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A Chance to End It All. Co-DM SteveK 
Thursday November 24th, 2022 4:12:17 AM

Danko wants to ‘pass’ on the opportunity.

Nira makes sure everyone is clear that they are going to trust this information is good.

Ramirez and Gaffer think they have to take the chance.

Hmerrin and Desdichado wonder if they can even get to Golden Eyes in an hour. They put their heads together and figure if the Den Entrance is keyed in on Plateau City, they would be able to get to the Great Library from anywhere in the city if they hustle. After all, the Great Library was just across the Square from Bill Factor’s Warehouse which was near center of the city.

Know Local DC15 Highlight to display spoiler: {Contacting a Librarian at the entrance, the heroes can hire a Guide for 50gp to take them to any location in the Library and will help research too!}

Know Geography DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: { The WLA and Catacombs are about 15 minutes hustle from the Library. There is no telling how long the wait would be for a clerk and transaction…}

Nira’s Arcane Sight can see all the Boar-headed rakshasa’s weapons are magical, and a ring worn by Okaprl. There is a pile of very rare gems the party can quickly stuff in pockets, too.

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 29/15/25 -- CMD 23 -- HP 122+29/122 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis 
Thursday November 24th, 2022 5:55:56 PM

"Once we're at the library I think we can hire a guide for 50gp to take us to the room. That will be quicker than searching for it ourselves." Nira lets the group know "And the Catacombs is only about 15mins away fromt he library."

"How about this.. We spend the next minute grabbing everything we can. We then hustle for the rip and make a quick stop via the Catacombs. Getting some scrolls will help those of us running low on spells. We then make for the library, pay 50gp to the guide and get them to take us to the room"

She waits to hear feedback on the idea while grabbing Okaprl's ring. Nira also points out the magic weapons.

Knowl Local vs DC15: Autopass
Knowl Geography vs DC15: Autopass

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC32/20/25 HP 122/122 CMD32 
Thursday November 24th, 2022 7:13:28 PM

Ramirez nods in agreement at Nira's plan. With the team on the clock, he gathers up some valuables and waits for everyone to get ready to go.

Active Effects:
good hope- duration 16min, Each affected creature gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
inspire courage - currently inactive

bard music: 21/37 rounds remaining
5/6 2nd level remaining
3/6 3rd level remaining
2/4 4th level remaining
2/3 5th level remaining

combat reminders- 24/24(haste)/19/14, (+1 haste, +2 good hope, +3 inspire)
damage- 1d8+8, +2d6 holy, (+2 good hope, +3 inspire, +4 arcane strike)

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP:169/198; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 34]  
Thursday November 24th, 2022 7:13:35 PM

"My head tells me to agree with Danko and not fall into a potential trap."

"But my conscience says we should take this opportuity. I remember some of the paladins from Red Hills used to say 'Who Dares Wins'. So, yeah, let's take a quick look around and then see what we can do."

"For what it's worth, I think the Maharaja will honor the agreement set out in the document and cease all current activities in the Wold. Doesn't mean they won't start up new ones, though."

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 24( 28 shield) -- CMD 36 -- HP 119/119 
Thursday November 24th, 2022 9:01:38 PM

" I still think this is a bad idea. Facing something of this level of power without being at full strength is suicide. Not that anyone lives forever. "

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 181/181 AC: 35(T:17/FF:32) CMD:40)  d20+27=47 ;
Thursday November 24th, 2022 10:17:51 PM

Nira lays out a solid plan, all that's left is to follow it. Gaffer picks a direction they haven't explored yet and runs off to look for a minute.

"We've seen how much suffering they cause, I don't think we can pass up an opportunity to stop them, even if it is suicide. Besides, why do we have all this gold if not to spend it." Gaffer plans what he will buy for the fight as he looks around.

Perception: 47
Barkskin: +5 AC, 5 hours
Wildshape: Large Earth Elemental

A Chance to End It All. Co-DM SteveK 
Friday November 25th, 2022 6:53:36 AM

Four of six heroes agree to Nira’s plan and make a dash around the very large Den as Nira takes Okaprl’s ring.

In a minute, that all gather at the ‘Rip’ with loot: what loot highly depends on what each hero looks for and how they are going to carry it while still being able to move…

There are chests of coins, and gems, and scrolls, and spices. There are barrels filled with Gnomish, and china, and cutlery. There are bars of ebony, ivory, rare wood, mithril, and adamantite. There are bolts of silk, rolls of carpeting, and folded tapestries. There are piles of statues, candelabra, and Knick-knacks of all shapes…

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 155/192 AC:32 T:20 FF:26 CMD:40)   d20+2=14 ; 2d8+3=13 ; d8=2 ; d8=1 ; d8=4 ; d8=1 ; d8=4 ;
Friday November 25th, 2022 12:11:53 PM

"I love this plan!" Hmerrin responds enthusiastically. "I'm excited to be part of it. Let's do it."

The fighter steps up to the most expensive looking gems he can find and scoops them into his haversack.
[Appraise 14]

As they trot along, he grabs and downs two healing potions.
CMW and CSW - total 28 hp healed

He also offers up Oil of Bless Weapon to anyone who wants one.
"I got three. Might help with arrows if that all you got."

"And I got a Water Elemental gem if someone wants to throw it."

"Dez, I don't suppose you got one more of them auras in you....."

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP:169/198; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 34]   d20+6=23 ;
Friday November 25th, 2022 5:55:12 PM

"Not the one you're thinking, of, unfortunately," replies Desdichado. "And minimal healing as well. If anyone with a pericing weapon sticks close to me though, I can help you overcome the rakshasa natural defenses against weapons."

"Do we have a strategy here other than out typical 'hit or fry them hntil dead'? Seems like they've all been vriefed on our past fights."

(Appraise: 23) He helps the group quickky pick iut what seems to be the most valuable small objects they can fit in their packs . " Unless you've got extra storage I recommend sticking to the coins, gems, and scrolls."

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC32/20/25 HP 122/122 CMD32  d20+15=23 ;
Friday November 25th, 2022 6:28:29 PM

I have a haversack. If anyone has a bag of holding, we can scoop up whatever we can grab quickly. Ramirez is mostly looking for quick use items like wands for Danko to use. (perception 23)

Active Effects:
good hope- duration 16min, Each affected creature gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
inspire courage - currently inactive

bard music: 21/37 rounds remaining
5/6 2nd level remaining
3/6 3rd level remaining
2/4 4th level remaining
2/3 5th level remaining

combat reminders- 24/24(haste)/19/14, (+1 haste, +2 good hope, +3 inspire)
damage- 1d8+8, +2d6 holy, (+2 good hope, +3 inspire, +4 arcane strike)

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 29/15/25 -- CMD 23 -- HP 122+29/122 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis  d20+14=16 ;
Friday November 25th, 2022 6:32:50 PM

Nira is in too much of a rush to really identify the good stuff but does use her arcane sight to prioritise anything magical. She hastily stuffs whatever she can into her Handy Haversack,.

OOC: Hehe. Ghostbusters reference by Mike

Appraise check: 16

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 181/181 AC: 35(T:17/FF:32) CMD:40) 
Friday November 25th, 2022 11:27:38 PM

Gaffer focuses on scrolls and gems, pushing as many as he can to fill his own bags before joining the filling of any open Haversacks.

"I've got one large area spell that's best against undead, a polymorph and a mix of summoning spells. Don't think I'll add much on the tactics front." Gaffer talks while he works. "Though if we can hit the catacombs, I can get scrolls for a few higher level spells again."

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 24( 28 shield) -- CMD 36 -- HP 119/119 
Saturday November 26th, 2022 5:01:06 PM

" No bag of holding... but I do have an efficient quiver.... "

Danko starts loading up his pockets and whatever else he can fill with loot.

" We're really going to do this are we.... well, I didn't want to live forever anyway... "

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