out his weapons and closes with Zeke. "I take it Catcher is unaware of your true intentions?" Taking a full attack, Ari swings with his rapier, and misses badly, as if they rain somehow made him misjudge the distance to Zeke. Ari follows thru with a dagger thrust, and does a better job, hitting AC 13 for 2 points. (ooc didn't see fumble as defined in the book. Seems to say it's just a miss. )

Legs  d20+4=23 d20+4=19 d8+3=10 d20=4 d6+1=2
Tuesday January 9th, 2001 2:03:57 AM

"As you are compelled, I suppose." Legs swings hard, coming in low with his longsword then sweeping upwards. [If AC 19 hits Baldy, then the damage is critical. 10*2=20 on Baldy, or 10 hp if AC 19 fails to hit.] The effective swing with the sword is followed by another ineffective swing of the handaxe, again swishing through the air. Legs in turn feels a small measure of kinship with this man ... likely not evil in himself, yet still a bearer of the evil seed. A worthy opponent.

[OOC: Do we recognize any in the temple from earlier years?]

Bart  d20+6=26 d20+6=11 d10+4=14
Tuesday January 9th, 2001 2:22:58 PM

Bart is in pain by the blow of Baldy, but now or never and he with all his force he strikes again making a deep cut on Baldy's torso for 14 damage. 'Die you sucker!' he thinks.

BTW a notice some 2ed ability checks, in 3ed ability checks works different roll a d20, adding your ability modifer and that must be equal to or exceed the target class.)

Wynd  d20=18 d20=18 d20=7 d20=14 d6+3=7 d6=4 d6=5
Tuesday January 9th, 2001 7:13:34 PM

As the loin clothed individual steps into Wynd's space, she has a small opportunity to attack him and swings almost as soon as he steps toward her. (Ac 26 crit roll AC 18 for 14 points dam.) As she recovers from the ax blow she once again goes on the attack( this tme hitting AC 15 and AC 22 for 7 and 8 points)

Zeke (DM Dave)  d20+4=9 d20+4=5
Tuesday January 9th, 2001 11:14:53 PM

Seeing Ari's attack, Zeke drops his bow on the muddy ground and meets Ari's gaze with a feral grin, "I know you better than you know yourself." Suddenly, Ari finds himself facing himself, "Perhaps I should be the one to go back and save your friends?" says the duplicate. He swings at Ari with a one-two punch, missing with both fists.

The Assault - Part IV (DM Dave)  d20+8=19 d12+6=10 d20+8=9 d20+8=23 d12+6=8 d20+4=12 d20+4=21 d20+4=17 d4=3 d4=4 d20=3
Tuesday January 9th, 2001 11:25:34 PM

[Explanation of Initiative: When combat first starts, the beginning participants roll initiative, with highest rollers going first. No further rolls are made throughout combat, as the order is kept the same from round to round. If new participants enter the fray, they automatically gain the high initiative (assuming they are aware of the battle), ahead of everyone else (page 62 DMG). The one exception I have made to this during the current combat is for Appolo and Wynd, who each benefited from surprise at the start of combat. I ruled that they would maintain initiative throughout the duration of this battle (only) to compensate for only taking one action, rather than the two they should have enjoyed at the start of the battle (1 action for initiative and 1 for first round of combat).]

[Explanation of Fumbles: Per our House Rules: On a natural '1'the character automatically misses and loses his/her next attack. All fumbles can possibly result in the weapon becoming damaged or broken.]

Wynd's sudden swing connects with the guard's left leg, leaving a deep bloody gash. He deftly turns the other blows away with a figure eight flip of his axe, then pounds downward with a hit to Wynd's right shoulder (10 hps damage).

Appolo continues to stand watching.

Blue successfully finishes his spell undisturbed, and heads north, as Rigging rushes south and past him. The pursuing guard, with icy blue eyes focused on the fleeing thief, somehow manages to heave his great axe to and fro, barely missing Rigging and cutting Blue in the right shoulder (8 hps damage).

The middle door on the north wall slams shut, with three silvery rats barely slipping into the temple before its closing. Moving with blinding speed, they launch themselves at Blue, biting at his legs (7 hps damage total from two successful bites).

In the battle with Baldy, Bart attacks first, driving his blade deep into the guard, leaving him lying on the floor. Words start to form on Baldy's lips when, immediately after Bart's attack, Legs finishes the job.

Bulldog, apparently still recovering from his near-death experience, stands watching.

Outside the temple: Zeke and Ari face off in the rain, each managing to dodge the other's blows. Ari notes that his dagger blade has somehow snapped in half during the scuffle.

Rigging  d4=2 d4=2
Tuesday January 9th, 2001 11:37:47 PM

Rigging turns and casts a sleep spell on the rats, the loin cloth guard and IcyBlue. He makes them the edge of the spell and extends the rest of the spell farther back away from the main group and the temple. He tries to get the guard first. Then the rats. He gets four hit dice of creatures. After he casts the spell, Rigging shouts, "Apollo cover that door!"

Ari  d20+5=16 d6+4=7
Wednesday January 10th, 2001 12:16:10 AM

Sensing time is of the essence, Ari drops his broken dagger, and grips the rapier two-handed. "When did you take Zeke out?" While talking, Ari steps in and takes his swing, hitting AC 16 for 7 points of damage.

Wednesday January 10th, 2001 1:36:01 AM

As Rigging blurs past Blue he sees the axe coming down. He brings his quarter-staff upward to block the blow, but the fire bursts in his shoulder before he can even gets the staff waist high. The blow drops him to one knee.

Time seems to start to run slower. As his vision clears he sees the rats coming... with all the strength he has left his regains his feet and starts to turn. The first then the second rat hits his legs with tiny needle like claws. He feels their teeth grip and then shake themselves free tearing flesh as they go... the sounds start to travel at 1/4 speed... the light fades... nothingness.

Legs  d20+4=13 d8+3=8 d20=19 d6+1=2
Wednesday January 10th, 2001 2:48:55 AM

"Appolo - use the sword!" pointing with his own to the one Catcher dropped. "Bart - to Wynd!" He himself runs over to deal with the rats nibbling away on Blue. If he reaches them with time to swing, his sword hits AC 13 for 8, his handaxe AC 19 for 2 hp damage. He will not turn his back to the doors, nor to IceBlue.

Bart, wounded 5HP Ac 17  d20+6=9 d20+6=22 d10+4=13
Wednesday January 10th, 2001 1:14:08 PM

Going forward to help Wynd, Bart (using hero point) strikes the guard, hitting him in the shoulder for 13 damage.

Wednesday January 10th, 2001 5:59:09 PM

As Bart heads her way, Wynd crumples to the ground in a small heap.

Bulldog  d20+6=23 d6+4=9
Wednesday January 10th, 2001 6:31:46 PM

Recovering from the pain of the blows, the fighter snaps back into action. Pulling a javelin from its sleeve he launches it against the guard over by Wynd. (There should be no modifier on the attack, counts as a 17 then. did do 9 dam.) Bulldog then grasps his greatsword again with both hands and begins to close. "They were ready for us," grunting hoarsely to any who care to listen.

Blue (double post with DM permission)  d4=2
Wednesday January 10th, 2001 6:35:49 PM

Inside the nothingness the young cleric hears his deceased father's voice. "Adarul the time to join me is not yet to come..." (OOC: Hero point, regains consciousness and d4=2 hit pts.) Blue's eyes flutter open. He finds himself looking at the ceiling. He feels a throbbing in his shoulder and a numbness on his left leg.

Zeke (DM Dave)  d20+4=23 d20+4=22 d6+1=3 d6+1=6
Wednesday January 10th, 2001 9:17:04 PM

Looking at the blood oozing from the wound in his belly, Zeke takes another one-two shot at Ari with his fists, this time managing to land both blows (one to the head and one to the waist - 9 hps damage total)
“Hmmm, I think it’s time to head back to the ship.” He flashes an evil grin at the mage, then turns and runs west (Ari may make an attack next round), picking up speed as he goes.

The Assault - Part V (DM Dave)  d20+3=5 d20+3=6 d20+3=7 d20+8=10 d20+8=25 d12+6=8
Wednesday January 10th, 2001 9:27:49 PM

Sparing a quick moment viewing Wynd’s still form to make sure she isn’t faking, the guard turns to face Bart’s charge. As Bart closes, the young hero notices the heartseed in the warrior’s chest is pulsating with a purple glow. Then Bart is all over him – and a blow of the blade severs the guard’s arm at the shoulder. He drops in a heap at Bart’s feet, body still twitching.

Appolo, bow in one hand, continues watching, Catcher’s sword gleaming near his feet.

Blue awakens to discover the supine forms of three large silvery rats lying at his feet – each apparently asleep. Above him rages a battle between IcyBlue, Legs, and Rigging. Out of the corner of Blue’s eye, he sees three more rats, these golden in color, seemingly appear out of thin air about 20 feet away and head toward him.

The battle between IcyBlue, Legs, and Rigging: Rigging spins to cast a spell, allowing IcyBlue an attack of opportunity. Miraculously, the axe misses the mage. With Legs now in range, IcyBlue (using his regular attack) chops into the Paladin’s side (for 8 hps). Legs’ return blows, less effective, leave the naked warrior with a bleeding forearm (only the axe connects). IcyBlue's heartseed starts to glow.

Bulldog’s javelin leaves his hand just before Bart strikes down the guard – it clatters harmlessly among the benches in between Appolo and the north wall. Bulldog successfully makes his way to Wynd’s side, who is currently unconscious.

Outside the temple: Zeke flees from Ari, back in the direction the group originally came from.

Blue  d8=7
Wednesday January 10th, 2001 10:15:06 PM

The somewhat dazed cleric pulls a cure light wounds potion from his belt and thumbs the cork out. He swallows the potion in two quick gulps (d8=7). He feels the grogginess lift and the sharp pain becomes a dull pulse. A new energy surges through his body.

Quickly he enters into prayer. "By the Shining Lady, Golden Lemtrovex protect us, strengthen us in body and will to do thy bidding against Ga'al."

The recovering youth starts the prayer to cast summon monster. "By the dragon's power over creatures bring aid... Baaa... Graii..." Blue gestures towards IcyBlue. A shimmer appears beside the skirmishers and a celestial dog appears. The dog's menacing eyes lock on IcyBlue. He picks his target and lunges with teeth gnashing. (OOC: the dog will remain for 2 rounds guided by Blue.)

Rigging  d20-2=11 d20-2=14 d6=2 d4=4
Wednesday January 10th, 2001 11:02:24 PM

Rigging sees the new rats and gets angry when he sees Wynd go down. He slashes at the guard twice hitting both times. He sword creased the guards forehead and his main gauche sinks into his thigh. Rigging shouts, "Bulldog wake up Wynd. Bart, Appolo, and Blue get to the clerics!"

Thursday January 11th, 2001 12:33:13 AM

Before following, Ari reaches in and pulls out a healing vial, gulping everything in it. (ooc you never mentioned how much was in. If it's obvious that it's more than one dose, only one dose used. This is from the stuff the priest gave Ari at the time of the seeding). He follows long enough to make sure Zeke does not stop or turn around. If Zeke stops or turns around, then Ari will close and attack. If Zeke is at a full run, Ari stops, sheaths his rapier, and returns to the temple doors as quickly as he can. While returning to the temple doors, he will cast shield upon himself. He then attempts to open or crack the doors to get a feel for what is going on inside. (ooc if I reengage Zeke, please roll attack and damage for me, if I can close to him.)

Legs  d20+4=19 d8+3=6 d20=19 d6+1=5
Thursday January 11th, 2001 3:05:49 AM

The paladin absorbs the blow, feeling it bite along his ribs. Coming back at the naked defender, Legs strikes IcyBlue again with sword and handaxe (hitting twice for 6+5=11 hp).

He resolves to make sure that the heartseeds are destroyed, as well as their hosts. He hates everything about those parasites. An image of the boys whose bodies were cast into the sea flashes momentarily in Legs' mind, the head of one bobbing eerily on the surface of the water, grinning and threatening. Dodge - thrust - parry - strike... His body begins to flow with the rhythm of combat.

Thursday January 11th, 2001 6:13:30 PM

The fighter kneels down to check Wynd's condition. He shakes her gently to try to awaken her. Shouting back at Rigging, "Wake her with what? I can't fix her wounds." He picks her up over his shoulder to carry her on (unless someone stops to cure her some). Either way he then moves to recover his javelin. The memory that they were told to leave nothing behind rings through his head. Weapon in one hand he moves on.

Bart  d20+6=14 d10=2
Thursday January 11th, 2001 6:22:24 PM

After planting his swords in the heartseed (just to make sure) Bart advances to the rats, maybe he hits them but he isn't sure of that (hit ac 14 for 6 damage).

Wynd  d4=4 d8+5=10
Thursday January 11th, 2001 7:19:08 PM

As Bulldog shakes her, Wynd moves slightly and with a light moan (used hero point back to 4 hps) manages to tell him to stop. Reaching into her cloak pocket she pulls out the sphere she was carrying and smashes it to the floor, sending the gas billowing out around her. Using the rest of her movement she removes a vial from her other pocket and drinks it down. (Cure light 10 points.)

The Assault - Part VI (DM Dave)  d8=5 d20+4=20 d20+4=14 d20+4=6 d4=4 d20+8=19 d12+6=9
Thursday January 11th, 2001 8:06:12 PM

[Apologies for not answering an earlier question: None of the guards or the priest seen in this combat are recognized by the heroes as being here during their childhood.]

As Bart finishes up with the guard at his feet, he notices a purple glow emanating from the altar of dark burgundy wood (up on the raised floor area to the west). He moves to intercept the golden rats, and will be in a position to attack them next round.

Wynd awakens, and is surprised to discover the potion is more potent (gains another 5 hps). The billowing vapors from the smashed sphere spread, enveloping the dead warrior nearby, and begin snaking toward the altar.

Bulldog, in a daze, notes Catcher's glowing sword nearby and manages to retrieve it on the way to picking up his javelin. The fighter sees the glow of the altar as well.

Appolo, bow in one hand, stands as a statue, oblivious to his surroundings.

Toward the middle of the room, Blue quaffs a potion, with his health fully restored ('tis a more potent form of healing!) [drinking a potion is a standard action, which means all you can do is move, or do free actions. The summoning spell is a full-round action. Therefore, it is not used, and will be available next round if Blue so chooses to cast it] The young priest of Lem spends his time dodging as the three golden rats leap at him (with one biting him on the left leg for 4 dmg).

In the battle between IcyBlue, Legs, and Rigging: With unholy speed, IcyBlue goes into a flurry of motion, deftly parrying all blows from the thief and paladin [AC increased] as the guard's glow becomes more pronounced. IcyBlue's eyes seem glazed, overcome by the power being channeled through him. His axe whips out, striking Legs' legs (for 9 hps damage).

Outside the temple: Ari's moment of assessment serves him well, for as he notes Zeke's departure, he spies several human shapes in the dark, misty night arriving from different directions - converging on the temple. A quick scan reveals 20 or more, some child-sized, others limping with age (the closest is 100 feet away). The young man quickly gulps half his potion, then makes his way back to the entry. A quick test of the doors reveals that they will easily pull open (outward, away from the temple interior).

Rigging  d20-2=17 d20-2=12 d6=4 d4=1
Thursday January 11th, 2001 9:39:03 PM

Rigging grits his teeth and attacks again. He slashes his sword against Icyblue's chest. His main-gauche slashes in low almost hitting.

Legs  d20+6=25 d20+6=24 d8+4=11
Thursday January 11th, 2001 9:43:24 PM

He drops his hand axe following the last blow from IcyBlue. Going to what he knows best, Legs winds up, grasping the sword handle with both hands. As though he were using a stick to knock a rock over a tree, as he did when he was younger, he places his hips into a swing so strong the air whistles near the sword tip. "For Lem's holy tree!" he shouts, recalling the lightning that struck the nearby maple two years past. Mentally calling upon the power of Lemtrovex to overcome the waxing power of Ga'al in this man, Legs smites at the growing evil emanating from the chest of his opponent.

(Smite evil adds 5 hp damage, to twice 11, for 27 hp total. Have been taking Wynd vitamins.) [Request for clarification: Would smite evil points be doubled, since hit was critical? Not sure, so didn't take it.]

Bart  d20+6=18 d10+4=6
Friday January 12th, 2001 11:58:25 AM

Just before Bart tries to split a rat he yells to Blue, "Blue check the Altar." He stabs one of the rats (hitting AC 18 for 6 damage).

Blue  d20=19 d20+4=14 d6+3=4
Friday January 12th, 2001 6:19:09 PM

The prone cleric, kicking at and dodging rats, crab walks in behind Bart away from rats and IcyBlue...he attempts to spring up from this position, but his hands slip on some blood and falls back to the floor (D20=19, failed dex check)...he rolls over on his stomach and lifts himself from the floor...as he regains his feet he moves around the left side of Bart and brings his staff to bear on the rats in a jabbing motion(14 attack roll to hit for 4 damage). "I'll check the altar Bart, if I can get away from these cursed rats".

Bulldog  d20=5
Friday January 12th, 2001 6:57:48 PM

He quickly helps Wynd to her feet. Sheathing his great sword for now, he moves on, javelin in one hand (main) and Catcher's sword in the other. (He will throw the javelin at the next target that appears, missing.) He mentally notes to bring Catcher's body with them, after the priests are dead.

Appolo (Kim)  d20+2=19
Friday January 12th, 2001 7:21:07 PM

Appolo shakes himself, overcoming the heaviness he feels. He moves over to the altar, and tries to push it over. (Rolled to push.)

Ari  2d8(3+1)+6=10
Saturday January 13th, 2001 5:30:19 PM

(roll his for healing vial). Ari opens the temple doors enough to slip inside. Once inside, he'll close the doors. He'll then look around and assess the situation.

Wynd (DM Dave)  d20+8=27 d20+8=15 d6+3=6
Sunday January 14th, 2001 8:10:14 PM

Seeing the rats attacking her friends, the young ranger races over and chops at one of the furry critters (hit for 12 points dmg)

The Assault - Part VII (DM Dave)  5d8(2+2+2+6+5)=17 d20+2=20 d20+8=23 2d6(2+2)+6=10 d20+4=16 d20+4=23 d20+4=8 2d4(4+2)+2=8 d20=4 d20=17 d20=16 d6=1 d6=4 d20+8=20 d12+6=8
Sunday January 14th, 2001 8:28:02 PM

Ari steps into the temple, pulling the doors behind him shut. He witnesses the following:

Appolo spins and rushes the glowing dark burgundy altar. It doesn't budge, and he seems to stick to it - an unearthly scream issuing from his lips as the color drains from his flesh (blood drain 17 points dmg). [Chris, you may use your hero point here to remain conscious with d4 hps remaining] The vapor from Wynd's smashed sphere reaches the altar and the purple glow winks out, releasing Appolo's body with a dry thud onto the dais.

In front of Ari, Baldy's corpse rises up, sword in hand, and springs at Ari, the great sword piercing the right thigh (hit AC 23 - 10 hps dmg).

Rat Fight: The three golden rats nip at Blue's prone form, with teeth tearing at his side (for 8 hps dmg). Wynd joins the combat, slashing one in half. Beside her, Bart spits another rat on the end of his sword (dead). Blue successfully rises from the floor [see page 62 on ability checks - the higher the roll the better} and strikes at the remaining golden rat, missing.

Bulldog's errant javelin flies left of dead Baldy, instead striking Legs in the left side (for 1 hp dmg).

In the battle between IcyBlue, Legs, and Rigging: With magic still pouring through his veins, IcyBlue moves at incredible speed, deftly parrying Rigging's attacks, and chopping once again at the greater threat, aiming at Legs' chest (8 hps dmg) [I show Legs still has 5 hps left after this]. Legs' reply sends IcyBlue stumbling backward, knocking over two benches. The guard lies unmoving, the seed in his chest rent asunder [Smite Evil does get doubled in a critical hit situation]

Taking this all in, Ari gets first action next round.

Ari  2d8(2+3)+6=11
Sunday January 14th, 2001 9:39:45 PM

Finishing off the healing vial, Ari moves towards the gas cloud (hoping it's the effect from the smashed orbs). "Into the gas. We have more coming from outside. Probably the villagers. Zeke has betrayed us. He's headed to the beach. He currently looks like me. So be careful. (ooc his move is not meant for an attack of opportunity. Trying to move the combat to the gas cloud.)

Rigging  d20+3=12
Sunday January 14th, 2001 11:32:14 PM

Rigging being free from combat will yell to the group, "Rally to me! Help the wounded. We are retreating!" While yelling this he will pull out the box he was instructed to leave and throw it at the altar.

Appolo  d4=4
Monday January 15th, 2001 1:05:37 AM

OOC:I'm back, sorry, Computer problems.

Appolo is hurt real bad from the shock after making contact with the altar, but he does manage to regain consciousness and staggers to his feet, spitting blood. Hearing Ari's call, he staggers toward the gas, as quickly as possible.

OOC: Hero Points; Hit Points are now 4.

Bulldog  d20=16 d6+4=9
Monday January 15th, 2001 2:19:23 AM

Catcher's blade still in his offhand, Bulldog draws his second javelin and throws it at Baldy. (Striking for 9 pts dam) Trying to keep a grasp on the chaotic battle. (If he has time he will pull forth his healing potion and consume it. DM please roll)

Blue  d20+4=9
Monday January 15th, 2001 2:57:13 AM

Blue continues to dodge the remaining rat...again using his staff as a poker he lunges at the rat...and misses...he backs toward Ari and the gas cloud kicking at the rat.

Bart  d20+6=20 d10+4=13
Monday January 15th, 2001 4:54:16 PM

Bart aims at the last rat, cutting him in half (13 damage). He shouts Legs make sure that guy is dead and not stunned. Turning around he sees, Baldy on his feet, he was dead wasn't he? He takes his potion and takes an big gulp (DM roll please)

Monday January 15th, 2001 8:35:07 PM

Legs breaks out his healing potion, downing it (DM- please roll) as he moves in an arc behind Bart and Wynd (not coming within threat range of current combatants), then heads to open the middle of the three doors. He tucks the empty vial back in the pouch, and will open the door, standing next to the wall in case something should shoot out. His sword is in hand.

The Assault - Part VIII (DM Dave)  2d8(2+7)+6=15 d20+4=18 d4+1=3 2d8(6+1)+6=13 3d8(2+6+6)=14 d20+3=13
Monday January 15th, 2001 9:45:22 PM

[Drinking a potion is a standard action, which means all you can do is move, or do free actions, if you choose to drink one. For those of you who listed drinking a potion as a last option, time permitting, the potions are unused, but available for next round.]

Ari steps into the mists. [You can move five feet without exposing yourself to attacks of opportunity] and dead Baldy charges in after him. Immediately, Baldy collapses to the floor, unmoving. Bulldog, seeing this, opts to use his potion, rather than throwing his javelin (gains up to 15 hps).

Wynd begins dispatching the sleeping rats.

Stumbling, Appolo (who looks like death warmed over) makes his way over to Ari.

Rat Fight: The remaining golden rat bites at Bart (for 3 hps dmg), before Bart slices and dices the critter. Blue manages to make his way over to Ari.

Rigging makes it halfway to the Altar (it was a good 90 feet from him from IcyBlue’s corpse) and flings the contents of the box toward it.

Legs’ potion restores the paladin's health (13 hps increase) as he reaches the door. As he touches it, a faint silvery outline appears in the wood in the shape of a spiral, which springs out with a blast of sound (sonic attack, failed Reflex save) knocking the warrior backwards (14 hps dmg) [I show that Legs now has 4 hps].

Monday January 15th, 2001 10:35:41 PM

Rigging yells to Legs, "Legs stop, we have more unfriendlies coming outside. We need to get away while we still can."

Monday January 15th, 2001 11:20:48 PM

As Blue moves into the mist he fumbles for a potion from his belt. His searching fingers discover one of the two remaining bottles and he draws it out. His hands feel weighted and his legs feel disconnected as they respond poorly to his mind's commands. It takes all of his remaining strength to draw out the cork... he lifts the vial and drains the liquid inside (DM role plz). He feels the liquid slowly send tendrils of energy back into his body.

The cleric turns to Ari and asks, "Who is coming? What did you see? Is it help? We must find and kill the priests... we must kill the bastards."

Tuesday January 16th, 2001 12:11:53 AM

Feeling revitalized, the big fighter moves to gather up his first javelin. Then moves to help Legs up. "You all right there Legs?" Upon hearing Rigging and Blue shout conflicting directions (retreat or vengeance), Bulldog adds in "We're not done here yet Rigging."

Tuesday January 16th, 2001 2:47:11 AM

Legs takes his second potion (DM roll), and rises deliberately to his feet. From under his shirt he withdraws the wooden spike from Lem's tree. "Lemtrovex, be our aid, give us strength." He touches the maplewood to the door, the power of the Dragon opposing the power of Ga'al, then prepares to open it again. The words of those shouting in the room do not seem to sink in, as the paladin's single-minded focus is to pass through the door, and complete the mission.

Tuesday January 16th, 2001 2:49:25 AM

Regaining some of his strength says, "The bastards are about to kill us and no it's not help that is coming is it Ari?" Before slumping to the ground. Exhausted.

Tuesday January 16th, 2001 3:29:25 AM

"It looked like the young and the old of the village were approaching. Remember we can't have any witnesses. They are probably too close to the door for us to sneak away." When Appolo slumps to the ground, Ari hands him a healing vial, "Drink this, it will help. There are two doses. If you don't need the 2nd dose, pass it along to someone else." (2d8+6 per dose). Once Appolo takes the vial, Ari will finally put up shield.

Tuesday January 16th, 2001 10:52:35 AM

Appolo takes the vial and drinks a dose. "Thank you, screw the mission, let's just get out of here, they knew we were coming or at least some one was coming. The blond guard said something like 'I didn't think the would send a bunch of punks.' And from the look of things he might have been right." He stands up readying his bow. Seeing Legs get still trying to open the door he says, "Bulldog go get Legs he can't kill them all."

Tuesday January 16th, 2001 12:14:06 PM

Bart that was on time, the fight shouldn't be any longer they wher though guys, he takes his potion and takes a big gulp (Dm roll please). "Is there a back door in this temple? I think I don't have the energy to deal with the people outside. And we still have to kill the priests if there are any."

Temple Time - Part II

Tuesday January 16th, 2001 10:00:19 PM

Rigging looks worried. "Ok, we will finish the job. Bart, Legs, Wynd, Ari and Bulldog. Your job is to kill the priests. Blue find some bars for these doors. You and I will guard them. Appolo check the other rooms, find me another exit. Go - you have five minutes." Everyone notices Rigging holding a bloody hand to his side. He is leaning forward in pain.

A Breather (DM Dave)  2d8(7+2)+6=15 2d8(1+4)+6=11 2d8(7+8)+6=21 2d8(8+1)+6=15
Tuesday January 16th, 2001 10:15:39 PM

The group struggles with a weighty decision. The sound of the rain pounding on the rafters overhead springs sharply into focus after the lull in the combat. Potion bottles are downed, providing healing as follows:

Blue=15, Appolo=11, Legs=21, Bart=15

Wynd finishes dispatching the sleeping rats.

At Legs’ prodding, nothing special happens with the door, apparently the magic guarding it completely spent. With a mighty heave, the paladin knocks the door inward. Beyond is a large single chamber, divided into three areas by hanging tapestries to provide some level of privacy for the three priests who normally reside here. At the moment, all three are standing at the far end of the 70' deep room, each going through a series of chants and hand motions.

Behind Ari, the double doors to the outside start to pull open (outward, into the storm).

Legs - Charge!  d20+3=23
Wednesday January 17th, 2001 1:09:16 AM

Legs, muscles well warmed from the exertion, stamina restored by the potion just imbibed, sprints to the left of the clerics, full tilt. When fifteen feet away, he cuts, driving straight for them, seeking to bowl them over, sword to the right, Lem's wood to the left, invoking Lem's succor all the way, and driving his shoulder into the first he meets. [Note: Have running feat. Rolled nat. 20.] [What's with the dice? Thanks, John!] If at any moment Lem's wood is close enough to one of Ga'al's parasites, Legs will encourage contact.

Wednesday January 17th, 2001 4:32:13 AM

The young cleric once again feels the restoring energy pulse through his body, energizing and healing. He quickly scans the immediate area by the doors to see if there are any materials to barricade the entrance. He then sees the doors start to open. He pulls the tangle foot bag from his belt and holds it ready as he backs towards the door that Legs has just disappeared into. Blue calls out to his fellow combatants, "I'll try to distract them at the doors... go get the priests."

Wynd (DM Dave) 
Wednesday January 17th, 2001 6:33:32 AM

Wynd runs after Legs, charging into the room with the priests (too far for her to reach them this round).

Bart  d20+4=14 d20+4=20 d10+3=11 d4+2=6
Wednesday January 17th, 2001 4:37:13 PM

Bart rushes in too, with his dagger (magical) and sword ready he tries to attack a priest (hitting ac 14 for 11, and ac 20 for 6).

Wednesday January 17th, 2001 7:57:34 PM

Lowering his voice so that only Blue and those in the immediate area can hear, "I think you two should stay here and make some minor noise, to pull the people into the temple and into the gas. I can create enough confusion to help you two out. If this doesn't work, tell me to forget it, so that I may dispell it." With that Ari will step as close to the doors as he feels comfortable (in order to be the center of the spell effect, I'm trying to make it so the spell effect either ends just at the cloud of gas, or as best as possible, and still have the spell go out the door). Ari then casts obscuring mists. Once the effect has settled, Ari will move quietly to assist with the priests.

Appolo  d20+3=7 d20+3=13
Wednesday January 17th, 2001 8:19:05 PM

Appolo readies his bow and follows Legs. He will fire as soon as he sees the Priest, the one in the center. His first shot goes wide left, his second shot is a near miss to the Priest's right.

Wednesday January 17th, 2001 9:02:35 PM

Rigging pulls out his weapons and steels himself for more combat. He moves to the side of the door readying himself for a flanking attack.

Priests Battle (DM Dave)  8d6(2+3+2+2+6+4+3+3)=25 d20=15 d20=16 d20=16
Wednesday January 17th, 2001 10:16:52 PM

The Holy Warrior puts on a burst of speed, plowing into the priests’ private quarters and bowling over the left-most cleric, disrupting a spell. Both go down in tangle of limbs, and it takes a moment for Legs to realize that the crash he heard came from behind him, not from the collision (the priest he hit is wearing only a nightgown). Over Legs’ shoulder, he sees the rise of a dust cloud as the stones over the entryway settle from a collapse he barely escaped! The right-most Priest, nearly hysterical, screams “Die!” at Legs. [Please make a Will save to avoid going unconscious – also note the availability of your Hero Point, if needed] The middle priest, apparently finished with whatever spell he was working on, and draws a red sash from off his shoulder.

Pinned beneath the rumble are Wynd and Bart (each made Reflex saves, and only take 13 hps dmg – neither can move and must be rescued).
Appolo, several steps behind the others during the Fall, manages to pull up short (made Reflex save), and avoids a glancing blow from a rafter beam. The central section of the north wall of the temple now lies in ruins, exposing the north half of the temple and southern half of the priests’ quarters to the heavy rains of the night. Sounds of falling stones can still be heard to the left and the right, as the north wall continues to degrade.

The pile of rubble sits high enough to prevent Appolo from getting a clear shot. {Please refer to my January 7th post, reprinted here: Regarding multiple ranged weapon attacks - You either need the Rapid Shot feat, or be high enough level, to fire more than once per round.]

Meanwhile, in the southern part of the temple, a mist rises up, obscuring the rest of the party as the double temple doors swing open and a crowd of villagers moves in.

Wednesday January 17th, 2001 11:01:10 PM

Bulldog sees the rubble crash down behind Legs and upon his friends. Knowing time is not on their side he yells for the others to free the buried two. Crawling over the rubble (if able) he moves to back up Legs.

Wednesday January 17th, 2001 11:37:18 PM

Ari moves up to the debris, and begins to help the person that looks less covered. "Help me with (insert most uncovered person), Appolo. As soon as we get the first person is uncovered, you should move to help with the priests."

Thursday January 18th, 2001 12:03:28 AM

Appolo put away his bow and arrow, then quickly helps Ari rescue Wynd And Bart. "Shit!!" he says, as he digs his friends out.

Legs  d20+2=19 d20+2=22 d20+3=7 d20+6=26 d20+6=14 d8+3=7
Thursday January 18th, 2001 12:52:43 AM

Legs is barely able even to make out what the cleric commanded him (perhaps due to the sonic blast he received a few moments ago - not to mention the will save of 19), and does not obey. From the floor, he throws Lem's wood directly at the chest of the cleric with the red scarf (AC 22, threat but no crit - and I have no idea what damage this blessed piece of wood will do, if much of any). He [MAN!] draws the bastard sword over the neck of the downed priest (crit, 2*7=14). He prepares to rise to his feet, or roll out of the way of attacks and defend, depending on what happens next.

Thursday January 18th, 2001 12:58:01 AM

[OOC: Help over here!

Dave - I'm not sure what adjustments there'd be for attacks from the ground, so feel free to adjust away.]

Thursday January 18th, 2001 2:31:21 AM

Blue stops backing up when he is at the edge of the vapour cloud. He turns his head when he hears the wall fall. His immediate reaction is to run to the aid of his friends. He whispers through clenched teeth, "Dragon, strengthen my will and purpose..." He turns back to face the people coming through the doors. He raises the tangle-foot bag above his head, poised to throw, and watches as they come, being ready to pick his moment to act.

Bart  d20+3=18
Thursday January 18th, 2001 2:59:04 AM

Made a reflex save, DM please state how much damage I have due to the collapsing ceiling.

Rigging  d20=16 d20=20 d6=2 d6=2 d4=4 d6=2
Thursday January 18th, 2001 8:32:16 PM

(OOC You tell us a lot of people are moving in but didn't give us a description)
Rigging holds back a second to identify the opponent to make sure that it isn't an ally. If it is a foe he will strike hard from the flank. (If I get flank damage as a thief did 14 points.)

Priest Battle - Part II (DM Dave)  d20+6=16 3d6(6+4+1)=11 d20+7=12 d100=11 d20+2=4 d20+2=14
Thursday January 18th, 2001 8:43:01 PM

Legs shakes off the effects of the spell and flings his wood at the advancing sash priest, hitting him in the chest. Legs leaps up from on top of the prone priest, preparing to swing. The holy wood, upon striking the priest, incinerates in a flash of blue light, ripping a scream from the priest’s lips. Falling back, his form seems to waver like water, and then a dark hawk is in his place, winging its way up into the opening of the roof, and into the storm beyond.

The prone priest attempts to cast a spell, and the young paladin takes the opportunity to swing, disrupting the magic. The remaining priest flicks his red sash at the paladin (11 hps blood drain damage). [I show Legs now with a total of 17 hps dmg.]

Wynd and Bart remained pinned under the rubble. [Each made successful Reflex saves last round, so they each only took 13 hps dmg – I show Bart had 4 hps left after the collapse.]

Bulldog spends the round scrabbling over the debris, making his way to the combat.

Ari and Appolo tackle the pile with a vengeance. Yells to the trapped are answered by Bart, but Wynd remains silent. [Between the two characters, it will take 3 rounds to dig out one of the trapped people.] The heroes begin digging. To the left and right, the wall continues to crumble.

Meanwhile, in the southern part of the temple, forms take shape as they venture into the mist. Blue manages to get his tanglefoot bag launched squarely into the thick of things, but numerous people spill in from the left and right of the mess made by the goo. Rigging successfully flanks a little boy, laying him low. Many more push in, stepping over the body. They come weaponless. They come with groping hands. They come as a wave, ready to wash over the heroes.
[Dum Dum, Duuuuuum]

Legs - Time for heroics  d20+1=17 d20+3=17 d20+3=5
Thursday January 18th, 2001 9:05:07 PM

Legs' hand shoots out to grab the fluttering scarf before it reaches his face [by expending one Hero Point, and rolling to grab.] He shoves it back into the face of the one who sent it his way in the first place (AC 17). "THAT IS FOR SKIPPY!!!" the paladin shouts. "Skippy! Grant us Lem's aid!" he calls. He is in poor position to use his longsword.
[If said maneuver is allowed, I assume Legs did not suffer the blood drain, thus is down 5 hp.]

Thursday January 18th, 2001 10:48:18 PM

The people look like they are in a trance. The young cleric decides that he has done what he can to slow them and that to stop them will likely mean kill the priests to stop the trance He turns and runs towards the rubble pile. He intends to get high enough on the rubble pile for a clear view of the priests to cast his summon monster spell.

Bulldog  d20=2
Friday January 19th, 2001 7:37:41 PM

Having made it over the rubble, Bulldog moves Catcher's sword to his offhand. It one swift action the fighter pulls forth a javelin and fires it at the priest, but unfortunately he steps upon some of the falling rubble and slips, badly missing his target. It skitters harmlessly off in an errant direction. Frustration begins to set into the fighter's mood.

Rigging  d20=20
Friday January 19th, 2001 9:16:24 PM

Rigging decides that he cannot fight this crowd by himself in this location. He backs towards the rubble, waving his sword and main-gauche in front of him. He will swing his sword only, (and keep his main-gauche for defense) at anyone who comes into range. (Roll is for his sword if needed. Man no fair. I always waste the good ones on mindless hordes!)

Saturday January 20th, 2001 1:54:00 PM

Ari concentrates on helping uncover a body. Any time he comes up with a hand sized rock (meaning throwable), he chucks it in the direction of the priests, hoping to dispell any spells.

Wynd  d100=11
Saturday January 20th, 2001 3:10:48 PM

(arrgh missed by 1% so I'm using last Hero point to stabalize)

Lying unconcious beneath the pile of rubble, Wynds mind is slowly going thru scenes from her life: The day the priests came for her brother, Her sister being born with a bent foot, Her dad finally accepting her and teaching her his craft, Skippy's death; "Oh, Skippy, I guess I have failed and led our friends to their deaths. I will see you soon I think."

After a bit and going thru many other memories, Wynd wills her mind to relax and await what happens.

Priest Battle - Part III (DM Dave) A Ga'aling Experience  d20+1=21 d20+6=18 d8+4=11 d20+6=22 d20+6=23 d8+4=9 d20=1
Sunday January 21st, 2001 1:11:11 PM

[For reference, pages 137-138 of the Player’s Handbook discuss in detail the implementation of grappling. In summary, up to four people may work together to try to bring down a person, with a +6 bonus to their attack rolls for the combined effort. If you are the target of such a grappling attempt, you enjoy the benefit of one attack of opportunity upon those trying to overbear you – so you get you standard attack, plus one more.

One other item: The rules under the new system give commoners far greater skills and hit points than under the old rules – a typical fisherman or merchant may have 2 or 3 skill levels in her profession, with all the benefits that accrue therewith. In other words, a single blow from your weapon may not take out the enemy – Rigging’s success is based upon the high rolls made so far, and is not an indicator of future performance. With that said:]

To the right, the altar flashes to new life with a surge of purple light, and the mists obscuring the temple entrance immediately dissipate, revealing a little over twenty villagers advancing on the party, with more pouring in through the double doors.

Only a quick retreat saves Blue and Rigging from being immediately taken down as the people charge. Rigging’s attack [You had a potential critical with you roll, and I’ve rolled for you to determine that a critical did in fact occur], combined with his slight gain in elevation (standing on the rubble) keeps off the onslaught for the moment. Ten villagers are at the base of the rubble at round’s end, an old dairy woman lies at Rigging’s feet.

In the downpour, Ari and Appolo continue excavating, and finally expose Bart’s head. [As long as both continue, it will be another two rounds to pull the beam and several large chunks of masonry off of him. You are unable to do effective attacks against the villagers while focusing on this task.] As Ari flings stones into the crowd, he notices his father, with bulging muscles and sword in hand, approaching the base of the rubble, “Arislan, my son…”

Legs catches the Red Sash and the other priest immediately lets go, instead casting a spell. Legs flings the scarf back at the priest, and takes a swing, as well, but the priest manages to hold his concentration, and a tingling sensation washes over the paladin. [Make a Will save to avoid being Held]

The prone priest attempts once again to cast a spell, and manages to maintain his concentration, despite a whack from Legs (if he wasn’t already held). Legs feels that funny tingling sensation again [Need another Will save.]

Bulldog’s javelin careens left into the north wall, hurting no one. The fighter manages to make it into the priest room.

Wynd remains unconscious. Blue finally makes it across the temple floor and up the pile of stones.

At the top of the crumbling wall, to the east, a figure appears in the gloom. [The following characters can make Spot Checks (roll a modified 15 or higher): Legs (-6 penalty before Wisdom and skill bonuses, Bart (no penalties), Blue (-3 penalty), Appolo (-5 penalty).]

Bart  d20=4
Sunday January 21st, 2001 5:09:06 PM

"Quickly help me out of here, I think Wynd is on my right."

(missed spot check)

Sunday January 21st, 2001 8:31:32 PM

"Bart, you're alive!! Ari hurry, if Bart is right, Wynd is hurt real bad, she probably doesn't have long!!" He continues to dig pulling rocks off at an incredible pace seemingly getting a second wind. "Blue, help Rigging, does anybody have a healing potion left??" He says all while huffing and puffing, drenched in rain, dirt, sweat and blood.

Blue  d20-3=7
Sunday January 21st, 2001 10:19:24 PM

Blue steadies his feet on the rubble pile. (Missed spot check.) He immediately starts the prayer and chant for the summon monster spell. "By the Dragon's power over creatures... Baa Graii." The young cleric gestures towards the standing priest. A shimmer of light and space appears beside the priest and a snarling Celestial Dog appears. The dog enters a crouch and prepares to lunge at the priest. (The Dog will remain for two rounds.) Blue starts his descent down the rubble pile towards the downed priest.

Bulldog  d20=8
Sunday January 21st, 2001 10:27:48 PM

Charging the left priest, the fighter swings wildly in his attempt to kill the priest. Missing narrowly, the fighter's frustrations build as he fails again in his attempt.

Legs  d20+5=18 d20+5=24 d20-4=3 d20+6=17 d8+4=7 d20+6=24 d8+4=7
Sunday January 21st, 2001 11:58:38 PM

Legs make the first Will save (18), the second Will save (24), fails the Spot Check (3 - he hasn't a clue about the figure to the east). He is glad that Bulldog has arrived to help sort things out.

The paladin holds his long sword in both hands, trying to mow down the priest. "Holy Lemtrovex grant us aid," he petitions, not in a loud voice, but, despite the circumstances, even while breathing heavily, as though carrying on a conversation with one close to him. "And if not, even so we die in Your service!"

He hits the priest on the right (AC 17) for 7 hp damage. (If an attack of opportunity presents itself, he hits AC 24 for 7 hp damage.)

Monday January 22nd, 2001 2:09:13 PM

(OOC: umm, Apollo, umm, I handed you one (a healing potion) in which you only took one of two doses ;). You were supposed to have handed it off.)

"Father, put your sword down, and help us uncover this person," Ari says facing his father. Expecting his father not to put down the sword, Ari continues digging while keeping an eye on his father.

Monday January 22nd, 2001 2:35:23 PM

"I know you did and I passed it on, I don't have anymore, does anyone else?" He continues to dig and watches Blue go over the top to the other side. "Damn it where's he going?" He continues to dig, his hands bruised and bloodied from the stones. "Rigging how are you doing?" Appolo asks without slowing down or looking back. He doesn't see anything but the stones as he frantically removes them. "Hold on we're coming. Bart can you feel Wynd, try to find her if you can!!"

Ari can tell by his deameanor and the strain in his voice that Appolo is reaching his breaking point mentally if not physically. Every instinct in his body tells Appolo to break and run. He moves with reckless abandon, throwing rocks behind him without looking, or caring where they land. After all, he is only thirteen, and has never seen anyone killed before, or killed anyone before.

Rigging  d20+3=21 d20-2=10 d20-2=17 d6=2 d4=1
Monday January 22nd, 2001 5:42:28 PM

(OOC: How high is the rubble?) Rigging will scamper around the rubble easily navigating the loose footing. He will try to use his opponents' mass against them by trying to get them in each other's way. He will strike at anyone who gets too close doing minimal damage.

As he does this, Rigging will yell, "Kill those blasted priests now! and Help!"

Ashira (aka the mysterious figure from the east)  d20=18 d20=10 d8=5
Monday January 22nd, 2001 6:59:36 PM

While preparing to join the melee, Ashira shouts down to the members of the party, "Well my little tadpoles, looks like you've gotten yourselves into a spot of fun! Mind if I join you?"

Not waiting for a reply, Ashira unsheaths her two-handed sword and jumps down onto an unoccupied region of rubble. If she is able to this round, she will attack the right priest with two swings from her two-handed sword.

Priest Battle - Part IV (DM Dave) - Grappling Truths  d20+2=9 d20+2=12 d20+2=16 d20+2=10 d20=6 d20+2=12 d20+2=18 d20=12 d20+5=6 d20+2=4 d20+2=5
Monday January 22nd, 2001 11:18:32 PM

[The collapsed wall is saddle-shaped, with a maximum 5’ height in the center, extending up to 20’ on the sides, where it connects with the roof outside.]

In the deep purple hue, the villagers take on a menacing quality as they scramble up the pile. More continue to enter the temple from the south.

Rigging plays a game of cat and mouse, stabbing and eluding two people (both still alive), but a third grabs him by the leg, and manages to hold successfully for a grapple and pin of both legs, dropping Rigging onto the rock pile (no damage). A fourth person, taking advantage of the pin, grabs Rigging's right arm and successfully grapples, reaching across and pinning his upper torso, driving his face into the wet wood of a nearby beam (no damage). [When pinned, you are held immobile for 1 round. You can make an opposed grapple roll to break a pin: d20+base attack bonus+strength modifier. You may attempt to break two pins, but suffer a -4 modifier on each roll. Hero points can be used to re-roll.]

Ominous thunder rumbles overhead as Ari and Appolo free one of Bart’s arms. Then, Ari is forces to defend himself as his father closes to attack with a greatsword. Ari easily dodges the blow, and absently notes the great quality of the sword being swung. [Without Ari's help, it will take another 1.5 rounds for Appolo and Bart to free the trapped warrior}

Legs strikes true, the dog appears, and the standing priest begins to cast a spell, but is quickly cut down by a joint attack from paladin and canine. The prone priest attempts to cast a spell, his voice reduced to a gurgle as Bulldog's blow lands home [You forgot your melee attack bonus, +4 for the priest being prone] and just as Blue reaches the floor of the combat.

Ashira quickly makes her way down the loose rock pile, where she encounters several of the villagers blocking her path. She manages to hit one, a fisherman, with a glancing blow to the head. Dashing blood from his eyes, he springs at her, attempting a grapple. Her second blow lays him low before he can touch her. Two others spring at her, neither successfully touching her as she nimbling springs aside.

More people continue to enter the fray.

Monday January 22nd, 2001 11:52:36 PM

(OOC: Forgot about the prone bonus, thanks.)

He sheathes Catcher's longsword in his belt. "Legs back to the others. They need us desperately." Bulldog moves with a vengeance back to the pile of rubble. The mighty youth, his mind focused, will push his strength to its limits and beyond to free his friends from their entrapment. "Somebody pull Rigging back up here!" he shouts.

Legs  d20+2=18 d20=4
Tuesday January 23rd, 2001 1:04:10 AM

Legs looks at the fallen priests, checking to see if any wear or carry anything (rings, necklaces, pendants, brooches, wands, rods, magic stones, etc.) that might be immediately obvious which may aid the adventurers. (Spot check 18.) He takes what he quickly may. Was that someone calling out his name? His ears still ring from the earlier blast at the door. He wonders when Rigging is going to throw out the evil box (since he is unaware that Rigging already tossed it toward the altar), and he questions the wisdom of the pirate who gave it to them. Should have asked about that. He wonders as well whether Wynd's ring - from which Skippy used to speak, might come to their aid. And he thanks Lemtrovex for his help and strength. He is still unaware of the woman who just arrived to help (unadjusted 4 on spot check).

[Isn't it amazing how many things can pass through one's mind in six seconds? Actually, there are times when my mind flits over a score of items in the space of a few seconds.]

Ari  d20=12 d6+4=8
Tuesday January 23rd, 2001 7:56:38 AM

Ari calls out, "Wynd is still covered, and we haven't heard her. Apollo is working on Bart. Help where you can, I'm going to do my best to defend Apollo and Bart." Ari pulls out his rapier, and holds it in both hands. He maintains the shield, covering his front side. Ari goes into defensive mode, and makes only a half-hearted attempt at his father. As the swing leaves a long cut, a tear forms in Ari's eye. Under his breath he mumbles, "Lem, convince Ga'al this battle is useless, he'll lose his villagers if he continues."

(AC should be 21 right about now (leather=12 shield (the spell) +7 defensive fighting +2) (defensive fighting cause -4 on attack roll which leaves +1 (which I rolled wrong))

Tuesday January 23rd, 2001 8:26:26 AM

Still lying beneath the pile of rock breathing shallowly.

Ashira  d20=11 d8=4 d20=15 d8=8
Tuesday January 23rd, 2001 11:30:02 AM

Ashira attempts to make her way over to Rigging. If she has to, she will attack the person directly in front of her with two swings from her two-handed sword. Otherwise, she will get closer to Rigging and direct one swing each at two of the people pinning Rigging down.

Over her shoulder she yells "Look lads, I know you're trying to do your best to save your friends, but we've got to deal with the here and now. I STRONGLY suggest that all of you move down here to form a line in front of Rigging so that the villagers can't surround us. Either that, or it's time to start thinking of leaving. If you must, leave one person to continue with the digging, but if we don't do something soon, there won't be anyone left! And remember that although these villagers look like the people you used to know and love, those people are dead, killed by Ga'al!"

That being said, Ashira lets out a shrill whistle and shouts out in Elven "Zeke, Hermes, Ripper Come!" All the while hoping that the three dogs she left near the front gate can hear her.

With a twinkle of her green eyes, she speaks to the villagers surrounding her "My, my, my, didn't your mothers ever tell you that it's not nice to gang up on people? Someone really must teach you some manners!"

OOC...What time is it now? Was there a set time we were supposed to meet up with the pirates?

Rigging  d20-4=13 d20-4=16
Tuesday January 23rd, 2001 11:34:52 AM

A wave of panic grips Rigging as he falls to the rubble. The good god's grace gives him extra strength and he bashes his dagger pommel into the face of the villager holding his right hand, stunning him and breaking the hold. Rigging simultanously kicks the women holding his leg breaking her nose. She lets go in pain. Rigging tries to scramble away toward his friends.

Tuesday January 23rd, 2001 2:19:55 PM

Blue sees that the priests go down. He waits, expecting something to happen now that the black hearts are dead. He thought that maybe the sun would come out and birds would start singing to celebrate the end of this evil. From the back of his brain the sounds of his friend's struggle starts to seep into his consciousness.

Quickly he turns to climb the rubble and moves back towards the others. He gestures to the celestial hound to turn its attention to the villagers at the base of the rubble pile. The young cleric barks a command: "Keep them at bay... drive them back," all the while pointing at the attacking villagers.

The youth scrambles up the rubble the best he can, looking to see who needs aid. He moves towards the diggers. As he nears the diggers he calls out, "I have a healing potion. Who needs it?"

Tuesday January 23rd, 2001 5:02:44 PM

Bart tries to remove as much rubble as he can with one hand.

Appolo  d20+4=8
Tuesday January 23rd, 2001 5:21:36 PM

Seeing Rigging go down in the corner of his eye, then Ari is attacked. Somehow these two actions really piss him off. They seem to steel his resolve. Then the young woman who suddenly came to their aid suggests that they leave Wynd behind. "No we're not leaving anyone behind, dead or alive." As he continues to dig, he picks up a good sized rock and hurls it at the man attacking Ari, missing narrowly. He then goes back to digging.

He then hears Blue as he comes back over the top. "I'll take it, Wynd is going to need it when we get to her. Go help Rigging and don't let any of the villagers through." As he and Bart continue to dig, he then sees Legs and Bulldog come over the top. Thinking, 'Good, we might get out of this yet.' "Legs the altar, it's the focal point of Ga'al's power - destroy it!!" He yells, all the while digging for all he is worth.

Priest Battle - Part V (DM Dave) - The Swarm  d20+2=6 d20+2=9 d20+2=3 d20+2=11 d20+2=21 d20+2=11 d20+1=9 d20+1=4 d20+1=11 d20+4=18 d20+2=11 d20+2=19 d20+4=19 d20+4=22 d20+2=9 d20+2=13 d20+2=5 d20+2=12 d20+3=16 d20+3=10 d20+3=19 d20+3=16 d20+2=14 d20+5=22 d20+2=20 d20+3=11 d2
Tuesday January 23rd, 2001 10:58:57 PM

More people rush into the temple, and even more clamber up the rock pile as the battle continues.

Rigging struggles mightily, manages to break free of both pinning holds, but is still in a grappling situation. [Can't actually use a weapon while pinned. Compared your roll against that of your opponents (enemy rolled 6 and 9 - which you beat on both rolls)] Next, Rigging attempts to escape from the grapple while two new opponents join in. The first attacker slips and falls, while the other three successfully grapple Rigging. At the last second, Rigging manages to kick off one of these three, before the other two pin the young man down once again, leaving him in the same position as at the start. [Grappling is pretty dice-intensive - it took nine rolls, besides the two Rigging provided, to resolve this round. For next round, Rigging will need to beat a 13 and a 7 to break free of both pins (roll d20+1-4 for each). Then Rigging will need to beat grapple rolls of 3, 10, 18, and 12 (roll d20+1 for each) to escape all grappling. On top of this, if he fails to escape from even one of the two pins, the above enemy grapple rolls have +4 added to them (7, 14, 22, and 16). Lastly, as a reminder, Rigging has 2 Hero Points available for use to re-roll failed attempts.]

Ari's father continues to swing viciously, but the hero remains unscathed. The return stroke also fails. Simultaneously, several people attempt to pull Ari down. His attack of opportunity keeps one at bay, but two others manage to close. Ari magnificiently [enemy rolled 11 to Ari's 19 and a 19 to Ari's 22] sidesteps the groping hands, avoiding Rigging's fate.

Meanwhile, Legs discovers a total of two vials on the bodies of the priests (each hanging by necklaces). Their only other belongings are their night-robes.

Blue and the Dog make their way back up the pile of rubble, into the fray. Bulldog follows, moving to help in freeing Bart, but discovers that a group of people are swarming Appolo. The thief manages to avoid all but one of the grappling attempts, but the Celestial Dog intervenes, preventing him from being pinned by his opponent. [Appolo's excavation is disrupted this round, and he is considered grappling next round. Will need to make an opposed grappling roll (d20+3) and beat a '20' to escape from the grapple]

Ashira's path to Rigging is blocked by a swarm of people, and so her time is spent hacking into the mass. One of her blows from the double sword knocks back a would-be grappler, and an attack of opportunity turns another aside. With deft precision, she sidesteps the remaining two chargers. She has managed to move all of 5 feet, and is still 40 feet away from Rigging. [The rock pile extends 90 feet east to west, and spreads 50 feet north to south at its thickest point, in the center]

[The group is to meet back at the longboat before sunrise, preferably with several hours to spare. It is about an hour after midnight currently - plenty of time. As a final note: All who are on the pile will be exposed to grappling attacks next round (like that needed to be said, right?)]

Legs  d20+6=18 d20+6=12 d8+3=10 d8+3=9 d20+2=8
Wednesday January 24th, 2001 1:22:25 AM

Legs places the vials around his neck, then stabs the heart spiders of each of the two fallen priests. (Since the hosts are not moving, and Legs does not need to defend, is it safe to say he could stab each this round with his long sword - the 2nd one an attack of opportunity of sorts? Also, should have added +4 to hit, since they are prone, so AC 22 & 16, for 10 and 9 hp damage. The dark hawk druid got away.) He does not wish for the bodies to reanimate. Dead spiders should lower such a possibility, Legs hopes. He glances over, sees the mass of people, then ducks behind the curtain to the left, to see if any other opponents (or allies, or means of escape for the party) are in there (spot check 8, so it'll have to be fairly obvious).

Blue  d20+4=13 d6+2=8
Wednesday January 24th, 2001 2:34:44 AM

Blue brings his quarterstaff up in front of him. He grips the staff with both hands firmly at shoulder width spacing. He clenches his teeth and enters the fray with the villagers moving towards Rigging. He works his staff deftly weaving from side to side dodging and striking. (Hit 13, 8 damage.)

Bart  d20=7
Wednesday January 24th, 2001 11:38:39 AM

Still trying to free himself.

Ari  d20+1=13 d6+4=10
Wednesday January 24th, 2001 12:56:26 PM

Ari continues on the defensive. He does his best to defend those that are behind him. He quickly flicks out his rapier at his father.

Wednesday January 24th, 2001 1:35:35 PM

Ashira sees the futility of trying to make it over to Rigging by herself and decides to change tactics. Going completely defensive, she attempts to do a tactical retreat over to the area where Blue and Bulldog are located.

Over her shoulder she shouts "Don't worry lad, we won't leave any of your companions behind. However, if we don't regroup soon, every single one of us will be pinned to the rubble, and then we will be of very little use to your friends. It seems to me that we only have two choices available to us. Either we can all try to get to a single location and fight back to back, or we try to make it off the pile of rubble over to a wall where we have something to cover our backs. Perhaps if we're able to rejoin each other, we can all make the attempt to get to the altar. But if one person trys to get down there alone, they'll never make it. Your friends are depending on you. There's not much we can do for them right now until we get the villagers under control. Make the right choice."

Speaking to the villagers, Ashira says, "Really, I don't know what kind of misconceptions you have about people of elven lineage... but six on one? I am NOT that kind of woman!"

Rigging  d20-4=9 d20-4=15 d20-4=13 d20+3=10
Wednesday January 24th, 2001 2:22:55 PM

Rigging feels a sense of hopelessness. He thought he was going to get away only to be dragged down again. He wonders where his friends are. It flashes that he is of noble blood and he must fight on to save his people. He strains mightly and again succeeds in throwing his attackers off. He tries to scramble away almost slipping on the rubble but managing to keep his feet. (OOC Had to use a hero point. In my last round I used the pommel of my dagger. Used to be allowed in the old pummel/grapple moves.)

Bulldog  d20+7=15 2d6(4+2)+6=12 d20+7=10 2d6(3+1)+6=10
Wednesday January 24th, 2001 5:21:10 PM

Moving in next to Appolo and Bart, Bulldog swings mightly. (12 pts dam, if it drops the enemy, Bulldog has the cleave feat to make a second attack. Note die rolls.) The sweet sensation of steel hitting his foes begins to shed the frustration for the big fighter. Crying out a battle cry, "Death to Ga'al!"

Priest Battle - Part VI (DM Dave) King of the Hill  d20+1=19 d20+1=7 d20+1=14 d20+1=10 d20+2=8 d20+2=20 d20+2=12 d20+1=7 d20+1=7 d20+1=5 d20+2=17 d20+2=7 d20+2=13 d20+2=5 d20+2=4 d20+2=22 d20+2=18 d20+2=9 d20+2=21 d20+1=13 d20+1=8 d20+2=22 d20+4=5 d20+2=22 d20+2=5 d20+4=11 d20+3=1
Wednesday January 24th, 2001 9:51:11 PM

You lose count after 50 as the room continues to swell with villagers. Then, some children slip in at the entrance, staring wild-eyed as the combat progresses. The air erupts with screams as Zeke, Hermes, and Ripper come dashing into the crowd. Somehow, in the midst of battle, Bulldog hears his name called out and, looking to the south, spots his sister Illanta (standing by the doors) waving at him.

Rigging’s grapple: The mage manages to shake free of the pins, and then works to escape from the grapplers. Because two are still hanging onto him, he is an easier target for two others who try to latch on. He manages to elude one of the new attackers, but the other gets a firm grip. After a brief struggle, Rigging finds himself, once again, on the rocks, with three people pinning him down. [Will need to roll a d20+1-6 against three rolls and beat a 17, 7, and 13 to throw off all three. Need three separate rolls...may opt to throw off less pins for a lesser penalty.]

Father and Son: Ari’s Dad takes another swing at him, but the young man easily avoids the blade. Remaining all defensive makes him a difficult target - only two are able to get their hands upon him. He readily slings one off of him, but the other hangs on doggedly, managing to pin Ari. [Need to match or beat a 22 on a d20+2 to break the pin - 1 hero point available for a re-roll]

Legs pokes around in the left bedroom (behind the curtain) after dispatching the heart-seeds. He spots a bed with a chest at the foot, and a nightstand with a silver bowl containing jewelry. A closed armoire stands nearby.

Bart manages to free his other arm.

The Celestial Dog nips at a few people, keeping a couple back from Blue and Bulldog. Then it disappears in a blink. Blue manages to knock one person back, but an attack of opportunity fails against another. The lone attacker manages to grab him, but Blue shakes off the grapple.
Bulldog dices the village cobbler, with the stroke carrying through into a stablehand, dropping both. None are immediately nearby to grapple the fighter.

Appolo fails to break the grapple and is pinned. Three others quickly pile on, and Appolo is able to shake one off, before finding himself pinned down by three people. [Need to match or beat a 20, 12, and a 9 on a d20+3-6 to break the pin (roll three times)]

Ashira finds her retreat to Bulldog and Blue made easier by their success. Only one manages to touch her, and she handily shrugs off the grapple attempt.

Wednesday January 24th, 2001 10:01:54 PM

Lyng beneath the rubble a fleeting thought crosses Wynd's unconcious mind and she simply thinks, 'I'm sorry Skippy, Lem.'

Ari  d20+2=8 d20+2=6
Wednesday January 24th, 2001 11:12:53 PM

Ari struggles mightily to avoid being pinned, but alas, he has become pinned. (OOC didn't see the rule about complete defensive, so took attack thinking why lose it. (sigh) :) ).

Thursday January 25th, 2001 2:32:27 AM

'The altar,' he thinks to himself. He picks up the chest, hoists it on to his shoulders, and walks to the door (the one closest to the altar). He prepares to open the door. In his mind, he asks the Good God for strength, wisdom, and power from on high. 'Grant that I may destroy yon altar,' he prays silently. 'The power of Ga'al in my hometown must be broken.' He musters holiness and goodness from on high, and a righteous hatred of evil.

Ashira  d20=11 d8=4 d20=1 d8=2
Thursday January 25th, 2001 9:06:06 AM

Talking over her shoulder to Blue and Bulldog, Ashira says "Well lads, what do you think? You watch my back, I'll watch yours. Will you fight with me?"

(Assuming that the fighters are willing to fight with her) Depending on her distance from Blue and Bulldog, Ashira will either: 1) Continue to retreat in total defense until she gets close enough to where she can fight back to back with Blue and Bulldog, 2) If she is already close enough to the two to fight back to back with them, then if she is able (ooc, does it take a round to get into the back to back position, or are you able to attack that same round?) she will begin attacking again (rolls are for two blows with two-handed sword, if needed). If the small group is able to begin attacking the villagers again, then Ashira will suggest that they work their way over to Appolo to help free him.

If the fighters refuse to fight with Ashira, then she will remain total defensive and back up to the nearest available wall.

Yelling to where the screams emanated from, Ashira yells in Elven, "Zeke, Hermes, Ripper TO ME."

OOC How far is the altar from Ashira's current location?

Bulldog  d20+7=21 2d6(1+2)+6=9 d20+7=26 2d6(1+5)+6=12
Thursday January 25th, 2001 11:15:08 AM

Acknowlging Ashira's idea, "Fight together," he shouts out. Stepping forward to free Appolo from his trappers, the fighter swings at the grapplers. He cries out in anguish when he hears his sisters' call. Thoughts of how long it has been since he has seen them. Memories of them fills his thoughts. "Death to Ga'al," He cries out. ((9 pts dam, 2nd set rolls for cleave feat.)) The pain of killing his own people and family drives the young fighter into a seething rage. "DEATH TO GA'AL !!!"

Bart  d20=7
Thursday January 25th, 2001 1:50:20 PM

Bart is moving the rubble from his legs, if some of the villagers is close to him he will throw a stone to him (hit ac 11)

Rigging  d20=11
Thursday January 25th, 2001 7:33:11 PM

Rigging twists away from the last grappler. He again moves closer to his companion. (Is he getting any closer?)

Priest Battle - Part VII (DM Dave) On Pins and Rubble  d20+2=16 d20+2=13 d20+1=19 d20+2=17 d20+2=9 d20+3=7 d20+2=6 d20+2=3 d20+2=20 d20+2=4 d20+2=13 d20+2=9 d20+2=3 d20+3=11 d20+2=5 d20+2=22 d20+2=9 d20+2=4 d20+6=12 d20+2=3 d20+2=10 d20+2=17 d20+2=15 d20+4=21 d20+4=15 d20+2=7 d20+3=2
Thursday January 25th, 2001 8:07:46 PM

A horrendous cracking sound is heard, and everyone (except Bart and Legs) sees that the altar has split open. Long thorny vines now writhe from deep within a dark purple light emanating from the crevice. Rigging is jerked up (pinned by three people) and hauled down the rock pile, toward the light. [It will be next round before the group arrives at the dais.] Further behind comes a second group of villagers, hauling a well-pinned Appolo (now four people). [Completed struggle rolls for both characters]

Legs, coming out from behind the curtain, notices that the door is now a pile of rubble – he will have to climb over the remains of the wall to reach the altar. Quickly spotting the melee occurring all along the rocks, he heads upward with the chest, arriving near Bulldog, Blue, and Ashira. [Assuming defensive posture this round vs. grappling attacks - +4 on AC (and dropping the chest)]

Bart keeps excavating, and finally manages to wrench himself free (1 hp damage), scrambling to join the newly-formed group.

Ashira, Blue, and Bulldog all swing mightily, knocking away many who would drag them down, and working toward Appolo. Only one enemy manages to lay a hand on the three (Ashira), and is quickly brushed off. Legs, bringing up the rear, also allows one set of hands to get past his defenses, and he quickly bashes that one against the fallen chest. [The group has managed to move 15 feet, while Appolo has been moved 30 feet - leaving a gap of 55 feet between the two. The altar is 90 feet away. Appolo's group will not likely reach it during the next round]

Father and Son: Dropping his sword, the blacksmith decides to bear-hug his son. Two others join in the pin attempt, but Ari twists and kicks one of them away. When the dust settles, miraculously Ari stands un-pinned, but grappling with three men (one of whom is his muscle-bound father). [And YES, that's the way the rolls fell! Next round, Ari needs to beat the following four rolls by d20+8 (which includes all defensive bonus), in order to be completely free of all grapplers: 5,20,13,6 (in that order) - good luck!]

The three dogs begin clambering up the pile of rocks.

Ari  d20+8=20 d20+8=28 d20+8=28 d20+8=12 d20=18
Thursday January 25th, 2001 10:57:53 PM

(OOC: Grappling rolls first (wow).) Almost as if he's dancing, Ari navigates his way amongst the combatants, and avoids their hands.

On his way out, he manages to snag the sword dropped by his father.

Blue  d20+4=12 d6+2=4
Friday January 26th, 2001 12:14:18 AM

In the close quarters Blue struggles to swing his staff. Villagers lunge to grab. Blue dodges and parries (hit 12, damage 4). He maintains his position with Ashira on one side and Bulldog on the other, continuing to try to move forward towards the altar, to the struggling family members. The young cleric calls out, "Good Dragon Lemtrovex protect us. Shining Lady by your grace and compassion come to our aid..."

Ashira  d20=8 d8=8 d20=4 d6=3
Friday January 26th, 2001 3:41:57 PM

Speaking to the members of the party, Ashira says "I think I've heard stories about situations similar to the one we're in. In almost all of them, some type of magical item is required in order to even touch a creature such as the one that came out from the altar. So, does anyone have any magical items or nifty spells handy, because I think we'll be needing them soon."
"I guess right now we should focus on not being pinned by the villagers and attempt to make our way to the altar so that we can try to rescue the others. Anyone got a better idea?"

Meanwhile, Ashira continues to hack and slash at the villagers with her longsword and shortsword. She patiently awaits the arrival of Zeke, Hermes, and Ripper, hoping that they will be able to sway the tide of the melee somewhat. Feeling somewhat overwhelmed by the dismal odds that the party faces, she remembers back to other "hopeless" battles that she has faced with the Pirates of Jack, and begins to smile. A small chuckle escapes her lips as she turns says to the party "You know, I really think they might have over fertilized that vine!"

Bulldog  d20+7=26 4d6(2+2+3+5)+6=18 d20+7=23 2d6(5+3)+6=14
Friday January 26th, 2001 4:50:14 PM

Seeing the Paladin move up to the rubble pile, Bulldog shouts to him as he pulls forth Catcher's Bright Blade. Pressing it towards Legs' grasp after the Paladin frees his hands from the chest. "Take Catcher's Blade!" The fighter then turns to add some blows against his people. (Rolled critical for 18 pts, cleave feat does another 14 to next opponent). Blood splatters everywhere. Recognizing some faces as he hews his mighty blade, Bulldog's heart hardens as he continues his work. "Death to Ga'al!!!"

Appolo  d20+3=19 d20+3=15 d20+3=22 d20+3=6 d20+3=17 d4=3
Friday January 26th, 2001 7:35:17 PM

Appolo continues to struggle attempting to kick, bite and punch his attackers. "Let me go, you bunch of punks!!"

OOC: If he frees an arm, he will grab one of his daggers and stab one of the people carrying him.
The rolls are for his attempts to break free and if possible his stab attempt. AC 17 for 3 points damage.

Legs  d20=19 d20=13 d20=9 d20=16
Friday January 26th, 2001 9:02:38 PM

Legs takes Catcher's sword from Bulldog. "Close ranks. No gaps!" He pulls between Blue and Ashira. "Where's Wynd? - Let's get her, and get out. I don't want to kill these people." He pulls out another handaxe, and goes into total defense with sword and handaxe (not sure of adjustments, so just rolled four times - Dave, add any bonuses). He glances at his friends to see if any are terribly injured... then finally notices Rigging being dragged toward the altar.

Bart  d20+4=10 d20+4=7 d10+3=9
Saturday January 27th, 2001 3:55:37 AM

When standing up and retrieving his weapons, Bart tries to defend himself against the grappling hands striking with his sword and dagger if he can (hit Ac 10 for 9 damage).

Visitation (DM Dave) 
Sunday January 28th, 2001 7:46:25 AM

At Legs’ mention of Wynd, the force of a silent thunderclap slaps the air, and a creature of fae-ish beauty stands before, a mix of Skippy, Wynd, and some angelic being. Superimposed is a semi-transparent spinning wheel of fire. The effect is difficult to look upon, your minds have trouble grasping it.
“What remains of Wynd’s essence has been used in forming this Ward and Word. Flee! Even now, the fled priest is rousing forces! Go, and do not let our sacrifice be in vain!” The wave of words nearly overwhelms you in their power.

Priest Battle - Part VIII (DM Dave) A Moment of Silence  d20+2=20 d20+2=10 d20+2=9 d20+2=13 d20+2=16 d20+2=16 d20+2=4 d20+3=16 d20+3=13 d20+3=20 d20+2=7 d20+2=5 d20+2=8 d20+2=3 d20+2=18 d20+2=7 d20+2=11 d20+1=9 d20+1=6 d20+1=11 d20+2=6 d20+2=11 d20+1=16 d20+1=16
Sunday January 28th, 2001 7:55:11 AM

Temporarily deafened, the heroes continue to fight their way through the crowd. Roughly half of the 70+ villagers have fallen back, turning their combined wrath upon Skippy/Wynd, but she passes among them unscathed, heading toward altar.

The combined group finds a temporarily respite, and manages to drive back the crowd milling around them. Ari manages to join the throng [He did not do an attack last round, remaining total defensive in order to get away from his grapplers.]

Rigging and Appolo: The distraction causing the pinners to loosen their grip, and Appolo slips free of three of the pins, and eludes their attempt to re-grapple [Now pinned by one villager only. Must beat a 7 next round to escape the pin, then beat a 5,8,3 (in that order) to elude grappling and join the main group].
Rigging frees himself from two pins, then manages to break free from the final pin [Used last hero point] Pairs of hands attempt to grapple, but he eludes them, dodging and ducking away from the altar.

Sunday January 28th, 2001 3:12:27 PM

Rigging scampers and dodges until he rejoins his companions. Tears are running down his cheeks. He says in a tear choked voice. "We are heading back to the ship now! This mission is over and we have done all we can do. Ashira lead us out the way you got here unless you can find an easier way."

Sunday January 28th, 2001 4:06:42 PM

"Is she really dead?" Bart asks, "I don't know but is it safe to stay longer in this condition? No. We have to regroup, heal our wounds and then come back to get her out."

Appolo  d20=18 d20=17 d20=5 d20=16 d20=15 d20=9
Sunday January 28th, 2001 10:26:38 PM

Appolo continues to struggle. "You killed Wynd you bastards!!" He roars at the top of his lungs. Appolo will as he said before try to stab the nearest villager. He doesn't just want to break free -- he wants to kill as many as possible on his way out.

Bulldog  d20+7=9
Sunday January 28th, 2001 11:18:26 PM

Shouting, "Let's move!" As he starts prodding his companions towards the exit, trying to act as rearguard and make a fighting retreat. (rolled 9 to hit, misses most likely). The big fighter looks about for his sister as he makes his attempted exit.

Monday January 29th, 2001 3:28:41 AM

"Once again, the priests are responsible for killing a friend.

"Let's get going towards the ship, we have a twin of mine to take care of."

Legs  d20+6=11 d20+6=23 d20+6=15 d20+6=26
Monday January 29th, 2001 3:47:21 AM

"Shut up," Legs might say to Rigging and Ari were he able to hear his friends' loose lips. But due to the deafening sound from the Visitation, whatever his friends might be saying falls on ears that cannot, at the moment, hear ... and he forces his way out, heeding the heavenly warning and command. He does not take the time to recover the first hand axe discarded earlier in the battle, but does snatch up his bow, lying a ways to the right of the entrance doors [from the perspective of one entering the temple], signaling with hands and motions to get going. (If villagers need to be eluded on the way out, see rolls above.) As he moves to go out the doors, the thought occurs to return for Catcher's body, for Wynd's body ... but the force and urgency of the divine message impels him onward. He sends a prayer heavenward to consider Catcher's remains, that they not fall into the enemy's hands. He thinks, too, just how far from the pirate's instructions things have turned out.

Blue  d20+4=11 d8+2=3
Monday January 29th, 2001 4:18:31 AM

Awestruck by the appearance of the shining lady, Blue is momentarily dumbfounded. He hears the commands to leave and turns to follow the others out. He sees Bulldog setup as rear guard and the young cleric hurries to take part of that protection. He continues to spin his staff lunging at those who attempt to hamper their retreat (Hit 11, damage 3).

Bart  d20+4=12 d20+4=10 d10+3=4 d4+4=6
Monday January 29th, 2001 12:09:00 PM

Bart joins the others on the way out striking his sword and dagger as necessary (see rolls).

Ashira  d20+3=11 d8=5 d20+2=6 d6=1
Monday January 29th, 2001 4:03:53 PM

Thinking over the most recent event with the shining lady with the wheel of fire, Ashira is not entirely sure that she trusts the mysterious apparition. However, the advice she gave certainly did seem apt, and the fact that the villagers are now turning their wrath upon her certainly was a stroke of good luck...

Taking in the situation at hand, Ashira realizes that the most successful means of extracting the team is through the front double doors.

Turning towards the party she says "Well lads, my father always told me never to argue with someone surrounded by a wheel of fire! Looks like someone's looking out for us. We'd better take off while we can. Head for the double doors." She begins to lead the party in that direction slicing at any villagers that might get in the way.

Speaking to the three dogs, she points with her longsword towards the double doors and says in Elven, "Zeke, Hermes, Ripper ADVANCE AT BAY".

Monday January 29th, 2001 4:16:22 PM

Appolo still in the grasp of one villager, and surrounded by others yells, "Help, someone want to give me a hand here!! RIGGING, ARI, BART!!!"

Priest Battle - Part IX (DM Dave) Detonation  4d8(7+7+1+6)=21 d6=2 2d6(2+4)=6
Monday January 29th, 2001 9:19:09 PM

Ears ringing, the heroes lurch toward the exit, some slashing viciously at the peasants around them. At the double-doors, a dozen children mill about uncertainly, scattering in screams as the pirates plow past overturned benches and toward the storm outside. Behind, lurid green, purple, red, and gold lights play across the walls, as Skippy/Wynd finally reaches the altar and steps into it.

Appolo eludes all but one of his attackers, preventing him from crossing the 60 feet to join his retreating companions. While they grapple, a flash of heat, followed by an avalanche of sound, slams all temple occupants to the ground like so many felled trees, as a ring of energy courses through the hall. The altar detonates. [Appolo needs to make a Fortitude check (d20+2) and roll 15 or higher to take half damage from the explosion – 21 hps dmg. The rest of the party, already at the door, is flung outside onto the portico for 2 hps dmg, half if Reflex roll meets or beats a 15 (any with Tumbling Feat take no damage).] Smoke fills the air, and debris begins raining down. The outside group finds protection under the still-standing porch roof. [Appolo needs to make a Reflex save d20+7 and roll a 15 or higher to avoid falling timbers for 6 points dmg.]

The walls at the eastern end of the temple blow outward. Roughly half of the children find themselves outside with the heroes, the rest were inside when the blast occurred. The dogs dash into the dark, tails tucked.

Map located at

The Map

Appolo  d20+2=12 d20+7=18
Monday January 29th, 2001 9:49:38 PM

Suddenly there is an explosion, Appolo is blown across the room and hits the ground hard. Spits blood and attempts to roll out of the way of falling timbers. After rolling out of the way of falling timbers he uses the last of his strength to pull the vial of healing potion he was going to use on Wynd, and he uses it on himself - he drinks all of it.

OOC: David, I failed my fortitude check, but avoided the timbers. How much healing was left in the bottle? If absolutely necessary Appolo will use what ever hero points he has left.

Bart  d20+3=6
Tuesday January 30th, 2001 2:33:05 AM

Bart more dead than alive heard the call of Apollo, he turns around and is then blown off his feet (missed reflex save).

Legs  d20+3=11
Tuesday January 30th, 2001 5:19:11 AM

Legs, cutting back toward the door after retrieving his bow, is just about to exit when the explosion occurs. Blown off his feet, he skids forward, bruising his forearms and thighs as he lands on the muddy ground outside (2 hp dmg). As the paladin picks his muddy self up, he sees the children, the fear on their faces. He recalls his earlier youth in this village, not that far behind him. Compassion wells up in him as he thinks of the terrors of this night, and what these kids are going through, despite the early seeding they may have experienced. Bart lies beside him, obviously badly wounded. Legs lays his hands upon him, granting a small measure of healing virtue (6 hp back to Bart). Quickly he glances to see where Bulldog is, then he levels his eyes at a pair of the children. "I know you are frightened. But if you want freedom and a new family, come with us."

Rigging  d20+3=16 d4=4
Tuesday January 30th, 2001 8:57:59 AM

Rigging is thrown forward but is able to avoid the nails sticking up from the beams. Only minor bruises occur. He looks back towards Appolo and heads back in his direction. He waves his fingers and murmurs a few words and a dart zips into any 1 peasant trying to grab Appolo (Rolled a 4 +1 is 5 points of damage).

Ashira  d20+2=21
Tuesday January 30th, 2001 2:36:25 PM

Hearing the explosion before the shockwave throws her onto the portico, Ashira is able to tumble avoiding most of the debris (21 roll for Reflex). Checking herself she finds a few minor cuts and bruises and a slight bruise to the ego. She also notices that she has been thrown on top of a small village boy. She picks herself up, dusts herself off, and then lifts the small toddler to his feet. Seeing the look of terror in his small eyes, she smiles at him and says, "Don't be frightened, everything will be all right." The boy lifts his head to look at Ashira, and noticing her blue hair, slightly pointed ears, and greenish-gray cast to her skin jumps backwards, startled at her appearance. The boy's reaction sends Ashira's mind wandering back to times long ago when other small eyes looked at her with a mixture of hatred, wonder and fascination.

Shaking off the remembrances, Ashira turns to look back at the condition of the party. Seeing Rigging heading back into the remains of the temple, Ashira shouts, "See if you can find and retrieve the one that was still in the temple, but be quick about it. Don't forget what the apparition said about the other priest arriving with reinforcments! We need to leave very soon if we're going to get out of this alive. I'll keep a lookout." She sheaths her long and shortswords and removes her longbow, nocking an arrow.

Remaining vigilant about her suroundings, she speaks to the other members of the party. "How is everyone holding up? Are we going to be able to make it back to the ships? I have a healing potion here, does anyone need it?"

Blue  d20=8
Tuesday January 30th, 2001 5:10:33 PM

The explosion tosses Blue out into the court yard of the temple, the boy lands badly, head first and takes a first rate knock to the back of his head (missed reflex roll, takes 2 pts damage). He rolls on to his stomach groaning...slowly the lights in his eyes fade and the ringing stops...he groggily regains his feet and gently shakes his head to clear the cobwebs...he turns to see what has become of the others.


Recovery Operations (DM Dave) 
Tuesday January 30th, 2001 6:35:47 PM

Rigging dashes back into the smoke-filled structure. Body parts lie scattered everywhere – it is obvious that no villagers are alive. After a few seconds, he manages to locate Appolo’s still intact form. The body has been severely battered, and a breath is barely detectable [Rigging will be able to stabilize Appolo at –8 hps during the next round if aid is rendered immediately.]

Outside, wounds are tended. Ari mends several children, many of whom are barely conscious or standing in dazed confusion. Stock is taken of the situation, and plans are implemented.

Among the survivors is Bulldog's sister Illanta.

Ashira thinks she spots movement to the west, out in the wet night.

Tuesday January 30th, 2001 8:06:50 PM

"Thanks Legs, that feels better." He then whispers to Legs, "What to do about them? No witnesses they said..."

Tuesday January 30th, 2001 8:08:13 PM

Moving thru the outskirts of town headed for the docks, Athlemdar has to be very careful as it seems everyone in town seems to be heading to the temple. Curious, but not wanting to be caught or even noticed, he stays in the shadows and follows a ways behind. Suddenly there is a bright flash and an explosion from where the temple should be. Chuckling, he moves a bit closer hoping to see if he can add to the mischief. What he sees is almost unbelievable. The temple is falling apart and there are children everywhere. In the midst of the children he sees several armed people aiding the children and looking back in toward the temple. Without even thinking, Athlemdar steps out of the shadows and kneeling down by the nearest child, sees what can be done in the way of bandaging and soothing.

Bulldog  d20=14
Tuesday January 30th, 2001 11:28:59 PM

(Failed reflex.) The mighty fighter rises slowly after being knocked down by the massive explosion. Waving to Legs, "I'm all right." Getting his bearings he looks about at the chaos. He spots the young Illanta and his heart wells in relief. "She made it," he whispers to himself. Moving towards her he spits out her name in a hoarse whisper "Illanta". He kneels down in front of her to check and see if she is all right. "Are you hurt?" Then after quickly seeing that she is ok (if she is) he HUGS her tightly. (If she allows these things to happen.)

Legs  d20+3=18
Wednesday January 31st, 2001 1:24:23 AM

Legs quickly "Children, this is a rescue," he says, thinking of Catcher's mission. "If you wish to live, come with us. Ashira," he says, handing her a vial from round his neck, "Blue, please, you two get started taking the children to our meeting point, now. Have them hold a rope - keep them together. All, watch what you say now." Indicating the vial he just handed Ashira, he says, "Healing, I think. Test, then parcel it out."

"Bulldog - ah, your sister." He takes the second of the stringed vials from around his neck, hands it to Bulldog. "I believe this is a healing potion. Can you take it to Appolo inside? Rigging went in to look for him. Then you and ... Illanta, right? get the items from the back room to the left - maybe the chest. Quick - in the back room at the left are some items that can help us. Don't stay in there longer than sixty seconds." He spots the young man kneeling, helping a child, and uses his innate ability to detect evil on him. Not discerning evil, he tells Ari, "Find out who that is. I trust your judgment. I do not sense evil in him."

"I'm going to the tree, I'll meet you on the way back. Bart, come with me." He whispers to Albarth concerning the children, "If they come with us, we are not leaving witnesses behind." Then, with urgency, "Now, move, all! Children, we will protect you. Go with her," he motions with his head toward Ashira "- her hair is funny, but her heart is very good."

And the young paladin takes off running across the street, trusting Bart to follow, past the inn to the lightning-struck maple tree. He pulls out his hand axe, and looks at the condition of Lem's Holy Tree. If it still stands, and he can get to it, Legs inwardly seeks a sense of assent or denial from the Good God. If he feels heavenly approval for his action, or at least no inward check on what he is about to do, then he touches the maple, and climbs easily (check 18) to the heart six feet high. With his hand axe, and a profound sense of reverence, he cuts some pieces of the heartwood, where the lightning struck two years past. A pair of tears run down his left cheek, remembering Catcher and Wynd, and others there on that day.

Ashira  d20+2=13 d8=7
Wednesday January 31st, 2001 11:23:10 AM

Seeing a mysterious figure appear out of the shadows nearby, Ashira sights in on the kneeling figure and is about to loose her arrow when she sees the small child directly in the line of fire. Holding back the attack for now, she shouts to the figure "It's very impolite to sneak up on people like that, and it usually leads to a short lifespan! You'd better explain who you are and why you're here in VERY short order." Still sighted in on the stranger, she decides to attack next round if she is not satisfied with the stranger's answer or demeanor regardless of the child (Rolls are for attack if needed).

Overhearing Legs' comment to Ari she says "Just because he's not evil doesn't mean he's an ally."

Speaking to the party she says "I've got movement off to the west. We need to get going very soon! Bulldog, if I were you, I'd forget about the chest and get ready to move fast."

Shouting back into the temple rubble, "Rigging, things are about to get interesting again, LET'S MOVE!"

She sees Legs run off into the darkness and says mostly under her breath "Young people now-a-days!"

Wednesday January 31st, 2001 12:23:48 PM

The young cleric leans on his staff for a long moment clearing the last of the fog in his head. He then acknowledges Leg's request with a nod and opens his pack and draws out a long rope.

In a calm and soothing voice he says to the milling children, "Come little ones, we need to move to a place of greater safety." Blue goes to one of the taller children, a young girl. "Young miss I need your help. I need you to be the leader of our little group. Take the end of this rope and hold tight. I am going to get the little ones to hang on tight as well, then I will come and lead you to a safer place, okay?" As the young girl nods her approval Blue then moves to the other children and guides them to the rope, soothing them as he goes.

The lad in blue feels some relief in this chore following the aftermath of the battle, but there is something about Wynd... he quickly shuts the thought out of his mind and focuses on the soft face of the child in front of him.

Wednesday January 31st, 2001 12:42:22 PM

Bart follows Legs to the tree, wondering what he is doing up there. While Legs is climbing in the tree he will kneel down and look around alert to any sign of danger.

Wednesday January 31st, 2001 2:38:05 PM

With a tinge of sadness in his voice, "If he is not evil, and obviously not seeded, then there is hope for him. Though, remembering our instructions, he's coming with us, or he's dead."

Gatherings (DM Dave) 
Wednesday January 31st, 2001 7:12:13 PM

Despite the rain and darkness, Ashira’s superior vision discerns several humanoid shapes, each roughly 11 feet in height, currently bent over and loping on four legs toward the group. She estimates that each tops 800 kilos (1,760 lbs.). At their current rate, they will reach the group within half a minute, at most.

Legs and Bart head off for the tree. After a brief reunion, Illanta, still in shock and covered with bruises, joins Blue’s line of children as they grab the rope and head east.

Inside the temple, Rigging gets Appolo stabilized, and struggles to move the unconscious form through the debris and severed limbs.

Wednesday January 31st, 2001 8:26:10 PM

Looking up at the call for identity, Athlemdar's eyes go wide as he sees the approaching figures. Herding the children nearest him together and towards the rest he says, "By the looks of things I think introductions need to wait. I will say that I was not hiding from you or anyone else except the red scarves, and if you are responsible for the damage to the temple, you have done me and many a great service today. I ..."

Wednesday January 31st, 2001 9:23:23 PM

Appolo moans and groans slightly. His breathing and pulse are shallow but regular.

Wednesday January 31st, 2001 9:33:34 PM

After helping his sister to the rope, Then puts himself between the foursome of beasts and the line of retreating children that Ari is leading off. Concern for the childrens protection strengthens his determination. Shouting "Riggings ..... INCOMING ......" Great sword at the ready he awaits for the group to close ranks. "Legs .... we have INCOMING.... "

Wednesday January 31st, 2001 11:04:18 PM

Rigging is shocked at the destruction that he sees in the temple. He finds Appolo and tears off some of his cloak and tries to staunch the flow of blood in several spots. "Come back Appolo. It isn't your time yet. We have sacrificed too much already for this victory already." When Appolo is stable Rigging will yell, "Blue! Help! Appolo is alive, but needs healing." When Rigging hears the others shouting for him, he will pick up Appolo as gently as possible and carry him out of the temple.

Thursday February 1st, 2001 12:10:52 PM

"Legs quickly what ever you doing up there do it quick, I think more trouble is coming I heared them yell."

Ari  d20=20
Thursday February 1st, 2001 1:51:53 PM

Not hearing the call from inside the temple, Ari helps with final preparations with the kids.

Thursday February 1st, 2001 2:38:42 PM

As the children head east with Ari guiding, Blue hears Rigging's call. The boy in blue turns back to the temple at a run to get to Rigging and Appolo.

He sees Rigging supporting Appolo as they make their way through the debris. Blue quickly scans Appolo and sees that Rigging has done a fine job of staunching the flow of blood. "Did you give him that last potion?" (OOC: it was a 1d8 potion.) "Let's get him out of here... sounds like more trouble is coming."

The strong stocky cleric pulls Appolo's other arm over his shoulder and bears as much weight as he can to aid in the removal and heads towards the retreating children. "I can probably manage him if you wish to join the defenses Rigging... once he regains his feet I will join you."

Ashira  d20=20
Thursday February 1st, 2001 4:32:28 PM

Seeing the advancing four legged creatures in the dark, Ashira decides at least for now to accept the aid of the stranger. However, she is not at all convinced of his loyalties, and decides to keep a sharp eye on him. Dreaming about having the stranger flogged once they are onboard the ships brings a slight smile to her lips. But, first things first.....she changes targets to the closest four legged creature and looses the arrow.

Ashira conveys the information to the party about the nature of the incoming creatures (size, speed, shape, and if she can get an estimate, number) and says "Alright, looks like the fun's not over tonight. However, maybe we can have the advantage of determining where this battle takes place. These creatures have four legs, which means that they can outrun us. But, if we can find some kind of cover, maybe we can take away some of their advantage. If we can, it would be a very good idea to get up on a rooftop." Securing her bow, Ashira scouts around (wow, rolled a 20!) to see if she can find an area that gives the party plenty of cover or a rooftop that they can climb onto.

Legs  d20=14 d20=17 d20=9 d20=1 d20=10 d20=16 d20=19 d20=10 d20=15 d20=19 d20=20
Thursday February 1st, 2001 6:02:27 PM

Legs works on splitting off as much of the heartwood as he can (three or four good-sized pieces, and five or six smaller, let me know how this goes, DM Dave - some rolls to help determine success above), a prayer attending each blow of the hatchet. He takes what he can gather, puts some in his backpack, one in his pouch, and the rest under his shirt.

If there is a branch that looks roughly quarterstaff size, he'll work on cutting that off, as he tells Bart, "Go ahead and join the others if you want. I'll catch up as soon as I finish getting this last piece." Once he is done, he tucks the rough staff under his backpack, into his belt near one hip. He unslings his bow, nocks an arrow, then runs to catch up, cutting through the back streets.

Thunder (DM Dave)  d8=7
Thursday February 1st, 2001 6:43:56 PM

Legs and Bart, after a dash past surrounding buildings, notice that the ground has changed from mud to slick limestone. Sliding to a halt, Legs avoids slamming into an iron pillar. Looking up, he sees that the column is actually the base of the tree he sought. A quick rap reveals that it is now solid metal. From several feet back, Bart is just able to make out distorted stubs of branches protruding at contorted angles - outlined by a brief flash of lightning in the distance.

The same flash of light increases Ashira’s assessment of her surroundings, and the creatures' fast approaching. She quickly counts four black, wooly beasts, as they lope toward the group, noses low to the ground. There is perhaps 15 or 20 seconds before the confrontation. The most accessible, defensible structure would be the roof of the two-story temple – a pile of rubble provides a path up to the western (still-standing) portion of the building. However, with that lightning playing about... [Ashira's arrow flies into the darkness... can't tell if it hit or not]

Ari and the company of children move out, heading towards the bridge crossing.

Blue and Rigging manage to carry Appolo to the portico. An administered potion further stabilizes the rogue, bringing him to consciousness, but left confused and weak. [At -1 hps currently]

Thunder vibrates the ground.

Map of Adorus

Thursday February 1st, 2001 7:49:39 PM

Once conscious again he says, "Thanks," and does his best to limp along, quietly moaning every so often.

Thursday February 1st, 2001 10:29:38 PM

Seeing the impending attack coming, Lem scoots the kids along and pushes them toward the other fleeing children saying, "Children, follow the others now, and be quick about it." That done, he turns to the strange looking female and with a nod to her asks, "Well, any thoughts about this?"

Bulldog  d20+7=11
Thursday February 1st, 2001 10:52:32 PM

Closing ranks with the newcomer and Ashira, the fighter stands at the ready for the next round of combat. If the creatures go after the chilren, Bulldog will stand his ground and bring the fight to them. If the creatures target the threesome he will follow them to the rubble and higher ground, if they go there. (Roll was for hitting, if necessary.)

OOC (Dave this will be my last post until I return from vacation, please run Bulldog as you see necessary.)

Thursday February 1st, 2001 11:24:20 PM

Rigging sees the new threat and slumps for a second. "Blue, take care of Appolo." Rigging goes to help his friends fight off this next threat. Rigging prays quietly to himself, "Oh Dragon God. I now truly believe in you now. Look after Wynd for me. I didn't do a very good job of it. If you require any more sacrifices, take me and let the rest of my friends live." Rigging wipes at his tearing eyes and steps up next to Bulldog.

Legs/Kim - question for DM Dave 
Friday February 2nd, 2001 2:12:15 AM

Dave - Is the iron base smooth, rough, rusty, bumpy, barklike, wrought - what? And how far up are the stubs of the branches? How climbable is it? Is his check of 18 enough to get up to the branch stubs? - I might ask Bart to give Legs a boost. Are the stubs encased in iron, or wooden?

Basically, if Legs figures there's the possibility of getting some of the wood in fairly short order, he will, in order to help neutralize the little seeds in the little ones, or for other noble uses.

Friday February 2nd, 2001 3:56:27 AM

Blue pushes Rigging at the fastest pace he can handle. As they near the children Blue calls out to them..."hurry little ones...go as fast as you can...be careful now". He keeps looking over his shoulder to see the progress of the new threat.

Ashira  d20+1=14 d8=2 d20=7 d6=3
Friday February 2nd, 2001 9:14:01 AM

Sizing up the situation, Ashira speaks to the group. "Here is my insight into this little tea party. We really only have two choices... we can stay here and try and stand our ground, and hopefully the beasts will attack us and not the children. But, that puts them at the advantage. Or, we can try to get to the temple rooftop and perhaps have a slight tactical advantage over the beasts. That puts the children at risk, but I would assume that the beasts are not interested in them. Also, on the roof, we have a bigger risk of being struck by lightning, and if we get in a pinch, there's only one way down... through them."

"The priest has had ample time to prepare himself, so these creatures are probably pretty powerful. And, let's face it, our little group isn't exactly fresh as daisies. So, I'm not sure I like it much, but I recommend the temple roof."

Ashira readies her long and short swords and says "So, what do you say lads... up on the roof?" That being said, Ashira begins to scramble up to the temple rooftop. (ooc Rolls are for impending combat, if any. I think I've finally got the Attack bonuses right, but please double check... +1 for primary, 0 for off due to buckler.)

Friday February 2nd, 2001 6:16:34 PM

Looking up, Legs sees that the whole tree is now composed of iron, after an apparent epic struggle that left the surroundings a blasted patch of ground. His handaxe will not be effective here for what he had in mind.

"Okay, Bart, let's go!" He leads his friend from Ailthmar past the tree, through the gap between the houses, as he puts away his handaxe and readies his bow. "We follow the creek upstream to the bridge. Work your eyes and ears." As they come to the gap between house and the bridge over Altar Creek, Legs pauses for a moment to see what he can see. He hopes Bart's ears are doing better than his own at the moment.

Saturday February 3rd, 2001 12:57:48 AM

Following Legs' lead, Bart looks around for any sign of danger. He says to Legs, "We have to leave this town as soon as possible. All of us are at least light wounded, I can't stand very long in an other fight."

Movements (DM Dave) 
Sunday February 4th, 2001 11:33:19 AM

Blue and Appolo move off in the direction of the retreating children and Ari (who are out of sight at this point), while Ashira, Bulldog, Rigging, and Athlemdar head for the pile of rubble. Meanwhile, Legs and Bart make their way eastward toward the Altar creek.

As Rigging and company scramble up the scree on the western portion of the temple, the four creatures, temporarily out of sight, make their way to the portico. Once Rigging and the others reach the relatively stable area over the eastern portion of the temple roof (the only section still standing), they can just see the huge dog-like animals entering the double doors into the temple’s interior.

Legs and Bart, upon reaching the bridge, barely make out the slow moving forms of Blue and Appolo to the west, past the bridge.

Further on westward, Ari and the children catch up with the three ship dogs (Zeke, Hermes, and Ripper), each standing in the rain looking ashamed.

Map of Adorus

Sunday February 4th, 2001 11:04:14 PM

Rigging says to his group, "OK we make a distraction to give the others some time to get the kids to safety. Then we are out of here.
Does anybody have some oil we can make into bombs? Most wild creatures dislike fire"

Monday February 5th, 2001 12:13:16 PM

Blue moves in behind the children hoping to act as rear guard if required. He continues to push as fast as Appolo can go. To the children he says "You are doing very good little ones... that's it keep moving now... everything's going to be okay."

Monday February 5th, 2001 1:21:48 PM

Appolo continues to limp along, half carried by Blue. Blue notices Appolo is beginning to shake uncontrollably.

Monday February 5th, 2001 1:57:38 PM

"Bart, what do you think about you catching up with Appolo and Blue there? Looks like they can use some help. I'll see where the others are, and catch up when I can." If Bart heeds this suggestion, Legs will remain where he is for a moment to watch in a 180 degree sweep, and listen, to see if he can discern any other activity.

Monday February 5th, 2001 4:02:23 PM

Speaking as quietly as possible so that hopefully she will not be heard by the beasts, Ashira says "A diversion sounds nice. Whatever we're going to do, we need to do it quickly. I think those beasts are trying to track us by scent. If we can fool them with a distraction, then we might be able to climb down the wall and rejoin the others. The rain should help cover our trail. I don't like the looks of having to dance too long with those things!" She reaches into her backpack, pulls out 3 pints of oil and hands them to Rigging. Speaking to Rigging she says "What did you have in mind? Do we need anything else?"

Monday February 5th, 2001 5:02:19 PM

Bart runs forward to Appolo and Blue. When he reaches them, he helps Blue in carrying his old friend so they can catch up to Ari and the children. When they reach them Bart leaves Blue and Appolo at the rear and he goes to the front to meet up with Ari.

Bulldog (DM Dave) 
Monday February 5th, 2001 6:17:59 PM

"Aye, the smoke is more like to do good in throwing off the scent, and the fire won't much touch that wet hide." Bulldog contributes to the pile of oil, and looks to Rigging for a plan. "Perhaps we can ring the exits with burning oil, keeping them trapped inside?"

Oil and Water (DM Dave)  d8+3=9
Monday February 5th, 2001 6:35:17 PM

Bart runs across the bridge, catching up with Appolo and Blue as they reach the tail end of the line of children. Ari passes over the remainder of his healing potion for Appolo to use, bringing much needed healing (add 9hps). The group is some hundred yards from the creek. Legs, standing near the bridge, scans the area, and detects nothing in the rain and darkness. Over on the rooftop, the rest of the group continues its oily preparations.

Map of Adorus

Monday February 5th, 2001 8:06:17 PM

I've got a bit of oil myself, shall we try to ring them in or just block them from the way we are going? I think it might be more effective to try blocking our retreat.

Tuesday February 6th, 2001 12:07:08 AM

Rigging starts making oil bombs, "I am hoping to break the spell of the priest. Most wild animals will panic in the face of fire and run. I want to get their attention and as they charge us bombard them with as many oil bombs as possible. If they are on fire, they should break and run. If we frighten off half of them we are in better shape. If we have to fight, I want to skew the odds in our favor. We need to be free of pursuit and get away quickly. We have to hurry though because who knows what other mischief the escaped priest is making."

Tuesday February 6th, 2001 12:17:38 AM

The closer they get to the area where the group was left off, the more Ari scans the area. He is wondering what happened to his double (former Zeke).

Tuesday February 6th, 2001 6:56:12 AM

Seeing Appolo is getting better due to the potion, Bart goes forward to meet up with Ari.

Ashira  d20=14
Tuesday February 6th, 2001 9:18:54 AM

Speaking to Rigging Ashira says, "No offense laddy, but I think our new partner in crime (Athlemdar)Êmight be on to something. I don't think these creatures are entirely animal...what I saw of them makes me think that they are some sort of magical construct. So, they're likely to be intelligent, and while fire might distract them, I don't think they will break and run."

"I like the idea of covering the exits, but I'm not sure how we can achieve that before the beasts figure out we're on the roof. I think we're better off covering our retreat. I also have 3 smokesticks that we can use to further cover our trail if we need it. But remember, as soon as we light the fire, the beasts are going to be alerted and will head our way. We need to be ready to retreat once we have their attention. Can everyone climb? Probably the best plan would be for our new friend and myself to be the last ones to leave. I assume that we'll be headed back to the docks? I just hope that we can outrun the creatures." Ashira makes a diligent search (d20=14) to locate the creatures and any birds or humans nearby.

Tuesday February 6th, 2001 2:24:27 PM

Not really sure just where the enemy reinforcements are that the conjoined angelic spirits of Skippy and Wynd warned of, also ignorant that four members of the group are back at the temple area, Legs chooses to cross the bridge. He gets just to the other side, and again looks around. He wishes that his ears were in better shape. It seems all he can hear is a softened sound of the rain falling round about, and the water running under the bridge. He draws the string of his bow only an inch or two, enough to keep the arrow firmly nocked. "Thank you, Holy Lem, for getting us this far."

Tuesday February 6th, 2001 8:22:36 PM

After drinking the potion and resting for a couple of minutes Appolo begins to feel much better. He then decides to catch up to the others. When he catches up he says to Ari, "We need to leave these children behind, we can take them with us. Where are the others?"

Bulldog (DM Dave) 
Tuesday February 6th, 2001 8:28:13 PM

Looking to Rigging, Bulldog says, "So, what is it to be? If we do decide to retreat, I think we should pair off and go in slightly different directions, to confuse these monsters. If the priest sent them, I don't want them leading him and who knows what else back to our boat."

Raindrops Keep Falling (DM Dave) 
Tuesday February 6th, 2001 8:33:07 PM

The group with the children continues heading westward, putting more distance between them and the danger at the temple. Legs does another scan of the area, trying to determine if any friends or foes or present, and does not note any in the area. The rooftop group makes final preparations as it hashes out the correct course of action. Ashira is certain that the creatures are still within the temple, and no birds or other signs of life are spotted.

Tuesday February 6th, 2001 10:24:16 PM

"I would suggest hitting the temple entrance heavily and then several narrow ways on our way out of here. Give me four of the flasks and I will get the temple doors while you all make for the path. Do try not to take my head off when I catch up with you."

Tuesday February 6th, 2001 11:13:28 PM

"OK If we can block them in than fine. Let's do that. I don't like the idea of leaving you behind. If this doesn't work, you will be overwhelmed and killed. We stand a better chance sticking together. Let's get off this roof and be prepared to run. Every take one bomb. We will need a way to light them. Bulldog do you have a torch we can use? Let's get off this roof." Rigging hands out the bombs to everyone and heads down off the roof.

Wednesday February 7th, 2001 12:58:18 AM

After Appolo drinks the potion and gains more recovery, Blue follows him forward to Ari and listens to the discussion. "Well what should we do? Do you think we should go back and help the others? I am worried about them."

Legs  d20=10
Wednesday February 7th, 2001 1:46:30 AM

Figuring that he must be the last one left, and it seems the town is quiet, Legs inwardly says goodbye once again to his hometown, sorrowful on the one hand for the destruction, but also with a sense that Ga'al's strongholds need to be broken down one at a time. He runs in the direction of the rendezvous, trying to be alert to friends or foe.

Ashira  d20=4
Wednesday February 7th, 2001 9:15:55 AM

Ashira slowly nods as Rigging unfolds the closest thing to a plan that the party can develop on such short notice. She takes the oil bomb (after sheathing her shortsword), and moves in close to Athlemdar. When she gets close enough, she eyes the stranger over (d20=4) and whispers to him "My friends here are very trusting, but I don't think you'll find the same is true with me. If you truly are an ally we'll find out soon enough. But, if you're up to some sort of trickery, I promise you that keel-hauling will sound wonderful compared to what I have in mind for you!"

Turning to the rest of the group she whispers "Now...let's go have some fun with yon pups."

Wednesday February 7th, 2001 10:28:37 AM

Whispering to Blue and Apollo ,

"I will see these children to our destination. If we are refused, then we will see what happens next.

This did not go anywhere near to plan. I intend to see if we are given any flexibility.

If the village has not been wiped out, it will be a very tough struggle for these children. I prefer to give them a chance to live on a new shore, rather than having to consider the alternatives of the original plan.

There are family relations here, that I will not leave behind, without our family agreeing on it."

Wednesday February 7th, 2001 11:44:46 AM

Once he catches up to the others, he asks about those he does not yet see. "Appolo, Blue -- where is Bulldog? Ashira? Rigging? the others? Are they ahead of us?"

Wednesday February 7th, 2001 12:51:41 PM

"I agree Ari, and we have orders ... no witnesses.. we have to bring them with us, we can't leave them Appolo! And maybe we have to kill them anyway, I remembered Wag saying something about premature seedlings. But that is something we have to decide all together.

"I think they must be behind us. If two of us stay behind at the meeting point and the others go back, to see what happens to the others."

Wednesday February 7th, 2001 2:08:08 PM

"So, they're behind us?" Legs confirms with Bart. "Keep going to the rendezvous. Don't let Wag talk you into doing anything drastic yet. Pray for us. I'm going back to see if they need help!" And Legs turns, and heads, running, back to town. When he arrives, he crosses the bridge, and heads to the corner of the temple.

Wednesday February 7th, 2001 2:43:57 PM

Blue addresses Ari and the others, "Yes we must take the children with us...I can't see why anyone would disagree with that...the pirates have settlements that should be able to aid. My big question is about this mission...it wasn't right from the beginning...something was screwy with the instructions we were given. No witnesses?...kill all?. We have joined the pirates because of injustice...the pirates have to be tough, but not brutal. We are are fighting brutality. Something was not right with our instructions....what could it be?. It is like we were deceived or tricked somehow. This doesn't make any sense."

Wednesday February 7th, 2001 7:06:58 PM

[Now that you all are standing close and are looking I will give a brief description of Athlemdar.]

Athlemdar appears to be about the same age as the other young adults, but he is tall already at 5 ft 10. He is wearing no armor, but seems to be well muscled at a weight of about 9 stone [1 stone=14 pounds, 9=131 lbs.]. He is wearing high soft gray boots and leggings along with a brown hooded robe. His hair is close cropped, as if it has just recently begun to grow out. His weapons are a mixed batch; visible are a pair of hand axes, a sling is tucked into his belt and he carries a staff in his hand. There is a mysterious bulge under his cloak in the small of his back. He carries a small backpack with a bed roll and rope tied to the bottom. There appears to be a chain of some sort around his neck under his robe.

Bulldog (DM Dave) 
Wednesday February 7th, 2001 8:47:47 PM

Bulldog heads down with the rest of the group, opting to keep a javelin in hand, rather than an oil.

Back Again, Back Again, Jiggedy Jig (DM Dave) 
Wednesday February 7th, 2001 8:49:58 PM

After half a minute, Legs catches up with the children, joining the conversation in progress. Meanwhile, the rooftop group heads back down the pile of rubble and to the temple doorway. No sign of the creatures yet. The pounding of the rain drowns out any sounds coming from the interior of the building. Legs announces his intent to head back to the temple.

Map of Adorus

Wednesday February 7th, 2001 10:55:07 PM

Rigging whispers, "No sign of the monsters. Let's make our retreat and hope the storm can cover our retreat. The fire will just alert them to our presence. This rain will dampen the fires anyway. Let's join the others."

Thursday February 8th, 2001 2:14:03 AM

Legs notes the Palm Beach Medical Center as he returns to town. [See map.]

Thursday February 8th, 2001 10:33:27 AM

"All right we'll take them with us, the Boss isn't going to like this. Let's get a move on then." He starts to head toward the beach.

Thursday February 8th, 2001 6:11:53 PM

Nodding in response to Rigging's comment about leaving without using the bombs, Ashira places the oil bomb securely in a front pouch and quietly unsheathes her shortsword. She begins to retreat, never taking her eyes off the temple.

Bulldog (DM Dave) 
Thursday February 8th, 2001 7:03:18 PM

The young fighter nods agreement, and retreats, keeping an eye on the doorway to make sure nothing leaps out at the group. Thoughts of gladness fill his heart, as he thinks about rejoining his little sister, but his visage darkens at the memory of Wag's instructions to destroy all witnesses.

Journey to the Longboat (DM Dave) 
Thursday February 8th, 2001 7:08:04 PM

The temple group manages to withdraw without further incidence, and meets up with Legs on the way out of town. Five minutes later, Rigging and company join up with the children's brigade, and the group spends the next half hour working its way through the woods, back to the meeting place on the beach.

[Feel free to post as much as you want regarding how this thirty minutes is spent. The next post will cover the group's final approach to the beach.]

Thursday February 8th, 2001 8:07:58 PM

After the others rejoin the group, Appolo walks over to Rigging and says, "I'm real sorry about Wynd, I did my best to save her, you know. That was bad, real bad. What are we going to do about these kids. The boss isn't going to like this, you know." The young man seems to be completely exhausted both physically and emotionally. He just stumbles along, staring blankly ahead.

Thursday February 8th, 2001 8:54:50 PM

Looking Ashira straight in the eyes as she speaks to him, Athlemdar calmly says, I would expect nothing less and if I deliberately betray any of you I will not raise a hand in defense of my person, but for the nonce we seem to be free of beasties. I suggest we do hastily make our exit while we have an opportunity. Perhaps you would care to bring up the rear with me, in case we need to light up so to speak?

Thursday February 8th, 2001 10:31:04 PM

As Rigging's adrenaline slows down, he realizes what kind of pain he is in. He starts limping more and has a hand pressed to his side where he was slashed with the axe. In response to Appollo's concern he says, "Appollo, Don't worry about it. I was given leadership of the assault group and I made the choice on bringing the kids back. If they keelhaul anyone, it will be me." He adds with a grin, "Besides would you want to tell Bulldog we were not going to bring his baby sister? I would rather be keelhauled. It would be less painful."

Friday February 9th, 2001 1:28:48 AM

Blue is relieved that the others caught up. The young cleric has had enough battling for the time being. Wynd and Catcher gone. The cost of this action was very high. Still not willing to dwell on these losses he moves his mind back to what was troubling him before... the orders. He asks the others, "do you think the orders made sense? I feel like I am missing something. Why would they give us orders to kill everyone... even innocents?"

Friday February 9th, 2001 2:47:34 AM

"We may still have bigger problems to face. I'm not sure, but I think I maybe putting things together. After you went inside, it turns out Zeke, at least, wasn't who he said he was. I was going to put up a spell to let me know if anything was coming from outside. Before I could put up the spell, Zeke attacked me. Before I could do anything to over come him, he somehow changed to look like me, and ran away, indicating he was headed to the ship to create some kind of havoc. I do not know what kind of reception awaits us, but I think we need to go with some serious caution.

Unless we can get our spirit friend to confirm that it was Catcher, I cannot be sure whether it was Zeke on his own, or both of them working together. But I suspect that Zeke at least, was an agent for the temple priests.

I took the gamble that whatever, or whoever, Zeke is, that the tatoo would be its undoing.

If the tatoo is not its undoing, then I'm not sure that there might be more than one of these things involved.

Ashira  d20=11
Friday February 9th, 2001 7:48:01 AM

Continuing her vigilant watch in the direction of the temple while they retreat, Ashira responds to Athlemdar. "Aye, sounds like a good idea stranger, we'll need a strong rear guard in case there's trouble. I still don't trust you, but you look stronger than the rest."

Turning to Rigging she says "If you don't mind, we'll (indicating Athlemdar with a nod of her head) take the rear guard. I'm still not comfortable about the way things went down...it seemed too easy to escape from the temple."

Facing Athlemdar again, she says "Well, it looks like for the moment things have cooled down. So, if you don't mind, I'll have that introduction now. To show that I've got some manners, I'll even start things off. I'm Ashira Deklam."

Friday February 9th, 2001 12:23:05 PM

What did you all think off the people who attacked us. The didn't behave normal, even for seeded people. They wher under influence of something.

Blue  d20=14
Friday February 9th, 2001 3:13:21 PM

After listening intently to what Ari said, Blue responds, " Wow...a shape changer...I wonder if that is who gave us our orders?...that would make sense to all this...we must prepare ourselves for the return...we must inform the pirates". Blue says a quiet prayer to himself for strength and guidance. He then stops, closes his eyes and in his head a forcefully as he can he mentally calls out to Qhen. "QHEN...TEACHER, HEAR ME...WE HAVE A SHAPE CHANGER ON THE PIRATE SHIP...HE IS A DECEIVER AND HE IS DANGEROUS...HELP US...HELP THE PIRATES". (ooc: ability check for this attempt at reaching out to Qhen.)

Bulldog (DM Dave) 
Friday February 9th, 2001 7:26:03 PM

Hearing Rigging's comment, Bulldog answers, 'Aye. Somehow, I think all the heart-seeded ones attacked us earlier. I didn't see either of my other two sisters in there, but things were a little overwhelming." To Ari, he says, "What's this about tattoos? Seems to me that if this Zeke could look like you, he could have any tattoo he wanted?" To Bart's question, he says, "Ga'al can do a whole lot with you, once he's got a hold of you from the inside. I imagine that altar had something to add, as well."

Flash in the Dark (DM Dave) 
Sunday February 11th, 2001 7:51:28 AM

After a few more minutes, the group breaks through the undergrowth and onto the beach. As if on cue, the longboat appears from around a bend to the north, and rows its way toward the group. While still 100 yards away, a searing bright bolt of lightning plunges downward into the center of the boat, completely shattering it and throwing bodies in all directions. Ahira thinks she hears movement or shouts in the distance behind her.

Sunday February 11th, 2001 12:10:04 PM

Ashira, it is a pleasure to meet you, I think. My name is Athlemdar Daruth. Most folk just call me Lem. I know this may seem forward and perhaps even rude, but what kind of person are you? You don't look like the rest of us.

As the boat is destroyed, Lem loooks around at the others. "Let me guess, that was your ride?"

Sunday February 11th, 2001 2:14:18 PM

"Ga'al's Balls!" Rigging exclaims when he sees the boat disinigrate under the lightning blast. He spins around and looks towards the source of the noise. "Blue, Ari get the kids behind us! We need to find some cover and a defensible position. Let's head down the beach and try to find a place to hunker down."

Sunday February 11th, 2001 6:32:42 PM

Responding to Bulldog's comments about tatoos, "There are some tattoos that are not supposed to be reproducable. Though if he was onboard as someone else, than he may be covered in that part". After the lightning strike, "I'm going to head upshore with the kids. See what you can find out. I think we may have to make a new rondeavu point." Ari starts herding the children away from the beach area.

Sunday February 11th, 2001 10:20:07 PM

Upon seeing the boat explode, Appolo says, "Great!! That's JUST BLOODY GREAT!!! Now what are we supposed to do? I'm telling you we need to ditch the kids, they will only slow us down and they will make it easier to track us!" He follows Ari down the beach.

Move Aside (DM Dave) 
Monday February 12th, 2001 6:50:20 PM

The group scatters up and down along the land bordering the ocean. With Ari and the kids going one direction, and some of the heroes heading in the opposition direction. With the rain and wind, Ashira is having trouble getting a fix on the sounds coming from the direction of the town.

Monday February 12th, 2001 9:35:08 PM

Bulldog stops to load his heavy crossbow. Then moves up alongside Riggings. "we need to find what let loose with that lighting and stop it if we get a chance or we will be the next target."

OOC Thanks Dave for posting Bulldog. I am back from sunny Florida. Tanned and ready. Thanks again.

Monday February 12th, 2001 10:16:38 PM

Blue hurries after Ari and the kids, shooing the stragglers as he goes. "By Lem what next" he exclaims.

Monday February 12th, 2001 11:43:41 PM

Rigging looks sharply at Appolo and says, "Listen Appolo! You're not much older than some of these kids yourself. I know you are scared but some of us knew these people during our childhoods. These poor kids have just seen their parents and friends killed. Get a hold of yourself and have some empathy. We are not leaving them behind. That is final! Come up with a solution on saving all of us including the kids. Otherwise shut your trap."

Rigging looks at Bulldog. "Bulldog we aren't in any shape to tangle with whatever is throwing lightning bolts around. We need to find a hiding place and come up with a plan on contacting the pirates." Rigging looks for and beckons to Ashira. "Can we contact the pirates through our tatoos?"

Tuesday February 13th, 2001 2:33:05 AM

Legs goes with Ari and the children, bringing them up off the beach to find cover out of sight. "I thought you said something earlier about your twin. I didn't know you had a twin. Where is he?" Legs was not privy [I think] to what else Ari had said concerning Catcher's companion. Legs meanwhile helps herd the children. "Kids, I know this is kinda of scary for some of you. But try and be brave, and let's help each other out. Let's see how you are doing. Is anyone hurt?" He takes a look at the children, looking for 1. Wounds; and 2. Evidence of seeding. He asks for heavenly wisdom to deal with the children, their fears, the Ga'alish seeding, and the situation.

Ashira  d20=18
Tuesday February 13th, 2001 10:34:14 AM

Ashira turns to Rigging and says, "Aye lad, I know of a way to contact the pirates... though not through my tatoos. But give it some thought first... they're not going to want to send another boat after seeing that one destroyed. Like it or not, for the time being we are on our own. I don't think it was an act of nature having that lightning bolt strike the boat. So, now we're dealing with someone who can call lightning. If we stay on the beach and the enemy calls lightning again, then we'll all be crispy critters. The best coarse of action is to head back into the underbrush. Split the party into two with one person watching the children. The rest of us will hunt down our pursuers and do what we should have done before. It's been a long night, and though it's been fun, I think it's time to end this dance." For the first time since meeting the strange looking half-elf, Rigging can tell that Ashira is slightly annoyed at the situation at hand.

Ashira reaches underneath her shirt and pulls out a small silver whistle. She gives a couple of silent blasts, then replaces the whistle. She prepares herself for the hunt in the woods (d20 for Spot to determine location of sounds in woods) and then turns to Athlemdar. "Well Lem, it certainly is a pleasure to meet you. I'm sure we'll be able to discuss our pasts in a short while, but for now it looks like we've got some work to do. Ready to do some hunting?"

Tuesday February 13th, 2001 12:31:35 PM

Rigging maybe the best thing we can do is that we go back to city see what is happening there, and see if we can steel an boat from the harbor. I think the best time is just before sunset, in that way blue can heal us whith his divine powers, what do you think?

Tuesday February 13th, 2001 1:14:00 PM

As soon as any kind of immediate cover is found, Ari stops the kids. "I'll catch you up as soon as we find a cave, or something, in which to try to protect the kids. With my double around, let's say I will not leave the kids until we're onboard, so if I am by myself, be suspicious.

We need to find something more permanent. I suspect we may be here a while longer. Why don't Blue and I keep an eye on the kids, and you scout around?" whispers Ari to Legs.

Tuesday February 13th, 2001 2:25:51 PM

"I agree with Ari...let us watch the kids while the rest of you sort out the next plan to get us to the boats or to escape on land to better place...we will find some cover and sit tight...I have been trying to communicate with the pirates through Qhen...she has the ability to use telepathy with me...unfortunately I don't have that power...because she sometimes tunes in to me I thought I would try to reach out to her, but nothing so far...I'll keep trying though". With that said the young cleric makes another attempt to contact Qhen. "QHEN...QHEN...THIS BLUE, WE NEED YOUR HELP!"

Seeing Double (DM Dave) 
Tuesday February 13th, 2001 6:28:17 PM

The group takes matters in hand, preparing strong action. From the north, yet another longboat is spotted as it rounds the bend, heading toward the meeting place at the beach. Ashira's far-sight is able to make out enough details to recognize all members in the boat as friendlies. It is some one hundred yards from the land. The sounds in the woods grow louder. Three dogs come bounding into the clearing.

Tuesday February 13th, 2001 6:37:47 PM

"Well I don't know about hunting lightning throwing game but, I'm up for it. I think however it would be to our best interest if we find these kids a place to hide and rest first though." As he sees the next boat come into view, he looks back at Ashira. "Now that is one handy whistle girl."

Tuesday February 13th, 2001 7:33:32 PM

"Well we need to warn those guys in the boat," Appolo says. "We also need to get off this beach. Anybody know a good hiding place?" He shivers in the cold, teeth chattering.

Tuesday February 13th, 2001 10:28:12 PM

Rigging thinks for a minute and says, "OK We need to get that boat ashore if we are going to get out of here. Bulldog, You used to live here. Where is the most logical place for a spelluser to set up camp. He would have to be close enough to use his spells but high enough to see what is going on. Ari, Blue, and Appollo are going to stay here with the kids. Appollo will you lend me your bow? I want you to start building a signal fire. We want to lead the boat here. Don't light it until you think the boat will reach you more quickly than Ari's double, any priests, or townspeople. If we are not back when the boat arrives, get as the kids loaded and get out of here. Bulldog, We will need another meeting spot. Choose a dark deserted stretch of sand that will be easy to find by sea and no more than a couple of hours march for us. If we are not back tonight, we will head for that point for pickup at midnight tomorrow. Blue and Ari your jobs are to take care of these kids and convince the Captain to come back for us." Rigging hands Appollo his fire bomb. "This will help you light the fire." To the others, "Lets go priest hunting and avenge Wynd and Catcher."
Rigging steps up beside Ashira and says in a low voice, "You can have one of these swords back. This leadership thing sucks."

Wednesday February 14th, 2001 12:02:20 AM

In the darkness a smile appears on the mighty fighters mug. "Time to take the spark out of some priest, yeah." Gripping the heavy crossbow Bulldog follows with Rigging. "Wynd knew the area better than I, but I'll find us a spot." Bulldog looks back at the children, trying to glimpse his sister before he disappears into the darkness of the night.

Ashira  d20=1
Wednesday February 14th, 2001 9:14:00 AM

A huge grin breaks out on Ashira's face as she turns to Rigging and whispers, "Aye lad, playing Captain isn't always as fun as it looks, but it's all worth it when you get to keel-haul someone!" Raising her voice a bit she adds, "It looks as though we may be dealing with an illusionist... this ought to be more fun than I thought!"

Turning toward Bulldog she says "Laddie, we don't have a lot of time to wait around for you to find that hidding spot. I'll leave Ripper here with you. Then, when we spot our quarry, I'll signal him to return to us. Just keep up with him, and you shouldn't have a problem finding us." She smiles and adds, "Of course, when we do find our quarry, you probably won't have a problem hearing us anyway!"

Speaking to Ari and Blue she says, "Lads, I'm not sure how keen my mates will be about taking the children on board, but go ahead and give it a go. If the boat comes ashore, tell them that Ashira said that we've gone rabbit hunting and could use a little assistance. They shouldn't have any problem finding us." She slaps them both on the shoulders and wishes them good luck.

She gathers Rigging and Athlemdar and says, "Ok lads, we need to do this as silently as possible. Let's avoid any rattling metal and creaking leather. I'll take the lead and see if we can track down our prey before they get to us. If we're able to sneak up on them let's get off as many ranged attacks as possible." While giving the small party some time to prepare for their stealthy advance she calls Ripper to her, points at Bulldog and says something in Elven. Then she readies herself, and since she can't get a fix on the noises in the woods (d20=1) she begins to head in flanking pattern toward the direction she last heard noises.

Wednesday February 14th, 2001 1:29:56 PM

Legs follows Ari's suggestion to locate a suitable, defensible hiding place for the children.

Wednesday February 14th, 2001 5:43:24 PM

I will come too Ashira, I lost my bow in the temple but maybe I can be your back-up.

Wednesday February 14th, 2001 8:10:08 PM

Blue scans the area looking for shelter and hiding. While he does this he responds to the little ones needs and helps keep them together.

Ari (DM Dave) 
Wednesday February 14th, 2001 8:19:42 PM

"We still have to be careful with the crew, since they might say that they've already picked me up. Let's hope they can make it to the beach safely."

"Knowing there is enemy nearby, I will not take the children down to the beach, until the boat is ready, and they know how many kids we have."

"Your dealing with this enemy might be the time we need to get the kids out of there."

"You should take this (handing out a healing vial (2 doses 1d8+3 each), this is the last healing potion that I have."

Breaking up is hard to do (DM Dave) Happy V-Day! 
Wednesday February 14th, 2001 8:30:35 PM

Starlight breaks through a couple of areas in the sky, and the rain starts slacking off. Everyone in the group is able to make out the longboat now, as it heads toward the shore. Smell of burnt embers drifts in from the ocean. Ashira, Rigging, and some of the heroes head off into the woods, looking for prey. The rest of the group meets up with the pirates as they run the longboat aground.

Sasha the Pirate (DM Dave) 
Wednesday February 14th, 2001 8:31:58 PM

A tall, heavyset lady, with a huge leather-and-metal whip slung over her shoulder, climbs out of the longboat and confronts the group, “What is going on? Wexel and his crew just got toasted, and we have a bunch of munchkins coming out of the woods! Where’s Ashira?”

Wednesday February 14th, 2001 8:52:27 PM

Rigging heads deeper into the woods wondering what they are going to find. As the rain slackens, he looks around and says to no one in particular, "Gee nothing like a moonlite stroll."

Ashira  d20=17 d20=3
Thursday February 15th, 2001 8:45:09 AM

Ashira turns toward the party and motions for silence (d20=3 for Move Silently). She searches the woods ahead for any signs of motion, any noises, or any tracks (d20=17 for Track). Hey...while she's at it, she checks for any strange smells;-)

Thursday February 15th, 2001 4:19:19 PM

The big fighter takes the potions offered by Ari tucks them away. He stands at the ready as he watches Rigging and ther others move off on the hunt. He focuses his attention upon them, awaiting a signal to charge forth.

DM Note 
Thursday February 15th, 2001 6:31:38 PM

[I keep forgetting to add this, so here I post it before forgetting once again: Those who have cared for the children (Blue and Ari in particular) have seen no signs of heartseeding anywhere on their bodies]

Thursday February 15th, 2001 8:06:41 PM

After listening to the discussion only half heartedly,Appolo hands his bow and arrows
over to Rigging and accepts the fire bomb.
That's when they see the long boat pull ashore.
He then proceeds to heard the children toward the boat.Thinking this will be interesting,wonder what Ari's going to tell them.

Athlemdar  d20=11
Thursday February 15th, 2001 9:18:02 PM

Chuckling as Ashira cautions them to be silent as she seems to be making all the noise (Move silent 20), Athlemdar has his sling out and is ready for action.

Thursday February 15th, 2001 10:10:45 PM

Approaching the longboat, "Ashira is hunting the spell caster.

"The temple knew we were coming, somehow. While outside the temple, we met up with another family member of ours. He had a traveling companion named Zeke. When left alone with Zeke, he ambushed me. I wasn't able to defeat him. He shape changed into me. He said something about running to the beach.

"Inside the temple, it looks like we were overwhelmed. I joined in late, so someone else will have to say about anything going on inside.

"The children are unseeded, and many may not have a parent after tonight. We wanted to at least take them across the border, out of these lands."

Rigging  d20+3=4
Thursday February 15th, 2001 10:27:04 PM

Rigging, while looking over his shoulder and scanning the trees, trips over a root and falls into a leaf pile. "I guess Ashira is making all the noise," he says sheepishly.

Thursday February 15th, 2001 11:41:08 PM

Approaching the pirate at the long boat, Blue joins Ari. "These children appear unaffected by Ga'al...we couldn't leave them...they should be taken to safety as they are likely candidates as warriors against Ga'al to Lem's service".

"Do you have any healing potions?...if you take the children we should aid Ashira's hunt".

Traipsing About (DM Dave) 
Friday February 16th, 2001 5:50:22 AM

Ashira, Rigging, and group continue moving further into the woods, looking for the source of the noise heard earlier – currently, there are no sounds above the slackening rain. Back at the beach, Ari, Appolo, and Blue meet with the pirate landing party.

Sasha the Pirate (DM Dave) 
Friday February 16th, 2001 5:57:12 AM

"Evil is afoot tonight. All of our raiding parties have meet with ill fortune." She directs the other two pirates in her longboat to begin herding the children aboard onto the benches. "We've used all our healing supplies. Your friends best be heading back here quickly, if we're to have any chance of pulling our skins out of this one." After checking to see if either Appolo, Ari, or Blue need to head back to the ship, she barks an order, and the longboat pushes of into the mists. She uncoils her whip and quickly heads into the woods.

Ashira  d20=7
Friday February 16th, 2001 7:43:47 AM

After her most graceful entrance into the forest followed by Rigging's, Ashira realizes that they most likely no longer have the element of surprise. She motions Zeke and Hermes over to her, points in the direction she last heard noise, and whispers in Elven to the two dogs. The two large beasts promptly bound into the forest happily wagging their tails.

Ashira turns to the group and whispers "Be ready to move fast." She then slightly alters their course of direction so as not to travel in a straight line with the dogs and proceeds further into the forest attempting to listen (d20=7) for any noises above the sounds of the dogs and the party.

Lem  d20=1
Friday February 16th, 2001 8:37:03 AM

Flanking Ashira as they prowl, Lem scans the area for anything that might be out of place or just not right. (and I might say does an absolute horrendous job of it.)

Bart  d20+3=8
Friday February 16th, 2001 1:17:33 PM

Bart follows Ashira and the rest, he is about 10 metres behind the group. Ready to aid them is close combat occurs.

He is not so quiet as he hoped to be (roll move silent 8)

Legs  d20=19
Friday February 16th, 2001 8:54:53 PM

The paladin found a great spot for the children, and comes back to report. He comes within sight of the beach, and sees the longboat pushing off, and ... that looks like Sasha. He looks around to see if there is anything else to observe. Legs starts to gather and stack driftwood, or drags fallen trees and thick branches out on to the beach. Once he has a pile three to four feet high, and several feet wide, so that one may face the forest, back to the water, and fairly close to the water, he readies his bow. If any of his friends are left in the area, he enlists their help in constructing this ad hoc barricade. If something comes running out of the woods, pursuing his friends, he wants to have a somewhat defensible spot from which to counterattack.

Friday February 16th, 2001 10:07:08 PM

The proud fighter stands as still as stone, waiting for the cry from the woods.

Saturday February 17th, 2001 2:34:23 PM

After stumbling in the dark woods for a while without success, Rigging says "Hold on. Ashira call the dogs back. I think we should head back to the beach. We are not accomplishing anything. Lets get everyone back together and try to get back to the ship."

Sunday February 18th, 2001 4:38:42 PM

[OOC:Are they going to take the children aboard? If so Appolo will help them aboard,if not Appolo will go look for some shelter and some fire wood. Either way Appolo is going to stay and wait for his comrades. He already left one behind he's not going to leave anybody else.]

He feels personally responsible for Wynd's death and exhaustion and depression are begining to set in. Not really talking to or associating with anyone, he goes numbly through the motions.

Sunday February 18th, 2001 6:06:27 PM

As he watches the long boat pull out Blue turns and scans the area. He sees Legs at work and goes over to join him and helps the best he can in the construction of the blind. Without speaking the young cleric shares the concern that he feels on Legs about the others that went into the forest. Blue hunkers down with his staff ready and continues to scan and listen.

Forest Encounter (DM Dave) 
Sunday February 18th, 2001 7:16:15 PM

As Rigging and company move through the woods, Sasha approaches the group from behind at a rapid pace. Back at the beach, Blue, Appolo, Ari, and Legs wait for more pirates to approach. Ashira’s dogs head further into the woods, looking for the source of the noise heard earlier.

Ashira’s ears pick up the approach of someone in the woods coming from the direction of the beach. Some, Sasha comes into view.

Sasha the Pirate (DM Dave) 
Sunday February 18th, 2001 7:20:16 PM

Motioning for quiet voices, Sasha quickly moves up the group, "Out for a stroll, I see. I suggest a breath of ocean air."

Monday February 19th, 2001 12:48:24 AM

Not wanting to get seperated from those that can attest to who is (;) ), Ari waits for the return of the longboat with his other companions.

Monday February 19th, 2001 11:27:10 AM

Still standing at the ready, the figter waits.

Monday February 19th, 2001 4:55:44 PM

"Sasha, Is it great to see you! How did the other raiders do? We have had some limited success but lost companions. Wynd made the ultimate sacrifice and saved the rest of us."
Rigging chokes up at this point and wipes at his eyes.

Ashira  d20=17 d20=4
Monday February 19th, 2001 6:24:12 PM

In whispered tones, Ashira turns to address Sasha. "It's good to see you here. The boys and I here were just out hunting rabbits, but we haven't had any luck. I was worried that we wouldn't be seeing any more of our mates after that first blast. I suppose you're right....it's probably not rabbit season anyway. I don't know about the rest of you, but I could use with some more familiar scenery after the goings on tonight. If you'll lead the way, I'll make sure we don't have any nasty surprises on the way out."

Ashira prepares to guard the party's retreat. (Spot check=17, Listen=4).

Lem  d20=17
Monday February 19th, 2001 6:42:17 PM

Quickly turning at the sound of someone approaching, Lem spins and just as quickly has a pair of sticks connected by woven hide, out and is in what can only be termed a defensive pose. Relaxing a bit as the others obviously know the person, Lem looks at the newcomer and says, "Be not very wise to come up on people from behind without warning."

Out to Sea (DM Dave) 
Monday February 19th, 2001 7:36:19 PM

Following Sasha's lead, the forest group heads back out to the beach, arriving just in time to see a third long boat pulling up to the beach. Everyone quickly piles in and heaves to on the oars, heading for the ship. At this point, the sky has cleared, and after half an hour, the group pulls alongside the Lady Freeborn. Another minute, and all stand adeck. Sword, the captain, approaches and simply states to Rigging, "Report." His glance barely passes over Lem.

Monday February 19th, 2001 9:58:27 PM

Now onboard, Legs waits for Rigging to comply with Capt Sword's command.

Monday February 19th, 2001 11:43:55 PM

Glad that the group returned unscathed from the forest he returns to the boat with haste. Pulling mightly on the oars, his impatience shows. Climbing back on board he scans his friends as Sword approaches and demands Rigging's report. He waits again. The fighter looks about for signs of the children, his sister's safety on his mind. He remains quiet.

Tuesday February 20th, 2001 8:05:06 AM

Ashira is noticeably more at ease now that she is onboard the Lady Freeborn. She stands at attention before the Captain and awaits Rigging's response.

Her mind wanders back to the events of the night... all the carnage, all the good sailors lost. Something was definitely wrong with this engagement right from the start. It was almost as if the enemy knew we were coming... Wait a minute, didn't one of the new recruits say that there had been a shape changer in their midst. Definitely worth examining.

Her attention returns to the matters at hand when she hears Rigging begin his report.

Tuesday February 20th, 2001 1:56:29 PM

As Ari climbs back on to the deck of The Lady Freeborn, he looks around anxiously to see to the condition of the ship, its crew, and to the children which should be onboard.

When Sword states, "Report", Ari looks anxiously on, waiting for Rigging to finish.

Tuesday February 20th, 2001 2:26:22 PM

As they climb aboard the Lady Freeborn Blue joins the others on deck. He remains close to Ari making sure he keeps him in sight with all the talk about a shape shifter. Blue waits anxiously for Rigging's report reviewing in his own mind the battle and the losses.

Tuesday February 20th, 2001 9:02:53 PM

keeping to the rear of the group, Lem waits to see what is about to develop.

Tuesday February 20th, 2001 11:45:41 PM

occ sorry for the delay guys. Never seen so many waiting for Rigging's report. :-)

Rigging stands at attention and quickly sketches out the raid. Rigging relates that there was some conflicting evidence on the readiness of the temple guards. "They seemed to know we were coming, but didn't have the total quad prepared. The priests seemed ready with combat spells. Commands, Monster summoning, etc. They seemed to have a great amount of control over the population."

He relates how the quad was killed and the one priest. Many of the population was killed when Wynd made her sacrifice and joined with Skippy. He explains that is why he brought the children. Many of their parents were killed and they were possible recruits. He goes over the joining of parties with Catcher and "Zeke". He then explains how Zeke was a shapeshifter who betrayed the group and attacked Ari. He calls Ari over to help explain this part.

"Captain, my first command had mixed results. I had to break your commands when we met the our past friend. I trusted Catcher and he vouched for his companion. He gave his life for the mission. We need to be careful. There might be a shapeshifter amongst us. I couldn't kill the children. I had to bring them back to the ship. He might be among them as well. They will have to be carefully screened. The temple of Ga'al was destroyed and some of his guards and priests were killed and injured. We struck a huge blow here." Rigging finishes his report and steps back.

Sword (DM Dave) 
Wednesday February 21st, 2001 6:43:01 AM

Firelight reflects from the captain’s eyes as he listens, and then a moment passes after Rigging’s voice dies away. When finally Sword speaks, it's hard to hear above the lapping waves, “Yes, a traitor, or two, I’ll wager.” He barks a command to the Bosun to call a general muster, then addresses Rigging, “I name you Kinsbane – a sorrier tale I never wish to hear. It’s to the islands with the little ones, where a hard life awaits. Mayhaps they’ll serve the Lady Freeborn one day.”

Debriefing I - Dark Tidings (DM Dave) 
Wednesday February 21st, 2001 6:56:49 AM

When the crew gathers, the total number is noticeably smaller than at the start of the night – fully a third are missing. Sword advises of possible traitors, then sends gangs to search throughout the ship. Afterward, double watches are set, to make sure no one slips on or off the ship. The dark mood is lightened somewhat when Sword announces that they will be heading next to Fog Island – one of the famed pirate bases.

Ashira  d20=20
Wednesday February 21st, 2001 7:34:23 AM

Ashira steps forward and addresses Captain Sword (d20=20 for Diplomacy check). "Sir, I know that the lads here didn't accomplish their directive, and that there is no excuse for that. However, I can attest that they fought valiently and attempted to control the situation as best as possible."

"Actually, things may have worked out better than we could have dreamed. The temple and altar of Ga'al are destroyed, two of the three priests are dead, and most of the villagers were destroyed in the aftermath. Not bad for one night's work."

"After the casualties we incured tonight, perhaps we could use a few more deck hands. I myself could use some extra help in the kennels...if I might be allowed to choose one of the children who seems suitable, I would be willing to personally incur all the costs associated with the training and upkeep of the child." Ashira steps back into line and humbly awaits the Captain's respounse.

Wednesday February 21st, 2001 8:10:49 AM

As the captain finishes issuing orders and the crew starts to disperse, Lem walks over. "Excuse me captain, I don't mean to be impertinent, however they all seem to have left out one minor detail, which you might find important. Or at least I would were I in your shoes. That small thing would be me. My name is Athlemdar, but most folk just call me Lem. I have no love for the red scarves or any of G'aal's folk. I have suffered and lost people I love to them far more often than I care to remember in my short years. I was actually on my way to try and find some of you when fortune smiled on me for once and allowed me to run into your crew. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you will have me, I would like to join your ranks.

Wednesday February 21st, 2001 2:12:01 PM

Once the telling of the tale is done, Ari relaxes somewhat. When Sword finishes with his comments, Ari steps up to Riggings. Whispering in his ear, "Since we have a new person in our midst, I do not want to say this aloud. There was mentioned when we first joined that the tatoos were magical in nature, and were not copyable. The shape changer was confident he could pass himself off as me. So I'm assuming he either knows of the tatoo's, or is not aware of their magical nature. It is hard to tell for sure.

If he knows of the magical nature of the tatoos, or he started as a legitimate member of the crew, then we could be screwed. Since it is probably not my place, you may want to bring these concerns up in private. I do not know how far up the chain the shapeshifter can get, without someone noticing. So I have my vague doubts about the Sword. I leave it to your discretion as to where you take this."

Wednesday February 21st, 2001 3:48:28 PM

The heavy hearted fighter remains quiet throughout the exchanges, thinking to himself .... 'two friends lost last night' .... 'Sword fared worse then we did' .... 'his sister to work her childhood at some island !' ..... 'what was that ashira said .. she needed one child to remain to help her, I wonder if .....'. Bulldog then look for the familiar furball, by the name of Asbury, to make sure that he has survived.

Debriefing II (DM Dave) 
Wednesday February 21st, 2001 7:42:03 PM

Commands are made and preparations attended to as the Captain continues debriefing Rigging's party. Some of the crew have moved off to get the vessel underway. Ashira's dogs remain seated to one side, watching the proceedings, while Asbury bounds up to his master, all slobbery kisses.

Sword (DM Dave) 
Wednesday February 21st, 2001 7:50:31 PM

Hearing Ashira's words, the captain gruffly says, "Go ahead, take your pick o' the lot. Your judgment is drum-tight." Turning to the newcomer, the Captain states, "No, Mr. Lem, we have not forgotten you, and would not have allowed you aboard if you were not to be one of us." With that, he waves over Oyster to place the mark of the crew upon Athlemdar - a single dagger for the new recruit.

Wednesday February 21st, 2001 8:21:21 PM

Appolo comes aboard and quietly slips below. While the others give report he is tired, wet, hungry, depressed and angry at himself. He gets undressed, cleans up and dresses in clean dry clothes. He doesn't much feel like talking to anyone. He then slips into his bunk and quietly cries himself to sleep.

Wednesday February 21st, 2001 8:34:09 PM

Rigging nods to Ari. "I will speak to the Captain tonight." Rigging then goes to the rail and grips it tightly with both hands. Tears slowly course down his face. "Goodbye Wynd. Thank-you for our lives. I am sorry I failed you," Rigging whispers.

Wednesday February 21st, 2001 8:38:37 PM

Hmm another tattoo, where is this one to go? The arm, ahh ok. As he removes the top half of his robe, baring his upper arms, chest and back, those who can see his back see that there is a fifteen inch long, eight inch high dragon tatoo sketched between his shoulder blades.

Thursday February 22nd, 2001 1:32:29 AM

After making some inquiries as to where the children are being held, Ashira goes over and looks the children over. After several minutes, she finds who she is looking for, explains the situation to the person overseeing the children, and heads back toward Zeke, Hermes, and Ripper with the little girl in tow.

Approaching the dogs, she stops within hearing range of Bulldog and says to his sister "You'll be working with me from now on. It will be your responsibility to water and feed these dogs, as well as a few other chores. I think you'll find that I am a demanding but fair woman." She takes the young girl by the hand, calls to the three dogs, and heads of to her quarters.

A few minutes later, Ashira returns alone. She strides over to where Rigging stands and clears her throat. Once she is sure that Rigging is aware that she is there, she taps on his shoulder and hands him a dark bottle. "Twas a rough night lad, looks like it was harder on you than most. Thought you might want this. It's not poison...as a matter of fact, it tastes worse...but it might help ease some of your pain." She leaves the bottle of liquor with Rigging and turns toward her quarters once again.

Thursday February 22nd, 2001 9:22:49 AM

Ari pushes everything back to the back of his head, as he helps to get the ship underway.

Bulldog & Asbury Again 
Thursday February 22nd, 2001 4:34:26 PM

With a nod of respect Bulldog whispers a thank you to Ashira, Bulldog smiles. His heart lightened somewhat, as now he knows he can watch over his sister. The big fighter than commits himself to the chores of the ship.
Asbury skitters about keeping an eye or two on his returned master. 'Where did he go after all ?' he seems to wonder.

Thursday February 22nd, 2001 7:10:13 PM

The exhausted young cleric feels wrung out now that he no longer needs to keep on guard...he helps with ships chores and longs for his bunk.
He makes a commitment to himself to approach the capt'n about seeing Qhen...he has much work to do...his healing skills were ill prepared for the events of the night.

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