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Bartomus(Rod) HP: 97/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11  d20+14=29 ;
Friday January 19th, 2024 10:04:59 AM

"Lady Yasume Mylyl, truly I am grateful for your hospitality and willingness to hear me. The Shield has responded to the rise of an organized effort led to resurrect a being of ancient legend bound by strong magic into what we call the Crying Wood." Bartomus said this without a great deal of emotion or particular emphasis. This was in his mind an attempt to report to the Drow's lead emissary on the Float the potential threat to the Float and the greater Wold.

"It is my understanding, aided by various sages here, that Karkasan's minions are searching for various items to unlock their master's soul. A vile creature whose anger would be unleashed upon all that currently inhabit the remnants of the world that chained him for greater than a millennium." He held the teacup in both hands and set it down as he looked up at Lady Yasmne.

"I also believe ancient ancestors of your people may have played a part in binding this dragon, or dragon-born threat, into the Wold with others." Bartomus eyes held the woman's gaze as he continued. "We fear that if this Karkasan is released and the items associated with his power are recovered by his minions. Destruction and strife will undoubtedly find their way to the luxurious halls of your nation's palace and workshops."

"We, the Shields, well," Bartomus paused for a moment. "I would say all of us, need to know if there is any information be it in ancient tomes in an archive, legends, whispers of folklore, anything that your nation might be able to share regarding this Karkasan and the items associated with his binding by those ancient heroes so long ago."

He locked eyes with hers. Then he let out a slow sigh and looked down at his teacup and its delicate form.

"We know there is a crown, Largon's Dragon Crown and Scepter associated with Death itself," Bartomus said with some hesitation. [/b]"But, we need to know more about those, where they might have last been seen, and any hint as to how they might be used. We also know that we are playing catch up to those that are trying to restore Karkasan unto the Wold."[/b]

As Bart doesn't have a high diplomacy skill modifier, he will utilize (a) a hero point for a plus +8 Luck bonus to his roll, and (b) utilize performance skills he has for the roll. So if that roll is needed, I rolled a D20 with the +6 perform and +8 luck bonus. Rolling - 29

Delia (Hannah) HP: 124/124; AC 29/21/23; CMD 44 
Friday January 19th, 2024 10:40:59 AM

Delia nods gratefully to the Overlord. The Shields needed all ears to the ground for this one.

Stock (JonM) HP: 238/238; AC: 27/25/14; DR 4/-; CMD: 39; Rage: 1/41 used 
Friday January 19th, 2024 11:08:53 AM

"Some place to the North. Ok that's a good start. Thank you Norella and you take care."

Stock takes his leave and connects with the other shields. Along the way, he spots Stohp lifting boxes and snickers as he passes. "Nice job Stohp. Glad you are helping out wherever you can. Truly well done."

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 209/209 AC: 32 T: 13 FF: 31 CMD: 33 LoH 14/14 SE 6/6 
Friday January 19th, 2024 5:28:28 PM

Zanderallen graciously thanks the Overlord and after the proper dismissals returns home. He eagerly awaits word if any one else's contacts turn anything up.

Places to Check (DM MikeK) 
Saturday January 20th, 2024 4:29:31 PM

Lady Yasmue drinks her tea and listens to Bart attentively.
When the taur finishes, she takes another sip, considering.

“That is quite a revelation,” she says at last. “And, of course, what is ancient to you may only be a few generations for us. I must confess, I have not heard the name Karkasan nor of a binding of a creature to the wood. But, I am young relative to many of my peers in It’lal. I shall make inquiries, young taur, and promise to relay what I discover.

With that, Bart returns to Shield House.

He meets up with the rest of the Silver Shields.

Information is relayed and plans form.

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 97/144 AC 21; (150/150) Glv +16 2d8+2 Slng +14 CMD 11 Melee 12/7/2;Perc+16;Heal+11 
Sunday January 21st, 2024 3:53:26 PM

"We will all be grateful for what help and knowledge that you can share with us, Lady Yasume." Bartomus smiles relieved that things went better than he thought they might. He finished he tea and then excused himself as quickly as possible to allow the consulate to return to her duties.

On the way home, he popped into the Ghost and purchased a cold cask of the sweet honey mead. Wrapped in burlap, he hoisted it onto his shoulder and brought it into Shield Headquarters.

"Now, don't let the dwarf tap that before I get back down," he said as he set the cask on the big meal table. He dashed up the stairs and in a few minutes returned in his street attire versus the spider silk clothes he had been wearing.

When the others got about the table, the cask was tapped, and the mead shared along with the results of his efforts to learn more from the Drow.

"Still thinking a visit to the Lizard Folks and our friend is the next step," Bartomus offered after a taste of the mead.

Armalad (Hugh) HP 121/134 AC 25 / Touch 19/ Flat 18 CMD 27 
Sunday January 21st, 2024 9:09:40 PM

Armalad says to Bart, "And that is why I included it with the 3 places I've gleamed to be historically significant to the crown and the scepter. Apparently the owner of the crown fled east of the Emerald Kingdom. Perhaps the Lizard Folk can give us a more definite destination. The shadow realms between the wold and the lands of rest is also kind of vague so I think the Tower of Boydos should be our second stop unless the lizardfolk give us a better lead."

Stock (JonM) HP: 238/238; AC: 27/25/14; DR 4/-; CMD: 39; Rage: 1/41 used 
Monday January 22nd, 2024 8:57:02 AM

"That's more than I found out, Armalad. All I heard is that we might need to go north of here. Not the most descriptive of directions if you ask me."

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 147/147AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Monday January 22nd, 2024 9:39:23 AM

Stohp gets home frightfully annoyed. She thought people knew her, being a famous adventurer, and lifting things is something she is entirely incapable of doing. She's more useful as a bureaucrat and problem solver then a pair of muscles.

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 209/209 AC: 32 T: 13 FF: 31 CMD: 33 LoH 14/14 SE 6/6 
Monday January 22nd, 2024 2:31:52 PM

"Shadow Realms you say... We've already made some friends there. And I use the terms friends very very loosely. The Emerald Kingdom lead sounds like it has potential. Well let's all get a good nights rest and if no other leads come up looks like we may be taking a trip."

Zanderallen spends most of the rest of his evening with Pepper, apologizing for having to run around so much the past few days. He shares as much as he dares about Karkasan with her, knowing that this kind of knowledge is dangerous to those who know it.

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