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Dark Doings (DM Kim), Part the Fourth 
Tuesday June 27th, 2000 11:21:14 AM

She looks at the sword in her hands, wondering about the flash of blue it emitted, and the effect it had on the deceitful spirit. Bulldog's question breaks her post-combat reverie. "Not too bad. A little light-headed," she answers. She comes out of the cave, sword still in hand.

Nightshade (Kim) 
Tuesday June 27th, 2000 11:21:53 AM

She looks at the sword in her hands, wondering about the flash of blue it emitted, and the effect it had on the deceitful spirit. Bulldog's question breaks her post-combat reverie. "Not too bad. A little light-headed," she answers. She comes out of the cave, sword still in hand.

Tuesday June 27th, 2000 11:23:41 AM

Legs lays hands on Catcher, healing 2 hp. He prays for him.

Tuesday June 27th, 2000 12:29:44 PM

Glad that people are taking care of Catcher, and that Nightshade seems all right, Singer enters the cavern. He looks around the walls to see if there are any openings or cracks. Then he takes his sword, and carefully lifts the circlet off the treasure pile, and sets it aside. He does the same with the chain mail. Then he looks at the rest of the treasure beneath, to see of what it consists. If he thinks it unlikely to cause damage, he uses his drusus to carefully probe the pile.

Tuesday June 27th, 2000 12:29:58 PM

Glad that people are taking care of Catcher, and that Nightshade seems all right, Singer enters the cavern. He looks around the walls to see if there are any openings or cracks. Then he takes his sword, and carefully lifts the circlet off the treasure pile, and sets it aside. He does the same with the chain mail. Then he looks at the rest of the treasure beneath, to see of what it consists. If he thinks it unlikely to cause damage, he uses his drusus to carefully probe the pile.

Tuesday June 27th, 2000 7:17:19 PM

Watching as N'Shade exits the cave and speaks of being a bit lightheaded, Wynd quickly makes a cold infusion of the same herbs she prepared for Catcher and hands her the cup as she exits looking at the sword. "Drink, it will help your lightheadedness."

Tuesday June 27th, 2000 8:03:33 PM

Seeing that things are well in hand the Mage joins Singer in the cave to look things over.

Nightshade (Kim) 
Tuesday June 27th, 2000 8:49:29 PM

The paladin takes the cup from Wynd and drinks it down. A shudder goes through her body. "Eew," she says, but quickly afterwards, "Thank you, Wynd." She looks in the cup. "What *is* this, anyway?" ... After receiving help from and talking with Wynd, Nightshade finds Bulldog. She looks at him. Sincerely she tells him, "You are so smart. 'Use it's own weapon against it' you told me. And it worked!" The tall teenager leans over and kisses Bulldog on the forehead.

Ari  d20=11 d3=1 d8=7
Wednesday June 28th, 2000 8:54:44 AM

Seeing the immediate threat ended. Ari sheathes his weapons, and moves over to Catcher to check things out. Tending to the wound, Ari restores 1 hp to Catcher. Examining Catcher Ari casts Cure Light wounds (if needed. shoudl be only 1 hp down based off numerical data. But unsure if there might be more damage, and more healing needed. has one more CLW if needed.)and restores 7 hit point.

The Pile (DM Kim) 
Wednesday June 28th, 2000 11:56:04 AM

Singer and Rigging discover many coins on top, Leg's dagger, and underneath a broken bead necklace, a very clean chamois cloth (and the coins adjacent to it shine brightly with reflected torchlight), scraps of cloth, leather. Forming the foundation of the pile are common stones. A scrap of parchment with writing on it is also found.

Wednesday June 28th, 2000 6:38:52 PM

Wynd Sticks her head in to the cave. "Hey, you guys why dont you just drag all that stuff out here so we can all look at it since we cant all fit inside there."

Wednesday June 28th, 2000 8:47:39 PM

Turning to Wynd as she calls, he flashes a quick smile. Then begins with packing things together, with Singers' help. "looks like a real good find here, Don't you think ?"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday June 28th, 2000 11:14:36 PM

Blushing slightly at Night's attention . "Catcher's and your own weapons seemed to have little affect on the the .... whatever that was .... I was just that I saw that mighty sword lying there and .... well ... it seemed right. I'm so glad to see that you alright." Then pulls her in for a hug.

Thursday June 29th, 2000 11:27:06 AM

Singer opens the chamois, and puts as many coins on it as he can, then carries them out. He goes back in to work with Rigging in getting the chainmail, circlet, broken necklace, Leg's dagger, and whatever else out. He then moves aside the rocks, to see if anything is hidden underneath.

Thursday June 29th, 2000 11:42:41 AM

If catcher is relatively alright, Ari helps with the emptying of th chamber.

DM Kim 
Thursday June 29th, 2000 12:32:47 PM

After Ari's ministrations, the discoloration around Catcher's neck disappears, and he breathes easier. He remains asleep. / Rigging, Singer and Ari manage to get everything out. Singer finds hard dirt floor under the rocks, and nothing more. / The time is near midnight. Counting the coins yields 250 copper pieces, 80 silver, 11 gold, and 3 platinum. The chain mail looks well wrought, and sized to comfortably fit someone between 5'8" and 6'2". The circlet is burnished silver, with no markings.

Friday June 30th, 2000 11:13:46 AM

Singer tells all what the totals are, and suggests dividing it up, and hiding it among various members of the party. He doesn't want to wear the chain mail. He takes 1 platinum piece, 1 gold, 5 silver, and 20 copper pieces to carry.

Friday June 30th, 2000 5:03:41 PM

Legs gets his dagger back from those who gathered what was in the cave. "I'll take next watch." He looks at the chainmail, wondering if it would fit him.

Friday June 30th, 2000 5:46:46 PM

To the caster of the group. "does any of us have any spell to detect if any of this items have specail qualities" as he likewise as Singer takes 1 plat, 5 silver, 2 gold, & 20 cp. "my what a wonderful little cloth this is." Testing it on the coins to see the results. Adding "I can study for a spell of detection by morning if no others have it"

Saturday July 1st, 2000 9:21:50 PM

"I do not magic detection. Though i would have two pieces (showing the dagger and the ring) to add to be examined."

DM Kim 
Sunday July 2nd, 2000 4:24:18 AM

When Rigging brings coins into contact with the cloth, those which were tarnished or dull with age quickly shine up nicely. Also, Rigging's hands as he handles the chamois are cleaned, even under the fingernails. The cloth is a very soft leather, and feels good to the touch.

Sunday July 2nd, 2000 4:24:19 AM

Rigging says to the group, "Where is that parchment? The one with writing on it. Might give us some clues to the items we found." Rigging gives a big yawn and says, "I need to get some sleep. I am heading back to camp. I have spells to memorize in the morning." Rigging leaves while polishing his silver medallion with the cool cloth.

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