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The Passing of Seasons

Wednesday January 26th, 2000 9:59:57 PM

I would suggest that our man here (indicating Singer) who has helped us ever so much, next to those who saved us, would probably be the best to convey this story.

Thursday January 27th, 2000 3:15:34 AM

Singer nods, "Thank you, Arislan of Afport." The boy has been looking at the faces of those gathered to hear the children's tales. He tries to read their reactions, including those of Lord Agor, to his friends' words thus far. He was worried, but schooled himself not to show it, when Legs made mention of 'the Good God.' He hopes those assembled interpret that to mean Ga'al, even though he knows that's not what Legs meant. "One would love to comply. I wonder, though, Lord Agor, your excellency, might a lute be brought? My mother was a story teller, and her brother, mine uncle, a musician. In my mind, I have been composing a song which tells parts of our story. My lute was lost to the waves. If in this great castle such an instrument is available that one might borrow for a moment, perhaps my friends will do you the honor of telling you their names as we wait. For myself, call me Aithasar of the Piscines, from far away from here." He approves of the cleverness of his comrades, and works out chorus and verses in his mind in the few minutes before it comes his turn again. He hopes he does not falter.

Bring Forth the Tale (DM Dave) 
Thursday January 27th, 2000 7:18:41 AM

Lord Agor looks briefly to his right, and one woman steps forward, bearing a lute. Singer can tell that a song-master stands in his presence. A beautiful instrument is firmly offered, and Singer, strumming a few strings, can tell that a craftsman of great renown must have created this marvel. The hall grows silent as all await the tale.

Thursday January 27th, 2000 4:41:53 PM

Nightshade smiles and tries her best to bear the captivity she is suffering.

Thursday January 27th, 2000 5:56:56 PM

Catcher looks over at Tag, wondering how he is doing, and then turns back to watch Singer's performance.

Thursday January 27th, 2000 10:54:28 PM

Singer gives a look of respect to the woman who gave him the lute. He takes it in both hands, and runs his fingers carefully along the surface. At first, he plays softly a chorus with a gentle lilt, to warm up his voice, and get a feel for the instrument. His clear, alto voice sings:

Patiently I stitch I mend
Working with the net on lap
Needle through and thimble tap
Hearing tales told at day's end.

Singer closes his eyes in wonder at the rich sound of the instrument.

Friday January 28th, 2000 2:15:52 AM

Song of the Eleven, less some, plus one
"I'm working on this song, and I think it's kinda sloppy in parts, so it's not gonna be a work of art you'll hear, but kinda tells the story." And Singer strums some chords, and plucks the strings, and here is what he tries to sing:

Eleven noble children Set forth from home one day
Surrounded by protectors, To take them far away
A journey seeming well begun This journey long anon would run
But finally end in Noble Fort There to learn the noble arts.

But long ere they had travelled From houses great or small
Most of their protectors died When lightning struck them all
The brilliant flash lit up the glen When metalled armor fused and then
The wolves leaped in and tore the throats Of those from Asnan and Azorth.

"Protect us!" shouted they "From strikes and wolves and unknown dread!"

Here Singer interjects, quietly strumming the lute to accompany his voice, "These friends of mine, they fought the wolves, and the two boys of Asnan and Azorth wounded the wolves, before they died, I think. So there is honor there. I just haven't figured out how to put it into the song, yet. Sorry. I'm still trying to learn how to make songs and stuff." Then he picks up the song again:

"Protect us!" shouted they "From strikes and wolves and unknown dread!"
The rain fell hard and washed away The stain of death, and fear was shed
Somehow, some place deep inside Each one found the strength to stride
To never leave behind the goal Of serving one, and serving all.

Yet driven far from off their course By wild sounds and weather grim
One day found them near a town Far from homeland, weakened, thin
Soon they found a little boat, And began to row across
But a huge fish - or a shark? Rammed and knocked them in the dark.

There were two brave children lost, Assup, Aplob skyward tossed
She so pretty, skin so fair Last was seen her golden hair
And the boy was fierce and stabbed At the huge slow-moving slab
Of fish or beast or demon Neath waters blood was streaming.
But maw or mouth caught up the lad Though brave he was, it was too sad
The awful thing beneath the waves Swallowed whole the boy and blade
Together now in watery grave Taken 'fore they grew up full
The rest, 'til shore, Clinged to the hull.

Passage gained they on a ship A further twist on this long trip
Packed, so strangely, like as though They were naught but mere cargo
Storm again rose on the sea Soon they tumbled to the lea
Crates a bobbing on the waves How would they, could they then be saved?
Wearily they swam to shore Counting losses, rubbing sores
Then they entered woods to sleep Past all dreams, no counting sheep
Sun fell down and warmed the face Sounds came near, who draws apace?
Climbing trees, or standing firm Waiting fate's next winding turn

Through the brush, the hounds Came running, baying loud
Cross the clearing swift they ran, Biting Aangle's dog who can
Guard as fierce as any friend Aangle's weapon fell on them
Clash and gnash and growling fury
Fur and spit and arrows' flurry
"Hie! Get around! Hie!" A new voice cried.

Four horsemen emerged From out the wood
The hounds backed off, And 'fore them stood
On ground, in trees, And 'midst the leaves ...
Survivors of the journey long Noble children, at last found.

"Eleven noble children Set forth from home one day
Surrounded by protectors, To take them far away
A journey seeming well begun This journey long anon would run
But finally end in Noble Fort There to learn the noble arts.

But finally end in Noble Fort There to learn the noble arts.

Singer then changes from the driving pace of his song, back to the light lilt of his warm-up piece:

Patiently I stitch I mend
Working with the net on lap
Needle through and thimble tap
Hearing tales told at day's end.

He bows to Lord Agor, and takes the lute to the woman who gave it to him. Holding it forth in two hands, he says to her, "Thank you."

Friday January 28th, 2000 12:22:14 PM

Listening to Singer weave his tale and the song, gives Wynd a new respect for the young man that joined them and also a wariness that with him things may never be what they seem. As he finishes, Wynd looks around to see how the others in the hall are taking to the story and whether or not it is being believed.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday January 28th, 2000 4:26:05 PM

Idlely scans the room as Singer spins his tale. Happy that he need not say nothing.

Saturday January 29th, 2000 2:28:53 AM

Legs listens hard to Singer's song. He hears many elements of their own story -- but all mixed up, and many wrong. It seems a good song, he supposes, as a song. But it was made up! Legs inside begins to deal with conflicting inclinations. He wants to tell the truth. Ozymandius had said, 'the truth will make you free.' But, if we tell the whole truth here, it will not go well for us. He closes his eyes for a moment, and silently, briefly, asks the Good God for wisdom ... because he doesn't know what is the best thing to do. How do you learn from an enemy? But are these people our enemies? Or is it the one who holds them in his grip, and they are only his pawns? They seem, so far, not unkind. Legs just looks around. He wonders why his friends have not told Lord Agor what their names are, as Singer suggested to them. What if somebody asks him the name of another member of their group?

Thus Saith the Lord (DM Dave)  d20=5
Saturday January 29th, 2000 4:53:48 PM

The room remains deathly silent after "Aithasar’s" recitation. Finally, Lord Agor speaks, "So much evil to befall young ones! A less-educated man would say that you had angered the gods of myth to have such a fate visited upon you." Lord Agor falls quiet for some time, looking at each of you intently. Again he speaks, as the other lords and ladies look on, "I divine that a great task has been set before you, one that must not blunted. By the blood that flows through my veins, I swear that you will be kept safe while here on my royal grounds. You will be given the best in training, so that, Ga’al willing, you shall succeed at whatever this quest may be." Several of those in attendance nod in either approval or agreement with Lord Agor, who continues, "Normally, testing would be administered to determine you aptitudes, to guide in training. However, I see from your experiences, that you perhaps already have some idea of what your vocations will be. Speak to me. What would you be trained in?" This last is stated with a look to each of you, except for Singer. Turning, Lord Agor says to him, "Aithasar of the Piscines, you are a commoner, but your deeds and words will be greatly rewarded. You are to study under the tutelage of Aiflithar." Turning to the lady who provided the lute, Lord Agor raises an eyebrow, and she responds, "Yes, he has the gift, and will be worthy to sing the praises of these young nobles in their future exploits." She looks at Singer and says, "Come with me, young man...we will begin with your ballad as the first lesson of instruction." The control and range of her voice immediately reveal this to be one of great talent. She exits the room after making sure Singer follows. Lord Agor turns back to each of you for answer. Looking around the room, you finally spot your four travelling companions, Apeas, Alif, Aplenti, and Ahealf, standing at the back, waiting for your response along with the others.

Saturday January 29th, 2000 5:27:12 PM

Standing, Catcher says quickly, "Sire, I have some small training in the ways of woodcraft, the house of Avient is not without such skilled men. I have looked upon the wonders of yon woods, and see that I have yet much to learn, but I am ready! Let me be a soldier of the forest." He bows deeply and then rises, waiting for Lord Agor's response.

Tag Along 
Sunday January 30th, 2000 1:15:31 AM

:sitting back, Tagging along as always and to afraid to find his tongue. Hope now seems he will stay alive and when offered a chance at what to become in life, a life that he will lead and he has some choice in is almost too much for the young boy as he steps foward. "Im good at hiding, and i can play my wood flute pretty well." he says as he produces a quick melody to accomany some of what singer was singing. "But i have always been fascinated by the way men can weave magic. As you can tell from looking at me, my father didnt bless me with tremendous physical gifts of size, strength or stamina. But im nimble, and got a good head on my shoulders. At least thats what some say. And thank goodness i still have a head after sharks wolves hydras and the like." he says no finding the bravery to speak he finds the words coming easier and easier. "I think i just want to ummmm, I uh well........What do you think i should be trained in. Maybe a spy? Or a Mage. Or a Flute player? Or maybe a soldier. No i couldnt even where the armor. Ummm, well uh. Ill do what ever you tell me to train for.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Sunday January 30th, 2000 1:15:32 AM

Rising "My lord .... the House of Aargle is in need of a champion of arms ... one to follow in his family's footsteps .... that is my following, and with your blessing choose to pursue" Then bows as he awaits to see his friends choice. nodding acknowledment to each in turn as they choose,

Sunday January 30th, 2000 4:57:03 PM

Stepping forward, Wynd finds her voice and with a shallow curtsey says. "Sir. Allyson Wynifred Aletin is my full given name and like my travelling companion from Avient I too have a fair knowledge of the forests and of survival and would deem it a great honor to train with the woodswarriors of your house."

Monday January 31st, 2000 12:10:39 AM

"I am Bella, and I am not sure what path to take. I am a fair match with a sword to my brother from house Aargle here." she says as she points to Bull" I would care much for continuing that training, however in our time of troubles our small band often turned to me for matters of the spirit, this too I would like to persue. Is there a way to follow both paths?"

Monday January 31st, 2000 2:14:25 AM

Arislan of Afport, my Lord. I am facinated by many things in this world. I know the use of swords, various plant life, and how to do some basic healing when I get too clutzy with the swords . But I am also facinated by those things that Alif and Aplenti did while we were traveling, though I was to shy to ask, at that time, what they were about.

The Path Chosen (DM)  d20=5 d20=19 d20=7 d20=10 d20=3 d20=1 d20=2
Monday January 31st, 2000 6:15:57 PM

Lord Agor listens, and then replies, "It is highly irregular for a woman to make the ranks of the warrior class, and yet here we have two who would make the attempt!" He looks around at his court, and then continues, "And yet, I divine that these are perhaps the correct paths for you. Something clouds my vision, but this much I see clearly: You will have your request, barring a lack of initiative." Pointing to Catcher and Wynd, he states, "You are to report to Aexosaur in the forest compound for training as woods warriors. Gather your belongings, for your quarters will be under the stars." To Bulldog, he says, "You are indeed cut from the cloth of a warrior, such apparent strength of arm in one so young is a wonder to behold. Remove yourself to the main barracks and to Captain Alworth immediately." Turning to Tag, Lord Agor pauses and states, "Your uncertainty is troubling. You speak truly about your lack of physique – at least there is honesty about you. Do not allow truths to overwhelm you, or grind you into inaction or indecisiveness. Although I judge that perhaps you talents lie elsewhere, you will report to Anselm for testing as a mage. If confirmed, you will remove to Anselm’s tower to begin apprenticeship under his tutelage. Otherwise, you are to report to Lady Alba for the general battery of tests to determine your aptitudes." Turning to Nightshade, he pauses, gazing at her intently for several minutes, "Not even in my father’s father’s time has a female been of the holy order of knights. Like your fellow noble of Aargle, such strength in one so young is prodigious! The holy has touched you – that much is clear, but your mission is obscured. You will receive your request, and, after your training and the Test of Rings twenty moons hence, at the time of the Joining, a reading will be made to determine Ga’al’s quest for you." Turning to Ari, the Lord continues, "You have a wondering mind, make sure it does not become a wandering one! Few who dabble in everything become a master of any, and such would be a disservice to the house of Afport." He ponders a moment, then states, "Such curiosity will cloud your training as a warrior. Being one with the order of Druids would perhaps be more apt, but I suspect your craving for knowledge extends beyond that of Nature. You, too, shall enter testing as a mage, unless you would gainsay me on the matter..." He waits a moment for a response, then turns to Legs, "Young man, you have not spoken, and such response may be read both as boon and bane. The hand of the Holy has been on you. You will present yourself, along with Bella of Annkorb, to Aisil Acaffery in the temple. He will determine the nature of your callling, whether as warrior-priest, or as priest-sole." Lord Agor rises and addresses the assembly, "So I have seen, so I have judged." The others in the hall rise and shout, "So let it be as you have judged!"

Monday January 31st, 2000 6:21:27 PM

Nodding in response, Wynd makes eye contact with Catcher and then turning to watch 'Shade almost loses it when the joining ceremony is mentioned. Trying hard not to show any emotion at the 20 moons proclomation, Wynd mutters to herself, "well at least we have a set time frame now in which to work from."

Monday January 31st, 2000 8:12:11 PM

Catcher can't keep from grinning, mostly out of relief, but very eager at the prospect of learning woodcraft. Once Lord Agor is finished, and he thinks it's okay to do so, he gets up and congratulates everybody, "Wow, to think of the things we're going to learn!" To Tag he says, "Man, the stuff you're going to see and do! I'm jealous!" He claps everyone on the back, and says, "We need to set up a place to meet during the week, when we can get away from our studies." At Wynd's prodding, he heads out and gathers his belongings from the room, and mets her out in front of the castle before going to meet Aexosaur in the forest. He says to Wynd, "I think you'll make a great warrior, probably even a better one than me. If there's anything I can help with, let me know." Catcher is on cloud nine, thinking about what he is to become.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday January 31st, 2000 8:12:12 PM

After seeing his friends off. He leaves to gather his belongings, Asbury comes along with a bounce as he feels the excitement from his master. Reporting to Captain Alworth as ordered.

Monday January 31st, 2000 11:15:37 PM

Upon the pronouncement, Ari decides to keep his mouth shut. Seeing that there are aptitude tests, there may be time to show that his knowledge of swords is still useful. Afterwards he congratulates everyone on their pronouncements.

Legs / aka Alegsor of Ayler 
Monday January 31st, 2000 11:31:05 PM

Legs attends to Lord Agor's decisions. When addressed, he nods in respectful affirmation to the instructions given. "Beg pardon, your highness." He places his hand on his chest. "Alegsor of Ayler." He bows slightly from the waist, back straight and an slight bend in the neck. He joins Nightshade - Bella - and heads to meet Aisil Acaffery in the temple. He will suggest to him that he believes that warrior-priest would best suit him, but that he is open to the evaluation of him who is be be his teacher.

Tuesday February 1st, 2000 7:50:16 PM

Nightshade bites her cheek when the joinging is mentioned and draws blood, she keeps her mouth shut then as she and Legs go wherever it is that they are to report.

Tag Along 
Wednesday February 2nd, 2000 12:56:21 AM

"Well ah my apptitiude my lie anywhere who knows where the wind blows. A verse in terse is often rehersed, as well as a ryhme in time, for those so inclined. But words flow as easy from my tongue as a spell from a wizards. The only diffrence is i dont know what order they go in or how to wiggle my fingers like this or like that." he says with a smile. "And if i was totally honest with what im good at. You may shackle me to the bed post at night so i dont sneak off for a midnight delight." he says rubbing his belly and waving to the others as they are escorted towards where they belong. "Tagalongs last song of friends gone and beginnings instilled." he plays a quick sorrowful tune on the ever present flute and waves good bye to each a tear in his eye. "Bye."

Time of Partings (DM Dave) 
Wednesday February 2nd, 2000 12:56:22 AM

Each of you takes your leave and head over to your appointed areas (Note to Players: The next postings will detail events specific to your area, with some posting for a longer time period than others -- see below).

Catching the Wynd (DM Dave) 
Wednesday February 2nd, 2000 12:56:23 AM

Catcher and Wynd shortly find themselves being lead by Alif away from the castle and deeper into woods of the valley. After 30 minutes or so, the group comes to the base of a huge tree. Looking up, they see platforms built here and there on various branches – obviously, this will be your new home. However, another man suddenly appears from some bushes nearby, striding in your direction. He introduces himself, "Hello, young ones, my name is Aexosaur. Alif already spoke with me about you two, and I know you’re not coming into this completely blind – a good thing. The stories I could tell about some of our other young prospects! Whew!" He stops and chuckle for a moment, "Well, come over here, I have something to show you." Going to the side of the tree, Aexosaur flips back a hinged board, revealing a collection of various plants pinned to the backside, "There are fifty plants here, and I daresay you already know the value of a few of them. For the next three days, you are going to get intimately acquainted with this valley while going out collecting samples of these fifty, and bringing them back here on the last day." He hands each of you a belt with several small pouches attached. He also hands each of you an oil-skin poncho, "You will split up, going across the valley, living off the land, and gathering as many different types of these as you can find. There is nothing really very dangerous here, other than the occasional snake, spider and poisonous vine. If things get very serious, call, and one of our wardens should be near enough to render aid. Now go out there and do your Houses proud!" Aexosaur steers you each in a separate direction. (Note to Wynd and Catcher: Use skill checks to locate food, obtain shelter, and locate plants. If you have an applicable skill, roll versus that at a +4 bonus, otherwise roll versus Intelligence. Play through the full three days and report in your next posting. At the end of the post, roll a d50 to determine the number of plants found. For each successful plant check made (Once for each day out=3 checks), add +5 to this roll).

Bulldog on Patrol (DM Dave) 
Wednesday February 2nd, 2000 12:56:24 AM

BullDog quickly makes his way to the barracks, and is ushered into Captain Alworth’s office after a few minutes. Various hunting trophies adorn the wall behind his desk, and a very handsome two-handed sword sits in a sheath within reach. Looking up from a stack of papers, the burly officer looks at you appraisingly for a moment. Looking back down and continuing with his paperwork, he says, "Recruit, you’re not as soft as most, but I can see we are going to have to untrain some of your bad habits. Forget your handaxe. I don’t want to catch you with anything under 4 foot long in your hand while your serving here. The dog can stay, but only in the barracks. Your first three months will be on the morning to afternoon shift, with evening practice. Report to Sergeant Achils for equipment, bunk assignment, and training regimen. He will also fill you in on the rules and how to avoid coming back in this office again. I don’t want to see your face until the Sergeant says you’ve passed the probation period." He dismisses you with a wave to the door as he continues his paperwork. Shortly thereafter, you find yourself outfitted with chainmail, and given a sword to wear while on watch. Sergeant Achils turns out to be a middle-aged man, with a perpetual frown on his face. However, his looks apparently don’t carry over into his personality, "Recruit, welcome aboard! Things may seem a little harsh at times, but I guarantee you’ll be graduating from the best soldiering school in the kingdom! Now, let’s get your training schedule set up." Apparently, you are given some leeway in the weapons you will be trained in (choose which ones you will be learning, and briefly describe your training). After being briefed on the rules, you are attached to a unit of 20 men known as the Blackbird patrol to make the daily rounds on your castle watch. Most seem friendly enough, and seven or eight of them appear to be new recruits as well.

Singer’s Symposium (DM Dave) 
Wednesday February 2nd, 2000 12:56:25 AM

Aiftlithar leads Singer several buildings over to a short, square tower. Ascending three levels, they arrive in a huge room, partitioned off by tapestries to deaden the sound. Every instrument imaginable lies within, along with quiet a few that Singer has never heard of before. The bard, after greeting a few of her other students (mostly male -- only two girls), she turns to Singer and says, "Your quarters are on the level below. I am afraid that you will find yourself deathly tired of music over the next few months – theory is never fun, but it is a must if you are to ever truly, truly enjoy the sung word. Now, let us to that piece you presented to Lord Agor." Beginning there, you gain a full hour of time on the structure behind your piece – a huge amount of time compared to what you will enjoy in the days ahead under her guidance. You get along well with your fellow students, and the one common problem seems to be that each of you competes to be the most outgoing, a worthy trait of a future bard! (Singer, go ahead and choose the skills you will be learning, giving a description of the first days you experience while in this new environment).

Legs and Nightshade in the Temple (DM Dave) 
Wednesday February 2nd, 2000 12:56:26 AM

Your trepidation increases as you near the temple, and upon entering, you meet the high priest himself! Nightshade’s ring seems to grow warm as the two of you approach Aisil Acaffery. Dressed rather modestly for one in such a high position, Aisil looks kindly upon the two of you, and then beckons you to a table set at the front of the sanctuary. Pulling up stools, he sits and says, "My dear ones, there is such a fright about you! Please, calm down, you're making ME nervous." He sits for a moment, then takes a drink of water from a cup nearby, "Now, please, tell me about yourselves. Lord Agor has seen the touch of the Holy on each of you, and he is never wrong about such things. It is my function to make sure that we do not mistake the Lord’s intentions by training you in the wrong areas. Yes, it is best if you speak to me of your experiences with the Holy, and from that, we shall properly place your positions." Aisil waits to hear your words.

Tag and Ari set the stage for Mage (DM Dave) 
Wednesday February 2nd, 2000 12:56:27 AM

Across the courtyard from the dining hall, the two young men find themselves at Anselm’s tower, guided there by Ahealf, who introduces them to the aged sage while they stand within the walls of a grand library. It appears Anselm knows quiet a bit about more things than just magic. After Ahealf takes his leave, Anselm gives each of you a sheet of paper with three questions on it. Seating you at opposite ends of the room, Anselm states, "Young men, you each have a responsibility as nobles to this kingdom, but no greater responsibility will you find than in the discipline of magic. Only 1 in 5 of those who start here master the basics, and that is good, because only the most disciplined can hope to survive the wielding of the arcane." He pauses for breath (he must be a hundred years old), and then says, "You have five minutes to answer those questions, which will determine if you are worthy of this calling, and what you will specialize in if you do enjoy the benefits of my tutelage." You each look at the questions, which seem strange for such a test: 1. What is your most precious possession? 2. Faced with fighting a skilled warrior, what spell would you desire to overcome him? 3. What will occur during and after your Joining?

Catcher (Part 1 of 2)  d20-4=10 d20-4=-3 d20-4=3 d20=4 d20=6 d20=18 d20=19
Wednesday February 2nd, 2000 7:54:02 PM

Catcher quickly heads off, working his way towards the edge of the valley closest to west (where the group was headed before being captured). Over the next few days, he uses his hunting skills to bring down rabbit and catch fish in streams -- he won't be starving when showing back up at camp! He even manages to set up a decent camp the first couple of nights, but the last night is spent being cold in the rain. He just couldn't get that fire started.

Catcher (Part 2 of 2)  d20=10 d20=16 2d20(12+1)=13 d10+5=7
Wednesday February 2nd, 2000 7:58:25 PM

Having no skills in herbalism or plant lore, Catcher has a miserable time locating hardly over the three-day period. He ends up bringing back only 20 of the 50 plants (couldn't roll a d50, so rolled 2d20+1d10+5 for one successful skill check). He hangs his head, knowing Wynd is really going to outshine him.

Wednesday February 2nd, 2000 9:34:34 PM

In response to the test, Ari will look for a writing implement in order to write his answers. If there is none available he will answer verbally. My most prized possesion is my winter blanket. I do not know any spells, so I am unsure if there is such a one that would put me even with a fighter. But it would be a toss up between removing his sight, or maybe trying to make the sword much heavier. For the joining, all I've ever been told, is that I will understand, someday.

Wynd  d20=12 d20=11 d20=8 d20=14 d20=18 d20=18 d20=17 d20=4 d20=7 5d10(7+4+4+3+5)+10=33
Wednesday February 2nd, 2000 10:10:14 PM

Having fair knowledge of plants and herbs as well as survival, Wynd's first day out is a walk in the park as she manages to find many eatible roots, and berries and even manages to snare a small rabbit while searching for and locates some of the necessary plants. She also finds a decent camp and makes a fire to enjoy her first night out. The second day is more difficult. While food is plentiful, she has no luck finding any of the plants and ends up sleeping in the uncomfortable crook of a tree. The third day, is another fairly good day and luckily she had eaten well the previous days as there seems to be nothing available in the woods and the rabbit she brought down attarcted a large wild cat that snagged it before she could reach it. However, Wynd was able to cap off her plant search with a productive day and found a great campsite for her last night out where she organized her 33 plants.

Wynd (parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme) part 2 
Wednesday February 2nd, 2000 10:33:52 PM

On the last day after wynd has organized her plants, her mind turns towards Catcher. She hopes he is doing well, and is sure that he had better luck with food and shelter. He was always on the ball when that sort of thing came up before. After awhile her thoughts drifted toward NightShade. Worry has Wynd almost in tears thinking about her friend smack in the middle of Gaal's temple and followers. Eventually while worrying, Wynd drifts off to sleep and when she rises in the morning she makes her way back to the base camp.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday February 2nd, 2000 10:42:04 PM

After being breifed on the rules of training schedule. Aangle states to the sgt. that the Captain had said to keep all his weapon choices to those over 4'. (Two-hannded sword, long spear, and javalin are his coices with a special interest in the two handed sword(x2)). Having a good work ethic and also knowing his time here is limited, Bulldog shows his tenacity, becoming near obsessive (living up to his nickname) with his evening weapons trainings. Showing up early and staying late. On his own time he sets to a rigourous physical training and conditioning, building his strength. Being friendly enough with his new Blackbird patrol companions, he makes a consiuos effort not to talk about himself or his past. At night he thinks about how he misses the more carefree days of himself and asbury working the herds. Glad his old friend shares his nights.

Wednesday February 2nd, 2000 11:21:24 PM

Nightshade breathes deeply and tries to kepp from playing with the ring. The she looks at the pries, tring her best to seem calm. "Sir I do not know if I can explain them, I simply was put into a place of spiritual leadership when my friends and I were on our treck here. I watched a friend who was my sister in all things killed by monsters, I had to help oters understand that and sometimes if I try I can still talk to her. Well I like to think I can anyway. I am also very good with a sword and would like to become better."

Tag Along 
Thursday February 3rd, 2000 3:19:37 AM

"Oh boy this test looks like fun." he says as he grabs the number two pencil and starts his writing. Question One: Well my most precious possesion is my mind. All i have learned and have seen is the one thing some one bigger and stronger cant take away from me. The more i learn the more worth my most valuable possesion is. Off course i like my flute alot, but thats just as an extension of my creativity of my mind, I write my own music! Question 2: Well when i faced wolves and they where impressive warriors i climbed a tree and through food at them. But if i had to face a great human warrior, well i would want him to be my friend so he could stop his buddies from pounding on me. Warriors rarely travel alone. And if i had no choice to fight, well then i would hope to make them all say nigh night! Question three: My most precious possesion will finally be deemed valuable to others. I hope to learn, all i can of the world. And then figure out how the world works so i can make it work better. So nobody was made fun of or considered useless. Thats my answers i dont know if they are right. But for what its worth I tried to be as honest as i could and not write answers i thought you wanted." he finishes the tests and taps his pencil in angast as to what the teacher will think.

Days of Training (DM Dave) 
Thursday February 3rd, 2000 10:00:12 PM

(Note to the Players: As you can see, we are working a little disjointed, with various periods of time for each of you. This should be resolved in the next two or three postings, as we get your training worked out. It is okay to split your posts as you see fit. We will cover the period of Winter, Spring, & Summer during the next couple of days, so hold onto your hats!)

Free Ranging (DM Dave) 
Thursday February 3rd, 2000 10:03:51 PM

Wynd and Catcher arrive back at the ‘Treehouse’ -- the name the Rangers and Druids have given their compound in the trees. Aexosaur greets them, "Well, not too bad! Three days and not once did you call for help. Now, let’s see what you brought back." Looking at the plants, he says to Catcher, "Well, you gathered about as many as most of our new recruits. You’ll make a fine Ranger, just hang in there." He gives Catcher a slap on the shoulder. Turning to Wynd, he says, "Well, well, one who is trained in the ways of herbalism! You managed to pick every medicinal herb on the board. And outdid 80% of our new recruits in the process. Well done!" He gives you a firm handshake. Addressing you both, Aexosaur quickly goes over the ‘house’ rules, which seem to lend to the informal atmosphere most favored by people of the woods. In fact, it is with some surprise that all the rules make absolute sense, until you realize most of the nobles don’t have your backgrounds -- having been raised in ‘High Society’ must make for a tough culture shock. "Yes, you two are definitely in the right place. Now, let’s go topside, and I’ll introduce you to your instructors." In a few minutes, you find yourselves shaking hands with several enthusiastic people, each anxious to have you choose their area of expertise to train in. After the rounds are made, Aexosaur shows you the sleeping platforms, where your belongings are stored, and then once again bids you well in your training (OOC: Catcher and Wynd, provide a post of what skills you will be training in, with some background about how this occurs. This should cover most of your basics needed to obtain first level, taking you from the Fall through Winter, Spring, and into next Summer..)

Mage Works (DM Dave) 
Thursday February 3rd, 2000 10:08:48 PM

Anselm looks at the boys' answers for all of three seconds, then discards the papers onto the table. Turning to Ari, he looks upon him from under bushy white eyebrows, "Young man, not only are you impetuous, and distracted to a fault, but you are mortally gripped with secrets. You are guarded to your detriment, I should add, and it would be a battle to train you in a tenth of what many mages dabble in. However, curiously, there is a branch of the arcane that you would excel in. Be warned, to choose that path would forever bar you from other schools of knowledge, in particular, those involving Illusion and Alteration, but heed my words when I say that you should join the ranks of the Abjurers. It is not a field chosen by those who seek flashy powers at their command, but any group of travelers would deem such skill of protections afforded as priceless. And you are one to travel in the company of others -- not a loner." He catches his breath for a moment, and realizes that you have no idea what an Abjurer is, "Ah, me, well, an old man can be forgiven for such oversights, eh? An Abjurer specializes in protection magic, whether from the touch of those with evil intent, from fire, or even the forces of magic itself! Yes, that is what I will teach you, with perhaps what little knowledge in other fields I can force through that stubborn head of yours." This last is said as a statement, rather than a request, and you feel the need for caution in making any reply. Turning to Tag, Anselm positively beams, "Young apprentice, you do have the knack, I believe! I had thought perhaps you would be part of that rare school of Illusionists, but there are several schools you may be in, instead. I do think you would make an excellent Enchanter, but you have it within you to be a Transmuter or Invoker. Hmmm...no definitely an Enchanter. Or perhaps an Illusionist. Yes, well then, I will tell you about these two schools, and you will decide which it is to be. An Enchanter has the power of suggestion, being able to change enemies to friends, drowse people into sleep, or even paralize them into immobility. An Illusionist thrives on tricking the senses of others, and only his imagination limits the effects possible. Yes, both are good choices for you." He stops, waiting to hear your replies.

Bulldog in the Army (DM Dave) 
Thursday February 3rd, 2000 10:22:01 PM

Bulldog quickly wins over the hearts and respect of his new companions. By mid-winter, his probation period has ended, and relations with Captain Alworth have improved. Visits to his office become more regular after this point. The intensive training is really starting to show after a slow start. Muscles are growing, right along with coordination in weapons use. As the season of Storms, as Winter is referred to in this land, passes into that of Spring, minds turn to the next step in the training process: War games. Classes in Tactics begin as a supplement to this sport, and it’s hard waiting for each of the tournaments between Troops to occur. Finally, the time comes when it is Bulldog’s turn to lead the Blackbirds in mock battle with the Panther Troop. This particular contest takes place in between a series of storage sheds near the shield wall of the castle. The Panthers are to be evil Pirates, waiting in ambush among the ‘back alley’ streets of a port city, and the Blackbirds are to escort the ‘High Priest’ Captain Alworth down three turns in the alley to the ‘Temple’ beyond. (Bulldog, you will direct the twenty men of your Troop in any fashion you deem appropriate. Only two may walk abreast in the ‘alley’, which stretches (with many twists) for 600 feet. The ‘High Priest’ must be carried by two men. Everyone is armed with 7 foot long sticks, two hits of which renders the enemy ‘dead’. The enemy is likewise armed. Describe your plans for the entire trip through the maze.)

Tag Along 
Friday February 4th, 2000 1:38:39 AM

"Trick people na. I have survived my whole life by making friends that where big and strong and could protect me. To enfluence the wills of people would be a terrible power to have in the hands of a bad ruler thou. Hmmm but i like friends and a good advicer gives good advice not make people listen if they dont want too. Oh well maybe they would listen if i wove the right words. Hey Ari you will protect people huh? Well thats what guys like bulldog are for! he says with a gleeful smile at having past the test and deemed worthy of learning the arts. "Um i still can play my flute too right? Well Enchanter sounds good to me. The more friends the better. Plus if i can truely freeze people in place." he thinks back to the time on the dock that bulldog saved him in a time of paralysis. "Well i can make them hear me out so they decide if they like me on there own. And then if they dont well then i will use enchantment.........

Friday February 4th, 2000 1:55:14 AM

"Just to be given a chance, is all that I ask". If it looks like there is to be no more for this day, then Ari will either proceed to, or ask where he needs to go, in order to be judged by the druids. But if there is more information to come, Ari will keep his mouth shut until directed otherwise.

Friday February 4th, 2000 11:54:50 AM

Singer's jaw drops as he sees the many musical instruments. "Oh, Aiftlithar, Ma'am, this is wonderful." He looks around, reaching out to a harp, asking permission with his eyes before actually touching it. He asks the names of the instruments he does not know, and carefully places each name in his memory, asking when he might hear them. He greets each fellow student with a smile, making sure he gets the names and faces cemented in his mind, asking a few getting-to-know-you questions of each. Answering his new teacher, Singer says, "Oh, I won't get tired of music, or theory about it. How could one grow tired of understanding?" Singer is grateful for the time Aiftlithar spends with him on the song he sung to Lord Agor. "I know that it is not always consistent. I mean, the rhyming scheme varied, the meter shuffled around." He attends closely to her recommendations and criticisms, and tries not to blush. He wants to learn a wind instrument, get better at the lute, to play the hand drum, and to sample the other instruments. He enjoys studying with and playing with his fellow students, and delights whether he tops them, or they top him.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday February 4th, 2000 2:21:34 PM

As he of Aargle is given his chance at command, He gathers his Blackbirds for a small conference. "here are the ideas I want followed ...... keep in mind that we are working with a 2 hit rule ........ I want everyone to pair up on the attacks ...... attacking the same target together, the idea is to remove as many opponents so as to gain superior numbers. Along with doubling up on an opponent .... I want everyone to attack aggressively, I mean short charges to initate the contact, then retreating back to the column immediately. Keeping our High Priest safe is our number one priority .... our own safety secondary to his survival. His survival can only be if we get him to the temple ..... The panthers know that I do not like to avoid a fight, so we will try and catch them off guard abit. By plowing through them " He selects 6 of the more veteran of the group. " I want you 6 to be the rear guard .. your experience in skill should be hold off a rear attack ... I said hold off and not win. I want them to commit more troops then we have to a rear attack, a retreating defense to stop them from getting to the main body. The reason I want that is ... I want to commit to a frontal charge ... a race to the temple" he then picks his two carriers of the high priest, he picks two of good staminia, to make the run. "that leaves us 12 for the front guard ..... and here is a twist ... I want the front 4 to sprint through the Panthers once their main engagement comes .... I want them to think that it was my plan to attempt a run for it, but make it look like that it has gone awry, because of poor timing. I want the 4 of you to return for a pincer attack between you 4 and the 8 of us that still guard the front. Then press the advance towards the temple. We need to make sure that some of us make it to protect the carriers as they near the temple. afew of the panthers may be stationed the as a last effort to win. When .... And I Mean When we get there. ... it is not important to hit the enemy with the sticks. .... just take them out with a Bull rush, knocking them down .... allowing the high preist to make the safety of the temple" He wil answer an questions that may come back from his troops "And one last thing ... remember that as long as we are moving forward we close on our goal ..... so never stop just press on ... and we just need to get by them, not take them all down" Then it begins .......

Wynd (I wanna be an Aisildur ranger, I wanna live a life of danger.....Oh what am I saying.) 
Friday February 4th, 2000 6:51:27 PM

Pleased that Aexosaur thinks they both did well and do belong with the rangers, actually lessens the trepidation that Wynd has been feeling about living another person's life. After meeting the assortment of instructors and others living at the "Treehouse" Wynd takes a little time to reflect on what it is she wants and why. After conferring with catcher, comparing notes and congratualting him on doing well during his three days, she confides to him, that the first night that she went out with her father, she did not find a single plant they were looking for even when they were right under her nose. after a good meal and a nights rest she wakes early to find Aexosaur and let him know what she would like to learn so that he can point her to the right instructors. Wynd tells him that while she can use a sling fairly well and has a working knowledge of the short staff, she would like to perfect these and work on learning how to fight with weapons in both hands like she sees the others doing. She says this and then says but those longswords are so big, I'm not sure I can handle one and still hold on to the dagger in my other hand. as for other skills Wynd says she would like to continue working on herbalism, survival and setting snares, but says that she always wanted to be able to do was what her father could and that was that he always new where he was and which way to go no matter where he was in the woods. (direction sense)

Wynd (I wanna be an Aisildur ranger, I wanna live a life of danger.....Oh what am I saying.)  d20=2 d20=3 d20=7 d12=6 d10=10 d100=19 d8=4 d6=5 d20=6 d20=2
Friday February 4th, 2000 7:16:18 PM

Dragging herself to wherever her bed roll is each night, Wynd finds herself both exhausted and exhillerated each and every day and night. She is learning so much and putting on muscles where there was little more than bone before. The daily early mornng tracking lessons, followed by weapon practice in all kinds of weather were extremely strenuous, and left her bone weary by mid day, just about the time came around for her lessons on direction sense while completing her studies on herbalism. The first few times she was taken out, blindfolded and left in the woods to find her way back, left her frustrated, tired and even crying, but each time out she got better and better and by the fifth moon she was finding her way back and sometimes even losing her watchers. It was at those times that she really felt an air of accomplishment. Along about the 10th moon, (halfway through there allotted time) Wynd started taking a turn at range walking with one of the patrols. It was on these patrols that she truly got a sense of what a rangers life is like. Daily they would scour the land looking for signs of life that didn't belong, in there world, collected herbs and medicinals, hunted for food, set up camps, told stories, and yes continued with Wynd's lessons in weapons, tactics, tracking and direction. It was also on one of these forrays, about the 15th moon, that the patrol she was with ran up against a small group of what appeared to be rabid, wild dogs. when the dogs sensed the rangers they rapidly departed, running for cover. As a group, the rangers moved to intercept them with the purpose of dispatching them. After tracking them for hours and guiding them to a small box canyon, the dogs realizing they were trapped, turned and attacked. the response from the rangers was swift and deadly, with Wynd being the first to get off a shot with her sling and hit one of the dogs. The fight was short swift and brutal. In the end, all the dogs were dead, One of the rangers had been bitten and Wynd had a few scratches from some claws that managed to reach her when she stabbed one with her shortsword. That was really the last fighting she saw during her training, but after that day she never really ever felt like she wasnt a member of her patrol group or of the larger group at the "Treehouse."

Catcher  d20=11 d20=14 d20=7 d20=6 d20=13 d10=9 d6=3
Friday February 4th, 2000 11:54:16 PM

Parry, thrust, parry thrust. Day after day, the young man worked on what was his least favorite aspect of the ranger life – weapons training. The longsword seemed unwieldy at first, but as Catcher added on an inch or two and bulked up with additional muscle throughout the year, the weapon became a part of his body. Most difficult was learning the art of two-weapon fighting, but by summer’s end, he had mastered the use of short and long sword in tandem. Looking back now, he realized it was probably one of his most valuable experiences. Sure, the joys of learning about the habits of various animals, making effective snares for them, and even learning to track them in the dark were a feather in his cap – such things had come more quickly for him then just about everyone else. However, it was the sword that was defining his days as he now patrolled the western borders of the valley, right up against the Adow River. Aexosaur had explained the need thus, "My young friend, you have really come a long way (although you still haven’t gotten your plants memorized...), and with Lord Agor’s patrols still ranging about, looking for that Hydra, I need you working the border near the Shadow Mountain hinterlands. Across that river prowl many types of powerful and deadly creatures. That is where the Hydra came from, and perhaps that is now where it has returned. You are to watch to make sure none of these creatures cross the Adow into our forest. If anything does, report it immediately. Do not engage it." Since that meeting three months ago, Catcher has caught three intruders – some type of two-headed long-necked goat creature, a huge black lizard the size of a wagon, and a band of twisted humans. Each time, reinforcements were called in and the monsters dispatched. Catcher helped in fighting the humanoids, and earned a scar on his forehead for his efforts. Sitting upon his stead, Wintersbreath, Catcher gazes into the sunset, glad to have the knowledge he has gained. A sadness is upon him, as he thinks about the other young men who are training as rangers and druids – not a one has failed to show a noble character, and he desperately wishes to hang on to the close friendships he has developed with those at the ‘Treehouse’.

Note to the Players (DM Dave) 
Saturday February 5th, 2000 12:01:17 AM

As mentioned before, we're slogging through the issue of multiple timelines here. I will be posting daily in response to your actions individually until we've gotten you all through the Summer after your arrival at the castle (which occurred in the early Fall). The following characters do not need to post (but may as they desire - perhaps as interludes of conversations, or further clarifying their training) as their characters have reached the Summer months: Catcher, Wynd, & Bulldog.

Dash to the Temple (DM Dave) 
Saturday February 5th, 2000 12:17:41 AM

Bulldog’s gamble paid off. Of course, the Panthers attacked not only from side alleyways, but also from the rooftops of adjacent buildings, even ‘killing’ the two carriers of the ‘priest’ (who mysteriously managed to land in a very muddy puddle when he was dropped). Bulldog and three others were 'slain' during the second turn of the corridor, when two enemies playing ‘dead’ hit them from below while yet more appeared from the roof nearby. In all, eight men of the Blackbirds were lost, with another three wounded – commendable statistics in light of the circumstances. Captain Alworth, carried by the remaining chargers, reached the temple doors before the sticks,flung in desperation by the Panthers, could hit their mark. Afterwards, several members from other patrols proudly pound Bulldog’s back – congratulations for a job well done. The Spring season rolls on into the hot months of Summer, and now the young man known secretly as Bulldog has earned the his right to a place among the ranks of the proud Aisildurian army! Only a few months and a ceremony stand between him and his commission as a Sergeant.

The Music of Angels (DM Dave)  d20=18 d20=17 d100=42 d12=10
Saturday February 5th, 2000 12:39:29 AM

Singer, unsurprisingly to his friends, shines bright in this environment, surrounded by excellence. He does manage to pick up skills in several instruments --his compositions improving in skill as well. And, he grows in favor with Aiftlithar, eventually finding himself fourth in a class of twenty young men and two women. The time for the Summer solstice recitals are now at hand, and many nobles from the townships surrounding the valley will be on hand to judge the handiwork of these Journeymen (Singer, please prepare a description of the piece that you will be presenting -- the full work is not needed, with perhaps a few of the actual lines used, and a general description of content provided. Also, please now give a description (in a separate post, if you wish) of the skills that you are gaining during the Winter, Spring and Summer).

Magic on My Mind (DM Dave)  d20=8 d20=19 d100=30 d100=86
Saturday February 5th, 2000 1:13:22 AM

Anselm looks upon each of you with a pleased expression, "Yes, well then, that is done. Now I’ll have Speedledorm orient you to the rooms and studies here at the school." The old man snaps his fingers, and a very strange creature appears next to his side, bowing low and scrapping his bulbous nose on the flagstone floor, "Yes, my master?" "Show these two young men around the tower, will you dear chap?" The creature rises from his bent position, and you find yourself looking at the shortest man you have ever seen! He must stand all of 2 ½ feet tall, and weigh over a hundred pounds. Along with his noise, he has huge flappy ears to match, and a toothy grin juts out from beneath a sloping face and forehead with a receding hairline. "Welcome, young masters! Speedledorm at your service. Now kindly step this way." What follows is a whirlwind tour of the tower, ending with a stop in the breakroom, where the short humanoid eagerly fills his mouth with sweetbreads from a platter on a table. It is early afternoon before the orientation is over, and Ari can slip away to the forest. In the months following this strange start, you learn that Speedledorm is from some area called the Netherregion, and that he is a formidable spellcaster in his own right, specializing in Illusionary magic. Despite your skills at reading and writing, you find yourselves having to learn a whole new language, that of the mages. The days are filled with much study and lab work, and you each take to chewing a special leaf to block the headaches long enough to fall asleep at night. Being a mage will not be easy. After you learn the basics, you are split into your respective areas of specialty, with Tag going to Enchantment courses, and Ari to Abjuration. Slowly, your personal spell books begin coming together, but you each manage to do some additional studies on the side in the library to research spells not taught in your courses (Ari & Tag, I will e-mail each of you the starting spells provided. Please provide a post indicating five additional spells you are interested in, and I’ll post the results of the ones you successfully learn. Go ahead and provide a description of your studies for the Winter, Spring, and Summer months).

Splitting Mister Ari (DM Dave)  d20=10
Saturday February 5th, 2000 1:41:46 AM

Shortly after his morning with Speedledorm and Tag, Ari makes his way to the woods to find his friends Catcher and Wynd. A guard at the gates points out the correct path leading to the ‘Treehouse’ of the Rangers and Druids. Thirty minutes later, the young man finds himself at the base of these trees with platforms perched above. A forest man seemingly emerges from a tree, so well hidden that he surprises Ari, "Son, what is your business here?" he demands gruffly, eyeing you up and down while chewing on a piece of wood.

Saturday February 5th, 2000 12:19:14 PM

"My names is Arislan of Afport, and I was told that I should train with the Druids."

Mister Ari, Part II (DM Dave)  d20=10 d20=15
Saturday February 5th, 2000 12:51:41 PM

Pointing a huge stubby finger at you, the man says, "Stand right there." Still chewing, he somehow manages a perfect birdcall of a warbler. A bird swoops down from above and alights on the ground. Suddenly, in its place stands a woman dressed in sometype of burlap material. Gazing at you for a moment, she consults with the guard. Turning back to you, she says, "So, you are not to be of Anselm's group?" Apparently, word is well known of the assigned positions for new recruits.

Legs / aka Alegsor of Ayler 
Sunday February 6th, 2000 4:11:34 AM

[Sorry for delay in posting. Here Legs goes, at last.] Legs tells Aisil Acaffery, "I believe in the Holy. I believe in the Good God. I want to learn of this god, and, as understanding is given me, to serve. To learn. What can I tell you of my experiences with the Holy? I know that the Holy has preserved me, and those of my friends who have made it here thus far. And that there is an order to life, and there are surprises in life. There are justice and goodness, and there are injustice and evil. Not all who call themselves 'good' are. Not all that is called justice, is truly just. I want to learn what role mercy plays. When someone does something wrong, how do others decide whether to punish, even to kill? How do others decide when to grant mercy, even forgiveness? When people are fooled, and begin to believe false things, how does one help them see what is true?" Legs then pauses, and thinks. He sends a quick prayer to the Good God for the right words. "My father is strong. Some of his strength has been passed on to me. I want to use the strength of my arm to battle against evil. I want to learn the sword. But I also want my mind to be guided by wisdom, so that I make right choices when it is time to decide what actions are best. I would be a warrior, whom the Good God guides." He waits to hear the words of Aisil Acaffery.

Meet the Paladins (DM Dave)  d20=6 d20=8
Sunday February 6th, 2000 7:30:09 PM

Aisil, exalted one of the Most High Ga’al, looks upon Nightshade and Legs as they speak. Then, turning to Nightshade, he states, "You have spoken more than your companion about your experience with the Holy One. If it were not for Lord Agor’s judgement to place you in the knighthood, I would send you to training in the order of Spiritualists. I see the truth when you say you speak with your dead friend. Somehow, you have been granted the ability to make that breach. And I sense that your friend now holds some special place in the celestial order. Well, well, a Paladin that talks to the dead. That will raise a few eyebrows with the others. I suppose that you have been directed to your path by your dead friend? No, don’t answer that, it is something to be addressed at your knighting, once a quest is to be chosen. Hold your peace until that time." Turning to Legs, Aisil says, "Young lord, I see green about you. You have encountered the holy through a plant, prior to the Joining. Yes, I see far more has been revealed to you than you are telling. You were spoken to, but it is here that you will learn the answers to your questions." Sitting back in his chair for a moment, the High Priest steeples his fingers and gazes at both of you in silence. Finally, reaching over and taking the goblet of water, he brings it forward and mutters a few words in a strange language over it, and then addresses you, "Well, each of you should perhaps be holy knights, but there is one test that must be administered, to check the purity of your heart and thoughts. He extends the cup to Nightshade, then to Legs, instructing each one in turn to place their thumb in the water. In each case, the water turns milky while with faint traces of gold. Aisil sits back with a grunt, "Well, you definitely have your hearts in the right place. Each of you will report to Lord Alonz for the testing of your thoughts, an extensive test I might add, lasting over a year in most cases. I warn you: Lord Alonz is not an easy man. You will find yourselves tempted to curse at times from the strain – don’t do it! At the time of his final test, the Test of the Rings, you will be grateful for his discipline." A moment after he finishes speaking, a young man enters the temple and leads you to the training area, where you meet Lord Alonz, a tall man with red hair and a temper to match. In the months to follow, you grow to greatly hate him – it seems as if he thrives on finding every way to break your resolve, cause you to slip. Many of the other students do, and each one is summarily dismissed from the program – failures who will never wear the name of Paladin. In all honesty, you should each have failed many times over – the nightly awakenings with miles of exercise runs in the dark, the unfair surprise inspections, the countless prayers to Ga’al that had to be chanted non-stop for three day stretches. In each case, Skippy spoke to Nightshade via the ring, bringing comfort and healing to both of you. Over the months, you discover a couple of ways in which Skippy could aid you: She seems able to see when Lord Alonz was coming, and knows his intentions in advance, allowing you to prepare yourselves for his assaults on your will. She also has empowered Nightshade at times to heal wounds in the manner of the priests, allowing you each to endure the punishing agenda far longer than the other trainees. And, she said Lemtrovex pardoned you for the pretense of being Ga’al’s servants, until the time of the ceremonial knighting. When that event finally occurs, you will always be known as Knights of Lemtrovex (Nightshade and Legs, please post descriptions of your training for the twelve month period of Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer, including descriptions of non-weapon proficiencies gained – the time for being knighted is still some 6 months away at the end of this period).

Sunday February 6th, 2000 9:56:34 PM

"I wish to learn of both worlds"

Fickle Women (DM Dave)  d20=19 d10=10
Monday February 7th, 2000 5:31:38 PM

The druidess replies, "I see..." in a frosty tone. Ari gets the distinct impression that words like 'impertinent' are being bandied about. After a pause, she simply states, "You must go meet with Lady Alba to handle such matters." She ends the conversation abruptly and disappears down a path going deeper into the forest. The forest guard briefly gives directions on how to locate Lady Alba's offices within the castle, and then he too disappears back into the undergrowth. Things are not quiet so pleasant at the moment. Once Ari locates the place, he is made to wait for over an hour on a hard bench, before Lady Alba is ready to see him. As he is ushered in, Ari nearly walks into an assistant just leaving with the latest dictated letter from Lady Alba. Two other clerks are working studiously on various ledgers. From behind a stack of paperwork on her desk, Lady Alba looks up at you, smiling warmly, "Yes, young man, what may I help you with today?"

Monday February 7th, 2000 9:25:08 PM

"I have been told that I have to speak to you about learning to be a mage and a druid"

Monday February 7th, 2000 10:26:14 PM

Nightshade seems to take to this traing extreemly well, in fact she seems to florish in this environment, what was a gangly akward girl fills out quickly into a beautiful young women. She seems to relish the punsiment meeted out on her by her teachers. She learns quickly and even finds time to teach the younger trainees anything she can to protect them from the older bullies. The small wooden sword is soon replaced by a huge sword straped across he back, and in combat she seems very deadly with the huge weapon, she almost handles it as if it were light as a fencing foil. Due to the numerous cuts and bruises she sustains and thoes in others she soon becopmes proficient in healing minor wonds and finding herbs to help the healing process. In what little time is left to her she also works at traingin with a dagger and a long bow.

Lady Alba (DM Dave)  d10=6
Monday February 7th, 2000 10:58:53 PM

"Oh!" comes the response as Lady Alba gazes at Ari. "Wait, you're Arislan of Afport, correct? Yes, let's see." She taps the plume of a writing quill against the side of her nose for a second, "Yes, the one sent to test as a mage, I recall my husband saying. You've decided that that is not enough?" She leans to you, almost purring, "So, my dear, tell me your plans, why exactly this mix of Nature and the Arcane?"

Tuesday February 8th, 2000 1:18:10 AM

Furthering his knowledging of the training of canines from sheperding to more aggressive, attack and defense ideas.

Tuesday February 8th, 2000 4:49:48 PM

"This will be the only time in life that I get to try something. If I do not try both now, I'll forever wonder. Besides, why not?! ", as Ari gives her his best impish grin?!

Lady Alba and Ari (DM Dave)  d20=19
Tuesday February 8th, 2000 8:35:18 PM

"Hmmm, young man, I can think of a few reasons, but you only live once, right?" Lady Alba says with a smile. "However," she drawls, "Being around magic can be quiet strenuous, I’m afraid I’ll have to have a weekly progress report from you, in person, to make all is well." Ari almost swears he sees her wink. Rummaging through her paperwork, she locates a form, and hands it to one of her clerks to complete. It is handed back, and a wax seal, impressed with her signet ring, certifies Ari’s appointment to training under both Anselm the sage, and Aconi the druid. Apparently, some female druid by the name of Aszora was the original instructor, but the name has been marked out and initialed by Lady Alba. Cool hands press the executed document into Ari’s fingers, and Lady Alba says, "Good luck, my young friend, and don’t forget your weekly reviews, here in my office on the fifth day’s eve will be best." Another clerk enters the office, drawing the Lady’s attention to some matter or another, and Ari finds himself ushered out into the courtyard by a page. Soon thereafter, the power of that paper is seen, when Ari is accepted without question back at the ‘Treehouse’. Aconi turns out to be an old man of slight frame, with a whisper for a voice. After introductions are made, Ari is turned loose for the evening to spend as he pleases (Ari, go ahead and give a description of what your activities will be for the remainder of the your first week at the Castle).

Wednesday February 9th, 2000 4:04:42 AM

[It will be a few more days before I can carry out your posting requests.] Singer works on a little song to fulfill his promise to young Ariane of Axcroft, who helped him and his companions by providing Singer the names of the houses of the lost children. He thinks on what words will best honor her. "Discretion guards her lips..." "Resourceful and discreet..." "Prudent? Modest?" "A smile, no guile?" He himself looks for opportunities to learn more about her - whether through observation, overheard conversation & gossip, or through his own discreet inquiries.

Singer and Ariane (DM Dave) 
Wednesday February 9th, 2000 7:13:25 AM

Singer uncovers some of the background of Ariane of Axcroft: Apparently, the honor of being a servant to the nobility is usually past down within family lines. Ariane's parents are servants to the Axcroft nobility, and Ariane is here receiving formal training for her responsibilities which she will take on when her parent's grow older. A quiet and modest person, she is apparently doing well in her duties. On a side-note, Singer discovers that most of the noble women coming here do not train in adventuring professions, but are here to learn the finer points of court etiquette, as they prepare to move in the upper circles.

Ari  d20=20 d20=15 d20=9 d20=17 d20=3
Wednesday February 9th, 2000 9:05:31 AM

Ari begins his task of learning two professions. His first days of learning are very intesive indeed. To complicate matters, he still has to learn about his surroundings. In order to not fall behind, he spends a couple of hours each night, familiarizing himself with his surroundings, and making sure that he's learning his lessons. (ooc rolls done remotely, so I couldn't be 100% sure if they passed skill). 3 of the 5 days, Ari wakes up late, and gets yelled at for being late and disheveled, though he is saved by having his basics in hand.

Ari's Days of Training (DM Dave)  d20=12 d10=8
Wednesday February 9th, 2000 6:22:35 PM

Ari gets through the first harrowing week, and it is only dogged determination that keeps him strong. During one of his wandering periods, he manages to catch Bulldog over near the castle gates. After a hushed conference, it is agreed that Bulldog will provide fighter training to Ari on the weekends. As Ari walks away, Bulldog feels a little concern about the health of his friend – only one week, and he looks so tired (over the entire training period, only Bulldog regularly sees Ari, as the young man's over-ambitious schedule keeps him from meeting with his other friends)! But, for Ari, an amazing thing happens on the appointed evening meeting with Lady Alba. When he arrived at her office, she too looked incredibly tired. As none of her staff was around, she kicked back and split a bottle of wine with him while he shared the experiences of that week’s training. By the end of the session, most of the fatigue had faded, and Ari found himself re-energized for another round of classes. Throughout the rest of the Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer months, this weekly meeting with Lady Alba and the wine became a ritual, and the few times that they could not meet were almost an unbearable hardship for the two. Besides the routine reports of school activities, they found themselves discussing the goings-on of the castle, and even the politics of the kingdom in general (Ari, please give a consolidated description of your three areas of study over the twelve month period up into Summer).

Ari (the mage wannabe) 
Friday February 11th, 2000 1:41:31 AM

Ari's training in the arcane is extensive to say the least. For the first few months Ari spends as much time as he can, studying in order to make the grade. The work is so intense that developing headaches is not uncommon. For this reason, Ari begins the habit of constantly sipping on an herbal tea, in order to lessen the effects of these headaches.

Ari (the druid wannabe) 
Friday February 11th, 2000 1:45:20 AM

Ari's training for a druid at least gets him outside to a certain extent. Though the work is just as intensive here, as with the mages. It takes a bit of an adjustment to get things under wraps here. Frequently, the people in this area have been seen to frown towards Ari. It is while he is outside with during this training time that Ari starts to draw maps of the surrounding areas. It is tedious work, and slow going because Ari tries to hide his work from others. He is seen just as often here with some form of tea.

Ari (the make believe fighter) 
Friday February 11th, 2000 1:50:38 AM

During the weekends, Ari joins up with Bulldog to train as a fighter. More often than not, Bulldog has to go dig Ari outta bed. But once outta bed, Ari is a whirlwind of activity. Most of his time is in mock combat, using every different type of practice sward that there is. When not in combat, Ari and Bulldog spot each other in strength and dexterity excercises. After some time at this, in a whispered conversation, Ari points out to BullDog that he's working on mapping out the local area. After some more time hass passed, Ari indicates that he has found some bolt holes that various stuff can be located in. He asks BullDog to do his best to get feedback from the rest of 'our' group, and find out what people want or need in these bolt holes.

Ari (anything else not covered by the above :) ) 
Friday February 11th, 2000 1:59:31 AM

Ari's 'special' time is spent with the Lady Alba. Ari spends most of his remaining free time talking about what has happened to him at the end of every week. Here he vents most of his frustrations, along with just being able to unwind. Many an evening is spent with the Lady.

The Boys (and Girls) of Summer (DM Dave)  d20=13 d20=1 d20=2 d20=1 d20=2
Friday February 11th, 2000 9:34:23 PM

As the seasons roll along, you realize you’ve never worked so hard in your life. Not only have you had to learn occupational skills, but the social challenges and subterfuge to maintain false identities has worn your patience thin at times. It is perhaps only the biweekly meetings with each other that has helped you to maintain your sanity at times. You have not forgotten the circumstances that brought you to this place, but it is hard now to imagine living in any other lifestyle: Your bonds are strong with many fellow students, and even a few instructors. There have been few truly evil people, and many here actually live up to their title of being ‘noble’. Now, looking at yourselves, there is an obvious maturity about you, something that you are justifiably proud about. Your younger days and children’s games never came close to touching the reality of what you have become. In different ways, this growth has put distance between some of you, while drawing others of you together. Ari, for one, has been noticeably absent from many of your get togethers. It remains to be seen what directions your relationships will take in the coming months. There have been many surprises, too, in these ending days of summer. Just last week, Nightshade was summoned to meet Lord Alonz, and was shocked to hear what this ‘tyrant’ had to say, "Bella, I have been singularly impressed with your ability to survive under adversity. No person has ever gone through my program and excelled to your level. I have a duty for you, if you will accept: I am being called away on an urgent mission of the Kingdom, and I have submitted you as a candidate to run the program until I return. It may be years." He went on to explain that all the experienced knights were being drawn away on this mission, but Lord Alonz did not want to see the school closed altogether. He feels Nightshade appreciates the need for the harshness of the discipline, and will do well with the new recruits arriving in the Fall. Nightshade must now contemplate whether or not to accept this honor. And she is not the only one. Tags has learned that he has been nominated for membership in the Society of the Velvet Fist. Of course, he will not be allowed to join until he is an adult, but the prestige of the recognition is impressive. All members wear a velvet glove, and it is said that their hand has been magically empowered to reach thru objects, such as metal or stone, and touch items beyond. The rest of you have made a good showing, as well, although no other honors have been mentioned to date. It is now the time of vacation, when all the students head home for 4 weeks. You have not yet left to go see your ‘noble’ families, and several other students have stayed behind, as well. You now sit together in a forest glade, discussing thoughts and plans, and for once, everyone is here. There are no prying eyes about to interrupt your deliberations.

Saturday February 12th, 2000 11:05:37 AM

Looking around, and spotting Ari, Catcher is shocked at the changes in his appearance. He'd seen Ari a time or two when training under one of the older druids, but that was months ago. Catcher says, "I need to warn you, I'm not the most social person. When you spend so many days alone in the woods, you kind of lose your voice." After a little while, he adds, "The woods have been a lot more empty lately. A lot of the rangers have been called off to battle. I've seen a lot of other teachers leaving the castle, too."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Saturday February 12th, 2000 11:05:38 AM

After greeting everyone. "As you all know we have been given, about four weeks to see our so called noble families. I think its perfect for us to get ourselves out of here. Any problems for any one ? ...... getting supplies should be easy enough for us 'nobles'. Lets pack what we can and get going."

Saturday February 12th, 2000 10:41:16 PM

Ari's eyes are a little sunken in, but you can tell he is fit, though tired looking. "I have most the the basic supplies already taken care of, and spread here and there ready to be grabbed when we determine it is time to go." Looking at Nightshade, "are there any indications as to when the time will be right?"

Tag Along 
Sunday February 13th, 2000 8:32:21 PM

::Tags Maturetly physically as most young boys never really seemed to happen. Lithe and frail he walks with quick movements and a broad smile none the less. He has turned into quite the handsome boy. And some rumors of Tags being seen in the girls dormatories late at night have been wide spread. Through his efforts as a mage in training, it seems that Tag has gotten better and better at making friends. You often wonder how he did with Auxin the guard to the girls dormitories. "Heya everyone great too see you all again." he says no suprise to see him as he has yet to miss a meeting with his family. "We are about to be sent away to are supposed familes? Well i have grown quite used to the idea of small freedoms, hard training and a certain amount of respect. I would hate to see it all come to and end if we where caught as immposters. So i have been working on several ideas. One the least popular of them, is to escape and run letting are new training, of are woodland friends lead the way. Two we do are absolute best to fake being who we are supposed to be. THou i doubt are "Noble" parents will fall for it. Finally we can try and convince are trainiers that we are ready to help the kingdom and stay here and continue are training whilest the other nobles head home." he says as he runs his hands through his longish blonde hair. "What do you all think.

Sunday February 13th, 2000 8:32:33 PM

Nightshade seems to be almost unrecognizable. She is almost 2 feet taller and her hair has grown to her waist, it has also turned a deep red. she also no longer wears the play wooden sword, but a real metal sword, almost as long as she is. She also kneels in prayer as soon as her family is reunited. After the prayer she listens quietly and completly. The when asked her opinion she kneel and prays again. "Skippy, Father Lemtrovex, is this the time, shall we flee your enemys now? Or is the time not ready yet?"

Sunday February 13th, 2000 8:46:41 PM

With a smile of happiness at Tag's successes, Catcher responds, "I had a conversation with Aexosaur, and it's not a big deal if we decide not to travel home to see the folks...everyone understands how tramatic our trip was just to get here. So we can scratch the idea of fooling our 'folks'. My master hinted this morning that I was supposed to stay near the castle. Something about some announcement on what exactly is going on with everybody leaving." He looks sidelong at Nightshade's inquiry, waiting to see what happens.

The Number You Have Dialed .... (DM Dave) 
Sunday February 13th, 2000 8:59:13 PM

Nightshade's inquiry is meet without so much as a tingle of the ring. Not having to utilize Skippy's help in the recent past, she's sure that it isn't some sort of fatigue problem.

Sunday February 13th, 2000 11:24:47 PM

Having been spending alot of time out in the woods and surrounding areas on patrol and herb collecting, Wynd has been building p her supplies of medicinals as well as trying to find and locate the best ways of exiting this land and continuing on with their journey. She listens to hear info about Shadow Mountain, the Durians, the Agretorex River and Akatez. She alsolistens to hear about the Wallof Kaazul and Lankhmar. The time has changed Wynd, while always a bit on the serious side, she has turned even more inward. Perhaps in part because of the charade she and her friends are working but also because of the rumors about war and battle have reached their ears. Several times she has been on patrol when carts bearing the dead, including some of her ranger friens have come back from the battles. Emotional changes are not the only noticable changes Wynd has gone thru. Where as before she always had worn her hair below shoulder length and loose, now it is cut in a neat bob and tied back out of the way. She has also grown, and while she will never be considered tall, her 5 ft 4 frame fits her well. Her skin is very dak and weathered from the sun and elements and she is much more thoughtful before speaking.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Sunday February 13th, 2000 11:24:48 PM

As time has passed during his training, his appearence seems to mimic his 'nickname'. He has grown tremdously strong, throughly deep chested, powerful arms and legs. An imposing young soldier, Clad in dark chain mail with a two-hander across his back. He walks with confidence, and deliberate motion. He voice deeper than before ..." I say we get a good idea about what is going on and then use it to cover ourselves in an escape ....." waiting a few moments then adding "we have nothing holding us here .... as we all should feel ... we have learned much from our enemies pawns ... we are still in grave danger from being found out if we slip up .... lets remember who we really are !"

Monday February 14th, 2000 10:49:35 AM

"I have mapped out the surrounding area as best I could. How close is the war to here, and who is it between?!"

Tuesday February 15th, 2000 9:26:40 PM

Nightshade grows suddenly fearful."Skippy and Father Lem say nothing. This is not a good sign, my heart says we run NOW!"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday February 15th, 2000 9:26:41 PM

"Good !" in reply to Nightshades. "I'll pickup some supplies and see if some horses are available" If evryone agrees, he will look into food, a few weapons and several horses, if he can he will try to get a horse for everyone. And of course retreive his dear friend the great Asbury.

Tag Along 
Wednesday February 16th, 2000 3:28:30 AM

"I will be able to get us out of teh gates with little violence. I ahve learned a spell that allows for men to fall into a slumber. If i cast it propery it will look no worse then the men fallnig asleep at post. This will give us greater time and a easier way to escape then any by force. If needed i can do the spell twice. THou that shall be the estent of my usefulnes of the day. Bulldog, you have always watched over me. I leave the decision of where and when to you.

Wednesday February 16th, 2000 6:37:06 AM

"Then it is time. Where and how long until we meet again?!"

Wednesday February 16th, 2000 11:00:40 PM

Nightshade seems very worried,and says very little as a plan is formulated

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday February 17th, 2000 3:32:06 AM

"well as soon as we find out what is stirring things up. Catcher when are you meeting with Aexorsaur. you said he will have some news. We 'll meet again this afternoon and discuss things further. Lets see if we can leave at dawn of the morrow."

Thursday February 17th, 2000 6:59:32 PM

Hearing N'shade's proclamation about no contact from Skip or Lem sends a chill down Wynd's back. Wynd thinks a moment and then says, we cant just disappear, If we do that it is more likely to arrouse suspiscion than if we tell them some of us have decided to go home and others like myself, Catcher and Ari, go on our patrols and explorations and meet you out in the forests. I say we get what we need together today and we leave in the morning.

Thursday February 17th, 2000 10:58:08 PM

Nightshade bounces back and forth on her toes, worried.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday February 17th, 2000 10:58:09 PM

"Good idea Wynd ..... Everyone alright with that ? we'll meet later today just to make sure no obstacles have popped up> .... see ya" And he's off to see about securing a few horses for the morning jaunt.

The Summons (DM Dave)  d20=17 d20=10 d20=13
Saturday February 19th, 2000 12:39:30 AM

After your meeting, you split back up and head to your quarters. A heavy rainstorm rolls thru that evening, leaving everything hot and sticky. Catcher is called off to his meeting, while the rest of you make preparations for the morning's flight, when you receive a summons. Lord Agor is not one to be kept waiting, and this is your first opportunity to really speak with him since first arriving at his castle, those many months ago. A grave face greets each of you as you enter his private study. Looking over, you see a white-faced Catcher sitting near the desk, and for a moment, there is fear that perhaps something has been discovered...but no, there would be others if this were the case. Lord Agor shuts the door and turns to you, "My young nobles, you have each scored excellently, and I commend you. It is still some 8 moons until your training is officially complete, but an urgent matter may have some impact on this. Tell me, how do you judge the bardling, Aithasar?" Looking around, you each realize that Singer has not been included in the meeting.

Legs / aka Alegsor of Ayler 
Saturday February 19th, 2000 5:03:36 AM

"I judge him resourceful, your highness," Legs says. "He traveled with us, helped us, and I should not want any of us to do without him."

Saturday February 19th, 2000 12:55:16 PM

"He was very helpful on our way here. Though I have not seen him much since arriving here."

Saturday February 19th, 2000 1:26:52 PM

Swallowing to overcome his fear, Catcher says, "Sire, as has been said, he is resourceful -- something I have learned to value even more during the past year of training. He is witty, loyal, and I would hate to see any harm come to him. Is he in some sort of trouble?"

Sunday February 20th, 2000 12:59:24 PM

With her throat a bit notted up, since She and Singer were pretty close, Wynd's eyes tear up a bit thinking that the last words they had shared were deceptive ones belittling him, she manages a gruff sounding, "As my friends say he was helpful, and sometimes amusing and very resourceful. He never failed to be there if one of us needed aid or assistance. Why do you ask??

Sunday February 20th, 2000 10:44:30 PM

Nightshade bites her cheek, the blood flowing into her mouth gives her something to consentrate on othere than THIS man judging her friend for good or evil. She says nothing.

Monday February 21st, 2000 5:48:38 AM

"My Lorg Agor .... what all the others have told you is true of the Bardling, I also hold that opinion of him."

Shades of War (DM Dave)  d20=11
Monday February 21st, 2000 5:40:35 PM

Rubbing the palms of his hands into his eyes, and then leaning back and cracking his spine, Lord Agor says, "Yes, I have been told that each of you have remained close – not surprising in light of the journey that brought you here. I had thought to keep him with you, and you have confirmed my decision. There is the delicate matter, though, of having a commoner joined with those who will be working in an extremely critical, life-threatening situation. You see, you cannot afford to have this young man hindered, if he is to be of the most aid to you. I speak bluntly: I intend to offer him the noble’s Joining." Seeing a start in your eyes, he quickly continues, "Yes, I know that this is highly unusual. Our common brethren enjoy a closeness with Ga’al that we must labor without benefiting from." Lord Agor sighs, turning to look out a window to the woods below, saying, "There are days that I sorely wish that I did not have such a task: To guide our people without the Holy One’s communion to direct me." He turns back to you, "But, as you know, it is that spark of ingenuity that Ga’al needs most in His leaders, to handle the many tasks that should not a burden on our Savior." His eyes clear after a moment, and Lord Agor states, "Well, enough self-pity. Your loyal companion will be Joined with the mark of Ga’al, rather than enjoying His guiding hand. Now, to why I discuss this with you." He steps over to his desk, pulling out several sheets of paper listing men and supplies, along with various campaign maps. "The King requires the immediate aid of many of our men, to handle the problem of the raiding pirates once and for all. Most of the staff are packing and leaving this very evening, leaving our borders sorely undermanned. You have shown the ability to survive together in the past, and I am counting on that to help shore up our security problems over the next few months. You are to make camp on the west end of the valley, and turn back any monsters that attempt to cross the Adow. This is a dangerous mission – but I am confident that you are up to the challenge." He waits a minute to let you absorb what he has said, before concluding, "For me to place you in such positions, you will each need to be confirmed in your respective schools, and Joined immediately so that you can take positions of command as adults. I know that this is a shock, and you do not feel that you are yet ready, but I assure you that you are. Aisil is now at the temple, making preparations with a few of the other priests. You mentors will of course be there -- they are very proud of each one of you. I already have the young bard waiting, as well. I fear that this may be the last time that you see them for some time, as the King has conscripted many. Go now and finish the ceremony quickly – we will dispense with the pageantry and have you packed and ready to move before moonrise." He opens the door, letting each of you out, with pride shining on his face.

Monday February 21st, 2000 7:00:54 PM

Once everyone has left Lord Agor behind, Catcher says to the others, "What are we going to do? It sounds like they already have Singer at the temple."

Monday February 21st, 2000 10:12:04 PM

In hushed towns, Ari says, "This joining is more for symbolism. It is not the same as what we've seen. This would work to our advantage, because we could be more out in the open with our travels. Though I'm not sure that their current activity isn't just a diversion so that we can move on. If Singer is in the temple, I don't see how we can get him out, without a tremendous struggle. Nightshade, any further response from our pals (indicating the ring)? What do the rest of you think?

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday February 21st, 2000 10:12:05 PM

"He is resouceful ..... we all knew that we would all not make it. ..... lets cut and run now. I am going to gather some things and get asbury. " Then adding "I will not submit to any joining of any kind, with all the so called mentors there, we have little chance of winning our way out of the temple, if we choose to try and rescue him,"

Monday February 21st, 2000 10:29:12 PM

Nightshade tries her best to keep from voiding her belly as the lord continues to talk. She feel numb, anger rushing through her. The only sound she can hear is the sound of her heartbeat in her ears. Once out side she colapses to her knees and begins to weep silently. She is lost, she will never be joined in any way symbolic or otherwise, and she knows she can not let her family be put to that hell either. She is lost.

Tag Along 
Tuesday February 22nd, 2000 2:30:28 AM

"Bulldog if we do go on this mission. It allows us to finally get to the pirates that promise freedom, that so long ago we origanlly ran for. we take the mission get geared up for proper fighting and join the side of the enemy? I have grown to like the men that trained me. But i know if they found out what i was i would be made a plant seed. And they rule over slaves with the seed, there high and mighty attitude doesnt see how the toil of lower class makes them live lives the poor dont dream off. No i say we take the mission and there we cast are lot with the pirates of jack.

Legs / aka Alegsor of Ayler 
Tuesday February 22nd, 2000 2:30:29 AM

"The one who spoke to us at the beginning of our journey said that there are more ways of serving in our agreed cause than one," Legs says, recalling Osymandius' options of the heart blood prior to joining, or of altogether avoiding the joining. "He spoke of two ways, yet it seems that this is yet a third way. I cannot believe that we have been led this far to perish, or to betray what we have agreed. The slavery of the heartseed is not for the nobility. Yet the god still holds sway over their hearts, their faith." Legs listens to and observes his friends' words and responses. "I do not know the best course. But let us pray for wisdom." And recalling the dragonseed, he prays silently. After a bit, he adds the comment, "I sense that some are even of good heart here, though yet blinded. They have more self will than the clerics of our town allowed. Can we take even the noble's Joining without falling to the same deception? And if we can, ought we?"

The Walking Debate (DM Dave) 
Tuesday February 22nd, 2000 7:03:14 AM

The young heroes walk in privacy, not staying long in one location, lest any prying ears or eyes question too much. The debate rages.

Tuesday February 22nd, 2000 7:10:13 AM

Concern knits his brows as Catcher takes in what everyone says, "Part of me wants to do what Bulldog says, and give Singer up. However, there's a difference between someone who is heart-seeded, and one who may still be free." To Tag, he says, "So, are you saying to take the mission? If so, then we have to go through with the ceremony, and I don't think the pirates will let us near them, even if we aren't controlled, it will make it easy for the priests to locate the pirates' base through us." At the comment on serving in the cause of the resistance in a third manner, Catcher starts to brighten, but then looks over at Nightshade and realizes that there is no compromise in her eyes.

Wynd  d100=71
Tuesday February 22nd, 2000 12:10:13 PM

As Wynd listens to Agor the deep feeling of dread returns in full force. "I will not submit to any type of joining." She thinks to hersolf. And Poor Singer, we have got to save him. Keeping a neutral look on her face, she waits until the group is alone, then spits on the ground. "that man and this place are starting to wear on me. Sure there are good people here, but that is exactly why we must be strong andf carry through without any more taint of G'aal. And We or at least I don't leave here alive without Singer or for that matter any of us. Walking up to N'shade Wynd takes her by the elbow and raises her to her feet. "I understand how you are feeling, but we need you to be strong right now. You are the onlyone who knows the temple areas well. You are going to have to help us quickly map the place out find where Singer would be and find us an easy secret way in and out. As was mentioned a frontal assault, with our Mentors in attendance would be cause for much grief. What we do now we must do quickly and quietly."

Legs / aka Alegsor of Ayler 
Tuesday February 22nd, 2000 12:11:54 PM

"Think for a moment of Lord Agor's words. He acknowledged that the 'closeness to Ga'al' that the 'common' folk have also serves as a hindrance. It robs them of the 'spark of ingenuity.' And that the nobles handle certain tasks so as not to be, as he put it, 'a burden on our Savior.'" He speaks that last word with a measure of distaste. He shakes his head as he recalls all the mindless prayers he and Nightshade were forced to recite, and of what games he played in his mind to somehow redirect the prayers to the one he calls the Good God. Of how he grew weary of the necessity. Of how the prayers tended to mesmerize, and compel, and forced his will to battle.

Legs / aka Alegsor of Ayler 
Tuesday February 22nd, 2000 12:54:06 PM

After being absorbed for a moment in reverie, Legs looks at his companions. "They know of the loss that attends the full Joining. Yet they envy those who have it. They acknowledge the lack of sufficient power their god has. I do not distain all who follow Ga'al. I fear what this god does to his followers. Why should a god infest his people with a parasite to insure their faith and obedience? How can our mentors not see the wrong in this? It reminds me of the way that Amdoner raised mushrooms in Adorus. He kept them in the dark and fed them stinking dung."

Tuesday February 22nd, 2000 4:03:44 PM

"Nightshade, I realize you may not be able to go thru with this. So here's what I propose. I'm hoping that this item of yours (eyeing the ring), will be able to detect whether we are actually under the influence of G'aal. Because what I'm planning to do, is to go thru with this, in order not to strand Singer. I do not know if others feel the same. We can make plans to meet up West of here, since both mission and plan go that direction, but you'll have to approach us so that one, you will possibly feel safe, and two, should I/we fall, we won't betray your location. I do not think it will come to that, but, I would also ask that you put me out of my mysery, should this be other than what I expect, and you are told so by your companion. To me, there are too many conincidences, for me to ignore this opportunity. And you should take this map of the local area that I've made, that also shows some places where I have basic food and first aid stuff hidden away."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday February 22nd, 2000 5:07:21 PM

"your right 'Legs' lord Agor did say that is was only a mark and not a communion with Ga'al" then listens as the others speak before bitterly adding "It would have to be all of us or none, remember Lord Agor trust us because we trust each other so well. If we do not stick together he may change his mind about trusting us with this mission." lastly spitting out " I look forward to the day when I'll put my blade through Ga'al's HEART in vengeance for his misdeeds!"

Nightshade  d20=7
Tuesday February 22nd, 2000 8:30:00 PM

Nightshade takes a breath, and then another, and another. Finaly her head clears. She draws here hure sword from her back and in a primal scream of rage she stands and with one swift motion she smashes through a nearby small tree. She then breathes angain and chides herself. "I am no longer a child, I am a warrior of hope and life, and justice. I will not be a child any longer." Then she turns to her family and speaks. " Wynd is correct, We do not need self pity right now. Know this, there is NO comprimise with this god. There is NO half way. There is NO tricking and fooling this demon. You can not tell him that you will pretend to worship." Holding her ring out to her friends she continues." They saw into Skippys heart and she had NO contact with them, even now they keep me from speaking with her. They killed her and if any of you choose to try and betray this devil he will kill you. THERE IS NO HALF WAY! I will not allow my family to be decieved by this lieing little god. He is nothing, he is worthless, and I will not have it. Nor will I let my brother be taken by force fromus. If the only way is to fight then I will fight, but perhaps there is another way. I ssaid nothing to this lord captor who holds us. If it is agreed I will go to him and tell him that I do not yet trust this commoner and would have him prove himself to me. I would take him out into the wilds for three days and two nights. If he can keep up with me and proves himself noble and pious then I will accecpt him if not then he should be given the common joining. Only a leader and a strong mand can be uplifted to such a state. I will play the Noble and play up to this lord jailers ego. Perhaps he will let that go. If so we will continue our jorney, you all can catch up, and we will make it look like some acident befell us. What say you all?"

Legs / aka Alegsor of Ayler 
Tuesday February 22nd, 2000 9:51:26 PM

"Let us tell Lord Agor that we will go to guard the border, and though we appreciate his confidence in us, we will not take the mark, honor though it may be, at this early date. We do not wish to dishonor him nor those who have trained us. Let us go as we are, and with us Singer. Lord Agor himself has told us he senses a great work lies ahead for us. Let us tell him that we are agreed that we believe the time is not right for joining, and that we together agree that none of us will do so now -- but that we will go to the borders, and fight what monsters we may. Ask him to trust that this decision of ours is part of our destiny. If they are angered at us, let them be so. We will be united in our decision, and in our action. But what we resolve, let us do, or die."

Wednesday February 23rd, 2000 12:03:57 AM

"The border patrol will be our proving grounds.", murmured behind clenched teeth.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday February 23rd, 2000 12:03:58 AM

Angrily to Nightshade "and why do you keep this information of skippy from us, if we're to make decisions we must ALL know everthing" then turning to Legs ... "I prefer your plan ... it's feels right to me ... I' ll do it ... together" then acidly adding towards Nightshade "waste of a stroke on that poor tree ... better control yourself !"

Who Needs Jerry Springer? (DM Dave) 
Wednesday February 23rd, 2000 6:55:17 AM

The group from Adorus continues to hash out the direction it will take.

Wednesday February 23rd, 2000 7:09:47 AM

Getting more nervous at what he perceives as a growing fight, Catcher says, "Hold it. Everyone, take a few minutes and breath. We've got to remember one thing: We've known each other all our lives, and whatever we do, we stick together. We can fight over whatever, but in the end, we can't forget each other. Ari, I tend to agree that it's an all or nothing proposition. Maybe I'm just not creative enough to think of how to explain why only some of us showed up for the Ceremony. Nightshade's testing of Singer sounds like a possibility, but from what I've heard from the other rangers, things are so tense, the Lords will not allow us 2 or 3 days. They mean to see our Joining through tonight, regardless of what our excuse. I think the best that can be done is for Nightshade to go and retrieve Singer, assuming he doesn't want the Joining, and tell Lord Agor she intends to interrogate him for a few hours, just to make sure that Singer meets her standards. That should give us enough time to gather our belongings, grab horses and head out. It means we'll be pursued, be with most of the castle staff gone, it shouldn't be too bad." Turning to Ari, Catcher says, "I really don't know what to say about your plan. Maybe you have ideas that would help us understand your decision to Join. My thought is this: If you still retain free-will after the ceremony, what is the point if only you and one or two others Join? We still would be traceable by Ga'al's servants through you, even if you remained on our side. The thought of us all being Joined, and working secretly as Nobles, is appealing, but I think our holy warriors already have made their ethical decision in this area. We started together, and we stick together." Catcher stands back, hoping everything comes to a peaceful conclusion.

Wednesday February 23rd, 2000 11:21:59 AM

"Most of the information we have about the joining is from Ozy. And as far as I can tell, he did not know a single lick about the Noble joining. What I had in mind was more of, those that did join, could ask to chase down those that didn't show up. (eyeing everyone around). There are times when I do not want to go outside when it is raining. But I have learned, that sometimes you have to do the things you don't like."

Wednesday February 23rd, 2000 7:43:36 PM

Looking wide-eyed at her companions as they try to decide what they should do, Wynd stops turns and faces the rest and simply says, "It is still called a joining. Why should we assume just because nobles are not heart seed joined that they are still not controlled by G'aal. If you hadn't notice there don't sem to be any non-fanatically loyal G'aalian nobles. Do you think that is an accident? If you do believe it, then you deserve to be joined. I for one will have nothing to do with any kind of Joining whether symbolic or not. We made that decision and vow when Skippy died and I for one intend to keep it." When Wynd stops speaking she goes and stands next to N'shade.

Tag Along 
Thursday February 24th, 2000 2:32:46 AM

"I will not be controlled, my mind is my own mind, i will not allow some freaking plant to control me. It is time we leave, and figure out how. If you are all uncomfortable with faking the ceremony let us quickly gather are things now and leave this place. With the rangers, and the partial druid helping guide us we can escape easily. I have spells to get us out and even a way to get us supplies for the journey. Just let us decide and then it will be back to us. And perhaps with are training we can help free are people.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday February 24th, 2000 2:32:47 AM

"well then .. it sounds like 'Legs' plan is still the best, that is unless we just cut & run, leaving Singer behind. So I'll repeat myself ... lets go with Legs' is plan"

Thursday February 24th, 2000 2:32:48 AM

Nightshade is calmer now, she regards Bull dog and says. "Bulldog I did inform you when I was asked what the ring said at the begining of our meeting, and no stroke is wasted as long as it serves a purpose, the purpose of that was to calm and center me, it worked. Now I agree that the 'we dont wish to be joined' ploy won't work. They want us joined and they will have it. So what now."

Legs / aka Alegsor of Ayler 
Thursday February 24th, 2000 2:32:49 AM

"Nightshade," Legs begins, using a name he has rarely used since coming to the castle, "how do you know there is no appeal? Let us try this. I say that, despite the silence, that the Good God, with whom Skippy dwells, has not forgotten us. That we are yet under protection. We have the approval of our mentors and of Lord Agor. And we have the best interests of Aisildur at heart. I likely won't tell this to them, but you know we desire truth and freedom for our people. And we won't leave Singer behind. Let me state our appeal and purpose to those under whose charge we have been. Bella," he continues, using the name more frequently upon his lips during the time of training under Lord Alonz, "none of us will join," Legs says, looking at Ari. "Catcher's concern is valid. But let us go to the temple, and declare that we all believe that this is not the time for this ceremony. Offer to still go to the borders to fight monsters. Tell them, tell him, that our hearts are eager to serve our people and our country, and our hearts are eager to serve our god." His voice drops. "We won't mention that we don't necessarily serve the same one." Legs concludes, "But that, while we value the wisdom of our elders, mentors, and rulers, we believe that the special purpose that Lord Agor discerned lies ahead of us will best be served if we do not take the Joining at this time. We will go and fight monsters. If they accept this, then we go. If they insist, tell them that we will not, and will rather die, than join tonight. Tell them that we believe a new thing is to be done through us. And we will serve Aisildur in ways that will bring sorrow to the true enemies of our people and joy to our people's true friends." Legs pauses. "Singer is quick. Perhaps he'll add something to persuade them to heed us." Then he falls silent.

Legs / aka Alegsor of Ayler 
Thursday February 24th, 2000 2:32:50 AM

And, in his silence, he breathes a prayer to the Good God for confusion to the enemy of the souls of his people, and for clarity of thought for himself and his friends.

Thursday February 24th, 2000 3:44:35 AM

"Lets just choose something and get going. I'm tired of this"

Thursday February 24th, 2000 5:35:39 PM

Catcher, who was starting to pull Tags to one side, stops, looking at everyone. Apparently satisfied with something, he says, "I don't think they'll agree to let us pull border duty, as a group, until we're adults. Lord Agor seemed pretty adament about that when...oh, that's right, you weren't there for the first meeting." Catcher looks away for a moment, and some of the blood leaves his face. He speaks softly, "I didn't know what to think when Aexosaur pulled me into that meeting with Lord Agor, before you all arrived. Lord Agor didn't let on -- he keeps a cool face -- but there is some suspicion among some of the staff. I'm not sure who they are. But whoever it was, the stipulation came down that we were to be joined before going off again. It was explained to me that there is still fear about what happened to us on our way here, and the only good way to help prevent future occurances is to draw us into the fold sooner than usual." Catcher turns back to face his friends, "I really think whoever is against us will show their faces if we go and turn down the ceremony. It will be dangerous, and I truly believe death for some of us lies down that path. I really would rather make a run for it...at least I fight better out in the open, but inside that temple..." Catcher shudders.

Final Decisions (DM Dave) 
Thursday February 24th, 2000 5:36:54 PM

The group begins concluding the discussion.

Thursday February 24th, 2000 9:51:38 PM

"I say agiain ther is no choice in the joining. If we refuse they will want to know what is wrong with us. I will choose death first."

Legs / aka Alegsor of Ayler 
Friday February 25th, 2000 2:00:27 PM

"That information changes my mind, Catcher." says Legs. "Let Nightshade see if they will let Singer come out for questioning, and we'll fly as we are able. My things are already gathered, as we have been discussing leaving. I'll see what I can do about getting some horses. Anyone else want to help? If anyone asks, they're so that we can leave after we leave the temple, so all should be ready." He turns to Wynd and asks her, "Can you prepare a few obstacles for those who might pursue us?"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday February 25th, 2000 2:18:43 PM

"I'll go help ya with getting some horses 'Legs' ..... I need a few other things before I am ready. .. Need Asbury too !" (ooc a few javalins, and a hvy crossbow with some quarrels will do the trick for patrol duty, not to mention some food supplies)

Friday February 25th, 2000 9:20:27 PM

Drumming his fingers on his sword hilt, Catcher speaks with a sound of decisiveness, "Some of the better horses are over at the Treehouse, here in the woods. We'll use those for our escape. Wynd, you're the one who always did well with the herbs...could you administer some to the other horses in the castle, making them sick, or cramped, or something, to slow down pursuit?" Turning to Ari, Catcher says, "You said you have maps and stashes already set up. Sounds to me like you've been more foresighted than the rest of us. We'll use that to help us get out without arousing suspicion. I know a few places on the Adow that are best for fording the river, so we can avoid the guarded bridge. I think we should take extra horses, then I'll use them to create a false trail, once we hit the wilderness." Finally, Catcher faces Nightshade, "I have to be forthright with you: I'm not particularly comfortable with all this religion stuff, and I'm glad you've got your faith sharpened to a sword's edge, rather than in a swath of robes. It's a big risk, but I think your going alone to the temple is the best chance of getting Singer out of there. May your god protect you."

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