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A Feather on the Pole, and the Pole in the Ground (DM Dave)  d20=20 d20=19
Monday April 17th, 2000 6:45:49 PM

The group easily makes out the dark mark on the horizon of Shadow Mountain -- it appears to still be several-days travel away. The ravine does have a crossing leading to the pole that seems safe to use. The pole, as mentioned, is heavily carved, and seems to be made of Ash. The feathers are from some type of black-bird - perhaps a crow. The only other thing of note is that the forest beyond the pole is full of undergrowth, and many sounds of various types of animals can be heard from within.

Monday April 17th, 2000 8:34:59 PM

looking across the ravine, Wynd thinks a moment and then speaks. "I think perhaps we should send two across, set up a defense and then have the rest follow at short intervals, in order to not have us all trapped in the same place and in a prcarious position.

Bulldog and Asbury 
Monday April 17th, 2000 8:35:00 PM

Upon the other side of the ravine, Bulldog remarks "sound idea, Wynd" as he loads his crossbow and takes up a postion to cover those that follow. Asbury sits along side his master, awaiting the others.

Tuesday April 18th, 2000 12:46:00 AM

Answering Wynd, "that's fine with me, also".

Tuesday April 18th, 2000 5:18:12 PM

Nightshade finishes her prayer, and crosses to the raviene. Looking at Wynd she says. "I say Bull and I go first. We should be able to hold off anything that comes untill the rest of you arive."

Tuesday April 18th, 2000 6:15:48 PM

Legs' breath is still quite raspy, and his movements are limited and deliberate. He frequently holds his right elbow with his left hand, pressing his arm against his body. He does not complain nor comment on his condition. Besides Legs, Catcher is the next most wounded person, with most of the rest at or close to full health... although Ari's not quite 100%. Legs wants to help Catcher, though, and unless Catcher refuses, will heal him of 2 hp damage. If Catcher does refuse, then Legs wants to help heal Ari.

Tuesday April 18th, 2000 6:42:04 PM

Not entirely comfortable with Legs' offer, the ranger directs the paladin to aid Ari, if he will not instead help himself. At Wynd's assessment, Catcher says, "Sounds good to me, " He draws his bow to provide cover, "We should probably send the horses across in pairs, as well."

Ravine Crossing (DM Dave) 
Tuesday April 18th, 2000 6:44:56 PM

Within a few minutes, the whole group manages to safely cross to the far side. Looking into the brush of the forest, you realize that it will be difficult to take the horses in, unless it's on some game trail, and even then, the overhanging branches will make it difficult to sit atop your mounts. In a few minutes, some type of trail is discovered, probably made by deer.

Bulldog and Asbury 
Tuesday April 18th, 2000 6:44:57 PM

"I do not think we can ride through these woods .... we will have to lead them after us." As he readies for the tasks. leaning over towards Asbury "you stick close .... ya hear" giving the little fellow a hardy look. Asbury bounces a bit, just happy to be thought of. "Grrr"

Tuesday April 18th, 2000 11:27:18 PM

Legs says to Ari, "I see you are improving, but let me help." By Ari's leave, he lays his hands on his friend's remaining wounds, bringing him up to full health.

Wednesday April 19th, 2000 2:07:25 PM

bringing up the rear as they cross the ravine, wynd takes a moment to look forward to their goal and to run through the directions that Ozy had given them what seems like another lifetime ago. As they search for a trail, Wynd adds her comments to those of the others. If we can not ride them, the horses should then carry some things for us and make our loads easier. I would however take pains to make sure that different types of gear are not all packed on one horse. that way if we lose one we dont lose for example all our food, etc.

Wednesday April 19th, 2000 2:38:00 PM

Singer takes the time (as mentioned before) to carefully examine the carvings, trying to imprint the images on his memory. He will lead his horse through the deer trail, in whatever marching order the group's tacticians decide.

Wednesday April 19th, 2000 5:47:38 PM

Nightshade falls to the rear to provide cover should they be attacked, it also gives her time to clear her head and to brood.

Catcher  d20=7
Wednesday April 19th, 2000 9:57:20 PM

Catcher checks the trail for recent use. He keeps his bow out, looking for trouble.

Forest Run (DM Dave)  d20=17 d20=9 d100=9
Wednesday April 19th, 2000 10:02:43 PM

Singer, inspecting the pole, notices that the worksmanship is rather crude. As the group prepares to enter the forest, a male voice from within calls out, "Halt!" Another voice, somewhat off to the left of the first, says, "State your purpose in crossing into the Dread." A third voice, female, off to the right says, "Godspawn will strike you down if you fail to appease Him."

Bulldog and Asbury 
Wednesday April 19th, 2000 10:02:44 PM

" ahhh ... the purpose .... it's a long and differcult tale to tell" Bulldog shouts back into the forest with confident tone. "come out and we'll tell it." Holding his crossbow lowered. asbury ears twitch back and forth trying to narraow down the postion of the voice.

Catcher  d20=9
Thursday April 20th, 2000 7:04:43 AM

Catcher remains focused on the first voice. He backs up, then begins going to the left side, hoping to prevent a flanking manuever by whoever these people are. He'll following the woods along the ravine, assuming no other voices come up, hoping to slip into the woods from behind.

Thursday April 20th, 2000 11:00:06 AM

Ari waits, to see what their responese is.

Thursday April 20th, 2000 11:25:10 AM

Singer, weapons sheathed, steps forward. "We are traveling on pilgrimage, a test and a teaching in preparation for service to this great land and its people." The adolescent speaks clearly, deliberately, with clear enunciation. "For the moment, you may call me Singer, and these are my friends and companions. We have suffered many hardships, and are like to suffer more. Who might you be, and who is Godspawn that we should fear his wrath?"

Thursday April 20th, 2000 4:19:53 PM

Legs looks about him warily. He coughs.

Thursday April 20th, 2000 5:57:54 PM

Nightshade stands tall in her horse looking all about. Wondering what mess thay could be dealing with now. She mumbles [Skippy, what have we fallen into now?]

The Sound of a Pin Drop (DM Dave) 
Thursday April 20th, 2000 6:55:39 PM

Nightshade's ring continues to maintain its silence. The forest, too, remains silent for some time, then a fourth voice, from a whole different direction (behind you, in the ravine) answers, "Godspawn is not to be mocked. His will is not to be understood, but feared and respected. I can tell by your speech that you are of noble upbringing. State the names of your houses." Seemingly rising from the ground itself, covered in mud, is a tall, muscular boy, not much older than each of you, standing with spear easily planted into the ground beside him.

Thursday April 20th, 2000 10:14:01 PM

"I do not mock. I ask to be taught," replies Singer. "And your ear is keen. Indeed, though I myself am not a member of the nobility, those with whom I travel are noble in truth. I will await their response to your question as each sees fit, for it is their station to rule in time. I am appointed a chronicler of their deeds." Singer appears about to turn his attention to his other companions, then adds, speaking to the strong muddy one. "Have you ever noted how first meetings are rather like a dance?" He smiles his best bardic smile, and turns to his companions to see how they answer.

Friday April 21st, 2000 7:23:16 AM

Realizing he has already been outmanuevered, Catcher answers, "I'm am of the house of Avient. We go to Shadow Mountain...is there some other route you suggest we take, to avoid angering Godspawn?"

Friday April 21st, 2000 8:57:26 AM

Turning towards the spear carrier, Ari announces, " I am Arislan of Afport".

Friday April 21st, 2000 3:29:41 PM

"I am from a house with a roof," Legs affirms in a weak voice.

Friday April 21st, 2000 3:31:41 PM

Legs wonders to himself whether this fellow, and his companions, are the missing royalty. He shrugs his shoulders, winces, and pats his horse's neck.

Friday April 21st, 2000 3:35:04 PM

Having considered, he takes one step forward. "What houses are you from?" he asks, forcing himself to speak more loudly than he has since the plant monster attacked.

Bulldog and Asbury 
Friday April 21st, 2000 3:35:05 PM

Tired of lying about who he is, he says nothing. Standing solidly and patiently he awaits whatever may be next. A loaded heavy crossbow held comfortably in his hands. giving Legs a quick look after his last comment about the whom these people may be. Asbury's sharp senses, seek the hiddens ones, sniffing and twitching.

Sunday April 23rd, 2000 3:48:56 PM

Also remaining quiet about who she is, Wynd prepares herself for whatever happens and quietly asks, What manner of boors and ruffians waylay innocent people minding their own business? If highwaymen, robbers or Pirates you be, you have chosen quite a scrawny meal for your work. You would be much better off asking the walking bushes or a group of Jacks for gold than us.

Monday April 24th, 2000 5:02:27 PM

Nightshade whirls her horse around and almost draws her sword. The anger blazing in her eyes. She is tired, tired of the voice in her heart that has talked to her for so long being quiet, tired of not feeling safe, tired of her family always being in danger, tired of not being able to protect them, but most of all she is tired of this beast Gaal and his puppets. She glances at Bulldog, her hand twitching telling the other warrior all this in her look. The she tries to tell him one more thing. If these boys so much as twitch wrong, and put her family in danger she will cut them all down where they stand. Her nerves on edge and her mind about to snap, she will accecpt no more pain to her family. Fury Blazes in her eyes and she mumbles again. [Dear Father Light, I will bring my family to you so that we may serve you and yours. I will bring them to you safely. My life for you, amen.]

Mud Man (DM Dave)  d100=10
Monday April 24th, 2000 6:18:43 PM

The boy in mud turns to Ari and says, "You are Arislan of Afport? 'Tis passing strange, as I am Aaron of Afport, and I do not recall you as any heir of that great house?" From his stance and gaze, it is apparent that this Aaron is a skilled warrior, assessing everyone much as your teachers at the castle looked upon you in the past. Hearing Wynd's accusation, he grins mirthlessly with experience beyond his years and says with a slight bow, "I would say the ransom for a catch of royalty would pay quiet handsomely, wouldn't you? Except that I see now that you are imposters." He gazes behind him, to the broken lands you have crossed, then turns and states, "You have bigger dangers to concern yourself with at the moment. If we do not head into the Dread immediately, what has been pursuing you will teach you new levels of fear, before it destroys you. Quickly now!" He waves his spear toward the path in the trees, then says, "Do not stray from the path...I will catch up with you, once I have finished some business with this creature." He turns, and seems to melt into the mud-filled ravine, disappearing without a trace.

Monday April 24th, 2000 7:15:45 PM

Looks silently where Aaron just disappeared, Ari then looks at the group, shrugs, and heads where indicated. (down the path).

Bulldog and Asbury 
Monday April 24th, 2000 7:15:46 PM

Meeting Nightshades eyes. He nods with undestanding. Then listening to the mud person he smiles as he knows the lies of identity are done with, finally. Then he calmly unloads his crossbow before leading his horse down the path. "com'on Asbury" as he waves his friends forward. Confidently he leads the way.

Monday April 24th, 2000 11:41:26 PM

Legs' laugh at Aaron of Afport's confirmation of his suspicions turns into a hacking cough. As he forces himself forward, he croaks out, "I should like to meet the heir of Ayler. We may," and he wheezes for a moment. "We may have some things to discuss." He asks, "Shall we not stay to help?"

Tuesday April 25th, 2000 1:26:46 AM

Singer quickly ties a length of rope to the end of his horse's reins, to give him a long lead. With the horse following a ways behind him, the young bard takes Legs by the elbow. "This is no time to stand and gab, and you're in sorry shape to be thinking about standing and fighting the next odd thing." Singer hurries the noble paladin along, yet in a way trying not to aggravate his yet-unhealed injuries.

Nightshade  d20=11
Tuesday April 25th, 2000 5:39:45 PM

Nightshade barely holds her temper as she again is forced down a blind path into who knows what. As they ride she draws her great sword and begins to oil and sharpen it. Hoping the meditaion will help focus her mood.

Tuesday April 25th, 2000 7:00:42 PM

Chagrined, Catcher wonders to himself about the group's tenuous position. With a sigh, he heads into the forest with everyone else. Figuring that there isn't enough room to use a bow, he shoulders it, but keeps his sword handy as he leads his horse. He tries to be cheered up by the banter, but can't seem to shake the black mood.

Tree Tunnel (DM Dave) 
Tuesday April 25th, 2000 7:10:29 PM

The group finds itself walking single file down a very tight, narrow corridor of trees and brush. Everyone once in a while, you catch the dart of a shadow here or there in the distance to the side of the trail. Shortly, from the ravine area behind you, a high pitch screech, followed by loud growl, pierces the air, sending shivers down your spine. Despite the mid-morning sun, light conditions are similiar to twilight as you press ahead into the Dread. After a mile or so, you find yourself in a small clearing, with several trails branching out from around the edges. You see the Mud Man once, this time standing to the right, "Well, my lost brothers and sisters, welcome to our humble abode!" He gives a flourish with his spear.

Tuesday April 25th, 2000 8:01:23 PM

"A good, defensible, 'humble abode,'" comments Legs. He looks at their ... host, and any others who may be about, for any sign of the heartseed. "We have dwelt in and journeyed through many places, of estates both high and low. Regardless, where hospitality dwells, we are pleased to visit."

Tuesday April 25th, 2000 9:51:58 PM

almost as if adding on to what Legs says, Wynd merely adds "yep, even sometimes the way is beset with thorns."

Bulldog and Asbury 
Tuesday April 25th, 2000 9:51:59 PM

In response to the mudmans welcome, the mighty Bulldog responds. "feels just like home." remembering the days of seemingly the long past, spent sheparding the flock. As he finds a place to cast down his things and secure his steed. Asbury pokes in and about the glade, endlessly curious.

Ari  d8=1 d8=2 d8=4
Tuesday April 25th, 2000 11:25:37 PM

Going over to Legs, Ari addresses the Mud man, " I will be tending to those that needs some healing." If there is no negative reaction to his spell casting, he will cast CLW on Legs, for 2 points. Ari then frowns, and mutters, " that doesn't seem quite enough." He'll cast his second CLW on Legs, for an additional 4 points. Muttering under his breath to Legs, " I think, before we do much of anything further with these guys, I'll need to talk to the group in private, for a few minutes."

Wednesday April 26th, 2000 1:58:31 AM

Singer inclines his head in gracious acceptance of Aaron of Afport's welcome, an open yet serious expression on his face. "How good and pleasant it is when brethren dwell together in unity!" After a suitable pause, and giving others a chance to interact, Singer says, "Aaron -- if I may call you that -- what creature was that which followed us? And does it yet live?"

Wednesday April 26th, 2000 6:42:10 AM

Like Legs, Catcher is looking for signs of heartseed on Aaron. He speaks to him, "We are thankful for your welcome. This clearing doesn't appear have been used a lot as a camp...did you want us to stay here, or go further on?" Catcher stands with his horse between him and the nearest section of woods, just in case.

Wednesday April 26th, 2000 6:47:04 PM

Nightshade boils and waits...

Aaron (DM Dave)  d8=8
Wednesday April 26th, 2000 9:40:07 PM

Aaron answers Singer, "That was a whistler -- I don't know its proper name, but it's a nasty creature, none the less. The first time we met one, it wiped out three of our number, and it was only because it stopped to feed on the bodies that the rest of us escaped. I tricked the one following you into going in a false direction, and whistlers never creep this far into the Dread." The conversation is interrupted by a low hooting sound off in the woods, which many of you recognize as made by a person. Aaron stops speaking for a moment, then quickly tosses his spear straight up in the air, stepping to the side as it lands to avoid impalement. The head of the spear lands pointing toward Catcher. Aaron looks at the ranger and says, "Take off your shirt. Don't think, just take it off."

Catcher  d20=20
Wednesday April 26th, 2000 9:43:22 PM

Not sure what's up, Catcher quickly shrugs off his shirt, showing his manly chest, "Satisfied?" He tries to figure out where the bird call came from (horribly failed his roll).

Wednesday April 26th, 2000 10:45:53 PM

wandering over next to N'shade, Wynd is startled by the tossong of the spear and as it lands pointing at catcher, she and everyone else realixe and see that her sword and dagger are out and pointing at their hosts direction. After a moment realizing that bloodshed is currently not imminent she sheathes both weapons and warily startswatching again.

Thursday April 27th, 2000 2:05:36 AM

When Ari applied his healing arts, Legs thanked him with his eyes. He nodded at Ari's suggestion that they speak privately, but raised his eyebrows, a slight shrug of his left shoulder, as if to ask, 'How?' A few moments later, as Aaron's spear ascends then lands, Legs draws his sword. Seeing what the adolescent intended, Legs sets his sword on the ground before him, so that it points directly at Aaron. "Do you think you should keep your shirt on, eh?" he asks the Afportan teenager. He wonders whether the lad's instruction is for Catcher's protection (something crawled under his shirt?), or identification (is he heartseeded?), or for some other yet more obscure rationale.

Thursday April 27th, 2000 2:19:00 AM

Ari watches the proceedings intently.

Thursday April 27th, 2000 2:33:49 AM

Singer sits down on his haunches, and begins to draw with the point of his dagger in the dirt. He quick-sketches the symbols for, and underneath writes the names of: Aargle, Afport, Aletin, Annkorb, Aplob, Aquertz, Asnan, Assup, Aveint, Ayler and Azorth.

Thursday April 27th, 2000 2:37:58 AM

Then, at the end of the semicircle of names and symbols, Singer draws a two-stroke outline of a fish, and underneath it writes, "Pisces."

Bulldog and Asbury 
Thursday April 27th, 2000 3:21:45 AM

Hearing the bird call, and seeing the mudmans actions, the mighty Bulldog stands alert. Neither reaching for a weapon or moving about. He simply calmly waits for whats next, keeping his eyes on his friends (new & old).

Thursday April 27th, 2000 6:14:45 PM

The quick movements, the demand on her friends, and the spear draw 'Shades sword in a blur. It's point is lowered but it is not put away after it is apparent that bloodshead is not the point,...yet.

Come out and Play (DM Dave)  d100=25 d20=7
Thursday April 27th, 2000 6:40:47 PM

Aaron purses his lips, then smiles, "Good, you are not marked." He gives a sharp whistle with his teeth, and several people emerge from the surrounding undergrowth, spears pointed toward the ground. All of them (9 total, including Aaron) are dressed in ragged clothing, and each looks with interest upon the group. One, a young woman, states simply, "We must move on, even without the mark, Godspawn will descend upon us if we don't make it back to the perimeter." Several of the others nod, and immediately start heading down one of the other trails leading from the clearing. Aaron, glancing at them, says to the rest of you, "Aera knows Godspawn well -- we can get aquainted back at camp." Retrieving his spear, he looks to see if you are coming.

Thursday April 27th, 2000 8:42:02 PM

A word escapes the boy's lips. "Glory." Legs, feeling almost jaunty, begins to lead his horse down the trail the others have taken. He glances at Nightshade, and pauses. "Coming?"

Thursday April 27th, 2000 9:16:09 PM

"We have not had time to address certain issues, that probably have to be addressed right now, before we move on." Unbuckling his Rapier, Ari hands it over to Legs. "I had hoped that a blind fold, and a Gag, and the tying of my hands, would hopefully do the trick." He then removes his leather armor. "I have only just begun the study of certain magics, but I also carry objects with me that may allow tracking of some sort. I have not had time to analyze these enough, to know for sure. Though I do not serve the GodSpawn, I am thus marked". with the final proclomation, Ari falls to his knees, and removes his shirt.

Thursday April 27th, 2000 9:24:30 PM

"And I am the only one in the group so marked."

Ari's Revelation (DM Dave) 
Friday April 28th, 2000 7:01:50 AM

Looking at Ari, you quickly scan his chest, but do not see a heart-seed. Then, looking lower, you spot some type of a thorn-protusion from his belly-button.

Friday April 28th, 2000 7:06:22 AM

A look of sadness comes over Catcher's face. He says, "You realize that we may kill you in the process..." He keeps an eye on Aaron, to make sure the Mud Man doesn't attack Ari. He walks over to get ready for the operation.

Friday April 28th, 2000 11:58:07 AM

"Wynd, you still have the stick from Lucky, right? And I know you, Catcher, have the heartwood. When we were in Singer's city, the plant, a Dragon Creeper, that talked to me, gave me its flowers, and those were what made well those in our group who were sick." Legs opens a bag, and pulls forth a folded cloth. He opens it up. Inside is a dried leaf. "This is from the plant, too. Ari, I think the stick from the holy tree will cure you. I don't know if it will hurt or not. But I'll use this leaf afterwards, for it comes from a virtuous healing plant." Legs looks somberly at Ari. "Let's pray." And without waiting for leave, and dropping to his knees, Legs says, looking skyward, "God of Good, we ask for your help. We ask for your wisdom. We ask that our friend Ari be freed of this touch of the god who enslaves. May the touch of the wood from the tree that you touched destroy the parasite that lies in his belly. Yet, we beseech you, do not let this destroy our friend. We honor you. We thank you. Hear this our prayer."

Friday April 28th, 2000 12:00:52 PM

And he ends with, "Selah!"

Friday April 28th, 2000 7:35:53 PM

At Legs's question, Wynd reaches into her pack and pulls forth Lucky's stick and hands it to him. She then steps back and watches what is going on.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday April 28th, 2000 7:35:54 PM

Maintaining his guard over his friends as he remarks to Nightshade. "Interesting number , 9 that is" as he gestures to the raggedly clothed newcomers to the glade. ..... Bulldogs eyes narrow, as Ari reveals his taint, stunned for a quick moment that his friend would have kept that from them. Regaining his composure, weapon still on his back as he stands guard. -------------- Asbury, investigates the newcomers with curiosity and intrepidation.

Saturday April 29th, 2000 12:07:07 PM

"Look, Ari, this may seem kind of harsh, but, for everyone's safety, I'm going to ask if I can tie you up now, in case things get weird during the ... whatever it is we're trying to do right now." If Ari agrees, Singer asks someone for a blanket for him to lie down upon, wraps the sides of the blanket around his arms, and ties a series of knots to prevent Ari's arms from reaching his abdomen. He ties his legs together. He aims first for security, second for comfort.

Sunday April 30th, 2000 1:57:08 PM

Nighshade falls to her knees with Legs and recites the prayer. Tears are flowing down her face as she thinks 'not another one'. When the prayer is finished she holds out the ring to Ari. "Skippy has been quiet for some time now but perhaps she can help you, if this does not work and the pain is to great do you wish for me to..." She can not finish but looks determinedly at her sword instead. The question unspoken but asked.

Operation: Thorny Issue (DM Dave) 
Monday May 1st, 2000 7:19:41 AM

Aaron (the Mud Man) looks incredious when Ari removes his shirt, and Catcher does have to stop the spear-weilding native from immediately impaling the spellcaster. Three others from Aaron's clan still stand in the clearing (the rest have left to camp), but each draws up short to watch the proceedings. At Legs' prompting, the items are produced. Preparations are made for the impending 'surgery' (OOC: Ari, please indicate whether or not you accept tying). When Nightshade moves to offer the ring, she is, strangely, unable to remove it from her finger. Asbury notices nothing special.

Monday May 1st, 2000 9:24:18 AM

"Does no one understand what this represents?" Looking at Bulldog, "Isn't there something about knowing how to parade around as the enemy, in order reach ones objectives? On top of everything else, we now have, I think, the people that might be williing to fill us in more on the background of where some of us are pretending to be from. We have a long way to go, before we're going to be able to let down our guard. I remember a certain someone telling us, that the heart seeds cannot be removed. I don't know if it's different for these (pointing to his belly button). But I also remember being told that there is a potion that they give the heart seeders, that allows them to disconnect. No one here, is an expert in anything to do with these seeds. We get very little information from anyone that has them, we've never had them, and we aren't with the poeple that HAVE dealth with them. Which was the whole reason why I suggested, or least tried to suggest, that you take away my sight, my hearing, and keep me either away, or not in the main camp, so that if any priest is tracking me, either by item, or by seed, that your plans and location are not given away. I might also suggest (looking at Aaron), that you keep extra scouts out to the south, and maybe just in general, since I don't know if someone might be following us, I don't have the ability to know, just yet. Also, where is my free will in all this? Has anyone thought about asking about what I want? Are you suggesting that you know what is best for the individual? We have NO guidance at all here, and we've been told that we have to make it on our own. I think this is a useful tool, in which, as far as I can tell, I have control over it. But if you wish to discard this tool, then so be it". Ari struggles, until he gets all his words out, then go limp.

Monday May 1st, 2000 9:25:04 AM

(OOC I was waiting until I had everyone's reaction before I posted).

Monday May 1st, 2000 6:57:35 PM

He listens to Ari. "It sounds as though you are not sure whether you would be rid of the seed, or no," observes Legs. "And, you think, aside from a potion, that there is no safe way of removing it. You believe you have free will in the matter. You also feel that retaining the seed will allow you easy passage within the seeded society. Perhaps it will. I suggest this: Not that we try to dig it out. Not that we perform surgery, for I do not know any of us qualified in that art. But that you allow us to touch the holy wood to the thorn. Now, I do not know that doing so will not kill you, but I strongly doubt that it will. It could cause pain, or could have no clear result or effect whatsoever. On the other hand, it might kill or somehow neutralize the seed. I put this question to you, friend Ari: Will you submit to this test? It is not an easy question. The seed bears the imprint of the one in whose name it was implanted."

Catcher  d20=19 d20=15 d100=5
Monday May 1st, 2000 7:24:20 PM

Taken aback, Catcher fights a memory of the last time he saw a heartseed. After a deep breath, he says to Ari, "That you showed us the thorn means that you have some level of free will, and that you can choose whether or not harm comes to us because of it. What I'm worried about is not what you see or hear...they (Catcher indicates Aaron and that group) have as much as said that this 'Godspawn' is somehow attuned to those things (he points to Ari's belly). And I doubt it that is the only creature. We probably stand out on Ga'al's little board game like a bright light with his mark amoung us. If we don't remove it, I don't know how to shake off any pursuit, and we can't go leading the priests to you know who." Catcher stops and looks at Nightshade, then says, "I wonder if that's why the ring doesn't work..." The young ranger falls silent.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday May 1st, 2000 7:24:21 PM

Meeting Ari's gaze as the cleric states his ideas. The mighty Bulldog nods in agreement. "Ari , what you say holds much merit. Tools are meant to be used for many purposes. Lets see if we can learn how to use this one against those who put it to you." Then turning to Legs he sternly states "move away from Ari, you know not what you ask of him. We are here to help each other, not hurt" as he moves closer to Ari, "Nightshade you likewise stand aside. You would need to best my weapon arm before you could strike Ari down in your ignorance and fanaticism. STAND BACK !"

Monday May 1st, 2000 8:27:14 PM

Listening to Ari and then Legs and finally Bulldog, Wynd shows her uncertainty by nodding as each speaks. Then almost as she realizes that she is doing so she stops, waits, and when Bulldog stops talking, simply asks But who is telling us about the thorn which we would have eventually found out about. Is it Ari or the thing speaking? Both have reason on their side for talking now. Perhaps the thorn, more so? Who is to say? I do know that it would both slow us down and endanger us to have to lead or carry a blindfolded party member. But to leave Ari behind, I am not willing to do. Ari how can you assure us how much if any control you might have? Or is there any true way to do so other than by stick? After having her say, Wynd meets each person eye to eye.

Monday May 1st, 2000 9:06:09 PM

Legs does not move away from, nor closer to Ari, at Bulldog's command. "My father removed a sliver from my finger once. The removal hurt. The removal helped. I simply stated I do not know what the touch of the wood will do. But I believe we ought to find out. I think we would be wise to do so. I am asking, not forcing. Don't you try to force me, either, Bulldog." Legs looks back at Ari to see his response.

Monday May 1st, 2000 9:11:09 PM

Singer stands, rope coiled in his hands. "We should try the stick, I think. I trust Ari. I don't trust that thing in his belly."

Monday May 1st, 2000 10:19:17 PM

Shade looks up, a strange smile in her eyes. "Bull I know you mean well but do not threten blindly and call names, think and question. Find purpose, understnad those that stand aginst you, determine enemy and then act. We all know what the heartseed does to people, we all know that our parents said they loved us, some of us were tucked in every night loveingly, but is there ANYONE here that can look me in the eye and sware to me taht they KNOW that if the bastard god had aske it of them that they would not have strangled us while the other watched. I know what the seed did to people. I saw what happened to Skippy and if it comes to that pain or my sword the I will offer it to my brother, it is his choice Bull not yours, now before you continue to make a fool of yourself back off and quit threating your family."

Monday May 1st, 2000 10:45:05 PM

A small but sturdy young man strides forward. He is dressed in black tatered clothing that was once very fine. A rapier and main-gauche adorn his hips. A silver medallion lays on a thick silver chain around his neck. Blond curls stream from under a batter wide brimmed black hat. "A choice needs to be made. You need to decide what to do. Remember you do not only endanger yourselves, but place myself and my friends at risk. We might be able to help. If you,(pointing at Ari)decide on surgery, I might be able to help. I have some spells which could be useful. A decision must be reached soon. We are all at grave risk by lingering here."

All in the Family (DM Dave) 
Tuesday May 2nd, 2000 7:21:25 AM

Everyone is in various postures of tension, and each of you almost forgets about your 'hosts' until Riggings interjects. Aaron nods his approval to the offer made, then stands back, saying, "She speaks true (pointing the Nightshade) - any commoner could be commanded to do such a thing. This is a noble's Joining that you see, and the level of influence is less. However, removal is just as deadly." Turning to Legs, Aaron says, "I do not know the significance of these wood items, but it could not be any more painful than using a sword against the mage." Aaron addresses everyone, "We can not, will not, allow this one to go further into the woods with the presence of Ga'al still on him. Our protections would not be powerful enough to ward against detection of the Seed." He finishes with arms crossed.

Tuesday May 2nd, 2000 10:50:39 AM

Turn a grim face towards our benefactors. "It seems I have no choice, at least in regards to everyone's safety. At least this time, people thought about what I had to say, instead of ignoring me. I do realize that every second is precious, in order to be moving along. But I also have these items, that may be checked out if anyone has the skill (eyeing the newcomer)." Ari pulls off the satchel that he's been carrying, and opens it up. "As a backup, I have these three viles of healing, if needed. But my bigger concern is this dagger, and this ring. I was not told of their function, and have not ventured to even guess so far. But I am concerned that these may be just as dangerous as the seed. But if these are relatively okay, then I first opt to see what our wood does, and then proceed to surgery afterwards. If there is time, or afterwards, (turning to Nightshade), you might try touching the ring to the wood, and see if it might be some kind of aid." With that, Ari lays the satchel on the ground, in way that all the items can be viewed. Looking at Singer, "Unless someone says otherwise, I think tying up is wise, because I do not want to break our wood, and I do not know whether I will fight against you, though given the choice, I would not!".

Singer  d20=9
Tuesday May 2nd, 2000 11:41:33 AM

He looks at his companion with compassion. "Very well, Ari." Singer then, while Ari stands, takes a blanket, placing it around his back, under each arm, then, around the arms a few times. He then uses rope to secure his arms, then legs. (Rolled successfully on Rope Use nwp.)

Tuesday May 2nd, 2000 3:07:10 PM

The tall young boy takes a stick perhaps an inch thick, about six inches long. "You can bite on this, Ari." He holds the stick up to his friend's mouth, if he wants to take advantage of it. "Catcher, can you hold his legs? And Bulldog, would you guard his head?" He waits for them to take their positions. Then he takes another stick - the one that Wynd handed him. On his knees beside Ari, Legs looks up at Rigging. "Thanks for the offer. Your help is welcome if it looks like it's needed." He then closes his eyes, breathes a prayer. He recalls what happened to Tag Along when he was pricked by the thorns embedded in Lucky and Three Eyes. So, Legs wraps his right hand in cloth. Then, holding on firmly, his right hand applies the end of the stick firmly to the thorn protruding from Ari's belly.

Tuesday May 2nd, 2000 6:26:55 PM

As Rigging watches Leg's tie up his companion, he steps forwards and says, "Ari, you are very brave and noble to put the welfare of your companions and total strangers before your own. I can put you to sleep. It might make things easier on all concerned. If the enchanted wood doesn't work, I also have a spell that might be able to change the size of the accused thorn. I will try to make it smaller during surgery. It might help. I don't know if it will work, I have never tried it on something like this but I can try." To the others he says, "Stand back so I can put Ari to sleep or you might get caught in the spell"

Tuesday May 2nd, 2000 7:52:30 PM

At Riggings' command, Catcher looks first to Ari for a nod of approval before stepping back, not sure how much to trust this stranger. He looks intently upon the proceedings, trying to learn as much as possible. Not sure what to say, he mutters, "If this is a vote, I say try the wood alone at first. I'm not sure how well Ga'al's seed will react to that ring." Once the sleep is administered, Catcher goes ahead and holds Ari's legs, just in case...

Tuesday May 2nd, 2000 9:36:12 PM

If Ari wants the sleep spell, he steps back, then applies (or reapplies) the holy stick. If the one Wynd gave him does nothing, he asks Catcher for the heartwood, and places it against the thorn.

Bulldog and Asbury 
Tuesday May 2nd, 2000 9:36:13 PM

Returns Nightshades smile. "Nice to see there is still venom in your voice. No fun seeing you draped over a saddle." As Legs asks, Bulldog takes his position at Ari's head (after the sleep spell if ari Allows that) and awaits Legs' to apply the wood "go ahead Legs ... I am ready". Keeping a wary eye on the new spellcaster. Asbury circles about as the commotion continues.

Nightshade  d20=3 d20=8 d2=1
Tuesday May 2nd, 2000 11:14:05 PM

Nightshade smiles back at Bull, then as he walks over to Aris head she whips out her hand and pulls him in kissing him as she bends him over. She then looks at him and says "You may be stonger big boy but I will always be faster, you'll still be sooo cute though." With that she stands and lets the Bulldog go. After the sleep spell she kneels beside her friend. She cuts her hand on her sword and places the bloddy hand print on Aris chest. "If he tries to take you then hes going to have to yank my soul right out of my body. Remeber the tree." With that she places her hands together and begins to pray. It is the first time she has really prayed for another, for someone who truly needs her spirit and the grace of her God. She feels her innerself finnaly let go and she gives herself over completly to this new good God. For good or Ill she now is his servant completly.

Tuesday May 2nd, 2000 11:33:54 PM

"I would like to be awake for just the stick. If that is not enough, then the sleep will be appreciated for the surgery. IF I am put to sleep, then be sure to keep that stick in my mouth." Afterwhich, Ari opens his mouth, and makes an inviting look, for the stick. (OOC NS, your writing, to me, was unclear who you are kissing, Ari, or Bulldog? )

Wednesday May 3rd, 2000 12:51:24 AM

Rigging replies, "As you wish." He then steps back and readies his components.

Wood on Wood (DM Dave) 
Wednesday May 3rd, 2000 7:31:39 AM

Everyone gathers round the supine body of Ari, and Legs touches the thorn with Wynd's stick. Immediately, Ari doubles over in pain from massive stomach cramps, and the stick flies from Legs hand in a shower of splinters. Sensing perhaps the stick was not strong enough, Legs quickly uses the heartwood from Catcher. When touched, the greenness of the thorn turns brown and the tip of the heartwood takes on a burnt black color. Ari nearly blacks out from the pain before it subsides. Ari gets the distinct impression that the thorn has tendrils extending into his abdomen... The pain has abated, but the now-brown thorn is still firmly planted within Ari's body. Nothing further happens by further proddings with the heartwood. Nightshade hears a whisper from the ring, "You are safe for now." Ari has managed to gnaw thru half the wood in his mouth, and his voice is now a whisper after the strain of the screams. [OOC: Ari, I think Bulldog got the first kiss, but if your good, who knows?]

Thursday May 4th, 2000 4:34:55 AM

Feeling a little helpless to be standing and watching instead of doing something, Wynd goes to the entry and pears out trying to keep some semblence of a watch so nothing sneaks up on them. Hearing the screams and the splintering wood, she almost returns to watch but instead maintains her vigil with a worrisome heart.

Bulldog and Asbury 
Thursday May 4th, 2000 4:34:56 AM

Surprised by Nightshades quickness, he has no chance to resist her kiss. Taking it in stride he smiles warmly back "See you do have a warm side" Then returns to the business at hand.

Thursday May 4th, 2000 4:34:57 AM

(OOC: the kiss was to Bull) Nightshade rises a frightened look in her eyes. "Skippy says we are safe, for now."

Thursday May 4th, 2000 4:34:58 AM

"The seed is either dead ... or at least knocked out for now. Do we leave it in? If we do, it may stay dead ... and this may or may not cause Ari problems. It may revive, fed by Ari's body. It may decompose, and make him sick. If we take it out, it will be out and done with, but the taking may damage Ari considerably. Do we have time to remove it? And if so, should we?" Legs asks... Then says, hands raised (and stick in his wrapped right hand), "Oh, great God of Good, thank you for answering our prayers, and we do ask for further guidance, now, or at the time you choose. Selah." Legs gets a semi-silly, semi-beatific smile on his face, seeing that Ari seems all right, and that the stick - Catcher's stick, worked!

Thursday May 4th, 2000 4:34:59 AM

(OOC)I would appreciate if the characters could give a quick description of themselves. Clothes, armor, weapons, obvious holy symbols, sex. I originally thought Ari was a girl. The kiss thing really threw me

Thursday May 4th, 2000 4:35:00 AM

Looking at the chewed up stick, Rigging vows to himself never to be bonded. He asks, "Skippy? Who is Skippy? Where did you get the enchanted stick? Who are you people!? I want some answers. We walks over to Aaron and whispers, "Do you think we can bring them to our camp? They have the power to affect Ga'al's seed. That could be useful. Maybe we can help each other."

Thursday May 4th, 2000 4:35:01 AM

Singer picks at the corner of his eye. "Wood chip," he explains, licking his finger and probing. He pulls his finger back and looks at it. "Got it!" He is relieved at the results of the 'holy stick' operation. The boy who tied the rope holds out his hand to Rigger. "Call me Singer." His shoulders somewhat slender, he does not appear strong, except in his hands. He looks to be in good health, tan beginning to show through peeling sunburn on his cheeks. Comely, he moves with a measure of grace, and his eyes see clearly... but along with the grace, there seems a bit of the scamp about him, too. His hair is medium light brown, with wisps of blond. A bag holds what looks to be a musical instrument. Lute? Mandolin? "What is your name? Or at least, what would you have us call you?" Singer asks of Rigger, a twinkle in his eye. He awaits a response ... and also waits to see what is decided about Ari, so that he can untie him if no further operation is to be done for the moment.

Thursday May 4th, 2000 7:26:03 AM

Startled at the questions, Catcher looks Rigger in the eye and says, "My apologies, I am Catcher, a ranger in training, and we (excet for Singer) come from a town called Adorus on the far eastern end of the kingdom. Others can give you more details, but the wood you see came from a tree struck by lightning in our presence, within our home town. It is said that the ring worn my Nightshade was found within the shattered trunk of this tree. And it appears that the spirit of our dead friend, Skippy, now somehow resides within this ring." Catcher stops, realizing that the others can better relate the story. Rigging sees a stocky, dark-haired young man whose easy, rolling gait reveals that he is comfortable in this forest. He wears leather armor of a unique design, which, when commented on, he proudly reveals was constructed by he and his father, who is also a hunter and fisherman. A couple of well-worn daggers also stand out, despite the presence of longsword strapped to his back. These daggers, he comments, were his grandfathers, which he inherited.

Aaron (the Mud Man) (DM Dave) 
Thursday May 4th, 2000 7:29:05 AM

Rigging can tell by Aaron's look that something is amiss. Rigging says to the group, "Several times now, I have heard mention of the Good God. And now you bring this strange wood, and speak to the air of someone named Skippy. What is this that you would bring amongst us?"

Thursday May 4th, 2000 12:03:43 PM

Legs stands. Six foot three and wirey, handsome and earnest, with longsword, handaxe, daggers, and a longbow, he answers Aaron. "I look at this world - so many good things, so much well formed, and know that Someone good is responsible for the Making of us and the Wold. I know, too, that things have gotten twisted since the Making, and much which was good was turned to wrong. I have seen the doctrines of Ga'al, and the way his heartseeds rob people of the ability to choose. They take their will. Despite what we have been taught, I question Ga'al's goodness. His power? No. He is powerful. I respect his power, but will not worship such a god, though he slay me. But I believe in One who is good, who wants goodness and kindness and honor from people, but who also lets them freely choose. We have been told stories of..." and here Legs pauses, still recalling Ozymandius' reaction to the time Wynd mentioned the name. "Of a god who can appear in the form of a dragon. We have been taught that all dragons are evil. But there are stories of one who is good. His name is Lemtrovex." Legs doesn't know why he is trusting these people, to tell them these things. "Skippy was a good friend of ours. Bright, and quick, and, well I think she was beautiful." His cheeks flush. He recalls how she cupped a honeybee in the palm of her hand, then released it. "I did not witness it, but my friends described how, the day we escaped our home village, a Ga'alish cleric used a red handkerchief, and sucked the life out of her." His ears now turn red with anger, and Legs clenches and unclenches his fists. "Nightshade, you can tell them more about Skippy, if you want."

Thursday May 4th, 2000 12:13:20 PM

As an afterthought, he adds, "Oh, my friends call me Legs."

Thursday May 4th, 2000 8:27:42 PM

"Um, Ari, guys, what should I do with the rope? I mean, we're not going to do anything else now, are we? Should I untie him?" Singer asks. He crouches down next to the boy with the burndt seed. "You okay, Ari?" He clears away a loose splinter lying on his friend's cheek.

Thursday May 4th, 2000 8:41:07 PM

(ooc sorry for delay, problems with @home for last 2 days). Ari removes the wood from his mouth, and drops his shoulders, and relaxes. "I for one, would say that knowing we can deactivate the seed, I would say keep it thus. But, that is only if we can figure out how long this will last, or when we are back in danger. My entire stomach was effected by that. We may even want to establish a routine of every 6 hours, until we are out of their camp. But this also depends upon you (looking at Aaron) on being comfortable. If we are short on time, then we should begin moving, because our story is long. We do not operate for the dark one that operates in this area. We have been shown, that there is at least one other being, that appears to be opposite than the Dark one, for which, most of us left our homes, in order to find out more. For now, know that Skippy is a friend, and knowing we are safe, gives me more confidence about what I am, and what I carry, than I had when we first met." Ari is stands 5'8", and has black hair and eyes (ooc I may be wrong about hair and stuff, forgot to write it down in file, and don't have time to look thru archives (due to speed). He was wearing leather armor and backpack with a leather shield strapped on, and a rapier at his side. He's a solid looking boy that has a look of being perpetually tired (current situation not counting).

Thursday May 4th, 2000 8:44:13 PM

(aackk forgot about being tied up).( correction please. Ari either spits out the wood, or waits until someone removes it). Shaking his head at Singer. Once his mouth is clear, the speech is given.

Thursday May 4th, 2000 9:07:54 PM

From over by the entry way a lanky young lady listens, watches and surreptitiously wipes something from her eye. She is about 5'5, has brown hair with auburn highlights, green eyes and olive skin. She has a very sad and driven look about her. She is wearing leather armor, and carries a short sword, staff, several daggers and a well worn sling in he belt. As she listens to Legs a look comes across her face and a angst ridden "Legs" issues from her mouth as Lemtrovex's name is mentioned. With one last look outside, she steps back toward the group to deal with what ever must be dealt with.

Bulldog and Asbury 
Thursday May 4th, 2000 9:07:55 PM

"welcome back to us" Bulldog says to as Ari awakens, removing the stick and cutting the bonds. Easily helping him to his feet. He stands up to listen as his family speaks. A stern smile appears as the truth is told of themselves, finally. "Like I told you when we first met. We have a long and differcult tale to tell." adding after the others have told parts of their story "my Family calls me Bulldog or simply Bull" As he offers a firm handshake to Rigging and any others willing to accept it. ...... Bulldog stands a half a head shorter then Legs. A very muscled young man in chainmail armor. Carrying a two-hander across his back. A heavy crossbow hangs from the pommel of his steed. A knife and lasso adorn his belt. He carries himself with confidence, steadly and deliberately. A small sheepdog of boundless curiosity and energy, seems forever checking on his master. Asbury the faithful.

Friday May 5th, 2000 2:46:21 AM

"Ack! Bulldog, you cut my rope!" Singer looks horrified. "I was gonna untie it, and you cut it! Cut your own rope. Do you have any?" he asks. "I'll trade ya these short snippy pieces for a nice long connected piece."

Friday May 5th, 2000 7:29:32 AM

After shaking Bulldog's hand, Rigging introduces himself to all. "You can call me Rigging, most of my friends do. We can exchange histories later. We need to move on." To Aaron, "What do you think? I think we should bring them on in to camp. We shouldn't stay here much longer. I think the seed in Ari is neutralized for now." He looks around at the newcomers. "Be prepared to do your surgery, if Ari starts acting strange. It would be better to lose one life, than all of us."

The Camp (DM Dave) 
Friday May 5th, 2000 9:58:45 PM

With a frown, Aaron looks to the treetops before curtly nodding, turning, and heading down the trail the others took earlier. Everyone quickly files after him, hoping to escape from this creature called Godspawn. After another mile, then two, has gone by, the group finds itself within the shelter of a thickly-wooded grove, with small lean-toos built here and there. Any other observation of the camp is cut short when you notice the body of a young woman, propped up by a spear, seemingly standing guard on the edge of the grove. The mystery of what weighs upon Aaron disappears as he turns to face you while addressing those of his group, "These people have neutralized a heartseed." Several gasps are heard from various members. "But," he continues, "I fear that they carry something even more dangerous - a foreign god walks among them!" Everyone grows deathly quiet. "It is my fear that Godspawn hears the whispers of this god among these people, and that His anger will be visited upon all of us." Pointing a finger at you (the group) he states, "You must not bring this god among us - lest you bring death."

Friday May 5th, 2000 10:16:23 PM

"How does one bring a god?" Legs asks. "As one brings a loaf of bread? No! A god, if truly a god, possesses himself, and goes where he will. We bring ourselves. And yes, a faith. Small, but growing." Legs looks at those who are gathered. "If you do not want us here, we will go on our way. If you are afraid, ask yourself, why? and of what?"

Friday May 5th, 2000 10:48:38 PM

"I know I need to rest."

Friday May 5th, 2000 11:13:49 PM

Looking aroud and slightly startled by the proclamation, Wynd turns and simply states, I will not speak of that which is not asked of me... but neither will I still My mouth of what were I am bid tell or asked.

Friday May 5th, 2000 11:19:34 PM

Rigging takes Ari's arm, "Here, you may rest in my lean-to." He leads him over to a well built and neat little structure. "There is a waterskin hanging on the branch. Help yourself. You will be safe here. I will try to keep Aaron off your back." Rigging starts to leave and looking about quickly whispers, "When you are rested, will you tell me about your new God?

Bulldog and Asbury 
Friday May 5th, 2000 11:19:35 PM

Placing a hand on Legs shoulder, Bulldog squares himself to Aaron, adding firmly "We stand together in this, our family, our faith, we will not be stilled."

Saturday May 6th, 2000 2:25:34 AM

Singer takes confidence from Bulldog's gesture, and his friends' words. He places his hand on Legs' other shoulder. He looks around at the other youth there. Softly he declares. "We would stay a bit by your leave, so that Ari might recover. But if it be inconvenient, we will go, but would part as, if not yet friends for want of opportunity, yet with desire for friendship towards you."

Sunday May 7th, 2000 2:24:05 PM

Nightshade bandages her hand and stays silent. She is a tall, thin, powerful looking woman. Her long black hair is plated back, woven with dark leather. She holds a large two handed sword and carrys herself with an air of mystery. The only other thing that stands out about her is a simple gold ring she plays with.

Sunday May 7th, 2000 6:17:13 PM

Sighing heavily, the ranger states, "The love of religion is the root of all evil." He gives a wink to Rigger, and adds in a lowered voice, "I'm sure my friends will talk your ears off." He addresses Aaron, "I do not wish to stand here uninvited. If this danger is as great as you say, then we will move our ailing friend. We are not here to divide, but to bring together that which is good and noble." Catcher seems a little startled at his own words, feeling they have somehow come unbidden to his lips.

Blasphemy (DM Dave) 
Sunday May 7th, 2000 6:30:20 PM

Aera, the one dubbed earlier as the Godspawn expert, shouts out, "Do we need to hear more? They disparage Godspawn, and we know what He demands of those who fail to pay homage! To entertain their madness invites destruction! Drive them from us, I say!" Her loud calls are joined immediately by many others in the camp, and you see several spears being waved in your direction. From the firm set of Aaron's jaw, it seems that this group is not much open to discussion.

Sunday May 7th, 2000 11:50:21 PM

Rigging is concerned with the antics of his old companions. Rigging straightens his shoulders and thrust out his chest, pushes down his own fears and shouts, "And then what!!? Does he live in these hovels for the rest of our lives? Does he scrape by on the game we can hunt? Does he watch the clothes rot off our backs. More important. What about the people at home?" Rigging thumps his chest. "The name is Arrack Von Palin. Son of the Earl Von Palin. All here are nobles of the land. We know our subjects are enslaved by the evil god Ga'al. We live in fear of Godspawn. He will come and claim us all eventually. It doesn't love anything but death. These strangers are our first real hope of salvation. We can't drive them out, but should embrace them. We have to save ourselves and then fight to save our subjects. If you refuse, then you should open your veins and let your noble's blood drain from your body. You don't deserve it." While Rigging pleads with his old companions, he readies his sleep spells components.

Monday May 8th, 2000 12:13:24 AM

Taking a look again at rigging, looking for any other signs of thorns. When none is found, Ari will whisper to Rigs," The chest and the belly button are not the only places where the thorns can be placed. We have seen that there can be hunters created, and the thorns placed elsewhere, though they do stick out, wherever they're placed. Or at least so we have seen so far."

Bulldog and Asbury 
Monday May 8th, 2000 12:13:25 AM

"BLASPHEMY !?" growls the Bulldog "You follow a god who wants your soul. One who cares not for you, but his own EVIL power. One who takes your pride, your heart, and your thoughts." anger shaking his voice. "Look at yourselves. Hiding in fear and ignorance." Stepping towards Aaron. "You offer spears. Where we offered friendship." as he points at Aaron "If you seek Godspawn. Look upon yourselves, for that is what Ga'al will make you to be." The chainmail clad young man spreads his arms out "If its battle that you want, Aaron, I waiting" Brillaint steel gleams as his massive blade is pulled forth. "otherwise stand aside and allow us to pass, For you shall drive us not !"

Monday May 8th, 2000 5:00:45 AM

[[OOC: Singer uses his bardic ability to try to sway the mood of those gathered]] "STOP THIS!" Singer projects with a voice of authority. He steps right into the centerpoint of the two groups. He points a finger first at Bulldog. "You, Bulldog, my friend, badly misinterpret what these people are saying. Is it not obvious they do not desire the seed of Ga'al?" He puts hands on hips and narrows his eyes at Catcher. "You speak against all religion, do you?" And he turns quickly to Aera, "Aside from Catcher's remark, young woman, which is an ill-advised blanket condemnation of all religion, whatsoever, I heard no one from among my companions say anything for or against the one you call Godspawn, until you made your threat." He puts his hand on his sheathed drusus. "This is my sword. But I lay it down before you today." Singer slowly draws his sword, holding it with thumb and forefinger, to show he is not grasping it to wield it. "We will not fight one another this day." He sets his sword on the ground before him. "Why? Because we alike desire to be free. You do not wish Ga'al's seed. Nor do we." The handsome bard walks around his sword, slowly. "You fear what seems new. This is common. But you are not commoners, eh? Do you know that once Ga'al did not rule this land? At one time his rule was new." He shrugs his shoulders. "What have you told us of Godspawn? I do not say more than you have told us. You fear him. The one you fear," he says, speaking again to Aera, "your own lips, lady, tell us that you pay him homage only so that he not destroy you. Each of us you see before you has risked life and limb to avoid paying homage to The God Who Enslaves, that is, Ga'al." He lifts his eyes toward the tops of the trees. "What is it about this land that brings so many gods who would destroy?"

Monday May 8th, 2000 5:01:29 AM

Singer looks around at each adolescent from this new group. "Rigging's words were good. Did you hear him? Did you listen? You are a member of the nobility. You are nobles, born to lead. Born to rule. But you tremble with fear when you hear some of us speak of a God of Good, who desires freedom for his people. A God of Goodness, who would bring liberty to this land! Why do you fear? Because you fear Ga'al, and this one you call Godspawn. They both offer an insatiable thirst for control, and power, and enforced homage. But does either offer liberty? Kindness? Honest justice? Even truth?"

Monday May 8th, 2000 5:02:18 AM

Singer looks back toward Catcher for a moment, then back to the strangers. "Part of what Catcher said contains truth. Those religions which are evil and twisted contain many roots of evil. And one need not be obsessed with religion to work for what is good, though I think, am beginning to think more, that faith is essential to life. Among us, some are religious, others less so. This is before us a war not just of gods, but even more so of people. A war to release their minds, to release their spirits, to break the chains of bondage."

Monday May 8th, 2000 5:06:02 AM

Singer says, "We offer an invitation. Come with us, if you value freedom. Come with us, if you desire truth in your inner being. Come with us, if you want to live with those whose hearts are knit by bonds of love, not bonds of fear. Come with us, if you would show your noble blood, and learn to lead your own houses, your own people, your own nation, to liberty! Liberty to choose! Liberty to serve one another in kindness! Liberty to work together! And liberty to worship in hope and love, not under compulsion, but out of conviction!" Singer's ringing voice now lowers. "Who here is of the house of Aargle? Aaron is of the house of Afport, we know. Who of Aletin?" He looks to see who acknowledges their lineage. "Annkorb? Aplob? Aquertz?" He nods to each who identifies himself or herself. "Who among you represents the house of Asnan? Assup? And Aveint? And who is a noble of Ayler? And who of Azorth? What will you do for your houses? Hide? Run? Wimper? Or choose a time and place to lead your people out of bondage? Come with us, and together we'll learn how to battle FOR our people. One thing that Catcher said just a few minutes ago is perfect. He said, 'We are not here to divide, but to bring together that which is good and noble.' Will you join us in this glorious goal? Will you choose to remain in fear, or to show your nobility, to live and work and sweat and fight for the good? How will you choose? Who will come with us? Who will work for liberty? I ask again, who will work for freedom? Who is for this common cause? Who will join the noble and the good?" Singer slightly lifts his hands from his side, palms up. "Rigging, what do you say? Aaron, the rest of you, what do you say? Fear, or firm and noble steps toward freedom?" He looks at his sword on the ground. "We will not fight each other this day." He places his foot upon his sword. His eyes search the audience. Whose eyes meet his? Whose look away?

Monday May 8th, 2000 1:45:08 PM

After Singer rebukes Bulldog, Legs puts his hand on Bulldog's shoulder. He whispers, "Take a breath. Let's listen to what Singer has to say." Then he listens, amazed. He remembers the story Singer spun a year and a half ago before Lord Agor. He did not think the bard had shown much in the way of faith before. Is Singer speaking from his heart, or is this more verbal showmanship? But his words are good. Legs decides to suspend judgment as to the sincerity of their friend from the city between two waters. He does not take an aggressive stance, but observes closely all those around, friend and stranger alike, calculating the best offensive and defensive moves to take should hostilities erupt. He does not look directly at Aaron, but keeps him in his peripheral vision.

Monday May 8th, 2000 5:18:11 PM

Nightshade crosses to Ari and stands him up. "My brother I think that this is not the place we need to be right now. You need rest and Skippy only said we are safe for now. That may mean that it is not dead but dormant. Can you ride?" If he can she helps him up on hie horse, and crosses to hers and gets up. "Family, our time is limited, if these people don't know how to help Ari then we must find those that do, NOW!"

Monday May 8th, 2000 6:22:55 PM

The young ranger takes a step back as the skills of the bard shine forth. Here indeed is a formidible friend, thinks he. From whatever well Catcher's words came from, nothing more appears at the moment, as he scans the area with practiced experience, looking for a defensive position from which to fight. In the back of his mind, he is shocked to see Nightshade's self-control and focus. He moves to help her lift Ari onto the horse, hoping the group will manage to leave without bloodshed.

The Darkness (DM Dave)  d20=3
Monday May 8th, 2000 6:39:16 PM

An unholy scream issues from Aera's throat (everyone save vs. Fear -2 or be stunned into inaction this round) and the already overcast lighting from the thick canopy of trees overhead seems to grow darker still (twilight conditions now exist). Many of those belonging to Aaron's group seem to melt into the thicking dark, making it difficult to keep track of them. Aaron hurls his spear at the bard, but he is trembling so much with rage that the shaft flies wide, impaling itself deeply into side of an oak tree.

Wynd  d20=11
Monday May 8th, 2000 7:36:22 PM

Worried about the angriness of some of the Mob, Wynd is impressed with the growth shown by Singer's control of his voice. So in tune with what he is saying and wanting to mention that sometimes the thorns are on the back of the neck, that she is stunned to inaction as the blood curdling scream rings out.

Rigging  d20=10
Monday May 8th, 2000 10:11:41 PM

Rigging stumbles back in fear, throwing his hands to his face. He knows if he stays here Aera and Aaron will kill him for speaking out. He tries to think of a course of action, but can't get his mind to work.

Bulldog and Asbury  d20=16 d20=16
Monday May 8th, 2000 10:11:42 PM

As Bulldog hears the wailing scream, he staggers. Overcome with momentary fear he loses his bearings. (failed vs spell) Asbury cowers from the unearthly howl as well.

Ari  d20-2=6
Tuesday May 9th, 2000 1:39:14 AM

As the scream issues forth, Ari shivers, and returns his own scream, "Lemtrovex help us! " (failed save).

Catcher  d20=2 d20=4
Tuesday May 9th, 2000 7:02:48 AM

While standing beside the horse, helping Ari up, Catcher's hair rises on the back of his neck - the only noticiable effect of the howl. He quickly whips out his bow and fires a shot at Aera, deciding she is the greatest danger. [Figured I could only shot once this round] The arrow goes wide, making a clattering in the brush behind before imbedding itself in the heath. The ranger moves to the other side of the horse to increase his cover, shooting over the horse in later rounds.

Singer  d20=17
Tuesday May 9th, 2000 10:30:07 AM

Singer does a backwards roll, and picks up his sword. "I take that as a 'No' from you, then, Aaron," Singer says. He sprints over by where his companions are, and takes his horse's reins.

Legs  d20=12
Tuesday May 9th, 2000 12:03:48 PM

Legs, despite his thinking he would be ready for anything, finds himself immobilized by Aera's wild howl of rage.

Nightshade  d20=1 d20=2
Tuesday May 9th, 2000 6:45:29 PM

(Oops 2 rolls) Nightshade is shocked into fear from the unearthly scream.

Upon Wings of Madness (DM Dave) 
Wednesday May 10th, 2000 6:49:42 AM

[Correction to postings above: Catcher failed his save and was immobilized] An overwhelming sense of dread falls upon the party, and before you can shake the lethargy, most of the Aaron's crew has blended so well into the shadows that it is difficult to spot any of them. Suddenly, from every direction around the party, they spring upon you with spears, closing the gap so quickly that you barely have time to defend yourselves. Just as they reach you, a deafening, multi-throated roar erupts from off to the left. Everyone stops and turns: It is extremely difficult to discern the details, but some sort of creature, larger than a barn, with many heads extending from numerous necks, has landed in the clearing. Its hide is the color and texture of bark, making it blend in exceedingly well with the woods. Its wings, now folded, are feathery brown. It moves extremely fast on its four legs, and is springing toward the group as you watch in horror.

Singer  d20=13
Wednesday May 10th, 2000 12:39:58 PM

Singer pushes his horse's head towards the forest, and slaps her on the flank, yelling, "Giddyup!" sending her into the forest. He takes several steps into the trees at his back (dex check to maneuver in the twilight), then turns to face the approaching monstrosity. "Godspawn, I presume."

Rigging  d20+1=6
Wednesday May 10th, 2000 3:14:11 PM

Rigging ducks into his lean-to (hopefully shielding himself for Godspawn) and scoops up his backpack. If he is not confronted by either group, and the direction is away from Godspawn, he will head towards his horse Seafoam. While doing this, Rigging will keep an eye on Aera to guage her reaction. If she looks like she is directing Godspawn, Rigging will cast a sleep spell on her. If she is as scared as everyone else, Rigging will leave her alone. (rolled for Alertness profiecency, was succussful)

Wednesday May 10th, 2000 3:20:12 PM

(ooc assuming Ari can move without fear this round). "I say we put this bickering aside, and fight our common enemy. If you have anything to share about this creature, now would be the time." As Ari speaks, he slips the ring from his bag, on his hand. He then casts Shield on himself. If there is additional time, he draws his rapier in his right hand, and draws his dagger in his left.

Wednesday May 10th, 2000 6:05:21 PM

"Family we need to leave, NOW!" With that she tries to gather her family toward her and away from this thing. She pulls her sword and prepares to defend herself should the monster get to close.

Wednesday May 10th, 2000 6:31:27 PM

Pulling out her sling and readying several sling stones, Wynd pulls up tight with N'shade and watches her back and keeps an eye out for the approaching beastie.

Bulldog and Asbury  d20=10
Wednesday May 10th, 2000 6:31:28 PM

Seeing this horror coming at them all. "no time to run Nightshade" Bulldog sees the need to buy some time for the others. "watch over us Lemtrovex in our time of need" He then trots towards the massive beast, missing timing his powerful swing and just misses.

Catcher  d20=11 d20=9
Thursday May 11th, 2000 7:21:32 AM

Finally out of the clutches of fear [OOC: sorry about the mistake on my last posting], the ranger fires two shots at the approaching best, while yelling, "Everyone, follow Nightshade. Get going!"

Godspawn's Fury (DM Dave)  d20=2 d20=10 d20=9 d20=4 d20=20 d20=8 d20=12
Thursday May 11th, 2000 7:36:26 AM

Rigging successfully retrieves his pack and heads for Seafoam - Everyone, including Aera, from the camp is scattering like leaves before the wind to avoid this creature. Ari manages to retrieve and dawn his ring, but the horse bolts before he can concentrate on casting his spell, causing the mage to hold on tight to avoid falling. The creature is so huge, it isn't so much an issue of hitting it as penetrating its hide. Bulldog's blade and Catcher's arrows harmlessly deflect off the beast. With a mighty roar that causes the ground to vibrate beneath your feet, the various heads of Godspawn open their mouths, spewing forth various destructions. Aaron and Aera both manage to avoid a bolt of white light that leaves the trees surrounding them encased in heavy ice. One of your pack horses is hit by another, immediately incinerating it in a flash of flame before it can even scream. A third head casts a beam of darkness, hitting one of Aaron's team members, and she disappears in a cloud of vapor. A forth head misses as it fires at Ari on the horse (which is running madly away) - a huge bolt of lightning skims past the young mages head, leaving his hair standing on end. One head breaths on Bulldog (save vs. paralysation) and the final one breaths on Catcher (save vs. petrification).

Rigging  d20=16 d20=20
Thursday May 11th, 2000 8:42:54 AM

(OOC Don't know where or how far we picketed the horses. Assuming I get there this round. In Character) While Rigging is running for Seafoam, he will be prepared to tumble out of the way of any bolts of energy (just made proficency roll). Rigging will yell to the strangers. "Run!! You cannot fight Godspawn! Run if any of you want to survive!" If I arrive at Seafoam and seem out of the line of fire, I will quickly saddle him (failed horsemanship check)

Wynd  d20=1 d20=13
Friday May 12th, 2000 6:26:52 AM

Using all her newly acquireed skills, Wynd gets to her mount and gets on. soem how easily managing to control her horse she turns just in time to see her friends bathed in some sort of beastly breath. now on an anxious mount, though still controlled, barely, Wynd gets ready to ride down the mouth of danger to try and sweep up one of her family members should they not be able to escape by them selves.

Ari  d20=17
Friday May 12th, 2000 6:26:53 AM

Ari attempts to get some control of his mount, which appears to not work. When and if he gets control, he looks for ANYONE that can use a helping hand to escape the creature.

Friday May 12th, 2000 6:26:54 AM

Waving franticaly to her family she is standing in the sturips of her horse. "RUN!!!" She continues to scream to her family. When she sees Bulldog turn the other way she begins to curse him under her breath. [Skippy I sware if we get out of this one we are going to beat that boy] She stands ready to help Catcher or Bull escape if they need it, if they are both ok after the breath attacks then she bolts into the forest at top speed.

Catcher  d20=4 d20=17
Friday May 12th, 2000 6:26:55 AM

Nearly overcome by the creature's breath (failed save, used hero point to make successful save), Catcher quickly stumbles out of the way, heading for his horse. He scrambles on and leaves with the others.

Bulldog and Asbury  d20=9 d20=11
Friday May 12th, 2000 6:26:56 AM

Bulldog comes to a screeching halt as he body locks up. Standing there wondering what is to become of himself, as chaos runs rampant around him.

Friday May 12th, 2000 6:26:57 AM

Legs, having briefly thought of doing what Bulldog did, is nonplussed to see his stout friend, not that many feet away from him, standing stiff as a statue, vapor settling around him. He shakes off the shock of the situation, and dashes forward to pick him up. Legs runs with his massive burden, looking for his horse, or Bulldog's, or any mount whatsoever.

Friday May 12th, 2000 6:26:58 AM

The boy/man follows his horse into the woods, now trying to catch up to it. He holds his sword arm up before him, more or less straight out, a little above his head, and the sword slanted downward, to telegraph to him branches or other obstacles in his way in the darkening twilit forest.

The Scattering (DM Dave)  d20=7 d20=17 d20=14 d20=5 d20=6 d20=2 d20=5
Friday May 12th, 2000 6:43:36 AM

Somehow, Legs manages to lift the stiff forms of Bulldog and Asbury in his arms as Wynd swings by to swing them up on her horse. Hers is the only horse that is not completely bolting in terror - everyone else on horses is still fighting like mad to regain control of their mounts. Unfortunately, it is taking everything just to keep from getting knocked off the horses by passing branches (horses moving at full speed). Godspawn attacks again: The frost head swings and breaths on Catcher, but somehow misses, encasing more trees in heavy sheets of ice. Another head flings a bolt of lightning, frying another horse (Bulldog's mount). Despite Nightshade's range at this point, one head breaths on her and her mount (roll vs. paralyzation with +2 for horse and +6 for paladin). The petrifying head breaths on Wynd and those with her, but misses, instead turning the grass and scrub in front of the horse into stone (need check to control horse to avoid smashing into this stone). The fire head blasts at Legs, but overshoots, taking out three trees. The sixth head breaths on Aaron, but misses, immediately causing five trees to disappear into thin air. The final head breaths on Aera, but misses (both Aaron and Aera were at extreme range this round) with no visible effect on the surrounding area. At this point, everyone is gone from the glade, except for Legs, Bulldog, Asbury, and Wynd.

Ari  d20=11 d20=17
Friday May 12th, 2000 12:07:03 PM

Trying to hang on by sheer strength (made a strength roll), Ari clings to his mount. As soon as Ari doesn't have to worry about branches, or as best he can, he tries to get a hold of his horse.

Legs  d20=13
Friday May 12th, 2000 3:17:09 PM

As much as he can (perception check vs. wisdom), Legs attempts to note which heads breathed what, and where they attach on the beast's body, and how long the necks, and how rapidly they move. Does one seem dominant? Whatever direction Wynd's horse takes, Legs scoots off in a path roughly 90 degrees off from it, so as to make for more than one bunched target. As he runs into the forest, he zigs and zags. One hand is before his face to protect from higher branches, and the other, longsword held, extends ahead, angled downward, to protect from his midsection on down. [OOC: Good idea, Singer.]

Friday May 12th, 2000 4:37:44 PM

Rigging says to himself, "O.K. calm down." To Seafoam in a soft calm voice, "Time to get saddled up boy. How about we go for a nice little ride." Rigging gets saddled up and mounts Seafoam after collecting and storing his belongings. Rigging heads back to the clearing to see if he can help anyone.

Wynd  d20=14 d20=4 d20=19 d3=1
Friday May 12th, 2000 6:12:50 PM

Grabbing Bulldog and ashbury and throwing them across her horse, she grabs hold of the two of them to keep them steady and evenly draped. Using them to aid in her balance as well as she lets her mount have its head, she manages to stay solid in the saddle even as her mount easily weaves and vears to avoid the sudden appearance of stone before them. After avoiding the rock, Wynd manages to avoid being dropped on her tail due to whipping branches, only because she has the weight of Ashbury and Bulldog pinning her to the saddle. However she does manage to take several lashing cuts across her arms and face that cut the skin (-1hp) and leave her bloody and sore.

Bulldog and Asbury 
Friday May 12th, 2000 6:12:51 PM

'hmmm ... this must be somewhat like how Tags feels' crosses the mighty fighters mind, 'a strange thought at this time ... hmmmmmm' Asbury growls soundlessly.

Singer  d100=45
Sunday May 14th, 2000 2:01:21 AM

Singer finds a tree to climb. He climbs [45 succeeds]. "Oh, uh, the one we've been calling the Good God. Um, I haven't prayed much. But, help! This godspawn is a, is, terrible. Horrible! Save us from it, and I'll, I'll do something for you. Just tell me what! But help!" He listens and looks back toward the clearing. "Lem... Lemtrovex!"

Nightshade  d20=17 d20=7
Sunday May 14th, 2000 10:20:56 PM

Both Nightshades horse and her self make their save amazingly enough. Seeing that Bull and Ash have made it to safety she continues the bolt into the forest, tring her best to keep sight of all her family.

Monday May 15th, 2000 9:12:26 PM

Rigging while riding Seafoam carefully comes to the edge of the clearing ready to fight or flee depending upon what he sees. He is listening for the crash of underbrush heading in different directions trying to get an idea where the strangers went.

Catcher  d20=13
Monday May 15th, 2000 9:45:38 PM

Catcher manages to hang on to his horse, but decides to let her have her head - he keeps his own head down near her neck to avoid branches. Mercifully, the self-doubts that have been plaguing the young ranger lately are washed away in the adreneline-rush as he focuses on making it away from this terrible creatue.

Death Ascendant (DM Dave)  d20=7 d20=4 d20=19 d20=10 d20=7 d20=14 d20=6 d20=12
Monday May 15th, 2000 10:11:01 PM

Legs notes that the central of the seven heads (each head on a neck thirty feet long) appears to be the dominate, displaying an unnerving level of cunning. For whatever reason, Godspawn takes note of the young man at the same time, as Wynd and her 'baggage' miraculous escape from the glade. All the creature's heads swivel and pour forth gouts of power upon Legs as he attempts to run away. Almost at the same time, Nightshade feels her hand vibrate violently. A glance shows a stream of light that coalesces near Legs, in the form of a opalescent woman with luminous skin and eyes shining forth light. A square of blue light appears in the air next to this stunningly beautiful vision, and she tosses Legs through it, just of the jets of power smash down from Godspawn. Legs disappears as he touches the light square, and an unearthly scream fills the forest at the heavenly lady's demise. Nightshade, looking down, notices that her band seems lifeless. +++++++++++ Time passes, and each of you desperately wander your separate paths in the Dread, while in the distance, every now and then, the scream of another person found by Godspawn is cut short. Night comes, and you hide as best you can, hoping to find your friends. The next morning appears with you on the far edge of the woods, and shortly thereafter, you are once again reunited with one another in the plain beyond, with Shadow Mountain looming before you, now filling a fourth of the horizon. You each, except for Legs, have your mount -- all additional pack horses have been lost.

[Clarification] (DM Dave) 
Monday May 15th, 2000 10:13:00 PM

[Rigging is on the plains, along with the rest of you. No others from his original band appear to have made it to this location.]

Monday May 15th, 2000 11:26:15 PM

Legs sees Godspawn focus its entire attention upon him, and he knows he is dead. Nevertheless he runs. Then, of a sudden, a creature of heaven appears before him. From behind he feels wind eddies pulling at his back. She is glorious, unattainable, yet ... Then, from behind, he feels the air compress. The Lady reaches out to him, and he can not but help but reach out as well. To depart this life unto such glory, what more could he ask? But rather than an embrace, Legs perceives that her arms - so strong, so bright, so ... her hips swivel, and what he thought was to be an embrace is changed into a throw. Why? What? Blue light surrounds him, bathes him. Legs knows he has entered the heavens. Then huge sounds, and a scream, unearthly, cut off. Legs feels himself floating, floating ... then curls up in a ball as foliage strikes his hands, his face. He curls tight, and feels branches breaking against his body. With bumps and bounces, he comes to rest. Legs slowly uncurls. He lies on his back, barely noting that a stick presses against his ribs, as so many parts of him now ache freshly. He lies still, catching his breath. He listens. "Skippy?" In the distance a horse moves through the forest.

Tuesday May 16th, 2000 6:03:03 AM

Cut, bruised, and exhausted, Catcher and his weary mount stumble into the clearing beyond the plains. Fearful of being spotted by Godspawn, he hugs the woods until he spots the others, also creeping from the Dread. Too tired for words, the ranger looks around, trying to hear any sounds of pursuit that seem to echo in his head, no matter how hard he tries to stop it. Is there any type of cover on the plains that he and his friends can use to cross over to the Mountain?

Wednesday May 17th, 2000 4:09:02 AM

Escaping the Godspawn and avoiding any major flight injuries, Wynd and company arrive near the edge of the wood and finally are able to dismount and await the others. Pondering how she is going to get her passengers off when they are both lying across her very numb legs gives her several seconds pause and then with a quietly whispered sorry manages to push them off on to either side of her. As they are uncerimoniously dismounted, Wynd realizes that she has no strength left to hold on herself and just able to get her horse to take several steps forward falls off to one side just missing landing on Bulldog's head.

Wednesday May 17th, 2000 4:09:03 AM

As the flight continues, Ari holds on for dear life. Tiime passes, and everything blurs. When his horse slows down, and then stops, it takes a couple of seconds register that there are other people are around. Time passes some more, and Ari realizes these are friends. He relaxes his grip on the horse, and ever so slowly, slides to the ground. Once there, he starts doing streches, in order to uncramp most of his body.

Wednesday May 17th, 2000 4:09:04 AM

Rigging sees the strangers and decides his best chances are with a group. He is nervous that Godspawn had left his old companions alone for nearly a year, suddenly attacked when this group of adventurers showed up. Rigging says, "Hail...May I join you? I dedicate my spells and sword to the group's defense if I may ride with you." Looking about Rigging adds, "Where is your friend Legs? Did Godspawn eat him?" Rigging gulps and turns pale at the thought.

Bulldog and Asbury 
Wednesday May 17th, 2000 4:09:05 AM

( ooc Bulldog is paralyzed, or have the effects worn off ? )

Wednesday May 17th, 2000 4:09:06 AM

Singer stayed in the tree, not at the top, but at a place where he could listen for some time. He tries to track with his ears the places that Godspawn flies. He winces whenever he hears another attack taking place, and repeats his prayers quietly to Legs' 'Good God.' As the attacks and screams fade away, the shaken boy descends, and does his best to track his horse. Eventually he finds it, and later his friends at the edge of the plains. He steps back into the woods for a moment, and, out of sight of his friends, prays, "I told you I would do something for you if you delivered us. So, just let me know what you want me to do." He stands up, and says with a nod of his head, "Selah." He comes out again. "Are we all here? Are all well?"

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