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A New Flight

Saturday February 26th, 2000 12:15:07 AM

If we're going to take extra horses, lets ride hard on the first set, then send them off in some other direction, if possiple, and ride the fresh set after that.

Preparations for Flight (DM Dave) 
Saturday February 26th, 2000 7:56:42 PM

The group readies for its travels.

Saturday February 26th, 2000 8:04:50 PM

Once everyone else is ready, Catcher heads over to the Treehouse to get the horses. He meets one of the other students, Aflum, who decided not to go on holiday. Telling Aflum that an urgent message came up about getting horses down to the Adow bridge, Catcher quickly gets things in order, and heads off to rendevous with the others in the forest. Thinking about what Ari said, Catcher concludes that any rangers tracking the group won't fall for any attempts to distract with horses splitting off. Yes, he thinks, they'll probably have to leave all the horses in the wilderness, travelling by foot, if they are to shake their pursuers. He rigs several lines to keep the horses together, so that they'll stick together once the group abandons them. He also grabs some burr-type metal spikes to put under the saddles, once the horses are abandoned, so they'll keep moving. Satisfied, Catcher sits back and waits for the others.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Sunday February 27th, 2000 4:50:17 AM

After getting Asbury and weapons. Bulldog meets those at the horses. And readies himself for the harsh traveling ahead, strapping his weapons in. "Hey catcher , ..your pretty handy with them ropes. What do you think about roping together a harness for Asbury, to ride with me. I think he may have a hard time keeping up for the long haul." After working out the details, everthing is ready.

Sunday February 27th, 2000 10:18:06 PM

Nightshade leaves her friends and goes ddeper into the woods to pry. She washes her long thick red hair in a stream and washes the dirt from her body. She then kneels and prays for the strength and courage that the next few hours of her life must have. She then rises and dons her most simplest of gear, straps her sword to her back and goes to ask for an audience with the Lord Jailer.

Monday February 28th, 2000 8:31:48 PM

Nodding in answer to the question about the "little obstacles," Wynd is deep in thought and concerned about her friend Nightshade As she starts going off Wynd watches her and makes some plans about placement of snares and such that might both slow down and or confuse and throw off any pursuers. She places several such things in different directions with the thought of continuing some placements of others as they leave and she brings up the rear. Just as she finishes her first circuit, Wynd comes across N'shade with a determined look on her face, heading towards the chapel. Aproaching quietly but in view, she comes along side and in step with her friend and whispers, "Are you all right?" "Do you want some help or company for this?" Depending on her response Wynd will either go along or get back to the others.

Intersections (DM Dave)  d20=14
Monday February 28th, 2000 8:31:49 PM

The group scatters to various areas, taking care of last minute items. Nightshade heads to the temple compound within the castle. As she nears the structure, she turns a corner and nearly runs into Singer and his mentor, Lady Aiftlithar the royal bard, who are apparently making their way to the temple, as well. The paths are currently deserted except for the three of you. Meanwhile, in the woods, several of the rest of you, finished early with preparations, are meeting with Catcher in a secluded glen.

Monday February 28th, 2000 10:30:04 PM

To Wynd on the way. "I am alright my sister, but this is something I must do alone." Then she continues on her way. Comming around the corner she sees Singer and his mentor. She takes a deep breath, twirls the ring on her finger and then aproaches, smiling, puting everything she has into this act. "Well hello there young friend, I hear you wish to join us humm? Well we shall see if you are ready for that." She then bows slightly to the Lady Aiftlithar. "Lady, it is a pleasure to see you looking so well this evening."

Monday February 28th, 2000 11:37:46 PM

"Oh, hi, Bella! Good to see you. I can hardly wait to see everyone else." From behind his back Singer swings around a finely made lute for her to see. "Wait'll you hear some of the songs we've learned from Lady Aiftlithar," and he nods toward his mentor, "-- plus a few I've written." Then he blushes a little, because it sounds like he is boasting. But he is just happy to see Nightshade. "Oh, and yes, I know I'm a commoner and all, but, if you all'll have me, I do want to join with you." His face away from his escort so that only Nightshade can see, he gives her a quick wink.

Wynd  d20=14 d20=7 d20=14 d20=19 d20=16 d20=15 d20=4 d20=15 d20=11 d20=2 d20=10 d20=5
Tuesday February 29th, 2000 6:55:32 PM

Nodding in response to N'shade's comments Wynd heads back out to work on a few more surprises total snares set 12 on four of the main paths. of the ones she set only 8 actually will function properly. When she is done she will head to the clearing in a roundabout way.

Lady Aiftlithar (DM Dave) 
Tuesday February 29th, 2000 10:19:39 PM

Looking genuinely pleased to see Nightshade, Lady Aiftlithar replies with a nod, "Well met, my dear. I am afraid we delayed a little too long in the studio...I hope Father Acaffery hasn't had to delay the ceremony too long. Quickly now." The lady turns away as she starts to lead you into the temple grounds.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday February 29th, 2000 10:19:40 PM

Checking to make sure the horse are ready for the quick getaway. Once all things are in order he begins to keep guard to watch for the approach of the missing few. He settles himself by Gently whispering to Asbury that all things will be well. Knowing that his friend understands as he scratches behind its ears.

Tag Along 
Wednesday March 1st, 2000 3:38:09 AM

::walks over to bulldog dressed in all black clothing with a belt and backpack also of black:: "Easier to not be seen this way." he says when noticing bulldogs stare. "When do we leave?" says the apprentice mage.

Gatherings (DM Dave)  d100=72 d100=92 d100=53 d100=18 d100=99 d100=51
Wednesday March 1st, 2000 7:14:32 AM

Bulldog, Tag, and Catcher are shortly joined by Wynd in the glade. The four await the arrival of their four friends: Nightshade and Singer in the temple compound, and Legs and Ari, each off to gather last minute belongings.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday March 1st, 2000 10:01:56 AM

"I think till the other four get here , Tags. I soon as they are, we're off" then adds "got all you need for this next part of our journey ?, pick a horse that you'll want to ride, so we all don't rush for the same one when the time comes."

Wednesday March 1st, 2000 8:07:39 PM

Nightshade waits and follows.

Wednesday March 1st, 2000 8:21:55 PM

Ill at ease, Catcher mutters, "What's taking them so long?" After a moment, he announces, "I'm going to stand off in the trees to one side, and keep a look out for trouble."

Temple Scene (DM Dave)  d20=11 d20=18
Thursday March 2nd, 2000 7:00:14 AM

With Singer and Nightshade in tow, Aiftlithar continues towards the temple of Ga’al. Suddenly, several guards and nobles, arriving from the temple, meet the three in the street. Looks of relief flood their faces, and several promptly escort the bards and knight onward, while other guards fan out, looking for the missing children of Adorus. Within minutes, Singer and Nightshade enter the temple proper, and are greeted by half a dozen nobles who are awaiting for the delayed ceremony to begin. Up near the altar, Father Aisil is seen standing over a huge bronze dish mounted flat on a 4' tall tripod, filled with water – obviously in the midst of spell-casting. But what grabs your attention is the presence of Ari, seated at the front pew, and conversing with Lady Alba (Lord Agor’s spouse).

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday March 2nd, 2000 7:00:15 AM

Feeling impatient with the wait for the missing four, Bulldog double checks the horses and supplies. "Hey, .. tags, Catcher, wynd .. mount up. I'm getting a little jittery with this wait. Lets be ready" Grabbing Asbury by the scruff, he lightly tosses him onto the saddle of his steady mount, before climbing up himself. Then again awaits the return of the four.

Thursday March 2nd, 2000 7:16:48 PM

Waits for the appropriate time to speak.

Thursday March 2nd, 2000 7:29:40 PM

sits and waits.

Thursday March 2nd, 2000 8:01:35 PM

Catcher re-emerges from the underbrush and mounts his steed, "I think we should move out of this glade, so we're not so obvious. I'm willing to stay behind to guide them when they show up. I really don't need Ari's map to find my way."

Singer / Aithasar 
Friday March 3rd, 2000 3:53:37 AM

"Bella, what's up?" Singer asks.

Father Aisil Acaffery (DM Dave)  d100=64 d20=15 d20=13 d20=18 d20=6
Friday March 3rd, 2000 7:11:19 AM

Father Aisil turns from the water bowl with a frown on his face, then looks up to see the presence of Nightshade and Singer, "Why, there you are! The castle was turned out, looking for you...where are the others?" He signals to a couple of attendant priests to bring forth a small jewelled and place it out the altar behind him.

The Waiting Game (DM Dave)  d100=64 d20=15 d20=13 d20=18 d20=6
Friday March 3rd, 2000 7:13:44 AM

Legs rides into the glade as the others grow more anxious for the tardiness of Ari, Nightshade, and Singer. An hour has passed since the group split up on its separate errands.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday March 3rd, 2000 7:13:45 AM

"It's been too long. Something must of happened to them .... maybe the priests saw through Nightshades ruse." then adds "Lets just go before they find us too." then wheels his steed and begins to head away from the city. Looks over his shoulder at the others "you coming or not"

Legs / aka Alegsor of Ayler 
Friday March 3rd, 2000 11:53:48 AM

"Catcher, are you sure my plan wouldn't work? I'd rather talk with Lord Agor and our mentors directly, than sneak off like this. There may be those who would object, but for them to try to have us joined eight months early must be breaking some kind of rule. Why don't we go together? Or, I can go alone, and tell them our decision. It has been long enough since Lord Agor spoke with us, that they are going to be wondering what is taking us so long. But, I don't know, maybe Nightshade has already spoken to them, and our friends are on their way here..." Legs, whose demeanor is normally calm, has a pinched look to his face.

Friday March 3rd, 2000 6:20:21 PM

"As much as I hate saying it, I side with Bulldog on this: I'm sure that anymore of us going back is only feeding Ga'al. I don't like abandoning friends, but at this point, I guess they're on to us. Look, Wynd and I have the most knowledge of the valley and how to hide in it. Wynd, if you're willing to lead Bulldog, Tag, and Legs to the ford on the river, I'll stay behind for another hour to see if they show up. Wait two hours before giving up on us and crossing to the badlands." Catcher looks to see everyone's reaction, and if they are agreeable, he takes his horse out of the glade, hiding and waiting for Nightshade, Ari, or Singer to show up.

Friday March 3rd, 2000 7:31:31 PM

Wynd listening to the conversation is just about to agree with Bulldog when he proposes his split the group even futher plan. While not exactly happy about it, she agrees on the condition that he not just wait here but roams about so as not to be too conspicuous and that he only wait one more hour not two.

Legs / aka Alegsor of Ayler 
Friday March 3rd, 2000 9:47:49 PM

"When we work together, there is strength. If our friends need rescue, I question the rightness of us saving ourselves at their expense. 'The righteous are bold as a lion,' is one of the proverbs we learned in our training." Legs, still not at his full height, stands now a lanky three inches over six feet. "We are young, yes, but let us not tuck our tails between our legs and slink off into the night. Let us challenge them, and suggest that their motive may be one of fear, of fear of what the Divine may have in store for us."

Tag Along 
Saturday March 4th, 2000 3:03:08 AM

::sits atop teh horse:: "Ah nothin happened to them just saying a tearful goodbye i bet theyll be along any minute."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Saturday March 4th, 2000 3:03:09 AM

As he continues to move off, he injects to 'Legs' "Lions don't take on cities with armies at there disposal. ... lets go ! .... see you in an hour 'Catcher', Be safe !" pulls Asbury in close as he kicks the steed into a slow trot.

Saturday March 4th, 2000 9:30:08 AM

To Wynd, Catcher replies, "Yes, I'll keep from staying in one place too long, and only wait an hour." To Legs, Catcher replies, "I'm really not as religious as some of you others, so I can't speak with authority, but from what I've seen, the Divine one expects us to use the sense given us to muddle through some of the problems we face. It may be that I'm totally off base here, but from what I heard in that first meeting with Lord Agor, these people are not to be toyed with. I don't know why your God has not spoken and advised us, but whatever the reason, I'm sure it must be bad...." Catcher trails off, not certain what else to say. Abruptly, his ranger instincts kick in, and he rides his horse out of the meadow, off to one side in the trees to hide, saying, "I will remain, regardless of your decisions, for one hour, then I will escape certain disaster. May your god forgive me if I have erred."

Father Aisil Acaffery (DM Dave) 
Monday March 6th, 2000 7:12:27 AM

Troubled at a response of silence to his inquiry, the priest rounds on Nightshade and commands, "A question has been put to you, young paladin, and I will have the answer: Where are your companions?"

Forest Paths (DM Dave) 
Monday March 6th, 2000 7:15:32 AM

In the distance, those in the glade can hear several shouts and the sound of horses moving.

Legs / aka Alegsor of Ayler 
Monday March 6th, 2000 12:34:42 PM

Legs acknowledges Bulldog's and Catcher's decisions, and makes one of his own. "I'm going to the temple. Pray for us." And he urges his mount forward, but takes a path toward the temple in a round-about path, so as not easily to lead those who first see him back towards his friends.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday March 6th, 2000 12:34:43 PM

As 'Legs heads off Bulldog Replies, "may the good god watch over you ... " then turns and continues away for a bit before picking up the pace (trying not to broadcast there where abouts) once he feels it safe , Bulldog will try to make good time and there escape. Clutching Asbury securely.

Monday March 6th, 2000 6:49:55 PM

With a nod to Catcher and sad shake of the head as Legs goes forth as well, Wynd gathers up Bulldog, Ashbury and Tags and starts heading out doing everything she can to hide there trail and still keep moving.

Monday March 6th, 2000 7:10:41 PM

A frown furrows the young rangers face, as he gazes into the dale from the cover of the trees. What was to have been, perhaps, only the lose of Singer seems to have grown to encompass several others in the group. He feels like he is somehow locked by indecision, or is it lack of will? Is he a coward? Has he abandoned without cause? He shakes his head, realizing that he will be forever marked for his actions this day, even if everyone escapes with their lives. At the sounds coming from the castle, he works his horse, along with the spare horse he kept for Singer, further back into the heath, and prepares to slip away quietly if the enemy arrives.

Monday March 6th, 2000 8:47:42 PM

She bows deeply and answers. "I am sorry sir my mind seemed to have wandered with the divine for a moment, I had a vision but it seems to have gone now. Something about being to busy to do something one night. I ment no disrespect. My friends and I have had a disagreement about our friend here. It seems that it has been decided that he shall be givin a joining that is above his station, and then he is to join forces with those of us who made the treck here. I do not dought that this is the decision of those much wiser than I, however I am worried. To be elevated to this station and then to become like a brother to me, well I know it is wrong but my heart has trouble accecpting this. I have difficulty removing all my training as a child and this has effected my councel of my group. This can not be. We are only as strong as the weekest seed and I am that weak seed. What I propose to you and to my friends is that this young one and I go on a spiritual fast into the high woods for three days before we are joined. Allow me to see past my fears and childhood wrong teachings. Aloow he and I toy trust in one another for three days and then come back to be joined with out God and each other with bonds that can not be broken."

Tag Along 
Tuesday March 7th, 2000 4:14:27 AM

::rides into the night chasing his friend and his dog:: "Wait up." says the boy mage keeping up with hhis nickname of tag along.

Singer / Aithasar 
Tuesday March 7th, 2000 4:14:28 AM

Singer listens to Nightshade's speech. He thinks to himself, "What, she wants to marry me?" Then immediately rebukes himself for such a silly interpretation. Singer has taken the opportunity to greet various members of the community, verbally when appropriate, or with the language of the eyes and body. He gives respect to whom due. He also mentally inventories the temple layout, the people, the instructors, the guards, the friends he has made among the servants and with his fellow bardling students who may be present. He inquires as to whether any of them will also be joined this evening. He moves with the grace and ease that is partially inherited, and partially absorbed as an element of his training. His face shows that he is excited about the things planned for the evening. Internally, Singer calculates and discards a dozen ways to get out of it. What is Ari up to, the lord's lady's pet? Hmmm ... fasting for three days with Bella. Would there be a chaperone? Are they going to fall for the 'Bella and Singer' alone petition? What counter suggestion (that would still get them momentarily off the hook) can he cook up?

Temple Talk (DM Dave) 
Tuesday March 7th, 2000 6:18:20 AM

Lord Agor seems taken aback by Nightshade's response, as well Lord Alonz, who starts up saying, "Bella, what sort of nonsense is..." But Father Acaffery holds up a hand to silence the room. Steepling his fingers in front of his face, the priest paces slowly back in forth in front of the altar a few minutes, glancing occasionally to the young people trapped in the room. Finally, he stops and states in a quiet voice, "Very well, gather your things, and head to the south end of the valley, which will be safer than the deserted north end. I expect you back on the fourth day." Apparent shock registers on several of the nobles' faces, but nothing further is said. The priest directs his two apprentices to forcefully escort Nightshade and Singer from the room -- they hear him say to Ari, "You still have some explaining to do, young man."

Forest Moves (DM Dave) 
Tuesday March 7th, 2000 6:21:23 AM

Under Wynd's guidance, the group quickly makes time as it heads for the river. Catcher hears the sounds of approach drawing nearer from the castle. Legs, meanwhile, has continued to move at an angle away from the glade and toward the castle. He, too, can more clearly hear the calling of guards on horseback.

Tuesday March 7th, 2000 6:59:46 PM

Nightshade takes singer by the arma and starts moving him toward the exit. "So the elders feel that you are ready for a joing of the nobles. I hope you are but we shall see."

Catcher  d20=7
Tuesday March 7th, 2000 8:11:50 PM

Really worried at this point, Catcher keeps scanning around, making sure no one sneaks up on him.

Tuesday March 7th, 2000 8:38:04 PM

"Ow, that's my sore arm," he says as the young paladin's firm grip encircles his less than impressive biceps. "Do I really have to fast for three days?" Singer asks Nightshade. "Can I get a snack first?"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday March 7th, 2000 8:38:05 PM

A sense of urgency of escaping presses him to increase the pace. "lets start pushing harder" The promise of freedom, as well as the fear of capture, keep the young man alert for their enemies.

Tag Along 
Wednesday March 8th, 2000 3:17:48 AM

::rides hard trying to keep up with bulldog. "If they get to close i will put some to sleep and their mounts as well." he says as the thundering beats of hooves drown out most of what he says after that.

Wednesday March 8th, 2000 3:17:49 AM

The boy has changed his angle sufficiently, he deems, and now rides straight towards the castle. When he comes to those out searching, he asks, "Has Bella spoken with Lord Agor? I'm late for the temple." Unless detained, Legs continues on to the temple.

Seperation Anxiety (DM Dave) 
Wednesday March 8th, 2000 7:14:17 AM

As Legs draws near the castle, he is spotted by an armed contingent. Three of these men leave the search party and escort Legs to the temple compound, where he meets Nightshade and Singer, mounted, just leaving. Inside the temple, Ari faces Father Aisil. Back in the glade, a group of men on steeds race by while Catcher watches -- they head down the trail that Bulldog and the rest took 30 minutes ago. Meanwhile, Wynd and company continue pressing on, although it will probably be another hour before they reach the ford.

Wynd  d20=9 d20=16 d20=2
Wednesday March 8th, 2000 7:18:35 PM

Bulldog, you and Tags keep going I'm going to see if I can hide our trail a bit and leave a surprise or two down other trails to think we went another way. I will catch up in fifteen minutes. After they head off Wynd is going to lay a false trail and three snares about 50 feet apart,and staggered, for maximum catchability then she will circle around and rejoin Bulldog and Tags trail further along the way.(set snares made all three rolls)

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday March 8th, 2000 9:36:10 PM

Seeing Wynd drop off to cover for them Bulldog start to feel uneasy, as the party dwindles in size. He continues on, his anger growing. Torn between his friends and freedom. Asbury firmly tucked eases his mind abit, as he feels his furry friend is close and safe.

Wednesday March 8th, 2000 10:07:07 PM

Whispering to Singer, "Shut up and move, look worried but not scared." When they meet up with Legs Nightshade hails her. "They have agreed to my test of faith friend, although I think another of our number is still inside, I did not notice untill just now. My head must be somewhere else. Well we go off to start our test, I hope to see you soon."

Legs / aka Alegsor of Ayler 
Wednesday March 8th, 2000 10:57:10 PM

"Bella, Aithasar, what is going on?" Legs asks. "Have you seen Arislan?"

Singer / Aithasar 
Thursday March 9th, 2000 1:24:23 AM

Singer now looks worried. He studied "Worried" in his classes, so he does a pretty good job. "Yeah, Leg.. ALEGsor, Bella and I are supposed to go fast for three days in the wilderness, so that she can decide whether I'm worthwhile having the special joining. Only they told us to go south end of the valley, because the deserted north end is not so safe. We should be back by the fourth day. That's what Father Acaffery said. And then they kicked us out. Ari's still inside." He quietly mimics Father Acaffery's voice saying, "You still have some explaining to do, young man." He looks around and then whispers to Nightshade, "I think we should go REALLY fast in the wilderness."

Thursday March 9th, 2000 7:14:25 AM

Seeing the horsemen ride past, Catcher realizes that his friends will likely be overrun. He quickly rides out into the glade, leaving the other horse behind, and hails the riders, trying to get them to come back. If they do, he explains that he is searching for his bard friend, who has turned up missing.

Movements (DM Dave)  d20=6
Thursday March 9th, 2000 7:20:05 AM

The guards escorting the paladin and bard from the temple grounds look quizically at each other during the conversation...the crew continues moving toward the castle gates. In the woods, the horsemen pull around at Catcher's call, riding back quickly. The leader crossly questions the young ranger, then orders him to go to the temple while the guards continue scouring the valley. After a few minutes, the guards ride off again down the trail towards Wynd and Company. Wynd finishes her preparations and rejoins the group as it continues to the river.

Friday March 10th, 2000 7:04:34 AM

Catcher rides towards the castle, but will stop before actually getting within sight of it.

Saturday March 11th, 2000 6:00:15 AM

finally catching back up with Bulldog and Tags, a winded Wynd says "well I've done what I can. Whether it will be enough, who can tell? Lets keep moving towards the river and find some shelter. Wynd then takes up the rear position in order to help further cover their trail.

Legs / aka Alegsor of Ayler 
Saturday March 11th, 2000 6:00:16 AM

"Very well," Legs replies. "I shall look after Arislan." He moves toward the temple, dismounts, attaches the reins of his horse to the nearest convenient place, and enters the temple.

Movements (DM Dave) 
Saturday March 11th, 2000 6:00:17 AM

As Legs approaches the temple doors, his way is blocked by the temple guard: None are to pass until the High Priest has given the word. Catcher draws near the castle, and spots Nightshade and Singer on horses at the gates. They are not able see the ranger at the moment. Back in the woods, Wynd and company continue riding towards the river.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Saturday March 11th, 2000 6:00:18 AM

Pushing the horses at a near gallop now, he feels his freedom is near. (OOC if the pursuit comes with in earshot of the Mighty Bulldog he will push tthe horses to their limit, even signal the others to break in different direction as a last dash effort)

Saturday March 11th, 2000 7:05:06 PM

Not willing to expose his position, Catcher waits to see what Nightshade and Singer do. He keeps his eyes peeled for anyone lurking in the woods nearby.

Tag Along 
Monday March 13th, 2000 3:44:36 AM

"Freedom smells so good." he says the wind blowing his hair. "Aint no way im going back to that freak Ga'al loving place. No i remember what that guy said about freedom fighters of JAck, cant wait. THink woman like freedom fighters bulldog?" asks tags as he rides along the warrior boy.

Temple Time (DM Dave) 
Monday March 13th, 2000 7:06:50 PM

Just after the guards block the paladin's progress into the temple, Ari appears from behind them, a little pale and trembling slightly, but relief is on his face as he spies one of his fellow Adorians.

Monday March 13th, 2000 7:07:45 PM

"They will like you alot better if you actually make it to them alive. Besides what are Nightshade and I, horsemeat? "Now, hush you two. We don't want to attract any attention."

Legs / aka Alegsor of Ayler 
Monday March 13th, 2000 7:51:28 PM

"Greetings, Arislan," Legs says, his face serious. "Come, we will watch over Lady Bella and Bard Aithasar during their wilderness fast. Get what gear you need, I will accompany you as you do so, or await by the castle gate, as you wish."

Monday March 13th, 2000 8:59:08 PM

"I have most of what I need. I just need a steady hand, espescially if we need horses."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday March 13th, 2000 10:13:16 PM

He waves off Wynd's Arrogant remark. The girl must be hearing someone else, as he has been silent. Deep in his own thoughts as he rides on.

The Clock Spins Onward (DM Dave)  d20=3 d20=20 d20=18
Tuesday March 14th, 2000 7:16:17 AM

Ari and Legs quickly join Nightshade and Singer at the castle gates, and all ride out together. Catcher quickly joins up with them as they enter the forest, and the group rides off to meet up with Wynd and Company. Meanwhile, another 30 minutes have passed with Wynd and the others, and she gauges that they about 30 minutes from the River. No pursuers are in sight.

Tuesday March 14th, 2000 7:04:16 PM

Nightshade continues another 30 in the pretend direction and then pulls to a halt. She turns to Singer. "They were going to bond you, give you the Noble bonding, I pretended not to trust you and told them that I would only accecpt you if I could take you into the woods for a "trust" exersize. Now do we start to make our way to the family now or do we set up a pretend camp and leave the horses, making it look like something happened to us?"

Wednesday March 15th, 2000 6:43:17 AM

Speaking up, Catcher says, "No, let's press on...their combing the forest right now for the rest of our friends."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday March 15th, 2000 8:35:25 AM

Unwilling to stop till he sees the river, he presses relentlessly on. Holding Asbury snuggly as he squirms from the harsh ride. Calming the little fellow with some queit words.

Wednesday March 15th, 2000 9:15:08 AM

I think it is hard to say. Cause once things calm down from the initial search, since they know where we're supposed to be, they may send someone to watch us.

Riverside (DM Dave) 
Wednesday March 15th, 2000 10:38:57 PM

Bulldog and company finally hear the rush of water as the crew draws near the Adow River. Still no sign of pursuit or, for that matter, their missing companions. Shortly, the little-known ford is located.

Campiness (DM Dave) 
Wednesday March 15th, 2000 10:41:02 PM

Nightshade and those with her consider establishing a false camp. So far, the group has not been spotted by any of the guards searching the forest for the others who failed to show up at the temple (word hasn't spread yet that the ceremony has been delayed).

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday March 16th, 2000 12:31:26 AM

Reigning in the horse, Bulldog dismounts. as does Asbury. seeing to securing of their horses as the three dismount. "I guess we made it .... at least so far" The young warrior then listens for the beleived pursuit, as the others scout the area. "I think it'll be alright for a while .... some of the others may make it" Takes a postion to watch for the others "I'll take the first watch" Asbury checking out the immedate surroundings, with his typical curiosty.

Legs / Alegsor 
Thursday March 16th, 2000 3:05:17 AM

Legs listens to Nightshade and Catcher. "I'll go along with what you decide, unless something better happens to pop into my mind." He maintains a background of silent prayer and watchfulness.

Legs / Alegsor 
Thursday March 16th, 2000 3:07:32 AM

And yes, he listens to Ari, too. Singer hasn't given him anything to listen to.

Thursday March 16th, 2000 7:11:07 AM

A little edgy, the ranger gets off his horse and starts setting up a tentative camp. While working, he instructs the others on how to find the ford, ending with, "Go ahead and meet up with them...I know a few shortcuts, and I'll catch up with you, after I've set a false trail from this area."

Thursday March 16th, 2000 7:39:39 AM

"Just do not take too much time" (assuming the others head on, Ari will join them. If not, he'll stay in the camp area).

Friday March 17th, 2000 6:13:40 AM

Watching Bulldog dismount, Wynd gets a very uneasy feeling. Looking around she says, "Bulldog, Mount up! We cross the river here and now. The ford is safe and I would rather not have to fight a running battle and try and cross the river at the same time. We will be able to watch from the otherside and we will be safer. Let's go."

Tag Along 
Friday March 17th, 2000 6:13:41 AM

::dismounts and looks about the camp putting handfuls of snad in a bag:: "For putting bad guys to sleep." he says when other watch. "I havent cast any 'spells so i can take what ever watch needed. I prefer last, like to watch the sunrise." he says. "Wonder what happened to the others?"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday March 17th, 2000 6:13:42 AM

Listening to Wynd "Sounds like a good idea" then remounts to cross the water.

Friday March 17th, 2000 6:13:43 AM

"All right, Catch. You sure? I'll figure out a stanza for you in the upcoming epic entitled, 'The Great Escape,' or, 'And then they all ran away.'" He departs with Legs, Ari, and Nightshade.

Wynd in the Willows (DM Dave) 
Friday March 17th, 2000 6:13:44 AM

Wynd's group makes it across easily to the opposite side of the River. Immediately, the trees begin thinning out, as the foothills into the Badlands rise in the distance.

Forest Knights (DM Dave) 
Friday March 17th, 2000 6:13:45 AM

The Paladins, along with Singer and Ari, make their way through the forest, while Catcher throws together a campsite. Because of his special knowledge of the area, Catcher manages to overtake the group after 45 minutes. The rest of the ride is uneventful, until they arrive at the Adow River.

Legs / aka Alegsor of Ayler 
Friday March 17th, 2000 6:13:46 AM

Along the way, Legs has his shield slung over his back. He practices swinging it around and on to his left arm. He does this with sword in hand, then, sheathing his sword, he practices with the handaxe in his right hand. At the river, Legs looks upstream and downstream, and checks the surrounding trees, then with shield guarding his left side, and handaxe ready, the tall young boy guides his horse forward to ford the river.

Friday March 17th, 2000 1:39:12 PM

OOC I am confused, could the DM give a quick rundown of where everyone is and where they are going?

[Not the DM -Kim] 
Friday March 17th, 2000 7:12:26 PM

[Wynd, Tag Along, Bulldog and Asbury are a ways beyond the river. Nightshade, Catcher, Ari and Legs have just arrived at the river. At least, that's what I figure.]

Clarification (DM Dave) 
Friday March 17th, 2000 10:38:18 PM

[Kim has it right...At the least, Wynd and company are probably hidden in the trees on the far side of the bank, if they have not already decided to head into the Badlands. There is an hour gap between the time the two groups have arrived at the River.]

Saturday March 18th, 2000 1:14:32 PM

{OOC: We or at least Wynd went no further than cross the ford and into the trees}

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