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Decision to Run

Wednesday August 18th, 1999 12:59:38 AM

"No, I am not Dr. Cornelius. The story is....almost religious to the Cult of the Dragon the formal name of the underground. The story is always told in 1st person, just like Dr. Cornelius first told it nearly 400 years ago. None of our group is forced to take the heartseed. Some of us agree to take it so we can travel the land looking to recruit young men and women like yourselves to come join us. Others take the heartseed so they can travel amongst the people without being caught and killed by the priests of Ga'al. Very few of the Pirates of Jack have heartseeds as they live in secret away from Aisildur sailing in for their missions. Again, no one among us would ever ask you to do that against your will."

Wednesday August 18th, 1999 3:18:35 AM

Legs' scratches 'Asbury Raspberry' behind the ears, and pets him at the shoulders while he listens. He wonders what Skippy decided. "Four hundred years!" he says more or less to himself. He is about to ask something, but stops.

Wednesday August 18th, 1999 7:22:32 AM

Thinking to himself::I don't trust him, but someone's got to keep a watch out::Catcher says, "Okay, probably the best time to leave is at night. I'll go collect my items and get them back here to leave as soon as you are ready." Catcher waits to see Ozzy's response.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday August 18th, 1999 10:09:21 AM

"Tags .. I think of you as family too. ... don't worry we won't let anything happen to you " turning back to the old man "how much time will we have to make a choice before you won't help us ?" Asbury cuddles closer to legs as he gets scratched, dropping his head into the young boys lap.

Wednesday August 18th, 1999 5:14:40 PM

I will go but there are a few things I would like to get if that is possible.....

Wednesday August 18th, 1999 5:24:04 PM

"There are many things to learn about the world. But I'll accompany my friends."

Wednesday August 18th, 1999 6:39:31 PM

"If we are really going to go then I am never agin going back to that place, I have no one to say goodbye to. I will stay here and guard any stuff you all would like to leave here while you go get anything else you need. If someone would be so kind as to swipe me a blanket I would be grateful."

Wednesday August 18th, 1999 11:30:39 PM

He nods his pleased agreement to the group's decision. "This is not an easy thing. I cannot take you with me. Traveling with a supposed Slaag would attract too much attention. My path lies towards the next village where I'll see if there are young people there that I can talk just as I have talked to you. You will need to travel across Aisildur in secret to join with the pirates. There you will be told more and given a choice as to which group you would join. My conscience demands that I ask you if you sure that you are willing to leave family, homes, and your futures here for a hard life at journey's end. So, I ask you. Are you sure?"

Wednesday August 18th, 1999 11:42:31 PM

"I am sure. We need to leave before tommorrow -- staying here will only increase the chance of being caught.

Thursday August 19th, 1999 12:07:13 PM

"Ozymandius, sir, how can one be a pirate, and still be good?" Legs asks, then comments, "I have heard that pirates are usually evil people. I don't want to be evil, or do bad things."

Thursday August 19th, 1999 12:33:27 PM

" I am willing to go. I also am willing to do whatever I must to bring the truth to our people. Maybe serving Ga'al is a good thing, maybe not, but we must have a choice."

Thursday August 19th, 1999 3:38:21 PM

As for my future... With G'aal My future is as a wife and mother and not doing or being what I love which is in the forest. Therefoer there is not real decision. I go and I am sure of it.

Thursday August 19th, 1999 7:52:31 PM

"Hey guys, Blanket? Why am I allways ignored around her? By the way OZ? How will the pirates know were the good guys and not kill us?"

Thursday August 19th, 1999 7:52:32 PM

She smiled and looked at Wynd, nodding. She understood. "Yes. I have to leave."

Bulldog & Asbury Rasbury 
Thursday August 19th, 1999 10:13:56 PM

Sitting in complete silence, the young boy contemplates making his decision. After all his friends have agreed to leave he is torn on what to do. He looks down at the floor and scratches Asbury, muttering to himself.

Tag Along 
Thursday August 19th, 1999 10:13:57 PM

"I am glad to have such friends. I will gladly go with you all." he looks happy as for the first time in a long time he ses hope in his future.

Friday August 20th, 1999 1:55:24 AM

He turns and smiles at Poison. "No, we're not ignoring you. I'm sure at least one of us can find you a blanket. Any volunteers?"

Saturday August 21st, 1999 7:52:44 AM

He sighs both with relief and from the pain in his knee. "Very well. You are very brave young people. I salute you. Let's talk about what to do, where to go, and how everything needs to be done. First of all, you should not tell anyone what you're doing, of course. I suggest you wait a few days before leaving so that your leaving will not be tied with mine. I shall leave town tomorrow after we meet with finalized plans tomorrow afternoon, assuming you can all meet then. You know your town and it's people. You don't want them initiating a rescue or chase mission the moment you leave. The longer before everyone figures out you're leaving, the better. Of course, the best situation would be for them to never come after you, but the only way to do that is to make them think you are dead and that is a hard thing to accomplish much less to even think about. Plan everything you can. When to leave, how to leave, what to take, and so on. When I return tomorrow, I'll bring a map I have secreted away in the Slaag House and show you the route you should take. To aid your planning, I will tell you now, that you will need to traverse the empire west to Ailthmar on the west coast. I figure the journey will take several months. Now, I've been here much too long already. You make your plans and I'll meet you here tomorrow at this same time to hear your plans and to give you the map and some more specific instructions of how to get to Ailthmar. May Lemtrovex guide you in your plans and thought this night. Selah." He bows, and limps out of the cellar going toward the Slaag House. Once out in the street, he goes into his act again. "Old King Dole was a dour old soul and a dour old wife had he! He called for his daughter, called for his son, and called for his bananas three......"

Saturday August 21st, 1999 7:52:45 AM

contemplates in silence what is to happpen next.

Saturday August 21st, 1999 7:52:46 AM

"Okay, gang, he said we needed to come up with a way to buy some time for our travels. Here are two ideas: We could either plan and go on one of our weekend camping trips -- that would give us three days before anyone came looking. Or, if we can time it right with the weather, we can go on a fishing trip, abandon the boat, and make it look like a storm had caught us." Catcher waits to see how the others react.

Saturday August 21st, 1999 7:52:47 AM

Legs looks at Catcher with admiration for his clever suggestions, and shakes his head in affirmation.

Bulldog & Asbury Rasbury 
Saturday August 21st, 1999 7:52:48 AM

"I guess this is really going to happen now ...." slowly rises to stretch "I'll bring an extra blanket for you Poison .. I'll sneak it back tonight, .... if you are staying here till we leave ...... ok ?" paces a little "so Ari, whats you plan on being not noticed missing ?"

Saturday August 21st, 1999 7:52:49 AM

" Guys, I think getting away will be the easy part. We are not going to be playing games anymore." Looks down at his wooden sword and then drops it on the ground. " Our toys will not help us against real enemies. We need to do some real planning."

Saturday August 21st, 1999 7:52:50 AM

Poison re straps her wodden sword to her back and squats down to stoke the fire.

Saturday August 21st, 1999 7:52:51 AM

[Did Ozymandius take the stick Legs earlier offered him?]

Saturday August 21st, 1999 7:52:52 AM

She took a deep breath. "I can take some things from the store when it's time, maybe. What do you think we'll need for the road? And can we get a fishing boat all to ourselves?"

Saturday August 21st, 1999 7:52:53 AM

Listening to her compagnions, Wynd thinks a moment and then says. "Well Father is out for his 12 day and I often meet him at the shelter. I can tell Mother that I am to meet him. That should give me 6 days before he gets back and they discover what has happened. Im not sure what or how much in the way of supplies I can scavenge but I will do what I can.

Tag Along 
Saturday August 21st, 1999 7:52:54 AM

"No one will miss me so it will be easy for me to dissappear. And i like the drowning idea. But we need a boat big enough for all of us. And you all need to tell your prents a fishing trip tail to celbrate are becoming adults. Make it sound as though you cant wait to bond with Ga'al and the heartseeds. Make it look like we got drunk or something so they can belive we tipped the boot. And take no more then you would for a couple day long fishing trip. It would all look more real that way. As for me, ill wait here for you all to return. I have everything i own on me right now."

DM Jerry 
Saturday August 21st, 1999 12:59:04 PM

The walking stick is laying over where Ozymandius sat after his knee was hurt. The sun is getting a little lower in the sky. Supper time is in about an hour for most of you. The afternoon sun drifts in through the cracks criss-crossing the room with dust filled shafts of light. One of these light shafts crosses Bulldog's face making him look rather sinister.

Saturday August 21st, 1999 10:18:12 PM

"Wellll, if we really want to do this, we might want to come up with a couple of ideas. I can probably get paper and pencil, and write these things down. Then when Oz comes back, I can either present the list to him, or I can read it back to him, in order to get him to tell us what to do. Are there any caves where we might get lost? If we do the drowning routine, how can we explain away the lack of bodies?"

Sunday August 22nd, 1999 12:21:57 PM

"Sharks," she answered promptly. "Bodies get lost at sea, no need to worry there. We should have one of us who's not going on the boat meet us at sea with a rowboat or something. We put a hold in the fishing boat, and break some boards off to look good, and row away on the little boat, no one the wiser. How 'bout you Bulldog, what're you going to do?"

Sunday August 22nd, 1999 6:48:37 PM

"That idea of a second boat is a good one. I have access to my father's fishing boats, so that part won't be a problem. And I know enough about the hazards of the ocean to make the scene look believable when they discover the boat. And we can live off the land on the way to the meeting, so we won't need a lot of supplies. I know Ozzy said we should wait a few days, just so they won't suspect a connection, but I think the longer we wait, the greater the danger. We need to leave quickly."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Sunday August 22nd, 1999 10:27:13 PM

"sounds like a good idea about the fishing trip there, Catcher. it's just will they believe that we all decided to take the trip. I thought about just disappearing into the foothills while out with the herd. it would be a couple of days before my parents thought things were really amiss. ..... but many small disappearences would set off some a warning. ....... could you really arrange a fishing trip for us all ?" bends down to rub Asbury "He's coming too !"

Monday August 23rd, 1999 1:57:11 AM

"Ari, if you write stuff down, what if someone else finds it? Couldn't we try to keep it in our heads?" Legs asks.

Monday August 23rd, 1999 4:45:04 PM

Ummm, Catcher? I cant speak for the rest of us, but i no little to nothing about sailing a boat. Will you be able to do it alone or at least coach us along? I mean that wont be a problem will it? And I suppose I could be the one to meet the group with the smaller boat? or maybe Bulldog could go out land bound as well ans help me with the boat. That way it would be only two wandering disapearences and the one boating accident?

Monday August 23rd, 1999 10:05:55 PM

She shook her head. "More than one wandering disappearance'd be chancy. If Tagalong won't be missed, then he can be with Wynd."

Monday August 23rd, 1999 10:40:57 PM

"I might have some "friends" down onn the docks that could give us some live bait. Maybe we can make sharks attack the boat so that it looks real?"

Tag Along 
Tuesday August 24th, 1999 7:43:47 AM

::sits and waits till his friends gather there things for the plan:: "A pirate i will be. A roaming the foaming Sea. To free the people of the heart seed. I will sail accross the world with speed. To make foes bleed. A pirate of Jack to be. We will fight Ga'Al from the sea, my friends and me.

DM Jerry 
Wednesday August 25th, 1999 8:09:32 AM

You begin to smell the meat being cooked in the inn above which as always been your signal to get home for supper. The sun has continued to lower in the sky and the shafts of light are dimming. You hear the sounds of a group of younger kids running by the entrance laughing as they pass.

Wednesday August 25th, 1999 8:09:33 AM

Catcher speaks to Wynd, "I just know the basics, and I've been fishing with my dad ever since I could swim. But, I can't do anything fancy. If a real storm caught us, we'd be in trouble."

Wednesday August 25th, 1999 8:09:34 AM

To Catcher, Well I wish you all well on that boat. ::loud stomach growl:: Um I think I need to be getting home for dinner and to make some preparations. Shall we all meet back here tomorrow afternoon then?? I will plan to leave to meeet Father by 9 am and should be able to be here soon after with what I can bring.

Wednesday August 25th, 1999 8:09:35 AM

"I will come by, time permitting, as usual. I will also poke around and see what I can find"

Wednesday August 25th, 1999 8:09:36 AM

"Alright. See you later!" She sprung up and shinnied out, checking around before running off to the store.

Wednesday August 25th, 1999 8:09:37 AM

The lanky boy grabs his stick. "See ya, Azelbury," he says to Bulldog's dog, ruffling his fur playfully. He looks around at their special place, and at his departing friends. "Next time, everyone." He bounds up the stairs three at a time, slows to squeeze through the slats, and emerges between the building and the bush. He runs home. He tosses his stick aside next to his house. "Hi Mama. Hello Papa. Hey Gretch!"

Wednesday August 25th, 1999 8:09:38 AM

She stretches out here by the fire where she has spent many a night and tries again to forget her mothers face as she closes her eyes and rumbling stomach for a night of nightmares and sleeplesness.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday August 25th, 1999 8:09:39 AM

"Yeah, time to go ...see ya 'Tags'... (etc)" moves to the entrance a few minutes after 'Legs' leaves, sticks his head out to see if the coast is clear, then squeezes out. Taking the long walk home deep in thought.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday August 25th, 1999 8:09:40 AM

Asbury of course follows happy that dinner will soon be served.

DM Jerry 
Wednesday August 25th, 1999 8:09:41 AM

The night passes with the 2nd moon on the wane and the 1st on the rise set to reach it's fullness in a couple of days. The day seems to never come as your heads are filled with worry, thoughts of exciting adventure, pirates, and nightmares of the alternative: being heartseeded to Ga'al and slaves to him for life. The next day passes even slower, the chores and responsibilities seeming to last forever. Finally you are free and you rush, but not so fast as to cause attention to yourself back to the den.

Wednesday August 25th, 1999 8:09:42 AM

Legs, done with his chores, and with a large hankerchief tied and holding something inside, he squeezes into his favorite place, and hops down the stairs. He brings a different stick.

Tag Along 
Wednesday August 25th, 1999 8:33:03 AM

::sitting there with a large sack of fruit from the orchids:: "Well i had to get some food for are journey, so i went and climbed the trees and brought us some fruit. No one seemed to miss me when i didnt go to my current foster home last night. It is like i said, i will be missed by few. Hey, legs when we are pirates i bet you get to be a captain."

Wednesday August 25th, 1999 12:52:00 PM

Catcher comes in with his most prized possessions, leather armor (made with his father), and his hunting daggers (inherited from his grandfather), along with his bow and arrows, all of which he quickly stashes behind some old blankets in the back of the room. Then he sits down and waits for the others to arrive.

Wednesday August 25th, 1999 5:38:09 PM

Wynd decends into the hideout dressed as if she has been on the trail for most of the day, wearing a gray, hooded cloak and back pack and carrying a 4 ft staff in her hands. She nods a greeting to the others as she sheds her pack, saying quickly. Well I got an extra blanket, some bread and an extra kitchen knife. The blanket won't be missed, as it is old but the knife might be in a day or so. It just depends on what Mother is cooking. I also have my normal camping gear. As she finishes she sits and starts arranging tinder for the fire.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday August 25th, 1999 9:43:24 PM

Asbury comes bounding greeting those that are already there. Moments later the stocky Bulldog squeezes through the entrance. "hello all..." looks about to see who beat him there "I got an extra blanket for Poison, like I said .. my mom and dad won't notice it gone" dropping to floor with his knapsack(stuffed with his few belongings). "got some good wedges of cheese for our trip .. it'll keep ... enough for all of us for a day or two" moments pass. "hope everyone else is ok "

Wednesday August 25th, 1999 9:57:50 PM

"Thank you Bulldog!" She kisses him on the cheek and then quickly rolls up the blanket and ties it with a bit of left over hide into a travling pack with her dagger inside. She then slings it over her shoulders backpack style to test it out.

Friday August 27th, 1999 8:24:22 AM

He chuckles at his friend's suggestion. "Well, Tag Along, if I'm a captain, maybe you can be first mate!" "Catcher - you look ready for action in that fine armor. I'm almost jealous!" Legs says hi to Wynd, Bulldog and Poison. Of course, he doesn't pass up the chance to greet Asbury. "Where's Skippy? Anybody see her? And how about Ari and Knuckles?"

Friday August 27th, 1999 4:47:50 PM

The girl comes sliding into the hole, panting. "I couldn't decide what to take!" she announced, dumping a backpack that clanked to the ground. "I got a kitchen knife and a old pot and pan we had extra. Mother'll notice eventually, but she might not realize where they've been lost. AND--" she smiled triumphantly, "I got a whole loaf of bread, wrapped up in a spare blanket. You know, we're gonna have a job of finding food on the way.."

Monday August 30th, 1999 5:42:02 PM

"My aunt Aimy gave me and my sisters jars of berry jam last month when she visited. Told us to save it for a special occasion." He produces said jar out of his handkerchief wrapping. He holds it up. "Should go real well with some of that bread you brought, Skippy, when we get out on the trail." He smiles, then gets a puzzled look in his eyes. "That is, if we go on a trail."

DM Jerry 
Monday August 30th, 1999 8:26:02 PM

Ozymandius silently descends into the room limping slightly and nods, smiling. He sits and says, "So, you brave ones still up for this?"

Monday August 30th, 1999 9:21:26 PM

Yes sir, Wynd states firmly. Or, at least I am she follows up with a little less sure as she looks around at her friends.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday August 30th, 1999 10:52:30 PM

"You're welcome poison" with a quick smile and a redning of the cheeks "...better do this soon, before we get cold feet" as he turns to face the old man at the door, "nice limp" he says with a wry grin, still lacking complete trust of the stranger. "so what have you come to teach us today ?" reaches down to ruffle asbury ears "about getting us out without being noticed"

Tag Along 
Monday August 30th, 1999 10:52:31 PM

"Yeah im ready to go i even brought fruit to prevent pirates disease." says the strange youth. "I even worked on a plan when i was in here alone the other night. If we where to crash this boat and leave something from are selves on it, that well we normally would never give up then they will believe us dead. Me i will float my flute at the crash site, to make it believable. I just hope somebody out there even remembers i played the flute." he says as he knows he is the only one here that will be unmissed.

Tuesday August 31st, 1999 10:53:09 AM

"Yawn, good morning everyone"

Tuesday August 31st, 1999 11:37:01 AM

The boy withdraws an empty waterskin from his bundle, and fills it with air from his lungs. Legs laughs as Poison awakens. "Good morning indeed, Poisie. It may be morning to you, but it's 'good afternoon' for the rest of us." He teases her gently. "Hey guys, watch this." Squeezing the waterskin, the air escapes with a rude 'blaat.' He finds this enormously amusing, and checks to see if the girls are grossed out. / Responding to Ozymandius, Legs says, "I'm ready, sir. I left some extra stuff in the woods to take along. When do you think we should leave?"

Tuesday August 31st, 1999 12:26:45 PM

Looking at Tag Along with respect in his eyes, Catcher says, "That's a great idea. If only the pirates could pick us up themselves..." Turning to Ozzy, Catcher says, "I'm ready."

Tuesday August 31st, 1999 4:56:23 PM

She gave Legs a look of boredom.

Wednesday September 1st, 1999 8:38:06 AM

Tell me some more about this boating accident you have planned. Exactly how will you pull it off? Have you planned all the details yet? Sounds like you've done some good thinking. I think this will be a good diversion for at least a few days. If you can stand it, I'd wait at least three days after I'm gone. The priests with their magic can discover alot about things. Tell me of your details and I'll tell you of the trip.

Wednesday September 1st, 1999 12:51:17 PM

Catcher says, "Several of us were going on a fishing trip in one of my dad's boats. The rest of us were going to go on a camping trip at the same time, but sneak out to meet us, probably on mile or so up the beach. We'd wreck the first boat, making it look like a storm or sharks had gotten us, and leave some of our belongings washed up on the shore, along with the first boat. I guess we could do the same type of thing with the camping group, making it look like a bear mauled 'em. That should give us several days. I think we should leave more quickly...one of us is likely to slip and say something, or look suspicious, the longer we stay."

Wednesday September 1st, 1999 2:59:50 PM

She looked worried. "Is there anyway we can hide from the priests' magic?"

Wednesday September 1st, 1999 7:22:47 PM

Looking a bit nervous, Wynd speaks up. "I'm not sure that I can wait around for several days, I am supposedly meeting Father on the trail so I can't be seen around town after this afternoon. But I also wont be looked for for at least 5 days when he comes home. Hopefully they will think some sort of accident occurred. I think Tag was going to join me and we were going to meet the others after the boat sinks.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday September 1st, 1999 8:11:25 PM

"nodding in agreement with Wynd "Yeah, camping is a good idea, ... but mauling all who go isn't so good, ... maybe a kidnapping by some bandits is better. It will still take them a few days to really follow up on that. We should be far enough away to be found . that'll be Me, Tags, Wynd, and of course Asbury on an over the ground route out, to meet up with the others." waits a moment before adding " I think that sounds pretty good, ..what say you all to that ?" sits down with Asbury.

Wednesday September 1st, 1999 9:00:39 PM

Feeling suitably rewarded by Skippy's pointed look of boredom, Legs focuses his attention on the matter under discussion. "How many of us know how to swim?"

Wednesday September 1st, 1999 11:55:19 PM

"I do."

Tag Along 
Wednesday September 1st, 1999 11:55:20 PM

I can swim good, so we all ready to be pirates.

Thursday September 2nd, 1999 9:20:48 AM

Hearing the unmistakable sound of someone approaching, everyone stops to see who's coming. It seems to take longer than usual for the person to come into the hiding place. Eventually you see that it is Ari, though he seems a bit bulkier than usual. "It took longer than expected to get here".

Thursday September 2nd, 1999 6:54:04 PM

"I swim"

Thursday September 2nd, 1999 9:24:52 PM

"Me too!"

Thursday September 2nd, 1999 10:09:40 PM

looking around at her friends, she gets very quiet and then says I can't. Iv'e never needed to learn, I can float ok but....

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday September 2nd, 1999 10:58:40 PM

"we both swim" scratching Asbury's ears affectionately.

Friday September 3rd, 1999 12:03:33 AM

"I'm not going to treat you like kids. A group of kids will not make it through this. You guys are going to have to handle things here without the benefit of the instant adulthood that joining produces. You need to finalize your plans. I can't and won't force you to do or not do anything. I only offer advice. It's up to you to succeed. Listen carefully. He tells them they are to travel to Abderus the next town to the west. They are to avoid roads, houses, and people, because children do not travel by themselves and being spotted in any circumstances would be suspicious. There in Abderus they are to find a boat called the Albatross. The captain of this boat is one of the resistance fighters and a retired pirate. His name is Captain Acurtt. He will ferry them across Blackbird Lake. He will let you off on the west shore far from any village. Continuing to avoid town, roads, houses, and people, they must travel west and cross the Adow River. There is a bridge about a days travel north of Akadern where the eastern fork and the western fork separate. Be very careful crossing this bridge as it is well traveled and the waters dangerous. From there you should be able to see Shadow Mountain. Aim for it's bottom left, westernmost side and travel North/Northwest. This is the wild country. No one lives here as Aisildurians believe that all civilized peoples live in or near a village. The Durians regularly experiment on beasts trying to control them and use them for their sinister military purposes. Those that don't make the grade are released here. After a long journey through this wild country, you will find the Agretorex River, a large foul thing that flows out of Shadow Mountain's vile depths. You will have to construct a raft or boat of some kind and make the crossing. There is a bridge further south near the Township of Akatez, but do not go that way unless it's necessary. Akatez houses one of the larger temple compounds and is one of the locations where quads are trained. If you get one of those on your trail, you can kiss your lives goodbye. Once across the river, you should travel Northwest. Shortly you should be able to see The Wall of Kaazul. The Evange tell us that Ga'al built this wall to keep the northern savages out of Aisildur and protect the citizens. However, the truth is the opposite. Lemtrovex built it to keep the Aisildurian army from attacking the peoples of the north. Make for this wall. There is a magic about the place that even beasts are loathe to breach. However, do not touch it. Anyone of Aisildurian blood that touches The Wall of Kaazul is sucked in and killed, his bones spat out by the dead spirits who are trapped in the wall, themselves victims of the wall and trapped there for eternity. Now there is a danger there. There are four Aisildurian Forts built into the wall itself by the power of Ga'al. The easternmost one you should bypass as it is at the eastern edge of where the Wall meets Shadow Mountain. The next two will be tricky to pass. Do so with extreme cunning and make your way to the west to the city of Ailthmar. This city is not completely controlled by Ga'al and is thus a resistance stronghold. It actually flew and crashed there over 400 years ago chasing another city called Lankhmar that is north of the Wall of Kaazul. This town has slavery so be careful you're not abducted and carried off just short of your goal. There you are to enter a pub by the kitchen door. The pub is named The Purple Rat. Inside say the following to the head cook: "I was born on a pirate ship." Follow the instructions the cook give you exactly and shortly you'll meet up with the pirates if all goes well." Ozymandius makes you repeat the instructions over and over until they are committed to memory. He waits for questions.

Friday September 3rd, 1999 5:45:34 AM

"Good, lots of us can swim," Legs says, hearing his friends reply. Looking at Wynd, he adds, "Or at least float." / As Ozymandius gives directions, Legs pulls forth a page of parchment, and tries to make a map with the directions given. He writes with charcoal, and rubs out mistakes. On the back side, he writes down directional arrows, and draws little pictures to help him remember. As the man repeats the instructions, the boy retraces the map, directions, symbols, adding details. He looks at it, closes his eyes and thinks. He draws in the air. "I hope some of you are better at remembering this kind of stuff than I am." He struggles with remembering, knowing that this is of utmost importance.

Friday September 3rd, 1999 2:18:47 PM

Looking at Legs drawing, Catcher says, "Better burn that once your done. The resistance won't talk kindly to us revealing their secrets." Turning to Ozzy, Catcher says, "This route sounds extremely dangerous...is there anything that you can give us to ease the burden?"

Friday September 3rd, 1999 5:48:25 PM

Skippy looked doubtful as fears assailed her. That route WAS dangerous. Some or all of them could die, or be captured for slaves. She played with her apron strings worriedly.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Friday September 3rd, 1999 9:10:35 PM

"You say that you'll give us advice, so I'll ask a few questions, ...... " as he squares off with the old man "How long might this journey take ?, will it be better to break into two groups instead of one ?, and what will the life of 13 year old be with adult pirates ?, " .............................................. turning to his friends " I guess we'll have to leave at night, I say it be tomorrow, why wait. The longer we wait the better chances of something going wrong, as for plans lets keep it simple. we know not what waits fot us out there, so elaborate planning of the unknown will likely be of little help. ..... lets just follow the route, we all should be able to remember enough of it to get there. ... I'd even say we go tonight, if the old man thinks it's good not to be associated with him, perhaps he should be the one sticking around here instead of us."

Tag Along 
Friday September 3rd, 1999 9:10:36 PM

"Boy after all that i bet that pirates name must be grandmother." he says with a snicker recalling a old nursry ryhme. "Seriously thou, ah if these beasts attack us on the way, um could you tell me how we are supposed to get away from them. I guess after that i am ready to go.

Saturday September 4th, 1999 12:57:06 AM

"But, Bulldog, he just said that we should wait AT LEAST three days after he leaves before we go, because of the priests. If we go while he's here, and they decide to ask him questions, maybe the priests can find out our plans from him, whether he wants them to or not." Legs looks around at his friends. "No, I think we need to be just a little more patient. That'll give us a little more time to get ready, besides."

Saturday September 4th, 1999 1:52:11 PM

Chewing on her lower lip as Ozy gives out his directions, She focuses on what he is saying and works on forming the words into a workable and memorable pattern, Just as Father had her do when taking instructions in the forest. This time though there was a lot more than she was used to trying, but by the time Ozy was done with his repetition of the instructions and the others had gone thru them with him as well, she thought she had them down fairly well. As Ozy asked about questions and some of the others asked theirs, Wynd was getting an uneasy feeling about riding on a boat called the Albatross.* Wasn't there some sort of saying about an albatross?* *And the wall, with those forts*, *slaves?*, *and what does he mean by quads?* *flying cities* Now, not feeling as good about this trip as before, Wynd, looking a bit green, looks at Ozy and asks. What about other groups of kids, have they done this and how did they fare with their journeys? What exactly do you mean when you say the Quads? Do you mean the veil wearers?? How is it that if Lem made the wall, that G'all has forts in/on it? And how do you cross a wall without touching it? And finally, How will we truly know that someone you have mentioned, has not turned traitor and is working with/for the church?

Sunday September 5th, 1999 9:59:26 AM

Ozymandius turns full upon Bulldog rising up to his full height. His eyes smolder. He points a bony finger in Bulldog's face. "You are an insolent one. That may help you or hurt you. It remains to be played. I've had my doubts about this group from the start. Your inability to follow instructions given as suggestions risks the lives of your friends as well as yourself. Not just anyone can become Pirates of Jack. Only the best. Only the best make it to Ailthmar! Legs is wise. Follow her advice. Think before acting. One group in 10 makes it there when the odds are good. Tag, it's time to find your inner strength. The pirates will not tolerate a coward. If you find a beast, deal with the situation. Don't whimper about it. IF you ever arrive in Ailthmar and find the pirates, you will learn more. Not until then. Now! Go or don't go. Follow my advice or not! I leave you to your own counsel as you doubt mine!" With a swish of his robes he disappears in a brilliant flash of light and is gone.

Sunday September 5th, 1999 12:11:09 PM

Standing slightly in shock with her jaw hanging, Wynd stares after Ozy as he vanishes. Wynd then turns a bit toward Bulldog and says, "well so much for getting any answers." Do you always have to be so Bulldoggish.... she trails off in a giggle fit as she realizes just how funny that sounds.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Sunday September 5th, 1999 9:15:15 PM

Sits down in a stoney silence for a few moments "I cant help it 'legs' ......... this is all so new and fearsome , ... sometimes I just say something before I think. Sorry guys I didn't mean to upset him" pulls a small morsel out for Asbury as he tries to put together what just happened. "So what is the plan 'Legs' how shall things start for us ???"

Tag Along 
Sunday September 5th, 1999 10:12:34 PM

"Lets see that tall man have any power, if he weights 70 pounds and couldnt even lift a sword. I often notice men of size have bravado intill presented with something bigger and meaner then them selves." he says looking at Bulldog and some of the other big kids. "Present company excluded of course." he winks as he walks around. "Well i think it best if we go back to the normal routine. And maybe not come here again, we all know the plan, and lets try not to rouse suspision while we finish plotting. I suggest we each try to fin food, and warm clothing that may not be missed. And well i guess thats it, I'll see you all in 3 days." as he leaves and heads towards his home the slag orphanage.

Monday September 6th, 1999 11:12:04 AM

"hmm. " Ari starts disrobing. You see that he has 2 extra shirts, 1 pr extra pants, 1 extra cloak and several small pouches. "I thought we could bring what extra we could find. I've also put together some things that Mother said would help us stay healthy. Since we have 3 days, I say we should gather some more things, so that we can divvy this all up before we leave."

Monday September 6th, 1999 9:52:08 PM

Standing somewhat in shock, Catcher says, "What happened? I don't see that what Bulldog said was all that mean." Catcher leaves the room with a puzzled look on his face.

DM Jerry 
Monday September 6th, 1999 9:52:09 PM

Once again the sun begins to set and it grows time for supper. The world looks different somehow as you look out the entrance at the sunset. More sinister somehow. You wonder if you will ever again feel as if you have no cares in The Wold.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday September 6th, 1999 10:13:43 PM

Drops the ferw supplies that he brought against the wall. Replys to catcher "Thanks". Then turns to everyone else "I'll see you tomorrow then" then starts for the door, but stops to allow catcher some time between kids popping out of the hole in the wall. "Hey poison if you're staying here tonight. ..... you need anything ?"

Tuesday September 7th, 1999 4:45:32 AM

Before everyone scatters to the four winds, Legs says, "Hold on, everyone. Just a couple things before we split up, okay?" Legs makes sure he's got the attention of all. "Hey, Bulldog, don't sweat it. I think you have lots of good ideas. You think of things I couldn't come up with myself." He looks across the room. "You too, Catcher, and Ari. Lots of you." Returning his attention to Bulldog, Legs continues. "You saw how mad he got at Wynd a few days ago. He's got a temper, and you just said something that got him going." He looks at Wynd, and smiles. "That spider inside him must have him at least a little confused. He thought you were a guy the other day. Now he thinks I'm a girl!" He winks. "Now, you're wondering how you're gonna get your questions answered. I'd guess that when we're crossing Blackbird Lake on Captain Acurtt's boat, that he'd be able to explain some stuff we don't understand yet. Do ya think maybe?" he asks her. Looking at the group's flute player, he says, "Tag Along, you're real good with poetry and verses, that kind of thing. Maybe you can put Ozymandius' instructions into a poem or somethin'. Whaddaya say?" / Looking at the scrappy girl who helped him 'combat' Knuckles, the boys says, "I'd trust you to guard my back anytime. We're your family, now. And we'll do all we can to stick together." To the shopkeeper's daughter, he says, "Skippy, you want to help your mother, help break her free from slavery. So do I. For her sake, and my family, and all of our families. And we want to be free ourselves. You caught the honeybee, but you then set it free." He laughs. "Now I'm sounding like Taggy!" Legs walks across the room. With his foot he scatters the ashes remaining from the fire of a few days ago. "We've got a lot to think about and plan. Let's leave in three days, if we all can do it. Think of things to bring, without causing too much trouble. I'd like a sword, but I don't know how to get one. Maybe we'll have to wait until later for lots of stuff. It's hard for me to fool people, especially my parents. But they don't always pay a lot of attention to me, as long as I do what I'm supposed to." He kneels down, and rubs his finger in the blackened charcoal. "Let's make a promise to each other. That we'll stick together, and work with each other so that one day, Aisildurians can live free of the heartseed." He picks up the charred stick. "Anybody who wants to make the promise, do this as a sign." From the center of his palm, he draws a line toward his little finger. "For one another." He holds his hand up so all can see. Then, from the palm's center, he draws a line to the ring finger. "For our families." Then, a line to his middle finger. "For truth." To his index finger. "For honor." And to his thumb. "For Aisildur!" Legs holds forth his hand once again as he lays the charcoal stick on the floor. He spits into his left hand, palm up. "I, Agur, make this five-fold promise before my friends, and to a god of goodness and truth and kindness, whatever his name may be." He brings his palms together, and mixes saliva and charcoal together. His eyes close for a moment, and his friends see him shaking with emotion. His eyes then slowly open. He picks up the stick. He looks around at his friends. "Who will make this pledge with me?" Legs holds the stick forth in his smeared and opened palms.

Tuesday September 7th, 1999 6:38:00 PM

She looked at Legs as if she really did think he was crazy. "You want me to put spit and charcoal all over my hands?" Then she laughed. "Sure, why not?" She came over to take his stick, and draw lines on her hand. It was plain she did not take it too seriously.

Tuesday September 7th, 1999 8:46:54 PM

She looks at Legs along time and then crosses to him. "I don't know about all your flowery words and all but how about this." She takes a metal dagger from a hidden sheath in her pants. She places the edge on he palm and taking a deep breath makes a cut acroos it. Then as a drop of blood falls to the ground she looks Legs in the eye and says "My life for you," then turning she looks at everyone "My life for you all, my family."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Tuesday September 7th, 1999 8:55:07 PM

Stops at 'Legs' words. He silently approaches him and stands for a moment. Taking the stick from his friend he begins the promise "I Angus make this promise ..... For One Another ..... For Our Families ..... For Truth ..... For Honor ..... For Aisildur !." His eyes shine with a driven gleam as he looks about his again. "3 days then, good" he then waits to see the next oath taker. When all is said and done he & Asbury will take their leave. "Thanks 'Legs'" are his parting words as he ducks out, asbury trailing. His trip home deep in thought of how to make plans that will go unnoticed at home. ::shouldn't be to hard with three younger sisters running amok all the time ::

Tuesday September 7th, 1999 10:50:21 PM

Watching the others as they each slowly gather and make their oath, Wynd slowly shakes her head as she recalls the story Ozy had told them just the other day. She finally stands and resolutely walks to the center of the group looks each in the eye and makes the charcoal marks and says the words and then as she finishes she reaches over grabs poisons knife and pricks her palm with it, grabs hold of Poisons hand and simply states As of now we are all the family any of us truly have. There can be no going back from this point on. Wynd then releases Poison's hand and goes back to her things saying that she will also be staying here tonite as she is supposedly off to meet her father in the forest.

DM Jerry 
Wednesday September 8th, 1999 12:05:28 AM

The moment that the two hold their pricked hands together mingling the blood that symbolizes the formation of a very unusual family, Lightning strikes a nearby tree lighting up the cave for a moment as if it were bright daylight. Deafening all, thunder peals forth instantly rolling off into the distance. Heavy rain and wind immediatly follow. Those who make a perception ability check (that's Wis, or Int, whichever is best for you) hear a soft gentle voice in the thunder that says, "Well done."

Catcher  d20=12
Wednesday September 8th, 1999 6:23:15 PM

Hearing the voice, Catcher pauses at the door, and glances through the boards outside. Obviously worried, he exits without speaking, something is weighing heavily on him.

Wynd  d20=10 d20=9
Wednesday September 8th, 1999 6:26:00 PM

upon hearing the thunder clap and the voice, the pensive look reapears on Wynd's face and then is gone. Well it seems as though someone thought that was the right thing to do. Wynd then tries to figure out if she recognizes the voice that spoke.

Ari  d20=13
Wednesday September 8th, 1999 8:20:26 PM

Ari hears the voice and pauses. He gets a pensive look about his face as he things upon what has happened. Ari steps over to Poison, "In the pursuit for the truth of our way, I Arislan, commit myself to this decision that we have made. I lend my sword in your defense, I lend my mind in pursuit of the truth. We are now family." Ari then pricks his thumb. Stepping over to Legs, "I swear to find the truth, and to bring back the news, if I can", Ari will then use another drop of blood in place of saliva.

Legs  d20=3
Wednesday September 8th, 1999 9:28:21 PM

Legs starts, not at the thunder, but at the voice in the thunder. "Did you all hear that voice? 'Well done,' it said." He asks Ari for the sword for a moment. He pricks his palm, where the five smeared rays originated, and holds it up. "Sealed in fire, and spit, and blood," he states. As each is willing, he'll press his palm to Ari's thumb, Wynd's and Poison's palms, and that of anyone else who wishes to follow suit. He just looks around at his friends, wondering how he could be so favored to know such people. For a 13-year-old, he is starting to feel pretty grown up. After a few minutes, he sighs. "If anyone sees Knuckles, try to find out why he couldn't make it. Maybe he wants to back out. If you see him, don't tell him too much yet. Maybe you can ask him to come around to see me, or Catcher, so we can figure out what he's thinking, before we tell him anything." He leans back against the wall, thinking.

Bulldog & Asbury  d20=2
Wednesday September 8th, 1999 9:43:21 PM

Clearly hearing the voice in the thunder. Awe struck he steps to the center again. He pricks his ash stained hand. "Once deceived, now we shall find"

Wednesday September 8th, 1999 10:21:58 PM

She started at the voice, eyes wide. After gulping she glared out of the door. "I don't believe in you." Then she scampered out of the hideaway for home.

Tag Along 
Wednesday September 8th, 1999 10:21:59 PM

"Yeah ill make a poem or song with all those directions." he says as he sits in the back corner working on his great ballad.

DM Kim 
Thursday September 9th, 1999 1:12:32 AM

The sound of rain and wind is heard outside. Within the basement room, there is the feeling of a strong presence. The feeling holds sway for a moment... then subsides, like the tide going out. [Catcher & Skippy, make a perception check (better of Wis or Int) with a penalty of +4 on the roll.]

Skippy  d20+4=13
Thursday September 9th, 1999 3:00:24 PM

(Right on the dot for Wis) Skippy watched the sky suspiciously.

Poison  d20=1
Thursday September 9th, 1999 6:50:16 PM

Posion on hearing the voice runs out side to find the tree that was struck by lighting. Upon finding it she allows her blood to drip onto the tree, then she quietly closes her eyes and wispers, "I'm coming to find you!"

Thursday September 9th, 1999 8:51:16 PM

Wynd follows the others outside for a moment, loks in awe at the tree and then goes back inside so as not to be seen by any town folk. she then gets her bed roll ready.

Catcher  d20+4=11
Thursday September 9th, 1999 10:31:08 PM

His extra caution paying off, Catcher makes his perception check. Although out of sight from the others, his face is still gravely etched with concern.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday September 9th, 1999 10:59:47 PM

Waits for a timely moments then leaves for home, with much to think about.

DM Kim 
Friday September 10th, 1999 1:52:07 AM

Catcher saw a boy running diagonally away from the edge of the building. As Skippy is heading home, she sees him going around the corner of the next building. Hard to tell exactly, but he looks to be about nine or ten, brown hair, tan shirt. Is it Pik? Or Lucky? Bones? Aldi? Or someone else? Couldn't have been Puffy - not big enough around, and too fast. At the tree, a maple, wisps of smoke rise from the deep split. Poison, up close, sees an opaque deep yellow round object, wedged at the heart of the split, about six feet above the ground. Coming around the corner the boy just passed is Alburino, a local woodsman. Under his arm is a tied bundle of wood. Over his shoulder, an axe. He stops. He looks up at the freshly struck tree across the otherwise deserted square. Poison is hidden from his view, on the other side of the tree. A whistle of amazement issues from Alburino's lips as he gazes at the maple. He is known to be somewhat dull, dutiful, but not too unkindly.

Friday September 10th, 1999 2:09:16 AM

Legs waits below, planning to leave after some of his friends have had a chance to leave the area.

Friday September 10th, 1999 5:11:38 PM

She ran up to Alburino and dimpled into a smile. "Excuuse me, Alburino, did you see a little boy just go by? Do you know who he is? He's got my ribbon."

Friday September 10th, 1999 7:58:51 PM

Fasinated she reaches in to remove the object, bleeding all over everything.

Friday September 10th, 1999 11:39:07 PM

after setting her bed roll up, Wynd will have a but if bread and cheese with a little water and then await who ever is staying here as well.

Catcher  d20-1=19
Saturday September 11th, 1999 10:30:20 AM

Relying on Skippy to distract the woodsman, Catcher using his hunting skills to stalk the boy. Although he's able to keep up, he fails to keep the element of surprise. "Probably was just scared by the lightning, doesn't know anything," thinks Catcher.

Ari  d20=11
Saturday September 11th, 1999 5:09:35 PM

Ari will stare at the departing backs for a second or two. Then he'll shake his head, and stick his thumb in his mouth for another second or two. Then he'll pull it out and practice his healing skills, using what he's been taught so far to stop the blood flow. (healing check good).

Tag Along 
Sunday September 12th, 1999 8:36:15 PM

"Uh oh!" he says hoping there plans werent over heard. He quickly goes outside to help find the other fast little boy, while not bi, tag has always been good at running

DM Kim 
Monday September 13th, 1999 4:50:58 PM

Alburino starts as Skippy speaks to him. "Oh, uh, hello." He looks back up at the tree. Then back at Skippy. "Uh, boy? One saw that someone went by, but one did not, uh, notice, um, who went by." He looks up at the tree and mumbles, "Ribbon." He walks to the tree to put his hand to it. "G-G-Ga'al touch-ched?" he asks, just before his hand reaches it. / Poison, who had to pull herself up to reach the yellow object, finds that it seems to be stuck. Up close, she sees it is a ring. It is cool to the touch, though the adjacent wood feels warm. Perhaps, with a knife, it might be dug out. / Catcher sees that the boy-sized shoe prints in the muddying streets seem to have entered the miller's house. Lucky (11) lives there with his parents, Aigilon and Anjilia, his brother ThreeEyes (9), and twin sisters Brownie and Bluey (7). / As Alburino's fingertips touch the tree, the hair sticking out from the side of his hat REALLY sticks out. He yelps, turns away, and runs off, blowing on his fingers. Poison, roll 1d20. / Ari has managed to staunch the flow of blood. The others who cut themselves made small cuts or pricks. Poison's enthusiastic cut, however, has not yet coagulated fully, although the bleeding was starting to slow, until she climbed the tree a few feet.

Catcher  d20=18 d20=15
Monday September 13th, 1999 5:41:08 PM

Grabbing up a piece of wood, Catcher begins whittlin' it and makes his way over to the house. Walking near one of the windows, he tries to overhear what is being said.

Monday September 13th, 1999 6:58:16 PM

Wynd after eating sits on her bed roll and to her self starts repeating the directions that Ozy had told them.

Poison  d20=18
Monday September 13th, 1999 7:01:36 PM

Poison pulls out her dagger and begins to dig the ring out.

Monday September 13th, 1999 8:56:29 PM

"Alburino! Are you all right?" She followed him, concerned, but most of her mind worried over the spy.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Monday September 13th, 1999 9:08:19 PM

continue to await a good chance to make their escape to home. "Hey wynd , getting awfully crowded in the street now. better sleep lighly here"

Tag Along 
Monday September 13th, 1999 9:08:20 PM

::slips off in the excitement and knowing he wont be missed begins to follow the directions that Ozy gave him while singing the direction song in his head. "THye wont catch me and sacrfice me to Ga'al.

Tuesday September 14th, 1999 1:48:31 AM

As their young poet moves to leave, Legs says, "Tag Along, you'll teach us the direction poem once you've put it together, won't you? I need your help, because it's hard for me to remember. Let's meet tomorrow to make sure our plans are coming together. How about by Skippy's father's store? See ya."

Tuesday September 14th, 1999 6:57:58 PM

Continues to dig at the ring.

DM Kim  d20=16
Wednesday September 15th, 1999 12:29:12 AM

Poison succeeds in digging out the ring. At first, it is cool to the touch. / Alburino does not seem to focus on what Skippy is asking as he runs away. He does look over his shoulder once though, and she sees a look of terror on his face. / At the miller's house, Catcher finds it's difficult to make out much of the conversation, but he does hear a woman's voice say, "... wet clothes off!" A few moments later, a young voice says, "Lightning ... tree! ... Lucky." Another voice asks, "Where?" The woman's voice, "Dinner!" And footsteps retreat further into the house.

Wednesday September 15th, 1999 12:55:58 AM

After waiting a sufficient time, Ari will head out, and make his way home.

Wednesday September 15th, 1999 12:52:02 PM

She noticed Legs when he left the hideout area. She ran over and said, "There was a boy watching us. Alburino saw him run away but didn't really remember who it was. But lightning hit a tree right outside! Alburino touched it and hurt himself! Isn't that wierd?"

Wynd  d20=8
Wednesday September 15th, 1999 7:34:43 PM

Looking up at bulldogs comments, Wynd nods and says once you all have left and those who are staying are in, I will take some precautions to warn us should anyone come near. Once everyone is gone or settled into the den, Wynd will set up several three different perimeters of several snares. Some will create a racket and others will tangle feet. (Set snares proficiency)

Wednesday September 15th, 1999 7:54:27 PM

Climbing down she examines the ring as she makes he way back to the hide out, She curls up beside the colas of the days fire and looks at her new find placeing the dagger under her head.

Bulldog & Asbury 
Wednesday September 15th, 1999 8:07:02 PM

Takes leave of the den and travels home thinking to himself and muttering to Asbury. 'wonder what scared the old woodcutter'

Legs  d20=17
Wednesday September 15th, 1999 8:34:57 PM

Legs agrees with Skippy, "Yeah, that sounds weird. I mean, we heard the thunder, and saw the flash, so we knew lightning struck. Maybe some was still left in the tree when Alburino touched it?" he asks/wonders. "I don't know exactly how that works. Do you know which way the boy went? And where's Alburino now?" He looks around. "Say, Taggy had kind of a weird look on his face when he left. I'm worried about him. I asked him to meet me tomorrow afternoon by your father's store." He doesn't notice Poison at the tree. "Look, Skippy, I gotta get home. You take care, beekeeper." he says to her with a quick smile. He glances over at the tree, then runs home. He runs almost everywhere, anyhow.

Wednesday September 15th, 1999 8:51:10 PM

Heading back to the river brings Catcher in view of the tree again. Pausing for a second at the entrance to the hide-out, he says in a low voice, "I tracked down our little spy -- nothing to worry about. Have a good night." Then he walks over to the tree, remembering some tale about the special properties of lightning-struck wood, and removes a piece from the heart of the tree, to be shaped at some future point. Whistling, Catcher strides home.

DM Kim 
Thursday September 16th, 1999 3:18:01 AM

Catcher glances at what looks like the outline of a hand on the bark on one side of the tree, with something else inside the outline. He manages to dig out some of the wood from the center of the split. One long branch rests now flat along the ground for a few feet along its tip, yet still attached to the tree. / Poison finds that the ring feels solid, and has warmed up to the temperature of her hands. She finds herself enjoying just rubbing her fingers along the smooth surface. It looks too big for her to wear - well, it might fit the thumb, loosely. / As Tag Along walks through the town to exit the direction Ozymandius had indicated, he sees various townsfolk hurrying to their homes to get out of the rain. The steady fall of the rain helps him mark a rhythm in his head as he recites the directions. A Slaag stares at the boy blankly. The man breaks out in maniacal laughter. The laughter breaks off suddenly. The blank stare now focuses on some vague point down the street. Further on, Tags hears a feline screech, and suddenly a very dark-colored cat dashes across his path. / Ari finds his way home. He enjoys an exceptionally good meal this evening. Cream peas with butter, lightly salted, and so very warm, and other tasty items. "How was your day, Ari?" his mother asks. / Leg's father looks at him as he arrives home. He glances down at the bottom of his son's pants. "Muddy." he points out. "Your mother wants you to wash up before the meal." / Bulldog and Asbury walk along. The dog spots a black cat, and briefly gives silent chase before the boy calls him back. / Satisfied with her snares, Wynd works on settling in for the night. Near Poison, she finds one coal only seems to have a spark of life. There is some wood, some kindling about still. She notices Poison playing with a dark yellow ring. / In the distance, thunder rolls...

Thursday September 16th, 1999 2:57:49 PM

"Alburino ran that way, he was so scared. The boy went around the corner. I don't know where he went." After saying goodbye, she ran home.

Thursday September 16th, 1999 4:50:38 PM

Happy with her snare setting, Wynd returns and puts a touch more wood on the fire in order to back it and keep some coals alive for later or tomorrow. As she does she notices, Poison's rapt attention focussed on some shiny thing. Whatcha got there Pois? Is that gold? Can I see it?

Thursday September 16th, 1999 7:19:19 PM

After noting the markings inside the hand outline, Catcher makes his way home, and bides his time doing the usual chores until the appointed time for the group to rendevous.

Thursday September 16th, 1999 7:47:41 PM

It's a ring I found Wynd, I think someone ment for me to to find it." She holds it out for Wynd to see but dosen't let it go. "I've never had a ring before."

Bulldog & Asbury 
Thursday September 16th, 1999 8:12:56 PM

After a steady walk home he washes up for supper. Settling in, after a few late chores for a well needed rest. asbury snuggling in as he always does.

Tag Along 
Thursday September 16th, 1999 9:15:07 PM

"A black cat means bad luck. But, thats all i ever had so maybe it means good luck for me." he continues to reciet the words and when he gets a good deal out of the village he finds a big tree climbs it and hides.

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