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Pursuit & Piracy

DM Kim 
Friday November 17th, 2000 5:11:10 PM

Bulldog sees that the wrought iron gate closes behind him. Being outside the area of silence surrounding Aquali, he hears a click as a lock closes on it. Chains appear out of the air, and appear to wrap themselves around the bars.

The party is led through corridors, up into another building, out onto the streets, where a light rain has just begun to fall. There is a light to moderate breeze. Aquali moves his hands. The silence in the ears of those close to him disappears, and the breeze and pitter patter of raindrops initially sound quite loud after the total silence. Is that the sound of waves to the west? The ears then quickly adjust.

"Now we..." Aquali begins.

"There they are! AFTER THEM!" a ragged voice cries.

Appolo recognizes the distant speaker as the fellow in the robes who took a crossbow bolt in the chest.

Aquali turns. "Run! This way!" He sprints ahead south forty yards, turning a sharp corner into an alley way...

Those looking toward the voice see three figures. One of them waves to his right down the street opposite the way Aquali runs, and makes a circling motion. A few of the sharp-eyed among you see four or five people that direction, to the north. Maybe they are going to try to go around the block the other way. The three with the shouter begin to move quickly toward the party. It's perhaps rather confusing right now.

Friday November 17th, 2000 11:58:49 PM

The fear rises to the back of Blue's neck... "Oh Great Dragon guide us..." He turns to look for pursuit and sees Bulldog covering the group's escape... Blue feels a wave of comfort push back the chill, the sight of the brawny youth reminds him they are travelling in Lemtrovex's grace and protection... Blue grits his teeth and starts running after Aquali and the others.

Saturday November 18th, 2000 1:44:07 PM

Rigging seeing Bulldog pull up decides he can't leave his new found friend. He stands beside Bulldog helping cover the retreat. He says, "So nice day for a strategic retreat hhmmm?"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Saturday November 18th, 2000 9:03:37 PM

Seeing the thoughts clearly in Blue's expression, Bulldog quickly nods his head in recognition. The stout fighter follows up the rear, pushing the others on if any lag behind. "No time to stop Rigging, ... keep on going," as he forcefully pushes the blueblood forward. Whistling for Asbury to be careful as the furry fellow weaves among the group.

Saturday November 18th, 2000 11:17:23 PM

Legs, used to running, could be on Aquali's heels, but instead, seeing Bulldog managing the back end of the group, himself stays near the front, but keeping his eye on how the group is keeping up. "Hurry!" The paladin turns the corner down the alley Aquali entered, and looks to see what he may be running into. One hand is on his sword.

Sunday November 19th, 2000 10:37:06 AM

Bart will run after Aquali, pulling out his dagger just in case.

Monday November 20th, 2000 9:57:59 AM

Appolo says, "They're circling in front of us, we need a smoke screen." He will lead the party to the right as soon as possible, in order to avoid the group circling to cut them off. After a few more paces he says, "This way!!" And veers right.

OOC: Appolo is going to use his knowledge of the city to try and lead them away from their pursuers.

Monday November 20th, 2000 4:05:12 PM

Ari prepares for the turmoil ahead. In a strange sort of detached way, he gets a feeling of deja vu. Ari follows Aquali.

Monday November 20th, 2000 7:12:52 PM

Sling in hand, Wynd quickly takes up the rear guard, watching for anything that might be coming from behind.

Monday November 20th, 2000 10:59:02 PM

If the trio who are blocking our path come into range, Riggings will say to Bulldog and Wynd, "Watch my back." He will stop and cast his sleep spell on the trio.

DM Kim  d20=12
Wednesday November 22nd, 2000 4:38:41 AM

As Bulldog is forcefully scooting him forward, Rigging finds it difficult to stop. And he sees that the two of the trio will quickly be upon them if he does stop. Rigging and Wynd note that the one who spoke a moment ago took several steps towards the fleeing party, then paused. This robed man now moves one hand in complex patterns, and his left hand holds a small glowing object. Amidst the sounds of the pattering rain, the running feet, the labored breath of the companions, a few arcane words come from this robed man. Meanwhile, three of the other group have disappeared around the distant (~120 yards away) corner, and a pair of that distant group remain at the corner, perhaps observing.

Appolo knows that there is no 'turn to the right' until the alley down which Aquali ran. But he also recalls that down that passage are three inner alleys, plus another branch or two. Aquali has entered an area with several possible paths within.

Ari, Bart, Blue and Legs see Aquali beckoning, waiting at the left fork of a Y-intersection. Bart recalls that one of his stepfather's friends has a shop down this way. Blue is feeling quite winded, and is not sure he will be able to keep up if the running continues much longer.

Wednesday November 22nd, 2000 7:49:01 AM

"Keep moving." Ari will try to help anyone that is struggling along. Ari moves towards where Aquali is waiting.

Wednesday November 22nd, 2000 9:04:45 AM

Rigging says, "Bulldog, keep them off me. The other is a spellcaster!" Rigging turns says some quick arcane words and fires a globe of energy at the spellcaster (magic missile). Rigging does this hoping to disrupt the spellcaster's spell.

Wynd  d20=16 d6+2=6
Wednesday November 22nd, 2000 11:27:19 AM

With a quick twirl of her wrist, Wynd whips the already readied sling around and sends a bullet at the robed figure, and smiles with satisfaction as she watches it strike home. (hits AC 1 for 6 points)

Wednesday November 22nd, 2000 4:21:53 PM

Blue is now gasping heavily, the last sprint has used most of his somewhat limited wind. He sees Aquali aiming the group at the turn and heads in that direction. As Ari starts to pull away, because Blue is slowing, Blue sees Ari look back. Blue extends his arm, Ari grabs it and helps pull Blue along towards Aquali and the others running in that direction.

Blue can feel the coughing disease, that has haunted him since he was very young, start to grip his lungs... he knows if he doesn't stop to catch his breath soon the coughing will start, which he knows will stop him.

Blue  d20=5
Wednesday November 22nd, 2000 5:21:06 PM

Successful constitution check... Blue is still breathing.

DM Kim  d20=1 d20=14 d6+3=5
Wednesday November 22nd, 2000 9:01:38 PM

Rigging's magic and Wynd's mundane missiles strike the spellcaster, and the glowing object in his hand drops to the ground.

However, a well-built man with a sword, and a lithe man in black with a club have closed with those who paused in flight. The sword flickers quickly in a complex pattern as he draws near Rigging. No doubt with his mastery he could easily carve his initials wherever he chose on the young noble. He brings the sword behind his back, transferring it from right hand to left. But just as the sword tip swings near Rigging's face, the sword flies out of the fighter's hand and over Rigging's shoulder, to the evident surprise of the erstwhile wielder.

The more slender black-clad figure has more success with his club, thwacking Wynd in the ribs along her right side (5 hp damage to Wynd).

The two figures down at the corner see the two groups close, and begin running toward the incipient melee.

DM Kim 
Wednesday November 22nd, 2000 9:19:46 PM

In the alleys, people have nearly caught up with Aquali, who has stepped a ways into the left fork. The very dim light provided by a candle here and there in second-story windows above the closed shops provide the only light. "Go in here," he says, opening the second door on the right side of this path. "Where are the others? Wait inside. Weapons ready." If all enter, he closes the door, himself remaining outside. It is not locked once closed. Inside is a girl, eight or nine, with a candle. "Shshhh," she says, holding her finger to her lips. This appears to be a shop which sells bags, sacks, purses, and pouches, judging by the items hanging from the walls and stacked on shelves. There is an opening with a blanket over it at the back of this room.

Wednesday November 22nd, 2000 9:59:50 PM

The stocky lad slowly starts to catch his breath... he takes his breaths slow so as not to make much noise... he turns to Ari and says quietly, "Thanks for your help back there." Blue then reaches back and pulls free his quarter staff keeping his eyes on the rear entrance.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday November 23rd, 2000 8:21:38 AM

Frustrated that Rigging and Wynd have ignored his attempts to keep them moving. The big fellow takes advantage of the weaponless fighter's surprise by grabbing the blueblood and again sending him on his way towards the others. Shouting, "Get going ... we have no time left for this ..." Anger and concern well up as he sees Wynd taking a hit to the body. Bulldog grabs the Ranger and shoves her after the hopefully retreating noble. "NO time for this Wynd ... GO !!" Retreating and again taking up the rearguard.

Asbury willingly greets the young girl with the candle. Repeatedly sniffing and looking. 'hmmmm so quiet'

Wynd  d20=20 d20=20 d20=20 d20=19 d6+1=4 d6+1=5 d6+1=5 d6+1=4
Thursday November 23rd, 2000 9:27:26 AM

As Wynd is hit by the club you hear her breath exhale out of her body and her utter something under her breath. Ummph, "Kurig's Handmaiden!!" and almost as quick as lightning and even before Bulldog can get to her, Wynd's sword is out and has woven through the club wielder's defense almost as if he was standing still. Wynd's sword whips out and carves into the hapless fool, hitting him four times in the blink of an eye (AC 0,0,0,1 for 18 points). Bulldog hears her say as the last strike goes home. "That one's for Skippy." Then Bulldog spins her around and they are off.

[DM Kim adds: A natural 20 gives maximum damage, and after each natural 20 one rolls again, as Wynd has done. Damage is therefore 7+7+7+4=25 hp - but all that damage is the result not of four blows, but of only one incredible strike. Wow!]

Thursday November 23rd, 2000 10:27:42 PM

Rigging decides to take Bulldog's advice but keeps an eye over his shoulder. His eyes bulge at Wynd's sword work. He thinks to himself, "I am glad these two are on my side." Rigging hurries after the others.

Friday November 24th, 2000 11:11:04 AM

(occ oops sorry Damage on that should have been 25 points)

Friday November 24th, 2000 5:46:20 PM

"No problem," whispers Ari. "Why don't you ready your healing, and I'll defend the entrances, just in case." Ari will ready his rapier.

Friday November 24th, 2000 8:13:29 PM

Appolo steps quickly to the back and sits down out of breath. After resting for a couple of minutes. He stands up and says, "Where are the others?" He starts to head for the door. "I'm going to go get them, they probly need help."

Sunday November 26th, 2000 6:12:30 PM

Legs puts his hand firmly on Appolo's retreating shoulder. "Stay put," he says in a steely whisper. "Can't you follow orders?"

Triad in trouble (DM Kim)  d100=2
Monday November 27th, 2000 3:04:08 AM

The clubman goes down, Wynd's incredible swordstrike having nearly severed his right arm and shoulder. Blood spurts forth, and he falls to his knees, screaming.

The swordless swordsman says, "Curse you! Curse you to perdition!" He backs up, pulls a dagger from beside his calf, and crouches to defend his companion against further attack. He does not pursue. The robed spellcaster runs to his two companions, and kneels to touch the woefully injured man.

In the bag shop (DM Kim) 
Monday November 27th, 2000 3:17:48 AM

The girl with the candle kneels down to pet Asbury, careful to hold the candle away from the sheepdog. "Nice doggie," she whispers. "Nice doggie." Asbury wags his tail. She stands. Speaking quietly she says, "You can each take a bag. Papa said if anyone came tonight, I should give each one a bag. Just take whatever one you like, each."

Enter the alley (DM Kim) 
Monday November 27th, 2000 3:21:41 AM

Bulldog, Wynd and Rigging turn the corner into the alley, and see Aquali halfway down, who waves his hand to call the three toward him.

Monday November 27th, 2000 12:09:58 PM

If it appears Appolo is not still planning to try to leave the shop, Legs selects a modest, medium-sized bag. He mouths a thank you to the girl.

Monday November 27th, 2000 2:47:44 PM

"Fine they're your friends, didn't realize we were in the army General," sarcastically saluting Legs, before selecting a medium sized bag of his own. Appolo then sits back down. He will rest until time to go. He is clearly not happy.

OOC: He is carrying his Bow, a quiver of arrows 20, 4 daggers, 2 Platinum Pieces.
He is wearing new clean clothes and shoes.
The rest of his possessions he did not have time to collect, including his thieves tools.

Monday November 27th, 2000 3:23:40 PM

"Apollo, you must realize that we are basically in the middle of an enemy's camp. We do not know who are our friends, and who are our enemies. It is easily conceivable that if we go their rescue, the whole town will come down on us. Then no one makes it." Ari will grab whatever he can handle weight wise, that doesn't become too bulky. As an after thought, " it is not a pleasant way to live, but someone must live to tell the story."

Monday November 27th, 2000 7:12:35 PM

Blue's breathing has returned to normal, he rises slowly and chooses a bag and tucks it away the best he can. He then says quietly, but confidently, "Qhen is taking care of us right now, she is very powerful...Aquali is a Pirate of Jack and is directed by Qhen...this is all the will of Lemtrovex...we must wait and be ready...I am afraid, but I know our friends are able and Lem has a greater purpose for us then to die here and now...Lem guide us to thy strength and comfort...".

Monday November 27th, 2000 7:14:44 PM

Leaving their attackers behind, Wynd heads out the alley and down the street when she sees Aquali she heads his way and into the shop.

Monday November 27th, 2000 7:17:17 PM

Grateful that Wynd and Rigging are heeding his advice, the big fellow follows after them. Upon seeing the triad cease the pursuit, Bulldog feels a little relief. Happily following Aquali into the alley way and beyond.

Monday November 27th, 2000 10:05:52 PM

Rigging heads into the shop and does a quick count to make sure everyone is there. When Wynd comes in he gives her a quick peck on the cheek and says, "Nice sword work!"

Aquali (DM Kim) 
Tuesday November 28th, 2000 2:04:03 AM

As Aquali shuts the door behind Bulldog, some noise is heard in the street. Feet running by, and a few shouts. The little girl with the candle opens the curtain into the back of the shop. "This way." She holds the curtain open so all may pass through. Aquali goes last. The teenagers find themselves crowded into a hallway. The girl squeezes by, and opens a door at the end of the hall. "Good night. I have to go to bed now." She gives a little wave with her fingertips, puffs out the candle, and shuts the door.

"I will make a portal. Step through, quick as you can, when you see it appear. It will take you near to a boat. A few hands there should guide you. In the boat, lie down, and make as little noise as possible. Thank Lem, the sound of the rain will mask the ... no time. Just get ready to step through."

Aquali places one hand on the side of his head. With the other he gestures back toward the curtain. A dark rectangle appears, with coruscating lights. Appolo recognizes it as the portal through which he escaped earlier. It is familiar to Legs and Ari, too. His voice intense, Aquali whispers strongly, "Go now!"

A fist pounds abruptly on the door to the alley.

Tuesday November 28th, 2000 2:08:30 AM

Legs, deciding not to speak, leads by example, and leaps through the dark plane of energy. In his mind he recalls the leap that saved him from the combined breath attacks of the barn-sized Godspawn. He keeps his legs moving, wondering what he will land upon.

Tuesday November 28th, 2000 2:54:34 AM

Appolo stands up and without a word follows the others through.

Tuesday November 28th, 2000 6:46:53 AM

Ari will step thru the portal. If there is time, he will take his time, so as to not run into anyone on the other side.

Tuesday November 28th, 2000 11:41:06 AM

Blue quickly follows Ari thru the portal.

Tuesday November 28th, 2000 11:56:25 AM

Rigging says to Wynd and Bulldog in a whisper, "Isn't this exciting! Beats living in the woods anyday." Rigging steps through the portal after Blue hands on his sheathed weapons.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday November 28th, 2000 7:25:06 PM

"My blood is rushing. That is true." Replying to Rigging's comment as the noble leaps through the portal. He then turns to Wynd. "After you Wynd. ... where ever that is ..." He turns to the door as he hears the pounding. Then turns back to leap through last. "Hurry."

Tuesday November 28th, 2000 7:28:57 PM

Stepping to and fro to avoid being stepped upon. The four footed furball leaps, herding the front runners through. 'my what a wonderful little game this is ....'

Tuesday November 28th, 2000 7:47:09 PM

Barely acknowledging either of Rigging's or Bulldog's comments Wynd rushes through the door hastily trying to clean her sword as she goes. As the girl proffers the bag, she absently stuffs it through a loop in her belt and heads toward the opening portal. Not bothering to sheathe her sword, She looks up as Bulldog indicates that she should go through first and with a nod heads through.

All Aboard! (DM Kim)  d20=3 d20=4 d20=20 d20=4 d20=19 d20=16 d20=7 d20=1 d20=6 d20=19
Tuesday November 28th, 2000 9:43:34 PM

Ari, Rigging and Bulldog manage to make it through the portal with relatively stability. But Legs, Appolo, Blue, Asbury and Wynd (and Bart? Come in, Bart) are disoriented, dizzy, momentarily stunned by this strange mode of travel.

Regardless, all are now standing (at least the first three), or in some other posture on a short piece of sandy beach. Bulldog sees poor Wynd, ribs still sore from being clubbed, lying face down, passed out on the wet sand.

Fortunately, there are two other people on the beach, and they urge people forward into a pair of nearby skiffs. Appolo (and Bart?), who usually see(s) bright lights illuminating the shore, is/are surprised to see that it is fairly dark. The lighthouses are unlit.

Aquali shows up last, and helps the unsteady toward the boats.

Tuesday November 28th, 2000 9:59:38 PM

Blue allows himself to be guided towards the boats... not until he is boarded does he notice that Wynd is down, but the dizziness makes it difficult to maintain his feet and he sinks to the bottom of the boat.

Wednesday November 29th, 2000 12:33:31 AM

Ari will stand around and help all that are dis-oriented. After everyone files past, Ari will help move/drag Wynd to safety after making sure her wounds are staunched.

Wednesday November 29th, 2000 9:57:11 AM

Appolo regains his bearings and walks over to help Ari with Wynd. "Here let me help you." He bends over and helps pick her up, he also grabs her sword. He will help carry her to the boats. Looking at Ari as they carry Wynd, "She probly has internal injuries, I do not see much blood."

Wednesday November 29th, 2000 1:25:03 PM

Rigging sees Wynd collapsed on the ground rushes over to help. He brushes the others away and with surprising strength for his slim frame picks Wynd up and carries her to the boats. He looks very angry and says in a harsh whisper, "Damn This is my fault. If I didn't stop to spell cast, she wouldn't have gotten hit with that club." He sets her gently in the boat and puts his cloak under her head.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday November 29th, 2000 6:23:41 PM

Worry shows upon his face as he sees many fallen. "Steep price to pay, Rigging. Wait till she comes to." Following the leading 'Legs.' Bulldog scoops up Asbury with care and practiced ease. Then he again makes sure everyone gets to the boats, as he brings up the rear. Lending a hand to those that he can. All the while whispering into Asbury's ear that all will be fine.

Wednesday November 29th, 2000 8:34:01 PM




Launch (DM Kim)  d20=11 d20=12 d8=7
Wednesday November 29th, 2000 9:54:47 PM

All get in one of the pair of boats. Ari, Rigging, Wynd, and Blue are in the blue boat to the right, Legs, Appolo, Bart, Bulldog and Asbury in the plain skiff to the left. Aquali urges Bulldog to follow his lead. The words "Push off!" join with the action as Aquali launches the blue boat into the water. Bulldog pushes the plain boat as well. Farther down the beach, the sound of other boats pushing off is heard.

"All right, all heads down." Aquali takes the oars in the blue boat. A woman, who helped some get on that boat, lies in the blue boat with the youths. "Girl, I'll help you." She places her hands on Wynd's ribs, feeling about, and eliciting a further wince from her. The woman then whispers a prayer. As the boat slaps against the incoming waves, the pain, sharp at first in the ranger, soon subsides, and Wynd feels the warmth of the woman's healing hands (+7hp).

In the brown skiff, two wiry men pull at the oars, fighting the incoming waves, with the slapping of the hull lessening as the boat gets into deeper water.

On the shore, to the south, one of the light beacons relights, but does not illuminate the local waters. But lights are beginning to come on in the town. A fireball flashes behind some buildings, and a moment later the boom of the explosion is heard.

A hundred fifty yards over toward the north, the streak of magic missiles flies over the waves, briefly lighting a fleeing rowboat. A faint scream is heard. The rain starts to come down harder. The floors of the boats slosh with water, drenching those who lie down.

Thursday November 30th, 2000 7:39:39 AM

Rigging carefully looks over the side at the fireworks in town. He pales at the sight of a fireball. He hopes that innocent people were not hurt. He then turns and looks ahead. Where are they going he wonders. (ooc What kind of equipment do we have? Do I have my backpack with my spellbooks?)

DM [What equipment?] 
Thursday November 30th, 2000 11:52:23 AM

[OOC: The characters in the boats will have at this time whatever equipment they brought with them to Aurima's Hostel. Not their horses or any gear they left at the miller's, nor what the two characters from Ailthmar were not able to pick up (sorry). Since Wynd and Rigging declined to stay at Bart's place, it is safe to assume they brought backpacks and gear, but not saddles, lion skin, etc. I know Appolo wishes he had his thief tools and other goodies...]

Thursday November 30th, 2000 6:52:05 PM

Somewhere in her fog of non-awareness, Wynd feels the healer's hands on her side and winces at the first touch and then her body noticeably relaxes as the healer's spell takes effect. Moments later she wakes and tries to stand up, causing the boat to rock quite a bit. When she realizes where she is, Wynd literally starts to shake and hyperventilate as she freaks out. "How...? Why...? We're in a Boat? On Water? Oh Lem, we're all gonna drown!! Get me off this thing!! I don't want to Die!!

Thursday November 30th, 2000 9:33:57 PM

Blue remains sitting, but calls out to Wynd, "Wynd, you are all right...you are in Lem's hands...you are safe, but you must sit down...Wynd, for all our sakes...please, sit down".

Friday December 1st, 2000 6:07:16 AM

"We are trying to get away from the red socks! You need to sit still, so that we can get away".

Friday December 1st, 2000 9:22:09 AM

Rigging grabs Wynd's head gently with his two hands forcing her head away from the water and making her look him in the eyes. At the same time he will be softly saying, "Wynd, it is all right. You are safe here with me. Please sit down. The water can't hurt you. You are safe.
Your family is with you. You are safe." Rigging gently pulls her to a sitting position.

Friday December 1st, 2000 10:07:31 AM

OOC:Just a reminder. Appolo picked up Wynds sword.He has it.

Lady Freeborn (DM Kim)  d20=9 d20=12
Friday December 1st, 2000 12:11:41 PM

The shore fades into the distance, and the rain falls hard. The passengers are told they can sit up, now that they are far enough away from shore. The sea is choppy in the moderate wind ... but after a time, both boats come in sight of a ship with sails. "Ahoy there! Ahoy Lady Freeborn! Our young friends are with us. Ahoy!"

A lantern carried by a man moves along the port side of the three-masted sailing ship. It looks to be about 45 feet long, and holes for oars are midway up the sides. Canvas covers some devices both fore and aft. Heavy missile weapons line the decks.

"Ahoy yerself. That you, 'Quali? 'Ere, I'll lowa the ladda." A rope ladder unfurls next to the boat. The voice of another man up on deck is heard, but it's hard to make out what he says.

Aquali tosses a rope up, and the woman who healed Wynd does likewise. The lines are caught, and help steady the small boat. Aquali says, "All right - it's up with you all. Steady, now." As each climbs the rope ladder, strong arms reach down to help the climber on to the ship. After all others are off, Aquali stays on the boat, the lines are tossed back to him, and he rows to the starboard side of the ship. Those up top see that the blue boat is then winched up.

Meanwhile, the other skiff is brought alongside, and the teenagers climb up. Then the skiff pushes off. "Wish us well!" one rower shouts. "Confusion to our opponents!" shouts the other.

Captain on Deck (DM Kim) 
Friday December 1st, 2000 12:34:12 PM

Several men and a few women come up on to the deck. They nod at the party in greeting, a few smiling, others serious. They gather in a line. Toward the stern, a pair of narrow doors, which lie at a 40 degree angle, open. A burly man climbs out, and stands to one side. With a bass voice, he rumbles, "Captain on deck." A short, slender man next climbs up. The large man salutes. The captain returns the salute. Moving with grace, he approaches the newcomers.

"Welcome aboard the Lady Freeborn. I am Captain Payton." He gives a courteous bow to the teens. Then, sweeping his hand towards the crew, he states, "We are the Pirates of Jack."

The crew immediately begins a chant:
"Jack for freedom
Jill for truth
Stand we all
Opposed to Ga'al
Bring our people
Back to light
Holy Lem will their priests vex
And for liberty we fight!

The captain says, "Welcome them, pirates!"

And the line breaks up as the men and women gather around the adolescent adventurers, shaking their hands, slapping them on the back, some offering hugs, others more shy. "Hey, Blue, welcome back!!"

Fare well (DM Kim) 
Friday December 1st, 2000 12:54:52 PM

[OOC: Kim here. JK is taking over as DM for the Aisildurian campaign as of Monday. I've enjoyed your roleplaying. Oh - in each of your bags (and Aquali brought a few extra for the latecomers) you will find a small bottle labeled, "Unto teh heallign of wuodns" - spelled exactly like that. Dyslexic potion brewer. Potion of healing. Oh, one more thing. You'll want to start working on converting your characters over to the new Third Edition Dungeon and Dragons game. JK will give you more information on this. Adios!]

Friday December 1st, 2000 1:09:42 PM

Ari stands shellshocked as he receives the greetings and hugs. He slowly looks around at the faces around him, at the expanse of ship that is under his feet, at the open ocean. Ari wonders to himself, 'could it really be, that there is a small community that actively works against Ga'al. Till this moment, I only had hope, fleeting, as it seemed. But now I know.'

As Ari thoughts go spinning on, a tear forms under his right eye, and slowly works its way down his cheek. Ari very hoarsely says"..excuse me... if I may be slow to respond.....This is.... just..... so .... unbelievable. All my life....."

Wynd  d20=13
Friday December 1st, 2000 7:22:42 PM

Through everyone's efforts Wynd finally settles down a bit but never really stops shaking. While she somehow manages to make it on to the ship, those around her can hear her mumbling, "Skippy, What have I gotten into?" "I didn't think this far in advance. I'm not sure I can do this. Live on a ship? Oh Lem....."

Friday December 1st, 2000 8:18:27 PM

Blue joins into the hugging, the hand shaking and the general cajolling... "Good to be back mates... good to have the deck under my feet again," he says to anyone who will listen. The young cleric is overjoyed to be back onboard with the pirates and glad to out of the fray... for the moment. The realization that they made it in one piece is an enormous relief... also the realization that the majority of family has arrived all in good condition... "By the grace and the goodness of the Dragon... thank you Lem," he whispers.

Friday December 1st, 2000 9:38:38 PM

Legs takes in the ship, the chant, the welcome. He returns the greetings. "Eh, Rigging - what do you think?"

He approaches Wynd. "Aelwyndas, don't be anxious. You will do fine. Bulldog whispered to me what you did back there. Rigging and you stopped the spellcaster, and you cut that fellow's arm nearly off. Lemtrovex was with you there, and he is with you here." The tall youth takes her hand for a moment, and looks at the ring. "Skippy's there for you, too, my sister Wynd."

"Say, Appolo, sorry I was so stern with you back in the shop. I'm not really a general. Not even an admiral..." then, with a twinkle in his eye, he adds, "At least not yet."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Saturday December 2nd, 2000 6:15:18 PM

Silently greeting all the Pirates of Jack, the big fellow takes it all in. 'This is real after all.' He looks about to his family and new friends. He sees the same sentiment in Ari's face. "It is real. It's been such a long time to get here."

Saturday December 2nd, 2000 11:00:27 PM

Rigging is excited. It feels great to be back aboard a ship. A fighting vessel no less. He introduces himself around to his new ship mates and tries to gauge the professionalism of the crew. He saunters over to Wynd and asks, "Why are you afraid of ships? Do you know how to swim? Don't worry... We will have you climbing the rigging in no time... No pun intended," Rigging adds with a slight worried look and a blush.

Monday December 4th, 2000 7:30:27 AM

OOC: (Greetings. I'll be your interim DM. I'll have a short stint to help you get to know the pirate life. Then David Hill will be back to run the next full module. For whatever its worth, I generally post in the early am)

Something amiss? - DM JK 
Monday December 4th, 2000 7:41:35 AM

Various members of the crew come over to welcome the group aboard. Finally, a short weasely man approaches. When he walks up, the greeting party seems to be over, and most of the others walk off waving as they go.

Tucking some greasy hair back under the black bandana wrapped around his head, the short fellow says, "Greetins to yas lubbers! Capn be wantin me ta shew yas th'ship. Yas be on the aftdeck. There," he points to the other end of the ship, "be the foredeck. Fo'c'stle be there. Starboard be yas right, and Port be de lef. Galley be first deck aft. Cargo be first deck fore. Crew quarter be second deck... Oh, and I be Sword. Now then what questions have ye?"

Monday December 4th, 2000 4:04:25 PM

"Where do we store our stuff, and are there any more people coming?"

(ooc just seeing whether I'll be able to get the dagger, and ring I gave up to be identified.)

[Former DM Kim: You were not able to bring them with you during the flight.]

Wynd  d20=9
Monday December 4th, 2000 9:05:57 PM

Without even having to try very hard (made Dex by 9), Wynd manages to "accidently" lose her balance as Sword comes close. As she stumbles she reaches out with the hand that has Skippy's ring on it and grabs hold of his bare arm to apparently steady herself.

Tuesday December 5th, 2000 12:21:15 AM

"Lubber! Sword, the name is Rigging and I have lived on boats almost all of my life. I can work as a seaman or navigate." Rigging blows a long breath and counts to 10 to himself. Visibly calmer he asks, "Are we to be crew or just passengers? Where are we to bunk?"

Bulldog & Asbury (the Lubbers) 
Tuesday December 5th, 2000 2:00:40 AM

Listening to the greaser quickly point out the whereabouts of the ship. The burly young fighter adds in after Rigging. "That would be a start," nodding with the blueblood's questions. "What about what's next for us? It's obvious that you have been waiting for us. As well as put great effort in helping us to get here. Who shall we speak to about how to work out yours and our plans on our futures?" Making good eye contact, the fighter speaks in a steady and firm tone.
Asbury pounces about investigating the new environment 'my my what new things have we here'

Sword - DM JK 
Tuesday December 5th, 2000 7:50:03 AM

"Yas be guests not crew n can stash yas gear b'low in der crew quarters. No t'other place to sleep. We been waitin to hap yas make scape. The Pirates o Jack know a plenty bou life in A'dur. Now, the plan be to sail east through Lotophagi and put yas ashore near New Elenna. There yas be safe and can make new homes for yas. Then we Pirates o Jack come back here and keep fightin' da war gainst Ga'al., and yas lubbers can sleep safe n soun."
Sword steps back and looks and the little band, "Yas hav da look of a mad kilda on yas. Yas didna think ya was joinin the Jack did yas?" He stares hard a moment and continues, "Yas better think hard bout that decision. Safe beds ar wild sea n hard fightin? Decide now. Decide forever. N if yas be choosin the Jack, I'll be wantin to know why."

Tuesday December 5th, 2000 10:03:09 AM

Rigging squares his shoulders and steps forward.
My given name is Arrack Von Palin, son of the Earl Von Palin. I am only the second son and will not inherit my father's position Lem willing. I saw my beloved brother Arvail seeded with Ga'al's cursed seed. He was once a funloving free spirit. After the seed was implanted he changed. He was still my brother but his spirit was crushed. That was when I knew I had to escape being implanted myself and work to freeing my family and people. It is my responsiblity to look after my people as the Von Palin's have been doing for generations beyond count. You say to choose between a soft life or a life filled with blood and sacrifice. I choose to fight. I will free my family and my people." Rigging looks quickly around at his friends. "My friends think hard, I have chosen this course years ago. It is my duty and priviledge to serve my people. It isn't an easy life we decide on and it could be a very short life at that. There is no dishonor in choosing a peaceful life raising a family in safety." Rigging then leaves the group and goes to stand by the rail, staring out into the darkness.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday December 5th, 2000 11:30:14 AM

Anger seeps into his voice as he speaks. "You just wait a minute. We didn't fight our way here. Losing family and friends at every turn. Just to be let off to forget about everything. We took a oath to fight Ga'al's oppression at the very beginning. We have already made that choice. As you well know! Our fighting has just begun. We will do it either with you or without you." The mighty fighter's voice booms with finality as he finishes. Standing his ground firmly as he confronts Sword.

Tuesday December 5th, 2000 1:48:33 PM

"Weeelllll. I'm not sure I cannot be involved. Since I am not sure what you do and do not know of us. There has been at least a minor/major compication for myself. I have been given the Noble seeding. Though I think the seed is dead, or at least, very inactive.
How much does the rest of the world know of G'aal? And would people assume the worst, seeing the seed in my belly? I willing took the seed, in the intent that it might give me the ability to help my family, or at least to help others get away from G'aal's curse." Ari states this rather mact-of-fact like.

Tuesday December 5th, 2000 6:45:11 PM

The stocky blue clad youth steps up beside his larger brother Bulldog and puffs his chest. He points a thick finger at Sword and states, "I do not understand the nature of your words... Qhen has guided us and knows our hearts... It is your heart that is in question at this moment. I think you speak for yourself only sir... if that is the case I suggest you stand down as you are at risk of being knocked down. Do not be fooled by these childish bodies, our hearts have been tempered by fire."

Wynd  d20=16 d20=16
Tuesday December 5th, 2000 7:42:09 PM

As she momentarily steadies herself on Sword's arm, Wynd tries to tell if there is some reaction from the ring as it touches Sword. As Sword challenges their right to become Jacks, Wynd draws a dagger and has it at Sword's throat in mere moments (made two dex rolls). In a low hissing voice she says, "You of all people have no right to question us, our rights or desires to be here. You have no idea what we have been through or faced. There are none here who won't do their part in anything that needs to be do. If any have a problem with us being here, step forward now and answer to me." With that said she replaces her dagger in her sheathe and steps away.

Legs  d20=15
Tuesday December 5th, 2000 9:13:35 PM

On legs not quite used to the rolling deck, Legs stabilizes himself by holding on to the railing. He responds mildly, "We are here to join you. Not to seek soft beds. And what is a 'mad kilda'?"

Sword (DM JK) 
Wednesday December 6th, 2000 10:49:31 AM

Sword seems absolutely unphased by Wynd's threats and obviously isn't impressed or moved by anyone else's words, "Don't give me that 'nature of the heart' foolishness, this be dangerous business, and we make sure of everything. There also be more to the Pirates o Jack than fighting Ga'al. There be others after our blood as well. Yas also need to learn somthin bout life board ship." He points at Rigging standing by the rail and continues, "He knows and treats me respectful. Answered the question to which he was put."
Sword pauses and glares before continuing, "But some o yas others have no respect. The fact of the matter is, all yas be aboard a pirate ship. Yas do things ar way ar yas don't. If yas don't, then yas aren't fit to be Pirates o Jack. Bravery be not enou'. Having seen suffering be not enou'. Yas need discipline and respect. Yas seem to be lacking it. It is up to me to determine whether yas be fit for crew. So far yas be not showing me much to earn my respect. I made no threats, but offered to take yas away from this place. Like I said b'for that be what we do, and why we be here tonight. Yas greements with others matter not. I saw in your eyes that might not be why yas came, and I offered the opp'tnty that yas become crew. Yas response be to threaten to knock me down and yas even draw steel."
As Sword rants on, his voice rises in pitch. He's obviously very angry. A few other crew members show up in response. They are carrying loaded crossbows and fierce looks. Captain Payton also arrives, but he makes no move to intervene.
"Now then. Yas have in a way answered me question about your reasons. But I need to hear yas say it. DO YAS WANT TO BE PART O THIS CREW... and if any o yas try to draw steel 'gin, you'll all be dead b'for yas skin blade."

Legs  d20=2 d20=17 d20=4
Wednesday December 6th, 2000 12:09:28 PM

"YES, SIR!" Legs answers Sword directly. "I want to be part of this crew. I want to be a Pirate o Jack," he says, trying out Sword's pronunciation of the name of the group. "I want to learn all about life at sea, and how to sail. I don't know much about that yet, but you show me, and I'll do it." He decides he should let go of the railing for the time being. And, for the moment, he seems to find his balance (made dex check). "I want to fight against the forces of Ga'al, and other opponents we may meet. And one day, I may want my own ship to carry on the fight." He pauses a beat, and adds, "And I know how to swim." After this declaration, he loses his balance, grasps for the railing, and manages to keep from falling down.

Wednesday December 6th, 2000 1:26:37 PM

"As soon as I made my decision to not be heart seeded, my path was set. If I was to choose the bed, I would have stayed and been seeded.

My path currently lays alongside the pirates. So I agree to be judged as to whether I'm worthy to join the Pirates of Jack. But there is much more to learn about the world out there. This learning may take me away from the Pirates, or in a different direction from the Pirates.

But there is strength in learning what you do, so for now, I say make me stronger."

Those around will see that Ari is apprehensive about the current situation, but he is not cowed. His speech is delivered with eyes right on Sword, and he does not lower his eyes afterwards.

Wednesday December 6th, 2000 3:27:31 PM

After the meet and greet and various introductions are made, Appolo walks over to Wynd and says, "You might be needing this." He hands her her sword back. Then stands back and thinks, "Well you wanted out, now you're out, now what? join the pirates or get off the boat and start over somewhere else? Not much of a choice."
He stands against the railing lost in his own thought, looking somewhat depressed and unsure.
He is ignoring the conversations and actions going on around him.

Wednesday December 6th, 2000 5:09:17 PM

Rigging walks back to the group after listening to Sword's comments. "Sword, they don't know about the discipline needed aboard ship but they will learn. They have been on their own for too long and have only had themselves to rely on. They haven't had a crew to rely on before. I will pledge my loyalty to the Captain (Rigging nods at the Captain), you, the crew, and this ship. I will serve all with all of my strength, skills, and abilities. Before I make that pledge, I have one question. You claim to be a pirate ship. Do you prey on all shipping? Or only against the servants of Ga'al?
I am here to free my people, not make their lives more difficult. What say you?"

Wednesday December 6th, 2000 7:06:22 PM

Looking at Sword and watching the captain approach with his men Wynd accepts her sword back from Appolo and as she sheathes it she faces Sword again. "While some of us lack what you might consider discipline, true respect is something that you earn over time. The fact that we are here should speak to our resolve to be part of the Jacks. I have done and faced many things since leaving home a year ago. And I know that this will be by far the hardest thing for me to do. For I am terrified of the water and being on it. In fact I'm not certain I can overcome my fear of it. But I am going to do everything I can to do so. Does that answer your question?"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday December 6th, 2000 10:10:04 PM

Looking at sword. Bulldog answers again "The answer was 'yes' when Ozymandius asked us, the answer is 'yes' now and the answer will be 'yes' next time I'm asked." Clearly annoyed.

The Jack of Swords - DM JK 
Thursday December 7th, 2000 10:52:24 AM

"All a yas really need to learn how to say a simple yes or no in the next coupla days. Not, well if yas be doin this then we be doin this but not afore we know if wes gonna have that. But, I imagine your friend Rigging there speaks truth and Ari at least wants to be aboard. Though I'm uncertain whether he be seeded or no. He says afore that he be noble seeded. Now he says he chose to fight when he chose not to be seeded. If yas be seeded lad, then I kin help ya."
Sword raises his own shirt revealing the tell-tale signs of a past seeding. "Yours may be dormant now, but it won't stay that way. I have some herbs that will keep it from ever claiming control of ya. Yas have to start taking them soon though. If someone with a full grown monster tried taking them, it would kill them both. We'll speak more on this later."
Sword looks out on the group, "Now I sense that yas all want to be Jack even though yas haven't all said it. Yas have questions about what we be about, but afore yas got mad that I say yas might not be able to stay with us. Here be the answer to some of the questions. Others have to wait. One, Ozymandius be not Jack. He don't speak for us. We judge ar own. I care not what bargains yas made with him. Ar anyone else yas spoke to afore coming aboard. We not all be one great big Ga'al hatin club. We have agreements with a few like these that smuggle people on to ar ships. Beyond letting them know where we be, they don't know much more about us than yas seem to. Two, a kilda be a big ugly sea creature. Three, the Pirates o Jack have no set rules. They be made up o outcasts of different places. In a way they be their own seafaring nation. Each ship has a great deal o freedom. This ship primary fights Ga'al. Others do as they wish. None o the Jack serve Ga'al. A'times, there be a coming together, and we do the will of the Jacks just like others would for a king ar queen. But we have far more liberty than most. Four, there do be strength in what we do. Cause we do it together. That be discipline. That means if yas be crew yas do what we be told. If yas be told to swab the decks then yas going to swab the decks. If yas do that, yas get bigger tasks and yas move through the ranks. After some years, maybe yas be Jack too. Five, if any others of yas is scared o water, yas better be getting over it fast. Six, and in tellin yas this, it shows yas be accepted. I be the Jack o Swords..."

He takes of his shirt revealing a tatoo of 10 black swords in a circle, points inward, with a green crown above them. When he removes his shirt, other crew members do likewise revealing similar tatoos. The number of swords changes for each crew member. All the crew members have green swords. It looks like Payton might have ten, his circle looks full at any rate. None of the others has a crown though. Sword continues and his horrible pirate accent changes into something more normal, "and this is my ship, The Empress. So, I do not speak for myself only. I speak for this ship and for the Jack. I also of all people have the right to question why you are here. My deduction to this question is that you have come to fight Ga'al, but you feel that you lack the strength to do this on your own. There is strength in arms and freedom in the seas, so you have come to join us."

The Jack waves at one of the crew members who comes forward with what looks like a pen tipped with a needle and a pot of ink. "If after hearing this, you still wish to be part of my crew then you will be marked as part of my crew. The tatooing is permanent. That is what I meant by once you choose to become one of the Jack, you will always be one. Further the ink is magical. It won't control your thoughts or actions or give you electrical shocks if you're disloyal or something like that. But, it allows any of the Jacks to learn your whereabouts and your physcial condition. More importantly it keeps saboteurs from creating fake tatoos and sneaking aboard other ships. There are a few other minor properties, I will tell you later. Now if you want to be part of my crew, take off your shirts or roll up your sleeves. Now I know that Wynd will probably want to argue, but there's not much to argue about here. Mertz can't draw on your arm if you have it covered. And you aren't one of the Jack without a tattoo despite whatever grumblings you might want to make about your past loyalties and braveries."

The Jack catches Mertz's attention and nods at Rigging and holds up two fingers. Mertz nods back and says, "If the first of yas will come sit by me, we'll get started. It's going to hurt a little."
Jack waits a second and has one final comment, "I'll tell you more about the way the Jacks work after you are all part of my crew. You know as much as you can be told before you have officially joined. Those are the rules for all the Jack ships."

Appolo  d20=8 d20=9 d20=13 d20=12 d20=17 d20=2
Thursday December 7th, 2000 1:02:31 PM

Appolo stands about 5 feet away, leaning against a railing. He is lost in his own thoughts and not paying much attention to what's happening or what Sword and the others have been saying. After a few dry heaves he finally loses his dinner over the side. This prompts him to start heading toward the crews' quarters to get some sleep. He seems to have no problem with his balance as he easily walks across the deck. Even though he looks very sick to the stomach. He will ask a crew member where he might find a place to sleep.

OOC: Made 5 CON checks, failed one. Made Dex check succeeded. CON:17, DEX:2

Thursday December 7th, 2000 1:26:24 PM

Legs, eager to be the first, nevertheless takes a moment to check. Inwardly he prays, "Oh Great and Good God, guide me, and my friends, as we face this decision. I am not afraid of the needle. But neither do I want to make this choice without first asking You. Shall I take the tatoo? Is this Your will for me?" Legs focuses his thoughts, his will, his desires toward his god, seeking wisdom from above. He is inclined to think the answer will be 'yes' - but he does not wish to presume.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday December 7th, 2000 5:00:46 PM

The well muscled young lad removes his chainmail and shirts. Nodding in agreement, now knowing more clearly Swords' words and actions. Grabbing Legs on the shoulder, "It's what we came for." Smiling and exuding confidence.

Thursday December 7th, 2000 7:43:13 PM

"To clear up the seeding. I ran away from heart seeding in our home town. After much traveling, we came ashore and were mistaken for a bunch of lost nobles. In their place we were given a chance to be nobly seeded, which is thru the belly, and gives more freedom of thought, then the heart seeding. I am the only one that took the seeding. After the seeding was done, and when I caught up to my companions, and instrument was used that either killed the seed, or made it dormant, I'm not sure which." During the conversation, Ari is working on taking his shirt off, to which the crew will see the seed in his belly button.

Thursday December 7th, 2000 7:51:01 PM

A surprised look on her face, Wynd takes a step backwards. "Why didn't you say who you were in the first place? It might have made things a bit less messy. For my part of the misunderstanding, I apologize."

She looks around as the crew show their tattoos, looking to see if there are any other females on board this ship. As Sword mentions getting the tattoo and having to remove their shirts, Wynd blushes and quietly says I have no problem getting the tattoo, but is there a way that I might have a bit of privacy as I am drawn upon?

Thursday December 7th, 2000 9:48:19 PM

Rigging silently nods his head, gives a quick bow to The Jack, pulls off his shirt and sits down next to Mertz. He says, "I place myself in your hopefully artistic and steady hands."
He looks carefully at the ink trying to determine any magical properties.

The marking - DM JK 
Friday December 8th, 2000 10:28:04 AM

Members of the crew herd Appolo back toward the rest of the crew. A few grin and joke about the sick lubber, but no one forces him to be tattooed.

While waiting for Appolo to rejoin the group, Sword partially answers Wynd, "If you recall, I also said that you could roll up your sleeve. So long as Mertz can get to your arm, it will be fine. As for the other, some of the explanation will have to wait, but it shouldn't have mattered. I've done that with every guest we've had aboard, and you were the first to ever pull a sword on me."
When a few members of the crew finally arrive with Appolo, Sword says, "You have a choice to make friend. Either become a part of my crew and receive your tattoo or wait below. I'll be telling them things that only the Jack may hear... Grell, give him some of your bark." A tall, thin man shuffles over and hands Appolo some sort of chewey bark, "There lad, chew on that and the sickness will pass so that you can make this decision with a clear head."

Legs sits and Mertz slowly begins his work. The ink and needle burn like fire, but Mertz works quickly making no mistakes. Finally, he finishes and Legs has a green sword, point downward, on his left arm. The skin is a little tender and the muscle a little sore, but no lasting harm has been done. When the marking is finished the crew erupts in wild cheers, and someone nabs Legs and pulls him into their group. There are plenty of pats on the back to go around, and it doesn't take long before a bottle of some sort of fiery liquid finds its way into Legs' hands.

After a moment, Mertz looks up and says, "Next." The process continues as before for the rest of the group, and Appolo, who finally feels much better, is given the chance to decide. If he chooses the tattoo he is allowed to stay, if not a few crew members lead him below. Finally Mertz works on Rigging, finishes his first sword and then starts to work on a second. This one is directly below the first with point upward. The crew goes even wilder, when Mertz finishes his work on Rigging. Whether its because Rigging got two swords or because now the process is finished is hard to say. Perhaps, it is a little of both.

Finally Sword quiets the crew down and begins to speak, "Welcome to my crew. Now pay attention, and I will tell you more of the Jack. When I am finished, we will celebrate. These things may only be shared amongst ourselves. We maintain a high degree of secrecy for our safety. We may not share this information with ANY who are not of the Jack. This is our first and most important rule. Now for the way things are organized. Originally we were not called the Pirates of Jack. Stories about the original name differ, but the one that sounds best to me is that our group was originally known as the Knights of the Cards. This was a group pledged to fight injustice whether it be that of corrupt kings or evil gods. Naturally, this noble task required a great deal of secrecy. It isn't exactly safe to attempt to attack an entire corrupt government. In order to conceal their true identities, these orginial few took on the names of various cards. The Jack of Hearts, the 10 of Diamonds, and so on. As their ranks grew, the cards became a system of rank. Aces, like most of you are the privates of our army. Deuces, like Rigging, are one up on the scale and similar to the more traditional corporal. Over time, the Knights faced grave persecution on land, and so they took to the sea. We make our home now on three islands. The islands float and can move on their own. Only those that have attained the rank of Jack are given the secret to finding these islands. Now once we were forced to retreat to the islands our ranks swelled even more. First we expanded to include the traditional suits of cards as well as the suits of the Tarot. Then the numbers grew more and we had to overlap suits. Our current system which is further defined by color is designed to be simple for us yet confusing to our enemies. I am the Green Jack of Swords. There is also a Red and a Black Jack. I once served on the Black Jack's crew. That is why my swords are black and my Crown is green... does this make sense so far? Beneath me are all the Green Swords. The number of swords indicates your rank. There are many Aces, Deuces, and Tres. But the higher ranks are fewer. For example, Payton is my only Ten and is second in command. All ships, which are named for the Major Arcana of the Tarot, are commanded by a Jack. This is how we became known as the Pirates of Jack. Our enemies know not of our higher ranks, the Kings and Queens. The ships seem to be commanded by Jacks. Thus the name. The color system is only known to us, so our enemies believe that there is only one Jack of Swords. Though in truth there be three. By hearing tales of the Jack of Swords in several places, we confuse. Further by telling people that come aboard that Payton is the captain and that our ship is the Lady Freeborn, we further obscure our numbers.
Does that sufficiently explain the lower ranks? Jacks are ship Captains and Jacks only. Their Cards are their crew. Once one becomes a Jack his true name is forgotten. My name is now simply the Jack of Swords. Perhaps one day, this will be the case for you. Now for the higher ranks. The Queens are our Fleet Commanders. They live on the islands, but they give us orders. There is one Queen of Swords, and he controls the three Jacks. Above the Queens is a King. Each island has one King. So there are only three. Upon promotion, the King retains the suit he held when Queen. Thus our own King is the King of Spades. She also oversees the Queen of Spades and the Queen of Cups. There are many numbers of Cards, but the Faces are much smaller in number. Jacks may be created when there are enough extra bodies to fill a new crew. Jacks are only promoted to Queen when the old Queen retires, dies, or is promoted to King. They are choosen from the Jacks of their suit. New Kings are choosen from the Queens when an old King retires or dies. They may come from any of the Queens provided that there is not already a King of that suit. All the Kings and Queens vote to decide who will be promoted to the rank of Faces. I believe that is enough for now. Oh, one other thing. Queen's have the power to change the color of the ink. Thus if you are ever moved to a new Jack of Swords ship, the color of your ink can be changed. For example, Payton once served with me on the Black Jacks ship. I requested that he be moved with me, and the Queen changed the color of his swords."

The Jack of Swords looks around at the bleary looks on the faces of some of the crew, "Well, that is enough. I'm putting everyone to sleep. Again welcome to my crew. Have a good time tonight. Tomorrow there will be much to do. And you're all going to have to learn how Aces get to swab the deck!" At the final comment the rest of the crew laughs heartily and someone strikes up a tune on a flute. The party begins...

Friday December 8th, 2000 2:49:42 PM

Ari nods to himself as Sword talks about the ranking system, and the ability to change colors. These were answers to questions he was thinking upon.

When the tatooing is done, and the pats go around, Ari quickly ascertains what the fiery liquid does, even if he doesn't know what it is. (ooc from his time in the castle, see DM of time.) Ari decides that now would be a good time to relax, since he will not get another for some time, he imagines.

In the morning, though he may be a bit hung over, or might not, Ari attacks his duties with a focus that few have seen. (ooc wasn't sure how far to take the post, so delete the 2nd ooc, and whatever else, as necessary! :) )

Bart (delayed messages) 
Friday December 8th, 2000 3:42:55 PM

OOC Sorry I wasn't able to post for a couple of weeks (unexpected holiday).

Bart will join the pirates of Jack (if they want him in their ranks of course). "I will join you, I'm always in for an adventure and besides that this will give me a way to fight against Ga'al, the one who controls and changes the lives of many, and in a way that I don't want to be changed into." As he says this he will take off his shirts to let a tattoo set on his body.

Friday December 8th, 2000 6:56:45 PM

(ooc For some reason I thought the tattoos were on the backs of the sailors etc., sorry.)

Wynd nods as the options are clarified, and quickly roles up a sleeve far enough so that the artist can do his work. Afterward she over imbibes in an effort to forget the fact that she is on board a ship.

Friday December 8th, 2000 7:35:57 PM

Appolo thanks the man for the bark, and extends his arm without a word. Thinking, "What do I have to lose?" Then he tries to head back downstairs to get some sleep.

Friday December 8th, 2000 7:55:44 PM

Blue takes his turn getting tattoed...The revelation of the Jack of Swords has left him somewhat reeling...he has been with the pirates before but never suspected this...he is also somewhat embarrased by his outburst towards the pirate leader...he prays for forgiveness to Lemtrovex for his brashness and asks for guidance and courage.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday December 8th, 2000 10:29:44 PM

The burly young fighter eagerly joins in the merriment with his new shipmates. Although he abstains from drinking any fiery liquids. His concern for his family still drives him to keep an eye out for them.
Asbury easily makes new friends. His robust personality and extreme willingness to play wins the hearts of many. As the late evening draws to an end, he seeks out the comfort of his master. 'zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz'

Saturday December 9th, 2000 12:23:34 AM

Rigging will take a hit or two of the hotch. He will try to get to know as many of the crew as possible trying to memorize names and gauge the crew's fighting abilities. He will ask discreetly around to see if there are any spell users on board.

Sunday December 10th, 2000 1:03:15 PM

The young paladin-pirate initiate takes a gulp of the fiery liquid, and starts coughing and wheezing. "Is that for starting fires?" he manages to ask amidst the recovery. He enjoys the congratulations, and joins in with the others as his friends receive their tatoos. He claps Bart on the back. "You were so quiet for a while, it's good to hear your voice again." Legs stays up about an hour, participating in the celebration, but avoiding the fiery liquid, after which, he takes his assigned bunk, whispers a prayer, and falls sound asleep.

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