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Across Blackbird Lake

Sunday December 5th, 1999 11:30:59 PM

"I think it might be easier to actually conserve. Sips only when severly thirstly, and one piece of food every 4 hours or so, depending upon what we have total here." Ari begins rummaging around the boxes to take an inventory of what is available.

Legs / 'Allsor' 
Monday December 6th, 1999 1:12:59 AM

[Earlier] Legs answers Wynd's questions about the Dragon Creeper, from which the flower petals came which cured the colds of those that had them. He also shows her the leaf he took from the plant, and describes how he had been praying for guidance, and suddenly the plant just starting growing up out of a crack in the roof. Legs reports the gist of the conversation he had with it. / When Arvo declines the return of fruit and money, Legs says, "I just want, as much as possible, to hold up the agreements I make, and not cheat honest people. Thank you again."

Legs / 'Allsor' 
Monday December 6th, 1999 1:16:59 AM

[Now] Arvo, sir, what do you think of having Asbury - that's his dog," he says, indicating Bulldog, "be outside of the crates?" He asks Bulldog, "Or do you think he'd be all right in a crate with you? You're both kinda big." Meanwhile, he begins gathering additional straw and such, and helping to arrange the interiors of the crates. "Do you two want to be in a crate together?" Legs asks Wynd and Nightshade.

Monday December 6th, 1999 1:29:59 PM

Catcher begins rummaging around for planks of wood to be used as oars, "When we go overboard, we're going to need a way to get to shore. I think we need to pair up swimmers with non-swimmers, just in case. Tag, that's a good idea about the wine bottles."

Stowaway Preparations (DM) 
Monday December 6th, 1999 1:39:59 PM

The crates vary in size, with the smallest being 3'x4'x4', and the largest being 4'x6'x5'. There are a total of 5 wine skins, and 25 pieces of fruit, along with 12 chunks of cheese, and 5 loaves of bread. Arvo says, "I'm afraid the dog must go in the crate -- otherwise I'm not sure how you'll be able to stay together. The boxes will be on deck throughout the trip, so don't make any noise, or the deckhands will hear." Arvo continues helping you in preparing the crates. Tag finds several discarded wine bottles scattered throughout the area to use as portable latrines. Catcher locates parts of broken boxes that could be used as paddles. ::One more round of posting of intents and suggestions before Arvo seals the crates::

Monday December 6th, 1999 8:50:59 PM

Is there any packing blankets or Hay about to make us more comfortable, Bull, you may have to muzzle Ash with a belt or something if he dosen't want to sit still and quiet.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday December 7th, 1999 12:19:59 AM

"I think Asbury will be alright with me .... won't ya boy ... "reaches down to scatch him between the ears then gently picks him up and sets him down in the largest crate, Then drops his gear in and makes things as cormfortable as possible, before crawling in with his friend " hey tags ... let me have one of those" (wine bottles)"two days thats a long time.... " the turns to Avro "I will keep this safe ... thank you"

Tuesday December 7th, 1999 2:34:59 AM

Gathers those things he will need. "Safe journey, and see you all on the other side"

Tuesday December 7th, 1999 4:35:59 AM

The mentioning of being crated doesnt seem to bother her but as Arvo metions the part about being lost over board, Wynd lets out a little whimper and tears slowly start falling. Iiiiii'm nnnoottt sssurree Iiiii ccccann dddoo ttthhhis. Iiiii cccan't sswwimmm annd tthhosse shhhharkkks.

Tag Along 
Tuesday December 7th, 1999 7:57:59 AM

::looks real proud at catchers words:: "THanks catcher, guess even a idiot can get lucky with ideas every now and again. I can swim good but not strong. Wood floats thou, so when we get thrown in use the crates to help. And swimming aint that hard. Here is a song on how to swim. "Well, you put your right hand foward then you pull back. You kick your legs where fins you do lack. You put the left hand out. And pull back and raise your head to shout. Except shout you dont doo, or your muth will be full of see goo. Take a deep breath now, then repeat the lyrics and swim WOW!

Legs / 'Allsor' 
Tuesday December 7th, 1999 10:51:59 AM

Legs laughs at Tag's song. "You're so funny," he says, giving him a punch in the arm (but not hard). Then, a serious expression on his face, he says to Wynd, "I know, it's kind of scary. But Nightshade can swim. Also," he holds up one of the wineskins, "when this is empty, fill it with air, and cap it. See the cord on the wineskin? Pull it up to the top of your arm. It floats." / The tall boy looks at the five crates, and counts the nine travellers. "How about Bulldog, Asbury & Tag Along in the biggest crate? That leaves six for four. Catcher and Singer in the next one. Singer - can take carry my stick? That leaves four for three. Wynd and Nightshade in the next. Ari, you get this medium small one, and I'll take the smallest one. Unless somebody wants to go with someone else. Arvo, can you tie them together once the crates are on board? Or maybe have a big one on each end, and tie one of the medium ones to a big one, and a medium and small to the other big one." He assists with the arrangements. Before everyone is packed away, Legs says, "Let's stand in a circle for a minute." He holds his hands out, palms up and out to grab the hands of those on either side. "We are brothers and sisters. The good god is watching over us, I believe. Each of us is here for a reason. May the good god keep a watch, and we for one another." He then finishes arranging his crate, and climbs inside. "Thank you, caravan master Arvo." He whispers, "For both your diversions today." Legs scrunches his 5'10" frame into the small crate.

Tuesday December 7th, 1999 11:00:59 AM

"Wynd, sharks are in salt water. We're going in the lake." He agrees to take Legs' stick in the crate with Catcher. In the circle, Singer says, "Good luck, everybody. You've already left home, but now," he closes his eyes, "I'm really leaving home."

Tuesday December 7th, 1999 1:26:59 PM

Catcher passes out planks to everyone, tries to get some last minute packing of straw/rags (from nearby crates) to make things comfortable, and then gets in the box that Legs indicates. "Guys, when we finally get out of these coffins, our legs are going to be cramped - take it slow on swimming and walking." ::To himself, Catcher is a little uncomfortable with the hand-holding ceremony, and wonders if the god Legs is praying to is the same as Nightshade's::

Boxed In (DM) 
Tuesday December 7th, 1999 1:59:59 PM

Arvo finishes helping everyone into the boxes, and then nails the lids shut on each, saying "I’m not sure how the Captain plans on stowing the boxes on his ship, other than he’ll keep you boxes deck-side." After finishing, he says, "Oh, one more thing, although it’s not so important now: It’s a good thing those priests didn’t lay a hold of you – tonight is the Joining ceremony here in Abderus." With that, you hear Arvo footsteps receding. An hour, then two, or perhaps three, passes, and you hear several sets of feet approaching. Each of you feels you crate being shoved along the ground for some distance, and then hear the strain of men as each box is tilted slightly. The next moment, you are swaying back and forth, and can hear water lapping against the shore. After a few more minutes, the swinging motion stops with a jarring ‘THUD’ as each of your boxes drops onto a wood floor. The sound of other boxes landing nearby, the sawing of rope as it slips across wood, the calls of sailors, and the rocking of the crates lets you know your on board at this point. Again, there is a wait that seems forever, and it isn’t until one of the seaman, wandering near your area, is overhead talking to another, that you discover that a storm is brewing over the lake, causing some concern about leaving port, "Yep, the Captain is worried about getting these supplies over to Ajax – he’ll have Aporp’s head for leaving them stashed under the boardwalk and forgetting about ‘em….Aflor was mad as all get-out when the Captain showed up yesterday without the herbs."

The Scream(s) (DM) 
Tuesday December 7th, 1999 2:10:59 PM

More time passes, and then it finally seems that things are about to get underway (perhaps 4 hours have passed since the loading). You hear the call for "Cast Off!" and hear the sails being hoisted. Then, you hear the screams! The screams of children! The sounds seem almost inhuman, and it takes you a moment to realize that they are coming from across the water, not aboard ship. ::(Each of you needs to make a save vs. Wisdom to retain your wits in the midst of the blood-curdling sounds):: The sailors aboard ship seem to not be hearing what you are hearing, but shortly afterwards, you hear heavy steps approach your crates, and a low voice states, "That is the truth behind the Joining, my young friends." And then the steps disappear across the deck.

Ari  d20=11
Tuesday December 7th, 1999 3:09:59 PM

Ari bundles himself into a ball, and shuts his eyes in order to try to close out the screams. When the screaming stops, Ari contines to keep his eyes shut, until he falls asleep.

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=7
Tuesday December 7th, 1999 11:55:59 PM

After understanding what the voice from the deck meant. Bulldog pulls Asbury close for comfort hearing the screams from the children. "you ok tags ...." whispers. then settles in for the journey for the dark journey.

Wynd  d20=8
Wednesday December 8th, 1999 12:50:59 AM

Not at all happy about being in a crate on a boat in a lake, even if there are no sharks, and the fact that Wynd has had little or no real rest in two days, makes it almost easy for her to fall asleep with her head on Nightshade's shoulder. As the screeming begins, somewhere in Wynd's mind she recognizes it for what it is and her dreams turn to thorny sticks poking out of peoples necks and reliving Skippy's encounter with the red cloth. She starts to lightly moan and whimper in her sleep.

Catcher  d20=13
Wednesday December 8th, 1999 3:49:59 AM

::Barely made Wisdom check:: Catcher manages to clamp his teeth to keep from screaming along with those sounds across the lake. A mad look momentarily passes his eye, although Singer can't see this in the dark. It is only the reassuring feel of his grandfather's daggers that help him focus on his sanity. The voice of the man on deck confirms what he already suspected, convincing him that death was preferrable to going through that Ceremony.

Tag Along  d20=16
Wednesday December 8th, 1999 6:26:59 AM

::AHHHHHH::: he hears teh screams of agony. All his life he just liked to here people laugh and play. As he sings and tells songs, but now the agony is too much. And he gently begins to rock back and forth sobbing like the small boy he is::

Singer  d20=13
Wednesday December 8th, 1999 7:14:59 AM

The sound puts Agur's teeth on edge. He makes no sound. He remembers the story Ozymandius told the children on the cusp of young adulthood, and of the heart spiders. Through his mind passes the image of the floating heads of Lucky and Three-Eyes, and the evil implanted within them. In his thoughts he prays, "Let us - teach us - what we can do to stop these ... this ... oh, stop the terror. Our people are caught. Our people are caught."

[Last post was Legs, not Singer] 
Wednesday December 8th, 1999 7:16:59 AM

[OOC: One of the dangers of father & son using the same computer.]

Singer  d20=17
Wednesday December 8th, 1999 9:49:59 AM

Singer hears the screams. He holds his hands to his ears, and bites his lip till it bleeds. [failed save]

For guys named 'Bob' (DM) 
Wednesday December 8th, 1999 1:22:59 PM

The screams seem to go on forever, but perhaps they only last 30 minutes, with some stopping sooner than others (Those of you who made saves are, somehow, able to drift off to sleep. The others spend a restless night, unable to get the sound of our their heads). Morning comes, as light filters in through your crates, and after an eternity the sun disappears again. Another long night draws on after this, interrupted with the coming of a storm. It is during this time, that, startled awake by the sensation of falling, you find your crates hitting the water with a SPLASH. Immediately, the slight cradling sensation you’ve felt during the boat trip is replaced by the violent rocking of waves. Water starts to seep into the containers.

Ari  d20=16 d20=5 d20=14
Wednesday December 8th, 1999 3:59:59 PM

Waiting as long as he dares, to let the ship get away. Attempting to break out, he doesn't lose his cool when his first attempt doesn't work. On the second try he manages to start breaking out of his crate. (first roll was strength check, 2nd was int/wis check not to go nuts, 3rd was 2nd strength check).

Nightshade  d20=20
Wednesday December 8th, 1999 4:28:59 PM

Wynd sees Nightshade stare at the ring she holds as the screams begin, she begins talking to herself tears streaming down her cheeks, it seems like she can feel the deaths of all those children, each one taking it's toll upon her, with each one shem seems to be adding something up, some total, some list.//// As the moring comes and the water begins to streem in Nightshade is still rocking back and forth going over her list. She dosen't seem to notice the water at first.

Catcher  d20=2 d20=17
Wednesday December 8th, 1999 7:46:59 PM

Waiting until it seems that the crate is a third full of water, Catcher says to Singer, "Help me out of this crate, would ya'?" He bangs up against the nailed-down lid, and easily knocks it open, but keep the lid from rising too far. Peering out, he looks for the other crates, for the ship, and for the shore. Gingerly, he stretches his legs and back, then quickly starts dishing out water with one of the pee-bottles, keeping the box lid over his head to prevent the storm from filling up the crate with rain.

Wynd  d20=17
Wednesday December 8th, 1999 11:32:59 PM

Being jolted awaked by the rough motion of the waves and the feel of cold water lapping at her sides, Wynd bolts up into a sitting position with a shrill scream of fear. "Nightshade get up, I think we are sinking" Wynd proceeds to try and open the crate but only manages to turn them onto their sides and increase the water inflow. Wynd is approaching Hysteria.

Tag Along 
Thursday December 9th, 1999 6:54:59 AM

::quickly undoes the top of the crate to see how far they are from land. He ties up his food supply bag and makes sure his darts and daggers havent flown away in the storm he prepares for a long swim.:: "Can any of you see land?

Singer  d20=17
Thursday December 9th, 1999 8:29:59 AM

Tries to help Catcher open the lid, but Catcher's blow is far more effective than his own. He looks around to see if he can see the ship, and the shore. "Can you see any lights, Catcher?"

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=4
Thursday December 9th, 1999 8:34:59 AM

With great ease, Bulldog pops the top off the crate. As waves crash about him, he scans to see if the other crates are about. "you aok Tags .... you seem right ?" if the mighty Bulldog can make out any unopened crates he will make an attempt to swim to them to see if he can work the lids off, then pull it close to the one he , Asbury and Tags started with. "Asbury stay he with Tags" before he goes out.

Legs  d20=7 d20=8
Thursday December 9th, 1999 10:30:59 AM

During the day of waiting, Legs does what little stretching he can, massaging his legs. He bags the extra food, on which he only nibbled a few times during the day. As the light fades, he does as he suggested to Wynd with the wineskin Arvo left, as well as with his own wineskin, filling them with air. He ties one to his big leather bag, and one to his knapsack, to help keep them afloat once the nighttime departure occurs. / Dreaming he is flying, the boy awakens, jarred as his crate strikes the water. After gaining an orientation as to which way is up now, the boy butts open the top of the crate. Leaving the bags in the crate, he pushes a cord through a crack in the slats. He dives out of the crate, managing to do so without capsizing it. And grabs the cord, pulling it taut, and using it to pull the crate behind him. "Hello. Hello. It's me, Legs. Wynd? Poison? Catch? Ari? Bulldog? Asbury? Tags? Singer? Hello!" He works to get the group together. "Which way to shore?"

Nightshade  d20=9 d20=9
Thursday December 9th, 1999 5:03:59 PM

Nightshade seems to snap out of her nightmare whit the scream from her friend. "Hold STILL, Wynd, now hold my hand. the water is going to come russing in, but I got you OK?" With that she gathers up everything she can and kicks the top off the crate.

Stormy Matters (DM Dave)  d20=6
Friday December 10th, 1999 1:07:59 AM

Although you’ve seen more severe weather, this is definitely not a light storm. Absent are the thunder and lightning, but the downpour more than makes up for this. Peering about in the overcast (caused by sheets of rain), you are able to spot the other crates floating nearby, but the ship is nowhere in sight, and only Legs can hazard a guess on which direction the shoreline lies. The box that the two girls are in rapidly takes in water (as it was sideways when finally opened by Nightshade), and sinks within a few seconds. Catcher is not having a lot of luck in keeping out the water from his and Singer’s crate – it still is a third full of water after a minute of using the wine bottle. The other crates are suffering the same fate of sinking slowly, with Leg’s crate taking on the least water as he pulls his along.

Friday December 10th, 1999 9:44:59 AM

Legs observes the direction of the waves and wind, and what he perceives to be the direction to shore. "Everyone stick together. We have to go that way!" He directs his friends shoreward. "Do you have things to float on? The pieces of wood and such? The air-filled wineskins? Everybody needs to have something. Even if you stick a thumb over the top of a bottle, or a finger in it to help keep water from getting in, it will help you float. Don't get your finger stuck, though. If you can't swim, hold on to someone who can. But you only need your mouth or nose above the water, not your whole head and shoulders. Don't pull each other down." He makes sure each person, and dog, is accounted for. "Okay, we're going to swim for a while, then rest a little. Swim again, then rest. It's not a race. We can do it a little at a time. Catcher - you're one of the best swimmers. Can you help keep an eye on Wynd? Everybody okay? Stay close to the crate. Let's go." He begins to pull with he left arm, hanging on to the cord hooked to the crate. His legs do the scissors kick.

Saturday December 11th, 1999 2:17:59 AM

Singer bobs up and down, and empties the rest of the liquid out of the wineskin. He blows into it, filling it with air. He closes it. Staying on the right side of the group, he begins swimming forward. His lip hurts.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Saturday December 11th, 1999 4:49:59 AM

Above the wind and the heaving waves ,he hears Legs' plan. Bulldog keeps a close watch on Asbury. Keeping him close. "ok ... Legs , we'll follow ... " trusting in Legs's judgement. Swimmimg & pulling the crate top, to float on while they rest. (will put asbury on the wood plank if he tires as well as keeping watch over others who may need help)

Tag Along 
Saturday December 11th, 1999 7:14:59 AM

"What a mess." jhe says as water form the rain soakes his face. He quickly takes the lid of the crate to use for balance and to keep afloat. "Well on thing being a slag was good for is at least we had swim leasons." he says as he begins to follwo instructions to swim together as a group and towards shoreline. "I sure hope your right." he says to the voice over the storm that states the direction of the storm.

Wynd  d2=2 d2=2 d100=48 d2=2 d2=1 d20=14 d100=31
Saturday December 11th, 1999 4:40:59 PM

Almost panicking as their crate sinks beneath the waves, Wynd does manage to remember to retrieve one of their four wine skins and proceeds somehow to make it empty of liquid and full of air. while doing this she notice that the salt water kind of made her seem like she was floating and while the waves and storm were rough, she finally has the feeling that she might live through this ordeal. Looping the air-filled wine skin over her arm and tucking it under her other one, She tries to remember what she was told by Father about water survival. About all she can recall is something about not thrashing about and working t=your arms and legs as if you were running in order to help you stay above water.**what was that called? Not swimming. Tramping water? no, but something close. ah treading water.** While not very good at this treading water, the combined efforts of the wineskin and the feeble attempt at treading water do manage to keep Wynd afloat.

Ari  d20=19
Saturday December 11th, 1999 6:28:59 PM

As Ari speaks, you can see his eyes getting more round, and more of the whites of his eyss appearing, "I don't think I can do this. There's no sight of land, and what makes you so sure that the land is that way? (as indicated), why isn't it this way (some direction), or this direction (some other, new direction). I'm not going to be able to swim, i'm just going to sink like a rock. Why can't we just sit here an float to shore? You always see stuff washing up on shore, so why can't we just float to shore? (his voice starts to approach the 'hysterical' level).

Legs  d20=10
Saturday December 11th, 1999 7:30:59 PM

Observing Ari's growing panic, Legs takes a moment to break the lid off of Ari's crate before it sinks. "Ari, hold on to this with your hands. You can kick up and down with your feet behind you. Keep your toes pointed. That'll move you forward. Now, Ari, if we all stick together, we'll all make it. We're going this way. Morning will come. We're gonna make it, Ari. Now, kick."

Sunday December 12th, 1999 3:30:59 PM

Giving up the bottle, Catcher jumps into the lake and swims over to check on Nightshade and Wynd, saying, "Don’t struggle, the worst that’ll happen is that everything gets wet. The boards on these boxes aren’t water-logged, so we can still float on top of them. Here, grab hold of the edge of the box, and kick behind with you legs." Catcher keeps and eye on the others, to make sure no one lags behind as the group starts moving.

Drowned Rats (DM Dave)  d20=8 d20=16 d20=2 d20=17 d20=9 d20=10 d20=15 d20=10
Sunday December 12th, 1999 3:31:59 PM

Everyone manages to stay afloat, and with guidance from the swimmers, the children of Adorus make it to shore after 20 exhausting minutes. It is still dark, and the rain has not abated in the slightest as everyone drags up onto the beach. Scrub trees can be seen starting about 30 feet from the shore, and the area looks deserted.

Catcher  d20=14 d20=4
Sunday December 12th, 1999 3:37:59 PM

After taking a moment to recover enough to stand, Catcher says, "Okay, gather as many crates as you can – we’re going to need them for shelter. I’m going to check out what’s past those trees, and see if I can’t find us a good camping spot." Catcher walks off towards the trees, being careful to stay as hidden as possible once he reaches them. He is looking for an area that won’t be flooding with the rain, preferably under a tree. Once found, he heads back to the group.

Sunday December 12th, 1999 4:25:59 PM

Carries out Catcher's suggestion, pulling everyone together to collect as many of the crates and other helpful flotsam and jetsam as possible.

Sunday December 12th, 1999 7:22:59 PM

Helps out with the gathering of the crates, and taking inventory of what is on or available at the beach.

Monday December 13th, 1999 12:53:59 AM

"Everyone stay ;ow and off teh beach as much as possible, also stay very quiet, sound carrys over watter a long way."

Wynd  d20=17 d20=16
Monday December 13th, 1999 2:24:59 AM

Finally getting to shore and unbelievably able to aviod falling asleep, Wynd helps drag the crates up on shore and looks to set up the crates for the maximum protection from the wind and rain. (Survival proficiency)

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday December 13th, 1999 6:25:59 AM

As the storm still menaces them. Bulldog walks into the shallows , helping the very tied Asbury to the beach. "Its ok , boy ...we made it just fine .." as he sees the others draaging the crates into shore ... "hey ,we don't want to leave an clues that we were here. bringing all this in, will be a tell tale sign something amiss happened here ..." Then checks his gear, making sure everything is secured still. Then upon Catchers return, he will follow to the cover of the trees "com'on Asbury" Will help the more tired friends in getting there.

Tag Along 
Monday December 13th, 1999 7:48:59 AM

::huh huh"" "We made it unbelievable. Everyone ok? he says exhausted pulling his frail body up onto the beech. Quickly collapsing he makes sure he has his food supplies. "Well we have to make it to a new town now. We might want to think of stealing or finding some new clothes. Brine stained clothes make us stick out like a swore thumb. SO will not having a evil worm out of are neck.

Monday December 13th, 1999 8:20:59 AM

"What brine?" asks Legs. "We just got out of a freshwater lake. The clothes'll be all right."

Beached (DM) 
Monday December 13th, 1999 7:03:59 PM

Catcher discovers a road 50 feet beyond the trees, running left to right. Across the highway, more trees, a little taller, can be seen stretching off into the rain. Back on the beach, the crew works to regroup. Everyone is able to locate their belongings (everything's soaked, so paper items will be ruined). None of the fruit or wine/water remain from what was given by Arvo -- it was consumed during the vessel voyage.

Tuesday December 14th, 1999 1:29:59 AM

Checking to make sure the road is clear, Catcher goes across and scouts out an area further in the trees. Assuming he finds a well-hidden spot, he heads back to the group.

Tuesday December 14th, 1999 5:33:59 AM

Recovers his hardwood rod from Singer. Goes to talk with Ari. "How're you doin'? You did great with the kicking through the water, once you pointed your toes."

Tuesday December 14th, 1999 5:40:59 AM

Singer gives Legs his wooden stick. As he works with the others in getting things organized, and squeezing the water out of his clothes and possessions, he begins to think of a way to turn the events of the last day or two into a song.

Tuesday December 14th, 1999 7:56:59 AM

"Well, right now I'm cold, tired, and I want to go to sleep. I guess we can talk about it in the morning, once we get things setup here. Though we probably want to find this road we were told about, and cross over it and get out of sight of the road, before we settle in."

Wednesday December 15th, 1999 12:24:59 AM

Nightshade begins filling the water skins in the freshwater lake. she also tramps around a bit tring to confuse all the prints left on the beach.

Tag Along 
Wednesday December 15th, 1999 6:27:59 AM

"Lets make a fire with this wood and get warm. Dry are clothes and rest a little in the tree line. Perhaps look about for some food as we do. But lets not move down the road just yet im tired and i dont want to get a cold.

Wednesday December 15th, 1999 7:16:59 AM

"We might want to cross the road, and walk for at least, I don't know, say a thousand paces. Remember that Arvo told us to cross the road, and to 'continue on into the countryside toward the setting sun.'" Legs looks back toward Blackbird Lake, up and down the beach, and toward the road to Ajax. "It'd be good to be some ways away from the road before we think about resting. Besides, we rested a lot in those boxes already. And walking will help our clothes to dry some before we lie down." Then he lifts his face toward the falling rain, and laughs at what he just said. "Well, forget about I said about drying off. At least the rain will help mask our passage. But what do the rest of you think?"

Scouring the Countryside/Scouring Rain (DM Dave) 
Wednesday December 15th, 1999 2:09:59 PM

Catcher discovers a sheltered area some one hundred yards on the far side of the road, and returns to the group out by the lake. It is still nighttime, and the rain is still pouring. At this point, everything that can be salvaged has been by the group. A total of three crates were dragged up on shore.

Wednesday December 15th, 1999 2:13:59 PM

When Catcher gets back, he says, "Hey guys, I found a good area for us to get out of the rain -- it's on the far side of that road Arvo told us about. I think we should take those crates with us, and make a shelter. I don't want any of us to get sick." He looks around to see what everyone has managed to save from the lake.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday December 16th, 1999 1:26:59 AM

"Good idea Legs , we should at least go 1000 paces or so .... I'm all cramped up from being stuck in that crate for two days ... moving will get our blood moving and keep us warm" Bulldog says as he begins to break down the crates onto plank form, so that they will be easier to carry for firewood. (as well as get rid of any evidence that anyone was here) Asbury noses around. Smelling the new scents as he bounds about, stretching those tired muscles.

Tag Along 
Thursday December 16th, 1999 6:34:59 AM

"Ok lets get dry!" he says as he pulls out his flute and clears the water out with a sharp breath. "Whoosh." the water stuck in the flute goes all over Bulldog, as he lets out a small laugh. "Sorry." he says as he runs ahead for the shelter.

Thursday December 16th, 1999 6:54:59 AM

Legs laughs at Tag Along's antics. "Thanks, Catcher, for finding it. Let's get set up in the spot you found. Should we have someone stay awake to make sure nothing sneaks up on us?" He awaits responses, then adds, "Maybe a couple of us can do some scouting ahead for a few hundred yards while the rest of you all get settled down. Bulldog, you and Asbury want to join me? We can get a feel for what's beyond where we're sleeping."

Thursday December 16th, 1999 6:55:59 AM

"I would think that the big thing would be to make sure that the fire cannot be seen from the road. ANd make sure the road is clear as we cross it". Ari will get ready to help move everything to the shelter.

Thursday December 16th, 1999 6:57:59 AM

He helps get things moved to the campsite, yawning frequently. "I'll help watch tomorrow night." He lies down, and falls quickly to sleep.

Wynd  d20=11
Thursday December 16th, 1999 10:26:59 PM

(OOC. This will be Wynd's last post until the 27th as noone volunteered to play her for me while I was gone. i believe Kim and Jerry have copies of her should anyone wish to be a last second volunteer. Have a good and safe holiday) Wynd will help set up camp and will volunteer for scouting duty in the morning when it is lighter. After setting up camp and checking with those who are to be scouting and on watch, Wynd takes some time to find the most likey and most accessible routes in to their camp and sets two snares on each route.(made set snares prof. roll)

Interlude (DM)  d20=17 d20=2 d20=2 d20=11 d20=18 d20=15 d20=4 d20=13
Thursday December 16th, 1999 10:35:59 PM

The group heads away from the beach, and carefully steals across the highway to the forest beyond. After a few minutes, a good campsite is spotted at the base of a ridge, facing away from the road. Camp is quickly set, but nothing found is dry enough to burn for a warming fire. Heads nod as the strain from being confined in a box has worn out even the hardiest of you. Quickly, the hum of the rain lulls all to sleep. When you awaken, the weather has let up, and sunlight is shining on your faces (most of your belongins are dry, as well). You are roused by the sound of galloping horses coming from the forest, headed your direction.

Re: Wynd 
Friday December 17th, 1999 1:02:59 AM

[OOC: I'll play her for you --Kim]

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday December 17th, 1999 3:46:59 AM

Asbury springs up to rigid attention. Ears and eyes intent upon the closing pounding of hooves. A low whispering growl comes from deep in his chest, as he searches. A strong hand then slowly reaches from behind and draws the attentive beast into cover, behind a large tree trunk.

Saturday December 18th, 1999 4:34:59 AM

Eyes wild, Catcher jumps up, and bites back a curse at the sound of the horses. After making sure everyone else is up, he quickly heads sideways to the sound of the animals, trying to find cover.

Sunday December 19th, 1999 12:06:59 AM

"Up, quick!" Legs goes to each one still lying down. "This way. Hurry." After he is sure all are up, he points down the way he briefly explored before allowing himself to fall asleep. In an intense whisper he says, "Come, bring your stuff. Let's hide in the forest! Quick and quiet." Perhaps twenty to forty yards past where the children rested, Legs points out likely places to hide, shoves his bags under a bush, then himself climbs a tree, his rod with him. He prays silently for his friends.

Sunday December 19th, 1999 12:54:59 PM

Moving twenty to forty yards away from the camp (depending upon time), Ari will hide under a tree/bush, or whatever he can find, keeping whatever parts of the forest he can, between himself and the approaching riders.

Sunday December 19th, 1999 1:22:59 PM

Wynd looks for a good place to hide. "Nightshade, here!" she whispers to her friend.

Sunday December 19th, 1999 5:25:59 PM

Singer climbs a tree near the one Legs is in. He pulls out his net, makes sure it is ready to use, and waits.

Dog-gone it! (DM)  d20=7 d20=8 d20=10
Sunday December 19th, 1999 7:49:59 PM

The sound of horses steadily draws closer, and now you can make out the barking of dogs -- they seem to be headed directly toward you hiding places!

Sunday December 19th, 1999 10:22:59 PM

Nightshade moves to follow Wynd, but upon hearing the dogs she flinches, she could out swim the dogs but her friends could not, none of them can out run a horse/dog team. She pulls her dagger from its leg sheeth and motions for her friends to move into the jungle quickly and hide, she thenn moves to the side of the clearing near a tree she can climb quickly if need be. There she stands awaiting fate.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday December 20th, 1999 2:18:59 AM

Seeing the young lass stand and await her fate alone. The tough young man stands and walks over to Nightshade and stands, resloved, beside her. "we stand together .... as family does !" a grim stance, as he draws forth his handaxe. the pounding of hooves and the baying of dogs draws so close .... his blood boils with tension ..... as fate calls.

Monday December 20th, 1999 6:10:59 AM

Catcher climbs the nearest large tree, trying to get up high enough to provide cover, and draws and arrow in his bow, waiting for what is to come.

Monday December 20th, 1999 6:44:59 AM

Whispers "We can still try to surprise the dogs, if they are after us." Ari will undo his bedroll, and pull out his rapier. Then he'll stand, still trying to keep stuff in the way, but making ready for a battle.

Tag Along 
Monday December 20th, 1999 7:11:59 AM

::quickly climbs the tree and pulls out darts:: "Fine you stand and ill stay up here so not to be trampled. A horse might mistake me for straw." he says a joke trying to lighten things up so know one panics.

Monday December 20th, 1999 8:07:59 AM

'Hoo boy,' he thinks to himself, as Nightshade and Bulldog decide to place themselves in more or less plain sight. 'This is going to be interesting.'

Monday December 20th, 1999 6:52:59 PM

He tries to get a fix on where everyone is. As he waits, he wonders whether the horses and dogs are looking for them specifically, or just happen to be going through the forest, on a hunt perhaps. In any event, he prepares for action if necessary. He plans ways his hardwood rod can swing down, or thrust down, to defend or attack. He looks at the ground beneath to determine the best places to land and roll should he need to get down quickly. He looks over at Singer.

Dog Days (DM Dave)  d20=3 d20=7
Monday December 20th, 1999 8:36:59 PM

From the shadows of the undergrowth, three huge shapes dash out and toward Nightshade and Bulldog -- three huge wolfhounds with thick grey coats of fur and mouths wide. Crashing noises can be heard further behind, as the horses struggle to break into the clearing.

Monday December 20th, 1999 10:48:59 PM

Singer begins meowing and hissing like a cat. "Miiiiaaaauuuuu. Hisst! Fssst! Meooooow." He wants to draw away the dogs' attention from their visual focus on the two (er, three) on the ground.

Singer  d20=17
Monday December 20th, 1999 10:50:59 PM

Also - if a dog draws near, he tosses his net over it.

Tuesday December 21st, 1999 8:13:59 AM

Ari remains concealed until the attack is underway, and to see how closely behind the horses are, if he can. Muttering under his breath, "If they pursue us, I sure wish we had a trip wire, or they could trip on the underbrush".

Tag Along 
Tuesday December 21st, 1999 8:19:59 AM

::tries to stay hidden up in the tree not moving and hoping he is not sited::

Tuesday December 21st, 1999 10:44:59 AM

Wynd finds a low big branch, and pulls back on it as far as she can. If something comes her way, she'll let the branch whip out against it.

Legs  d20=15
Tuesday December 21st, 1999 10:48:59 AM

Legs takes out his knife, and cuts off a branch from above. The part closest to the tree he quickly cuts to a point, and then lowers it down a little, point first, planning to thrust with it at an opportune moment.

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=8 d20=14
Wednesday December 22nd, 1999 1:00:59 AM

As the 3 huge hounds rush towards nightshades and himself, Bulldog strides forward silently to meet the beasts. Rushing forward in an attempt to knock one down before swinging mightly with his axe, at the next. asbury sweeps around to attack from the rear. niopping at the beast hindquarters. grrrrrrrrrrrr

Catcher  d20=16 d20=14 d6=4 d6=4
Wednesday December 22nd, 1999 5:06:59 AM

Catcher lets loose with two arrows at one of the charging hounds (hits AC 4 and AC 6 for 4 hp dmg each).

All Bite (DM)  d20=15 d20=19 d20=14 d6=4 d6=5 d6=2
Wednesday December 22nd, 1999 10:33:59 AM

For being so large, you’ve never seen something move so quickly as these dogs spring to the attack. Catcher’s arrows manage to hit the first, and it yelps in pain, before latching onto Bulldog’s left leg (4 hp dmg). The other two dogs turn and attack Asbury, each tearing into him (for a total of 7 hp). Both Bulldog’s and Asbury’s attacks fail to connect. Back at the edge of the clearing, you see four horsemen burst into view, one of which immediately shouts, "Hie! Get around, get around! Hie!"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday December 23rd, 1999 2:50:59 AM

"arrrrr" as the pain rips through his leg Bulldog staggeringly falls to the ground. He grabs his leg where the mighty beast had clamped down in it's fog of andrenilin. Then he hears the deathly howl from Asbury as his companion is buried in avalanche of fangs and fur. His own physical pain fades as his heart is torn asunder from the fear of what has just occurred to his friend. "Noooooooooo..." he crawls to his friend to ...............

Catcher  d20=10 d20=4
Thursday December 23rd, 1999 5:08:59 PM

Too scared that he might hit BullDog with the arrows, Catcher shoots at one of the dogs attacking Asbury, missing both times.

Friday December 24th, 1999 3:24:59 AM

The meowing didn't work. "Hai - yai - yai - yai - yai - whoop whoop whoop - AYYIIIIIIII! - hai aye HAI!" and such the boy yells.

Sunday December 26th, 1999 10:17:59 AM

Wishing he had a bow and arrows like Catcher, Legs decides to see if anyone comes over their direction as the result of Singer's vocalization.

Wynd  d20=8 d20=7
Sunday December 26th, 1999 10:24:59 AM

Her friends in trouble, Wynd worries, and thinks to herself, 'Oh, why did Nightshade stand out in the open?' She lets the branches ease back, and picks up a few rocks. She throws them away from where the other kids are, to knock against some trees off to the side. 'Maybe they'll check over there,' she hopes. Her throws don't go exactly where she was aiming, but in the general neighborhood.

Well-Heeled (DM) 
Monday December 27th, 1999 4:23:59 AM

At the call of the horseman, the great dogs immediately leave off from their ferocious assault, and trot back over to the edge of the clearing near the riders. The one who voiced the call now raises his voice again, "Hail and ill-met! I beg pardon for the injury! Please, let us approach to tend the wounded!" The four remain at the edge of the clearing, awaiting your response. All seem to be hearty and well-skilled with armor and weapon, but have something of a civilized air about them, rather than the feel of woodsmen. The speaker has light-brown hair and light-blue eyes, and armored in some type of linking-metal bands. A great axe is strapped to his saddle. The other three are likewise heavily armored, each carrying an assortment of weaponry, much of which you've never seen before. And the horses -- what magnificient creatures! Each is far taller, and more muscled than any draft horse you've laid eyes on! Each horse is of a different color or breed: A red-brown one, a black one, a white one, and a dark brown one each seem to look at you with more intelligence than you thought possible in such a creature.

Monday December 27th, 1999 5:35:59 AM

As soon as she finishes throwing the rocks, Wynd thinks to herself,What am I doing? And just as quickly reaches down and grabs her sling and several stones. As she does so the riders come up and call of their dogs and offer healing to the injured. As she waits for Catcher or Nightshade to make answer to the newcomers, Wynd has time to wonder why none of her snares seemd to work this time around.

Monday December 27th, 1999 5:50:59 AM

Calling from behind concealment, "And why should we trust those who attack children?". As soon as he stops talking, if it can be done, Ari will move to a new position, about 10-20 feet away, keeping anything he can use as an obstruction between him and the riders.

Legs  d20=8
Monday December 27th, 1999 6:19:59 AM

Legs descends from the tree. He runs over to Bulldog, Asbury and Nightshade. He sees Nightshade appears pale, but unharmed. His face in turn goes pale as he sees the blood coating his stout friend and the dog. He turns, holding his rod diagonally in front of him. "Which one of you knows healing? One may come. On foot. There are archers hidden." Legs tries to remember if there are archers or only one archer, but decides he'll correct himself later if necessary.

Tag Along 
Monday December 27th, 1999 7:17:59 AM

"Who are you." says a voice from the shadows of the trees. "And why do you set your hounds on teenage boys and girls. Those monsters have better things to hunt i bet." he says in a scared voice looking down at bulldog bleeding and dragging himself upon the ground. Fear keeps the young boy in the tree as the well armed and armored men represent authority and the threat of ga'al that drives Tag to think quickly of the screams of agony he heard aboard the ship that fateless night.

Monday December 27th, 1999 9:10:59 AM

Singer stays where he is, now watching to see what happens next. He keeps his net ready.

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