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The Escape (Module 5-1) Part III
Hill Barrow

Camp Down Places (DM Dave) 
Thursday June 8th, 2000 7:31:31 AM

Catcher and the others easily find several good camping sites...the ground is so broken and jumbled that you find yourself walking thru ravines at times that stretch thirty feet upward. Even the tallest points only afford you a view of a few hundred yards at most, and with the rising mist, this is cut down to the tens of yards. The group beds down for the evening.

Thursday June 8th, 2000 8:33:00 AM

While the others are setting up camp, Wynd wanders around the area keeping an eye out for the safest place for a fire, dry fire wood, multiple escape routes, any other signs of life and possible sentry posts. When she has collected the information she needs she returns to the others and makes her report. Along with the statement that anyone having injuries worse than average sleep through the night and not watch.

Thursday June 8th, 2000 7:08:41 PM

Ari helps with setting up camp. "I think comparing what we have in the way of spells, would give us a fighting chance as to figuring out who should do what. We can do that prior to going to bed, or something."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday June 8th, 2000 7:08:42 PM

As the big fellow gets comfortable, he listens and responds to Wynds report. "I'll take the l;ast watch ... if that works for everyone."

Friday June 9th, 2000 3:31:29 AM

"I am not a caster of spells, Ari, as you know, but both Nightshade and I are able once a day to pass on some healing to one person through the power of the Good God." [OOC: 2 hp via laying on of hands.]

Friday June 9th, 2000 8:09:28 PM

Rigging will help make camp. He returns Ari's spell book. "Looking forward to comparing tonight." he says.

Friday June 9th, 2000 8:09:29 PM

Singer shows Bulldog some of the stones he has gathered. "Oh, I dunno. I like their different colors and shapes. And Aiflithar, my master, told us that to tell the story of a people is also to tell the story of their land. We should know the land - the rocks, and hills, and rivers, and forests - and measure their influence on the people. She told us, 'And do not forget as well to measure the influence of the people on the land.'" He shrugs his shoulders. "But mainly," he concludes, giving his muscled friend a tired grin, "I just like them 'cause they're interesting to look at."

Nightshade (Kim) 
Friday June 9th, 2000 8:17:31 PM

Nightshade announces, "I'll take first watch." She listens as Ari, Rigging, and any others compare notes on spell selections. This gets her thinking about Tag Along, and she wonders if there will be a time they will be able to free him from his stoney state. After a time, she moves away so as to avoid unnecessary distractions from her present role as guardian of the camp. When her time to rest arrives, she alerts the next watch, and beds down near her friend Wynd.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Saturday June 10th, 2000 9:23:28 AM

"Quite a story for a rock to tell, if it could tell of this land" adding in reply to his tired friend. "Lets get some sleep .... see you in the morning." closing his eyes. Asbury quietly makes it over to his master and snuggles in for the evening. The young man thinks of how deep an answer Singer gave. 'impressed.'

Visitation (DM Dave) 
Sunday June 11th, 2000 3:56:19 PM

The group settles down for the evening as Nightshade takes the first watch. Soon, all the others are asleep from the hard day's journey. From the edge of the mists surrounding the camp, a luminous figure steps forth - Skippy! She floats over to Nightshade saying, "This is a dangerous place you have chosen - these hills are full of the dead. I have slain a spirit creature no more than 10 yards from here - it's lair lies under the hill next to your camp." Skippy floats away toward the edges of the camp, "I will keep watch this evening, but you and the others must be gone by tomorrow evening - worse creatures lie further ahead that I have no power over." As Skippy enters the mists, she says to Nightshade, "Come: I must ask you to brave the lair of the creature I slew, and remove a crown that lies within - otherwise, the monster will rise again tomorrow night." With that, Skippy fades into the mist - and a feeble light remains to guide the way.

Nightshade (Kim) 
Monday June 12th, 2000 1:09:37 AM

Nightshade shakes Catcher awake. "Catch - watch for me. Skippy needs my help. She asked me to get a crown from the lair of a dead monster nearby. Catcher, wake up. I follow the light." She makes sure he is awake, then follows Skippy's light, sword in hand. She tries to detect evil ahead of her, for though she believes it is Skippy ... she is not absolutely sure. She scrapes her feet to leave a path.

Monday June 12th, 2000 12:58:51 PM

Singer sleeps soundly.

Monday June 12th, 2000 7:15:13 PM

The young man quickly awakes, and is immediately sceptical, "Nightshade, I really don't think it's a good idea to go off by yourself...let me at least come along." He turns and wakes up the others. If Nightshade starts to leave, he hurries after her, worried that something might happen.

Monday June 12th, 2000 7:15:19 PM

sitting up as Catcher wakes her, Wynd hustles him up, pushing him to follow N'Shade, she signals that she will take care of waking and informing the others as needed. She also ask that he marks the trail as best as possible so that when they dont return in an hour the calvary will come to the rescue.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday June 12th, 2000 7:15:20 PM

Stirs in his sleep sligtly, but then quiets. Asbury's head rises as he hears the commotion, deciding to just watch.

Nightshade (Kim)  d20=12
Tuesday June 13th, 2000 1:12:54 AM

Legs awakens. He quickly dresses, and grabs a torch, which he lights. He gives Singer a firm nudge with his foot as he passes by the bard. "There may be something for you to write about, sleepyhead." Sword in right, torch in left hand, Legs follows soon after Bella and Catcher.

Enter the Barrow (DM Dave) 
Tuesday June 13th, 2000 7:26:51 AM

Nightshade heads around the backside of the hill, following the faint glow, and discovers a small stone pushed slightly askew, with a hole behind it. Catcher is immediately behind, with some of the others in the group following a minute or so behind. Nightshade did not detect any evil initially, but definitely senses evil as she nears the hole.

Tuesday June 13th, 2000 9:22:25 AM

Ever the laggard, if Ari is awoken, he'll stay with the campfire, and be prepared to bring u the rear. Otherwise he'll sleep in oblivion. ( :) )

Tuesday June 13th, 2000 12:41:15 PM

After the nudge, sleepy Singer rouses himself, rubs his eyes, and heads in the general direction he sees Legs go. He carries his drusus, pausing a couple times to stretch his stiff limbs.

Tuesday June 13th, 2000 1:08:59 PM

stays at the camp as rear guard weapons ready

Tuesday June 13th, 2000 8:57:57 PM

Rigging wakes up with a start. "Where did everybody go?" He gets up, belts on his weapons belt, and walks over to Wynd. "Is everything ok" He looks over to Seafoam to make sure he is ok.

Nightshade (Kim) 
Tuesday June 13th, 2000 8:57:58 PM

Holding tightly on to her sword, Nightshade pushes the tip of her sword into the opening, bracing against any inside attempts to push against or pull the sword out of her grasp. If no resistance is felt, she uses the sword tip to feel if there is anything beyond the small opening other than an open space.

Cold Places (DM Dave) 
Wednesday June 14th, 2000 7:16:25 AM

Nightshade's sword meets no resistence as she makes her way inside, with Catcher immediately behind her. Inside, Skippy's ephemeral form glows faintly near a bed of treaure, on top of which lies chain mail, sword, and a circlet. Bits of bone lie scattered about in the cramped quarters (20 foot by 15 foot rough-hewn room). Outside, the others are taking up defensive postures in the camp, or making their way to the barrow.

Wednesday June 14th, 2000 7:39:19 AM

Turning as Rigging asks his question, Wynd shrugs and says Night Shade followed Skippy somewhere, Catcher ans a few others went with her. We are the reserves and calvary if necessary.

Nightshade (Kim) 
Wednesday June 14th, 2000 11:31:55 AM

The paladin scans the room, left to right, then top to bottom, seeking to pinpoint the source of the evil she sensed. "What is your father's name?" she asks Skippy. Her blade is poised.

Wednesday June 14th, 2000 11:31:56 AM

Rigging says slyly, "So Wynd, What is a sweet and beautiful woman like you doing out here in this big bad wasteland? Did I mention that the moonlight brings out the sparkle in your eyes." He picks up a stick and casts a change spell on it transforming it into a beautiful rose. He hands it to Wynd with a flourish and a shy smile.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday June 14th, 2000 11:31:57 AM

Taking up a defensive postion, Bulldog nods in agreement with Wynds comment of 'backup and/or calvary.' Stretching abit to get ready. Asbury ears twitch back and forth, trying to pin point the whereabouts of those that advanced.

Skippy (DM Kim) 
Thursday June 15th, 2000 2:45:22 AM

"This is the crown I told you of," Skippy tells Nightshade. "Take it, that the spirit creature I slew cannot rise again. Come."

Thursday June 15th, 2000 2:02:07 PM

Surprised at Rigging's unlooked for comments, a slightly blushing Wynd takes the flower and taking a moment to compose herselfsays, "Well this is certainly the prettiest thing I've seen in this wasteland as yet. Thank you Rigging." As for myself being pretty, I am realistic enough to know that I will never be considered beautiful, but I also know that I truly would not want to be. Beautiful people have to many difficulties in life and very rarely are they taken very seriously. I am happy with myself as I am, broken nose, scars, and all. But thank you all the same. As for how I came to be here; well part of the story I told you before lies at the center of it. I found part of that story in a partially destroyed, outlawed book and I kept it. That along with seeing how the animals in the forest live free and apart from G"aal made me start questioning things. Then several of our older friends came back form their joining and they were no longer themselves, so we took the first if not safest chance we could to avoid that fate ourselves.

Friday June 16th, 2000 12:08:46 AM

Rigging says to Wynd, "Beauty like the rose I gave you fades. It is the beauty of the spirit which matters most. Though I have known you but a short time, you my lady, are beautiful." A concerned look comes over his face. To Bulldog he adds, "What say you my strong armed friend. Should we go investigate what is taking the noble paladin so long? She may need help."

Nightshade (Kim) 
Friday June 16th, 2000 3:19:21 AM

Hesitant, Nightshade takes a step toward the treasure pile, sword still before her. "You did not answer my question. What is your father's name?" Again, she tries to pinpoint the source of the evil she senses.

Friday June 16th, 2000 3:20:34 AM

Catcher looks at the glowing Skippy, and is trying to figure out what is going on. He, too, has his sword drawn.

Friday June 16th, 2000 3:26:09 AM

The tall boy paladin makes it to the entrance of the little cave, and pokes his head in. "What is here?" he asks.

Source of evil... (DM Kim)  d10=8 d10=9 d20=10
Friday June 16th, 2000 1:01:45 PM

Skippy shows a flash of anger, and her image begins to break up. Nightshade senses the evil from that image. "My father died hundreds of years ago." The voice shrieks, "What difference his name?" The figure lashes out at Nightshade, who feels a coolness in the air as she is barely missed by this shadowy figure.

Catcher  d20=16 d8=2
Friday June 16th, 2000 4:39:40 PM

Seeing the shadowy-Skippy-looking thing try to hit Nightshade, Catcher steps to the paladin's left, and swings upward to hit it, doing 2 hp of damage if he connects.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday June 16th, 2000 4:39:41 PM

Bulldog smiles at the exhange between Wynd and Rigging. Then replies to the mage "Sure thing .... lets get going" then playful nudges Wynd as he passes by "seems to like you." whispering.

Sunday June 18th, 2000 12:06:25 PM

Rigging goes to follow Bulldog. He says to Wynd, "Maybe you better stay here and babysit sleeping beauty." Rigging points at Ari's snoring form.

Sunday June 18th, 2000 12:06:26 PM

Sticking her tongue out at Bulldog's comment, Wynd turns at Rigging's comment. "Baby Sit!" I'll baby sit you, you undersized excuse for a cabin boy. Ari and I will await your return for fifteen minutes and then we will come rescue you.

Ari  d100=82
Monday June 19th, 2000 11:24:28 PM

(roll was accidental) " I was going to suggest maybe working on our spells"

Tuesday June 20th, 2000 2:30:56 PM

Rigging hears Ari as he follows the big warrior and says back, "We can do that in the morning after I get some real sleep. I will need time to study anyway. Will have to replace some spells."

Nightshade (Kim)  d20=8 d8=5
Tuesday June 20th, 2000 2:30:57 PM

She feels the malevolent imposter as it nearly strikes her. Anger wells up inside her that anyone would pretend to be Skippy in order to deceive her. "Back, false one!" She swings her sword in an arc, away from Catcher, yet against the glowing light.

Tuesday June 20th, 2000 3:23:41 PM

Legs shouts over his shoulder, "Hey, fight in the cave!" He looks to see if there is room for him to help out.

Shadowy figure (DM Kim)  d20=17 d4=1
Tuesday June 20th, 2000 3:34:56 PM

The figure backhands Nightshade, doing 1 hp damage. Nightshade feels a chill.

Catcher  d20=5
Tuesday June 20th, 2000 8:16:10 PM

Catcher thrusts at the figure, but misses.

Nightshade (Kim)  d20=6
Wednesday June 21st, 2000 11:43:40 AM

Nightshade returns the attack on the creature, but cannot seem to connect.

Shadowy figure (DM Kim)  d20=7
Wednesday June 21st, 2000 3:06:24 PM

The opponent reaches out an ill-defined limb to Catcher's face, but the ranger ducks in time. "You'll be mine. Mine!" the creature growls.

Catcher  d20=15 d8=7
Wednesday June 21st, 2000 8:02:50 PM

Catcher's sword hits AC 5 for 8 hp damage.

Nightshade (Kim)  d20=13 d8+2=3
Wednesday June 21st, 2000 8:07:38 PM

Nightshade swings and connects with AC 6 for 3 points of damage.

Legs  d20=10 d4=4
Wednesday June 21st, 2000 8:09:53 PM

Legs throws a dagger at the ephemeral shape, but likely misses (hit AC 10).

Wednesday June 21st, 2000 8:11:14 PM

Singer shows up at the entrance, and sees Legs toss a dagger inside. He tries to get a look at what's happening.

Dim Pickin's (DM Kim) 
Wednesday June 21st, 2000 8:18:22 PM

Singer, and those inside, see that there is a very dim light in the cave, coming from the ceiling, and a dim glow coming from somewhere on the pile of treasure against the wall opposite the entrance. Dim shadows dance as the combat continues. If Legs steps in beyond the entrance, there is a very real possibility that he will be struck by his companions' weapons. [In these close quarters, if someone rolls a 3 or lower on their 'to hit' rolls, there is a 50% chance that another person in the room is struck for 1/2 the weapon's rolled damage.)

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday June 21st, 2000 8:18:23 PM

Seeing and hearing some activity at a cave entrance , the big ellow hustles over to get a grasp of the situation, "whats going on in there !"

Not quite hittin' (DM Kim)  d20=18 d6=5 d4=1
Wednesday June 21st, 2000 9:56:13 PM

Neither Nightshade nor Catcher have managed to hit their opponent yet. But the shadow figure catches Catcher with an ephemeral elbow, for 1 hp damage. Catcher feels a chill.

Wednesday June 21st, 2000 9:59:02 PM

"It's hard to make out exactly what they're fighting," Singer answers Bulldog. "Maybe a torch or lantern would help us see better." Singer returns to the campsite to see what he can find for a light source. "Anybody have a lantern?" he asks.

Rigging  d4=4
Thursday June 22nd, 2000 2:55:03 AM

Rigging hurries up to the cave mouth and sees his new companions fighting what he thinks is a shade. He quickly realizes that no one else can safely fit in the cave so he shoots a magic missle spell at the foul creature (die roll 4 +1 for 5 points of damage)"I will destroy you with my magic" he yells trying to lure the creature out of the cave.

Ari  d20=1
Thursday June 22nd, 2000 2:55:04 AM

"Not that I have. But here, use this to get started, and I'll make more" Ari reaches into the fire to grab any stout 'torch' there may be. (seems I made any usual check, unless I'm 'attacking' the fire, then I fumbled! :) )

Catcher  d20=17 d8=5
Thursday June 22nd, 2000 2:09:32 PM

Catcher crouches low, and thrusts upwards. Hit AC 3 for 6 hp damage.

Nightshade (Kim)  d20=18 d8=7
Thursday June 22nd, 2000 2:12:12 PM

The paladin feels hot despite the chilly touch of this twisted, lying ... Slashed hitting AC 1 for 9 hp damage.

Thursday June 22nd, 2000 3:47:18 PM

Watching the rest ofthe crew head off and then hearing what can only be the sound of metal ringing off of rock, Wynd grabs up a lit torch and heads in the direction that the rest headed. In what seems just moments she meets Singer on his way back to the camp. Hey What's going on? whats all the racket.

Thursday June 22nd, 2000 8:28:23 PM

"Catch and Nighters are fighting some dim figure in a cave down there. I'm gettin' some more light, so as we can see it better," Singer answers Wynd's query.

Dark shadows (DM Kim)  d20=8
Thursday June 22nd, 2000 8:48:22 PM

Rigging's spell lands, and what looks dark and smoky - but with no smell of smoke - rises from the point of impact. The figure moves over by Catcher. It again attempts to strike him, but Catcher eludes it.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday June 22nd, 2000 8:48:23 PM

Shouldering up next to legs at the cave entrance, for a better view. "what in the good gods name is that ......" seeing his friends having little success against the horror. He wonders out loud, at seeing the sword on the treasure pile "try usings its own weapon against it ... the sword"

Thursday June 22nd, 2000 10:49:02 PM

Rigging looks to his new friends and says, "Some creatures are immune to regular steel and can only be hit by magic or silver. Does anyone have any magic weapons? Where is Ari? Maybe he could turn it or use some magic." Riggings decides to run and get Ari and takes off down the trail.

Thursday June 22nd, 2000 10:49:03 PM

well, Ive got this lit torch and another unlit in my pack here will that do? Lets hurry and go help.

Friday June 23rd, 2000 1:58:17 AM

Ari stands by at the fire. When Riggings arrives, Ari answers his query, "I have no ability to turn. " Thinking quickly, " Though I have this dagger, and I do not know what it's purpose is. Let's see what happens. Are their weapons effecting it?"

Catcher  d20=20 d20=7
Friday June 23rd, 2000 11:15:41 AM

Catcher steps to the side, feints one way, then brings his sword around and down upon the nebulous creature in a swift slice. (9 hp damage.)

Nightshade (Kim)  d20=6 d8=5
Friday June 23rd, 2000 11:18:33 AM

Nightshade hears Bulldog's counsel, and reaches for the sword on the treasure pile. As she holds it, she sheaths her own. She thrusts at not-skippy with it.

Friday June 23rd, 2000 5:07:03 PM

Rigging says to Ari, "I didn't see any visible effects from the sword play. My magic missle seemed to do something, but surely didn't slow it down. Lets go back and see if we can help."

Friday June 23rd, 2000 5:07:04 PM

Legs, his dagger already thrown, and no room inside for more people, steps away from the entrance, to stand watch lest others, not of the party, approach in the night.

Friday June 23rd, 2000 5:11:57 PM

"Sure, Wynd, I'm with you," Singer answers. He walks with her down by the entrance.

Dark Digits (DM Kim)  d20=3 d20=20 d20=9
Friday June 23rd, 2000 5:19:13 PM

Catcher's well placed attack seems to pass right through the figure, with no evident harm to it. The same cannot be said for Catcher's well-being, however, as the shadowy figure reaches out as though to choke the ranger. Ethereal fingers grasp his throat, and toss him to the side. Catcher takes 4 hp damage, and feels very light-headed (Catcher, lose next attack).

Nightshade (Kim)  d20=10 d8=7
Friday June 23rd, 2000 5:24:35 PM

"Ayiii!" shouts Nightshade, swinging at the backside of the wicked creature which is hurting Catcher. If it is a longsword, she does 7+2=9 hp damage, plus (or minus) the sword's characteristics, if AC 9 works...

DM Kim to Rigging 
Friday June 23rd, 2000 7:55:45 PM

[OOC: Could you email me at BillTFind@zdnetonebox.com ? Thanks.]

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday June 23rd, 2000 7:55:46 PM

Seeing catchers strike have no effect on the evil being, then deeply concerned about the lad as he was tossed aside by the counter attack. He steps into the cave to grab his friend and pull him to the safety of the outside. "out with you brother .... I'll go back to aid 'Night' now that there's room."

Sunday June 25th, 2000 9:31:56 AM

As Ari moves to the cave entrance, he casts shield on himself. Then he prepares the dagger and rapier (dagger in primary slot), to engage this contact.

Sunday June 25th, 2000 3:42:02 PM

Singer, careful not to burn his companions, at an opportune time thrusts the torch into the cave so people can get a better look at the monster.

Wynd  d20=13
Monday June 26th, 2000 9:52:40 AM

Seeing Catcher stumble out of the cave with Bulldog's help, Wynd goes to him to see if there is anything she can do to help aid him. Checking for wounds, will bind if able and will treat with appropriate herbs(made NWP herbalism roll)

Nightshade (Kim)  d20=12
Monday June 26th, 2000 1:52:18 PM

Nightshade swings at the dark creature, frustrated it seems to elude her yet again.

Dark Doings (DM Kim)  d20=12 d20=20 d20=20 d20=17 d20=9
Monday June 26th, 2000 2:02:15 PM

As Bulldog carries Catcher out the cavern, the creature goes after the stunned ranger and his rescuer like a dog being robbed of its bone. In a flurry of activity, it strikes out first at Bulldog, seeking to get him to drop his friend. The stout fighter feels a chilling swipe just miss his skin, and goosebumps break out. The dark ill-defined mass then embraces Catcher's knees, and pull back against Bulldog's strength. Catcher, groggy, feels himself going numb from the waist down. The creature begins to emit a cry of triumph.

Dark Doings (DM Kim), Part the Second 
Monday June 26th, 2000 2:06:38 PM

But Nightshade's swing did not prove fruitless. The two-handed sword she pulled from the pile of treasure flashes bright blue for an instant as it bites into the back of Catcher's assailant. Its cry of triumph is transformed into a moan of anguish. By the light of Singer's torch, those in the cave and just outside see the dark mass dissipate in smoke-like wisps.

Dark Doings (DM Kim), Part the Third 
Monday June 26th, 2000 2:09:33 PM

Catcher is unconscious. A little blood is in his mouth. His breathing is ragged.

Dark Doings (DM Kim), Part the Fourth 
Monday June 26th, 2000 2:18:49 PM

When Wynd looks over Catcher, he begins to spasm. The herbs she selects soon seem to take effect, however, and his muscles begin to relax, with perhaps an aftershock or two. His neck remains discolored. The air outside is still. The thick fog muffles the sounds the party makes. Treasure lies within.

Tuesday June 27th, 2000 4:27:53 AM

As Catcher and Bulldog exit, Ari moves in to help as best as he can.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday June 27th, 2000 6:05:40 AM

As Catcher recieves help from the others the big fellow steps aside. Watching over his friend with great concern. He then moves slightly towards Nightshades to see if she is ok. "you hurt at all ?" Waving, for her to leave the cave.


Dark Doings (DM Kim), Part the Fourth 
Tuesday June 27th, 2000 11:21:14 AM

She looks at the sword in her hands, wondering about the flash of blue it emitted, and the effect it had on the deceitful spirit. Bulldog's question breaks her post-combat reverie. "Not too bad. A little light-headed," she answers. She comes out of the cave, sword still in hand.

Nightshade (Kim) 
Tuesday June 27th, 2000 11:21:53 AM

She looks at the sword in her hands, wondering about the flash of blue it emitted, and the effect it had on the deceitful spirit. Bulldog's question breaks her post-combat reverie. "Not too bad. A little light-headed," she answers. She comes out of the cave, sword still in hand.

Tuesday June 27th, 2000 11:23:41 AM

Legs lays hands on Catcher, healing 2 hp. He prays for him.

Tuesday June 27th, 2000 12:29:44 PM

Glad that people are taking care of Catcher, and that Nightshade seems all right, Singer enters the cavern. He looks around the walls to see if there are any openings or cracks. Then he takes his sword, and carefully lifts the circlet off the treasure pile, and sets it aside. He does the same with the chain mail. Then he looks at the rest of the treasure beneath, to see of what it consists. If he thinks it unlikely to cause damage, he uses his drusus to carefully probe the pile.

Tuesday June 27th, 2000 12:29:58 PM

Glad that people are taking care of Catcher, and that Nightshade seems all right, Singer enters the cavern. He looks around the walls to see if there are any openings or cracks. Then he takes his sword, and carefully lifts the circlet off the treasure pile, and sets it aside. He does the same with the chain mail. Then he looks at the rest of the treasure beneath, to see of what it consists. If he thinks it unlikely to cause damage, he uses his drusus to carefully probe the pile.

Tuesday June 27th, 2000 7:17:19 PM

Watching as N'Shade exits the cave and speaks of being a bit lightheaded, Wynd quickly makes a cold infusion of the same herbs she prepared for Catcher and hands her the cup as she exits looking at the sword. "Drink, it will help your lightheadedness."

Tuesday June 27th, 2000 8:03:33 PM

Seeing that things are well in hand the Mage joins Singer in the cave to look things over.

Nightshade (Kim) 
Tuesday June 27th, 2000 8:49:29 PM

The paladin takes the cup from Wynd and drinks it down. A shudder goes through her body. "Eew," she says, but quickly afterwards, "Thank you, Wynd." She looks in the cup. "What *is* this, anyway?" ... After receiving help from and talking with Wynd, Nightshade finds Bulldog. She looks at him. Sincerely she tells him, "You are so smart. 'Use it's own weapon against it' you told me. And it worked!" The tall teenager leans over and kisses Bulldog on the forehead.

Ari  d20=11 d3=1 d8=7
Wednesday June 28th, 2000 8:54:44 AM

Seeing the immediate threat ended. Ari sheathes his weapons, and moves over to Catcher to check things out. Tending to the wound, Ari restores 1 hp to Catcher. Examining Catcher Ari casts Cure Light wounds (if needed. shoudl be only 1 hp down based off numerical data. But unsure if there might be more damage, and more healing needed. has one more CLW if needed.)and restores 7 hit point.

The Pile (DM Kim) 
Wednesday June 28th, 2000 11:56:04 AM

Singer and Rigging discover many coins on top, Leg's dagger, and underneath a broken bead necklace, a very clean chamois cloth (and the coins adjacent to it shine brightly with reflected torchlight), scraps of cloth, leather. Forming the foundation of the pile are common stones. A scrap of parchment with writing on it is also found.

Wednesday June 28th, 2000 6:38:52 PM

Wynd Sticks her head in to the cave. "Hey, you guys why dont you just drag all that stuff out here so we can all look at it since we cant all fit inside there."

Wednesday June 28th, 2000 8:47:39 PM

Turning to Wynd as she calls, he flashes a quick smile. Then begins with packing things together, with Singers' help. "looks like a real good find here, Don't you think ?"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday June 28th, 2000 11:14:36 PM

Blushing slightly at Night's attention . "Catcher's and your own weapons seemed to have little affect on the the .... whatever that was .... I was just that I saw that mighty sword lying there and .... well ... it seemed right. I'm so glad to see that you alright." Then pulls her in for a hug.

Thursday June 29th, 2000 11:27:06 AM

Singer opens the chamois, and puts as many coins on it as he can, then carries them out. He goes back in to work with Rigging in getting the chainmail, circlet, broken necklace, Leg's dagger, and whatever else out. He then moves aside the rocks, to see if anything is hidden underneath.

Thursday June 29th, 2000 11:42:41 AM

If catcher is relatively alright, Ari helps with the emptying of th chamber.

DM Kim 
Thursday June 29th, 2000 12:32:47 PM

After Ari's ministrations, the discoloration around Catcher's neck disappears, and he breathes easier. He remains asleep. / Rigging, Singer and Ari manage to get everything out. Singer finds hard dirt floor under the rocks, and nothing more. / The time is near midnight. Counting the coins yields 250 copper pieces, 80 silver, 11 gold, and 3 platinum. The chain mail looks well wrought, and sized to comfortably fit someone between 5'8" and 6'2". The circlet is burnished silver, with no markings.

Friday June 30th, 2000 11:13:46 AM

Singer tells all what the totals are, and suggests dividing it up, and hiding it among various members of the party. He doesn't want to wear the chain mail. He takes 1 platinum piece, 1 gold, 5 silver, and 20 copper pieces to carry.

Friday June 30th, 2000 5:03:41 PM

Legs gets his dagger back from those who gathered what was in the cave. "I'll take next watch." He looks at the chainmail, wondering if it would fit him.

Friday June 30th, 2000 5:46:46 PM

To the caster of the group. "does any of us have any spell to detect if any of this items have specail qualities" as he likewise as Singer takes 1 plat, 5 silver, 2 gold, & 20 cp. "my what a wonderful little cloth this is." Testing it on the coins to see the results. Adding "I can study for a spell of detection by morning if no others have it"

Saturday July 1st, 2000 9:21:50 PM

"I do not magic detection. Though i would have two pieces (showing the dagger and the ring) to add to be examined."

DM Kim 
Sunday July 2nd, 2000 4:24:18 AM

When Rigging brings coins into contact with the cloth, those which were tarnished or dull with age quickly shine up nicely. Also, Rigging's hands as he handles the chamois are cleaned, even under the fingernails. The cloth is a very soft leather, and feels good to the touch.

Sunday July 2nd, 2000 4:24:19 AM

Rigging says to the group, "Where is that parchment? The one with writing on it. Might give us some clues to the items we found." Rigging gives a big yawn and says, "I need to get some sleep. I am heading back to camp. I have spells to memorize in the morning." Rigging leaves while polishing his silver medallion with the cool cloth.

A Meal

DM Kim  d20=7 d6=2
Friday July 28th, 2000 1:59:36 AM

Rigging does recapture his horse, and sees Singer's mount nearby, too. On the way to get Seafoam, he saw much of Singer's gear scattered along the way. Singer's horse is not too hard for Rigging to recover, although the saddle hangs underneath the horse's belly, and a strap is broken.

In the sky overhead, yet more birds fly. Then they begin to move off, toward the south. Singer points west-northwest, and asks, "What's that thing in the sky over there?"

Looking, there seems to be a dark spot. With wings?

Bulldog manages to take out some of the porcupine needles from Asbury's snout, but much yelping and squirming accompanies each extraction. Two of the embedded needles break off, one now flush with the end of his nose, and one a bit forward of the left ear.

It feels as though the wind shifts and picks up slightly, coming now from the northwest.

Friday July 28th, 2000 12:48:43 PM

"Okay, let's get these antelopes and the lion up on the horses, cross the river, and get moving." Legs picks up one of the antelopes, and takes it to place on one of the horses. "Maybe someone can tie this down." He'll help someone else do the same with the lion, then ford the river. On the other side, he fills his water skins with fresh water.

Friday July 28th, 2000 7:55:26 PM

Finished dressing her anteloupe, Wynd gives Legs a hand.

Friday July 28th, 2000 9:09:06 PM

"I can help with Asbury, as soon as we finish moving." Ari will help gather/move whatever he needs to help, to get away from this watering hole.

Sunday July 30th, 2000 10:26:33 PM

Rigging will help gather Singer's belongings and grab his horse as well. Leading both mounts back he will help secure the soon to be dinner game to the horses with a few deft knots.

Bulldog &Asbury 
Monday July 31st, 2000 6:15:25 AM

"Asbury would by grateful for some releif, thanks Ari" as he pat the cleric on his back. "shall we do it now or wait for making camp." Mounts up on his steed and follows alnog , whistling for Asbury to follow "com'n you little pin cushion," laughing lightly as he moves on.

DM Kim 
Monday July 31st, 2000 4:24:43 PM

The animals are successfully tied to the horses. As the flying creature draws closer, reds and yellows are seen in the wings, as though the sun just set still shines upon objects in the sky. It turns to the south, and disappears behind the hills. The party crosses the river, and travels on for a ways in the waning twilight, finding the way less hilly on the far side of the river, and more vegetation - bushes and grass, some scattered meadow flowers - than in the barren area through which they passed before. It is getting hard to see in the increasing darkness. A place is found with three gnarled trees on a hill, and a level place below the hill, and scattered boulders and rocks.

Monday July 31st, 2000 9:10:03 PM

Rigging will make a fire pit, gather some tinder and wood together to make a fire. Quietly muttering some arcane phrases, a flame of fire appears from his index finger. He applies the flame to the twigs and watches happily as the wood catches. He looks up with a grin and says, "Have you gotten those steaks ready yet?"

Monday July 31st, 2000 9:21:23 PM

Rigging's stomach makes a large growling noise. He starts digging a fire pit. He looks up at the large warrior and says, "Bulldog did you save that fire wood?" Once some tinder is found, Rigging will mutter some arcane words and a spout of flame will erupt from Rigging's index finger. We will apply it to the twigs and smile happily when a fires gets going. He looks up and asks, "Where are those steaks?"

Bulldog &Asbury 
Monday July 31st, 2000 9:21:24 PM

The stout young fellow quickly gathers some wood for Rigging's fire. "STEAKs . hmmmmm hmmmmm hmmmm. can't wait" after a good pile is found Bulldog sits down and awaits for the cooking to begin. Then raise the question "what was that we saw flying in the distance." after everyone gathers about. "Ari after we eat , can you take a look at Asburys' "

Tuesday August 1st, 2000 3:20:50 AM

Singer heats the blade of his dagger over the flames, then slices antelope steaks. He helps out with the cooking, breathing in the smell of the roasting meat, occasionally coughing as the smoke blows in his face. "I wonder if that was a dragon we saw. Glad it turned toward the jungle down south." After eating a fair-sized steak, the young bard takes his lute, and plays some of the songs and ballads he learned during the time of training. Then, he says, "I've been saving this for the right time. But I wrote a ballad that tells the truth of our travels to date, unlike the mixed concoction put together for Lord Agor. Along with a little about what directions we might be going." He asks, "Anyone want to hear it?" He takes another bite of antelope (it's so good!), and drinks some water.

Ari  d20=17
Tuesday August 1st, 2000 9:48:22 AM

Responding to Bulldog's query, "I think we should wait until we can set camp, provided he won't snuffle things too badly, right now". Once the party finds their campspot, Ari will help with removing the quills from Asbury, though Asbury does a lot of complaining about it (failed healing check). Once all the quills are removed, if needed, Ari will cast CLW to help with any pain. "We should probably try to save as much food from these as we can. We might not see much game from here. I am not quite the expert in judging how much food we can carry, but I'm inclined to say that we might want to trap some more game tonight, if possible, in order to get as much food as possible for our travels. Since we don't know how 'clean' food will be from here on out." Ari pauses for a brief second after his discourse. Unless Ari can tell for sure that the thorn is 'back online', Ari says, " I think we might want to touch the heartwood to the thorn, just to make sure it's still dead, for the time being." (If CLW needed for Asbury, let me know, and I'll roll result. DM can roll also, doens't bother me. :) )

Tuesday August 1st, 2000 5:37:25 PM

after moving and finally finding a place to set up camp, Wynd leaves the fire and steak cutting to the others and wanders off a bit away from the others. Still in sight range, Wynd finds a place to sit down and think. So much has happened since they left their homes and even more has happened recently that has affected their little group. There family was breaking up and she was starting to doubt. Not any major doubts, not really, but lots of little niggling doubts that has her questioning everything someone says or does. Why did Night Shade have to leave. After a while Wynd curls up and dozes off right where she was.

Tuesday August 1st, 2000 8:23:41 PM

Legs helps with the steaks. "Don't know what it was flying. Don't know for sure if I want to find out too soon, Bulldog, if you know what I mean." As he eats the fresh meat, he speaks with Ari. "If we had salt, it might be easier to keep the meat longer. You know my father was a millwright and grocer. The meat he sold was salted. Had to get fresh from the butcher." And a few minutes later, he says, "I wonder how Catcher and Nightshade are doing. I hope we can see them again." When Ari suggests touching the heartwood to the thorn, Legs pulls it out from under his shirt. "You sure you want to do it?"

DM Kim 
Wednesday August 2nd, 2000 8:18:30 PM

The steaks taste good. The temperature is moderate. The conversations continue. Roll perception checks. [Also - please send me your character sheets right away!]

Legs  d20=13
Wednesday August 2nd, 2000 9:04:22 PM

Legs just makes his perception check. "Tell you what, Ari. Let's let your food settle for an hour or two in your stomach before we try the heartwood. Sound okay?"

Wednesday August 2nd, 2000 10:09:15 PM

As the steaks cook and are eaten, Wynd still sleeps, head resting on her ring hand, just out of sight of the campsite. (no perception roll as Wynd is asleep)

Rigging  d20=20
Wednesday August 2nd, 2000 10:30:06 PM

Rigging relishes his hot meal with gusto. He does a lot of finger licking and lip smacking. (occ don't know if I made my perception roll. Is high good? Oh mighty DM please send me that fax number again and my character sheet will be there by the end of the week.)

Singer  d20=14
Thursday August 3rd, 2000 3:22:06 AM

Singer's perception check is on the nose. "Okay, I guess I'll save my ballad for later, then. Think I'll get some sleep." Singer climbs up in the tallest of the three gnarled trees, and wraps himself in his blanket. He looks around, then, if all seems well, he drops off to sleep.

Happy Puppy - DM Kim  d8=7
Thursday August 3rd, 2000 11:28:23 AM

Ari's care for Asbury does help a bit, as some of the embedded spikes are pulled free, but his healing prayer (clw) makes the dog very happy, indeed. His tail wags vigorously, and he licks Ari's face, then races back and forth between Bulldog and Ari for a few minutes, alternatively giving kisses, and playing 'catch me if you can.' Asbury, appetite returned, scarfs down as much meat as anyone will give him ... to the point of gaining a distended stomach, if folks are that generous.

Horizontal Sighting - DM Kim 
Thursday August 3rd, 2000 11:51:37 AM

Legs and Singer happen to note, low on the southern horizon, what appear to be flames. The flames, rather than remaining in one locale, move on in a westerly direction, but do not otherwise seem to spread.

Thursday August 3rd, 2000 5:38:56 PM

Legs points out the phenomenon to Ari, Rigging, Bulldog and Singer. He lets Wynd sleep.

Bulldog &Asbury  d20=10
Thursday August 3rd, 2000 5:38:57 PM

Lightly slapping Ari on the back. "looks like you made that fourfooted furball very happy, thanks Ari" Then settles in on a full stomach, he takes note of the distant fire. "the Strange way it moves, I see Legs. I wonder what it could be. ..... didn't that flying thing or object go down over there ?" Then watches it for awhile before firmly volunteering for fisrt watch.

Thursday August 3rd, 2000 6:46:42 PM

zzzzZZZZZzzzz, snnrt, gggrrrrr, zzzZZZzzz, no Shade, run, zzzZZZzzz, snrrt.

Thursday August 3rd, 2000 8:50:10 PM

The now well-fed and sleepy bard watches the distant moving flames for a few minutes. He asks Bulldog to wake him if it draws closer. "I'll take third watch," he volunteers, then drifts off to sleep.

Thursday August 3rd, 2000 8:50:44 PM

Responding to Legs "I can wait before we try the wood. I want to try to get an estimate as to how long the thorn is out of commission, just in case that comes in handy. Unless we discover that it causes damage to the heartwood somehow." When Asbury responds to the CLW, Ari will play around with him, along with share some of his food. Ari notes the direction of the flames. Ari will also set the spell alarm up on the camp. "Riggings, now might be the time to compare spells". (did you need my sheet, I sent it to you once).

Thursday August 3rd, 2000 10:18:12 PM

Rigging yawns and contently pats his stomach. He watches the flames in the distance for a while. In response to Ari's question about spells, he opens up his knapsack and pulls out his spellbook box. After opening that he pulls out his most prize possessions and extends them to Ari for his viewing. "Carefull with these please, they can be tough to replace. I normally memorize magic missle, sleep, firefinger, blue light, warm, and dry. I have armor cast continuely. Glad to cast it on anybody who doesn't where armor. Happy reading. I need to get some sleep. Will need to use that book tommarrow." Rigging rolls himself up in his bedroll and gets some sleep. (Spells cantrips chill, flavor, dry, gather warm, untie, distract, present, cough, firefinger, bluelight, change, bee. 1st level read magic, detect magic, identify, armor, alarm, change self, jump, mount, sleep, magic missle, and unseen servant.)

DM Kim 
Friday August 4th, 2000 7:22:31 PM

The night otherwise passes uneventfully, aside from the occasional sound of insects. But, toward the end of third watch, Singer notes that it seems as though the sun is rising in the east ... and the west. A moderate wind blows from north to the south.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday August 4th, 2000 7:22:32 PM

Having seen nothing of concern during his shift at guard duty, he awakens Legs to cover the 2nd tour. "All has been quiet. Wake singer for the morning shift, goodnight" grabbing a blanket and whistling for asbury to follow ,the big fellow plods off to rest.

Monday August 7th, 2000 10:45:22 AM

Rigging will wake with the dawn. After some stretches and yawns, he will amble over to the left over antelope and grab a rib to gnaw on. He then grabs his spell books and replaces the spells he used yesterday.

Monday August 7th, 2000 10:45:22 AM

Rigging will wake with the dawn. After some stretches and yawns, he will amble over to the left over antelope and grab a rib to gnaw on. He then grabs his spell books and replaces the spells he used yesterday.

Monday August 7th, 2000 1:24:53 PM

Ari helps out with the morning routine. (ICQ message to Kim)

Monday August 7th, 2000 1:24:53 PM

Ari helps out with the morning routine. (ICQ message to Kim)

DM Kim 
Monday August 7th, 2000 7:28:09 PM

[OOC: Ari - email me at BillTFind2@zdnetonebox.com - My ICQ is down (changed computers). Also, I still need Character Sheets for Rigging &Ari.]

DM Kim 
Monday August 7th, 2000 7:28:09 PM

[OOC: Ari - email me at BillTFind2@zdnetonebox.com - My ICQ is down (changed computers). Also, I still need Character Sheets for Rigging & Ari.]

Monday August 7th, 2000 8:09:11 PM

After several hours of sleep, Wynd finally rouses and heads back to the group and grabs herself a bit of grilled anteloupe. She watches as Legs takes the second shift and then she drifted off to sleep finally full and looking forward to finishing this leg of their journey.

Monday August 7th, 2000 8:09:11 PM

After several hours of sleep, Wynd finally rouses and heads back to the group and grabs herself a bit of grilled anteloupe. She watches as Legs takes the second shift and then she drifted off to sleep finally full and looking forward to finishing this leg of their journey.

Tuesday August 8th, 2000 2:16:54 AM

"That's kind of weird," Singer points out the light to the west in the early morning.

Tuesday August 8th, 2000 2:19:22 AM

Legs rises early. He goes a little apart, and looks at his hand, and up as the sun begins to rise. He prays, giving thanks for the fresh food, and good companions. He asks for succor, and endurance, and to know the best path to take.

Tuesday August 8th, 2000 2:19:22 AM

Legs rises early. He goes a little apart, and looks at his hand, and up as the sun begins to rise. He prays, giving thanks for the fresh food, and good companions. He asks for succor, and endurance, and to know the best path to take.

DM Kim 
Tuesday August 8th, 2000 2:23:43 AM

Soon the light from the west grows, and wings of flame head straight toward the party. They draw closer, up high. Then, the huge and colorful bright winged creature tucks its wings, and dives toward the party.

DM Kim 
Tuesday August 8th, 2000 2:23:43 AM

Soon the light from the west grows, and wings of flame head straight toward the party. They draw closer, up high. Then, the huge and colorful bright winged creature tucks its wings, and dives toward the party.

DM Kim 
Tuesday August 8th, 2000 9:30:22 PM

The horses start to spook, but then seem to calm down. The descending avian is visible to all. What are your actions? Seconds remain...

DM Kim 
Tuesday August 8th, 2000 9:30:22 PM

The horses start to spook, but then seem to calm down. The descending avian is visible to all. What are your actions? Seconds remain...

Tuesday August 8th, 2000 10:28:55 PM

Rigging sees the flaming bird and sighs to himself. He thinks, "Godspawn, undead spirits, hungry lions, and now flaming birds. What has it been, a week? I want to go home." He stiffens his back, places his hands on his weapons without drawing them and says to the others, "Anybody ever hear of a Phoenix? They are flaming birds who fight on the side of good. Don't attack first."

Tuesday August 8th, 2000 10:28:55 PM

Rigging sees the flaming bird and sighs to himself. He thinks, "Godspawn, undead spirits, hungry lions, and now flaming birds. What has it been, a week? I want to go home." He stiffens his back, places his hands on his weapons without drawing them and says to the others, "Anybody ever hear of a Phoenix? They are flaming birds who fight on the side of good. Don't attack first."

Wednesday August 9th, 2000 8:18:26 AM

"I just prefer that we avoid as many battles as we can, especially with the creatures of the land."

Wednesday August 9th, 2000 8:18:26 AM

"I just prefer that we avoid as many battles as we can, especially with the creatures of the land."

Bulldog &Asbury 
Wednesday August 9th, 2000 8:18:27 AM

The ever Battle ready warrior, draws his mighty two hander and takes a defensive postion. Looking over at Rigging "Phenoix... what on Wold is that ?" snarling through the question.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday August 9th, 2000 8:18:27 AM

The ever Battle ready warrior, draws his mighty two hander and takes a defensive postion. Looking over at Rigging "Phenoix... what on Wold is that ?" snarling through the question.

Wednesday August 9th, 2000 2:15:09 PM

Legs also draws his sword, watching the bird descend.

Wednesday August 9th, 2000 2:15:09 PM

Legs also draws his sword, watching the bird descend.

Wednesday August 9th, 2000 8:24:07 PM

Wynd looks up with awe on her face and watches while this wonder descends to the ground.

Wednesday August 9th, 2000 8:24:07 PM

Wynd looks up with awe on her face and watches while this wonder descends to the ground.

Wednesday August 9th, 2000 10:06:28 PM

Rigging says to the others, "Stand easy but be ready!" He watches with fascination

Wednesday August 9th, 2000 10:06:28 PM

Rigging says to the others, "Stand easy but be ready!" He watches with fascination

Thursday August 10th, 2000 5:24:15 AM

Singer steps into the trees, full of mixed anxiety and wonder.

Thursday August 10th, 2000 5:24:15 AM

Singer steps into the trees, full of mixed anxiety and wonder.

DM Kim 
Thursday August 10th, 2000 12:25:57 PM

When less than a hundred feet above the heads of those who watch below, the plumeting firebird spreads its wings to brake its descent. A hot wind buffets the watchers (roll vs. dex with a +2 penalty to keep your feet). This creature's fearsome beauty beckons and awes the eye, and reds, blues, greens, and ambers dance in its pinions and coruscate. The Phoenix' man-sized talons sink their tips into the hard soil. Its wings fan one last time as it settles. The head turns to the side, and the left eye peers down at the assembled teenagers, with a quick glance over to where the horses stand, tethered to the trees, and at Singer, then off into the distance, and back again to those who stand, or sit, as the case may be.

Wynd  d20=7
Thursday August 10th, 2000 6:19:18 PM

Managing to remain standing, Wynd stands and watches with tears streaming down her cheeks. A muffled, It's so beautiful, can be heard coming from her drop jawed self.

Legs  d20=8
Thursday August 10th, 2000 8:48:46 PM

The young paladin's right leg drops back to brace against the hot wind, and he keeps his feet. "Hello, flaming bird. Why do you stop for us?" He keeps his sword in his hand, but pointed downwards.

Legs  d20=8
Thursday August 10th, 2000 8:48:46 PM

The young paladin's right leg drops back to brace against the hot wind, and he keeps his feet. "Hello, flaming bird. Why do you stop for us?" He keeps his sword in his hand, but pointed downwards.

Rigging  d20=16
Thursday August 10th, 2000 10:37:26 PM

Rigging falls on his butt from the wind buffet. He watches the the beautiful creature land. He hopes he was right and the creature is friendly. He scrambles back to his feet.

Rigging  d20=16
Thursday August 10th, 2000 10:37:26 PM

Rigging falls on his butt from the wind buffet. He watches the the beautiful creature land. He hopes he was right and the creature is friendly. He scrambles back to his feet.

Singer  d20=3 d20=7
Friday August 11th, 2000 1:39:14 AM

Rigging's comment prompts his own memories from his bardic training. "She is the symbol of rebirth! Of life from death!" exclaims Singer. "Oh wings of flame, the sunrise echo carry, her glory without shame, she death itself doth bury!"

Singer  d20=3 d20=7
Friday August 11th, 2000 1:39:14 AM

Rigging's comment prompts his own memories from his bardic training. "She is the symbol of rebirth! Of life from death!" exclaims Singer. "Oh wings of flame, the sunrise echo carry, her glory without shame, she death itself doth bury!"

Ari  d20=17
Friday August 11th, 2000 8:32:32 AM

Ari falls to the ground from the buffeting of the wind. He quickly stands back up and makes eye contact with the being. "Welcome, and be at peace."

Ari  d20=17
Friday August 11th, 2000 8:32:32 AM

Ari falls to the ground from the buffeting of the wind. He quickly stands back up and makes eye contact with the being. "Welcome, and be at peace."

The Phoenix (DM Kim) 
Friday August 11th, 2000 12:09:38 PM

Each of the adventurers hears a voice in his head. "Fed and well. But fewer than before. For one the Dragon sends. Thus, fewer still shall ye be. But continue on, and more shall ye grow." There is a pause, and - can the brain hear a screech that does not touch the ears? "Family scattered is yet family, says the Dragon. Not all brothers and sisters have ye met." The Phoenix takes a moment to look full on into the rising sun, as in communion, then with its right eye now at individuals. "Time and time shall be, when some shall also children bear and see." / After that, the beak of the firebird opens, and an audible screech blasts forth. "With flames of wind, one comes with me." The talons move, and the head bends low toward the trees. "The gifted of tongue, shall leave to help his friends. Trouble at the wall there is." The Phoenix stares into Singer's face.

Friday August 11th, 2000 2:46:30 PM

Singer sits down, plop! "Wha- what?"

Friday August 11th, 2000 2:46:30 PM

Singer sits down, plop! "Wha- what?"

Friday August 11th, 2000 2:53:23 PM

Rigging looks at Singer with a grin, "Looks like you are going for a ride. Sounds like Nightshade and Catcher need your silver tongue at the wall. Our massive friend is implying in his riddles that you will be returning. Hopefully with our missing friends. It sounds like a test of faith from the Dragon God. How much do you believe?" Rigging wonders if people can get airsick like they get sea sick.

Bulldog &Asbury  d20=4
Friday August 11th, 2000 2:53:24 PM

Staggering back from the hot buffeting breath, the mighty Bulldog remains standing. Weapon coming breifly up before, he relents to the awesome flaming taloned beast, and lowers his blade once more. Upon hearing of his friends needs at the wall, he sets his jaw. "Singer I think we have no choice, but to send you on your way to see Nightshade and Catcher. May the good god be with you. And them." Asbury cowers slightly at the immense presence, sticking close behind his master.

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=4
Friday August 11th, 2000 2:53:24 PM

Staggering back from the hot buffeting breath, the mighty Bulldog remains standing. Weapon coming breifly up before, he relents to the awesome flaming taloned beast, and lowers his blade once more. Upon hearing of his friends needs at the wall, he sets his jaw. "Singer I think we have no choice, but to send you on your way to see Nightshade and Catcher. May the good god be with you. And them." Asbury cowers slightly at the immense presence, sticking close behind his master.

Friday August 11th, 2000 8:07:14 PM

As Wynd works at the cryptic words, a sense of well being floods her being and as she hears/sees that Singer is to leave them she rushes over to him and blushing from head to toe gives him a hug and pulling back kisses him. As she turns and walks away, Singer hears her whisper, Be safe and come back soon.

Friday August 11th, 2000 8:07:14 PM

As Wynd works at the cryptic words, a sense of well being floods her being and as she hears/sees that Singer is to leave them she rushes over to him and blushing from head to toe gives him a hug and pulling back kisses him. As she turns and walks away, Singer hears her whisper, Be safe and come back soon.

Friday August 11th, 2000 8:46:59 PM

Legs laughs. "Oh, Singer, yours will never be a boring life!" He looks at the amazing phoenix, and says, "Ah, for such a ride! You are blessed, you scamp!" He walks over to his glib friend, giving the bird a fair berth, and extends his hand to shake, and when accepted, turns the shake into what he figures would pass for a manly embrace. "Holy Lemtrovex be your guide, friend and brother," Legs whispers. He claps Singer on the back, then steps away, to stand by the others.

Saturday August 12th, 2000 2:21:15 PM

Singer, nonplussed at the Phoenix' last words and his friends' interpretations, not to mention its proximity, slowly regains his feet. "You, want me, to, to go with y-you?" he says, as he puts his hands to the sides of his face. Then, awe mitigated by a rising sense of adventure, a smile grows upon his face. "You want me to come with you?! Wow!" He appears surprised yet pleased when Wynd hugs him. "Thanks, sister. You too! We can trade stories when we get back together." She notices his face is a little pink. / "Bulldog, take good care of Asbury. Asbury, take good care of Bulldog." He returns Legs hug, and just smiles at him. He says to the Phoenix, "Let me get my things, and I'll be ready." He picks up his gear, then walks over to Rigging. "Thanks for retrieving my stuff. How much do I believe?" He turns his head toward the firebird, then back to Rigging. With a rakish smile on his face, he answers, "Watch me." He approaches the Phoenix. "How do we do this, oh majestic one?"

Saturday August 12th, 2000 2:21:15 PM

Singer, nonplussed at the Phoenix' last words and his friends' interpretations, not to mention its proximity, slowly regains his feet. "You, want me, to, to go with y-you?" he says, as he puts his hands to the sides of his face. Then, awe mitigated by a rising sense of adventure, a smile grows upon his face. "You want me to come with you?! Wow!" He appears surprised yet pleased when Wynd hugs him. "Thanks, sister. You too! We can trade stories when we get back together." She notices his face is a little pink. / "Bulldog, take good care of Asbury. Asbury, take good care of Bulldog." He returns Legs hug, and just smiles at him. He says to the Phoenix, "Let me get my things, and I'll be ready." He picks up his gear, then walks over to Rigging. "Thanks for retrieving my stuff. How much do I believe?" He turns his head toward the firebird, then back to Rigging. With a rakish smile on his face, he answers, "Watch me." He approaches the Phoenix. "How do we do this, oh majestic one?"

Phoenix (DM Kim) 
Sunday August 13th, 2000 1:02:15 AM

"Ride, or thee I carry. Quickly choose, we must not tarry. Good heart my heat fear not, for good heart my flames harm not." The firebird lowers its head, and with artful nod, indicates that Singer may climb on.

Phoenix (DM Kim) 
Sunday August 13th, 2000 1:02:15 AM

"Ride, or thee I carry. Quickly choose, we must not tarry. Good heart my heat fear not, for good heart my flames harm not." The firebird lowers its head, and with artful nod, indicates that Singer may climb on.

Sunday August 13th, 2000 10:16:11 AM

"It seems you will never lack for stories" as Ari smiles, and then helps Singer prepare.

Sunday August 13th, 2000 10:16:11 AM

"It seems you will never lack for stories" as Ari smiles, and then helps Singer prepare.

Sunday August 13th, 2000 2:01:01 PM

"No, don't think I shall, 'Arislan of Alfport.'" Singer winks. "And you're in most of 'em, so far, friend of many talents." The bard glances down at Ari's waist. As he gives Ari a parting hug, he whispers, "Watch that thorn thing, won't you?"

Sunday August 13th, 2000 2:01:01 PM

"No, don't think I shall, 'Arislan of Alfport.'" Singer winks. "And you're in most of 'em, so far, friend of many talents." The bard glances down at Ari's waist. As he gives Ari a parting hug, he whispers, "Watch that thorn thing, won't you?"

Singer  d20=12
Monday August 14th, 2000 1:38:24 AM

Then, backpack on, and mandolin slung over his shoulder, Singer sees if he can climb up onto the neck of the Phoenix (Made dex. check).

Singer  d20=12
Monday August 14th, 2000 1:38:24 AM

Then, backpack on, and mandolin slung over his shoulder, Singer sees if he can climb up onto the neck of the Phoenix (Made dex. check).

Bird and Rider (DM Kim)  d20=6 d20=12 d12=3 d12=12
Monday August 14th, 2000 2:10:16 AM

Singer has a sensation of extreme heat / extreme cold. His heat receptors go wild for a moment. Then, as one jumps into icy water, or a very hot pool of water, after the initial shock, there is an easing into the experience. Though what appear to be flames dance on the plumes and feathers beneath his thighs, and the heat is strong, Singer feels as though his body somehow is adjusting to it, coping with it. And the smooth power of the amazing creature on whom he sits is both frightful and reassuring. / "Hang on to plumes, or else fall off," the firebird communicates telepathically with Singer, as she/he/it? politely includes the others present in the thought. / Singer takes a length of rope, and touches it to the flames. It does not burn. He quickly ties his legs down around some of the stouter feather shafts beneath him, then, at first tentatively, then firmly, grasps the shaft before him. "Ready," Singer says. / The visitor communicates, taking a last look at Ari, Wynd, Bulldog, Rigging and Legs. "We fly north and east. Ye ought travel north and west. Beware the wild ones." The Phoenix crouches, wings spread, then launches into the air with a downdraft. The horses are buffeted, but keep their feet. Those on the ground see Singer's head and shoulders fly backwards at the moment of launch, but the ropes keep him in, and he bounces forward, one hand waving, as the wings recover for another thrust. [Those below, make a save vs. the average of strength and dexterity, with a +2 penalty added to your roll, or it's time to be knocked down again :) ]

Singer's goodbye, morning's new start (DM Kim) 
Monday August 14th, 2000 2:15:58 AM

"Ayi-yip-yip-yip-yip-Aye and away!" Singer's tenor voice rings out. "Fare well!" those below hear him say as his voice quickly fades into the morning bright sky above. Initially flying due east for the first several flaps of its wings, the Phoenix banks slightly, and travels toward the north east. / Morning has broken. The horses are momentarily excited again, but soon settle down with Wynd's attention. / What now, good travelers?

Legs  d20=1
Monday August 14th, 2000 2:26:41 AM

Legs keeps his legs, with no difficulty whatsoever. He shouts farewells to Singer, and laughs with his friend's exalted exultation. "Okay, let's get going," he suggests to his friends who remain. "North and east, she said, right?" Then he pauses. "Was that a 'she'?" He shrugs his shoulders. "Frankly I wasn't looking, but Singer seemed to say the Phoenix is a 'she.'"

Legs  d20=1
Monday August 14th, 2000 2:26:41 AM

Legs keeps his legs, with no difficulty whatsoever. He shouts farewells to Singer, and laughs with his friend's exalted exultation. "Okay, let's get going," he suggests to his friends who remain. "North and east, she said, right?" Then he pauses. "Was that a 'she'?" He shrugs his shoulders. "Frankly I wasn't looking, but Singer seemed to say the Phoenix is a 'she.'"

Rigging  d20=2
Monday August 14th, 2000 11:54:38 AM

Rigging leans into the wind without any problems He says to the others, "That must be great! I wish I could have a ride on a flying creature. Well on the back...not in its talons. A ride before being served up as lunch isn't as exciting. Do we follow the directions of the mighty bird? What are Wild Ones?"

Rigging  d20=2
Monday August 14th, 2000 11:54:38 AM

Rigging leans into the wind without any problems He says to the others, "That must be great! I wish I could have a ride on a flying creature. Well on the back...not in its talons. A ride before being served up as lunch isn't as exciting. Do we follow the directions of the mighty bird? What are Wild Ones?"

Bulldog &Asbury**  d20=19
Monday August 14th, 2000 11:59:40 AM

Bulldog caught off guard slips and falls with the wind buffet. Asbury takes the opportunity to lick his friend generously on the face, and then runs after the phoenix and singer barking for a little ways. Bulldog quickly gets to his feet as if nothing happened and heads to the horses. He sternly says, "Mount up. The day isn't getting any younger. I say we follow the Phoenix's advice." (occ George is running Bulldog and Asbury for the next week. I do not have his character sheet, so please double check my rolls thanks)

Bulldog & Asbury**  d20=19
Monday August 14th, 2000 11:59:40 AM

Bulldog caught off guard slips and falls with the wind buffet. Asbury takes the opportunity to lick his friend generously on the face, and then runs after the phoenix and singer barking for a little ways. Bulldog quickly gets to his feet as if nothing happened and heads to the horses. He sternly says, "Mount up. The day isn't getting any younger. I say we follow the Phoenix's advice." (occ George is running Bulldog and Asbury for the next week. I do not have his character sheet, so please double check my rolls thanks)

Ari  d20=13
Tuesday August 15th, 2000 2:11:20 AM

Ari tries to retain his balance, but as the great bird clears the area, the final down beat forces him over, with great flapping of his arms. Sort of mumbling under his breath, "Remind me to stand far away next time." Then a little bit louder," No, it was North and West that the phoenix said to travel. North and East is their direction." Thinking on the question about wild ones, " Seems, as usual, we can probably bet on finding out for ourselves." As Ari shakes his head and lightly chuckles.

Ari  d20=13
Tuesday August 15th, 2000 2:11:20 AM

Ari tries to retain his balance, but as the great bird clears the area, the final down beat forces him over, with great flapping of his arms. Sort of mumbling under his breath, "Remind me to stand far away next time." Then a little bit louder," No, it was North and West that the phoenix said to travel. North and East is their direction." Thinking on the question about wild ones, " Seems, as usual, we can probably bet on finding out for ourselves." As Ari shakes his head and lightly chuckles.

Tuesday August 15th, 2000 9:29:47 AM

Rigging heads back over to the fire. "I still need some study time." Rigging says to the others. "I want my full compliment of spells to tackle any wild ones. It should only take about an hour. Ari, Do you need any study time?" (OCC Ari I did not ever get your spell book that you mentioned to me several posts ago. Please send it again."

Tuesday August 15th, 2000 9:29:47 AM

Rigging heads back over to the fire. "I still need some study time." Rigging says to the others. "I want my full compliment of spells to tackle any wild ones. It should only take about an hour. Ari, Do you need any study time?" (OCC Ari I did not ever get your spell book that you mentioned to me several posts ago. Please send it again."

Bulldog and Asbury* 
Tuesday August 15th, 2000 9:14:56 PM

Bulldog mumbles to himself, "Mages always slow you down." He checks Asbury's injured nose and decides to practice with his big two-hander. He weaves it around in a graceful but deadly dance.

Bulldog and Asbury* 
Tuesday August 15th, 2000 9:14:56 PM

Bulldog mumbles to himself, "Mages always slow you down." He checks Asbury's injured nose and decides to practice with his big two-hander. He weaves it around in a graceful but deadly dance.

Wynd  d20=19
Tuesday August 15th, 2000 9:25:32 PM

Having turned away from the phoenix as to not watch Singer's departure, Wynd was not ready for the force of the creatures take off and landed almost face first in the dirt. As she scrambles back up she makes her way to the horses and just manages to keep them from panicking and running off. As the Mages declare they need a little time to study, Wynd Whispers to Bulldog, Yeah they may slow you down a bit but the sure can be handy too and I think we need to all be at our top performance for what is upcoming. Come while they study let's spar a bit.

Wynd  d20=19
Tuesday August 15th, 2000 9:25:32 PM

Having turned away from the phoenix as to not watch Singer's departure, Wynd was not ready for the force of the creatures take off and landed almost face first in the dirt. As she scrambles back up she makes her way to the horses and just manages to keep them from panicking and running off. As the Mages declare they need a little time to study, Wynd Whispers to Bulldog, Yeah they may slow you down a bit but the sure can be handy too and I think we need to all be at our top performance for what is upcoming. Come while they study let's spar a bit.

Tuesday August 15th, 2000 10:09:03 PM

(Riggings, at the time you posted, it sounded like it was just me that was persuing the studying. In my book is Alarm, Find Familiar, Protection from Evil Protection from Hunger/Thirst, and Shield.)

Tuesday August 15th, 2000 10:09:03 PM

(Riggings, at the time you posted, it sounded like it was just me that was persuing the studying. In my book is Alarm, Find Familiar, Protection from Evil Protection from Hunger/Thirst, and Shield.)

Wednesday August 16th, 2000 2:25:21 AM

Watching the Phoenix until the it resolves to a pinpoint on the horizon, Legs hears the spellcasters discussing their need for study. He decides to join in with Bulldog and Wynd for some practice sparring, with sword alone, and with sword and hatchet. He bows out after a half hour, and begins brushing down the horses, then saddling them up. He reviews the prayers he was forced to recite while under the noble tutelage, analyzes them, and thinks of what elements could be used in prayers to Lemtrovex, which should be discarded.

Wednesday August 16th, 2000 8:22:26 AM

Rigging finishes up his studying and pulls out his sword and main-gauche. He joins in the sparring to work out some of the kinks. After a few minutes with Bulldog, Rigging sweating pulls back and says, "Maybe we better get on the road. We have Wild Ones to meet and defeat."

Wednesday August 16th, 2000 8:22:26 AM

Rigging finishes up his studying and pulls out his sword and main-gauche. He joins in the sparring to work out some of the kinks. After a few minutes with Bulldog, Rigging sweating pulls back and says, "Maybe we better get on the road. We have Wild Ones to meet and defeat."

Bulldog and Asbury* 
Wednesday August 16th, 2000 8:26:27 AM

Bulldog enjoys his sparring session with his companions. He pulls his blows against the spellcaster as not to hurt him. He knows Wynd can handle herself, but isn't sure of Riggings abilities with the blade. He discovers that the mage is ok with the sword, not up to Bulldog's mighty standards, but ok.

Moving along - DM Kim 
Wednesday August 16th, 2000 12:02:27 PM

Insects begin to buzz as the sun continues its daily climb, warming the dry grass. One horse nickers, anxious to be untethered. Singer's mare rests her head on the back of Rigging's horse. The group sets off, as the day promises to be a hot one. There still are hills, but larger areas of flat terrain as the day extends. At one point, a fox is spotted, and Asbury barks and attempts pursuit, but the fox quickly disappears. Remnants of a weathered, broken down cart are seen, but after a brief inspection, there seems to be nothing remarkable about it, other than the scattered bones of a few animals lying in the vicinity. Asbury studiously catalogs the scents he discerns around the cart. He chooses a bone, which he happily carries along for a few miles, pausing occasionally to gnaw at it. Late in the afternoon, the horses begin to show signs of nervousness. Rigging's horse finally balks, refusing to go straight ahead. Scrub brush and some scattered, gnarled pines dot the local landscape.

Thursday August 17th, 2000 6:37:40 PM

Quickly dismounting and ground tying her mount, Wynd draws her sword and slowly moves forward tryin to scout out what might be startling the horses.

Thursday August 17th, 2000 6:37:40 PM

Quickly dismounting and ground tying her mount, Wynd draws her sword and slowly moves forward tryin to scout out what might be startling the horses.

Bulldog and Asbury* 
Thursday August 17th, 2000 10:37:24 PM

Bulldog will slide slowly off his horse taking a slow careful scan of his surroundings. He will ready his sword for possible action. He will hang on to his horse's reins. Bulldog says, "Wynd what do you see? I am here ready to defend your back. Do you see any animal sign?"

Bulldog and Asbury* 
Thursday August 17th, 2000 10:37:24 PM

Bulldog will slide slowly off his horse taking a slow careful scan of his surroundings. He will ready his sword for possible action. He will hang on to his horse's reins. Bulldog says, "Wynd what do you see? I am here ready to defend your back. Do you see any animal sign?"

Thursday August 17th, 2000 10:40:29 PM

Rigging leans forwards across Seafoam's neck murmuring to his faithful companion softly. "What is the matter big fellow? What do you sense out there? Easy big guy Sssshhhhh...easy big fellow." Rigging will also scan the area and prepare his sleep spell.

Legs  d20=3
Friday August 18th, 2000 3:05:52 AM

The lanky paladin, already on foot, nocks an arrow, then takes a panoramic look about. (3 on perception check)

Legs  d20=3
Friday August 18th, 2000 3:05:52 AM

The lanky paladin, already on foot, nocks an arrow, then takes a panoramic look about. (3 on perception check)

Friday August 18th, 2000 10:35:20 AM

mutters, "Wonder what's out there this time". Standing ready, Ari takes a look around. (sorry for time on post)

Friday August 18th, 2000 10:35:20 AM

mutters, "Wonder what's out there this time". Standing ready, Ari takes a look around. (sorry for time on post)

Moving along - DM Kim 
Friday August 18th, 2000 7:07:10 PM

You don't really seem to notice anything out of the ordinary, other than scattered fist-sized holes in the ground. They look like something a small animal might inhabit. A whistling noise is heard, and Wynd notices something brown and whiskered ducking into one of the holes. Looking a little farther on, she can see that the density of the holes increases.

Moving along - DM Kim 
Friday August 18th, 2000 7:07:10 PM

You don't really seem to notice anything out of the ordinary, other than scattered fist-sized holes in the ground. They look like something a small animal might inhabit. A whistling noise is heard, and Wynd notices something brown and whiskered ducking into one of the holes. Looking a little farther on, she can see that the density of the holes increases.

Friday August 18th, 2000 7:32:23 PM

Umm all I see are an over abundance of prarie dog holes. I would suggest that we dismount and lead our horses so they dont break a leg and send us flying. It will slow us down a bit but in the long run may help us if we still have horses.

Friday August 18th, 2000 7:32:23 PM

Umm all I see are an over abundance of prarie dog holes. I would suggest that we dismount and lead our horses so they dont break a leg and send us flying. It will slow us down a bit but in the long run may help us if we still have horses.

Friday August 18th, 2000 9:03:59 PM

Rigging says, "Wynd are you sure they are praire dogs? Would a praire dog spook a horse? It does seem like a great ambush site. If we get in the middle of the holes, and are attacked, we would have difficulty getting away. I suggest we either skirt the region or do a more thorough scouting." Rigging wonders if praire dog tastes good. He is starting to get hungry.

Friday August 18th, 2000 9:03:59 PM

Rigging says, "Wynd are you sure they are praire dogs? Would a praire dog spook a horse? It does seem like a great ambush site. If we get in the middle of the holes, and are attacked, we would have difficulty getting away. I suggest we either skirt the region or do a more thorough scouting." Rigging wonders if praire dog tastes good. He is starting to get hungry.

Saturday August 19th, 2000 1:10:57 AM

"Amazing. I've never heard of little dogs on the prairie before," Legs remarks. "Do they bark or bite?" he asks Wynd, apparently serious in his question.

Saturday August 19th, 2000 1:10:57 AM

"Amazing. I've never heard of little dogs on the prairie before," Legs remarks. "Do they bark or bite?" he asks Wynd, apparently serious in his question.

Bulldog &Asbury 
Sunday August 20th, 2000 8:16:02 AM

Seeing that it's only small rodents scurrying from hole to hole, the stout yound lad relaxes. As Wynd leads her horse through the colony, Bulldog follows her route. Asbury scurryies about investigating the entrances of different holes. 'so many, so little time'. Adding at last to the others "single file will be safest as we move through, .... I think." Waving the others to follow.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Sunday August 20th, 2000 8:16:02 AM

Seeing that it's only small rodents scurrying from hole to hole, the stout yound lad relaxes. As Wynd leads her horse through the colony, Bulldog follows her route. Asbury scurryies about investigating the entrances of different holes. 'so many, so little time'. Adding at last to the others "single file will be safest as we move through, .... I think." Waving the others to follow.

Sunday August 20th, 2000 11:34:23 PM

"I don't know about safe". Pointing to the denser holes," with the holes getting that frequent, could the tunneling weaken the ground to the point that it can't hold the horses weight? We might want to go around this, if we can."

Sunday August 20th, 2000 11:34:23 PM

"I don't know about safe". Pointing to the denser holes," with the holes getting that frequent, could the tunneling weaken the ground to the point that it can't hold the horses weight? We might want to go around this, if we can."

Sunday August 20th, 2000 11:36:08 PM

"and if not their weight, what about their footing? I'm concerned that they may break their leg, if those holes get too frequent

Sunday August 20th, 2000 11:36:08 PM

"and if not their weight, what about their footing? I'm concerned that they may break their leg, if those holes get too frequent

Legs  d2=2
Monday August 21st, 2000 11:11:34 AM

"Let's pick a direction, and go around." He takes silver coin from a pouch, tosses it in air, catches it in his palm, and slaps it on to the back of his wrist. "Let's go to the right." He starts walking that direction.

Legs  d2=2
Monday August 21st, 2000 11:11:34 AM

"Let's pick a direction, and go around." He takes silver coin from a pouch, tosses it in air, catches it in his palm, and slaps it on to the back of his wrist. "Let's go to the right." He starts walking that direction.

Whistling Pups - DM Kim 
Monday August 21st, 2000 11:35:10 AM

As the party discusses their options, whistles are heard coming in from farther away and an occasional dusty tan colored head pops up to check out the situation.

Whistling Pups - DM Kim 
Monday August 21st, 2000 11:35:10 AM

As the party discusses their options, whistles are heard coming in from farther away and an occasional dusty tan colored head pops up to check out the situation.

Monday August 21st, 2000 8:10:18 PM

Rigging hearing the whistles, scans the area for danger. He says, "Yes lets get around this area. For some reason I have a bad feeling about this. I can't put my finger on it" Rigging looks up and around at the sky, still scanning for danger.

Monday August 21st, 2000 8:10:18 PM

Rigging hearing the whistles, scans the area for danger. He says, "Yes lets get around this area. For some reason I have a bad feeling about this. I can't put my finger on it" Rigging looks up and around at the sky, still scanning for danger.

Monday August 21st, 2000 9:05:23 PM

Ok we can go around but first lets pick a land mark toward wheere we want to go so we dont lose sight of where we are and where we are eventually heading. The Phoenix did tell us to go this way after all.

Monday August 21st, 2000 9:05:23 PM

Ok we can go around but first lets pick a land mark toward wheere we want to go so we dont lose sight of where we are and where we are eventually heading. The Phoenix did tell us to go this way after all.

Bulldog &Asbury 
Monday August 21st, 2000 9:05:24 PM

With an excited energy, Asbury continues to chase the little rodents from one hole to the next. Keeping an eye on his masters' progress through the colony.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday August 21st, 2000 9:05:24 PM

With an excited energy, Asbury continues to chase the little rodents from one hole to the next. Keeping an eye on his masters' progress through the colony.

Legs  d20=8
Monday August 21st, 2000 11:38:59 PM

Legs walks on, giving the holes on his left a wide berth. He barely hears Wynd's suggestion to mark a landmark (perception check), so stops for a moment, looking into the distance, trying to find two or three landmarks for navigation.

Legs  d20=8
Monday August 21st, 2000 11:38:59 PM

Legs walks on, giving the holes on his left a wide berth. He barely hears Wynd's suggestion to mark a landmark (perception check), so stops for a moment, looking into the distance, trying to find two or three landmarks for navigation.

Tuesday August 22nd, 2000 3:36:00 PM

"I would say to give Legs a little lead time, so he can scout. Though, I'm half-inclined to walk the horse for now."

Tuesday August 22nd, 2000 3:36:00 PM

"I would say to give Legs a little lead time, so he can scout. Though, I'm half-inclined to walk the horse for now."

Tuesday August 22nd, 2000 10:08:39 PM

Rigging says, "Wynd Lets try to go around. If the praire dog nest is to big, then we can always try to go through it." Rigging ponders for a few minutes. He looks at Legs and asks, "Legs do you think the Dragon God would want us to stay on the path? Are we going to anger it by going around? I would rather have small furry rodents mad at me than the Dragon God."

Tuesday August 22nd, 2000 10:08:39 PM

Rigging says, "Wynd Lets try to go around. If the praire dog nest is to big, then we can always try to go through it." Rigging ponders for a few minutes. He looks at Legs and asks, "Legs do you think the Dragon God would want us to stay on the path? Are we going to anger it by going around? I would rather have small furry rodents mad at me than the Dragon God."

Wednesday August 23rd, 2000 11:27:17 AM

Legs thinks about Rigging's question for a moment. "The Phoenix said we should go 'north and west.' I think as long as we're going north, or west, or both, we're not disregarding those instructions. We're also supposed to 'beware the wild ones.' Don't know what that means, exactly." Legs glances toward the sun. "We've been going northwest. Right now, looks like we're heading northwards, doncha think? Soon as we get past this holey ground, we can add west back in to our travel." As they walks along, Legs finds a stick. He picks up rocks and occasionally knocks them off into the distance.

Wednesday August 23rd, 2000 11:27:17 AM

Legs thinks about Rigging's question for a moment. "The Phoenix said we should go 'north and west.' I think as long as we're going north, or west, or both, we're not disregarding those instructions. We're also supposed to 'beware the wild ones.' Don't know what that means, exactly." Legs glances toward the sun. "We've been going northwest. Right now, looks like we're heading northwards, doncha think? Soon as we get past this holey ground, we can add west back in to our travel." As they walks along, Legs finds a stick. He picks up rocks and occasionally knocks them off into the distance.

Wednesday August 23rd, 2000 10:09:26 PM

Rigging decides if Leggs is comfortable with this decision, then so is he. He places one foot in front of the other, leading Seafoam. He strokes Seafoam's nose and head occassionly while looking around the horizen.

Wednesday August 23rd, 2000 10:09:26 PM

Rigging decides if Leggs is comfortable with this decision, then so is he. He places one foot in front of the other, leading Seafoam. He strokes Seafoam's nose and head occassionly while looking around the horizen.

DM Kim 
Thursday August 24th, 2000 12:47:34 AM

As the one dog, three horses and five young teenagers head around the prairie dogs, the sun traverses much of the sky. Finally, with a few meanderings, the whistling dogs are left behind. In the distance clumps of trees are just coming into view. Far to the west, a cloud of dust looks to be moving north to south. Another hour stands between now and sunset.

DM Kim 
Thursday August 24th, 2000 12:47:34 AM

As the one dog, three horses and five young teenagers head around the prairie dogs, the sun traverses much of the sky. Finally, with a few meanderings, the whistling dogs are left behind. In the distance clumps of trees are just coming into view. Far to the west, a cloud of dust looks to be moving north to south. Another hour stands between now and sunset.

Thursday August 24th, 2000 9:27:12 PM

Rigging spies the dust in the distance. He says to the others, "Hey look at that. We might need to get to some cover. That looks like riders heading this direction. Could be the imfamous Wild Ones. What do you think? Should we make a dash for those trees, or lie the horses down and try to hide here. If we make a dash for the trees, and it is riders and not a dust storm, we might kick up our own dust trail."

Thursday August 24th, 2000 9:27:12 PM

Rigging spies the dust in the distance. He says to the others, "Hey look at that. We might need to get to some cover. That looks like riders heading this direction. Could be the imfamous Wild Ones. What do you think? Should we make a dash for those trees, or lie the horses down and try to hide here. If we make a dash for the trees, and it is riders and not a dust storm, we might kick up our own dust trail."

Bulldog &Asbury 
Thursday August 24th, 2000 9:27:13 PM

Growing tired from the long day, Bulldog notices the trees in the distance and pipes up. "They would be good for cover tonight. lets scout them out for a camp"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday August 24th, 2000 9:27:13 PM

Growing tired from the long day, Bulldog notices the trees in the distance and pipes up. "They would be good for cover tonight. lets scout them out for a camp"

Friday August 25th, 2000 11:43:04 AM

"Good ideas," Legs says. "Let's crouch down and keep an eye out. Then head for the trees."

Friday August 25th, 2000 11:43:04 AM

"Good ideas," Legs says. "Let's crouch down and keep an eye out. Then head for the trees."

DM Kim 
Friday August 25th, 2000 3:06:33 PM

Some sort of large creatures - four legged - are occasionally seen at the edge of the dust cloud, which looks likely to miss the group by a wide distance (unless the direction of travel happens to change).

DM Kim 
Friday August 25th, 2000 3:06:33 PM

Some sort of large creatures - four legged - are occasionally seen at the edge of the dust cloud, which looks likely to miss the group by a wide distance (unless the direction of travel happens to change).

Friday August 25th, 2000 4:15:27 PM

"Getting under cover probably would be a good thing. Though around here......." (What is the time we're currently aiming for, for posting prior to the DM post (which was 3pm today, and 1 am yesterday) where 7pm is what I'm use to)

Friday August 25th, 2000 4:15:27 PM

"Getting under cover probably would be a good thing. Though around here......." (What is the time we're currently aiming for, for posting prior to the DM post (which was 3pm today, and 1 am yesterday) where 7pm is what I'm use to)

Friday August 25th, 2000 7:21:50 PM

Looking out over at the tree line, Wynd nods and then heads that way to scout out a campsite. Along the way she ponders the possibility that with the number of prarie dogs and holes and hence tunnels, how easy it would be to set up and underground ambush if it were necessary.

Friday August 25th, 2000 7:21:50 PM

Looking out over at the tree line, Wynd nods and then heads that way to scout out a campsite. Along the way she ponders the possibility that with the number of prarie dogs and holes and hence tunnels, how easy it would be to set up and underground ambush if it were necessary.

Bulldog &Asbury 
Friday August 25th, 2000 7:21:51 PM

Making the cover of the trees. The burly fighter loads his crossbow. He then queitly watches the dust cloud as it goes by. After the passing he settles down with the others. "I don't tthinkm a fire would be good. It can be seen for a long way away." Getting up a takes care of the horse chores he passes out blankets to those who ask. Asbury spends his time trying to get a few snacks out of to tired to rest his snuggly charms.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday August 25th, 2000 7:21:51 PM

Making the cover of the trees. The burly fighter loads his crossbow. He then queitly watches the dust cloud as it goes by. After the passing he settles down with the others. "I don't tthinkm a fire would be good. It can be seen for a long way away." Getting up a takes care of the horse chores he passes out blankets to those who ask. Asbury spends his time trying to get a few snacks out of to tired to rest his snuggly charms.

Saturday August 26th, 2000 2:35:03 PM

Rigging is happy when he sees his new companions safe in the trees. He is even more happy to see the dust cloud get farther and farther away. He goes about helping set up the camp.

Chupacabra & a New Friend

Monday August 28th, 2000 1:30:19 AM

Legs helps set up camp in whatever group of trees Wynd thinks would work well.

DM Kim 
Monday August 28th, 2000 1:58:10 AM

At the first clump of trees, Wynd is the first to come upon the stench of death. Flies buzz around the rotting, bulky carcass of a bison. the next site has antelope bones, lying in place, as though nothing moved their bones after death. One looks as though it died sitting, legs folded under it. The bones of the other are as though it lay on its side. The dust cloud disappeared to the south. The sky was red in the west as the sun went down.

DM Kim 
Monday August 28th, 2000 10:13:19 AM

Oh, and the third site looks quite nice. A score of pines, most scruffy, but with one tall one in the center. Even some green grass at the outskirts, and scattered around some of the open places between the pines, is to be had - a perhaps welcome contrast to the dry brown grass found in much of the recent journey. A hundred feet beyond this site, a pool of water stands.

Bulldog &Asbury 
Monday August 28th, 2000 10:13:20 AM

Asbury cautiously sniffs about the bones with tempting interest. "Carvnivious plants ! .. what about the water being bad." the nighty fighter plods over to his furry friend drawing his weapon to poke the bones a bit. "you leave them be , Asbury .... or you may end up just like them" Asbury scitters back from his master warning as if he understood. "what think you Wynd ?"

Monday August 28th, 2000 8:02:05 PM

Wynd examines the dead animals for a few moments as they are come upon and tries to figure out how or what killed these animals. As they approach the third area Wynd slows and waves the others to a halt a ways around and slowly starts walking around the perimeter of the new area checking for anything unusual. every ten feet she will take a small rock and skip it along the ground in to the possible camp site. she will do the same with the small lake.

Tuesday August 29th, 2000 4:15:50 AM

Legs watches Wynd, and the bouncing of the rocks. He skips some rocks on the water, too.

DM Kim  d20=4 d20=18
Tuesday August 29th, 2000 4:26:44 AM

Wynd finds nothing particularly telling from her examination of the antelope bones. But on the buffalo, the area on the left side of the neck is most heavily eroded by the action of the flies. Maggots busily crawl through the decomposing flesh. The rocks skip and bounce as one would think they ought. The sound of rocks on pine needles or moderately hard ground is heard. One of Wynd's rocks skips exceptionally well on the pond, with perhaps 16 to 18 little hops before it sinks in what was calm water. The ripples from the stones break up the surface a little, but then it gradually regains its smoothness. Legs' rocks skip four to six times, on average. Dusk grows. Another hour remains until the full darkness of nigh. Insect sounds are heard. A few medium-small furry animals approach the water, but flee when the party members are spotted.

DM Kim  d20=4 d20=18
Tuesday August 29th, 2000 4:26:44 AM

Wynd finds nothing particularly telling from her examination of the antelope bones. But on the buffalo, the area on the left side of the neck is most heavily eroded by the action of the flies. Maggots busily crawl through the decomposing flesh. The rocks skip and bounce as one would think they ought. The sound of rocks on pine needles or moderately hard ground is heard. One of Wynd's rocks skips exceptionally well on the pond, with perhaps 16 to 18 little hops before it sinks in what was calm water. The ripples from the stones break up the surface a little, but then it gradually regains its smoothness. Legs' rocks skip four to six times, on average. Dusk grows. Another hour remains until the full darkness of nigh. Insect sounds are heard. A few medium-small furry animals approach the water, but flee when the party members are spotted.

Tuesday August 29th, 2000 8:47:29 AM

Rigging says, "I guess things are ok in this area. No small furry little creatures would come here if there was too much danger. I wonder what killed that bison? When do we get to civilization anyway? I want fresh baked bread so bad my mouth waters just thinking about it. Oh fresh baked bread with BUTTER! Do you know how long it has been since I have had butter? I also want to get out of these old clothes. First thing I am gonna do is get some boots that fit. I am tired of my shirts being to tight, and the thought of new undergarments." Rigging shutters with delight just thinking about it. "I know you people want to over throw Ga'al, but can it wait until I update my waredrobe?" Rigging says with a grin.

Bulldog &Asbury 
Tuesday August 29th, 2000 9:59:20 AM

After prodding the bones for a few moments before moving into the green glen. Chuckling out loud at hearing Rigging's complaints. "we will just have to be a little resourcesful along the way, I guess" smiling. "lets make camp in the grass .... it will be awhile before we see any again for some time" and begins to secure the horses and make camp.

Tuesday August 29th, 2000 7:22:48 PM

After her inspections and attempts at disturbing anything that might be hidding, Wyind turns to the others and says well without entering it appears to as safe as anywhere else. I would still suggest a watch and defensive positions while we are here.

Tuesday August 29th, 2000 7:22:48 PM

After her inspections and attempts at disturbing anything that might be hidding, Wyind turns to the others and says well without entering it appears to as safe as anywhere else. I would still suggest a watch and defensive positions while we are here.

Wednesday August 30th, 2000 12:30:55 AM

The paladin walks about the area, actively attempting to gain a sense any evil which may be lurking about. If so, he alerts his companions. If not, he helps unsaddle and brush down the horses, after which he goes, and takes a very light taste of the water.

Wednesday August 30th, 2000 12:30:55 AM

The paladin walks about the area, actively attempting to gain a sense any evil which may be lurking about. If so, he alerts his companions. If not, he helps unsaddle and brush down the horses, after which he goes, and takes a very light taste of the water.

DM Kim 
Wednesday August 30th, 2000 1:19:18 PM

Legs' survey reveals no evil in the area. The water seems fine, albeit with a very light mineral taste. A squirrel spirals up a tree and starts chattering as Wynd pokes around the bushes. Bulldog finds the green grass to be quite comfortable. In the waning light, both Wynd and Legs noticed a few small animal trails in the grass leading to the pond. Stars fill the sky. It is quite dark under the trees.

DM Kim 
Wednesday August 30th, 2000 1:19:18 PM

Legs' survey reveals no evil in the area. The water seems fine, albeit with a very light mineral taste. A squirrel spirals up a tree and starts chattering as Wynd pokes around the bushes. Bulldog finds the green grass to be quite comfortable. In the waning light, both Wynd and Legs noticed a few small animal trails in the grass leading to the pond. Stars fill the sky. It is quite dark under the trees.

Wednesday August 30th, 2000 1:24:50 PM

"I'll take first watch," volunteers Legs. "I'm thinking, Rigging, we've got to be getting close to the city. I pray we make it safe through there, and find the Pirates of Jack." He smiles in the darkness. "How does pirate underwear sound?" No one can see him blushing with embarrassment at what he just said.

Wednesday August 30th, 2000 1:24:50 PM

"I'll take first watch," volunteers Legs. "I'm thinking, Rigging, we've got to be getting close to the city. I pray we make it safe through there, and find the Pirates of Jack." He smiles in the darkness. "How does pirate underwear sound?" No one can see him blushing with embarrassment at what he just said.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday August 30th, 2000 1:24:51 PM

Quite happy about this good fortune of finding such a lovely spot to camp. The burly youth settles down with Asbury and a few blankets. "Hey Legs, wake me for the next shift when you're ready. OK?" Getting comfortable, he adds in, "Rigging, what's your home life like, I mean before all this?" As he begins to nod off, he wonders what noble life could be like.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday August 30th, 2000 1:24:51 PM

Quite happy about this good fortune of finding such a lovely spot to camp. The burly youth settles down with Asbury and a few blankets. "Hey Legs ,wake me for the next shift when your ready. ok" getting cormfortable he adds in "Rigging, whats your home life like, I mean before all this ?" as he begins to nod off. he wonders what noble life could be like.

Thursday August 31st, 2000 9:53:36 PM

Rigging pulls off his boots, stockings, and shirt. He heads to the water and dunks the belongings in and tries to get them clean. He looks over to Wynd and says, "He pretty lady. I would like to wash my pants and take a quick bath. Would you please look yonder at those pretty stars. No fair peeking." To Legs he says, "I would take any undergarments at this point." He adds with a grin, "With all the scary stuff we have been seeing mine is pretty stained up." After his bath, he heads over to sit near Bulldog. "My home life as a noble was full of duty and expectations. I wasn't seen as a son, but as a way to bring more glory and fame to the Von Palin name. When you learn to read at the age of three people expect a lot from you. My parents loved me, but it was a life full of duty and loneliness. Not many kids want to play with a boy genius who is also of noble birth," Rigging adds quietly and mockingly.

Thursday August 31st, 2000 11:31:28 PM

"Why don't you take last watch, Ari?" Legs suggests. "Fourth watch," he clarifies. Wynd &Rigging - which one wants to take third watch?

Thursday August 31st, 2000 11:31:28 PM

"Why don't you take last watch, Ari?" Legs suggests. "Fourth watch," he clarifies. Wynd & Rigging - which one wants to take third watch?

DM Kim 
Friday September 1st, 2000 2:04:00 AM

... waiting for watches ... tic tic tic ...

DM Kim 
Friday September 1st, 2000 2:04:00 AM

... waiting for watches ... tic tic tic ...

Friday September 1st, 2000 12:34:40 PM

"My spells are up to date, so I will be glad to take the third watch," Rigging pipes in.

Friday September 1st, 2000 12:34:40 PM

"My spells are up to date, so I will be glad to take the third watch" Rigging pipes in.

DM Kim  d10=4
Friday September 1st, 2000 2:59:08 PM

Legs awakens Bulldog for second watch. Towards the end of Bulldog's watch, he hears one, then two of the horses start to make a fuss over at the edge of the grove where they were tethered to enjoy the grass.

DM Kim  d10=4
Friday September 1st, 2000 2:59:08 PM

Legs awakens Bulldog for second watch. Towards the end of Bulldog's watch, he hears one, then two of the horses start to make a fuss over at the edge of the grove where they were tethered to enjoy the grass.

Friday September 1st, 2000 6:02:47 PM

Listening to the others while she tends to the beasts, Wynd is about to volunteer for third watch when Rigging speaks up. "Ok, but I'll take it tomorrow and we should probably figure out a watch schedule that allows our resident mages to get uninterrupted blocks of sleep whenever possible. Perhaps even only running three three-hour watches and letting any injured, etc., have the extra sleep. That way we can rotate the watches and every now and again we can all get a full night's sleep." "At least in theory." As Rigging heads out to bathe Wynd turns her head but quickly turns again as he is just jumping in. "Hey Rigging, Nice Freckles." Then she turns back around and settles in for the night.

Friday September 1st, 2000 6:02:47 PM

Listening to the others while she tends to the beasts, Wynd is about to volunteer for third watch when Rigging speaks up. "Ok but I'll take it tomorrow and we should probably figure out a watch scedule that allows our resident mages to get un iterupted blocks of sleep whenever possible. Perhaps even only running 3- 3 hour watches and letting any injured etc have the extra sleep. That way we can rotate the watches and every now and again we can all get a full nights sleep." "At least in theory" As Rigging heads out to bathe Wynd turns her head but quickly turns again as he is just jumping in. "Hey Rigging, Nice Freckles." then she turns back around and settles i8n for the night.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday September 1st, 2000 6:02:48 PM

Enjoying the peacefulness of an uneventful tour of duty, Bulldog hears the disturbance. Quickly getting up, he strides towards the horses silently. With a quick whispering whistle, he gains Asbury's attention, signaling him to sweep to his right, towards the horses. Drawing his mighty sword, his adrenaline rises, balancing his fear. For he knows there are many dangers in these hills. 'What could it be?' he thinks. His grip tightens as he closes. His battle cry ready. A small smile comes to his face. 'I'm ready.'

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday September 1st, 2000 6:02:48 PM

Enjoying the peacefulness of an uneventful tour of duty, Bulldog hears the disturbance. Quickly getting up, he strides towards the horses silently. With a quick whispering whistle, he gains Asbury attention, signalling him to sweep to his right, towards the horses. Drawing his mighty sword, his andrendilin rises, balancing his fear. For he knows there are many dangers in these hills. 'what could it be' he thinks. His grip tightens as he closes. His battle cry ready. A small smile comes to his face. 'I'm ready'

DM Kim  d20=16 d20=12 d20=13 d20=12 d8=5 d6=6 d6=5
Friday September 1st, 2000 8:13:23 PM

Asbury begins growling, and barks. If it weren't so dark ... the whinnies of the horses notch up. A swooshing sound is heard, and one horse sounds in terror. Bulldog clearly hears some thrashing around. [For the rest of the party, roll a saving throw versus paralyzation to see if the noise awakens you.]

DM Kim  d20=16 d20=12 d20=13 d20=12 d8=5 d6=6 d6=5
Friday September 1st, 2000 8:13:23 PM

Asbury begins growling, and barks. If it weren't so dark ... the whinnies of the horses notch up. A swooshing sound is heard, and one horse sounds in terror. Bulldog clearly hears some thrashing around. [For the rest of the party, roll a saving throw versus paralyzation to see if the noise awakens you.]

DM Kim [Out until Tuesday] 
Saturday September 2nd, 2000 1:13:53 AM

[OOC: Maybe you can talk about your character's dreams, and Bulldog can wonder what in the world is happening. Next DM post: Tuesday. Enjoy Labor Day weekend, for those of you in the USA. For those of you elsewhere, enjoy a normal weekend! - Kim]

DM Kim [Out until Tuesday] 
Saturday September 2nd, 2000 1:13:53 AM

[OOC: Maybe you can talk about your character's dreams, and Bulldog can wonder what in the world is happening. Next DM post: Tuesday. Enjoy Labor Day weekend, for those of you in the USA. For those of you elsewhere, enjoy a normal weekend! - Kim]

Wynd  d20=17
Sunday September 3rd, 2000 3:09:00 PM

"Geesh, can't a girl get any beauty sleep around here. I was just having this wonderful dream where I was sleeping in this huge, soft, bed, buried in downy covers and somewhere someone was cooking something that smelled absolutely delicious, and... Oh, what is making all that racket." Grabbing her sword, Wynd gets up, heading toward the horses and says, "Bulldog, can't you keep that mangy, loud-mouthed, slobber-factory, excuse of a dog quiet?"

Wynd  d20=17
Sunday September 3rd, 2000 3:09:00 PM

"Geesh, can't a girl get any beauty sleep around here. I was just having this wonderful dream where I was sleeping in this huge, soft, bed, buried in downy covers and somewhere someone was cooking something that smelled absolutely delicious, and... Oh, what is making all that racket." Grabbing her sword, Wynd gets up, heading toward the horses and says, "Bulldog, can't you keep that mangy, loud-mouthed, slobber-factory, excuse of a dog quiet?"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Sunday September 3rd, 2000 11:15:34 PM

Ducking slightly at hearing that strange sound. The mighty youth moves deliberately towards the commotion near the horses. Upon hearing the ranger, "Wynd, over here by the horses ... and he barks when he wants to ..." Then leaping into the fray he raises his sword readying to strike, but 'where is this creature?' Withholding his strike till he sees the target. Asbury of course continues to bark all the while thinking 'who is she calling mangy?'

Bulldog & Asbury 
Sunday September 3rd, 2000 11:15:34 PM

Ducking slightly at hearing that strange sound. The mighty youth moves deliberately towards the commotion near the horses. Upon hearing the ranger "Wynd, over here by the horses ....... and he barks when he wants to ..." Then leaping into the fray he raises his sword readying to strike, but 'where is this creature ?' Withholding his strike till he sees the target. Asbury of course continues to bark all the while thinking 'who is she calling mangy'

Rigging  d20=2
Monday September 4th, 2000 6:53:28 PM

Rigging hears a commotion (made perception check) and rolls to his feet. He stays in the camp and prepares his magic missile spell. Seeing Wynd and Bulldog heading to the horses, he heads over to Legs and Ari. If they aren't awake yet, he will awaken them. "Come on sleepy heads. Something is in the bushes." He suddenly gets concerned for Seafoam and heads in the horses' direction.

Rigging  d20=2
Monday September 4th, 2000 6:53:28 PM

Rigging hears a commotion (made perception check) and rolls to his feet. He stays in the camp and prepares his magic missile spell. Seeing Wynd and Bulldog heading to the horses, he heads over to Legs and Ari. If they aren't awake yet, he will awaken them. "Come on sleepy heads. Something is in the bushes." He suddenly gets concerned for Seafoam and heads in the horses direction.

Legs  d10=7
Wednesday September 6th, 2000 11:46:14 AM

Legs awakes with a start, grabbing the handle of his sword and rolling to a standing position. "What?" he whispers, trying to see anything in the darkness.

Legs  d10=7
Wednesday September 6th, 2000 11:46:14 AM

Legs awakes with a start, grabbing the handle of his sword and rolling to a standing position. "What?" he whispers, trying to see anything in the darkness.

DM Kim  d20=9 d20=5 d8=4
Wednesday September 6th, 2000 11:53:04 AM

Bulldog is able by the dim light of the stars to make out the shape of a horse - Singer's? - on the ground, struggling. There is something misshapen on the back and neck of the horse. As Bulldog draws near, his face is sprayed with something very warm. It has the taste of blood. Wynd is about 20 feet away, Rigging 40, Legs and Ari almost 60. What do you do?

DM Kim  d20=9 d20=5 d8=4
Wednesday September 6th, 2000 11:53:04 AM

Bulldog is able by the dim light of the stars to make out the shape of a horse - Singer's? - on the ground, struggling. There is something misshapen on the back and neck of the horse. As Bulldog draws near, his face is sprayed with something very warm. It has the taste of blood. Wynd is about 20 feet away, Rigging 40, Legs and Ari almost 60. What do you do?

Legs  d20=14 d20=12
Wednesday September 6th, 2000 5:19:40 PM

Figuring he's not going to be of much use if he can't see anything, Legs pulls out his fire-making tools, and begins to try to light his torch. (It takes him a minute to get it lit.)

Legs  d20=14 d20=12
Wednesday September 6th, 2000 5:19:40 PM

Figuring he's not going to be of much use if he can't see anything, Legs pulls out his fire-making tools, and begins to try to light his torch. (It takes him a minute to get it lit.)

Wednesday September 6th, 2000 6:22:41 PM

Rigging sees Leggs struggling with his tinderbox. He murmurs something under his breath and a small flame shoots from his finger. He applies it to Legs' torch and says, "Do paladins have to do everything the hard way? Now go fight evil!" Rigging looks for an opening for his magic missile spell.

Wednesday September 6th, 2000 6:22:41 PM

Rigging sees Leggs struggling with his tinderbox. He murmurs something under his breath and a small flame shoots from his finger. He applies it to Legg's torch and says, "Do paladins have to do everything the hard way? Now go fight evil!" Rigging looks for an opening for his magic missile spell.

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=17 d10=10
Wednesday September 6th, 2000 6:22:42 PM

Feeling the warm blood splatter over himself. Bulldog cries out "HARRRRRR ... LIFE STEALER ... DIE" swinging mightily (hits ac 2)(12 pts dam) (str included), he delivers a crushing blow upon this creature of the night. The impact resonating through the camp. 8) Calling out to his friends. "TO THE HORSES!!" He casts about to see if there are others with this beast. Asbury barking increases a fevered pitch as he sees his master engage in fighting.

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=17 d10=10
Wednesday September 6th, 2000 6:22:42 PM

Feeling the warm blood splatter over himself. Bulldog cries out "HARRRRRR .. LIFE STEALER ... DIE" swinging mightily, (hits ac 2)(12 pts dam)(str included), he delivers a crushing blow upon this creature of the night. The impact resonating through the camp. 8) Calling out to his friends. " TO THE HORSES !! " He Casts about to see if there are others with this beast. Asbury barking increases a fevered pitch as he sees his master engage in fighting.

Wynd  d20=19 d6=6
Wednesday September 6th, 2000 7:15:03 PM

Charging in after Bulldog, Wynd leaps to the attack, aiming a vicious cut for the beast (hitting AC 1 for 7 points) and feeling the satisfying jar of a well struck shot.

Wynd  d20=19 d6=6
Wednesday September 6th, 2000 7:15:03 PM

Charging in after Bulldog Wynd leaps to the attack aiming a vicsious cut for the beast (hitting Ac 1 for 7 points) and feeling the satisfying jar of a well struck shot.

Wednesday September 6th, 2000 9:17:59 PM

"Thanks," he says to Rigging. Torch in his left hand and sword back in his right, Legs runs forward to see what is going on.

Wednesday September 6th, 2000 9:17:59 PM

"Thanks," he says to Rigging. Torch in his left hand and sword back in his right, Legs runs forward to see what is going on.

DM Kim  d20=1 d20=2 d20=14
Wednesday September 6th, 2000 9:56:33 PM

Ari somehow manages to continue to sleep soundly through all this. The early blows land despite the darkness (-2 to hit AC 4). When Legs' torch comes in range, normal to hit of AC 4 applies. Singer's horse has stopped struggling, its legs relaxing, last breath exhaled. A creature with large, bat-like wings and a reptilian body, lifts its oval head to see what is hitting it. Bulbous, bulging red eyes reflect the torchlight. Blood drips off its fanged yellow teeth and long, darting tongue. It disengages from the horse, claw marks visible on the downed mount's chest, and tries to attack Bulldog with its teeth, craning for his neck. It makes a slurping sound, and looks ready to bound into the thick of the trees. It might have made it, but Asbury stepped upon its right clawed wing, causing it to fall forward. [Those around it can make an attack of opportunity. If you hit AC 6, you are successful.]

DM Kim  d20=1 d20=2 d20=14
Wednesday September 6th, 2000 9:56:33 PM

Ari somehow manages to continue to sleep soundly through all this. The early blows land despite the darkness (-2 to hit AC 4). When Legs' torch comes in range, normal to hit of AC 4 applies. Singer's horse has stopped struggling, its legs relaxing, last breath exhaled. A creature with large, bat-like wings and a reptilian body, lifts its oval head to see what is hitting it. Bulbous, bulging red eyes reflect the torchlight. Blood drips off its fanged yellow teeth and long, darting tongue. It disengages from the horse, claw marks visible on the downed mount's chest, and tries to attack Bulldog with its teeth, craning for his neck. It makes a slurping sound, and looks ready to bound into the thick of the trees. It might have made it, but Asbury stepped upon its right clawed wing, causing it to fall forward. [Those around it can make an attack of opportunity. If you hit AC 6, you are successful.]

Legs  d20=1
Thursday September 7th, 2000 11:20:17 AM

Legs swings his sword at the creature, and is chagrined to watch his sword fly away, end over end, into the darkness.

Legs  d20=1
Thursday September 7th, 2000 11:20:17 AM

Legs swings his sword at the creature, and is chagrined to watch his sword fly away, end over end, into the darkness.

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=5
Thursday September 7th, 2000 11:20:18 AM

Stunned that his first mighty blow did not stop the bat beast. Bulldog steps back and swings caitiously this time, missing as he is concerned by Asbury's nearness. "Get back ... Asbury ... get back." Worry crosses his face as he sees what this creature has done to the horse. "Get back Asbury!"

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=5
Thursday September 7th, 2000 11:20:18 AM

Stunned that his first mighty blow did not stop the bat beast. Bulldog steps back and swings caitiously this time, missing as he is concern ed by Asbury's nearness. "get back .... asbury .. get back" Worry crosses his face as he sees what this creature has done to the horse. "get back asbury !"

Wynd  d20=17 d8=6
Thursday September 7th, 2000 9:05:09 PM

Pulling her sword back for another strike and with a mighty stroke sinks her sword into the reptilian flesh (AC3 for 7 points).

Wynd  d20=17 d8=6
Thursday September 7th, 2000 9:05:09 PM

Pulling her sword back for another strike and with a mighty stroke sinks her sword into the reptillian flesh (AC3 for 7 points)

Rigging  d4=2
Thursday September 7th, 2000 10:16:32 PM

Rigging debates to himself, "Sword or magic... sword or magic." He decides on magic. He speaks some arcane words and gestures dramatically. A globe of light launches from his hand and strikes the hideous creature. (Forgot to add the plus 1 so I do 3 points of damage). Rigging pulls out his weapons and heads towards the creature.

Rigging  d4=2
Thursday September 7th, 2000 10:16:32 PM

Rigging debates to himself "Sword or magic...sword or magic." He decides on magic. He speaks some arcane words and gestures dramatically. A globe of light launches from his hand and strikes the hideous creature. (forgot to add the plus 1 so I do 3 points of damage). Rigging pulls out his weapons and head towards the creature.

DM Kim  d20=11 d20=17 d20=5 d8=6 d6=6 d20=17
Friday September 8th, 2000 1:27:03 AM

The strong and agile huge-eyed creature squints, and bats away the torch held by Legs. The torch remains lit, but was knocked some forty feet away, and lies flickering upon the green grass, casting a measure of light on the lower branches of a nearby tree. Then, the beast's jaws open wide, and the dim light reveals again a pair of long, sharp fangs. They descend upon Legs' neck. The creature slurps, sounding vaguely like, "chupa shoopa." (6 hp damage to Legs.) The creature pushes the tall boy to the ground, and seeks to flee into the center of the darkened grove. Blood flows in twin rivulets from the paladin's neck.

DM Kim  d20=11 d20=17 d20=5 d8=6 d6=6 d20=17
Friday September 8th, 2000 1:27:03 AM

The strong and agile huge-eyed creature squints, and bats away the torch held by Legs. The torch remains lit, but was knocked some forty feet away, and lies flickering upon the green grass, casting a measure of light on the lower branches of a nearby tree. Then, the beast's jaws open wide, and the dim light reveals again a pair of long, sharp fangs. They descend upon Legs' neck. The creature slurps, sounding vaguely like, "chupa shoopa." (6 hp damage to Legs.) The creature pushes the tall boy to the ground, and seeks to flee into the center of the darkened grove. Blood flows in twin rivulets from the paladin's neck.

Bulldog &Asbury  d20=18 d10=1
Friday September 8th, 2000 1:28:47 AM

"Legs ...." Anger wells in the young lad as he sees his friend hurt. Stepping boldly between the darkened grove and the beast. He brings his two handed sword down upon the beast. (hits ac 1, for 3 pts dam). Asbury skitters around the group, trying to avoid the stampede.

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=18 d10=1
Friday September 8th, 2000 1:28:47 AM

"Legs ...." Anger wells in the young lad as he sees his friend hurt. Stepping boldly between the darkened grove and the beast. He brings his two handed sword down upon the beast. (hits ac 1, for 3 pts dam). Asbury skitters around the group, trying to avoid the stampede.

Rigging  d20=17 d20=4 d6+1=4
Friday September 8th, 2000 4:04:03 PM

Rigging runs forward and stabs the creature with his rapier. (hit ac 4 did 4 points of damage) In his excitement on actually hitting with his rapier, he flubs his main-gauche strike. He smugly thinks to himself, "Well at least I didn't throw my sword away." Rigging then feels shame at the thought. Legs has been kind to him and is hurt.

Rigging  d20=17 d20=4 d6+1=4
Friday September 8th, 2000 4:04:03 PM

Rigging runs forward and stabs the creature with his rapier. (hit ac 4 did 4 points of damage) In his excitement on actually hitting with his rapier, he flubs his main-gauche strike. He smugly thinks to himself, "Well at least I didn't throw my sword away." Rigging then feels shame at the thought. Legs has been kind to him and is hurt.

Wynd  d20=2
Friday September 8th, 2000 9:03:14 PM

As The beast turns on legs and then tries to flee, Wynd turns to aid her companion trying to remember where she has heard about such a beast and what she remembers. Digging into her medicinals kit she immediately finds exactly what she needs to help stop Legs' bleeding and to keep any infection away and then she binds his wounds to keep out the grunge and keep the wound clean. Just about the time she finishes bandaging Legs she remembers what she was told about the beast that had just visited. As she puts away her gear she tells the others what she knows. That beast is known as a chupacabra. It is noted for its late night custom of sucking the blood from animals, it is rare that it willfeed off of people. One of my teachers told me that in his home town, a chupacabra had killed dozens of cattle, a few horses and sheep over several nights. Finally a group of men tried to corner it. Only then did turn on them. It killed three of them, climbed up the side of a barn, leaped off and then flew away. I don't believe it will be back at least any time soon but we might want to transfer all the gear off of our fearless dead beast and repack what we have and need for the rest of our journey.

Wynd  d20=2
Friday September 8th, 2000 9:03:14 PM

As The beast turns on legs and then tries to flee, Wynd turns to aid her companion trying to remember where she has heard about such a beast and what she remembers. Digging into her medicinals kit she immediately finds exactly what she needs to help stop Legs' bleeding and to keep any infection away and then she binds his wounds to keep out the grunge and keep the wound clean. Just about the time she finishes bandaging Legs she remembers what she was told about the beast that had just visited. As she puts away her gear she tells the others what she knows. That beast is known as a chupacabra. It is noted for its late night custom of sucking the blood from animals, it is rare that it willfeed off of people. One of my teachers told me that in his home town, a chupacabra had killed dozens of cattle, a few horses and sheep over several nights. Finally a group of men tried to corner it. Only then did turn on them. It killed three of them, climbed up the side of a barn, leaped off and then flew away. I don't believe it will be back at least any time soon but we might want to transfer all the gear off of our fearless dead beast and repack what we have and need for the rest of our journey.

Saturday September 9th, 2000 12:44:22 AM

Ari wakes up and takes a look around. When he takes stock of the situation, he'll mutter, "Must get horses closer to alarm spell." When he notices legs's injury, he'll come over and ask, "Should I heal him, or can he take care of himself?"

Saturday September 9th, 2000 12:44:22 AM

Ari wakes up and takes a look around. When he takes stock of the situation, he'll mutter, "Must get horses closer to alarm spell." When he notices legs's injury, he'll come over and ask, "Should I heal him, or can he take care of himself?"

Legs  d100=28
Saturday September 9th, 2000 1:13:46 AM

"D-dizzy," says the teenager. "Sword. W-water." Wynd's ministrations help. It is kind of hard to see him too clearly, with the torch in the grass a ways off. He tries to stand, but his legs buckle, and he sits down hard.

Legs  d100=28
Saturday September 9th, 2000 1:13:46 AM

"D-dizzy," says the teenager. "Sword. W-water." Wynd's ministrations help. It is kind of hard to see him too clearly, with the torch in the grass a ways off. He tries to stand, but his legs buckle, and he sits down hard.

Chupacabra Abracadabra - DM Kim 
Saturday September 9th, 2000 8:42:12 PM

The Chupacabra disappears into the grove. You can hear it climbing the tallest tree. Looks like Legs is light-headed from a significant loss of blood, and feels very cold, but is alive, nevertheless. Wynd's horse managed to break away, but that might be it, the dark shape standing on the other side of the pond.

Chupacabra Abracadabra - DM Kim 
Saturday September 9th, 2000 8:42:12 PM

The Chupacabra disappears into the grove. You can hear it climbing the tallest tree. Looks like Legs is light-headed from a significant loss of blood, and feels very cold, but is alive, nevertheless. Wynd's horse managed to break away, but that might be it, the dark shape standing on the other side of the pond.

Monday September 11th, 2000 2:27:35 AM

The paladin lies still for a few moments, then begins to mumble a prayer. He places his hands on his neck, and over his heart. [Lay on hands, 2 hp healed.] He lies for a few moments longer, taking a few deep breaths, then rises, and retrieves his sword, and picks up the waning torch. He holds the torch over the horse, and shakes his head. "Sorry I was not much help tonight," he says to no one in particular. "Ari, would you come with me?" He walks down to the pond. Keeping an eye out for what is going on in the glen, he kneels down, cupping water in one hand, and rinsing off his face and neck. If Ari does accompany him, he talks with him a bit...

Monday September 11th, 2000 2:27:35 AM

The paladin lies still for a few moments, then begins to mumble a prayer. He places his hands on his neck, and over his heart. [Lay on hands, 2 hp healed.] He lies for a few moments longer, taking a few deep breaths, then rises, and retrieves his sword, and picks up the waning torch. He holds the torch over the horse, and shakes his head. "Sorry I was not much help tonight," he says to no one in particular. "Ari, would you come with me?" He walks down to the pond. Keeping an eye out for what is going on in the glen, he kneels down, cupping water in one hand, and rinsing off his face and neck. If Ari does accompany him, he talks with him a bit...

Monday September 11th, 2000 9:31:33 AM

Rigging looks on with concern into the grove. "What in the name of the Dragon God was that thing? More importantly is it coming back?" He heads over to the horses checking out the injured horse and Seafoam. He yells to the others, "Might want to save a healing spell for this poor beast or we all might be walking." He heads over to the fire and starts to build it up. "It is my watch. Everyone try to get some sleep. I don't want to hand around here tomarrow."

Monday September 11th, 2000 9:31:33 AM

Rigging looks on with concern into the grove. "What in the name of the Dragon God was that thing? More importantly is it coming back?" He heads over to the horses checking out the injured horse and Seafoam. He yells to the others, "Might want to save a healing spell for this poor beast or we all might be walking." He heads over to the fire and starts to build it up. "It is my watch. Everyone try to get some sleep. I don't want to hand around here tomarrow."

Bulldog &Asbury 
Monday September 11th, 2000 9:31:34 AM

"I just don't beleive it got away. I should have killed it !" heatedly said. As Legs rises and moves off "I'm glad to see that you doing fine Legs." Bulldog then retreives his heavy crossbow and stalks back over next to the grove. Loading his bow he scans the tall trees for cursed beast. If he is unable to locate the beast he will go and wash the blood off himself and sit watch with riggings for the remainder of the night.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday September 11th, 2000 9:31:34 AM

"I just don't beleive it got away. I should have killed it !" heatedly said. As Legs rises and moves off "I'm glad to see that you doing fine Legs." Bulldog then retreives his heavy crossbow and stalks back over next to the grove. Loading his bow he scans the tall trees for cursed beast. If he is unable to locate the beast he will go and wash the blood off himself and sit watch with riggings for the remainder of the night.

Tuesday September 12th, 2000 12:49:30 AM

Ari says, "sure", and follows Legs.

Tuesday September 12th, 2000 12:49:30 AM

Ari says, "sure", and follows Legs.

Tuesday September 12th, 2000 12:01:33 PM

"You sure sleep soundly," Legs says with a smile to Ari. "Hey, thanks for offering to help me, there, but I think I'm gonna be okay. Just a little shaky, still." Legs looks up at the stars, and glances toward the trees, wondering about that chupa- ... whatever it was that Wynd called it. He shudders involuntarily at the feeling he had as it sunk its fangs into his veins. He takes another sip of water, surprised at how thirsty he is. "Ari, I think we've gotta be getting close to Ailthmar. In the morning, do you think we should have another look at that spine in your belly? I've got the stick. But it's up to you, for now."

Tuesday September 12th, 2000 12:01:33 PM

"You sure sleep soundly," Legs says with a smile to Ari. "Hey, thanks for offering to help me, there, but I think I'm gonna be okay. Just a little shaky, still." Legs looks up at the stars, and glances toward the trees, wondering about that chupa- ... whatever it was that Wynd called it. He shudders involuntarily at the feeling he had as it sunk its fangs into his veins. He takes another sip of water, surprised at how thirsty he is. "Ari, I think we've gotta be getting close to Ailthmar. In the morning, do you think we should have another look at that spine in your belly? I've got the stick. But it's up to you, for now."

DM Kim - One last shot 
Tuesday September 12th, 2000 3:47:46 PM

Bulldog, about to give up on his vigilance, hears the treetop move, and sees against the stars a dark figure winging northward. (Bulldog - you can roll to hit at medium distance, -2 to hit, if you wish to use the crossbow against the flying figure.) Ari and Legs notice Wynd's horse standing on the far side of the pond.

DM Kim - One last shot 
Tuesday September 12th, 2000 3:47:46 PM

Bulldog, about to give up on his vigilance, hears the treetop move, and sees against the stars a dark figure winging northward. (Bulldog - you can roll to hit at medium distance, -2 to hit, if you wish to use the crossbow against the flying figure.) Ari and Legs notice Wynd's horse standing on the far side of the pond.

Bulldog &Asbury  d20=4
Tuesday September 12th, 2000 3:47:47 PM

Frustrated, Bulldogs turns to give up on his tree top search. He hears the tree creak as the winged beast takes flight. Raising his bow in haste he misfires. Sending his quarrel pointlessly into the night. "Rats ... missed ..." as he stomps back to camp center. Sitting down, he ruffles Asbury to lighten his mood. "oh well ... maybe next time we'll be luckier." looks about to see who else is about to watch the sun rise with.

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=4
Tuesday September 12th, 2000 3:47:47 PM

Frustrated, Bulldogs turns to give up on his tree top search. He hears the tree creak as the winged beast takes flight. Raising his bow in haste he misfires. Sending his quarrel pointlessly into the night. "Rats ... missed ..." as he stomps back to camp center. Sitting down, he ruffles Asbury to lighten his mood. "oh well ... maybe next time we'll be luckier." looks about to see who else is about to watch the sun rise with.

Tuesday September 12th, 2000 9:12:09 PM

Rigging stifles a yawn and pulls his blanket around his shoulders. He saunters over to the fire and pokes around building up the flames. He looks at Bulldog and says, "If you are staying up, do you mind if I go back to bed? I now have spells to memorize in the morning." If no one objects, Rigging will get some more sleep. He mumbles to the others before drifting off, "I doubt I will have good dreams."

Tuesday September 12th, 2000 9:12:09 PM

Rigging stifles a yawn and pulls his blanket around his shoulders. He saunters over to the fire and pokes around building up the flames. He looks at Bulldog and says, "If you are staying up, do you mind if I go back to bed? I now have spells to memorize in the morning." If no one objects, Rigging will get some more sleep. He mumbles to the others before drifting off, "I doubt I will have good dreams."

Tuesday September 12th, 2000 9:52:19 PM

Hearing Bulldogs comments, Wynd wanders over and then looking out at the pond and her other two companions sighs, " If we are lucky we will never see the likes of that again. We almost lost another of our family and we are now down to two horses." ::Playing with the ring on her finger, she sighs yet again:: "Bulldog, I'm not sure I can take losing another one of us. is all this really worth it?"

Tuesday September 12th, 2000 9:52:19 PM

Hearing Bulldogs comments, Wynd wanders over and then looking out at the pond and her other two companions sighs, " If we are lucky we will never see the likes of that again. We almost lost another of our family and we are now down to two horses." ::Playing with the ring on her finger, she sighs yet again:: "Bulldog, I'm not sure I can take losing another one of us. is all this really worth it?"

Tuesday September 12th, 2000 11:02:02 PM

"wweelll, we don't really know much, so I'm up to it, to see what will happen." Spotting the horse, Ari points" look over there"

Tuesday September 12th, 2000 11:02:02 PM

"wweelll, we don't really know much, so I'm up to it, to see what will happen." Spotting the horse, Ari points" look over there"

Wednesday September 13th, 2000 2:44:02 AM

"Okay, in the morning then," Legs agrees with Ari. "Wynd, we'll help you get your horse ... do you think we should move Singer's horse somewhere else. Seafoam and your mount probably won't want to be near her body."

Wednesday September 13th, 2000 2:44:02 AM

"Okay, in the morning then," Legs agrees with Ari. "Wynd, we'll help you get your horse ... do you think we should move Singer's horse somewhere else. Seafoam and your mount probably won't want to be near her body."

DM Kim 
Wednesday September 13th, 2000 2:53:50 AM

Wynd's horse is captured. The balance of the night passes without further interruption. It looks to be a hot, clear day. North and West still beckon. The party breakfasts, and sets out. Various wildlife are seen, including a small herd of elk far to the group's right that look up as you pass them by. Mid afternoon, a faint sound not heard by those from Adorus since the early days of their first escape is made by a pair of seagulls winging in the distance. A half hour later, the party finds a rutted road heading due west.

DM Kim 
Wednesday September 13th, 2000 2:53:50 AM

Wynd's horse is captured. The balance of the night passes without further interruption. It looks to be a hot, clear day. North and West still beckon. The party breakfasts, and sets out. Various wildlife are seen, including a small herd of elk far to the group's right that look up as you pass them by. Mid afternoon, a faint sound not heard by those from Adorus since the early days of their first escape is made by a pair of seagulls winging in the distance. A half hour later, the party finds a rutted road heading due west.

Wednesday September 13th, 2000 5:38:10 AM

[Wait, Mr. DM!] In the morning, Legs tells the others of his and Ari's agreement, and takes out the heartwood of the lightning-struck maple tree that Catcher took in Adorus. "For safety, Ari, yours and ours, I'm going to ask Wynd and Rigging to hold your arms. Bulldog, will you hold Ari's legs?" He hands Ari a clean stick he prepared this morning. "You can bite down on this if you need to." Just to be sure all understand what they are doing, Legs says, "This is to see if - and make sure that - the spider seed in Ari is really dead." Legs waits until Ari and all are ready. Then he will touch the stick to the sharp end of the tail spike adjacent the spell-caster's navel.

Wednesday September 13th, 2000 5:38:10 AM

[Wait, Mr. DM!] In the morning, Legs tells the others of his and Ari's agreement, and takes out the heartwood of the lightning-struck maple tree that Catcher took in Adorus. "For safety, Ari, yours and ours, I'm going to ask Wynd and Rigging to hold your arms. Bulldog, will you hold Ari's legs?" He hands Ari a clean stick he prepared this morning. "You can bite down on this if you need to." Just to be sure all understand what they are doing, Legs says, "This is to see if - and make sure that - the spider seed in Ari is really dead." Legs waits until Ari and all are ready. Then he will touch the stick to the sharp end of the tail spike adjacent the spell-caster's navel.

Wednesday September 13th, 2000 8:30:33 AM

With the dawn, Rigging will replace his lost spells. When asked he will gently but firmly grasp Ari's arm. "Hopefully the seed is dead and you won't feel anything." Rigging whispers softly to Ari trying to comfort him.

Wednesday September 13th, 2000 8:30:33 AM

With the dawn, Rigging will replace his lost spells. When asked he will gently but firmly grasp Ari's arm. "Hopefully the seed is dead and you won't feel anything." Rigging whispers softly to Ari trying to comfort him.

Bulldog &Asbury 
Wednesday September 13th, 2000 8:30:34 AM

"Wynd , you know very well what will become of us if we stop. we made a pact to see this through. One way or another. Think of all the friends we have lost before we started, as well as family." stopping for a few moments as he gets up and takes her gently by the arm and turns her to face Ari. "Lets give them a hand." pointing towards Legs and Ari. "Think about what they have done to Ari. We really have no choice in this. This we MUST do. My convictions have not changed one bit. Its not a matter of want or worth, Wynd. This chance has fallen into our hands, lets see it through." He then takes her hand and starts towards Legs. "Lets go help our Family". Asbury follows along as natural as can be. 'should of named him shadow.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday September 13th, 2000 8:30:34 AM

"Wynd , you know very well what will become of us if we stop. we made a pact to see this through. One way or another. Think of all the friends we have lost before we started, as well as family." stopping for a few moments as he gets up and takes her gently by the arm and turns her to face Ari. "Lets give them a hand." pointing towards Legs and Ari. "Think about what they have done to Ari. We really have no choice in this. This we MUST do. My convictions have not changed one bit. Its not a matter of want or worth, Wynd. This chance has fallen into our hands, lets see it through." He then takes her hand and starts towards Legs. "Lets go help our Family". Asbury follows along as natural as can be. 'should of named him shadow.

Wednesday September 13th, 2000 8:08:44 PM

Ari mutters agreement as the process is started.

Wednesday September 13th, 2000 8:08:44 PM

Ari mutters agreement as the process is started.

Wednesday September 13th, 2000 8:08:45 PM

I know you are right Bulldog, and I know it in my heart that we need to do what we are attempting. But that doesnt make it any easier. I am tired. And I am tired of death. I guess I'm just saying that I may need your strength to get me thru sometimes. As Wynd holds Legs down she makes sure that the ring rests along one of his temples.

Wednesday September 13th, 2000 8:08:45 PM

I know you are right Bulldog, and I know it in my heart that we need to do what we are attempting. But that doesnt make it any easier. I am tired. And I am tired of death. I guess I'm just saying that I may need your strength to get me thru sometimes. As Wynd holds Legs down she makes sure that the ring rests along one of his temples.

DM Kim 
Wednesday September 13th, 2000 9:01:13 PM

As the stick from the holy tree touches the pointed tail of the symbiote, Ari feels nothing, other than a slight tickling as the stick brushes his belly.

DM Kim 
Wednesday September 13th, 2000 9:01:13 PM

As the stick from the holy tree touches the pointed tail of the symbiote, Ari feels nothing, other than a slight tickling as the stick brushes his belly.

Wednesday September 13th, 2000 9:07:59 PM

Legs touches the other end of the stick to the thorn. But still nothing happens. He looks up to the sky, and says, "Thank You." Then back at Ari, "Well, I guess it's dead, Ari. Good." He steps to the side and offers their friend his hand. "Now there's something I've been meaning to ask you for some time." He smiles affably. "Whatever did you talk with the Lady of the castle about so much during our time of training?" Legs looks over the camp, and brushes some of the traces of their stay away, as Catcher had taught them not quite two years ago. "Let's go." When they come in the afternoon to the road, he asks his companions, "Any suggestions? Should we travel on the road, or stay far from it? I think the city is near."

Wednesday September 13th, 2000 9:07:59 PM

Legs touches the other end of the stick to the thorn. But still nothing happens. He looks up to the sky, and says, "Thank You." Then back at Ari, "Well, I guess it's dead, Ari. Good." He steps to the side and offers their friend his hand. "Now there's something I've been meaning to ask you for some time." He smiles affably. "Whatever did you talk with the Lady of the castle about so much during our time of training?" Legs looks over the camp, and brushes some of the traces of their stay away, as Catcher had taught them not quite two years ago. "Let's go." When they come in the afternoon to the road, he asks his companions, "Any suggestions? Should we travel on the road, or stay far from it? I think the city is near."

Thursday September 14th, 2000 3:09:05 PM

"Welllll, we mostly just spent time talking about what my training was doing. It was a way for me to vent my feelings, as I was going thru training." When Legs poses the question, " I think we should go ahead and be obvious, but be very on our toes."

Thursday September 14th, 2000 3:09:05 PM

"Welllll, we mostly just spent time talking about what my training was doing. It was a way for me to vent my feelings, as I was going thru training." When Legs poses the question, " I think we should go ahead and be obvious, but be very on our toes."

Thursday September 14th, 2000 8:44:27 PM

"A city! Please can we go to the city? Think of it...taverns! With stew and wine. Bread!Warm and crusty with BUTTER! Hmmmmm Cheese, Oh by the Dragon God, cheese. I haven't had cheese in over a year." Rigging sighs and then says, "We also could get some new clothes. I am growing out of all of mine. We need some more horses and regular supplies as well." Rigging glances at Ari and says, "I don't want to be negative here, but we need to be careful. Maybe the magic of the stick is used up. (DM Can not remember if the stick glowed magic when I detected magic, but then I am not a genius in real life). I suggest we don't get overly excited about the lack of Ari's thrashing and moaning." Directly to Ari, "Sorry but I have to have the groups interest in mind here."

Thursday September 14th, 2000 8:44:27 PM

"A city! Please can we go to the city? Think of it...taverns! With stew and wine. Bread!Warm and crusty with BUTTER! Hmmmmm Cheese, Oh by the Dragon God, cheese. I haven't had cheese in over a year." Rigging sighs and then says, "We also could get some new clothes. I am growing out of all of mine. We need some more horses and regular supplies as well." Rigging glances at Ari and says, "I don't want to be negative here, but we need to be careful. Maybe the magic of the stick is used up. (DM Can not remember if the stick glowed magic when I detected magic, but then I am not a genius in real life). I suggest we don't get overly excited about the lack of Ari's thrashing and moaning." Directly to Ari, "Sorry but I have to have the groups interest in mind here."

DM Kim 
Friday September 15th, 2000 1:06:08 AM

[Yes - the stick showed strong magic when earlier Rigging checked.]

DM Kim 
Friday September 15th, 2000 1:06:08 AM

[Yes - the stick showed strong magic when earlier Rigging checked.]

Friday September 15th, 2000 1:10:56 AM

When Rigging so casually says, "Cheese, Oh by the Dragon God, cheese," Legs looks up sharply. "If you can't control your appetite, at least put a tight rein on what comes out of your mouth. First, I will not have you speak so casually of the Good God. Second, you show up in the city dropping oaths like that, and you're like to have a red scarf sucking the life out of you." A vein in Legs' forehead pulses as his eyes bore in on Rigging.

Friday September 15th, 2000 1:10:56 AM

When Rigging so casually says, "Cheese, Oh by the Dragon God, cheese," Legs looks up sharply. "If you can't control your appetite, at least put a tight rein on what comes out of your mouth. First, I will not have you speak go casually of the Good God. Second, you show up in the city dropping oaths like that, and you're like to have a red scarf sucking the life out of you." A vein in Legs' forehead pulses as his eyes bore in on Rigging.

Friday September 15th, 2000 10:36:18 AM

Rigging looks shocked at Leg's outburst. "Leg's I apologize for insulting you and getting you upset." Rigging says contritely. A questioning look crosses Rigging's face. "How do you know that the Good God minds us using his name? I have never even heard of him until I met you. Have you received formal instruction on his wishes and beliefs? Please instuct me. I am interested to learn. Will he accept me into the fold? Or only you paladin types. I want to believe, but my experiences with any God have been rare and normally did not turn out for the best. That phoenix was something to see though." Rigging shakes himself out of his wonder and says, "You are correct about me having to watch my tongue in town. Thank you for the advice."

Friday September 15th, 2000 10:36:18 AM

Rigging looks shocked at Leg's outburst. "Leg's I apologize for insulting you and getting you upset." Rigging says contritely. A questioning look crosses Rigging's face. "How do you know that the Good God minds us using his name? I have never even heard of him until I met you. Have you received formal instruction on his wishes and beliefs? Please instuct me. I am interested to learn. Will he accept me into the fold? Or only you paladin types. I want to believe, but my experiences with any God have been rare and normally did not turn out for the best. That phoneix was something to see though." Rigging shakes himself out of his wonder and says, "You are correct about me having to watch my tongue in town. Thankyou for the advice."

Friday September 15th, 2000 11:57:18 AM

The paladin's countenance softens at Rigging's answer. "Hmmm, yours is a wise response," Legs says. "I agree that some good food and, ahem," and he looks at the condition of his clothing, "fresh attire would be welcome comforts. Yet we need to take care of our words and actions, and ask for the oversight and guidance of the One whose ways grant freedom." He turns to Ari. "On the road then? Good. Shall we go?" And back to Rigging, "Here, as we walk the road, I'll tell you what I know -- and my friends can fill in what I leave out -- about Lemtrovex, who can appear as a man, or as a dragon." Legs does so, relating again what they were taught by Ozymandius, and asking Wynd to tell of the book she found in the forest, and of his unusual conversation with a dragon flower atop a roof, and of Skippy. Legs' face shows emotion when he brings her up, as he relates her winsome ways, her death by the clerics of Ga'al, and her relationship with the ring that Nightshade found in the tree. Of how she - the glorified Skippy - saved his life when Godspawn brought to bear the full might of his breath from many heads. And so on as they follow the road.

Friday September 15th, 2000 11:57:18 AM

The paladin's countenance softens at Rigging's answer. "Hmmm, yours is a wise response," Legs says. "I agree that some good food and, ahem," and he looks at the condition of his clothing, "fresh attire would be welcome comforts. Yet we need to take care of our words and actions, and ask for the oversight and guidance of the One whose ways grant freedom." He turns to Ari. "On the road then? Good. Shall we go?" And back to Rigging, "Here, as we walk the road, I'll tell you what I know -- and my friends can fill in what I leave out -- about Lemtrovex, who can appear as a man, or as a dragon." Legs does so, relating again what they were taught by Ozymandius, and asking Wynd to tell of the book she found in the forest, and of his unusual conversation with a dragon flower atop a roof, and of Skippy. Legs' face shows emotion when he brings her up, as he relates her winsome ways, her death by the clerics of Ga'al, and her relationship with the ring that Nightshade found in the tree. Of how she - the glorified Skippy - saved his life when Godspawn brought to bear the full might of his breath from many heads. And so on as they follow the road.

Friday September 15th, 2000 4:59:07 PM

Looking at Rigging, "I do not mind the mistrust of the seed. I have had my own misgivings that it was not actually dead, which is why I'll be the first to ask for a recheck on it from time to time. But keep in mind that I have this, in case we run into some kind of ususual circumstance. I don't know if we want to rehearse anything before getting to town, to explain what we're going." When Riggings little outburst comes along, and Legs' outburst happens Ari comments, "Keep in mind, Legs, we had the same problem, about not knowing what we were using in our language."

Friday September 15th, 2000 4:59:07 PM

Looking at Riggins, " I do not mind the mistrust of the seed. I have had my own misgivings that it was not actually dead, which is why I'll be the first to ask for a recheck on it from time to time. But keep in mind that I have this, in case we run into some kind of ususual circumstance. I don't know if we want to rehearse anything before getting to town, to explain what we're going." When Riggings little out burst comes along, and Legs' outburst happens Ari comments, " Keep in mind, Legs, we had the same problem, about not knowing what we were using in our language."

Friday September 15th, 2000 8:27:22 PM

"Umm Guys, I hate to pour water on the warm embers of your thoughts about warm meals and beds, However Ozymandius told us to stay away from people and cities at all costs. Remember, somewhere around here, the city of Akatez is located and that is where those red scarf quads are trained. We need to cross the wall of Kaazul somewhere to the west of the mountain between the second and third forts. Then we need to make for the city of Ailthmar."

Friday September 15th, 2000 8:27:22 PM

Umm Guys, I hate to pour water on the warm embers of your thoughts about warm meals and beds, However Ozymandius told us to stay away from people and cities at all costs. Remember, somewhere around here, the city of Akatez is located and that is where those red scarf quads are trained. We need to cross the wall of Kaazul somewhere to the west of the mountain between the second and third forts. Then we need to make for the city of Ailthmar.

Friday September 15th, 2000 8:57:19 PM

"But, Aelwyndas, if we're supposed to stay away from people and cities, how is it we end up going into at least one city? Also, we moved pretty far south from the Wall of Kaazul. How do we know where it is, and where we are?"

Friday September 15th, 2000 8:57:19 PM

"But, Aelwyndas, if we're supposed to stay away from people and cities, how is it we end up going into at least one city? Also, we moved pretty far south from the Wall of Kaazul. How do we know where it is, and where we are?"

DM Kim 
Sunday September 17th, 2000 3:27:31 AM

Let's have everyone make a perception check. Roll d20 vs. Intelligence or Wisdom.

Legs  d20=5
Sunday September 17th, 2000 3:28:24 AM

[Legs makes his check handily.]

Ari  d20=15
Sunday September 17th, 2000 7:30:31 AM

Ari continues on oblivious to what is going around him.

Rigging (armor spell)  d20=13
Sunday September 17th, 2000 8:50:05 AM

"I think we need to get to some kind of town for supplies. I am willing to go in alone if you think you will be recognized. I don't want to volunteer anybody, but Ari could also go. He has a bond thorn. I don't know if they will be able to tell if it is active." Rigging says this while looking around the landscape (Made perception roll)

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=2
Sunday September 17th, 2000 9:45:58 AM

(easily makes his check)

DM Kim - Lone Rider 
Monday September 18th, 2000 5:41:35 PM

Bulldog first, and Legs and Rigging a moment later, notice a lone rider on a horse. At first the rider is stopped, then begins to head toward the group. Drawing nearer, you think it may be a young teenager, on a young, frisky horse.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday September 18th, 2000 7:16:36 PM

Finishing packing his meager belongings together in preparation for a day's journey, he sees a newcomer in the not so distant. He stands up and begins to casually move to meet the approaching rider. "Looks like we have some company." After he stands at the forefront of his companions he stops to await the rider's arrival. Crossing his thick arms across his chest. Adding, "I wonder what trouble comes our way now," nodding to direct the others' attention. Asbury scurries out to investigate the newcomer.

Wynd  d20=18
Monday September 18th, 2000 7:56:20 PM

Wynd has no clue that there is an approaching rider, due to the fact that she is still trying to figure out exactly where they are and where it is that they need to be going.

Monday September 18th, 2000 10:35:52 PM

Ari scrutinizes the approaching Rider as best he can. Letting Bulldog take the lead.

DM Kim - A boy and his horse 
Tuesday September 19th, 2000 3:54:30 AM

The boy on the horse comes closer, riding slowly. When about 25 yards away, he holds up a hand. "Hello. My name is Albarth Millar. What are you doing out here? Have you lost your way?" You note a bit of an accent.

Tuesday September 19th, 2000 4:50:54 PM

"Hello. Why do you ask if we have lost our way?" the paladin asks this young stranger. "How far from home are you, yourself?"

Bulldog the Mighty & Asbury the fourfooted 
Tuesday September 19th, 2000 8:20:01 PM

Quite happy with the Paladin's line of questions. The mighty fighter keeps his eyes upon the newcomer and his feet firmly planted. His two-hander still in its place, over his shoulder. With a short whistle he calls his energetic sheepdog to his side. He awaits a response.

Tuesday September 19th, 2000 8:25:33 PM

As Wynd finally realizes they have company, she gives herself a mental shake and then slowly walks up to Bulldog's side.

Tuesday September 19th, 2000 11:52:54 PM

Rigging backs away slowly trying to circle around behind. He readies his sleep spell.

Wednesday September 20th, 2000 11:38:19 AM

"Why I think you lost your way? I saw two of you pointing in different directions, and that's why I thought you are lost. I myself are not far from home. I am from Ailthmar, maybe you know it as Ilthmar. It is a 3 to 4 hours away on horseback."

Wednesday September 20th, 2000 2:35:43 PM

Ari continues to try to note any information he can pick up from what the rider carries. What kind of health his mount is in, etc...

DM Kim 
Wednesday September 20th, 2000 5:29:59 PM

The horse, a dapple gray, is young and healthy, well warmed up, and looks ready for more riding yet. The one who calls himself 'Albarth' looks perhaps twelve to fourteen years old. He appears friendly. He wears common clothes.

Wednesday September 20th, 2000 8:20:07 PM

Wynd looking at the young man and smiling at his confusion, decides to add to it a bit. "By all that is considered holy what are you doing so far from any sort of civilization? Don't you know there are renegades out here? Not to mention unbelievable monsters."

Thursday September 21st, 2000 12:38:07 AM

"You say your name is 'Millar'?" Legs asks. "Does your father have a mill?" He appears interested in how Albarth answers this, and Wynd's questions.

Thursday September 21st, 2000 9:28:21 AM

Rigging listens to the coversation and circles around behind the young rider.

Thursday September 21st, 2000 12:36:46 PM

"I'm not whole unprotected I have my sword and a fast horse! I was interested to invest this area where I never haven't been before. Mostly I stay closer at home. And yes my stepfather has an mill.

"But what are you all doing here? If you see there are monsters here you can better come with me to Ailthmar to stay for the night."

> Rigging when you circle around you see a scabbard with a sword hanging at the side of the horse.

Thursday September 21st, 2000 7:45:21 PM

"Ahh Ailthmar, actually we are headed there so I don't see a problem with you joining us. We are going to be staying at the Purple Rat I believe. Isn't that the name of the place Legs?"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday September 21st, 2000 9:40:04 PM

Easing his stance at the mention of the Purple Rat. "Yeah, I, that's the place," turning to Wynd. "I remember now. We're closer than I thought we were. Good." His spirit rising at the mention of this next point in Ozzy's list of places. Walking closer to the rider he extends a thick arm in greeting. "Well met."

Rigging  d100=15
Friday September 22nd, 2000 1:02:02 AM

Rigging thinks to himself, "Sure, they meet me and put a sword to my throat and make me strip. This guy gets a ""fare thee well"." Rigging decides to have some fun. He sneaks up behind the new boy (made my move silent roll, and says in a loud voice, "Hi My name is Rigging. Pleasure to meet you."

Friday September 22nd, 2000 1:37:49 AM

"I'm glad you all have such good memories," Legs says to Wynd and Bulldog. "I remember the city, but ... well, then, the Purple Rat. Right." Legs is amused at Rigging's careful steps. In this open area, he may be quiet, but is hardly invisible.

He approaches Albarth Millar, and, as did Bulldog, offers his hand in greeting to the mounted teen. "Call me Legs." He in turn takes a moment to let the horse smell his hand, and wishes he had something edible to offer. If the horse allows, he strokes its muzzle.

"Good. Let's go. Rigging wants some cheese." Legs begins striding down the road toward Ailthmar.

DM Kim 
Friday September 22nd, 2000 11:35:17 AM

There are about four hours left till sundown (plus another hour and a half of light after sundown). The day has warmed, and draws a sheen of perspiration on your foreheads.

Friday September 22nd, 2000 12:54:03 PM

When the youth happens to glance his way, during the course of the greeting ceremonies, Ari will catch his eye. "I am called Arislan."

Saturday September 23rd, 2000 3:50:31 AM

A little surprised, "Ohh hi Rigging. And the rest of you. I think we have to go so we are for sundown back in Ilthmar."

Saturday September 23rd, 2000 12:31:23 PM

As they travel the road, Legs asks Albarth, "So, have you been joined with the heartseed yet? You look close to the age..."

Sunday September 24th, 2000 3:03:08 PM

"Not yet, but in a couple of weeks ... but why are you asking this? Have you being heartseeded? Is it painful?"

Sunday September 24th, 2000 11:31:12 PM

Rigging listens to the conversation letting the others take the lead. When he hears Albarth's question, he gives Ari a long look. He then starts daydreaming about cheese.

City of Ailthmar

DM Kim 
Monday September 25th, 2000 6:08:05 PM

As the party rides westward, the sun in their eyes, the rolling plains gradually blend into cultivated farmland. Stands of trees - mostly deciduous, a few evergreens - increase in number as you draw nearer the city. Bart points out a few villages in the distance.

Outside the walls - mainly wooden palisades on a stone base, with a few stone and metal-reinforced gates - the city has continued to grow.

You notice a boy with a short bow, firing arrows into a rotten stump some forty yards away. The pattern of hits show a fair scatter. He looks up as the party approaches.

Appolo {Chris} 
Monday September 25th, 2000 8:12:17 PM

When Appolo notices the group he puts away his bow and casaully walks up to them and says, "Well Bart you said you would bring back something interesting and you definitely have," with a smile on his face. He then politely introduces himself as Appolo, AKA Speed. He is intensely curious about them and their adventures. He will ask them all sorts of questions. Some questions that probably are better left unanswered. He moves quickly about analyzing everything about the strangers. He appears to be utterly fearless.

As he moves around you notice that he is slightly taller than the average man, but very thin (5ft 11in; 95lbs). He is also very quick and graceful, making almost no sound and leaving very few foot prints. He seems to have incredible control of his body if not his tongue at the moment.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday September 25th, 2000 9:57:50 PM

Taken aback by the new strangers seemingly extreme forthrightness. The mighty fighter simply allows the buzz to pass by, while giving his friends a look of 'get a load of this boy?'. Adding "Speed, that is surely a fitting name." Asbury of course follows the new whirlwind around with great pleasure. Interjecting a friendly growl of curiosity as he investigates the lithe figure.

Tuesday September 26th, 2000 12:22:21 AM

Rigging watches Speed's movements with interest. His old teacher had movements like that. He thinks to himself, "This could get interesting."

He says to the quick speaking boy, "Hi! My name is Rigging. Do you live around here? How long have you known Bart? You did call him Bart right? Why do you call him Bart? How come you are shooting a bow? Why are you shooting at a tree stump? Don't you break a lot of arrows that way? Do you know how to make more arrows? I don't suppose you have any cheese around here do you?" After Rigging's flurry of questions, he looks at Bulldog on the sly and gives him a quick wink when the newcomers aren't paying attention.

Tuesday September 26th, 2000 2:03:13 AM

While circling excitedly around he hears Rigging ask a few questions in return. Appolo stops ands says happily, "Yes, we both do, in the city. As for Bart and me, we've known each other since we were about 5 and I figure I've always called him Bart. It's short for Albarth you know and easier to remember. It's not a tree stump, it's a bag of mead, and I'm sorry but I don't as of yet know how to make bows and arrows. Yes we do have cheese and other foods why don't you and your friends come into the city and enjoy our hospitality?" He then takes notice of the dog. "What a wonderful dog! what kind is it? what is its name? and can I pet it?" he says as he bends down to look at it more closely.

Tuesday September 26th, 2000 2:32:52 AM

When Albarth asked his question regarding pain associated with heartseeding, Legs' expression goes dark. "Aye. There is such pain as you may not imagine. Then dullness, for some." As travel on, he comments, "I ask you not to repeat these words to another. It is perhaps well it has not yet fallen to you."

Upon meeting up with the nimble Appolo, the tall and slender paladin can't help but smiling. "My friends call me Legs. Good to meet you, Speed."

Legs looks around to see if there are others who might overhear them along the road. If so, he motions for people to gather around the bag of mead in front of the stump off the road.

He looks at Bart and Speed. "Do you understand the word, 'discretion'? We need to ask you to be discreet. That is, to be careful what you say of us. Best say nothing, if possible. We are on a mission. Too many questions by certain people, even well-meaning people, might jeopardize us and those who depend upon us."

Legs asks those around him. "Bart and Speed know the city. Would it be better to split up, and arrange to meet later, or to continue as a group? Should one or two go to the place we discussed, the rest to watch nearby?"

And he notes the dust and grime of travel on himself and his companions. Turning back to Albarth and Speed, he says, "It would be well to wash and dine. Where might we do so with fewest problems?"

DM Kim - Passersby at sunset 
Tuesday September 26th, 2000 2:42:29 AM

A few people walk the road, most away from the city at this time. You see one man and his weary horse, which draws a cart with whisps of hay, pull up to small stables behind a nearby cottage, and begin to unhitch his animal. They are 80 or so yards away.

A middle-aged couple walks toward the city. The man glances in the direction of the party briefly. The woman stares at the road ahead of her, walking with a tired gait. None others are in the vicinity at the moment. The sun's last rays begin to disappear.

Oh, and the bag of meal (not mead, which is a fermented beverage made of water and honey, malt, and yeast) rests in front of the rotting stump.

Tuesday September 26th, 2000 3:28:57 AM

"Food and a bed? and a stable for the horses?
Let me think I think Aurima's Hostel is the best place for you, it's cheap and they have a good bath. For the horses you can leave them at the mill of my stepfather. Sounds 11 silver for a week an good price?

And when you are on a secret mission you can better avoid the Purple Rat. I think the autorities look at that Inn with interest. Last time I was there I heard someone speak about the Jack Pirates. And you better can't speak these words loud, just a few weeks ago a priest of Ga'al killed a man who did.

Tuesday September 26th, 2000 4:38:56 PM

Without looking up Speed Says"Yes,Bart is is right,you had better stay away from the Purple Rat,it's dangerous right now."He continues to be fancinated with the dog."What's is his name?"He asks again not sure if any one heard him the first time.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday September 26th, 2000 6:46:11 PM

Winking back to Riggings with understanding, he smiles. "He goes by the name of Asbury, but he'll answer to just about anything, as long as someone pays him some attention. He's a sheepdog. We've worked together for some years now. He is a great little friend" as he bends down to rub the little four footer. Later upon hearing that these two prefer to avoid the Purple Rat, Bulldog quiets down. Wondering how to get away from these two. So they can make it to their destination.

Tuesday September 26th, 2000 7:11:15 PM

"So, Bart, what were you doing at the Purple Rat, anyway?" Legs asks. "You said your stepfather is a miller. Do you take deliveries there or something?"

Tuesday September 26th, 2000 7:22:42 PM

Rigging falls back to walk with Wynd. He murmurs quietly, "These two seem friendly, but entirely too forthcoming. Would you talk about the Jack Pirates with complete strangers? I am going to keep my eyes on these two."

Tuesday September 26th, 2000 10:48:25 PM

(was going to post this afternoon, noticed it didn't matter.) Noticing the mixed reactions from his friends, Ari decides to stay quiet for now. When Speed comes into the scene, Ari will say "You can call me Ari".

Looking at Ari, you see that he stands about 5' 8" or so. He's wearing leather armor, shield, and a rapier. He has standard traveling gear, as far as you can tell. The only outstanding feature, is that he looks a little bit on the gaunt side, like he's fatigued.

DM Kim - OOC meander 
Wednesday September 27th, 2000 2:10:16 AM

[OOC: Ari & all: I'll delete this post in a few days. But to answer a question you asked a few weeks back, Ari, as to what time I post: As you can tell from looking back through the posts, I do not have a set time. I know, I know, Jerry suggests 7:00pm. But he lives in Texas {innocent non-sequitur}. I monitor the board, usually checking a few times a day (except maybe only once or rarely twice on Wednesdays, which are exceptionally busy for me). When a post is needed and appropriate (like to answer a question or feed information all could use, or fill in a missing detail), I will sometimes post more than once. Rarely, I will miss a day, because of the multitude of life's events.

Two hands:
On the one hand, I want each person to have a chance to contribute to the day's postings.
On the other hand, I don't want to hold up the action for most just because one or two people fail to post on a particular day. Jerry has authorized the DMs to post for non-posters when necessary.

As far as it not mattering what time you post ... you might ask yourself, "How much influence do I want to have on the directions chosen? Is there an angle that I can introduce, a piece of creativity I can offer, an opportunity to display an aspect of my character's personality or perspective, right now?"

As I play my characters in the different games, sometimes I sit back and watch what others are doing, and react (as with the dwarf Din Rockdelver in the Gold Dragons game, and with some of the NPCs in the Red Wyrm Inn). In others, such as Game 2 - Windhorn Hamlet, the halfling Bill is an active agent for change and direction. In this, Game 5 - Legs sometimes leads, sometimes follows.

The group has arrived on the outskirts of the city to which Ozymandius sent them. The wilderness has one set of challenges. The city its own, different set. Ari spent much time hobnobbing with the civilized set back at the castle. What suggestions will he have to offer in dealing with the urban jungle? ... ]

DM Kim - The late Bart? 
Wednesday September 27th, 2000 2:18:57 AM

As the group stands there talking, Bart realizes that he has only a few minutes to meet the deadline his stepfather gave him, of arriving home no later than half an hour after sunset, since it will take another fifteen minutes, at least, to make it home from where they talk. The miller Analek, though generous, can also be severe.

Wednesday September 27th, 2000 2:30:36 AM

Legs concentrates upon Bart as the conversations go on, seeking to discern what he can of his moral & ethical bent. He does likewise with Speed.

"Eleven silver, you say?" Legs asks Bart. He holds out a hand. "I've five silvers. Will someone else pay a few? I'd say a place to stable the horses sounds good." He turns to Rigging. "What do you say to a bath before cheese?"

And more softly to Wynd, out of earshot of the newly met. "Are you well, Wynd?" Legs asks, concern on his face. "What do you make of these two?"

Wednesday September 27th, 2000 3:05:23 AM

"Yes Legs I do deliveries, and there I heard some one talking about the pirates but I am not sure. I also heard that they authorities monitor the Purple Rat because you were talking about the Purple Rat I thought I give you an warning.

"But I have to go now, I have to hurry to be back on time that I promised my stepfather. The mill is at other site off the town just follow the stream."

Bart OOC 
Wednesday September 27th, 2000 3:10:34 AM

Since I dont live in the states I post on different times. I noticed a time lap of 7 hours between the time at this site and my local time. I write this at 9 in the morning wed 27 sept.

Wednesday September 27th, 2000 7:15:43 PM

Rigging says, "Yes a bath and cheese sound wonderful. I am willing to pitch in for the horses. I am holding family money if we want to take expenses out of that." To Bart as he turns his horse away, "Bart it was a pleasure to meet you. I am sure we will take you up on your offer to stable the horses." To the others, "Shall we secure our lodging for the night.

Wednesday September 27th, 2000 7:31:41 PM

Appoolo upon hearing Bart say he is leaving.Say's'Yeah you better get home,and so should I,but I guess I can make sure our new
friends get to the Inn without trouble.See you tomorrow ,and good night Bart."He will then proceed to leed them to an Inn where people don't ask to many questions and the food is resonably good.

Wednesday September 27th, 2000 8:53:32 PM

"Wynd, Rigging - why don't you go with Bart, take your horses to his place," Legs suggests. "The rest of us'll go to the inn, then in a short time Speed and one of us can come over and get you two." He then asks Appolo, "Would that work for you?"

Wednesday September 27th, 2000 9:32:07 PM

"Yeah, that works for me, then I need to be getting home myself. The priest who supervises my dorm will be wondering where I'm at soon," he says as they walk into town.

Thursday September 28th, 2000 2:38:43 AM

"Let's go then," and with light pressure with his heel and yelling "yiaak" the horse runs away.

DM Kim - Running into trouble 
Thursday September 28th, 2000 3:29:21 AM

As Bart urges his horse to run, guards leap out into the street after several dozen yards. Two with long spears, one with a sword. "Halt!" They look behind at Wynd and Rigging. The one with the sword points toward them, and the spear points draw near. "Are these pursuing you, Albarth Millar? We shall place them in prison. We know you are aware of the laws against running horses in the city."

Thursday September 28th, 2000 9:56:12 AM

In response to Legs "I am fine. I'm just wary of those that speak so forwardly. I am having a very strange forboding about this city and that we will truly need to be on our toes. I think that would be a very good idea, we shall drop off the horses and secure the rooms and you all can catch up with us."

As the Guards stop the running group, Wynd pulls her horse to a stop and with a meek contriteness, uncharacteristic of her, says, "Oh I'm ever so sorry sir it 'twas my fault, I was just so over joyed at seeing my distant cousin after such an harrying journey that I wanted to let off a bit of steam. I apologize sirs, and it won't happen again."

Thursday September 28th, 2000 11:13:51 AM

Ohh no Sir they don't pursuing me. I was in an hurry I have to be back to my father in 5 minutes. I'm sorry that I forget the rule of not running horses in the city, but my horse is asl so a bit wearry. And I didn't tell the rule to the others so I ve to be blamed not they. They just wanted to stable their horses with my father. Please let us go, we shall be more carefull in the future.

DM Kim 
Thursday September 28th, 2000 4:40:41 PM

One of the guards with a long spear states, "Analek will go hard on the boy if he's late." The one with the sword looks at Wynd. "Cousin, eh? Very well." He signals to the other two guards to stand down. "Dismount, boy, and walk briskly. You two, dismount as well. The miller is a good man. I'll check in with him to hear about your reunion in the next day or two." He waves you on.

Thursday September 28th, 2000 4:54:47 PM

Ari makes his preperations to goto the Inn.

Thursday September 28th, 2000 6:32:53 PM

Thanks. It won't be happen again.

Thursday September 28th, 2000 6:40:49 PM

To Rigging and Wynd, "We sure have some trouble, at least in a day or two when they check my stepfather, my Cousin! How long are you stay here? and why did you come here?

"By the way you are crazy about cheese or not Rigging? Do you have some blood of a ratman in your veins?" Bart laughs. "The hunter who teach me some tricks also told me about ratpeople that live in the north, but I don't believe that story. Maybe I go there to look for myself."

Thursday September 28th, 2000 6:41:57 PM

Rigging thinks to himself, "Wow where did those guys come from. Well the authorities know we are here now." To Wynd as they walk the horses away, "Quick thinking 'cousin.' This miller sounds formidible. Interesting that our host went along with your fib and tried to cover for us." With a quick devilish smile he says, "Does Legs know that you lie all the time? We better get our story straight on what we are going to tell the miller. I don't know how well my family is known around here, but I don't think I should use my real name. Could cause a commotion." Rigging says all of this quietly out of Bart's hearing.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday September 28th, 2000 7:18:50 PM

Shaking his head slowly, and smiles, as he hears Wynd come up with another relative. "com'on Asbury. lets go" as he moves forward into town. Slapping Riggings on the back lightly, in agreement after he spoke to Wynd.

DM Kim 
Friday September 29th, 2000 2:14:47 AM

Ari, Bulldog, Asbury and Legs are on their way to the hostel Speed told them about. A few citizens mark the group, but most seem to be about their business as the light begins to fade on the day. "Hey, Slow," a big lad says to Appolo, "you think those guys'll protect your skinny rear?" He, in fact, uses a different word at the end of his sentence. Looking much like Knuckles of Adorus, the boy laughs mockingly, as he skips off quickly down an alleyway. As he goes, a fairly big log falls behind the boy in the alley. "Blast!" you hear his voice say from farther down the alley.

"Last warm yams of the day. Last warm yams of the day," a middle-aged woman's voice cries, holding a basket with a little steam rising into the air above it.

Speed knows there are just two blocks to go. For the first time in a long while, the smells of the seashore reach the noses of the long-traveled teenagers.

Friday September 29th, 2000 12:49:04 PM

"How much are the yams, ma'am?" Legs asks.

Yams for sale - DM Kim 
Friday September 29th, 2000 1:07:28 PM

The woman glances up briefly, then answers, face downward. "A copper for two, young sir, and five one has."

Friday September 29th, 2000 1:09:43 PM

"Here are three coppers," says Legs. "We will take all five."

Yams are sold, and here's your change - DM Kim 
Friday September 29th, 2000 1:24:26 PM

The auburn-haired woman takes the money. She reaches into a pouch and digs something out of the bottom. She then unwraps the soft worn cloth from around the lumpy warm tubers. She moves a strand of gray and dark red hair from off her face. Her gloves do not cover her fingertips. She hands the yams to Legs, along with a copper coin that is cut in two. "May Ga'al bring satisfaction with the eating." She covers her mouth and hurries away with her basket.

Friday September 29th, 2000 1:54:53 PM

After a firm walk we arrive at the mill of my father.

"Please wait here I will look for my father."

Friday September 29th, 2000 10:39:13 PM

Appolo ignores the the other boy and says, "Let's go." He then proceeds toward the Inn. He is in a hurry to get home. He too is late.

Friday September 29th, 2000 11:47:28 PM

Rigging wraps an arm around Legs' shoulder. "Legs did I ever tell you how fond I am of sweet potatoes? They are right behind cheese. In fact they taste real good with cheese melted into them. Don't suppose you feel like sharing hhhmmm?" As they walk towards the miller's house, Rigging will study the way, looking at landmarks and looking for shops or booths which would sell provisions and clothes. He says to Bart, "Bart, will you be able to slip away tonight and join us at the tavern? I would like to buy you a meal and a drink for your kind assistance. We can tell you about our travels, and you could fill us in on your fair town."

Saturday September 30th, 2000 12:51:15 AM

"I will try Rigging. Sure I want to hear about your adventures. And maybe I can bring some cheese too!"

At the miller's - DM Kim 
Saturday September 30th, 2000 2:43:20 AM

[Sorry, Rigging & Legs, unless your character sheets show you have cell phones (checking... nope!), you can't talk to each other yet. Rigging doesn't even know about the yams. He's at the miller's. Bart, Wynd & Rigging rode off to the right, Legs, Ari, Bulldog, Asbury and Speed went more or less straight ahead.]

As Bart goes to get his stepfather, a big voice says just outside the stables, "Albarth - just in time. See to horse. Good brush her down." The man with the voice steps into the stables and continues. "Then - Eh! Who are these?" Broad, with big hands and flour in his hair and eyebrow (yes, eyebrow), he places hands on hips, and looks Wynd and Rigging up and down. "What, you want order flour, barley? Come tomorrow better. Who your master? Or - hey," looking at Rigging and indicating Wynd with his shoulder, "- she your wife, maybe? Albarth, what they want?"

Aurima's Hostel Welcome - DM Kim  d10=1 d20=18
Saturday September 30th, 2000 3:40:53 AM

Appolo leads you (Legs, Ari, Bulldog, Asbury and Speed) around to the steps in front of a somewhat large rectangular wooden building with a stone foundation laid up to the first six feet. Across the square, men and women sit around a fire pit. Some mend nets.

A woman opens the door, carrying a covered basket, and looks up just as she reaches the bottom step. She recognizes Appolo. "So, boy, your heart lusts so much for apples that you cannot pay for them before you take and eat? I saw you take those from merchant Akaro today. What was it? Two? Three? Thought you got away with it, did you? Be sure your sins will find you out."

Without so much as pausing for a breath, she continues. "But merchant Akaro got his pay for all three of them. I paid him. And told good priest Aloliathmar. He said I have your services for the night, if I can catch you." She reaches out and grabs Speed's ear, quite firmly. She begins pulling Appolo up the stairs, forcing him on to tiptoes. "I've plenty of scrubbing, and errands for you to run. You'll earn those apples, boy, or my name is not Aurima!"

Muttering about reputation and character during the ascent, she pauses at the twin doors. Looking down at those staring up at this scene, she states, "Well, if a place to stay is a need, come and talk to Adela. She will sign any in."

A sign above the door says, "Hostel - Well Come".

Rigging OOC 
Saturday September 30th, 2000 9:58:49 AM

Sorry I got confused on who I was with. My apologies to Wynd. I will never confuse her with Legs again. Besides didn't you know that Legs and I have a mind link or I can clone myself to be two places at once at will. I was sure I put that on my character sheet.

Saturday September 30th, 2000 4:38:36 PM

(Blushing) "Oh I met them and four others outside town, they stay here for a couple of days. I did offer them to stable their horses here. They will pay 11 silver."

Sunday October 1st, 2000 8:22:09 AM

(Just to make sure, Appolo and Speed are one and the same, are they not? Your last DM post makes it seem that there are 5 people, instead of 4 (and a dog ;) ) [Yep, one and the same. I dunno, Asbury just seems like one of the party members to me {wink} -DM Kim]) Confident someone will speak up for their group, Ari just sorta looks around, getting a feel for the place.

Wynd (catching up and plotting.) 
Sunday October 1st, 2000 10:13:34 AM

After the guards leave, Wynd looks over at Rigging with mock horror in her eyes. "LIE, me? Oh no, you misunderstand. I mean after all, how do I know that we are not long lost cousins of some nth degree. I mean who would have thought that I would have found all of my missing brothers and sisters on my journey here. Why would it be so surprising now that I find my cousin.

"I also think that Bart here went along with it, because if I am not mistaken, there might have been a bit more than a little trouble had it come to light that he brought strangers in to town at dusk without reporting to the authorities."

Turning to Bart, "So do you have any relatives in your families past that went traveling and either disappeared or if they were male were gone for a long time before returning and gave little or no account of themselves? If so while you take us home perhaps you could fill us/me in with some cursory details."

At the Miller's Wynd looks around and as Bart's father makes the comment about Rigging and herself, she blushes from head to toe and quickly says, "No good sir, He is not my husband, and although I do care for him, he is the son of my guardian, and my traveling companion and protector."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Sunday October 1st, 2000 11:59:41 AM

"Adela" As he moves into the hostel. A quick smile at Legs as he sees the speedy stranger being hauled away. "The price is indeed heavy for apples" The burly young lad looks about for the check in counter (if there is one). Asbury pulls in close to his master as they enter the building. prefering the open places.

Monday October 2nd, 2000 12:41:57 AM

Rigging will bow to the dusty miller and say, "Yes kind sir, the eye is keen. The 'pink' lady here has not yet given her permission for the hand in marriage. I Rigging woo her with flowers, and stain my knees begging for her hand, but alas she won't consent. Mayhap you can give some advice on this subject." Rigging points at Albarth and says, "Your man Albarth says you stable horses here. You look to be a kindly master with a keen eye to horseflesh. Does 11 silver include food, and rubdowns?"

Monday October 2nd, 2000 12:27:52 PM

Appolo looks at the lady and says, "That's fine, guess I'll be staying here tonight." After seeing to the party's needs he will find out which chores need to be done. Speaking quietly to the nearest party member, "Actually she is doing me a huge favor, I don't have to go back tonight."

Monday October 2nd, 2000 12:28:00 PM

The 6'5" man/boy takes the steps three at a time. "One begs your pardon," he says to Aurima. "We do look for a place to stay. But Appolo here promised to do a favor for us. It should not take longer than two hours, one believes. Please, let one pay for the wrongly taken fruit," he appeals, his right hand on his chest. "And on the morrow, one shall see that the boy apologize directly to the honest merchant - Akaro, is it not?"

Monday October 2nd, 2000 12:36:34 PM

"I don't know Wynd if there are any adventurers in my family. My father and mother died when I was young. But my father left me an chainmail and this sword, maybe he was an adventurer I don't know."

With Analek the Miller - DM Kim 
Tuesday October 3rd, 2000 2:00:45 AM

"So, eleven of silver, it is?" The man glances at the two additional horses from where he stands. "And forty others? Many, many. Need oats, grain, hay." He rubs his hands together, "It's good, it's good!"

He listens to Wynd's explanation, nods his head. Then listens to Rigging, looking very serious. "I see, I see. Alice, she won't consent." He strokes his chin for a moment. "Keep with flowers - but not too many. Get spoilt. Be strong. Tell good stories. Tell her pink on her face nice." He seems to run out of advice for Rigging, then turns to Wynd. "Hey, Alice, you know to bake? Show us tonight what you bake." Then, in a loud whisper to Rigging, "If she know to bake, make wife better." He slaps the side of his moderately ample gut contentedly.

Then he strikes his forehead with the palm of his hand. "Albarth, you bright boy! Bring good people. Home to time. Rub down now horses."

"My name is Analek. You tell them this, boy? A miller I am. My wife ..." He stops in mid-sentence, his jaw dropping open. He stares at the back of Wynd's horse. "You have monster skin! Big monster, fur skin!" He strides over to look at the lion skin draped behind the saddle. He reaches out to touch the fur of the mane. "Dusty." He lifts up the fur to see underneath, and holds his nose. Still holding his nose, he says, "Need tanner. Albarth take you tomorrow there. Friend of mine."

He looks at the horses, checks their legs, around the saddles, their teeth. "Good horses. Need oats." He looks at Bart. "You rub horses, give water, small oats, fresh hay. Then dinner." He slaps the boy on the back, and a white cloud puffs up off his forearm. And to Rigging and Wynd, "Come, wash up. Have robes. With us is rooms. What is your name?" he asks Rigging as he leads the two newcomers into his house.

Aurima - DM Kim 
Tuesday October 3rd, 2000 2:28:52 AM

Pausing for Legs' request, Aurima stares at him for a moment in silence. "You wear a sword and say, 'One begs'? Oh, he will apologize, I promise you that. Whatever he said he would do for you will have to wait until I'm through with him." She marches Speed down a hallway. "First, you get to clean out this ..." and her voice fades as they round a corner. Speed has no time to see to the others' needs at the moment.

Adela (Aurima's Hostel) - DM Kim 
Tuesday October 3rd, 2000 2:48:15 AM

A mousy young woman, perhaps 19, stands behind a counter. Two scrolls lie open upon it, with square rods of a heavy wood holding down the top and bottom of each. She seems to be looking down at Bulldog's knees. "Can one help for rooms to let? With time in bath? With food in room? Food, drink in hall is there. Rooms shared, or private? Clothes can wash. One awaits requests. Curs must be in kennel, or on street, Aurima says." She looks toward Bulldog's stomach. "Kennel is safe."

More on Aurima's Hostel - DM Kim 
Tuesday October 3rd, 2000 3:01:27 AM

The twin doors open to a 10' long and 8' wide hallway, with twin doors at the end of that. The right hand door has a wall hook keeping it open. The desk behind which Adela stands is to the right. A mirror six feet wide, with several cracks in it, is behind her. There is a worn leather couch in the 20' wide x 30' deep room, doors at 10' and 20' along the left wall (Aurima took the first one through the open door), a door straight ahead, and one along the right wall, a ways beyond the desk. There is also a small closed door to Adela's left. The room is lit with a steady yellow light that seems to come from behind small shields which angle away from the wall every ten feet or so. The air seems humid inside.

Appolo {Speed} 
Tuesday October 3rd, 2000 3:22:16 AM

Appolo will do whatever chores assigned to him, as fast and as well as he can. He will then slip quietly away and hide, in order to get some sleep. In the morning he will go to Bart's house and check in on him. {QUIETLY}

Ari (Aurima's Hostel) 
Tuesday October 3rd, 2000 3:22:16 PM

"What think you friends? I myself, do not care a whit if we share a room and food with a bath. These are the things that I am interested in!" as Ari smiles to his companions.

Tuesday October 3rd, 2000 7:16:01 PM

As the Miller turns to her and starts talking and calling her Alice, Wynd looks a bit confused and then stutters, "YYyyoou mean me? BBake? I'm not at all sure you would like the bread that I am able to make. It is truly only good for traveling. Now I do have a good knowledge of herbs that you can add to your bread for better flavor." As he mentions rooms and staying with them over night, Wynd looks over at Rigging and sends a "help me" look his way.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday October 3rd, 2000 8:53:38 PM

"Shared rooms will be best." Nodding in agreement to Ari's comment. "Friend, that is right." As he digs for some coin, he wonders why that the young lass won't look upon them directly, but shrugs it off. Most likely Ga'al's hand. Will have to take this up with the others later in the rooms. Asbury and Bulldog just stare at one other for a moment. As this may be the first time that they spend apart. Not fully willing to fathom that idea. 'wow' He becomes speechless for a few moments.

Wednesday October 4th, 2000 12:20:36 AM

Rigging addresses the Miller, "Kind sir, My name is Arrack. My friends call me Rigging. Thank you for your thoughtful offer. We would love to stay for a meal, but we have just arrived in town and our friends and traveling companions are securing rooms. They will worry if we don't meet them for the evening meal. Perhaps another time. I would much rather enjoy your wife's fine cooking after I have been cleaned up and can bring some libations to the meal." To Bart, "Can you give us directions to Aurima's Hostel. We have a bit of a walk ahead of us." After getting the directions, and saying goodbye to the miller, Arrack will offer Wynd his arm and head off down the street.

Legs (Aurima's Hostel) 
Wednesday October 4th, 2000 1:18:26 AM

Legs earlier returned Bulldog's smile at Appolo's predicament with a puzzled smile. A few moments later, Legs is startled at Aurima's questioning his manner of speech. That was the way he was taught to speak to his elders as he was growing up. But, he does wear a sword, now. When training with the nobility, it was a different thing. They considered him noble. Well ... time to think on this later.

"Yes, how much are the rooms? And bath? And such?" he asks Adela.

Adela (Aurima's Hostel) (DM Kim) 
Wednesday October 4th, 2000 1:42:43 AM

The young woman replies, saying the words rather quickly as though by rote, "Private rooms, one to five gold for room, two people can stay, extra eight silver per person more than two. One bath each day is included. Shared rooms, three silver each. Common room, one silver. Bath a silver. Standard food, small amount, a silver. Large amount, two silver. Other food costs more, if special. Water free. Worry not, all boiled." She breaks out of the sing song recitation to add, "Cur in kennel - free if you feed. Two coppers if we feed." Her face brightens momentarily looking at Asbury, as his tongue hangs to the side of his open mouth. Then, back to a blank expression, and looking mainly at people's knees, she adds, "Clothes washed tonight, clean but not all dry in morning." She then looks each person up and down, except not meeting anyone's eyes. "Silver each for what each wears."

She pulls an inkwell and quill out from under the desk, and dips the nib into the ink. She carefully shakes the excess off, rubs some off the edge of the bottle, and repeats the process. Then, hand poised above a scroll, she asks, "Names? Masters? Hometown? Business in Ailthmar? Duration of stay? Permission granted by whom?" She stares at the parchment, awaiting the information.

Aurima (DM Kim) 
Wednesday October 4th, 2000 1:47:15 AM

Having set Appolo to his first task, Aurima returns to the lobby. "Adela, go help with the merchants in West Two. I'll sign our guests in." She takes the quill from Adela, who shuffles off to the southern door.

"Shall I repeat the questions?" She smiles pleasantly.

Analek the Miller - DM Kim 
Wednesday October 4th, 2000 2:21:15 AM

"Ah, herbs, yes! I then show you good baking, you teach me herbs to use." He rubs his hands together, pleased with the notion Wynd suggests. "Ah, I show you three cheese bread. One blond creamy sweet, one yellow mild, last one white crumbly all over, little tart. They say from startled goat!" He laughs. "What herbs you think go with? I let you taste first, you decide, Alice. Or, what you think, Alice, fish bread better?"

"Good to meet you, Arrack." He shakes Rigging's hand with vigor, and a very strong (but not crushing) hand. "Why Reeking, too?" He sniffs at Rigging. "You smell like road, but not so bad as some. Strange friends."

But when Rigging tells him they are expected elsewhere, he looks very disappointed, but tries to cover it up. "Well, my wife died years ago. Albarth's mother she. Best baking she was." He whispers loudly to Wynd with a wink, "She taught me some baking things I not did know before!"

"Sure you not to stay tonight? Ah, well. Ga'al be praised. He may will it another night." He claps his hands. "Albarth. Albarth! Come, boy." As Bart comes near, horsebrush in hand, his stepfather instructs him. "Finish brush all. Then food is inside. I take Arrack and Alice to Aurima's. You done, eat here, or come to Aurima's. Yes, come! I think strangers you bring bring luck!" Analek places his big hands in the small of Rigging's and Wynd's backs, and guides them forward out the stables. "Tell me about other forty with you. You protect border at great wall?"

Bart - working quickly, you can be done in ten minutes, and figure you should be able to catch up with your stepfather near the time he arrives at the hostel.

Wednesday October 4th, 2000 3:20:29 AM

Working quickly, brushing the horses and feed them some hay, I run quickly to the hostel.

Wednesday October 4th, 2000 9:31:38 PM

Relieved at Riggins, masterful rescue, Wynd almost can't hold back the giggle that is quivering in her belly at Analek's antics. "I would be glad to trade some herb knowledge for some baking knowledge when we have time. As for the cheese breads I think some dill would compliment them all and perhaps some chives as well. But we can talk about that at another time."

As they are guided back on the road, she finally lets loose with a laugh and almost falls down because she can't stop. "Oh my (gasp) I wasn't sure (snort) what to think of him. (pant, snort) But I got this strange feeling that we could be smothered in kindness by him and not even realize we were dead until the lord of death himself was chatting with us. Let's hurry before he wants us to make him porridge as well."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday October 4th, 2000 11:14:15 PM

"On second thought .... " Without finishing, the mighty young warrior turns around and stalks out into the night. Asbury at his master's heel. As thoughts of 'How blind can we be ...' the night envelopes Bulldog, as his anger seethes silently at his naivete.

Wednesday October 4th, 2000 11:33:53 PM

Rigging says, "Analek, You don't need to escort us to the inn. We can find it on our own. Surely you have to much work to do around here."
If Analek insists on going, Rigging will say, "Then you must let me buy you dinner. I insist. Our friends number only 3 more. Where did you get the idea of 40?"

Thursday October 5th, 2000 10:26:32 PM

Caught off guard by Adela's proclamation, and then by Bulldog's departure, Ari watches Bulldog leave. Then he swings back to look at Legs, in order to judge his reaction.

Thursday October 5th, 2000 11:13:16 PM

Appolo quickly and efficiently does the chores assigned to him, but instead of going to bed will try at first opportunity to slip away and join the others.

Friday October 6th, 2000 2:08:08 AM

"Agur. The Great One. Adorus. To carry out our appointed tasks. Indefinite. The Mighty One." Legs states. "Aurima, we need to bathe. Can the rest of my companions dispense with these formalities until after they have had the chance to clean up and rest? We will pay for the rooms in advance, or at the end of our stay, as you wish." He lays the warms yams on the edge of the desk, and fishes for some coins.

Clean up crew - DM Kim 
Friday October 6th, 2000 2:13:12 AM

Appolo finds himself scraping what seems to be all sorts of different food off the walls, floors and furniture of what is obviously one of the better rooms. Pies, meat sauces, splashes of sticky wine. As he wipes under the bed, he finds ... some drying blood?

Analek the Miller - DM Kim 
Friday October 6th, 2000 2:55:09 AM

Ushering the two from his mill and home, Analek takes them on a circuitous route. He shoos them forward once or twice. "Go straight. I catch at corner," as he pauses to greet one or two he sees along the way, giving Wynd and Rigging a chance to talk. He points out landmarks and points of interest along the way. "There Beacon Pole, bright to ships so not bump and sink!" A bright light indeed shines forth from this pillar, which bears carved grotesques upon its sides. And for the first time, the now moderate waves of the sea can be seen breaking near shore. Two other lights are visible shining out to sea in the distance. "Here tanner shop, my friend, he fix beast fur tomorrow. Ga'al give him great gift with fix fur. Almost as good as me to mill," he laughs. "Don't not down go that way. Walk on and get curse from dusts," he warns, pointing to an apparently neglected side street.

"Oh, yes, not forty need. Not at all!" he winks at Rigging.

Passing by a couple blocks with various people mending nets and talking quietly, Analek places his strong hands upon the shoulders of Rigging and Wynd. "There, see, is Aurima Hostel." He encourages the two forward. "I tell her who you are! And yes, you buy me food. I buy drink, bath. Lucky day!"

Bart hoofs it fast - DM Kim 
Friday October 6th, 2000 2:58:02 AM

Finishing up his chore (but you forgot the oats!), Bart races on a more direct path to Aurima's Hostel. As he draws near, he slows as he sees Bulldog with his dog, a dark look upon the young fighter's face, just leaving the establishment. Out of the corner of his eye, Albarth notes his stepfather, Rigging and Wynd approaching the steps.

Signing Inn - DM Kim 
Friday October 6th, 2000 3:12:59 AM

Aurima looks up sharply. "So, first you are begging, now you are 'The Great One.' Or ones? I'll not adore you, arrogant ones. Appointed tasks, my spleen!" She throws her hands up in the air. "There are laws here, you know. Think you can flout them? There's a square ..." Aurima looks like she is about to go on, when suddenly, a great calm seems to wash over her. "Yes, yes of course. Enjoy the baths, a meal. All in good time. Pay later." She reaches under the desk, withdraws a small ring of keys. "To the rooms, one will show the esteemed guests the best of rooms. Come." She walks across the lobby to the farther door on the left (from the perspective of one entering from the outside). Aurima opens the door to a hallway, and walks down it.

Friday October 6th, 2000 12:22:58 PM

Hi Bulldog what's happening?

Bulldog (18+ str) & Asbury (sweet brown eyes) 
Friday October 6th, 2000 2:13:52 PM

Furious at the restrictive rules of this town. He wonders why Ozymandius had told them that this was a stronghold of the resistance. Then the chainmail clad fighter pulls Bart deeper into the shadows of the nearest building. "I want you to take me to the Purple Rat, right now." The burly fighter tries to control his temper as he overshadows the slight Bart.

Friday October 6th, 2000 2:53:24 PM

"Yes of course but why are you so furious did I something wrong?"

Friday October 6th, 2000 5:54:45 PM

Legs sees the signs of possession in the woman. He'd rather have her speak her mind, than have it taken over, regardless of how unpleasant her mind may be. He looks at Ari, shrugs his shoulders, and follows Aurima, just to see what she has in mind.

Friday October 6th, 2000 6:22:06 PM

While cleaning up one of the rooms, Speed notices blood on the floor. He thinks to himself, "Now this is interesting!" and decides to thoroughly investigate the room. Especially the area where he discovered the blood.

Friday October 6th, 2000 10:30:19 PM

Rolling her eyes and shaking her head as Rigging makes his offer of a meal to Analek, Wynd mutters a quiet "now what are we to do?" under her breath and turns the corner just in time to see BullDog accost Bart. Momentarily stunned she hesitates and lets Rigging catch up to her.

Sunday October 8th, 2000 10:08:24 PM

Rigging also sees Bulldog pull Bart into an alley. He quietly says to Wynd, "Play along."
He then says more loudly so the miller can hear, "I can't believe you left it in your saddlebag! Now we will have to go and retrieve it. How forgetful can a girl be?!" Rigging turns to Analek and says while pulling a silver from his pouch, "Analek, my pretty but forgetful young friend here has forgotten some personal items in her saddlebags." Rigging stage whispers, "Herbs for some women's complaints." In a more normal voice he says, "Here buy an ale on us. We will join you shortly." Rigging thrusts the silver into Analek's hand and grabs Wynd's arm and hurries off in the direction of the miller's house. As he scurries off, he says in a low tone, "We need to find out why Bulldog is out on the streets by himself. There might be trouble."

Monday October 9th, 2000 2:42:03 PM

Ari shows some apprehension, as he follows Legs into the hallway.

Analek - DM Kim 
Monday October 9th, 2000 8:44:24 PM

"Ah, herbs. Ale? Fine, fine. Hurry back!" Analek climbs the stairs, enters the hostel. He sees Ari round the corner, and follows after him.

Monday October 9th, 2000 11:22:38 PM

Rigging watches Analek enter the inn. He says "Come on!" to Wynd and follows Bulldog into the alley.

Monday October 9th, 2000 11:56:28 PM

Appolo,continues to clean and investigate the room.
What does he find.

Room Service - DM Kim  d100=21 d100=48 d100=17
Tuesday October 10th, 2000 2:14:59 AM

As Speed investigates, and cleans up, he finds a small square of parchment, folded, sealed with blue wax. He also discerns what look to be some fairly fresh marks in the floor and walls made by a blade of some sort. Two platinum coins are covered with a splat of pie filling in a corner of the floor. Speed also can tell, based upon the smear marks, that it appears a few other coins were already picked up off the floor.

Tuesday October 10th, 2000 2:46:54 AM

Speed quickly, cleans the coins and pockets both them and the parchment. He then proceeds to quickly and thoroughly clean the room. When he is done, he slips quietly out of the room and tries to find the others without attracting too much attention. He is overjoyed at his good fortune, but he has a very good poker face and by looking at him you wouldn't know it.

Aurima's tour - DM Kim 
Tuesday October 10th, 2000 2:47:18 AM

The hostess pauses and points to the right. "Steam room, where the heat enters the muscles and massages the lungs. Impurities are released. Pleasure and pain walk parallel lines, some say. Go out the stream room, and farther that way, and a pool of cool water tightens the skin, and strengthens the heart. Past the cool water, lie two more pools, one with warm, and one with very hot water." Closed doors line the left side of the hallway. The outline of wet feet fan out from the door to the steam room, entering various doors across the hall.

Aurima then continues down the hallway, and Legs and Ari figure they must be nearing the end of the building. She takes a key and opens a set of double doors. "This is your suite. Three rooms below, two above." She steps inside. Looking through the doorway, this looks far above what would seem to be typical appointments for a hostelry. A fine hardwood floor, carpets - some thick, some of medium pile, some even hanging from the walls. Along the far wall a glass window with shutters can be seen behind a sheer white drapery. Next to it is a broad fireplace, with wood stacked neatly beside. A hint of incense lingers in the air. Before a mirror sits a water basin with pitchers, and large, medium and small plush towels hang from a wall rack, next to comfortable looking robes. A rack of slippers of various sizes are to the right of the right-hand door. Couches, a large bed with canopy, a small round table with four wooden chairs, a door to the right, and one to the left. At the far end of the room, in the left-hand corner, is a wrought iron spiral stairway ascending up into the twelve foot high ceiling.

Aurima hands Legs the key. "Feel free to enjoy the rooms, the baths." The hallway turns here to the left. She points down there. "When ready, the dining area is that way." From that direction Legs and Ari hear sounds of glasses clinking, and the scent of cooked food wafts their way. Aurima claps her hands with a certain rhythm. In a moment, from the direction of the food, a girl, maybe eight or nine years old, walks briskly up to Aurima, and asks, "How may one serve?" Her eyes focus only upon Aurima.

"See to the needs of these gentlemen, whatever they may be, Aniceyya," Aurima instructs her. The girl nods once, walks into the room ahead of the two young men, glances to their feet, and selects slippers of the appropriate size.

"May these bring comfort to weary feet," she says formally, in a girlish sing-song voice, as though she is repeating something she has said many times.

Missile from above - DM Kim  d20=13
Tuesday October 10th, 2000 2:58:16 AM

Bulldog feels something small and hard bounce off the top of his head (no hit point damage, but the spot may be a little sore for a day or two). Looking up, he sees someone's face just pulling back into a window on the next story up. Not enough light to make out any details in that brief glimpse.

Analek inside - DM Kim 
Tuesday October 10th, 2000 3:07:26 AM

"Well, Good Aurima, done with showing rooms? Good! Are thirty who patrol borders come now here? Some leave horses with me. Long riders. Very bright!" A large, broad man with a thick eyebrow that marches without pause over the bridge of his nose speaks in a cheerful voice. He nods cordially toward Legs and Ari. "On patrol, too? Arrack and Alice I met. Know them, supposes? They wear same dirt," he comments as he looks at the attire of Ari and Legs. He turns toward Aurima before the two adventurers have a chance to respond, "Will have ale, wait for them. Propose herbs for bread!" he says, inscrutably. Without even waiting for answers to his questions, the man walks on down toward the dining area. Over his shoulder, he instructs Aurima, "When come my Albarth, tell him please where father Analek go!"

Tuesday October 10th, 2000 3:15:48 AM

"Aurima," Legs says before the woman can get away. "This is too expensive for us. Are simpler rooms available?" He looks at Ari, trying to figure out what in the world is going on here.

Tuesday October 10th, 2000 9:40:45 AM

As Rigging starts his spiel, Wynd hangs her head as if she truly is repentent and when Analek disappears, she whirls on Rigging, "Herbs for Women's complaints is it? "I'll give you some complaining if you want. Turning away, Wynd pushes past him and takes the lead following Bulldog.

Tuesday October 10th, 2000 11:55:54 AM

After Legs' question, Ari follows up with, "Is this the shared room, for 3 silver each?"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday October 10th, 2000 8:35:22 PM

Sratching his head from the strike from above as he peers at the open window. "whats a matter with this crazy place" Then he turns his attention back to Bart. Firmly stating "just give me directions to that place." He releases Bart as Wynd and Rigging show up, concern showing upon his face. He steps towards them "we need to talk about that place" pointing to the hostel. Sheilding himself from Bart he explains the strange events at checking inn. "we can't stay there .... we need to keep a very low profile here. It just feels wrong to stay there. Lets go find what we came here for." adding a few moments later. "we need to get the others out before they can't "

Night vision - DM Kim  d20=5
Tuesday October 10th, 2000 8:55:23 PM

Bart, looking at Bulldog, notices something bounce off the top of the latter's head, and sees something reflecting a dull blue shine roll to the nearby ground.

Wednesday October 11th, 2000 12:14:51 AM

"Bulldog slow down! I think they think we are part of some border patrol." Rigging glances at Bart and realizes he needs to be careful about what he says. "We will attract the notice of the authorities if we storm about making waves. Let's all go get some dinner and keep our cool. We can get the information we need tonight and get supplies tomorrow and be on our way." Rigging is watching Bart during this conversation to see his reactions.

Appolo {Speed} 
Wednesday October 11th, 2000 1:23:23 AM

After finishing the room and sneaking Appolo heads for the laundry to find some clean clothes, then he will head for the baths, get cleaned up and attempt to find the others, as well as get something to eat. He will try to avoid Aurima.

Wednesday October 11th, 2000 4:46:10 AM

What's that on the ground something blue and shimmering. I pick it up.

"Of course Bulldog I will show you the way to the Rat, but what's wrong with the hostel? And what happened there?"

Aurima - DM Kim 
Wednesday October 11th, 2000 3:08:45 PM

"Yes, yes, three silver pieces each," Aurima answers Ari. She then bustles down to the bar / dining area.

Missile Identification - DM Kim 
Wednesday October 11th, 2000 3:11:35 PM

Bart finds that the blue ball is made of a dense hard wax. It is slightly flattened, nevertheless, on one side, and about three centimeters in diameter (slightly more than an inch).

Speedy exploration - DM Kim  d20=3 d20=2 d20=10
Wednesday October 11th, 2000 3:27:36 PM

Appolo, heading toward the baths, sees Legs and Ari at the end of the hall. They notice him, too. A guest - a man, perhaps 50 years old, brown-gray hair towel dried, comes out the door, glances at the tall slender boy, then pads across the hall in his slippers, and enters a room, shutting the door behind him.

Wednesday October 11th, 2000 5:50:24 PM

Appolo looks at Ari, waves, then follows the man quickly into the baths. He will then head straight to the laundry and find some suitable clean clothes, back to the baths get cleaned then to get something to eat. He will hook up with the others in the dining room. He does all of this with as much stealth as possible, attracting very little attention, and avoiding Aurima.

Wrong door - DM Kim 
Wednesday October 11th, 2000 7:36:21 PM

As Appolo opens the door, the man he followed stands naked in his room, and quickly moves to pick up something to cover himself. "GET OUT, FOOL! Stay OUT of my ROOM!"

Appolo may then realize that the baths lie behind the door the the man first came out of, and that he has just followed him into the man's room.

Wednesday October 11th, 2000 8:08:04 PM

Still a bit miffed Wynd stands silently at the goings ons and watches as Bart picks up the wayward missile. "Hey whatch got there Bart?"

Wednesday October 11th, 2000 8:28:35 PM

Quickly making his apologies, he heads back across the hall to the baths and on to the laundry.

Wednesday October 11th, 2000 11:12:59 PM

Rigging stands back and watches everyones' reactions. He realizes that Wynd is angry with him. He is confused by this reaction but realizes he will never really understand women. He vows to make it up to her somehow in the future. After Bart asks Bulldog the question, Rigging echoes it. "Yes, Bulldog what happened at the inn?"

Wednesday October 11th, 2000 11:33:58 PM

Seeing Appolo down the hallway, Legs says to the young girl, "Just a moment, thank you." He walks up to Appolo. "Hey, you get a break already? Come on down here," he suggests. "Let's go in the room we were given, and talk things over for a minute, then we can go ahead and use the bath, and get ourselves cleaned up. C'mon." Legs encourages Speed to follow.

If Speed comes, the paladin talks to Aniceyya. "Thank you for the slippers. Show us the room, or rooms, then you may leave us for the time being."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday October 12th, 2000 12:15:34 AM

Annoyed at the response from the little newly met boy, "Bart !, I want you to TELL ! me where it is, with directions !" The burly fighter then turns to Rigging, adding, "We'll have to talk when we have some more privacy," Motioning to Bart as to why. Lastly to Wynd, "Remember our long lost friend, Monk, how he changed?" then nods to the Inn. "Same thing."

Bart  d20=14
Thursday October 12th, 2000 2:21:33 AM

A little angered by Bulldug's reaction.

"I will tell, but I think this blue ball is bumped on your head a little too fast and YOU can't think clearly any more."

Thursday October 12th, 2000 1:24:10 PM

As Legs gets Speed's attention, Ari begins to move into the room. Once inside the room, Ari will make a slow inspection of the room. He is unsure of just how safe the party his here at this hostel. He wants to see if there's anyway to listen in on conversations in the room. Whether noise carries easily to the door. Whether there might be little hiding places where people might listen in, or if there might be some kind of servant area, etc.... No thief skill, just basic paranoia! :)

Thursday October 12th, 2000 5:44:35 PM

"Bulldog I give you two options I tell you the way. It is easy but you will be seen. Or otherwise I can bring you and you will not be seen, I know an secret entrance to the inn and it's too difficult to explain. It is me even but it's your decision."

"Wynd this blue ball is made of wax and I remember now something as we talk about the Purple Rat. When I did an delivery I heard some people talk about how the Jacks were using blue wax to authenticate their messages."

"Bulldog, in case you want that I tell you the way these are the directions I will give you: Cross that plaza, go left at the end. Walk down to the mid south tower, turn right, turn left, cross the next plaza, and there is the place you look for. This is the quickest way, but people will certainly see you."

Thursday October 12th, 2000 9:22:58 PM

Appolo follows Legs into the room. Hoping Aurima doesn't see him. As soon as he enters the room he will step out of the doors line of sight. He looks at Legs. "What do you want to talk about? I'm kind of hungry and tired. Is there anything wrong?" He walks over and sits on the couch, relaxing for a bit.

Thursday October 12th, 2000 11:46:10 PM

"Bart, Here is the deal. You need to show us your stomach and chest right now. We need to see if you are a servant of Ga'al. After we see, we will explain and give you some options."
Rigging steps back cutting off any escape and puts his hands on his weapons without drawing them. He smiles encouragingly and nods at Bart.

Friday October 13th, 2000 2:24:16 AM

"I am not heartseeded yet," Bart says. Pulling out his shirt, "Here you can see it by yourselves. I will tell you that I am afraid of it, I don't wanna change like some others."

Showers of Blessings (DM Kim)  d4=4
Friday October 13th, 2000 12:41:26 PM

A burst of intense localized rain appears on the heads of Bulldog and Bart, with Asbury taking a fair amount, and Rigging and Wynd getting splashed as well. The area outside of a ten foot radius (~six meters diameter) remains dry.

Asbury barks excitedly, then shakes himself off, managing to add to Wynd's moisture content.

Looking up, a hooded face appears from a window above, and a voice hisses in rebuke, "Foolish friends, there are ears about the streets." The timbre makes it a little hard to tell the gender of the speaker. The speaker's slender hand gestures the group to enter the hostel. The other hand holds a cistern on its side - obviously the source of the water.

Aniceyya's Tour (DM Kim) 
Friday October 13th, 2000 1:06:49 PM

The girl complies with Legs' request. On a door to the left is another room. Parchment, paperweight (a small brass hemisphere with a little loop at the top), ink and quills lie on a desk. There is a bed, some chairs.

From the main room, the door to the right has a wood stove, a teapot and a large pan on top, with hooded ducting above to carry smoke to the outside. A table for eight is there, and plates, table knives and spoons, glasses, and cups are in an open cupboard. A basin rests in a cabinet about three feet high, and a spigot on a metal pipe is above the basin.

Taking the spiral staircase up in the main room leads to another bedroom. Going out the door of that room takes one into what looks like some sort of exercise room. There is another door off the exercise room, which Aniceyya leads to the upper hallway. There are other items in each bedroom, such as dressers, linens and such.

"If that is satisfactory, one shall leave for now. If one's presence is again desired, pull this cord," Aniceyya says, politely pointing to a cord near the entry doors to the main room. "A bell will ring, and one shall come." She curtsies, and, unless another request is made, walks out the room.

What Ari Finds (DM Kim)  d100=65 d100=39
Friday October 13th, 2000 1:29:10 PM

As Ari is on the lookout for security threats and eavesdropping opportunities, he finds a loose knothole in the room to the left. Close inspection reveals that it can easily be removed.

There is a grate in the ceiling to the exercise room, through which sound can freely pass, and even through which an eye can see the area around the stove, but not the table area. Ari finds no obvious ways that someone might listen or observe in the main room, or the upstairs bedroom.

Under a bed in the main floor room to the left he finds a small book, filled with hymns of praise to Ga'al, with a few of its pages ripped out.

Friday October 13th, 2000 3:49:09 PM

Bart looks to Bulldog, Wynd and Rigging. Are they going in or do they want to run?
Bart is ready for both and he doesn't know what to do. But the guy must be a mage or something to let it rain only upon us. Running won't be the good reaction, better to obey him. But I will go with my new comrades.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday October 13th, 2000 7:50:30 PM

Heeding the advice from above, the burly fighter quiets himself. Nodding to himself and speaking to Wynd and Rigging, "All right, let's go join the others." Giving Bart an annoyed look as he brushes himself dry and walks back to the hostel. Adding at last, "Com'on Asbury."

Saturday October 14th, 2000 12:50:46 AM

Bart still asking himself what he is doing wrong follows the others into the hostel

Saturday October 14th, 2000 1:30:32 AM

Rigging follows Bulldog to the hostel. Dreams of a good hot meal and a bath float around in his head. He whispers to Wynd, "Looks like we might have some allies in town. Whoever dumped the water on Bulldog was right. We are being entirely too bold and out in the open."
He looks at Bart with a speculative eye and says, "Hey Bart. Where can a guy get some new clothes around here?"

Wynd  d20=8
Saturday October 14th, 2000 2:14:09 PM

Appalled at Bulldog's comments, Wynd is just about to chastise him when she is drenched from above. Stepping backwards to get a better look upward, she all but trips over Ashbury, who promptly shakes off his drenching, adding to her soaking as well. As the voice from above sounds out Wynd nods and quickly heads to the door telling Bulldog, "We don't have time to go back for the others right now. Let's find out what this is all about and then we can arrange for the others to get where they are needed."

Monday October 16th, 2000 3:07:28 AM

Finally getting around to answering Appolo's question, Legs says, "Anything wrong? Hard to say for sure. Just trying to figure how things work around here." After Aniceyya leaves, he adds, "I thought that Aurima was going to work you pretty hard. She give you time off?"

As he talks with Appolo and Ari, Legs takes a piece of parchment, and writes on it, "Three ten pound sacks fine ground wheat flour, sifted; Three five pound sacks sea salt crystals; Five five pound sacks rolled oats; Three three pound sacks barley."

"Say, Appolo, you know how to light a fire? It'd be nice to get the fire going. Or - Ari, you know that trick you have?"

Legs writes something else down on a piece of paper, and hands it to Ari. "You can use this to help start the fire." On the paper, which he shows only to Ari, he has written, "You should have no problem, but how do the rest of us use the baths without someone seeing we lack ... something?"

Monday October 16th, 2000 11:50:03 AM

(Will need DM edit functions eventually) (The guest we saw, was he covered by a towel, or garments? And could we see any hint of a seed, either heart, or belly button?) (After you answer I'll be able to move on with Ari's move.)

Ari's Interrogations (DM Kim) 
Monday October 16th, 2000 4:35:38 PM

[The guest whom Appolo earlier followed was wearing a robe as he crossed the hall in his slippers, and a towel draped over his shoulders. From where Ari was, he was not able to see any exposed skin where a seed would likely show up. Ari can ask Appolo, though, if he noticed anything. He had a better look than Ari.]

Monday October 16th, 2000 6:03:42 PM

"She planned to, but I have other plans, besides, I did clean up one room thoroughly. It was a mess -- blood on the floor and everything. I found this piece of paper." He quickly pulls out the parchment and examines it for the first time.

Looking up he adds, "Let's get cleaned up and get something to eat. I'm hungry and dirty." He then goes back to examining the parchment.

Legs  d20=12
Monday October 16th, 2000 9:50:40 PM

"Have a yam," offers Legs, putting the cooling tubers down for his friends to take. He begins to eat one. "Okay, if neither you," he says to Appolo, "nor you," he addresses Ari, "are going to start a fire, I will." He gets out his flint and steel, takes the piece of paper he handed Ari, "You done with this?" he asks, pointing out what he wrote on it to Ari before sticking it beneath the pile. To Appolo, he says, "Go in the next room, where the stove is. You feel dirty? Me too. See what happens when you turn the handle on that metal pipe above the basin." He stacks kindling and wood in the fireplace, lights the paper under the kindling, and patiently blows, gently at first, with increasing force, until the fire takes well. "Shall we look for our friends?"

Monday October 16th, 2000 10:01:03 PM

Rigging demures to Wynd and starts following her. (OOC Which door are we headed to? The one with the water pouring stranger or the hostel?)

Tuesday October 17th, 2000 1:55:32 PM

Nodding to Legs about the note, "Yes." To Appolo, "What do you do if nobility stays here, are they expected to use the communal bath? Or will we be required to move out of there, should someone of nobility show up?"

Entering Aurima's Hostel (DM Kim) 
Tuesday October 17th, 2000 3:34:55 PM

The outside group had been standing outside of Aurima's Hostel, and now climb the steps and go through the doors.

A boy, perhaps 12 or so, in blue shirt and pants, wearing canvas shoes, stands next to the desk. "Come upstairs," he says to Rigging, Bart, Wynd and Bulldog. He looks at the dog, appears about to say something, but then crosses the lobby, through the door Appolo earlier was led by Aurima. Once through the door, he opens another doorway to the right, and ascends the stairway. No one else is in the lobby at the moment.

Tuesday October 17th, 2000 5:44:51 PM

Looking at Rigging, Bulldog and Wynd with an asking face I follow the boy upstairs.

Tuesday October 17th, 2000 8:40:40 PM

Without hesitating, Wynd follows the boy up the stairs.

Rigging  d20=20 d20=5
Tuesday October 17th, 2000 11:30:29 PM

Rigging follows Wynd up the stairs. He knows he shouldn't peek at her backside but fails his wisdom roll miserably and can't help himself. Rigging checks out the scenery discreetly and making his second wisdom roll doesn't whistle out loud.

Following the blue boy (DM Kim) 
Wednesday October 18th, 2000 2:13:17 AM

The stairs go up eleven steps to a platform, left, up another eleven steps. The boy opens the door at the top. He turns right, walks down the hallway past several doors, knocks with a five beat rhythm. After a moment, the door opens. He steps in. At the entrance, Bart, in the forefront, sees the back of a robed and hooded figure, perhaps 5'6" (1.68m). The person within the blue robe is pulling a cloth over some sort of globe on a table. The cistern stands next to the covered sphere. A whisper beckons. "Come, come in." The boy with his hand indicates a couch, a pair of wooden chairs, implying with his motions that the guests may sit where they choose. The robed person's back is toward those who enter. Another whisper says, "Boy, get the others now." The boy squeezes past Bart and Wynd. Rigging (and Bulldog, if present) see him head back down the stairway. The whispered voice adds, "You'll want to close that door soon. Don't dally."

Wednesday October 18th, 2000 2:36:39 AM

Quickly Bart steps inside, and says, "Greetings sir. Why are you brought us here, certainly not to dry our clothes you are wetting before with a very local shower."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday October 18th, 2000 6:11:05 PM

Trailing the others, the fighter follows the rest up the stairs and into the room. Still a little apprehensive of this inn, Bulldog finds himself a seat, against the wall. He gets the feeling that they are definitely expected here. He exchanges looks with his family to see how they feel about things. He gives them a 'let's wait and see.' Then scans the room to see what is about. The tired Asbury lying down besides his master.

Wednesday October 18th, 2000 7:38:39 PM

Reaching back as the boy leaves, Wynd closes the door and as she turns her sword and dagger are in her hands as she faces the stranger. "Speak quickly and identify yourself or prepare to feel like a holiday pheasant."

Wednesday October 18th, 2000 8:25:08 PM

"No, we don't have to worry about that. The nobility generally doesn't stay here." After replying to Ari's question, Appolo gets up and follows Legs' advice, goes into the other room and cleans up a bit, finds a robe, towel and a pair of slippers, gets undressed, puts them on and comes saying, "I'm going to get a bath, some clean clothes, then something to eat, are you guys coming with me?" He is a little irritated and is not going to wait any longer to eat.

Appolo OOC 
Wednesday October 18th, 2000 8:26:13 PM

OOC: Is there anything on the parchment?

And the parchment says ... (DM Kim) 
Wednesday October 18th, 2000 9:19:18 PM

When Appolo broke the wax seal, upon opening the small scroll he read, "Trvtioyd pm yjr esu. Esyvj yjr esyvj sy QTO. Fobrty mrevpzrtd yp SJ. --WF."

The robed one speaks (DM Kim) 
Wednesday October 18th, 2000 9:31:33 PM

Wynd and the others in the room hear a whisper. "Pheasant. How long since I ate pheasant?" The figure turns about, hands out to the side, open. A sheer veil covers the whole of the face. "We knew someone was coming, but had to be sure. Your ... conversation on the street below confirmed two things. You are the ones we sought. And, some of your tongues are very loose. Do you know Agur?" It is still difficult to determine the speaker's gender.

Wednesday October 18th, 2000 10:09:59 PM

Rigging says, "You sought us. Why are you seeking us? Who is we? Speak plainly and quickly if you wish us to remain here. First things first though. I think we need to see if you are a servant of Ga'al. Please show us your chest and belly. If you have a female form hiding under that cloak, we males will gladly turn our backs."

Thursday October 19th, 2000 12:14:42 AM

"Legs, I think I am fine for now. I may bathe later. You might consider going with Apollo, and I'll be here, should the need arise". Ari will watch Legs eyes, to see if he catches what Ari is hinting at.

Still behind the veil (DM Kim) 
Thursday October 19th, 2000 2:36:14 AM

"I shall save you the trouble of looking. I was heartseeded. And if you do not remember who Agur is, with whom you travel, perhaps you may remember this." The whispering continues. "Ozymandius sends his greetings. 'Foxes have holes, and birds have nests, but the son of man has no where to lay his head.' And he adds, 'at least for more than a day or two.'"

Elsewhere (DM Kim) 
Thursday October 19th, 2000 2:40:49 AM

Legs, Ari and Appolo hear a knock on the door.

Thursday October 19th, 2000 2:44:51 AM

Legs opens the door. "Yes?"

Veiled Meeting

Boy in blue (DM Kim) 
Thursday October 19th, 2000 2:51:29 AM

Legs sees in the hallway a boy dressed in blue shirt and pants. "Come, Agur," the boy says. "Someone wishes to speak with you. Your companions are already there. Appolo, and you, too," he says to Ari. "Come." The boy turns and walks back down the hallway, toward the lobby. To Appolo, the boy looks vaguely familiar. Not an acquaintance, just someone he has seen around town before.

Thursday October 19th, 2000 8:08:02 AM

Looking up at the veiled figure when Agur's name is mentioned, Wynd's eyes narrow a bit and at the hearing of Ozy's name and the short poem, she starts. "Well I would say that it might be other people who have loose tongues from what I hear. Or, you are who you say you are. How do we know which it is?"

Thursday October 19th, 2000 10:35:21 AM

"But maybe our current actions are dictated by others," Ari mumbles, and decides to follow the boy. As he approaches the door, he gives Legs and Apollo the motion as if to say 'after you.'

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday October 19th, 2000 6:56:44 PM

With a steady voice, Bulldog answer the veiled person. "Most of us know Agur very well. He will be here very shortly, I believe. .... And thank you for forwarding Ozymandius' greetings ..... can you tell us how he is while we wait a few moments till our family member arrives." The armored young man remains comfortably seated as he waits. Asbury gets a rub of reassurance as they wait.

Thursday October 19th, 2000 9:22:25 PM

Riggings watches the byplay with interest. This person is heartseeded. How can we trust him/her. Rigging thinks to himself. What is all this talk of Agur. Rigging feels like he has been out in the woods for the last year.

Friday October 20th, 2000 12:17:39 AM

The paladin just looks at the boy, and attempts to discern his alignment. He reads Ari's body language, shrugs his shoulders, grabs his gear, says, "Speed, looks like that bath is still delayed. Just hope that Aurima doesn't see you on the way," and hurries after the retreating boy.

Friday October 20th, 2000 9:03:47 AM

Ari appears to be nervous. But it's the nervousness that has been apparent upon the entire journey.

Sunday October 22nd, 2000 12:23:49 AM

Speed picks up his towel, puts the parchment in one of the pockets of the bath robe, and says, "I'll see you guys later I'm getting a bath, clean clothes and something to eat. Be careful - I know that kid from somewhere, do trust him. I'll meet you back here see you later." Heads toward the bath.

Sunday October 22nd, 2000 10:48:41 PM

hello, Mcfly?!! (test. DM delete)

Legs  d20=8
Monday October 23rd, 2000 2:40:11 AM

[Perception check to notice Appolo's parchment.]
"Hold there, Speed," Legs says to Appolo. "You're invited, too. That fellow mentioned your name, so I'd suggest you curb your appetite, and come with us. I've more dirt on me that you have on yourself, so the bath can wait." He places his hand lightly on Appolo's shoulder. "I am not commanding you, mind. But please, come with us. We may need your eyes, ears, and knowledge of this place."

Veiled speaker (DM Kim) 
Monday October 23rd, 2000 3:15:35 AM

"Ozymandius is well enough. His life is not easy. He was asking after..." For a moment, the head of the veiled speaker is cocked to the side. "Yes. I spoke with him first about you not quite two years ago. Adorus is," and there is a pause in the whispered speech. "Bulldog. Knuckles. Wynd. Skippy. Legs. Tag Along. Ari. Catcher. Poison. He mentioned all. Said he limped for a week. Later, another contact found that ... enough. I shall wait until the others arrive." To Rigging, who is nearest the door, the veiled speaker instructs, "Open the door for Adarul and your companions."

Blue boy (DM Kim) 
Monday October 23rd, 2000 3:20:44 AM

The boy that Legs, Ari (and Appolo?) follow leads them into the lobby, to the right, to the right, to the right through a door, up the stairs, down the hallway. As the one who invited the three nears the door, ...

[Your turn, Rigging.]

Aurima's voice (DM Kim) 
Monday October 23rd, 2000 4:01:41 AM

Appolo (and many others on the 1st floor) can hear Aurima calling out. "Appolo! Appolo! Where are you? There is work to be done. The room looks fine ... Don't think you'll sneak away from me. I'll find you! Mark me, I'll speak with the good cleric on the morrow if I'm not satisfied with your work, boy!"

Monday October 23rd, 2000 12:20:49 PM

Rigging one hand on swordhilt opens the door as instructed.

Monday October 23rd, 2000 2:38:50 PM

Ari enters the room, trying to be on his toes. When he spots the others of his group, those that around can sense that he's gotten more suspicious of what is going on.

Monday October 23rd, 2000 7:17:02 PM

He says, "All right I'll go along," after hearing Aurima call for him. He slides in between Legs and Ari using them to hide. He also pulls the hood of the robe up over his head, hoping not to be spotted. "Just don't let her find me all right."

He walks down the hall with his two new friends thinking {Yeeh I'm out of this place. Hopefully these guys can help me.} He steps through the door quickly passing Ari and quietly taking a position away from the door with his back agianst the wall he sits down on the floor, and waits.

Monday October 23rd, 2000 8:15:20 PM

As the veiled speaker speaks telling of their meeting with Ozy, Wynd can't help but let out a little chuckle. She lowers her blade but does not sheathe it. "So what is it that you need from us?"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday October 23rd, 2000 9:48:34 PM

Sitting comfortably, he acknowledges those that come in late with a slight nod. Then adds after Wynd, "Yes, let's find out. Please speak up so we can all hear." Folding his thick arms across his chest he awaits.

Tuesday October 24th, 2000 1:38:19 AM

Bart looks with amazement to the reactions of his new friends, and wonders what all the talking is about. One thing he thinks he knows they are not heartseeded. And who is Ozy? What did he walk into?

Blue boy (DM Kim) 
Tuesday October 24th, 2000 2:40:45 AM

Rigging sees the boy again who invited them, followed by Appolo, Ari and Legs. They enter the room. The boy hugs the wall, and closes the door behind. "As you asked," he says to the veiled one.

Veiled one (DM Kim) 
Tuesday October 24th, 2000 3:25:16 AM

"Thank you, Blue," the figure says to the boy. Appolo, Ari and Legs see a 5'6" tall blue robed, hooded and veiled figure. On a table a blue cloth is draped over what looks like a ball or sphere, about seven inches in diameter. Near the table cistern (a large vessel for water or wine) stands next a closed window.

In the room are those with whom you have traveled from Adorus and the Dread, including the sheepdog Asbury, plus the two teenaged boys from Ailthmar, some sitting, some standing.

"Welcome. We have followed some of your travels. Those who are not of this city ... before I speak further," whispers the person behind the veil, "do you wish these two," indicating Albarth and Appolo, "To remain or leave the room? Trust is hard won. I leave that to you. I will speak of Ozymandius, and other matters."

Tuesday October 24th, 2000 3:27:48 AM

Legs, about to asks who this person is, instead chooses to concentrate, and focuses upon his or her aura, trying to discern evil or good intent.

Tuesday October 24th, 2000 1:19:31 PM

"I cannot say on my part, for these two new. They are as we were, some time a gone. I know not how to judge these matter. If others in our group are not inclined to say one way or another, I would say that whatever ways that Ozy, and I assume you, have of determining these things, would be fine." While Ari says his little thing, he takes a look around, looking at the faces of those that are already here, to get a feel for the current situation. Noting that things are not as tense as they could be, Ari decides to follow the lead of the others present.

Tuesday October 24th, 2000 7:09:07 PM

Wynd looks intently at the figure for a moment as he speaks and then she gazes intently at both of the new lads. Standing up, she looks at the remaining members of her family and asks, "May I have the stick please? It is my thinking that these two are who and as they appear to be and even without this little test I would be willing and happy to accept them. We were told by Ozy and Lem to look for aid and friends during our travel. Both we have found and even have added a new member to our family," looking at Rigging. "I however can not be the only voice heard and with Lem willing we may yet hear from one who can give us the best guide and council." Then taking the stick in her hand so that the stick and the ring are touching, Wynd approaches Apollo and Bart. Looking at each of them straight in their eyes she looks for permission to continue.

Tuesday October 24th, 2000 10:02:25 PM

Legs hands Wynd the holy stick from the stricken maple tree.

Tuesday October 24th, 2000 11:54:10 PM

Watching Wynd prepare the test, Rigging holds up his hand and says, "Wynd Wait. We need to be fair with these two." Looking at the Bart and Speed, Rigging says, "You two are at a fork in the road of your lives. The next few minutes are crucial. If you decide to stay, and then betray us, myself and my new-found family will kill you. By staying with us, you will be searching for freedom for yourselves and other loved ones, but you will be outcasts and hunted. You will be only able to trust very few people outside our circle. Your life will be filled with hardship and fear, but the ultimate reward, if we succeed, will make the struggles and trials worthwhile. You may also choose to leave this room and not look back. Your lives will be much more simple if you take that option. I know it is a tough choice, and we can't give you much time to consider it. What say you? Do you wish to stay and be subjected to Wynd's test or do you wish to leave?" Rigging looks intently at each of the new boys.

Wednesday October 25th, 2000 2:01:45 AM

"I will stay, I have some understanding what is going on, and it's fine with me Rigging. Do your test Wynd and I shall be your comrade forever and never betray you or anyone else of this group. Do it!"

Veiled one (DM Kim) 
Wednesday October 25th, 2000 3:20:19 AM

"As you consider, know that Adarul," and he or she points to the boy, "Has taken his first steps as a cleric these past few days. I will vouch for him in the name of the one he has chosen to serve." A slender hand points toward the stick Wynd holds before her. "In the name of the one who struck the tree."

Wednesday October 25th, 2000 3:20:19 PM

"Appolo, what do you say?" Legs asks.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday October 25th, 2000 7:16:41 PM

Very impressed with Riggings' words. The mail clad fighter stands up next to the blue blooded new member to the family. "The words he speaks are true. The choice hard." Placing a firm friendly hand upon Riggings shoulder. "well spoken my friend." He looks towards the two with the choices to make and awaits Wynds test.

Wednesday October 25th, 2000 8:21:46 PM

"Sure, I'm in. I've been planning on leaving this place anyway in a couple of days. I'm not sticking around to become a slave of Ga'al. I'm not a mindless zombie like the rest of these sheep around here."

Wednesday October 25th, 2000 10:14:37 PM

Rigging is pleased with the bravery and zeal of the 2 young men. He looks at the mysterious veiled character. "And what about you my cloaked and hidden friend? Will you submit to the thorn? It might free you from the heartseed. It has helped others so inflicted."

Adarul (Blue) 
Wednesday October 25th, 2000 10:23:42 PM

Adarul, the boy in blue steps forward. "I ask to be tested as well... my father, Aduun, was a cleric in service to the Gold Dragon. I have pledged myself as well to Lemtrovex and the bringing down of Ga'al. I was raised to this cause. My time has come enter the fray... If you would have me... I would join you in this quest."

Veiled One (DM Kim) 
Thursday October 26th, 2000 1:07:40 AM

"Did not Ozymandius tell you of the way around? That is the path I took. Thank you, though, for the offer. There is a measure of wisdom in you, perhaps. You may call me Quen," whispers the robed one.

Thursday October 26th, 2000 1:38:35 PM

"We have not had time to 'confirm' the death of the seed. The assumption is that it is dead, though I cannot fully believe that myself. Now might be another good time to confirm that it is still dead." Ari will the expose the seed so that it can be touched.

Thursday October 26th, 2000 8:10:42 PM

Looking at the three young men standing in front of her she nods just once and then very deliberately runs the ring-touched stick over the surface of each of the boys' bodies alternating between watching them and watching the stick.

Friday October 27th, 2000 4:35:09 PM

Rigging watches for strong reactions from anyone getting a sleep spell ready

The Test of Ring and Stick (DM Kim) 
Monday October 30th, 2000 12:47:40 PM

[OOC: Gang - work sucked me in this weekend. Again, I apologize for the delay. Happy Monday. Okay, on we go!]

As Wynd performs her test, when she first holds the ring-touched stick to each person, nothing seems to happen. But after a moment or two, a faint glow begins to surround the stick. For Apollo, the glow is turquoise. For Albarth, greenish-blue. For Adarul, a deep royal blue. For Ari, almost pure blue. The tail of the symbiote left in Ari seems to elicit no response, and Ari feels no pain. Perhaps it is dead. Each boy thus tested feels a gentle warmth, and a sense of well being.

Monday October 30th, 2000 1:26:00 PM

"That was interesting." Looking a bit surprised.

Monday October 30th, 2000 2:49:39 PM

"Well, are we done now?" Appolo inquires. He is still wearing a bathrobe and slippers.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday October 30th, 2000 5:33:50 PM

Seeming a bit confused about the results. The big fighter waits till Albarth and Appolo are gone to add. "I would guess that the deeper the Blue the deeper the faith, that would be my guess at he results," as he discusses the results with the family and the cleric of Lemtrovex. Asbury, being uninterested in the going ons, simply enjoys a good quick nap.

Monday October 30th, 2000 7:44:39 PM

Nodding her head at the results, Wynd looks at each and says, "I apologize for my abruptness and any inconvenience, but I had to be sure. I would be glad of your joining our family if that is indeed what you wish."

Monday October 30th, 2000 8:04:52 PM

Legs observes carefully, intrigued with the various shades represented. He nods his head in agreement with Wynd. "Yes, if you will, join us." He looks at Appolo. "And we're going to have to figure out," he says with a twinkle in his eye, "what you should do concerning the rest of your tasks here at the Inn."

Then, more seriously, he turns to Quen. "So, what is it you wish to discuss with us?"

Monday October 30th, 2000 11:01:38 PM

Rigging starts to daydream after the test is given and everyone passes. "White cheese, yellow cheese, travel cheese, cheese soup, cheese melted on vegetables.... hot steaming water, soft towels, slippers... Wynd feeding me cheese in the bath. Oh Heaven!" Rigging suddenly breaks out into a broad grin. "Where is the bathing facilities anyway? I have a year of dirt to scrub."

Tuesday October 31st, 2000 11:41:27 AM

"I will join the family if you want me. But what did the stick do to us? I have a funny feeling and see a strange glow on my body."

Tuesday October 31st, 2000 1:23:24 PM

"Bart, Appollo, I imagine our host here may or may not bring you up to speed. We have some things to go over, and once they are covered, I'm sure we can answer any questions. The biggest thing for now, is whether you are willing to go against Ga'al's will, which is pretty much what we've agreed to do."

Tuesday October 31st, 2000 4:13:48 PM

"Yes I will, Ga'al's ways haven't interested me before. I don't like the way the heartseed alters the mind of the people I know. It's wrong to do so, but who are you? I heard stories about an gold dragons clan who fights against Ga'al. Are you from that clan?"

Tuesday October 31st, 2000 7:13:37 PM

"Sure I'm in. I've been defying the will of Ga'aal my whole life and have no wish to be heart seeded. As far as chores go I've already complete my assigned task and have no wish for more." With that he heads for the door. Pulling the hood over his head. "I'm going to go get abath some new clothes and something to eat. If anyone wishes to join me you are welcome." He will seek to avoid Aurima as well as any of her employees, if possible.

Tuesday October 31st, 2000 10:31:29 PM

Rigging says, "Wait up Appollo! A bath sounds wonderful. I will go with you." To Wynd he says, "Don't forget you promised the Miller some baking tips. I will join you in the common room after my bath. Unless you want me to wash your back that is?"

Wednesday November 1st, 2000 1:52:03 AM

Quietly, under his breath, "Thank you Lem for your guidance and protection...
Teach us strength and wisdom to do they will...keep us safe in our endeavors in your service." The boy bows his head and withdraws to the shadows.

Wednesday November 8th, 2000 5:37:51 PM

"Dad please not so loud not everyone has to know the border patrol is here. They said they are looking for some weird figures who maybe walk around.

"And do you know they asked me to join them at least for a month? They can use a boy with my talents, and I think I will if I have your permission."

Wednesday November 8th, 2000 6:05:57 PM

Rigging enhales the fragrance of the bread. He takes a bite and makes appreciative noises to the miller. "This is wonderful!" He listens to Bart's request while enjoying the bread and cheese. He scans the crowd and notices them noticing the miller's behavior. He calls the waiter over and orders a meal. Roast chicken if they have any.

Wednesday November 8th, 2000 8:56:52 PM

As soon as Appolo is free to move again, he breaks left and runs like the wind. He will avoid contact with everyone and then circle around and head to Aurima's to warn the others. If possible.

In the streets (DM Kim) 
Wednesday November 8th, 2000 9:48:52 PM

Appolo hears a short, sharp whistle. "Over here. Quen send us." A man dressed as a merchant stands next a door he holds open. "Quickly, through here." One puzzling thing the boy notes in his haste is that where he would expect to see an opening through the doorway instead there seems to be a darkly shimmering surface. Behind him, he glances back and over his shoulder sees Atadil just fifty feet behind him, gaining.

Aurima (DM Kim) 
Wednesday November 8th, 2000 10:08:46 PM

The innkeeper looks at Blue. "So, you would rather be here, than be with your master?" She has a mirthless grin. "Well, let us go with the wisdom of your master in sending you to substitute for that thief." She stands. "Come."

Aurima leads Blue down some stairs. She finds a set of coveralls. "Put these on." They are a little snug on the boy. She hands him a long flat-headed shovel, sitting in a wheelbarrow. She leads him down a sloping hall a ways, and shows him four rooms. Full of offal. "Fill the wheelbarrow." As Blue begins this distasteful task, she corrects him a few times. Once the conveyance is filled, she leads him further down the slope, and to an underground, refuse-strewn stream. "Dump it here." She makes sure he does so, watches him start the next load, and says. "I'll be back later to make sure you are doing it quickly enough." The hallways, up until the stream, have light emanating from opposite walls every twenty feet.

Alinda in the women's baths (DM Kim) 
Wednesday November 8th, 2000 10:12:58 PM

"Let's get dressed," Alinda suggests to Wynd. She takes her to a room. "We may need to move quickly tonight." There is food in the room - fruit, cheese, bread, a pitcher of clean water.

Analek the Miller (DM Kim) 
Wednesday November 8th, 2000 10:19:09 PM

"You? Help the border patrol? But who will be to help with me the ..." And he pauses. "You? Help them? Well. Well, well." He looks down for a moment, then slaps the table resoundingly with his forearm. "Yes! You do it shall!" He raises his mug of ale, and makes ready to clink it against Rigging's wine glass, and Bart's Kefir mug.

Roast chicken (DM Kim) 
Wednesday November 8th, 2000 10:21:06 PM

Broiled chicken is available. Rigging finds that the outside is a little dry, but inside is tender and delicious.

Wednesday November 8th, 2000 10:23:37 PM

Legs gets Ari and Bulldog (and Asbury), having them wait for word in the room they've rented.

Blue  d20=1
Thursday November 9th, 2000 12:24:51 AM

Blue puts his back to the chore with his cheeks bulging, his breath held. He finally has no choice, but to take a breath... "My God, my God, oh my dear God... Lem give me strength."

He returns to his lot and after several minutes of this sustained effort he stops to catch what breath he can... He leans on his shovel and observes the hallway and surrounding area. (successful wisdom check)

Thursday November 9th, 2000 10:10:27 AM

Appolo sees the man, turns, and trusting to luck heads straight through the door at full speed.
OOC>APPOLO has Running as a Proficiency.

Thursday November 9th, 2000 5:52:50 PM

Rigging enjoys his meal, when he finishes, he will pull Bart aside and say quietly out of the hearing of others, "Bart, We need to retrieve the horses. Do you think there is time now if we hurry? Where is this Quen person now?" Rigging looks around for some more of his companions.

Thursday November 9th, 2000 6:25:20 PM

Having bathed and been refreshed, Wynd nods in reply to Alinda's comments and with a quick nod to the other ladies quickly dresses in her clean and dry set of clothing and armor and sets off after her hostess.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday November 9th, 2000 7:31:11 PM

Sitting, waiting for the last of the group to gather. The mighty young warrior unsheaths his two-hander and sets to the task of cleaning and oiling weapon. "Tell me Legs, what do you think the pirates will be like ? I don't know how much of sea legs, I will have ..... i wonder what it will be like" keeping up idle chatter to pass the time.

Grand Entrance (DM Kim)  d20=10 d20=3
Thursday November 9th, 2000 9:06:19 PM

Asbury looks around, sniffing the air for a moment. Bulldog sees this. In the middle of the room, a dark, shimmering rectangle appears. Asbury starts to bark excitedly. About ten seconds later, a leg appears, attached to the rest of the tall and slender Appolo, who manages to land with just a slight stumble, until he plows into Ari. Three seconds later a man comes following through the rectangle, stopping adroitly. Dressed as a high class merchant, this man whips around, waves his hands, saying something in a foreign tongue, and the shimmering portal disappears with a pop.

"Let's get going, shall we? Quen sent me. Call me Aquali. Follow me in silence. Time is short, short indeed." The man is 5'6", medium build, a soft velvet hat, and fine, albeit well worn, clothes. His face is tanned, his face lined with a few wrinkles. He looks to be in his mid 40's. He pulls open a pouch, withdraws a cube three inches across, and presses three sides of it. It feels as though you have gone deaf, as no sound is present. He winks, and signals with his hand to follow, as he opens the door, and walks down the hallway.

Bulldog notes that Asbury, initially excited about Appolo's arrival, sniffed at the newcomer, but did not seem to go into guard-dog mode. The dog does seem a little disoriented when the sound goes away, and begins scratching at his left ear.

Appolo feels disoriented and dizzy for a minute or so.

In the pub (DM Kim) 
Thursday November 9th, 2000 9:14:03 PM

A serving girl brings a small folded parchment, and hands it to Rigging. Opening it, he reads, "Time to go. QD"

Alinda (DM Kim) 
Thursday November 9th, 2000 9:15:55 PM

"Fine. We are ready," Alinda says to the air. "Wynd, gather your things. We will go downstairs, now."

In the pits (DM Kim) 
Thursday November 9th, 2000 9:19:24 PM

Looking around, Blue notes that in the ceiling of each of the narrow chambers is a small round opening with a little light coming through. At one point, in the room in which he works, the opening is covered. In a few moments, there is a new deposit falling down.

At the underground stream, Blue also notes that the passageway continues, unlit, on the opposite side. It has metal bars across it.

Thursday November 9th, 2000 9:28:53 PM

The paladin drew his sword when first the rectangle appeared, and looked around the room to see if anything else seemed unusual. The newcomer he looks at, not sure whether to trust him or not. Legs goes ahead and gathers his things, nevertheless, and follows, looking around to let his eyes tell him what his ears cannot.

Friday November 10th, 2000 1:48:35 AM

"Dad I have to go, I have to check the horses, and I want to go to bed it will be early tomorrow morning." He stands up and leaves the inn. He goes the shortest way to the mill, running when he sees no one and lowering his pace when he does.

Friday November 10th, 2000 1:53:55 AM

When he is in the mill he will first gather some personal things, his bow, sword and the old chain his real father left him. He also takes an sack threw in some clothes and an old blanket. Then he goes to the stable and saddles all the horses, including the one who he was riding earlier this day.

Friday November 10th, 2000 7:42:27 AM

Following Alinda downstairs she sees Appolo and the man drop in and with a raised eyebrow she approaches the group, ready to go. When the sound disappears she scowls and looks like she is about to say something and then with a shake of her head readies her sling and follows.

Friday November 10th, 2000 8:21:33 AM

After receiving the note, Rigging heads to the room where he had met Quen. He is worried about Seafoam. He prays that he has time to retrieve him.

Ari  d20=1
Friday November 10th, 2000 9:55:10 AM

Feeling the hairs on the back of his neck raise up, Ari spins in the direction of the forming rectangle. Concerned over the appearance of the rectangle in their room, Ari puts his back to the wall, and waits nervously for the event to end.

When Apollo steps stumbles thru, Ari attempts to catch Apollo. His attempt quickly turns into a ball of arms and legs that are on the floor.

Having no time to worry about the rectangle, Ari works on extracting himself from the mess.

Hearing the pronouncement from the new arrival, Ari gets ready to follow. Though Ari is unnerved a little, when he cannot hear his footsteps, the creaking of the floor, and other minor things that he never noticed before.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday November 10th, 2000 11:39:51 AM

Quickly rising from his chair at Asbury's warning. The big fighter momentarily brings his two-hander effortlessly to bear on the forming rectangle. Seeing Appolo come tumbling through into Ari's outstretched arms, he stands down. "Blind trust seems to be a way of our lives," hoarsely whispering to Legs, before the room becomes silent. Signalling to Asbury to follow. The big fellow takes up rearguard postion, looking out for the others to catch up.

Blue  d20=2
Friday November 10th, 2000 3:03:53 PM

Blue leans the shovel up against the wheel barrow and takes a few steps up the slope and listens... hearing no immediate approach he turns to the stream and gingerly works his way down to its bank. He sqints in the gloomy light and peers towards the iron bars and attempts to see the fastenings... to see if the bars are mounted directly in the surrounding rock work and what condition that rock work is in or if the bars are hinged and fastened with a lock, bolt or rivet. He wonders where the passage may lead... to freedom... treasure... or capture? (successful wisdom check)

Monday November 13th, 2000 3:44:03 AM

After crashing head long in to Ari, Appolo untangles himself and gets up. He then looks around making apologies to Ari. He says, "I'm sorry about that! The jiggs up guys, they know and are looking for you. Whatever you did it sure pissed some people off. All {Takes a breath} I were three of them but they're tracking me as we speak. Our new friend here came up big and really saved my ass!!! I give them about 10 minutes to back to this place. Let's get going!!"

With that he heads for the door. He is out of breath but running on pure adrenaline and a scared.

DM Kent (subbing for Kim) [& Kim] 
Monday November 13th, 2000 8:40:44 PM

As Blue stands pondering the what lies beyond the bars, a now very familiar voice sounds in his head "Boy, they are coming now. Move the wheelbarrow upstream, then wait for the others to arrive."

Upstairs, Aquali quickly beckons the group forward almost as if he is worried that someone or something might soon interrupt the group's exit. He gestures abruptly and mouths some unheard words. He leads the group down a stairway.

Analek the Miller (DM Kim) 
Monday November 13th, 2000 9:14:46 PM

It turns out that Bart does not manage to get away to pick up his things from home, nor see to the horses. "Stay, son, stay! You haven't finished your Kefir drink even yet." The miller bids Bart remain for a moment, until he has gulped down the last of the drink. Then, he tells Aurima. "Thank you, and Ga'al be praised, for your fine place. I bring more bag of wheat for tomorrow, right?"

"Come, son, come. We tell friends of new job for you. Borders to guard!" He walks with Albarth out the pub, and down the hallway. "I show you something," he tells his stepson.

He leads Bart down another stairway, to a storage room. "Here, some fine of mine flour." Bart recognizes the mark on the one pound white cloth bags. He also notes that his stepfather's voice is quieter, more conspiratorial. Analek picks up two, and places them in Bart's arms. "I used to it. But you notice how big puffs of flour get in people's eyes, hard for them to see, yes?" With Bart suitably laden, Analek leads him on, through a doorway and a narrow corridor. At the end of it, he stops.

The big miller looks at Bart somberly. "Big things for you tonight to do." He pulls a dagger out from behind his back, brings it to his lips and kisses the blade. "Son - Albarth, this is my best knife. It has secret. I show you." There is a little indentation on the blade. He puts his thumbnail into it, pulling backwards. The blade begins to give off a pale yellow glow. He runs his thumbnail back the other way, and the glow disappears. The edge of the serrated blade looks shart.

Ceremoniously, he hands the blade to Albarth. "Use this for freedom, son. I spoke not of it to you, but watched you. Be wise. Work hard. Don't worry of your things. I will get them to you when I can."

He looks down at the blade in Albarth's hand. He smiles. "Good for open sacks a little when you need might have to." Is that a tear in the corner of Analek's eye?

Albarth recalls how, he was told years ago, when his stepfather was heartseeded, his speech seemed to get mixed up. And, as he tithes regularly to the priests of Ga'al, and his speech is full of regular words of praise to the god of the land... what is this talk of freedom?

"Hold nose, and wheat, and knife." Analek opens a door, and the aroma of cesspool fills Bart's nostrils. "Go that way," the miller says to Bart, giving his shoulders a squeeze, then propelling him down the sloping passage. The miller turns, and walks the opposite way.

Monday November 13th, 2000 10:03:58 PM

Rigging wanders around the inn looking for familiar faces. He checks Quen's room for signs of life. If now one is there he will head down to the baths.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday November 13th, 2000 11:59:55 PM

Signaling for his fleet four footed friend to keep up with the others. The big fellow straggles a little, still trying to look out for the others. Thinking to himself, 'Can't leave any Family behind here,' he worries.

Tuesday November 14th, 2000 12:25:32 PM

Blue gives a sigh of relief, "Of course this is all part of the great unfolding... forgive me Lem my doubts, I was wondering there for awhile why I was shoveling filth." Blue quickly takes the wheelbarrow downstream and returns to check the path way for debris. He then finds a shadow and blends remaining alert.

Tuesday November 14th, 2000 1:06:38 PM

Ari follows where indicated.

Tuesday November 14th, 2000 4:00:18 PM

Moving down the hall. He says, "Let's get a move on, they will be here any minute."

Tuesday November 14th, 2000 8:22:35 PM

Bart walks with a firm pace down the slope, wondering what kind of magic is bestows in the knife, and what did Analek says about freedom, does he know the truth deep in his heart?

OOC Am I in a kind of sewer or something or in the open air?

DM Kim 
Wednesday November 15th, 2000 4:43:06 AM

Rigging finds Quen in her room, eyes fixed upon her crystal ball. When he enters, she looks up. "Down the stairs, to the bottom. No time to waste, young man." She places a cloth over the orb, and puts the device into her robe. The last thing Rigging notices when he leaves is that Quen moved to the window to peer out.

As Rigging gets to the first floor, on his way to the basement, he hears the front doors of the inn crash open. "Where are they? Where are the traitorous whelps!?" a voice rasps.

Soon, all find themselves converging in an underground corridor. Analek the miller passes them. He appears to be trying to talk, but no sound comes out of his lips. He looks puzzled, shrugs his shoulders, and waves the party down the corridor, as he goes back to the side corridor though which he brought Bart. Aquali moves on, quietly catching up to Albarth and passing him, as the miller's stepson looks at the dagger.

Blue hears some movement near the bars, and sees a gate swing open, though he sees no one there. Down the corridor toward the cesspools, he notes some of the young people he met earlier, and recognizes Aquali as a member of the Pirates of Jack.

A voice from behind the bars says, "By Lem, come this way."

Wednesday November 15th, 2000 10:25:58 AM

Appolo says, "Well,what are we waiting for?" and without hesitation slips through the opening, toward the voice.

Wednesday November 15th, 2000 10:42:31 AM

"Hurry, Hurry," Blue whispers, as he waves the members of the group towards the gaping escape. Blue keeps watch as the party descends.

Wednesday November 15th, 2000 2:14:05 PM

Ari moves on thru, picking up on the tension in the air, he starts watching over his back, for something to happen.

Wednesday November 15th, 2000 7:25:24 PM

Wynd follows along Irritated at not being able to be heard or hear.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday November 15th, 2000 7:42:13 PM

Not willing to leave anyone behind, the big fighter forcefully encourages the others ahead of him. Seeing Blue needs a little more encouraging than the others, he adds and sternful grin as he nudges him forward. (OOC Bulldog will be happy to make sure everyone is a head of him) Following with frequent looks down the corridor from which they came.

Asbury scampers in and among all with an excited and urgent bounce in his steps.

Wednesday November 15th, 2000 10:45:32 PM

Rigging whispers to no one in particular, "Well here we go again. At least I got a hot bath and a good meal. Don't suppose I will see to many more of those in the near future." Rigging will follow along in the middle of the pack. He is clutching his sleep component just in case.

Friday November 17th, 2000 11:17:00 AM

Down, down the corridor, Bart follows the lead of Aquali.

Pursuit & Piracy

DM Kim 
Friday November 17th, 2000 5:11:10 PM

Bulldog sees that the wrought iron gate closes behind him. Being outside the area of silence surrounding Aquali, he hears a click as a lock closes on it. Chains appear out of the air, and appear to wrap themselves around the bars.

The party is led through corridors, up into another building, out onto the streets, where a light rain has just begun to fall. There is a light to moderate breeze. Aquali moves his hands. The silence in the ears of those close to him disappears, and the breeze and pitter patter of raindrops initially sound quite loud after the total silence. Is that the sound of waves to the west? The ears then quickly adjust.

"Now we..." Aquali begins.

"There they are! AFTER THEM!" a ragged voice cries.

Appolo recognizes the distant speaker as the fellow in the robes who took a crossbow bolt in the chest.

Aquali turns. "Run! This way!" He sprints ahead south forty yards, turning a sharp corner into an alley way...

Those looking toward the voice see three figures. One of them waves to his right down the street opposite the way Aquali runs, and makes a circling motion. A few of the sharp-eyed among you see four or five people that direction, to the north. Maybe they are going to try to go around the block the other way. The three with the shouter begin to move quickly toward the party. It's perhaps rather confusing right now.

Friday November 17th, 2000 11:58:49 PM

The fear rises to the back of Blue's neck... "Oh Great Dragon guide us..." He turns to look for pursuit and sees Bulldog covering the group's escape... Blue feels a wave of comfort push back the chill, the sight of the brawny youth reminds him they are travelling in Lemtrovex's grace and protection... Blue grits his teeth and starts running after Aquali and the others.

Saturday November 18th, 2000 1:44:07 PM

Rigging seeing Bulldog pull up decides he can't leave his new found friend. He stands beside Bulldog helping cover the retreat. He says, "So nice day for a strategic retreat hhmmm?"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Saturday November 18th, 2000 9:03:37 PM

Seeing the thoughts clearly in Blue's expression, Bulldog quickly nods his head in recognition. The stout fighter follows up the rear, pushing the others on if any lag behind. "No time to stop Rigging, ... keep on going," as he forcefully pushes the blueblood forward. Whistling for Asbury to be careful as the furry fellow weaves among the group.

Saturday November 18th, 2000 11:17:23 PM

Legs, used to running, could be on Aquali's heels, but instead, seeing Bulldog managing the back end of the group, himself stays near the front, but keeping his eye on how the group is keeping up. "Hurry!" The paladin turns the corner down the alley Aquali entered, and looks to see what he may be running into. One hand is on his sword.

Sunday November 19th, 2000 10:37:06 AM

Bart will run after Aquali, pulling out his dagger just in case.

Monday November 20th, 2000 9:57:59 AM

Appolo says, "They're circling in front of us, we need a smoke screen." He will lead the party to the right as soon as possible, in order to avoid the group circling to cut them off. After a few more paces he says, "This way!!" And veers right.

OOC: Appolo is going to use his knowledge of the city to try and lead them away from their pursuers.

Monday November 20th, 2000 4:05:12 PM

Ari prepares for the turmoil ahead. In a strange sort of detached way, he gets a feeling of deja vu. Ari follows Aquali.

Monday November 20th, 2000 7:12:52 PM

Sling in hand, Wynd quickly takes up the rear guard, watching for anything that might be coming from behind.

Monday November 20th, 2000 10:59:02 PM

If the trio who are blocking our path come into range, Riggings will say to Bulldog and Wynd, "Watch my back." He will stop and cast his sleep spell on the trio.

DM Kim  d20=12
Wednesday November 22nd, 2000 4:38:41 AM

As Bulldog is forcefully scooting him forward, Rigging finds it difficult to stop. And he sees that the two of the trio will quickly be upon them if he does stop. Rigging and Wynd note that the one who spoke a moment ago took several steps towards the fleeing party, then paused. This robed man now moves one hand in complex patterns, and his left hand holds a small glowing object. Amidst the sounds of the pattering rain, the running feet, the labored breath of the companions, a few arcane words come from this robed man. Meanwhile, three of the other group have disappeared around the distant (~120 yards away) corner, and a pair of that distant group remain at the corner, perhaps observing.

Appolo knows that there is no 'turn to the right' until the alley down which Aquali ran. But he also recalls that down that passage are three inner alleys, plus another branch or two. Aquali has entered an area with several possible paths within.

Ari, Bart, Blue and Legs see Aquali beckoning, waiting at the left fork of a Y-intersection. Bart recalls that one of his stepfather's friends has a shop down this way. Blue is feeling quite winded, and is not sure he will be able to keep up if the running continues much longer.

Wednesday November 22nd, 2000 7:49:01 AM

"Keep moving." Ari will try to help anyone that is struggling along. Ari moves towards where Aquali is waiting.

Wednesday November 22nd, 2000 9:04:45 AM

Rigging says, "Bulldog, keep them off me. The other is a spellcaster!" Rigging turns says some quick arcane words and fires a globe of energy at the spellcaster (magic missile). Rigging does this hoping to disrupt the spellcaster's spell.

Wynd  d20=16 d6+2=6
Wednesday November 22nd, 2000 11:27:19 AM

With a quick twirl of her wrist, Wynd whips the already readied sling around and sends a bullet at the robed figure, and smiles with satisfaction as she watches it strike home. (hits AC 1 for 6 points)

Wednesday November 22nd, 2000 4:21:53 PM

Blue is now gasping heavily, the last sprint has used most of his somewhat limited wind. He sees Aquali aiming the group at the turn and heads in that direction. As Ari starts to pull away, because Blue is slowing, Blue sees Ari look back. Blue extends his arm, Ari grabs it and helps pull Blue along towards Aquali and the others running in that direction.

Blue can feel the coughing disease, that has haunted him since he was very young, start to grip his lungs... he knows if he doesn't stop to catch his breath soon the coughing will start, which he knows will stop him.

Blue  d20=5
Wednesday November 22nd, 2000 5:21:06 PM

Successful constitution check... Blue is still breathing.

DM Kim  d20=1 d20=14 d6+3=5
Wednesday November 22nd, 2000 9:01:38 PM

Rigging's magic and Wynd's mundane missiles strike the spellcaster, and the glowing object in his hand drops to the ground.

However, a well-built man with a sword, and a lithe man in black with a club have closed with those who paused in flight. The sword flickers quickly in a complex pattern as he draws near Rigging. No doubt with his mastery he could easily carve his initials wherever he chose on the young noble. He brings the sword behind his back, transferring it from right hand to left. But just as the sword tip swings near Rigging's face, the sword flies out of the fighter's hand and over Rigging's shoulder, to the evident surprise of the erstwhile wielder.

The more slender black-clad figure has more success with his club, thwacking Wynd in the ribs along her right side (5 hp damage to Wynd).

The two figures down at the corner see the two groups close, and begin running toward the incipient melee.

DM Kim 
Wednesday November 22nd, 2000 9:19:46 PM

In the alleys, people have nearly caught up with Aquali, who has stepped a ways into the left fork. The very dim light provided by a candle here and there in second-story windows above the closed shops provide the only light. "Go in here," he says, opening the second door on the right side of this path. "Where are the others? Wait inside. Weapons ready." If all enter, he closes the door, himself remaining outside. It is not locked once closed. Inside is a girl, eight or nine, with a candle. "Shshhh," she says, holding her finger to her lips. This appears to be a shop which sells bags, sacks, purses, and pouches, judging by the items hanging from the walls and stacked on shelves. There is an opening with a blanket over it at the back of this room.

Wednesday November 22nd, 2000 9:59:50 PM

The stocky lad slowly starts to catch his breath... he takes his breaths slow so as not to make much noise... he turns to Ari and says quietly, "Thanks for your help back there." Blue then reaches back and pulls free his quarter staff keeping his eyes on the rear entrance.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday November 23rd, 2000 8:21:38 AM

Frustrated that Rigging and Wynd have ignored his attempts to keep them moving. The big fellow takes advantage of the weaponless fighter's surprise by grabbing the blueblood and again sending him on his way towards the others. Shouting, "Get going ... we have no time left for this ..." Anger and concern well up as he sees Wynd taking a hit to the body. Bulldog grabs the Ranger and shoves her after the hopefully retreating noble. "NO time for this Wynd ... GO !!" Retreating and again taking up the rearguard.

Asbury willingly greets the young girl with the candle. Repeatedly sniffing and looking. 'hmmmm so quiet'

Wynd  d20=20 d20=20 d20=20 d20=19 d6+1=4 d6+1=5 d6+1=5 d6+1=4
Thursday November 23rd, 2000 9:27:26 AM

As Wynd is hit by the club you hear her breath exhale out of her body and her utter something under her breath. Ummph, "Kurig's Handmaiden!!" and almost as quick as lightning and even before Bulldog can get to her, Wynd's sword is out and has woven through the club wielder's defense almost as if he was standing still. Wynd's sword whips out and carves into the hapless fool, hitting him four times in the blink of an eye (AC 0,0,0,1 for 18 points). Bulldog hears her say as the last strike goes home. "That one's for Skippy." Then Bulldog spins her around and they are off.

[DM Kim adds: A natural 20 gives maximum damage, and after each natural 20 one rolls again, as Wynd has done. Damage is therefore 7+7+7+4=25 hp - but all that damage is the result not of four blows, but of only one incredible strike. Wow!]

Thursday November 23rd, 2000 10:27:42 PM

Rigging decides to take Bulldog's advice but keeps an eye over his shoulder. His eyes bulge at Wynd's sword work. He thinks to himself, "I am glad these two are on my side." Rigging hurries after the others.

Friday November 24th, 2000 11:11:04 AM

(occ oops sorry Damage on that should have been 25 points)

Friday November 24th, 2000 5:46:20 PM

"No problem," whispers Ari. "Why don't you ready your healing, and I'll defend the entrances, just in case." Ari will ready his rapier.

Friday November 24th, 2000 8:13:29 PM

Appolo steps quickly to the back and sits down out of breath. After resting for a couple of minutes. He stands up and says, "Where are the others?" He starts to head for the door. "I'm going to go get them, they probly need help."

Sunday November 26th, 2000 6:12:30 PM

Legs puts his hand firmly on Appolo's retreating shoulder. "Stay put," he says in a steely whisper. "Can't you follow orders?"

Triad in trouble (DM Kim)  d100=2
Monday November 27th, 2000 3:04:08 AM

The clubman goes down, Wynd's incredible swordstrike having nearly severed his right arm and shoulder. Blood spurts forth, and he falls to his knees, screaming.

The swordless swordsman says, "Curse you! Curse you to perdition!" He backs up, pulls a dagger from beside his calf, and crouches to defend his companion against further attack. He does not pursue. The robed spellcaster runs to his two companions, and kneels to touch the woefully injured man.

In the bag shop (DM Kim) 
Monday November 27th, 2000 3:17:48 AM

The girl with the candle kneels down to pet Asbury, careful to hold the candle away from the sheepdog. "Nice doggie," she whispers. "Nice doggie." Asbury wags his tail. She stands. Speaking quietly she says, "You can each take a bag. Papa said if anyone came tonight, I should give each one a bag. Just take whatever one you like, each."

Enter the alley (DM Kim) 
Monday November 27th, 2000 3:21:41 AM

Bulldog, Wynd and Rigging turn the corner into the alley, and see Aquali halfway down, who waves his hand to call the three toward him.

Monday November 27th, 2000 12:09:58 PM

If it appears Appolo is not still planning to try to leave the shop, Legs selects a modest, medium-sized bag. He mouths a thank you to the girl.

Monday November 27th, 2000 2:47:44 PM

"Fine they're your friends, didn't realize we were in the army General," sarcastically saluting Legs, before selecting a medium sized bag of his own. Appolo then sits back down. He will rest until time to go. He is clearly not happy.

OOC: He is carrying his Bow, a quiver of arrows 20, 4 daggers, 2 Platinum Pieces.
He is wearing new clean clothes and shoes.
The rest of his possessions he did not have time to collect, including his thieves tools.

Monday November 27th, 2000 3:23:40 PM

"Apollo, you must realize that we are basically in the middle of an enemy's camp. We do not know who are our friends, and who are our enemies. It is easily conceivable that if we go their rescue, the whole town will come down on us. Then no one makes it." Ari will grab whatever he can handle weight wise, that doesn't become too bulky. As an after thought, " it is not a pleasant way to live, but someone must live to tell the story."

Monday November 27th, 2000 7:12:35 PM

Blue's breathing has returned to normal, he rises slowly and chooses a bag and tucks it away the best he can. He then says quietly, but confidently, "Qhen is taking care of us right now, she is very powerful...Aquali is a Pirate of Jack and is directed by Qhen...this is all the will of Lemtrovex...we must wait and be ready...I am afraid, but I know our friends are able and Lem has a greater purpose for us then to die here and now...Lem guide us to thy strength and comfort...".

Monday November 27th, 2000 7:14:44 PM

Leaving their attackers behind, Wynd heads out the alley and down the street when she sees Aquali she heads his way and into the shop.

Monday November 27th, 2000 7:17:17 PM

Grateful that Wynd and Rigging are heeding his advice, the big fellow follows after them. Upon seeing the triad cease the pursuit, Bulldog feels a little relief. Happily following Aquali into the alley way and beyond.

Monday November 27th, 2000 10:05:52 PM

Rigging heads into the shop and does a quick count to make sure everyone is there. When Wynd comes in he gives her a quick peck on the cheek and says, "Nice sword work!"

Aquali (DM Kim) 
Tuesday November 28th, 2000 2:04:03 AM

As Aquali shuts the door behind Bulldog, some noise is heard in the street. Feet running by, and a few shouts. The little girl with the candle opens the curtain into the back of the shop. "This way." She holds the curtain open so all may pass through. Aquali goes last. The teenagers find themselves crowded into a hallway. The girl squeezes by, and opens a door at the end of the hall. "Good night. I have to go to bed now." She gives a little wave with her fingertips, puffs out the candle, and shuts the door.

"I will make a portal. Step through, quick as you can, when you see it appear. It will take you near to a boat. A few hands there should guide you. In the boat, lie down, and make as little noise as possible. Thank Lem, the sound of the rain will mask the ... no time. Just get ready to step through."

Aquali places one hand on the side of his head. With the other he gestures back toward the curtain. A dark rectangle appears, with coruscating lights. Appolo recognizes it as the portal through which he escaped earlier. It is familiar to Legs and Ari, too. His voice intense, Aquali whispers strongly, "Go now!"

A fist pounds abruptly on the door to the alley.

Tuesday November 28th, 2000 2:08:30 AM

Legs, deciding not to speak, leads by example, and leaps through the dark plane of energy. In his mind he recalls the leap that saved him from the combined breath attacks of the barn-sized Godspawn. He keeps his legs moving, wondering what he will land upon.

Tuesday November 28th, 2000 2:54:34 AM

Appolo stands up and without a word follows the others through.

Tuesday November 28th, 2000 6:46:53 AM

Ari will step thru the portal. If there is time, he will take his time, so as to not run into anyone on the other side.

Tuesday November 28th, 2000 11:41:06 AM

Blue quickly follows Ari thru the portal.

Tuesday November 28th, 2000 11:56:25 AM

Rigging says to Wynd and Bulldog in a whisper, "Isn't this exciting! Beats living in the woods anyday." Rigging steps through the portal after Blue hands on his sheathed weapons.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday November 28th, 2000 7:25:06 PM

"My blood is rushing. That is true." Replying to Rigging's comment as the noble leaps through the portal. He then turns to Wynd. "After you Wynd. ... where ever that is ..." He turns to the door as he hears the pounding. Then turns back to leap through last. "Hurry."

Tuesday November 28th, 2000 7:28:57 PM

Stepping to and fro to avoid being stepped upon. The four footed furball leaps, herding the front runners through. 'my what a wonderful little game this is ....'

Tuesday November 28th, 2000 7:47:09 PM

Barely acknowledging either of Rigging's or Bulldog's comments Wynd rushes through the door hastily trying to clean her sword as she goes. As the girl proffers the bag, she absently stuffs it through a loop in her belt and heads toward the opening portal. Not bothering to sheathe her sword, She looks up as Bulldog indicates that she should go through first and with a nod heads through.

All Aboard! (DM Kim)  d20=3 d20=4 d20=20 d20=4 d20=19 d20=16 d20=7 d20=1 d20=6 d20=19
Tuesday November 28th, 2000 9:43:34 PM

Ari, Rigging and Bulldog manage to make it through the portal with relatively stability. But Legs, Appolo, Blue, Asbury and Wynd (and Bart? Come in, Bart) are disoriented, dizzy, momentarily stunned by this strange mode of travel.

Regardless, all are now standing (at least the first three), or in some other posture on a short piece of sandy beach. Bulldog sees poor Wynd, ribs still sore from being clubbed, lying face down, passed out on the wet sand.

Fortunately, there are two other people on the beach, and they urge people forward into a pair of nearby skiffs. Appolo (and Bart?), who usually see(s) bright lights illuminating the shore, is/are surprised to see that it is fairly dark. The lighthouses are unlit.

Aquali shows up last, and helps the unsteady toward the boats.

Tuesday November 28th, 2000 9:59:38 PM

Blue allows himself to be guided towards the boats... not until he is boarded does he notice that Wynd is down, but the dizziness makes it difficult to maintain his feet and he sinks to the bottom of the boat.

Wednesday November 29th, 2000 12:33:31 AM

Ari will stand around and help all that are dis-oriented. After everyone files past, Ari will help move/drag Wynd to safety after making sure her wounds are staunched.

Wednesday November 29th, 2000 9:57:11 AM

Appolo regains his bearings and walks over to help Ari with Wynd. "Here let me help you." He bends over and helps pick her up, he also grabs her sword. He will help carry her to the boats. Looking at Ari as they carry Wynd, "She probly has internal injuries, I do not see much blood."

Wednesday November 29th, 2000 1:25:03 PM

Rigging sees Wynd collapsed on the ground rushes over to help. He brushes the others away and with surprising strength for his slim frame picks Wynd up and carries her to the boats. He looks very angry and says in a harsh whisper, "Damn This is my fault. If I didn't stop to spell cast, she wouldn't have gotten hit with that club." He sets her gently in the boat and puts his cloak under her head.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday November 29th, 2000 6:23:41 PM

Worry shows upon his face as he sees many fallen. "Steep price to pay, Rigging. Wait till she comes to." Following the leading 'Legs.' Bulldog scoops up Asbury with care and practiced ease. Then he again makes sure everyone gets to the boats, as he brings up the rear. Lending a hand to those that he can. All the while whispering into Asbury's ear that all will be fine.

Wednesday November 29th, 2000 8:34:01 PM




Launch (DM Kim)  d20=11 d20=12 d8=7
Wednesday November 29th, 2000 9:54:47 PM

All get in one of the pair of boats. Ari, Rigging, Wynd, and Blue are in the blue boat to the right, Legs, Appolo, Bart, Bulldog and Asbury in the plain skiff to the left. Aquali urges Bulldog to follow his lead. The words "Push off!" join with the action as Aquali launches the blue boat into the water. Bulldog pushes the plain boat as well. Farther down the beach, the sound of other boats pushing off is heard.

"All right, all heads down." Aquali takes the oars in the blue boat. A woman, who helped some get on that boat, lies in the blue boat with the youths. "Girl, I'll help you." She places her hands on Wynd's ribs, feeling about, and eliciting a further wince from her. The woman then whispers a prayer. As the boat slaps against the incoming waves, the pain, sharp at first in the ranger, soon subsides, and Wynd feels the warmth of the woman's healing hands (+7hp).

In the brown skiff, two wiry men pull at the oars, fighting the incoming waves, with the slapping of the hull lessening as the boat gets into deeper water.

On the shore, to the south, one of the light beacons relights, but does not illuminate the local waters. But lights are beginning to come on in the town. A fireball flashes behind some buildings, and a moment later the boom of the explosion is heard.

A hundred fifty yards over toward the north, the streak of magic missiles flies over the waves, briefly lighting a fleeing rowboat. A faint scream is heard. The rain starts to come down harder. The floors of the boats slosh with water, drenching those who lie down.

Thursday November 30th, 2000 7:39:39 AM

Rigging carefully looks over the side at the fireworks in town. He pales at the sight of a fireball. He hopes that innocent people were not hurt. He then turns and looks ahead. Where are they going he wonders. (ooc What kind of equipment do we have? Do I have my backpack with my spellbooks?)

DM [What equipment?] 
Thursday November 30th, 2000 11:52:23 AM

[OOC: The characters in the boats will have at this time whatever equipment they brought with them to Aurima's Hostel. Not their horses or any gear they left at the miller's, nor what the two characters from Ailthmar were not able to pick up (sorry). Since Wynd and Rigging declined to stay at Bart's place, it is safe to assume they brought backpacks and gear, but not saddles, lion skin, etc. I know Appolo wishes he had his thief tools and other goodies...]

Thursday November 30th, 2000 6:52:05 PM

Somewhere in her fog of non-awareness, Wynd feels the healer's hands on her side and winces at the first touch and then her body noticeably relaxes as the healer's spell takes effect. Moments later she wakes and tries to stand up, causing the boat to rock quite a bit. When she realizes where she is, Wynd literally starts to shake and hyperventilate as she freaks out. "How...? Why...? We're in a Boat? On Water? Oh Lem, we're all gonna drown!! Get me off this thing!! I don't want to Die!!

Thursday November 30th, 2000 9:33:57 PM

Blue remains sitting, but calls out to Wynd, "Wynd, you are all right...you are in Lem's hands...you are safe, but you must sit down...Wynd, for all our sakes...please, sit down".

Friday December 1st, 2000 6:07:16 AM

"We are trying to get away from the red socks! You need to sit still, so that we can get away".

Friday December 1st, 2000 9:22:09 AM

Rigging grabs Wynd's head gently with his two hands forcing her head away from the water and making her look him in the eyes. At the same time he will be softly saying, "Wynd, it is all right. You are safe here with me. Please sit down. The water can't hurt you. You are safe.
Your family is with you. You are safe." Rigging gently pulls her to a sitting position.

Friday December 1st, 2000 10:07:31 AM

OOC:Just a reminder. Appolo picked up Wynds sword.He has it.

Lady Freeborn (DM Kim)  d20=9 d20=12
Friday December 1st, 2000 12:11:41 PM

The shore fades into the distance, and the rain falls hard. The passengers are told they can sit up, now that they are far enough away from shore. The sea is choppy in the moderate wind ... but after a time, both boats come in sight of a ship with sails. "Ahoy there! Ahoy Lady Freeborn! Our young friends are with us. Ahoy!"

A lantern carried by a man moves along the port side of the three-masted sailing ship. It looks to be about 45 feet long, and holes for oars are midway up the sides. Canvas covers some devices both fore and aft. Heavy missile weapons line the decks.

"Ahoy yerself. That you, 'Quali? 'Ere, I'll lowa the ladda." A rope ladder unfurls next to the boat. The voice of another man up on deck is heard, but it's hard to make out what he says.

Aquali tosses a rope up, and the woman who healed Wynd does likewise. The lines are caught, and help steady the small boat. Aquali says, "All right - it's up with you all. Steady, now." As each climbs the rope ladder, strong arms reach down to help the climber on to the ship. After all others are off, Aquali stays on the boat, the lines are tossed back to him, and he rows to the starboard side of the ship. Those up top see that the blue boat is then winched up.

Meanwhile, the other skiff is brought alongside, and the teenagers climb up. Then the skiff pushes off. "Wish us well!" one rower shouts. "Confusion to our opponents!" shouts the other.

Captain on Deck (DM Kim) 
Friday December 1st, 2000 12:34:12 PM

Several men and a few women come up on to the deck. They nod at the party in greeting, a few smiling, others serious. They gather in a line. Toward the stern, a pair of narrow doors, which lie at a 40 degree angle, open. A burly man climbs out, and stands to one side. With a bass voice, he rumbles, "Captain on deck." A short, slender man next climbs up. The large man salutes. The captain returns the salute. Moving with grace, he approaches the newcomers.

"Welcome aboard the Lady Freeborn. I am Captain Payton." He gives a courteous bow to the teens. Then, sweeping his hand towards the crew, he states, "We are the Pirates of Jack."

The crew immediately begins a chant:
"Jack for freedom
Jill for truth
Stand we all
Opposed to Ga'al
Bring our people
Back to light
Holy Lem will their priests vex
And for liberty we fight!

The captain says, "Welcome them, pirates!"

And the line breaks up as the men and women gather around the adolescent adventurers, shaking their hands, slapping them on the back, some offering hugs, others more shy. "Hey, Blue, welcome back!!"

Fare well (DM Kim) 
Friday December 1st, 2000 12:54:52 PM

[OOC: Kim here. JK is taking over as DM for the Aisildurian campaign as of Monday. I've enjoyed your roleplaying. Oh - in each of your bags (and Aquali brought a few extra for the latecomers) you will find a small bottle labeled, "Unto teh heallign of wuodns" - spelled exactly like that. Dyslexic potion brewer. Potion of healing. Oh, one more thing. You'll want to start working on converting your characters over to the new Third Edition Dungeon and Dragons game. JK will give you more information on this. Adios!]

Friday December 1st, 2000 1:09:42 PM

Ari stands shellshocked as he receives the greetings and hugs. He slowly looks around at the faces around him, at the expanse of ship that is under his feet, at the open ocean. Ari wonders to himself, 'could it really be, that there is a small community that actively works against Ga'al. Till this moment, I only had hope, fleeting, as it seemed. But now I know.'

As Ari thoughts go spinning on, a tear forms under his right eye, and slowly works its way down his cheek. Ari very hoarsely says"..excuse me... if I may be slow to respond.....This is.... just..... so .... unbelievable. All my life....."

Wynd  d20=13
Friday December 1st, 2000 7:22:42 PM

Through everyone's efforts Wynd finally settles down a bit but never really stops shaking. While she somehow manages to make it on to the ship, those around her can hear her mumbling, "Skippy, What have I gotten into?" "I didn't think this far in advance. I'm not sure I can do this. Live on a ship? Oh Lem....."

Friday December 1st, 2000 8:18:27 PM

Blue joins into the hugging, the hand shaking and the general cajolling... "Good to be back mates... good to have the deck under my feet again," he says to anyone who will listen. The young cleric is overjoyed to be back onboard with the pirates and glad to out of the fray... for the moment. The realization that they made it in one piece is an enormous relief... also the realization that the majority of family has arrived all in good condition... "By the grace and the goodness of the Dragon... thank you Lem," he whispers.

Friday December 1st, 2000 9:38:38 PM

Legs takes in the ship, the chant, the welcome. He returns the greetings. "Eh, Rigging - what do you think?"

He approaches Wynd. "Aelwyndas, don't be anxious. You will do fine. Bulldog whispered to me what you did back there. Rigging and you stopped the spellcaster, and you cut that fellow's arm nearly off. Lemtrovex was with you there, and he is with you here." The tall youth takes her hand for a moment, and looks at the ring. "Skippy's there for you, too, my sister Wynd."

"Say, Appolo, sorry I was so stern with you back in the shop. I'm not really a general. Not even an admiral..." then, with a twinkle in his eye, he adds, "At least not yet."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Saturday December 2nd, 2000 6:15:18 PM

Silently greeting all the Pirates of Jack, the big fellow takes it all in. 'This is real after all.' He looks about to his family and new friends. He sees the same sentiment in Ari's face. "It is real. It's been such a long time to get here."

Saturday December 2nd, 2000 11:00:27 PM

Rigging is excited. It feels great to be back aboard a ship. A fighting vessel no less. He introduces himself around to his new ship mates and tries to gauge the professionalism of the crew. He saunters over to Wynd and asks, "Why are you afraid of ships? Do you know how to swim? Don't worry... We will have you climbing the rigging in no time... No pun intended," Rigging adds with a slight worried look and a blush.

Monday December 4th, 2000 7:30:27 AM

OOC: (Greetings. I'll be your interim DM. I'll have a short stint to help you get to know the pirate life. Then David Hill will be back to run the next full module. For whatever its worth, I generally post in the early am)

Something amiss? - DM JK 
Monday December 4th, 2000 7:41:35 AM

Various members of the crew come over to welcome the group aboard. Finally, a short weasely man approaches. When he walks up, the greeting party seems to be over, and most of the others walk off waving as they go.

Tucking some greasy hair back under the black bandana wrapped around his head, the short fellow says, "Greetins to yas lubbers! Capn be wantin me ta shew yas th'ship. Yas be on the aftdeck. There," he points to the other end of the ship, "be the foredeck. Fo'c'stle be there. Starboard be yas right, and Port be de lef. Galley be first deck aft. Cargo be first deck fore. Crew quarter be second deck... Oh, and I be Sword. Now then what questions have ye?"

Monday December 4th, 2000 4:04:25 PM

"Where do we store our stuff, and are there any more people coming?"

(ooc just seeing whether I'll be able to get the dagger, and ring I gave up to be identified.)

[Former DM Kim: You were not able to bring them with you during the flight.]

Wynd  d20=9
Monday December 4th, 2000 9:05:57 PM

Without even having to try very hard (made Dex by 9), Wynd manages to "accidently" lose her balance as Sword comes close. As she stumbles she reaches out with the hand that has Skippy's ring on it and grabs hold of his bare arm to apparently steady herself.

Tuesday December 5th, 2000 12:21:15 AM

"Lubber! Sword, the name is Rigging and I have lived on boats almost all of my life. I can work as a seaman or navigate." Rigging blows a long breath and counts to 10 to himself. Visibly calmer he asks, "Are we to be crew or just passengers? Where are we to bunk?"

Bulldog & Asbury (the Lubbers) 
Tuesday December 5th, 2000 2:00:40 AM

Listening to the greaser quickly point out the whereabouts of the ship. The burly young fighter adds in after Rigging. "That would be a start," nodding with the blueblood's questions. "What about what's next for us? It's obvious that you have been waiting for us. As well as put great effort in helping us to get here. Who shall we speak to about how to work out yours and our plans on our futures?" Making good eye contact, the fighter speaks in a steady and firm tone.
Asbury pounces about investigating the new environment 'my my what new things have we here'

Sword - DM JK 
Tuesday December 5th, 2000 7:50:03 AM

"Yas be guests not crew n can stash yas gear b'low in der crew quarters. No t'other place to sleep. We been waitin to hap yas make scape. The Pirates o Jack know a plenty bou life in A'dur. Now, the plan be to sail east through Lotophagi and put yas ashore near New Elenna. There yas be safe and can make new homes for yas. Then we Pirates o Jack come back here and keep fightin' da war gainst Ga'al., and yas lubbers can sleep safe n soun."
Sword steps back and looks and the little band, "Yas hav da look of a mad kilda on yas. Yas didna think ya was joinin the Jack did yas?" He stares hard a moment and continues, "Yas better think hard bout that decision. Safe beds ar wild sea n hard fightin? Decide now. Decide forever. N if yas be choosin the Jack, I'll be wantin to know why."

Tuesday December 5th, 2000 10:03:09 AM

Rigging squares his shoulders and steps forward.
My given name is Arrack Von Palin, son of the Earl Von Palin. I am only the second son and will not inherit my father's position Lem willing. I saw my beloved brother Arvail seeded with Ga'al's cursed seed. He was once a funloving free spirit. After the seed was implanted he changed. He was still my brother but his spirit was crushed. That was when I knew I had to escape being implanted myself and work to freeing my family and people. It is my responsiblity to look after my people as the Von Palin's have been doing for generations beyond count. You say to choose between a soft life or a life filled with blood and sacrifice. I choose to fight. I will free my family and my people." Rigging looks quickly around at his friends. "My friends think hard, I have chosen this course years ago. It is my duty and priviledge to serve my people. It isn't an easy life we decide on and it could be a very short life at that. There is no dishonor in choosing a peaceful life raising a family in safety." Rigging then leaves the group and goes to stand by the rail, staring out into the darkness.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday December 5th, 2000 11:30:14 AM

Anger seeps into his voice as he speaks. "You just wait a minute. We didn't fight our way here. Losing family and friends at every turn. Just to be let off to forget about everything. We took a oath to fight Ga'al's oppression at the very beginning. We have already made that choice. As you well know! Our fighting has just begun. We will do it either with you or without you." The mighty fighter's voice booms with finality as he finishes. Standing his ground firmly as he confronts Sword.

Tuesday December 5th, 2000 1:48:33 PM

"Weeelllll. I'm not sure I cannot be involved. Since I am not sure what you do and do not know of us. There has been at least a minor/major compication for myself. I have been given the Noble seeding. Though I think the seed is dead, or at least, very inactive.
How much does the rest of the world know of G'aal? And would people assume the worst, seeing the seed in my belly? I willing took the seed, in the intent that it might give me the ability to help my family, or at least to help others get away from G'aal's curse." Ari states this rather mact-of-fact like.

Tuesday December 5th, 2000 6:45:11 PM

The stocky blue clad youth steps up beside his larger brother Bulldog and puffs his chest. He points a thick finger at Sword and states, "I do not understand the nature of your words... Qhen has guided us and knows our hearts... It is your heart that is in question at this moment. I think you speak for yourself only sir... if that is the case I suggest you stand down as you are at risk of being knocked down. Do not be fooled by these childish bodies, our hearts have been tempered by fire."

Wynd  d20=16 d20=16
Tuesday December 5th, 2000 7:42:09 PM

As she momentarily steadies herself on Sword's arm, Wynd tries to tell if there is some reaction from the ring as it touches Sword. As Sword challenges their right to become Jacks, Wynd draws a dagger and has it at Sword's throat in mere moments (made two dex rolls). In a low hissing voice she says, "You of all people have no right to question us, our rights or desires to be here. You have no idea what we have been through or faced. There are none here who won't do their part in anything that needs to be do. If any have a problem with us being here, step forward now and answer to me." With that said she replaces her dagger in her sheathe and steps away.

Legs  d20=15
Tuesday December 5th, 2000 9:13:35 PM

On legs not quite used to the rolling deck, Legs stabilizes himself by holding on to the railing. He responds mildly, "We are here to join you. Not to seek soft beds. And what is a 'mad kilda'?"

Sword (DM JK) 
Wednesday December 6th, 2000 10:49:31 AM

Sword seems absolutely unphased by Wynd's threats and obviously isn't impressed or moved by anyone else's words, "Don't give me that 'nature of the heart' foolishness, this be dangerous business, and we make sure of everything. There also be more to the Pirates o Jack than fighting Ga'al. There be others after our blood as well. Yas also need to learn somthin bout life board ship." He points at Rigging standing by the rail and continues, "He knows and treats me respectful. Answered the question to which he was put."
Sword pauses and glares before continuing, "But some o yas others have no respect. The fact of the matter is, all yas be aboard a pirate ship. Yas do things ar way ar yas don't. If yas don't, then yas aren't fit to be Pirates o Jack. Bravery be not enou'. Having seen suffering be not enou'. Yas need discipline and respect. Yas seem to be lacking it. It is up to me to determine whether yas be fit for crew. So far yas be not showing me much to earn my respect. I made no threats, but offered to take yas away from this place. Like I said b'for that be what we do, and why we be here tonight. Yas greements with others matter not. I saw in your eyes that might not be why yas came, and I offered the opp'tnty that yas become crew. Yas response be to threaten to knock me down and yas even draw steel."
As Sword rants on, his voice rises in pitch. He's obviously very angry. A few other crew members show up in response. They are carrying loaded crossbows and fierce looks. Captain Payton also arrives, but he makes no move to intervene.
"Now then. Yas have in a way answered me question about your reasons. But I need to hear yas say it. DO YAS WANT TO BE PART O THIS CREW... and if any o yas try to draw steel 'gin, you'll all be dead b'for yas skin blade."

Legs  d20=2 d20=17 d20=4
Wednesday December 6th, 2000 12:09:28 PM

"YES, SIR!" Legs answers Sword directly. "I want to be part of this crew. I want to be a Pirate o Jack," he says, trying out Sword's pronunciation of the name of the group. "I want to learn all about life at sea, and how to sail. I don't know much about that yet, but you show me, and I'll do it." He decides he should let go of the railing for the time being. And, for the moment, he seems to find his balance (made dex check). "I want to fight against the forces of Ga'al, and other opponents we may meet. And one day, I may want my own ship to carry on the fight." He pauses a beat, and adds, "And I know how to swim." After this declaration, he loses his balance, grasps for the railing, and manages to keep from falling down.

Wednesday December 6th, 2000 1:26:37 PM

"As soon as I made my decision to not be heart seeded, my path was set. If I was to choose the bed, I would have stayed and been seeded.

My path currently lays alongside the pirates. So I agree to be judged as to whether I'm worthy to join the Pirates of Jack. But there is much more to learn about the world out there. This learning may take me away from the Pirates, or in a different direction from the Pirates.

But there is strength in learning what you do, so for now, I say make me stronger."

Those around will see that Ari is apprehensive about the current situation, but he is not cowed. His speech is delivered with eyes right on Sword, and he does not lower his eyes afterwards.

Wednesday December 6th, 2000 3:27:31 PM

After the meet and greet and various introductions are made, Appolo walks over to Wynd and says, "You might be needing this." He hands her her sword back. Then stands back and thinks, "Well you wanted out, now you're out, now what? join the pirates or get off the boat and start over somewhere else? Not much of a choice."
He stands against the railing lost in his own thought, looking somewhat depressed and unsure.
He is ignoring the conversations and actions going on around him.

Wednesday December 6th, 2000 5:09:17 PM

Rigging walks back to the group after listening to Sword's comments. "Sword, they don't know about the discipline needed aboard ship but they will learn. They have been on their own for too long and have only had themselves to rely on. They haven't had a crew to rely on before. I will pledge my loyalty to the Captain (Rigging nods at the Captain), you, the crew, and this ship. I will serve all with all of my strength, skills, and abilities. Before I make that pledge, I have one question. You claim to be a pirate ship. Do you prey on all shipping? Or only against the servants of Ga'al?
I am here to free my people, not make their lives more difficult. What say you?"

Wednesday December 6th, 2000 7:06:22 PM

Looking at Sword and watching the captain approach with his men Wynd accepts her sword back from Appolo and as she sheathes it she faces Sword again. "While some of us lack what you might consider discipline, true respect is something that you earn over time. The fact that we are here should speak to our resolve to be part of the Jacks. I have done and faced many things since leaving home a year ago. And I know that this will be by far the hardest thing for me to do. For I am terrified of the water and being on it. In fact I'm not certain I can overcome my fear of it. But I am going to do everything I can to do so. Does that answer your question?"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday December 6th, 2000 10:10:04 PM

Looking at sword. Bulldog answers again "The answer was 'yes' when Ozymandius asked us, the answer is 'yes' now and the answer will be 'yes' next time I'm asked." Clearly annoyed.

The Jack of Swords - DM JK 
Thursday December 7th, 2000 10:52:24 AM

"All a yas really need to learn how to say a simple yes or no in the next coupla days. Not, well if yas be doin this then we be doin this but not afore we know if wes gonna have that. But, I imagine your friend Rigging there speaks truth and Ari at least wants to be aboard. Though I'm uncertain whether he be seeded or no. He says afore that he be noble seeded. Now he says he chose to fight when he chose not to be seeded. If yas be seeded lad, then I kin help ya."
Sword raises his own shirt revealing the tell-tale signs of a past seeding. "Yours may be dormant now, but it won't stay that way. I have some herbs that will keep it from ever claiming control of ya. Yas have to start taking them soon though. If someone with a full grown monster tried taking them, it would kill them both. We'll speak more on this later."
Sword looks out on the group, "Now I sense that yas all want to be Jack even though yas haven't all said it. Yas have questions about what we be about, but afore yas got mad that I say yas might not be able to stay with us. Here be the answer to some of the questions. Others have to wait. One, Ozymandius be not Jack. He don't speak for us. We judge ar own. I care not what bargains yas made with him. Ar anyone else yas spoke to afore coming aboard. We not all be one great big Ga'al hatin club. We have agreements with a few like these that smuggle people on to ar ships. Beyond letting them know where we be, they don't know much more about us than yas seem to. Two, a kilda be a big ugly sea creature. Three, the Pirates o Jack have no set rules. They be made up o outcasts of different places. In a way they be their own seafaring nation. Each ship has a great deal o freedom. This ship primary fights Ga'al. Others do as they wish. None o the Jack serve Ga'al. A'times, there be a coming together, and we do the will of the Jacks just like others would for a king ar queen. But we have far more liberty than most. Four, there do be strength in what we do. Cause we do it together. That be discipline. That means if yas be crew yas do what we be told. If yas be told to swab the decks then yas going to swab the decks. If yas do that, yas get bigger tasks and yas move through the ranks. After some years, maybe yas be Jack too. Five, if any others of yas is scared o water, yas better be getting over it fast. Six, and in tellin yas this, it shows yas be accepted. I be the Jack o Swords..."

He takes of his shirt revealing a tatoo of 10 black swords in a circle, points inward, with a green crown above them. When he removes his shirt, other crew members do likewise revealing similar tatoos. The number of swords changes for each crew member. All the crew members have green swords. It looks like Payton might have ten, his circle looks full at any rate. None of the others has a crown though. Sword continues and his horrible pirate accent changes into something more normal, "and this is my ship, The Empress. So, I do not speak for myself only. I speak for this ship and for the Jack. I also of all people have the right to question why you are here. My deduction to this question is that you have come to fight Ga'al, but you feel that you lack the strength to do this on your own. There is strength in arms and freedom in the seas, so you have come to join us."

The Jack waves at one of the crew members who comes forward with what looks like a pen tipped with a needle and a pot of ink. "If after hearing this, you still wish to be part of my crew then you will be marked as part of my crew. The tatooing is permanent. That is what I meant by once you choose to become one of the Jack, you will always be one. Further the ink is magical. It won't control your thoughts or actions or give you electrical shocks if you're disloyal or something like that. But, it allows any of the Jacks to learn your whereabouts and your physcial condition. More importantly it keeps saboteurs from creating fake tatoos and sneaking aboard other ships. There are a few other minor properties, I will tell you later. Now if you want to be part of my crew, take off your shirts or roll up your sleeves. Now I know that Wynd will probably want to argue, but there's not much to argue about here. Mertz can't draw on your arm if you have it covered. And you aren't one of the Jack without a tattoo despite whatever grumblings you might want to make about your past loyalties and braveries."

The Jack catches Mertz's attention and nods at Rigging and holds up two fingers. Mertz nods back and says, "If the first of yas will come sit by me, we'll get started. It's going to hurt a little."
Jack waits a second and has one final comment, "I'll tell you more about the way the Jacks work after you are all part of my crew. You know as much as you can be told before you have officially joined. Those are the rules for all the Jack ships."

Appolo  d20=8 d20=9 d20=13 d20=12 d20=17 d20=2
Thursday December 7th, 2000 1:02:31 PM

Appolo stands about 5 feet away, leaning against a railing. He is lost in his own thoughts and not paying much attention to what's happening or what Sword and the others have been saying. After a few dry heaves he finally loses his dinner over the side. This prompts him to start heading toward the crews' quarters to get some sleep. He seems to have no problem with his balance as he easily walks across the deck. Even though he looks very sick to the stomach. He will ask a crew member where he might find a place to sleep.

OOC: Made 5 CON checks, failed one. Made Dex check succeeded. CON:17, DEX:2

Thursday December 7th, 2000 1:26:24 PM

Legs, eager to be the first, nevertheless takes a moment to check. Inwardly he prays, "Oh Great and Good God, guide me, and my friends, as we face this decision. I am not afraid of the needle. But neither do I want to make this choice without first asking You. Shall I take the tatoo? Is this Your will for me?" Legs focuses his thoughts, his will, his desires toward his god, seeking wisdom from above. He is inclined to think the answer will be 'yes' - but he does not wish to presume.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday December 7th, 2000 5:00:46 PM

The well muscled young lad removes his chainmail and shirts. Nodding in agreement, now knowing more clearly Swords' words and actions. Grabbing Legs on the shoulder, "It's what we came for." Smiling and exuding confidence.

Thursday December 7th, 2000 7:43:13 PM

"To clear up the seeding. I ran away from heart seeding in our home town. After much traveling, we came ashore and were mistaken for a bunch of lost nobles. In their place we were given a chance to be nobly seeded, which is thru the belly, and gives more freedom of thought, then the heart seeding. I am the only one that took the seeding. After the seeding was done, and when I caught up to my companions, and instrument was used that either killed the seed, or made it dormant, I'm not sure which." During the conversation, Ari is working on taking his shirt off, to which the crew will see the seed in his belly button.

Thursday December 7th, 2000 7:51:01 PM

A surprised look on her face, Wynd takes a step backwards. "Why didn't you say who you were in the first place? It might have made things a bit less messy. For my part of the misunderstanding, I apologize."

She looks around as the crew show their tattoos, looking to see if there are any other females on board this ship. As Sword mentions getting the tattoo and having to remove their shirts, Wynd blushes and quietly says I have no problem getting the tattoo, but is there a way that I might have a bit of privacy as I am drawn upon?

Thursday December 7th, 2000 9:48:19 PM

Rigging silently nods his head, gives a quick bow to The Jack, pulls off his shirt and sits down next to Mertz. He says, "I place myself in your hopefully artistic and steady hands."
He looks carefully at the ink trying to determine any magical properties.

The marking - DM JK 
Friday December 8th, 2000 10:28:04 AM

Members of the crew herd Appolo back toward the rest of the crew. A few grin and joke about the sick lubber, but no one forces him to be tattooed.

While waiting for Appolo to rejoin the group, Sword partially answers Wynd, "If you recall, I also said that you could roll up your sleeve. So long as Mertz can get to your arm, it will be fine. As for the other, some of the explanation will have to wait, but it shouldn't have mattered. I've done that with every guest we've had aboard, and you were the first to ever pull a sword on me."
When a few members of the crew finally arrive with Appolo, Sword says, "You have a choice to make friend. Either become a part of my crew and receive your tattoo or wait below. I'll be telling them things that only the Jack may hear... Grell, give him some of your bark." A tall, thin man shuffles over and hands Appolo some sort of chewey bark, "There lad, chew on that and the sickness will pass so that you can make this decision with a clear head."

Legs sits and Mertz slowly begins his work. The ink and needle burn like fire, but Mertz works quickly making no mistakes. Finally, he finishes and Legs has a green sword, point downward, on his left arm. The skin is a little tender and the muscle a little sore, but no lasting harm has been done. When the marking is finished the crew erupts in wild cheers, and someone nabs Legs and pulls him into their group. There are plenty of pats on the back to go around, and it doesn't take long before a bottle of some sort of fiery liquid finds its way into Legs' hands.

After a moment, Mertz looks up and says, "Next." The process continues as before for the rest of the group, and Appolo, who finally feels much better, is given the chance to decide. If he chooses the tattoo he is allowed to stay, if not a few crew members lead him below. Finally Mertz works on Rigging, finishes his first sword and then starts to work on a second. This one is directly below the first with point upward. The crew goes even wilder, when Mertz finishes his work on Rigging. Whether its because Rigging got two swords or because now the process is finished is hard to say. Perhaps, it is a little of both.

Finally Sword quiets the crew down and begins to speak, "Welcome to my crew. Now pay attention, and I will tell you more of the Jack. When I am finished, we will celebrate. These things may only be shared amongst ourselves. We maintain a high degree of secrecy for our safety. We may not share this information with ANY who are not of the Jack. This is our first and most important rule. Now for the way things are organized. Originally we were not called the Pirates of Jack. Stories about the original name differ, but the one that sounds best to me is that our group was originally known as the Knights of the Cards. This was a group pledged to fight injustice whether it be that of corrupt kings or evil gods. Naturally, this noble task required a great deal of secrecy. It isn't exactly safe to attempt to attack an entire corrupt government. In order to conceal their true identities, these orginial few took on the names of various cards. The Jack of Hearts, the 10 of Diamonds, and so on. As their ranks grew, the cards became a system of rank. Aces, like most of you are the privates of our army. Deuces, like Rigging, are one up on the scale and similar to the more traditional corporal. Over time, the Knights faced grave persecution on land, and so they took to the sea. We make our home now on three islands. The islands float and can move on their own. Only those that have attained the rank of Jack are given the secret to finding these islands. Now once we were forced to retreat to the islands our ranks swelled even more. First we expanded to include the traditional suits of cards as well as the suits of the Tarot. Then the numbers grew more and we had to overlap suits. Our current system which is further defined by color is designed to be simple for us yet confusing to our enemies. I am the Green Jack of Swords. There is also a Red and a Black Jack. I once served on the Black Jack's crew. That is why my swords are black and my Crown is green... does this make sense so far? Beneath me are all the Green Swords. The number of swords indicates your rank. There are many Aces, Deuces, and Tres. But the higher ranks are fewer. For example, Payton is my only Ten and is second in command. All ships, which are named for the Major Arcana of the Tarot, are commanded by a Jack. This is how we became known as the Pirates of Jack. Our enemies know not of our higher ranks, the Kings and Queens. The ships seem to be commanded by Jacks. Thus the name. The color system is only known to us, so our enemies believe that there is only one Jack of Swords. Though in truth there be three. By hearing tales of the Jack of Swords in several places, we confuse. Further by telling people that come aboard that Payton is the captain and that our ship is the Lady Freeborn, we further obscure our numbers.
Does that sufficiently explain the lower ranks? Jacks are ship Captains and Jacks only. Their Cards are their crew. Once one becomes a Jack his true name is forgotten. My name is now simply the Jack of Swords. Perhaps one day, this will be the case for you. Now for the higher ranks. The Queens are our Fleet Commanders. They live on the islands, but they give us orders. There is one Queen of Swords, and he controls the three Jacks. Above the Queens is a King. Each island has one King. So there are only three. Upon promotion, the King retains the suit he held when Queen. Thus our own King is the King of Spades. She also oversees the Queen of Spades and the Queen of Cups. There are many numbers of Cards, but the Faces are much smaller in number. Jacks may be created when there are enough extra bodies to fill a new crew. Jacks are only promoted to Queen when the old Queen retires, dies, or is promoted to King. They are choosen from the Jacks of their suit. New Kings are choosen from the Queens when an old King retires or dies. They may come from any of the Queens provided that there is not already a King of that suit. All the Kings and Queens vote to decide who will be promoted to the rank of Faces. I believe that is enough for now. Oh, one other thing. Queen's have the power to change the color of the ink. Thus if you are ever moved to a new Jack of Swords ship, the color of your ink can be changed. For example, Payton once served with me on the Black Jacks ship. I requested that he be moved with me, and the Queen changed the color of his swords."

The Jack of Swords looks around at the bleary looks on the faces of some of the crew, "Well, that is enough. I'm putting everyone to sleep. Again welcome to my crew. Have a good time tonight. Tomorrow there will be much to do. And you're all going to have to learn how Aces get to swab the deck!" At the final comment the rest of the crew laughs heartily and someone strikes up a tune on a flute. The party begins...

Friday December 8th, 2000 2:49:42 PM

Ari nods to himself as Sword talks about the ranking system, and the ability to change colors. These were answers to questions he was thinking upon.

When the tatooing is done, and the pats go around, Ari quickly ascertains what the fiery liquid does, even if he doesn't know what it is. (ooc from his time in the castle, see DM of time.) Ari decides that now would be a good time to relax, since he will not get another for some time, he imagines.

In the morning, though he may be a bit hung over, or might not, Ari attacks his duties with a focus that few have seen. (ooc wasn't sure how far to take the post, so delete the 2nd ooc, and whatever else, as necessary! :) )

Bart (delayed messages) 
Friday December 8th, 2000 3:42:55 PM

OOC Sorry I wasn't able to post for a couple of weeks (unexpected holiday).

Bart will join the pirates of Jack (if they want him in their ranks of course). "I will join you, I'm always in for an adventure and besides that this will give me a way to fight against Ga'al, the one who controls and changes the lives of many, and in a way that I don't want to be changed into." As he says this he will take off his shirts to let a tattoo set on his body.

Friday December 8th, 2000 6:56:45 PM

(ooc For some reason I thought the tattoos were on the backs of the sailors etc., sorry.)

Wynd nods as the options are clarified, and quickly roles up a sleeve far enough so that the artist can do his work. Afterward she over imbibes in an effort to forget the fact that she is on board a ship.

Friday December 8th, 2000 7:35:57 PM

Appolo thanks the man for the bark, and extends his arm without a word. Thinking, "What do I have to lose?" Then he tries to head back downstairs to get some sleep.

Friday December 8th, 2000 7:55:44 PM

Blue takes his turn getting tattoed...The revelation of the Jack of Swords has left him somewhat reeling...he has been with the pirates before but never suspected this...he is also somewhat embarrased by his outburst towards the pirate leader...he prays for forgiveness to Lemtrovex for his brashness and asks for guidance and courage.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday December 8th, 2000 10:29:44 PM

The burly young fighter eagerly joins in the merriment with his new shipmates. Although he abstains from drinking any fiery liquids. His concern for his family still drives him to keep an eye out for them.
Asbury easily makes new friends. His robust personality and extreme willingness to play wins the hearts of many. As the late evening draws to an end, he seeks out the comfort of his master. 'zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz'

Saturday December 9th, 2000 12:23:34 AM

Rigging will take a hit or two of the hotch. He will try to get to know as many of the crew as possible trying to memorize names and gauge the crew's fighting abilities. He will ask discreetly around to see if there are any spell users on board.

Sunday December 10th, 2000 1:03:15 PM

The young paladin-pirate initiate takes a gulp of the fiery liquid, and starts coughing and wheezing. "Is that for starting fires?" he manages to ask amidst the recovery. He enjoys the congratulations, and joins in with the others as his friends receive their tatoos. He claps Bart on the back. "You were so quiet for a while, it's good to hear your voice again." Legs stays up about an hour, participating in the celebration, but avoiding the fiery liquid, after which, he takes his assigned bunk, whispers a prayer, and falls sound asleep.

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