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Asimov - HP 96/96 AC 19/14/17 CMD 24 & Irony HP 53/53 AC 31/13/28 Hardness 6 CMD 23 -- Hugh  d20+1=20 ;
Thursday April 18th, 2024 6:01:12 PM

Asimov says, "As Munhildur says we mean no harm so you have no reason to fear us. Have we offended you in some way? I believe you may be an anchorite religious sect correct?"

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 113/113 | AC: 26 | DR: 3/-- + 5/magic | SR: 17 | Move: 60'  d20+13=30 ;
Thursday April 18th, 2024 6:02:38 PM

(sense motive = 30)

"I resemble that remark!" Elron tells the Twins. To the elves, he says, "Are we not in the contested lands? I'm looking for a riddlin' contest. What do you know of mindoses?"

Elron isn't expecting a serious response, just trying to throw the elves off their stride. Are they within 60 feet?

Mitch - The Twins HP 141/141 AC 35/18/30 CMD 37 
Thursday April 18th, 2024 9:54:32 PM

The Twins nod their heads in acknowledgment of the point. ”A talking Songbird asked us to come” they clarify

Mitch - The Twins HP 141/141 AC 35/18/30 CMD 37 
Thursday April 18th, 2024 9:56:42 PM

One Twin holds their hands to about the size of said bird while the other does a hand puppet of a bird, hopefully pre-empting Elron breaking into song to prove he is a song bird and confusing the issue.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 11 (7'4"/16'6") (Kim) AC 22 Touch 16 FF20 HP 131/131  d20+12=21 ;
Friday April 19th, 2024 1:36:36 AM

"We have harmed nothing here, Lord Elf. As already told, we were beckoned here, and we are speaking with Sylvie, who is lonely for a full decade spent within this holy oak, with no conversation, only goodberries to eat. Her soul weighs heavy upon her in its isolation."

She takes a five foot step away from the oak.

"I am Mundhildur. Karadottir. We seek a healer. And were sought by a woman hidden away." She pauses. "Fear not, so long as you mean us no harm. We mean you none, nor do we go about harming trees to no good purpose."

Now she shrinks down to 7'4", and awaits their response.

Sense motive: 21

Tree (DM Cayzle) 
Friday April 19th, 2024 9:43:23 AM

The elves advance to within 20 feet, unless you do not wish them to -- raising a weapon or even a frown will keep them further away. For now.

The leader of the elves scowls at Asimov. "Yes, you have offended us by trespassing on our holy place. Please leave now. Your singing giant, though a curiosity, has no place here."

Hearing Elron's comments, he adds, "I don't know what you are talking about, bird-man, and I do not care. Seek your foolishness elsewhere."

He ignores the Twins' talk of a bird, but when Mundhi mentions that Sylvie has been talking to you, the leader's scowl deepens.

"A proper anchorite, devoted to her vow, would raise her voice only in prayer!" This he speaks more loudly, looking at the tree, as it to let his voice carry to Sylvie's ears.

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 113/113 | AC: 26 | DR: 3/-- + 5/magic | SR: 17 | Move: 60'  d20+17=20 ; d20+15=31 ;
Friday April 19th, 2024 12:38:33 PM

Elron recognizes but ignores the Twins' actions. He isn't sure what an anchorite is, but seeing that Sylvie is the anchorite and not this elf who thinks mindoses are foolishness, he decides that Sylvie is the one who knows what's proper for an anchorite.

Elron's idea is to make the leader think for a moment. His more problematic implementation of this idea is to move up, perform a touch of serenity on the leader, and move back where he was. . . (No doubt Zeoll will have to drop a peace bomb after this, but that's not what Elron is thinking.)

So, using spring attack Elron can move up to 60' and perform an attack along that path after having moved 10', without his target being able to use an AOO. He uses his acrobatics to keep the other elves from getting AOO, rolling a 20 on his check against their CMD (there are adjustments based on number and placement) -- Against any that get AOOs, his AC will be 32 instead of his normal 26 for mobility and underfoot. And his touch attack hits AC 31 and causes no damage, but the target is unable to attack or cast spells for 1 round unless it makes a DC 20 Will save.

Asimov - HP 96/96 AC 19/14/17 CMD 24 & Irony HP 53/53 AC 31/13/28 Hardness 6 CMD 23 -- Hugh  d20+4=13 ;
Friday April 19th, 2024 8:52:36 PM

Asimov says, "I am sorry to have intruded upon your holy ground but we did so in seeking to help someone claimed to be trapped. We are a heroic group of adventurers and generally when we hear of someone in trouble we try to help them out. It would seem that your sister in the anchorite here does not wish to be an anchorite any longer and has thusly raised her voice in a call for help instead of prayer. Perhaps we could get her out of here and you could replace her with a different member of your sect that wishes to be a proper Anchorite? I see know reason for this to escalate further and we only wish to help Sylvie find freedom if she no longer wishes to be shackled to a tree."

Diplomacy - 13

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 11 (7'4"/16'6") (Kim) AC 22 Touch 16 FF20 HP 131/131 
Sunday April 21st, 2024 3:35:30 AM

Mundhildur interjects, "Now, just a moment here, please. We were properly invited to this holy tree, and mean it, nor you, nor Sylvie no harm. So, the poor woman has been imprisoned here for ten years or so, with nary another soul to speak with, and fed a goodberry a day with someone who will not speak with her. Now, she prays daily - a good thing, that. But a call for help is also a prayer. It is an asking. So, I pray you, explain to us more fully - as a courtesy on your part, say, that we might better understand the situation.

"If you think we have no standing to ask - well, since we are here by invitation - we did not come unasked, ourselves. Let us share mutual patience, and understanding. Because I do intend to stand here long enough for that to happen."

As she speaks, she grows up to her medium height (which is large) of 10'5'. She keeps an open face - one of pleasant determination.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 11 (7'4"/16'6") (Kim) AC 22 Touch 16 FF20 HP 131/131  d20+12=21 ; d20+3=4 ; d20+3=22 ; d20+13=31 ;
Sunday April 21st, 2024 3:40:08 AM

And... I forgot to roll:

Sense motive: 21
Knowledge, local: 4 (so, she's definitely not up on local customs)
Diplomacy: 22
Perception: 31 (to see what she can see of what the elves are doing that might be deemed of offensive nature)

Mitch - The Twins HP 141/141 AC 35/18/30 CMD 37 
Monday April 22nd, 2024 8:03:49 AM

The Twins have no opinion on this tree either way and wait patiently to see what happens.

Tree (DM Cayzle) 
Monday April 22nd, 2024 7:11:30 PM

Elron skips forward and makes a nonlethal attack. The elf scowls ... and that seems to erase any goodwill Elron had earned with his talented singing.

But he does not respond with any attack.

Asimov explains. His diplomacy is unconvincing, but his words earn an explanation.

"Understand, then, heathens," the lead elf says. "The anchorite swore a holy vow to be sequestered within the Holy Tree and live a life of reflection and prayer. That vow cannot be broken."

Another elf chimes in. "Sylvie willingly vowed to dedicate herself to a sacred life as an anchorite. She swore an oath. Just ask her."

Mundhi speaks gently and grows. Literally. She fails to sway the elves.

Motioning to the growing Mundhi and to Elron, the lead elf says, "Your words are reasonable, but your magic threatens. If we continue to disagree, will you resort to violence?"

The Twins wait to see what happens. Zeoll too!

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 113/113 | AC: 26 | DR: 3/-- + 5/magic | SR: 17 | Move: 60' 
Monday April 22nd, 2024 7:54:25 PM

"You do realize, of course, that your own man suggested we talk to Sylvie to find out what's goin' on. I think he's a wise fellow, and you ought to make him th' leader." Elron ponders the elf's question a moment. "As for your own question, I think that there'll be no need to fight if'n you just talk to Sylvie, find out what's got her upset, an' try t' solve her problem."

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 11 (7'4"/16'6") (Kim) AC 22 Touch 16 FF20 HP 131/131 
Monday April 22nd, 2024 8:05:50 PM

"We should be able to avoid violence, yes. We came to help, not harm," Mundhildur replies.

"Sylvie, is what these fellow say true? Did you take such a vow?" If the answer is in the affirmative, she probes further. "What was your reason for having done so? Were you forced into doing so? Coerced? Or was it purely your own notion, with no prompting or encouragement by others?"

Asimov - HP 96/96 AC 19/14/17 CMD 24 & Irony HP 53/53 AC 31/13/28 Hardness 6 CMD 23 -- Hugh 
Monday April 22nd, 2024 10:40:52 PM

Asimov adds, "Sylvie may be an elf but she seems young. Perhaps she entered into the vow before the typical age of adult-hood for an elf. It is one thing for an adult to swear a binding vow but quite another for a child to especially when there are long term ramifications to the binding vow that will effect them for life and their society makes the vow seem like a good thing even though it may not be for both society or the individual."

Asimov says to Sylvie, "Sylvie dear did you swear this vow before you reached a hundred and ten years of age? I believe that is the age of majority for an elf, yes?"

Mitch - The Twins HP 141/141 AC 35/18/30 CMD 37 
Tuesday April 23rd, 2024 1:01:07 AM

Well at least she isn't' a demon locked away trying to trick them into letting her out. That's progress!

Tree (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday April 24th, 2024 7:32:43 PM

Sylvie is very quiet, and then whispers, "I did swear the oath, but now I want to be free! It's not fair. I can't even see the sun!"

"I did it for my family, and because I did not want to just grow up and be a clanwife, and because they said it would be 'fulfilling' but it is not."

The leader of the elves frowns and says, "She was of age, by our custom. Not that it is any of your business. She must fulfill her vow."

Asimov - HP 96/96 AC 19/14/17 CMD 24 & Irony HP 53/53 AC 31/13/28 Hardness 6 CMD 23 -- Hugh 
Wednesday April 24th, 2024 9:22:19 PM

Asimov asks the gathered Elves, "Have any other anchorites regretted their decisions and wished to be freed in the past? Surely Silvie isn't the first person to choose this path only to find it isn't for her? Maybe you can revise your policy and have some sort of trial period before someone takes the vows for real, kind of like a trial period? And just what does "of age by your custom" mean? Was she truly an adult having attained a hundred and ten years of age or does your custom age children to adults too soon? There must be some way to solve this impasse? Doesn't it seem wrong to imprison someone in a tree if the reality does not match the expectations? If she was told this existence would be fulfilling and yet she is unfulfilled in spite of her best efforts to honor the vow then doesn't that render the contract null and void because one side is not holding up its end of the bargain?"

Mitch - The Twins HP 141/141 AC 35/18/30 CMD 37 
Thursday April 25th, 2024 6:34:42 AM

Hrm. This is very not related to their own missing healer, but perhaps the elves will be able to offer some helpful information afterwards. The Twins resolve to ask as long as things resolve peacably.

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 113/113 | AC: 26 | DR: 3/-- + 5/magic | SR: 17 | Move: 60' 
Thursday April 25th, 2024 7:28:37 PM

"Sylvie, just what did you vow to do?" Elron has no idea what it means to live in Anchorage, but figures that Sylvie probably broadcasts the needs of her people to their god, which means that not talking to the people doesn't make sense to him.

Tree (DM Cayzle) 
Friday April 26th, 2024 8:35:18 AM

The elves aver that yes, there are other anchorites. None have ever sought to break their vows.

Sylvie says that she vowed to stay in the tree and pray every day. But she does not want to any more.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 11 (7'4"/16'6") (Kim) AC 22 Touch 16 FF20 HP 131/131 
Friday April 26th, 2024 5:41:14 PM

"What if you hold a moot?" asks the giantess. "So, no anchorite has yet stepped aside from vows. This one wishes to do so. When people's needs and desires change, should we not consider that wise elves may meet, discuss, ask questions? If nothing else, what if you let Sylvie out long enough to be able to meet with wise elves, both lords and ladies, clerics, and others, and sort things out? Let her appeal for release from her vows, or, perhaps, to an adjustment to them. She pledged a life of service. Is there a way she might serve from some place outside of the trunk of a holy tree? Or serve part time within a tree, and part without?"

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 113/113 | AC: 26 | DR: 3/-- + 5/magic | SR: 17 | Move: 60' 
Friday April 26th, 2024 6:21:27 PM

"An' what did th' people promise when Sylvie made her vows?" Elron asks. He knows they feed her, but that she still feels neglected by them.

Asimov - HP 96/96 AC 19/14/17 CMD 24 & Irony HP 53/53 AC 31/13/28 Hardness 6 CMD 23 -- Hugh 
Friday April 26th, 2024 11:14:07 PM

Asimov says, "Could Sylvie have a furlough to talk to another Anchorite at least?"

Tree (DM Cayzle) 
Friday April 26th, 2024 11:37:49 PM

[OOC: You guys are trying to offer ideas, but I need some skill rolls to go with them!]

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 11 (7'4"/16'6") (Kim) AC 22 Touch 16 FF20 HP 131/131  d20=18 ;
Saturday April 27th, 2024 2:59:49 AM

That was supposed to be a diplomacy +3, so 21 for Mundhildur.

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 113/113 | AC: 26 | DR: 3/-- + 5/magic | SR: 17 | Move: 60'  d20+15=29 ;
Sunday April 28th, 2024 11:04:01 PM

As he does when he doesn't seem to be getting through to narrowminded (or any other type of) folk, Elron turns up the volume. Now, hold on just a cotton-pickin' minute! Are ya tryin' to tell me that no other anchorite has ever wanted to break their vows? Well, that, I say, that just don't add up! I reckon there's more to this than meets the eye. Ya see, I got me a sneaky suspicion that Sylvie ain't the problem here. It's the community that's been givin' her the cold shoulder! Well, forgive me if I ain't convinced o' your goodwill, but I've seen how some folks 'round here can be mighty judgmental. Maybe Sylvie felt like she couldn't turn to nobody for help! Maybe she felt like she had to go it alone, with nobody to lend her a hand! You know as well as I do that life ain't always black and white. Sometimes ya gotta bend a little, ya gotta show some compassion! Sylvie's in a pickle, and it ain't fair to leave her hangin' high and dry like a scarecrow in a storm! This ain't about precedents, it's about doin' what's right! Sylvie's a good elf, with a heart as big as a dragon's treasure hoard. She deserves a chance to find her own path, to spread her wings and fly, figuratively speakin'! She's one of your'n, and it ain't right to leave her out in the cold like a snowflake in summer! Show her some kindness, some compassion, and help her find her way back into the fold!"

(Intimidate = 29 (or 25 if you take the size penalty) but Elron's really trying to convince them there's no point in arguing with him -- so they should talk to Sylvie -- rather than that they should be scared.)

Asimov - HP 96/96 AC 19/14/17 CMD 24 & Irony HP 53/53 AC 31/13/28 Hardness 6 CMD 23 -- Hugh  d20+4=16 ;
Sunday April 28th, 2024 11:19:28 PM

Diplomacy : 16

Mitch - The Twins HP 141/141 AC 35/18/30 CMD 37 
Monday April 29th, 2024 8:21:19 AM

The Twins have no real position on this debate. They've seen many cultures with many strange and unusual religious practices and they have no interest in judging or interfering.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 11 (7'4"/16'6") (Kim) AC 22 Touch 16 FF20 HP 131/131 
Tuesday April 30th, 2024 3:50:50 PM

Mundhildur nudges Zeoll. "You want to add to or support any of these ideas, friend?"

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 11 (7'4"/16'6") (Kim) AC 22 Touch 16 FF20 HP 131/131  d20+3=12 ; d20+3=12 ; d20+3=21 ; d20+12=28 ;
Wednesday May 1st, 2024 7:48:15 PM

The Jotunar considers her knowledge of arcana (12) to see if that provides her any insight into the magic of the tree, as well as knowledge, nature (12). Then she considers what she has picked up here and there about knowledge, religion (21) to see if that helps her better understand, or come up with a line of persuasion for these elf folk.

Then she considers motives (sense motive: 28) to discern whether there is some aspect to what the elfs desire that might give a place of leverage.

"Good elfs. If a girl child suffers an illness, is it customary among you to berate her for feeling ill? For having an elevated temperature, or a bad cough? Or do you take a different approach to caring for the girl?"

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 113/113 | AC: 26 | DR: 3/-- + 5/magic | SR: 17 | Move: 60' 
Thursday May 2nd, 2024 7:29:08 PM

Elron glowers at the elves, unwilling to give up on this idea of convincing them they don't want to argue with him. But he doesn't keep arguing while Mundhildur is talking so reasonably. (He suspects he'll get to argue soon enough, and considers his arguments while he glowers.)

An Elvish Standoff - DM Hugh 
Monday May 6th, 2024 6:07:59 PM

Mundhildur suggests the Anchorites hold a moot.

They don't seem very receptive to that idea (OOC: failed vs Diplomacy DC)

Asimov suggests they at least allow Sylvie a furlough so she can talk to another Anchorite

They are less open to that suggestions than Munhildur's (OOC: Failed worse than Mundy on the Diplomacy DC)

Elron gives an angry impassioned speech which does seem to cow the elves a little at least momentarily
(OOC: Passed an Intimidate DC)

The twins don't really have a position.

The elves collect themselves and one speaks, "Think very carefully as to what your next words or actions are. Perhaps you'd do better to reflect upon what you know, what skills you have and what you perceive before you next open your mouths. If we don't like what you have to say, you may not like what happens next."

Asimov - HP 96/96 AC 19/14/17 CMD 24 & Irony HP 53/53 AC 31/13/28 Hardness 6 CMD 23 -- Hugh  d20+13=33 ; d20+16=23 ;
Monday May 6th, 2024 6:12:10 PM

Asimov silently reflects upon what he knows of surviving in harmony with the land and what he perceives of these elves.

Survival: 33
Perception: 23

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 113/113 | AC: 26 | DR: 3/-- + 5/magic | SR: 17 | Move: 60' 
Monday May 6th, 2024 10:21:33 PM

Elron, who's never been silent or reflective, says, "Ain't no one ever not liked what I had t' say. Tell me if you heard this one. . . Missus Radcliff, in one o' her books -- she wrote romances -- mentions an anchorite's cave. A young lady, who was edifyin' herself by th' perusal o' this book, didn't understood what that was. She deduced, Why, it must be a blacksmith's shop."

(OOC: It was considered humorous in 1835.)

Mitch - The Twins HP 141/141 AC 35/18/30 CMD 37  d20+23=33 ; d20=2 ;
Tuesday May 7th, 2024 8:07:03 AM

The Twins decide to finally speak. Though no great diplomats they hope to help prevent things escalating to violence. "Peace everyone." "We apologize for any offense." "and we understand that outsiders telling you how to practice your religion." "Is distasteful." "We merely wished." "To help someone who asked for help." (aid another 3 so possibly not to helpful)

Diplomatic Zeoll  d20+26=31 ;
Tuesday May 7th, 2024 9:20:40 AM

Following the Twins' example, Zeoll tries to cool the situation. "The elf has been in the tree for what? many years? Another while won't hurt. Let us all sit down, in respect for the traditions of these people, and have a simple talk. I hope that will appeal more than conflict?"

Diplomacy 31

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 11 (7'4"/16'6") (Kim) AC 22 Touch 16 FF20 HP 131/131  d20+3=9 ; d20+7=22 ; d20+8=12 ;
Tuesday May 7th, 2024 6:21:36 PM

"Oh, yes, yes, if you will, good elfs!" Mundhi's parents always called elves elfs, and dwarves dwarfs. They preferred the voiceless labio-dental fricative followed by a voiceless labio-velar sibilant, to the voiced versions of the two consonants. "For if you were bad elfs, you might by this time already peppered us with arrows. Well, speaking of pepper, I carry good food, and plenty of spices. Is there a place nearby where we could sit and talk, and share a bit of something tasty? Also, I could brew some tea, as well as coffee. I have a pot for each.

"I prefer good people as friends, not foes. What do you say to old Zeoll's invitation?"

Diplomacy, aid another: 9 ... well, not quite enough for +2, unless she use a hero point to be more persuasive...
Diplomacy, aid another: 22 to add to Zeoll's charming request, as reflected in the following extra bit of her appeal:

"Oh, also, we can tell you of our quest to help another girl who is not free to roam. She is the sweetest thing, and likes little stories acted out by sock puppets. Here, I have one in my bag." Mundhi drops the rock she was holding, reaches into her bag, and pulls out a sock puppet made to look like a little lamb, which she places on her left hand. In a high-pitched voice, she moves the mouth of the puppet, and sings a little song, barely moving her own lips:
I am Lambkin, young and spry
When rain falls down, my skin stays dry
Frolick with Danni is what I do
She rolls in the grass, and I do too!
"Danni, or Daniella, is our young friend, who lies ill. We are on a quest to find a healer to restore her to health. If you'll sit with us a bit, we can tell you what happened to the healer, who was found by us, then stolen by a dwarf."
Perform, singing: 12 - for Lambkin's song. Passable, but not spectacular

DM Hugh - The Elf Village 
Tuesday May 7th, 2024 11:54:59 PM

Asimov reflects on living in harmony with the land and what he's observed about these elves. Their choice of food offerings for one living in a tree are vegetarian in nature and Asimov himself knows how to harvest some edible / medicinal plants of his own.

Elron offers up a joke

The Twins attempt to aid the next person attempting Diplomacy although they were unsuccessful individually in their attempt both Zeoll and Munhildur build on the sentiment.

The Twins attemped to explain where the party is coming from, Zeoll suggests taking a step back and just talking things out and Munhildur opines she prefers to make a friend rather than a foe.. She even offers up an amateurish rendition of Lambkins song.

Who can say why but something shifts in the Elves and they say, "Very well. Let's return to our base of operations and have a discussion. Sylvie can come too for at least the duration of our discussion. We have food, shelter and potential aid to offer after our discussion."

One of the elves takes a wooden stylus from their pocket and draws a circle in the wood of Sylvies tree. In a moment the bark of the withdraws and a hole appears right where the circle was drawn. One of the Elves helps Sylvie down out of the tree while the one with the stylus taps the stylus above the whole and the bark of the tree starts to expand over the temporary hole.

You take a brief walk though the wood until you reach a rope lift device. Gradually the elves, Sylvie and party are taken up the rope lift device in groups until you find yourselves in a treetop village of sorts. Toward the center of the village there is a gathering hall and it is there the Elves take you and Sylvie.

"Let us talk." One of the elves says, "My name is Licht and I am the current leader of our fair village. Please make yourselves at home."

Asimov - HP 96/96 AC 19/14/17 CMD 24 & Irony HP 53/53 AC 31/13/28 Hardness 6 CMD 23 -- Hugh 
Tuesday May 7th, 2024 11:56:13 PM

Asimov decides to let the other party members say something first considering the last time he said something it didn't go well.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 11 (7'4"/16'6") (Kim) AC 22 Touch 16 FF20 HP 131/131 
Wednesday May 8th, 2024 4:38:27 AM

Out of courtesy, Mundhildur shrinks down to 7'4".

Looking up through the gaps in the forest roof, she says, "There, Sylvie. The sun!" She gets a good look at the pale young female elf, so that later she might describe her in song. She quietly asks, "What do you do for exercise within the tree, dear?"

As they arrive, she marvels at the treetop village, and walks as lightly as she might at such an altitude, ready to levitate if need be.

As they settle in, Miss Karadottir says, "Thank you, Leader Licht, and your people. My name is Mundhildur Karadottir, a Jotunar from the mountains. I think that Zeoll is our leader, being a very wise bard." She defers to him to set the tone.

Mitch - The Twins HP 141/141 AC 35/18/30 CMD 37 
Wednesday May 8th, 2024 8:21:00 AM

The Twins go back to being quiet, observing events with curious neutrality.

Diplomatic Zeoll 
Wednesday May 8th, 2024 1:58:25 PM

Zeoll sits down and listens to the conversation.

DM Hugh - answer 
Wednesday May 8th, 2024 6:28:07 PM

(OOC: yes JonS)

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 113/113 | AC: 26 | DR: 3/-- + 5/magic | SR: 17 | Move: 60'  d20+13=23 ;
Wednesday May 8th, 2024 11:43:19 PM

Elron is glad that the elves have decided to talk.

But the actions of the elves are not what he expected. He watches Sylvie as they head to their destination, wondering how she feels about this change of events. (sense motive = 23)

DM Hugh - The convo continues 
Thursday May 9th, 2024 12:19:12 AM

Elron watches Sylvie as they head towards the destination to get a gauge of her reaction.

She seems to be really happy to have been granted at least a temporary reprieve skipping along with the rest of the group.

She is slight elf with light blonde hair and pale fair skin.

When they reach their destination Asimov, the Twins and Zeoll all decide to listen.

Mundi introduces herself and defers to Zeoll.

Licht says to the party, "We seem to be somewhat at an impasse. Truth be told I am not unsympathetic to Sylvie's plight but we do have our customs and traditions that must be upheld. Perhaps this fulough from her tree while you are our guests here will be enough of a break for her to return to her duties when you move on?"

He looks hopefully at Sylvie

Sylvie says, "I don't know. I've spent years in that tree and while it is nice to be free now to feel the sun on my skin and the wind in my hair I don't know if this is enough."

What do you do?

Asimov - HP 96/96 AC 19/14/17 CMD 24 & Irony HP 53/53 AC 31/13/28 Hardness 6 CMD 23 -- Hugh  d20+13=25 ; d20+8=20 ;
Thursday May 9th, 2024 12:24:31 AM

Asimov says, "When we met previously you said you lived in harmony with nature and I notice you possess the ability to install and remove Anchorite's from trees without damaging the tree thanks to that stylus you used. Is there anything in the vow that says an Anchorite couldn't perhaps model their existence after a dryad who not only has a tree but tends a grove? You said the ground on which Sylvie's tree sat was sacred. Are the other trees in the area in need of tending? Perhaps Sylvie could become an Anchorite who acts like a Dryad?"

Survival: 25
Know[Nature]: 20

Mitch - The Twins HP 141/141 AC 35/18/30 CMD 37 
Thursday May 9th, 2024 6:52:18 AM

The Twins have seen many unusual religious practices. Really this doesn't even crack the top 20 for them.

Diplomatic Zeoll  d20+26=43 ;
Thursday May 9th, 2024 10:51:49 AM

"So how's about the girrl gets a day off each month to have time with a differrent aspect of Motherr Wold?"


JonS Cyrion the Black HP 74/91 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 | DR: 4/ while has focus 
Thursday May 9th, 2024 6:10:09 PM

Cyrion, who's been absentmindedly following the group around, finally pulls out of his stupor, and begins paying attention to what is going on

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 113/113 | AC: 26 | DR: 3/-- + 5/magic | SR: 17 | Move: 60' 
Thursday May 9th, 2024 7:53:23 PM

"Sylvie, we might be lucky 'nuff t' make a suggestion or two that won't offend folks here, but you're th' one who knows them and will still be here when we've gone. I'd kinda thought they wouldn't even talk to you,. But they're talkin'. So what do you want t' be sayin'?"

DM Hugh - Sylvie's Choice 
Friday May 10th, 2024 12:54:25 AM

Asimov suggests Sylvie's vows be amended to be modeled after the living styles of a Dryad where Sylvie would be allowed to exit from her tree to tend nearby trees on sacred ground in a grove inspired by the Elvish desire to live in harmony with nature

The Elves seem receptive to that idea

The Twins reflect on the unusual religious practices they've seen

Zeoll suggests Sylvie be allowed a day off once a month to spend the day with an aspect of Mother Wold.

The Elves also seem receptive to this idea

Cyrion starts to pay attention

Elron asks Sylvie what she wants

Sylvie says to Elron, "Originally I just wanted out of my tree to live a normal life but Licht and the other Elves remind me of my vow. I do not think it is possible to get everything that I want but being able to model my vows after the life of a dryad with a 1/month furlough from the grove area to commune with Nature seems like a fair compromise if not asking too much."

Licht says, "I guess we did open the door to multiple suggestions in agreeing to discuss things. Given the fact that Sylvie's vows would be amended to be similar to the life of a Dryad she would be taking on the responsibility of tending multiple trees on sacred ground. I think that is worth the additional consideration of a day off once a month for communing with Nature. What do you say Sylvie? Does this compromise quell your desire to leave your tree completely?"

Sylvie says, "Yes"

Licht says, "Good"

He then turns to the party and says, "You have my people's thanks for solving this dispute. Perhaps in the future we could try to be more flexible if a similar situation arises so that we do not need the help of outsiders but then again not all outsiders are bad."

As I said you are welcome to food, shelter and potential aid.

"We will prepare a feast in your honor and dine together. After which you are free to stay the night and in the morning we can discuss where you are headed and we can give you any information we have that may be relevant."

It will take some time for the elves to prepare the feast. What do you do in the meantime?

Diplomatic Zeoll 
Friday May 10th, 2024 7:47:27 AM

"I, forr one, would welcome yourr hospitality. A bath, a meal, and a good night's rrest!"

JonS Cyrion the Black HP 74/91 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 | DR: 4/ while has focus  Diplomacy Check: d20+11=18 ;
Friday May 10th, 2024 6:22:00 PM

Cyrion looks on in wonder that the situation didn't escalate into combat. He will step forward and ask "Do you need any help with the feast? I generally don't sleep all that much."

Asimov - HP 96/96 AC 19/14/17 CMD 24 & Irony HP 53/53 AC 31/13/28 Hardness 6 CMD 23 -- Hugh 
Saturday May 11th, 2024 12:19:02 AM

Asimov explores the treetop village w/ Irony

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 11 (7'4"/16'6") (Kim) AC 22 Touch 16 FF20 HP 131/131 
Saturday May 11th, 2024 4:21:14 AM

"Is there someone I might trade songs with?" asks Mundhildur.

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 113/113 | AC: 26 | DR: 3/-- + 5/magic | SR: 17 | Move: 60' 
Monday May 13th, 2024 8:42:01 PM

Elron talks to Sylvie, if she will let him, telling her a few of his favorite (and long-winded) tales. Anyone else who wants to listen, too, of course.

DM Hugh - The Feast 
Tuesday May 14th, 2024 3:29:02 AM

Zeoll said he'd welcome hospitality, a bath, a meal and a good night's rest.

Cyrion looks in wonder that the situation didn't escalate into combat. He offers to help with the feast as he doesn't sleep much.

Asimov explores the treetop village with Irony

Mundhildur asks if she could trade songs with someone.

Elron tells Sylvie and anyone who will listen some long winded tale.

Zeoll is able to get a bath as is anyone who wants to before dinner

Cyrion is put to work chopping vegetables and the Elves are amazed at the speed and precision of the chopping of the mechanical man

Asimov and Irony walk around the village and he gets a lot of questions mainly concerning just what is Irony

Mundhildur gets introduced to an elf named Harper and the Giantess gets a whole bunch of Anchorite Spirituals added to her repertoire

Elron soon attracts a crowd for his long-winded tales

The time before dinner passes differently for the different heroes but eventually a bell is wrong and the elves return to the central gathering hall which has been converted to a mess hall for the feast promised in their honor.

There is wild boar and venison, all types of fruit based and vegetable dishes, as well rustic bread. The elves have wine, water and juice as well as several options for dessert.

Mitch - The Twins HP 141/141 AC 35/18/30 CMD 37 
Tuesday May 14th, 2024 7:45:22 AM

The Twins enjoy the festivities. They have questions but they can wait until later.

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 113/113 | AC: 26 | DR: 3/-- + 5/magic | SR: 17 | Move: 60' 
Tuesday May 14th, 2024 5:53:39 PM

If Sylvie is happy, and as far as Elron can tell she is, then Elron's priority is to learn what they can about this dwarf who stole away Lady Femmu. He asks about what he can, describing any insignia or uniform that they saw and what they've already possibly learned.

Mundhildur Karadottir, Jotun singing giant Lvl 11 (7'4"/16'6") (Kim) AC 22 Touch 16 FF20 HP 131/131  d20+5=7 ; d20+5=10 ; d20+5=25 ; d20+5=15 ; d20+5=21 ; d20+5=16 ; d20+5=12 ; d20+5=12 ;
Wednesday May 15th, 2024 4:33:17 AM

Mundhi appreciates learning all sorts of anchorite songs, and thinks she has gained a better understanding of their ministries.

She gives Elron the wooden carving she made of the head of the dwarf who kitnapped Lady Femmu. And that makes her think of another project.

She garners a few pieces of wood, and takes a little time to put her wood-working skills to use. She works on carving the face of Harper. The first attempt ends with the wood splitting, and the second was totally unsatisfactory. On her third round, she takes several minutes to examine the wood. This time, she did her best work. It is a pleasant and fair representation of the elfish bard. Next, she works on a carving of Sylvie. The first attempt is passable, but not quite there. Again, she tries. Not bad! Then she carves a bird resembling the one that called her and her friends to come help Sylvie. Three times she tries, and ends up keeping the first carving. Passable, though she knows with more time she could do better.

Ah, and she loves a good feast. Especially boar and venison. And fruits and vegetables. Oh, and tasty bread.

After the first course, the Jotunar stands. "As we were brought here by a bird," and she reaches into her bag to get the appropriate carving, "This hastily carved bird represents the messenger that summoned us with haste to come to the aid of a lovely young elfin woman who lived in a tree." She passes it to her left, so that people may pass it around. "Next, we come to Sylvie, who petitioned for a change in her service as an anchorite. Long devoted, yet desiring a change in her expression of that devotion, she presented an appeal." She passes her carving of Sylvie to her right, to be passed around.

"I wish as well to remember good Harper, who taught me many songs of the anchorites. Both he, and several of you, helped me better understand the nature of their devotion, and the importance of their petitions and intercessions on behalf of your people and for this area. And, I offer this remembrance of Harper out of gratitude for your people's commitment to lasting expressions of devotion, as well as wisdom in accommodating the sometimes changing needs of those who commit themselves to a lifetime of service in devotion. Bless you all - this community, your care for one another and for the forest, and for showing discernment, mercy, and grace on this occasion." She passes the image of Harper around. "Perhaps you may find a place for these small carvings somewhere in this beautiful dwelling, to remember the story of Sylvie, and your willingness to consider her petition. May she serve to bless the trees, and be a blessing to your community."

She sits, enjoys more food, and talks with and listens to those about her.

Craft Wood: 7, 10, 25 (Harper), 15, 21 (Sylvie), 16 (messenger bird), 12, 12

JonS Cyrion the Black HP 74/91 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 | DR: 4/ while has focus 
Wednesday May 15th, 2024 10:04:32 AM

Once he's finished with prep work for dinner, he will go listen to one of Elron's stories. During the meal, he samples a few things, finding a fruit that tastes good, blood oranges. His attention is on those speaking during the feast.

Asimov - HP 96/96 AC 19/14/17 CMD 24 & Irony HP 53/53 AC 31/13/28 Hardness 6 CMD 23 -- Hugh 
Wednesday May 15th, 2024 8:59:10 PM

Asimov contributes to Mundhi's presentation by taking out a holograph projector and accentuating the giantess's story with illusions.

DM Hugh - The Feast Winds Down 
Wednesday May 15th, 2024 10:19:17 PM

The Twins enjoy the festivities. Although they have questions they wait till later.

Elron can tell Sylvie is happy and asks questions about the Dwarf that stole away Lady Femmu

Mundhildur appreciates learning the Anchorite songs and gives the carving she made of the Dwarf to Elron. She then makes a few other carvings and tells a little story about Sylvie and the Party's involvement and her wish for their future.

Cyrion listens to Elron's story after meal prep and then during the meal finds he likes blood orange.

Asimov accompanies Munhildur's story speech with illusionary accompaniment

Elron goes around to the Elves and starts asking questions using Munhildur's carving of the dwarf

Munhildur and Asimov spin a tail that the elves enjoy.

Elron asks various elves. While many claim ignorance, he is able to get Licht's attention and Licht tells Elron,
"I was planning to wait until morning to give you this information as tonight is supposed to be a celebration but the Mindoses you seek, an order of Dwarven troublemakers if you ask me, are based out of the Tower of Boydos. I'll give you precise directions in the morning but come let us enjoy the evening and speak no more of this till then"

Any last things you do in the Elven village before heading out to the Tower in the morn?

Mitch - The Twins HP 141/141 AC 35/18/30 CMD 37 
Thursday May 16th, 2024 8:51:19 AM

Oh well. Guess it won't wait until after the festivities. At least there was an answer. The Twins are ready to go.

JonS Cyrion the Black HP 74/91 AC 19 or 23 CMD: 20 | DR: 4/ while has focus 
Thursday May 16th, 2024 10:30:46 AM

Cyrion is willing to help clean up after the feast. For resting he'll watch the sky and relax

Elron -- SteveM -- HP: 113/113 | AC: 26 | DR: 3/-- + 5/magic | SR: 17 | Move: 60' 
Thursday May 16th, 2024 10:43:23 PM

"Well now, gather, I say, gather 'round, my friends. Let me spin ya a tale -- a true tale. It all started many moons ago, in a land far from here...

"I was travelin' with a band o' merry adventurers in th' rolling hills o' the eastern Plains. There was Calla the clever, with fingers faster than a blinkin' eye; Brundar a burly man, with a heart as big as his muscles; and th' enchantin' Lyra, who could charm the scales off a dragon with her sweet voice.

"One fine mornin', as we trekked through a dense forest, we stumbled on a village in distress. The villagers were all in a tizzy, shoutin' and wailin' about their beloved guardian, a magnificent phoenix named Pyrrhos, who had gone missin'. Without Pyrrhos, the village was left vulnerable to all sorts of nasties lurkin' in the woods.

"Now, we couldn't just stand by and let these poor folks suffer, so we set out to find Pyrrhos and bring him back home. We followed clues an' tracks deep into th' forest, where the trees grew tall and the air was thick with mystery.

"After days of searchin', we finally found Pyrrhos, trapped in a magical cage, guarded by a wicked sorcerer named Malakar. Malakar was usin' Pyrrhos's fiery essence to fuel his dark spells, and he wasn't about to let us take his prize.

"Well, let me tell ya, a fight broke out like none other. Brundar charged in with his mighty axe, while Calla darted around, slicin' and dicin' with her daggers. Lyra wove her spells, keepin' Malakar's dark magic at bay. And me, well, I was by Brundar's side.

"With a final, mighty blow, Brundar shattered the cage, freein' Pyrrhos. The phoenix burst forth in a blaze of glory, his flames scorchin' Malakar's dark heart. The sorcerer was defeated, and Pyrrhos soared into the sky, his fiery plumage lightin' up the night.

"We returned to the village, an' the villagers showered us with gratitude and gifts. Pyrrhos, their guardian, was back where he belonged, and peace was restored."

Elron pauses, a warm smile spreading across his face as he looked around at the elves. "And so, my friends, I tell ya this tale to show my appreciation for your hospitality and the kindness you've shown us. Just like those villagers, I'm grateful for the help and friendship I've found here. And with the information you've given us, we can set out to rescue Lady Femmu, just like Pyrrhos was rescued."

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