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Mission Divert (Module 5-2)
Coastal Raiders

Coastal Raiders - DM Dave 
Monday December 11th, 2000 9:00:24 AM

[Time passes after your joining with the pirates of Jack]

Over the past half year, since your dramatic escape from the clutches of Ga’al, you have grown in your skills during your service as pirates of Jack. Sure, there have been conflicts, and the rough and tumble way of the pirates was harder for some of you to acclimate to – religion in particular seemed a point of contention, as most of your fellow renegades pay lip-service only to Lemtrovex, relying more on themselves for success. You have yet to lay eyes on the home bases used by the pirates of Jack – the ever shifting islands lying off of the Aisildur coast apparently not something often visited. All of your time has been spent at sea: learning the ropes of ship handling, swabbing the deck, practicing boarding maneuvers, swabbing the deck, and limited participation in land raids (when no more deck are available for swabbing). Various reasons exist for these raids: capturing wives, gaining funds to support future missions, scouting out enemy positions, or dealing punitive strikes against the King’s forces. However, your current raid doesn’t fall into any of these categories. The sun is setting as the crew prepares your longboat. All attempts to find out the nature of the journey are met with stoney silence. This will be your first true raid.

[Tomorrow will be the beginning of your mission. A briefing will be be provided at that time. Feel free to cover details regarding your time spent on the boat over the last six months, along with any last minute preparations you care to make before the group sets out. Please have updated character sheets sent to me ASAP.]

Monday December 11th, 2000 7:09:10 PM

The young cleric has gained much expertise in swabbing... his stocky frame has shed some of the surface padding. His thickness now demonstrates heaviness of muscle and tone... He has been practising with his quarter staff.. his parry and thrust have gained some respect from the crew, but his attempts to enlighten them of the Dragon's grace has proved futile. The opportunity for healing has been devoted to skinned and bruised knees from swabbing and the occasional black eye from a misjudged sparing match.

Blue continues his prayers and spends what little leisure time they have trying to get to know the other young people better... he tells them that when he was in Qhen's charge that news of the family's exploits at the castle was brought to them by a servant spy who sent messages secretly. He also told the family members about the shining lady who used to visit him in his meditation, who would advise him that the family members were well and would arrive safe to Alithmar... he was surprised when he shared her odd name that they knew of "Skippy"... this knowledge made him feel closer to the family members.

Monday December 11th, 2000 8:20:46 PM

The past six months have been the hardest on Wynd and she has yet to completely overcome her fear and unease at being on the water. While her on board ship work has been accomplished satisfactorily and she now even looks forward to her time aloft in the rigging and crow's nest, she has yet to learn how to swim and each time she has to go in a smaller boat, it takes every shred of will power not to start freaking out. She has endured the ribbing and at time scorn that this has brought her, but she has earned the respect of many of the crew in other ways. Her fighting skill has improved dramatically and she has also taken over some of the healing and medical duties from the ship's doctor through the use and knowledge of her herbs and medicinals.

Some of the time on board has been used to get to know the newest members of their family and is amazed when Blue mentions Skippy. During this conversation, Wynd tells Blue that it was Skippy in the ring she wears that helped test them when they first met.

The time is approaching and tensions are high. No one is sure of what is up and Wynd is feeling a bit more than anxious.

Monday December 11th, 2000 10:50:48 PM

Rigging has spent his time really enjoying being on ship. He has dazzled the ships officers with his ability to navigate. He almost always knows where the ship is at any given point. When he isn't doing ship chores, he will be doing one of 3 things. Studing his magic skills, trying to sneak up and swipe items from his friends which he promptly returns and climbing around in the rigging. He was even seen climbing the mast itself without ropes for practice. He has also engaged Blue on some deep questions about religion. Rigging has kept friendly with Wynd but has cooled things off for now. He realized she had more important things on her mind lately.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday December 11th, 2000 11:06:06 PM

Bulldog spends most of his free time getting Asbury adjusted to life at sea, making sure the little fur ball understands the dangers that can be faced on board. As well as learning these things himself. During the long working hours of the day the heavy-set young fighter relishes the rough and tough work. Discovering just how far he can push his muscled body. The months under the scorching sun have also darkened his skin, matching that of the other more seasoned crew. During the months as he watches the crews go on combat missions, he craves for a chance to go along. Now that the time has arrived, the mighty fighter's eyes gleam with excitement.

Tuesday December 12th, 2000 12:15:26 PM

Ari stays wrapped up within his duties as much as possible. When possible, he works closely with Bulldog, or anyone else of any strength, in order to get the heaviest jobs. Coversation with Ari is usually very short, as he only wants to concentrate on the task at hand. It probably reminds the family of their time at the castle.

The Beaches of Adorus - DM Dave 
Tuesday December 12th, 2000 3:49:24 PM

It is midnight on the beaches near (for some of you) your hometown of Adorus, and your emotions are in turmoil at what you are about to do. For security, details on this raid were withheld from you until the longboat leaving the Lady Freeborn landed on the shore a few miles from the town. Earlier, you spotted several other longboats departing your ship for points unknown... obviously, something big is occurring up and down the whole coastline in this area.

Wag, the longboat leader, grips each of you by the shoulders, one by one, aware of the stress. Then he begins the briefing, “Okay, my little Aces, this is it, your first mission without someone else standing over ya'.” Turning to Rigging, he says, “You’re accountable for this team’s actions.”
Wag stops a moment to gauge the group, then continues, “You are to slip into Adorus, make your way to the temple, and slay all priests and staff within. Under no circumstances are there to be any witnesses, dead or alive. All kills you bring back here – to confound any divination spells. Before leaving the temple, you scatter the contents of this box, as a decoy to what really happened.” Wag hands Rigging a black wooden box whose contents have the weight of gold.

“Bring the box back. Remember: No witnesses. I don’t care if a little ol’ lady is making a midnight run to the outhouse; you chop her down and bring back her carcass, hear?”

Again, Wag stops, and seems to read your minds.
“Perhaps you thought to rescue your friends or siblings? After your escape, premature seedings were administered in Adorus to prevent more runaways. Get thoughts of rescue out of your heads. Any questions?” growls Wag, the five swords tattooed on his wet chest reflecting dimly in the faint moonlight.

Tuesday December 12th, 2000 6:53:36 PM

Lost and absorbed watching the familiar shoreline come closer, Wynd thinks about how long they have been gone and how much they have changed. With a pensive look on her face she thinks about those she left behind and wonders if any, including her family, would even recognize her.

As Wag starts to discuss their mission, a strange look comes over Wynd's face and her eyes get this very cold look. Not realizing that she is speaking outloud, Wynd quietly utters a softly spoken couple of phrases. "Finally Skippy, I will be able to avenge you. I swear that not one Priest will take another breath in Adorus after we leave."

Tuesday December 12th, 2000 8:05:32 PM

The instructions echo in Blue's head..."slay all the priests and staff within...slay all". The boy has a flurry of thoughts. He has contemplated revenge for his father's death many times...here is his chance..."yes" he says in his head..."I can do this". Then he thinks of his friends and their families...he thinks of his own brother and sister and the choices his friends must have to be making at this very moment. He grips his quarter staff grimly and scans the faces of his friends. Under his breath he intones "Dragon guide my hands and firm my heart".

Tuesday December 12th, 2000 8:58:54 PM

Rigging leads his friends away from the boat. After 25 yards, he stops and gathers the group. He says, "OK. We need to be smart about this. We don't want to kill any innocents, but we need to accomplish this mission without losing any of us. Who knows how to get to the temple? I want two of us to scout the way for the rest. I need to know what spells are memorized. I also want suggestions on tactics."

Bulldog sans Asbury  d10=8
Wednesday December 13th, 2000 12:46:42 AM

Listening intently to Wags as the pirate fills them in on their mission, the fighter's concern over innocents weighs heavily upon his mind. He whispers, "Consider the priests' lives ended. Vengeance for their acts upon our people shall begin tonight." As the group follow Rigging's lead, Bulldog readies his heavy crossbow. "Rigging Ari and Wynd can lead us quietly there. As for tactics ... let's make it a rush through a couple of different doors. That should cause some chaos for the priests."
Eagerness shows in the fighter's voice and steps. (die roll was for 2nd level hit points)

Wednesday December 13th, 2000 9:20:08 AM

Ari listens intently to Wags, as he informs the party to what they are going to do.

After hearing the instructions, Ari's shoulders slump. "This could get grisly fast," Ari whispers. "Do we know how many are in the temple now a days? Is there a set number of people we need to kill, or just everyone that is currently in the temple?"

Legs (Six months) 
Wednesday December 13th, 2000 2:13:50 PM

Over the past six months, the young paladin worked hard at quickly adapting to life at sea. He is diligent at every task he is given. He also observes how others carry out their tasks, mentally imitating those who seem to do things well. He talks with those with whom he works, trying to get to know them, their histories. He wants to understand how each tatooed sword is earned among the pirates.

Morning and evening he sets aside fifteen minutes for his devotion to the Good God. And during the day, with any who are interested, he asks what others may know about Lemtrovex, about Ga'al (saying, "It is important to know one's enemy, if one is to expect victory.") He asks if there are any other gods that people might know about.

He also asks the sailors about fighting on the ship, looking for pointers for hand-to-hand fighting, trying to determine how best to take advantage of the onboard lay of equipment, rigging, doors, weapons. He asks whether they ever board enemy ships.

Wanting to build his strength and flexibility, the teenager works out a set of exercises to that end. Stretching, lifting, using the deck and the rigging for his regimen. He invites others to join him, and asks for pointers as well.

At night, he sometimes watches the stars, and tries to learn them, asking the names of constellations. And asking again, because intellect is not his forte. He asks about navigation, trying to get the hang of it...

Wednesday December 13th, 2000 2:28:44 PM

Legs asks Wag, "For carrying the, uh, bodies back - do we have some bags, or nets, or litters we can use? Or rope?" He says to those who are not from Adorus - "Wynd, Bulldog, Ari, and I are from Adorus. Rigging, what do you think about pairing one of us with one of each of you from other towns? I was thinking Bart and I could stick together; Ari and Appolo; Bulldog and Blue; and you and Wynd. One pair should scout ahead, but we should all move pretty quickly after them. Another pair to keep watch outside the temple, with six of us going in and doing what needs to be done." Legs looks to see if this seems a suitable plan, and listens to see if others suggest any options or refinements. "Let's sketch out the temple and the buildings and trees and bushes around it - at least the way it was a few years back. It's got two ways in, right?"

Wag (DM Dave) 
Wednesday December 13th, 2000 8:20:46 PM

Pointing to some nets in the bottom of the longboat, Wag states, "Those will do the job of body-toting. As to what to expect: You're guess is as good as mine. Half a year ago, there was a general mustering of the Kingdom, and most priests, warrriors and such left the smaller communities to meet at the capital for another Scouring. We don't think they've returned yet from that, probably a couple of more months before they're finished, so there shouldn't be too many priests. Everyone in the temple compound is to be killed. Everyone. Be back here before moonset."

Removing a large pouch from his belt, Wag hands it to Ari - with the sound of a glassy-clink heard as it hits his palm, "You'll be needing these to make sure the heartseeds don't communicate with Ga'al during the attack. Smash one on the ground as soon as you engage the guards - the fumes will only last 10 minutes or so, so be quick about it."

Best Laid Plans - DM Dave 
Wednesday December 13th, 2000 8:25:55 PM

For those from Adorus, you recall that the temple is a wide building, with one entrance at the top of three stone steps. Entry was denied to children, so you're not sure what lies within. There were some type of horizontal slits all along the upper section of the walls, to allow daylight and ventilation, but nothing that would permit physical access. A Quad always stood guard at the entry in times past.

Thursday December 14th, 2000 12:12:32 AM

Rigging says, "Legs I like your plan, but I believe Blue and I should be partnered and keep watch outside. He can more effectively use his cures if he isn't engaged in combat. I can use my magic missiles to help out whoever gets in trouble and cast my sleep spell on any unexpected reinforcements. Apollo and Wynd both have skills that are helpful for scouting and should team up to scout our way. We know Wynd is damn good with her sword if they encounter any trouble up front." Rigging blows Wynd a quick kiss. "OK Wynd and Apollo start us off. The rest of the group follows in pairs with Blue and me bringing up the rear. 30' between Wynd, Apollo and the first pair. I want Bulldog and Legs as the second pair. With you two behind them they won't have to worry about quick backup if needed. Ari and Bart then Blue and myself. I want 15-20' separating the other pairs. Hopefully that will keep us out of mass spell range. Ari, any helpful spells memorized that we should know about? Speak up now. If we get separated we meet at the front of the church. If that isn't possible than we head back to the beach." Rigging looks around, "Ok we can do this. Let's go strike our first blow to free our people and pull down Ga'al." Rigging grabs one of the nets and hands it to Blue and picks up another for himself.

Thursday December 14th, 2000 3:14:35 AM

Bulldog nods in agreement with Legs and again as Rigging finalizes the plan. "Sounds good. Let's get going. Remember no one left behind. Us or them." The fighter then takes up his position in the second twosome. Crossbow loaded and readied, the mighty fighter quivers with anticipation as things start off.

Thursday December 14th, 2000 10:04:25 AM

"The only thing that I have that might helpful for the group, would be to set up Alarm, if you want to free up a pair of people. It won't be quite as accurate as having two people there. But we might want to install it as a backup, if the two scouts get pulled off, or if they get engaged."

Thursday December 14th, 2000 10:45:01 AM

Appolo sits quietly listening to the orders. He doesn't much like what he hears and sees. He remains silent and nearly invisible in his dull black and grey outfit. He looks every bit the silent assassin, even if he doesn't feel like it. For he has never killed anyone before, let alone cold blooded murder like this.
As he looks around he finds his little group of pirates too long on bloodlust and vengeance and too short on experience for this type of job. Plus the fact that for almost half the group this is their first mission, and for Bart and himself the time spent aboard ship was the first time they had ever been away from home.
Now they're about to attack an unknown number of priests and assorted followers of G'aal in their own temple. The whole mission feels wrong to him. As he is listening and mulling his own feelings over he mumbles to himself, "I don't like this."
Appolo carries his daggers and his bow with a quiver of arrows, all tightly secured.

Bart OOC 
Thursday December 14th, 2000 12:43:07 PM

Sorry Fooks I was unable to post the last three weeks, feels good to be back, also my email acoount doesn't work anymore further emails should be sent to joetyphon@hotmail.com.

Bart (six months) 
Thursday December 14th, 2000 12:59:16 PM

During the six months Bart can be mostly found in the alley where he helps the cook to prepare food for the crew. If he is not in the cooking business, Bart exercises his fighting with the longsword and the shortbow (provided the pirates lent or even give him an bow and a sword, his own sword, bow and chain are still in the mill). He also wonders if there are more powers bestowed in the dagger his stepfather has given him. He asks Rigging about it and lets him also see how the dagger can glow in the dark.

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