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The Escape (Module 5-1) Part II
A Time of Training

Well-Heeled (DM) 
Monday December 27th, 1999 9:24:45 PM

At the call of the horseman, the great dogs immediately leave off from their ferocious assault, and trot back over to the edge of the clearing near the riders. The one who voiced the call now raises his voice again, "Hail and ill-met! I beg pardon for the injury! Please, let us approach to tend the wounded!" The four remain at the edge of the clearing, awaiting your response. All seem to be hearty and well-skilled with armor and weapon, but have something of a civilized air about them, rather than the feel of woodsmen. The speaker has light-brown hair and light-blue eyes, and armored in some type of linking-metal bands. A great axe is strapped to his saddle. The other three are likewise heavily armored, each carrying an assortment of weaponry, much of which you've never seen before. And the horses -- what magnificient creatures! Each is far taller, and more muscled than any draft horse you've laid eyes on! Each horse is of a different color or breed: A red-brown one, a black one, a white one, and a dark brown one each seem to look at you with more intelligence than you thought possible in such a creature.

Monday December 27th, 1999 10:38:00 PM

As soon as she finishes throwing the rocks, Wynd thinks to herself,What am I doing? And just as quickly reaches down and grabs her sling and several stones. As she does so the riders come up and call of their dogs and offer healing to the injured. As she waits for Catcher or Nightshade to make answer to the newcomers, Wynd has time to wonder why none of her snares seemd to work this time around.

Monday December 27th, 1999 10:38:01 PM

Calling from behind concealment, "And why should we trust those who attack children?". As soon as he stops talking, if it can be done, Ari will move to a new position, about 10-20 feet away, keeping anything he can use as an obstruction between him and the riders.

Legs  d20=8
Monday December 27th, 1999 11:17:00 PM

Legs descends from the tree. He runs over to Bulldog, Asbury and Nightshade. He sees Nightshade appears pale, but unharmed. His face in turn goes pale as he sees the blood coating his stout friend and the dog. He turns, holding his rod diagonally in front of him. "Which one of you knows healing? One may come. On foot. There are archers hidden." Legs tries to remember if there are archers or only one archer, but decides he'll correct himself later if necessary.

Tag Along 
Tuesday December 28th, 1999 3:15:23 AM

"Who are you." says a voice from the shadows of the trees. "And why do you set your hounds on teenage boys and girls. Those monsters have better things to hunt i bet." he says in a scared voice looking down at bulldog bleeding and dragging himself upon the ground. Fear keeps the young boy in the tree as the well armed and armored men represent authority and the threat of ga'al that drives Tag to think quickly of the screams of agony he heard aboard the ship that fateless night.

Tuesday December 28th, 1999 3:15:24 AM

Singer stays where he is, now watching to see what happens next. He keeps his net ready.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday December 28th, 1999 5:58:59 AM

Kneeling down over Asbury, Bulldog checks for his friends breath. it comes in shallow heaves, weak from the wounds of the giant hounds. He stands and plants himself next to Legs as the ranger calls for a healer to come forward. Bulldogs' expressesion flows between fury and confusion. Handaxe still grasped firmly, blood dripping down his leg from his own wound. Pointing towards the grim horseman "you owe a debt for you mistake ...... my friends' life ...... will ...... be ..... " his voice cracks from anger, unable to finish.

Catcher  d20=4 d20=13 d6=4
Tuesday December 28th, 1999 6:13:59 AM

Torn by indecision, Catcher thankfully sits back, with another arrow drawn and trained on the riders. He waits to see what happens, and shoots at a dog if another attack occurs (hit AC 7 on 2nd shot).

Alif (DM) 
Tuesday December 28th, 1999 6:23:59 AM

The hindmost individual quickly dismounts from his steed and strides over to the small gathering around Asbury. A tall, lean man, robed in some type of light multi-colored cloth, this person casts aside a long pole with a curved blade on the end, and says, "My name is Alif. As Apeas has said, the harm was unintended. We were hunting a fell beast that has been rampaging these woods...quickly now, let me see your dog." Acting as if assent were given, Alif steps forward and kneels next to Asbury. He lays his hands on the rents in the skin, and a pale blue light seems to shine forth. Before your eyes, the gaping holes and blood disappear, and in seconds, Asbury is back on his feet, full of energy.

Apeas & Company (DM)  d12=7
Tuesday December 28th, 1999 6:30:59 AM

During the proceedings, the other three remain at the edge of the clearing. As the minstrations end, Apeas (the apparent leader) speaks up, "What has happened to your protectors?"

Tuesday December 28th, 1999 6:52:59 PM

"What sort of fell beast? Is it large? What does it look like? What do you call it? What does it do? How long have you been hunting it? When did you last see it?" Legs pauses for a breath, then comments, "Those are the most beautiful horses I've ever seen."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday December 28th, 1999 10:58:46 PM

Kneeling down over Asbury, Bulldog checks for his friends breath. it comes in shallow heaves, weak from the wounds of the giant hounds. He stands and plants himself next to Legs as the ranger calls for a healer to come forward. Bulldogs' expressesion flows between fury and confusion. Handaxe still grasped firmly, blood dripping down his leg from his own wound. Pointing towards the grim horseman "you owe a debt for you mistake ...... my friends' life ...... will ...... be ..... " his voice cracks from anger, unable to finish.

Catcher  d20=4 d20=13 d6=4
Tuesday December 28th, 1999 11:14:15 PM

Torn by indecision, Catcher thankfully sits back, with another arrow drawn and trained on the riders. He waits to see what happens, and shoots at a dog if another attack occurs (hit AC 7 on 2nd shot).

Alif (DM) 
Tuesday December 28th, 1999 11:24:40 PM

The hindmost individual quickly dismounts from his steed and strides over to the small gathering around Asbury. A tall, lean man, robed in some type of light multi-colored cloth, this person casts aside a long pole with a curved blade on the end, and says, "My name is Alif. As Apeas has said, the harm was unintended. We were hunting a fell beast that has been rampaging these woods...quickly now, let me see your dog." Acting as if assent were given, Alif steps forward and kneels next to Asbury. He lays his hands on the rents in the skin, and a pale blue light seems to shine forth. Before your eyes, the gaping holes and blood disappear, and in seconds, Asbury is back on his feet, full of energy.

Apeas & Company (DM)  d12=7
Tuesday December 28th, 1999 11:31:36 PM

During the proceedings, the other three remain at the edge of the clearing. As the minstrations end, Apeas (the apparent leader) speaks up, "What has happened to your protectors?"

Wednesday December 29th, 1999 5:28:59 AM

Watching the encounter, Catcher wishes he could say something, but decides to keep hidden, with bow drawn, for now.

Wednesday December 29th, 1999 6:48:59 AM

"Some of our protectors are hidden," Singer says as he emerges at the edge of the clearing, waving vaguely back towards the woods. "We must go to meet up with others. Other than what I told you now, we are instructed not to discuss this matter with strangers. Thank you for healing the dog. Can you also help his master?" and the boy points to Bulldog. "Then we must go."

Wednesday December 29th, 1999 11:53:51 AM

"What sort of fell beast? Is it large? What does it look like? What do you call it? What does it do? How long have you been hunting it? When did you last see it?" Legs pauses for a breath, then comments, "Those are the most beautiful horses I've ever seen."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday December 29th, 1999 7:49:59 PM

eyes light up, as Asbury jumps up and bounces about. "good boy ... come here" hugs his furry friend. "thank you ... thank you" otherwise ignores that last question.

Wednesday December 29th, 1999 10:29:39 PM

Watching the encounter, Catcher wishes he could say something, but decides to keep hidden, with bow drawn, for now.

Wednesday December 29th, 1999 11:45:39 PM

"Some of our protectors are hidden," Singer says as he emerges at the edge of the clearing, waving vaguely back towards the woods. "We must go to meet up with others. Other than what I told you now, we are instructed not to discuss this matter with strangers. Thank you for healing the dog. Can you also help his master?" and the boy points to Bulldog. "Then we must go."

Thursday December 30th, 1999 7:46:59 AM

Holds his position.

Tag Along 
Thursday December 30th, 1999 8:37:59 AM

"Um there was a shipwreck in the storm and we where told to stay below in the crates. Well they saved are lives. We all used the crates to swim to shore and most of the stuff we had was are protectors stuff. It washed up on shore i dont know what happened to them." he says from the tree starting to shed a fake tear, but looking very convincing in doing so,

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday December 30th, 1999 12:48:53 PM

eyes light up, as Asbury jumps up and bounces about. "good boy ... come here" hugs his furry friend. "thank you ... thank you" otherwise ignores that last question.

Alif (DM) 
Thursday December 30th, 1999 2:03:59 PM

Standing up from healing Asbury, Alif pulls a brilliant clear stone, hanging from a chain, from beneath his robes. He quickly turns in a circle, then puts it back, and nods to Apeas, making some type of hand signs. He momentarily ignores the request to heal Bulldog.

Thursday December 30th, 1999 2:08:59 PM

Looking around the glade, almost as if he can see everyone where they hide, Apeas says, "Come now, we must leave. We are safe for the moment, but the Hydra may overtake us if we do not move quickly. Do you still have your house symbols?"

Thursday December 30th, 1999 8:25:00 PM

Holds his position.

Legs / 'Allsor' / 'Alegsor' 
Friday December 31st, 1999 12:17:59 AM

"I do not have a house symbol," Legs answers. "And, thank you, we may go with you briefly, because of the - hydra? We will help you fight it," he says, swinging his rod in a sweeping arc to demonstrate his willingness to join them in combat against such a beast, whatever it is. "Call me Alegsor."

Tag Along 
Friday December 31st, 1999 4:35:25 AM

"Um there was a shipwreck in the storm and we where told to stay below in the crates. Well they saved are lives. We all used the crates to swim to shore and most of the stuff we had was are protectors stuff. It washed up on shore i dont know what happened to them." he says from the tree starting to shed a fake tear, but looking very convincing in doing so,

Catcher  d20=19 d20=13
Friday December 31st, 1999 4:47:59 AM

Sensing that he has been spotted, Catcher drops from his hiding place and says, "I lost my house symbol, as well, in the storm. As it was, we only just escaped drowning. It is good fortune that you found us before the Hydra did."

Alif (DM) 
Friday December 31st, 1999 7:04:36 AM

Standing up from healing Asbury, Alif pulls a brilliant clear stone, hanging from a chain, from beneath his robes. He quickly turns in a circle, then puts it back, and nods to Apeas, making some type of hand signs. He momentarily ignores the request to heal Bulldog.

Friday December 31st, 1999 7:09:05 AM

Looking around the glade, almost as if he can see everyone where they hide, Apeas says, "Come now, we must leave. We are safe for the moment, but the Hydra may overtake us if we do not move quickly. Do you still have your house symbols?"

Legs / 'Allsor' / 'Alegsor' 
Friday December 31st, 1999 5:18:25 PM

"I do not have a house symbol," Legs answers. "And, thank you, we may go with you briefly, because of the - hydra? We will help you fight it," he says, swinging his rod in a sweeping arc to demonstrate his willingness to join them in combat against such a beast, whatever it is. "Call me Alegsor."

Catcher  d20=19 d20=13
Friday December 31st, 1999 9:48:19 PM

Sensing that he has been spotted, Catcher drops from his hiding place and says, "I lost my house symbol, as well, in the storm. As it was, we only just escaped drowning. It is good fortune that you found us before the Hydra did."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Saturday January 1st, 2000 2:08:46 AM

" as my friends have likewise said ... we lost nearly everything during the storm ...." looks over the mighty armored horseman, awed by the presence. "you protection from the hydra is welcomed ... let us make haste then" turns to make sure all are well and present. "come all lets go" quickly checks his belongings and follows. As he passes Nightshades he whispers " dangeruos to stand in front of you .. it is ..." and moves on. "asbury heel here ..."

Saturday January 1st, 2000 12:30:37 PM

Still wary and not saying a word Wynd lowers but doesnot unload her sling as she comes back into where the rest of the group is. She sidles up to where Nightshade is and softly whispers "I dont trust these guys." She then goes quiet again and keeps a wary eye on all the newcomers.

Tag Along 
Sunday January 2nd, 2000 2:48:09 AM

::from above looks down for the vine of GA'al and whether that was a holy symbol of g'al he used:: "Whats a hydra?'

Apeas (DM)  d20=8
Sunday January 2nd, 2000 9:31:42 PM

Responding to 'Alegsor', Apeas says, "You are but children, and even the four of us (indicating the horsemen) will be hard-pressed in the battle to come." Turning to Tag, Apeas says, "This creature is a huge, multi-headed monster that fires various types of destruction from each of its mouths. It has laid waste to several outlying farms, but we will stay the hunt for now...Lord Agor would be wroth if we were to endanger you on our quest. With Ga'al's blessing we will reach sanctuary of the castle er nightfall."

Alif (DM)  d20=8 d8=6
Sunday January 2nd, 2000 9:34:19 PM

Going over to Bulldog, Alif quickly places his hands on the wounded thigh, and a warm glowing sensation if felt as the blue light once again heals (6 points cured). Tag, looking at Alif, does not immediately spot any obvious signs of Ga'al.

Introductions (DM)  d20=8 d8=6
Sunday January 2nd, 2000 9:36:11 PM

Apeas indicates that everyone should get moving, and begins leading the group westward. You soon learn the names of the two remaining horsemen: Aplenti and Ahealf.

Legs / 'Allsor' / 'Alegsor' 
Monday January 3rd, 2000 6:08:38 PM

Legs / 'Allsor' / 'Alegsor' "Do you think we could not help?" Legs asks Apeas. "If it is as terrible a monster as you say, wouldn't it help you if there were more people to attack it? Maybe you could attack it from the front and sides, and we could get behind it," Legs suggests. "What if it attacks somebody else in the time it took for you to take us to the castle? Would Lord Agor be wroth if we helped you to stop the monster?"

Monday January 3rd, 2000 8:48:20 PM

quckly, quietly, and looking slightly nervous, Ari joins the group.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday January 3rd, 2000 11:46:39 PM

'What kind of mess are we in now. Hope that hydra thing shows up so we can get lost in the confusion.' Bulldog thinks to himself as he looks about his friends. Making deliberate steps as he follows the riders.

Tuesday January 4th, 2000 5:42:47 PM

Nightshade moves next to Bulldog and squeezes his hand, he sees the same thoughts and worries in her face.

Tuesday January 4th, 2000 7:00:36 PM

Slowly joins the group but drags along in the back behind the riders and such, in the hopes of slowly being left behind or able to slip away.

Catcher  d20=14
Tuesday January 4th, 2000 9:55:20 PM

Speaking to Apeas, Catcher says, "It has been some time since we received news from the castle, how is our Lord doing?" Catcher looks around and sees the uneasiness of his friends, but is at a loss on how to get out of the situation.

Apeas (DM) 
Tuesday January 4th, 2000 10:01:16 PM

"Our Lord is doing very well, indeed! Were it not for the creature we hunt, I would only have but glad tidings to share with thee. Truth be told, He was distraught of late by your delayed arrival, and the celebrations have been delayed now for a fortnight. He will be most anxious to hear of thine travels..."

Over the Hills and Through the Woods (DM)  d20=11 d20=4
Tuesday January 4th, 2000 10:04:21 PM

It seems that the four horsemen are determined to keep you 'safe'...Apeas rides in lead, with the other three ranged in a box-like formation around you, moving at a leisurely pace, and making frequent stops for you to rest. It is now early afternoon.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday January 4th, 2000 10:30:09 PM

acknowledegs Nightshades shared feelings with a slow nod. then retorically replies to Apeas "Delayed arrival ? ..... he has been waiting for us ? .... what is that celebration for again ? ... our arrival ... but I never ...." seeming somewhat off kilter by the mighty warriors remarks.

Tag Along 
Wednesday January 5th, 2000 3:31:38 AM

::scared at the talk of mnultplehead monsters forgets teh threat that being hurded by men of ga'al presents. "I dont want to be lunch." he mumbles as he follows

Wednesday January 5th, 2000 3:50:52 PM

Along the way, Singer asks Apeas, "What is the best way to fight a hydra?" He also asks Aplenti, Ahealf and Alif their views.

Wednesday January 5th, 2000 3:57:48 PM

A bit later, he remarks to Ahealf, "I was not originally with the others," as he indicates the rest of the children. "And just met them a day or so ago, and, due to extraordinary circumstances, we never got around to talking about Lord Agor. What can you tell me of him and of their relationship to him?"

Wednesday January 5th, 2000 6:15:27 PM

Nighshade twists her ring around backwards as well as she can with out being seen, she does not wish for it to be noticed. She then says a silent prayer that her friends please stop talking so much to people they don't know and can't trust.

Wednesday January 5th, 2000 8:03:31 PM

Wynd will continue trying to get to an edge of the group or fall behind a bit, by stumbling and or tripping or just br trying to quietly slip away while some one is distracted.

Wednesday January 5th, 2000 10:14:17 PM

Catcher makes it a point to make the rest stops last as long as possible, hoping to delay the arrival to the castle. He tells the horsemen, "We're all really worn out from that storm...I don't know how many days we lost because of it."

Apeas (DM Dave) 
Wednesday January 5th, 2000 10:31:00 PM

Apeas stops and looks strangely at Bulldog, "Art thou well? What is thy family’s name?"

Aplenti (DM Dave) 
Wednesday January 5th, 2000 10:31:58 PM

Aplenti answers Singer, "We’ve never fought one before. We consulted Anselm, the royal sage, and the best advice was ‘get as close to it as you can, to prevent it from using all of it’s formidable powers on you’. However, get too close, and it could easily crush us. Anslem also mentioned something about searing the necks once we had chopped off its heads."

Ahealf (DM Dave) 
Wednesday January 5th, 2000 10:32:52 PM

Ahealf replies to Singer, "Which house are you from? How is it that you met your companions?"

Rest Stop (DM Dave)  d20=4
Wednesday January 5th, 2000 10:33:33 PM

At one of the many breaks, everyone notices Wynd’s absence. Immediately, Alif disappears back down the way you have traveled, with a very worried look etched across his face.

Thursday January 6th, 2000 3:36:12 PM

Singer asks Aplenti, "What does 'searing the necks' mean?" And in response to Ahealf's question in response to his question, he says, "I am from the Piscine house. We met on a path near the water." Noting the familiar form of address, and having occasionally heard people passing through his town use it, Singer slips into it. "Now that I've answered thy two questions, wilt thou answer the one I already asked of thee, sir?"

Thursday January 6th, 2000 6:15:39 PM

Having managed to fall behind and get out on her own, Wynd pulls her grey hooded cloak around her so to more easily blend with the shadows and trails the party staying just far enough off the trail and to the side as to not be easily seen. As she tracks she thinks aboutwhat has happened and is happening and tries to remember all that was told to them by Ozy and the dock worker about who to trust and where to go. She remembers that they are supposed to head west and cross the Adow river and head north of Akadem where the two rivers fork and then something about shadow mountain. each time she senses anything moving she huddles down and tries to look as much like a grey rock as she possibly can, even to the point of thinking I am a rock I am a rock I am a rock.

Thursday January 6th, 2000 8:48:09 PM

Nightshade continues to bite her bottom lip and worry.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday January 6th, 2000 8:48:10 PM

"I feel a bit dizzy .... I just can't remember everything ...." replies to Apeas "I just recall ... lots and lots of ... water." leaning some weight onto Nightshade as he stops to see what Alif is off to. As Asbury looks up to his master with a concerned expression :)

Thursday January 6th, 2000 8:58:11 PM

At Apeas' question, Catcher quickly says, "My friend only recently recovered from a fever that held him in its grip for three days...he is getting better, but we should really take it easy...that storm didn't help."

Legs / 'Allsor' / 'Alegsor' 
Friday January 7th, 2000 4:54:36 PM

He admires the horses, and thinks how wonderful it would be to be able to ride such a formidable creature. "Tell me of your horses. What kind are they? What do they like to eat?" Yet despite his genuine interest in the horses, and his appreciation for the apparent competence of their escort, Legs is wondering what they are walking into. Would it be better to try to get away now? If so, how? It would be quite difficult with the dogs, the men on horses. He prays for Wynd's safety, but really can't figure out what to do.

Friday January 7th, 2000 10:30:14 PM

Ahealf looks strangely at Singer, saying, "How is it that you know not of Lord Agor? His lands stretch to the shores of Blackbird Lake – your family pays homage to his court yearly, no doubt? You say you’re of the Piscine House?" Turning to Aplenti, he says, "I do not recognize that name…is that one of the lessor nobles?"

Friday January 7th, 2000 10:31:21 PM

Aplenti, looking back thoughtfully, says, "Hmmmm, I don’t know that name." Absently, he responds to Singer’s earlier question, "’Searing’ means to burn the stump, cauterizing it." His gaze becomes more focused as he says, "Obviously, your House tutor must be replaced for failing to instruct you properly. I will ensure that the same can not be said about your education at the castle!"

Friday January 7th, 2000 10:31:58 PM

With uncanny ability, Wynd quickly finds herself ‘discovered’ by Alif, who unerringly locates her a short time after leaving the others. Relief is apparent in his demeanor, "Are you well? Quickly, we must rejoin the others...these woods are not as tame as the areas near your hometown."

Friday January 7th, 2000 10:32:56 PM

Apeas, with apparent pride, quickly says to ‘Alegsor’, "It would be good to stretch my legs – you may ride my stead for a while. His name is ‘Acorn’, and a fine companion he has been to me in the last three years! My father paid a handsome fine for the stud privileges of Acorn’s father – Aslive." From the way this is said, it’s obvious that Apeas expects each of your to recognize Aslive’s name. Apeas starts to say more, but instead orders Aplenti to turn over his horse for Bulldog to use, saying, "I did not realize you were ill. Here, you will ride Asoril the rest of the way."

Saturday January 8th, 2000 3:14:55 AM

Singer says, "No, no, my master never - that I can recall, mentioned your Lord. Is it from all the shores of Blackbird Lake that Lord Agor collects tribute - or just the western shores? My master did not involve himself in much, except to make sure that I kept the nets mended, and that his boats caught fish, and that his men kept their eyes from his daughter. 'She'll do better than you riff-raff, I'll wager!' he always says. And in fact, his fishing was not on Blackbird Lake at all." Singer gets a far away look in his eyes. "Sometimes she was the only one who was really nice to me. And her voice..." He stares off into the distance for a minute, then shakes his head. He laughs, "She is almost seventeen, and still not married, though many regret she's not theirs. I'm older than eleven and a half, myself. How old are you?" he asks Ahealf.

Sunday January 9th, 2000 1:42:31 PM

Looking a bit disgusted with herself and wondering just went wrong that she was found so easily, she merely grunts that she is fine, just tired and slowly starts going back with him toward the others.

Sunday January 9th, 2000 11:11:11 PM

Nightshade helps Bulldog up on the horse and then calls Ashbury to heel, if he will for her. "You look worse dear brother, almost as if you are going to fall over. I hope we dont have to camp out her in the woods and dark until you get better." She walks along beside the horse comenting upon her worries for bulldog.

Monday January 10th, 2000 11:33:41 AM

"We may have to stop and tend to his condition (nodding towards Bulldog)"

Legs / 'Allsor' / 'Alegsor'  d20=9 d20=12
Monday January 10th, 2000 11:50:21 AM

"Aslive?" Legs asks. "Well, Acorn," the boy says to the horse he has been invited to ride, "I hear you have a good papa." He has watched how the men mounted their horses, so he tries to imitate them, putting his left foot in the stirrup, then pushing off with his right. He manages not to embarrass himself too much when mounting, but is not quite sure what to do once on the horse. He watches what the other riders do ... but this is his first time on a horse.

Monday January 10th, 2000 5:39:15 PM

Nightshade waits.

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=5
Monday January 10th, 2000 5:39:16 PM

With Nightshades help Bulldog mounts the horse. (made dex, surprisingly)"thanks Night .." Not knowing how to ride .. he looks a bit awkward, but tries to pass it of as the reason being that he is a little dizzy. Asbury falls into line behind nightshades without complaint. "I think I'll be alright ." as he nods to his friends. Trying to conceal his excitement of being on a horse for the first time .... his heart races .....

Monday January 10th, 2000 7:17:52 PM

Catcher watches enviously as his friends mount the horses, but is relieved all the same not to have to sit on one himself. He's sure he'd flub it up -- probably falling off.

Apeas (DM) 
Monday January 10th, 2000 7:27:26 PM

Apeas, watching the two mount, comments, "Need some training on horsemanship, methinks." Seeing Alif and Wynd arriving in the glade, his relief is apparent, and he asks why Wynd fell behind.

Alif (DM) 
Monday January 10th, 2000 7:28:04 PM

Alif responds, "I think she sat down for a break, and we didn’t see her – she was in some tall grass on the other side of that hillock." Alif motions over his shoulder.

Ahealf (DM) 
Monday January 10th, 2000 7:29:09 PM

Ahealf, with a look of surprise, says to Singer, "Oh, you’re a commoner. I’d supposed you were of noble lineage as are your companions. No, Lord Agor only draws tribute from the western shores of the Lake. I see now why you did not recognize him. How exactly is it that you came to find yourself in the company of such notables?"

Aplenti (DM) 
Monday January 10th, 2000 7:29:40 PM

Aplenti, looking over at BullDog, says, "He should be well enough now that he is on Asoril….and the healers at the castle will perhaps speed his recovery.

Woodland Travels (DM) 
Monday January 10th, 2000 7:30:11 PM

The group continues heading toward the castle.

Tuesday January 11th, 2000 6:16:52 AM

Singer looks surprised when Ahealf informs him of his companions noble lineage. "They are nobility? Yet they have been so kind to me." Then he blushes, realizing how that sounds. "I mean, well, um, that didn't come out very well." Singer thinks for a moment. "I was in the woods. There were wolves. And my new friends here fought them well, and defeated them. I asked if I could go with them, and they said yes."

Tuesday January 11th, 2000 3:27:51 PM

Turning to Singer, Catcher says, "It isn't always safe letting others know about a noble background, especially when your escort has been waylaid, leaving you vulnerable." Turning to the horsemen, he says, "This one has proven himself well in our travels, and I have a mind to see him appointed in some serving capacity at the castle."

Tuesday January 11th, 2000 7:08:40 PM

Nightshade Follows.

Tuesday January 11th, 2000 7:41:43 PM

Back with the group and ignoring the question, Wynd walks over to where Night shade is and whispers a quiet "sorry I tried" and then listens as the nobilty conversation proceeds.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday January 11th, 2000 8:33:47 PM

Exilirated at riding upon the horse, he is shocked to hear that they are considered nobles. He conceals his joy by saying "this is a little easy, but my head still feels foggy." with a frown and a hand to his forehead. Asbury keeps an eye on the massive hounds as he follows along next to nightshade, occasionally brushing against her for some attention

Tag Along 
Wednesday January 12th, 2000 5:15:05 AM

::quietly records all the stories and remembers the way they travelled to get to the castle all teh while he searches for signs these men are tainted by the stem of ga'al. Being rather smallish in size and stature Tag pretends to be a much younger child then he is.

Wednesday January 12th, 2000 8:00:21 AM

Ari seems deep in thought, though he is paying attention to the conversation.

Legs / 'Allsor' / 'Alegsor'  d20=13
Wednesday January 12th, 2000 12:19:00 PM

Legs concentrates on riding the horse. He's doing so-so.

Wednesday January 12th, 2000 4:36:52 PM

Both BullDog and Legs notice that the riding is extremely easy -- these horses have a way of keeping you well-saddled. It is now later in the day, and as the sun sets, you mount a ridge and catch a spectacular view of the castle, with the light of the red orb streaming behind it. The turrets give it a fairy-tale feel, and it's a moment before you realize that the place is probably more for show and less for defense -- with the Forbidding around the kingdom, a true defense is really not needed here. The four horsemen all appear to be in their late teens or early twenties -- and being nobles, you're certain all have been implanted.

Wednesday January 12th, 2000 7:32:37 PM

Nightshade worries.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday January 12th, 2000 7:32:38 PM

upon cresting the ridge, Buldog reigns in the horse and stops. As he takes in the view his heart hardens as he realizes that they cannot go on to the castle, it most likely meant death by Ga'al's minions. He looks about his friends and enemies wondering if the fight will begin or end here. He checks his weapons preparing for what he must start, but waits a moment, standing his ground, to see if Lemotrex has yet another card to play in this hand. "So here we are ..." as he looks into his friends eyes ... one by one.

Thursday January 13th, 2000 1:30:21 AM

"Could we stop and have some time to ourselves. I would like to have some time to enjoy this sight"

Catcher  d20=19
Thursday January 13th, 2000 7:49:22 AM

Unable to tear his gaze from the view, Catcher says, "How many days late are we? I've lost track, with all the tragedies and all."

Legs / 'Allsor' / 'Alegsor'  d20=4
Thursday January 13th, 2000 11:42:42 AM

Legs tries to move Acorn adjacent to Bulldog on the horse Asoril, and does so, to his surprise. Legs, seeing the set of Bulldog's countenance, returns his glance, with a narrowing of his eyes and an imperceptible negating shake of his head, and says, "It'll be good to see the castle, friend. Let's see what it's like inside."

Apeas (DM Dave) 
Thursday January 13th, 2000 2:14:34 PM

Apeas reaches up and gives BullDog a hearty slap on the shoulder, ending with a firm grip to make sure he doesn’t slip off the horse, "That is home for the next two years of your training before the Joining. Then it’s back to take on your mantle of leadership... or perhaps, you will decide to stay here in Lord Agor’s service, as we have?" Apeas looks at Bulldog with a twinkle in his eye.

Alif (DM Dave) 
Thursday January 13th, 2000 2:15:23 PM

Alif pulls a smooth white wooden rod from his cloak, and facing the castle, concentrates for a moment. Turning to the others, he says, "I’ve informed the castle of our arrival."

Aplenti (DM Dave) 
Thursday January 13th, 2000 2:16:48 PM

Aplenti, hearing Catcher, responds, "Aye, it has been a fortnight since Lord Agor expected your arrival. We have scoured the countryside – it would not be well for the liege lord to advise his subjects that some of their brightest had been waylaid in his territory. It was only three days ago that we found the remains of one of your escorts up on the north side of the Lake, which is strange, since you were coming from the south...but I’m sure you wish to save the telling for his Lordship..."

Ahealf (DM Dave) 
Thursday January 13th, 2000 2:18:11 PM

Ahealf, hearing Ari request, says, "Yes, now is a good time for a break, and you are well-warded by both patrols and the woods themselves at this point. We’ve already passed signs of two patrols, although you did not see them. And this forest will watch and ware, should anything untoward happen." Seeing your surprised looks, he continues, "Not many know of the miracles of the forest in this valley, " he waves his arms to encompass the horizon before you, with the castle in the center, "A dozen nature priests have tended it well since the gift of Ga’al, and now there are trees so huge that it would take four or five of us to completely encircle one! Perhaps you thought Ga’al only dealt with city priests? No, His was first for the concern of the woodlands, which men were ignorantly destroying. Now, with Ga’al’s guidance, all such damage has been undone, and wondrous things are flourishing that have long been destroyed in the pagan lands. Perhaps one or two of you will choose this path?"

Alif (DM Dave) 
Thursday January 13th, 2000 2:20:00 PM

Looking at Ahealf in mock consternation, Alif says, "A mage is selling the virtues of my profession?" Turning to you, he says, "There is time enough for such weighty decisions later. Let’s to the castle and rest for the celebration feast tomorrow."

Apeas (DM Dave) 
Thursday January 13th, 2000 2:21:18 PM

Helping BullDog off the horse, Apeas says, "We’ll be down at the bottom of the hill – make haste once you have drunk your fill of this blessed sunset."

Thursday January 13th, 2000 8:38:28 PM

The tall boy thanks their escort for the chance to enjoy the view. He waits until they are well away before he speaks to his friends.

Thursday January 13th, 2000 10:06:46 PM

Nightshade wraps her arm around Bulldogs leg. "Relax, and enjoy the sunset."

Thursday January 13th, 2000 10:13:56 PM

Keeping close to Nightshade, Wynd shudders when the joining ceremony is mentioned.

Friday January 14th, 2000 4:17:21 AM

Making sure they are well out of earshot, and also realizing that they may have means to eavesdrop (but probably aren't, at least he hopes), Legs asks all how they fare. "We've been through the start of some difficult times," he says. "Now, we face a new choice. I think you'll agree that if we try to get away now, we'll be tracked down and taken with less grace to the castle. Much as I hate to try and hide the truth, I think that's what we may need to do. We don't have much to go on, but what shall our story, or stories, be? We may have the chance to learn much within. If we are not careful or wise, we may be in big trouble very fast." He glances involuntarily in Nightshade's direction, then tries to cover the glance with a cough. "They must think we're about eleven. Some of us might be kinda big for our age -- but that's because we eat noble food!" he smiles. "We need to watch ourselves, and watch our lips. If someone asks you something about your noble past, be careful what you say. Sometimes it's better to say too little. We can have them guess which houses we're from. Make them give us clues - and let's listen well!" He looks around. "Singer - you commoner, you," he smiles. "What you did was great. You can probably get lots of information about whoever we're supposed to be, and help us figure it out." He thinks a moment longer. "Today, and, if we make it past today, this week are going to be the toughest. If we can get that far, and they don't turn against us, then we stand to get some excellent training for say a year or so. At some point - before you know what - we need to go where we're going. But, if we all agree, then let's try this out for a while, and try to fit in. But don't forget our promises. And don't betray each other." He holds out his right palm. The fingers of his left hand he bunches together to a point. The tips of his fingers strike the center of his palm, then the fingers of his left hand move out from the palm's center towards each corresponding finger and the thumb of his right hand. "We are family. I'd like to hear what each of you think, including Skippy," and again he looks in Nightshade's direction, not with the discomfort he showed a minute ago, but rather with a mixture of pain and hope. "If she will tell you what she thinks," he says to Nightshade, the ringbearer. As he is about to let the next person speak, he interjects. "Oh! Who has the stick that the ... that was brought by the boys at the beginning?"

Friday January 14th, 2000 9:15:03 AM

"That's it! The noble food would explain why they think we're the right size. As to that stick, I don't have it, but I did manage to get a piece of heartwood shortly after the lightning strike, but after the ring was gained." Catcher pulls out a very nice piece of wood, which seems to almost glow from within. "I wasn't sure what to do with it...I'd heard legends about magical arrows and what-not, and figured this wood qualified." Catcher pauses a second, "I agree, right now we're 'safe' -- but running gives us away. We need to be here long enough to learn their ways, so we can slip out in the future. What's a 'nature priest'? I'd never heard of that one before, but I might take some training from one, just to learn how to bypass the defenses of their woods." Catcher continues, "I hate to be so mouthy, but listen: We need to find out valid noble houses in the outyling regions that we can believably adopt, and not run across any 'relatives' while we're here...maybe a castle library would help -- I can't read, though. Or maybe our 'servant' can hob-nob with their servants and get some good names for us. Also, we've got to come up with a convincing story for our two-week delay...either Tag or Singer should tell it -- I'm no good at such things. From what they've said, I think we should tell them a storm caught us on the road north, and we went past our turnoff, then we're attacked by fire in the night, killing our escort. Then something about coming down and finding ourselves on the north shore of the Lake, being rescued by a ship carrying Singer. Getting caught in another storm, and being washed up on the west bank. Anyway, I'll shut-up now." Everyone stares a little, as Catcher has rarely uttered more than 3 sentences together in his life.

Sunset Commission (DM Dave) 
Friday January 14th, 2000 9:28:20 AM

Posting Rules Modification: Until Midnight on Monday, the rule of only posting once in a 24-hour period is suspended to facilitate discussion between the characters. The new rule during the interim is: You may post again after two others have posted. Enjoy!

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday January 14th, 2000 6:26:07 PM

Bulldog relaxes a bit after Legs hinted at not attacking the horseman. Comforting Nightshades as they sit, he listens to the others before adding. "They were expecting some nobles ... you would think they already know from what houses ... and may know the names of the missing ... they communicate easily from distances with the help of that rod of theirs it seems ..... but I do agree we do not have much choice. On another point ... what do we know of noble ways .... they will see through us is my fear." as Asbury cuddles into the stocky boy.

Friday January 14th, 2000 8:52:46 PM

"Apeas didn't seem too sore about us not having good riding or language training...they probably look at us as something of country-bumpkins with some square corners to round off. I don't know what to guess about house symbols or names...maybe they have tons of kids come from all over or something." Catcher looks a little worried on that last part.

Saturday January 15th, 2000 6:17:01 AM

But what happens when they discover their error? But I am interested in seeing what we can.

Saturday January 15th, 2000 1:41:59 PM

listening to everyone and then looking around, Wynd says, "i'm more worried what will happen when the kids they think we are show up.....she fades out toward the end

Saturday January 15th, 2000 3:42:03 PM

"I've been wondering about the missing kids, too. I don't know, but I sure don't want to meet up with whatever did them in. Maybe some survived, but knowing city-folk, I bet the remaining ones didn't have woodland survival skills. I don't know...it IS risky to assume their places."

Saturday January 15th, 2000 5:14:15 PM

"We've had a few 'noble' types come to our city before," Singer says. "Some were hoity-toity. Nose up in the air sorts. Some were okay, very polite. And others were mean, kinda nasty to people. If you want to act noble, watch what others do, then be better than them. Hey - look at the magenta in that sunset!"

Sunday January 16th, 2000 2:43:28 AM

"I may be mistaken. For their sake, I hope I am. But the children they mistake us for may be be ... gone," Legs says somberly.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Sunday January 16th, 2000 9:35:57 AM

"For all our sakes .. I hope they are gone ... permanently..." seriously spoken.

Sunday January 16th, 2000 4:41:01 PM

There seem to be a lot of 'coincidences' as to what is going on around us. So far they have been on the positive side for us. I'm also intrigued by what we might learn here.

Monday January 17th, 2000 5:51:52 PM

Legs turns to Bulldog. "You took that 'talking stick' from Lucky, didn't you? Here, can I take a look at it?" Legs waits for Bulldog to respond.

Monday January 17th, 2000 6:41:45 PM

hearing the conversation about the stick, brings her back to her surroundings and she says, "oh, that stick, No, I have it. Whats up?" watching what's going on Wynd asks so have we decided on what story we are going to tell and how we are going to get through this ... Or perhaps we should all ride their horses tomorrow and just run away on them leaving them to walk....

Monday January 17th, 2000 7:17:39 PM

"Those guys are good, really good...I don't think we'd get far at all, and I don't know if I'd ever take one of their horses...no telling what would happen, the way they treat their animals with reverence."

Monday January 17th, 2000 7:34:21 PM

"Oh, okay, Wynd. Could I take a look at the stick, then?"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday January 17th, 2000 7:34:22 PM

Whispering "hey Legs .... you said 'talking stick' ... right ..... like the one they had ....." pointing down the slope at the four horseman.

Tuesday January 18th, 2000 1:05:52 AM

"I'd be happy to try to tell enough story to satisfy, without giving away more than we need to. I think too we would do well to answer questions with questions. Like, they ask, 'What can you tell me about your family back in wherever?' Then you say, 'Well, what have you heard about them already, so I don't have to bore you with what you already know.' That kind of thing. Or, you can say stuff like, "Look we've been through a lot lately, and I don't want to think about all of it, let alone talk about it. Maybe later, okay?" He looks at Tag Along. "Listen to clues from others, too, Tag. I had just got done telling them that we'd been instructed not to talk to strangers, when you go telling them that we've been on a boat. Now, I guess it didn't hurt too much, all said, but be kinda careful what you tell these people." He smiles at Tag Along, "Don't worry, it's worked out fine, I think, so far. I'm just saying, kinda pay closer attention to what the rest of us are doing, so you don't take us too far in a different direction. 'kay?"

Tuesday January 18th, 2000 1:15:00 AM

Legs starts at Bulldog's connection. "Um, now you all think that the stick is from our tree, don't you? And when we were walking away from the boat crash and wolves and stuff you told me that Lucky said the stick told him that we could help them." He looks at the changing colors of the sunset pointed out by Singer, and thinks that they'll probably have to go down pretty soon. "I'd been wondering whether the stick could've been used against the neck spider things to help out Lucky and Three Eyes, but, well, never mind that. My question is, should we try the stick? Is it a good stick or a bad stick? Or should we ask Skippy first? Nightshade, you've been kinda quiet. You wanna ask Skippy for her advice on this, or about our situation in general?"

Tuesday January 18th, 2000 7:43:32 AM

Hands over the stick curious to see whats up.

Starlight, starbright (DM) 
Tuesday January 18th, 2000 9:19:30 AM

At this point, the sun has completely hidden itself behind the hills, and the sky above becomes freckled with pin-pricks of light. Down below the ridge, you hear Apeas calling out to you.

Tuesday January 18th, 2000 9:21:07 AM

Putting away his piece of heartwood in his backpack, Catcher gets ready to head down. "Thanks for the advice on how to answer their questions...I really am not good at that sort of thing."

Tuesday January 18th, 2000 10:59:15 AM

Legs calls out in answer to Apeas, "Okay, coming!" He says in an almost equally loud voice, "All right, everyone, pick up your stuff and let's get going." Then, more quietly, and urgently, he says to Nightshade, "Please, can you try to talk to Skippy about this? And ask her if we should keep the stick from Lucky?"

Tuesday January 18th, 2000 1:16:29 PM

Whispering "I think each of us should get a chance to look at this stick, as we get the chance to do so". THen Ari will get ready to meet Apeas.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday January 18th, 2000 2:03:11 PM

Bulldog stands and staightens himself and stretches abit, before reaaching a hand down to help Nightshades up. "You have been queit of late ... whats bothering you .." Then start down to Apeas. "com'on Asbury .. com'on .. boy" Asbury bounces up and follows quite happliy along. (nice to have so few worries)

Tuesday January 18th, 2000 4:38:42 PM

Nightshade stands and dusts herself off and then quietly so she is not overheard by anyone but her family she says. "I do not have to ask my dead sister what she thinks, her heart is my heart. We have been captured by the enemy, the enemy wishes to teach us, I can see value in that as long as I have been trained first to know right from wrong. This enemy wishes to train us in his ways, in his time, in his ideals. I will not become a slave, I will choose death first. I will not be staying within this jail long." She says motioning to the castle. "It may be a pretty jail, but I see the bars nonetheless. I do not intend to die here. Now that is how I feel, for those of you who need it I will ask my departed sister as well." With that she twists the ring in the failing light and wispers. "dear sister, I know you have been listing and watching. What say you?"

Heading to the House (DM) 
Wednesday January 19th, 2000 6:55:55 AM

From her response, Nightshade appears to receive some response...shortly, the whole group has gathered at the bottom of the hill with the horsemen, who then proceed for the final approach to the castle. It is an hour of travel through woods that seem magical, even in the darkened sky. But weariness has stolen over you, and much of what could have been seen slips by in a numb blur. Finally, the woods end at a clearing several hundred yards across. Before you stand the gates of the castle!

Wednesday January 19th, 2000 7:11:05 PM

Being aware that others are around Nightshade begins to ramble to her friends. "I once had a friend, I called her sister, she was always worring. She told be to becareful and to keep my eyes open. She always felt like I was never safe. She always thought that nothing could be gained that wouldn't cost something. I think I said the same thing once. Anyway she was a silly beautiful girl, she allways said this silly rhyme. It wend The wood is good, the wood is good, if I were a mouse, I'd live in a house cause there the wood is good. Sometimes I miss her alot, she was killed by a monster."

Tag Along 
Thursday January 20th, 2000 2:41:22 AM

"Through the woods we go, to a castle we not know. A run from a beast with many heads. Is better then ending up dead. But to a a gate we ride, with little left but pride. Lets pray for truth that all have not lied. For i for one, dont want a tombstone saying i died." he whispers the ditty as they approach trying to ease a frightened boys fears of the unknown.

Getting to Bed (DM) 
Thursday January 20th, 2000 3:49:17 AM

Light spills forth from the many windows, blending with the welcome torches lit along the lane leading to the open gates. The place seems to be circular in shape – it’s hard to tell, because it is made up of so many towers, big and small, clumped together here and there with short stretches of wall in between. There is a sense of permanence about the place, a sense of timelessness. You are met at the gates by two guards, who announce that living quarters have been prepared. The boys and girls are divided into two groups, each going to a different area of this maze-like place, and eventually ending up in large stone rooms, nicely furnished, with enough room for two people to sleep in each. A young maid servant shows each of you the nearest bathing facilities, and provides instructions on locating the dining hall for the morrow’s breakfast. She stands ready to answer any quick questions before bidding you goodnight.

Thursday January 20th, 2000 5:36:46 PM

Nightshade pulls the covers off the bed, finds a corner of the room and curls up into a ball to weap and the fall into sleep.

Thursday January 20th, 2000 7:08:17 PM

Catcher asks the maid waiting on him, "Yes, I would like to know who are those staying in the rooms nearest us. Which noble houses do they hale from?"

Thursday January 20th, 2000 7:24:57 PM

watching as Nightshade heads to the bed and starts crying, Wynd is unsure of what to do or what to say to the maid standing there as if awaiting orders. Turning toward Nightshade in order to get her thoughts together, Wynd turns and says to the maid, " Do you think that we could have some hot water for bathing brought to our room. I'm afraid that this journey and all the hubbub have terribly upset my dear friend, Also perhaps we could have some tea and our supper in the room as well. Perhaps by morning we shall be presentable enough to be able to meet his Lordship." Sort of ushering the maid out the door Wynd says, "Now, see to it. And don't be all day about it either." then not waiting for an answer, but just expecting to be obeyed, she closes the door. Then turning toward the N'shade and now shaking like a leaf she all but collapses in a pile at the end of the bed.

Thursday January 20th, 2000 9:03:30 PM

"Hello," he says to the young serving maid. "May I ask two questions?" If she says, "Yes," he asks with a smile, "What is your name, and where are you from?"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday January 20th, 2000 9:03:31 PM

Upon entering the sleeping room, Asbury leaps up onto the bed and quickly makes himself comfortable. "you just leave room for me there ,Asbury" with a wry smile and light tone. Tossing his belongings next to the bed , he sits down to take things in. "how about a bite to eat ... that would be nice" to the young servant.

Friday January 21st, 2000 1:59:33 AM

As they were about to enter the castle, Legs thanks Apeas, Ahealf, Alif and Aplenti for escorting them safely through the area, and wishes them good sleep. Then, he prays inwardly to the Good God, "Help them find You, and help us, too." / He takes a bath, and enjoys it. Legs says to his friends - Bulldog, Tag Along, Catcher, Ari, Singer - "Good sleep, brothers, then wits alert." He turns over on his side. And thinks of their travels thus far for a few minutes, then plummeting off to sleep.

Maid about You (DM) 
Friday January 21st, 2000 7:24:14 AM

Singer’s maid responds with a slight curtsy, "One is known as Ariane, from Axcroft, Master." Bulldog’s servant excuses herself and returns in 15 minutes, slightly out-of-breath, with stew and black bread. Wynd and Nightshade’s maid seems startled, and scurries out with a "Yes, my mistress" on her lips. Some twenty minutes pass, and a knock on the door is followed by three young women in servant’s attire coming in with two pails each full of steaming water. They prepare to administer the baths for the two young noble women. Catcher’s maid replies with eyes downcast, "Master, those nearest you are Arton of the Agleburys, Asev of the Angstons, Aliope of the Affords, and Alix of the Asptons."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday January 21st, 2000 9:32:02 AM

waits for the servant to leave, and making sure they are alone, before setting down to eat. Between mouthfuls he speaks softly "I am still worried about 'names'. We know little of who's who in the upper families in these parts. I don't know what I'll say on the morrow ... when asked" (ooc to who is rooming with the big fella)

Friday January 21st, 2000 4:16:31 PM

(ooc sorry for missing days) Ari will also clean and eat and bed down for the night. As lays down to sleep he prays 'Guide us in this troubled of times'. Then he goes to sleep.

Sunday January 23rd, 2000 2:47:35 PM

After the maid leaves. Wynd walks over to nightshade and placing her hand on her shoulder says I had some bath water brought up. Its even hot. You might feel a little better after a bath. now whispering close to Nightshades ear, Wynd continues, I think, no I know we will figure a way out of this mess. Ozy wouldn't have encouraged us if he didnt think we could make it. So that means we will.

Tag Along 
Monday January 24th, 2000 2:14:30 AM

::looks about in stunned shock:: "boy we are being treated good. Almost too good dont you guys think?" says the small frightened boy that often just hangs back and watches.

Monday January 24th, 2000 2:14:31 AM

After they are alone Nightshade pulls on her sister Wynd pulling her to the floor and hugs her, tring to crawl into her lap. Finnaly when the weeping has stoped she sits up and speakx. "I am sorry sister, it is difficult for me to speak to the person they asked me to speak to. Everytime I do that I relive what I saw that day. To me this place is the same as the people who got her. I don't want any of us to meet that fate."

Monday January 24th, 2000 5:16:21 PM

Singer speaks to the maid. "Well met, Ariane, from Axcroft. Some call me 'Singer.' We thank thee for thine aid." He says, "I have another question for thee, and a request." He steps out into the corridor, and beckons her. If no one else is around, he turns to her and says, "My request is that you hold this question and its answer in confidence for the time being, except for telling me." If she assents, he begins, "I have traveled with my companions for a few days now. But I think they are highly disciplined, and, though treating me very kindly, perhaps felt it wise while on the road not to speak of their royal connections. Dost thou know the names and houses of each, and if so, wilt thou be so kind as to tell me? See, I wish to compose a poem in their honor, but the knowing of their names and houses would greatly assist me in this endeavor. Or, if thou knowest not, perhaps discreet inquiries might be made before the morn, so that I might be well prepared for the morrow." Singer is very glad he has lived in a place where people from different places came often, so that he has some idea how 'royals' speak.

Monday January 24th, 2000 5:20:07 PM

Nightshade gathers herself together.

Monday January 24th, 2000 5:20:35 PM

"Oh," Singer says, as if remembering something, "if thou canst help me in this matter, then perhaps I shall be so inspired in the coming days as to compose a song or poesie in thine honor, thou bright lass, Miss Ariane."

Monday January 24th, 2000 6:15:38 PM

Returning Nightshade's hug, Wynd is shocked at learning what speaking to the ring costs her friend and says. " Oh Shade, I'm sure if the others knew how much speaking to her hurt, they would never ask it of you. I miss Skippy alot too and not a night goes by that I don't relive that day and wonder if there was something I could have done. As for what we are in the middle of now.... I dont know... except that I am sure we will get out of it one way or another. But not if any of us catch a cold and have to stay behind. So get up and bathe in this nice hot water so that we dont get sick.

Ariane of Axcroft (DM Dave) 
Monday January 24th, 2000 6:17:18 PM

"Master, one only knows that your companions were much sought after these many days, but mayhap one will be able to inquire more. It would not look well for one such as yourself to be seen at odd hours with a serving girl, but one will return at the fifth hour after midnight, when the earliest daily chores commence, and perhaps one will then deserve your highest praise!" Ariane makes a quick curtsy, and hurries down the hall. Singer would guess her to be between 9 and 11 years of age, and not particularly attractive, nor unsightly.

Nighshade's Dream(DM Dave) 
Monday January 24th, 2000 6:17:24 PM

In your sleep, you once again see Skippy, looking the same, and yet altogether different. She seems dressed in gauze, and two shafts of light emerge from behind her, almost reminiscent of wings. She speaks, "Nightshade, you are wise to be wary, and the time draws nigh for you and your friends to embrace the paths you have only now begun to see. The enemy is near, but still blind to you. Choose well in what each of you will train. Be cunning as serpants. Nightshade, it will be most difficult for you, as you must pay lip service to one while truly praising another. And, perhaps, there is another in your group who will also follow the path of service to a god? Do not forget me." The vision fades in light, and you rest well.

Night Passing...(DM Dave) 
Monday January 24th, 2000 6:17:57 PM

Each of you, eventually, drop off to sleep, and waken early the next morning refreshed, ready for the challenge at hand. Singer briefly meets with Ariane, gaining the following knowledge, before you are summoned for the morning meal in the dining hall: Children from the houses of Annkorb, Aletin, Afport, Aargle, Asnan, Azorth, Aplob, Ayler, Aquertz, Aveint, and Assup were to have arrived. Specific names were not known. Unfortunately, Singer does not get a chance to speak with the rest of the boys about this before several nobles arrive to escort the young men to an audience with Lord Agor. When they arrive, the girls are already seated and waiting in the dining hall. The hall contains 30 or 40 people, about half of these being children of your age. Lord Agor rises.

Singer  d20=5
Tuesday January 25th, 2000 3:09:58 AM

Already happy to have the information that sweet Ariane gave him, Singer visibly brightens further at the mention of a meal. He bows to Lord Agor with a flourish (well under dex), and says with boyish enthusiasm, "And we have been most anxious to meet you, your lordship, and we shall be anxious to tell you of the journey, by your lordship's leave, as our stomachs are filled!" If allowed, he will sit between Catcher and Legs. And, if during the meal all speak together with their neighbors, he will say to those near him, "Now, Alegsor, you are of the house of Ayler, right?" He takes care not to use the familiar names of his friends, unless he has heard them use those names in front of the four young adventurers, rather letting them volunteer what they shall call themselves. But he knows that all need some quick help with what house they are from, so takes upon himself the task of assigning them houses. Looking at Catcher, he says, "And I know you are from Aveint," and at Bulldog, "and you from Aargle, yes?" Glancing across to Ari, "Let's see, I forget which house. Afport or Aquertz? Oh, wait, I know," he says, nodding at Tag Along, "Aquertz is your house." / If seated close enough to the girls, he asks Nightshade and Wynd, "I'm sorry, but I get confused. Which of you is of Annkorb, and which of house Aletin? Your friends who, well, it is not for me to speak of the sorrow of the houses of Asnan, Azorth, Aplob and Assup." His eyes are cast down for a moment. He picks up a glass and slowly takes a deep drink. Then, apparently collecting himself, he will try to learn the names of other children nearby. In his side thoughts, he wonders if any of his companions will get mad at him for the houses he chose for them.

Legs / aka Alegsor of Ayler  d8=6
Tuesday January 25th, 2000 3:28:23 AM

"Um, yes," he nearly chokes on the bite of food he had in his mouth. "Yes," :cough: "Ayler." Legs repeats to himself at least a dozen times, ("Ayler. Ayler. Alegsor of Ayler. House Ayler. Ayler-Ayler-Ayler-Ayler. A-y-l-e-r. Ayler. Hello, pleased to meet you. No, uh, One is pleased to meet you. One is Alegsor of Ayler. No, nobles can say, 'I' - can't they?"). Legs seems preoccupied as he eats the food. He does pick up some of the other houses Singer mentioned, but not all. He figures it's worse to forget his own name. "Ayler," he thinks again.

Catcher  d20=8
Tuesday January 25th, 2000 7:19:06 AM

His appetite gone from the stress, Catcher can tell that he is already starting to sweat on this chill morning. The food looks good, but he's just too nervous. When Singer gives him the house name of Avient, he relaxes a little, and tries to focus on the conversation of his friends to distract him from the eyes of the nobles upon him. Knowing it will look suspicious otherwise, he manages to begin eating with great enthusiasm, after checking to see how everyone else at the table handles the dinnerware (made Intelligence check).

Tuesday January 25th, 2000 7:56:35 AM

Arislan of Afport. Thank you for reminding me. We never did discuss this after the accident, having not a chance to introduce each other formally.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday January 25th, 2000 7:56:36 AM

Sitting down at the table, the chunky boy seemingly becomes preoccuppied with the food being served. "everthing looks so wonderful .." He makes a point of trying to keep his mouth full as he listens ti Singer and others speak. Raising his goblet, offhandedly, at the mention of his new family name. He mumbles between bites " ...Aangle ... of .... Aargle ..." or what sounds as such. Then continues to listen, and eat of course, as others speak. The young lad seems to have an uncanny ability to pack it away. :)

Tuesday January 25th, 2000 3:50:12 PM

Having had a restless night between her own dreams and being woken by those of 'Shades, Wynd is not in the best of moods as they join the rest of the guests for breaking fast. Foremost on her mind, of course, is just how they are going to pull off this charade, when Singer suddenly addresses them. ... he asks Nightshade and Wynd, "I'm sorry, but I get confused. Which of you is of Annkorb, and which of house Aletin? Your friends who, well, it is not for me to speak of the sorrow of the houses of Asnan, Azorth, Aplob and Assup.".... Absorbing this knowledge, Straightening herself and looking Singer right in the eyes with a look of first thankfulness and then scorn, Wynd says, " Confused are you? You should know very well that I am of the house Aletin and she of Annkorb. And as for it not being your place to speak of the sorrow of the other houses, perhaps you should watch your place when speaking any above your station. If it were not for the fact that you have been of some service to us and that Alegsor has vouchsafed for you, I should think that we would have left you behaind days ago." With a final glance of apology that only singer should be able to see, Wynd turns away and starts eating again.

Tuesday January 25th, 2000 6:26:07 PM

Patting Wynd's arm Nightshade says. "Sister I think you are too hard on the poor wretch. Remeber a lady does not show her teeth unless she is forced to use them."

Tuesday January 25th, 2000 7:42:36 PM

"Of course, milady. One is most honored to even be deigned worthy of reply from such exalted ones," Singer says with apparent sincerity, and a wink downward toward the table with his Wynd-ward eye only after he bows his head in humility.

The Breakfast Club (DM Dave) 
Tuesday January 25th, 2000 8:54:09 PM

The servants quickly fill the tables with bowls of berries, pitchers of sweet milk, and plates stacked high with flat breads. Finally, canisters of maple syrup are placed throughout the tables. A priest gives a brief blessing, and the feast begins! Thirty minutes are spent during this time, filled with intermittent conversations around the room. From what you hear, this is only one of several meals provided in the morning, with several shifts to follow so that all in the castle may be fed. Many of those eating with you are getting ready for another day of training, either as teachers or students, in various areas of study. As the meal comes to a close, most of these people excuse themselves from the hall, leaving each of you behind with Lord Agor, along with a dozen other adults.

Lord Agor (DM Dave) 
Tuesday January 25th, 2000 8:56:12 PM

Looking over to each of you, Lord Agor says, "Now, with the sun shining, a fair rest, and a fine meal, we are perhaps ready for a sorrowful tale? Come, now, let us see what our nobility has sent to us for enrichment!"

Legs / aka Alegsor of Ayler 
Wednesday January 26th, 2000 1:19:03 AM

"We thank your lordship for your kindness. And had not the brave Apeas, Alif, Aplenti and Ahealf shown up when they did to rescue us, I little doubt that we would not have arrived here. Though their fierce hounds at first did not seem to recognise us." He smiles grimly. If one of the four mentioned are here, Legs says in their direction, "Maybe we are not yet ready for it, but some day I hope we have the skill and strength of heart to hunt down such beasts as the hydra." He turns his attention back to Lord Agor, thinking for a moment how near his name is to his own, 'Agur.' "All in all, I must say that we are very pleased to have made it safely here." He pauses. "It was hard to leave home, Lord Agor. I'm sure our parents, our families miss us. But we knew that we could not stay. We left because we believe we must make a difference in this land. Our journey to this castle has been long, and dangerous, and filled with surprises. My friends can tell your lordship more about our journey. But let me say that we look forward to working and studying hard. And, if I am not mistaken, in part because of the training you offer with such generous hearts, we will in time do things that will be spoken of throughout the land, and perhaps even to places beyond. I do not say this to boast, but rather because I believe the Good God has laid his hand upon us. And we will serve him, glory to his name!" Legs gives a stiff bow, then steps back, giving way to his companions and friends to speak.

Wednesday January 26th, 2000 8:12:34 PM

Nightshade eats just enough to keep from getting hungry with out gorging herself, she also tries to hide some hard bread or bisquets within her clothing for a possible stockpile for when they leave.

Wednesday January 26th, 2000 8:15:11 PM

Catcher rises briefly, and says to Lord Agor, "Sire, there are those of us who are more skilled than I to tell this tale, but one thing I must say to you, our honored host: The gifts that we were to present were, regretably, lost in our journey here. Please, do not look upon us as ungrateful for your generousity. We will repay the honor by being most diligent and attentive to the lessons to be learned here." Bowing stiffly, Catcher returns to his seat, a little red in the face. He casts sidelong looks to the others, hoping to see if he spoke well or just sounded stupid.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday January 26th, 2000 8:15:12 PM

Standing " ahhem .... My lord, ... the accounts of my fellows I trust. My own account of things are a little blurred, as I ... regrettable was overcome by some sickness. Alif has been most generous and kind in his treatment ... and for that am grateful" taking a moment before bowing and then sitting down.

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