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Walking to Merchants Quarter. Co-DM SteveK 
Wednesday September 14th, 2022 5:28:00 AM

Desdichado thinks some discrete asking to locate the warehouse, and then be ready to "kick down the door".

Ramirez will join Des in asking around. It wouldn't hurt to have some extra info.

Hmerrin points out that since they're already expecting The Tide, there's no reason to hurry. He wants to at least walk around the building once and see which door we like."

Gaffer acknowledges he had a hasty thought and agrees with the plan. He shapeshifts into an alley cat to watch the group’s back.

Nira agrees with the 'let's start softly' approach. As they walk about, she learns a few things about the city.

Danko sighs. He can do nearly anything, ticking what he *could* do on his fingers. Yet with the others working their approach, he doesn’t actually *do* any of them. He’s ready to use his Brahmah’s Tattoo if going into a building, but otherwise stands back and waits.
(ooc: as DM in the Wold, I can’t make a PC do something :-)


An initial plan set with room for flexibility (depending on what they find), The Tide makes for the Merchant’s Quarter. Starting at Gargul’s Skull Temple in Nightmare Quarter, they reverse their walk the previous day and take Skull Street to Rogue Quarter and the Temple of Wardd. Then they deviate, taking Riverside Road to get to Trade Quarter and the Open Palm Market where the Temple of Flower sits prominently in one corner. While on the banks of the Endless River, the team can notice there are more Quarters yet unnamed on the opposite banks. One of those Quarters has several prominent pyramids and buildings of even stranger design, which Nira learns is Foreign Quarter.

There is also a lot of river traffic! Nira finds out, besides many cargo rafts, there is a water taxi company: Leipa Landlubber. Simply call or wave for cheap, safe transportation to anywhere that touches the river. Leipa also has private taxi-barges and romantic “couples' tours” to Moonlight Island and Endless Falls.

Continuing on Riverside Road, the heroes skirt the edge of Guild Quarter and then come to their destination, Merchants Quarter. Turning to the right and away from the Endless River, march onto the road called Arrow’s Shot, which is a quick walk to Merchant’s Square.

Merchant Square is very organized with vendors, but not as large as Open Palm Market. The skyline here is dominated by the Constabulary Castle, the University of Magic, and the Royal Library.

Nira learns the Royal Library is huge and contains portals to additional wings in pocket portions of the Shadowlands. To use the Library, simply enter and speak to a librarian. Researchers as well as Scribes and Guides are available for a price. She also finds that the High Lord Mayor’s Castle, where High Lord Sturevant lives and where the actual government of New Elenna works, is in the northern portion of the quarter on Cutlass Street.

Gaffer doesn’t notice anyone trailing the team. He does, however, get a sense of ‘déjà vu’ when he enters Merchants Square. The angle is wrong, but he can see that to the west, the view of the rooftops and the magnificent Cathedral of Light are very similar to his vision in the crystal ball in Karri!

Diplomacy in Merchants Square. Co-DM SteveK 
Wednesday September 14th, 2022 5:29:20 AM

Desdichado and Remirez use their diplomacy to good effect: starting conversations, gaining trust, and discreetly including questions about being able to find Bill Factor for a potential future business deal. The D&R team are skilled and practiced to put people at ease, and it isn’t long before they are rewarded. Bill Factor usually can be found at his warehouse, and it is right over there on the corner of Merchant’s Square and Fouchard’s Run. What’s more (excellent diplomacy!), Desdichado sweet-talks what Bill looks like: a thin, balding, middle-aged human who huffs and puffs by climbing a flight of stairs.

Bill Factor’s Warehouse looks like a sturdy half-timbered building four stories tall with a pitched tile roof. The ground floor has a wooden double door large enough for a wagon to drive through, with a smaller door-within-a-door for persons. The second floor has windows that are large enough to be the standard living quarters with grills to prevent burglary. The top two floors have smaller windows with grills, obviously just enough to let light in.

The heroes have the initiative.

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 164/192 AC:32 T:20 FF:26 CMD:40)   d20+18=21 ;
Wednesday September 14th, 2022 3:34:03 PM

"I'm gonna take a walk," Hmerrin states, thrusting a chin toward the warehouse.

He circles around the exterior of the warehouse, looking to see if there are other windows and doors on the side or back of the building.
[Perception 21]

Once complete with his circuit, he'll accompany (or catch up with) anyone who has entered the place looking for Bill.

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Wednesday September 14th, 2022 3:49:43 PM

Would anyone like to go look into some of the upper floor windows?

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP:198/198; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 34]  
Wednesday September 14th, 2022 4:26:56 PM

Desdichado sees the small, barred upper windows and sighs. "We're going to have to make our way up there to fight these things, aren't we?"

After the group looks around the building for additional entrances he asks whether they want to try knocking or just head in unannounced. He's ready for either

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 24 -- CMD 36 -- HP 1190/119  d20+19=27 ; d20+18=37 ;
Wednesday September 14th, 2022 6:03:30 PM

At Ramirez's question, Danko looks up.

" I can handle that. Stay frosty my friends. "

Danko looks for a dark and isolated corner and then starts casting...

His Brahmah tatoo glows, another spell is cast with no observable effects and with a third spell, Danko fades out of existance.

An invisible Danko flies to the second floor, makes a check for traps and looks in.

(ooc> Yep, lots of actions. Three spells, one move and two perception checks. )

Protection from evil
Fly 13 minutes
Greater Invisibility 13 rounds

Perception check for traps - 27
Looking in the window - perception check 37

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 149/149 AC: 32(T:18/FF:27) CMD:35) 
Wednesday September 14th, 2022 8:13:40 PM

Grasping on to his sense of deja vu, and knowing he has a moment while Danko investigates, Gaffer meanders between buildings for a minute, trying to align the angle of his own surroundings with the view he remembers.

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 29/15/25 -- CMD 23 -- HP 115/122 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis 
Wednesday September 14th, 2022 10:24:39 PM

Nira tries to find an inconspicuous place to stand near the front while the rest of the group does some scouting.

When Gaffer starts to go off for a walk, she joins him. She's not quite sure what to look for, but trusts that he does.

Perception: 34 (Take10)

Checking out Bill Factor’s Warehouse. Co-DM SteveK 
Thursday September 15th, 2022 11:42:57 AM

(ooc: no worries about multiple actions; we are not in combat rounds. DM will manage the time to ensure everyone is on the same timeline before any shooting starts. :-)

Hmerrin circles the warehouse. He finds the warehouse shares walls with four other buildings in this heavy urban environment. He can see the front wall and four stories, and he can find that there is a back corner on Merchant Street with a small door. But that is it.

Ramirez suggests a look into the upper floors. Danko complies, casting three spells to invisibly fly up to the second floor windows. After a visual inspection, he can’t see any hidden traps at this window, and looks in. Gingham curtains are wide, and inside looks like a children’s bedroom. Two beds, a couple pewter thundermugs, two chests, a night table with a pewter basin and pitcher all look solid and efficient, but not expensive. Gingham linens, a rag-scrap rug, and half a dozen toys all look hand-made and done in a basic style. There is a door in the far wall and the room is empty.

Desdichado is ready to try knocking or just head in unannounced.

Gaffer meanders with Nira, trying to align his déjà vu and the vision. After a minute or so, he’s pretty sure he won’t be able to pinpoint where the ‘conversation’ had taken place just by working his memory. However, he does think that it would be somewhere very close to Merchant’s Square, but higher up: he remembers seeing more roofs, less walls.

The party has the initiative

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP:198/198; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 34]   d20+28=35 ;
Thursday September 15th, 2022 1:01:58 PM

At Danko's description of the room, and Gaffer's intuition that this probably isn't exactly what was seen in the crystal ball, Desdichado suddenly becomes much more cautious in his approach.

"If there are kids in there, I don't want to risk a fight. Let's try knocking and asking Bill Factor nicely about who he's renting his warehouse out to. Maybe he'll know something, maybe he won't."

(OOC: If others have other plans before talking, I'm all for it.)


Desdichado tries to be his friendliest towards Bill Factor and put him at ease.

"Hello Master Factor, my name is Desdichado. We wanted to ask you some questions about the people you're renting your warehouse to - Guild Company Limited. We've had some encounters with their members down south. Apparently the Mining Guild has found some irregularities with them as well."

"Anything you could tell us about them would be helpful. To be clear: they are a dangerous group, I'm sure you've had no idea because they hide their activities well. For your safety, though, we want to investigate them here."

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32  d20+15=35 ;
Thursday September 15th, 2022 5:43:14 PM

Ramirez supports Desdichado's move. He waits with him at the door. Des laid it all out so he adds nothing extra and just observes when the door is answered.

perception = 35(nat 20)

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 164/192 AC:32 T:20 FF:26 CMD:40)   d20+3=23 ;
Thursday September 15th, 2022 7:03:05 PM

Seeing the door in back, Hmerrin tries the handle for giggles.
He has no intention of going inside, but is curious if the door is open.

Working his way back to the front, he lets the team know what he's found.

Dez's plan makes sense, and Hmerrin tags along with the paladin to see what Bill has to say.
[Sense Motive on Bill: 23]

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 24 -- CMD 36 -- HP 1190/119  d20+18=36 ;
Thursday September 15th, 2022 8:47:15 PM

Danko takes a sniper position and watches over Des.

{ Send- I've got the high grounds and covering your backs - end }

Protection from evil
Fly 13 minutes
Greater Invisibility 13 rounds

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 29/15/25 -- CMD 23 -- HP 115/122 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis 
Thursday September 15th, 2022 10:50:04 PM

Nira stands 10ft or so to the side of the warehouse door. Not hiding or pressing herself against it mind you. Just standing idly out of the way from the door. She doesn't want to startle whoever opens it. A well armed group is no doubt quite intimidating, so no use overwhelming them with numbers.

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 149/149 AC: 32(T:18/FF:27) CMD:35) 
Friday September 16th, 2022 4:52:45 AM

Gaffer keeps some distance from the gathering Tide, finding a spot across the street to perch and watch what happens. If they all head inside the building, he'll run over to join them inside.

Bill Factor. Co-DM SteveK 
Friday September 16th, 2022 5:59:17 AM

Hmerrin tries the handle for giggles. As halfway expected, it is barred from the inside.


Gathering back near the front of the warehouse, The Tide make their preparations.

Danko takes a sniper position and watches over Des. Across Fouchard’s Run from the warehouse is the University of Magic, which is encircled by a 5’ thick and 15’ high, stone wall. It is the perfect vantage point to see into the doors (albeit at a downward angle), and up and down the street. While sitting there, Danko’s Greater Invisibility wears off (it has now been 20 rounds, i.e. 2 minutes since casting)
(Danko should make a Perception check for what he can see up and down the street, and a Stealth check to avoid being seen on the wall)

Nira idly stands 10ft or so to the side of the warehouse door.

Gaffer is a small cat in the street.

Desdichado, Ramirez, and Hmerrin go up to the front door, and the paladin knocks. Soon, vague sounds come through the door along with a muffled ”Just a minute, Master William!” (For the three standing near the door only, Perception DC15 Highlight to display spoiler: { The vague sounds are a startled ‘oh!’, the scraping of a wooden stool against a stone floor, and a quick step accompanied by wheezing breath up to the door.} ) Opening the door is a human that matches the description of Bill Factor.

The three at the door only can see that behind Bill is a large, empty room with occasional lines of wooden support beams. To the right there is a countertop with stools in front and a set of cubbies behind it. Dimly seen on the far side is a small, barred door. Desdichado tries to be his friendliest towards Bill Factor and put him at ease. The man blinks and leans out to look to the left and right in the street. “Um, OK, please come in and we can talk. I am expecting another business soon, so I will apologize in advance if I stop our talk short.”

Bill lets in any of the team who want to come inside, and waves a hand at a dozen stools against the wall near a countertop. He listens to the paladin, worry lines getting deeper and deeper. ”I confess I have no idea of anyone who is a part of “Guild Company Limited”, I have never met anyone. As goods come in, I ensure the waggoneers pile the goods inside a specified circle in the middle of the warehouse. I lock up, and the next morning, all goods are gone and my payment is on the counter.”

Hmerrin has a hunch Bill is telling the truth.

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP:198/198; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 34]   d20+28=39 ;
Friday September 16th, 2022 3:58:41 PM

(Diplomacy: 39)

"I believe you," says Desdichado. "I think they try to keep their identities hidden. I don't want to keep you from your other business, so I have just a few more questions:

"What kinds of goods are being exchanged?
Can you show us the circle? Is this circle magic?
Do those picking up have a key to the warehouse? How do they get in?"

"Just one more thing. I know this is a very big request, but when the next pick-up is scheduled, could we wait in the warehouse? If so, I'd recommend taking your family somewhere else for the evening if you can. We'd make sure no harm comes to your warehouse," and giving a quick glance in Danko's direction adds, "or compensate you more than fairly if it does."

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32  d20+15=24 ;
Friday September 16th, 2022 7:27:02 PM

Ramirez accepts Bill's invitation to enter. He nods agreement with Desdichado. I agree we need to examine this circle. Bill, we have a few more friends who will be arriving shortly. These people who have rented your warehouse may be aligned with the Rakshasa that you have no doubt heard about. I hope you understand that we want to put a stop to their plans.

I wonder if we can hide here and wait till this next delivery comes and then they leave. We may be able to find out some more about the operation.

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 149/149 AC: 32(T:18/FF:27) CMD:35) 
Friday September 16th, 2022 8:34:26 PM

Gaffer runs to get into the house along with the others who seem to have a good handle on the conversation. He listens quietly as it seems like a plan is unfolding.

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 29/15/25 -- CMD 23 -- HP 115/122 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis 
Saturday September 17th, 2022 1:26:08 AM

As the others enter the building, Nira follows. Des has the questions covered so she just tries to stand back and appear non-threatening. It's actually hard for her to appear threatening, so this is kind of the norm for her.

She stays alert for any trouble though.

Perception: 34 (Take10)

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 164/192 AC:32 T:20 FF:26 CMD:40)   d20+18=38 ;
Saturday September 17th, 2022 11:33:55 AM

Perception 38

Hmerrin has nothing to add, and decides to just continue with the strong silent type routine.

Offered a stool, he tries to figure out which one was moved, and sits there.
As Dez continues speaking, he casually looks around his perch for anything that might have been tucked away somewhere.

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 24 -- CMD 36 -- HP 1190/119  d20+18=33 ; d20+6=26 ;
Sunday September 18th, 2022 5:00:07 PM

Danko keeps and eye out up and down the street
and is stealthy and stealthy can be


Perception 33
Stealth nat 20 26

A Warehouse Mystery. Co-DM SteveK 
Sunday September 18th, 2022 5:07:48 PM

The Tide seems to let Desdichado kept the lead in the discussion, and the paladin gets answers.

What kind of goods? They are always in boxes, crates and barrels, Bill doesn’t know.

No one has a key except Bill, so he doesn’t know how the goods leave his warehouse.

Bill shows the group the circle, it is a shallow , stone groove chiseled into the warehouse floor. Pacing it off, the Tide determines it is 20 feet across. Nira sees no lingering aura.

Bill doesn’t schedule pick-ups, but he coordinates drop-offs, and the next one is due this morning. In fact….

(Danko can report via telepathy that a caravan of three wagons has entered Fouchards Run, and stopped at Bill Factor’s Warehouse. The caravan master is the gnome who gave the magic carpet to the heroes for saving Young Wil from the Tunche!)

There is another knock at the door….

Bill looks to see what the heroes do.

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 164/192 AC:32 T:20 FF:26 CMD:40)  
Monday September 19th, 2022 5:28:21 PM

Hmerrin relays what Bill told them.
"Teleport circle or something?" he shoots out to Nira and Gaffer.

Danko gives them the low down on the incoming wagons, and Hmerrin smiles at Bill when he hears the knock on the door.

"It's OK, you can get it."

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 149/149 AC: 32(T:18/FF:27) CMD:35) 
Monday September 19th, 2022 6:24:57 PM

Gaffer is padding in a circle on the floor, the stone is cold and he can't find a comfortable place to sit, but his head snaps up as the knock rings out. He tilts his head to the side, intrested to see how this plays out. If the caravan group don't know who they are working for, they shouldn't be concerned by the Tides presence.

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP:198/198; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 34]  
Monday September 19th, 2022 7:19:41 PM

"The people coming in are the next dropoff for Guild Company Limited?"asks Desdichado. "Well, this should be interesting."

He waits with the others as the group comes in. "Hmm..," he thinks to himself, "I wonder if the caravan master is a member of the Gemsmith clan."

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 24 -- CMD 36 -- HP 1190/119  d20+18=32 ; d20+6=10 ;
Monday September 19th, 2022 8:29:05 PM

Danko keeps watching and relaying


Perception 32
Stealth 10 ( plus any bonuses for being up high)

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 29/15/25 -- CMD 23 -- HP 115/122 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis 
Monday September 19th, 2022 9:37:25 PM

Nira shares the same thinking as Hmerrin and telepathically discusses it with the group. "Teleportation circle would make sense, but I don't detect any magical auras so not a permanent thing. Could be they only cast it when needed. Who's the caster though?"

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Monday September 19th, 2022 11:11:14 PM

Ok, are we hiding or talking to them? I could cast a minor illusion which might conceal us.

A Warehouse Meeting. Co-DM SteveK  d20=7 ; d20=17 ; d20=11 ;
Tuesday September 20th, 2022 1:23:19 AM

Danko keeps his place and his telepathic reporting to the group. Most people normally don’t look up, but in a crowded city, Mr Shinanigans knows several folks have spotted him. They just haven’t said anything. Yet.

Inside the warehouse, most of the others want this to play out. Bill opens the door and then opens both large doors. In comes William, the caravan master. He spies the heroes and breaks into a wide smile. ”Our rescuers!”. William comes and takes a stool with the heroes. Hero-worshipping Young Wil hangs out around the Tide until he spies Gaffer, and then exclaims ”Kitty!” and tries to pet the cat to make it purr.

With William giving the story and The Tide’s bona fides, Bill is more than happy to agree to the heroes’ plan. The wife has a sister on Second Plateau that’s been wanting a visit. So after the goods are piled into the circle, Bill plans a visit, and William takes his payment
And goes to laagar the wagons outside the city.

The heroes are left alone with the piled goods in the circle in Bill Factor’s Warehouse.

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP:198/198; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 34]   d20+22=26 ;
Tuesday September 20th, 2022 1:33:55 PM

Desdichado greets William and Young Wil warmly with a big hello. To Young Wil he says, "I think I have something for you in my pack..let's see - here you go," as he pulls out a couple of sticks of halfling rock sugar for the boy.

As Bill leaves, Desdichado decides to take a closer look at the goods (Perception: 26).

"Now I guess all there is left to do is wait. Would it be an incredibly stupid idea to wait inside the circle?" he wonders.

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 164/192 AC:32 T:20 FF:26 CMD:40)   d20+18=37 ;
Tuesday September 20th, 2022 2:53:46 PM

"I was thinking we pretty much have to," Hmerrin answers seriously.
The fighter also pokes around at the goods [Perception 37]

"My guess is no one even shows up. They've figured out a way to scoop anything sitting in this exact spot. If we're not also sitting here, we'll just see boxes one second, and air the next, and that'll be that."

"Course, we could get dumped out anywhere. So, I'm open to suggestions."

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 24 -- CMD 36 -- HP 1190/119  d20+18=35 ; d4=4 ; d20+6=25 ;
Tuesday September 20th, 2022 4:20:47 PM

Danko maintains his position and tries to hide a little more and see a lot more.

Perception 35
Finger slip, 4
Stealth 25

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 149/149 AC: 32(T:18/FF:27) CMD:35) 
Tuesday September 20th, 2022 4:32:14 PM

Gaffer has no problem being indulging the boy and "Is there a way we could leave something extra in the circle to see what's on the other side, or help us track it down?" Gaffer looks mainly to Nira to see if her magic might offer something here. "Otherwise, I vote we all climb in."

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 149/149 AC: 32(T:18/FF:27) CMD:35) 
Tuesday September 20th, 2022 4:33:55 PM

[OOC: Accidentally submitted while editing. Just meant to add that he wildshapes back to his human form after everyone else has left.]

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Tuesday September 20th, 2022 5:14:06 PM

Well, I guess they teleport it out. So if we sit in the circle, we can go along for the ride.

Considerations. Co-DM SteveK 
Wednesday September 21st, 2022 4:09:46 AM

Desdichado greets William and Young Wil warmly and gives the kid a sweet. Gaffer indulges the boy as a cat, and waits until everyone is gone before becoming human again.

A closer look at the goods is what Bill says: crates and casks of various sizes and weights that are nailed and sealed to detect tampering. Some slosh, some clink, some rattle, and some are pretty silent. None have a discernable smell. Unless the team has magical means to look inside without opening, they will have to decide to break seals to learn more.

Desdichado wonders how stupid would it be to wait inside the circle? Hmerrin thinks that is the only way to track where the goods go. Gaffer doesn’t like walking into what to him is an obvious magic, and hopes Nira has a solution. Ramirez thinks the ride is the only way.

Danko stays on the wall and tries to hide, but that is difficult because he had already been spotted. Ten minutes on the wall, the caravaneers are still unloading wagons, and six constables walk up Fouchards Run towards Constable Castle. “Oy, ay there! We try and keep people casing joints around here. C’mon down.” If still there an hour later, the caravan and Bill and family are gone, and a professor from Magic University comes by to chase off Danko. Near the same time, Danko knows by telepathy that the rest of team is going to be sitting on the piled goods and expect to be teleported somewhere else at any moment. It looks like the magical rogue has a choice to join the team or be in real danger of being separated from the party…

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 29/15/25 -- CMD 23 -- HP 115/122 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis 
Wednesday September 21st, 2022 8:26:24 AM

Nira has the same idea as Gaffer.

"The problem is that we don't know where it would take us or what would be on the other side. What we could do is look for a small animal of some kind. A mouse or something smaller like a bug of some kind. I take a clipping of fur or scale from it and then we leave the animal in the circle. Once it teleports away I cast a scrying spell on it. If the spell works it would give us some detail about where it's gone and let me see and hear what's waiting on the other side. They might not even notice or care about a bug appearing. It also means we could potentially teleport at a time convenient to us and perhaps catch the other side unaware."

She waits to hear suggestions or feedback from the others.

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP:198/198; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 34]  
Wednesday September 21st, 2022 1:50:37 PM

"A mouse you say?" says Desidchado archly, looking towards Hmerrin. "That might just work. I am worried about the possibility of losing a chance to find them until the next drop-off, though. We've already pushed the boundaries of hospitality on Bill, and if there are two incidents, they may come for him."

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 164/192 AC:32 T:20 FF:26 CMD:40)  
Wednesday September 21st, 2022 2:56:32 PM

Hmerrin grins. "A mouse you say."

The fighter reaches into his haversack and brings out a small matchbox.
Inside is a small mouse.
"Meet Mr Jingles. Very special mouse. Couldn't get rid of him if I tried."

To Dez - "I really like the idea of not having to leap into a teleport circle without knowing what happens to the contents therein. If Nira can't scry it, we can go sightseeing while we wait for the next pickup."

He passes the mouse to Nira, then deposits it as far into the pile of crates as he can.

Then, he backs up and waits.


Yule present 12/7/2017 - A mouse named "Mr Jingles" that lives in a small match box. Doesn't matter how many times the mouse might be killed, it reappears alive in the box the next day.

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Wednesday September 21st, 2022 7:40:46 PM

It could work. We just have to hope they don't have anything blocking scrying magic.

Ramirez goes outside to get Danko, since everyone else is working on a plan together.

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 24 -- CMD 36 -- HP 1190/119 
Wednesday September 21st, 2022 7:58:10 PM

“Fine Fine !”
Danko yells down before joining the rest of the group.

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 149/149 AC: 32(T:18/FF:27) CMD:35) 
Wednesday September 21st, 2022 8:48:35 PM

Gaffer smiles as Hmerrin pulls out his pet mouse. "Seeing as they are likely expecting us, the mouse gets my vote. Or set fire to the crates and see if smoke appears in the city." Remembering their own difficulties with putting out fires.

Gaffer chuckles while looking at the mouse. "I'm quite curious what Mr Jingles thinks of plans like these."

Goodbye Mr Jingles Co-DM SteveK 
Thursday September 22nd, 2022 5:09:12 AM

Danko gives a little city-talk back yells down before joining the rest of the group. He meets Ramirez who was just coming out to get the magical rogue.

Inside, the team deposits Mr. Jingles in and among the boxes after ensuring NIra has a long time to get familiar with the wee beestie. And then they wait. And wait. And wait.

It is night, heroes with even rudimentary survival skills know it is an hour before midnight. The street sounds have reduced, the occasional constable call. There is little night-life in the Merchant’s Quarter and so close to Constable Castle. Only shadows can be vaguely seen in the warehouse. And then, the circle glows, and the goods fall through the floor!

Know Arcana DC24 Highlight to display spoiler: { It is a conjuration spell. }
Know Arcana or Spellcraft DC29 Highlight to display spoiler: { The spell is a Gate: connecting the Wold with another plane! }

A medium-sized shadow emerges from the floor where the goods used to be, and pads towards Bill’s counter, dropping a bag with a *clink*. The 20’ diameter hole still appears open.

Darkvision or similar means Highlight to display spoiler: { It is a tiger-headed rakshasa! }


No map. Please post where/how your PC is watching and/or hiding

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 164/192 AC:32 T:20 FF:26 CMD:40)   d20+25=30 ; d10+10=11 ; 2d6=7 ;
Thursday September 22nd, 2022 7:00:14 PM

[Darkvision from ioun stone]

Hmerrin was expecting the goods to just vanish, not a hole and company. Therefore, he's sitting on one of the stools when a rakshasa emerges from the still existing hole.

The fighter spits a curse as his entire Wait And See plan goes poof.

He launches himself at the rakshsa, halberd in hand.
"We gotta get in that hole!" he sends as he attacks. "They're tipped off and we won't get another chance. Nira, how long will whatever it is remain open?"

Move to raka while drawing halberd.
Attack hits ac 30 for 18 with holy piercing wpn

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP:198/198; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 34]   d20+24=26 ;
Thursday September 22nd, 2022 7:25:08 PM

Desdichado, not being stealthy, had stood along a far wall while waiting. The Stone of the Forge Lord allows him to see the rakshasa, and he is shocked into action by Hmerrin's yell.

Draw morningstar and move to rakshasa
26 vs AC (miss?)

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 149/149 AC: 32(T:18/FF:27) CMD:35)  d20+20=21 ; 3d6=11 ;
Thursday September 22nd, 2022 7:45:52 PM

Gaffer had been pacing restlessly when the goods vanish, and shares in on the surprise as a hole appears on the floor, and even more so when the Rakshasa appears.

He moves quickly to get a clear line within 30 feet of the Rakshasa and a roiling mass of flames appear in his hands before he pushes it forward.

Cast: Empowered Flaming Sphere, SR Check: Nat 1 / 21, Damage: 16

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Thursday September 22nd, 2022 8:27:32 PM

Well there goes the neighborhood. Ramirez casts a dancing lights in the room, so everyone can see the rakshasa without special vision.

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 29/15/25 -- CMD 23 -- HP 115/122 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis  d20+12=24 ; d4=3 ;
Thursday September 22nd, 2022 9:54:28 PM

Nira hadn't been expecting company, so as soon as she starts to see a figure start to appear she dives behind a table.

She communicates entirely telepathically so as not to let the rak know what she knows. "Ok, we got a problem. Actually, we have a few problems." she stays low "That's not a teleportation spell. That's a gate spell. That means the transportation is to another plane and not somewhere we can teleport. It's also a spell stronger than any of us can cast. That means whoever cast it is likely extremely powerful. It's also a window which means if there's someone on the other side right now they can see out of it, so don't get too close. We don't want them to see us and close it. Lastly, the gate can stay open for up to around 3 minutes, but it might not stay open that long if this guy doesn't report back. We have to make this quick"

Nira doesn't like making hasty moves but offers some advice to the group. "If he dives through, there's still a spell we could use to track him down but it would be a gamble".

She points her finger at the rak and sends a blast of negative energy towards it.

Knowl Arcana vs DC24: Autopass
Spellcraft vs DC29: Autopass

Standard: Defensively cast Enervation. Concentration check autopass. Hit TouchAC24. If hit, Rak takes 3 negative levels

Rakshasa! Co-DM SteveK 
Friday September 23rd, 2022 9:05:21 AM

Hmerrin is sitting on a when a rakshasa emerges from the still existing hole! Plan A in shambles, he launches himself at the enemy, scoring with his halberd.

Desdichado waited against a far wall. His Stone of the Forge Lord helps his sight, and he charges next to the rakshasa with his Morningstar. He hits!

Gaffer paced restlessly when the goods vanish, and joins in the instant reaction. The rakshasa is hit by a flaming sphere!

Ramirez casts a dancing lights in the room, so everyone can see the rakshasa without special vision.

Nira dives behind a table. Telepathically, she gives the low-down on the spell: it’s a Gate! A blast of negative energy strikes the rakshasa affecting the creature badly.

The Rakshasa roars in surprise and pain, and instinctively drops the bag, turns, and dives back into the Gate. Shouting ”Close it, closeitcloseitclo…”, it disappears into whatever plane it came from.
(Withdraw move, only Hmerrin has a Reach Weapon to get an AOO.

If the rakshasa were hoping subterfuge would serve them and so not prepared for an assault, the Tide’s chance is very nearly out the window… unless desperate times call for… well, you know.


Rakshasa AC25 SR19 HP 34 +3 Negative Levels (33hp)

No map

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP:198/198; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 34]  
Friday September 23rd, 2022 4:21:36 PM

Desdichado mentally calls out, "I'm going for it. If we don't take this chance, they'll just fortify themselves even more. And they'll kill Bill Factor for helping us."

He runs toward the Gate.

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Friday September 23rd, 2022 6:54:31 PM

We surprised them, and maybe the ones on the other side as well.

Ramirez isn't going to let Des go alone, and follows him through the gate.

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 24 -- CMD 36 -- HP 1190/119 
Friday September 23rd, 2022 7:52:50 PM

Danko 'Sighs deeply.

" Sometimes I really, really, REALLY dislike paladins! "

and runs after Des and Ramizez, following them through the gate.

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 29/15/25 -- CMD 23 -- HP 115/122 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis 
Friday September 23rd, 2022 9:28:24 PM

Had the raks been on this plane the group might have had an easier time tracking them. Locating them on another plane would be all the much trickier, and they'd lose what element of surprise they have left. Time to go.

Nira flies to the portal and lowers herself into it. She doesn't want to end up on a pile.

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 149/149 AC: 32(T:18/FF:27) CMD:35) 
Saturday September 24th, 2022 7:28:07 PM

Gaffer looks over at Hmerrin as they are the only two left. "I suppose it would be poor taste to head back now and keep the temple to ourselves?" He chuckles at his own comment as he steps into the hole.

Whoa, Not Rakshasa! Co-DM SteveK  d20+27=43 d20+27=38 2d6(1+2)+14=17 2d6(3+4)+14=21 3d6(5+2+3)=10 3d6(3+2+4)=9
Monday September 26th, 2022 8:43:13 AM

The wounded Rakshasa spins and jumps into the Gate. Without hesitation, (and only a minor remark about the selflessness of paladins!), the heroes all jump into the Gate too!

The heroes arrive in a large, dark room with a pile of boxes and crates. They note the Gate, while on the floor of Bill Factor's Warehouse, is on the wall in the dark room. So the goods fell from the warehouse and piled onto the floor near the Gate. As the heroes jump through, they might become disoriented and sprawl on the ground, except for the flying Nira.
(Acrobatics DC 15 or be prone.)

The pile of boxes and barrels rests near a rocky boulder that blocks the sight of anything behind it. The wounded rakshasa is scrambling around it and still talking. "Close the Gate! Kill all non-rakshasa!", it babbles while moving away from The Tide.

But wait. It 'should be a boulder, if not for the feathery wings that mantle as the skeletal creature stands, strange gasses clinging to its nightmarish form! And it speaks as the Gate closes. "Yes, master, I obey. The Gate closes and only Rakshasa may live here." And the voice takes on gleeful anticipation. "Including you." The wounded 'rakshasa' doesn't even get a chance to scream as two claws (sparking with electrical energies) blur forward, finishing what the heroes had begun. A shimmer, and the 'rakshasa' changes form in death, becoming the bluish form of an Ogre Mage! And then the skeletal creature looks at the heroes.


Know Religion DC 29 Highlight to display spoiler: {(It is a Titzimitl, a gargantuan undead! Stories give this creature a CR19. For every 5 points above DC29, the DM will provide another data point on Defense and Offensive abilities.)}

Spellcraft DC 31 Highlight to display spoiler: {(The claws had a special attack: Energy Drain, 2 levels!)}

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 192/192 AC:37 T:20 FF:31 CMD:44)  
Monday September 26th, 2022 12:16:08 PM

Hmerrin needs a moment to process what he's looking at.
Or more accurately, decide he's not going to be able to process what he's looking at.

"That's really big," he comments unhelpfully.

Time to get moving.

The young man retrieves a potion from his haversack, and downs it quickly.

Then, pulling out his axes, he circles the pile of goods.

Retrieve and drink Barkskin potion.
40' Move to J16, while drawing wpns.

In Effect
Barkskin CL12: +5 Nat Arm for 120 minutes

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP:198/198; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 34]   d20+13=24 ; d20-1=12 ;
Monday September 26th, 2022 4:19:08 PM

(Know. Religion: 24)
(Acrobatics: 12)

Desdichado falls flat on the landing. He looks up at the big skeleton thing, thinking the same as Hmerrin. "Yeah," he says slowly as he stands up trying to orient himself.

Thinking adding some size might be helpful for himself, he drinks a potion of Enlarge Person.

Active Effects
Enlarge Person: 10 rounds

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32  d20+16=17 ; d20+20=27 ;
Monday September 26th, 2022 7:33:10 PM

kn religion = 17
spellcraft = 27

Well, I'm not sure what it is, but it doesn't seem friendly.

Ramirez casts haste on the group while they are still close together.

3rd- 5/6 remaining

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 24 -- CMD 36 -- HP 1190/119  d20+14=32 ;
Monday September 26th, 2022 8:05:49 PM

Like a cat falling from a medium size building, Danko lands on his feet.

Danko casts old trusty wall of force.

Acrobacy - 32

Wall of force along the O line, wall to wall, floor to ceiling.

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 149/149 AC: 32(T:18/FF:27) CMD:35)  d20+1=3 ; d20+27=34 ;
Monday September 26th, 2022 8:47:19 PM

Gaffer tumbles to the floor, narrowly avoiding hitting his head against the crates. He quickly jumps to his feet and sees a lot of things happening all at once, glad for Danko's wall giving the group a chance to prepare.

"Does anybody know what that thing is? It made short work of the Ogre."

He looks around the room for any doorways, checking out the material of the floor and walls and trying to get a sense for where they might be.

Acrobatics: 3
Perception: 34

Barkskin: +5 AC, 5 hours

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 29/15/25 -- CMD 23 -- HP 115/122 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis  d20+24=29 ; d20+28=33 ; d20+22=35 ;
Monday September 26th, 2022 8:48:32 PM

Before Danko casts the Wall of Force, Nira casts a spell of her own. A fight is inevitable, so would be nice to get a shot in.

"It's a Titzimitl! Some gargantuan and uber-powerful undead. Watch out for the claws as they can drain your life force."

She casts a Living Voodoo spell on the creature hoping to blind it. Now blind herself, she decides it's best to take cover.

With the Wall of Force now in effet, Nira offers a suggestion. "Perhaps next time you could leave a 5ft gap at the side or bottom that we normal folk could fit around, that a huge thing like that couldn't? That way we could still fight it. Right now I can't target it with anything. If it's got a way to get around that wall we're cornered". It's said only as an innocent suggestion for next time, and not at all intended as with any malice or criticism.

Knowl Religion vs DC29: 29=Pass!
Spellcraft vs DC31: 33=Pass!

Standard: Defensively cast Living Voodoo Doll. Concentration check autopass. SR check:35. If pass, both Nira and Titzimitl are blind for the next 16rnds
Move: Fly to H12 down to ground level

To DMs.. Highlight to display spoiler: {With the different time zones it's difficult for me to get my post in before others so hoping you'll allow Nira's action to occur before the Wall of Force goes up.}

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