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Temple Time - Part II

Tuesday January 16th, 2001 10:00:19 PM

Rigging looks worried. "Ok, we will finish the job. Bart, Legs, Wynd, Ari and Bulldog. Your job is to kill the priests. Blue find some bars for these doors. You and I will guard them. Appolo check the other rooms, find me another exit. Go - you have five minutes." Everyone notices Rigging holding a bloody hand to his side. He is leaning forward in pain.

A Breather (DM Dave)  2d8(7+2)+6=15 2d8(1+4)+6=11 2d8(7+8)+6=21 2d8(8+1)+6=15
Tuesday January 16th, 2001 10:15:39 PM

The group struggles with a weighty decision. The sound of the rain pounding on the rafters overhead springs sharply into focus after the lull in the combat. Potion bottles are downed, providing healing as follows:

Blue=15, Appolo=11, Legs=21, Bart=15

Wynd finishes dispatching the sleeping rats.

At Legs’ prodding, nothing special happens with the door, apparently the magic guarding it completely spent. With a mighty heave, the paladin knocks the door inward. Beyond is a large single chamber, divided into three areas by hanging tapestries to provide some level of privacy for the three priests who normally reside here. At the moment, all three are standing at the far end of the 70' deep room, each going through a series of chants and hand motions.

Behind Ari, the double doors to the outside start to pull open (outward, into the storm).

Legs - Charge!  d20+3=23
Wednesday January 17th, 2001 1:09:16 AM

Legs, muscles well warmed from the exertion, stamina restored by the potion just imbibed, sprints to the left of the clerics, full tilt. When fifteen feet away, he cuts, driving straight for them, seeking to bowl them over, sword to the right, Lem's wood to the left, invoking Lem's succor all the way, and driving his shoulder into the first he meets. [Note: Have running feat. Rolled nat. 20.] [What's with the dice? Thanks, John!] If at any moment Lem's wood is close enough to one of Ga'al's parasites, Legs will encourage contact.

Wednesday January 17th, 2001 4:32:13 AM

The young cleric once again feels the restoring energy pulse through his body, energizing and healing. He quickly scans the immediate area by the doors to see if there are any materials to barricade the entrance. He then sees the doors start to open. He pulls the tangle foot bag from his belt and holds it ready as he backs towards the door that Legs has just disappeared into. Blue calls out to his fellow combatants, "I'll try to distract them at the doors... go get the priests."

Wynd (DM Dave) 
Wednesday January 17th, 2001 6:33:32 AM

Wynd runs after Legs, charging into the room with the priests (too far for her to reach them this round).

Bart  d20+4=14 d20+4=20 d10+3=11 d4+2=6
Wednesday January 17th, 2001 4:37:13 PM

Bart rushes in too, with his dagger (magical) and sword ready he tries to attack a priest (hitting ac 14 for 11, and ac 20 for 6).

Wednesday January 17th, 2001 7:57:34 PM

Lowering his voice so that only Blue and those in the immediate area can hear, "I think you two should stay here and make some minor noise, to pull the people into the temple and into the gas. I can create enough confusion to help you two out. If this doesn't work, tell me to forget it, so that I may dispell it." With that Ari will step as close to the doors as he feels comfortable (in order to be the center of the spell effect, I'm trying to make it so the spell effect either ends just at the cloud of gas, or as best as possible, and still have the spell go out the door). Ari then casts obscuring mists. Once the effect has settled, Ari will move quietly to assist with the priests.

Appolo  d20+3=7 d20+3=13
Wednesday January 17th, 2001 8:19:05 PM

Appolo readies his bow and follows Legs. He will fire as soon as he sees the Priest, the one in the center. His first shot goes wide left, his second shot is a near miss to the Priest's right.

Wednesday January 17th, 2001 9:02:35 PM

Rigging pulls out his weapons and steels himself for more combat. He moves to the side of the door readying himself for a flanking attack.

Priests Battle (DM Dave)  8d6(2+3+2+2+6+4+3+3)=25 d20=15 d20=16 d20=16
Wednesday January 17th, 2001 10:16:52 PM

The Holy Warrior puts on a burst of speed, plowing into the priests’ private quarters and bowling over the left-most cleric, disrupting a spell. Both go down in tangle of limbs, and it takes a moment for Legs to realize that the crash he heard came from behind him, not from the collision (the priest he hit is wearing only a nightgown). Over Legs’ shoulder, he sees the rise of a dust cloud as the stones over the entryway settle from a collapse he barely escaped! The right-most Priest, nearly hysterical, screams “Die!” at Legs. [Please make a Will save to avoid going unconscious – also note the availability of your Hero Point, if needed] The middle priest, apparently finished with whatever spell he was working on, and draws a red sash from off his shoulder.

Pinned beneath the rumble are Wynd and Bart (each made Reflex saves, and only take 13 hps dmg – neither can move and must be rescued).
Appolo, several steps behind the others during the Fall, manages to pull up short (made Reflex save), and avoids a glancing blow from a rafter beam. The central section of the north wall of the temple now lies in ruins, exposing the north half of the temple and southern half of the priests’ quarters to the heavy rains of the night. Sounds of falling stones can still be heard to the left and the right, as the north wall continues to degrade.

The pile of rubble sits high enough to prevent Appolo from getting a clear shot. {Please refer to my January 7th post, reprinted here: Regarding multiple ranged weapon attacks - You either need the Rapid Shot feat, or be high enough level, to fire more than once per round.]

Meanwhile, in the southern part of the temple, a mist rises up, obscuring the rest of the party as the double temple doors swing open and a crowd of villagers moves in.

Wednesday January 17th, 2001 11:01:10 PM

Bulldog sees the rubble crash down behind Legs and upon his friends. Knowing time is not on their side he yells for the others to free the buried two. Crawling over the rubble (if able) he moves to back up Legs.

Wednesday January 17th, 2001 11:37:18 PM

Ari moves up to the debris, and begins to help the person that looks less covered. "Help me with (insert most uncovered person), Appolo. As soon as we get the first person is uncovered, you should move to help with the priests."

Thursday January 18th, 2001 12:03:28 AM

Appolo put away his bow and arrow, then quickly helps Ari rescue Wynd And Bart. "Shit!!" he says, as he digs his friends out.

Legs  d20+2=19 d20+2=22 d20+3=7 d20+6=26 d20+6=14 d8+3=7
Thursday January 18th, 2001 12:52:43 AM

Legs is barely able even to make out what the cleric commanded him (perhaps due to the sonic blast he received a few moments ago - not to mention the will save of 19), and does not obey. From the floor, he throws Lem's wood directly at the chest of the cleric with the red scarf (AC 22, threat but no crit - and I have no idea what damage this blessed piece of wood will do, if much of any). He [MAN!] draws the bastard sword over the neck of the downed priest (crit, 2*7=14). He prepares to rise to his feet, or roll out of the way of attacks and defend, depending on what happens next.

Thursday January 18th, 2001 12:58:01 AM

[OOC: Help over here!

Dave - I'm not sure what adjustments there'd be for attacks from the ground, so feel free to adjust away.]

Thursday January 18th, 2001 2:31:21 AM

Blue stops backing up when he is at the edge of the vapour cloud. He turns his head when he hears the wall fall. His immediate reaction is to run to the aid of his friends. He whispers through clenched teeth, "Dragon, strengthen my will and purpose..." He turns back to face the people coming through the doors. He raises the tangle-foot bag above his head, poised to throw, and watches as they come, being ready to pick his moment to act.

Bart  d20+3=18
Thursday January 18th, 2001 2:59:04 AM

Made a reflex save, DM please state how much damage I have due to the collapsing ceiling.

Rigging  d20=16 d20=20 d6=2 d6=2 d4=4 d6=2
Thursday January 18th, 2001 8:32:16 PM

(OOC You tell us a lot of people are moving in but didn't give us a description)
Rigging holds back a second to identify the opponent to make sure that it isn't an ally. If it is a foe he will strike hard from the flank. (If I get flank damage as a thief did 14 points.)

Priest Battle - Part II (DM Dave)  d20+6=16 3d6(6+4+1)=11 d20+7=12 d100=11 d20+2=4 d20+2=14
Thursday January 18th, 2001 8:43:01 PM

Legs shakes off the effects of the spell and flings his wood at the advancing sash priest, hitting him in the chest. Legs leaps up from on top of the prone priest, preparing to swing. The holy wood, upon striking the priest, incinerates in a flash of blue light, ripping a scream from the priest’s lips. Falling back, his form seems to waver like water, and then a dark hawk is in his place, winging its way up into the opening of the roof, and into the storm beyond.

The prone priest attempts to cast a spell, and the young paladin takes the opportunity to swing, disrupting the magic. The remaining priest flicks his red sash at the paladin (11 hps blood drain damage). [I show Legs now with a total of 17 hps dmg.]

Wynd and Bart remained pinned under the rubble. [Each made successful Reflex saves last round, so they each only took 13 hps dmg – I show Bart had 4 hps left after the collapse.]

Bulldog spends the round scrabbling over the debris, making his way to the combat.

Ari and Appolo tackle the pile with a vengeance. Yells to the trapped are answered by Bart, but Wynd remains silent. [Between the two characters, it will take 3 rounds to dig out one of the trapped people.] The heroes begin digging. To the left and right, the wall continues to crumble.

Meanwhile, in the southern part of the temple, forms take shape as they venture into the mist. Blue manages to get his tanglefoot bag launched squarely into the thick of things, but numerous people spill in from the left and right of the mess made by the goo. Rigging successfully flanks a little boy, laying him low. Many more push in, stepping over the body. They come weaponless. They come with groping hands. They come as a wave, ready to wash over the heroes.
[Dum Dum, Duuuuuum]

Legs - Time for heroics  d20+1=17 d20+3=17 d20+3=5
Thursday January 18th, 2001 9:05:07 PM

Legs' hand shoots out to grab the fluttering scarf before it reaches his face [by expending one Hero Point, and rolling to grab.] He shoves it back into the face of the one who sent it his way in the first place (AC 17). "THAT IS FOR SKIPPY!!!" the paladin shouts. "Skippy! Grant us Lem's aid!" he calls. He is in poor position to use his longsword.
[If said maneuver is allowed, I assume Legs did not suffer the blood drain, thus is down 5 hp.]

Thursday January 18th, 2001 10:48:18 PM

The people look like they are in a trance. The young cleric decides that he has done what he can to slow them and that to stop them will likely mean kill the priests to stop the trance He turns and runs towards the rubble pile. He intends to get high enough on the rubble pile for a clear view of the priests to cast his summon monster spell.

Bulldog  d20=2
Friday January 19th, 2001 7:37:41 PM

Having made it over the rubble, Bulldog moves Catcher's sword to his offhand. It one swift action the fighter pulls forth a javelin and fires it at the priest, but unfortunately he steps upon some of the falling rubble and slips, badly missing his target. It skitters harmlessly off in an errant direction. Frustration begins to set into the fighter's mood.

Rigging  d20=20
Friday January 19th, 2001 9:16:24 PM

Rigging decides that he cannot fight this crowd by himself in this location. He backs towards the rubble, waving his sword and main-gauche in front of him. He will swing his sword only, (and keep his main-gauche for defense) at anyone who comes into range. (Roll is for his sword if needed. Man no fair. I always waste the good ones on mindless hordes!)

Saturday January 20th, 2001 1:54:00 PM

Ari concentrates on helping uncover a body. Any time he comes up with a hand sized rock (meaning throwable), he chucks it in the direction of the priests, hoping to dispell any spells.

Wynd  d100=11
Saturday January 20th, 2001 3:10:48 PM

(arrgh missed by 1% so I'm using last Hero point to stabalize)

Lying unconcious beneath the pile of rubble, Wynds mind is slowly going thru scenes from her life: The day the priests came for her brother, Her sister being born with a bent foot, Her dad finally accepting her and teaching her his craft, Skippy's death; "Oh, Skippy, I guess I have failed and led our friends to their deaths. I will see you soon I think."

After a bit and going thru many other memories, Wynd wills her mind to relax and await what happens.

Priest Battle - Part III (DM Dave) A Ga'aling Experience  d20+1=21 d20+6=18 d8+4=11 d20+6=22 d20+6=23 d8+4=9 d20=1
Sunday January 21st, 2001 1:11:11 PM

[For reference, pages 137-138 of the Player’s Handbook discuss in detail the implementation of grappling. In summary, up to four people may work together to try to bring down a person, with a +6 bonus to their attack rolls for the combined effort. If you are the target of such a grappling attempt, you enjoy the benefit of one attack of opportunity upon those trying to overbear you – so you get you standard attack, plus one more.

One other item: The rules under the new system give commoners far greater skills and hit points than under the old rules – a typical fisherman or merchant may have 2 or 3 skill levels in her profession, with all the benefits that accrue therewith. In other words, a single blow from your weapon may not take out the enemy – Rigging’s success is based upon the high rolls made so far, and is not an indicator of future performance. With that said:]

To the right, the altar flashes to new life with a surge of purple light, and the mists obscuring the temple entrance immediately dissipate, revealing a little over twenty villagers advancing on the party, with more pouring in through the double doors.

Only a quick retreat saves Blue and Rigging from being immediately taken down as the people charge. Rigging’s attack [You had a potential critical with you roll, and I’ve rolled for you to determine that a critical did in fact occur], combined with his slight gain in elevation (standing on the rubble) keeps off the onslaught for the moment. Ten villagers are at the base of the rubble at round’s end, an old dairy woman lies at Rigging’s feet.

In the downpour, Ari and Appolo continue excavating, and finally expose Bart’s head. [As long as both continue, it will be another two rounds to pull the beam and several large chunks of masonry off of him. You are unable to do effective attacks against the villagers while focusing on this task.] As Ari flings stones into the crowd, he notices his father, with bulging muscles and sword in hand, approaching the base of the rubble, “Arislan, my son…”

Legs catches the Red Sash and the other priest immediately lets go, instead casting a spell. Legs flings the scarf back at the priest, and takes a swing, as well, but the priest manages to hold his concentration, and a tingling sensation washes over the paladin. [Make a Will save to avoid being Held]

The prone priest attempts once again to cast a spell, and manages to maintain his concentration, despite a whack from Legs (if he wasn’t already held). Legs feels that funny tingling sensation again [Need another Will save.]

Bulldog’s javelin careens left into the north wall, hurting no one. The fighter manages to make it into the priest room.

Wynd remains unconscious. Blue finally makes it across the temple floor and up the pile of stones.

At the top of the crumbling wall, to the east, a figure appears in the gloom. [The following characters can make Spot Checks (roll a modified 15 or higher): Legs (-6 penalty before Wisdom and skill bonuses, Bart (no penalties), Blue (-3 penalty), Appolo (-5 penalty).]

Bart  d20=4
Sunday January 21st, 2001 5:09:06 PM

"Quickly help me out of here, I think Wynd is on my right."

(missed spot check)

Sunday January 21st, 2001 8:31:32 PM

"Bart, you're alive!! Ari hurry, if Bart is right, Wynd is hurt real bad, she probably doesn't have long!!" He continues to dig pulling rocks off at an incredible pace seemingly getting a second wind. "Blue, help Rigging, does anybody have a healing potion left??" He says all while huffing and puffing, drenched in rain, dirt, sweat and blood.

Blue  d20-3=7
Sunday January 21st, 2001 10:19:24 PM

Blue steadies his feet on the rubble pile. (Missed spot check.) He immediately starts the prayer and chant for the summon monster spell. "By the Dragon's power over creatures... Baa Graii." The young cleric gestures towards the standing priest. A shimmer of light and space appears beside the priest and a snarling Celestial Dog appears. The dog enters a crouch and prepares to lunge at the priest. (The Dog will remain for two rounds.) Blue starts his descent down the rubble pile towards the downed priest.

Bulldog  d20=8
Sunday January 21st, 2001 10:27:48 PM

Charging the left priest, the fighter swings wildly in his attempt to kill the priest. Missing narrowly, the fighter's frustrations build as he fails again in his attempt.

Legs  d20+5=18 d20+5=24 d20-4=3 d20+6=17 d8+4=7 d20+6=24 d8+4=7
Sunday January 21st, 2001 11:58:38 PM

Legs make the first Will save (18), the second Will save (24), fails the Spot Check (3 - he hasn't a clue about the figure to the east). He is glad that Bulldog has arrived to help sort things out.

The paladin holds his long sword in both hands, trying to mow down the priest. "Holy Lemtrovex grant us aid," he petitions, not in a loud voice, but, despite the circumstances, even while breathing heavily, as though carrying on a conversation with one close to him. "And if not, even so we die in Your service!"

He hits the priest on the right (AC 17) for 7 hp damage. (If an attack of opportunity presents itself, he hits AC 24 for 7 hp damage.)

Monday January 22nd, 2001 2:09:13 PM

(OOC: umm, Apollo, umm, I handed you one (a healing potion) in which you only took one of two doses ;). You were supposed to have handed it off.)

"Father, put your sword down, and help us uncover this person," Ari says facing his father. Expecting his father not to put down the sword, Ari continues digging while keeping an eye on his father.

Monday January 22nd, 2001 2:35:23 PM

"I know you did and I passed it on, I don't have anymore, does anyone else?" He continues to dig and watches Blue go over the top to the other side. "Damn it where's he going?" He continues to dig, his hands bruised and bloodied from the stones. "Rigging how are you doing?" Appolo asks without slowing down or looking back. He doesn't see anything but the stones as he frantically removes them. "Hold on we're coming. Bart can you feel Wynd, try to find her if you can!!"

Ari can tell by his deameanor and the strain in his voice that Appolo is reaching his breaking point mentally if not physically. Every instinct in his body tells Appolo to break and run. He moves with reckless abandon, throwing rocks behind him without looking, or caring where they land. After all, he is only thirteen, and has never seen anyone killed before, or killed anyone before.

Rigging  d20+3=21 d20-2=10 d20-2=17 d6=2 d4=1
Monday January 22nd, 2001 5:42:28 PM

(OOC: How high is the rubble?) Rigging will scamper around the rubble easily navigating the loose footing. He will try to use his opponents' mass against them by trying to get them in each other's way. He will strike at anyone who gets too close doing minimal damage.

As he does this, Rigging will yell, "Kill those blasted priests now! and Help!"

Ashira (aka the mysterious figure from the east)  d20=18 d20=10 d8=5
Monday January 22nd, 2001 6:59:36 PM

While preparing to join the melee, Ashira shouts down to the members of the party, "Well my little tadpoles, looks like you've gotten yourselves into a spot of fun! Mind if I join you?"

Not waiting for a reply, Ashira unsheaths her two-handed sword and jumps down onto an unoccupied region of rubble. If she is able to this round, she will attack the right priest with two swings from her two-handed sword.

Priest Battle - Part IV (DM Dave) - Grappling Truths  d20+2=9 d20+2=12 d20+2=16 d20+2=10 d20=6 d20+2=12 d20+2=18 d20=12 d20+5=6 d20+2=4 d20+2=5
Monday January 22nd, 2001 11:18:32 PM

[The collapsed wall is saddle-shaped, with a maximum 5’ height in the center, extending up to 20’ on the sides, where it connects with the roof outside.]

In the deep purple hue, the villagers take on a menacing quality as they scramble up the pile. More continue to enter the temple from the south.

Rigging plays a game of cat and mouse, stabbing and eluding two people (both still alive), but a third grabs him by the leg, and manages to hold successfully for a grapple and pin of both legs, dropping Rigging onto the rock pile (no damage). A fourth person, taking advantage of the pin, grabs Rigging's right arm and successfully grapples, reaching across and pinning his upper torso, driving his face into the wet wood of a nearby beam (no damage). [When pinned, you are held immobile for 1 round. You can make an opposed grapple roll to break a pin: d20+base attack bonus+strength modifier. You may attempt to break two pins, but suffer a -4 modifier on each roll. Hero points can be used to re-roll.]

Ominous thunder rumbles overhead as Ari and Appolo free one of Bart’s arms. Then, Ari is forces to defend himself as his father closes to attack with a greatsword. Ari easily dodges the blow, and absently notes the great quality of the sword being swung. [Without Ari's help, it will take another 1.5 rounds for Appolo and Bart to free the trapped warrior}

Legs strikes true, the dog appears, and the standing priest begins to cast a spell, but is quickly cut down by a joint attack from paladin and canine. The prone priest attempts to cast a spell, his voice reduced to a gurgle as Bulldog's blow lands home [You forgot your melee attack bonus, +4 for the priest being prone] and just as Blue reaches the floor of the combat.

Ashira quickly makes her way down the loose rock pile, where she encounters several of the villagers blocking her path. She manages to hit one, a fisherman, with a glancing blow to the head. Dashing blood from his eyes, he springs at her, attempting a grapple. Her second blow lays him low before he can touch her. Two others spring at her, neither successfully touching her as she nimbling springs aside.

More people continue to enter the fray.

Monday January 22nd, 2001 11:52:36 PM

(OOC: Forgot about the prone bonus, thanks.)

He sheathes Catcher's longsword in his belt. "Legs back to the others. They need us desperately." Bulldog moves with a vengeance back to the pile of rubble. The mighty youth, his mind focused, will push his strength to its limits and beyond to free his friends from their entrapment. "Somebody pull Rigging back up here!" he shouts.

Legs  d20+2=18 d20=4
Tuesday January 23rd, 2001 1:04:10 AM

Legs looks at the fallen priests, checking to see if any wear or carry anything (rings, necklaces, pendants, brooches, wands, rods, magic stones, etc.) that might be immediately obvious which may aid the adventurers. (Spot check 18.) He takes what he quickly may. Was that someone calling out his name? His ears still ring from the earlier blast at the door. He wonders when Rigging is going to throw out the evil box (since he is unaware that Rigging already tossed it toward the altar), and he questions the wisdom of the pirate who gave it to them. Should have asked about that. He wonders as well whether Wynd's ring - from which Skippy used to speak, might come to their aid. And he thanks Lemtrovex for his help and strength. He is still unaware of the woman who just arrived to help (unadjusted 4 on spot check).

[Isn't it amazing how many things can pass through one's mind in six seconds? Actually, there are times when my mind flits over a score of items in the space of a few seconds.]

Ari  d20=12 d6+4=8
Tuesday January 23rd, 2001 7:56:38 AM

Ari calls out, "Wynd is still covered, and we haven't heard her. Apollo is working on Bart. Help where you can, I'm going to do my best to defend Apollo and Bart." Ari pulls out his rapier, and holds it in both hands. He maintains the shield, covering his front side. Ari goes into defensive mode, and makes only a half-hearted attempt at his father. As the swing leaves a long cut, a tear forms in Ari's eye. Under his breath he mumbles, "Lem, convince Ga'al this battle is useless, he'll lose his villagers if he continues."

(AC should be 21 right about now (leather=12 shield (the spell) +7 defensive fighting +2) (defensive fighting cause -4 on attack roll which leaves +1 (which I rolled wrong))

Tuesday January 23rd, 2001 8:26:26 AM

Still lying beneath the pile of rock breathing shallowly.

Ashira  d20=11 d8=4 d20=15 d8=8
Tuesday January 23rd, 2001 11:30:02 AM

Ashira attempts to make her way over to Rigging. If she has to, she will attack the person directly in front of her with two swings from her two-handed sword. Otherwise, she will get closer to Rigging and direct one swing each at two of the people pinning Rigging down.

Over her shoulder she yells "Look lads, I know you're trying to do your best to save your friends, but we've got to deal with the here and now. I STRONGLY suggest that all of you move down here to form a line in front of Rigging so that the villagers can't surround us. Either that, or it's time to start thinking of leaving. If you must, leave one person to continue with the digging, but if we don't do something soon, there won't be anyone left! And remember that although these villagers look like the people you used to know and love, those people are dead, killed by Ga'al!"

That being said, Ashira lets out a shrill whistle and shouts out in Elven "Zeke, Hermes, Ripper Come!" All the while hoping that the three dogs she left near the front gate can hear her.

With a twinkle of her green eyes, she speaks to the villagers surrounding her "My, my, my, didn't your mothers ever tell you that it's not nice to gang up on people? Someone really must teach you some manners!"

OOC...What time is it now? Was there a set time we were supposed to meet up with the pirates?

Rigging  d20-4=13 d20-4=16
Tuesday January 23rd, 2001 11:34:52 AM

A wave of panic grips Rigging as he falls to the rubble. The good god's grace gives him extra strength and he bashes his dagger pommel into the face of the villager holding his right hand, stunning him and breaking the hold. Rigging simultanously kicks the women holding his leg breaking her nose. She lets go in pain. Rigging tries to scramble away toward his friends.

Tuesday January 23rd, 2001 2:19:55 PM

Blue sees that the priests go down. He waits, expecting something to happen now that the black hearts are dead. He thought that maybe the sun would come out and birds would start singing to celebrate the end of this evil. From the back of his brain the sounds of his friend's struggle starts to seep into his consciousness.

Quickly he turns to climb the rubble and moves back towards the others. He gestures to the celestial hound to turn its attention to the villagers at the base of the rubble pile. The young cleric barks a command: "Keep them at bay... drive them back," all the while pointing at the attacking villagers.

The youth scrambles up the rubble the best he can, looking to see who needs aid. He moves towards the diggers. As he nears the diggers he calls out, "I have a healing potion. Who needs it?"

Tuesday January 23rd, 2001 5:02:44 PM

Bart tries to remove as much rubble as he can with one hand.

Appolo  d20+4=8
Tuesday January 23rd, 2001 5:21:36 PM

Seeing Rigging go down in the corner of his eye, then Ari is attacked. Somehow these two actions really piss him off. They seem to steel his resolve. Then the young woman who suddenly came to their aid suggests that they leave Wynd behind. "No we're not leaving anyone behind, dead or alive." As he continues to dig, he picks up a good sized rock and hurls it at the man attacking Ari, missing narrowly. He then goes back to digging.

He then hears Blue as he comes back over the top. "I'll take it, Wynd is going to need it when we get to her. Go help Rigging and don't let any of the villagers through." As he and Bart continue to dig, he then sees Legs and Bulldog come over the top. Thinking, 'Good, we might get out of this yet.' "Legs the altar, it's the focal point of Ga'al's power - destroy it!!" He yells, all the while digging for all he is worth.

Priest Battle - Part V (DM Dave) - The Swarm  d20+2=6 d20+2=9 d20+2=3 d20+2=11 d20+2=21 d20+2=11 d20+1=9 d20+1=4 d20+1=11 d20+4=18 d20+2=11 d20+2=19 d20+4=19 d20+4=22 d20+2=9 d20+2=13 d20+2=5 d20+2=12 d20+3=16 d20+3=10 d20+3=19 d20+3=16 d20+2=14 d20+5=22 d20+2=20 d20+3=11 d2
Tuesday January 23rd, 2001 10:58:57 PM

More people rush into the temple, and even more clamber up the rock pile as the battle continues.

Rigging struggles mightily, manages to break free of both pinning holds, but is still in a grappling situation. [Can't actually use a weapon while pinned. Compared your roll against that of your opponents (enemy rolled 6 and 9 - which you beat on both rolls)] Next, Rigging attempts to escape from the grapple while two new opponents join in. The first attacker slips and falls, while the other three successfully grapple Rigging. At the last second, Rigging manages to kick off one of these three, before the other two pin the young man down once again, leaving him in the same position as at the start. [Grappling is pretty dice-intensive - it took nine rolls, besides the two Rigging provided, to resolve this round. For next round, Rigging will need to beat a 13 and a 7 to break free of both pins (roll d20+1-4 for each). Then Rigging will need to beat grapple rolls of 3, 10, 18, and 12 (roll d20+1 for each) to escape all grappling. On top of this, if he fails to escape from even one of the two pins, the above enemy grapple rolls have +4 added to them (7, 14, 22, and 16). Lastly, as a reminder, Rigging has 2 Hero Points available for use to re-roll failed attempts.]

Ari's father continues to swing viciously, but the hero remains unscathed. The return stroke also fails. Simultaneously, several people attempt to pull Ari down. His attack of opportunity keeps one at bay, but two others manage to close. Ari magnificiently [enemy rolled 11 to Ari's 19 and a 19 to Ari's 22] sidesteps the groping hands, avoiding Rigging's fate.

Meanwhile, Legs discovers a total of two vials on the bodies of the priests (each hanging by necklaces). Their only other belongings are their night-robes.

Blue and the Dog make their way back up the pile of rubble, into the fray. Bulldog follows, moving to help in freeing Bart, but discovers that a group of people are swarming Appolo. The thief manages to avoid all but one of the grappling attempts, but the Celestial Dog intervenes, preventing him from being pinned by his opponent. [Appolo's excavation is disrupted this round, and he is considered grappling next round. Will need to make an opposed grappling roll (d20+3) and beat a '20' to escape from the grapple]

Ashira's path to Rigging is blocked by a swarm of people, and so her time is spent hacking into the mass. One of her blows from the double sword knocks back a would-be grappler, and an attack of opportunity turns another aside. With deft precision, she sidesteps the remaining two chargers. She has managed to move all of 5 feet, and is still 40 feet away from Rigging. [The rock pile extends 90 feet east to west, and spreads 50 feet north to south at its thickest point, in the center]

[The group is to meet back at the longboat before sunrise, preferably with several hours to spare. It is about an hour after midnight currently - plenty of time. As a final note: All who are on the pile will be exposed to grappling attacks next round (like that needed to be said, right?)]

Legs  d20+6=18 d20+6=12 d8+3=10 d8+3=9 d20+2=8
Wednesday January 24th, 2001 1:22:25 AM

Legs places the vials around his neck, then stabs the heart spiders of each of the two fallen priests. (Since the hosts are not moving, and Legs does not need to defend, is it safe to say he could stab each this round with his long sword - the 2nd one an attack of opportunity of sorts? Also, should have added +4 to hit, since they are prone, so AC 22 & 16, for 10 and 9 hp damage. The dark hawk druid got away.) He does not wish for the bodies to reanimate. Dead spiders should lower such a possibility, Legs hopes. He glances over, sees the mass of people, then ducks behind the curtain to the left, to see if any other opponents (or allies, or means of escape for the party) are in there (spot check 8, so it'll have to be fairly obvious).

Blue  d20+4=13 d6+2=8
Wednesday January 24th, 2001 2:34:44 AM

Blue brings his quarterstaff up in front of him. He grips the staff with both hands firmly at shoulder width spacing. He clenches his teeth and enters the fray with the villagers moving towards Rigging. He works his staff deftly weaving from side to side dodging and striking. (Hit 13, 8 damage.)

Bart  d20=7
Wednesday January 24th, 2001 11:38:39 AM

Still trying to free himself.

Ari  d20+1=13 d6+4=10
Wednesday January 24th, 2001 12:56:26 PM

Ari continues on the defensive. He does his best to defend those that are behind him. He quickly flicks out his rapier at his father.

Wednesday January 24th, 2001 1:35:35 PM

Ashira sees the futility of trying to make it over to Rigging by herself and decides to change tactics. Going completely defensive, she attempts to do a tactical retreat over to the area where Blue and Bulldog are located.

Over her shoulder she shouts "Don't worry lad, we won't leave any of your companions behind. However, if we don't regroup soon, every single one of us will be pinned to the rubble, and then we will be of very little use to your friends. It seems to me that we only have two choices available to us. Either we can all try to get to a single location and fight back to back, or we try to make it off the pile of rubble over to a wall where we have something to cover our backs. Perhaps if we're able to rejoin each other, we can all make the attempt to get to the altar. But if one person trys to get down there alone, they'll never make it. Your friends are depending on you. There's not much we can do for them right now until we get the villagers under control. Make the right choice."

Speaking to the villagers, Ashira says, "Really, I don't know what kind of misconceptions you have about people of elven lineage... but six on one? I am NOT that kind of woman!"

Rigging  d20-4=9 d20-4=15 d20-4=13 d20+3=10
Wednesday January 24th, 2001 2:22:55 PM

Rigging feels a sense of hopelessness. He thought he was going to get away only to be dragged down again. He wonders where his friends are. It flashes that he is of noble blood and he must fight on to save his people. He strains mightly and again succeeds in throwing his attackers off. He tries to scramble away almost slipping on the rubble but managing to keep his feet. (OOC Had to use a hero point. In my last round I used the pommel of my dagger. Used to be allowed in the old pummel/grapple moves.)

Bulldog  d20+7=15 2d6(4+2)+6=12 d20+7=10 2d6(3+1)+6=10
Wednesday January 24th, 2001 5:21:10 PM

Moving in next to Appolo and Bart, Bulldog swings mightly. (12 pts dam, if it drops the enemy, Bulldog has the cleave feat to make a second attack. Note die rolls.) The sweet sensation of steel hitting his foes begins to shed the frustration for the big fighter. Crying out a battle cry, "Death to Ga'al!"

Priest Battle - Part VI (DM Dave) King of the Hill  d20+1=19 d20+1=7 d20+1=14 d20+1=10 d20+2=8 d20+2=20 d20+2=12 d20+1=7 d20+1=7 d20+1=5 d20+2=17 d20+2=7 d20+2=13 d20+2=5 d20+2=4 d20+2=22 d20+2=18 d20+2=9 d20+2=21 d20+1=13 d20+1=8 d20+2=22 d20+4=5 d20+2=22 d20+2=5 d20+4=11 d20+3=1
Wednesday January 24th, 2001 9:51:11 PM

You lose count after 50 as the room continues to swell with villagers. Then, some children slip in at the entrance, staring wild-eyed as the combat progresses. The air erupts with screams as Zeke, Hermes, and Ripper come dashing into the crowd. Somehow, in the midst of battle, Bulldog hears his name called out and, looking to the south, spots his sister Illanta (standing by the doors) waving at him.

Rigging’s grapple: The mage manages to shake free of the pins, and then works to escape from the grapplers. Because two are still hanging onto him, he is an easier target for two others who try to latch on. He manages to elude one of the new attackers, but the other gets a firm grip. After a brief struggle, Rigging finds himself, once again, on the rocks, with three people pinning him down. [Will need to roll a d20+1-6 against three rolls and beat a 17, 7, and 13 to throw off all three. Need three separate rolls...may opt to throw off less pins for a lesser penalty.]

Father and Son: Ari’s Dad takes another swing at him, but the young man easily avoids the blade. Remaining all defensive makes him a difficult target - only two are able to get their hands upon him. He readily slings one off of him, but the other hangs on doggedly, managing to pin Ari. [Need to match or beat a 22 on a d20+2 to break the pin - 1 hero point available for a re-roll]

Legs pokes around in the left bedroom (behind the curtain) after dispatching the heart-seeds. He spots a bed with a chest at the foot, and a nightstand with a silver bowl containing jewelry. A closed armoire stands nearby.

Bart manages to free his other arm.

The Celestial Dog nips at a few people, keeping a couple back from Blue and Bulldog. Then it disappears in a blink. Blue manages to knock one person back, but an attack of opportunity fails against another. The lone attacker manages to grab him, but Blue shakes off the grapple.
Bulldog dices the village cobbler, with the stroke carrying through into a stablehand, dropping both. None are immediately nearby to grapple the fighter.

Appolo fails to break the grapple and is pinned. Three others quickly pile on, and Appolo is able to shake one off, before finding himself pinned down by three people. [Need to match or beat a 20, 12, and a 9 on a d20+3-6 to break the pin (roll three times)]

Ashira finds her retreat to Bulldog and Blue made easier by their success. Only one manages to touch her, and she handily shrugs off the grapple attempt.

Wednesday January 24th, 2001 10:01:54 PM

Lyng beneath the rubble a fleeting thought crosses Wynd's unconcious mind and she simply thinks, 'I'm sorry Skippy, Lem.'

Ari  d20+2=8 d20+2=6
Wednesday January 24th, 2001 11:12:53 PM

Ari struggles mightily to avoid being pinned, but alas, he has become pinned. (OOC didn't see the rule about complete defensive, so took attack thinking why lose it. (sigh) :) ).

Thursday January 25th, 2001 2:32:27 AM

'The altar,' he thinks to himself. He picks up the chest, hoists it on to his shoulders, and walks to the door (the one closest to the altar). He prepares to open the door. In his mind, he asks the Good God for strength, wisdom, and power from on high. 'Grant that I may destroy yon altar,' he prays silently. 'The power of Ga'al in my hometown must be broken.' He musters holiness and goodness from on high, and a righteous hatred of evil.

Ashira  d20=11 d8=4 d20=1 d8=2
Thursday January 25th, 2001 9:06:06 AM

Talking over her shoulder to Blue and Bulldog, Ashira says "Well lads, what do you think? You watch my back, I'll watch yours. Will you fight with me?"

(Assuming that the fighters are willing to fight with her) Depending on her distance from Blue and Bulldog, Ashira will either: 1) Continue to retreat in total defense until she gets close enough to where she can fight back to back with Blue and Bulldog, 2) If she is already close enough to the two to fight back to back with them, then if she is able (ooc, does it take a round to get into the back to back position, or are you able to attack that same round?) she will begin attacking again (rolls are for two blows with two-handed sword, if needed). If the small group is able to begin attacking the villagers again, then Ashira will suggest that they work their way over to Appolo to help free him.

If the fighters refuse to fight with Ashira, then she will remain total defensive and back up to the nearest available wall.

Yelling to where the screams emanated from, Ashira yells in Elven, "Zeke, Hermes, Ripper TO ME."

OOC How far is the altar from Ashira's current location?

Bulldog  d20+7=21 2d6(1+2)+6=9 d20+7=26 2d6(1+5)+6=12
Thursday January 25th, 2001 11:15:08 AM

Acknowlging Ashira's idea, "Fight together," he shouts out. Stepping forward to free Appolo from his trappers, the fighter swings at the grapplers. He cries out in anguish when he hears his sisters' call. Thoughts of how long it has been since he has seen them. Memories of them fills his thoughts. "Death to Ga'al," He cries out. ((9 pts dam, 2nd set rolls for cleave feat.)) The pain of killing his own people and family drives the young fighter into a seething rage. "DEATH TO GA'AL !!!"

Bart  d20=7
Thursday January 25th, 2001 1:50:20 PM

Bart is moving the rubble from his legs, if some of the villagers is close to him he will throw a stone to him (hit ac 11)

Rigging  d20=11
Thursday January 25th, 2001 7:33:11 PM

Rigging twists away from the last grappler. He again moves closer to his companion. (Is he getting any closer?)

Priest Battle - Part VII (DM Dave) On Pins and Rubble  d20+2=16 d20+2=13 d20+1=19 d20+2=17 d20+2=9 d20+3=7 d20+2=6 d20+2=3 d20+2=20 d20+2=4 d20+2=13 d20+2=9 d20+2=3 d20+3=11 d20+2=5 d20+2=22 d20+2=9 d20+2=4 d20+6=12 d20+2=3 d20+2=10 d20+2=17 d20+2=15 d20+4=21 d20+4=15 d20+2=7 d20+3=2
Thursday January 25th, 2001 8:07:46 PM

A horrendous cracking sound is heard, and everyone (except Bart and Legs) sees that the altar has split open. Long thorny vines now writhe from deep within a dark purple light emanating from the crevice. Rigging is jerked up (pinned by three people) and hauled down the rock pile, toward the light. [It will be next round before the group arrives at the dais.] Further behind comes a second group of villagers, hauling a well-pinned Appolo (now four people). [Completed struggle rolls for both characters]

Legs, coming out from behind the curtain, notices that the door is now a pile of rubble – he will have to climb over the remains of the wall to reach the altar. Quickly spotting the melee occurring all along the rocks, he heads upward with the chest, arriving near Bulldog, Blue, and Ashira. [Assuming defensive posture this round vs. grappling attacks - +4 on AC (and dropping the chest)]

Bart keeps excavating, and finally manages to wrench himself free (1 hp damage), scrambling to join the newly-formed group.

Ashira, Blue, and Bulldog all swing mightily, knocking away many who would drag them down, and working toward Appolo. Only one enemy manages to lay a hand on the three (Ashira), and is quickly brushed off. Legs, bringing up the rear, also allows one set of hands to get past his defenses, and he quickly bashes that one against the fallen chest. [The group has managed to move 15 feet, while Appolo has been moved 30 feet - leaving a gap of 55 feet between the two. The altar is 90 feet away. Appolo's group will not likely reach it during the next round]

Father and Son: Dropping his sword, the blacksmith decides to bear-hug his son. Two others join in the pin attempt, but Ari twists and kicks one of them away. When the dust settles, miraculously Ari stands un-pinned, but grappling with three men (one of whom is his muscle-bound father). [And YES, that's the way the rolls fell! Next round, Ari needs to beat the following four rolls by d20+8 (which includes all defensive bonus), in order to be completely free of all grapplers: 5,20,13,6 (in that order) - good luck!]

The three dogs begin clambering up the pile of rocks.

Ari  d20+8=20 d20+8=28 d20+8=28 d20+8=12 d20=18
Thursday January 25th, 2001 10:57:53 PM

(OOC: Grappling rolls first (wow).) Almost as if he's dancing, Ari navigates his way amongst the combatants, and avoids their hands.

On his way out, he manages to snag the sword dropped by his father.

Blue  d20+4=12 d6+2=4
Friday January 26th, 2001 12:14:18 AM

In the close quarters Blue struggles to swing his staff. Villagers lunge to grab. Blue dodges and parries (hit 12, damage 4). He maintains his position with Ashira on one side and Bulldog on the other, continuing to try to move forward towards the altar, to the struggling family members. The young cleric calls out, "Good Dragon Lemtrovex protect us. Shining Lady by your grace and compassion come to our aid..."

Ashira  d20=8 d8=8 d20=4 d6=3
Friday January 26th, 2001 3:41:57 PM

Speaking to the members of the party, Ashira says "I think I've heard stories about situations similar to the one we're in. In almost all of them, some type of magical item is required in order to even touch a creature such as the one that came out from the altar. So, does anyone have any magical items or nifty spells handy, because I think we'll be needing them soon."
"I guess right now we should focus on not being pinned by the villagers and attempt to make our way to the altar so that we can try to rescue the others. Anyone got a better idea?"

Meanwhile, Ashira continues to hack and slash at the villagers with her longsword and shortsword. She patiently awaits the arrival of Zeke, Hermes, and Ripper, hoping that they will be able to sway the tide of the melee somewhat. Feeling somewhat overwhelmed by the dismal odds that the party faces, she remembers back to other "hopeless" battles that she has faced with the Pirates of Jack, and begins to smile. A small chuckle escapes her lips as she turns says to the party "You know, I really think they might have over fertilized that vine!"

Bulldog  d20+7=26 4d6(2+2+3+5)+6=18 d20+7=23 2d6(5+3)+6=14
Friday January 26th, 2001 4:50:14 PM

Seeing the Paladin move up to the rubble pile, Bulldog shouts to him as he pulls forth Catcher's Bright Blade. Pressing it towards Legs' grasp after the Paladin frees his hands from the chest. "Take Catcher's Blade!" The fighter then turns to add some blows against his people. (Rolled critical for 18 pts, cleave feat does another 14 to next opponent). Blood splatters everywhere. Recognizing some faces as he hews his mighty blade, Bulldog's heart hardens as he continues his work. "Death to Ga'al!!!"

Appolo  d20+3=19 d20+3=15 d20+3=22 d20+3=6 d20+3=17 d4=3
Friday January 26th, 2001 7:35:17 PM

Appolo continues to struggle attempting to kick, bite and punch his attackers. "Let me go, you bunch of punks!!"

OOC: If he frees an arm, he will grab one of his daggers and stab one of the people carrying him.
The rolls are for his attempts to break free and if possible his stab attempt. AC 17 for 3 points damage.

Legs  d20=19 d20=13 d20=9 d20=16
Friday January 26th, 2001 9:02:38 PM

Legs takes Catcher's sword from Bulldog. "Close ranks. No gaps!" He pulls between Blue and Ashira. "Where's Wynd? - Let's get her, and get out. I don't want to kill these people." He pulls out another handaxe, and goes into total defense with sword and handaxe (not sure of adjustments, so just rolled four times - Dave, add any bonuses). He glances at his friends to see if any are terribly injured... then finally notices Rigging being dragged toward the altar.

Bart  d20+4=10 d20+4=7 d10+3=9
Saturday January 27th, 2001 3:55:37 AM

When standing up and retrieving his weapons, Bart tries to defend himself against the grappling hands striking with his sword and dagger if he can (hit Ac 10 for 9 damage).

Visitation (DM Dave) 
Sunday January 28th, 2001 7:46:25 AM

At Legs’ mention of Wynd, the force of a silent thunderclap slaps the air, and a creature of fae-ish beauty stands before, a mix of Skippy, Wynd, and some angelic being. Superimposed is a semi-transparent spinning wheel of fire. The effect is difficult to look upon, your minds have trouble grasping it.
“What remains of Wynd’s essence has been used in forming this Ward and Word. Flee! Even now, the fled priest is rousing forces! Go, and do not let our sacrifice be in vain!” The wave of words nearly overwhelms you in their power.

Priest Battle - Part VIII (DM Dave) A Moment of Silence  d20+2=20 d20+2=10 d20+2=9 d20+2=13 d20+2=16 d20+2=16 d20+2=4 d20+3=16 d20+3=13 d20+3=20 d20+2=7 d20+2=5 d20+2=8 d20+2=3 d20+2=18 d20+2=7 d20+2=11 d20+1=9 d20+1=6 d20+1=11 d20+2=6 d20+2=11 d20+1=16 d20+1=16
Sunday January 28th, 2001 7:55:11 AM

Temporarily deafened, the heroes continue to fight their way through the crowd. Roughly half of the 70+ villagers have fallen back, turning their combined wrath upon Skippy/Wynd, but she passes among them unscathed, heading toward altar.

The combined group finds a temporarily respite, and manages to drive back the crowd milling around them. Ari manages to join the throng [He did not do an attack last round, remaining total defensive in order to get away from his grapplers.]

Rigging and Appolo: The distraction causing the pinners to loosen their grip, and Appolo slips free of three of the pins, and eludes their attempt to re-grapple [Now pinned by one villager only. Must beat a 7 next round to escape the pin, then beat a 5,8,3 (in that order) to elude grappling and join the main group].
Rigging frees himself from two pins, then manages to break free from the final pin [Used last hero point] Pairs of hands attempt to grapple, but he eludes them, dodging and ducking away from the altar.

Sunday January 28th, 2001 3:12:27 PM

Rigging scampers and dodges until he rejoins his companions. Tears are running down his cheeks. He says in a tear choked voice. "We are heading back to the ship now! This mission is over and we have done all we can do. Ashira lead us out the way you got here unless you can find an easier way."

Sunday January 28th, 2001 4:06:42 PM

"Is she really dead?" Bart asks, "I don't know but is it safe to stay longer in this condition? No. We have to regroup, heal our wounds and then come back to get her out."

Appolo  d20=18 d20=17 d20=5 d20=16 d20=15 d20=9
Sunday January 28th, 2001 10:26:38 PM

Appolo continues to struggle. "You killed Wynd you bastards!!" He roars at the top of his lungs. Appolo will as he said before try to stab the nearest villager. He doesn't just want to break free -- he wants to kill as many as possible on his way out.

Bulldog  d20+7=9
Sunday January 28th, 2001 11:18:26 PM

Shouting, "Let's move!" As he starts prodding his companions towards the exit, trying to act as rearguard and make a fighting retreat. (rolled 9 to hit, misses most likely). The big fighter looks about for his sister as he makes his attempted exit.

Monday January 29th, 2001 3:28:41 AM

"Once again, the priests are responsible for killing a friend.

"Let's get going towards the ship, we have a twin of mine to take care of."

Legs  d20+6=11 d20+6=23 d20+6=15 d20+6=26
Monday January 29th, 2001 3:47:21 AM

"Shut up," Legs might say to Rigging and Ari were he able to hear his friends' loose lips. But due to the deafening sound from the Visitation, whatever his friends might be saying falls on ears that cannot, at the moment, hear ... and he forces his way out, heeding the heavenly warning and command. He does not take the time to recover the first hand axe discarded earlier in the battle, but does snatch up his bow, lying a ways to the right of the entrance doors [from the perspective of one entering the temple], signaling with hands and motions to get going. (If villagers need to be eluded on the way out, see rolls above.) As he moves to go out the doors, the thought occurs to return for Catcher's body, for Wynd's body ... but the force and urgency of the divine message impels him onward. He sends a prayer heavenward to consider Catcher's remains, that they not fall into the enemy's hands. He thinks, too, just how far from the pirate's instructions things have turned out.

Blue  d20+4=11 d8+2=3
Monday January 29th, 2001 4:18:31 AM

Awestruck by the appearance of the shining lady, Blue is momentarily dumbfounded. He hears the commands to leave and turns to follow the others out. He sees Bulldog setup as rear guard and the young cleric hurries to take part of that protection. He continues to spin his staff lunging at those who attempt to hamper their retreat (Hit 11, damage 3).

Bart  d20+4=12 d20+4=10 d10+3=4 d4+4=6
Monday January 29th, 2001 12:09:00 PM

Bart joins the others on the way out striking his sword and dagger as necessary (see rolls).

Ashira  d20+3=11 d8=5 d20+2=6 d6=1
Monday January 29th, 2001 4:03:53 PM

Thinking over the most recent event with the shining lady with the wheel of fire, Ashira is not entirely sure that she trusts the mysterious apparition. However, the advice she gave certainly did seem apt, and the fact that the villagers are now turning their wrath upon her certainly was a stroke of good luck...

Taking in the situation at hand, Ashira realizes that the most successful means of extracting the team is through the front double doors.

Turning towards the party she says "Well lads, my father always told me never to argue with someone surrounded by a wheel of fire! Looks like someone's looking out for us. We'd better take off while we can. Head for the double doors." She begins to lead the party in that direction slicing at any villagers that might get in the way.

Speaking to the three dogs, she points with her longsword towards the double doors and says in Elven, "Zeke, Hermes, Ripper ADVANCE AT BAY".

Monday January 29th, 2001 4:16:22 PM

Appolo still in the grasp of one villager, and surrounded by others yells, "Help, someone want to give me a hand here!! RIGGING, ARI, BART!!!"

Priest Battle - Part IX (DM Dave) Detonation  4d8(7+7+1+6)=21 d6=2 2d6(2+4)=6
Monday January 29th, 2001 9:19:09 PM

Ears ringing, the heroes lurch toward the exit, some slashing viciously at the peasants around them. At the double-doors, a dozen children mill about uncertainly, scattering in screams as the pirates plow past overturned benches and toward the storm outside. Behind, lurid green, purple, red, and gold lights play across the walls, as Skippy/Wynd finally reaches the altar and steps into it.

Appolo eludes all but one of his attackers, preventing him from crossing the 60 feet to join his retreating companions. While they grapple, a flash of heat, followed by an avalanche of sound, slams all temple occupants to the ground like so many felled trees, as a ring of energy courses through the hall. The altar detonates. [Appolo needs to make a Fortitude check (d20+2) and roll 15 or higher to take half damage from the explosion – 21 hps dmg. The rest of the party, already at the door, is flung outside onto the portico for 2 hps dmg, half if Reflex roll meets or beats a 15 (any with Tumbling Feat take no damage).] Smoke fills the air, and debris begins raining down. The outside group finds protection under the still-standing porch roof. [Appolo needs to make a Reflex save d20+7 and roll a 15 or higher to avoid falling timbers for 6 points dmg.]

The walls at the eastern end of the temple blow outward. Roughly half of the children find themselves outside with the heroes, the rest were inside when the blast occurred. The dogs dash into the dark, tails tucked.

Map located at

The Map

Appolo  d20+2=12 d20+7=18
Monday January 29th, 2001 9:49:38 PM

Suddenly there is an explosion, Appolo is blown across the room and hits the ground hard. Spits blood and attempts to roll out of the way of falling timbers. After rolling out of the way of falling timbers he uses the last of his strength to pull the vial of healing potion he was going to use on Wynd, and he uses it on himself - he drinks all of it.

OOC: David, I failed my fortitude check, but avoided the timbers. How much healing was left in the bottle? If absolutely necessary Appolo will use what ever hero points he has left.

Bart  d20+3=6
Tuesday January 30th, 2001 2:33:05 AM

Bart more dead than alive heard the call of Apollo, he turns around and is then blown off his feet (missed reflex save).

Legs  d20+3=11
Tuesday January 30th, 2001 5:19:11 AM

Legs, cutting back toward the door after retrieving his bow, is just about to exit when the explosion occurs. Blown off his feet, he skids forward, bruising his forearms and thighs as he lands on the muddy ground outside (2 hp dmg). As the paladin picks his muddy self up, he sees the children, the fear on their faces. He recalls his earlier youth in this village, not that far behind him. Compassion wells up in him as he thinks of the terrors of this night, and what these kids are going through, despite the early seeding they may have experienced. Bart lies beside him, obviously badly wounded. Legs lays his hands upon him, granting a small measure of healing virtue (6 hp back to Bart). Quickly he glances to see where Bulldog is, then he levels his eyes at a pair of the children. "I know you are frightened. But if you want freedom and a new family, come with us."

Rigging  d20+3=16 d4=4
Tuesday January 30th, 2001 8:57:59 AM

Rigging is thrown forward but is able to avoid the nails sticking up from the beams. Only minor bruises occur. He looks back towards Appolo and heads back in his direction. He waves his fingers and murmurs a few words and a dart zips into any 1 peasant trying to grab Appolo (Rolled a 4 +1 is 5 points of damage).

Ashira  d20+2=21
Tuesday January 30th, 2001 2:36:25 PM

Hearing the explosion before the shockwave throws her onto the portico, Ashira is able to tumble avoiding most of the debris (21 roll for Reflex). Checking herself she finds a few minor cuts and bruises and a slight bruise to the ego. She also notices that she has been thrown on top of a small village boy. She picks herself up, dusts herself off, and then lifts the small toddler to his feet. Seeing the look of terror in his small eyes, she smiles at him and says, "Don't be frightened, everything will be all right." The boy lifts his head to look at Ashira, and noticing her blue hair, slightly pointed ears, and greenish-gray cast to her skin jumps backwards, startled at her appearance. The boy's reaction sends Ashira's mind wandering back to times long ago when other small eyes looked at her with a mixture of hatred, wonder and fascination.

Shaking off the remembrances, Ashira turns to look back at the condition of the party. Seeing Rigging heading back into the remains of the temple, Ashira shouts, "See if you can find and retrieve the one that was still in the temple, but be quick about it. Don't forget what the apparition said about the other priest arriving with reinforcments! We need to leave very soon if we're going to get out of this alive. I'll keep a lookout." She sheaths her long and shortswords and removes her longbow, nocking an arrow.

Remaining vigilant about her suroundings, she speaks to the other members of the party. "How is everyone holding up? Are we going to be able to make it back to the ships? I have a healing potion here, does anyone need it?"

Blue  d20=8
Tuesday January 30th, 2001 5:10:33 PM

The explosion tosses Blue out into the court yard of the temple, the boy lands badly, head first and takes a first rate knock to the back of his head (missed reflex roll, takes 2 pts damage). He rolls on to his stomach groaning...slowly the lights in his eyes fade and the ringing stops...he groggily regains his feet and gently shakes his head to clear the cobwebs...he turns to see what has become of the others.

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