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Into the Badlands

Wrapping it up (DM Dave)  d20=4 d20=5
Sunday March 19th, 2000 5:28:31 PM

Wynd manages to get Catcher's attention, and shortly, everyone is together again on the far side of the Adow river. Miraculously, you seem to have shaken your pursuers.

Sunday March 19th, 2000 7:29:40 PM

Kneels when her family is back together and prays. "Dear Father, thank you for gathering your family here and allowing all my brothers and sisters safe passage onward. Your most humble servant Bella." The she turns to her family. "There was something very strange going on when we left. I sugest we hide our tracks and get moving FAST!!"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Sunday March 19th, 2000 7:29:41 PM

Bulldog heartly welcomes his friends, as all are together again. Asbury equally ethusiastically follws suit. Avoiding any participation in any prayer, purposely. "The farther away the better though." as he checks his weapons and gear. throwing Asbury back up before remounting his steed. "ahhh .. the restraint of those walls now gone" as he wheels away, allowing one of the Rangers to take the lead, knowing well of they abilities. He is in high spirits, as they all travel together again, things finally seem to be going there way.

Singer / Aithasar 
Monday March 20th, 2000 2:35:12 AM

"And merrily they crossed the river / Avoiding arrows in their livers," sings Singer. As Nightshade prays, he listens respectfully. "Hey, Bulldog, can't Asbury run? Most dogs I know can keep up with horses. He's gonna get fat." Singer moves his mount on up the road.

Legs / aka Alegsor of Ayler 
Monday March 20th, 2000 2:50:30 AM

"Praise to Thee, oh One who shields us," prays Legs. "Grant us what is needed to do what we ought." He says to his friends, "Yes - perhaps Catcher in front and Wynd at the back, or the other way around... so that a good path is chosen, and the trail we make is covered up."

Tuesday March 21st, 2000 4:32:26 AM

I agree that one of us should be in front and one in the rear. My only modification might be that we rotate postions every now and again so our pursuers are not always reading the samr leavings.

Tuesday March 21st, 2000 4:32:27 AM

"Are things still quiet on the home front?", as Ari looks towards Nightshade.

Tuesday March 21st, 2000 4:32:28 AM

Laughing about Asbury, Catcher says, "Whadda' mean, going to get fat?" He quickly agrees with Wynd on the rotation, offering to take the cover-up job first. As the group gets moving, he tells them, "Look, I've thought about this, and I think we're going to have to ditch our horses after we get out on the plains. We could try keeping the fresh horses, or keeping the tires ones to fool pursuers, but I really think the only way we'll trick the rangers is if we go it afoot, letting all the horses ride off in two seperate groups." Catcher listens to hear what everyone else says.

And They're Off (DM Dave)  d20=1
Tuesday March 21st, 2000 4:32:29 AM

The group heads out into the forbidden Badlands of Aisildur as the sun starts to set.

Tuesday March 21st, 2000 4:32:30 AM

Nightshade quietly listens to the voice that has been missing lately. Is skippy there?

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday March 21st, 2000 4:32:31 AM

Sheepishly laughing along with Catch and Tags, he drops Asbury down to follow along. He happily races around to see all the others for a quick visit as they start off. "Just thought we could make better time .. not worrying about him." Then falling in behind the lead Ranger. "Hey Catcher ... I think keeping the horses is best. Even if they can track us ,at least we will always have enough speed to stay ahead"

Tag Along 
Tuesday March 21st, 2000 4:32:32 AM

"Yeah and remember how much walking stunk all those months ago. Always got caught up with, no sir, Ill leave it to you rangers to sweep up are tracks and make it look like where going other places. But me and old betsy here are staying together.

Legs / aka Alegsor of Ayler 
Tuesday March 21st, 2000 4:32:33 AM

"I'd suggest we see how the horses do," Legs says. "Even if we need to leave some behind, it might be wise to have a few with us, not for riding, but to help carry what needs carrying. What do any of us know of the badlands, by the way?"

Tuesday March 21st, 2000 7:16:11 AM

"Well, from what I learned, this place is full of all sorts of strange monsters -- I don't know why, because I thought the Ga'al's Wall was supposed to keep them out. I've had to fight a few that wandered across the river and into the valley."

The Ring (DM Dave) 
Tuesday March 21st, 2000 7:16:48 AM

The Ring remains silent.

Tuesday March 21st, 2000 1:35:46 PM

"I'm not sure if it matters or not. Since there may be ways that they are tracking us already. All they need is to be familiar with something that we have, at least to know where we are. I think the weird part, is that they let us go with out much fuss."

Group Travels (DM Dave) 
Tuesday March 21st, 2000 10:11:33 PM

Soon, all is dark, with only the stars to light the way. Various animal sounds can be heard coming to life in the distance.

Wednesday March 22nd, 2000 11:32:41 AM

"Ari," begins Legs, "What in the world did they ask you about in the temple, and what did you tell them?"

Wednesday March 22nd, 2000 7:57:25 PM

Torn between pressing on to get away from pursuit, and realizing he can't see well enough to defend in the dark, Catcher looks for a good campsite. If one is found, he starts setting up for the evening, if everyone else agrees.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday March 22nd, 2000 7:57:26 PM

As the campsite is setup. Bulldog ties up and manages the horses. As everyone settles down he sits and listens to the others stories, settling in comfortabl a aginst a log.

A Good Night's Sleep?! (DM Dave)  d12=7 d20=10 d20=5 2d6(4+5)=9 2d6(3+3)=6
Thursday March 23rd, 2000 7:20:07 AM

As you are making camp preparation, a huge shape rises unseen from the darkness, towering over 12' in height. Until the silence is broken my the scream of one of the horses, you are oblivious to the danger -- the horses cries are immediately cut-short, and in what little light you have, you see a giant humanoid shape moving toward you.

Combat (DM Dave)  d12=7 d20=10 d20=5 2d6(4+5)=9 2d6(3+3)=6
Thursday March 23rd, 2000 7:23:34 AM

[Tag, I never received your updated sheet, reflecting THAC0 and skills check scores for non-proficiencies, so I'll assume these are still the same as your zero-level character sheet]

Thursday March 23rd, 2000 6:52:26 PM

Ari immediately incants a spell. (Shield CT=1 AC 2 vs hand hurled, AC 3 vs device missles, AC 4 Normal) (ooc should I post particulars of spells, or allow you to look them up?)

Wynd  d20=19 d20=11 d6=6 d4+1=3 d4+1=4
Thursday March 23rd, 2000 7:26:23 PM

Wynd, not suprised at all by the beast, quickly reacts with two thrown daggers ( hits AC -2 and AC 4 for 3 and 4 pts of damage)

Catcher  d10=7
Thursday March 23rd, 2000 8:28:08 PM

Angered at the death of one of their trusted steeds, Catcher rushes to quickly cut the tethers holding the other animals, allowing them to scatter.

Combat Posting (DM Dave)  d10=7 d20=2 d100=20
Thursday March 23rd, 2000 8:29:38 PM

[When making a post, describe what your character does, with any technical stuff posted at the end in brackets. Don't worry about reciting spell mechanics...I can look them up.]

Singer  d10=9 d20=10 d20=19 d3=1
Thursday March 23rd, 2000 8:47:51 PM

Singer, unsurprised, throws a pair of daggers at the massive figure. One misses, one strikes for a single point of damage. Singer draws his drusus, and moves in a broad circle around to the left, wanting to keep some distance from the creature. He is prepared to do some fast dodging and tumbling if necessary.

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=7
Thursday March 23rd, 2000 8:47:52 PM

Asbury leaps to his feet barking an angry storm. The mighty young man frees his two hander from it's resting place. Action freeing his mind from his fear as he closes on the terrible form. Stumbling in the dark he misses his attack. Then scrambles to regain his feet, for the next chance (round).

Nightshade  d10=3 d20=5
Thursday March 23rd, 2000 9:11:53 PM

Not surprised Bella launches into an attack with her huge sword.Missing everything and cursing under her breath.

Tag Along 
Friday March 24th, 2000 1:31:31 AM

((i have sent the sheet with thaco and such and no my stats didnt change from zero level mages after all arent meant to fight large humaniods. "Bah!" What in the name of freedom is that?" he says as he tries to get a better look at the cretaure moving to the flank.

Legs  d20=7 d20=16 d8=2 d10=8
Friday March 24th, 2000 1:33:12 AM

Legs takes his bow off his right shoulder, nocks an arrow, and sends it off into the night. But the looming target is so large, that his second sheaf arrow strikes (AC 4) for 2 hp damage.

Plant Thing (DM Dave)  d6=4 d6=1 d20=18 d20=16 2d6(1+3)=4 2d6(1+6)=7
Friday March 24th, 2000 7:19:58 AM

The horses scatter, filling the night with neighs of terror. As you draw closer, you see a monstrousity: A mountain of moving vines that reek of rot. The arrows and daggers feebling imbed themselves into the huge form, seemingly having no effect. Two long columns of vegatations, acting as arms, swing out. One slams into Bulldog for 4 points of damage, and the other smashes Catcher for 7 points of damage. Other than the creak of its movements, the thing is utterly silent.

Friday March 24th, 2000 7:22:55 AM

Slammed backward, Catcher scrambles away, shouting, "Get away! Everyone scatter with the horses! It can't catch us all!" Catcher tries to find some of the horses that ran off.

Ari  d20=3
Friday March 24th, 2000 2:51:31 PM

Ari will defend himself with his rapier, as he tries to asses, if there are any more creatures. (defending miserabley, if attacked :( )

Friday March 24th, 2000 5:06:39 PM

Singer looks around for dry brush. He gathers what he quickly can, and throws it on the small campfire [assuming we have such. If not, he lights a torch instead.]

Friday March 24th, 2000 10:00:05 PM

moving rapidly around behind the beast and staying out of reach, Wynd takes her attack time to get three flasks of oil from her back pack.

Tag Along 
Saturday March 25th, 2000 1:44:40 AM

::seeing the creature for what it is and remembering what legends say of such creatures:: "Run get on your horses and run, we stand no chance." says the boy as he heads after his horse................dissappearing into the night.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday March 27th, 2000 2:56:48 AM

Seeing a few of the others circling around, Bulddog begins backing off. Flashing his sword back and forth , trying to keep the crearures attention, until his friends can launch an attack. Asbury, near his side, continues his barrage of barks and growls.

Plant Attack -- Round 2 (DM Dave)  d20=4 d20=1
Monday March 27th, 2000 7:02:46 PM

As the light from the campfire grows brighter (due to Singer's work), the creature lashes out with enormously long arms, striking at Ari and Nightshade. Miraculously, neither are touched, and one of the appendages actually lands in the campfire, scattering burning branches in a shower of sparks. Because of its slimey nature, the flames seem to have no effect on the monster.

Ari  d20=20 d20=9
Monday March 27th, 2000 8:04:54 PM

Continuing to defend himself, "Looks like if we want to try fire, it's going to have be with any oil someone might have." (defending with a critical hit).

Wynd  d20+2=19 d20+2=10 d20+2=14 d20+2=4
Monday March 27th, 2000 8:35:52 PM

Once totally behind the beast, Wynd charges it from behind and smashes two flasks of oil on the beast trying to get as much of it covered as possible (hitting with a 19 AC-2) (geesh the roll button got stuck)and then quickly backing out of range, she yells, Now FIRE someone!

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=20
Monday March 27th, 2000 8:35:53 PM

Heeding Wynds' call, Bulldog picks up a burning branch and jams it into the huge beast. (critical hit, dam ?). As the creature errupts in flames from the oil, he retreats. Asbury scampers back at the sight of the fiery creature. "to the horses .... find them !"

Singer  d20=16
Tuesday March 28th, 2000 1:34:06 PM

Singer lights one of his torches and hurls it at the now oily vegetable monster. [I think he got it.]

Catcher  d20=13 d20=18
Tuesday March 28th, 2000 7:52:28 PM

Catcher continues trying to round up horses for his friends, staying very far away from the combat...

Plant Attack -- Round 3 (DM Dave)  d20=6 d20=11 2d6(4+3)=7
Tuesday March 28th, 2000 7:56:56 PM

Somehow, the creature senses Wynd, and the arms whip backwards at inhuman speed...the ranger manages to avoid one of the two massive clumps of plants, but the other strikes her solid (7 hp) after she gets her attack off. Quickly, the others light it, outlining it in flames for all to see. Catcher successfully rounds up two horses. Tag is nowhere to be seen.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday March 28th, 2000 7:56:57 PM

As he retreats away from the burning creature (he does so only as long as his friends can likewise retreat) he looks about for his horse. Not seeing it he whistle to Asbury to go round it up and head it back here. "haw ... go get it Asbury .... haw .." he adds as the four footed friends charges off.

Legs  d20=13 d20=14 d12=2 d6=3
Wednesday March 29th, 2000 2:13:51 AM

Seeing Wynd in trouble, Legs tries to distract the vegemonster. He hacks at one of its legs, first with sword, next with handaxe. He finds the foliage somewhat of a challenge to penetrate. He drops back, weapons before him to try to parry. He yells, "Leave her alone! Try to catch me!" and begins a fighting retreat, trying to keep the creature's attention so that others won't take the brunt of its attacks.

Ari  d20=8
Wednesday March 29th, 2000 10:46:47 AM

Taking quick note to see what Wynd's condition is, Ari continues to defend himself. (nothing successful this round)

Wynd  d20+3=12
Thursday March 30th, 2000 12:29:37 PM

Lashed and sent tumbling, Wynd struggles to her feet and tries to stagger out of the beasts way. After stumblingo away and getting out of reach, she gets out another flask of oil and heaves it towards the beast (12 hits AC5 a short mis may splash)

Catcher  d20=4 d20=10 d20=15
Thursday March 30th, 2000 12:29:38 PM

Riding one of the horses, Catcher starts chasing down other horses. Seeing how the others are getting hurt, he yells, "Get away from it! We can't overcome that thing!"

Plant Attack -- Round 4 (DM Dave)  d20=8 d20=16 2d6(2+3)=5 2d6(2+5)=7
Thursday March 30th, 2000 12:29:39 PM

The flaming oil drips off of the towering creature, leaving hissing pools of heat on the ground. It takes a minute, but you notice that the fire seems to have no effect upon this nightmare. Ari's attacks do little more than cut a vine here or there. With Wynd out of range, the arms whip forward, with one striking Ari (5 hp) and the other slamming into Nightshade (for 7 hp of damage).

Friday March 31st, 2000 7:18:39 AM

Catcher provides horses to his friends, as long as he stays far away from the creature.

Nightshade  d20=6 d20=6
Friday March 31st, 2000 4:50:46 PM

The pain from the beast wakes Nighshade up and she strikes out at the beast twice. Missing again both times. "Why can't I consentrate!!!" She wails.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday March 31st, 2000 4:50:47 PM

"COME on ... lets get out of here ..... we not hurtin' it .... the horses !!!" as he looks about for his horse and asbury's return.

Sunday April 2nd, 2000 4:14:03 AM

The young bard decides to test the saying. He plucks a tune on his lute, and begins to sing. "The sun falls down and warms the earth / The rain too falls and touches seeds / And magic comes and life begins / To grow up green in fresh rebirth." He watches the movement, the rhythms of the huge plant thing, and matches the song to its pace, but gradually slowing down the rate, to see if the deadly monster responds. "One day some bushes, plants and trees / With thorns and brambles, knots and knurls / Assembled, motley, came to walk / Woven, angry, violent stalked. // Why so angry, rough-hewn plant? / Settle down, cease your attack / What is it you want of us? / Quit this stirring of the dust. // Calm down, hearken, let us think / Yonder stream will let you drink / Nothing gain you by this wrath / Let us safely walk our path." Singer then repeats the first verse, and further improvises if it appears to mollify the monster. The saying? 'Music hath charms to sooth the savage beast.' As he plays, he works to keep out of striking distance, but within earshot of the creature.

Plant Attack - Round 5 (DM Dave)  d20=20 d20=2 d20=13 2d6(2+3)=5
Sunday April 2nd, 2000 11:12:50 AM

[correction to last round -- it was Leg's attack, not Ari's that had little effect] Singer does his best, but the monster fails to respond, other than to strike at Legs and Nightshade. Legs is hit full in the chest for 12 points of damage, and Nightshade is clubbed for another 5 hps. Both paladins drop to the ground. [A reminder here to the players: You each have one hero point at your disposal]

Sunday April 2nd, 2000 4:18:43 PM

Hobbling and moving slowly Wynd also echos Bulldog's call for retreat. Everyone lets move. Those who can walk grab those who can't and lets get out of here. With that said Wynd makes her way to Nightshade and starts dragging her to safety ( or at east out of further harms way).

Bulldog & Asbury 
Sunday April 2nd, 2000 10:16:11 PM

slamming his weapon into it's loop. He makes his way to 'Legs' and picks him up and trots away. Looking for asbury returning with his mount.

Sunday April 2nd, 2000 11:25:55 PM

Getting the picture, Ari will try to defensively move to mount up. As soon as he can mount up, he will attempt to pick up Nightshade, if no one else has gotten to her.

Monday April 3rd, 2000 10:19:55 AM

Legs, the right side of his chest almost caved in by the solid blow, exerts his will to stay awake. He sees with blurry eyes that Nightshade has fallen beside him. He crawls the few feet that separate them. He lays one trembling hand on his sister paladin, and releases the healing virtue for her sake (Cure 2 hp damage on her). He sends a prayer to the Good God, shudders, coughing up blood, and passes out. [1 hero point expended.]

Singer  d20=10 d20=8 d20=19 d20=9
Monday April 3rd, 2000 4:52:42 PM

Singer, frustrated that the old saying apparently doesn't apply in this case, tries to draw the monster's attention away from his friends, both the quick and the downed. He throws rocks at the thing, and yells at it, staying close enough to throw at, but not within reach of its limbs. The bard uses his nimbleness and tumbling skills to stay out of harm's way. When he sees that Legs and Nightshade are rescued, he will finally go to find his own horse, if he can, and head away.

Monday April 3rd, 2000 6:49:38 PM

Seeing his friends drop, a bitter taste comes to Catcher's mouth, and he's not sure whether disgust at his own cowardice or his friends' over-valor has caused it. Quickly whipping the horse he's riding, he helps the closest standing person sling a body on the other mount he has with him, fearfully staring at the monster the whole time. Memories of the stories told by other rangers about the cursed land near Shadow Mountain dance before his eyes.

Round Up (DM Dave)  d20=19 d20=15
Tuesday April 4th, 2000 7:23:10 AM

Leg's healing hands help, but Nightshade remains unconscious. Bodies are quickly dragged out of harm's way -- although the plant monster has lightning fast arms, it's huge body slows it down enough to allow everyone to escape on horseback.

Ari  d8=4 d20=8 d3=2 d20=10 d3=1 d20=15 d20=20 d20=7 d3=1 d20=20
Tuesday April 4th, 2000 8:48:13 AM

As soon as it is safe, Ari will motion for the group to stop for a second, so that he can do healing as much as he can. For Nightshade (ooc did the rolls in reverse order by mistake), Ari successfully makes his healing check for 2 points, and then casts CLW for 4 more points. For Catcher, he makes his skill check for 1 point. For Bulldog, he does not make his skill check, but wraps up the wound. For Wynd, he does not make his skill check (ooc botched?). For Legs, he makes his skill check for 1 point. And for himself, he does not make his skill check (ooc botched?). When he's done he ask, "Did I miss anyone?"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday April 4th, 2000 5:10:19 PM

helps ari organize the casulties. "Thanks, Ari, looks like your studying has paid off." as he inspects his own bandages. "asbury good job rounding up those strays for us.." pulls out a treat for the industrious little fellow.

Catcher  d20=18
Tuesday April 4th, 2000 8:17:48 PM

"Thank you," says Catcher, still a little preoccupied with the danger, "look, we've got to keep moving...there are all sorts of things out here, and I don't think we're going to be able to rest until we cross this place." Catcher looks around for anything to help maintain direction towards Shadow Mountain.

Wasteland Travels (DM Dave) 
Wednesday April 5th, 2000 7:24:27 AM

The group moves on in the darkness, and everytime you think of stopping for a break, various strange noises in the distance push the idea from your mind. Sunrise finally finds you, and it seems as if you've hardly gone anywhere -- the wasteland looks the same around you: Rough hills with scrub brush as far as the eye can see. In the distance, the rangers make out the dark spot of the Mountain. Coming over one hillock, you come up short when you spot a man on horseback several hundred yards away. He is gazing intently toward the Mountain, and hasn't noticed you.

Wednesday April 5th, 2000 11:43:50 AM

Is still unconscious (if not already dead) at 0 hp.

Wednesday April 5th, 2000 4:50:24 PM

as soon as the sun comes up, and given time, Ari tends to all wounded (everyone gains 1 hp). If we cannot tend to wounding right away, will happen later in the day. (ooc I take it spell recovery is nill right now).

Wednesday April 5th, 2000 6:23:22 PM

Is up? or down?

Status of Paladins (DM Dave) 
Wednesday April 5th, 2000 9:32:27 PM

[Both paladins are still unconscious, but have been tended to enough to prevent death. Spells have not been recovered.]

Catcher  d20=12 d20=20 d20=8 d8=2 d8=4
Wednesday April 5th, 2000 9:34:42 PM

Catcher dismounts and draws his bow, ready to shoot. He looks around to see if there are any other people around. If combat starts, he fires two arrows at the horeman.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday April 5th, 2000 9:43:30 PM

In the heat of the wastes, he casually hand signals everyone to halt. Moving slowly to the front of the column, he watches the stranger, he calmly awaits to be noticed. Asbury stands along side his masters mount, intent upon the stranger. Concern for his injured friends, drifts on the edges of his thoughts.

Thursday April 6th, 2000 12:13:38 AM

Singer tells Bulldog, "I'm going to see if I can slip around toward his left side. Wynd, do you want to come with me? Can you walk okay?"

Thursday April 6th, 2000 2:29:15 AM

Legs lies draped over the back of a horse, breathing roughly and fitfully.

The Grey Man (DM Dave) 
Thursday April 6th, 2000 7:18:01 AM

A minute, then two, passes, and the stranger seems to either be so enrapt, or deliberately ignoring you: He has not indicated your presence. Asbury's attention quickly wanders after a few seconds, seemingly more interested in a butterfly fluttering nearby. After peering a moment longer, you notice that the man is outfitted in all grey clothing...

Thursday April 6th, 2000 11:51:47 AM

With Wynd (or without her), Singer does as he said he would, trying to get around off the left side of the stranger, and perhaps getting a glimpse of what he is watching. If there is landscape to help obscure his movements, he will take advantage of it.

Thursday April 6th, 2000 1:31:10 PM

Ari patiently awaits Bulldog's lead.

Thursday April 6th, 2000 5:31:00 PM


Thursday April 6th, 2000 8:12:15 PM

Grimacing in pain and nodding in response to Singer's question and plan of action, Wynd makes sure N'Shade is situated and then, sword in hand, limps around the oppiste side from Singer, figuring if one is seen that might distract the stranger from seeing the other

Catcher  d20=13 d20=5
Thursday April 6th, 2000 9:03:10 PM

While the other two circle, Catcher approaches the horseman from the back with bow drawn. If combat starts, he fires (missing once for sure).

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday April 6th, 2000 9:14:43 PM

Whispering to the Ranger as he advances by "ease up with the Bow. He has done us no harm. It is an odd place for one to be alone. Stand down and lets see what he is up to" Seeing Wynd and singer circling. then waiting a moment. He calls out calmly to the Grey man "Greetings Wanderer". Sitting patiently and calmly awaiting a reply. Asbury busys himself investigating the local butterfly population, occasionally giving a sidelong glance to his master.

Friday April 7th, 2000 6:36:06 PM

Singer watches the man from behind some scrub brush. He tries to make out what weapons he might be carrying. And ... what IS he looking at?

Friday April 7th, 2000 9:11:39 PM

Then, remembering some of the stories he heard during his bardic training, and noting that the man is dressed all in gray, wonders if he might be all gray because he has turned to stone ... and that from looking at whatever is in the direction he was looking? He puts his hands over his eyes, looking through a slit between his fingers.

In His Image (DM Dave)  d20=17 d20=19 d20=10 d20=11
Friday April 7th, 2000 10:55:36 PM

The grey man seems to not be staring directly at the mountain, and his head is angled a little to high to be looking at anything on the ground. At Singer's suspicion, the bard begins noticing details that confirm his belief. Now that he is closer, he sees that the horse is also gray, and has one leg perpetually raised. In fact, the bard is convinced that in fact he is looking at a statue. As to peeking thru his hand, Singer doesn't spot anything special in the direction of the mountain. The others close on the grey man, and they note that he appears unarmed. Then, Bulldog recognizes him: Tag!

Bulldog & Asbury 
Sunday April 9th, 2000 6:53:09 AM

"TAGS....... !" with bewildered suprise. As trots his steed over to his inert friend, for a closer inspection. "what on wold could of done this !" out loud for all to hear.

Sunday April 9th, 2000 2:08:27 PM


Sunday April 9th, 2000 4:11:25 PM


Monday April 10th, 2000 7:09:37 AM

Not realizing what has happened until Bulldog speaks, Catcher has moved closer with arrow drawn. Once he hears Bulldog, Catcher spins around, looking for anything else in the area, "There are half a dozen things that could have caused this..."

Tuesday April 11th, 2000 6:30:42 AM

Approaching the stone-faced Tags at a slow limp, Wynd listens to Catcher and then responds with a quiet, Yeah, and none of them are friendly."

Tuesday April 11th, 2000 6:30:43 AM

"We need to keep moving, until we can rest. Unless you know of something that we can do for him?"

Tuesday April 11th, 2000 6:30:44 AM


On the Move (DM Dave)  d20=5 d20=14 d20=15
Tuesday April 11th, 2000 6:30:45 AM

Catcher does not spot any other creatures in the area. Any thoughts of staying and pondering Tag's fate are quickly cut off by the sounds of growls floating from the distance...rather than chancing an encounter with the unknown, the group moves on. Toward sunset, the two paladins finally stir from unconsciousness (each have 1 hp). Despite frequent breaks for the horses, everyone is exhausted. The ever-present danger of monsters continues to weigh on you.

Tuesday April 11th, 2000 6:30:46 AM

Singer, despite the jostling of riding, takes time occasionally to write down his thoughts, poems and observations, working to match his writing to the rhythms of the horse.

Tuesday April 11th, 2000 6:30:47 AM

If after regaining consciousness he is able, Legs will attempt to heal 2 hp of damage again to his sister paladin, Nightshade.

Catcher  d20=2
Tuesday April 11th, 2000 7:19:42 AM

Realizing they have to rest for longer than a few minutes, Catcher says to Wynd, "We need to find some defensible place to hole up for a few hours...maybe the Nightshade & Legs can take the watch." Catcher looks for an area of higher ground to use as a vantage point.

Wednesday April 12th, 2000 5:06:57 AM

As Catcher speaks to Wynd, he notices that she sways a bit in the saddle, shakes herself and then slowly turns to answer him, almost snapping at him. "Don't you think I know that!" "I too need to rest." Shaking her head slowly, Wynd looks up a bit embarrassed and says, "I'm sorry Catcher, I didn't mean that the way it sounded." Its just that I'm not sure how much longer I can stay in the saddle, let alone defend any camp we may find. She lets her horse have the reins for a moment and moving only her right arm, so that only Catcher can see, brushes away her cloak from her left side to reveal a red and ugly wound running from her left thigh up her side encompassing her left arm and just stopping short of her neck. Letting he cloak fall back she again picks up the reins in her right hand and turns back to the job of locating a suitable campsite.

Wednesday April 12th, 2000 5:06:58 AM


Camp ? (DM Dave)  d20=8 d20=19
Wednesday April 12th, 2000 5:06:59 AM

The terrain here is slightly rolling ground, filled with scrub bush. A small rise is located, with a couple of slabs of rock broken across the top. This is as good a place as any, although with all those monsters wandering out there....

Bulldog and Asbury 
Wednesday April 12th, 2000 5:07:00 AM

As camp is made, the sturdy young man takes it upon himself to secure and water all the horses. Then he rejoins his friends. "I'll start the first watch, you all seem to need rest very badly. I feel well enough. " then calls his four footed friend "hey Asbury, ..... com'on lets have a quick look about" as they make a few circle around the camp to get the feel of the layout.

Wednesday April 12th, 2000 5:07:01 AM

Singer thanks Bulldog for taking care of the horses. He asks Catcher and Wynd how he can help in setting up a defensive perimeter, and follows their advice as best he can. He also examines the area to see the best paths for hasty retreat. He gathers up a good sized number of throwable rocks, which he stacks in four places around the camp. After working hard, he finds a rock to sit upon. He takes the cover off his lute, and plays some tunes, and tries out some of the new songs he has written. He tries to work out an ode in honor of Tag Along.

Catcher  d20=20 d20=4
Wednesday April 12th, 2000 7:07:30 AM

Grimacing at Wynd's wound, Catcher helps the others in making preparations for camp. He tethers horses to each of the cardinal points of the hill, saying, "Hopefully, they'll provide warning if something comes up, and also, we can flee without losing all of the horses." Once all is ready, Catcher casts himself down, dropping off to sleep immediately, due to exhaustion from fear.

Wynd  d20=15
Thursday April 13th, 2000 4:28:28 AM

Using her staff for support as a crutch, Wynd is just able to help walk around and help make suggestions for defense and watches and asks that some one wake her for the last watch in the morning. She then hobbles over to her gear, takes out her bed roll, has a bite to eat and drink and then grimacing eases herself down on to the bed roll and basically collapses.

Thursday April 13th, 2000 4:28:29 AM

"For this night, I can add to our watchfulness. " Ari then casts Alarm on the camp. "I can take second watch, if needed. I won't be going to sleep any time right away." As everyone gets settled for their sleep, Ari will make a double check on all bandaging, and make a determination as to who will need spell healing in the morning. Then he'll study to replace his spells. (dropping entangle, and adding CLW). Then he'll stand watch, or sleep.

Thursday April 13th, 2000 4:28:30 AM


Thursday April 13th, 2000 4:28:31 AM


Thursday April 13th, 2000 4:28:32 AM


Night-Noises (DM Dave)  d20=6
Thursday April 13th, 2000 4:28:33 AM

During Ari's watch, some tremendous sounds are heard in the distance, loud roars and deafening booms. Everyone is startled awake. Pinpoints of flame can be seen sporadically here and there in the distance (different directions), but eventually, everything calms back down. In the morning, everyone manages to gain one 1 hp (it wasn't a very restful evening). With the dawn appears a storm-filled sky, justing waiting to unleash its weight of water on the cursed land.

Thursday April 13th, 2000 5:54:44 AM

Ari checks over everyone's bandages. "How is everyone for riding. I can do some healing now, or we can wait and see how the day goes"

Thursday April 13th, 2000 12:09:22 PM

"Wynd, I noticed yesterday you are still limping. The Good God has given me a measure of healing power. If you want, I can place my hands on your injury, and perhaps help a bit." If she allows it, Wynd regains 2 hp through the laying on of hands. Legs whispers a prayer as he passes on the healing virtue. He talks to Nightshade. "Friend, can you help those who are injured? I know you are tired, and not feeling well... but perhaps you can lay hands on those who are injured, including yourself."

Thursday April 13th, 2000 5:25:46 PM

Nightshade sits up and shakes her head. She looks around and speaks. "It seems I was no help at all and actualy cost us all. I need to pray, before I do I can heal some one a tiny bit if it is needed."

Thursday April 13th, 2000 7:13:38 PM

Waking and grimacing, Wynd nods at Leg's offer and lets him see the vivid angry looking wound. As he lays on his hands Wynd first winces and then sighs a bit as the angriness of the wound lessons. While obviously still hurting she says, " Thanks that helps alot. I should be able to ride well enough today, particularly if we dont have to do any fighting" Smiling, she gets up and starts working with her medicinals to brew up a nice ache relieving tea for the crew.

Catcher  d20+1=11
Thursday April 13th, 2000 9:20:30 PM

Seeing how hurt the others are, Catcher decides to wander around and check the horses, hiding his his own wounds. He uses his hunting skills to capture some small game, hoping to extend the life of the group's food supplies.

A Day of Travel (DM Dave)  d20=14 d100=17
Thursday April 13th, 2000 9:26:09 PM

Healing is administered, and food is captured (rabbit -- although it's rather scrawny -- you have to be lean to survive out here) and the group manages to break camp just as the clouds let loose, obscuring the view to 50 yards. (Applicable skill checks will be needed to maintain direction). After several hours travel, the group runs across a ravine, normally bone-dry, that is currently filled with a torrential stream of water. Using your best judgement, the group follows the ravine, rather than crossing it. Evening comes without any break in the weather, and no shelter in sight. The closest thing to trees in the area amount to scrub brush.

Bulldog and Asbury 
Thursday April 13th, 2000 9:26:10 PM

After securing his horse to some brush, Bulldog sits down with his very wet fourfooted friend. "Its going to be a short night I think .... no rest for the weary, heh. Lets huddle in together to stay warm"

Ari  d8=1 d8=8
Friday April 14th, 2000 6:41:29 AM

While the camp is being set, Ari will walk over to Wynd, and cast CLW on her for 1 point. Then Ari walks over to Nightshade, and casts CLW for 8 points. THe Ari does his best to check bandages, in the damp rain.

Catcher  d20=6
Friday April 14th, 2000 7:17:48 AM

[Made direction skill check] Catcher checks the ravine to see if any critters are floating in it. He helps set up a tarp to keep the rain off the group.

Friday April 14th, 2000 10:39:47 AM

Singer helps out in setting up camp. He again collects rocks into piles about the area.

Nightshade  d20=20
Friday April 14th, 2000 4:08:17 PM

Nightshade after no one speaks up that they need her healing lays on hands to her self gaining another 2 points, she then tries to find north and gets completly confused. (OOC when rolling HP or healing always re-roll 1's)

Weather Breaks (DM Dave)  d20=10 d20=7 d100=63
Friday April 14th, 2000 6:05:40 PM

The group makes due with what it has, trying to establish a decent camp. As light fades, the weather lets up. Catcher, near the ravine, notices some sort of pole on the opposite bank, placed upright in the ground. No other details can be made out. The evening passes uneventfully, and in the morning, (everyone gains another hit point) the water has receded enough in the ravine to cross, as you wish. The pole details can now be seen clearly - it is covered with detailed carvings, and capped with a feather tassle. Beyond it, the edges of a forest begin. Looking left and right, it appears that the ravine is the boundary between the rolling plains and the forest.

Friday April 14th, 2000 8:44:33 PM

[OOC: Nightshade - you were at +12 hp when you laid hands upon yourself for 2 more hp. Catcher is down by 5, Legs is down by 9 (has less than 28% of his hit points), Wynd is down by 2 hp (unless Ari rerolls his CLW :) ), Bulldog is down by 2 hp, Ari is down by 3. It takes some looking back through the posts, but it probably wouldn't be too hard for her to look around and figure out who is still injured, and by roughly how much. Good reminder, Nightshade, about rerolling 1's on CLW - Ari, see how much Wynd really regained. I hope I don't get into too much trouble for posting this - Jerry yelled at me once for keeping track of damage sustained, but I got into the custom through years of playing clerics ... I'll be happy to delete this post if it is deemed objectionable. Absolutely no offense intended, just recommending a close reading of the posts. -Kim]

Friday April 14th, 2000 8:47:22 PM

Legs offers to lay hands of healing upon Catcher. (2 hp.)

Friday April 14th, 2000 8:50:49 PM

[One more OOC: Adjust everyone's hp by +1 over what I posted above, as I was just counting up to Nightshade's post, not DM Dave's Weather Breaks post. -Kim]

Ari  d8=2
Saturday April 15th, 2000 12:47:58 AM

(ooc first time playing spell caster, here, so I apologize! :), though, I'm not sure there was much difference, with the re-roll! :)) Ari helps with setting camp, setting up alarm, recovering his spells, and taking whatever watch he gets, after that.

Bulldog and Asbury 
Monday April 17th, 2000 7:52:07 AM

Dismounting, he leads his horse across the ravine. "Anyone Have an idea if we are going in the right direction ?"

Monday April 17th, 2000 12:57:12 PM

Singer takes several minutes to examine the feathered pole and its carvings, seeing if he can get a sense of what it is trying to communicate. He thinks it may be a boundary marker, and/or warning of sorts. He will relate to his friends whatever he is able to figure out. "Wynd, Catcher - what kind of feathers are these?"

Monday April 17th, 2000 12:58:03 PM

Singer takes several minutes to examine the feathered pole and its carvings, seeing if he can get a sense of what it is trying to communicate. He thinks it may be a boundary marker, and/or warning of sorts. He will relate to his friends whatever he is able to figure out. "Wynd, Catcher - what kind of feathers are these?"

Monday April 17th, 2000 6:03:51 PM

(OOC: I knew how bad we were hurt but I also know {being a DM} That we are not suposed to keep track of damage so thats why I had Nightshade post her "Who needs to be healed" post.) Nightshade crosses to a tree, kneels down and begins to pray.

Monday April 17th, 2000 6:35:29 PM

Looking across the ravine, Catcher tries to determine the materials that make up the shaft. He looks to see if it's safe to cross over, and if so, does. When offered healing, Catcher looks to see if any others are hurt badly, before accepting it.

It's a Team Thing (DM Dave) 
Monday April 17th, 2000 6:40:21 PM

[OOC: We're creating this story together, and any type of clarification is much-appreciated. Things have become a little strung-out in the last few weeks, making it a difficult to keep up with who is hurt to what degree...and now, back to the story]

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