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To the Wall

The Gathering (DM Dave) 
Wednesday May 17th, 2000 4:09:07 AM

[Bulldog and Ashbury lose their stiffness at the break of dawn] The group gathers at edge of the forest, still in shock over the preceding evenings events.

Wednesday May 17th, 2000 4:09:08 AM

Legs eventually gets up, and makes his way through the forest. He seeks out his friends, and even those who seemed his opponents. He prays and meditates as he walks, with sword ready. Weary and sore, he stops to nap for a short while. Finally, shortly after dawn breaks, he finds his friends at the border of plains and forest. Seeing all with whom he traveled, he looks off to the side for a moment, fighting to control his emotions. Then he smiles a smile to steal his face. "Thanks be unto to our Good God!" He gives Bulldog a bear hug. He roughs up Asbury's fur. He comes over and vigorously shakes Wynd's hand [assuming she has recovered from her ride]. "Such riding! Such mastery!" Facing Nightshade, he clasps her upper arms in his hands. "You show such command, such strength, sister." Then he slightly turns, dropping one hand, and a laugh begins in his belly, working its way up, until his shoulders shake with mirth and joy. "Such friends! Such a family! Such, such such ... I'm babbling and I can't stop!" He takes a step away, and turns to face all. "Skippy came last night, and saved me! The monster gathered up his breath, and I ran, an instant from death. But she, the Blessed, the Beautiful, caught me up, and cast me to safety!" His eyes look toward the sky. "Thanks to you, Mighty One, for sending our sister to help. I was dead, but for your Messenger! Bless her name. My thanks go to you for Ashtar-Skippy. My praise to You, Oh God of Good!" After a moment of elation, he brings himself back down to earth. He takes the time to greet each of the rest of his friends. "Ari, how is your stomach?" He punches Catcher just above the triceps. "You look beat, friend. We're gonna make it, you know?" "Singer, that was an amazing speech. Let's hope for a better audience next time." Then, his face turning quite serious. "But I understand their fear of the monster, now." He scratches Asbury's head distractedly as the dog greets him again. At last he turns to Rigging. "At least, one listened. Rigging, right? Are you then with us?" He awaits Rigging's reply. And he says, "I am very sad for your friends. I hope some have escaped the wrath."

Wednesday May 17th, 2000 7:43:09 AM

Replying to Legs, " I am fine." Being very tired, Ari waits to see what everyone does and says.

Thursday May 18th, 2000 4:37:42 AM

After having collapsed after her wild ride, Wynd while happy to be alive and seeing that all her friends are to, feels like she has been thru several grueling, physical games of kickball, where she was the ball. As Legs comes up and starts shaking her hand and babbling, a slight moan escapes from her as muscles she didnt know she had, start greeting her with their complaints. After giving a quick nod to the others and a brief smile to Rigging, she heads over to her horse, untacks her and gives her breakfast and a quick grooming. After that Wynd slowly starts stretching out the kinks in her body.

Thursday May 18th, 2000 4:37:43 AM

Rigging watches the group interact and is amazed at the obvious love they have for each other. A warm feeling fills Rigging's belly when Legs extends an invitation. Rigging wipes at his watering eyes. Rigging doffs his cap and bows low to Legs and the entire group and says, "Rigging...no...I! would be honored to ride with a group of people who love and care for each other as much as you do. Before Rig...I can commmit Ri..MYSELF to your cause I must know what it is. You talk of different gods. Who are they? What do they demand from you? I have committed myself to helping my people throw off the yoke of Ga'al. We must have free will. If your goals are different, then Rigging...blast it...I can only ride with you for a short way." He points at Ari and says, "You are a very brave man who puts his companions welfare in front of his own. I am concerned about the Ga'al's seed that you carry. I think Godspawn is attracted to it. My confused companions and I lived in relative peace for over a year in Safehaven. You show up and in the same day so does Godspawn. Coincedence...My father the Earl taught me to be suspect of coincedences."

Thursday May 18th, 2000 4:37:44 AM

Singer runs his fingers through his hair. "I think our goals coincide, Rigging." He looks out across the plains. "The mountain looms. Let's eat quickly, then go," he suggests.

Bulldog and Asbury 
Thursday May 18th, 2000 4:37:45 AM

After being uncerimonously dumped from the mount, understandably so. The burly Bulldog casts about to see if all have made it. A scowl crosses his mug until he see 'Legs come into view. "You always have to be the last to show up. So glad to see that everything is fine with you." as he roughly (happily) returns the bear hug. He then approaches 'Wynd' "thank you for the ride. I know it took alot out of you" then being in the hugging mood, gives one to 'Wynd'. The fighter then checks his own steed and equipment. As well as his four footed friend. "Sees that you made it through ok too. eh Asbury." as he pats him down to make sure. At last he approaches Rigging. "You are welcome to ride with us for along as is needed. There is safety in numbers. And I'm sure we can answer your many questions about ourselves and our faith in the good god and our family, in good time of course. ..... so ....welcome " he then offers a handshake.

Thursday May 18th, 2000 4:37:46 AM

The young man watches with almost a detached view, so worn by the night's journey. In other circumstances, Catcher would be chastising himself for yet another bad turn of luck, and another narrow escape. He looks on as everyone is joyfully greeting each other, and wishes his dark mood would lighten. But he fears that this brief relief will be followed by another round of grief, so he focuses his gaze on the black mountain, recalling the directions Ozymandius gave the group over a year ago. At the mention of Rigging, Catcher turns to the mage and extends his calloused hand, "I believe you will find our company to be exactly to your liking. The others can explain about their conversion. Don't get me wrong: I do not follow Ga'al! You seem a smart enough fellow, and can figure out what you will without me over-influencing you. Welcome to our family!" With that, Catcher turns and begins tending to the horses.

Horizons (DM Dave) 
Thursday May 18th, 2000 4:37:47 AM

Greetings and hugs are shared, and the group takes stock of its situation while caring for the steeds. Catcher recalls that the group is to head for the left of Shadow Mountain, staying clear of its base, which is supposedly teeming with monsters. The greater danger lies further on, with the series of forts in the Wall of Kaazul. The other details at the moment seem fuzzy, probably because of the ranger's exhausted condition. Currently, the heights of the mountain are shrouded in black clouds, and lightning dances about it. You gauge that it's a good days travel, at least, to reach the feet of the mountain. A jumbled plain lies before you.

Thursday May 18th, 2000 9:13:23 AM

Rigging shakes hands with all who offer. He winces at the big fighter grip. "It is my honor to meet and ride with you all." Rigging mounts Seafoam, waiting for the others.

Thursday May 18th, 2000 10:08:51 AM

After hearing Riggings compliments, Ari looks a little uncomfortable (more like just akward, he's not sure how to respond to that). Than after everything is said and done, "It's a nice thought that the monster may be attracted to the seed. But, it has not been the same monster, each time, since there's been more than one. And every attach we've had, has been after getting to camp. So I'm just wondering whether the monsters are either night time predators, or whether they somehow know that humans come together at night, to camp?!""I also have a question for you (directed at Riggins). Was that last outburst typical of that particular person, just before the beast came in?" While he is talking, Ari is checking everyone out to see howw they fared from the attack."We were also warned that this area would be very dangerous to travel, for which it has so far. Though your group had some interesting skills with blending, and such, that might be helpful, though we might want to not set any kind of official camp or fire, since that could be attracting the monsters just as easily."

Thursday May 18th, 2000 7:20:07 PM

As Rigging goes around meeting and greeting the group, Wynd walks up behind him and quickly drawing her sword, lays it aside his throat and in a low growly voice, simply says, "Kindly remove your shirt and show us the back of your neck please!" "And tell me do you normally speak aboput yourself in the third person or is someone else in there competing for you mouth and mind?"

Nightshade (Kim) 
Thursday May 18th, 2000 9:21:38 PM

"Yes, Rigging. Shirt off. Wynd, give him some space." Nightshade looks serious, but is that a hint of a smirk on her mouth? She rests her hand on the long dagger on her left side.

Bulldog and Asbury 
Thursday May 18th, 2000 9:21:39 PM

Hearing Wynds' words towards Rigging. Bulldog takes a postion behind the newcomer. Adding in "she is quite capable with that steel, friend. I would do what she asks"

Thursday May 18th, 2000 10:37:29 PM

Rigging has a big grin spread across his face. He starts laughing and says, "Well this is a first. A beautiful lady telling me to take off my clothes." He laughs even harder wiping tears from his eyes. "Even better, a beautiful woman threatening to stick a yard of steel into my body if I don't strip." He takes off his hat, cloak, and shirt revealing a smooth but muscular chest and stomach. No thorns can be seen. "Is this enough or do you need to see more?" An evil grin spreads across his face and he adds, "You know...maybe you should prove to me that you are thorn free. Care to take off your shirt pretty lady." Rigging then performs a low bow to Wynd.

Show and Tell (DM Dave) 
Friday May 19th, 2000 7:03:35 AM

Rigging appears to have passed his inspection check. The sky is brightening a little as the sun clears the horizon, and sounds of life are stirring within the Dread -- birds, squirrels, and such.

Nightshade (Kim)  d20=12
Friday May 19th, 2000 11:04:19 AM

When Rigging suggests that Wynd reciprocate, Nightshade slaps him soundly on the bum. "You'll make no such suggestions to my sister, young man," she instructs him. But she is satisfied that at least he is not seeded. The paladin checks over her horse, making sure he is fit to ride, and adjusts the saddle and tacking. She mounts up. "Let us go family." At some point, Nightshade rides with Wynd. "Last night, the ring lit up, and I saw a beautiful lady come forth. She saved Legs. As I rode away, all of Godspawn's heads breathed on her. She screamed. Wynd, the ring feels dead. I'm worried for Skippy."

Friday May 19th, 2000 11:24:19 AM

"As I walked through the woods last night, I looked for you, and for Rigging's friends, too. I found no one," Legs says. "I know we need to cross the plains, yet I feel reluctant to leave behind those who may be injured, or in need of our help." He bites his lip, knowing that the others may not want to consider a return to the Dread. He reconsiders. "On the one hand, those we left behind seemed to get on well before our arrival. But after the attacks ... what if there are those whom no one else than we can help?" He looks to Rigging. "They are your friends, Rigging. What do you say?"

Friday May 19th, 2000 8:22:30 PM

Singer says, "I think we need to go forward, Legs, not backward. What do you think, Catcher?"

Friday May 19th, 2000 8:43:34 PM

"Hmmm," Catcher seems distracted from some contemplation, "Yes, forward is the way. Those behind had their choice, and perhaps there will be another for them, but not by us at this time." He turns to the others, "I'm not sure the best route to go...there wasn't a whole lot of instruction back at the castle on the lands surrounding the Mountain. Too close, and we die, to far, and our pursuers will catch us." With that, the ranger mounts his horse, and goes ahead of the rest, scouting out the area.

Friday May 19th, 2000 9:00:17 PM

Rigging says, "We need to move forward. My old companions, I never called them my friends, will be alright. I think you (pointing at Ari) are what, however unwittingly, attracted Godspawn. He felt a threat to his territory. He will most likely follow when that damn thorn revives. My old companions should be safe enough. If we go back, they will attack and try to kill us all. Aaron and Aera will feel you are a threat to their control over the others. Our bigger concern is that thorn. What is the plan if it comes back to life. How are we going to control it. I understand I am the new guy, and trust has to be earned, but this is something all of you need to think about." Rigging turns and checks Seafoam and makes sure his equipment is securely tightened.

Bulldog and Asbury 
Friday May 19th, 2000 9:00:18 PM

Mounting up and following behind Catcher, Bulldog speaks up as he passes Ari. "It is something we must deal with sometime in the near future I'm sure." Then gazing over the plains towards the mountain he adds "we are safe from it's powers for now. ......I'm sure Ari will be able to tell you more. ..... So lets move on." He then signals Asbury to follow along as he trots off.

Friday May 19th, 2000 11:55:28 PM

"Riggings, what experience do you have with the seeds, that give you the confidence to say that the monster is following the seed? Since I know I have no experience myself, to say one way or the other.", in what you could say is a neutral voice for Ari.

Saturday May 20th, 2000 12:14:06 PM

Sheathing her sword as Rigging is seen to be thorn free, she looks to be about to say something to him as N'Shade swatts his rear. Looking at Rigging square in the eye, Wynd asks, You still have not answered my question about why you speak of your self as if someone else were controling your thoughts? Later as N'Shade comes up and reveals what happened with the ring, Legs, and Skippy, Wynd can only shake her head and say That is twice she has saved us and twice she has paid the ultimate price. For that alone, I will see Gaal's hold over our home and people loosened. Keep your heart open and wait, if she can return she will if not then she has fulfilled that which she was supposed to and is with the Gods and at rest.

Saturday May 20th, 2000 8:39:35 PM

Rigging says, "I will be glad to answer any questions you might have. I was speaking in the second tense out of habit. My father would box my ears whenever I said I. Now that I have declared my independence, I promised myself I would never speak in the second tense again. I occassionly slip up when excited." Rigging looks at Ari. He frowns and says, "Ari you asked about my expertise on the thorns of Ga'al. I freely admit that I am not an expert. Are you? You do have one. I am concerned about you. How do we know if you aren't being controlled by the thorn. You seem very defensive about it." Rigging looks at Wynd, "Wynd was threatening to cut my throat because I spoke a little funny. I know I am a stranger, but come on. I am not looking to cause strife in the group but all of our safety is at risk here" Rigging glances around to see the reaction of the others.

Sunday May 21st, 2000 1:01:28 PM

"It is possible that the multiheaded monster came because of Ari's thorn. Skippy said after Legs used the holy stick that we are safe now. I would think that, based upon what Aaron and Aera said about him, he came somehow, not because of Ari's dead or dormant thorn, but because of the faith some of us have in the good god." Then, leaning upon his training as a bard, Singer says to Rigging, "Oh, tense has to do with time. An example of present tense is, 'He walks.' Past tense, 'He walked.' Future tense, 'He will walk.' I think you meant to say you are used to speaking in the third person. First person singular is 'I, me, my/mine' plural is 'we, us, our/ours.' Second person singular is 'thou, thee, thy, or thine.' Second person plural - though we also nowadays use it for singular - is 'you, you, your/yours.' Third person singular is 'he, him, his,' 'she, her, her/hers,' and 'it, it, its.' And third person plural is 'they, them, their.'" Singer was about to discuss the glories of grammar further, but then noticed that some of his friends' eyes were beginning to glaze over. But he can't resist one last note, "And someone who refers to himself in the third person is an illiest. I think." He scratches his head, trying to recall if that is the right word. "Singer is not sure he remembered that word correctly ... but it's something like that." He smiles a bemused smile.

Bulldog and Asbury 
Sunday May 21st, 2000 1:01:29 PM

illiest ? .... you mean silliest" as he winks a glazed over eye at Singer.

Monday May 22nd, 2000 3:25:33 AM

Legs concurs with the Catcher's and Rigging's reasoning. He doesn't quite pick up on all features of Singer's grammar lesson, and laughs at Bulldog's rejoinder to Singer. He walks and jogs along, as the others ride.

Head 'Em Up, Move 'Em Out (DM Dave) 
Monday May 22nd, 2000 7:20:22 AM

The group spends the remainder of the morning and most of the afternoon working its way thru the jumbmled plains, and manages to find a defensible position to make camp before the sun goes down. Everyone is exhausted, and that night's deep slumber does everyone good. The next morning, heads are clearer, and memories sharper. Ozymandius' directions come back to you as you contemplate your journey: "From there you should be able to see Shadow Mountain. Aim for it’s bottom left side and travel North/Northwest. This is the wild country. No one lives here as Aisildurians believe that all civilized peoples live in or near a village. The Durians regularly experiment on beasts trying to control them and use them for their sinister military purposes. Those that don’t make the grade are released here. After a long journey through this wild country, you will find the Agretorex River, a large foul thing that flows out of Shadow Mountain’s vile depths. You will have to construct a raft or boat of some kind and make the crossing. There is a bridge further south near the Township of Akatez, but do not go that way unless it’s necessary. Akatez houses one of the larger temple compounds and is one of the locations where quads are trained. If you get one of those on your trail, you can kiss your lives goodbye. Once across the river, you should travel Northwest. Shortly you should be able to see The Wall of Kaazul. The Evange tell us that Ga’al built this wall to keep the northern savages out of Aisildur and protect the citizens. However, the truth is the opposite. Lemtrovex built it to keep the Aisildurian army from attacking the peoples of the north. Make for this wall. There is a magic about the place that even beasts are loathe to breach. However, do not touch it. Anyone of Aisildurian blood that touches The Wall of Kaazul is sucked in and killed, his bones spat out by the dead spirits who are trapped in the wall, themselves victims of the wall and trapped there for eternity. Now there is a danger there. There are four Aisildurian Forts built into the wall itself by the power of Ga’al. The easternmost one you should bypass as it is at the eastern edge of where the Wall meets Shadow Mountain. The next two will be tricky to pass. Do so with extreme cunning and make your way to the west to the city of Ailthmar. This city is not completely controlled by Ga'al and is thus a resistance stronghold. It actually flew and crashed there over 400 years ago chasing another city called Lankhmar that is north of the Wall of Kaazul. This town has slavery so be careful you're not abducted and carried off just short of your goal."

Monday May 22nd, 2000 5:01:38 PM

*Before* the night's rest, Legs will have laid hands on Catcher, who a day or two earlier had declined the offer, in order to help restore him to health (+2hp). He also asked Nightshade to see if there is anyone else who might need some blessed healing before she shuts her eyes for the night. Ari, perhaps?

Monday May 22nd, 2000 10:45:27 PM

Singer will work with whoever else wants to help to put together something for breakfast. [btw, what in the world do we have to eat?] As we head toward the left side of the mountain, Singer works out some ideas for a poem based upon the meeting of the young nobles, and the terror of the Godspawn. He also is alert for interesting stones that may lie along the pathway, and will stop to pick some up from time to time. And, he spends time with each of his companions along the way asking for details of their experience with the huge beast, and their trek through the forest. He particularly tries to spend time with Rigging, wanting to learn more about him and his companions, and their time in this area.

Monday May 22nd, 2000 11:09:21 PM

After being inspected, Ari looks fine, just very tired from the whole ordeal. Between heartwood, and the flight, he just flops right down, and out he goes. After the rest, he looks much restored.

Bulldog and Asbury 
Monday May 22nd, 2000 11:09:22 PM

After a sound rest the fighter feels ready for the journey to the wall. "How far to the river do you think it is ?" asking any who hear. He takes it upon himself to stand guard as the others get ready for the day. Asbury passes the time poking around the late risers.

Tuesday May 23rd, 2000 7:17:04 AM

Catcher answers Bulldog, "We've been going parrallel to a highway several miles to the west. At some point, we'll have to cross it, before it reaches the outposts along the Wall. I guess another full day of travel will get us to that point." Catcher helps everyone load up, then takes up the lead scouting position as the group advances.

Wednesday May 24th, 2000 4:17:38 AM

I would suggest that we not make a fire for a while unless we know it will not show in any of its forms. Which means we eat dry travel rations for a while. I have some in my pack but not enough for all of us for more than a few days.

Wednesday May 24th, 2000 4:17:39 AM

Rigging thinks to himself. "These people have great faith in their gods to protect them. I will go along." He decides to watch Ari closely. He tells the group, "I have some rations I can share as well. " When Singer starts to inquire about Rigging and his companions, Rigging explains, " We were a diffuse group of noble's children being taken for training. My proper name is Arrack Von Palin Aeltin. I was trained in mage skills from an early age. I was being sent to learn about and joined with Ga'al with the others when we were attacked by Godspawn. Our guide and several others were killed, including the poor unfortunate you saw staked up in the clearing. The others and myself have been living hand to mouth for the past year. Aaron and Aera have gone insane with the power. Whoever stood up to them seemed to have a hunting "accident". I was thinking of striking out on my own when you folks showed up." He looks at Singer and demands, "Now it is your turn to answer a few questions. Where are we goimg and why? Explain to me about these Gods of yours. How did Ari come by his nobles thorn?

Nightshade (Kim) 
Wednesday May 24th, 2000 4:17:40 AM

Yesterday, as Wynd spoke with her, Nightshade responded, "First Ga'al's clerics and their cursed scarves. Then this 'Godspawn' blasts her. How much suffering must she bear?" The tall young woman bites her lip, and urges her horse forward, to ride alone for a time. / If Catcher or Legs need any more healing, the paladin lays hands on one of them before dropping off into a sound sleep. This morning, she considers the commitment she made yesterday. She sets out trying to will a cautious optimism, faith striving with cynicism. She tells Wynd, "I shall wait, as you counseled, Wynd." She looks at her ring for a moment, then shakes her hair away from her face.

Conversations on the Plains (DM Dave) 
Wednesday May 24th, 2000 4:17:41 AM

The discussion continues as the group travels towards the Mountain and the Wall. Everyone recovers from their damage, due to the abilities of the group, and no further encounters occur that day or evening. The next morning finds you near the the highway Catcher mentioned earlier -- ahead, it crosses the Agretorex River within a mile of Shadow Mountain.

Wednesday May 24th, 2000 4:17:42 AM

"We're going to find the Pirates of Jack," Singer answers Rigging. "They are fighting for the freedom of our people. You heard what I said about 'the good god' back there in the Dread. Ask Wynd or Legs or Nightshade if you want more information." He calls out, "Hey, Wynd, could you come here?" When she comes, he asks her if she would tell Rigging "about that book you found back near your village. About Jack and Jill, and the dragon, and such."

Wednesday May 24th, 2000 8:33:49 PM

"Well, the bridge is sure to be guarded. We'll need to build that raft Ozzy mentioned." He scans the area to see if any felled trees are available to rope together for a raft. Then he stops, remembering the horses... Depending on where the group is, Catcher looks to find a place to ford the river with the horses.

Wednesday May 24th, 2000 10:00:11 PM

"It seems we took your place as the noble children. We trained as best we could while there. We had planned all along, to move on before the time to be seeded was upon us. But something came up unexpectedly, according to our tutors. They chose to move on without getting seeded. I didn't think all of us could get away without being seeded. I also felt that having someone seeded might help us in our journey, somehow, and had thought that the noble seeding was the lesser of two evils. I can say that I feel that nothing has changed. But by the way the heartwood 'sterilized' the seed, I can see that I'm still somehow affected. I think we should also see whether I need to bit hit with the heartwood again, to see if there is any reactiion."

Rigging * 
Wednesday May 24th, 2000 10:00:12 PM

Rigging says to Singer, "Pirates!!! Are we going to sea? I love sailing. Where do you think my nickname came from. Dad owns his own fleet." He notices Catchers actions and quickly pulls out a sheet of paper and quill. He sketches furiously for a few minutes and presents Catcher with a scematic on a raft. "This should float well and not use to much rope." Rigging says to Catcher with a shy smile.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday May 24th, 2000 10:00:13 PM

"Does anyone think any of the horses can swim across this river. Thought we could use them on the other side."

Thursday May 25th, 2000 2:29:28 AM

Singer pulls out some rope, showing it to Rigging. "This used to be fifty feet of rope. Now it's twenty feet, and five feet, and twelve feet, and here's a two-and-a-half foot section, and, look, four and a half feet! I tossed the rest ... just small scraps." He turns. "Hey, Bulldog, my offer to trade this rope for a fifty foot section still stands. You never answered my first offer," he smiles. "Unless Rigging figures he can use it on a raft."

Thursday May 25th, 2000 2:35:34 AM

"Catcher, just let me know what you'd like me to do, and I'll help out as I can," Legs says. He keeps his eyes out for possible material for a raft. He remembers carrying heavy bags of flour for his father back in Adorus, and figures he should be good for carrying some logs.

Raft & Raging River (DM Dave) 
Thursday May 25th, 2000 6:14:19 AM

Unfortunatly, these plains are only covered with small brush. Down by the river, though, several saplings are growing, though most have died after drinking too deep from the foul waters of the River. In all, it appears that you can rope together enough wood to place your belongings on, and that's about it. The River itself is a wide, turbulent affair. The far bank stands some 70 feet away.

Thursday May 25th, 2000 5:58:18 PM

Legs takes hatchet in hand, and begins harvesting saplings.

Thursday May 25th, 2000 7:21:44 PM

Hearing Singer's call to her, Wynd comes over to hear what it is he wants from her. When she hears, she pauses, looks at Rigging for several moments and for a moment a look of terror comes over her face as she remembers what happened the last time she mentioned the story and book she had found. Shaking it of she looks over at NightShade and then back over at Rigging and says sure I will tell him what I can. I am sure our sister can fill in what I am not able to. After Rigging draws out his sketch, Wynd will work along side him trying to find raft materials. (if that is what we are going to try to do)While working she will tell him what she and the rest know about Lemtrovex.

Thursday May 25th, 2000 7:28:43 PM

As Wynd worked along side Rigging she told all that she had learned about there new benfactor. There are a group of Aisildurians who were not conquered by The Heartspider. These people do not worship Ga’al, but worship the dragon god, Lemtravex. These people are loyal citizens of Aisildur, the nation, but not of its new cult god. When the cataclysm became imminent, the Gods of The Wold said it was coming to them because of faithlessness and they would be chastised for their unfaithful ways. Instead of repenting and begging for their lives, most people decided to make a run for it. Many struck out overland for Elenna, a naive country of farmers, sailors, and simple folk who were to be spared for their innocence and faith. Others sailed to Elenna via the sea. As they left the borders of the old country, all knowledge of how to pray to their gods, ask for spells, or even say their names were wiped from their memories. With no priests to lead them, they were vulnerable to the priestly forces of The Elennians. Just as it seemed that all was lost, Ga'al appeared to the defunct priestly leaders and offered survival and then victory. The price: adoption of Ga'al in its different manifestations* as the God of Aisildur and complete obedience. They accepted and with new found power and zeal quickly carved out the area south of Shadow Mountain and west of Blackbird Lake as the territory for a new empire. When the Gods of The Wold saw the utter wickedness and the mass exodus defying them, they drew to themselves a remnant of the faithful and told them that they too were to leave the homeland, for it was to be destroyed. The gods would be with them and guide them to their wicked brothers where they would dwell in secret. A friendly and brave god would then reveal itself to them and guide them through the dark times of the fifth age. So they did. And they forgot the old gods along with their true purpose and were welcomed in Aisildur. -------------------------------- After the war, the Aisildurians began to bury the dead and settle into their new empire. As with all god/mortal relationships, they drift apart when crises are over. Ga'al, though, reminded its priests of their promise: complete obedience. Since it was not being honored by choice, he would take it by right. Ga'al began with the priesthood and royalty, telling them they would be put to sleep and awaken wearing the Mark of Ga'al for all to see, and Heartseeds were installed. This, of course, took all free-will away from the recipients, at least as far as worshipping Ga'al was concerned. The spider also enabled Ga'al to instill in the recipient the tenants upon which Ga'al wished the Aisildurians to build their lives. As the royalty began to be called upon by the priests, two young grandchildren of Ayorsa the Conqueror, Ascariot and Apricot, decided to sneak into the temple to watch their father and grandfather receive the Mark of Ga'al. When the children were secure in their hiding place, they settled in to watch. Their sires entered and were placed on mats. Then they were given a potion to drink. Slowly they went into a hypnotic trance and began to speak strange words and praise Ga'al with voices other than their own. The priests then ripped open their tunics and carefully laid a small black pulsating egg on each man's chest. The egg began to expand and then burst sending black ichor everywhere raising a holy stench to Ga'al on high. Inside a small blackish plant quickly began to burrow with their teeth into the chest of the king and his heir. When Apricot saw her granddad scream in pain and torture, and blood spurt out of his chest, she screamed in terror only to find that her brother had covered her mouth with his hand and so no sound came out. He held her, letting her bite his thumb as a bridle in her mouth. Then their dad opened his eyes in surprise and saw what was going on and his children cowering in the balcony---the look on their faces caused him to begin to fight the drugs and the Heartseed. Several priests came running and held him down and administered another potion forcing it down his throat. The brave father of Ascariot and Apricot screamed out, "Run my children! Run for your live and the lives of my people. We are truly forsaken." He then collapsed into unconsciousness. The children ran, Apricot tripping over her own small feet. It was a short time later hiding in an alley that Ayorsa looked down at his throbbing hand only to faint with horror. His thumb was missing.....found in Apricot's mouth. They eventually made their way to the apartment of their tutor, me, Dr. Cornelius and told me breathlessly what had happened. I helped them escape and we began spreading the word of the evil Heartseeds. We began with the intelligencia and spread from there to the nobility and gentry. As the word spread, however, many refused to believe us and the clerical propaganda machine quickly labeled the "non-believers" as traitors to Aisildur and the Emperor quickly followed suit disowning the grandchildren and their followers. He arrested and killed their mother publicly executing her along with other sympathizers when they didn't turn themselves in. This continued for several months until all citizens were initiated with the Heartseeds and were joined with Ga'al. --------------------------------- The thumbless hand became the secret sign of recognition and the call-sign: As the thumb is cut off from the hand, So we are from our brothers. Over the next few years, the children with Dr. Cornelius stayed on the run one step ahead of those who would pursue them. --------------------------------------- When Ayorsa and Apricot came of age, they expressed the need to visit their mother’s unmarked grave in the Capital City. They made there way there in time to honor the site with their most trusted followers on the 10th anniversary of her death. Many rumors of Dragon Cult meetings were placed to increase the margin of safety. As the ceremony began, Apricot asked to enter the site alone and then to follow after a time. Apricot approached the unmarked grave and said, Dearest Mother, I cannot remember your face or your smile, but I do remember your laugh and your love for me as a child. I also remember watching you being carried to the executioners stand and how brave you were. I came here as the leader of the true people of Aisildur to honor your sacrifice. We have a symbol among us that is a signal and a sign of honor. I honor you, my dear mother in this way. When Ayorsa and the others entered, they saw Apricot weeping and holding her dismembered thumb. Slowly a wind began to blow cooling sweat and tears. One of the number closed the mausoleum door. The wind continued and increased. As it reached gale force, the resistance leaders huddled together in fear, afraid the Ga’al had caught up with them at last. Then out from behind the sarcophagus stepped a figure dressed in gold and white. The resistance leaders drew their swards and strategically withdrew a few steps. The figure, a man, handsome and wise of face, held out his hands in a gesture of peace and said, "My name is Lemtrovex. I have come to help." "How?" stated Ayorsa simply. "I wish to insure that you survive as a people and ultimately defeat the evil which controls your loved ones and killed Alice your mother." "Are you a god?" asked Apricot. "Yes." "Do we have to worship you?" challenged Ayorsa. "No." "Can we?" pressed Apricot. "If you choose." Ayorsa said, "If you would help us, there is an act of trust that you must submit to in order to prove your sincerity." "I understand," said the god. Lemtrovex stepped forward and placed his hand on the altar, fingers spread. Ayorsa stepped forward to do the deed, but Apricot stopped him and said to her brother, "Stop! You don’t believe in him do you?" "I have my doubts," stated Ayorsa. "If you cut off his finger, will you believe him? Believe in him? Accept him as your god?" asked Apricot. "No," stated Ayorsa. "Then it accomplishes nothing except pain. Give me the knife." She took it from his unyielding hands with surprising force and said, "If you would worship Lemtrovex stand at my right hand and bare your finger before me, for how can we refuse to do what our savior god, Lemtrovex, is willing to do. You will become our priesthood." About half of the rebellion leaders moved to her right hand and bared their fingers. "Now," Apricot continued, "Those of you who would accept the help of Lemtrovex the God and let him assist us as we strive to save our country from Gall stand at my right hand. To defeat a god, we need the help of a god." All except Ayorsa stood at her right or left. She said, "Brother, where do you stand? At my right or at my left?" "Neither," said he. "There is no proof that this creature is a god even if his cut finger can prove his loyalty which it doesn’t. Powerful mages could accomplish the same things that this being has. So could the vile priests of Ga’al." Lemtrovex said, "Are you Apricot’s brother?" "Yes," answered Ayorsa. "Prove it," continued Lemtrovex. "Ayorsa thought for a moment and said, "I cannot." "Wisely reasoned," spoke Lemtrovex. "It takes trust and ultimately faith. Trust your sister. I will, however, in the interest of trust and honesty reveal to you another of my true forms. Perhaps it will help your faith." And with those words, Lemtrovex, with a blinding flash, burst open the sepulcher, laying the four walls flat, spinning the roof into the distance and showed his true form: a huge gold dragon. It seemed appropriate at that moment for the mortals of the resistance to fall to the ground and worship him. And led by Apricot, that is what they did. Thus began the worship of Lemtrovex as god of the resistance and god of the True Aisildurians who became known as the Dragon Cult. But Ayorsa remained standing and did not worship saying, "I believe you are a god and I accept your help, but I also know that you are not Aisildurian. This is our problem to be solved by us. I accept your help in dealing with Ga’al, but the rest must be done by us true Aisildurians. "Thus I will go out from amongst you and find others who think as I do. We will then take to the sea and the Westerly Islands where we will build up the strength to oppose Ga’al, his evil followers and his helpless worshippers--the true people of Aisildur!" Lemtrovex replied, "Well thought Ayorsa. You shall come to be known as Jack, King of Slaags. And each sibling standing before me, Ayorsa and Apricot, will lead their own way to victory." And this is the tale of the birth and evolution of the resistance groups known as The Dragon Cult and the Pirates of Jack. -------------------------------- Although ultimately, no thumbs other than Apricot’s and Ayorsa’s were cut off, this served as a symbol for the Dragon Cult. The Priesthood, though, still had a foolproof method of determining whether a person was a Cult member. They had no Heartseeds. The clerics and mages of the Culthood wrestled with this problem for decades to no avail. Then as one mage involved in the research was wondering a marketplace in search of a rare component, a Slaag approached him and said, "Anion?" Yes. I was sure it was still you. Anion had a problem and could not find the answer. After asking everyone he knew for help, he finally took the answer from his enemy." "What?" said Anion. "Yes exactly!" responded the Slaag. "And so I give it unto you! Jill, get your pail of water. The man must have his answer!" A rare female vagrant then approached with an actual pail. However, the contents looked to be blood. She pushed the pail into the mages grasp and both of them disappeared into the crown mumbling nonsense and singing, "We shall be one in heart, Even though we are of two hearts. The two shall be as one. The two shall be as one!" He returned to the Resistance Hold and began to examine the blood like substance in the pail. Sure enough it was magical in nature. Many weeks later, he along with the other researchers were still stumped. Yet something in Anion’s subconscious told him that there was something to this pail of blood. Later, he found himself humming an old tune. His fellow researcher Aightar, Priest of Lemtrovex, said, "Anion, stop that humming, I can’t concentrate!" "Humming?" "Yeah, humming!" Then something clicked in Anion’s subconscious and made that huge leap into full consciousness. "That’s it!" Anion said, standing and knocking over the vials the two had been mixing. "What?" asked Aightar. "Give me something to write on." Aightar turned to get some manuscript as Anion grabbed a pen and began writing on the desk they were working at... "We shall be one in heart, even though we are of two hearts. The two shall be as one. The two shall be as one!" Anion shouted out the last line. "What?" asked Aightar. "The two shall be as one! We’ve gone about this all wrong. We’ve tried to simulate plants that would look like the Heartseed. We’ve tried to install dead Heartseeds into animals. We’ve tried to negate the controlling properties of the Heartseed once it had been installed. However, there is one thing we have not tried. Using it prior to insertion of the Heartseed! If this stuff enabled us to survive the installation of the Heartseed with our sanity still intact and not under the control of Ga’al, we could live normal lives. Come out of hiding. We would be able to disguise ourselves as a normal family, or pose as Slaags and therefore be exempt from Sacrifice Sweeps and Holy Day Services!" "That’s amazing!" said Aightar. The last augury I performed concerning our research said that the answer had something to do with the outcast. I assumed that it meant us, not the Jacks. Let’s get to work." A few short weeks later, two brave 13 year olds personally underwent Heartseeding after taking the Blood Serum. The results were successful, but there was an unexpected side effect. The Heartseed was not controlling the recipient, however a Mania was developing in both recipients. Ascariot was becoming disposed toward saying everything backwards, while Aizard began predicting odd things of minimal importance that would come true a few minutes later. Both of them were experiencing a noticeable loss of intelligence. Research continued. Conditions did not improve. All the brave young men and women who volunteered to try the potion which was now being reproduced from scratch, kept their own minds, but still became Vagrants as far as being disposed towards a singular "mania" and a partial loss of intelligence. About this time, the Jack of Pirates succeeded in spreading a magical wasting disease throughout much of the aristocracy, priesthood, and Armed Forces. The Emperor took his vengeance out on the Dragon Cult. Several large Dragon Clans were located and captured. Things were looking grim. Apricot was fading from old age and a lifetime of running. Her daughter Ascariot, who was being prepped for leadership, decided that she must undergo the procedure to determine whether she would be able to lead the Dragon Cult after Heartseeding. She underwent the procedure in secret and survived. She seemed to undergo no ill-effects other than wanting to have everything extremely clean and organized...something she already had an affinity for before the Heartseeding. Apricot in a tearful ceremony, turned over the leadership to her daughter and all waited to see what Ascariot’s first request would be. All bared and spread their hands in the time-honored fashion which said they would follow her leadership and die for the cause should that prove necessary. Ascariot then stood and said, "My people, I challenge you to a sacrifice greater than any you have yet given to the cause of freedom and yet no less than the sacrifice of those who have died amongst us for that same cause. I challenge each young man and woman to..." and she bared her chest, "submit to Heartseeding." No one spoke or said anything. She continued, "This will ensure our future as we will be able to pass among the people as Vagrants and the risk we take of being discovered will be lessened for future generations. We will continue to strive to remove the harmful side effects of Mania and Intelligence loss, but I feel that the sacrifice is worth what we would achieve. Those who are older will continue to live in hiding as before, but your hearts will be light knowing that your descendants are better protected from the enemy and better equipped to fight than any who have come before." The silence continued, then one by one every child of age 13 came forward and bared their chests before the assembly showing their willingness to enter a new age of resistance. And so the Dragon Cult exists until this day. Living in an insane world while trying to master their own personal mania seeking that most important of causes: freedom for them and their people.

Thursday May 25th, 2000 10:56:01 PM

Rigging helps to make a raft. He suggests making a blanket raft. Takes less wood. Tie 8-10 saplings together in a bundle. Make sure it floats. If it does, make 3 more. Lash them together at the corners. Stretch single saplings across as a braces. Then take blankets across the frame. We can tie the blankets down by picking apart some of the ropes scrapes that Bulldog so carelessly cut into twine. The raft should be able to support a person laying spread eagle. Rigging says, "If someone could get across first with some rope, that person could help pull he raft over." Looking around Rigging asks, " Can everyone swim? I swim like a fish. What about the horses? I don't want to lose Seafoam. My father gave him to me." To Wynd, "Thank you for telling me the history of the resistance. Are you planning on taking the potion and being joined? I will never submitt to the joining. My personal freedom is to important. Having my mind effected could ruin my mage skills." After some thought, "Did Ari take the resistance potion? Will he go insane?" Rigging whispers.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday May 25th, 2000 10:56:02 PM

"I swim rather well, Strong enough to pull someone else over after I get there too." Bulldog starts to take his armor and equipment off. "I want Asbury to get a ride on the raft. He's not strong enough to make it on his own." The mighty young man then awaits the completion of the raft. Adding "Don't let Asbury jump in after me. alright"

Friday May 26th, 2000 2:39:30 AM

"Yeah, Bulldog and I can pull it over," volunteers Legs.

Friday May 26th, 2000 2:41:12 AM

Nightshade keeps her eyes out, scouring the horizon, trying to ensure no one comes upon them without her first spotting them.

Friday May 26th, 2000 2:42:24 AM

"Oh, and we can fill wineskins with air, to help us float. We did that when we were tossed off the ship," Legs adds.

Friday May 26th, 2000 7:12:52 AM

Ari goes over and looks at the water of the River. Trying to note if there's any life what so ever in the river. "Riggings, do you know if horses are out of place, or not, or this area?"

Friday May 26th, 2000 7:21:25 AM

Catcher says, "I can swim." Looking at the current, he adds, "That looks pretty rough. We're going to have a tough time of it. Oh, and don't drink the water." He helps in making the raft by cutting down saplings.

The River (DM Dave) 
Friday May 26th, 2000 7:23:35 AM

The raft is completed, and it looks pretty good in your estimation. Several have volunteered to swim, and the issue of getting the horses is still to be determined.

Friday May 26th, 2000 10:58:05 AM

Rigging looks at Bulldogs bulging muscles and says, "Bulldog, if you can swim over trailing a rope, we can use it to help get a horse across. Though you look to have the strength of a titan, a horse is still stonger. We can use a horse to pull the raft. That way if we need to make several trips the horses can pull it both ways. The wineskin air bladders is a good idea. Can we sew or tie several of them together in a ring? We could attach it to the horse's neck to help keep its head above water if it gets into trouble. Anyone who can't swim could also wear it." He walks over to Ari, "I believe you are a spellcaster. Do you have a waterproof container for your spellbooks? We can't have them ruined now can we? I have a waterproof knapsack which I can loan to you if you need it."

Friday May 26th, 2000 7:13:08 PM

Looking at the River, Catcher says, "This thing isn't going to be easy to cross. But Bulldog has the best chance of any of us. We don't have enough rope to stretch all the way across, though...I think we can get the non-swimmers across with wineskins, but I'm worried about the horses breaking their legs." He goes over and tests the water with his finger, to see how cold it is.

Saturday May 27th, 2000 1:29:52 PM

trying to keep as busy as possible so as not to think about having to go in the water, Wynd approaches Night Shade and says in a low whisper, "Even though i learned the rudiments of swimming during training, I'm not sure I can manage this. Just thinking about it makes me feel ill and freeze up."

Sunday May 28th, 2000 9:56:34 PM

"If you don't mind, I will take you up on the knapsack for the spell book. Also, doesn't someone here use a bow? It might be easier just to have someone swim over, and then maybe shoot the arrow over with the line attached to it, or something like that, so you don't have to feel tied down when you cross."

Monday May 29th, 2000 1:21:29 PM

Rigging pulls off his backpack. Ari can tell it is a special design. Oiled leather gleams. Rigging works several different straps. He shows Ari ceramic plates sewn in the sides to protect from fire. Inside is another leather sack which is part of the same backpack. Rigging unties it and pulls out a wooden box. He pulls a key from his boot and unlocks it. Ari can see 2 books are inside. Riggings says, "It isn't the easiest to get to, but as about as safe from the elements as I can make it. You can add yours to mine. Plenty of room. When we get to camp tonight, we should compare books. Maybe we both could learn something. Which spells have you memorized. It might be smart to try to diverse our spells to handle many different situations. I currently have memorized the cantrips firefinger, warm, change and bluelight. My more serious spells are magic missle and sleep." He looks pensively at the water. He asks, "How much rope do we have. I have 20' myself. If we have a 50' length, my change spell might be able to make it grow to about 75'. Combined with the others we might have enough to pull the raft across"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday May 29th, 2000 1:21:30 PM

"I have a lasso that we can use for some extra length." as he strips down to the minimum for the swim attempt. "I think we can tie a lead to a horse after I get across. Then use it to pull it over, at least keep it pointed in the right direction until it makes it."

Tuesday May 30th, 2000 1:22:06 AM

As does Bulldog, so does Legs. He sets down his gear. He fills two wineskins with air, ties them together with one of the short pieces of rope that Singer has (if Singer does not object). "Bulldog, let's do this together. We can start upstream a ways, so that as we cross and the current carries us downstream, we'll end up about even with where we are now."

The River (DM Dave) 
Tuesday May 30th, 2000 7:14:28 AM

Bulldog and Legs move upstream, preparing to swim across. Catcher notes that the water is extremely cold - not surprising, since it spills from the depths of the Mountain only a few miles from here. Soon, everyone sees Bulldog and Legs rapidly floating by as the two make for the far bank. The undercurrents are particularly strong, and the two swimmers note that a large number of jagged boulders line its varied depths [Make proficiency checks to avoid banging up against these and taking d6 damage]. Several hundred yards downstream, the swimmers manage to finally pull themselves ashore and get the line tied off.

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=18
Tuesday May 30th, 2000 7:14:29 AM

Struggling across the river(made prof, barely), Bulldog barely misses the jagged rocks as he makes it across. Climbing out of the water, lending a hand to Legs as needed. "whew, that was rougher than it looked. Legs you ok?" Waves over to the others as they settle down to catch their breath.

Legs  d20=12
Tuesday May 30th, 2000 5:43:36 PM

"WOO-HOO!" Legs exults, having made it across in one piece. He shakes his head, sending an arc of water through the air. "That is COLD!" He examines the goosebumps on his legs. "Fearsome!" he comments to Bulldog. "Yeah, I'm okay. You? Don't see any hungry fish hangin' off your toes."

Tuesday May 30th, 2000 10:14:15 PM

After Bulldog and Legs get across, Catcher says, "I'll go last, and bring this end of the rope with me. I'm still worried about the horses, though."

Wednesday May 31st, 2000 12:17:04 AM

Rigging waits to see if Ari puts his spellbook in with his own. He is worried about Seafoam. He knows Seafoam can swim but is worried about those rocks. He says to the people left on this side of the river, "Do you think one of us should ride a horse and lead the rest? Maybe it is time to let them go." Rigging looks sad at the thought.

Wednesday May 31st, 2000 6:30:55 AM

After Bulldog and Legs get across, Catcher says, "I'll go last, and bring this end of the rope with me. I'm still worried about the horses, though."

Nightshade (Kim)  d20=9
Wednesday May 31st, 2000 11:50:15 AM

"Wynd, let's go together." She hands her a wineskin with mostly air in it. "Tie it on one of your wrists." She tells Catcher, "Let's get those across who are not strong swimmers, then those of us who can swim can work on getting the horses across. I'll tell Bulldog and Legs." When Wynd is ready, she will cross with her. (Made swimming proficiency check).

Wynd  d20=6 d20=7 d20=11
Thursday June 1st, 2000 10:27:56 AM

Before answering Night Shades questions, Wynd speaks up and offers her 50ft of rope and one other suggestion. We might want to put the supplies in several batches or tie them in separate bundles and pull them across rather than trust them to the horses. I would hate to lose what little we have left. Shivering and feeling a bit ill, Wynd lets N'Shade lead toward the river and while not happy about it and taking in a bit more than a little water she mmanages to dog paddle and float her way across the river without any major mishap. Across and wet Wynd goes about trying to lend ahand with aiding whoever neds a hand getting on shore and then lends a hand pulling the supplies across.

Singer  d20=18 d6=4 d20=4
Thursday June 1st, 2000 10:27:57 AM

Singer swims across, but takes a bad gash along his back as the current tumbles him downstream. The pain shocks him into an adrenaline rush that allows him to make it the rest of the way with no mishap. "Somebody help, please," he requests, panting, sitting on a rock on the mountain side of the river.

Ari  d20=5
Thursday June 1st, 2000 10:27:58 AM

Ari crosses with no apparent problems, other than needing the line. "Is the raft able to take 1 person and 1 horse? We could get them across that way, with equal people on each side to help with the rope."

Rigging  d20=1
Thursday June 1st, 2000 10:27:59 AM

Rigging mounts up on Seafoam, to Catcher he says, "I am going to try to swim him over." He enters the water wincing at the cold when it raises up to his legs. Seafoam swims like a champ encountering no difficulty. When we reach the other side, Rigging jumps off and gives Seafoam a big hug. He pulls off his blanket, casts the cantrip warm and rubs s Seafoam down.

Cross Talk (DM Dave)  d20=9 d20=12 d20=12 d20=7 d20=2 d20=18 d20=5 d20=6
Thursday June 1st, 2000 10:28:00 AM

The group manages to make it across the river, using the line to tow the raft laden with supplies. Unfortunately, it is too small to haul people or horses. Almost miraculously, all the horses make it across except for one - a particularly nasty dip in the waters around a rock pummels it sideways, and the last any of you see is a leg kicking in the air as it's swept downstream (the party is now short two horses). It takes a while to recover from the chill, and a particularly cool breeze coming from off the Mountain doesn't help matters much, either.

Friday June 2nd, 2000 2:41:35 PM

After finishing Seafoam's rubdown, Rigging will wrap the still warm wool blanket around himself. He will go see if anyone else needs help and then start taking the raft apart to salvage the rope. He suggests, "Why don't we camp here and get dry and warm. Someone should make a fire."

Friday June 2nd, 2000 2:41:36 PM

"lets at least get away from the river. And we've not had much luck with fires as of late. Though i imagine we could probably build a pit, or bank it, or something, in order to drop it's visibility.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday June 2nd, 2000 2:41:37 PM

After everything makes it over, Bulldog dresses again. "yeah, lets move abit. At least we can warm up with thw effort." He then welcomes the four footed rascal with a good rub down. Starts to repack the gear back onto the horses, before they move off.

Saturday June 3rd, 2000 7:01:30 AM

Shivering, Catcher quickly changes clothes, while saying, "I don't want any of us getting sick...a mile or two should do us before we try to settle down and warm up." He asks, "Who wants to share horses?" After everyone is ready, Catcher takes the lead to scout out the land ahead.

Saturday June 3rd, 2000 11:17:13 AM

Legs hears Singer's request for help, and comes over. He first binds the bard's wound, then lays on hands for 2 hp worth of healing. From the remants of the raft, he selects a stout staff. Always did like a good stick in his hands. Agreeing with Ari, Bulldog and Catcher, he begins to move inland. "I'm getting use to walking," he answers Catcher.

Saturday June 3rd, 2000 2:16:06 PM

Having dried off a bit, A fire would be nice after we move on a bit, however we must make sure that we use the driest possible wood so as to lesson the amount of smoke. also no grass or leaves to send up enbers and smoke. As the discussion about horses arises, Wynd also volunteers to walk for a while and will do so just in sight of the group but off to the right side and in front a bit, taking inb the lay of the land and to scout a bit.

The Wall (DM Dave) 
Monday June 5th, 2000 9:45:34 PM

The group travels from the River, and has only gone a few miles when a part of the Wall of Kaazul becomes visible on the horizon. Knowing of the outpost located on the Wall nearby, the group now must decide how to bypass the area: The main road, which crosses the River near the foot of the Mountain, hugs the Wall, connecting each of the northern forts. Rough foothills, stretching from the Mountain, hug the left side of the road, and even further southward (to the left of the hills) lies the Agre Wood, said to be more of a jungle than a forest.

Nightshade (Kim) 
Tuesday June 6th, 2000 12:32:47 AM

"Let us go through the hills," the tall warrior woman suggests.

Tuesday June 6th, 2000 1:12:37 AM

"seems to be right at this point."

Tuesday June 6th, 2000 9:16:06 AM

Rigging says, "The hills are fine with me." A low growl emerges from his stomach. Rigging reaches into his saddlebag for a piece of jerky. He stuffs a piece in his mouth and mumbles to the others, "Anyone want a piece?"

Tuesday June 6th, 2000 9:16:07 AM

The hills sound good to me. And I know you all are aware of this, but DO NOT under any circumstance touch the wall.

Tuesday June 6th, 2000 6:52:43 PM

"Thanks for the reminder...yeah, I saw the hills sound good, too. Do any of you know anything about this area? I heard somewhere that a ferocious battle was fought in those hills."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday June 6th, 2000 6:52:44 PM

Nods along in agreement as everyone decides on the passage through the hills. Mounting up "no time like the present, lets go." Then hearing catchers reference to a great battle, with interest adding "what have you heard 'Catch' of that battle ?" as he begins to move off.

Tuesday June 6th, 2000 11:38:15 PM

Singer thinks over Bulldog's question, mentally reviewing his bardic training. What does he recall from the histories?

Head for the Hills (DM Dave) 
Wednesday June 7th, 2000 6:53:49 AM

At the mention of the battle, you recall the history of an Aisilduran army which fought here, before the time of the Wall of Kaazul. It is said that thousands died on both sides, and only the intervention of Ga'al, when He erected the Wall between Shadow Mountain and the sea, stopped further bloodshed. Many great heroes died that day, and people still regularly name their children after participants of the battles fought in these hills. The decision is made, and the group heads between the road and the Wood. It is almost sundown once the group finally reaches the hills - and looking across it to the west against the dying sun, you see crumpled ground that, for a moment, looks more like the storm-tossed waves of the ocean than anything else. It will not be an easy ride, as the ground constantly changes direction. A cool mist rises up as the light of day finally fades.

Wednesday June 7th, 2000 10:19:11 AM

As we plod along, Rigging thinks about the wall. He asks,"I thought the wall only destroyed the followers of Ga'al. Since we are not joined, and don't worship Ga'al in our hearts, would we be destroyed if we touch it?" Rigging flashes a quick look at Ari, and mumbles, "At least most of us would be safe." More loudly to Ari Rigging asks, "Ari, you never did tell me which spells you like to have memorized. If we are going to coordinate ourselves in the magic department we need to discuss this. Would you like to compare spell books tonight?"

Wednesday June 7th, 2000 10:19:12 AM

OOC Folks I will be out of the country until Friday. Salesmeeting in Canada. I will bring my laptop, but if I can't get connected that will explain Riggings strange silence.

Wednesday June 7th, 2000 10:19:13 AM

Hearing Rigging's thoughts about the wall, Wynd rides over and shaking her head says, If you want to touch that wall go right ahead but actually, if anyone of Aisildurian blood touches the Wall of Kaazul, they are sucked in and killed, their bones are spat back out, and their souls are trapped for all eternity within the wall. Now, if that sounds like fun, or if you are not of Aisildurian blood, then go ahead and touch the wall and I will eventually take your tale and condolances to your family. Looking around the area as they get ready to stop, Wynd mutters, I really would like to have just one nice, warm, dry night. I am tired of being wet and cold. Hey Catcher, you see any where that might make a good and safe camp? As she asks this question she moves back up front to help search for a suitable camp site.

Wednesday June 7th, 2000 7:36:32 PM

Singer talks about the ancient battle with his friends. As the group travels along, he is on the lookout for interesting rocks in the hilly terrain. He'll pick some up from time to time, perhaps crack a few open. But he won't take so much time that he slows the party.

Wednesday June 7th, 2000 9:24:26 PM

To Wynd, Catcher says, "Thanks for your confidence in me...it means a lot." With that, Catcher begins scouting for a well-hidden area, where hopefully a fire can be lit without attracting attention from the fort. He agrees with Wynd's assessment on the danger of the Wall.

Wednesday June 7th, 2000 9:36:42 PM

Legs, who has always enjoyed running, gives himself a good workout in the hilly terrain. His thighs burn as he runs up the hills, and he feels the joy of a mountain hart leaping down the twisting variegated slopes. Every few hilltops, he takes a moment to look into the distance, ahead, behind, and to the sides. For variety, Legs spends some time threading his way through the small valleys between hills. [OOC: What are the average heights and greatest range of heights of these hills? Are we talking 30 to 50 feet, or hundreds of feet of variation here?]

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday June 7th, 2000 9:36:43 PM

Riding along, listening to Singers tales of the ancient battle, Bulldog tries to picture the battles scenes and strategy over then this terrain. Offhandedly asking "what's with the rocks, Singer ?" Asbury seems to keep busy running along with Legs, thinking ' must some sort of game there.'

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