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Veiled Meeting

Boy in blue (DM Kim) 
Thursday October 19th, 2000 2:51:29 AM

Legs sees in the hallway a boy dressed in blue shirt and pants. "Come, Agur," the boy says. "Someone wishes to speak with you. Your companions are already there. Appolo, and you, too," he says to Ari. "Come." The boy turns and walks back down the hallway, toward the lobby. To Appolo, the boy looks vaguely familiar. Not an acquaintance, just someone he has seen around town before.

Thursday October 19th, 2000 8:08:02 AM

Looking up at the veiled figure when Agur's name is mentioned, Wynd's eyes narrow a bit and at the hearing of Ozy's name and the short poem, she starts. "Well I would say that it might be other people who have loose tongues from what I hear. Or, you are who you say you are. How do we know which it is?"

Thursday October 19th, 2000 10:35:21 AM

"But maybe our current actions are dictated by others," Ari mumbles, and decides to follow the boy. As he approaches the door, he gives Legs and Apollo the motion as if to say 'after you.'

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday October 19th, 2000 6:56:44 PM

With a steady voice, Bulldog answer the veiled person. "Most of us know Agur very well. He will be here very shortly, I believe. .... And thank you for forwarding Ozymandius' greetings ..... can you tell us how he is while we wait a few moments till our family member arrives." The armored young man remains comfortably seated as he waits. Asbury gets a rub of reassurance as they wait.

Thursday October 19th, 2000 9:22:25 PM

Riggings watches the byplay with interest. This person is heartseeded. How can we trust him/her. Rigging thinks to himself. What is all this talk of Agur. Rigging feels like he has been out in the woods for the last year.

Friday October 20th, 2000 12:17:39 AM

The paladin just looks at the boy, and attempts to discern his alignment. He reads Ari's body language, shrugs his shoulders, grabs his gear, says, "Speed, looks like that bath is still delayed. Just hope that Aurima doesn't see you on the way," and hurries after the retreating boy.

Friday October 20th, 2000 9:03:47 AM

Ari appears to be nervous. But it's the nervousness that has been apparent upon the entire journey.

Sunday October 22nd, 2000 12:23:49 AM

Speed picks up his towel, puts the parchment in one of the pockets of the bath robe, and says, "I'll see you guys later I'm getting a bath, clean clothes and something to eat. Be careful - I know that kid from somewhere, do trust him. I'll meet you back here see you later." Heads toward the bath.

Sunday October 22nd, 2000 10:48:41 PM

hello, Mcfly?!! (test. DM delete)

Legs  d20=8
Monday October 23rd, 2000 2:40:11 AM

[Perception check to notice Appolo's parchment.]
"Hold there, Speed," Legs says to Appolo. "You're invited, too. That fellow mentioned your name, so I'd suggest you curb your appetite, and come with us. I've more dirt on me that you have on yourself, so the bath can wait." He places his hand lightly on Appolo's shoulder. "I am not commanding you, mind. But please, come with us. We may need your eyes, ears, and knowledge of this place."

Veiled speaker (DM Kim) 
Monday October 23rd, 2000 3:15:35 AM

"Ozymandius is well enough. His life is not easy. He was asking after..." For a moment, the head of the veiled speaker is cocked to the side. "Yes. I spoke with him first about you not quite two years ago. Adorus is," and there is a pause in the whispered speech. "Bulldog. Knuckles. Wynd. Skippy. Legs. Tag Along. Ari. Catcher. Poison. He mentioned all. Said he limped for a week. Later, another contact found that ... enough. I shall wait until the others arrive." To Rigging, who is nearest the door, the veiled speaker instructs, "Open the door for Adarul and your companions."

Blue boy (DM Kim) 
Monday October 23rd, 2000 3:20:44 AM

The boy that Legs, Ari (and Appolo?) follow leads them into the lobby, to the right, to the right, to the right through a door, up the stairs, down the hallway. As the one who invited the three nears the door, ...

[Your turn, Rigging.]

Aurima's voice (DM Kim) 
Monday October 23rd, 2000 4:01:41 AM

Appolo (and many others on the 1st floor) can hear Aurima calling out. "Appolo! Appolo! Where are you? There is work to be done. The room looks fine ... Don't think you'll sneak away from me. I'll find you! Mark me, I'll speak with the good cleric on the morrow if I'm not satisfied with your work, boy!"

Monday October 23rd, 2000 12:20:49 PM

Rigging one hand on swordhilt opens the door as instructed.

Monday October 23rd, 2000 2:38:50 PM

Ari enters the room, trying to be on his toes. When he spots the others of his group, those that around can sense that he's gotten more suspicious of what is going on.

Monday October 23rd, 2000 7:17:02 PM

He says, "All right I'll go along," after hearing Aurima call for him. He slides in between Legs and Ari using them to hide. He also pulls the hood of the robe up over his head, hoping not to be spotted. "Just don't let her find me all right."

He walks down the hall with his two new friends thinking {Yeeh I'm out of this place. Hopefully these guys can help me.} He steps through the door quickly passing Ari and quietly taking a position away from the door with his back agianst the wall he sits down on the floor, and waits.

Monday October 23rd, 2000 8:15:20 PM

As the veiled speaker speaks telling of their meeting with Ozy, Wynd can't help but let out a little chuckle. She lowers her blade but does not sheathe it. "So what is it that you need from us?"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday October 23rd, 2000 9:48:34 PM

Sitting comfortably, he acknowledges those that come in late with a slight nod. Then adds after Wynd, "Yes, let's find out. Please speak up so we can all hear." Folding his thick arms across his chest he awaits.

Tuesday October 24th, 2000 1:38:19 AM

Bart looks with amazement to the reactions of his new friends, and wonders what all the talking is about. One thing he thinks he knows they are not heartseeded. And who is Ozy? What did he walk into?

Blue boy (DM Kim) 
Tuesday October 24th, 2000 2:40:45 AM

Rigging sees the boy again who invited them, followed by Appolo, Ari and Legs. They enter the room. The boy hugs the wall, and closes the door behind. "As you asked," he says to the veiled one.

Veiled one (DM Kim) 
Tuesday October 24th, 2000 3:25:16 AM

"Thank you, Blue," the figure says to the boy. Appolo, Ari and Legs see a 5'6" tall blue robed, hooded and veiled figure. On a table a blue cloth is draped over what looks like a ball or sphere, about seven inches in diameter. Near the table cistern (a large vessel for water or wine) stands next a closed window.

In the room are those with whom you have traveled from Adorus and the Dread, including the sheepdog Asbury, plus the two teenaged boys from Ailthmar, some sitting, some standing.

"Welcome. We have followed some of your travels. Those who are not of this city ... before I speak further," whispers the person behind the veil, "do you wish these two," indicating Albarth and Appolo, "To remain or leave the room? Trust is hard won. I leave that to you. I will speak of Ozymandius, and other matters."

Tuesday October 24th, 2000 3:27:48 AM

Legs, about to asks who this person is, instead chooses to concentrate, and focuses upon his or her aura, trying to discern evil or good intent.

Tuesday October 24th, 2000 1:19:31 PM

"I cannot say on my part, for these two new. They are as we were, some time a gone. I know not how to judge these matter. If others in our group are not inclined to say one way or another, I would say that whatever ways that Ozy, and I assume you, have of determining these things, would be fine." While Ari says his little thing, he takes a look around, looking at the faces of those that are already here, to get a feel for the current situation. Noting that things are not as tense as they could be, Ari decides to follow the lead of the others present.

Tuesday October 24th, 2000 7:09:07 PM

Wynd looks intently at the figure for a moment as he speaks and then she gazes intently at both of the new lads. Standing up, she looks at the remaining members of her family and asks, "May I have the stick please? It is my thinking that these two are who and as they appear to be and even without this little test I would be willing and happy to accept them. We were told by Ozy and Lem to look for aid and friends during our travel. Both we have found and even have added a new member to our family," looking at Rigging. "I however can not be the only voice heard and with Lem willing we may yet hear from one who can give us the best guide and council." Then taking the stick in her hand so that the stick and the ring are touching, Wynd approaches Apollo and Bart. Looking at each of them straight in their eyes she looks for permission to continue.

Tuesday October 24th, 2000 10:02:25 PM

Legs hands Wynd the holy stick from the stricken maple tree.

Tuesday October 24th, 2000 11:54:10 PM

Watching Wynd prepare the test, Rigging holds up his hand and says, "Wynd Wait. We need to be fair with these two." Looking at the Bart and Speed, Rigging says, "You two are at a fork in the road of your lives. The next few minutes are crucial. If you decide to stay, and then betray us, myself and my new-found family will kill you. By staying with us, you will be searching for freedom for yourselves and other loved ones, but you will be outcasts and hunted. You will be only able to trust very few people outside our circle. Your life will be filled with hardship and fear, but the ultimate reward, if we succeed, will make the struggles and trials worthwhile. You may also choose to leave this room and not look back. Your lives will be much more simple if you take that option. I know it is a tough choice, and we can't give you much time to consider it. What say you? Do you wish to stay and be subjected to Wynd's test or do you wish to leave?" Rigging looks intently at each of the new boys.

Wednesday October 25th, 2000 2:01:45 AM

"I will stay, I have some understanding what is going on, and it's fine with me Rigging. Do your test Wynd and I shall be your comrade forever and never betray you or anyone else of this group. Do it!"

Veiled one (DM Kim) 
Wednesday October 25th, 2000 3:20:19 AM

"As you consider, know that Adarul," and he or she points to the boy, "Has taken his first steps as a cleric these past few days. I will vouch for him in the name of the one he has chosen to serve." A slender hand points toward the stick Wynd holds before her. "In the name of the one who struck the tree."

Wednesday October 25th, 2000 3:20:19 PM

"Appolo, what do you say?" Legs asks.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday October 25th, 2000 7:16:41 PM

Very impressed with Riggings' words. The mail clad fighter stands up next to the blue blooded new member to the family. "The words he speaks are true. The choice hard." Placing a firm friendly hand upon Riggings shoulder. "well spoken my friend." He looks towards the two with the choices to make and awaits Wynds test.

Wednesday October 25th, 2000 8:21:46 PM

"Sure, I'm in. I've been planning on leaving this place anyway in a couple of days. I'm not sticking around to become a slave of Ga'al. I'm not a mindless zombie like the rest of these sheep around here."

Wednesday October 25th, 2000 10:14:37 PM

Rigging is pleased with the bravery and zeal of the 2 young men. He looks at the mysterious veiled character. "And what about you my cloaked and hidden friend? Will you submit to the thorn? It might free you from the heartseed. It has helped others so inflicted."

Adarul (Blue) 
Wednesday October 25th, 2000 10:23:42 PM

Adarul, the boy in blue steps forward. "I ask to be tested as well... my father, Aduun, was a cleric in service to the Gold Dragon. I have pledged myself as well to Lemtrovex and the bringing down of Ga'al. I was raised to this cause. My time has come enter the fray... If you would have me... I would join you in this quest."

Veiled One (DM Kim) 
Thursday October 26th, 2000 1:07:40 AM

"Did not Ozymandius tell you of the way around? That is the path I took. Thank you, though, for the offer. There is a measure of wisdom in you, perhaps. You may call me Quen," whispers the robed one.

Thursday October 26th, 2000 1:38:35 PM

"We have not had time to 'confirm' the death of the seed. The assumption is that it is dead, though I cannot fully believe that myself. Now might be another good time to confirm that it is still dead." Ari will the expose the seed so that it can be touched.

Thursday October 26th, 2000 8:10:42 PM

Looking at the three young men standing in front of her she nods just once and then very deliberately runs the ring-touched stick over the surface of each of the boys' bodies alternating between watching them and watching the stick.

Friday October 27th, 2000 4:35:09 PM

Rigging watches for strong reactions from anyone getting a sleep spell ready

The Test of Ring and Stick (DM Kim) 
Monday October 30th, 2000 12:47:40 PM

[OOC: Gang - work sucked me in this weekend. Again, I apologize for the delay. Happy Monday. Okay, on we go!]

As Wynd performs her test, when she first holds the ring-touched stick to each person, nothing seems to happen. But after a moment or two, a faint glow begins to surround the stick. For Apollo, the glow is turquoise. For Albarth, greenish-blue. For Adarul, a deep royal blue. For Ari, almost pure blue. The tail of the symbiote left in Ari seems to elicit no response, and Ari feels no pain. Perhaps it is dead. Each boy thus tested feels a gentle warmth, and a sense of well being.

Monday October 30th, 2000 1:26:00 PM

"That was interesting." Looking a bit surprised.

Monday October 30th, 2000 2:49:39 PM

"Well, are we done now?" Appolo inquires. He is still wearing a bathrobe and slippers.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday October 30th, 2000 5:33:50 PM

Seeming a bit confused about the results. The big fighter waits till Albarth and Appolo are gone to add. "I would guess that the deeper the Blue the deeper the faith, that would be my guess at he results," as he discusses the results with the family and the cleric of Lemtrovex. Asbury, being uninterested in the going ons, simply enjoys a good quick nap.

Monday October 30th, 2000 7:44:39 PM

Nodding her head at the results, Wynd looks at each and says, "I apologize for my abruptness and any inconvenience, but I had to be sure. I would be glad of your joining our family if that is indeed what you wish."

Monday October 30th, 2000 8:04:52 PM

Legs observes carefully, intrigued with the various shades represented. He nods his head in agreement with Wynd. "Yes, if you will, join us." He looks at Appolo. "And we're going to have to figure out," he says with a twinkle in his eye, "what you should do concerning the rest of your tasks here at the Inn."

Then, more seriously, he turns to Quen. "So, what is it you wish to discuss with us?"

Monday October 30th, 2000 11:01:38 PM

Rigging starts to daydream after the test is given and everyone passes. "White cheese, yellow cheese, travel cheese, cheese soup, cheese melted on vegetables.... hot steaming water, soft towels, slippers... Wynd feeding me cheese in the bath. Oh Heaven!" Rigging suddenly breaks out into a broad grin. "Where is the bathing facilities anyway? I have a year of dirt to scrub."

Tuesday October 31st, 2000 11:41:27 AM

"I will join the family if you want me. But what did the stick do to us? I have a funny feeling and see a strange glow on my body."

Tuesday October 31st, 2000 1:23:24 PM

"Bart, Appollo, I imagine our host here may or may not bring you up to speed. We have some things to go over, and once they are covered, I'm sure we can answer any questions. The biggest thing for now, is whether you are willing to go against Ga'al's will, which is pretty much what we've agreed to do."

Tuesday October 31st, 2000 4:13:48 PM

"Yes I will, Ga'al's ways haven't interested me before. I don't like the way the heartseed alters the mind of the people I know. It's wrong to do so, but who are you? I heard stories about an gold dragons clan who fights against Ga'al. Are you from that clan?"

Tuesday October 31st, 2000 7:13:37 PM

"Sure I'm in. I've been defying the will of Ga'aal my whole life and have no wish to be heart seeded. As far as chores go I've already complete my assigned task and have no wish for more." With that he heads for the door. Pulling the hood over his head. "I'm going to go get abath some new clothes and something to eat. If anyone wishes to join me you are welcome." He will seek to avoid Aurima as well as any of her employees, if possible.

Tuesday October 31st, 2000 10:31:29 PM

Rigging says, "Wait up Appollo! A bath sounds wonderful. I will go with you." To Wynd he says, "Don't forget you promised the Miller some baking tips. I will join you in the common room after my bath. Unless you want me to wash your back that is?"

Wednesday November 1st, 2000 1:52:03 AM

Quietly, under his breath, "Thank you Lem for your guidance and protection...
Teach us strength and wisdom to do they will...keep us safe in our endeavors in your service." The boy bows his head and withdraws to the shadows.

Wednesday November 8th, 2000 5:37:51 PM

"Dad please not so loud not everyone has to know the border patrol is here. They said they are looking for some weird figures who maybe walk around.

"And do you know they asked me to join them at least for a month? They can use a boy with my talents, and I think I will if I have your permission."

Wednesday November 8th, 2000 6:05:57 PM

Rigging enhales the fragrance of the bread. He takes a bite and makes appreciative noises to the miller. "This is wonderful!" He listens to Bart's request while enjoying the bread and cheese. He scans the crowd and notices them noticing the miller's behavior. He calls the waiter over and orders a meal. Roast chicken if they have any.

Wednesday November 8th, 2000 8:56:52 PM

As soon as Appolo is free to move again, he breaks left and runs like the wind. He will avoid contact with everyone and then circle around and head to Aurima's to warn the others. If possible.

In the streets (DM Kim) 
Wednesday November 8th, 2000 9:48:52 PM

Appolo hears a short, sharp whistle. "Over here. Quen send us." A man dressed as a merchant stands next a door he holds open. "Quickly, through here." One puzzling thing the boy notes in his haste is that where he would expect to see an opening through the doorway instead there seems to be a darkly shimmering surface. Behind him, he glances back and over his shoulder sees Atadil just fifty feet behind him, gaining.

Aurima (DM Kim) 
Wednesday November 8th, 2000 10:08:46 PM

The innkeeper looks at Blue. "So, you would rather be here, than be with your master?" She has a mirthless grin. "Well, let us go with the wisdom of your master in sending you to substitute for that thief." She stands. "Come."

Aurima leads Blue down some stairs. She finds a set of coveralls. "Put these on." They are a little snug on the boy. She hands him a long flat-headed shovel, sitting in a wheelbarrow. She leads him down a sloping hall a ways, and shows him four rooms. Full of offal. "Fill the wheelbarrow." As Blue begins this distasteful task, she corrects him a few times. Once the conveyance is filled, she leads him further down the slope, and to an underground, refuse-strewn stream. "Dump it here." She makes sure he does so, watches him start the next load, and says. "I'll be back later to make sure you are doing it quickly enough." The hallways, up until the stream, have light emanating from opposite walls every twenty feet.

Alinda in the women's baths (DM Kim) 
Wednesday November 8th, 2000 10:12:58 PM

"Let's get dressed," Alinda suggests to Wynd. She takes her to a room. "We may need to move quickly tonight." There is food in the room - fruit, cheese, bread, a pitcher of clean water.

Analek the Miller (DM Kim) 
Wednesday November 8th, 2000 10:19:09 PM

"You? Help the border patrol? But who will be to help with me the ..." And he pauses. "You? Help them? Well. Well, well." He looks down for a moment, then slaps the table resoundingly with his forearm. "Yes! You do it shall!" He raises his mug of ale, and makes ready to clink it against Rigging's wine glass, and Bart's Kefir mug.

Roast chicken (DM Kim) 
Wednesday November 8th, 2000 10:21:06 PM

Broiled chicken is available. Rigging finds that the outside is a little dry, but inside is tender and delicious.

Wednesday November 8th, 2000 10:23:37 PM

Legs gets Ari and Bulldog (and Asbury), having them wait for word in the room they've rented.

Blue  d20=1
Thursday November 9th, 2000 12:24:51 AM

Blue puts his back to the chore with his cheeks bulging, his breath held. He finally has no choice, but to take a breath... "My God, my God, oh my dear God... Lem give me strength."

He returns to his lot and after several minutes of this sustained effort he stops to catch what breath he can... He leans on his shovel and observes the hallway and surrounding area. (successful wisdom check)

Thursday November 9th, 2000 10:10:27 AM

Appolo sees the man, turns, and trusting to luck heads straight through the door at full speed.
OOC>APPOLO has Running as a Proficiency.

Thursday November 9th, 2000 5:52:50 PM

Rigging enjoys his meal, when he finishes, he will pull Bart aside and say quietly out of the hearing of others, "Bart, We need to retrieve the horses. Do you think there is time now if we hurry? Where is this Quen person now?" Rigging looks around for some more of his companions.

Thursday November 9th, 2000 6:25:20 PM

Having bathed and been refreshed, Wynd nods in reply to Alinda's comments and with a quick nod to the other ladies quickly dresses in her clean and dry set of clothing and armor and sets off after her hostess.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday November 9th, 2000 7:31:11 PM

Sitting, waiting for the last of the group to gather. The mighty young warrior unsheaths his two-hander and sets to the task of cleaning and oiling weapon. "Tell me Legs, what do you think the pirates will be like ? I don't know how much of sea legs, I will have ..... i wonder what it will be like" keeping up idle chatter to pass the time.

Grand Entrance (DM Kim)  d20=10 d20=3
Thursday November 9th, 2000 9:06:19 PM

Asbury looks around, sniffing the air for a moment. Bulldog sees this. In the middle of the room, a dark, shimmering rectangle appears. Asbury starts to bark excitedly. About ten seconds later, a leg appears, attached to the rest of the tall and slender Appolo, who manages to land with just a slight stumble, until he plows into Ari. Three seconds later a man comes following through the rectangle, stopping adroitly. Dressed as a high class merchant, this man whips around, waves his hands, saying something in a foreign tongue, and the shimmering portal disappears with a pop.

"Let's get going, shall we? Quen sent me. Call me Aquali. Follow me in silence. Time is short, short indeed." The man is 5'6", medium build, a soft velvet hat, and fine, albeit well worn, clothes. His face is tanned, his face lined with a few wrinkles. He looks to be in his mid 40's. He pulls open a pouch, withdraws a cube three inches across, and presses three sides of it. It feels as though you have gone deaf, as no sound is present. He winks, and signals with his hand to follow, as he opens the door, and walks down the hallway.

Bulldog notes that Asbury, initially excited about Appolo's arrival, sniffed at the newcomer, but did not seem to go into guard-dog mode. The dog does seem a little disoriented when the sound goes away, and begins scratching at his left ear.

Appolo feels disoriented and dizzy for a minute or so.

In the pub (DM Kim) 
Thursday November 9th, 2000 9:14:03 PM

A serving girl brings a small folded parchment, and hands it to Rigging. Opening it, he reads, "Time to go. QD"

Alinda (DM Kim) 
Thursday November 9th, 2000 9:15:55 PM

"Fine. We are ready," Alinda says to the air. "Wynd, gather your things. We will go downstairs, now."

In the pits (DM Kim) 
Thursday November 9th, 2000 9:19:24 PM

Looking around, Blue notes that in the ceiling of each of the narrow chambers is a small round opening with a little light coming through. At one point, in the room in which he works, the opening is covered. In a few moments, there is a new deposit falling down.

At the underground stream, Blue also notes that the passageway continues, unlit, on the opposite side. It has metal bars across it.

Thursday November 9th, 2000 9:28:53 PM

The paladin drew his sword when first the rectangle appeared, and looked around the room to see if anything else seemed unusual. The newcomer he looks at, not sure whether to trust him or not. Legs goes ahead and gathers his things, nevertheless, and follows, looking around to let his eyes tell him what his ears cannot.

Friday November 10th, 2000 1:48:35 AM

"Dad I have to go, I have to check the horses, and I want to go to bed it will be early tomorrow morning." He stands up and leaves the inn. He goes the shortest way to the mill, running when he sees no one and lowering his pace when he does.

Friday November 10th, 2000 1:53:55 AM

When he is in the mill he will first gather some personal things, his bow, sword and the old chain his real father left him. He also takes an sack threw in some clothes and an old blanket. Then he goes to the stable and saddles all the horses, including the one who he was riding earlier this day.

Friday November 10th, 2000 7:42:27 AM

Following Alinda downstairs she sees Appolo and the man drop in and with a raised eyebrow she approaches the group, ready to go. When the sound disappears she scowls and looks like she is about to say something and then with a shake of her head readies her sling and follows.

Friday November 10th, 2000 8:21:33 AM

After receiving the note, Rigging heads to the room where he had met Quen. He is worried about Seafoam. He prays that he has time to retrieve him.

Ari  d20=1
Friday November 10th, 2000 9:55:10 AM

Feeling the hairs on the back of his neck raise up, Ari spins in the direction of the forming rectangle. Concerned over the appearance of the rectangle in their room, Ari puts his back to the wall, and waits nervously for the event to end.

When Apollo steps stumbles thru, Ari attempts to catch Apollo. His attempt quickly turns into a ball of arms and legs that are on the floor.

Having no time to worry about the rectangle, Ari works on extracting himself from the mess.

Hearing the pronouncement from the new arrival, Ari gets ready to follow. Though Ari is unnerved a little, when he cannot hear his footsteps, the creaking of the floor, and other minor things that he never noticed before.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday November 10th, 2000 11:39:51 AM

Quickly rising from his chair at Asbury's warning. The big fighter momentarily brings his two-hander effortlessly to bear on the forming rectangle. Seeing Appolo come tumbling through into Ari's outstretched arms, he stands down. "Blind trust seems to be a way of our lives," hoarsely whispering to Legs, before the room becomes silent. Signalling to Asbury to follow. The big fellow takes up rearguard postion, looking out for the others to catch up.

Blue  d20=2
Friday November 10th, 2000 3:03:53 PM

Blue leans the shovel up against the wheel barrow and takes a few steps up the slope and listens... hearing no immediate approach he turns to the stream and gingerly works his way down to its bank. He sqints in the gloomy light and peers towards the iron bars and attempts to see the fastenings... to see if the bars are mounted directly in the surrounding rock work and what condition that rock work is in or if the bars are hinged and fastened with a lock, bolt or rivet. He wonders where the passage may lead... to freedom... treasure... or capture? (successful wisdom check)

Monday November 13th, 2000 3:44:03 AM

After crashing head long in to Ari, Appolo untangles himself and gets up. He then looks around making apologies to Ari. He says, "I'm sorry about that! The jiggs up guys, they know and are looking for you. Whatever you did it sure pissed some people off. All {Takes a breath} I were three of them but they're tracking me as we speak. Our new friend here came up big and really saved my ass!!! I give them about 10 minutes to back to this place. Let's get going!!"

With that he heads for the door. He is out of breath but running on pure adrenaline and a scared.

DM Kent (subbing for Kim) [& Kim] 
Monday November 13th, 2000 8:40:44 PM

As Blue stands pondering the what lies beyond the bars, a now very familiar voice sounds in his head "Boy, they are coming now. Move the wheelbarrow upstream, then wait for the others to arrive."

Upstairs, Aquali quickly beckons the group forward almost as if he is worried that someone or something might soon interrupt the group's exit. He gestures abruptly and mouths some unheard words. He leads the group down a stairway.

Analek the Miller (DM Kim) 
Monday November 13th, 2000 9:14:46 PM

It turns out that Bart does not manage to get away to pick up his things from home, nor see to the horses. "Stay, son, stay! You haven't finished your Kefir drink even yet." The miller bids Bart remain for a moment, until he has gulped down the last of the drink. Then, he tells Aurima. "Thank you, and Ga'al be praised, for your fine place. I bring more bag of wheat for tomorrow, right?"

"Come, son, come. We tell friends of new job for you. Borders to guard!" He walks with Albarth out the pub, and down the hallway. "I show you something," he tells his stepson.

He leads Bart down another stairway, to a storage room. "Here, some fine of mine flour." Bart recognizes the mark on the one pound white cloth bags. He also notes that his stepfather's voice is quieter, more conspiratorial. Analek picks up two, and places them in Bart's arms. "I used to it. But you notice how big puffs of flour get in people's eyes, hard for them to see, yes?" With Bart suitably laden, Analek leads him on, through a doorway and a narrow corridor. At the end of it, he stops.

The big miller looks at Bart somberly. "Big things for you tonight to do." He pulls a dagger out from behind his back, brings it to his lips and kisses the blade. "Son - Albarth, this is my best knife. It has secret. I show you." There is a little indentation on the blade. He puts his thumbnail into it, pulling backwards. The blade begins to give off a pale yellow glow. He runs his thumbnail back the other way, and the glow disappears. The edge of the serrated blade looks shart.

Ceremoniously, he hands the blade to Albarth. "Use this for freedom, son. I spoke not of it to you, but watched you. Be wise. Work hard. Don't worry of your things. I will get them to you when I can."

He looks down at the blade in Albarth's hand. He smiles. "Good for open sacks a little when you need might have to." Is that a tear in the corner of Analek's eye?

Albarth recalls how, he was told years ago, when his stepfather was heartseeded, his speech seemed to get mixed up. And, as he tithes regularly to the priests of Ga'al, and his speech is full of regular words of praise to the god of the land... what is this talk of freedom?

"Hold nose, and wheat, and knife." Analek opens a door, and the aroma of cesspool fills Bart's nostrils. "Go that way," the miller says to Bart, giving his shoulders a squeeze, then propelling him down the sloping passage. The miller turns, and walks the opposite way.

Monday November 13th, 2000 10:03:58 PM

Rigging wanders around the inn looking for familiar faces. He checks Quen's room for signs of life. If now one is there he will head down to the baths.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday November 13th, 2000 11:59:55 PM

Signaling for his fleet four footed friend to keep up with the others. The big fellow straggles a little, still trying to look out for the others. Thinking to himself, 'Can't leave any Family behind here,' he worries.

Tuesday November 14th, 2000 12:25:32 PM

Blue gives a sigh of relief, "Of course this is all part of the great unfolding... forgive me Lem my doubts, I was wondering there for awhile why I was shoveling filth." Blue quickly takes the wheelbarrow downstream and returns to check the path way for debris. He then finds a shadow and blends remaining alert.

Tuesday November 14th, 2000 1:06:38 PM

Ari follows where indicated.

Tuesday November 14th, 2000 4:00:18 PM

Moving down the hall. He says, "Let's get a move on, they will be here any minute."

Tuesday November 14th, 2000 8:22:35 PM

Bart walks with a firm pace down the slope, wondering what kind of magic is bestows in the knife, and what did Analek says about freedom, does he know the truth deep in his heart?

OOC Am I in a kind of sewer or something or in the open air?

DM Kim 
Wednesday November 15th, 2000 4:43:06 AM

Rigging finds Quen in her room, eyes fixed upon her crystal ball. When he enters, she looks up. "Down the stairs, to the bottom. No time to waste, young man." She places a cloth over the orb, and puts the device into her robe. The last thing Rigging notices when he leaves is that Quen moved to the window to peer out.

As Rigging gets to the first floor, on his way to the basement, he hears the front doors of the inn crash open. "Where are they? Where are the traitorous whelps!?" a voice rasps.

Soon, all find themselves converging in an underground corridor. Analek the miller passes them. He appears to be trying to talk, but no sound comes out of his lips. He looks puzzled, shrugs his shoulders, and waves the party down the corridor, as he goes back to the side corridor though which he brought Bart. Aquali moves on, quietly catching up to Albarth and passing him, as the miller's stepson looks at the dagger.

Blue hears some movement near the bars, and sees a gate swing open, though he sees no one there. Down the corridor toward the cesspools, he notes some of the young people he met earlier, and recognizes Aquali as a member of the Pirates of Jack.

A voice from behind the bars says, "By Lem, come this way."

Wednesday November 15th, 2000 10:25:58 AM

Appolo says, "Well,what are we waiting for?" and without hesitation slips through the opening, toward the voice.

Wednesday November 15th, 2000 10:42:31 AM

"Hurry, Hurry," Blue whispers, as he waves the members of the group towards the gaping escape. Blue keeps watch as the party descends.

Wednesday November 15th, 2000 2:14:05 PM

Ari moves on thru, picking up on the tension in the air, he starts watching over his back, for something to happen.

Wednesday November 15th, 2000 7:25:24 PM

Wynd follows along Irritated at not being able to be heard or hear.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday November 15th, 2000 7:42:13 PM

Not willing to leave anyone behind, the big fighter forcefully encourages the others ahead of him. Seeing Blue needs a little more encouraging than the others, he adds and sternful grin as he nudges him forward. (OOC Bulldog will be happy to make sure everyone is a head of him) Following with frequent looks down the corridor from which they came.

Asbury scampers in and among all with an excited and urgent bounce in his steps.

Wednesday November 15th, 2000 10:45:32 PM

Rigging whispers to no one in particular, "Well here we go again. At least I got a hot bath and a good meal. Don't suppose I will see to many more of those in the near future." Rigging will follow along in the middle of the pack. He is clutching his sleep component just in case.

Friday November 17th, 2000 11:17:00 AM

Down, down the corridor, Bart follows the lead of Aquali.

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