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Zanderallen (Zachary H) 115/149 AC: 31(37 vs Drall) T: 13 FF: 30 CMD: 30  14d6=39 ;
Thursday December 1st, 2022 7:48:27 PM

Zanderallen apologizes for not attending to wounds and channels energy twice, excluding Drall. He waits for Drall to come to, not ever going too far from Pepper.
Everyone heals 39

Watch your step (DM MikeK)  d20=17 ;
Thursday December 1st, 2022 8:02:11 PM

Armalad wonders about the nature of the Cloak of the Troll King.
It sounds expensive.
Unfortunately, it isn’t.
Price 9,000 gp; Slot shoulders; CL 5th; Weight 2 lbs.; Aura faint evocation
This long cloak is a patchwork of beast and humanoid hides roughly stitched together. A crude, crown-shaped patch of yellow-dyed fabric is sewn on the back, and a length of knotted hemp rope secures the cloak around the wearer's neck. The wearer gains a +5 competence bonus on Intimidate checks and the ability to use burning hands as a spell-like ability three times per day.

Armalad then gets the magic items from the dead trolls, as well as verifying that yes, all trolls except Drall are dead.

Loot, including Drall’s stuff:

potion of bear's endurance,
potion of haste,
potion of invisibility (x2)
potion of barkskin, (x2)
potion of bull's strength (x4)
potion of protection from energy (fire) (x3)
elixir of fire breath (x3)
ring of protection +2 (x4)
ring of major energy resistance (fire)
ring of protection +3
ring of jumping (x3)
+3 full plate, large
+4 hide armor, large (x2)
amulet of mighty fists +3 (x2)
amulet of natural armor +3
bag of holding (type I)
belt of giant strength +4
bracers of armor +4
cloak of resistance +3
cloak of the troll king
dust of disappearance
headband of vast intelligence +4
gauntlets of rending
headband of alluring charisma +2

Bartomus drags the unconscious Drall to the pit.
Unless there is some objection, the troll fits in there nicely.

Delia and Stohp go to explore rooms, starting with Drall’s and then proceeding to the other two open doors.
As seen in the map of the last round of the fight, there are three doors each in the eastern and western walls, and a pair of double doors in the southern wall.

The rooms all appear to be simple quarters - a bed, a table, an unlocked chest.
In Drall’s room, the pair find a bag of gemstones (7500 gp).

As Stohp passes through the threshold of the northwest doorway, she triggers a protective spell.
The spell radius is 60’, meaning everyone is affected, except for Hawky who is not in the room.

Everyone except Hawky Fort Save DC 17 or suffer wracking pains that impose a –4 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks.

Pepper goes wide eyed for just a moment.
"What was that?" she gasps.
Pepper makes her save!!

Keep Map

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 90/114 AC 21; 140/140 CMD 20 Melee +13;Perc+16;Heal+9 2d8+2  d20+12=23 ;
Thursday December 1st, 2022 10:39:50 PM

Bartomus was somewhat careful in lowering Drall into the pit, but not overly careful. As he finished getting Drall down into the pit, he turned back towards Stock and asked if there was anything he wanted to ask. But a weird ear popping, spine-tingling, hairs on the skin raising sound and feeling permeated the space they were in. Bartomus cringed and then shook it all off.

He looked over at Pepper and nodded. "Yea, what the heck was that?"

Fortitude save = 23

Armalad (Hugh) HP 59/115 AC 25 / Touch 19 / Flat 18 CMD 27  d20+9=12 ; d20+6=19 ; d20+22=26 ;
Friday December 2nd, 2022 3:24:57 AM

Fort: 12 = armalad
Fort: 19 = joker

Joker saves, but Armalad doesn't.

She says, "Maybe next time I should search for traps first in a strange castle."

If possible Armalad still tries to disable the tripped trap

Disable Device: 26

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 97/101 AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 24 (+4 vs grapple, disarm, trip)  d20+8=14 ;
Friday December 2nd, 2022 8:08:19 AM

Stohp is highly embarrassed that she forgot to search for traps. She pays for it too, having to wait out it's effects (14 fort). "Sorry."

Stock (JonM) HP: 152/172; AC: (32 vs giants) 28/25/16 ; DR 3/-; CMD: 34; Rage: 7/35 used  d20+17=23 ; d8=7 ; d8=5 ; d8=5 ; d8=2 ;
Friday December 2nd, 2022 10:04:03 AM

"What was that? It felt like a little pinch."

He power chugs the potions and basks in the healing of Z's channel. "That feels better." He throws the empty potion bottles at Drall's body.

He keeps waiting for Drall to wake up so that maybe the Shields can interrogate it.

Fort Save 23
First Bart Potion: 14 HP
Second: 9 HP
Loot sheet is updated. Start thinking about claims.

Delia (Hannah) HP: 98/107; AC 29/17/23; CMD 39  d20+12=22 ;
Friday December 2nd, 2022 11:49:59 AM

Delia blinked as the wave of magic crashed over them, pain tingling down her limbs.
"That did not feel good," she comments as she pauses, giving the rogues a chance to examine the remaining rooms and anything else for traps.

Fort save: 22

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 115/149 AC: 31(37 vs Drall) T: 13 FF: 30 CMD: 30  d20+21=38 ;
Friday December 2nd, 2022 4:28:12 PM

Zanderallen grunts as he fights off the waves of pain, "Well, lesson learned I guess." He ponders healing Drall to wake him up faster.
Fort 38

Lingering pain (DM MikeK) 
Saturday December 3rd, 2022 10:35:08 AM

Most of you fight of the effects of the spell, but Armalad and Stohp do not.

The effect does not wear off, nor go away, nor do the duo get used to it.
Every muscle feels on fire, stinging pain rips through nerves, and the brain desperately fights through the pain just to function.
[DM Note - It hurts, it doesn't wear off, and Armalad and Stohp have an ongoing –4 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks]

Despite the pain, Armalad is able to find the trap.
It is an elaborate magical rune etched into the floor of the doorway.
She is able to identify it as a Symbol, and given the effects, a Symbol of Pain.
Unfortunately, she is unable to disable the trap.

Bart deposits Drall into the pit.

Based on his rate of healing, and the time elapsed searching the other bodies, you estimate another 5 minutes before he heals enough to regain consciousness.

All the trolls have been searched.
Only Drall's room in the northeast corner has been searched.
Only the door in the northwest corner has been searched for traps (after the triggering of the Symbol on that doorway).

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 97/101 AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 24 (+4 vs grapple, disarm, trip) 
Sunday December 4th, 2022 3:02:12 PM

"Well. Unless someone can dispel this, or we get in another fight, I'm going to just sit down and hurt for a while." Stohp says grimacing.

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 90/114 AC 21; 140/140 CMD 20 Melee +13;Perc+16;Heal+9 2d8+2 
Sunday December 4th, 2022 3:44:58 PM

Bartomus looked down in the pit and made a point of closing the lid and putting in the lock necessary to buy them some time. Then he grabbed his glave and standing about the wall to be further back from the opened door, he reached around the wall with his glave and pushed the doors open a bit farther in hopes to see if there were any other things that happened with the doors being opened.

"Anything anyone knows to help them?" Bartomus asked as he held his head back from the door opening. "We are running out of time with guy in the pit by the way."

Armalad (Hugh) HP 59/115 AC 25 / Touch 19 / Flat 18 CMD 27 
Sunday December 4th, 2022 8:17:16 PM

Armalad says to Stohp, "I'm with you." and also lays down on the floor

Stock (JonM) HP: 152/172; AC: (32 vs giants) 28/25/16 ; DR 3/-; CMD: 34; Rage: 7/35 used  d20+24=27 ; d20+24=35 ;
Monday December 5th, 2022 8:49:46 AM

Stock starts methodically searching the adjoining room starting in the top left and working counterclockwise around the room. He checks each door for traps prior to opening and then searches each room as he goes. If Drall comes to consciousness while he's searching, he will stop that and return to interrogate Drall.

Top left traps / searching: 27 and 35...you know what, Stock will take 10 on the rest rather than making a whole bunch of rolls...34 perception for traps and searching.

Delia (Hannah) HP: 107/107; AC 29/17/23; CMD 39  d20+12=24 ;
Monday December 5th, 2022 9:23:17 AM

Delia calls Hawky down, then sends him back up the shaft with instructions to warn them if he sees anyone approaching the keep.

She then joins Stock in his methodical search (auto succeed on aid to make his check a 36 perception).

Hawky perception: 24

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 115/149 AC: 31(37 vs Drall) T: 13 FF: 30 CMD: 30  d20+5=20 ;
Monday December 5th, 2022 4:59:49 PM

"Symbol of Pain, that's a bit above my ability to fix. It will wear off eventually or I believe if you get far enough away the effects will end." He doesn't have an interest in searching the troll keep and instead keep a watchful eye on Drall, stopping Bart from putting the cover on, "I want to see when he wakes up."
Spellcraft 20 for Symbol of Pain

He's awake (DM MikeK) 
Monday December 5th, 2022 8:03:32 PM

Stohp and Armalad endure the pain.
Zanderallen lets everyone know it will wear off eventually.

The top of the pit is a grating, so Bart can close and latch it, with everyone still being able to see Drall.

Delia sends Hawky to keep watch.

She and Stock begin working their way around the adjoining rooms.
In the next five minutes, they is able to clear all the western rooms.
They find 8000 gp, but nothing else of interest.

Bart messes with the doors in the northwest corner, but finds nothing else of interest.

Delia and Stock have reached the closed double doors in the south, when Drall regains consciousness.

The troll looks about, then up. He rolls over to sit against one wall, and looks expectantly at Zanderallen.

Armalad (Hugh) HP 59/115 AC 25 / Touch 19 / Flat 18 CMD 27  d20+19=33 ;
Monday December 5th, 2022 11:48:41 PM

Armalad warily watches Drall (Perception: 33)

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 97/101 AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 24 (+4 vs grapple, disarm, trip) 
Tuesday December 6th, 2022 8:02:06 AM

Stohp half expects Drall to have some way out and that they'll have to wrangle trolls at some point.

Stock (JonM) HP: 152/172; AC: (32 vs giants) 28/25/16 ; DR 3/-; CMD: 34; Rage: 7/35 used  d20+18=36 ;
Tuesday December 6th, 2022 9:24:57 AM

Keeping his voice low, Stock says, "Can any of you guys speak Drall's language? I can't." Stock walks up to the pit and calls down,

""Hey Big Guy - You are in for a WORLD of hurt unless you give us the answers we need..."

Intimidate 36 - goal is to Influence Opponent’s Attitude
The DC of this check is equal to 10 + the target’s Hit Dice + the target’s Wisdom modifier
It technically takes 1 minute of conversation to do this.

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 90/114 AC 21; 140/140 CMD 20 Melee +13;Perc+16;Heal+9 2d8+2 
Tuesday December 6th, 2022 12:38:34 PM

"Alright, so some good, but that's it." Bartomus shrugged and looked back at the lift shaft. "I still think we head up. Get back to the Tavern and get Pepper and us home. Maybe we turn the Goblins on Drall and they can reclaim this for themselves?"

As he talked, he walked over to the lift and tried to get a sense on how to call it back down.

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 115/149 AC: 31(37 vs Drall) T: 13 FF: 30 CMD: 30  d20+25=36 ;
Tuesday December 6th, 2022 2:45:33 PM

When Zander sees Drall come to his smile while talking to Pepper disappears behind a steel wall. Locking down his emotions he let's Stock take the opening since the dwarf really seems to have it in for the troll. He puts his foot on the edge of the grate and leans down to look at Drall, "Now, now, I'm sure it doesn't need to come to that Stock. Drall, you and I both know you're not behind tanking Pepper. Somebody put you up to it. You just tell us who it is and we're out of your hair, claws, teeth. However you trolls say it."
Diplomacy: 36
(trying to play some good cop, bad cop with Stock's opening to get info out of Drall.)

Delia (Hannah) HP: 107/107; AC 29/17/23; CMD 39  d20=13 ;
Tuesday December 6th, 2022 3:55:34 PM

(misclicked the roll)

Delia will back Pepper up away from Drall - and what Stock and Zander might do to him - and the pit and let the good and bad cops do their thing.

He speaks! (DM MikeK) 
Tuesday December 6th, 2022 7:22:26 PM

Stock and Zanderallen work on Drall, good cop/bad cop style.
Armalad watches warily as she can with a -4 penalty.
Delia backs Pepper out of the way.
Stohp waits for some inevitable trick.
Bart looks for a way to call the lift back down. The taur figures out that simply pulling on one of the two ropes will bring it back.

Drall spends several minutes establishing what has happened to the other trolls.
He speaks only in Giant, requiring Armlad to translate.

Once it has been firmly established that all the other trolls are dead, though, he starts chuckling. The chuckle builds in strength until he is laughing, nearly uncontrollably. After a good minute, he winds down.

“Oh, She’s not going to like this,” he chuckles in perfect Common.
He gazes back up at Zanderallen.

“Lord Vanius appeared in the middle of my keep with the girl,” he replies, as affably as a troll could. “He had all the trolls come out and instructed us to watch her until he returned. He then disappeared. Then you came.”

Armalad (Hugh) HP 59/115 AC 25 / Touch 19 / Flat 18 CMD 27  d20+19=27 ; d20+6=18 ; d20+6=8 ; d20+8=26 ;
Tuesday December 6th, 2022 10:27:39 PM

Through the pain Armalad searches her memory for any reference to Lord Vanius. (OOC: remembered the penalty this time)

Know[Arcana]: 27
Know[Nobility]: 18
Know[History]: 8
Know[Planes]: 26

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 97/101 AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 24 (+4 vs grapple, disarm, trip) 
Wednesday December 7th, 2022 8:52:26 AM

"So we should expect another guest at some point. One either responsible for the kidnapping, or at least knowing who is. Shall we wait for them and ambush them when they return?"

Stock (JonM) HP: 152/172; AC: (32 vs giants) 28/25/16 ; DR 3/-; CMD: 34; Rage: 7/35 used 
Wednesday December 7th, 2022 9:10:05 AM

"WHO is not going to like this and WHY is that so funny? Also, WHAT even are you?...with those wings and all."

To Armalad he says, "Well done on the translations. I don't understand the words you are saying but you are clearly communicating the emotion in the words. Really impressive."

Delia (Hannah) HP: 107/107; AC 29/17/23; CMD 39 
Wednesday December 7th, 2022 9:43:52 AM

Seeing the confusion on Armalad's face, Delia leans over to her, "Lord Vanius was some jerk from this plane who butted heads with the Shields a while back, before I joined. He's Mistress what's-her-undead-face's high up minion. She is probably the one who isn't going to like this..."

She asks the rest of the group, "Didn't we already think it was this Vanius guy because of his history with the Shields? He have any surprises he could whip out if we jump him?"

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 115/149 AC: 31(37 vs Drall) T: 13 FF: 30 CMD: 30 
Wednesday December 7th, 2022 5:54:41 PM

"Other than being powerful enough to operate the gate that nobody thought was active we know very little about Lord Vanius. He showed up when everyone though the Wold was ending due to the blood grass catastrophe, laughed at us and I seemed to remember unleashed some sort of powerful magics to bind us."
He turns back to Drall, giving him a look as he replies in common, "So is Lord Vanius a big enough deal that you just drop every to do what he says?"

Curiouser (DM MikeK) 
Wednesday December 7th, 2022 7:53:55 PM

Again, Drall has shifted to Common, and thus no one has to translate for him.

The Shields have a brief sidebar to recall Lord Vanius. Zanderallen and Delia have the long and short of it.

Delia also answers most of Stock's questions.
Drall shrugs at the dwarf and points to Delia.

"This," he also replies to Stock, indicating himself, "is a half fiend troll."

Zanderallen follows up.
"So is Lord Vanius a big enough deal that you just drop everything to do what he says?"

Drall blinks.
By his tone, you might as well have asked if water is wet.

Stohp is starting to wonder when other bad guys will be arriving.

Stohp and Armalad are still suffering.

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 90/114 AC 21; 140/140 CMD 20 Melee +13;Perc+16;Heal+9 2d8+2 
Wednesday December 7th, 2022 7:57:57 PM

"I am kinda thinking we take Pepper and blink back out," Bartomus added his thoughts tot he conversation. But, then he thought for a bit. "Being on a different plane, could we call for some help and maybe set a trap for the Vanius? I mean if it would be worth the effort, I am game. But if we can just head back to the Inn here and then back home, there's something I am more than willing to just do."

Bartomus looked back at the pair of ropes.

Armalad (Hugh) HP 59/115 AC 25 / Touch 19 / Flat 18 CMD 27 
Thursday December 8th, 2022 1:09:02 AM

Armalad asks, "Can we just blink out from here or would we have to go to the equivalent point where the gate is and use the key? I mean does anyone among us know how to planeshift and would that work considering how we got here?"

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 97/101 AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 24 (+4 vs grapple, disarm, trip) 
Thursday December 8th, 2022 7:32:26 AM

"If possible we'd probably better deal with whoever behind this here, else when we return they can just kidnap our friends and allies again and force us back here. We can't protect everyone we know." Stohp points out.

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 115/149 AC: 31(37 vs Drall) T: 13 FF: 30 CMD: 30 
Thursday December 8th, 2022 3:58:15 PM

Zanderallen weighs their options and comes to a decision. "We have achieved our immediate goal of rescuing Pepper. But, Lord Vanius, whether on his own initiative or under the bidding of his mistress, has decided to make enemies with us. As Stohp so aptly put, we can't protect everyone we know. Which means we need to get Vanius to back-off. We could return to the Inn to rest and leave Pepper somewhere safe, and then seek out Vanius."

"Hey Drall. Since you've been so helpful, you wouldn't happen to know where Lord Vanius is would you?"

Delia (Hannah) HP: 107/107; AC 29/17/23; CMD 39 
Thursday December 8th, 2022 4:10:36 PM

Delia agrees that they can't just leave Vanius alone now that he has shown his willingness to kidnap loved ones, "Surely he had some kind of reason for taking Pepper. And all he's got is a few dead trolls, so I doubt he's gotten what he wants out of it yet.
But, first priority should be to get Pepper to safety, whatever we decide that means, and be ready to take Lord Vanius, and maybe the lady who runs this place, head on if it comes to that."

Armalad (Hugh) HP 59/115 AC 25 / Touch 19 / Flat 18 CMD 27 
Thursday December 8th, 2022 9:30:58 PM

Armalad says to Drall, "You don't know how to release that undead goblin oracle outside of that inn do you?"

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 97/101 AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 24 (+4 vs grapple, disarm, trip) 
Friday December 9th, 2022 7:43:13 AM

"The Inn seems like a good rallying point. Let's move quickly, he'll be able to find out where we are going pretty easily since Drall's been listening in. The sooner we leave the sooner we get there."

Next steps? (DM MikeK) 
Friday December 9th, 2022 10:21:44 AM

You continue discussions.

Drall answers Armalad.
"I don't know any undead goblin oracle."

Drall answers Zanderallen.
"Lord Vanius quarters with Mistress Fidelia in her Castle."

The troll pauses, debating internally.
He speaks again, looking Zanderallen dead in the eyes.
"You have beaten me and killed the others. But you are not strong enough to enter the Castle. You are also not strong enough to earn the enmity of Vanius. Some other game is being played.

Go to your Inn. Go to the Wold. Rejoice in your lives."

Stock (JonM) HP: 152/172; AC: (32 vs giants) 28/25/16 ; DR 3/-; CMD: 34; Rage: 7/35 used 
Friday December 9th, 2022 10:27:40 AM

"Yeah back to the Inn I think. Maybe we can take another run at Proudfoot about the undead goblin. We also need to warn The Float that there may be trouble coming from Vanius."

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 90/114 AC 21; 140/140 CMD 20 Melee +13;Perc+16;Heal+9 2d8+2 
Friday December 9th, 2022 11:04:04 AM

"Ask him where this Mistress' castle is located, just so we have some idea of where these raids are being launched. Agree with you Stock, better to warn the Float and start looking at ways to watch for unexpected visitors." Bartomus suggested to Zander and gave a slight tug on one of the lift ropes. "Still say we free the goblins or at least tell them the trolls are dead and he's locked in the pit. Give them something hopeful you know."

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 115/149 AC: 31 T: 13 FF: 30 CMD: 30 
Friday December 9th, 2022 2:21:09 PM

Zanderallen blinks as Drall speaks so directly to him. He takes a moment to stare back and assess the troll before nodding in thanks, "It seems honor can be found in many places. Thank you Drall."

He turns to the rest of the Shields, "I don't like it, but I trust what Drall has said. Let us return to the Inn. I begin to fear what was thought earlier that we might have been lured here as a distraction. Vanius has earned himself another mark and one day we will collect. But there is still too much to be done in our world to throw our lives away in pointless battles in the Land of the Fey."

Delia (Hannah) HP: 107/107; AC 29/17/23; CMD 39 
Friday December 9th, 2022 2:43:28 PM

Delia purses her lips, "It seems like our two options are to go home or storm the castle. I'm all for the going home and regrouping one. As much as I dislike the idea of being a plaything for the Fey, there's not much we can do about that right now. Maybe just check in on friends and family a little extra for a while."

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 97/101 AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 24 (+4 vs grapple, disarm, trip) 
Sunday December 11th, 2022 6:41:54 PM

Stohp's said her peace so she grits her teeth and makes herself get up and get ready to leave.

Exit Strategy (DM MikeK) 
Sunday December 11th, 2022 7:12:18 PM

Zanderallen makes the call, and the rest appear to agree - time to head out.

The lift returns, with the two goblins still attending.
They are very surprised by what they see on the ground floor, and are very helpful in getting The Shields to the roof.

It takes a couple trips.
Pepper stays locked at Zanderallen's side.

Bartomus gives some thought to the goblins as well.

Will you travel straight back to the Inn, or is there anything you wish to do first or on the way?

Armalad (Hugh) HP 59/115 AC 25 / Touch 19 / Flat 18 CMD 27 
Sunday December 11th, 2022 8:27:01 PM

Armalad casts locate person thinking of Pepper. She has 2 preparations of the spell and with Drall saying there is some other game afoot well changlings are a thing. Is the Pepper by Zanderallen pinging on her locate person spell?

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 90/114 AC 21; 140/140 CMD 20 Melee +13;Perc+16;Heal+9 2d8+2  d20+16=31 ;
Sunday December 11th, 2022 10:26:00 PM

"So, here's the deal. You can run this place. You and your fellow soldiers - make the place better, friendlier. Find a way to get rid of those dang wicked flying skull things."[b] Bartomus explained to the two goblins as he rode the elevator upwards. [b]"Be creative - you could even form an autonomous collective. You can do this."

Bartomus waits for the other Shields to join him and scanned about where the goblins told him to stay until the others arrived.

Perception 31 for where he is told to stay - assuming there may be a more direct exit out of the building, but if on top, then scanning about the area.

Stock (JonM) HP: 152/172; AC: (32 vs giants) 28/25/16 ; DR 3/-; CMD: 34; Rage: 7/35 used 
Monday December 12th, 2022 9:31:34 AM

Stock listens to Bartomus' impassioned speech to the goblins and says to him, "You are a noble taur. Definitely doing more for these creatures than I am willing."

Delia (Hannah) HP: 107/107; AC 29/17/23; CMD 39 
Monday December 12th, 2022 12:08:45 PM

Delia, in a rare moment of social awareness, decides to refrain from commenting to Bart that Drall is still alive and will almost certainly behave the exact same way as he did before he got the fear of Domi beat into him.
Assuming that Armalad does not raise any alarms with her spell, Delia wants to leave this plane as soon as possible so that they can see if anything happened while they were away from the Float.

Zanderallen (Zachary H) 115/149 AC: 31 T: 13 FF: 30 CMD: 30 
Monday December 12th, 2022 12:28:54 PM

Zander does not object to Pepper being locked to his side, he nods to Drall as the last group rides up the lift, expecting the half-fiend troll will not remain locked in the pit for long. But Drall was not the issue, what game was Vanius up to? Someday maybe they would beat the answer out of him. Now back to the Inn and maybe they could devote some more thinking to that Goblin Oracle.

Armalad (Hugh) HP 59/115 AC 25 / Touch 19 / Flat 18 CMD 27 
Monday December 12th, 2022 11:09:00 PM

Armalad waits patiently for her spell to confirm if the Pepper by Zanderallen is the real Pepper

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 97/101 AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 24 (+4 vs grapple, disarm, trip) 
Tuesday December 13th, 2022 7:29:44 AM

Stohp is skeptical about any efforts to inspire goblins to change things considering the actual person in charge and responsible for things around here is still around. This Fidelia lady. She advises the party to avoid the town on the way back.

Stock (JonM) HP: 152/172; AC: (32 vs giants) 28/25/16 ; DR 3/-; CMD: 34; Rage: 7/35 used 
Tuesday December 13th, 2022 8:56:08 AM

Stock leans over toward Armalad and says in a low voice, "Why are you looking at Pepper like that? You don't think she's in on this do you?"

Armalad (Hugh) HP 59/115 AC 25 / Touch 19 / Flat 18 CMD 27 
Tuesday December 13th, 2022 8:54:37 PM

(OOC: checking in; not feeling well fyi)

Stohp (Mitch) HP: 97/111 AC: 27/15/23 CMD: 26 (+4 vs grapple,+6 disarm, trip) 
Monday December 26th, 2022 5:10:55 PM

Updating header

Bartomus(Rod) HP: 90/114 AC 21; 140/140 CMD 20 Melee +13;Perc+16;Heal+9 2d8+2  d8=6 ;
Friday December 30th, 2022 10:13:23 AM

Happy New Years everyone! Starting the level update so rolling for new HP!

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