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Of Priests and Gods

Friday November 5th, 1999 7:35:59 PM

Continues towards what should be the docks. Deciding that there might be some information available, he'll look around and see if there might be anywhere that would be convenient to listen to conversation, without being noticed, once he figureds that he's in the area where the Albatross should be docked.

Friday November 5th, 1999 8:24:59 PM

Finding her barrells, Wynd removes her pack, to use as a pillow and arranges her cloak so as to hide herself as best as possible and then curls up for a fitful nap. As she drops off she starts having another series of chills which lead to a feverish dream of being in the ocean and being chased by a blood-red, thorn-covered shark.

Legs / 'Allsor' 
Friday November 5th, 1999 10:21:59 PM

Seeing the disturbance, Legs heads back toward Arvo's stall. When he arrives, seeing the prone priest, he asks Arvo, "What happened here, sir? I sent some customers your way." He points out some who came on his recommendation. [BTW, if Legs sees one of the other two priests reaching for a red scarf, he will whack him on the head with his new mahogany (or whatever kind of wood it is) rod. Not taking offensive action yet - just so you know.]

Bulldog & Asbury 
Sunday November 7th, 1999 12:38:59 AM

As Nightshade determinedly slips past he whispers a reply "new gods that she has just found, please protect her also" Bulldog stops moving and turns ,keeping his knife hidden under his poncho, he awaits ........... getting ready to protect his friends, time for combat, he hardens himself .......... then slowly commits to following the young lass.

Tagalong (by DM Jerry)  d20=13
Sunday November 7th, 1999 2:44:59 AM

Tagalong runs free across the street, a warm feeling in his heart as he exudes bravery from every pore for helping his friend. Then he jerks horribly, coming to a sudden stop and stuck like glue as the evil, horrible spell of the grown-up type person takes effect. Tagalong thinks words he's never voiced before in frustration and anger. He tries viciously, like an animal cornered, to even blink, but he can't. Slowly reality sets in and his soul also freezes as he realizes he's gonna die.

Tagalong (by DM Jerry)  d10=7
Sunday November 7th, 1999 3:20:59 AM

Nightshade ignores Bulldog's instructions to leave and walks towards the priests, her feet slapping the boardwalk. Legs approaches Arvo who simply turns and looks at the boy appraisingly. Panic in his face, he grabs Legs pretending to choke him. He mouths the words, "Get ready. Only chance." Then he turns, cutting a cord causing the canopy over his stall to collapse over the two of them. He then ducks down behind the stall under the canopy jerking Legs with him and pushes over a brazier with some sweet meat cooking on it. Customers run in every direction. Immediately the canopy erupts into flame. Arvo whisperyells, "Watch for your chance. You won't get another. If you can, round your friends up and meet me in the alley behind The Purple Worm Meadhouse. I'll be there in 2 hours and again just after dark. We need to talk. You and your friends are dead unless you get some help. Don't tell anyone what has happened. Don't go home. Don't report for work." Singer, runs to the nearest alley on the north side of the boardwalk where he turns just in time to see Tagalong freeze suddenly to a stop. It looks as if every bone in the Tag's body must have broken to stop like that. (Perception check for Singer to see Wynd curled in a fetal position behind some nearby barrels.) Wynd curls up to sleep, the commotion of her comrades in distress constantly ringing in her ears--louder as they echo in her mind. (perception check to notice Singer enter the alley. You must fail a wisdom check by at least 4 to be able to sleep under such circumstances.) Bulldog slowly and hesitantly follows Nightshade building his courage. Meanwhile, Catcher asks a dockhand about the Albatros. He's answered by a friendly clap on the back, which seems to happen alot around here. "Ahh, mar friend, git lef' b'hind? Sok, it be a fishing boat if'n ya say so. It tooker off two suns ago head'n fer the norther side of yar lake look'n laden wit' cargo. It'll be back'n yon harbor in a sun'r two. Tis a good ship wit' a good cap'n. He'll taker strap to ya, but like ah said, you'll be surviv'n it. On wit' ya now! G'on home like a 'sponsible lad and tak' yar medicine." Ari aproaches the docks and sees several bars with outdoor patios facing the sea filled with sailors and dockworkers taking a morning respite from work. (Perception check to spot Catcher.)

Sunday November 7th, 1999 3:59:59 AM

Sighing heavily, Catcher heads back down the middle of the boardwalk in the direction of his friends. Catching sight of the commotion, he tenses up, realizing something has gone horribly wrong. Looking left and right, trying to spot any of his friends on the walk, he turns perpendicular to the scene ahead, heading to the water on the far side of the fallen tent. If he spots any friends, he quickly beckons with his eyes, indicating that they meet behind a building or tent.

Tag Along 
Sunday November 7th, 1999 5:50:59 AM

::frozen horribly in a position of midrun the small boys momentum causes him to topple over. As he looks down to the wood of the boardwalk he realizes that there is a certain poetry into his death that is about to happen. His favorite game of all was freeze tag, now stuck in a gruesome reality, where the freeze is real and knowing that one of his friends wont be able to save him with a simple tag. The Slag they call tag, feaals the bile of fear ands gags. Frightened out of his wits he awaits the fates.

Singer  d20=13
Sunday November 7th, 1999 7:39:59 PM

Singer turns and notices Wynd. "C'mon, Wynd, Tag is in trouble! We've got to help him..." He tries to help her out of her fetal position, then looks back at the commotion, readying another knife.

Wynd  d20=5
Monday November 8th, 1999 1:56:59 AM

Seeing Singer and hearing all the commotion finally gets through to her and she scrabbles up from behind the barrels "What? What's Tag done now, stolen a fish or somethin? finally getting sight of what has transpired and then following the line of sight to see the priests, Wynd mutters a very unlady-like curse under her breath and gets out her sling. "I might be able to take one out, but I don't know and definately not both. What should we do?

Nightshade (poison)  d20=9
Monday November 8th, 1999 2:05:59 AM

Nightshade stops about 50 feet from the priests and places her hands behind her back, she palms her dagger and awaits the priests reaction.

Legs  d20=20 d20=4 d20=15
Monday November 8th, 1999 2:56:59 AM

Legs grabs a corner of the canopy that's not yet on fire. "We've got to put it out!" he shouts. He runs with the flaming canopy over to the priest that *held* Legs, and drapes it over him. "Who got in the way?" [Perfect hit with nat. 20, no extra w/4] He says, "Get it in the water, so he doesn't burn up." He then drags the bundled priest to the edge of the dock, and pushes him into the lake [15]. On his way past Wynd, he whisper-shouts "Meet at The Purple Worm Meadhouse in two hours." He dives into the water. "I'll save him!" In the water, he drags the bundle under the nearest boat, to make sure the fire is out, and swims to the lake side of the boat, keeping the squirming bundle submerged, again mindful of the danger of fire.

Legs  d20=10
Monday November 8th, 1999 3:19:59 AM

[Correction: the priest that *held* Tag Along.] Once the 'bundle' has stopped wiggling for a while, Legs will take a deep breath, dive down ~10 to 14 feet (unless the bottom comes first), and swim along under the boats, coming up from time to time along the lake-side curve of the boats, trying to keep out of line of sight of the shore. [Made Swimming NWP roll - need 14 or less.]

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=4
Monday November 8th, 1999 3:25:59 AM

Makes his way towards Tags, seeing Nightshades take up a postion to attract attention. He whispers in passing "I'll get Tags and run him out of harms way, do what you must". He'll just pickup Tags over his shoulder and make a run for it around the nearest corner and then the next.(OOC rolled str chk to carry Tags) If the priest stops him,or tries to, 'it'll be a knife in the gut for him' he says to himself. His jaw sets, his eyes gleam with the rush of the approaching moment. Hand signals Asbury to move around the backside of the priests and wait for the next signal.

(by DM Jerry) 
Monday November 8th, 1999 4:29:59 AM

Catcher, who amazingly runs several blocks in the space of a minute. [grin] takes up a position on the south side of the boardwalk. Singer and Wynd try to figure out what they can do. Nightshade stops in front of the priests. Legs plays tarp tag with the priest that cast on Tag and he screams, "AAUUUUUGHHHHG" as his cloak catches on fire as well as his hair. Legs is unable to drag the priest underwater as the group is (as stated earlier) in the central part of the board walk where it runs from one pier to the other through the center of town. Both the bay pier and the lake pier are several hundred feet away. The other priest hops on the priest to help put the fire out. (I will roll for the results of this next round.) Bulldog races past Nightshade and the burning priest tangles with the tarp and the other priest, and then Legs. The people all around are in a position of shock. Bulldog charging like an enraged bull grabs up Tagalong and races across the wide boardwalk aiming for the south side. (Perception check to see Catcher there.) Arvo carries another section of the burning canvas and with an "Oops" tosses it on the two priests and Wynd. The other priest bursts into flame. Someone yells, "We need water." Literally hundreds of people now have exited their stores and pavillions and watch the scene unfold!

Ari  d20=5
Monday November 8th, 1999 5:54:59 AM

(noticing there's nothing to notice now), Ari searches for a suitable equipment, and a shadowed area, or what not, and will set up a little fishing hole, with the intent that no one will notice him, but if they do, they'll just yell get back to work, or what not.

Legs / 'Allsor'  d20=11
Monday November 8th, 1999 10:00:59 AM

"Yes, water! We need water!" He tries to take the tarp off Wynd (made dex check), says to her tersely, "get away from here," then loudly shouts, "help me get it off the man! Oh, this is terrible!" He fans the tarp once on the priest, as though he was going to help remove it, yet makes sure that his left hand passes quickly through a flame. "Ayi!" he yells, and steps away, shaking his hand. Near Bulldog's ear, he says for him, "Purple Worm Inn, two hours." He runs away, "My hand, my hand."

Catcher  d20=9
Monday November 8th, 1999 2:21:59 PM

Still some distance from the commotion, and now off on a side walkway, Catcher watches the running figures, trying to spot his friends. When he realizes that they are in the middle of things, a heavy weight settles in his stomach, and he quickly starts looking around, seeing if any authorities are converging on the area.

Monday November 8th, 1999 5:39:59 PM

Singer hears Legs' whispered comment, and looks at the whole mess. "I'll have to make a song of this later," he says under his breath. He takes Wynd by the hand, and guides her towards the Purple Worm Meadhouse.

Nightshade (poison)  d20=18 d20=20 d20=18
Monday November 8th, 1999 11:16:59 PM

At the top of her lungs she shouts "Family, away from those priests, they have forsaken Garg in their hearts and he has put them to flame, watch for his wrath." With that she wispers to the ring, to herself, please make the fire bigger. She then runs for the edge of the dock and dives in the water. She slips on the edge of the dock and hits her head on something she is knocked out.

Wynd  d20=13
Monday November 8th, 1999 11:25:59 PM

to tired and stunned by all the activity to move very quickly, Wynd gets tangled in the tarp and momentarily thinks to herself that she is going to die and does nothing to save herself. Just as suddenly the tarp is pulled off of her and she is pulled out of trouble. hearing something about purple worms through her foggy head she feels herself being tugged in some direction. For some reason her line of sight is drawn to Poison as she makes her ill fated leap towards the water hitting her head on the pier as she goes. Wynd violently shudders and a low loud moaning whimper is heard by those around her. staring at the place where Poison went in she refuses to be pulled away and tries to attract Singer to Poison's problem.

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=7
Tuesday November 9th, 1999 1:59:59 AM

As bulldog chugs along with his friend over his shoulder, he quickly hears legs say something about 'purple ... worm ... meadhouse' replying "2 hours ... got it" as he leaves the comotion behind. Spotting catcher looking franticly about. he moves over to Catcher saying " scout ahead of me and find a place for us to hide somewhere ....hurry !" then follows. Asbury scampers up to his masters side, not willing to be left behind " come on Ras ..." (if Catcher's attention is not gotten, Bulldog will look for a place to hide as he moves away)

Tag Along 
Tuesday November 9th, 1999 7:57:59 AM

::Death fear released as tag sees his friend quickly run to his aid. A fealing of joy washes away that of dread and suddenly he feals that bravery isnt so bad. Well maybe it is as buldog lifts up the light framed boy and begins to jog down the board walk with him. A song pops into his head. "You aint nothing but a bulldog, and you are a real good friend of Mine." he thinks as the boys big frame and strong spirit are what is saving him from a fate worse then death, oneness with Ga'AL.

(DM Jerry) 
Tuesday November 9th, 1999 8:29:59 PM

Will our bold adventurers survive this confrontation with the priests of Ga'al? Read on and see. (couldn't post from home last night. Phone lines (and electricity for a little while) down due to drunk driver hitting telephone pole at 70 in a residential neighborhood. :( Will post tonight. Continue on!--Jerry from school)

Catcher  d20=14 d20=13
Tuesday November 9th, 1999 11:50:59 PM

Catcher fails to first spot Bulldog, but it is only after Bulldog gets his attention that he indicates using the boardwalk beneath their feet as a hiding place.

Nightshade (poison) 
Wednesday November 10th, 1999 12:46:59 AM

Blub blub blub

I can make bubbles with my mouth! (by DM Jerry) 
Wednesday November 10th, 1999 5:48:59 AM

Ari fishes. Leg's runs away. Catcher thinking well, spots half a dozen priests heading north on the main street from the temple. A quad of four soldiers follow them intent on violence. Singer takes off with Wynd to the Meadhouse. Nightshade spouts poison from her lips with her words of nonsense about gods no one has ever heard of. (or was Garg supposed to be Ga'al?) Nightshade runs amazingly as fast to the docks as Catcher ran back from them (Hey folks the docks in each direction are at least 300' away. I thought I made that clear....I guess not) She now makes bubbling sounds. (perception check for Ari to notice her predicament.) Wynd stares at Poison's predicament. Bulldog and Ras race south with Tag on his shoulder hoping Catcher is scouting the way for a hiding place. Catcher seems oblivious to Bulldog for a bit and then points down under the boardwalk. There are steps leading down off of the boardwalk and space under there. The priests, both now on fire, run around like chickens with no heads left. Arvo crying foul for his stand of cargo, leaves the scene quickly.

Wednesday November 10th, 1999 6:20:59 AM

Real panic starts to set in at the sight of the 'welcoming committee' -- Catcher can focus on nothing else, and with shame in his face, quickly heads for the stairs, unaware of Poison's plight.

Ari  d20=8 d20=15
Wednesday November 10th, 1999 7:39:59 AM

Ari notices poison's condition. Looking around for a way down, if none found, then Ari will jump in, in order to help poison. (if jumping, rolled a 15 for grace and beauty points(I'm almost ugly :) ) )

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday November 10th, 1999 3:41:59 PM

Follows Catcher to stairs, down, and under the boardwalk. Asbury runs down ahead of them all. (ooc bulldog will continue to move onward , under ther boardwalk if possible. either looking find a place to hide under or escaping furthewr away.) "looks good Catch .."

Wednesday November 10th, 1999 7:12:59 PM

finally more aware of her surroundings, but still with a fuzzy head due to her cold, Wynd shivers in fear as poison hits the water and Wynd's fears about water return 2 fold. seeing that Ari is doing something about it or at least trying to, Wynd finally yields yo the pressure of Singer's tugs and allows herself to be led down the alley and away form all this mess.

Thursday November 11th, 1999 5:55:59 AM

Singer takes Wynd to behind the Meadhouse and looks for any known hiding places. If there are any, he will hide Wynd in there, and himself after, or just Wynd if there is only room for her.

Tag Along 
Thursday November 11th, 1999 6:11:59 AM

::and i thought this wagon had good suspension:: thumb thumb thumb goes taggs head hitting into the shoulder of bulldog with each step.

Nightshade (poison) 
Thursday November 11th, 1999 6:43:59 AM

(OOC: yes it was supposed to be Ga'al sorry, I guess nothing happend with my prayer into the ring? I don't see how I could have seen all I saw and did from 300' away when I was sitting on the docks, my fault? hate to say it but perhaps we should erase and go back a few days?) Glug glug glug

I can make bubbles with my mouth! (by DM Jerry) 
Thursday November 11th, 1999 6:47:59 AM

Catcher, Bulldog, Asbury, and Tagalong in tow, hide below the stairs. There is lots of trash, old barrels, stray cats, etc. down here. (Perception check for Asbury to see a cat he wants to chase. Then a Wisdom check by Bulldog to control Asbury and keep him from chasing if that is desired.) About this time, Tagalong recovers from the spell as the priest loses consciousness. Above the fire suddenly blazes again, burning bright as the two priests stumble into the crowd. The flame seems to have a life of its own spreading out from person to person. Water arrives but not enough for this. Person after person is lifted Tag style and carried to the lake side pier jumping into the water. This confuses things as Ari suddenly has multiple bodies to choose from under the water. Suddenly his decision is solved for him though as a single body in the confusion passes under the boardwalk to rest next to his fishing hole. It is Nightshade. Her finger lit up by the ring she bears. Ari is a good 30' from the nearest edge of the boardwalk where he can crawl under. Meanwhile, Singer hunts for the meadhouse and easily finds it. Her and Wynd find nothing other than a privy within which they might hide themselves should they choose to do so.

Thursday November 11th, 1999 2:17:59 PM

With a shock, Catcher realizes that Bulldog is toting a now-moving Tag! "I don't know where I was, I didn't even see Tag on your shoulder. He looks fit enough to move now. Look, I'm sorry about that up there," Catcher indicates above the boardwalk, "I saw a bunch of guards and priests coming and couldn't think of how to get everyone out of there. I hope the group scattered..." Catcher trails off for a second. "Anyway, in case we're the only ones to make it, I need to tell you: I found out that the Albatross has been out for a few days, and was probably delayed by a storm. It won't be back in for a day or two. We may need to make ourselves comfortable for a while down here." With that, Catcher takes advantage of the noise and confusion above to move any barrels or crates to help create a 'fort' to hide within, stacking things in a way to look as natural as possible.

Ari  d20=9
Thursday November 11th, 1999 11:56:59 PM

Moving as quickly as he can, Ari moves under the dock where he can retrieve Nightshade, with a quick prayer that there can be something to help get Nightshade to shore.

Legs  d20=6
Friday November 12th, 1999 12:04:59 AM

Moving quickly out of the conflagaration. Legs will get a safe distance away, then take a quick look around to see if anyone is interested in what he's doing, then he'll take a final look to make sure all the priests are distracted, and not following him or his friends.

Nightshade (poison) 
Friday November 12th, 1999 1:17:59 AM

gulb glub glub glub gl...

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=9 d20=2
Friday November 12th, 1999 3:29:59 AM

"heel in Ras" whisper-shouts Bulldog, Asbury obediently resist the temption. Easing Tags down he asks "you ok there Tags" smiles as he sees his friend doing fine. In reply to Catcher "I saw everyone going in different direction ... legs the only one I think that may still be in trouble ..... he's still up there" helps catcher move things about. "Legs did tell me that..... we should meet at the purple mead house in two hours ......... where ever that could be ..... you guys think its good to stay here till things cool off up stairs ?" after a few moments he chimes in again "a day or two until the albatross comes back ..... it'll be tough to hide for that long if those priest up ther" points to the boardwalk overhead "are well enough to tell others about.... those of us that caughtthe attention" sits down pulling Asbury closer.

Friday November 12th, 1999 4:19:59 PM

Ass muzzle headed as Wynd is from her cold, she keeps her eyes open as they make their way to their destination. She is particularly interested in noting if there are any beggers on the corners of the streets or along the walkways. If there are she will suggest to Singer that they, as dirty as they are, might just try hiding in the open as beggers trying to get enough food for supper.

Saturday November 13th, 1999 10:40:59 PM

Singer thinks a bit on Wynd's advice, provided that there are any beggars [OOC: Would Ga'al permit beggars, or would they just become food?]. If there are, he says, "Sounds good. I haven't been here before, but it seems that any going back here would either shun us or be too sick to care about two beggars." If not, he suggests that they find some place nearby to hide.

Under the Boardwalk (by DM Jerry) 
Sunday November 14th, 1999 5:30:59 AM

Catcher, Bulldog, and Tagalong hide under the boardwalk. (Perception to see the light from Nightshade's ring further down the boardwalk toward the lake.) Ari moves under the boardwalk to see about Nightshade. She is not breathing. Something seems to be blocking her ability to breathe. She is still warm, though and her heart is beating. (Perception check to see Catcher, Bulldog, and Tagalong some distance away also under the boardwalk.) Legs gets a safe distance away. Singer and Wynd quickly rethink their idea of posing as beggars as they would be picked up by the priests quickly.

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=3
Sunday November 14th, 1999 5:56:59 AM

As Bulldog helps Catcher finish moving items for the hideaway, he spots a light further down under the boardwalk. He stops to focus on what it is. "what that over there" He points in its directon, showing it to the other two. "I'll be right back" He then moves down to investigate.

Catcher  d20=19 d20=19
Sunday November 14th, 1999 2:01:59 PM

At Bulldogs prompting, Catcher looks over and sees the light glint. He immediately begins looking around the rest of the vicinity, hoping to spot anything else lurking down here... "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, but be careful," Catcher says to Bulldog, "Do you know where this Purple Mead place is located?"

Monday November 15th, 1999 12:57:59 AM


Ari  d20=6 d20=19
Monday November 15th, 1999 3:04:59 AM

Seeing Bulldog in the distance, Ari will flap his arms breifly, to get Bulldogs attention. Kneeling down to Nighshade, Ari tries to dislodge what is in her throat as gently as he can (failed healing proficiency).

Monday November 15th, 1999 4:45:59 AM

looking over at Singer, Wynd slowly shakes her head and says, I should have known better than to suggest that but this cold has me thinking thru a fog. I guess our choices are now the piv or just going on in.

Heartbeat, It's A Lovebeat (by DM Jerry) 
Monday November 15th, 1999 6:14:59 AM

Bulldog gets close enough to see Nightshade lying there and Ari's frantic waving. A convulsion wracks Nightshades body and she draws a single tortured breath and then is once again choking. The ring continues to glow on her finger helping as only it can, but Nightshade still begins to turn blue and her heartbeat grow weaker.

Legs / 'Allsor' 
Monday November 15th, 1999 6:20:59 AM

The boy hopes others will pass on the message of the meeting place. He looks to see if there is a place to hide for a while.

Monday November 15th, 1999 7:18:59 AM

Singer sighs. "It's better than nothing. Let's go in." As he leads Wynd on in, he turns his nose at the stench. "This better be worth it."

Catcher  d20=7
Monday November 15th, 1999 1:16:59 PM

Catcher continues scouting the area under the boardwalk, making sure there are no 'nasty' surprises lurking about. He glances in Bulldog's direction ever so often, just to make sure his friend is okay.

Tag Along  d20=12
Monday November 15th, 1999 5:43:59 PM

"Huh whats that light, oh yeah and thank you BUlldog you saved my life." he says as he hides under the board walk walking with bulldog towqards the light.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday November 16th, 1999 1:07:59 AM

"Anytime my friend" he replys to Tags, smiling as he sees his friend doning fine. As Bulldog closes and sees Nightshade lying on the ground, seemingly lifeless. He rushes over, dropping to his knees. "Poison..." He shakes her, out of worry, for a second before noticing that she breathes not. He looks for anything that may be blocking her throat. Then picking her up and turning her over. He then soundly thumps her across her back, trying to force the blockages out. Looking up at Ari for support as what to do next. "help .... Ari ...." then glances down at the light source (ring) "spirits help me " Feeling his anger quickly rising at his confusion and frustration, he searches for other ways to make her breathe.

Legs  d20=6
Tuesday November 16th, 1999 3:38:59 AM

Legs looks to see if there is a building he can get up on the roof of. He wants to be out of traffic, but able to peer down and get glimpses of what is happening in the streets below. Also, he wants to figure at least two reasonably safe ways to get down off of whatever building he ascends (a ladder, a well-affixed drain pipe, a series of balconies, etc.) [Rolled an Int. check]

Tuesday November 16th, 1999 4:51:59 AM

Wynd follows along behind Singer into the privy. Sminling to herself as she enters, she has one positive thought about having a cold. "At least I cant smell very well."

She's Alive!(by DM Jerry)  d20=13
Tuesday November 16th, 1999 6:11:59 AM

When Bulldog thumps Nightshade on the back, a huge gob of 'something' shoots out. She draws in a desparate breath of air and begins to breathe. Singer enters the tavern. A gruffy middle-aged tavernkeeper acccosts him and says, "Woah thar' son! Who ya be lookin' for? I'll get 'im. Don't go get yarself thrashed for enterin' here without yar master boy. Catcher finds a set of steps leading down further under the boardwalk in his explorations. Tagalong tags along with Bulldog. Legs finds a two-story building to climb onto with a balcony on the back side and a drain on the front side to slide down. There is a 2 foot lip on the roof to hide behind. It's getting hot up there though even as the fog finishes clearing for the day.

Tuesday November 16th, 1999 6:49:59 AM


Legs / 'Allsor' 
Tuesday November 16th, 1999 9:32:59 AM

The boy takes advantage of his perch to look around and get a better feel for the layout of the town. Aware that those he can see might also see him, he uses caution in looking around. In addition, he places a blanket on the roof, and lies upon it, to help insulate himself from the warming roof. Does he see his friends, or Arvo, or the dockmaster, or any surviving priest passing below? Does it appear any sort of systematic search has begun? He sends up a prayer for the safety of his friends. 'How am I going to find the place we're supposed to meet Arvo?' he wonders to himself.

Catcher  d20=10
Tuesday November 16th, 1999 12:35:59 PM

Waiting long enough to catch one of the others' eye, Catcher signals by pointing to himself, then pointing downward, and then he stealthily creeps down the stairs, looking for what lies below, dagger in hand.

Tuesday November 16th, 1999 2:24:59 PM

Breathes a sigh of relief at the unblocking of Nightshades' breathing. Wanting to see what was blocking her breathing, Ari will inspect what came out, if at all possible. (making sure it wasn't anything odd, primarily). "thanks Bulldog"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday November 16th, 1999 10:45:59 PM

BNreathes a sigh of releif as Nightshades recovers. He picks her up and carries her, because of her weakened state, to the hideaway that they have quickly constructed just. " she seems ok now, Ari . come'on over to where catcher is .... we can all decide what we'll do next there." Getting there he places her down and makes her comfortable. "hey Asbury come here" motioning him to settle in next to Nigthshade. Then awaits news from Catcher. "someone should check on Catcher ..."

Wednesday November 17th, 1999 1:40:59 AM

Her voice is scratchy and weak. "What happned, what went wrong, one minute I was tring to save legs and then the next I was here with a huge weight on my chest." She reaches over and ruffles ashes and the Bulldogs fur, "What happned my two furry men?" Then she sees Ari, "I remember you pulling me out of a dark well, you saved my life didn't you?" She throws her arms around Ari and hugs for all she is worth.

Wednesday November 17th, 1999 2:44:59 AM

tired now and getting more so by the moment, Wynd tugs on Singer's shirt tail. "Papa said we was to ask for that Dock man we met t'other day, what was his name? Was it Arvo or sumtin like that?.

Wednesday November 17th, 1999 5:09:59 AM

Considering the heat, Legs wonders whether he ought to consider a change in venue (even though he doesn't know what 'venue' means). He takes a good look again to get acquainted with where things are around him. Does he see the Purple Worm Meadhouse?

Tag Along 
Wednesday November 17th, 1999 5:33:59 AM

"Wow glad your alive, what was thath goo." he asking seeing it shooting from nightshades mouth. "Why does that ring glow like that? Ah well shouldnt we find the others now and meet the pirate, so we can get away from all these damn Ga'al priests and there freeze "TAg" spell." he says laughing at his own joke as he smiles and winks at the others around him.

(by DM Jerry) 
Wednesday November 17th, 1999 5:52:59 AM

Legs looks around and sees none of his comrades. No effort of a search is beginning, however, the number of priests in the streets is increasing. The last of the flames is put out and the injured and hurt are being tended to. Catcher descends 10' of stairs and enters what seems to be a cellar. A couple of rotten wine barrels are down here as well as some fish bones. The room is 10' x 15'. Ari sees that the choking item was some kind of chewed food of some sort. Bulldog leads the group back over to the area where Catcher disappeared down the stairs. The tavernkeeper listens to Wynd and says, "Ahh, Arvo! He'll be in directly. Sit there and wait for him. Ha! Arvo hiring kids....Who'da thought it?" (Legs, make a perception check at -2 to see the tavern.)

Legs / 'Allsor'  d20=1
Wednesday November 17th, 1999 11:01:59 AM

[How's that for a perception check? :-)] Legs spots the Meadhouse.

Wednesday November 17th, 1999 11:05:59 AM

Caught by surprise, Ari just sits there for about a 1/2 second, before returning the hug, and then going a bit crimson. "I was worried about you, and just tried to do what I had read about." Looking at the ring, "Has it/she talked to you again?" And if it is still shining "Do you know how to turn it off, I do not know how easily we can be detected because of the shining , though a little light could be useful". Looking around at the others, "Does anyone know what the next step is, and what happened, that you were floating in the water, I think I just got lucky, to see you there."

Legs / 'Allsor' 
Wednesday November 17th, 1999 11:32:59 AM

After spotting the rendezvous point, looking to the alley where we're supposed to meet Arvo in less than two hours, Legs decides to keep his eyes open, but his head back. He thinks back over the last few days. That stick that Lucky had ... could that have been used to kill the parasites, without killing the two boys? His heart grows sad. He thinks of what the others told him of Skippy's life being sucked out by the red cloth. Then of the priests who tried to accost them. "How could I do harm to someone else?" He thinks of how he struck the back of Ozymandius' knee. He wonders if that is really his name. "But I didn't want to hurt him bad, just get him to stop hurting Wynd," he thinks. Then in his mind's eye, he sees the priest catch fire, and smells the burning hair, the flaming flesh. The boy shudders. "Oh, God who is good, I know you must be there somewhere. I don't know what to do. I think that ... the one my people serve - are slaves to - wants people to think he is good, but he is not. He cannot be good, and make people, I mean, take away their, their deciding power, their thinking ways. I think he is afraid of people. Help me not to be afraid of him, in the wrong way." He thinks a while longer. "I wonder, if we used the stick, if it could get rid of the heart spider, without killing the, the person who has it?" He listens to the sounds below, and glances again, carefully, to see who passes. His head withdrawn again, he resumes his prayer. "God of good, teach me about you. Teach me how to choose what is good, and right. Teach us how to take care of each other. And, please, make the priests who look for us confused, so we can get away, and come back someday to help people go free. Take care of my friends." Again, he considers the priest whom he blanketed with fire. He doesn't know whether to feel sad for the man, or relieved that his friends seem to have gotten away. But did they? Did the priest die? And the other one, who also caught on fire?

Catcher  d20=9
Wednesday November 17th, 1999 2:05:59 PM

Hearing the others arrive up above, Catcher quickly begins searching the cellar, checking for possible egresses. Concern crosses his face, as he tries to figure out why a cellar would be located here under the boardwalk, detached from any building...a suspicion arises, and taking his dagger, Catcher softly taps the walls with the hilt, listening for thin areas.

Thursday November 18th, 1999 3:01:59 AM

She kisses both boys on the cheek and then the ring. "No Ari but I think she must be watching out for us. Come on we need to hide and find the others, some on help me up and lets go eh?"

Thursday November 18th, 1999 3:36:59 AM

wynd pulls her cloak around her and sits where he indicated

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday November 18th, 1999 6:46:59 AM

Glad that shes ok. He gives her a hand up. then heads for the stairs down towards Catcher, with a quick soft whistle, he Signals Asbury to go down first after Catcher. Passing Ari as he follows his four footed friend. He snickers "a little red in the cheeks are we .." smiles and heads down.

Under the Boredwalk(by DM Jerry) 
Thursday November 18th, 1999 2:46:59 PM

The main group descends into the cellar where everyone catches up on each other's adventures and where and when the group is to meet Arvo. Wynd and Singer wait in the tavern for Arvo. Legs ponders and prays. Suddenly a crack appears in the ceiling by her feet and a Dragon Creeper begins to grow. It points it's fragrant flower toward her as it blooms. A voice says, "So, dear child, what do you want to know?"

Thursday November 18th, 1999 7:17:59 PM

::OOC -- did Catcher locate any secret doors or come up with any inspiration on why this cellar is located here, under the boardwalk?:: Finishing up with searching for hidden areas beyond the cellar walls, Catcher listens to the others share their stories. When Arvo is mentioned, Catcher says, "We were told to meet with Captain Acurtt...for all we know, this Arvo may be a slaver. I think only one or two of us should go meet with him, just in case. If he is a slaver, he'll more likely get greedy, wanting to take us all..." From the concern on his face, everyone sees that Catcher is very worried about the upcoming meeting.

Friday November 19th, 1999 3:36:59 AM

Legs is momentarily startled by the appearance of the Dragon Creeper growing up beside him. "Wh- wha- what?" he (not *she*)stutters. "H- h- how did, what, uh, who..." He inhales deeply, finding the blossom's fragrance pleasant, and collects himself. "A flower. A flower is talking. To me." He puts his hand on his forehead to gauge whether he has a fever. Hmmm. Not particularly, it seems. He pinches himself. "Yep, I'm awake." Then, realizing how impolite he is behaving, he addresses the flower before him. "Hello. Are you, um, here, um sent by the Good God? Or ... excuse me, flower, but I've never talked to, uh, someone like you before." When he speaks to the flower, it is in a whisper, as he still is concerned about discovery.

Wynd  d100=4
Saturday November 20th, 1999 6:10:59 AM

Nodding off and starting to feel real bad.

Saturday November 20th, 1999 12:03:59 PM

"Excuse me, sir, but could you get a hot tea with honey and lemon? If it is a few coppers, I mean." He looks at Wynd.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Saturday November 20th, 1999 6:04:59 PM

Nodding along with Catcher's concerns he adds in "I think we should all stay together though ...... by breaking up the group we won't be able to count on each others support." ,but shows much more concern when finishing "we have already lost track of Legs, Wynd, and the new fellow Singer ....I think we should stay together." looks around at the others to see if the aggree. "we can't go any where until the priests cool off up there. ........ and we do have 2 hours till we must meet" looking over at Tags "Tags you want to sneak about to see if things look clear ... as soon as you give us a sign we'll get out of here." then settles in with Asbury to think about whats happened so far.

Saturday November 20th, 1999 7:32:59 PM

Nightshade seems to be feling better, "Tag I think you should stay very near if you go and I think we should all try and nap a bit if we can, one of us staying awake for about 15 minutes each, I'll stay awake first, everyone else try and settle in."

A Cellar Just Like Home(by DM Jerry) 
Sunday November 21st, 1999 2:56:59 AM

Catcher does notice that the cellar is very old. There are not exits from the cellar. The party settles down to wait out the crisis above. The tavernkeeper brings Singer and Wynd some hot tea. "Can't have you catching cold." Meanwhile Legs is having a spiritual experience. "Do you believe in a Good god? I am a gift. Mix my petals in some hot water and your friends will regain their health. Selah."

Sunday November 21st, 1999 4:02:59 AM

"I agree with Nightshade -- Tag, from what I've heard about your run in with the priests, you should be the last person running around in plain view. Of us, only I wasn't spotted, so I'll go up and look for the others. But first let's wait a few more moments..." Catcher keeps his ears focused on the ruckus above.

Tag Along 
Sunday November 21st, 1999 6:36:59 AM

"Yeah Bulldog ill sneak around and see what i can see. When i make the sound of the yellow bellied sap sucking swallow then come one out. Oh wait that wont do that bird is a forest bird and we are at the shore. Ok when i make the sound of a hungry Seagull it will mean the coast is clear." he says as he sneaks out to make sure all is clear.

Legs / 'Allsor' 
Sunday November 21st, 1999 8:23:59 AM

"Do I believe in a Good God?" Legs thinks for a moment. "I see so many good and beautiful things in this world. I see that much is formed that is, that takes, that - well, someone very smart and powerful had to think things up, and make them, right? Now, not everything is good. But it seems like so many things, the ... the ingredients are good. But then it is like, good things, things that started good, got mixed up. Um, twisted inside out? Like Lucky. We were - I can't say we were really good friends, but he was all right, usually, it seemed." Legs puts his hands behind his head, and looks up into the blueing sky. "Then he got a thing planted in him, and was talking about turning us over to the priests... who I think want to kill us, or some of them do. So, he started good, but then look what happened! I wish we could have ... figured out ... a way to help him. Catch... a friend has a stick from... well, he has a, say, a magic stick. Maybe a holy stick. And I was wondering if that stick could have gotten rid of the thing growing in Lucky without killing Lucky." Legs ponders for a few more moments. "A good god would do good things for his people. And want them to do good things. But real goodness, I think, has to be a choice. I don't know why I think that for sure. But if someone does something, even a good thing, because they have no other choice, they have no deciding ability, how does that make them good? It's like they're just a slave. I think a good god would want people to choose to follow, or worship, or obey, without being forced to. I don't think a beaten broken dog makes such a choice worshiper. I think that the god served by those priests down there has a bunch of beaten broken dogs to serve him."

Legs / 'Allsor' 
Sunday November 21st, 1999 8:25:59 AM

The boy turns on his side, and props his head up with his hand, looking at the flower. "A Good God would give good gifts. You offer yourself as a good gift for my friends, who, somehow, you know are sick. I think there is such a god." He looks down at the roof. "I want to believe, but I don't want to be tricked. The god of my family ... I think he tricks people. 'The heart-spider will be good for you,' they say. Then look what happened to Monk. It's like he lost his spark of life. Also, could a good god be a dragon? I always heard dragons were bad. I know that Skippy said she's with a good god." Legs sighs. "I want to believe - but what is true, and good, and lasts, and helps people, without turning them into, into ... oh, I don't know. Into toy soldiers. Into puppets - looking alive, but with no deciding power inside themselves."

Legs / 'Allsor' 
Sunday November 21st, 1999 8:34:59 AM

As before, Legs' conversation is largely whispered. "But you asked if I wanted to know something. Yes. Can we trust Arvo? Should we do what he suggests? I think so, but what do you say? Who is someone else we can trust to help us?" Legs turns stomach down, facing the Dragon Creeper, chin resting in both palms. "Is Lemtrovix the Good God?" There is a particular intensity to his still soft voice. "If so, is he the only one, or are there other ones? Is there a most powerful Good God? What would he want me to do? Is it silly for me to ask these questions? How can I be a good friend to my friends, and do what's right?" He appears satisfied he has asked enough questions for the moment, then adds, "Oh, and who or what is Selah?"

Sunday November 21st, 1999 1:29:59 PM

"I think anyone of us could have problems 'above', because we are unknown children, if the priests are that smart. So whoever goes up, should be reeeeeaaaallll careful. Nightshade, your ring may or may not be lucky, since it helped me spot you when you were passed out. Do you think it might be worthwhile to let whoever is exploring topside, to have it, so that there might be some lucky 'distractions', should someone start to have a question, or start to notice a strange kid in their presence? Catcher, I was also not involved in the incident, so other than being a strange kid, I should be in the clear, also."

Monday November 22nd, 1999 12:44:59 AM

Greatfully accepting the tea, Wynd holds the cup in her hands and lets the heat slowly work its way into her hands and to her arms. Leaning her head over the cup and inhaling the steam, elicits a contented sigh from her and as she greedily swallow some of the tea she feels a core of warmth move outward form her belly, warning her and making her ever so sleepy.

What is Good?(by DM Jerry) 
Monday November 22nd, 1999 4:01:59 AM

The flower speaks, "You think well young man. I will not help you with everything as that would take away your right to choose your life. So follow your heart with the trader. Selah is a word from the old language before the Noble Races sought isolation from each other. It is a holy word that means "let it be so" while adding the idea of "peace" as well as other good thoughts. May the peace of making your own path be with you. Perhaps we will get to talk again." And with that the flower is silent. Tagalong begins looking around a bit under the boardwalk and sees nothing so far. The commotion above seems to be dying out.

Monday November 22nd, 1999 5:50:59 AM

With a look of consternation towards Tag's wandering form, Catcher replies to the Ari, "I thought you might have been spotted when you dove into the water. If you wish, go ahead and check the area. Tag should not be the one! And, I think that that ring is somehow tied to Nightshade...I wouldn't take it, in any case." Catcher, noting the diminishing sounds above, says, "I think we should wait a little longer...it's still too soon." He keeps an eye on the stairs leading topside.

Monday November 22nd, 1999 6:22:59 AM

Nightshade looks a bit nervous when asked for the ring, she begins to pull it off, it seems nearly stuck, however she seems much relieved when the offer is declined and she places it back on her finger. "Now what about us all tring to catch a bit of a nap?"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday November 22nd, 1999 6:55:59 AM

After settling down with Asbury, he pipes in to Catcher. "I asked him because ..... he has always seemed to be rather crafty at nosing around .... " trails off,

Legs / 'Allsor' 
Monday November 22nd, 1999 10:37:59 AM

"Selah," Legs says to the flower. "I would like to talk with you again." Legs waits, and realizes the conversation is over. 'Should I only take the flowers, which were offered? Or shall I take the whole plant?' he ponders to himself. 'If I take the whole plant, perhaps I can plant it elsewhere. Or other parts of it may help us, too.' But looking at it, and enjoying its fragrance, he decides he cannot uproot it. Instead, Legs takes the flowers. Then he speaks softly to the plant. "I hope you don't mind, but may I take a leaf? I will wait, and if you don't object in some way, I will take one leaf before I go." He places the flowers carefully in an inner bag, which he folds over. But one flower, he places in a pocket of his coat. Legs then listens for any sounds from the streets below, and when he feels it safe, peeks out again. When it seems not quite two hours have passed, he will look around, and try to find a good time to descend, Just before he does, he takes his blanket, and cuts a hole big enough to put his head through, making a sort of poncho. He will have spent some time scoping out alternate routes to the alley behind the Purple Worm Meadhouse. Meanwhile, if he (I don't know how) senses acquiescence from the plant regarding his taking of a leaf, he gently does so. A soft "Thank you" is offered in parting.

Tuesday November 23rd, 1999 12:18:59 AM

Steadys herself and waits for the answer to her question.

Tuesday November 23rd, 1999 1:01:59 AM

Whatever everyone agrees to. I'm not exactly tired. So I can either stay and guard, or go explore. Either way, I think we have some time to kill.

The Waiting Game (DM Dave)  d20=11 d20=4 d20=4
Tuesday November 23rd, 1999 5:01:59 AM

Tag continues ranging further away from the others, disappearing up the stairs to the boardwalk, while Nightshade, Catcher, Ari, and Bulldog (and Asbury, too!) debate choices. The sounds above die out for a moment, only to be replaced by the slamming of doors and marching of feet. Up on a roof nearby, Legs’ last inquiries go unanswered by the flowering plant. As he makes preparations to leave, he glances down and notices several patrols of Quads moving from building to building, entering various doorways. Priest are not far behind. Meanwhile, in the tavern, Wynn and Singer get comfortable with the drinks provided. The noise outside the bar has died down, and a few more patrons have entered from the street, heading for tables here and there.

Tag Along 
Tuesday November 23rd, 1999 7:03:59 AM

::looks down board walk with a smile:: "Hey its all clear things have calmed down a bit it seems." he says waving from the sunlight that makes you squint. Suddenly you all see out of the shadow of the sun a hand grasb him and Tag pulled away. A brief moment passes then tag puts his head back down the stairs and waves his free hand that tried to pull the slight of hand bad timing joke. "Come on up lets go play jack and the pirates.

Tuesday November 23rd, 1999 9:04:59 AM

Singer sips his tea. "Tastes good, yes?" he asks Wynd. Singer looks to see if there might be a back way out of the Meadhouse (not going there, just seeing if he can see). He stretches his arms, then walks over near the window in front to glance out. He tries to keep his face in the shadows. [How many sides of the Purple Worm have windows visible from where Singer and Wynd sit?]

Legs / 'Allsor' 
Tuesday November 23rd, 1999 9:30:59 AM

He does take one leaf. Legs observes the Quads' search patterns. Are any of them checking out the roofs of different buildings, or just the insides? How close are they to searching his building? Does he figure he could circumnavigate the buildings and avoid their sweep? He rehearses in his mind descent by balcony and by drainpipe. Having spent time already familiarizing himself with the layouts of streets and buildings in the vicinity, he mentally maps alternate routes to the Purple Worm Meadhouse. If he needs a distraction, he figures he can throw a chunk of broken glass from his knapsack (taking care not to cut himself) down the street one direction -- or even to the upper story of a nearby building (but not the Purple Worm) -- and use the distraction to head the other way.

Tuesday November 23rd, 1999 5:35:59 PM

Already being tired the hot tea finishes off the trick and Wynd is soon napping with her head on Singer's shoulder. As Singer gets up, Wynd just shifts positions so that she is now curled up on the bench and leaning against the wall.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday November 24th, 1999 6:13:59 AM

Waves Tags to come back down,(with vigor) "Another hour I think before we should go find the alley behind that Mead house" settles in for a restive hour, boy does he need it too.

Thursday November 25th, 1999 5:33:59 AM

She lays down and closes her eyes. She is out in a second.

Catcher  d20=19 d20=2
Thursday November 25th, 1999 7:09:59 AM

At Tags' antics, Catcher loses it and storms over to an area of boxes, away from the others, with fists clenched in rage. You've never seen him so angry before...somehow, he manages to keep from shouting -- just standing there, trembling with head bent down and chest heaving.

The Search (DM)  d20=16 d20=13 d20=16
Thursday November 25th, 1999 7:19:59 AM

From Legs’ viewpoint up on the roof, the guards and priests seem focused on searching at ground-level, going systematically from building to building. The closest unit is 3 structures down from where he stands – he could easily use the drainpipe in back, if need be. Over in the bar, while Wynd snoozes, Singer notes that the only windows to the place are at the front of the building. There is probably some other exit from the building via the kitchen (there usually is in such establishments, for the delivery of food supplies). Looking out one of the front windows, he notes a Quad of soldiers checking under fruit stands at a market shop across the street. Under the boardwalk, the others continue to hear the sounds of marching feet up above.

Legs / 'Allsor'  d20=17
Thursday November 25th, 1999 12:22:59 PM

For the moment, the boy decides to stay put. "Confusion to the enemy, clarity to our allies," Legs prays. Infrequently he surreptitiously observes the Quads, and the priests following. [Rolled to see whether he noticed Singer glancing out the window. Nope.] He has his things gathered for a quick exit.

Thursday November 25th, 1999 4:33:59 PM

Snoozing not so soundly, she is occassionally wracked with fits of shivering. About fifteen minutes later all shivering stops and a sweat breaks out as her fever finally breaks.

Friday November 26th, 1999 11:18:59 AM

Settling down to watch over those that are sleeping, Ari mumbles something about "peacful dreams, calmness and tranquility"

Friday November 26th, 1999 10:10:59 PM

Singer nudges Wynd. "Wake up, girl." He whispers, "Get ready to leave." Singer asks the proprietor if there is a - whatever word is used locally for lavoratory.

Tag Along 
Sunday November 28th, 1999 2:50:59 AM

::sits with catcher and Bulldog awaiting the time to meet:: "Hey catch it was only supposed to be funny. We are friends i thought with all the trouble we have dealt with of late we needed a laugh." he says with a smile and a wink towards bulldog.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Sunday November 28th, 1999 3:02:59 AM

releived that Tags came down. He replys to him "Catchers right Tags .... no time for that when they are looking for us up there"

Sunday November 28th, 1999 3:58:59 AM


Sunday November 28th, 1999 6:59:59 PM

After a couple of minutes, Catcher comes back over to the others, still a little red in the face, "Look, I don't like not knowing what to do. Out in the woods -- that's my element. I feel trapped in this place, and I don't have the slightest idea of what to do, where to run, where to hide, if 'they' come after us." Catcher walks over and sits on a crate, keeping an eye on the stairs going up.

The Search Continues (DM)  d20=9 d20=9
Sunday November 28th, 1999 7:13:59 PM

Singer and Ari are directed to a wash-basin near the exit (with a towel hanging next to it), and told that the outhouse is around back (you'll have to go back out thru the front doors to reach it), or a bedpan can be provided, along with a little privacy in a closet near the stairs to the 2nd floor, if they think the outhouse is too far. Meanwhile, up on the roof, Legs sees that one of the detachments is now entering the building next to the one he is standing atop of. Suddenly, in the distance, a shout goes up down near the boat docks. One of the priests waves her hands and mutters something, and then quickly shouts for the guards to follow her. All of the Quads quickly move away to the boardwalk. Down below the boardwalk, dust falls on the Tag and the others as the boards above are pounded by heavily armored men.

Correction (DM) 
Monday November 29th, 1999 4:54:59 AM

The above should note that Singer and Wynd (not Ari) are in the tavern, being directed to the wash-basin -- sorry 'bout that!!! Ari is down under the boardwalk with Tag, Bulldog (& Asbury!), Nightshade, and Catcher.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday November 29th, 1999 6:25:59 AM

Getting to his feet as the pounding of guardsmen boom overhead. Hand signals all to remain still, Then whispers "I think there just going by .... this may be a good chance to leave and get to the mead house alley ..... " then turns slowly towards Tags " hope they didn't see you coming down here ... we got do place to rub from here" saying the last with some heat. (OOC he they, guardsmen & priests go by he will try and get everyone to take the chance of leaving unseen to the meeting place)

Legs (Peer) 
Monday November 29th, 1999 6:28:59 AM

Legs sees the local area appears to be clear. But, have his friends been found? He checks around the area once more, to ensure no one appears to be observing the area he is going to descend to. Then he climbs down the balcony to the ground. He walks briskly to a place behind the Purple Worm Meadhouse, and finds a dark corner in the alley or behind the outhouse to stash his bags. He spits on some dirt, mixes it, and rubs it into his face, to darken it. He places the hood of his long coat on his head, the blanket poncho still on his shoulders. 'This is gonna be hot,' Legs thinks to himself. He keeps the green leaf with him, and one petal from the Dragon Creeper, both in a pouch. He takes a small bag with the broken glass from the honey jar along, and ties it on to the end of his new walking rod. He then wends his way to a place a few blocks on the other side of the boardwalk, trying to imitate the walk of someone older. Medium speed, and a bit bowlegged. He walks (as much as possible) in a path parallel to the boardwalk, listening and observing what is happening.

Monday November 29th, 1999 2:02:59 PM

Without a sound, Ari taps everyone awake, in preperation to flee, whether planned or not.

Monday November 29th, 1999 4:12:59 PM

"I agree with Bulldog."

Monday November 29th, 1999 7:21:59 PM

Quickly looking around, Catcher hides behind some crates, so that if those above come down the stairs, they won't spot him. He draws out his daggers, just in case.

Surround Sound (DM) 
Tuesday November 30th, 1999 4:37:59 AM

The sound of marching feet quickly recedes over the planks. Legs manages to make it down the building and arrive in back of the Meadhouse without incident, where he is proceeding to alter his appearance. Singer and Wynd are still within the building, and the rest of the group is under the boardwalk, apparently undetected. Suddenly, a huge explosion is heard echoing off the water – it seems to have originated near the docks!

Tuesday November 30th, 1999 5:59:59 AM

"That can't be good."

Tuesday November 30th, 1999 7:20:59 AM

Singer looks out the window again. He goes to get Wynd. "Let's step out for a moment," he suggests. He puts a silver piece on the table. "Thank you for the tea. I'll see about my change when I get back." If Wynd is willing, he steps out of the tavern with her. He does not want to go down the boardwalk, so steps around to the back of the building. Singer sees Legs putting mud on his face. "What are you doing?"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday November 30th, 1999 6:03:59 PM

"Come it's our chance ...lets go" He begins moving up the stairs, Asbury by his side. Will make his way to the boardwalk and then head away from the explosion. Not knowing which the mead house is, he thinks it best to put some distance betwen themselves and the priests. If any of his friends need help in getting around ,Bulldog will generously lend his help.

Tuesday November 30th, 1999 7:43:59 PM

Following BullDog's lead, Catcher goes with the rest of the group up the stairs and away from the explosion. He moves cautiously, making sure there's always a place to hide, if needed. "More Quads will be coming after that noise."

Wednesday December 1st, 1999 12:54:59 AM

Moves where Bulldog leads. She still seems a bit shaken by her dip in the river.

Wednesday December 1st, 1999 2:31:59 AM

Wynd gets up when woken and agrees to step outside with Singer and is extremely happy to see another of there party as they step around the back. While she is feeling better now that her fever has broken, she is still tired and a bit stuffy headed.

Legs / 'Allsor' 
Wednesday December 1st, 1999 6:59:59 AM

"Uh, oh, hi," Legs says to Singer. He nods his head to Wynd. "We're supposed to meet here in a few more minutes. Right here, in the alley." Legs touches up the mud application. "But I fear what may be happening to our friends. So, I'm going to check." He looks ready to go, hesitates, goes and pulls his bag out of hiding. He takes some of the petals, hands them to Wynd. "Brew these in hot water, it'll make you well." He turns to go, pivots, and asks, "How do I look?" winks, and walks off, bowlegged.

Reunited, and it feels so good... (DM) 
Wednesday December 1st, 1999 2:36:59 PM

After what seems like forever, Wynd and Singer see Legs return with the others, reuniting everyone behind the Purple Worm Meadhouse. Along the way, the group (Legs, Ari, Bulldog, and the rest) managed to hide when several units of Quads came rushing from the temple to secure the docks. All of the streets were clear of citizens. Now you all are standing near the outhouse. Everyone compares notes, and you realize that, despite all of the excitement, not as much time has past as you thought – it is still another hour before the meeting with Arvo. During this time, the healing flower is used and those stricken with colds are cured. Towards the end of the hour, people can once again may be seen on the main street, and things seem to be back to normal, with owners hawking their wares, and others haggling over prices. Suddenly, the door to the outhouse opens, and out steps the merchant you met earlier – Arvo.

Arvo th Merchant (DM) 
Wednesday December 1st, 1999 2:42:59 PM

Smelling strongly of smoke, and with patches of clothing turned black here and there, Arvo greets you with a smile and says, "Well, my young friends, that was a close one now...now tell me, what brings you from Adorus? "

Tag Along 
Wednesday December 1st, 1999 5:55:59 PM

"Wow we are all back together.All these explosions fires, priests and explosions, wait did i say explosions already well anyway, Huh who i have to remember to breath when i do that. Well nice to see you all lets get of this Island and." he pauses seeing the merchant "Oh Hi, im tags and these are my friends. And hold on one minute." he says as he walks behind the man and picks up a stone, but quickly looks for the telll tale sign of inferstation of Ga'al.. "Wow look at this stone. Your a merchant huh, this stone unique?

Thursday December 2nd, 1999 12:43:59 AM

Nightshade moves to the front and bows to Arvo, "Hello sir, we are all brought here by diffrent means and reasons I think, what about you?"

Thursday December 2nd, 1999 4:25:59 AM

Having brewed the flowers in her next cuppa, Wynd is feeling much better and when she gets back with all the others she asks Ari to tell her about the flower and what plant it cme from and what it looks like etc ( she is a want to be herbalist after all) so that she can collect some for her medicine kit. At Arvo's question about Adorus, Wynd becomes suddenly on guard and on edge,::thinking:: no one ever mentioned being from Adorus to Arvo, so how, why should he ask that question? She tries to nonchallantly get Cather's or Buldog's attention so as to get their opinion on this.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday December 2nd, 1999 7:09:59 AM

Seeing the burnt clothes and and the acrid odor as telltale signs Bulldog makes the leap of faith. "you seem to know a bit more about us ... then we of you ... Mr Avro ... and we reaaly haven't spoken to you of our origins" taken a somewhat forthright and serious tone. "so why don't you come out with where we can seek some refuge for now and then we can go ahead with the rest the formalities" then takes a brief moment and adds " it seems we have you to thank for that giant distraction .... thank you.". Then ruffles his furry friend as Asbury brushes up against his masters leg.

Legs / 'Allsor' 
Thursday December 2nd, 1999 10:15:59 AM

(Since it took about another hour of waiting, Legs washed his face off in the interim.) Before Arvo arrives, Legs asks Wynd, "Why don't you ask me about the plant and what it is called? Ari's not the one who talked with it." With the merchant's arrival, after the others have their say, the boy speaks. "Arvo, sir, I thank you. We all thank you for your, what is that word? Astute! Yes, your astute and timely aid." He retrieves his bags from where he stashed them. He pulls out a smaller bag. "And here is most of the fruit you gave me. I hope you'll understand that my plan to serve as herald of the fine fruit you seek to sell was interrupted." His left hand holds out the bag for Arvo to take. In his right hand he has the three gold coins Arvo gave him earlier, palm open for him to take as well. "And please forgive me for not contradicting my new friend here," he moves his right shoulder to indicate Singer, "when he implied I am from here. I did not think it would be polite..." and he hesitates for a moment, then adds, "...nor astute," said with his smile slightly askew.

Thursday December 2nd, 1999 1:56:59 PM

Standing a little apart from the others, Catcher keeps an eye out for any other 'sudden' appearances, his hand on the hilt of his dagger. At the mention of Adorus, Catcher says, "We were met on the Adorus side of this town, and our accents probably don't sound right, I'm sure." Looking over at Arvo, he says, "We've already been attacked by adults, so forgive me if I don't have a lot of trust at the moment."

Conversations with Arvo (DM) 
Thursday December 2nd, 1999 7:42:59 PM

Waving Legs’ offering aside, Arvo says, "No, no, go ahead and keep it…it’s the best you’ll be seeing for many days to come, I daresay." Looking at the others, Arvo’s look becomes more serious as he says, "Trust and faith seem to be in short supply these days. Very well, as you know, I am Arvo the merchant. I have traveled many paths, and seen many places, including your beloved Adorus. You passed the first of many tests, when you decided to strike out on your own. Perhaps I could have helped ease that journey, but all things dearly bought are dearly prized, as my Da used to say. As it is, things are more dangerous now than you perhaps realize." Arvo opens the door to the outhouse, and lifts up the floor, revealing a dark tunnel – it’s a wonder an adult could fit thru such a thing! "Well, as I said, the tests are not yet over. Off we go!" Arvo stands to the side, and with a theatrical sweep of his arm, points for each of you to enter the hole. "After you, please."

Ari  d20=16
Thursday December 2nd, 1999 11:35:59 PM

Staring at Arvo for a few seconds, "Trust and Faith seems to have been misplaced. Where it is misplaced once, it can be misplaced again. I do not wish to run away from one Master, to be replaced by another. For now, I can only trust in my friends. When everyone and everything is not trying to kill us, then maybe, others will be included in that circle of trust. (for the answer to the plant, Ari will let Legs answer. If it is a common plant, Ari will make any corrections, or futher explanations as necessary. If it requires a roll, to know the plant, Ari failied (the 16 I rolled)).

Thursday December 2nd, 1999 11:36:59 PM

After his speach, Ari will look around at his friends, to register their reaction, then he will duck into the tunnel.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday December 3rd, 1999 2:16:59 AM

Signalling Asbury down, Bulldog follows "I presume it will be a lifetime of testing faith, mr Avro" Then pursues Ari down the dark opening.

Tag Along 
Friday December 3rd, 1999 8:47:59 AM

"Let me lead im the smallest, and i have a way with crawling fast and staying unseen." he says as he gets excited about something he can finally do well.

Friday December 3rd, 1999 2:05:59 PM

Catcher watches Arvo's reaction as everyone starts going into the tunnel. He closes one eye, trying to get ready for the darkness, and when he thinks it will be adjusted, goes in the tunnel.

Friday December 3rd, 1999 8:51:59 PM

(OOC, OOps about the Ari/Legs mix up i am in last week of student teaching/find a job mode and not paying alot of attention to outside things) Wynd looks at the others and then at Arvo, still not sure whether to trust his as he just once again sidestepped a question asked of him, And after conversing with Legs about the plant, "What do you mean you conversed with it?", Wynd will bring up the rear of the party entering even after Arvo does.

Pier One (DM)  d20=8 d20=4 d20=11
Saturday December 4th, 1999 11:04:59 PM

The tunnel goes only a short distance before ending behind a pile of crates under the boardwalk. Arvo quickly leads you through the jumbled maze of discarded items, taking the group several hundred feet to another set of crates. He turns and quickly explains, "The Captain will be coming in early tonight to take in a load of supplies – these..." Arvo indicates the boxes you stand next to. "His crew knows nothing about ‘passengers’, and it’s best if we keep it that way." He looks meaningfully at each of you for a moment. "Now, we’ve got a few hours ‘till end-day. I suggest you work on making these crates as comfortable as possible, as it’ll be two days before they arrive at their destination." Arvo lifts the lid on one, revealing some straw lining, and several sacks of fruit and wineskins. " I’ve already done some of it for you. Now, listen well: This cargo will ‘accidentally’ be lost overboard, at night, near the far end of Blackbird Lake. Once you make it to shore, you are to do as before, avoiding towns, roads, people. In fact, there is a road at the top of the beach that hugs the lake, leading to Ajax. Cross this, and continue on into the countryside toward the setting sun. A journey of a day or so will bring you to the banks of the Adow River. With luck, you’ll be far enough north of the town of Akadern to avoid trouble – there’s a bridge about a day’s travel north of that town, right where the river forks into east and west branches. Be very careful crossing this bridge! From there, continue with the instructions you received earlier." Arvo stops for a moment, rummaging around in his jerkin, before retrieving a small frosted-blue bottle sealed with red wax. Handing it to Bulldog, he says, "This potent item was bought at a great price – keep it well! In your darkest moment, it will bring healing to one person." With that, Arvo seems finished with what he wanted to say, and makes ready to help you into the crates (there are a total of five).

Tag Along 
Sunday December 5th, 1999 5:57:59 AM

"Boy thats goignt o be a boring trip if we get in them alone. Or one tight trip if we dont. I suggest we have a code of knocks to let each other know we are alright from with in. As talking migh be discouraged. He walks over and taps 2 times on the crate. That will mean we are fine. Then taps 5 times a little louder. "That will mean we are in trouble. I also suggest we find are selves wine bottles. In case nature calls we dont want to sit around in are own Pee. Had to do that enough at the scrag house.

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