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Flight from Adorus

DM Kim 
Friday September 17th, 1999 3:02:41 AM

Catcher sees that within the image of a hand on the bark, there are five black rays from the base of each digit toward the center of the palm. A small indentation marks the point of convergence. The bark dimples there. / As Wynd and Poison look at the ring ... it could be gold alloyed with something else. Hard to say. / Tag Along finds a fairly comfortable nook to lean against in a tree. Still, the rain drips, drips, drips from the leaves above. Though the rain lets up a few hours before dawn, the dripping continues for a while after the rain stops. / The morning comes with a moderate fog. The town awakens. Breakfast is eaten. Ga'al is praised by clergy passing in the streets. / "Ashtar, you are to help me organize clothes at the shop this morning." Skippy's mother says. "A new shipment arrived late yesterday, and your father needs our help." As they work, she tells her daughter, "Soon you will be a woman. You need to be responsible. Your father and I will consult with the priests, and find you a husband." She sighs, and folds men's work pants. "But don't worry about these things. You will understand soon enough."

Friday September 17th, 1999 6:53:55 AM

Catcher goes out with his father fishing.

Friday September 17th, 1999 3:12:14 PM

Legs eats breakfast, practices his reading lessons, teases his sisters, helps out with morning deliveries. Just after noon, he goes over to the store owned by Skippy's father to meet with Tag Along. Seeing that he does not arrive, Legs pokes his head into the store to see if Skippy is around. If so, he'll let her know that he can't find Tag Along, and quietly ask her to keep her eye out for him. Then, he returns to help his father out for the afternoon. He works on keeping the Ozymandius' directions in his head.

Friday September 17th, 1999 6:49:46 PM

Before sleeping she places the ring on her thumb to see if it falls off, if it fits comfortably and not fall off she will wear it there if it is to loose she will tie it around her neck with a tight thong of leather. In the morning she arises and waits for her friends.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday September 17th, 1999 8:12:08 PM

morning chores being done, Bulldog settles down with his family for breakfast. Afterwards he takes a herd of sheep up to the to the far pastures for grazing. Getting there he and Asbury settle down under a grand old tree for an afternoon nap, as the sheep do their thing.

DM Kim 
Saturday September 18th, 1999 1:07:25 AM

Poison finds that the ring goes on her thumb easily, with room to spare. Yet soon she finds the ring fits her well. A momentary tingling runs her spine.

DM Jerry 
Saturday September 18th, 1999 4:02:40 AM

Those in the basement hideout are awakened early the next morning as the sound of several cans banging together sounds off followed by shouts of alarm. Wynd's 1st proximity trap has gone off. Shortly after that the second one goes off as the cook from the inn above comes running around the corner to see what the racket is. Several priests have shown up to look at the lightning stroke. When they see the handprint, they go crazy! Immediately they send for the high priest. After looking the thing over and casting a few spells, he immediately calls for the area to be cordon's off and begins whispering to the other prists who respond with "Yes High One!" and "Are you sure it's the rebellion High One?" The High Priest sends for Wind's father who is out in the countryside to come cut down the tree. They don't find him. Meanwhile the priests post guards by the tree as the townsfolk are all gathering to look at the thing. The town's head priest, Abackus, gets impatient and calls for the mages from the fort to come look at it. Those inside the basement are stuck inside with the crowds outside. About this time, when the chief priest stomps off for the temple, there is a click and a snap.....then a scream. "Holyiiiieee Gaaaa'lllll! Aiiiiieeeeee!" Everyone watches in horror as the High Priest falls over onto the ground hitting his head on a rock, his legs tied together with rope and twine. Wynd's handiwork has succeeded yet again. The lessor Evange Priests quickly go over to untie the High Illum Priest and cast spells on his legs healing the priest of his head wound and scratches to his ankles. Immediately Abakus screams, "I want this tree destroyed! I want this whole area searched! There are traitors to Ga'al here and they will be found!"

Sunday September 19th, 1999 1:02:09 PM

Awakend by the sound of her first suprise going off and thinking, "Wow they worked!", Wynd goes over to Poison and makes sure she is awake and knows to be quiet because they have visitors. as she hears her second trip line go off, Wynd goes over to the opening to take a peek at what is going on. As she sees the priests around the tree and then the head priest call for her father to be found, she has an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. As the crowd grows and the chance for escape from their hide hole diminishes, Wynd see watche the head priest stalk off and realizes that he is heading straight for he snare. Holding her breath and not sure whether to hope that the snare works or not, Wynd cringes as she watches the priest fall. Hearing about the imminent search, She ducks back in to the den and says, " Poison we may have a problem. The church is about to do a thourough search of the area and I expect they are going to find us here. we need to come up with an extremely plausible story why we are here and why we are packed the way we are. My first thought is that I was taking you with me yesterday to meet my father and we couldnt find him, so we came back and as we were passing by the tree was struck by lightening and we were scared and found this hidey hole. Because we were scared and afraid of what was going on I set the snares to scare anyone off so we could sleep the night and get back home in the morning. Any thoughts anything to add or anything different??

Monday September 20th, 1999 12:56:31 AM

OOC: Does noise about what's happening by the tree reach the ears of others spread around the town?

Monday September 20th, 1999 9:32:12 AM

Ari ( a little behind) goes and cleans up for dinner. While dinner is going on Ari will ask, sorta hesitantly, "Father, when will you start the work on The weapon?"

Monday September 20th, 1999 12:31:20 PM

That morning, Catcher rose early with his father, and headed out to sea fishing. Throughout the day, he keeps an eye on the workings of the boat (although he's been raised fishing and boating since he could swim). During the noon meal (cod sandwiches), he speaks with his dad about Catcher taking the gang on another fishing excursion in the next day or so, and, when Dad brings up Tag Along's sea sickness on the last trip, promises to clean out the boat afterwards.

Monday September 20th, 1999 2:57:57 PM

Stuck at the shop, she keeps an eye out for the others, saying hi to Legs. She kept an eye out for good stuff to take, mentally marking them. Occasionally she glanced out the window, wondering when would be a good chance to sneak away.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday September 20th, 1999 7:03:32 PM

Waking uo from his light nap, he reachers over to jostle his friend. "you know asbury we'll be leaving in a couple of days for a long trip, ... I think it's going to be a bit rough, but we'll be ok. " wonders how all the rest of his friends are doing. "good day to relax , .. aye, Ras...." ruffles the long coat playful to rouse his friend. "lets take a walk around ... make sure the flock ok. .... come on ....Ras"

Monday September 20th, 1999 8:01:22 PM

"I don't think the story will fly but we can use it as a back up plan. Why would we have set those snares, it took you along time to do that. Lets see if there is another way out of here." Subconsiously kissing her new ring she begins to search for another way out of this basement.

DM Jerry 
Monday September 20th, 1999 11:16:31 PM

The priests immediately begin sending the people home. Word reaches the other kids of what is happening at the tree and the hideout. Those in the basement hideout, please make a perception check. Poison may make the check at +2. Those who make the check remember that the back wall of the basement leads through on the other side to the wine cellar of the inn. The stairs from there lead up to the kitchen. Wind's father arrives and tries to cut down the tree. The ax doesn't even dent the thing. He tries again. The ax reverberates bouncing off of the tree and into one of the priest's faces. He screams in agony!! "AUUUUUGHHHHH!!" The crowds instantly go home following the orders of the priests. Almost as if a switch was toggled turning off their interest in an instant. Now you hear them speaking in the inn above and around town of the evil at the basement. Even the priests look nervously afraid to get too near the thing. Another storm rolls in as the crowd disapates and the tree begins to glow slightly. The priests seeming to forget their orders for a moment shudder together and stay quite a ways away. Thunder rolls.

Catcher  d20=7
Tuesday September 21st, 1999 6:20:37 PM

Seeing the storm clouds roll in, the fishing crew heads to shore. Catcher quickly catches word about the events, but wisely decides to stay away from the area.

Tuesday September 21st, 1999 7:26:59 PM

Legs delivers a small barrel of flour to the Golden Pepper Inn. He takes it to the cook. "That's six silver sir, delivered," the boy says politely. "Would you like it here, or shall I place it near the cellar?" he adds quietly, so as not to disturb the inn's guests. He awaits the cook's instructions. After completing the task, he looks around at the priests murmuring. "Lots of thunder, your worships," he says to them, water dripping from his hair onto his shoulders. "Saw a crowd of people walking away from here. I'd want to get out of the rain, too, I suppose." He says respectfully. He prepares to return to the store to pick up the next delivery.

Poison  d20=5
Tuesday September 21st, 1999 9:11:55 PM

Poison looks about the basement carefuly taking in everything she can. (made Perseption check)

Wynd  d20=1
Tuesday September 21st, 1999 9:58:31 PM

Slapping the heal of her hand against her forehead, Wynd says, See what stress can do. I forgot all about the entry into the wine cellar. I guess we could retreat there if we need to. As she keeps glancing out to keep track of what is going on, she sees her father and a barely audible OH Shit is heard eminating from Wynd's mouth. and she hastily moves to the back of the den and gets ready to escape if necessary.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday September 21st, 1999 10:38:44 PM

As the skies darken, Angus puts Asbury to work in helping to herd the flock back to its pens. After being home a short while, the news of whats happening in town reaches his ears. He keeps to his routine of going to visit his friends as he has done in the past. He does nothing different then any other day. Except for the fact that he'll check out the den from a fair distance.

DM Jerry 
Wednesday September 22nd, 1999 12:11:00 AM

Poison sees that the wall is solid between the basement and the wine cellar, but also sees that time and weathering has caused grease and dampness to cover much of the wall. Also there are a few boards in the wall where the nails have fallen out. There is no door. The activity outside continues to be confused in the rainstorm as the skies grow dark.

Wednesday September 22nd, 1999 12:49:40 AM

As word reaches Ari about the tree, when his chores are done, he'll head to the tree, to see what all the hub-bub is about, if he can!

DM Jerry 
Thursday September 23rd, 1999 12:27:06 AM

The cooks wave at Legs and ignore her as the crowds are heavy today with all the goings on. They turn their back on her again turning towards the cooking pots.

Thursday September 23rd, 1999 2:34:47 AM

[Awaiting response. Legs wants to gauge mood of priests, but then move about his business, hoping not to draw undue attention to himself as he continues on his way.]

Thursday September 23rd, 1999 4:17:43 AM

Seeing everyone is occupied, Legs takes the opportunity to slip down into the cellar, taking the flour with him in case anyone questions his presence there. If the coast is clear, he'll whisper at the wall separating the winecellar from the forgotten basement. "Psst. Anyone there? Legs here."

Thursday September 23rd, 1999 7:07:16 AM

After cleaning the fish, Catcher spends the evening helping repair fishing equipment with his father.

Thursday September 23rd, 1999 9:12:27 PM

Watching Poison checking the rear wall Wynd is curiously drawn back to the entry way. taking extreme care not to be seen she once again takes a peek out to see what is now occurring around the tree.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday September 23rd, 1999 11:21:52 PM

Seeing that things are still busy, he'll just nose around at a distance (from different angles)

DM Jerry 
Thursday September 23rd, 1999 11:31:25 PM

The mages arrive along with a couple of big-time City Priests to look at the tree. After much consulting, they declare that the tree is indeed a "Dissident Tree" and they leave a sign near it proclaiming it "Anathama!" and leave. The rest of the day passes slowly as does the rest of the waiting time. The closer it gets to time to leave, the slower it seems to go. Finally it is time for final preparations and leaving.

Friday September 24th, 1999 12:47:47 AM

Not getting a response from anyone in the basement, Legs climbs back up the stairs. He leaves the flour, heads back to the store. He fills several doubled sacks with flour for sale. He does the same with smaller sacks of salt. Two sacks of flour, and two sacks of salt, plus a few other items he takes with him in a large leather waterproof bag he formerly used for deliveries. He hides this out in the woods a ways, but not too far from the waterway, after which he completes his deliveries for the day. Legs wonders what has happened to Knuckles, and why they haven't seen him for a few days. The page of instructions from Ozymandius he burns, having memorized.

Friday September 24th, 1999 6:56:09 AM

When, the next day, Catcher finds out about the events surrounding the tree, he makes sure to pack the heartwood (that'd he'd taken previously) in his belongings, along with smoked fish, and a couple of wineskins. After retreiving his armor and daggers, Catcher meets with those who are ready to take the fishing trip.

Friday September 24th, 1999 5:27:49 PM

(Once Ari gets in the areas of the tree, if other children are checking out the tree at all, he'll chedck it out, if not). Ari wwill get ther erest of his stuff ready to roll (balnket with rapier wrapped up inside, and a book that his mom wanted him to have ("how to heal in 3 easy steps :) ").

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday September 24th, 1999 8:00:29 PM

Making his way home. The hardy fellow finishes up his evening chores chopping kindling and feeding the livestock. (Hiding a handaxe and gathers some feed , for Asbury, and some small food supplies for himself, hiding his sachel outside. When the time comes he will make his way to the agreed upon place and waits for his friends. Cuddle with Asbury till the others arrive.

DM Jerry 
Friday September 24th, 1999 8:44:19 PM

The time comes. A strong breeze is flowing in from the northwest off of Blackbird Lake. As those in the basement make their way to the rendevous, they stop by the store that Skippy's parents own. Several priests have Skippy surrounded. Her own mother holds her fast. One of the priests, a city feller here to investigate the tree, speaks sharply to her. "Tell us now. What did you see? What do you know? Who is in the resistance? Is there a local cell?" She gulps her face white except for a large angry red palmprint where the priest has slapped her. The priest then pulls out a whip, with blue electricity moving up and down it's length. He raises it and let's it fly. "AAAAIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!!!" Skippy screams!!! Her eyes open wide seeing you. She seeing intent in your eyes, mouths the word "No." to you as you ache to help her. The priest says, "Tell me or prepare to meet Ga'al!" She repeats the words "No!! Never" You can tell by her eyes and expression that the 'no' is meant for her friends wanting to rescue her. Tears burn down her face as she weeps uncontrollably looking from one parent to the other. They seemingly in a light trance, ignore her please and look on impassively. Suddenly, Skippy burts forth with words flowing, "Ahh Noo! Not my parents! I didn't really believe him! I thought he lied! But it's true. All of you are controlled by that monster Ga'al....she blubbers her next words....everyone.....already dead....slaves....dead.....why?......why?.....

Saturday September 25th, 1999 2:01:00 PM

This horrid scene finaly shaking the fear from posion she come back to her self sickned. She find a place to hide from the priests eyes and she falls to her knees weeping, her hand comes to her mouth to hold back the scream she feels bubbling up in her throat. The sudden movement to her mouth cuts her lip and she bites her thumb to stiffle the wail. Silently whith out knowing what she is doing she begins to pray. "Please let her die quickly and with out pain, she is my friend and I swore to protect her with my life. Plese let her soul go some happyer place where this bastard god can not touch her, please give me strength to return her and kill these men in her name." With that she peaks out from her hiding place, thumb still in mouth memorizing for all time the faces of the men that are hurting her friend. "Please let her die now!" She thinks. Whit that she trurns to go quickly, running when she can to the reandevue site. Crying the whole way.

Wynd  d20=11 d20=11 d20=5 d20=4
Sunday September 26th, 1999 9:25:11 AM

Winessing the scene before them, Wynd like Poison is on the edge, giving her friends hand a squeeze as they hide, she goaes her own way so as not to be seen together and be caught as well. Finally finding what she is looking for, she manages to climb onto a roof that provides some cover and gives her a great view of what is going on below. Even with tears flowing down her face she manages to make it across the sloped roof easily, and then after marking a quick route for retreat and escape, takes a quick look to see how far away she is from the scene. Having determined what she can she delibeately gets out her sling and waits.

Sunday September 26th, 1999 3:49:06 PM

Thinking that there is nothing he can do, Catcher quickly leaves the area, realizing his presence will only increase the chance that others are caught. He heads to the rendevous at the boat area for the "fishing trip."

Sunday September 26th, 1999 10:06:20 PM

Having come to the day of departure, Ari starts heading for the rondeveous (<-sp? :) ) point. When he hears the ruckus, he is curious and investigates. He arrives just as skippy is getting whipped. The shock of the sight leaves him motionless, and stunned. His face drains of color as he realizes what may be about to happen. Ari begins to take a step towards the scene, when he sees Skippy mought the word 'no'. Then it registers to him that the parents are not joining in on the scene, other than to hold their child. Ari then ducks out of sight, so as to not be noticed. He cowers in confusions, as he thinks about the events that have lead up to this point. Thinking, Have we been lied to all our lives? What is the truth? Who is to trrust? Who's story is right? I must find out for myself what truth is out there. Skippy, I pray that you will not die, but I do not know who I should pray for, or whether there is anyone that deserves my prayer. too many questions, not enough answers. I must escape, and discover the truth for myself. As the blood returns to Ari's face, his cowering lessens. Ari continues to walk to the Rondevous, with a little more determination.

Monday September 27th, 1999 5:48:44 PM

Legs did not go by way of the merchant house, so is unaware of what is happening with Skippy. He arrives at the rendezvous point, with knapsack, a large leather bag, and a stick just over four feet long. "My folks said I could spend the day with my friends," he announces to whoever else has arrived.

DM Jerry 
Tuesday September 28th, 1999 7:22:56 AM

After this, the cit priest pulls out a red scarf. He holds it high wielding it in his hand like a puppet where it seems to take on a life of it's own. He whispers to it as one would to a pet, then tosses it into the air. It floats and flips around, folding and turning on itself faster than looks normal, then as if a sentient arrow, it shoots towards the young girl covering her face so that all that anyone can see if her white eyes big and round in surprise, horror, and pain. She makes a gurgling sound and then it's as if her innards are sucked out through her mough as her small body begins to be dehydrated of all it's blood and water. Soon all that is left is skin and bones as she collapses dead on the hard ground between her parents. The priest says, "Behold the power of Ga'al! No other can stand against him be they God or Man! He has kept us safe this day from those evil and perverted ones who would oppose his righteousness! All hail his blessed name!" The crowd responds in a trance with "Hail Ga'al! Hail Ga'al! Hail Ga'al!" This continues. The city priest then raises up the dead body by grabbing her skin covered skull. The jaw then begins working joining in with the chant in a strange unearthly voice. "Hail Ga'al! Hail Ga'al! Hail Ga'al!" The crowd is then dismissed and the priests carry the body away. Her heart looks large and healthy showing through her skin and ribcage. Somehow, that is the only organ she has left.

Tuesday September 28th, 1999 7:26:59 PM

To the others who arrive at the rendevous, Catcher says in short, clipped, breaths, "We've lost the first. Only some of us will see this through." Catcher steps away from the others, so that won't see his legs shaking.

Tuesday September 28th, 1999 8:09:40 PM

"What do you mean, we've lost the first?" Legs asks.

Tuesday September 28th, 1999 10:09:52 PM

Watching the scene below Wynd promptly empties the contents of her stomach on to the roof, curls up into a little ball and with wracking silent sobs starts balling her eyes out.

Tuesday September 28th, 1999 10:26:32 PM

"Did you see it? I didn't see it all, I got too scared. What should we do?"

DM Jerry 
Wednesday September 29th, 1999 12:27:57 AM

The time for the rendevous is at hand.

Wednesday September 29th, 1999 6:50:15 AM

From over his shoulder, he replies to Legs, "Skippy was captured by the priests. She's dead at this point. I said we should have gone days ago!" Realizing he's starting to lose control, Catcher stops speaking and quickly starts getting things ready for the fishing expedition.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday September 29th, 1999 1:46:21 PM

Acknowleding everyone as the come to the meeting place. He is shocked upon learning of what has happened to skippy "WANT DO YOU MEAN DEAD !" he replies to catcher "Who would want to hurt her ... she was so small and sweet ... it was the priest right" anger seethes through the stocky boy. "The will pay one day ... that I'll swear to" he paces back and forth really not knowing what to do next, the reality of what the old man said coming true. kicking some sticks that get in his way.

Wednesday September 29th, 1999 7:36:35 PM

Posion arives at the site to see much trahsing and cursing. She looks pale and old "ENOUGH!!" she shouts to get everyones attention "It is time to put away this childish anger and frustration. Today my sister has fallen to the enemy, today the enemy has earned another lash from the wip of vengance. It does us no good to wail and scream. We must now away and become strong, as fingers to a fist, then will the false gods time come. No longer am I a girl, today I am a lady. I am no longer the posion from the source, I am the source, I am Lady Nightshade." With that she looks everyone in the eye. Her speech while seeming silly accecpts no laughter in her eyes. She seems to have become what she has said she is. Deadly. "Is everything ready? Is everyone here? I will not loose another brother or sister so soon."

Wynd  d20=16 d20=1
Wednesday September 29th, 1999 7:43:57 PM

As the day moves along and Wynd comes back to herself,she realizes that she is almost late for the meeting.she starts hurrying and almost loses her footing on the sloped roof, but manages to retain her balance and make it back to the ground in one piece. Doing her best to avoid being seen Wynd makes it back to their den. Her eyes and face are still red and puffy from her crying. Even as she gets ready she doesnt look at anyone and says not a word as she goes about collecting her things.

Wednesday September 29th, 1999 8:00:38 PM

"Dead? Skippy? Priests? Not Skippy? NO! No no no no no nonononono..." The boy's face moves through incredulity, shock, anger, sorrow, anger. "Yes, enough. Let's be gone from this place." He takes the things he has gathered and hauled here, and puts most of them in the boat after getting two different white substances out of a large bag. On shore, he scoops up some earth into two small piles. "A curse upon the priests of Ga'al. May the land wither under their rule." He mixes salt with one pile of earth, and casts it one way. "May the fields and work of those who oppose him, if only in their hearts, if only in small ways, do well in their midst." And he takes ground wheat flour to mix with the other pile of earth, and casts it the other direction. He then stands next to the boat, and offers a hand to whoever needs help boarding. When all are on, he will help Catcher shove off.

Thursday September 30th, 1999 7:32:10 AM

"We will have to discover the truth for ourselves. What are you doing Legs? Would you wish hunger and starvation upon our families? Even though they know not what they do? The priests maybe, but our families too?"

DM Jerry 
Friday October 1st, 1999 7:08:26 AM

As Legs pronounces her curse, all seems still for a moment. Then a whirlwind kicks up and heads towards poison. There it stays for a moment as if settling on her in some mystical way. After a few seconds, with a "whoosh" sound is sucked into the Tree Ring. A voice then whispers in everyone's mind emanating from the ring. "Hey! It's me. Skippy. I'm ok. Yes, I'm dead, but that's ok. I got to meet Lemtrovex. He's ever so cool! He let me forget all the bad stuff, but says I can remember it if I ever want to. He let me rest awhile and then let me come back here to help you. I'll be here in the ring when you need me. I've used up all my power for now speaking to all of you this way, so I'll rest awhile. I'll talk to you again then. 'Lemi, that's what I call him, says to get out of town fast while the gettin' is good. Bye."

Friday October 1st, 1999 7:08:27 AM

Ari will stand in awe and silence for 30 sec. (ya know when a kid gets them big round eyse of amazement! :) )

Friday October 1st, 1999 7:08:28 AM

Even the sound of Skippy's voice doesn't bring Wynd out of her funk. She pauses for one moment and asks Catcher, Are we all going on the boat, or are Tag and I still meeting you later? After the accident?

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday October 1st, 1999 7:08:29 AM

"skippy ... that really you ..." the stout young lad says after several moments of thinking things through. He gathers up his things and to Wind "Asbury and me will be going with and Tags .... Asbury here will be better off that way" ruffles Asburys tangles some more as the little four footed guy bounce around in excitement. "we're ready" He'll help he boat shove off with a mighty shove when all those who will be going by skiff are in. "see you soon ... good luck ... may your sailing be smooth and safe" waves goodbye with a steady smile. "may ... Lemi ... be with you" turns to Wynd lets go"

Friday October 1st, 1999 7:08:30 AM

AFter he comes unglued (amazed), Ari will offer up a quick prayer of thanks with the hope that this is what was meant for Skippy. Then he'll join the others in getting ready.

Friday October 1st, 1999 7:08:31 AM

Legs listens to Ari, and is about to speak, when Skippy's voice precludes his response. He listens, amazed. "Lem ... Lemtrovex," Legs whispers. Wynd's question brings him around. He pulls the leather provision bag out of the boat. "Bulldog - this has food and stuff in it. I don't want it to get too wet. Could you carry this till we meet up again?" He leaves some other things in the boat. "I guess that Knuckles really isn't coming. Good luck finding Tag Along." He makes sure all are aboard who are getting aboard, assists Bulldog in the shove off, then pulls his now wet body into the craft. "The good god be with you," Legs says to those on shore. "See you soon."

Catcher  d20=18 d20=12 d20=5 d20=10
Friday October 1st, 1999 7:08:32 AM

Catcher stands stunned for a moment to hear the voice, and then a smile breaks on his face. With the others, he pushes off the boat, heading for the rendevous point, and catching fish along the way.

DM Jerry 
Friday October 1st, 1999 10:39:50 PM

As those who head off in the boat cast off and pull away from the shore, they look back at their friends getting smaller and smaller. The others head off smartly looking for Tag and to accomplish their own tasks. One dead. One missing. Two groups. Haven't left town hardly yet. What will become of this brave group of young True Aisildurians? Read on brave ones! The future awaits!

Bulldog & Asbury 
Saturday October 2nd, 1999 12:02:35 AM

After the skiff gets going 'Bulldog' reaches down and picks up the sachel that 'Legs' asked him to take care of. "Well 'Wynd' lets go find our 'Tags' " whistles for Asbury to follow.

Nightshade (poison) 
Saturday October 2nd, 1999 3:59:35 PM

Standing on the edge of the siff she stare off at the shore getting smaller. She lifts the ring to her lips and kisses it gingerly. "Good riddance." she wispers, then she turns to her new family. "We will hope for the best for our friends and theat we will meet with them soon. But come what may, we will see a new place. We will not become slaves to that beast." Her eyes then get a faraway look as she be gins mumbling to herself. It seems as if shes having a conversation with someone, maybe Skippy.

Saturday October 2nd, 1999 7:15:37 PM

Catcher passes a fishing pole to Poison, "Here, this may be the last chance you get to relax for a long time." With that, he turns back to directing the handling of the boat.

Sunday October 3rd, 1999 2:03:04 PM

Turning to Bulldog, Wynd says, well, I can't go back into town so you are going to have to find Tag yourself and meet me 2 miles outside of town on the road to Abderus. I will find you. From there we will head inland and use the forest trails.

DM Kim 
Monday October 4th, 1999 3:12:32 AM

The skiff has a convenient tail wind helping it along, and those on the boat think they might make good time. / As Bulldog and Wynd are talking, Asbury starts to make a low growling sound back toward the town. In a moment, you see one of the miller's sons, eleven-year-old Lucky, poking his head out from behind a tree. He turns his head over his shoulder, and says something quietly to someone you can't see.

Monday October 4th, 1999 9:14:33 AM

Ari will keep his eyes out on the shore, in concern. (Sorry about post, didn't realize there would be a post Sunday nite.)

DM Kim 
Monday October 4th, 1999 11:50:21 AM

What with bushes and other vegetation along the shore, those on the boat quickly lost sight of those on shore, and are not aware of what is going on there. The water has light chop from the tail breeze.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday October 4th, 1999 7:15:05 PM

Turing in the direction of Asburys concern. He sees the millers' son. "That you Lucky ... who's with you ?" turns quickly to Wynd whispering "watch what we say here ... lets see what they are up to" faces the younger ones "what you doing out here ?" (remembers that monk may have been put into the same position, having younger ones curious of what he did) Gives Asbury a signal to queit down as things come about.

Nightshade (poison) 
Monday October 4th, 1999 9:07:18 PM

Taking the pole from Catcher she sits and begins to fish.

DM Kim 
Tuesday October 5th, 1999 1:37:44 AM

The boat is going slightly faster than the downstream current in the center of the Peaseblossom river. As soon as Poison, now Nightshade, takes over the pole from Catcher, a fish strikes hard. The pole is almost yanked from her hands, and the line begins to run, heading diagonally downstream, somewhat toward the opposite shoreline. [Nightshade, roll 1d20.] Off to the left ahead aways, a hawk swoops down from a treetop, hits the water, then takes to the air more slowly, small gilled life dancing in its claws. / On the shore, Lucky says, "It's just my little brother, Asher." You know him by his nickname, 'Three Eyes,' called that since he always seems to see what's happening around the town. And he is usually not shy about telling others. "Hi!" he pipes up. "Where are you guys going?" A knowing look passes between the brothers for an instant.

Tuesday October 5th, 1999 6:29:56 AM

Still directing the boat, Catcher says, "Fish are biting unusually well today...let me know if you need any help."

Nightshade (poison)  d20=17
Tuesday October 5th, 1999 4:50:15 PM

Tring hard to pull the fish in, "Yeah, I might need help, I have never fished before."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday October 5th, 1999 6:57:41 PM

The stout young Aisildurian replys to the two snoops "We're going on a camping trip of course, what are you two doing following us around" stating the last firmly and with some anger."It be best if you go home " waiting to hear what Wynd has to add as he waves the two close.

Tuesday October 5th, 1999 9:50:02 PM

yeah we are going on a little camping trip but first we are going to meet our Fathers. My Father is out tending his trees and Bulldog's is tending his herd so we thought we would see what each of the other's father does ::walks closer to Bulldog and holds his hand:: and have some fun camping in the woods as well. Bulldog's father is expecting us tonite and with all the hullaballoo in town today we are already going to be late. So if you see either of our mothers be sure to tell them that we got off late but we will be careful getting to the herd hut if it is too dark. OK?

Tuesday October 5th, 1999 10:57:12 PM

Who was cotemplating two sides of fence, prior to this (forgot I didnt' post), comes out of his reverie. "I can help also, unless you want me to start fishing also, in order to stock up on food"

DM Kim 
Wednesday October 6th, 1999 3:30:57 AM

The two brothers draw closer at Bulldog's beckoning. Lucky's eyes open wide for a moment as Wynd takes Bulldog's hand. Three-Eyes says, "What about the kids in the boat? They going camping, too? And who is Ozymandius?" Lucky elbows his brother in the ribs. Then his eyes narrow. "Some of the people in town say that you are friends of Sk... of the girl in the rebellion who was given to Ga'al today. They say YOU should get the scarf." You notice that Lucky is keeping his left hand behind his back. A deep vibration is felt in Asbury's chest as he leans against Bulldog's leg. / With the abundance of rain falling in the last few days, Catcher is aware that the river is higher than normal. The fish jerked the pole so briskly, that it was dislodged from Poison's grip, strong though she is. The pole splashes into the water. It is still close to the skiff, though, and someone might be able to grab the bobbing pole if they're lucky. [Roll under dex with a +4 penalty. Up to three may try.] The clouds ahead look dark.

DM Kim 
Wednesday October 6th, 1999 3:36:41 AM

The two brothers draw closer at Bulldog's beckoning. Lucky's eyes open wide for a moment as Wynd takes Bulldog's hand. Three-Eyes says, "What about the kids in the boat? They going camping, too? And who is Ozymandius?" Lucky elbows his brother in the ribs. Then his eyes narrow. "Some of the people in town say that you are friends of Sk... of the girl in the rebellion who was given to Ga'al today. They say YOU should get the scarf." You notice that Lucky is keeping his left hand behind his back. A deep vibration is felt in Asbury's chest as he leans against Bulldog's leg. / With the abundance of rain falling in the last few days, Catcher is aware that the river is higher than normal. The fish jerked the pole so briskly, that it was dislodged from Poison's grip, strong though she is. The pole splashes into the water. It is still close to the skiff, though, and someone might be able to grab the bobbing pole if they're lucky. [Roll under dex with a +4 penalty. Up to three may try.] The clouds ahead look dark.

Legs  d20+4=23
Wednesday October 6th, 1999 11:27:03 AM

Legs reaches out for the pole. Badly losing his balance, he falls headfirst into the water.

Catcher  d20=19
Wednesday October 6th, 1999 2:57:34 PM

Cursing under his breath, Catcher hands the oar to Nightshade and dives in to retrieve his friend (not remembering whether Legs can swim). Pushing Legs back up into the boat, he makes a half-grab at the pole, and easily misses it. To Nightshade he says, "We'll need to hug the far bank, with that storm brewing."

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