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Midnight Walk

Thursday December 14th, 2000 6:38:13 PM

Listening to plans being made, anyone can tell that Wynd is getting antsy and is ready to move out. A very determined look is on her face and as she watches her companions she notices Apollo's demeanor and approaches him. "So, we are to lead this crew as scouts, are we? Well that should give us a shot at these mind-stealing, cold-blooded butchers." As they move out, Wynd makes sure to explain to Appolo exactly what happened to Skippy and the others that the Quads and red scarves get hold of.

Head Em' Up, Move Em' Out (DM Dave) 
Thursday December 14th, 2000 8:22:31 PM

Wag and the Longboat pull away from the shore and move further up the coast to find a good hiding spot. Clouds sweep in over the half-moon in the sky, bringing much needed cover. Ahead, the thick canopy of trees beckons.

Friday December 15th, 2000 12:18:41 AM

"OK, let's go. Everyone keep a sharp eye out and strike hard and fast if we need to." Rigging beckons to Wynd. "Lead on my dear."

Friday December 15th, 2000 3:20:46 PM

(ooc Where is the temple in relation to the town?) (i.e., in the center of town, or off by iself somewhere.)

Friday December 15th, 2000 5:03:14 PM

Blue takes the netting from Rigging...he throws it over his shoulder and adjusts it so it won't interfere with his quarter staff...he then takes a position with Rigging as the crouching figures start to move towards cover.

The young cleric reviews his memorized spells in his mind and moves the items he will need for casting from his pack to his belt pouches:: Cure minor wounds and cure light wounds, purify food and drink ("don't think I will need that one for this mission"), detect magic, read magic ("may come in handy"), shield of faith and summon monster ("now these I'll keep close")...after he completes his mental check-list he then watches...he listens...he remains ready.

Friday December 15th, 2000 5:10:43 PM

Blue suddenly remembers his cure light wound potions...he quickly takes the three potions and places them in different spots on his second pouch belt...he double checks to make sure they safe and secure...he then sets his jaw ("now I am ready") he thinks.

Friday December 15th, 2000 7:24:58 PM

Appolo looks around the group and says, "All right everyone, make sure nothing shiny, bright or noisy is exposed. We move swiftly, silently, and without trace. Ghosts people, we are ghosts, people. Remember no unnecessary heroics. This is job, a mission it is, not personal. What happened in the past doesn't matter. Everyone goes home, no one is left behind. Let's get moving." He stands up and prepares to follow Wynd, still not liking their chances.

Friday December 15th, 2000 7:55:08 PM

Leading the way toward the temple, Wynd takes a route that keeps them as hidden as possible but allows them the most reconnaissance and visibility.

Bulldog the Fighter 
Friday December 15th, 2000 9:32:30 PM

As Wynd and Appolo lead off, Bulldog silently counts off 10 paces before following. He yearns to unsheath the mighty two-hander that rest upon his back. Thoughts of 'Vengeance against the priests .... soon' whispers through the back of his mind.

A Walk through the Woods (ADM Peer) 
Friday December 15th, 2000 10:16:47 PM

In the faint moonlight, the trek through to woods begins. No breeze blows this quiet night. The occasional crushing of a twig underfoot is all the breaks the silence. At times it seems shattering as the sound seems to carry. It is hard to tell if all the snap, crackle, and pops come from which member of the column. As they take a meandering path. Wynds' memory, of the area, comes to her slowly. Clouds, at times, block out the moonlight. Bringing the party to brief halts as they lose sight of each other. (Each group of two can only see the group in front of them.)

(OOC I'll be taking over for David until he comes back. I just wanted to let everyone know that I post between 7 -10 pm est. As I have no PC at work and can only post from home.)

Friday December 15th, 2000 11:55:21 PM

Rigging will keep an eye behind them. He whispers, "Blue, my devout friend, you keep your eyes ahead and I will watch behind us."

Saturday December 16th, 2000 12:13:04 AM

As they move through the woods, he cringes every time he hears a twig snap. Thinking a herd of cattle would be quieter, he hopes no one hears them.

Saturday December 16th, 2000 2:56:42 AM

Blue nods at Rigging...he scans the area ahead and listens intently...quarter staff held at the ready.

Saturday December 16th, 2000 3:22:05 AM

Bart follows the others, looking around in the woods, at last stable ground under his feet, a seaman he has become, but he feels he is still a man of the land, he is not too happy with the assignment killing the priest as a bunch of assassins, he has no problems with killing a priest in an open and honest fight, but in this way? But orders are orders and it shall be for the good cause although he doesn't like it in this way, and maybe their mission is a decoy for an even greater one, who knows?! He has his bow and arrow in one hand so shooting the first arrow will only take a moment, his sword is oiled and in his scabbard so it doesn't make a noise if it is drawn.

Sunday December 17th, 2000 4:34:54 AM

For the layout of the town of Adorus, see the keyed map at:


Sunday December 17th, 2000 5:05:58 AM

The tall paladin also had taken a net from the boat. He asks Ari for one of the stones Wags gave him, for blocking the heartseed/Ga'al communication.

Legs has his composite long bow strung, an arrow nocked. He is not sure he agrees with Appolo's assertion that this mission is not personal. This is Leg's hometown - and that of some of his friends here. But he prays inwardly that wisdom will guide him and his friends on this mission. He whispers to Bulldog, "It is odd to be back here, friend. May the Good God grant us discernment, and success." He walks on Bulldog's left.

Sunday December 17th, 2000 10:47:54 PM

"I've been thinking a lot about that too. I would really like to see how my sisters are doing. They must have grown quite some since the last I saw them," he says in reply to Legs. Then adds afterwards, "Best to keep our mission in mind first though."

Sunday December 17th, 2000 10:51:28 PM

Sitting on the forward deck looking out across the dark water. The little one waits for his family to return. He sulks. It's been a long time.

Shadows lurk ADM (Peer) 
Sunday December 17th, 2000 11:08:33 PM

The party moves slowly through the darkness. As the column stops, near a small opening in amongst the trees, as Wynd and Apollo get their bearings. ... 'Crack' ... the sound is heard nearby in the darkness. The three in the back get the feeling it didn't come from those ahead of them.

Legs  d20=13
Monday December 18th, 2000 12:03:52 AM

The junior pirate of Jack nods in the darkness at Bulldog's comments. He thinks of his own sisters. He hopes none of their family members are found in the temple, and wonders how they will deal with it should that happen. He starts recalling the deliveries he used to make for his father, carrying sacks of grain to the ...


Legs loosens the sword in its sheath, pulling it up an inch or two. Then, sheaf arrow ready in his bow, he cautiously slides his feet in the direction of the sound. He notes any cover in the area. He does not wish to fire if he does not know what he is firing at. The paladin reaches out with his ability to sense evil in the direction of the noise, and protection from evil forms an invisible aura around him and Bulldog. (Rolled perception exactly for perceiving whatever, whoever is out there.)

Monday December 18th, 2000 2:54:13 AM

Quickly signals the party to stop. He then signals to Wynd and points in the direction the noise came from and says quietly in her ear, "I don't think that was one of us, we're not alone." He then draws a dagger in both hands, being sure to keep them hidden. He also continues to peer into the darkness looking and listening for movement. He hopes the others in his group have enough sense to keep quiet and be patient.

Monday December 18th, 2000 3:35:53 AM

Ari gives Legs one of the stones, when he asks for it.



If Ari can hear the noise above the party noise, and if Ari is one of the (3 rows of people, or 3 people) that hears the crack, Ari will turn towards it and try to peer towards the source, if there is any light in the area, either from Moon, or from some other source.

Ari keeps his thoughts of concern for this mission to himself.

Monday December 18th, 2000 5:08:36 AM

Blue freezes where he is... he pivots slowly towards the direction of the noise... he listens intently... and watches... taut and ready.

Monday December 18th, 2000 2:25:19 PM

Quitly Bart kneels down, an arrow is on his bow as he pulls it ready to shoot by any sign of danger

Rigging  d20+7=25
Monday December 18th, 2000 3:28:09 PM

Rigging starts at the crack. Noticing everyone stopping he works his way forward going as quietly as possible. (25 on my skill check). Rigging works his way to Appollo and Wynd. He whispers, "Can we go around? We don't need any unimportant skirmishes."

Wynd  d20=15 d20=7 d20=18
Monday December 18th, 2000 8:24:12 PM

Walking through the woods, Wynd winces each time she hears the crack of a twig or a rustle of a branch.


Hearing the crack that doesn't come from one of their own, Wynd stops still, motions for the others to remain still. Nodding to Apollo, she motions for him to watch and wait and then proceed after a 300 count. And then using every ounce of skill learned at the castle and in the wild, (tracking, and stealth, made both rolls), circles around slowly to locate and peep upon the noisey skulker. Working her way around behind whoever it is she watches, waits and prepares to follow. (ooc The 18 is if she is attacked her parry roll AC 1)

Monday December 18th, 2000 10:09:02 PM

The mighty fighter slowly draws his sword. Waiting patiently for an enemy to appear. searching for movement in the shadows.

Peepers Adm (Peer)  d20=1 d20=19
Monday December 18th, 2000 10:34:12 PM

Silence settles about the party. Nothing can be seen in the shadows by the party from where they are. Wynd makes her way to a small rise. Peering down she sees a figure lurking below. He/she seems unaware of her presence. After a few moments of watching Wynd hears a footfall a few strides off to her left. Turning she sees another form standing, light gleaming off a longsword. Something looks familiar (Wynd make a perception check.)

Tuesday December 19th, 2000 2:47:39 AM

The paladin continues to reach out his senses, searching for signs of evil in an arc before him.

Tuesday December 19th, 2000 9:18:00 AM

Ari waits, staying alert, ready to do any of three things at a moment's notice.

Appolo  d100=45
Tuesday December 19th, 2000 11:55:37 AM

Appolo signals for Rigging to be quiet. He then quietly follows Wynd, staying low and to her right. He also signals Rigging to stay were he is. He has a dagger in each hand.

MOVE SILENTLY successful.

Wynd  d20=4
Tuesday December 19th, 2000 5:29:22 PM

(made perception by a bunch)

Wynd turns toward this new figure trying to recall where she has seen the figure before and then tries to make a decision on who is a threat and who is not.

Tuesday December 19th, 2000 9:32:51 PM

The burly fighter remains steadfast in his position. Awaiting some discovery of an enemy. He takes some quick glances about to see what the others are doing. He worries as he awaits a sign from Wynd.

Could it really be Adm( Peer)  d20=5
Tuesday December 19th, 2000 9:55:54 PM

As Legs concentrates. He senses no sign of evil as he sweeps the area. Apollo following a few moments behind Wynd, has not caught up to the ranger yet.
Wynd sees the shadowy figure lower his sword. The moonlight breifly glimmers across his face. She then recognizes the whispering voice, fully of shock and disbelief. "Wynd ... is that really you .. sis ?" Catcher stands before Wynd.

Tuesday December 19th, 2000 11:22:31 PM

In a bit of a huff, Rigging stays put. He thinks to himself, "Stop making too much noise!
The worms didn't hear me step over them."

Legs  d20=3
Wednesday December 20th, 2000 2:21:07 AM

Not being in the same area as Wynd, and therefore unaware of the reunion, Legs nevertheless relaxes slightly that there is no active evil in the nearby area. Not breaking silence, he thinks to himself that it was perhaps an animal walking through the underbrush that they heard. He cautiously continues on the way, marking as he is able whom he sees among the party and where they are. If there is anything out there that a perception roll will help him perceive ... [got a good roll.]

Wednesday December 20th, 2000 8:51:43 AM

With no immediate attack coming, or call to arms, Ari waits.

Wynd  d20=5
Wednesday December 20th, 2000 6:23:47 PM

To say she is shocked would be an understatement, but she doesn't show it and in fact, she shows almost no emotion at all as she raises her sword to Catchers throat and whispers, "Your next move may be your last brother, so toss your weapons to the ground, quickly bare your belly and show me your neck.

Wednesday December 20th, 2000 8:05:46 PM

Blue waits... Blue listens... Blue watches....

Wednesday December 20th, 2000 9:59:15 PM

Catcher speaks swiftly over Wynd's shoulder, "Zeke, don't do it. She's to be trusted." Catcher carefully lays his sword on the ground and lifts his leather jerkin over his head, exposing his entire torso, revealing nothing but chest hair.

Midnight Meeting - DM Dave  d20=9 d20=16 d20=9 d20=8 d20=18 d20=7 d20=7
Wednesday December 20th, 2000 10:19:54 PM

Appolo manages to follow Wynd, but is spotted by the person referred to as 'Zeke', who currently has a short bow aimed point blank at Wynd's back, while Wynd faces another man dropping a sword. Strangely, the blade continues to reflect moonlight, although the moon is currently obscured by a cloud.

Meanwhile, the rest of the party has heard nothing from Wynd or Appolo. Winds have picked up slightly, gusting enough to kick up leaves and a little dust. Smells like rain.

Appolo  d20+2=17
Wednesday December 20th, 2000 10:39:29 PM

As Appolo approaches he sees a figure with a sword approach Wynd saying something he can't quite make out. Thinking 'O great, we've been spotted.' He then decides to circle around and take this guy by surprise from behind. When he is in position he will attempt a backstab the guy standing in front of Wynd. (ATTACK ROLL 17)
If successful, he looks at Wynd and says, "Hurry, let's hide the body."

Rigging  d20+7=17 d20+7=11
Wednesday December 20th, 2000 11:42:44 PM

Seeing Appolo moving forward with his daggers out, Rigging moves in closer trying to stay in cover and move silently. (first roll is staying in shadows, second is moving silently. Using 3rd edition skill rolls)

Thursday December 21st, 2000 10:51:21 AM

With cloud cover above, and silence below, Ari wonders how everyone is doing in the pitch blackness. (ooc how much light do we really have to see by, since we're all human?)

Thursday December 21st, 2000 6:14:18 PM

Legs, wondering where Appolo and Wynd have gotten off to, and where Rigging might be going, signals to Bulldog, and follows the path Rigging took.

Thursday December 21st, 2000 8:01:07 PM

After making sure he is several paces behind Rigging, Blue carefully follows. He sees Legs join the path... keeping a small distance behind, Blue continues to follow... his nerves are taut, but his hand is steady.

Catcher  d20=12 d20=12
Thursday December 21st, 2000 10:13:32 PM

Catcher stands looking at Wynd, wondering why she hasn't moved. He easily spots Appolo trying to sneak up, and starts to warn Zeke, before realizing that Zeke has spotted him, too. "Well, you've seen my chest. I ought to ask the same of you. What are you doing here?" Catcher pulls his jerkin back down.

Midnight Meeting - Part II (DM Dave) 
Thursday December 21st, 2000 10:17:44 PM

[Until the cloud rolled over the moon, visibility up to 50 feet away was possible. Now it is something more like 15 feet]

A moment passes with no apparent break in the stalemate. Rigging comes into view of Catcher, Wynd, Appolo, and Zeke. The others are still wending their way up the path taken by Rigging.

Rigging  d20=1
Friday December 22nd, 2000 12:02:52 AM

When Rigging sees Catcher he goes through a series of emotions in this order. Surprise, Happy, Worried and Really Worried. He comes up to the four and says, "Catcher, I am very happy to see you but this is a real bad time. You will have to explain quickly and quietly why you are here. We have joined a group of freedom fighters and we are on a mission. We have strict orders on contact with anybody. Tell me now how you got here and who your friend is." OOC Did Rigging see Catcher without his shirt? Roll is for perception. Did I notice any sword tatoos?

Friday December 22nd, 2000 12:30:30 AM

Nodding in reply to Legs. The mighty fighter follows a few paces behind. Securing the rear of the party. Waving and last members forward.

Friday December 22nd, 2000 1:46:58 AM

Wending his way...

Friday December 22nd, 2000 6:03:37 AM

Bart hears only whispering voices coming from the bushes, hearing nothing that sounds like a fight. He stays on the path and secures it with his bow, ready to react by any sign of danger.

Friday December 22nd, 2000 6:33:53 AM

Looking past Wynd's sword, the tension quickly drops from Catcher's stance when he spots Rigging, "Well, if Ga'al got more than one of you, I doubt I'd still be talking. Zeke and I are on a mission from god - Nightshade's god, that is. You remember Lem, or do you still follow Him?"

Looking over at Zeke, Catcher says, "These were friends of mine that journeyed from the village we are approaching. I don't sense ill-will, just a little fear in them."

Facing Wynd again, Catcher concludes, "We've been travelling from village to village, spreading the word in secret where we can to get the young ones to escape. Goldie says Ga'al is about to do something really drastic, and we need to get as many innocent ones out as we can before it happens."

Friday December 22nd, 2000 8:37:54 AM

Ari will join up with the curiosity seekers! ;)

Friday December 22nd, 2000 10:02:36 AM

Sighing with relief at no sign of heartseed, Wynd looks a bit shocked when Catcher asks her to remove her shirt. "Yeah, you'd like that, but my shirt will just have to stay on." Decision made, Wynd quickly goes forward. "Yes we still follow Lem and we too are on a mission but probably a much more bloody one than you are. We are to kill any who see us and I will probably get put on short rations and flogged to boot for not obeying but... We are here to kill all the priests and take no prisoners while doing so. So your choice is now this. You come with us as part of our team and come back with us or you turn around and leave as quickly and as quietly as you came and you never saw us. Now Choose."

Midnight Meeting - Part III (DM Dave) 
Friday December 22nd, 2000 6:52:42 PM

The rest of the group arrives in the area where Wynd stands.

(Rigging did not see any tattoos on Catcher)

Friday December 22nd, 2000 9:36:45 PM

When the paladin arrives, he makes out more from the sound of the voice than the available light, now so dim. "Catcher!" he whispers. "Is that you, Catch? It's me, Legs." Unnocking the arrow, holding it by the shaft together with the bow in his left hand, he holds out his right to welcome the ranger back. "What are you doing here? How did you know we'd be here?"

Friday December 22nd, 2000 10:51:33 PM

The fighter silently follow the Paladin up to where the others are gathered. Upon seeing Catcher. He breaks out into a huge smile, while getting in everyone's way. "It's great to see that you have made it back." Stepping up and giving the Ranger a great big hug. "Great to see you again, Catcher."

Saturday December 23rd, 2000 2:24:48 AM

When Blue arrives with the others and hears Catcher's name he is elated, for a brief moment, although he has never met Catcher he fondly remembers the history of family which was told to him by Qhen and by the precious moments when the Shining Lady shared tales of the family members.

The young cleric quickly re-gathers his attention and turns his back to the group and scans the area that is visible... he crouches in cover and watches and listens for others in the night...

Saturday December 23rd, 2000 12:50:09 PM

Appolo, noticing the strange behavior and Wynd's non-belligerent stance, delays his attack, but does not come up. He stays in a low crouch behind the person and waits to see what happens. Then a few seconds later Rigging arrives and it becomes evident that Wynd and the rest of the party most know this person. Probably long lost family member.

He then sees the rest of the party come up and start the family reunion. This causes him great consternation and he gets nervous. He stands up and quickly moves forward, until he is standing next to Rigging. He then says, "I'm sorry but we don't have time for this we need to get moving and these new guys need to move on, the boss isn't going to like us bringing back two unknown people alive. So let's get going." Looking at Wynd, "Wynd let's move it, we got a long way to go and the longer we stay here the more vulnerable we are."

He then proceeds toward the town hoping Wynd and the others will follow.

Saturday December 23rd, 2000 5:02:00 PM

Ari moves up with the rest of the party. "Catcher, is that you? It's Ari. Thank Lem."

In the darkness, no one sees Ari frown when Appolo speaks up.

Saturday December 23rd, 2000 6:51:29 PM

Looking a little confused as more and more people arrive, Catcher glances over at his companion Zeke, then says to the group, "We've pretty much covered all the villages at this end of the Kingdom. Singer and Nightshade were sent elsewhere. I'll gladly join with you, but what is this that I'm getting myself into?" His eyes look a little startled at Appolo's grim statement, and Catcher watches him walk off with a questioning look, "Well, I agree with that one that we're only endangering ourselves standing around here."

Saturday December 23rd, 2000 9:22:43 PM

The lanky paladin takes four fast strides, and places his hand on Appolo's shoulder. "Hey, Speed, not so fast," he whispers. "It's not that I don't agree with part of what you said, but Rigging was asked to lead this party. One of these people is not unknown to us: we've known him for years, and we're on the same side. Give Rigging a sec to adjust before you go running off to who knows where. This is the town we grew up in, remember? You don't know where you're going."

If Appolo comes back, or at least stops to wait, Legs steps back. "Rigging, think we can blend our missions? Let us know what you want us to do." Then he turns and says to the fellow with Catcher, "Call me Legs. I figure I trust his choice in companions. Got a name yourself?" Legs stands so he can see the new fellow and Rigging at the same time.

Sunday December 24th, 2000 9:37:32 PM

Rigging steps up and says in a harsh whisper, "Appollo you are correct. You and Wynd scout ahead another 100 yards and then come back. See if our conversations has attracted any attention. Go! quickly and quietly." To Catcher and Zeke, "Catcher you are family and are trusted. Do you speak for your friend? Know if he betrays us, both you and I will be put to death. You need to make a decision right now. Join us on an assault upon the Temple of Ga'al where we will kill everyone we meet and then go back to the pirates of the Jack and be judged worthy to join the crew or leave right now and possibly never see us again. By letting you leave, I jeopardize us. This is our first mission and we will not be following orders, but as a commander I know you have to play it off the cuff on occasion. We would love to have you on this mission but it is up to you. I wish I could give you more time to think but time is more valuable than gold right now."

Monday December 25th, 2000 1:08:16 AM

Appolo intially stops when Legs catches up to him, then nods and trots off again. Not real fast, letting Wynd catch up to him, while trying to pay attention to the road ahead, as well as the surrounding forest. He also is more nervous than a longed tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. He really did not like the fact that Rigging revealed who they are, and who they are working for. If one could see his face, one would see the face of a frightened 13 year old child.

Midnight Meeting - Conclusion (DM Dave) 
Monday December 25th, 2000 1:59:32 PM

The group prepares to move on toward its mission. All that awaits is the answer from Catcher and Zeke: Will they join or will they leave? Overhead, the cloud that obscured the moon has moved on, but a greater bank of clouds threaten to overtake it. The air is slightly cooler, and little drops of moisture manage to fling their way through the overhanging leaves.

Monday December 25th, 2000 2:02:29 PM

Responding to Rigging, "I vouch for Zeke. He and I have been through a lot, and saved many. I have nothing preventing me from joining the Pirates. I place myself under your commmand." Catcher retrieves his sword and sheathes it after wiping the blade on his pants' leg. He prepares to go with the group to Adorus.

Monday December 25th, 2000 3:34:11 PM

Shaking her head and returning to point, Wynd heads back out with Apollo and restarts her scouting of the trail ahead.

Tuesday December 26th, 2000 12:01:30 AM

The fighter focuses back onto the task at hand. He takes his place in the column alongside the young Paladin.

Tuesday December 26th, 2000 1:10:53 AM

The young cleric is very pleased that Catcher is re-untied with the family, however regains his concentration for the serious mission still ahead...he continues to watch as the the scouts re-group and move off...Blue remains alert and open for any direction if given.

Tuesday December 26th, 2000 4:59:11 AM

Ari's excitement at meeting up with Catcher is quickly consumed by his concern for this mission. Something just doesn't feel right. He vows that the next chance he gets, he'll voice his concern about trying to find out if there are priests in the temple, or not. He has a growing concern that too many people will follow their orders blindly, which could make their little family no better than the Priests.

Tuesday December 26th, 2000 1:15:52 PM

Legs waits for Zeke to answer him. But, Catcher having vouched for him, he shrugs his shoulders, and walks again with Bulldog, heading toward the town's Temple of Ga'al.

Entering Adorus (DM Dave) 
Tuesday December 26th, 2000 9:03:01 PM

After nearly a half hour of travel, the group stealthily enters the western margins of Adorus. No soul has been encountered, and the township itself promises to maintain the same silence.

A slight misting of rain continues to fall, blurring your sight, but occasionally you can still make out the outline of the grain building looming over the rest of the buildings...its sight brings back memories of when they hung Slider for stealing.

He took it rather well. They were tired of him sneaking around lifting items from the shops, so they tied a rope around his waist and hoisted him to the top of the grainery to keep an eye on him. He finally settled down after the Joining.

The moment is interrupted by the barking of a lone dog, somewhere on the far side of the town. It stops after a minute, apparently satisfied with the results.

The mist turns into rain.

[You are now on the western-most portion of the map shown at http://members.aol.com/thejericho/adorus.html near the road at the point marked 'to Abderus']

Tuesday December 26th, 2000 10:19:31 PM

Rigging assigns Zeke and Catcher to be the pair directly in front of Blue and himself. He watches Zeke for any kind of sign of treachery.
If Wynd and Appollo stop, he will see what they want, otherwise Rigging will keep an eye on his surroundings and Zeke. He asks Blue, "Any idea on how this temple is laid out? Where should we find the priests?"

Tuesday December 26th, 2000 11:06:05 PM

Memories flood back at seeing familiar surroundings. The sound of the dog barking off in the distant brings back the days of Asbury and himself moving the herds about the outskirts of town. The fighter remains quiet as the group continues on. The dampness of the mists fit his mood. Uncomfortable and irritating. He thinks to get this over with as quick as possible. In a hoarse whisper to Legs "Remember Skippy." His anger begins to rise as the red scarf flys through his memories.

Wednesday December 27th, 2000 5:49:47 AM

Looking askance at Zeke, Catcher whispers, "Is everything all right?" To Rigging's question, he offers, "The priests live in the back of the building, past the main temple area. We'll have to go through the temple to get to them."

Looking at the road, memories flood back of a time when he was little, kicking a rock down the street, until he had every detail of the rock memorized. Kick, kick, kick. He had walked that thing all over town that day, until losing it somewhere in the General Store.

He mutters, "Well, at least the weather is with us."

Wednesday December 27th, 2000 9:05:06 AM

Finally reaching the outskirts of town, Wynd motions for the group to get off the road and to go around the few houses that are on this side of town. Knowing that they will need to cross Altar Creek at some point she debates with herself the need to use the bridge or not. (How deep and wide is the creek?)

Wednesday December 27th, 2000 3:18:43 PM

Appolo follows Wynd. Glad that is is raining now, figuring the rain should help conceal the party, as they advance through town.

Wednesday December 27th, 2000 3:21:39 PM

Blue listened to Catcher's description of how the Temple is laid out... and watches to see if Rigging heard the details. Blue was glad Catcher piped up as Blue has never been in a Gaa'l Temple before.

The young cleric continues to watch and listen as the group moves through town. He keeps an eye to Zeke as he has not heard him speak a word yet... this concerns the lad. Although glad to see Catcher, Blue feels a little unsettled about these two showing up wandering town... he decides to keep his eyes peeled.

Wednesday December 27th, 2000 4:18:02 PM

Legs nods to Bulldog at the mention of Skippy. Spunky, pretty, bee-catching girl. He hopes that Wynd just crosses the bridge.

Evening in Adorus (DM Dave)  d20=18 d20=13 d20=20 d20=17 d20=12 d20=19 d20=18 d20=1
Wednesday December 27th, 2000 8:41:16 PM

[Wynd recalls several places where the water is shallow enough for foot-crossing, so long as the town hasn't seen a lot of rain in the last few days]

The group easily steers away from the houses along the road, but has to rely on low scrub brush at the back end of some small garden plots to make it near the banks of Altar Creek. No further signs of life have been noted. All buildings remain unlit, although the smell of wet smoke wafts by occasionally.

Wednesday December 27th, 2000 10:14:22 PM

The burly fighter steadily plods on. The smokey breeze wafts by, bringing more memories of home. His sisters, mother, and father. He wonders what has happened to them ?. How are they doing ?. As the moments pass. He makes his way across the stream. The cold water shakes those thoughts from his mind. He focuses again on the mission. Anger swells in the fighter as they get closer to the temple. Whispering "soon .... soon ... it'll begin .... " Bulldog pauses for a moment, reaching over his shoulder to grasp the great swords pommel, then continues on.

Thursday December 28th, 2000 1:23:33 AM

Rigging plans to himself, "If there are guards, at the front gate I will put my sleep spell on them. Do the priests sleep in the temple? Maybe we can cut their throats while they are sleeping. This Zeke has me nervous. Will have to watch him. I wonder if he is a fighter or what? Boy my stomach hurts. No more hot peppers before a mission. What was that. Oh an owl. Hope it stays quiet. Better check out what is going on behind me." Rigging takes a quick look around. He keeps thinking, "Boy is Blue breathing hard. I wonder if he is as nervous about this as I am. Have to keep my magic missles ready. Good for breaking up priest spells. Man I pray we don't lose anyone. I don't like this kill anywone rule. I am probably going to lose a sword for letting Catcher and Zeke live and bring them back to the ship. Screw it! Catcher is a good man. I wish I new this Zeke better." Rigging takes a long look at Zeke frowning.

Rigging OOC  d4+3=6 d4+3=5
Thursday December 28th, 2000 1:24:43 AM

Hitpoint rolls

Thursday December 28th, 2000 5:34:50 AM

As the group wanders through the town, various memories float back to the surface. Dad's talk of an ultimate weapon (or something along that line), our secret meeting den, the days of helping dad around the forge, Skippy's death, the transformation of the brothers into something unrecognizable. It all settles down to a light sadness for this town, and the conditions that the people have to live in.

Thursday December 28th, 2000 12:07:39 PM

While waiting at the creek for everyone to catch up Wynd checks the area and the water level to see just how high the creek is, to see if any of her other known crossings will be usable. While she checks the area out, it is obvious that Wynd is starting to show signs of just how much stress she is under. Either one or the other of her hands never seems to be far from one of her rapiers and the corner of her left eye is at a constsnt twitch. As Rigging gets to the creek, Wynd walks over to him. "We have several choices here. We can cross the creek at the bridge, all together, or we can cross the creek at the bridge and several low crossings. It's really up to you at this point how you want to proceed."

Catcher  d20=14
Thursday December 28th, 2000 6:08:17 PM

"We'll likely have to cross the bridge on the way out, if we're having to drag bodies with us." [Catcher does know about this part, right?] "I don't mind scouting the bridge, if you want me to." (rolled 14 in case it matters)

Catcher, like Wynd, is getting more nervous as memories of their escape, a couple of years ago, spring to mind. Catcher unsheathes his sword, but keeps a cloth draped over it to prevent its light from shining in the rain.

Thursday December 28th, 2000 7:11:19 PM

Appolo is a little worried about the fact they have gotten this close and haven't seen anyone. He continues to follow Wynd.

Thursday December 28th, 2000 8:12:44 PM

The fighter gathers together with the others at the water crossing. "What's the hold up? ... Just get across and stop wasting time. One ways is as good as another."

Over the Altar (DM Dave) 
Thursday December 28th, 2000 9:21:55 PM

Some of the group makes its way over the chilly waters of Altar Creek - the waters are at about average level, leaving plenty of places for crossing.
Catcher doesn't note any locals hanging out around the creek. Rain continues to pour down harder, further reducing visibility. It strikes the dirt with a low thud, spraying your boots with mud. No thunder or lightning seems to be with this storm.

Thursday December 28th, 2000 10:24:07 PM

After crossing the creek, Appolo moves up closer to Wynd and says, "This doesn't feel right, haven't come across any one. It's like we're walking into a ghost town. What do you think?"

Thursday December 28th, 2000 11:30:56 PM

"Let's leave the bridge for our trip back. Try not to splash." After we cross, Rigging says, "Ok same pairs. Let's get to the temple and finish this night's work. Wynd how much farther?"

Friday December 29th, 2000 9:12:27 AM

As Appolo asks his question, Wynd says, "Yes and no. Something is wrong but it's not the lack of people. We are, after all, on temple grounds right now, and the western wall of the central temple is not more than a couple hundred yards from here. Few Believers would dare be on these grounds without permission."

As Rigging finishes speaking, Wynd looks over, points, and says, "The main entrance is southeast about 350 yards or so. The west wall is the closest to us and the rear of the temple is north east probably about 500 yards. And before you ask, I have no idea if there is a rear entry or not. I would assume so but..."

Friday December 29th, 2000 10:39:25 AM

Ari continues to follow, lettings others decide their fate. For now.

Legs [hit points]  d10=8 d10=1 d10=7
Friday December 29th, 2000 1:00:27 PM

[OOC: Hit point rolls for 2nd & 3rd. Historically, we reroll if a '1' is rolled, thus the 7. Is this okay? -Kim the slow]

Kent (Rules Meister) 
Friday December 29th, 2000 2:52:02 PM

(OOC we still do reroll 1s when rolling hit points. you are correct) I will delete these posts over the weekend.)

Friday December 29th, 2000 5:16:00 PM

"I say we go over the wall right here, if possible - less resistance, any entrances will most likely be guarded."

Friday December 29th, 2000 7:47:47 PM

Catcher says to Appolo, "Over the wall is the roof, it's not a temple within a walled compound. I think Wynd was saying that the lands surrounding the temple area are considered part of the compound grounds, and that no one would be walking around here without the temple's permission..." Catcher looks to Wynd for confirmation.

He continues, "I don't recall ever seeing any other entrance except the main one... the priests always lived within the temple, the last I remembered. Father said that they had rooms connecting to the sanctuary."

Looking to Rigging, Catcher says, "Priests always have Quads with them, and I'm sure that's what we'll find guarding the entrance. We'll have to strike quick. Do we lure them out with a ruse? I mean, one guard could bottleneck the entrance to that place while the alarm is raised."

Catcher looks around, realizing he doesn't know what skills everyone is bringing into the battle.

Friday December 29th, 2000 8:44:10 PM

The paladin says nothing, but, once across the stream, checks the handaxe at his waist, the sword in its sheathe, then again nocks an arrow in his bow, and waits for clear direction. He looks left and right, and strains his ears for any sounds outside of the plashing rain. "No talk. Move." He avoids using sibilants, knowing they can carry even in a whisper.

Saturday December 30th, 2000 12:01:09 AM

Rigging whispers, "OK Appolo and Wynd go scout the entrance and see if there are any guards. I don't expect any heroics yet. Come back and report. Look for cover that we all can use to get closer. I have a sleep spell I can use on the quad. After I cast my spell, I want a missile discharge on whoever is left standing. If any one is left after that, we pull swords and attack as fast as possible. My front four should be our best fighters. I figure Bulldog, Legs, Catcher, and Wynd. Zeke what is your speciality? Who has bows? Anybody have any other ideas, now is the time to pipe up."

Saturday December 30th, 2000 4:28:23 AM

"I have my bow with my, can any one climb the wall and search a way in for us?"

Saturday December 30th, 2000 4:36:52 AM

"We may have to depend upon the dithruption that is in the box that we were given."

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