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The Journey Begins

DM Jerry (by land) 
Wednesday October 6th, 1999 4:10:59 PM

Three-eyes gets a hurt look in his eyes and says, "I'm not a dummy! I heard ya in your basement. I know you're runnin away to be pirates!" Lucky turns on his brother and says, "You are too a dummy! I said not to tell that until they talked!" He then turns to Wynd, ignoring the larger Bulldog and says, "You two are gross and....and!" Lucky seems to be deciding something. "And," he continues as tears appear in his eyes, "We're gonna tell!" He spins and begins to lead Three-eyes away. Behind his back is a broken off stick which seems to glow for just a moment. (perception check at -1 for the landlubbing children to understand the significance of the stick.)

DM Jerry (by sea)  d10=4 d10=7 d10=2 d10=4
Wednesday October 6th, 1999 4:35:59 PM

Catcher grabs Legs by the back of his shirt and pushes him back into the boat. Catcher, still in the water, holds to the side of the boat as the pole sinks below the surface. Suddenly, a single fin breaks the water about 30' out moving in the direction of Catcher. (Perception check for everyone in the boat to notice the fin. Check at -1 for Catcher who is at a lower angle of sight. Everyone needs to roll for surprise. Catcher is surprised on a 1-3.) [Initiative adjusted for size difference was a tie the first time 10 to 10. The second time the party wins initiative 7 to 8.]

DM Jerry (by sea)  d10=4 d10=7 d10=2 d10=4
Wednesday October 6th, 1999 4:38:59 PM

Round 1: Party initiative. (Please add "by land" or "by sea" after your name to keep things easier to understand.)

Wynd  d20=6
Wednesday October 6th, 1999 7:35:03 PM

Under full control and with a completely straight face, Wynd looks at Three- eyes and says, Of course not you li'l dummy they are going fishing. Didn't you see all the fishing gear on the boat. I didn't go because I can't swim and am a little afraid of boats, and so I wouldn't be alone, ::starting to lightly swing her and Bulldog's arms:: Bulldog said that he would stay and we could go see our fathers and go camping instead. ::A little sadly:: and as you well know, Skippy was an acquaintance of ours, though she was always a little wierd and always saying strange things and making up invisible playmates, even talking to them. We never really paid her much mind. I mean we are all going to be Joining with G'aal real soon and then we will be adults and get to take our rightful places in the town. I really can't wait. ::visibly squeezes Bulldog's hand:: Hey Lucky, Whatcha hiding behind your back?

Wynd  d20=7
Wednesday October 6th, 1999 7:35:59 PM

Listening to Lucky and hearing his threats send a cold chill down her spine and then she spots the piece of wood. A cold hard look appears on Wynds face as she looks at it and then at Lucky. Go right ahead Lucky you go and tell on us, about what you think you heard and remember. I think though that you should think about what you will say when the red scaves come looking for you. That ,indicating the piece of wood, came from "the tree" that was struck by lightening, it was declared off limits by the head priest, so how are you going to explain that. Now maybe we can deal.

Catcher  d20+1=11 d10=1
Wednesday October 6th, 1999 8:25:59 PM

OOC: Anyone have the Jaws soundtrack? (Catcher makes his perception check but completely blows his surprise roll) Catcher gives the pole up for lost and works to clamber back into the boat.

Ari  d20+4=10
Wednesday October 6th, 1999 9:32:07 PM

"Ya know, there seems to be a lot going on around us, it's too bad that the fish just can not bring the pole back to us" As Ari reaches out and snags the pole. "Then again, it may not be needed!" Ari will then hold the pole and ask, " Do you want to continue the honors, or should I?" Looking at Nightshade

Legs  d10=4 d20=14
Wednesday October 6th, 1999 11:41:59 PM

Legs appreciates the boost from Catcher. He clambers back up into the skiff. Bracing himself, he holds out a dripping hand for his companion. As he does so, he catches a glimpse of a black triangle moving their way. "Catcher! Behind you! Come now!" He glances back for an instant. "Somebody hold my legs, and let's keep this boat balanced so we don't flip over." He looks back to Catcher.

Nightshade (poison) 
Thursday October 7th, 1999 1:36:59 AM

Nightshade takes the till of the boat to help steer while she helps hold anyone in the boat she can.

Ari  d20=5 d10=2 d20=14
Thursday October 7th, 1999 1:42:59 AM

(By Sea)"Look at that will ya, wonder what that means" (Not sure if the pole is still in the picture. Not sure if I'm suprised, will take one more d-20 roll for just in case I'm surprised, and dropped the pole.)

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=9
Thursday October 7th, 1999 2:26:59 AM

"Yeah, .. you're no dummy, you wouldn't be he if you couln't figure things out, but Wynd is right .... what are you gonna tell them when they hear that you have that stick there. And that you warned us first, to help us, what then" Signals Asbury to move around to the back side of the two young lads (herding is herding) releases his lasso from his belt with his free hand. "we make a deal .. what do you say, one thats works for everyone"

DM Jerry (by land) 
Thursday October 7th, 1999 2:54:59 PM

Lucky smiles at Bulldog's words. An evil, smile. The kind of smile that your little brother gives you when he's fixing to fake crying to get you in trouble kind of smile. "Yeah, sure we can make a deal. Take us with you or we will...." Suddenly the conversation is interrupted by a shout and a howl. (Perception check to recognize the voice as Tagalong.) The howl of a wolf!

DM Jerry (by sea)[party results and shark initiative] 
Thursday October 7th, 1999 2:59:59 PM

Legs doesn't get any help, but he manages to pull Catcher back into the boat just as the shark rams it's poor ol' nose into the side of the boat, raising the whole thing out of the water several feet. It crashes down onto the shark forcing it underwater. (dex check to remain in the boat. Those who make their checks may check again to try and grab those who falling out of the boat.) The shark makes a wide turn slowly nursing it's sore nose in the water by dipping and bobbing.

DM Jerry (by sea) 
Thursday October 7th, 1999 3:00:59 PM

[It is now party initiative for round 2.]

Ari  d20=18
Thursday October 7th, 1999 4:38:59 PM

"Interesting". As Ari watches the side of the boat become the center of his arc!

Catcher  d20=11 d20=2
Thursday October 7th, 1999 6:17:59 PM

Catcher manages to ride out the 'whooomp' of the boat, and reaches to catch any who may have started to flip overboard. "That should deter him for a few minutes, but go ahead and throw some bloodied fish away from the shore, and he'll go for that instead." If none need helping this round, Catcher will begin tossing bait away from the boat.

Legs  d20=19
Thursday October 7th, 1999 7:15:59 PM

As the shark rams the boat, Legs flies out in a spectacular manner. He curls up into a ball, causing a decent-sized *:Splash:*/ on entry. Third time in the water today. He looks around to see where things are. If anyone else falls in, he'll assist them back to the boat. Otherwise, he swims back strongly himself, and pulls himself into the boat. "Can we head closer to shore?"

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=11
Friday October 8th, 1999 6:02:59 AM

Reconizing Tags voice he spins to the direction of the howl "wolf" escapes his lips in a hiss, crouches as he signals Asbury to to his side. "you two better get out of here" turns to Wynd "how hungry you think that beast is Wynd" allowing the two millers sons to hear the last comment.

DM Jerry (by land)  d20=1
Friday October 8th, 1999 8:08:59 AM

(Morale check of a 1 for Lucky made) Lucky says, "You're not getting rid of us that easy." He stands proud and tall. "We're coming with you." Then he freezes and stares, losing his manners in his pant leg. He points, his face white. Not one but two wolves are bearing down on you. Ears back. Teeth set.

DM Jerry (by land)  d20=1
Friday October 8th, 1999 8:10:59 AM

(Morale check of a 1 for Lucky made) Lucky says, "You're not getting rid of us that easy." He stands proud and tall. "We're coming with you." Then he freezes and stares, losing his manners in his pant leg. He points, his face white. Not one but two wolves are bearing down on you. Ears back. Teeth set.

DM Jerry (by land) 
Friday October 8th, 1999 8:14:59 AM

(The party has initiative.) The AC of the wolves is 7. Roll for surprise.

DM Jerry (by sea) 
Friday October 8th, 1999 8:19:59 AM

Those on the boat watch in horror as the shark goes crazy over all the blood and bait in the water. The boat quickly moves away from the mess. Suddenly, you hear a scream and a howl from the shore. In a tree you see what might be Tagalong. He is pointing at what looks to be two dog like creatures racing away from him and towards 4 others a couple of hundred feet away. Two of the others are not easily recognizable. However, you do see Wynd and Bulldog...holding hands?

Catcher (By Sea)  d20=20 d20=12 d6=6
Friday October 8th, 1999 4:46:59 PM

With a nod of respect at Legs swimming ability, Catcher looks over and sees the land attack. Quickly glancing at Nightshade, Catcher says, "Your ring...?" and then promptly guides the boat to the shore. Once on the bank, Catcher will begin using his short bow, hoping to draw off the wolves. First shot hits for 6 points!

Wynd  d10=7 d20+3=21 d4=3
Saturday October 9th, 1999 5:34:59 AM

Not really suprised, Wynd drops Bulldog's hand and while loading her sling, yells at Lucky and four-eyes "Lucky get your brouther behind us and up a tree, you seem to be good at climbing trees. And lets just say that when we drive these wolves off you had best still be there or the first thing I do is go visit the head priest and tell him about how you were in the "tree" and took something from it." then wynd lets fly with her first sling shot aiming at the beasts eye (18 +3,dex -2,called shot+ 19 for a resounding pop and 3 points of damage to the eye)

Bulldog & Asbury  d10=4 d20=10
Saturday October 9th, 1999 7:59:59 AM

His lasso whirls as the wolves close. When the terrifying beasts are within range he lets fly, trying to trip up a beast. (misses) ........ Asbury charges ......growling deep and LOUD ...... (to engage the enemy in a chase. Trying to keep its attention away from his charges )

Saturday October 9th, 1999 7:55:59 PM

Since the young adolescents are a few hundred feet off shore yet, Legs will assist at rowing in close by where the action is, and help beach the skiff. Then he will use his stick to defend his friends.

Sunday October 10th, 1999 3:46:59 PM

Ari will pull out his rapier, and get ready to defend his friends.

DM Jerry (results of party actions)  d20=5
Monday October 11th, 1999 5:36:59 AM

Catcher hits wolf #1 on the run with an incredible shot at long range. The wolf (morale check of 5) amazingly shrugs off the arrow going completely through his body and let his hunger and the desire of the hunt drive him on. Wynd (called shot is -4, not -2[grin]) does indeed hit the second wolf in the eye. the wolf goes into a fit rolling over and over totally surprised, hit mind filled totally in indescribable pain. Legs works alone at rowing the boat towards the shore making slow progress. At this rate, the boat might never make it in time as the current drives the boat further west and away from the combat. Currently the boat is estimated to be at least 2 minutes from the shore, farther with one person rowing.

Lucky and Three-eyes  d20=19 d3=3 d20=12
Monday October 11th, 1999 5:42:59 AM

Lucky pulls out a knife a look of holy terror on his face and jumps at the first wolf stabbing the thing with his knive for three points of damage. The blow hits the wolf in the throat as the beast lunged at Lucky and Lucky is buried under the huge beast. Three-eyes tears into the beast rolling him over and off of Lucky. The beast is dead and both kids are covered in blood. They both jump up and in a primal scream of ones who have found their first prey.

DM Jerry 
Monday October 11th, 1999 5:46:59 AM

Tagalong still clings to his tree some distance from the melee.(It is now party initiave.)

Tag Along 
Monday October 11th, 1999 6:21:59 AM

"Guys im coming!" he shouts as he charges the wolves from behind seeing there attacking his friends he takes out his daggers one in each hand and tries to jump on back of wolf and plant the knives deep into flesh::

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=17 d4+1=4
Monday October 11th, 1999 6:31:59 AM

looks quickly about for something that will due for a club and then moves towards the last beast and strikes a crushing blow (for 5 points dam) Asbury keeping an eye on the beast lest it stir again.

Wynd  d20=6
Monday October 11th, 1999 7:05:59 AM

Quickly tucking her sling away, Wynd grabs her staff and preparing for the attack of the wolf, braces, and swings firmly at a nearby wolf and realizes at the last moment that it is too far out of reach and misses wildly.

Monday October 11th, 1999 10:12:59 AM

"Poison, or Ari - help me row this thing!" beseeches Legs, trying to bring the boat to shore.

Catcher (at sea) 
Monday October 11th, 1999 4:20:59 PM

Quickly assessing the situation on land, Catcher straps the bow across his back and quickly heaves to on an oar, helping to bring the boat to shore. "Well, fortune seems to be smiling at us. Our boat has been hit by a shark, and we have wolf bodies to help cover the disappearance of the others," Catcher states with satisfaction.

Monday October 11th, 1999 11:31:59 PM

(last post was based off of us making it to shore). Ari grabs an oar, or paddle. If Ari can not assist, he will encourage Catcher to let him Row, and him to stand in the front of the boat and use his bow as soon as he is able, if he can.

Nightshade (poison) 
Tuesday October 12th, 1999 2:19:59 AM

Throws her weight to the Ors and begins to Row with everything she has.

Tuesday October 12th, 1999 5:07:59 AM

Rows harder on the same side of the boat with Ari, so that the strength of Catcher's and Poison's rowing doesn't make the boat go around in circles.

DM Jerry (results of party actions) 
Tuesday October 12th, 1999 5:33:59 AM

Tagalong gets about half way to the remaining wolf this round. Bulldog crushes the skull of the wolf that already had the arrow in the eye while Wynd nearly hits Bulldog in the back of the head while the others row. The 2nd wolf is dead.

DM Jerry (by sea)  d20=13
Tuesday October 12th, 1999 5:37:59 AM

Suddenly, just a few feet from the shore, the whole Wold turns over for those in the boat as giant jaws bite down on the hull breaking end of the boat completely off and tossing those in the boat in a high arc to land on the beach. The shark continues to destroy the boat in frustration that it's prey has escaped.

Wynd  d20=15
Tuesday October 12th, 1999 6:05:59 AM

quickly recovering from her near decapitation of Bulldog, Wynd quickly and deftly wheels on Lucky and knocks the dagger from his hand and sits him on his rear. "Now, tell me why I shouldn't just make it look like you two were killed by these wolves and we got here just too late?" ::pauses a moment:: And why do you want to come with us?

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday October 12th, 1999 7:43:59 AM

Discarding the makeshift weapon. he approaches the brothers as Wynd lays into them. Snathes the stick that Lucky brought with him from town. "you know I thought I saw it glow. Thats a good sign. Can't hide that from the preists, though." pauses for a few moments then turns and helps his friends from the water.

Tuesday October 12th, 1999 8:15:59 AM

Picks himself up off the beach, and looks around to make sure everyone is all right, and that there are not any more surprises anywhere else on the beach. "Do these kind of animals normally attack like this? Or this close to town?"

Tag Along  d20=12 d20=5
Tuesday October 12th, 1999 8:44:59 AM

::continues run and attacks from behind with a knife in each hand:: "Ah leave them alone!"

Catcher (on Dry Land)  d20=7
Tuesday October 12th, 1999 4:19:59 PM

Humming to himself, and ignoring the others, Catcher busies himself with a tree branch, reaching out into the water and making sure several pieces of shark-bitten boat are drawn to the beach. Obliterating all the tracks surrounding the beach, Catcher says to Nightshade, "Well, this part is covered, now we just need to take care of the wolf-attack scene, and everything will be set. Wish we had some human bones or something..."

Nightshade (poison) 
Wednesday October 13th, 1999 3:29:59 AM

Nightshade rolling to her feet and thinking quickly runs to the nearest wolf body and throws it near the shark and near the remains of the boat hoping that as the shark feed the bones and blood will coat the remains of the boat. Also hoping beyond hope that it will be to shallow and the shark will beach itself, then they can make it look even more real, maybe.

Legs  d20=14 d20=15 d20=18
Wednesday October 13th, 1999 4:29:59 AM

Legs lands a little hard. He prefers to land in the water, to which he recently has grown more accustomed. He gets up, nevertheless. He finds that the other bag he had placed in the boat was cast up on shore as well. The glass jar filled with honey, however, broke inside his bag. He gets up, and moves to the other side of the Lucky and Three Eyes, to make sure they don't try running off.

Wednesday October 13th, 1999 6:45:59 AM

Lucky stares at Wynd open-mouthed. "But I helped you. I killed the.... You wouldn't! Would you? Three-eyes here just overheard you talking to that Slaag and called me. I just couldn't stay home when I knew what was gonna happen. Plus this stick's been talkin' to me. It sorta led me here. Said you'd help."

DM Jerry 
Wednesday October 13th, 1999 6:54:59 AM

The shark eats the wolf bodies Nightshade throws to it. Tag comes running up angry and ready to attack Wynd for her threat to the two younger kids. (Tag didn't designate a target.) It is now mid-afternoon. It looks like dark clouds are indeed a coming storm.

How many's a crowd? 
Wednesday October 13th, 1999 6:59:59 AM

A kid seems to be carefully following Tagalong some distance behind him. As you notice him he nods and approaches. He seems to be watching the two younger kids with a very keen eye.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday October 13th, 1999 8:26:59 AM

Upon seeing Tags trailer "oh ! for crying out loud, ...just who doesn't know we have left" turns to tags "just how many have you brought along ?!!. is he the only one, ... you have anymore hiding in those trees ?!!" anger showing easily as he stomps around cursing, obviously upset over the cropping up of these younger burdens and continues to put some fear into them "bodies thats is just what might do the trick yeah" (OOC(his friends most likely know he is just trying to scare them and would not truly kill someone that he has grown up knowing, he's just venting))

The boy 
Wednesday October 13th, 1999 9:39:59 AM

The slender boy who trailed Tag Along appears to be about your age. He walks, hesitant, up to the group. "Greetings. I saw the wolves attack. You fight well." He glances at the nearby flotsam in the bay. "None of you would happen to know anyone by the name of..." He trails off, looking at Lucky and Three-Eyes, then begins to sing. "Old King Dole was a dour old soul and a dour old wife had he! He called for his daughter, called for his son, and called for his bananas three..." He looks at the group, checking for any recognition, eying in particular the two younger ones.

Wednesday October 13th, 1999 7:03:59 PM

Legs stares at the newcomer. "This is a really weird day."

Catcher  d20=11
Wednesday October 13th, 1999 7:23:59 PM

To Nightshade, Catcher says, "I'm going to scout around and make sure we don't have any 'eyes' out there. We need to decide whether or not to bring those three along, or leave a couple of them with the wolf bodies..." Catcher heads a hundred yards back into the woods, checking for any other people or creatures.

Wynd  d20=19
Wednesday October 13th, 1999 8:11:59 PM

Listening to Lucky, Wynd pulls back her staff from his chest and relaxes a bit. "well if that is the case, why all the threats about turning us into the priests? Why not just ask? Tell me that. At this time she looks up and sees Tag in his headlong rush and prepares to parry with her staff if necessary (rolled a 19 which hits AC 1).

Thursday October 14th, 1999 2:13:59 AM

With a start, he says, "Hey, that's what ... we heard that silly song about King Dole before." He notices the look the newcomer gives to the two younger villagers. "You three know each other, or something? Lucky - let me see that stick. That's from the maple, right?"

Thursday October 14th, 1999 3:11:59 AM

I do not think we have long to tarry. I believe the choice is to go or to stay. There have been too many coincidences for my taste. I do not know how much longer the weather will favor us. We have all the equipment we need. I say we should be on the way, after Catcher double checks the area.

Nightshade (poison) 
Thursday October 14th, 1999 3:44:59 AM

Throws the last piece of Wolf to the sharks and then walks calmly to Bulldog, placing a hand gently on his shoulder. "Shhhhhh my brother." She then squats down and looks at the newbies. "I have seen my sister die, and then had her joyous soul return to me as of late. I am in no mood for riddles told by the insane or for games and threats from children. Thank you for your help, and now speak clearly as to your purpose here or not at all."

Tag Along 
Thursday October 14th, 1999 5:24:59 AM

"Ugh well for once i didnt tag along i ran away first." he says laughing. "But that wolf chased me into a tree, so i stayed up there for a while till they ran after you. When i realized it was you guys i decided to help. Well after that boy spotted us i thought i was for sure sacrifice so i ran. And hide on the trail to meet you now you know. He looks at the younger boy, that followed him. "Strange we always pick up strangers on this journey. I guess a god of somekind is with us. Why else would all us goof balls get together. Well i stil remember teh song that leads us. Shall we continue down the trail, while we tell are catch up tail. And these young new boys of three, can Tag ALong with ME!" he says skipping away singing the song of direction, while playing his old trusty flute.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday October 14th, 1999 7:18:59 AM

After Lady Nightshade sets Bulldog at ease he stands facing the young lads and awaits their response to her direct questioning. "thanks, my lady" he smiles with at last. Signals Asbury to his side.

Aith 'Singer' 
Thursday October 14th, 1999 8:02:59 AM

The trailer sighs. He then looks at Legs. "Yes, I believe you heard it out of the mouth of someone who was different from what he claimed to be. My name is Aith, although you can call me Singer, as that is what my friends call me. And I have a request. For the safety of this journey." He looks at the two younger ones again. [OOC: Aith looks to be the same age as the older crowd, not Lucky and Three-Eyes!]

Thursday October 14th, 1999 9:44:59 AM

"Because.....because you're threatening to kill us, that's why. If we go back now, when they know you're gone or dead, they will ask us about it and then we'll die like that girl."

Thursday October 14th, 1999 9:46:59 AM

Lucky immediately puts the stick away under his shirt. He refuses to let anyone look at it. He looks as if he's hiding something he wants to tell, but doesn't dare.

Thursday October 14th, 1999 9:47:59 AM

When Tagalong begins playing, both of the younger children flock to him out of habit and begin dancing a jig around him trying to escape from all this seriousness.

Thursday October 14th, 1999 9:51:59 AM

Singer looks at the two boys. "Before we go, may I look at the back of your necks?"

Thursday October 14th, 1999 10:53:59 AM

Ari does not know what to make of all this. So he'll just be a quiet observer.

Catcher  d20=15
Thursday October 14th, 1999 5:39:59 PM

After a few minutes, Catcher re-appears and gives the 'all clear'. Seeing that the three newcomers are still alive, Catcher says, "Well, what will you be contributing to the group? Any skills at food gathering?" Everyone sees that Catcher is nervious, and he keeps pacing as if willing his friends to hurry up.

Thursday October 14th, 1999 8:44:59 PM

Singer looks at catcher, then back at the younger boys. "Well?"

Friday October 15th, 1999 12:36:59 AM

Looking at Lucky see just shakes her head and says your threats of turning us in came well before I threatened your lives. However that is water under the bridge as Mother would say. you are right that if you go back now you are as good as dead, but how do we know if you are a spy...... ::turning her attention to Singer:: Why do you want to look at our necks?

Nightshade (poison) 
Friday October 15th, 1999 2:25:59 AM

Nightshade ruffles Ashburrys ears and kisses him on the head. "Boys, this is not the time for playing and the more you move about, the more work we must do latter, covering our tracks. You threatend us before you knew us, but I think my family and I can chalk it up to being young and scared, what we need now is answers." She turns and looks right at Lucky as she takes Bulldogs hand. "This is my only family and I won't EVER let them come to harm. So answer please. How did you follow us and why? Do you plan on going back and telling the priests? What do you want? What do you know?"

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday October 15th, 1999 2:40:59 AM

Returns Lady Nightshades a reassuring squeeze . "And your boys better answer our question or I just will have to lose my temper again." After listening to singers comment "just what are you looking for on those lads .. anyway" He curiosity peaking. Asbury Snuggles into the lady's affection.

Friday October 15th, 1999 9:38:59 AM

Singer looks at the others. "If I find it, you can see yourself, if not, then I'll tell you." With this he turns back to Lucky and Three-Eyes.

Lucky and Three Eyes 
Friday October 15th, 1999 9:49:59 AM

Both boys turn white and back up a few steps. What Singer has said has somehow made them very scared. Seeing everyone's eyes on him, Lucky draws his knives again. "Stay away! This is not fair! We....we, uh, mean no harm. We just want to go with you. Yes. Don't you believe me? Don't..." Both kids pull up their hoods and pull them close around their faces.

Friday October 15th, 1999 10:42:59 AM

Singer looks at the boys and Lucky's knives. "Don't threaten me. I know the tricks they use." He raises his voice. "Now show me your necks, or admit!"

Legs  d10=7 d20=19
Friday October 15th, 1999 11:52:59 AM

Legs has been staying behind the two boys. Seeing Lucky draw his knives on his friends is too much for Legs. He leaps forward (init 7), planting his shoulder in the small of Lucky's back, with his hands just below the boy's knees, driving him forward onto his face (19+2 from behind=21 to hit AC -1). He sits on him with his full 145 pounds, and pins Lucky's arms down with his forearms. "Someone take his knives before anybody gets hurt."

Wynd  d20=19
Friday October 15th, 1999 4:52:59 PM

As Legs tacles Lucky, Wynd attempts a leg sweep on Four Eyes, with her staff (19 hits AC1), not trying to injure but to just put on the ground. As Four Eyes, falls to the ground she steps forward and this time places the end of her staff at Four Eyes' chest effectively pinning him to the ground. She looks over at Singer, and simply says, "well what are you waiting for, Check them?"

Friday October 15th, 1999 5:49:59 PM

Witnessing Singer's questioning, and the response it evokes, Catcher immediately has bow in hand with arrow nocked, pointing at Three Eyes. A smile plays on his face that he has difficulty stopping. "Quickly now, if this is as you suspect, Singer, we haven't much time."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Saturday October 16th, 1999 5:53:59 AM

As Legs leaps into action, quickly pinning the young one. Bulldog will take the knives away as Legs asked. Quickly tucking them into his belt. "I got 'em Legs. lets turn him over and take a look" Will then very forcefully proceed to do so, with Legs' help. (To find this mysterious thing ) ...... Asbury growling at the commotion "Grrrrrrr"

Saturday October 16th, 1999 8:56:59 AM

"Thanks, Bulldog - but don't turn him over. Here - just take his hood back, to see if there's something on the back of his neck." Legs continues to hold Lucky down.

Tag Along 
Saturday October 16th, 1999 6:35:59 PM

::quickly seeing his bigger friends take down the two boys, Tag reaches into there hoods to see if he can feal the stem of Ga'al.

Nightshade (poison) 
Saturday October 16th, 1999 9:23:59 PM

"Tag,don't touch it, move the hood and LOOK, but don't touch!!!! Bulldog, be careful, they may not mean us any harm. Legs, becareful if they are what you all expect they may be capable of things we aren't. Catcher, move to cover and keep a bead on them, if something wierd happens fire and get out of here." With that she takes out her dagger and squats don by the boys. "If you are inocent I am truely sorry for this, but I warned you, this is my family and I will let NO harm come to them." She then begins to cut their cloths off of them.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Sunday October 17th, 1999 2:12:59 AM

"ok Legs, you keep a good hold on him." Will then peel back Lucky's hood to take a look. Following Lady Nightshades advice, replying to her "I'll be careful"

Lucky and Three Eyes 
Monday October 18th, 1999 7:26:59 AM

Lucky screams, "No! Don't hurt me!" Three Eyes babbles, "I didn't mean anything.....NoAUUUUGH!" Tagalong reaches simultaneously into the hoods of each boy and jumps back as her hands are bloodied from hitting something sharp. [1 hit point damage to each hand--2 total.] Bulldog peels back Lucky's hood. A sharp thorn sticks out of his neck. Lucky's eyes bore into you pleading for mercy. He whimpers, "What? What's there?" Three eyes simply continues to babble eating dirt. "No..no....please no."

Monday October 18th, 1999 8:09:59 AM

Singer turns pale, and nods. "As I thought. They've been given a special kind of heartseed, on the base of the neck." He swallows, then looks around. "If you don't mind, I'd like to check the rest of you, and you can check me if you wish. You see, a few years ago, some children in my town tried to escape the heart-seeding, and ran off. They were joined by spies heartseeded in this manner by priests of Ga'al." He looks down. "My cousin was one of, those." He ends in a near-whisper. "I decided then that I wouldn't serve so cruel a god, no matter what." He looks at Lucky and Three-Eyes. "It's not their fault, but we can't have them telling the priests of Ga'al. What do we do with them?"

Tag Along 
Monday October 18th, 1999 8:13:59 AM

::pulls back and looks at hands then falls over looking close to dead::

Monday October 18th, 1999 9:13:59 AM

Legs looks up at Poi ... Nightshade. "Can you ask, you know who, what we should do? Step aside from us with - Bulldog, would you go with her, out of earshot, and ask?" Then he asks Lucky, "Can you swim?"

Ari  d20=19
Monday October 18th, 1999 4:13:59 PM

Ari will run up to Tagalong in order to minister what first aid he knows. Though he is unable to do anything.

Catcher  d20=9 d20=2
Monday October 18th, 1999 4:21:59 PM

Guided by years of experience as a hunter, Catcher, using one of his grandfather's daggers, quickly and painlessly silences Three-Eyes and Lucky with a quick slash to the jugular. Then, handing his dagger to Nightshade, he submits himself for inspection. "Do to me the same favor if I'm marked by Ga'al."

Nightshade  d20=11
Monday October 18th, 1999 7:44:59 PM

"Nooooooo! Dammit Tag, why didn't you listen." Feeling sick as she watches the boys die she picks up their bodies and drags them to the beach. With a mighty heave she throws one of the bodies to the shark. Then she turns to Legs. "Thers nothing to do now but run. They know were not dead now and they will start hunting us. Bulldog, please help me with the other body. Catcher, please start erasing out tracks. Ari, please check everyone for stems on the neck. Wynd and Singer, please help Catcher with the tracks, we need to hurry and finish here and provision ourselfs. As soon as we are ready we should leave and not stop until we are exausted." She then crosses to the other body and waits for Bulldog.

Monday October 18th, 1999 7:47:59 PM

[d10=10 d20=1] Legs, seeing Catcher's knife drawing near Lucky, says, "No!" He moves to block Catcher, but does not react quickly enough, and is quite ineffectual in his reaction.

Monday October 18th, 1999 11:36:59 PM

Before she can even get aword out about what she thinks should be done with the two, it is too late and they are dead. Before the bodies are disposed of Wind goes over to Lucky and removes the piece of the tree that he was carrying. Looking at Catcher, she whispers, I wish you had waited a moment more, I think we could have helped them. She moves off silently and walks up to singer and bares her neck for him to inspect and then starts looking for some leafy brnches with which to help hide their tracks.

Tuesday October 19th, 1999 12:05:59 AM

Singer stares at Catcher, turning even paler than before. "Such cold-bloodedness."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday October 19th, 1999 4:09:59 AM

Unable to prevent Catcher from his deed, out of shear shock that he would do such a thing. He rises . giving his friend a cold stony stare. " They were from our own home, we knew them. Tying them up a leaving them would accomplished the same goal." begins to step away, stops and places a hand on catcher shoulder. In a softer tone "The quick choices aren't always the best my friend, remember we must all count on each other, ..... it is now past us ... " then with a light hearted shove, to ease some tension, he pushes away from Catcher and heads towards helping with the last body. "I coming" He secures the confiscated knives in his belt as he moes to help Nightshades. Asbury follows.

The Exorcist Heads of Ga'al 
Tuesday October 19th, 1999 8:35:59 AM

The two dead boys are fed to the sharks. Suddenly, the boys shark eaten bodies with rude slices on their necks rise up out of the ocean, levitating witht the breeze slowly floating them along. Their heads spin towards you and grin an evil horrible grin. Their mouths speak, blood gurgling out and vomit spewing with each word. "I know where you are. You will die. Your hearts are mine! I know where you are. Your hears are mine! I know where you are...you are.....you are.... you are..." Together two sharks leap from the water capturing the possessed bodies and bearing them under the water once more.

Tuesday October 19th, 1999 11:08:59 AM

Once the back of everyone's neck is checked, Legs says, "Let's go." And he goes.

Tuesday October 19th, 1999 3:57:59 PM

With a hard dead look, gazing into the distance, Catcher quickly clears the area, retrieving his arrows, if possible, and then quickly instructs the party on woodcraft, making sure that no one creates broken branches or bent plants to give away their location. The work seems to help him control his nerviousness. During the short lesson, Catcher says, "I learned about this from playing hide-and-hunt with Grandpa – we’d take turns tracking each other thru the woods, and I never got over that scared spot in my stomach every time I was the one being hunted. The last time we played, I was in a tree, and Grandpa was getting close, when a brown bear rose up out of some bushes and mauled him. Brown bears don’t usually act like that, and it wasn’t until it turned to leave that I saw the thorn sticking out of its neck. Then I knew how cruel Ga’al could be…He would have left my Grandpa to lie suffering on the forest floor, all alone. I did as Grandpa asked, showing him the same mercy as those two…" Catcher motions towards the sharks. After a moment, Catcher continues, "Nightshade is right, we’re going to go as far as we can today. I’ve been in this area, so we’ll go a slightly different way, using the woods for cover. I’ll create a couple of false trails on the way, to mislead pursuit. Ga’al may know where we are now, but we don’t have to show him which way we’re going! When we can’t walk any further, we’ll take shelter in some low bushes, and I’ll set up a look out in a tree nearby. Now let’s move!"

Tag Along 
Tuesday October 19th, 1999 5:57:59 PM

::weekly looks up at the sight:: "Owe, i didnt know gettign cut on the hands hurt so bad. Ah well Ga'al wants me dead for sure he tasted how sweet i am already." he says with a smile, although his features are pale and he looks in very bad shape. "Anyone have a bandage?"

Wednesday October 20th, 1999 12:02:59 AM

Singer rips a strip of cloth off of his clothes. "I don't know any healing skills, but this should stop the bleeding." He looks around. "Did you guys, and girl" he hastily adds, looking at Nightshade, "Have any particular plans as to how you wished to go?"

Wednesday October 20th, 1999 1:23:59 AM

"So does that then mean that none of G'aal people have redeeming factors? That if you are infected by Ga'al, there's no point in living for them? Granted, we do not have the time to try to figure this riddle out. But I think if we're going to survive, there has to be a group agreement. Otherwise, do we not become just like Ga'al, determining who lives and who dies? I just wish we knew what was right."

Wynd  d20=12
Wednesday October 20th, 1999 2:22:59 AM

With the limited amount of Herbalism that Wynd has learned from her father she will use some of the dried herbs she has collected, that she was told have some healing virtues and powder some on Tag's cut before it is bandaged. Looking at "the stick" can she tell if it is from the lightening struck tree? As catcher starts his discussion of woodscraft, Wynd will add bits and pices as he goes along. She figures that between the twoof them they ought to be able to survive in the woods faily well.

Wednesday October 20th, 1999 3:33:59 AM

Singer looks at Ari, surprised. "That is a good question. Perhaps we can answer it once we leave..."

Nightshade (poison) 
Wednesday October 20th, 1999 5:51:59 AM

Night shade looks around to take stock. "Ok Lets move. Wynd in front followed by me, Catcher in back right behind Bulldog, the rest of you between us. Bulldog will Ash stay real close to you for the rest of the day, or is he going to want to roam? The closer we all stick the better for catcher to hide our trail. Try to walk in the same steps as the person in front of you. Now lets move." With that she motions to Wynd to begin leading.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday October 20th, 1999 6:15:59 AM

Pulls together his gear. Waiting for all but Catcher to pass, before he starts off. Signaling Asbury to heel in next to himself. An strange feeling of what is to come passes quickly through his thoughts, as he checks his weapons. Much more then he's use to as he counts them ,3 knives, ...a handaxe, .... lasso. .... what'll be next ...............

Tag Along 
Wednesday October 20th, 1999 7:57:59 AM

"Well GA'al wants us dead so i say we really better set a good pace away from here." he says as he begins to head along the route they are supposed to be foolowing.

Off Road Trip 
Wednesday October 20th, 1999 8:45:59 AM

The party, completely ignoring the horrible scene of the possessed heads, quickly organizes and departs, their heads numb and filled with too much horror to react. Wynd leads followed by Nightshade,Singer, Ari, Legs, Tagalong, Bulldog beside Asbury, and finally Catcher. Wynd restores 1 hit point to Tagalong with her herbalism skills. The party trudges through the next couple of hours and then the storm hits. Thunder echoes, followed by a downpour. Almost instantly, everyone is wet. Rain continues, becoming a constant showever for the rest of the afternoon. As evening approaches, the wind begins to blow and the temperature begins to drop.(Wynd and any others involved in deciding where the group "trudges" please roll a intelligent check or an appropriate non-weapon proficiency check such as tracking to continue in the desired directions.)

Catcher  d20=3
Wednesday October 20th, 1999 9:02:59 AM

Catcher, completely in a daze, continues covering tracks for an hour after the rain starts, before finally realizing that the storm will do the job for him. Despite the tumult, Catcher easily maintains his bearings, giving advice whenever confusion seems to set in. As the weather turns cold, Catcher says, "Gang, I think we should keep walking to keep us warm - lighting a fire isn't an option. If it gets too cold, we can find a thick stand of bushes to block the wind and huddle together for warmth. We're better off pressing on in this mess, while there's less chance of other creatures being out and about. Anybody got a rope to tie us together?" If no one does, Catcher will gather a couple of dead tree branches, so that everyone can hold one and stay together in the storm.

Wednesday October 20th, 1999 9:12:59 AM

Singer looks around, shivering. "I wish we could meet someone, preferably a Slaag. I can always use a new song..." He breaks off suddenly, looking around, as if caught. "Well, I suppose you aren't about to tell a Priest of Ga'al. Most of my songs are changed from Slaag songs so that they make more sense. The Priests always thought I made them up myself, as they'd never consider such good melodies coming from a Slaag." He grins at the recollection. He then looks around. "I knew I should have..." He looks in his backpack, and pulls out a net. "We can cut this up and use it for rope..."

Wednesday October 20th, 1999 10:07:59 AM

Looking at Singer's net, Legs asks, "Why ruin a perfectly good net by cutting it up? Keep the net in one piece." As the troupe walked along earlier, Legs offered to help Catcher with the trail obscurement, watching and copying. He seems disturbed at times, resolute at others. "Taggy, I can carry you for a while if you get tired. I'm used to carrying stuff," he says, as he carries two bags.

Wynd  d20=19
Wednesday October 20th, 1999 2:55:59 PM

As the events of the day, go running through Wynds mind, the sudden storm catches her unawares, she slows down and appears to be searching for a direction to go. With a barely heard moan, suddenly she just stops. Standing in the rain face toward the sky she is heard to be repeating the word, why, why, why, why, why, why?

Rainy Days and Mondays Always Get Me Down(DMJerry) 
Thursday October 21st, 1999 5:15:59 AM

Wynd stops the procession with her "Why me?" routine. The misery continues. Night falls. The wind continues to pick up and the temperature drops considerably. It becomes cold and dark. With the clouds overhead, neither moon is showing or adding any light to the skies. (Con checks to avoid colds. If you fail, roll percentages to see how bad your cold is. The higher the roll, the worse the cold.)

Legs  d20=9
Thursday October 21st, 1999 5:28:59 AM

Legs suggests, "Let's look for a place to get some rest tonight within the next hour or so. Who is good at waking up real early, so we can be on our way again before dawn?"

Nightshade (poison)  d20=20 d100=11
Thursday October 21st, 1999 6:28:59 AM

When night falls Night shade begins to shiver and shake. She begins to sneeze and then falls to the ground. Her friends can feel teh heat coming off of her even befoer they touch her.

Singer  d20=6
Thursday October 21st, 1999 7:09:59 AM

Singer looks around, and notices Nightshade's shivering. "Perhaps we can start a fire. If we risk it..."

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=19 d100=58
Thursday October 21st, 1999 8:22:59 AM

As the rain begins, Bulldog stops momentarily to retrieve his poncho from his sachel, donning to fight the elements.(having little affect it seems) When he sees Nightshade over, he is likewise overcome by the cold. He sits down next to the young lady saying "lets huddle together to stay warm, ..... Asbury come here" pulls the furry little guy close for warmth. Retreives a blanket from his pack to throw over them, holding it open for nightshades to join the two. Sneezing and shivering "......... aaaaachhhoooooooo ! ..... brrrrr" Four footed and furry snuggles right in as usually.

Catcher  d20=9
Thursday October 21st, 1999 2:49:59 PM

Seeing that they'll all soon be stumbling around in the dark, Catcher has everyone stop for a moment, then quickly scouts out the area, looking for a rise in the terrain. He (hopefully) locates a hill with thick low-lying vegatation, and brings the group to it. He chooses a spot half-way up the incline, on the side opposite the wind, so that rain will not flow into the resting site. "No fire," says Catcher, "We can't give ourselves away. We'll have to rely on body-warmth...here, have some jerky. I'm going to keep a look out for a little while, and then wake one of you up later on. Who wants to take over after me?" Due to the cold and rain, Catcher will take shelter with the group, where it is hopefully dryer.

Wynd  d20=18 d100=35
Friday October 22nd, 1999 12:07:59 AM

As Catcher takes over looking for a suitable site for a camp Wynd huddles in the rain for a moment or two, sniffling and then shaking off the blues for a while manages to get out her weather claok and put it on. When Catcher asks about second watch Wynd volunteers, not knowing that she was going to be feeling absolutely horridly in the morning.

Friday October 22nd, 1999 4:39:59 AM

Singer looks around the campsite to make sure of his bearings. When Catcher asks about watches, he speaks up. "I'd like to take the last watch. I always like dawn, even if there is no sun to see. It makes a good subject for songs."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday October 22nd, 1999 6:49:59 AM

"I'll take the second watch, ...... wake me when you need me ....... ok catcher ...." Settling down get some well needed rest , pulling the blanket tight to stay warm.

Ari  d20=9 d20=20
Friday October 22nd, 1999 1:03:59 PM

Ari will help get the others to camp. He'll try searching the local terrain for some local herbs to help with the colds (2nd 20), finding none. When Ari gets a chance, he'll comment to Catcher "I read somewhere that finding some pine treed, ot pine tree branches might be our best bet". Once the camp is made, Ari will take whatever shift needs to be covered for watch. Ari is not going to sleep right away though. He's disturbed by the days events. Because of this, he'll will actually sit with the others and softly mumble to himself (prayer) 'I have read somewhere that most men worship gods thru prayer. Having not prayed before in life, I am hoping this is what one does. I must apologize for not knowing who to call upon, because I just cannot remember your new found name. LLLLe, Lemtrox, I just cannot remember it. This first day has been long and arduous, and I realize that there will be many. All that I ask for tonight, would be for some kind of protection from the weather, and something that can be done for these fevers. I have my doubts about this whole affair, but I cannot leave my friends."

A Code Nihdt Achoo! (DMJerry)  d20=12 d20=4 d20=12
Friday October 22nd, 1999 7:41:59 PM

Legs and Nightshade come down with a minor cold. [It saps 1 temporary point of strength one of constitution.] Bulldog however gets a severe head cold that worsens during the night to the point that he runs a fever. [3 temporary points of strength and 3 of constitution.] Ari covers the first watch, Wynd the second by herself as Bulldog is in no shape to do so. Singer takes the final watch. The party avoids encounters. Perhaps the cold camp and the rain helped keep them safe. The rain stops about the middle of the night slowly becoming a mist and then a heavy fog. The party gets up with some of them stiff and sore from the previous day's exertions. The night seemed awful short to some and like it would never end to others. Bulldog looks awful. (Those with colds will need to roll over their previous percentile roll that got them the cold during critical situations to keep from sneezing or coughing.) His nose if red from the rubbing and his ears are blistering. The party takes care of morning stuff and then begins trudging on down the road. Midmorning, with the fog beginning to lift, they come to a clearing and look down on the double Wharfed town of Abderus. A black line of water encroaches both sides of the town. One side the Peaseblossom Bay and the other the massive Blackbird Lake. A boardwalk separates the large town into northern and southern sections, with the boardwalk running completely across the town from bay to lake allowing the easy transfer of goods from one pier to the other. Two roads converge upon the town from the north meeting at the north gate. One from home, Adorus, to the south and left of your position, following the coast of Peaseblossom bay and one that traces the coast of Blackbird lake to the west and right of your position. It travels north to Abus which provides hardwoods for The Empire. Both roads are currently empty. The woods stop at the crest of the hill upon which you stand. Tall grass about waist high fill a field that stands between you, the roads and the northern gate which stands open and also unoccupied. The wall of the town stands 25' tall and has guard towers on the corners of the town.

Wynd  d100=49
Friday October 22nd, 1999 9:38:59 PM

finally reaching Abderus with nothing worse than a good soaking and a case of the sniffles, Wynd halts as they get within sight of the walled city. "OK, Now we need to find this Captain Acurtt and his boat the Albatross, so we can cross Blackbird Lake. However, we also need a good warm soak in a local bath house if we aren't all going to catch lung sickness from last nights' soaking and perhaps we might want to get somesort of canvass cloth for a shelter. I have a small amount of money, but I don't know what things like this might cost. Or we might be able to prevail upon our good captains kindness. Any thoughts guys?

Saturday October 23rd, 1999 11:48:59 AM

[DM-Legs made con check (note the posted 9, needed 13 or less), therefore should not have a cold. Did you mean Wynd?] "I don't know, Wynd, about a bunch of us traipsing into town and asking for hot baths. Maybe a couple of us should see about getting into town, and trying to find the Albatross."

Tag Along  d20=12 d100=20
Sunday October 24th, 1999 4:51:59 AM

::Ahchew:: "I miss the slag homes warm fire. And blankets, no one said pirates get colds."

Sunday October 24th, 1999 5:28:59 AM

"I think the best thing we can do is to either dry out our clothes as best we can, or find some new dry clothes to put on. If anything, maybe try for the bath, or what we can, once we are on the ship. That we we are at least moving away from any pursuit."

Nightshade (poison)  d100=7
Sunday October 24th, 1999 8:12:59 AM

Nightshade worsens in the night and can not keep from coughing and sneezing, still she tries to up the parties spirits in the morning. "Come on guys we have to keep moving, (ACHHHOOO) There is a better place ahead."

Sunday October 24th, 1999 6:06:59 PM

"Okay, Ozzy told us to avoid roads, houses, and people – a bunch of kids running around is going to get us spotted. We need two of us to go in, while the rest hide here in the woods. Once we locate Captain Acurtt, we can ask him to pick up the rest of us away from town. How are we going to get in the city with those guard towers? Maybe a couple of us could sneak through the fields, then when we’re near the town, act like we’re playing hide-and-hunt, and go in after getting ‘tired’. We could act like our parents work in town, and we were goofing off for the day."

Sunday October 24th, 1999 6:42:59 PM

"Are you sure they'll fall for that? Well, it IS a large town..." Singer looks at the town. "I hope we're not already caught..."

Bulldog & Asbury  d100=34
Sunday October 24th, 1999 10:07:59 PM

His head pounding as he head cold worsens, he keeps silent. trying to stay warm.

We'd Kill for a Bath (DMJerry) 
Monday October 25th, 1999 5:31:59 AM

As our brave heroes ponder their fate, colds, and the large town of Abderus, a small group of Slaags exit the front gate taking the road to Adorus. About this same time, a long caravan with at least 15 wagons drawn by oxen passes the party travelling the lake road from the north loaded down with fruit and hardwoods from the edge of Culverwood. No guards are seen. One of the slaags, a rare Jill, begins to sing raucously. "Brave brave children in the field, brave brave children whose fate is sealed! Brave, brave children, why do you wait? Get to moving or face your fate! Tra-la-la! Tra-la-la! Do-se-do! Do-se-do! Don't be late!"

Monday October 25th, 1999 6:46:59 AM

mumbling under his breath, "Seems we are anticipated here"and in another breath" do you think anyone is really going to notice? If we just act like we'd act in the village, we should be fine. (sorta snidely) Of course, with the enrcouragement, I guess we should all just get in, unless we want to act like slags?!""Or is it more co-incidence that there's a large slag party, in which nine of them could stay out here, as we replace them to go into the city?"(half smiling)

Monday October 25th, 1999 10:18:59 AM

"That's as clear an invitation as I've heard. Let's go." Legs holds out his hand for Poison to help her along a bit. "Gonna need some lemon and garlic and honey and tea for you." He comments, "We can enter with the wagons, but let's spread out - Catcher - you wanna take the lead, and see if you're first to spot the ship? It'll have ta be on the right." As he walks almost briskly along the caravan, Legs looks at the hardwoods and fruit. If there is a strong hardwood branch or club-shaped (or shapeable) piece of wood, he'll pause to ask someone with the caravan if he can buy it (willing to spend a silver or few). He doesn't want to get into prolonged haggling, just a quick transaction. If there are any lemons or similar citrus (orange, lime, etc.), he'll buy a half dozen or less. "My mother loves good fruit," he says seriously.

Catcher  d20=12
Monday October 25th, 1999 11:37:59 AM

For a moment, Catcher's face shows some type of inner struggle, then, muttering an apology to Tag, Catcher does his best to act as a Slag, realizing that he seems too much of an adult to pass as a child anymore, "The sun is round, round, round/It is so bright to the sight/Now off to town, town, town/As birds in flight we must alight!" Catcher zooms around with arms outspread, making cawing sounds.

Bulldog & Asbury  d100=6
Monday October 25th, 1999 5:43:59 PM

Able to control his sneezing fits for now , he gets up slowly, giving a hand to whoever may need one, and makes his way to the wagons, trying to blend in with them. Asbury quietly in tow.

Monday October 25th, 1999 6:44:59 PM

Singer looks a bit unfcomfortable. "Umm, guys, someone might recognize me if we go in..."

Nightshade (poison) 
Tuesday October 26th, 1999 3:36:59 AM

Nightshade continues to sneeze as ashe leans on legs and Bulldog, "I'm feeling weak any way so why don't we say I twisted my ankle so we came back, My father is a trader and I met you guys in the market and you asked me if I could play, now your going to get me back to my father on the docks?"

Tuesday October 26th, 1999 5:44:59 AM

Watching the Slaggs aproach from one way and the caravan from the other Wynd hustles along with the others trying to get "lost" in the confusion. Grabbing Singer she quickly hands him her hooded cloak to put on and cover his head and features with and heads toaward the town with the crowd.

Tag Along 
Tuesday October 26th, 1999 6:11:59 AM

"Tag and Jill go up the Hill both a pair of Slags. Its a cold journey higher and higher with tag and jill only in rags. The journey they far, with little to wear to make it up the hilly crag. Jill sends taunts of innocents lost and beckons them on there way!" he shouts back to Jill. Hey guys i think thats a hint. But, if we really need something you all cause a distraction, ill see what i can do about procuring us some goods.

It's Poetry in Motion (DM Jerry)  d100=56 d100=85 d100=89 d100=81 d100=93
Tuesday October 26th, 1999 9:18:59 PM

With Legs shopping, Tag and Catcher slaaging, Bulldog sneezing and sneaking, singer wearing Wynd's cloak and rooted to the spot, and Nightshade limping, the group attempts to enter town. One of the wagonmasters calls out to Tag and Catcher in a reprimanding tone, "Stupid kids. I hope your parents don't see you playing Slaag. They will skin your hide and you'd deserve it. As Bulldog sneaks near the caravan one of the outriders pulls in and says, "Keep your distance boy. We'll be ahavin' no sneaking about's the caravan this close to town! He then spots Singer kneeling in the high grass and says, "Ho there Boy! Your friend here will be ajoining 'ya agin. No stealin' when we've made it this far. And you, pointing to Nightshade. Ya ain't no cripple. And if you are, you still ain't getting nothing. Stand back! Where are the guards around this place. They let their youngins have the run of the town here and it hurts bus'ness!" Legs' walks up and the wagonmaster gives him a totally different look. "I need a hand setting up the stall boy. Wanna earn a couple of chinks? Here, climb up!"

Wednesday October 27th, 1999 1:55:59 AM

Ari will do his best just to blend in with the 'group' of kids, and enter the town.

Wednesday October 27th, 1999 3:41:59 AM

Dropping the act, Catcher says to the others, "Hey, wanna see if Dad has caught anything? His boat should be back soon. Race ya' to the pier!"

We'd Kill for a Bath (DMJerry) 
Wednesday October 27th, 1999 5:29:59 AM

Ari and Catcher are the first through the gate.

Wednesday October 27th, 1999 5:49:59 AM

trying to coax Singer along Wynd will enter the city along with the caravan and then start making her way to the docks. Sniffling all the way.

Bulldog & Asbury  d100=27
Wednesday October 27th, 1999 6:14:59 AM

Being brushed off, so impolitely, by the wagoneers. Bulldog pulls Nightshades along after the first two. "Com'on , lets get'em". What a sickly pair they make as they sneeze their way through the gates heading towards the docks. Checks over his shoulder to see if the rest are following. Asbury joining in the merry chase. "get'em 'ras' " as he signals him after them.

Wednesday October 27th, 1999 7:26:59 AM

Ari will continue through the gates. Trying to look like he knows where he is going, while he watches for signs for the docks, and any other indication as to how to get to this boat.

Wednesday October 27th, 1999 8:18:59 AM

Singer sighs. "Well, just so long as we don't get too close to the peaseblossom bay side, I'm okay. They won't recognize me on the other side..." He looks around, then looks at his arm, and pulls his sleeve down to cover a tattoo. "I'd best not be showing this on the lake side. They'd realize I was from the bay side, and would ask questions."

Wednesday October 27th, 1999 4:05:59 PM

After entering the gates, Catcher keeps an eye out for other children, trying to see what type of games they play. He generally heads towards the lake side of town, not going so fast as to leave the others behind.

Nightshade (posion) 
Wednesday October 27th, 1999 5:50:59 PM

Nightshade limps through the gate feeling light headed and sininging. When the Caravan master acuses her of faking being a cripple she almost goes after him, it's all Bulldog can do to hold her back.

Thursday October 28th, 1999 2:46:59 AM

"That is a very kind offer, sir," responds Legs. "If you are setting up near the lake side of the city, I may be able to help you briefly, but then I must go, as I have other responsibilities." The tall boy awaits the wagonmaster's response.

Tag Along 
Thursday October 28th, 1999 7:10:59 AM

::follows ari and catcher::

Lost in the Shuffle(DMJerry) 
Thursday October 28th, 1999 7:41:59 AM

The party enters the city in disarray, everyone doing their own thing and getting farther and farther apart. Catcher looking around watches for the spirit of the town. She spots several children following a blacksmith carrying some tools. She is somewhat ahead of everyone else. Ari walks with Catcher. Wynd leads Singer, trying to cover his tatoo head through the streets toward the docks as well as cover her sniffles. Wynd sees Catcher occasionally as he works his way through the streets. Nightshade allows herself to be led by Bulldog whose eyes are beginning to swell and who constantly coughs and sneezes. They also make their way to the docks but are about to lose sight of Wind and Singer. The caravan leader responds to Legs as they enter the gates, "Yes, I plan on setting up on the lake side of the boardwalk. Do you know a good place? I could use lots of help." As the party proceeds through town, they continue to get further and further apart.

Thursday October 28th, 1999 9:35:59 AM

Singer looks around, then starts to give directions to Wynd, quietly, so that they'll still think Wynd is leading him.

Catcher  d20=15
Thursday October 28th, 1999 1:15:59 PM

Stopping a moment to 'catch' his breath, Catcher waits a moment for the others to gain a little, but then continues on before they get too close, wanting to make sure that they don't all travel together in a crowd. A concerned look crosses his face as he thinks about the failing health of the others, wondering what should be done.

Wynd  d20=3
Friday October 29th, 1999 1:11:59 AM

Entering the town with Singer in tow, Wynd tries to look as though she knows what and where she is going. Doing her best to keep Catcher in sight, she is extremely thankful when Singer starts whispering directions to her. Making it look as if the two are just conversing as they walk, and doing so very convincingly, she lets Singer lead without letting him lead, so to speak.

Legs  d20=13
Friday October 29th, 1999 1:20:59 AM

"Sir, I'll run ahead and try to reserve a good spot for you." Legs suggests. "Just keep going this direction," he says. The boy dashes ahead, looking for a suitable place for the merchant to set up his wares ... and keeping an eye out for his friends. Noticing some people setting up for the market, he asks, "Pardon me, but we have fruits and good hardwood for sale. Where is a good place to set up?" He quickly asks a few different people (can't always trust the first answer you get), then, once satisfied with a suitable spot (with an eye out for a second, if the first doesn't work)(made voluntary wisdom roll), will dash back to the caravan, directing them to the locale. If he spots any of his friends, he'll tell them where to look for him.

Nightshade (poison) 
Friday October 29th, 1999 2:12:59 AM

Nightshade tries as hard as she can to keep an eye on the others but with all the sneezing and coughing between her and Bulldog, she just can't do a very good job.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday October 29th, 1999 3:41:59 AM

"aaccccccchhhhhooooo ........ wee ore luzing sigh of Wynn an sinner" to Nightshade, As he tries to increase their speed, pulling the young lass along. "hurrwee ub" Asbury looking all about at the new commotions going on around them, saddles up along the two of them. "maybe wee can fine the shiff on ore ownn" finishing.

Sitting on the Dock of the Bay(DMJerry) 
Friday October 29th, 1999 8:03:59 PM

Ari and Catcher arrive at the boardwalk. To the left is the Peaseblossom wharf and to the right the Blackbird wharf. In the early morning light with the fog clearing, the lake looks blacker than the bay. However from this perspective, both look the same size. The scene is rather daunting--standing on a boardwalk leading from one "ocean" to the other. A couple at a time, the rest of the group makes their way to the boardwalk where they see the city come to life. The boardwalk has hundreds if not thousands of people all doing their part to buy, sell, move, and cart the cargo that passes through this large town. The party rejoins while Legs selects a prime spot on the opposite corner of the street and the boardwalk from the rest of the children. The Dock Master comes by and speaks in a basso profundo voice to the wagon master, "Greetings Arvo! Welcome to town once again. This youngun helpin ya? Good. Boy let me see your "patch" so I can compliment your hearthmaster!" The rest of the children across the street easily hear what the Dock Master says. The dockmaster reaches cheerily for Leg's left wrist.

Catcher  d20=4
Friday October 29th, 1999 9:39:59 PM

Knowing nothing about the significance of the request, and at a loss for how to create a distraction, Catcher decides to walk a little further down the boardwalk (seperating himself from the others), watching the fishing craft, and keeping an eye on the group. His eyes are particularly sharp as he keeps a look-out for the Albatross.

Saturday October 30th, 1999 3:19:59 AM

Singer, hearing the noise, sighs, and walks over there. "He's with me," Singer says, showing an anchor tattooed on his left wrist. "And we both need to be off, sadly..." He takes Legs by the wrist to head over to Wynd.

Saturday October 30th, 1999 5:39:59 PM

Before she can even react to Catcher's situation Singer has things under control, or so it looks, and Wynd is breathing a little easier between sniffles. After the two of them get back Wynd starts looking around to where the boats are

Ari  d20=6
Saturday October 30th, 1999 8:00:59 PM

Ari tries to remember if there's anything in his reading about any kind of 'system' that the docks may be set up. Or any place that he can go to read about what ships are or are not in port. If there is anything that reminds him, he'll go looking for it real quick, to find where the albatross is, if he cannot see their banner, or anythiung that is obvious.

Nightshade (poison) 
Sunday October 31st, 1999 3:30:59 AM

Keeping the group in sight she takes Bulldog by the hand and finds a group of scabs looking for work she and he can mingle in with.

Tag Along 
Sunday October 31st, 1999 4:48:59 AM

::confused by so many people looks for the signs of the shops and reads them into his head:: "Might be helpful to remember someday." he says as he watches the strange sea captain.

Sunday October 31st, 1999 8:36:59 PM

As Legs is taken away by Singer, he turns to caravan master Arvo. "I'm sorry, sir, I can stay no longer, but as mentioned, other responsibilities press. May your sales be brisk today!" He also nods in respect to the Dock Master in parting. As the two boys get to Wynd, Legs says quietly, "Our work takes us away from the docks for now." Taking Singer & Wynd with him, he moves into the city, away from Arvo & the Dock Master. As they pass to the other side of some buildings, he says, "My name is 'Sticks.'" Voice low, "We can't stay clumped together as a large group. Three is fine. I'm afraid we may already be marked, and I may have made a mistake. Let's trust our friends to find what is needed in the next half hour or so. And we'll hope to rejoin them when they do." He looks at Singer. "Thank you, friend. I didn't know what I was going to do. May I see your patch? I wonder if I could get a temporary one like yours, should someone ask again." Noting the buildings they pass, he has the trio turn right, to parallel the lake-side docks a couple blocks away. He suggests, "Maybe you can lead us so we don't get lost." And to Wynd, "Not feeling too well, are you, sister? Here, taste this lemon. It is tart, but should help your throat."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday November 1st, 1999 3:37:59 AM

Head pounding, not in the mood to argue, He takes Nightshades hand, following her lead. Signalling Asbury to follow. Through the misery he continues on.

Monday November 1st, 1999 8:05:59 AM

Singer shows his anchor tattoo again. "Don't be asking people right and left for the tattoo, it's customary to exchange sights, so you know who's from where. And I don't think it's temporary, I've had it since I started working with the fishermen."

It's Poetry in Motion (DM Jerry) 
Monday November 1st, 1999 6:17:59 PM

The Dock Master grins as the Singer carries off Legs saying, "There goes some of the best help around here I'll bet. Sorry trader." He falls in step with the two boys. "Mind if I tag along boys, I'd like to give your hearthmaster a compliment on your behalf for your good courtesy this day. Helping the traveling traders helps the town! You two are going to make good dock workers or merchants very soon. Very soon!" He claps both boys on the back sending both tumbling forward searching for their balance. The others notice the dockmaster laughing and following the boys...right over to where they are!

It's Poetry in Motion (DM Jerry) 
Monday November 1st, 1999 6:18:00 PM

The Dock Master grins as the Singer carries off Legs saying, "There goes some of the best help around here I'll bet. Sorry trader." He falls in step with the two boys. "Mind if I tag along boys, I'd like to give your hearthmaster a compliment on your behalf for your good courtesy this day. Helping the traveling traders helps the town! You two are going to make good dock workers or merchants very soon. Very soon!" He claps both boys on the back sending both tumbling forward searching for their balance. The others notice the dockmaster laughing and following the boys...right over to where they are!

Monday November 1st, 1999 7:50:59 PM

Singer looks up at the Dock Master, and says ,"Again sorry, but we have business on this side of the city, so we won't be seeing out hearthmaster until much later today. You can go to him yourself, though. He's Aleis, hearthmaster of the fishers."

Nightshade (poison) 
Tuesday November 2nd, 1999 12:34:59 AM

She sits tight watchig for her friends, tring to blend in, on the docks, hoping that the short lifes experience that she has had here will help.

Tuesday November 2nd, 1999 1:54:59 AM

Catcher continues distancing himself from the others as he walks along the boardwalk, intent upon locating the boat. His years of experience show as he easily navigates past coiled ropes, side-steps swinging nets, and admires the excellent handiwork of his countrymen.

Tuesday November 2nd, 1999 4:17:59 AM

"You are a generous man, sir. And your hands are so big! Oh, maybe I shouldn't say that." Putting his hand on his chest, he says, "I am Allsor." Legs looks back at the merchant setting up. "Perhaps we can help both Mr. Arvo and the town some more. Let me speak with him a moment." He approaches Arvo. "Sir, as my friend said, we must go, but can tell others of you on our way. If you would give us one of each kind of fruit you sell, I'll show it to some, and tell them to come see you. And if an inn wants a sample, I can give one, or a slice, and tell them to come right away, before your goods are sold. That way, more will hear of you quickly." Holding up the hardwood rod he bought earlier, he says, "and I can tell them you sell good wood, like this, too. Shipbuilders need such. Can you tell me the type of wood this is, if they ask?" If Arvo agrees, Legs will enlist Singer and Wynd to help carry. Not to be mean, but in order to divert attention, he pays no mind to any other members of the group who may yet be nearby. "Let's go, we have much to do!" Legs, now also known as Allsor, smiles cheerfully at his momentary employer and the overhelpful Dock Master. "Perhaps hearthmaster Aleis would honor your kindness with a good meal this evening, say at two and a half hours after sunset, so there is time to prepare. But for now, that we not be unworthy of such praise as you offer, we must needs excuse ourselves." As they walk away, Legs begins piping forth in a loud voice. "Arvo the Merchant has brought tasty fruit from afar. He has rare and excellent hardwoods for your boats." He points people in Arvo's direction, holding up stick and a lemon in his left hand. As intended before, he and Singer and Wynd wend their way between the buildings, up a couple of streets, and try to encourage people to go see Arvo. [So much for a low profile :/]

Tuesday November 2nd, 1999 5:42:59 AM

Greatful for the lemon, but with a head growing a bit foggy with a delayed fever and general cold fatigue Wynd is starting move a bit sluggishly and is not really fully aware of her surroundings. By the time Singer gets back to her she is leaning against a pylon for support and feeling a bit light headed.

The Bay City Rollers(DMJerry) 
Tuesday November 2nd, 1999 8:20:59 AM

The dockmaster, his hands on his hips lets loose with a hearth laugh and is joined by the trader. Both slap Legs on the back sending him reeling. Then the dockmster says, "Young man,you have earned high praise this day. I would have you wear my stamp of praise. Tomorrow, morning you are relieved of your hearthstatus with the fishermen and begin working for me! HaHaHAHA! What a boy!" The trader loads up a full sack of fruit and a small pallet of wood. Then he flips the boy a few coins...gold ones! 3 of them! A priest across the boardwalk hears the laughing and turns striding towards the scene.

Legs / 'Allsor'  d20=6
Tuesday November 2nd, 1999 10:53:59 AM

Legs again recovers his balance, takes the sack, hands Singer the wood. As he hands it to the local boy, he says, rapidly and quietly, his back to the bosses, "Go very quickly further in and right, I'll be along in a while," and takes his elbow to direct him away. The coins he accepts with an astonished & grateful face. "Much work! Though tomorrow may be otherwise, for today I _must_ serve my present master," and adds brightly, "and you along the city streets." He smiles at the dockmaster. "I look forward to the morrow!" Taking a tack which avoids more back slaps and approaching priest, Legs runs off. He shouts "Go to Arvo's stall! Fresh fruit! Excellent hardwood!" He shouts loudly and continually enough with variations on his call that he will truthfully be able to say he did not hear any call for his return. Nor does he look back to see any beckoning gestures. [Made a voluntary wisdom check.] He goes away from the docks a couple blocks, and to the left a block, right a block, then paralleling the waterfront in a zig-zag fashion. A block or two away from the trader, he allows his voice to lower to a more conversational level. "See Arvo, on the docks. Imported fruits." Legs displays a few fruits. He'll go a few more blocks saying nothing, then find a decent inn to enter, unless he senses someone following him. He breathes a series of short silent prayers to the Good God, and asks for wits and protection and skillful avoidance of priests. And he asks for good sales for Arvo. Then he gets to thinking about how the caravan merchant treated his friends rather rudely. He sets aside that thought for the moment. *'Let's see, I guess I'm the distraction so my friends can find the boat,'* he thinks. "Oh, sir," addressing the inn's proprietor. "Look at the quality of this fruit." He leaves a sample. "For your menu, send someone with good coin to see merchant Arvo on the lake waterfront. It will go fast. Tell them the boy who is Allsor told you, sir, and thank you." He glances out the window to see if the coast is clear. If so, onward, running, walking, looking for places to hide or elude.

Tuesday November 2nd, 1999 1:17:59 PM

ari will continue to make his way in the crowd towards the docks/the albatross.

Nightshade (poison) 
Wednesday November 3rd, 1999 1:18:59 AM

Seeing Legs drawing more attention and the Priest coming on Nightshade wispers into the ring. "Dear friend plaese distract the priest so that Legs can Dissapear." With that she poors the rest of the enrgy she has into this "prayer"

Slip Slidin Away(DMJerry) 
Wednesday November 3rd, 1999 5:00:59 AM

Legs begins to move away. The priest in a weak voice yells after him, "Hold!" Then suddenly Nighshade's ring flashes and the priest slips on a piece of fruit and falls down cracking his head. He doesn't move. A huge crowd begins to form around the priest. A shopkeeper points in the direction of Nightshade and the group. Confusion erupts. A second and third priest begin striding towards the group intent in their eyes!

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday November 3rd, 1999 5:25:59 AM

Whispers "here comes trouble and lots of it ...... take off Nightshades ... run ... I'll slow 'em down" bumbs the lass ahead of himself to start her off. then slowly continues on , hoping that she starts putting some distance between them. Then brings his arms under his poncho and takes hold of a knife, walking along with the crowd (hoping to blend in) looking ahead to see his friends. ..... waiting for ... ?

Wednesday November 3rd, 1999 5:36:59 AM

Singer steps away from the others, then calls out, "I saw it all! He was walking over towards Arvo to talk about something, when he slipped on some fruit that had been dropped. Nobody made him slip on it. I'd have seen it."

Tag Along 
Wednesday November 3rd, 1999 7:14:59 AM

::begins to run straight at the priests.:: "Run guys ill keep um distracted, meet at you know where, ill be there, i was always good at TAG!" he says as he runs up to the priest slaps him on the leg and rolls past running bye him shouting "TAG your it!"

Wednesday November 3rd, 1999 8:55:59 AM

As he leaves the inn, continuing to parallel the shoreline, a thought occurs to Legs. *'I wonder if the dockmaster is the man who is to take us across the lake.'* He is pleased with this thought for a moment. He decides to go up another few blocks, then cut back to the waterfront maybe four or five blocks farther down the shore from Arvo's spot to see if Catcher is around, and observe from a distance how things seem to be going back where he left his friends.

Catcher  d20=5
Wednesday November 3rd, 1999 1:09:59 PM

Catcher has moved very far away, as he continues walking along the Walk, intent on searching for the boat. Somehow, across all that distance, he is aware of the disturbance hundreds of feet away, but decides to focus on the task at hand.

Wednesday November 3rd, 1999 11:19:59 PM

With all the commotion going on around her, Wynd can barely think for her pounding head and fogged mind. Will not apparently wracked with coughs, it is obvious to any that she has a doozy of a head cold. as those in her group scatter hither and thither she just quietly finds a stack of barrels or crates, crawls behind them and curls up to sleep.

Holding Pattern(DMJerry)  d10=2 d10=7
Thursday November 4th, 1999 4:14:59 AM

Bulldog holding his knife, walks slowly with the shopping crowd. The priests turn towards Singer shocked at his brazen attitude. They move towards him, but are scattered as Tagalong bursts into their midst and slaps the Durian on the thigh. Legs comes to an intersection and sees a glimpse of the altercation spotting the priests walking towards Singer and what looks like Tagalong Attacking and running. Catcher, indeed far from the others, sees the pier and the boats not far away. He does notice that most of the boats seem to be out on the lake at this time of day. Wynd, having all she can stand, finds some barrels in an alley nearby and curls up behind them. Getting back to our priests, one just spins plainly surprised. The other spins and casts at Tagalong. "Hold!" he cries. (Tag needs to save vs. spell)

Nightshade (poison) 
Thursday November 4th, 1999 6:28:59 AM

Feeling weak from her "prayer" she curses into the ring goodnaturedly, "That's not quite what I had in mind." The standing she sees the mess her friends have gotten in. "Well a vow is a vow." she says "No harm to come to them, my life first." and she pushes past Bulldog, and begins walking towards the priest. To herself she wispers, new gods that I have just found, please protect my friends.

Catcher  d20=10
Thursday November 4th, 1999 7:35:59 AM

Realizing that perhaps the Albatross may not have arrived back from the early morning fishing, Catcher decides to ask one of the dockhands, "Sir, one would like to know if Captain Acurtt has arrived back from the morning fishing. One is the nephew of the Captain, and was told to locate him as soon as he docked."

Thursday November 4th, 1999 7:45:59 AM

Singer, realizing his folly, turns and makes a run for it, then stops at the nearest alley in case Tag needs help. He gets one of his gutting knives ready just in case.

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