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This is Mine Round 1- DM Dan K  d4=4 ; d12=8 ; d4=2 ; d20+15=26 ; d20+15=18 ; d20+15=30 ; d20+15=27 ; d20+14=22 ;
Wednesday March 16th, 2022 11:53:08 AM

Des begins casting and the guard respond in kind.
Nira Counters Korliss's spell, which is identified as Invisibility, but the 2 guard both vanish.
Hmerrin throws a Tangle foot bag at Korlis
Ramirez casts a spell at Korlis, but it does not stop him
Nira casts Glitterdust, catching all 3 men and steps back. Korliss begins blinking rapidly, possibly blinded What is the DC please
Danko casts a Wall of Force and separates the 2 groups from each other
Gaffer casts Call Lightning Storm

The 3 men remain right where they are. None draws a weapon or makes any kind of move what so ever.. Korliss is entangled, but not glued to the floor from the Tanglefoot Bag


Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 161/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Wednesday March 16th, 2022 6:34:44 PM

The quickness of everything that's just happened leaves Desdichado dumbfounded for a moment. They're invisible, then they're not, and suddenly there's a wall blocking access to them.

He looks around to his companions. "Uh..I guess we've bought some time before a fight truly breaks out. Any ideas?"

In effect
Holy Sword: 14 rounds. Weapon acts as +5 holy, 2d6 damage vs evil. Also emits magic circle against evil.

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Wednesday March 16th, 2022 9:00:42 PM

Maybe try to talk them down, but I think the best we can hope for is knocking them out.

level 4 spells 3/4 remaining

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 22*/14*/18 -- CMD 20 -- HP 99/99 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis 
Thursday March 17th, 2022 12:29:29 AM

"Kinda leaves it open for them to run and call for aid and prepare defenses." Nira whispers as she steps further into the corner. "Any way to subdue them?"

Free action: 5ft step to P5.

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110 
Thursday March 17th, 2022 6:37:07 AM

" I really wish you people would make up your minds.
Don't kill everyone Danko
I know they were attacking us Danko
They were possessed Danko
Don't shoot lightning at everyone Danko
Take responsibility for your actions Danko

Orcs droppings!
Are we attacking them or talking to them?!?
We can't do both people!
Make up your minds!
All I hear is complaining!

Am I dropping the wall or are we just going to play the staring game all day???

I could also cast another wall behind them and then teleport some of us across if you're dead set on exploring. Somebody take charge by all that is holy! "

Danko waves his hands and takes on a stony appearance
Improved invisibility dropped
Protection from evil - 9 rounds
Stoneskin 120 minutes

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 178/178 AC:32 T:18 FF:27 CMD:35) Invisible 
Thursday March 17th, 2022 9:54:59 AM

"You want some cheese to go with that whine?" Hmerrin responds, just as frustrated.

Still, the core question is valid.

"I don't know what these things are, but they're not what they're pretending to be. That and the condition of the folks out front are enough for me.

We're attacking."

Hmerrin stows his halberd and pulls out his axes.

"Ready when you are, Danko."

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 30(T:16/FF:25) CMD:30)  5d6=18 ; d20+19=33 ;
Thursday March 17th, 2022 10:19:11 AM

Gaffer can understand Danko's frustration and and is on board with the decision to attack.

"Let's take them down and move forward."

Gaffer swings his staff down, calling out a bolt of lightning from the storm to see if it can surpass both the conjured wall, and roof of the building.

Call Lightning Storm Strike - Damage: 18 Electricity; SR Check: 33

Extended Barkskin - +5 Natural Enhacement to AC - 5 hours
Call Lightning Storm - Reflex Save DC 23 for Half - 14/15 Bolts

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 161/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Thursday March 17th, 2022 10:25:39 AM

Desdichado gives a half smile and says, "Danko, As a paladin devoted to Domi, who stands by mercy, justice, and protectingtheinnocent - I gladly give my blessing to blast these guys with lightning!"

This is Mine Round 2- DM Dan K 
Thursday March 17th, 2022 1:29:47 PM

The group has a quick conversation and some frustrations are vented and worked out. The decision is made.
Hmerrin switches weapons to his more effective axe combination.
Gaffer tries to call down a bolt, but finds the Wall of Force prevents him from targeting through it
The others wait on Danko to dismiss the magical wall.

The 3 men briefly exchange a few words and draw weapons. One moves to the far right and extinguishes the torch. The other moves left and does likewise. Korliss remains where he is.

The three men are now in Dim Light and have concealment (20% miss chance in combat) from those without darkvision or the ability to see in darkness.
If you cast a spell at any of them Highlight to display spoiler: { Please roll against SR 23}
Hmerrin when you move to engage Highlight to display spoiler: { Will DC 18 vs Suggestion to leave and help those outside}

My internet is being 'enhanced' today. I cannot access the map to copy link. G2 is now at P/10.

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110 
Thursday March 17th, 2022 5:20:30 PM

At Desdichado's "permission", Danko snickers.

" Alright then. Let's get the shenanigans started."

And the wall is dispelled

Protection from evil 10 rounds
Stoneskin 2 rounds (120 minutes)

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 161/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]   d20+27=30 ; d12+12=23 ; 2d6=9 ; d100=77 ;
Thursday March 17th, 2022 5:37:58 PM

Desdichado moves forward toward Korliss and attacks, bantering with Danko as he does. "Ah, ah, ah - not my permission - my blessing! As in, hit these fiends for all they're worth!"

(77 vs concealment; hit)
30 vs AC; 23 damage if hit, +9 if evil

In effect
Holy Sword: 13 rounds. Weapon acts as +5 holy, 2d6 damage vs evil. Also emits magic circle against evil.

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 178/178 AC:33 T:19 FF:28 CMD:35)   d20+10=28 ; d20+25=34 ; d20+20=39 ; d20+24=26 ; d20+15=19 ; d20+24=29 ; d20+19=25 ; d8+13=21 ; d8+13=19 ; d6+11=15 ; d6+11=13 ; d10+6=16 ;
Thursday March 17th, 2022 6:46:39 PM

Hmerrin steps forward. A thought crosses his brain for a moment, but is quickly dismissed as a stupid idea.
[Will Save 28]

The young fighter launches a full attack on Korlis.
Thanks to his dwarven ioun stone, he has no trouble seeing the trio [Darkvision]

5' Step to O8.
Full Attack on Korlis

Btax 1 hits ac 34 for 21 hp damage
Btax 2 hits ac 39 crit threat - 26. Guessing no, for 19 hp damage
Btax 3 hits ac 19. Likely a miss.
Hdax 1 hits ac 29 for 15 hp damage
Hdax 2 hits ac 25 for 13 hp damage.
If Btax and Hdax hit, add 16 hp rending damage

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 21/13/18 -- CMD 20 -- HP 99/99 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis  d20+14=21 ;
Thursday March 17th, 2022 7:40:27 PM

Nira casts a quickened Dancing Lights spell and creates four balls of light. She centers one above each man and the fourth by the door. She then prepares to counter whatever spell they might try next.

Swift: Cast Quickened Dancing Lights spell to create 4 lights that cast light like a lantern/torch
Standard: Ready action to cast Dispel Magic as a Counterspell. Dispel check: 21

Everyone (except Hmerrin) is wearing a Tishes Weave Elements (Air) vest and gains Blur (20% Miss chance)

Spells in effect: Arcane Sight... Blur (20%)... Darkvision... Mage Armor... Magic Vestment... Fly (60ft)... Roses Temperature Control... See Invisibility... Resist Fire (5)

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Thursday March 17th, 2022 9:51:04 PM

Ramirez supports the team and casts haste on the group for the coming battle.

Active Effects:
haste- +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Additional attack on full attack action, +30 movement speed.

level 3 spells 5/6 remaining
level 4 spells 3/4 remaining

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 30(T:16/FF:25) CMD:30)  5d6=21 ; d20+19=20 ;
Friday March 18th, 2022 5:20:50 AM

Gaffer makes a second attempt at calling down a lightning bolt onto Korliss but finds the lightning crackling uselessly over the man.

Call Lightning Storm Strike - Damage: 21 Electricity; SR Check: 20

Extended Barkskin - +5 Natural Enhancement to AC - 5 hours
Call Lightning Storm - Reflex Save DC 23 for Half - 13/15 Bolts

This is Mine Round 3- DM Dan K  d20+24=35 ; d20+19=28 ; d20+14=17 ; d20+24=29 ; d20+19=25 ; d20+14=32 ; d20+24=41 ; d20+19=27 ; d20+14=29 ; d10+11=20 ; d10+11=19 ; d10+11=17 ; d20=18 ; d100=37 ; d100=18 ; d100=54 ;
Sunday March 20th, 2022 12:34:40 PM

Danko brings down the Wall of Force and the rest of the group springs into action.
Des moves agianst Korlis and strikes hard
Hmerrin steps in and aafter a brief pause attacks
Nira lights up the area with Dancing Lights and prepares to counter the opponents
Ramirez casts Haste
Gaffer calls down a stroke of Lightning, but discovers Korlis has spell resistance,

The three opponents move quickly to retaliate.
Korlis and G1 attack Des and the other man attacks Hmerrin. Each of them stirke 3 times
Des Hit AC 35/28/17 and 29/25/32 Dmg 20 and Blur causes a miss
Hmerrin 41/27/29 Dmg 17
Des Will Save DC 18 Suggestion 'Run' Please make 2 saves
Hmerrin Will Save DC 18 Suggestion 'Run'

Nira was unable to Counter. Counter Spell requires readied action on a selected target. This time the check was not high enough so no worries


Korlis AC 32 Dmg 67 SR 23 special 3/6 tangle bag -2 att -4 dex Glitterdust Immune to Crit
Guard 1 AC 34 Dmg SR 23 special 2/10 Glitterdust Immune to Crit
Guard 2 AC 34 Dmg SR 23 special 2/10 Glitterdust Immune to Crit

Danko is Visbile, it has been 10 rounds from the top of the hill

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 (27 haste, 29 evil) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110  d20+16=26 ; 12d6+12=58 ; d20+16=30 ; 12d6+12=59 ; d20+16=27 ; 12d6+12=51 ;
Sunday March 20th, 2022 5:08:59 PM

Danko casts and fires a chain lightning spell.


Protection from evil 11 rounds
Haste -A hasted creature gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves.
Weave Elements (Air) vest and gains Blur (20% Miss chance)

Korlis SR 26 Dam 58
Guard 1 SR 30 Dam 59
Guard 2 SR 27 Dam 51

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 161/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]   d20+20=23 ; d20+20=40 ; d20+28=43 ; d20+28=37 ; d20+23=38 ; d20+18=23 ; d12+12=16 ; d12+12=21 ; d12+12=13 ; d4=3 ; 2d6=11 ; 2d6=5 ; 2d6=5 ;
Sunday March 20th, 2022 6:45:20 PM

(Will saves: 23, 40)

Desdichado stands resolute against the suggestions to run, and continues to attack Korlis.

43 vs AC; 16 damage +11 holy
37 vs AC; 21 damage +5 holy
38 vs AC; 13 damage +5 holy
23 vs AC; miss

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 30(T:16/FF:25) CMD:30)  d20+19=36 ; 5d6=20 ;
Monday March 21st, 2022 12:16:20 PM

Somewhat restricted by the small space they find themselves in, Gaffer continues to bring down lightning bolts on Korlis while keeping an ear out for movement in their surroundings.

Call Lightning Storm Strike - Damage: 20 Electricity; SR Check: 36
Extended Barkskin - +5 Natural Enhancement to AC - 5 hours
Call Lightning Storm - Reflex Save DC 23 for Half - 12/15 Bolts

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 21/13/18 -- CMD 20 -- HP 99/99 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis 
Monday March 21st, 2022 7:09:33 PM

Nira casts a Magic Circle against Evil spell on herself and takes a step forward. The tight space is restrictive but it also means the party are close enough together to benefit from her spells. Of course the reverse is also true in that they are close enough together for enemy spells to harm them all too.

Standard: Cast Magic Circle against Evil. Nira (and others) get a +2 Deflection bonus against evil attacks. 10ft radius. Dur: 140mins.
Free: 5ft step to O6.

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 161/178 AC:34 T:20 FF:28 CMD:36)   d20+10=28 ; d20+25=31 ; d20+20=29 ; d20+15=19 ; d20+24=31 ; d20+19=22 ; d20+25=26 ;
Monday March 21st, 2022 7:38:13 PM

As he's hit by the man's sword, Hmerrin very belatedly recalls he was gonna ask Nira for one of them vests. He makes a note to do that after this fight.

Fortunately, he's so busy mentally kicking himself that he completely ignores what the fellow is putting into his head.
[Will Save 28]

He keeps attacking, focusing on Korlis, and putting on one of the most impressive air attacks ever witnessed.

Btax 1 miss (ac31)
Btax 2 miss (ac 29)
Btax 3 miss (ac 19)
Hdax 1 miss (ac 31)
Hdax 2 miss (ac 22)
Haste atk miss (ac 26)
geez, that's a 6,9,4,7,3,1 for those scoring at home..

haste- +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Additional attack on full attack action, +30 movement speed.

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32  d20+24=31 ; d20+24=27 ; d20+19=29 ; d20+14=23 ; d8+8=12 ; d8+8=12 ; d8+8=10 ; d8+8=11 ;
Monday March 21st, 2022 9:45:06 PM

Ramirez takes a few shots at Korlis.
hit AC: 31, 27, 29, 23
damage: 12, 12, 10, 11

Active Effects:
haste- +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Additional attack on full attack action, +30 movement speed.

level 3 spells 5/6 remaining
level 4 spells 3/4 remaining

24,24(haste),19,14; 1d8+8

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 (27 haste, 29 evil) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2022 6:56:22 AM

Danko watches the fray and waits his turn to fire the same spell again.

Protection from evil 11 rounds
Haste -A hasted creature gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves.
Weave Elements (Air) vest and gains Blur (20% Miss chance)

This is Mine Round 4- DM Dan K  d20+14=31 ; d20+14=31 ; d20+14=32 ; d20+14=32 ; d20+24=38 ; d20+19=21 ; d20+14=21 ; d20+24=44 ; d20+24=43 ; d20+19=22 ; d20+14=28 ; d20+24=43 ; d20+24=42 ; d20+19=23 ; d20+14=23 ; d100=35 ; d100=54 ; d100=88 ; d10+11=16 ; d10+11=12 ; d10+11=17 ; d10+11=17 ; d10+11=21 ;
Tuesday March 22nd, 2022 9:41:52 AM

Danko hits the trio with a mighty lightning blast.
Des follows with 3 more stirkes. Each lands and tears into Korlis.
Gaffer calls down another bolt and this time the electrical blast jolts Korliss.
Nira casts a Magic Circle against Evil spell on herself and takes a step forward enclosing everyone within the magical protection
Hmerrin is less successful than Des, not landing a single blow.
Ramirez pulls out his bow and fires, missing with all 4 shots

The three opponents shift and all attack Des.

Des Hit AC 38/24/19 and 44 crit 43/22/28 and 43 crit 42/23/23 Dmg 16+12+17+17+21 total 83
Hmerrin Will Save DC 18 Suggestion 'Run' Please make 3 saves

It has taken a moment, but a realization falls over you, Korlis is not bleeding from any of his wounds. Nor is the smell of electrically charred flesh in the air at all. The disguise Korlis wears is torn and beaten, revealing a metal like skin and through a hole in his shoulder, tiny gears can be seen whirling.
Know Arcane DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {Korlss and perhaps the other 2 as well are almost certainly constructs}
Know Planes DC 28 Highlight to display spoiler: {The three are advanced Inevitables, Kolyaruts. Enforcers of contracts and bargains and unyielding in their duty}


Korlis AC 32 Dmg 146 SR 23 special 4/6 tangle bag -2 att -4 dex Glitterdust Immune to Crit
Guard 1 AC 34 Dmg 29 SR 23 special Glitterdust Immune to Crit
Guard 2 AC 34 Dmg 25 SR 23 special Glitterdust Immune to Crit

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 84/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]   d6=3 ; d6=2 ; d6=4 ; d6=1 ; d6=3 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ; d6=5 ; d20+28=42 ; d20+28=31 ; d20+28=31 ; d20+18=21 ; d12+12=24 ; 2d6=11 ;
Tuesday March 22nd, 2022 12:47:30 PM

Desdichado takes several heavy blows from Korlis and the others. Concerned at the metal and gears he says "I'm starting to worry about the outcome of this fight - if these are some kind of machines, who knows how much damage they can take?"

He swiftly heals himself (LoH: 26) and keeps trying to take at least one of these things down by continuing the attack on Korlis, but only hits once.

42 vs AC; 24 damage +11 holy
31 vs AC; miss
26 vs AC; miss
21 vs AC; miss
In effect
Holy Sword: 11 rounds. Weapon acts as +5 holy, 2d6 damage vs evil. Also emits magic circle against evil.
haste- +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Additional attack on full attack action, +30 movement speed.
Weave Elements (Air) vest and gains Blur (20% Miss chance)

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 (27 haste, 29 evil) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110  d20+16=19 ; d20+16=32 ; 12d6+12=61 ; d20+16=33 ; 12d6+12=47 ; d20+5=7 ;
Tuesday March 22nd, 2022 4:55:58 PM

"It's ok Dezzy. We'll break these toys! "


And one more chain lightning flies towards the whatever those are.

Knowledge Arcana 7

Protection from evil circle
Haste -A hasted creature gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves.
Weave Elements (Air) vest and gains Blur (20% Miss chance)

Chain Lightning
Korlis SR 16 Dam 0
Guard 1 SR 32 Dam 61
Guard 2 SR 33 Dam 47

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 21/13/18 -- CMD 20 -- HP 99/99 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis  d20+22=29 ; d20+19=39 ; d20+10=20 ; d20+10=15 ; d20+10=27 ; 4d6=13 ; 4d6=19 ; 4d6=9 ; d20+19=20 ;
Tuesday March 22nd, 2022 7:42:32 PM

"Constructs!" Nira calls. "Kolyaruts to be specific"

That changes things. The vast majority of Nira's bloodwitch spells will be ineffective.

She casts a Scorching Ray at Korlis.

Knowl Arcane vs DC15: Autopass
Knowl Planes vs DC28: 29=Pass!

Standard: Cast Scorching Ray. SR check:39. Aim at Korlis first, and then switch to Guard1 if Korlis falls. Additional SR check if needed: 20 (Nat1!).
Hit TouchAC20 for 13pts fire damage
Hit TouchAC15 for 19pts fire damage
Hit TouchAC27 for 9pts fire damage

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 30(T:16/FF:25) CMD:30)  d20+19=25 ; 15d6=45 ;
Tuesday March 22nd, 2022 8:11:14 PM

"Any quick information we should know Nira? Other than I'm guessing use fire? Sorry in advance for the burning."

Gaffer isn't sure what it means for them to be constructs, but doesn't like the idea that the Rakshasa can build enemies on this level.

He waves his staff through the air as the smell of scorched earth fills the air and a column of flames erupts beneath each of the three as Gaffer controls the spell to ensure none of the surrounding vegatation is damaged.

Cast: Fire Storm - Reflex DC 25 for Half Damage; SR Check: 25; 45 Fire Damage;
Two Cubes covering M9 to P10 and hitting all three targets; Those that fail reflex save take 4d6 fire damage each round without taking a full round action to make a DC 20 reflex save to put out the fire.
Extended Barkskin - +5 Natural Enhancement to AC - 5 hours
Call Lightning Storm - Reflex Save DC 23 for Half - 12/15 Bolts

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 161/178 AC:34 T:20 FF:28 CMD:36)   d20+10=12 ; d20+10=19 ; d20+10=14 ;
Tuesday March 22nd, 2022 8:26:29 PM

"What's a..." Hmerrin begins.

Then, all of a sudden, the man is pushing his way back out toward the door.

Will Save fails.

haste- +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Additional attack on full attack action, +30 movement speed

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32  d20+16=34 ; d20+16=22 ; d20+15=25 ; d20+15=33 ; d20+15=22 ;
Tuesday March 22nd, 2022 11:04:35 PM

kn arcana = 34, kn planes = 22

Ramirez nods his head, Nira called it, constructs. But he will worry about that later. Seeing Hmerrin succumb to some sort of magic, Ramirez tries to counter it.

Actions: cast greater dispel magic on Hmerrin to try and break the spells. check = 25, 33, 22 vs DC 11+caster level

Active Effects:
haste- +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Additional attack on full attack action, +30 movement speed.

level 3 spells 5/6 remaining
level 4 spells 3/4 remaining
level 5 spells 2/3 remaining

24,24(haste),19,14; 1d8+8

This is Mine Round 5- DM Dan K  d20+14=32 ; d20+14=23 ; d20+14=21 ; d20+14=31 ; d20+14=17 ; d20+14=21 ; d20+24=26 ; d20+24=39 ; d20+19=30 ; d20+14=22 ; d10+10=14 ; d100=92 ;
Wednesday March 23rd, 2022 11:49:57 AM

Des heals himself and strikes out at Korlis, connecting once
Danko releases another Chain Lightning into the trio. The blast rolls past Korlis, but strikes hard on the other two.
Nira identifies the opponents as Kolyrut's and casts Scorching Ray at Korlis, hitting twice
Gaffer brings a Firestorm upon them and Korlis falls.
Hmerrin succumbs to a magical suggestion and bolts. One of the Lolyruts makes an AoO, missing
Ramirez takes a 5' step to be able to see the fleeing fighter and dispels the magical compulsion

One of the guard catches on Fire and quickly extinguishes the flames
The other continues to stay engaged with Des, landing a single blow
Des Hit AC 39/30/22 Dmg 14
Des Please make 2 saves. Will DC 18 or 'Run'

Hmerrin finds himself in the courtyard outside and at the gate before the dispel magic takes the compulsion to run from him. The guard, now sitting only 5' to his right, doesn't move or do more than lift a weary, and broken gaze to the you


Korlis AC 32 DEAD
Guard 1 AC 34 Dmg 76 SR 23 special Glitterdust Immune to Crit
Guard 2 AC 34 Dmg 88 SR 23 special Glitterdust Immune to Crit

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 30(T:16/FF:25) CMD:30)  15d6=61 ; 5d6=22 ; d20+19=21 ;
Wednesday March 23rd, 2022 4:49:17 PM

With one 'construct' down Gaffer feels a little less panicked than he did a moment ago and goes back to calling down lightning bolts, this time on Guard 1, but perhaps is a little to relaxed and the bolt fizzles to nothing.

Call Lightning Storm Strike - Damage: 22 Electricity; SR Check: 23

Extended Barkskin - +5 Natural Enhacement to AC - 5 hours
Call Lightning Storm - Reflex Save DC 23 for Half - 11/15 Bolts

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 92/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]   d20+20=40 ; d3=1 ; d20+20=26 ; d6=3 ; d6=4 ; d6=2 ; d6=1 ; d6=2 ; d6=5 ; d6=2 ; d6=4 ; d20+28=34 ; d20+28=40 ; d20+23=42 ; d20+18=34 ; d12+12=23 ; d12+12=13 ; d12+12=15 ; d12+12=17 ; 2d6=9 ; 2d6=8 ; d3=3 ; 2d6=7 ; 2d6=2 ;
Wednesday March 23rd, 2022 4:51:31 PM

(Will save: 40, 26)

Desdichado again resists the urge to run. Now that it looks like these things can actually be destroyed, he's feeling more hopeful. After another swift healing (LoH: 22) after the last round he's ready to continue the fight with Guard 1, and goes all in.

34 vs AC; 23 damage +9 holy
40 vs AC; 13 damage +8 holy
42 vs AC; 15 damage +7 holy
34 vs AC; 17 damage +2 holy

In effect
Holy Sword: 10 rounds. Weapon acts as +5 holy, 2d6 damage vs evil. Also emits magic circle against evil.
haste- +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Additional attack on full attack action, +30 movement speed.
Weave Elements (Air) vest and gains Blur (20% Miss chance)
Lay on Hands: 17/19 remaining

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 161/178 AC:34 T:20 FF:28 CMD:36)  
Wednesday March 23rd, 2022 6:53:31 PM

Hmerrin comes to in the courtyard.
"What the...."

The guard's complete lack of interest is nearly as disorienting.

"Don't go anywhere," he remarks.

Turning, the man heads back into the room, squeezes past Danko, and slides back into position beside Dez.

"What'd I miss?" he asks nonchalantly.


haste- +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Additional attack on full attack action, +30 movement speed

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 (27 haste, 29 evil) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110  d20+16=24 ; 12d6+12=48 ; d20+16=30 ; 12d6+12=49 ;
Wednesday March 23rd, 2022 6:53:44 PM

Danko considers using a lightning bolt spell versus his last chain lightning, but the space is just to cramped.

" Chainus maximus! :


Protection from evil circle
Haste -A hasted creature gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves.
Weave Elements (Air) vest and gains Blur (20% Miss chance)

Chain Lightning

Guard 1 SR 24 Dam 48
Guard 2 SR 30 Dam 49

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2022 7:12:49 PM

Ramirez had some trouble hitting these the last time, so he casts another spell to buff his attack, along with everyone else.

Actions: cast good hope on the Tide

Active Effects:
haste- +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Additional attack on full attack action, +30 movement speed.
good hope- Each affected creature gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.

level 3 spells 4/6 remaining
level 4 spells 3/4 remaining
level 5 spells 2/3 remaining

26,26(haste),21,16; 1d8+10

OOC- dont forget the saving throw bonus from good hope if rolling any saves

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 21/13/18 -- CMD 20 -- HP 99/99 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis  d20+14=34 ;
Wednesday March 23rd, 2022 11:48:06 PM

There's not a lot Nira can do against constructs like these, so instead readies to counter any spell cast by guard #2.

Ready action: Counter spell cast by Guard2. Dispel check: 34

This is Mine Round 6- DM Dan K  d20+14=22 ; d20+14=19 ; d20+14=29 ; d20+24=37 ; d20+19=37 ; d20+14=34 ; d20+14=16 ; d10+11=15 ; d10+11=19 ; d10+11=12 ; d100=48 ; d100=38 ; d100=45 ;
Thursday March 24th, 2022 11:52:38 AM

Gaffer calls down another bolt, it begins it appear to fizzle, but suddenly increases and shocks him SR 23 least equal to the creature's spell resistance
Des press and lands multiple strikes, tearing multiple large holes in the Kolyrut
Hmerrin returns to Des's side
Danko blasts the pair with another Chain Lightning
Ramirez casts Good Hope
Nira preapare to Counter the guard's next spell

The last Kolyrut fights on as the one beside him crumples under the assault from Des Gaffer and Danko
"This assault will not go unnoticed nor will it go unpunished..."
He slips a troi of attacks past Des' defenses
Des Hit AC 37/34/34 Dmg 15+19+12


Korlis AC 32 DEAD
Guard 1 AC 34 DEAD
Guard 2 AC 34 Dmg 107 SR 23 special Glitterdust Immune to Crit

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 74/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]   d6=3 ; d6=3 ; d6=6 ; d6=4 ; d6=3 ; d6=4 ; d6=5 ; d20+30=45 ; d20+30=31 ; d20+25=39 ; d20+20=23 ; d12+14=18 ; d12+14=22 ; 2d6=7 ; 2d6=6 ;
Thursday March 24th, 2022 1:04:19 PM

To Hmerrin, Desdichado says "Turns out these things are some kind of construct. Our magically inclined knowledgable types seem to know more."

With another swift heal (LoH: 28), Desdichado continues his attack. "Yeah, yeah, well we were expecting rakshasa, so if your kind is going to get revenge, get in line," he says to the Kolyrut.

45 vs AC; 18 damage +7 holy
31 vs AC; crit miss
39 vs AC; 22 damage +6 holy
23 vs AC; miss

In effect
Holy Sword: 9 rounds. Weapon acts as +5 holy, 2d6 damage vs evil. Also emits magic circle against evil.
haste- +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Additional attack on full attack action, +30 movement speed.
Weave Elements (Air) vest and gains Blur (20% Miss chance)
good hope- Each affected creature gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Lay on Hands: 16/19 remaining

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 (27 haste, 29 evil) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110  d20+16=24 ;
Thursday March 24th, 2022 5:01:16 PM

Danko presses on as five magic missles flies from his hands towards the remaining guard.

" Eat this tin can ! "

Protection from evil circle
Haste -A hasted creature gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves.
Weave Elements (Air) vest and gains Blur (20% Miss chance)
good hope- Each affected creature gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.

Maximized magic missle
SR check 24 for 25 damage

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 21/13/18 -- CMD 20 -- HP 99/99 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis  d20+14=34 ;
Thursday March 24th, 2022 7:22:58 PM

Things are starting to look under control now. Des might need a little patching up after the fight though. For now, Nira readies to counter any spell cast by guard #2.

Ready action: Counter spell cast by Guard2. Dispel check: 34

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 161/178 AC:34 T:20 FF:28 CMD:36)   d20+28=37 ; d20+23=32 ; d20+18=28 ; d20+27=45 ; d20+22=27 ; d20+28=45 ; d8+15=17 ; d6+13=19 ; d8+15=18 ; d10+6=8 ;
Thursday March 24th, 2022 7:24:40 PM

"These constructs are messing with my head," Hmerrin notes sourly.

He gives the last guard a once-over.
"Let's try this again."

The fighter's aim is slightly better this time.

Full attack on G2.
Btax 1 hits ac 37 for 17 hp
Btax 2 misses (ac 32)
Btax 3 misses (ac 28)
Hdax 1 hits ac 45 for 19 hp
Hdax 2 misses
Haste btax hits ac 45 for 18 hp
Two wpn rend for 8 hp.

Active Effects
haste- +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Additional attack on full attack action, +30 movement speed.
good hope- Each affected creature gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32  d20+26=42 ; d20+26=34 ; d20+21=29 ; d20+16=24 ; d8+10=18 ; d8+10=11 ; d8+10=16 ; d8+10=13 ;
Thursday March 24th, 2022 8:37:37 PM

Ramirez fires at the creature again, hopefully with more effect this time.

Actions: full attack, hit AC 42, 34, 29, 24
damage: 18, 11, 16, 13

Active Effects:
haste- +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Additional attack on full attack action, +30 movement speed.
good hope- Each affected creature gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.

level 3 spells 4/6 remaining
level 4 spells 3/4 remaining
level 5 spells 2/3 remaining

26,26(haste),21,16; 1d8+10

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 30(T:16/FF:25) CMD:30)  d20+19=28 ; 5d6=19 ;
Thursday March 24th, 2022 10:00:57 PM

Gaffer calls down another lightning bolt for good measure but is confident the being will fall under the onslaught of attacks before his spell completes.

Call Lightning Storm Strike - Damage: 19 Electricity; SR Check: 28

Extended Barkskin - +5 Natural Enhacement to AC - 5 hours
Call Lightning Storm - Reflex Save DC 23 for Half - 10/15 Bolts

This was Mine - DM Dan K 
Friday March 25th, 2022 10:40:53 AM

The combined might of the heroes overwhelms the last Kolyrut and he falls.

The room has an exit passage at the far end and on either side are large wooden crates. Some are nailed shut, but most are not. The group finds 1 of the opened crates half full of rock. The stone has a sparkle to it flecked upon the surface which Gaffer is able to identify as platinum ore. The value of what is here is hard to say as the ore is in raw form and would need to be extracted

The exit is a single passage that arrives at a lift, which is currently up. It fills the shaft making it impossible, by normal means, to see what might lie below or how far below is

Each of the three Kolyrut's possessed several magical items:
Cloak +2
Belt of Physical Perfection
Mithril Chain Shirt +2
Bastard Sword +2

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 74/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Friday March 25th, 2022 7:49:27 PM

"Well, I suppose we should gather these things up. Anyone want one of these at the moment?" asks Desidchado, pointing at the magical equipment.

"Sense we're here, I guess it makes sense to keep moving onward. Shall we take the lift?"

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 21/13/18 -- CMD 20 -- HP 99/99 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis 
Saturday March 26th, 2022 12:12:11 AM

Nira checks the destroyed constructs to make sure they're well and truly dead. She puts her hand up when they look over the loot. "Would anyone mind if I wore one of the belts? Just for the time being"

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 161/178 AC:34 T:20 FF:28 CMD:36)   d20+1=16 ;
Saturday March 26th, 2022 8:55:49 AM

"Help yourself," Hmerrin replies.

"Hey, before we trust our lives to that thing," he continues, giving the lift a negligent wave, "why don't we see if the folks out front are of any use."

Hmerrin heads back out into the courtyard, and strides over to the 'guard'.
"Hey, are you all right?"
He snaps his fingers in front of the man's face, gauging his reaction.
"Anyone home? What have they done to you?"

[Sense Motive 16]

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 ( mage armor 30) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110 
Saturday March 26th, 2022 2:49:24 PM

Danko perfoms some minor spell upkeeps and casts mage armor on himself.

" I'll borrow this cloak (resistance +4) from the last battle unless anyone objects? "

" I don't going down first in the lift. Worst case, if it falls down I'll levitate down and if there's meanies at the botton I can teleport back up. "

Danko follows Hemi as his back up. He stands a ways behind in case he needs to start slinging spells again.


Weave Elements (Air) vest and gains Blur (20% Miss chance)

Good hope- Each affected creature gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.

Mage armor 12 hours ( +4 armor )

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 30(T:16/FF:25) CMD:30) 
Sunday March 27th, 2022 8:46:16 PM

"Don't think I need any of that. And I like Danko's plan, it keeps me safe." Gaffer smiles and pokes around at the constructs, curious how they work, while waiting for Hmerrin to finish the rounds.

The Mine awaits - DM Dan K 
Monday March 28th, 2022 9:49:45 AM

The group gathers up the magic items and Danko does a bit of prep work with Mage Armor.
Gaffer pokes about the constructs and leaps back as Korlis moves an eye to look at him. Korlis then speaks, though still not moving, "We are vanquished and yield."

A careful inspection of the other two shows that they are repairing themselves as well

In the courtyard, Hmerrin approaches the gat guard. The man looks blankly up at the fighter as Hmerrin speaks. His eyes are vacant as he stares past Hmerrin perhaps a thousand yards away.
Within a minute or 2, the dwarf exits the tool barn, carrying the same equipment he went in with, and heads to the stables. He never pauses or even looks up as he walks and weaves to the left so that he can go around anyone in his way. His ragged and unkept beard holds no adornment or sense of dwarf pride and his eyes arefixed as if taking in some far far off scene only he can see

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 74/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Monday March 28th, 2022 5:08:10 PM

"I've got a feeling there's not much we can do to help this bunch unless we can eliminate the rakshasa who have them under their influence," says Desdichado.

"That construct" he says, pointing to Korlis, "said they aren't here. Can they lie?"

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 161/178 AC:34 T:20 FF:28 CMD:36)  
Monday March 28th, 2022 5:25:20 PM

Hmerrin sighs.
"Yeah, I'm with you Dez. Just like the patrons at the casino."

The fighter can only shrug at Dez's question.
Going back in, he leans over Korlis.

"Since you've yielded, will you answer our questions?
Where are the Rakshasa?
Who's at the bottom of this shaft?
Can we take this lift down without anyone trying to kill us?"

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 30(T:16/FF:25) CMD:30) 
Monday March 28th, 2022 8:41:41 PM

The same questions come to Gaffers mind and he waits for Korlis' response.

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Monday March 28th, 2022 10:12:50 PM

Ramirez casts a detect magic at the dwarf and tries to figure out if he is under a magical compulsion.

good hope- Each affected creature gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.

level 3 spells 4/6 remaining
level 4 spells 3/4 remaining
level 5 spells 2/3 remaining

OOC- good hope will last 15 minutes

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 21/13/18 -- CMD 20 -- HP 99/99 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis  d20+23=36 ; d20+24=41 ; d20+4=14 ;
Tuesday March 29th, 2022 3:21:39 AM

Nira is fairly certain than any enchantment spells she has won't work on the constructs. She looks over them to try and get an idea on how quickly they are regenerating and approximately how long the party have before the constructs will be fully operational again. Nira makes sure any weapons are out of reach of them.

She listens and waits for a response to Hmerrin's questions.

Heal: 14 to try and work out how long until the constructs are operational again
Perception: 36
Sense Motive: 41

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 ( mage armor 30) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110 
Tuesday March 29th, 2022 6:33:09 AM

Danko leans on the lift and waits.

Haste -A hasted creature gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves.
Weave Elements (Air) vest and gains Blur (20% Miss chance)
good hope- Each affected creature gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Mage armor

Questions for Korlis - DM Dan K 
Tuesday March 29th, 2022 10:36:15 AM

Looking over the human and dwarf with Arcane Sight and Detect Magic does not reveal any magical auras. Des and Hmerrin both feel what has happened to these people goes far beyond magic.
Nira makes sure the 3 Kolyruts cannot get to their weapons and figures they will be fully functional within 5 minutes. Korlis is already sitting up and the others are not far behind

The group heads back in to speak with Korlis more and find him sitting quietly making no moves

Hmerrin has some questions:
Where are the Rakshasa? - "I do not know. We are hear to see the contract is not broken, that is all."
Who's at the bottom of this shaft? - "The gnomish miners."
Can we take this lift down without anyone trying to kill us? - "I do not know

Nira feels that Korlis is not being completely forthright in his answers

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 74/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Tuesday March 29th, 2022 6:22:33 PM

"What precisely was your contract, anyway?" asks Desdichado.

He thinks for a bit, obviously somewhat flustered at the machines.

"I don't like the idea of leaving these things behind us if we go down there. But, I have no idea how to shut them down permanently."

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 161/178 AC:34 T:20 FF:28 CMD:36)  
Tuesday March 29th, 2022 6:44:39 PM

Hmerrin shrugs.
"Me either. Anybody got a great idea?"

If not, the fighter bows to Danko.
"After you."

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 ( mage armor 30) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110 
Tuesday March 29th, 2022 7:44:42 PM

" And the shenanigans awaits! "

Danko uses one of the tattoos again and casts protection from evil on himself.

He then enters the lift, activates his boots of levitation, grabs hold of a rail ( or some such) and unless someone wants to join him, lowers the lift.

Protection from evil
Mage armor
Weave Elements (Air) vest and gains Blur (20% Miss chance)
Good hope .

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Tuesday March 29th, 2022 9:29:21 PM

Well, they are only here to see the contract is not broken. As long as that is the case they will probably not attack us again. Korlis, can you tell us what the contract is?

good hope- Each affected creature gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.

level 3 spells 4/6 remaining
level 4 spells 3/4 remaining
level 5 spells 2/3 remaining

OOC- good hope will last 15 minutes

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 30(T:16/FF:25) CMD:30) 
Tuesday March 29th, 2022 10:05:46 PM

"Should we pull them apart maybe? Might be a grim option but it might be best. Otherwise I can surround them in a wall of stone but I'm not sure how much it would slow them down."

Gaffer will follow onto the lift and, if the others ask for it, cast a Wall of Stone surrounding the constructs before they descend.

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 21/13/18 -- CMD 20 -- HP 99/99 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis  d3=1 ; d3=3 ; d20+19=23 ; d20+19=35 ;
Tuesday March 29th, 2022 10:29:16 PM

"We've got about 5 minutes before they'll be operational again" Nira warns. She tries to think of anything she may have read of these creatures and anything that might stop their regeneration. The party have already tried fire and electricity. Nira will cast an Acid Splash cantrip on one of the constructs, and then try a Ray of Frost cantrip to see if that does anything to stop them.

She then turns her attention back to Korlis. "I don't think you're being entirely forthright with us. What is it that you aren't telling us? Who ELSE is at the bottom of the shaft? Are there any other of your kind down there?"

Cast Acid Splash on one of the constructs: 1pt acid damage. No Save. SR23.
Cast Ray of Frost on one of the constructs: 3pt cold damage. No Save. SR35

Questions for Korlis - DM Dan K 
Wednesday March 30th, 2022 10:54:20 AM

Des asks about the contract and Korlis responds that he and the others are enforcing a contract, not under one, as Ramirez suspected. The contents of that contract are between the parties and not his to disclose.
Danko is set for shenanigans and frankly, hopeful to set them in motion. He boards the lift.
Gaffer suggest pulling them apart and Nira fire several spell into Korlis

Korlis responds "This is how you accept a surrender of hostilities?" And he stands, as do the others, though still severely damaged.

"Given your attack and desire to kill us, I see very little reason to answer any question you have."

Nira can see that none of the damage she just inflicted seems to be hampering the repair process.
the three could not be surrounded by a Wall of Stone without effectively blocking you ability to exit by normal means

The Kolyruts make no other moves and are very much not going to say anything else of use.

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 74/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Wednesday March 30th, 2022 7:06:07 PM

"Well, I suppose I'll wait here while Danko checks out what's below," says Desdichado. He continues to keep a wary eye on the korybuts, not sure what to make of them even after they've yielded, especially since they seem to be hiding something..

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 161/178 AC:34 T:20 FF:28 CMD:36)  
Wednesday March 30th, 2022 7:29:04 PM

"Hmm, well I'm going to help Danko get into, I mean, stay out of trouble," Hmerrin comments with a wink.

The lad pulls a potion out, which he readies in one hand should an emergency arise.
Then, he gets on the lift.

Ready action - drink Potion of Fly if he finds himself falling.

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Wednesday March 30th, 2022 10:05:26 PM

Ramirez joins the others on the lift. I have a feather fall ready if this thing turns out not to work too well.

level 3 spells 4/6 remaining
level 4 spells 3/4 remaining
level 5 spells 2/3 remaining

OOC- good hope will last 15 minutes

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 30(T:16/FF:25) CMD:30) 
Wednesday March 30th, 2022 10:29:02 PM

"I'm not too keen on us being split, we should all go together. We got a pretty strange warning about what might be down there."

Gaffer will move onto the lift as well. Bouncing on his feet slightly to see how well it holds.

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 74/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Thursday March 31st, 2022 12:13:36 AM

(OOC: I think I was mistaken and thought Danko was going down on his own to quickly scout. If everyone else is going down, Dez will too.)

Onto the lift - DM Dan K 
Thursday March 31st, 2022 11:14:13 AM

Not too happy about leaving the Kolyruts , the group decides to head down the lift. Several make preparations, such as a spell or potion, but soon the lift is full and the level thrown

The lift heads down its form fitted shaft and soon arrives at the bottom without incident, perhaps 300' deep. Just off of the lift is a 20x20 room and the ceiling height drop to a mere 6'. Your light reveals what appears to be some sleeping and lounging areas. A few chairs, some tables and cots all of which are sized to gnomes. There are several small chests and some food stuffs stacked into a couple of shelving units as well as a pair of throw rugs and several tapestries. A couple of unlit lanterns and extinguished torches are mounted in a couple of walls All of the items you see, appear in nice and cared for order.

To the left and right are two partially opened doors. Straight out the back to the room is a smooth cut passage in the stone.

perception DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {The sounds of sleeping can be heard from the left and right}

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 74/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]   d20+22=27 ;
Thursday March 31st, 2022 6:47:02 PM

(Perception: 27)

Thanks to the Stone of the Forge Lord, Desdichado doesn't have the trouble in the dark he once did. He ducks down as his head nearly touches the ceiling. The sounds of sleeping - probably the gnomes - can be heard nearby.

"This seems cozy," he whispers. "So, uh, what are we looking for down here? Would the gnomes be sleeping if there's a big mean rakshasa nearby?"

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 ( mage armor 30) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110  d20+15=29 ;
Thursday March 31st, 2022 6:47:15 PM

Danko takes lead.
{ So much for stealth he thinks to himself. }

Something catches his ear.

He turns to the other, puts his hand up in a stop motion. He then puts his index finger to his lips. Then he put his hands together and under his tilted head then points left and then right.

Perception - 29
Protection from evil
Mage armor
Weave Elements (Air) vest and gains Blur (20% Miss chance)
Good hope .

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 22/14/18 -- CMD 21 -- HP 114/114 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis  d20+23=43 ;
Thursday March 31st, 2022 7:06:01 PM

Nira follows along in the rear of the group. When Danko gives the 'halt' signal she stops and stands perfectly still. It takes a moment to realise that for some reason she's also holding her breath. She decides that breathing is probably ok so exhales before she turns blue.

Perception: 43

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 161/178 AC:32 T:18 FF:27 CMD:35)   d20+14=17 ; d20+4=9 ;
Thursday March 31st, 2022 7:11:07 PM

On the way down, Hmerrin lays out his case.

"The way I see it, the gnomes are being forced to mine for the rakshasa. Those kolygots or whatever are the enforcers.
So, until proven otherwise, lets assume any actual gnomes encountered are not the bad guys."

At the bottom of the lift, Hmerrin looks around.
Like Dez, he's using the Stone of the Forge Lord, and sees just fine.

[Perception 17]
He sees Danko's motion, thinks about it a second, shrugs, walks over to the right door, and slowly pushes it open.
[Stealth 9]

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Thursday March 31st, 2022 9:08:49 PM

Ramirez readies a silence spell in case there are some guards who decide to be loud and give them away.

level 3 spells 4/6 remaining
level 4 spells 3/4 remaining
level 5 spells 2/3 remaining

Let sleeping gnomes lie? - DM Dan K  d20+2=16 ;
Friday April 1st, 2022 7:50:23 AM

The group takes a look about and decides to treat gnomes as not the bad guys for now.
Hmerrin moves over to the right door and gives it a gentle push to see inside.

5 gnomes are sleeping inside and don't stir. A check to the left reveals 5 more sleeping gnomes. Each room has 3 unoccupied gnome sized beds and the main room has 4 more indicating 10 more gnomes are out and about.

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 74/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Friday April 1st, 2022 12:44:18 PM

"I really hope you're right about these gnomes not being the bad guys," whispers Desdichado. "Otherwise, we are waaay outnumbered."

"I'm tempted to shout, 'I'm Desdichado and I'm here to rescue you', but maybe we keep searching the passage in the back first?"

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 ( mage armor 30) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110 
Friday April 1st, 2022 6:58:07 PM

After hearing Dez Danko shakes his head.

{ And they think I'm wreckless. Better keep a teleport spell ready for myself... just in case }

He waits to see where the others choose to go but does point to the left door and shrugs?

Trap sense

Protection from evil
Mage armor
Weave Elements (Air) vest and gains Blur (20% Miss chance)
Good hope .

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 22/14/18 -- CMD 21 -- HP 114/114 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis  d20+23=25 ;
Friday April 1st, 2022 9:28:29 PM

Nira is prepared to follow the lead of the others. She stands by one of the doors while the group work out what to do, and keeps an eye on the gnomes within.

Perception: 25

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 30(T:16/FF:25) CMD:30) 
Friday April 1st, 2022 11:02:29 PM

Gaffer shakes his head and points down the passage straight in front of them. It's unlikely the Rakshasa sleep here, and it's better not to risk waking the gnomes by peaking through the door.

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 161/178 AC:32 T:18 FF:27 CMD:35)   d20+14=32 ;
Saturday April 2nd, 2022 3:50:03 PM

Hmerrin nods at Gaffer's suggestion.

Sliding up to Dez, he whispers, "You got the back?"

The fighter heads for the passage straight in front of them, and gives Danko a questioning look.
If the rogue wants to take point, Hmerrin follows at about 15' feet.
Otherwise, he takes the lead.

[Perception 32]

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Saturday April 2nd, 2022 8:17:01 PM

Ramirez follows the rest of the team.

level 3 spells 4/6 remaining
level 4 spells 3/4 remaining
level 5 spells 2/3 remaining

And they call it a Mine - DM Dan K 
Monday April 4th, 2022 9:01:23 AM

The group decides not to wake the gnomes and heads down the passage leading away from them. The central corridor extends 120' feet with the ceiling remaining at 6' until it comes to a 3 way branch.
Left, extends beyond darkvision and low light vision at 10 o'clock.
Right does likewise at 3 o'clock
A steel rung ladder extends down 30' to another level

Perception DC 35Highlight to display spoiler: {You hear the sound of picks on stone down the left passage}

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 74/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]   d20+22=37 ;
Monday April 4th, 2022 12:44:47 PM

(Perception: 37)

Desdichado follows behind the group as they make their way down the passage. He holds his head to the side as he thinks he hears a faint noise.

"I think the gnomes who aren't sleeping are mining down the left passage. So let's avoid that one," he whispers. "We could check the right passage, but I think we're more likely to find what we're looking for if we keep going down."

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 ( mage armor 30) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110  d20+15=25 ;
Monday April 4th, 2022 4:52:47 PM

Perception 25

Danko agrees with Des. He indicates to the others that he wishes to keep an eye out for traps and takes lead.

Trap sense

Mage armor
Weave Elements (Air) vest and gains Blur (20% Miss chance)
Good hope .

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 161/178 AC:32 T:18 FF:27 CMD:35)   d20+14=20 ;
Monday April 4th, 2022 5:41:17 PM

Perception 20

Hmerrin nods at Dez's suggestion.

The fighter makes way for Danko to descend the ladder, and waits for him to reach bottom before starting down himself.

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 22/14/18 -- CMD 21 -- HP 114/114 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis  d20+23=29 ;
Monday April 4th, 2022 7:22:17 PM

Nira can't hear anything but trusts Des when he says the group should continue onwards.

Perception: 29

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 30(T:16/FF:25) CMD:30)  d20+26=28 ;
Monday April 4th, 2022 8:07:23 PM

Gaffer doesn't hear anything himself, but naturally trusts Des' suggestion. He pauses by the ladder just behind Hmerrin and waits for his turn to descend.

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Monday April 4th, 2022 10:05:46 PM

Looks like the group is headed down. Ramirez offers a dancing lights spell if it is needed.

level 3 spells 4/6 remaining
level 4 spells 3/4 remaining
level 5 spells 2/3 remaining

The Lower levels - DM Dan K 
Tuesday April 5th, 2022 10:01:47 AM

the group heads down and those without Darkvision need light. Ramirez has Dancing Lights and brings up the spell

The passages below are obviously cut and mined. Soon the Dancing Lights spell is expired and the group continues, with some other means of light for those without darkvision.

In all the passages and shafts of the lower level take just over 4 hours to explore. Aside from recent mining activity, the passages are empty.

The party heads back up the ladder

Note. All spell durations have 4 hours removed. Please account for the 4 hours of exploration for light sources as well, not everyone has Darkvision

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 ( mage armor 30) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110 
Tuesday April 5th, 2022 4:12:02 PM

{ I really need to get a light source. Really. Like, next time I visit the Catacombs. }

" Well, that wasn't exactly time well spent now was it... kinda...disappointing really. "


Trap sense

Mage armor
Weave Elements (Air) vest and gains Blur (20% Miss chance)

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 74/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Tuesday April 5th, 2022 5:03:07 PM

After trudging around for four hours, Desdichado asks "Shall we go to the right-side passage, then?"

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 161/178 AC:32 T:18 FF:27 CMD:35)  
Tuesday April 5th, 2022 7:31:16 PM

After the rogue bangs one too many times into a wall, Hmerrin reaches into his pack, and hands Danko an Everburning Torch.
"This should help."

The lower passages are empty.

Climbing back up, the fighter sighs at Dez's suggestion.
"Well, probably more of the same. But I guess we should make sure."

Hmerrin waits for Danko to start off once more, and follows at a distance of about 15'.

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 30(T:16/FF:25) CMD:30) 
Tuesday April 5th, 2022 8:46:13 PM

"Bear in mind that we were down a while, they may have realised things aren't right up above."

Gaffer uneasily follows the group back up the ladder and down the right passage.

Extended Barkskin - +5 Natural Enhacement to AC - 1 hour

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 22/14/18 -- CMD 21 -- HP 114/114 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis 
Tuesday April 5th, 2022 10:02:39 PM

"At least we know there's no-one down there who could sneak up on us"

She leaves it to the others to decide which direction to go, and is happy to follow.

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Tuesday April 5th, 2022 10:22:03 PM

So, I guess we wake up the gnomes now? At least exploring the tunnels didn't interfere with the Kolyaruts' contract.

level 3 spells 4/6 remaining
level 4 spells 3/4 remaining
level 5 spells 2/3 remaining

OOC- the dancing lights is a cantrip, not the best light source, but reusable as needed.

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 74/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Wednesday April 6th, 2022 4:50:41 PM

Desdichado thinks for a bit. "Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if other gnomes are up now. We should proceed cautiously. Say, I wonder if Kolris and those other constructs are still up top..."

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 ( mage armor 30) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110 
Wednesday April 6th, 2022 8:02:54 PM

Danko waits.

{ hi ho!! Hi ho, hi ho, off to see the gnomes we go... }

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Wednesday April 6th, 2022 9:12:23 PM

Ramirez follows the rest of the group back to the upper level.

level 3 spells 4/6 remaining
level 4 spells 3/4 remaining
level 5 spells 2/3 remaining

The Lower levels - DM Dan K 
Thursday April 7th, 2022 9:36:11 AM

The initial thought is to explore the right passage and the group set off. Korlis and the other Kolyruts are certainly fully functional, but what would they do if anything? The state of the sleeping gnomes comes up as well, It has ben 4 hours, so whether they are awake or not would greatly depend on when they retired

The passages to the right are not as extensive as the passages of the complete lower levels, however they are just as empty. Mining equipment and debris are found in several areas. All of it well cared for and stored, including fresh oil lamps and water barrels. It takes the group an hour so sweep the corridors and return to the ladder

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 74/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Thursday April 7th, 2022 6:09:40 PM

"The way I see it, we have three options: see if anyone is in the left passage and sneak our way down it, try to go back up the lift and see we can get any information out of the Kolyruts, or let the gnomes know we're here and see what happens."

"If these gnomes are worked as hard as those humans outside, I don't think they can be much threat to us directly." Desdichado thinks for a moment, "but I guess they might have some way of calling the rakshasa if there's trouble."

"Anyway, I'm open to anyone's suggestion," he concludes.

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 161/178 AC:32 T:18 FF:27 CMD:35)  
Thursday April 7th, 2022 7:09:36 PM

"Let's just go back to the sleeping quarters and say hello," Hmerrin opines.
"There's no rakshasa here. The kolywhatevers are staying up top, and if they were gonna cause trouble, they'd have come down and done it already. And these guys are just miners."

Unless he gets a strenuous objection, the fighter goes back to the sleeping gnomes.

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 22/14/18 -- CMD 21 -- HP 114/114 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis  d20+23=36 ;
Thursday April 7th, 2022 8:21:50 PM

Nira nods at Hmerrin's suggestion. Time to check out what the gnomes are up to.

Perception: 36

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 30(T:16/FF:25) CMD:30) 
Thursday April 7th, 2022 8:37:42 PM

Gaffer nods along, "I do think we'll be able to talk to them, but remember if things go south, we need to be between them and the lift, not the other way around."

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Thursday April 7th, 2022 9:52:53 PM

Let's talk to the gnomes. Have we determined what it is that they are mining here?

level 3 spells 4/6 remaining
level 4 spells 3/4 remaining
level 5 spells 2/3 remaining

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 ( mage armor 30) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110 
Friday April 8th, 2022 6:25:20 AM

Danko agrees with Ramirez.

Gnomes - DM Dan K 
Friday April 8th, 2022 10:06:16 AM

The group talks it over and decides to head back and wake the gnomes. Nira aims her keen listening skills to the left and can still detect the faint sounds of is guessed at mining activity

Back down the passage the group is in the central chamber and opens the right hand door a bit more. The everburning torch light spills into the room and the 5 gnomes are still sleeping.

Hmerrin steps in with the others waiting in the doorway and or just outside in the central chamber. Hmerrin moves over and wakes one of the gnomes with a gentle prodding from his boot. The gnome snorts, questions your lineage and slowly opens an eye. His sleepy mind takes in what he is actually looking at for a few seconds as his face works through a series of confused looks.

The gnome doesn't move or speak. Hmerrin can clearly see him with his darkvision and notes the gnomes eyes flitting about, trying to take in the scene he has awoke to as quick as possible. His face is colored well, and shows none of the signs of abuse so often seen in others, like the humans above.

He is very much waiting for you to make the first move

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 74/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Friday April 8th, 2022 2:02:36 PM

Desdichado speaks softly and holds his hands out wide. "Hello, we are here to help you and the others here be free of the rakshasa," he says.

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Friday April 8th, 2022 10:25:25 PM

Ramirez agrees with Des. He also hopes they can find a way to do so without having to fight the kolyaruts again.

level 3 spells 4/6 remaining
level 4 spells 3/4 remaining
level 5 spells 2/3 remaining

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 161/178 AC:32 T:18 FF:27 CMD:35)  
Saturday April 9th, 2022 8:48:11 AM

"What he said," Hmerrin remarks casually. "We'd like to speak with whoever is in charge down here about maybe getting you out of this contract you're bound to."

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 ( mage armor 30) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110 
Saturday April 9th, 2022 9:06:52 AM

Danko casts detect magic and focuses on the gnome.

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 22/14/18 -- CMD 21 -- HP 114/114 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis 
Sunday April 10th, 2022 5:12:03 AM

From the doorway Nira just raises a hand, smiles and waves.

Things are about to go very well or very badly. She waits to see which.

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 30(T:16/FF:25) CMD:30) 
Sunday April 10th, 2022 9:28:49 PM

"If you know there are any rakshasa here now, please start with that." Gaffer adds

Gnomes - DM Dan K 
Monday April 11th, 2022 7:52:27 AM

The gnome nods and points his nose to his sleeping companions, "If I may then?" He gets himself out of his bed and gives a small stretch. He wears a nice night shirt and loose fitting pants and his hands and arms appear strong as you might think of one who swings pick axe daily. Dancing Lights appear in the room at the corners and he gives a Phfffsst sound to his sleeping gnome neighbor.

Eventually all 5 are awake, none make any aggressive moves, nor do any appear to have armor or weapons nearby. Danko's Detect Magic finds no auras other than the thunderously blinding mount the party carries.

When all are up, and all remain sitting on their beds, the one you woke up first speaks, "These fine folks are claiming to be here to free us."

"Well that's a mighty fine morning to wake to Gelflind."

"Did they bring coffee?"

All eyes turn to you expectantly...upon 'No', there is a universal shrug, "Can't have everything Drasis."

"Problem with being freed, of course, is the clan contract. Or did you forget Hathryn?"

"Don't be dim, of course not, but these fine surface folk probably don't know about it Drasis. And from the look of them, they not bopping about to renegotiate it" The gnome speaking them turns to the group more directly
"You see, Drasis is correct. The clan signed a contract and that means we are bound to it and that going against it here, brings the enforcers to our doorstep and that of our clan home. So we stay and we mine and we send the ore up the shaft once a month."

"You try not to think about the state of those in charge. We are treated well enough and there are far worse things a gnome can be forced to do than mine the earth"

"So true Hathryn. We gnomes are steadfast and will certainly not tell you that 6 Rakshasa are down shaft,"

"So true brother, and make sure they do not open the main chest in the other room with the duty rooster and map of where everyone should be at the moment."

"Good catch."

The group looks back and smiles with a few winks.

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 74/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Monday April 11th, 2022 12:39:36 PM

Desdichado stands perplexed for a moment. How does not telling us where they are hel...oooohhhh, he thinks to himself.

He has a few questions for the gnomes.

-What can you tell us about the contract?
-The enforcers - are those the constructs up top?
-There are humans in pitiful shape working outside. What do you know of them?

"Right then, let's take care of this little problem for you, shall we" he says cheerily once the group is done talking.

When away from the gnomes hearing, Desdichado speaks with his companions. "Domi's Fist - six of them!" he exclaims. "I know we don't usually do this - but I think we need a plan."

He goes over what he knows of rakshasa with the others: "They are resistant to magic, unless your weapon is pierced and good aligned it won't do much damage, they'll likely try to charm us or others nearby into fighting each other, they'll likely say something outrageous to try and get under your skin. What else?"

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 ( mage armor 30) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110 
Monday April 11th, 2022 5:24:07 PM

" Will they have a bunch of people attacking us that I'm not suppose to kill? "

" I'm only a little bit kidding. I'm out of chain lightning spells by the way. Until tomorrow. "

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 161/178 AC:32 T:18 FF:27 CMD:35)  
Monday April 11th, 2022 7:22:22 PM

Hmerrin regards the gnomes with a knowing smirk.
"I think we're gonna get along just fine," he informs them lightly.

@Dez - "Well, I'd say first thing we do is not go open the main chest in the other room with the duty rooster and map of where everyone should be at the moment. Which would be a great advantage to us.

@Danko - "Probably. Hopefully, the rakas aren't shifted as gnomes, 'cause anything we find that's not a gnome is gonna be bad."

Once the rest of the discussions are over, Hmerrin will return to the center room and not find this duty roster the gnomes spoke of.

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 22/14/18 -- CMD 21 -- HP 114/114 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis  d20+23=24 ; d20+24=27 ;
Monday April 11th, 2022 9:49:25 PM

"Will taking care of the rakshasa be enough to end the contract you're worried about, or are there other parties involved? I may also have missed the part about why the contract was signed. I assume it's mutually beneficial in some way"

Nira keeps her position by the door, looking about occasionally to make sure no-one is sneaking up behind the group.

Perception: 24
Sense Motive: 27

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Monday April 11th, 2022 9:52:45 PM

Ramirez has a question for the gnomes. Do you want us to try and renegotiate the contract? You don't seem too overly upset over it.

After they answer he follows Hmerrin to take a look at that roster. Des is right, they need a plan.

level 3 spells 4/6 remaining
level 4 spells 3/4 remaining
level 5 spells 2/3 remaining

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 30(T:16/FF:25) CMD:30) 
Tuesday April 12th, 2022 10:17:46 AM

Gaffer's focus is on their battle plan, "Hopefully the map will show some nicely isolated enemies, but if not let's use the small space to our advantage, see of we can't form a choke point. I've got a wall of stone ready to separate them out as well."

Gnomes and plans - DM Dan K 
Tuesday April 12th, 2022 11:14:19 AM

The group has some questions and the gnomes here seem agreeable to answer what they can.
"What we know of the contract is that we are here to mine or next 6 years. Our shift will be over and we go go home and another group comes in"

"Ah the enforcers. We know what we're told. Clan lord Tumbleberry made it quite clear the entire clan would be in trouble. Those 3 up there are only there to report if we break the contract. Beyond the top of the shaft? Last time we were there was about 4 years ago. Couldn't say anything bout who might be out there now."

The gnomes look at each other and shrug collectively to Nira's question, "A bit higher than our pay grade on most of that. As to our benefit? Well, As I understand it, our clan is not on the menu and that right there is pretty big upside." The other gnomes all nod rapidly agreeing on that fact.

"Again, forcing me to not have to deal with others and mine the earth for the treasures Maab has hidden within. I'm a happy gnome. Like any good gnome I certainly rather give all my treasures away then say, have some heroes of the Wold come all banging into the caves and kill the rakshasa."

"Yes Drasis, I concur. Last thing we need is an agressive negotiation team to work with those little biters."

In the central room chest, the group finds a complete mine network layout over 12 maps. 2 of the maps show the complete tunnel work and the other 10 are detailed sections of interest from a few years ago to nearly 200 years. A roster and accounting of ore tonnage over the last 4 years is present as well as is a current work schedule laid out by month. The gnomes used to be 30 strong, but now thick red black lines strikeout 10 of the names. Lines that are clearly made with dried blood. Using the maps and schedule, it is not difficult to locate the cavity the gnomes are currently mining. There are 10 gnomes working with the 6 rakshasa overseeing the efforts. The area is a long carved out section through the left hand side tunnels and will take about 15 minutes to arrive at from the intersection wher the party found the ladder.

The cave itself measures 50' wide and just over 120' long with the main ore vein along a single wall.
It also appears that the mining shift is 10 days long and while working, the gnomes never leave the mining area

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 74/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Tuesday April 12th, 2022 7:08:23 PM

"So, what's the plan? We've used quite a few spells up top" says Desdichado.

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 161/178 AC:32 T:18 FF:27 CMD:35)  
Tuesday April 12th, 2022 7:35:33 PM

"Well, hold on. A shift lasts for 10 days?
When is the next shift change?"

"I mean, if they're just gonna stay in that cavern, we could just wait until tomorrow and hit 'em fresh.
Go invisible and silent, whip on in there, and start killing rakas."

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 ( mage armor 30) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110 
Tuesday April 12th, 2022 8:12:47 PM

" If we have time.... we could do a Catacomb run? "

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Tuesday April 12th, 2022 10:18:32 PM

OOC- are we all in the map room, away from the gnomes now?

The gnomes seem to be going out of their way not to say anything aloud that would give any appearance of breaking the contract. I wonder what the rakshasa need that requires this much mining?

Ramirez will go along with either resting or pressing on, whatever is agreed to.

level 3 spells 4/6 remaining
level 4 spells 3/4 remaining
level 5 spells 2/3 remaining

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 22/14/18 -- CMD 21 -- HP 114/114 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis 
Wednesday April 13th, 2022 1:53:42 AM

"6 rakshasa overseeing 10 gnomes? That sounds a little excessive" Nira wonders why so many rakshasa would be overseeing so few gnomes.

"If we want to take a moment to rest then a Wall of Stone or Stone Shape spell could close the passage up nicely. It would keep them all safely in there until we're ready to deal with them. Seal it up and rest easy."

Nira doesn't have to rest up and is ready to go if that's the decision.

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 30(T:16/FF:25) CMD:30) 
Wednesday April 13th, 2022 11:48:24 AM

"I'm well stocked still but if we do want a rest, I suggest doing it back topside. Unless they come up the lift there shouldn't be any signs of our visit. And if they do come up the lift, they'll be away from the gnomes and we won't have to hold back."

He eye's Des' wounds as he speaks, quietly impressed when he realised the man has put up with such injuries while they have traipsed around the tunnels for hours.

Gnomes and plans - DM Dan K 
Wednesday April 13th, 2022 2:57:11 PM

Hmerrin hits on a shift of 10 days and the gnomes confirm that the next shift change is in a couple of days. They add that a Rakshasa or 2 has been known to pop in unexpectantly to check on them. They also make the correction that the 6 rakshasa are watching 30 now 20 gnomes. Though they also agree it is a bit much as they are no match nor willing to go after the Rakshasa.

"They may be our size, but all them teeth and their sheer joy of pain and misery, no thanks."

The mining gnomes, 10 currently are with the Rakshasa. Walling in the Rakshasa means walling in the gnomes.

Going top side puts you past and then needing to come back in to Korliss and the other 2 kolyruts

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 74/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Wednesday April 13th, 2022 6:35:39 PM

"Alright, let's take a chance on resting down here for now", says Desdichado. "I don't really think there's much chance of sneaking on them anyway. My guess is that they'll have at least one of them posted as a watch, and back at the Nymph I think they could see when you are invisible," he points out.

"I'll take first watch. Anyone need some healing before we camp?" he asks, using up the rest of his Lay on Hands for the anyone as needed (16/19 daily remaining).

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 161/178 AC:32 T:18 FF:27 CMD:35)   d20+14=28 ;
Wednesday April 13th, 2022 7:04:14 PM

"You do," Hmerrin points out at Dez' offer of healing.
If for some reason the paladin can't lay hands on himself, the fighter could use a slug.

"Right, we stay here and Danko gets the sleep he needs to restore his spells.
Dez and Gaffer take first shift.
I'll take second
Nina and Ramirez on third.

Remember these things have darkvision, so you really need to be paying attention.

Dez, keep your armor on. We're not gonna have time to get into it if they show up."

With that, Hmerrin finds a spot on the floor out of sight of the corridor, and tries to get some sleep.
When his shift comes up, he positions himself so that he can see down the corridor while staying within kicking distance of the paladin.
[Perception 28]

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32  d8+5=11 ; d8+5=7 ; d8+5=10 ; d8+5=13 ; d8+5=7 ; d8+5=10 ;
Wednesday April 13th, 2022 9:58:47 PM

Do we have someone with darkvision on each watch?

Ramirez has some cure light wounds he can cast. It isn't much, but if the group is resting he will use them all to help out.
hp healed, 11, 7, 10, 13, 7, 10. First one for Hmerrin, rest for Des

level 1 spells 0/6 remaining
level 3 spells 4/6 remaining
level 4 spells 3/4 remaining
level 5 spells 2/3 remaining

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 22/14/18 -- CMD 21 -- HP 114/114 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis  d20+23=32 ;
Wednesday April 13th, 2022 10:09:11 PM

"I'm a little worried that the constructs will come down to find us. We didn't permanently put them down and they're surely fully regenerated by now."

Nira will take up her position on watch when the time comes.

Perception: 32

Gaffer - Courtney - HP: 144/144 AC: 25(T:16/FF:20) CMD:31)  d20+26=41 ;
Thursday April 14th, 2022 9:29:49 AM

"Yes Sir" Gaffer happily responds to Hmerrin's arrangements. He settles in with Des for the first watch, eyeing their armor and wondering how someone sleeps in such uncomfortable gear.

Resting his back on a wall, his eyes keep watch on the tunnels while his ears listen out for movement from the lift.

Perception: 41

Danko Pureheart (Yves) -- AC 26 ( mage armor 30) -- CMD 36 -- HP 110/110 
Thursday April 14th, 2022 11:14:28 AM

Danko finds a spot to bunk down.

{ NOW they want my chain lightning spell! }

He thinks to himself

" I have some cure moderate type wound spells available if anyone needs them as well. Just let me know. "

Onward - DM Dan K 
Thursday April 14th, 2022 11:32:08 AM

The group decides to set in the central chamber so an eye can be kept directly on the lift and the passage that leads to the mining areas. Watch is set and everyone settles in. Some healing is done.
The group is not disturbed and is able to prepare spells and set out.

The gnomes stay put and following the maps the party finds themselves about 80' from the long low cavern where the sounds of picks and hammers can easily be heard. The cavern up ahead is lit as well, but the passage to where the party current stands and up to the cavern is dark. The ceiling is 6' throughout the passages here

Desdichado (Ryan) [HP: 161/161; AC:32/15/30 - CMD 32]  
Thursday April 14th, 2022 5:35:34 PM

"So, before we go down to this cavern, do we have a strategy? Or should we just run in and go for the nearest target?" asks Desdichado. "If all six of them are in there, this is gonna be one doozy of a fight."

Hmerrin (MikeK)(HP 161/178 AC:32 T:18 FF:27 CMD:35)  
Thursday April 14th, 2022 6:53:08 PM

"Unless someone's got a way to spy, running in might be the best option. The last group saw our invisible people, so that's out. Probably should buff here first, either way."

Ramirez (BrianZ) AC30/19/23 HP122/122 CMD32 
Thursday April 14th, 2022 8:58:35 PM

I think the bigger issue is finding a way to get the gnomes out, so they don't end up in the crossfire, or else charmed and forced to fight us.

RobC - Nira Wynvyre -- AC 22/14/18 -- CMD 21 -- HP 114/114 -- DarkVision/ArcaneSight/SeeInvis 
Thursday April 14th, 2022 9:35:40 PM

In the morning Nira begins her ritual spell preparation and starts casting her all day buffs. When she gets to her Tishe's Weave Elements spell she performs the same somatic gestures she's always done, but this time she notices only sparks coming from her hands. "That's odd" she tries again. And again. She gets the same result every time. The spell just ... fizzles. "I'm sorry everyone but the spell just isn't working. We'll have to do without the vests today"

She adjusts her spell preparations to allow for this anomaly, specifically by casting a long lasting Overland Flight spell to replace her air vest.

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