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Barren Path

The Barren Path... (DM Wayne) 
Tuesday April 23rd, 2024 11:12:38 PM

Armalad wonders whether the crown will be down the Barren Path.

Stohp plays defense barrister.

Stock takes a memento of the fungus cavern. He tries to distract Dolgrin from Grim Thoughts. Stock takes second chair with Stohp.

Zanderallen noticed that having spent nearly a fortnight in the UnderWold, the similarities with the close streets of the Float had faded. As the tunnel mapping resumed, he suddenly categorized the backtracking as a kind of mental vacation.

Delia resumed her mapping role as though she had done it all her life.

Bartomus too speculated upon the Crown’s location, but pondered deeply the recovery of Klink Barrelchest’s legacy. He asked Dolgrin for the tale of how Klink came to be included in the murals in the throne room.

Dolgrin nods at Stock’s encouragement to think positive thoughts.

Dolgrin replies to Bartomus, “Klink was one of the most adept warriors in Clan Mountainheart’s history. His greatest strength and weakness was his overconfidence. Many discounted our army’s chances in certain key battles, but it was Klink’s keen tactical mind, but moreso his sheer physical prowess, that enabled him to lead small teams to claim victory again and again, including many battles against the Drow. I believe the mural you’re referring to was one where even the establishment of our defenses, which would later prove critical in defending against the first Drow invasion via the Wind Tunnels, was in doubt until Klink and his team of warriors held out longer than any thought possible, enabling our reinforcements to arrive and finish the work. Without Klink, in hindsight, we’d all be dead or speaking Drow as our native language by now… He was an incomparable warrior, but his greatest successes came with teamwork, not solo heroics…[/b]”

With that, the group descends into the meticulous but necessary routine of scouting and mapping, once more Delia and Dolgrin bearing the brunt of the mapping, Stohp’s pentaurship clarifying key details by making them explain nuances, Stock and the others contributing tidbits here and there as they notice them.

All notice that in these first five days of caving that past water-sculpting and lava-sculpting of the Barren Path’s limestone and obsidian caverns did not create nearly as many side passages as found in the Mossy Path.

The first day would have been difficult for anyone but Delia, but many hands makes light work, and so little time was lost to confirming details. The second day was a bit more difficult and Delia was glad for the help of her friends, especially the tall Taurs, whose height allowed them quicker scrutiny of details higher on Wind Tunnel walls. The third and fourth days were yawners – even Zanderallen thought he could have solo-mapped, with help from his friends, and he was probably right! The fifth day went like the first. Two nights were spent in makeshift ‘travel caves’ relying on natural landmarks and other tricks to conceal the group’s presence as best the group could. The fifth night was thankfully a ‘desirable’ conversion into a ‘travel cave.’ Perhaps four (4) full miles mapped in five (5) days, a record? The sixth day begins…

You’ve been traveling this 10’ by 10’ lava tube, or tunnel, for about half an hour when it opens up into a 10’ wide by 40’ long and 20’ high chamber at a 45 degree angle to your tunnel. Also, as soon as you step in you see there’s a 5’ wide entrance to another chamber about 10’ wide and 50’ long with a 2’-wide section of an underground stream visible against the back wall. There seems to be a 10’ wide exit along the right-hand side of this chamber.

What do you do?

Barren Path

Elapsed Time:
Total of fifteen (15) sleeps since The Fork and the Mossy Path, and sixteen (16) sleeps since entering Wind Tunnels.)

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27  d20+22=33 ; d20+20=23 ;
Tuesday April 23rd, 2024 11:44:06 PM

Armalad and Joker hang back waiting for someone either stealthier or hardier to take the lead. She plans to keep pace with the group though to avoid being left behind but having been enchanted by the Phycomid she is wary and decides to stay towards the back while keeping eyes out for danger.

Armalad - Perception 33
Joker - Perception 23

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip)  d20+23=27 ;
Wednesday April 24th, 2024 6:44:29 AM

Stohp will be in her position just behind the front person keeping her eyes peeled for signs of trouble (27 perception)

Stock (JonM) HP: 265/265; AC: 34/31/17; DR 4/-; CMD: 41; Rage: 0/44 used  d20+37=50 ; d20+27=40 ;
Wednesday April 24th, 2024 9:44:09 AM

”I will be back after I check out this side tunnel.”

Stock drinks a potion and disappears. He makes his way up to the 5 ft opening and cautiously examines the area for signs of trouble or treasure.

Stealth 50 w/ +20 from invisibility
Perception 40
Invisibility lasts 3 minutes

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44   d20+33=39 ; d20+45=62 ;
Wednesday April 24th, 2024 12:50:57 PM

Delia pauses as Stock disappears from even her sight. That new armor was making quite a difference. No more telltale creaks, clanks, and rustles.

She will creep into the main tunnel that isn't the one Stock said he was checking out, stopping at the first signs of danger.

Perception: 39 (43 v undead or aberration)
Stealth: 57 (-5 from movement I forgot to put in roller and hide in plain sight)

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 226/226 AC: 36 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 35 CMD: 35 LoH 13/14 SE 6/6  d20+10=11 ;
Wednesday April 24th, 2024 2:29:43 PM

Zanderallen holds his position in the rear waiting for the call of trouble or all clear. He keep looking behind them for anything flanking the party.

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 136/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+16=29 ;
Wednesday April 24th, 2024 7:08:32 PM

With Stock heading off in one direction, and Delia heading in the other, Bartomus just stood where he was leaving him ahead of Zander. He took in the entire space looking for things that might be out of sorts.

Perception 29

The Barren Path... (DM Wayne) 
Wednesday April 24th, 2024 10:00:17 PM

Armalad and Joker keep pace with the group, studiously avoiding losing their middle positions, yet mindful that horrors similar to the Fungus might warp their minds once more!

Stohp is alert, noticing

Stock drinks a potion of Invisibility (30 rounds) and scouts the left tunnel opening.

Delia blinks as Stock vanishes and yet there was only the faintest sound, if that, of plates scratching and straps flexing where he’d stood. She shifts to the right-hand tunnel and goes ahead a bit, unseen and unheard.

Zanderallen keeps pace with the group, watching the rear, or at least the twenty lit feet he can see, and the shadows beyond…

Bartomus keeps pace with the group, but with Stohp and the rest waiting for scouting news, he too was watchful over the immediate vicinity.

Dolgrin likewise is watchful, waiting for scouting reports.

Stock sneaks into the left tunnel and turning to the right just before the slow-flowing stream, finds two stalac/gmite columns, growing at a glacial pace. He quickly determines there’s nothing important here, but could be a good ‘travel cave’ – the stream is slow, but not stagnant, and the water smells fresh enough. He tells the Shields to follow Delia and immediately continues down the other tunnel Delia took, potion duration burning away.

Delia finds that a somewhat curvy 10’-wide passage leads her to a 20’-wide by 10’-across chamber with a 5’-wide exit on the opposite side. Also, as she stands just outside the chamber, she easily sees that there’s a sheer drop of 20’ to the ‘ground’ and the ceiling is 20’ high. Delia concludes the only thing of note here was the drop, which the Shields have dealt with easily before.

The group soon rejoins Delia, who has already set up a Rope of Climbing, and she hurries them along, reminding them Stock’s potion won’t last forever.

The group travels another 150 feet in an ‘S’ curve tunnel length and comes to a… tall… chamber.

This is not the largest chamber you’ve seen but at 25’ by 50’ it’s easy to spread out. As you watch for danger it seems the biggest danger is the unknown – the ceiling is not visible to anyone! All of you feel a slight breeze… and perhaps a slight stink you can’t quite place. There’s a 10’ wide exit comprising the corner of the chamber that is catty-corner to you.

The bulk of the group fully enters the chamber at the edge, preparing to traverse it without knowing what lurks in the Night Above, though it might be worth coming back to check… While they ponder, Delia and Stock trudge on through the exit and then around the corner into another chamber, passing through a “spacious” 15’-wide “hallway,” and find themselves facing a 15’ wide by 50’ long chamber with what seems to be a large pile of white bones, humanoid-shape and size, in the far right corner. There is a 15’-wide opening in the middle of the left wall.

Delia and Stock take a closer look.

The bones appear to have been picked-clean and gnawed thoroughly in the process – the teeth type seems unrecognizable – could the teeth have been not-of-this-Wold?

What do you do?

Barren Path

(OOC –

MAP NOTE – Legend at cell AN37; ‘B’ is the pile of bones Delia and Stock see.

MAP NOTE – most of the group is thinking about whether to scale the room whose ceiling cannot be seen, and Delia and Stock are just around the corner.

Stock’s Potion – 23 rounds remaining.)

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Wednesday April 24th, 2024 10:40:30 PM

Armalad says, "Perhaps we call Delia and Stock back and send Joker and Hawky to investigate to fly up and investigate the larger room Armalad suggests."

Joker says, "Thanks boss, you know just what to say to make a guy feel all warm inside, but instead of sending me and the hawk, why not just send the hawk? It is probably harder to target than I am and hardier too. Why can't I say here with you?"

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Thursday April 25th, 2024 6:41:09 AM

Stohp advances cautiously, making notes of the terrain in her head to add to the map shortly.

Stock (JonM) HP: 265/265; AC: 34/31/17; DR 4/-; CMD: 41; Rage: 0/44 used  d20+27=33 ;
Thursday April 25th, 2024 9:38:56 AM

”I could fly up there and take a look but it doesn’t seem like a great use of one of my two potions.”

He looks at Joker and says, ”Actually, other than the feathers, I’d say the biggest difference between you and Hawky is that Hawks doesn’t talk back to Delia.”

He hides a smile and moves up to the bones to investigate.

Perception 33

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 136/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+16=35 ;
Thursday April 25th, 2024 1:53:29 PM

Bartomus followed after Stohp squeezing through the narrow gap. He stopped before the next opening and made sure to leave enough room for the rest of the Shields to funnel past him if the need arose.

Move to K22/23; Perception 35

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 226/226 AC: 36 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 35 CMD: 35 LoH 13/14 SE 6/6 
Thursday April 25th, 2024 2:11:27 PM

"Before anyone goes flying up into the darkness let me see if my lantern will show anything." Zanderallen gets out his bulleyes lantern, lights the wick, and after giving it a moment for the flame to steady he adjusts the lens and shines the lantern up at the ceiling, illuminating out to 120 feet. "This wouldn't be the room Klink mentioned as being higher than they could see, could it?"

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44  
Thursday April 25th, 2024 8:04:48 PM

Delia looks at where Stock's voice is coming from and says seriously, "Oh, Hawky talks back. He just doesn't speak Common like Joker. The feathers though. Dead giveaway. The accent too..."

She pulls out her everburning torch again and preps Hawky to go up exploring.

The Barren Path... (DM Wayne) 
Thursday April 25th, 2024 11:42:52 PM

Armalad and Joker discuss locating the ceiling.

Stohp is still in full mapping mode.

An invisible Stock tells Joker that Joker is the best scouting choice because he can intelligently report back. Then Delia thinks she hears Stock move towards the pile of bones.

Bartomus keeps pace, ensuring smaller Shields can walk around him if need be.

Zanderallen pulls out his bullseye lantern, lights it, aims it towards the ceiling, and wonders aloud if this is the room the journal page spoke of.

Delia stares at empty space and corrects Stock. Then she prepares her everburning torch for Hawky to explore the tall room they just came from.

Zanderallen’s lantern follows the wall up its full 120’ and then shadows play on the walls above that, and then darkness. Still no ceiling. Zanderallen whistles quietly.

Hawky begins his flight up with the Everburning Torch (20’ radius).

Stock looks at the pile of bones up close, Highlight to display spoiler: {and sees, with no particular challenge to his trained eyes, that these are largely dwarven bones, but a small amount seem to be human, gnomish, and halfling as well. If some of these were the scribes, and not another dwarven expedition, how would we know?

To Stock’s left, the side passage goes some 35’ feet ahead to a wall with a 10’ wide exit on the left side.

While Joker wheedles, Hawky, a much faster flier, begins spiraling upward, rising 10’ every second, and it is an astonishingly long time, 48 seconds, before the torch’s light clearly shows the ceiling! Hawky’s highest arc also reveals a wide exit, between 10 and 20 feet wide, so hard to be precise from around 500’ away! The high tunnel is probably the source of the slight breeze, combined with the exit Stock and Delia used to enter the next room.

By the time Hawky’s expedition is completed, Stock and Delia have cleared the next room. With Stock’s potion perhaps half-gone, Stohp, Delia, and Dolgrin make careful note of the tunnel’s location and mark it to check later.

Hawky, with a gravity assist, is quickly back with the Shields in the time they gather in the next room.

As the group passes the bones, Stock asks Dolgrin about them.

Dolgrin admits he’s not a bones expert, but agrees it’s a fair number of dwarven bones compared to the human, halfling, and gnome bones.

Leaving behind the bones, a 15’-wide exit takes you 25’ further and then the tunnel ends in front of you but not on the left corner, as a 10’wide exit takes you into a 25’-wide by 65’ long chamber with four stalagmites each receiving a slow drip from the stalactites above them, and at the end of the left wall a 15’-wide exit.

Carefully hung around the ‘necks’ of the stalagmites, apparently so as to not inhibit their slow growth, are the remains of rusted and/or sodden adventuring gear – two halves of a chain shirt broken by rust, and perhaps claws, on one stalagmite. On the others an assortment of rotted and sodden leather armor… and a breastplate with a six-inch-wide puncture through the “heart” and out the back…

What do you do?

Barren Path

(OOC –
Stock’s Potion – 15 rounds remaining.)

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27  d20+27=43 ; d20+13=17 ; d20+27=36 ;
Friday April 26th, 2024 4:58:44 AM

Know[Nature]: 43
Know[Dungeonerring]: 17
Linguistics: 36

Armalad looks at the bones and at the armor pieces on the stalagmite formations and thinks to herself what she might know.

As they pass the armor pieces she casts detect magic and scans each piece of armor individually for any magic auras

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip)  d20+23=29 ;
Friday April 26th, 2024 7:38:08 AM

Stohp is expecting trouble and does her best to keep an eye out for it (perception 29)

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 136/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+16=32 ;
Friday April 26th, 2024 12:52:41 PM

Bartomus followed behind Zander and took in the obvious trophy display. A very telling and gruesome trophy display, he thought to himself. He took a moment to look at the breastplate piece of armor with a puncture hole and tried to determine whether it was a weapon or a claw that did that damage.

Perception 32; move to where the breast plate piece is on display.

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44   d20+33=40 ;
Friday April 26th, 2024 2:43:57 PM

Longstrider, Darkvision, Underground +2

Delia grimaces, "Could be something marking its territory. We were warned of scorpion/dwarves - could that puncture be the scorpion tail?"

She wonders what sort of creatures might use the tunnel in the ceiling of the previous room and keeps an eye out with everyone else.

Perception: 40 (44 v undead/aberrations)

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 226/226 AC: 36 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 35 CMD: 35 LoH 13/14 SE 6/6  d20+10=19 ;
Friday April 26th, 2024 3:35:44 PM

Leaned way back to watch Hawky map the ceiling Zander lets out another whistle as the bird's torch finally hits the top. He briefly hopes they don't have to explore the tunnel up there before having his attention drawn to the stalagmites. "I agree with you Delia. That looks like territory markers, or warning markers to keep out. Eyes up and weapons ready everyone." Zanderallen does just that, hand held ready to receive his blade as he douses and stashes his lantern.
Perception: 19

The Barren Path... (DM Wayne) 
Saturday April 27th, 2024 11:40:13 PM

Armalad considers the bones and armor pieces, casts Detect Magic, and scans the armor pieces. She Highlight to display spoiler: {Determines that if the broken gear was ever magical, some kind of large claws seem to have sundered the chain shirt in two, and the magic gone, rust came in quantity from the slow drips that grow the stalagmites here. The relatively few former armors all seem to have been rent in two or in the case of the breastplate, punctured so thoroughly front and back (through the heart!) that again, if any were magical, the enchantments were broken by the sundering and the elements, what little there are here in the Deep, took over from there, rotting leather and rusting metal. That puncture hole though… giant cave scorpion stinger??? As to the bones, Dolgrin seems to have covered the key parts without sitting down with a magnifying glass and a library of books on bones…}

Stohp is alert.

Bartomus reviews the wrecked armor… trophy display…, thinking perhaps either one claw coming to a sharp point when closed, or… Highlight to display spoiler: { a stinger… ? Do the Shields face cave scorpions?}

Delia verbalizes what some could be thinking – scorpion stinger? Unnerved by a possibility, she returns to guard duty.

Zanderallen marveled at Hawky’s mapping spiral. He suggests the armors aren’t just detritus from past victims of some aberration, but a kind of warning, of marking one’s territory. After warning the others to ready for battle, he douses and stashes his lantern, anticipating battle soon.

Stock says some of the armors seem to be dwarf-sized, but so battle-damaged and rusted or rotting that he’s not ready to call it true.

Dolgrin agrees with Stock, “The armors are too weathered and damaged for me to attribute any of them to the scribes, but it’s possible.” He winces when he stares at the breastplate with the six-inch hole front and back.

The group reassembles into marching order and enters the next room.

This next chamber is quite spacious – you’ve entered on the “long side,” more than 60’ of Darkvision can see, but your footsteps echo closely so perhaps 100’ long? Directly ahead of you is the short side, about 30’ deep. The ceiling is once more unseeable and you once more feel a slight breeze with the same subtle stink. As you round the corner and advance, indeed you find the other end of the ‘long’ wall about 95’ from its opposite. As well, there’s a 25’-wide opening at the back of the ‘long’ wall.

Each one ponders the horrors of the Night Above them, tensing for battle, but no foes appear… yet…

The room is otherwise “just” another chamber with unseeable ceiling, so the group moves ahead enough that Delia and Stock are…

Rounding the very-wide corner, this chamber is empty of stalagmites and stalactites, but not empty of… scrawls… writing (?)… on the walls. There is a fairly substantial amount of it… perhaps equivalent to one scroll’s worth of writing, though poorly scrawled and in large symbols/characters/something.

The chamber is 25’ wide and starting from the prior chamber goes forth some 55’ before ending though there is a 10’-wide exit on the right.

Armalad says that in the time she needs to translate the writing, Hawky has enough time to take the torch up again in the prior room.

Zanderallen lights his lantern again, and again it cannot reach the ceiling so he douses it and lets Hawky do his thing.

Once more Hawky takes some 48 seconds to reach the ceiling – another 500’ ceiling, with one 15’-wide tunnel at the top, in the bottom-left corner pointing in the direction of the other chamber with a 500’ ceiling.

Delia wonders aloud whether the two chambers connect at that height; and given the ground-level tunnels, maybe that’s why there’s a slight breeze.

Stohp works with Armalad to translate the Aklo, and their translation is, “The writing is in Aklo… bad Aklo, but Aklo nonetheless. It is the most primitive known form of writing – an accounting of food, apparently always shared in 4 parts. All of it is of the type, ‘six humanoids. One and one-half share.’ There is no narrative or explanation – just the extensive accounting.

What do you do?

Barren Path

(OOC –
Stock’s Potion – 5 rounds remaining.

Hawky’s ascent and descent takes a total of 10 rounds, likewise the translation with two Shields working on it, as it was a scroll’s worth of text.)

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 136/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+16=20 ;
Sunday April 28th, 2024 1:21:34 PM

Bartomus followed along and listened as Stohp and Armalad worked through the accounting records apparently writ large, and poorly, along the giant wall.

"A creature that can figure and write. We need to keep that in mind. They set up their out parameter." Bartomus said cloud. He took it all in.

"Dolgrin, any legends about a warlord or ruler here in these caverns? Not Drow but someone else??" Bartomus nodded toward the ledger. Then he looked about again for any other signs.

Perception 20

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Sunday April 28th, 2024 11:30:16 PM

Armalad says to Bartomus, "Well potentially multiple somethings considering the figuring in Aklo such as it is is dividing each line item in shares of four, so perhaps whatever is down here is at least four different groups or entities? Though that doesn't necessarily mean all groups or entities can read or write or figure, just the lead group or entity perhaps?"

"Also that armor back there looked to be pierced by giant cave scorpion stingers and if any of it was magic it was rendered too damaged to continue to function as a magic armor. Between the armor pieces and the writing I'd say it is safe to say at least one group can read, write and figure in a form of primitive Aklo and one group contains one or more giant cave scorpions, I do not know if we come across anything if we should potentially try to communicate in Aklo before hostilities arise or given the broken armor on stalagmites if that is meant to be a warning and since we ignored it they won't listen to anything we potentially have to say."

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Monday April 29th, 2024 8:23:35 AM

Stohp shrugs. "There's no real way to know except by continuing on."

Stock (JonM) HP: 265/265; AC: 34/31/17; DR 4/-; CMD: 41; Rage: 0/44 used 
Monday April 29th, 2024 2:39:51 PM

"Yeah Stohp. I suspect you're right. Still though, it takes a funny set of circumstances for a being to understand accounting, let alone need accounting. And then the fact that it decided to keep its accounts on the wall...strange. Of course when the strangest thing you are encountering is unexpected accounting, you're probably in good shape."

Stock continues ahead, occasionally squinting up to where he expects the ceiling to be overhead.

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44   d20+33=38 ; d20+40=53 ;
Monday April 29th, 2024 3:34:34 PM

Darkvision, Longstrider, Underground +2

"I'm not sure that many things that speak Aklo are willing to negotiate... I picked it up to understand how to hunt them better, not to have a nice chat." Delia tosses over her shoulder as she keeps an eye on Hawky, grateful that she wasn't tasked with translating the Aklo, despite her level of Aklo grammar probably being closer to the wall-scrawl than the more academically trained Arlamad and Stohp.

She retakes her place ahead of the group and continues their forward march.

Perception: 38 (42 v undead/aberrations)
Stealth: 53

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Monday April 29th, 2024 8:48:06 PM

Armalad says, "You never know till you try and I wasn't necessarily recommending we be all diplomatic like we will part with x amount of rations in order to continue to investigate your territory I was thinking more along the lines of trying to intimidate them from even bothering to mess with us, kind of a you don't want to fool around and find out in Aklo and then if that doesn't work well perhaps if any survivors speak Aklo they'll tell whatever else is down here not to mess with us."

The Barren Path... (DM Wayne) 
Monday April 29th, 2024 11:05:40 PM

Bartomus asks Dolgrin for any tales of some leader down here.

Armalad speculates as to the number of groups of denizens.

Stohp says the group should just keep moving.

Stock agrees with Stohp, but noting that accounting tends to require specific circumstances. He moves on, invisibly.

Delia notes Aklo speakers tend not to be the most intelligent, and then like Stock, moves on into the Night Below, scouting.

Armalad offers her own take on ‘Aklo diplomacy.’

Zanderallen brings up the rear once the group begins moving again.

Dolgrin ponders the Aklo and the Shields’ speculations, and likewise moves on with the group. “Writing carved into stone isn’t unusual… but that’s significant effort, to write, even crudely, in limestone…

(OOC – sorry I didn’t advance the group on the map after the prior post. I’ve added ‘Aklo Writing’ so you can see where the group found it.)

The 10’-wide tunnel takes you over 100’ before coming to an end, with a 10’-wide exit on the right and a 15’-wide exit on the left. This tunnel has a ceiling about 10’ high. (OOC this is from the perspective of walking “down” from the top of the map.)

On the right, you see a lot of stalagmites and stalactites through this 10’-wide chamber that dead-ends after 60’. Nothing of interest, but Taurs would find it very difficult to navigate through here compared to humans and smaller.

On the left, the exit goes but 10’ and then opens up into a vast unknown where you cannot see the end of any sides of the massive chamber before you!

Stock, Delia, and Stohp comment on a noticeable stink.

Stock and Delia only Highlight to display spoiler: {Standing in the entranceway to the unknowably-vast chamber, many stalagmites are Darkvision-visible on the left and on the right, but only darkness lies ahead. There is a more-noticeable breeze here. The stink is more noticeable too. The ceiling cannot be seen at all.}

What do you do?

Barren Path

(OOC –
Stock’s Potion – 3 rounds remaining.)

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Tuesday April 30th, 2024 12:04:39 AM

Armalad says."I suppose I could send a flaming sphere out into the darkness, and it can get 220 feet ahead of me before winking out of existence."

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip)  d20+23=33 ;
Tuesday April 30th, 2024 6:26:53 AM

Stohp looks down the stalagmite filled passage to see if there's any point in exploring it before turning her attention to the bigger room (perception 33)

Stock (JonM) HP: 265/265; AC: 34/31/17; DR 4/-; CMD: 41; Rage: 0/44 used 
Tuesday April 30th, 2024 8:45:57 AM

”It is so so dark ahead. That doesn’t look natural. And that smell…it comes from the darkness I think…does anybody have any way to Detect anything besides using my old eyes?”

Stock hugs the wall on the left as he enters the room.

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44  
Tuesday April 30th, 2024 5:00:51 PM

She'll look at Bart and Armalad, "If anyone can make magical light we could put it on an arrow and see how far it goes. As long as we don't mind everything knowing we're here."

She nocks an arrow in preparation.

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Tuesday April 30th, 2024 5:39:55 PM

Armalad agrees to Delia's request to light up her arrow should the rest of the group agree the risk is worth taking.

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 226/226 AC: 36 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 35 CMD: 35 LoH 13/14 SE 6/6 
Tuesday April 30th, 2024 5:52:50 PM

Zanderallen complies with the hidden request in Stock's words and moves to the entrance of the cavern. He can't see anything with his eyes but will focus his divine sense outward.
Detect Evil 1st round 60ft cone presence of evil.

The Barren Path... (DM Wayne) 
Tuesday April 30th, 2024 9:35:09 PM

Armalad suggests a Flaming Sphere to search ahead.

Stohp considers the “Taur’s Misery” passage – nothing visible within the range of the nearest light source (Light spell on Armalad’s arrow?). Those with Darkvision report to Stohp they see nothing out of the ordinary even to the back wall. That said, something small, or thin and tall, could be behind a stalagmite.

Stock comments on the Night Below, asking for magical aid in noticing things. He follows the left wall about twenty feet, ready to respond to any danger, and for his troubles only spots a few more stalagmite columns at the edge of his Darkvision.

Delia suggests Light on an arrow, then shoot the arrow.

Armalad agrees with Delia’s idea, if the group votes for it.

Zanderallen moves up, hoping not to bump into the Invisible dwarf, and begins Detecting Evil.
(OOC – Round 1 – no evil within the cone ahead. (Moved Z to AD32))

Bartomus considers what to do.

What do you do?

Barren Path

(OOC –
Stock’s Potion – 2 rounds remaining.)

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 136/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+16=17 ;
Tuesday April 30th, 2024 11:32:44 PM

Bartomus looked at the cavern filled with stalagmites and stalactites and shivered. The darkness in the other room seemed equally problematic.

"I have an idea that might help a bit." Bartomus said and shifted into the form of a large earth elemental and glided forward through the wall to where he had a sense that Stock was standing nearby.

He paused a bit past Stock and then stood trying to get a sense of any movement from that point.

Move to AF 29/30 with earth glide through the wall. Pause there to get a sense of tremors or movement 60' outward via tremorsense. Perception natural one for a total of 17

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Wednesday May 1st, 2024 12:37:03 AM

Armalad asks in a whisper, "Is Delia firing her arrow or not or are we waiting to see if our earth elemental detects something first?"

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Wednesday May 1st, 2024 6:08:12 AM

With a shrug Stohp follows Stock into the room.

Stock (JonM) HP: 265/265; AC: 34/31/17; DR 4/-; CMD: 41; Rage: 0/44 used 
Wednesday May 1st, 2024 9:31:59 AM

”Shoot Delia”

Stock continues ahead to the point he can see around the larger stalactites, walking ahead another 30 ft

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44   d20+31=32 ;
Wednesday May 1st, 2024 1:22:38 PM

Delia will fire the Light arrow in an arc across the chamber.

facing AE33, fire across the room. If you need a roll I did roll a 1... for a 32 with farshot feat, -1 for every 110 ft traveled

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 226/226 AC: 36 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 35 CMD: 35 LoH 13/14 SE 6/6 
Wednesday May 1st, 2024 5:32:13 PM

Zander gives the all clear signal and waits to see what the arrow illuminates.

The Barren Path... (DM Wayne)  d100=92 ; d100=78 ; d100=67 ; d100=22 ; d100=43 ; d100=72 ; d100=66 ; d100=80 ; d100=71 ; 8d6=22 ; 8d6=27 ; 8d6=35 ; 8d6=25 ; 8d6=21 ; 8d6=28 ; 8d6=31 ; 8d6=26 ; 8d6=32 ; 4d6=12 ;
Wednesday May 1st, 2024 11:25:45 PM

Bartomus shifted into a large earth elemental and moved through the wall straight for Stock and a bit beyond.

Armalad asks which strategy the group is following.

Stohp had noted the faint sound of Stock moving further into the room. His new armor makes hearing him a lot harder! She decides she’ll know if she’s gone too far if she bumps into Stock and moves in a bit, pausing at Bartomus’ elemental form, as that was around the limit of Zanderallen’s Light.

Stock directs Delia to shoot the Light Arrow Armalad’s been carrying around, and then moves further ahead.

Armalad takes Stock’s cue and walks up to the entrance to pass the Light arrow to Delia so she can fire it right away.

Delia fires the arrow!

Zanderallen notes no ambush thus far and watches the Light arrow take flight.

Delia’s bowstring wobbled – bad pull, it happens, so the arrow went ten degrees off to the left compared to Delia’s aim, but it still goes across the room, arc not as high as Delia wanted as the ceiling is not lit up.

Dolgrin moves up to just behind Armalad so he can see the show.

Armalad only Highlight to display spoiler: {your low-light vision comes in handy, as the extension of the 20’ radius of the Light arrow allows you to see the ceiling and guess it’s about 100’ up.}

There is a distant shout, very brief, in a language unfamiliar to all but Armalad, Stohp, and Delia: Highlight to display spoiler: {In Aklo, “NOW!}

As you delved deeper into this unknowable chamber, admired the pristine stalagmites, worked hard to ignore the increasing stench, a split-second after the shout there is suddenly an uncomfortable feeling – a sharp abrupt feeling riding a wave of loud rumbling sounds – CAVE-IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(OOC – the area of effect is LARGE. The entire group is in it. No one is near the edge of the quake.)

Though the group was ready for foes of myriad types, the very ground and ceiling, all the rock and stone of the Underwold catches you by Surprise!

An intense tremor rips the very ground asunder in far more than one place, in the large chamber, its entrance, and the tunnel that led you here, and rends the ceiling above, raining rocks and boulders down upon all of you!

(OOC – There’s a lot going on here, but in order:

1) The effect is the same as an Earthquake spell; was it a spell? Not saying – no one saw a spellcaster, and The Scab has a lot of lava action and accompanying earthquakes, so could be either spell or natural. Dolgrin apparently wasn’t expecting an earthquake now, and he’s been good about warning the Shields on UnderWold dangers, so take that for what it’s worth.

2) “When you cast earthquake, an intense but highly localized tremor rips the ground. The powerful shockwave created by this spell knocks creatures down, collapses structures, opens cracks in the ground, and more. The effect lasts for 1 round, during which time creatures on the ground can't move or attack. A spellcaster on the ground must make a Concentration check (DC 20 + spell level) or lose any spell he or she tries to cast. The earthquake affects all terrain, vegetation, structures, and creatures in the area.”

If it’s the spell version, your next post is most definitely subject to the spellcasting Concentration check above. If it’s a natural earthquake, those things can go on much longer than 6 seconds, (from personal experience) so it’d be a good sign for Shields’ spellcasters if you only have to make a spellcasting check in the next post instead of… longer.


3) Cave-Ins, from the Core Rulebook:

Cave, Cavern, or Tunnel: The roof collapses, dealing 8d6 points of damage to any creature caught under the cave-in (Reflex DC 15 half) and pinning that creature beneath the rubble (see below). An earthquake cast on the roof of a very large cavern could also endanger those outside the actual area but below the falling debris and rubble.”

Open Ground: Each creature standing in the area must make a DC 15 Reflex save or fall down. Fissures open in the earth, and every creature on the ground has a 25% chance to fall into one (Reflex DC 20 to avoid a fissure). The fissures are 40 feet deep. At the end of the spell, all fissures grind shut. Treat all trapped creatures as if they were in the bury zone of an avalanche, trapped without air (see Environment, Core Rulebook p.429, for more details).”

NOTE – Bartomus is in Earth elemental form – he’s surprised, so he can still be battered for damage, but on his post can earth glide past/through any rocks, etc.

NOTE – Hawky was in the air, but the rockfall of A) PINS him to the ground like the rest of you, and then he might fall into a Fissure.


A) Everyone Reflex Save DC 15, 8d6 damage, save for half, and no matter what, PINNED beneath the rubble, and will need to escape, as detailed below. (I googled; yes, you’re PINNED regardless of your saving throw result.)

8D6 ROCKFALL DAMAGE ROLLS - Going in the following order: Armalad 22, Joker 27, Bartomus 35, Delia 25, Hawky 21, Dolgrin 28, Stock 31, Stohp 26, Zanderallen 32.

B) Everyone 25% chance to fall into a Fissure, in which case you need a DC 20 Reflex Save. 01-25 on d100 in DM post is what I’m using to see who needs to make this saving throw. Going in the following order: Armalad, Joker, Bartomus, Delia, Hawky, Dolgrin, Stock, Stohp, Zanderallen.

These characters must make a DC 20 Reflex Save or fall in Fissure: Delia, alone.

Delia’s fissure is 40 feet deep. (It is YELLOW on the map – 5’ wide, 55’ long, 40’ deep.)

Delia if you make your DC 20 Reflex Save I will place you at AE 33, otherwise 4d6 falling damage – result of 12 base damage. (If you have any ability/item that affects falling damage, use it, of course)


Pinned Beneath Rubble: Any creature pinned beneath rubble takes 1d6 points of nonlethal damage per minute while pinned. If a pinned character falls unconscious, he or she must make a DC 15 Constitution check or take 1d6 points of lethal damage each minute thereafter until freed or dead.”

Yes, there is a time limit to avoid everyone dying of suffocation.

Should Bartomus survive the rockfall, he may free one person within his Reach with a standard action (earth glide), representing using his body to shape/create a temporary 5’-wide tunnel the victim may use to exit from under many hundreds or thousands of pounds of rock (Stohp can Squeeze to escape in this way). Additionally, on his turn, his earth glide ability enables him to free himself from being PINNED so long as he moves from his starting location.

If Bartomus hasn’t come to your rescue just yet:

Cave-Ins and Collapses… (Core Rulebook p.415): Characters who aren’t buried can dig out their friends. In 1 minute, using only her hands, a character can clear rocks and debris equal to five times her heavy load limit. The amount of loose stone that fills a 5-foot-by-5-foot area weighs 1 ton (2,000 pounds). Armed with an appropriate tool, such as a pick, crowbar, or shovel, a digger can clear loose stone twice as quickly as by hand. A buried character can attempt to free himself with a DC 25 Strength check.

Yes, some of you will be wholly unable to free yourself at DC 25. That’s why you have friends. The DC 25 Strength check is a full-round action. (DM ruling; Corebook doesn’t state.)




What do you do?

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27  d20+20=33 ; d20+19=32 ; d20+12=31 ;
Wednesday May 1st, 2024 11:55:34 PM

Concentration = 33

Armalad attempts to protect herself and Joker in her 12 foot diameter Resilient Sphere centered on herself and succeeds at getting the protection up in a single standard action.

(OOC1: functions like wall of force so sphere has hardness 30 and 240 hp)
(OOC2: being that Joker and Armalad are protected by the sphere are they still damaged/buried or are they unharmed and unburried with the sphere causing the rubble to divert around it?)

Armalad Reflex if needed: 32 + evasion = no damage
Joker Reflex if needed: 31 + improved evasion = no damage

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 101/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+11=14 ;
Thursday May 2nd, 2024 1:41:32 AM

Something wasn't right and as it became obvious to Bartomus what it was, the ground gave way underneath him and he fell. As he did so, everything above him started falling as well. He slammed down and had rock slam down on him. He failed in dodging the falling things onto him and took a moment to catch his breath. Then he slipped through the rock that pinned him and as he did so, he sensed that Stohp was nearby.

He shifted towards his fellow Taur and then created an opening using himself as a support for the other rock.

"Stohp, this way, quickly." Bartomus shouted. He took the time to let Stohp climb out and then stood up.

[i]Reflex save of 14/15 - fail - take 35 points

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Thursday May 2nd, 2024 7:42:35 AM

Stohp is surprised by the quake and even her reflexes can't keep her from being buried, though she avoids most the damage (with +23 reflex she can't fail, but I"m a little uncertain if Evasion applies here so that she takes no damage). She's fairly grim once Bart digs her out. "Get the other's out. I'll see if I can find who caused the cave in before they hit us with another."

Stock (JonM) HP: 305/316; AC: 32/30/15; DR 4/-; CMD: 42; Rage: 1/44 used  d20+11=19 ; d20+10=19 ;
Thursday May 2nd, 2024 9:53:31 AM

====Status - Raging====

Something about his innate subterranean heritage allows Stock to sense the impending earthquake before it buries him. His chest feels tight and the rocks press down tightly. He channels his inner rage but is only able to move the rubble a fraction of an inch.

Reflex 19
11 damage - I’m assuming DR applies
Stock has 30 strength while raging…Can I petition to use his strength surge rage power? It is outside the rules as written but thematically fits. It is not included in my roll on this turn
Strength check 19

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Thursday May 2nd, 2024 2:59:01 PM

(OOC: Evasion - If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Is this is indeed an attack since someone yelled "NOW!" in Aklo and then the next thing we knew earthquake and these saves normally deal half damage on success)

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 226/226 AC: 36 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 35 CMD: 35 LoH 13/14 SE 6/6  d20+17=20 ; d20+7=25 ;
Thursday May 2nd, 2024 6:51:03 PM

As the floor begins to rumble, Zander yells out for everyone to watch out. He manages to get his shield raised to absorb the brunt of the impact of the rocks falling but still finds himself buried. Taking barely a moment to grasp the seriousness of his situation his brain switch to survival mode. Working his arms and legs up and out with a mighty surge of strength Zanderallen manages to pull himself from the debris! He immediately starts reaching into his Bag of Holding for the shovels and picks he threw in their before leaving the dwarven hold. "Is everyone OK? We'll get you out. Bart, free Stock next. Strongest first to help move rocks. Stohp if you find someone yell."
Reflex 20 saves, 11 damage taken after DR
Str 25 to pull himself free

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44   d20+23=30 ; d20+13=19 ; d20+23=36 ; d20+5=15 ;
Thursday May 2nd, 2024 9:29:54 PM

At the shout in Aklo, Delia whistles sharply and Hawky attempts to dive to her before the cave in occurs. They both dodge the brunt of the falling rocks, Delia hoping to tuck Hawky safely underneath her body before they are pinned.
In her rock dodging, Delia neatly steps onto stable ground before getting pinned beneath the rocks.

She heaves against the rocks, but to no avail. If Hawky made it to her, she is calm and composed, trying to dig herself out but waiting for rescue.
If Hawky is buried on his own, she yells, "Someone free Hawky! Help him, please!"

Delia Reflex: 30 (with evasion if applicable, if not 12 damage)
Hawky Reflex: 19 (with evasion if applicable, if not 10 damage)
Delia Reflex v fissure: 36
Delia Strength check: 15 v DC 25

The Barren Path... (DM Wayne)  d20=14 ;
Thursday May 2nd, 2024 11:45:20 PM

(OOC – The Rockfall Surprised everyone, so all were subject to it prior to any spells being cast.
Armalad and Joker successfully evade the Rockfall damage, but are still pinned. (Evasion works because it is a Reflex Save, same as with a Fireball.) Then Armalad casts Resilient Sphere which this DM rules will push the thousands of pounds of rock up to the ceiling of the sphere, granting some breathing room as those rocks tumble a little towards the ground. (This happens because 1) the spell should still work, and 2) if the sphere carved a crater in the ground than merely shoving ‘loose boulders’ out of the way then it would become too powerful for a 4th level spell, in my opinion.)

The ground is still shaking, but the Sphere functions ‘as a Wall of Force’ so Armalad and Joker are no longer subject to quake effects involving the ceiling or ground.

The top of the sphere is not fully clear of boulders, but it is just dust up there, with a ring of boulders partially burying the sides of the sphere, threatening to re-bury Armalad and Joker if the Sphere is Dismissed.

Armalad estimates she and Joker could, on Dismissal of the Sphere, likely leap up fast enough to avoid being pinned again (another DC 20 Reflex Save).)

Armalad and Joker avoid any internal injuries, but are pinned by the Rockfall for a moment, and then some rocks are pushed away by the sudden emergence of some invisible field of force.

Bartomus wondered what was wrong with the Wold, and then Rockfall happened! Skin bruises and perhaps a bone somewhere gets close to fracturing, but he survives, though Pinned. Remembering his form, he simply glides through the thousands of pounds of rock formerly Pinning him, and remembering Stohp was adjacent, quickly locates her and forms a tunnel barely big enough for her to get out from under the boulders.

(OOC – Stohp, Saving Throws, like Attacks, always fail on a ‘1’ regardless of the bonus or DC set. I rolled a 14 for you, so Stohp did not automatically fail.)

Stohp didn’t think anything was left to surprise her, but the simultaneous violent shaking of the stone beneath her feet and boulders as large or larger than her falling from 100’ above made a good attempt! She deftly shifted her vital organs out of the way, but there were just too many of them to avoid being Pinned! The ground is still shaking too much for her to move herself, but she’s able to grab an ‘arm’ of Bartomus’ earth elemental form and he pulls her fully out, though she is still Prone due to the violent quake!

(OOC – yes, DR applies to rocks, same as if a Giant threw them.

Strength Surge:
“Strength Surge (Ex) (PRPG Core Rulebook pg. 33): The barbarian adds her barbarian level on one Strength check or combat maneuver check, or to her Combat Maneuver Defense when an opponent attempts a maneuver against her. This power is used as an immediate action. This power can only be used once per rage.”

I read this as applying to any one of: you make a strength check; you make a combat maneuver check; or opponent makes a combat maneuver check against you.

The rules allow this; note that it’s only once per rage. Mark it used!)

Stock is buried alive! He struggles at first, the thousands of pounds of rock seemingly victorious over the brave dwarf… Then, his life flashing before his eyes he finds a reservoir of strength he hadn’t known he’d had and with a Surge of Strength shoves(!) the largest boulder about three feet to one side! No longer in danger of suffocation, he fights a losing battle against the vibrating cave floor which keeps him Prone… for now.

(OOC – Zanderallen, the DC 25 Strength check was a full-round action. The other actions can go in your next post if you want. Speaking/Shouting is ‘free’ when not a lengthy monologue.)

Zanderallen’s yelled warning is lost amidst the noise of Rocks Falling on Everyone. Klink’s shield ‘deflects’ some ‘smaller’ rocks and then a big boulder Pins Zanderallen to the ground! The pre-historic part of his brain kicks his muscles into action, his adrenaline spikes, the Power of Domi infuses his arms and… he… will… be… free! Like Stock, the rumbling floor keeps him Prone, but he will not suffocate! He calls out to the others to see if they’re ok. The quake vibrations keep him from reaching for his Bag, with the excavation tools, for now.

Delia reflexively whistled for Hawky at the strange shout, not having any idea what to expect, and then Rocks Fell! Delia and Hawky both managed to rotate so their vital organs weren’t squashed, but thousands of pounds of rocks really put a crimp in their plans! Not as bad though, if she hadn’t rolled herself and Hawky away from a Fissure that the Rocks were about to Pin her within! The shaking ground separated her and Hawky as the Rocks Pinned them both, her hand perhaps a full foot away from Hawky’s wings! Hawky! Oh no! He can’t possibly escape without help! Delia struggled mightily, but her body was honed by years of a mix of agility and strength training, not pure strength like Stock! Were all of them trapped? Would this be the End for the Shields???

Armalad looks around – Dolgrin was right behind her but… Oh no! Dolgrin must have been just outside the sphere’s radius! Where is he? I hope he’s conscious enough to do that walk-through-stone thing!

Thankfully, suddenly, after six seconds the ground ceases rumbling! A spell, or something very much like it! Or… a coincidence? Delia hears the Fissure snap shut a second later! That was close…


(OOC –

Most of the free Shields are Prone – check above, and also check the Legend in the bottom right of the map, starting in cell AN37 with Armalad.

No one can see: Delia, Hawky, Dolgrin.
Also, no one can see Armalad or Joker, but there is a peculiar bit of empty space covered by a thin layer of dust where they were standing…

Zanderallen’s escape means the Light on his Shield/Weapon/Whatever is now visible, and is the only nearby Light source – the Light arrow is a long distance away and may be buried under rocks for all the Shields know. If you want more light, then cast more Light spells or wait for the vibrations to stop so you can reach for a light source in your pack/bag.

Here’s what you can see for your next post:

Armalad & Joker – boulders block your vision on all sides. The top of the Sphere is covered in a thin layer of dust, and it is up here that you can see a diffuse light – not that you can see outside, but Zanderallen’s Light, or another source, must be nearby, but just can’t illuminate much for you. Low-Light Vision helps a little – enough to rummage through bags or packs if desired.
Bartomus – Darkvision & Tremorsense, each 60’. (due to earth elemental form)
Delia – Darkvision, but sight completely obscured by thousands of pounds of rock slowly suffocating her.
Hawky – Blind in Dark, but sight completely obscured by thousands of pounds of rock slowly suffocating him.
Stock – Darkvision 60’.
Stohp – 20’ Light emanates from Zanderallen. The rest is Dark, and now there are boulders of varying size everywhere in sight, too, doing a good job of blocking much of the floor from Light.
Zanderallen – 20’ Light emanates from something you have; I just forget if it was weapon, shield, or something else, but he was the backup Light after Armalad’s Light arrow.)

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Friday May 3rd, 2024 12:41:29 AM

Armalad says to Joker, "Time to earn your keep. I want you to take out that wand of silent image I gave you and in large glowing yellow letters spell out in common say 20 feet outside the top of the sphere give or take 'Armalad and Joker are here in resilient sphere for 12 minutes. Dolgrin was behind us, lost sight of him. Help him first. We are okay. Can possibly leap free if A dismisses. Then add a glowing yellow arrow pointed in our direction at the bottom"
Armalad pulls out an arrow and casts a light cantrip on it and holds it above her head, hopefully illuminating enough of the darkness beyond the top of the sphere that Joker can see to target and create the illusion

Joker does as directed taking out the wand and targeting the air space 20 feet beyond the top of the sphere
in bright glowing yellow letters in Common in the largest font that can fit inside 5 10 foot cubes with enough room for a decent sized arrow below:
"A and J are in 12 min. resilient sphere. Dolgrin behind us, lost sight of him. Help him first. We are ok. Can possibly leap free if A dismisses." He then adds a glowing yellow arrow pointed in their direction

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip)  d20+24=36 ; d20+23=30 ;
Friday May 3rd, 2024 7:19:46 AM

Stohp draws her staff and casts True Seeing on herself (Use Magic Device 36). Now able to see she tries to spot the enemy (perception 30)

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 101/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+16=22 ;
Friday May 3rd, 2024 11:10:49 AM

Bartomus used the end of the shaking to get a sense by vibration where the others might be. Then words in bright light appear on a cave wall. Bartomus starts to giggle at the message and moves towards the others.

"Need to start digging," he says in a gravely voice as he nods to Zander and begins the effort to try to find Delia and her bird.

Move to AE/AF 34 and try to create a passage through which Delia and Hawkey can get out of the rubble. Perception 22

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 215/226 AC: 36 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 35 CMD: 35 LoH 13/14 SE 6/6 
Friday May 3rd, 2024 1:31:33 PM

Zanderallen stands to let the light from his shield illuminate the space around him, as far as the dust allows. Fighting back a coughing fit he finishes pulling tools out of his bag of holding as he moves over to where he last saw Dolgrin. "I'll start on Dolgrin."
Move action to stand and move to AC33
Standard Action to remove a pick and shovel from the bag of holding

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44   d20+33=45 ;
Saturday May 4th, 2024 12:03:46 AM

Delia will crawl her way out of the elemental tunnel, picking up Hawky along the way if the tunnel gets them both. If not, she helps direct Bart to where he is, "Thanks, Bart. Cave ins are much easier when one of you is the cave."

Once Hawky is safe, she joins Stohp in trying to pinpoint any enemies mostly by hearing.

Perception: 45 (49 v abberations)

Stock (JonM) HP: 305/316; AC: 32/30/15; DR 4/-; CMD: 42; Rage: 1/44 used 
Saturday May 4th, 2024 1:48:40 AM

Stock lets his rage pass and then stands and heads back to help dig. He gets to Armalad and reaches to grab a boulder from the side of the sphere.

The Barren Path... (DM Wayne) 
Sunday May 5th, 2024 11:17:37 PM

(OOC –
1) Forgot to mention – all these boulders? The whole area is Difficult Terrain, Half Movement, no 5’ steps allowed anywhere, even for size L Taurs.

2) Corebook p.215,
“Line of Effect: A line of effect is a straight, unblocked path that indicates what a spell can affect. A line of effect is canceled by a solid barrier. It's like line of sight for ranged weapons, except that it's not blocked by fog, darkness, and other factors that limit normal sight.

You must have a clear line of effect to any target that you cast a spell on or to any space in which you wish to create an effect. You must have a clear line of effect to the point of origin of any spell you cast.”)

Resilient Sphere works like Wall of Force, which also says, “Breath weapons and spells cannot pass through a wall of force in either direction, although dimension door, teleport, and similar effects can bypass the barrier.” The Sphere also allows those inside to “breathe normally.”

This DM rules that since air is coming in and going out for breathing normally then normal speech and sounds should go in and out because they are only vibrations of the air, which is reaching inside the Sphere unimpeded. A Shout spell would still be blocked due to being a spell. I will allow Hearing-based Perception rolls from Armalad/Joker while inside the dust-and-rock-covered Sphere.

Armalad, perhaps still mentally rattled from almost being buried alive, gives a detailed plan to Joker (INT 7) who trusts Armalad implicitly and attempts to fulfill her request, but the Resilient Sphere, a solid barrier, foils this plan – the image of all the words is created, but it is created on the inside of the sphere, starting at the top where Joker could see some outside light coming in. (The letters would be readable, backwards, to outsiders if all of the dust and rocks outside were removed.)

(OOC –
1) Gathering her wits, Armalad realizes she could try to shout (normal, not spell) to communicate with anyone nearby.
2) As no one outside the Sphere could read the Silent Image, I will adjust any post referencing its information accordingly.)

Stohp, the ground having stopped shaking, pulls out her staff while prone and uses it. She can now see normally, but being prone amidst boulders 2 to 5 feet tall at times she cannot see more than 15’ or so. She can see the ceiling and the high walls just fine, however, and she sees Highlight to display spoiler: {on the far wall, which is column AZ, she spots two Huge (15’ by 15’ by 15’) humanoid/scorpion hybrids climb down the wall at the 45’ height who must have come from from tunnels that are about 75’ up. The ceiling is 100’ up as noted earlier. Her hearing doesn’t rely too much on seeing through boulders, and her ears tell her there are two more scorpion-like creatures of some kind skittering across the Difficult Terrain rocky floor getting really close to her!}

(OOC – move action to draw staff, standard action to activate, leaves Stohp prone. Next post she can stand up and get a better view.)

Bartomus focused more on his tremorsense once the ground stopped shaking. Turning, he sees, from his Tall view, a ring of boulders around a ‘roof’ of dust in the shape of the top slice of a sphere. Bits of yellow then peek through between some of the dust, but nothing more. Armalad must have saved herself… the boulders shouldn’t be in a nice ring like that, but Delia probably wasn’t so lucky, with that Fissure opening, and then closing 6 seconds later! Was she in it, or under some of the boulders? He began his hunt for Delia. Tense seconds later he spotted a few arrows that must have tumbled out of one of her quivers and immediately opened a tunnel into the nearby boulders!

Zanderallen stands (move action) and bears his Light shield broadly while fishing out a pick and shovel with one grab, then turned to face the boulders where Dolgrin had been standing. (OOC – Difficult Terrain; half movement; no 5’ steps)

Delia’s mind races… When will I run out of air? Does anyone know where to look for me? Can anyone find me even if they try? Then, suddenly, the boulders atop her reshape themselves and she finds herself gasping with relief for the stale cave air! From the side she hears something she’s never heard before – Hawky… coughing, and hard! Fortunately as her Companion he’s a sturdy little bird and doesn’t cough for long. Covered in dust he… walks… stumbling a bit, making garbled bird calls until she scoops him into her hands and stands up and steps out of the boulder-tunnel, thanking Bart, knowing no one else could shift the rocks like him! Then she sets her ears to listening and hears Highlight to display spoiler: {the telltale clatter of scorpion legs, really heavy ones… four, two very close about to come into Darkvision 60’ range and two further away, their clacking legs echoing like they were… up… perhaps dozens of feet up and maybe a hundred feet away, plus or minus… darn echoes making this hard…}

Stock allows his rage to pass, stands (move action), turns to see Delia’s head suddenly rising above the many 2 to 5 feet tall boulders ahead of him, doesn’t see Bart did he just help Delia? I think I heard him say he was going to start digging…, doesn’t see Stohp is she buried, or just prone behind 5’ tall boulders?, and doesn’t see any of the others except a Light is coming from where Zanderallen was around the corner… Stock breathes a sigh of relief as he hears Zanderallen declare he’s working on rescuing Dolgrin, and Delia thanking Bart. Still, some people are going to need rescuing! Stock finds the Terrain to be Difficult (half movement; no 5’ steps), and travels 20’ to AE26 (standard action). Hm, I hope Armalad and Dolgrin are ok… Zanderallen’s on Dolgrin, I’d better get to Armalad! Stupid boulders in my way! Grrrr….

Clattering and skittering out of the darkness, Shields with Darkvision are the first to see these creatures. Their frenetic race forward puts them adjacent to the prone Stohp (whom the boulders must have hid, for these Huge Aberrations might otherwise have Charged her! Likewise, the boulders prevented Stohp from taking an AoO as they arrived.).

(OOC – LIGHTING – Only those with Darkvision can clearly see them – Zanderallen’s Light 20’ reaches only to Stohp’s far side, and then it’s Dim Light. (The only True Sight user is prone behind boulders, but now that they are adjacent, Stohp can see them towering 10’ above the 5’ tall boulders around her!!!!!!!)

These huge monstrosities seem like some alien, clawed insects, with vaguely humanoid features and three tentacular tails each!

Stohp only Highlight to display spoiler: {as a Huge Scorpion towers over your prone form, just to either side of its body you can still see the other two Scorpions on the wall continue their downward climb but when they’re about 30’ up the combination of the Scorpion in front of you and the 5’ tall boulders obscure your view of them presumably reaching the cave floor, as you now hear them skittering in your general direction!}

(OOC - Armalad – you and Joker heard the loud clacking/skittering of Insect-like, if not Scorpion, legs getting closer and closer, but not arriving adjacent to you.)

What do you do?

(OOC – summary of situation:

1) For Shields, all squares are Difficult Terrain (half movement; no 5’ steps).

2) For these Huge Scorpion-like things – they clearly have a Climb Speed and are so much taller (size: Huge) than the biggest boulders (size: Medium (5’ wide, tall, deep)) they get to move at normal speed.

3) Light – Zanderallen’s Shield is lit. Count 4 squares from him – normal vision. 4 more squares – Dim Light (See Corebook). Darkvision at 60’, except Stohp has True Sight which, once she Stands (provokes an AoO!) allows her to see the entire chamber as though lit normally.

4) Scorpion-things have Reach 15’ – count your squares as you move/do stuff and note in post if you trigger an AoO.

5) Dolgrin – status unknown.

Presently, all 4 squares of Stohp and 2 squares of Bartomus are threatened)

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip)  d20+25=30 ; d20+25=41 ;
Monday May 6th, 2024 12:33:42 AM

(Getting up from prone is a free action via class feature, so she would have stood up as soon as Bart freed her 2 rounds ago, or prevented by the quake last round)

Stohp looks up at the weird scorpion thing and frowns. "That really wasn't nice." She informs it, in Aklo, before grabbing one of it's legs and trying to wrestle it down to her level. Grappling is a move action for her so she can try twice, 30 and 41 vs enemy CMD

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44   d20+29=41 ; d20+29=42 ; d20+24=43 ; d20+24=28 ; d20+19=38 ; d20+19=32 ; d20+14=29 ; d8+24=31 ; d6=4 ; d8+24=25 ; d6=5 ; d8+24=25 ; d6=2 ; d8+24=26 ; d6=2 ; d8+24=29 ; d6=4 ; d8+24=31 ; d6=6 ; 2d8+48=58 ; 2d8+48=60 ; 2d10=10 ; 2d10=6 ;
Monday May 6th, 2024 11:01:15 AM

Delia moves Hawky to her shoulder, giving him a moment to recover, "We've got company!" She calls out as she hears the Huge sized skittering. She pulls out her bow and rubs the last of the dust out of her eyes, finding steady footing on a boulder as she unloads on the nearest aberration.

full round attack on S3, v aberration +4, point blank +1
41 to hit | 65 damage (31 + 4cold + 25 + 5cold)
42 to hit | 27 damage (25 + 2cold)
43 to crit? 28 to confirm | non-crit damage 28 (26 + 2); crit damage 96 (58 + 10cold)
38 to crit? 32 to confirm | non-crit damage 33 (29 + 4); crit damage 99 (60 + 6)
29 to hit | 37 damage (31 + 6cold)

Stock (JonM) HP: 305/316; AC: 32/30/15; DR 4/-; CMD: 42; Rage: 2/44 used  d20+1=13 ; d20+22=33 ; 2d8+13=19 ;
Monday May 6th, 2024 12:39:27 PM

—Status: Raging—
Stock growls at the newcomers, spotting their approach to Stohp. His rage kicks in again as his protective instincts kick in.

”I will help Stohp!”

He looks at Klink’s hammer, takes aim and chucks it at the thing. He follows the hammer’s flight, rage hopping over the rocky ground to engage the aberrations.

Knowledge Dungeoneering(?) 13…it was worth a try
Throw Hammer at S3…looks like 30 feet so first range increment; hits AC33, 19 bludgeoning damage
Move 20 feet to AG28

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 101/144 AC 21; (150/150) 1/5 Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  17d6=65 ; 4d6=15 ;
Monday May 6th, 2024 4:15:38 PM

Bartomus looked over and sighed. The efforts at diplomacy either failed, or had such a scant chance to take hold, that the fight was on. The sphere gave Bartomus the thought/hope that he had a few moments before he needed to clear the stone away for Armalad and Joker to emerge.

Bartomus glanced at the arriving scorpion like terrors, creatures that he had seen in minute size as a child. He shifted to create a path for Zander to get into the fight. He then cast the sunbeam spell.

Shift 5' to AE/AF 30; He then cast Sunbeam and emitted one of the spells - if permitted. Attack on S4 with left hand - Reflex save (10+5+3=23); if undead, damage is 65; if not, damage 15 and blindness (permanent) - reflex save reduces damage by half and no blindness.

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 215/226 AC: 36 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 35 CMD: 35 LoH 13/14 SE 6/6 
Monday May 6th, 2024 4:47:33 PM

Zanderallen can barely see the shadowy monstrosities on the edge of the light but he focused them out. If Dolgrin was conscious he should have been able to earth walk out of the cave-in. And since that hadn't happened the dwarf was in serious trouble. Armed with pick and shovel Zanderallen starts attacking the rock at Dolgrin's last know position with gusto. He calls out to the others, "Hold them off, I've got to get Dolgrin out before he suffocates."
Zander is STR 24 giving a heavy load limit of 700 lbs
properly equipped doubles that to 1400 lbs
x5 gives 7000 lbs in 1 minute or 700 lbs per round
2000 lbs in a 5x5 area
Zander should be able to clear a square in 3 rounds

Round 1 of digging out Dolgrin

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Monday May 6th, 2024 5:37:29 PM

Armalad calls out in Common, "We're in the sphere. It'll last almost 12 minutes. Dolgrim was behind us so help him first. Also there is some sort of insect like sounding creature heading nearer to us. I can't do anything in here but I can dismiss the sphere before it expires and Joker and I may be able to leap free but I'm not sure."

The Barren Path... (DM Wayne)  d20+17=32 ; d20+19=29 ; d20+19=36 ; d20+19=29 ; d6+5=9 ; d20+29=43 ; d20+22=37 ; d20+22=37 ; d20+22=42 ; 2d6+11=18 ; d8+11=12 ; d8+11=15 ; d20+29=30 ; d20+29=43 ; 14d8=59 ; 14d8=69 ;
Tuesday May 7th, 2024 12:02:46 AM

(OOC – retcon – Stohp stood up prior post via class ability. She sees where all the clacking/skittering creatures are. She deduces the Scorpions might only have Darkvision 60’ or similar since, standing, she might otherwise have been charged by (S3) She could not have stood up during the rescue (ground still vibrating) but instead stood up the same post she drew and activated the staff.)

As the Shields enter battle, strange spores float around the Scorpion-things, and then several are drawn to Stohp, and just like that, Stohp’s True Seeing is GONE! (OOC – Dispelled up to caster level 32.)

Stohp expresses her unhappiness to the big Scorpion-thing, as she can no longer see in the dark. With the Scorpion-thing at Light’s edge, she attempts to grapple it, but it jerks free the first time, and then because it overcorrected so much on the first attempt Stohp grapples it on the second attempt!

Delia allows Hawky to walk onto her shoulder and shake off more of the dust. She calls out a battle warning and then, her bow in hand from when she stood up covered in dust, she shakes her head so more dust falls away and her trained archery muscles take over, her twin shot and second, third and fourth shots hitting (only the fourth’s crit is confirmed), the creature suddenly wobbly on its legs, and then the fifth and final shot goes in between the eyes on its humanoid half and out the back of its skull! It collapses heavily, with Stohp, in the commanding grappling position, barely avoiding the [i]smash
of what sounded like several tons(!) of creature collapsing onto the boulder-strewn floor!

Stock, now raging once more, shouts that he’s coming to help Stohp just as (S3) collapses into a deceased heap… but (S4) is still there! He hurls Klink’s Hammer for the first time, hitting (S4) with a satisfying thud and Klink’s Hammer, as it bounces off, begins flying through the air with purpose back towards Stock! While it’s doing that, Stock tries his best to race into melee range, aided by the death of S3 (reaching AH28 (20’) instead of AG28 (15’), since these things are having no trouble moving over boulders!).

(OOC – “returns to the thrower just before the creature’s next turn… catching it is a free action.” Stock is only armed with his armor’s metal gauntlets (for AoOs, etc) until the start of his next post when he catches Klink’s Hammer.)

Bartomus wondered what had happened to any opportunity for diplomacy… did the Scorpions cause the quake, and this was all one big ambush? But how – are they clerics or druids? Eyeing the ring of boulders with dust floating above the center of the ring, he guessed Armalad and Joker were alive and turned his attention to the ambushers! Bartomus lightly earth glided just five feet and cast Sunbeam, knowing he needed several precious seconds before he could fire the first Beam. (OOC – I’ll refer back to this post for damage, etc. when you throw your first Beam)

Zanderallen guessed he should have seen Dolgrin earth-walk out of the rubble by now… if he was able to do so. Should he gamble on Dolgrin having earth-walked some distance away around the corner? He didn’t think he or Domi would approve him just rushing into battle without checking to be sure… Zanderallen began digging where Dolgrin had last been, knowing it might take a dozen or two dozen seconds to do so, even with his Domi-blessed strength!

Armalad shouts out her situation, hoping Shields are still nearby and alive to hear! She’s in the middle of warning the Shields about attacking insects when the telltale sound of Delia’s bowstring hums several times and something falls hard and heavy, with a satisfying, “GLURK!

(S4) says something in Aklo (Armalad, Delia, Stohp only) Highlight to display spoiler: {I always hated that guy… more food for me, thanks!} and then lays into Stock with fearsome speed, striking first with its three tentacular tails, only connecting once, but grabbing Stock with it! (constriction, 9 damage) Stock is drawn adjacent to (S4) who abruptly releases Stock and then tries to tear him apart and eat him (!), biting him and grabbing him with both claws (18, 12, and 15 damage respectively) and holding him in place! (Stock begins his next post Grappled.)

More clacking/skittering draws closer…
And Stock can see more further past (S4) than before he was grabbed and pulled to it. (OOC – I’ve added stuff to the map that Stock’s 60’ Darkvision can see – remember to only act on your own character’s vision and hearing perceptions)

Stohp, having lost her True Sight, is blind-sided when a large and powerful 5’-wide stream of Acid blasts from the Night Below (S1), soaking Stohp and Bartomus, their burning skin chain-reacting into foul-smelling vapor that fully envelops the space in which they stand! (OOC – That’s 8 squares of Vapor between the two Taurs, and it will last one or more rounds, in case they move away but other Shields move through the same squares. Made squares Green on map)

Stock observes that (S1) breathed the stream of Acid at Stohp and Bartomus, having just skittered fully into the far end of Stock’s Darkvision. He then sees (S2) skitter into view and it likewise breathes a 5’-wide stream of acid, somewhat threading the needle of striking Bartomus and trying to splash into the well-lit Zanderallen!

Armalad sees light splashes of some liquid fall atop her Sphere, just enough to wash away the dust. She and Joker can now see the ceiling because Zanderallen’s Light appears to be nearby. Still no horizontal line of sight.

(OOC –

(S1) vs. Bartomus and Stohp:
Acid damage = 59, DC 24 Reflex Save.
Foul Vapor = (Druidic Immunity to Poison works fully), DC 24 Fortitude save – Fail = gain Nauseated Condition for a number of rounds (I will roll).

(S2) vs. Bartomus and Zanderallen:
Foul Vapor = (Druidic Immunity to Poison works fully), DC 24 Fortitude save – Fail = gain Nauseated Condition for a number of rounds (I will roll).)

(OOC – the tentacular tail free action grapple was a sum of 43, beating Stock’s 42 CMD, and coincidentally the final claw free action grapple was also 43 vs CMD 42.

Grappled Condition – “Grappled: A grappled creature is restrained by a creature, trap, or effect. Grappled creatures cannot move and take a –4 penalty to Dexterity. A grappled creature takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and combat maneuver checks, except those made to grapple or escape a grapple. In addition, grappled creatures can take no action that requires two hands to perform. A grappled character who attempts to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability must make a concentration check (DC 10 + grappler’s CMB + spell level, see Concentration), or lose the spell. Grappled creatures cannot make attacks of opportunity.”

Stock you need to equal or exceed CMD 38 to escape the Grapple, should you choose to do so.)

Damage Summary – Scorpion-things all have a slight amount of damage resistance that so far has worked vs. arrows and a hammer.
S3 - dead
S4 – 14 damage

Bartomus(Rod) HP:28/144 AC 21; (150/150) 1/5 Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+19=22 ; d20+17=19 ; d4=4 ; d20+22=41 ; d20+17=37 ; 3d8+2=21 ;
Tuesday May 7th, 2024 12:59:39 AM

The slamming, scaulding spray of the acid melted Bartomus. He felt it peeling at every part of him. Then the terrible stench. He fumbled with his pouch, snapped open a healing potion, and gulped it down. He faded away into the darkness and the fog.

Reflex save one - hero point used b4 roll - failure at 22; Fortitude save fail - 19;
Reflex save two - hero point used b4 roll - success 41; take 1/2 of 69-35; Fortitude 37;
Potion for 21 points.

Hide away = Fey ability

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Tuesday May 7th, 2024 1:39:52 AM

Armalad calls out in Aklo, "If you hated that guy and he was your comrade but you plan to eat him, why not join us instead. We'll wipe out the rest of them and you can eat them instead of us."

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip)  d20+23=33 ;
Tuesday May 7th, 2024 8:00:24 AM

Stohp hears the acid coming and rolls out of the way. If she can see any of the enemy she'll move up to grapple, otherwise she'll move out of the acid and recast true seeing. A caster dispelling her is a caster not murdering the party! (I'm unclear as to what lights are up, can people add light sources/ranges to the map if they have one?)

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 181/226 AC: 36 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 35 CMD: 35 LoH 13/14 SE 6/6  d20+21=33 ; d20+26=34 ;
Tuesday May 7th, 2024 12:53:04 PM

Zanderallen coughs and sputters as the foul acid burns his lungs. But he holds out against the worst of it and continues his mad shoveling. He roars out as loudly as he can, "Dolgrin! If you can hear me please respond!" He resists the urge to keep looking back at the fight, knowing Dolgrin had to be rescued. His arms pump furiously as he tears through rock and stone with his magically augmented strength.
Light on Zanderallen - 20ft radius bright, additional 20 ft dim

Round 2 of moving stone, 1400 lbs shifted

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44   d20+28=38 ; d20+28=42 ; d20+23=35 ; d20+23=31 ; d20+13=31 ; d8+23=26 ; d8+23=31 ; d6=2 ; d6=4 ; d8+23=28 ; d6=3 ; d8+23=30 ; d6=4 ; d8+23=31 ; d6=4 ; d20+17=25 ;
Tuesday May 7th, 2024 5:27:28 PM

Darkvision 60ft, Longstrider, Underground +2

Hawky - HP 90/90, AC: 26/17/20, CMD 23

Delia nods in satisfaction as her first target goes down. She switches to the one holding onto Stock. She calls over to the sphere behind her, "Armalad? We might need you out here. You said you could dodge the rocks?"

Hawky swoops in for a spring attack on the one holding Stock as well.
Full attack at S4
+4 v aberration, +1 PBS (missed in roller)
39 hits | 29 and 36 damage
43 hits | 32 damage
36 hits | 35 damage
27 miss
32 hits | 36 damage

Hawky spring attack at S4, going over the acid and ending at AG about 20 feet in the air.
25 misses

Stock (JonM) HP: 267/316; AC: 30/30/15; DR 4/-; CMD: 40; Rage: 3/44 used  d20+23=30 ; d20+23=43 ; d20+27=40 ; d20+18=33 ; d20+13=23 ; d20+8=20 ; d8+23=31 ; d8+23=26 ; 2d8+46=58 ; d8+23=28 ; d8+23=28 ; d8+23=31 ;
Tuesday May 7th, 2024 8:11:17 PM

Status: RAGE, grappled

Stock somehow grabs the hammer when it flies back to him and is yanked close to the scorpion thing. He embraces his rage once more and swings onehanded at the thing over and over again, hoping to smash it to goo.

Power Attack 1 hits AC30, 31 damage
Power Attack 2 (Speed Attack) hits AC43, Threat, Confirms vs AC40; If not a crit: 26 damage; if it is a crit, 84 damage and the creature is sickened
Power Attack 3 hits AC33, 28 damage
PA4 hits AC23, 28 damage
PA5 hits AC20, 31 damage

The Barren Path... (DM Wayne)  d20+11=14 ; d4=1 ; 14d8=53 ; d20+17=33 ; d20+19=39 ; d20+29=47 ; d6+5=8 ;
Wednesday May 8th, 2024 12:08:39 AM

Bartomus immediately regretted having so much limestone in his earth elemental form as the twin acid breath weapons melted vast parts of his earthen form! Still, perhaps someone Divine was watching over the melting Taur, for he survived the torrential onslaught and pulled a healing potion (move action) and faded from sight (move action)!

(OOC – It would be a move action to draw a potion, a standard action to drink it, and another move action to Hide Away.

Since Bartomus is barely standing after the blasts, I judge that he’d prefer to be Invisible, or otherwise not in the line of fire, vs. drinking the potion and still being a target.

Bartomus has the healing potion in hand at the start of his next post. His HP should be 144 – 35 – 59 – 35 = 15 HP remaining.

Bartomus is Invisible until the start of his next post.

Bartomus is a high enough level Druid to be Immune to Poison, and does not gain the Nauseated condition.)

Armalad shouts out an offer in Aklo.

Stohp evaded the acid breath weapon, and so her burning skin did not create a Foul Vapor where she stood! She is not able to precisely locate the foes – Stock and one of the Scorpions are towards the last 10’ of Dimness beyond the Light spell (OOC – Concealment miss chance for foe due to Dimness) Stohp uses the staff once more for True Seeing and sees precisely where S4, S2, and S1 are located at this time. She observes the great Reach of the Scorpion grappling Stock and walks a bit closer so these creatures don’t have an easy time aiming their acid breath weapons at multiple Shields, and so she can avoid any opportunity attack while moving into position. (OOC – ends at AH30/AI31, Difficult Terrain, so 10’ used of 30’ move-action to move diagonal one square and be in reach to Grapple S4 next round, preferably after someone brings a Light source closer. No AoO triggered.)

Zanderallen grits his teeth against the acid pain and chokes back the nauseating stench of his own flesh burning! He calls out to Dolgrin as he continues to excavate. (OOC – Round 2 of 3 to clear square AC33)

Delia mutters a silent boo-ya! as the first Scorpion drops! She calls out to Armalad to get out of the sphere and help, then her archer instinct takes over, and as she aims at (S4), she is barely aware of her arm and back muscles firing arrows as fast as a talented chef chops vegetables! All but one puncture its carapace, yet it does not fall! Hawky swoops in and his claws scrape carapace, but fail to slice!

Stock’s free hand suddenly finds Klink’s Hammer in it! His other arm busy in the grapple, he swings the Hammer with great rage, denting the carapace over and over, his first hit staggering it, added to the weight of Delia’s arrows, and his second hit strikes the creature’s humanoid skull on the backswing, popping it like an overripe melon! The Scorpion collapses heavily in place, and Stock uses his last few swings to shatter the tentacular tail that was grappling him. He is free!

(S2) skitters about 10’ closer to Stock and then unleashes an acid Breath Weapon again, this time hitting Stock, Stohp, Delia, and Hawky! Armalad once more sees a slight spray of liquid, this time hitting the tops of nearby rocks and then dripping down onto a Sphere edge. Bartomus flinches as his earthen form is narrowly missed by this stream of Acid!

Bartomus Invisibly gapes in horror as (S1) begins moving… but apparently it doesn’t See Invisible as it moves to Stohp and Stock, Spore Cloud in tow, makes a sound in Aklo that sounds like a snort when it looks closely at her, and then turns and attacks Stock with a Tentacular Tail, grabbing him (AC 39), grappling him (CMD 47), and constricting him (8 damage)! It cackles in apparent glee as it readies to consume Stock, its insectoid maw gaping wide!

(OOC – Stock
Grappled Condition – “Grappled: A grappled creature is restrained by a creature, trap, or effect. Grappled creatures cannot move and take a –4 penalty to Dexterity. A grappled creature takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and combat maneuver checks, except those made to grapple or escape a grapple. In addition, grappled creatures can take no action that requires two hands to perform. A grappled character who attempts to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability must make a concentration check (DC 10 + grappler’s CMB + spell level, see Concentration), or lose the spell. Grappled creatures cannot make attacks of opportunity.”

Spores vs. True Seeing, Dispels Level 33.)

Stohp finds (S1) almost impossible to track as the Night Below returns to her vision.

Zanderallen thinks he hears a muffled Dwarven groan beneath the rocks. He redoubles his effort!

What do you do?

(OOC –

(S2) vs. Stock, Stohp, Delia, and Hawky:
Acid damage = 53, DC 24 Reflex Save.
Foul Vapor = DC 24 Fortitude save – Fail = gain Nauseated Condition for a number of rounds (I will roll). (Poison bonuses/immunities apply. E.g. Dwarf, High-Level Druid, etc.)

Damage Summary – Scorpion-things all have a slight amount of damage resistance that so far has worked vs. arrows and a hammer.
S1 -
S2 -
S3 - dead
S4 – dead)

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Wednesday May 8th, 2024 12:47:16 AM

Armalad responds to Delia, "I said if I dismissed the sphere Joker and I might be able to leap free but that was before we had company. I don't know if dismissing the sphere and leaping free would put us in the path of a giant insect attack. I'm not really sure if any of my spells would help here."
(OOC: I believe that would grant a second reflex save to avoid being trapped)

Bartomus(Rod) HP:36/144 AC 21; (150/150) 0/5 Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11 
Wednesday May 8th, 2024 1:25:09 AM

Bartomus needed time to think about the best approach to be of help. He needed time to heal and they didn't have time. He drank the potion in his hand and then flowed into the stone that was immediately behind him.

Potion consumed - 21 points added - thank you for finding my subtraction error! Move to AA/AB 30/31

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip)  d20=10 ;
Wednesday May 8th, 2024 8:06:47 AM

Stohp dives past the acid (33 reflex) and tries to grab number S2 if possible (The map link is missing)

Stock (JonM) HP: 237/316; AC: 30/30/15; DR 4/-; CMD: 40; Rage: 4/44 used  d20+9=29 ; d20+27=28 ; d20+27=39 ; d20+23=27 ; d20+23=42 ; d20+18=36 ; d20+13=14 ; d20+8=11 ; d8+23=25 ; d8+23=27 ; d8+23=26 ;
Wednesday May 8th, 2024 12:46:13 PM

Status: RAGE, Grappled, Nauseated
Stock twists out of the way of much of the acid but still feels it eating at his skin. He then has an urge to breathe in that he HEROICALLY resists.

He yells out: "Big Z!!! You're missing all the fun up here!"

His eyes focus on the scorpion thing holding him and he goes to work on it, trying to crack the thing's carapace like he was eating crab legs.
Map Link
OOC: FYI - Stock still has a use of Strength Surge available this rage.
Reflex: 29; I'm assuming half damage on Acid? that is what is included in Stock's HP
Fortitude: 28...seriously? Natural 1 for a failure?
Hero Point Used to Re-Roll, down to 2
Fortitude: 39
OOC: On the grappled condition - I have been including all effects so far.
PA1 hits AC27, 25 damage
PA2 (Speed) hits AC42, 27 damage
PA3 hits AC36, 26 damage
PA4 hits AC14
PA5 hits AC11

Stock (JonM) HP: 237/316; AC: 30/30/15; DR 4/-; CMD: 40; Rage: 4/44 used 
Wednesday May 8th, 2024 12:47:36 PM

OOC - Ignore the Nauseated status effect at the top of my post...I ended up using that hero point since that status effect is awful.
Also - all damage rolls were rolled for 1 handed damage. If Stock ever gets loose they will go up.

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44  
Wednesday May 8th, 2024 2:03:40 PM

Delia reflex:
Hawky reflex:

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 181/226 AC: 36 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 35 CMD: 35 LoH 13/14 SE 6/6 
Wednesday May 8th, 2024 2:09:04 PM

Beginning to wonder if he was doing the right thing digging in the rocks while his companions fought the monstrosities the faint groan invigorates Zanderallen and strengthens his resolve. Confident in his choice he quips back to Stock, "I had all the fun with the fungus, figured you had some unresolved anger you needed to get out. Plus I can't have Dolgrin's death staining your reclaiming of Klink's legacy." He continues his furious digging, slowly down as he thinks he's nearing the bottom to avoid skewing Dolgrin with pick or shovel.
Free Action: Quip
Full Round Action: Round 3 of clearing stone, 2100 lbs moved
(high level pathfinder really does border demi-god status)

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44   d20+23=36 ; d20+13=26 ; d20+16=32 ; d20+10=27 ; d20+17=19 ; d20+28=41 ; d20+28=47 ; d20+32=41 ; d20+23=28 ; d20+18=34 ; d20+13=21 ; d8+23=30 ; d6=4 ; d8+23=28 ; d6=2 ; d8+23=24 ; d6=3 ; d8+23=25 ; d6=5 ; 2d8+46=48 ; 2d10=15 ;
Wednesday May 8th, 2024 2:26:32 PM

OOC: I hit submit instead of roll for some reason on that first post.... my bad

Hawky swings into the air to dodge the acid spray and comes in for another swoop, but can't seem to find purchase with the waving claws and thick carapace.

Delia, not appreciating a creature attempting to dissolve her and her bird, takes aim at S2 and unleashes on him. She calls back to Armalad when her last arrow goes wide, "Right around us is clear - except for the acid spitting. There are two left that we can see."

Delia reflex: 36, success with evasion
Hawky reflex: 26, success with evasion
Delia Fort: 32 success v nausea
Hawky Fort: 27 success v nausea
Hawky spring attack at S1 with a 19 to miss, end at AG 28, 25 feet in the air
Delia full attack at S2
41 to hit | 34 & 30 damage
47, 41 to confirm | 90 damage
28 to miss
34 to hit | 30 damage
21 to miss

The Barren Path... (DM Wayne)  d20+25=44 ; d100=93 ; d20+25=37 ; d100=28 ; d20+20=27 ; d20+20=34 ; d20+20=33 ; d20+17=33 ; d20+17=19 ; d3=2 ; d20+17=30 ; d8+11=19 ; d20+29=40 ; d20+22=27 ; d20+22=30 ; d20+22=31 ; d20+19=26 ; d20+19=26 ; d20+19=31 ; d8+11=14 ; d20+29=31 ; d8+11=13 ; 2d6+11=14 ; d6+5=7 ; d20+29=33 ;
Thursday May 9th, 2024 11:39:38 PM

(OOC – an educated guess. Will Armalad take the chance?

Map link was back on April 30 – sorry!
Barren Path

Armalad replies to Delia.

Bartomus drank the healing potion in his hand and earth glided into the wall behind him.

Stohp barely evaded the acid breath weapon given the Dim Light she’s standing in, with True Seeing again dispelled – she cannot presently see S2, but half-remembers where it was from her brief time with True Seeing – S1, on the other hand, is partially within the Dim Light (Concealment, 20% miss chance when attacking; 01-20 will be a miss) and also within Stohp’s reach. Stohp gambles, and attempts grappling (+25) S1 twice, succeeding on the first attempt (44 vs. CMD 38; 93 on miss chance, so it hits), and then attempts to Pin the Huge Scorpion-thing, barely failing (37 vs. CMD 38), but having taken a 5’ step towards it (it weighs 12,000 pounds – rules or no, Stohp is *not* pulling it adjacent to herself!) to begin the grapple.

(OOC – while the grapple is maintained, the Concealment Miss Chance would only apply to weapon attacks by Stohp – grapple checks alone are not subject to the Miss Chance during an active grapple.)

Stock Heroically resists becoming nauseated by his own burning flesh! He implores Zanderallen to join the battle and then sets about solving his own problems, smashing away with Klink’s Hammer in one hand, the hammer harmlessly bouncing off the carapace the first time (AC is 29) but Stock finds the weak spot in the carapace and hammers it home the next two hits, wounding the Scorpion-hybrid!

Zanderallen’s strength rises at the slight groan he hears beneath the rocks! Joking with Stock, Zanderallen works with extra care to avoid harming Dolgrin… if that sound was him!

Hawky evades the acid breath weapon, but in turn is unable to injure the Huge Scorpion-thing.

Seeing Stock beating on (S1), Delia, who can just clearly see a 5’ by 5’ portion of (S2) with her Darkvision, unleashes her own ‘arrow breath weapon’ at (S2)! Four of her arrows strike home, one lodging in one of its humanoid half’s armpits, causing it to shriek in pain loudly, but yet it still stands!

S1 roars in anger at Stohp’s interloping! Glancing at its cracked carapace however, it looses the one of its three tentacular tails that had been holding Stock and begins madly clawing, biting, and once more trying to grab and constrict Stock! Stock, freed from the grapple, is able to fully defend himself and thus is struck by only one claw (19 damage), which attempts to hold him tight in a pincer grip and succeeds! (40 vs. CMD 40; Constrict - 13 damage)

S2 sees its chance and skitters forward 5’ and likewise unleashes its claws, bite, and tails at the grappled Stock! The grapple slows Stock enough that a claw, the bite, and a tail each connect! (claw 14 damage, grapple fails; bite 14 damage; tail 7 damage, grapple fails.)

(OOC – Stock, Stohp, S1
Grappled Condition – “Grappled: A grappled creature is restrained by a creature, trap, or effect. Grappled creatures cannot move and take a –4 penalty to Dexterity. A grappled creature takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and combat maneuver checks, except those made to grapple or escape a grapple. In addition, grappled creatures can take no action that requires two hands to perform. A grappled character who attempts to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability must make a concentration check (DC 10 + grappler’s CMB + spell level, see Concentration), or lose the spell. Grappled creatures cannot make attacks of opportunity.”)

What do you do?

(OOC –

(S2) vs. Stock, Stohp, Delia, and Hawky:

Damage Summary – Scorpion-things all have a slight amount of damage resistance that so far has worked vs. arrows and a hammer.
S1 - 43
S2 - 164
S3 - dead
S4 - dead)

Barren Path

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27  d20+19=36 ; d20+12=15 ; d20+25=36 ; d8=3 ; d6=1 ; d6=2 ; d6=4 ; d8=5 ; d6=2 ; d6=3 ; d6=1 ; 4d6=16 ; 10d6=24 ;
Friday May 10th, 2024 12:34:54 AM

Armalad tells Joker, "Fly back and help free Dolgrim. Use your decanter of Endless water to blast the water away. If that fails perhaps use your hands."

She dismisses the sphere and Armalad and Joker leap in separate directions. Armalad leaps forward and Joker back.

Armalad - Reflex = 36
Joker - Reflex = 15 = nat 1 (OOC: is Joker pinned now?)

Armalad casts fly on herself and flies to AF29 she then heroically attacks S1 with multishot imbuing one of her arrows with a lightning bolt as she does so and declaring this attack an impromptu sneak attack against S1. She's also spoken the command word to turn off the merciful enchantment

36 vs S1 = 8 magical piercing + 1 fire + 2 ice + 4 shock + 10 magical piercing + 2 fire + 3 ice + 1 shock + 16 sneak attack + DC 20 reflex save or take 24 shock damage with 12 on a successful reflex save and the lightning bolt extends in a straight line from s1 to s2 with s2 needing to make a successful DC 20 reflex save or take 24 shock damage with only 12 on a successful roll
+1d6 fire +1d6 ice + 1d6 shock +5) x 2

If Joker isn't pinned he does as told and attempts to use the decanter of endless water to blast the debris off of Dolgrim flying to AB32 first

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip)  d20+25=27 ; d20+25=42 ;
Friday May 10th, 2024 7:04:58 AM

Stohp manages to maintain the grapple (forgot the +4 to maintain so 31 and 46). She suceeds and moves to pin, hopefully in doing so keeping it from continuing to attack and grapple Stock.

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44   d20+17=21 ; d6=2 ; d20+28=47 ; d20+32=39 ; d20+28=33 ; d20+23=41 ; d20+18=19 ; d20+13=32 ; d20+17=19 ; 3d8+46=62 ; d6=2 ; d10=8 ; d10=1 ; d8+23=31 ; d6=2 ; d8+23=24 ; d6=5 ; d8+23=31 ; d6=4 ; d8+23=28 ; d6=3 ;
Friday May 10th, 2024 10:59:10 AM

"Stop that," Delia mutters at the scorpion/dwarves beating up on Stock and backs up her request with a very convincing arrow storm.

Hawky swoops (spring attack) at S1, starting from AG28 and ending back at AG28 30 feet up.
21 to hit, just in case being pinned drops its AC a TON | 9 damage

Delia full attack, start on S2, if any attacks are against S1, +1 attack and damage
47, 39 to confirm | 96 & 35 damage
33 to hit | 29 damage
41 to hit | 35 damage
nat 1
32 to hit, 19 to confirm | 31 damage

Bartomus(Rod) HP:36/144 AC 21; (150/150) 0/5 Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11 
Friday May 10th, 2024 6:15:53 PM

Bartomus didn't like the fact that the fight was still going on. He thought about it for a second and shifted back to where he could let loose a sunbeam at the Scorpion thing still fighting Stock.

"Close your eyes Stock," he bellows and then let a beam as bright as the sun pierce outward and at the creature ahead of him.

Move to AC/AD 29 and let loose the sunbeam that I tried earlier but did too many rounds. Here's most of that saved post but attacking S1 - Reflex save (10+7 (spell level) +5 (modified wisdom modifer) =22); if undead/fungi/mold/slime, the damage is 65; if not, damage 15 and blindness (permanent) - reflex save reduces damage by half and no blindness.

The Barren Path... (DM Wayne)  d20+17=31 ; d20+8=19 ; d20+23=31 ; d20+23=36 ; d8+23=27 ; d8+23=30 ;
Friday May 10th, 2024 11:01:53 PM

(OOC - (D) Dismissible: …Dismissing a spell is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.)

Armalad instructs Joker and then Dismisses the Sphere. She deftly Evades the collapsing rock circle, but Joker is not so fortunate, being slow on the uptake! The rocks did not have far to fall so he takes no damage but is Pinned by a boulder weighing perhaps several hundred pounds! Armalad asks Zanderallen to see about rolling that boulder off Joker. She gets out of the way, moving to (AF31) over the Difficult Terrain, drawing her bow along the way. Her low-light vision enables her to just see the front third of (S1) as though it were daylight, though boulders in the way mean she’s aiming for any of its one head and three tails at its full height, and she Heroically shoots twin arrows at (S1), including a Lightning Bolt! The Lightning Bolt washes off (S1) like water off a duck’s back, to no effect, and the same goes for (S2)! The arrows strike true, though don’t penetrate as deeply as Armalad expected.

Stohp tries to maintain the grapple, but feels her grip slipping (31 vs. 38)… then she redoubles her efforts (42 vs. 38) and tricks it into an “ankle-break maneuver” where she gets it off-balance enough to overcorrect and roll onto its back, Pinning its three tentacular tails, and Stohp at its front Pinning its claws, pushing its torso and head into the ground such that it cannot bite anyone!

Delia commands the Scorpion-things to stop, but her arms were already launching arrows, first at (S2) and then at (S1), her twin-arrow-strike slaying (S2) outright, and the rest into (S1), heavily wounding it!

Bartomus’s tremorsense revealed to him that the fight continued, though just one Scorpion-thing (12,000-pound thing!) remaining. He earth glided back out of the cavern wall and fired a Sunbeam from his previously cast spell at (S1), which appears to have some Spell Resistance (rolling 1d20+17 spell penetration check for Bartomus = 31), and the Sunbeam BURNS (S2), the creature howls in pain (15 damage), and shouts in Aklo (Armalad, Delia, Stohp only) Highlight to display spoiler: {The earth-thing blinded me! I’ll kill it! I’ll kill it!}

Stock says, “Just DIE already!” and swings his hammer at the Blind Scorpion-thing’s carapace, over and over… it’s dead after the first hit but Stock makes SURE, with good measure!

Zanderallen was startled to have heard a Dwarven groan, and then to see nothing beneath the last of the rock just several seconds ago, but then a looking-worse-for-the-wear Dolgrin rose up from the earth as if climbing a staircase, noticed the sudden quiet and said, “Well, that was embarrassing! Zanderallen, what happened after the Woldquake?” With a sigh of relaxation, Zanderallen begins explaining as he turns to the boulder squishing Joker and calls upon the power of Domi. Armed only with faith as small as a mustard seed, Zanderallen and his shovel “tell” the mountain-like boulder to move, and roll it off of Joker!

Dolgrin walks further into the cavern, seeing the dead Scorpion-things with his Darkvision. “Wow! Not sure I’ve seen those before. Maybe we should compare ideas as to what they were!

Shields anyone who has Knowledge: Dungeoneering but hasn’t rolled it yet (Stock rolled it at the start of the battle but failed) please roll it now!

As the group reviews the 12,000-pound corpses, and then wanders the room, Stohp mentions that when she had True Seeing running, the far wall (lower right side of this chamber on the map) had several 15’-wide caves about 75’ up. She theorizes that if the Aberrations had any intact treasure from their past kills it might be up there, in one of those four caves.

What do you do?

(OOC –
S1 - dead
S2 - dead
S3 - dead
S4 - dead)

Barren Path

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27  d20+13=16 ; d20+22=31 ; d20+27=29 ; d20+27=37 ;
Saturday May 11th, 2024 12:17:18 AM

Know - Dungeon : 16

Armalad asks Joker if he is okay.

"You know boss I've always wanted to know what a 700 pound boulder felt like" Joker says

Armalad says, "We aren't going to eat these corpses right? I mean it sounded like if these creatures were victorious they were going to eat their own. Perhaps we leave a message in Aklo here saying the denizens may eat the corpses of these fallen as a magnanimous gift but you best leave us alone moving forward or we'll turn whoever stands against us into more corpses."

Armalad then casts light on an arrow and detect magic and investigates where Stohp mentioned.

Pereception 31
Know - Arcana 29
Spellcraft 37

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44   d20+15=25 ;
Saturday May 11th, 2024 9:35:46 AM

Delia will do a quick headcount to doublecheck everyone is out of the rocks, helping Zander lever the boulder off of Joker. Then she moves to poke at the nearest and least hammer-squished of the creatures, sharing any observations.
"I think they were going to eat us and didn't want to share with each other. According to the wall scratches, they pretty meticulously divide out food. Cannibalism could definitely be something they do, though not sure I want to encourage that."

Know (Dungeoneering): 25 (29 v aberrations)

The Barren Path... (DM Wayne) 
Saturday May 11th, 2024 9:39:07 PM

Armalad ponders what the Scorpion-things had said during their attack. Then, her prior Light arrow buried under a boulder or something catty-corner from where they entered the chamber, she casts Light on another arrow and walks towards the far wall where Stock indicated, casting Detect Magic along the way. She finds no magic within 60’, even up the far wall… but of course the cave entrances are 75’ up and out of spell range.

Delia confirms no one is missing. Without the clarion call of battle telegraphing itself throughout her well-trained archery muscles she finds herself able to think more clearly and analytically about the creatures. Delia queries some of the others and, pulling tidbits into a whole says, “Vemeraks. They’re not quite dwarf-scorpions the way driders are drow-spiders. I don’t know what their humanoid/insectoid upper half is supposed to be from, exactly, but Vemeraks are reputed to be the physical manifestation of the will of a particularly violent and insane deity. The Wold has more than one of those, I think. If they were lairing up high like Stohp said, they might have a… shrine… where they sacrifice a portion of each meal to dark deities whose names are better left unspoken. I don’t think they actually need to eat, but they can eat, and they like to cause pain…

The others report that the rest of the chamber is clear on the ground floor. The group begins readying climbing gear.

Four caves at 75’ high – what do you do?

(OOC –
Barren Path

Bartomus(Rod) HP:36/144 AC 21; (150/150) 0/5 Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11 
Saturday May 11th, 2024 10:14:49 PM

"So, I gotta an idea," Bartomus said in the gravely voice of an earth elemental speaking common. "I can get even bigger, huge you might say. If so, I could stand say here, change size, and then do a couple of things."

He looked up and nodded as if he was convincing himself that the plan he had in mind might work.

"Then, first, I could put my hands up against the wall and see if I get any sense of movement in the area near the openings. After that, I could lift folks up, but climber first of course, and they could send down the ropes for the others. Might reduce the climbing and such. What do you think Dolgrin?"

Standing at AY 26/27 and looking upward when he started talking.
Huge elemental is 32' in height - 15' reach --" 47' so it is closer.

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Saturday May 11th, 2024 11:43:27 PM

Stohp frowns. "Unless someone noticed something I didn't these things were not casting any spells. Some or something dispelled my vision spell and caused the cave in. We've got more enemies around here somewhere. Be careful."

Stock (JonM) HP: 215/265; AC: 34/31/17; DR 4/-; CMD: 41; Rage: 5/44 used  d8=8 ; d8=2 ; d8=6 ; d8=2 ; d20+27=45 ;
Monday May 13th, 2024 10:54:57 AM

Before Stock lets his rage drop, he focuses on the pain of his injuries...and seems to stand taller as a result.

"I'm happy to climb...but Bart, couldn't you just earthglide up the wall of the to get up there? Or is that now how earthgliding works."

Hearing Stohp's warning, Stock's head whips about, scouring the area for more enemies.

Renewed Vigor Heals 4d8+11 = 29
Perception 45 to spot what may have caused the cave in

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44   d20+33=47 ;
Monday May 13th, 2024 2:23:18 PM

Delia gestures at her boots (of spider climb), "I can climb up there and secure ropes easily as well. There's a good chance I can manage without the boots. And at least Stock if not others too."

She mirrors Stock's reaction to Stohp's warning, pulling out the everburning torch for Hawky as she looks about for danger. She also tries to spot where the light arrow she fired earlier has landed and if it has illuminated anything.

Perception: 47 (51 v aberrations)

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 181/226 AC: 36 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 35 CMD: 35 LoH 13/14 SE 6/6 
Monday May 13th, 2024 5:08:43 PM

Zanderallen dusts himself off from all his exertion and puts away his tools. He demands Dolgrin stops for a moment to be inspected for injuries. He then groups up with the others, ready for danger at the mention of an enemy spell caster.
(OOC: Sorry for missing the end of last week. Things got a little busy with my wife getting sick. All feeling better now.)

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Monday May 13th, 2024 5:28:09 PM

Presumably it has been less than 12 minutes since Armalad cast Fly on herself so she takes her light and magic detecting cone and ascends to 75 feet up to begin searching for treasure.

But first she scratches in big letters in the ground in Aklo near the corpses, Highlight to display spoiler: {We leave these offerings to you Denizens of these caves as a show of our Benevolence and Forgiveness, Stay out of our way and you will not be harmed, we will not actively pursue you for what we seek here isn't alive. Attack us and end up as these souls did, do not expect mercy. You have been warned.}

She says to the party, "I still say it is worth a shot and if it cuts down on the chance of someone getting hurt then it is worth it."

The Barren Path... (DM Wayne) 
Monday May 13th, 2024 10:33:50 PM

Bartomus suggests that he use his elemental form to assist others up the wall, and asks Dolgrin for his thoughts.

Stohp suggests the Vemeraks were not spellcasters, so whoever or whatever dispelled her vision spell might still be around.

Stock suggests Bartomus try a different approach with his earth elemental form. He looks to see what might have caused the cave-in, or caused the Woldquake, but sees nothing obvious on the ground and cannot see the ceiling right now. (As noted earlier, Darkvision 60’ and Ceiling 100’ as revealed by Armalad’s first Light Arrow) Stock stands guard, watching for more enemies.

Delia suggests she and others simply climb with their magical aids… or great strength. She pulls out her everburning torch and stands guard, looking to see if she can see the arrow, but no clue – even the smaller boulders tend to be two feet wide, and a boulder could have snapped the arrow in half on the ground…

Zanderallen cleans up, and then ‘volunteers’ Dolgrin to be checked for wounds. Dolgrin appears to have several more bruises than any Shield… clearly more experienced at adventuring than a commoner, but not as sturdy as a Shield. Zanderallen guesses that two of the bigger healing potions, or perhaps just one of his ‘heal all the Shields’ lay on hands will make Dolgrin right as rain, and start getting the Shields back to normal too.

(OOC – as noted earlier, Armalad never cast Fly – the post had too many actions in it and the casting of Fly was eliminated in order to allow Armalad to move and fire her multishot. She still has the spell…)

Armalad now casts Fly (standard). She scrawls a ‘greeting’ in Aklo on the cave floor near the dead Vemeraks (two move actions). She casts Detect Magic (standard) and looks up, gazing above with Detect Magic and Light (extended by Low-Light Vision).

(OOC – trying to give equal time to everyone, and allowing suspension of disbelief for scrawling a complex message in six seconds – must have been in Aklo cursive… Detect Magic has a duration of Concentration, meaning Armalad can spend a standard action and also Fly straight up 15’ every 6 seconds. A few Shields are unwilling to leave Combat Rounds just yet, nerves on edge after Stohp’s comments, but once they revert to Exploration I’m more willing to allow more expansive posts with multiple spells, etc.)

Dolgrin looks at Bartomus, listens to Stock, and considers. He says, “Bartomus, I think both you and Stock have a similar idea, but are maybe expressing it differently. Normally a lifting platform would have workers up high pulling ropes over a pulley, but your earth elemental form probably allows you to take on a custom shape, kind of an ‘earth centaur’ that, touching the cave wall, can go up and down carrying us. That said, your team seems to have various Ropes of Climbing, so it might be better for us to climb the normal way with you earth gliding around as a kind of guardian, ready to exit the cave wall and move someone to safety. If you still want to carry us up, that’s fine too – we should all just be quick about it.

Delia, thank you for identifying the Vemeraks… I wasn’t quite sure… but naming the enemy now, I seem to recall that yes, they are not spellcasters, but they do have some unusual abilities.

Stohp, by any chance when your spell was broken… did a cloud of spores suddenly fill the air around the creature, and engulf you too?

What do you do?

(OOC –

Still 4 caves at 75’ high.

(OOC –
Barren Path

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27  d20+22=32 ; d20+27=35 ; d20+27=29 ;
Monday May 13th, 2024 10:45:03 PM

(OOC: Armalad had previously cast fly during the battle before sneak attacking the scorpion Dwarf thing)

Armalad keeps ascending.

Perception - 32
Know[arcana] - 35
Spellcraft - 29

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Tuesday May 14th, 2024 7:51:32 AM

No, at least not that I noticed. Perhaps it was some unusual ability of the scorpion people, but it's best to be alert just in case."

Stohp suggests Bart take some ropes of climbing or regular ropes up to the top and tie them off so the party can follow. It'd probably be faster then him carrying them up one by one.

Stock (JonM) HP: 215/265; AC: 34/31/17; DR 4/-; CMD: 41; Rage: 5/44 used 
Tuesday May 14th, 2024 9:12:54 AM

Feeling far from confident, Stock lends his rope of climbing to one of the crew who can get up to the caves without risk and then waits for it to drop down again. While he waits, he makes a circuit around the large chamber, looking and listening for any signs of life or movement. ”Hopefully the crown is up there or there is a cave leading onward. If not we appear to be at a dead end.”

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 210/226 AC: 36 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 35 CMD: 35 LoH 11/14 SE 6/6  8d6=29 ;
Tuesday May 14th, 2024 2:41:43 PM

As everyone groups up to look around the room Zander motions everyone in and calls forth Domi's power to heal everyone. He then readies himself to climb once the path forward has been identified.

Two Lay on Hands used to Channel Positive energy

Bartomus(Rod) HP:86/144 AC 21; (150/150) 0/5 Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  2d8+10=21 ;
Tuesday May 14th, 2024 5:39:21 PM

"Thanks Z! " Bartomus said looking about after feeling the surge of healing from Zander. He then cast a similar spell upon himself as he appeared to be the worse for wear.

Then he looked Stohp.

"Sounds like a plan. Then I can do what Dolgrin suggested. Gliding about to create a ledge out of my stony self in case one of slipped."

He started wrapping the ropes of climbing about himself and then headed upwards gliding with the rock.

Cmw spell for 21

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44  
Tuesday May 14th, 2024 7:04:05 PM

Delia hands over her own rope of climbing and passes the everburning torch to Hawky so he can keep light near Bart.

The Barren Path... (DM Wayne) 
Wednesday May 15th, 2024 12:06:46 AM

(OOC – Armalad did not cast Fly on the May 10th post, because I deleted the casting of Fly on the May 11th post.

Dismissing the Sphere was a Standard Action, as was Casting Fly, as was the Multishot – that’s three standard actions in the May 10 Armalad post. Armalad cast Fly as of the May 13 DM post.

The Shields appear to have shifted into ‘Explore mode’ so while they remain tense for possible battle, posts will now cover more time than a couple of rounds.)

Armalad takes about 30 seconds to see into the tunnels well enough, maintaining concentration on Detect Magic along the way. After 30’ up her 60’ cone reaches all the entrances at an angle, no magic yet. Once she reaches 75’ at a distance from the caves where her cone can reach inside all of them a bit, she observes Highlight to display spoiler: {the second cave from the right has the presence of magic – whether the Vemeraks’ ‘vault’ of spoils or a magic trap, who can say?}

Stohp didn’t recall if there had been a cloud of spores. She asks Bartomus to use earth gliding to set up the ropes for the Shields to climb.

Stock passes a Rope of Climbing to Bartomus, and then tours the chamber while Armalad flies up.

Zanderallen gathers everyone for healing, and then checks his armor straps, boots, etc to prepare for climbing. The Shields are all noticeably healed. Dolgrin is fully healed – tough, but not Shields-tough!

Bartomus enjoys the healing and then casts a healing spell on himself. He allows the others to festoon him with ropes and then sets about gliding up the wall. He is in motion, about 40’ high when Armalad is staring into the Nights Below.

Delia likewise festoons Bartomus, and passes her everburning torch to Hawky. Hawky flies ahead of Bartomus, lighting up the wall somewhat near where Bartomus is. With Armalad’s Light Arrow at her side some 75’ up, the group has a fairly good view of a lit vertical slice of the wall about 40’ wide, with some Dim gaps between Hawky and Armalad. (Armalad’s view with Low-Light Vision is much better… the wall is pretty, for lack of a better word. A painting of it might be nice…)

As everyone waits on Bartomus to set up the ropes and Armalad to report, Armalad directs Bartomus to set up the first ropes of climbing between the ground and the second tunnel from the right.

Armalad continues staring down the second tunnel from the right, drifting closer so her cone reaches deeper inside. At the entrance, she Highlight to display spoiler: { counts seventeen (17) auras amongst, or under, a pile of rocks, and the most potent aura is Strong. Of the 17 auras, it seems three (3) are Strong, thirteen (13) are Moderate, and one (1) is Faint. Either someone went magic-trap happy or the Vemeraks just aren’t that smart, including about hiding their spoils! Does anything non-magical lurk under those rocks?}

Armalad has completed her analysis, but is deep in pondering.

Bartomus anchors the Ropes of Climbing, two run from about 60’ up down to the ground, and then the third up to the second cave from the right.

What do you do?

(OOC –

Armalad spotted something in that second cave from the right, but what is she pondering so deeply?

[i](OOC –
Barren Path

Bartomus(Rod) HP:86/144 AC 21; (150/150) 1/5 Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+16=36 ;
Wednesday May 15th, 2024 12:50:12 AM

When he got up to the one cave that Armalad was pointing him too, Bartomus worked on securing the rope. Then when that was done, he looked about into the cave while also standing still getting a sense of any movements along the cave.

Perception Nat 20 for a 36

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip)  d20+23=32 ;
Wednesday May 15th, 2024 7:13:16 AM

Once the ropes are secure Stohp will climb up and look about for danger or traps before anyone proceeds into the caves. (32 perception, 36 vs traps)

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44   d20+33=49 ; d20+16=22 ;
Wednesday May 15th, 2024 11:10:05 AM

Delia climbs up with Stohp, sending Hawky in an illuminating loop to see if there are any more caves, entrances, or creatures in the vicinity while Stohp examines the caves.

Delia perception: 49 (53 v aberrations)
Hawky perception: 22 (26 v aberrations)

Stock (JonM) HP: 244/265; AC: 34/31/17; DR 4/-; CMD: 41; Rage: 5/44 used 
Wednesday May 15th, 2024 12:10:28 PM

For once Stock is last in line, this time to climb the ropes as he keeps expecting something to jump out of the darkness at the party. He breathes a sigh of relief when that does not happen and climbs up to join the others.

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27  d20+23=36 ;
Wednesday May 15th, 2024 12:47:59 PM

Armalad informs the others of everything she has detected and then flies forward to inspect the seeming treasure cave for magical traps.

(OOC: Sorry Didn't realize that dismissing the spell was a standard action. I thought it was free.)

Perception: 36 to locate traps

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 210/226 AC: 36 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 35 CMD: 35 LoH 11/14 SE 6/6 
Wednesday May 15th, 2024 1:45:03 PM

Zander climbs up with the rest hanging back to let others clear potential danger but ready to give aid if it's needed. Either to patch somebody up after a missed trap or to help move rocks to search underneath.

The Barren Path... (DM Wayne) 
Thursday May 16th, 2024 12:03:52 AM

Bartomus finished up the ropework and turned to look into the cave. Huh, a pile of rocks. A pile of rocks with a glowing light poking out through various gaps. Magic? Bartomus’ elemental tremorsense senses nothing, but perhaps residual tiny(!) shockwaves from the Earthquakes earlier… they’re gone. Quiet now, the only vibrations from the Shields and Dolgrin.

Stohp climbs up (automatic with Ropes of Climbing and a little skill…) the 75’ and, leaning around the elemental poking half-up out of the ground, searches for traps. She also sees the light poking out from the rockpile. Doesn’t seem to be a trap though… but, what’s under the rockpile?

Delia likewise swiftly makes her way to the top and the slowly crowding entrance. Good thing this cave is 15’ wide! Hawky’s tour just reveals a bunch of relatively tiny cracks that halflings wouldn’t fit through, let alone monsters, and the four caves at the 75’ level on the current wall.

Stock stands guard as the fast climbers head up and, nothing having ambushed the Shields, he then heads up too! He climbs over half-Bartomus and likewise quickly spots the light coming through the rockpile.

Armalad takes the opportunity of all the Shields gathering at the cave entrance to inform them of the many magical auras ahead, poking out through the gaps in the rockpile. Like Stohp, she locates no traps… unless they are hiding beneath the rockpile.

Dolgrin goes up ahead of Zanderallen, but with the parallel Ropes of Climbing they arrive about the same time, Zanderallen slowing slightly so Dolgrin is not fully in the rear.

Zanderallen brings up the rear – a strong climber, but others are more lightly armored and/or faster at this. He coughs audibly upon finding the traffic jam at the top. Stohp shifts to allow him to move ahead of her. Dolgrin also slips by the same way.

The group converses, and concludes the pile is captured magic items the Vemeraks just couldn’t figure out, or didn’t care to figure out. Certainly no Catacombs to sell to down here!

Stohp and Armalad having pronounced the rockpile safe, Stock and Zanderallen quickly deconstruct it and indeed, the glow is from a light crossbow, one of the 17 magical items under the rockpile!

Armalad gets to work identifying the magic items, but that wasn’t all that was in the pile. The bag turns out to be a Bag of Holding, a hefty one at that! Many many coins and gems inside. There are also various worn and/or rotted clothes in the pile, and… a journal! A… rotted… journal! Even with the caution of Dolgrin casting Prestidigitation, still the thing falls apart… but for one page. Dolgrin says, “Dwarven… the other group of scribes, or at least some of them, must have met their fate here. Grim discovery, this, but let’s see what words survived!

Dolgrin continues to use Prestidigitation and slowly and carefully moves tiny motes of dirt and dust off the page, reads a short while, and then translates for all:

…scrolls said the Crown could be used to break enchantments of any kind… … -pedia Dwarfica quoted a nameless explorer saying the Crown was last seen in an incredibly beautiful cavern with almost-unending Royal Curtains…

Dolgrin says, “Hmmm…. Let’s compare that to the journal fragment from the Zygomind chamber…

…-sk’s Guide to Caverns of the Scab said the cavern ceiling couldn’t be seen with dwarven eyes in the dark, and even when a lightstone was slung as high as it could go, some 500 feet, no ceiling could be seen… though as the lightstone hit its zenith alongside one wall, its light caught in full above the lightstone one of many flowing limestone formations fit for a monarch… …-spair we will never find the crown so we can break the curse and free K-…

Dolgrin says, “What do you think?"

(OOC - Around this time Armalad finishes identifying the magic items, scribbling a list as she went, and passes it around:

+3 thundering light crossbow (always glows equivalent to a Light spell)
Adamantine battleaxe
+3 full plate
+1 spell resistance (13) heavy steel shield
ring of sustenance
wand of dimension door (25 charges)
two (2) efficient quivers, one half-full of non-magical arrows, the other half-full of non-magical bolts.
one (1) pinch, dust of disappearance
wand of holy smite (45 charges)
ring of protection +3
+3 flaming composite longbow (built for +3 STR damage)
+1 wounding rapier
Figurine of wondrous power (marble elephant)
Figurine of wondrous power (silver raven)
Rod of Metamagic, Empower (lesser)

Bag of holding, type IV (1,500 pounds capacity)
**Containing: approx. 100,000gp +/- in assorted gold and platinum coins (90% of bag capacity) and valuable gems (the remaining 10%).)

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Thursday May 16th, 2024 8:53:08 AM

Somehow Stohp is not expecting to find a room full of actual curtains down here. She asks the others to think if it's the name of some mushroom or something. She herself has no relevant knowledge sadly.

Stock (JonM) HP: 244/265; AC: 34/31/17; DR 4/-; CMD: 41; Rage: 5/44 used  d20+13=33 ;
Thursday May 16th, 2024 9:26:54 AM

Stock digs through the spoils, softly grunting at the value as Armalad id’s everything. When Dolgrin goes to work on the journal, Stock stops to listen.

Nature 33…does Royal Curtains sound ‘natural’?

Bartomus(Rod) HP:86/144 AC 21; (150/150) 1/5 Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+16=25 ;
Thursday May 16th, 2024 9:34:51 AM

"Dolgrin," Bartomus said as he turned to the Dwarven scholar. "Would a wall of stalgamites be something that your folk in the halls back home might call a royal curtain? Or something like that?"

Bartomus then turned and walked beyond the pile and spent time trying to see if the tunnel continued onward.

Perception 25

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44   d20+16=29 ; d20+15=30 ; d20+18=23 ;
Thursday May 16th, 2024 11:01:30 AM

Delia sits at the edge of the cave, legs hanging over the side, as the items get identified and catalogued. "To 'free K-'? Why would the dwarves be trying to free Karkasan? Or is Klink still alive?"

She'll put her head together with Stock and anyone else trying to figure out 'Royal Curtains'.

Know (Nature): 29
Know (Dungeoneering): 30
Know (Geography): 23

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 210/226 AC: 36 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 35 CMD: 35 LoH 11/14 SE 6/6 
Thursday May 16th, 2024 9:28:29 PM

"We passed through a room on the way here with an extremely high ceiling. Should we spend more time searching the heights? The dwarves did say this area was subject to tremors and we've experienced them ourselves, the caves could have moved and shifted since the time of this writing."

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27  d20+27=35 ; d20+13=29 ; d20+27=47 ;
Thursday May 16th, 2024 11:16:20 PM

Armalad says, "Can Joker hold that wand of dimension door? I'll hold onto the rod of empower"

She then starts thinking about curtains from a natural / cave diving perspective as well as linguistically

Know - Nature 35
Know - Dungeoneering - 29
Linguistics - 47

The Barren Path... (DM Wayne) 
Thursday May 16th, 2024 11:38:44 PM

Stohp is bemused by the mention of ‘curtains’ and looks to the others for enlightenment.

Stock falls into the routine of treasure sorting and ‘combat accountant,’ and when Dolgrin reads aloud both journal fragments… Stock ponders whether ‘Royal Curtains’ could be a natural cave feature. Highlight to display spoiler: { Possibly… fancy names for beautiful limestone formations seems to be a common practice in Dwarven… and even Common, though Stock hasn’t sought out human cavers. Stock was not a dedicated academic on cavern features, but judges that Delia might know from her vast caving experience and Dolgrin might know from his job as a scribe for the Chief, sometimes tasked with cavern exploration. (And Knowledge: Dungeoneering is the proper skill here, though some info given above for Nature being adjacent, and the high roll.)}

Bartomus asks Dolgrin the question that was on the tip of Stock’s tongue. Then he checked to see how much further this cave went, but the rockpile was 40 feet in, and the cave ended another 40 feet after that.

Delia ponders the new journal page and who the writer wanted to free. Then she turns to the others and begins discussing what ‘Royal Curtains’ might mean. She conjectures that it’s probably a name for a particular limestone formation since volcanic obsidian tends to stay smoother and more cylindrical, with frequent curves, from the pressure of lava flows. Delia stares intently at the two locals (Stock and Dolgrin) with expectation.

Zanderallen asks whether, given the prior journal page, it might be profitable to search the higher caves – due to time constraints the Shields didn’t fully explore the upper portions of some of the chambers that were hundreds of feet in height.

Dolgrin considers the Shields’ comments, and then turns to Stock, falling into Dwarven subconsciously, and the Dwarven-speaking Shields realize, it’s to take advantage of the greater vocabulary for caves and rock formations of that language… similar to communities in the far north or far south, in the cold, having over 200 additional words for ‘snow’ in Common…

Armalad, Stohp, and Zanderallen listen intently, though only Armalad is trained enough in cavern jargon (Knowledge: Dungeoneering) to make educated guesses on what Dolgrin speaks of academically and Stock speaks of as one from a culture where ‘layman caving’ is absorbed sponge-like from birth in The Scab.

After 5 minutes or so Dolgrin and Stock switch back to Common, with Dwarven obliviousness as to any social awkwardness/rudeness of their semi-private conversation in the midst of a small crowd…

Dolgrin says, “Zanderallen, I think I agree, that some of the higher elevations may be worth pursuing…

Yes, Bartomus, Delia, Stock and I judge ‘Royal Curtains,’ given the Dwarven script, to refer to a particular type of ‘stalagmite curtain,’ though really it’s a curtain of full columns of stalactites connecting to stalagmites through natural processes as water, from the surface or below, is pulled toward the center of the Wold just as we are, and slowly dissolves a path through the limestone.

There are more than several such areas with said exquisite natural beauty within a radius of many tens of miles of Mountainhome’s UnderWold tunnels, but not quite 20, depending on how one counts.

Yet… perhaps Domi had a hand in protecting the pages we recovered, which simply could have rotted away like the rest.

We could spend months, or years, traveling to each set of Royal Curtains… but … what might we learn, or at least deduce,
” he finishes with a quick wink of an eye, glancing down at the two journal pages in his hands.

Dolgrin pauses… with a sly grin.

DC 25 Knowledge Dungeoneering: Highlight to display spoiler: { with a flash of insight it comes to you – Royal Curtains… formations fit for a monarch… they might be one and the same chamber! And Dolgrin… Dolgrin must know exactly where that chamber is, or at least enough to get us within spitting distance!}

(OOC – wild speculations are fine too, as usual!)

What do you say and do?

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Friday May 17th, 2024 5:52:42 AM

Stohps not entirely sure she followed that, but it does remind her of that hallway they passed that was full of stalagmites. Ot was it stalactites? Whichever. "Do you mean like that hallway we passed by a moment ago?"

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44  
Friday May 17th, 2024 11:20:53 AM

Delia's stare at Dolgrin and Stock is accompanied by a very Hawky-like head tilt as she listens. She misses every bit of subtext in his words and expression, "Ok. So caves with huge vaulted ceilings and a limestone backdrop. If somewhere has both, we should start there instead of each 'Royal Curtain' formation. Should help us narrow down the search."

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 210/226 AC: 36 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 35 CMD: 35 LoH 11/14 SE 6/6 
Friday May 17th, 2024 1:24:08 PM

"So we're looking for an area full of of lots of stalagmites. Like the passage choked up with stalagmites opposite the entrance to this cavern?" Zanderallen points back the way they came to the other side of the T intersection leading into the big cave.

Bartomus(Rod) HP:86/144 AC 21; (150/150) 1/5 Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20=14 ;
Friday May 17th, 2024 3:20:07 PM

"All of those seem possibilities. Suspect there might need to be a good deal of room, water, and what did you say Delia, oh Limestone. So, that might be something the Dwarves here could give us some guidance on." Bartomus said adding to the proto-plan that the Shields were developing. Do think we may need to double-check these other tunnel openings while we are up here? If one is the exit source for those nasty things we fought below, we need to figure out a way to make it hard for them to come to find their buddies."[/b]

No Knowledge Dungeonering, so, raw roll for a 14 - nope.

Stock (JonM) HP: 244/265; AC: 34/31/17; DR 4/-; CMD: 41; Rage: 5/44 used  d20+1=11 ;
Saturday May 18th, 2024 11:55:30 AM

”which passage was that, Stohp? Do we have something on our map?

Dolgrin-where do you think we go?”

Dumgeoneering 11…so maybe Stock aids?

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Sunday May 19th, 2024 8:35:40 PM

Armalad seconds some of her companions motions, "Dolgrim, do you know of a place nearby where we might find these formations in such a layout that they are fit for a monarch?"

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Monday May 20th, 2024 8:26:11 AM

Stohp will point out the passage on the map. It probably isn't the right place but then again better to be certain then to leave it.

The Barren Path... (DM Wayne) 
Monday May 20th, 2024 9:45:25 PM

Stohp asks whether ‘Royal Curtains’ could be similar to a recent chamber full of such columns.

Delia doesn’t directly get what Dolgrin might be hinting at, so she just analyzes the two surviving pages herself and theorizes ‘Royal Curtains’ locations with all of the features in both pages should be visited first.

Zanderallen asks a question similar to Stohp’s.

Bartomus considers what might be the best place to go, but is too short on the caving jargon to explain what he’s thinking of, then adds that attack routes for scorpion reinforcements should be identified and blocked.

Stock asks Stohp for more details, and then asks for a straight answer from Dolgrin.

Armalad supports her teammates’ suggestions, both Delia’s idea, and Stohp and Zanderallen’s idea.

Stohp pulls out her journal and indicates the chamber she’s thinking of to both Delia and Dolgrin, the quickest map-readers of the group’s custom maps.

Dolgrin says, “Good thinking all! Delia, you’re thinking what I’m thinking, and Armalad, yes, I was thinking that grouping all of the details helps narrow things down. If I simply pulled an icosahedron from my Bag of Holding and rolled it to see which location we could go to first… that’s months and years to get them all, and maybe we go to the correct one right away… or not for years or more. But, if we’re right about one location with all of the features then yes, I know where to take us! Of the locations Clan Mountainhome knows of, only one has both ‘unending Royal Curtains’ and is over 500’ at the ceiling – [Dwarven Phrase] which in Common is roughly ‘Monarch’s Veils.’

Bartomus, normally I might agree that closing off passages to possible reinforcements is a good idea… but unless those other three tunnels at this height have anything useful nearby I suggest we’re probably much better off scavenging anything useful that remains relatively quickly and then making our way back to The Fork, and from there to that room with many many tunnels prior to The Fork, for the closest tunnel branch to Monarch’s Veils is there.

It’s conceivable time could be of the essence – if Karkasan’s forces are tracking down the Crown, they might have better ways to track than us – at 500’ up, yet still within a chamber, the Crown could be near enough to the surface that certain magical divinations might pick it up through a surface exit.

Shields, shall we scavenge the other three tunnels and go, or is there more you want to accomplish in this area?

What do you do?

Bartomus(Rod) HP:86/144 AC 21; (150/150) 1/5 Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+16=36 ;
Monday May 20th, 2024 10:38:14 PM

"Got it Dolgrin," Bartomus said with a nod. He headed towards the opening in the loot-filed cavern and then slid into the rock wall on his right as he looked out the entrance. He paused in the rock to get a sense of any movement before emerging into the other tunnel.

Earth glide into AZ 26, I think that is the next one over.
Perception - nat 20 for 36

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Monday May 20th, 2024 11:45:44 PM

Armalad says, "I assume since there was no previous objection that I'm okay to hold the rod and Joker is okay to hold the wand of dimension door."

Armalad then takes the rod and gives the wand to Joker.

She says to Dolgrim, "I'm all for getting to the Monarch's Veils with all haste considering Karkasan's forces are after the crown too."

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Tuesday May 21st, 2024 8:06:40 AM

Stohp shakes her head. "Looting the place is far less important then stopping the mad lizardfolk. Lets get moving."

Stock (JonM) HP: 244/265; AC: 34/31/17; DR 4/-; CMD: 41; Rage: 5/44 used 
Tuesday May 21st, 2024 9:16:10 AM

”Don’t think of it as looting, Stohp. Think of it as not leaving deadly weapons around for just anybody or anything to pick up.”

Stock helps pack up the valuables and then gets ready to move.

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44  
Tuesday May 21st, 2024 9:43:44 AM

As soon as Dolgrin states a location, Delia starts to move to leave. When she notices the gathering of valuables, she will stop and help to speed up the process.

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 210/226 AC: 36 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 35 CMD: 35 LoH 11/14 SE 6/6 
Tuesday May 21st, 2024 7:06:38 PM

30 minutes will not make a difference in a race that has already occupied weeks. And the chance of finding more from some of the dwarven scribes could both aid us and bring closure to Mountainhome. Let's grab and go"

The Barren Path... (DM Wayne) 
Tuesday May 21st, 2024 10:00:46 PM

Bartomus agrees with Dolgrin and earth glides to check the adjacent tunnels.

Armalad and Joker hold a couple of magic items for the benefit of the Shields, and then Armalad agrees with Dolgrin about taking less time.

Stohp is uncaring about deep looting.

Stock contradicts Stohp, and then helps loot.

Delia’s muscles readied to launch her at the thought of getting to the goal, but loyal as ever she pivoted on a silver piece to make the looting go faster.

Zanderallen also agrees with Dolgrin on the less time option.

Some Shields gather the loot into Bags of Holding, resolving to sort out the rest of ‘who carries what’ along the journey.

Bartomus quickly checks the other caves. They also dead-end fairly quickly as caves go, within 80 to 150 feet each, similar to the ‘loot cave’ ending at 80 feet.

The group makes their way down the Ropes of Climbing and other Ropes, with Delia and her Slippers, and Bartomus the elemental telling the Ropes to retract once everyone else was low enough.

Dolgrin says, “As much as I’d love to map some of those really high caves in this ‘mini-complex’ I think time is of the essence. Fortunately, heading back to The Fork, and then the many-cave chamber will be faster than coming out here mapping as we did. The route to Monarch’s Veils will require some mapping, but in general as soon as we find the tunnel branches I’ll be looking for in the order I’ll be looking for them we should just pause mapping, take the useful branch, and keep moving.

I’m guessing we get back to the many-cave chamber in three days, and from there it might be another week, if we’re fortunate, or up to four weeks, or longer, if we’re not! We’ve gotten into a good mapping rhythm – we just can’t afford to slack off on noting landmarks and side-tunnel details visible as we pass them.

With that, the group falls back into marching formation, much lighter on the mapping scrawls as they focus on pressing ahead… They soon find their first makeshift travel cave, fall asleep discussing who should carry what magic items, and then in the ‘morning’ get on with the exhausting business of caving!


Your posts should offer travel vignettes, and it’s fine to talk to each other, but this is a fine time for introspection on how the journey thus far, and the battles, has affected your Shield!

Roll seven (7) Survival checks with +12 for the auto-assists from the group.

Elapsed Time:
Total of fifteen (15) sleeps since The Fork and the Mossy Path, and sixteen (16) sleeps since entering Wind Tunnels.)

Armalad (Hugh) HP 134/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Tuesday May 21st, 2024 11:43:12 PM

Armalad being an elf is ultimately a child of the forest. Although she took up a more urban lifestyle in the float at least there were parks she could visit if she felt like she needed some nature she was used to.

Here though they were as far away from the forest as one could get. There were no parks, no trees. Only caves and mushrooms and stalagmites and other rock formations.

She resolves to spend some time among the trees next time she is topside again.

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Wednesday May 22nd, 2024 8:14:57 AM

Stohp quickly gets into the routine of mapping, time passing in a blur as she charts the tunnels.

Bartomus(Rod) HP:144/144 AC 21; (150/150) 1/5 Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11 
Wednesday May 22nd, 2024 9:26:46 AM

Bartomus had gotten used to the shifting from his regular self to an earth elemental of various sizes as the party worked its way back to 'The Fork'. They had gotten used to the eating of the rations though Bartomus found himself at times dreaming the rations or the created water were some of the treats at the Giggling Ghost. He made a mental list of the things he would be having on his next visit.

The Shields continued to share stories about days gone by with Dolgrin and listened to his sharing about his life with the Stock's folk. The confines of the caverns had him wishing for a visit to the plains of his youth, something he had not really thought about in quite a while. He made a note to someday make a return visit to the Great Plains. He also made a note to spend a good day or two in his bed when they got back to the Float.

Using healing spells over the first couple of days to return to max health

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44   d20+29=34 ; d20+39=54 ; d20+39=43 ; d20+39=58 ; d20+39=57 ; d20+39=45 ; d20+39=56 ;
Wednesday May 22nd, 2024 1:37:28 PM

Delia falls back into the exploration rhythm, this time, adding a spell in. She places a hand on the wall just outside where they rest for each night and falls into a 10 minute trance Communing with Nature as the Shields pack up their camp. Her goal is to learn the terrain, presence of powerful unnatural creatures, and the general state of the natural setting to get a heads up on the first leg of their journey.

She keeps an eye on her allies, watching for any signs the toll being underground and without the sun for over two weeks might take on those unused to such journeys. Whenever they arrive somewhere with a higher ceiling, she releases Hawky to stretch his wings for a moment once they've determined it's safe.

Survival 1: 44
Survival 2: 54
Survival 3: 43
Survival 4: 58
Survival 5: 57
Survival 6: 45
Survival 7: 56

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 226/226 AC: 36 DR:5/Evil T: 15 FF: 35 CMD: 35 LoH 11/14 SE 6/6 
Wednesday May 22nd, 2024 3:25:36 PM

Zanderallen falls back into the old rhythm, holding up the rear as the map deeper underground. The constant starts and stops and Delia and Dolgrin find the easiest path to traverse difficult sections. The discussions of which tunnels need to be mapped further. The jumps as a dislodged rock bounces down a slope, sword appearing in hand as he waits for any reaction. At times he catches himself muttering under his breath as his mind wanders. He mind and body had been hardened by years of training and adventuring but this caving was a whole new level of psychological wear. But tightening his straps from yet another clambering over a rough patch he soldiers on, saying a silent prayer to Domi for endurance.

Stock (JonM) HP: 244/265; AC: 34/31/17; DR 4/-; CMD: 41; Rage: 5/44 used 
Wednesday May 22nd, 2024 6:51:34 PM

Stock pushes himself to stay just ahead of the rest of the Shields as they push onward. At this point, he is so used to seeing with his dark vision that he finds the lantern light distracting when camped at night. He begins hunting the tunnels for rocks again for his travel collection and also makes time to hum dwarves marching songs along the way.

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