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Temple Time

Shades of Battle (DM Dave)  d20=20 d20=4 d20=12
Saturday December 30th, 2000 8:12:03 AM

At this point, the party has navigated past Altar Creek, and is nearing the temple building. The pounding of the rain muffles your comments to one another, and obscures your sight until, surprisingly, you find yourselves within 50 feet of the west wall [Disoriented due to darkness and rain].

The main building is two stories tall. You can't see the attached buildings in back, but the home-towners recall that these are one-story in nature, all stone, horizontal slit windows (starting above the height of a man), with no egress to the outside. The main building itself also carries these high-slit windows, which exist even further up on the walls - the slits are wide enough to allow light, but only a bird would be able to enter through them. A slanted raft-beam roof covers all buildings.

Around the corner to your right should be the entryway - covered by thick double wooden doors, as you recall.

Saturday December 30th, 2000 4:52:40 PM

Legs comes up to Ari, and, using pantomime, indicates he should give one of the stones that will prevent communication to Ga'al to Wynd, so that she can throw one down if she needs to. He is ready to fire an arrow, as soon as the need arises, and makes sure his quiver is properly adjusted so as easily to extract more arrows.

Sunday December 31st, 2000 1:13:20 AM

The burly fighter straps his crossbow across his back. He then unsheaths the greatsword with a gleam in his eye. A vengeful smile crosses his face. He winks an eye at Legs, as he signals his readiness to Rigging and the others. Whispering hoarsely, "Ready or not .... here we go."

Sunday December 31st, 2000 10:14:09 AM

Staying low, Appolo creeps up to the edge and looks around the corner, trying to see how many guards there are, if any.

Sunday December 31st, 2000 12:43:16 PM

Blue continues to follow and watch. He listens intently to discussions of strategy and remains alert. He mentions quietly that he has a detect magic spell ready if it would be helpful to scan prior to going into potential melee. He also adds that if they end up in a skirmish his best position would be directly behind one of the front fighters... he can protect their flank as he is good in close with his quarter-staff and can cast shield of faith on them for protection and healing if required...

Wynd  d20=17 d20=5 d20=19 d20=20 d20=4 d6=6
Monday January 1st, 2001 1:02:23 PM

Moving as silently as possible (made roll by 1) and trying to stay under cover (made roll), Wynd works her way around to the front of the temple where she pauses to see what is to be seen. If there is a single guard and a surprise attack is possible, she will do so. (The other rolls are attack rolls if she has the chance AC -2,-3 for 14 points.)

Monday January 1st, 2001 1:46:40 PM

Following Rigging's directions, Catcher waits for the scouting party to get back. He keeps his blade covered with his cloak, not wanting to take a chance of its light being seen.

Scouting Ahead (DM Dave) 
Monday January 1st, 2001 1:52:14 PM

Appolo looks around the corner, but apparently the main entrance is beyond the range of normal sight at the moment (50 feet due to rain and darkness).

Wynd manages to sneak along far enough to finally spot the entryway: A large double-door made of thick wood, hinged to swing outward onto a covered porch. No guards are visible on this porch, and the doors are currently closed. A quick scan of the area doesn't pick up signs of anybody hanging around in the rain near the porch.

Everyone else successfully readies for combat. The downpour has thickened somewhat, reducing visibility to 40 feet.

Monday January 1st, 2001 8:38:43 PM

When Wynd comes back and reports what she sees, Rigging will say, "OK let's get closer. Wynd lead us in. Take us in with the most cover."

Monday January 1st, 2001 9:42:25 PM

Appolo peeks around the corner, after not being able to see anything he quitely follows Wynd, then reports back. "I don't like this, it's too quiet even in a rainstorm there should be someone around. Are you sure there's no other way into the temple?" He is tired, cold, wet and extremely nervous. You can tell from his vioce that he would rather be anywhere but here doing this.

Appolo  d6+1=5
Monday January 1st, 2001 10:29:00 PM

OOC:HP roll D6+1=5+7=12 Appolo now has 12 hit points.

Tuesday January 2nd, 2001 1:34:54 AM

Legs is ready. He wonders if someone should knock on the door.

Tuesday January 2nd, 2001 10:47:18 AM

Leads the way to the front entry by the route that allows them the most cover.

Tuesday January 2nd, 2001 12:26:04 PM

As per Legs' instruction, Ari attempts a handoff to Wynd, if she's paying attention. (sorry for the missed post).

Tuesday January 2nd, 2001 2:40:11 PM

Appolo moves right behind Wynd, daggers ready.

Zeke (DM Dave) 
Tuesday January 2nd, 2001 6:27:34 PM

The silent young man finally speaks in a whisper, "I don't feel well. I've tried to keep a stiff upper lip, but I'm physically exhausted. If I go in there, you'll have to tote out my body with the rest of 'em." He says with a jerk of his thumb at the temple. Looking at him closely, you can see the hint of a fever raging in his eyes. Come to think of it, he didn't seem to be moving very quickly during your journey through the rain.

Tuesday January 2nd, 2001 6:30:34 PM

Whispering back to Zeke, Catcher says, "I was wondering why you kept so quiet. This is the longest I've ever known you to keep your mouth shut." The young ranger grins, obviously relieved to be talking with his friend. "I can't speak for the group, as I'm not officially a part of it... yet." Turning to Rigging, Catcher asks, "Is it okay if we leave him behind, perhaps as a lookout? I trust him with my life. He's pulled me out of three situations in the past, where I would have been betrayed by a lesser person."

Moving In (DM Dave)  d20=11 d20=7 d20=17 d20=15 d20=18 d20=13 d20=10 d20=3 d20=19
Tuesday January 2nd, 2001 6:34:48 PM

The group stealthily makes its way toward the entrance of the temple. Every precaution is taken, but it seems to have been not needed: No one is spotted on the grounds near the building, and the door remains closed.

You now stand to the left of the great doors, just outside of the covered area.

Tuesday January 2nd, 2001 8:21:42 PM

Rigging whispers, "Blue, Ari, Appolo, and Zeke will stay outside as our rear guard and reserve. Blue use your detect magic spell to see if the door has any magic." Glancing at Appolo he points and says, "Check the door for obvious traps and noise makers. See if and how it is locked." Looking to Legs he quietly asks, "Can you detect any evil?" To everyone in general he asks, "Who is carrying the globes to knock out the priest ability to commune with Ga'al? How many do we have?" Rigging then pulls out the box given to him to leave behind and takes a quick peek inside.

Zeke (DM Dave) 
Tuesday January 2nd, 2001 9:06:35 PM

Visibly relieved to be put on the backguard, Zeke slumps, the strain of his illness finally showing through, "Thank you. I've never felt so bad as now." He grits his teeth to avoid chattering from a sudden chill.

Catcher  d20=4
Tuesday January 2nd, 2001 9:10:21 PM

Catcher steps up behind Appolo, prepared to charge once the doors are opened, and hoping no one surprises them before they manage to get the doors open. Deciding it doesn't matter now, he frees his blade from the cloth, and then prepares to help pull the left door open, once given the okay [d20 is if combat begins - a lousy roll...].

Bulldog  d20=18 d20=14 2d6(1+3)+6=10
Tuesday January 2nd, 2001 10:37:06 PM

The fighter waits patiently for the others to check the door for traps and such. On a signal from their leader he will either open them or break them if necessary. (roll above is for the latter). When the time comes he will steel himself for the coming assault and aggressively search and destroy. (second roll for combat strike, third for dam).

Legs  d20=14 d20=17 d8=3 d8=7
Wednesday January 3rd, 2001 2:52:34 AM

Thinking he ought to try to cure Zeke's illness, he checks himself, realizing it is not a propitious time for that. Very quietly he whispers, "Oh one who protects us, shield us from our enemy's eyes." He again reaches out his senses to discern evil, starting at the door and sweeping left, then to the right of the door. He holds up one of the globes to show Rigging that he has it. He tucks it in the sash at his waist, ready to be plucked out when needed. And resumes readiness with the bow, even as he scans with the gift of perception he owes to the Good God. (Two rolls for arrows, and damage.)

Wednesday January 3rd, 2001 10:41:41 AM

Whispering, "If we are to be rear guard, then I imagine Blue and I can see to Zeke." At the request, Ari counts up how many of these orb thingies that are going to be used to confuse the seeds. Giving everyone a stern look, Ari whispers, "I remind you, we were told to take out the priests. I recommend stealth, and not blunt force. With stealth, we have the chance of only killing the priests, and hopefully not getting innocents involved. With blunt force, ANYONE responding, has to be killed."

Wynd  d100=20
Wednesday January 3rd, 2001 7:00:06 PM

Standing with Appolo at the door, Wynd also checks to see if she can detect any traps on the door. (made roll by 5%) As the door is opened Wynd goes in low and left both swords in hand.

Appolo  d100=41 d100=61
Wednesday January 3rd, 2001 7:29:03 PM

Appolo shrugs his shoulders and steps up to the door. He then proceeds to check for traps with Wynd. Wynd gets there first and informs him that there are no traps, he proceeds anyway and then he tries the door if locked he will try to pick the lock if not he will open it and slip inside.

OOC: He missed on both rolls. 41,61

Blue  d20=13
Wednesday January 3rd, 2001 7:51:59 PM

Quickly and quietly Blue prepares himself to cast his detect magic spell. He breathes deeply, focuses his thoughts... facing the door he exhales, then slowly sweeps his arms up from his sides to high over his head. He then brings them down in front of himself with his palms exposed, then slowly draws his hands in to his chest. He quickly releases the last of his breath with a quietly chanted "Phaaa...." The cleric quiets himself to feel the response...

Unwanted Openings (DM Dave) 
Wednesday January 3rd, 2001 8:30:31 PM

[Ummm...gang, we're using the new rules now, so those thieving skill checks should be a d20, not percentiles. In any case:]
Neither Wynd nor Appolo detect anything amiss with the doors, which do not appear to be locked, either. With Catcher helping to pull the ring-bolt, the left door is pulled open enough for Wynd to slip in...with Appolo easing through the right side, as Bulldog pulls that one open.

Meanwhile, Blue does not feel anything magical about or in the entryway to the temple, although he does get a magical reading on the black box that Rigging is opening. Funny thing, that box: Legs gets a definite reading of evil off of it, and is nearly overwhelmed when the lid is lifted. No other evil in the area is detected (including thru the wooden doors).

When Rigging does open the lid, he finds it filled with filth and gore, a black ichor gel along the walls of the container, and several steel-like feathers poking out here and there.

And of the orbs - there are two total for use.

Meanwhile, in the temple, Wynd and Appolo need to roll for surprise.

Wednesday January 3rd, 2001 10:31:25 PM

Rigging shuts the box, and places it back in his backpack. He pulls his weapons and sidles up to Blue. He whispers so that only Blue can hear him. "Watch Zeke. I don't trust him." Rigging then says in a louder whisper to the others "Go! Go! Go! Our first strike for freedom against Ga'al."

Catcher  d20=10 d20=14
Thursday January 4th, 2001 6:46:39 AM

Catcher slips in the door behind Wynd, sword drawn, ready for combat.

Thursday January 4th, 2001 11:02:59 AM

After opening the door the fighter moves into the room, following the first three. His weapon at the ready as he searches for the enemy. He feels intense excitement as things begin.

Zeke (DM Dave)  d20=4
Thursday January 4th, 2001 6:12:28 PM

Doubling over, Zeke leans on his sword blade, using it like a cane to try to keep standing. The blade sinks a few inches into the muddy ground, "Uh, guys, I really don't feel so good." After a second, he plops on the ground, barely able to sit up. He pulls out his bow and says, "Guess I'll have to shoot 'em before they can get to me." He barely has the strength to pull the bowstring. (Roll is for if he has to shoot - a miss).

Wynd  d20=4
Thursday January 4th, 2001 7:06:03 PM

(OOC - Did not realize we were at 3e rules yet and if so, I don't think there are surprise rolls any more, at least not that I have seen. Do you want initiative rolls?)

Moving in quickly and to the left, Wynd places her back to the wall, lets her eyes adjust and looks around, swords still at the ready.

Blue  d20=10
Thursday January 4th, 2001 8:27:15 PM

Blue watches as the others slip through the doors. He turns slowly, scanning the surrounding area, all the while listening carefully. He turns to Zeke who has slid to the ground. While remaining out of reach of the boy, Blue moves in front of him keeping a ready grip on his quarter-staff. He slowly crouches to eye level with Zeke. The young cleric then lays his quarter-staff over his knees and turns his palms to face the slouching boy. He takes a slow deep breath. Blue reaches out with his healing perception to sense the lad's ailments. He quietly prays, "By the essence of the Dragon use this force to cleanse and heal," and while expelling his breath he chants, "haaar ... taaa," and casts a cure minor wounds spell.

Temple Time (DM Dave) 
Thursday January 4th, 2001 8:35:39 PM

[Thanks for pointing out the item about surprise rolls...you're right as far as I can see: No such critter! Yes, I need initiative rolls from each character, as they enter into combat]

The four who slipped into the temple are not surprised, as trouble is expected. However, to the two guards rising up from benches near the door, it is obvious that they are surprised! Wynd and Appolo get one free action each before the first round of combat begins. Catcher and Bulldog, due to their entry behind the first two (they were opening the doors to let the others slip in), do not get a free action - please roll initiative.

As a quick description: The interior of the temple is brightly lit by torches set in brackets around the perimter of the room - a floor some 200 feet wide and 50 or 75 deep. The floor is filled with benches set facing east and west. To the left (the wall to the west) is a raised area of floor, a stage of sorts, with an altar of dark burgundy wood. That area is some 75 feet away from the main entrance. On the north wall (across from the entrance) are three wooden doors, spaced evenly apart, with about 40 feet between them. All are currently closed.

The warriors are clothed in chain mail shirts, no helms, shields, and each wields a greatsword. They are tall and strong for men, reaching nearly 6'6" in height. Obviously battle hardened by the way they carry themselves, this will be no easy fight.

[Okay folks, if you fail to post during a combat, you can't 'double up' on the following day. Your character is assumed to be stationary, or doing defensive movements, due to your lack of direction during a combat. We need participation! Ahem, that said...]

The rest of the crew makes preparations outside the temple despite Rigging's exhortations. Zeke, overcome by weakness, is out of the fight, sitting and shivering in the mud.

Addendum: Blue's ministrations, although healing a scratch or two on Zeke, do not seem to touch the disease that is ravaging the young man's body.

Appolo  d20+1=11
Thursday January 4th, 2001 9:25:08 PM

As soon as Appolo gets inside he steps to the side and checks the area out carefully. Daggers ready.

Surprise roll of 11.

Wynd  d20=6 d20=9 d6=2 d6=3
Thursday January 4th, 2001 10:01:13 PM

Wynd, seeing the confused looks on the guards' faces, rushes in for her full attack, both swords whipping out and whipping across the left guard's abdomen, hitting Ac 14 and 17 for 11 points)

(Let's see, since they are surprised, they get no Dex bonus to their AC, right?)

Legs  d20=17 d20=12 d8=4 d20=19 d8=6
Thursday January 4th, 2001 10:04:51 PM

Legs, using his left hand to hold bow and arrow, withdraws the small globe given him earlier. He follows Bulldog in, and, upon entering the room, goes in about 20 feet, slams the little sphere onto the floor (rolled for hard impact). Then, he pulls the nocked arrow back with his right hand, spins and aims his arrow(s) at the tall fellow to the right (i.e., east) side of the door (AC 15, 22, dam 4, 6).

[Don't know, Dave, whether he gets to do all this... let me know. Not trying to exceed what he can do, but not wanting to do less than he can, either.]

Legs  d20=16
Thursday January 4th, 2001 10:12:32 PM

[Forgot initiative roll. Here it is.]

Bulldog the Fighter  d20+7=22 2d6(4+1)+6=11
Thursday January 4th, 2001 11:17:51 PM

The young fighter enters behind Appolo. As Appolo steps aside Bulldog charges past him to attack the guard. The need for a quick kill, so the group can press on to the priest, drives him to his target. Swinging his great sword in a mighty downward arc. (3ed, hits for 11 pts dam)

Bulldog  d20=4
Thursday January 4th, 2001 11:27:29 PM

Initiative check.

Rigging  d20+3=13
Thursday January 4th, 2001 11:37:05 PM

Rigging will circle around the guards and head towards the doors across the way.

Appolo  d20+3=14
Thursday January 4th, 2001 11:49:36 PM

Appolo hurls a dagger at the nearest guard just before Bulldog charges in. Then moves to circle around the benches, taking a position to the left and readying his bow. He will watch for any reinforcements coming from within the temple to support the guards. He then attacks them with his bow.

The dagger misses the guard, but not by much. It does distract him though, giving Bulldog a clean shot.

Catcher  d20=4 d20=3
Friday January 5th, 2001 6:39:12 AM

Letting Bulldog and Appolo concentrate on the right guard, Catcher closes with the one that Wynd is fighting, hoping for a flanking maneuver (Iniative roll 4, obviously failed to hit with a roll 3).

Zeke (DM Dave)  d20=2
Friday January 5th, 2001 6:42:05 AM

Muttering, "Thank you," to Blue for his healing, Zeke clamps his mouth shut to stop the chattering caused by his illness. He keeps the bow covered under his cloak to prevent the rain from getting on the string. He constantly scans the area to make sure no one is sneaking up behind (failed Spot check).

Friday January 5th, 2001 8:35:02 PM

The young cleric takes one last look at Zeke and rises and turns scanning the area. He moves over beside Ari. "Zeke seems a little better... he may be able to keep watch. I haven't heard enough out of him to get a gut feeling about him. How about you? I wish I was inside with the others. It is starting to sound dangerous in there."

The Assault - Part I (DM Dave)  d20+8=12 d20+8=26 d20+8=17 2d6(3+5)+6=14 2d6(1+1)+6=8
Friday January 5th, 2001 8:40:37 PM

[Here we are at our first combat under the new system. A lot happens, and happens fast. In response to Legs' question, I don't mind if you post 'too many' actions for your character, considering the uncertain nature of it all. However, what isn't used can't be carried over in future rounds (i.e. a nice to hit roll that is beyond what your character can do in this 6-second round cannot be 'saved' for use next round).]

Within the Temple: Appolo's surprise attack, while at first sight seeming to miss, manages to lodge itself in the left thigh of the other guard, a bald man with missing left ear. Appolo successfully navigates to the left, placing him between the altar and the battle of Wynd and the blond warrior (the bald warrior now furthest away). Ignoring the discomfort, Baldy quickly sizes up Appolo and decides to focus on the young warrior with the big sword (Bulldog). With blinding speed, a gash is quickly opened up on Bulldog's left side (for 14 points), which is answered in turn by Bulldog with a staggering blade smash to the left shoulder.

Wynd pounces on the tall blond fellow to the left before he is able to get his guard up, scoring tremendous damage that would fell ordinary folk. However, this one grimaces and, ducking her continued attacks, returns the favor, opening a wound on her thigh with an upstroke from his greatsword (for 8 hps). Catcher, attempting to flank by circling to the left, barely dodges Appolo as he goes flying past. Catcher's blow goes wide of the mark, leaving a deep gouge in a bench.

At this point, Legs and Rigging enter the room. Legs' sphere easily shatters into the midst of the combat, sending up a grayish cloud of smoke that smells sweet and bitter. No noticeable effect occurs, although all combatants are soon standing in the haze left behind as it quickly spreads to fill a 50-foot area. Legs follows up with the readying of his bow (unable to fire this round).

Meanwhile, Rigging sprints to the left and around the combat, heading to the north wall, ending within 20 feet of the left most door on the north wall at the end of the round (he manages to avoid colliding with Appolo).

The two guards, Blondy and Baldy, immediately stand back-to-back to prevent flanking (facing east and west, respectively).

Outside the temple: Zeke, Blue, Bart, and Ari do not spot anyone coming. Zeke manages to keep his bow dry. The rain is coming down hard enough to reduce the sounds of combat reaching your ears, although all your friends have now entered the temple, leaving the doors pulled open.

Zeke (DM Dave)  d20=2
Friday January 5th, 2001 8:47:15 PM

Looking at the others, Zeke says, "I'll be fine. I'll keep a watch and warn you if anyone comes. Get in there and help them!" A hint of panic creeps into his voice. Zeke keeps looking around, trying to see if the sound of combat has drawn anybody else to the temple.

Catcher  d20+7=18 d8+4=10
Friday January 5th, 2001 9:22:05 PM

Angered to see the blood welling up on Wynd, Catcher savagely attacks Blondy with a cut low across the legs (Hit AC 18 for 10 points dmg).

Wynd  d20=7 d20=12 d6=2 d6=2 d20=20 d20=16 d6=6 d6=6
Friday January 5th, 2001 9:34:38 PM

(OOC not meaning to be picky and all but if the guards were surprised, do they get to attack that same round? If not and that was their following round attack, don't Wynd and Appolo have another attack during that round?)
Wynd, following up her surprise attack, she utters a short, barely audible, curse as she is struck in return, lashes out once again with her swords and with a light, satisfied smile on her lips as she feels her swords strike home again (AC15 and 20 for 10) and then striking again as he tries to recover grunts as her next shot solidly strike home (AC 28(critx2) & 24 for 24 points).

Bulldog  d20+7=11 2d6(3+3)+6=12
Friday January 5th, 2001 10:03:02 PM

Surprised by the swiftness of the guard, he grunts through the pain as it burns his leftside. Stepping after the retreating guard (as the guards move back to back) Bulldog arc his greatsword in another mighty arc. Misses.(rolled dam in case)

Friday January 5th, 2001 11:55:05 PM

Rigging faces sideways, half to the doors and half to the combat. He is appalled at the carnage that he sees already. He keeps backing up until he is between the two doors to the left. If there is a torch in a bracket by his head, he will take it down and throw it at the altar. (Trying to make some shadows.) He prepares a spell to aid in the combat.

Appolo  d20+4=10 d20+4=8
Saturday January 6th, 2001 1:08:53 AM

Appolo, having positioned himself between the altar and the guards, takes a couple of shots with his bow at Baldy, cursing as he misses. Combat just isn't his thing. He continues to watch the doors for signs of anyone coming to help the gaurds. 'Well, so much for surprise. By the time we get done here the whole place will be awake,' he thinks to himself, his mood grim.

Saturday January 6th, 2001 1:21:50 AM

Appolo, seeing Rigging prepare a spell, says, "Save your magic 'till later, that's when we'll really need it. Go support Bulldog and try not get in his way."

Legs  d20=20 d20=13 d8=6 d20=16 d8=2
Saturday January 6th, 2001 6:21:23 AM

Legs fires an arrow at Baldy. It hits solidly (if AC 16 hits, then critical for 6*3=18 hps dam, otherwise 6 hps). [Does Legs get to fire two arrows per round, or just one? If two, second one hits Baldy for 2 hp damage.]

[Pouring over books... am I getting any of this right yet?]

Bart  d20=5
Saturday January 6th, 2001 11:09:50 AM

Bart, still outside, hears the sound of battle. He quickly draws his sword and enters the temple, quickly seeing the scene, he moves into battle.
(Roll for initiative.)

Saturday January 6th, 2001 2:34:56 PM

Seeing Bart come in Appolo yells, "Bart Help Wynd!!" pointing in that direction, after watching Legs' arrows hit Baldy.

Blue  d20=14
Sunday January 7th, 2001 12:50:12 AM

Blue moves to the doorway and scans the scene. He sees blood on Wynd and Bulldog. The cleric drops to one knee and thrusting both arms forward palms outward towards Wynd. Under his breath he prays, "I call upon the Dragon full of power to protect this one to fight for Lemtrovex and all Aisildur... Quaa... smaa," with that final chant Blue casts shield of faith on Wynd.

Sunday January 7th, 2001 2:37:20 AM

(ooc sorry, out of town for 2 days. Forgot to tell people). Ari continues to scan the area as the the first group moves in. When Blue comments, pitching his voice only for Blue "I do not feel right about this whole situation. But I am unsure about this 'sickness' of Zeke's". After Zeke's pronouncement," Someone needs to remain to guard your back, the others can go help, if they choose."

Bart AC17 HP17 Att+6  d20+6=19 d10+4=14
Sunday January 7th, 2001 3:51:28 AM

Bart steps to the guards and hauls with his bastard sword (2 handed) hitting (ac19) one of the guards for 14 damage.

The Assault - Part II (DM Dave)  d20+8=10 d20=18 d20=1 d6=4 d20=1 d20=9 d20=20 d20=18 d12+6=17 d12+6=18 d12+6=16 d20+8=15 2d6(5+2)+6=13
Sunday January 7th, 2001 8:27:37 AM

[Am I the only one still frantically flipping the rules? [grin] Regarding multiple ranged weapon attacks: You either need the Rapid Shot feat, or be high enough level, to fire more than once per round. When rolling a natural 20, it is not an automatic critical; you must roll again and hit the AC to actually score the critical damage. If anyone finds rules differing from this, please advise.]

Wynd’s wave of blows descends upon Blondy. However, sizing up the situation, the guard goes defensive as he is still flanked by Wynd and Catcher. He yells, “Any day now, Shrank!” With blinding speed, he parries Wynd's attacks, along with Catcher’s swing. At the last second, Wynd manages to send a stunning blow against Blondy’s head, but his years of training keep him upright. Blood gushes freely from the new wound.

At the same time, Appolo’s missile comes sailing through the melee, missing Baldy. Instead, the errant arrow flies left, lodging itself in Catcher’s right side (for 4 hp dmg).

Meanwhile, Rigging has moved another 30 feet, heading toward the area between the two doors, when the left-most slams open (it opens away from the temple) and two unarmored men, each bearing battle axes and wearing briefs, charge into the room. One immediately closes with Rigging, swinging his blade, but barely misses him as sparks fly off the wall near Rigging's head.

The other newcomer springs through the air with a backflip, landing a blow into Catcher’s back with a sickening thud (41 hps dmg - critical hit), and Catcher goes down, arms flailing, causing his sword to sail and land near Appolo's feet. Blondy says to the newcomer, who is wrenching his axe out of Catcher’s still form, “Looks like Senga was right, but didn’t expect a bunch of punks.”

In the other battle involving Legs and Bulldog, Baldy does an amazing one-handed whirl with his great sword, blocking Bulldog’s thrust, and hitting with a return stroke (13 hp dmg). [I show Bulldog's hp total at -3 now] Then, as Legs lets fly with his arrow, Baldy’s hand snakes out, knocking it aside before it can reach him. Rather than gloating, a look of pity crosses Baldy’s face as he focuses on the fight at hand.

Bart bursts into the room at the end of the round, sword drawn. To his left stands Legs, straight ahead is Baldy, with Bulldog to the east. He is too far away to strike at either Baldy or Blondy this round with his sword.

Blue enters the room with Bart, and is too far to touch Wynd to empower her with Shield of Faith (spell not cast and not lost).

Across the room, simultaneously, a disheveled man in a night-robe opens the middle door (pulling it into the room he is coming from). Eyes wide, he shouts, “Melus, get out here!”

Outside the temple: Zeke and Ari still stand in the downpour. Although the combat is raging inside, you are sure that the rain will keep others from the surrounding buildings from hearing it.

[One posting per person between DM postings, please]

Bart Ac 17 Hp 17 At+6  d20+6=23 d10+4=6
Sunday January 7th, 2001 1:08:55 PM

Bart sees the newcomers and Catcher going down, with an grim he moves to the axeman and using all his strength sways with both hands his sword to the axeman hitting him midriff for 6 damage.

Wynd  d20=8 d20=18 d6=4 d6=1 d20=17 d6=5
Sunday January 7th, 2001 1:09:16 PM

(OOC new, updated map please. :>))

Watching her friend Catcher fall does something to Wynd and a bestial scream issues from her mouth as she ferociously attacks Baldy yet again wielding her rapiers like she is scything down wheat. She barely registers that her strikes bite into her opponent (AC 18 & 28 and crit roll of AC 27, +2 added for attacking from the flank, as per your description) and further adding to the rivulets of blood splattering everywhere.(damage 7 + 12)

Rigging  d20-2=14 d20-2=10 d6=4 d6=6 d4=2 d4=1 d6=1
Sunday January 7th, 2001 9:39:08 PM

ooc: sorry still figuring out these attack rules
(I missed a bonus of +1+1. I get an extra +3 +3 if I got a flank manuever. Rolled second D4 in error. Second d6 rolls for sneak attack if cleric didn't know I was there.)

Rigging ducks away from the big brawny fighter and attacks the cleric in the next door. He attacks with both rapier and dagger stabbing in the neck and spleen. Using Rigging's greater intelligence he deduces it is time to get some distance from the bloodthirsty battleaxe carrying guard and runs past the cleric towards the 3rd door praying it doesn't open.

Blue  d20=6
Sunday January 7th, 2001 9:52:59 PM

The young cleric comes off his knee into a running gait towards Bulldog... a Dragon's curse leaves his lips as he sees his spell not take on Wynd... The fairly nimble youth makes his way to just behind Bulldog avoiding blood and weapons (successful dex Check d20=6). He once again mutters the prayer for the shield of faith spell and as he quickly chants the "Quaa...Smaa" he reaches out and touches Bulldog's back keeping his head low out of reach of the mighty young fighter's backswing.

Legs  d20+4=17 d8+3=6 d20=11 d6+1=3
Sunday January 7th, 2001 10:35:41 PM

Legs casts bow aside to the right, pulls shut the doors behind him, and draws longsword and handaxe, moving grimly to face the balding warrior. "Together, pull together! Bart - with me!" And he asks the skillful warrior before him, "Do you not serve Ga'al?"
[Don't think he gets any attack this round, but if so, longsword hits AC17 for 6, handaxe AC11 for 3]

Monday January 8th, 2001 1:02:58 AM

Calmed, somewhat by the storm, Ari considers his family. His concern for Zeke's possible faking, versus his concern for his family grows less and less. Finally, when the indecision is at its worst Ari decides to help his family. "I am going to go in and see what is going on. I will leave a little aid for you." With that said, Ari casts Alarm (choosing mental), centered around Zeke. "Should trouble arise out here, I will know." Before disappearing into the temple, Ari casts shield, with it oriented to his front side. Then Ari will enter the temple. (ooc let me know when he catches up inside the temple).

Bulldog  d4=2
Monday January 8th, 2001 4:40:34 PM

As the second blow strikes, Bulldog staggers back in pain. He feels lightheaded as the blood rushes from his body. Only with a supreme effort of will does he force back the gathering darkness.

[-3 hps would be correct, but Hero Point used to roll enough with the blow to avoid full damage - Currently has 2 hps]

Zeke (DM Dave)  d20+4=21 d6=2
Monday January 8th, 2001 8:22:21 PM

"I am going to go in and see what is going on. I will leave a little aid..." Zeke exactly speaks Ari's words as they come out of the mage's mouth, as if reading his mind. Somehow anticating Ari before the Alarm spell is even started, Zeke says, "Oh no you don't, you keep your filthy magic to yourself." He fires his bow at Ari (hits AC 21 for 2 points of damage) to disrupt him.

Zeke now stands tall, no sign of fever about him, "Ga'al take you. Ga'al take all of you!" he spits out, "Go, run to help your companions. The priests are more than a match for them - mayhaps your presense will swing the balance, but I doubt it."

Zeke glares defiance, bow lowered, waiting to see what Ari will do.

The Assault - Part III (DM Dave)  d20+8=20 d20+8=22 d12+6=16 d12+6=14 d20+8=22 2d6(4+2)+6=12
Monday January 8th, 2001 9:46:21 PM

[Okay, gang: During this round things get messy...under the new system, we have something called attacks of opportunity. Such opportunities occur, when, among other actions, you pass within an area threatened by an enemy (typically 5' if the enemy is human). Two individuals, Blue and Bart, would open themselves to such a situation if they were to go ahead with their declared actions...Bart for stepping past Baldy to reach the axeman (to take the long route around Wynd would prevent an attack this round) and Blue for stepping within Baldy's area of threat and also casting a spell while within reach. For this turn only, I am operating on the assumption that these characters do not wish to open themselves to receive gratuitous damage.]

Wynd's overwhelming rage carries her blade through Blondy's neck, sending his head spinning. The man in the loin cloth standing over Catcher lets out a wail of anguish and immediately strikes at Wynd with his great battle axe, somehow maintaining his balance while scrunching through Catcher's entrails (hit AC 20 for 16 points of damage, so that Wynd has 24 points of damage total so far)

At the same time, the other near-naked warrior springs at Rigging with an axe to grind, swatting him (hit AC 22 for 14 hps). Rigging, on the go, does a quick attack, driving the priest back into the middle doorway with a squeal, as Rigging flies past toward the third door, with the guard in hot pursuit.

Across the way, Bart and Blue act split seconds after Rigging's encounter. The nearest threat being Baldy, Bart steps up on the side opposite of Bulldog and lays into the guard with his sword, drawing a welt of blood across the midriff. With Legs advancing to also meet Baldy, Blue darts behind and to the right to come up behind Bulldog (who has stumbled backward out of Baldy's path) to cast shield of faith upon the fighter.

Baldy, dismissing Bulldog for the moment, opts to attack Bart, swinging low and across (hits AC 22 for 12 hps damage). In response to Legs, he simply states, "We serve as we must."

Legs reaches Baldy, but his longsword is deflected by the chainmail, and the axe goes wide, missing the enemy all together.

Outside the temple: Zeke and Ari stand facing each other in the downpour, Zeke's arrow grazing Ari's left arm and disrupting the spell. Ari hears the door pulled shut behind him (by Legs).

Monday January 8th, 2001 10:24:00 PM

OOC (I am not sure how this is working. My first real combat with you guys. My opponent seems to be getting initiative. He came out of the door saw me and swung first and missed. I attack the priest during my round. Don't we have to roll to see who goes first? If not that is fine but I am confused.)

Rigging reels from the blow, awed at the power. He knows he cannot stand up to it again and must get some distance. He runs towards the group looking for a back to stab.

Blue  d8=5 d20=2
Tuesday January 9th, 2001 12:54:30 AM

Blue quickly prays, "By Lemtrovex to heal and empower... Taa... Faa," he casts cure light wounds (d8=5+2=7pts recovery) and for a brief moment as he touches Bulldog's back to engage the spell he feels the pain in the young man's frame... the cleric shudders as he pulls away.

Blue moves straight back away from the immediate melee and picks a path taking a wide path around the combatants and moves towards Rigging and the doorway (successful dexterity check d20=2).

(OOC::the shield of faith grants a +2 deflection bonus and will last for 2 minutes)

Ari  d20+3=4 d20=13 d4+1=2
Tuesday January 9th, 2001 1:43:05 AM

"I was wondering how long it might take you to show your true colors." Ari pulls out his weapons and closes with Zeke. "I take it Catcher is unaware of your true intentions?" Taking a full attack, Ari swings with his rapier, and misses badly, as if they rain somehow made him misjudge the distance to Zeke. Ari follows thru with a dagger thrust, and does a better job, hitting AC 13 for 2 points. (ooc didn't see fumble as defined in the book. Seems to say it's just a miss. )

Legs  d20+4=23 d20+4=19 d8+3=10 d20=4 d6+1=2
Tuesday January 9th, 2001 2:03:57 AM

"As you are compelled, I suppose." Legs swings hard, coming in low with his longsword then sweeping upwards. [If AC 19 hits Baldy, then the damage is critical. 10*2=20 on Baldy, or 10 hp if AC 19 fails to hit.] The effective swing with the sword is followed by another ineffective swing of the handaxe, again swishing through the air. Legs in turn feels a small measure of kinship with this man ... likely not evil in himself, yet still a bearer of the evil seed. A worthy opponent.

[OOC: Do we recognize any in the temple from earlier years?]

Bart  d20+6=26 d20+6=11 d10+4=14
Tuesday January 9th, 2001 2:22:58 PM

Bart is in pain by the blow of Baldy, but now or never and he with all his force he strikes again making a deep cut on Baldy's torso for 14 damage. 'Die you sucker!' he thinks.

BTW a notice some 2ed ability checks, in 3ed ability checks works different roll a d20, adding your ability modifer and that must be equal to or exceed the target class.)

Wynd  d20=18 d20=18 d20=7 d20=14 d6+3=7 d6=4 d6=5
Tuesday January 9th, 2001 7:13:34 PM

As the loin clothed individual steps into Wynd's space, she has a small opportunity to attack him and swings almost as soon as he steps toward her. (Ac 26 crit roll AC 18 for 14 points dam.) As she recovers from the ax blow she once again goes on the attack( this tme hitting AC 15 and AC 22 for 7 and 8 points)

Zeke (DM Dave)  d20+4=9 d20+4=5
Tuesday January 9th, 2001 11:14:53 PM

Seeing Ari's attack, Zeke drops his bow on the muddy ground and meets Ari's gaze with a feral grin, "I know you better than you know yourself." Suddenly, Ari finds himself facing himself, "Perhaps I should be the one to go back and save your friends?" says the duplicate. He swings at Ari with a one-two punch, missing with both fists.

The Assault - Part IV (DM Dave)  d20+8=19 d12+6=10 d20+8=9 d20+8=23 d12+6=8 d20+4=12 d20+4=21 d20+4=17 d4=3 d4=4 d20=3
Tuesday January 9th, 2001 11:25:34 PM

[Explanation of Initiative: When combat first starts, the beginning participants roll initiative, with highest rollers going first. No further rolls are made throughout combat, as the order is kept the same from round to round. If new participants enter the fray, they automatically gain the high initiative (assuming they are aware of the battle), ahead of everyone else (page 62 DMG). The one exception I have made to this during the current combat is for Appolo and Wynd, who each benefited from surprise at the start of combat. I ruled that they would maintain initiative throughout the duration of this battle (only) to compensate for only taking one action, rather than the two they should have enjoyed at the start of the battle (1 action for initiative and 1 for first round of combat).]

[Explanation of Fumbles: Per our House Rules: On a natural '1'the character automatically misses and loses his/her next attack. All fumbles can possibly result in the weapon becoming damaged or broken.]

Wynd's sudden swing connects with the guard's left leg, leaving a deep bloody gash. He deftly turns the other blows away with a figure eight flip of his axe, then pounds downward with a hit to Wynd's right shoulder (10 hps damage).

Appolo continues to stand watching.

Blue successfully finishes his spell undisturbed, and heads north, as Rigging rushes south and past him. The pursuing guard, with icy blue eyes focused on the fleeing thief, somehow manages to heave his great axe to and fro, barely missing Rigging and cutting Blue in the right shoulder (8 hps damage).

The middle door on the north wall slams shut, with three silvery rats barely slipping into the temple before its closing. Moving with blinding speed, they launch themselves at Blue, biting at his legs (7 hps damage total from two successful bites).

In the battle with Baldy, Bart attacks first, driving his blade deep into the guard, leaving him lying on the floor. Words start to form on Baldy's lips when, immediately after Bart's attack, Legs finishes the job.

Bulldog, apparently still recovering from his near-death experience, stands watching.

Outside the temple: Zeke and Ari face off in the rain, each managing to dodge the other's blows. Ari notes that his dagger blade has somehow snapped in half during the scuffle.

Rigging  d4=2 d4=2
Tuesday January 9th, 2001 11:37:47 PM

Rigging turns and casts a sleep spell on the rats, the loin cloth guard and IcyBlue. He makes them the edge of the spell and extends the rest of the spell farther back away from the main group and the temple. He tries to get the guard first. Then the rats. He gets four hit dice of creatures. After he casts the spell, Rigging shouts, "Apollo cover that door!"

Ari  d20+5=16 d6+4=7
Wednesday January 10th, 2001 12:16:10 AM

Sensing time is of the essence, Ari drops his broken dagger, and grips the rapier two-handed. "When did you take Zeke out?" While talking, Ari steps in and takes his swing, hitting AC 16 for 7 points of damage.

Wednesday January 10th, 2001 1:36:01 AM

As Rigging blurs past Blue he sees the axe coming down. He brings his quarter-staff upward to block the blow, but the fire bursts in his shoulder before he can even gets the staff waist high. The blow drops him to one knee.

Time seems to start to run slower. As his vision clears he sees the rats coming... with all the strength he has left his regains his feet and starts to turn. The first then the second rat hits his legs with tiny needle like claws. He feels their teeth grip and then shake themselves free tearing flesh as they go... the sounds start to travel at 1/4 speed... the light fades... nothingness.

Legs  d20+4=13 d8+3=8 d20=19 d6+1=2
Wednesday January 10th, 2001 2:48:55 AM

"Appolo - use the sword!" pointing with his own to the one Catcher dropped. "Bart - to Wynd!" He himself runs over to deal with the rats nibbling away on Blue. If he reaches them with time to swing, his sword hits AC 13 for 8, his handaxe AC 19 for 2 hp damage. He will not turn his back to the doors, nor to IceBlue.

Bart, wounded 5HP Ac 17  d20+6=9 d20+6=22 d10+4=13
Wednesday January 10th, 2001 1:14:08 PM

Going forward to help Wynd, Bart (using hero point) strikes the guard, hitting him in the shoulder for 13 damage.

Wednesday January 10th, 2001 5:59:09 PM

As Bart heads her way, Wynd crumples to the ground in a small heap.

Bulldog  d20+6=23 d6+4=9
Wednesday January 10th, 2001 6:31:46 PM

Recovering from the pain of the blows, the fighter snaps back into action. Pulling a javelin from its sleeve he launches it against the guard over by Wynd. (There should be no modifier on the attack, counts as a 17 then. did do 9 dam.) Bulldog then grasps his greatsword again with both hands and begins to close. "They were ready for us," grunting hoarsely to any who care to listen.

Blue (double post with DM permission)  d4=2
Wednesday January 10th, 2001 6:35:49 PM

Inside the nothingness the young cleric hears his deceased father's voice. "Adarul the time to join me is not yet to come..." (OOC: Hero point, regains consciousness and d4=2 hit pts.) Blue's eyes flutter open. He finds himself looking at the ceiling. He feels a throbbing in his shoulder and a numbness on his left leg.

Zeke (DM Dave)  d20+4=23 d20+4=22 d6+1=3 d6+1=6
Wednesday January 10th, 2001 9:17:04 PM

Looking at the blood oozing from the wound in his belly, Zeke takes another one-two shot at Ari with his fists, this time managing to land both blows (one to the head and one to the waist - 9 hps damage total)
“Hmmm, I think it’s time to head back to the ship.” He flashes an evil grin at the mage, then turns and runs west (Ari may make an attack next round), picking up speed as he goes.

The Assault - Part V (DM Dave)  d20+3=5 d20+3=6 d20+3=7 d20+8=10 d20+8=25 d12+6=8
Wednesday January 10th, 2001 9:27:49 PM

Sparing a quick moment viewing Wynd’s still form to make sure she isn’t faking, the guard turns to face Bart’s charge. As Bart closes, the young hero notices the heartseed in the warrior’s chest is pulsating with a purple glow. Then Bart is all over him – and a blow of the blade severs the guard’s arm at the shoulder. He drops in a heap at Bart’s feet, body still twitching.

Appolo, bow in one hand, continues watching, Catcher’s sword gleaming near his feet.

Blue awakens to discover the supine forms of three large silvery rats lying at his feet – each apparently asleep. Above him rages a battle between IcyBlue, Legs, and Rigging. Out of the corner of Blue’s eye, he sees three more rats, these golden in color, seemingly appear out of thin air about 20 feet away and head toward him.

The battle between IcyBlue, Legs, and Rigging: Rigging spins to cast a spell, allowing IcyBlue an attack of opportunity. Miraculously, the axe misses the mage. With Legs now in range, IcyBlue (using his regular attack) chops into the Paladin’s side (for 8 hps). Legs’ return blows, less effective, leave the naked warrior with a bleeding forearm (only the axe connects). IcyBlue's heartseed starts to glow.

Bulldog’s javelin leaves his hand just before Bart strikes down the guard – it clatters harmlessly among the benches in between Appolo and the north wall. Bulldog successfully makes his way to Wynd’s side, who is currently unconscious.

Outside the temple: Zeke flees from Ari, back in the direction the group originally came from.

Blue  d8=7
Wednesday January 10th, 2001 10:15:06 PM

The somewhat dazed cleric pulls a cure light wounds potion from his belt and thumbs the cork out. He swallows the potion in two quick gulps (d8=7). He feels the grogginess lift and the sharp pain becomes a dull pulse. A new energy surges through his body.

Quickly he enters into prayer. "By the Shining Lady, Golden Lemtrovex protect us, strengthen us in body and will to do thy bidding against Ga'al."

The recovering youth starts the prayer to cast summon monster. "By the dragon's power over creatures bring aid... Baaa... Graii..." Blue gestures towards IcyBlue. A shimmer appears beside the skirmishers and a celestial dog appears. The dog's menacing eyes lock on IcyBlue. He picks his target and lunges with teeth gnashing. (OOC: the dog will remain for 2 rounds guided by Blue.)

Rigging  d20-2=11 d20-2=14 d6=2 d4=4
Wednesday January 10th, 2001 11:02:24 PM

Rigging sees the new rats and gets angry when he sees Wynd go down. He slashes at the guard twice hitting both times. He sword creased the guards forehead and his main gauche sinks into his thigh. Rigging shouts, "Bulldog wake up Wynd. Bart, Appolo, and Blue get to the clerics!"

Thursday January 11th, 2001 12:33:13 AM

Before following, Ari reaches in and pulls out a healing vial, gulping everything in it. (ooc you never mentioned how much was in. If it's obvious that it's more than one dose, only one dose used. This is from the stuff the priest gave Ari at the time of the seeding). He follows long enough to make sure Zeke does not stop or turn around. If Zeke stops or turns around, then Ari will close and attack. If Zeke is at a full run, Ari stops, sheaths his rapier, and returns to the temple doors as quickly as he can. While returning to the temple doors, he will cast shield upon himself. He then attempts to open or crack the doors to get a feel for what is going on inside. (ooc if I reengage Zeke, please roll attack and damage for me, if I can close to him.)

Legs  d20+4=19 d8+3=6 d20=19 d6+1=5
Thursday January 11th, 2001 3:05:49 AM

The paladin absorbs the blow, feeling it bite along his ribs. Coming back at the naked defender, Legs strikes IcyBlue again with sword and handaxe (hitting twice for 6+5=11 hp).

He resolves to make sure that the heartseeds are destroyed, as well as their hosts. He hates everything about those parasites. An image of the boys whose bodies were cast into the sea flashes momentarily in Legs' mind, the head of one bobbing eerily on the surface of the water, grinning and threatening. Dodge - thrust - parry - strike... His body begins to flow with the rhythm of combat.

Thursday January 11th, 2001 6:13:30 PM

The fighter kneels down to check Wynd's condition. He shakes her gently to try to awaken her. Shouting back at Rigging, "Wake her with what? I can't fix her wounds." He picks her up over his shoulder to carry her on (unless someone stops to cure her some). Either way he then moves to recover his javelin. The memory that they were told to leave nothing behind rings through his head. Weapon in one hand he moves on.

Bart  d20+6=14 d10=2
Thursday January 11th, 2001 6:22:24 PM

After planting his swords in the heartseed (just to make sure) Bart advances to the rats, maybe he hits them but he isn't sure of that (hit ac 14 for 6 damage).

Wynd  d4=4 d8+5=10
Thursday January 11th, 2001 7:19:08 PM

As Bulldog shakes her, Wynd moves slightly and with a light moan (used hero point back to 4 hps) manages to tell him to stop. Reaching into her cloak pocket she pulls out the sphere she was carrying and smashes it to the floor, sending the gas billowing out around her. Using the rest of her movement she removes a vial from her other pocket and drinks it down. (Cure light 10 points.)

The Assault - Part VI (DM Dave)  d8=5 d20+4=20 d20+4=14 d20+4=6 d4=4 d20+8=19 d12+6=9
Thursday January 11th, 2001 8:06:12 PM

[Apologies for not answering an earlier question: None of the guards or the priest seen in this combat are recognized by the heroes as being here during their childhood.]

As Bart finishes up with the guard at his feet, he notices a purple glow emanating from the altar of dark burgundy wood (up on the raised floor area to the west). He moves to intercept the golden rats, and will be in a position to attack them next round.

Wynd awakens, and is surprised to discover the potion is more potent (gains another 5 hps). The billowing vapors from the smashed sphere spread, enveloping the dead warrior nearby, and begin snaking toward the altar.

Bulldog, in a daze, notes Catcher's glowing sword nearby and manages to retrieve it on the way to picking up his javelin. The fighter sees the glow of the altar as well.

Appolo, bow in one hand, stands as a statue, oblivious to his surroundings.

Toward the middle of the room, Blue quaffs a potion, with his health fully restored ('tis a more potent form of healing!) [drinking a potion is a standard action, which means all you can do is move, or do free actions. The summoning spell is a full-round action. Therefore, it is not used, and will be available next round if Blue so chooses to cast it] The young priest of Lem spends his time dodging as the three golden rats leap at him (with one biting him on the left leg for 4 dmg).

In the battle between IcyBlue, Legs, and Rigging: With unholy speed, IcyBlue goes into a flurry of motion, deftly parrying all blows from the thief and paladin [AC increased] as the guard's glow becomes more pronounced. IcyBlue's eyes seem glazed, overcome by the power being channeled through him. His axe whips out, striking Legs' legs (for 9 hps damage).

Outside the temple: Ari's moment of assessment serves him well, for as he notes Zeke's departure, he spies several human shapes in the dark, misty night arriving from different directions - converging on the temple. A quick scan reveals 20 or more, some child-sized, others limping with age (the closest is 100 feet away). The young man quickly gulps half his potion, then makes his way back to the entry. A quick test of the doors reveals that they will easily pull open (outward, away from the temple interior).

Rigging  d20-2=17 d20-2=12 d6=4 d4=1
Thursday January 11th, 2001 9:39:03 PM

Rigging grits his teeth and attacks again. He slashes his sword against Icyblue's chest. His main-gauche slashes in low almost hitting.

Legs  d20+6=25 d20+6=24 d8+4=11
Thursday January 11th, 2001 9:43:24 PM

He drops his hand axe following the last blow from IcyBlue. Going to what he knows best, Legs winds up, grasping the sword handle with both hands. As though he were using a stick to knock a rock over a tree, as he did when he was younger, he places his hips into a swing so strong the air whistles near the sword tip. "For Lem's holy tree!" he shouts, recalling the lightning that struck the nearby maple two years past. Mentally calling upon the power of Lemtrovex to overcome the waxing power of Ga'al in this man, Legs smites at the growing evil emanating from the chest of his opponent.

(Smite evil adds 5 hp damage, to twice 11, for 27 hp total. Have been taking Wynd vitamins.) [Request for clarification: Would smite evil points be doubled, since hit was critical? Not sure, so didn't take it.]

Bart  d20+6=18 d10+4=6
Friday January 12th, 2001 11:58:25 AM

Just before Bart tries to split a rat he yells to Blue, "Blue check the Altar." He stabs one of the rats (hitting AC 18 for 6 damage).

Blue  d20=19 d20+4=14 d6+3=4
Friday January 12th, 2001 6:19:09 PM

The prone cleric, kicking at and dodging rats, crab walks in behind Bart away from rats and IcyBlue...he attempts to spring up from this position, but his hands slip on some blood and falls back to the floor (D20=19, failed dex check)...he rolls over on his stomach and lifts himself from the floor...as he regains his feet he moves around the left side of Bart and brings his staff to bear on the rats in a jabbing motion(14 attack roll to hit for 4 damage). "I'll check the altar Bart, if I can get away from these cursed rats".

Bulldog  d20=5
Friday January 12th, 2001 6:57:48 PM

He quickly helps Wynd to her feet. Sheathing his great sword for now, he moves on, javelin in one hand (main) and Catcher's sword in the other. (He will throw the javelin at the next target that appears, missing.) He mentally notes to bring Catcher's body with them, after the priests are dead.

Appolo (Kim)  d20+2=19
Friday January 12th, 2001 7:21:07 PM

Appolo shakes himself, overcoming the heaviness he feels. He moves over to the altar, and tries to push it over. (Rolled to push.)

Ari  2d8(3+1)+6=10
Saturday January 13th, 2001 5:30:19 PM

(roll his for healing vial). Ari opens the temple doors enough to slip inside. Once inside, he'll close the doors. He'll then look around and assess the situation.

Wynd (DM Dave)  d20+8=27 d20+8=15 d6+3=6
Sunday January 14th, 2001 8:10:14 PM

Seeing the rats attacking her friends, the young ranger races over and chops at one of the furry critters (hit for 12 points dmg)

The Assault - Part VII (DM Dave)  5d8(2+2+2+6+5)=17 d20+2=20 d20+8=23 2d6(2+2)+6=10 d20+4=16 d20+4=23 d20+4=8 2d4(4+2)+2=8 d20=4 d20=17 d20=16 d6=1 d6=4 d20+8=20 d12+6=8
Sunday January 14th, 2001 8:28:02 PM

Ari steps into the temple, pulling the doors behind him shut. He witnesses the following:

Appolo spins and rushes the glowing dark burgundy altar. It doesn't budge, and he seems to stick to it - an unearthly scream issuing from his lips as the color drains from his flesh (blood drain 17 points dmg). [Chris, you may use your hero point here to remain conscious with d4 hps remaining] The vapor from Wynd's smashed sphere reaches the altar and the purple glow winks out, releasing Appolo's body with a dry thud onto the dais.

In front of Ari, Baldy's corpse rises up, sword in hand, and springs at Ari, the great sword piercing the right thigh (hit AC 23 - 10 hps dmg).

Rat Fight: The three golden rats nip at Blue's prone form, with teeth tearing at his side (for 8 hps dmg). Wynd joins the combat, slashing one in half. Beside her, Bart spits another rat on the end of his sword (dead). Blue successfully rises from the floor [see page 62 on ability checks - the higher the roll the better} and strikes at the remaining golden rat, missing.

Bulldog's errant javelin flies left of dead Baldy, instead striking Legs in the left side (for 1 hp dmg).

In the battle between IcyBlue, Legs, and Rigging: With magic still pouring through his veins, IcyBlue moves at incredible speed, deftly parrying Rigging's attacks, and chopping once again at the greater threat, aiming at Legs' chest (8 hps dmg) [I show Legs still has 5 hps left after this]. Legs' reply sends IcyBlue stumbling backward, knocking over two benches. The guard lies unmoving, the seed in his chest rent asunder [Smite Evil does get doubled in a critical hit situation]

Taking this all in, Ari gets first action next round.

Ari  2d8(2+3)+6=11
Sunday January 14th, 2001 9:39:45 PM

Finishing off the healing vial, Ari moves towards the gas cloud (hoping it's the effect from the smashed orbs). "Into the gas. We have more coming from outside. Probably the villagers. Zeke has betrayed us. He's headed to the beach. He currently looks like me. So be careful. (ooc his move is not meant for an attack of opportunity. Trying to move the combat to the gas cloud.)

Rigging  d20+3=12
Sunday January 14th, 2001 11:32:14 PM

Rigging being free from combat will yell to the group, "Rally to me! Help the wounded. We are retreating!" While yelling this he will pull out the box he was instructed to leave and throw it at the altar.

Appolo  d4=4
Monday January 15th, 2001 1:05:37 AM

OOC:I'm back, sorry, Computer problems.

Appolo is hurt real bad from the shock after making contact with the altar, but he does manage to regain consciousness and staggers to his feet, spitting blood. Hearing Ari's call, he staggers toward the gas, as quickly as possible.

OOC: Hero Points; Hit Points are now 4.

Bulldog  d20=16 d6+4=9
Monday January 15th, 2001 2:19:23 AM

Catcher's blade still in his offhand, Bulldog draws his second javelin and throws it at Baldy. (Striking for 9 pts dam) Trying to keep a grasp on the chaotic battle. (If he has time he will pull forth his healing potion and consume it. DM please roll)

Blue  d20+4=9
Monday January 15th, 2001 2:57:13 AM

Blue continues to dodge the remaining rat...again using his staff as a poker he lunges at the rat...and misses...he backs toward Ari and the gas cloud kicking at the rat.

Bart  d20+6=20 d10+4=13
Monday January 15th, 2001 4:54:16 PM

Bart aims at the last rat, cutting him in half (13 damage). He shouts Legs make sure that guy is dead and not stunned. Turning around he sees, Baldy on his feet, he was dead wasn't he? He takes his potion and takes an big gulp (DM roll please)

Monday January 15th, 2001 8:35:07 PM

Legs breaks out his healing potion, downing it (DM- please roll) as he moves in an arc behind Bart and Wynd (not coming within threat range of current combatants), then heads to open the middle of the three doors. He tucks the empty vial back in the pouch, and will open the door, standing next to the wall in case something should shoot out. His sword is in hand.

The Assault - Part VIII (DM Dave)  2d8(2+7)+6=15 d20+4=18 d4+1=3 2d8(6+1)+6=13 3d8(2+6+6)=14 d20+3=13
Monday January 15th, 2001 9:45:22 PM

[Drinking a potion is a standard action, which means all you can do is move, or do free actions, if you choose to drink one. For those of you who listed drinking a potion as a last option, time permitting, the potions are unused, but available for next round.]

Ari steps into the mists. [You can move five feet without exposing yourself to attacks of opportunity] and dead Baldy charges in after him. Immediately, Baldy collapses to the floor, unmoving. Bulldog, seeing this, opts to use his potion, rather than throwing his javelin (gains up to 15 hps).

Wynd begins dispatching the sleeping rats.

Stumbling, Appolo (who looks like death warmed over) makes his way over to Ari.

Rat Fight: The remaining golden rat bites at Bart (for 3 hps dmg), before Bart slices and dices the critter. Blue manages to make his way over to Ari.

Rigging makes it halfway to the Altar (it was a good 90 feet from him from IcyBlue’s corpse) and flings the contents of the box toward it.

Legs’ potion restores the paladin's health (13 hps increase) as he reaches the door. As he touches it, a faint silvery outline appears in the wood in the shape of a spiral, which springs out with a blast of sound (sonic attack, failed Reflex save) knocking the warrior backwards (14 hps dmg) [I show that Legs now has 4 hps].

Monday January 15th, 2001 10:35:41 PM

Rigging yells to Legs, "Legs stop, we have more unfriendlies coming outside. We need to get away while we still can."

Monday January 15th, 2001 11:20:48 PM

As Blue moves into the mist he fumbles for a potion from his belt. His searching fingers discover one of the two remaining bottles and he draws it out. His hands feel weighted and his legs feel disconnected as they respond poorly to his mind's commands. It takes all of his remaining strength to draw out the cork... he lifts the vial and drains the liquid inside (DM role plz). He feels the liquid slowly send tendrils of energy back into his body.

The cleric turns to Ari and asks, "Who is coming? What did you see? Is it help? We must find and kill the priests... we must kill the bastards."

Tuesday January 16th, 2001 12:11:53 AM

Feeling revitalized, the big fighter moves to gather up his first javelin. Then moves to help Legs up. "You all right there Legs?" Upon hearing Rigging and Blue shout conflicting directions (retreat or vengeance), Bulldog adds in "We're not done here yet Rigging."

Tuesday January 16th, 2001 2:47:11 AM

Legs takes his second potion (DM roll), and rises deliberately to his feet. From under his shirt he withdraws the wooden spike from Lem's tree. "Lemtrovex, be our aid, give us strength." He touches the maplewood to the door, the power of the Dragon opposing the power of Ga'al, then prepares to open it again. The words of those shouting in the room do not seem to sink in, as the paladin's single-minded focus is to pass through the door, and complete the mission.

Tuesday January 16th, 2001 2:49:25 AM

Regaining some of his strength says, "The bastards are about to kill us and no it's not help that is coming is it Ari?" Before slumping to the ground. Exhausted.

Tuesday January 16th, 2001 3:29:25 AM

"It looked like the young and the old of the village were approaching. Remember we can't have any witnesses. They are probably too close to the door for us to sneak away." When Appolo slumps to the ground, Ari hands him a healing vial, "Drink this, it will help. There are two doses. If you don't need the 2nd dose, pass it along to someone else." (2d8+6 per dose). Once Appolo takes the vial, Ari will finally put up shield.

Tuesday January 16th, 2001 10:52:35 AM

Appolo takes the vial and drinks a dose. "Thank you, screw the mission, let's just get out of here, they knew we were coming or at least some one was coming. The blond guard said something like 'I didn't think the would send a bunch of punks.' And from the look of things he might have been right." He stands up readying his bow. Seeing Legs get still trying to open the door he says, "Bulldog go get Legs he can't kill them all."

Tuesday January 16th, 2001 12:14:06 PM

Bart that was on time, the fight shouldn't be any longer they wher though guys, he takes his potion and takes a big gulp (Dm roll please). "Is there a back door in this temple? I think I don't have the energy to deal with the people outside. And we still have to kill the priests if there are any."

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