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The Escape (Module 5-1) Part III
Hill Barrow

Camp Down Places (DM Dave) 
Thursday June 8th, 2000 7:31:31 AM

Catcher and the others easily find several good camping sites...the ground is so broken and jumbled that you find yourself walking thru ravines at times that stretch thirty feet upward. Even the tallest points only afford you a view of a few hundred yards at most, and with the rising mist, this is cut down to the tens of yards. The group beds down for the evening.

Thursday June 8th, 2000 8:33:00 AM

While the others are setting up camp, Wynd wanders around the area keeping an eye out for the safest place for a fire, dry fire wood, multiple escape routes, any other signs of life and possible sentry posts. When she has collected the information she needs she returns to the others and makes her report. Along with the statement that anyone having injuries worse than average sleep through the night and not watch.

Thursday June 8th, 2000 7:08:41 PM

Ari helps with setting up camp. "I think comparing what we have in the way of spells, would give us a fighting chance as to figuring out who should do what. We can do that prior to going to bed, or something."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday June 8th, 2000 7:08:42 PM

As the big fellow gets comfortable, he listens and responds to Wynds report. "I'll take the l;ast watch ... if that works for everyone."

Friday June 9th, 2000 3:31:29 AM

"I am not a caster of spells, Ari, as you know, but both Nightshade and I are able once a day to pass on some healing to one person through the power of the Good God." [OOC: 2 hp via laying on of hands.]

Friday June 9th, 2000 8:09:28 PM

Rigging will help make camp. He returns Ari's spell book. "Looking forward to comparing tonight." he says.

Friday June 9th, 2000 8:09:29 PM

Singer shows Bulldog some of the stones he has gathered. "Oh, I dunno. I like their different colors and shapes. And Aiflithar, my master, told us that to tell the story of a people is also to tell the story of their land. We should know the land - the rocks, and hills, and rivers, and forests - and measure their influence on the people. She told us, 'And do not forget as well to measure the influence of the people on the land.'" He shrugs his shoulders. "But mainly," he concludes, giving his muscled friend a tired grin, "I just like them 'cause they're interesting to look at."

Nightshade (Kim) 
Friday June 9th, 2000 8:17:31 PM

Nightshade announces, "I'll take first watch." She listens as Ari, Rigging, and any others compare notes on spell selections. This gets her thinking about Tag Along, and she wonders if there will be a time they will be able to free him from his stoney state. After a time, she moves away so as to avoid unnecessary distractions from her present role as guardian of the camp. When her time to rest arrives, she alerts the next watch, and beds down near her friend Wynd.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Saturday June 10th, 2000 9:23:28 AM

"Quite a story for a rock to tell, if it could tell of this land" adding in reply to his tired friend. "Lets get some sleep .... see you in the morning." closing his eyes. Asbury quietly makes it over to his master and snuggles in for the evening. The young man thinks of how deep an answer Singer gave. 'impressed.'

Visitation (DM Dave) 
Sunday June 11th, 2000 3:56:19 PM

The group settles down for the evening as Nightshade takes the first watch. Soon, all the others are asleep from the hard day's journey. From the edge of the mists surrounding the camp, a luminous figure steps forth - Skippy! She floats over to Nightshade saying, "This is a dangerous place you have chosen - these hills are full of the dead. I have slain a spirit creature no more than 10 yards from here - it's lair lies under the hill next to your camp." Skippy floats away toward the edges of the camp, "I will keep watch this evening, but you and the others must be gone by tomorrow evening - worse creatures lie further ahead that I have no power over." As Skippy enters the mists, she says to Nightshade, "Come: I must ask you to brave the lair of the creature I slew, and remove a crown that lies within - otherwise, the monster will rise again tomorrow night." With that, Skippy fades into the mist - and a feeble light remains to guide the way.

Nightshade (Kim) 
Monday June 12th, 2000 1:09:37 AM

Nightshade shakes Catcher awake. "Catch - watch for me. Skippy needs my help. She asked me to get a crown from the lair of a dead monster nearby. Catcher, wake up. I follow the light." She makes sure he is awake, then follows Skippy's light, sword in hand. She tries to detect evil ahead of her, for though she believes it is Skippy ... she is not absolutely sure. She scrapes her feet to leave a path.

Monday June 12th, 2000 12:58:51 PM

Singer sleeps soundly.

Monday June 12th, 2000 7:15:13 PM

The young man quickly awakes, and is immediately sceptical, "Nightshade, I really don't think it's a good idea to go off by yourself...let me at least come along." He turns and wakes up the others. If Nightshade starts to leave, he hurries after her, worried that something might happen.

Monday June 12th, 2000 7:15:19 PM

sitting up as Catcher wakes her, Wynd hustles him up, pushing him to follow N'Shade, she signals that she will take care of waking and informing the others as needed. She also ask that he marks the trail as best as possible so that when they dont return in an hour the calvary will come to the rescue.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday June 12th, 2000 7:15:20 PM

Stirs in his sleep sligtly, but then quiets. Asbury's head rises as he hears the commotion, deciding to just watch.

Nightshade (Kim)  d20=12
Tuesday June 13th, 2000 1:12:54 AM

Legs awakens. He quickly dresses, and grabs a torch, which he lights. He gives Singer a firm nudge with his foot as he passes by the bard. "There may be something for you to write about, sleepyhead." Sword in right, torch in left hand, Legs follows soon after Bella and Catcher.

Enter the Barrow (DM Dave) 
Tuesday June 13th, 2000 7:26:51 AM

Nightshade heads around the backside of the hill, following the faint glow, and discovers a small stone pushed slightly askew, with a hole behind it. Catcher is immediately behind, with some of the others in the group following a minute or so behind. Nightshade did not detect any evil initially, but definitely senses evil as she nears the hole.

Tuesday June 13th, 2000 9:22:25 AM

Ever the laggard, if Ari is awoken, he'll stay with the campfire, and be prepared to bring u the rear. Otherwise he'll sleep in oblivion. ( :) )

Tuesday June 13th, 2000 12:41:15 PM

After the nudge, sleepy Singer rouses himself, rubs his eyes, and heads in the general direction he sees Legs go. He carries his drusus, pausing a couple times to stretch his stiff limbs.

Tuesday June 13th, 2000 1:08:59 PM

stays at the camp as rear guard weapons ready

Tuesday June 13th, 2000 8:57:57 PM

Rigging wakes up with a start. "Where did everybody go?" He gets up, belts on his weapons belt, and walks over to Wynd. "Is everything ok" He looks over to Seafoam to make sure he is ok.

Nightshade (Kim) 
Tuesday June 13th, 2000 8:57:58 PM

Holding tightly on to her sword, Nightshade pushes the tip of her sword into the opening, bracing against any inside attempts to push against or pull the sword out of her grasp. If no resistance is felt, she uses the sword tip to feel if there is anything beyond the small opening other than an open space.

Cold Places (DM Dave) 
Wednesday June 14th, 2000 7:16:25 AM

Nightshade's sword meets no resistence as she makes her way inside, with Catcher immediately behind her. Inside, Skippy's ephemeral form glows faintly near a bed of treaure, on top of which lies chain mail, sword, and a circlet. Bits of bone lie scattered about in the cramped quarters (20 foot by 15 foot rough-hewn room). Outside, the others are taking up defensive postures in the camp, or making their way to the barrow.

Wednesday June 14th, 2000 7:39:19 AM

Turning as Rigging asks his question, Wynd shrugs and says Night Shade followed Skippy somewhere, Catcher ans a few others went with her. We are the reserves and calvary if necessary.

Nightshade (Kim) 
Wednesday June 14th, 2000 11:31:55 AM

The paladin scans the room, left to right, then top to bottom, seeking to pinpoint the source of the evil she sensed. "What is your father's name?" she asks Skippy. Her blade is poised.

Wednesday June 14th, 2000 11:31:56 AM

Rigging says slyly, "So Wynd, What is a sweet and beautiful woman like you doing out here in this big bad wasteland? Did I mention that the moonlight brings out the sparkle in your eyes." He picks up a stick and casts a change spell on it transforming it into a beautiful rose. He hands it to Wynd with a flourish and a shy smile.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday June 14th, 2000 11:31:57 AM

Taking up a defensive postion, Bulldog nods in agreement with Wynds comment of 'backup and/or calvary.' Stretching abit to get ready. Asbury ears twitch back and forth, trying to pin point the whereabouts of those that advanced.

Skippy (DM Kim) 
Thursday June 15th, 2000 2:45:22 AM

"This is the crown I told you of," Skippy tells Nightshade. "Take it, that the spirit creature I slew cannot rise again. Come."

Thursday June 15th, 2000 2:02:07 PM

Surprised at Rigging's unlooked for comments, a slightly blushing Wynd takes the flower and taking a moment to compose herselfsays, "Well this is certainly the prettiest thing I've seen in this wasteland as yet. Thank you Rigging." As for myself being pretty, I am realistic enough to know that I will never be considered beautiful, but I also know that I truly would not want to be. Beautiful people have to many difficulties in life and very rarely are they taken very seriously. I am happy with myself as I am, broken nose, scars, and all. But thank you all the same. As for how I came to be here; well part of the story I told you before lies at the center of it. I found part of that story in a partially destroyed, outlawed book and I kept it. That along with seeing how the animals in the forest live free and apart from G"aal made me start questioning things. Then several of our older friends came back form their joining and they were no longer themselves, so we took the first if not safest chance we could to avoid that fate ourselves.

Friday June 16th, 2000 12:08:46 AM

Rigging says to Wynd, "Beauty like the rose I gave you fades. It is the beauty of the spirit which matters most. Though I have known you but a short time, you my lady, are beautiful." A concerned look comes over his face. To Bulldog he adds, "What say you my strong armed friend. Should we go investigate what is taking the noble paladin so long? She may need help."

Nightshade (Kim) 
Friday June 16th, 2000 3:19:21 AM

Hesitant, Nightshade takes a step toward the treasure pile, sword still before her. "You did not answer my question. What is your father's name?" Again, she tries to pinpoint the source of the evil she senses.

Friday June 16th, 2000 3:20:34 AM

Catcher looks at the glowing Skippy, and is trying to figure out what is going on. He, too, has his sword drawn.

Friday June 16th, 2000 3:26:09 AM

The tall boy paladin makes it to the entrance of the little cave, and pokes his head in. "What is here?" he asks.

Source of evil... (DM Kim)  d10=8 d10=9 d20=10
Friday June 16th, 2000 1:01:45 PM

Skippy shows a flash of anger, and her image begins to break up. Nightshade senses the evil from that image. "My father died hundreds of years ago." The voice shrieks, "What difference his name?" The figure lashes out at Nightshade, who feels a coolness in the air as she is barely missed by this shadowy figure.

Catcher  d20=16 d8=2
Friday June 16th, 2000 4:39:40 PM

Seeing the shadowy-Skippy-looking thing try to hit Nightshade, Catcher steps to the paladin's left, and swings upward to hit it, doing 2 hp of damage if he connects.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday June 16th, 2000 4:39:41 PM

Bulldog smiles at the exhange between Wynd and Rigging. Then replies to the mage "Sure thing .... lets get going" then playful nudges Wynd as he passes by "seems to like you." whispering.

Sunday June 18th, 2000 12:06:25 PM

Rigging goes to follow Bulldog. He says to Wynd, "Maybe you better stay here and babysit sleeping beauty." Rigging points at Ari's snoring form.

Sunday June 18th, 2000 12:06:26 PM

Sticking her tongue out at Bulldog's comment, Wynd turns at Rigging's comment. "Baby Sit!" I'll baby sit you, you undersized excuse for a cabin boy. Ari and I will await your return for fifteen minutes and then we will come rescue you.

Ari  d100=82
Monday June 19th, 2000 11:24:28 PM

(roll was accidental) " I was going to suggest maybe working on our spells"

Tuesday June 20th, 2000 2:30:56 PM

Rigging hears Ari as he follows the big warrior and says back, "We can do that in the morning after I get some real sleep. I will need time to study anyway. Will have to replace some spells."

Nightshade (Kim)  d20=8 d8=5
Tuesday June 20th, 2000 2:30:57 PM

She feels the malevolent imposter as it nearly strikes her. Anger wells up inside her that anyone would pretend to be Skippy in order to deceive her. "Back, false one!" She swings her sword in an arc, away from Catcher, yet against the glowing light.

Tuesday June 20th, 2000 3:23:41 PM

Legs shouts over his shoulder, "Hey, fight in the cave!" He looks to see if there is room for him to help out.

Shadowy figure (DM Kim)  d20=17 d4=1
Tuesday June 20th, 2000 3:34:56 PM

The figure backhands Nightshade, doing 1 hp damage. Nightshade feels a chill.

Catcher  d20=5
Tuesday June 20th, 2000 8:16:10 PM

Catcher thrusts at the figure, but misses.

Nightshade (Kim)  d20=6
Wednesday June 21st, 2000 11:43:40 AM

Nightshade returns the attack on the creature, but cannot seem to connect.

Shadowy figure (DM Kim)  d20=7
Wednesday June 21st, 2000 3:06:24 PM

The opponent reaches out an ill-defined limb to Catcher's face, but the ranger ducks in time. "You'll be mine. Mine!" the creature growls.

Catcher  d20=15 d8=7
Wednesday June 21st, 2000 8:02:50 PM

Catcher's sword hits AC 5 for 8 hp damage.

Nightshade (Kim)  d20=13 d8+2=3
Wednesday June 21st, 2000 8:07:38 PM

Nightshade swings and connects with AC 6 for 3 points of damage.

Legs  d20=10 d4=4
Wednesday June 21st, 2000 8:09:53 PM

Legs throws a dagger at the ephemeral shape, but likely misses (hit AC 10).

Wednesday June 21st, 2000 8:11:14 PM

Singer shows up at the entrance, and sees Legs toss a dagger inside. He tries to get a look at what's happening.

Dim Pickin's (DM Kim) 
Wednesday June 21st, 2000 8:18:22 PM

Singer, and those inside, see that there is a very dim light in the cave, coming from the ceiling, and a dim glow coming from somewhere on the pile of treasure against the wall opposite the entrance. Dim shadows dance as the combat continues. If Legs steps in beyond the entrance, there is a very real possibility that he will be struck by his companions' weapons. [In these close quarters, if someone rolls a 3 or lower on their 'to hit' rolls, there is a 50% chance that another person in the room is struck for 1/2 the weapon's rolled damage.)

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday June 21st, 2000 8:18:23 PM

Seeing and hearing some activity at a cave entrance , the big ellow hustles over to get a grasp of the situation, "whats going on in there !"

Not quite hittin' (DM Kim)  d20=18 d6=5 d4=1
Wednesday June 21st, 2000 9:56:13 PM

Neither Nightshade nor Catcher have managed to hit their opponent yet. But the shadow figure catches Catcher with an ephemeral elbow, for 1 hp damage. Catcher feels a chill.

Wednesday June 21st, 2000 9:59:02 PM

"It's hard to make out exactly what they're fighting," Singer answers Bulldog. "Maybe a torch or lantern would help us see better." Singer returns to the campsite to see what he can find for a light source. "Anybody have a lantern?" he asks.

Rigging  d4=4
Thursday June 22nd, 2000 2:55:03 AM

Rigging hurries up to the cave mouth and sees his new companions fighting what he thinks is a shade. He quickly realizes that no one else can safely fit in the cave so he shoots a magic missle spell at the foul creature (die roll 4 +1 for 5 points of damage)"I will destroy you with my magic" he yells trying to lure the creature out of the cave.

Ari  d20=1
Thursday June 22nd, 2000 2:55:04 AM

"Not that I have. But here, use this to get started, and I'll make more" Ari reaches into the fire to grab any stout 'torch' there may be. (seems I made any usual check, unless I'm 'attacking' the fire, then I fumbled! :) )

Catcher  d20=17 d8=5
Thursday June 22nd, 2000 2:09:32 PM

Catcher crouches low, and thrusts upwards. Hit AC 3 for 6 hp damage.

Nightshade (Kim)  d20=18 d8=7
Thursday June 22nd, 2000 2:12:12 PM

The paladin feels hot despite the chilly touch of this twisted, lying ... Slashed hitting AC 1 for 9 hp damage.

Thursday June 22nd, 2000 3:47:18 PM

Watching the rest ofthe crew head off and then hearing what can only be the sound of metal ringing off of rock, Wynd grabs up a lit torch and heads in the direction that the rest headed. In what seems just moments she meets Singer on his way back to the camp. Hey What's going on? whats all the racket.

Thursday June 22nd, 2000 8:28:23 PM

"Catch and Nighters are fighting some dim figure in a cave down there. I'm gettin' some more light, so as we can see it better," Singer answers Wynd's query.

Dark shadows (DM Kim)  d20=8
Thursday June 22nd, 2000 8:48:22 PM

Rigging's spell lands, and what looks dark and smoky - but with no smell of smoke - rises from the point of impact. The figure moves over by Catcher. It again attempts to strike him, but Catcher eludes it.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday June 22nd, 2000 8:48:23 PM

Shouldering up next to legs at the cave entrance, for a better view. "what in the good gods name is that ......" seeing his friends having little success against the horror. He wonders out loud, at seeing the sword on the treasure pile "try usings its own weapon against it ... the sword"

Thursday June 22nd, 2000 10:49:02 PM

Rigging looks to his new friends and says, "Some creatures are immune to regular steel and can only be hit by magic or silver. Does anyone have any magic weapons? Where is Ari? Maybe he could turn it or use some magic." Riggings decides to run and get Ari and takes off down the trail.

Thursday June 22nd, 2000 10:49:03 PM

well, Ive got this lit torch and another unlit in my pack here will that do? Lets hurry and go help.

Friday June 23rd, 2000 1:58:17 AM

Ari stands by at the fire. When Riggings arrives, Ari answers his query, "I have no ability to turn. " Thinking quickly, " Though I have this dagger, and I do not know what it's purpose is. Let's see what happens. Are their weapons effecting it?"

Catcher  d20=20 d20=7
Friday June 23rd, 2000 11:15:41 AM

Catcher steps to the side, feints one way, then brings his sword around and down upon the nebulous creature in a swift slice. (9 hp damage.)

Nightshade (Kim)  d20=6 d8=5
Friday June 23rd, 2000 11:18:33 AM

Nightshade hears Bulldog's counsel, and reaches for the sword on the treasure pile. As she holds it, she sheaths her own. She thrusts at not-skippy with it.

Friday June 23rd, 2000 5:07:03 PM

Rigging says to Ari, "I didn't see any visible effects from the sword play. My magic missle seemed to do something, but surely didn't slow it down. Lets go back and see if we can help."

Friday June 23rd, 2000 5:07:04 PM

Legs, his dagger already thrown, and no room inside for more people, steps away from the entrance, to stand watch lest others, not of the party, approach in the night.

Friday June 23rd, 2000 5:11:57 PM

"Sure, Wynd, I'm with you," Singer answers. He walks with her down by the entrance.

Dark Digits (DM Kim)  d20=3 d20=20 d20=9
Friday June 23rd, 2000 5:19:13 PM

Catcher's well placed attack seems to pass right through the figure, with no evident harm to it. The same cannot be said for Catcher's well-being, however, as the shadowy figure reaches out as though to choke the ranger. Ethereal fingers grasp his throat, and toss him to the side. Catcher takes 4 hp damage, and feels very light-headed (Catcher, lose next attack).

Nightshade (Kim)  d20=10 d8=7
Friday June 23rd, 2000 5:24:35 PM

"Ayiii!" shouts Nightshade, swinging at the backside of the wicked creature which is hurting Catcher. If it is a longsword, she does 7+2=9 hp damage, plus (or minus) the sword's characteristics, if AC 9 works...

DM Kim to Rigging 
Friday June 23rd, 2000 7:55:45 PM

[OOC: Could you email me at BillTFind@zdnetonebox.com ? Thanks.]

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday June 23rd, 2000 7:55:46 PM

Seeing catchers strike have no effect on the evil being, then deeply concerned about the lad as he was tossed aside by the counter attack. He steps into the cave to grab his friend and pull him to the safety of the outside. "out with you brother .... I'll go back to aid 'Night' now that there's room."

Sunday June 25th, 2000 9:31:56 AM

As Ari moves to the cave entrance, he casts shield on himself. Then he prepares the dagger and rapier (dagger in primary slot), to engage this contact.

Sunday June 25th, 2000 3:42:02 PM

Singer, careful not to burn his companions, at an opportune time thrusts the torch into the cave so people can get a better look at the monster.

Wynd  d20=13
Monday June 26th, 2000 9:52:40 AM

Seeing Catcher stumble out of the cave with Bulldog's help, Wynd goes to him to see if there is anything she can do to help aid him. Checking for wounds, will bind if able and will treat with appropriate herbs(made NWP herbalism roll)

Nightshade (Kim)  d20=12
Monday June 26th, 2000 1:52:18 PM

Nightshade swings at the dark creature, frustrated it seems to elude her yet again.

Dark Doings (DM Kim)  d20=12 d20=20 d20=20 d20=17 d20=9
Monday June 26th, 2000 2:02:15 PM

As Bulldog carries Catcher out the cavern, the creature goes after the stunned ranger and his rescuer like a dog being robbed of its bone. In a flurry of activity, it strikes out first at Bulldog, seeking to get him to drop his friend. The stout fighter feels a chilling swipe just miss his skin, and goosebumps break out. The dark ill-defined mass then embraces Catcher's knees, and pull back against Bulldog's strength. Catcher, groggy, feels himself going numb from the waist down. The creature begins to emit a cry of triumph.

Dark Doings (DM Kim), Part the Second 
Monday June 26th, 2000 2:06:38 PM

But Nightshade's swing did not prove fruitless. The two-handed sword she pulled from the pile of treasure flashes bright blue for an instant as it bites into the back of Catcher's assailant. Its cry of triumph is transformed into a moan of anguish. By the light of Singer's torch, those in the cave and just outside see the dark mass dissipate in smoke-like wisps.

Dark Doings (DM Kim), Part the Third 
Monday June 26th, 2000 2:09:33 PM

Catcher is unconscious. A little blood is in his mouth. His breathing is ragged.

Dark Doings (DM Kim), Part the Fourth 
Monday June 26th, 2000 2:18:49 PM

When Wynd looks over Catcher, he begins to spasm. The herbs she selects soon seem to take effect, however, and his muscles begin to relax, with perhaps an aftershock or two. His neck remains discolored. The air outside is still. The thick fog muffles the sounds the party makes. Treasure lies within.

Tuesday June 27th, 2000 4:27:53 AM

As Catcher and Bulldog exit, Ari moves in to help as best as he can.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday June 27th, 2000 6:05:40 AM

As Catcher recieves help from the others the big fellow steps aside. Watching over his friend with great concern. He then moves slightly towards Nightshades to see if she is ok. "you hurt at all ?" Waving, for her to leave the cave.

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