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The Escape (Module 5-1) Part I

DM Jerry 
Monday July 19th, 1999 12:01:13 AM

It is a warm & sunny afternoon in Adorus. The salty breeze blows in from Peaseblossom Bay drying the sweat from those still doing their tasks and chores of the day. One by one, our heroes are gathering, as they seem to do everyday now, after their responsibilities are completed, to cook anything they've caught, smoke or chew anything they've found, and sit and talk, but never about Monk. They've been gathering more often lately as if to cherish the small amount of childhood they have left to them. It is about a month until "The Joining," when their childhoods and childhood friendships would end. They would become adults and be "One With Ga'al." Whatever that means. It would be the biggest joining ever in the small township of Adorus with so many coming of age. Each of our 13 year old heroes approach their secret den in the forgotten basement of the Golden Pepper Inn, being careful not to give the location of the den away to any other kids, or more importantly to any nosey adults. Let's watch secretly, O Reader, as our heroes begin to arrive.

Monday July 19th, 1999 4:11:48 AM

The lanky boy steps quickly yet quietly down the inside stairs, having squeezed between the two broken-out slats in the side of the building behind the shrubs. He knew that if you come around the corner, and duck straight behind the now unkempt bushes, no one could see you from the facing street. Reaching the basement, he holds before him a knobby stick he found after delivering the sack of flour for woodcutter Anderless' wife, Aimaigai. "Hello," he says. "Am I the first one here again?" 'Legs,' known also as Agur, finds a crate by the door, and sits down to wait for his friends to arrive.

Tag Along 
Monday July 19th, 1999 5:49:57 AM

The son of a broken Slagg who never returned, Tag sneaks into the basement with the grace of a weasel. Most of you never wanted him hear, but he always managed to find himself a way in any way. A small weekling child, with blonde curls atop his head and always carrying a flute, he steps into the light with his ragged clothes. "Hey, Legs, where is everyone?" says the unsure youth. "Huh what we going to do today. I hope we dont play rough ball again, i never am able to play that game well. Ah legs where did you get that neat stick?"

Monday July 19th, 1999 2:09:08 PM

A beautiful girl ducked quickly behind the building. When she was sure no one was following, she wormed her way quickly down the hole, not noticing her dress getting dirty. It was a nice one, too, the storekeeper could afford nice dresses for his daughter. She clutched a handful of sour grass flowers all the way in. With a grin she sat in the back. Holding out a few sour stems, "Want some?" With a glint of mischief, she opened her hand all the way, revealing a lost honeybee crawling inside.

Monday July 19th, 1999 2:16:21 PM

Ari does his best to get to the the den unnoticed. Once he is inside, he notices that not everyone is here. "Hello. How much longer do you think, until everyone is here? What a hot day. What did you do today? All I did was more practice." As Ari sits down and pulls out an ever present book from underneath his shirt.

Aacor "Catcher" 
Monday July 19th, 1999 6:15:01 PM

Catcher strides thru the opening, carrying with him the scent of the woodlands. He carries a string of scaled trout slung over his shoulder, which he promptly lays on the grating of the fire pit to cook for the group. "Hi Tag Along...I think I caught a glimpse of you earlier today out by Big Willow. That was you, wasn't it? Getting' better all the time at your stealth. Food will be ready in a minute, then we need to discuss you-know-what...." Aacor says with a hint of a smile.

DM Jerry 
Monday July 19th, 1999 10:02:39 PM

The glinting of the sun through the cracks and the wonderful smell of the fish make the afternoon perfect....except for the constant thought that keeps coming back that these wonderful times are soon to come to an end....at the joining.

Monday July 19th, 1999 10:45:46 PM

"Catcher, did you see any new plants today? Mother says I should always be on the look out for ingredients for healing. I wonder how the priests do the healing?"

Aacor "Catcher" 
Monday July 19th, 1999 11:06:43 PM

"Well, here's something Dad calls Shuug's Moss, but I really don't know much about herbs and plants. Supposedly, it's good for treating dizziness. I'm sure the Holy One provides the priests with their healing abilities. But at what cost? That's what I want to talk about. For a hundred times, we've talked about Monk. All year long. Well, it's a month away, and all we do is talk. We have to act. Want to hear what I've been thinking?" Catcher begins passing out cooked fish to everyone.

Angus & Asbury (the sheepdog) 
Tuesday July 20th, 1999 12:22:15 AM

Grunting from the tight squeeze through the opening, a barrel chested boy steps in, quickly followed by his companion, the furry and fluffy, Asbury. "hello all, last one again I guess" shrugs. Moving over to see whats cooking "smells great.." he lays down some skins of water and berry juice.

Tuesday July 20th, 1999 2:37:13 AM

"Hey, Taggy. Nah, we don't have to play that today. What, this here stick? Found it in some scraps over by Anderless' place." He stands up and makes some moves as though he were as swordsman. "Here, you can try it." He hands the stick to Tag Along. When Skippy arrives and shows what she hides in her hands, Legs sees the bee, and says, "Gosh." His respect for her went up a notch. To Ari, "Whaddidya practice? Whatcha readin'?" He greets the others as they arrive. And as Angus and Asbury come in, Legs is happy to see the boy and his dog. "Hey Asbury raspberry, howya doin'?" he scratches the dog's head. He wonders what idea Catcher has now.

Tag Along 
Tuesday July 20th, 1999 4:28:05 AM

At the mention of something needed to be discussed he picks up his flute and plays. A nervous looks crosses his face, you all know he has a great fear that he like his father will be rejected.

Tuesday July 20th, 1999 4:13:57 PM

The girl whose name was really Ashtar opened her hand and blew, so the honeybee flew away peacefully. "Hi Angus! Thanks, Catcher." She chewed a little sour before eating fish-it flavored better. "I guess...I heard my mom say that I'd be married off or something after You Know. I hate it. I wish I was a man!"

Tuesday July 20th, 1999 6:15:15 PM

Whistling in harmony with Tag Along's tune, Catcher says to Skippy, "There's nothing wrong with being a woman -- women always seem to have their heads screwed on straighter than most men. Women are tough." To Angus, "Alright, berry juice!" and takes a swig as it's passed around.

"Knuckles" or Aedrien 
Tuesday July 20th, 1999 7:39:07 PM

Knuckles (a good friend, but a bit of a bully) enters just then with his toy wooden long sword.  

Tuesday July 20th, 1999 7:57:52 PM

Legs walks over to where Tag Along dropped his stick. He picks it up and casually saunters over to Knuckles. Suddenly, with a flourish of the stick, held as a sword, he intones in as deep a voice as he can manage, "To your guard, invader!" He winks at Catcher, and says with mock sternness to Knuckles. "You'll get no dark secrets out of us!" His voice cracks on 'us'.

Aelwyndas (Wynd) 
Tuesday July 20th, 1999 8:33:57 PM

A scrappy tomboy of a girl scabbles into the den, she is dressed in good but well worn grey and brown pants and tunic, a sling tucked into her belt and she's one big bundle of energy. " Shhhhh, you two. Do you know how much racket your clacking of sticks are making?" " Do you want us to get found out?" " Hi Ari, Hi Legs." "Hey Ari, Father showed me some really cool plants and herbs today." " Hey that fish smells good. Anyone want some berries." Hey, why all the glum faces?" She sits, adjusts her pouch and sling, lays out three large handfuls of berries and helps herself to a little of the fish. Between mouthfuls she says, "Sorry i'm a bit late, but Father took me far into the forest today."

Tuesday July 20th, 1999 10:33:13 PM

Aacor smiles when Aelwyndas walks in.

Angus & Asbury (the sheepdog) 
Wednesday July 21st, 1999 10:53:38 AM

The much bigger Angus (the bulldog) Chuckles as 'knuckles' comes in and is confronted by 'legs' with the stick "go get him ..legs .. you can take him" winking wryly at bully. Asbury goes from legs attention to snuggly over by 'tags'.

Wednesday July 21st, 1999 10:53:39 AM

Lifts his wooden sword with a snicker." I am here for all your gold. Give it up or I will take your head." Knuckles then takes a swing missing on purpose, but acting like he is really swinging.

Wednesday July 21st, 1999 12:44:14 PM

The lithe girl sneaks up behind Knuckles, and twists his arm around behind his back. "You won't take anybodys ANYTHING if I have something to say about it." She whirls him around, whips out her wooden toy sword and takes up a slopy fighting stance. "E'ngarde you dirty pirate!!"

DM Jerry 
Wednesday July 21st, 1999 1:05:03 PM

The fish tastes wonderful. All cares are forgotten as you enjoy the moment.

Wednesday July 21st, 1999 3:05:42 PM

She just shook her head at Catcher. He didn't know anything about it.

Tag Along 
Wednesday July 21st, 1999 3:05:43 PM

As the mock battle begins, Tag begins to play a rousing little tune on his flute while tapping his feet. He gets a nice adventure song going giving the mock battle the feal of a grand battle between pirates and privateers. He even gets the dog angus howling to the song as he begins to stand and skip around a bit while the tune is whistled from the flute.

Wednesday July 21st, 1999 7:54:31 PM

Concerned that someone will reeeaally hear them, Catcher gets up and goes over to the entrance to see if anyone is outside.

Wednesday July 21st, 1999 8:47:56 PM

Parrying, dodging, and trying to come close to but not actually hit Knuckles (nor be hit by him), the 5'10" 145 pound thirteen-year-old boy enjoys the play. As Poison swings Knuckles about, Legs dances over to a point equidistant from the two, alternatively striking his sword and hers, in time to Tag Along's tune. He makes silly faces, and waggles his eyebrows at his fellow combatants and friends. "Your enemy is my enemy!" he says to Poison. "Your enemy is my enemy!" he says to Knuckles. "Oh-oh, I am my own enemy!" he concludes, and stabs himself firmly under the left armpit, falling backward, 'dead' on the floor.

Wednesday July 21st, 1999 8:52:31 PM

After a moment, he opens one eye and looks around. "Catcher - got a fish for me?" Legs closes his eye, and holds two hands open above his lower torso, hoping to receive therein a fish. His knobby 'sword' still lodges under his arm, now at an angle across his chest.

Wednesday July 21st, 1999 11:23:49 PM

Laughing at the antics of the others, Wynd almost chokes on a bit of fish. Then looking over at T.A. says, Hey your getting pretty good on that thing. and then laughs some more as Legs kills himself.

Thursday July 22nd, 1999 12:44:19 PM

"shhh, ... keep it down .. we'll be overheard"

DM Jerry 
Thursday July 22nd, 1999 12:44:20 PM

The raucus joy of our two pirates is broken by the snap of a loud twig and the sound of leaves being pushed aside just outside the den. Catcher catches a glimpse of a tall thin figure rounding the corner of the building. (Perception check [that's Wis or Int-which is best for you] to notice. Catcher automatically notices)

Tag Along 
Thursday July 22nd, 1999 12:44:21 PM

Stops his music and moves to the shadows in the back of the room.

Poison  d20=12
Thursday July 22nd, 1999 12:44:22 PM

Drops to one knee and rolls to the side of the entrance, she raises her play sword above her head and prepares to clober whoever is making all that noise.

Wynd  d20=2
Thursday July 22nd, 1999 12:52:21 PM

Suddenly quiet and serious and with a look that says "I told you so," Wynd moves away from everyone loads her sling and gets ready to let fly.

Angus  d20=16
Friday July 23rd, 1999 5:59:05 AM

(failed perception chk) motions to asbury (making sure he understands) to stay down and quiet, then becomes still as stone in the center of the room as he sees his friends reacting to something. calmly taking in the actions of all his friends inside.

Legs  d20=18
Friday July 23rd, 1999 5:59:06 AM

Legs didn't hear the twig snap, nor see the person walking nearby. After a moment, though, he realizes no one is going to hand him a fish, so he jumps up and walks over to get one. He is about to make a comment, but sees his friends behaving oddly. "What's up, Wynd?" he whispers.

Friday July 23rd, 1999 5:59:07 AM

With his hand in the air behind him, preparing to signal, Catcher keeps watching the figure to see who it is and what it's up to.

The Stranger 
Friday July 23rd, 1999 5:59:08 AM

A sound of "Ouch!" and following sounds of someone falling down the steps into the basement with the accompanying ,"Ow! Woah.. Eeeh!Ouch!Oh!" reaches your ears just moments before a tall gangly man dressed in rags and wearing a long dark blond unkempt beard tumbles into the room landing with his seat in the fire and his face facing the fish. You recognize him instantly as a Slaag. Some of you have seen him around town the last couple of days singing stupid ditties and quoting poetry to the sky. (perception check to have seen him before.) "Oh My! Sorry." He gets to his feet and furiously patting his smoking seat sees all the weapons drawn on him. "Oops." He holds his hands up in surrender.

Wynd  d20=12
Friday July 23rd, 1999 5:59:09 AM

Wynd has seen this slagg around but doesn't seem to recall what he is called, she relacxes a bit but still keeps he sling at the ready.

Legs  d20=7
Friday July 23rd, 1999 5:59:10 AM

Legs had just taken a bite of fish when the slaag made his grand entry. With knobby stick in his left hand, and the nearly whole fish in his right, Legs challenges the intruder. "Who hath let thee into our castle, varlet? How didst thou find thine way past yon Guardians of the Bush? Speak! Knowest thou the word of passage? What is the name of this FISH!?!" he asks, flopping the fish before the slaag's face. He looks a bit closer. "Hey, you were singing in the square yesterday, weren't you?" he asks, backing up a step, and taking another bite out of the fish.

Ari  d20=8
Friday July 23rd, 1999 7:58:03 AM

(test post, seem to have lost 2)"I've seen him around, but what are you doing here?"

Skippy  d20=7 d20=15
Friday July 23rd, 1999 10:37:30 AM

She'd been quiet as a mouse watching Catcher, but gasped as the wierd guy came falling down. Not recognizing him, she looked at Legs with a frown and supported Ari. "Yeah!" She looked around and said, "Guys, we GOTTA keep it down or else somebody else is gonna show up!"

Tag Along  d20=5
Friday July 23rd, 1999 10:37:31 AM

((Makes perception)) "Oh boy!" he says from the back corner and shadows. "What do you want down here, this is a place for kids not adults. Oh wait i forgot you are considered a kid by the town. Does that make him ok to be down her GUYs?" says Tag as he looks to the young faces of the group.

Friday July 23rd, 1999 11:35:12 AM

Looking around agast at her friends. "Shhhhhhh you all don't bring the wrath down on us, be nice." She imedietly puts away her toy and goes to the fire to get her piece of fish. Everyone can hear her tummy grumble and they know she has probably gone a whole nother day without eating. She takes the choicest piece of fish she can and she crosses to the slag and hands it to him, siting in front of him politely and quietly.

Friday July 23rd, 1999 9:32:44 PM

shakes his head and backs away from the slag. " Are you guys sure we should be talking to him?"

Bulldog (Angus)  d20=16
Saturday July 24th, 1999 10:38:35 AM

Surprised at seeing a stranger tumbling through the entrance way, the sturdy little fellow stands his ground " ahhack, ... slaag ... get thee gone from here ... " shaking his fist menacingly at the outcast of social order.

Asbury (four footed and furry) 
Saturday July 24th, 1999 10:42:46 AM

stands onto all fours, taking a slight interest in the stranger, but seems really interested in the fish being passed out. sniffs. closer and closer.

The Stranger 
Saturday July 24th, 1999 10:42:47 AM

The Guardians of the Bush didst verily protect thee tripping me into the fires of discontent where I was saved by this holy fish. Worry thou not, no one has heard my ravings this day." He stops to think about this a moment and then continues. "Greetings holder of fish in many guises!" He then turns to Poison and whispers, "Ahh, another friendly holder of fish. Thank you and your fish but I am not hungry. I am lost and I am searching. The fox has it's hole, and the bird shelters in the great leafy oak, but the son of man has not where to lay his head??" He spins around taking in the place, seemingly serious for a moment. "Oh, and I've forgotten, what is the name of this fair village?" He plops down crossing his skinny white legs and smiles crookedly.

Saturday July 24th, 1999 10:42:48 AM

"Adorus. And that's not a command," Legs explains. "'Adorus' is the name of this village. Are you the son of man who has not where to lay his head?" Legs asks. "Also, which bird shelters in the great leafy oak. And what color is the fox? And the fish isn't in many guises. It's in many scales, I should say."

Saturday July 24th, 1999 2:10:37 PM

"You do TOO have a place to lay your head. You sleep in the Slaag's House," she glared at the stranger.

Tag Along 
Saturday July 24th, 1999 2:10:38 PM

A fox in its den, goes after the hens. A bird in the tree, goes after the flea. A man with no home, Seems awful alone! So what is it you want stranger slag with no tag, a man on the roam with no place to call home. If we will continue to talk, because of your stumbled walk, we will nead a name, and we will give you the same. My name is Tag, whats yours stranger.

Saturday July 24th, 1999 5:42:30 PM

Catcher laughs at Tag Along's rhyme, shaking his head, and watches to see how the stranger responds.

Bulldog (Angus) 
Sunday July 25th, 1999 8:50:43 AM

"good one 'Tag' ..." still standing near the center of the room "we shouldn't be talking to him .. what if someone sees us..." he says to all.

Sunday July 25th, 1999 8:50:44 AM

Wind, sure she's seen this slag wandering thruogh the forest upon occasion, lowers he sling, listens intently to what he says and then slowly steps forward and serious states. Are we not all lost and searching for something?Some would say that man should lay his head with the fox and the bird in the freedom of the Wold.

Monday July 26th, 1999 1:47:18 PM

Poison whirls around and glares at her friends. "SHUT UP, this could be us some day, would you want to be made fun of?" With that she takes a leaf from the outside tree and tries to slip the wraped up fish into the slags pocket with out him noticing. She then returns to sit in front of him again.

Monday July 26th, 1999 2:54:03 PM

scratches his head," but the son of man has not where to lay his head?" scratches his head again," that sure sounds like something I have heard somewhere before."

Tuesday July 27th, 1999 7:58:51 AM

"shut up yourself, Poison ! he's not blessed by Ga'al, the seed did not take him. So we should leave him to his own ends !"

Tuesday July 27th, 1999 7:58:52 AM

Adorus! Ahh....loveliest village of the plain! Here is no anguish, here no pain! His eyes light up almost showing sanity for a moment as his musings are answered in kind and he scrutinizes each of you very carefully as you speak. He selects Tagalong to focus on and suddenly takes on his quirkly look again. "Do you know me boy? I am the king of this land. My wife was a queen of a rainy country, but I left her weeping." He stands. "My name.....is Ozymandius. Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!" He very nearly shouts this last part causing a slight echo in the basement.

Tuesday July 27th, 1999 7:58:53 AM

Humoring him, Catcher says in a lowered voice, hoping to calm Ozymandius, "So what are your 'mighty works'?"

Tag Along 
Tuesday July 27th, 1999 7:58:54 AM

"Ozymandius, Ozymandius, the man that thought he was King was a Candyuss! A queen left in shame, why would you leave the queen of rain? You ask if you know this orphan tag, i was left by my father he was a slag." you all look at the two poets features and relize they are striking familiar. "Why come all this way with such bother. What is it you have to tell us father?" he finishes staring at the slag

Tuesday July 27th, 1999 7:58:55 AM

Legs looks at Tag Along and Ozymandius. Back and forth a few times. "He's your father?" Legs asks Tag Along.

Tuesday July 27th, 1999 10:34:56 AM

"Your father?.....but I....I mean....OH! and she sits down.

Tuesday July 27th, 1999 12:07:44 PM

Ignores the local barking dog and focuses in on the poor man.

Tuesday July 27th, 1999 9:07:59 PM

To Catcher Ozymandius turns and says, "I am the holder of the torch and the keeper of the everlasting flame. And thus is my double life revealed." To Tagalong he then focuses his attention once again and for a moment he looks totally sane. "I am not your father although we two birds have flown the same coup. We are truly two birds of a feather and we have flocked together. I have eaten my candy and bothered and have been bothered. Indeed I have come as the early bird to catch the worms. You, Tagalong and your friends, are those worms. So, I am thus revealed. Who am I? Tell me that and you will know something true. And that truth shall set you free."

Tuesday July 27th, 1999 9:29:47 PM

" When are we going to be done with this nut. We are going to get in trouble."

'Bulldog'  d20=4
Wednesday July 28th, 1999 9:49:21 AM

"worms we are not slaag ... begone now or I'll make ya" yhe burly youn boy then steps forward and attempts to give the old 'slaag' a shove towards the door.

Wednesday July 28th, 1999 9:49:22 AM

"You're a Slaag is what you are. We never heard of Ozymandius! Where's your torch, flamekeeper?" she jeered, bored with the stupid rhymes.

Tag Along 
Wednesday July 28th, 1999 9:49:23 AM

If thou are the early bird come to claim, then we must be your worms all the same. A seed will soon be planted in the ground. And its target the worms it will try to expound. Should we go underground and take the seed? Or shall we stay above the earth and let the birds feed. I know who you are from your speech, a man come to take us away from the heartseeds reach. Enough ryhme for now, i will speak the truth. You are a man coming to offer us away out of the heart seeds. To grow up free as you slags stay, but to skip the maturity that adulthood will bring us. Monk is happy and so shall we be. I have been a outcast my whole life and soon i will fit in. If you come to feed before the heartseeds do you found the wrong group. Leave now or some of the big kids will make you.

Wednesday July 28th, 1999 9:49:24 AM

A bit unsure of herself, and even a little bit more confused, Wynd manages to squeak out, "Was that Worms or Wyems, as in dragons?"

Wednesday July 28th, 1999 9:49:25 AM

"You play a dangerous game, Ozymandius," Catcher says, holding back Bulldog's shove.

Wednesday July 28th, 1999 11:10:43 AM

"Um, what do you mean by the torch and the eternal flame? And how will knowing the truth of who you are set us free?" Legs is puzzled. He gives Bulldog a dark look, as though as to say, 'Back off.'

Wednesday July 28th, 1999 11:47:38 AM

Standing she places herself in between Bulldog and the Slag, "I don't want to have to teach you a lesson in manners, but if you keep pushing I will. I will say it again so you can understand. One day you will be heart seeded, if something goes wrong you will wind up just like him. Ga'al teaches that you reap what you sow, so in simple terms if you are mean to a slag you become one who people are mean to. So sit down and SHUT UP!"

Wednesday July 28th, 1999 12:25:47 PM

" You SHUT UP Poison, I know we shouldn't be mean and that he is just as he should be, but the fact is we should not be assossiating with these kind of people. What would your parents say if they saw you with him? "

Wednesday July 28th, 1999 11:32:28 PM

Ari watches with amusement as the bigger kids move to throw out the Slaag. "Hey guys, you're much too loud. Keep it down or we'll all be on the wrong end of a whip and what time we have left in this place will be history."

Thursday July 29th, 1999 11:30:07 AM

As catcher blocks his shove 'bulldog' steps to the side but responds to 'Poison' "knuckles is right we shouldn't have anything to do with him, I can't see why your defending that slaag" points at the slaag "you Better leave .. and take your rhymes with you!." not trying to approach him. And ignoring 'Legs' stare.

Thursday July 29th, 1999 11:33:27 AM

"Grrrrrrrr" as all the comotion becomes energized.

Thursday July 29th, 1999 11:33:28 AM

Ozymandius remains seated and ignores the chaos around him. Then, he speaks to Catcher. No look of insanity shows as he stares at him and those standing around him. "Yes, my young friend, I do indeed play a dangerous game...far more dangerous than you can possibly imagine for..." and he looks at his attackers, "I am not a Slaag."

Thursday July 29th, 1999 11:33:29 AM

The gangly boy puts his right foot ahead of and to the left of his left foot, and sinks to a cross-legged position, facing 'Ozymandius.' He leans his elbow on his right knee, and his chin in his right hand. His stick rests across his lap. "So, who are you really, then?"

Tag Along 
Thursday July 29th, 1999 11:33:30 AM

"You never took the heartseed? SO does that mean you are a barbarian from the other side?" says tag as he hides behind the bigger kids

Thursday July 29th, 1999 12:12:10 PM

Abruptly sitting back down, sling forgotten and hanging limply in her hand, and in a trembly voice, Wynd stutters, aaare yyyou wwhhatt FFather ccalls a cccccultist?

Thursday July 29th, 1999 12:18:36 PM

She eased up to stand. "We could be punished by the priests just for talking to you!" She paused, driven by unwilling curiousity. "How do you escape the culls and roundups?"

Thursday July 29th, 1999 12:28:33 PM

She whips around and stares at the old crazy man.

Thursday July 29th, 1999 6:45:39 PM

Looking steadily back at Ozzy, Catcher responds, "And what is the purpose of this 'game'?"

Thursday July 29th, 1999 7:19:25 PM

" Yes, barbarian, we know your kind eats children. You will not be eating us. "

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday July 30th, 1999 9:11:54 AM

Stunned to silence by the last statement. The stout youngster stands along side 'knuckles' confrontationally towards the stranger with a quick nod towards 'Tags' as the little fellow moves behind the two toughies. Awaiting the next words, torn, knowing he shouldn't. Asbury brushes up along side of his master, but moves no father.

Friday July 30th, 1999 9:11:55 AM

::plops down staring at the man in disbelief:: Then his face turns hard. "Then you're an adult. You've found us out."

Friday July 30th, 1999 9:11:56 AM

To Legs, he smiles his crooked smile. "What I am? That's a very complicated question. But I will try to explain." To Tag he says, "Your question is a good place to begin. No, I have been heartseeded. And I very nearly did become a Slaag. Close enough that my rhyming is actually a side-effect of that close call and not a talent I came by naturally." He then opens his shirt, something that is never done except in church or in the home, and shows the tentacle that always protrudes from the chest. It looks like the ones you may have seen on your parents or older siblings. "However, I was saved by a very wise and powerful man who treated me and introduced me to others who are like myself: heartseeded, yet unjoined with Ga'al. And yes, Wynd, I guess I could be called what you're father calls a cultist." To Skippy he says, "I have escaped the Sacrifice Sweeps and culls as you put them so far because I do have a heartseed. I have also been lucky in that no priest has ah succeeded in checking the health of my heartseed or in attempting to attune with it." He turns to Catcher. "The purpose of this game is to come here and talk with you. I was impressed that you have hidden this place from your elders for so many turns." then he sits up a bit straighter. "Now, let me ask you some questions. Have any of your friends here or older brothers and sisters gone on to become Joined? You are getting close to that age yourself? How do you feel about this? What do you know about joinings? What do you think will happen?"

Tag Along 
Friday July 30th, 1999 9:11:57 AM

"I will be joined and no longer considered the Tag Along of the village passed from house to house. They will give me a trade and tehy will treat me good for a change instead of like the slaags son i am. I cant wait to be joined with Ga'al and civalized. You offer false hope and confussion to us, why do you wish to make us unpure for the heartseeds?" he says with a wet teared face balling away

Friday July 30th, 1999 9:23:12 AM

Catcher decides to stand back and hear what the others have to say, confused about the openness of this adult.

Friday July 30th, 1999 4:08:59 PM

Hesitantly Wynd speaks. I am the oldest of the children in my family but my brother was taken by the preists, what happens to those children? I think we have all had friends who have been seeded, I can think of one right off, and that was Monk. But he seems alright and happy.

Friday July 30th, 1999 5:46:39 PM

"Yes," adds Legs. "My younger brother was chosen," he says matter of factly. "It is an honor to be chosen, my mother taught me." A far away look appears on his face. "And my baby brother, well ... his hand...." The boy's head drops down. He mumbles, "It was one of the few times my father yelled at me, because, because..." His shoulders start to shake. He inhales quickly a few times, then noticeably works to slow his breathing. After two deep breaths, Legs, with face void of expression, whispers, "I asked why Ga'al needed my brother's life force. Didn't he have enough life force of his own?" Another two breaths. "My father almost struck me. 'One should never question the needs of Ga'al. Never.' That's what he told me" Another breath. With flat affect, Legs says, "His hand - I mean, my baby brother's - was missing a few fingers."

Friday July 30th, 1999 7:38:25 PM

" Yes, we will become adults and Ga'al will guide us. I do not know what is wrong with you, but we do not want to be in your cult. "

Friday July 30th, 1999 7:38:36 PM

Her face wondering, she whispered, "But you've already lied...you could be a priest come to spy on us..." She covered her face, unseeable in the shadows. "My sister--Alystraea. She's gone to Ga'al. She came back...she's fine. But..she used to be so different! Father taught us all how to read, for the store! She liked to make up stories about distant places and adventures she'd do! But she says now that she should never have thought about wanting to be somewhere else! But that's not the way she was! Nobody talks about what happens...but it's like she's someone else now!"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Saturday July 31st, 1999 11:05:16 AM

"I am the oldest one in my family, I am the first to become heartseeded of us. ..... .... I know nothing of how it's done as those things go unspoken, but my father is a good, hard working person. ... And will be proud to be just like him, ..heartseeded to Ga'al in his glory. .... not barbaric like ......." Reaches down to stroke Asbury for comfort, as well as to comfort his friend.

Saturday July 31st, 1999 11:05:17 AM

Ari sits back by Tagalong and just listens, afraid to do more for the moment.

Saturday July 31st, 1999 11:05:18 AM

He smiles a moment in sympathy with Tag and then turns to the others. "Think for yourselves. Why does Ga'al want you to be "joined" with him? Why at the age of 13? You mentioned, motioning at Skippy, that your sister is different now. Instantly an adult. She never again ever questions anything about her life, Ga'al, and her personality has changed. She is someone different. What about Monk? Has his personality changed? Why does Ga'al want to change people's personalities? Why does he demand the deaths of the old or the different. Use your minds. Voice the thoughts and questions you're bound to have. Your parents won't answer them. Ga'al won't let them. I will answer your questions the best I can. Yours too Tag."

Saturday July 31st, 1999 11:05:19 AM

"If the Joining is such a special experience, why can't the adults to us express it? Why does it have to be a secret?"

Saturday July 31st, 1999 1:10:56 PM

Is it so we are all obedient to G'aal and accept things as they are? Boys become men and do the jobs that men do and girls become women, and do the things that women do. I am afraid that because I'm a gir, that I won't be allowed to follow in Father's footsteps.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Sunday August 1st, 1999 11:46:40 AM

Steadily "there are many things about life that we are not yet ready to understand. .... My parents watch out for me and my sisters. They do the best they can. They show no fear of Ga'al, ... only respect for what the 'great one' does for us all. Your words are but hisses from snakes to scare us. ..........Why do you wish to set us against one another ....you see what he trying to do to us ... corrupt us ...." the last he said to his friends, brimming with anger.

Tag Along 
Sunday August 1st, 1999 11:46:41 AM

"Ah yeah i worry about that stuff too. They said i couldnt do poetry or play my flute once i got to bean adult. PLus some older adults i used to hear talking about how i would only be good for a sacrifice to Ga'al. That wouldnt be real good." he says with his heads peeking out from the bigkids.

Sunday August 1st, 1999 2:21:09 PM

"Do you know what the Heartseed actually DOES to us?" she said, hardly daring to hope.

Sunday August 1st, 1999 5:59:29 PM

"Yeah, I'd say Monk changed. A while back he told us about visiting his aunt somewhere. He met some men without heart seeds from beyond the boundary. They told him me lands and places beyond where a guy could do whatever he wanted to. I remember he said, 'No one told them what to do. Everyone was free.' And he had kind of a light in his eyes when he talked about it." Legs rests his stick on his neck, and puts his arms over, dangling from his elbows on it. "Later, after he had bonded, well, it was still Monk, except... You know how a fire, when it's really hot, the coals glow bright? Well, it was sort of like Monk's coals cooled off. He thought that further talk about what it was like for people beyond was foolishness."

Monday August 2nd, 1999 12:25:01 PM

" My father is a priest, and he is strict. I don't always like being told what to do. I would love to just keep doing whatever I want, but that is just because I am not an adult yet...right? "

Monday August 2nd, 1999 11:43:19 PM

Turning to Wynd, Ozymandius says, "Have you seen any stores, businesses or ventures run by women? Have you seen any women priests? Ga'al does not allow women to take on what he deems to be positions of importance." Then he turns to Bulldog. "It is up to you to believe my words or to believe what you've been taught. It is a hard thing to hear something different. Why do you think, son, that Ga'al does not allow such differences of opinion? As an example, if the people who are living outside of Aisildur are such savages and in need of what Ga'al offers, why does he not then help these people as well and take them into his fold? Why are people not allowed to speak freely against Ga'al if they so choose to? Is it not a person's right to state their opinions? Hoever, one word spoken in public against Ga'al is cause for death. Is this fair? Is it right? Is it just?" He turns to Tag. "Why shouldn't you be allowed to bring happiness to people through the playing of your flute? Why shouldn't you be encouraged to study with a master flute player to learn to play like a master and then become a performer as an adult making the lives of all who hear your flute joyous? Is it fair to kill your grandparents and later your parents just because they become old? Don't they still have something to offer their families such as their wisdom and love?" He then pauses and turns to Legs and slows the tempo of his voice as it almost becomes a sad whisper. "You are very observant, milady. Monk, your friend, told you the truth. There are lands 'out there' where people are free to do the very thing Monk said. And I met those strangers he mentioned. They were truthful, honorable, and very brave and good." He pauses again. "Monk changed. The heartseed changed him. Did he want to be different? Forget the thoughts he expressed to you? No. The heartseed of Ga'al changed him. The heartseed makes Monk think what Ga'al wants him to think about such matters. It..." He looks directly at Bulldog and a tear forms in his eyes as he seems to remember something from long ago... "...it now controls him." Another pause. "It gives him rules that he must obey whether he wants to or not." A longer pause. His eyes bore into Bulldog. "It has made him a slave." That last word spoken as a loud whisper seems to hang in the air. "I wish I could have met him before....before."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday August 3rd, 1999 12:45:56 PM

After listening. The young boy kneels down to stroke Asbury and quietly ponders the strangers words. Showing no emotion, and keeping the stranger in focus before him. He waits to hear from the others ... ................. but says nothing.?

Ari * 
Tuesday August 3rd, 1999 12:57:02 PM

A low whisper to the stranger "slaves, did you say that everyone here in town, ... the adults ... are just slaves in silence ... to Ga'al" looks about at those in the room.

Tuesday August 3rd, 1999 12:57:03 PM

"Well, why didn't your heart seed bind you as it does others?" Legs asks. [OOC the boy is not 'milady' :)]

Tuesday August 3rd, 1999 12:57:04 PM

Listening to Oz and sitting quietly, A few tears appear at the corners of her eyes, Hastily she wipes them away and in a quiet, shaky voice says It shouldn't be that way. people should get to be what they want to be.

Thursday August 5th, 1999 6:21:15 PM

looks as he is thinking and finally says, " You are starting to make sense. I am sorry I was so aggressive, but what you are saying scares me to be honest." Knuckles looks to all his friends," Now, don't laugh at me guys, I know I act like I am the tough guy, but now I don't know what to do. I mean, this guy is making sense, but I just don't know. What can we do without Ga'al? Actually, do we even have a choice? What do you think would happen if we said we didn't want the heartseed? Do you think that they would say that's fine? No, they would kill us. I have finally made it to nearly becomeing an adult. I do not want to die."

Thursday August 5th, 1999 6:27:36 PM

" I am not going to be a slave. My father has taught me how to survive and find food and water while others go hungry and thirst. I don't think my father would truly want me to be a slave. Why is he willingly a slave? Why does he not question as we are now? "

Friday August 6th, 1999 8:18:16 PM

Turning to Ari and putting his hand gently on his shoulder he nods, "Yes, everyone joined with Ga'al is in some respects a slave. He or she is forced to believe the things tha Ga'al teaches." He touches the tendril sticking out of his chest. "I was given a magical potion both before and after my heartseeding that prevented the seed from controlling me. I still have to take a yearly draught of the stuff. It....is very painful. The....um, magician that makes these draughts says that they are shortening my days each time I take them. I look an older man, yet I am only forty two turns old." He stops pondering things for a few minutes and then adds his agreement to Wynd's words. "Yes it shouldn't be that way." He lets the silence have it's way for awhile. "The adults do not realize that they are slaves. They just find upon joining with Ga'al that their opinions before were wrong and his are right. I happen to disagree with that. It is wrong to make people think a certain way. It is wrong to kill the sick, old, and those born with problems. It is wrong to want to control a people. But I didn't come here just to tell you about how unfair it all was. It would be wrong of me to tell all of you this and leave you to your doom. I have a way out.

Tag Along 
Saturday August 7th, 1999 8:20:31 AM

But im not good at anything else but playing the flute and making up stories. And they wont let me do that." says the lithe boy as he steps away from the others. "I wont make a good leader, and i fear what the people say, that i will only be good for a sacrifice. But what choice does that leave us? I have no ties here if i run away i lose nothing. But, they all have families brothers and homes." he says making a sweeping gesture towards the group. "If we take what you appear to be offering we will most likely never be allowed to see them again." he says as he approaches the man it appears his fear melting away. "So you offer us a sense of freedom. And i do wish to become a master story tellar and travel the wold to collect my stories. If you offer me a chance, I think i will take it. That way i indeed may meet my dad some day to ask him the same questions i have asked of you." he says suddenly he looks in the mans eyes and with a stern expression "What is it i must do to be free

Saturday August 7th, 1999 1:39:16 PM

quietly but very firmly Wynd akss, "So what exactly is this way out? Is it this potion you speak of? How much shorter does it make ones life? and why is it painful.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Sunday August 8th, 1999 7:53:48 AM

"What do you mean a way out .... you mean a way that we'll never see our mothers and fathers again,.. because we'll be outcast. ... come on guys .. do you really want to take this seriously." stands up to look about at everyone. "I know that there are somethings that are not told to us, but I am not ready to jump after this old man after just one short meeting. I mean what do you all really think about this" (stubborn ain't he)( as he friends should well know)

Sunday August 8th, 1999 11:42:07 PM

"What if people are doing bad things? Is it wrong to try to control them? Should there be no leadership? And no way to punish bad people, and keep them from doing more bad things?" Legs rubs the side of his face with his hand. "Now, I think you are right that just because someone is sick or old or has problems, people shouldn't kill them. I think sometimes people do that because they don't care about them enough to help them, and it's just easier to have them go away." Legs thinks a little bit more, and asks, "It's not wrong to help people think the right way, though, is it? Is that different than controlling them, do you think? I mean, if I think that eating a certain plant is a good idea, but my father knows it will give me a stomach ache, it's good for him to teach me, and warn me not to eat it, right? I guess, to tell the truth is right, right? And to tell lies is wrong?"

Monday August 9th, 1999 9:52:33 AM

Catcher, hearing his questions already voiced, waits to hear Ozzy respond.

Monday August 9th, 1999 6:16:20 PM

"May I look closer at your seed?"

Monday August 9th, 1999 10:48:38 PM

Finally stands up. "I have no family but these, the rest don't count any longer. I will go where they go."

Tuesday August 10th, 1999 1:49:56 AM

"Do people, or gods, try to force others to believe stuff, because they're afraid others won't believe unless they're forced or tricked? Isn't truth strong enough to stand alone?"

Tuesday August 10th, 1999 2:19:56 AM

Ozymandius nods at Tag's statement seriously and then quickly turns his attention to Wynd. "Yes, one way out is to take the potion. But it is painful. The heartseed is forced into compliance. It....hurts because it constantly has to be weakened. You constantly make yourself sick to keep it under control and unable to join with Ga'al. There is another way though too. You can travel a dangerous journey across the land and attempt to join a second group of those who oppose Ga'al: THE PIRATES OF JACK! They have no heartseeds and sail the seas attacking Ga'al and helping the people of Aisildur as they can. It is a hard and dangerous life, but it is exciting as well." Then Ozymandius sobers turning to Bulldog's question. He absently strokes Asbury. "Fine dog you have here. Very loyal. It is good that you challenge me young man. You think deep and you protect your friends with your fierce loyalty. And yes, it is very likely that you will not see your family again. But you could spend your life fighting again Ga'al for all the families of Aisildur...fighting to overthrow the one that took and continues each day to take the freedom of your family. It is not easy. If it was that would be the first sign that I was lying to you." Then to Legs, "Continue to search your beliefs good sir. But should not people be able to decide about their life and choices for themselves? Did not the creator make us to choose the paths of our lives? I offer you the chance to choose your future rather than just accept Ga'al's. Helping people is different than forcing them. If a father protects his young son by not letting him roam the forest alone he does good, but if he refuses to let his sun take a chance and learn how to handle himself with a wild animal as he grows, he does wrong because he does not allow the son to learn from his mistakes. So he watches and advises and prepares to rescue the son if necessary, but holds back to let the son learn. His heart breaks to let his son take the chance, yet he knows he must. Ga'al takes these choices from you. He closes off the Wold to protect you..or at least that's the reason he provides. In truth, he knows that if you saw the rest of The Wold you would realize that you didn't need this kind of protection because it robs you of your freedoms. He is trying to keep the people of Ailsidur his slaves, both in mind and body so that they can live and die giving him their power. For four centuries he has done this and now few challenge his right to do so. He has grown powerful. He has not grown so powerful, though that he cannot be opposed by free and brave men and women. He will be defeated. I offer you the chance to join those who will save our people from this tyrant and devil!"

Tuesday August 10th, 1999 8:57:14 AM

Hearing the analogy about the forest, Catcher states,"I would rather die strong than weak, strong in spirt, mind, and body."

Tuesday August 10th, 1999 12:23:48 PM

Ari continues to listen.

Tuesday August 10th, 1999 4:11:23 PM

Her emerald eyes shining, she looked up abruptly, "It doesn't matter. I won't stay. I won't EVER be a slave. I don't care if it's good for me or not. I'm going to run away."

Tuesday August 10th, 1999 5:30:33 PM

"Pirates, I always wanted to fight a pirate!"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday August 11th, 1999 6:28:53 AM

Listens to his friends making the choices to leave the homes, his face hardens as he looks from one to the next. He holds his silence as they choose. His eyes hold a moment on Ari as he awaits all of them. .......... one hand tenderly scratches his friend 'Asbury' for comfort.

Wednesday August 11th, 1999 6:28:54 AM

Watching Ozy and her friends very closely, Wynd looks down at her feet and says. Either way we cant say godbye to our parents can we? I mean they would have to stop us wouldn't they? ::looking up and at Ozy:: So, where and how do we find this Jack and his pirates?

Tag Along 
Wednesday August 11th, 1999 6:28:55 AM

"A pirate of Jack, a jack of all trades. To ride the waves and hijack, but not to loot and sack. To fight for freedom of friend, i shall do this if my current life I know must end. So who shall stay and who shall go. The answer is easy for Tag, as there is no family to fore go. For my compatriots, to either decide on breakiing they heart, or having the seed go in the heart. A puzzle of life we recieve. I hope Ozy does not try to decieve." he finishes his little poem. "I will go be a pirate. Is my father a pirate. Do pirates like singing and music. I would be good at climbinh and looking in the crows nest i bet." he says kinda looking excited at a chance to escape the life that GA'al had set for him.

Wednesday August 11th, 1999 6:28:56 AM

Ozymandius listens intently to the discussion. To Wynd he says, "I can't tell you that just yet. You must all agree to go and swear to keep the information secret before I may reveal any details to you. Otherwise it puts many people at risk. A risk we're willing to take to save you, but only if you are together on this."

Wednesday August 11th, 1999 6:28:57 AM

"Ozymandius ... is there a god greater than Ga'al? Who is truly good? I cannot go if there is not. If there is ..." He leaves the thought unfinished.

Wednesday August 11th, 1999 8:31:01 AM

Looking around at his companions, and seeing uncertainty in some of their eyes, Catcher steps forward and states, "Count me in."

Wednesday August 11th, 1999 5:07:01 PM

"How can so many people be wrong? What proof is there, other than your words?"

Wednesday August 11th, 1999 5:15:42 PM

well, I guess I understand that, but .... ahh well, To Lemtravex with it. I'll go as well.

Wednesday August 11th, 1999 7:13:35 PM

"If I get to be around pirates count me in, I never liked Aunt Kassie anyway!"

Tag Along 
Wednesday August 11th, 1999 7:13:36 PM

"Well the good news is no adults ever listen to me anyway. And if they do it will just be a another story i have made up. But i wont say anything."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday August 12th, 1999 8:46:53 AM

Nodding in agreement with Legs's and Ari's comments. "yeah ... what can ...?" stammers not knowing really what to add. " Pirates.... why ?" Stress shows on his face as he says "never to see my sisters and family again .... thats too much to ask ...isn't it ?"

Thursday August 12th, 1999 8:46:54 AM

Ozymandius turns towards Legs, but freezes as Wynd speaks. He whips around, faster than you thought he could move, takes two steps and grabs Wynd by the throat lifting him up high off of the ground in an incredible feat of strength and anger. His teeth grinding together and his eyes seem to jut out of their sockets as he spits out at him demanding, "Where did you hear that name? Tell me or I'll slay you where you stand!" His fingers begin to close "Tell me! Now!"

Catcher  d20=10
Thursday August 12th, 1999 8:46:55 AM

Yelling, "Get him!" Catcher charges to tackle Ozzy, hoping the group with overbear him with shear numbers.

Legs  d20=20 d6=5 d20=9
Thursday August 12th, 1999 8:46:56 AM

"Leave Aelwyndas alone! You can't treat her that way!" Legs whips his knobby stick around quickly, aiming (called shot) for the back of Ozymandius' knee, hoping to drop him so he'll drop her. (6hp dam, but not trying to kill him!)

Tag Along 
Thursday August 12th, 1999 8:46:57 AM

::runs to the corner and hides as he plays his flute out of being nervous::

Ari  d20=3
Thursday August 12th, 1999 8:46:58 AM

Ari will chop for the crook of the elbow, in order to try to get Oz to drop Wynd. In the excitement of everyone's reaction, his will miss since his aiming is now off.

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=16
Thursday August 12th, 1999 9:14:23 PM

will charge, along with catcher, to help his friend by going for a body tackle (linebacker style) to take down the old man. (rolled 16, hits) Asbury "GGrrrrrrrrr" will not attack, but try and stay out of everyones way.

Poison  d20=1 d20=16
Thursday August 12th, 1999 9:14:24 PM

The girl pulls her wooden sword and slashes at the other knee. (called shot, oops missed the first time and droped my sword.)

Thursday August 12th, 1999 9:14:25 PM

Suprised and frightened, Wynd dangles from Ozy's hand gasping and wheezing for breath, while trying to loosen his grip with her tiny hands. She manages to squeeze out a few words. Ccaan't ::gasp:: taalk, yer ::cough:: choking me, ::wheeze:: found ::gasp:: old bbooook. story. :: gasp:: you mean ::cough:: it's true. ::wheeze gasp::

Skippy  d20=14
Thursday August 12th, 1999 9:14:26 PM

Skippy jumped up, knowing who her friends were, and threw a punch at Ozzie, trying to get a neck hold (uppercut, D1). "Stop it! Let her go, or we'll run for the priests! You can't get us all!"

DM Jerry (Round 1-party action) 
Thursday August 12th, 1999 9:14:27 PM

Ozymandius throws off Catcher's charge as he bounces off of Ozymandius' lean frame. Legs, though, strikes him effectively in the back of the knee causing Ozymandius, and Wynd to tumble into the fire squirting sparks in each direction as a mostly burnt log breaks apart. Ari flies right by where the two of them just were and sails into the hiding form of Tagalong. Bulldog charging at the same time tumbles over Ozymandius and Wynd barrelling over to the stairs that make the entrance to the den (he hit AC6 and missed). Poison's sword flies over to the stairs slapping harmlessly against Bulldog's back with the flat of the blade. Skippy's uppercut finds air as her target falls into the fire.

Thursday August 12th, 1999 9:14:28 PM

Ozymandius quickly rolls out of the fire and begins using his robe to put out the flames on Wynd. When she appears uninjured, he rolls off of her groaning in pain and holding his knee. "AAAuuugh! They should call you stick. Ohhh my knee!!!" He rolls around in agony. "You read it in a book? What book? Did it have a picture of an apricot on the cover or two children carrying a bucket of water down a hill?" Holy Lem! AUUUGH, my leg!"

Thursday August 12th, 1999 9:27:55 PM

Shaken, scorcher and still a bit scared, Wynd looks over at Ozy, massages her throat and says. Well it was kind of hard to see what was on the cover cause of the scorch marks but it could have been two kids carrying sumfin. Though on the first page was hand written "As the thumb is cut off from our hand, so are we cut off from our brothers." It seemed to be a story about this brother and sister, Apricot and Asagriot or sumfin like that. But the story wasn't all there. The pages were real burnt up and they just met that Lemtrovex guy and that was all. Then I heard a veil wearer use the word to refer to someone they were searching for. They called him an uncouth, G'aal bedamned, Lemtrovex loving heathen. thats all i know really. it just seemed like a neat word to use when I didn't want to swear.

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=13
Friday August 13th, 1999 11:23:45 AM

as the old man seperates from Wynd and painfully looks after his knee. Bulldog places himself a step off to the side and forward of of his shaken friend. " you ok 'Wynd'" after a quick glance to make sure, the stout young boy gives a kick at the downed old man for good measure (missing). "You watch it there mister !"

Tag Along 
Friday August 13th, 1999 11:23:46 AM

"Stop fighting. He is my only chance to live. I have over heard the adults talking they all say i am to week to take the seed and will be given as sacrfice. Please dont fight, i dont want to die soon." says the scrawny youngster with tears in his eyes and a quivering lip. His flute clatters to the floor as he falls down into a heep.

Friday August 13th, 1999 11:23:47 AM

Legs stands for a moment rather amazed at the instantaneous whirlwind of motion, and quick resolution. He sees his friends are pretty much all right, and that Wynd is breathing. He looks at her for a moment, and listens to his friends, and to the stranger. "I didn't want to hurt you, sir, but I can't let people hurt my friends." He hears Tag Along's plea. "If we go away, our families might get in trouble. But if there is a good and worthy god, who doesn't kill people just because they are not strong, who can help make us free ... For Tag Along's sake I will go. For my country I will go. If it's the way to truth, I will go." He hands his stick to Ozymandius, and holds out a hand to help him up. "Maybe this will help you walk till your knee feels better."

Friday August 13th, 1999 11:23:48 AM

"Oh, and my friends don't call me Stick, they call me Legs."

Friday August 13th, 1999 11:23:49 AM

She gave him a disbelieving look. "How can you talk about looking for another god? You know how Ga'al is--why bother?"

Friday August 13th, 1999 12:04:14 PM

To the group, Catcher says, "I don't trust him. Anyone with a temper like that is trouble. He's probably a slaver looking for easy pickins'"

Friday August 13th, 1999 12:53:00 PM

"I say, if he wishes to talk further, he gets in that corner over there, and we stand in this opposite corner. There are still many questions, but I agree, I do not trust him any more. Maybe this is what comes from not believing in Ga'al's words. Maybe it's people like you, which is why my father wants to build this 'ultimate' weapon.

Friday August 13th, 1999 5:17:22 PM

posion walks over and picks up her sword. Then takes up a guard position near the stairs. Her smile is gone and she watches everthing silintly.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Saturday August 14th, 1999 10:58:12 AM

motioning for Asbury to come to him. "good idea Ari, just sit over there old man ...." pointing to the opposite corner as he ponders on what questions to ask next.

Sunday August 15th, 1999 12:20:04 AM

"Thanks Legs." He tries to stand, but sits again rather quickly wincing in pain. "The story is of Apricot and Ascariot. If the priests got ahold of that book, they's kill your whold family and probably your friends here. Ga'al wants to destroy all copies of that book, because it's true. It tells the story of how the resistance momement against Ga'al, the group I am a member of, and the Pirates of Jack came to be. Sorry I reactied as I did. That name is not permitted by those joined with Ga'al. I thought you were setting me up and working for the priests for a few moments there." He pauses and rubs his knee. "Shall I tell you the story? It will tell you of another god, Lemtrovex, that helps the people of the resistance and The Pirates of Jack. Besides, I do want to help you. Otherwise, I'd never have risked contacting you. Also, I don't think I could leave right now if I wanted to."

Sunday August 15th, 1999 2:33:29 PM

I would like to hear the rest of the story, so yes please tell us. As for the burnt, partial, copy of the book I found, it is still where I found it, in the burnt ruins of a small shack in the forest that Father works.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday August 16th, 1999 7:36:12 AM

Watches as the old man sits down and then does likewise, with Asbury closely at his side. "Go on then tell us of this other ... God ? ... then ...... I ... uhhh .. WE are listening .." uncomfortably awaits.

Monday August 16th, 1999 7:36:13 AM

To Skippy's question, Legs just shrugs his shoulders. As his friends decide, with caution, to listen further to this strange man, Legs sits on the other side of Asbury, and settles in for the story.

Monday August 16th, 1999 11:00:41 AM

Moving over to the entrance, Catcher keeps an eye out for any other intruders, and warily watches Ozzy.

Monday August 16th, 1999 11:23:28 AM

She kept to herself, sitting back. No matter what the outcome of her friends' decisions, SHE, at least, would be gone soon.

Monday August 16th, 1999 12:31:50 PM

"You would kill the priests of Ga'al? What do they do that they deserve instant death? Would you like me to take a look at leg. If you are injured, I could try to make you comfortable, but I would require that you sit."

Tag Along 
Monday August 16th, 1999 12:31:51 PM

::wiping his eyes with a clentched fist tag looks around. "I like stories please do tell it." he says as he picks up his flute and plays accompanying musci

Monday August 16th, 1999 11:48:18 PM

"Very well. Here is the story of Apricot and Ascariot. There are a group of Aisildurians who were not conquered by The Heartspider. These people do not worship Ga'al, but worship the dragon god, Lemtravex. These people are loyal citizens of Aisildur, the nation, but not of its new cult god. When the cataclysm became imminent, the Gods of The Wold said it was coming to them because of faithlessness and they would be chastised for their unfaithful ways. Instead of repenting and begging for their lives, most people decided to make a run for it. Many struck out overland for Elenna, a naive country of farmers, sailors, and simple folk who were to be spared for their innocence and faith. Others sailed to Elenna via the sea. As they left the borders of the old country, all knowledge of how to pray to their gods, ask for spells, or even say their names were wiped from their memories. With no priests to lead them, they were vulnerable to the priestly forces of The Elennians. Just as it seemed that all was lost, Ga'al appeared to the defunct priestly leaders and offered survival and then victory. The price: adoption of Ga'al in its different manifestations* as the God of Aisildur and complete obedience. They accepted and with new found power and zeal quickly carved out the area south of Shadow Mountain and west of Blackbird Lake as the territory for a new empire. When the Gods of The Wold saw the utter wickedness and the mass exodus defying them, they drew to themselves a remnant of the faithful and told them that they too were to leave the homeland, for it was to be destroyed. The gods would be with them and guide them to their wicked brothers where they would dwell in secret. A friendly and brave god would then reveal itself to them and guide them through the dark times of the fifth age. So they did. And they forgot the old gods along with their true purpose and were welcomed in Aisildur. -------------------------------- After the war, the Aisildurians began to bury the dead and settle into their new empire. As with all god/mortal relationships, they drift apart when crises are over. Ga'al, though, reminded its priests of their promise: complete obedience. Since it was not being honored by choice, he would take it by right. Ga'al began with the priesthood and royalty, telling them they would be put to sleep and awaken wearing the Mark of Ga'al for all to see, and Heartseeds were installed. This, of course, took all free-will away from the recipients, at least as far as worshipping Ga'al was concerned. The spider also enabled Ga'al to instill in the recipient the tenants upon which Ga'al wished the Aisildurians to build their lives. As the royalty began to be called upon by the priests, two young grandchildren of Ayorsa the Conqueror, Ascariot and Apricot, decided to sneak into the temple to watch their father and grandfather receive the Mark of Ga'al. When the children were secure in their hiding place, they settled in to watch. Their sires entered and were placed on mats. Then they were given a potion to drink. Slowly they went into a hypnotic trance and began to speak strange words and praise Ga'al with voices other than their own. The priests then ripped open their tunics and carefully laid a small black pulsating egg on each man's chest. The egg began to expand and then burst sending black ichor everywhere raising a holy stench to Ga'al on high. Inside a small blackish plant quickly began to burrow with their teeth into the chest of the king and his heir. When Apricot saw her granddad scream in pain and torture, and blood spurt out of his chest, she screamed in terror only to find that her brother had covered her mouth with his hand and so no sound came out. He held her, letting her bite his thumb as a bridle in her mouth. Then their dad opened his eyes in surprise and saw what was going on and his children cowering in the balcony---the look on their faces caused him to begin to fight the drugs and the Heartseed. Several priests came running and held him down and administered another potion forcing it down his throat. The brave father of Ascariot and Apricot screamed out, "Run my children! Run for your live and the lives of my people. We are truly forsaken." He then collapsed into unconsciousness. The children ran, Apricot tripping over her own small feet. It was a short time later hiding in an alley that Ayorsa looked down at his throbbing hand only to faint with horror. His thumb was missing.....found in Apricot's mouth. They eventually made their way to the apartment of their tutor, me, Dr. Cornelius and told me breathlessly what had happened. I helped them escape and we began spreading the word of the evil Heartseeds. We began with the intelligencia and spread from there to the nobility and gentry. As the word spread, however, many refused to believe us and the clerical propaganda machine quickly labeled the "non-believers" as traitors to Aisildur and the Emperor quickly followed suit disowning the grandchildren and their followers. He arrested and killed their mother publicly executing her along with other sympathizers when they didn't turn themselves in. This continued for several months until all citizens were initiated with the Heartseeds and were joined with Ga'al. --------------------------------- The thumbless hand became the secret sign of recognition and the call-sign: As the thumb is cut off from the hand, So we are from our brothers. This also grew to be the standard beginning of punishments for those of The Dragon Cult who were caught by the Priesthood. Over the next few years, the children with Dr. Cornelius stayed on the run one step ahead of those who would pursue them. --------------------------------------- When Ayorsa and Apricot came of age, they expressed the need to visit their mother's unmarked grave in the Capital City. They made there way there in time to honor the site with their most trusted followers on the 10th anniversary of her death. Many rumors of Dragon Cult meetings were placed to increase the margin of safety. As the ceremony began, Apricot asked to enter the site alone and then to follow after a time. Apricot approached the unmarked grave and said, Dearest Mother, I cannot remember your face or your smile, but I do remember your laugh and your love for me as a child. I also remember watching you being carried to the executioners stand and how brave you were. I came here as the leader of the true people of Aisildur to honor your sacrifice. We have a symbol among us that is a signal and a sign of honor. I honor you, my dear mother in this way. When Ayorsa and the others entered, they saw Apricot weeping and holding her dismembered thumb. Slowly a wind began to blow cooling sweat and tears. One of the number closed the mausoleum door. The wind continued and increased. As it reached gale force, the resistance leaders huddled together in fear, afraid the Ga'al had caught up with them at last. Then out from behind the sarcophagus stepped a figure dressed in gold and white. The resistance leaders drew their swards and strategically withdrew a few steps. The figure, a man, handsome and wise of face, held out his hands in a gesture of peace and said, "My name is Lemtrovex. I have come to help." "How?" stated Ayorsa simply. "I wish to insure that you survive as a people and ultimately defeat the evil which controls your loved ones and killed Alice your mother." "Are you a god?" asked Apricot. "Yes." "Do we have to worship you?" challenged Ayorsa. "No." "Can we?" pressed Apricot. "If you choose." Ayorsa said, "If you would help us, there is an act of trust that you must submit to in order to prove your sincerity." "I understand," said the god. Lemtrovex stepped forward and placed his hand on the altar, fingers spread. Ayorsa stepped forward to do the deed, but Apricot stopped him and said to her brother, "Stop! You don't believe in him do you?" "I have my doubts," stated Ayorsa. "If you cut off his finger, will you believe him? Believe in him? Accept him as your god?" asked Apricot. "No," stated Ayorsa. "Then it accomplishes nothing except pain. Give me the knife." She took it from his unyielding hands with surprising force and said, "If you would worship Lemtrovex stand at my right hand and bare your finger before me, for how can we refuse to do what our savior god, Lemtrovex, is willing to do. You will become our priesthood." About half of the rebellion leaders moved to her right hand and bared their fingers. "Now," Apricot continued, "Those of you who would accept the help of Lemtrovex the God and let him assist us as we strive to save our country from Gall stand at my right hand. To defeat a god, we need the help of a god." All except Ayorsa stood at her right or left. She said, "Brother, where do you stand? At my right or at my left?" "Neither," said he. "There is no proof that this creature is a god even if his cut finger can prove his loyalty which it doesn't. Powerful mages could accomplish the same things that this being has. So could the vile priests of Ga'al." Lemtrovex said, "Are you Apricot's brother?" "Yes," answered Ayorsa. "Prove it," continued Lemtrovex. "Ayorsa thought for a moment and said, "I cannot." "Wisely reasoned," spoke Lemtrovex. "It takes trust and ultimately faith. Trust your sister. I will, however, in the interest of trust and honesty reveal to you another of my true forms. Perhaps it will help your faith." And with those words, Lemtrovex, with a blinding flash, burst open the sepulcher, laying the four walls flat, spinning the roof into the distance and showed his true form: a huge gold dragon. It seemed appropriate at that moment for the mortals of the resistance to fall to the ground and worship him. And led by Apricot, that is what they did. Thus began the worship of Lemtrovex as god of the resistance and god of the True Aisildurians who became known as the Dragon Cult. But Ayorsa remained standing and did not worship saying, "I believe you are a god and I accept your help, but I also know that you are not Aisildurian. This is our problem to be solved by us. I accept your help in dealing with Ga'al, but the rest must be done by us true Aisildurians. "Thus I will go out from amongst you and find others who think as I do. We will then take to the sea and the Westerly Islands where we will build up the strength to oppose Ga'al, his evil followers and his helpless worshippers--the true people of Aisildur!" Lemtrovex replied, "Well thought Ayorsa. You shall come to be known as Jack, King of Slaags. And each sibling standing before me, Ayorsa and Apricot, will lead their own way to victory." And this is the tale of the birth and evolution of the resistance groups known as The Dragon Cult and the Pirates of Jack. -------------------------------- Although ultimately, no thumbs other than Apricot's and Ayorsa's were cut off, this served as a symbol for the Dragon Cult. The Priesthood, though, still had a foolproof method of determining whether a person was a Cult member. They had no Heartseeds. The clerics and mages of the Culthood wrestled with this problem for decades to no avail. Then as one mage involved in the research was wondering a marketplace in search of a rare component, a Slaag approached him and said, "Anion?" Yes. I was sure it was still you. Anion had a problem and could not find the answer. After asking everyone he knew for help, he finally took the answer from his enemy." "What?" said Anion. "Yes exactly!" responded the Slaag. "And so I give it unto you! Jill, get your pail of water. The man must have his answer!" A rare female vagrant then approached with an actual pail. However, the contents looked to be blood. She pushed the pail into the mages grasp and both of them disappeared into the crown mumbling nonsense and singing, "We shall be one in heart, Even though we are of two hearts. The two shall be as one. The two shall be as one!" He returned to the Resistance Hold and began to examine the blood like substance in the pail. Sure enough it was magical in nature. Many weeks later, he along with the other researchers were still stumped. Yet something in Anion's subconscious told him that there was something to this pail of blood. Later, he found himself humming an old tune. His fellow researcher Aightar, Priest of Lemtrovex, said, "Anion, stop that humming, I can't concentrate!" "Humming?" "Yeah, humming!" Then something clicked in Anion's subconscious and made that huge leap into full consciousness. "That's it!" Anion said, standing and knocking over the vials the two had been mixing. "What?" asked Aightar. "Give me something to write on." Aightar turned to get some manuscript as Anion grabbed a pen and began writing on the desk they were working at... "We shall be one in heart, even though we are of two hearts. The two shall be as one. The two shall be as one!" Anion shouted out the last line. "What?" asked Aightar. "The two shall be as one! We've gone about this all wrong. We've tried to simulate plants that would look like the Heartseed. We've tried to install dead Heartseeds into animals. We've tried to negate the controlling properties of the Heartseed once it had been installed. However, there is one thing we have not tried. Using it prior to insertion of the Heartseed! If this stuff enabled us to survive the installation of the Heartseed with our sanity still intact and not under the control of Ga'al, we could live normal lives. Come out of hiding. We would be able to disguise ourselves as a normal family, or pose as Slaags and therefore be exempt from Sacrifice Sweeps and Holy Day Services!" "That's amazing!" said Aightar. The last augury I performed concerning our research said that the answer had something to do with the outcast. I assumed that it meant us, not the Jacks. Let's get to work." A few short weeks later, two brave 13 year olds personally underwent Heartseeding after taking the Blood Serum. The results were successful, but there was an unexpected side effect. The Heartseed was not controlling the recipient, however a Mania was developing in both recipients. Ascariot was becoming disposed toward saying everything backwards, while Aizard began predicting odd things of minimal importance that would come true a few minutes later. Both of them were experiencing a noticeable loss of intelligence. Research continued. Conditions did not improve. All the brave young men and women who volunteered to try the potion which was now being reproduced from scratch, kept their own minds, but still became Vagrants as far as being disposed towards a singular "mania" and a partial loss of intelligence. About this time, the Jack of Pirates succeeded in spreading a magical wasting disease throughout much of the aristocracy, priesthood, and Armed Forces. The Emperor took his vengeance out on the Dragon Cult. Several large Dragon Clans were located and captured. Things were looking grim. Apricot was fading from old age and a lifetime of running. Her daughter Ascariot, who was being prepped for leadership, decided that she must undergo the procedure to determine whether she would be able to lead the Dragon Cult after Heartseeding. She underwent the procedure in secret and survived. She seemed to undergo no ill-effects other than wanting to have everything extremely clean and organized...something she already had an affinity for before the Heartseeding. Apricot in a tearful ceremony, turned over the leadership to her daughter and all waited to see what Ascariot's first request would be. All bared and spread their hands in the time-honored fashion which said they would follow her leadership and die for the cause should that prove necessary. Ascariot then stood and said, "My people, I challenge you to a sacrifice greater than any you have yet given to the cause of freedom and yet no less than the sacrifice of those who have died amongst us for that same cause. I challenge each young man and woman to..." and she bared her chest, "submit to Heartseeding." No one spoke or said anything. She continued, "This will ensure our future as we will be able to pass among the people as Vagrants and the risk we take of being discovered will be lessened for future generations. We will continue to strive to remove the harmful side effects of Mania and Intelligence loss, but I feel that the sacrifice is worth what we would achieve. Those who are older will continue to live in hiding as before, but your hearts will be light knowing that your descendants are better protected from the enemy and better equipped to fight than any who have come before." The silence continued, then one by one every child of age 13 came forward and bared their chests before the assembly showing their willingness to enter a new age of resistance. And so the Dragon Cult exists until this day. Living in an insane world while trying to master their own personal mania seeking that most important of causes: freedom for them and their people.

Tuesday August 17th, 1999 7:31:57 AM

Impressed by the tale, Catcher says, "I have many parts of that tale, but it makes sense, taken as a whole. One question: You said the grandchildren came to you -- how long ago was this?"

Tuesday August 17th, 1999 8:08:05 AM

So thats how that story ended....Well, I'm still not sure about this Lem guy but I am all for not having something eating into my chest ::shudders:: and controling me for the rest of my life.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday August 17th, 1999 10:35:07 AM

Nods in agreement with Catcher question .. Awed with the story the young boy sits in silence for a moment before turning to 'Tags' and asks a question to all "If we must still be given to the heartseeding no matter what our choice comes to ....what will happen to "tags' here if they truly won't allow him the chance ... because he may be to weak to accept it ..." looks back at the old man for a moment then back to his friend 'Tags' "you did say It was all of us or none .. old man ?" a steady voice says as he turns back towards Ozzy " And you have now told us this story ... what if we still choose to reject you now ?"

Tuesday August 17th, 1999 5:23:37 PM

Stands at guard.

Tuesday August 17th, 1999 9:41:17 PM

He looks at the girl who earlier safely held a honeybee in her hand. "What do you think, Skippy?" Legs asks.

Tuesday August 17th, 1999 10:13:45 PM

She tossed her hair. "Well, they made up that part about those 'faithful' that the supposed Old Gods brought here..He just said nobody could remember, so how could they know? But Ozzie HAS a Heartseed. We KNOW what happened to everyone else who's got one. They go crazy like Slaags, or they become someone different. So what's the difference? Do you wanna be a slave or a crazy or a sacrifice? What kinda choice is that? Who cares if somebody else decided that's good? According to that story, we're already a bunch of bad worshippers to the Old Gods. At least Ozzie here, no matter what he might REALLY be, offers something different. A chance for US to find out how things are, and decide for ourselves! But if we wanna watch out, we gotta stick together and not let anybody tear us apart! I want to help my little sister, but if I try to take her with me now, she'll just slow me down. Maybe I can make it, and come back for her. Maybe I can find a way to help my mom..." Her green eyes filled again, as her mouth tightened and she wrapped her arms around her. "I know what I'm going to do..."

Tag Along 
Tuesday August 17th, 1999 10:13:46 PM

"If you decide to take the heart seed and ignore the help we are offerd i will be sacrificed to Ga'al at the time you are all given your heart seeds. But, if that is all of your desicions its fine with me, your the only family i ever have known." he says after Bulldogs question,.

Decision to Run

Wednesday August 18th, 1999 12:59:38 AM

"No, I am not Dr. Cornelius. The story is....almost religious to the Cult of the Dragon the formal name of the underground. The story is always told in 1st person, just like Dr. Cornelius first told it nearly 400 years ago. None of our group is forced to take the heartseed. Some of us agree to take it so we can travel the land looking to recruit young men and women like yourselves to come join us. Others take the heartseed so they can travel amongst the people without being caught and killed by the priests of Ga'al. Very few of the Pirates of Jack have heartseeds as they live in secret away from Aisildur sailing in for their missions. Again, no one among us would ever ask you to do that against your will."

Wednesday August 18th, 1999 3:18:35 AM

Legs' scratches 'Asbury Raspberry' behind the ears, and pets him at the shoulders while he listens. He wonders what Skippy decided. "Four hundred years!" he says more or less to himself. He is about to ask something, but stops.

Wednesday August 18th, 1999 7:22:32 AM

Thinking to himself::I don't trust him, but someone's got to keep a watch out::Catcher says, "Okay, probably the best time to leave is at night. I'll go collect my items and get them back here to leave as soon as you are ready." Catcher waits to see Ozzy's response.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday August 18th, 1999 10:09:21 AM

"Tags .. I think of you as family too. ... don't worry we won't let anything happen to you " turning back to the old man "how much time will we have to make a choice before you won't help us ?" Asbury cuddles closer to legs as he gets scratched, dropping his head into the young boys lap.

Wednesday August 18th, 1999 5:14:40 PM

I will go but there are a few things I would like to get if that is possible.....

Wednesday August 18th, 1999 5:24:04 PM

"There are many things to learn about the world. But I'll accompany my friends."

Wednesday August 18th, 1999 6:39:31 PM

"If we are really going to go then I am never agin going back to that place, I have no one to say goodbye to. I will stay here and guard any stuff you all would like to leave here while you go get anything else you need. If someone would be so kind as to swipe me a blanket I would be grateful."

Wednesday August 18th, 1999 11:30:39 PM

He nods his pleased agreement to the group's decision. "This is not an easy thing. I cannot take you with me. Traveling with a supposed Slaag would attract too much attention. My path lies towards the next village where I'll see if there are young people there that I can talk just as I have talked to you. You will need to travel across Aisildur in secret to join with the pirates. There you will be told more and given a choice as to which group you would join. My conscience demands that I ask you if you sure that you are willing to leave family, homes, and your futures here for a hard life at journey's end. So, I ask you. Are you sure?"

Wednesday August 18th, 1999 11:42:31 PM

"I am sure. We need to leave before tommorrow -- staying here will only increase the chance of being caught.

Thursday August 19th, 1999 12:07:13 PM

"Ozymandius, sir, how can one be a pirate, and still be good?" Legs asks, then comments, "I have heard that pirates are usually evil people. I don't want to be evil, or do bad things."

Thursday August 19th, 1999 12:33:27 PM

" I am willing to go. I also am willing to do whatever I must to bring the truth to our people. Maybe serving Ga'al is a good thing, maybe not, but we must have a choice."

Thursday August 19th, 1999 3:38:21 PM

As for my future... With G'aal My future is as a wife and mother and not doing or being what I love which is in the forest. Therefoer there is not real decision. I go and I am sure of it.

Thursday August 19th, 1999 7:52:31 PM

"Hey guys, Blanket? Why am I allways ignored around her? By the way OZ? How will the pirates know were the good guys and not kill us?"

Thursday August 19th, 1999 7:52:32 PM

She smiled and looked at Wynd, nodding. She understood. "Yes. I have to leave."

Bulldog & Asbury Rasbury 
Thursday August 19th, 1999 10:13:56 PM

Sitting in complete silence, the young boy contemplates making his decision. After all his friends have agreed to leave he is torn on what to do. He looks down at the floor and scratches Asbury, muttering to himself.

Tag Along 
Thursday August 19th, 1999 10:13:57 PM

"I am glad to have such friends. I will gladly go with you all." he looks happy as for the first time in a long time he ses hope in his future.

Friday August 20th, 1999 1:55:24 AM

He turns and smiles at Poison. "No, we're not ignoring you. I'm sure at least one of us can find you a blanket. Any volunteers?"

Saturday August 21st, 1999 7:52:44 AM

He sighs both with relief and from the pain in his knee. "Very well. You are very brave young people. I salute you. Let's talk about what to do, where to go, and how everything needs to be done. First of all, you should not tell anyone what you're doing, of course. I suggest you wait a few days before leaving so that your leaving will not be tied with mine. I shall leave town tomorrow after we meet with finalized plans tomorrow afternoon, assuming you can all meet then. You know your town and it's people. You don't want them initiating a rescue or chase mission the moment you leave. The longer before everyone figures out you're leaving, the better. Of course, the best situation would be for them to never come after you, but the only way to do that is to make them think you are dead and that is a hard thing to accomplish much less to even think about. Plan everything you can. When to leave, how to leave, what to take, and so on. When I return tomorrow, I'll bring a map I have secreted away in the Slaag House and show you the route you should take. To aid your planning, I will tell you now, that you will need to traverse the empire west to Ailthmar on the west coast. I figure the journey will take several months. Now, I've been here much too long already. You make your plans and I'll meet you here tomorrow at this same time to hear your plans and to give you the map and some more specific instructions of how to get to Ailthmar. May Lemtrovex guide you in your plans and thought this night. Selah." He bows, and limps out of the cellar going toward the Slaag House. Once out in the street, he goes into his act again. "Old King Dole was a dour old soul and a dour old wife had he! He called for his daughter, called for his son, and called for his bananas three......"

Saturday August 21st, 1999 7:52:45 AM

contemplates in silence what is to happpen next.

Saturday August 21st, 1999 7:52:46 AM

"Okay, gang, he said we needed to come up with a way to buy some time for our travels. Here are two ideas: We could either plan and go on one of our weekend camping trips -- that would give us three days before anyone came looking. Or, if we can time it right with the weather, we can go on a fishing trip, abandon the boat, and make it look like a storm had caught us." Catcher waits to see how the others react.

Saturday August 21st, 1999 7:52:47 AM

Legs looks at Catcher with admiration for his clever suggestions, and shakes his head in affirmation.

Bulldog & Asbury Rasbury 
Saturday August 21st, 1999 7:52:48 AM

"I guess this is really going to happen now ...." slowly rises to stretch "I'll bring an extra blanket for you Poison .. I'll sneak it back tonight, .... if you are staying here till we leave ...... ok ?" paces a little "so Ari, whats you plan on being not noticed missing ?"

Saturday August 21st, 1999 7:52:49 AM

" Guys, I think getting away will be the easy part. We are not going to be playing games anymore." Looks down at his wooden sword and then drops it on the ground. " Our toys will not help us against real enemies. We need to do some real planning."

Saturday August 21st, 1999 7:52:50 AM

Poison re straps her wodden sword to her back and squats down to stoke the fire.

Saturday August 21st, 1999 7:52:51 AM

[Did Ozymandius take the stick Legs earlier offered him?]

Saturday August 21st, 1999 7:52:52 AM

She took a deep breath. "I can take some things from the store when it's time, maybe. What do you think we'll need for the road? And can we get a fishing boat all to ourselves?"

Saturday August 21st, 1999 7:52:53 AM

Listening to her compagnions, Wynd thinks a moment and then says. "Well Father is out for his 12 day and I often meet him at the shelter. I can tell Mother that I am to meet him. That should give me 6 days before he gets back and they discover what has happened. Im not sure what or how much in the way of supplies I can scavenge but I will do what I can.

Tag Along 
Saturday August 21st, 1999 7:52:54 AM

"No one will miss me so it will be easy for me to dissappear. And i like the drowning idea. But we need a boat big enough for all of us. And you all need to tell your prents a fishing trip tail to celbrate are becoming adults. Make it sound as though you cant wait to bond with Ga'al and the heartseeds. Make it look like we got drunk or something so they can belive we tipped the boot. And take no more then you would for a couple day long fishing trip. It would all look more real that way. As for me, ill wait here for you all to return. I have everything i own on me right now."

DM Jerry 
Saturday August 21st, 1999 12:59:04 PM

The walking stick is laying over where Ozymandius sat after his knee was hurt. The sun is getting a little lower in the sky. Supper time is in about an hour for most of you. The afternoon sun drifts in through the cracks criss-crossing the room with dust filled shafts of light. One of these light shafts crosses Bulldog's face making him look rather sinister.

Saturday August 21st, 1999 10:18:12 PM

"Wellll, if we really want to do this, we might want to come up with a couple of ideas. I can probably get paper and pencil, and write these things down. Then when Oz comes back, I can either present the list to him, or I can read it back to him, in order to get him to tell us what to do. Are there any caves where we might get lost? If we do the drowning routine, how can we explain away the lack of bodies?"

Sunday August 22nd, 1999 12:21:57 PM

"Sharks," she answered promptly. "Bodies get lost at sea, no need to worry there. We should have one of us who's not going on the boat meet us at sea with a rowboat or something. We put a hold in the fishing boat, and break some boards off to look good, and row away on the little boat, no one the wiser. How 'bout you Bulldog, what're you going to do?"

Sunday August 22nd, 1999 6:48:37 PM

"That idea of a second boat is a good one. I have access to my father's fishing boats, so that part won't be a problem. And I know enough about the hazards of the ocean to make the scene look believable when they discover the boat. And we can live off the land on the way to the meeting, so we won't need a lot of supplies. I know Ozzy said we should wait a few days, just so they won't suspect a connection, but I think the longer we wait, the greater the danger. We need to leave quickly."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Sunday August 22nd, 1999 10:27:13 PM

"sounds like a good idea about the fishing trip there, Catcher. it's just will they believe that we all decided to take the trip. I thought about just disappearing into the foothills while out with the herd. it would be a couple of days before my parents thought things were really amiss. ..... but many small disappearences would set off some a warning. ....... could you really arrange a fishing trip for us all ?" bends down to rub Asbury "He's coming too !"

Monday August 23rd, 1999 1:57:11 AM

"Ari, if you write stuff down, what if someone else finds it? Couldn't we try to keep it in our heads?" Legs asks.

Monday August 23rd, 1999 4:45:04 PM

Ummm, Catcher? I cant speak for the rest of us, but i no little to nothing about sailing a boat. Will you be able to do it alone or at least coach us along? I mean that wont be a problem will it? And I suppose I could be the one to meet the group with the smaller boat? or maybe Bulldog could go out land bound as well ans help me with the boat. That way it would be only two wandering disapearences and the one boating accident?

Monday August 23rd, 1999 10:05:55 PM

She shook her head. "More than one wandering disappearance'd be chancy. If Tagalong won't be missed, then he can be with Wynd."

Monday August 23rd, 1999 10:40:57 PM

"I might have some "friends" down onn the docks that could give us some live bait. Maybe we can make sharks attack the boat so that it looks real?"

Tag Along 
Tuesday August 24th, 1999 7:43:47 AM

::sits and waits till his friends gather there things for the plan:: "A pirate i will be. A roaming the foaming Sea. To free the people of the heart seed. I will sail accross the world with speed. To make foes bleed. A pirate of Jack to be. We will fight Ga'Al from the sea, my friends and me.

DM Jerry 
Wednesday August 25th, 1999 8:09:32 AM

You begin to smell the meat being cooked in the inn above which as always been your signal to get home for supper. The sun has continued to lower in the sky and the shafts of light are dimming. You hear the sounds of a group of younger kids running by the entrance laughing as they pass.

Wednesday August 25th, 1999 8:09:33 AM

Catcher speaks to Wynd, "I just know the basics, and I've been fishing with my dad ever since I could swim. But, I can't do anything fancy. If a real storm caught us, we'd be in trouble."

Wednesday August 25th, 1999 8:09:34 AM

To Catcher, Well I wish you all well on that boat. ::loud stomach growl:: Um I think I need to be getting home for dinner and to make some preparations. Shall we all meet back here tomorrow afternoon then?? I will plan to leave to meeet Father by 9 am and should be able to be here soon after with what I can bring.

Wednesday August 25th, 1999 8:09:35 AM

"I will come by, time permitting, as usual. I will also poke around and see what I can find"

Wednesday August 25th, 1999 8:09:36 AM

"Alright. See you later!" She sprung up and shinnied out, checking around before running off to the store.

Wednesday August 25th, 1999 8:09:37 AM

The lanky boy grabs his stick. "See ya, Azelbury," he says to Bulldog's dog, ruffling his fur playfully. He looks around at their special place, and at his departing friends. "Next time, everyone." He bounds up the stairs three at a time, slows to squeeze through the slats, and emerges between the building and the bush. He runs home. He tosses his stick aside next to his house. "Hi Mama. Hello Papa. Hey Gretch!"

Wednesday August 25th, 1999 8:09:38 AM

She stretches out here by the fire where she has spent many a night and tries again to forget her mothers face as she closes her eyes and rumbling stomach for a night of nightmares and sleeplesness.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday August 25th, 1999 8:09:39 AM

"Yeah, time to go ...see ya 'Tags'... (etc)" moves to the entrance a few minutes after 'Legs' leaves, sticks his head out to see if the coast is clear, then squeezes out. Taking the long walk home deep in thought.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday August 25th, 1999 8:09:40 AM

Asbury of course follows happy that dinner will soon be served.

DM Jerry 
Wednesday August 25th, 1999 8:09:41 AM

The night passes with the 2nd moon on the wane and the 1st on the rise set to reach it's fullness in a couple of days. The day seems to never come as your heads are filled with worry, thoughts of exciting adventure, pirates, and nightmares of the alternative: being heartseeded to Ga'al and slaves to him for life. The next day passes even slower, the chores and responsibilities seeming to last forever. Finally you are free and you rush, but not so fast as to cause attention to yourself back to the den.

Wednesday August 25th, 1999 8:09:42 AM

Legs, done with his chores, and with a large hankerchief tied and holding something inside, he squeezes into his favorite place, and hops down the stairs. He brings a different stick.

Tag Along 
Wednesday August 25th, 1999 8:33:03 AM

::sitting there with a large sack of fruit from the orchids:: "Well i had to get some food for are journey, so i went and climbed the trees and brought us some fruit. No one seemed to miss me when i didnt go to my current foster home last night. It is like i said, i will be missed by few. Hey, legs when we are pirates i bet you get to be a captain."

Wednesday August 25th, 1999 12:52:00 PM

Catcher comes in with his most prized possessions, leather armor (made with his father), and his hunting daggers (inherited from his grandfather), along with his bow and arrows, all of which he quickly stashes behind some old blankets in the back of the room. Then he sits down and waits for the others to arrive.

Wednesday August 25th, 1999 5:38:09 PM

Wynd decends into the hideout dressed as if she has been on the trail for most of the day, wearing a gray, hooded cloak and back pack and carrying a 4 ft staff in her hands. She nods a greeting to the others as she sheds her pack, saying quickly. Well I got an extra blanket, some bread and an extra kitchen knife. The blanket won't be missed, as it is old but the knife might be in a day or so. It just depends on what Mother is cooking. I also have my normal camping gear. As she finishes she sits and starts arranging tinder for the fire.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday August 25th, 1999 9:43:24 PM

Asbury comes bounding greeting those that are already there. Moments later the stocky Bulldog squeezes through the entrance. "hello all..." looks about to see who beat him there "I got an extra blanket for Poison, like I said .. my mom and dad won't notice it gone" dropping to floor with his knapsack(stuffed with his few belongings). "got some good wedges of cheese for our trip .. it'll keep ... enough for all of us for a day or two" moments pass. "hope everyone else is ok "

Wednesday August 25th, 1999 9:57:50 PM

"Thank you Bulldog!" She kisses him on the cheek and then quickly rolls up the blanket and ties it with a bit of left over hide into a travling pack with her dagger inside. She then slings it over her shoulders backpack style to test it out.

Friday August 27th, 1999 8:24:22 AM

He chuckles at his friend's suggestion. "Well, Tag Along, if I'm a captain, maybe you can be first mate!" "Catcher - you look ready for action in that fine armor. I'm almost jealous!" Legs says hi to Wynd, Bulldog and Poison. Of course, he doesn't pass up the chance to greet Asbury. "Where's Skippy? Anybody see her? And how about Ari and Knuckles?"

Friday August 27th, 1999 4:47:50 PM

The girl comes sliding into the hole, panting. "I couldn't decide what to take!" she announced, dumping a backpack that clanked to the ground. "I got a kitchen knife and a old pot and pan we had extra. Mother'll notice eventually, but she might not realize where they've been lost. AND--" she smiled triumphantly, "I got a whole loaf of bread, wrapped up in a spare blanket. You know, we're gonna have a job of finding food on the way.."

Monday August 30th, 1999 5:42:02 PM

"My aunt Aimy gave me and my sisters jars of berry jam last month when she visited. Told us to save it for a special occasion." He produces said jar out of his handkerchief wrapping. He holds it up. "Should go real well with some of that bread you brought, Skippy, when we get out on the trail." He smiles, then gets a puzzled look in his eyes. "That is, if we go on a trail."

DM Jerry 
Monday August 30th, 1999 8:26:02 PM

Ozymandius silently descends into the room limping slightly and nods, smiling. He sits and says, "So, you brave ones still up for this?"

Monday August 30th, 1999 9:21:26 PM

Yes sir, Wynd states firmly. Or, at least I am she follows up with a little less sure as she looks around at her friends.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday August 30th, 1999 10:52:30 PM

"You're welcome poison" with a quick smile and a redning of the cheeks "...better do this soon, before we get cold feet" as he turns to face the old man at the door, "nice limp" he says with a wry grin, still lacking complete trust of the stranger. "so what have you come to teach us today ?" reaches down to ruffle asbury ears "about getting us out without being noticed"

Tag Along 
Monday August 30th, 1999 10:52:31 PM

"Yeah im ready to go i even brought fruit to prevent pirates disease." says the strange youth. "I even worked on a plan when i was in here alone the other night. If we where to crash this boat and leave something from are selves on it, that well we normally would never give up then they will believe us dead. Me i will float my flute at the crash site, to make it believable. I just hope somebody out there even remembers i played the flute." he says as he knows he is the only one here that will be unmissed.

Tuesday August 31st, 1999 10:53:09 AM

"Yawn, good morning everyone"

Tuesday August 31st, 1999 11:37:01 AM

The boy withdraws an empty waterskin from his bundle, and fills it with air from his lungs. Legs laughs as Poison awakens. "Good morning indeed, Poisie. It may be morning to you, but it's 'good afternoon' for the rest of us." He teases her gently. "Hey guys, watch this." Squeezing the waterskin, the air escapes with a rude 'blaat.' He finds this enormously amusing, and checks to see if the girls are grossed out. / Responding to Ozymandius, Legs says, "I'm ready, sir. I left some extra stuff in the woods to take along. When do you think we should leave?"

Tuesday August 31st, 1999 12:26:45 PM

Looking at Tag Along with respect in his eyes, Catcher says, "That's a great idea. If only the pirates could pick us up themselves..." Turning to Ozzy, Catcher says, "I'm ready."

Tuesday August 31st, 1999 4:56:23 PM

She gave Legs a look of boredom.

Wednesday September 1st, 1999 8:38:06 AM

Tell me some more about this boating accident you have planned. Exactly how will you pull it off? Have you planned all the details yet? Sounds like you've done some good thinking. I think this will be a good diversion for at least a few days. If you can stand it, I'd wait at least three days after I'm gone. The priests with their magic can discover alot about things. Tell me of your details and I'll tell you of the trip.

Wednesday September 1st, 1999 12:51:17 PM

Catcher says, "Several of us were going on a fishing trip in one of my dad's boats. The rest of us were going to go on a camping trip at the same time, but sneak out to meet us, probably on mile or so up the beach. We'd wreck the first boat, making it look like a storm or sharks had gotten us, and leave some of our belongings washed up on the shore, along with the first boat. I guess we could do the same type of thing with the camping group, making it look like a bear mauled 'em. That should give us several days. I think we should leave more quickly...one of us is likely to slip and say something, or look suspicious, the longer we stay."

Wednesday September 1st, 1999 2:59:50 PM

She looked worried. "Is there anyway we can hide from the priests' magic?"

Wednesday September 1st, 1999 7:22:47 PM

Looking a bit nervous, Wynd speaks up. "I'm not sure that I can wait around for several days, I am supposedly meeting Father on the trail so I can't be seen around town after this afternoon. But I also wont be looked for for at least 5 days when he comes home. Hopefully they will think some sort of accident occurred. I think Tag was going to join me and we were going to meet the others after the boat sinks.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday September 1st, 1999 8:11:25 PM

"nodding in agreement with Wynd "Yeah, camping is a good idea, ... but mauling all who go isn't so good, ... maybe a kidnapping by some bandits is better. It will still take them a few days to really follow up on that. We should be far enough away to be found . that'll be Me, Tags, Wynd, and of course Asbury on an over the ground route out, to meet up with the others." waits a moment before adding " I think that sounds pretty good, ..what say you all to that ?" sits down with Asbury.

Wednesday September 1st, 1999 9:00:39 PM

Feeling suitably rewarded by Skippy's pointed look of boredom, Legs focuses his attention on the matter under discussion. "How many of us know how to swim?"

Wednesday September 1st, 1999 11:55:19 PM

"I do."

Tag Along 
Wednesday September 1st, 1999 11:55:20 PM

I can swim good, so we all ready to be pirates.

Thursday September 2nd, 1999 9:20:48 AM

Hearing the unmistakable sound of someone approaching, everyone stops to see who's coming. It seems to take longer than usual for the person to come into the hiding place. Eventually you see that it is Ari, though he seems a bit bulkier than usual. "It took longer than expected to get here".

Thursday September 2nd, 1999 6:54:04 PM

"I swim"

Thursday September 2nd, 1999 9:24:52 PM

"Me too!"

Thursday September 2nd, 1999 10:09:40 PM

looking around at her friends, she gets very quiet and then says I can't. Iv'e never needed to learn, I can float ok but....

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday September 2nd, 1999 10:58:40 PM

"we both swim" scratching Asbury's ears affectionately.

Friday September 3rd, 1999 12:03:33 AM

"I'm not going to treat you like kids. A group of kids will not make it through this. You guys are going to have to handle things here without the benefit of the instant adulthood that joining produces. You need to finalize your plans. I can't and won't force you to do or not do anything. I only offer advice. It's up to you to succeed. Listen carefully. He tells them they are to travel to Abderus the next town to the west. They are to avoid roads, houses, and people, because children do not travel by themselves and being spotted in any circumstances would be suspicious. There in Abderus they are to find a boat called the Albatross. The captain of this boat is one of the resistance fighters and a retired pirate. His name is Captain Acurtt. He will ferry them across Blackbird Lake. He will let you off on the west shore far from any village. Continuing to avoid town, roads, houses, and people, they must travel west and cross the Adow River. There is a bridge about a days travel north of Akadern where the eastern fork and the western fork separate. Be very careful crossing this bridge as it is well traveled and the waters dangerous. From there you should be able to see Shadow Mountain. Aim for it's bottom left, westernmost side and travel North/Northwest. This is the wild country. No one lives here as Aisildurians believe that all civilized peoples live in or near a village. The Durians regularly experiment on beasts trying to control them and use them for their sinister military purposes. Those that don't make the grade are released here. After a long journey through this wild country, you will find the Agretorex River, a large foul thing that flows out of Shadow Mountain's vile depths. You will have to construct a raft or boat of some kind and make the crossing. There is a bridge further south near the Township of Akatez, but do not go that way unless it's necessary. Akatez houses one of the larger temple compounds and is one of the locations where quads are trained. If you get one of those on your trail, you can kiss your lives goodbye. Once across the river, you should travel Northwest. Shortly you should be able to see The Wall of Kaazul. The Evange tell us that Ga'al built this wall to keep the northern savages out of Aisildur and protect the citizens. However, the truth is the opposite. Lemtrovex built it to keep the Aisildurian army from attacking the peoples of the north. Make for this wall. There is a magic about the place that even beasts are loathe to breach. However, do not touch it. Anyone of Aisildurian blood that touches The Wall of Kaazul is sucked in and killed, his bones spat out by the dead spirits who are trapped in the wall, themselves victims of the wall and trapped there for eternity. Now there is a danger there. There are four Aisildurian Forts built into the wall itself by the power of Ga'al. The easternmost one you should bypass as it is at the eastern edge of where the Wall meets Shadow Mountain. The next two will be tricky to pass. Do so with extreme cunning and make your way to the west to the city of Ailthmar. This city is not completely controlled by Ga'al and is thus a resistance stronghold. It actually flew and crashed there over 400 years ago chasing another city called Lankhmar that is north of the Wall of Kaazul. This town has slavery so be careful you're not abducted and carried off just short of your goal. There you are to enter a pub by the kitchen door. The pub is named The Purple Rat. Inside say the following to the head cook: "I was born on a pirate ship." Follow the instructions the cook give you exactly and shortly you'll meet up with the pirates if all goes well." Ozymandius makes you repeat the instructions over and over until they are committed to memory. He waits for questions.

Friday September 3rd, 1999 5:45:34 AM

"Good, lots of us can swim," Legs says, hearing his friends reply. Looking at Wynd, he adds, "Or at least float." / As Ozymandius gives directions, Legs pulls forth a page of parchment, and tries to make a map with the directions given. He writes with charcoal, and rubs out mistakes. On the back side, he writes down directional arrows, and draws little pictures to help him remember. As the man repeats the instructions, the boy retraces the map, directions, symbols, adding details. He looks at it, closes his eyes and thinks. He draws in the air. "I hope some of you are better at remembering this kind of stuff than I am." He struggles with remembering, knowing that this is of utmost importance.

Friday September 3rd, 1999 2:18:47 PM

Looking at Legs drawing, Catcher says, "Better burn that once your done. The resistance won't talk kindly to us revealing their secrets." Turning to Ozzy, Catcher says, "This route sounds extremely dangerous...is there anything that you can give us to ease the burden?"

Friday September 3rd, 1999 5:48:25 PM

Skippy looked doubtful as fears assailed her. That route WAS dangerous. Some or all of them could die, or be captured for slaves. She played with her apron strings worriedly.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday September 3rd, 1999 9:10:35 PM

"You say that you'll give us advice, so I'll ask a few questions, ...... " as he squares off with the old man "How long might this journey take ?, will it be better to break into two groups instead of one ?, and what will the life of 13 year old be with adult pirates ?, " .............................................. turning to his friends " I guess we'll have to leave at night, I say it be tomorrow, why wait. The longer we wait the better chances of something going wrong, as for plans lets keep it simple. we know not what waits fot us out there, so elaborate planning of the unknown will likely be of little help. ..... lets just follow the route, we all should be able to remember enough of it to get there. ... I'd even say we go tonight, if the old man thinks it's good not to be associated with him, perhaps he should be the one sticking around here instead of us."

Tag Along 
Friday September 3rd, 1999 9:10:36 PM

"Boy after all that i bet that pirates name must be grandmother." he says with a snicker recalling a old nursry ryhme. "Seriously thou, ah if these beasts attack us on the way, um could you tell me how we are supposed to get away from them. I guess after that i am ready to go.

Saturday September 4th, 1999 12:57:06 AM

"But, Bulldog, he just said that we should wait AT LEAST three days after he leaves before we go, because of the priests. If we go while he's here, and they decide to ask him questions, maybe the priests can find out our plans from him, whether he wants them to or not." Legs looks around at his friends. "No, I think we need to be just a little more patient. That'll give us a little more time to get ready, besides."

Saturday September 4th, 1999 1:52:11 PM

Chewing on her lower lip as Ozy gives out his directions, She focuses on what he is saying and works on forming the words into a workable and memorable pattern, Just as Father had her do when taking instructions in the forest. This time though there was a lot more than she was used to trying, but by the time Ozy was done with his repetition of the instructions and the others had gone thru them with him as well, she thought she had them down fairly well. As Ozy asked about questions and some of the others asked theirs, Wynd was getting an uneasy feeling about riding on a boat called the Albatross.* Wasn't there some sort of saying about an albatross?* *And the wall, with those forts*, *slaves?*, *and what does he mean by quads?* *flying cities* Now, not feeling as good about this trip as before, Wynd, looking a bit green, looks at Ozy and asks. What about other groups of kids, have they done this and how did they fare with their journeys? What exactly do you mean when you say the Quads? Do you mean the veil wearers?? How is it that if Lem made the wall, that G'all has forts in/on it? And how do you cross a wall without touching it? And finally, How will we truly know that someone you have mentioned, has not turned traitor and is working with/for the church?

Sunday September 5th, 1999 9:59:26 AM

Ozymandius turns full upon Bulldog rising up to his full height. His eyes smolder. He points a bony finger in Bulldog's face. "You are an insolent one. That may help you or hurt you. It remains to be played. I've had my doubts about this group from the start. Your inability to follow instructions given as suggestions risks the lives of your friends as well as yourself. Not just anyone can become Pirates of Jack. Only the best. Only the best make it to Ailthmar! Legs is wise. Follow her advice. Think before acting. One group in 10 makes it there when the odds are good. Tag, it's time to find your inner strength. The pirates will not tolerate a coward. If you find a beast, deal with the situation. Don't whimper about it. IF you ever arrive in Ailthmar and find the pirates, you will learn more. Not until then. Now! Go or don't go. Follow my advice or not! I leave you to your own counsel as you doubt mine!" With a swish of his robes he disappears in a brilliant flash of light and is gone.

Sunday September 5th, 1999 12:11:09 PM

Standing slightly in shock with her jaw hanging, Wynd stares after Ozy as he vanishes. Wynd then turns a bit toward Bulldog and says, "well so much for getting any answers." Do you always have to be so Bulldoggish.... she trails off in a giggle fit as she realizes just how funny that sounds.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Sunday September 5th, 1999 9:15:15 PM

Sits down in a stoney silence for a few moments "I cant help it 'legs' ......... this is all so new and fearsome , ... sometimes I just say something before I think. Sorry guys I didn't mean to upset him" pulls a small morsel out for Asbury as he tries to put together what just happened. "So what is the plan 'Legs' how shall things start for us ???"

Tag Along 
Sunday September 5th, 1999 10:12:34 PM

"Lets see that tall man have any power, if he weights 70 pounds and couldnt even lift a sword. I often notice men of size have bravado intill presented with something bigger and meaner then them selves." he says looking at Bulldog and some of the other big kids. "Present company excluded of course." he winks as he walks around. "Well i think it best if we go back to the normal routine. And maybe not come here again, we all know the plan, and lets try not to rouse suspision while we finish plotting. I suggest we each try to fin food, and warm clothing that may not be missed. And well i guess thats it, I'll see you all in 3 days." as he leaves and heads towards his home the slag orphanage.

Monday September 6th, 1999 11:12:04 AM

"hmm. " Ari starts disrobing. You see that he has 2 extra shirts, 1 pr extra pants, 1 extra cloak and several small pouches. "I thought we could bring what extra we could find. I've also put together some things that Mother said would help us stay healthy. Since we have 3 days, I say we should gather some more things, so that we can divvy this all up before we leave."

Monday September 6th, 1999 9:52:08 PM

Standing somewhat in shock, Catcher says, "What happened? I don't see that what Bulldog said was all that mean." Catcher leaves the room with a puzzled look on his face.

DM Jerry 
Monday September 6th, 1999 9:52:09 PM

Once again the sun begins to set and it grows time for supper. The world looks different somehow as you look out the entrance at the sunset. More sinister somehow. You wonder if you will ever again feel as if you have no cares in The Wold.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday September 6th, 1999 10:13:43 PM

Drops the ferw supplies that he brought against the wall. Replys to catcher "Thanks". Then turns to everyone else "I'll see you tomorrow then" then starts for the door, but stops to allow catcher some time between kids popping out of the hole in the wall. "Hey poison if you're staying here tonight. ..... you need anything ?"

Tuesday September 7th, 1999 4:45:32 AM

Before everyone scatters to the four winds, Legs says, "Hold on, everyone. Just a couple things before we split up, okay?" Legs makes sure he's got the attention of all. "Hey, Bulldog, don't sweat it. I think you have lots of good ideas. You think of things I couldn't come up with myself." He looks across the room. "You too, Catcher, and Ari. Lots of you." Returning his attention to Bulldog, Legs continues. "You saw how mad he got at Wynd a few days ago. He's got a temper, and you just said something that got him going." He looks at Wynd, and smiles. "That spider inside him must have him at least a little confused. He thought you were a guy the other day. Now he thinks I'm a girl!" He winks. "Now, you're wondering how you're gonna get your questions answered. I'd guess that when we're crossing Blackbird Lake on Captain Acurtt's boat, that he'd be able to explain some stuff we don't understand yet. Do ya think maybe?" he asks her. Looking at the group's flute player, he says, "Tag Along, you're real good with poetry and verses, that kind of thing. Maybe you can put Ozymandius' instructions into a poem or somethin'. Whaddaya say?" / Looking at the scrappy girl who helped him 'combat' Knuckles, the boys says, "I'd trust you to guard my back anytime. We're your family, now. And we'll do all we can to stick together." To the shopkeeper's daughter, he says, "Skippy, you want to help your mother, help break her free from slavery. So do I. For her sake, and my family, and all of our families. And we want to be free ourselves. You caught the honeybee, but you then set it free." He laughs. "Now I'm sounding like Taggy!" Legs walks across the room. With his foot he scatters the ashes remaining from the fire of a few days ago. "We've got a lot to think about and plan. Let's leave in three days, if we all can do it. Think of things to bring, without causing too much trouble. I'd like a sword, but I don't know how to get one. Maybe we'll have to wait until later for lots of stuff. It's hard for me to fool people, especially my parents. But they don't always pay a lot of attention to me, as long as I do what I'm supposed to." He kneels down, and rubs his finger in the blackened charcoal. "Let's make a promise to each other. That we'll stick together, and work with each other so that one day, Aisildurians can live free of the heartseed." He picks up the charred stick. "Anybody who wants to make the promise, do this as a sign." From the center of his palm, he draws a line toward his little finger. "For one another." He holds his hand up so all can see. Then, from the palm's center, he draws a line to the ring finger. "For our families." Then, a line to his middle finger. "For truth." To his index finger. "For honor." And to his thumb. "For Aisildur!" Legs holds forth his hand once again as he lays the charcoal stick on the floor. He spits into his left hand, palm up. "I, Agur, make this five-fold promise before my friends, and to a god of goodness and truth and kindness, whatever his name may be." He brings his palms together, and mixes saliva and charcoal together. His eyes close for a moment, and his friends see him shaking with emotion. His eyes then slowly open. He picks up the stick. He looks around at his friends. "Who will make this pledge with me?" Legs holds the stick forth in his smeared and opened palms.

Tuesday September 7th, 1999 6:38:00 PM

She looked at Legs as if she really did think he was crazy. "You want me to put spit and charcoal all over my hands?" Then she laughed. "Sure, why not?" She came over to take his stick, and draw lines on her hand. It was plain she did not take it too seriously.

Tuesday September 7th, 1999 8:46:54 PM

She looks at Legs along time and then crosses to him. "I don't know about all your flowery words and all but how about this." She takes a metal dagger from a hidden sheath in her pants. She places the edge on he palm and taking a deep breath makes a cut acroos it. Then as a drop of blood falls to the ground she looks Legs in the eye and says "My life for you," then turning she looks at everyone "My life for you all, my family."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday September 7th, 1999 8:55:07 PM

Stops at 'Legs' words. He silently approaches him and stands for a moment. Taking the stick from his friend he begins the promise "I Angus make this promise ..... For One Another ..... For Our Families ..... For Truth ..... For Honor ..... For Aisildur !." His eyes shine with a driven gleam as he looks about his again. "3 days then, good" he then waits to see the next oath taker. When all is said and done he & Asbury will take their leave. "Thanks 'Legs'" are his parting words as he ducks out, asbury trailing. His trip home deep in thought of how to make plans that will go unnoticed at home. ::shouldn't be to hard with three younger sisters running amok all the time ::

Tuesday September 7th, 1999 10:50:21 PM

Watching the others as they each slowly gather and make their oath, Wynd slowly shakes her head as she recalls the story Ozy had told them just the other day. She finally stands and resolutely walks to the center of the group looks each in the eye and makes the charcoal marks and says the words and then as she finishes she reaches over grabs poisons knife and pricks her palm with it, grabs hold of Poisons hand and simply states As of now we are all the family any of us truly have. There can be no going back from this point on. Wynd then releases Poison's hand and goes back to her things saying that she will also be staying here tonite as she is supposedly off to meet her father in the forest.

DM Jerry 
Wednesday September 8th, 1999 12:05:28 AM

The moment that the two hold their pricked hands together mingling the blood that symbolizes the formation of a very unusual family, Lightning strikes a nearby tree lighting up the cave for a moment as if it were bright daylight. Deafening all, thunder peals forth instantly rolling off into the distance. Heavy rain and wind immediatly follow. Those who make a perception ability check (that's Wis, or Int, whichever is best for you) hear a soft gentle voice in the thunder that says, "Well done."

Catcher  d20=12
Wednesday September 8th, 1999 6:23:15 PM

Hearing the voice, Catcher pauses at the door, and glances through the boards outside. Obviously worried, he exits without speaking, something is weighing heavily on him.

Wynd  d20=10 d20=9
Wednesday September 8th, 1999 6:26:00 PM

upon hearing the thunder clap and the voice, the pensive look reapears on Wynd's face and then is gone. Well it seems as though someone thought that was the right thing to do. Wynd then tries to figure out if she recognizes the voice that spoke.

Ari  d20=13
Wednesday September 8th, 1999 8:20:26 PM

Ari hears the voice and pauses. He gets a pensive look about his face as he things upon what has happened. Ari steps over to Poison, "In the pursuit for the truth of our way, I Arislan, commit myself to this decision that we have made. I lend my sword in your defense, I lend my mind in pursuit of the truth. We are now family." Ari then pricks his thumb. Stepping over to Legs, "I swear to find the truth, and to bring back the news, if I can", Ari will then use another drop of blood in place of saliva.

Legs  d20=3
Wednesday September 8th, 1999 9:28:21 PM

Legs starts, not at the thunder, but at the voice in the thunder. "Did you all hear that voice? 'Well done,' it said." He asks Ari for the sword for a moment. He pricks his palm, where the five smeared rays originated, and holds it up. "Sealed in fire, and spit, and blood," he states. As each is willing, he'll press his palm to Ari's thumb, Wynd's and Poison's palms, and that of anyone else who wishes to follow suit. He just looks around at his friends, wondering how he could be so favored to know such people. For a 13-year-old, he is starting to feel pretty grown up. After a few minutes, he sighs. "If anyone sees Knuckles, try to find out why he couldn't make it. Maybe he wants to back out. If you see him, don't tell him too much yet. Maybe you can ask him to come around to see me, or Catcher, so we can figure out what he's thinking, before we tell him anything." He leans back against the wall, thinking.

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=2
Wednesday September 8th, 1999 9:43:21 PM

Clearly hearing the voice in the thunder. Awe struck he steps to the center again. He pricks his ash stained hand. "Once deceived, now we shall find"

Wednesday September 8th, 1999 10:21:58 PM

She started at the voice, eyes wide. After gulping she glared out of the door. "I don't believe in you." Then she scampered out of the hideaway for home.

Tag Along 
Wednesday September 8th, 1999 10:21:59 PM

"Yeah ill make a poem or song with all those directions." he says as he sits in the back corner working on his great ballad.

DM Kim 
Thursday September 9th, 1999 1:12:32 AM

The sound of rain and wind is heard outside. Within the basement room, there is the feeling of a strong presence. The feeling holds sway for a moment... then subsides, like the tide going out. [Catcher & Skippy, make a perception check (better of Wis or Int) with a penalty of +4 on the roll.]

Skippy  d20+4=13
Thursday September 9th, 1999 3:00:24 PM

(Right on the dot for Wis) Skippy watched the sky suspiciously.

Poison  d20=1
Thursday September 9th, 1999 6:50:16 PM

Posion on hearing the voice runs out side to find the tree that was struck by lighting. Upon finding it she allows her blood to drip onto the tree, then she quietly closes her eyes and wispers, "I'm coming to find you!"

Thursday September 9th, 1999 8:51:16 PM

Wynd follows the others outside for a moment, loks in awe at the tree and then goes back inside so as not to be seen by any town folk. she then gets her bed roll ready.

Catcher  d20+4=11
Thursday September 9th, 1999 10:31:08 PM

His extra caution paying off, Catcher makes his perception check. Although out of sight from the others, his face is still gravely etched with concern.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday September 9th, 1999 10:59:47 PM

Waits for a timely moments then leaves for home, with much to think about.

DM Kim 
Friday September 10th, 1999 1:52:07 AM

Catcher saw a boy running diagonally away from the edge of the building. As Skippy is heading home, she sees him going around the corner of the next building. Hard to tell exactly, but he looks to be about nine or ten, brown hair, tan shirt. Is it Pik? Or Lucky? Bones? Aldi? Or someone else? Couldn't have been Puffy - not big enough around, and too fast. At the tree, a maple, wisps of smoke rise from the deep split. Poison, up close, sees an opaque deep yellow round object, wedged at the heart of the split, about six feet above the ground. Coming around the corner the boy just passed is Alburino, a local woodsman. Under his arm is a tied bundle of wood. Over his shoulder, an axe. He stops. He looks up at the freshly struck tree across the otherwise deserted square. Poison is hidden from his view, on the other side of the tree. A whistle of amazement issues from Alburino's lips as he gazes at the maple. He is known to be somewhat dull, dutiful, but not too unkindly.

Friday September 10th, 1999 2:09:16 AM

Legs waits below, planning to leave after some of his friends have had a chance to leave the area.

Friday September 10th, 1999 5:11:38 PM

She ran up to Alburino and dimpled into a smile. "Excuuse me, Alburino, did you see a little boy just go by? Do you know who he is? He's got my ribbon."

Friday September 10th, 1999 7:58:51 PM

Fasinated she reaches in to remove the object, bleeding all over everything.

Friday September 10th, 1999 11:39:07 PM

after setting her bed roll up, Wynd will have a but if bread and cheese with a little water and then await who ever is staying here as well.

Catcher  d20-1=19
Saturday September 11th, 1999 10:30:20 AM

Relying on Skippy to distract the woodsman, Catcher using his hunting skills to stalk the boy. Although he's able to keep up, he fails to keep the element of surprise. "Probably was just scared by the lightning, doesn't know anything," thinks Catcher.

Ari  d20=11
Saturday September 11th, 1999 5:09:35 PM

Ari will stare at the departing backs for a second or two. Then he'll shake his head, and stick his thumb in his mouth for another second or two. Then he'll pull it out and practice his healing skills, using what he's been taught so far to stop the blood flow. (healing check good).

Tag Along 
Sunday September 12th, 1999 8:36:15 PM

"Uh oh!" he says hoping there plans werent over heard. He quickly goes outside to help find the other fast little boy, while not bi, tag has always been good at running

DM Kim 
Monday September 13th, 1999 4:50:58 PM

Alburino starts as Skippy speaks to him. "Oh, uh, hello." He looks back up at the tree. Then back at Skippy. "Uh, boy? One saw that someone went by, but one did not, uh, notice, um, who went by." He looks up at the tree and mumbles, "Ribbon." He walks to the tree to put his hand to it. "G-G-Ga'al touch-ched?" he asks, just before his hand reaches it. / Poison, who had to pull herself up to reach the yellow object, finds that it seems to be stuck. Up close, she sees it is a ring. It is cool to the touch, though the adjacent wood feels warm. Perhaps, with a knife, it might be dug out. / Catcher sees that the boy-sized shoe prints in the muddying streets seem to have entered the miller's house. Lucky (11) lives there with his parents, Aigilon and Anjilia, his brother ThreeEyes (9), and twin sisters Brownie and Bluey (7). / As Alburino's fingertips touch the tree, the hair sticking out from the side of his hat REALLY sticks out. He yelps, turns away, and runs off, blowing on his fingers. Poison, roll 1d20. / Ari has managed to staunch the flow of blood. The others who cut themselves made small cuts or pricks. Poison's enthusiastic cut, however, has not yet coagulated fully, although the bleeding was starting to slow, until she climbed the tree a few feet.

Catcher  d20=18 d20=15
Monday September 13th, 1999 5:41:08 PM

Grabbing up a piece of wood, Catcher begins whittlin' it and makes his way over to the house. Walking near one of the windows, he tries to overhear what is being said.

Monday September 13th, 1999 6:58:16 PM

Wynd after eating sits on her bed roll and to her self starts repeating the directions that Ozy had told them.

Poison  d20=18
Monday September 13th, 1999 7:01:36 PM

Poison pulls out her dagger and begins to dig the ring out.

Monday September 13th, 1999 8:56:29 PM

"Alburino! Are you all right?" She followed him, concerned, but most of her mind worried over the spy.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday September 13th, 1999 9:08:19 PM

continue to await a good chance to make their escape to home. "Hey wynd , getting awfully crowded in the street now. better sleep lighly here"

Tag Along 
Monday September 13th, 1999 9:08:20 PM

::slips off in the excitement and knowing he wont be missed begins to follow the directions that Ozy gave him while singing the direction song in his head. "THye wont catch me and sacrfice me to Ga'al.

Tuesday September 14th, 1999 1:48:31 AM

As their young poet moves to leave, Legs says, "Tag Along, you'll teach us the direction poem once you've put it together, won't you? I need your help, because it's hard for me to remember. Let's meet tomorrow to make sure our plans are coming together. How about by Skippy's father's store? See ya."

Tuesday September 14th, 1999 6:57:58 PM

Continues to dig at the ring.

DM Kim  d20=16
Wednesday September 15th, 1999 12:29:12 AM

Poison succeeds in digging out the ring. At first, it is cool to the touch. / Alburino does not seem to focus on what Skippy is asking as he runs away. He does look over his shoulder once though, and she sees a look of terror on his face. / At the miller's house, Catcher finds it's difficult to make out much of the conversation, but he does hear a woman's voice say, "... wet clothes off!" A few moments later, a young voice says, "Lightning ... tree! ... Lucky." Another voice asks, "Where?" The woman's voice, "Dinner!" And footsteps retreat further into the house.

Wednesday September 15th, 1999 12:55:58 AM

After waiting a sufficient time, Ari will head out, and make his way home.

Wednesday September 15th, 1999 12:52:02 PM

She noticed Legs when he left the hideout area. She ran over and said, "There was a boy watching us. Alburino saw him run away but didn't really remember who it was. But lightning hit a tree right outside! Alburino touched it and hurt himself! Isn't that wierd?"

Wynd  d20=8
Wednesday September 15th, 1999 7:34:43 PM

Looking up at bulldogs comments, Wynd nods and says once you all have left and those who are staying are in, I will take some precautions to warn us should anyone come near. Once everyone is gone or settled into the den, Wynd will set up several three different perimeters of several snares. Some will create a racket and others will tangle feet. (Set snares proficiency)

Wednesday September 15th, 1999 7:54:27 PM

Climbing down she examines the ring as she makes he way back to the hide out, She curls up beside the colas of the days fire and looks at her new find placeing the dagger under her head.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday September 15th, 1999 8:07:02 PM

Takes leave of the den and travels home thinking to himself and muttering to Asbury. 'wonder what scared the old woodcutter'

Legs  d20=17
Wednesday September 15th, 1999 8:34:57 PM

Legs agrees with Skippy, "Yeah, that sounds weird. I mean, we heard the thunder, and saw the flash, so we knew lightning struck. Maybe some was still left in the tree when Alburino touched it?" he asks/wonders. "I don't know exactly how that works. Do you know which way the boy went? And where's Alburino now?" He looks around. "Say, Taggy had kind of a weird look on his face when he left. I'm worried about him. I asked him to meet me tomorrow afternoon by your father's store." He doesn't notice Poison at the tree. "Look, Skippy, I gotta get home. You take care, beekeeper." he says to her with a quick smile. He glances over at the tree, then runs home. He runs almost everywhere, anyhow.

Wednesday September 15th, 1999 8:51:10 PM

Heading back to the river brings Catcher in view of the tree again. Pausing for a second at the entrance to the hide-out, he says in a low voice, "I tracked down our little spy -- nothing to worry about. Have a good night." Then he walks over to the tree, remembering some tale about the special properties of lightning-struck wood, and removes a piece from the heart of the tree, to be shaped at some future point. Whistling, Catcher strides home.

DM Kim 
Thursday September 16th, 1999 3:18:01 AM

Catcher glances at what looks like the outline of a hand on the bark on one side of the tree, with something else inside the outline. He manages to dig out some of the wood from the center of the split. One long branch rests now flat along the ground for a few feet along its tip, yet still attached to the tree. / Poison finds that the ring feels solid, and has warmed up to the temperature of her hands. She finds herself enjoying just rubbing her fingers along the smooth surface. It looks too big for her to wear - well, it might fit the thumb, loosely. / As Tag Along walks through the town to exit the direction Ozymandius had indicated, he sees various townsfolk hurrying to their homes to get out of the rain. The steady fall of the rain helps him mark a rhythm in his head as he recites the directions. A Slaag stares at the boy blankly. The man breaks out in maniacal laughter. The laughter breaks off suddenly. The blank stare now focuses on some vague point down the street. Further on, Tags hears a feline screech, and suddenly a very dark-colored cat dashes across his path. / Ari finds his way home. He enjoys an exceptionally good meal this evening. Cream peas with butter, lightly salted, and so very warm, and other tasty items. "How was your day, Ari?" his mother asks. / Leg's father looks at him as he arrives home. He glances down at the bottom of his son's pants. "Muddy." he points out. "Your mother wants you to wash up before the meal." / Bulldog and Asbury walk along. The dog spots a black cat, and briefly gives silent chase before the boy calls him back. / Satisfied with her snares, Wynd works on settling in for the night. Near Poison, she finds one coal only seems to have a spark of life. There is some wood, some kindling about still. She notices Poison playing with a dark yellow ring. / In the distance, thunder rolls...

Thursday September 16th, 1999 2:57:49 PM

"Alburino ran that way, he was so scared. The boy went around the corner. I don't know where he went." After saying goodbye, she ran home.

Thursday September 16th, 1999 4:50:38 PM

Happy with her snare setting, Wynd returns and puts a touch more wood on the fire in order to back it and keep some coals alive for later or tomorrow. As she does she notices, Poison's rapt attention focussed on some shiny thing. Whatcha got there Pois? Is that gold? Can I see it?

Thursday September 16th, 1999 7:19:19 PM

After noting the markings inside the hand outline, Catcher makes his way home, and bides his time doing the usual chores until the appointed time for the group to rendevous.

Thursday September 16th, 1999 7:47:41 PM

It's a ring I found Wynd, I think someone ment for me to to find it." She holds it out for Wynd to see but dosen't let it go. "I've never had a ring before."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday September 16th, 1999 8:12:56 PM

After a steady walk home he washes up for supper. Settling in, after a few late chores for a well needed rest. asbury snuggling in as he always does.

Tag Along 
Thursday September 16th, 1999 9:15:07 PM

"A black cat means bad luck. But, thats all i ever had so maybe it means good luck for me." he continues to reciet the words and when he gets a good deal out of the village he finds a big tree climbs it and hides.

Flight from Adorus

DM Kim 
Friday September 17th, 1999 3:02:41 AM

Catcher sees that within the image of a hand on the bark, there are five black rays from the base of each digit toward the center of the palm. A small indentation marks the point of convergence. The bark dimples there. / As Wynd and Poison look at the ring ... it could be gold alloyed with something else. Hard to say. / Tag Along finds a fairly comfortable nook to lean against in a tree. Still, the rain drips, drips, drips from the leaves above. Though the rain lets up a few hours before dawn, the dripping continues for a while after the rain stops. / The morning comes with a moderate fog. The town awakens. Breakfast is eaten. Ga'al is praised by clergy passing in the streets. / "Ashtar, you are to help me organize clothes at the shop this morning." Skippy's mother says. "A new shipment arrived late yesterday, and your father needs our help." As they work, she tells her daughter, "Soon you will be a woman. You need to be responsible. Your father and I will consult with the priests, and find you a husband." She sighs, and folds men's work pants. "But don't worry about these things. You will understand soon enough."

Friday September 17th, 1999 6:53:55 AM

Catcher goes out with his father fishing.

Friday September 17th, 1999 3:12:14 PM

Legs eats breakfast, practices his reading lessons, teases his sisters, helps out with morning deliveries. Just after noon, he goes over to the store owned by Skippy's father to meet with Tag Along. Seeing that he does not arrive, Legs pokes his head into the store to see if Skippy is around. If so, he'll let her know that he can't find Tag Along, and quietly ask her to keep her eye out for him. Then, he returns to help his father out for the afternoon. He works on keeping the Ozymandius' directions in his head.

Friday September 17th, 1999 6:49:46 PM

Before sleeping she places the ring on her thumb to see if it falls off, if it fits comfortably and not fall off she will wear it there if it is to loose she will tie it around her neck with a tight thong of leather. In the morning she arises and waits for her friends.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday September 17th, 1999 8:12:08 PM

morning chores being done, Bulldog settles down with his family for breakfast. Afterwards he takes a herd of sheep up to the to the far pastures for grazing. Getting there he and Asbury settle down under a grand old tree for an afternoon nap, as the sheep do their thing.

DM Kim 
Saturday September 18th, 1999 1:07:25 AM

Poison finds that the ring goes on her thumb easily, with room to spare. Yet soon she finds the ring fits her well. A momentary tingling runs her spine.

DM Jerry 
Saturday September 18th, 1999 4:02:40 AM

Those in the basement hideout are awakened early the next morning as the sound of several cans banging together sounds off followed by shouts of alarm. Wynd's 1st proximity trap has gone off. Shortly after that the second one goes off as the cook from the inn above comes running around the corner to see what the racket is. Several priests have shown up to look at the lightning stroke. When they see the handprint, they go crazy! Immediately they send for the high priest. After looking the thing over and casting a few spells, he immediately calls for the area to be cordon's off and begins whispering to the other prists who respond with "Yes High One!" and "Are you sure it's the rebellion High One?" The High Priest sends for Wind's father who is out in the countryside to come cut down the tree. They don't find him. Meanwhile the priests post guards by the tree as the townsfolk are all gathering to look at the thing. The town's head priest, Abackus, gets impatient and calls for the mages from the fort to come look at it. Those inside the basement are stuck inside with the crowds outside. About this time, when the chief priest stomps off for the temple, there is a click and a snap.....then a scream. "Holyiiiieee Gaaaa'lllll! Aiiiiieeeeee!" Everyone watches in horror as the High Priest falls over onto the ground hitting his head on a rock, his legs tied together with rope and twine. Wynd's handiwork has succeeded yet again. The lessor Evange Priests quickly go over to untie the High Illum Priest and cast spells on his legs healing the priest of his head wound and scratches to his ankles. Immediately Abakus screams, "I want this tree destroyed! I want this whole area searched! There are traitors to Ga'al here and they will be found!"

Sunday September 19th, 1999 1:02:09 PM

Awakend by the sound of her first suprise going off and thinking, "Wow they worked!", Wynd goes over to Poison and makes sure she is awake and knows to be quiet because they have visitors. as she hears her second trip line go off, Wynd goes over to the opening to take a peek at what is going on. As she sees the priests around the tree and then the head priest call for her father to be found, she has an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. As the crowd grows and the chance for escape from their hide hole diminishes, Wynd see watche the head priest stalk off and realizes that he is heading straight for he snare. Holding her breath and not sure whether to hope that the snare works or not, Wynd cringes as she watches the priest fall. Hearing about the imminent search, She ducks back in to the den and says, " Poison we may have a problem. The church is about to do a thourough search of the area and I expect they are going to find us here. we need to come up with an extremely plausible story why we are here and why we are packed the way we are. My first thought is that I was taking you with me yesterday to meet my father and we couldnt find him, so we came back and as we were passing by the tree was struck by lightening and we were scared and found this hidey hole. Because we were scared and afraid of what was going on I set the snares to scare anyone off so we could sleep the night and get back home in the morning. Any thoughts anything to add or anything different??

Monday September 20th, 1999 12:56:31 AM

OOC: Does noise about what's happening by the tree reach the ears of others spread around the town?

Monday September 20th, 1999 9:32:12 AM

Ari ( a little behind) goes and cleans up for dinner. While dinner is going on Ari will ask, sorta hesitantly, "Father, when will you start the work on The weapon?"

Monday September 20th, 1999 12:31:20 PM

That morning, Catcher rose early with his father, and headed out to sea fishing. Throughout the day, he keeps an eye on the workings of the boat (although he's been raised fishing and boating since he could swim). During the noon meal (cod sandwiches), he speaks with his dad about Catcher taking the gang on another fishing excursion in the next day or so, and, when Dad brings up Tag Along's sea sickness on the last trip, promises to clean out the boat afterwards.

Monday September 20th, 1999 2:57:57 PM

Stuck at the shop, she keeps an eye out for the others, saying hi to Legs. She kept an eye out for good stuff to take, mentally marking them. Occasionally she glanced out the window, wondering when would be a good chance to sneak away.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday September 20th, 1999 7:03:32 PM

Waking uo from his light nap, he reachers over to jostle his friend. "you know asbury we'll be leaving in a couple of days for a long trip, ... I think it's going to be a bit rough, but we'll be ok. " wonders how all the rest of his friends are doing. "good day to relax , .. aye, Ras...." ruffles the long coat playful to rouse his friend. "lets take a walk around ... make sure the flock ok. .... come on ....Ras"

Monday September 20th, 1999 8:01:22 PM

"I don't think the story will fly but we can use it as a back up plan. Why would we have set those snares, it took you along time to do that. Lets see if there is another way out of here." Subconsiously kissing her new ring she begins to search for another way out of this basement.

DM Jerry 
Monday September 20th, 1999 11:16:31 PM

The priests immediately begin sending the people home. Word reaches the other kids of what is happening at the tree and the hideout. Those in the basement hideout, please make a perception check. Poison may make the check at +2. Those who make the check remember that the back wall of the basement leads through on the other side to the wine cellar of the inn. The stairs from there lead up to the kitchen. Wind's father arrives and tries to cut down the tree. The ax doesn't even dent the thing. He tries again. The ax reverberates bouncing off of the tree and into one of the priest's faces. He screams in agony!! "AUUUUUGHHHHH!!" The crowds instantly go home following the orders of the priests. Almost as if a switch was toggled turning off their interest in an instant. Now you hear them speaking in the inn above and around town of the evil at the basement. Even the priests look nervously afraid to get too near the thing. Another storm rolls in as the crowd disapates and the tree begins to glow slightly. The priests seeming to forget their orders for a moment shudder together and stay quite a ways away. Thunder rolls.

Catcher  d20=7
Tuesday September 21st, 1999 6:20:37 PM

Seeing the storm clouds roll in, the fishing crew heads to shore. Catcher quickly catches word about the events, but wisely decides to stay away from the area.

Tuesday September 21st, 1999 7:26:59 PM

Legs delivers a small barrel of flour to the Golden Pepper Inn. He takes it to the cook. "That's six silver sir, delivered," the boy says politely. "Would you like it here, or shall I place it near the cellar?" he adds quietly, so as not to disturb the inn's guests. He awaits the cook's instructions. After completing the task, he looks around at the priests murmuring. "Lots of thunder, your worships," he says to them, water dripping from his hair onto his shoulders. "Saw a crowd of people walking away from here. I'd want to get out of the rain, too, I suppose." He says respectfully. He prepares to return to the store to pick up the next delivery.

Poison  d20=5
Tuesday September 21st, 1999 9:11:55 PM

Poison looks about the basement carefuly taking in everything she can. (made Perseption check)

Wynd  d20=1
Tuesday September 21st, 1999 9:58:31 PM

Slapping the heal of her hand against her forehead, Wynd says, See what stress can do. I forgot all about the entry into the wine cellar. I guess we could retreat there if we need to. As she keeps glancing out to keep track of what is going on, she sees her father and a barely audible OH Shit is heard eminating from Wynd's mouth. and she hastily moves to the back of the den and gets ready to escape if necessary.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday September 21st, 1999 10:38:44 PM

As the skies darken, Angus puts Asbury to work in helping to herd the flock back to its pens. After being home a short while, the news of whats happening in town reaches his ears. He keeps to his routine of going to visit his friends as he has done in the past. He does nothing different then any other day. Except for the fact that he'll check out the den from a fair distance.

DM Jerry 
Wednesday September 22nd, 1999 12:11:00 AM

Poison sees that the wall is solid between the basement and the wine cellar, but also sees that time and weathering has caused grease and dampness to cover much of the wall. Also there are a few boards in the wall where the nails have fallen out. There is no door. The activity outside continues to be confused in the rainstorm as the skies grow dark.

Wednesday September 22nd, 1999 12:49:40 AM

As word reaches Ari about the tree, when his chores are done, he'll head to the tree, to see what all the hub-bub is about, if he can!

DM Jerry 
Thursday September 23rd, 1999 12:27:06 AM

The cooks wave at Legs and ignore her as the crowds are heavy today with all the goings on. They turn their back on her again turning towards the cooking pots.

Thursday September 23rd, 1999 2:34:47 AM

[Awaiting response. Legs wants to gauge mood of priests, but then move about his business, hoping not to draw undue attention to himself as he continues on his way.]

Thursday September 23rd, 1999 4:17:43 AM

Seeing everyone is occupied, Legs takes the opportunity to slip down into the cellar, taking the flour with him in case anyone questions his presence there. If the coast is clear, he'll whisper at the wall separating the winecellar from the forgotten basement. "Psst. Anyone there? Legs here."

Thursday September 23rd, 1999 7:07:16 AM

After cleaning the fish, Catcher spends the evening helping repair fishing equipment with his father.

Thursday September 23rd, 1999 9:12:27 PM

Watching Poison checking the rear wall Wynd is curiously drawn back to the entry way. taking extreme care not to be seen she once again takes a peek out to see what is now occurring around the tree.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday September 23rd, 1999 11:21:52 PM

Seeing that things are still busy, he'll just nose around at a distance (from different angles)

DM Jerry 
Thursday September 23rd, 1999 11:31:25 PM

The mages arrive along with a couple of big-time City Priests to look at the tree. After much consulting, they declare that the tree is indeed a "Dissident Tree" and they leave a sign near it proclaiming it "Anathama!" and leave. The rest of the day passes slowly as does the rest of the waiting time. The closer it gets to time to leave, the slower it seems to go. Finally it is time for final preparations and leaving.

Friday September 24th, 1999 12:47:47 AM

Not getting a response from anyone in the basement, Legs climbs back up the stairs. He leaves the flour, heads back to the store. He fills several doubled sacks with flour for sale. He does the same with smaller sacks of salt. Two sacks of flour, and two sacks of salt, plus a few other items he takes with him in a large leather waterproof bag he formerly used for deliveries. He hides this out in the woods a ways, but not too far from the waterway, after which he completes his deliveries for the day. Legs wonders what has happened to Knuckles, and why they haven't seen him for a few days. The page of instructions from Ozymandius he burns, having memorized.

Friday September 24th, 1999 6:56:09 AM

When, the next day, Catcher finds out about the events surrounding the tree, he makes sure to pack the heartwood (that'd he'd taken previously) in his belongings, along with smoked fish, and a couple of wineskins. After retreiving his armor and daggers, Catcher meets with those who are ready to take the fishing trip.

Friday September 24th, 1999 5:27:49 PM

(Once Ari gets in the areas of the tree, if other children are checking out the tree at all, he'll chedck it out, if not). Ari wwill get ther erest of his stuff ready to roll (balnket with rapier wrapped up inside, and a book that his mom wanted him to have ("how to heal in 3 easy steps :) ").

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday September 24th, 1999 8:00:29 PM

Making his way home. The hardy fellow finishes up his evening chores chopping kindling and feeding the livestock. (Hiding a handaxe and gathers some feed , for Asbury, and some small food supplies for himself, hiding his sachel outside. When the time comes he will make his way to the agreed upon place and waits for his friends. Cuddle with Asbury till the others arrive.

DM Jerry 
Friday September 24th, 1999 8:44:19 PM

The time comes. A strong breeze is flowing in from the northwest off of Blackbird Lake. As those in the basement make their way to the rendevous, they stop by the store that Skippy's parents own. Several priests have Skippy surrounded. Her own mother holds her fast. One of the priests, a city feller here to investigate the tree, speaks sharply to her. "Tell us now. What did you see? What do you know? Who is in the resistance? Is there a local cell?" She gulps her face white except for a large angry red palmprint where the priest has slapped her. The priest then pulls out a whip, with blue electricity moving up and down it's length. He raises it and let's it fly. "AAAAIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!!!" Skippy screams!!! Her eyes open wide seeing you. She seeing intent in your eyes, mouths the word "No." to you as you ache to help her. The priest says, "Tell me or prepare to meet Ga'al!" She repeats the words "No!! Never" You can tell by her eyes and expression that the 'no' is meant for her friends wanting to rescue her. Tears burn down her face as she weeps uncontrollably looking from one parent to the other. They seemingly in a light trance, ignore her please and look on impassively. Suddenly, Skippy burts forth with words flowing, "Ahh Noo! Not my parents! I didn't really believe him! I thought he lied! But it's true. All of you are controlled by that monster Ga'al....she blubbers her next words....everyone.....already dead....slaves....dead.....why?......why?.....

Saturday September 25th, 1999 2:01:00 PM

This horrid scene finaly shaking the fear from posion she come back to her self sickned. She find a place to hide from the priests eyes and she falls to her knees weeping, her hand comes to her mouth to hold back the scream she feels bubbling up in her throat. The sudden movement to her mouth cuts her lip and she bites her thumb to stiffle the wail. Silently whith out knowing what she is doing she begins to pray. "Please let her die quickly and with out pain, she is my friend and I swore to protect her with my life. Plese let her soul go some happyer place where this bastard god can not touch her, please give me strength to return her and kill these men in her name." With that she peaks out from her hiding place, thumb still in mouth memorizing for all time the faces of the men that are hurting her friend. "Please let her die now!" She thinks. Whit that she trurns to go quickly, running when she can to the reandevue site. Crying the whole way.

Wynd  d20=11 d20=11 d20=5 d20=4
Sunday September 26th, 1999 9:25:11 AM

Winessing the scene before them, Wynd like Poison is on the edge, giving her friends hand a squeeze as they hide, she goaes her own way so as not to be seen together and be caught as well. Finally finding what she is looking for, she manages to climb onto a roof that provides some cover and gives her a great view of what is going on below. Even with tears flowing down her face she manages to make it across the sloped roof easily, and then after marking a quick route for retreat and escape, takes a quick look to see how far away she is from the scene. Having determined what she can she delibeately gets out her sling and waits.

Sunday September 26th, 1999 3:49:06 PM

Thinking that there is nothing he can do, Catcher quickly leaves the area, realizing his presence will only increase the chance that others are caught. He heads to the rendevous at the boat area for the "fishing trip."

Sunday September 26th, 1999 10:06:20 PM

Having come to the day of departure, Ari starts heading for the rondeveous (<-sp? :) ) point. When he hears the ruckus, he is curious and investigates. He arrives just as skippy is getting whipped. The shock of the sight leaves him motionless, and stunned. His face drains of color as he realizes what may be about to happen. Ari begins to take a step towards the scene, when he sees Skippy mought the word 'no'. Then it registers to him that the parents are not joining in on the scene, other than to hold their child. Ari then ducks out of sight, so as to not be noticed. He cowers in confusions, as he thinks about the events that have lead up to this point. Thinking, Have we been lied to all our lives? What is the truth? Who is to trrust? Who's story is right? I must find out for myself what truth is out there. Skippy, I pray that you will not die, but I do not know who I should pray for, or whether there is anyone that deserves my prayer. too many questions, not enough answers. I must escape, and discover the truth for myself. As the blood returns to Ari's face, his cowering lessens. Ari continues to walk to the Rondevous, with a little more determination.

Monday September 27th, 1999 5:48:44 PM

Legs did not go by way of the merchant house, so is unaware of what is happening with Skippy. He arrives at the rendezvous point, with knapsack, a large leather bag, and a stick just over four feet long. "My folks said I could spend the day with my friends," he announces to whoever else has arrived.

DM Jerry 
Tuesday September 28th, 1999 7:22:56 AM

After this, the cit priest pulls out a red scarf. He holds it high wielding it in his hand like a puppet where it seems to take on a life of it's own. He whispers to it as one would to a pet, then tosses it into the air. It floats and flips around, folding and turning on itself faster than looks normal, then as if a sentient arrow, it shoots towards the young girl covering her face so that all that anyone can see if her white eyes big and round in surprise, horror, and pain. She makes a gurgling sound and then it's as if her innards are sucked out through her mough as her small body begins to be dehydrated of all it's blood and water. Soon all that is left is skin and bones as she collapses dead on the hard ground between her parents. The priest says, "Behold the power of Ga'al! No other can stand against him be they God or Man! He has kept us safe this day from those evil and perverted ones who would oppose his righteousness! All hail his blessed name!" The crowd responds in a trance with "Hail Ga'al! Hail Ga'al! Hail Ga'al!" This continues. The city priest then raises up the dead body by grabbing her skin covered skull. The jaw then begins working joining in with the chant in a strange unearthly voice. "Hail Ga'al! Hail Ga'al! Hail Ga'al!" The crowd is then dismissed and the priests carry the body away. Her heart looks large and healthy showing through her skin and ribcage. Somehow, that is the only organ she has left.

Tuesday September 28th, 1999 7:26:59 PM

To the others who arrive at the rendevous, Catcher says in short, clipped, breaths, "We've lost the first. Only some of us will see this through." Catcher steps away from the others, so that won't see his legs shaking.

Tuesday September 28th, 1999 8:09:40 PM

"What do you mean, we've lost the first?" Legs asks.

Tuesday September 28th, 1999 10:09:52 PM

Watching the scene below Wynd promptly empties the contents of her stomach on to the roof, curls up into a little ball and with wracking silent sobs starts balling her eyes out.

Tuesday September 28th, 1999 10:26:32 PM

"Did you see it? I didn't see it all, I got too scared. What should we do?"

DM Jerry 
Wednesday September 29th, 1999 12:27:57 AM

The time for the rendevous is at hand.

Wednesday September 29th, 1999 6:50:15 AM

From over his shoulder, he replies to Legs, "Skippy was captured by the priests. She's dead at this point. I said we should have gone days ago!" Realizing he's starting to lose control, Catcher stops speaking and quickly starts getting things ready for the fishing expedition.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday September 29th, 1999 1:46:21 PM

Acknowleding everyone as the come to the meeting place. He is shocked upon learning of what has happened to skippy "WANT DO YOU MEAN DEAD !" he replies to catcher "Who would want to hurt her ... she was so small and sweet ... it was the priest right" anger seethes through the stocky boy. "The will pay one day ... that I'll swear to" he paces back and forth really not knowing what to do next, the reality of what the old man said coming true. kicking some sticks that get in his way.

Wednesday September 29th, 1999 7:36:35 PM

Posion arives at the site to see much trahsing and cursing. She looks pale and old "ENOUGH!!" she shouts to get everyones attention "It is time to put away this childish anger and frustration. Today my sister has fallen to the enemy, today the enemy has earned another lash from the wip of vengance. It does us no good to wail and scream. We must now away and become strong, as fingers to a fist, then will the false gods time come. No longer am I a girl, today I am a lady. I am no longer the posion from the source, I am the source, I am Lady Nightshade." With that she looks everyone in the eye. Her speech while seeming silly accecpts no laughter in her eyes. She seems to have become what she has said she is. Deadly. "Is everything ready? Is everyone here? I will not loose another brother or sister so soon."

Wynd  d20=16 d20=1
Wednesday September 29th, 1999 7:43:57 PM

As the day moves along and Wynd comes back to herself,she realizes that she is almost late for the meeting.she starts hurrying and almost loses her footing on the sloped roof, but manages to retain her balance and make it back to the ground in one piece. Doing her best to avoid being seen Wynd makes it back to their den. Her eyes and face are still red and puffy from her crying. Even as she gets ready she doesnt look at anyone and says not a word as she goes about collecting her things.

Wednesday September 29th, 1999 8:00:38 PM

"Dead? Skippy? Priests? Not Skippy? NO! No no no no no nonononono..." The boy's face moves through incredulity, shock, anger, sorrow, anger. "Yes, enough. Let's be gone from this place." He takes the things he has gathered and hauled here, and puts most of them in the boat after getting two different white substances out of a large bag. On shore, he scoops up some earth into two small piles. "A curse upon the priests of Ga'al. May the land wither under their rule." He mixes salt with one pile of earth, and casts it one way. "May the fields and work of those who oppose him, if only in their hearts, if only in small ways, do well in their midst." And he takes ground wheat flour to mix with the other pile of earth, and casts it the other direction. He then stands next to the boat, and offers a hand to whoever needs help boarding. When all are on, he will help Catcher shove off.

Thursday September 30th, 1999 7:32:10 AM

"We will have to discover the truth for ourselves. What are you doing Legs? Would you wish hunger and starvation upon our families? Even though they know not what they do? The priests maybe, but our families too?"

DM Jerry 
Friday October 1st, 1999 7:08:26 AM

As Legs pronounces her curse, all seems still for a moment. Then a whirlwind kicks up and heads towards poison. There it stays for a moment as if settling on her in some mystical way. After a few seconds, with a "whoosh" sound is sucked into the Tree Ring. A voice then whispers in everyone's mind emanating from the ring. "Hey! It's me. Skippy. I'm ok. Yes, I'm dead, but that's ok. I got to meet Lemtrovex. He's ever so cool! He let me forget all the bad stuff, but says I can remember it if I ever want to. He let me rest awhile and then let me come back here to help you. I'll be here in the ring when you need me. I've used up all my power for now speaking to all of you this way, so I'll rest awhile. I'll talk to you again then. 'Lemi, that's what I call him, says to get out of town fast while the gettin' is good. Bye."

Friday October 1st, 1999 7:08:27 AM

Ari will stand in awe and silence for 30 sec. (ya know when a kid gets them big round eyse of amazement! :) )

Friday October 1st, 1999 7:08:28 AM

Even the sound of Skippy's voice doesn't bring Wynd out of her funk. She pauses for one moment and asks Catcher, Are we all going on the boat, or are Tag and I still meeting you later? After the accident?

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday October 1st, 1999 7:08:29 AM

"skippy ... that really you ..." the stout young lad says after several moments of thinking things through. He gathers up his things and to Wind "Asbury and me will be going with and Tags .... Asbury here will be better off that way" ruffles Asburys tangles some more as the little four footed guy bounce around in excitement. "we're ready" He'll help he boat shove off with a mighty shove when all those who will be going by skiff are in. "see you soon ... good luck ... may your sailing be smooth and safe" waves goodbye with a steady smile. "may ... Lemi ... be with you" turns to Wynd lets go"

Friday October 1st, 1999 7:08:30 AM

AFter he comes unglued (amazed), Ari will offer up a quick prayer of thanks with the hope that this is what was meant for Skippy. Then he'll join the others in getting ready.

Friday October 1st, 1999 7:08:31 AM

Legs listens to Ari, and is about to speak, when Skippy's voice precludes his response. He listens, amazed. "Lem ... Lemtrovex," Legs whispers. Wynd's question brings him around. He pulls the leather provision bag out of the boat. "Bulldog - this has food and stuff in it. I don't want it to get too wet. Could you carry this till we meet up again?" He leaves some other things in the boat. "I guess that Knuckles really isn't coming. Good luck finding Tag Along." He makes sure all are aboard who are getting aboard, assists Bulldog in the shove off, then pulls his now wet body into the craft. "The good god be with you," Legs says to those on shore. "See you soon."

Catcher  d20=18 d20=12 d20=5 d20=10
Friday October 1st, 1999 7:08:32 AM

Catcher stands stunned for a moment to hear the voice, and then a smile breaks on his face. With the others, he pushes off the boat, heading for the rendevous point, and catching fish along the way.

DM Jerry 
Friday October 1st, 1999 10:39:50 PM

As those who head off in the boat cast off and pull away from the shore, they look back at their friends getting smaller and smaller. The others head off smartly looking for Tag and to accomplish their own tasks. One dead. One missing. Two groups. Haven't left town hardly yet. What will become of this brave group of young True Aisildurians? Read on brave ones! The future awaits!

Bulldog & Asbury 
Saturday October 2nd, 1999 12:02:35 AM

After the skiff gets going 'Bulldog' reaches down and picks up the sachel that 'Legs' asked him to take care of. "Well 'Wynd' lets go find our 'Tags' " whistles for Asbury to follow.

Nightshade (poison) 
Saturday October 2nd, 1999 3:59:35 PM

Standing on the edge of the siff she stare off at the shore getting smaller. She lifts the ring to her lips and kisses it gingerly. "Good riddance." she wispers, then she turns to her new family. "We will hope for the best for our friends and theat we will meet with them soon. But come what may, we will see a new place. We will not become slaves to that beast." Her eyes then get a faraway look as she be gins mumbling to herself. It seems as if shes having a conversation with someone, maybe Skippy.

Saturday October 2nd, 1999 7:15:37 PM

Catcher passes a fishing pole to Poison, "Here, this may be the last chance you get to relax for a long time." With that, he turns back to directing the handling of the boat.

Sunday October 3rd, 1999 2:03:04 PM

Turning to Bulldog, Wynd says, well, I can't go back into town so you are going to have to find Tag yourself and meet me 2 miles outside of town on the road to Abderus. I will find you. From there we will head inland and use the forest trails.

DM Kim 
Monday October 4th, 1999 3:12:32 AM

The skiff has a convenient tail wind helping it along, and those on the boat think they might make good time. / As Bulldog and Wynd are talking, Asbury starts to make a low growling sound back toward the town. In a moment, you see one of the miller's sons, eleven-year-old Lucky, poking his head out from behind a tree. He turns his head over his shoulder, and says something quietly to someone you can't see.

Monday October 4th, 1999 9:14:33 AM

Ari will keep his eyes out on the shore, in concern. (Sorry about post, didn't realize there would be a post Sunday nite.)

DM Kim 
Monday October 4th, 1999 11:50:21 AM

What with bushes and other vegetation along the shore, those on the boat quickly lost sight of those on shore, and are not aware of what is going on there. The water has light chop from the tail breeze.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday October 4th, 1999 7:15:05 PM

Turing in the direction of Asburys concern. He sees the millers' son. "That you Lucky ... who's with you ?" turns quickly to Wynd whispering "watch what we say here ... lets see what they are up to" faces the younger ones "what you doing out here ?" (remembers that monk may have been put into the same position, having younger ones curious of what he did) Gives Asbury a signal to queit down as things come about.

Nightshade (poison) 
Monday October 4th, 1999 9:07:18 PM

Taking the pole from Catcher she sits and begins to fish.

DM Kim 
Tuesday October 5th, 1999 1:37:44 AM

The boat is going slightly faster than the downstream current in the center of the Peaseblossom river. As soon as Poison, now Nightshade, takes over the pole from Catcher, a fish strikes hard. The pole is almost yanked from her hands, and the line begins to run, heading diagonally downstream, somewhat toward the opposite shoreline. [Nightshade, roll 1d20.] Off to the left ahead aways, a hawk swoops down from a treetop, hits the water, then takes to the air more slowly, small gilled life dancing in its claws. / On the shore, Lucky says, "It's just my little brother, Asher." You know him by his nickname, 'Three Eyes,' called that since he always seems to see what's happening around the town. And he is usually not shy about telling others. "Hi!" he pipes up. "Where are you guys going?" A knowing look passes between the brothers for an instant.

Tuesday October 5th, 1999 6:29:56 AM

Still directing the boat, Catcher says, "Fish are biting unusually well today...let me know if you need any help."

Nightshade (poison)  d20=17
Tuesday October 5th, 1999 4:50:15 PM

Tring hard to pull the fish in, "Yeah, I might need help, I have never fished before."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday October 5th, 1999 6:57:41 PM

The stout young Aisildurian replys to the two snoops "We're going on a camping trip of course, what are you two doing following us around" stating the last firmly and with some anger."It be best if you go home " waiting to hear what Wynd has to add as he waves the two close.

Tuesday October 5th, 1999 9:50:02 PM

yeah we are going on a little camping trip but first we are going to meet our Fathers. My Father is out tending his trees and Bulldog's is tending his herd so we thought we would see what each of the other's father does ::walks closer to Bulldog and holds his hand:: and have some fun camping in the woods as well. Bulldog's father is expecting us tonite and with all the hullaballoo in town today we are already going to be late. So if you see either of our mothers be sure to tell them that we got off late but we will be careful getting to the herd hut if it is too dark. OK?

Tuesday October 5th, 1999 10:57:12 PM

Who was cotemplating two sides of fence, prior to this (forgot I didnt' post), comes out of his reverie. "I can help also, unless you want me to start fishing also, in order to stock up on food"

DM Kim 
Wednesday October 6th, 1999 3:30:57 AM

The two brothers draw closer at Bulldog's beckoning. Lucky's eyes open wide for a moment as Wynd takes Bulldog's hand. Three-Eyes says, "What about the kids in the boat? They going camping, too? And who is Ozymandius?" Lucky elbows his brother in the ribs. Then his eyes narrow. "Some of the people in town say that you are friends of Sk... of the girl in the rebellion who was given to Ga'al today. They say YOU should get the scarf." You notice that Lucky is keeping his left hand behind his back. A deep vibration is felt in Asbury's chest as he leans against Bulldog's leg. / With the abundance of rain falling in the last few days, Catcher is aware that the river is higher than normal. The fish jerked the pole so briskly, that it was dislodged from Poison's grip, strong though she is. The pole splashes into the water. It is still close to the skiff, though, and someone might be able to grab the bobbing pole if they're lucky. [Roll under dex with a +4 penalty. Up to three may try.] The clouds ahead look dark.

DM Kim 
Wednesday October 6th, 1999 3:36:41 AM

The two brothers draw closer at Bulldog's beckoning. Lucky's eyes open wide for a moment as Wynd takes Bulldog's hand. Three-Eyes says, "What about the kids in the boat? They going camping, too? And who is Ozymandius?" Lucky elbows his brother in the ribs. Then his eyes narrow. "Some of the people in town say that you are friends of Sk... of the girl in the rebellion who was given to Ga'al today. They say YOU should get the scarf." You notice that Lucky is keeping his left hand behind his back. A deep vibration is felt in Asbury's chest as he leans against Bulldog's leg. / With the abundance of rain falling in the last few days, Catcher is aware that the river is higher than normal. The fish jerked the pole so briskly, that it was dislodged from Poison's grip, strong though she is. The pole splashes into the water. It is still close to the skiff, though, and someone might be able to grab the bobbing pole if they're lucky. [Roll under dex with a +4 penalty. Up to three may try.] The clouds ahead look dark.

Legs  d20+4=23
Wednesday October 6th, 1999 11:27:03 AM

Legs reaches out for the pole. Badly losing his balance, he falls headfirst into the water.

Catcher  d20=19
Wednesday October 6th, 1999 2:57:34 PM

Cursing under his breath, Catcher hands the oar to Nightshade and dives in to retrieve his friend (not remembering whether Legs can swim). Pushing Legs back up into the boat, he makes a half-grab at the pole, and easily misses it. To Nightshade he says, "We'll need to hug the far bank, with that storm brewing."

The Journey Begins

DM Jerry (by land) 
Wednesday October 6th, 1999 4:10:59 PM

Three-eyes gets a hurt look in his eyes and says, "I'm not a dummy! I heard ya in your basement. I know you're runnin away to be pirates!" Lucky turns on his brother and says, "You are too a dummy! I said not to tell that until they talked!" He then turns to Wynd, ignoring the larger Bulldog and says, "You two are gross and....and!" Lucky seems to be deciding something. "And," he continues as tears appear in his eyes, "We're gonna tell!" He spins and begins to lead Three-eyes away. Behind his back is a broken off stick which seems to glow for just a moment. (perception check at -1 for the landlubbing children to understand the significance of the stick.)

DM Jerry (by sea)  d10=4 d10=7 d10=2 d10=4
Wednesday October 6th, 1999 4:35:59 PM

Catcher grabs Legs by the back of his shirt and pushes him back into the boat. Catcher, still in the water, holds to the side of the boat as the pole sinks below the surface. Suddenly, a single fin breaks the water about 30' out moving in the direction of Catcher. (Perception check for everyone in the boat to notice the fin. Check at -1 for Catcher who is at a lower angle of sight. Everyone needs to roll for surprise. Catcher is surprised on a 1-3.) [Initiative adjusted for size difference was a tie the first time 10 to 10. The second time the party wins initiative 7 to 8.]

DM Jerry (by sea)  d10=4 d10=7 d10=2 d10=4
Wednesday October 6th, 1999 4:38:59 PM

Round 1: Party initiative. (Please add "by land" or "by sea" after your name to keep things easier to understand.)

Wynd  d20=6
Wednesday October 6th, 1999 7:35:03 PM

Under full control and with a completely straight face, Wynd looks at Three- eyes and says, Of course not you li'l dummy they are going fishing. Didn't you see all the fishing gear on the boat. I didn't go because I can't swim and am a little afraid of boats, and so I wouldn't be alone, ::starting to lightly swing her and Bulldog's arms:: Bulldog said that he would stay and we could go see our fathers and go camping instead. ::A little sadly:: and as you well know, Skippy was an acquaintance of ours, though she was always a little wierd and always saying strange things and making up invisible playmates, even talking to them. We never really paid her much mind. I mean we are all going to be Joining with G'aal real soon and then we will be adults and get to take our rightful places in the town. I really can't wait. ::visibly squeezes Bulldog's hand:: Hey Lucky, Whatcha hiding behind your back?

Wynd  d20=7
Wednesday October 6th, 1999 7:35:59 PM

Listening to Lucky and hearing his threats send a cold chill down her spine and then she spots the piece of wood. A cold hard look appears on Wynds face as she looks at it and then at Lucky. Go right ahead Lucky you go and tell on us, about what you think you heard and remember. I think though that you should think about what you will say when the red scaves come looking for you. That ,indicating the piece of wood, came from "the tree" that was struck by lightening, it was declared off limits by the head priest, so how are you going to explain that. Now maybe we can deal.

Catcher  d20+1=11 d10=1
Wednesday October 6th, 1999 8:25:59 PM

OOC: Anyone have the Jaws soundtrack? (Catcher makes his perception check but completely blows his surprise roll) Catcher gives the pole up for lost and works to clamber back into the boat.

Ari  d20+4=10
Wednesday October 6th, 1999 9:32:07 PM

"Ya know, there seems to be a lot going on around us, it's too bad that the fish just can not bring the pole back to us" As Ari reaches out and snags the pole. "Then again, it may not be needed!" Ari will then hold the pole and ask, " Do you want to continue the honors, or should I?" Looking at Nightshade

Legs  d10=4 d20=14
Wednesday October 6th, 1999 11:41:59 PM

Legs appreciates the boost from Catcher. He clambers back up into the skiff. Bracing himself, he holds out a dripping hand for his companion. As he does so, he catches a glimpse of a black triangle moving their way. "Catcher! Behind you! Come now!" He glances back for an instant. "Somebody hold my legs, and let's keep this boat balanced so we don't flip over." He looks back to Catcher.

Nightshade (poison) 
Thursday October 7th, 1999 1:36:59 AM

Nightshade takes the till of the boat to help steer while she helps hold anyone in the boat she can.

Ari  d20=5 d10=2 d20=14
Thursday October 7th, 1999 1:42:59 AM

(By Sea)"Look at that will ya, wonder what that means" (Not sure if the pole is still in the picture. Not sure if I'm suprised, will take one more d-20 roll for just in case I'm surprised, and dropped the pole.)

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=9
Thursday October 7th, 1999 2:26:59 AM

"Yeah, .. you're no dummy, you wouldn't be he if you couln't figure things out, but Wynd is right .... what are you gonna tell them when they hear that you have that stick there. And that you warned us first, to help us, what then" Signals Asbury to move around to the back side of the two young lads (herding is herding) releases his lasso from his belt with his free hand. "we make a deal .. what do you say, one thats works for everyone"

DM Jerry (by land) 
Thursday October 7th, 1999 2:54:59 PM

Lucky smiles at Bulldog's words. An evil, smile. The kind of smile that your little brother gives you when he's fixing to fake crying to get you in trouble kind of smile. "Yeah, sure we can make a deal. Take us with you or we will...." Suddenly the conversation is interrupted by a shout and a howl. (Perception check to recognize the voice as Tagalong.) The howl of a wolf!

DM Jerry (by sea)[party results and shark initiative] 
Thursday October 7th, 1999 2:59:59 PM

Legs doesn't get any help, but he manages to pull Catcher back into the boat just as the shark rams it's poor ol' nose into the side of the boat, raising the whole thing out of the water several feet. It crashes down onto the shark forcing it underwater. (dex check to remain in the boat. Those who make their checks may check again to try and grab those who falling out of the boat.) The shark makes a wide turn slowly nursing it's sore nose in the water by dipping and bobbing.

DM Jerry (by sea) 
Thursday October 7th, 1999 3:00:59 PM

[It is now party initiative for round 2.]

Ari  d20=18
Thursday October 7th, 1999 4:38:59 PM

"Interesting". As Ari watches the side of the boat become the center of his arc!

Catcher  d20=11 d20=2
Thursday October 7th, 1999 6:17:59 PM

Catcher manages to ride out the 'whooomp' of the boat, and reaches to catch any who may have started to flip overboard. "That should deter him for a few minutes, but go ahead and throw some bloodied fish away from the shore, and he'll go for that instead." If none need helping this round, Catcher will begin tossing bait away from the boat.

Legs  d20=19
Thursday October 7th, 1999 7:15:59 PM

As the shark rams the boat, Legs flies out in a spectacular manner. He curls up into a ball, causing a decent-sized *:Splash:*/ on entry. Third time in the water today. He looks around to see where things are. If anyone else falls in, he'll assist them back to the boat. Otherwise, he swims back strongly himself, and pulls himself into the boat. "Can we head closer to shore?"

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=11
Friday October 8th, 1999 6:02:59 AM

Reconizing Tags voice he spins to the direction of the howl "wolf" escapes his lips in a hiss, crouches as he signals Asbury to to his side. "you two better get out of here" turns to Wynd "how hungry you think that beast is Wynd" allowing the two millers sons to hear the last comment.

DM Jerry (by land)  d20=1
Friday October 8th, 1999 8:08:59 AM

(Morale check of a 1 for Lucky made) Lucky says, "You're not getting rid of us that easy." He stands proud and tall. "We're coming with you." Then he freezes and stares, losing his manners in his pant leg. He points, his face white. Not one but two wolves are bearing down on you. Ears back. Teeth set.

DM Jerry (by land)  d20=1
Friday October 8th, 1999 8:10:59 AM

(Morale check of a 1 for Lucky made) Lucky says, "You're not getting rid of us that easy." He stands proud and tall. "We're coming with you." Then he freezes and stares, losing his manners in his pant leg. He points, his face white. Not one but two wolves are bearing down on you. Ears back. Teeth set.

DM Jerry (by land) 
Friday October 8th, 1999 8:14:59 AM

(The party has initiative.) The AC of the wolves is 7. Roll for surprise.

DM Jerry (by sea) 
Friday October 8th, 1999 8:19:59 AM

Those on the boat watch in horror as the shark goes crazy over all the blood and bait in the water. The boat quickly moves away from the mess. Suddenly, you hear a scream and a howl from the shore. In a tree you see what might be Tagalong. He is pointing at what looks to be two dog like creatures racing away from him and towards 4 others a couple of hundred feet away. Two of the others are not easily recognizable. However, you do see Wynd and Bulldog...holding hands?

Catcher (By Sea)  d20=20 d20=12 d6=6
Friday October 8th, 1999 4:46:59 PM

With a nod of respect at Legs swimming ability, Catcher looks over and sees the land attack. Quickly glancing at Nightshade, Catcher says, "Your ring...?" and then promptly guides the boat to the shore. Once on the bank, Catcher will begin using his short bow, hoping to draw off the wolves. First shot hits for 6 points!

Wynd  d10=7 d20+3=21 d4=3
Saturday October 9th, 1999 5:34:59 AM

Not really suprised, Wynd drops Bulldog's hand and while loading her sling, yells at Lucky and four-eyes "Lucky get your brouther behind us and up a tree, you seem to be good at climbing trees. And lets just say that when we drive these wolves off you had best still be there or the first thing I do is go visit the head priest and tell him about how you were in the "tree" and took something from it." then wynd lets fly with her first sling shot aiming at the beasts eye (18 +3,dex -2,called shot+ 19 for a resounding pop and 3 points of damage to the eye)

Bulldog & Asbury  d10=4 d20=10
Saturday October 9th, 1999 7:59:59 AM

His lasso whirls as the wolves close. When the terrifying beasts are within range he lets fly, trying to trip up a beast. (misses) ........ Asbury charges ......growling deep and LOUD ...... (to engage the enemy in a chase. Trying to keep its attention away from his charges )

Saturday October 9th, 1999 7:55:59 PM

Since the young adolescents are a few hundred feet off shore yet, Legs will assist at rowing in close by where the action is, and help beach the skiff. Then he will use his stick to defend his friends.

Sunday October 10th, 1999 3:46:59 PM

Ari will pull out his rapier, and get ready to defend his friends.

DM Jerry (results of party actions)  d20=5
Monday October 11th, 1999 5:36:59 AM

Catcher hits wolf #1 on the run with an incredible shot at long range. The wolf (morale check of 5) amazingly shrugs off the arrow going completely through his body and let his hunger and the desire of the hunt drive him on. Wynd (called shot is -4, not -2[grin]) does indeed hit the second wolf in the eye. the wolf goes into a fit rolling over and over totally surprised, hit mind filled totally in indescribable pain. Legs works alone at rowing the boat towards the shore making slow progress. At this rate, the boat might never make it in time as the current drives the boat further west and away from the combat. Currently the boat is estimated to be at least 2 minutes from the shore, farther with one person rowing.

Lucky and Three-eyes  d20=19 d3=3 d20=12
Monday October 11th, 1999 5:42:59 AM

Lucky pulls out a knife a look of holy terror on his face and jumps at the first wolf stabbing the thing with his knive for three points of damage. The blow hits the wolf in the throat as the beast lunged at Lucky and Lucky is buried under the huge beast. Three-eyes tears into the beast rolling him over and off of Lucky. The beast is dead and both kids are covered in blood. They both jump up and in a primal scream of ones who have found their first prey.

DM Jerry 
Monday October 11th, 1999 5:46:59 AM

Tagalong still clings to his tree some distance from the melee.(It is now party initiave.)

Tag Along 
Monday October 11th, 1999 6:21:59 AM

"Guys im coming!" he shouts as he charges the wolves from behind seeing there attacking his friends he takes out his daggers one in each hand and tries to jump on back of wolf and plant the knives deep into flesh::

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=17 d4+1=4
Monday October 11th, 1999 6:31:59 AM

looks quickly about for something that will due for a club and then moves towards the last beast and strikes a crushing blow (for 5 points dam) Asbury keeping an eye on the beast lest it stir again.

Wynd  d20=6
Monday October 11th, 1999 7:05:59 AM

Quickly tucking her sling away, Wynd grabs her staff and preparing for the attack of the wolf, braces, and swings firmly at a nearby wolf and realizes at the last moment that it is too far out of reach and misses wildly.

Monday October 11th, 1999 10:12:59 AM

"Poison, or Ari - help me row this thing!" beseeches Legs, trying to bring the boat to shore.

Catcher (at sea) 
Monday October 11th, 1999 4:20:59 PM

Quickly assessing the situation on land, Catcher straps the bow across his back and quickly heaves to on an oar, helping to bring the boat to shore. "Well, fortune seems to be smiling at us. Our boat has been hit by a shark, and we have wolf bodies to help cover the disappearance of the others," Catcher states with satisfaction.

Monday October 11th, 1999 11:31:59 PM

(last post was based off of us making it to shore). Ari grabs an oar, or paddle. If Ari can not assist, he will encourage Catcher to let him Row, and him to stand in the front of the boat and use his bow as soon as he is able, if he can.

Nightshade (poison) 
Tuesday October 12th, 1999 2:19:59 AM

Throws her weight to the Ors and begins to Row with everything she has.

Tuesday October 12th, 1999 5:07:59 AM

Rows harder on the same side of the boat with Ari, so that the strength of Catcher's and Poison's rowing doesn't make the boat go around in circles.

DM Jerry (results of party actions) 
Tuesday October 12th, 1999 5:33:59 AM

Tagalong gets about half way to the remaining wolf this round. Bulldog crushes the skull of the wolf that already had the arrow in the eye while Wynd nearly hits Bulldog in the back of the head while the others row. The 2nd wolf is dead.

DM Jerry (by sea)  d20=13
Tuesday October 12th, 1999 5:37:59 AM

Suddenly, just a few feet from the shore, the whole Wold turns over for those in the boat as giant jaws bite down on the hull breaking end of the boat completely off and tossing those in the boat in a high arc to land on the beach. The shark continues to destroy the boat in frustration that it's prey has escaped.

Wynd  d20=15
Tuesday October 12th, 1999 6:05:59 AM

quickly recovering from her near decapitation of Bulldog, Wynd quickly and deftly wheels on Lucky and knocks the dagger from his hand and sits him on his rear. "Now, tell me why I shouldn't just make it look like you two were killed by these wolves and we got here just too late?" ::pauses a moment:: And why do you want to come with us?

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday October 12th, 1999 7:43:59 AM

Discarding the makeshift weapon. he approaches the brothers as Wynd lays into them. Snathes the stick that Lucky brought with him from town. "you know I thought I saw it glow. Thats a good sign. Can't hide that from the preists, though." pauses for a few moments then turns and helps his friends from the water.

Tuesday October 12th, 1999 8:15:59 AM

Picks himself up off the beach, and looks around to make sure everyone is all right, and that there are not any more surprises anywhere else on the beach. "Do these kind of animals normally attack like this? Or this close to town?"

Tag Along  d20=12 d20=5
Tuesday October 12th, 1999 8:44:59 AM

::continues run and attacks from behind with a knife in each hand:: "Ah leave them alone!"

Catcher (on Dry Land)  d20=7
Tuesday October 12th, 1999 4:19:59 PM

Humming to himself, and ignoring the others, Catcher busies himself with a tree branch, reaching out into the water and making sure several pieces of shark-bitten boat are drawn to the beach. Obliterating all the tracks surrounding the beach, Catcher says to Nightshade, "Well, this part is covered, now we just need to take care of the wolf-attack scene, and everything will be set. Wish we had some human bones or something..."

Nightshade (poison) 
Wednesday October 13th, 1999 3:29:59 AM

Nightshade rolling to her feet and thinking quickly runs to the nearest wolf body and throws it near the shark and near the remains of the boat hoping that as the shark feed the bones and blood will coat the remains of the boat. Also hoping beyond hope that it will be to shallow and the shark will beach itself, then they can make it look even more real, maybe.

Legs  d20=14 d20=15 d20=18
Wednesday October 13th, 1999 4:29:59 AM

Legs lands a little hard. He prefers to land in the water, to which he recently has grown more accustomed. He gets up, nevertheless. He finds that the other bag he had placed in the boat was cast up on shore as well. The glass jar filled with honey, however, broke inside his bag. He gets up, and moves to the other side of the Lucky and Three Eyes, to make sure they don't try running off.

Wednesday October 13th, 1999 6:45:59 AM

Lucky stares at Wynd open-mouthed. "But I helped you. I killed the.... You wouldn't! Would you? Three-eyes here just overheard you talking to that Slaag and called me. I just couldn't stay home when I knew what was gonna happen. Plus this stick's been talkin' to me. It sorta led me here. Said you'd help."

DM Jerry 
Wednesday October 13th, 1999 6:54:59 AM

The shark eats the wolf bodies Nightshade throws to it. Tag comes running up angry and ready to attack Wynd for her threat to the two younger kids. (Tag didn't designate a target.) It is now mid-afternoon. It looks like dark clouds are indeed a coming storm.

How many's a crowd? 
Wednesday October 13th, 1999 6:59:59 AM

A kid seems to be carefully following Tagalong some distance behind him. As you notice him he nods and approaches. He seems to be watching the two younger kids with a very keen eye.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday October 13th, 1999 8:26:59 AM

Upon seeing Tags trailer "oh ! for crying out loud, ...just who doesn't know we have left" turns to tags "just how many have you brought along ?!!. is he the only one, ... you have anymore hiding in those trees ?!!" anger showing easily as he stomps around cursing, obviously upset over the cropping up of these younger burdens and continues to put some fear into them "bodies thats is just what might do the trick yeah" (OOC(his friends most likely know he is just trying to scare them and would not truly kill someone that he has grown up knowing, he's just venting))

The boy 
Wednesday October 13th, 1999 9:39:59 AM

The slender boy who trailed Tag Along appears to be about your age. He walks, hesitant, up to the group. "Greetings. I saw the wolves attack. You fight well." He glances at the nearby flotsam in the bay. "None of you would happen to know anyone by the name of..." He trails off, looking at Lucky and Three-Eyes, then begins to sing. "Old King Dole was a dour old soul and a dour old wife had he! He called for his daughter, called for his son, and called for his bananas three..." He looks at the group, checking for any recognition, eying in particular the two younger ones.

Wednesday October 13th, 1999 7:03:59 PM

Legs stares at the newcomer. "This is a really weird day."

Catcher  d20=11
Wednesday October 13th, 1999 7:23:59 PM

To Nightshade, Catcher says, "I'm going to scout around and make sure we don't have any 'eyes' out there. We need to decide whether or not to bring those three along, or leave a couple of them with the wolf bodies..." Catcher heads a hundred yards back into the woods, checking for any other people or creatures.

Wynd  d20=19
Wednesday October 13th, 1999 8:11:59 PM

Listening to Lucky, Wynd pulls back her staff from his chest and relaxes a bit. "well if that is the case, why all the threats about turning us into the priests? Why not just ask? Tell me that. At this time she looks up and sees Tag in his headlong rush and prepares to parry with her staff if necessary (rolled a 19 which hits AC 1).

Thursday October 14th, 1999 2:13:59 AM

With a start, he says, "Hey, that's what ... we heard that silly song about King Dole before." He notices the look the newcomer gives to the two younger villagers. "You three know each other, or something? Lucky - let me see that stick. That's from the maple, right?"

Thursday October 14th, 1999 3:11:59 AM

I do not think we have long to tarry. I believe the choice is to go or to stay. There have been too many coincidences for my taste. I do not know how much longer the weather will favor us. We have all the equipment we need. I say we should be on the way, after Catcher double checks the area.

Nightshade (poison) 
Thursday October 14th, 1999 3:44:59 AM

Throws the last piece of Wolf to the sharks and then walks calmly to Bulldog, placing a hand gently on his shoulder. "Shhhhhh my brother." She then squats down and looks at the newbies. "I have seen my sister die, and then had her joyous soul return to me as of late. I am in no mood for riddles told by the insane or for games and threats from children. Thank you for your help, and now speak clearly as to your purpose here or not at all."

Tag Along 
Thursday October 14th, 1999 5:24:59 AM

"Ugh well for once i didnt tag along i ran away first." he says laughing. "But that wolf chased me into a tree, so i stayed up there for a while till they ran after you. When i realized it was you guys i decided to help. Well after that boy spotted us i thought i was for sure sacrifice so i ran. And hide on the trail to meet you now you know. He looks at the younger boy, that followed him. "Strange we always pick up strangers on this journey. I guess a god of somekind is with us. Why else would all us goof balls get together. Well i stil remember teh song that leads us. Shall we continue down the trail, while we tell are catch up tail. And these young new boys of three, can Tag ALong with ME!" he says skipping away singing the song of direction, while playing his old trusty flute.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday October 14th, 1999 7:18:59 AM

After Lady Nightshade sets Bulldog at ease he stands facing the young lads and awaits their response to her direct questioning. "thanks, my lady" he smiles with at last. Signals Asbury to his side.

Aith 'Singer' 
Thursday October 14th, 1999 8:02:59 AM

The trailer sighs. He then looks at Legs. "Yes, I believe you heard it out of the mouth of someone who was different from what he claimed to be. My name is Aith, although you can call me Singer, as that is what my friends call me. And I have a request. For the safety of this journey." He looks at the two younger ones again. [OOC: Aith looks to be the same age as the older crowd, not Lucky and Three-Eyes!]

Thursday October 14th, 1999 9:44:59 AM

"Because.....because you're threatening to kill us, that's why. If we go back now, when they know you're gone or dead, they will ask us about it and then we'll die like that girl."

Thursday October 14th, 1999 9:46:59 AM

Lucky immediately puts the stick away under his shirt. He refuses to let anyone look at it. He looks as if he's hiding something he wants to tell, but doesn't dare.

Thursday October 14th, 1999 9:47:59 AM

When Tagalong begins playing, both of the younger children flock to him out of habit and begin dancing a jig around him trying to escape from all this seriousness.

Thursday October 14th, 1999 9:51:59 AM

Singer looks at the two boys. "Before we go, may I look at the back of your necks?"

Thursday October 14th, 1999 10:53:59 AM

Ari does not know what to make of all this. So he'll just be a quiet observer.

Catcher  d20=15
Thursday October 14th, 1999 5:39:59 PM

After a few minutes, Catcher re-appears and gives the 'all clear'. Seeing that the three newcomers are still alive, Catcher says, "Well, what will you be contributing to the group? Any skills at food gathering?" Everyone sees that Catcher is nervious, and he keeps pacing as if willing his friends to hurry up.

Thursday October 14th, 1999 8:44:59 PM

Singer looks at catcher, then back at the younger boys. "Well?"

Friday October 15th, 1999 12:36:59 AM

Looking at Lucky see just shakes her head and says your threats of turning us in came well before I threatened your lives. However that is water under the bridge as Mother would say. you are right that if you go back now you are as good as dead, but how do we know if you are a spy...... ::turning her attention to Singer:: Why do you want to look at our necks?

Nightshade (poison) 
Friday October 15th, 1999 2:25:59 AM

Nightshade ruffles Ashburrys ears and kisses him on the head. "Boys, this is not the time for playing and the more you move about, the more work we must do latter, covering our tracks. You threatend us before you knew us, but I think my family and I can chalk it up to being young and scared, what we need now is answers." She turns and looks right at Lucky as she takes Bulldogs hand. "This is my only family and I won't EVER let them come to harm. So answer please. How did you follow us and why? Do you plan on going back and telling the priests? What do you want? What do you know?"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday October 15th, 1999 2:40:59 AM

Returns Lady Nightshades a reassuring squeeze . "And your boys better answer our question or I just will have to lose my temper again." After listening to singers comment "just what are you looking for on those lads .. anyway" He curiosity peaking. Asbury Snuggles into the lady's affection.

Friday October 15th, 1999 9:38:59 AM

Singer looks at the others. "If I find it, you can see yourself, if not, then I'll tell you." With this he turns back to Lucky and Three-Eyes.

Lucky and Three Eyes 
Friday October 15th, 1999 9:49:59 AM

Both boys turn white and back up a few steps. What Singer has said has somehow made them very scared. Seeing everyone's eyes on him, Lucky draws his knives again. "Stay away! This is not fair! We....we, uh, mean no harm. We just want to go with you. Yes. Don't you believe me? Don't..." Both kids pull up their hoods and pull them close around their faces.

Friday October 15th, 1999 10:42:59 AM

Singer looks at the boys and Lucky's knives. "Don't threaten me. I know the tricks they use." He raises his voice. "Now show me your necks, or admit!"

Legs  d10=7 d20=19
Friday October 15th, 1999 11:52:59 AM

Legs has been staying behind the two boys. Seeing Lucky draw his knives on his friends is too much for Legs. He leaps forward (init 7), planting his shoulder in the small of Lucky's back, with his hands just below the boy's knees, driving him forward onto his face (19+2 from behind=21 to hit AC -1). He sits on him with his full 145 pounds, and pins Lucky's arms down with his forearms. "Someone take his knives before anybody gets hurt."

Wynd  d20=19
Friday October 15th, 1999 4:52:59 PM

As Legs tacles Lucky, Wynd attempts a leg sweep on Four Eyes, with her staff (19 hits AC1), not trying to injure but to just put on the ground. As Four Eyes, falls to the ground she steps forward and this time places the end of her staff at Four Eyes' chest effectively pinning him to the ground. She looks over at Singer, and simply says, "well what are you waiting for, Check them?"

Friday October 15th, 1999 5:49:59 PM

Witnessing Singer's questioning, and the response it evokes, Catcher immediately has bow in hand with arrow nocked, pointing at Three Eyes. A smile plays on his face that he has difficulty stopping. "Quickly now, if this is as you suspect, Singer, we haven't much time."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Saturday October 16th, 1999 5:53:59 AM

As Legs leaps into action, quickly pinning the young one. Bulldog will take the knives away as Legs asked. Quickly tucking them into his belt. "I got 'em Legs. lets turn him over and take a look" Will then very forcefully proceed to do so, with Legs' help. (To find this mysterious thing ) ...... Asbury growling at the commotion "Grrrrrrr"

Saturday October 16th, 1999 8:56:59 AM

"Thanks, Bulldog - but don't turn him over. Here - just take his hood back, to see if there's something on the back of his neck." Legs continues to hold Lucky down.

Tag Along 
Saturday October 16th, 1999 6:35:59 PM

::quickly seeing his bigger friends take down the two boys, Tag reaches into there hoods to see if he can feal the stem of Ga'al.

Nightshade (poison) 
Saturday October 16th, 1999 9:23:59 PM

"Tag,don't touch it, move the hood and LOOK, but don't touch!!!! Bulldog, be careful, they may not mean us any harm. Legs, becareful if they are what you all expect they may be capable of things we aren't. Catcher, move to cover and keep a bead on them, if something wierd happens fire and get out of here." With that she takes out her dagger and squats don by the boys. "If you are inocent I am truely sorry for this, but I warned you, this is my family and I will let NO harm come to them." She then begins to cut their cloths off of them.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Sunday October 17th, 1999 2:12:59 AM

"ok Legs, you keep a good hold on him." Will then peel back Lucky's hood to take a look. Following Lady Nightshades advice, replying to her "I'll be careful"

Lucky and Three Eyes 
Monday October 18th, 1999 7:26:59 AM

Lucky screams, "No! Don't hurt me!" Three Eyes babbles, "I didn't mean anything.....NoAUUUUGH!" Tagalong reaches simultaneously into the hoods of each boy and jumps back as her hands are bloodied from hitting something sharp. [1 hit point damage to each hand--2 total.] Bulldog peels back Lucky's hood. A sharp thorn sticks out of his neck. Lucky's eyes bore into you pleading for mercy. He whimpers, "What? What's there?" Three eyes simply continues to babble eating dirt. "No..no....please no."

Monday October 18th, 1999 8:09:59 AM

Singer turns pale, and nods. "As I thought. They've been given a special kind of heartseed, on the base of the neck." He swallows, then looks around. "If you don't mind, I'd like to check the rest of you, and you can check me if you wish. You see, a few years ago, some children in my town tried to escape the heart-seeding, and ran off. They were joined by spies heartseeded in this manner by priests of Ga'al." He looks down. "My cousin was one of, those." He ends in a near-whisper. "I decided then that I wouldn't serve so cruel a god, no matter what." He looks at Lucky and Three-Eyes. "It's not their fault, but we can't have them telling the priests of Ga'al. What do we do with them?"

Tag Along 
Monday October 18th, 1999 8:13:59 AM

::pulls back and looks at hands then falls over looking close to dead::

Monday October 18th, 1999 9:13:59 AM

Legs looks up at Poi ... Nightshade. "Can you ask, you know who, what we should do? Step aside from us with - Bulldog, would you go with her, out of earshot, and ask?" Then he asks Lucky, "Can you swim?"

Ari  d20=19
Monday October 18th, 1999 4:13:59 PM

Ari will run up to Tagalong in order to minister what first aid he knows. Though he is unable to do anything.

Catcher  d20=9 d20=2
Monday October 18th, 1999 4:21:59 PM

Guided by years of experience as a hunter, Catcher, using one of his grandfather's daggers, quickly and painlessly silences Three-Eyes and Lucky with a quick slash to the jugular. Then, handing his dagger to Nightshade, he submits himself for inspection. "Do to me the same favor if I'm marked by Ga'al."

Nightshade  d20=11
Monday October 18th, 1999 7:44:59 PM

"Nooooooo! Dammit Tag, why didn't you listen." Feeling sick as she watches the boys die she picks up their bodies and drags them to the beach. With a mighty heave she throws one of the bodies to the shark. Then she turns to Legs. "Thers nothing to do now but run. They know were not dead now and they will start hunting us. Bulldog, please help me with the other body. Catcher, please start erasing out tracks. Ari, please check everyone for stems on the neck. Wynd and Singer, please help Catcher with the tracks, we need to hurry and finish here and provision ourselfs. As soon as we are ready we should leave and not stop until we are exausted." She then crosses to the other body and waits for Bulldog.

Monday October 18th, 1999 7:47:59 PM

[d10=10 d20=1] Legs, seeing Catcher's knife drawing near Lucky, says, "No!" He moves to block Catcher, but does not react quickly enough, and is quite ineffectual in his reaction.

Monday October 18th, 1999 11:36:59 PM

Before she can even get aword out about what she thinks should be done with the two, it is too late and they are dead. Before the bodies are disposed of Wind goes over to Lucky and removes the piece of the tree that he was carrying. Looking at Catcher, she whispers, I wish you had waited a moment more, I think we could have helped them. She moves off silently and walks up to singer and bares her neck for him to inspect and then starts looking for some leafy brnches with which to help hide their tracks.

Tuesday October 19th, 1999 12:05:59 AM

Singer stares at Catcher, turning even paler than before. "Such cold-bloodedness."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday October 19th, 1999 4:09:59 AM

Unable to prevent Catcher from his deed, out of shear shock that he would do such a thing. He rises . giving his friend a cold stony stare. " They were from our own home, we knew them. Tying them up a leaving them would accomplished the same goal." begins to step away, stops and places a hand on catcher shoulder. In a softer tone "The quick choices aren't always the best my friend, remember we must all count on each other, ..... it is now past us ... " then with a light hearted shove, to ease some tension, he pushes away from Catcher and heads towards helping with the last body. "I coming" He secures the confiscated knives in his belt as he moes to help Nightshades. Asbury follows.

The Exorcist Heads of Ga'al 
Tuesday October 19th, 1999 8:35:59 AM

The two dead boys are fed to the sharks. Suddenly, the boys shark eaten bodies with rude slices on their necks rise up out of the ocean, levitating witht the breeze slowly floating them along. Their heads spin towards you and grin an evil horrible grin. Their mouths speak, blood gurgling out and vomit spewing with each word. "I know where you are. You will die. Your hearts are mine! I know where you are. Your hears are mine! I know where you are...you are.....you are.... you are..." Together two sharks leap from the water capturing the possessed bodies and bearing them under the water once more.

Tuesday October 19th, 1999 11:08:59 AM

Once the back of everyone's neck is checked, Legs says, "Let's go." And he goes.

Tuesday October 19th, 1999 3:57:59 PM

With a hard dead look, gazing into the distance, Catcher quickly clears the area, retrieving his arrows, if possible, and then quickly instructs the party on woodcraft, making sure that no one creates broken branches or bent plants to give away their location. The work seems to help him control his nerviousness. During the short lesson, Catcher says, "I learned about this from playing hide-and-hunt with Grandpa – we’d take turns tracking each other thru the woods, and I never got over that scared spot in my stomach every time I was the one being hunted. The last time we played, I was in a tree, and Grandpa was getting close, when a brown bear rose up out of some bushes and mauled him. Brown bears don’t usually act like that, and it wasn’t until it turned to leave that I saw the thorn sticking out of its neck. Then I knew how cruel Ga’al could be…He would have left my Grandpa to lie suffering on the forest floor, all alone. I did as Grandpa asked, showing him the same mercy as those two…" Catcher motions towards the sharks. After a moment, Catcher continues, "Nightshade is right, we’re going to go as far as we can today. I’ve been in this area, so we’ll go a slightly different way, using the woods for cover. I’ll create a couple of false trails on the way, to mislead pursuit. Ga’al may know where we are now, but we don’t have to show him which way we’re going! When we can’t walk any further, we’ll take shelter in some low bushes, and I’ll set up a look out in a tree nearby. Now let’s move!"

Tag Along 
Tuesday October 19th, 1999 5:57:59 PM

::weekly looks up at the sight:: "Owe, i didnt know gettign cut on the hands hurt so bad. Ah well Ga'al wants me dead for sure he tasted how sweet i am already." he says with a smile, although his features are pale and he looks in very bad shape. "Anyone have a bandage?"

Wednesday October 20th, 1999 12:02:59 AM

Singer rips a strip of cloth off of his clothes. "I don't know any healing skills, but this should stop the bleeding." He looks around. "Did you guys, and girl" he hastily adds, looking at Nightshade, "Have any particular plans as to how you wished to go?"

Wednesday October 20th, 1999 1:23:59 AM

"So does that then mean that none of G'aal people have redeeming factors? That if you are infected by Ga'al, there's no point in living for them? Granted, we do not have the time to try to figure this riddle out. But I think if we're going to survive, there has to be a group agreement. Otherwise, do we not become just like Ga'al, determining who lives and who dies? I just wish we knew what was right."

Wynd  d20=12
Wednesday October 20th, 1999 2:22:59 AM

With the limited amount of Herbalism that Wynd has learned from her father she will use some of the dried herbs she has collected, that she was told have some healing virtues and powder some on Tag's cut before it is bandaged. Looking at "the stick" can she tell if it is from the lightening struck tree? As catcher starts his discussion of woodscraft, Wynd will add bits and pices as he goes along. She figures that between the twoof them they ought to be able to survive in the woods faily well.

Wednesday October 20th, 1999 3:33:59 AM

Singer looks at Ari, surprised. "That is a good question. Perhaps we can answer it once we leave..."

Nightshade (poison) 
Wednesday October 20th, 1999 5:51:59 AM

Night shade looks around to take stock. "Ok Lets move. Wynd in front followed by me, Catcher in back right behind Bulldog, the rest of you between us. Bulldog will Ash stay real close to you for the rest of the day, or is he going to want to roam? The closer we all stick the better for catcher to hide our trail. Try to walk in the same steps as the person in front of you. Now lets move." With that she motions to Wynd to begin leading.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday October 20th, 1999 6:15:59 AM

Pulls together his gear. Waiting for all but Catcher to pass, before he starts off. Signaling Asbury to heel in next to himself. An strange feeling of what is to come passes quickly through his thoughts, as he checks his weapons. Much more then he's use to as he counts them ,3 knives, ...a handaxe, .... lasso. .... what'll be next ...............

Tag Along 
Wednesday October 20th, 1999 7:57:59 AM

"Well GA'al wants us dead so i say we really better set a good pace away from here." he says as he begins to head along the route they are supposed to be foolowing.

Off Road Trip 
Wednesday October 20th, 1999 8:45:59 AM

The party, completely ignoring the horrible scene of the possessed heads, quickly organizes and departs, their heads numb and filled with too much horror to react. Wynd leads followed by Nightshade,Singer, Ari, Legs, Tagalong, Bulldog beside Asbury, and finally Catcher. Wynd restores 1 hit point to Tagalong with her herbalism skills. The party trudges through the next couple of hours and then the storm hits. Thunder echoes, followed by a downpour. Almost instantly, everyone is wet. Rain continues, becoming a constant showever for the rest of the afternoon. As evening approaches, the wind begins to blow and the temperature begins to drop.(Wynd and any others involved in deciding where the group "trudges" please roll a intelligent check or an appropriate non-weapon proficiency check such as tracking to continue in the desired directions.)

Catcher  d20=3
Wednesday October 20th, 1999 9:02:59 AM

Catcher, completely in a daze, continues covering tracks for an hour after the rain starts, before finally realizing that the storm will do the job for him. Despite the tumult, Catcher easily maintains his bearings, giving advice whenever confusion seems to set in. As the weather turns cold, Catcher says, "Gang, I think we should keep walking to keep us warm - lighting a fire isn't an option. If it gets too cold, we can find a thick stand of bushes to block the wind and huddle together for warmth. We're better off pressing on in this mess, while there's less chance of other creatures being out and about. Anybody got a rope to tie us together?" If no one does, Catcher will gather a couple of dead tree branches, so that everyone can hold one and stay together in the storm.

Wednesday October 20th, 1999 9:12:59 AM

Singer looks around, shivering. "I wish we could meet someone, preferably a Slaag. I can always use a new song..." He breaks off suddenly, looking around, as if caught. "Well, I suppose you aren't about to tell a Priest of Ga'al. Most of my songs are changed from Slaag songs so that they make more sense. The Priests always thought I made them up myself, as they'd never consider such good melodies coming from a Slaag." He grins at the recollection. He then looks around. "I knew I should have..." He looks in his backpack, and pulls out a net. "We can cut this up and use it for rope..."

Wednesday October 20th, 1999 10:07:59 AM

Looking at Singer's net, Legs asks, "Why ruin a perfectly good net by cutting it up? Keep the net in one piece." As the troupe walked along earlier, Legs offered to help Catcher with the trail obscurement, watching and copying. He seems disturbed at times, resolute at others. "Taggy, I can carry you for a while if you get tired. I'm used to carrying stuff," he says, as he carries two bags.

Wynd  d20=19
Wednesday October 20th, 1999 2:55:59 PM

As the events of the day, go running through Wynds mind, the sudden storm catches her unawares, she slows down and appears to be searching for a direction to go. With a barely heard moan, suddenly she just stops. Standing in the rain face toward the sky she is heard to be repeating the word, why, why, why, why, why, why?

Rainy Days and Mondays Always Get Me Down(DMJerry) 
Thursday October 21st, 1999 5:15:59 AM

Wynd stops the procession with her "Why me?" routine. The misery continues. Night falls. The wind continues to pick up and the temperature drops considerably. It becomes cold and dark. With the clouds overhead, neither moon is showing or adding any light to the skies. (Con checks to avoid colds. If you fail, roll percentages to see how bad your cold is. The higher the roll, the worse the cold.)

Legs  d20=9
Thursday October 21st, 1999 5:28:59 AM

Legs suggests, "Let's look for a place to get some rest tonight within the next hour or so. Who is good at waking up real early, so we can be on our way again before dawn?"

Nightshade (poison)  d20=20 d100=11
Thursday October 21st, 1999 6:28:59 AM

When night falls Night shade begins to shiver and shake. She begins to sneeze and then falls to the ground. Her friends can feel teh heat coming off of her even befoer they touch her.

Singer  d20=6
Thursday October 21st, 1999 7:09:59 AM

Singer looks around, and notices Nightshade's shivering. "Perhaps we can start a fire. If we risk it..."

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=19 d100=58
Thursday October 21st, 1999 8:22:59 AM

As the rain begins, Bulldog stops momentarily to retrieve his poncho from his sachel, donning to fight the elements.(having little affect it seems) When he sees Nightshade over, he is likewise overcome by the cold. He sits down next to the young lady saying "lets huddle together to stay warm, ..... Asbury come here" pulls the furry little guy close for warmth. Retreives a blanket from his pack to throw over them, holding it open for nightshades to join the two. Sneezing and shivering "......... aaaaachhhoooooooo ! ..... brrrrr" Four footed and furry snuggles right in as usually.

Catcher  d20=9
Thursday October 21st, 1999 2:49:59 PM

Seeing that they'll all soon be stumbling around in the dark, Catcher has everyone stop for a moment, then quickly scouts out the area, looking for a rise in the terrain. He (hopefully) locates a hill with thick low-lying vegatation, and brings the group to it. He chooses a spot half-way up the incline, on the side opposite the wind, so that rain will not flow into the resting site. "No fire," says Catcher, "We can't give ourselves away. We'll have to rely on body-warmth...here, have some jerky. I'm going to keep a look out for a little while, and then wake one of you up later on. Who wants to take over after me?" Due to the cold and rain, Catcher will take shelter with the group, where it is hopefully dryer.

Wynd  d20=18 d100=35
Friday October 22nd, 1999 12:07:59 AM

As Catcher takes over looking for a suitable site for a camp Wynd huddles in the rain for a moment or two, sniffling and then shaking off the blues for a while manages to get out her weather claok and put it on. When Catcher asks about second watch Wynd volunteers, not knowing that she was going to be feeling absolutely horridly in the morning.

Friday October 22nd, 1999 4:39:59 AM

Singer looks around the campsite to make sure of his bearings. When Catcher asks about watches, he speaks up. "I'd like to take the last watch. I always like dawn, even if there is no sun to see. It makes a good subject for songs."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday October 22nd, 1999 6:49:59 AM

"I'll take the second watch, ...... wake me when you need me ....... ok catcher ...." Settling down get some well needed rest , pulling the blanket tight to stay warm.

Ari  d20=9 d20=20
Friday October 22nd, 1999 1:03:59 PM

Ari will help get the others to camp. He'll try searching the local terrain for some local herbs to help with the colds (2nd 20), finding none. When Ari gets a chance, he'll comment to Catcher "I read somewhere that finding some pine treed, ot pine tree branches might be our best bet". Once the camp is made, Ari will take whatever shift needs to be covered for watch. Ari is not going to sleep right away though. He's disturbed by the days events. Because of this, he'll will actually sit with the others and softly mumble to himself (prayer) 'I have read somewhere that most men worship gods thru prayer. Having not prayed before in life, I am hoping this is what one does. I must apologize for not knowing who to call upon, because I just cannot remember your new found name. LLLLe, Lemtrox, I just cannot remember it. This first day has been long and arduous, and I realize that there will be many. All that I ask for tonight, would be for some kind of protection from the weather, and something that can be done for these fevers. I have my doubts about this whole affair, but I cannot leave my friends."

A Code Nihdt Achoo! (DMJerry)  d20=12 d20=4 d20=12
Friday October 22nd, 1999 7:41:59 PM

Legs and Nightshade come down with a minor cold. [It saps 1 temporary point of strength one of constitution.] Bulldog however gets a severe head cold that worsens during the night to the point that he runs a fever. [3 temporary points of strength and 3 of constitution.] Ari covers the first watch, Wynd the second by herself as Bulldog is in no shape to do so. Singer takes the final watch. The party avoids encounters. Perhaps the cold camp and the rain helped keep them safe. The rain stops about the middle of the night slowly becoming a mist and then a heavy fog. The party gets up with some of them stiff and sore from the previous day's exertions. The night seemed awful short to some and like it would never end to others. Bulldog looks awful. (Those with colds will need to roll over their previous percentile roll that got them the cold during critical situations to keep from sneezing or coughing.) His nose if red from the rubbing and his ears are blistering. The party takes care of morning stuff and then begins trudging on down the road. Midmorning, with the fog beginning to lift, they come to a clearing and look down on the double Wharfed town of Abderus. A black line of water encroaches both sides of the town. One side the Peaseblossom Bay and the other the massive Blackbird Lake. A boardwalk separates the large town into northern and southern sections, with the boardwalk running completely across the town from bay to lake allowing the easy transfer of goods from one pier to the other. Two roads converge upon the town from the north meeting at the north gate. One from home, Adorus, to the south and left of your position, following the coast of Peaseblossom bay and one that traces the coast of Blackbird lake to the west and right of your position. It travels north to Abus which provides hardwoods for The Empire. Both roads are currently empty. The woods stop at the crest of the hill upon which you stand. Tall grass about waist high fill a field that stands between you, the roads and the northern gate which stands open and also unoccupied. The wall of the town stands 25' tall and has guard towers on the corners of the town.

Wynd  d100=49
Friday October 22nd, 1999 9:38:59 PM

finally reaching Abderus with nothing worse than a good soaking and a case of the sniffles, Wynd halts as they get within sight of the walled city. "OK, Now we need to find this Captain Acurtt and his boat the Albatross, so we can cross Blackbird Lake. However, we also need a good warm soak in a local bath house if we aren't all going to catch lung sickness from last nights' soaking and perhaps we might want to get somesort of canvass cloth for a shelter. I have a small amount of money, but I don't know what things like this might cost. Or we might be able to prevail upon our good captains kindness. Any thoughts guys?

Saturday October 23rd, 1999 11:48:59 AM

[DM-Legs made con check (note the posted 9, needed 13 or less), therefore should not have a cold. Did you mean Wynd?] "I don't know, Wynd, about a bunch of us traipsing into town and asking for hot baths. Maybe a couple of us should see about getting into town, and trying to find the Albatross."

Tag Along  d20=12 d100=20
Sunday October 24th, 1999 4:51:59 AM

::Ahchew:: "I miss the slag homes warm fire. And blankets, no one said pirates get colds."

Sunday October 24th, 1999 5:28:59 AM

"I think the best thing we can do is to either dry out our clothes as best we can, or find some new dry clothes to put on. If anything, maybe try for the bath, or what we can, once we are on the ship. That we we are at least moving away from any pursuit."

Nightshade (poison)  d100=7
Sunday October 24th, 1999 8:12:59 AM

Nightshade worsens in the night and can not keep from coughing and sneezing, still she tries to up the parties spirits in the morning. "Come on guys we have to keep moving, (ACHHHOOO) There is a better place ahead."

Sunday October 24th, 1999 6:06:59 PM

"Okay, Ozzy told us to avoid roads, houses, and people – a bunch of kids running around is going to get us spotted. We need two of us to go in, while the rest hide here in the woods. Once we locate Captain Acurtt, we can ask him to pick up the rest of us away from town. How are we going to get in the city with those guard towers? Maybe a couple of us could sneak through the fields, then when we’re near the town, act like we’re playing hide-and-hunt, and go in after getting ‘tired’. We could act like our parents work in town, and we were goofing off for the day."

Sunday October 24th, 1999 6:42:59 PM

"Are you sure they'll fall for that? Well, it IS a large town..." Singer looks at the town. "I hope we're not already caught..."

Bulldog & Asbury  d100=34
Sunday October 24th, 1999 10:07:59 PM

His head pounding as he head cold worsens, he keeps silent. trying to stay warm.

We'd Kill for a Bath (DMJerry) 
Monday October 25th, 1999 5:31:59 AM

As our brave heroes ponder their fate, colds, and the large town of Abderus, a small group of Slaags exit the front gate taking the road to Adorus. About this same time, a long caravan with at least 15 wagons drawn by oxen passes the party travelling the lake road from the north loaded down with fruit and hardwoods from the edge of Culverwood. No guards are seen. One of the slaags, a rare Jill, begins to sing raucously. "Brave brave children in the field, brave brave children whose fate is sealed! Brave, brave children, why do you wait? Get to moving or face your fate! Tra-la-la! Tra-la-la! Do-se-do! Do-se-do! Don't be late!"

Monday October 25th, 1999 6:46:59 AM

mumbling under his breath, "Seems we are anticipated here"and in another breath" do you think anyone is really going to notice? If we just act like we'd act in the village, we should be fine. (sorta snidely) Of course, with the enrcouragement, I guess we should all just get in, unless we want to act like slags?!""Or is it more co-incidence that there's a large slag party, in which nine of them could stay out here, as we replace them to go into the city?"(half smiling)

Monday October 25th, 1999 10:18:59 AM

"That's as clear an invitation as I've heard. Let's go." Legs holds out his hand for Poison to help her along a bit. "Gonna need some lemon and garlic and honey and tea for you." He comments, "We can enter with the wagons, but let's spread out - Catcher - you wanna take the lead, and see if you're first to spot the ship? It'll have ta be on the right." As he walks almost briskly along the caravan, Legs looks at the hardwoods and fruit. If there is a strong hardwood branch or club-shaped (or shapeable) piece of wood, he'll pause to ask someone with the caravan if he can buy it (willing to spend a silver or few). He doesn't want to get into prolonged haggling, just a quick transaction. If there are any lemons or similar citrus (orange, lime, etc.), he'll buy a half dozen or less. "My mother loves good fruit," he says seriously.

Catcher  d20=12
Monday October 25th, 1999 11:37:59 AM

For a moment, Catcher's face shows some type of inner struggle, then, muttering an apology to Tag, Catcher does his best to act as a Slag, realizing that he seems too much of an adult to pass as a child anymore, "The sun is round, round, round/It is so bright to the sight/Now off to town, town, town/As birds in flight we must alight!" Catcher zooms around with arms outspread, making cawing sounds.

Bulldog & Asbury  d100=6
Monday October 25th, 1999 5:43:59 PM

Able to control his sneezing fits for now , he gets up slowly, giving a hand to whoever may need one, and makes his way to the wagons, trying to blend in with them. Asbury quietly in tow.

Monday October 25th, 1999 6:44:59 PM

Singer looks a bit unfcomfortable. "Umm, guys, someone might recognize me if we go in..."

Nightshade (poison) 
Tuesday October 26th, 1999 3:36:59 AM

Nightshade continues to sneeze as ashe leans on legs and Bulldog, "I'm feeling weak any way so why don't we say I twisted my ankle so we came back, My father is a trader and I met you guys in the market and you asked me if I could play, now your going to get me back to my father on the docks?"

Tuesday October 26th, 1999 5:44:59 AM

Watching the Slaggs aproach from one way and the caravan from the other Wynd hustles along with the others trying to get "lost" in the confusion. Grabbing Singer she quickly hands him her hooded cloak to put on and cover his head and features with and heads toaward the town with the crowd.

Tag Along 
Tuesday October 26th, 1999 6:11:59 AM

"Tag and Jill go up the Hill both a pair of Slags. Its a cold journey higher and higher with tag and jill only in rags. The journey they far, with little to wear to make it up the hilly crag. Jill sends taunts of innocents lost and beckons them on there way!" he shouts back to Jill. Hey guys i think thats a hint. But, if we really need something you all cause a distraction, ill see what i can do about procuring us some goods.

It's Poetry in Motion (DM Jerry)  d100=56 d100=85 d100=89 d100=81 d100=93
Tuesday October 26th, 1999 9:18:59 PM

With Legs shopping, Tag and Catcher slaaging, Bulldog sneezing and sneaking, singer wearing Wynd's cloak and rooted to the spot, and Nightshade limping, the group attempts to enter town. One of the wagonmasters calls out to Tag and Catcher in a reprimanding tone, "Stupid kids. I hope your parents don't see you playing Slaag. They will skin your hide and you'd deserve it. As Bulldog sneaks near the caravan one of the outriders pulls in and says, "Keep your distance boy. We'll be ahavin' no sneaking about's the caravan this close to town! He then spots Singer kneeling in the high grass and says, "Ho there Boy! Your friend here will be ajoining 'ya agin. No stealin' when we've made it this far. And you, pointing to Nightshade. Ya ain't no cripple. And if you are, you still ain't getting nothing. Stand back! Where are the guards around this place. They let their youngins have the run of the town here and it hurts bus'ness!" Legs' walks up and the wagonmaster gives him a totally different look. "I need a hand setting up the stall boy. Wanna earn a couple of chinks? Here, climb up!"

Wednesday October 27th, 1999 1:55:59 AM

Ari will do his best just to blend in with the 'group' of kids, and enter the town.

Wednesday October 27th, 1999 3:41:59 AM

Dropping the act, Catcher says to the others, "Hey, wanna see if Dad has caught anything? His boat should be back soon. Race ya' to the pier!"

We'd Kill for a Bath (DMJerry) 
Wednesday October 27th, 1999 5:29:59 AM

Ari and Catcher are the first through the gate.

Wednesday October 27th, 1999 5:49:59 AM

trying to coax Singer along Wynd will enter the city along with the caravan and then start making her way to the docks. Sniffling all the way.

Bulldog & Asbury  d100=27
Wednesday October 27th, 1999 6:14:59 AM

Being brushed off, so impolitely, by the wagoneers. Bulldog pulls Nightshades along after the first two. "Com'on , lets get'em". What a sickly pair they make as they sneeze their way through the gates heading towards the docks. Checks over his shoulder to see if the rest are following. Asbury joining in the merry chase. "get'em 'ras' " as he signals him after them.

Wednesday October 27th, 1999 7:26:59 AM

Ari will continue through the gates. Trying to look like he knows where he is going, while he watches for signs for the docks, and any other indication as to how to get to this boat.

Wednesday October 27th, 1999 8:18:59 AM

Singer sighs. "Well, just so long as we don't get too close to the peaseblossom bay side, I'm okay. They won't recognize me on the other side..." He looks around, then looks at his arm, and pulls his sleeve down to cover a tattoo. "I'd best not be showing this on the lake side. They'd realize I was from the bay side, and would ask questions."

Wednesday October 27th, 1999 4:05:59 PM

After entering the gates, Catcher keeps an eye out for other children, trying to see what type of games they play. He generally heads towards the lake side of town, not going so fast as to leave the others behind.

Nightshade (posion) 
Wednesday October 27th, 1999 5:50:59 PM

Nightshade limps through the gate feeling light headed and sininging. When the Caravan master acuses her of faking being a cripple she almost goes after him, it's all Bulldog can do to hold her back.

Thursday October 28th, 1999 2:46:59 AM

"That is a very kind offer, sir," responds Legs. "If you are setting up near the lake side of the city, I may be able to help you briefly, but then I must go, as I have other responsibilities." The tall boy awaits the wagonmaster's response.

Tag Along 
Thursday October 28th, 1999 7:10:59 AM

::follows ari and catcher::

Lost in the Shuffle(DMJerry) 
Thursday October 28th, 1999 7:41:59 AM

The party enters the city in disarray, everyone doing their own thing and getting farther and farther apart. Catcher looking around watches for the spirit of the town. She spots several children following a blacksmith carrying some tools. She is somewhat ahead of everyone else. Ari walks with Catcher. Wynd leads Singer, trying to cover his tatoo head through the streets toward the docks as well as cover her sniffles. Wynd sees Catcher occasionally as he works his way through the streets. Nightshade allows herself to be led by Bulldog whose eyes are beginning to swell and who constantly coughs and sneezes. They also make their way to the docks but are about to lose sight of Wind and Singer. The caravan leader responds to Legs as they enter the gates, "Yes, I plan on setting up on the lake side of the boardwalk. Do you know a good place? I could use lots of help." As the party proceeds through town, they continue to get further and further apart.

Thursday October 28th, 1999 9:35:59 AM

Singer looks around, then starts to give directions to Wynd, quietly, so that they'll still think Wynd is leading him.

Catcher  d20=15
Thursday October 28th, 1999 1:15:59 PM

Stopping a moment to 'catch' his breath, Catcher waits a moment for the others to gain a little, but then continues on before they get too close, wanting to make sure that they don't all travel together in a crowd. A concerned look crosses his face as he thinks about the failing health of the others, wondering what should be done.

Wynd  d20=3
Friday October 29th, 1999 1:11:59 AM

Entering the town with Singer in tow, Wynd tries to look as though she knows what and where she is going. Doing her best to keep Catcher in sight, she is extremely thankful when Singer starts whispering directions to her. Making it look as if the two are just conversing as they walk, and doing so very convincingly, she lets Singer lead without letting him lead, so to speak.

Legs  d20=13
Friday October 29th, 1999 1:20:59 AM

"Sir, I'll run ahead and try to reserve a good spot for you." Legs suggests. "Just keep going this direction," he says. The boy dashes ahead, looking for a suitable place for the merchant to set up his wares ... and keeping an eye out for his friends. Noticing some people setting up for the market, he asks, "Pardon me, but we have fruits and good hardwood for sale. Where is a good place to set up?" He quickly asks a few different people (can't always trust the first answer you get), then, once satisfied with a suitable spot (with an eye out for a second, if the first doesn't work)(made voluntary wisdom roll), will dash back to the caravan, directing them to the locale. If he spots any of his friends, he'll tell them where to look for him.

Nightshade (poison) 
Friday October 29th, 1999 2:12:59 AM

Nightshade tries as hard as she can to keep an eye on the others but with all the sneezing and coughing between her and Bulldog, she just can't do a very good job.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday October 29th, 1999 3:41:59 AM

"aaccccccchhhhhooooo ........ wee ore luzing sigh of Wynn an sinner" to Nightshade, As he tries to increase their speed, pulling the young lass along. "hurrwee ub" Asbury looking all about at the new commotions going on around them, saddles up along the two of them. "maybe wee can fine the shiff on ore ownn" finishing.

Sitting on the Dock of the Bay(DMJerry) 
Friday October 29th, 1999 8:03:59 PM

Ari and Catcher arrive at the boardwalk. To the left is the Peaseblossom wharf and to the right the Blackbird wharf. In the early morning light with the fog clearing, the lake looks blacker than the bay. However from this perspective, both look the same size. The scene is rather daunting--standing on a boardwalk leading from one "ocean" to the other. A couple at a time, the rest of the group makes their way to the boardwalk where they see the city come to life. The boardwalk has hundreds if not thousands of people all doing their part to buy, sell, move, and cart the cargo that passes through this large town. The party rejoins while Legs selects a prime spot on the opposite corner of the street and the boardwalk from the rest of the children. The Dock Master comes by and speaks in a basso profundo voice to the wagon master, "Greetings Arvo! Welcome to town once again. This youngun helpin ya? Good. Boy let me see your "patch" so I can compliment your hearthmaster!" The rest of the children across the street easily hear what the Dock Master says. The dockmaster reaches cheerily for Leg's left wrist.

Catcher  d20=4
Friday October 29th, 1999 9:39:59 PM

Knowing nothing about the significance of the request, and at a loss for how to create a distraction, Catcher decides to walk a little further down the boardwalk (seperating himself from the others), watching the fishing craft, and keeping an eye on the group. His eyes are particularly sharp as he keeps a look-out for the Albatross.

Saturday October 30th, 1999 3:19:59 AM

Singer, hearing the noise, sighs, and walks over there. "He's with me," Singer says, showing an anchor tattooed on his left wrist. "And we both need to be off, sadly..." He takes Legs by the wrist to head over to Wynd.

Saturday October 30th, 1999 5:39:59 PM

Before she can even react to Catcher's situation Singer has things under control, or so it looks, and Wynd is breathing a little easier between sniffles. After the two of them get back Wynd starts looking around to where the boats are

Ari  d20=6
Saturday October 30th, 1999 8:00:59 PM

Ari tries to remember if there's anything in his reading about any kind of 'system' that the docks may be set up. Or any place that he can go to read about what ships are or are not in port. If there is anything that reminds him, he'll go looking for it real quick, to find where the albatross is, if he cannot see their banner, or anythiung that is obvious.

Nightshade (poison) 
Sunday October 31st, 1999 3:30:59 AM

Keeping the group in sight she takes Bulldog by the hand and finds a group of scabs looking for work she and he can mingle in with.

Tag Along 
Sunday October 31st, 1999 4:48:59 AM

::confused by so many people looks for the signs of the shops and reads them into his head:: "Might be helpful to remember someday." he says as he watches the strange sea captain.

Sunday October 31st, 1999 8:36:59 PM

As Legs is taken away by Singer, he turns to caravan master Arvo. "I'm sorry, sir, I can stay no longer, but as mentioned, other responsibilities press. May your sales be brisk today!" He also nods in respect to the Dock Master in parting. As the two boys get to Wynd, Legs says quietly, "Our work takes us away from the docks for now." Taking Singer & Wynd with him, he moves into the city, away from Arvo & the Dock Master. As they pass to the other side of some buildings, he says, "My name is 'Sticks.'" Voice low, "We can't stay clumped together as a large group. Three is fine. I'm afraid we may already be marked, and I may have made a mistake. Let's trust our friends to find what is needed in the next half hour or so. And we'll hope to rejoin them when they do." He looks at Singer. "Thank you, friend. I didn't know what I was going to do. May I see your patch? I wonder if I could get a temporary one like yours, should someone ask again." Noting the buildings they pass, he has the trio turn right, to parallel the lake-side docks a couple blocks away. He suggests, "Maybe you can lead us so we don't get lost." And to Wynd, "Not feeling too well, are you, sister? Here, taste this lemon. It is tart, but should help your throat."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday November 1st, 1999 3:37:59 AM

Head pounding, not in the mood to argue, He takes Nightshades hand, following her lead. Signalling Asbury to follow. Through the misery he continues on.

Monday November 1st, 1999 8:05:59 AM

Singer shows his anchor tattoo again. "Don't be asking people right and left for the tattoo, it's customary to exchange sights, so you know who's from where. And I don't think it's temporary, I've had it since I started working with the fishermen."

It's Poetry in Motion (DM Jerry) 
Monday November 1st, 1999 6:17:59 PM

The Dock Master grins as the Singer carries off Legs saying, "There goes some of the best help around here I'll bet. Sorry trader." He falls in step with the two boys. "Mind if I tag along boys, I'd like to give your hearthmaster a compliment on your behalf for your good courtesy this day. Helping the traveling traders helps the town! You two are going to make good dock workers or merchants very soon. Very soon!" He claps both boys on the back sending both tumbling forward searching for their balance. The others notice the dockmaster laughing and following the boys...right over to where they are!

It's Poetry in Motion (DM Jerry) 
Monday November 1st, 1999 6:18:00 PM

The Dock Master grins as the Singer carries off Legs saying, "There goes some of the best help around here I'll bet. Sorry trader." He falls in step with the two boys. "Mind if I tag along boys, I'd like to give your hearthmaster a compliment on your behalf for your good courtesy this day. Helping the traveling traders helps the town! You two are going to make good dock workers or merchants very soon. Very soon!" He claps both boys on the back sending both tumbling forward searching for their balance. The others notice the dockmaster laughing and following the boys...right over to where they are!

Monday November 1st, 1999 7:50:59 PM

Singer looks up at the Dock Master, and says ,"Again sorry, but we have business on this side of the city, so we won't be seeing out hearthmaster until much later today. You can go to him yourself, though. He's Aleis, hearthmaster of the fishers."

Nightshade (poison) 
Tuesday November 2nd, 1999 12:34:59 AM

She sits tight watchig for her friends, tring to blend in, on the docks, hoping that the short lifes experience that she has had here will help.

Tuesday November 2nd, 1999 1:54:59 AM

Catcher continues distancing himself from the others as he walks along the boardwalk, intent upon locating the boat. His years of experience show as he easily navigates past coiled ropes, side-steps swinging nets, and admires the excellent handiwork of his countrymen.

Tuesday November 2nd, 1999 4:17:59 AM

"You are a generous man, sir. And your hands are so big! Oh, maybe I shouldn't say that." Putting his hand on his chest, he says, "I am Allsor." Legs looks back at the merchant setting up. "Perhaps we can help both Mr. Arvo and the town some more. Let me speak with him a moment." He approaches Arvo. "Sir, as my friend said, we must go, but can tell others of you on our way. If you would give us one of each kind of fruit you sell, I'll show it to some, and tell them to come see you. And if an inn wants a sample, I can give one, or a slice, and tell them to come right away, before your goods are sold. That way, more will hear of you quickly." Holding up the hardwood rod he bought earlier, he says, "and I can tell them you sell good wood, like this, too. Shipbuilders need such. Can you tell me the type of wood this is, if they ask?" If Arvo agrees, Legs will enlist Singer and Wynd to help carry. Not to be mean, but in order to divert attention, he pays no mind to any other members of the group who may yet be nearby. "Let's go, we have much to do!" Legs, now also known as Allsor, smiles cheerfully at his momentary employer and the overhelpful Dock Master. "Perhaps hearthmaster Aleis would honor your kindness with a good meal this evening, say at two and a half hours after sunset, so there is time to prepare. But for now, that we not be unworthy of such praise as you offer, we must needs excuse ourselves." As they walk away, Legs begins piping forth in a loud voice. "Arvo the Merchant has brought tasty fruit from afar. He has rare and excellent hardwoods for your boats." He points people in Arvo's direction, holding up stick and a lemon in his left hand. As intended before, he and Singer and Wynd wend their way between the buildings, up a couple of streets, and try to encourage people to go see Arvo. [So much for a low profile :/]

Tuesday November 2nd, 1999 5:42:59 AM

Greatful for the lemon, but with a head growing a bit foggy with a delayed fever and general cold fatigue Wynd is starting move a bit sluggishly and is not really fully aware of her surroundings. By the time Singer gets back to her she is leaning against a pylon for support and feeling a bit light headed.

The Bay City Rollers(DMJerry) 
Tuesday November 2nd, 1999 8:20:59 AM

The dockmaster, his hands on his hips lets loose with a hearth laugh and is joined by the trader. Both slap Legs on the back sending him reeling. Then the dockmster says, "Young man,you have earned high praise this day. I would have you wear my stamp of praise. Tomorrow, morning you are relieved of your hearthstatus with the fishermen and begin working for me! HaHaHAHA! What a boy!" The trader loads up a full sack of fruit and a small pallet of wood. Then he flips the boy a few coins...gold ones! 3 of them! A priest across the boardwalk hears the laughing and turns striding towards the scene.

Legs / 'Allsor'  d20=6
Tuesday November 2nd, 1999 10:53:59 AM

Legs again recovers his balance, takes the sack, hands Singer the wood. As he hands it to the local boy, he says, rapidly and quietly, his back to the bosses, "Go very quickly further in and right, I'll be along in a while," and takes his elbow to direct him away. The coins he accepts with an astonished & grateful face. "Much work! Though tomorrow may be otherwise, for today I _must_ serve my present master," and adds brightly, "and you along the city streets." He smiles at the dockmaster. "I look forward to the morrow!" Taking a tack which avoids more back slaps and approaching priest, Legs runs off. He shouts "Go to Arvo's stall! Fresh fruit! Excellent hardwood!" He shouts loudly and continually enough with variations on his call that he will truthfully be able to say he did not hear any call for his return. Nor does he look back to see any beckoning gestures. [Made a voluntary wisdom check.] He goes away from the docks a couple blocks, and to the left a block, right a block, then paralleling the waterfront in a zig-zag fashion. A block or two away from the trader, he allows his voice to lower to a more conversational level. "See Arvo, on the docks. Imported fruits." Legs displays a few fruits. He'll go a few more blocks saying nothing, then find a decent inn to enter, unless he senses someone following him. He breathes a series of short silent prayers to the Good God, and asks for wits and protection and skillful avoidance of priests. And he asks for good sales for Arvo. Then he gets to thinking about how the caravan merchant treated his friends rather rudely. He sets aside that thought for the moment. *'Let's see, I guess I'm the distraction so my friends can find the boat,'* he thinks. "Oh, sir," addressing the inn's proprietor. "Look at the quality of this fruit." He leaves a sample. "For your menu, send someone with good coin to see merchant Arvo on the lake waterfront. It will go fast. Tell them the boy who is Allsor told you, sir, and thank you." He glances out the window to see if the coast is clear. If so, onward, running, walking, looking for places to hide or elude.

Tuesday November 2nd, 1999 1:17:59 PM

ari will continue to make his way in the crowd towards the docks/the albatross.

Nightshade (poison) 
Wednesday November 3rd, 1999 1:18:59 AM

Seeing Legs drawing more attention and the Priest coming on Nightshade wispers into the ring. "Dear friend plaese distract the priest so that Legs can Dissapear." With that she poors the rest of the enrgy she has into this "prayer"

Slip Slidin Away(DMJerry) 
Wednesday November 3rd, 1999 5:00:59 AM

Legs begins to move away. The priest in a weak voice yells after him, "Hold!" Then suddenly Nighshade's ring flashes and the priest slips on a piece of fruit and falls down cracking his head. He doesn't move. A huge crowd begins to form around the priest. A shopkeeper points in the direction of Nightshade and the group. Confusion erupts. A second and third priest begin striding towards the group intent in their eyes!

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday November 3rd, 1999 5:25:59 AM

Whispers "here comes trouble and lots of it ...... take off Nightshades ... run ... I'll slow 'em down" bumbs the lass ahead of himself to start her off. then slowly continues on , hoping that she starts putting some distance between them. Then brings his arms under his poncho and takes hold of a knife, walking along with the crowd (hoping to blend in) looking ahead to see his friends. ..... waiting for ... ?

Wednesday November 3rd, 1999 5:36:59 AM

Singer steps away from the others, then calls out, "I saw it all! He was walking over towards Arvo to talk about something, when he slipped on some fruit that had been dropped. Nobody made him slip on it. I'd have seen it."

Tag Along 
Wednesday November 3rd, 1999 7:14:59 AM

::begins to run straight at the priests.:: "Run guys ill keep um distracted, meet at you know where, ill be there, i was always good at TAG!" he says as he runs up to the priest slaps him on the leg and rolls past running bye him shouting "TAG your it!"

Wednesday November 3rd, 1999 8:55:59 AM

As he leaves the inn, continuing to parallel the shoreline, a thought occurs to Legs. *'I wonder if the dockmaster is the man who is to take us across the lake.'* He is pleased with this thought for a moment. He decides to go up another few blocks, then cut back to the waterfront maybe four or five blocks farther down the shore from Arvo's spot to see if Catcher is around, and observe from a distance how things seem to be going back where he left his friends.

Catcher  d20=5
Wednesday November 3rd, 1999 1:09:59 PM

Catcher has moved very far away, as he continues walking along the Walk, intent on searching for the boat. Somehow, across all that distance, he is aware of the disturbance hundreds of feet away, but decides to focus on the task at hand.

Wednesday November 3rd, 1999 11:19:59 PM

With all the commotion going on around her, Wynd can barely think for her pounding head and fogged mind. Will not apparently wracked with coughs, it is obvious to any that she has a doozy of a head cold. as those in her group scatter hither and thither she just quietly finds a stack of barrels or crates, crawls behind them and curls up to sleep.

Holding Pattern(DMJerry)  d10=2 d10=7
Thursday November 4th, 1999 4:14:59 AM

Bulldog holding his knife, walks slowly with the shopping crowd. The priests turn towards Singer shocked at his brazen attitude. They move towards him, but are scattered as Tagalong bursts into their midst and slaps the Durian on the thigh. Legs comes to an intersection and sees a glimpse of the altercation spotting the priests walking towards Singer and what looks like Tagalong Attacking and running. Catcher, indeed far from the others, sees the pier and the boats not far away. He does notice that most of the boats seem to be out on the lake at this time of day. Wynd, having all she can stand, finds some barrels in an alley nearby and curls up behind them. Getting back to our priests, one just spins plainly surprised. The other spins and casts at Tagalong. "Hold!" he cries. (Tag needs to save vs. spell)

Nightshade (poison) 
Thursday November 4th, 1999 6:28:59 AM

Feeling weak from her "prayer" she curses into the ring goodnaturedly, "That's not quite what I had in mind." The standing she sees the mess her friends have gotten in. "Well a vow is a vow." she says "No harm to come to them, my life first." and she pushes past Bulldog, and begins walking towards the priest. To herself she wispers, new gods that I have just found, please protect my friends.

Catcher  d20=10
Thursday November 4th, 1999 7:35:59 AM

Realizing that perhaps the Albatross may not have arrived back from the early morning fishing, Catcher decides to ask one of the dockhands, "Sir, one would like to know if Captain Acurtt has arrived back from the morning fishing. One is the nephew of the Captain, and was told to locate him as soon as he docked."

Thursday November 4th, 1999 7:45:59 AM

Singer, realizing his folly, turns and makes a run for it, then stops at the nearest alley in case Tag needs help. He gets one of his gutting knives ready just in case.

Of Priests and Gods

Friday November 5th, 1999 7:35:59 PM

Continues towards what should be the docks. Deciding that there might be some information available, he'll look around and see if there might be anywhere that would be convenient to listen to conversation, without being noticed, once he figureds that he's in the area where the Albatross should be docked.

Friday November 5th, 1999 8:24:59 PM

Finding her barrells, Wynd removes her pack, to use as a pillow and arranges her cloak so as to hide herself as best as possible and then curls up for a fitful nap. As she drops off she starts having another series of chills which lead to a feverish dream of being in the ocean and being chased by a blood-red, thorn-covered shark.

Legs / 'Allsor' 
Friday November 5th, 1999 10:21:59 PM

Seeing the disturbance, Legs heads back toward Arvo's stall. When he arrives, seeing the prone priest, he asks Arvo, "What happened here, sir? I sent some customers your way." He points out some who came on his recommendation. [BTW, if Legs sees one of the other two priests reaching for a red scarf, he will whack him on the head with his new mahogany (or whatever kind of wood it is) rod. Not taking offensive action yet - just so you know.]

Bulldog & Asbury 
Sunday November 7th, 1999 12:38:59 AM

As Nightshade determinedly slips past he whispers a reply "new gods that she has just found, please protect her also" Bulldog stops moving and turns ,keeping his knife hidden under his poncho, he awaits ........... getting ready to protect his friends, time for combat, he hardens himself .......... then slowly commits to following the young lass.

Tagalong (by DM Jerry)  d20=13
Sunday November 7th, 1999 2:44:59 AM

Tagalong runs free across the street, a warm feeling in his heart as he exudes bravery from every pore for helping his friend. Then he jerks horribly, coming to a sudden stop and stuck like glue as the evil, horrible spell of the grown-up type person takes effect. Tagalong thinks words he's never voiced before in frustration and anger. He tries viciously, like an animal cornered, to even blink, but he can't. Slowly reality sets in and his soul also freezes as he realizes he's gonna die.

Tagalong (by DM Jerry)  d10=7
Sunday November 7th, 1999 3:20:59 AM

Nightshade ignores Bulldog's instructions to leave and walks towards the priests, her feet slapping the boardwalk. Legs approaches Arvo who simply turns and looks at the boy appraisingly. Panic in his face, he grabs Legs pretending to choke him. He mouths the words, "Get ready. Only chance." Then he turns, cutting a cord causing the canopy over his stall to collapse over the two of them. He then ducks down behind the stall under the canopy jerking Legs with him and pushes over a brazier with some sweet meat cooking on it. Customers run in every direction. Immediately the canopy erupts into flame. Arvo whisperyells, "Watch for your chance. You won't get another. If you can, round your friends up and meet me in the alley behind The Purple Worm Meadhouse. I'll be there in 2 hours and again just after dark. We need to talk. You and your friends are dead unless you get some help. Don't tell anyone what has happened. Don't go home. Don't report for work." Singer, runs to the nearest alley on the north side of the boardwalk where he turns just in time to see Tagalong freeze suddenly to a stop. It looks as if every bone in the Tag's body must have broken to stop like that. (Perception check for Singer to see Wynd curled in a fetal position behind some nearby barrels.) Wynd curls up to sleep, the commotion of her comrades in distress constantly ringing in her ears--louder as they echo in her mind. (perception check to notice Singer enter the alley. You must fail a wisdom check by at least 4 to be able to sleep under such circumstances.) Bulldog slowly and hesitantly follows Nightshade building his courage. Meanwhile, Catcher asks a dockhand about the Albatros. He's answered by a friendly clap on the back, which seems to happen alot around here. "Ahh, mar friend, git lef' b'hind? Sok, it be a fishing boat if'n ya say so. It tooker off two suns ago head'n fer the norther side of yar lake look'n laden wit' cargo. It'll be back'n yon harbor in a sun'r two. Tis a good ship wit' a good cap'n. He'll taker strap to ya, but like ah said, you'll be surviv'n it. On wit' ya now! G'on home like a 'sponsible lad and tak' yar medicine." Ari aproaches the docks and sees several bars with outdoor patios facing the sea filled with sailors and dockworkers taking a morning respite from work. (Perception check to spot Catcher.)

Sunday November 7th, 1999 3:59:59 AM

Sighing heavily, Catcher heads back down the middle of the boardwalk in the direction of his friends. Catching sight of the commotion, he tenses up, realizing something has gone horribly wrong. Looking left and right, trying to spot any of his friends on the walk, he turns perpendicular to the scene ahead, heading to the water on the far side of the fallen tent. If he spots any friends, he quickly beckons with his eyes, indicating that they meet behind a building or tent.

Tag Along 
Sunday November 7th, 1999 5:50:59 AM

::frozen horribly in a position of midrun the small boys momentum causes him to topple over. As he looks down to the wood of the boardwalk he realizes that there is a certain poetry into his death that is about to happen. His favorite game of all was freeze tag, now stuck in a gruesome reality, where the freeze is real and knowing that one of his friends wont be able to save him with a simple tag. The Slag they call tag, feaals the bile of fear ands gags. Frightened out of his wits he awaits the fates.

Singer  d20=13
Sunday November 7th, 1999 7:39:59 PM

Singer turns and notices Wynd. "C'mon, Wynd, Tag is in trouble! We've got to help him..." He tries to help her out of her fetal position, then looks back at the commotion, readying another knife.

Wynd  d20=5
Monday November 8th, 1999 1:56:59 AM

Seeing Singer and hearing all the commotion finally gets through to her and she scrabbles up from behind the barrels "What? What's Tag done now, stolen a fish or somethin? finally getting sight of what has transpired and then following the line of sight to see the priests, Wynd mutters a very unlady-like curse under her breath and gets out her sling. "I might be able to take one out, but I don't know and definately not both. What should we do?

Nightshade (poison)  d20=9
Monday November 8th, 1999 2:05:59 AM

Nightshade stops about 50 feet from the priests and places her hands behind her back, she palms her dagger and awaits the priests reaction.

Legs  d20=20 d20=4 d20=15
Monday November 8th, 1999 2:56:59 AM

Legs grabs a corner of the canopy that's not yet on fire. "We've got to put it out!" he shouts. He runs with the flaming canopy over to the priest that *held* Legs, and drapes it over him. "Who got in the way?" [Perfect hit with nat. 20, no extra w/4] He says, "Get it in the water, so he doesn't burn up." He then drags the bundled priest to the edge of the dock, and pushes him into the lake [15]. On his way past Wynd, he whisper-shouts "Meet at The Purple Worm Meadhouse in two hours." He dives into the water. "I'll save him!" In the water, he drags the bundle under the nearest boat, to make sure the fire is out, and swims to the lake side of the boat, keeping the squirming bundle submerged, again mindful of the danger of fire.

Legs  d20=10
Monday November 8th, 1999 3:19:59 AM

[Correction: the priest that *held* Tag Along.] Once the 'bundle' has stopped wiggling for a while, Legs will take a deep breath, dive down ~10 to 14 feet (unless the bottom comes first), and swim along under the boats, coming up from time to time along the lake-side curve of the boats, trying to keep out of line of sight of the shore. [Made Swimming NWP roll - need 14 or less.]

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=4
Monday November 8th, 1999 3:25:59 AM

Makes his way towards Tags, seeing Nightshades take up a postion to attract attention. He whispers in passing "I'll get Tags and run him out of harms way, do what you must". He'll just pickup Tags over his shoulder and make a run for it around the nearest corner and then the next.(OOC rolled str chk to carry Tags) If the priest stops him,or tries to, 'it'll be a knife in the gut for him' he says to himself. His jaw sets, his eyes gleam with the rush of the approaching moment. Hand signals Asbury to move around the backside of the priests and wait for the next signal.

(by DM Jerry) 
Monday November 8th, 1999 4:29:59 AM

Catcher, who amazingly runs several blocks in the space of a minute. [grin] takes up a position on the south side of the boardwalk. Singer and Wynd try to figure out what they can do. Nightshade stops in front of the priests. Legs plays tarp tag with the priest that cast on Tag and he screams, "AAUUUUUGHHHHG" as his cloak catches on fire as well as his hair. Legs is unable to drag the priest underwater as the group is (as stated earlier) in the central part of the board walk where it runs from one pier to the other through the center of town. Both the bay pier and the lake pier are several hundred feet away. The other priest hops on the priest to help put the fire out. (I will roll for the results of this next round.) Bulldog races past Nightshade and the burning priest tangles with the tarp and the other priest, and then Legs. The people all around are in a position of shock. Bulldog charging like an enraged bull grabs up Tagalong and races across the wide boardwalk aiming for the south side. (Perception check to see Catcher there.) Arvo carries another section of the burning canvas and with an "Oops" tosses it on the two priests and Wynd. The other priest bursts into flame. Someone yells, "We need water." Literally hundreds of people now have exited their stores and pavillions and watch the scene unfold!

Ari  d20=5
Monday November 8th, 1999 5:54:59 AM

(noticing there's nothing to notice now), Ari searches for a suitable equipment, and a shadowed area, or what not, and will set up a little fishing hole, with the intent that no one will notice him, but if they do, they'll just yell get back to work, or what not.

Legs / 'Allsor'  d20=11
Monday November 8th, 1999 10:00:59 AM

"Yes, water! We need water!" He tries to take the tarp off Wynd (made dex check), says to her tersely, "get away from here," then loudly shouts, "help me get it off the man! Oh, this is terrible!" He fans the tarp once on the priest, as though he was going to help remove it, yet makes sure that his left hand passes quickly through a flame. "Ayi!" he yells, and steps away, shaking his hand. Near Bulldog's ear, he says for him, "Purple Worm Inn, two hours." He runs away, "My hand, my hand."

Catcher  d20=9
Monday November 8th, 1999 2:21:59 PM

Still some distance from the commotion, and now off on a side walkway, Catcher watches the running figures, trying to spot his friends. When he realizes that they are in the middle of things, a heavy weight settles in his stomach, and he quickly starts looking around, seeing if any authorities are converging on the area.

Monday November 8th, 1999 5:39:59 PM

Singer hears Legs' whispered comment, and looks at the whole mess. "I'll have to make a song of this later," he says under his breath. He takes Wynd by the hand, and guides her towards the Purple Worm Meadhouse.

Nightshade (poison)  d20=18 d20=20 d20=18
Monday November 8th, 1999 11:16:59 PM

At the top of her lungs she shouts "Family, away from those priests, they have forsaken Garg in their hearts and he has put them to flame, watch for his wrath." With that she wispers to the ring, to herself, please make the fire bigger. She then runs for the edge of the dock and dives in the water. She slips on the edge of the dock and hits her head on something she is knocked out.

Wynd  d20=13
Monday November 8th, 1999 11:25:59 PM

to tired and stunned by all the activity to move very quickly, Wynd gets tangled in the tarp and momentarily thinks to herself that she is going to die and does nothing to save herself. Just as suddenly the tarp is pulled off of her and she is pulled out of trouble. hearing something about purple worms through her foggy head she feels herself being tugged in some direction. For some reason her line of sight is drawn to Poison as she makes her ill fated leap towards the water hitting her head on the pier as she goes. Wynd violently shudders and a low loud moaning whimper is heard by those around her. staring at the place where Poison went in she refuses to be pulled away and tries to attract Singer to Poison's problem.

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=7
Tuesday November 9th, 1999 1:59:59 AM

As bulldog chugs along with his friend over his shoulder, he quickly hears legs say something about 'purple ... worm ... meadhouse' replying "2 hours ... got it" as he leaves the comotion behind. Spotting catcher looking franticly about. he moves over to Catcher saying " scout ahead of me and find a place for us to hide somewhere ....hurry !" then follows. Asbury scampers up to his masters side, not willing to be left behind " come on Ras ..." (if Catcher's attention is not gotten, Bulldog will look for a place to hide as he moves away)

Tag Along 
Tuesday November 9th, 1999 7:57:59 AM

::Death fear released as tag sees his friend quickly run to his aid. A fealing of joy washes away that of dread and suddenly he feals that bravery isnt so bad. Well maybe it is as buldog lifts up the light framed boy and begins to jog down the board walk with him. A song pops into his head. "You aint nothing but a bulldog, and you are a real good friend of Mine." he thinks as the boys big frame and strong spirit are what is saving him from a fate worse then death, oneness with Ga'AL.

(DM Jerry) 
Tuesday November 9th, 1999 8:29:59 PM

Will our bold adventurers survive this confrontation with the priests of Ga'al? Read on and see. (couldn't post from home last night. Phone lines (and electricity for a little while) down due to drunk driver hitting telephone pole at 70 in a residential neighborhood. :( Will post tonight. Continue on!--Jerry from school)

Catcher  d20=14 d20=13
Tuesday November 9th, 1999 11:50:59 PM

Catcher fails to first spot Bulldog, but it is only after Bulldog gets his attention that he indicates using the boardwalk beneath their feet as a hiding place.

Nightshade (poison) 
Wednesday November 10th, 1999 12:46:59 AM

Blub blub blub

I can make bubbles with my mouth! (by DM Jerry) 
Wednesday November 10th, 1999 5:48:59 AM

Ari fishes. Leg's runs away. Catcher thinking well, spots half a dozen priests heading north on the main street from the temple. A quad of four soldiers follow them intent on violence. Singer takes off with Wynd to the Meadhouse. Nightshade spouts poison from her lips with her words of nonsense about gods no one has ever heard of. (or was Garg supposed to be Ga'al?) Nightshade runs amazingly as fast to the docks as Catcher ran back from them (Hey folks the docks in each direction are at least 300' away. I thought I made that clear....I guess not) She now makes bubbling sounds. (perception check for Ari to notice her predicament.) Wynd stares at Poison's predicament. Bulldog and Ras race south with Tag on his shoulder hoping Catcher is scouting the way for a hiding place. Catcher seems oblivious to Bulldog for a bit and then points down under the boardwalk. There are steps leading down off of the boardwalk and space under there. The priests, both now on fire, run around like chickens with no heads left. Arvo crying foul for his stand of cargo, leaves the scene quickly.

Wednesday November 10th, 1999 6:20:59 AM

Real panic starts to set in at the sight of the 'welcoming committee' -- Catcher can focus on nothing else, and with shame in his face, quickly heads for the stairs, unaware of Poison's plight.

Ari  d20=8 d20=15
Wednesday November 10th, 1999 7:39:59 AM

Ari notices poison's condition. Looking around for a way down, if none found, then Ari will jump in, in order to help poison. (if jumping, rolled a 15 for grace and beauty points(I'm almost ugly :) ) )

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday November 10th, 1999 3:41:59 PM

Follows Catcher to stairs, down, and under the boardwalk. Asbury runs down ahead of them all. (ooc bulldog will continue to move onward , under ther boardwalk if possible. either looking find a place to hide under or escaping furthewr away.) "looks good Catch .."

Wednesday November 10th, 1999 7:12:59 PM

finally more aware of her surroundings, but still with a fuzzy head due to her cold, Wynd shivers in fear as poison hits the water and Wynd's fears about water return 2 fold. seeing that Ari is doing something about it or at least trying to, Wynd finally yields yo the pressure of Singer's tugs and allows herself to be led down the alley and away form all this mess.

Thursday November 11th, 1999 5:55:59 AM

Singer takes Wynd to behind the Meadhouse and looks for any known hiding places. If there are any, he will hide Wynd in there, and himself after, or just Wynd if there is only room for her.

Tag Along 
Thursday November 11th, 1999 6:11:59 AM

::and i thought this wagon had good suspension:: thumb thumb thumb goes taggs head hitting into the shoulder of bulldog with each step.

Nightshade (poison) 
Thursday November 11th, 1999 6:43:59 AM

(OOC: yes it was supposed to be Ga'al sorry, I guess nothing happend with my prayer into the ring? I don't see how I could have seen all I saw and did from 300' away when I was sitting on the docks, my fault? hate to say it but perhaps we should erase and go back a few days?) Glug glug glug

I can make bubbles with my mouth! (by DM Jerry) 
Thursday November 11th, 1999 6:47:59 AM

Catcher, Bulldog, Asbury, and Tagalong in tow, hide below the stairs. There is lots of trash, old barrels, stray cats, etc. down here. (Perception check for Asbury to see a cat he wants to chase. Then a Wisdom check by Bulldog to control Asbury and keep him from chasing if that is desired.) About this time, Tagalong recovers from the spell as the priest loses consciousness. Above the fire suddenly blazes again, burning bright as the two priests stumble into the crowd. The flame seems to have a life of its own spreading out from person to person. Water arrives but not enough for this. Person after person is lifted Tag style and carried to the lake side pier jumping into the water. This confuses things as Ari suddenly has multiple bodies to choose from under the water. Suddenly his decision is solved for him though as a single body in the confusion passes under the boardwalk to rest next to his fishing hole. It is Nightshade. Her finger lit up by the ring she bears. Ari is a good 30' from the nearest edge of the boardwalk where he can crawl under. Meanwhile, Singer hunts for the meadhouse and easily finds it. Her and Wynd find nothing other than a privy within which they might hide themselves should they choose to do so.

Thursday November 11th, 1999 2:17:59 PM

With a shock, Catcher realizes that Bulldog is toting a now-moving Tag! "I don't know where I was, I didn't even see Tag on your shoulder. He looks fit enough to move now. Look, I'm sorry about that up there," Catcher indicates above the boardwalk, "I saw a bunch of guards and priests coming and couldn't think of how to get everyone out of there. I hope the group scattered..." Catcher trails off for a second. "Anyway, in case we're the only ones to make it, I need to tell you: I found out that the Albatross has been out for a few days, and was probably delayed by a storm. It won't be back in for a day or two. We may need to make ourselves comfortable for a while down here." With that, Catcher takes advantage of the noise and confusion above to move any barrels or crates to help create a 'fort' to hide within, stacking things in a way to look as natural as possible.

Ari  d20=9
Thursday November 11th, 1999 11:56:59 PM

Moving as quickly as he can, Ari moves under the dock where he can retrieve Nightshade, with a quick prayer that there can be something to help get Nightshade to shore.

Legs  d20=6
Friday November 12th, 1999 12:04:59 AM

Moving quickly out of the conflagaration. Legs will get a safe distance away, then take a quick look around to see if anyone is interested in what he's doing, then he'll take a final look to make sure all the priests are distracted, and not following him or his friends.

Nightshade (poison) 
Friday November 12th, 1999 1:17:59 AM

gulb glub glub glub gl...

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=9 d20=2
Friday November 12th, 1999 3:29:59 AM

"heel in Ras" whisper-shouts Bulldog, Asbury obediently resist the temption. Easing Tags down he asks "you ok there Tags" smiles as he sees his friend doing fine. In reply to Catcher "I saw everyone going in different direction ... legs the only one I think that may still be in trouble ..... he's still up there" helps catcher move things about. "Legs did tell me that..... we should meet at the purple mead house in two hours ......... where ever that could be ..... you guys think its good to stay here till things cool off up stairs ?" after a few moments he chimes in again "a day or two until the albatross comes back ..... it'll be tough to hide for that long if those priest up ther" points to the boardwalk overhead "are well enough to tell others about.... those of us that caughtthe attention" sits down pulling Asbury closer.

Friday November 12th, 1999 4:19:59 PM

Ass muzzle headed as Wynd is from her cold, she keeps her eyes open as they make their way to their destination. She is particularly interested in noting if there are any beggers on the corners of the streets or along the walkways. If there are she will suggest to Singer that they, as dirty as they are, might just try hiding in the open as beggers trying to get enough food for supper.

Saturday November 13th, 1999 10:40:59 PM

Singer thinks a bit on Wynd's advice, provided that there are any beggars [OOC: Would Ga'al permit beggars, or would they just become food?]. If there are, he says, "Sounds good. I haven't been here before, but it seems that any going back here would either shun us or be too sick to care about two beggars." If not, he suggests that they find some place nearby to hide.

Under the Boardwalk (by DM Jerry) 
Sunday November 14th, 1999 5:30:59 AM

Catcher, Bulldog, and Tagalong hide under the boardwalk. (Perception to see the light from Nightshade's ring further down the boardwalk toward the lake.) Ari moves under the boardwalk to see about Nightshade. She is not breathing. Something seems to be blocking her ability to breathe. She is still warm, though and her heart is beating. (Perception check to see Catcher, Bulldog, and Tagalong some distance away also under the boardwalk.) Legs gets a safe distance away. Singer and Wynd quickly rethink their idea of posing as beggars as they would be picked up by the priests quickly.

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=3
Sunday November 14th, 1999 5:56:59 AM

As Bulldog helps Catcher finish moving items for the hideaway, he spots a light further down under the boardwalk. He stops to focus on what it is. "what that over there" He points in its directon, showing it to the other two. "I'll be right back" He then moves down to investigate.

Catcher  d20=19 d20=19
Sunday November 14th, 1999 2:01:59 PM

At Bulldogs prompting, Catcher looks over and sees the light glint. He immediately begins looking around the rest of the vicinity, hoping to spot anything else lurking down here... "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, but be careful," Catcher says to Bulldog, "Do you know where this Purple Mead place is located?"

Monday November 15th, 1999 12:57:59 AM


Ari  d20=6 d20=19
Monday November 15th, 1999 3:04:59 AM

Seeing Bulldog in the distance, Ari will flap his arms breifly, to get Bulldogs attention. Kneeling down to Nighshade, Ari tries to dislodge what is in her throat as gently as he can (failed healing proficiency).

Monday November 15th, 1999 4:45:59 AM

looking over at Singer, Wynd slowly shakes her head and says, I should have known better than to suggest that but this cold has me thinking thru a fog. I guess our choices are now the piv or just going on in.

Heartbeat, It's A Lovebeat (by DM Jerry) 
Monday November 15th, 1999 6:14:59 AM

Bulldog gets close enough to see Nightshade lying there and Ari's frantic waving. A convulsion wracks Nightshades body and she draws a single tortured breath and then is once again choking. The ring continues to glow on her finger helping as only it can, but Nightshade still begins to turn blue and her heartbeat grow weaker.

Legs / 'Allsor' 
Monday November 15th, 1999 6:20:59 AM

The boy hopes others will pass on the message of the meeting place. He looks to see if there is a place to hide for a while.

Monday November 15th, 1999 7:18:59 AM

Singer sighs. "It's better than nothing. Let's go in." As he leads Wynd on in, he turns his nose at the stench. "This better be worth it."

Catcher  d20=7
Monday November 15th, 1999 1:16:59 PM

Catcher continues scouting the area under the boardwalk, making sure there are no 'nasty' surprises lurking about. He glances in Bulldog's direction ever so often, just to make sure his friend is okay.

Tag Along  d20=12
Monday November 15th, 1999 5:43:59 PM

"Huh whats that light, oh yeah and thank you BUlldog you saved my life." he says as he hides under the board walk walking with bulldog towqards the light.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday November 16th, 1999 1:07:59 AM

"Anytime my friend" he replys to Tags, smiling as he sees his friend doning fine. As Bulldog closes and sees Nightshade lying on the ground, seemingly lifeless. He rushes over, dropping to his knees. "Poison..." He shakes her, out of worry, for a second before noticing that she breathes not. He looks for anything that may be blocking her throat. Then picking her up and turning her over. He then soundly thumps her across her back, trying to force the blockages out. Looking up at Ari for support as what to do next. "help .... Ari ...." then glances down at the light source (ring) "spirits help me " Feeling his anger quickly rising at his confusion and frustration, he searches for other ways to make her breathe.

Legs  d20=6
Tuesday November 16th, 1999 3:38:59 AM

Legs looks to see if there is a building he can get up on the roof of. He wants to be out of traffic, but able to peer down and get glimpses of what is happening in the streets below. Also, he wants to figure at least two reasonably safe ways to get down off of whatever building he ascends (a ladder, a well-affixed drain pipe, a series of balconies, etc.) [Rolled an Int. check]

Tuesday November 16th, 1999 4:51:59 AM

Wynd follows along behind Singer into the privy. Sminling to herself as she enters, she has one positive thought about having a cold. "At least I cant smell very well."

She's Alive!(by DM Jerry)  d20=13
Tuesday November 16th, 1999 6:11:59 AM

When Bulldog thumps Nightshade on the back, a huge gob of 'something' shoots out. She draws in a desparate breath of air and begins to breathe. Singer enters the tavern. A gruffy middle-aged tavernkeeper acccosts him and says, "Woah thar' son! Who ya be lookin' for? I'll get 'im. Don't go get yarself thrashed for enterin' here without yar master boy. Catcher finds a set of steps leading down further under the boardwalk in his explorations. Tagalong tags along with Bulldog. Legs finds a two-story building to climb onto with a balcony on the back side and a drain on the front side to slide down. There is a 2 foot lip on the roof to hide behind. It's getting hot up there though even as the fog finishes clearing for the day.

Tuesday November 16th, 1999 6:49:59 AM


Legs / 'Allsor' 
Tuesday November 16th, 1999 9:32:59 AM

The boy takes advantage of his perch to look around and get a better feel for the layout of the town. Aware that those he can see might also see him, he uses caution in looking around. In addition, he places a blanket on the roof, and lies upon it, to help insulate himself from the warming roof. Does he see his friends, or Arvo, or the dockmaster, or any surviving priest passing below? Does it appear any sort of systematic search has begun? He sends up a prayer for the safety of his friends. 'How am I going to find the place we're supposed to meet Arvo?' he wonders to himself.

Catcher  d20=10
Tuesday November 16th, 1999 12:35:59 PM

Waiting long enough to catch one of the others' eye, Catcher signals by pointing to himself, then pointing downward, and then he stealthily creeps down the stairs, looking for what lies below, dagger in hand.

Tuesday November 16th, 1999 2:24:59 PM

Breathes a sigh of relief at the unblocking of Nightshades' breathing. Wanting to see what was blocking her breathing, Ari will inspect what came out, if at all possible. (making sure it wasn't anything odd, primarily). "thanks Bulldog"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday November 16th, 1999 10:45:59 PM

BNreathes a sigh of releif as Nightshades recovers. He picks her up and carries her, because of her weakened state, to the hideaway that they have quickly constructed just. " she seems ok now, Ari . come'on over to where catcher is .... we can all decide what we'll do next there." Getting there he places her down and makes her comfortable. "hey Asbury come here" motioning him to settle in next to Nigthshade. Then awaits news from Catcher. "someone should check on Catcher ..."

Wednesday November 17th, 1999 1:40:59 AM

Her voice is scratchy and weak. "What happned, what went wrong, one minute I was tring to save legs and then the next I was here with a huge weight on my chest." She reaches over and ruffles ashes and the Bulldogs fur, "What happned my two furry men?" Then she sees Ari, "I remember you pulling me out of a dark well, you saved my life didn't you?" She throws her arms around Ari and hugs for all she is worth.

Wednesday November 17th, 1999 2:44:59 AM

tired now and getting more so by the moment, Wynd tugs on Singer's shirt tail. "Papa said we was to ask for that Dock man we met t'other day, what was his name? Was it Arvo or sumtin like that?.

Wednesday November 17th, 1999 5:09:59 AM

Considering the heat, Legs wonders whether he ought to consider a change in venue (even though he doesn't know what 'venue' means). He takes a good look again to get acquainted with where things are around him. Does he see the Purple Worm Meadhouse?

Tag Along 
Wednesday November 17th, 1999 5:33:59 AM

"Wow glad your alive, what was thath goo." he asking seeing it shooting from nightshades mouth. "Why does that ring glow like that? Ah well shouldnt we find the others now and meet the pirate, so we can get away from all these damn Ga'al priests and there freeze "TAg" spell." he says laughing at his own joke as he smiles and winks at the others around him.

(by DM Jerry) 
Wednesday November 17th, 1999 5:52:59 AM

Legs looks around and sees none of his comrades. No effort of a search is beginning, however, the number of priests in the streets is increasing. The last of the flames is put out and the injured and hurt are being tended to. Catcher descends 10' of stairs and enters what seems to be a cellar. A couple of rotten wine barrels are down here as well as some fish bones. The room is 10' x 15'. Ari sees that the choking item was some kind of chewed food of some sort. Bulldog leads the group back over to the area where Catcher disappeared down the stairs. The tavernkeeper listens to Wynd and says, "Ahh, Arvo! He'll be in directly. Sit there and wait for him. Ha! Arvo hiring kids....Who'da thought it?" (Legs, make a perception check at -2 to see the tavern.)

Legs / 'Allsor'  d20=1
Wednesday November 17th, 1999 11:01:59 AM

[How's that for a perception check? :-)] Legs spots the Meadhouse.

Wednesday November 17th, 1999 11:05:59 AM

Caught by surprise, Ari just sits there for about a 1/2 second, before returning the hug, and then going a bit crimson. "I was worried about you, and just tried to do what I had read about." Looking at the ring, "Has it/she talked to you again?" And if it is still shining "Do you know how to turn it off, I do not know how easily we can be detected because of the shining , though a little light could be useful". Looking around at the others, "Does anyone know what the next step is, and what happened, that you were floating in the water, I think I just got lucky, to see you there."

Legs / 'Allsor' 
Wednesday November 17th, 1999 11:32:59 AM

After spotting the rendezvous point, looking to the alley where we're supposed to meet Arvo in less than two hours, Legs decides to keep his eyes open, but his head back. He thinks back over the last few days. That stick that Lucky had ... could that have been used to kill the parasites, without killing the two boys? His heart grows sad. He thinks of what the others told him of Skippy's life being sucked out by the red cloth. Then of the priests who tried to accost them. "How could I do harm to someone else?" He thinks of how he struck the back of Ozymandius' knee. He wonders if that is really his name. "But I didn't want to hurt him bad, just get him to stop hurting Wynd," he thinks. Then in his mind's eye, he sees the priest catch fire, and smells the burning hair, the flaming flesh. The boy shudders. "Oh, God who is good, I know you must be there somewhere. I don't know what to do. I think that ... the one my people serve - are slaves to - wants people to think he is good, but he is not. He cannot be good, and make people, I mean, take away their, their deciding power, their thinking ways. I think he is afraid of people. Help me not to be afraid of him, in the wrong way." He thinks a while longer. "I wonder, if we used the stick, if it could get rid of the heart spider, without killing the, the person who has it?" He listens to the sounds below, and glances again, carefully, to see who passes. His head withdrawn again, he resumes his prayer. "God of good, teach me about you. Teach me how to choose what is good, and right. Teach us how to take care of each other. And, please, make the priests who look for us confused, so we can get away, and come back someday to help people go free. Take care of my friends." Again, he considers the priest whom he blanketed with fire. He doesn't know whether to feel sad for the man, or relieved that his friends seem to have gotten away. But did they? Did the priest die? And the other one, who also caught on fire?

Catcher  d20=9
Wednesday November 17th, 1999 2:05:59 PM

Hearing the others arrive up above, Catcher quickly begins searching the cellar, checking for possible egresses. Concern crosses his face, as he tries to figure out why a cellar would be located here under the boardwalk, detached from any building...a suspicion arises, and taking his dagger, Catcher softly taps the walls with the hilt, listening for thin areas.

Thursday November 18th, 1999 3:01:59 AM

She kisses both boys on the cheek and then the ring. "No Ari but I think she must be watching out for us. Come on we need to hide and find the others, some on help me up and lets go eh?"

Thursday November 18th, 1999 3:36:59 AM

wynd pulls her cloak around her and sits where he indicated

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday November 18th, 1999 6:46:59 AM

Glad that shes ok. He gives her a hand up. then heads for the stairs down towards Catcher, with a quick soft whistle, he Signals Asbury to go down first after Catcher. Passing Ari as he follows his four footed friend. He snickers "a little red in the cheeks are we .." smiles and heads down.

Under the Boredwalk(by DM Jerry) 
Thursday November 18th, 1999 2:46:59 PM

The main group descends into the cellar where everyone catches up on each other's adventures and where and when the group is to meet Arvo. Wynd and Singer wait in the tavern for Arvo. Legs ponders and prays. Suddenly a crack appears in the ceiling by her feet and a Dragon Creeper begins to grow. It points it's fragrant flower toward her as it blooms. A voice says, "So, dear child, what do you want to know?"

Thursday November 18th, 1999 7:17:59 PM

::OOC -- did Catcher locate any secret doors or come up with any inspiration on why this cellar is located here, under the boardwalk?:: Finishing up with searching for hidden areas beyond the cellar walls, Catcher listens to the others share their stories. When Arvo is mentioned, Catcher says, "We were told to meet with Captain Acurtt...for all we know, this Arvo may be a slaver. I think only one or two of us should go meet with him, just in case. If he is a slaver, he'll more likely get greedy, wanting to take us all..." From the concern on his face, everyone sees that Catcher is very worried about the upcoming meeting.

Friday November 19th, 1999 3:36:59 AM

Legs is momentarily startled by the appearance of the Dragon Creeper growing up beside him. "Wh- wha- what?" he (not *she*)stutters. "H- h- how did, what, uh, who..." He inhales deeply, finding the blossom's fragrance pleasant, and collects himself. "A flower. A flower is talking. To me." He puts his hand on his forehead to gauge whether he has a fever. Hmmm. Not particularly, it seems. He pinches himself. "Yep, I'm awake." Then, realizing how impolite he is behaving, he addresses the flower before him. "Hello. Are you, um, here, um sent by the Good God? Or ... excuse me, flower, but I've never talked to, uh, someone like you before." When he speaks to the flower, it is in a whisper, as he still is concerned about discovery.

Wynd  d100=4
Saturday November 20th, 1999 6:10:59 AM

Nodding off and starting to feel real bad.

Saturday November 20th, 1999 12:03:59 PM

"Excuse me, sir, but could you get a hot tea with honey and lemon? If it is a few coppers, I mean." He looks at Wynd.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Saturday November 20th, 1999 6:04:59 PM

Nodding along with Catcher's concerns he adds in "I think we should all stay together though ...... by breaking up the group we won't be able to count on each others support." ,but shows much more concern when finishing "we have already lost track of Legs, Wynd, and the new fellow Singer ....I think we should stay together." looks around at the others to see if the aggree. "we can't go any where until the priests cool off up there. ........ and we do have 2 hours till we must meet" looking over at Tags "Tags you want to sneak about to see if things look clear ... as soon as you give us a sign we'll get out of here." then settles in with Asbury to think about whats happened so far.

Saturday November 20th, 1999 7:32:59 PM

Nightshade seems to be feling better, "Tag I think you should stay very near if you go and I think we should all try and nap a bit if we can, one of us staying awake for about 15 minutes each, I'll stay awake first, everyone else try and settle in."

A Cellar Just Like Home(by DM Jerry) 
Sunday November 21st, 1999 2:56:59 AM

Catcher does notice that the cellar is very old. There are not exits from the cellar. The party settles down to wait out the crisis above. The tavernkeeper brings Singer and Wynd some hot tea. "Can't have you catching cold." Meanwhile Legs is having a spiritual experience. "Do you believe in a Good god? I am a gift. Mix my petals in some hot water and your friends will regain their health. Selah."

Sunday November 21st, 1999 4:02:59 AM

"I agree with Nightshade -- Tag, from what I've heard about your run in with the priests, you should be the last person running around in plain view. Of us, only I wasn't spotted, so I'll go up and look for the others. But first let's wait a few more moments..." Catcher keeps his ears focused on the ruckus above.

Tag Along 
Sunday November 21st, 1999 6:36:59 AM

"Yeah Bulldog ill sneak around and see what i can see. When i make the sound of the yellow bellied sap sucking swallow then come one out. Oh wait that wont do that bird is a forest bird and we are at the shore. Ok when i make the sound of a hungry Seagull it will mean the coast is clear." he says as he sneaks out to make sure all is clear.

Legs / 'Allsor' 
Sunday November 21st, 1999 8:23:59 AM

"Do I believe in a Good God?" Legs thinks for a moment. "I see so many good and beautiful things in this world. I see that much is formed that is, that takes, that - well, someone very smart and powerful had to think things up, and make them, right? Now, not everything is good. But it seems like so many things, the ... the ingredients are good. But then it is like, good things, things that started good, got mixed up. Um, twisted inside out? Like Lucky. We were - I can't say we were really good friends, but he was all right, usually, it seemed." Legs puts his hands behind his head, and looks up into the blueing sky. "Then he got a thing planted in him, and was talking about turning us over to the priests... who I think want to kill us, or some of them do. So, he started good, but then look what happened! I wish we could have ... figured out ... a way to help him. Catch... a friend has a stick from... well, he has a, say, a magic stick. Maybe a holy stick. And I was wondering if that stick could have gotten rid of the thing growing in Lucky without killing Lucky." Legs ponders for a few more moments. "A good god would do good things for his people. And want them to do good things. But real goodness, I think, has to be a choice. I don't know why I think that for sure. But if someone does something, even a good thing, because they have no other choice, they have no deciding ability, how does that make them good? It's like they're just a slave. I think a good god would want people to choose to follow, or worship, or obey, without being forced to. I don't think a beaten broken dog makes such a choice worshiper. I think that the god served by those priests down there has a bunch of beaten broken dogs to serve him."

Legs / 'Allsor' 
Sunday November 21st, 1999 8:25:59 AM

The boy turns on his side, and props his head up with his hand, looking at the flower. "A Good God would give good gifts. You offer yourself as a good gift for my friends, who, somehow, you know are sick. I think there is such a god." He looks down at the roof. "I want to believe, but I don't want to be tricked. The god of my family ... I think he tricks people. 'The heart-spider will be good for you,' they say. Then look what happened to Monk. It's like he lost his spark of life. Also, could a good god be a dragon? I always heard dragons were bad. I know that Skippy said she's with a good god." Legs sighs. "I want to believe - but what is true, and good, and lasts, and helps people, without turning them into, into ... oh, I don't know. Into toy soldiers. Into puppets - looking alive, but with no deciding power inside themselves."

Legs / 'Allsor' 
Sunday November 21st, 1999 8:34:59 AM

As before, Legs' conversation is largely whispered. "But you asked if I wanted to know something. Yes. Can we trust Arvo? Should we do what he suggests? I think so, but what do you say? Who is someone else we can trust to help us?" Legs turns stomach down, facing the Dragon Creeper, chin resting in both palms. "Is Lemtrovix the Good God?" There is a particular intensity to his still soft voice. "If so, is he the only one, or are there other ones? Is there a most powerful Good God? What would he want me to do? Is it silly for me to ask these questions? How can I be a good friend to my friends, and do what's right?" He appears satisfied he has asked enough questions for the moment, then adds, "Oh, and who or what is Selah?"

Sunday November 21st, 1999 1:29:59 PM

"I think anyone of us could have problems 'above', because we are unknown children, if the priests are that smart. So whoever goes up, should be reeeeeaaaallll careful. Nightshade, your ring may or may not be lucky, since it helped me spot you when you were passed out. Do you think it might be worthwhile to let whoever is exploring topside, to have it, so that there might be some lucky 'distractions', should someone start to have a question, or start to notice a strange kid in their presence? Catcher, I was also not involved in the incident, so other than being a strange kid, I should be in the clear, also."

Monday November 22nd, 1999 12:44:59 AM

Greatfully accepting the tea, Wynd holds the cup in her hands and lets the heat slowly work its way into her hands and to her arms. Leaning her head over the cup and inhaling the steam, elicits a contented sigh from her and as she greedily swallow some of the tea she feels a core of warmth move outward form her belly, warning her and making her ever so sleepy.

What is Good?(by DM Jerry) 
Monday November 22nd, 1999 4:01:59 AM

The flower speaks, "You think well young man. I will not help you with everything as that would take away your right to choose your life. So follow your heart with the trader. Selah is a word from the old language before the Noble Races sought isolation from each other. It is a holy word that means "let it be so" while adding the idea of "peace" as well as other good thoughts. May the peace of making your own path be with you. Perhaps we will get to talk again." And with that the flower is silent. Tagalong begins looking around a bit under the boardwalk and sees nothing so far. The commotion above seems to be dying out.

Monday November 22nd, 1999 5:50:59 AM

With a look of consternation towards Tag's wandering form, Catcher replies to the Ari, "I thought you might have been spotted when you dove into the water. If you wish, go ahead and check the area. Tag should not be the one! And, I think that that ring is somehow tied to Nightshade...I wouldn't take it, in any case." Catcher, noting the diminishing sounds above, says, "I think we should wait a little longer...it's still too soon." He keeps an eye on the stairs leading topside.

Monday November 22nd, 1999 6:22:59 AM

Nightshade looks a bit nervous when asked for the ring, she begins to pull it off, it seems nearly stuck, however she seems much relieved when the offer is declined and she places it back on her finger. "Now what about us all tring to catch a bit of a nap?"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday November 22nd, 1999 6:55:59 AM

After settling down with Asbury, he pipes in to Catcher. "I asked him because ..... he has always seemed to be rather crafty at nosing around .... " trails off,

Legs / 'Allsor' 
Monday November 22nd, 1999 10:37:59 AM

"Selah," Legs says to the flower. "I would like to talk with you again." Legs waits, and realizes the conversation is over. 'Should I only take the flowers, which were offered? Or shall I take the whole plant?' he ponders to himself. 'If I take the whole plant, perhaps I can plant it elsewhere. Or other parts of it may help us, too.' But looking at it, and enjoying its fragrance, he decides he cannot uproot it. Instead, Legs takes the flowers. Then he speaks softly to the plant. "I hope you don't mind, but may I take a leaf? I will wait, and if you don't object in some way, I will take one leaf before I go." He places the flowers carefully in an inner bag, which he folds over. But one flower, he places in a pocket of his coat. Legs then listens for any sounds from the streets below, and when he feels it safe, peeks out again. When it seems not quite two hours have passed, he will look around, and try to find a good time to descend, Just before he does, he takes his blanket, and cuts a hole big enough to put his head through, making a sort of poncho. He will have spent some time scoping out alternate routes to the alley behind the Purple Worm Meadhouse. Meanwhile, if he (I don't know how) senses acquiescence from the plant regarding his taking of a leaf, he gently does so. A soft "Thank you" is offered in parting.

Tuesday November 23rd, 1999 12:18:59 AM

Steadys herself and waits for the answer to her question.

Tuesday November 23rd, 1999 1:01:59 AM

Whatever everyone agrees to. I'm not exactly tired. So I can either stay and guard, or go explore. Either way, I think we have some time to kill.

The Waiting Game (DM Dave)  d20=11 d20=4 d20=4
Tuesday November 23rd, 1999 5:01:59 AM

Tag continues ranging further away from the others, disappearing up the stairs to the boardwalk, while Nightshade, Catcher, Ari, and Bulldog (and Asbury, too!) debate choices. The sounds above die out for a moment, only to be replaced by the slamming of doors and marching of feet. Up on a roof nearby, Legs’ last inquiries go unanswered by the flowering plant. As he makes preparations to leave, he glances down and notices several patrols of Quads moving from building to building, entering various doorways. Priest are not far behind. Meanwhile, in the tavern, Wynn and Singer get comfortable with the drinks provided. The noise outside the bar has died down, and a few more patrons have entered from the street, heading for tables here and there.

Tag Along 
Tuesday November 23rd, 1999 7:03:59 AM

::looks down board walk with a smile:: "Hey its all clear things have calmed down a bit it seems." he says waving from the sunlight that makes you squint. Suddenly you all see out of the shadow of the sun a hand grasb him and Tag pulled away. A brief moment passes then tag puts his head back down the stairs and waves his free hand that tried to pull the slight of hand bad timing joke. "Come on up lets go play jack and the pirates.

Tuesday November 23rd, 1999 9:04:59 AM

Singer sips his tea. "Tastes good, yes?" he asks Wynd. Singer looks to see if there might be a back way out of the Meadhouse (not going there, just seeing if he can see). He stretches his arms, then walks over near the window in front to glance out. He tries to keep his face in the shadows. [How many sides of the Purple Worm have windows visible from where Singer and Wynd sit?]

Legs / 'Allsor' 
Tuesday November 23rd, 1999 9:30:59 AM

He does take one leaf. Legs observes the Quads' search patterns. Are any of them checking out the roofs of different buildings, or just the insides? How close are they to searching his building? Does he figure he could circumnavigate the buildings and avoid their sweep? He rehearses in his mind descent by balcony and by drainpipe. Having spent time already familiarizing himself with the layouts of streets and buildings in the vicinity, he mentally maps alternate routes to the Purple Worm Meadhouse. If he needs a distraction, he figures he can throw a chunk of broken glass from his knapsack (taking care not to cut himself) down the street one direction -- or even to the upper story of a nearby building (but not the Purple Worm) -- and use the distraction to head the other way.

Tuesday November 23rd, 1999 5:35:59 PM

Already being tired the hot tea finishes off the trick and Wynd is soon napping with her head on Singer's shoulder. As Singer gets up, Wynd just shifts positions so that she is now curled up on the bench and leaning against the wall.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday November 24th, 1999 6:13:59 AM

Waves Tags to come back down,(with vigor) "Another hour I think before we should go find the alley behind that Mead house" settles in for a restive hour, boy does he need it too.

Thursday November 25th, 1999 5:33:59 AM

She lays down and closes her eyes. She is out in a second.

Catcher  d20=19 d20=2
Thursday November 25th, 1999 7:09:59 AM

At Tags' antics, Catcher loses it and storms over to an area of boxes, away from the others, with fists clenched in rage. You've never seen him so angry before...somehow, he manages to keep from shouting -- just standing there, trembling with head bent down and chest heaving.

The Search (DM)  d20=16 d20=13 d20=16
Thursday November 25th, 1999 7:19:59 AM

From Legs’ viewpoint up on the roof, the guards and priests seem focused on searching at ground-level, going systematically from building to building. The closest unit is 3 structures down from where he stands – he could easily use the drainpipe in back, if need be. Over in the bar, while Wynd snoozes, Singer notes that the only windows to the place are at the front of the building. There is probably some other exit from the building via the kitchen (there usually is in such establishments, for the delivery of food supplies). Looking out one of the front windows, he notes a Quad of soldiers checking under fruit stands at a market shop across the street. Under the boardwalk, the others continue to hear the sounds of marching feet up above.

Legs / 'Allsor'  d20=17
Thursday November 25th, 1999 12:22:59 PM

For the moment, the boy decides to stay put. "Confusion to the enemy, clarity to our allies," Legs prays. Infrequently he surreptitiously observes the Quads, and the priests following. [Rolled to see whether he noticed Singer glancing out the window. Nope.] He has his things gathered for a quick exit.

Thursday November 25th, 1999 4:33:59 PM

Snoozing not so soundly, she is occassionally wracked with fits of shivering. About fifteen minutes later all shivering stops and a sweat breaks out as her fever finally breaks.

Friday November 26th, 1999 11:18:59 AM

Settling down to watch over those that are sleeping, Ari mumbles something about "peacful dreams, calmness and tranquility"

Friday November 26th, 1999 10:10:59 PM

Singer nudges Wynd. "Wake up, girl." He whispers, "Get ready to leave." Singer asks the proprietor if there is a - whatever word is used locally for lavoratory.

Tag Along 
Sunday November 28th, 1999 2:50:59 AM

::sits with catcher and Bulldog awaiting the time to meet:: "Hey catch it was only supposed to be funny. We are friends i thought with all the trouble we have dealt with of late we needed a laugh." he says with a smile and a wink towards bulldog.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Sunday November 28th, 1999 3:02:59 AM

releived that Tags came down. He replys to him "Catchers right Tags .... no time for that when they are looking for us up there"

Sunday November 28th, 1999 3:58:59 AM


Sunday November 28th, 1999 6:59:59 PM

After a couple of minutes, Catcher comes back over to the others, still a little red in the face, "Look, I don't like not knowing what to do. Out in the woods -- that's my element. I feel trapped in this place, and I don't have the slightest idea of what to do, where to run, where to hide, if 'they' come after us." Catcher walks over and sits on a crate, keeping an eye on the stairs going up.

The Search Continues (DM)  d20=9 d20=9
Sunday November 28th, 1999 7:13:59 PM

Singer and Ari are directed to a wash-basin near the exit (with a towel hanging next to it), and told that the outhouse is around back (you'll have to go back out thru the front doors to reach it), or a bedpan can be provided, along with a little privacy in a closet near the stairs to the 2nd floor, if they think the outhouse is too far. Meanwhile, up on the roof, Legs sees that one of the detachments is now entering the building next to the one he is standing atop of. Suddenly, in the distance, a shout goes up down near the boat docks. One of the priests waves her hands and mutters something, and then quickly shouts for the guards to follow her. All of the Quads quickly move away to the boardwalk. Down below the boardwalk, dust falls on the Tag and the others as the boards above are pounded by heavily armored men.

Correction (DM) 
Monday November 29th, 1999 4:54:59 AM

The above should note that Singer and Wynd (not Ari) are in the tavern, being directed to the wash-basin -- sorry 'bout that!!! Ari is down under the boardwalk with Tag, Bulldog (& Asbury!), Nightshade, and Catcher.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday November 29th, 1999 6:25:59 AM

Getting to his feet as the pounding of guardsmen boom overhead. Hand signals all to remain still, Then whispers "I think there just going by .... this may be a good chance to leave and get to the mead house alley ..... " then turns slowly towards Tags " hope they didn't see you coming down here ... we got do place to rub from here" saying the last with some heat. (OOC he they, guardsmen & priests go by he will try and get everyone to take the chance of leaving unseen to the meeting place)

Legs (Peer) 
Monday November 29th, 1999 6:28:59 AM

Legs sees the local area appears to be clear. But, have his friends been found? He checks around the area once more, to ensure no one appears to be observing the area he is going to descend to. Then he climbs down the balcony to the ground. He walks briskly to a place behind the Purple Worm Meadhouse, and finds a dark corner in the alley or behind the outhouse to stash his bags. He spits on some dirt, mixes it, and rubs it into his face, to darken it. He places the hood of his long coat on his head, the blanket poncho still on his shoulders. 'This is gonna be hot,' Legs thinks to himself. He keeps the green leaf with him, and one petal from the Dragon Creeper, both in a pouch. He takes a small bag with the broken glass from the honey jar along, and ties it on to the end of his new walking rod. He then wends his way to a place a few blocks on the other side of the boardwalk, trying to imitate the walk of someone older. Medium speed, and a bit bowlegged. He walks (as much as possible) in a path parallel to the boardwalk, listening and observing what is happening.

Monday November 29th, 1999 2:02:59 PM

Without a sound, Ari taps everyone awake, in preperation to flee, whether planned or not.

Monday November 29th, 1999 4:12:59 PM

"I agree with Bulldog."

Monday November 29th, 1999 7:21:59 PM

Quickly looking around, Catcher hides behind some crates, so that if those above come down the stairs, they won't spot him. He draws out his daggers, just in case.

Surround Sound (DM) 
Tuesday November 30th, 1999 4:37:59 AM

The sound of marching feet quickly recedes over the planks. Legs manages to make it down the building and arrive in back of the Meadhouse without incident, where he is proceeding to alter his appearance. Singer and Wynd are still within the building, and the rest of the group is under the boardwalk, apparently undetected. Suddenly, a huge explosion is heard echoing off the water – it seems to have originated near the docks!

Tuesday November 30th, 1999 5:59:59 AM

"That can't be good."

Tuesday November 30th, 1999 7:20:59 AM

Singer looks out the window again. He goes to get Wynd. "Let's step out for a moment," he suggests. He puts a silver piece on the table. "Thank you for the tea. I'll see about my change when I get back." If Wynd is willing, he steps out of the tavern with her. He does not want to go down the boardwalk, so steps around to the back of the building. Singer sees Legs putting mud on his face. "What are you doing?"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday November 30th, 1999 6:03:59 PM

"Come it's our chance ...lets go" He begins moving up the stairs, Asbury by his side. Will make his way to the boardwalk and then head away from the explosion. Not knowing which the mead house is, he thinks it best to put some distance betwen themselves and the priests. If any of his friends need help in getting around ,Bulldog will generously lend his help.

Tuesday November 30th, 1999 7:43:59 PM

Following BullDog's lead, Catcher goes with the rest of the group up the stairs and away from the explosion. He moves cautiously, making sure there's always a place to hide, if needed. "More Quads will be coming after that noise."

Wednesday December 1st, 1999 12:54:59 AM

Moves where Bulldog leads. She still seems a bit shaken by her dip in the river.

Wednesday December 1st, 1999 2:31:59 AM

Wynd gets up when woken and agrees to step outside with Singer and is extremely happy to see another of there party as they step around the back. While she is feeling better now that her fever has broken, she is still tired and a bit stuffy headed.

Legs / 'Allsor' 
Wednesday December 1st, 1999 6:59:59 AM

"Uh, oh, hi," Legs says to Singer. He nods his head to Wynd. "We're supposed to meet here in a few more minutes. Right here, in the alley." Legs touches up the mud application. "But I fear what may be happening to our friends. So, I'm going to check." He looks ready to go, hesitates, goes and pulls his bag out of hiding. He takes some of the petals, hands them to Wynd. "Brew these in hot water, it'll make you well." He turns to go, pivots, and asks, "How do I look?" winks, and walks off, bowlegged.

Reunited, and it feels so good... (DM) 
Wednesday December 1st, 1999 2:36:59 PM

After what seems like forever, Wynd and Singer see Legs return with the others, reuniting everyone behind the Purple Worm Meadhouse. Along the way, the group (Legs, Ari, Bulldog, and the rest) managed to hide when several units of Quads came rushing from the temple to secure the docks. All of the streets were clear of citizens. Now you all are standing near the outhouse. Everyone compares notes, and you realize that, despite all of the excitement, not as much time has past as you thought – it is still another hour before the meeting with Arvo. During this time, the healing flower is used and those stricken with colds are cured. Towards the end of the hour, people can once again may be seen on the main street, and things seem to be back to normal, with owners hawking their wares, and others haggling over prices. Suddenly, the door to the outhouse opens, and out steps the merchant you met earlier – Arvo.

Arvo th Merchant (DM) 
Wednesday December 1st, 1999 2:42:59 PM

Smelling strongly of smoke, and with patches of clothing turned black here and there, Arvo greets you with a smile and says, "Well, my young friends, that was a close one now...now tell me, what brings you from Adorus? "

Tag Along 
Wednesday December 1st, 1999 5:55:59 PM

"Wow we are all back together.All these explosions fires, priests and explosions, wait did i say explosions already well anyway, Huh who i have to remember to breath when i do that. Well nice to see you all lets get of this Island and." he pauses seeing the merchant "Oh Hi, im tags and these are my friends. And hold on one minute." he says as he walks behind the man and picks up a stone, but quickly looks for the telll tale sign of inferstation of Ga'al.. "Wow look at this stone. Your a merchant huh, this stone unique?

Thursday December 2nd, 1999 12:43:59 AM

Nightshade moves to the front and bows to Arvo, "Hello sir, we are all brought here by diffrent means and reasons I think, what about you?"

Thursday December 2nd, 1999 4:25:59 AM

Having brewed the flowers in her next cuppa, Wynd is feeling much better and when she gets back with all the others she asks Ari to tell her about the flower and what plant it cme from and what it looks like etc ( she is a want to be herbalist after all) so that she can collect some for her medicine kit. At Arvo's question about Adorus, Wynd becomes suddenly on guard and on edge,::thinking:: no one ever mentioned being from Adorus to Arvo, so how, why should he ask that question? She tries to nonchallantly get Cather's or Buldog's attention so as to get their opinion on this.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday December 2nd, 1999 7:09:59 AM

Seeing the burnt clothes and and the acrid odor as telltale signs Bulldog makes the leap of faith. "you seem to know a bit more about us ... then we of you ... Mr Avro ... and we reaaly haven't spoken to you of our origins" taken a somewhat forthright and serious tone. "so why don't you come out with where we can seek some refuge for now and then we can go ahead with the rest the formalities" then takes a brief moment and adds " it seems we have you to thank for that giant distraction .... thank you.". Then ruffles his furry friend as Asbury brushes up against his masters leg.

Legs / 'Allsor' 
Thursday December 2nd, 1999 10:15:59 AM

(Since it took about another hour of waiting, Legs washed his face off in the interim.) Before Arvo arrives, Legs asks Wynd, "Why don't you ask me about the plant and what it is called? Ari's not the one who talked with it." With the merchant's arrival, after the others have their say, the boy speaks. "Arvo, sir, I thank you. We all thank you for your, what is that word? Astute! Yes, your astute and timely aid." He retrieves his bags from where he stashed them. He pulls out a smaller bag. "And here is most of the fruit you gave me. I hope you'll understand that my plan to serve as herald of the fine fruit you seek to sell was interrupted." His left hand holds out the bag for Arvo to take. In his right hand he has the three gold coins Arvo gave him earlier, palm open for him to take as well. "And please forgive me for not contradicting my new friend here," he moves his right shoulder to indicate Singer, "when he implied I am from here. I did not think it would be polite..." and he hesitates for a moment, then adds, "...nor astute," said with his smile slightly askew.

Thursday December 2nd, 1999 1:56:59 PM

Standing a little apart from the others, Catcher keeps an eye out for any other 'sudden' appearances, his hand on the hilt of his dagger. At the mention of Adorus, Catcher says, "We were met on the Adorus side of this town, and our accents probably don't sound right, I'm sure." Looking over at Arvo, he says, "We've already been attacked by adults, so forgive me if I don't have a lot of trust at the moment."

Conversations with Arvo (DM) 
Thursday December 2nd, 1999 7:42:59 PM

Waving Legs’ offering aside, Arvo says, "No, no, go ahead and keep it…it’s the best you’ll be seeing for many days to come, I daresay." Looking at the others, Arvo’s look becomes more serious as he says, "Trust and faith seem to be in short supply these days. Very well, as you know, I am Arvo the merchant. I have traveled many paths, and seen many places, including your beloved Adorus. You passed the first of many tests, when you decided to strike out on your own. Perhaps I could have helped ease that journey, but all things dearly bought are dearly prized, as my Da used to say. As it is, things are more dangerous now than you perhaps realize." Arvo opens the door to the outhouse, and lifts up the floor, revealing a dark tunnel – it’s a wonder an adult could fit thru such a thing! "Well, as I said, the tests are not yet over. Off we go!" Arvo stands to the side, and with a theatrical sweep of his arm, points for each of you to enter the hole. "After you, please."

Ari  d20=16
Thursday December 2nd, 1999 11:35:59 PM

Staring at Arvo for a few seconds, "Trust and Faith seems to have been misplaced. Where it is misplaced once, it can be misplaced again. I do not wish to run away from one Master, to be replaced by another. For now, I can only trust in my friends. When everyone and everything is not trying to kill us, then maybe, others will be included in that circle of trust. (for the answer to the plant, Ari will let Legs answer. If it is a common plant, Ari will make any corrections, or futher explanations as necessary. If it requires a roll, to know the plant, Ari failied (the 16 I rolled)).

Thursday December 2nd, 1999 11:36:59 PM

After his speach, Ari will look around at his friends, to register their reaction, then he will duck into the tunnel.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday December 3rd, 1999 2:16:59 AM

Signalling Asbury down, Bulldog follows "I presume it will be a lifetime of testing faith, mr Avro" Then pursues Ari down the dark opening.

Tag Along 
Friday December 3rd, 1999 8:47:59 AM

"Let me lead im the smallest, and i have a way with crawling fast and staying unseen." he says as he gets excited about something he can finally do well.

Friday December 3rd, 1999 2:05:59 PM

Catcher watches Arvo's reaction as everyone starts going into the tunnel. He closes one eye, trying to get ready for the darkness, and when he thinks it will be adjusted, goes in the tunnel.

Friday December 3rd, 1999 8:51:59 PM

(OOC, OOps about the Ari/Legs mix up i am in last week of student teaching/find a job mode and not paying alot of attention to outside things) Wynd looks at the others and then at Arvo, still not sure whether to trust his as he just once again sidestepped a question asked of him, And after conversing with Legs about the plant, "What do you mean you conversed with it?", Wynd will bring up the rear of the party entering even after Arvo does.

Pier One (DM)  d20=8 d20=4 d20=11
Saturday December 4th, 1999 11:04:59 PM

The tunnel goes only a short distance before ending behind a pile of crates under the boardwalk. Arvo quickly leads you through the jumbled maze of discarded items, taking the group several hundred feet to another set of crates. He turns and quickly explains, "The Captain will be coming in early tonight to take in a load of supplies – these..." Arvo indicates the boxes you stand next to. "His crew knows nothing about ‘passengers’, and it’s best if we keep it that way." He looks meaningfully at each of you for a moment. "Now, we’ve got a few hours ‘till end-day. I suggest you work on making these crates as comfortable as possible, as it’ll be two days before they arrive at their destination." Arvo lifts the lid on one, revealing some straw lining, and several sacks of fruit and wineskins. " I’ve already done some of it for you. Now, listen well: This cargo will ‘accidentally’ be lost overboard, at night, near the far end of Blackbird Lake. Once you make it to shore, you are to do as before, avoiding towns, roads, people. In fact, there is a road at the top of the beach that hugs the lake, leading to Ajax. Cross this, and continue on into the countryside toward the setting sun. A journey of a day or so will bring you to the banks of the Adow River. With luck, you’ll be far enough north of the town of Akadern to avoid trouble – there’s a bridge about a day’s travel north of that town, right where the river forks into east and west branches. Be very careful crossing this bridge! From there, continue with the instructions you received earlier." Arvo stops for a moment, rummaging around in his jerkin, before retrieving a small frosted-blue bottle sealed with red wax. Handing it to Bulldog, he says, "This potent item was bought at a great price – keep it well! In your darkest moment, it will bring healing to one person." With that, Arvo seems finished with what he wanted to say, and makes ready to help you into the crates (there are a total of five).

Tag Along 
Sunday December 5th, 1999 5:57:59 AM

"Boy thats goignt o be a boring trip if we get in them alone. Or one tight trip if we dont. I suggest we have a code of knocks to let each other know we are alright from with in. As talking migh be discouraged. He walks over and taps 2 times on the crate. That will mean we are fine. Then taps 5 times a little louder. "That will mean we are in trouble. I also suggest we find are selves wine bottles. In case nature calls we dont want to sit around in are own Pee. Had to do that enough at the scrag house.

Across Blackbird Lake

Sunday December 5th, 1999 11:30:59 PM

"I think it might be easier to actually conserve. Sips only when severly thirstly, and one piece of food every 4 hours or so, depending upon what we have total here." Ari begins rummaging around the boxes to take an inventory of what is available.

Legs / 'Allsor' 
Monday December 6th, 1999 1:12:59 AM

[Earlier] Legs answers Wynd's questions about the Dragon Creeper, from which the flower petals came which cured the colds of those that had them. He also shows her the leaf he took from the plant, and describes how he had been praying for guidance, and suddenly the plant just starting growing up out of a crack in the roof. Legs reports the gist of the conversation he had with it. / When Arvo declines the return of fruit and money, Legs says, "I just want, as much as possible, to hold up the agreements I make, and not cheat honest people. Thank you again."

Legs / 'Allsor' 
Monday December 6th, 1999 1:16:59 AM

[Now] Arvo, sir, what do you think of having Asbury - that's his dog," he says, indicating Bulldog, "be outside of the crates?" He asks Bulldog, "Or do you think he'd be all right in a crate with you? You're both kinda big." Meanwhile, he begins gathering additional straw and such, and helping to arrange the interiors of the crates. "Do you two want to be in a crate together?" Legs asks Wynd and Nightshade.

Monday December 6th, 1999 1:29:59 PM

Catcher begins rummaging around for planks of wood to be used as oars, "When we go overboard, we're going to need a way to get to shore. I think we need to pair up swimmers with non-swimmers, just in case. Tag, that's a good idea about the wine bottles."

Stowaway Preparations (DM) 
Monday December 6th, 1999 1:39:59 PM

The crates vary in size, with the smallest being 3'x4'x4', and the largest being 4'x6'x5'. There are a total of 5 wine skins, and 25 pieces of fruit, along with 12 chunks of cheese, and 5 loaves of bread. Arvo says, "I'm afraid the dog must go in the crate -- otherwise I'm not sure how you'll be able to stay together. The boxes will be on deck throughout the trip, so don't make any noise, or the deckhands will hear." Arvo continues helping you in preparing the crates. Tag finds several discarded wine bottles scattered throughout the area to use as portable latrines. Catcher locates parts of broken boxes that could be used as paddles. ::One more round of posting of intents and suggestions before Arvo seals the crates::

Monday December 6th, 1999 8:50:59 PM

Is there any packing blankets or Hay about to make us more comfortable, Bull, you may have to muzzle Ash with a belt or something if he dosen't want to sit still and quiet.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday December 7th, 1999 12:19:59 AM

"I think Asbury will be alright with me .... won't ya boy ... "reaches down to scatch him between the ears then gently picks him up and sets him down in the largest crate, Then drops his gear in and makes things as cormfortable as possible, before crawling in with his friend " hey tags ... let me have one of those" (wine bottles)"two days thats a long time.... " the turns to Avro "I will keep this safe ... thank you"

Tuesday December 7th, 1999 2:34:59 AM

Gathers those things he will need. "Safe journey, and see you all on the other side"

Tuesday December 7th, 1999 4:35:59 AM

The mentioning of being crated doesnt seem to bother her but as Arvo metions the part about being lost over board, Wynd lets out a little whimper and tears slowly start falling. Iiiiii'm nnnoottt sssurree Iiiii ccccann dddoo ttthhhis. Iiiii cccan't sswwimmm annd tthhosse shhhharkkks.

Tag Along 
Tuesday December 7th, 1999 7:57:59 AM

::looks real proud at catchers words:: "THanks catcher, guess even a idiot can get lucky with ideas every now and again. I can swim good but not strong. Wood floats thou, so when we get thrown in use the crates to help. And swimming aint that hard. Here is a song on how to swim. "Well, you put your right hand foward then you pull back. You kick your legs where fins you do lack. You put the left hand out. And pull back and raise your head to shout. Except shout you dont doo, or your muth will be full of see goo. Take a deep breath now, then repeat the lyrics and swim WOW!

Legs / 'Allsor' 
Tuesday December 7th, 1999 10:51:59 AM

Legs laughs at Tag's song. "You're so funny," he says, giving him a punch in the arm (but not hard). Then, a serious expression on his face, he says to Wynd, "I know, it's kind of scary. But Nightshade can swim. Also," he holds up one of the wineskins, "when this is empty, fill it with air, and cap it. See the cord on the wineskin? Pull it up to the top of your arm. It floats." / The tall boy looks at the five crates, and counts the nine travellers. "How about Bulldog, Asbury & Tag Along in the biggest crate? That leaves six for four. Catcher and Singer in the next one. Singer - can take carry my stick? That leaves four for three. Wynd and Nightshade in the next. Ari, you get this medium small one, and I'll take the smallest one. Unless somebody wants to go with someone else. Arvo, can you tie them together once the crates are on board? Or maybe have a big one on each end, and tie one of the medium ones to a big one, and a medium and small to the other big one." He assists with the arrangements. Before everyone is packed away, Legs says, "Let's stand in a circle for a minute." He holds his hands out, palms up and out to grab the hands of those on either side. "We are brothers and sisters. The good god is watching over us, I believe. Each of us is here for a reason. May the good god keep a watch, and we for one another." He then finishes arranging his crate, and climbs inside. "Thank you, caravan master Arvo." He whispers, "For both your diversions today." Legs scrunches his 5'10" frame into the small crate.

Tuesday December 7th, 1999 11:00:59 AM

"Wynd, sharks are in salt water. We're going in the lake." He agrees to take Legs' stick in the crate with Catcher. In the circle, Singer says, "Good luck, everybody. You've already left home, but now," he closes his eyes, "I'm really leaving home."

Tuesday December 7th, 1999 1:26:59 PM

Catcher passes out planks to everyone, tries to get some last minute packing of straw/rags (from nearby crates) to make things comfortable, and then gets in the box that Legs indicates. "Guys, when we finally get out of these coffins, our legs are going to be cramped - take it slow on swimming and walking." ::To himself, Catcher is a little uncomfortable with the hand-holding ceremony, and wonders if the god Legs is praying to is the same as Nightshade's::

Boxed In (DM) 
Tuesday December 7th, 1999 1:59:59 PM

Arvo finishes helping everyone into the boxes, and then nails the lids shut on each, saying "I’m not sure how the Captain plans on stowing the boxes on his ship, other than he’ll keep you boxes deck-side." After finishing, he says, "Oh, one more thing, although it’s not so important now: It’s a good thing those priests didn’t lay a hold of you – tonight is the Joining ceremony here in Abderus." With that, you hear Arvo footsteps receding. An hour, then two, or perhaps three, passes, and you hear several sets of feet approaching. Each of you feels you crate being shoved along the ground for some distance, and then hear the strain of men as each box is tilted slightly. The next moment, you are swaying back and forth, and can hear water lapping against the shore. After a few more minutes, the swinging motion stops with a jarring ‘THUD’ as each of your boxes drops onto a wood floor. The sound of other boxes landing nearby, the sawing of rope as it slips across wood, the calls of sailors, and the rocking of the crates lets you know your on board at this point. Again, there is a wait that seems forever, and it isn’t until one of the seaman, wandering near your area, is overhead talking to another, that you discover that a storm is brewing over the lake, causing some concern about leaving port, "Yep, the Captain is worried about getting these supplies over to Ajax – he’ll have Aporp’s head for leaving them stashed under the boardwalk and forgetting about ‘em….Aflor was mad as all get-out when the Captain showed up yesterday without the herbs."

The Scream(s) (DM) 
Tuesday December 7th, 1999 2:10:59 PM

More time passes, and then it finally seems that things are about to get underway (perhaps 4 hours have passed since the loading). You hear the call for "Cast Off!" and hear the sails being hoisted. Then, you hear the screams! The screams of children! The sounds seem almost inhuman, and it takes you a moment to realize that they are coming from across the water, not aboard ship. ::(Each of you needs to make a save vs. Wisdom to retain your wits in the midst of the blood-curdling sounds):: The sailors aboard ship seem to not be hearing what you are hearing, but shortly afterwards, you hear heavy steps approach your crates, and a low voice states, "That is the truth behind the Joining, my young friends." And then the steps disappear across the deck.

Ari  d20=11
Tuesday December 7th, 1999 3:09:59 PM

Ari bundles himself into a ball, and shuts his eyes in order to try to close out the screams. When the screaming stops, Ari contines to keep his eyes shut, until he falls asleep.

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=7
Tuesday December 7th, 1999 11:55:59 PM

After understanding what the voice from the deck meant. Bulldog pulls Asbury close for comfort hearing the screams from the children. "you ok tags ...." whispers. then settles in for the journey for the dark journey.

Wynd  d20=8
Wednesday December 8th, 1999 12:50:59 AM

Not at all happy about being in a crate on a boat in a lake, even if there are no sharks, and the fact that Wynd has had little or no real rest in two days, makes it almost easy for her to fall asleep with her head on Nightshade's shoulder. As the screeming begins, somewhere in Wynd's mind she recognizes it for what it is and her dreams turn to thorny sticks poking out of peoples necks and reliving Skippy's encounter with the red cloth. She starts to lightly moan and whimper in her sleep.

Catcher  d20=13
Wednesday December 8th, 1999 3:49:59 AM

::Barely made Wisdom check:: Catcher manages to clamp his teeth to keep from screaming along with those sounds across the lake. A mad look momentarily passes his eye, although Singer can't see this in the dark. It is only the reassuring feel of his grandfather's daggers that help him focus on his sanity. The voice of the man on deck confirms what he already suspected, convincing him that death was preferrable to going through that Ceremony.

Tag Along  d20=16
Wednesday December 8th, 1999 6:26:59 AM

::AHHHHHH::: he hears teh screams of agony. All his life he just liked to here people laugh and play. As he sings and tells songs, but now the agony is too much. And he gently begins to rock back and forth sobbing like the small boy he is::

Singer  d20=13
Wednesday December 8th, 1999 7:14:59 AM

The sound puts Agur's teeth on edge. He makes no sound. He remembers the story Ozymandius told the children on the cusp of young adulthood, and of the heart spiders. Through his mind passes the image of the floating heads of Lucky and Three-Eyes, and the evil implanted within them. In his thoughts he prays, "Let us - teach us - what we can do to stop these ... this ... oh, stop the terror. Our people are caught. Our people are caught."

[Last post was Legs, not Singer] 
Wednesday December 8th, 1999 7:16:59 AM

[OOC: One of the dangers of father & son using the same computer.]

Singer  d20=17
Wednesday December 8th, 1999 9:49:59 AM

Singer hears the screams. He holds his hands to his ears, and bites his lip till it bleeds. [failed save]

For guys named 'Bob' (DM) 
Wednesday December 8th, 1999 1:22:59 PM

The screams seem to go on forever, but perhaps they only last 30 minutes, with some stopping sooner than others (Those of you who made saves are, somehow, able to drift off to sleep. The others spend a restless night, unable to get the sound of our their heads). Morning comes, as light filters in through your crates, and after an eternity the sun disappears again. Another long night draws on after this, interrupted with the coming of a storm. It is during this time, that, startled awake by the sensation of falling, you find your crates hitting the water with a SPLASH. Immediately, the slight cradling sensation you’ve felt during the boat trip is replaced by the violent rocking of waves. Water starts to seep into the containers.

Ari  d20=16 d20=5 d20=14
Wednesday December 8th, 1999 3:59:59 PM

Waiting as long as he dares, to let the ship get away. Attempting to break out, he doesn't lose his cool when his first attempt doesn't work. On the second try he manages to start breaking out of his crate. (first roll was strength check, 2nd was int/wis check not to go nuts, 3rd was 2nd strength check).

Nightshade  d20=20
Wednesday December 8th, 1999 4:28:59 PM

Wynd sees Nightshade stare at the ring she holds as the screams begin, she begins talking to herself tears streaming down her cheeks, it seems like she can feel the deaths of all those children, each one taking it's toll upon her, with each one shem seems to be adding something up, some total, some list.//// As the moring comes and the water begins to streem in Nightshade is still rocking back and forth going over her list. She dosen't seem to notice the water at first.

Catcher  d20=2 d20=17
Wednesday December 8th, 1999 7:46:59 PM

Waiting until it seems that the crate is a third full of water, Catcher says to Singer, "Help me out of this crate, would ya'?" He bangs up against the nailed-down lid, and easily knocks it open, but keep the lid from rising too far. Peering out, he looks for the other crates, for the ship, and for the shore. Gingerly, he stretches his legs and back, then quickly starts dishing out water with one of the pee-bottles, keeping the box lid over his head to prevent the storm from filling up the crate with rain.

Wynd  d20=17
Wednesday December 8th, 1999 11:32:59 PM

Being jolted awaked by the rough motion of the waves and the feel of cold water lapping at her sides, Wynd bolts up into a sitting position with a shrill scream of fear. "Nightshade get up, I think we are sinking" Wynd proceeds to try and open the crate but only manages to turn them onto their sides and increase the water inflow. Wynd is approaching Hysteria.

Tag Along 
Thursday December 9th, 1999 6:54:59 AM

::quickly undoes the top of the crate to see how far they are from land. He ties up his food supply bag and makes sure his darts and daggers havent flown away in the storm he prepares for a long swim.:: "Can any of you see land?

Singer  d20=17
Thursday December 9th, 1999 8:29:59 AM

Tries to help Catcher open the lid, but Catcher's blow is far more effective than his own. He looks around to see if he can see the ship, and the shore. "Can you see any lights, Catcher?"

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=4
Thursday December 9th, 1999 8:34:59 AM

With great ease, Bulldog pops the top off the crate. As waves crash about him, he scans to see if the other crates are about. "you aok Tags .... you seem right ?" if the mighty Bulldog can make out any unopened crates he will make an attempt to swim to them to see if he can work the lids off, then pull it close to the one he , Asbury and Tags started with. "Asbury stay he with Tags" before he goes out.

Legs  d20=7 d20=8
Thursday December 9th, 1999 10:30:59 AM

During the day of waiting, Legs does what little stretching he can, massaging his legs. He bags the extra food, on which he only nibbled a few times during the day. As the light fades, he does as he suggested to Wynd with the wineskin Arvo left, as well as with his own wineskin, filling them with air. He ties one to his big leather bag, and one to his knapsack, to help keep them afloat once the nighttime departure occurs. / Dreaming he is flying, the boy awakens, jarred as his crate strikes the water. After gaining an orientation as to which way is up now, the boy butts open the top of the crate. Leaving the bags in the crate, he pushes a cord through a crack in the slats. He dives out of the crate, managing to do so without capsizing it. And grabs the cord, pulling it taut, and using it to pull the crate behind him. "Hello. Hello. It's me, Legs. Wynd? Poison? Catch? Ari? Bulldog? Asbury? Tags? Singer? Hello!" He works to get the group together. "Which way to shore?"

Nightshade  d20=9 d20=9
Thursday December 9th, 1999 5:03:59 PM

Nightshade seems to snap out of her nightmare whit the scream from her friend. "Hold STILL, Wynd, now hold my hand. the water is going to come russing in, but I got you OK?" With that she gathers up everything she can and kicks the top off the crate.

Stormy Matters (DM Dave)  d20=6
Friday December 10th, 1999 1:07:59 AM

Although you’ve seen more severe weather, this is definitely not a light storm. Absent are the thunder and lightning, but the downpour more than makes up for this. Peering about in the overcast (caused by sheets of rain), you are able to spot the other crates floating nearby, but the ship is nowhere in sight, and only Legs can hazard a guess on which direction the shoreline lies. The box that the two girls are in rapidly takes in water (as it was sideways when finally opened by Nightshade), and sinks within a few seconds. Catcher is not having a lot of luck in keeping out the water from his and Singer’s crate – it still is a third full of water after a minute of using the wine bottle. The other crates are suffering the same fate of sinking slowly, with Leg’s crate taking on the least water as he pulls his along.

Friday December 10th, 1999 9:44:59 AM

Legs observes the direction of the waves and wind, and what he perceives to be the direction to shore. "Everyone stick together. We have to go that way!" He directs his friends shoreward. "Do you have things to float on? The pieces of wood and such? The air-filled wineskins? Everybody needs to have something. Even if you stick a thumb over the top of a bottle, or a finger in it to help keep water from getting in, it will help you float. Don't get your finger stuck, though. If you can't swim, hold on to someone who can. But you only need your mouth or nose above the water, not your whole head and shoulders. Don't pull each other down." He makes sure each person, and dog, is accounted for. "Okay, we're going to swim for a while, then rest a little. Swim again, then rest. It's not a race. We can do it a little at a time. Catcher - you're one of the best swimmers. Can you help keep an eye on Wynd? Everybody okay? Stay close to the crate. Let's go." He begins to pull with he left arm, hanging on to the cord hooked to the crate. His legs do the scissors kick.

Saturday December 11th, 1999 2:17:59 AM

Singer bobs up and down, and empties the rest of the liquid out of the wineskin. He blows into it, filling it with air. He closes it. Staying on the right side of the group, he begins swimming forward. His lip hurts.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Saturday December 11th, 1999 4:49:59 AM

Above the wind and the heaving waves ,he hears Legs' plan. Bulldog keeps a close watch on Asbury. Keeping him close. "ok ... Legs , we'll follow ... " trusting in Legs's judgement. Swimmimg & pulling the crate top, to float on while they rest. (will put asbury on the wood plank if he tires as well as keeping watch over others who may need help)

Tag Along 
Saturday December 11th, 1999 7:14:59 AM

"What a mess." jhe says as water form the rain soakes his face. He quickly takes the lid of the crate to use for balance and to keep afloat. "Well on thing being a slag was good for is at least we had swim leasons." he says as he begins to follwo instructions to swim together as a group and towards shoreline. "I sure hope your right." he says to the voice over the storm that states the direction of the storm.

Wynd  d2=2 d2=2 d100=48 d2=2 d2=1 d20=14 d100=31
Saturday December 11th, 1999 4:40:59 PM

Almost panicking as their crate sinks beneath the waves, Wynd does manage to remember to retrieve one of their four wine skins and proceeds somehow to make it empty of liquid and full of air. while doing this she notice that the salt water kind of made her seem like she was floating and while the waves and storm were rough, she finally has the feeling that she might live through this ordeal. Looping the air-filled wine skin over her arm and tucking it under her other one, She tries to remember what she was told by Father about water survival. About all she can recall is something about not thrashing about and working t=your arms and legs as if you were running in order to help you stay above water.**what was that called? Not swimming. Tramping water? no, but something close. ah treading water.** While not very good at this treading water, the combined efforts of the wineskin and the feeble attempt at treading water do manage to keep Wynd afloat.

Ari  d20=19
Saturday December 11th, 1999 6:28:59 PM

As Ari speaks, you can see his eyes getting more round, and more of the whites of his eyss appearing, "I don't think I can do this. There's no sight of land, and what makes you so sure that the land is that way? (as indicated), why isn't it this way (some direction), or this direction (some other, new direction). I'm not going to be able to swim, i'm just going to sink like a rock. Why can't we just sit here an float to shore? You always see stuff washing up on shore, so why can't we just float to shore? (his voice starts to approach the 'hysterical' level).

Legs  d20=10
Saturday December 11th, 1999 7:30:59 PM

Observing Ari's growing panic, Legs takes a moment to break the lid off of Ari's crate before it sinks. "Ari, hold on to this with your hands. You can kick up and down with your feet behind you. Keep your toes pointed. That'll move you forward. Now, Ari, if we all stick together, we'll all make it. We're going this way. Morning will come. We're gonna make it, Ari. Now, kick."

Sunday December 12th, 1999 3:30:59 PM

Giving up the bottle, Catcher jumps into the lake and swims over to check on Nightshade and Wynd, saying, "Don’t struggle, the worst that’ll happen is that everything gets wet. The boards on these boxes aren’t water-logged, so we can still float on top of them. Here, grab hold of the edge of the box, and kick behind with you legs." Catcher keeps and eye on the others, to make sure no one lags behind as the group starts moving.

Drowned Rats (DM Dave)  d20=8 d20=16 d20=2 d20=17 d20=9 d20=10 d20=15 d20=10
Sunday December 12th, 1999 3:31:59 PM

Everyone manages to stay afloat, and with guidance from the swimmers, the children of Adorus make it to shore after 20 exhausting minutes. It is still dark, and the rain has not abated in the slightest as everyone drags up onto the beach. Scrub trees can be seen starting about 30 feet from the shore, and the area looks deserted.

Catcher  d20=14 d20=4
Sunday December 12th, 1999 3:37:59 PM

After taking a moment to recover enough to stand, Catcher says, "Okay, gather as many crates as you can – we’re going to need them for shelter. I’m going to check out what’s past those trees, and see if I can’t find us a good camping spot." Catcher walks off towards the trees, being careful to stay as hidden as possible once he reaches them. He is looking for an area that won’t be flooding with the rain, preferably under a tree. Once found, he heads back to the group.

Sunday December 12th, 1999 4:25:59 PM

Carries out Catcher's suggestion, pulling everyone together to collect as many of the crates and other helpful flotsam and jetsam as possible.

Sunday December 12th, 1999 7:22:59 PM

Helps out with the gathering of the crates, and taking inventory of what is on or available at the beach.

Monday December 13th, 1999 12:53:59 AM

"Everyone stay ;ow and off teh beach as much as possible, also stay very quiet, sound carrys over watter a long way."

Wynd  d20=17 d20=16
Monday December 13th, 1999 2:24:59 AM

Finally getting to shore and unbelievably able to aviod falling asleep, Wynd helps drag the crates up on shore and looks to set up the crates for the maximum protection from the wind and rain. (Survival proficiency)

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday December 13th, 1999 6:25:59 AM

As the storm still menaces them. Bulldog walks into the shallows , helping the very tied Asbury to the beach. "Its ok , boy ...we made it just fine .." as he sees the others draaging the crates into shore ... "hey ,we don't want to leave an clues that we were here. bringing all this in, will be a tell tale sign something amiss happened here ..." Then checks his gear, making sure everything is secured still. Then upon Catchers return, he will follow to the cover of the trees "com'on Asbury" Will help the more tired friends in getting there.

Tag Along 
Monday December 13th, 1999 7:48:59 AM

::huh huh"" "We made it unbelievable. Everyone ok? he says exhausted pulling his frail body up onto the beech. Quickly collapsing he makes sure he has his food supplies. "Well we have to make it to a new town now. We might want to think of stealing or finding some new clothes. Brine stained clothes make us stick out like a swore thumb. SO will not having a evil worm out of are neck.

Monday December 13th, 1999 8:20:59 AM

"What brine?" asks Legs. "We just got out of a freshwater lake. The clothes'll be all right."

Beached (DM) 
Monday December 13th, 1999 7:03:59 PM

Catcher discovers a road 50 feet beyond the trees, running left to right. Across the highway, more trees, a little taller, can be seen stretching off into the rain. Back on the beach, the crew works to regroup. Everyone is able to locate their belongings (everything's soaked, so paper items will be ruined). None of the fruit or wine/water remain from what was given by Arvo -- it was consumed during the vessel voyage.

Tuesday December 14th, 1999 1:29:59 AM

Checking to make sure the road is clear, Catcher goes across and scouts out an area further in the trees. Assuming he finds a well-hidden spot, he heads back to the group.

Tuesday December 14th, 1999 5:33:59 AM

Recovers his hardwood rod from Singer. Goes to talk with Ari. "How're you doin'? You did great with the kicking through the water, once you pointed your toes."

Tuesday December 14th, 1999 5:40:59 AM

Singer gives Legs his wooden stick. As he works with the others in getting things organized, and squeezing the water out of his clothes and possessions, he begins to think of a way to turn the events of the last day or two into a song.

Tuesday December 14th, 1999 7:56:59 AM

"Well, right now I'm cold, tired, and I want to go to sleep. I guess we can talk about it in the morning, once we get things setup here. Though we probably want to find this road we were told about, and cross over it and get out of sight of the road, before we settle in."

Wednesday December 15th, 1999 12:24:59 AM

Nightshade begins filling the water skins in the freshwater lake. she also tramps around a bit tring to confuse all the prints left on the beach.

Tag Along 
Wednesday December 15th, 1999 6:27:59 AM

"Lets make a fire with this wood and get warm. Dry are clothes and rest a little in the tree line. Perhaps look about for some food as we do. But lets not move down the road just yet im tired and i dont want to get a cold.

Wednesday December 15th, 1999 7:16:59 AM

"We might want to cross the road, and walk for at least, I don't know, say a thousand paces. Remember that Arvo told us to cross the road, and to 'continue on into the countryside toward the setting sun.'" Legs looks back toward Blackbird Lake, up and down the beach, and toward the road to Ajax. "It'd be good to be some ways away from the road before we think about resting. Besides, we rested a lot in those boxes already. And walking will help our clothes to dry some before we lie down." Then he lifts his face toward the falling rain, and laughs at what he just said. "Well, forget about I said about drying off. At least the rain will help mask our passage. But what do the rest of you think?"

Scouring the Countryside/Scouring Rain (DM Dave) 
Wednesday December 15th, 1999 2:09:59 PM

Catcher discovers a sheltered area some one hundred yards on the far side of the road, and returns to the group out by the lake. It is still nighttime, and the rain is still pouring. At this point, everything that can be salvaged has been by the group. A total of three crates were dragged up on shore.

Wednesday December 15th, 1999 2:13:59 PM

When Catcher gets back, he says, "Hey guys, I found a good area for us to get out of the rain -- it's on the far side of that road Arvo told us about. I think we should take those crates with us, and make a shelter. I don't want any of us to get sick." He looks around to see what everyone has managed to save from the lake.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday December 16th, 1999 1:26:59 AM

"Good idea Legs , we should at least go 1000 paces or so .... I'm all cramped up from being stuck in that crate for two days ... moving will get our blood moving and keep us warm" Bulldog says as he begins to break down the crates onto plank form, so that they will be easier to carry for firewood. (as well as get rid of any evidence that anyone was here) Asbury noses around. Smelling the new scents as he bounds about, stretching those tired muscles.

Tag Along 
Thursday December 16th, 1999 6:34:59 AM

"Ok lets get dry!" he says as he pulls out his flute and clears the water out with a sharp breath. "Whoosh." the water stuck in the flute goes all over Bulldog, as he lets out a small laugh. "Sorry." he says as he runs ahead for the shelter.

Thursday December 16th, 1999 6:54:59 AM

Legs laughs at Tag Along's antics. "Thanks, Catcher, for finding it. Let's get set up in the spot you found. Should we have someone stay awake to make sure nothing sneaks up on us?" He awaits responses, then adds, "Maybe a couple of us can do some scouting ahead for a few hundred yards while the rest of you all get settled down. Bulldog, you and Asbury want to join me? We can get a feel for what's beyond where we're sleeping."

Thursday December 16th, 1999 6:55:59 AM

"I would think that the big thing would be to make sure that the fire cannot be seen from the road. ANd make sure the road is clear as we cross it". Ari will get ready to help move everything to the shelter.

Thursday December 16th, 1999 6:57:59 AM

He helps get things moved to the campsite, yawning frequently. "I'll help watch tomorrow night." He lies down, and falls quickly to sleep.

Wynd  d20=11
Thursday December 16th, 1999 10:26:59 PM

(OOC. This will be Wynd's last post until the 27th as noone volunteered to play her for me while I was gone. i believe Kim and Jerry have copies of her should anyone wish to be a last second volunteer. Have a good and safe holiday) Wynd will help set up camp and will volunteer for scouting duty in the morning when it is lighter. After setting up camp and checking with those who are to be scouting and on watch, Wynd takes some time to find the most likey and most accessible routes in to their camp and sets two snares on each route.(made set snares prof. roll)

Interlude (DM)  d20=17 d20=2 d20=2 d20=11 d20=18 d20=15 d20=4 d20=13
Thursday December 16th, 1999 10:35:59 PM

The group heads away from the beach, and carefully steals across the highway to the forest beyond. After a few minutes, a good campsite is spotted at the base of a ridge, facing away from the road. Camp is quickly set, but nothing found is dry enough to burn for a warming fire. Heads nod as the strain from being confined in a box has worn out even the hardiest of you. Quickly, the hum of the rain lulls all to sleep. When you awaken, the weather has let up, and sunlight is shining on your faces (most of your belongins are dry, as well). You are roused by the sound of galloping horses coming from the forest, headed your direction.

Re: Wynd 
Friday December 17th, 1999 1:02:59 AM

[OOC: I'll play her for you --Kim]

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday December 17th, 1999 3:46:59 AM

Asbury springs up to rigid attention. Ears and eyes intent upon the closing pounding of hooves. A low whispering growl comes from deep in his chest, as he searches. A strong hand then slowly reaches from behind and draws the attentive beast into cover, behind a large tree trunk.

Saturday December 18th, 1999 4:34:59 AM

Eyes wild, Catcher jumps up, and bites back a curse at the sound of the horses. After making sure everyone else is up, he quickly heads sideways to the sound of the animals, trying to find cover.

Sunday December 19th, 1999 12:06:59 AM

"Up, quick!" Legs goes to each one still lying down. "This way. Hurry." After he is sure all are up, he points down the way he briefly explored before allowing himself to fall asleep. In an intense whisper he says, "Come, bring your stuff. Let's hide in the forest! Quick and quiet." Perhaps twenty to forty yards past where the children rested, Legs points out likely places to hide, shoves his bags under a bush, then himself climbs a tree, his rod with him. He prays silently for his friends.

Sunday December 19th, 1999 12:54:59 PM

Moving twenty to forty yards away from the camp (depending upon time), Ari will hide under a tree/bush, or whatever he can find, keeping whatever parts of the forest he can, between himself and the approaching riders.

Sunday December 19th, 1999 1:22:59 PM

Wynd looks for a good place to hide. "Nightshade, here!" she whispers to her friend.

Sunday December 19th, 1999 5:25:59 PM

Singer climbs a tree near the one Legs is in. He pulls out his net, makes sure it is ready to use, and waits.

Dog-gone it! (DM)  d20=7 d20=8 d20=10
Sunday December 19th, 1999 7:49:59 PM

The sound of horses steadily draws closer, and now you can make out the barking of dogs -- they seem to be headed directly toward you hiding places!

Sunday December 19th, 1999 10:22:59 PM

Nightshade moves to follow Wynd, but upon hearing the dogs she flinches, she could out swim the dogs but her friends could not, none of them can out run a horse/dog team. She pulls her dagger from its leg sheeth and motions for her friends to move into the jungle quickly and hide, she thenn moves to the side of the clearing near a tree she can climb quickly if need be. There she stands awaiting fate.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday December 20th, 1999 2:18:59 AM

Seeing the young lass stand and await her fate alone. The tough young man stands and walks over to Nightshade and stands, resloved, beside her. "we stand together .... as family does !" a grim stance, as he draws forth his handaxe. the pounding of hooves and the baying of dogs draws so close .... his blood boils with tension ..... as fate calls.

Monday December 20th, 1999 6:10:59 AM

Catcher climbs the nearest large tree, trying to get up high enough to provide cover, and draws and arrow in his bow, waiting for what is to come.

Monday December 20th, 1999 6:44:59 AM

Whispers "We can still try to surprise the dogs, if they are after us." Ari will undo his bedroll, and pull out his rapier. Then he'll stand, still trying to keep stuff in the way, but making ready for a battle.

Tag Along 
Monday December 20th, 1999 7:11:59 AM

::quickly climbs the tree and pulls out darts:: "Fine you stand and ill stay up here so not to be trampled. A horse might mistake me for straw." he says a joke trying to lighten things up so know one panics.

Monday December 20th, 1999 8:07:59 AM

'Hoo boy,' he thinks to himself, as Nightshade and Bulldog decide to place themselves in more or less plain sight. 'This is going to be interesting.'

Monday December 20th, 1999 6:52:59 PM

He tries to get a fix on where everyone is. As he waits, he wonders whether the horses and dogs are looking for them specifically, or just happen to be going through the forest, on a hunt perhaps. In any event, he prepares for action if necessary. He plans ways his hardwood rod can swing down, or thrust down, to defend or attack. He looks at the ground beneath to determine the best places to land and roll should he need to get down quickly. He looks over at Singer.

Dog Days (DM Dave)  d20=3 d20=7
Monday December 20th, 1999 8:36:59 PM

From the shadows of the undergrowth, three huge shapes dash out and toward Nightshade and Bulldog -- three huge wolfhounds with thick grey coats of fur and mouths wide. Crashing noises can be heard further behind, as the horses struggle to break into the clearing.

Monday December 20th, 1999 10:48:59 PM

Singer begins meowing and hissing like a cat. "Miiiiaaaauuuuu. Hisst! Fssst! Meooooow." He wants to draw away the dogs' attention from their visual focus on the two (er, three) on the ground.

Singer  d20=17
Monday December 20th, 1999 10:50:59 PM

Also - if a dog draws near, he tosses his net over it.

Tuesday December 21st, 1999 8:13:59 AM

Ari remains concealed until the attack is underway, and to see how closely behind the horses are, if he can. Muttering under his breath, "If they pursue us, I sure wish we had a trip wire, or they could trip on the underbrush".

Tag Along 
Tuesday December 21st, 1999 8:19:59 AM

::tries to stay hidden up in the tree not moving and hoping he is not sited::

Tuesday December 21st, 1999 10:44:59 AM

Wynd finds a low big branch, and pulls back on it as far as she can. If something comes her way, she'll let the branch whip out against it.

Legs  d20=15
Tuesday December 21st, 1999 10:48:59 AM

Legs takes out his knife, and cuts off a branch from above. The part closest to the tree he quickly cuts to a point, and then lowers it down a little, point first, planning to thrust with it at an opportune moment.

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=8 d20=14
Wednesday December 22nd, 1999 1:00:59 AM

As the 3 huge hounds rush towards nightshades and himself, Bulldog strides forward silently to meet the beasts. Rushing forward in an attempt to knock one down before swinging mightly with his axe, at the next. asbury sweeps around to attack from the rear. niopping at the beast hindquarters. grrrrrrrrrrrr

Catcher  d20=16 d20=14 d6=4 d6=4
Wednesday December 22nd, 1999 5:06:59 AM

Catcher lets loose with two arrows at one of the charging hounds (hits AC 4 and AC 6 for 4 hp dmg each).

All Bite (DM)  d20=15 d20=19 d20=14 d6=4 d6=5 d6=2
Wednesday December 22nd, 1999 10:33:59 AM

For being so large, you’ve never seen something move so quickly as these dogs spring to the attack. Catcher’s arrows manage to hit the first, and it yelps in pain, before latching onto Bulldog’s left leg (4 hp dmg). The other two dogs turn and attack Asbury, each tearing into him (for a total of 7 hp). Both Bulldog’s and Asbury’s attacks fail to connect. Back at the edge of the clearing, you see four horsemen burst into view, one of which immediately shouts, "Hie! Get around, get around! Hie!"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday December 23rd, 1999 2:50:59 AM

"arrrrr" as the pain rips through his leg Bulldog staggeringly falls to the ground. He grabs his leg where the mighty beast had clamped down in it's fog of andrenilin. Then he hears the deathly howl from Asbury as his companion is buried in avalanche of fangs and fur. His own physical pain fades as his heart is torn asunder from the fear of what has just occurred to his friend. "Noooooooooo..." he crawls to his friend to ...............

Catcher  d20=10 d20=4
Thursday December 23rd, 1999 5:08:59 PM

Too scared that he might hit BullDog with the arrows, Catcher shoots at one of the dogs attacking Asbury, missing both times.

Friday December 24th, 1999 3:24:59 AM

The meowing didn't work. "Hai - yai - yai - yai - yai - whoop whoop whoop - AYYIIIIIIII! - hai aye HAI!" and such the boy yells.

Sunday December 26th, 1999 10:17:59 AM

Wishing he had a bow and arrows like Catcher, Legs decides to see if anyone comes over their direction as the result of Singer's vocalization.

Wynd  d20=8 d20=7
Sunday December 26th, 1999 10:24:59 AM

Her friends in trouble, Wynd worries, and thinks to herself, 'Oh, why did Nightshade stand out in the open?' She lets the branches ease back, and picks up a few rocks. She throws them away from where the other kids are, to knock against some trees off to the side. 'Maybe they'll check over there,' she hopes. Her throws don't go exactly where she was aiming, but in the general neighborhood.

Well-Heeled (DM) 
Monday December 27th, 1999 4:23:59 AM

At the call of the horseman, the great dogs immediately leave off from their ferocious assault, and trot back over to the edge of the clearing near the riders. The one who voiced the call now raises his voice again, "Hail and ill-met! I beg pardon for the injury! Please, let us approach to tend the wounded!" The four remain at the edge of the clearing, awaiting your response. All seem to be hearty and well-skilled with armor and weapon, but have something of a civilized air about them, rather than the feel of woodsmen. The speaker has light-brown hair and light-blue eyes, and armored in some type of linking-metal bands. A great axe is strapped to his saddle. The other three are likewise heavily armored, each carrying an assortment of weaponry, much of which you've never seen before. And the horses -- what magnificient creatures! Each is far taller, and more muscled than any draft horse you've laid eyes on! Each horse is of a different color or breed: A red-brown one, a black one, a white one, and a dark brown one each seem to look at you with more intelligence than you thought possible in such a creature.

Monday December 27th, 1999 5:35:59 AM

As soon as she finishes throwing the rocks, Wynd thinks to herself,What am I doing? And just as quickly reaches down and grabs her sling and several stones. As she does so the riders come up and call of their dogs and offer healing to the injured. As she waits for Catcher or Nightshade to make answer to the newcomers, Wynd has time to wonder why none of her snares seemd to work this time around.

Monday December 27th, 1999 5:50:59 AM

Calling from behind concealment, "And why should we trust those who attack children?". As soon as he stops talking, if it can be done, Ari will move to a new position, about 10-20 feet away, keeping anything he can use as an obstruction between him and the riders.

Legs  d20=8
Monday December 27th, 1999 6:19:59 AM

Legs descends from the tree. He runs over to Bulldog, Asbury and Nightshade. He sees Nightshade appears pale, but unharmed. His face in turn goes pale as he sees the blood coating his stout friend and the dog. He turns, holding his rod diagonally in front of him. "Which one of you knows healing? One may come. On foot. There are archers hidden." Legs tries to remember if there are archers or only one archer, but decides he'll correct himself later if necessary.

Tag Along 
Monday December 27th, 1999 7:17:59 AM

"Who are you." says a voice from the shadows of the trees. "And why do you set your hounds on teenage boys and girls. Those monsters have better things to hunt i bet." he says in a scared voice looking down at bulldog bleeding and dragging himself upon the ground. Fear keeps the young boy in the tree as the well armed and armored men represent authority and the threat of ga'al that drives Tag to think quickly of the screams of agony he heard aboard the ship that fateless night.

Monday December 27th, 1999 9:10:59 AM

Singer stays where he is, now watching to see what happens next. He keeps his net ready.

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