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A Meal

DM Kim  d20=7 d6=2
Friday July 28th, 2000 1:59:36 AM

Rigging does recapture his horse, and sees Singer's mount nearby, too. On the way to get Seafoam, he saw much of Singer's gear scattered along the way. Singer's horse is not too hard for Rigging to recover, although the saddle hangs underneath the horse's belly, and a strap is broken.

In the sky overhead, yet more birds fly. Then they begin to move off, toward the south. Singer points west-northwest, and asks, "What's that thing in the sky over there?"

Looking, there seems to be a dark spot. With wings?

Bulldog manages to take out some of the porcupine needles from Asbury's snout, but much yelping and squirming accompanies each extraction. Two of the embedded needles break off, one now flush with the end of his nose, and one a bit forward of the left ear.

It feels as though the wind shifts and picks up slightly, coming now from the northwest.

Friday July 28th, 2000 12:48:43 PM

"Okay, let's get these antelopes and the lion up on the horses, cross the river, and get moving." Legs picks up one of the antelopes, and takes it to place on one of the horses. "Maybe someone can tie this down." He'll help someone else do the same with the lion, then ford the river. On the other side, he fills his water skins with fresh water.

Friday July 28th, 2000 7:55:26 PM

Finished dressing her anteloupe, Wynd gives Legs a hand.

Friday July 28th, 2000 9:09:06 PM

"I can help with Asbury, as soon as we finish moving." Ari will help gather/move whatever he needs to help, to get away from this watering hole.

Sunday July 30th, 2000 10:26:33 PM

Rigging will help gather Singer's belongings and grab his horse as well. Leading both mounts back he will help secure the soon to be dinner game to the horses with a few deft knots.

Bulldog &Asbury 
Monday July 31st, 2000 6:15:25 AM

"Asbury would by grateful for some releif, thanks Ari" as he pat the cleric on his back. "shall we do it now or wait for making camp." Mounts up on his steed and follows alnog , whistling for Asbury to follow "com'n you little pin cushion," laughing lightly as he moves on.

DM Kim 
Monday July 31st, 2000 4:24:43 PM

The animals are successfully tied to the horses. As the flying creature draws closer, reds and yellows are seen in the wings, as though the sun just set still shines upon objects in the sky. It turns to the south, and disappears behind the hills. The party crosses the river, and travels on for a ways in the waning twilight, finding the way less hilly on the far side of the river, and more vegetation - bushes and grass, some scattered meadow flowers - than in the barren area through which they passed before. It is getting hard to see in the increasing darkness. A place is found with three gnarled trees on a hill, and a level place below the hill, and scattered boulders and rocks.

Monday July 31st, 2000 9:10:03 PM

Rigging will make a fire pit, gather some tinder and wood together to make a fire. Quietly muttering some arcane phrases, a flame of fire appears from his index finger. He applies the flame to the twigs and watches happily as the wood catches. He looks up with a grin and says, "Have you gotten those steaks ready yet?"

Monday July 31st, 2000 9:21:23 PM

Rigging's stomach makes a large growling noise. He starts digging a fire pit. He looks up at the large warrior and says, "Bulldog did you save that fire wood?" Once some tinder is found, Rigging will mutter some arcane words and a spout of flame will erupt from Rigging's index finger. We will apply it to the twigs and smile happily when a fires gets going. He looks up and asks, "Where are those steaks?"

Bulldog &Asbury 
Monday July 31st, 2000 9:21:24 PM

The stout young fellow quickly gathers some wood for Rigging's fire. "STEAKs . hmmmmm hmmmmm hmmmm. can't wait" after a good pile is found Bulldog sits down and awaits for the cooking to begin. Then raise the question "what was that we saw flying in the distance." after everyone gathers about. "Ari after we eat , can you take a look at Asburys' "

Tuesday August 1st, 2000 3:20:50 AM

Singer heats the blade of his dagger over the flames, then slices antelope steaks. He helps out with the cooking, breathing in the smell of the roasting meat, occasionally coughing as the smoke blows in his face. "I wonder if that was a dragon we saw. Glad it turned toward the jungle down south." After eating a fair-sized steak, the young bard takes his lute, and plays some of the songs and ballads he learned during the time of training. Then, he says, "I've been saving this for the right time. But I wrote a ballad that tells the truth of our travels to date, unlike the mixed concoction put together for Lord Agor. Along with a little about what directions we might be going." He asks, "Anyone want to hear it?" He takes another bite of antelope (it's so good!), and drinks some water.

Ari  d20=17
Tuesday August 1st, 2000 9:48:22 AM

Responding to Bulldog's query, "I think we should wait until we can set camp, provided he won't snuffle things too badly, right now". Once the party finds their campspot, Ari will help with removing the quills from Asbury, though Asbury does a lot of complaining about it (failed healing check). Once all the quills are removed, if needed, Ari will cast CLW to help with any pain. "We should probably try to save as much food from these as we can. We might not see much game from here. I am not quite the expert in judging how much food we can carry, but I'm inclined to say that we might want to trap some more game tonight, if possible, in order to get as much food as possible for our travels. Since we don't know how 'clean' food will be from here on out." Ari pauses for a brief second after his discourse. Unless Ari can tell for sure that the thorn is 'back online', Ari says, " I think we might want to touch the heartwood to the thorn, just to make sure it's still dead, for the time being." (If CLW needed for Asbury, let me know, and I'll roll result. DM can roll also, doens't bother me. :) )

Tuesday August 1st, 2000 5:37:25 PM

after moving and finally finding a place to set up camp, Wynd leaves the fire and steak cutting to the others and wanders off a bit away from the others. Still in sight range, Wynd finds a place to sit down and think. So much has happened since they left their homes and even more has happened recently that has affected their little group. There family was breaking up and she was starting to doubt. Not any major doubts, not really, but lots of little niggling doubts that has her questioning everything someone says or does. Why did Night Shade have to leave. After a while Wynd curls up and dozes off right where she was.

Tuesday August 1st, 2000 8:23:41 PM

Legs helps with the steaks. "Don't know what it was flying. Don't know for sure if I want to find out too soon, Bulldog, if you know what I mean." As he eats the fresh meat, he speaks with Ari. "If we had salt, it might be easier to keep the meat longer. You know my father was a millwright and grocer. The meat he sold was salted. Had to get fresh from the butcher." And a few minutes later, he says, "I wonder how Catcher and Nightshade are doing. I hope we can see them again." When Ari suggests touching the heartwood to the thorn, Legs pulls it out from under his shirt. "You sure you want to do it?"

DM Kim 
Wednesday August 2nd, 2000 8:18:30 PM

The steaks taste good. The temperature is moderate. The conversations continue. Roll perception checks. [Also - please send me your character sheets right away!]

Legs  d20=13
Wednesday August 2nd, 2000 9:04:22 PM

Legs just makes his perception check. "Tell you what, Ari. Let's let your food settle for an hour or two in your stomach before we try the heartwood. Sound okay?"

Wednesday August 2nd, 2000 10:09:15 PM

As the steaks cook and are eaten, Wynd still sleeps, head resting on her ring hand, just out of sight of the campsite. (no perception roll as Wynd is asleep)

Rigging  d20=20
Wednesday August 2nd, 2000 10:30:06 PM

Rigging relishes his hot meal with gusto. He does a lot of finger licking and lip smacking. (occ don't know if I made my perception roll. Is high good? Oh mighty DM please send me that fax number again and my character sheet will be there by the end of the week.)

Singer  d20=14
Thursday August 3rd, 2000 3:22:06 AM

Singer's perception check is on the nose. "Okay, I guess I'll save my ballad for later, then. Think I'll get some sleep." Singer climbs up in the tallest of the three gnarled trees, and wraps himself in his blanket. He looks around, then, if all seems well, he drops off to sleep.

Happy Puppy - DM Kim  d8=7
Thursday August 3rd, 2000 11:28:23 AM

Ari's care for Asbury does help a bit, as some of the embedded spikes are pulled free, but his healing prayer (clw) makes the dog very happy, indeed. His tail wags vigorously, and he licks Ari's face, then races back and forth between Bulldog and Ari for a few minutes, alternatively giving kisses, and playing 'catch me if you can.' Asbury, appetite returned, scarfs down as much meat as anyone will give him ... to the point of gaining a distended stomach, if folks are that generous.

Horizontal Sighting - DM Kim 
Thursday August 3rd, 2000 11:51:37 AM

Legs and Singer happen to note, low on the southern horizon, what appear to be flames. The flames, rather than remaining in one locale, move on in a westerly direction, but do not otherwise seem to spread.

Thursday August 3rd, 2000 5:38:56 PM

Legs points out the phenomenon to Ari, Rigging, Bulldog and Singer. He lets Wynd sleep.

Bulldog &Asbury  d20=10
Thursday August 3rd, 2000 5:38:57 PM

Lightly slapping Ari on the back. "looks like you made that fourfooted furball very happy, thanks Ari" Then settles in on a full stomach, he takes note of the distant fire. "the Strange way it moves, I see Legs. I wonder what it could be. ..... didn't that flying thing or object go down over there ?" Then watches it for awhile before firmly volunteering for fisrt watch.

Thursday August 3rd, 2000 6:46:42 PM

zzzzZZZZZzzzz, snnrt, gggrrrrr, zzzZZZzzz, no Shade, run, zzzZZZzzz, snrrt.

Thursday August 3rd, 2000 8:50:10 PM

The now well-fed and sleepy bard watches the distant moving flames for a few minutes. He asks Bulldog to wake him if it draws closer. "I'll take third watch," he volunteers, then drifts off to sleep.

Thursday August 3rd, 2000 8:50:44 PM

Responding to Legs "I can wait before we try the wood. I want to try to get an estimate as to how long the thorn is out of commission, just in case that comes in handy. Unless we discover that it causes damage to the heartwood somehow." When Asbury responds to the CLW, Ari will play around with him, along with share some of his food. Ari notes the direction of the flames. Ari will also set the spell alarm up on the camp. "Riggings, now might be the time to compare spells". (did you need my sheet, I sent it to you once).

Thursday August 3rd, 2000 10:18:12 PM

Rigging yawns and contently pats his stomach. He watches the flames in the distance for a while. In response to Ari's question about spells, he opens up his knapsack and pulls out his spellbook box. After opening that he pulls out his most prize possessions and extends them to Ari for his viewing. "Carefull with these please, they can be tough to replace. I normally memorize magic missle, sleep, firefinger, blue light, warm, and dry. I have armor cast continuely. Glad to cast it on anybody who doesn't where armor. Happy reading. I need to get some sleep. Will need to use that book tommarrow." Rigging rolls himself up in his bedroll and gets some sleep. (Spells cantrips chill, flavor, dry, gather warm, untie, distract, present, cough, firefinger, bluelight, change, bee. 1st level read magic, detect magic, identify, armor, alarm, change self, jump, mount, sleep, magic missle, and unseen servant.)

DM Kim 
Friday August 4th, 2000 7:22:31 PM

The night otherwise passes uneventfully, aside from the occasional sound of insects. But, toward the end of third watch, Singer notes that it seems as though the sun is rising in the east ... and the west. A moderate wind blows from north to the south.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday August 4th, 2000 7:22:32 PM

Having seen nothing of concern during his shift at guard duty, he awakens Legs to cover the 2nd tour. "All has been quiet. Wake singer for the morning shift, goodnight" grabbing a blanket and whistling for asbury to follow ,the big fellow plods off to rest.

Monday August 7th, 2000 10:45:22 AM

Rigging will wake with the dawn. After some stretches and yawns, he will amble over to the left over antelope and grab a rib to gnaw on. He then grabs his spell books and replaces the spells he used yesterday.

Monday August 7th, 2000 10:45:22 AM

Rigging will wake with the dawn. After some stretches and yawns, he will amble over to the left over antelope and grab a rib to gnaw on. He then grabs his spell books and replaces the spells he used yesterday.

Monday August 7th, 2000 1:24:53 PM

Ari helps out with the morning routine. (ICQ message to Kim)

Monday August 7th, 2000 1:24:53 PM

Ari helps out with the morning routine. (ICQ message to Kim)

DM Kim 
Monday August 7th, 2000 7:28:09 PM

[OOC: Ari - email me at BillTFind2@zdnetonebox.com - My ICQ is down (changed computers). Also, I still need Character Sheets for Rigging &Ari.]

DM Kim 
Monday August 7th, 2000 7:28:09 PM

[OOC: Ari - email me at BillTFind2@zdnetonebox.com - My ICQ is down (changed computers). Also, I still need Character Sheets for Rigging & Ari.]

Monday August 7th, 2000 8:09:11 PM

After several hours of sleep, Wynd finally rouses and heads back to the group and grabs herself a bit of grilled anteloupe. She watches as Legs takes the second shift and then she drifted off to sleep finally full and looking forward to finishing this leg of their journey.

Monday August 7th, 2000 8:09:11 PM

After several hours of sleep, Wynd finally rouses and heads back to the group and grabs herself a bit of grilled anteloupe. She watches as Legs takes the second shift and then she drifted off to sleep finally full and looking forward to finishing this leg of their journey.

Tuesday August 8th, 2000 2:16:54 AM

"That's kind of weird," Singer points out the light to the west in the early morning.

Tuesday August 8th, 2000 2:19:22 AM

Legs rises early. He goes a little apart, and looks at his hand, and up as the sun begins to rise. He prays, giving thanks for the fresh food, and good companions. He asks for succor, and endurance, and to know the best path to take.

Tuesday August 8th, 2000 2:19:22 AM

Legs rises early. He goes a little apart, and looks at his hand, and up as the sun begins to rise. He prays, giving thanks for the fresh food, and good companions. He asks for succor, and endurance, and to know the best path to take.

DM Kim 
Tuesday August 8th, 2000 2:23:43 AM

Soon the light from the west grows, and wings of flame head straight toward the party. They draw closer, up high. Then, the huge and colorful bright winged creature tucks its wings, and dives toward the party.

DM Kim 
Tuesday August 8th, 2000 2:23:43 AM

Soon the light from the west grows, and wings of flame head straight toward the party. They draw closer, up high. Then, the huge and colorful bright winged creature tucks its wings, and dives toward the party.

DM Kim 
Tuesday August 8th, 2000 9:30:22 PM

The horses start to spook, but then seem to calm down. The descending avian is visible to all. What are your actions? Seconds remain...

DM Kim 
Tuesday August 8th, 2000 9:30:22 PM

The horses start to spook, but then seem to calm down. The descending avian is visible to all. What are your actions? Seconds remain...

Tuesday August 8th, 2000 10:28:55 PM

Rigging sees the flaming bird and sighs to himself. He thinks, "Godspawn, undead spirits, hungry lions, and now flaming birds. What has it been, a week? I want to go home." He stiffens his back, places his hands on his weapons without drawing them and says to the others, "Anybody ever hear of a Phoenix? They are flaming birds who fight on the side of good. Don't attack first."

Tuesday August 8th, 2000 10:28:55 PM

Rigging sees the flaming bird and sighs to himself. He thinks, "Godspawn, undead spirits, hungry lions, and now flaming birds. What has it been, a week? I want to go home." He stiffens his back, places his hands on his weapons without drawing them and says to the others, "Anybody ever hear of a Phoenix? They are flaming birds who fight on the side of good. Don't attack first."

Wednesday August 9th, 2000 8:18:26 AM

"I just prefer that we avoid as many battles as we can, especially with the creatures of the land."

Wednesday August 9th, 2000 8:18:26 AM

"I just prefer that we avoid as many battles as we can, especially with the creatures of the land."

Bulldog &Asbury 
Wednesday August 9th, 2000 8:18:27 AM

The ever Battle ready warrior, draws his mighty two hander and takes a defensive postion. Looking over at Rigging "Phenoix... what on Wold is that ?" snarling through the question.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday August 9th, 2000 8:18:27 AM

The ever Battle ready warrior, draws his mighty two hander and takes a defensive postion. Looking over at Rigging "Phenoix... what on Wold is that ?" snarling through the question.

Wednesday August 9th, 2000 2:15:09 PM

Legs also draws his sword, watching the bird descend.

Wednesday August 9th, 2000 2:15:09 PM

Legs also draws his sword, watching the bird descend.

Wednesday August 9th, 2000 8:24:07 PM

Wynd looks up with awe on her face and watches while this wonder descends to the ground.

Wednesday August 9th, 2000 8:24:07 PM

Wynd looks up with awe on her face and watches while this wonder descends to the ground.

Wednesday August 9th, 2000 10:06:28 PM

Rigging says to the others, "Stand easy but be ready!" He watches with fascination

Wednesday August 9th, 2000 10:06:28 PM

Rigging says to the others, "Stand easy but be ready!" He watches with fascination

Thursday August 10th, 2000 5:24:15 AM

Singer steps into the trees, full of mixed anxiety and wonder.

Thursday August 10th, 2000 5:24:15 AM

Singer steps into the trees, full of mixed anxiety and wonder.

DM Kim 
Thursday August 10th, 2000 12:25:57 PM

When less than a hundred feet above the heads of those who watch below, the plumeting firebird spreads its wings to brake its descent. A hot wind buffets the watchers (roll vs. dex with a +2 penalty to keep your feet). This creature's fearsome beauty beckons and awes the eye, and reds, blues, greens, and ambers dance in its pinions and coruscate. The Phoenix' man-sized talons sink their tips into the hard soil. Its wings fan one last time as it settles. The head turns to the side, and the left eye peers down at the assembled teenagers, with a quick glance over to where the horses stand, tethered to the trees, and at Singer, then off into the distance, and back again to those who stand, or sit, as the case may be.

Wynd  d20=7
Thursday August 10th, 2000 6:19:18 PM

Managing to remain standing, Wynd stands and watches with tears streaming down her cheeks. A muffled, It's so beautiful, can be heard coming from her drop jawed self.

Legs  d20=8
Thursday August 10th, 2000 8:48:46 PM

The young paladin's right leg drops back to brace against the hot wind, and he keeps his feet. "Hello, flaming bird. Why do you stop for us?" He keeps his sword in his hand, but pointed downwards.

Legs  d20=8
Thursday August 10th, 2000 8:48:46 PM

The young paladin's right leg drops back to brace against the hot wind, and he keeps his feet. "Hello, flaming bird. Why do you stop for us?" He keeps his sword in his hand, but pointed downwards.

Rigging  d20=16
Thursday August 10th, 2000 10:37:26 PM

Rigging falls on his butt from the wind buffet. He watches the the beautiful creature land. He hopes he was right and the creature is friendly. He scrambles back to his feet.

Rigging  d20=16
Thursday August 10th, 2000 10:37:26 PM

Rigging falls on his butt from the wind buffet. He watches the the beautiful creature land. He hopes he was right and the creature is friendly. He scrambles back to his feet.

Singer  d20=3 d20=7
Friday August 11th, 2000 1:39:14 AM

Rigging's comment prompts his own memories from his bardic training. "She is the symbol of rebirth! Of life from death!" exclaims Singer. "Oh wings of flame, the sunrise echo carry, her glory without shame, she death itself doth bury!"

Singer  d20=3 d20=7
Friday August 11th, 2000 1:39:14 AM

Rigging's comment prompts his own memories from his bardic training. "She is the symbol of rebirth! Of life from death!" exclaims Singer. "Oh wings of flame, the sunrise echo carry, her glory without shame, she death itself doth bury!"

Ari  d20=17
Friday August 11th, 2000 8:32:32 AM

Ari falls to the ground from the buffeting of the wind. He quickly stands back up and makes eye contact with the being. "Welcome, and be at peace."

Ari  d20=17
Friday August 11th, 2000 8:32:32 AM

Ari falls to the ground from the buffeting of the wind. He quickly stands back up and makes eye contact with the being. "Welcome, and be at peace."

The Phoenix (DM Kim) 
Friday August 11th, 2000 12:09:38 PM

Each of the adventurers hears a voice in his head. "Fed and well. But fewer than before. For one the Dragon sends. Thus, fewer still shall ye be. But continue on, and more shall ye grow." There is a pause, and - can the brain hear a screech that does not touch the ears? "Family scattered is yet family, says the Dragon. Not all brothers and sisters have ye met." The Phoenix takes a moment to look full on into the rising sun, as in communion, then with its right eye now at individuals. "Time and time shall be, when some shall also children bear and see." / After that, the beak of the firebird opens, and an audible screech blasts forth. "With flames of wind, one comes with me." The talons move, and the head bends low toward the trees. "The gifted of tongue, shall leave to help his friends. Trouble at the wall there is." The Phoenix stares into Singer's face.

Friday August 11th, 2000 2:46:30 PM

Singer sits down, plop! "Wha- what?"

Friday August 11th, 2000 2:46:30 PM

Singer sits down, plop! "Wha- what?"

Friday August 11th, 2000 2:53:23 PM

Rigging looks at Singer with a grin, "Looks like you are going for a ride. Sounds like Nightshade and Catcher need your silver tongue at the wall. Our massive friend is implying in his riddles that you will be returning. Hopefully with our missing friends. It sounds like a test of faith from the Dragon God. How much do you believe?" Rigging wonders if people can get airsick like they get sea sick.

Bulldog &Asbury  d20=4
Friday August 11th, 2000 2:53:24 PM

Staggering back from the hot buffeting breath, the mighty Bulldog remains standing. Weapon coming breifly up before, he relents to the awesome flaming taloned beast, and lowers his blade once more. Upon hearing of his friends needs at the wall, he sets his jaw. "Singer I think we have no choice, but to send you on your way to see Nightshade and Catcher. May the good god be with you. And them." Asbury cowers slightly at the immense presence, sticking close behind his master.

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=4
Friday August 11th, 2000 2:53:24 PM

Staggering back from the hot buffeting breath, the mighty Bulldog remains standing. Weapon coming breifly up before, he relents to the awesome flaming taloned beast, and lowers his blade once more. Upon hearing of his friends needs at the wall, he sets his jaw. "Singer I think we have no choice, but to send you on your way to see Nightshade and Catcher. May the good god be with you. And them." Asbury cowers slightly at the immense presence, sticking close behind his master.

Friday August 11th, 2000 8:07:14 PM

As Wynd works at the cryptic words, a sense of well being floods her being and as she hears/sees that Singer is to leave them she rushes over to him and blushing from head to toe gives him a hug and pulling back kisses him. As she turns and walks away, Singer hears her whisper, Be safe and come back soon.

Friday August 11th, 2000 8:07:14 PM

As Wynd works at the cryptic words, a sense of well being floods her being and as she hears/sees that Singer is to leave them she rushes over to him and blushing from head to toe gives him a hug and pulling back kisses him. As she turns and walks away, Singer hears her whisper, Be safe and come back soon.

Friday August 11th, 2000 8:46:59 PM

Legs laughs. "Oh, Singer, yours will never be a boring life!" He looks at the amazing phoenix, and says, "Ah, for such a ride! You are blessed, you scamp!" He walks over to his glib friend, giving the bird a fair berth, and extends his hand to shake, and when accepted, turns the shake into what he figures would pass for a manly embrace. "Holy Lemtrovex be your guide, friend and brother," Legs whispers. He claps Singer on the back, then steps away, to stand by the others.

Saturday August 12th, 2000 2:21:15 PM

Singer, nonplussed at the Phoenix' last words and his friends' interpretations, not to mention its proximity, slowly regains his feet. "You, want me, to, to go with y-you?" he says, as he puts his hands to the sides of his face. Then, awe mitigated by a rising sense of adventure, a smile grows upon his face. "You want me to come with you?! Wow!" He appears surprised yet pleased when Wynd hugs him. "Thanks, sister. You too! We can trade stories when we get back together." She notices his face is a little pink. / "Bulldog, take good care of Asbury. Asbury, take good care of Bulldog." He returns Legs hug, and just smiles at him. He says to the Phoenix, "Let me get my things, and I'll be ready." He picks up his gear, then walks over to Rigging. "Thanks for retrieving my stuff. How much do I believe?" He turns his head toward the firebird, then back to Rigging. With a rakish smile on his face, he answers, "Watch me." He approaches the Phoenix. "How do we do this, oh majestic one?"

Saturday August 12th, 2000 2:21:15 PM

Singer, nonplussed at the Phoenix' last words and his friends' interpretations, not to mention its proximity, slowly regains his feet. "You, want me, to, to go with y-you?" he says, as he puts his hands to the sides of his face. Then, awe mitigated by a rising sense of adventure, a smile grows upon his face. "You want me to come with you?! Wow!" He appears surprised yet pleased when Wynd hugs him. "Thanks, sister. You too! We can trade stories when we get back together." She notices his face is a little pink. / "Bulldog, take good care of Asbury. Asbury, take good care of Bulldog." He returns Legs hug, and just smiles at him. He says to the Phoenix, "Let me get my things, and I'll be ready." He picks up his gear, then walks over to Rigging. "Thanks for retrieving my stuff. How much do I believe?" He turns his head toward the firebird, then back to Rigging. With a rakish smile on his face, he answers, "Watch me." He approaches the Phoenix. "How do we do this, oh majestic one?"

Phoenix (DM Kim) 
Sunday August 13th, 2000 1:02:15 AM

"Ride, or thee I carry. Quickly choose, we must not tarry. Good heart my heat fear not, for good heart my flames harm not." The firebird lowers its head, and with artful nod, indicates that Singer may climb on.

Phoenix (DM Kim) 
Sunday August 13th, 2000 1:02:15 AM

"Ride, or thee I carry. Quickly choose, we must not tarry. Good heart my heat fear not, for good heart my flames harm not." The firebird lowers its head, and with artful nod, indicates that Singer may climb on.

Sunday August 13th, 2000 10:16:11 AM

"It seems you will never lack for stories" as Ari smiles, and then helps Singer prepare.

Sunday August 13th, 2000 10:16:11 AM

"It seems you will never lack for stories" as Ari smiles, and then helps Singer prepare.

Sunday August 13th, 2000 2:01:01 PM

"No, don't think I shall, 'Arislan of Alfport.'" Singer winks. "And you're in most of 'em, so far, friend of many talents." The bard glances down at Ari's waist. As he gives Ari a parting hug, he whispers, "Watch that thorn thing, won't you?"

Sunday August 13th, 2000 2:01:01 PM

"No, don't think I shall, 'Arislan of Alfport.'" Singer winks. "And you're in most of 'em, so far, friend of many talents." The bard glances down at Ari's waist. As he gives Ari a parting hug, he whispers, "Watch that thorn thing, won't you?"

Singer  d20=12
Monday August 14th, 2000 1:38:24 AM

Then, backpack on, and mandolin slung over his shoulder, Singer sees if he can climb up onto the neck of the Phoenix (Made dex. check).

Singer  d20=12
Monday August 14th, 2000 1:38:24 AM

Then, backpack on, and mandolin slung over his shoulder, Singer sees if he can climb up onto the neck of the Phoenix (Made dex. check).

Bird and Rider (DM Kim)  d20=6 d20=12 d12=3 d12=12
Monday August 14th, 2000 2:10:16 AM

Singer has a sensation of extreme heat / extreme cold. His heat receptors go wild for a moment. Then, as one jumps into icy water, or a very hot pool of water, after the initial shock, there is an easing into the experience. Though what appear to be flames dance on the plumes and feathers beneath his thighs, and the heat is strong, Singer feels as though his body somehow is adjusting to it, coping with it. And the smooth power of the amazing creature on whom he sits is both frightful and reassuring. / "Hang on to plumes, or else fall off," the firebird communicates telepathically with Singer, as she/he/it? politely includes the others present in the thought. / Singer takes a length of rope, and touches it to the flames. It does not burn. He quickly ties his legs down around some of the stouter feather shafts beneath him, then, at first tentatively, then firmly, grasps the shaft before him. "Ready," Singer says. / The visitor communicates, taking a last look at Ari, Wynd, Bulldog, Rigging and Legs. "We fly north and east. Ye ought travel north and west. Beware the wild ones." The Phoenix crouches, wings spread, then launches into the air with a downdraft. The horses are buffeted, but keep their feet. Those on the ground see Singer's head and shoulders fly backwards at the moment of launch, but the ropes keep him in, and he bounces forward, one hand waving, as the wings recover for another thrust. [Those below, make a save vs. the average of strength and dexterity, with a +2 penalty added to your roll, or it's time to be knocked down again :) ]

Singer's goodbye, morning's new start (DM Kim) 
Monday August 14th, 2000 2:15:58 AM

"Ayi-yip-yip-yip-yip-Aye and away!" Singer's tenor voice rings out. "Fare well!" those below hear him say as his voice quickly fades into the morning bright sky above. Initially flying due east for the first several flaps of its wings, the Phoenix banks slightly, and travels toward the north east. / Morning has broken. The horses are momentarily excited again, but soon settle down with Wynd's attention. / What now, good travelers?

Legs  d20=1
Monday August 14th, 2000 2:26:41 AM

Legs keeps his legs, with no difficulty whatsoever. He shouts farewells to Singer, and laughs with his friend's exalted exultation. "Okay, let's get going," he suggests to his friends who remain. "North and east, she said, right?" Then he pauses. "Was that a 'she'?" He shrugs his shoulders. "Frankly I wasn't looking, but Singer seemed to say the Phoenix is a 'she.'"

Legs  d20=1
Monday August 14th, 2000 2:26:41 AM

Legs keeps his legs, with no difficulty whatsoever. He shouts farewells to Singer, and laughs with his friend's exalted exultation. "Okay, let's get going," he suggests to his friends who remain. "North and east, she said, right?" Then he pauses. "Was that a 'she'?" He shrugs his shoulders. "Frankly I wasn't looking, but Singer seemed to say the Phoenix is a 'she.'"

Rigging  d20=2
Monday August 14th, 2000 11:54:38 AM

Rigging leans into the wind without any problems He says to the others, "That must be great! I wish I could have a ride on a flying creature. Well on the back...not in its talons. A ride before being served up as lunch isn't as exciting. Do we follow the directions of the mighty bird? What are Wild Ones?"

Rigging  d20=2
Monday August 14th, 2000 11:54:38 AM

Rigging leans into the wind without any problems He says to the others, "That must be great! I wish I could have a ride on a flying creature. Well on the back...not in its talons. A ride before being served up as lunch isn't as exciting. Do we follow the directions of the mighty bird? What are Wild Ones?"

Bulldog &Asbury**  d20=19
Monday August 14th, 2000 11:59:40 AM

Bulldog caught off guard slips and falls with the wind buffet. Asbury takes the opportunity to lick his friend generously on the face, and then runs after the phoenix and singer barking for a little ways. Bulldog quickly gets to his feet as if nothing happened and heads to the horses. He sternly says, "Mount up. The day isn't getting any younger. I say we follow the Phoenix's advice." (occ George is running Bulldog and Asbury for the next week. I do not have his character sheet, so please double check my rolls thanks)

Bulldog & Asbury**  d20=19
Monday August 14th, 2000 11:59:40 AM

Bulldog caught off guard slips and falls with the wind buffet. Asbury takes the opportunity to lick his friend generously on the face, and then runs after the phoenix and singer barking for a little ways. Bulldog quickly gets to his feet as if nothing happened and heads to the horses. He sternly says, "Mount up. The day isn't getting any younger. I say we follow the Phoenix's advice." (occ George is running Bulldog and Asbury for the next week. I do not have his character sheet, so please double check my rolls thanks)

Ari  d20=13
Tuesday August 15th, 2000 2:11:20 AM

Ari tries to retain his balance, but as the great bird clears the area, the final down beat forces him over, with great flapping of his arms. Sort of mumbling under his breath, "Remind me to stand far away next time." Then a little bit louder," No, it was North and West that the phoenix said to travel. North and East is their direction." Thinking on the question about wild ones, " Seems, as usual, we can probably bet on finding out for ourselves." As Ari shakes his head and lightly chuckles.

Ari  d20=13
Tuesday August 15th, 2000 2:11:20 AM

Ari tries to retain his balance, but as the great bird clears the area, the final down beat forces him over, with great flapping of his arms. Sort of mumbling under his breath, "Remind me to stand far away next time." Then a little bit louder," No, it was North and West that the phoenix said to travel. North and East is their direction." Thinking on the question about wild ones, " Seems, as usual, we can probably bet on finding out for ourselves." As Ari shakes his head and lightly chuckles.

Tuesday August 15th, 2000 9:29:47 AM

Rigging heads back over to the fire. "I still need some study time." Rigging says to the others. "I want my full compliment of spells to tackle any wild ones. It should only take about an hour. Ari, Do you need any study time?" (OCC Ari I did not ever get your spell book that you mentioned to me several posts ago. Please send it again."

Tuesday August 15th, 2000 9:29:47 AM

Rigging heads back over to the fire. "I still need some study time." Rigging says to the others. "I want my full compliment of spells to tackle any wild ones. It should only take about an hour. Ari, Do you need any study time?" (OCC Ari I did not ever get your spell book that you mentioned to me several posts ago. Please send it again."

Bulldog and Asbury* 
Tuesday August 15th, 2000 9:14:56 PM

Bulldog mumbles to himself, "Mages always slow you down." He checks Asbury's injured nose and decides to practice with his big two-hander. He weaves it around in a graceful but deadly dance.

Bulldog and Asbury* 
Tuesday August 15th, 2000 9:14:56 PM

Bulldog mumbles to himself, "Mages always slow you down." He checks Asbury's injured nose and decides to practice with his big two-hander. He weaves it around in a graceful but deadly dance.

Wynd  d20=19
Tuesday August 15th, 2000 9:25:32 PM

Having turned away from the phoenix as to not watch Singer's departure, Wynd was not ready for the force of the creatures take off and landed almost face first in the dirt. As she scrambles back up she makes her way to the horses and just manages to keep them from panicking and running off. As the Mages declare they need a little time to study, Wynd Whispers to Bulldog, Yeah they may slow you down a bit but the sure can be handy too and I think we need to all be at our top performance for what is upcoming. Come while they study let's spar a bit.

Wynd  d20=19
Tuesday August 15th, 2000 9:25:32 PM

Having turned away from the phoenix as to not watch Singer's departure, Wynd was not ready for the force of the creatures take off and landed almost face first in the dirt. As she scrambles back up she makes her way to the horses and just manages to keep them from panicking and running off. As the Mages declare they need a little time to study, Wynd Whispers to Bulldog, Yeah they may slow you down a bit but the sure can be handy too and I think we need to all be at our top performance for what is upcoming. Come while they study let's spar a bit.

Tuesday August 15th, 2000 10:09:03 PM

(Riggings, at the time you posted, it sounded like it was just me that was persuing the studying. In my book is Alarm, Find Familiar, Protection from Evil Protection from Hunger/Thirst, and Shield.)

Tuesday August 15th, 2000 10:09:03 PM

(Riggings, at the time you posted, it sounded like it was just me that was persuing the studying. In my book is Alarm, Find Familiar, Protection from Evil Protection from Hunger/Thirst, and Shield.)

Wednesday August 16th, 2000 2:25:21 AM

Watching the Phoenix until the it resolves to a pinpoint on the horizon, Legs hears the spellcasters discussing their need for study. He decides to join in with Bulldog and Wynd for some practice sparring, with sword alone, and with sword and hatchet. He bows out after a half hour, and begins brushing down the horses, then saddling them up. He reviews the prayers he was forced to recite while under the noble tutelage, analyzes them, and thinks of what elements could be used in prayers to Lemtrovex, which should be discarded.

Wednesday August 16th, 2000 8:22:26 AM

Rigging finishes up his studying and pulls out his sword and main-gauche. He joins in the sparring to work out some of the kinks. After a few minutes with Bulldog, Rigging sweating pulls back and says, "Maybe we better get on the road. We have Wild Ones to meet and defeat."

Wednesday August 16th, 2000 8:22:26 AM

Rigging finishes up his studying and pulls out his sword and main-gauche. He joins in the sparring to work out some of the kinks. After a few minutes with Bulldog, Rigging sweating pulls back and says, "Maybe we better get on the road. We have Wild Ones to meet and defeat."

Bulldog and Asbury* 
Wednesday August 16th, 2000 8:26:27 AM

Bulldog enjoys his sparring session with his companions. He pulls his blows against the spellcaster as not to hurt him. He knows Wynd can handle herself, but isn't sure of Riggings abilities with the blade. He discovers that the mage is ok with the sword, not up to Bulldog's mighty standards, but ok.

Moving along - DM Kim 
Wednesday August 16th, 2000 12:02:27 PM

Insects begin to buzz as the sun continues its daily climb, warming the dry grass. One horse nickers, anxious to be untethered. Singer's mare rests her head on the back of Rigging's horse. The group sets off, as the day promises to be a hot one. There still are hills, but larger areas of flat terrain as the day extends. At one point, a fox is spotted, and Asbury barks and attempts pursuit, but the fox quickly disappears. Remnants of a weathered, broken down cart are seen, but after a brief inspection, there seems to be nothing remarkable about it, other than the scattered bones of a few animals lying in the vicinity. Asbury studiously catalogs the scents he discerns around the cart. He chooses a bone, which he happily carries along for a few miles, pausing occasionally to gnaw at it. Late in the afternoon, the horses begin to show signs of nervousness. Rigging's horse finally balks, refusing to go straight ahead. Scrub brush and some scattered, gnarled pines dot the local landscape.

Thursday August 17th, 2000 6:37:40 PM

Quickly dismounting and ground tying her mount, Wynd draws her sword and slowly moves forward tryin to scout out what might be startling the horses.

Thursday August 17th, 2000 6:37:40 PM

Quickly dismounting and ground tying her mount, Wynd draws her sword and slowly moves forward tryin to scout out what might be startling the horses.

Bulldog and Asbury* 
Thursday August 17th, 2000 10:37:24 PM

Bulldog will slide slowly off his horse taking a slow careful scan of his surroundings. He will ready his sword for possible action. He will hang on to his horse's reins. Bulldog says, "Wynd what do you see? I am here ready to defend your back. Do you see any animal sign?"

Bulldog and Asbury* 
Thursday August 17th, 2000 10:37:24 PM

Bulldog will slide slowly off his horse taking a slow careful scan of his surroundings. He will ready his sword for possible action. He will hang on to his horse's reins. Bulldog says, "Wynd what do you see? I am here ready to defend your back. Do you see any animal sign?"

Thursday August 17th, 2000 10:40:29 PM

Rigging leans forwards across Seafoam's neck murmuring to his faithful companion softly. "What is the matter big fellow? What do you sense out there? Easy big guy Sssshhhhh...easy big fellow." Rigging will also scan the area and prepare his sleep spell.

Legs  d20=3
Friday August 18th, 2000 3:05:52 AM

The lanky paladin, already on foot, nocks an arrow, then takes a panoramic look about. (3 on perception check)

Legs  d20=3
Friday August 18th, 2000 3:05:52 AM

The lanky paladin, already on foot, nocks an arrow, then takes a panoramic look about. (3 on perception check)

Friday August 18th, 2000 10:35:20 AM

mutters, "Wonder what's out there this time". Standing ready, Ari takes a look around. (sorry for time on post)

Friday August 18th, 2000 10:35:20 AM

mutters, "Wonder what's out there this time". Standing ready, Ari takes a look around. (sorry for time on post)

Moving along - DM Kim 
Friday August 18th, 2000 7:07:10 PM

You don't really seem to notice anything out of the ordinary, other than scattered fist-sized holes in the ground. They look like something a small animal might inhabit. A whistling noise is heard, and Wynd notices something brown and whiskered ducking into one of the holes. Looking a little farther on, she can see that the density of the holes increases.

Moving along - DM Kim 
Friday August 18th, 2000 7:07:10 PM

You don't really seem to notice anything out of the ordinary, other than scattered fist-sized holes in the ground. They look like something a small animal might inhabit. A whistling noise is heard, and Wynd notices something brown and whiskered ducking into one of the holes. Looking a little farther on, she can see that the density of the holes increases.

Friday August 18th, 2000 7:32:23 PM

Umm all I see are an over abundance of prarie dog holes. I would suggest that we dismount and lead our horses so they dont break a leg and send us flying. It will slow us down a bit but in the long run may help us if we still have horses.

Friday August 18th, 2000 7:32:23 PM

Umm all I see are an over abundance of prarie dog holes. I would suggest that we dismount and lead our horses so they dont break a leg and send us flying. It will slow us down a bit but in the long run may help us if we still have horses.

Friday August 18th, 2000 9:03:59 PM

Rigging says, "Wynd are you sure they are praire dogs? Would a praire dog spook a horse? It does seem like a great ambush site. If we get in the middle of the holes, and are attacked, we would have difficulty getting away. I suggest we either skirt the region or do a more thorough scouting." Rigging wonders if praire dog tastes good. He is starting to get hungry.

Friday August 18th, 2000 9:03:59 PM

Rigging says, "Wynd are you sure they are praire dogs? Would a praire dog spook a horse? It does seem like a great ambush site. If we get in the middle of the holes, and are attacked, we would have difficulty getting away. I suggest we either skirt the region or do a more thorough scouting." Rigging wonders if praire dog tastes good. He is starting to get hungry.

Saturday August 19th, 2000 1:10:57 AM

"Amazing. I've never heard of little dogs on the prairie before," Legs remarks. "Do they bark or bite?" he asks Wynd, apparently serious in his question.

Saturday August 19th, 2000 1:10:57 AM

"Amazing. I've never heard of little dogs on the prairie before," Legs remarks. "Do they bark or bite?" he asks Wynd, apparently serious in his question.

Bulldog &Asbury 
Sunday August 20th, 2000 8:16:02 AM

Seeing that it's only small rodents scurrying from hole to hole, the stout yound lad relaxes. As Wynd leads her horse through the colony, Bulldog follows her route. Asbury scurryies about investigating the entrances of different holes. 'so many, so little time'. Adding at last to the others "single file will be safest as we move through, .... I think." Waving the others to follow.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Sunday August 20th, 2000 8:16:02 AM

Seeing that it's only small rodents scurrying from hole to hole, the stout yound lad relaxes. As Wynd leads her horse through the colony, Bulldog follows her route. Asbury scurryies about investigating the entrances of different holes. 'so many, so little time'. Adding at last to the others "single file will be safest as we move through, .... I think." Waving the others to follow.

Sunday August 20th, 2000 11:34:23 PM

"I don't know about safe". Pointing to the denser holes," with the holes getting that frequent, could the tunneling weaken the ground to the point that it can't hold the horses weight? We might want to go around this, if we can."

Sunday August 20th, 2000 11:34:23 PM

"I don't know about safe". Pointing to the denser holes," with the holes getting that frequent, could the tunneling weaken the ground to the point that it can't hold the horses weight? We might want to go around this, if we can."

Sunday August 20th, 2000 11:36:08 PM

"and if not their weight, what about their footing? I'm concerned that they may break their leg, if those holes get too frequent

Sunday August 20th, 2000 11:36:08 PM

"and if not their weight, what about their footing? I'm concerned that they may break their leg, if those holes get too frequent

Legs  d2=2
Monday August 21st, 2000 11:11:34 AM

"Let's pick a direction, and go around." He takes silver coin from a pouch, tosses it in air, catches it in his palm, and slaps it on to the back of his wrist. "Let's go to the right." He starts walking that direction.

Legs  d2=2
Monday August 21st, 2000 11:11:34 AM

"Let's pick a direction, and go around." He takes silver coin from a pouch, tosses it in air, catches it in his palm, and slaps it on to the back of his wrist. "Let's go to the right." He starts walking that direction.

Whistling Pups - DM Kim 
Monday August 21st, 2000 11:35:10 AM

As the party discusses their options, whistles are heard coming in from farther away and an occasional dusty tan colored head pops up to check out the situation.

Whistling Pups - DM Kim 
Monday August 21st, 2000 11:35:10 AM

As the party discusses their options, whistles are heard coming in from farther away and an occasional dusty tan colored head pops up to check out the situation.

Monday August 21st, 2000 8:10:18 PM

Rigging hearing the whistles, scans the area for danger. He says, "Yes lets get around this area. For some reason I have a bad feeling about this. I can't put my finger on it" Rigging looks up and around at the sky, still scanning for danger.

Monday August 21st, 2000 8:10:18 PM

Rigging hearing the whistles, scans the area for danger. He says, "Yes lets get around this area. For some reason I have a bad feeling about this. I can't put my finger on it" Rigging looks up and around at the sky, still scanning for danger.

Monday August 21st, 2000 9:05:23 PM

Ok we can go around but first lets pick a land mark toward wheere we want to go so we dont lose sight of where we are and where we are eventually heading. The Phoenix did tell us to go this way after all.

Monday August 21st, 2000 9:05:23 PM

Ok we can go around but first lets pick a land mark toward wheere we want to go so we dont lose sight of where we are and where we are eventually heading. The Phoenix did tell us to go this way after all.

Bulldog &Asbury 
Monday August 21st, 2000 9:05:24 PM

With an excited energy, Asbury continues to chase the little rodents from one hole to the next. Keeping an eye on his masters' progress through the colony.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday August 21st, 2000 9:05:24 PM

With an excited energy, Asbury continues to chase the little rodents from one hole to the next. Keeping an eye on his masters' progress through the colony.

Legs  d20=8
Monday August 21st, 2000 11:38:59 PM

Legs walks on, giving the holes on his left a wide berth. He barely hears Wynd's suggestion to mark a landmark (perception check), so stops for a moment, looking into the distance, trying to find two or three landmarks for navigation.

Legs  d20=8
Monday August 21st, 2000 11:38:59 PM

Legs walks on, giving the holes on his left a wide berth. He barely hears Wynd's suggestion to mark a landmark (perception check), so stops for a moment, looking into the distance, trying to find two or three landmarks for navigation.

Tuesday August 22nd, 2000 3:36:00 PM

"I would say to give Legs a little lead time, so he can scout. Though, I'm half-inclined to walk the horse for now."

Tuesday August 22nd, 2000 3:36:00 PM

"I would say to give Legs a little lead time, so he can scout. Though, I'm half-inclined to walk the horse for now."

Tuesday August 22nd, 2000 10:08:39 PM

Rigging says, "Wynd Lets try to go around. If the praire dog nest is to big, then we can always try to go through it." Rigging ponders for a few minutes. He looks at Legs and asks, "Legs do you think the Dragon God would want us to stay on the path? Are we going to anger it by going around? I would rather have small furry rodents mad at me than the Dragon God."

Tuesday August 22nd, 2000 10:08:39 PM

Rigging says, "Wynd Lets try to go around. If the praire dog nest is to big, then we can always try to go through it." Rigging ponders for a few minutes. He looks at Legs and asks, "Legs do you think the Dragon God would want us to stay on the path? Are we going to anger it by going around? I would rather have small furry rodents mad at me than the Dragon God."

Wednesday August 23rd, 2000 11:27:17 AM

Legs thinks about Rigging's question for a moment. "The Phoenix said we should go 'north and west.' I think as long as we're going north, or west, or both, we're not disregarding those instructions. We're also supposed to 'beware the wild ones.' Don't know what that means, exactly." Legs glances toward the sun. "We've been going northwest. Right now, looks like we're heading northwards, doncha think? Soon as we get past this holey ground, we can add west back in to our travel." As they walks along, Legs finds a stick. He picks up rocks and occasionally knocks them off into the distance.

Wednesday August 23rd, 2000 11:27:17 AM

Legs thinks about Rigging's question for a moment. "The Phoenix said we should go 'north and west.' I think as long as we're going north, or west, or both, we're not disregarding those instructions. We're also supposed to 'beware the wild ones.' Don't know what that means, exactly." Legs glances toward the sun. "We've been going northwest. Right now, looks like we're heading northwards, doncha think? Soon as we get past this holey ground, we can add west back in to our travel." As they walks along, Legs finds a stick. He picks up rocks and occasionally knocks them off into the distance.

Wednesday August 23rd, 2000 10:09:26 PM

Rigging decides if Leggs is comfortable with this decision, then so is he. He places one foot in front of the other, leading Seafoam. He strokes Seafoam's nose and head occassionly while looking around the horizen.

Wednesday August 23rd, 2000 10:09:26 PM

Rigging decides if Leggs is comfortable with this decision, then so is he. He places one foot in front of the other, leading Seafoam. He strokes Seafoam's nose and head occassionly while looking around the horizen.

DM Kim 
Thursday August 24th, 2000 12:47:34 AM

As the one dog, three horses and five young teenagers head around the prairie dogs, the sun traverses much of the sky. Finally, with a few meanderings, the whistling dogs are left behind. In the distance clumps of trees are just coming into view. Far to the west, a cloud of dust looks to be moving north to south. Another hour stands between now and sunset.

DM Kim 
Thursday August 24th, 2000 12:47:34 AM

As the one dog, three horses and five young teenagers head around the prairie dogs, the sun traverses much of the sky. Finally, with a few meanderings, the whistling dogs are left behind. In the distance clumps of trees are just coming into view. Far to the west, a cloud of dust looks to be moving north to south. Another hour stands between now and sunset.

Thursday August 24th, 2000 9:27:12 PM

Rigging spies the dust in the distance. He says to the others, "Hey look at that. We might need to get to some cover. That looks like riders heading this direction. Could be the imfamous Wild Ones. What do you think? Should we make a dash for those trees, or lie the horses down and try to hide here. If we make a dash for the trees, and it is riders and not a dust storm, we might kick up our own dust trail."

Thursday August 24th, 2000 9:27:12 PM

Rigging spies the dust in the distance. He says to the others, "Hey look at that. We might need to get to some cover. That looks like riders heading this direction. Could be the imfamous Wild Ones. What do you think? Should we make a dash for those trees, or lie the horses down and try to hide here. If we make a dash for the trees, and it is riders and not a dust storm, we might kick up our own dust trail."

Bulldog &Asbury 
Thursday August 24th, 2000 9:27:13 PM

Growing tired from the long day, Bulldog notices the trees in the distance and pipes up. "They would be good for cover tonight. lets scout them out for a camp"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday August 24th, 2000 9:27:13 PM

Growing tired from the long day, Bulldog notices the trees in the distance and pipes up. "They would be good for cover tonight. lets scout them out for a camp"

Friday August 25th, 2000 11:43:04 AM

"Good ideas," Legs says. "Let's crouch down and keep an eye out. Then head for the trees."

Friday August 25th, 2000 11:43:04 AM

"Good ideas," Legs says. "Let's crouch down and keep an eye out. Then head for the trees."

DM Kim 
Friday August 25th, 2000 3:06:33 PM

Some sort of large creatures - four legged - are occasionally seen at the edge of the dust cloud, which looks likely to miss the group by a wide distance (unless the direction of travel happens to change).

DM Kim 
Friday August 25th, 2000 3:06:33 PM

Some sort of large creatures - four legged - are occasionally seen at the edge of the dust cloud, which looks likely to miss the group by a wide distance (unless the direction of travel happens to change).

Friday August 25th, 2000 4:15:27 PM

"Getting under cover probably would be a good thing. Though around here......." (What is the time we're currently aiming for, for posting prior to the DM post (which was 3pm today, and 1 am yesterday) where 7pm is what I'm use to)

Friday August 25th, 2000 4:15:27 PM

"Getting under cover probably would be a good thing. Though around here......." (What is the time we're currently aiming for, for posting prior to the DM post (which was 3pm today, and 1 am yesterday) where 7pm is what I'm use to)

Friday August 25th, 2000 7:21:50 PM

Looking out over at the tree line, Wynd nods and then heads that way to scout out a campsite. Along the way she ponders the possibility that with the number of prarie dogs and holes and hence tunnels, how easy it would be to set up and underground ambush if it were necessary.

Friday August 25th, 2000 7:21:50 PM

Looking out over at the tree line, Wynd nods and then heads that way to scout out a campsite. Along the way she ponders the possibility that with the number of prarie dogs and holes and hence tunnels, how easy it would be to set up and underground ambush if it were necessary.

Bulldog &Asbury 
Friday August 25th, 2000 7:21:51 PM

Making the cover of the trees. The burly fighter loads his crossbow. He then queitly watches the dust cloud as it goes by. After the passing he settles down with the others. "I don't tthinkm a fire would be good. It can be seen for a long way away." Getting up a takes care of the horse chores he passes out blankets to those who ask. Asbury spends his time trying to get a few snacks out of to tired to rest his snuggly charms.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday August 25th, 2000 7:21:51 PM

Making the cover of the trees. The burly fighter loads his crossbow. He then queitly watches the dust cloud as it goes by. After the passing he settles down with the others. "I don't tthinkm a fire would be good. It can be seen for a long way away." Getting up a takes care of the horse chores he passes out blankets to those who ask. Asbury spends his time trying to get a few snacks out of to tired to rest his snuggly charms.

Saturday August 26th, 2000 2:35:03 PM

Rigging is happy when he sees his new companions safe in the trees. He is even more happy to see the dust cloud get farther and farther away. He goes about helping set up the camp.

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